#//Aka not only does he Not kill them and promises to take it easy on them should they meet while he’s doin knight things still
dutybcrne · 10 months
No thoughts, just Kae in that one corrupted/allied to the Abyss sibling verse I rambled abt a bit ago occasionally bullying Abyss mages into cuddles whenever he’s with the Abyss sibling bc Klee was onto smth when she called hers Mr Fluffy, they are the closest thing to stuffies he can have out there-
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
so I found this post https://www.tumblr.com/anacharafan/740045529628721152/ok-scuse-me-op-jesstheespeon-somepunaboutspace?source=share and. Tulip. What rant about Metta maybe not even being a person explain your thought processes please.
(currently getting slowly drawn into the Metta Blorbo side of the fandom and very interested to hear your take)
(Blinks innocently) whatever do you mean?
... God, I haven't shared this one before? Insane rant time. Thought process is not good™
So. Let's start really simple, and I promise this will make sense later.
What's plant's element color? Oh easy, it's green
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See? Green, easy.
Wind? Teal. Mineral? Weird yellow.
Okay, now, please do tell me the color of Normal. "Oh it's blue, I mean, James' soul was blue, and his hair streak is-"
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Now, first of all, that's just, not how James dresses up. He has 1(one) singular black shirt that's under his jacket. The rest are quite literally colored like their element(even Deena has her hair in the correct color,) so, what the frick?
Number 2:
Move set, everyone noticed his gimmick is having everything. Man soloed the wardens on my play through. But.
Omnicron has that, too. Exact same order(except flipped). Electric last, Fire first. (Or Fire first, Electric last) ((this is also tower order btw, and the only one that rotates is Deena, being between Wind and Electric and Wind and Mineral, so I HC them as having been roomies (her and nadine I mean) ANYWAY DEENA GET OUT NOT YOUR POST))
Number 3:
What the hell is up with his soul, anyway?
And I don't mean in the sense he's not in the Netherworld or n2, which, I'll get to, but.
We just determined Normal is Black..... So why the hell is his soul -Energy. Being. Whatever you want to call it, blue?
That doesn't line up, Omnicron's soul makes sense to be blue, because he's fricking blue and red and white, but James' shouldn't. He only has one blue streak, he mostly has that red and white jacket---
Hang on a second.
Number 4: He doesn't have gold. He doesn't have gold! Even Grunda has gold.
That's the telltale thing to tell a design is a child of Omnicron. Gold. ("tulip, uh, the moving bits-" to which I say. Nara ruined that in n2, so..)
So then, what do I make of all of this is,
Omnicron was already an S++++ parent, no denying that, and at some point, cuz Ulzar didn't beat them all at once, he knew. That Ulzar is killing his children and that he's on the hit list, I mean. While I don't see him being too concerned, I do see him having a.. Back up plan.
Aka James. Aka, a child, existing to just hold his soul if that damned human does kill him. I mean, look at him! He's not even an animal, he's a fricking ORB (orbs of elemental energy, anyone?)
So. When someone (Deena), destroyed Omnicron's soul.... I mean, it also explains why he was gone in n:e.
Also. It explains his lack of a nightmare, as well. Why have a whole separate nightmare if they weren't separate beings to begin with?
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
OK, up to the coronation (aka route split), but I couldn't include the coronation notes without hitting char limit.
I don't actually have too much to say here, since it's just the Kronya stuff, which... doesn't really reveal much. I'll just note that Kronya's sword has her as "Disciple Kronya" which I guess is interesting.
Since there's nothing else, I guess there's the point regarding what people know about each other going into the big part one finale:
Solon referred to Byleth as "Fell Star" already when casting Zahras, so the Agarthans had cottoned on about Byleth's situation at least in part, likely due to the Sword of the Creator.
As mentioned before, Edelgard and Hubert know that Demonic Beasts can be created artificially, and I would even say that some artificial ones already exist.
It is mentioned by several characters that Byleth's minty green color is "familiar" or "like someone else" and Flayn even directly says they match now. This is a super easy connection to make.
Seteth seems to not know that Agarthans can shapeshift, which works with Thales not wanting Kronya's body to be taken so that the specifics of their shapeshifting aren't discovered. iirc Seteth does obliquely refer to the Agarthans as being the likely culprits.
The Flame Emperor and the Death Knight being antagonists is at least known to Dimitri even though he theoretically wasn't around for the missions when we see them. Monica being an imposter is common knowledge after the fact. You doing a ceremony to receive a revelation from the goddess is common knowledge.
Anyway, the most interesting part starts after this.
Live blogging notes:
The Blue Sea star is not visible in winter. I kind of headcanon it as a planet in the same solar system, not an actual star in a different star system, but it being visible Jul to Dec and then invisible the rest of the year matches more with actual stars.
Alois doesn't like it when you blush at him lol
Alois has a wife and daughter???
Linhardt: I hate blood and killing :( (is friends with Hubert somehow)
Manuela: you need 13 charm to win; Sylvain: has 21 (albeit after the +5)
Full names: Alois Rangeld, Manuela Casagranda, Shamir Nevrand
The contestants are Sylvain (from me, because I think he's cute), Dimitri (who forced him into this?? he's so desperate NOT to get picked and yet??), and Raphael (Claude apparently showing his sense of humor).
I do not understand why the "dance competition" is doing waltz movements... alone. Especially when the dancer outfit is like that...? That's not a waltz outfit. And why are they dancing alone?! Listen, I've only seen AMVs of dancing animes but, it was definitely way cooler.
Shamir votes for Dimitri lol
You know, when GD made the promise to meet in 5 years, it was kind of cute. Not terribly meaningful, since their relationships were quite casual on the whole, but cute. Having Edelgard suggest it, knowing what she's planning barely months from now, is...... it's pretty messed up. It doesn't help that the Eagles don't really have a sense of camaraderie either.
Same cinematic for the ball. It was kind of one thing when Claude takes you by the hand and pulls you onto the dance floor (?) in GD, though the focus on Edelgard and Dimitri was pretty pointless, but here, it's just weird.
It's vaguely annoying that you can't choose who you meet at the Goddess Tower. I got Marianne on GD, and I got Ashe here... presumably because I recruited him by getting his B rank.
The chapel is within the monastery's walls.
OK, poking at the Demonic Beasts in the chapel, they are "Experimental Demonic Beasts" with "A shard from a shattered Crest Stone" embedded in their foreheads. They are a "more resilient variation." Although this won't be unique to them, they're also labelled as both "monsters" (unnatural beings wielding magic) and "dragons" (born or descended from the goddess herself).
There are 4 beasts and 3 students in trouble.
Jeralt suggests that the students being turned into beasts has "something to do with Remire," but I have come to doubt that Remire was a test run or directly related to the same research. The timeline is just too tight, and the Sothis paralogue won't make sense.
Bye, Jeralt (again).
Thales tells Kronya she must survive because there's a role he needs her to fulfil, but then Solon will kill her in like a month. In a scene later, he says that his only aim was actually to keep the mystery of their bodies from being revealed, which would happen if Kronya died (her body could be taken by the Church, I guess).
Worth noting that Seteth is very confused about Tomas and clearly does not know that Agarthans can shapeshift.
The explanation for why Byleth accepts Jeralt's death is still so weak. "It's fate," says Sothis. OK, but like, why. Because Thales said so??
Guardian Moon (January) is named after Seiros, who first appeared during this month.
The scene with Edelgard after Jeralt's death is a bit... She starts with a very tough love "have you lost the will to act" approach and discusses how no one can understand your sadness. Others can only offer the tears of an outsider. So she won't cry for you or stand still with you, she can only promise to offer her hand when the time comes for HER to move forward. Which is such a weird direction to take? What does this promise have to do with Byleth grieving?
Thales describes the Flame Emperor as their greatest creation, powerful enough to "burn even the gods." So it seems like they experimented on Edelgard specifically to create a powerful soldier who could face Rhea.
Based on this, it does seem like Edelgard targeting the church is a combination of needing to keep the Agarthans cooperating with her by going along with their aims and getting rid of the Knights in case their interfere (since the Knights supported Loog's separation from the empire). Very impersonal, despite how she sometimes frames it.
Edelgard directly tells Thales that there will be no salvation for their kind and blames them for Duscur (and the shit they caused in Enbarr, presumably the Insurrection of the Seven?).
Sylvain says that most noble children are tested at birth to see if they have a crest. Of course, he also says you can't be the heir without one, but like... Ingrid's family wants to marry her out and she's specifically the only one with the crest, so...
The dancer animation is killing me. It's so stupid.
Hubert suggests that the real aim behind Jeralt's murder was to provoke the Knights into spreading themselves thin hunting his killer.
Manuela says the dagger that killed Jeralt wasn't made of iron or steel and the wound it caused wasn't ordinary.
A lot of the named Church people are out of the monastery this month. Which means you can't train with them, which is annoying...
Dorothea casually drops how she had to survive kidnappings, attempted murders, and who knows what while at the opera. Girl, what??
Linhardt mentions, as we're entering the Sealed Forest, that we have no official mission this month. I guess things were too chaotic to assign us anything.
Kronya is using a sword called Athame, which is described as being crafted with archaic methods. Kronya herself is referred to as "Disciple Kronya." She also has a passive called "Agarthan technology" which makes adjacent foes deal 3 less damage. Is this the weird tentacles she has behind her?
Regarding the Sealed Forest itself, there's some ruins, the platform Kronya waits on (where Solon casts Zahras, which uses the pillars on the edges), a glowing red stone embedded in a sigil on a ruin wall, and the remains of mechanical weapon (I think the kind Rhea keeps in the Tomb in her paralogue?).
It snows on the Locket, I guess because the Throat is a mountain range.
The Holy Mausoleum vs Holy Tomb thing is SO confusing that Rhea has a dialogue line that uses the wrong one lmao
Everyone at the monastery knows we're going to receive a revelation, but Manuela mentions that this is the first time she's heard of the Holy Tomb.
One of the Knights at the monastery mentions that he noticed more people in town than usual. Edelgard's hidden troops are on the move...
Dimitri mentions "this month's mission," so it seems Blue Lions have one, which should NOT be going down into the Tomb with Byleth... I would say this, but Felix's dialogue expects you to do something about Dimitri and like... he's not in my class, dude...
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chevvy-yates · 4 months
but i don't want make them suffer :O ... anyways : 1 for Vijay, 5 for Thyjs, 7 for Ryder, 11 for Hizumi, 19 for Jaysen !
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1. When have they been unable to save someone or something no matter how much they tried?
That would be his former girlfriend Reva he has been together with in Portland before he changed his life and moved to Night City. Reva fell into a hopeless cyberspychosis caused by adding more and more chrome to her body that was more like cheap scrap metal infected with lots of malware and at a certain point it took away her entire humanity. Once V noticed in his own drugged mind (as he used to take blue glass) that something is not right with her anymore, he tried to save her so hard. To talk her out of adding more and get it checked before installing. She grew very violent because of it and nearly killed V one day with her Mantis Blades (hence he's got the throat cyberware) so he had to defend himself to stay alive by uploading a brainware blowout to her in self defense. He's traumatized forever by that and has nightmares about it. Reva is a good example why Vijay is so concerned about his best friend Ryder as Ryder too walks at the edge of Cyberpsychosis but the difference between Ry and Reva is that Ry wants help to get rid of his problems, Reva didn't. Vijay will do everything to save Ryder. The installed mod is only a temporary help and also a safe option for V (as he fears out of control Ry wth blades out as well -> ptsd trauma) until they find a solution.
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5. What's their moral compass like?
Thyjs is pragmatic and goal-oriented, values discipline, structure and rules, aligning himself with authority figures to maintain societal order. He does not care about what others think of his actions, he only cares about his actions being correct according to his moral code. But he dos not lecture his code to others. Moral decisions don’t come into the equation for him so even if he hurts others in carrying out his duty, he feels barely anything. It’s just business. So, when it comes to taking a life, Thyjs may do so if it aligns with the rules and laws he follows (aka Militech), even if it seems morally ambiguous. His actions are guided by a commitment to a well-ordered society, and he may prioritize the greater good over individual moral considerations. Because Thyjs as a Lawful Neutral can appear to be emotionless in following his laws it is easy for him to appear Lawful Evil. However, unlike Lawful Evil, he does not do it for enjoyment, nor is he seeking to spread evil in society. There's also the fact that some of the combat drugs he took infected his decisions. Thyjs will eliminate others while defending his allies. In fact, he will follow any order given to him by a person in a position of power in the system of order that he follows. He was raised to be like this since he was a child. When in society, Thyjs will always act as is fitting for his role and position in society and expects others to do the same. As an ally, he is honest and trustworthy and will never break promises.
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7. What's their pain tolerance?
Ryder has a very high pain tolerance. That has mostly to do with his Berserk system as it compensates the taken damage for more strength but even before he installed that cyberware, he somehow learned to endure pain more or less, both physically and mentally as neither his childhood nor his young adulthood were painless. Beast also inflicts a lot of pain to him, especially when he's not able to controll it and is doomed to watch it using him. It's hard to describe this pain he's feeling. But coming back to physical pain, e.g. during fights. No matter how hard he will be slammed against something he will get up and continue to fight as said berserk helps him to compensate and ignore it for a certain time spawn. He already broke several rips without knowing, even tho he's got dermal armor as protection installed. When he eases back down only then he might feel something at least distorted when it's not broken. He won't be whiny about it tho – it's the contrary, he acts like it's nothing. Vijay (and later Thyjs) will have to command him to stay in bed and recover.
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11. Do they have empathy? For whom? For what?
Hizumi has empathy for people that have same or similar interests as them. If you are totally into mythical creatures or even into their home country Japan, Hizumi will consider to like you faster than normal. They only like those with a good heart and soul and who appreciate their weird self as Hizumi likes to not talk mostly. So if you are someone who appreciates just their presence without feeling the need to constantly talk about certain topics they will appreciate you lots.
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19. How do they view the world? Are they an optimist? A pessimist? A realist?
