#//I'm SO sorry this was late Mira
patron-saints · 7 months
fma rareship weekend: day 3, children
written for @fma-rareships's day 3! while intended to be an extension of the recognition 'verse, and therefore olivier x izumi, this one is also for sure olivier & al
“yeah,” al says into the phone, “no, all of the grandparents are here. yes, including olivier, she’s been here for three days. ostensibly, she’s here mostly to keep teacher from crying again, but personally, i think she might actually—oh, no, she heard me.” al covers the microphone with their hand and looks up at one of their newborn daughter’s many grandparents, who is valiantly trying to pretend she’s not tearing up.
“general,” al says, because even they have her permission to use her name now, sometimes it’s hard not to fall back on old habits, “did you think you weren’t—”
“i don’t like children,” she says, wiping her eye with the back of her knuckle.
this is amusing to al, given that yesterday, when she’d been holding zhiying for two uninterrupted hours, she’d audibly growled at anyone who tried to take her. so, they elect to ignore her statement for both their sakes. “you are her g—both mei and i consider you to be one of her grandparents. if… you want to be, that is.”
“alphonse,” olivier says, still pretending like she’s getting out of this, “i am your teacher’s wife.”
unafraid to interrupt her, al says, “are you going to tell me izumi and sig are anything other than…?” it’s a strong tactic. of course, al would rather tell her how much they love her. how she’s been a mentor to them in the last few years, how she inspires them, pushes them, and how they can’t imagine their daughter’s life without her in it. but that’s the kind of thing al knows they have to write in a letter, so she can cry about it in private and stoically thank them later.
olivier narrows her eyes. “of course not.”
after staring at them for a while longer, olivier sighs. “no child of yours, no matter how cute, is going to ever call me ‘grandma.’”
al raises an eyebrow.
“but. it would be my honor to accept that role in zhiying’s life.” she pauses, and something like a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “thank you for asking.”
al is almost positive she's going to cry about this later.
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ladykailitha · 8 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 1
Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late uploading today, but I went to bed early last night and forgot to schedule this.
But! Welcome to what I've been calling Steve is a History Nerd agenda. We see in season two on Steve's essay for colleges that he can link his grandfather's military service with his prowess on the basketball court.
It is also surprisingly well written. *shakes fist at the Duffers stop telling us he's stupid and then showing the opposite, please! Let him be smart, too!*
Summary: The Renaissance Fair is finally back in Hawkins after three year absence (Starcourt was built on the fair site and after the fire it was bulldozed back to it's original field). Everyone is excited, even Steve to everyone's amazement. But Steve is hiding other hidden depths as he offers to help the kids make their costumes for the Fair.
Lucas is struggling with being both a nerd and a jock and fears the judgment of his friends. Steve sets out to help him overcome those doubts to be himself.
Tagging the untaggable: @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Nobody expects Steve to be excited for the Renaissance fair. Dustin, Will and Lucas spend hours plotting bribes, schemes and out and out manipulations to get Steve to agree to take them. Even Robin expected him to side with her about the dust and the filth. Eddie expected him to be dismissive of the fantasy aspect of it.
Boy were they all wrong.
For it was Steve to bring up to the group after a rather successful D&D session.
In his hand was a bright pink flier and a wide grin on his face.
“Guys! The Ren Fair is back this year,” he said in lieu of a greeting. “I’ll finally be able to show off that tunic I’ve been working on.”
All heads turned to Steve in shock.
There was a cacophony of questions.
“Since when did you know how to sew?”
“What do you mean back? I didn’t even know Hawkins had one to begin with!”
“You want to go to the Ren Fair?”
“Why would you want to spend all day in the heat and dirt?”
Steve looked around at all off his friends in shock.
“Guys, I love the Ren Fair,” he muttered. “Didn’t you guys know?”
All their jaws dropped.
And Eddie? Eddie felt an icicle to the heart at the sight of Steve’s hurt expression.
“You’ll pardon the peasants, my liege,” Eddie said, bowing grandly. “I’m afraid we have all be harboring under the delusion that Ren Fairs were beneath your notice.”
Steve blinked at him a moment. “But I love that stuff. It’s the history and sword fights and jousting. It’s the like medieval Olympics. It’s the romance and chivalry of knights fighting for a fair maiden’s hand. It’s getting to dress up in fancy clothes and rip into turkey legs like a savage. What’s not to like?”
Dustin frowned. “Who here knew Steve liked history?”
Robin and Nancy raised their hands. They looked around waiting for me people to join them. But they stayed down.
Steve ducked his head and scuffed the floor with the edge of his sneaker.
“The ex-girlfriend I’ll buy,” Dustin continued. “But Robin didn’t become friends with Steve until after he graduated so how did she know?”
Robin blinked at them owlishly. “You mean you guys don’t know?”
Everyone looked around each other and then shook their heads.
“Steve was in my AP history class my junior year,” she said as if this was know fact.
“You do know that AP stands for advance placement, right?” Mike asked.
Eddie smacked the back of his head. “She was in it, dude. Don’t be an ass.”
Steve looked up at him and smiled a little.
Good, Eddie thought. Nothing like a little Mike violence to cheer up Steve.
“He wrote an essay for early placement college exams,” Nancy said. “He didn’t get a chance to turn it in because of our second go round with the Upside Down, but it was really good. It needed a little neatening up with the actual writing, but the history was solid.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks.”
Dustin looked skeptical. “What’s your favorite part of history?”
Steve opened his mouth and then closed it again. “I liked hearing about my grandpa’s time in the US army during WWII, but that was more because he made it interesting. But I really like the Industrial Revolution. Or rather the first Industrial Revolution. There have been four. The first one was from 1760-1840 and featured heavily in the textile movement.”
The room was silent.
“Why textiles, Stevie?” Eddie asked as the silence grew awkward.
Steve lit up like a child at Christmas morning and he began talking about the British textile movement.
“What the hell?” Dustin huffed, breaking into Steve monologue.
Steve ducked his head again and blushed. “Just because I’m not interested in science and fantasy doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” He straightened up. “And yeah, sometimes I get things wrong. But everyone does at some point. In fact I get a hell of a lot more flack for my intelligence than Eddie does and he repeated his senior year twice!” He took a deep breath and then ran his fingers through his hair.
“No offense,” he said waving to Eddie.
Eddie looked up at him with earnest eyes. “None taken. I concur.”
They all looked around at each other in shock. Like they hadn’t realized that they had done that.
After a few moments, Steve put his hands on his hips and pointed at all of them.
“So do you guys want to go or what?”
Eddie sat back with a smile as everyone roared their approval.
“No corsets,” was Robin’s only firm and fast rule for Steve when it came to dressing her up for the Ren Fair.
Steve looked her up and down. “Why on earth would I want you in a corset? Have you looked in the mirror?”
“Uh...” Robin said. “Is that a trick question? Of course I have. I don’t what that has to do with saying no to corsets though...”
Steve rolled his eyes. “In order to give you the curve you need to match the proper silhouette you would need to be cinched to hell. And as this is supposed to be fun.”
He grabbed her hand and started hauling her toward his car.
“Where are we going?”
“Thrifting!” he said with glee.
It took three different stores and a stop at the mall to get everything he needed.
“Give me three days,” he told her when he dropped her off at her house. “And I think you’ll like what I come up with.”
Robin eyed him warily. “If you say so.”
Steve laughed.
He crashed the next D&D session, showing up early to pick them up.
“What is everyone wearing to the Ren Fair?” he asked with a note pad on his lap and wagged the pen in his fingers.
“You want us to dress up?” Mike asked, eyes wide.
“Why not?” he asked with a shrug. “I’ve made my costume and currently reworking some thirfted threads for Robin’s outfit.”
Eddie blinked. “You made your costume?”
Steve shrugged again. “Yeah. I like sewing.”
There was suddenly an uproar and he held up a hand. “I can’t make you a full outfit before the Fair, but I can make over already made clothes to make them more historical. And maybe for next year I’ll have the time to make something special for everyone.”
Dustin eyed him suspiciously. “Like what?”
“Like tailoring pants to a tighter fit,” Steve explained “adding a sash or belt, turning old coats into vests and cloaks, things like that.”
They still weren’t sure how that would work out.
“Now I talked to Joyce and Claudia,” he continued. “And they’re both willing to help out in making sure everyone has something nice to wear. That includes Max and El.”
“Are the fair maidens joining us?” Eddie asked.
Steve nodded. “Yeah. Joyce is doing El and Will, Claudia is doing Dustin and Mike, and I’m doing Lucas and Max. Eddie said he already had a costume, so I didn’t have to worry about him.”
Eddie grinned. “You better believe it, pretty boy.”
Steve ducked his head and blushed. “So we’re all going thrifting with a $5 limit for each of you. But I wanted to brainstorm some ideas of what you wanted to go as so we don’t waste time wandering around.”
Everyone started shouting at once and it took Steve a good ten minutes before he got everyone calmed down enough to get what they wanted. Dustin wanted to go as a hobbit, but Steve had to nix that one.
“You don’t want to go running around the grounds barefoot,” he explained with a wince. “It’s not safe.”
“I’m going to have to agree with Stevie on this one,” Eddie said. “You guys have never been but there is all sorts of stuff laying around. It’s not indoors and the pathways are dirt lined. Think the state fair. It’s more like that then going to comic book convention.”
Dustin grumbled but conceded the point. Steve got them to decide on... well not quite peasant gear, but more rough around the edges than what Steve would be wearing.
Well, all but Lucas. He didn’t want to wear what they were wearing but he refused to say what he did want to wear.
So Steve dropped him off at home last.
They pulled into his driveway and Steve turned to him. “Do you not want to dress up? Because I won’t make you.”
Lucas picked at the loose string on his sweater. “It’s not that. I just remember the last time we did a group costume and they all thought I should be Winston because I was black like he was.”
Steve frowned for a moment. “The Ghostbusters, right?”
Lucas nodded. “I knew if I brought it up they’d shoot me down again.”
“So what did you want to go as?” he asked.
Lucas huffed out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. It’s a stupid pipe dream anyway. Especially since you have to make Max’s dress and Robin’s costume, too.”
He opened the door to get out, but Steve reached over and slammed it closed.
“One, Robin’s costume is almost done,” he said counting out on his fingers. “Two, do you really think your girlfriend is going to want to wear a dress? And three, let me be the judge on what’s too much for me, okay?”
Lucas huffed a laugh at his second point. “Yeah, that was dumb of me.”
“So what is it?”
Lucas looked down again and heaved out a sigh. “An elf.”
Steve’s mind was whirling with the possibilities. “What colors?”
“What?” Lucas asked, not sure he heard Steve right.
“What colors would you want it to be?”
He pulled out the notebook and scrambled for a pen. Lucas pulled a pencil out of his bag and handed it to him.
“Uh I was thinking of a light blue and with a silver trim?” he said hesitantly.
Steve sketched something out. “Like this?”
Lucas leaned over to look at the drawing. “A little shorter so I’m not tripping over it and maybe those puffy pants?”
Steve adjusted the drawing and Lucas nodded.
“Yeah, like that.”
“All right,” Steve said. “I know exactly what to do and how to do it. It won’t be perfect because I don’t have time to do it right so I’ll be doing a lot of cheating. But yeah, it’s doable.”
Lucas gave him a hug. “Thanks, man.”
Steve called the one person he knew he could help him.
“Eddie,” he said the second the other man picked up. “I need your nerd connections to do a huge favor for Lucas.”
“Wha’cha got, big boy?” Eddie asked with a grin.
“You wouldn’t happen to know any Trekkies would you?” Steve asked chewing on his bottom lip.
“That depends, Stevie,” Eddie replied, “what’s the need?”
“Pointed ears.”
Eddie hummed. “I’m assuming you’re thinking Trekkie because of Spock and that’s a good thought. But I’m guessing since we’re going to the Ren Fair our stalwart ranger is wanting to be an elf?”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “Do you know anyone who can help?”
“Better than that,” Eddie said. “I know where to get the ears in the right... shade?”
Steve perked up. “Oh? I’m guessing Jeff?”
“Right in one, darlin’,” Eddie said with a soft smile. “I’ll give him a call and then call you back.”
“Thanks, Eds,” Steve breathed. “You’re the best.”
“Thanks, doll.”
