#// it's a temp little blurb for now!!
usagimen · 1 year
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      The Void presents a Jujutsu Kaisen Original Character, primarily geared toward the legend of Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto && life within the Hanamachi. If women with a peculiar set of skills such as throwing curses twice their sizes seems to be your taste, slap the heart && I shall take a look at your blog. Furthermore, reblogging this would be lovely!
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madridfangirl · 2 months
A Weekend in Ibiza - Part 1
(Jude Bellingham blurb)
(Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
1.3k words. Jude*female reader. Suggestive language in parts.
A/n - When we don't get Jude holiday content, we make shit up
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Ibiza had been your dream destination for as long as you could remember. Sun, clear blue waters, great vibe and amazing food - what more could a girl want.
So when you got a free Friday in the middle of a long work trip in Amsterdam, you lapped up the opportunity to spend three days of glorious July summer on the shores of this paradise. Decided to splurge a little with a fancy resort - 3 years in McKinsey post university had sucked your energy but also given you this wiggle room.
The resort was full to the brim, the staff called it peak summer rush. But you found a cute little spot at the seaside cafe, ordered an unhealthy burger with fries, sipped on sangria and drowned yourself in a novel.
Your peace was short lived. A waiter brought over a glass of some fancy red wine (you couldn’t even pronounce the name), along with a note on a tissue, and pointed in the direction of a large entourage occupying the reserved section of the cafe. 
‘Wanna join us?’
Irritated by the disruption, you adjusted your eyes in the sun to look in the direction the waiter was pointing at.
A man nodded at you, with a half-wave and a half-smile, beckoning you over. A very good-looking, bare-chested man, with an air about him, the kind who knew how hot he was. The irritation you felt was suddenly replaced by mild annoyance. 
You could tell he was famous, with the way the other tables kept looking in their direction. Particularly women. If it weren’t for the staff, some would have jumped the barrier to get to him.
‘Who is he, some supermodel or something?’
‘No ma’am. He’s Jude Bellingham, a very famous footballer.’
The said man was still looking at her, waiting for her move she presumed. 
She scribbled her response below his note & sent it back along with the wine.
‘Sorry - just need some alone time without any spotlight.’
He read the note, which was then snatched away by his mates, who teased him for being turned down. Coz it wasn’t a common occurrence. He usually got what he wanted. Who he wanted. 
Jude returned the playful banter, and jostled to get back the note, reading it again.
Did she not want the spotlight or did she not want him either? It was worth finding out.
The girl had caught his attention when he walked past her table earlier. Her cream lace kaftan, long brown hair, big eyes, caramel skin, purple danglers, and complete indifference to her surroundings - all lent an air of uniqueness & mystery to her. Plus, her turning him down made her more interesting. A challenge, which he relished. The others had been way too easy, especially now.
Meanwhile, you played with the hem of your kaftan, telling yourself you did the right thing. He was a stranger. A fancy footballer for crying out loud (gorgeousness notwithstanding). Plus his entourage icked you out for some reason.
The waiter returned with another note. And a choco fudge brownie. Your favourite.
‘Can I have your number? Promise you won’t regret it.’
You looked up & your eyes met. This time, he flashed a full smile. And you felt your resolve melt in real time. 
The idea of a little harmless conversation with him was oddly thrilling, you couldn’t deny. Plus you were on an international temp number, what’s the worst that could happen? Sangria provided some added liquid courage.
Two mins later, your phone flashed with an unknown number. God, pls don’t let him be dry. 
‘Thanks for the number.’
You could feel his gaze on yourself as you texted back. 
‘Thanks for not sauntering over here & turn all eyes on me.’
Jude chuckled to himself, as his friends looked at him oddly. 
‘Attention is a problem, then?’
‘Attention that would come with you or because of you is the problem.’
Just the thought of being splashed all over tabloids and social media was revolting. You wouldn’t know how to show up for work on Monday. Or face your family. 
‘What if I take that out of the equation?’
‘As in?’
‘We’re moving to a yacht in 10. Will be more private. Join us there?’
He wasn’t wasting any time. Cutting straight to the chase. She should have seen that coming, should have known that a conversation is not what he wanted.
‘Gonna have to pass. Have fun.’
Jude racked his brain at her response. Had he misread the situation in sensing her attraction & interest? 
‘Is there someone else?'
You laughed at the assumption & entitlement oozing out of those words. Did he really think the only reason a girl would say no to him is if she were with someone else? Maybe that’s the reality he lived in, but you weren’t gonna be a part of it. And he was gonna hear it loud and clear.
‘Look, I am not the right person for what you want.’
‘Yeah, and what’s that?’
‘A hook up? A romp around the yacht? Correct me if I am wrong.’
‘You’re not wrong.’
‘Well, there you go.’
‘Not fully right either.’
‘Urmm what?’
‘You are exactly the right person. I want you.’
‘And how did you figure that?’
‘Gimme 15 mins and I will show you how.’
Oh, you should be mad. Bursting with anger at his audacity. And you were. Somewhat. Well, you were trying to be.
You were burning up. Maybe coz the sun was too harsh.
Your hands were trembling. Maybe one too many sangrias. 
You turned in your seat, hiding from his line of sight, and adjusted your hat to further shield your face.
‘I said I don’t want this. Don’t want you.’
‘Lying to me or yourself?’
‘What’s your problem? Jeez why can’t you focus on the woman next to you, who’s been pathetically trying to climb into your lap?’
You regretted the message & the subtext as soon as you hit send. 
‘How about this? Tell me the real reason and I’d leave you alone.’
Not that you owed him any explanation, but he was making you nervous and you wanted to rid yourself of this feeing. Of him. 
‘I don’t do casual sex. Or one night stands. Never done them before. There, happy now?’
You gulped the entire remaining glass of sangria like cold water, as you waited for what you hoped (feared) would be his final response.
‘Appreciate the honesty. Gotta go, the yacht is waiting. And the girl too. Will fuck her now, picturing you.’
The glass dropped from your hand, falling on the table, thankfully not breaking. Gobsmacked, you blinked at the screen, half convinced you had hallucinated the whole thing. Coz how could any of this be real? You sat there in that blank state, lost to a myriad of emotions.
A period of time later (you had completely lost track), the ping from your phone brought you out of your reverie.
You stared at the now familiar number, convinced it was a temp one. No way he was gonna be this brash from his real number.
It was a photo with a caption. After hovering over the notification for a good while, you finally clicked on it.
The photo was of a tiny yacht bed, empty and messy. Completely undone. With the caption below.
‘Going for round 2 soon. Unless you wanna come claim your place.’
You ran to your room, unable to trust yourself in a public setup anymore, and quickly got under a cold shower. To stop your body from burning the way it did. To stop your mind from hyperventilating the way it did.
This boy was trouble. And he wasn’t giving up.
There may or may not be a Part 2 here, depends on inspiration :)
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joeys-babe · 10 months
Joey B Imagines: Kiss Me*
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Summary: Another Joe prank! After engaging with so many couple pranks and trends on Tiktok, your FYP just keeps giving you more ideas! This time it's wiping your lips after Joe kisses you…
Warnings: fluff, unserious/funny, pranks, smut at the end.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*no particular date for this blurb!*
(y/n’s pov)
Today was a slow, boring, rainy day. Joe was downstairs making dinner and playing with the boys while doing so. My parents were coming down for dinner tonight and Joe has always felt the need to make a three-course dinner for them every time they come over, even though he’s had their approval for several years now.
