#//but we can all hold ourselves to a minimum standard.
gear-project · 28 days
Annon-Guy: Sorry for getting deep and philosophical here, but what's your stance on artificial life forms?
You see in Guilty Gear and BlazBlue/XBLAZE alike, the heroes usually treat artificial beings like Gears, Valentines, Homuculus', Prime Fields and Embryo Storages as equals while villains treat them as nothing more than garbage, including Hazama and Sechs who are such beings themselves.
We always have a fear of the unknown, but I'm saying that if such a being exists in real life, I'd be like Sin, Ragna and Touya and treat them as another living being just the same. That's just how I feel anyway.
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It's a very complicated and politically charged statement.
Do you acknowledge sentience for its own sake?
Or do you acknowledge emotions over reason and intellect?
By what standard do you determine something or someone to be sentient and give them the same dignity we of Human standing enjoy?
Or is it perhaps sheer hubris that Humans even place ourselves above the concept of Artificial Life Forms and Artificial Intelligence?
A lot of Modern Content Creators have been offended by the concept of Artificially Created A.I.-generated videos and artworks... but what happens when the A.I. achieves a level of understanding of emotions and the Human Will?
What happens when all that we hold sacred to our definition of what makes us "Human Beings" and "Members of Society" suddenly gets replicated with an Artificial Automated Standard?
You could technically argue that Humans ourselves are Mass Produced, after all.
We even have our own biosphere system set in place that surrounds us with everything we could possibly need to function in this world at the bare minimum. Many would argue that we ourselves are "created through birth" in a form of bio-manufacturing.
Where do you draw the line between home grown and artifice, there?
You could also argue that Humans underestimate the true potential of Creation: that anything that is created can and will inevitably become superior to its creator.
That any Modern Ideas will always far outstrip older concepts and traditions.
Though that is not always the case, it is certainly a compelling idea to think about, no?
What you can at least differentiate is the idea that every individual form of life is just that: Alive.
Respecting that Right to Live is essential, and the foundation of coexistence. It's how we take the first step towards interaction and communication with others besides ourselves.
Perhaps something is malfunctioning in that Life Form, or perhaps they hold beliefs different from your own... it is a case-by-case consideration.
Well, even for machines, there's the consideration that you won't damage a well-built device and let it function as intended, no? That is, of course, unless it posed a threat to you for some odd reason and such a defense was entirely justified.
Of course, unlike Machines, Humans are prone to making excuses for our actions, whether we are truly justified or otherwise.
If a Machine does something outside its intended functions, there's no excuse for it per se, but merely a "reason" for why it didn't do what it was supposed to. Like any tool, most are morally neutral.
But what happens when that "reason" becomes something close to "being human"?
That's what happens when GEARs become Sentient and gain a will of their own.
When a machine that was once debilitated and limited to a set parameter of functions exceeds all and sundry and can suddenly sing and dance like Humans can... what do you do in that case?
Would it be "safe" to call something that was once a "weapon of mass destruction" a "friend and ally"?
Perhaps it is, once again, a case-by-case determination.
But even GEARs fear their own true potential, just as we Humans fear for our own Futures and what we are truly capable of.
But just as Fear can be dispelled by the Truth... and Facts dispel Lies... what we Fear can eventually be Understood as "Reason" once more.
But to achieve that "Reason" more "Understanding" must be acquired. More "Communication" and more "Trust" must be fostered.
To Trust and put Faith in the true potential of ALL forms of Existence.
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trekwiz · 3 months
One can acknowledge and condemn the horror and genocide in Gaza while recognizing that the genocide that will be inflicted on women, gay and trans people and PoC will be infinitely worse if trump wins not to mention our democracy will be actively dismantled. You may live to see a world where merely speaking out against Israel or the government becomes a crime. Just food for thought.
There’s only slight hope under Biden. Absolutely no hope under trump
The underlying assumption in your statement is false: while the election is Democrat vs Republican, it does not have to be Trump vs Biden.
The DNC can pose an alternate candidate. It's possible, and reasonable; if it wasn't, his debate performance wouldn't have re-opened the question nationally. There are Democrats who don't support genocide available; demand one take the candidacy.
If we can condemn Republicans for not replacing their candidate due to his crimes, we can hold ourselves to the same standard. Not supporting genocide is the bare minimum. It's not a negotiable point.
Biden is replaceable: if he isn't, if there is no other individual who can perform his role, then that's a significant failure in the Democratic party. If "blue no matter who" is a principle you stand behind, then individual Democrats should be interchangeable; there's no reason it must be Biden.
Ultimately, if you know a significant chunk of the party won't vote in favor of genocide (and many others won't vote at all) and choose to double down on propping up that individual instead of demanding a viable replacement, then you only have yourself to blame if Democrats lose at the ballot box. Weak candidates are supposed to be replaced. Regardless of the reasons, Biden is now a weak candidate.
Let's also be clear that if lives that you valued were on the line, this would be a different conversation. If Biden were supporting a genocide against LGBT people for economic gain, would he still be the lesser evil? Would you still argue in his favor instead of demanding a replacement?
Why should he, personally, get a pass for his atrocities just because you don't value the victims? Importantly, how are you at all different from the Trump voters who don't hate trans people, but simply don't care enough about what happens to them to prioritize it over their own gain?
You're engaging in the same cult of personality. You can do better.
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pan-gaa · 11 months
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My problem with the BL industry -part 1-
Where do we draw the line?
I want to start this by saying I myself have been a BL fan for many years, I just want to share my thoughts on the issues cultivated by this industry in the eyes of a queer man. I want to focus on the sexualization of “toxic” more so abusive relationships that are portrayed. Because the manwha Jinx is one of the most popular BLs at the moment and it fits as an example of my point, I’ll be speaking a little bit about it.
What was the purpose of the BL genre? Well for women it was a media that served as escapism since most mature media was very much male oriented. Women could not feel connected to the characters portrayed only to please men’s disturbing fantasies. Between the impossible body standards and the clear lack of regard for the woman autonomy it isn’t a surprise that women felt quite disconnected from 18+ media. That’s when an adult genre came to fruition, 18+ media for women by women but no woman was portrayed in these stories in fact the main focus was relationships between 2 men. The disconnect from societal pressures helped woman enjoy 18+ content without feeling guilt or disgust. But how a genre created to disconnect toxic attributes in media became just that but for another demographic? Now the people on the other end of this discomfort are queer people, not only gay men. Romanticizing dangerous power dynamics, dubious consent, sexualizing toxic stereotypes,infantilization ect. The list goes on of all real life issues that the queer community deal with but are nothing but entertainment within this genre.
Not all BLs are bad! Im very aware since again I am quite the fan of some but this is more me criticizing the industry per se. The problem is that toxicity sells, what companies want is to sell and that opens the doors for people to make more toxicity for whatever their reasons. All that moves us to where we are today were we have one the most popular current themes being Stockholm syndrome and how it is hot. I’ve been seeing myself how I have been dropping more series than I have finished, I kept getting hit with more and more of this toxic clichés. It was like I was playing bingo and hoping I didn’t win, I would get so excited for stories that did the bare minimum and yet those were hard to find which has made my current experience quite exhausting. Of course I’m no longer the teen who would let anything pass because “hot characters” and even more hot scenes but now as an adult that just doesn’t cut it anymore. Showing toxic situations in media on its own is not the problem but it is the context in which they are shown, these are not cautionary tales but “love stories” the intent is for you to root for those characters. Not only is the relationships an issue but the way they portray queer people overall, the disrespect for bisexual people, trans people and lesbians in some of these stories is quite appalling since these are suppose to be queer stories. I think this says a lot about the industry and some of the artists involved, before it could maybe be used as an excuse the lack of knowledge but to me that no longer holds in the age of the internet.
Now I’ll like to mention one of the stories I’ve personally been a little tired of seeing, Jinx. I was quite interested in the manwha when it was announced, as I’ve mentioned before I’m all about the visuals and seeing the improvement of the artist was endearing. I’m aware the BL is still ongoing but I have read BJ Alex which can add a little context on how the artist manages their stories. This is not a personal diss on the artist or those who are reading the story, I just think with all these kinds of popular stories we gotta ask ourselves, Where do we draw the line? Jinx is your typical story of the protagonist being someone that went thru trauma and has to spent their whole life trying to pay some insane debt, then comes the romantic interest being a famous rich person with an unchecked personality disorder that takes advantage of the power dynamic and uses the protagonist to his convenience. It is quite an overdone premise and in this story we see it as a black listed physical therapist and a famous athlete, the protagonist Dan appears to act like an Angel while Jaekyung keeps bullying him and using him for other acts. The story so far has been quite literally only this, and you see in the comments people hoping for a redemption arc for Jaekyung, at some point in this story readers have to realize that a good ending would be Dan leaving this situation but unfortunately I don’t have much hope for that. Jinx is not the only story doing this but it is one of the most popular at the moment, we also have stories like Painter Of The Night which is literally the love story between a kidnapper and his victim.
BL is a genre that can be enjoyed by anyone yet it seems like lately it can become queer stories but not for queer people but more so toxic fantasies put onto another group of people that also have to fight for their own respect. It’s perfectly fine to enjoy good ol 18+ media that is morally grey or maybe somewhat toxic but when an industry gains so much money on portraying real issues as unserious fantasies so continuously, I think it’s time we ask ourselves as the readers; When is it too much? When does it get disrespectful to the people it’s portraying? Where do we draw the line?
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fels-fantasy-hoard · 1 year
One of my friends and players just brought something up to me that I think is a discussion that should be had and that is:
Should white people make ocs that are poc in ttrpgs
She sent me two ticktocks here and here where two poc talk about how it makes them uncomfortable when white people play as poc in ttrpgs and she was freaking out because her oc from the last 3-4 years in our campaign is mix raced. My friend is also mix raced but white passing and she was afraid she was offending people.
So, I just wanna give my perspective from observing this same discussion in other writing communities - because it is essentially the same discussion of whether or not white people can write poc in novels, video game, movies, etc because it all comes down to aesthetic appropriation.
Now, if any poc would like to add their own thoughts and experiences with this please do, your voices are much more important than mine - a white person - so I'm going to put my thoughts under a cut. I'm basically going to talk about my own observations within the fantasy genre as a whole when it comes to ethnicity and race and the patterns I've seen and how that translates into the ttrpg medium. Cheers :D
So, the main problem I've seen brought up when white people try to be inclusive by adding poc in their stories is that their inclusion stops at aesthetics. A poc is still written with the mindset of a white person. Changing the ethnicity of a character changes nothing about them and - many times - their ethnicity isn't even clear. They are south Asian but of which country? Which region? South Asians are an incredibly diverse ethnic group just like Afrians or Central/South Americans. If you can swap the ethnicity of a character without changing anything about them, then you aren't actually making good representation, you are doing the bare minimum of preventing an all white cast. It's 2023, we should hold ourselves and each other to higher standards.
Now, when it comes to fantasy stories, there is a bit of a problem. The worlds within fantasy settings become so much smaller because humans often share the setting with nonhumans such as elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc. This means humans are often turned into a european monolith - or something very close to it - while other real world ethnicities are shoved onto fantasy lineages (often times still flavors of european).
I dont think I need to point out why this is a problem. Humans continue using the aesthetics of nonwhite ethnicities but completely divorced of their culture and context. This is the definition of appropriation. I can think of dozens of fantasy stories from various mediums where there would be no change if a poc was white because their ethnicity has no impact on their characterization - as seen with various video game characters who's skin becomes lighter and lighter through every installment or has dark skinned concept art and a light skinned final product.
You want your fantasy setting to be a mixing pot of cultures and ethnicities? Ok, look at the US and how all of these different cultures remain intact even after generations. Yes, there is a level of assimilation but even fourth gen Mexican immigrants are still influenced their culture. Mix raced people have their own unique struggles and cultural experiences. Every country in the world has their own unique mixing pot of cultures and ethnicities. No country is a monolith as that would require committing cultural and/or ethnic genocide to everyone who does not fit the predestined mold.
