#//I told myself I wouldn't bring her in until after the event
kirain · 5 months
Wall of the faithless isn't canon in bg3. They changed alot of things actually. So no Gale isn't "scared" he's just an obsessed asshole who doesn't learn from his mistakes.
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There's really nothing I can say except: you're wrong. The City of Judgement and the Wall of the Faithless are canon to BG3. If you don't like Gale, that's fine, but you don't have to make things up or completely disregard the lore to do it. Larian Studios literally hired people from Wizards of the Coast—the company responsible for all the canon lore, characters, and campaigns in D&D—to help them with the story. It took them five years, I believe, to fully study and understand the lore. They constantly conferred with the team to double, triple, and quadruple check every slice of content they added to the game, and parts of the game are now considered canon to D&D 5E.
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As for Gale "not learning" from his mistakes ... when you first meet him, he literally admits he made a mistake with Mystra. Though personally I don't see it as the "power-hungry" move people seem to think it is. Gale simply wanted to be considered an equal to his partner (really his groomer), which is a perfectly healthy and normal desire for anyone in a relationship. Your partner should treat you like an equal, but Mystra very clearly saw Gale as a pet. A trophy. A worshipper. Subservient. Beneath her. A silly mortal with delusions of grandeur (which she cultivated), which is really rich when you learn she was once mortal herself. Mystra is a hypocrite.
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Gale tried to prove himself worthy of equality by trying to bring Mystra what he thought was a piece of her missing Weave. For anyone who doesn't know, the current Mystra was torn to pieces by Cyric and Shar, then put back together by her Chosen. Though back to full power by the events of BG3, she's still technically missing pieces of herself, and Gale mistook the Karsite Weave for one of those pieces. Instead of simply telling Gale it was corrupted Weave, she let him go on believing it was hers. Personally I think that's because she was tired of him (maybe he got too old for her 😒) and was hoping he would do something that, in her mind, would justify abandoning him—but I admit that's full conjecture on my part. What is true is that she knew the orb wasn't hers, but for some reason she let Gale think it was. Even after she abandoned him and left him to die, she never told him. Not until she realised she could use him.
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In Act 3, while the argument can certainty be made that he's thirsty for power, Gale ultimately becomes fed up with the gods because, as he knows better than anyone, they treat people like commodities. While I have no intention of ever ascending him myself, it looks like he actually makes good on his word. He doesn't threaten or toy with his followers, he inspires people to walk their own path, he only asks for prayers as payment (as without some form of devotion, gods in D&D cease to be), and if you romance him ... he ascends you into godhood as his equal. Mystra could have done this for him, she just didn't want to. And if you don't want him to ascend, it's genuinely so easy. I don't understand what people are complaining about. It takes one conversation with zero checks to convince him to completely abandon his ambitions. One. If he was truly "power hungry", it wouldn't be that easy.
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Again, I would argue that Gale's true goal isn't really power, it's freedom, and divinity gives him that freedom. He has many conversations where he makes it clear he doesn't want to live under the gods' thumbs anymore; which, in a world like Faerûn, is extremely understandable. As I said in my Wall of the Faithless post, he's scared. Eternal torment for a simple mistake, one of which could've been avoided if Mystra told him the truth or treated him like an equal? When your partner is a goddess, how can you not feel inadequate? And if you convince him to give up the crown, he's perfectly content with Mystra's forgiveness. Even in the Early Access, that's all he really wanted.
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Gale's far from perfect. He's arrogant and overconfident and insecure and he can be prone to emotional outbursts (most of which he apologises for, however), but he's nowhere near the heartless, power-hungry monster the haters seem to think he is. He is, in fact, one of the most compassionate companions in the entire camp, to the point that he accepts everyone, including Minthara. He votes for Astarion to stay when you find out he's a vampire. He gets mad at you if you surrender him to the Gur. He's one of the only companions who will openly marry/stay with you if you become a mindflayer. He's willing to sacrifice himself to save the world, and willing to damn himself to be with you. He loves every act of kindness, while hating every act of cruelty. I understand that the bugs from launch ruined a lot of people's perception of him ... and unfortunately some of those glitches are still present even now, but he is a good man.
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chroniccoolness · 16 days
I find it interesting that a lot of gendered expectations are framed (at least in my experience) as just. "logical" or obvious. often you don't need to be directly and straightforwardly told that something is Wrong For Your Gender (though you absolutely can be ofc), it's just... the norm. Examples include:
1. I was allowed to wear leggings/pants from a young age. BUT,
1a) an Event meant a dress. There was a lot of jokes about how i hated dresses, but it was still unquestioned for the first 13 years of my life--piano recital, family reunion, wedding, theater? We go straight to the dress section. I was allowed to eventually wear a vest and pants to my middle school graduation, but i had to make a fuss abt it, because the assumption was "woman, formal space, dress".
1b) pants always came from the women's section. If I asked for men's, up until the last year, I got the response "those aren't right for your body". by "right" my mother meant that sure, they'd get on my body, but they wouldn't accentuate it properly at the hips or waist, and this makes them Wrong For Me.
2. Every woman I know in real life, bar two (one transfem, one nonbinary*), has hair shoulder length or longer. When I asked to cut my ribcage-length hair short, I got a "compromise" of shoulder length for 6 months. When I got to cut it *shorter*, my mom helped me make a pinterest board... with the keywords "short women's hair", "women's pixie cuts", and at most, "gender neutral hairstyles". When I said I wanted SHORT hair, the response from cis women I got was always "oh, like a cute pixie?" No, Sharon, like a dyke. And that's what I got called when I did it--specifically, a kid in the grade above me asked another kid if I was trying to be "a dyke or a tranny". All I did was cut my hair.
[*their words, to be clear! they identify as a nonbinary woman + i respect both aspects.]
3. Around age 11/12, my mom started asking me if I wanted her to teach me how to shave my legs. When i said no, I got an "Are you sure?" and once, "it's almost summer". This happened 3 times. She stopped after she realized the answer would say no, but always seemed bewildered, because shaving is just a Thing Women Do.
4. I have been told that if I have a baby, hormones will force me to love it, because that's just how it is. I wish I was kidding. Additionally, every time I bring up that I don't want to have kids, i get a horde of middle aged women telling me "I thought that when i was a young girl!". The gender role is "perceived woman? HAVE BABY" and if I voice a lack of desire for that, I am told I'm simply young, immature, and can't know myself. this continues even now that I am out as a trans guy.
these aren't me being directly forced not to do anything---instead, I'm free to do/not do the Thing, social stigma just attempts to tell me I'm wrong or strange for my choice. A lot of the people who've said/done these things identify as feminists--my mom and every woman who's done point 4 are. "default" gender expectations are everywhere and people have to actively think about and dismantle them.
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possessionisamyth · 7 months
Thought of Sherry and made myself sad because she was 10 (retconned from being 12) during the whole Raccoon City incident and didn't have her pseudo parents (Claire and Leon) for a week before she's being shifted into Simmons' hands.
I was thinking of what kind of lie and the strings of control Simmons would have to cast in order to make Sherry trust him. I can believe she was tutored the year the incident took place partially because they wanted to check her danger levels as a bioweapon and partially because she was a traumatized child so her mental state would need to be balanced before being thrown back into school. The best place for her would be private school the whole time. There's a level of control money brings, and Simmons would be able to pay off or make disappear anyone who might see something strange about her. He'd funnel her to private doctors and nurses for all her appointments where she might be out of school for a week here and there, but her absence and lack of work wouldn't be punished either because, again, money talks.
I can think of her as suspicious and untrustworthy of Simmons at the beginning because Leon promised to protect her, and she's hearing nothing from him. I'd think Simmons would extend an olive branch to keep that control and lie appropriately. If he says Leon abandoned her, it would incite rebellion, and he needed Sherry to trust him. He'd probably tell her Leon was paying for everything with his job so she could live a normal life. Her acceptance of this would come in tiny waves. She did hear other student's parents talk about how expensive tuition and supplies and uniforms are. She is getting the nicest toys whether they're limited edition or sold out before they appear in her room all wrapped up with a bow. She can decorate her room however she wants and anything she needs is provided quickly.
