#// i am gaming my own OS
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 11 months
Oh, I should probably be specifying who I am when I send people asks, shouldn't I
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void-kissed · 2 years
echo, i just wanted to come in here and wish you a happy holidays... we've been through a lot together, haven't we? i'm glad that through the year we've grown closer- i find i've come to love more about you everyday. i know that may sound cheesy, but... it's true. i really am grateful that we met each other, because i know that i wouldn't be the same without you- nor would i be as happy as i am. and i want to savor the happiness in our moments together today, so... i hope that you'll stay by my side in the coming years.
Pyra!!!!!! Aaaaah!!!! This is so so cute of you to have said, thank you so so much!!!!!! You're just so so sweet - I love you so much, and this was so lovely of you to have said to me!! Of course I'm going to stay with you!!
(I have absolutely no idea who sent this. I think this might be the same person who's going around some others as well, based on format. Regardless, whoever it is that sent this - thank you, so so much!!!!!!! I am seriously going to treasure this, because it is absolutely wonderful)
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pierswife · 1 year
Y'all being considered part of the professional staff at work is still so jarring urhgyrhyujk
But I'm super proud of myself for getting to where I'm at today, and I think I deserve to be <3
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erythristicbones · 2 years
half dozed off on the couch while thinking about an OC and just......dreaming up a scene/arc resolution that theoretically fits well but dear god would it be heavy to work with
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plethoraworldatlas · 6 months
In reading Marcia's review of her experience with Shadowdark, I contemplated on how I run my own OSE games. This is also fresh on my mind because I am running Miranda Elkins' fantastic Nightwick. Its all about distilling things down to the interesting choice and eliminating the non-interesting one.
Basic Equipment: I am thinking about charging my players a flat rate for all basic dungeoneering equipment that is rolled into weekly expenses-- so 7sp a week for expenses plus ~3-5sp for pick of equipment
Not interesting:  Cost of equipment, especially down to coppers
Interesting: Scarcity (what if there is no 50' rope this week?) and how many slots PC dedicates to basic equipment
Light: Due to torch cost and number per slot, it is easy to carry a lot of torches.
Not interesting: Carrying enough light to last 12-24 turns- easily done
Interesting: When torches extinguish-- like in the middle of a fight or when the goblins you are negotiating with get mad; how many hands in the party are occupied by torches
This is why I prefer to use the overloaded encounter die to simulate inopportune moments when a torch is snuffed out- gust of wind, dripping slime, bucket of sand thrown by a sneaky goblin. And with regards to hands, holding a torch potentially lowers AC, removes a weapon, or makes spell casting delayed (need both hands). One saving grace: torches are an improvised weapon that do 1d4 dmg and are on fire.
Stuck Doors: I now commonly interpret the 2-in-6 chance as a basic surprise roll. If they players fail it, they make a loud noise and alert anything on the other side of the door, but open it next round.
Not interesting: Rolling a d6 over and over again to see if PCs finally break down a door
Interesting: Seeing if PC get surprise on whatever is on the otherside; if additional equipment is brought to deal with doors
I usually like the idea that a crowbar allows and additional 1d6 rolled per individual with one.
Rations: This is similar to the situation with light, its easy to carry enough food/water for 2-4 hours which is more likely the time frame of a dungeon delve-- not a camping trip.
Not interesting: Tracking both food and water separately for nominal circumstances
Interesting: How many PCs carry rations; will rations be used for other things (like distracting monsters) or saved to avoid fatigue
For me the nature of rations are both food and water abstracted. So if a player want to use food as a distraction, mark off 1 rations. If a player wants to douse a small fire, use 2 rations as you frantically empty out a water skin and try to put out the fire consuming the spell book.
Secret Doors & Traps:  Two dungeon features that are opposite sides of the same coin. Really I think Chris McDowall has written some of the best bits on this that boil down to "traps are puzzles" and not really "gotcha".
Not interesting: Situations where the PCs have to pick the exact right spot and roll a 1-2 in 6
Interesting: Adding in environmental clues or other sources of information that allows discovery by players investigating the fictional environment
Now, I will keep both rolls as a back-up for either PCs not having a good idea and/or a back-up for perhaps me being unable to convey the fictional environment properly in the moment.
Weapons: I've yet to find a really good way to do weapons simply outside of 1d6 damage for all types. I don't mind BX's variable weapon damage. And I do like some old rulesets sorta "first strike" if your weapon is larger than an opponents other wise smaller, lighter weapons strike first in subsequent arounds.
So here is what I have got so far: Using a weapon two-handed is a +1 to damage, using an off-hand weapon is +1 to-hit, and a shield is of course +1 AC. I do like that fighters with bows can shoot twice if they did not move and the "cleave" ability.
Not interesting: Weapon factors that are so extensive they require a separate rules discussion, trigger player obsession, and/or orient the whole of gameplay to combat
Interesting: What PCs chose to do with their hands: more armor, more weapons, or more light
So that is it for now, if you'd like to see more of my house rules here is my post on the Serpent Song Hymnal. I hope to have a sorta player version created sometime soon but I'm still trying to dial-in what my go-to "french vanilla" D&D is like.