I sat upstairs on the bed. It was that time of the month and I was also coming down from a stomach virus, not fun at all. The only positive was Joe playing sexy nurse for me, bringing me soup, and tissues, checking my temp, holding my hair when I got sick, just all around being the best husband ever.
The sounds of giggles spewing from my twin boys playing with their daddy warmed my heart. Their laughing patterns had me guessing what was going on down there. My hypothesis was Joe was “chasing” the boys, catching them, trapping them on the couch, and tickling the daylights out of them.
I was contemplating going down there to find out but the giggling stopped, and before I knew it Joe was walking into our room. He respectively knocked and when I told him to come in he did.
“Hey. You doing okay, mama?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you softly smiled
“That's good. Do you need anything? If you're not feeling 100% we can cancel on your parents, I'll even call them myself.” - Joe
“No, I’m okay Joe. I appreciate your offering though. Can you come here for a sec?” - you
“Mhm.” - Joe
Joe softly smiled at me as he made his way over to the bed and got under the covers on his respective side.
I rolled over into his chest and got comfortable as Joe rubbed my back.
“I love you, J.” - you
“I love you more. I've got dinner mostly done, a couple of pieces of chicken aren't up to temp yet but the sides are finished.” - Joe
“Good job Mr. Chef.” - you giggled
“Mr. Chef? Sounds kinky.” - Joe chuckled
“Joseph Lee!” - you leaned up and gave him a dirty look only to find him laughing with his head back.
“Sorry, I had to. You should know by now that if there's an opportunity for a dirty joke Imma jump on it.” - Joe
“I know it, and your jokes are funny. Just get it out of your system before your in-laws are here, Burrow.” - you laughed
“Yes ma'am!” - Joe laughed along with you.
Joe went to lean down for a kiss and a memory flashed in my mind from this morning.
This morning when I woke up alone in bed the shower in the bathroom told me that Joe was in there, I scrolled on TikTok for a little bit and ended up in my collection of videos saved with the title “Do with Joe.”
It consisted of all the couple trends and pranks that I've already done on him plus ones I wanted to do but haven't yet.
Due to the gloomy weather outside, I felt like a prank would be fun to do today. This one specifically was going to be very fun.
Joe and I kiss maybe 10,000,000 times a day. That's definitely not an exaggeration either. Before we were even a couple we loved little pecks or even long make-outs; kissing each other was just essential when the feeling of each other’s lips felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together.
What this prank was is every time your partner kissed you, you'd wipe it off. Whether it be a hand kiss, a cheek kiss, a forehead kiss, or a kiss on the lips. It was to be wiped off.
Now that Joe was going to kiss me for the first time it was a perfect time to let the ranking begin.
His smooth pink lips were on mine softly and before I knew it he was pulling away.
Joe smiled down at me as he started to lean up from the bed but paused when I wiped my lips with the back of my hand.
The small smile on his lips faltered and he furrowed his brows at me.
“I've brushed my teeth this morning, so I don't have morning breath… what's up?” - Joe
I shrugged and Joe frowned.
“Are you worried you're gonna get me sick? Because you know my immune system is like a brick wall… even if you were still a little sick we could have a full make out and I promise I’d be fine.” - Joe
“Mmm, okay.” - you giggled
Joe smiled at me giggling at his response, hoping that meant he had convinced me to let him kiss me. It was a few seconds later that Joe leaned in again, pressing his lips with a little bit more force than the first time.
“I love yo-” - Joe stopped when you wiped his kiss off again
“Baby, I’m fine to kiss you.” - Joe
“I know.” - you
“Then why do you keep wiping my damn kisses off??” - Joe whined
“Just don’t feel like it today.” - you
He looked hurt and taken aback by my reasoning. Joe knew I loved kissing him so this was weird to him. Was it something he did?
Eventually, Joe walked out of the room playing with his bracelets anxiously. I'm going to absolutely smooch him to death later because even though I'm choosing to do these pranks, he always takes them personally and it makes me feel bad.
After getting out of bed and ready for dinner, I walked downstairs to find Joe setting the table. Tyson and Miles were already dressed in their usual matching fashion and their hair was fixed. My heart warmed since their hair had recently started getting curlier, and they now both had one singular blonde hair hanging over their forehead. They're just like their daddy.
“Thanks for getting the boys ready.” - you smiled at Joe
“Oh, you're welcome. I didn't want you to have to do it so I went ahead and did.” - Joe
I nodded and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his chest after he put the last plate down.
“Have you heard from my parents?” - you
Joe laid his head against mine and mumbled a “Mhm”.
“They said they'd be here in around 30 minutes.” - Joe
“Okay sounds good. Do you need help with anything?” - you
“Nope, I've got it all. Dinner is done, the table is set, the boys are ready, and drinks are in the fridge.” - Joe
Pulling away from his chest, my smile gleamed as I looked at my man.
“You are the best husband ever, Joe.” - you
“I try to be, baby. You deserve nothing but the best and that's what I try to be.” - Joe
“Gosh. I love you so much. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, Joe.” - you
Joe was grinning and rubbing my back, he went to lean in and kiss me but awkwardly paused and pulled back.
“Sorry I… forgot.” - Joe
God I was supposed to be pranking him but now all I wanted to do was grab him, throw him on the couch, cuddle him, and whisper in his ear how much I loved him as I kissed all over his face.
“You make this so hard.” - you sighed
“W- what?” - Joe
“I’m supposed to be pranking you by wiping my mouth after you kiss me but now I just feel bad. You're too sweet and cute for your own good. I'm sorry for pranking you again. I think it's going to be funny but then you make me sad.” - you
“Sorry for ruining your prank, baby.” - Joe giggled
“You didn't ruin anything… you're just too… perfect.” - you
“Def not perfect. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm a little sad about your prank.” - Joe
“I'm so sorry. After my parents leave we can do whatever you want, I won't complain.” - you
“Bye guys, see you soon!” - you
“Bye, get home safe!” - Joe
“Bye, gamma!!” - Tyson
“Bye, gwampy!” - Miles
My parents waved bye at us one last time before Joe opened the front door and gently guided the boys inside.
“Mama, tuck me in?” - Miles
“Of course, sweetie!” - you grinned at your boy
“Me too mama!” - Tyson hugged your leg
“I’ll tuck you both in don't worry.” - you smiled
“Why do you guys not want Daddy to put you to bed?!” - Joe
Joe held his arms up in defeat, waiting for Tyson or Miles to answer as they hugged at my legs.
“You don't read as good as Mama.” - Miles giggled
Joe’s mouth hung open from how distraught he was that his boys were turning away from him. I giggled at the look on his face before bending down to rub the boys’ backs to get their attention.
“Say goodnight to Dada and then we’ll go upstairs.” - you
Tyson was the first one to detach from me and run up to Joe, who happily scooped him up with one arm. Ty laid his head on his dad’s shoulder and Joe leaned over to kiss his cheek. He ran his fingers through the light blonde hair that was identical to his when he was their age.
“G’night, Dada.” - Tyson
“Night night buddy.” - Joe handed him over to you
Joe squatted down and Miles immediately walked into his father's embrace, wrapping his tiny arms around Joe’s neck as he hugged him. Joe had one hand on Miles's back and the size comparison was insane, his hand covering his son’s entire back.
“Night, Daddy.” - Miles
“Goodnight, Mi-guy.” - Joe
Miles wiggled out of Joe’s arms and back over to me. Joe stood back up at his full height and towered over me in such a delicious way.
“Stay down here. I'll be coming back down soon.” - you
The smirk forming on his lips told me he read between the lines and he realized the promise I made earlier was more sexual than he had originally thought.