A setting can have a mixing pot of cultures without racism or prejudice. You can have a human civilization that isn't a monolith. Don't be afraid to research different cultures to represent them with respect. Not only will it make your setting feel more immersive, it will give you a deeper understanding and respect for people irl.
It's always boggled my mind when people say irl race doesn't matter in fantasy then immediately turn around with fantasy racism like... seriously? The beauty of humanity is how diverse our cultures are and yet you'd rather dismiss this beauty over using the violence of prejudice and racism as cheap conflict in your story.
If you actually want to be inclusive in your fantasy stories, do research. Talk to poc of the ethnicity you are trying to represent.
If you are a player wanting to make an oc that is a different ethnicity than you - consider why? Does the character's physical appearance actually matter to their story? Are you willing to put in the work to represent this character's culture and respect the irl culture and people you are drawing from? Is this even your story to tell? If your answer to any of these questions is no, then maybe you should rethink some things.
I don't have the answer on whether or not white people should be allowed to make their oc a person of color but I think this question is indicative of a much larger problem within the fantasy genre of aesthetic appropriation and surface level representation of poc. I don't have any answers - other than put more effort into representing different ethnicities and cultures which its whole own can of worms- but its a conversation that should be had.
I would love to hear other people's thoughts and feel free to correct me or add your own experiences with this. I want to learn so I can write better representation in my stories and understand different perspectives better. Cheers :D
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littleonekitten · 1 year
does anyone else’s depression hit at night time? I can be fine… all day, until after midnight and then for some reason just.. all of the sad comes out. I don’t know what it’s from, or why, but it’s just tears flowing and that achy feeling in your heart and then the pit in your stomach and the shake and pain in your head from anxiety.
Why is it that woman have to always overcompensate in relationships- let me explain before I get canceled. Females, have you ever noticed the moment a man takes interest in you, or your talking/ flirting, and you go out a few times and you genuinely have a great time and you think you like him then BAM. A red flag, it’s something small but it bothers you… but you just push it away because “well there’s other green flags, and he seems nice” and all of this other stuff.. TO MAKE HIM LIKE YOU. I’ll share this story, it was the first few dates with my ex and it was great, he was nice, and polite and drove safe and all of that.. until he made a sexist joke, a border line woman hating joke.. and I say there and looked at him and I laughed. I CANT BELIVE I LAUGHED. Did I think it was funny? No. Did I agree with it? Absolutely not and I wanted to punch him after it. But it was fine right? It was only one joke. Then it became a few more.. my laughs decreased and I told him I don’t think they are funny- “but it’s just a joke” when it’s not, there’s an underlying misogynistic truth and some CLEAR toxic masculinity. He stopped doing it around me.. until we were with his best friend, and they would constantly still make those jokes.. and you know what I would do? Laugh. Because I wanted him to like me and I wanted to be polite even though he knew how I felt about it. So why do we do that? Why do we have to make men like us all of the time? Is it because we like the attention or feeling of validation? We tie into knots for no reason, and for some reason if there’s ever a red flag small enough we ignore it… and we continue our relationship with that person. Why is it in a relationship our standards start out so high, then begin to lower? But when we keep those standards then it’s “unrealistic” I’m feeling really defeated about that, yes.. my ex had some great qualities- but looking back on it there were so many things I literally ignored because my standards then came a little above bare minimum while also having my own wants and needs- while also THE BARE MINIMUM was so hard to accommodate or meet because that requires putting in the work. Why is it when it comes to relationships in my luck it’s always wanting to work for each other and save the relationship it’s always my partner just can’t do because “it’s not them, or who they are”. If it’s something small, even if you don’t understand why and can create a happier relationship and I’m bringing that energy to that conversation as well why not?- anyways, that turned into a ramble, but basically why is it that our standards lower and we hold ourselves fs less accountable while in a relationship then as soon as we get out it’s so easy to get over someone. As soon as you think of one red flag thing it just gives the ick and validates your self worth.
My healing process has been weirdly okay. Like I’m okay, I’m not sad, angry or disappointed. I don’t want him in my life. I’m content with that. I’m finding new ways to heal and keep myself busy while also taking care of myself. The thought of him or being with him gives me so much anxiety that it can send me into like a pre panic attack state. So now it’s how to get rid of the thoughts of him. I’ve done a lot of work on that but he will still pop in my head a few times a day. I don’t know why I’m as okay as I am. I loved him, I thought I was gonna marry him, but for some reason it’s like my walls go back up and I’m going to have some more relationship tramua and trust issues for the next partner. Which I’m not looking forward to having that conversation. I think part of me is sad that I’m okay. I don’t think I ever give myself to grieve. If I do, I know I will fall down a hole, and not take care of myself, if I don’t let me grieve then I don’t have to deal with it. If I give myself fake confidence and “badass bitch” energy I don’t have to worry about it. I feel like it can be such a toxic thing but it’s the only tool I have.
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helmerichpayne · 9 days
HSE at H&P - We Actively C.A.R.E
Built into the DNA of H&P is a commitment to hold ourselves to a higher standard. We believe every action has a reaction, and it’s our innate responsibility to do better – for our employees, customers and communities that count on us, at all times, to do the right thing. Our goal is to prevent harm to our employees, our community and the environment while creating value for all stakeholders. We accomplish this by promoting a culture where every employee is expected to Control And Remove Exposures (C.A.R.E.) both on and off the job.
A Data-Driven Evolution of Safety
Safety performance in the drilling industry is typically measured based on Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) recordable injuries and the active rig years worked without an OSHA recordable injury, lost-time, or disabling injury. We view these metrics as lagging indicators, which can and have encouraged the wrong behavior such as under reporting incidents. While we still track these metrics for regulatory purposes, we have improved our safety efforts using a prevention-based methodology called C.A.R.E. (Control and Removal of Exposures).
Our employee safety program now focuses on serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs), which places more emphasis on near misses and injury exposures, especially those with SIF potential. We believe it is important to take a more holistic and proactive approach to identify safety issues. By focusing on both actual and potential safety events, we use our SIF system to prevent serious injuries and fatalities as opposed to relying purely on incidents reported after they happen.
Our data has identified that approximately 10% to 15% of all OSHA recordable injuries are events in which valuable lessons learned are produced that can be used to reduce potential serious injuries in the future. The remaining recordable cases may not provide the necessary learning opportunities to prevent future serious injuries. Similarly, the data also indicates that SIF Potential incidents, all of which provide information to help prevent future serious injury or fatality, may occur more frequently than recordable incidents.
Watch out the full video here: https://youtu.be/XToPgWscHw8?si=xcqVO81HX3SuOr6W
Safety Training
We maintain an emphasis on safety by providing all of our employees regular and up to date training using both computer based and instructor lead sessions. We require that all employees complete a minimum of 26 hours of safety training each year. New field employees are required to complete 41 hours of safety-based training during their first year (26 RSMT sessions and 15 hours of New Employee Safety Training). We believe our continuous safety training efforts have contributed to our decrease in SIF Actual rates. For more details on H&P’s training programs click here.
Advanced Technology
Technology empowers us to be more intentional in where we dedicate human expertise. Along with creating barriers between us and workplace exposures, it enables us to work more creatively in addressing critical challenges. Most importantly, these technologies help us Actively CARE for everyone on the rig site by Controlling and Removing Exposures.
Advancements in safety technology, safety processes and safety programs at H&P sites include:
• FlexChecks
• Job Safety Analysis Videos
• Workday Learning
• SSE Program
• Digital Dashboards
• The Rough Drilling Application
• The Caliper Calculator
Read out the full PDF from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/product-literature/HSE-at-HP.pdf.
Or reach out to us directly at: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact.
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webscarlet · 4 months
Expert Mobile Vehicle Repair Services Near You
In the state-of-the-art fast-paced world, experiencing car trouble can be a main inconvenience. However, with Maven Mechanics, you could get admission to professional mobile automobile repair offerings without the trouble of going to a physical storage. Our certified technicians deliver pinnacle-best service at once in your place, saving you time and making sure your car gets again on the street quickly.
Introduction to Mobile Vehicle Repair
Mobile car repair offerings are gaining recognition because of their convenience and efficiency. Instead of taking your automobile to a traditional storage and looking forward to upkeep, Maven Mechanics brings the information to you. We purposely make the repair technique hassle-loose, allowing you to get returned to your routine swiftly.
Benefits of Mobile Vehicle Repair Services
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Contrary to an unusual notion, cellular repairs can be extra cost-effective than traditional storage services. Maven Mechanics offers competitive pricing without extra towing or transportation charges, imparting price in your cash.
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Our technicians are equipped to address numerous repair obligations on-website, decreasing downtime in your vehicle. With our absolutely-ready service cars, we will correctly deal with maintenance issues or perform complex repairs anywhere you are.
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At Maven Mechanics, we pleasure ourselves with our dedication to fine and knowledge. Our team consists of certified experts with huge experience in the car industry. We spend money on ongoing schooling to ensure our technicians are updated with the ultra-modern technologies and repair techniques. Additionally, we use modern diagnostic tools and systems to offer accurate and efficient upkeep. From diagnostic scanners to hydraulic lifts, we've the whole lot needed to fix your car efficiently.
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Maven Mechanics gives a complete range of offerings to fulfill your car desires. Our advanced diagnostic tools permit us to perceive and troubleshoot diverse troubles together with your vehicle's engine, transmission, brakes, and more. From routine oil changes to tire rotations, we provide maintenance services to hold your vehicle jogging easily. Whether it is a minor restore or a first-rate overhaul, our technicians have the expertise to repair any problem along with your automobile.
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Maven Mechanics serves [insert coverage area], imparting flexibility in provider region. We are dedicated to serving our neighborhood community, supplying convenient and reliable providers to our customers. We come to you, whether you're at home, paintings, or some place else, ensuring minimum disruption to your day.
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At Maven Mechanics, patron pride is our precedence. We tailor our offerings in your specific desires, providing a personalized revel in for every customer. We agree with transparency all through the restore procedure, maintaining you informed and involved every step of the way. Don't just take our phrase for it – pay attention to our glad clients about their experiences with Maven Mechanics.
Competitive Pricing and Value
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Future of Mobile Vehicle Repair
As technology advances, the destiny of cell automobile restore seems promising. With improvements like far flung diagnostics and three-D printing, we preserve to improve our services and provide even higher answers for our customers.
Maven Mechanics gives convenient, reliable, and value-effective mobile vehicle restore services to clients in [insert coverage area]. With our certified technicians, specialized devices, and commitment to purchaser pleasure, we ensure that your car receives exceptional care. Contact us at 801-210-9233 to time table a service and enjoy the Maven Mechanics distinction nowadays!
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xoamandafrances · 11 months
S3 Ep:05 When Money Feels Maddening + Other Manifestation Mishaps
In today’s episode Amanda digs into some of the most common things that make us feel crazy when it comes to money... 
1) Overcoming anxiety and fears around money. We are often have fears around money. Both around not having money and having it. What if the money doesn’t come? What if get it, but then I don’t fit in with my friends or family? What if I loose the money? What if I can’t handle having it? Know this: Avoiding our fears makes them appear… bigger and scarier. Acknowledging your fears takes the power away from them. You’re human, it’s ok to be afraid *and* always know, you can move through and work through these fears. We reduce the power the fear holds, so that the fear isn’t enough to keep us from wanting it, going for it and knowing we are safe to have it. The work is knowing you are safe to have the things you desire. When you know it is safe to use and have money, you are able to stack and build it up. This is what we call overflow… and this is where the fun starts.
2) Making your money goals feel… real. And getting your heart, soul and mind fully behind them. When you first start thinking about a new goal, it might not seem possible. We have to get cozy with it. As you imagine it, journal on it, look at it, work through your fears concerning it, and feel the feelings of what it would feel like to have it, it starts to feel more… possible. In this way, you normalize it. You calm your nervous around it. You reduce your anxiety around it. You get more comfortable with it. And from there you know it’s not just possible, but inevitable.
