#// i too want some cheese
old-desert · 1 month
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hyperfixation resurgence gooo
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pigswithwings · 4 months
you will hear my strong opinions about the care and keeping of fish today by the lord
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neuroid · 8 months
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djsadbean · 10 months
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my peepaws at the faculty holiday party ❄️
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happyendingsong · 19 days
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thefrogdalorian · 7 months
Flowers for My Mandalorian
(Valentine's Day Din Djarin Imagines)
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It's been a busy few months for you and Din, you want to do something small but significant to show him how much he means to you.
You haven't told him your feelings for him but you suspect he feels the same. You've noticed the way he takes every opportunity to stand close to you. The way his gloved hands linger a beat longer than you would expect a friend's to...
Even though you aren't together, you decide to surprise Din with a bunch of freshly picked flowers for Valentine's Day (or the Star Wars equivalent, the Festival of Love).
You hand Din the flowers, but there is no audible response - save for a deep intake of breath and his hand twitching by his side.
Din tells you that he has never heard of such a celebration before and to you, he seems a little confused at the beautiful bouquet you presented him with.
At first, you panic. You're worried that you somehow offended him. Do Mandalorians not celebrate the Festival of Love? Is it against their Creed?
In reality, Din is relieved that you can't see how much he's blushing furiously beneath his helmet.
The next Festival of Love, the first one you'll celebrate as a couple, you decide to bake him cookies in your cabin on Nevarro while he's out running errands in town.
Except, before he returns and when your back is turned, a certain mischievous child eats all of them.
Fortunately, Din saves the day by surprising you with a bouquet of flowers he picked himself to thank you for your gesture the year before.
After putting Grogu to bed when he crashes from his sugar high, you and Din spend the rest of the evening baking cookies together.
Somehow, despite his clumsiness in the kitchen, you manage to create something edible.
You fall asleep on the couch after an evening spent cuddling together with a full stomach, curled happily into the side of your flour-covered Mandalorian.
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I don't begrudge anyone their campaign preferences, and I think there's plenty of valid reasons to like Campaign 3 the best and this is not directed at people who are genuinely having a great time with it, but it feels like virtually all the nostalgia and wishful thinking I see surrounding Campaign 3 is screaming "you guys want Campaign 2." You want more slow travel and downtime and interparty conversations and slow-burn romance? You wish their main focus was fighting governmental corruption? You want a party that only semi-settles down at the end and keeps adventuring and remains very close? You're frustrated by how everpresent and overarching the moon plot is? You miss when they were just fucking around in a city? I genuinely believe you want Campaign 2, or at best you love a specific ship or a character from Campaign 3 but aren't happy about basically anything else, and would vastly prefer the tone and events and plot of Campaign 2. And I don't really care if you watch Campaign 2, or if you think I'm being annoying here; I simply genuinely believe you'd be happier watching Campaign 2 than Campaign 3 and are so deep in a sunk cost fallacy well you can't see it.
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 5 months
Might fuck around and try to make another batch of mushroom and caramelized onion pastries later
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transmechanicus · 1 year
Saw “All Quiet On The Western Front” yesterday and as a grad student rotating between like 3 rationed home cooked meals, the cheapest possible takeout, or skipping food entirely, i empathize so fucking strongly with the protagonists for living off of potato water for months and then going absolutely feral in the middle of a battle bc they found a table of focaccia, sausage, and fancy cheese.
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eclecticopposition · 1 year
give meee... headcanons about the Sangfielle friends in the most boring AU you can imagine like. idk. office Sangfielle. grocery store Sangfielle. they all work at a movie theater. whatever sounds mundane as hell and you have Thoughts about :3
okay tumblr ate my fucking answer the first time. let's try this again.
the thing about these guys is that no matter how mundane you make it, they can make anything into a situation. that's just the guys they are. so we put them in a Walmart.
