#//This is a bit vague buuut =D
timetravelerpyrite · 10 months
Directing this at one of his pokemon instead of Pyrite.
[L o a d i n g N i g h - ]
[E R- -R -O -R - N I G H T M A R E I N T E R C E P T E D . . . L O A D I N G I R O N M E M O R I E S . . .]
//Beware of tags
[Screaming- running- faster, must be faster, have to go faster, always faster, can't let them catch me, can't let them touch me.
Fire, fire burns flesh, anger, pain, screaming, hurt, regret, why is he smiling? I burnt him? His hand, out to me, why? I hurt him? Why? Why trust me?
No one touches him, no one will touch him, won't let him suffer, protect. Only protect. Protected me. Will protect back. Regret.
Pain, e r r o r, e r r *o -r, blood? Blo-od. Deep injur-y. H-H-e-al. No. Protect-t-t. H-Hurt, in pAiN, prO-tEc-t, Pr-oTeC-T, e -r r- !o -r.
Functions restored... how? Decommissioned. How? Deep injury, healed? How? Error...
Wet, eyes wet. Crying. Sadness. Strange face... worry? Why? Why? Here, here. I... I am here.
"Pyrite why are you crying...?"]
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aziraphales-library · 11 months
Lost Fic #157
1. Hello, first of all thank you for all your hard work 🫶 really appreciate! I'm looking for a fic i read about a year ago: unfortunately i can't remember much, so i apologise if it's a vague description. I also think i might be mixing some facts with this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39533883 so i’m sorry if i’m making it hard to find. Trigger warning from here on (depression, su! c!de): the fic was set in the crowley's flat and the characters were canon (im pretty sure it was set a short time after S1's canon events, but somehow C still had holy water). Crowley had just suffered some sort of physical and emotional trauma (r@pe? sorry, i can't quite remember) and couldn't trust neither Aziraphale nor himself. He fell in a state of depression and couldn't see any other way out but use the holy water in his safe. (Spoilers) | remember a scene where he weakly walked to the safe and wrote a note, then tried to reach the thermos but was stopped last second by Aziraphale. Thank you in advance🫶; and if you manage to find it, congrats😅 - anon
2. Helloo I hope it's not too hard to find but I lost a fic on ao3 a bit ago I didn't finish reading and was hoping someone recognise it, it starts off with post apoca-nope Crowley being confronted by demons in his flat who tell him to stay away from aziraphale and summon a screen through which to view him. buuut since there was no audio they all missed a conversation between aziraphale and god in which god gives him a golden string (I think) and explains that metatron has been giving orders independently from god, then asks aziraphale to go to heaven and stirr up trouble. And that's when I accidentally closed the Tumblr app and lost it :( - anon
3. so theres this fic i was reading where its post canon but basically crozira gets locked up in heaven and crowley does his snake thing and releases them both (was in the beginning ish) but thats all i remember 😭😭 im sorry if this is too much to ask for, thank you in advance!!! - @stars-v3ria
4. Hello! I hope y'all are doing all right in what I imagine is a swamp of new asks from season 2's approach. (Writing this in the final few weeks til release.) I'm writing in search of a lost fic--I've scrounged through the Aziraphale's True Form tag but come up empty. It was T, M, or E rated, and more or less a true form sex fic, but may or may not have included genital sex. The part I remember (which I think was the focus of the story, it being a oneshot) was framed as a divinity/grace kink scene in which Aziraphale revealed his true form to Crowley. It was overwhelming to him (verging on pain iirc), but also very beautiful, intense, and possibly sensual or sexual. The part I really remember, though, came at the end-- Crowley, crying, used their safeword, which was "Amen." And after that I think it was more on the tender side. Would you happen to have encountered such a story? Thank you very much for your time, and potentially that of your followers-- I very much appreciate all the work you do for the fandom. <3 P.S. In case this reaches the author, and you with to remain anonymous, please know that the fic really stuck with me and I was merely searching for it in hopes of leaving a comment to that effect. &lt;3 - @elderly-worm
5. Hello! I was recently told about the (cursed) movie script and was told that there is a fanfiction of Book and Show Crowley saving movie Aziraphale from movie Crowley. The person said they're sure they read it on ao3 but cannot find it now and I'm extremely curious. Any help would be very appreciated and thank you so much for the library you're doing here, helped me to find a lot of gems. - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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bizlybebo · 5 months
I AM ASKING YOU ABOUT YOUR ZOMBIE AUS 🤲🤲🤲🤲 I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THEM !!!!!!!!!!!! i looooove a good zombie au
HOORAYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okok so both my riptide and pd one are heavily inspired by two different zombapoc video games,, being telltale's walking dead video games and the last of us. buuut i've put a lot of original thoughts and ideas into them and i. love them so much ^__^
the riptide one is pretty messy but the PD one is the one im prouder of :D (both AUs have heavy spoilers for both campaigns)
-basically, this AU is inspired by the dynamic of Lee and Clementine from the first walking dead game, but it's branched out a lot further than that.
-at the start of the zombie apocalypse, Arlin teamed up w/Drey and Finn under Captain Rose, and they all formed a lil survivor group (rest of the black rose pirate are there too-- minus chip.)
-when the trio's scavenging through a neighborhood, Chip manages to steal from them, and Arlin's the first one to catch him. Chip, being himself, thinks Arlin is insanely cool and basically makes him adopt him.
-essentially the entire AU follows Arlin trying to find Chip's parents, while Rose is moving the group north through the city to reunite with his lover (and external evidence points to Chip's parents potentially being up North too, in one of the big survivor bases).
-all is fine until, yk. zombies attack them. but these are more distorted, creepier zombies, and they work in more of a coordinated spooky hivemind instead of being the typical braindead zombies as is typical of twd/twd-inspired stuff.
-rest of it vaguely follows the plot of the hole in the sea but. zombies.
-essentially, ten or so years later, Chip appears in Featherbrooke, a navy-ran (the navy still exists here don't ask) base that Jay lives in. And then it's like Origins but. zombies.
-Chip convinces Jay to join him on the road while also talking big about how he's out searching for the old Black Rose group, and is also convinced that Finn Tidestrider could create a cure for the zombies.
-gillion fucking Shows Up.
-etcetc. stuff happens.
-basically, the dynamics here are heavily inspired by the TWDG series, but grew and branched out etc. Chip and Arlin are kind of inspired by Clementine and Lee,, Chip and Ollie are kind of like Clementine and AJ,, etc.
-also. Drey is immune. He gets bit the last time that Chip ever sees him which is why Chip thinks that he's dead, but. nope ^__^ this is also why he's kept in prison by the navy, but also kept largely a secret.
-The Ferins in general in this au are all entirely fucked up and have weird connections to immunity/resistance against. becoming zombies.
^^^- Jay got sent out with Chip as a spy because he kept talking about Finn and finding a cure (+ Jayson also has the knowledge of Drey, etc.) and basically, Jayson thinks that finding a cure could help cure Ava, who died to a zombie bite around 5 years ago.
I ACTUALLY HAVE A LONGFIC OF THIS ONE IN THE WORKS. BUT IT'S TAKING ME A SECOND. it's inspired by TLOU but my TLOU knowledge is actually pretty lackluster </3
-basically, the barebones of this AU is that it's TLOU. Mark is like Joel, Dakota is like Ellie, and Ashe is like Sarah.
-Instead of straight up zombies, it's demons.
-Superpowers and superheroes still exist in this AU, but they are definitely pretty different.
-The apocalypse started when Ashe summoned the trickster, killing their mother etc., but wasn't able to push the trickster back. The chaos zone opened which caused the world to fall to ruin.
-People live in safe zones put together by WATCH, and are all heavily discouraged from leaving due to the. yknow. posessions.
-William is "dead" at the modern day of the AU. He and Ashe were friends before the end of the world, but William was killed by Ashe/The Trickster.
-The closer parallel to Riley is Katori/"rooftop girl",, this part of Dakota's backstory is still pretty similar.
-The AU actually starts when Mark is tasked by Overlord to smuggle "cargo" across Prime, said cargo being Dakota.
- The Overlord is doing all that weird human experimentation shit like in canon, but this time is trying to combine human and demon DNA for the purpose of finding a "cure"/ a way for people to resist being posessed.
-Here's my favorite part of this AU. Dakota is immune to being possessed by demons cause he literally just fucking eats them. This is only possible because of fucking Fartbo i hate it here
-Anyways, William suddenly wakes up alive after being dead for 20 years at the start of the AU. He sees a wisp guiding him and follows it.
-Around the same time, Vyncent still got isekai'd. As one does. Cantrip robbed him on his first day in Prime because I think that's funny.
-Tide is a hero in the Rockfall safe zone, who adopts and mentors Vyncent and William when they first show up.
^^ okok i have. more of the AU planned out from here but since i plan on turning it into a fic pretty soon i dont want to talk more about it past this point cause. i have a really cool plot idea that i dont wanna spoil ^__^
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cboffshore · 8 months
it is me, enabler anon, back from being a couch potato gamer and into the questions. ( i have missed so many days )
whiiiile you’re still under the writing process of a little annihilation, could you perhaps share your hopeful end goals that you currently have for the fic? of course they may change buuut, since it’s just being fleshed out so far; i’m curious to if you can perhaps prepare us for what’s to come :3 even if it’s just. the most bluntest one word description. :D
*scribbles GAMER! onto a sticky note and slaps it onto the Enabler Anon Identification Conspiracy Board*
The weird thing for Annihilation is that my end goal is both highly specific and kinda vague. The entire thing is just giving my Jay-DIYS-a-guitar-from-the-wreck-of-the-Keep headcanon/daydream thing an origin story. The entire motive and plot is contained in that elevator pitch; the trickiest bit is the details, really, but I can give you some loosely connected notes.
None of the stuff in my outline is a spoiler in the same way That One Reveal, You Know The One from IICT was; if you've read the Dark Island Trilogy and picked up on the end of chapter 1 of this, you know Jay and Nya are about to embark on something between a rage room visit and a Home Depot run. Jay gets a cool acoustic build out of it at the end, and Nya gets to smash some shit. (There will be more OSSAS nods. Despite being a Jay-centric work, Nya's going to get her time, and I have more to work with on her end, anyway. This is the closest I've ever gotten to proper Skybound Jay stuff, and I still haven't nailed him down.
The only bit that's even remotely spoilery is the loose plan I have for the very last line, which I will obviously not share. That's not a spoiler in a plot way, either. It's more like something I want to do to completely shift the mood for future reads of the finished story... but I'm giving too much away already.
My "Do Not Do" list is the same as always for when I write Skybound: no overblown sopping wet sobbing Jay flashbackery or Pleasant Therapy Dog Nya. I would prefer to keep my keyboard vomit-free. Yes, they're revisiting the Keep - but fully by choice, because as you know, once an idea that cool and thematically perfect worms its way in, there's no stopping it. Yes, Jay does have a few memories while there; so does Nya. That's reasonable and expected. Nobody is allowed to break down crying or start murmuring comfortingly to the other person. (In MCR terms, the vibe isn't the "The Ghost Of You" music video, as fantastic as it is - this is the "Famous Last Words" video, or maybe even "Na Na Na".) Like I mentioned in one of my last asks, this is largely based on how I process my own painful memories; I revisit them, refuse to sink to that level again, and craft them into poetry and art using the shards I notice in a new light. Does it hurt? Sure. But it hurts so good, as the kids say. You want sappy recovery, you can get that a bajillion other places in the fandom. Come to me for spite and resistance.