I am so excited for this, guys. You have no idea. I'm little history nerd myself and this really fun to play around with.
Just a heads up. We WILL be addressing Mike's casual racism from the Ghostbusters scene because I don't like that it's never been addressed.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 @artiststarme ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual
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slowlysoluminary · 2 months
ACTORS: king, {euphrasie,} [claude,] <nille,> |mira,| drawing kid
{"Wh-whats. . ."}
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Fear drips through each of her words.
{"Oh no. Oh no, no, no. . ."}
Her hasty breathing climbs.
You turn your head.
You wish you didn't .
{"Pele, this smell-?"}
Her panicked eyes lock with yours.
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You can't shift your expression fast enough.
She knows... She knows. She always knows. Of course she'd know now.
You don't understand. You did everything right. Couldn't the Universe send you a boon? Lend you silence as the world breaks around you, again? And again? And again? Over and over and over and ...
And what's different? You found a home, a place you belonged? A place you were loved? Did you think that would help you? Were you really that stupid??
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They rush to her aid. You're frozen in place. Too useless to comfort her. (She wouldn't want you there anyway.)
Nille noticed, too.
<"What's goin' on? Is sum'n the matter?">
She's torn, between reaching out for you and sticking by Euphrasie. Why? You can't help but wonder.
The Kid lets out an anxious bleat. Nille ushers them closer.
|"I-I'm sorry! Monsieur, please...!!"|
{"That Mirabelle..."}
{"Ooh, it got her too..! It's too late!! I should've noticed sooner!"}
<"Euphs, we're gettin' worried! What are you talking about?">
Are you just going to stand there?
She's suffering. It's your fault. Do something. Do something!!!!
["Pele! What's-"]
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The world breaks.
|"I don't know what's happening!! Forgive me, I'm sorry!"|
{"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, n-"}
["The air around us, it's -! Augh!"]
Burnt sugar thickens the air around you. Breathing is a chore.
<"Crab, my head hurts...">
Is someone wheezing?
... Oh, it's you!
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They're all running, reaching. Worried. Confused.
<"COME BACK!!!">
You haven't moved, and you make no motions to do so. You have no such intention.
Will you ever get to see Nille reunite with her younger sibling? Watch her reunite with the one person she talks about most frequently, most favorably? Help her guilt come to pass? At the end you'll always find a sliver of that woman (shame she'll never stay that way).
["H-hey! Pele! Something's wrong! Talk to us!"]
Will you ever get to see Claude find peace with herself and her situation? Will you ever get to see her in her daily life, untroubled by the weight of an entire country? Will you ever get to see her find happiness with the one she loves? Will you yourself ever find peace with Claude's situation? (You don't think about the tug on your heart at the thought.)
The Kid cries, trailing behind Nille, unsure what to do.
You hurt. Will you ever get to see this kid's family? Will you ever find their name, their identity, their home, some safe place for them to stay? Will you ever be a safe place for them to stay? (Your heart burns with the mere idea that you've been an insufficient provider).
{"P-Pele... what did you do?"}
You hurt. Will you ever get to see her smile at you again, with the same genuine glee she does at the rest of the world? Will you ever mend your broken bond with that woman? Will you ever get to speak a word with her without fighting the urge to claw your eyes out, or flee, or what have you? (You love her.)
Will you ever get to see a happy ending?
You oblige, with little heart. It won't work. The idea is futile (it comforts you anyway).
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What do they see in you? What do they think of you?
|"I'm sorry, I failed you!! Euphie..!!"|
You take a step forward.
your world falls apart.
(They are your world.)
【 ✦ 】
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Only in this moment can you finally rest.
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strwbmei · 4 months
Matchup Event
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Matchup for: @dukemira
Matchups: Fu Hua, Firefly, March 7th
Contains: fluff, nsfw, creampie, mentions of bondage, mentions of choking, mentions of temperature play, soft sex, public sex, mentions of nipple play
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Honestly, with Firefly's section, I have no idea how to bake so I apologize if anything is incorrect!
Ask: Long time no see I guess? Haha, anyway it's been a while and you look good, also congratulations for your 1000 followers! Okay I'll start. I will use Mira as the name, my mbti is INFJ, and my zodiac is Virgo. I'm a listener type person, I'm not speaking that much, unless the topic is interesting (or I like the topic) for me, I'll ramble so much. Many people see me as a stoic person, like I don't really care what happened later, or right now Even if it gets me in trouble. You could say I'm a hardworking person, I'll try everything to achieve what I want. If you don't mind, I would like to choose both. My first date scenario? Maybe we watch stars and aurora while drinking hot coffee and some snack (I like quiet place, irl I always go out at night like pm and go home at 3 in the morning lmao) it's just, so refreshing y'know? I'm indeed a dominant, and more into vanilla sex, soft, gentle. (Sometimes I wanna tie them up, and close their vision) (pls don't match me with male characters) The fandom Im in, honkai impact and honkai star rail.
Fu Hua
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ Like you, Fu Hua often takes late-night walks to clear her mind. The day she decided to take a different route for a change of scenery, she had no idea that this choice would end up affecting the rest of her life.
: ̗̀➛ It all starts off as the both of you passing each other on a quiet, isolated street; things like you glancing at the woman the first time you saw her because of how rare it is to see someone else around these hours. The most you'd get were stray animals and the occasional taxis, and you liked it that way.
: ̗̀➛ Your overly carefree attitude towards life and Fu Hua's overly cautious and apprehensive nature perfectly balance each other out like yin and yang. Not one is greater or worse than the other; both are inseparable as are the sorrows and joys of living that you'd gladly experience with each other.
: ̗̀➛ Change is a fearsome thing. All of the insignificant differences come together until eventually, you realize that your surroundings have already changed beyond recognition. Fu Hua firmly believes in this, and yet, it was the same change that brought her to meet you. As such, you're also the one to introduce her to new things. It takes her a bit of coaxing, but she's willing to try anything as long you're with her.
: ̗̀➛ Generally speaking, the two of you have so many similarities and just as many differences. Somehow, though, you make it work. Not because you just happen to be the right person for each other, but because you want to make it right.
"Fu Hua?" Your voice breaks Fu Hua's train of thought. She'd been gazing up at the sky for a while now, reminiscing about the past as she does so. It's not something she particularly chooses to do the first dusk of every new year, but she always ends up doing it nonetheless.
"Ah, you're awake. Did I wake you when I got up from bed?" She turns to you with a somber yet warm smile on her face. Her gaze goes down to the two cups of hot chocolate in your hands and mutters a small "thank you" as she takes one of them. You shake your head in response to her question. "Mm. I just got a bit worried when I woke up and you weren't beside me."
"What are you thinking about?" You ask before taking a quick sip of your drink. The dark and rich taste is perfect for calm, quiet mornings like this. Last night was filled with celebrations and festivities, and now that they're done, the city has fallen asleep. The sun peeks out through the horizon to greet the start of the new year.
"It's nothing important. It always amazes me how quickly time can pass and bring change." Her gaze falls down onto the jewelry shop at the corner of the road. It used to be a small diner run by a nice elderly couple. They had a dog; a small Australian terrier named Winter. Ironically enough, Winter did not like the cold. She wonders where they are now and how they're doing.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence, the sunlight illuminating the unlit city. Fu Hua smiles at the sound of the dogs barking; it's the one thing that has stayed constant throughout all these years. She hopes spending mornings with you like this will become one of those things as well. "Happy New Year, my love."
╰┈➤ NSFW ;
: ̗̀➛ Very vanilla and traditional so Fu Hua thinks she should always be submissive, at least at first. She's open to trying out new things in bed. We all know that she'd be submissive regardless of her old fashioned mindset, though.
: ̗̀➛ Fu Hua is open-minded when it comes to kinks, so she's willing to try anything at least once as long as it isn't anything too extreme or unhygienic.
: ̗̀➛ She's really big on safe sex. Fu Hua is actually very educated on sex despite having little to no personal experience with it/things related to it, mostly because she's had to give her disciples "the talk" before.
: ̗̀➛ During sex is when Fu Hua is the most emotionally vulnerable. She accidentally slips out words that she'd be way too prideful to say in any other situation, says "I love you" a lot more than usual, and reaches out to hold your hands subconsciously.
: ̗̀➛ She can go for a lot of rounds, but afterwards, she's immediately falling asleep. She'll try to give you the best aftercare she can (even if you were the one on top,) with the energy she has left, but the most she can probably do is get you a glass of water and a towel.
"My love..." She sighs, desperate and needy. Her legs rest at either of your sides as your hips rut slowly and softly against hers. Slender, calloused hands rest on your back, clawing ever so slightly whenever you hit a certain spot inside of her.
The room is dimly lit with scented candles, your clothes scattered on the floor while sensual music plays in the background. A scene telling of the romance and passion between two lovers.
You adjust yourself to hit deeper inside of her, and Fu Hua sings. She sings your name like an angel gently comforting you with her embrace; soft, and loving.
Feeling yourself nearing climax, you groan her name and bury your face into the side of her pale neck. As if in unspoken understanding, her fingers reach out to intertwine with yours, and her legs wrap around your waist.
Your hips stutter, and you fill her deep with your cum. Her chest rises up and down as she catches her breath, and she looks ethereal. You're set on spending the rest of your life with her.
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March 7th
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ You and March 7th are the epitome of the saying "opposites attract." Or so, people say. While that might seem true on the surface, you actually have a lot of similarities like two stars in different galaxies, shining with unique brilliance yet connected by the vastness of the universe.
: ̗̀➛ For example, the two of you like quiet places; only for different reasons. You like quiet places because you like being able to be at peace and be alone with your thoughts. March likes quiet places because she can often find you in them. She loves bustling atmospheres and the blinding city lights, but she loves you more.
: ̗̀➛ Her troubles affect her more than they seem to, and when she can't silence the negative thoughts in her head, it's you that she comes to for respite.
: ̗̀➛ There's something about you that makes March feel so... safe and secure. She feels comfortable telling you about things that she'd normally repress herself. You keep her grounded. You help her get through the bad times and replace them with good ones.
: ̗̀➛ You care for her and try to comfort her the best you can, but you don't really care about things like "who she used to be" and "what she even is." Human, alien, or even as an emanator, you'd love her all the same. What matters to you isn't her past, but the future that you can have together.
"Hehe..." March looks up at the new ring you bought for her. The cold, silver metal shines when the moonlight hits it just the right way. To her, its glint symbolizes your love and the future to come. "Do you really like the ring that much?" You ask since she's been staring at it intently ever since you first got it for her. Of course, you're flattered since you also chose it, but you know March can be a bit overdramatic sometimes.
March turns to you as soon as the question leaves your lips. "Of course! You bought it for me, after all." She smiles with pride. You chuckle at her reaction and pat her head. "I'm glad you like it, but don't dote on it too much. I can always buy you a new one, y'know?" You weren't exactly rich, but that ring wasn't exactly expensive either. It was just something you bought because it seemed to be her style.
"Sure, but every gift from you is special to me. Even if you get me an extravagant wedding ring one day, I'll still treasure all of the handwritten notes you leave me sometimes." You blush at the implications of marriage. Of course it's been on your mind too, but to hear March mention it so casually has you feeling a bit bashful.
"When that time comes, let's get a big house and a whole army of pets! Ah, but that might make it difficult for the express... What about 5? Or if Pompom allows us, 10?" You chuckle at her ambition. You can already imagine Pompom going crazy with cleaning all of the fur. Still, a future like that with her sounds quite nice.
"We'll get as many as you want, March."
╰┈➤ NSFW ;
: ̗̀➛ She's not a stranger to the concept of sex, but there are a lot of things that she doesn't know about it. Despite that, or maybe because of that, she's always wanted to try.
: ̗̀➛ March 7th mostly bottoms--she counts on you to take the lead since you're more knowledgeable. She can definitely be the dominant one if asked, though. Top or bottom, her main goal is for both of you to feel good.
: ̗̀➛ Getting tied up and wearing nice lingerie are her favorite things! The intricate designs make March feel prettier, so she sometimes wears them underneath her clothes just for that confidence boost.
: ̗̀➛ She's up for it anytime anywhere mostly, but she's a bit hesitant to have sex in busier places. She likes it when there's a chance of someone spotting the two of you in the act, but she doesn't want to actually get caught. That would scar her for life.