3) How to raise your financial standards. Your “energetic minimum” as Amanda has coined the term, is the amount you can never imagine making less than. Know this: Something in you is available for money going that low. Something is okay with it to some degree. Something in you is allowing it and, dare I say, creating it. We must ask ourselves: If money is infinite, and everything is available, why on God’s green earth would I be available to settle for this minimum amount? 
Amanda walks you through an energetic exercise to demonstrate for you *exactly* how she raises the minimum number she receives each month. How she feels into it. How she sees it. How she literally moves this number up and up and up. How she solidifies the bottom number so it lands at a higher place at her choosing. And how we do this inside of ourselves knowing all the action steps that make it real (bring it into our physical reality) will follow. SO GOOD!
4) Finding financial gratitude even when you aren’t happy with moolah. You don’t have to feel happy with the amount of money you have if it isn’t the amount of money you want. But it will benefit you to get into some gratitude as you interact with money. Every time you spend to eat, shop, buy groceries, pay a bill… what state are you in? Can you release money with love and gratitude? Can spending money become a beautiful ritual for you? Take a moment to be grateful for both what you spend and what comes in. The direct deposit, the check, the payment notification. Gratitude takes us out of the vibe of “it’s not enough” and puts us in a better energy with money. Creative inspiration does not come from a “nothing is working” and “nothing is enough” place. You can be grateful for what you have while being in the vibrational frequency of what you are choosing is next for you.
All the love,
- Amanda + Team AF
Check out this episode!
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mad4india1 · 1 year
Labdhie Turns Flower Waste Into Sustainable Clothing In The Coolest Way
We all love shopping for high-end branded shoes and clothes and accessories and everything to pamper ourselves. But, do you know? Unknowingly with every purchase, we are also promoting environmental pollution as well.
The fashion industry is creating truckloads of waste that get burnt, buried, and dumped in landfills due to overproduction, and overconsumption.
Waste is prevalent in every part of the fashion industry and it is estimated that 92 million tons of textile waste are generated annually.
Meet Labdhie Mehta, a flagbearer of change who is a fashion designer by profession but a conscious human of heart by heart and with her eco-friendly and sustainable clothing venture is bringing the change.
How did Labdhie Mehta tread the path of Sustainable clothing?
The inspiration behind ‘Sukuun’- a sustainable clothing brand
Hurdles faced in starting a sustainable clothing venture
How to take care of a naturally dyed sustainable clothing?
Labdhie Is not the only one creating a revolutionary change in the fashion industry, Namrata Ramanathan is also using discarded waste to beautiful bags with her brand – ‘Upcyclie‘. But the way Labdhie is doing it is the most impressive part.
How did Labdhie Mehta tread the path of Sustainable clothing?
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Being an eco-conscious person Labdhie was not happy with the fact that so much waste is generated in the fashion industry. One day, while attending an exhibition on sustainable and environment-friendly fashion, she was so inspired that; she took it upon herself to start a sustainable clothing brand of her own to heal mother nature and promote sustainable clothing amongst people.
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Nowadays, many people are introducing and offering an eco-friendly solution to replace plastic and chemical use, like Bambrew the bamboo packaging company.
The inspiration behind ‘Sukuun’- a sustainable clothing brand
‘What we wear becomes a part of our personality’
True, isn’t it? The meaning of ‘Sukuun is peace’ and that’s why Labdhie Mehta wanted to start a sustainable clothing brand that brings people satisfaction, peace, and blissfulness both for nature and the wearer.
Do you know? 15,000 tons of water is wasted every day in the fashion industry in making just one t-shirt. Shocking! And so to keep the water waste in check she is making these exclusive wears with a minimum of water use.
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The whole concept was to incorporate eco-friendly and sustainable clothing in daily wear which was limited only to ethnic wear earlier. Labdhie swears by what she says and uses eco-printing techniques to colour the fabric.
Labdhie Mehta who is ready to start the new chapter of her life- ’embracing motherhood’ believes it is our duty to make this planet a better place for our kids and future generations and with her sustainable clothing brand- ‘Sukuun’ she is bringing the much-needed change.
Sukuun involves the use of natural dyes which includes flowers from the temple waste, herbs, fallen leaves from the Jamun tree, and other Ayurvedic stuff which are good for the skin. Not only that but from printing to choosing the right fabric in her company, Mehta takes extra effort to use only environment-friendly products; she uses GOTS(Global Organic Textile Standard) certified fabric only.
Labdhie Mehta is a generous person, she supports local weavers and traditional artisans who are very well aware of the art of natural dying in getting the right kind of printing in her sustainable clothing venture so that these small-scale workers can earn value out of their livelihoods.
Hurdles faced in starting a sustainable clothing venture
‘When there’s a will, there’s a way’- holds true in Labdhie’s case who single-handedly runs her business without any outside support. There were challenges that she faced over the course of time but she never gave up. The biggest problem was to make people understand what need to be done rightly.
She believes that people think that the price of the clothes is too high, but they don’t understand that it’s a long process to get one cloth dyed. Labdhie takes extra effort in finding the right kind of fabric and also chooses all the natural dyes for printing as well without damaging any natural resources.
“We are okay with purchasing a coffee for Rs500 but not an artwork for the same price, and that is what my real struggle is—to convince people that certain things are worth purchasing for both the environment and their own good.”
A thing with art is – not all understand it and those who do, do it in their own way. Products of Sukuun are unique and mesmerizing & like it’s said: “Diamonds are recognized only by jewellers”. Only true aesthetic fashion followers understand what Sukuun is offering. People often doubt the quality and durability of †he prints but let the soil and winds decide which direction they’ll flow.
How to take care of a naturally dyed sustainable clothing?
Many people wonder if naturally dyed clothes will eventually fade over the course of time. Well, that’s the beauty of Labhdie Mehta’s sustainable clothing products. She assures that there may be some changes that may happen when the naturally dyed clothes come in contact with direct sun for a long period of time or come in contact with any metal.
You take care of a fur cat the way you care for your own hair, similarly these meticulously made flower-dye cloths need extra love and care just like the way we do. Ph-neutral soaps or reetha-based soaps are the suggested cleaning agents by Labdhie.
And in my case, I’d simply love a carrot orange T-shirt gradually turning into starfish orange giving me a new look each day with the much-needed aesthetic Sukuun is offering.
The USP of her sustainable clothing brand- Sukuuun is that she is giving a new introduction to your old clothes.
I would love to Eco print people’s pre-owned and pre-loved clothes to give them a makeover and a new look without them having to actually purchase a new clothing item.
Labdhie’s innovative idea to reuse flower waste and create something so unique and pretty is simply extraordinary. She is healing Mother Earth one step at a time.
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Is forex broker Overton partners ltd reliable?
This material contains the following information:
Key information about Overton partners ltd;
Is Overton partners ltd a scam?
How do I get started with Overton partners ltd?
More detailed information about the broker;
In principle, the process of opening an account and starting trading is not too different from other firms. You have to go through the procedure of confirming your identity, by submitting the usual package of documents. The minimum amount for start is also standard - $250. At the time of writing, Overton partners ltd provides several insured trades and access to a standard range of assets in a beginner's package with a minimum deposit.
By and large, all modern brokerage platforms have the right set of features, if we are not talking about any sophisticated options for technical analysis used by swing traders and other categories of investors. It's not about economic summaries etc. Nowadays the key indicator to evaluate the level of a trading platform for newbies is its easiness and intuitiveness. All of the main options such as quotes, tools for market analysis, deal management, account management, instrument verification and tactics analysis function well. By the way, all this can be said not only about the computer version of the platform, but also about the version for mobile phones and tablets. The website is also quite comfortable and all the necessary information is present. We have not noticed any drawbacks. As for the websites of brokerage companies, the same evaluation criteria apply as for the brokerage platforms and the website of Overton partners ltd meets them, it is simple and intuitive.
Withdrawal of funds Judging by the reviews on Overton partners ltd withdrawals are done without any difficulty. Or at least we didn't find that on any of the sites we studied the reviews on. After speculating on forex with Overton partners ltd we applied for withdrawal and the funds were transferred in about a day. Another withdrawal yielded similar results. This is very cool when you consider that the average withdrawal time from a brokerage organization is two to three times longer.
Basic information Overton partners ltd has been operating since 2012. Legal address in the UK. Has a standard set of documents. In the stock market, commodities and foreign exchange markets the company offers work with a standard set of assets. The number of cryptocurrencies that can be speculated through Overton partners ltd is larger than the average spectrum. Overton partners ltd updates its platform constantly.
Reviews on Overton partners ltd We wrote above that reviews on the company are mostly positive so now just tell us what the reviews most often discuss and about the ratio of negative to positive reviews. The ratio of positive to negative feedback on Overton partners ltd is approximately 5 to 1 in favour of the good. This ratio holds true on all sites, including reputable ones like Trustpilot and Sitejabber. The point of the praise can be boiled down to the following three things:
Good service and analytics;
Broker sends profitable signals;
No serious problems from cooperation with the broker for a long time.
Is Overton partners ltd scammers? Without a doubt not. To begin with, as mentioned above, Overton partners ltd has all the necessary documents. That is the most important thing. It is also important that we ourselves have tested the company and realized that it is an honest company that fulfills its obligations, provides good service and Overton partners Ltd do not want to deceive people and steal their deposits in any way. Generally, we all know how many different kinds of scams there are and how to recognize them. In recent years, very often criminals charge huge hidden fees and arrange slippage. Trading forex with Overton partners ltd we haven't seen anything like that. Reviews are also a very useful parameter. Reading the reviews on Overton partners ltd we found the standard reviews on a white brokerage organization. Users talk about their personal experience of trading signals etc.
More detailed review of Overton partners ltd In the next part of the material information about:
Experience of trading forex with Overton partners ltd;
Comparison of how Overton partners ltd managers communicate with the way the scammers do it;
Overview of Overton partners ltd platform
Trading experience with forex broker Overton partners ltd We speculated with Overton partners ltd for a fortnight. Most of all it was trading in the foreign exchange market. We were checking the signals that Overton partners ltd put out on forex. We did not collect statistical data, but the ratio of profitable and loss-making trades was in the favor of profitable ones. We also observed the communication between Overton partners Ltd staff and clients. We watched whether they would use fraudulent techniques, for example when offering investment options scammers often use the so-called urgency creation, in other words the scammer claims that the option is available for a couple of minutes and then will not be relevant for one reason or another. In the end we did not see such things. Also often even employees of white brokers hold back some important information about investment decisions, they do not tell us about additional commissions, dangers, their tactics, etc. At the end of the research we did not notice any of the above. Therefore, in this review of Overton partners ltd, we are claiming that it is definitely a reliable firm.
Overton partners ltd platform review In this part of the article information about:
What is good about Overton partners ltd platform
The main requirement for a brokerage platform
Benefits of Overton partners ltd
Customer centricity;
Regular updates of the trading platform;
Wide range of financial instruments;
Fast execution of orders;
Competent support service;
No hidden fees;
What is required to trade with Overton partners ltd?
Features of broker Overton partners ltd It is obvious that the broker is client oriented and in this connection in the approach to the communication with investors the broker is focused on providing traders possibility to earn and to simplify trading process as much as possible. The following are the strengths and weaknesses of forex broker Overton partners ltd:
Weaknesses of Overton partners ltd No zero fees Standard minimum deposit Limited number of instruments available for traders with minimum deposits.
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fullnachokryptonite · 2 years
Glass Replacement Malabar #1 Glazier Sydney
Valiant stock many types of glass and as a result will provide a fast glass replacement service throughout the Sydney metropolitan area that complies with all current regulations. Valiant’s fleet of special glass carrying vehicles combined with our team of fully qualified staff means we can provide a fast and Commercial Glazier Sydney reliable service for any glass replacement requirement. We are a specialized team in commercial and residential constructions and project management related to glass and aluminium. Our portfolio includes different solutions for offices, houses and shops. We can cut, repair, or install your mirrors, tabletops, pet doors, and more. Our trained staff can assist you on deciding which type of glass may be best for your needs.
