#and have some better cheese to grate over the top
rubenesque-as-fuck · 5 months
Might fuck around and try to make another batch of mushroom and caramelized onion pastries later
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
what do you usually make for dinner? i’m looking for new things to try and the food you show in your photos always looks so tasty
Hi :) I have very seasonal menus, here are some of my go-to summer dishes:
Rice salad with lentils, maize, tomatoes, hard-boiled egg, rocket. My salad dressing is olive oil + sunflower oil + cider vinegar + Dijon mustard + whatever herbs I have at hand (usually thyme, basil, sage, rosemary)
I also make a salad-salad with the same dressing but with just lettuce and some rocket + walnuts + goat cheese + my homemade spicy plum-raisin chutney, or a fig chutney. Classic but delicious.
My laziest salads are potato-herring-red onions salad, or just grated carrots & black radish (and dressing obvs)
I love cold tomato soup in summer—I don't think I'm allowed to call it gazpacho because I don't like cucumber and have banished it from this recipe. It's just normal tomato soup with some olive oil, onion, garlic, Espelette pepper, and herbs, and I keep it in the fridge. I'm proud to say all the ingredients save the olive oil are from my greenhouse! Cold beetroot soup is also great, I often have cold soup with croûtons + a hard-boiled egg for supper (and then cheese + bread, and often dark chocolate + bread for dessert if I haven't made any dessert. Plus a fruit)
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The chocolate tart I described here is to be eaten cold so it's a nice summer dessert (and breakfast). I keep carrot cake in the fridge too and since my recipe makes for a very moist cake it's very refreshing (I am positive I shared this recipe on here before but tumblr's blog search is useless :( It's my abuela's pastel de zanahoria esponjoso made with biscuit crumbs instead of flour, it's somewhere on this blog I swear, I remember illustrating it with a little carrot drawing 😭)
Another refreshing summer dessert is compote (or do you call it fruit purée?) Right now my favourite flavour is apple-plum (mostly because that's what I currently have and your own fruits always taste better<3) I just put a few (three?) apples to cook in a pan with a bit of water, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a dash of lemon and a bunch of red plums, let it cook then blend it and put it in the fridge. Three weeks from now I will be drowning in blackberries and apple-blackberry will be my favourite flavour.
Quiche!! Endless possibilities with quiche. I like to make a quiche-ratatouille combo—I start with sautéing whatever vegetables I have (often courgettes, tomatoes, a couple of potatoes, maybe an aubergine & bell pepper, + Espelette pepper, onions, basil) in a pan with some olive oil; while it's cooking I prepare the body of the quiche in a bowl (20cL of milk, 2 or 3 tablespoons of flour, 2 eggs, some herbs and a tiny bit of olive oil for luck). I make a pie crust with flour, water, salt, oregano and olive oil (sorry I'm from the Mediterranean, I put herbs and olive oil everywhere). I spread the ratatouille on the pie crust then add the milk/egg mixture on top of it, then add little bits of cheese on top (gruyère or bleu or St Nectaire personally). I eat it with a side of rocket, it's perfect. And very colourful:
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When I'm too lazy to do the ratatouille (and quiche) steps I just make a tomato tart—the same pie crust as above, then I spread Dijon mustard over it then cover it with sliced tomatoes, and add some (obligatory) herbs and olive oil. It's less effort and also looks very summery:
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Some favourite autumn-spring dishes: vegetable lasagna, chilaquiles, hachis parmentier with mashed pumpkin, fish brandade, potato-courgette gratin (with blue cheese)... Then winter is for comfort foods like camembert fondue, risotto, calzones, pumpkin-chestnut soup, and crêpes—the savoury kind with sarrasin flour, what we call galettes. I grew up eating a ton of fish and seafood but I've curbed this habit due to environmental worries—hence why I'd like to raise edible fish in my greenhouse tanks! I get to eat a lot of eggs thanks to my hens, but I don't eat meat very often—hardly ever in summer except if I'm invited for dinner at someone's house. Sometimes I buy a homemade duck terrine from my neighbour and have a tartine for apéritif. My cold-season dishes call for ham in galettes and chicken in chilaquiles / risotto / quesadillas, and I make my hachis parmentier with duck. But yeah soup / salad / 'ratatouille quiche' and pasta with veggie sauce are my staples.
This list lacks pasta, I eat a lot of pasta. But mostly in autumn and spring; I just prepare my sauce in summer and store it for later. I also prepare & freeze a lot of soup and vegetable mash in summer with my greenhouse harvests. I often eat green beans as a side with my crêpes or other winter dishes because they grow so fast and incessantly in summer, my freezer ends up stuffed with bags of green beans. My usual pasta sauce is pretty much the same ratatouille combo as above (minus the potatoes so it's less thick), sauté'ed in a pan with olive oil, I also add an egg, parmesan (sometimes extra blue cheese or emmental) and liquid cream, then blend everything. I have a lot of courgettes and tomatoes right now, industrial quantities of basil and rocket, and beautiful Ecuador purple chili, so I've been making lots of jars of this sauce and also my new basil-rocket-cashew pesto! October-me will be thankful.
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contlis12 · 1 year
Male Feedee and Genderless Feeder dark feederism short story
Cole groggily came to feelings his feeder lifting his legs with the straps they had installed in the bedroom after Cole had passed the 550 pound mark and changing and cleaning was becoming more of an issue. Pushing the massive parachute sized white underwear half way up his thighs ready to squeeze them past his sagging hips when they finally got him standing. As his feeder was slipping on his bariatric soft socks over his plump feet Cole asked almost nervously “why are you dressing me already? I haven’t even had my first feeding yet” his feeder just chuckled sweetly. “Oh we are going to do your breakfast out on the couch today, you are going to need the energy you’ll be busy today” they said rubbing lotion into the crevasses of Coles fat struggling to keep him from getting any bed rash or chub rub spending so long in bed and being so unhealthy and massively fat. Coles walk or more accurately waddle to the living room couch was eventful to say the least at one point Cole had broken down in tears begging to go to back to bed and that he couldn’t make it to the couch and had to be taken in his bariatric wheel chair the rest of the way to the couch. “There piggy I know this was hard and you are really cranky from being hungry so I’m going to make sure your belly is aching after this feast and you feel all better baby” and they weren’t exaggerating. Giant bowls heaped to the top with gravy and biscuits, greasy hashbrowns swimming in ketchup, even glazed doughnuts with slices of American cheese melted on the top of them. Coles feeder loved listening to him retch in pain so full his stomach is screaming to expel the food to make room and then greedily scarfing down the next bite making guttural gulping and snorts as he loses control plunging his mouth into the greasy low quality slop he’s been conditioned to love. After what seemed like hours Coles feeder had considered it satisfactory and let the pig stop eating and left in a messy ketchup and gravy covered mess. Grinning they came over and softly rubbed the sagging slab of fat that Coles gut had grown into a huge stretch mark covered waterfall of fat going nearly to his knees. “That’s such a good job piggy, I’m glad you ate plenty so you have the energy to entertain your friends tonight”. 
Coles already thudding heart started racing even faster as his food fogged brain started to realize what his feeder had just said. “Whu-what do you mean?” Cole stammered looking down at his feeder now with their head resting on his stomach looking  sweetly up at him. “Oh I invited your friends out to finally visit with you again, they all missed you so much so I kept up with them for you and set up a surprise visit honey” Coles mouth dropped open as he seen the glint in his feeders eyes as they drank in the absolute shock on his face. “I’m tired of you not giving me my due recognition Cole, you lay in my house pigging out all day eating up my money and you’ve never once told anybody how proud you were to be my piggy and grow for me. You try and hide that body I’ve grown and I’m due some respect and you to be a little more grateful” Cole began to let the words tumble out of his still open mouth “I-I-uh” his feeder puts a finger up to his lips. “Don’t speak because I don’t care, you need to learn how to give in this relationship and you are going to start by letting all your friends see what I’ve grown you into and how happy you are that I was kind enough to pick you for all this affection and time”. Cole hoped this was another role play scenario his feeder, there’s no way that this could be real. “They are going to be here in about 15 minutes or less. They texted me they were close to town towards the end of your breakfast. I was hoping to have you better dressed but there’s no way we could even get you into the bathroom that fast much less cleaned up and I need to welcome everyone in since you can’t open the door or really do anything but sit there and eat ofcourse” Coles eyes widened as he looked down and seen his massive exposed food stained body. His underwear were almost completely swallowed by his cascading waterfall of fat his body had turned into, if you didn’t look close you’d assume him nude. “Please you can’t do this to me! I can’t face people I used to know in this state!” Cole wailed eyes streaming tears that mixed with the ketchup staining his bloated fat puffy cheeks. “Oh I can’t? Okay Cole go walk to the bedroom and get yourself dressed” his feeder said coldly armed crossed smiling. “I can’t! You know I can’t!” His feeder walked over looming over him sitting on the couch “exactly so stop telling me what we are going to do piggy! You are going to learn your place, you are out of control princess!” They said grinning ear to ear at this point. “Now beg me, ask me like a pathetic hog since you’ve ate your manners away with your self control”. “Please I’m sorry can I get cleaned up and clothes” he said angry and totally mentally drained at this point knowing this wasn’t going to stop. “No” his feeder immediately replied “you are going to learn to respect me piggy, but I’ll let you have a shirt”.
Coles three closets friends all pilled out of the van they’d rode in from the airport in. “I can’t believe Coles partner paid for all our tickets here and everything! I mean seriously that guy is lucky to have a partner with those kind of expenses.” Mike said to Kayla “Yeah nice house too, must have been an old couples or something before. There aren’t even steps just a wheel chair ramp”. “I’m just glad to see the guy again, it’s been over two years since he moved out here with them and he barely kept touch. Honestly kind of annoying” Danny said following them up the ramp. “Oh stop Danny, you know how life can be. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it, at least the old gang is back for a few days!” Kayla said as she rung the door bell on the large oversized double door that seemed way too big for a suburban single level home. Coles feeder answered the door “Hey guys! Hope the flight wasn’t too bad” as they helped them bring everyones bags in. “No not at all, so where’s Cole? I can’t wait to see him!” Kayla said looking at the kitchen that’s as near the entrance to the home. Where those funnels on the wall? Surprising that they are still doing beer bongs at this point but who is Kayla to judge, they all used to party with Cole alot. Coles feeder smiles “oh he’s in the living room watching tv” as she points to the next room. Kayla is the first to walk into the living room and Danny walls face first into her back as she completely stops in her tracks “what the hell Kayla?” He starts to say as he hears Kayla say “Cole? Cole?” And I raspy breathy voice responds “yea hi Kayla” Danny peers around her shoulders to see Cole and nearly drops his jaw on the floor as he accidentally lets a “oh my god” without even realizing he had said it out loud. Looking at what he is told is his old friend he can’t believe it. He wasn’t even sure if the thing melting into that couch was male. Coles huge stretch mark stomach hung obscenely out of the too small shirt his feeder had pulled over his torso that barley even covered his belly button. “Yeah I kind of gained a lot of weight” Cole said staring down at the floor to embarrassed to even meet his friends eyes “uhh yeah you’ve gained some weight” Mike said finally after standing silently behind the other two “are you doing okay buddy?” He said walking towards the pile of fat that spilled off the sagging couch. “Yeah I just have a- I have an eating disorder I think” he said nervously. His feeder stepped into the room behind them “Cole has had some issues in the past we are trying to work on and even spoke about this morning but let’s not worry about that now. You guys are old friends! Sit down please you guys need to catch up!” Coles feeder said putting a hand on Mikes shoulder “he always talked about you guys so much”. The three friends looked at each other concerned before Mike spoke up “ofcourse no need to dwell on this negative stuff I’m just happy we are all together. It’s always good to see old friends”.