Anything I want, Joe thought.
The boys went to sleep rather quickly but before I went downstairs I made a beeline for the bedroom. I grabbed a hairband put my hair up, just in case, and took my clothes off. I slipped one of Joe’s shirts over my naked body and went downstairs.
Joe was sitting on the couch, manspreading in his usual fashion as he watched the TV in front of him.
The light from the TV showed off every beautiful curve in his face and accentuated his chiseled jawline.
After giving him a slow look up and down, my eyes lingered on his crotch where a clear bulge had formed in his slinky shorts.
He's definitely been thinking about what he wants to do.
Walking out of my hiding spot on the stairs, Joe’s eyes averted from the TV to my frame and a smile graced his lips when he saw my ponytail.
“Hey…” - you sat down next to Joe
Joe flicked the TV off, and now the room was only being lit by the small table lamps, this lighting made Joe look ridiculously sexy.
He looked over at me and licked his lips.
“What are we gonna do?” - you smiled
I watched Joe fist his shorts and pull the legs of them higher up, showcasing more of his gorgeous muscular thighs. God, those thighs.
“Since you didn't want those pretty lips touching my lips. We're gonna use them somewhere else. Sound good, mama?” - Joe
Nodding, a smirk formed on Joe’s lips as I lowered onto my knees.
I palmed Joe through his shorts causing him to groan, and satisfied I pulled them and his boxers down his long legs.
Joe’s dick was already hard, swollen, and slightly wet from the precum beading at the red tip.
Gesturing for Joe to lift his arms, I pulled his shirt over his head and almost moaned at the familiar sight of his erect cock laying against his chiseled torso.
Taking his base in my hand I finally did what Joe had been wanting, kissing his tip sloppily.
“Oh god. Fucking suck it baby.” - Joe groaned
That was all the praise I needed to take his length into my mouth, sucking on it as I bobbed up and down. Joe was groaning and cursing left and right.
“Your mouth baby… your lips, wish I could have ‘em around my cock 24 fucking 7.” - Joe
His words only made me moan around him, causing Joe to moan out himself.
Joe was letting me do the work, for now. It wasn't long after I thought that when he grabbed my ponytail and started moving me on his cock.
“Atta girl, mama. Makin’ me feel so good.” - Joe
Minutes later Joe’s hips started bucking, signaling to me that he was close so I doubled my efforts. My hand moved on his base to stimulate what I couldn't get in my mouth and Joe’s moans told me he appreciated it.
“Gonna make me fuckin’ cum.” - Joe moaned
It was soon after that, I tried to quicken my pace even more and Joe was an absolute mess. He was choking on his own groans and was so close.
“Baby! I'm cumming!” - Joe grunted out
Shortly after his warning he released in my throat. I stayed with his dick in my mouth as I watched him through my lashes.
Joe looked completely blissed out and his chest was heaving and glistening with sweat. His forehead was also sweaty and the veins that ran through his body were bulging out.
He pulled at my ponytail, telling me to get off, and when I did I grabbed a tissue out of the box on the end table to clean him up.
After I cleaned Joe up and slipped his boxers back on, I went to wipe my mouth off but Joe grabbed my forearm.
“Dont you fucking dare wipe your lips.” - Joe
Feeling the abundance of saliva and precum on my lips and chin, I sucked in a heavy breath.
“Kiss me.” - Joe
Authors note: guys even I'm giggling at the ending.
Request for this fic; (anon I literally took your idea and RAN with it. I actually have no way to defend myself on how this turned into a BJ.)
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
idt theres a pierre blub and i want to show some love if u dont mind? pierre gasly x reader where reader makes him stuff like flower crowns and paper rings? ty 💓
aww my first little pierre blurb, i’m dedicating this to all my pierre girlies 🫶🏻
by now the pile of little flower crows and colourful twine rings were growing on the living room coffee table in your home, pierre, your ever loving boyfriend playing model as you worked away on these crafts for your girls weekend coming up.
“pierre, can you please try this one on too?”
“combien de temps encore mon amour” he replied, a slight hint of annoyance in his tone but you knew he didn’t mean it
“a few more please? then i’ll leave you alone..i promise”
pierre knew you never asked much of him, so really he was more than happy to sit here with you and let you place as many flower crows on his head as you wanted
“i’ll sit here for however long you want baby, i’m just messing around”
“really you sure you don’t mind?”
he nods leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips
“i don’t”
“okay, thank you lovie…i promise it’s just this last one”
you carefully took the soft daisy crown in your hands before raising it to his head, smiling when it fit him perfectly
“one sec stay there..”
he was about to ask what you were doing but when you took your phone out to snap a picture, he didn’t need too. pierre was sure to indulge you, making funny faces as you giggled, knowing you’d keep this pictures of him forever
“so do i get to keep any of these or was i just a model today”
you nodded, fixing the daisies on his head
“yes, this one is yours, for um well putting up with my crafting for almost 3 hours”
he laughs stretching his arms dramatically as if he’d been sitting for days
“i love it, thank you…im finally free”
smacking his chest lightly he couldn’t hold back a laugh as he pulled you down to the floor with him
“tu aimais m'aider, ne mens pas”
“oui, parce que c'est pour toi...en plus maintenant tu peux venir jouer au padel avec moi!”
pierre continued to laugh as you groaned, knowing padel was not your favourite sport to play, but for him, you’d endure hitting the ball back and forth over a little net, until you’d give up taking your place with alexandra on the bench to watch charles and pierre battle it out
in his eyes, it was a win-win situation.
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spidey-bie · 1 year
Currently thinking about vibing in a car (that you borrowed from a friend) on a particularly hot day with Hobie. Feels like Summer by Childish Gambino is playing through the speakers. The air conditioner doesn't work. A wave of hot air blows in through the windows. Neither of you has any idea on where you're going since it's way too hot for thoughts.
"They said that today's temp is higher than it's been in years." You had been scrolling through a news article on your phone. Trying and failing to distract yourself from the sweltering heat.
"Love it's climate change." His eyes never strayed from the road as he spoke. Sweat beading down his forehead.
"Yeah." You sigh. "Unfortunately I already know."
The irony of hearing the voice of Donald Glover singing about how nothing in this world seems to change made you feel sick inside. Or maybe it was the heat getting to you.
You didn't feel like carrying the weight of the world today. There was no point in worrying about things that you couldn't control. Hobie was the one who taught you that. He was able to handle so much as Spiderman, so much so that it worried you. Especially since there seemed to be a shift in his behavior recently. He'd come home with more scratches than usual. Swearing that he didn't see the villain coming as you bandaged his wounds. He was lying and you knew. But for his sake you pretended to believe him. You could see it in his eyes. Something had happened. You wondered if it had anything to do with the Spiderwoman that he'd take in recently. Or maybe something happened at whatever that Spider Society was. He hadn't mentioned going there in a while. Maybe something happened. You signed.
"Something up love?" You turn to look at him. His pretty brown eyes stared back at you. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Yet, there were times where you looked into Hobie's eyes and you only found a stranger.
"No. It's nothing." You turn back to look out the window.
You didn't want to pry. You'd just have to continue doing whatever you could to help. Sometimes you did wonder, When would he ever have the time to just unwind? When would there ever be a time where he wasn't the anchor that stabilized the ship during a storm? Did he even know that he could rely on you? You brush those thoughts aside. You don't have the energy to think about it at this moment. The sun's rays were really getting to you now. Today neither of you were superheroes out trying to save the world. Today you and your beloved were going out to enjoy a drive in the blazing heat, to absolutely nowhere in particular. For now the both of you were going to be okay.
