#//im so scared for them but.... what can we do now? we already tested positive
revvywevvy · 2 years
Hey guys, I'm probably not gonna be able to draw for a while. Grannyma tested positive for covid for the second time and this time she actually got most of us sick. Me, my ma and the youngest all got it 💀
Sooo I gotta quarantine now.
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Summary: Y/n goes out looking for some supplies she secretly needs, once she finds out she’s pregnant she has a hard time figuring out what to do until Daryl finds out and things don’t go as planned
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I haven’t been feeling well lately and we just got to the farm, I thought maybe it was just the food here but then I started throwing up and knew something wasn’t right
“Okay guys I’m gonna head out in a run does anyone wanna come?” Glenn asked as we were all sat around having breakfast
“I’ll come, I gotta pick up some things” I said as I sat my plate down and got my machete
“Hey are yer sure ya need to go?” Daryl asked as he pulled me aside
“Ya it’ll be quick plus I’m with Glenn I’ll be fine” I smiled as I gave him a quick kiss
“Just be careful” I said as he brushed my hair back
“I will I promise!” I laughed and ran to meet up with Glenn
“You ready?” He asked as he got on his horse
“Yup let’s go, and make this quick cause Daryl wants me back” I said jumping on another horse and we ran off
Finally we made it to the near by town and slowed
“He’s different with you, it’s sweet” he smiled
“I really do love him, I’m glad he opened up for me, I never thought I could love someone so much” I blushed
“I’m glad he found you, he was miserable before you came to the quarry, I swear he fell in love with you the instant he saw you”
“Oh stop you’re just saying that”
“No I swear I could see the way he looked at you and told Merle off when he’d make comments about you” he said as he dismounted his horse and I was quick to follow, walking into the pharmacy
“He’s such an amazing man, I don’t know what I’d do without him, I just hope nothing changes”
We walked down the aisle picking up some necessities and I finally found the pregnancy test and tried to discretely put it in my bag
“Wow is that a pregnancy test? Are you pregnant” I heard Glenn behind me
“Glenn I don’t know that’s why I’m getting the test, please don’t say anything until I know” I pleaded
“I won’t, but what if you are?”
“I don’t know I mean….it would be a dream to have a little Daryl but I just don’t know if he’ll want a baby in this world” I said imagining his face when I tell him, well that is if I am pregnant
“Well, go test it, better to do it now than wait” he said pointing to the bathrooms
I sighed and nodded as I walked over, walking into the ladies washroom and taking the test out of the book
5 minutes have past and it was time to check
“Glenn!” I called out and he came running in
“Have you checked?”
“No I don’t know if I can check Im too nervous” I said as I felt my heart beat in my chest
“We can do it together” he smiled as he kneeled in front of me and held my hands that held the test
“Okay” I breathed out as he flipped the test
“Positive, y/n you’re pregnant” he smiled at me
I was shocked I didn’t know what to say, I was happy to have a baby with Daryl but already scared for my baby in this world
“Hey it’ll be okay, you have us, and I know Daryl will be happy, it’s you, he adores you, now let’s go home”
We packed up our things and rode back to the farm, as we approached I saw Daryl and Maggie standing at the end of the drive way waiting for us
I felt the butterflies explode in my belly just from looking at him, just like the first time
“Hey my love! I missed you!” I smiled as I slowly got off my horse as he held my waist and helped me down
Maggie took my horse and her and Glenn brought them to the stable as me and Daryl made our way up the drive way back to the others
“So did ya get what ya needed?” He asked
“Yes there’s actually something I need to talk to you about” I said fiddling with my hands which he noticed
“Did somethin happen? Are ya bite?” He asked concerned as he started looking all over me
“No my love, come let’s sit and I’ll tell you” I said as I took his hand and led him to an old fallen tree
“I’ve been feeling sick lately and thought maybe it was just the food maybe but then I started throwing up and things lined up with the last time we were….together” he wasn’t showing any emotions at all so I couldn’t tell what he was thinking
“So then when we went to the pharmacy I took a test and well…..” I took out the test from my pocket and handed it to him
He was silent for a long time and it was breaking my heart
“I’m sorry, I know this isn’t ideal” I said which made him look at him and he had tears in his eyes
“Don’t apologize, I can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad” he smiled as he held my hand
“I know it’s gonna be hard but….I couldn’t ask for a better person to have a baby with, to have a little Daryl run around just warms my heart, to see you rock them to sleep to play with them, it makes me happy, I’m just nervous”
“Don tell the others but…I’ve dreamed about havin a family with ya, yer the only one I’ve ever wanted and loved, we can do this together” he said as he pulled me into a kiss, I loved that I was the only one to see this side of him
“I love you daryl”
“I love ya too my Peach” he smiled that smile that was just for me
~1 week later~
I was laying in our tent with Daryl holding me close since it was early in the morning
“We should probably tell the others, they’ll be wondering why you won’t let me do anything and I’m sure Glenn isn’t going to keep this a secret much longer” I said as I rubbed his chest
“Ya yer right, we can do it during breakfast” he said as he got up and pulled on his clothes
We had moved our tent next to the others when we found out I was pregnant, he wanted the extra protection for me
I stood up and hauled on a pair of sweat pants and one of his flannels
We walked out and sat around with the others as Glenn fried some eggs over the fire
“So we have something to tell you guys” I said bringing all the attention onto me
“What is it dear?” Carol asked with a sweet smile, she always treated me so kindly, I think it’s mostly because I made Daryl happy
“Well….. I’m pregnant” I said and there was a pause like the world stopped
“Congrats, you’re going to be an amazing mother, and you’re gonna be a great dad Daryl” Carol said as she came and gave both of us hugs
“Thank you Carol!”
“I don’t think hershel is gonna be very happy about this, an extra mouth to feed” Andrea said
My heart dropped and the tears welled in my eyes, it hurt and my hormones were making everything ten times more emotional
Daryl rubbed my back trying to calm me down so I laid my head on his shoulder
“I didn’t mean to become pregnant, but I’m happy”
“Doesn’t change the fact it’ll be a burden”
“Shut yer damn mouth” Daryl said getting angry
“Wow calm down I’m just sayin” she said trying to act innocent even though everyone was glaring at her
“Don’t listen to her dear, this baby is pure love, don’t ever thing this baby isn’t a blessing” dale said as he handed me a plate of toast of eggs
“Thanks dale, I’m more than happy to have this baby” I said as I hand Daryl a piece of my bread
“Nah ya keep that, we gotta get ya nice and plump for the baby” he said making me laughing
“Okay what ever you say sir”
After we finished eating he got ready to go look for Sophia
“Please be careful my love” I said as I handed him his bow
“I’ll be back before dark peach, just hang around Glenn for the day, maybe he’ll help keep yer mind off of me”
“But I want to have you on my mind” I smiled as he pulled me in by my hips
“Don’t stress please, I’ll be back before ya know it” he smiled as he kissed me then pulled himself up onto the horse
“I love you”
“I love you both too peach” he smiled and rode off
Both….my heart felt so full, he just left but I want him back right now, he was going out alone sure he was amazing out in the woods but still I was scared I couldn’t ever lose him
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Chris sturniolo fanfiction -first time
Smut 18+ no minors beyond this point thanks .
Word count 2k
Summary -you stay with the triplets as the house is infected with COVID ,while you spend all day every day with your boyfriend and important event happens .
Warnings - smut , mentions of COVID, honest first time experience, mentions of blood,oral sex female recieving, penetrative sex chris X reader.small age gap (20 and reader being 22)
No y/n
Not proof read
If I've misses anything please let me know
Well my trip to see my boyfriend and his brothers didn't go the way we expected .Nick , Chris and Matt went to do their weekly car video and poor nick coughing like no tomorrow I stayed at their house catching up on sleep .I was woken up when they returned at 2:30 am hearing nick telling his younger brothers how bad his throat feels .I hear Chris suggest "why don't you do a COVID test , you know just incase ?" I heard nick snigger with him believing that he couldn't possibly have COVID .
5 minutes later all I heard for a chorus of the 3 of them all saying shit , I jumped to the conclusion that nick had received a positive result ....I knew then that Chris and I would be spending alot of time alone all of a sudden .I was brought of of my sleep daze when my perfect boyfriend walked into the room with a COVID test in his hand , he was surprised to see I was already sat up in bed awaiting for him .
" Bad news nicks got COVID , Matt has tested negative and so have I but we're all going to stay in our rooms to stop it spreading , I'm gonna need you to take a test too .Even if it's positive you can stay with me baby " he said the last part so sweetly knowing i have a fear of sick and illness.
I do the test finishing it with a sneeze as Chris gets ready for bed .We wait 3 minutes to see that I'm negative too , Chris sends a quick message to his brothers telling him the news .
We both settle down in the covers while we put on a film , Chris lets me pick it this time knowing that I will most likely fall asleep early into it meaning he can change it over shortly.I pick the film 'after' , we're half way through the film and as the characters finish at the wedding they return home and begin to have sex with it being the girls first time and the guy having experience .I shift uncomfortably as I imagine myself and Chris being in the same situation with me still being a virgin and Chris having experience.I was very open with him about this when we started dating , he has always been understanding about it and never rushed me .
Chris notices my sudden shift as I press my thighs together, I then start yawning more frequently my sudden awakening earlier now catching up to me ."shall we go sleep now love" I hear Chris whisper to me assuming that his brothers was asleep already ."ye-" I begin to respond yes when I'm cut out by yet another yawn .He laughs at this and begins pulling me into him so I can lay my head on his chest as he aims to hold me until i fall asleep .
We're silent for 5 minutes,I can't get the picture of Chris and I being in the position of the characters out of my head .I assume Chris has fell asleep as I'm caught up in my own thoughts to notice how his soft snores haven't started yet.
"Baby I noticed earlier when the film was on how you was when the sex scene came on, what's on your mind?" His soft voice brought me out of my train of thought.I frozen trying to think quickly of what to say feeling all of a sudden very embarrassed at his mention.I stay silent "it's nothing to be embarrassed about babe just tell me and we can talk it through and see what can be done " he says comfortingly.
I take a deep breath and a quick pause "okay ...well it's been playing on my mind recently ..." He hums in response, I pause again "just say it baby " he whispers as he stroke my hair trying his best to comfort me ."I've been thinking about us having sex , im ready i swear im just scared" i waffle onto him .
He pauses for a second " why didn't you tell me love,we can do it whenever you're ready , I'm going to be honest it's not going to be like the films it could be painful, there could be blood .I've looked it up but it'll be okay baby , I'll make it as comfortable as possible for you baby I swear I'll take care of you "
As each words fall out of his mouth I couldn't fall more in love with him , I have no response to him i just lean up and give him a passionately kiss ."i love you " i whisper to him , he responds with a simple "i love you too " he looks so beautiful as his skin is lightened up by his red led strip lights around his bed .