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dangerouslyknown · 8 months
Hiromi Higuruma Headcanons 🌻
A/N: Ughhh I have been having literally 0 motivation for writing, kind of like an art block. I wanna write so much but something just prevents me lmao... But this man, I swear. He just sparked my will to write and hopefully also work off the requests and one trade with a friend I have been working on. Also I just haaaad to get these out of my head
Contents/warnings: Random general headcanons, relationship headcanons & NSFW headcanons. I am just writing about "his S/O" and referring to S/O with they/them. Doesn't contain spoilers from JJK story, just Higuruma and his existence
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General headcanons
He listens to Modern Talking. Don't ask where this comes from, I just feel like he'd like their music. Also somehow I was thinking he'd like Bon Jovi, too? He isn't like a crazy fan for either of them, just likes various of their songs. Could see him listening instrumental music as well, like game/movie soundtracks
Surprisingly enough he isn't a huge drinker. He enjoys an alcoholic drink every now and then to refresh, but he knows his limits. He knows when it feels good and when it goes overboard
He doesn't have visible muscles for the most part, I'd like to think him having a bit of body fat which hides them. My man is an attorney, he hasn't been focusing in training or being physically fit all that much. He does like to keep himself in decent shape though, because healthy body equals a healthy mind
He's not tall per se, more like average height, definitely under 180 centimeters
He's a minimalist. He doesn't have anything "extra" in his apartment, just the necessities
Speaking off, his wardrobe probably isn't huge either. Maybe a basic suit or two, so he can wash the other and still have the other one wearable. Otherwise his wardrobe is filled with mostly casual comfortable clothes. He values practical clothes, too
If he ends up having time to play games, he'd definitely mostly be into single player, story focused games. Not into fps games. One of his favorites are, funny enough, Ace Attorney games (he also likes the soundtrack)
SFW relationship headcanons
He doesn't strike me as a person who would be into dating all that much, but if he finds so called a right person, he might consider it. He doesn't really sleep around with lots of people either
He values the personality of a person more than looks. Forming an emotional and a mental bond is what matters him the most when it comes to a relationship
He doesn't even have a type, really. He thinks he is capable of finding anyone attractive if their personality hits him
And while we are at it, I bet he would love to have conversations with his S/O about anything. He'd love to discuss anything, silly to serious to deep thoughts with the right person. He wants to hear his S/Os thoughts and share his own
He'd also love to have playful, sarcasm filled banters/debates with his S/O
Either quality time or physical touch are his love languages
Quality time, because he is often doing long days and working a lot so he might not be around as much as he'd like. But when he finally is around his S/O, no matter what they do, he is going to be very happy. He likes to do the most basic, mundane things together with his S/O. Having breakfast, watching TV, showering together, cooking together, sitting together in the same room...
And what comes to physical touch, he just loves to get touchy with his S/O and most of the time not even in a sexual way. It is like a way to make up for all the time he hasn't been around. All the little touches and kisses he exchanges with his S/O makes him feel so loved
Oh, and one thing he'd absolutely love is to get a massage from his S/O. He would literally melt to their touch
(NSFW under the cut)
NSFW relationship headcanons
I think he is pretty vanilla... But he is very open to try new things and kinks for his S/O and for his own curiosity. He'd also be pretty gentle overall, but he loves his sex passionate, with an intimate, personal feel to it
He is a heavy switch when it comes to dynamics. He can top, he can bottom. But I have a feeling he'd have a tiny little submissive side in the sheets. He isn't opposed to being dominative either, but like I said, he is mostly vanilla so these kind of dynamics aren't exactly what he desires in the sheets
He prefers to do all the sexy stuff mostly in somewhere private, only him and his S/O... but he can't deny that he has thought of taking them in his office. Something about the though of him fucking them on his desk turns him on
He would definitely love having sex with clothes (mostly) on. First of all, he can be a bit tired after long days (and lazy, too) but, like, just having his dick out of his fly... or both of his and his S/Os pants just slightly lowered. It's all just so hot for him
Oh, and he'd love to fuck his S/O anywhere (privately). On the floor, on the sofa, against a wall. He isn't picky, he just wants to feel good
I still feel like bed is his to-go, because he is often tired to do anything extreme and it's just overall more comfortable to get down to business in the sheets
Previously mentioned that his love language is physical touch which applies to this aspect too. Sex is also a part of that for him. Sex is also a way for him to feel deeply connected with his S/O, physically and emotionally
Sex with his S/O is his favorite stress relieving method
I'll say it: I never thought he'd have a big cock. Recently, I came across Kyo-00´s Headcanons of the dicks of JJK men, and I agree on her take of Higuruma. I had previously thought he'd be more like average sized or so
He doesn't need to have a huge cock though, because he knows how to use what he has. He also has his mouth, his nose and his hands to make one pleased
This could probably go without saying, but he loves when his S/O shows him that he is desired and cared for. He would get so excited if his S/O initiated intimacy and slid their hand to his pants to play with his still limp dick, stroking it while giving his neck and face soft kisses all over... (Consensually, of course. He isn't always in the mood for that stuff either) Anyhow, that just sends a message to him which turns him on. Who would even want to have sex with someone who doesn't seem into it?
I believe he wouldn't want kids, so he 100% would get a vasectomy especially if his S/O is a afab/female so there isn't a need to worry about pregnancy
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imtotallyokandnormal · 8 months
》☆F/O ASK GAME!!☆《
Howdy! I've been seeing these around lately and I wanted to try making one.
Gimme a picture of your f/o via reblog or ask and I'll assign them my own personal headcanon of them based on vibes. If I don't know them at all it'll be purely vibes.
Example under cut.
For example:
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I haven't seen anything about this person but I think their favorite artist is Abba but they can't tell anybody because they're convinced that everyone thinks they're a badass and they gotta keep up their image (nobody thinks they're a badass, and they all probably already know about their Abba obsession).
If you don't want me to put in any sex/kink related headcanons or you want me to avoid anything specific feel free to tell me because sometimes I get piss kink vibes from some characters but I'm not sure if people really wanna hear that about their f/o.
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spidybaby · 1 year
Family Night
Summary: homemade pizza and a uno game are the perfect combination if you want to meet your in laws.
Warnings: none 😋❤️
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You park outside of Pedro's house, nervous over the fact that this would be the first time you are meeting his family.
You knew his brother because he lives with him and to he honest your relationshipwith Fer was really good. His parents knew about you, they heard good things about you and how good you treated their son.
That didn't stop you from worrying about them not liking you and that affecting your relationship, especially because Pedro is a family person.
You check yourself one last time on the mirror of your car and grab the bottle of wine you bought for Pedro's parents, you make your way to the door.
You can feel your hands slightly shaking when you knock on the door.
The waiting was short, the nervous feeling making it seem like it was a lot of time.
"Hola y/n, estábamos esperandote" (Hi y/n, we were waiting for you). Fer say as he opens the door for you to enter the house.
"Hola Fer, perdón la demora, el tráfico esta horrible" (Hi Fer, sorry for the waiting. Traffic was terrible.) You gave him a little hug.
You wait for him to close the door, and both make your way inside.
"Mami esta emocionada por conocerte, Pedro ha estado hablando todo el día sobre ti" (mom is excited to meet you, Pedro has been talking about you all day.) He grabs you by the shoulders and shake you slightly.
"Espero no esté aburrida de mi" (Hope she's not tired of me) you laugh.
He was going to answer, but Pedro interrupted the conversation by greeting you.
"Preciosa, que bueno que llegaste." (Baby, so good you're here.) He was excited for you to meet his parents. He knows you're kind of shy about meeting new people and trying to make the situation more comfortable for you he organized a family night. "Mis padres están en la cocina, ven" (my parents are in the kitchen, come.)
He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the kitchen. His mom was the only one there.