The evening had gone well until the pizza Coles feeder had ordered had arrived. His feeder had came in the room with a tv tray and a few boxes of pizza as they started laying slice after slice of pizza in a large dinner bowl. “I got you the extreme pepperoni lovers with extra extra cheese you like honey, I know you are starving. Let me get your ranch” coming in the room with a huge bottle of ranch Coles friends stare in amazement as Coles feeder starts squirting messy cup fulls of ranch all over the pizza that was messily thrown into the bowl
“Now eat fast because you have a lot more to finish babe” they say as they give Coles belly a hard open palmed smack after filling the bowl to the max. “Do you really think he should be eating that?” Mike says as Coles feeder starts walking back to the kitchen. “Excuse me?” Coles feeder says still holding the massive bottle of ranch. “I said do you think he should eat all of that?” Mike said pointing at Cole. “I mean seriously what was that? Look at that pile of cheese and ranch! You are killing him!” Mike says raising his voice.  Kayla puts a hand on his arm “Mike” as he pulls away. “No Kayla it isn’t right! They are killing him and enabling him with this weird fucking fetish! Look at him!”. Danny stands up beside Mike “He’s right Kayla, it’s obvious this is some weird feeder kink thing and they are enabling Cole. This is just as bad as somebody handing an alcoholic beer Kayla.” Coles feeder puts their hands on their hips and surveys them all. “Do you think he doesn’t want this? Coles happier than he has ever been being my feedee” they walk over squirting an even more obscene amounts of ranch on his pizza as they grin at Coles friends “Do you want more piggy?” Coles feeder coos pinching Coles double chin “or maybe your friends are right maybe we should put you on a diet” Cole weakly clutches at his feeders shirt “please feed me I’m so hungry piggy wants more” Coles feeder picks up a messy handful of the ranch covered pizza and holds it up to his nose. In a moment Cole is digging his face into the messy pizza slop making obscene oinking and gasps “feed me please I’m a good piggy grow my belly!” Feeling his feeders fingers push the pizza over his tongue.
Mike huffs in disgust “fine, I’m not being a part of this weird fetish bullshit. Have fun eating yourself to death Cole. I really hope you get some help but I think you are too far gone” as he walks into the entryway grabbing his bag and walking to the street “I’m calling an Uber”. Danny stands without saying anything besides “Bye Cole” and following Mike out to the porch. Kayla walks over absolutely disgusted about what is happening before her “Cole please, we can get you help. You aren’t going to live like this. You aren’t happy, you can’t be” Coles feeder pulls the slop away from his face “what do you think honey ready to leave me and get help?”. Coles eyes roll as he looks at Kayla’s distraught and disgusted face “Piggy needs feeding tube, so hungry” is all Cole moans in response. Coles feeder grins at Kayla “want to help”. Kayla looks at Cole one last time “Fuck you” she says to Coles feeder before looking down at Cole “bye Cole, good luck” before walking out of the front double door to join her friends waiting for their Uber as she wonders if Cole will even be able to fit out of them by the next year.
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dorabledewdroop · 7 months
The White Healer Chapter 3
Summary: Reader is introduced to the avengers and is in for a delightful surprise.
Warnings: Slight Smut. Anxiety.
Series Masterlist
You weren’t entirely certain who was fussing over you more, Natasha or Wanda. Both seemed to have a difference in opinion when it came to what you should wear. Natasha suggested some fitting jeans and a crop top while Wanda was suggesting some denim shorts and an off-shoulder cardigan. To be honest, neither appealed to you much seeing as you’d be leaving shortly.. The thought saddened you for some reason. You had only spent maybe half an hour with everyone (half of which was with the two in front of you. Not that you were complaining), yet you knew you wanted to spend more time with them. Sighing you stood up from the bed. Both stopped arguing and looked at you inquisitively.
“So, which one do you like more?” Wanda asked eagerly.
“Yeah, whose style is better?” Natasha challenged.
Rolling your eyes you walked past both of them and picked out a simple T-shirt and sweatpants and walked into the bathroom to change. Opting to look in the opposite direction of the mirror, you changed and folded the scrubs neatly. Deciding to put them in the laundry basket. You stepped out and faltered when you saw both of them glaring at you.
Why is that so fucking hot- No. NO. y/n control yourself. You are not going down that road. You-
“I have to say, you could’ve done better” Natasha said.
“It’s the comfiest option. Besides, I’ll be mail these back to you the moment I get home” you said placatingly.
The two glanced at each other, then looked back at you.
“Y/N I-“
A loud knock interrupted whatever Wanda was going to say.
“Are you girls done playing dress up? The food is here already” You heard Pietro yell from outside the room.
Huffing and calling her brother some colourful names in Sokovian, Wanda started towards the door, you and Natasha just behind her.
The conversation seemed to stop abruptly the moment you entered the room. All eyes on you once again. You were considering apologising for existing and leave when you felt a soft hand on your lower back. You instinctively knew it was Wanda’s and you resisted the urge to lean into her hand. Seriously, what was wrong with you? You’ve never acted that way with anyone.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled your nerves and sat at one end of the table. It seemed a little odd as everyone was more on the opposite side but you didn’t know whom to sit next to. The next thing you new Wanda and Natasha had sit down on either side of you. Something you were extremely grateful for.
“Right. So.. um.. Let’s eat?” Steve suggested. 
Immediately everyone opened up the tower of pizza boxes and grabbed a slice. You prayed they had a vegetarian option because all you could see was pepperoni other meaty options. Without hesitation, Wanda passed you a plate with a slice of plain cheese pizza.
“Thank you. It’s like you read my mind” You said off-handedly as you took the plate.
Pietro choked on his bite and Nat patted his back with a smirk on her face.
Thor looked at you in question as he shoved two slices into his mouth simultaneously.
You simply shrugged and stated by how you were vegetarian. Tony froze and immediately spoke out loud “FRIDAY please remember that y/n is a vegetarian”
You looked at him quizzically. Why would it matter-
“Understood boss.” Came a female voice from somewhere.
You stopped mid bite and looked up at the ceiling.
“God?” You wondered out loud.
“Yes?” Thor replied immediately.
Everyone burst out into laughter as you chuckled, completely embarrassed.
“That’s Tony’s AI, ‘Friday’. Anything you need, it can help you do” Bruce stated.
Your eyes widened.
“AI? Like Artificial Intelligence? Like genuine artificial intelligence” You asked.
Confused, Bruce nodded.
You gasped, turned to Tony who was just as confused as Bruce was.
“Oh my god that’s amazing. You could use the AI’s interface as an introductory step to the analysis of anything and everything?? Or you could connect it to modern appliances and provide a level of comfort for those with disabilities?? Or you could use it to efficiently calculate the resources required to provide food to the population? Or- um.. Never mind. Sorry” You shrank in your seat. 
Once again, all eyes were on you as you had finished your rant.
“That.. um.. Yeah. We could use it for that.” Tony said, looking a little sheepish. “But at the moment we’re.. um.. using it-“
“we’re using it to order dinner” Bruce finished, looking equally sheepish.
You just stared at them. Of all the possible ways a successful AI could help this world.. They used it to.. order takeout?
Steve cleared his throat.
“Anyway” he started “Clint told us that during the fight in Sokovia, you had healed the injured?”
You shifted your gaze from Tony to Steve and nodded, confused.
“Would it be okay if we ask you a little about it? Just the extent of your abilities?” He inquired
Nodding once again, you prepared yourself for the upcoming conversation.
“Could you tell us a little about your abilities?” Natasha asked gently.
Clearing your throat, you began “So my abilities are essentially healing. I can heal anything and everything. Short of death? I think? I’m not sure. I’ve never tried. It feels a little disrespectful to go against the natural order of things. It’s not limited to humans, I can heal animals, plants (kind of?). It doesn’t matter how severe the injury is. If you lose an arm, I can heal you so it grows back. If you’re shot, I’ll heal you and the bullets just.. pop out of your body. And um, I can heal myself too? No matter what injury it is, I can heal it. Anything with a soul, I can heal.”
Everyone looked at you impressed, Clint and Pietro merely nodded along already having witnessed it first hand.
“What about gods? Could you heal us?” Thor inquired.
You nodded.
“I’ve never tried to heal a god, but I can heal anything with a soul” you said
“That settles it” Tony said, standing up and walking towards you. “Welcome to the Avengers.”
Your eyes widened.
“Um what? No. I can’t- join the avengers?? I- I have work to do? I’m a- a bartender?” You stammered.
Tony looked at you unimpressed. “We’ll pay you. Your starting salary can be $300k per yea-“
“I’m in” you said determined, causing everyone to burst into laughter. You smiled sheepishly.
Everyone started get up as soon as they realised the matter was settled. Some said they were heading to the game room, while other’s said they’d workout. Everyone made sure to welcome you to the avengers and patted your shoulder as they filed out.
Pietro’s eyes lit up as he had an idea.
“Let me show you to your room, y/n” He said
Wanda and Natasha shot up. Wanda put her hand on your shoulder.
“That’s alright Piet.” She said. “We’ll show her to her new room”
Smirking, Pietro raised his hands in surrender and disappeared.
Your stood up startled.
“Did he just? Teleport? I remember seeing him vanish in Sokovia too” you asked as you followed Wanda and Natasha towards the living quarters.
Natasha chuckled “No, he has an increased metabolism and an improved thermal homeostasis”
You squealed excitedly, “So he’s fast as fuck then. Wow, I wonder what it would feel like to move around while time almost stands still”
Wanda looked at you in surprise.
Your gaze shifted from Natasha to her and you asked whether Wanda had any abilities.
Natasha briefly looked at Wanda and looked away. Wanda on the other hand looked almost guilty or afraid. Seeing her hesitation you quickly assured her that she didn’t have to tell you if she wasn’t comfortable.
“No it’s not that. I just.. don’t want you to by scared of me” She said, not meeting your eye.
By now the three of you had entered your new room but you weren’t paying any attention to that. Your attention was solely on the gorgeous brunette in front of you.
“I highly doubt anything about you would scare me, Wands” you said softly. 
Her head shot up at you and blushed slightly at the nickname. You took her hands in yours and encouraged her. She took a deep breath and started. 
“I can move t.hings with my mind. I can also read minds and control them if I want.” She said. She waited for the rejection that never came. All you did was rub her knuckles gently. 
She looked at you confused. Were you not upset? Weren’t you scared of her?
“I don’t want to ruin the moment but that’s incredibly fucking cool” you said softly. Your tone not matching what you said.
Natasha huffed out a laugh. Wanda, however, was not convinced.
“I- I did things. I hurt the team. I wanted to hurt them.” She started.
You just smiled.
“You’ve more than made up for it, I think” you said.
Natasha smiled at the interaction, nodding in agreement.
“And hey, you’re more than welcome in my mind anytime” You said, bumping shoulders with her.
Wanda frowned. “Are you sure? Aren’t you scared that I’ll read your mind? That I’ll control it or make you see things” she asked.
You shook your head.
“I know I’ve only known both of you for half a day but I already trust you with my life” You said simply.
“Thank you” Wanda whispered. “That means a lot to me”
You brought her in for a hug. She immediately relaxed. She smelled like vanilla. It was incredibly comforting. Eventually, you turned to Natasha, motioning her to join the hug. She rolled her eyes but joined the hug.
“You’re aware I was raised as an assasssin, right?” She said pointedly.
You just hugged the both of them tighter.
“Y’all are so fucking cool” You mumbled to yourself.
A while later, much to your disappointment, they bid farewell as they wanted to get ready for some team building exercises. Something you were apparently invited to. Nodding said bye.
As soon as the two of them stepped out they held hands.
“That woman sure is something” Natasha said with a content sigh.
Wanda giggled and nodded her head. Natasha raised her eyebrow.
“Got something to say Wands” she teased
Wanda in turn shoved her rolling her eyes.
“Nothing to say, princess” Wanda retorted.
Narrowing her eyes, Natasha grabbed Wanda’s arm and shoved her into the wall. Wanda’s breath hitched at the action. Causing Natasha to smirk and step closer until their noses were touching.
“Careful what you say, detka. Don’t forget whose in charge” Natasha husked out, slotting her leg between Wanda’s thighs.
Wanda whimpered and crashed her lips into Natasha’s. Natasha, in turn, bit Wanda’s lower lip causing wanda to gasp. Allowing Natasha to put her tongue in Wanda’s mouth. A soft moan left Wanda’s throat as she fisted Natasha’s t-shirt. Heat starting to pool in Wanda’s belly.
“Shhh kotenok. We don’t want y/n to hear how much of a slut you are, do you” Natasha whispered right next to Wanda’s ear, biting the lobe gently. Wanda shivered in return. Not realising that she had already started to rub her core against Natasha’s thigh, pleasure slowly made it’s way up Wanda’s body. Before they could go any further, your door opened.