: ̗̀➛ Loves it when you get more assertive. She loves how gentle and caring you are with her, so seeing a side of you that's so different gives her whiplash in the best ways possible.
: ̗̀➛ Her nipples are the most sensitive part of her body. She could have an orgasm just from you playing with them. A close second is her neck, though. Whether you leave kisses all over it or choke it ever so slightly, you're sure to get her gushing in her panties.
"I swear to Akivili, I'm going to kill you once all this is over!" March whisper shouts, turning to face you with an angry red all over her cheeks. Whether it's from embarrassment or arousal you're not sure.
The Astral Express had been invited to a fancy dinner, and as a result, you're spending the night mingling with the other guests; mostly the bigwigs of the planet you had just arrived on.
Or so, that's how March expected the evening would go. Now she's sat on your lap, legs spread as she gets fingered by you under the table. To others, you'd merely look like a young, naive couple in love, unaware of how her cunt drips slick and clamps down on your fingers.
Everyone turns their heads towards both of you when March whimpers in the middle of her sentence. She's quick to dismiss their concerns, and you chuckle at their cluelessness, saying March is just feeling a bit nervous.
You hold her gently by her chin and press a seemingly chaste kiss on her lips, swallowing her moans as she cums all over your hand. The rest of them are left none the wiser to the filthy acts the two of you are committing behind the scenes.
March hates how good you can make her feel.
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╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ Your relationship is one full of secrets, but neither of you really mind. You understand that everyone has things that they wouldn't want anyone else to know, and that being their partner doesn't make you an exception.
: ̗̀➛ She doesn't question you when you come home at ungodly hours of the day. You don't question her when she comes home smelling like smoke and motor oil. You rush into each other's embrace regardless of the day you had beforehand. It gives you comfort and warmth and makes you feel like nothing else matters other than being in your lover's arms and the steady beating of their heart.
: ̗̀➛ Her favorite activity to do with you is baking! Neither of you is particularly skilled at it, but she finds the experience therapeutic and wants to share it with you. Firefly also has fun experimenting with the recipe to see what works the best.
: ̗̀➛ Firefly is a very kind and gentle partner, but only when she's awake. When the two of you are in bed together, (which is very rare considering how different your schedules are,) she becomes a heartless monster who hogs literally all of the blankets and pillows. Yes, blankets with an s. You've tried to solve this problem by getting your own, but to no avail.
: ̗̀➛ Honestly, it'd be pretty easy to take the blankets away from Firefly since she isn't very physically strong, but you can't. She just looks so peaceful asleep like this (despite leaving you vulnerable to the cold) and you know that she's tired. Hell, it's probably been a week or two since she's slept this well. You just don't have the heart.
"See, all you have to do is place the icing into the bag and..." Firefly rambles on about the techniques she uses when decorating pastries, even going as far as to give you a live example on the cake rolls the two of you were currently baking.
You cherish every second of these comfortable, domestic moments with her given how rare it is for the two of you to have the whole day to spend with each other like this.
However, there is one problem.
Earlier, you noticed that she accidentally put salt instead of sugar when making the batter. Should you tell her, or let her taste the consequences of her actions?
As you're faced with this life-threatening dilemma, Firefly looks up at you with a concerned expression and asks, "Are you okay, Mira...? We can always do this another time if you want."
For a moment, you almost take pity on her. Thinking of all the nights she took all the blankets and pillows (albeit unconsciously) and left you without protection against the cold, you make your decision. This blanket hogger must be brought to justice.
╰┈➤ NSFW ;
: ̗̀➛ It's good that you're more into soft sex because that's quite literally all that Firefly can handle. Seriously. Don't go rough on her unless you want her to get sent to the hospital.
: ̗̀➛ She can get a bit insecure about this and think that you deserve someone that you won't have to restrain yourself for during sex, but you reassure her that isn't the case and that intimacy isn't the most important part of your relationship with her.
: ̗̀➛ Due to how frail she is, it takes a lot of trust for her to engage in intimacy with someone. Chances are, you're probably her first time. She trusts you to not only make her feel good, but she also trusts that you'll be gentle and respect her boundaries.
: ̗̀➛ She's more on the vanilla side, but being physically weak doesn't stop her from having a few kinks of her own. For the most part, she'd be into getting blindfolded and temperature play.
: ̗̀➛ Whether Firefly is on top or not, she's way too gentle to ever hurt you, even accidentally. She's definitely the type to ask for consent/ask if you're feeling good every 5 minutes, regardless of how horny and desperate she might be.
When Firefly walked through the door with a sense of restlessness in her footsteps, rushing to take off her coat and straddle your hips as you sat on the couch, you already knew what she wanted.
Every time she's away at work (if you can even call it that) for a long time, she comes back all tense and desperate to please you. It's her favorite way to destress, she says. Still, you can never get used to your sweet and gentle Firefly being so... lustful.
Of course, you don't mind and you'd gladly help her take her mind off work, but the contrast in her behavior never fails to catch you off guard.
She buries her face into your neck, breathing heavily as her hands fumble for the waistband of your pants. "Pants, please?" You snap out of your inner monologue and help her.
Once she looks up at you, you can't help but notice the glint in her eyes. It's... different, and hungry. You can't help but be glad that you don't have to wake up early the next morning.
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prince0fpaints · 3 months
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Working for the Wayfinders Society leaves Sloan with the dilemma of messy nails, which reader works so hard on perfecting for their big day..
I wrote this at 1 am so pardon any spelling mistakes and enjoy the new Venture crumbs!!
"Stay still! I won't be able to get it on properly otherwise." Sloan was especially fidgety today, glancing over at the clock and at the calendar that hung slightly lopsided in the kitchenette. "Sorry pebble, It's just today is THE day! How can I keep still!" You were acutely aware of the day Sloan was talking about, they had been talking about it for about 3 weeks now. You sighed as you applied the final coat of clear polish onto their nails listening to them go over the story of how they waited and waited and now the day was finally here. "I mean, how can I not be excited!? My team is finally visiting Göbekli Tepe! Only teams of 4-5 were allowed there every year and now.." you were smiling at Sloan, pure love smeared across your expression. Though, it was quickly wiped away when they scooped you up into a vice grip they called a hug. ".. I'm finally going!! Aw man I can't wait!" They were practically bouncing off of the walls as they waited for the transportation to take them all the way to the barely excavated site. All the meanwhile you were delicately putting away the nail polish and decorative stickers while Sloan rambled on and on about this once in a lifetime expedition. "It was discovered in 1963 but wasn't excavated till 1993! Teams stopped going to preserve its core history but now after so long it's finally open to us! And the Wayfinders are the first to touch its grounds in years!!" You listened with a proud smile on your face, you could listen to your love for hours, late into the night, early in the morning, or all afternoon. You loved Sloan and it honestly hurt when they had to leave. But, they had been looking forward to this for years, and you were more than happy to see them off.
. . .
"Got everything? Goggles, boots, cell phone, backup cell-" "Amor! I've got everything, but I've gotta get going." you frowned just a little, you honestly wanted to go with them, however, because you weren't a member of the Wayfinders society you couldn't go with or on certain sites with Sloan. "Promise I'll call you as soon as I get to the living quarters and I'll take plenty of photos.. If I get permission." You loved that goofball dearly, anything they did made your stomach fill with butterflies. "And besides, If I miss you, I'll just take a look at the masterpieces on my hands!" That made you smile, compliments from Sloan and actions like that would prove they'd go to great lengths to do just about anything to make you happy. That sweet moment had to come to an end soon and with a kiss that felt like saying goodbye to a lover going to war, Sloan was in the car and off to the site. And almost in an instant after the car pulled off, you missed them. Man, these were going to be a long 3 days.
. . .
"Mi Vida! Mi Amor! Ven Mira!!" not even a second into the apartment and sloan was barreling through the door covered in dust and dirt from the site, not even bothering to clean off their coat as they stumbled into the kitchen where they found you. "While I was searching an area in the site, I found something that dated back nearly 200 years! This was the biggest discovery in ages!" You gasped and threw yourself into Sloan's arms, praising them telling them how happy you were for them to be back. "Look look! The discovery made the paper and news! They didn't let me keep the artifact but I was on the front cover of the paper! How cool is that!?" You were beaming so hard, proud of them, their discovery, and their return, you stared at the paper thrust into your face and read about three words before noting your lover's hands, covered in dirt.. And nail polish chipped. "Sloan. I'm so incredibly happy and proud for you but.. I need to fix these.. " They pulled a hand to their face and chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of their head. "Yeah, guess the artifact and my nails have one thing in common." you tilted your head quizzically. "And what's that?" "We both didn't come up in pristine condition!" Oh how you loved your goofball. 
As always, feedback is welcome and requests and critiques are appreciated!!
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
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defy your destiny | rewrite your fate.
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley) x Avatar Fem!Reader/OC
Update Schedule: Semi-daily (schedule depends on my work, most of the chapters are already written and I'm writing buffers coz I can't stop, help--)
Summary: Under the luminous full moon of the pre colonial Philippine archipelago in the year 900, Mira Batala's fate to serve their patron moon goddess, Mayari, as an avatar was sealed from the moment a divine kiss was bestowed on her forehead from her infancy. Gifted with a second chance at life, her extraordinary birth marks the onset of a divine oath to be honored and fulfilled as immortality soon became a curse rather than a gift. As she outlived her family and becomes the last of her olden lineage, Mira embarks on a millennia-long journey of protecting her people and guiding the travelers of the night through its darkest.
bugna: takipsilim (destiny's twilight) is a thrilling saga of ancient gods, boundless love, and a woman's timeless odyssey. As Mira confronts her past and embraces her role as Mayari's Avatar, she discovers the essence of her bugna (true destiny) and the interconnectedness of all strings of fate tied to her own: namely her intertwined destinies with Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley as the reincarnated fragments of her greatest love's past life.
TW/CW: Abuse, Age Difference, Alcohol, Alternate Universe, Angst, Comfort, Drama, Dreams and Nightmares, Falling In Love, Fluff, Historical, Hurt/Comfort, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping I'm Sorry, Idiots in Love, Not Beta Read, Mutual Pining, Polyamory, Reader-Insert Relationship(s), Romance, Slow Build, Smut, Soulmates, Trauma.
Prologue | A Kiss Of Intertwined Destinies
Chapter One | Shadows Of The Past
Chapter Two | Dreams Of Fate, Farewell & New Beginnings
Chapter Three | A Chance Encounter Above The Clouds
Chapter Four | The Homecoming
Chapter Five | Ties & Strings That Bind
Chapter Six | Coffees, Paninis & Museum Dreams
Chapter Seven | A Night of Discovery, History and Connection
Chapter Eight | Avatar Of Mayari, Protector Of The Night
Chapter Nine | Forgotten Memories & Inevitable Truth
Chapter Ten | A Taste of Camaraderie & New Adventures
Chapter Eleven | When The Sparks Fly
Chapter Twelve | Between Awakening Desires & Celebratory Nights
Chapter Thirteen | Companionship & Late Night Confessions
Chapter Fourteen | The Hidden Protector
Chapter Fifteen | Bound By The Crescent Moon
Chapter Sixteen | All Has Been Revealed
Chapter Seventeen | Moon Magic & Mysteries Of The Night We Met
Chapter Eighteen | Shared Burdens & Unexpected Alliances
Chapter Nineteen | Choices and Commitments
Chapter Twenty | The Doorway of Accursed Memories
Chapter Twenty One | Lieutenant Darius Carter
Chapter Twenty Two | A Love Forged in War (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Three | The Jackal and the Moon (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Four | Il Lamento della Luna (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Five | Meeting the Sun and Stars (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Six | Konseho ng mga Diwata // Council of the Gods (coming soon)
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Also, I will be cross posting this on Wattpad and AO3 soon, so I have commissioned an artist to create a book cover. Here's a sneak peak.
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I'm super excited to show you the rest once she's done. In the meantime, please follow her on Instagram @lindsaynid_arts if you wanna see more of her artwork.
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toracainz · 1 year
Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts Their Cakehole
Summary: You and Jake decide to go on a road trip.
Warnings: Inaccurate depictions of DID (only knowledge from the show and some light research). Swearing. Established relationships. Spoilers for Case 63. References to the boys past trauma with water. Mild miscommunication. Verbal conflict due to frustration.