"Mami, mira quien llegó." (Mommy, look who's here.) He says getting his mother attention.
You smile and wave at her.
"Hola, Señora Lopez, es un gusto conocerla" (Hi Misses Lopez, it's so nice to meet you). You feel tense because you really want to make a good impression.
"Tu debes ser la famosa y/n, créeme que Pedro no deja de hablar de ti, es de lo único de lo que habla, Por favor dime Rosy." (You must be the famous y/n, believe me when I say that Pedro won't stop talking about you. You're the only thing he talks about. Please call me Rosy.) She smiles and goes for a hug.
"Espero que sean cosas buenas de las que habla" (I hope he's saying good things about me) you laugh a little looking at him.
"Hola, llego tarde a la presentación?" (hello, am i late for the introduction?) The man that you identified as his father says while he enters the kitchen. "Pero mira que linda señorita, venga Pedro, presentala bien." (But look at this pretty lady, c'mon Pedro, introduce her to me) he says happily.
"Papá, ella es y/n, mi novia. Y/n, este es Fernando, mi padre." (Dad, she's y/n, she's my girlfriend. Y/n, this is Fernando, my dad.) He introduced you in a funny way.
"Mucho gustó, señor González." (Nice to meet you, Mister González.) You put your hand out for him to take. But he went for the hug, just like his wife.
"Venga, hemos escuchando tanto de ti, ya se había tardado este muchacho en traerte. Por favor dime Fernando, no me hagas sentir como un viejo." (C'mon, we heard so much about you. He took too long to bring you around. Please call me Fernando, dont make me feel old.) He hugged you tightly.
The smile on your face doesn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend, that only makes his own smile grow.
"Qué tienes ahí, cariño?" (What you have there, honey?) Pedro's mom asked, noticing the bottle on your hands.
"Oh, Pedro me dijo que les gusta mucho el vino, les traje una botella, espero os guste." (Oh, Pedro told me you guys like to drink wine, so I bring a bottle for you. I hope you like it.) You hand the bottle to her.
She took it, saying her thanks to you for bringing it.
"Ya acabamos con todo esto de los holas y las buenas noches? Estoy hambriento, por favor." (Are we done with all the introduction and the hellos, good nights? I'm hungry, please.) Fer says hugging his brother.
"Empecemos entonces, y/n, Pedro nos dijo que te gustan mucho las pizzas, así que vamos a preparar una especialmente para ti." (Let's begin then, y/n, Pedro told us you love pizza, so we're making some pizza for you.)
You felt so special. His family was doing everything to make you feel like one of them.
"Lavate las manos, vamos a amasar hermanita." (Wash your hands. Let's knead some dough, hermanita.) Fer was the most excited. He loves pizza as much as you.
You both wash your hands and begin with the dough while his parents are preparing the sauce and Pedro is cutting and preparing the toppings.
"Dime algo, y/n. Pedro te trata bien?" (Tell me something y/n, is Pedro treating you well?) His father asks you while you're spreading some flour.
You fix your eyes on Pedro. He was looking at you with a funny expression. You were about to answer, but Fer had other plans.
"Honestamente, yo creo que Pedro podría ser mejor novio, deberías hablar con él, papá." (Honestly, I think Pedro can be a better boyfriend. You should talk with him, dad.) He says with a serious expression.
You wanted to laugh, Fer, and you are used to joking with him like that.
"Venga Pedro, qué haz hecho para que tu hermano hable así?" (Pedro, what did you do for Fer to talk like that?) His father wink at you, catching your joke.
Pedro, on the other side, changes his expression "joder, ahora vas a creerle a este tonto?" (Oh c'mon, now you're believing what he says?) He was serious. "Preciosa, defiende mi honor, por favor." (Baby, please defend my honor.)
"Tu tranquila, y/n. Acá estamos papá y yo para defenderte, di la verdad." (Calm down y/n. Dad and I are here for you. You can tell the truth.)
His mother is laughing with how Pedro is getting worried. Not catching the obvious joke you three have going on.
"Preciosa, por favor." (Baby, please), he says, looking at you.
"No, déjala que diga su verdad, vamos y/n, estamos contigo." (No, leave her to tell her truth, c'mon y/n, we are here for you.) Fernando says, passing his arm around you. You start laughing at this point and so did his father.
"Ya Fer, déjalo" (Stop it Fer, leave him alone). You carefully take his arm away from you, still laughing. "Respondiendo a su pregunta, si me trata muy bien, es el mejor." (To answer your question, yes, he treats me so well, he's the best.)
"Toma, capullo" Pedro came close to you "mi preciosa jamas diría nada malo sobre mi, verdad amor?" (Take it, dumbass, my baby would never say anything bad about me, right love?) You only nod smiling, kissing his cheek quickly.
You push him lightly with your arm "sigue cortando, aun nos falta mucho." (Go back to cutting, we still have a lot to do.)
The conversation after that joke was easy, Fer and Pedro throwing jokes around, his parents telling you about his restaurant, some stories about Pedro and some plans they have as a family.
Once the pizzas were in the oven, Pedro, Fer and you told his parents that you were cleaning and that they can enjoy some of the wine you brought.
While they went to prepare the table you helped Fer with loading the dishwasher while your boyfriend put back all the ingredients you didn't use.
Thirty minutes later you seated at the table, Fer idea was to play a UNO game while you eat.
"Quieres un poco de vino, y/n?" Rosy asked you, serving some wine for Fer, her husband and herself. (Would you like some wine, y/n?)
"No gracias, estoy bien con mi agua" you smile while mixing the cards. (No thank you, I'm good with my water.)
Fer serves you a big slice of pizza, knowing you'll try to grab a small one for the shame of the meeting.
"El más grande para ti, por ser la invitada de honor." (The biggest slice for you, because you're our honor guest.) The pizza looked amazing. It was made with love, and things made with love are the best.
The game begins with Fernando giving Pedro a +4, everyone laughs at him getting mad with his father but grabbing the cards.
"No, cariño. Debes agarrar dos cartas, no puedes poner otro +2" (no, honey, you have to grab two more cards, not pile another +2) Fernando laugh.
"Espera, yo siempre agrego otro +2, esta mal eso?" (Wait, I always pile another +2, is that wrong?) You were curious because you were ready to add another +2 if she did the same. "Pedro igual lo hace" (Pedro does the same thing) you point to him laughing.
He shush you, laughing. Obviously, by the rules, it wasn't legal, but you weren't changing that tonight.