We pride ourselves on being the experts in glass replacement and offering high-quality customer service. At Skyview Glass we provide fast, affordable glass repair services all over the Sydney metro area and in your Suburb Malabar. We provide glass replacement and window glass repair and maintainence in your home, shop or office in Malabar and Sydney wide.
Our glazier services include mirrors, shower screens, tabletops, leadlights, glass splashbacks and even pet doors. Optimum Windows is a leading company that specialises in glass window and door installations. For 25 years, we have aimed to deliver the highest level of workmanship and offer a range of services including the installation or replacement of aluminium, timber and UPVC windows and doors. Our team prides themselves on their professionalism and highest standard of service and care. We understand that every customer has different needs and so we provide services tailored to you. Our experts are highly skilled and experienced to make repairs to household windows, doors and commercial complex tasks.
The new glass needs to elevate the look of your surroundings, not take away from it. These windows are popular among Castle Hill homeowners who need to accent a room. They are a type of specialty window and they often hold a pattern that enhances the design of hallways, entryways, bedrooms and dens. Garden windows have insulated seat boards for added space for a small herb, plant or flower garden. They have a unique shape that allows for more lighting and space in any room they are placed in.
When looking for the best emergency glass repair company in Sydney, you should look at contractual information. It may be that you are only partially covered for any work that is completed. It may be that you need to pay an increased amount in certain situations, or that ‘deals’ aren’t as good as they first appeared to be.
The diverse types of glass found in commercial glass repairs sydney buildings means glass and glazing companies must stock a wide range of products to meet the needs of this type of emergency glass replacement. We provide shower screens for your bathroom, table tops for your kitchen, and frameless bifold doors and windows for your entire home. To become a glazier, you have to learn how to cut several types of glass, assemble glass in a frame, install glass windows and screens in compliance with Australian Standards. You also have to learn how to install glass shower screens, know how to work on a scaffold and have a minimum of two years of glazier apprenticeship. Therefore, we recommend that you undergo a 4-year apprenticeship program and get a Certificate III in Glass and Glazing . We have been providing outstanding window glass solutions to Sydney homes and businesses for years.
Unfortunately, because of frequent falls and their delicate work, glaziers are more susceptible to injuries and illnesses than other workers. To properly fit your glass shower screen into your bathroom, you have to hire a fully qualified glazier in Sydney to supply and install the glass panels for you. Simply by providing stellar customer service, dealing with any issues that may come up promptly and efficient, and providing high quality products at competitive prices. We service the entire Sydney region, which starts in the Eastern and Western Suburbs and goes all the way to the Northern Beaches.
Glassified offer emergency glazier glazier eastern suburbs services 7 days a week, with same day service available for emergency jobs. We stock a great range of glass, so in many cases we can bring the materials with us, cut the piece to fit on-site, and have your window or door repaired in no time. We can offer your businesses quality Glass for shop fronts, glass roofs, safety and security Glass, aluminium doors, windows and specialised glazing solutions.
Maybe you want to perform the glass replacement yourself and save money? Just email or call us with your window measurements and we’ll deliver your new glass straight to your doorstep. 1HR Rapid Response, We'll be onsite and have your glass repairs. We provide a same day service, 7 days a week in most areas of inner west and north shore. And best of all there is no deposit required and we accept payment by way of cash, credit card or EFTPOS when we complete your work.
Palmers Architectural Glass Sydney Design, Supply & Installation
It is possible, however we offer very competitive pricing and it may be cheaper to replace it entirely. Yes, our windows won’t have an impact on the environment once fitted.
Once you know what licence type you want, and you have checked you have the right qualifications, you can apply for a licence or certificate. Now with a long-term staff of 9 people, inclusive of tradesmen and trades assistants, AGS remains a family business, with faith and trust in our team mates to all achieve the common goal. Our team will be at your place in no time and get the job done. Mirrors that are flush with your tiling can surely be installed! The mirrors have a smooth polished edge, and we may match the grout between the tiles and the mirror to keep everything in line. We understand accidents can happen and things aren’t always in your control.
We are looking for a motivated and experienced frameless glass installer to join our expert team installing glass balustrades and all architectural glass... As part ofBelron®, the world's leading glass specialists operating in 35 countries,O'Brien®put our customer at the heart of everything that we do. We serve more than 300,000 Customers each year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
We supply and install superior quality glass for residential and commercial properties. Valiant stock many types of glass and as a result will provide a fast glass replacement service throughout the Sydney metropolitan area that complies with all current regulations. J & J Glass and Aluminium offers a comprehensive line of glass products and services that are manufactured to the highest standard. When it comes to commercial buildings, glazing requirements expand to a greater variety from standard laminated glass to reflective coated glass. Here at Willoughby Glass, we stock many different types of glass and undertake all forms of glazing. Glass roofs allow much more natural light to illuminate any area while keeping the unwanted parts out.
We have dedicated glaziers in Hornsby, Castle Hill, Dural, Thornleigh, Brooklyn, Epping, Roseville, Cheltenham, St Ives, Asquith, Cheltenham, Arcadia, Berowra and surrounding Sydney areas. We specialise in residential and commercial glass repair and are available for emergency callouts. Our service is 100% driven by customer satisfaction – we will happily work with any and all insurance providers to make sure the job gets done hassle-free. Over the years, we have been providing the best glass installation and repair services to different customers in Sydney and its environments. We use proactive, unique and modern technologies to offer efficient, quality services to our clients at very affordable prices.
Mirrors, tabletops, pet doors, and other items can be cut, repaired, or installed by us. Our knowledgeable staff can help you decide which type of glass is best for your needs. We can also install glass to achieve a tinted appearance or to provide protection. We collaborate with Australia’s major insurance companies to make the process of filing a claim and repairing any damage as simple as possible.
Provide another glass panel, fit into door and then fit a doggy door. "⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really awesome work! Thanks so much Tony! He is really good! Super efficient and gets the job done in no time! Did the job perfectly! Had ..." Quick to respond fare price and easy to communicate with a job well done. The Oneflare Cost Guide Centre is your one-stop shop to help you set your budget; from smaller tasks to larger projects. Arch Construction Pty.Ltd, Click Print, and T.M.C Tinting are notable insured glazing businesses. Painting Plus Group Pty Ltd is a prominent business with an on time guarantee.
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I'm so happy with the products, professionalism & fast turnaround Installation guys were excellent too. From our deluxe frameless screens to our framed options, we will custom make the perfect screen for your bathroom environment. We strive to provide large scale commercial ventures with the highest quality product and service while still catering fully to the walk-in-off-the-street cut-to-size purchase.
Did you know O’Brien® offers construction glazing services Nationwide? Better still these services are centrally managed for consistent service and communication across multiple projects, no matter where they are located. With our long-standing history and high standards of customer service, you can rest assured knowing you will receive great ongoing support backed by our national branch network. A comprehensive window and door glass repair and replacement service for every type of building. We address all aspects of commercial and residential glass and glazing.
Best Rated Local Glaziers in Inner West Sydney
Since most of those glaziers work full-time and put much physical effort into their jobs, they are usually well-paid, and glaziers salaries are high. The glazier learns how to use the tools and equipment that he needs to perform his tasks. Moreover, he will know how to install glass products correctly and implement safety practices and first aid procedures. Unfortunately, because of frequent falls and their delicate work, glaziers are more susceptible to injuries and illnesses than other workers. To properly fit your glass shower screen into your bathroom, you have to hire a fully qualified glazier in Sydney to supply and install the glass panels for you. For the best quality glass at the lowest price in the market, contact Trident Glass.
Always on time and upholding high professional standards, our trained staff of expert glaziers in Pennant Hills will leave you satisfied. Contact us today with your questions and keep our information handy for glazing projects so we can help fix your glass problems. With decades of experience providing emergency glass services, don’t hesitate to call for prompt, professional and reliable service. Broken Glass is a nightmare and always happen at the most inconvenient of times. At Complete Glass, we are here to ensure that our emergency glass replacement service is there to help when you need it most.
Say someone had ten windows in their Sydney home and only replaced seven of them, it will most likely cost more to replace the remaining few in the future then what it would’ve if done all in the same job. From what we’ve seen, the majority of people prefer replacing their home windows separately due to economic and financial reasons, but is that really the smartest choice? Probably the most important thing to keep in mind is choosing the most efficient and trustworthy window company in Sydney, selecting one known for providing quality services, like Complete window glass repair Glass Projects. Anytime there are window cracks or leaks, it can put your home at risk. When this becomes an issue, it is important to contact a professional for help immediately.
These windows are most popular in kitchens, especially Glazier Sydney Inner West over the countertop or sink, and in spaces that are hard to access. A versatile and stunning looking window, they are a great choice for your next window replacement in Castle Hill. Installation of 8x glass planes at an apartment block.Very professional, neat job, punctual, friendly and great price. Sydney Glass Replacement Specialist’s SGI is an Australian owned and Family operated business, run by a small team of glaziers with over 20 years’ experience. As part of the team at Primal Glass Replacement – he takes pride in providing a reliable and responsive service where customer satisfaction is first priority. The most important consideration when using glass in any property is that all installations comply with the current Australian Standards.
Even bad rainwater drainage systems can result in leaks that can potentially ruin the walls and reduce the quality of the building structure. Read on for 5 common building defects that all property owners should be aware of. We need your email address so that we can send you the details of businesses who express interest in your job. We all know self-initiatives are very important for making house, office, commercial place secure and safe.
Glass Repair Brisbane Professional Glazier Window Door Shower
Arch Construction Pty.Ltd, Click Print, and T.M.C Tinting are notable insured glazing businesses. Painting Plus Group Pty Ltd is a prominent business with an on time guarantee. "A glass wall to separate the conference area from the office area. The wall is 5.0m x 2.4m. Ideally we would like 5 glass panels 1.0m x 2.4m each with minimalist fixings...." "Partition and glazed walls need supply and install for office..." Frank was very prompt in responding and completed the job well, we got him to do another job on the day, as well as a few days later. This variety is heated and then cooled rapidly to make it stronger than regular glass.
Float Glass' main characteristics are transparency, breakage resistance and heat resistance, roughly costing you $38/m2. Your licence will be automatically suspended if you do not comply with an order by a court or the NSW Civil or Administrative Tribunal to pay money for a building claim. If circumstances change, and this affects your ability to do the work described on your licence card, you must let us know within seven days. A contractor licence allows you to contract and advertise to do work. You can only do the types of work described on your licence card.
We repair broken glass windows of all sizes, and our window and door installation services are of very high quality throughout the entire industry. As residential and commercial glaziers, Complete Glass offers several services including 24/7 emergency glass repairs, commercial glazing solutions and residential glazing solutions. We can just as easily install shopfront glass and frames for your business as we can replace a smashed window in your home. No job is too big or too small for the expert glaziers in Pennant Hills you can count on to get the job done. As a glass replacement company Valiant’s staff are familiar with almost every type of glass and glazing systems, which ensures your glass installation is carried out to the highest standard.
We would love to hear from you and help with any glazing project you may have in mind. Call usfor any glass project from small to large, we ensure quality craftsmanship to provide you with ultimate peace of mind. With decades of experience in providing emergency glass services, don’t hesitate to call for prompt, professional and reliable service from the expert glaziers in Blacktown. From emergency replacement and new glass installation, to shower screens, window tinting and pet doors in glass, you can rely on us to supply and expertly fit your glass. If you have broken, shattered, or damaged glass in your house or at your local business, our knowledgeable and regional glaziers can help. We provide 24/7 emergency glass replacement solutions to fix your issues as quickly as possible.
You can use enhanced options such as frosted or decorative glass to add more style. They also allow for added ventilation, especially with the awning window. These windows are preferred in the kitchen, in particular over the sink as they are simple to access.