A/N: These are all connected in a way. Kinda sorta maybe. Anyways today's act of antismut protest (still don't know what to call this) is a short blurb. Seeing how my other story is taking forever for me to write. Label your smut works with a tag and/or a warning at the top. Just a tag does help a little. But that's only if you're tagging your works properly. And by a warning I don't mean those small text warnings that nobody can see.
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grace122 · 2 years
Small Dnf blurb <3
Mafia!AU; Dilf!Boss!Dream & Second right hand!George.
Warning: Blood mention, Blood kink(?), Knife play.
George stared at the bloody scene in front of his eyes, slightly repulsed by it. If he thought of it, that prick deserved it; He thought that he wouldn't be caught betraying them. That poor excuse for a man thought that he would get away for telling their information to another group. Luckily, he had found him before any relevant information. And even more luckier was that Dream left him the work to "have fun with him", and not to Sapnap. He really didn't like to leave his work to someone else.
Talking about Dream, he remembered he had to inform him about the "happy results" as George preferred to call it. He started to walk towards the tallest's office, only hearing the sound of his soles hitting the floor. Without knocking, he let himself enter Dream's office; something the youngest detested and he couldn't give a fuck about.
"Did I gave you permission to enter my office, George?" Dream spoke with a sarcastic smirk crossing his lips. "No, and I don't care about it, just wanted to tell you that the little rat problem is done." The brunete sat himself on his boss' desk, letting his legs rest on Dream's lap.
The brunette smirked at the dead stare the man in front of him gave him. "Is there a problem, Dreamy~?" he mocked, cutting his chuckle with a hitched breath; Dream was pressing a knife against his throat. "You know, you look 9 times better when your pretty lips are shut." the words practically came out as a growl. George could only smile at the action, the feeling of the knife in his throat starting to work him up. "Got nothing to say?" Dream mocked him, putting pressure on the knife. George let himself whimper as a response, making Dream just blushed slightly. "Weirdo" he muttered, taking the knife away. "Says the one that gets excited at the sight of blood" George mumbled on response, rubbing his tights at the overwhelming feeling that was now invading him.
Dream stared at his state. He would be lying if he said that George's actual state wasn't hot. His hair messy from toying with the traitor, his tights rubbing into eachother and his slight red cheeks were making him crazy, with the stains of blood on his body, falling gracefully and painting him as if he were a white canvas ready to be fulfilled by that hypnotising and glamorous red being the cherry on top. Dream felt he could loose his posture in a matter of seconds.
His hand traveled slowly through George's tights, grabbing him by his hip. George only stared at him, his brown eyes staring with lustful desire into the green murderous forest that Dream possessed. "How about U reward you from doing such a good job with the traitor, pretty?" Dream muttered, letting his eyes travel the shorty's clothed body. George hummed softly in answer, a slight smile forming in his lips. "Will I get a good reward?" he teased by the low, his hands gripping at Dream's dress shirt, pulling him closer to his needy body. Dream just chuckled at what he found a stupid question. "The best prize I would ever give you, baby, that's a promise" he whispered in his ear with a husky voice, gaining a whimper in response from the sweet pink lips he so desired wrapped around his cock in that moment.
George's nails were leaving heavy marks in Dream's back. His body squirming at the blonde's touch. He couldn't believe that anything could make him feel as full as Dream's dick was making him feel. His curly hair was a mess as he was laying down over Dream's desk; a lot of paperwork and random stuff were scattered throughout the desk and floor carelessly. His porcelain alike skin was marked between red and purple from blood and hickeys. He felt in cloud 9 with the skilled touched Dream gave him. His eyes were temped to roll back, as if they were trying to hide from Dream's gaze, but he couldn't take his eyes apart from the tall man that was breaking him down in two. "My, my, look at you~", Dream mumbled with a cocky smirk, his groans and low moans weren't hidden from George's ears, both of them were enjoying that moment like no-one could ever do. "You look so pretty as a mess for me~" he praised, his dick only going harder each time he entered George, he could feel the brunette's body shake in pleasure underneath him. "Bet you're loving having rough sex like a slut with a knife against your pretty skin, aren't you?" he whispered, teasing George's skin with the sharp knife he had threating him with earlier. George only moaned at the feeling of the cold metal against his hot skin. Only toxic thoughts invading his mind. He wanted to mark Dream as his, just like the blonde has marked him before. He was so ruined for the blonde man to the point that he couldn't get pleasure from any night-stand that weren't him. How low has he fallen to be this dedicated to his own boss?
"So pretty under me, completely at my mercy, you like that Georgie? Mmm? Having your life and pleasure deposited on me?" His questions were mostly to mock him, as he was too fucked dumb to being able to answer. And Dream knew that. He knew how much impact he had left on George, just like George has left on him. He was so addicted to the small brunette that it surpassed the effect a drug had on an addict. It was beyond that, a wordless feeling that only George knew how to pull from him.
As he kept going harder and faster, he could tell how much George's body loved the attention. His legs were effortlessly wrapped around the blonde's waist, as if he tried to keep him close with barely any force. As if he knew he wouldn't tried to get away from the heaven's door the brunette gave him the access to. It was amusing how such a demon as he found George to be could behold such a Heaven in him, a Heaven that only him, Dream, had access to. One that he would never let anyone get a taste from. A beautiful Heaven in a Hell of a person.
It was a sicked passion what they had for eachother, but they never wanted it in another way.
I got carried away from the sex, but here! a mafia!Dnf blurb! <3
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doubleddenden · 1 year
Yall wanna see some cringe?
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I decided to try creating pokemon variants or similar that one might find in my home state of Ms. I'm still working on more but it's a fun thought and doodle experiment
Blurb under cut. Please try not to take it all too seriously lol, this was just for funsies.
I'm also indulging my younger self. See a long, long time ago when I was a kid, I used to see my home as a place you could easily find pokemon around the corner. Tauros in the fields, Noctowl in the trees, the wasps were angry Beedrill, you get the idea
It was magical, a time before greed and capitalism caused rushed and unfinished games with questionable decisions by game freak higher ups. A time where I could just kinda look at the tall grass or the woods and see pokemon just living naturally without feeling a ton of responsibility or guilt for existing.
Recently I've decided to try exploring that AU, where states and such have their own dexes. Obviously some would overlap, like I'm very sure the Gulf Coast would have very similar dexes, but my idea would be that could start out with different starters that have different variant evolutions- and heck, you could even cross state borders to get theirs if that's what you wanted.
But for now, without getting way too deep, I decided to make variants based on critters that either exist here or have some sort of cultural tie in.
Let's go:
Typhlosion, Fire/Ground, low temp fires but also used for welding and construction, trusted with kids because they don't tend to start fires they don't quickly put out. The original line is already kinda mixed of badgers, weasels, moles, etc, but I think there's plenty of those here, and if nothing else Cyndaquil IS the fire mouse pokemon, and by God we got mice. Favoritism put it here admittedly since Cyndaquil was my very first pokemon in the games, and I'd want the same irl.
Blastoise, Water/Rock, basically more of a mobile tank people ride on. Uses the bubbles around its legs as wheels. Based on box turtles that live here
Chesnaught, Grass/Steel, based on various loggers and blue collar workers from here, helps with those sort of jobs and is pretty intelligent. It can form shields or slice up trees easily with its arm saws.