"Para mi que ignoremos esa regla, Rosy, que piensas?" (I propose that we ignore that rule, Rosy. What do you think?)
She agreed with you, even when both Fernandos didn't.
The game continues, and Fernando was the first to win. You play a few more rounds, in one of the rounds you won.
After the pizza is done and you all agree with ending the game, you notice the time.
His parents also noticed the time, as Rosy was getting tired.
"Bueno, yo creo que ya me retiro, estoy algo cansada." (Well, I think I'll better go to bed, I'm tired.) She says, yawning. "Pero y/n, por favor quédate el tiempo que quieras, te quedas en tu casa, espero verte luego, nos encantó tenerte" (Y/n, please stay as long as you want, you're on your home, I hope I see you later, we love having you here.) She hugs you and say her goodbyes to her kids.
Fernando and Pedro pick the table while Fer and you get the cards on place.
"Dame, llevare esto a la cocina." (Here, let me take this to the kitchen.) You say picking the wine glasses. "Puedes poner mi teléfono a cargar? Esta a punto de morir." (Can you charge my phone, it's about to die).
"Vale, no hay problema, no quieres ayuda con eso?" (Okay, no problem, you sure you don't need help?) You say a quick no and walk over to the kitchen.
"Creo que tomaste una buena decision, hijo." "Y/n, es muy especial para mi, me alegro que la quieran." (I think you made the right choice.) (Y/n is very special to me, Im happy you liked her.) You heard the voice of your boyfriend and his father.
You stopped in your tracks, obviously hearing other people conversation was wrong, but you wanted to know if you did a good job.
"Bromeas? La adoramos, hijo. Es perfecta para ti e incluso tu hermano la adora. Por favor portate bien, ella lo vale. Además sabe escoger vino, cuidala por favor." (You're kidding? We love her, she's perfect for you and even your brother loves her. Please behave, she's worthy. Plus, she's good at picking wine.) Pedro laughs with his last words. Thanking his father for the words and promises to behave.
You feel so happy with his words. Giving a good impression was all you wanted, and you got it.
"Pedro, estas aquí?" (Pedro, you're here?) You say acting like you weren't listening to them. "Traje las copas" (I got the glasses.) You leave them in the counter, turning your body to the two men. "Señor González,fue un placer conocerlo." (Mister González it was so nice to meet you.)
"Ey, en que quedamos?" (Hey what did I say?) He points at you.
"Perdón, Fernando." You laugh.
"Fue muy bueno conocer por fin a la que trae a mi Pedro como niño enamorado." (It was so nice meeting the one that has my Pedro like a kid in love.) He pinch his cheek making Pedro blush.
He excuse himself, going upstairs to where his wife is, ready to go to bed as well.
"Bueno, no fue tan malo como creías, no?" (It wasn't that bad, right?) Pedro asks you, hugging you tightly. "Te quieren tanto como yo a ti, no puede ser mejor." (They love you as much as I do, it's the best thing.)
Kissing him was the only right answer, you were whipped for him.
All the fears and worries about them not liking you are long gone. You feel thankful for meeting someone as good as Pedro.
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 7 months
hi this is basically my part 2 of my post about being a small selfship blog
that post was met with a good amount of small blogs being happy about what i had written, meanwhile there was a handful of blogs that still expressed being upset that they were so small despite the work they'd put into their stuff.
i should preface by saying, even though i've had posts get over 300+ notes, and i have over 100+ followers, im really not a big blog, and i do seriously mean that.
yes, my posts about selfship scenarios and positivity do get a good amount of notes, and lots of the tags are very positive and fun to read. but if you do look through my blog, you'll notice those are the only posts that get any attention. all my posts about my personal selfships barely get notes, i barely get any asks even when doing ask games, and i've even tried participating in those "reblog with your f/o and i'll assign them this!" posts and i dont think i've ever gotten a reply.
and yeah, the last one at least has bothered me a bit, and i wish i couldve been part of the fun, but i'll be honest— when i made my selfship blog, i literally made it to be my own corner where i can go gushy gooey crazy over my fictional men. and those posts i made about general selfshipping scenarios and such, those were me just throwing ideas at the walls so i had a place to put them and maybe a few people could see it and feel a lil better. i never intend for my stuff to get a lot of attention because honestly, i'm used to it, so my expectations are always extremely low, and i'm rarely ever upset about it not working out.
but i know for some people, that's not the same for them, and that's completely fair. they work hard on what they make, either through writing, through artwork, comics, animation, even just putting down their thoughts. its natural to have that part of you that wants to be seen and appreciated for what you made, even if it is self-indulgent and not a lot of people will relate to it.
and i am sorry to all of you who are in that boat, feeling like what you made isnt good enough because not many noticed it, that you don't have people asking about your f/os or s/is, that anything you made with love isn't getting that same response. i know it's hard, and honestly i wish i knew what i could say that would help you to feel better. but please just know that you're really not alone, and just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't good enough for this community.
honestly the best advice i could try to give is that you still have a corner for where you can freely express your love for the characters that bring you happiness, and even if you don't have much of an audience, i think it's worth remembering that your f/os are your #1 supporters through and through, no matter what type of attention you get. they're happy that you love to talk about them, draw them, gush about them, even if no one sees it. they're happy that you've dedicated a space just about them.
and even if you don't get much notice out of it, please remember that you still deserve a place to feel safe and free.
it's going to be okay. i promise. please take care of yourself. its what your f/os would want, i'm sure.
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potterheadedme · 1 year
(the rest of) a bit of writing for Garbagechocolate's Truth virus AU
“Um…Friendo, I don’t, I don’t know how I feel about this” sun says from with the pizzaplex parts and service animatronic repair station™️. Having relized shortly after the repair station patented paralysis kicked in, that they may not be as on board with this idea as they thought they were
From with in there shared operating system, moon let’s out what might have been a deep exhausted sigh if either of the had lungs,
“Gasp! What? final come to your senses about randomly downloading software because ‘it’ll be cool’” moon mocks
“In my defense starlight seemed so excited, what was I suppose to say moony” sun says back from with in the OS
“.. the truth”
That’s when they both hear their repair specialist Y/N call back “Did you two says something” from From somewhere beyond their current scope of vision they can hear here it sounds pretty muffled, after a bit they seem to poke their head back into view.
“Nothing starlight!” Sun hurries out with a grin
At this moon huffs
“Oh, um.. ah, actually…moon? Has um a few concerns, about this download” sun stutters out
“ oh don’t you two fret, Minecraft is a completely passive program, and this version should be a hundred percent compatible with your operating systems” y/n finishes with a thumbs up
“Yeah, so are you two ready?”