I decided in that moment that I wanted to be with him , connected to him in anyway I can .I show him this with yet another passionate kiss , "are you sure you want this baby?" He asks concern in his eye."I'm 1000% sure I want to be with you in every way right now " I respond.He shifts from under me leaving with a quick kiss and he goes to the bathroom, he returns with a towel and some little tea lights that he had already lit and had placed on either side of the bed as he lays the towel in the middle of the bed over the sheet and he returns back to the bed I move onto the towel allowing space for Chris to get back on the bed , he kisses me with more passionate as he moves on top of me I naturally open my legs so that they can rest on his hips and he can lay between my legs .
The kissing continues with more passion as I grab at his shirt , he takes my hint and takes it off he quickly returns a quick kiss to my lips .His finger tips brush slightly against my waist just in my shirt ." Take it off ... please" I whisper against his lips .He pulls back and takes my oversized shirt off , I'm left in just my underwear feeling exposed I quickly reach to cover my chest but I'm stopped by Chris's fingers drawing shapes on my hands "don't do that baby , you're beautiful"
He says admiring me .
I remove my hands as he kisses down my neck , he looks up at me quickly " just say the word girly and I'll stop"I nod my head quickly in anticipation on waiting for what is about to happen I've thought about it so much but to actually be in it now feels surreal.
He leaves sweet kissed down my neck and to my breasts , the kisses so light they tickle against my skin .He reaches my nipple and takes it in his mouth as soon as he has it I'm over taken by pleasure I never thought was possible.With his hand massaging my other breast he continues to swap between each breast and nipple .
His free hand subconsciously finds it's way to the hem line of my underwear he feels me tense up lightly surprised by the roughness of his fingers .
"Sorry" he replies quickly , I shake my head ."take them off please" I say to him , he looks me in the eyes looking for a change of my mind .He removes them so quickly and throws them to the floor he looks down "so beautiful" he whispers to himself I blush at his comment.
He starts to kiss down my stomach going over my stomach and kissing my hip bones .I already know that the site of him I'm soaked and by the smile on his face , he knows too .
"Can I " he asks I nod my head in response " I need to hear you use your words princess" he says against my hips."yes" I respond blushing at his new nickname for me .As soon as the word falls out of mouth his mouth is wrapped around my bud and when his mouth isn't sucking on my sensitive nub , his tongue is running up and down my slit collecting any wetness my body has created .Im a moaning mess and glad to know that his brothers bedrooms are on a different level.
After endless minutes of pleasure purely by Chris's mouth he looks at me "I'm gonna use my finger , is that okay baby" he asks I return a breathy "yes" in response.Again as soon as the word falls out of my my his pushes one of his slender fingers into my heat , he continues thrusting his digit into me and the slight uncomfortable feeling is overwhelmed by the immense pleasure I feel building in my stomach and his tongue works just as fast in my clothes as his finger is with my heat .
I pull his hair and feel him moan against my heat cause my orgasm to rip through my body I'm a moaning , shaking mess and Chris continues to ride me through my orgasm .I open my eyes to see him hovering over me ,his lips wet with what's left over of my orgasm.
I noticed the tent that's in his boxers nerves and excitement ripping through my body just like the orgasm beforehand .I reach down to pull them down and his size springs up and slaps him on his stomach ."are you ready baby you can still say no" he says concern evident in his voice ."yes im ready" I whisper with a kiss he quickly leans over to open a condom wrapper .The more I look at his member the bigger it seems to grow by the second , he rolls it down his cock and lines it up with my entrance .With one look again to ask consent i nod my head and rest my hands on his broad shoulders .
As soon as he pushes in the instance stretch and pain shoots through me , my grip tightens on his shoulders and my eyes closed with my face contorting in pain ."breathe through it baby just breathe" he kisses my lips so sweetly until I nod to him so he can move , he starting thrusting in and out of me as the pain quickly becomes pleasure im moaning into Chris's mouth and he does the same to me .In minutes he's thrusting into me at a inhumane speed , he quickly rubs circles on my clit .His lips so close to mine he moans "cum for me baby , on 3 we cum together" he suggest to me , I nod my head .
"1.......2........3" he whispers and we're both moaning messes and I fell myself come undone yet again around his cock and I feel him filling up the condom inside of me .We both open our eyes , still connected and he kisses me as he pulls out leaving me wincing at the slight pain it causes.
We spend minutes naked , catching our breath in comfortable silence ."we should go and cleaned up baby" he breaks the silence as he takes the condom off and places it in the bin .
He picks me up bridal style , both naked and carries me to his bathroom.He leaves me to go toilet and the instant burn is beyond uncomfortable, he returns back with a pair of his jogging bottoms and a sports bra of mine , he brings me fresh underwear and pulls out a sanitary pad .
He hands it to me getting down to my eye level " how you feeling baby" he asks "sore I say but so happy , what's that for" I ask nodding to the pad ." You bleed abit babe" he says with sorry in his eyes .I go red in embarrassment " it's perfectly normal baby just pop this on and we can go cuddle and sleep " I obliged and once I'm done he carries me again bridal style back to bed .
We get comfy again "I'm so proud of you baby , I love you so much" he whispers to me as I drift to sleep in his hair .
This took forever guys but I hope you like it , please like comment and follow if you can
Xoxo hj
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
Guess Who's back ✨
Anyways..What would Jeff be like if he found out Reader was pregnant?
Weddings, babies, moving in together i love it all 💗
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Jeff finding out you're pregnant
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Jeff has always been firm on the notion that he does not want kids
He thinks kids are annoying and gross and stinky
And there's also some insecurity of him not being able to be a good dad, considering his job, his upbringing, even his appearance
All around, kids are a firm no for him
So when you begin experiencing morning sickness he kind of just denies the very possibility that you could even get pregnant
But you, being at least a little more reasonable than him, decides its better safe than sorry and goes out to buy a test
When you get back, you inform him that you're gonna take the test just to be sure to which he straight up laughs
"You won't need it, because I can tell you right now you're not pregnant"
And so, after a few minutes of waiting anxiously after taking the test, you look at the results and see....a positive
A hand goes to your stomach, the tears already streaming down your face
Jeff, who decided he would wait with you snatches the test and does several takes
He's honestly just speechless, he didn't even really think he could get anyone pregnant, which may have just been wishful thinking on his part
He looks at you, and you look at him
Your face is one of pure joy, and his is a mix of confusion, fear and disgust
"We aren't keeping it, right?" He asks after looking at your face for a while
You frown and smack his arm "jeff! How could you even suggest that?!"
"We aren't prepared for a kid! We've never even talked about it! Not to mention, what kind of life would that kid have?? Growing up in a house full of murderers and monsters, the kid's guaranteed to be fucked in the head!"
"You aren't even going to give this a chance?" You ask frustratedly "you created this with me, you know! The least you could do is take responsibility!"
He groans and storms out of the room, leaving you to cry alone
When he gets back he is less angry, and clearly just got done "blowing off some steam" made clear by the fresh blood on his hoodie
You aren't crying anymore, he comes into the room and sighs before sitting with you on your bed
You are both very quiet for a while, just sitting together
He finally speaks, but he doesn't look at you. He couldn't bear to
"I love you, you know? I just get....i just feel really scared right now because I don't know what to do. I'm not in control and that scares me"
You look at him and place a hand on his cheek "if you wanna get rid of it, then we can discuss our options?" You offer
He shakes his head "i dont wanna get rid of it....i just...i don't want to mess this up, you know?"
You scoot closer to him and lay your head on his shoulder "you won't mess it up..." you look at your stomach and then grab his hand and place it on your lower belly "if you love this baby as much as you love me, theres no way you could" you say looking up at him with a smile
He looks at your stomach and then at you "im still so, so scared" he whispers to you "i dont know anything"
You kiss his nose and press your forehead to his "it's ok. We'll learn together"
He smiles "ok"
After that first whole fight, he actually gets pretty excited about the baby!
You manage to pay slender to get a room that you can make into a nursery, and announce the news to your close friends
Jeff is always buying things for the baby. Toys, clothes, blankets, etc
He also loves to talk to the baby, telling your little one all about the day that he had and how much he loves them
He's still hates kids, but his kid is amazing
(Also authors note i wanna write more general preganancy hcs for jeff bc hes so silly)
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eminems-skittles · 2 years
Hi can you write a fic where the reader ABD Trevor have a pregnancy scare ( you can decide if she’s actually pregnant or not :))
i think want to turn this into a series so let me know if you’d want to read it :)
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, allusions to sex but nothing clearly stated
thank you to @yelenasdog for reading this for me :)
requests for trevor zegras, jack hughes, and quinn hughes are open until friday january 14th! im going to close them then to catch up and they will reopen next week :)
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trevor had been gone on a two week long roadie. and it was a long two weeks. you had the slightest hint that something was off a few days after he left but you couldn't place your finger on it. it wasn't until you were talking to one of your friends when the pieces seemed to click into place. you didn't say anything to anyone, especially to trevor. the next week and a half were spent with you anticipating the next day, hoping that you were just a few days late.
the day that trevor got back was probably the most stressful. it had already been a few weeks and you needed to see trevor before you made a decision on what to tell him. you were so scared for what was to come, and you were sure he could tell from the tone of your voice during your daily phone calls that something was wrong. you guys had talked about the future but the idea of a family had always seemed so far off.
relief flooded your body when he walked through the front door of your apartment. as soon as he had set his bags down, you were rushing to greet him.
"hey baby," he beamed, pulling you into his chest. you relished in the feeling of being against his chest. "missed you."
"missed you too," you mumbled into his shirt. "trev?"
"yeah, baby?" he asked. his sense that something was wrong was amplified now that he was in the same room as you. you seemed shaky and caught in your own head. you pulled back from his embrace, staring into his eyes. your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as you thought for a second. one of his hands lifted up to pull your lip away, muttering something about how you'll hurt yourself if you keep doing that.
"i'm late," you said straight out.
trevor's face fell for a second. "oh, did you have somewhere to go? i thought we were-"
"baby, not that kind of late," you interrupted. he looked at you for a second before the gears clicked into place.
"oh," was all he said. you could feel your heart crumbling at his reaction. "did you take a test yet?"
"no, i wanted to wait for you. i bought one the other day," you explained.
"do you want to take it now?" he asked softly, his hands rubbing up and down your back. he could that there was some fear in your eyes and he leaned down to kiss you. "it's going to be okay. no matter what the test says, it's going to be okay."
he lead you to the bathroom and let you take the test. while waiting for the timer to go off, he pulled you into his arms again. there were tears about to roll down your cheeks.
"hey, hey, hey, why are you crying?" trevor asked, holding your face in his hands.
"i'm scared," you mumbled.
"i know. i know," he replied. "i am too. but we are in this together, yeah? no matter what it says."
"are you sure? i know we haven't discussed-"
"y/n, i am by your side. no matter what," trevor whispered. he kissed you again and pulled you against his chest. "we're going to be okay."
the timer cut through the tense silence and you looked up at him. "well, the moment of truth."