She can't see Simmons weaving the web where sometimes her gifts would read "From: Leon". It's not his handwriting, but Sherry wouldn't know. She doesn't get that an extended school vacation after breaking an arm which healed in a week instead of 6-8 weeks was a means of keeping up the air of normalcy to her peers. She's told over and over Leon's working hard to make sure she has the best of everything, and does she really want to stop him? Does she know what'll happen if she does? Suddenly it's like she's with her parents again. That if she makes too much of a fuss she'll cause problems for them. She'll cause problems for Leon. So she oh so gradually stops asking where he is and what he's doing and when she can see him. Besides, the excuses for why she can't know that information were getting old and tired anyway. "He just left the country", or "He's getting special training," or "He's moving again". It was like they weren't even trying to not lie to her.
Until Claire comes to visit. What better way for Simmons to cement the trust he needs then to let Sherry see the other important person in her life as much as she can? Which does work. When Claire visits on her school breaks and holidays, the lies do feel a lot more like the truth. Sherry doesn't expect Claire and Leon to be attached at the hip, but if Claire can visit while being busy with college, maybe Leon was as busy as Simmons said. It helps that Claire admits she also struggles getting in contact with Leon. So maybe Leon was almost always out of the country and getting training and working all hours since everything Sherry needed was so expensive. Maybe he was working so hard to make sure Sherry had the best life she could. Maybe she should stop trying to see deception that wasn't there and work hard herself to make sure Leon's efforts went to something good. So she stops asking for Leon except maybe around the milestone events like the 13th birthday and 16th birthday and 18th birthday, and highschool graduation, and college graduation, and by then? By then, all the little red flags of Simmons control hadn't registered until RE6 where the mask comes off.
She sees Leon for the first time in 15 years, and it's him telling her everything was a lie. Simmons was a traitor and never had her best interest in mind. Never had their best interest in mind, and too many things are happening for her to process the information. She just has to swallow it all.
What's worse is she probably would try her best not to beat herself up about it, but I don't know how well she'd succeed. The looping mantra of knowing at 10 years old she was right about the lies and fell for them anyway. Having the hindsight of an adult to notice every single time Simmons nudged her life this way or that way to make sure she did everything he wanted. Questioning how many of her decisions were her wanting to be better than her parents, to make Leon's effort worth it, to be as well-adjusted as she could be around Claire, how much was actually her and how much was Simmons' manipulation? How much of her choices and personhood were hers and not a result of what Simmons wanted her to be? Fingers crossed she took a long vacation after RE6, and a longer vacation to really comb through that contract Simmons definitely gave her for her current career.
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vixletserenity · 4 months
Although Celeste had made it obvious that she would be shifting her focus onto the upcoming exam for her music course, that wasn't the only thing on her mind.
Perhaps this John man knew, she wouldn't entirely know.
She had called her representative for the Paldean Parliament about addressing them all in the next session; which ironically or coincidentally was right after getting out of her quarantine.
The woman had told her that part of the discussions would be about the Crater; to which she somehow was able to squeeze Celeste having time on the floor.
When that time arrived, Celeste was dressed in the usual dress suit she had worn when sitting in these sessions. She walked up to the speaking podium, her body language being bitter as her mouth opened to speak.
"I would like to announce that I will be stepping down from the position given to me as the expert and top researcher of Area Zero."
There were voices all over the room from all the adults in the room. Some were panicking at this and telling off at her before Celeste put her hand up to continue speaking.
She only had a certain amount of time on the floor, and she was not going to waste it by this backtalking.
"I will no longer be your pawn in order to gain power in the international fields. And I no longer tolerate the pathetic attempt to make me; one of the few initial people who knew of Professor Turo's passing, into Paldea's Regional Professor by force.
The Academy here promotes the students to choose whatever path they want; to find their own Treasure. And yet, the adults here in this very room are so selfish and power hungry that they want to steal that away from one who moved to this region after her family was given enough sympathy by the isolationist government to give refugee status during the Great Freeze years ago."
There were more voices of protest. They're growing. Saying how disrespectful she was being until Celeste slammed her hands the hardest she could on the podium.
"I'M NOT FINISHED YET! BE SILENT AND STOP INTERUPTTING THE TIME I HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO SPEAK TO ANY OF YOU!" She yelled; her voice echoing across the chambers and quieting almost everyone in an instant.
"My childhood was robbed from me by a person who should be there to protect me, yet he chose to hurt me for selfish and petty reasons. And now that's happening all over again by the people who should've known how damaging to the mind it is to see and experience what I have!
I refuse to let that happen ever again! Even if I have very little time to still be considered a child in some people's eyes, I choose to take that and finally live for myself! Just as what the teachers and Director have wished for students like myself!
You know enough about the Crater through everything I've done and the clearance you've given Ms. Briar at Blueberry Academy. There's nothing more you need to know about down there! Leave it alone and pay attention to the people that you should be serving as public servants!
To the youth you've abandoned for so long to the point that they've had to take the pain they've felt into their own hands because the literal adults in the room failed them in multiple and severe degrees!
It is time to bring this era of conquesting the Great Crater much like the ancient emperor whose kingdom came to a demise for his own greedy desires and keeping it secret from the public to an end! The people of Paldea and the rest of the world deserves to know what this oh so sacred and all knowing governing body has been doing while the region's systems were degrading beyond recognition."
She took a deep breath in and out as the timer started to indicate that there wasn't much time left for her.
"As my parting words...I will say this. Think more about the consequences of what you all have done in the perspective of fifty years; even a century from now looking back at these events in hindsight!
The mysteries have been solved; it's futile now to only think about them. Use what time we have on this planet to think on how all this will impact those yet to come and people like me who will have to live and fix what problems you create.
For the future will not always be in fully your hands to control; whether you like it or not."
Without another comment, Celeste got off the podium and walked out of the chambers quietly and calmly. She's done what she needed to do.
And is now in full control of what she wants her future to be.
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A Silent Night | Modern!Arthur Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - part of my Countdown to Christmas Event
Pairing: Arthur Shelby x reader (modern AU)
Summary: In which Arthur and (Y/N) are able to spend a night by themselves; away from their children and the other craziness that the holdiays bring.
Warnings: one bad word
Word Count: 1085
A/N: we’re coming to the end of these festive stories…only 2 more days left after this. I’ve really channeled myself through this one as well - I still need to do all of my wrapping. Thanks so much for helping me decide to turn this into a modern Arthur story. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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"Alright, the night's ours, love...what are we doing?" Arthur asked as he and (Y/N) exited their car and walked through the front door of their home.
"I was thinking that I'd get started on wrapping the kids' presents," (Y/N) answered him while taking off her jacket and hanging it on one of the hooks by the door. She turned to see Arthur giving her one of those 'are you being serious?' faces. "What? I have a lot of wrapping to do," she defended her idea.
"I'm sure you do, but we've finally got a night away from the kids. Wouldn't you want to do something...else?" he trailed off at the end, a smile starting to quirk the corners of his lips upwards.
"The night's still young. Let me do this first and then maybe," she told him, putting extra emphasis on the final word of her sentence.
Arthur pursed his lips as he looked at her, taking a moment to think over her words. "Fair enough," he responded with a slight nod, his words being enough to allow (Y/N) to head upstairs and go into their closet, where the majority of the kids' presents were stashed. The bigger ones were being kept safe in the basement.
She then began the process of carrying everything down the steps and stacking it into a pile in the living room. Once she was done with the relocating, she sat down in an open spot on the floor with a huff.
"Do you think we got them enough?" Arthur questioned jokingly from where he was sitting on the sofa.
"I can't help that gift giving is one of my love languages," (Y/N) defended herself before she glanced over at the small mountain of gifts that she had to wrap. "I think we may have," she then answered his question, looking back over at him with a sheepish smile on her face.
"They'll be ecstatic," Arthur assured her, grabbing the remote then so that he could begin flipping through the channels to find something to watch. He settled on one of those home improvement shows, which made (Y/N) giggle...he always chose to watch things like that. She wasn't complaining though. His knowledge came in handy when things broke around the house.
(Y/N) grabbed the first present and some gift wrap so that she could begin measuring it out and starting the process of wrapping. She went on like this, wrapping in silence, until she got to the fifth present. That was when something popped into her mind. "Arthur, can you check to make sure that the dollhouse for Avery is still set to arrive tomorrow?" she asked her husband. They'd cut it pretty close - hoping that the present would arrive on Christmas Eve, but it insisted that it'd come in before the big day, and (Y/N) was willing to place a bet on the accuracy. A few moments passed without an answer, making her look up to see that his head was tipped back against the couch's cushion. "Babe," she called out to him, her voice a little louder this time.