Sunny can feel moon doing the equivalent of slowing shaking his head from further back in the code
“Ready when you are, starlight!”
At that y/n starts the download, from here they can hear the faint loading chimes the main Control panel emits,
"...Alright....there we are,... downloads started, shouldn't take all night ,but it may take a bit" y/n says as they turn their gaze from the screen in front of them to the currently immobil daycare attendent, sat within the repair station, in the depth of parts and service.
"how are you two holding up?" y/n asks after a bit, breaking the relative silence, of the subterranean room
“Just peachy starlight!” sun said without thinking, and while it wasn’t a total lie, it wasn’t exactly true either, over the years the daycare attendant has had countless updates to their software and operating systems and while the uploading process is slightly different each time, they know what to expect by now, they know enough to know that something feels off about this.
“Sun. No, you feel it to” moon says, his voice coming through over the rising buzz of an ever growing number of binary strings as the files enter their operating system and make their selves at home, burrowing in and warping the applications around it to its managed tasks.
“Moony, I’am sure it’s fine, starlights checked everything over, they say it’s compatible, sure the download feels a little funky, but am sure its nothing”
“This doesn’t feel like nothing, Sun”
“How would you know we only ever get new security and health protocols these days” punctuated with a mental pout “ this is a game moony!! We’ve never got a game before, of course it’s going to feel different!”
“Listen, theres reasons we’ve never directly downloaded games before, do you ever know if you can run the game after getting it? ‘Compatible’ doesn’t mean usable” moon snaps back
“Well if you gonna be a spoil sport, we can uninstall if it doesn’t work, happy”
At this moon mumble something Sun can quite hear over the new application own internal humming.
Upon realizing this conversation with his darker half has come to a momentary halt, Sun turns his attention back to their code, by now he’s having l a bit of trouble ignoring the itchy squirming feeling these files leave him with.
Sun goes to voice this concerns with there trusted technician… only to find that he can’t
moon let’s out a sound of exasperation, that can nearly be heard over the rumbling and buzzing of the code “tell y/n to pause this”
“…moony…I can’t, the controls are stuck”
“Let me see” moon says as he wrench control from sun, to see the interior controls are currently unavailable.
“What’d you do Sun?”
“ME! I didn’t do anything”
“The OS dosent just freeze like this on its own, and one download shouldn’t be enough to shut us down, what else is running” moons is growing noticeably more frustrated
While they continue to attempt troubleshootin, moon turns his attention outwards, now noticing that y/n may have been talking to them this entire time pacing back and forth for who knows how long.
“-portant you guys let me know, alright?” Y/n finished as they come to a stop in front of the glass cylinder, looking towards the still anamatronic expectantly.
“…right? …guys?” Y/n finish before concern starts to creep in
The daycare attendants have been uncharacteristically quiet, it has been a solid 15 minutes since they have lasted talked, I didn’t think much of it until there LEDs began to switch through a few settings before dimming completely.
At this point I am significantly more that a little worried, I fear, no I am certain that the altered version of Minecraft, that I suggest is causing this. I can’t just stop the download that is the first and most important thing they tell any engineer or technician that works here, that stopping mid upload or download or backup will cause irreparable damage to any and all of the bot under the faz co brand.
This is when it occurs to me that the most helpful I can do right now is, nothing, I’ve done enough damage already and any action I take now may just drawl this out or make it worse,
So instead of bolting to the console and running through every debugging program I can think of I sit, in the cheat plastic of the rolling chair sat by the console, and watch keeping vigil over the subterranean room and it’s robotic occupants.
“Oh. Hello” a metallic voice say, breaking the silence that’s settled over the room,
I jump a little, sorry to say I may have been zoning out as the hours of nothing stretched on, then spin around to see how bad I’ve goofed things up.
“Hey, your back” I say as I try and guess, who I might be talking to, usually it pretty clear which ai is fronting, if not by there appearance than there ‘voice’
This doesn’t seem to be the case right now, whoever just spoke is currently lacking Sun usually expressive lilt and Moons more taunting almost breathy inflection.
It seem like I might be I am be hearing there shared ‘base’ voice, this may mean they are still sorting themselves out, so while they finish ‘loading’ for lack of a better term, I turn my attention back towards to console to seem is I can gleam anything from the download stats.
After a bit of searching I think I come across the problem, while the application in question was compatible with the main operating system, it wasn’t nearly as compatible with the central processors of the attendances AI, and it seemed to have spawned new files in response. I can’t see see what they do from here, but this can wait,
In the computer screens reflection I can just barely see moon, sit up in the center of the repair station glowing red eyes fixed on me, I take a few deep breaths before turning to face the music.
“Moon” I say in acknowledgement, he simply nods back
“Alright, that didn’t seem to go quite to plan, could you run a quick diagnostics for me”
“Sure friend” moon responds in a surprisingly chipper manner, I try not to freeze up and being called a friend, I’ve worked alongside the daycare attendant for a while, and I’ve even talked with my predecessors on a few occasions, this first time I’ve ever heard of the night themed animatronic giving anyone this moniker, i try not to dwell or draw attention to this.
As I am getting ready to pull the nighttime attentions diagnostics stats up on my faz pad, he chimes in.
“Hm, everything’s moved around, I haven’t a clue what half of these files are” moon let’s me know, which it a bit suspicious, neither ai Is usual this forthcoming with there ailments, for whatever reason it usually takes more pestering to get this kinda information information.
“…what?” I blink in surprise, I am a little lost at whatever moons playing at
“There’s at least one background application running that doing something” he shrugs
“What’s that supposed to mean”
“No idea” he kinda shrugs again
“Alright. How are you feeling”
“No idea”
“What’s that’s supposed to mean”
“I don’t know yet” moon starts to look like he zooming out
“Fine, can I talk to sun then” I say try not to grit my teeth
“Sun doesn’t want to talk to you right now” moons eyes grow large in shock,some how he seems surprised by his own words.
Soon as he’s able moon begins shifting through all the losses files, sorting out tangled strands of code, and closing an application that can be before long everything is at least neat which doesn’t mean much as far but it at least a little easier to think,
Moon then turns his attention outwards to see y/n working on something, he sits and watches them work for a little bit before they freeze, and turn to acknowledge him.