Broken Glass Repairs & Glazier Specialists Melbourne Conery Glass
We offer a full Glass Repair Eastern Suburbs service on all types of Glass Repair and Glass Replacement for windows, doors, shopfronts, custom mirrors and more. We stock a wide selection of glass in our Sydney warehouse to ensure glass replacements are carried out quickly and efficiently. Our emergency glass replacement experts will cater to clients based on their individual requirements. As a result we offer competitive prices on Eastern Suburbs glass supply or supply and installation of table tops, mirrors, shelves, shower screens, partitions…. For emergency glass repair or replacement in your home or business, speak to one of our experts.
Midland Glass and Aluminium provide services to domestic, residential and commercial clients. Offering professional, efficient glass repair 24 hours a day. When the glass in your door or window breaks, GLASS ZONE will replace the glass in a cost effective and timely manner.
Duties range from window glass replacement, frameless glass installations, mirrors, splashbacks & a wide range of window & door maintenance. Looking for broken window glass replacement in Bondi and Eastern Suburbs? Our glass repair technicians have many years experience in high quality 24hr emergency glass repair to our customers to clients in Sydney Eastern Suburbs. We regularly provide emergency glass repair services in Melbourne’s Northern suburbs. If you cannot see your suburb listed, please call our friendly operators any time, day or night, and we will confirm for you how quickly an emergency glass repair specialist can be dispatched to your suburb.
Our glaziers just make use of industry-approved methods that are assured to maintain the cosmetic allure of your home or commercial space. Our people are appreciative to offer one of the most extensive line of glass installs and repair options throughout Ipswich You can additionally request for a web-based price estimate 24 HOUR. Our team have quick distribution networks to support you with rapid dispatch of your product right throughout Ipswich. We know that accidents do happen around the household or business, and that time could be a major impact on the glass and the environment it is in. If there are any breakages, it would be advised to board-up the area and ensure that the glass is replaced as soon as possible as it could be harmful to those nearby and also plays a part in the security of the property.
With over 20 years combined experience in the industry, you can be sure that every job we do is top quality workmanship. We employ only top-level technicians who are extremely professional and dedicated to their craft. Everyone on our team is officially licensed and insured for your added security. Primal Glass Replacement Bondi are local glaziers in the Sydney Eastern Suburbs so this allows us to provide you with quick 24hr emergency glass replacement services.
But this is where O’Brien® can offer peace of mind to customers in this area. No matter the size or complexity of the job, our glaziers have tackled it. Especially if it means an outside spot with a view from which to have their lunch. Depending on the chip or crack you may be able to have Perth window repairs performed
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fatebreaking-a · 3 years
Would recommend to anyone experiencing this kind of nonsense, anons off. Maybe even asks off.
Every once in a while, this happens. From 2014 to now, it’s a cycle of garbage. Is it okay? No. No, it’s really not okay. But thanks to how the internet and IP bans work, if someone is really committed to making sure you feel bad about yourself...
They’ll find ways to get around the IP ban. They’ll invent fake accounts and send trash. They’ll tell you... really awful things that you should never say to anyone. 
And ultimately, the problem is that we, reasonable people - we expect others to act reasonably. With a conscience.
But when someone’s out to hurt you, justifications don’t matter and right and wrong don’t matter.
You are not responsible for other people’s actions, feelings, and behaviors. You are only responsible for yourself.
So protect yourself. Turn asks off entirely if you feel you need to. We understand. We get it. 
And we don’t think it’s okay.
Whatever your opinion on someone is, however you may feel, you have a responsibility to address those feelings in a way that’s fair. A moral obligation to do so. 
Unfortunately, no amount of telling someone who wants to hurt you to stop will change their mind. They don’t care if you’re hurt. You being hurt is the point.
I’ve been here long enough to see the consequence. And the consequence is really simple. More and more, blogs are private-only, no-personals, anons-off. People cannot trust each other.
It’s just - I think the irony of being the person who makes the community hard to trust and feel bad and then complaining that people are critical of it and want to improve the situation - I think that irony is lost. Well, I think any sort of reasonable argument is lost on such a person. Life is full of nuance, but typically, pinning someone else’s behaviors onto a person and blaming that person for someone else’s reactions and decisions is pretty unreasonable. It reeks of the same energy as “You made me do this.”
I don’t know what the point is.
I guess the point is, protect yourself, because expecting humanity from such people is a lost cause. People will support you if you ask for it. That’s what reasonable people will do, whatever their personal grievances are.
Maybe this is exceptionally defeatist, but that’s my take.
And to those reasonable people who are reading this, I encourage you - as ever - to be responsible with your words. To hold yourself accountable. To, even if you feel wronged, take a breath and remember that there is a real person behind the screen, who may not have the same experiences as you, the same life experience, and so on. 
And as ever, to be kind.
And if you cannot be kind, if you cannot be polite, if you feel so aggrieved by someone - at the very least, be humane.
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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when the sun loves the moon: chapter 3
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chapters: one.~ two.~ three.~ four.~ five.~ six.~ seven.~ eight.~ 
pairing: bokuto x f! reader genre: romance, fluff  warnings: mildly suggestive content wc: 3.4k
a/n: happy, sunshiney bo is the best :3
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Bokuto has grand plans for your first date, spends far too much time reading food reviews about the swankiest restaurants in Osaka, calls up florists to interrogate them on the perfect bouquet to impress you but when he remembers Akaashi’s advice to check that you’re comfortable with whatever it is he’s planning and actually ask you what you’d like to do on Friday night, you look confused when he starts rambling on about restaurants and florists and fireworks and - 
“I thought we’d just eat yakiniku, like we always do.”
“B-but it’s our first date”, Bokuto replies, equally confused because a restaurant meal and flowers seemed to be the minimum standard that all his previous dates demanded. 
“But you like yakiniku more, right?” you point out gently. “Unless you really want to go to eat at - what was it you said - a gastronomical adventure into microfoam? Though honestly from the sounds of it, neither of us will be full even after an eight course meal.” 
“I do like yakiniku more” he admits. “But that’s nothing different from what we usually do - won’t you be bored?” 
“How could I be bored when I’m with you”, you say, affection shining in your eyes and he wants to swoon.
“Besides”, you add, with a cheeky grin. “There’s a park nearby our usual yakiniku place that we can go to after dinner to walk our meal off, and that’s the perfect excuse for me to hold your hand.”
He blushes like a school boy, feeling heat rise alarming quickly from his neck to his head. He should put on sunscreen or  - or hide under an umbrella at this rate because he’s dangerously at risk for sunstroke. “You don’t need an excuse to hold my hand”, he mumbles, his large hand enveloping yours, cheeks flaming red. 
You jump away from him when someone knocks on your door and you have to get back to work, but Friday night is just a few hours away, and you’re right of course, because you both spend a happy two hours barbequing meat and chomping on pickles, cheeks warm from the heat of the grill before heading to the park. 
“Did you have fun?” you ask, hand securely in his. 
“Eh” he scratches the back of his neck. “Of course I did, but I’m worried it’s like what we did when we were just friends.”
“Is that a problem?” you ask, with a frown that he never wants to see on your pretty face. 
“No!” he exclaims a little too loudly, afraid that you think the problem lies with you when he just wants to do better. “It’s just - I mean - things should be different cos we’re dating now.” 
“I mean - us dating is kinda similar to being friends, isn’t it? We’re spending time together to see if we like each other’s company and if we already enjoy doing things like yakiniku and walking ‘round a park, there’s no need to force ourselves to do anything different just for the sake of it.” 
“But then what’s the difference between us dating and us just being friends?”  
“Well”. you say slowly, leaning forward, hands finding their way to the collar of his shirt. “I could think of at least one thing we can do that we couldn’t when we were just friends.”
He gets your drift when you press your lips to his, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair, mouth falling open to groan when you swipe your tongue against the seam of his lips. It’s a very good thing that only the moon bears witness to your first kiss, because it’s a little too scandalous for anyone else to see this very open display of affection. 
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And so, things go well. 
Being pulled into Bokuto Koutaro’s orbit means getting yanked headfirst into his social life. 
The first time you meet his friends from high school, you’re a nervous wreck. They’re important to him, you can tell from the way he talks about them. Kuroo Tetsuro, a longtime rival and a firm friend, a steady though snarky supporter, though he’s based in Tokyo with the Japan Volleyball Association. You’ve worked with him, once or twice, and he’s professional - though now that you meet him in person, his demeanor is decidedly not. Tsukishima Kei, another protégé, tall and blonde and sarcastic, somehow adopted despite not even being in the same school. And most of all (though the man in question seems to want to ask if he’s the least of all) – Akaashi Keiji, his setter, his best friend, the steadying presence, the ballast in the midst of Bokuto’s ever changing moods. 
The minute you get there, Kuroo asks you immediately whatever possessed you to say yes to going out with Bokuto – did you know he used to get all whiny everytime Akaashi wouldn’t set to him, as Tsukishima smirks and hides behind half moon glasses. Bokuto whines indignantly not to expose him ‘cos he really, really likes you – 
You throw your head back and laugh at their antics. 
“Well”, you say to Bokuto. “I think we’re both fools cos I really, really like you too.
He shoots a smile at you - bright and delighted and impossibly sweet. You feel as if you were kissed by the sun. 
“Oya, oya oya”, Kuroo calls, cheshire grin widening impossibly. “You seem to have gotten a keeper there.”
“Of course”, Bokuto replies, hand warm in yours. “She’s the best!” 
Later, when Bokuto and Kuroo are busy teasing Tsukshima about an ardent fan of his, Akaashi leans over to you. 
“Please take good care of him”, he asks quietly. “He’s a lot, but he’s got a good heart.”
“I know”, you reply, tossing a tender glance at Bokuto. “Trust me, I will.”
Akaashi leans back and offers you his hand. You shake it and share a smile. 
The MSBY boys you’re already familiar with from the demands of your job, but you’re whisked into team outings and dinners when spouses and partners are included and it’s just a lot of chaotic fun. Most times it’s held at Onigiri Miya with Meian’s and Atsumu’s children running riot, a volleyball match blaring on the screen, and Bokuto’s hand warm on your back. 
“You should come alone with us next time!” Miya Kaiyo says, arms full with her cranky daughter who audibly spurns the allure of dinner in favour of more time playing tag with Meian Makoto. “Don’t sit alone in the employee seats - most of us family members have a spot on the stands and we all picnic together, it’s fun!”
“I’ve never actually watched a game”, you admit and you wince when her eyebrows slam into her hairline. 
“Never?” she echoes, before gathering herself and adds firmly - “Well, then you definitely have to join us next time!” 
You do, because you like Miya Kaiyo with her brash ways, and you do because you should support your boyfriend - that’s what girlfriends do anyway, so you make your way up the stands with Kaiyo and Meian’s wife Yua and their children during a home game, accepting Kaiyo’s offerings of onigiri and karaage gratefully (because work has been brutal and you always forget to eat) and cheering when the boys jog out to the screams of their fans. You giggle when Atsumu looks up and blows a kiss in Kaiyo’s direction, and she responds with a cheeky chomp of the blown kiss and a hand gesture that she later explains is a reminder not to overthink his serves “he tends to flub them when he does - actually there are a lot of reasons why he does, and he gets so cranky after - anyway - look, there’s Bo!!!” 
And Bo prances out and his eyes visibly widen when he catches sight of you next to Kaiyo, wearing his jersey and number that he nearly trips and has to be yanked to his feet by Meian, the captain shaking his head. 
“I think you should come to every game ‘cos Bokuto is on fire today, and I think it’s because of you”, Kaiyo slyly remarks in between reminders to Shino not to scream too loud for daddy, or you’ll get a sore throat, sweetie. 
You’re torn between hiding your burning face in your hands and crawling under your seat because Bo turns to look at you at the end of each set with blazing eyes that makes you want to melt, but you can’t seem to tear your eyes away because Bo on court is just electrifying - his serves cracking through defenses, flying high in the air to slam the ball into the earth, his voice booming despite points lost to encourage his teammates. 
“Gods, he’s so hot”, you mutter into your fingers. 
Yua and Kaiyo just chuckle. “Welcome to the team”, Yua says dreamily. “Shugo during and especially after a game is like - oh my god, I can’t even describe him -” 
“Head empty, that’s how you ended up with your baby”, Kaiyo teases. 