Marn is an employee with a great customer service voice. She's keeping it together in the face of some truly wild statements and requests. One man keeps asking for frootie hooties, a brand of cereal that he insists is real and everyone is just refusing to sell to him, and she's spent twenty minutes trying to tell him that they just don't have it in stock
Lye and Es are having an animated conversation in the clothing area, where she is examining various colorful dresses and he is distractedly picking things off of nearby shelves and putting them back down. The conversation started at how they got kicked out of dayward yve's novelty store and is now about whether stealing should be more or less of a crime than manslaughter, because it's not as bad as killing but it is on purpose. People are trying not to pay attention to them. Eventually they are asked to leave, at which point it is revealed that lye has about two hundred dollars worth of items in his pockets and es has some candles she liked and a new pair of shoes in hers. They are both barred from Walmart.
Duvall hates it here. It's loud, he hates the lights, the aisles make no sense, he can't find anything he's looking for, and people keep coming up to him to ask him where things are. He doesn't even work here. Why do people assume he works here? He's not even wearing any Walmart merchandise. Is that what it's called when you're an employee? Merchandise? Well, it's what it would be called if he wears it, which he never will, because he doesn't work here and never wants to. Have a nice day ma'am.
Pickman is slowly marching her way through the aisles one at a time, peering at her shopping list and holding a tiny shopping basket in one hand. She has to be very careful not to knock the shelves over sometimes. Just trying to get groceries. People are nervously avoiding her. Says "Hey, you" to some poor employee to ask where the milk and cigarettes are. Just grunts at everything else. When she's at the checkout, the guy there asks "Did you find everything you're looking for?", and she just says "No." and leaves
Chine comes out of the bathroom with a live rat in his hand. People scream. The manager finally comes up to him like "Sir, you can't have rats in here." They say "Oh, she's not mine. She was just having trouble opening the door." Gets a big meat on the bone at the deli and nothing else. When he asks how much it costs, they just say it's on the house and try to get him to leave as soon as possible. They go like "Oh, really? Are you sure? I have some money." and sound surprised but pleased, like they're being done a personal favor. The employees insist. He's like "Alright, thanks!" and then asks the rat if she wants anything
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crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
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Moon moon moon moon moon moon
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sena-shi · 2 years
your name etched on my skin as I wait for all eternity (KazuScara + Tomo)
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PART 2/3
Summary: where your soulmate's name appears on your skin, but what if your soulmate doesn't have your name engraved on his skin?
Note: Kazuha's friend is called Tomo as always. Kazuha and Tomo's relationship is platonic
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“Oh hey, Kazuha! Tomo! You’re here!”
“Is everything alright?”
Gorou gave them an enthusiastic nod and a beaming smile as he approached them.
"We have a new member who will be an asset to the resistance."
“Oh?” Kazuha arched his brow, and almost immediately he felt fascinated. With a sweet smile, he acknowledged the new addition.
A young man with an innocent face, but only if he chooses to ignore the disturbing sensation of disappointment and hatred that looms behind him. The boy is an inch shorter than him, and as he stood behind the general, he almost looked like a curious child.
His gaze was fixed on his own, but Kazuha couldn't tell whether the boy liked him or not. He didn't sense animosity or anything from the other man, but his heart tugged when the other man broke their eye contact and pretended that he didn't even exist.
His heart pounded in a strange, and unpredictable manner. He feels like their new addition is far too lovely, almost as if he is royalty or a God gazing down on them.
Kazuha chose to ignore the bubbling sensation in his chest, smiled gently, albeit awkwardly at his own disturbing thoughts.
“May I have the honor of knowing your name?”
He waited patiently, a small feeling of excitement creeping up inside of him in anticipation of hearing the other man's voice. Kazuha did not take his attention from Kunikuzushi, which caused Kunikuzushi's annoyance.
Kunikuzushi heaved an exasperated sigh, then stared at Kazuha once more before speaking softly and calmly, “Kunikuzushi.”
Indeed, he possesses a very captivating voice. The sound was monotonous yet gentle, and it was just the right balance for him to get addicted on it.
"Kazuha Kaedehara." He responded, noting how the other man appeared to already know who he was before continuing his words, "It is a pleasure to meet you," he added, extending his hand to the other for a handshake, which Kunikuzushi reluctantly accepted.
"And he's Tomo," Kazuha decided to add, pointing to Tomo, who was chatting with Gorou.
“My soulmate.”
Kunikuzushi's throat felt dry, and his body stiffened all of a sudden.