“Moon” the nighttime animatronic nods in response
“Sure friend” moon mumbles not even paying attention
Before long they continued with “Alright, that didn’t seem to go quite to plan, could you run a quick diagnostics for me”
As moon starts the diagnostics he can hear Sun grumbling about something
Finishing the diagnostics, they see one maybe more applications failed to close when they were supposed to, along with brand new files that can be opposed,
“Hmm nothing to bad,”
Sun huffs “let’s let y/n know so we can get out of here moony!”
“Hm, everything’s moved around, I haven’t a clue what half of these files are” moon says for some reason
“Moon!! What ? We didn’t need to mention it” Sun mentally cuts it
“That’s not what I wanted to say”
They both hear the slight apprehension in y/ns voice “What’s that supposed to mean”
“No idea” moon shrugs
Moon hear feel suns deep frown from here
As y/n asks “Alright. How are you feeling” moon can feel sun starting to creep closer to the controls
“Come on moony, this one’s an easy one, I know the correct answer, you know the correct answer, go ahead and say the correct answer, we can still salvage this” sun is starting to sound a little anxious
“I got this sun” moon says as he starts to respond with the answer most every human expects to get when they ask, ‘fine’
“No idea” moon says this and sun does a mental double take
“We just talked about this moony”
“What’s that’s supposed to mean” y/n looks confused
“I don’t know yet” at this sun is yelling
“GAAHH, I can’t with either of you right not, I don’t know if you know but we’ve got a daycare to take care of!! Stop trying to get us started in parts and services!!!” Sun takes a ver digital deep breaths
“I’m not doing anything, I don’t know what’s going on” moon says
“We can talk about this later, smooth things over with y/n so we can get out of here, I don’t really want to talk to them and this exact moment” sun says after he’s calmed down
“Fine, can I talk to sun then” upon hearing y/n say this sun looks to moon and moon looking to sun
“I got this, smooths my middle name”
“Sun doesn’t want to talk to you right now” moons eyes grow large in shock,some how he seems surprised by his own words.
Ant this point sputtering both inside and out, face in his hand how this go so bad
Part 1/?
Part 2
Here’s a snippet of writing for @garbagechocolate’s truth virus au,
it’s not betaed and I didn’t actually proofread, so if you see something that needs fixed let me know
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akiology · 11 months
THE DUBBED TEASER W GORO HES THERE!!! HE IS LOOKING FKR WHEREVER HIS Y/N IS IDK!! “you guys WENT THROUGH A PORTAL and now i don’t know where my gf IS. shut UP” (this is what would have been said if black mask crow was there).
i want to know where the akekita s/os are coming from but i'm not complaining .. . LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy to be talking about yusuke AND akechi its so insane. ANYWAYS as for the showtime . . . OHOHOHO
this is just pure brainstorming in my part, so feel free to share your own! i will provide two showtimes, one with melee weapons and one with guns!
also iirc the showtimes in p5r are based on movies(?) or atleast their names are. . . anyways my showtimes are based on kpop music videos </3 if you guys guess all of them correctly you will get a prize /lh
Melee showtimes
The setting for Yusuke and S/O would be in a museum. S/O will be pulling Yusuke's arm, but then suddenly the light hits you just right. Yusuke will shout "Hold that pose!", and you will look back looking like you have a halo because of the angle. As Yusuke scrambles to find something to sketch with, the museum will suddenly crumble and in comes the enemy effectively blocking the light source and making you startled. Yusuke is pissed, having lost the opportunity to have you model for him and proceeds to charge at the enemy. After a quick, smooth slash from his sword the enemy topples over and you finish it off with your weapon.
The setting for Akechi and S/O would be in a red carpet. Akechi smiles for the cameras, while you are in a news chopper. In the crowd, the enemy is slowly approaching to where Akechi is, and you ready yourself to jump. Before the enemy could grab Akechi from behind, you body slam it and hit it a few times with your weapon before jumping off. Afterwards, Akechi jumps in. To finish off, the both of you smiled and waved at the cameras.
Guns showtimes
The setting for Yusuke and S/O would be in a field of flowers. Yusuke walks around, and then a huge flower springs forth. Once it opened up, out you came holding out your hand with a flower. However, instead of giving it to Yusuke, you throw it behind him, where the enemy is and it exploded. This paralyzes the enemy for a few seconds, where you and Yusuke proceed to shoot your guns to finish it off.
The setting for Akechi and S/O would be in a ravaged ruins of a laboratory. Various elements in the environment are in 2D, making it feel like you are in a video game/comic book (For Akechi he feels like he is in an episode of Featherman). The both of you are sneaking around, until a loud explosion came and the wall that the both of you were hiding in was almost destroyed. The impact made you fall back, separating you from Akechi. When the enemy was nearing you, Akechi shoots his gun actively distracting the enemy. Once distracted, you jump off of your position and the both of you made the bullets rain down on the enemy.
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anghraine · 16 days
I'm suffering technological oppression
(do not take this at all seriously, this is absolutely a minor problem)
Okay, so in my earlier time in my PhD program, I saved up and replaced my shitty old HP laptop with a Dell G3 3590. The relevant information about it for this whining session is that it has two main drives: the OS (C:) drive, an SSD with 220 GB, and then an HDD with 930 GB.
This was a pretty good gaming/academia laptop for a couple of years, but at that point, developed some wonky problems including erratic communication with my mouse, very slow processing times, and emitting a terrifying scream from the depths of hell whenever it started up (an alarm to tell me that a fan wasn't working, it turned out). This all developed post-warranty and for various reasons I ended up deciding on replacing it rather than having it fixed, so I saved up again and got an MSI laptop I refer to as "Pherenike" or "the Beast" for reasons I won't get into.
Pherenike only has one (SSD) drive with 800 GB or whatever and is incredibly fast and powerful for everything I've wanted to do, awesome. I wrote basically my entire dissertation on Pherenike, saved every file even remotely related to my research on it, and it was absolutely fantastic for a year. But riiiight after the warranty expired, the laptop's monitor started coming off and it could no longer close, which made it useless as a laptop. Worse still, the hinge situation got progressively worse until the screen was just sort of flopping around unless I set it up in exactly the right position and nobody moved it. It's gotten bad enough that I sent my dad a video about this known MSI issue and sadly left Pherenike with him after backing up its data.