Anyway, despite being on a bit of a writing hiatus, I'm never really on a thinking hiatus. I'm waiting for GLOOM DIVISION to drop and kickstart my creative energy, but in the meantime, I'm always up for asks. Thanks for dropping in!
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ruiniel · 2 years
TYSM again for your encouraging words on the WIP, and for allowing further discussions! :D So, just to let you know right off the bat that it's a heavily centred Al x fem!FC (fan character) fic playing on the typical 'girl ends up at castle' setting (I truthfully didn't have the faintest clue that this was basically a trope going into the fandom! :O My heart kinda sank, ngl, thinking I had something vaguely original, buuut... I was crazy deep into the idea already and it gave me such a dopamine boost that the problem practically became a "Ahh, screw it, gonna write it anyway!" situation. ^^; Anyhoo, everything is canon compliant until S4 (it's a bit of a reimagining - starts in Al's scene in the first ep). The first chapter is a bit weak 'cause it's mainly just the entire scene in word format with a few altered bits. Purposely done though, in order to 'merge' the story into canon, so to speak... <.<; After that, however, everything will be new text until the end-ish. This does effect the length of the timeline, by... a couple months(?) so I'm hoping it's not too farfetched (I must actually rewatch some parts to see just how badly it alters it <.<; ), but even if so... Eh? (Shrugs)
*Coughs* Needless to say, it's a very self-indulgent fic. I just really adore the idea of Al in this kinda setting; getting to know someone new completely after the trauma he endured without too much interference from the rest of the world, thus allowing them both to grow close, share their stories, and just to... heal, cut loose, be 'themselves' ;) and just... to play! (Because there's gonna be decent chunk of that happening). I know CV's not exactly the most fluff-filled series, but it has its moments, and I wanna add to it 'cause I'm soft like that and I just want good things for our boi...
That being said, there will indeed be plenty'a angst, hurt/comfort, drama, S4!Horse is a prominent character, and a boatload of fluff... I'm also delving deep into the effects of trauma, fear and loss and how they influence a person's actions and thoughts (just hope I can pull them off realistically enough ^^; ).
But yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it without going into TOO much detail. It has become my baby so I do wanna continue it, if even just for myself. ^^; Thank you again, though for allowing this! :D Really appreciate it! <3
glad to share and what you have planned here sounds fab! ah on 'ending up at the castle' - don't feel discouraged lmao i wrote it too, and wasn't the only one! i still like it and what happens from there is always different even if the context is the same, each fanwriter has their own additions/interpretations of the characters. i'm doing this fun little project with a friend (lotr fandom) we're writing the same story but with different endings. we use the same OFC, same pairing, canon MC with the same affliction. we read each other's chapters so far and trust me they're very different. it's a fun exercise both for us and people who follow both stories. I think you give two people identical starting points and you'll usually get two different stories anyway and we readers love more of a favorite type of cake (at least I know I do)
It'll be your unique spin, glad you're continuing it! the S4 horse dlfkdlof poor boi did so much for that happy ending, deserves the attention! happy writing, let me know how it goes!
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finitefantasy · 1 year
So like I get that it's not exactly a masterpiece but what happened in jjk that has so many people against it now? It was really popular when it debuted
I'm probably the wrong person to ask because I've had issues with it early on and my issues stem from stuff that the anime caught up to, not the full manga, buuut I'm nosy enough to have kept up with the manga (vaguely, like seeing tweets and posts) to know the gist of it.
My issues:
very formulaic start, a lot of character arcs seemed to be aping things DIRECTLY from naruto or like togashi's works, often... without realizing why they worked in the originals? so attempting to hit the same story/emotional beats but often it's rushed or muddled. like junpei works as a haku/gaara... except it's done so quickly it doesn't matter. and it doesn't have emotional resonance outside that moment. because, again, gege doesn't really understand WHY these things are done
and again there are a lot more direct aping moments that just make it feel unoriginal
and the trio (another boy, boy, girl trio lol) just... doesn't feel THAT close, partially because yuuji is separated from them so early on. so it's like... i'm DOWN for watching stuff that is similar to each other but you gotta get me invested. what am i invested in?
there's gojo and geto's gay nonsense but even that feels weak because their story is a. largely told out of order, so you don't care about them enough b. geto isn't geto by the time we meet them c. ACTUAL geto is a fascist like STRAIGHT UP fascist, so like, idk bit awkward there d. you can't get into a long, slow running series for a vaguely gay side ship
talking about geto's fascism, a lot of the villain politics are... weird? by that i mean there is a dark skinned, gay-coded villain who has... toxic blood?? geto's fascist team is another gay coded charcater, a black foreigner chracter, and teenage girls... which like?? uncomfortable to meeee. having geto call people MONKEYS is bad. it was bad. it made me drop the manga once i realized the mangaka's obsession with putting marginalized people as fascists while using extremely racially charged language
my other complaints: the action feels kinda consequence-less like people can get bashed and then walk up acting like it's fine. there's a mute character who literaly isn't allowed to speak and can only talk in a single recipe and it's like... no one tried sign language to communicate? it just feels like thoughtless writing. the timeline is suuuper squashed too, like a LOT of events happen within like 6 months, and nothing is given time to breathe. i've heard this just gets worse later on
complaints from people who kept up with the series:
the power system is literally incomprehensible and yet the mangaka is obsessed with bringing it up and explaining it, so it's just wasting your time
vital characters disappear for months/years of time (in the real world, not in the manga, again, the manga actually has an extremely tight timeline, like i've read gojo was gone for over a 1000 rl days but it was just 19 manga days??)
despite fans bragging that the manga respects women, women are treated extra brutally and disappear. like the main girl of the trio is presumed dead because she got fucked up nd then was just never addressed again??
manga has some weird pedo-incest thing going on with two side characters
there's probably more but i forgot shkgdgs
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reidslovely · 2 years
It’s Nice to Have a Friend: Something Gave You the Nerve (Chapter Two)
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Author’s Notes: Surprise! I’m a liar and am posting this fic super early, just because I have a load of muse right now and finished it 30 minutes ago. I scheduled it to post for Saturday buuut I’m eager to hear what y’all think. Also! I’ve decided this fic is going to be a five part series! Just because I like to drag things out and make people wait. She’s a long gal, at around 4k so hang in there. There are a few vague descriptions of the reader but nothing that breaks the imagination. 
Part One Here
Pairings: TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! Reader
CW: Friends to eventual lovers, a lot angsty in the middle and end but it is what has to happen for them to be happy, mentions of Uncle Ben’s death, vague mention of Peter having a hot headed tendency, depression, a nightmare that includes death but nothing to descriptive. I’m sure I’m missing something. 
High School, Junior Year.
Peter was right. Peter was always right, that is what (Y/N) learned in the three years they had been friends. Because that night in the tent sat everything into place, they were still friends. Freshman year they made sure all their classes matched up, even down to the extra circulars, the same followed in sophomore year. But now as juniors, their class work got a bit heavier and they were put in different classes so seeing each other during school was a bit harder.
“Smile,” Peter says, quickly lifting his camera up, snapping a quick photo of (Y/N) as they sat in the courtyard. “Yikes, that one is going in the trash.” 
(Y/N) threw a napkin at him in response to his taunt, putting her head down wanting to make herself more presentable. Playing it off as casual as she could, surely he didn’t think she was absolutely atrocious. 
“Well you need to be better at giving heads up.” 
Peter’s face softened as he sat across from her stuffing his camera in his bag. “I was only joking. You always look..” Say it. Say it, please. “..nice” He smiles. (Y/N) lets air out of her nose, and thanked him before looking back down at her chemistry book. 
Peter’s ‘yeah’ came off as distant and quiet, (Y/N) snapped her head up and followed his stare across the courtyard. She should have known who he was staring at, Gwen Stacy. (Y/N) fought off the sinking feeling that grew in her stomach, she looked back at him smiling through what felt like being gutted. “You should ask her to spring formal.” 
“No..no. She’d never say yes.”
“She would be stupid not too.” (Y/N) remarked, looking back at her book. “She’s first in our class here..she should know a good date when she sees it.” 
“Okay..okay yeah.” Peter cleared his throat as he stood and started to walk toward her. 
Stupid, stupid, keep your mouth shut. Idiot. 
She couldn’t bear to watch it happen, so she turned back to her book and wrote her notes. It wasn’t long before she heard the scruff of his sneakers against the concrete. (Y/N) brought her eyes up to meet him as he sat down. 
“So?” She said, hoping the strain in her voice wasn’t noticeable. 
“I..I chickened out. I couldn’t do it..I think, I think I told her I liked her headband and just walked away.” He laughs at himself putting his head on his folded arms. There he was, her Peter. Her shy, idiotic, socially inept Peter; who made her heart flutter with the blush on his cheeks.
“I’m sorry Pete..maybe tomorrow.”
“No, it fine. I have a even better date. You.” He smiled, giving her a wink. (Y/N)’s heart picked up. “D-date?” She asked. Peter was quick- too quick- to save his ass. 
“Well as friends of course.”
Guilt filled the pits of their stomachs, if only one could be brave and tell the other what they really felt. (Y/N) smiled at him playfully, kicking him under the table as the bell rang. 
“Walk me home?” 
In the coming weeks (Y/N) threw herself into getting the perfect dress and perfecting everything. She had decided that this night was the perfect time to tell Peter how she felt, it was better late than never. All she could do is hope nothing would change; but at least he would know. But in the back of her mind lingered what she thought to be the truth; she would never be Gwen Stacy.
“Momma it is nothing like that!” (Y/N) laughed dusting the makeup brush under her eyes collecting any fall out from her eyeshadow. Bella tousled her daughter’s hair around smiling at her in the mirror. 
“He invited you to the dance for a reason.” 
“It’s just because he got too nervous to ask the one girl he wanted to. I’m a safe option.” She said, the belief bitter on her tongue. “May and I see the way he looks at you. That boy is in love with you even if he doesn’t know it.”
Hope filled (Y/N) to the brim, she looked at her mom with glossy eyes before clearing her throat, “Safe option.” 
Unknowingly, in the townhouse over Peter stood in his bedroom looking in the mirror running his hand through his hair. “You’re gonna make it greasy stop.” May tsked as she moved through the mess of his room. Peter laughed, dropping his hand and soothing out his tie. 
A photo caught his eye; it was the one from the courtyard. Her doe-eyes stared up at him in shock, the beginning of a smile forming on her features. Never would he throw a photo of her away, in fact as soon as he got to his room that afternoon he pinned it to his crookboard. Where other photos of her and him, and other things stayed. She was his girl, sadly not in the way he wished; but there was Gwen too. Who in the last few days noticed him more. The attention felt good, and his feelings for her grew. It was all so messy.
“Do you think she’ll think I’m handsome?” 
He laughs looking at his aunt, his thick brows nearly meeting as he furrows them. “Something tells me she will.” May laughs flattening out his shirt collar before heading downstairs. “Well look at that handsome man, you almost look like a person.” Ben laughs as Peter and May walk out the front door. Peter laughs hugging his uncle, squeezing his shoulder. “May heard that she was wearing a green dress and insisted I find a tie to matc-” 
“It looks nice.” (Y/N)’s voice sounds from the stoop of her house. Peter turned his head so fast the world around him stood still. Before him stood something that nearly left him breathless. 