"do you want to look or do you want me to?" he asked, his thumbs brushing across your back.
"i will," was all you said as you removed yourself from his embrace. you looked at the test and then looked up at him. the silence made trevor antsy as he crossed the bathroom to go to you.
"what does it say?"
"it's positive."
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zuffer-weird-girl · 2 years
Hi! This is the previous anon here! I would like to ask for the angst to fluff with chi saki if youre up for it! Maybe Angel gets pregnant and shes scared the Kai will want to get rid of it when she really wants to have it so she leaves out of fear and kai has to go find her and find out why she left, and maybe possibly Pops already knows because why wouldnt Angel trust him like that😅 Thank you again! You're writings incredible! happy holidays and New Years!
Love this
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"No..." You breathed out... your chest seemed like it was physically contracting each second it passed.
Picking the toilet paper with shaking hands, you started to roll up the test so you could throw it out right at the bottom of the trashcan of the house.
"That must be a wrong positive... it must be..." You whispered in panick as you started to almost ran our of the house to go to the nearest pharmacy possible.
"Hey what's the rush for?" You froze. Of course Pops had to spot you... Pops out of all people.
"Not feeling well. I will be back soon." You smiled politely.
You didn't bother to explain to the elder what you were feeling as he frowned at your clear desperation.
You muffled your screams of anguish on your hands... the tears falling down at a rapid speed down your face.
It wouldn't be possible for five tests of pregnancy to be a false positive. Just couldn't.
Now what the hell are you suppose to do now? Chisaki and you didn't even discussed about marriage, let alone kids even..
How could this happen? You two were always so carefull.. Kai was a germiphobic dear God...
You couldn't believe this...
You angrily picked all the test and ran out of the house once again to throw them on the trash as you still cried and cried all you could not even bothering if you were in the middle of the street.
You gripped on your temples until you flinched at a hand gripping on your shoulder.
"How about we go inside for a bit?" The elder spoke with a serious expression.
"Oh my god..." the man almost dropped his tea cup as you cried even more on your hands as you doubled over on your seat. "I thought you two were-"
"WE WERE!" You shouted before widening your eyes at seeing what you had just done "I-Im so so sorry b-but i-"
"Calm down kid, calm down kid." The elder put the cup down on the coffee table "Is ok. We will figurine this out-"
"No... we won't. Kai might end up demanding for me to have an ab-"
"No. No. No. He won't and even he dares to do that I won't allow it. Well, I mean, it's your choice so-"
"I don't want to! But he won't!" You cried "Kai always hated being around kids, we never even talked about that!"
"My dear... Chisaki can be difficult but trust me, my boy right there loves you. He wouldn't dare to just leave you because of that or make you do something you don't want to."
You pondered over his words and exhaled shakily...
"Promise me you won't tell a thing to him pops... please... let me at least tell him that."
The old man frowned and brought you to a hug as you cried your eyes out on his shoulder as you felt his hand rub up and down your back.
"My dear you have my word."
You wanted this kid... you had decided.
But did he..?
You peeked over your cellphone at your boyfriend on the other side if the room, speaking with Chrono as you two exchanged a glance.
"-Then the kid bumped and Rappa dropped with the good. I'm so sorry about that."
"Nasty brat." He muttered after exchanging glances with you... while you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
Yeah... he didn't.
You couldn't make him a father... he didn't wanted that... how about the kid? You would have rather die than bring a kid to this world with a father that treated him so horribly...
No... this wouldn't do.
Would be tough? Totally.
But you made up your mind.
"(Y/n)?" He opened the door of the room "I know our budget is not currently; for now; the best, but I thought maybe we-" he stopped himself in mid-sentence as he looked around the room.
Where were your things? That stupid plague plushie couple thing you bought him with your own money wasn't in the nightstand nor in the bed.
"What the-" he opened the wardrobe abruptly to find no possessions of you in there... it looked like you didn't even existed.
He left the room in a rush as he accidentally bumped onto Pops.
"Pops..." he bowed a bit as he looked around.
"Chisaki you are pale."
"Have you seen (Y/n)? I can't find her. And her clothes, possessions are no where to be seen..."
Pops for a second widened his Grey eyes to sigh with a hand scratching the back of his neck.
"You know don't you?" The young man almost growled and the elder sighed once again... he wasn't being paid enough for this. "Pops. Where. Is. My. Girlfriend?"
The man looked dead in the eye back at Chisaki before mentioning for him to sit down.
You looked up at the door of your room being knocked... weird. The nice old lady already came to change your sheets.
When you opened the door you weren't exactly prepared to catch your boyfriend, only on his casual clothes staring right back at your soul. You swore you felt your heart stopping when he entered without a word.
"K-Kai I..."
"Pops said you left because you had something to tell me... and that you were afraid of my reaction." He spoke nonchantly.
Oh God you knew that voice... he was hurt but so pissed off at the same time.
"Is not something... according to our plans... you said it yourself that a goal without a plan is called a delusion." You mumbled, hugging yourself as he stood in front of you with a unreadable expression.
".... go on." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I... I..." You exhaled shakily "I'm... I'm pregnant."
His eyes widened. Chisaki's usually serious and nonchantly golden eyes opened wide at your words and that did not made you any less nervous.
"I swear I don't know how!" You cried "I really don't know Kai! B-But I can't! I can't get rid of them! I don't know how far am I to be honest but.... I just can't... I'm sorry.." You lowered your head down as the tears fell like a waterfall.
The silence was dreading and you just couldn't take it anymore... although, the moment you went to open the door to ask him to get out he finally reacted...
"You're right. I did say a goal without a plan is a delusion.... but you weren't on my goals before either." You widened your eyes at him grabbing your wrist gently even though he had no emotion clear on his face.
"I never planned on having a partner... but you came. And accepted who I am despite who am I connected with and my flaws... and I... truly have the deepest feelings I could ever have for you. You're literally the light of my life full of darkness.
"Where are you going with all of that?" You blinked the tears away as you watched his Adam apple bop up and down.
"I was... planning to do this on a more... sophisticated matter." He showed you a red velvet box as you widened your eyes "But it seems things had escaped through my knowledge once again."
"Kai... I..."
"I'm not going to demand you to abort this child. I'm not using a engagement ring as a bride for you to do it either. I may not be good with kids, but whatever they're going to be they are not just going to be a simple brat. Is gonna be yours and mine.... I thought a lot about this. If you aren't either to a commitment, I will understand." His gloved hands gently grabbed onto your fingers as he stared at you.
" I can't promise I will he the best parent out there... but what I can promise is that I truly and deeply care for you... and I care for them now. I will put my pride and arrogance asides for you my dear, so you can choose what will you do now. But I will be by your side still... after all, is not easy to get away from a yakuza."
You giggled and he finally felt he could breathe again.
"Look at you. Already cracking jokes.." You wiped your tears away as he lowered his mask down to peck your lips.
"... what joke?"
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
ok i go to a christian school rihgt and this is nothing against chrsitians i am christian i know some lovely christians etc etc but yeah so in our civics class were doing a unit on civil rights and ofc that means we have to talk about things like obergefell vs hodge no idea if i spelled that right but thats the court case that legalizecd gay marraige which yay to that btw but were talking about like homosexual marraige and trasngenderism and stuff and basically i jsyt have to sit through classes where im being told that gay people are wrong and christians agree with some protected classes like race but not things like sexuality and i just dont know if i can get through the rest of the unit becayse it only jjust started and im just being told im wrong and bad and a sinner the whole class and it also really pisses me off that they dont even understnd what theyre talking about bc they dont understand terms with sexuality and gender and im already stressed bc i wnat to come out to my friends at school but every time i think i can build up the courage i think about everything and i just cant and i dont know what to do bc i have two friends who know im bi already and one doesnt ssupport it but isnt mean or rude she just gets uncomfortable and the other is a hardcore ally but i dont know if i will get as lucky with the rest of my friends and im really really scared
I'm SO sorry you have to deal with a fucking class like that. Literally it makes me super pissed off that people are being EDUCATED to be bigots. God, I could rant for hours. But good for you for knowing better.
As far as your friends, I would kind of...like test the waters by mentioning queer things that are relatively accepted in society right now. Queer TV shows, celebrities, etc. Bring them up in front of your friends and see if they react positively. If they do...talk more about queer stuff. If not, you know they aren't a safe space.
But please know that I and a lot of other people are here for you, because it sucks to be queer in such an anti-queer space.
I'm naming you honest anon in case you want to write again! <3
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epaily · 5 months
fuzzy and the terrible horrible fuckass testday he did NOT wantt to to but had to anyway
reader bewarb this this shit is long may or may not be hard to follow because i talk about (my) degree jargon
ok lessgo
to begin. you need context. theres an organization (one for every country im assuming) that issues tickets stating "X CAN WELD" or else some schmuck with a helmet can walk in and work.
theres a ticket for every process in every position and then some. it was these tickets i was testing for today and i was WILDLY unprepared. it isnt the first time ive done them but i was super out of practice. they are flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead.
so cut to february, the last time we did tickets. remember when i wanted to end it all because i failed a test i spent a hundred dollars on? yeah this was one of those. i failed my horizontal so this time around i thought "i dont wanna do my fuckign horizontal cause last time i failed and i felt like shit so im gonna do my vertical instead"
what no one told meeeee was that you have to get your tickets in position order. and i KNOW i take forever and a day, hence me only doing one.
well i didnt do one. i did two. i have no idea if i passed or failed them and tbh im too scared to check because i was completely out of fucks two beads into my vertical.
but lets not get ahead of ourselves.
the test sheets had to be reprinted twice because the first go around they missed imputting someone into the system and the second time around someone got lost, and then got registered twice. great lovely. so because of this all of our test plates were wrong because we all got new assigned numbers.
we finally get our sheets we go and pay and while im in line in the bookstore to pay for my test (remember this) guess what fucking hit me. the cramps i had spent all night hoping for. at 8:30 in the morning. litterally 2 hours behind schedule. i was FURIOUS. so now i had that to deal with all day thankfully ive had worse but because they didnt arrive on time i have full permission to bitch as much as i want.
so back to the shop. i was trying to set my peremiters for my vert so i hadnt even started yet when my instrucor pokes his head into my booth and says "(tester) wants to see you" so i go and thats when i find out that you have to do the tests in order. so i tack and stamp up some new plates which was probably the least annoying part of the whole day
so i do the new plates first. welding it out goes relatively fine. it took forever to find an instructor to verify it but whatever.
i could not. for thee fucking life of me. unscrew the cutting tips from the oxy torches. ive seen people do it. ive done it. it is Not Hard. i used a wrench n all on all 3 tables and it would Not Come Off. so i said to hell with this and went to the carbon arc room.
carbon arc cutting is using specialized electrodes to vaporize metal. you drag it over metal and it carves into it. fast and easy.
but i of course had a hell of a time doing it like i do anything and it was Not Working. by the time i did figure out what i was doing wrong there were carbon deposits coming out the yahoo and it which are difficult to gouge through. so i had half of it very nice and the other half a melted amalgamtion of metal and didnt gouge very much off. great.
so i finish that. away i go back to my booth. to grind for the next i dont even know how long because oh my fucking god SO much grinding. im not big enough to use the 7 inch grinders so i have to use a 5 inch one which is yk what let me just show you
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these are all cordless but you get the fuckin gist.