Jaysen views the world like a western – just in a modern setting. You have the outlaws (the bad gangers), you have the bankers (corporates), you have the sheriff (ncpd) and you have the bounty hunters (mercs). Only the strongest survive in it and a good bounty hunter knows how to get around and how to earn money. He's got an optimisitic world view and thinks all will play into his hands somehow and that he's too clever to be caught or locked up as his netrunner skills are above that of a normal runner and he will always find an escape route. And even bad days don't let him be pessimistic, he knows after bad days comes good ones as well.
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sboochi · 2 years
OK, this is about the RPG thing, because you make a party, with Pitch in it. and I can see a story potential here.
And after I saw Merlin and Snow white and read what happened to Merlin's guild. And realize that every one of the Big four could have their own party before they make the Big four, maybe six if Merlin and Snow white join them later
All the drama, it's coming to me.
So I went back to the post where you use that specific class for Jack just to confirm their classes, but not really important, just needed a mental image.
First Merida. Here Morduck is alive and not a bear (yet), in fact, his story is happening alongside this. The king of that kingdom which was divided into four it's divided into five instead, and since we don't know the other brothers, let's say he gives it to the other four people he trusted the most and helped form said Kingdom, AKA the chiefs from the other tribes.
Murdock is pissed about this, obviously, so he kills his father, makes the witch from the forest the culprit just after he got from her the transformation potion (which he now can control to turn from bear to human), calls upon the Chiefs, LIES to them, and tells them to send their firstborn with him to make a party and find the culprit of the Kings dead, only to transform into a magic-invincible-bear when they are very far away to make it seem as an unfortunate encounter with a magical beast.
Merida and the others manage to escape miraculously thanks to the witch's help, who didn't take kindly to being framed for murder after she did an excellent transformation potion, but the guys are severely injured by the encounter, Merida being the only one who can still travel. Her party stays with the Witch, but the witch had teleported them farther from the Kingdom than they already were, so she starts her journey to her home alone, finding the rest later on.
Rapz has already the cut hair, but she wants to know more about the magic she still has on her, and where it comes from before she settles down with Eugene. With him (a thief), her lady-in-waiting Cassandra (who is also a badass fighter/or Oath of glory paladin), and an excitedly young artificer they find named Varian, she goes to find the secrets of the Sundrop Flower and uncovers a lot more than she expected.
She finds out about the moonstone, and while she didn't get her hair grown again, she does get possessed by its influence by merely singing the incantations from it. To save her, believing it would happen again when they get to the moonstone, Cassandra takes it and tries to run away with it, but the moment she touches it, Zantiri, a god of twilight, starts possessing her and captures Eugene and Varian. Varian tells Rapz that she needs to find the other sun drop flower incantation to fight back the moonstone influence. Rapunzel runs from Cassandra and her friends to try and get help, and find the rest of the sun drop encantation to save them.
And Hiccup, well he is a druid, so it's a little harder, would have preferred him as a Ranger Drakewarden to keep the dragons more easy, but I can work with Druid. He is a circle of the Sheperd or Primeval, and instead of dinos, it's dragons. So, he takes care of creatures, that's his whole gimmick. His village is mostly made of people who hunt and kill magical creatures, so it doesn't really sit well with him, but he becomes a hero after preventing a full-on war with the creatures he helped protect against his village, after all, he befriended Toothless, who is either a fey creature or a dragon. He makes friends with his people after the fact, finally, but it's not enough for him. He leaves the village, after promising to pay them a visit after he finds himself, his purpose.
So he takes care of magic and/or ancient creatures, wonders the world, and eventually finds the hidden world. And life is good, but he decides to check on his old village and travels with Toothless to get there faster. He finds it mostly destroyed and finds out they were attacked by another tribe who slave fey/dragons. He forms a party (The Riders obviously) and makes them mount his fey creatures or dragons he summons to go after the culprit faster. I go for Glimmel, because I already put the Hidden World, but more importantly, I think he is the only villain who could capture almost everyone and separate Hiccup from Toothless very effectively.
Hiccup can't take him back to the hidden world, so he escapes, and must find a way to even the fields before he can get Toothless to find the world for him.
I don't really like Hiccup's story as much, but I have to go soon, so this will do.
Anyways, the final Villain lineup is Morduck, Cassandra/Zantiri, Glimmel, and Pitch. Regina goes to if we add Snow white and Merlin into the mix.
A Barbarian Path of the Beast, a CLERIC of the Twilight Domain (class changes after possession), a Rogue Mastermind, a Sorceress of Shadow Magic, and a Warlock of the Archfey (Mirror is whimsical but not demonic enough for a fiend I think), respectively.
Have a great day, gotta go, bye.
Okokok first: you just flexed your DM skills on me omg that was incredible
Second: why would you spend so much time writing these fantastic headcanons, tease me with all this lore, and not write a fic?? My friend, you don't understand, now I need to read this
The split kingdom and previous parties ideas are genius, that's canon now 👏👏
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arch-dieangelo · 2 years
aka verse that just doesn’t have any camps and extremely little godly involvement past childbirth and no quests but rest assured the monsters and dangers are there still and very terrible. note: by default nico will be around 20-23 in this verse.
venice, circa 1930s! congrats maria di angelo! you have two kids with the lord of the dead and wealth! hades is actually more involved than the other gods with the di angelos. he checks in more often than he probably should. hades moves the di angelos to d.c. as wwii begins, and zeus tries to strike them down, killing maria. hades has his children’s memories wiped by the lethe river, and bianca & nico are relocated to the lotus hotel
to the kids, it feels like they’ve only been in the hotel for a month or two. really, about 80 years have passed once they are released. they don’t notice anything different (thank you lethe & mindnumbing arcade games).
nico and bianca are 10 and 12 respectively when they are placed at a year round boarding school in maine. they spend a grand total of one year there before shit goes south. one night during a week-long field trip to new york, bianca is tragically killed while nico bears witness to the crime. in the past year, bianca had discovered that she has some amount of control over the darkness and, somehow, the dead, and from what nico overheard (or thought he heard), the attackers had wanted her/her abilities. frightened and understandably distraught, nico runs. he doesn’t go back to the field trip group and never returns to maine. 
[gestures vaguely] things happen. he finds that he too has abilities when he comes across a graveyard that he was inexplicably drawn to. ghosts reach out to him and promise him revenge. naively, nico follows their instruction. ghosts and other dead (and occasionally the knowledgeable living) teach him about who he is and what he can do. he follows every direction, and before he knows it, he’s being sent out on missions to eliminate and take care of problems that the ghosts have, under the assumption that he’s getting closer to his own goal. infrequently, he assists someone who’s dead return to a living body. 
it takes years for him to figure out he’s being heavily manipulated by the dead and the living. at fifteen, he breaks apart from them and hunts for bianca’s killers on his own. he finds them, kills them, and realizes that he gained almost no satisfaction from the action. he’s lost, scared, and doesn’t have anyone to turn to. even ghosts seem to have abandoned him.
he roams aimlessly between d.c. and nyc, sometimes visiting the underworld. he doesn’t exactly live anywhere, instead squatting in abandoned buildings and the occasional hotel. he picks pockets and finds that it’s very easy for him to come across cash if he wants to, sometimes finding wallets with an impossible amount of cash and several credit cards. it’s also often that he finds monsters on his tail and has to take care of them.
at sixteen, he finds reason again in communication with bianca’s ghost. she’s remorseful that this is who he’s become, and urges him into doing something better, finding something outside of the past and the grudges he holds. she also mentions that she’s chosen to be reborn, and this is the last that he’ll see of her.
ok ! damn ! fine ! nico ... tries helping people.... except his idea of help is very... hmm.. how do i say... he just does what he thinks is right. even if others wouldn’t do the same. he primarily works in the night, as that’s when his powers are at their strongest. he kills when necessary, but will do his best to protect those who need it.
by twenty, he has a small studio apartment in new york. he forged documents (with the help of some *coughs* undead people) and maintains an alright job at an italian restaurant as a line cook. it’s fine. whatever. he doesn’t care. he has more fun with his night job <3 
ermmmm regarding his alter ego. he’s known as ghost king (he was 16 please don’t judge him. or do. i cant stop you). all his powers/abilities are the same as they are in canon. he uses a stygian iron kopis sword as his main weapon that he summons through a skull ring that never leaves his left hand, though he is also inclined to use a silver pocket knife on occasion. as he has long hair, he ties it back. his mask & armor/suit are made of shadows that he summons. the mask covers the lower half of his face (below the eyes) and is the design of a skull maxilla & mandible. chest armor is the design of a ribcage. everything else is dark and nondescript, but often just seems to swirl around him.
thats all i got folks. thanks <3
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analiticalanonymous · 2 years
Love The Attention
Warnings: Gore, violence, cursing, yandere, reader with daddy issues,(aka loves yandere shiggy and havoc he spreads) reciprocated love
Pairing: Yandere Shigaraki X Reader
Have you ever had that moment of looking at someone and you immediately thought-
"This is it..this is the one.."
-while your heart finally feels light and weightless as all worry leaves your body and you can't help but melt?
Well, you just did while watching Shigaraki dust another man, drenched in blood not of his own, but the countless others who dared lay their fingers on you. His face was twisted in rage and disgust as he crumbles man after man in such a short amount of time that it just drove home how powerful he really was. And to be reminded it was all done single-handedly was a horse pill of a thought to swallow to the normal man.
But to say it didn't make your heart beat faster and those silly little flips that your stomach did when you were so happily in love would be a distasetful lie.
He was a fucked up sociopathic killer, known to destroy nations, kill for what he wanted, and for his lack of patience. And you were what he wanted most. He would kill for you, die for you, give you the sun, the moon, the earth, and heaven & hell if you just asked.
To say his dedication and undying loyalty wasn't the most addicting feeling would be another godamn lie. Probably the biggest one out there. After all, who else could say they stole the heart of Japans-no-the worlds most dangerous and powerful man? Who else could say they could have the heads of those they hated on a golden platter presented before them? Who else could say they were the queen/king/ruler of the world beside the devil himself? That's right. No one.
Now. You are hyper aware of how wrong it all is. You love a psychotic killer who has no concept of boundaries and refuses to take 'no' for an answer. Not to mention he is a possesive, obsessive, asshole, stalker who kidnapped you. But the worst part was when you noticed that you didn't care. You had in fact never felt so desired in your life. He made you feel like a deity whereas everyone in your life threw you aside and disregarded you like trash in a city.
You craved his affection. You craved his attention. And above all else, you craved him. Now, it all sounds incredibly bad, but you actually enjoyed it all. Not that you would tell Shigaraki that, afterall, how could you risk him getting bored of you if you let him get everything 'easy'.
Yeah. You were definitely messed up. But so was he to be fair.
You were snapped out of your trance by the intense and rage filled voice of your captor and lover. You were fucked.
"Y-yes Shiggy?" You looked at him with your doe eyes and fiddle with your hem of your skirt as he stormed over to you. "What did I tell you about escaping?" He snarled cleaning the blood off of his hands. You looked away, "You said-" you began to mumble until he snatched your jaw, with his pinky up, and jerked your head up to look him in the eyes. "Look at me when you speak!" He rasped with a deathly glare. His pupils were shruken to specks and his red irises blended with the splatters of blood on his face. You swallowed heavily. "Y-you said that you would find me no matter where I was.." You nearly whisper as tears flood your eyes. "B-but I wasn't escaping!!" You try to say but his grip tightens on your jaw.
He narrowed his eyes as his upper lip curled into a snarl. "No! This time I swear!! I promise you Shiggy I wasn't trying to leave you! I promise!" You wept as you cupped your hands over his hand on your face and his arm. He only growled in response as he visibly loomed over you, but before he could say anything you gripped his cape and pulled him closely. "You saw I-I didn't go far! I was only trying to get you a surprise because you won that battle recently! B-but then these guys j-jumped me before I could g-get back in time and they started to touch me an call me names and and-" you sniffled as you wept into his chest. You were so shaken up by the men who harassed and attempted to molest you that you were behaving uncharacteristically scared. Even when Shigaraki was angry you were never so shaken up.
He was about to call bluff until he remembered he did see you with a bag before he went on his jealous rage induced killing spree. He looked to the side and saw a Gamestop bag. You really weren't trying to leave? He physically tensed at your next words, "I was so scared Tomura..." You whimpered and burrowed your face deeper into his chest, "I'm sorry I left...I don't want to leave you..I love you." You whisper gently between hiccups, almost mute with how quiet it was, but he heard it loud and clear.
He picked you up bridal style and cradled you, walking over the bag and back in the direction to the hideout. You were about to question him when you looked up to see his face flushed and a soft look took over his previous angry one. "I believe you..now go to sleep, we've got a ways to go." He said surprisingly calm. You rested your head against his chest starting to calm down and as your eyes started to flutter closed you heard him, "I love you more than you could ever understand." He whispered, more so to himself than anything, but you heard him loud and clear. You couldn't stop your smile.
Yup. This is it.
This is the one.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Baking with the slashes except you can’t cook and it’s utter chaos😼
(specifically OG Michael Myers because that man has no patience and stinky wall man because I’m a sad simp)
BRAHMS HEELSHIRE aka stinky wall gremlin
MICHAEL AUDREY MYERS aka unhinged stabby bastard
Tw: none. Well- there's Michael so you never know.
A/N: it's me, I'm the idiot who bakes without being capable of even warm up leftovers. And you have managed to pick the two worst people to help someone in the kitchen. I LOVE IT. mostly because I get to mcbully Michael. Anyhow thanks for the request^^ I hope you enjoy it!!
You know damn right that everything you bake or cook is most likely not even edible
To put it in a nice way.. your cooking skills are FOUL. JAIL TO YOU AND THE ATROCITIES YOU COOK
but, you wanted to do something nice for Michael
He has been so lovely lately and you're getting along pretty fine these days
The fact that this is how you choose to repay him is just straight up cruel
Since you have noticed he has a sweet tooth you thought it would actually be a really funny and bonding experience to bake something together 
Y/n…really what the fuck
nonetheless you convinced Michael into helping you promising that what you were making it was going going be all for him
Little does Audrey (yes I now like to call him by his middle name) knows that he shouldn't want to even touch anything that you made 
"Look Michael, it's easy!! We just need to follow the recipe and in no time you'll have your cake"
Don't you feel… silly? Don't you feel a…little ashamed? 