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: I am not fluent by any means in Spanish so if there is anything incorrect please let me know.
A/N: beta read by the wonderful @luvpedropascal and another friend that doesn’t have a tumblr lol.
A/N: this was for a fic exchange for the anniversary of Moon Knight, but as you can see I'm kind of late lol oh well! hope you enjoy!
Mira, amor. = Look, love. Corazón = heart Mi tesoro, ¿qué pasa? = My treasure, what’s up? Cariño = Dear Dios, ¿eso es todo? = God, is that all? Lo lamento…realmente. = I’m sorry…really. Amor = love mierda = fuck Se lo juro. = I swear it. Nuestro amor. Nuestro sol. Nuestro corazón. = Our love. Our sun, our heart. luz de mi vida = light of my life
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The eerie music of the podcast played in the background as the characters spoke. A man, who was apparently a doctor, talking (though he sounded just like the patient from the earlier part of the podcast) with the confused woman, a doctor herself…from the future?
“Let’s see, ‘Case 63’. It says your name is Eliza Beatrix Knight. You were admitted at 7:22 p.m. on November 24th. You were found naked at JFK airport in one of the bathrooms in Terminal 8 with paranoid ideations and confusion. You told a curious story about the end of the world in the future—“
“But the—the future??” She definitely sounded confused and a bit distressed.
“Yes, the future.” The doctor answered.
“Oh…wait. Wait. Okay. Wh—what year is it now?”
“You don’t know what year it is?”
“What year is it?” The woman repeated, a little agitated.
“It’s 2012, Ms. Knight.”
The only sound, other than the credits of the podcast, was the droning of wheels on pavement as you and Jake headed down the road. You had nearly begged Jake to listen to the podcast after you got back on the road from the last stop. You looked over to Jake, smirking as you studied his stoic, contemplative look. He suddenly let out a huff of a laugh, shifting in the driver's seat a bit.
“What?” you asked him, a little unsure of what to make of his reaction.
“That’s like…2 hours of my life I’ll never get back.”
“What?! Oh come on, you can’t be serious. That was a good show!” You insisted, mock offense on your face (though not entirely mocked).
“Mira, amor. It was…interesting, but just not my kinda thing. I mean, the guy was just bullshitting the whole time.” He shrugged, keeping hold of the steering wheel, his other elbow propped on the ledge of the window.
“Bullshitting??? Ugh, whatever. Putting it back on your old man music. Keep listening to this and I’ll have to put you in a home soon.” You teased as you reopened the music app and started his playlist. Frank Sinatra came to life in the speakers.
“‘Old man music’? These songs are classics and timeless. So are the dance moves.” He smirked glancing over at you, seeing your pout fighting off a grin. “I know you like it when I dance with you, corazón. Don’t hear you complaining then.”
“Because I have you to distract me from it.” Looking at the map on your phone, you tried to see how much further until the next stop.
You and Jake had been planning this trip for a while, just you, him, and the open road. The only thing that wasn’t accounted for, though, was Jake’s determination to pick the music, the snacks, and the places to stop. It wasn’t too obvious at first, especially when he was pointing out some pretty fun locations to go to, but it seemed like any time you made a suggestion, he would try and convince you to do something else. It was cute, with a bit of poking and some laughs about Jake being hard-headed, but the further into this trip you got, the more it started to bother you. Looking at the map, the both of you would be arriving pretty soon at the last motel before making the last trek to the final destination on the trip “itinerary”, Antelope Canyon.
Weeks Earlier
After you had mentioned going on a road trip, Jake took it upon himself to check out potential places and possible things to do there. Nothing had been discussed in earnest yet, but Jake's (and his headmates’) curiosity got the better of them. Vegas was discussed, San Francisco, and the Rocky Mountains, among other potential options. It wasn’t until Marc suggested the Grand Canyon that things really started rolling. Jake had in his mind that the Grand Canyon, while grand was honestly boring. He hadn’t expected Steven to agree with him, so the three began to look at other locations.
That’s when they found it. Antelope Canyon. Now that was a destination.
Steven offered to do the research since he actually enjoyed reading endless pages of websites or books, but Jake insisted that he would take care of everything. Looking through hiking reservations and things to do in the area around the canyon, Jake had started to really enjoy planning it all. He just knew you’d be excited for it all.
That is…until he read an article about some of the facts about the canyon and its geography. According to the article, the canyon was prone to flooding. Seeing that word made his blood run cold and his heart begin to pound. When he noticed his hand clenched tightly into a fist he had to consciously relax it. It was fairly understandable that if it rained in the area of the canyon then of course water collected, but the part that worried him and his headmates was that it could be dry in the canyon but rain elsewhere, and the canyon could still have a flash flood. There had even been ladders installed in the canyon for people to grab onto and climb to higher ground. At first, they were wooden, but those broke all too easily. They've since been replaced with metal ladders. Plenty of people had lost their lives to this all too familiar force of nature.
Once Jake learned about this, he began looking heavily into the weather of the area and the best time to go. Planning for the driest possible month that he could and making sure the projected weather was clear as it could be. Jake’s not delusional by any means, he knows that weather can be unpredictable so far in advance, but he had to try. Jake started to check the weather religiously to make sure things would work in his favor. He wasn’t taking any chances, wasn’t going to put the system in danger, and definitely wasn’t going to pull you along with them. He wouldn’t let that happen…not again.
So it was settled. Route. Destination. Activities. And the window of time they had to arrive.
You both had been talking about taking a road trip for a while now and it wasn’t until a week or so ago that the two of you started talking and planning in earnest. Jake was the one that picked the route since he insisted on driving the whole way, but to your surprise, he also picked the destination -  even going as far as to look at weather reports for the times that you two would be there. That left you to pick the snacks and the fun touristy stops along the way, giant rubber band ball-type attractions, that’s what road trips are all about right? Hearing you get excited by each new place you found along Jake’s route gave him the softest and warmest smile. This was how every night was spent leading up to the trip, you and him sitting on the couch, your legs over his, or laying in bed, his arm around you and getting giggly from all the excitement, an extended trip with your partner, your Jake.
What you didn’t know, and what you’ve rarely seen, was how Jake was stealing glances at you. He wasn’t exactly the talkative one in the relationship, but he didn’t mind, not when he could just observe and admire your energy. The smile on his face was content like waking up at your own pace in a comfy, warm bed. These simple moments were what Jake enjoyed most, these mundane, everyday moments. He never asked for much and he never needed much, so when he found you and you decided that you would give him your love, well that was all he could have ever asked for.
Pulling into the motel parking lot, the silence that Jake thought was comfortable was not so for you. Stewing away at how nitpicky Jake was being, how he was nearly dictating what you both did on the trip with almost no regard to what you wanted. You knew it wasn’t because he was trying to be mean.  Jake liked to have control of situations. Having control meant a certain level of safety, and that’s just how his mind worked, protecting himself, protecting the system…protecting you. What you couldn’t understand was why. What sort of danger could come from the wrong kind of chip or soda being bought at the gas station?
You both grabbed your bags from the trunk and went into the room, starting each of your nightly routines…still, in silence, save for the small T.V.  that had been turned on to some local news station. Then Jake chimed in on what side of the bed he would be sleeping on. You didn’t need him to tell you. You knew he would take the side closest to the window and door, that’s the side he always took.
“I know what side you sleep on. You don’t have to tell me!” you snapped not too unkindly. Funny how the bed would be the final straw. Jake stepped out of the bathroom. He was only half undressed as he was getting ready to shower (he thought showering with you, but the tone in your voice had him second-guessing).
“Mi tesoro, ¿qué pasa? If you want to skip the shower that’s fine, babe, just say so.” He fixed you with a confused look.
“Oh? So that I can decide?”
“Cariño, what are you saying? I don’t play head games, get it out. Start making sense or I’m go–”
“This whole trip…the whole trip, you have been so picky about everything. Where we stop, where we don’t stop, what snacks to get, where to stay and almost every time I suggest something you shoot it down. If it’s not your way it’s the highway is that it?” That was one thing that you were happy for in your relationship with Jake, and it certainly took some time to get to this point. Jake was right, he didn’t like playing head games. He didn’t like the whole “you should know what’s wrong” bit. He was never fully open about his own feelings, but clear communication? He was a staunch advocate. He wanted to know what was wrong, what was right, how he could meet you in the middle, all of it.
Hearing this outburst, his muscles tensed ever so slightly, his jaw tensing more. Jake tossed his shirt on the bed as he came over to his duffel bag, grabbing his toiletries bag, and starting back into the bathroom. “I’ve been picky. Picky. Dios, ¿eso es todo? And that’s what’s got you all worked up, just because I’m picky.”
“Just because. Worked up. This was supposed to be a fun trip and it is, it was! But damn it, Jake, it’s not fun for me when you can’t let go for two seconds. Nothing’s going to happen if we stop at some honey farm or a fruit stand or a fucking huge ball of twine!” The floodgates open, as you let out the building frustration from the past couple of days. It felt good to get it out, so it wasn’t buzzing around in your head any longer. Jake had been leaning against the bathroom counter, shoulders tense and hunched as he looked at himself in the mirror. You don’t know if Marc or Steven has anything to say about your outburst, if he’s listening to them, and right now that’s the least of your concerns.
You could see his jaw flexing and clenching as the gears were turning in his head, trying to come up with something to say.
“You want me to let go? Want me to just let things happen? Fine,” he threw his hands up. “Yeah, I’ll let go as soon as you learn some restraint. Think you can handle that for one more day? Hmm? You knew what you were getting into when you looped me into whatever you want to call this relationship.” He looked at you in the reflection as he grabbed what he needed and went to finally get in the shower.
“Fine. Sounds fantastic. Maybe tomorrow you can work on getting the stick out of your ass and actually enjoy the hike instead of worrying if a lizard’s going to be within thirty feet of us. Yeah, enjoy your shower.” You huff, going and sitting on the bed to watch T.V. while you wait for your turn with the shower. Flipping through the channels didn’t produce anything worth watching so you settled on the news again. Sometimes on the trip, you and Jake would shower together, make out, actually bathe, or both, and just enjoy those little moments. That was not in the plans tonight and you weren’t even sure how the bed situation would work tonight, there being only one, probably not a lot of cuddling.
Relationships have their rocky moments, that’s to be expected to some degree, but talking to each other and coming to an understanding…maybe once you both cool off you can have a more constructive conversation. Until then, you both needed some time to let the emotions come down from their boil, maybe on the drive tomorrow you two could talk, sort things out, otherwise it was going to be a long trip back to New York.
Jake eventually got out of the shower, curls wet and slicked back, and only in his underwear. You were upset with him, so stop looking at him like that…with all his muscles and tan skin and inky curls that started to spring back from their slicked state. You tried to shake it off as you got off the bed without a word to go for your own shower. Jake watched you go and once he heard the water start he sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands as he and his headmates tried to help come up with a way to salvage the trip. Sounds like partly cloudy days in the future.
That morning, after a not-so-pleasant night of sleeping as far away from each other as possible, though you're certain at some point in the night you could feel a strong hand gently caressing your shoulder, the two of you packed your things and got back on the road. It wasn’t much further to Antelope Canyon so the drive wasn’t terrible. It was certainly quiet though.
As Jake pulled into a parking space, he was the first to break the silence, gently grabbing your arm, stopping you as you started to get out of the car. When you look back at him it all started to flare up again. He’s stopped you from getting out of the car, decided things for you. You don’t mean to be on edge, it all just feels so raw.
“Lo lamento…realmente.” He says withdrawing his hand, holding it up to show he’s not keeping you, he only meant to get your attention, “We can talk about it on the hike, I just…I wanted to say it now. Before we get out there. I’m not expecting you to forgive me just because I said “I’m sorry”, I know I’m not the easiest person to live with, just ask Marc and Steven…” he paused, not entirely sure what else he could say. He really felt he was difficult to live with and he knew that his hypervigilance could get overbearing, but that’s something he intended to work on.