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what everyone else got to use vs what i got. dying.
so i finally fucking got it flush. cut it. not a big deal. onto the second one at 1:30. i feel like i should mention that at this point everyone else has been done for like two hours.
i didnt even start welding until like 10ish so i was already 2 hours behind everyone only doing one plate. most everyone else did 2 and so did i BUT I ONLY WANTED ONE
my vertical was so bad i was way too hot and shaking and i didnt put them in in a very good order i would genuinely be surprised if it didnt snap. i needed a practice one but i had No Time so it was messy and the cap was large and my rods were sticking so i was frustrated aND OH THATS SOMETHING IM FORGETTING
some electrodes need to be baked/stored in an oven to keep moisture content low. when i ran out i went to get more and the oven was empty so ithought i'll be a good samaritan and fill it up AND I GOT THE BOX THAT SAID. 3/32ND. MATCHES THE OVEN. AND I OPENED IT. AND IT WAS THE WRONG KIND OF ELECTRODES.
and once you open these they cant be resealed they need to be either used or cooked within 4 hours.
so i started stuffing as many electrodes into the oven as i could and in my haste i sliced both my fucking hands open. i didnt even notice the cut on my right palm because the one on my left pointer finger was just gushing blood all over soaking my glove and getting over the electrodes (absolutely my fault btw i should of been wearing gloves. i deserved this one) and so i stopped and said i need to handle this. so away i went. bandaged now all good. just again. annoyed. and i still didnt have any 7018s.
i found some. eventually. fuck.
i finished my second test at idk 2:30 or maybe a bit later, begged one of the instructors to mill the back off for me because i was NOTTT doing the carbon arc/ grinding for forever again. once it was done bc time crunch i p much just got to look at and get excited over the smooth mill peices before my instructor whisked it away to grind/cut himself. which - i understand completely time crunch im slow i get it im not bothered.
and then we cleaned up. and i was talking to the tester a little bit before i left and he said "glad you paid because theyre checking who didnt hoho"
now. guys. recall at the start of the post where i said that 2 tests are a hundred bucks. and i only paid for one.
i did one of my tests for free afusdiaksoqondiakdka. he said he'd get the paperwork later and he never did 😭
then. fucking FINALLY it was 3 and i got on the bus and came home and i was so spent i had an alcoholic freezie. i dont drink.
i should of fucking stayed home.
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dalt20 · 1 year
Tooning in 5. Rufino Gomez 1-3
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DL: How was your childhood?
RG: Its a different ballgame now, My childhood was struggling so as it now. Being an artist is so hard. Compare to no other profession.
DL: What was your favorite cartoons growing up?
RG: Voltes five
DL: And any Hanna barbera cartoons you also liked?
RG: Yogi Bear, of course that was the first thing i saw when i was growing up ...voltes was later.
DL: Did you drew a lot as a kid, how did you wanna be a animator, how did you got introduced to cartoons?
RG: Yes, I drew a lot back then even on walls in the neighborhood, in the palm of my hand anything flat. I never knew how its done before, i thougt all along it was moving on its own...it needs only one drawing and thats it...but when i enter the Filcartoons i was amazed how its done!
DL: How was growing up during Ferdinand Marcos rule Until 1986?
RG: It was painful...rice with corn ..people suddenly gone nowhere to find, people were scared you can see soldiers around ...my father was picked up in the evening ..us knowing nothing ...and then came back in the morning exhausted...future was gone ..people doesnt know what to do in order to survive..it was really scary...marcos recruited armies in his hometown province so that they can communicate in their own dialect..very astute dictator.
DL: Before then, how did you got into cartoons?
RG: My family, little they know i applied for this while stiil im studying ...good for me because after two weeks training, fire broke out in our neighboors and unfortunately we were included. So i already had the job after we were confined in the hospital. I was trained in Fil Cartoons as a Layout Animation...and the studio was really nice....i was in college ..third year in the School of Fine Arts in the University of the East in Caloocan City here in the Philippines...i applied for the training given at that time by Fil Cartoons as an Animation Layout ... I see ..it was really fun back then back then ...it started two years after the EDSA People Power Revolution and Fil Cartoons started in the 21st and 22nd floor of Strata 2000 building in Ortigas Ave. if my memory serves me right.
DL: So what was your first project at fil cartoons?
RG: That was Yogi Bear back then. And we were trained by John Rice, an Australian animator.
DL: How was John rice?
RG: I think John already settled here he married a filipina and stayed here.
DL: I believe he was from HB Australia.
RG: Yup, Hanna Barbera Australia!
DL: Yeah , so thoughts on the yogi bear character and his cartoons?
RG: Yogi Bear as a training materials for a starter like me was not that so hard because it was cartoony. It easy to turn around the character , And posing in a different position was easy because of its character designed.
DL: To ask a question, how do you move a character in animation? Like inbetweens?
RG: Yup..its a painstaking process. Not unlike today everything is in the stock.
DL: Yeah, like today people use flash animation and just move the puppet around.
RG: Yup! it speeds up the process.
DL: So how do you do inbetweens, can you explain it to me because I don’t understand how do they move without flipping the model like they do in flash?
RG: I was trained as a Layout Animation after that it goes down to the Animator for them to do the key poses and goes down to the inbetweeners. And after in the inbetweeners it goes down to the clean up and zerox department. The Background layout goes down to the Backgrounder to be painted in acrylic. The flipping goes down in the animator by using a QAR machine..it was a Quick Animation Recorder for the line test.. Thats were the action happens!
DL: So the layout artist is the guy who does the key poses for the betweeners to work out.
RG: The animator. Layout artist do the staging and the blocking of the character ..the first and last poses only and the background staging.
DL: So how was the head honcho, jerry smith?
RG: Jerry Simth was the one bring the animation in the Philippines together with a certain general here , Mowelfund, and other Bigtime businessmen. I will try to recall their names.
DL: So, how was jerry personally?
RG: Uhm..Jerry was generous only those he partnered where is the greedy.
DL: So he was from America right? From the HB studio in America?
RG: Yes, I think he is dead already.
DL: Yeah, he died 25 years ago. He was such a good man, As I heard everyone love him at fil cartoons.
RG: Yup he was really generous and he wants to uplift the lives of filipino artist.
DL: Well in Thad Komorowski’s book, he said that the place was a shithole I think. And the working conditions were poor.
RG: Only the filipinos businessmen he partnered is the problem. Yes its true the first location of the Fil Cartoons studio in Strata 2000 in ortigas was really a shithole specially the Restroom.
DL: Wow! Did people really had to sleep outside? Because they couldn’t afford to pay rent because of the low salary?
RG: Not really outside but inside the studio we were sleeping because other artist living in far away places. We were allowed to sleep in the studio below the animation table where we were working.
DL: Ah like John lasseter during the first days of Pixar?
RG: Exactly! And the food were listed in the canteen and paid weekly.
DL: Ah. That’s your word for cafeteria right? Canteen. For us Americans, that word is referred as a circular water container.
RG: I see the water canteen in the US army. Yes we used to that naming.
DL: So, we’re there any foreigners/nor Filipino animators at fil cartoons? Like American,Canadian, Australian,etc?
RG: As far as i can recall there were at least ten foreigners..not exactly..well Filipino animators after having years of experience were able to go the US and Australia and after a decade recruited in india and other southeast asian countries.
DL: Ah, so all Filipino (minus jerry) staff then?
RG: Yes , some foreign animators visiting but the staff almost filipino from accounting department down the line
DL: Oh, I see. So, can you tell me about those Filipino businessmen that were leading jerry the wrong way?
RG: The setup of the studio is like shanties each cubicle. The management was layered with politician and vic palileo i think was just a frontman.
DL: And so it’s was the past president’s cronies? Ferdinand Marcos?
RG: Yes. Josep Estrada the former president was the head of Mowelfund if i was not mistaken. Founder i think.
DL: Ah and so,, what was their deal with poor old Jerry, bribery or extortion?
RG: Probably...the philippines at that time was just recovering from a dictator and a lot of their cronies is in key position.
DL: Ah, must be hard for a American living in the Philippines doing his job supervising cartoons for Hanna barbera.
RG: Yes.
DL: So, can we talk about some of the projects at fil cartoons you did? First I want to bring up is the smurfs, How was working on that program?
RG: Yes that was a nice program, so easy to do, not only if you were given character in groups, that was easy. And its was fun to do ..and snorks.
DL: The character designs were all the same so that was a bonus!
RG: Yup! Police Academy The series.
DL: How was working on the show?
RG: It was great! The rate is good because its not so cartoony almost real like anatomy.
DL: Did You watch the films?
RG: No i havent because we dont have betamax player at that time. And the access to movie was only for the well off.
DL: Ah gotcha. Paddington bear how was your experience in that?
RG: Yup Paddington. Not so hard to do ..
DL: Why? Was it, because the character was easy to draw?
RG: It was cartoony. Full Body anatomy with almost realistic detail was really hard to do when it comes to full body turn around. Off modeled is the biggest problem.
DL: So speaking off model, did you ever drew anything “off model”? As fil cartoons had a horrible reputation for being off model.
RG: Of course ..almost every artist goes to that.
DL: Any examples you remember that you went like “that doesn’t look right but I have to finish this so this will do.” ?
He ask for my email address, I send it to him and he gives me a demo reel of his 90s work. The only things I could decipher is are German cartoon, fix and foxi and friends and the Canadian toon, the 2001 Anne of green gables adaptation.
DL: The footage looks a little choppy.
RG: So you could have an idea how tedious is the hand drawn animated cartoons.
DL: Yeah, I can believe you. It’s rough!
RG: Its a pencil test compiled.
DL: Yeah it isn’t Disney level pencil test. But it’s something.
RG: Its not complete with inbetween drawings just key poses.
DL: Ah ok. So a pup named Scooby doo, How was that program?
RG: Yeah i also able to work on that project but it was a short stint. Disney is full animation a 24 frame rate per second while the saturday morning show cartoons is limited to 15 frames per second..
DL: Wow! And it’s because it’s cheaper and faster?
RG: Yes. And they were done in movie format.
DL: But back to a pup named Scooby doo, how was it drawing the expressions and the squash and stretch animation the characters had contrast to other stilted animation?
RG: It was really exagerrated..that was the intention of the director. Each show has its own style of animation.
DL: And was he Glen Kennedy? The director of the animation?
RG: I think so..kathllen and glen lived here in the phil for a short period of time. Just for the project.