When Kazuha noticed that the other man was fidgety when their hands touched, he felt he was very adorable. Almost like a small, cautious cat. He almost laughed at how cute that was, but then he noticed a flash of hurt around the man.
He frowned, attentively eyeing the dark-haired man to check whether it was simply his imagination. However, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he opted to just leave it be.
"I'm looking forward to working with you," Kazuha said softly, his smile sincere, only for the other man to cast a disinterested glance his way, give him the cold shoulder, and turn his back on him.
Despite this, Kazuha can't help but be drawn to him.
"How mesmerizing."
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During his time working for the resistance, Kunikuzushi formed friendships, although unreal ones, and he also has that annoying soulmate who always questions him and irritates him almost every second of the day.
"Pardon my inquisitiveness, but may I ask if there is a particular reason why you are working together with the resistance?” Kazuha questioned, sitting near the man he felt was staring at him earlier when he spoke with Tomo.
"Do I really need a reason?" Kunikuzushi scoffed, scrunching up his nose, making Kazuha chuckle as Kunikuzushi struggled to ignore the itchy sensation on his chest.
"You don't seem to have a vision after all," Kazuha hummed, gazing into the sky as he spoke.
“I want to kill, is that not enough reason?” Kunikuzushi rolled his eyes, preparing to stand up.
But the moment he did, he was yanked back down.
Kazuha gripped his wrist and looked at him with his normal compassionate face.
But Kunikuzushi is able to detect when somebody is giving him a look that isn't particularly kind, regardless of how hard they attempt to mask their true feelings behind a friendly front.
And since he has lived for hundreds of years, he is aware that he has in some way caused Kazuha to be upset or furious at him.
"I can always tell when you're looking at me intently. If it's not me that you're staring at, then it's Tomo. Why don’t you humor me?”
Kunikuzushi shrugged his shoulders, quickly withdrew his hand, and then rubbed his hand that had been touched in order to get rid of that warm, annoying sensation.
The warmth and roughness of Kazuha's hand was almost too pleasant to bear. After an exhausting search for his soulmate spanning hundreds of years, he used to wish that he could hold his hands as he slept so that he could rest peacefully. However, now, that is nothing more than just a stupid dream.
Why offer him a sliver of his warmth when Kazuha will never be able to give him all of it?
"I hate both of you. I can't stand your face. Satisfied?”
A dazed expression appeared on Kazuha's face as he blinked. He had not been expecting anything like that at all. If he were to remember, there was nothing that he had ever done that would have caused the man to despise him; after all, they had never met before.
“May I ask if there’s a reason why?”
"Do I really need a reason?" Kunikuzushi scoffed.
“If I want to hate you, I’ll hate you.”
But Kunikuzushi knows that no matter how much he convinces himself that he loathes the man, the scorching ache in his chest will remind him otherwise.
‘Because if I wanted to stop waiting, then I would’ve done so a long time ago.’
"Because perhaps if I had just stopped waiting and foolishly loving you, I could have been spared from this bitter ending."
Kazuha silently watches as the boy turns around to leave, secretly wishing that he could seize his entire person and just pin him to the ground. And yet, for some inexplicable reason, the forgotten name that was engraved on the back of his neck began to burn as if it were reacting to his very own emotions.
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Kunikuzushi turned around, stunned to see Kazuha smiling softly at him. It would have been wonderful if he hadn't discovered that his soulmate has another soulmate.
Ignorance is truly bliss.
“If you want to say something, then say it.”
“I’m going somewhere.”
“And why would I care?”
Of course, he cares. Otherwise, why would he stay and fight for the resistance just to keep Kazuha safe from his mother's army?
After hearing the comment, Kazuha laughed because he had the impression that Kunikuzushi's responses are becoming even more sarcastic whenever it comes to him. It is very adorable, he thinks.
Kunikuzushi did nothing but stare at him, perplexed as to why he was so interested in the outside world when he had just been created. If he had continued to be unaware of the meaning of the name that was still etched on his chest, he never would have attempted to integrate himself into this wanderer's life.
In the past, simply seeing the name would make him feel happy and contented. 