Michael didn't say no to you just because you seemed so happy to spend time with him that it made his heart swell a little bit 
He actually enjoyed doing things together, he felt less uncomfortable when having something to do that shows he cares instead of having to say it or to give physical affection
In all honesty, you both were starting pretty good. 
He was in charge of mixing and you only had to measure things and add them to the bowl.
Your mistake was thinking you were able to get the amounts right without proper measuring utensils 
Michael was watching you a little bit confused about what you were doing.
In his defence he has tried to stop you but you just did what you wanted which ended up in him getting frustrated 
Which also leaded to him holding both of your wrist and shaking them so hard you had to drop everything you were holdings 
He really said "You're baking rights have been removed" 
Problem is that Michael should get his baking rights removed too. Not only the baking ones but in generale he shouldn't be allowed to have rights cause he abuses the shit out of them
He started to add too many things and then when the batter started to look weird he got angry 
Clue the death glares he is sending you 
Spent the next 30 minutes arguing. Well you were arguing he was just staring at you and occasionally he would make a frustrated gesture to let you know you're guilty of ruining his cake 
You two manage to finish and when it comes out of the oven i-
It shouldn't be illegal. It looks like it's about to wake up and start being a menace for the human species 
Michael was at his limit with all of this so he just points to the cake and then you
Mind that, you're the one cooking for him lately. The garbage is YOUR handmade garbage 
Michael is now offended. 
he does feel bad tho cause deep inside he knows it's his fault too
Using that feeling and the "I've eaten worse so what could ever happen" he takes a few bites 
One more bite, ONE, and you could call yourself the one who killed the shape of haddonfield 
Man is fighting against God to stay alive after putting that in his mouth
"Michael!! Stop it, you're going to get sick!!"
He tried to eat another piece cause he really reaaally wanted some cake even if it was this disgusting offensive thing
Moral of the story
You have to buy sweets for Michael, when he will get better after eating your attempt of murder
And YOU should not be allowed in the kitchen. 
Y/N just…stick to simple meals please, we can't afford another dead slasher here.
You're going to traumatise him
He already absolutely forbidden you to cook any type of meals that were not as simple as cutting up things or warming them up 
The first day as his nanny you made the most atrocious and disgusting dinner he has ever had 
Like it was just plain offensive. 
Taking advantage of the whole ghost thing he wrote on the rules "pretty y/n should never cook" 
He put pretty in it, at least he tried to be nice
How mad he was that he got caught by you because he was hungry and was trying to make something for you and for him
Now fast forward to present day
You were bored out of your mind. Brahms didn't help much cause he was really caught up in a new book you have bought him 
So what best way to spend the evening if not proving your stinky boyfriend wrong about your cooking skills 
You had saved a lot of recipes you wanted to try cause they were simple enough for you to follow
"Brahms, would you like some biscuits?" 
He didn't waste any time nodding vigorously. Who wouldn't want biscuits? 
"But I thought we run out of biscuits yesterday" "that's why we will do our own biscuits:D" 
He got up, grabbed the rules and put them in front of your face, pointing to the no cooking rule. "You're not allowed."
After numerous tantrums and pleads to spare him from eating whatever you were trying to make he accepted to help you only on one condition 
You would have to eat them first and if he finds out by your reaction their bad he's giving them to Malcolm and never letting you do it again 
So now you're both gathering all the ingredients for some vanilla biscuits 
You were really confident about this whole thing as you started to add things into a bowl 
Brahms was confident that you would end up food poisoning yourself and he would have to find another nanny 
"Pretty y/n I don't think you should put that much vanilla extract" "y/n darling I think that's too much baking powder"
After the 15th time correcting you he just stopped being nice and chose violence 
"They're going to be disgusting and I'm not eating them. YOU'RE PUTTING TOO MUCH BUTTER FOR FUCK'S SAKE"
Needless to say he got humbled very quickly by being reminded the only cooking skill he had was being able to cut in triangles a pb&j sandwich 
Because of that you had to take a break to comfort a butthurted brahms
Even with all of this you then kept preparing the biscuits. 
You both were acting like gremlins without any coordination or knowledge of anything whatsoever 
In the end you were both just adding shit for the sake of doing it 
He was actually getting worried about you eating that cause as time went by he was less and less sure that monstrosity was edible 
When the biscuits were done they looked…fine?
Like they were ugly as fuck but they didn't seem that bad
"Y/n…you don't have to, you know that right?? I don't want you to be sick" 
Now you say it? DO I REALLY KNOW IT BRAHMS? 
you eat one out of spite because you wanted to prove brahms wrong 
And HE WAS WRONG. they were super sweet but other than that best biscuits ever
You could've cried. Deep down you were worried of having to eat whatever you would end up doing
"I don't believe you, you're surely trying to trick me" 
God, one day he's going to catch this hands
"Alright I guess no biscuits for you then"
What- you're trying to deprive HIM of biscuits? Not today Satan 
Listen…I always thought brahms would be one that even if it's hard he would admit when he's wrong and eventually say sorry
This time tho…this hurts more than any other time. 
He SWEARS it was just luck that they turned good
Which is right but HE DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOW
you just kept telling him that you knew what you were doing and that he was just being rude having so little faith in you 
I think I don't really have to explain what happens when he ends up believing you and asking you for the same exact biscuits again. 
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You said in another post you don’t believe the Knights of Walpurgis (aka Death Eaters 1.0) were all that plausible. Why is that?
Oof, this is a larger ask than I think you intend that gets into a lot of controversial things. Though, I suppose that’s what this blog has become.
Remember when I just talked about my weird fanfiction? Remember those days? I remember those days.
I guess to start out we need to go at a high level and acknowledge a few things.
For all we know about Tom Riddle’s life we know very little that came from himself. Most of what we know came to us via The Halfblood Prince, in Dumbledore’s lessons to Harry.
Think what you will about Dumbledore, benign or evil, but we can all acknowledge that the man had a clear goal and agenda in Halfblood Prince. Dumbledore was facing his imminent death, suddenly he no longer was looking at years but a few months to accomplish everything he needed to. He knows Harry is a horcrux, knows he himself no longer has time to hunt down Tom’s horcruxes himself, and instead must leave all his work to Severus and, partly, to Harry Potter.
Specifically, he has to groom Harry for suicide.
By the time Severus relays the truth to Harry (never mind that this very nearly didn’t happen in canon and what would Dumbledore do then) Harry must be prepared to sacrifice his own life to stop Voldemort. That, or Severus will have to murder the shit out of him, and that was probably plan B but Dumbledore would prefer it if Harry went along willingly so that the whole thing’s a little less shady. Dumbledore’s not murdering children if the children murder themselves!
This means, in part, convincing Harry that Voldemort is such a monstrous evil that his presence on this earth cannot be tolerated. Voldemort cannot be allowed to survive, even if Harry’s death does not guarantee Voldemort’s destruction, Harry must do it because Voldemort is that bad. There must be no hope, no recourse, and the only action Harry can take is martyrdom. 
And so, that is essentially what Dumbledore does. 
He gives Harry a series of lessons, hand selecting memories of Tom Riddle’s past (often shockingly innocuous), and then narrates them to tell Harry exactly why Tom Riddle is so evil today. The flimsy excuse of Harry wheedling information out of Slughorn is nice, but not necessary, as Dumbledore has no reason to believe this memory contains information he himself doesn’t already know (indeed, that Tom actually did make six horcruxes as he told Slughorn is a very strange coincidence as we rarely end up doing what we thought or being where we thought we would when we were sixteen). 
Per Dumbledore, Tom Riddle was born evil by his very conception, is doomed to be a lowly miserable creature, and that murdering him is effectively putting him out of his misery.
Right, how does this relate to this post?
Well, neverminding what JKR says outside of canon, we learn about the Knights of Walpurgis/Tom’s schoolboy syncophants from Dumbledore. Per Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, while a highly respected and charming student was Evil McEvil who had junior cultists galore. So, you see Harry, the man must die (ergo you must kill yourself).
However, this is frankly ridiculous and not in any way believable.
First, the Hogwarts era when Tom’s in school.
Personally, I believe Tom was regarded 100% as muggleborn. Tom went into Hogwarts with the last name Riddle coming from the muggle world. When he gets sorted into Slytherin he can point to know family members at all (and even if he could would, at best, be considered a low class halfblood). Tom doesn’t know the significance of parseltongue and likely tells no one (I’ll get into this in a few paragraphs). Tom may insist that he could be a halfblood, he knows nothing of his father, but given his origins he himself probably believes he’s muggleborn until he stumbles across the hereditary nature of parseltongue.
Regardless, Tom is impoverished, comes from lower class muggle London, has the last name Riddle, no relatives to vouch for him, and you want me to think that the purebloods sign up to be his cult members?
Even though Tom is terrifyingly talented and brilliant, he will be fighting for respect every inch of the way. At best, I see the Slytherin’s tolerating his presence. Riddle’s tolerable, for a muggleborn, it’s a shame that he has such dirty blood but they’ll admit he’s a talented sort.
However, as soon as he’s out of Hogwarts they’ll drop him like it’s hot.
This is evidenced by a few things. Upon graduation, Tom Riddle struggles to secure employment. He tries for the Defense position but is unvested and a recent graduate, and so is rejected (and when he later tries again Dumbledore laughs in his place and says, “Bitch please, I will never hire you, I just accepted your application so I could spend this interview laughing in your face!”) He does not enter the ministry, which would likely have been far more beneficial to getting him a leg up in society.
No, Tom instead secures employment as a clerk and purchaser at Borgin and Burke’s the wizarding world’s shadiest pawn shop equivalent where he spends his time miserably wooing older women so they’ll sell him their fine goods. Dumbledore tries to convince us this was Tom’s plan, that he somehow knew about the locket beforehand, but this is bullshit. How the hell would Tom know that the heirloom undoubtedly locked away under safe and key had been sold to Borgin and Burkes? And even if he did, why would Tom take up this miserable position doing nothing he wanted to do? 
Whatever minions Tom is supposed to have, whatever friends, they dropped him completely, pretended they never knew him, and did nothing to secure Tom’s future.
Now, back to the parseltongue bit since I made a promise. I believe Tom told no one. Had Tom told the Slytherins he was the Heir of Slytherin, this would have spread like wild fire not only across the house but the school. All the staff would remember Tom as Tom Slytherin, Tom would likely have changed his name, and frankly Tom probably would have been able to get into the ministry with a name like that. Tom Riddle’s life would have looked very different.
More, had the Chamber of Secrets episode happened in a world where Tom proves his heritage, he would have immediately been caught. Someone in Slytherin, even if only a few dormmates knew, would have narked on him. Someone would have been jealous, scared, etc. and would have turned him easily over to the authorities. A secret like that simply cannot be kept, it would spread, and there would be no needing to frame Hagrid and none of Tom getting off. 
More, I always got the feeling very few knew that Voldemort had once been Tom Riddle. First, it would make recruiting very difficult. Voldemort is the mysterious, beautiful, heir of Slytherin who has come back from abroad to save their country. Tom Riddle is a dirt poor mudblood who comes from decades of incest and squalor.
Given the wizarding world at large does not know who Tom Riddle is (proved by The Chamber of Secrets) I would suspect the vast majority of Death Eaters and Order members didn’t either. Dumbledore was the one who pieced it together thanks, in part, to a ten-year-old Tom Riddle confessing his parseltongue abilities.
If Tom Riddle had told most people he was a parseltongue, far more would have made the connection, it would be common knowledge. Which means, of course, Tom Riddle has no ability to prove his heritage and is thus muggleborn swine.
More, I think Tom wouldn’t want Tom Riddle to be associated with Voldemort. When he becomes Voldemort, he will transcend his lackluster origins and become far more than an ordinary, mortal, man. He will leave the name Riddle behind and no one will remember that boy. He will eclipse his past.
Not to mention, that if Tom gave them the excuse of his heritage, it means giving himself the easy way out in Hogwarts. They won’t be forced to acknowledge him, acknowledge that he’s better than them despite his roots, but instead given the easy excuse of “oh, it’s because he’s the heir of Slytherin, duh”. And I think Tom would loathe the idea of that.
Tom wanting to eradicate the memory of Tom Riddle is especially why I think Voldemort came out of nowhere in the 70′s.
Tom doesn’t want to be recognized as Tom, he wants to be mysterious and originless, to give the purebloods everything they want to believe in. If it’s people he went to school with, they’ll recognize him, he’ll be just an ordinary mortal to them. If it’s their young, stupid, children well then he has a real chance. 
Voldemort is a figure of myth, something that appears to come out of legend itself, the savior of his country.
He cannot have origin let alone Tom Riddle’s. 
Not to mention the idea that multiple people waited on Tom Riddle for generations, even for decades where we know he went abroad and travelled the world, is utterly ridiculous. Why would they ever do this? What do they even gain from this? And why would it take so long to take over this ridiculously incompetent country THAT ALL OF TOM’S RECRUITS ARE PRACTICALLY SET TO CONTROL (the beauty of the Death Eaters is that they form a good chunk of the Wizengamot, and in using them, Tom Riddle effectively destroys the country from the inside out, which I believe was his true goal the entire time). 
If Tom Riddle is so terrible, so horrifyingly competent, then it can’t have taken him fifty years of constant work to topple the country. 
So, yeah, there were no Death Eaters 1.0.