"Please, I've definitely had to babysit Shino for a few minutes after a couple of games when you and Atsumu sneak off -" 
"Two words, Yua - supply closet." 
Yua immediately reddens. "I told Shuugo that was a bad idea", she mutters, but from the way she's staring at said tall, dark and handsome captain, you can tell (ahem) that she thoroughly enjoyed herself. You and Kaiyo just laugh, though your laughter dies off when you notice Bo staring at you with hunger in his golden eyes because it’s the end of the match and they’re all lining up and the boys are panting and sweaty and breathing hard and - 
oh gods you totally understand how Yua feels now. 
You give in to cowardice, ducking away from the crowd to hide in your office, telling yourself that Bo needs time to attend the debrief and shower and he probably won’t have time for you so you might as well take the time to clear some work. But you don’t account for Bokuto’s persistence, because you hardly get to send out a few emails before he’s knocking at your door, peering in. 
“Hi”, you say breathlessly as he stares down at you wolfishly. 
“Hi”, he replies, taking your hands in his. “Did you enjoy the match?” 
“I did”, you smile, leaning into him. “You played really well!” 
“Did you see the part where I went pow! and slammed the ball between Kageyama and Ushijima - oh my god their faces - and then, and then that moment when I chest bumped that spike from Romero - I could hear Hoshuimi just yelling but it was cool right right right?!“ 
“Really, really cool”, you answer, as he perks up like a sunflower, basking in the sun at your affirmation. “You looked really cool but I couldn’t help but think how hot my boyfriend is when he plays.“
“You thought I’m hot?” Bokuto tilts his head down at you and you don’t notice him take a step forward towards you until he crowds you against your desk because you’re too busy rambling. 
“I always think you’re hot – have you looked at yourself in a mirror but I didn’t know how you’re especially hot when you’re out there – like some supernova blazing through the sky – “ 
If you thought Bokuto was hot when he’s playing, it’s nothing compared to the wildfire sparked by the dance of his fingers along your skin, beneath the hem of your top and the rim of your waistband as he devours you, plunders your mouth with his tongue, and the groan spilling from his lips when you tangle your fingers into his hair to pull him closer is so sinful you’re sure you’re going to burn in hell. 
“Oi! Bokuto! You in there? Coach wants to talk to you but you ran off after debrief!”
You push him away, even as he whines, hair mussed, eyes wild, still staring, completely transfixed by your lips. “Shoo”, you say, laughing when he pouts, clinging on to your hand. “Go on, go do your job. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done.” 
“Come home with me.” A statement, not a question. 
“It’s a weekday!” you protest. “You have early morning practice tomorrow and besides, we’ll spend the weekend together.”
“But I always miss you when you’re not around”, he pouts, as you straighten his hair and shirt, pushing him out of the door to Atsumu, who smirks when he sees the telltale signs of kiss-swollen lips. 
“I’ll bring him back” Atsumu tells you, waving you off with a two fingered salute as he tugs Bouto along, who makes his reluctance known by dragging his feet, a child being pried away from his favourite toy. You just giggle and blow him kisses. 
It’s hopeless. You’re hopeless. 
When you settle back at your desk, the words on the screen in front of you start to swim before your very eyes. You can’t stop yourself from grinning like a fool in love at the memory of your golden boy and his kisses that taste like pure sunshine on a clear summer’s day. 
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You definitely spend the weekend at Bokuto’s place. And the weekend after that. And the weekend after that. And - well, fine, yes you end up spending every weekend with Bokuto (now, you call him Kou or sweetheart or my big baby and he looks at you like you’re the sun, moon and stars when you call him that) and it’s been amazing. Ahem. You can’t count the number of times his neighbours have called in complaints because he’s just so damn loud and you’ve had to wear high collared shirts at work to hide the violets blooming along your clavicle, the lasting evidence of his ardent affection for you.  
But it’s so much more than just that.  
He’s turned you soft, worn down your hard edges and defenses that you’ve put up since law school because he teaches you to believe that there’s good in this world, that there’s love in this world. You hear him, voice booming with humour and kindness when he greets his fans, especially the little ones, giving them hi fives and encouragement when they shyly tell him they want to grow up to be just like him. 
“You gotta listen to your mama eat your veggies and work hard so you can achieve your goals, little fellow”, he’ll exclaim, the children’s faces alight with joy when he asks them to demonstrate their own spikes, and signs all their jerseys and volleyballs with enthusiasm and a hooted - hey hey hey! 
You know people might think he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but you think they’re wrong. They’re blind not to see him analyse and adapt to every opponent’s game play, the speed at which he picks up new skills, how in tune he is with people in general – picking up on their moods and sore points, doing his best to smooth over the situation. 
“He taught me lots when we were in high school y’know. Even though I wasn’t even in his team, he spent time to show me moves like – “ he demonstrates a tip with a whoosh and a line shot with a  ka-pow! “and that really helped me, especially when I was just starting out”, Shoyo comments when he’s in your office to sign a contract for some sponsorship with a big name shoe brand. 
“He’s a good person like that”, you answer, as Hinata nods his head vigorously. 
“He’s one of the people who’ve helped me to get here when everyone else thought I wouldn’t make it.” Then, with a look at the walls adorned with MSBY merch, some of it with his name and likeness on it, he smiles - “So thank you for making him happy.” 
You don’t know what you can say to that because there’s a sudden lump in your throat that makes you choke but you can’t help but think – Shoyo shouldn’t be thanking you, you should be thanking the gods for blessing you with the sun. 
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It’s been a few months, almost half a year since he’s asked you out and you didn’t laugh at him but said yes with a kiss that he still thinks about at least once a day. You haven’t moved in yet because your lease isn’t up, but the wardrobe is groaning from the weight of your clothes, and he doesn’t know how he’s managed without the soft sound of your breath lulling him to sleep. 
There are times when he’s afraid the day will come when you decide he’s just a simpleton who slaps balls for a living and leave him, because you’re smart and sharp and funny and sweet and could probably do so, so much better than him. He admits this to you one evening when he screws up an interview and is roundly chastised by his manager. 
You’re the last person he wants to see when he’s in this state, but it does feel good to have you cradle his head in your lap, have you massage your fingertips into his scalp. He whimpers, snuffles softly as you stroke his hair, your touch chasing his worries away. Still, he has to ask. 
“Am I too stupid for you?” he says, voice rough. 
“What?” There’s a glacial iciniess in your tone, a hard, cold anger that he’s never heard before from you. “Who said that?! Who – Kou, tell me and I’ll tear them a new one. How – how dare they – “ 
“No!” He cuts you off, douses the flames. “No one – I’m just. I’m just scared you’ll wake up one day and realize I’m just a dumbass who doesn’t deserve you.” 
You take his hands, waits patiently until he brings his eyes to meet yours. 
“You don’t have to be scared”, you whisper. “You’re enough for me, Kou – in fact I think you’re too good for me.”
“There’s no such thing”, he argues, though he can’t help but burst into a goofy smile. “You’re too good for me.”
“I guess that’s something we’ll be fighting over til the end of time”, you joke. 
It’s as if the sun bursts through gloomy rain clouds when you smile.  
He’s lucky to have you, he knows that and when he recounts the incident to Akaashi, his best friend just looks at him, his brows doing that thing when he has a headache, drawing together into a tight scrunch, like a furry pair of beetles and points out that yes, he’s very lucky because you’re a lovely girl he should treasure and love and –  
Another evening spent at his place, another dinner eaten on the floor, legs sprawled out into the little balcony where he keeps an assortment of potted cacti, the only plants he claims are impossible for him to kill. He’s leaning on one hand, chopsticks in the other, watching you as you hum, mouth full of food (starving, as usual because you forgot to eat lunch), clad in an old t-shirt of his. You’re smiling that smile that’s quiet and amused yet full of affection that he feels as if he’s winded from a thousand mile sprint. 
“You’re thinking awfully loudly today. 100 yen for your thoughts?”  
 “Um”, he stutters, nervous. What was it that Akaashi said? Right – “The moon is – is, uh - the moon is real pretty, isn’t it. Wait – I meant beautiful – or was it pretty-?“ 
You don’t giggle or tease him for sticking his entire foot in his mouth. You don’t even point out the fact that there isn’t even a moon tonight, the night sky overcast with grey, dark clouds. Instead you lean over, smoothing a cool hand over his flushed cheeks, thinking of four thirty every afternoon, of coffees and yakiniku, linked hands and heated kisses.
“I could die happy”, you say simply. “Or to put it more clearly, I love you too, Kou.”
And as if to emphasise your words, you press a tender little kiss to the corner of his mouth like a promise to stay, a vow to love. His heart tries to jump out of his chest, does a silly cartwheel and explodes into a million pieces, his fears melting away like snow in the sun.
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a/n: the calm before the storm....
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missmentelle · 4 years
How do I know if I'm burnt out and what are signs of being burnt out? In relation to both university and work?
Unfortunately, burnout is a very common problem among both university students and people in high-stress jobs. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, “burnout” is effectively where people reach a breaking point after being in a high-stress occupation (like a demanding academic program or a high-pressure career) for too long. Being “burnt out” is not an official diagnosis, and you won’t find it in the ICD-11 or the DSM-V. But it’s something that an increasing number of people are experiencing every year.
Not everyone is at equal risk of experiencing burnout - many students and workers never really deal with this. Factors that put you at high risk of burnout include:
Having poor work-life balance. If you spend huge portions of your time working - working through weekends, doing tons of overtime, working late, not taking vacation, working through lunch - you are at high risk of burnout. Humans need rest, relaxation, hobbies and time with friends, and when you sacrifice those things for work, it will eventually take a toll.
Having very little control over your day-to-day tasks. No one has perfect control over their daily work tasks - not even the self-employed - but having some element of control is important. If you have a say in things like when to schedule meetings, when to book client appointments and which task you are going to work on when, you have a lower risk of burnout than someone whose tasks tend to just be dictated to them. 
Having perfectionist traits or holding yourself to very high standards. People who experience burnout tend to be overachievers. They constantly try to go above and beyond because they put immense pressure on themselves to do their best work at all times. If you’re the kind of person who beats yourself up over getting an A- instead of an A and makes a point to be the last one out of the office every day, you are at risk of burnout. 
Having a dysfunctional work or school environment. Is your workplace plagued with bullies and office gossip? Do your lab members take pleasure in ripping each other’s research and writing to shreds, without really being constructive about it? Does your boss take their bad moods out on the rest of the office, even when you haven’t done anything wrong? A dysfunctional workplace creates burned-out employees.
Having unclear instructions or directions. It is extremely difficult to be in a work environment where you are expected to do be productive, but you aren’t given clear expectations, a clear list of tasks or instructions for how those tasks should actually be performed. It leaves you constantly feeling like your work isn’t good enough and isn’t done properly, without actually giving you a route to improve; you often end up working twice as hard to get half as much done, which is a recipe for burnout. 
Working in a helping profession. Nurses, social workers, therapists, paramedics, psychologists, caregivers and caseworkers have some of the highest burnout rates of any profession. These jobs often combine long hours and low pay with incredibly stressful work environments, and burnout is a huge problem. 
Burnout is more than just feeling tired or bored of what you do. It’s a state of complete and total exhaustion. Putting more energy into your job isn’t possible when you reach that point - you have nothing left to give. “Burnout” isn’t an official diagnosis, but it is a fitting description - trying to push through burnout is like trying to re-light a candle that has already burned all the way down to the bottom. It’s just not going to happen. 
Some signs that you’ve reached the point of burnout include:
Your performance is suffering. You can’t keep going full steam ahead when you’re running on fumes. When you’re burnt out, your work performance will one of the first things that starts to slip - you may find that you are missing deadlines, forgetting things, half-assing tasks and making careless mistakes.  
You constantly feel drained. Burnout is a perpetual state of exhaustion. You’ll start to feel like you just don’t have the energy to do everything that you’re supposed to do. You’ll find that you feel tired all the time, regardless of your sleeping habits, and that just forcing yourself to do the bare minimum leaves you feeling totally depleted and unable to do much else. 