But now, whenever he sees it, all it does is serve as a constant reminder that he will spend eternity by himself and that the name on his chest only existed to fool him into willingly jumping straight into the depths of the abyss.
The fact that he wasted hundreds of years looking for a man who doesn't even know he exists will remind him how stupid he was for even thinking that his soulmate also wants him.
Kazuha's voice was quiet as he spoke the following words, "Please look after Tomo in my stead."
“I thought I told you I hate y—”
“I’m quite aware of that,” Kazuha replied with a stupid smile on his face.
“But this is important, I need to find something.”
Kunikuzushi couldn't help but give in when he heard Kazuha's pleading voice. He’s just that stupid, isn’t he?
“Make it fast. This time, I might really get tired of waiting.”
Kazuha chuckled, even though he had no idea what the significance of those words was. As he got closer, he gave the other man a light ruffle to his hair while maintaining an amused demeanor.
"I will. After all, you told me you're an impatient person." He smiled sincerely, the name on the back of his neck faintly burning.
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Kunikuzushi kept his promise, making damn sure Tomo was not putting himself in danger. Isn't his current situation extremely stupid? To believe that there would come a day when he will be protecting his soulmate's other soulmate when deep down, all he wants to do is break them apart.
To make them feel the misery he's been going through for hundreds of years.
But seeing Kazuha's smile always seems to dispel that nasty thought of his.
With each passing day, he is coming to terms with the reality that Kazuha will never be his. Not while he already has someone in his life. He is not so petty as to want to drive them apart just because of what he has been through in the past.
Who even told him to wait stupidly for hundreds of years anyways? He could have joined his mother in the Plane of Euthymia instead, protecting himself from any types of harm.
Then perhaps he wouldn’t feel like living was a tiring routine for him as an immortal.
It’s been months since Kazuha left.
But who knows, those months could stretch into years, leaving him with nothing but pain all over again.
His mother was right; he wouldn't be able to take it after all.
So, he decided.
He will follow the agreement he made with Ei and accompany her for eternity inside the Plane of Euthymia once he is finally ready.
That was his purpose anyways.
It is not necessary for Kazuha to be aware of the true reason behind his hatred towards them, he doesn’t need to know. There is no reason for him to harbor any feelings of guilt over anything. The only thing he will remember from his life is coming across an impatient man named Kunikuzushi who despises him to the core. That is all he should remember.
That’s enough.
He's also exhausted of waiting and waiting. He wants to rest and maybe have the name removed from his chest. If he remembers his mother's stories correctly, the God of Wisdom is capable of doing so. Should he try it?
"I’m going to challenge the shogun."
"You're being stupid."
"Oh, come on, there should be anyone who can withstand the Musou no Hitotachi!"
Kunikuzushi rolled his eyes in annoyance. "And it’s definitely not you."
Tomo laughed, patting Kunikuzushi on the back and asking, "Why don’t I give it a try then?"
"Your soulmate told me to babysit you, so just sit down and stop trying to get yourself into danger."
"Aw, you’re no fun."
Even after a number of days had gone, there was still no indication that Kazuha would be returning any time soon. Kunikuzushi always receives letters from him wondering about how Tomo is doing, how Tomo's health is, if Tomo has been getting into dangers, and just all things regarding his foolish soulmate.
But now, it seemed to have stopped.
Most likely, this is due to the fact that he wrote Kazuha a note stating that he will be leaving today and going back to the place he came from.
Was he that concerned that Tomo would end up in the wrong hands if he abandoned him?
Kunikuzushi mused about his naivety, thinking about how foolish he was to pine for a man who would never love him regardless of how much he tried to wait for him or win his affection. At best, all he is doing is being a bother to the soulmates who are completely in love with one another.
“I’m going to return.” Kunikuzushi spoke up while Tomo's gasp at him caused him to roll his eyes.
"So, do not think about leaving this place and avoid putting yourself in serious trouble, at least not until your beloved soulmate returns home."
“Are you finally returning to Tenshukaku?”
Kunikuzushi furrowed his brow as he noticed that Tomo was looking at him in a serious manner.
“So you already know?”
“Well, the feather kinda gave it away.”
“Looks like you’re not stupid like your soulmate then, that’s good.”