DL: Well he moved back in 1995 to work for a company called animasia, or was that Malaysia?
RG: Yup Animasia. I think he also helped with the setup of L.A. animation studio at the back of Folk Arts Theater in Roxas Blvd. If my memory serves me right.
DL: Ah, how was glen? Because he was rumored to have said to kill Tom ruegger over him getting fired over his work on tiny toons.
RG: Ah that was way way back..as far as i know he was into drugs...that was i heard..
DL: Well if that’s true, he’s clean now. That must be the reason he said that.
RG: Good for him, Drugs at that time was rampant here.
DL: Like morphine as that drug was very popular there.
RG: No... shabu...poor man's cocaine.
DL: I never heard that.
RG: Coke coming from hong kong.
DL: Oh yeah. I know that.
RG: It was just a short stint in the scooby doo it was intended for senior layout artist not for a newbie.
DL: Scooby doo and the reluctant werewolf, how was working your first feature film?
RG: I tried but the director is too strict and disciplined..but the rate is good. I never get thru. We never get credits for any show only the seniors.
DL: That’s why you don’t have a IMDb?
RG: Yes,Its politics.
DL: Oh, That’s sad.
RG: Only the privileged in the higher ups.
DL: That’s makes so upset.
RG: Im able to work in the feature film in the india studio ...The Buddha.
DL: Ok that’s great. So the Jetsons movie? Was that your first feature?
RG: I animated some scene here but were not included in the credits.
DL: God, that musta sucks. Was it when George jetson was in traffic and pulls up a inflatable policeman to get out of traffic before get got pull over from a actual police officer?
RG: Thats how life it is... Actually the expats enjoyed here much ...somebody do the work for them. And those who had attitude problem was thrown here.
DL: Man, the agony. Greatest stories from the Bible? How was working on that series?
RG: Im not able to participate on that ..it has a good rate.
DL: Oh ok, fantastic max. How was working on that?
RG: Yeah fantastic max ..only limited. Also Cliffhanger.
DL: For fantastic max musta sucked.
RG: Little house of Horror.
DL: What does that mean?
RG: Its a tv show ..Little House of Horror..maybe not in the US.
DL: Oh yeah, never heard of that.
RG: We almost do the outsourcing from other countries not only in the US
DL: Never knew that! From Europe?
RG: We did Mozart from germany.
DL: I think I saw that on your demo reel. How was that?
RG: It was good.
DL: So did fil cartoons worked on Winnie the Pooh and darkwing duck for Disney? As did you worked on those?
RG: Yup! Nah ..winnie is just recent...i worked in fil in the old studio after that i moved to others ...politics is intensifying.
DL: Ah ok.
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ace-nogender · 2 years
TW: Mentaly abusive parent(s), (single?) teen pregnancy, pregnant (Slight),angst, cheating.
PAIRING: Cody/Priscilla Cody/Nancy
Time line: High school and it two weeks after the party thats happend on Halloween and something happend thats night
Cheating 1/?
Priscilla:*looking worried whille sitting in her dorm bed* why do i fell sick. . . I did not ate anything wrong today
Frankie: Pris you good? You been acting weird for almost two weeks after the party.
Priscilla: I keep felling sick for two days now and my period is late for almost two weeks now...im scared whats if im pregnant or something... because i did got drunk and slept with Cody...
Frankie: shit..you right. Maybe you realy should try the pregnancy test
Priscilla: NO! My mom will fucking kill me!! I can't be pregnant right now im only 17!! *Tears runing down cheeks whille yelling*
Madeline:*Opens doors realy fast* Priscilla! I heard fucking everyting! Did you realy got drunk and hooked up with thats useless boy!!?
Priscilla: I i uhh..mo- ! wait whats are you doing her?!
*time skip 4hours because why not and im really tired but still making this angst*
Madeline: *looks at Priscilla's positive pregnancy test* YOU FUCKING RAT!! YOU ARE ONLY 17 AND ALREADY PREGNANT! I WANT YOU TO GET RID OF THE BABY NOW!!
Priscilla: NO! MOM YOU CAN'T DO THATS !!
Madeline: yes i can..you still live under my name!
Priscilla: its was way better when you where in fucking jail!!!
Madeline: fine then...i want you to go tell Cody thats you are pregnant and out of my fucking house you little brat!
Priscilla:*leaves house and goes back to high school dorms almost crying*
Nancy :*looks at Priscilla like she is hiding a secret from her and walks away fast*
Priscilla: Thats was weird... She never looked at me like thats before she always trys to confort me.... Maybe i should text Cody or just go visit him... I really need to tell him
*meanwhile with Cody*
Cody :*looking at picture of him and his family with team* I miss you guys...*fells his phone buzzing* Huh-who could be texting me? Oh its Priscilla spaming me to meet up- weird.
*at the meeting spot*
Cody : Hey Priscilla. You wanted to tallk?
Priscilla: Yeah-uhm soo rember how we both got drunk and hooked up? So im pregnant and you are the father !
Cody :*stays quiet and does not say anything*
Cody : Are you serously pregnant?!
Priscilla: Yes i took two pregnancy test's today and they both where positive...
Cody :But we are only 16/17! We need to finish the High school first!!
Priscilla: I know! But its out both fault not mine!
Cody : I need time to think...*wallks away without turning back*
*behind the school ps:its 7pm and dark outside*
Nancy : So she is realy pregnant?
Cody :Yes.. and i think we should stop seeing one other i dont wang for her to find out..
Nancy : I know but maybe one last kiss or something?
Cody: *Wallks up to Nancy and kisses her on lip's without realizing thats Priscilla is behind them*
Priscilla: Wow... just wow...
Nancy / Cody : Shit.. is not whats is looks like!
Sorry if its short im realy tired and busy but im going to make part two longer
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miumura · 2 years
— tysm for the tag bff @hannikz <3
tagging . . (no pressure; sorry for the tag/if you were tagged already!) : @wonieleles @urszn @son4taa @wonillaa @wonyoungsvirus @ox1-lovesick @yenqa
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BIRTHDAY? — october 27 🫶
FAV COLOR? — green!! i love those lighter greens,, they are so pleasing to look at
ANY PETS? — no </3 had a fish but it eventually got flushed down the toilet 😞💔
HEIGHT? — 160 cm 😵 or like 5’3… the short person agenda lives on 🙏
HOW MANY PAIRS OF SHOES DO YOU OWN? — oddly specific question but okay 😇 i say about 5-8 pairs?? idk i get new ones yearly but i always wear these two certain pairs LMFAO
FAV SONG? — sweet by tbz. its too good. (and yk its good when someone me has over 3k plays on it). tbz always puts out bops—just saying .
FAV MOVIE? — over the moon! i find the movie pretty cute ngl,, comfort movie frfr
IDEAL PARTNER? — jay. park jongseong.
DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? — bff how can i have children when i can’t even take care of myself.. plus younger kids kind of #scare me !
HAVE YOU GOTTEN TROUBLE WITH THE LAW? — im a minor who stays in their room like always. i have not 🙏 and whoever says yes to this part,, im concerned bff
WHAT COLOR SOCKS ARE YOU WEARING? — bold to assume im wearing socks. (JP JP) im wearing black socks rn cause im out 😵 rarely wear them indoors unless im at someone else’s house
FAV MUSIC GENRE? — r&b??? idk i rly like anything… anything catchy or sounds good, im adding it to my playlist ..
HOW MANY PILLOWS DO YOU SLEEP WITH? — one pillow for my head 🙏 i js have a plush next to me too 🫶
WHAT POSITION DO YOU SLEEP IN? — on my sides ALWAYS!! sometimes on my stomach tho cause it’s comfortable!!
SMTH U HATE WHEN SLEEPING? — when it’s too cold 😞 i like being warm but not THAT warm if ykyk.
BREAKFAST? — not a breakfast person.. i always feel not hungry/feel like im abt to 😵 if i eat smth.. i should change that tho </3 but whenever i do eat,, i eat like cereal, bread, or anything my mom cooks for me <3
HAVE U TRIED ARCHERY? — do those cheap plastic ones count 😓 (i suck btw)
FAV FRUIT? — cantaloupe HANDS DOWN. like esp those rly rly sweet ones, those r literally the best. runner ups would be strawberries n mangoes <3
ARE U A GOOD LIAR? — i mean…idk?
CURIOUS ABT MBTI? — tried a test multiple times, always got infp 🙏 i say its true too, all the stuff fits me LMFAO
INNIE OR OUTIE? — def prefer to stay indoors, but it doesn’t hurt to go outside once in a while
LEFTY OR RIGHTY? — righty ‼️
FAV FOOD? — sushi 🙏 it’s too good
FAV FOREIGN FOOD? — tteokbokki (is that how u spell it?)
CLEAN OR MESSY? — i prefer being a clean person; i hate being unorganized and messy… but really, it depends on my mood. 
MOST USED PHRASE? — um what?
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR U TO GET READY? — i don’t think it takes me too long? like give me 10-15 mins and im already out the door ..
DO U TALK TO URSELF? — who doesn’t?
DO U SING TO URSELF? — the effects of music
ARE U A GOOD SINGER? — im the ace of saf ofc !!! 😝 (JP. JP.)
BIGGEST FEAR? — what happens after death ..
ARE U A GOSSIP? — whenever there’s smth new,, the first thing im telling the info to is my friends 🙏 who doesn’t love doing that??
DO U LIKE SHORT OR LONG HAIR? — i have beef with short hair now.. like my haircuts in the past screwed me up fr. THEY DID ME DIRTY. so long hair (but not too long).
EXTROVERT OR INTROVERT? — definitely an introvert..
WHAT MAKES U NERVOUS? — fear of ppl constantly looking down/making fun of me 😞
WHO WAS UR FIRST REAL CRUSH? — dude some kid from 1st to like 5th grade… like i think i started “liking” him in 2nd but feelings started fading away once we kept moving onto grades ! this other dude would be like “bro ure blushing” and the guy i liked would go “whats blushing?” BRO WAS STUPID,, but my stupid guy back then ig 😓😓😓 younger me was wild
HOW MANY PIERCINGS? — two (one on both ears)
HOW FAST CAN U RUN? — i say im pretty decent with my speed 🙏 watch me cough out a lung if i try too hard tho.
WHAT COLOR IS UR HAIR? — dark brown 🙏 natural hair 😇
WHAT MAKES U ANGRY? — hate it when people refuse to cooperate… like im being nice here and you’re being a straight up asshole. i hate it when i try to make up for smth ppl are like “hm” “yea” and don’t respond .. like js bc i said no the first time doesn’t mean u can be like that .. in conclusion : i get irritated at everything.. sometimes?