Meanwhile, my university job really needs me to have a working computer of some kind. So I resuscitated the Dell, updated everything, and tried to figure out the old problems. The mouse has been fine thus far (/fingers crossed), the single dysfunctional fan is still causing the alarm but I can get past it with ESC for now, and I realized that part of the reason it had slowed down so badly was that the OS/C: drive, the SSD, was holding basically everything that mattered and was way too full. So I moved documents, pictures, and low-requirement programs over to the HDD/D: drive, and several updates later it's more or less functioning, even if it couldn't keep up with Pherenike (...if Pherenike could stay upright, anyway).
ANYWAY I saw that the cool new BG3 patch had released, but... even after moving every possible non-essential file over to the HDD/D: drive, the Dell's OS/C: SSD only has 53 GB (out of 220) free and I can't download BG3 onto my main drive (the SSD is a basic requirement for it to run properly). Everything else still on my SSD is either trivially tiny or something that came with the system and seems rather important to keeping it running. It seems absurd that this would amount to over 150 GB of the most valuable real estate on the machine (a lot of this seems to be "Alienware Command Center" or something like that, which is spread across a zillion different folders in different parts of C:) but so it is.
So I own the game and I have two computers that meet the specifications and one is the computer I am writing this post on, but I can't actually play it on either of them :(
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yamishika · 1 year
Is Erik South Asian / Indian coded?
This post isn’t going to be as extensive as my other FT posts, but I am going to put out thoughts of mine that have been playing in my head for some time now. Along with my observance of ‘Jellal wearing kohl’ and ‘Why aren’t the ladies of FT wearing panties anymore’ , I have another I want to put out today.
I think Erik (Cobra) of OS/CS is South Asian coded.
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Specifically Indian.
I will list the evidence and explain my train of thought underneath.
Admittedly though , a lot of my reasons are for visual representations I have seen of him in both manga and official art, so I am not sure how solid my connections are for the HCs but I will say them either way.
Clothing pattern
Let’s start with the first reason why I believe Erik to be SA coded. 
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This is an image of Erik/Cobra from the official manga during the Nirvana Arc
Sadly the intricate design of many characters' clothes are omitted/reduced when animating, Erik here being no exception. And though I understand why, it’s a shame as so many details get taken out which could help piece some more information on the characters which aren’t told upfront.
In the manga, Erik is introduced with a piece that includes a paisley design (the teardrop shaped pattern) on the inner parts and cuffs of his coat. Why this is important to note is because the paisley design is something that is known to be a widespread clothing print all across Asia, namely South Asia/South-west Asia!
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This Kameez (South Asian tunic) of mine has the ‘paisley’ pattern which is on Erik’s coat 
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Of course it is possible that the pattern on his inner coat/cuff could just be for the sake of fashion with no cultural significance, but taking in mind my next points I think it makes the argument of Erik being SA/Indian coded stronger.
This may come off as a weaker point I admit, but Erik’s use of jewelry also reminds me of SA heritage. His rings and armlet (or what I learned is called an arm-ring).
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This opinion is purely subjective. I can admit that, but me coming from SA heritage myself, his use of jewelry resonates with the way I've seen it being used in my own culture; such as the design , what patterns it is being paired with, the use of adornment. It really reminds me of SA fashion and tradition. 
But I want to be more objective in my reasoning so I looked up why his use of jewelry in the manga does resonate with SA heritage and found some things.
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The armlet/arm-ring that Erik has on his coat in the manga is similar to that used in Indian heritage. 
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Fair in Indian tradition it’s used as a bridal jewelry (Vanki) for the women, but it was the closest I could find that was similar to what he had for my argument. It might be a reach though and I can accept that.
Now I will go onto my other point as to why I believe Erik is SA/Indian coded.
Salwar in game card 
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Another clothing observation, but his trouser reminds me of a salwar with a slit at the bottom. The slit is a bit higher than what I am accustomed to but I have seen clothing like this in SA heritage.
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It’s not overly common but you can see where the influence comes from-
But let me go onto the main reason I have always thought Erik to have some ties to SA (but specifically India).
As everyone knows his name when introduced is Cobra, however what this name also holds significance with, is the fact that India’s national reptile is actually the Cobra too!
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King Cobra to be exact!
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And on top of that in Hindu mythology, the cobra is a greatly respected and revered figure, literally seen as a deity and I believe that ties in well with Erik’s connection with snakes/cobra.
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And the last point I want to make is that even his name can be found in South Asia too , just in case people want to counter the argument that the HC is improbable due to him having a European name. 
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As it can be seen the name Erik can be found near everywhere in the world, predominantly in places with European connections but also in Asia too.
And since I am arguing Erik being possibly Indian coded, I will show the statistics for his name there.
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1,386 incidents of the name in the country! That is not a small number even if minute compared to the density of the population.
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Map of India with distribution of the name Erik. (the darker red parts show a larger population of Eriks)
It’s very possible though Erik’s name could be from another SA country too. Or maybe he’s a case of being biracial with both SA heritage and something else. 
But I could see him being fully SA too since despite the Christian / European origin of the name, there’s a lot of POC who give names like that possibly due to following Christianity or just out of preference! (and personally I know this is a trend in South Asian communities)
But I guess we will never know unless Mashima sheds some light on Erik’s background. ^^'
Now with all this evidence presented, you can judge for yourselves if Erik’s design/clothing and connection to cobras is merely a coincidence and i’m reaching or is he possibly a SA/Indian coded character?
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Thank you all for taking the time to read this <3 Also big thanks to @jerzaworms for helping me find some of the evidence to help supplement this post and strengthen the argument of this hc!
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redstringraven · 2 months
for the tmnt 40th anniversary: 23 and 32!
\TwT/ !!! thank you much!
TMNT's 40th anniversary ask game!
23.) what is one of your favorite TMNT fics?
ough, i'm admittedly very, very bad at reading fanfic for a few reasons: 1) since i'm also a creator, i often have to decide if i want to use what free time i have creating or engaging with art made by others, and i often opt for the former; 2) i'm an extremely slow reader partially due to how i learned to read, because of this i'm usually pickier about where i put my reading time (if i schedule myself any); 3) i refuse to read fic if i'm not on my desktop with my firefox extension that lets me use the floaty comment box, because it brings me joy to leave lengthy, thorough comments. i love leaving the types of comments i'd like to receive, and my brain gets very cranky when i can't. all this to say, i haven't read a lot of tmnt fanfic since circling back to one of my childhood fandoms. ene i'm trying to be better about it because i very much believe in supporting community, i just... haven't quite gotten around to a rhythm that works for me yet, i guess. not for a lack of wanting, tho. however! i love In The Shelter of Each Other, by @hamstermastersamster; as well as Anger and Management, by @halogalopaghost; and I'll Be Ok!, by @joyfuladorable. just to name some! i also remember a fic from my childhood where raph was babysitting... someone's kid (might've been april's?) and he taught them that if something was an "ouch" that meant it could hurt you and you shouldn't touch it. so, the oven was an "ouch". i don't remember the title because i was, like, fourteen, but i remember that specific detail and loved it very much. shout out to that author. i've also got a few fics i'm reading/trying to keep up with that are still in progress, but i've barely scratched the surface on them because... again. i am slow. lD;; but i am also trying. bless those who're patient with me. i'm so, so sorry.