Yanma, Bug/Flying, based on dragonflies I see around the house
Yanmega, Bug/Steel, evolves while knowing Steel Wing. Tends to eat rusted metal from old farms and junk yards, very quick
Salandit, Ice/Electric, based on blue tailed skinks I see around my house often
Freezard, Ice/Electric, evolves from male ms Salandit. They take things by force if they want and their tails can be used as whips. Usually the females keep them in line though.
Corvilich, Flying/Rock- actually a cross over from a fan region I dabble in during my spare time. Lots of crows and corvids here, so naturally I think they'd be here too. Evolves from Corvisquire. They fight each other over nice bones and are great fliers, and are very intelligent, may or may not have good and bad omens associated
Miltank, Water/Normal, based on cows I see often taking dips in local ponds. Ms is a very farm heavy state, so I could see us having our own moomoo milk market. The arms and legs act like floaties.
Dragonite, Dragon/Fairy, evolves from Dragonair with high friendship. I wanted a psuedo legend, and then I found out Ms has its own dragon stories (even a town). I also thought it'd be neat to make a friend you'd maybe see in a forest, so I also added butterfly elements to it from the Great Purple Hairstreak.
I'm still making more, I'm progressing and getting a little better as I go, but I don't wanna get too crazy making a bunch. I'm thinking maybe about the same amount as Legends Arceus introduced. I do want to try making a full, balanced team, though, so I'll probably make more for that. So far though I could see myself with Typhlosion, Corvilich, Freezard, and Dragonite. Looking for a water type and maybe a doggo.
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ash-and-books · 5 months
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Rating: 1/5
Book Blurb:
It’s an honor to bring light to the dark.
The nineteenth-century whaling village of Warbler is famous for its lucky ship figureheads—and infamous for people disappearing into the nightly fog. In this murky locale, the lamplighter is synonymous with safety and protection, and it’s a position Temperance assumes when her father is found hanging from one of the lampposts. Though Tempe proves competent, the town is still hesitant to let a woman handle this responsibility.
When a girl disappears after two lamps go out, Tempe’s ability to provide for her mother and younger sister hangs in the balance. She scrambles for answers, hindered at every turn by the village authorities’ call for her removal. As more villagers vanish under her watch, Tempe discovers unsettling truths about the famous Warbler figureheads and her own beloved father. But her warnings of a monster are ignored, even by her own family. Now she must follow the light out of her own fog of despair, as she faces the choice to look the other way or risk speaking out and possibly dooming herself and her sister to be among the lost.
A girl must face off against a dangerous monster of a man who is closing in on those she loves most in this horror story set in a 19th century whaling village. In the little village of warbler, famous for it's lucky ship figureheads, people have been known to disappear in the nightly fog. It is the job of lamplighters to light the lamps at night to guide people home. Temperance loves her job as a lamplighter, it lets her support her ill mom and her sister. After her father's suicide, Tempe has been trying to be everything for her family. The only thing that she hates is Gideon, the wealthy and respected individual man in town that her father had warned her about... and the very same man who had assaulted her when she was 16 and now is her sister's new fiance. Tempe wants to do everything in her power to save her sister but she refuses to tell her sister the truth about what he did. Tempe begins noticing more girls disappearing and finding a connection to Gideon as well... she knows she has to stop him but he might be more powerful and monstrous than she could have ever imagined. This book started off interesting but I just did not have a good time with it. I loved the premise and loved the setting, however, I did not enjoy Tempe as a protagonist and that ending just left a bad taste in my mouth. The characters were all so frustrating and it just does not end well. I love horror books, especially historical horror, and this one missed the mark for me. If you enjoy historical horror with women suffering, then this is for you, otherwise I would absolutely steer clear of this one.
*Thanks Netgalley and North Star Editions | Flux for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Charub camping diaries: Part 3 Side A
"Good morning world!" a familiar chipper voice rings out, attached to it, the same green visage.
"we managed to get a lot done, the hole getting dug out really helps, I wrongly assumed my brother would explain why we were digging underground, its mostly for insulation. our old environment was vary temp neutral so we want to be prepared for our first bout of cold weather living!"
they turn the camera to a somewhat deep whole, big enough to stand in with a little bit of ground over your head. kratanor leans on a shovel, having just gotten rid of the evidence of their excavation.
"The large rocks can be used for something I bet... but i need to make sure that I get everything ready for an outing into two, so its just going to be making a simple covering over the shelter and working on my disguise...which means makeup!"
"I really wish bamboo was more common on this planet... they always have bamboo in the videos, it looks so easy to work with! now my original plan was to cut the tree down into planks, and i still plan on doing that, but that's going to be for much later. i have made another wonderful discovery about your species!"
she dumps out from her strifedex a collection of nasty looking wooden pallets.
"you just have free wood!!! and Nails!!! for free! that's so crazy!"
she uses the axe to start separating the wood into their separate planks, then reusing the nails to create a long enough set of planks to span the length of the hole.
"If I can find more of these, then were golden! HA! why would you ever get rid of these things~? what are they for anyway?"
she takes a breather after setting a nice and basic skeleton to start out with. it wouldn't pass any real engineering standards, but it does manage to stay up on its own. she is once again eating a rather nasty looking bar of chocolate.
"now, makeup! trolls have grey skin, werid chubby looking cheeks, adorable by the way! and a full head of hair! that's so weird!!!"
she sets out a set of assorted paints, most of them digatally crunched for some odd reason... as well as clay, adhesive and a wig.
"first off is the face..."
She taps on the boney protrusions sticking out on the side of her face. she places a little bit of skin save adhesive over each somewhat gaunt check and begins applying the clay, forming a set of somewhat natural looking cheeks, if not a tiny bit lumpy. she works a bit to get them to smooth out.
"why do you need hair? trolls have had their methods of regulating extreme tempratures for so long, it feels like a evolutionary disavantage to have it..."
she opens her mouth, her jaw unhinging to reveal rows and rows of sharp snake like teeth that she painstakingly paints from their original forest green to a more average white. she then applies a set of contact lenses, giving her the expected yellow and black eyes of a troll.
"well how do i look?~"
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"its a little bit crude but lets see if we can make this work, im going to talk to some of the natives online to see if they notice anything, wish me luck!"
(hello! im opening up asks for kratanor! feel free to send just about any questions, tips or blurbs you happen to want to send.)
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thepixelelf · 2 years
haven't been on here for like a week but im testing through your blog to catch up on what i missed and i have to know about the sungyoon werewolf thing please
welcome back! I wish I had the mental strength to take a break from this hellsite 😅
ok so this was actually the first draft of this blurb, where an anon had asked for sungyoon + werewolf au, but I decided this was a bit too long and would turn out to be a full fic (if I had the time and motivation) rather than a blurb, so I scrapped it and posted the other one. it's basically the same au -- reader is the new assistant to a hotshot ceo and meets his newest project: a humanoid superweapon genetically modified to be stronger, faster, fiercer etc etc. sungyoon is quiet and scary, but reader sees the humanity in his eyes or something cute like that
technically it's not a real werewolf au, it's just called that because it's what the anon asked for and I did not deliver lmao
I didn't have much written, so I'll just insert what I had under the cut!
"How often does Mr Jeon personally oversee projects?"
Beverly is quick to shush you as you struggle to keep up with her pace, walking a good two or so meters behind Mr Jeon and the project team leader he's conversing with. You doubt either of them heard you, nor care about what you have to say, but you keep your mouth shut and make a note to tone your voice down -- you can't have Beverly thinking you're not fit to take over for her, even if it's just temporary.