"Huh?" he asked, waking with a start as he sat up on the couch.
"I can't believe you've fallen asleep already," she pointed out with a slight chuckle.
"There isn't much else to do," he countered, "I've already seen this episode," he added, motioning to the television then.
"I can think of a few things you could do," she said to him, motioning to the presents she still needed to wrap.
"What was it you needed?" he slyly changed the topic, not wanting to open that can of worms. He was absolute shit at wrapping presents.
"I wanted you to check on Avery's dollhouse...to see if it's still expected to come in by tomorrow," she told him, watching as he picked his phone up and began tapping away on it.
A few moments passed before he gave her the answer, "it still says that it's expected by nine at night tomorrow."
"We're cutting it close with that one," (Y/N) commented, shaking her head at the verdict.
"We'll take our chances," Arthur assured her, making (Y/N) shrug in response. There wasn't much they could do now.
Silence fell again as (Y/N) got back to wrapping while Arthur kept busy searching the channels again. A handful of presents later, (Y/N) was standing from her spot on the floor. She groaned at the feeling of stiffness in her kneecaps (it always happened during these marathon wrapping sessions), and hissed at the aching as she slowly made her way over to where Arthur was laying.
"What's this?" he questioned as she came to lay in the sliver of space next to him on the couch. He then repositioned himself closer to the cushions so that she'd have more room before he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"I needed a break," she hummed, tucking her head into the crook of his neck and closing her eyes as she exhaled a content sigh. Arthur said nothing in response to her statement as he, too, was quite content with the sudden arrangement. "Do you hear that?" she asked him after they'd been snuggled up for a few moments.
"What?" Arthur responded with a question of his own.
"Nothing...absolute silence," she answered, her words making Arthur chuckle.
"It is weird not having two kids running about," he commented on the lack of craziness that blessed their home on a daily basis. Two kids under the age of seven normally called for that.
Another period of silence rang out, and the two basked in it. They simply enjoyed the feeling of being cuddled up together on the couch while time passed by slowly.
"You're really not going to get more stuff done?" Arthur asked after a good chunk of time had passed without any movement from either of them.
"We rarely get a silent night like this, let's enjoy it," she answered him, not even bothering to pull her face out of his neck.
"Maybe your parents should take the kids for a night around this time every year," he suggested then, his idea making the both of them laugh.
(Y/N) couldn't deny though that she really liked the sound of it. And that she was already considering pitching the idea of it becoming a tradition to both parties involved when they went to pick the children up tomorrow morning.
Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mgcllovdrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @lovemissyhoneybee @letal-y-poetica @lora21
Countdown to Christmas MASTERLIST
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
"We met on University, I was on the student council and he was the type of guy who was everywhere, all volunteer works, all university events, all sport competitions, he was there. So, I decided to befriend him, to get information on how the student body was doing"
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"You networked your way into romance?"
"Don't say it like that"
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"We made a great team, He was amazing at managing time and ideas, while i'm great at people managing and overall organizing. We admired that about eachother. That admiration turned into love, I think"
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"He told me of his big project, his dream company. We were young, we were extremely competent, and most importantly, he was rich. So, clearly, it was a success."
"After that we had it all, a nice house, money, time. So we decided to take the next step: kids"
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"From the moment I saw my little Nadia's tiny hand, I knew this was happiness. I knew that this was all that i've worked for, that it was finally time to rest."
"Eugene wanted a boy too, so we had another. Two silly little things waddling around the house."
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"But after a while, he was restless again, He wanted more projects, more travels, more deals. But I couldn't join him, our kids needed us!, I tried to make him understand that, but he took it as an invitation to just do it alone"
"He appeared once every month or so, bringing gifts to the kids, claiming he loved them. I hope he did"
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"Honestly, If it wasn't for Nina I wouldn't be standing right now."
"Excuse me, who?"
"Eugene's sister, She's always been there for me. She's wonderful with kids, and with me. I would do anything for her"
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"We raised the kids together, they still call her "Mama Nina" sometimes. it was difficult, but she made it all better"
"Until one day. when suddenly Eugene came back carrying divorce papers"
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"I asked why, and he just said he was over with family, that he tried it but didn't want it anymore, so he was going to leave"
"He decided to take the house, and our shared bank account"
"At first I thought he was cheating on me, but then I realized it was way worse"
"He never loved, he wanted the concept of a wife, of kids and family. But he didn't care, he just wanted to check that mark and continue with the next life event. I was just another dumb girl being used by a selfish rich guy"
"I don't really remember what I did, maybe I cried, maybe I screamed. But knowing myself, I probably just stood in silence and accepted it."
"Nina didn't accept it at all"
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"I've heard siblings fight but never like this. Whatever she said must have really moved him, because next thing I know, he's running away from authorities"
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"The thought of all my youth, my potential, my life prospects being squashed by one man- I... I wasn't coping well.
I screamed and cried and said horrible things to the people I love. My kids went to live with their friend. I drove Nina away. And when i tried being better, doing something for the community, this happens. He haunts me. We are still perceived as husband as wife because we didn't tell anyone!"
"I don't know why this is happening, but I know one thing: Just like his name, that man is a bacteria. He will infect you and slowly rot your insides, and you will never realize it until he has killed you already."
"Tell me, detective. Now that you've listened to all that."
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reilliane · 2 years
How I think some of the boys met v!mc
Diluc has been to Inazuma at least ONCE when he was a kid. Because his father's business does have some travelling around Teyvat. Since the Kamisato's takes care of events and such, they were probably invited by Mr. And Mrs. Kamisato to sell some of the dandelion wine in Inazuma. His father might bring him to join traveling for business affairs when he was a child to gain some experience. While he was staying there, he was bound to meet Ayato sooner or later. And once he meets Ayato he'll definitely meet v!mc. Since I'm assuming they're usually hanging around alot when they were still kids. When he was about to sail back, he told v!mc that he'll write letters to her every week. (When he heard that v!mc is dead he was surely heart broken, how could he not? He'll surely attend the funeral and visit her grave when he has time to sail to Inazuma)
Heizou is a detective, that lives in Inazuma, how could he not know the existence of v!mc? That's basically almost impossible except if your living under a rock. Heizou bumped (literally) v!mc when he was trying to solve a chase. It was an accidental encounter, even so he's still glad it happened. He wasn't paying attention where he was walking, and bumped into [name]. He thought the rumours were exaggerating about how pretty she is, but this proves him wrong. Now he can see why men all around would try and court her. After the encounter, he would purposely pop up here and there. Either suddenly popping up and helping her being some groceries, to popping up when she's on a walk around town. Either way he soon became quite close with her (he still isn't as close with her as ayato is) (when he heard v!mc was killed, he promised to bring the ones who killed v!mc to jail. They weren't even commended to kill any of the Kaedhara's. He visits her grave once a month, and puts a sweet pea flower on her grave (sweet pea flowers represent farewells and goodbyes and the remembrance of loved ones and close friends))
-🌿 (I went overboard with Heizou's part. I hope tumblr won't eat up this ask again 💀)
Hm, Diluc meeting Vigil!MC is interesting. If it's through trade and business the possibilities are there, yes. It won't be too high but it's a possibility, regardless.
I mean, there's this tea man in Liyue who lowkey wants dandelions-
Feiyun Commerce Guild distributes the products from Liyue into Inazuma too- wait lol for some reason I'm realizing that Mondstadt is a much more closed-off nation, isn't it-
I don't think it's high on trade at all, unlike Inazuma/Liyue-
BUT DIGRESSING, becoming penpals with Diluc sounds shucking adorable. It's nice... and tragic, because Diluc experiences something awful down the way :(
I suppose the angst part comes into play when his ideals change after the death of Crepus and he stops writing letters to MC. Since, you know, Fatui priorities.
The letters stop, but even when he's 'mellowed' out of his past, he thinks about his penpal. I'd like to tragically imagine that he learns of Vigil!MC's death through Venti, who drunkenly tells him of everything he's learned one night in the tavern.