DO U LIKE UR NAME? — my name is cool 👍 don’t have issues with it at all
WOULD U WANT A GIRL OR A BOY IF U HAD A CHILD? — probably a girl, i feel like i wouldn’t be able to handle a boy. i wanna js have mother daughter bonding time 🙏
WHAT ARE UR STRENGTHS? — staying calm in situations / being convincing (idk) BRO IDK IM PROBABLY LYING TO MYSELF 😭
WHAT ARE UR WEAKNESSES? — being too nice to others .. like i would try to stick w my current friends and try not to hurt their feelings (prioritize them over me). since my social battery kinda runs out most of the time,, me feeling down is 🤕
WHAT COLOR IS UR BED SPREAD? — currently its like a white sheet with pink, yellow n green patterning (lines)
WHAT COLOR IS UR BEDROOM? — white ! not a big fan of colored walls…plus white goes with everything 🙏
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done ! that took…a while.. but 🫶
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danni-k · 2 years
30 minutes:
“Take the test already,” Terri said for the 15th time. Garnet had called her in a frenzy at 7:00 that morning about being almost a month late. After talking her off the edge she came over to see what could possibly being going on with her friend. “What if it’s positive?” Garnet whined as she looked at the box. For the first time in years she was actually scared and didn’t like the feeling. Sighing Terri dragged Garnet off the bed and into the bathroom, “Then you have 25 minutes to figure out how to tell him.” Grasping for straws Garnet tried reasoning with both herself and her friend, “It could just be stress. Theres a lot going on at the club plus I’ve been worrying about my family back home.” She was tired of her friend’s shenanigans, she’s been with her for the past 6 hours. It’s almost time for her to pick up her own kids, “ And if you take the test it will at least tell you you aren’t pregnant now just take the test,” she exasperated while handing her the box.
Starting to spiral Garnet replied, “I’m scared like we talked about kids but the thought of it actually happening is terrifying,” sitting on the floor she all but started to cry. The thought of actually being responsible for someone else was suffocating and she didn’t even know if Draken was even ready or wanted them at this time. Seeing her friend like this made Terri remember what she was like the first time she found out she was pregnant and how scared she was to even tell the father, now her husband, “It’s not that bad this is actually a good time you don’t want to be going on 7-8 months in the summer heat,” she tried to ease the tension with a joke. Lifting her head she asked, “You think I’m actually pregnant?” “I don’t know and we won’t know until you take the test.”
20 minutes:
“Something’s not right.” Draken said while scrolling through his phone. His friend Mitsuya had stopped by after the shop closed and was sitting on the couch in the back while he was finishing up his paperwork, “What’s up?” Walking into the room he replied, “Garnet linked this period cycle thing on my phone so I’d stop asking her about it, and it says that she’s 3 weeks late.” It was weird she’s never been late, she’s forgotten to put it in but this is different. Taking a drink from the beer Draken handed him when he walked in, “Hmmm” “What?” Grinning to hisself Mitsuya replied, “Nothing.”
“No, what was that hmm about,” Draken asked standing in front of his friend. Laughing to himself he couldn’t believe his best friend could be this slow, “Well y’all were very cozy at Takemichi’s party the other month.” Not picking up on what he was insinuating Draken waved off the comment saying, “She’s always like that when she drinks.” He’s right she’s cuddly with everyone when she drinks which makes her flirting worse, “Yeah but y’all went missing twice and left early.” Finally clicking Draken asks, “You don’t think…?” “I know nothing, between the app and the recent events you may have to trade in your bike for a sedan.”
10 minutes:
Pacing the floor Garnet groaned,“Omg how much longer!” Sitting on the bathroom counter Terri watched her friend wear a hole in the floor. Trying to calm her down she told her, “Calm down it’s only been 3 minutes you still have 5 to go.” Stopping Garnet turned towards her whining, “This is the longest 8 minutes ever. Im getting nauseous, is this a sign?” Sliding off the counter Terri grabbed the girl and pulled her into the bedroom, “That you are making yourself sick with worrying and getting on my nerves yes. Now sit down.” Flopping down on the bed, still making up scenarios, she asked, “What if I didn’t do it right can’t that mess up the results?” Laughing at her ridiculousness Terri sat down saying, “You peed on a stick. It’s not that hard to do. Besides you can always go into a doctor and get tested.” Suddenly both of their phones went off causing them to jump up from the bed.
“The timer went off! Hurry up what does it say?”
5 minutes:
“Don’t you think this is getting ahead of ourselves by buying this without asking her?” Draken asked as they walked through the aisles of the convenience store. Finally on the planned parenthood aisle Mitsuya states, “Yes it definitely is but that’s why you ask her what’s going on first before just giving it to her. She’s forgetful she might have forgotten to put it in,” as he grabbed a pack of condoms before handing his friend a pregnancy test. As they walked to the front of the store everything for the past month started making sense, “She hasn’t tried to kill me this month and has been to KFC three times this week,” he said looking over at his friend, stopping in the middle of the aisle Mitsuya took the test from his friend stating, “Yeah you don’t need this test you need to start stocking up on diapers.” Shocked Draken exclaimed, “Dude?!”
“Just kidding…. A little.”
0 minutes:
“Babe I’m home,” Draken called out as he entered the shared apartment. He grew slightly concerned hearing a frantic scuffle coming from the back room until he’s heard Garnet call out, “In the bathroom sweetie!” Walking into the room he noticed she wasn’t alone he smiled at her best friend asking, “Hey! Didn’t know you were here, what y’all been up to today?” Trying her best to act normal Terri replied, “Nothing just went out to eat and a little shopping.” He could tell they were up to something. There were no bags showing they went anywhere and they were blocking the entrance to the bathroom.
“Oh okay.”
Feeling uncomfortable from his suspicious stare Terri took this time to leave and give the two some alone time, “Anyway it’s time for me to leave Taiju will be back with the kids and I don’t even have dinner started. Talk to you later, call me!” As she rushed out Garnet called out, “No please don’t leave,” giving him a view into the bathroom. He swore his heart skipped a beat as he saw a familiar box. Making sure to fix his face by the time she walked back into the room he asked, “Everything okay?” Purposely keeping her distance she replied, “Maybe.” Trying to close the space between them he asked, “Maybe?”, while taking a step toward Garnet. Trying to build up the courage to let him know what was going on, “I took a test today…,” seeing how uncomfortable she was he reached out to take her hand. Rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand he asked, “Ok did you pass?” Coming closer she replied softly, “I don’t know I’m a little scared to look at the results.”
“Want me to look for you?” Without saying a word she walked back into the bathroom to retrieve the pregnancy test and gave it to him. Taking the test from her he stated, “It’s okay no matter what we got this okay?”
@bubble4u @cottacyber @summerxxplosion
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uglyshirtsinc · 2 years
Idea 1: Vanessa quits her job
This idea is based on my interpretation that the Vanessa we see in Security Breach isn't really her; it's Vanny controlling her. Vanessa's consciousness is there, but all that she can do is just watch, like viewing your own life through an old television.
So after the 3-star ending, Vanessa would be left with a job that requires skills that "she" technically never had. She can't just pull up Vannys memories (which i have her being able to do because extra pain :D) because there are no memories of how to do that job, a final "f*ck you :D" to Vanessa from Vanny before she left.
(I feel this needs a bit more of an explanation. Vanny had an instinctive knowledge of how to use any electronic device, courtesy of Glitchtrap/Afton. This meant that she never had to read any instructions for any of the surveilance equipment that she used on the job. She also never looked down at keyboards when she typed the passwords needed to access the security computers sinceVanny had all the passwords to herself. All this means is that when Vanessa looks back at these memories, they are effectively useless.)
So now all Vanessa has left are her own memories of watching herself push random buttons that do random things. It would be like trying to learn how to fly a plane solely by watching someone else do it.
Vanessa also realizes that she'd have to still assist lost children after hours, a thought that truly scares her. It's not because she doesn't like children, no. In fact, I believe Vanessa used to work really well with children due to her former position as a video game tester/coder. This might not make much sense, but is elaborated upon in idea 2.
It is also stated in the game in one of the logs that you can find that she was not recommended for a position as a security guard, so it just makes sense for her to leave afer being freed.
So she would put in her 2 weeks notice, but not before working out some special deal with the plex that allows her and Greg the gremlin of chaos to visit the pizzaplex whenever they want and for any length of time.
As for what job she would try to go back to? It would be her old job of beta testing and coding. She was evidently very good at it based on those cut AR emails. It might sound like tempting fate, but I think that Vanessa would be a heck of a lot more careful this time if she was put back on the VR project. That assumes that the project is still even active.
That way she can make sure that what happened to her, never happens to anyone again.
im a huge fan of the vanessa under aftons control/vanessa under aftons control personality separation so this is already right up my alley. hopefully she'd learn her lesson and not reassemble random ass tapes left that very obviously arent meant to be there solely for curiosities sake smh
i was tryna think on how working the deal with fazcorp or whatever its called but like, she ran around chasing a third grader in a highly dangerous area where a tiny creepy crawley is in the vents, said animatronics are practically trying to MAUL this kid and it was caught on camera multiple times- with faz franchises record i have no doubt they'd "sweep it under the rug, it's probably fine"
#fnaf#asks#I WANNA ADD THE INJURY PART WAS NOT A JOKE#she stumbled and fell but because shes yknow SEVEN and SHORT she didnt hit the ring but went UNDER it and got nicked really REALLY badly by#a spring#imagine youre me and youre at the store because you had to leave early to stop by your work to fix your schedule and pick up something and-#you got your mom flowers but knows shes stayed late at the party so you call to ask when shes coming home and where a vase is#and the first thing she says upon answering is cant talk ill explain later something happened#at a ONE YEAR OLD CHILDS BIRTHDAY PARTY#THIS WAS THE BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR A LITERAL BABY WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMETHING HAPPENED#i went back home to wait for my dad to drop off my sister and while im putting away groceries she calls to explain my seven year old niece#is going to need STITCHES because of a HEAD INJURY#and im like okay so my brother (her dad) is taking her to the er right#WRONG ACTUALLY#because we have a military family dynamic and were taught if ya hurt yourself ya wont be taken to the ER and mom'll use duct tape to fix it#and i know our mom was joking when she said it because no parent actually would do that#MY BROTHER APPARENTLY DIDNT BECAUSE THEY STUCK A HEADBAND WITH GAUZE ON HER HEAD AND CALLED IT A DAY????#anyway tldr my 7 yo niece was at her baby sisters birthday party and got a head injury because she got caught on a spring of a trampoline#anyway shes okay but we're regularly waking her up to make sure she isnt like concussed or smthn#i hope she didnt pick up no diseases or anything from it#lets play the game of will tumblr let me keep all these tags
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
calling you daddy — monsta x
scenario: they ask about your kinks and you ask them to call you daddy
a/n: this is written with a fem reader in mind but is not strictly fem reader as no pronouns or anything is mentioned.
a/n: was this a request? nope tbh this was written for myself bc i’m sick and tired of seeing people call these men daddy so uh pls enjoy
word count: 2k
content: sub!monsta x, dom!reader, daddy kink obviously ajshdhs, minhyuk is kinda bratty? kinda??, lots of teasing and begging, mentions of consent and stuff
son hyunwoo/shownu:
he falls silent. he doesn’t know what to say in the slightest. he worries that he might hurt your feelings or say something out of line, but it just stuns him, “you don’t have to do it if you’re uncomfortable with that, bear. your consent is just as important,” you say.
but see that’s half of what’s stunning him. he’s not exactly uncomfortable with that. shownu’s nature is pleasing you, he doesn’t mind filling any role or position for you, this was just a little more intense than that.