“Oh by the way could someone show me where the team building activity is-“ You stopped in your tracks as you looked at what was going on. Wanda was breathing heavy, looking absolutely delicious. Your eyes widened and you backed up into your room and slammed your door shut after letting out an apology.
Wanda came to her senses and shoved her hand onto her face. Natasha on the other hand just chuckled.
“Guess the cat’s out of the bad” She said. “Come on, lets go somewhere where I can take care of you”
Wanda gulped and nodded. While she was embarrassed, she was also extremely turned on at the thought of you watching what happened. Grabbing Nat’s hand she dragged her to her room to finish what Nat had started.
In your room you were absolutely flustered. Your arousal at an all time high. Seeing those two in that position was exactly what worked for you. You fell into your bed. Unable to help yourself, your hands roamed your body, Touching yourself in places that felt oh so good.
These two were going to be the death of you
@marvelwomen-simp @nothanksbye07 @jono723 @luadyjcmd @alexawynters
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rorywritesjunk · 11 months
So let's set out to sea, love, 'cause you are my medicine
Buggy has another frustrating day so you cook him some comfort food.
Rating: Eh, PG13 just to be safe. Warning: Just Buggy being whiny, is that a warning? Food cooks. Cheese gets grated. Buggy just feels appreciated but also mopes. Apparently I just want Buggy to have a bad day and be taken care of. A/N: Had fun writing this and it was hard not to post it immediately. I wanted to wait a bit. Title comes from "On Melancholy Hill" by Gorillaz.
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The amount of yelling coming from inside the tent was worrisome. You debated whether you needed to investigate to make sure Buggy didn’t string up one of his freaks again because they missed their cue or the lighting was bad. He took rehearsal seriously and had no issue punishing anyone who he thought messed something up. It wasn’t pleasant, but you knew he was a perfectionist.
You were mostly safe from his screaming while you were in the kitchen. It’s not like you were hiding out there while your boyfriend screamed and shouted through rehearsal. You just happened to be making a grocery list and just as you were finishing up you heard the first bits of screaming and decided that maybe you needed to make sure the pots and pans were spotless just in case Buggy decided that was a problem.
The kitchen was only safe for ten minutes before Hurricane Buggy literally stormed in, kicking the door open before kicking a chair out of his way. You remained at the sink, scrubbing a large pot while he had his tantrum. You knew it was best to let him get it out of his system first before you intervened, and going by how he kicked the table, only to swear and stomp away from it after stubbing his toes, you decided he needed a comforting meal to feel better.
It was a good thing you cleaned the large pot because you filled it with water before placing it on the stove and turning on the burner. Buggy had grabbed the chair he had kicked away, pulled it back over, and sat himself down at the table he had already injured himself on. He crossed his arms in front of him and laid them on the table, his chin resting on his arms as he watched you move around. He saw you grab certain ingredients and if he wasn’t so frustrated he would have perked up at the anticipation of what you were making.
Instead he needed to feel frustrated for a bit longer.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what’s wrong?” He asked sulkily. “I thought girlfriends were supposed to look after their boyfriends when they’re upset.”
You salted the water as it heated up and put the lid on the pot. You turned to face him, wiping your hands on a dish towel as you smiled at him. “What’s wrong, Buggy?” 
He huffed in annoyance. “They keep fucking up out there. Everything starts to go well and then someone misses their mark, or there’s no dancing lion, or everything just goes to shit! How hard is it to hit your mark? I’m not asking for much, just asking for something like that!”
“Hm, that is frustrating.” You agreed as you tossed the towel over your shoulder. He watched you as you grabbed a spoon,  pepper, and some garlic powder. His foot started tapping impatiently on the floor as you set the items on the counter near the stove and checked the water. It wasn’t boiling just yet, and he wished it would hurry up. “I’m sorry it’s been frustrating today.”
He moved his arms off the table and let his head thunk against the hard surface. He looked pathetic, honestly, but you wouldn’t say that to his face. Instead you walked over to him and stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders gently as he shut his eyes, wanting to sink into your touch and forget everything that was driving him crazy that day. 
“Hey, wanna help me make dinner?” You asked as you leaned down to kiss the top of his head. “I’m making one of your favorites and I think it tastes better when you help.”
He didn’t really want to. He wanted to mope and whine some more, but if he helped it meant being close to you, and he liked that. You also wore that cute apron with the little green frogs on it that you bought shortly after joining his crew whenever you were cooking. Reluctantly, he nodded and stood up from the table. Sure enough, you were grabbing your apron down off the hook, placing the top straps over your head before securing it behind you. He walked over to you and reached out to touch the fabric, rubbing it between two fingers while you smiled up at him.
“You really like this one, you know. I should get you your own next time I go out.” You mused as you went to grab the cutting board and knife. “Now, do you want to be on noodle duty or do you want to cut up the hot dogs?”
He just shrugged, obviously still upset and mopey, so you gave him the bag of noodles and directed him to keep an eye on the water and to add the noodles when it started boiling. He knew how to make this dish. He helped you plenty of times, and while he was the Captain, used to telling others what to do, you knew that he also liked it when you bossed him around from time to time. 
Buggy kept looking between the boiling water and you. You had a pack of hot dogs open and were busy cutting two at a time, tossing the chunks into a bowl. Your skill with knives in the kitchen was impressive. Always smooth motions, the blade moving fast in your hand while the other guided the knife along the ingredients. He suggested once you perform knife tricks for his show, but cooking didn't really translate well for an audience in an arena.
He had also suggested you juggle the knives while cutting up vegetables in between each pass, but when you demonstrated your coordination by attempting to juggle three tomatoes and you both watched them fall to the ground, he decided to forgo the knife juggling act for you.
Once the water was boiling, he took the lid off and ripped open the package of pasta, dumping its contents into the pot. It was his favorite kind, pasta shaped like little stars. You bought it especially for him when he needed a pick-me-up. You always kept a bag or two on hand just in case, and he appreciated it. It was those little gestures like that that made him realize how much you cared for him. 
The hotdogs were ready and you needed to grate cheese next. You grabbed blocks of two different kinds and grabbed the grater, humming softly to yourself as you went to work. Deciding that the pasta would be fine without him staring at it for the entire ten minutes, Buggy came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head as he watched you work. You adjusted your position just a bit, wanting him to be comfortable as you grated the cheese onto a plate. Once you had enough, you picked up a few bits and held it up for him as a snack. He took it without hesitation.
“How’s the pasta?” You asked as you started on the next block. You always grated more than you knew you needed for the recipe, knowing that Buggy would put extra on the already cheesy pasta. “How long has it been going for?”
“Just a few minutes.” He mumbled as he continued watching, hugging you tighter as the mountain of cheese got bigger. “I’ll check on it in a minute.”
“Mm, it needs to be stirred to keep from sticking together.” You reminded him as you held up another bit of cheese for him. “Can you go check on it please?”
The way you asked was just so damn kind and gentle. He didn’t deserve you. He reluctantly pulled away from you and went back over to the stove, sticking the spoon into the boiling water and giving the pasta a few stirs. It had started to clump a bit, so he tried his best to break it all up. 
You came over to him and took the spoon from his hand, giving it a few more stirs. “How long now?”
“Um, just a few minutes left, I think?” He wasn’t too sure. You captured a few of the noodles on the spoon and drained off excess water. You blew on it carefully, not wanting it to be too hot, before you held it up for him to try. He picked the bits of pasta off the spoon and tried it, making a bit of a face when he bit into the almost cooked pasta. “Yea, definitely a few more minutes. It’s nearly there.”
“Perfect, let’s add the hot dogs then.” You said as you nudged him out of the way and began to carefully toss in the chopped up bits of hotdog into the boiling water. “And once it’s all done, we’ll drain the water and mix in the cheeses.” You looked up at him with a smile. “Sounds good, right?”
He nodded and moved behind you once more, resuming his previous position of wrapping his arms around you as you worked. You were fine with it, especially because he didn’t get in the way. He was also just a bit taller than you, so he had no issue lifting the heavy pot of boiling water to dump it out if you asked him, whereas you sometimes struggled with it. You turned to look up at him, still smiling.
“Almost done, Buggy.” You told him. “Why don't you go sit down and I’ll bring you a plate?”
He nodded but didn’t move from his spot. He didn’t want to, because you were just being so damn kind and loving to him that he was starting to have thoughts of what he did to deserve you, because he sure as hell didn’t do this kind of stuff for you. What had he done to deserve this love and affection you had for him? You just knew what he needed when he needed it, and he didn’t even know that about himself. He just knew to react, to yell and scream about the problem, and you just looked at him and knew how to make him feel better. 
“Buggy?” Your voice shook him from his thoughts and he swallowed heavily and looked down at you. You reached up and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him down for a kiss. He let you, wrapping his arms back around you as you moved from his lips to the rest of his face, peppering kisses all over, and when you were done, you pressed three to his nose, lingering a moment before pulling back to finish up with the food. He was a little dazed from all that so you shooed him away to go sit down. 
He did as he was told and sat back at the table, watching you drain the pasta (with a bit of a struggle but you didn’t ask for his help), mix in half of the cheese into the pasta and hotdog mix, season it with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and then serve a big helping of it onto a plate for him. You brought it over and set it in front of him before grabbing the extra cheese and a fork for him. Finally, you brought him a beer and sat down next to him, smiling as you reached over to touch his cheek.
“Eat up, Buggy.” 
He nodded and picked up his fork, looking down at his plate. “Thanks, babe.”
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likkolo · 5 months
buon appetito
summary: Felix takes Changbin out for Italian food 🤭
contains feeding/eating, public humiliation, and fat changbin hehe
“Anything else I can get you, sir?”
Felix looks up at the server, and it hits Changbin all over again that Felix is gorgeous. Glowing bare skin, a dusting of adorable freckles. The innocent openness in his expression that instantly draws people in. He’s so beautiful, and Changbin is down bad.
“I think—” Felix’s voice is strong, confident. There’s a sort of calm self-assuredness to him that Changbin only sees when they travel to English-speaking countries. Felix quickly glances around the table, assessing the spread of various dishes. “Another order of carbonara, please.”
The server is professionally polite as she gives him a slightly tight smile. “I’ll have that right out for you.”
Changbin’s cheeks warm. He knows Felix is ordering all this food for him. Felix stopped eating nearly an hour ago, and since then it’s just been Changbin demolishing plate after plate, all on his own. He knows he should stop, get a grip on himself instead of being a complete glutton in public, but it’s so hard to ignore how badly he just wants to eat. 
It doesn’t help that Felix isn’t exactly consulting him before he decides to order another dish. If Felix were to ask first, Changbin would have a fighting chance at saying no. But Felix just keeps ordering more, and Changbin is helpless to resist.
Changbin so frequently feels helpless when it comes to Felix. 
He prides himself on being smooth, on having game. He’s a shameless flirt who knows how to charm someone he’s interested in. Except Felix, who leaves him feeling bashful and shy. Felix, who only has to flash a sweet smile to have Changbin eating out of the palm of his hand. And probably eating this Italian restaurant out of business.
“Excuse me,” Felix is saying. “Could I get some more bread, please?”
He’s not even speaking to the server assigned to their table. He’s flagged down another server, because their bread situation is apparently dire, despite the chunk of bread they still have left.
Felix pushes it towards him. “Eat up, hyung,” he says, in Korean. “There’s fresh bread coming.”
Changbin’s stomach is painfully full, but it still flip-flops at the firm way Felix tells him to eat. To stuff himself, because there’s no way Felix can't tell that he’s already full.
Changbin takes the bread. He slathers it in butter and shoves it in his mouth. 
He could swear that food tastes better when Felix tells him to eat it.
The pasta arrives shortly after, and Felix requests a mountain of cheese to be grated over top of it. Then the server clears away a stack of empty dishes, leaving room for Felix to move the carbonara right in front of Changbin. 
“I don’t know how much of this I can eat,” Changbin admits, looking up at him. “I’m so full.”
Felix gives him a bright smile. “You say that now,” he says. “But I know you. Once you start eating, you won’t want to stop until you’ve finished everything in front of you.”