“Is it too much?” 
Light green velvet wrapped around her silhouette, a black shawl wrapped around her shoulders. (Y/N) smiled at him, alternating the weight on her feet, and Peter shook his head so fast that anyone in a twenty mile radius could hear his brain rattle. 
“No, no. You look beautiful.” 
He said it, he said what she had been dying to hear for weeks,  months, for years even. 
“Okay okay get together we need photos!” May laughs. 
(Y/N) laughed, mouthing a ‘thank you’ as Peter took her hand helping her down the steps. He smiled wrapping his arm around her shoulder and bringing her in close, (Y/N) placed her hand on his chest looking at the camera. The only thing catching the alternating glances the two traded was the camera, and the adults. 
(Y/N) stood off to the side of the gym sipping her punch as she searched the crowd for Peter, when out of the corner of her eye she saw it. Peter and Gwen deep in conversation, a smile spread across her features as she stared up at him. Her hand squeezing his arm, as a hand came to cover the almost snort-like laugh she let out. 
‘He probably told her the dress brought out the blue in her eyes. Gross..
How could anyone hate her? She was gorgeous, and funny- smart. God, she was smart. (Y/N) sat the plastic cup on the bleachers before disappearing to the bathroom feeling tears building in her eyes. She never thought girls actually did this, this is what happened to girls in the movies not in real life. As she leaned against the bathroom door a stall door opened causing (Y/N) and the other girl to jump. 
“Oh Missy, god you scared me I thought..I was alone.” (Y/N) laughs patting at her cheeks, her mascara smearing. 
“Sorry, I was in here hiding from Flash. He tore my dress and then ridiculed me after.” Missy says, showing (Y/N) the tear in the sleeve of her dress. (Y/N) shrugged her shawl off wrapping it around Missy’s shoulders. Missy smiled gratefully before noticing the tear stains on (Y/N)’s cheeks.
“Peter’s an oblivious idiot.” Missy states bluntly, (Y/N) looking back at her. “Trust me I’ve had a crush on him for years, you have to tell him.”
(Y/N) shook her head, fixing Missy’s hair laughing. “It’s okay he’s into Gwen, she's much more his type.” (Y/N) laughed before turning to the mirror fixing her makeup. “Come on, you're dancing with me.” 
The two girls laughed while walking back out to the gym heading to the floor where their peers were dancing, for once no one was paying any real attention to one another. Songs gradually got slower, until the inevitable slow song started to play. (Y/N) and Missy began to walk off as couples paired up, Peter stepped in front of them.
 “I’m stealing my date back, Kallenback” 
Missy laughed, her cheeks flushing a dark red before stepping away. Peter took (Y/N)’s hand leading her back in, his hands resting on her sides as she wrapped her arms around him. She looked up at him with blown pupils, her eyes sore from crying. In a friendly gesture Peter pressed his nose to her forehead swaying with her. 
“Are you humming the song?” She laughed, breaking their silence. 
“You’re the one who plays the twilight soundtracks all the time.” (Y/N) let out a breathy laugh looking at their feet. “What are you doing tomorrow?” She asks. It was now or never, Gwen Stacy be damned. 
Peter thought for a moment before tilting his head to the side. “I am going to Oscorp..there’s an internship thing.” It was only a half lie. He was going to Oscorp, and there was an internship walkthrough happening. (Y/N) nodded in response, then she remembered where Gwen had gotten a paid internship at. Automatically, she had assumed that the two were connected. “Why?” Peter asked, pulling the girl from her jealous thoughts, when she looked at him she shook her head. 
“Nevermind, it was a dinner thing my mom wanted you to come to but it’s no big deal.”
He didn’t push, he left it at that. He pressed his nose back to her forehead, his hands moving to somewhat cradle her. 
That was the last normal night they had. 
Weeks passed in radio silence between the two
When Peter’s Uncle Ben died Peter was, as Aunt May called it, “lost in the dark.” He shut everyone out, he didn’t act like himself. (Y/N) tried to be there for him, he didn’t want her there. He shut her out literally and figuratively. May would let her in, take whatever (Y/N) had brought for Peter. At first she tried to get through to him, sitting outside his bedroom door for hours, waiting for him to open it and let her in. She just wanted to see him, but Peter could be hot headed. It was something she learned rather fast after Ben’s death. The first time she sat outside his door was following the funeral, he sat pent up in his room kicking and screaming. (Y/N) sat on the other side of the door silently begging he would just crack it open so she could see him.
He had been acting differently prior to Ben’s death, and right as she was about to ask him about it. He shut her out. He would turn the tables on Flash, beating up on him back; he shattered the backboard of the basketball hoop. Of course, Flash deserved it but it was so unlike Peter. 
It wasn’t just at home he shut her out, but he didn’t answer her calls, he even avoided her in school hallways. It had now effectively been three months since they had fully talked; she missed him but if this was his process there was nothing to do. While he had fully pushed her out of his life, there was one person he didn’t shun-
“Gwen Stacy.” 
“Here!” The chipper voice sounded as (Y/N) slid into the desk behind her ex-best friend's girlfriend in English. Of course it would be just her luck that it would be the last open seat. 
“Ms. (Y/L), you’re trady.” 
“I was in the guidance office, Mrs. Williams said she’ll excuse it.” 
Peter’s head had popped up from the other side of the class as (Y/N) had responded. ‘Guidance? What was wrong? She looked okay..’ He thought to himself, he took in her appearance. He was always watching her. From a far at least, he watched her and Missy go to the arcade for her birthday last month. It was something they used to do every afternoon on her birthday. He wondered if she still gave her tickets away to the kids inside. He sat across the street on top of the shop's building dressed as his alter ego. There was not a single day that went by that he wasn’t filled with regret for pushing her out of his life. It was to keep her safe, at first safe from him and then gradually safe from others, the enemies he’d make. He tried to do the same to Gwen, but she was persistent, and stubborn. 
On the other side of the class Gwen turned to (Y/N) smiling. “I guess we’re partners.” 
“Cool!” (Y/N) nodded, taking the packet from her and starting to work on it herself. “You’re uh..Peter’s friend right?” 
“We uh- used to be yeah. We haven’t seen each other in a while.” 
Gwen frowned, she hadn’t meant to stir up any bad feelings. “He still talks about you..!” 
(Y/N) meant no ill will towards Gwen but right now she wanted for her to just shut up, and work on the packet. This isn’t what she wanted to talk about right now. Gwen was sweet, and she was trying her best.
“He told me about this story of like the big snow storm from eighth grade and he was skating and he went down a ramp and bloodied his nose. He says you were one of the best nurses he’d ever had.”
 Gwen laughs, and she laughs like it’s her memory that she made with him. (Y/N) smiles sadly at the thought, though it makes her fill with a weird type of jealousy. “Yeah.”
“He also says you’re one of the smartest people he’s ever met.” Gwen looks at Peter working with Flash, who just finished cracking a joke about Peter’s new muscles. Peter looks over at the two girls, his girls. Smiling at Gwen but hoping that (Y/N) would look at him as well. 
“Uh, I'm having a birthday party next week. I'm turning 18.” Gwen writes down her address at the top of a piece for notebook paper. “You should come. Peter will be there. I’d like to get to know you more.” 
(Y/N) nodded at Gwen as she took the slip of paper from her, tucking it away in her notebook. The two girls worked together in an awkward silence for the rest of class, only talking over questions when needed. Once the bell rang (Y/N) started shoving her stuff into her bag, trying to get out before Peter made his way over. 
“(Y/N), hey.”
That was the first word to her in the static like silence: hey?
She looked up at him smiling, she couldn’t help it; it was all muscle memory. Gwen stood next to him, her bag on her shoulder. 
“Hey Parker, what’s up?” 
Peter looked back at Gwen who smiled, “I’m gonna head home I have the..thing with my mom.” Gwen lied, as she kissed Peter’s cheek; whispering in his ear. “Fix this.” With that Gwen Stacy disappeared out of the classroom. (Y/N) took the opportunity as his back was turned to use the other door of the class room to leave. 
“(Y/N), wait!” Peter rushed out of the class after her, nearly slipping on the freshly mopped floor. Even through the muscles, and superhero persona Peter Parker was still a klutz at heart. He hadn’t remembered his friend being so fast. But, he guessed that’s what happened when you abandoned the one person you swore you would never. 
“You got some speed on you,” He laughed, stepping in front of her. “Did you join the track team?”
“Nope, I just got used to walking home by myself.” Ouch. 
He still walked her home sometimes, she just didn’t know it was him. Had she looked up on the building ledges on her walks home she would have seen him, dressed as Spiderman, but nonetheless it was him. If something ever happened to her and he wasn’t there to intervene when he knew he could have he couldn’t live with himself. When he first started avoiding her he was prone to nightmares that took him back to Ben’s death, and the deeper he got into Spiderman duties the worse the nightmares got. One nightmare should have brought him back to her, but instead it made him keep his distance.
His suit was soaked with her blood, the warm liquid seeping through and covering his skin. Her body was light and weightless as he cradled her, his head hid in her hair as he screamed. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry- I let you down.” He moved her hair out of her face. His girl, his (Y/N). 
It had shook him, the thought that if she stuck around she could end up dead because of who he was. He looked at her now, in the sunshine as they stepped out of the doors of Midtown High. She still looked the same for the most part, her hair a little longer and her face a bit fuller. But she was still so beautiful, and soft. God, he missed her. 
Gwen, he shouldn’t be thinking about another girl like this when he has Gwen. 
Finally he spoke. “(Y/N)..look I’m sorry, I can explain.” She turned to look at him as they walked side by side up the street. If telling her is what would get her back then he’d tell her everything, everything he couldn’t tell Gwen or May. Gwen knew but Gwen never wanted to know the dark details, the things that ate him alive after he appeared at her window. 
“Can you Peter? Cause I’ve been waiting for an explanation for three months!” 
She yells as they come to a stop outside their houses, he saw the angry tears build up in her eyes. Muscle memory took over as he reached out to wipe them away, she moved her head away from his hands wiping her own tears. 
“I don’t even know if I want it anymore. To know why the only person who ever claimed to care just left.” She took a breath, trying to calm herself down. Her anger had been pent up, and she knew it came from a bad place. “I know his death was hard on you. But I was there everyday outside of your door for weeks and you just gave me the cold shoulder. All I wanted to do was help you Peter, and you picked Gwen over me. And I get it, I can’t even hate her! I see how she cares about you, the same way I did..and that’s all that matters to me. Is that you’re being taken care of cause you can’t do it yourself.”
“The same way I did” Peter repeats back in his head. 
Like dominos, everything fell into place. For the first time in four years Peter knew what that bind was that held them so tight. It was love, more than friendship love; more than I’ll be there when you need love. It was real, unconditional, and raw love. That he just threw away. 
“So no. No, I don’t care how good your explanation is. I don't need it or want it.” 
Peter looked at her, tears glistened on her cheeks. All he wanted was to reach out and hold her, to cry with her. But all he could bring his body to do was nod and let her go. He stood on the sidewalk watching her disappear inside a house he didn’t even know he would recognize anymore.
“She hates me.”