"And Kazuha?" Tomo questioned, flashing a grin when the other man gave a reaction to his words.
“What about him?”
“I know when someone is inlove, Kuni.”
Kunikuzushi responded with a disdainful chuckle and a sarcastic cocking of the head to the side while asking, "Why? Want me to get him off your hands?”
Tomo did not respond and instead just looked at him in silence.
“Don’t worry. I’ve wasted too much time mingling with humans anyw—”
“How much time then?” Tomo asked, smiling in the process. “Was it hundreds of years? Four hundred? Five hundre—”
Tomo came to a halt in his sentence when lightning suddenly struck. He locked his gaze on the other man's face, who was looking at him with absolute seriousness, as if saying one more word would be the cause of his demise.
Nonetheless, he mustered the courage to speak when the other man was already prepared to leave.
“Don’t go.”
“I told Kazuha to go back to his hometown so he should know by now. If you leave, then—”
“I don’t need your fucking pity.” Kunikuzushi glared, his hands quivering as his chest began to burn once more.
Why now? Why now! He’s already tired of waiting!
He already made plans! Remove the name Kaedehara Kazuha from his chest and from his life! Yet this fool wanted to be a hero instead?
100 years—
200 years—
300 years— 400— and 500! He spent a long time waiting for that fool, dragging his exhausted body along to keep on searching and searching. And now that he’s already tired of everything, he’ll only start making an effort to know him?
The audacity!
He clenched his teeth in frustration, grasping the taller man by his clothes.
“You wanted to see the Musou no Hitotachi in person, didn’t you?”
He is outraged, but he understands that Tomo ought to be thanked for informing Kazuha. Since he has no plans on telling the man before he leaves, he supposes it’s fine this way.
Tomo silently gave a nod.
“Then fucking follow me.”
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As the two of them stood before the puppet Raiden Shogun, Tomo's eyes actually sparkled with excitement and happiness.
Kunikuzushi remained close behind Tomo the entire time. He was holding a blade in his hand that he had picked up somewhere along the way, most likely from one of the members of the resistance.
"How long do you think you can hold out?"
Tomo turned his head to look at the other man, and with a smug smirk pasted across his face, he questioned, "Why? Are you worried for me?"
Kunikuzushi responded with a click of his tongue.
"You may think I'm doing this for you, but I truly desire to see it."
“I see.”
"Enough babbling." Kujou Sara scowled as she announced the starting of the challenge.
“The defeated face divine punishment, while the victors gain a second chance.”
And then, the duel before the throne officially started.
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Kazuha did not pay attention to the agony that was developing in his legs as he continued to run as quickly as possible. In his hand was a letter from his ancestors, along with a photo of a boy who looked precisely like Kunikuzushi standing next to a man who had the same red streak of hair as him.
"It's been years, and I'm already at the end of my time. However, Kuni still hasn't given up on waiting for his soulmate called Kaedehara Kazuha. Who the hell is that kid anyways? I might just steal Kuni for myself if he doesn’t appear soon,”
"He told me that he is willing to wait for eternity. He's such a sweet little boy, truly a gentle soul. His soulmate must be extremely fortunate to have him."
"I am very lucky indeed," Kazuha murmured through clenched teeth. He was furious with himself because he had made the decision to forget about the name that was engraved on the back of his neck when it was originally what he received. 
Someone has been waiting for him for hundreds of years, but he has chosen to ignore his mark. Because he has Tomo, and he believes he doesn't need any other companion than his friend. While his real soulmate is searching and waiting for him out there, almost losing hope but still persevering, he was with a friend traveling the world without thinking about anything or anyone else.
Does Kuni sleep well at night while thinking of his soulmate? Tch, what an absurd question.
"I once questioned him why he doesn't give up on finding a man who most likely doesn't exist, at least not right now. That stubborn child, on the other hand, told me it was because he's a puppet, and puppets aren't supposed to have soulmates. And he even stated that Kazuha might be the person who would fill his empty heart."
"I did have a theory that the Kaedehara Kazuha is someone who hasn't yet been born into this world... I told Kuni, but that stubborn child insisted he didn't care and would still wait! That maybe he was endowed with immortality for the sake of waiting for his soulmate.”