You listened to him, still feeling that boiling frustration, knowing that he meant it, he always means it. Jake clenched his fist, resting it against the gearshift trying to put the words together. “Let’s get out there…” He nodded, more to himself, gently hitting the gearshift with the side of his fist before getting out of the car to get the backpacks. While you grabbed yours Jake headed over to the information kiosk for maps, a weather radio, and to check in for the hike
It’s kind of amazing how being in a place like this could distract from the stresses you both came with. The smooth, waving walls of the canyon in those bright red and orange hues. It looks so ancient, mystical, alien, and absolutely breathtaking. You both were able to relax as you worked your way through trails, well you more than Jake who seemed to be clenching his jaw or muttering to himself (or Marc and Steven) a lot. Whatever it is they’re talking about, you hoped it wouldn't crop up into another argument, not when the hike had been going so well.
And that’s when it happened.
You suggested that you stop for a break, just to drink a little water, maybe eat a snack, take some pictures, or something, but Jake trudges ahead.
“We can go a little further, come on.” He said, pulling ahead now. It was as if the argument and his apology meant absolutely nothing to him. What in the hell was happening?! You never took Jake to go back on his apology or his word. Yes, the man would fib on occasion but he wouldn’t flat out lie like that…not to you.
“What? You have got to be kidding. After all that? For God’s sake, Jake you just couldn’t handle i,t could you? The whole hike you’ve been acting so uptight. Are you even enjoying this? This whole thing was your idea and now you have a look like someone just smelled the most gag-inducing stench.” You weren’t going to let it slide like you had in the car ride, you were going to call him out on it. This was your trip too and you wanted to go out and have fun. Which you were, but having a muttering cloud of gloom accompanying you was not helping.
Jake stopped, tilting his head back and looking to the sky, muttering more things (you couldn’t quite make it out, but it vaguely sounded like Spanish swearing), definitely a bit cloudy now but nothing too bad for now. Slowly, he lowered his head as he turned to look at you, regret clear on his face. “Amor, I swear this is the last time today…I uh, had looked up the trails online—just to be safe—I only meant…mierda…there’s a cool place up ahead. You've probably seen it in pictures, a beam of sunlight coming in…we can break there and after that…” he makes the motion of zipping his lips, tossing away the key, and holding up his hands in surrender.
Well, that was…unexpected. The worst part was, it was a good idea. With a huff you crossed your arms, contemplating the options and the fact that he really did mean what he said…he was trying, but you were still frustrated, and maybe(?)  going to this special place meant that the whole rest of the time Jake would just lighten up and you could actually contribute to the trip.
“Fine. Yeah, fine, let’s go to this “cool place” and we’ll take a break there.” You shook your head, conceding. “But after that, you have to let me have some say, Jake—“
“I will. Se lo juro. Just thought you would like it and taking a break there you can take it all in like you do.”
He stood there waiting for you to rejoin the hike. Thankfully the place wasn’t much further, just as he said, and you looked around in awe at how nature could make such enchanting views. You were enjoying it and taking it all in, just as he said.
You both started to take off your backpacks, taking out a blanket and some snacks and drinks for the little makeshift rest stop this little place was about to become. The thing that was most mesmerizing was the beam of light in question, and yet again, he was right. You stood there drinking your water watching this marvel of nature, this beam of light so precise and almost like a sspotlight The sunlight almost looked tangible, so letting the inner kid in you come out for a little fun, you stuck your hand into the sunlight. That wonderful, imaginative part of you almost expected to feel it, well feel something other than the warmth it brought. Like it should have been hard like a stone column or fluid yet weighty like a stream or waterfall.
“Alright, I’ll give it to you. This is a really cool place to rest for a bit. Sorry for blowing up like that again. If you know any more places like this we should stop at, let’s make a plan okay? Together. We’re supposed to be enjoying the hike right? Just like you s—“
When you turned to look at him, you were met with a sight that that imaginative part of you was absolutely not expecting.
On one knee.
Holding a small, velvet-covered box.
You didn’t know what to do, so you just gaped at the sight. Nerves were clear on his face as he opened the little box.
“Nuestro amor. Nuestro sol. Nuestro corazón. I know now that I wasn't being fair to you on this trip and I truly am sorry. You’ve put up with me, with Marc, and Steven when we were absolutely not the easiest to put up with. You accepted us, all of us, and everything that comes with being with someone like us…and we couldn’t be more thankful to have such a patient, loving, and strong partner. Because God knows you have to be strong to have to deal with three grown man-children.” Jake chuckles breathily, hoping the joke would help his nerves (it didn’t), not until he heard you chuckle too. The corner of his mouth quirks slightly, letting that little moment of levity give him the breathing room for what was about to come next.
“Will you marry us?”
You stood there still stunned, but now tears were trickling down your cheeks. Yeah, there was a lot to deal with, mostly due to their collective tempers and vastly different ways of doing things among other quirks…but you weren’t perfect, not by a long shot. There were plenty of things you did or said that they had to put up with too. But that’s the beauty of it, right? People are flawed. They mess up. They find someone to love them and they grow together…to work at being together, because it’s not easy, nothing in life is ever easy…but loving them…even after every argument, disagreement, or misplaced frustration…that was easy. How could you not?
You stepped closer to Jake. The last of the system that you met and once you had, everything just felt complete. Now, here he was before you, on behalf of himself and his headmates, asking you to love them for the rest of their lives. And you said yes…how could you not? You said yes again, nodding your head as he came to his feet, a nervous smirk blooming into an ecstatic grin as he plucked the ring from its box and slipped it on your finger.
It was a simple silver band with three diamonds set into it…one for each of them. You held up your trembling hand to admire it, your heart thrumming with what it represented. Looking at Jake, you wrapped your arms around him, as he did the same to you, your lips meeting each other. So much love and passion shared between you. It felt too soon when you both pulled away to catch your breath. When you looked into his eyes you saw his own tears threatening to slip away and down his cheeks, and you also saw the tenderness and deep love that he and his headmates shared for you.
After another kiss (and another), you both stand there in the beauty of the moment.
“I love you,” you finally say.
“I love you too, luz de mi vida. Like you wouldn’t believe. So much, that I made sure to plan as much of the trip as I could to try and make it memorable…turns out I made it exhausting and should have just had you help plan it.” Jake couldn’t wipe the smile from his face if he tried, you said yes and now you had the rest of your lives to plan more trips.
“Definitely should have consulted me. I have a keen sense for adventure, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And we have plenty of time to plan trips, annoy each other, love each other…and on the ride back, we will be having the best adventure.” You smile wide before Jake leans in, giving you another kiss which you happily reciprocate.
“I can’t wait.”
A/N: Antelope Canyon has a tendency to flood. This can apparently happen even if the rain occurred miles away. The boys were not only nervous about the proposal but also flooding, hence the weather research, monitoring, and radio.
taglist: @spacecowboyhotch @marc-spectorr @juneknight @mccn-bcys
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vulpixisananimal · 5 months
(A house for Defenders. Or a castle. Or maybe just a place. Regardless that's where they were now. You were leading the charge, as usual. Followed by Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, Bonnie, and Nille. It was like that old routine, just follow Siffrin. It was... comforting? You weren't really sure.)
(The Defenders, as Isabeau had once told you, had a house of their own. All about protecting the weak and looking over the city and those in it. It looked welcoming, people coming in and out, bringing in snacks, running around, chatting. If you had time, you'd ask what was making the place so busy.)
(Why do I need to be the one in charge here?)
(I'm pretty tired, plus, you did good at guiding them before.)
(You're their guiding star~)
(You groan internally. That was horrible.)
(You step into the Defender place. It looked grand and busy. It was built like a public place. So many smiling faces around, it would have made you relaxed.)
(You glance at your party. They all looked so tense.)
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(The stranger went right up to Isabeau like they were old friends.) "Isa!! It's been, what, almost a year??"
(Isabeau hesitated.) "... Yeah!! Sorry I was just surprised to uh, see you!"
"Care to introduce us, Isabeau?" (Odile and the others were coming around to meet the new face.)
"Oh!! Right!! This is uh, Ramos! We hung out a lot before I left." (Isabeau mentioned each of you all in turn.) "Odile, Bonnie, Nille, Mirabelle and Siffrin! We're all traveling together!"
"Good to see you again Mirabelle!" (They waved, all chipper and smiling.) "I'm glad that I can see you again, not that I doubted you or 'beau."
"O-oh! Uh, thank you!!" (Mirabelle replied. Maybe telling them all that something bad happened here wasn't a good idea.)
"Are you guys just coming to visit? Or ya need a hand?"
"Someone grabbed Bonnie in broad daylight at the market yesterday. (Odile said, voice steady. At least she could keep a straight face here.)
"What!?!" (Ramos scowled at that.) "In the middle of the busiest place in town! Dunno if that's gutsy or stupid."
"I'd say lucky, if I caught em I'd knock their teeth out!" (Nille continued.) "If it wasn't for Mirabelle I woulda lost em."
"Oh Change." (Ramos shook their head.) "Well tell ya what. There's a few people who can help with that, I'll lead you there! Plus I gotta catch up with my buddy."
(Joke time.)
"Oh, do you keep flowers?"
(Ramos turns to you.) "Flowers?"
"'Cause you have a budding friendship."
(There were a mix of groans and laughs from your family and Ramos. Who moved towards you and was about to put an arm around you.)
(But stopped.)
(. . ?)
"Hey let's get going! The sun isn't waiting for us after all." (Said ramos, turning to lead you all.)
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(Ramos and Isabeau were leading the group, chatting and catching up. You were keeping step with them, glancing around the halls and rooms they passed. It all seemed so... Normal.)
(You glance back, Mirabelle was biting her nails (stopping as you give her a look) Odile looked calm and analytical as always, Nille and Bonnie were chatting. Bonnie sniffed the air.)
"Do you keep plants here?"
"Huh? This isn't another joke, is it?" (Ramos replied.)
"Wait! Wasn't there that guy who was keeping roses? It could be that! What was his name..." (Isabeau pondered.)
(... Wait.)
"What's it smell like?" (You ask)
"Huh?" (Bonnie glanced up at you.) "Oh, mint. A neighbor used to have it all over their garden, I'd smell it all the time."
"Oh no!" (Mira exclaimed.) "Mint is so hard to remove, a friend of mine at the House tried using Craft to get rid of it but that didn't even work!"
"Those poor roses..." (Ramos mused.) "He has been stressed lately, maybe that's why."
"Oh!! Maybe I could try, helping with that then?"
"Sure!" (Ramos walked over to Mirabelle and put a hand on her shoulder, and pointed down a hall.) "Should be down there, not hard to miss."
"I'm coming too!!!" (Bonnie ran after Mirabelle, Nille following right behind yelling at them to slow down.)
(Your hand twitches, about to protest but... They were already off, Isabeau catches your look, and smiles at you as if to say "they'll be okay." You hope so.)
"Not far now." (Ramos continued.) "Sorry this place can be a maze."
"I'm used to mazes." (You reply. Odile snorts at that.)
"Has Jouvente had a history of kidnappers?" (Odile asks.)
"Nope! It's supposed to be real safe here." (Another turn.) "Dunno why someone would try to grab a kid."
"Hmm." (You knew that look. If Odile had THAT look then something was up.)
(Another turn.)
"Oh don't worry M'dame, Ramos has always been able to help!" (Isabeau looked back and smiled at you.) "They helped me a lot with my defenders exams! It was a real struggle."
(... What?)
(Another turn.)
"Are the Defender exams particularly tough?" (Odile asked, ever curious.)
"Oh yeah!! But thanks to Ramos I didn't break a sweat-"
(You stop walking.)
(How many loops had you and Siffrin talked to him? How many lines of his has you memorized. You probably knew his history better than he did.)
(Then why was he getting it wrong?)
"You never mentioned Ramos before, Isabeau."
(He tilted his head.) "I haven't?"
(No. You haven't. Over hundreds of loops, of hundreds of variations. You never once heard that name. But you knew Isabeau asked a favor tree to ace his exams. You knew he studied. You knew he found it easy and didn't need help.)
(What's that smell?)
"You have not, no." (Odile adds.) "And I must ask, if Jouvente is safe, how'd you get that bandage, Ramos?"
(You look at the Defender. You knew their look too.)
(Fear. Fear about a flubbed line. Fear about a slipping mask.)
"Siffrin! M'dame! Please there's no need for any of that-"
(Odile pushes past Isabeau and grabs Ramos' arm.) "What's going on? I don't want to hurt you, Ramos, but someone tried hurting Bonnie."
(What. That. SMELL.)
"M-miss Odile please! I just want to figure this out and, and I want to help!"
(She looks at him for a moment, then stumbles back.)