 Peter says aloud, sensing May standing on the stoop of the house. He sniffles, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his undershirt. “I’ve been in..I’ve been in love with her since I was 14 years old and she hates me.” He says his anger growing in his chest, he wants to rip himself up from the inside out. He picked the wrong girl, had he just held out longer. Had he just listened to her begging, and opened that door, this wouldn’t have happened. 
May watches her nephew, struggling to find the words to comfort him. She puts her hand on his shoulder squeezing, before following him inside. Peter walks down the hallway, everything feeling hazy. His eyes getting heavy from the crying, he sighs stopping in his tracks looking at the familiar photo tucked into the corner of the mirror. Suddenly he wishes one of his powers was time travel; he’d do anything to go back to the night of the formal. To wrap his arms around (Y/N) and hold her close as they danced, he’d tell her every feeling he’d ever felt for her. As he drug his feet up the stairs and into his room he knew what he had to do, whether she wanted his explanation or not.
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be added, or taken off!! Much love and I hope you enjoyed <3
@helloheyhihowdyheya @thatsassyhufflepuff @andrews-lovr​ @theonlymaddie
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imkittyjustkitty · 2 years
For the st concept (the jane doe thing) it's really cool! Im invested too 😭😭 i do have a few questions:
(1) is the fic gonna be set canonwise or are u gonna do it outside of that(-canon, battle, dark stuff)? (2) And how would the characters react to the reader's existence?(i feel like they'd be bothered and surprised but "hey a headless, talking, human? Isn’t the weirdest thing we've encountered")
(3) how tall/big are they? Are they the size of a doll? (Im sorry idk what/who jane doe is 😭) (4) how old is the reader?
And for name suggestions, Hiram would fit bcs the reader borrows the head of a doll, and "hiram" is a word in filipino which quite literally means "borrow", But it would depend on if another character would be the one to give them a name.
And for their relationships with the other characters, i think it would be cute if they were all someone protective of the reader.(But at first they are obviously freaked out.) For love interests, i think it would depend on the age of the reader. Buuut i think a found family trope would fit a little better? Steve’s the mom, of course. Nancy's the dad (who teaches reader about all kinds of stuff, and scolds anyone who is scared of/insults the reader) and el would def be really curious abt the reader, and protective, too :P overall ur idea is so cool and cute i love it
ahhhhh omg yes hi im so glad ppl r loving this like i am !!!
under cut is a bit of season four spoilers bc im discussing when it might be set ! <3
(1) i was thinking its set season four because that has the dynamics between certain characters which i like, things like steve isnt awful and we have robin & eddie etc. ive been leaning towards moving away from canon and having less of the plot with the upside down/vecna/etc. (id also be fine with season 3 just bc id love for everyone to hang out at starcourt together)
but i was also thinking it would be cool to involve reader in all the events, and reader could end up helping them. im going to this with the idea that reader doesnt stick around in the end, and hopefully finds out who they are, which now im thinking about it could in some way be via being vecna'd, i dont know the specifics on how that would work for reader but its an idea that could be cool !!
so to answer the question im happy with leaning either way, id loooove to do it with everyone all happy and everything so we get cute dynamics with everyone hanging out together, but sticking with canon for the most part could be rlly interesting so yeah !! im open to both sides atm i havent decided
(2) i feel like at first their reaction would be like 'wtf am i seeing' honestly bc yeah theyve seen alot, i think it depends on when its set, bc if its set in s4 i bet at least a few ppl would be like 'thats wild am i being vecna'd rn?' lmao. but yeah i dont think most of their worlds would be like rocked or anything bc atp theyve seen so much they cant be toO like terrified
(3) im giggling at the thought of reader being doll sized omg /pos
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these are some photos of jane in the show (shes the blonde one just so theres no confusion lol!) she has doll-like make-up and such, and she also moves a bit robotic like a doll. i would ofc describe reader far more vaguely for appearance so everyone can read this and see themselves in it, but this is the girl who inspired this whole idea :D !!!
in ride the cyclone, jane doe is normal human sized, and her doll is normal doll sized (its a porcelain doll but like where are we gonna find a porcelain doll in hawkins lmao so thats why i went w some sort of babie or other day). in ride the cyclone its kind of just one of those things no one explicitly brings up, someone gets a lil creeped out by jane's headless doll but thats about it, so its one of those things without like a full explanation, but i think its such a cute way to give them a head.
so reader would be like normal human size and everything, and the doll head and the fact that reader might talk to the doll is something everyone is kinda just like 'ok yeah i dont have the energy to unpack whatever's happening there'. ooorrr we could always add some sort of explanation if we wanted to which i wouldnt be opposed to :DD
also above ties into that this isnt going to be 100% serious dark angst etc, ride the cyclone itself could be quite heavy if it werent for the fact that its a funky lil comedic thing as well, and i think thats a fun vibe that ill probably try to stick to a lil with this as well
(4) for age my original idea was that reader is around robin/steve/nancy/eddie/etc's age, early 20's or like 18-19, this is bc id like the dynamic between reader and other characters if reader was around this age. and also i dont want this to be like a shot-for-shot remake of when the gang found el in the woods, so making reader like dustin's age is less appealing to me.
omg i love that name idea and i loovveee how it ties back to the doll bc ik the doll wont actually talk back but i think its such a cute thing to include so i just gotta. so far ive been suggested gn variations of jane doe, but i also love this definitely putting it on the list for name options !!
and for relationships yess i agree !! i asked what people thought for romantic bc i was interested in what ppl thought but i am leaning towards stuff like yeah found family !! i cant explain why but i would loooove nancy and reader's friendship in this just soemthing abt it i love !! and omg yes ofc dad nancy and mum steve .
also i can totally see reader and el bonding over how el can relate to reader not rlly knowing anything about the world and how things work and such !!
for context, jane doe in ride the cyclone can speak and all (which i might alter a bit for reader bc depending on how long reader's been alone/in a purgatory kinda place in the upside down then they may be a bit out of practice with speaking) but doesnt actually know what most things are, bc she learnt what they were during her life, which ofc she does not remember, so yeah !
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amphtaminedreams · 3 years
Sitting Front Row at...(On a Budget Obvs): Lookbook no.15
Hey to anyone reading!
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And welcome to my fave lookbook I’ve done in a longggg ass time! Yes, that’s partially because it involved making collages and doing the low effort work of scouring Vogue Runway for “research purposes”, but I promise, that statement wasn’t made out of COMPLETE laziness-I am super happy with it too. It’s been a good use of pre-part-lockdown-lift time in the interim between that brief period of Christmas celebrations and eateries finally fucking opening again because let’s be honest, I always knew I was gonna get distracted by oat milk vanilla lattes and veggie all day breakfasts once I could actually sit down with them at my fave local cafe. You could say I was very much operating on a self-imposed deadline.
The “what I would wear to sit front row at...[insert designer here]” TikTok/Instagram reel trend was something I wanted to get on board with ever since I first saw one and whilst the option of doing my own live action take-I really cannot bear the thought of having to edit footage of myself awkwardly attempting to sit nonchalantly in front of a camera for hours on end-was off the cards considering my complete lack of screen presence, I decided a Tumblr text post would work just as well, and if not even better in a way. Given the absence of the time limitations you face when you’re making a reel or a TikTok I thought it’d be cool to present the looks as part of a mini moodboard for each designer which adds a bit of context to each look even if you aren’t familiar with their past collections and establishes the general vibe of the brand I’m attempting to replicate. Not to sound snotty or as if I am the font of all knowledge on anything high fashion related but even with my amateur knowledge I noticed that as the video trend took off and was adopted by big name influencers, it became less about the average person putting their own personal spin on the aesthetic of the labels we can’t ordinarily afford and more about them building outfits that only vaguely resemble the general public perception of the brand around the real corresponding (and often gifted and thus inaccessible to someone who doesn’t makes thousands for a sponsored post) pieces they own SO I thought I’d take the trend back to its roots and get a bit resourceful. All that being said, in no particular order, here are the outfits I would wear to sit front row at Gucci, Vera Wang, Miu-Miu, Marc Jacobs, Dolce & Gabbana, Brock Collection, Alexander McQueen, Etro, Burberry aaaand Saint Laurent based on their past collections and guess what? They didn’t cost a shit tonne of money :-)
-disclaimer: will include an asterisk before any new purchases if from a high street store though to be honest, I don’t think there are any, we shall see! I do include where I got old purchases from in case anyone wants to search anything on Depop/Ebay-
1. Saint Laurent (formerly Yves Saint Laurent)
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-blazer from identityparty on Depop, pleather trousers from Zara, jewellery from Dolls Kill-
I know technically abbreviating Saint Laurent to YSL doesn’t really make much sense anymore given the brand’s name change in 2012, but I’ll always think of it as that in the same way I’ll always associate it with the slightly dishevelled yet simultaneously glitzy rock n’ roll aesthetic. The thing is, whilst YSL hasn’t done anything wildly out of the box for a long time, it’s rare they put a look on the runway that I wouldn’t wear; they never end up being a fashion week standout but the Parisienne take on grunge we’ve seen Anthony Vaccarello establish as his go-to will always have a place in my heart. 
2. Alexander McQueen
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-embroidered leather jacket from Ebay (originally Topshop), harness from Amazon, dress from ASOS, boots from Koi Vegan Footwear-
Alexander McQueen is a brand that is pretty much universally liked, from the historically extravagant and groundbreaking shows the man himself put together to Sarah Burton’s more toned down but still beautiful collections. Obviously I didn’t attempt to do justice to the former, so I tried my hand at putting together a look inspired by Sarah’s blend of delicate femininity and nomadic edge, and it went...okay? Like it’s definitely not my favourite of all the looks because it does give off slightly cheap copycat vibes buuut outside of the context of this lookbook it’s cute.
3. Brock Collection
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-boater hat from Ebay, midi skirt from morganogle on Depop, corset top from ownmode_, heels from amybeckett1, bag from Primark-
Brock isn’t as well known a brand as most of the others in this list but I adore everything Laura Vassar Brock does and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to try and channel the vision of one of the OG pioneers of the cottagecore vibe through my own wardrobe. I mean fr, this woman’s work as a steady provider of meadow photoshoot worthy dresses and corsets and skirts is v slept on and I will not stand for it. I will sit in front of a camera and then write a paragraph in my blog post begging anybody who reads to give LVB (an abbreviation I acknowledge is unlikely to catch on because Lisa Vanderpump anybody?) some form of acknowledgement for her services to period romance novel inspired moodboards everywhere.
4. Marc Jacobs
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-coat from House of Sunny, white shirt from Retro World Camden, co-ord from Sugar Thrillz, bag from Poppy Lissiman-
If there’s one thing Marc Jacobs always does, it’s COMMITS. TO. HIS. THEME. I just KNOW he has a secret Pinterest with separate boards for every fashion era of the 20th century and he is putting those boards to good use providing us with collections that are as immersive as they are eclectic year in year out. 