Just the pause, then the slow encroaching blue devils. Sigh :(
He would've definitely heard of the renowned Kaedehime. A first-born daughter, heiress of the Kaedehara who was rumored to want to restore the family's honor? Hm~
And yes, it's really also known how- gosh shucks Vigil!MC is pretty. Like, madly pretty? She's definitely a tie with TS!MC. Her beauty also has to do with her lovely personality, who wouldn't like her 😭
I'd say that Heizou thinking the others were being so hyperbolic over their compliments about MC is soooo accurate lol. He's prolly the "give the benefit of the doubt yes but i won't believe it 100% until i see it for myself" kind o guy.
He'd say something like, "So they aren't groundless words after all.." after seeing her lol
MC, dense and confused tilts her head like, "What?"
Heizou just- "Aha! I meant, encounters such as these truly work wonders to enliven someone's day."
"Oh, serendipitous meetings, yes? Truly a wonder! :D"
Heizou: ... yes :D (i meant coming across someone like you, i guess she's as oblivious as they say, too-)
When Kazuha became a criminal and the grave penalty to execute defiers of the decree was extended, Heizou was at a loss. No one defies the Shogun but his friend had done so, courageously well, albeit to a consequence.
It isn't uncommon for criminals to face death but what's rare is for the punishment of one to extend to immediate families, so innocent MC is caught in the crossfire :(
I imagine him attempting to reason with Sara, who dispatches the soldiers upon orders of the Shogun, and stalling said soldiers to maybe buy MC some time to escape with Kazuha- but it still ended up being futile.
I'd say he worked with the Kamisato and put in a really rational debate with Sara so that MC and Tomo would be buried on Inazuman soil and not cast away in the sea.
And yes- ah, he'd visit her grave, definitely.
Sometimes he'd wonder what would've happened if he chose to openly defy the order to end the Kaedehara and helped her escape himself. But alas, those thoughts are too late to consider.
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misfit-kaijuu · 10 months
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I figured Tumblr might've been the best place to talk about this. Yeah, there have been many depictions of Steven being evil, born under yellow diamond, etc.
And those are some of my favorites tbh
But, I had an idea for a "Dark Steven" where he's simply less patient. He grew tired of the lies, being treating less than a crystal gem, the secrets. I understand this was all for his own good, he had to be ready for what was to come and they didn't want him to be in unnecessary danger and bother with the past that didn't necessarily concern him since they were aiming for a better future.
Spoilers for anyone who may not have watched
There's an episode where he demands more, and they give him a test. He "needs a win" they surmise. He finds out they made it so he cannot fail this exam and was in no actual danger. He approaches them, with mixed emotions and decides not to lash out at them for belittling him or being overprotective.
In my tweak, he does lash out. A rift forms between them and he stops trusting the crystal gems. He starts trying to get stronger on his own and not depending on them for his growth or looking to them to help with his progress. My timeline is a little off on sequence of events since it's been a while since I've watched or worked on this idea, but in my idea he finds Peridot sometime after this conflict. He expresses his disdain and his frustrations, revealing that the crystal gems are still around and on the planet.
Peridot sees this as an opportunity to impress Yellow Diamond, and tells Steven she can help him train to get stronger, and so he goes along with it. Of course, Peridot wouldn't be as nice or concerned with his well-being. He gets... Darker. He loses that childlike piece of himself a little earlier. He's still Steven, but a less bright light comes from him.
A lot of plot points still happen, but Steven reacts differently. He's more prepared and ready to defend himself on some scenarios and shows off a bit more skill and mastery than the gems would expect - and of course - he shuts them out.
Years pass. The cluster takes longer to form. I haven't decided if he and Peridot would go on a mission just the two of them to bubble the cluster or if something else took place to prevent its hatching. But.. Steven's older. He's stronger, wiser and more battle savvy than anyone would've expected. He's become playful but mischievous in a way. He's still Steven, but not the one they knew or expected him to be.
At this point, he's taken sides with Peridot. I hadn't decided how much she told him of Homeworld, but he's surmised the crystal gems might not be as great as he thought they were. Likely some brainwashing (Peridot's perspective of things causing some uncertainty and doubt.)
Peridot thinks it's time to introduce him to her diamond, but only if he can present her with the final remnants of the Crystal Gems. A test.
So he fights the gems one by one, not thinking he could take them all at once. I thought to myself that Amethyst would be the hardest for him to fight because of how close they were. But couldn't decide if he'd fight her first or last. Not because of threat level, but just because of how much she meant to him. I had it their bonding still happened, if not to muddy the waters later on.
Ultimately, he succeeds. Connie of course, decided not to help him. She sided with Pearl, and he never even told her about Peridot until things were about to come to a head.
But yeah...
This was the idea. I wanted to make a comic some time ago but lost the motivation. I have some sketches, some designs. But never went through with it, though it still floats around with my other ideas.
I bring this hear to ask if anyone would wanna see that fleshed out/see what it might become?
It only came about because I realized I like painful stories, and wondered what could make Steven Universe a little painful in a way that still somewhat followed a possibility? Multiverse thoughts..
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syre-stane16 · 1 year
Pirate AU [Diamond is Unbreakable]
I can’t remember the order of events.
Suzy Q, Holly, Sadao, Jotaro and Cassiopeia are not mad, but very disappointed in Joseph when they find out about his illimitamate child.
Jotaro is paranoid because DIO has a lot of followers making attempts on his life. He still volunteered to meet Josuke.
Platinum stars~the world: two artefacts fused together, one grants the user enhanced strength, speed and precision, the other stops time but causes strain on the user.
He meets with Josuke, asserts dominance by spewing facts about him and by being a pirate. Josuke thinks the dude insulted his hair and attempts to punch him.
Diamond craze: a hammer that can fix/ heal whatever it hits, cannot be used on the user.
Things are the same, they meet Okuyasu.
The Hand: a gauntlet that, when activated, erases whatever it touches
Kiochi Lays an egg
Keicho gets killed by Akira. Koichi has to fight Gaslight, Gatekeep, Garbage-man.
Echos: a chocker that reverbs what is said by the user, can be directed at opponents.
Yukako is Yandere and thinks that kidnapping someone is romantic[ it’s not,].
Love deluxe: a brooch that allows the user to control their hair.
Koichi thinks that this relationship would be toxic and Rejecting and friend-zoning Yukako.
Echos2: bells that are attached to the echoes choker. Can inflict the meaning of words on whatever they are Thrown at.
They find out that Joseph is on his way to the island to meet josuke and find Akira.
The purple hermit: a wreath that gives the user information, in roundabout ways…
They fight Akira one last time .
Red Hot Chilli Pepper: a guitar that can manipulate electricity.
Joseph comes with Jolyne Extreme Confusion when they found out Jotaro has a Daughter and is Married. They find an invisible baby.
Achtung: a pendant that allows the user to become invisible.
They meet Rohan, I guess he can be a cartoonist.
Heaven’s Door: a pen can rewrite/ alter memories or aspects of an individual, for the target to be affected, they must first see something drawn/ written with the pen. Can be used on air.
Okuyasu and Josuke goes to Tonio’s to try the food.
Pearl Jam: some strange seasoning that when added to a dish, can heal the consumer.
Rohan finds Reimi. Remembers trauma. Joins Jotaro to in the PTSD table. The Morioh gang decides to help find her killer.
They meet Shigechi and win the lottery.
Harvest: a beetle pin that sends beetles to scout for small objects for the user.
In another desperate attempt to get Koichi to like her, Yukako gets plastic surgery I guess…
Cinderella: a makeup brush that can alter someone’s appearance
My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.
Killer queen: a ring with a skull shaped gem that allows the user to blow people up.
Yoshikage kills Shigechi.
They use the button to find the man’s tailor, the tailor gets blown up.
Killer Queen~Sheer Heart Attack: the skull gem, an automated weapon, tracks via heat. Blows whatever it touches, extremely durable.
Jotaro’s down, Koichi is terrified. I think it’s time for… E C H O E S A C T I I I
Echos3: y’know those bells on cat collars? That on the chocker. Can increase the weight on the target. Can only affect one target at a time.
Japanese kid that wears green currently has a hole in the torso? Check
Blond dude mocking both his opponents? Check
PTSD? Triggered
Adventures? Bizarre
Hotel? Trivago
Jotaro Ora-Ora’s Yosikage before the adrenaline tappers out and the fatigue kicks in.