"Sorry," you whisper, bowing your head slightly as you walk. You've got your little notebook out, the page you're on almost filled with illegible scribbles detailing everything you need to know about working as Mr Jeon's temp secretary slash personal assistant slash yes man.
- always be an hour earlier than Mr Jeon - always get up at least 3.5 hours before you have to be somewhere - never put your phone on silent!! - schedule time off over 2 months in advance + always be available for emergencies even when off the clock -- always on the clock? - dress well but never to draw attention - be prepared for anything! nts: ask what "everything" is?
Beverly's short heels click evenly on the linoleum floor, and you look down at your black sneakers. Yeah, they're not exactly top-drawer, but you thought they were at least the opposite of attention-drawing. Though, now that you think about it, even nice running shoes might draw more attention than dress shoes when you're a secretary slash pack mule for a multi-millionaire.
In your moment of introspection, you somehow manage to trip over your own feet while you're looking at them. Neither Mr Jeon nor the team leader make any sort of indication that they notice or give a damn, but Beverly shoots a look over her shoulder that screams, get your shit together. You try to clear the embarrassment from your face without a sound, and you shuffle up to Beverly's side again with your notebook at the ready.
"What do we do during these kinds of meetings?"
Even though you thought you whispered that quietly enough, Beverly glares at you like you just stepped on her toe. She slows her gait slightly and watches the way you scribble in your notebook as she answers. "Stay close by and listen. Follow the conversation but do not join it. If you're needed, you will be addressed."
You frown at that. You've been hearing a lot of stuff along the same lines; don't speak unless spoken to. How does Beverly tolerate being treated like she can't have opinions? She seems like such a made, confident woman to you. Maybe she's just telling you this since you're only starting out. After all, you're still shadowing her right now, and you've only been doing that for two days before this.
"Write down anything important," she continues.
Mr Jeon and the team leader stop momentarily at a door, so you wait until they walk through and get ahead of you two before whispering, "How do I know what's important?"
There's no denying Beverly doesn't even try to stop herself from rolling her eyes at you with a quiet but undeniably tired sigh. "Just write everything down."
You press your lips together but just look down instead of saying anything else. Instead, you walk slightly closer to Mr Jeon, writing down things like dates and times, something called "Project Y", and the fact that Mr Jeon likes his eggs over-medium. Either he and the team leader are friends, or Mr Jeon is just the charismatic type. You suppose he has to be -- you don't reach the top of the business ladder without a little ass-kissing (and nepotism).
So focused on writing down everything "important," you almost walk straight into a swinging door because of course Mr Jeon doesn't bother holding doors open for secretaries, and like underlings see, underlings do, so the team leader doesn't hold the door either. Only Beverly is your saving grace. Even though she probably thinks you're nowhere near qualified to take the reins of her job while she takes maternity leave, she -- maybe -- feels some empathy for you, at least. She catches the door right before it can clock you in the nose, whispers at you to pay attention, and ignores when you mutter under your breath how you can only pay attention to so many things at once.
But you're going to have to learn how, if you really want to snag this job and the doors it's going to open for you in the future. You didn't even apply for this gig, sincerely surprised when the interview happened and Beverly told you your dad set it all up. Surprised at the interview, not the rest -- your dad would totally spring something like that on you. And sure, you'd heard of Jeon Industries before, but not on the level where you'd ever thought you'd work there. It's a giant in weapons production. You still keep stuffed animals on your bed. Proudly, but still.
It seemed like Mr Jeon had completely left the selection process to Beverly, but you doubt she picked you for your not-so-stunning resumé. Maybe it was your personality... no, even you have to laugh at that. Personality only matters in movies when it comes to jobs like this. You really don't know what led you to shadowing Beverly for two and a half days, but you're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth here, especially when you're still on unemployment.
"Just this way, Sir."
You snap back into it, cursing under your breath at the lost thirty seconds when you could've been writing shit down. Beverly eyes you from her periphery, and you know you've been docked yet another point in her mental checklist. You seriously have no idea how many more chances she's going to give you.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
request for ceoverse! pls make where the wifey visits him at work ((wherein the employees still dont know how she looks like)) and his secretary kinda looks down at her like “who r u, do u even have an appointment lol” ... i want angry ceo!harry and shook employees PLEASE +++ hes all soft w her in front of them and they are all like HUH 🤨
TEMP OPENING (mini blurb)
Reminder: Harry is not nice! He’s an asshole to everyone but his wife and baby.
Y/N was a bit frazzled. She was suppose to drop off important documents, that her husband had forgotten at home, to Harry’s office an hour and a half ago.
Ivy decided that it’d be best to throw a temper tantrum because she didn’t want to stop playing with her toy kitchen set.
After a half hour of wriggly, angry toddler chaos - Ivy was strapped into her car seat with a furious expression.
Especially because YN didn’t let her bring a toy along because of her behavior. It was her attempting to kick the back of the leather seat until YN firmly asked her to stop.
When she wouldn’t, YN pulled out her last resort card. She didn’t use it much because she didn’t want it to lose luster.
“Did I need to tell Daddy how you’re treating mummy?” YN looks in the rearview mirror at her red-faced daughter.
Ivy looked comical. She’d refused to let her mother comb her wild curls or change her white shirt that was covered in berry stains.
“No!” She shrieks but stops kicking and huffs as she looks out the window to the passing scenery.
The temper of her father, YN swears.
She manages to scurry through the building without many glances. A few people know who she is but not any of the lower level employees.
They don’t recognize Ivy either because she is rarely in the building and if she happens to be they keep her on the secluded top floor where his office is.
YN is rushing, feeing awful about not getting the papers to him sooner. She doesn’t look much better than her baby.
Hair is a messy bun atop her head, a ripped up vintage shirt, and grey biker shorts that have similar berry stains to her daughters.
She is basically dragging her toddler along as she isn’t very willing to use her feet at this very moment. Stopping and staring at everything then grumbling when her mum pulls her away.
Finally she arrives at the office that houses his secretary before the massive doors that lead into his office.
When she pushes through, there are two men sitting on the sofa with briefcases in their laps - obviously waiting for a meeting.
The women behind the desk isn’t the usual grey haired grandmother-like women that she and Ivy love.
Harry’s normal secretary was on a week vacation and there was a younger, raven-haired girl sitting in her usual position.
She looks YN up and down with judgemental eyes before she smirks and says, “Mr. Styles isn’t hiring for the cleaning crew right now.”
It takes moment of confusion to realize that the girl is implying that how she looks - unprofessional and a hot mess means she’s less than.
Even though any job is a good job.
YN is about to comment on how rude the comment is but Ivy bolts to the side of the office to view a large very much alive plant.
She reaches up to curiously pick at the leaves in her child-like wonder but ends up pulling the whole thing over, soil spilling all over the plush white carpeting.
It startled Ivy into tears, rushing back to her mum and begging to be picked up. YN can feel the men and the secretary’s eyes on them.
“Mummy, it’s scary,” Her daughter whines, sniffling and burying her face into her mum’s neck. Hiding.
“You’re okay, it’s fine,” YN soothes, rubbing her back comfortingly.
“It’s really not okay because now I have to clean that up. Maybe you should get that little brat under control.”
It’s perfect timing when Harry’s door opens and he hears the girl call his daughter a brat.
His perfect little baby.
All eyes go to Harry, he demands attention anywhere he goes but this is his territory. He’s fucking furious.
“Hayley, why are you talking to your boss that way?” Harry asks in a calm, taunting tone. He casually rests against the doorframe.
Hayley looks at him confused, “What do you mean? I was just telling this women that her daughter is out of control.”