5. Miu Miu
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-beret from H&M, hair clips from H&M, jewellery from Primark, coat from mollyyemmaa on Depop, shirt from YesStyle, sweater vest from YesStyle, skirt from Depop, diamanté belt from Brandy Melville, shoes from Koi Vegan Footwear-
We all like to talk about Bratz dolls and Monster High dolls and Barbies as fashion inspo but can we all focus on Cabbage Patch dolls for two secs so as to acknowledge the fact that a Miu Miu collection is basically all their fits grown up? And made boujie as fuck? If I want my fix of Wes Anderson meets Scream Queens (what a combo) inspired outfits, if I want prissy and girlish but also glam, if I want to look like a bratty rich girl whose one redeeming quality is her eye for vintage clothes, I know where to look and that is the Miu Miu section of Vogue Runway. 
6. Vera Wang
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-blazer as in no.1, velvet bralet from catdegaris on Depop, harness from Amazon, skirt from Ebay, knee high socks from Ebay, lace up boots from Ebay-
Vera Wang’s RTW aesthetic, a blend of the ethereal, ultra-feminine bridal designs she’s known for and British style punk rock influences, is something I feel has only become firmly established in recent years but it is everything I ever wanted and more. I always find myself trying to balance the part of me that loves everything girly and delicate and pretty and the part of me that would love to be in a biker gang and Vera’s collections are always an inspirational reminder of just how well it can be done.
7. Burberry
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-coat from charity shop, suit from emmafisher3 on Depop, top from simranindia, shirt underneath from Zara, jewellery from ASOS-
Now I’m not gonna lie, I’m not the biggest fan of Burberry but there have been a few looks over the past few years I’ve really liked and as someone who owns numerous trench coats, high necks and way too much plaid, I thought it’d be an easy one to replicate. Plus, if you can count on Riccardo Tisci for nothing else you at least can rely on him giving you some layering inspo which is very much needed in a country where it literally just snowed in April and where my plans for today have just been cancelled because the iPhone weather app did a Karen Smith and didn’t predict rain for today right up until it started raining so thanks for that one British meteorologists. Your incompetence strikes again.
8. Etro
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-corset from Urban Outfitters, vinyl trench coat from Topshop, boots from Ebay, black slip dress from kaoanaoleinik on Depop, fur trim afghan coat from louisemarcella-
Like with Brock Collection, Etro isn’t a hugely well known brand, but it is always one of my favourites-to add a spanner into the works of any attempts to cultivate a firm sense of personal style, I live for the ornate Bohemian look that Etro does so well just as much as I love both grungy and girly pieces, and so I really wanted to include a brand whose collections go down that route. It was a toss-up between this and Zimmerman, the flirtier, free spirit counterpart to the dark romance of Veronica Etro’s designs; her vision really shines through the most when it comes to the brand’s winter collections, imo, and given that I live in a country where winter or some weather state resembling it does seem to take up 70% of the year, I did decide on channelling her work rather than that of the equally talented Nicky and Simone Zimmermann this time round.
9. Dolce & Gabbana
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-flower crown from ASOS, tiara from Amazon, earrings from YesStyle, dress from alicealderdice1 on Depop, opera gloves from Ebay, boots from Koi Vegan Footwear-
D&G is a brand I felt really conflicted about doing-I don’t include their current collections in my fashion week reviews based on the actions of designers Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce over the last few years because I don’t want to mitigate the collective effort of fashion critics to push them towards irrelevancy. Though people like to claim the brand has turned a corner since Lucio Di Rosa was brought on board as the manager of celebrity and VIP relations last year (they are as prolific a force on red carpet fashion as ever), we haven’t seen any real meaningful apologies or reparations made by Dolce and Gabbana themselves which once again leaves us in the all too familiar quandary of whether or not we can separate the art from the artist especially when it is far too much of a simplification to only credit the two men for their work given there’s a whole design team behind them. There are a LOT of shitty people working in fashion, the whole industry is a bit of a cesspit if we’re honest, but I don’t think that should stop us from at least being able to appreciate old collections if we make sure we aren’t engaging in any kind of promotion of current works whilst doing so. D&G are a brand of high highs and low lows, with looks that range from hideously ugly to showstoppingly beautiful in a single show-when the looks are good, they are GOOD-and their presence in the fashion world is most definitely felt whether we want it to be or not. It would just be shit to refuse to recognise the existence of some real iconic runway moments, the practical work that went into the ornate detail and opulence that helped cement D&Gs place in sartorial history, the styling that’s made goddesses and fairytale queens out of modern day women as they’ve glided down catwalks, the far more extravagant and, let’s be real, sexier version of our world D&G shows have transported us to in the past. Will I talk about D&G ever again? No, and if you Google the scandals their brand has faced over the past few years, there are more than enough reasons why, but just this once I did want to pay homage to some of the collections, the snippets of which I saw on my Tumblr dashboard back when I was about 13, that first got me into fashion.
10. Gucci
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-fur coat from Topshop, clips from Zaful, glasses from Ebay, dress from gracewright246 on Depop, shirt from Boohoo, blazer from charity shop-
Now last but, if you ever read any of my fashion week reviews (the likelihood of someone actually having read one of them and reading this is incredibly, incredibly slim lol, I wouldn’t read me either) you’ll know, definitely not least, is Gucci because Alessandro Michele comes through every!! single!! time!!
The man is truly the king of quirky throwback maximalism and it hurts my heart that a lot of people seem to think of it only as a brand associated with ostentatious displays of wealth. Year after year since Michele was made creative director he has released purposeful, fully-fleshed out collections which unravel themselves to us on the runway like time capsules containing the belongings of the rich and whimsical and yes that can sometimes result in outfits which are *ahem* a bit mismatched but it doesn’t matter because through fashion he manages to take us to a vivid version of the past where people could dress as freely and lavishly as they wanted to, into the wardrobe of a person unaffected by the side-eyeing of others. You get the impression he doesn’t design so much as plays around with some kind of enchanted dress up box and takes inspiration from there and to give that impression is only a credit to his talent-to make outfits so kooky and extravagant look like they were meant to be takes a boldness and genuine love for clothes that I do tend to feel a lot of the big name designers have lost in the pursuit of profit and the necessary placating of the dying customer base that keeps that coming in. Of course I'm not for a second saying Gucci does not care about profit, but at the very least, they have on board a creative director who genuinely has fun with what they’re putting out there and wants to make a statement too and that really shows; you can rest on your laurels and sell tweed boucle jackets to rich old white women for eternity but nobody’s going to mention your brand name and the word groundbreaking in the same sentence ever again unless they’re talking about what it was a century ago, you know (mentioning no names...unless...did I hear someone say Chanel)? That feels like such a shady way to end, lol, but I’m sure said brand will survive-to be fair, they’ve been included in every other What I’d Wear to Sit Front Row At video I’ve seen so although I’m always slagging them off for doing the saaaaame thinggggg year after year, for that same reason their aesthetic is instantly recognisable and so will always be a source of imitation. There are obviously pros and cons to being a brand which constantly reinvents itself but I think it’s totally possible to do that whilst maintaining an overall mission, and Alessandro Michele’s work at Gucci demonstrates that with ease.
Anyway, if you got to here, thanks for reading! I know I’m super behind on this whole TikTok trend and I know a Tumblr post instead of a video is a bit of a cop out but all the real, physically awkward ones out there know that watching yourself back is excruciating lmao, so I hope this does the trick. After this, I’m gonna get back to the reviewing S/S21 collections post though knowing me I’ll probs take a few days to get back into that because I feel like since I left full-time education (RIP me going back in a few months) writing continuously like this for any longer than about 15 mins fries what brain cells I have left. Again, thank you for reading and if you are, sending many good vibes your way! Stay safe!
Lauren x
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Du coup Eren Manbun alphabet fluffy 🙃🙃 je sais pas si je peux spécifier un truc sur reader je te dis quand même et tu fais ce que tu veux buuut j’aimerais bien que reader soit femAlbinos 🤧 voilà ~ bon courage 😂
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Author note : alright let’s get my first alphabet headcanon ! What better way to start it than to write about Eren ? So as requested reader would be a FemAlbinos, I hope I did justice to your ask ♡ Let me know what you thought about it ! 
i do not own the gif credit to the owner
Warning : Fem pronoun / Mention of people being turned on / Mention of what happened during Mahr event (but it’s vague) 
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Since both of you didn’t have much free time, you always make sure to take benefit of every occasion you find. Most of the time you enjoy a nice walk during noon holding your hands together while talking about your future. When you are lucky, you could enjoy some quality time on town with your boyfriend, there nothing he won’t do for you. If you want to go shopping he will gladly help you finding the most beautiful dress or shirt, Eren would absolutely love having a nice meat with you since they couldn’t afford that while being in the military. If you can’t go outside for whatever reason, both of you would definelty spend the day on bed while hugging each other : there something about your warmth, your smell or maybe it’s just you but he can’t get enough of you. 
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
You find it absolutely cliché but he absolutely loves your hair, there is something about it. When you first met he was a bit taken-apart by your physics he Never someone as pale as you before, he finds it absolutely attractive while you thought it was a burden. Everytime you complained how you’re not like any people he always praised about how unique you are and how lucky he is (him being so « normal ») to have you by his side. He’ll always praise your hair or the color of your eyes and if he heard someone being offensive about you : he’ll kick the shit out of them. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Before shingashima’s event, Eren always faced bullies, he was bullying himself and always try to fight them since as long as he could remember. He hates from the deep of his soul. After loosing his mum he suffered from anxiety attack, after all he had the humanity’s weight on his shoulder since he is a teenager. Years after years he works on himself so he won’t feel anxious. So he knows how it feels being overwhelmed by your feeling, feeling that no matter how har you tried you would never be good enough. He never knows how to stop it though. So the first time you had a panic attack, all he did was putting his hand on your shoulder and help you catching your breath again. Then step by step, he learned from books, friends and by his own experience what works for you when it came to calm you down : He became the best at it. 
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
His goal when it came to your relationship are pretty simple : He wants freedom for every people he cared about. When it’s about his girlfriend, after one year of being together he knows deep down he will marry you eventually. He always wanted a family, he cherish so much his family’s memory it’s by far his best memory. So yeah he wants to marry you and have children with you, he always wanted to have his family on his own even if he already has a family in the survey corps. 
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Oh BOY. That’s a difficult question. He is not dominant but it’s not passive too you know ? He won’t control you because of his philosophy about freedom but at the same time he is very possessive : not that he is not secure in your relationship, he trust you but not men. Hell he starts despise them when he saw the way they were looking at you, as if you were a jewel. He can’t help but feeling angry when he saw someone lusting on you, he find it disgusting. He’ll punch every people looking like you like this. But again both of you are equal in the relationship, he doesn’t see the point of pretending being the « dominant » while it wasn’t really the case. Basically when you two have an argument people realized how much « equal » means. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Yes and No. Depends on what started the fight in the first place. If it something really stupid like being angry because you talked a little bit too much with Jean , Eren would apologize quickly cause he knows it didn’t mean : anger just take over him. But if it something really deep, like you questioning his motivation I don’t think he would apologize for having his own believe so you’ll have to go to him and explaining that you didn’t wanted to sound mean but just wanted to be sure he know what he’s doing. You tends to apologize more than him, he has his own pride and can be quite stubborn if he thought he was right. 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
People tends to think he is not grateful about what Mikasa have done for him but that’s not true, he is grateful for having such wonderful friends who are always on his back. He trusts them and cares a lot about them but sometimes he needs to feel he could do everything without them you know ? He need to know that he is enough. Same thing for his girlfriend, he loves seeing her taking care of him especially after training because it reminds him of his mum. He always loved being cherish even when you’re worried about him : he just loves seeing how much you care for him but at the same time he doesn’t want to be seen as weak (that’s why he is always so rude about Mikasa he wants her to see has a man not a lost puppy or a baby). He expects you to see him as he truly is but he would never be enough grateful for your kindness for him. Really even when he complains about how you worried so much for him he deeply loves that. 