Josuke and Okuyasu arrive on the scene and heals their allies. They figure out Yosikage is the Morioh serial killer and the group chase after the man.
Yosikage enters Cinderella and swaps faces with Koshaku Kawajiri. He blows up the fairy godmother lady. The groups trail runs cold.
Jotaro now wants at least one stand user in fighting shape to keep an eye on Jolyne while he conducts his investigations. The group know tries to figure out where Yosikage went.
Josuke and Okuyasu meets Mikitaka ( best boi) .
Earth, Air,Wind, Fire: a piercing that lets the user transform into water they want.
Josuke burns Rohan’s house down. Rohan gets his soul sucked by Yuya.
Thursday comes, Jolyne gets kidnapped by enigma, the teens decide not to tell the protective father after saving her.
Things go about the same here. Honestly, since the story only takes place in one town there’s little space for pirating….
I just added Jolyne because I wanted her to have a nicer relationship with her father before he cuts contact with his family. Imagine the angst potential… Jolyne thinking that she did something wrong and drove Jotaro away.
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diaryofawallfly · 11 months
[ As usual, there's a bit of a hurried quality to Hart's letter. A change, however: the unsteady scrawl has turned into an almost-calligraphy in green ink by fountain pen. Someone's been practicing. ]
Mr. Renfield,
I regret very much that I have taken so long to write back. I've had academic ordeals to contend with (more on this later), as well as some personal matters and the purchase of a new pen after losing mine.
Enough about me; first, Mr. Renfield, though I didn't ask about your garden, if I'd had the foresight to, I assure you I would've done. You write well about things that capture you- and I guess that's not exactly it, but you get what I mean. Plus, it sounds like you have an amazing green thumb and I'm sure the castle looks even more regal for it. It's a shame to hear about the further disrepair- though that brings me to the next of my questions. Do you have 'official' duties as caretaker? What are the most demanding and- conversely- the most rewarding aspects of the role? And, if I may, who do you work for now?
Since I've asked more questions of you, I may as well answer yours in turn. I'm a university student (undergrad) studying biology, not law- but I also really like books, so I can write decently. Finals have kept me busy for the past long while. And I wouldn't know where to begin with "interesting events" from around here, given the general state of... everything. You don't get wifi out there, do you?
It sounds nice there. I mean, I don't doubt it's not all gardens and sunsets, and learning another language on the fly sounds really, really difficult- I've never travelled anywhere that English wasn't the native tongue- but you found a new home in a place so distant from anything you knew, settled into a completely different career that has apparently served you well, get to grow your own roses and peonies, and made a friend who makes jam and wine. That sounds really nice. (And maybe she could teach you, or write it down or something. For a recipe box. Or keepsake.) I guess it's not that far, but your way of life feels like it's a whole world away from here, so it's fascinating to read about.
I don't eat meat much, but I think I'll have to try polenta somehow. Any advice? I look forward to your next letter.
R. Hart
Dear Hart, 
I must apologise for my delay. I had a few unexpected duties of my own to attend to. All of which is now taken care of and I can focus my time on your correspondence. 
I hope that university is treating you well. Biology is a very dedicated endeavour that you should be proud of. What year are you? What are you looking to apply your work to? Is there a specific topic that you wish to study more closely? I admire your choice of science. It was never something I could wrap my mind around.
I truly appreciate the charming way you described what I’ve shared with you. You’ve made it out to be rather romantic. I suppose I should try to see it that way myself. It’s become so mundane for me I suppose I forget what I have, I see the cracks in the walls more than the flowers in bloom. Thank you. Your perspective is refreshing and has brought me a light I feel as though I lost some time ago. 
I have also taken your advice. I have asked the elderly woman for her recipes– done strictly on the promise that I will continue to purchase her goods, which I will of course. She told me the wine would have to wait and she invited me to instead assist her with her next batch. Until then, I’ve enclosed copies for both her jam and her polenta that I’ve translated for you. With the polenta, you’re welcome to add most anything you like to it. While meat is common, I’m certain hardy vegetables would be delicious. 
I must thank you again for encouraging me to take that step forward. I’ve become somewhat of a hermit myself. I don’t leave the castle often and I regularly only go into the small town. And no, we don’t have the wifi here in the castle. I think a few places in town have it, the municipal buildings mostly, but many have mobile phones. I do not. I don’t have the need for it with my work. 
As you asked, I do continue to work for the owner of the estate. I mostly do upkeep and repairs– or at least ensuring it doesn’t fall into further disrepair. It’s become a historical monument at this point and is rather important in that aspect. I also tend to the owner’s needs as well. What’s asked of me changes by the day. The most rewarding part would be my garden, though I’ve told you enough about it by now. The most challenging task, which may sound silly, is grocery shopping. The owner has a rather specific and limited diet, and procurement for those needs is often strenuous. But still rewarding nonetheless. It isn’t the line of work I ever intended to find myself in but I like it well enough. I haven’t left yet and it’s been a long while now. 
Thank you again for your continued letters. I do so appreciate the company you’ve given me. I hope to hear from you again soon. 
 𝓡. 𝓜. 𝓡𝓮𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓭
P.S. I must also compliment your penmanship. It is delightful!
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jaybirbwrites · 2 years
Hiii can I have a Mha matchup please 🖤
Personality: I tend to keep to myself unless someone comes up to me and starts a conversation (a lot of people say I'm very intimidating when they first meet me for some reason 😂). I tend to be slightly reserved with someone until I'm comfortable with them, then I'm a massive dork (I love to joke around and make people laugh). I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. If someone is rude or annoying me I tend to get very sassy and sarcastic. I am very protective of my friends and love ones and get very angry if someone hurts them. I'm also a very calm person and it takes a lot for me to get angry/snap. I also sleep a lot....like a lot, unless it's during the school year then I tend to get like three hours lol (it's a running joke in my friend group that I never sleep). sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
Aquarius, infj
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I love love to dance (again mostly kpop). And even though I hate being in front of crowds I do like doing shows where I dance (I've done it multiple times with my friends at school events😊). I love doing my makeup especially crazy colored eye shadow. I love to be outside also. I also like to go on car rides in the middle of the night (I love going to get food then sit in a random parking lot).
I dislike rude people, heights (I have a fear of falling from them) and peaches (I hate peaches)
My favorite movie is spirited away
My favorite song is run away (txt)
Of course!
Sorry this took a long time too 😭 I've been extremely busy with work now that I've graduated and because of vacation. But, I've managed to work on this in my bits of free time, so I hope you enjoy!!
Originally when I was reading this, my first thought was Todoroki. But thinking harder about it, you're both pretty independent it seems and not very sociable (dwdw, me too). So I'm not sure either of you would initiate a conversation so to say? Which got me thinking about people who would talk with you and start a conversation. There's quite a few people in BNHA that would do this, but honestly, and I might be biased with this one if my pfp doesn't say enough, I think there's one that's screaming out to me
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Eijirou Kirishima!
For one, I'm a huge Kiribaku shipper and there are a lot of things you wrote about yourself that low-key remind me of Bakugou, so I think that's a big reason?
Such as seeming reserved and intimidating when someone first meets you, for example
So this certainly wouldn't throw Kirishima off, and he'd try to talk to you anyways and want to get to know you
You are very empathetic and wanting to keep those around you happy, which I can see Kirishima absolutely adoring about you since it's also a very important thing to him as well
Sometimes he can forget himself when it comes to keeping people happy, and you'd really help him with that and make him realize he should put himself first sometimes
Likewise, he would always try to keep you happy and make sure you realize it's manly to put yourself first, too! 🤜🤛
Eijirou also doesn't have a mena bone in his body per se, so those "he asked for no pickles" memes come to mind? With you being the one to bring that up based on you saying you get to be sassy and sarcastic when people are rude
Something else he'd adore about you would be your love for your friends
He's also very protective over the ones he cares about, and always worries about them. So he loves to see that you're the same way, and he would definitely make sure to do the same thing with your friends - protect them and help them as much as he could as well
Sleeping wise, Kiri certainly makes sure his sleep schedule is normal, and it's actually one thing he's good at doing when it comes to taking care of himself
So he'd try to help you with that too, making sure you're getting the right amount of sleep (not too much or too little)
Though he'd rather you get too much sleep, and is always down for cuddling as you do
In that same sense.. you're gonna be attacked with cuddles during school because his goal is to cuddle you into a normal sleep schedule
When it comes to you talking, if anyone tells you you talk too much or he sees that you're trailing off, he's immediately asking you a million more questions about what you're talking about
Even if someone else is talking
He doesn't want you to feel left out, and he knows the feeling of feeling like you talk too much because he deals with it a LOT. So he doesn't want you to feel like that at all
If you play with your hands a lot, I don't think he'd necessarily mind that - but if you're picking at your skin or anything along those lines, he's taking your hands away and letting you fidget with his hands
If it's a sensory thing and if you're comfortable with it, he'll harden his hands as well and let you play with them like that
I also feel being clumsy,,, I too am WAY too clumsy fory own good and constantly trip over air, my own feet, up the stairs.... etc.