“First off, that women is your boss just as much as me. Seeing as she has 50% ownership of the company,” He replies cooly, pursing his lips in irritation.
“Second off, I’m not going to tolerate you insulting our daughter. She’s a fuckin’ baby, she’s going to do things kids do,” Harry motions to the plant lying lifelessly on the ground.
YN shoots his a look, no cursing in front of Ivy, and he automatically sends her an apologetic look. Their daughter has popped up and is dimpling at her father.
“Daddy! Missed you!” Ivy chirps happily.
The two men are wide-eyes and quiet, they look at each other once - communicating silently.
“Anything else I need to address, pet?” Harry asks his wife, accepting Ivy when she makes grabby hands at her father.
Harry smiles down at his child, “Hi Vee. Y’missed Daddy? I missed you, my little lovie.”
YN usually would let it alone and not be catty - truly.
Insult her all they want but they do not talk about their daughter like that.
“She said that they’re not hiring janitorial staff. I guess my appearance gave off that kind of signal,” YN smirks, even though the rock on her finger should have given it away.
“Hmm, isn’t that interesting?” Harry hums, mocking that he’s thinking hard.
It’s amazing how he can still be intimidating with a little clone of himself in his arms - who’s currently wrapping her fingers in his cross necklace.
“Wha-what?” The confused, nervous girl answers as she realizes the pit she dug herself into.
“It’s interesting because we may not have a janitorial position available but we have a new opening for a temp secretary,” Harry smiles widely with no empathy for the girl.
Then he’s turning to the other men, “D’you two have anything t’say? I’m always willin’ to open your positions too.”
They shake their heads in unison and don’t open their mouths at all. They actually look at their feet.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” Hayley spits at him, standing up and throwing her purse over her shoulder.
“You better hurry. The unemployment office closes at two,” Her husband tells the girl before ignoring her mutters to kiss his daughter’s cheek.
YN steps over, murmuring “She has been a brat all day but she’s our brat.”
“Eh, her mummy is a brat half the time too,” Harry replies, lowly so the men can’t hear.
He can’t help but reach his hand around and squeeze quickly at her bum.
“H,” YN squeaks, smacking him playfully, “Here’s those papers. I’m sorry I’m so late.”
“Never be sorry, s’okay. These guys have been sitting there for the last two hours waitin’ on them to start the meeting. They’re fine.”
YN flushes, avoiding the men’s gazes, and hands them to her husband, “You really are an awful boss.”
“I know, s’fun,” Harry smiles, pressing a kiss to her lips before kissing Ivy’s nose to hear her giggle.
After meeting, the men will discuss - one: how hot his wife is and two: how Harry was whipped for her and his baby.
Enjoy 😊
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siempre-bucky · 3 years
Hi, can I please request druig x reader prompt;
On Valentine’s Day everything seems to have a discount for couples, so why not pretend to be one to save some money and have fun?
Druig x Reader
wc: 483
A/n: I really think that was my favorite prompt from the lists! Thank you for requesting it!
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The cold February air hit your nose as you and Druig walked side by side in Central Park. Every few years, you two would meet up in whatever country you were living in, spending a few days reconnecting. This year it happened to be New York City during Valentine's Day weekend.
Thankfully the cold hid your blush; you didn't mean to plan it during the most romantic time of the year. Druig's just a friend you had to remind himself. That made it worse when you saw an area of the park decked out and red and pink "A Valentines Fair," he chuckled as he saw the sign, "couples only."
Druig raised his eyebrows, his blue eyes watching a pair of women sharing pink popcorn. "Free food," you informed him.
"We could pretend for an hour, eat what they have, leave," he suggested.
The heat rose to your face as he held out his arm for you, "You sure about this?"
"I don't want to turn down a free snack. Plus, it's easier with you."
Your legs felt weak as you looped your arm with his, walking into the small space. Druig was having the best time of his life, ranking all the free heart-shaped foods, and you just loved watching him smile.
He was right; it did feel easy to slip into the couple role. The nerves from the harbored crush went away with a simple touch of Druig's hand as he intertwined his fingers with yours. He purposely nudged your shoulder as you sat on the bench watching all the couples pass you by. You giggled and nudged him back, even temped to slide a little closer.
The soft music playing from the overhead speakers was drowned out by a young couple arguing. Druig's fond smile faded, his eyes flashed gold and it didn't go unnoticed by you. You lightly punched his shoulder, "Why'd you do that?" you asked as you saw the couple with glowing eyes hug it out.
"It's Valentine's Day, it shouldn't be ruined by something petty," he explained as he turned to look at you. Your soft smile warmed his heart, his blush now matching yours. "I-I'm going to get more of this," he told you shyly, quickly getting up to get more popcorn at the stall across from you.
"That your girl?" the older man asked as Druig approached him. Druig swallowed hard and nodded. "How long?"
"Ehm years. It feels like centuries... in the best way," Druig managed. The old man hummed and smiled at the Eternal.
"I saw the way you were looking at her. You must be very much in love with her."
Druig turned around, his eyes landing on you tossing the crumbs of your treat on the ground for a confident squirrel that came up to you. Druig's heart swelled as he saw your sweet smile. "Yeah, I suppose I am."
♡Join the Friday Night Blurb Night V-Day Edition♡
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anyotherwriter · 3 years
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Masterlist / buy me a coffee? / art insta
I scrolled past a list of December themed prompts and I didn’t think to save it but I did apparently latch onto the word “Scarf” so okay. Just a short lil blurb.
credit for the gif to whomever made it. 
okay, love you, bye.
Winters were much easier than they used to be before you'd found Alexandria. You had homes with wood-burning fireplaces, and hot meals, and a community to keep each other cared for, walls to keep you safe. But you didn't take much time to dwell on the ways you had to rough it in the past. Instead, you continued to pack a handful of snow in between your gloved palms, setting your sights on Carl just around the corner. You'd been in an on-again, off-again snowball fight with him since the snowfall began yesterday morning; he was winning by a lot. The fresh snow turned out to be fantastic for snowballs.. But before you could throw it, you felt an icy impact to the back of your shoulder, the unexpected snowball breaking apart with some of it slipping down the collar of your coat. You slowly turned to see if you could spot the assailant while covering your face from a possible impending attack.
You didn't expect to see Daryl so close to you. He found a lot of joy in sneaking up behind you to give you a good jump. Now was no different when you let out a surprised squeak.
"You little shit!" You yelled. Daryl smiled wide as he took a big step towards you, his chest almost flush against yours. In the below freezing temps, you grew warm. He brought his hand towards your neck, gently flicking away a clump of snow that was teetering dangerously close to your bare neck. 
"But ya love me anyway," he said, his voice sounding raw from the cold. 
"Always will." You muttered, getting distracted by his closeness and the feel of his fingertips running their course down your neck towards your coat zipper. 
"Yer neck is cold" He said, as if he hadn't just ran his ice-cold fingers across your skin, making goosebumps erupt across your body. "'ere." 
He slipped the scarf off from around his neck and slowly wrapped it around yours. It was warm and smelled like his pillow and you couldn't help but immediately bury your nose into it. He brought his hands down to rest on your hips, leveling his mouth to your ear. 
"It'll keep ya warm until I can get my hands on ya later." He said in a familiar gruff that always had your thighs clench together. Before you could turn your head to look at him, you felt another snowball crash into your lower back, followed by the sound of laughter.
"Got her!" Carl yelled victoriously. And you had realized a little too late that Daryl was an incredibly well-played distraction. You turned to Daryl with accusing eyes.