You feel disconnected and cynical toward your work. Even if you once enjoyed your work or felt passionate about it, when you’re burnt out, you become disillusioned with what you do. You may find that you’re cynical about your work, or just so apathetic that you can’t bring yourself to care about it anymore, even when you accomplish things that once mattered to you. 
You can’t concentrate. Burnout can make it difficult - if not impossible - for even the most dedicated person to focus on their tasks. You might find that you spend a lot of time just sitting in front of your computer, unable to even start tasks because you can’t focus well enough to begin something. 
You have become irritable and short-tempered. People who are burnt out have a tendency to become impatient with the people around them. When you’re running on empty, you have no energy left for social interactions. You might find that you’re snapping at coworkers or getting visibly frustrated with clients if you work in a helping profession. 
You feel anxious. Burnout is often accompanied by feelings of indistinct dread that you just can’t seem to shake. The fear and anxiety is often tied to work, and can be completely overwhelming. 
You can’t sleep. Ironically, people with burnout often have a hard time sleeping. Their minds race all night, and they find that they cannot settle down or get comfortable enough to drift off. If you can sleep, you may find that you are only able to sleep in short bursts and cannot sleep through a full night. 
Your eating habits have changed. Some people experiencing burnout find that they lose their appetites. Others find that they begin to comfort themselves with food. Significant changes in appetite and food intake can signal a serious problem. 
You feel physically ill. Being under high amounts of stress for long periods of time can destroy your health - you might find that you have a lot of symptoms with no direct physical cause, like headaches, stomach pain, nausea and body aches. You might also find that you get sick more often and get more infections as the stress wears down your immune system. 
You feel like you have to drag yourself through the day. Even if you once enjoyed your job or your school, you might start to feel like even showing up is a huge chore, and dread having to go in. You might find that it takes all of your energy to even make it through the front door each day. 
The good news is that burnout is not a permanent state; there are things you can do to recover. However, recovering from burnout is not necessarily easy - this is not something you can quick-fix with a self-help book, and you may need to make significant lifestyle changes. Some things you can do to fix or prevent burnout include:
Set firm boundaries. If possible, stop taking work home. Stop signing up for extra shifts and overtime every time it’s available. Don’t volunteer to organize every single office party and baby shower. Stop answering work emails after 5pm. Don’t check your email on the weekends. Don’t respond to emails on vacation. Set firm boundaries between “work time” and “me time” - especially if you work from home, where it’s easier for work and life to bleed together. 
Use every minute of your paid time off. A lot of people just don’t use up all their PTO every year because they’re worried they’re letting the company down by taking vacation. Stop that. If you have vacation days, use them. Use your sick time too - if you don’t get sick that often, use them as mental health days. If you’re a student, ask professors for extensions when you’re sick - more and more professors are getting on board with cutting students some slack for life events. 
Unplug from productivity culture. Our culture has a pathological obsession with productivity, and it’s killing us. We consume books and blogs and podcasts about how to squeeze as much productivity out of ourselves as possible. It has to stop. Unsubscribe from this kind of content. You don’t need to put more pressure on yourself to optimize and monetize every second of your day - it’s not healthy. 
Seek support. Talk to a therapist, a doctor or a friend. Get professional help or just find people you can vent to. Try to form friendships with some of your coworkers or fellow students, especially if you work in the helping professions - they know better than anyone what you are going through. 
Prioritize your physical health. When you neglect your physical health, you are more likely to burn out - you run out of fuel faster when you have less in the tank to begin with. Prioritize eating healthy meals and getting all the nutrients you need. Make a habit of exercising. Practice good sleep hygiene and try to improve your sleep. 
Talk to your supervisor, advisor or boss. Are there things about your specific work or school environment that could be improved for you? Could you be transferred to a new team? Do your roles and responsibilities need to be clarified so you know exactly what is expected of you? Do you need additional training to do your job well? Are you dealing with harassment that could be reported to HR? See what can be fixed. 
Consider a change. Sometimes you just need a change of pace after a while. Many social workers, for instance, eventually leave the profession - a lot of people simply have a lifetime limit on how long they can do that kind of work before they need to switch to something that doesn’t involve human horror every day. If burnout is a consistent problem, it might be time to think about taking a leave of absence, changing to a different role, or switching careers altogether. 
Hope this answers your question! MM
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jonsa101 · 3 years
Thoughts About Sharpwin in Episode 3X14
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Hey guys!! I feel like there has been so much pandemonium in the fandom since all of these spoilers and content has come out prior to the finale on Tuesday.  I have revised this meta so many times due to new things coming out every day and I honestly debated if I should even still publish a meta before the finale. Either way, I’m putting this out there because I still have some thoughts to share and it was highly requested by y’all! 😉 As always, I’m going to try and share my thoughts as honestly and as logically as I can. 
Going into the season finale, I think the question we need to ask ourselves is what are the most important aspects of the season finale? For me, I’ve always believed that the time-jump and the cliffhangers would be the most important aspects of the episode and based on what we’ve seen so far, I think that opinion still holds true. True to his words, in this interview here https://tvline.com/2021/05/25/new-amsterdam-season-3-finale-spoilers-time-jump/ , Schulner specifically said that the finale episode would be nothing like we’ve seen before. From yesterday’s spoiler, it’s fair for us to assume that that the episode we are about to see on Tuesday is linear and is a full time jump episode. How long is the time jump? I’m not sure but my guess is that it’s at least 3 months.
Now you might be thinking “what if the time jump is only a week or two?” Here’s why I think it’s not.
Look at this picture with Helen and Mina.
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In this week’s episode Helen and Mina were still bumping heads after weeks of Mina living with Helen. They were talking about college applications and it wasn’t until the end that we finally see Helen and Mina put their walls down and start to connect with each other. Again, look at the picture down below! Clearly their relationship has done a complete 180 and they seem closer than ever. Mina is literally on the verge of tears as she and Helen are about to say their goodbyes. That relationship transformation doesn’t take place in a week or so. I personally don’t think it takes place in a month either. That type of transformation and healing takes time. Also, if one of the primary reasons that Helen is in London is to drop off Mina for college that means Mina had to go through the whole college application process which is incredibly long! Mina would have to write essays, take the SAT or ACT, go on interviews and hell, probably go on college tours too! In 3x13, she was just starting that process guys. So, if we are seeing Helen drop off Mina for school, at the BARE MINIMUM it has to be at least a three month time jump. Mind you, I’m doing the bare minimum here because I’m not sure the show would commit to a 6-months to a year time jump, which is typically a standard timeline for the college application process.
Now also look at Floyd’s photo.
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He is serving breakfast in bed y’all!!! Do you know what that tells me? It tells me that this man is COMFORTABLE and has been in the midst of his situationship for a while now. Logically, do you think that he can get this comfortable with Dr. Malavo within the span of a week or two especially after the episode that we just saw? No!! A person like Floyd who has gone on and on about his life plan since season one definitely would have had to be worn down for a while for him to be caught up and comfortable in a situationship!
Again, this is just how I feel. I could be wrong but to me I feel like at least a 3- month time jump would be realistic. Moving on from the time-jump let’s talk about these cliffhangers. Y’all I STRONGLY believe that there is a reason why we are receiving so much spoiler and promotional content before the finale. Based on everything we’ve seen, at this point we should all know that we are going to see Helen and Max finally become an official couple in the finale. This is a given! We are all excited to see them finally get together and without a doubt how that unfolds is a huge part of the finale. I just want to make an argument that Max and Helen finally coming together isn’t the most important point of the episode. 😬😬😬 Again y’all, look at the content we’ve received so far! We got a Sharpwin focused promo, a ton of promotional photos, we got that amazing sneak peek voicemail from Max and hell, we even got Ryan Eggold telling Us Weekly that he just felt like it was time for these characters “to go one way or the other! “All of this is great but at the same time it’s super heavy handed! Mind you, in episode 3x12 which was a pivotal episode for Sharpwin, we barely got any spoilers, in fact I think even the episode synopsis was delayed as well. Clearly, I understand that the show hasn’t shown us the most important parts of how Max and Helen are finally going to get together but what I am saying is that they’ve shown us enough to make me believe that isn’t the most important point of Sharpwin’s story in the episode. In the finale for Sharpwin, to me, the question isn’t about if they’re going to get together or how they finally get together, it’s about what’s in store for the FUTURE they choose to have together. Max said it perfectly himself in that voicemail when he said 
I need to see you.
I need to talk to you.
I need to be with you in all the ways I’ve been dreaming about.
That last line is so significant because to me it tells me exactly where his mind and heart is at. Apart from the obvious where Max is clearly thinking about making love to her, I think Max is also dreaming about having a life with her. Again y’all! From episode 3x12 an onwards the question has never been about if they want to be together. It is clear that they both WANT THIS. The question is what that looks like for them and where they go from here after they come together. There are a lot of important conversations they need to have and decisions to be made, hence Max’s “I need to see you,” and “I need to talk to you.”
This brings me back to the cliffhangers. In the article I linked above, Schulner made it a point to emphasize the importance of cliffhangers this year. According to him there should be at least five cliffhangers in the season finale. In my mind, that means all of the main characters should have a cliffhanger that immediately sets them up for their main storyline in season 4. Especially considering the fact that the season 3 finale will already be a time jump episode. So, if the finale is centered around Sharpwin and we know that we should expect cliffhangers, shouldn’t we expect that Max and Helen will probably have a big cliffhanger that impacts their relationship going forward? It wouldn’t make sense for Iggy, Lauren, and Floyd to have these pivotal cliffhangers in finale while Max and Helen just end up as a happy couple. I could be wrong but that logically doesn’t make sense to me. We should totally expect them to maybe have the biggest cliffhanger out of everyone else since technically this episode is mainly about them! I like to think that Max and Helen have a collective cliffhanger but it’s also possible that they have cliffhangers as individual characters and those cliffhangers effect the trajectory of their relationship. By the way, I’m absolutely expecting a positive cliffhanger/cliffhangers for Max and Helen. I truly do believe the best is yet to come for them! All I’m trying to say is that I think this is going to be the most important part of Sharpwin’s story in the season finale. Not how they finally get together! 
For me, one of the big things that sticks out that could play a role in a collective Sharpwin cliffhanger or an individual cliffhanger is Helen’s trip to London. I predicted this trip would be a trip of healing past wounds and finding answers when it comes to her family in my meta here: https://jonsa101.tumblr.com/post/649841094458310656/max-goodwin-and-his-declaration-of-love-and this seems to be panning out. I think this trip is really going to put things in perspective for Helen about what she wants and the things that really matter to her. I think about episode 3x4 where Helen proclaims that she keeps “running out of time” in the areas of her life that are really important to her. Her deepest desires have always been to have a family and a child of her own. As she heals, reconnects with her family, and reflects on what matters most to her, I wonder if her desires for a family of her own will be at the forefront of her mind when she reconnects with Max? What’s that state of her mindset after a trip like that? I might be thinking entirely too deep about this but these are the thoughts that run in my mind now as we head into the finale.
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For Max, we saw him sort out the custody battle for Luna in 3x13. We also saw Helen basically tell him that their relationship was worth the fight. From yesterday’s sneak peek, we know at the beginning of the finale he is deeply longing for Helen and is clearly pondering a life with her. What shifts his focus away from that is when he thinks he’s misplaced his wedding ring. We all know that this episode will be the final step Max takes to let go of his past and embrace his future with Helen but again what does that look like? Again, all of this plays a role to what I think will be the most important part of the episode. 
Their Cliffhanger!!!
So, what exactly could their cliffhanger or cliffhangers be? At this point, the possibilities are endless! Like I said, I believe the best is yet to come for them and that any cliffhanger coming their way will be a great one! At the very beginning of the season, I said that this is the season of love declarations and commitment and that I wouldn’t be surprised if Max and Helen ended up engaged: https://jonsa101.tumblr.com/post/649841094458310656/max-goodwin-and-his-declaration-of-love-and. Max saying he wanted to build something better for Luna and Helen struck me and these were my thoughts.