Changbin’s breath hitches. Maybe he should take offense at Felix’s words, but he just feels slightly dizzy instead. How can he object when it sounds just like the lines Changbin assigns to his partners in his fantasies? It’s the exact sort of thing he craves to be told by the nebulous face he conjures in his imagination as he eats with one hand and jacks off with the other.
A nebulous face, of course, that just so happens to have the most beautiful freckles.
His cock is stirring with interest beneath the bulge of his distended gut. He always gets a little bit hard when he overeats, but having Felix in front of him while it happens, just saying things like that—
“Come on, hyung-ah,” Felix coaxes. “Be a good boy and show me how much you can eat for me.”
Changbin wants to moan, wants to roll his hips to force the weight of his belly down on his erection. Instead he just reaches for his fork and begins to twirl it in the pasta, all too aware of how much his cheeks are burning.
“Aww,” Felix coos, looking genuinely charmed by the blush on Changbin’s cheeks. “Did I fluster you? You’re so cute, hyung.”
Changbin is—shockingly—at a loss for words. He’s so used to being in control, regardless of whether his gregarious flirting is accepted or not. And Felix has always liked to feed him, something Changbin chalked up to Felix being a sweet and giving person. But Changbin is quickly starting to feel very out of his depths here. Felix has encouraged him to eat before, but it was never like this. Telling him to take the last slice of pizza—that’s one thing. But this? 
Felix must sense his bewilderment. His smile fades, but he scoots closer to Changbin’s side of the table. They’re in a corner booth with a bench that stretches around the table, so Felix can come as close as he likes. He settles right beside Changbin and leans into him.
“Eat up, piggy,” Felix says. His voice is low so that only Changbin will hear it, even though he’s speaking Korean. “I know you like eating with such a full belly. Feeling how packed and swollen you are as you keep shoving more into your mouth. It hurts, but it feels good too, doesn’t it?”
‘What’s going on here?’ Changbin wants to ask. ‘What are we doing? What are you doing?’ But a part of him is afraid that if he asks questions then the spell will be broken. Felix will back off, and whatever they’re doing will go back to being something Changbin can only experience in his fantasies.
So Changbin picks up his fork and stares down at the plate in front of him. “But I’m too full,” he whines, turning to pout at Felix. “I do want to, but… I really don’t think I can.”
“Let’s see if I can help you out a little then.”
Felix holds Changbin’s gaze as he reaches over. His hand lands on the lower bulge of Changbin's belly, and Changbin flinches slightly. He’s no stranger to having hands on his tummy—the members have been patting, rubbing, even jiggling his belly for years—but it’s been different since he got so big. The cute little tummy he used to have has ballooned into a thick double belly, large enough now for the lower roll to push out into his lap. He’s gotten fat, and every touch is a mortifying reminder of that fact.
Never mind that it also sends a jolt of electricity sizzling down his spine. He’s embarrassed, yeah, but he can’t help thinking it’s exciting too. The fantasies he has, the things he hasn’t been able to keep himself from thinking about, ever since he was a teenager—
“God, you’re such a cutie,” Felix coos. “Haven’t you realized there’s nothing to be embarrassed about? Not with me.”
Changbin just gapes at him. It’s an answer to his questions, and yet it leaves so much unexplained.
But he can’t think when Felix’s hands have begun to rub in soothing circles across the lower bulge of his belly. The light pressure on his swollen stomach feels amazing, even though the bloat hurts the most in his upper belly. He knows Felix can’t touch him there right now, since the table wouldn’t hide his ministrations.
Then Felix’s hand travels even lower, down to where Changbin’s belly meets his thighs inside of his jeans. Now that he’s bigger, he wears his jeans with the waistband around the middle of his double belly, so that the upper roll is free while the lower roll gets zipped up into his pants. It creates the look of a big protrusion bulging from inside his jeans, but it apparently also draws Felix’s hand like a magnet. Changbin shivers as slender fingers dance across the coarse fabric, prodding at the doughy fat just beneath.
Changbin’s cock twitches at the sensation. He so desperately wants Felix to lift his belly, to delve between his fat thighs and find the aching cock hidden in all of his bulk. But then he realizes that that means Felix would discover how much Changbin is turned on by all of this, how attracted he is to Felix, how much he wants it. Then again, could things have gotten this far if Felix didn’t feel at least somewhat similarly?
And really, Changbin should have picked up on the signals a long time ago. He has nothing to say for himself, except that he knows he can be dense about things like this sometimes.
That’s when the server reappears at their table. “How are we doing?” she asks. She looks down at the nearly-full plate of pasta in front of Changbin. “Do we need a box?”
“Hmm,” Felix hums. “No, I don’t think so. If we took it in a box, he’d probably be eating it with his hands by the time we got to the car.”
The server hesitates, and Changbin’s ears burn. He looks up at Felix because he’s too embarrassed to look at the server. And then Changbin twitches as Felix slides his hand back up the curve of his gut to the crease between his belly rolls. Felix’s fingers shove into the achingly tight waistband of his jeans, and Changbin tries not to whine at the sensation of finally having Felix’s touch on his bare skin.
“He didn’t get this big by not cleaning his plate,” Felix continues. His tone is cheeky, conspiratorial. As if Changbin’s immense size is an inside joke that they're both in on. Changbin wants to melt into the booth and disappear, despite the way his groin aches in arousal at the humiliation.
“Well, um.” The server politely keeps her eyes fixed on Felix, maybe supposing she can save Changbin further embarrassment if she just doesn’t look at him. “Do we want the bill next, then? Or…” She falters, daring to glance at Changbin and then back at Felix. “Should I bring a dessert menu?”
Changbin makes a noise in his throat. He desperately hopes that Felix won’t move on to stuffing him with a round of desserts. The idea is incredible, of course, but for another time. Right now, he truly doesn’t think he could manage it.
“Wow, dessert,” Felix says thoughtfully. His fingers, still tucked into Changbin’s waistband, slide along the skin until they stop at the closure of his fly. “I guess I should have considered that before I ordered you another plate of pasta, huh, dwaeji?”
“The pasta is enough, Lixie,” Changbin pleads weakly. “I really can’t eat more.”
“It’s a tough call,” Felix says to the server. “He’s had a lot already, but I know he’ll eat anything with chocolate.”
“No, I—” Then Changbin freezes. Felix’s fingers are suddenly on the button of his fly, the thumb and pointer finger coming together in a position that can only mean he’s about to—
The button pops free, and Changbin gasps as his gut surges forward. The force of it breaks apart the teeth of the zipper, allowing the fat to overtake the ruined fly as it spills over his pants and into his lap. His belly suddenly seems to be everywhere—between his legs, on his thighs, even threatening to budge onto the tabletop.
Changbin has never been more embarrassed, and yet he's so much more comfortable than he was before. The worst of the ache in his stomach has eased, and he can finally breathe more deeply.
“Felix…” he murmurs helplessly.
He risks a look down at himself, but he only sees the arc of his belly, covered by his black T-shirt. A flood of relief washes over him at the knowledge that the tabletop kept everything hidden from sight. The server must know what happened—though she probably thinks Changbin just popped his button with the sheer force of his distended stomach—but at least she can’t see that Changbin’s naked underbelly is now hanging into his lap. 
Then, with a creeping sense of shame, Changbin realizes that he's ready to eat a little more now.
The server looks back and forth between the two of them, clearly unsure of what to make of the situation.
“You know what,” Felix says, effortlessly taking control once again. “Let’s see the dessert menu. I have a feeling this one will be able to manage it after all.”
“Y-yeah,” Changbin says weakly. “I think I could.”
“Then I’ll be right back with that for you,” the server says tightly, before hurrying away.
Then they’re alone in their booth again, and Felix begins to work his hands over the expanse of Changbin’s tender belly. “Hyung is so good for me,” he coos. “Eating everything I ordered for him and even asking for dessert.”
Changbin savors the praise as he melts into the soothing touch.
“But don’t forget,” Felix says, with a sudden edge to his voice. “You still have to finish your plate of pasta.”
Changbin shivers and picks up his fork. “Yes, Felix,” he says, and begins to eat.
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 4
Part 3 / AO3 Link
Steve nearly felt guilty over how excited he was. Robin had been right, it had been a while since he'd been out. He and Mr. Munson (no, it was Eddie whenever they weren't at school) had arranged for a date the day after Thanksgiving. And Steve was counting down the days. He was thinking of it as he put the turkey in the oven (just a breast, a whole thing was too much for just him and Shawn), he was thinking of it as they both said what they were grateful for, when they sat down for pie, ice cream, and Charlie Brown.
The only time Steve didn't really think about it was when Shawn fell asleep on the couch and had to be carried to bed. He tucked him in, scenting him and then kissing his forehead. It wasn't like they were lacking in quality time, since it was only the two of them, but having a whole day together like this felt special.
Still, the next evening he happily dropped Shawn off at one of his friend's house for a sleepover. Robin would have volunteered but she was still out of town with her family.
Once his pup was taken care of, Steve returned home to prepare. Getting ready for a date was like stepping into a well loved shirt, familiar, comfortable, and nostalgic. He had missed this. Styling his hair not just to be professional, but to turn heads. Picking out jeans that he knew showed off his round ass and thinking very hard about how much of his neck should he let show. How close should he let Eddie get tonight?
Then he remembered the scheduled activity and decided to wrap a scarf around his neck. He imagined a very tantalizing scene where he unwrapped it seductively and brought the alpha to his knees. Eddie picked him up at 8 o'clock on the dot.
"Your chariot awaits", Eddie said, holding out his arm.
It was all very cordial and Steve was smitten. Eddie led him to his van and opened the passenger side door for him. Now Steve got them started with small talk not just because it was comfortable and expected, but he also had the idea in his head that he shouldn't spend the night talking about his kids. Not his birth pup nor the ones he taught. He knew he was guilty of gushing and not everyone cared to the extent he did about the children he saw everyday.
The small talk got them all the way to the venue, during which Steve learned Eddie's closest family was his uncle, his favorite part of the meal had been mac and cheese, and that he also watched Charlie Brown for the holiday.
"Shawn's turkey came out looking really good", Steve complimented as they walked inside the skating rink. It had been hanging on their fridge since he brought it home.
"Thanks", Eddie said, genuinely appreciating the compliment. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm goin' through the instructions too fast or without enough detail for some of them but when most come out well, I figure hey, maybe I'm actually good at my job."
They went to the counter and got their ice skates, then sat down to lace them up. Steve hadn't gone in a few years, he wanted to take Shawn sometimes but wasn't sure if he was ready for it. "Ready?", he asked, holding out a hand.
"Y-yeah", Eddie wobbled a bit.
He took Steve's hand, panicking internally. When Steve had asked him to go ice skating, he'd accepted without a thought. It didn't matter that he'd never stepped foot on ice with purpose before. Steve's eyes were a deadly weapon. Eddie couldn't resist. He knew he was going to embarrass himself, stumbling and crumbling to his knees or falling to his ass.
And that happened. Each time, Steve kept a hold on his hand to keep him from falling too far and was smiling dearly the whole time. But Eddie knew he couldn't be having fun babysitting a grown man.
And then Eddie slipped in such a way that they tangled and he fell right on top of Steve. His horrible, traitorous brain wasn't thinking of how to pay for any broken bones. No, his inner alpha only noticed how good Steve smelled this close and how if he nudged that scarf down he could get a better whiff.
"Shit, fuck, sorry, are you hurt? I've never skated before, I shoulda told you that-"
"Eddie, hey, relax", Steve was still smiling and Eddie wondered if he'd hit his head in a dangerous way. Then Steve sat up and kissed his cheek. He got to his feet, pulling Eddie along. "I'm having fun, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah okay yeah", Eddie nodded.
"Let's see if this helps", Steve linked their arms together.
Eddie felt more steady, for sure. Yet at the same time he'd been knocked flat on his ass.
"You're probably pretty used to cleaning up bumps and scrapes, huh?"
"I am", Steve said. "Enough to know most of the time what they really need is a little attention, a quick kiss, and then they're off again."
"Don't I know it. Can't tell you how many times I see tears over the tiniest cuts, bless their little hearts", Eddie sighed.