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
bunny- p. parker
pairings: peter parker x reader, mom!natasha romanoff x reader, dad!tony stark x peter parker warnings: i didn’t know how to end this, so bad ending and cursing about: the chronicles of peter parker and y/n romanoff (this is a birthday present for my dearest emma) a/n: so i wanted to do lions. but i figured, why and how would y/n get a lion? so i ditched that idea and i hope that’s okay. also, i have no idea how to take care of bunnies or if you can even foster them? but it’s fine please go along with it
the little red wagon you’re dragging squeaks, and you gently shush the kennel on top of it, tugging on the blanket that threatens to fall off and reveal what you’re keeping hidden. the soft noises don’t stop, though you can’t blame them with the surprisingly uneven floors of stark industries.
seriously, what’s up with that? isn’t stark a genius billionaire? you think to let him know when you see him next, distracting yourself from the fact that you’re doing something you’re definitely not supposed to. your mother will have your head if she finds out, so you swear to yourself that no one will find out.
you realize your oath isn’t particularly easy to keep, as keeping anything from the avengers is difficult. keeping things from the black widow herself, however, is nearly impossible. the key word is nearly, because her magnificent daughter (aka you) is the exception, even more cunning than her. her who is currently waiting outside your room, making going in there to hide like you planned out of the question.
so, you hide, trying to figure out where you’re supposed to go now that your only feasible plan has been left useless. you’re behind an absurdly large plant, looking at the rooms around you and attempting to remember which one belongs to someone who won’t ask questions.
“what are you doing?” you hear suddenly, flinching and turning with a jump, relieved to only find your boyfriend in front of you, holding a glass of water with a concerned look on his face. “shh!” you demand, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer. “don’t make a noise,” you whisper, his eyes growing wide, “are we under attack? my suit is in my room-”
“your room!” you repeat in a relieved whisper, remembering that peter’s room is literally three feet in front of you, inviting and away from the wrath your mother will surely rain upon you. “come on, we have to get to your room, carry this,” you motion to the wagon, “don’t make a sound.”
“why do i have to-” “super strength,” you remind, “for one, and two- if you don’t, my mother will kill me. then you, for being in the same vicinity as me.” peter pauses, a grimace going over his face, surely remembering how terrified he is of your mother, and picks up what you asked without another word, following you into his room as silently as spiderman and a trained spy can.
you lock the door once you’re inside, calling out to friday to soundproof the room and not let anyone in. “what are you doing? what is this? it moved,” peter complains in disgust, putting down the wagon. you roll your eyes, carefully putting the crate down next to it. “it’s nothing. i just need to get to my room so i can keep them there and no one will ever know.”
peter’s eyes bulge out of his head, “them? who is them?” he questions frantically, walking over to the crate, ready to pull the blanket off before you stop him. “the less you know, the better,” you say ominously, patting his wrist in your hand. “what?” he asks, voice squeaky. he backs away and you turn your back on him, heading to his desk to charge your phone, “just, it’s better if you don’t know, because-”
“are these rabbits?” he gasps loudly, making you turn around quickly to see him holding the blanket. you slap lightly at his arm, not that it does much to his enhanced self, “peter!” you whine, “i told you not to look!”
“they’re rabbits! why are you sneaking rabbits around the compound?- jeez, how many of them are in there…” peter trails off, trying to count the tiny wiggly things with his eyes, and failing each time they move. you sigh when he looks back at you with wide, questioning eyes. “i- it’s just-”
the exact reasoning seemed a lot more logical at the animal center where you picked them up half an hour ago, but as it rests on your tongue now, it’s difficult to make something rational out of it. “the animal shelter was at capacity- i- there was really no other option, aren’t avengers supposed to help or something?” you answer, tone questioning by the end of your sentence.
“alright, that’s… not a bad excuse, why are you hiding?” peter points out, looking back at the small kennel filled with sleeping bunnies. “well, it’s not really the first time i’ve done this. you know the dogs we have? candy and star?”
peter nods, “well, i kind of did this with them. it started out with fostering but then we just fell in love and we ended up adopting them, then it happened again with the ducks, and again with a cat, and at one point it became kind of implied that i wasn’t to bring home any more stray animals because we’re kind of stretching it already.”
you panic at the look on peter’s face, and afraid he’ll change his mind about the words he spoke previously, you talk frantically again, “but their mom abandoned them and they needed help, and they’re so cute, look at them,” you urge, opening the cage to pull one out and showing it to peter. his face melts adorably, a small coo escaping his lips against his will. “it’s also just for one or two weeks. a few of them are already promised to go to some families, but they’re still too little, so they just need a place to stay for now.”
“and can you say no to this face?” you ask sarcastically, extending the bunny in your arms closer to peter’s face, then gesturing to the cage with your eyes, “to any of them?”
peter groans, his head slumping forward, “fine,” he gives in, and you cheer a little. “but i take care of them with you,” he requests. you nod, “yes! absolutely!” you grin, going to put the baby back in its kennel before peter stops you, “which means i also get to hold them.”
you laugh, gently placing the bunny in peter’s arms, adoring eyes watching his lips mutter how cute they are.
“we’re rabbit parents for two weeks,” he says an hour later, after your mom has moved from your door due to some expert distracting (a mission that came in before you had time to launch your genius plan: peter throwing himself down the stairs “accidentally��). you’ve set up the rabbit living space in your room, having read up enough on them to know what you need. the random unused closet tony insisted on giving you has come in handy, and with a lot of help from the manual he gave you on her, you figured out how to get friday to change the temperature to the necessary one for the babies. you’ve also sworn friday to secrecy, making sure not even tony himself can get the information out of her.
“we are rabbit parents for two weeks,” you agree, playing with a couple of them and watching peter, curls curlier and an easy look on his face. he looks so adorable, you can’t help the kiss you press against his lips. a red blush covers his neck as he kisses you back, giddy smile quirking the edge of his lips up.
you’re surprised when, by the next week, no one has found out about yours and peter’s little secret, even more so that no one has been told by peter’s big mouth. he’s coming by a lot more now, his previous rare sleepovers increasing largely. tony and natasha are getting suspicious, and as they watch you and your boyfriend sneak into your room, supposedly inconspicuously, they turn to each other. “is y/n pregnant or something? why has she been acting so weird?” tony asks.
natasha looks at him, “she’s always with your kid whispering and being alone in their rooms. whenever i tell your stupid robot to let me in, she won’t tell me anything. i thought it was state of the art?”
tony huffs in offense, “friday the ai,” he clarifies, earning an intense glare from natasha, “is state of the art, i don’t know what your daughter did to her, but she won’t tell me anything either.” natasha rolls her eyes, small swell of pride fluttering in her chest at your managing to keep stark out of his own technology before remembering what she’s angry at you for.“we need to go in there,” natasha states with finality, walking to your door. “i know, but i don’t want to risk seeing anything potentially scarring,” tony sasses.
the woman ignores him, shoving open your door to find both you and peter nowhere to be seen. she looks around, trying to figure out where you are and what the hell you’re doing.
meanwhile, you and peter are busy babbling at the bunnies, a lot bigger now, to notice the intruders in your room, not even seeing the notification friday sends to your phone. you’ve let your guard down after a week of been inconspicuous, which is stupid and very un-spy like of you. so you suppose you only have yourself to blame when the door to the closet bursts open to “what the hell are you two doing?” and “is it safe to open my eyes?”
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notdonesimpin · 4 years
Point Of View ~k.b.~
katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
warnings: fluff
synopsis: no one believes that katsuki is a good boyfriend until they see if for themselves AKA the three times people how sweet bakugou can be.
a/n: ah so i’ve neglected bnha quite a bit.. debated keeping this to myself but everyone needs a bit of soft and respectful bakugou. hope you enjoy :)
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You weren’t oblivious to the worry and concern in people’s eyes when you told them that Bakugou was your boyfriend. The two most infamous things said in response were: “You’re joking, right?” and “Are you okay? Does he get violent with you?”
It was quite frustrating to reassure people that being with him was okay. You know he's a good guy. Why does everyone assume that he’d be a shitty boyfriend? Why doesn’t Bakugou want other people to see the more tame side of him that he’d developed the past two years you’d been together?
Everyone learned to just take your word for it, though they’d never really seen him be affectionate with you. That’s why it was so shocking once they actually saw the true nature of your relationship with him.
1: Your Parents
“Bakugo!” your little sister yelled, running up to hold onto his leg.
His eyes widened as he looked down at her, confused as to where she came from. “Hey, Rugrat. What are you doing running around by yourself?”
“Mom and Dad are over there!” she points to a store in the distance and continues talking, “Are you here with my sibling?”
She stepped back, grabbing onto his extended hand as they walked towards your parents.
“Not right now. They’re here somewhere with their friends.”
“I thought you were their friend,” she pouted, “Are you guys not friends anymore?”
Bakugou sighed, “I’m a different kind of friend, Rugrat.”
“What do you mean?”
“Tenshi! There you are!” your mom says, rushing over to the two of them.
“She saw me and ran over. Sorry about that,” Bakugou awkwardly scratched the back of his head, feeling uncomfortable with the apology passing through his lips.
“She must really like you, then. She never does this with anyone,” you mom notes, slightly impressed that he won your sister over within a few short months.
He softly smiles, looking down at her, “I think we just understand each other.”
“You still haven’t told me what’s so different about you being friends with Y/N!” she points at him.
He squats down to chat with her, “It’s the kind of friend that gets to hang out with a cool kid like you in their free time.”
“That’s the best!” she exclaims.
Bakugou’s phone buzzes, and he pulls it out to see a text from you that asked where he was. “I have to go, but I’ll see you at your birthday party.”
“Promise?” She sticks out her pinky.
He clasps his pinky who hers quickly before getting up and saying a quick goodbye to your mother and rushing off.
Tenshi grabbed your mother’s hand as they watched him. 
You came into view with a few bags on your arms and he immediately took them from you despite your apparent protest and gave you a quick kiss before walking in the opposite direction.
Your mother realized that she may have had the wrong idea about Bakugo this entire time.
2: Class 1-A
“How are you not sore from weight training yesterday?” you whine as you both walk towards the classroom.
“I train all the time. You just aren’t used to it,” he smirks, nudging you slightly with his arm.
“Whatever. You didn’t even go easy on me, a beginner.”
“I’ve never gone easy on you. Why would I start now?”
“Fair point,” you shrug as you walk through the classroom door and all eyes immediately fall on the two of you.
“There’s the cutest couple in school!” Mina exclaims.
You both look at her bewildered by her statement.
“I didn’t know Bakugou actually had a heart,” Iida muttered, looking at something on Kirishima’s desk.
“What did you do?” Bakugou whispers with a hint of agitation in his voice. 
“I didn’t do anything. I have no clue what they’re talking about!”
“Kirishima saw you guys at the New Year’s Festival. He took a really cute picture of you guys!” Kaminari explained, walking over to show you both the picture on his phone.
You both looked at it to see your little sister, Tenshi, on his shoulders with a smile on her face as she pointed at one of the booths. Bakugo had one hand keeping her stable on his shoulder and the other was laced with yours. He had a large smile on his face as if he was laughing at something you said.
“What were you guys talking about?” Mina asks.
“None of your fucking business,” Bakugou grumbled, pushing past all of them to his seat with you in tow as he continued, “If you ask us another question, I will kill all of you.”
“Bakubro, they wouldn’t let you kill us even if you wanted to,” Kirishima laughed.
“You even gave them your jacket!” Sero exclaimed, “I remember when you tried to fight me for even trying to borrow a blanket when we were in your room!”
“He can’t let his precious girl get cold,” Kaminari sang.
Bakugou grumbled, crossing his arms as he sat down, knowing that anything he said would only fuel the fire.
3: His Parents
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed as your umbrella bent backwards, officially breaking after three long years of service.
The rain didn’t even have a chance to touch your body before Bakugo quietly handed his umbrella over to you, taking the broken one from you. “Don’t need you catching a cold.”
As soon as you took it from him, he took his jacket off and wrapped it around your backpack. He forced your broken one closed and held onto it to throw away later.
“Katsuki, you’re going to get soaked,” you tried to argue.
“I’ll be fine. My backpack is waterproof.”
“At least get under the umbrella. What if you catch a cold?”
“It isn’t big enough to even cover your backpack, dumbass. I’ll be fine. I haven’t gotten sick in years.”
“I’ll just put my hood on until we get to your house and then walk home from there with the umbrella.”
“Not happening, I’m taking you home. I can’t let you walk by yourself.”
Thirty minutes later, Bakugou walked through the door absolutely soaked from head to toe with two broken umbrellas in his hand and his jacket wrapped around his waist.. 
He let out a huge sigh as he dropped his backpack and took off his shoes.
“Katsuki, I need-” Mitsuki’s eyes widened as she looked at him.”Go get out of those clothes and take a shower! You’re going to catch a cold in those if you stay in them any longer!”
“You don’t have to yell, you old hag!” he snapped as he walked to the bathroom.
After he showered and put on some warmer clothes, he was met with the curious eyes of his mother and father as he took his towels and clothes to the washing machine.
“What?” he questioned, pausing on his way.
“You had two broken umbrellas and were absolutely soaked. What happened?”
“Y/N’s umbrella broke, so I gave them mine. It’s too small to do anything but cover their body, so I wrapped my jacket around their backpack so their stuff didn’t get wet. I was soaked by the time we got to their house, so there was no point in putting my jacket back on, but I promised them that I’d use the umbrella on the way back and it broke from the wind.”
Their jaws dropped.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he grumbled and justified himself, “I didn’t want them getting sick. They don't take good care of themself when they feel bad. Can I go to my room?”
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll let you know when dinner’s ready,” Masaru said.
Katsuki walks off without another word.
The next morning, Mitsuki was yelling at Katsuki to get up from the other side of the house, but she wasn’t getting the usual response back. 
She paused outside his door when he heard the low murmur of his voice as if he was on the phone and slowly cracked the door open.
“Do you want me to come over?” she heard you ask.
“No, I can’t take care of you and me. If you catch my cold, you won’t eat like you’re supposed to. I swear you’re like an annoying little child when you’re sick.”
“Always so mean,” you laugh, “I can take care of myself, Katsuki.”
“I know you can, but I want to take care of you, so shut up,” he coughed, “And don’t hang up on me until you are inside of the school safe!”