So rest assured Kirishima is always there to catch you and make sure you're steady again
Even if that means holding your hand a lot to make sure you don't fall...
But that might just be a ploy to hold your hands really
Kirishima isn't a huge reader, but he'd read anything you wrote or anything you'd suggest to him too
He wants you to know that he cares about your interests and would do what he can to prove that to you
Similarly, he'd love to watch you dance. Maybe even ask you to show him how to do some things, or to just be silly and dance to some music in his dorm with you
It's probably one of his favorite things to do ngl
If he ever catches you doing your make up, rest assured he'll be asking you to do his as well
Especially his eyeliner, since he already does his own but loves when you do it, especially if you add any fun designs to it
Lastly, he'd definitely be down to do midnight snack runs
He doesn't care, if you call he'll answer and do whatever you want, and offer to pay for it too
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That's all!!
I'm sorry this took so long again, but I hope you enjoy it and lemme know if you have any issue with this choice or anything like that :)
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ailelie · 2 years
labels: vegetarian, christian/lutheran, cis woman, asexual/demisexual
I think about the labels I wear sometimes, not the relational ones (e.g., daughter, oldest child, sister, aunt, friend), but the ones I've chosen or kept over the years.
I'm a vegetarian. I wanted to become a vegetarian when I was in elementary and middle school in a bid to save the rain forests. I disliked how forests were cut down for farmland and becoming a vegetarian was my own personal boycott. I knew it wouldn't have any effect, but I wanted to show that I cared in some way. My parents, though, said 'no.' In my senior year of high school I became a vegetarian because my parents could no longer control what I did or did not eat. I intended to only do it for a month just to see if I could, just a sop to my younger self who never had the chance, but then I didn't see a reason to stop. I remained one through college until I went to Japan where I wanted to try all the food. I remained an omnivore through grad school because it was easier and cheaper. Then, a year or two after moving to Chicago, I became a vegan. I had brought an apple pie to a party and another woman, who was vegan, was about to take a bite because I told her it was safe, when I remembered, at the last moment, that the crust had real butter in it. I promised to bring a real vegan dish to the next event. I spent a month researching and started to realize that I could be vegan. It wasn't as hard as I thought. So, again, I decided to try it for just a month. But a month passed and I didn't have a good reason to stop. I remained vegan for a few years, stopping only when I realized that I was staying one out of spite and that I disliked how my dietary choices complicated going out with friends. So I became a vegetarian again.
I don't have the zeal of my youth or the need to prove myself anymore. I learned a lot of the tricks during my first bout of vegetarianism and being vegan taught me a lot more, so I don't have the rush of learning something new either. I don't have a good reason to be vegetarian. I don't buy into the idea that it is a better lifestyle. Sometimes I miss how easy being an omnivore is. But this is a label I've chosen.
I am a vegetarian. It is as much a part of me as my glasses (I could do contacts; I wore them throughout high school. I could get lasik. I chose and choose glasses).
When I decided to stop being a vegan, I didn't even consider going back to eating meat. The years I ate meat don't feel like the norm; they were my break from being a vegetarian. I made a decision in elementary/middle school to become a vegetarian and from that point onward, practicing or not, I was one. Vegetarian feels like my default setting. Maybe I stick to decisions too long out of stubbornness. I don't have a good reason to stick to this lifestyle. I also don't have a good reason to stop.
I am a Lutheran. This is a label I picked out during college, but only made a official a few years ago. I grew up Baptist and then just general Christian. I attended a Lutheran church in college when I attended church at all and after that, whenever I've moved, I've looked for Lutheran churches first.
I explored alternatives in high school and early college. I read widely on paganism. I toyed with atheism. Sometimes I still do. Sometimes I wonder whether I believe in God or if God has simply become a habit.
I like Lutheranism because it isn't Catholicism (which I have issues with; my family are black sheep on my dad's side because he switched to Protestant and raised us the same), but it has rituals and liturgy. I like saying the Lord's Prayer before communion, knowing that thousands of other people across the world are doing or have done the same. I like the tradition of it all. I also deeply appreciate that my church is extremely liberal and acts on its commitment to social justice.
That said, if I moved and I didn't have a good ELCA Lutheran church nearby, I'd join a different denomination.
I'd keep Lent, though. I started Lent in high school because I was tired of my one Catholic friend making such a big deal of it. I gave up potatoes. Horrible idea. When the year rolled around again, though, I continued to practice it. No one else in my family observed Lent, but I couldn't let it go. I didn't have an understanding of why people did Lent, so I made my own. It was a reminder. Every time I reached for or thought about that which I'd given up, I'd remember God and Jesus and what they'd given up. It was a yearly rooting in my faith.
I tried to stop being a Christian, but I couldn't. What I've figured out is that, for me, faith is about questions and doubt. If I'm not wondering, then I'm not believing. Only questions I can't answer are big enough to hold the God I believe exists.
So I am Christian and I am Lutheran. The first label is absolute. The second label is the one that fits best now and one I've liked in the past and am comfortable with now. But I'm still learning what it means to be Lutheran vs any other denomination. I'm still figuring out why it matters. (My parents church hopped a lot when I was younger. We ended up at some Baptist churches, but I don't think those were the only ones we attended. They would discuss each church with each other after the service in the car and I would eavesdrop. From them, whether they meant to teach me or not, I learned that no church and no pastor has the authority to declare what is and isn't Christian. That has been extremely important to my faith).
I am a cis woman. This is one I was born with and have kept. I have felt like a very poor example of femininity in the past. I was teased about being butch in high school by a friend who knew it bothered me. I once heard a man on the phone say "yeah, all the guys are out" or something similar and then spent half a block reassuring myself that he hadn't meant me. That was only 4-5 years ago.
I was extremely girly as a child. I cried when my parents put me in pants. I wore bows throughout elementary school and part of middle school. I got tired of dresses and stopped caring about what I wore just as my peers started caring a lot. I hate hassle, so I didn't care for make-up or trendy outfits. I wore what I found comfortable, but I still wanted to be recognizably a girl.
One year, for Halloween, I wanted to be a cowboy not thinking of that as a gendered thing. But my mother gave me a five o'clock shadow. I hated it. I didn't want to go trick or treating. I didn't want anyone to see me. I cried, but my parents didn't change my costume. I still remember that as my worst Halloween, even worse than the year my parents got worried about the holiday as a devilish thing and decided we wouldn't do any celebrating beyond some "Boo" glasses.
In elementary or middle school, I started to worry that my voice was too low. I practiced speaking in a higher tone to be more girly.
My hair is dark. The hair on my upper lip grows in dark. I hate it. I've learned to ignore it because waxing is a hassle and, as established, I also hate hassle. In high school, I practiced different smiles to try and hide the hair in the shadows.
I'm less worried now, thanks to friends playing with gender in different ways, but I used to fear someone basically telling me that I wasn't really a woman. That I haven't played the part well enough. That my whole identity was really a mistake.
I'm more secure now, but I still don't enjoy role-playing as other genders. It feels like slipping on an ill-fitting, itchy suit.
I'm demisexual. Technically, I'm biromantic demisexual. I have felt attraction and desire before. I fully believe that if I know and trust someone, I can feel it again. For the most part, though, these days I just tell people that I'm 'under the ace umbrella.' It is easier.