(Ramos continued.) "If you'd just, just help me out here I'm sure we can-"
"Siffrin?" (Odile glances at you. Her face, it's, she looks panicked. Confused.)
(You look between her, Isabeau, and Ramos. What was going on? What was that smell? What weren't they telling you? Odile put a hand to her head. Isabeau took a step to her to help.)
(You could see Ramos trying to get back into character.)
(. . . Time to play your own role then. You draw your dagger.)
(You take a step towards Ramos and speak.) "Tell me the truth."
"I, I-I am I promise I am! I don't know why I'd ever lie to you!"
(Step.) "Liar liar pants a'fire~"
"Siffrin they're, I don't think they're a threat." (Odile mumbled.)
"They're my friend Sif!! Leave them alone!!!" (Isabeau added.)
"I don't want to fight you, but, but I will! I will defend myself!!"
(Step.) "I don't want to hurt you either, Ramos~" (You twirl your knife.) "But I don't know if I can hold myself back~"
(Loop, you're scary.)
"Siffrin?!?!" (Isabeau stood up and stepped towards you.) "What's gotten into you?!?"
(Running out of time.)
(You breathe in, and out. Dash towards Ramos and swipe at their kerchief.)
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(. . . You were right.)
"Siffrin! That's enough!" (Isabeau got between you and Ramos, but the star pendant was there for all to see. Why was Isabeau being so strange! Couldn't he see that's who grabbed Bonnie?!?)
"That's enough?!? 'Beau please, you can see they're wearing that blinding pendant!" (You were loosing patience.)
"That's just fashion! How do you know it's connected to anything!"
"It's not just fashion!" (You were yelling.) "It's a star! And it-"
"Stop making excuses!! You're just being selfish!"
(. . . Selfish?)
"You've been nothing but rude to me and my friends! You always have been!"
(What. No that, that's not-)
(Something's wrong, this isn't right!)
"I should never have trusted you."
(You feel a tug-)
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(. . .)
(He didn't mean it. He didn't mean it. he didn't mean it he didn't mean it he didn't mean it he didn't mean it he didn't mean it.)
(He. Didn't. Mean. It.)
(. . . He didn't. . .)
(. . . Please. . .)
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cute-as-buttons · 8 months
could not resist trying my hand at a drabble after seeing this post by @wanderingbards
spoilers for act 1 under the cut!!
(no traps here.)
“we're good, mira.“ you smile. ”see? everything's fine.”
you stand there, and a moment too late you realise that maybe, just maybe, you'd perhaps been wrong.
and as you live through the novel experience of your body being crushed by a rock, you feel a tug on your stomach. And-
[loop 1]
you sleepily open your eyes. your body feels sore.
were you on the ground too long?
you close your eyes again and breathe out. around you, you can hear the chirping of birds, and you know just a few moments away, is the bright and chattering town of dormont, who've still managed to keep up the levity even though the world might end tomorrow.
but it won't. because you and your friends will stop the king and save vaugard.
after all this time, your journey is nearing its end.
you smile, thinking of how much they've all grown since you've known them. you've been travelling for as long as you can remember, and while your memory has never been your greatest strength, you do know that this is the happiest you've ever been.
the sun is shining, peaking from behind the clouds, the air is warm and you and your party will make sure that the warmth carries over into tomorrow.
you will win. you have to.
(get up, siffrin. you have a country to save.)
you dust the stray leaves that found your way onto your cloak and hat when you hear a voice calling out your name.
oh, yeah it's almost midday, you probably overslept. oh well, you had a nice nap.
you yawn and call out.
“i'm here!”
you barely get in a “hey, mira-!” she crushes you in a hug. you stiffen, your arms hanging at your sides. you don't know how to react.
is…this the first time she's done that? hugged you?
huh. weird.
she pulls back a second later, and you're about to crack a joke when you see her face.
mirabelle has always been an anxious person, but this feels…different. somehow.
she's always been anxious, but right now she looks terrified.
“i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to touch you, i was just so afraid i wouldn't find you here-” she says, clasping her hands together. she looks like she's about to explode in a ball of anxiety and burst into tears.
(didn't mean to touch you?)
you're so confused.
“hey, hey, mira,“ you say, gesturing to her. ”slow down. breathe with me?“
you put your hand on your chest and gesture for mirabelle to follow.
deep breath in. deep breath out.
you smile a little at her when she stops shaking.
she nods.
”okay, now, what's wrong? what happened?“
something about you is bothering her. but you don't know what.
”i…“ mira looks at you, almost like she's in…awe? “do you not remember?”
your breath catches at that.
(what is it, what did you forget this time? was it a birthday, an anniversary? what did you forget??)
mirabelle looks upset.
(You need to rectify your heinous crime right now.)
“no, of course i remember,” you say quickly, trying desperately to figure out what you might've forgotten. “we were supposed to meet at the clock tower, and tomorrow we go and defeat the king and save vaugard! right?”
you look to her for confirmation. she looks at you like she's going to cry.
”wait,“ you say, shaking your head in confusion. ”what did you mean that you were “afraid you wouldn't find me here”? i told you guys i'd be here if you needed me right?“
(did you forget to did you forget to did you forget to did you-)
something in mira's face changes. she sighs and shakes her head. you're so so confused.
and you can tell that mira doesn't seem to be in the mood for answers. you get it. so…
”did you,” you start, smiling a little. a little smirk just to let her know you're teasing. “fall asleep and have a nightmare?”
it's an out, and she takes it.
she shakily nods and tries to laugh. it comes out more as a whimper.
“yeah, i guess that must've been it,” she says. “i'll be in the town if you need me.”
you watch her leave.
something is going on with her, and you don't know what it is, but you intend to find out.
maybe something happened while you were asleep. you should
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> celos genre -> angst? + fluff in the form of reassurance & love pair -> bf!hyunjin x gn!reader plot -> jealousy consumes you when you least expect it but at least your boyfriend is there to comfort you before making irrational decisions. warnings -> jealousy ofc + one swear word words -> 1542 lowercase intended
tan bonita que amenaza
cuando calla', me da' miedo
tan fría como la nieve
cuando cae desde el cielo
cuando sales por la puerta
pienso que no vuelves nunca
y si no te agarro fuerte
siento que será mi culpa
pienso en tu mira' / rosalia
it was no secret to anyone with two eyes and common sense that hyunjin was an incredibly beautiful person. he had this aura and this finesse that was brought down by the gods themselves and sculptured just like the gorgeous man he was. he walked like he owned the place, he talked like he knew what he was saying and reassured the rest with his maneuver and his confidence. he appeared to be polite, calm and overall just incredibly handsome with his ways. it made you doubt everything you knew about yourself, not in an insecure kinda way (or maybe that's what you were trying to deny) but on a deeper level of you as a person. 
what made him choose you? what made the artist choose you as his canvas, his muse, his work of art? and this is beyond the things he paints and sculptures. this is not coming from his appearance though, you were grateful he chose you, you were beyond thankful to him that he gave you a chance to love him and to get as a return the amazing significant other that he showed you he was every single day. but then you remember as you stay every single day in your apartment as you try to work from home, try to concentrate on the millions of emails you have to send that maybe he was just too much for you. maybe you weren't giving him what he needed, maybe you weren't the one & only he decided to have for the rest of his life. 
he walks out that door every morning to come back exhausted and you've been nothing but understanding about it but what if... someone who had the same lifestyle as him comprehended it better? no (y/n) please don't follow those thoughts, you say to yourself but it was too late wasn't it?
how could he not? 
how could he not prefer an idol? a beautiful, lovely, innocent idol...
you were beyond repairing when your head clouded you with these thoughts. there were no tears but there was a feeling like you were choking on air as you felt worthless in the presence of your boyfriend (who wasn't even here). what if he didn't like this? your jealousy, your envy, your greed, these emotions are only ugly to feel. you wanted him to yourself but at the same time you knew that would never be the case. it would be stupid to think that he would decide to stay with you when you were so selfish right? oh god the tears.
as if destiny knew you perfectly, the sound of the door shutting (as it did every morning) was now right there in your ears but it was still earlier than what you were used to. it wasn't even nighttime when you got up, grabbing the sleeve of your hoodie and wiping your tears away as soon as possible. 
"jagi, i'm home! are you still working?" he asked from the living room as i was trying my best to calm down and not panic. i came out of my hiding spot (my office) and saw him there. oh god did he look splendid, i just couldn't believe my eyes again as i tried to comprehend how a person like this could be with a monster like me. a jealous, nasty monster. maybe it was an insecurity thing or maybe my head was right and all of this would only lead to our downfall in the future. just thinking about it made me freeze on the spot and then the tears were back. "wait, why are you crying? are you okay?" he got closer to me and immediately his fingertips were wiping my pathetic tears away.
"i'm fine, just... long day i guess?" i tried to come up with an excuse but i knew he could see right through me. i wasn't good at lying and he knew that, "okay fine, i'm sorry but i think we need to talk jinnie".
"i'm listening but let's sit down and no more lies okay?" he said, i could sense his tone changing and hinting worry. i knew him like the back of my hand and i guess he was preparing for what i was about to say. as i sat down next to him, all i could think about was the end for us. the end of our relationship that we worked so hard to balance between my life and his hectic & unusual one. how our dates had to be hiding either in my old apartment or in his dorms. how i got to meet his parents and they reassured me that my korean was perfect. how i experienced absolutely every emotion when he asked me to be his significant other. now it will probably be the last time that i got to call him that. "i can't hear your thoughts, you know but i can definitely sense where this is going".
"i'm sorry hyunjin, i just don't know how to even say this" i said and breathed in deep & out. i tried to look for the right words in my mind but everything was still the same old negative bullshit that i always fall for. so i went with my heart and everything that i was feeling but before i could do it...
"you want to break up with me because of my schedules right?" he said, biting his lip nervously and now what invaded me was confusion. "listen i know i don't have time, i know i'm not the best boyfriend in the world and oh god i do not deserve you at all. but i'll find a way to work it out okay? i cannot lose you for the life of me".
"jinnie what are you talking about? i would never leave you because of that" i said and i could sense relief coming through him but then the worry striked again. "or anything for that matter" i added.
"then what is it, baby? 'cause i hate seeing you like this, it breaks me already that i barely get to see you" he confessed and my heart couldn't take it when he said things like these. it was just too much to bare and i just wished i wasn't such a greedy person, i wished that i couldn't feel jealousy.
"i've been thinking a lot about you & i, it's just..." i was choking on tears again but i pulled through and said it for once & for all. "i don't feel like i deserve you, you're just so understanding, lovely and beautiful inside & out, i've been trying not to get jealous lately not of you but of the people you interact with every day".
"what do you mean?" he said, trying to understand me better.
"i just feel like you're better suited with someone who would hold a position like yours, who goes through the same path, who just simply holds that level of beauty that i don't hold" i said honestly and bitterly. i couldn't stand being so selfish when it came to him but sometimes things are better if you let the person you adore the most go.
"babe please don't break up with me, especially not because of that" he said and then i felt his hand intertwined with mine. the look in his eyes was sincere and i felt the grip on our hands tighten like we both didn't wanna let go. "the only person who is gonna suit me forever & ever is you".
"you're only saying that because you feel obligated to" i said and looked down but i could feel his other hand lift up my chin and his glassy eyes didn't lie. "jinnie please don't cry, i'm sorry..."
"i should be the one who's sorry, i haven't been here and you have been feeling this way" he said and sighed as he tried to push his tears away but it was like waterfalls, just no way to stop them now. "(y/n) i need you more than anything, i don't want someone with my lifestyle, the reason why i come home to you every night is because you're my peace. i could not imagine being with someone else 'cause i simply only see myself with you for the rest of my life. you might not be an idol, a model, an actor/actress but you're mine, my (y/n), who i love so fucking much".
i could feel him getting closer to me and closing the gap between us with a sweet kiss. it was probably the most special one we shared because it was magical, it felt so incredibly good, it didn't last long but it was just what i needed. a reassurance like that was once in a lifetime.
"i'm sorry for being like this" and then i got shut down with another kiss. "jinnie lemme talk!" i tried but it was no use.
"i'm sorry, you're just so beautiful..." he said smiling and i could feel the pink tint on my cheeks as i looked at him again and wrapped my arms around his neck. "you'll never know how much i love you..."
i could only imagine...