“you know what? just forget we had this conversation. i don’t want you to feel pressured, and it’s not a big deal, okay?” you say.
but the idea lingers in his head whether or not you want it to. as the days go by, his mind wanders, and while it may not exactly be what he’d be into, he’s not against doing it for you.
as you manhandle him a little bit, he says it softly, “ah, daddy-,” it’s even more embarrassing than he imagined, and his cheeks and ears are flushed and hot, but when he says it, softly under his breath, just whispering it out to test the waters, he sees your shock and then your small little smirk.
“now that i know what it sounds like to hear you say that, and what that does to me,” you say, sneaking your hands under his shirt and letting them wander, playing with his chest a bit, “i don’t think it’s a good idea to say that if you wanna make it out of this bedroom spotless and in one piece.”
he blushes even more, a little shy and hesitant, but he likes having this kind of effect on you, so that may not be the last time he says it. besides, who says he cares if he makes it out in one piece? and spotless? his neck and chest and thighs were too clean anyway.
lee hoseok/wonho:
it was in the middle of you riding him, his wrists bound above his head with a rope that made his skin look so pretty against it. he’s already cum once, but you’re not stopping until you do, and he’s trying to keep himself together. your hands roughly playing with his chest is overstimulating and he’s overwhelmed. he pleads for mercy aimlessly, almost thoughtlessly.
but then, “if you’re gonna beg, call me daddy,” you murmur. he’s not even sure he hears you right when you say it. he looks at you with wide eyes, and he assumed he did because of the way you act. he knows he could stop you at any time because you’re very clear on consent and it’s not like this was completely out of left field considering how you’re already always in charge in the bedroom. he was just stunned.
and while he’s a little bit stunned, he also won’t deny that it is a little bit hot.
so he does, “please, daddy, it’s so much- i- i can’t handle it.”
he sees your smile, with just a drop of sadism behind the curl of your lip, “just a little more, baby, i’m close. you make daddy feel so good,” he gets so excited by the praise that he attempts to stick it out, forever still the man that just wants to make you happy and please you.
he forgets about himself and his own body for a moment when he feels your body tense up around him and you hold onto his chest as you orgasm, using him to get the most out of it before you slow down to a halt.
your heavy breathes and sweet nothings whispered in his ear are heavenly.
lee minhyuk:
“really? you’re into that? i honestly thought it would be the other way around.”
taken aback, you ask, “really? what gave you that impression?”
“idk, you don’t have this aura of dominance, so i didn’t really assume that was your thing.”
“is that- is that okay with you?”
he gets closer, teasing in the way he wants to make you shy, “you seem pretty bashful for someone who just asked to be called daddy in the bedroom.”
he rolls his eyes, obviously trying to get a rise out of you, “come on, i don’t even know if you have it in you.”
and something about his careless, taunting tone sets something off inside you, like he was challenging you. but it’s a challenge you take on when you approach him. your touch is softer, lighter than he imagined. he thought you would be lit aflame with a need to prove yourself to him. but you lean in to press a kiss on his neck and your wandering hands settle on his hips.
you’re gentle with him initially, yet he melts a little bit when one hand tightens and another begins to unbutton his shirt, giving your mouth access to his chest.
you push him onto the couch, straddling him and using a hand to hold both of his arms above his head, when you pull back, he looks dazed and needy, all those teasing smirks having faded off his features, “why are you so affected? i thought i didn’t even have it in me,” you say with a smirk this time.
he breathes heavily, “y/n- please-”
“oh please, that’s not my name anymore, min.”
yoo kihyun:
“you want me to what?!” his voice is randomly high pitched, loud, almost like he’s nervous or scared.
despite that anxious feeling you’re feeling too, you try to stay calm, “i understand if you’re uncomfortable by it, but you asked about my kinks, kihyun.”
“yeah i know- i just- i wasn’t expecting that- really? you’re not messing with me? that’s really what you want?” he looks exasperated.
“yes. i really want you to call me daddy.”
he goes silent, trying to comprehend in his head what the hell was going on and what he was going to do and why the more he thinks about it, the less vehemently against it he becomes. and he had spent the entire relationship making it clear that he cared about what you wanted (because he does) and it’s not like… he hates the idea of it, but it’s just so out there to him that he can’t even fathom or imagine it.
he asks for a few days just to think about it, and though the awkwardness lingers in the air, by the fourth day, it seems like you had mostly forgotten about it or at least it didn’t seem to be on your mind. he spends those days really thinking, trying to imagine what it would be like, why you would even want that.
but the next time you’re together alone, your hands and lips are on him and he experimentally says it, “daddy, please.”
the whiny, begging voice, coupled with the word, leave you stunned. you pull back with wide eyes, and he felt so embarrassed and shameful with your eyes on him like that, but then you pulled him back into you and kissed him with a certain kind of feverish desperation that made his knees weak.
chae hyungwon:
his reaction is oddly pretty calm. he asked about what you were into, and you told him. maybe he was expect something a little different, but to be honest, he knew you liked to be in control, and he usually just went along with it. he didn’t mind it especially because you always made sure you both felt good and that was all that matters. that and he kinda likes being told what to do.
so it doesn’t exactly surprise him, especially when you add, “but only in a sexual context! i don’t need you to say it all the time.”
“good because there’s no way in hell i’m calling you daddy in front of my friends,” he can see the thoughts behind your eyes wanting to take up that challenge, but he decides to ignore it, “as far as they’re concerned, i’m daddy.”
“sure, wonnie. sure,” you say dismissively, before looking back at him, “are you actually okay with it though? i know it’s… weird.”
“it wasn’t what i was expecting, but if that’s what you want, then i’ll do it.”
and as soon as you’ve got him under you, with kisses and marks trailing down his neck and chest, leaving him helplessly turned on and horny, he says it so naturally, you wonder if he even thought to do it. but whether or not he’s doing this solely for you, or because he might have found it a little hot, is between him and himself, “ahh, daddy, please- be gentle with me- i have a photoshoot in the morning- oh my god that feels so good please daddy don’t stop-”
lee jooheon:
he likes the idea of it when you mention it, he just gets kinda shy, “do you- do you really want me to call you that?”
you come closer, holding his hand and rubbing your thumb against it in a comforting manner, “yeah, i really like the idea of it. if you’re not completely against it, i’d be really happy if we could try it.”
“it’s not… the worst thing you could have told me you were into,” he laughs as your hand starts to massage his thigh instead, “we can try it. i'll tell you if we need to stop, but i think it’ll be okay.”
“good, i’m glad you’re reacting this way, honey,” you murmur as you kiss him, and he smiles, which, even if it makes the kiss a little awkward, is really cute, “sweetheart,” you whisper as you pull away, “can you say it? i just wanna hear you say it.”
your hands wander his skin nervously, he can tell you’re worried about him being uncomfortable, “ahh, d-daddy, please touch me more,” he whines, and he’s never been more compelling before, but somehow the use of that word really makes you want to give in and give him anything he wants, “please touch me.”
your hand falls a little lower upon his request, and he groans lightly, pulling you a little closer, “you’re perfect, baby, so pretty.”
“ahh, please,” he huffs, clearly growing shy with the praise, but it’s obvious he really likes it, so you touch him more and whisper sweet words into his ear with a kiss, “oh- oh my- daddy- please i-”
“you’re so cute, sweetie pie, especially when you’re feeling good, you look so pretty and content. it’s my favorite sight,” you say adoringly, looking at him with the biggest heart eyes.
“wow, i didn’t expect to like this this much but-“ he whispers, “-i kinda love it.”
im changkyun/i.m:
he doesn’t react much when you say it, making you wonder if he was uncomfortable or not into it, but in any case, you assume it’s going to be forgotten in a few days and there would be nothing to worry about.
until he’s trying to get you to play with him and you’re trying to work. he can’t deny that he gets horny easily and you’re right there! he tries to tease in an way he can think possible, but to no avail. you’re still just sitting there, typing away on your laptop.
“just another thirty minutes, and then im all yours, baby,” you murmur to him, and he pouts subconsciously out of frustration.
he gets an idea, and i’m sure you know what it is.
“alright, you’re busy and i respect that. i guess i’ll just leave you be and go play by myself, daddy,” he giggles when you look over at him for the first time in this encounter and then he walks away.
as he sits on the bed in your bedroom, he awaits the sound of your footsteps, knowing he’s won. the door opens, and you walk in too casually, enough to make him suspicious, until he’s pulled onto your lap with your lips on his shoulder. your hands sneak under his hoodie, and his hands brace himself on your shoulders for stability, “ah- y/n-”
“baby, i did not set aside my work that’s due tomorrow morning to come fuck your brains out just for you to call me that,” he shivers, so incredibly turned on, “try again.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @multidreams-and-desires @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @domreaderrecs @mochi-ficz and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Stuck (M)
im jaebum oneshot
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pairing: im jaebum x reader genre: angst, smut, fluff? plot: after a terrible incident you and jaebum feel stuck in a relationship rotting away. you can’t take a step forward or a step back, you’re only stuck  a/n: I felt like writing something that I can put out instantly so here you go. I feel like I've written smut after so long... oh well, hope y’all like it <3 not edit
You sat by the window sill, your eyes followed the raindrops, slowly tracing the glass. You brought a finger up and placed it where a drop lay resting, waiting for another drop to come and propel it down to the rest of the droplets that disappeared. 
You wondered if it wanted to stay there, remain there untouched until the sun came out and dried it away into non-existence. Or if its waiting for that one special drop, maybe its the one above it, just a few centimetres away, or maybe it’s still to fall from the heavens. 
From the other side of the glass, you felt the droplet. It was just like you; stuck. It didn’t know what it needed, but it needed something, like you needed someone. 
You gaze adjusted to the red car that pulled into the driveway. You watched him, stay in the drivers seat for a moment too long. His eyes were trained on the rain beating against the window of the car. 
He couldn't see you, or at least he didn’t notice you. 
He didn’t look towards the house. 
He stayed there, and you watched him, waiting. 
You shifted your finger from the droplet to where Jaebum was, and he felt the same; stuck. 
You took in a deep breath as he finally found the strength to get out of the car. You didn’t blame him; you didn’t want to be here either. You didn’t want to come back to this house. 
You looked back at the droplet to find it gone as a new trail started down the window. 
You got up from your seat as Jaebum opened the door. He shook the rain of him, and you wondered if he remembered that you hated it when he did that. It reminded you of a dog, all wet and smelly, but he did it anyway. 