I used to think I was straight. Then I was told I was bisexual by a stranger online. Then I wondered about being a lesbian. Then I figured I was straight again. Then I was back to bi. I was the definition of questioning, except that I never let anyone else into my head. I've only had one real 'coming out' conversation, which led to my friend clarifying that despite her undergrad explorations, she wasn't into women. I told people at work recently and felt like it should have felt like more. That feeling when you think you should be feeling a feeling. No one else made much of a deal about it, though. Part of me wishes someone had? I don't know. I did have one girl, point blank, ask me how I was queer. I just stared at her and was like, "Um, I'm demisexual?" Wondering why it mattered to her. That reminds me, in my last semester of high school, it was apparently common knowledge that I was bi. I only learned this when my college roommate learned this fact from someone I never even spoke with but who had attended my high school. My roommate marched into our dorm room, demanding to know why I hadn't told her I was bi. I was blindsided and torn between saying "I'm not, though?" and "Why in the world would I have to tell you my sexuality just because you told me yours?"
Anyway. As defensive as I am of the queer label, I struggle with it. I pass as straight. I don't have an undercut or hair dye. I don't have tattoos or piercings. I don't do bold make-up or nail polish. I don't dress queer. I wear jeans and blouses and cardigans. Other than a sports bra and some socks, I don't wear pride colors. I'm not someone who gets noticed as part of the community even if that is a community I feel more comfortable within. And I'm ace and demisexual within ace and biromantic within that and those are all marginal identities anyway. Like, not everyone accepts that bisexuality/romanticism is a real thing. And not everyone accepts asexuals in the queer community (unless they're there as cheerleaders for the allosexuals and handing out water bottles; god I hate that post) or that demisexuality is even a thing.
Friends make me welcome, but at general queer events or things, there's a part of me that wonders if I'm taking a 'real queer's' place. It is irrational, but the feeling persists.
I tried so long to convince myself that I didn't need labels for my sexuality, but finding demisexual just made so much of my life make sense. Fuzzy moments suddenly focused. Now I worry that I'm not really demisexual, but am instead some other flavor of asexual. It has been so, so long since I've felt desire for another person. But the ace umbrella is absolutely correct.
I don't know what the point of this all was.
Labels are weird. Some are simply fact. Some need constant poking. Some I'm hyper protective of. And some I'm almost careless with and it is being careless that makes the label better fitting.
These are some of the boxes I've chosen to put myself within.
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namelesschurch · 10 months
Weekly update:
Lev: Lev's back. Honestly, that's the biggest thing for me. She hasn't told me much about what happened. She says she got caught in some sort of VR world with a slightly reasonable megalomaniac? When I asked her about that, she just said "no one died" and then also proceeded to try and reassure me that there was no risk of dying for her - cause of Rook - who was this spellcaster that Lev mentioned earlier before she went on that month-long mess. I think I bawled half the time and yelled at her for the other half.
And now the idiot is picking fight with gangs. Gangs with guns. I can't. I can't lose her. I need to figure out how to distract her in someway. Maybe I should reintroduce her to Crow - her once guardian a timeline ago - at the very least, I can tell Crow that Lev wants to be a vigilante, cause she has massive opinions about that and kids. It's a low blow, but I will not lose her again. She'll either be strong enough to overpower everything that's out there or stay put until she is ready.
Mads: So. Mads became a god. Of second chances apparently. And I also made a stupid mistake assuming that Mads would be accepted like Kris is. Needless to say, I was forced to reveal some things about Chi and myself to remedy it. But I don't regret it. I have a bad feeling that if I had gone with my original plan and waited... well, it wouldn't have been good for Mads.
Hopefully, he won't make the connection. I really am the most pathetic goddess apparent, and Chi is unfortunately dragged into my mess by virtue of being her.
I am concerned as to the sort of mannequin-like state when the World Boundary had thoroughly suppressed him. Is that his vessel? Like I've heard that angels were created - and that for them to exist in the mortal world, they require something of Malkuth - of the physical realm - a vessel to exist in. Well, this is assuming the angel he is and the angels I know are similar. But why is he afraid of other mannequin / puppet-like things then?
Kris: He's gone exploring into Chi's Dream World and will have an update when he's done. I hope it's a good distraction for him at any rate. And...I am curious as to why Chi is connected to that world.
...especially if it is that dream world I am thinking about - the one that Lev always chided me on wasting skill points on. How did it end up turning into a game?
Crowley: I'm glad to see that seaweed hell hasn't eaten her. What is a little ominous is her reply tags to my enormous crab MTG post. I hope this is just her "the horrors are normal everyday things" sorta humor - and not y'know having an island-size crab that needed dealing with.
Erna: She's probably the one I'm most worried about. I don't think I can stop it either. Like Lev said, if she's the only one who has not been called... she'll likely accept the Calling willingly next time it happens.
bookkeeperofthescions: Will need to ask in the next week if she needs help with anything. It sounds like almost all of the Scions are down and likely in need of life-sustaining treatment - both soul and body-wise. I might not be able to teleport stuff myself, but the BC's can at least transport things - even if they tend to eat the stuff they transport.
Yugi / Seto / Mokuba / Joey / Rook? : Seems like the card game squad has come back safe and sound - Lev did say that. I am admittedly a little bit worried about Joey given his inactivity, though I'm fairly sure if anything did happen to him, Yugi or Lev would've mentioned it, right? Like I keep telling myself that if the events that happened to them were incredibly dangerous, I feel like one of them would've mentioned it - and then I remember Yugi has a talent for understatement, and Lev's opinion of danger is that it probably has to be city-ending for it be on her radar.
Nata: It seems she went back to Seattle after the damage from the alien? person. Was it the right thing to go "no I will not bring them back?" I can't really say. I know that if Lev disappeared, I would do all I can to bring her back - I did do all I can, limited as it was. But for random people I don't know, I probably wouldn't. Life and Death and Reincarnation have its place - messing with those things probably created the term "playing god."
Lark: Seems to be going to school, I guess? He obviously doesn't like it. Should also keep in mind to refer to him as a witch and not wizard - he's made clear the difference in societal context. Might be some personal context to, given how vehement he is about the subject.
holyhappyhour: Have not seen a response from Le after her comment on the moon. Hopefully, this is just her doing her periods of inactivity thing. Not everyone treats social media as their journal after all. And not someone as cagey as her.
Wayne Enterprises: I do not know what they are playing at. Inviting me to a dinner I do not have the qualifications to be part of - and then inviting me to a partnership that honestly seems fair on paper for the vertical farming project seems almost too good to be true. All I can think of is that I somehow hit some sort of alarm when I started asking about developing caves in the area - an alarm that's present in pro-company, the water is now poison, Gotham. Are they worried about me doing something - or are they already doing something in the caves? I don't have the connections to go blindly investigating - maybe this partnership could be a bribe even. But that's less likely. There's a lot of stuff a multibillion dollar corporation could do to make my life - a millionaire - and my company miserable. They don't need to cater to me.
plushwave: It is hard to tell how much it is Rose's very bad sense of humor coming out or if she's actually being serious. Also interested in the set-up of her world as mentioned by her comments of "Qin." I have also learned that completely different cultures and countries prevents direct comparison of cultures and countries - like you'd think this is a given, but it's a lot harder to actually put into practice when half the stuff it sounds like should be common culture. Or at least that's what I think. Anyway, cares a lot for Aloisia clearly.
enqueter: enqueter. Because I don't think I've seen any mention of name on enqueter's posts. Has some sort of genetic-related powers going on utilizing ADAM and what's called Plasmid. enqueter is a private eye that deals with ADAM-related stuff enough to be a sorta expert on the subject - has a related ADAM power called electrobolt?Not much information as of late. Will keep any eye on.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
Knock knock open up! For that ask meme, or for a sick knock knock joke, your call.
(Prompt is here!)
(cw: death, war, panic attack)
--At some point in time between the events of Patches 3.3-3.4 and before the beginning of The Final Days--
Y'dehlya sighs, her expression grim.
"The only person I've ever told this to was Minfilia what feels like ages ago now. Even so, it doesn't take graduating from the Studium or becoming an Archon to figure it out eventually, and I think the others have long since caught on. The only other one who most likely knows it in full would be Krile, with the abilities her own Echo grants her..."
"...Which brings me to the subject of this. My first Echo vision wasn't proving that refugee's innocence against that gang's accusations in Ul'dah that fateful day. It was of the Battle of Carteneau...through the eyes of my own mother." She grimaces as she says that last sentence, as if admitting it causes her great physical pain.