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siffrin-enthusiast · 2 months
(spins the question wheel in my brain) umm. if isat characters ran funny websites - made a geo/neocities or something - what kind of websites do you think they'd run, and how would they be designed?
OOOOHHH...let me put my thinking cap on. no plot spoilers but some ramblings about their characters :)
mirabelle would have a cursing of château castle fanpage and occasional reviews of other book series. she'd also write quite a bit about the change belief and post about her own OCs (she has OCs trust). mira tries so very hard to keep it aesthetic but autism blasts every few months and has to clean it up with isa's coding knowledge.
isa would have a page for his fashion business. he 100% coded it from scratch in a neocities with details about how each piece was made and how it was loved during its creation. it has a link to his personal social media for contact, 20% of which is about his brand and 80% is full of pictures of dogs he sees out and about. isa is really good at coding in my opinion!
i like to think odile would take up a blog as well as photography. i just imagine she'd like to document more of vaugard, more of herself and her heritage, to appreciate the quiet hum of change in the country through careful piecing-together of the present. she writes a lot and shares recipes that she doesn't make, but samples as she travels ka bue & vaugard. i DO think she makes the occasional shitpost kind of hidden away from the main landing page
siffrin had a website but last updated it six months ago. he's that one blogger that remembers they have a blog every year or so and comes back with an ao3 author kind of life tragedy every time. they give killer insight into various plays he sees and really good shitposts that keep people coming back though. probably a pretty plain, simple coded page with not too much CSS. there's probably a few drunk late at night kinda venting posts that are taken down the next morning.
bonnie's neocities is probably just a little overstimulating to look at. i'm sorry i think they'd have some eyestrain. isabeau/odile made them a custom layout and then bonnie hops on and rambles about their current interests in a private corner of the internet. bonnie's kind of in that "kid who wants to be taken seriously so they hide their more 'childish' interests" and them having a space to just indulge in/explore all of their interests would do them good!
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clarkes-and-god · 5 months
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"Dad, do we have to do this? If they've not been answering your calls, maybe it's not worth it, I don't think they're going to do anything."
"I've spent almost $1000 on flights to get us here, I'm missing a golf trip, and I don't know what we're going to do with you if this boy doesn't man up and take some responsibility. We're at least trying this."
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"We're busy, I'm not interested in buying anything."
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"Moriah, it's Maximus, you and your husband haven't been answering my calls so I thought we'd pay you a visit. Are Natan and your husband home?"
"Fine, come in. I'll go get them."
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"What on Earth do you want? I don't even know how you got our numbers, and you've been bothering us for weeks. How do you know where we live?"
"Do you really have no idea why we might want to see you? Look at her! And I did try to tell you when I called, but you decided not to listen, clearly. I explained the situation to Farris and Mira and they were more than happy to give me your numbers and address."
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"I'm sorry she's gone and got knocked up, but I don't see how that's our business. We'll be praying for her."
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"Maybe your son can tell you why it's your business."
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"I didn't do anything with her, I swear! I don't know what that whore told you, but it wasn't me."
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"I'm not a whore! You didn't even tell me we were doing that, I wouldn't have done it if I knew that's what it was!"
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"But we didn't do that! I think?"
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"You shouldn't have been doing anything with that little whore! This is why me and your father-"
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"I think it's too late for that now, Moriah, they've clearly slept together. Now, can we stop calling my daughter a whore and figure out what your son is going to do about it?"
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"I'm not doing anything about it. Even if I did do that with her, I might not be the dad. Maybe she did it with someone else."
"You're definitely the dad, Natan, I hadn't done anything like that before."
"But you clearly can't keep your legs closed, why should I believe you? You were flirting with me, it's your fault you got pregnant!"
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"Natan, you do work in politics, don't you? Republican party?"
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"I mean yeah, I knock on doors and stuff but I don't really see how that's related to what we're talking about."
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"Well, I'm a senator down in Willow Creek, and maybe it wouldn't be great for your career if the representatives up here heard about you getting my daughter pregnant and refusing to take any responsibility for it."
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"So I was thinking if I put a little money towards a ring and rent for a house, you might want to do something about this?"
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 9
I know I keep saying this but I think I'm starting to wrap it up. By my current calculations I have about 3 more chapters to write (as always I have several chapters backlogged). That could go up of course, but that's the way it appears to be going at the moment.
In this chapter we have the first of their three "dates" and Eddie and Steve get personal.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Heads up for sexy times, I would tell you where, but it's intermixed with a lot of conversation. Sorry.
Steve had never been nervous before a roleplay before. Not even his very first one. Of course that had been the homemaker one, and he thrived on them originally.
He had worn the dress as requested, but changed up the accessories. He went for simple pearl earrings and necklace. Nothing on his wrists, they would only cause problems later.
He leaned up against the bar, nursing his drink as he scanned the crowd. The thing about rolyplays was that you didn’t know exactly when the client would show up, just a ballpark figure.
Robin was on hand this time to scare off any assholes who thought that an escort was fair game whether or not they were on the clock or not.
She had already headed off three of these douchebags already and was in the process of heading off a fourth when another one breezed past her to head straight for Steve.
She was about dump ice down this alpha’s dress if she didn’t get out of her way so she could get her omega, when the woman saw the fifth alpha trying to chat Steve up.
She threw her arms in the air and stormed off, cursing Robin in at least three different languages.
Robin turned her attention to Steve, but smiled at the scene instead. Eddie Munson had arrived and Steve and he were eviscerating the asshole alpha for horning in on their date.
So she moved to sit in a nearby booth to watch them.
Eddie bristled when he arrived to see that Robin was having a hard time fending off alphas trying to get to Steve.
God, Steve.
Eddie had thought the man was beautiful in the glamour of his own home, but here, under the soft lights of the hotel bar, he looked like a goddess and Eddie was down to worship.
He strolled right up and slipped his arm around Steve’s waist. “Hello, darlin’. I’m sorry I’m late.”
Steve’s omega immediately preened at the attention. “I’m just glad you’re here now.”
The other alpha was a forty year old man who looked like he had more money than sense.
Eddie looked him up and down. “Shoo.”
The man sneered. “You really think that someone like you could handle an omega like that? Don’t make me laugh.”
Steve rolled his eyes, tugging on his earring. “Well considering he paid for the privilege and you didn’t, I’d fuck off before I call security.”
The man pulled himself up to full height and was scenting rage, but before he could even make a move, Xander was towering behind the guy and Robin put her hand one his chest.
Steve had signaled her when he tugged on his left earring and both his handler and driver were there for there intercept before things got really ugly.
As Xander and hotel security hauled him out, he started screaming cuss words and calling Steve all sorts of names.
Eddie winced. “Not how I wanted to start our date, sweetheart.”
Steve rubbed his nose along Eddie’s scent gland. “I don’t know, I found it hot the way you swooped in for the rescue.”
Eddie smirked. “Did you now?”
Steve bit his lip and looked down to glance up at him through his eyelashes. “Of course you did, baby. I’m such a lucky omega.”
Eddie’s alpha growled low and deep and it forced its way out of his throat. “You’re looking pretty hot yourself, Stevie.” His hand slid to press on Steve’s lower back and pulled the omega flush against his chest. “What’s your pleasure?” He nodded to the glass still in Steve’s hand.
Steve dragged his hips side to side, rubbing their clothed cocks together, but before Eddie could do anything than moan, Steve stepped away from the alpha and asked for a bottle of their best whiskey to share.
Eddie sat down on the barstool next to him and they talked. With each passing moment as the alcohol hit his system, Steve was getting warmer. He could feel the heat between his legs. He crossed them to try and tame the desire that was pulsating through his very core.
Eddie licked his lips and his mouth went dry. He downed the rest of his glass and threw money on the bar top.
“Keep the change,” he growled, not even glancing to see how much he had dropped, but judging from Steve’s impressed expression it was probably a lot.
Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist and they were off running for the elevators. Eddie pressed the up button and then pulled Steve close to kiss him deeply.
The elevator bell dinged and Steve pushed him away to dash into the open doors. Eddie gave chase and swung Steve around, bring him back to his orbit, barely hitting the right floor as he drank in Steve’s kisses.
Again the elevator bell dinged and the doors swung open again and they ran out, hand in hand.
Steve giggled as Eddie struggled to get the key card out of his pants and finally let them into the hotel suite.
Eddie got his hands under the slits in the dress, feeling up Steve’s thighs. “God, baby. I could eat you all up.”
Steve smiled but pushed back. He took a couple steps back, putting more distance between them. Once he was far enough back that Eddie would get the full effect, Steve reached up and undid the clasp on his dress.
And as described the dress flowed like a waterfall to ground.
Eddie gaped as he stood there in his just thong and shoes. “Fuck. That was even sexier than it was in my head.”
He got close enough to extend his hand to help Steve step away from the folds of the dress pooling at his ankles and right into Eddie’s arms.
Eddie kissed him like he was drowning and Steve was his salvation.
Steve was dizzy with want. There were a few alphas in his past that he had had crushes on or even developed feelings for, but they were nothing compared to the sheer want of being with Eddie.
“Yes, alpha,” he murmured. “Take what you want.”
Eddie let out a low growl that came from his chest and Steve’s omega fucking chirped back. But before the embarrassment could over take Steve for having broken through his professionalism again for this man, Eddie was sweeping Steve off his feet and carrying him bridal style to the bed.
Eddie carefully set him down and then made quick work of taking off Steve’s shoes. Now all he was wearing was his matching gold thong and looking up at Eddie with hooded eyes.
“Fuck, Stevie,” Eddie purred. “You look good enough to eat.”
Steve let out a delight laugh. “So you’ve said, so you gonna do something about it?”
Eddie licked the top row of his teeth, bring attention to sharp canine teeth that alphas were famous for. Gotta break the skin for that bond bite, you know?
Steve giggled hysterically and slapped a hand over his mouth. He blushed a dark red. A red that seemed to reach his nipples and the tips of his ears.
Eddie gently pulled his hand away from his mouth. “It’s alright to giggle, darlin’. It was cute.”
He kissed the inside of Steve’s wrist and suddenly the shame gave way to arousal. Steve moaned.
“That’s it, baby,” Eddie whispered, “I want to hear every delicious sound you make.” He slid off the panties and tossed them to the side.
Steve threw back his head and nearly jack knifed off the bed, crying out in pleasure when Eddie buried his head right between Steve’s legs.
Steve thought for sure Eddie would go for his cock. Every alpha Steve had been with had. Steve was well endowed for even a beta. He could never measure up to an alpha cock, as they were massive by design to be able to form a knot, but Steve had nothing to scoff at.
But, no. Eddie went straight for Steve’s pussy, licking and sucking the folds of his omegahood.
“Eddie!” Steve cried. “Oh god! That feels so good.”
Eddie nipped gently on the inside of Steve’s thigh. “What’s the matter, gorgeous, no one eat you out before?”
Steve shook his head, biting down on his lip in humiliation.
Eddie’s head snapped up in shock. “Wait, really?”
“It’s my job to take care of the alpha,” Steve murmured, “no one’s taken care of me before.”
Eddie sat up and looked him right in the eye. “What do you do for your heats?”
Steve struggled to sit up and Eddie let him. He wrapped his arms around his knees. “We aren’t allowed to share them with alphas.” He cocked his head to the side. “Not normally anyway. Only the highest of the high elite know that heats can be bought through the agency, but they’re are deliberately prohibitively high.”
Eddie licked his lips as another piece of the puzzle that was this beautiful omega fell into place.
“Like how high are we talking about?”
Steve scratched his cheek. “Depends on the omega really.”
Eddie snorted. “I meant you specifically, sweetheart.”
“Well, last time someone asked it was quoted at five million,” he replied with a wince, “but that was a couple of years ago, it’s probably twice that now.”
“I’m guessing he didn’t have the money?” Eddie asked rubbing his chin.
Steve scoffed. “She and no, she didn’t. She protested so hotly that Starcourt banned her for life.”
“That’s a really short list to be on,” he said, whistling long and low. “That must have been one hell of a hornets’ nest she kicked.”
“You wouldn’t have heard anything about it,” Steve mumbled. “Starcourt takes the lives of their omegas very seriously. They were able to buy off the press and force her into fringe media to make her look hysterical. It went so far under the radar that most people don’t even remember her.”