“I feel so bad. You got sick because of me.”
“Well, make it up to me by kicking ass in class today, okay?”
“Don’t I always?” you tease, causing him to softly laugh.
Mitsuki smiled to herself as she quietly closed the door, hoping that you’d be in her son’s life forever.
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
Innocence, avoidance
Summary: Jason Todd cracks crass jokes and dirty comments like they’re his lifeblood. It turns out, he’s just getting it out of his system before he sees his little sister again. (Or: Marinette gloms onto Red Hood after her parent’s death, and there’s no way anyone can stop her from being with her older brother.)
Jason Todd, AKA Red Hood, is not the kind of man people go to when they want to complain about their life problems. They go to him when they want a quick, oftentimes violent solution; Red Hood isn’t exactly a renowned empath. In comparison to his other Bat Family counterparts, he is at least 10 times more crass and almost 15 times more violent. 
It is accepted that although Red Hood makes situations turn out for the better, he is no shining paragon of human virtue and kindness. People trust him to watch their backs and not to fuck them over so long as they’re working within his very clearly defined set of values, but he’s just not the kind per person that anyone would entrust their kid to during their Friday date night.
Until somebody does.
The door to the warehouse is already open, and he has a gun in his hand, ready to threaten the little crowd he’s gathered today when a woman hops out of her car and shoves a pig-tailed girl with wide blue eyes and an almost blindingly neon pink outfit towards him.
“There you are, you weren’t at the drop site!” says the woman, who instantly begins to back away from the two of them once the little girl picks herself up off the ground that she landed on. Red Hood notes the license of the getaway car, making a mental reminder to deal with them later, but the car makes tracks. The little girl frowns at the disappearing car, eyes the gun in his hand, then decides that she’s going to stay put. 
Red Hood looks at the rabble that has convened in the warehouse, down at the little girl, then back again. There are at least five people in the room that are eyeing the little girl greedily, and he’s sure that if he just lets her go, she’ll be captured by one of them faster than he can bat an eye. He doesn’t exactly have time to put the girl in a safe place, not when it’s taken him months and a good number of heads in order to draw these people here. 
She looks wary of the gun and of him, but not scared. Everyone else? Half of them look like they’re about to burst out laughing, and the other half have looks that he’s eager to wipe off their faces.
“Aww, look at that! Hood has finally found his way into the dark side of the business. What’s next, prostitution?”
Without hesitation, he shoots with deadly accuracy at the man’s hand. The man keels, bending over and clenching his bloodied appendage. Other than the man’s screams, the room goes completely silent.
Red Hood casts another glance at the little girl, who has, slowly but surely managed to inch away from him and into a safer position. She’s holding onto her sparkly purple plastic backpack like it’s the only thing that’s keeping her alive. Smart kid, not to run. Or was it dumb? He wouldn’t shoot her, and he’d take out anyone else who tried to, but the girl didn’t know that. She probably just assumed that she was going to his next target.
“All of you shut up while I deal with this.” He inhales deeply and kneels down to get on eye level with the girl. Not that she can see much of his eyes, given his helmet, but still.
He has half a mind to go after the woman, but he’s not about to leave the little girl amongst the group of criminals that are gathered in the warehouse with him. Briefly, he wonders how the hell that couple even knew that he was going to be here tonight. He also wonders what he’s going to do with the kid. “What’s your name, kiddo?”
She looks up at him, hands clenched around a plastic pink backpack with some kid’s cartoon on the back, then looks out at the people that have gathered. There’s a moment of silence, and Red Hood is sure that she’s weighing her current options. Smart kid. Eventually, she shifts her body weight closer to him, apparently drawing the conclusion that he is the safer option than the other people who are here tonight. Smart kid.
“It’s Marinette, sir.”
No last name. Not sure if that’s a pointed decision to keep her identity at least partially concealed, or just because she doesn’t have one.
“And those weren’t your parents?” It stands to reason that the people in that care aren’t her parents, but he needs to make sure.
Marinette clenches her backpack tighter. “No, sir.”
“Where are they?” He has a sinking suspicion if those weren’t her parents, and she’s not up in tears, asking for a phone to call them, that--
“They’re dead, sir.”
Sometimes, Jason wishes he could be wrong on things like this. 
“Then who were they? And don’t call me sir. Too formal.” 
“My mom’s... second cousin, I think? I never met her before, but I got sent here anyway.” 
One of the men shifts. He’s one of the men who Red Hood pegged as a possible child trafficker. Underneath his helmet, Jason’s eyes narrow. He now has a fairly good idea of how the couple figured out that he was going to be here tonight.
“Do you know how to get back home?”
At that, Marinette's mouth almost twitches up into a smile. “No sir. I don’t think there’s a home to go back to, anymore.”
Red Hood sighs. Putting the information presented to him together, he quickly comes to the conclusion that Marinette’s parents have died recently and that nobody in her immediate family has found out about their passing, or they don’t want her. Somehow, the couple picked her up-- possibly when she was going to a friend’s house, judging by the whole school girl look she has going on-- and thought she would fulfill the trafficking requirements laid out to them. 
That means that there aren’t a lot of options available to her. He can redirect her to the foster care system, but everybody knows foster care messes up kids permanently. Even though she looks to be pretty street smart, he couldn’t just let her live out on the streets in good conscience. Her outfit looks too clean for her to ever have lived in poverty, and she definitely checks the box for a lot of the trafficking rings that have been popping up recently. Mixed descent, the possibility to be pretty when older, and very, very pure. She’d get picked up off the streets within hours if she just let her be. 
He decided that he’s let her have the final say. “What do you think I should do in this situation?”
She shuffled her pink ballet clad shoes, eyes darting to the sides. He had to give the girl this much at least; even though she had the whole innocent look going for her, she was very aware of her surroundings. Her body language implied that she didn’t believe him to be that much of a threat— and in any other case, he’d fault her for that, but given that let their surroundings were a drug den he’d let it go— and tilted herself so she could have as many people in her sights as possible. “Sir, I think as long as you could get me out of here safely, I’ll figure out how to take care of myself.”
The man Jason was watching, the possible trafficker, tensed. Yeah, Jason is definitely going to have to take care of him later. This kind of a reaction as good as cements the suspicions he’s had. 
“Tell you what, princess. Do you mind waiting outside for me? I’ll help you out once I’m done here.”
Marinette eyed the rest of the room. “How long will you take?”
She’s asking all the right questions. Maybe it will be easy for her to fit into the slums of Gotham. 
“Not long,” Red Hood promised. “Ten minutes at most.”
The collection of people who have gathered in the warehouse all swallowed uncomfortably. Everybody knew that when Red Hood dealt with things quickly, it typically ended in copious amounts of bloodshed and shock. 
“Okay,” Marinette paused, grip loosening on her backpack. “Ten minutes.
Red Hood doesn’t particularly want to have Marinette around for the violence that’s about to occur, but she’s already seen him shoot one person, so it’s too late to shield her innocence. And violence? It’s a slippery slope.
He makes quick work of the room; half of the people he brought out here, he kills off directly. The other half are made to watch as the people they’ve associated with for years die in front of their eyes. This is a power play. A way to… persuade them to reform. Because the people he’s left alive? Red Hood has left them alive for two reasons. One. They’re not nearly as bad as most of the higher ups in Gotham. Two. If he kills all of the people who have dabbled in anything bad, the chain will be completely messed up, and there will be too much room for unknown variables to make their way up the ranks. He wants people he can control. And the people he’s left alive? He can keep all of them in line.
Marinette is not waiting outside for him. They’re right next to Crime Alley. This is not going to end well.
He’ll give the little girl props for somehow managing to avoid his detection. 
To be more precise, he’s hoping that she’s simply avoiding his detection, and hasn’t gotten swept up in something bad. 
It takes Jason three hours-- three hours-- to find the girl who can’t be much older than ten. Probably not even ten, judging by her size. 
“You’re lucky it’s me finding you, and not someone else, Pixie.” He finally catches a glance of her glaringly sparkly backpack, complete with fairies and unicorns covered in some sort of holographic overlay.
Marinette immediately backs up, looking definitively worse for the wear. She’s gained rips in her clothes and  a nasty looking scraped knee. Her face loses all color when she sees him. “S- sorry, sir. I swear I wasn’t running away, it’s just that there was someone outside who tried to grab me, and--”
If Jason didn’t know better, he’d believe the girl. 
However, he does have a decent number of connections, and those connections ensured that nobody was going to be able to come near the warehouse once his ‘meeting’ started. Though, he’ll have to have a talk with them, given that someone tried to pass the goods right before it started. Jason is fairly sure that the couple has been apprehended by now, but checking later tonight won’t hurt. 
Which means Marinette made the decision to run.
Again, that would have been a very, very smart decision had she not found herself in Crime Alley of all places. It looks like she’s learned a little bit about why she should stay away from places like this.
“It’s fine, Pixie. Like I said earlier, just call me Red Hood, or Hood. I’m not going to hurt you.”
Marinette balks.
Jason sighs. “Look, I know it’s hard to believe, but you can trust me. I’m not going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. All I want is to see you safe.”
“But,” Marinette bites her lip. Her eyes drop to the guns at his side. That’s… that’s a good reason not to trust him, to be honest. If he were in her position, he’d already be running.
“Do you have anyone you can contact? Anyone you trust? I can take you to them.”
She’s starting to tear up, and god, Jason cannot deal with crying children. Marinette’s big, blue eyes and pigtails and her general smallness. He just can’t. “Please don’t cry. Please don’t cry. What, do you-- do you want a cookie or something? I can bring you to a bakery before we talk? Sweets are supposed to cheer kids up, right?”
Marinette lets out a watery laugh. 
“I like macaroons,” she offers.
“So, how old are you?”
In the warmth of the bakery, Marinette looks markedly more relaxed. She went to the bathroom to clean her face and cut off, and now she looks like the poster child of one of those band aid ads. Lively, a little mischievous, and, you know, a child.
She takes a delicate bite of the shortbread cookie-- not a macaroon, there aren’t many reputable bakeries in Gotham that are close and have French pastries. “Nine and a half.”
Oh man, she’s younger than Replacement. 
“You’ve really got no family here? None at all? No friends you can call?”
“No, I’m from France.”
Well, that certainly answers a lot of questions. But brings up additional ones. “You speak English very well.”
“Maman and Papa ran a very popular bakery. We got a lot of foreigners. Before we moved to Paris, we lived in New York.” She takes a sip of her drink, whipped cream stuck on her nose. “And I don’t remember anyone from New York. We moved to Paris when I was three.”
Jason sighs. “What do you want to do?”
“Maman said that if I were ever left on my own, my only job was to survive by any means.” 
“That’s…” He tries to find the right words. “Interesting advice.”
In what parallel universe do parents of a bakery in Paris-- one of the major cities in the world with the lowest crime rates--tell their children to survive by any means?
“Did she tell you how?”
Marinette tilts her head, pigtails bouncing. “She told me to trust my instincts and never to trust the police.”
Great. That explains why she didn’t ask for someone’s phone to call the police. Not that the police in Gotham are the best people to go to for a case like Marinette’s, but then again, there’s not really anybody good to go to for a case like hers. 
Vague advice is the best way to get a kid killed. But since Marinette isn’t already dead, it stands to reason that her instincts haven’t failed her yet, and he really does have no clue what to do with her.
He briefly contemplates taking her to Bruce, but strikes the idea down almost instantly. Marinette fits all of the requirements to become a Robin. Tragic backstory, black hair, blue eyes. He’s not going to put another child into Bruce’s hands just so he can ruin their life by not doing his job. Besides, Bruce doesn’t know he’s alive yet, and he wants to keep it that way for now.
“Then what do your instincts tell you to do?”
Does he feel like an idiot for asking a nine year old that? Yes, but what else is he supposed to do? Taking care of kids was never part of the job description when he signed up to be Red Hood. (Then again, it wasn’t like there was a job description to begin with.)
Marinette takes another bite of one of the cookies on her plate. “They tell me to stick close to you.”
Even better. She’s imprinted on him.
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belovedgamers · 3 years
Foolish’s Lore: L’Sandburg
Final part of my Foolish lore summary!
DISCLAIMER: it’s canon <3
That being said! Summary under the cut!
Soon after the Red Banquet, Bad claimed a 3x3 space in Foolish’s path. Throughout a disagreement with Foolish, Bad proceeded to claim more and more space. Foolish eventually agreed to let him have one chunk of land to build. Bad built a tower and dubbed it L’Sandburg. Antfrost supported Bad. HBomb joined in, also claiming a chunk of land for his own country. Shenanigans ensued in which more and more land was claimed under different names.
Eventually, Foolish hired Purpled to kill Bad. A little later, they settled down and Bad went back to his one chunk of land in L’Sanburg, agreeing to let Foolish rearrange it as needed if he wanted it to fit more with the general aesthetic of the Summer Home. Bad attempted to install a toll of passage, which Foolish refused to pay. At the same time, Bad went through a dispute with Puffy over whether the land was L’Sandburg of L’Puffberg.
Foolish proceeded to build a pathing around L’Sandburg while also remodeling it to make it look more in sync with the rest of his Temple. Offscreen, Bad built a wall on Foolish’s pathing, violating their original agreement, and demanding payment of one golden apple per passage. Foolish continues to refuse to pay that toll on his own land, and is enraged by Bad’s building of the wall.
Foolish writes a letter to give “the leader of L’Sandburg” AKA Bad an ultimatum to remove the wall in five days or face the consequences, although he would like to avoid full out war. 
Bad responded by leaving him a letter in response telling him to “EAT DIRT”, “DOWN WITH THE TYRANNICAL TOTEM” and “DIEEEEEEEE”. Bad also, upon learning of Foolish’s kids, briefly kidnaps Finley before giving her back, congratulating Foolish on his fatherhood and giving him some gold.
Foolish, in response to the threatening letter, proceeded to make preparations. He wonders if this is how he’ll break his peaceful vow and make his first kill.