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Eren has a trust issues, he need to be trusted otherwise he won’t start a relationship. Remember how sad he was when Levi’s squad was about to kill them ? He needs to feel secure in his relationship so he would never hide something from you. He will be really pissed if you hide something from him, he might never forgive you for that. The only secret he has from you was his last plan for Mahr, again it’s not about not trusting you but protecting you. 
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You definitely have a good impact on him. Since you two started your relationship, Eren started to be more cautious and less stubborn he even worked on his anger so it won’t take the best on him. He always worked hard to be sure people saw him as a strong people especially people who know him since a long time (He craves for Mikasa’s recognition fight me on that) but since you came into his life he realized that he was okay to fail that he was only human so he has every right to feel down sometimes. You helped him to become more mature and a better human (according to him) 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Yeah he is jealous a lot. Like I said he feel secure around you, he trusted you. But oh god he doesn’t any male on this earth. Initially he is kinda possessive around you, but since you are especially unique not only on Eren’s eye but to everyone eyes’. Most of the time when he saw someone being a little too flirty at his own taste he will sent them his best glare, like I said he trusted you enough to know you would kick their ass if they were bothering you. However if he felt like you were uncomfortable with someone he won’t hesitate but start a fight to take you away from that prick. Eren does not share which is his. On the other side if you tease him by being a bit flirty with someone (Reiner or Jean if you want results) and he knows you’re doing this on purpose : 5sec later you’ll find yourself stuck with him in a storeroom, your back against the wall while he was kissing your neck. 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Absolutely he is one of the best kisser of the survey corps, he puts everything he had on each kiss he got you : he is passionate and wants you to feel it. Each kiss he will give would let you breathless. He loves kissing on your lips, but forehead kiss are the most for him. If you want to flustered him, give him a good peck on his cheeks he finds it absolutely adorable and never failed to make him blush. 
When it came to his first kiss, it was quite something. You’ve been flirting with each other since a couple of months and it was obvious now for everyone that he has a crush on you. However, neither of you seemed to acknowledge that. One day, after the Mahr event you met him on the street : you know he wasn’t supposed to be here but for now you couldn’t careless. You felt your heart hitting your chest, you knew you have to confess it was now or never but he didn’t let you talk. « Do you hate me? » his question surprised you, what would you hate him ? Of course you were questioning his attitude cause he seemed a bit cold since he was back. « I don’t » you simple said. Without much saying, Eren walks directly in front of you he was very closed to you enough to feel his breath on you with one of his hand he stroke your cheek while looking directly at your eyes searching for any emotion which one ? You didn’t know. « You should hate me I’m a monster I always was ». Closing your eyes for a second enjoying the way he was stroking your cheek, you only open your eyes when he called himself a monster : you put both of your hand on his face moving your closed to him « You’re not a monster Eren You did what you thought you have to, I would always trust you no matter if I don’t understand your plan I’ll always have cause I love you and I trust you » with that you felt your body shaken a little bit but you didn’t have time to notice cause you felt Eren’s lips on yours. He gave everything on the kiss as if he tried to let you see his feeling. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It took him time to realize how much he cares about you, he never thought he would have the chance of being in love since he was very busy. But then he met you and everything shattered : he has a chance now to have someone by his side, someone to love. He realized he has every rights to live his own life. His confession would be spontaneous. It could be after a battle while he thought he was about to lose you or because you were pretty badass while killing some titans and he was afraid you might no be interested on him after that.  He would take you apart and just confess like « I know I might be a piece of work but I really love you and I care for you a lot so please be mine ? » 
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I already answer at this earlier, yeah since you two started a relationship he knows at the end when you would be free he would ask you to become his wife. He wants to have his own family with you. When he felt that the moment have came, he created a plan to make the best proposal ever (bless him) : he would take you at the place you two have confessed but will make like he came here quite by chance. He will joke about his confession and how flustered he was, you will tease him about him being a whole mess after you kiss him on the cheeks as an acceptance to become his. One second after he was one kneel on the floor holding your hand and looking at you right into your eyes « And Would you love to be mine forever ? » then he opens a tiny velvet box with a gorgeous ring. 
If you thought he was more than ready for his proposal, well he is even more ready in fact he already know how to managed his wedding more than his proposal (If he could marry you without proposal he would do it since he has already planned). He knows who would be his best man who would be at this table who he should keep away from wine etc etc. The only thing you have to do is choosing your dress and the flowers cause for him they look the same. He has bad taste about flower. He tried to make something intimate but he failed cause he has so many people around him, tone of people, tone of foods so yeah it was pretty big but you enjoy this anyway.  
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Outside he calls you by your name cause it embarrass him to be seen as cheesy but counterbalance his lack of « intimate » by holding your hand, when you are alone or just with some friends he calls you sweetheart or honey. He loves when you call him sweetie or honey but expect you to call him by his name when you are outside. He’ll only call you with your nickname when he feels jealous or wants attention from you. 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Its obvious to anyone but you, seriously how could you not see him being a mess everytime you were around him ? Everyone even people he barely knows know about his crush on you. At first he tried to impress you by working hard on his fight style, then after he noticed he doesn’t really work (it does he just didn’t notice your eyes check is how gorgeous arm while he was working out) he started to have small talk with you just to get to know you more and when he was confortable enough ask more personnel question. It’s only when he runs into you after being catched by a titan that you realized he might have a crush on you. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Eren jaeger is needy fight me on this : he craves for any sign of affection he could have from you. I already said that on another headcanon before, but to him there is time you two have to behave and being professional and there is time where he won’t put his hand away from you. Most of the time when you’re not doing military activity he always holds your hand he just like the feeling of your hand close to his. Time to time when no one was looking at you he would kiss your hand or your forehead but if there are too many people around you he would stroke your hand instead of being intimate in front of them. He loves you from the deep of his heart but can’t be cheesy around you. 
When you are in some private place or around some of his close friends like Armin, he won’t hesitate to put an arm around your waist to have you closer to him, stroking your hair or your cheeks, kissing you on your cheeks. He keeps his kiss on lips when you are alone since he tends to be handy when you two kissed. 
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He won’t admit it, but seeing you wearing his cloth is huge turn of from him besides that there something about you wearing his cloth that he loves : probably the fact that it was like you were marked from him. If he saw you wearing his jacket, not only he would be flustered cause you look so adorable but he would feel so proud to have you wearing HIS cloths it’s like carrying a « I belong to Eren Jaeger » sign which he really loves. 
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He is cheesy, not very the best when it came to express his feelings. Remember when he confess to you ? He was at his best. I’m not joking he is just super spontaneous with his feelings and if he feels he need to say « I love you » he would say it just like this. That being said, he tried to be more romantic to please you cause of course he can’t taking you for granted so he’ll always work hard so he could seduce you. He’ll tried to send you cute note, got your favorite food, even buy flower (just to be sure he buys roses cause he heard women praising them so). He even bought you a necklace for your one year in relationship it was kinda simple but you cherish it. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He won’t dating you if you haven’t a goal in the first place. He loves people who are passionate about something, it doesn’t have to « saving humanity » but as long as you crave for something he will support you. Hell he became your first supporter, he’ll fight (with Mikasa and Armin) anyone who dare being bad at you. If it’s something he doesn’t know shit about, he will gladly educate himself or with the help or Armin, he loves showing off about his knowledge. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
His life is a whole mess, it can’t start anything because everytime something happen and he has to evolve. So having a certain routine with you is a most, just couple things like who is the big spoon, when you could have your night date. But don’t worry, he’ll always spice things up he just appreciate some stability. 
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows them like the back of his hands, it took time for him cause at first he was pretty obvious about some of your reaction but he works on himself and analyze every reaction not only when you two were intimidate but also when you were surrounded by titans or when you were training. He knows everything and how to behave you felt down etc. It didn’t stop him for being a prick time to time when he thought he was right. Especially when it came to your disease, he knows you had to be protected from the sun so everytime you were outside he made sure to have something to protect you from him. Again if he noticed you have some struggle with your sight he’ll make sure you’ll see a doctor for that. He is pretty thoughtful. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re the most precious thing to him he loves from the deep of his heart, there nothing he won’t do for you. He cares so much about you, he even realized one day that he’ll give his life if he was sure you’ll be safe and free. He’ll always protect you, he can’t lose not after everything he’ve been through. That being said, unfortunately he won’t say you anything about his plan to make his people free but you know that no matter what he did he did for his people and for you. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
As much as he enjoys being the big spoon, there is time when he feels the need of being the little one. But he won’t ask for it, no no he is too damn pride for that. Instead, he will slowly moved on the bed, putting his arm on your waist and then inch by inch putting his body on the top of you, his head on your chest as his pillow and then he’ll humming. He tried to be subtle but you know better so you just puts him even close to you and holds him while stroking his hair to help him falling asleep. Usually he’ll do such a thing when he feels particularly sad or lonely, he need to be loved but won’t ask for it. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Like I said earlier he is needy, but he knows better than being too affectionate while he was supposed to be professional. He knows a lot of people put their hope on him so he has to work hard to not disappoint them. As much as it hurts him, he couldn’t hug you or kissing you everytime but he’ll always find a time during night to see you just to hug you, kiss you and told you how much he loves you just to counterbalance the fact that he couldn’t love you the way he wants to. 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He won’t. Fight me on this, but he neither cope with the death of his mother nor from Levi’s squad. No matter how hard he tried he never grieve from any’s people death. He always feels like he could do something about it, he blamed him no matter if he could do something about it. If he looses his girlfriend because of a Titan he will hate himself for the rest of his life for not being able to protect her : he only has one job and yet he failed. How could he live like that ? Loosing you would definitely have a huge impact of the men he will became. 
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He will give his life for you. You are far too precious. It would be his first relationship so everything won’t be perfect but he’ll do everything to make you happy I already said it couple of times but there nothing he won’t do for you. He loves you with everything he got. You are is sun, you were there when he need you the most, you help him to grown up, to become the man he is now. He’ll work so hard to make things work, but he’s not an idiot if he feels like you won’t get along or they’re no future for both of you he’ll let you go even if it hurts : he won’t force you to do anything you were against and same for you. He’s an healthy partner. 
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askyaboionicole · 4 years
Well, I can't really hug you from where I am, unfortunately, but if you found a way to let me into your realm, then I could provide all the hugs you could ever want. Although, that quest is a bit vague, so maybe... since you've been such a good boy lately... there's a surprise waiting for you in Dr. Julien's lighthouse, a special gift for a special boy :D And it'll get you away from the ninja! ~Zhura
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“But don’t worry, I’ll find a way to bring you here to! Double hugs, win win!”
*muffled cackle of thunder and lightning*
“Buuut when things are clearer out, I’ll get right on it!”
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faelune-home · 4 years
Flowers for the Departed
(A/N: aaaah the writing inspiration hit me the other night and it desired feels :’D I just remembered the side quest from 5.1 with F’lhaminn and wanted to see the other scions do the same now that they’re back on the source ;3;
In this house we love and respect minfilia and we miss her dearly ;-;
I had a vague idea to make it longer and maybe feature Thancred and Urianger buuut i liked how it ended here.