They were able to go a couple rounds and Eddie slipped a few more times but didn't fall down again. The plan had only been to go skating but both were clearly ready to see where the night took them.
"I don't need to pick up Shawn until 10 tomorrow morning", Steve had said as they walked towards a food truck selling hot chocolate.
"So, it was just you two for Thanksgiving?", Eddie asked, starting to read between the lines of whatever Steve told him.
"Yeah, um", Steve cleared his throat and swirled his cup as they strolled through the twinkling lights of the town. Of course, everyone had already moved on from Turkey Day and was prepared for Christmas. "I'm not all that close to the rest of my family. Robin is like my sister. And honestly my students are almost like my kids, but besides that..."
"Is it okay if I ask about Shawn's sire?", Eddie asked timidly.
And maybe if this had been a couple of years ago, Steve would've bristled and told him it was none of his business. But now he could see it for what it was. Eddie wasn't trying to compete with some unknown alpha. He was interested in Steve, and was just trying to see if Steve was genuine in his own interest.
"His name was Billy, or is, I don't know why I said was, last I checked he's still alive. But I haven't checked since we split two years ago. Long story short, he was a grade A asshole. And he knew that, but it didn't stop him from getting worse. Our last big fight I kicked him out for good and he hasn't been back."
The day Steve realized that Billy's scent no longer lingered around them, that his pup only smelled like one of his parents, he finally felt free.
"I'm glad you and Shawn aren't around him anymore. I know a thing about messed up dads", Eddie admitted.
Eddie nodded. "My dad was a piece of shit. Nearly got killed and incarcerated because of him. My Uncle Wayne was the real man in my life to bring me up."
"You know that makes it all the more meaningful that you've taken such a nurturing job, right?", Steve beamed at him.
Eddie stopped on the sidewalk, Steve pausing with him.
"I really wanna kiss you right now."
"Then what's stopping you?", Steve grinned.
"Uhh, not sure what to do with my hands right now?", Eddie said.
"You're adorable", Steve took the half finished drink from his hand, set both of theirs on the sidewalk by their feet, then grabbed his hands and made Eddie hold him close. "Right here is perfect."
Eddie did his best to let his nerves go as he leaned in for a kiss. As far as first date kisses went, it was pretty perfect. They were only broken out of their own little world when someone walked by and whistled at them.
"I should probably be getting you home."
Just as he said that, snow began to lightly flurry down and Steve agreed. They walked hand in hand back to Eddie's van and he drove them back to Steve's neighborhood.
"-and he remembered what I said at the beginning of the year about classification and I kid you not, I almost cried", Steve said. "It was such an off the wall conversation, I never imagined he'd recall that."
"Just goes to show how great a teacher you are."
"You ever have moments like that with the little ones?"
Eddie smiled. "I think my favorites are when one of them has a question and another answers it for them. You can really tell who's listening. And it keeps me from havin' to repeat myself too much."
"God, I wish I could go a whole week without having to say 'no, you can't borrow materials from the Chem Lab'."
"You got a bunch of Dexters running around?", Eddie chuckled.
"Dexters, Jimmy Neutrons, and whoever that kid with his time traveling dog was."
"...Time traveling dog?", Eddie's face screwed in confusion. "Do you mean Mr. Peabody and Sherman?"
Steve snapped his fingers. "That's it! These three kids came in during lunch and held me hostage through this whole discussion about time travel and that's all I could think about."
"Don't say held hostage like you didn't enjoy it thoroughly." Sometimes Eddie longed for such in depth conversation with his students but there really wasn't much to discuss when you were reading things like Zak Wants a Yak.
"Sorry, I made myself promise I wouldn't talk about work this much", Steve said as they came up to his house.
"Funny, I made the same promise to myself, but here we are. I like hearing you talk about your students though. You light up the same way you talk about Shawn." Eddie grabbed Steve's hand and kissed his knuckles. "And we could keep talking if you'd like to invite me inside?"
"I'd love to, but-"
"Just to talk, I promise."
Steve bit his lip, thinking about how long it'd been since he'd been alone with an alpha he was interested in romantically. He thought about Eddie's scent lingering.
"Alright, to talk."
Steve made them both coffee, just to have something to sip on that wouldn't give Eddie an excuse to stay for too long, they settled on the couch, and they talked.
Steve about how he was disowned by his parents for getting with Billy and how he only started talking with them again when they split, able to see his ex for what he was.
"I just felt so stupid. My parents were actually right for once. You know he didn't even show up when Shawn was born?"
Eddie's jaw dropped. "He didn't show up for the birth of his kid? What was he doing?"
"Some bullshit. The hospital ended up using a volunteer alpha to keep me calm during it. And then he had the audacity to be upset when me and Shawn smelled like someone else."
"You're not stupid for not seeing it sooner. People like that are really good at keeping an attractive front."
Eddie talked about how he had dreams to be a musician, then a music teacher, before eventually finding his way to elementary.
"You always think you're gonna be the one to make it. But things just never worked out."
Steve gazed at him, taking in his profile. "I don't know. I'd say things worked out pretty well for both of us in the end."
As they talked, they got closer and closer on the couch, and checked the clock less and less. The last time Steve checked it was two in the morning and they were talking about how neither of them liked remote learning days. The last thing he remembered before his eyes closed was that Eddie liked watermelon but not watermelon candy.
He dreamt of the day Shawn was born. He saw the ceiling, felt the tiny pup in his arms, smelled blood but also an alpha who wasn't Billy.
Steve was awakened by his alarm. Eddie straight up jolted out of their embrace and collapsed onto the floor. Steve laughed softly as he rubbed his eyes.
"Who has an alarm set for the weekend? And on break of all things?", Eddie groaned.
"I don't like sleeping the day away", Steve yawned and stretched fully on the couch now that he alone was on it.
Then he remembered why he needed to be up this particular morning.
"Shit!", he sat up and checked his phone.
"Shit?", Eddie asked.
"Shawn", Steve answered as he rushed to get his shoes on.
"I gotta go-" Eddie had grabbed his face and brought him in for a kiss, one that Steve needed.
"I know. And I know I shouldn't've overstayed my welcome last night."
Steve shook his head. "You didn't. I wanted you here. I haven't done anything like that in ages."
"What? Have a nerd talk your ear off? Well next time I can give you the entire synopsis of Star Trek.
They kissed once more before Steve had to go and pick up Shawn. As much as Steve tried to play it cool, Shawn noticed something was up the moment he got home. The pup's nose picked up on the scent that someone else had been here. And Steve knew that he knew but as long as he didn't know who...
"It kinda smells like Mr. Munson in here."
"Does it?"
"Hm, well, I started using the same cologne as him, that might be it", Steve said. "Ready for some leftovers?"
Part 5
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siyurikspakvariisis · 10 months
Today's lunch: a cheesy pasta bake.
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But not just any pasta bake: a very BG3 one.
Spoilers for the Shadowheart origin run's epilogue to follow.
If you save Shadowheart's parents during her origin run, you get a letter from each of them. Emmeline's letter contains a recipe for a pasta bake.
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[ID: two screenshots from Baldur's Gate 3, showing a letter from Emmeline Hallowleaf. It reads:
"My dear Shadowheart,
Here's the recipe I mentioned the other day. I wanted to write it down for you just in case it slipped my mind again. I can show you myself once you're home. Enjoy your party, and pass on my best to all your friends.
Your Mother
Feast Day Cheese Bake
For the filling:
One small onion, sliced
Half pound of mushrooms, quartered
Red pepper, diced small
Half pound of greens - spinach, peas, courgette, or whatever is in season in the garden - steamed or boiled
Quarter pound of streaky bacon, chorizo or similar. Fried and diced
Half pound of pasta
For the sauce:
Two tablespoons of butter
Two tablespoons of plain flour
One teaspoon of mild mustard from Cormyr. More if you are daring or congested
Ten fluid ounces of milk
Half pound of mature cheddar cheese, grated
A goodly fistful of breadcrumbs
Soften the onion in some oil, then add the mushrooms and pepper, and saute over a high flame. Combine with the cooked greens and meat, and set aside. Add pasta to a pot of boiling water.
Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the flour and whisk over a high flame for one minute. Add the milk, whisking until boiling, then add the grated cheese and remove from flame.
Drain the cooked pasta and add into the cheese sauce, along with the cooked vegetables and meat if used. Combine, and pour into an oven-worthy dish (the square stoneware one with the floral pattern should do nicely). Add the breadcrumbs on top, ad well as some extra cheese if you are feeling wicked (your father often is).
Bake unil the top layer is bubbling and golden, or your loved ones are hungrily loitering about in the kitchen.
PS - if you do not salt the pasta water, you can save it to feed to the plants in your garden."
End ID.]
Today I made it with the following modifications:
I don't want anyone's nonna to slap me so I salted my pasta water.
I also undercooked the noodles - after all, they'd finish cooking in the oven.
I used some vegan sausage I had lying around as the meat. I think the one I used was a bit too dry and bland - a more flavorful and fatty, chorizo-like sausage, would have been a better option.
I used spinach as the greens, and instead of cooking them aside of the sauteed veggies, I wilted the spinach with them. If you do so, watch out! The veggies can become watery, as the spinach releases all its water. I was careful to not dump all that water in the stoneware dish when incorporating the ingredients and it all worked well on my end.
Of course I was feeling wicked and topped the dish with extra cheese :3c
Because most of the cooking has happened outside of the oven, I baked the pasta for 15 minutes at 175 degrees Celsius, plus an extra 5 minutes under the broiler. This is the part I'm less sure about - I'm not a great cook, I just follow recipes. I'd be grateful to hear your input here!
The result: a filling, cheesy, savory, veggie-loaded pasta bake. Next time I'll be more generous with the salt in the filling, though.
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How early is too early to have a sandwich for breakfast? Today I’m feeling grateful for being able to go to a 7am Pilates class, come home, shower, and lay in bed naked reading Substack on my phone while drinking an americano with steamed oat milk. I’m slowly starting my work day now, still in bed.
I don’t know if it’s the passing of time, the rain, my friends canceling our Minneapolis road trip, general anxiety, but I’ve been feeling insanely lonely the last 48 hours. And I haven’t really been alone either. I had friends over for dinner (stir fry veggies and chicken in curry sauce with rice) on Tuesday, went into the office two days this week, had an unexpected work lunch yesterday, met some new people, went to yoga with my friend after work, watched Wanda last night, which I loved..
Tomorrow I’m getting my bangs trimmed and baking a cake for my friend’s house warming party on Saturday. I still have about 3 cups of cherries left over from michigan, which feels like a shortage. I think I possibly got myself addicted to them on some level after walking through the cherry orchards last week and diligently alternating between picking fruit and eating it. cherries are a good source of magnesium which has a calming effect I guess, my sisters therapist would always tell her to drink cherry juice if she was anxious before bed.
I’m going to try to make an upside down sweet cherry cake, I don’t know how it will turn out since it’s a new recipe but I’m hoping it will be spongey. If it is spongey enough I’ll cut it in half and add a layer of cream cheese frosting and black current jam that my mom and cousin made, and top it with lemon whipped cream.
I think my mom and aunt and cousin will come to the city on Saturday during the day, I’m going to find us tickets for an architecture boat tour or maybe instead we can go to art museum depending on the weather and how early they get here. because of the unexpected lunch yesterday the sandwich I made with love came back home with me last night (with love) I’m looking forward to eating it for an early lunch around 11, and I love an early lunch. I feel better realizing I have things to look forward to, be it a sandwich or a cake or a party
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icycoldninja · 4 months
so happy you're rested again to do requests! how have you been? ^^ <3
can i request some mgs4 raiden fluff? he's trying to learn to cook and do househusband duties because his gf/wife usually comes home late and has no energy to make dinner after tinkering away in a lab all day for work
Oh absolutely, enjoy!
Learning to be a househusband (MGS4!Raiden x Wife!Reader fluff)
Wearing a bright pink, frilly apron that he'd stolen from your closet, Raiden rocketed into the kitchen, determination set into his half human, half metal features. He had decided a while ago that today, he would make dinner for you, his hardworking wife, since you came home very late nearly every day and deserved a hot meal. Since Raiden was currently off duty and free to laze about the house as long as he wanted, he figured making dinner (in this case, spaghetti and meatballs) for you was the least he could do.