Eddie tugged on Steve’s legs until he was stretched out on the bed again. “Change of track. I was going to give you the most mind blowing, heat searing sex imaginable, but now I’m going worship every inch of your skin like you should be.”
Steve covered his face with his hands in embarrassment, behind them he could hear Eddie undress. Then the bed sank with the weight of Eddie as peeled Steve’s hands away from his face.
“No hiding, baby,” he murmured into Steve’s ear. “I want to see all of you.”
Steve let out a low shuddering breath and then nodded. “Yes, alpha.”
“Good boy,” Eddie said softly against his lips before sealing them with a kiss.
It was gentle and warm and Steve absolutely melted with it. Eddie moved from his lips to his jaw to the two little moles just under his chin. He hovered over Steve’s scent gland.
“Can I scent you, Stevie?” he muttered, voice thick with want.
Steve’s hips canted up seeking friction. “Yes, Eds. Please!”
Eddie pulled his head up to look at him in the eyes. “Eds, huh? I like it.” He bent back over the scent gland and licked along its length, causing Steve to shiver.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie cooed. “Look at how responsive you are when someone takes care of you. You’re positively aching for it, aren’t you?”
Steve nodded. “Please, Eds, I need you.”
“And how could I possibly say no to such a pretty request.”
Eddie pulled off his clothes and slid on a condom, then proceeded to make the night about Steve’s pleasure. Working every inch of his body like he was playing guitar.
Steve isn’t even sure how many times he came that night, but he was damn sure it was a personal record.
As they laid in bed together afterwards, condom disposed of, Eddie asked, “How come you switch between my name and calling me alpha?”
Steve blushed deeply. “Technically I’m not supposed to use a client’s name when I’m on a job, just ‘alpha’.”
“To keep impersonal?” Eddie guessed, wrapping Steve up into his arms and pressing a kiss on his jaw.
Steve hummed. “Yeah, but you keep breaking through my professional exterior to my gooey center.”
Eddie chuckled, nosing Steve’s scent gland. “You won’t get into trouble, will you?”
“No,” Steve said, amusement coloring his tone, making it light and airy. “And if they do say something, I’ll just tell them that since I’m pretending to be your boyfriend for the next three months, I can’t go around calling you ‘alpha’. How weird would that be?”
Eddie just nodded. “When do you have to leave?”
Steve turned in his arms so that they faced each other. “Usually, I’d slip out once you’re asleep–”
“You do what now?!” Eddie squawked, outraged.
Steve rolled his eyes. “It’s for our safety. Too often alphas will get possessive if we stay the night, thinking there was more to it than a simple transaction.”
Eddie hadn’t thought about it that way. He was only thinking about how the alpha would feel. But that was meaningless. It didn’t matter how they felt, because as Steve pointed out, it was only a transaction.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a shrug. “But seeing as tonight was to set up us as ‘dating’ staying the night is kinda the point.”
“Sounds good, darlin’,” Eddie murmured, settling into fall asleep.
Steve watched as his breath evened out and his eyes fluttered close.
Now all he had to do is figure out how to prevent his heart from shattering into a billion pieces when they ‘broke up’ in three months.
Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @y4r3luv @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @alyelf @melodymeddler @mogami13
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marukrawler · 4 months
I was wondering (maybe you already answered it somewhere else) since I stumbled upon your old post about how Gus is the worst and how he and Spectra were actually the ones that deserved to die so it got me thinking: what if Clay, Spectra, Gus, and Zenoheld all kicked the bucket while the remaining Vexos would survive. What would they do, and where would they go, would Mira get a much-needed character development now that her family is dead? I'm asking because I don't know what Hydron would do or what Mylene and Shadow Prove would do as the last two were very committed to their cause too while Hydron doesn't have any place to go. Could any of the Vexos reappear if Spectra is dead instead?
Hi! Sorry for the late reply!
Long post incoming.
I haven’t talked about it here much, but I’ve definitely thought about what a rewritten S2 would look like and also talked a little about how fitting it would be for Spectra to die as the result of his own hubris. Canon also seems to support this, given these references:
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Spectra’s ambition to becoming the new ruler of Vestal is what leads him to alienate himself from the rest of the Vexos and for his comrades to conspire to betray him. It’s entirely possible for Spectra to die at the end of NV1, with no allies to help him escape (Gus being imprisoned) and his former teammates responsible for the events that caused his death (Mylene convincing Hydron to abandon and blow up Vespalace.)
Gus could either die with Spectra or survive the explosion and carry on Spectra’s work (I can easily imagine a scarred Gus wearing Spectra’s mask and continuing the Ultimate Bakugan project in his honor. Perhaps Helios survives, too?) Gus would still try to bring Zenoheld to justice for sullying his master’s name posthumous, resulting in Gus dying to his loyalty to Spectra.
When it comes to Mira, I’ve always thought her story should’ve focused on her eventually besting the older brother that she idealized, as well as realizing that the Resistance is her true family. You know, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb and all that. The mid season finale of S2 could've been the perfect opportunity for Mira to have a final showdown with Spectra. Her character arc could've been complete with her finally gaining the upper hand after years of catching up to him, with Mira rejecting Spectra's corrupt ideals and the person he had become, thus severing their siblinghood.
It would be tough, but she had a support system to fall back on, so she’d be alright. Ace already viewed the Resistance as his family and frequently sympathized with what Mira was going through, so I could easily see him, Baron and Mira becoming really close. I wish Mira had interacted with Baron’s family more and used them as a reference for what a happy family looked like instead of Dan’s family, but I digress.
I don’t think that Clay and Spectra need to be dead for Mira to get her character development, but I also can’t help but think that Mira would’ve been better off if Spectra was dead and gone. It really depends on whether you want Spectra to stick around or not. I would personally have Spectra die from his own ambition (flying too close to the sun, wink wink) at the end of NV1 (the same way I would’ve liked Gus to die to his own loyalty in episode 39) because I think it’s fitting, and I want to preserve his cool factor as a villain at a point where he hasn’t lost to Dan yet a million times. Clay could die after the BT System was thwarted. . .I distinctly remember his laboratory being blasted by a backflow of energy that was sent from across dimensions (Drago’s attack) so him being killed by a Bakugan after trying to massacre all the Bakugan on New Vestroia is also fitting.
In any case, I would personally highlight the found family aspect between Mira and the Resistance members so that way, it’d be easier for her to cut ties with Clay and Spectra.  
As for the Vexos, I think it could go two ways depending on whichever version one prefers.
The Vexos disband similarly to canon events.
Volt is the first to leave the Vexos, of course, when the creation of the BT System and his continued run-ins with the Resistance cause him to reconsider his allegiance to the monarchy. I really like the idea of Volt sabotaging the BT System, thus allowing the Resistance to prevent its activation. He leaves for his hometown during the chaotic aftermath of the Vexos’ second major defeat, teaching the youth about Bakugan battles and helping the Resistance during the final battle.  
Lync is the next to leave the Vexos. I imagine that his reasons for leaving isn’t just because of Alice but because he takes a liking to the planet, too. We also shouldn’t forget that Dan invited Lync to come along with them to Japan. Maybe we could see more of his time spent with Alice in Moscow. Maybe his brief job as a florist opened his eyes to the beauty of nature which didn't exist (or wasn't valued) on Vestal. Eventually he realizes that Volt was the one to sabotage the BT System and it spurs him to leave as well. His escape attempt isn’t as covert, so Hydron is quickly sent to Moscow to dispose of him. Alice spots them outside her house and joins the battle just in time. Or Lync is nearly pulled into the Death portal and Alice warps him out just before it gets dicey, leaving Hydron to believe he finished the job. Whatever works. Lync is most likely staying at Alice’s place, giving the Brawlers all the information he has on Zenoheld’s plans, and joins the final battle after Dr. Michael fixes Aluze.
Mylene and Shadow’s deaths would still occur the exact same way as in canon. I really like how they stayed true to themselves and died together. Very touching!
Hydron’s death, while tragic, is also very appropriate given what we know of his character. Starved of any kind of parental love and approval, he died with his father as both an act of atonement and because being by his father's side was the only place he had left to go. Zenoheld chastised him for his weakness and we saw Hydron return to his father's side yet again during the final battle. . .it was all he knew. A stark contrast to Mylene and Shadow's final moments where Shadow chose to keep her company in the afterlife. Here Hydron is choosing to kill them both and making sure that his father can't escape from him. Something, something, “you are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand. And I hope you die. I hope we both die.”
2. The one where the Vexos all survive.
I don’t have a solid foundation on how this version would be written but what I’m basically thinking is Vexos found family (as in Hydron, Mylene, Lync, Volt and Shadow.) It’s fairly easy to see in NV1 how divided the Vexos are, with Spectra and Gus forming one group and Mylene, Volt, and Shadow forming another group (Lync kind of floats in between the two depending on who he spies for lol but I’d still place him with the majority because even when he was discovered to be spying for Spectra, the others gave him a chance to rejoin them instead of leaving him to die with Spectra and Gus.)
Anyhow, in this version Hydron’s bond with the Vexos would be expanded upon further, especially since we know that Hydron was involved in the Vexos recruitment process and handpicked them himself.
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However, Hydron’s dynamic with the Vexos in NV2 shifts because he’s no longer their superior and has been stripped of his royal title. He no longer commands them and is, in fact, made to be equal to his underlings by replacing Gus. This can allow for some interesting interactions between Hydron and the others, seeing as how they can disobey him and even express their distaste towards him without the fear of being punished. Likewise, since Hydron no longer has any authority, he can now start to act more like a boy his age instead of being expected to act like a prince. The other Vexos members could begin to like him more as a person this way.
We’ve seen glimpses of camaraderie between the Vexos members and know that they care about each other to some extent, so it’s possible to have Hydron become closer with the group that he previously bossed around. Mira and Hydron could mirror each other in the found family aspect, just like how they're already similar to each other in other aspects, such as seeking love and validation from a disinterested parental figure, using the Subterra attribute in battle, and recruiting the teams that they are respectively in charge of.
I'm not exactly sure how NV2 would transpire in this version but I’m thinking that the Vexos are still more likely to survive here. They’d probably fight Zenoheld in the final battle to save themselves the universe but unrelated to the Battle Brawlers. Once he’s gone, I imagine they might take the Vestal Destroyer and roam around the cosmos since they can’t return to Vestal…I’m not sure if I buy that Mylene accepts that outcome and won’t be swayed to take over Vestal herself LMAO but whatever. It’s an idea!!
So yeah, those are my thoughts lolol 
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melonet · 11 months
hi mira !! how have u been lately? :D
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aaa hi snail !! i am so sorry for responding late, i seriously did not see this until a few minutes ago T_T
i've doing good ! super busy with school, but good hehe :P
i'm rlly excited for halloween, it's my favorite holiday !! i hope u have fun if you celebrate it too & get lots of candy ٩(ˊᗜˋ)و
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Dear Twilight, you are handling this well. Hopefully, those foolish ponies won't do anything stupid again.
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After this, I'm sure they won't. ✨
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"Dear Equestria, this is Mira Daemyn, addressing the lists of crimes that have been published as of late. I am here to tell you that...they are all true"
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*Gasps of Horror and Shock! The ponies be too stunned to speak!*
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"I and the other Nobles snuck behind Madame President Twilight's back, so we could divide ponies from other creatures. At the time, we believed ponies were better than other creatures, and that they were lucky to live in Equestria among us. We see now that line of thinking was wrong, and we will be repenting our actions as Madame President Twilight works to undo all the harm we have caused. I, and the Nobles, are emphatically sorry, and we hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive us, even though we don't deserve it. Thank you"
*the Broadcast ends, ponies across Equestria are in an outrage over knowing the truth, all of them horrified at the true nature of "banishment"*
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You spoke well Mira, your words were not empty. It sounded like you meant them, Are you and the others ready to accept your punishment?
"Y-Yes- we are, and we will do our best to earn the privilege to work under you again"
That all depends on you.
Lavender: where are bolt and lime-?
Their punishment is a bit different than yours, Lightning is currently drilling them about abusing her leniency to cause harm, they will also spend a bit of time on a journey through the lands to get to know creatures outside of ponies.
for you three however...
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*The Three mares whimper as they brace for the worst*
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Lavender: EEEK! i'VE GOT PAWS!?
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