Foolish does not want to involve too many people as the conflict could get bigger and bigger and damage his home. He spent yesterday stream talking to Skeppy and then making letters to a few key figures. Among the people Foolish has tried to recruit are:
Skeppy (Confirmed)
In exchange for a tower in the Summer Home
Attempt to get to Bad through his connection with Skeppy.
There is a plan to “fake kidnap” Skeppy and tell Bad he will only be released if Bad relinquishes L’Sandburg.
Foolish suspects that Skeppy may betray him and go to Bad’s side.
Philza (Dubious)
Due to his dislike for governments
Attempt to recruit him via letter, is not directed to the Syndicate since Foolish does not canonically know about them
Foolish does not want withers in his land, but he recognizes Philza and his ally Techno’s strength and is hoping they will agree to help him. Appeals to Philza
Refers to himself as “your friend and greatest rival.”
Eret (Invited)
Due to their past friendship
Foolish leaves a letter to him and tells him of the slight against him by “Bitchboyhalo”, doesn’t make any promises or offers
Refers to Eret again as “old pal” and himself as “your old friend”.
He will NOT involve: Tommy (has been through too many wars) or Tubbo (he doesn’t want nukes, chat, this is his home).
UPDATE: Tubbo and Tommy have since involved themselves (explained further down).
Philza visited L’Sandburg in order to assess the situation before bringing it up with “the council” (the Syndicate). He did not see any major problem and did not understand why Foolish claimed in his letter that the people of L’Sandburg had impeded his safe passage to his home, as the Nether pathway was undisturbed.
Upon seeing the wall on Foolish’s path, he was still in disbelief of the situation as he saw an easy solution: walk around the wall and not pay the toll, since nobody was there to stop him. 
He read the books and their dispute but did not make any major comments.
Philza set up iron gate parkour along the side of L’Sandburg before returning to his home, jokingly demanding payment. He then said that Foolish could come to him if the situation became more serious, but for now the solution was simple and set.
Tubbo checked out L’Sandburg in search for Foolish’s vault. He claimed presidency over it and left signs on the land, claiming it as his. He attempted to impersonate Bad in an official declaration of war in an attempt to reap chaos. 
Foolish did not believe the declaration, as it was signed by Tubbo himself. He was willing to accept Tubbo’s presidency, however, as he assumed Tubbo would not have major involvement and suspected he would not visit L’Sandburg again.
After seeing the expanded walls and Tubbo’s declaration of presidency, Foolish built obsidian walls around L’Sandburg, although they did not encase it completely and he still allowed for its inhabitants’ passage.
Later, alongside Ranboo and Tubbo, they attempted to claim Foolish’s land in the name of the Pope (Tommy). Foolish refused. Tubbo continued to claim presidency and ownership over L’Sandburg. He tried to say that L’Sandburg was his home, only to be reminded by Foolish that he’d already commissioned a mansion from Foolish himself. 
Tubbo told Foolish to tear down the wall, Foolish refused. Tubbo insisted he didn’t want Foolish to pay a tool but rather to feel inferior. He declared himself President of L’Sandburg, Ranboo the Vice President and Tommy the secretary of state.
Negotiations continued, Foolish attempted to convince Tubbo to move L’Sandburg with little success. Tubbo offered Foolish $100 (a Nintendo gift card from Mr Beast) in exchange of tearing down the obsidian walls. When Foolish continued to refuse, Tubbo threatened to declare independence. Ranboo and Tubbo (Tommy had left earlier) took their leave.
Foolish checked if the gift card was indeed valid but did not reclaim the funds. Instead, he decided he didn’t really want to put the time to tear down the obsidian walls and ended stream.
Foolish then declared that he will give L’Sandburg (Bad) two days to leave before taking action.
“In two days, I will see this removed, even if I have to change my ways.”
Bad contacted Puffy to show her the walls Foolish had built around L’Sandburg. Bad found the signs by Tubbo and took them down. He also talked about his long-term plans to get people used to the toll. This way, he plans to make a steady income and hopes to interest Foolish in a purchase of L’Sandburg, sell stocks and become a millionaire. 
To note, Bad diminished his actions as part of the Eggpire and the events of the Red Banquet, saying things like “Eggpire, what is that?” and “I have no idea what you’re talking about” when Foolish’s death was brought up. He tried to claim that Foolish has been bamboozled once or twice before Puffy stopped him by describing the situation as Foolish being “brutally murdered in front of friends and loved ones.” 
Bad proceeded to ask Puffy for ways to increase the value of the walls of L’Sandburg “in order to sell it back to Foolish.” Puffy proceeded to say that if Bad had presented the offer to buy L’Sandburg to Foolish originally, he may have taken it but after Bad’s threats it may be too late. Bad argued he’s been playing hard to get. Puffy countered that he was actually scamming Bad, although he denied it.
He then attempted to argue that it should be fair he get “overhang land” from the original agreement, before declaring that he’d gotten it through conquest. He proceeded to say he would make L’Sandburg giant and decided to use Foolish’s obsidian walls as another toll gate. 
Bad wondered if he could get Wilbur involved in this and remarked that he needed allies. He then declared L’Sandburg not a government but a toll company in order to prevent ending up on Technoblade’s bad side.
“We’re a toll collecting agency that collects tolls, builds stocks and, you know what? We also specialize in walls.”
He later took it back and decided to be “just L’Sandburg” and demanded Puffy pay the toll. He claimed Foolish’s obsidian wall as part of L’Sandburg. He then wondered how much Technoblade would charge for protecting L’Sandburg, calling it his “sand castle”.
It is unclear if Puffy will be taking any sides in this conflict. She called herself “an outlier, just spectating” when Bad tried to include her in L’Sandburg and did not want to participate in his scam. She refused to be included in the plan even when Bad offered to rename L’Sandburg into L’Puffberg.
“I’m playing the long game.”
“Well, you’ve inspired me to play mine.”
Puffy later helped Bad write his offer for Foolish, but clarified the following;
“I’m not scamming my own son. It’s either this or involving my son in a war.”
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 23-24
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book under the cut. Potential mild spoilers for the entire series. It’s a long one!
Immediate impression: Fleeing continues, in many forms. Revelations occur. Actions of the past cause problems.
Edit- fixed the disclaimer and spoiler blerb.
Ch 23: Wolfbrother
Nah Egwene is right that’s a good idea.
“Leaders in stories never had to put up with that sort of thing.” -(Perrin) on Egwenes insistence they take turns riding Bela [he thinks he’s the leader b/c she let him decide where to go]. To this i say- HAH!
… and also, the world here is so very different. Also probably- You have a storm coming young man.
Food! Obtained thru violence! (aka hunting)
You can! But it’s called channeling not wishing
Lol. Sure she’s never going to mess with the One Power again. Yup. You’ve convinced her
Lol. She’s like a cat that just keeps knocking shit over from his perspective. Good for her!
Lol ‘we’re sick of bread and cheese’ to ‘what we’d give for some bread and cheese!’
Oh shit it’s still fully snowing in some places.
Huh. He’s getting ol’ Balzo dreams. At least he isn’t talking to him. There’s that at least (I later learn it’s still likely real bad)
Or… it’s not people. Not cooking at least
Hmm. Everyone gets there differently
There’s no one… hunter, like outlander types around the Two Rivers? Seems like the place for them honestly. Huh
Lol. This guy has been trailing them two days? I guess he got tired of watching them be so sad
Lol. Bela has the highest stealth
So they found this fur trader ranger forest man. Elyas Machera
“[Elyas’s] eyes were yellow, like bright, polished gold”
Oops. Oof. Glad they found the only person in like hundreds of miles
This world was wrecked huh? Everything is very empty.
Well all of that sounds terrible. (And listen ok I’m going to try not to do this much but like… the Aiel, who look the way they look live in the fucking desert? For 3k years. Are they nocturnal? I… mean… idk. I really don’t. Maybe? Excited to learn more. Ok I’m done. Bone picked.) [follow to learn if I actually let this go. Cuz I didn’t promise]
A hermit more like. Easy mistake
At least give the poor kids some better directions.
‘Course but come on take them to a road. Be a decent human being. Plz? Plz. (I later learn he is!)
I knew he helped them b/c they are sad little babies.
Ironically I fully believe Rand and Mat might have been just too compentant to get help and have ended up in the Wastes. That’s how their luck seems to work. That would have been a funny version of the story
Friends?! Bela does not like that
His friends are wolves! Cool
Hey wait!
Why are they all getting stared at creepily so much?! Huh?!
Oh poor Bela.
I mean wolves can become tame. Sorta. After a while and in… sorta. Right?
Ah yes animal telepathy. Got it
Yea most humans actually enjoy some human company. At least occasionally.
I love Egwenes just hunger for knowing.
Yes. Play to each other’s strengths.
From Saldaea? Why… I hope you know a lot about freaking Saldaea
Lol. Elyas- ‘bullshit’
Hahahah! That wolves know is bs!
Oh shit. Well likely, hopefully, he knows that much because of the wolves.
Yup. Wolf powers
“I don’t hold with Aes Sedai. The Red Ajah… they wanted to gentle me, once. I told them to their faces they were Black Ajah; served the Dark One.” -Elyas. Well, that’s fucking impressive. And he got away, clearly.
Interesting he had to kill Warders. And unfortunate
Wild that this isn’t the Power. Huh
“Old things coming again.”
She’s actually pretty restraint around strangers. Knows how to get what she wants along with the personing to generally.
There’s time yet for them to join in!
Mm yea wonder how… /s
Ohh that’s kinda sweet.
Interesting with the wolves and Trollocs hating each other and wolves coming down from the mountains in Emonds Field.
Holy fuck they can take a Fade?
Yea Egwene is not going to live in the woods with you two and some wolves.
Tbf to her it might actually be deadly with her and the power
Yay! He’s gonna help!
Mm. Yup. That’s not a average person thing bud
Edit- they didn’t die of pneumonia!
Ch 24
So. Many. Bridges.
Read half a paragraph before learning-
Rand POV.
And honestly thought that was kinda cool
Oh. It’s a dream. That tracks. Many bridge’s = dream
Huh. I don’t recall ever smelling anything in my dreams
More damn being watched
This is just some inception shit. What is the origin of that? This dream fuckery; did inception get its thing from this or this from something else?
“The only thing to do was… was to keep moving. Keep moving, and not think. Thinking was dangerous, he knew.” -Rand in a dream
So… based on everything so far ol’ Balzo seems to find it easier to find them the more people they are around? That’s my guess. No idea why that would be but it’s what I got. Possibly because he need to know their location to catch them?
Don’t think this is just a dream
You think. You freeze. That’s terrifying.
Once again the horror writer emerges
I would not be pleasant to be around either if I had these dreams even once a week.
“His heel had overturned one of the smooth stones, kicked it out of the dry ground. He stared at it, and empty eye sockets stared back. A skull. A human skull. He looked along the path at all the smooth, pale stones, all exactly alike. He shifted his feet hastily, but he could not move without walking on them, and he could not stand still without standing on them. A stray thought took vague shape, that things might not be what they seemed, but he pushed it down ruthlessly. Thinking was dangerous.” -Rand in the horrible hellish nightmare place of his dreams.
No. Turning the same direction didn’t work! It led to Balzo. Not good!
“…the Eye of the world will not serve you… I will strangle you with the corpse of the Great Serpant!” -Ba’alzamon- ol’ Balzo to Rand. Sir, that seems like a bit much
I just keep wanting to put in more quotes because it is so good.
Like… there is just no good choice here. He got rid of Balzo and then is faced by thousands of mirrors pointed at him, and empty darkness besides. Horrifying.
“He wanted to scream, but his throat was frozen. There was only one face in those endless mirrors. His own face. Ba’alzamon’s face. One face.” (Couldn’t resist) and with that the dream ends.
Oh no he’s bleeding from that dream? Yikes.
Tbf he was supposed to be on watch
Still might be a Problem
Yup. Ride em to hard and mutiny will follow
He’s so earnest. Even when sad
“…the stone had been cut into figures, men and women a hundred feet tall… long years separated the first from the last. Wind and rain had worn those at the north end smooth and almost featureless, with faces becoming more distinct as they went south.” -the statues carved into the cliffs along the Arinelle River. Things lost to history huh? I like it.
Oh strange shinny metal towers with no openings. And no explaination. Always a good sign /s
“On Tremalking… there be a a stone hand [50 ft] high sticking out of a hill, clutching a crystal sphere as big as this vessel.” -Cap Domon to Rand about the oddities of the world. Uh think that treasure may consist of a statue yea? (There’s allegedly treasure under it)
Sea Folk only caring about finding their Chosen One huh? Coramoor?
I’m sorry? Dinosaurs? Are those fucking dinosaur bones in… Tanchico?
Rand… you woolheaded earnest baby. ‘Well all that’s [magic, ruins, wonders of the world] nice I guess. But we found a giant fish skeleton at home once’
Honestly the world does not seem to be catching Rand without a serious fight
He really is just Samwise kinda. Which imo. Is great.
Lol. Mats going to get caught for sure. Time will tell if he’ll even want to go home
… also seems a bit fixated on treasure huh? Creepily so
I don’t like that he’s laughing into the wind. I dunno why but I don’t
Ok. People watching, less concerned now
Just looking down at the world and feeling the wind. That’s seems notable…
Ok now he’s just Titanic posing. Hilarious. And dangerous on top of a mast.
Dude. You almost died and now you’re laughing. Listen to Thom and get the hell down.
Risky behavior there.
Oh. And not noticing everyone shouting at him. Great. /s
I’m glad the crew had fun with that. I’m concerned (don’t think I don’t remember what Moiraine told Nynaeve a few chapters back!)
Oh nice… dagger there Mat. Mhm
Oh noo
Chapter ends with a bang-
“Rand’s gaze drifted to the top of the mast, and he shivered. ‘What’s happening to me? Light, what?’ He had to find out. He had to get to Tar Valon before he really did go mad.”
16 notes · View notes
Whump you say? Geralt gets Hanahaki
I’ve been waiting for you, Anon. I’ve been waiting for this prompt specifically and boy when I tell you I might have cried writing it...