After studying the recipe sheet he'd printed out, Raiden set to work, first gathering his materials, then filling a pot with water. He didn't know how much water to put into the pot, since the recipe didn't specify, so he filled the entire pot to the brim. He reasoned that since water evaporates when heated, it made sense to fill the pot with as much water as possible. Once he set that on the stove, Raiden got to work making the sauce. This part was easy since the recipe gave him very clear instructions.
Very soon, the water began to boil. To Raiden's complete and utter surprise, the pot overflowed, water bubbling up and out, drenching the stove. Raiden quickly grabbed the pot handles and dumped some of the water into the sink before hastily returning the pot to the stove. All seemed to be well now, so Raiden figured it was time to add the salt, which he did, a whole cup of it.
Next came the pasta, Raiden reasoned. In his gusto, he didn't read the package he grabbed and ended up dumping a whole pound of fettuccine into the pot. That's fine, he thought. Fettuccine works just as well as spaghetti--besides, his meatballs were gonna be so good, you probably wouldn't even notice.
The meatballs turned out better than he thought. Once again, the recipe was very explicit in its instructions, leaving little room for error. Even though there was a huge mess of raw meat and spices all over the counter and cutting board, the meatballs themselves cooked up perfectly. Raiden was extremely proud of himself for managing this alone, so much so that he forgot the pasta was still on the stove.
Had he not remembered in that exact moment, the pasta would have disintegrated into mush. Thankfully the cyborg managed to drain the soggy pasta before it got any softer, much to his relief. After rooting around in the fridge for a jar of pasta sauce, Raiden drenched the meatballs in the tomato-y goodness and heaved a grateful, content sigh. Almost as if on cue, Raiden heard the rumble of your car engine as you neared home.
Giddy with glee, Raiden raced to the door to welcome you in, eager for you to try the food he made all by himself.
"Oh, hey Raiden," You said, grinning. "You look...umm..." You looked him up and down, settling on his clearly stolen apron. "Interesting." You finished, lamely.
"I've made dinner." Raiden announced, a slight crack of happiness in his voice. "Come eat." Smiling, you set down your bag(s) and followed your husband into the kitchen, where he was already plating the fettuccine--which had begun to stick together because he'd forgotten to add oil after draining it. The pasta was now mostly a clumpy lump that needed to be cut with a knife in order to be plated. Raiden's nails tactical claws made it very difficult for him to hold the knife properly, so he gave up and used his own sword to slice the pasta.
It took 30 whole minutes, but he finally managed to wrestle the glued together noodles into a bowl, ladle some meatballs and sauce over it, and even grate a few shavings of parmesan cheese on top.
"Enjoy," He said, with a perfectly straight face.
"Thanks for this," You replied, still with a bright smile.
It wasn't a 5-star gourmet meal and the pasta was too salty and gummier than candy, but Raiden put time and effort into making this dish for you because he loved you, and you loved him for that. It'd take some time, but you were sure witjn diligent learning and proper training, Raiden could become a capable househusband.
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gaberlungi · 22 days
Trans Kids Deserve Better - Way Too Much Macaroni Cheese
I’ve been making this one for years. I made 3x regular quantities for the protest - scale down as appropriate. The cheese doesn’t have to be the expensive kind - I use whatever’s cheapest at the supermarket - but it does need to be mature cheddar
1kg macaroni 2 cloves garlic 2 dessert spoons mustard 9tbs plain white flower 150g butter or a little more 1.5l milk 750g mature or extra-mature cheddar, grated, for the sauce More grated cheddar for the topping, maybe 100g Dry white breadcrumbs - panko work well but anything is fine
If you’re making big quantities it’s good to have a food processor with a grater attachment for the cheese.
Heat the oven to about 190°C
Cook the macaroni for the minimum time suggested on the packet. Drain as thoroughly as you can and put it in an oven-proof dish
Melt the butter in a pan over a low heat. Make sure the pan is big enough - the cheese will add volume as well as the milk. Add the chopped garlic and stir in the flour to make a smooth paste. Add more butter if it seems too thick. Then gradually add the milk, stirring all the time so the sauce doesn’t get lumpy. It helps to heat the milk for a couple of minutes in the microwave first, and to use a hand whisk to get the sauce smooth. Then add the cheese in batches, stirring and giving it time to melt. Add the mustard along with the cheese
When the sauce is nice and thick, pour it into the dish with the macaroni and gently mix it in. Macaroni has holes so it won’t take as much extra space as you think. Though if you’re me, you may find it’s still too much and you need to find an overflow dish.
Mix the rest of the grated cheese and some breadcrumbs and sprinkle over the top. You just have to eyeball this. Quantity doesn’t matter too much, but more is good.
Put the dish(es) in the oven and bake until the top looks nicely brown and crispy - maybe 20min. Check after 15min and then every five minutes or so.
Remove from oven, cover with foil, wrap in towels for insulation, and take down to the protest. If you only have heavy ceramic oven dishes then you may find you need a taxi
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ladylooch · 7 months
What is Mack's reaction to finding out she was busted cuddling with David? Xx
“Oh my god.” Mack moans, stumbling out of her dark bedroom and into the sunny, main area of her apartment. “Jesus take the wheel.” She cries, slapping a hand over her eyes. She squints to her kitchen counter, seeing David there, munching on some cereal. His mustache curls up with this lips joyfully when he sees her.
“Hi honey.” He says gently. “How you doing?”
“Shitty.” Mack moans. She is exhausted and feels like she has been run over by a damn garbage truck. Actually, she feels like garbage. Maybe the truck should have just picked her up instead of running her over.
“Think you could eat some soup? Get some nutrients into you?” He asks, standing up. He walks over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. He was getting nervous watching how shaky she was with each step. Mack leans into his strength, grateful for his help. She glances over at the mirror in her entry way, catching a glimpse of her appearance.
“Oh, fuck me.” She groans. She looks disgusting, like she smells similar to moldy cheese and BO. Then there is David, who looks like some he is about to be chiseled out of stone with his black sweatpants and shirtless chest. “You don’t have to stay.” She shakes her head.
“Ah, I know.” He chuckles, biting his lip as he gets her onto the couch. “But I’m not leaving.”
“Because this is the only place I wanna be.” He leans forward. Mack slaps her hand over her mouth.
“Don’t kiss me!” She mumbles around her fingers. His lips land on her forehead.
“Stop worrying. Just lay there and be useless so you can get better and be my sassy girl again.” He pats her leg. “I’m gonna heat up the soup Lucie brought.” 
“No.” Mack extends the word in shock.
“Yeah. She saw us in bed together.” He sighs, opening up the container from the fridge. He pours some in a microwaveable bowl, then puts it in for two minutes to start. 
“What did she say?” Mack whispers, eyes boring into him.
“Not much, but I wasn’t exactly inviting the conversation either.” He scratches at the under side of his jaw. He leans his palms on the counter top, staring at her. “She asked what we were.” Mack’s eyes slide away. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, so I didn’t give her an answer.” Mack’s eyebrows furrow. 
“What you thought?”
“That you aren’t ready for a label.” 
“I’m not?” She asks. “You want me to be your girlfriend?” Her tone is doubtful. David stares at her. 
“I think I’ve made that pretty obvious, Mack.” She tucks her bottom lip into her mouth, looking away.  “But if you wanna keep doing this, I’m fine with that too. I’m not in a rush, buttercup.” He turns back to the microwave, stirring the soup around then giving it a taste test. “Another minute.” He tells her. Mack turns away from him, curling her legs up beneath her.
David Carlson’s girlfriend… Mackenzie Hischier… officially dating a New York Ranger. Mack licks her lips, wanting to ignore the parts of her that long for and are giddy about that idea. She wasn’t looking for this. She didn’t want it either. It became this because David is… David. 
“It’s hot, baby.” The man in question says as he rounds the couch. Mack watches him move a coaster to rest her bowl on. 
“Thank you.” She murmurs. “For last night too. I was in a bad place.” 
“You were. I’m glad I came over.” He brushes her wild hair off her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. His thumb strokes across her red and inflamed skin, irritated from her feverish sweats last night. Mack stares at him, drawing her eyes over the features of this man she has come to care so much for. They have great chemistry. It is so much more than just sexual too. She feels like he knows her heart and soul, and does what he can to keep them both safe. Mack opens her mouth to speak, to tell him that she wants to be his girlfriend too. 
“Yes you can be my girlfriend..” He cuts her off while grinning at her. Mack furrows her eyebrows, mouth dropped open in awe.
“How do you know?” She shakes her head, rolling her eyes. He stops her from falling back and away from him in exasperation. He leans down, capturing her lips in his. He inhales her mouth until her lips are puffy and swollen, her nose and upper lip raw from his mustache. 
“Because I do.” 
Mack grabs his shirt, fisting it in her hand to keep him close. She scoots back onto the couch, weakly attempting to pull him down. David obliges, settling a knee between her legs, then easing her all the way back until she is laying on the couch. 
“Honey. You need to eat your soup.” 
“I wanna make out with my boyfriend first.” David chuckles. 
“You’re so obsessed with me.” He teases. His tongue thrusts into her mouth, not letting her respond with words.
Her strangled, blissful moan tells them both all they need to know.
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You Cannot Run From Your Past
Mobster!Simon "Ghost" Riley X F!Reader
The rest of the meal was quiet, save for the noise of knives and forks gently scraping against the ceramic plates. You were thankful for the silence, giving you the opportunity to think about everything that had happened that day. You’d gone from living on the streets to being housed by one of the most dangerous people in the country. a/n:this is a mafia au! so there will be a LOT of violence, MINORS DNI, this is part one of the series, the rest will be linked once posted warnings:mentions of wounds, blood, murder, gore, smut(MAJOR smut) word count:4.5k
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Everyone knew who the 141 were, some of the most feared men on this side of the Atlantic. No one with even a single braincell knew to fuck with them. Their leader, Price, had killed men for less than what you were currently kneeling for. You’d gotten caught trying to steal money from one of the henchmen. Your boyfriend had kicked you out of the apartment, after finding out he’d been cheating of course, and now you were homeless. It was either steal from the, what you assumed was dumb, henchman or go hungry for another week until someone took pity on you. So here you were, kneeling before a man who wouldn’t think twice about putting a bullet between your brows.
“Did you really think he wouldn’t notice?” Price was more annoyed than truly angry, he felt some sort of sympathy towards you.
“I thought if I was quick enough he wouldn’t, no.” You were ashamed to admit you thought you could get away with your plan.
“Why were you trying to pickpocket anyway?” Price sat on the edge of his desk, staring down at you.
“Boyfriend, ex boyfriend, kicked me out and I’ve been living on the street for the last couple of months. Got desperate if I’m gonna be honest.” You hadn’t lived in England that long, having moved over from Massachusetts earlier in the year to live with your boyfriend.
God you had felt like such a moron, he’d lured you over with the promise of being able to take care of you, only to dump you out onto the street like trash. Of course he’d at least given the courtesy of telling you about Price and his men first, and yet here you were.
“Soap, take her and get her something to eat, I want to have a chat with the ex.” Your brow furrowed, why the hell did he want to talk with Eric anyway?
A man walked over, the strip of hair down the middle of his skull was slicked down yet looked almost fluffy. He helped you up gently, taking you down to the kitchen where a chef was cooking up something delicious. Your stomach grumbled loudly, leaving you embarrassed as everyone’s heads turned to stare at you. It really had been too long since you’d had a decent meal, not counting the scraps that the cook had given you a few days ago.
“Have a seat lass, eat as much as you’d like.” His voice wasn’t condescending and that you were grateful for, people could be so cruel to the homeless.
The chef dished up a heaping plate of what looked like spaghetti bolognese, the scent of roasted garlic and tomato filled the air. Your mouth was salivating within seconds, but before you could pull the plate closer the chef was sliding a heft piece of cheesy garlic bread on top. Oh my, you had definitely died and gone to heaven if this was going to be the case. You picked up your fork and slid the plate closer. The steam rising from the sauce caused a slight bead of sweat to rise along your browline. You couldn’t be bothered to wipe it away as you dug in, knowing better than to eat as fast as you could lest you get sick.