"It was...not long after the war ended. I was just getting to sleep after bidding her goodnight, and the vision came to me as a nightmare. You know how Echo visions work; they have you experience the other person's memories as if you were really there. So I heard the clanging of steel, the firing of guns, the battle cries and the screams. I felt the heat upon my skin, my lungs burning from both exertion and the air. My first thoughts were of the Empire's forces; what they were doing. Mother witnessed Bahamut burst from Dalamund and rain hellfire upon the entire plains and everyone there. She immediately ordered a retreat, to get her squadron to safety and bring up the rear, until it was just her and...her second-in-command; her first friend when she first moved to Limsa; her closest and most consistent lover, apart from Father. As they were about to follow their squadron, Mother looked back to tell her something, and instead of a proper reply, right then and there, Bahamut was passing overhead breathing dragonfire on the land, missing Mother..." Y'dehlya choked back a sob. "...but not my aunt. Her death knell and Mother's anguish as she was forced to turn and run yanked me from my sleep." She takes a deep breath to calm herself. "I desperately needed air. I threw my window open, jumped out, and ran to the docks, where I stayed, shaking like a leaf. I couldn't breathe, I was dizzy. One of Kouha's agents apparently spotted me and came to my aid, staying with me until my brother found us and took me home. I've never felt so fragile. "
She takes another deep breath. "I understood deeper than I wanted to just how much her death crushed Mother more than Father. I had no other visions in those 5 years, but this one was forever seared into my memory. It was ultimately the tinder set to spark when I was first becoming infamous among the Empire's forces; why after the raid on the Waking Sands, I vowed to myself that I would carve out a path with my own hands that ended the Empire's tyranny once and for all. I wouldn't be lying if I also admitted that the power to destroy the Empire was what Nidhogg tempted me with in an effort to enthrall me to him."
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Continued from here for @electricea!
Well, there were Halloween-themed ornaments made for Christmas, though no matter which booth Sonia perused, they were absent from that Christmas market. And while she wasn't aware of it herself, the markets at home too: unconventional Christmas trees meant finding ornaments through unconventional means. The internet and independent craftspeople, for example. "I think they're mostly selling traditionally-styled ornaments here, Ryuji-san," Sonia smiled, admitting the inevitable. Barring a few uniquely cultural influences, Japan seemed to want to follow Europe's example where Christmas decorations were concerned. Even if the holiday represented two very different things, for those celebrating in Japan and those at home, in Sonia's case anyway, celebrating thousands of kilometers away. Christmas in Europe, after all, wasn't a romantic holiday: it was religious, or otherwise aimed at children to celebrate with a collection of gifts.
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"I have a few photos and video of last year's tree on my phone," She offered, choosing to deliberately not address his comment about her deserving a small tree of her own. Sonia wasn't sure she agreed: she spent so much time at various royal functions, traveling, and ultimately dreading the holiday itself she doubted a tree would bring her much cheer, or if her attention would allow her to even look after it. An annual watch of Black Christmas, Krampus, and The Nightmare Before Christmas were often what she looked forward to most, alongside the charity events her family organized each year. Those events offered many recordings of Novoselic Castle's annual tree, so it was a simple task to bring up a video of it for Ryuji to watch: it fit, and filled, the Castle's largest hall, with ornaments in red, green, and blue, surrounded by those in gold and silver. Lights twinkled on every branch in coordinated, pre-determined patterns and an elaborately-attired angel was situated at the top, her fair complexion and flowing golden hair looking down at all who passed by with a soft smile.
"This is from last year, right before the annual Children's Party," She explained, pointing to the array of professionally-wrapped gifts beneath the tree, the tables of hot cocoa and cookies and candies beside it, and a large green-and-red chair for Santa Claus to sit in, awaiting pictures with awed and excited orphans from around the country. "It's on display for tourists visiting Novoselic Castle from mid-October through December 31, but it technically serves as the family tree as well. It probably means the least to us, though: it's a much more fulfilling thing, I think, to share such decorations with the public. Wouldn't you agree?"
She hoped he would: having to explain why the holiday itself was dreaded every year was not something Sonia wished to do. Not while she was full of tea and treats and shopping for ornaments with him. And smiling, as he told her about his own family's tree: chaotic, no theming or color story or coordinated lights, but representing them perfectly. "Your tree sounds beautiful, Ryuji-san," Sonia replied honestly as they approached the till. Donation ornaments for the city centre's tree and ones for them to take home alike: it was a good, fulfilling thing to do, charity and festive decorating at the same time. "Will you take a photo for me this year, so I might see? I'll be returning home soon myself, so I'm spending my last few days in Japan this year doing all the seasonal shopping and sampling I can. Until you really look, you have no idea how many festive events and treats there are in Tokyo! I'm sure the konbini has plenty of limited edition snacks this time of year, too."
With the small paper shopping bag now in hand, Sonia was grateful for the fact she traveled by private plane. There was never any question of all of her luggage not finding a place to fit for the journey home.
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dear--charlie · 2 years
Dear Charlie,
Today is August 26, 2022.
I have so much to tell you, it feels like it's been forever but it hasn't been that long! First of all, today is my fiancé's birthday. I am still getting used to calling him that, it's been a week today since he proposed. 2 days after our 2 and a half year mark, 2 days before my birthday. Every time I talk about him, I say "My..." and I pause, remembering that he's proposed and I have a ring on my finger (an absolutely stunning ring, Charlie. I wish I could show you!). Then, after it sinks in again, I say "fiancé". It is so weird saying that, since I didn't think he'd ever actually propose. I had actually planned to joke with friends about being what the Victorians would've called a "thornback" (a woman who is not married or engaged by age 26).
He was so nervous to ask. He was afraid to ask, and then he proposed on top of a lighthouse, and he's terrified of heights. So you can imagine how much courage he had to muster to do that. I really admire his bravery, ask I can barely bring myself to ask a stranger for directions. I actually laughed that he was afraid I'd say no. Not to be hurtful, I just remembered spending months sobbing about watching my friends get married. I told him I had already started wedding planning, and he was concerned that I wanted to get married ASAP. I had to remind him that these things take a lot of prep, and I reassured him that I would rather get finished with school first; especially since I am nearing the end (within a year!), and so I am taking some relatively complex classes for my degree and do not have the free time to get married right now.
But I am definitely already planning, especially now that I have the validation to go forward with it. I've been looking at invitations, I have my wedding dress pattern picked out, as well as the overdress fabric. We found the fabric last night and both fell in love with it. It's rather pricey compared to other fabrics I have purchased, but it's for my wedding dress, and I would spare no expense for the most important dress I'll ever make for myself. I am so excited to work on it, though looking at the pattern, I know it's going to be an absurd amount of work.
Speaking of weddings, my step-brother told my fiancé that we had been invited to "Jen's" wedding. Supposedly, anyway. No one ever told us that we were. Apparently she was a little upset that we didn't show. But I don't go to events I am not invited to, and I never received any sort of invitation so I didn't go. Supposedly being invited doesn't negate the fact that I didn't find out until a week in advance. We ran into her husband relatively recently and he was surprised and even delighted to see us. Then he immediately started talking about their honeymoon. I tried to not look annoyed, but I don't know how well it worked. This was before my fiancé found out we were invited to the wedding, I might've been more enthused had this encounter happened after that.
I'll be honest, things have been quite a whirlwind lately. I'm getting married, but we also haven't set dates for anything. We haven't even discussed an engagement party, if we're having one at all. We've discussed minor things, but not much. He's super curious about my dress, but I refuse to show him. He does know about the fabric since he was with me last night when I picked it out, but I will not let him see the dress itself until the big day. I'm going to have to work on it when he isn't home and hide it when he is. Thank goodness he no longer works from home, or else I'd have to compromise on him not seeing it. He asked me what it looks like, but I wouldn't budge. Specifically, he was curious if it was very traditional or very unique. I went into a spiel about me being relatively non-traditional. I should have told him "traditional-adjacent", since the pattern is from the late 40s or very early 50s. It's just not floor-length, which most people call traditional. I can't have floor-length because I have big feet and will trip! But the dress is gorgeous, and it's going to blow everyone away.
Further updates when I have them, Charlie!
Your friend, with love, as always, Ann
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