And finally some more work featuring my miqo girl~
It’d only been a small comment, a declaration of the Warrior taking her leave for the day for an errand. Yet elaboration caught the interest of the Stones’ present occupants - Tataru and both Leveilleur twins. 
A trip to the church near Camp Drybone to visit Minfilia.
“Oh, you wouldn’t mind if I come with you, would you?” Tataru asked, jumping from her seat, “I’ve been so busy here fielding messages and helping Krile and Master Matoya these last few weeks, I haven’t had the time to visit yet.”
Fufu nodded, smiling warmly at the lalafell. “Of course you can. I wouldn’t stop you. And you two are free as well,” she added, directed at the younger ones seated to the side. 
“The invitation is still appreciated, thank you,” Alisaie said, together with her brother joining the two at the door. “Shall we then?”
“Ah, you three can go ahead of me, I have something I need to do first. But I’ll be quick!” The keeper woman promised, beginning her teleport and leaving her companions to make the trip themselves.
When they arrived, F’lhaminn was already there, crouched by one of the graves. As the trio walked up to her, she started to her feet, ears pricked in surprise, before relaxing once she noticed who the visitors were.
“Oh, it’s only you three,” she said, giving the newcomers a polite bow and a warm smile, “I take it you’re all here to see Ascilia?”
They nodded, with Alisaie saying, “Admittedly, it was Fufu’s idea, although we wished to join her once she mentioned it.” Alphinaud then added, noticing the miqo’te begin to look around for the missing girl, “She bade us come ahead of her, saying she had another errand before she could be here. It shouldn’t take long.”
F’lhaminn nodded. “Very well. Still it’s good to see you all here. Ascilia would appreciate it.” Tataru put a gentle hand on the older woman’s leg, her eyes glossy with tears as she said, “She was a dear friend. Would that she could’ve been here with us in person, but… Th-there’s no point dwelling on ‘could haves’ and ‘what ifs’.”
The twins shared a look at Tataru’s mumbling, with Alphinaud saying, “We all miss her dearly, however worrying over what could have been wouldn’t help. That we can come together to celebrate her life and all the good she did is a gift in itself.” The lalafellen woman nodded, though there was a pause before she finally smiled, wiped at her eyes, and replied. “You’re right. I know that. Gods it still hurts though.”
“Oftentimes, the loss of loved ones can still be felt even after so long,” F’lhaminn sighed, head bowed and a hand over her heart. The others bowed their heads. The silence hung between the group, the only sound the rustling of the dry shrubbery in the wind until a loud voice called out, catching their attention.
“I’m here! I’m sorry I’m late!” The yell was paired with the thudding of feet running across wood as the Keeper rushed into view from one of Camp Drybone’s entrance ramps. And to the surprise of the others, she clutched in her arms a massive bouquet of flowers, of many varying colours and breeds. 
As she skidded to a stop near the group, out of breath and clearly trying to avoid doubling over into the large bundle, Alisaie couldn’t help but exclaim, “Twelve above, did you buy out an entire florist? What’s all this for?”
Fufu laughed nervously, clearly a bit flustered at her state, she said, “Well, no not really. It is a lot, I know, but it’s for a good reason. It’s…” She paused, ears flat against her head and looking to the ground, suddenly somber.
“Well, everyone else is here as well. From the attack on the Waking Sands. I wanted to get enough for everyone.” Tataru gasped out a soft, “Oh.” The others seemed to look around the graveyard with new eyes at the realisation.
Then F’lhaminn let out a soft chuckle. “What a wonderful idea. To pay tribute to all of our fallen comrades this day. I’m sure Ascilia wouldn’t mind waiting while we paid everyone our respects. Dare I suggest that were she here now, she would have done much the same.” Nods passed between the group, as Tataru held out her hands and said, “Here, give me some of those. I’d like to hand out a few. I’ll need one of the sisters to point me the right way of course.”
As the smaller woman ran off toward the church with flowers in her arms, Alphinaud stepped forward and asked, “May I as well? I only knew some few individuals in passing from those days, but all the same.” Fufu simply nodded and handed him a small handful of flowers from her now shrinking bouquet.
“At least he knew some of them.” The keeper’s ear twitched, turning to Alisaie, who now wore a solemn look on her face as she watched her brother crouch near one of the graves. “I’ll be the first to admit I wasn’t a regular face among the Scions back then. I didn’t know anyone unless they were one of grandfather’s circle or Minfilia herself.” 
She looked away, only to turn back as she felt a nudge on her arm; Fufu held the flowers to the girl with a gentle smile and told her, “They’d appreciate the thought, I’m sure. They were still companions.” The elezen hesitated, reaching for the bunch yet not quite taking it until F'lhaminn put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 
Finally taking them, she repeated softly, “They were still companions.” Then with a wider smile, more like herself, she added, “I suppose I’ll need the sisters’ help as well to find them all. Bear with me.” Off she left, leaving the two miqo’te women alone by Minfilia’s grave.
F’lhaminn took half of the remaining bundle from Fufu’s arms, saying, “Shall we go together then?” The younger of the two nodded.
“We’ll be right back Minfilia,” Fufu said toward the grave. Even as silence greeted her, she smiled, then turned and left with the older Seeker deeper into the lichyard.
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briightart · 4 years
I love your art! Your colouring is so unique how do you do it?
aa!!! thank you!!!!!! <3
it’s a bit hard to explain, but i guess it’s a combination of three different factors? my brush settings, my colours/filters, the general knowledge of how to shade stuff (keep in mind i also use a drawing tablet with pen pressure)! i doodled a kinderswitch!carla for this bc i felt like it :’D
typically i start with plopping down the base colours
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then depending on those colours, i choose the shading colour and paint it on a different normal layer with a relatively large brush size according to the area that needs to be painted, because each colour is on a separate layer.
honestly, i just kinda. blob it onto vaguely the right areas where shadows occur.
the shading is at full opacity on the left, so i lower the opacity on each layer until it looks nice
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then i do the same with the lighting, which is on a luminosity layer. (i haven’t shaded the eyes bc i do something kinda different with that hgfdfg. i can make a tutorial on that if people want to see it!) but again, i lower from full opacity to whatever looks nice
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and that’s kinda how my colouring works!!
how i figure out where to shade, is typically by studying photographs of actual people or artwork of more skilled artists. but i prefer photographs because. those show you where Actual shadows are, rather than an artist’s interpretation of them, and sometimes it can be more accurate than looking at artwork, but artwork isn’t a bad resource either!
for example: here’s a study i did compared to the actual picture (x)! the shadows are around the same places, but not exactly. buuut you get the idea anyway, and that’s what i do with my shading on more casual art like my fanart.
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looking up and studying “planar heads/figures” can also be a big help with shading.
my brush for shading is a flat, blocky, square-ish brush. kinda hard to get used to at first, and rlly the trick is to just! not really care about precision! settings + a comparison to the regular pen tool are below if ur interested in that!
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Two: A Pile of Papers ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Umino Iruka, Tazuna ] [ SasuHina, alcohol ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
“Man, this stinks!”
Three little genin stand just outside the administration building, awaiting the (as usual, late) arrival of their sensei. Sasuke leans coolly against the exterior, arms crossed with closed eyes as he appears to doze. Hinata sits nearby on a bench, looking prim as always with hands on her lap. And she’s currently watching Naruto stomp around and throw a bit of a fit.
“W-what stinks?” she asks, head tilting a bit. They’re about to get a new mission, after all...doesn’t he always look forward to them?
“This! The whole thing!” the blond proclaims, hands throwing up in the air. “Y’know the minute we get in there, we’re gonna get another lame D-rank mission for babies! We’ve been training super hard with Kakashi-sensei, and for what? We’ve been doin’ D-rank assignments for weeks, and it’s gettin’ real old!”
“For once...I have to agree with Naruto,” Sasuke then admits, drawing both their gazes. Eyes open, he looks to them both mildly. “We’re more than ready for a real mission. Walking dogs and doing yard work is beneath us. Even for Naruto, those are too easy.”
“Yeah -! Wait...what was that least part?” the Uzumaki asks, squinting.
A hint of a grin pulls at Sasuke’s lips. “You heard me, dead last. Take it as a compliment - it means that even you need a better challenge than the missions we’ve been getting.”
“Tch!” Arms fold tightly over his chest, shoulders hunching with a pout.
“Well, we’ve a-all been doing a lot better,” Hinata cuts in as the pair go quiet. “Our teamwork especially! Surely if we work together we could...w-we could handle something a bit tougher than what we have been doing...right?”
“Exactly!” Naruto crows, sour mood just as quickly forgotten as it arrived. “So, when we go in there, we all gotta insist we get something better, okay? Maybe if we all ask - no, demand! - we’ll finally get listened to!”
“Well...it’s worth a shot,” Sasuke shrugs. He’s not one to beg or whine, but...maybe the only way they’ll get to advance in the mission roster is by being more vocal.
“O-okay!” The Hyūga gives a smile. “Maybe Kakashi-sensei will s-side with us, and help convince Sarutobi-sama!”
“He did praise us last time we all trained,” Sasuke muses. “...maybe he will.”
“Maybe I’ll what?”
The trio then turn to spy none other than Kakashi, Naruto rushing up and blurting out his plan.
A silver brow perks. “You want to move up in ranks, do you…?”
“Yeah, yeah! We’re bored of all these D-ranks, Kakashi-sensei! Can’t we do something more exciting for once…?”
“Hm…” He rubs a hand over his clothed chin. “So...you want a mission that’ll entertain you, is that it?”
“...missions aren’t about being entertained,” Kakashi then rebukes, making Naruto flinch. “They’re about doing what needs to be done. It’s not about having fun, or the rush, or getting to boast. Sooner or later, you’ll learn that missions are a lot more serious than you give them credit for.”
Further back, both Sasuke and Hinata seem to hesitate.
“Okay, okay!” Naruto admits. “I get it, really! But I mean...don’t you think we’re past doing the low level stuff? We’re ready, aren’t we? Don’tcha think?”
“Well...we’ll see what they have available,” Kakashi replies vaguely, not reacting as Naruto gives a whoop and a holler. “But I can’t make any promises...in the end, it’s up to the ones running the mission directory.”
Hinata wilts a hair as Naruto’s celebration earns the group odd looks from older shinobi, Sasuke just sighing curtly. “Come on, let’s get going,” he mutters. “Standing out here isn’t going to get us any missions either way.”
The squad then moves inside, taking the stairs to the proper level where Hiruzen and Iruka await with the day’s current roster of missions. Upon seeing them, Iruka starts scanning the D-ranks before offering one to Hiruzen.
“Ah, here we are...a local farm is looking for help with -”
“No way!”
The entire room stutters, looking to Naruto as he stubbornly forms an x with his arms. Kakashi deadpans, Sasuke’s eye twitching, and Hinata glancing nervously between her teammate and the Hokage.
“...excuse me?” Iruka then cuts in, standing and slapping hands atop the mission desk. “It’s not your place to make such remarks, especially in front of the Hokage!”
“I’m tired of stupid D-ranks! I want a real shinobi mission! With bad guys and fighting and stuff!”
“Naruto, you -!”