The flavours burst over your tongue like fireworks, this was definitely the best bowl of pasta you’d ever eaten. You swallowed the forkful you’d just eaten before biting into the garlic bread, nearly moaning at the salty bite of the cheese. This was how Price got to eat on the daily? God you would give anything just to eat like this at least once a month. Half the plate was gone before you came up for a breath, wiping your mouth with the napkin Soap had left by you.
“Would you like some water?” The chef was holding out a glass, his hands now clean that you noticed.
“Oh thank you so much.” You took the glass grateful, gulping down the water until there was nothing left.
You set the glass down next to your napkin, digging in once more to the amazing pasta. Maybe he was letting you eat one final meal before he killed you, there were worse ways to go. At this rate you weren’t going to complain, not since this was the first decent meal you’d had in forever. On the other side of town, you were completely unaware that Price had located your ex Eric and was paying him a personal visit.
Knuckles collided with the skin on his cheek, blood pouring from the wound opened by the ring on Price’s pinky.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eric could barely lift his head, words slurred as his vision blurred.
“Do you really think I’m that naive? You worked for me, and yet your little friend is trying to steal from one of my men to get herself some food.” Price was beyond enraged, Eric was one of the lower henchmen, someone to clean up his dirty work mainly.
“Fuck, she’s still alive?” Eric screamed in pain as a blade dug into the skin and muscle of his shoulder.
Simon was standing by the door, arms crossed over his chest as he watched Price take care of a mistake he’d made. Though no one but Soap, Gaz, and Price were ever allowed to call him Simon, most people who bore witness to him as Ghost. He was the silent killer, slipping into someone’s apartment with ease and slipping out without leaving a trace behind. He’d had nearly as big a reputation as Price himself, for different reasons of course.
“Yes, she’s still alive, however since I’ve come to find out you’ve been stealing money from me you won’t be around to see any of it.” Eric’s eyes widened in fear, lips parted to beg and plea as Price pulled the trigger.
The gunshot was partially muffled, no one would call the police until Price and Simon had fled the scene, giving him ample time to make it home with an alibi. He began to wonder how you were doing, had you been able to eat and take a shower? Maybe you took a bath and soaked in one of the large tubs he had. It was the least he could do, the only thing Price never did was murder women or children, it was against his code. He’d heard about someone else who took anyone down that crossed their path, he refused to be like that.
Goddamn American’s.
“Make sure all our fingerprints are gone before tonight.” Price didn’t wait to see if Simon listened or not before heading down to his car. 
His driver was waiting behind the wheel, nodding when Price muttered the word ‘home’. He hadn’t planned on getting messy today, but sometimes things happened that he couldn’t control. It would be less paperwork in the long run, he’d just transfer the money from Eric’s account to one for you. Maybe he could get Kyle to do it, he’d been itching to do something for the last few weeks anyhow.
“We’ve arrived sir.” Alex pulled the car into the garage, knowing better than to open the door for Price.
“Thank you, why don’t you take the rest of the night off? If I need your assistance I’ll call.” Price slipped out of the back of the car and headed inside to look for you.
The sound of two people arguing caught his attention, he could make out Soap’s voice right away, but the other wasn’t one he was quite familiar with. As he turned the corner the picture before him nearly had him laughing. You were standing across from Soap, freshly showered in what looked to be a pair of Soap’s pajamas, arguing about desserts.
“Brownies are clearly the superior choice! You just have horrible taste!” Soap scoffed, rolling his eyes at your bratty attitude.
“Tha’s a lie!” Soap was ready to argue his point on why the chocolate chip cookies were better.
“That’s because you have horrible taste! Even the chef agrees the brownies were better.” You refused to back down, ignoring the way Soap’s chest was heaving.
Price had stopped in the doorway, snickering at the way the two of you were acting like complete children. It was a nice change of pace, and with how his night had gone it was a pleasant surprise to come back to.
“You’re back! I just wanted you to know that your chef is amazing and makes some of the best bolognese I’ve ever had before.” Your stomach was still full, slightly aching with everything you’d eaten.
“Glad to know the food was up to your standards, you settling in alright?” Price kept his hands hidden, knowing his knuckles were bloody and bruised.
“I am, I honestly don’t even know how to thank you for everything.” You were afraid he would still kill you, especially since you’d spent the last hour arguing with his henchman Soap.
He brushed you off, assuring you that you didn’t need to worry about repaying him right then, he could find a way for you to work for him if needed. Maybe you could do the finances, it was an easy enough job for you to do, it would keep you housed and fed as well. You were quite attractive as well, he could take you to any fancy party as his arm candy.
“How well are you with money?” It sounded like such an odd question.
“I worked in finance in the US, so I’m decent.” You didn’t want to say who your employer used to be, lest it cost your life.
“Perfect, you’ll work for me, if that’s alright.” Price raised a brow questioningly.
Your jaw dropped open, nodding quickly to confirm that yes, you would absolutely be alright working for him. It would get you off the streets at least, though working for someone so dangerous was nothing new to you. Maybe you could get an apartment nearby, something that wasn’t infested with termites like your ex's place.
“We’ll get you started tomorrow, the first matter of business is taking you shopping so you can look presentable for meetings.” Wait, you weren’t going to have to be around him 24/7, were you?
“I’m sorry sir, I’d be going to meetings with you?” For some reason the thought unnerved you, what if things backfired and you ended up dead this time?
“Yes, is that going to be a problem?” Price turned to face you, brow raised slightly.
“No, not at all sir.” It was time to keep your mouth shut and do whatever was told, Price was a very dangerous man.
You only had a couple minutes to prepare before Price, along with Soap, were dragging you out to one of the many cars that sat in his garage. Soap would be driving wherever you wanted to go, money not an issue to make sure you would look flawless. Designers were a waste of money, sure having the logo would make heads turn, but thousands for a piece of cloth? Ridiculous.
Price insisted you buy things that at least looked professional, since you seemed to be so against letting him purchase things for you. Soap even tried to interject and get you to agree with Price’s demands, saying it was better not to argue. You wanted to stand your ground and refuse, until you caught sight of a gorgeous dress. There’d be no reason to wear it, but by god did you need to have it at that moment. So you relinquished and gave permission to price to choose things for you, as long as you could get that dress.
He agreed happily, choosing things and letting you find your size so as not to make you uncomfortable. It was nice, knowing that you would be able to get all these new clothes without the stipulation you would need to sleep with him. Your ex would constantly hold gifts and such over your head so you would sleep with him. And yet he’d still had the nerve to cheat and throw you out.
“Awfully quiet sweetheart.” Price turned his head to face you, noticing the way your brow had furrowed.
“Just thinking about the past is all.” You merely shrugged, there was no use in being upset over things you couldn’t change, but it still stung.
“Well, why don’t you tell me about it?” Price had turned to face you fully, attention focused on everything you had to say.
The words turned to ash in your mouth, could you tell him the truth about the type of person you were? How you’d helped someone murder so many innocent people that dared cross his path just by simply existing?
“Do you want the basic rundown, or all the nitty gritty?” You had only ever told one person about your childhood, you’d hoped to never run into him again.
“Everything, spare no detail.” Oh, well this was going to be a long day.
The words slipped out with ease, telling Price everything, from how your father was physically abusive, to how your mother tried to use you for her own benefit. You had run away at fifteen, working odd jobs before you met your old boss at eighteen. He kept you housed, fed, and clothed from when you turned eighteen to a few months shy of when you left entirely. You’d seen things most people who’d gone off to war never dealt with. It was a horrible reminder of how much you’d had to give up just to survive.
“You worked for someone else, someone important..who.” Though it was a question, Price knew exactly who you’d worked for.
“James Barnes, sir.” Your heart was racing, no one except for James, and his right hand woman, Natasha, knew about you.
Price’s expression darkened, causing your heart rate to spike suddenly as you realized how badly you’d fucked up. Would this be the end for you? Having admitted to working for what was essentially his rival?
“How long?” Price could use any information you had on the other man, especially if it meant getting ahead.
“Over ten years, took me in when I was barely eighteen.” It was the truth, you’d basically grown up alongside James.
“And you don’t by any chance know some things that could be useful to me?” It was a loaded question, do you tell him how James had a son he cared so much about. Or how his best friend for over twenty years had cut off all contact after he’d heard of what became of him?
“I’ll tell you everything over dinner.” It was a proposition. You give him information, he gives you anything you could ever ask for.
Soap smirked to himself, pulling down the long road that led to Price’s luxurious home. You would fit in quite nicely with everyone.
Price had everything brought to your room, the closets stuffed full of all your new clothes, shoes, and even the few accessories you picked out. It was nice, knowing you were going to be alright as long as you didn’t step on anyone’s toes. As you made your way down to the kitchen you noticed someone else talking to Price. He was big, arms large enough to crush your skull(though you’d probably thank him). Something about him seemed so familiar though, as if you’d run into him many times before.
“Ready to eat?” Price turned away from the stranger, gesturing to the expansive table.
“I am, thank you so much for all of this, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay you.”  You walked over and sat down, if the food was even half as good that lunch was, you would die happy.
Soap and another man you’d never met before walked into the kitchen, taking their own seats alongside the newcomer. The chef brought out the first course, a delicate butternut squash soup with crusty pieces of bread to dop. You nearly moaned at how silky the soup was, making sure not to slurp and disturb anyone else. The bread had a slight bite to it, the crust just hard enough to soak in the buttery goodness without becoming soggy.
“So, what can you tell me?” Price had finished his soup, sipping on the glass of bourbon that had been brought out along with his food.
“James is someone that’s highly feared in most of the states, word spreads like wildfire and they’re all too afraid to say anything bad about him.” You took another bite of the bread, taking a moment to collect your emotions.
“His best friend Steve hasn’t spoken to him since they were teens, he’d found out about James joining the mafia and just disappeared one day.” You’d witnessed the way Steve had torn the other man apart, it was gut wrenching to watch.
You felt bad for James at that moment, he no longer had his family, and now the one person he could rely on was gone as well. Natasha was the closest thing he had to family anymore, and last you knew they were still friends. 
“He has a son, named after himself of course, goes by JJ. Last I knew his son was nearly thirteen and was living solely with his dad.” You sighed softly, grabbing your glass of water to take a sip.
“Surprised he had the time to knock someone up.” Soap mumbled into his food, ignoring everything else entirely.
“Johnny, what did we talk about?” Price stared at the other man like a disappointed father.
“No talking shit at dinner.” Soap, or was it Johnny?
You tried to hide your smile, a soft giggle slipping through as you finished your bowl of soup. Soap looked affronted, how dare you laugh at him being scolded by Price as if he was a child, very uncool.
“Before we continue with our conversation, I’d like to introduce Gaz, and Simon.” Price gestured to the two men sitting across from you.
You were shocked that someone as stunning as Gaz was working for him and not as a runway model, he could bring people to tears with his beauty. Simon wasn’t glaring at you per se, more like he was trying to decipher you. There was something about him that made you want to stare back, but you thought better of it and focused your attention back onto Price.
“Nice to meet you both, I met Soap earlier and his horrible taste in snacks.” Gaz couldn’t help but laugh at your statement.
“Thank you! He’s always had the worst taste imaginable.” Gaz was definitely going to become a good friend, you could sense it.
“Shut up!” Soap threw his hands up, arms crossing over his chest with a huff.
“You do mate, it’s all out of love.” Gaz slapped a hand on his shoulder, laughing when Soap rolled his eyes.
The chef brought out the entree before anymore conversation could continue, a beautifully seared filet mignon with roasted fingerling potatoes and caramelized carrots. You wanted to dig in almost instantly, waiting until everyone had their plates before slicing into the meat. It melted like butter on your tongue, washing over your taste buds as if it were made by god himself. 
“Alright, as I was saying earlier about James. He’s a very paranoid man, comes with the territory when you’ve slaughtered as many people as he has. So unless you have a reason to do business with him you won’t be able to get close. I’ve watched him murder a man for less before, and that’s the last thing I want to see ever again.” You cut apart one of the potatoes, popping the half into your mouth.
“So, what you’re saying is that if I need to take care of him, we need someone on the inside.” Price had a point, but James would see it coming a million miles away.
“Partially, but James would see that coming a mile away. You want someone he’s close with, a loved one, or a best friend that knows his every move and can get you the information.” You kept your eyes on your plate, not noticing the way all eyes were suddenly on you.