"I'm gonna get you back for this." You pointed your finger into his chest where you could feel the rumble of laughter. 
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iridescentparkers · 3 years
masterlist l tasm!peter parker
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SERIES ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
↱ vanilla palm trees - it’s been years, he should get over it, right? but, peter just can’t. he looks up, he sees her. he goes to bed, he dreams of her. he wakes up, he can smell her. he goes out one night and he sees…her. no, not gwen but his ticket to stop moping around on the anniversary of her death. what is meant to be one quick night of putting sadness on the back burner, is now a blossoming new love that feels all too perfect for peter. was this new woman in his life meant to be? or was this just another set of well dealt cards that would leave him walking away empty handed. all or nothing, right? ↝ college!au ↝ one night stand gone wrong trope**
↱ serendipity - secrets are all y/n has ever known, it’s what her family was built on. her mother and father pretending to be perfect and happy. but one day, an incident makes the white picket fence built on lies come crashing down. all that she had ever known burns to ashes and happiness is far out of the question for y/n. cont. (TEMP HIATUS)
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ONESHOTS ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
↱dancing in the dark - living the bridgerton fantasy may be a little out of reach, but dancing like them with the man of your dreams may be a little closer than you think.
↱ pretty - college!au: with the help of some liquid courage, you manage to make your best friend peter parker blush…and blush hard
↱ pov - what better way to spend the day than sleeping in with your favorite boy. a boy who just so happens to be spiderman.
↱ r.e.m. - college!au: just when you thought being spiderman could be as weird as it gets, you hear peter sleep talk for the first time.
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HEADCANONS ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
↱ april showers bring may flowers - the one where peter parker takes his best friend to meet his aunt may
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BLURBS ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
↝study buddies
↝lavender haze
↝lessons in sexting
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**indicates smut; 18+
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Better in the morning
Summary: Forest gets a cold 
Warnings: none! beside the title sounding misleading 
The fall months were definitely favored by the styles family. It always looked beautiful on their farm and the weather was so much nicer than the blazing heat of summer or freezing cold of winter. 
But it was also rough for them when the weather started to get a little chillier- that meant flu season. Since the family doesn’t get out much their immune systems aren’t as strong as they would like, they haven’t got to build it up, so as soon as they come in contact with someone who is feeling under the weather they are ill. 
It hit Forest earlier in the night. He had been having a fun night playing with his sisters until his nose started bothering him. It was stuffy and running at the same time and his throat had an itch to it but he thought it was nothing to bring attention to and he kept playing peekaboo with lavender like his parents had taught him. 
But he woke up around ten PM feeling much worse than before. He got out of his big boy bed and waddled down the hall to his parents room. 
Cracking open the door he found his mummy up with “Lala”, patting her bum while she shushes her and held the fussy girl latch onto her breast for a feeding. Harry was beside her, passed out while his silky curls hid his eyes. Forest creeps open, the creaking of the door making Y/n’s head snap toward the boy. “Forest, you scared me.” She whispers, following him with her eyes. 
“Mumma.” Forest pounds, the pounding in his head making it hard for him to talk. Y/n gives him a sad look and brushes her thumb over his chin. She always knows when her baby’s aren’t feeling the best. “M’ sicky.” Forest lisps, his cheeks pink and his eyes glossy. 
Y/n nods, standing up. “Stay here.” She pats the bed, letting the boy crawl up and join his father while she heads down to the kitchen. 
Y/n digs through their medicine cabinet, looking for their thermometer before she heads back up to her ill son. When she creeks back into her bedroom harry is awake and sitting with Forest. “Didn't mean to wake you.” Y/n whispers, sitting on the end of the bed and pushing the thermometer under his tongue. She waits for the beeps and pulls it out, “Nope, no temp. I think you just caught a cold, bug.” 
Harry hands him a tissue, letting him wipe the snot from under his nose. “Why don’t you stay in here tonight?” Harry offers, rubbing his back. Forest coughs, it’s adorable but it’s also sad for the parents to see their baby boy sick. “Let’s get him in a warm bath.” 
Harry takes Forest to their bathroom, drawing Forests while Y/n rocks lavender to sleep and helps Forest undress. Harry motions for the boy to come over, helping him in the tub and turning off the water. He had dropped in some essential oils, adding some epsom salt hoping it would help with his cold. Forest runs his hand in the bath water. This definitely isn’t as fun as his usual baths. 
“Y’ okay, bub?” Harry asks, running a washcloth over his back. Forest doesn’t respond, he just continues to swish he water. “I’ll make him a bottle. Maybe it will make him feel better.” Y/n decides, shuffling lavender into Harry's arms before disappearing downstairs to make him a bottle of her breast milk. 
Forest looks over the edge of the tub. “Lala.” He lightly coos, squeezing the baby’s finger. “Yeah, s’ lala.” Harry smiles, letting the boy coo to his sleeping sister. He tilts over the rim of the bathtub, kissing her creased forehead. “Night night, Lala.” He wishes, resting back in the tub. 
“One bottle.” Y/n appears behind the two boys, handing Forest the bottle, the little one instantly latching to the bottle and gulping it down. “You tired?” Harry asks, seeing his eyes grow heavy. Forest nods, feeling a little better now that his sinuses have opened up from his bath. “Let’s head to bed.” 
“He’ll be better in the morning.” Harry reassures his wife, handing lavender off to her before he pulls Forest out of the tub. “He’ll be better.”
YALLLL IM POSTING AGAIN!!!! I’m just going to do blurbs for a while! so PLEASE send in requests! I’m in such a good head space right now and im doing amazing so im doing great with my writing right now, i want to write so much and I have so many ideas. i hope you all liked this, please let me know what you thought of it and im so sorry for not posting for so long.
@hopeyoustaythenight @harrysdimple05 @indieslytherin @evanjh @harrysddtittys
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iamvegorott · 2 years
(Uhmm have a blurb that I think fits MadMare pretty well)
It's been a long day
Mad had spent all day at his computer writing out complex reports on findings about the human and nonhuman psyches and how different beings process different emotions so maybe he could get a handle on it someday. But he was almost done when he just hits a mental wall, a writer's block. He knows he needs to take a break, but he'd rather keep pushing it and pushing it and pushing it until he just can't anymore.
This is when Mare comes home to find him staring blankly at a wall for who knows how long, now room temp coffee in his hand but not a single drink taken from it. It had to be a bad time if the coffee was left untouched.
He gently takes Mad's coffee, getting little to no reaction from him. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Mad, sweetheart, come back to me."
No response.
"Mad, honey, I have your coffee. C'mon, let's go warm it up."
Still nothing.
"Madrick, I'm gonna throw you in the damn bathtub if you don't pay attention to me!"
Just a blink in response as he sighs, turns on the shower, picks Mad up, and sits him in the tub, and only when he gets pretty soaked does he blink and shake himself.
"Wha-? How did I get to the shower? Mare? I thought you weren't supposed to be home yet...."
Mare grins and kisses him, "There's my Madrick! You were zoned so hard even coffee couldn't bring you out of it, so I had to get you wet in the shower to bring you back this time."
Mad smiles, "I knew I could count on you, Music Man."
Mare gets him out of the tub, in dry clothes, and then just takes great pleasure in spoiling him with cuddles, his favorite movies, and a little wine. It doesn't take much for Mad to fall asleep in his lap as he strokes his partner's hair and tucks him in*
I love how Mare just went 'alright, time for a bath' XD But him being all caring and cuddly after is just 10/10 cute
Also Mad being a hot mood of working to the point of brain shutdown, I mean, I have never done that before...not at all
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