2k ish (a little less) words long. Idk why y’all were worried, it’s me. It’s gonna have a happy ending.
tw: Hanahaki, blood mention, illness, angst with a happy ending, whump with a happy ending ---
It had started up just before they parted ways for the winter; Geralt had quietly coughed a handful of rose petals into the corner of his cloak and hidden them from sight as Jaskier gave him their yearly parting embrace. “See you in the spring, Geralt!”
You might not ever see me again, actually, the Witcher thought. He tried not to let anything show on his face; not his fear and certainly not his longing, but he ached to tell Jaskier that he loved him and that he’d miss the bard’s presence through the long and dreary cold of the winter months. Geralt also knew that if he told Jaskier the truth about his feelings that he may never set eyes on the bard again anyway, regardless of how the disease currently wracking his body developed over their time apart. He was sure that Vesemir could identify whatever the strange illness was; the old swordmaster might even have a cure ready to go in the old storeroom. If not, they could send for Triss. 
“Safe travels.”
“And you as well,” Geralt nodded curtly. He mounted Roach with all his usual grace and ease, biting back another cough and tasting the sickly sweet floral note of rose rising up his throat to coat his tongue again. 
“Fuck,” Vesemir sighed. “It’s Hanahaki disease, Geralt. It’s not going to be easy to cure now that the pass is full of snow.”
“What’s Hanahaki disease?”
“It’s-” the eldest Wolf Witcher scrubbed his hand over his bearded face and took a moment to compose himself. He’d seen it happen before. He’d seen human bodies buried in the ground with entire root systems crawling from their chest cavities. He’d watched young men and women alike cough entire violet or rose or daisy buds from their mouths while they shivered with fever and seemingly unending pain, but a Witcher? Vesemir hadn’t even thought it was possible for a Witcher to contract such a frivolously deadly illness. “I don’t know exactly how to explain this to you, Geralt.”
“I won’t go screaming into the hills, if that’s what you’re afraid of,” his middle-child joked, “I can’t run very far anymore without a coughing fit.”
“I can’t send for Triss or Yennefer, either. They won’t be able to do anything,” Vesemir spoke calmly and evenly. Geralt, propped against some pillows on adoptive-father-enforced bed rest raised an eyebrow. “It’s a disease that eats at you from the inside out. It latches on to, uhm, romantic feelings and grows with them until it overtakes its host completely. Or until the host, uh… confronts those feelings head on and admits them to the object of their affection.”
“So this is…” Geralt’s eyes were wide and terrified. The eldest Wolf had never seen the stoic boy look quite so scared before, and he’d seen him go through the Trials. “This is going to kill me, is what you’re saying.”
“Who are you in love with, you stubborn oaf!?” Lambert cried, marching into the room from where he’d been lurking in the hall. He startled the other two Wolves and Geralt coughed out another handful of petals. The blood that came with them was surprisingly new. 
“What do you mean!?”
“He means,” Vesemir said, as slowly as possible (so that even the great Geralt of Rivia would understand his situation), “That until you tell this person how you feel, the flowers inside you will continue to grow and dig their roots in and, if you never tell them how you feel at all, you will eventually die.”
“Then I guess my fate is sealed,” Geralt smiled sadly, settling himself back against the pillows. “My time as a Witcher is up. Coughing up flowers isn’t the worst way to go, all things considered.”
Lambert growled angrily. “I’m not ready to lose my brother yet, Geralt, so just tell us who you’re pining after and we’ll go fetch her back!”
“Why the fuck not?!”
Geralt, growing increasingly more feverish and already exhausted from everything that had happened that afternoon, closed his eyes. “Because he deserves better than me, Lambert. He deserves so much more than I could ever give him and I’m not about to steal him away like a selfish ass and force my feelings onto him for my own sake. I’d rather die.”
“Self-sacrificing bastard,” the youngest of the Wolf Witchers snarled, storming from the room. “Ass! Cock! Fool!”
Vesemir could only nod his agreement and follow silently after.
Jaskier read the letter once.
Then he read it again.
After a third time through he was sure that he hadn’t misunderstood the contents.
Dear Jaskier (aka Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, Prof. of the Seven Liberal Arts at Oxenfurt),
I am Eskel, brother to Geralt of the Wolf Witcher School at Kaer Morhen. I write to you now to ask for your presence at the keep. Geralt has fallen gravely ill and will not likely make it through the season. He does not know that I have written to you, but as his best friend and companion on the Path, I thought it my duty to invite you to see him one last time before he’s gone for good. He’s loathe to admit it, but he misses you and fears for your safety come springtime.
Eskel of the Wolf School
Somewhere beneath the bright embroidery of his doublet and the hand-woven muslin of his chemise, Jaskier’s flighty, deeply-loving heart shattered into a million pieces. 
He grabbed his heaviest woolen cloak from its peg near the door and made for the stables at once.
The White Wolf opened his eyes a sliver to confirm that he wasn’t hallucinating again; ah yes. What a lovely last dream to have before I die. Standing in the middle of his bedroom at Kaer Morhen, covered with still-melting snow, was Jaskier. The bard’s blue eyes were brimming with tears and his bottom lip was wobbling violently as he gazed upon the Witcher’s withering form.
“Geralt, what’s wrong? Your father and brothers sort of explained it to me but I’m still not sure what’s happening. You’re dying?”
“Don’t worry, bard,” Geralt smiled. A loud, sudden cough wracked his body and he bent over double, spitting a blood-spattered but fully-bloomed rose out into his cupped palm. He laughed joylessly and tossed the bloom onto his bedside table. “I’ll be out of your hair, soon. Won’t this be a last ballad to write, a wolf dying as he’s eaten by flowers?”
“I don-”
“Hush,” Geralt rasped. Jaskier dropped his cloak to the ground uncaringly and rushed to his Witcher’s side. He sat on the edge of the mattress and took Geralt’s closest hand in his, grasping the appendage to his chest and sobbing into the sword-calloused skin like his tears might save his best friend’s life. “Don’t be sad, Jaskier.”
“I am sad, Geralt! I’m absolutely fucking terrified and heartbroken and crushed! Vesemir said you could heal this at any time but you just… you just won’t because you’re stubborn and an idiot and the sweetest goddamn man I’ve ever met in my life! How dare you tell me goodbye when you are perfectly capable of fixing this problem yourself! How could you promise to see me in the spring and then break your word by dying well before the grass turns green again?! You bastard!”
“You won’t miss me after another year passes,” Geralt reassured him, flexing the hand still held tight in Jaskier’s grip. “You won’t even remember me by the time the first daisies spring up.”
“How dare you,” the bard cried again. He pressed a nervous kiss to the tip of the Witcher’s pointer finger before letting go completely and dropping his head into his own hands. “How dare you say those things to me when you know full well that I love you with all my stupid, fragile mortal heart. You asshole.”
“I love you, Geralt!” The Witcher stared up at his friend with nothing but confusion written across his handsome features. Jaskier reached out, wiping a smear of blood away from the corner of Geralt’s mouth as tenderly as any maiden in any of the bard’s favorite romance novels. “I love you and I’ll never forgive you for letting yourself die on me like this.”
Geralt blushed. He stammered. He coughed up two or three more bloody roses and Jaskier tossed them all into the fire with rage blazing in his cornflower irises. 
“I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything on this gods-forsaken Continent and now you’re going to take yourself away because you’re, what, scared of something? Is it Yennefer? If she’s refusing to help you then I’ll ride all the way to Vengerberg by daybreak and then I’ll break all her fucking fi-”
“I love you, too.”
“What?” Jaskier asked, stopped mid-rant and mid-thought by the Witcher’s sudden admission. “What did you just say to me, Geralt? If I didn’t misunderstand, you said you loved me too.”
“I did. I do! I have loved you for a rather long time, actually.”
“Well, I’m glad we’ve settled that,” Vesemir said from the doorway. He turned on his heel and disappeared. “See you both for breakfast tomorrow, I’m sure. Well... maybe breakfast is being a bit optimistic. I’ll see you for lunch.”
“What did he mean?” the bard asked. His eyes flitted between the empty doorway and Geralt’s guilty grimace. “What the fuck did Vesemir mean when he said he’d see us at lunch?! You’re still clearly dying and I-”
Geralt felt his fever receding and coughed experimentally. There were only a few brown, half-dried petals that fell from his lips. No blooms. He coughed again and nothing came out of his mouth at all. He grinned and laughed, tugging Jaskier up onto the bed and against his broad chest. “Vesemir was right!”
“What the fuck is going on?!” the bard begged. His hands twisted into the neckline of Geralt’s shirt, holding him still and steady. Blue bore into gold with such heated intensity that the Witcher thought he might pass out regardless of his recently healed disease, “What just happened!?”
“I- I told you I loved you and it cured the Hanahaki!”
“You had fucking Hanahaki and I was the cause of it? Oh Geralt, I’m so sorry! I should have noticed sooner! I should hav- Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
“I didn’t think you loved me back.”
“You didn- Geralt, have you been paying any sort of attention for the past seven or so years? I follow you everywhere, I bandage your wounds, I put food on your plate and a pillow under your head whenever we get the chance. I bathe you and mend your clothes when your fingers are too stiff from practicing your forms to do it yourself… you utter fool. You buffoon. You great, dumb, goofy, idioti-”
He was cut off by Geralt bringing their mouths together with such gentle but insistent pressure that all Jaskier could do was melt against him. His hands unwound from the shirt and stabilized against the Witcher’s pectorals instead. He sighed into Geralt’s mouth, swallowing down the happy sounds his dearest Witcher made in return. When they were finished pouring out their affections they sat, breathless, curled against the pillows of Geralt’s enormous bed. 
A large pointer finger slipped beneath Jaskier’s chin and tilted his face up, locking their gazes, “This isn’t how I wanted you to meet my family or see Kaer Morhen for the first time, but I’m glad you came. I know the journey through the snow couldn’t have been easy, even though I’m sure there was some magical assistance.”
“For you, my love, I’d travel the pass barefoot.”
“You’d die of exposure.”
“Not if your life was on the line,” the bard murmured against those flower-chapped lips. “For you, Geralt, I could survive anything. Just as you must swear from this moment on to survive whatever you can to make it back to me.”
“Will you go back to the academy until spring?”
“I’m never leaving your side again, Geralt of Rivia. Come flora or fauna, you’re stuck with me for good.”
“Hmm. Good.”
“Just… Just don’t bring me flowers any time soon.”
356 notes · View notes
aspoonofsugar · 3 years
The “One” Divided Into “Two”
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Hello anons, hello friend,
these asks can be answered together!
First of all:
Hello! I just want to say that I love your RWBY metas! So I'm wondering, have you ever done metas about Emerald and Mercury?
Thank you! And yes, I have written a little bit about Mercury and Emerald here. I would also recommend this wonderful meta by @hamliet because it has an interesting Mercury theory in it.
Now. this answer is gonna mix some analysis with speculation because Emerald and Mercury’s story must still enter its climax. Once it does and we are given a specific interpretative key I will be happy to write more metas on them!
I’ll start with this:
Those two are so out of place in Salem's faction and the last look they share made me doubt that Mercury is rotten to the core and more of a kid who didnt know what he's in for. Since Em has switched sides, is it possible that Merc might follow? I really like him, so I'm hoping that he won't go down like Watts.
In my opinion, yes and here is why.
1) Emerald and Mercury have been child-coded since their first appearance:
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Roman: Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!
2) Both have received a save the cat moment early on:
Emerald: It's almost sad.
Mercury: Emerald, get up, we need to go. (...) Emerald!
Both child-coding and save the cat moments are often used to make characters more sympathetic and this applies to both Emerald and Mercury, even more so than Cinder.
This is why, for example, the major death they are directly involved in:
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turns out to be a temporary one.
As a side note, I like thinking of Emerald and Mercury as the Cat and the Fox in Penny’s story since they act as false friends to the main cast, betray them and cause Penny’s first death. Moreover, in the novel, both characters end up suffering consequences for their life-styles. The two murder kids are the same:
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At the same time, details about Emerald and Mercury’s backgrounds and motivations are given to the viewers pretty early on:
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We are shown Cinder recruiting both and these scenes clearly paint them as two vulnerable kids that get manipulated and groomed:
Raven: Two children you’ve tricked into following you.
Emerald is presented as a scaredy cat and Cinder wins her over by promising the bare minumum aka some security and basic care.
Mercury is given even less aka a narrative to keep himself together:
Cinder: And you're his son. We saw your fight from the treeline. He's taught you well.
Mercury: Guess so.
Cinder: What's your name?
Mercury: Mercury.
Cinder: Mercury... Tell me, are you anything like your father?
Mercury: All my life, my father trained me to be a killer, an assassin like him. And then moments after I killed him, you two showed up looking for someone with my exact skills. Just felt like it was meant to be.
Cinder praises his abilities and frames his trauma as something that makes him strong, not broken. And Mercury has completely embraced this narrative since then.
In short, Emerald and Mercury are framed as two kids lost in an illusory narrative Cinder has crafted. That said, they are also characters in a proper narrative and they are given sympathetic backgrounds and positive qualities that hint they can be better than they currently are.
In particular, Emerald should overcome her emotional dependence on others to make the right thing:
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In both volume 3 and volume 8 she is shown the destruction of a city. However, the first time she puts distance between herself and others’ pain, as symbolically conveyed by her looking from above. In volume 8, though, she is shown the same pain up close and she can’t ignore it anymore. This is why the others drag Emerald towards the people crying and light invades the screen when she finally meets the sheltered crew. She is forced to face an uncomfortable truth she wants to ignore.
Mercury should instead let himself depend on others more. He should open up to others and fight for his one positive bond:
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Mercury: Back off, freak.
Which leads us to:
What do you like most about Emerald and Mercury's relationship and bond as it is explored in RWBY?
Emerald and Mercury’s bond being a key one is conveyed both symbolically and in terms of their respective abilities.
When it comes to their abilities, I have written about it in the meta linked above:
In short, Emerald mostly relies on her semblance, while Mercury mostly relies on his legs and fighting prowess.