“And, do you know someone that could do this?” Price was asking something dangerous, sure you knew plenty of people that could, and had reason to kill James, but none of them were willing.
“The only man that would ever want to take him out would be Tony Stark, man’s had it out for him since he found out James had his parents murdered.” It had been the final straw that sent you packing.
“Hmm, I’ll have to give him a look see later.” Price dug into his own food, ignoring the way Simon seemed to still be staring at you.
“He’s a dangerous man, nearly had me killed just for walking on his property one day.” You rolled your eyes, stabbing your potato with more force than necessary.
Simon raised a brow, watching how you seemed to become annoyed at even mentioning Tony’s name. Whoever this man was clearly had a vendetta against you, and you as well for him.  That’s how this type of world worked, you were either with or against the people you considered the villains. You seemed to fit in so well that Simon couldn’t be bothered to second guess any of it, not when Price welcomed you in with open arms.
“Have to be precautious, comes with the territory darling.” Price merely shrugged, he’d always kept one eye open no matter what, but some people were just paranoid.
“Yeah, I guess. Didn’t make my life any easier when I was trying to get out of New York though, I swear James has men everywhere.” You’d almost been caught twice before finally boarding the plane to safety.
The rest of the meal was quiet, save for the noise of knives and forks gently scraping against the ceramic plates. You were thankful for the silence, giving you the opportunity to think about everything that had happened that day. You’d gone from living on the streets to being housed by one of the most dangerous people in the country. This was definitely a dream, you were going to wake up in the morning and find yourself under that bridge with everyone else. It wasn’t the first time you’d had this dream only to wake up to reality. Though it usually landed you back in the US and not over in London.
“I’ll be in my office if anyone needs me, goodnight.” Price nodded towards everyone before leaving the table.
You weren’t sure if you were allowed to head to bed or not, after the day you’d had your body was begging for sleep. Soap’s clothes, while a little oversized, were definitely going to be comfortable enough to sleep in. Gaz immediately pulled Soap into a conversation, discussing something that sounded like an entirely different language to you at that moment. You gave Simon a quick nod before leaving the table and heading up to your new room. The only light was from the moon, illuminating the room in a soft ethereal glow.
Throwing back the covers on the mattress you crawled into the plush bed, groaning softly at how soft the comforter was. It felt as if you were laying on a cloud, even with the crisp air the blankets were just warm enough to keep you comfortable. Your eyes slipped closed before you could even try and fight them, slipping into dreamland.
Downstairs Soap, Gaz, and Simon were all sitting around the table. Soap had tried to pull Simon into the conversation only to be shot down immediately. Simon couldn’t explain it, but something about you drew him in. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way, always pushing away the prospect of dating as if it was a deadly disease. Soap would catch on to his sudden fixation on you, man was like a bloodhound when it came to women. The very last thing that Simon wanted, or needed, was Soap getting on his ass about you. He couldn’t get a proper read on you, there was something you weren’t telling everyone. And Simon was determined to find out every tiny thing.
Meanwhile in New York
James was angry, nearly panting as he paced the foyer of his penthouse. How the hell had you managed to slip through his fingers so easily? He’d had eyes on you for so long, and yet you’d managed to get to fucking England. Natasha had been the one to break the news to him, stance stoic as the words sunk into his bones. You were gone, and now there was a high chance that you’d managed to get yourself killed. James knew all about Price and his little minions, the fucker was slowly taking control of more countries.
“We need to locate her, now.” James kept his back to Natasha, the only person he ever trusted.
“I’ve reached out to my informants, they’re scouring every nook and cranny to find her. Last we knew her boyfriend was killed.” Shit, if they’d gotten to someone you were dating, you were definitely next.
“You mean that little shit convinced her to leave, and someone got to him before me?” James’ tone was deadly, venom lacing each word.
“It appears so, they’re claiming his death was a suicide, but the autopsy showed facial wounds caused by something small but sharp.” Natasha had seen the photos, it was pretty clear what had caused the superficial wounds.
He sighed softly, stepping away from the floor to ceiling windows to fully face Natasha who was watching him closely. James was the type of man to take out anyone that stood in his way of something he wanted. She could never figure out why James seemed to be so infatuated with you when you’d never shown any interest. You were friendly with him of course, but there had never been romantic feelings. Had he been trying to replace Steve’s friendship with you? It was the only thing that made any sense.
“Why don’t we make a quick little trip across the pond, there’s some people I’ve needed to visit anyway.” James smirked, reaching up to slick back his hair gently.
“I’ll call Scott and make sure the plane is ready in the morning.” Natasha turned away from him, pulling out her phone to make a quick call.
Who in the world did James know that lived over in England? The last she’d heard about that was when she’d had someone killed in their apartment for stealing money. Her phone pinged with a new message, a name she’d never expected to see again flashing before her.
Steve Rogers: We need to talk.
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silvrash-797 · 5 months
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Read on ao3
Chapter 3: The Boss
Hyrule’s heart raced as he stood frozen behind Four, staring up at his captor. He hadn’t expected the man to come back, but he should have, two days alone then a visit, he should have anticipated such an obvious pattern! They didn’t want him dead, after all. 
Well, he didn’t know what they wanted. He didn’t recognize this Hyrule, so they couldn’t want his blood, but no demands had been made – they’d dragged him here, locked him up, and left. 
Four’s arrival had been a relief, but now…
“I asked a question, kid. How’d you get in here?” The man's voice was mean and gravelly, and the shiver that coursed across Hyrule's shoulders had nothing to do with the cold of the cellar. 
Four's voice was steady as he answered; Hyrule had to wonder how he could stay so collected. “We’re not kids, and it doesn’t matter. Let us pass, sir.”
“Not a chance,” the man hissed. “No one's leavin' here ‘til that Captain gives us what we’re due!” He turned his head slightly, keeping the two heroes in his sight, and shouted over his shoulder. “Vitch, Toralt, come help me with the rats!”
Two men, both as tall as Warriors, appeared at the top of the stairs, faces spreading in matching malicious grins before they shoved past Four and grabbed Hyrule's upper arms in a bruising grip.
Four turned with a defiant shout, but was too late. Their reaching fingers brushed each other briefly before Hyrule was dragged backwards down the stairs. A cold sweat broke out across his body as he watched his original captor wrap meaty hands around Four's upper chest and neck, pinning the smaller hero in place.
Hyrule fought against his captors as best he could, but with no food and very little water he just didn’t have the strength, magical or otherwise, to do more than strain his shoulders again in their hold.
Physically and magically exhausted, he could only hang his head in defeat as his wrists and ankles were fastened back into their chains and the box was kicked away. Some Hero, he thought bitterly as the two men left. Can’t even escape properly. Maybe Four would’ve been better off if he’d – 
His spiraling thoughts were interrupted by a dark chuckle, the sound of a harsh impact, and a muted cry.
No…Four cried out again, and at the sound of his brother's pain a sudden surge of energy erupted within Hyrule's limbs. Desperately, he yanked at the chains binding him. New bruises bloomed around his wrists and ankles; a horrible pop sounded along with a pulse of agony as he dislocated his left thumb.
The chains refused to budge.
Frustrated tears welled in his eyes as he hung helpless, his brother's cries fading to silence.
The three men soon appeared in the doorway, the two taller ones dragging Four's limp form between them. Hyrule's original captor – the Boss, he decided – held Four's scabbard, shield, and pack, dumping them by the front of the room without ceremony as Four was chained to the wall with his arms behind his back, feet left free. Hyrule looked him over as best he could - Four's face and tunic were scuffed, but he didn’t see any blood.
The Boss approached Hyrule where he hung, a sneer on his lips at the sight of the tears drying on his face. The giant man pulled something from a pouch at his waist and held it near Hyrule's mouth – food! Stale bread and cheese, but he’d take anything at this point.
Hyrule ate eagerly, then gratefully gulped down as much water as he could in the few precious seconds the Boss held an earthen jug to his lips. If their pattern held, this was all the sustenance he’d get for the next two days.
The men left without a word, just like last time, and Hyrule sagged as the adrenaline from the last hour drained away. His left hand hurt, but all he could do was breathe. Breathe, and try not to feel selfishly grateful that, at least this time, he wasn’t alone.
“Four?” he called softly, turning his attention to the smaller hero.
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theluckywizard · 3 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch: 77: Confessions
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Chapter Summary:
Rose and Garrett share a last morning together before he leaves to search for Carver in the Approach and the Inquisition turns its attention toward southern Orlais.
Fic Summary:
Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Rating: Explicit
WC: 418,000
Excerpt and art below the cut 👇
Upstairs again, Hawke wiggles his toes out the bottom of my blankets, stretching his arms long along the pillows crammed up against the headboard. The whole look is a gorgeous invitation. I toss my robe over a chair and crawl over the blankets to perch on top of him. 
“Best eighteen hours in ages,” he declares, tracing a finger along the pale streaks up my left arm. “Maybe ever.”
“I’m not often visited by cheese deities, so at a bare minimum it was— very memorable,” I tease him, drifting my hand over his obvious enthusiasm beneath the bed linens. “One more time for the road?” He hums a hungry grumble as he pulls me close, inhaling deeply of my skin as if cataloging it in his mind for the long journey.
“You’d think after last night I’d still be soup,” he remarks, welcoming me back under the blankets.
“We have to be quick,” I murmur against his neck.
“Who says?” he asks.
“The kitchen boy,” I answer. Garrett grins as he shakes his head, then smolders at me as he finds the exact spot to knock away my smirk.
We laugh our way through a raucous, breakneck tumble, testing the joinery of this fancy new bed of mine as we scramble to see who can climax first. Then we squeeze into my tub for a quick bath before breakfast, him scrunched up with his legs bent and me wedged between his thighs. The tub is far too tight to be everything my favorite smutty romances promise, but I rather like being squashed up with him.
“I think I’m going to send for Bethany,” he says behind me as I mop his arms with a soapy cloth. 
I pause, warmed by the thought. “To join us here?”
“You could use another a healer, couldn’t you?” he asks, hunching down to set his chin on my shoulder.
“We’d be delighted to have her. Ellendra is desperate for competent help.”
“I meant— in your escort. With the rest of us. We could use another battle medic besides Solas. You never know when we could lose him. And Bethany has the chops.”
“Oh. Oh.” 
A tiny rush scurries through me.
He closes his slippery arms around me. “She’d thrive here, I know she would,” he says. “And with the rest of the team. She knows Varric of course. And I think she’d be grateful to reunite with some of her circle friends. And— I’d like to think you two would hit it off.”
“I’d love that. I’d love to meet her,” I answer. “What about Carver? Do you think we’ll get along?”
Garrett lets out a gravelly sigh. “Hard to say. But I hope so. But— well. Don’t be surprised if he’s a cranky bugger.” He snorts softly. “I suppose I’ve got this fantasy of getting Carver and Beth and I together one more time. Like if I can just pull it off maybe it will make everything better.”
I lean down to kiss his arm. “I hope so.”
Read the rest here Start the fic here
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And I can finally share this commission by @crunchyncrumbly I got like nine months ago. I've finally arrived at this part of the fic 🤩 (and this is the other commission from crunchy I got of these two)
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fallhound · 8 months
Hey Lily you should come wreck my wet little pussy I'm feral over your pics and I'd be so easy
So me and Kat made this quiche the other day, and considering it was the first time either of us have ever made it, it was absolutely delicious
first we blind baked the crusts with a bunch of beans as weights for like. 15 minutes at 375f, then without beans for an additional 5 or so. during that time we beat together. 4 eggs + 1/2 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of milk together, salt & pepper by pinches. Into that mass we added 1 cup of shredded smoked gouda, and 2 cups of vaguely equally proportioned ham cubes, denser saltier cheese bits, broccoli shavings, mushrooms, all with some fresh parsley, wild garlic, and i think some marjoram? Oh! And grated fresh parmigiano reggiano on top for a better crust.
Then we put that bad bitch in the oven at 350f for about 50 minutes. I do not think we will ever be able to recreate it exactly the same, it was absolutely perfect. It was. Juicy, which is a weird thing to say about a thing that is in large part egg. Highly recommended! Shockingly easy for how fancy it felt.
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