Kazuha laughed dryly as he ran, picturing Kunikuzushi as a child, sulking and most likely crossing his arms as he spoke those words.
“He's naive, yet he has the purest heart of all of us, despite his insistence that he's a puppet with no heart.”
He’s truly lucky to have someone who would wait for him for eternity, isn’t he? But he can't say the same thing about Kuni; he must be feeling unlucky to be waiting for a soulmate who already has another soulmate. Although Tomo isn't exactly his soulmate.
Perhaps this is why Kunikuzushi seemed to despise him despite the fact that they had never met before.
Just imagining the pain that Kuni went through when he found out that he has another soulmate who is not him makes him want to shower his face with kisses and apologize until he loses his voice.
Kazuha can't even express how much he wants he could go back in time and tightly embrace the boy.
He was filled with anxiety when he received a letter from his Kuni informing him that he would be returning to his place shortly. He is frightened by the idea of never seeing him again.
“This time, I might really get tired of waiting.”
Is he tired? Is he finally tired of waiting now? No— please—
And now he was even more anxious after receiving a letter from Gorou stating that the two had decided to duel the shogun.
He ran as fast as he could, utilizing his vision to speed up. He jumped from one roof to the next, hoping he wasn't too late.
They haven't even properly introduced themselves to each other. He desires to hug him, to kiss him, to hear his genuine laughter and to see his smile.
The name on the back of his neck burned so pleasantly and sweetly, finally realizing that the boy who always seemed impatient with him and usually sarcastic at his responses was his one and only soulmate.
"Wait for me. Please, Kuni, wait for me once more." He whispered to himself, hoping that the Gods would hear his prayers.
But unfortunately, God cannot grant prayers because it is beyond their power to control fate.
As soon as Kazuha arrived right in front of Tenshukaku, he swiftly landed on the ground, and he was immediately greeted by Tomo's horrified face when Kunikuzushi suddenly flashed in front of him to deflect the powerful attack of the shogun.
The collision of a regular blade with the sword of the archon resulted in a deafening boom that reverberated throughout the vicinity.
They were shown just how powerful an attack from a God can be when Tomo's electro vision got ripped off from his clothes and fell to the ground because of the force. Truly, there is not a single mortal being capable of withstanding the Musou no Hitotachi.
Should Tomo have been the one to receive the attack, he would have perished instantly, leaving behind not even his ashes for anybody to bury.
Kazuha tried to approach despite the danger, only for Kunikuzushi to use his other hand to toss him his veil, which is imbued with his divine power, to prevent them from suffering the aftereffects of the attack.
"Go," was all Kunikuzushi said, not daring to look back to witness his soulmate's stupid face which he loves very much.
He's scared that looking back will shake his resolve. Kazuha already knows that he's been searching for him, but what difference does that make? The name on Kazuha's wrist will not be changed. It will always remain as Tomo.
Not Kuni, not Kunikuzushi.
Kazuha may have already known. But unfortunately, he has already degenerated into nothing more than a worn-out puppet who wants nothing more than to escape and take a rest. He is no longer capable of looking at him in the face and acting like he hasn't been waiting for him for hundreds of years.
Acting as if watching Kazuha treat Tomo as if he is the center of his world does not cause a scorching burn on his chest.
As Ei seized control of the body, the Raiden Shogun's countenance relaxed. Her heart wrenched at the sight of his dearest son's face.
Tired, and hopeless.
She recalls looking just like this after losing her twin.
It seems that not even her most beloved child was able to avoid the fate of having a similar bittersweet ending as she did.
"You've waited, suffered, and endured for far too long; let us rest this time, my child."
With one final slash, she welcomed a tired Kunikuzushi into the Plane of Euthymia and pulled her child into a tight embrace. After hundreds of years, her son finally cried tears of pain once again. But it will be alright, for they have the entirety of eternity to mend the wounds in their hearts and fortify themselves against the suffering that destiny has in store for them.