32.) what was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
i might have stuff from my high school years lying around here somewhere, but you'll have to pay me to post it. i wish i could say i was kidding, but college shot my relationship with my art in the foot. <xD i have a folder of stuff before 2018 that's referred to as "the otherworld" for a reason. we do not venture into that fog... silent hill... but! i'll share some of the first sketches i did in my circle-back. please tolerate the shit phone-photo quality; my phone is obsolete to the point several of my apps will literally no longer open due to incompatibility with the OS. i'll also share the first round of sketches i actually published, so you can see the private sketchbook testings verses me being like "i need to make myself put something out there, here it is".
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here's the link to the above published post! really is wild how after i started drawing them more regularly, my own style quickly dug its little fangs in and never looked back. xD;;
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HEUHEUEHUEHEU I FEEL SO SMART RN. SO MY F/OS VOICELINES AREN'T COMPILED ANYWHERE ONLINE NOR ARE THEY EVEN EASILY ACCESSIBLE IN THE GAME FILES. LIKE AT ALL. for reasons that I DO know but won't say because that'll make it obvious who it is/what property he's from since it's like. Literally exclusive to this company and their tools as far as I'm aware. (Idk why i still act shy about people finding out who I am when I *LITERALLY* tag my selfship blog and reply to my own asks sometimes if I forgot I submitted them but still)
anyway now I can just. play these if I feel sad or just miss his voice,,, or like use them for animating or smth ig 7///7
— I CAN NO LONGER CALL MYSELF A "USELESS GAY" OVER HIM. I AM NOW PROMOTED TO USEFUL GAY!!! 🍊⚙️ (I saw someone else do this, but could I actually change my text description to Citrus Bot? The emojis are meant to be a reference to my nickname anyway so I thought it'd be ideal to match those :3)
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halfetirosie · 3 months
✨ 😊 This event is healing me from the aftermath of the last event 😊 ✨
(Exercise 04 - 06 React-os!)
1) Ohhhh shit, that's really impressive, Olivine!!! 🤯🤯🤯
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This dude is over here investing new spells!!! I don't know what the standards are for intellect amongst mages in that world, but isn't that literal GENIUS behavior????
Be proud of yourself, Olivine!!! You're smart as fuck!!!
2) Awwww!!! (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ◡ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)
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Look at that soft smile!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
Damn, Rei is so pretty....
And it's always nice to see Rei looking more relaxed. The bond between him and Garu is part of it, but as a whole, his character development is helping him to loosen up with everyone and express affection. We love to see it!
3) Oh dear...
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Er, is it really a good idea to let Morv be the commentator???
Are they really certain he'll be able to focus on the competition and not the competitors (you know what I mean)?
4) ♡ QUINCY!!! ♡
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I don't think I've commented on it yet, but that hair style is very cute on him!!! I'm a big fan of the hair-half-up style in general---it suits literally everyone!!!
Come to think of it, I wonder if 2/3 of my top 3 favorite characters ended as my favorite because of-
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My GOD, I was NOT expecting the sudden zoom-in on the bulge!!! (I made a very real, audible screech of laughter!!!)
This game is going to kill me!!!
5) ♡ GARU!!! ♡
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This intro is definitely on-point---a lot of people gush over our lovable wolfboy's booty, but personally? THOSE LEGS THO. I agree with Karu---I like their powerful (muscular) legs the best!!! :D
Also, that popsicle looks good. Watermelon, I assume? I could really go for a-
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I'm getting flashbacks to the original max-damage Unfulfilled Dream Rei, where Father made an attempt to cover Rei's bare chest! 🤣
More seriously---it's very sweet of Aster to cover up Garu here. We love a Protective King!
6) PFFFT!!! GOD DAMMIT, DEVS!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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They're not even going to bother focusing on his face first??? I was wrong---THIS has got to be the least subtlety ever perceived!!! My poor Cringefail Doritoman
♡ Dante!!! ♡
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(Thank goodness he doesn't seem to know that the camera focused on his bulge before even showing his face... NO ONE TELL HIM.)
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/// Flustered Dante!!!! ///
Fuck, he's so adorable!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
7) Eiden, you absolute psycho!!! You wanted to make them even longer???
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Please. PLEASE. PLEASSSSEEE tell me what the full titles were going to be!!!
Please, they're probably so ridiculously cringe!!! PLEEAAASSSEEE!!!!
8) *slowly shakes my head, chuckling fondly*
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Dante, stop trying to apply logic to a fantasy world. You will not win. 😇
(Also, I suspect he might be jealous that his animal friend doesn't have his own custom-made accessories 😈)
9) OH MY GODDDD!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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He doesn't even know what the surfboard is, let alone how to use it!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I can't what to see him get overly prideful when he finally figures it out! OR EVEN BETTER---if he gets embarrassed over it!!!!
This event is going to tease Dante so much, I can feel it!! AND I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!
(≧∇≦) ♡♡♡♡♡♡
10) Not gonna lie, I feel for the devs trick and believed Dante was encouraging Eiden at first. 😅 (I mean, Dante has been getting progressively more corny and sweet to Eiden.)
But, it's almost better for it to be Sooley instead---
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After all, we get to see more Sooley!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
🐾 Cat Dad Dante 🐾 fawning proudly over his animal friend is always a delight to see!
And not just because of the cute animal---it allows us to see the softer side of Dante, which he rarely shows to anyone.
(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
11) ?! Oh???
♡ Eiden!!! ♡
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Oh snap, I thought they were done introducing competitors! I assumed Eiden was going to be some sort of referee! But he's a more-confusing-and-mysterious competitor!
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I mean, to be fair to the crowd, sweetie; you're standing right next to three of the most beefy men in Klein... No offense, but even I'm worried whether you'll be able to keep up with them... 😅
I'm having such a good time, ya'll!!!
☀️ End of report! ☀️
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