This detail adds to the idea that Emerald and Mercury have been acting as a unit and have been complementing each other. Emerald acts as the “soul” and Mercury as the “body”.
The soul is one’s personal essence (like the semblance). It is where (once again) wishes reside. The body is what protects the soul and is animated by instincts and self-survival.
They complement each other. This complementarity is shown in Emerald and Mercury’s fights.
In the Vytal festival, Mercury takes on both Coco and Yatsuhashi for a short while, so that Emerald can size her chance to fight Coco at her own terms (and she wins by using her semblance).
In the Battle of Heaven, Emerald uses her semblance to help Mercury fight and, in a sense, she compensates for his lack of one:
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The human soul is about wishes, but also duties:
Penny: I feel like I wish I could do both the things I need to do and the things I want to do. Is that normal?
One must accept their feelings, but also struggle with them:
Winter: But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we’re on the right path. It’s what makes us human.
And must do the right thing out of their own free will:
Winter: Penny. The general is making hard choices so we don’t have to.
This is Emerald’s personal struggle. She must let go of her feelings for Cinder and fight her own fear in order to do the right thing.
The human body lets people feel both others’ warmth:
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And others’ cruelty:
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However, Mercury refuses to feel both. He refuses to truly process his own trauma and pushes his feelings of care for Emerald away:
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As far as their symbolism goes, they are linked in at least three different ways.
1) One of the attributes of the Roman god Mercury is that he is the protector of thieves and Emerald’s surname capitalized means thief. What is more:
Mercury: Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!
2) Mercury/Hermes is also the god of alchemy and the one who wrote the Emerald Tablet aka a tablet with the truth of alchemy on it. You, @hamliet​, have written a meta on it, so I won’t add more.
3) According to at least some traditions, emerald is the gemstone associated with the planet Mercury.
So, it is clear the two characters are meant to be important in each other’s arcs.
Let’s now look at Emerald and Mercury’s bond, as it is explored through their interactions.
Mercury clearly cares about Emerald and gets along well with her. She is the only person he shows vulnerability to.
This is what their scene in Lost is about:
Emerald: Why did you come with us, the night Cinder and I found you?
Mercury: Why are you asking--
Emerald: Just answer the question.
Emerald is trying to open herself up and wants Mercury to open up too. This is why she gets annoyed when Mercury gives her a superficial answer. Still, in that conversation, Mercury is genuinelly trying to answer Emerald’s feelings:
Mercury: I'm sorry you didn't have a mommy that loved you, but I had a father who hated me! He never went easy on me! Every day of training was a beating. And when I unlocked my Semblance, he stole it with his! "This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!" He told me I could have it back when I was strong. So I got strong, but I never got it back! I've had to work harder than anyone to get where I am. You may not like it here without Cinder, but I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be!
Here, Mercury is telling Emerald details of his past he would not be sharing if he did not trust her. He can’t let himself be completely vulnerable, though, so he discloses them by lashing out at Emerald. He mixes violence with authentic vulnerability and also with care:
Mercury: Cinder doesn't care about you! She doesn't care about either of us!
He has seen how self-destructive Emerald can get when it comes to Cinder:
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And he is trying to have Emerald move on from her obsession.
However, Mercury’s small steps towards opening up and caring for another person are constantly challenged:
Tyrian: Oh yes, the world is mean, and I'm a big, bad man now just like the others.
Mercury: How long have you been standing there?!
The moment he opens up to Emerald, Tyrian appears to threathen and mock him.
Mercury’s positive development lies in accepting his own feelings of pain and in sharing them with others, so that he can be helped. However, the environment he is in goes in the way of it:
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Emerald: Mercury, I wanted to...
Here, Emerald is trying to either apologize to Mercury for their fight or to at least check out on him. Still, Mercury is not listening to her because he is too frightened by what Salem is doing.
Mercury’s current struggle is conveyed in a nutshell by the glance he gives to his left in Midnight:
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Is he looking at Emerald out of concern?
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Or at Salem out of caution?
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It is not clear. Still, what is sure is that Mercury should focus on Emerald, but Salem goes in the way. He deep down wants to care about others, but he is too scared to do so:
Tyrian: All you ever learned was pain and violence, and now you're too afraid to leave it. Such a tragedy.
At the same time, Mercury is for Emerald what she has been looking for in Cinder:
Emerald: We don't need him! Everything was going fine!
She initially refuses him, but it is clear that with time Mercury becomes the thing most similar to a family Emerald has:
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She has been so fixated on Cinder and on how she can be worthy of Cinder’s love that she has missed how much Mercury has tried to protect her all along.
This is why Hazel is important for Emerald’s development:
Hazel: No more Gretchens, boy.
His sacrifice is about breaking his personal cycle of pain. His story starts with Gretchen dying when she was only a girl and it ends with him preventing another girl’s death. At the same time, he also helps breaking the cyle of abuse between Emerald and Cinder.
Emerald is told the truth about her relationship with Cinder by Mercury. Moreover, it seems something finally clicks for her here:
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She observes Salem’s manipulation of Cinder and understands Cinder has been manipulating her in the same way.
However, it is thanks to Hazel’s sacrifice that Emerald sees what a genuine parental bond should be like. It should be about the parent protecting the child:
Hazel: What Gretchen would have done. And that starts with getting you away from here. Both of you.
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And not the child protecting the parent:
Emerald: I know I can’t beat you. But I can fill that thing full of holes before you take me down.
It should be about the parent caring for the child unconditionally:
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Hazel: Go.
And not about the child working hard to gain a parent’s love:
Cinder: You… You brought me back here. We failed.
Emerald: Cinder, you were hurt. I was just trying to help.
At the same time, Hazel’s death has taught Emerald the pain of losing a loved one:
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And has forced Emerald to stand on her own two legs:
Oscar: I've seen what you can do, Emerald. However this fight ends, we could really use someone like you.
She can’t be protected forever, but she should start protecting others. She is powerful enough to do so and she must accept this responsibility.
I think Emerald could be key to Mercury's redemption
I think so too. Emerald saving Mercury is the perfect objective for her personal arc. It forces her to act as the savior instead of the one being saved.
Moreover, Mercury told her the truth about herself:
Mercury: You're in denial.
So Emerald might do the same for Mercury. This would also fit with her being the Emerald Tablet. The Tablet is written by Mercury to convey the truth to the world. Here, it might very well be the inverse: the Emerald Tablet might convey the truth to Mercury.
In general, Mercury and Tyrian’s foiling has to pay off, just like Emerald and Hazel’s:
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The set-up is there for Tyrian and Mercury’s subplot to be about breaking cycles as well. Mercury’s story is about a child left alone with his abuser. Nobody comes to save him, so Mercury is forced to save himself by killing Marcus. Still, this only leads to him being stuck in the idea he is nothing, but an extension of his father. Right now, the cycle is repeating, but it is possible this time things will go differently because there is at least one person who cares about him.
Not only that, but (and this is nothing, but a baseless theory) even Qrow (aka a character who has unfinished business with Tyrian) might be a thematic fit to help Mercury:
Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.
After all, Mercury himself draws a comparison between Qrow and his father since they are both alcoholic. However, Qrow has started a journey of rehabilitation for the sake of his nieces and their friends.
Qrow sees himself as bad for others and fundamentally unlucky because of his background and his semblance. So, his third fight with Tyrian being about saving a kid, who, in a sense, is even less lucky than him and has no semblance might be thematically fitting.
Despite it all, Qrow found a family and a place to belong and he might help Mercury find his (Emerald) as well.
Got no gun But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron
Delusion I'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind
Emerald’s best weapon is her semblance, while Mercury’s semblance was stolen, so he could become a weapon.
This difference symbolizes their respective reactions to abuse.
Emerald uses her illusions as a coping mechanism.
This mechanism is well conveyed in CEM’s fight against Amber:
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On one hand, Emerald creates a child version of herself who is well dressed and owns a bike. It is a rich version of Emerald because she must think that is the kind of child others would stop by to help. She does not believe she is likable or lovable. This is why she makes an illusory alter-ego, which is both true (she deep down is a crying child) and false (she is a street rat with nothing).
In general, this is Emerald’s way to approach others:
Emerald: Just left the stadium after your amazing fight! You guys were awesome!
Ren: Because she's scared. Just like us..
Emerald: Or maybe because I know how to get out of here. Anybody coming?
She either fakes an overly friendly demeanor or acts tougher than she is. In any case, she hides her true self.
On the other hand, Emerald is symbolically trapping herself in an illusion together with Amber. Amber can’t see the dangerous thief in front of her, but Emerald too can’t see the generous woman who is offering food to a crying child:
Cinder: Follow me, and you’ll never be hungry again.
Cinder promises Emerald food and love and this lie makes the girl unable  to see the genuine article when it is right there.
So Emerald tricks both others and herself. This is how she survives abuse.
This is why she keeps believing in Cinder while she is gone:
Emerald: You’re here! I knew you’d co--
And this is why symbolically her semblance grows stronger in an abusive environment:
Emerald: I’ve been working on my Semblance. I can help. I won’t tell anybody.
Salem: You really have been honing that Semblance of yours.
After all, this is when Emerald gets a “power-up”:
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She has just lost Cinder and finds herself stuck with Salem. Her reaction is to have a breakdown and to project an illusion in the minds of nine people, when she had previously stated she could only do one/two minds at most.
Mercury weaponizes his trauma.
This is why his legs are Mercury’s true weapon, while Talaria is there just to cover and embellish the pain and ugliness under it.
Mercury fights Amber with only its bare legs because symbolically his trauma is still fresh and he has yet to work out a structured coping mechanism to it. His meeting with Cinder is the first step in this construction that evolves in the following months and is still evolving:
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In CEM’s fight against Amber, Mercury uses his unfeeling legs to whitstand the violence of the elements:
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Earth and Water
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He goes through the whole cycle without feeling any pain simply because his trauma has made him unfeeling:
I'm the one That was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun
Marcus has literally turned Mercury into Iron:
But I gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron
Still, the point is that mercury as a metal is not as hard as iron, but (in the alchemical scale of metals) is way more refined and closer to gold. Mercury can be better than his father, but his way to survive abuse is to repress himself.
This is why his semblance was stolen by his abuser. It is because abuse has taken away Mercury’s personhood.
So, both Emerald and Mercury face abuse by masking or repressing themselves. The difference is a matter of degree. Mercury can suppress his emotions and needs more, while Emerald can’t.
Theirs is a foiling about feeling too much to the point of self-harm and of feeling too little to the point of negation.
So, Emerald must struggle with her feelings not to be controlled by them, while Mercury must aknowledge them.
Emerald’s Hallucinations is a Semblance of The Self because it hides both Emerald herself and the truth.
This is interesting because, as stated above, the Emerald Tablet should convey the truth about alchemy. However, Emerald’s environment has turned her into an inversion of herself:
I'm the one Who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one
She is a gemstone, but is currently covered in dirt. She needs to polish herself, so she can shine and fit better in her allusion.
Mercury’s stolen semblance is a Semblance of The Self because it is linked to Mercury’s self-expression, which he must claim back.
Until then, he is bound to be stuck in an abusive cycle as nothing, but a weapon.
In general, there is some symbolism around Mercury which needs unpacking:
Mercury quoting Marcus:"This is a crutch!" "This makes you weak!"
Firstly, he has clearly interiorized what his father told him here. He refuses the idea of weakness and crutches to the point that his prosthetics, which are literal crutches get turned into weapons and even covered by other weapons. However, this refusal of crutches means Mercury can’t heal. After all, crutches, bandages and treatment are necessary to become healthy once again.
Secondly, there is this: 
I'll run circles round ya, I can touch the sky
The God Mercury’s main attribute is that he can overcome any boundary. He can go wherever he wants in no time. However, Mercury is the opposite because no matter what, he can’t leave his abusive environment. This has to do once again with his father’s abuse which culminated with Marcus taking Mercury’s legs. This is symbolically why Mercury is trapped.
Like for Emerald, Mercury’s arc should be about growing into his allusion, so that he can finally be free.
Still, how to turn Emerald and Mercury in the positive versions of their allusions? The answer has to do with this question:
(I think Emerald could be key to) maybe Cinder's (redemption) too
Emerald and Mercury are two parts of the individual (body and soul) and two parts of a Huntsman (semblance and weapon):
Ren: A common philosophy is that a warrior's Semblance is a part of who they are.
Ruby: Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool.
Together they make a unit. Together they make Cinder. They are two sides of her trauma, her two sins:
Emerald: Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?
And the wounds behind those sins.
This is why Cinder takes them in, but also why she abuses them.
She uses them as weapons:
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In CEM’s fight against Amber she lets them go in first and has them take the majority of Amber’s hits.
Not only that, but she uses them as “red herrings” she hides behind.
She acts as if Amber’s blow takes her out of the fight, while Amber focuses on Mercury who resists her attack:
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She has Emerald display her semblance at full force, so that the girl becomes Amber’s first target:
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She makes her own illusion where Emerald and Mercury are her smokescreen.
However, her two disciples are not just things she can use as she pleases. They are two people who depend on her:
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Mercury: You mean--
Emerald: She's alive?
They are literally two kids she takes in framing their relationship as parental/hierarchical hence she is responsible for them.
However, she fails them and leaves them in a dangerous environment. This is why they both leave her out of self-survival.
Narratively, Emerald and Mercury are two kids that must grow up. Right now, they are in some kind of adolescent phase. They have started their emancipation from their “parent”, but they have still to grow until they’ll be able to truly face Cinder.
It will probably be in this confrontation that they will affirm their growth. Right now, Cinder does not need to be coddled, but to be called out. Both Neo and Watts try to, but Cinder ignores them and retaliates against them. She needs a call out she can’t ignore and Emerald and Mercury are too rooted in who she deep down is for her to be unaffected by them.
At the same time, it would mark Mercury and Emerald’s first step into adulthood. Only then they can stop being a “half” and can truly become “one”, so a whole person.
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