“Max is just giving me MAJOR “I love you and I’m trying to commit and build something for us vibes.” I think one of my greatest gifts in life is the ability to read between the fucking lines. As a grown 26 year-old women, if a man that I have feelings for that I know has feelings for me comes to me and says, “I want to build something better for you,” we are either married or a marriage proposal is around the corner. A man is not trying to build something better for/with a friend or a confidant. Ok! You build something with someone you want to spend your life with! These are the types of conversations you have with your husband, wife or life partner! Period! After everything they’ve been through before and especially after a year of being in a pandemic, I think now more than ever Max is going to get or has already gotten clarity about what and who he wants and he’s going to go after it. When you realize how quickly life can change it literally shifts everything and makes you change your priorities and go after what you actually want. To me, this will be reflected in the show.”
Oddly enough, I think my words are pretty similar to Shaun Cassidy’s tweet about this finale:
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Max will get clarity.
Max will see the light.
Mind you, I wrote this meta after seeing the first episode of the season. Now as we head into the season finale, after all of Max’s personal suffering, after everything Max and Helen have been through together, after Max’s second death or life experience, I think Max seeing the light or gaining clarity is a hell of a lot more than them just becoming a couple! It’s established that Max wants her! It’s established that Max wants to be with her and they’re going to be couple! Shaun is already out here retweeting “couple era” tweets. I think seeing the light holds weight and I think an engagement fits the bill. I think Max and Helen are at a point in their lives and in their relationship where they want a life together! They are completely all in I just think they’re trying to navigate what the hell that looks like. Also, like I said earlier, where we leave off in the season 3 finale will be the setup for the main storylines in season 4. I think many people in the fandom believe that at some point in season 4 Max and Helen will try for a baby and we will see her infertility struggles play out. I have my own personal opinions on this topic but I’ll save that for another meta. If there is an expectation that in season 4 we will see Max and Helen as a happy couple, Helen stepping up as Luna’s mom/co-parent and them potentially wanting to expand their family, don’t you think it makes sense for Helen to at least be his fiancee?! Honestly y’all! Think about it! Do you think Max would start the process of trying to get pregnant with Helen without marrying her first? I don’t think so. I definitely think he’s a put a ring on it type of guy! Another point that I want to make is this. Luna is in the picture. Luna and Max are a package deal. Helen knows this and when they have this conversation about how they’re going to navigate their lives together, I know that without hesitation we are about to see Helen loving Luna unconditionally and basically being her mom in season 4. Loving your partner’s child unconditionally as your own is the highest form of love and commitment you can show and do for your partner. I know without a shadow of doubt that Helen is going to do this. So as Helen shows him her love and commitment, how can Max tangibly SHOW her how much he loves her and is committed to their lives and their future together? These are just things I’ll leave y’all to think about. 
To wrap this up here are some other quick thoughts I have about the finale.
At this point I strongly believe that Max and Helen are in New York City based on the promos and spoilers I’ve seen. One thing I will say though is at the same time don’t discount the possibility of Max and Helen at some point in the episode also being in London as well. Remember all the promos, spoilers and sneak peeks we’ve seen so far are things they want us to see!!!! We only have pieces of the full story and because of that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I remember back in season one when spoilers came out for the season finale. Going into the finale, most of us who were in the fandom back then already knew there would be some sort of accident/ ambulance crash. At best we thought that it would only affect Max, Georgia and Luna. We had no idea that the season finale would also put Bloom and Helen’s life at stake as well!! The point I’m trying to make is this, even though we saw the spoilers we didn’t have the full picture of what exactly was filmed in those spoilers.
I think when Max and Helen finally have their moment it will be glorious and romantic af! I’m expecting to see kissing, lovemaking, and everything in between but the most important thing are the conversations!! I’m expecting to see a lot of deep conversations about how they’re going to make this thing work after they say there I love you’s. 
Long before the episode synopsis came out, I told y’all that Max and Reynolds moment in the season finale would be pivotal for Sharpwin in this same meta https://jonsa101.tumblr.com/post/649841094458310656/max-goodwin-and-his-declaration-of-love-and and that’s what we are going to see play out on screen. It’s natural for Max to have an emotional attachment to that ring. He was married to Georgia and had a life with her. That doesn’t negate how he feels about Helen. Even more so than that do you know what I also think is at play here? Guilt. The guilt of him trying to move on with the woman he’s had feeling for since season 1. I mean, I personally don’t think they’re using voiceovers of Max and Helen’s conversations in season 1 in their promo for no reason. I don’t see why they wouldn’t address it especially when for us as an audience we know that’s the case. I also think it’s not a coincidence that Reynold’s finds himself in a situation that’s pretty similar to where Max was at. So in my mind, I think it needs to be addressed in order to move on. As he starting a new relationship, he should be honest about having feelings for Helen while he was married and get that off his plate. I think he’s been carrying the weight of that guilt since season two and it’s time to let it go.
Last but not least there is the Mina and Max scene from the spoilers. I don’t know what to make of this but if Mina is in London and the finale is a full time jump episode with no flashbacks, I don’t see how Mina and Max could have a convo in NYC. If they’re having a conversation, I think it’s going to be in London. That’s just how I see it! I could be dead ass wrong but again this is just my opinion. It could be possible that we might see more than one day take place in this episode. I mean realistically, I don’t see how Helen can listen to his voicemail, send Mina off to school, reconnect with her mama and then fly to NYC and meet up with Max all in the same day. That’s super unrealistic to me! Spoilers don’t give us the full scope of what’s going on. Also, I think it’s a little bit weird for Max and Mina to be having a conversation at night with no prior relationship with each other. So, my guess is whatever conversation they’re having would be after Max and Helen have established themselves as an official couple. Just my two cents. 
As always feel free to reach out with me with any questions you might have and also let me know what cliffhanger you think is in store for them!
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Exchange Posting Guide
Hello, friends and frenemies! We are less than three days away from the collection opening, which means I have a tension headache every morning I wake up and remember that I have to finish my exchange fic. The no-fault defaulting deadline has passed, but if you realise you will not be able to finish on time please, please let us know ASAP anyway so we can get a knight writer to write your recipient a gift.
On the other hand, if you have completed your exchange fic draft, please remember to tell us before the 1st! About a third of the participants already confirmed they’ve finished their fic, and we say:
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Okay, now with the collection opening soon, here’s some FAQ on posting!
First off, how dare you?
Honestly, I ask myself that all the time, and the answer is there is no answer. We knew what an exchange would be like. Chances are, you did too when you signed up because many of you were here last year. We have no one else to blame but ourselves.
How does posting work?
The exchange portal will open on August 1st at 12pm AEST. Once it opens, use AO3 to upload your fic as usual:
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Most of the upload process will be exactly the same as usual, but you need to fill in the following two fields:
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Fill in the first with “JaimeBrienneFicExchange2021” (It should autofill, but please be careful to select the right collection! This one is the one we're using. Alternatively, you can go straight to that collection and click the “Post to Collection” button on the top right under the banner once the collection is open.)
Type in your recipient’s AO3 name in the second field. Double check your original prompt to ensure you have the correct name. A few people have different tumblr/AO3 names and we don’t want any fics to go awry.
If you've already made an AO3 draft before the 1st, make sure you add it to the collection and put in your recipient's username in the fields we mentioned above, and make sure you change the date when posting (or your fic will be buried). Be aware it can cause some shenanigans where the fic may not appear at the top of the page.
After that, it’s as simple as clicking post! Your fic will be submitted to the exchange and automatically be made anonymous. As the author, when you open your own fic, it will say ‘YourUsername (Anonymous)’, but to other users it will simply say ‘Anonymous’. Author’s names will not be revealed until August 21st, when we click the button to reveal them.
Feel free to reply to comments during that week. As long as you are logged into the account that posted the fic, all of your comments will also be anonymised.
If any of this process is confusing to you, PLEASE reach out to one of the organisers (nire-the-mithridatist/slipsthrufingers/firesign23/samirant/im-auntie-social)! We’re happy to hold your hand through the process 🤗
What about Lil’ Oathkeepers?
I’m glad you asked, imaginary exchange participant that’s totally not me talking to myself! A Lil’ Oathkeeper is a gift that can be any size and shape. It can be art! A video edit! A moodboard! A fic shorter than 1000 words! Or… a fic longer than a 1000 words, but you probably know that. Anyone (you don’t even have to be signed up to the exchange) can make and gift a Lil’ Oathkeeper. We’ll be releasing the prompt spreadsheet and posting instructions on the 1st!
Why is the exchange opening a day earlier than you said?
Because Slips has set the time on the exchange to suit her own timezone. She has to stay up till after midnight to watch F1 cars go vroom vroom and had to deal with being spoiled for every single episode of Game of Thrones on Tumblr and Twitter because it aired in the US while she was at work. This is her own petty little vengeance and she will not apologise for that.
Also it’s easier for her to keep everything straight in her head this way. Mathematics is not her strength. We’re kindly moderators though, so here’s a handy timezone conversion for you.
Why do I need to let you know by the 1st that I’ve finished my fic if I can post it anytime during the following week?
So we can find a knight writer ASAP. The sooner we know that you won’t be able to complete your fic, the sooner we can find someone to fill in for you. We don’t want anyone to be disappointed.
Do I have to post ON the 1st of August? I’ll be AFK for the day because my cat has a piano recital!
No, you can post it anytime between the 1st and the 7th. If you can’t or don’t want to post it on Sunday, then you can absolutely wait until later. We anticipate that the bulk of fics will be posted over the weekend, but if you want to post it on the 6th, then that’s absolutely your choice. Just be mindful that your recipient may be worrying why they haven’t received one.
Also tell your cat we’re rooting for them!
I really overshot the 1k limit and need to post multiple chapters. Should I post them together and drop my 40k prompt fill in the tag all at once, or can I stagger it throughout the week?
You must have a complete posted story by the 7th of August, unless you have reached out to us to make alternate arrangements. If you want to post your story over the week, you can. If you want to post it all at once, you can. As long as your prompter gets a completed fic in the posting window, we don’t mind.
(Also, look at your life, look at your choices! It was a 1k minimum!!! Buncha overachievers in this fandom, I swear 😂😂😂)
Can I thank my beta in the notes of my story?
Absolutely you can! The betas of the fandom be working HARD this week, they definitely deserve recognition. Just be mindful of including anything in your notes that might reveal who you are. You could choose to name your beta, or just thank them generally and add their name after authors have been revealed.
What if I don’t receive a story?
It might be because your author hasn’t posted it yet - they have the full week from the 1st to the 7th to post their story. It also might be because your fic needed a knight writer to write it. If this is the case, know that your knight is probably working very diligently to complete it, but might not be able to complete it within the window. If it looks like your fic will be significantly delayed (like until after authors are revealed) we will contact you directly to let you know what’s up.
What’s the etiquette around thanking my author?
A kudos and a comment is pretty standard. It’s up to you how long your comment is; we don’t write comments with our heads, we write them with our hearts. Just keep in mind that a person out there spent time working on something just for you and make sure you show your appreciation, even if the story isn’t exactly what you expected!
Can I promote my story?
Please don’t do this until authors have been revealed through the collection.
Can I rec my gift story?
Absolutely! Share the love! You can choose to rec it while it’s still anonymous, or wait until the authors are revealed. It’s up to you.
I’m not participating in the exchange, but I want to get into the spirit of the week. What can I do?!
Well firstly, read any of the 102 fics we expect to be posted that week! Read them and enjoy them! Leave a kudos! Leave a comment! Leave ten comments! Write rec lists and share them on Tumblr or Discord or TikTok, wherever it is that the cool kids hang these days!
What’s for dinner, nire?
Chicken, seasoned with my own tears.
I have another question that hasn’t been answered in the FAQs
Either send us a message through tumblr, or get in touch with one of the organisers privately. We’ll get back to you ASAP!
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