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I still want some crit dmg substat SOBBINGCRYINGdYINHFNG
TAGLIST: @yunareinhart @naturesdusk (can't really tag you, nato) @apple-ai @ichiraku-verse @the-real-fandom-person
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cheese-eater62 · 4 days
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Someone save the petco rats :((
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Was stede in a cunty coat. Now am a flying rat. Life is good
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Ya know, I said it offhandedly in the tags of the last post but I'm wondering what a Chica themed cookbook would include now. Pizza is the obvious one, same with cake and cupcakes. She has some canon stuff with something about chowder, Chica chug, Chica bites, uhhhh the uhhh skinny taco from Help Wanted 2, lemon Chicabars, the blendee, and whatever else she normally has I dunno. Her Fizzy Faz flavour is pink lemonade so there's that too...
She's then got the whole mazercise thing, so fruit smoothies and just general stuff with fruit is probably gonna work. Obviously she's a chicken, so there's that too.
Honestly, I can see her having a cake section where she tells the recipes to her friend's favourite cakes. So the obvious would be carrot cake for Bonnie then I dunno a lemon lime cheesecake for Monty or something?
I think the thing about a Chica cookbook is that it's just so easy to visualise and work with that it would be kind of hard to get it wrong, and yet, this isn't a real thing that exists for some reason??
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Apparently I can meet my goal of roughly 400,000 words in 6 months if I just somehow write at least 2,200 words a day ghbjh... Almost 2,500 today... huzzah...
#Definitely not going to be able to stick with it just due to like... being realistic about my energy levels and etc. ESPECIALLY as we#enter the Evil Summer and it becomes hot all the time. But... one can attempt.. at least...#I'm also a very slow writer since I tend to re-read and edit while I write. and only move onto the next section once what I'm writing#seems okay. Which is easy for visual novel type stuff. since ''sections'' of a conversation are more clearly marked (like if you#have a menu option with 5 different dialogue choices. finish the character's response for choice 1 before moving onto 2. etc.)#Especially since when I'm done with a whole quest I always follow it up by playing through it and picking every option and making sure it#actually all works okay and etc. So I am already going to see it all a second time. Then I can go back and reorder a few words or remove#certain sentences that don't sound natural when I read them out loud (I always read it all outloud to myself since it is... just peple#talking.. it should sound like natural dialogue in their voice. etc). But my ''first draft'' is kind of not as first drafty since I pause t#edit a lot as I go along. So it also takes longer probably than it would take other people who I think treat a first draft as more#of a loose guideline or something. AANYWAY...#80F in my bedroom right now again... huzzah... I did end up finishing and recording that sims build video before the heat wave (or is#it really a heat wave if it's just summer..?? lol) came in.. but now... augh.. the editing... plus the costume photos and all else... Much#to do as always.. Often such a long todo list.. a giant scroll hung upon the walls of the evil hermit wizard tower..#Anyhow.. I hope I can finish getting ready for bed early in time to reward myself with a game of tripeaks solitaire whilst I snack on#cheddar cheese and some of those preserved artichokes in a jar. hrgm... I actually have nasturtiums (ultimate best flower) on the#deck again this year but I had to move them all into a corner today because the leaves were getting burnt by the sun lol.. Also am now more#cautiously weaving through social media to ignore all dragon age news. NOT bc of spoilers (I actually love spoilers/literally never play#any game until there's full guides on it I can read to plan my entire playthrough based on knowing exactly what I want to happen lol + mods#and etc.) but just because I'm so busy with my ownprojects I simply do not have the brainspace to dedicate... Yes I love to think#about elves and fictional universe lore. but no.. I pretend I do not see it. Does not exist to me actually. ghgj.. OHH also took som#cool pictures of flowers in the garden section of a store and I wanted to do like.. character designs based on the colors of the flowers o#something. but that might just be another unnecessary project to add to the pile.. I want to commit to the daunting task of dyeing my#hair again some time.. hrm.. this is all of the updates I can think of. As if a bunch of random tags make up for never posting anything for#weeks on end lol.. alas.. too warm to think properly I suppose.. .. I neeeeeed a long lost relative to leave me some million dollar#estate in their will so I can have the resources to move to a colder climate or something ..augh#.. but for now.. I shall toil away in my little wizard tower trying to write 2000 something words a day whilst sweating and such ghbj
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