Hiruzen lifts a hand, begging silence from his assistant. “So...you want a real mission…?” he asks, leafing through a pile of papers. “And do you really think you’re prepared for such a thing?”
“Yeah, we are! We’ve all been training super hard with Kakashi-sensei! He says we’re ready!”
The Hatake wilts a bit, clearly not wanting to be implicated.
“Naruto...you’re a new genin,” Hiruzen reminds the blond, chewing his pipe. “Our ranking systems for both missions and shinobi are in place to keep appropriately-leveled assignments to appropriately-leveled shinobi. Genin...get...D-ranks.”
Cheeks puffing, Naruto does the mature thing...and sinks to the floor, arms and legs folded.
His teammates both sigh.
Eyeing the boy, Hiruzen seems to think...and then chuckles. “...so, you think you’re ready for a better mission…? All right...I’ll give you one. To prove yourselves.”
The trio blink...and then brighten.
“Wait, really?” Naruto hops back to his feet, blues wide.
“Yes. It just so happens that I have a mission from Nami no Kuni. A client is in need of some escorts and bodyguards as they make their way from here in Konoha back to Nami. It’s a basic C-rank...surely you could pull it off, hm?”
“Yeah! We can do it! Right guys?”
Sasuke just gives a small smirk, Hinata brightening.
“So who are we escorting, huh?” Naruto’s eyes go starry, fists bunched under his chin. “Is it like...a princess? A diplomat? Huh, huh?”
“Don’t get your hopes up,” Kakashi mutters.
“Well, why don’t we just bring them in?” Hiruzen offers, still grinning as he gestures for the client to be fetched. “I’m sure you’re get along splendidly.”
The team turns, looking to the door into the room. After a pause, it slides open, and...reveals a man. In one hand he clutches a bottle, clearly already a bit sauced. A pack rests over his shoulders, outfit a bit dingy and expression clearly already annoyed.
“...are you serious?” he mutters, leaning against the door frame and swaying slightly. “Are you telling me that my guards back to Nami...are a couple of brats?”
The genin all turn to each other, unsure what to say.
“These three are led by the son of White Fang,” Hiruzen offers. “I assure you, for a C-rank mission, they’ll do just fine. It’s a simple escort, and not too far.”
The man’s jaw grits for a moment, which goes mostly unnoticed...save for Kakashi, whose eye narrows just a hair.
“Yeah, don’t worry mister! We’ll get ya there no problem!” Naruto crows proudly, hands on his hips.
“Like I’m gonna believe the words of a half-pint dimwit,” the man shoots back.
“Half...half-pint…?” Blinking, Naruto then grits his teeth in a snarl. “Hey! Height’s got nothin’ to do with it, you hear? I’m gonna be Hokage someday, so you better watch what you say, y’old coot!”
Behind him, Iruka sighs and buries his brow in a palm, Hiruzen looking amused.
“Naruto, please try not to insult your client,” Kakashi deadpans, biffing the blond upside the head.
“But he said -!”
“He’s paying you to keep him safe. He’s allowed to have his opinions...and judge how well of a job you do. If you mouth off, he might not pay as well. So...you should behave. A shinobi must have patience, even in the face of adversity. Even if the adversity is being insulted, hm?”
Naruto just harrumphs, arms folding tightly as his teammates sigh once more.
“Well, you lot better get going,” the Hokage offers, lips curled around his pipe. “The sooner you leave, the sooner Tazuna-san can return to his job building a bridge in Nami. Remember, you should be timely in your assignments.”
“Come on, Naruto,” Sasuke mutters, dragging the blond by the collar and following Tazuna out. “We’ve got a job to do - you were whining about doing D-ranks, so quit your complaining.”
Hinata follows, brow wilted uncertainly. “So...we have to take him all the way to Nami? Are there no shinobi there…?”
“No,” Kakashi offers, following his troupe. “Smaller lands like Nami have no resident shinobi force...and it’s from them many of the great shinobi villages get their business. So, best we make a good impression, hm? Now...you three go home, pack up gear for a trip of a few days, and meet back at the gate in twenty minutes. If you’re not there, we’ll leave without you.” He gives a closed-eye smile before flickering out of sight.
“...well, guess that’s our cue,” Sasuke mutters. “See you guys in twenty. And don’t be late, Naruto.”
“Me? What about you? I’ll be there in five minutes, just watch me!”
As the boys bicker, Hinata heaves yet another sigh. “Well...I-I’m going to get going...see you guys at the gate, okay?”
“Will do.”
     More team seven!Hinata! Which...I've done a few previous parts for, but atm I don't have time to find the rest to list, so...whoops ^^; I haven't done TOO much, but once the year is over, I'll work on organizing things :''D      Anyway, just basically the scene leading to Nami, but with Hinata replacing Sakura! I reallllly like this concept, and honestly really need to RP it, lol - buuut that's really all there is to this one, so...I'll stop rambling there. Thanks for reading!
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ais-n · 6 years
I've just finished ICOS and I'm not even kidding when I tell you it broke me completely, sobbing at 3am and all that. Thank you so much for writing the series and breaking my heart. Buuut there's this one thing I've been wondering: How did Ryan survive the lung disease for so long? I also read Rainbow and the verdict was he had about 18 months left and well, Ryan's still very much alive by 2027. It's totally okay if you don't wanna answer. Happy an awesome day :D
I’m glad you liked it! ahaha sorry to make you cry lol
I’m trying to remember, honestly... originally, “Sonny” wanted to kill Ryan off sometime after Evenfall but I was like NOOOOOO T_T TOO SAD PLZ 2 NOT??? and since the main reason “he” wanted to do it was because “he” was kind of bored of Ryan’s character, it was easier to let him grow as a person/character than to kill him off. I was stoked! So then things were reworked a bit to let him live. I have vague memories of some sort of medication he used that ended up having better recovery rates than expected? Maybe we said that because he was at the Agency they had access to more experimental medication and it actually worked for him?
Sadly I genuinely don’t remember what the story was we went with. But honestly that’s one of those cases where it was sort of going to go one direction, then got shifted a different direction, and the reason for why things ended up being okay is probably not as hardcore strong a reason as it would’ve been if things had been planned that way from the start. I imagine his prognosis would’ve been less dire if planned from the beginning, but then again, I don’t think it was planned from the start he’d die, either. The ramping up of his illness being super duper awful was probably in part because “Sonny” was getting kind of tired of writing him, so in a way it’s fair that the dismal ending was rolled back and he remained sickly for some time but not as terminally ill. 
You know, now I’m also mixing all these various plans together in my mind. Did Ryan ever go to Europe for a few months? That was a plan at one time, too. He was going to go to Euro Agency or maybe just Europe and kind of tool around, and he was going to find an older guy he’d get with. I think he was going to genuinely like that guy. He was going to do this because he thought he had limited time to live, and he was tired of feeling controlled and cooped up in his life, so I think he wanted a moment of spontaneity, of doing something super different and unexpected and just for him. But then whatever procedure or whatever worked better than expected and suddenly he had a new lease on life. And then he was going to come back at some point. Did we ever do that?? I don’t think we did. Or maybe that’s what Rainbow was? But I’m pretty sure Rainbow was set in US Agency. Maybe we did imply he did this a few months off screen? UGH now I’ve forgotten everything important. It doesn’t help that the series is so Boyd and Hsin focused. There was a lot that happened off page that the two MC’s didn’t really notice or care about because they were constantly in the middle of dramatic things, themselves, so it was understandable they were more internally focused but then now I forget what we did have happen in the background or what was just an idea at some point that never went to fruition.
Either way, the good news is you can imagine Ryan being around for years and years to come :) And you can imagine your favorite reasons for this - he got some experimental procedure, or some experimental drug, or he spent some short time off screen in Europe for some reason and found something super useful there that helped him out, or....
Sorry the answer isn’t better! :( Good question though :)
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reitziluz · 7 years
on “will”
so some of you might not know that i’m a lit sci major stuck on writing their master’s thesis. i’m doing it on... a certain manga, maybe. but the thing is, i had half a thought about making it on shounen and something something neo-romanticism and hope and the idea of “will” as a genre defining trait. i haven’t done any real academic work to polish that thought or gather evidence, but it’s a pet theory of mine, and yea the mp100 reread i’m doing made me think of that again. 
because one references that idea heavily in the first five chapters. and i got the idea that the story might in part be about taking the idea of “will” and saying “no, that isn’t how things work.”
i already said that the first page is genius (but also a drag to read with my skill level bfdhdfh) in that it has that bigger than life shounen setup feel, “those who keep fighting to bring even a ray of light to that darkness are called... psychics” and all. and that gets destroyed within the first chapter, with how mundane and sketchy the world is revealed to be. 
but but but. the part where the different ways to spend the “spring of youth” are brought up. “those who sweat as they put their bodies to the test”, “those who study for the future”, “those who focus on their hobbies”, “those who polish their skills”, “those who rebel” and “those who fall in love” - sure, they’re real things people focus on, but also... main directions of “will” that could be used to divide school anime into different subgenres. 
and mp100 is about none of them. instead, it’s about a boy nicknamed essentially “npc” who struggles to be the main character of his life. it’s about looking for a “will”, and making peace with a world and an existence where there is no innate “will” to be found. buuut i’m getting ahead of myself. 
what i noticed was that in ch 4, when tokugawa asks if mob has any thought of his own, if he wants anything, he asks “don’t you have any ‘will’”, the word “will”  in quotes for emphasis. it’s 意思 (ishi) which simply means intention/purpose. however, it’s a concept that gets thrown around a lot in shounen. it’s the strong ambitions the protagonists have, it’s that power-up from sheer determination. it’s used explicitly at times - i started noticing the pattern after realizing how deep the idea of it goes in one piece, crossing generations for example with the whole “will of d” deal. anyway, my take is basically that the hopeful power fantasy type of shounen series see the (ideal) human nature as something driven, with a reason for existing - a dream - strong enough that it turns into a force capable of changing the world.
and when pressed about his “will”, mob has a hard time to come up with anything. he wonders if everyone really has one. what he wants is happiness, he guesses, but it’s much too muddled and vague answer, so he tries to come up with a concrete example - hanging out with girls seems nice. he comes up with the goal of confessing to tsubomi, and while i don’t think he doesn’t actually have a crush on her, it does seem like mob mostly is trying to come up with something that would fit the idea of a “will” than expressing his true thoughts. 
this is especially interesting, because while he questions his “will”, tokugawa also warns mob that if he doesn’t choose his path himself, he’ll end up becoming a ghost for real, instead of just a ghost of a club member (as in someone who doesn’t actually go to the club). “you can’t just peek at other people’s choices and base yours on them.” (which is overlaid on reigen, which is completely another topic to cover fdgfhfd) 
so. mob doesn’t do much to advance his “will” during the series. tsubomi is barely in it, until the last arc. some people have noted this as a flaw, but really, to me it seems intentional. tsubomi isn’t the point. the point is for mob to find what he truly wants, who he truly is. and, he mistakenly thinks he needs to become something more, find something more to want before he should answer the question. but nothing works like the tried and true formula, and the answer ends up being that it’s okay to not know things for sure, that you’re enough as is. 
i think i lost my thought a few times there, and well, i only have read the first five chapters again, so i’m sure there will be more great bits about “will” and one chewing the trope up. but yea, i’ll get back to them when i get to them, ahaha!
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