You didn’t say anything about it. You hid away your frown and instead smiled, as you walked towards him, “Welcome back, Jay.”
Jaebum gave you a tight line smile, and you were already tired. You knew exactly how this night was going to go. It had been the same for weeks now, probably a month, you couldn’t remember. 
It’s all a blur how this started or when this started. All you knew was one morning Jaebum was kissing you goodbye, and the next day he just stopped.
“How was work?” You asked, but regretted it instantly. You bit your lip wondering if you were being annoying, bothering him after a long day of work.
You knew how stressful work got sometimes. You used to work together until a few months ago, until you stopped bleeding. 
You would never forget the look on his face when he saw the pregnancy test in your hand. When he took the it from you and stared at the positive sign for minutes. You sat next to him, not touching him. 
You were scared; frightened that he didn’t want this baby. You hadn’t planned for a baby until two more years, but now that it was here, earlier then expected, you were scared. 
But then he finally turned towards you. 
The tears ran down his cheeks, blurring his vision as he tried to hold them back. And then he smiled so brightly, that all the tears he was holding in those beautiful eyes spilled out. 
“We’re going to have a baby,” his voice was barely above a whisper. You nodded, tears falling down your cheeks. You were so relieved Jaebum wanted this child. You were so happy you were going to be a mother, you were going to have a child with Jaebum. 
You wiped Jaebum’s cheeks as you held his face in your hands, but it was pointless. New tears came down and wet them instantly. Jaebum fell off the bed as he went down on his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist, hid his face against your stomach and cried. 
You fell on him, hugging him back as your own tears soaked through his shirt. 
He looked up, his eyes red and cheeks swollen, “I love you, y/n.” 
His voice was raspy and raw, and you smiled. Your was voice just as trembling as you answered, “I love you too, Jaebum.” 
You remember the golden lit in his eyes. The way it used to sparkle and shine when he looked at you. You remembered the way he would walk home everyday, hold you in his arms and litter you with kisses. 
Jaebum didn’t hum anymore, and you didn’t ask him too. You would just end up crying if you did. You weren’t ready for that, you weren’t ready for Jaebum. 
As much distance Jaebum put between you two, you didn’t do anything to lessen it. You wanted to remain on the other side of the shore and see him from the distance. It hurt to much to see him, to talk to him, to pretend that such a big part of you both was now missing. 
Your gift from the universe was taken back. 
Maybe it wasn’t their time yet. They will come back one day, and once again bloom in your belly. One day, when it comes back, you will love it all over again, just the same, but right now it was gone, and you missed them. 
Jaebum missed it too. 
And now you mourned the loss of someone who never even properly entered into your life. But it was already a part. 
They were in the buckets of paint Jaebum had bought. In the wooden crib he had started on. In those moments where you both lay in bed together, thinking of names, thinking about what kind of parents you will be, thinking about how much love you would give to the little bean. 
And now those memories haunted you both. 
Jaebum simply shrugged like he had for days now, and mumbled, “It was normal.” 
You didn’t sigh.
You walked back to your seat, and went back to watching the rain. 
It was raining a lot today. It didn’t seem like the rain will stop anytime soon. It was early evening, but the low hanging clouds already made the world shadowed in darkness. 
You missed the sunshine. 
You missed Jaebum too. 
“I think you messed up,” you whispered to the dark stormy clouds, but you were taking to whatever was beyond it. 
“Did you say something?” Jaebum asked from the kitchen. You blinked, remembering Jaebum was there; that he was actually there and not a mirage. Things can change, not everyday has to be the same as yesterday. 
You swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous to talk to Jaebum. You had told this man every last one of your secrets, there was nothing about you that he didn’t know, but today you were nervous. 
it used to be easy back then. You never had to think twice, you wouldn't even consider the thought and just blurt it out to Jaebum as soon as it came to your head. Jaebum would laugh, agree, or call you crazy, and then tell you his thoughts. It was so easy back then. 
“I think they messed up,” you said a bit louder. Your fingers fidgeted in your lap as you waited through the silence that followed your words. 
Jaebum didn’t say anything for a long minute. He didn’t say anything, but you heard his movements stop as he took in your words. And then you heard his footsteps approach closer behind you. 
“Who did?” He asked, stopping at the doorway of the kitchen. This was the closest you two have been in weeks. For once you were looking at one another, seeing each other, talking to each other about something that wasn’t mundane like closing the toothpaste lid. 
You didn’t reply instantly, so Jaebum took a hesitant step closer to you, “It happens sometimes, y/n. It’s more common than we think.”
“I know,” you nodded, content and understanding. Jaebum frowned, and you wondered if he thought your calmness meant you were loosing it. But you had come to terms with it, it was okay. 
But it wasn’t. 
“They took too much,” you whispered, looking out to the skies again. 
“Y/n, are you,” Jaebum walked closer towards you, he bent onto his knees in front of you, and for the first time in a long time, his skin touched yours, “Are you okay?”
His brown eyes bore into yours, and you finally breathed. It felt as if the clock finally began to tick again. It felt as if the time that had been frozen was finally melting and moving forward. Jaebum’s eyes finally looked warm and golden instead of the darkness that had been haunting him. 
You placed your hand over his. Jaebum flinched, but then softened as his eyes looked into yours. You took in how sad he looked and your heart hurt. There were no smiles, no dreams, nothing. Only lips pulled into a line, and eyes lined with dark circles from sleepless nights. 
“They made a mistake,” you could barely hear your own voice, but in the silence that filled your lives, Jaebum heard you. His brows furrowed, his lips tighten, and you saw him be stricken with fear. 
He was scared he was going to lose you to insanity. 
“They took too much from us.” 
“I...” Jaebum spoke softly, his thumb caressing your cheek. He bit his lips, scared, as he continued, “I don't understand.” 
“The universe,” you told him, tears filling your eyes, “when they took our baby, they took a lot more with them.” 
Jaebum didn’t say anything as he wiped the tear that fell from your eyes. You saw Jaebum’s eyes also get teary, this was the first time you were talking about it to each other after weeks. This was the first time since that first week you found out, first week since your grieving became mourning, that you mentioned the baby. 
“Jay, they took us too,” your chin started to tremble. 
“Hey, baby,” Jaebum spoke, holding your face up in his hands. He shook his head as he swallowed, “I’m right here.” 
“They took our love too, Jaebum,” you whispered, your nails digging into his hands for strength to continue and not fall apart. “We don’t love anymore.” 
A tear slid down Jaebum’s face, “Do you not love me anymore?” 
You snorted at that, genuinely smiling for the first time in weeks, Jaebum’s lips quirked. 
“I do,” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “I love you just as much, if not more, but Jay, you don’t...”
“I do.” 
“You don’t,” you shook your head away from his hands. You stared at your fingers that fell onto your lap, “You don’t look at me anymore. You don’t talk to me anymore. I see you everyday, and you just don’t care anymore... 
“I feel stuck because I don’t want to freak you out by reaching out before you’ve healed. But every day, I can feel you drifting away, and I... I can’t stop thinking... that maybe somewhere.... deep down-”
“No.” Jaebum said, firmly, “Never.”
You looked up at Jaebum, and found him staring at you with fire in his eyes, “I have never, and I never will. The doctors said it wasn’t anyone’s fault, nothing caused it. You didn’t do anything.” 
“Then why don’t you talk to me?” You asked, softly. 
“I’ll talk to now, if that’s what you need.”
“No,” you shook your head, as more tears fell from your eyes. “Do it because you want to, because you want me to be a part of your day.”
Jaebum didn’t say anything, and after a moment he got up and walked away. 
You leaned back into your seat, drawing your knees to your chest. You buried your face into them as your body began to shake. The rain wasn’t stopping, and the winds were causing the rain to loudly fall against your window. All the droplets that were waiting washed away. 
You felt the seat next to you sink, and you lifted your head to find Jaebum in front of you. Your chest hurt, it felt as if someone had stabbed a knife into and kept on turning it round and round, taking pleasure in seeing you wither in pain. 
“I went to get tea,” Jaebum spoke as you watched him, “Have you eaten today?” 
You thought about it, before shaking your head. 
Jaebum nodded, before lifting up a plate of sandwich towards you, “Here.”
You wiped your runny nose on the long sleeve of your hoodie before taking the plate, “Thanks.” 
Jaebum’s eyes remained on the sleeve of your hoodie and you gasped, “Oh, sorry I completely forgot that you didn’t like that.” 
“It’s okay,” Jaebum managed a smile, “you don’t like it when I shake water out of my hair.” 
You managed a smile back. 
You took a bite of the sandwich and chewed it slowly, watching Jaebum as he ate his in small bites, “Are you okay?” 
He sighed, before placing his sandwich back into his plate, “I just feel so... I don't know how to describe this feeling. It’s not sadness, not as much anymore at least. It’s this feeling like I’m waiting for something, or more like someone is waiting for me. And it feels weird in my chest, like I have to be somewhere, but I don’t know where.”
You smiled at that. 
“You’re like the rain,” was all you said. 
Jaebum looked over at you, and after a long moment chuckled shaking his head. 
“And what are you?” 
“A droplet, waiting for you to get to me,” you placed your plate on the table, as you sighed. “I’m sorry I pushed you away. I’m sorry I wasn't there for you.”
“It’s okay,” Jaebum placed his plate down too, “I wasn’t there for you too, I should’ve fought harder to be next to you.” 
“I hated coming home. I hated waking up and being in this house, in this room,” you told him, and Jaebum’s eyes shone with hurt. “I hated everything about this life, except you.”
“I hate coming back to his house everyday,” Jaebum said, and your heart sunk. You knew that though, you had guessed that much. He would hate this place as much as you, “Every time I thought of not coming back, I thought of you. And as soon as I thought of you, I only saw you.”
“I only see you too,” you whispered back. 
You and Jaebum remained like that for a long time, watching each other as the rain gently fell outside. There were no more words said, no more actions done, but somehow you both were in motion. 
Jaebum watched as you got up and leaned closer to him. You watched with hesitant eyes, your gaze drooping to his parted pink lips, almost waiting for you. You placed a hand on his cheek as you softly placed your lips against his. 
“I love you,” you said, looking into his eyes as you leaned back. 
Jaebum pulled you back in as he whispered, “I love you too.” 
Jaebum kissed you, and you had to hold back the moan at the back of your throat. He placed a hand on the back of you head, pulling you in as he deepened the kiss. 
You let him pull you against him. Your chest meeting his as you settled onto his lap, straddling him. Your mouth opened as your tongues collided. A moan left Jaebum as your fingers gently pulled against his hair. 
Jaebum’s lips shifted from your lips, and towards your neck. You arched your head to the side as he kissed your throat, his tongue licking your skin with every kiss. You moaned, your eyes rolling back, as you closed your eyes. 
Your body burned for him; you burned for him. 
You wanted him closer. You wanted him inside you. You wanted him intertwined with your soul. 
Your fingers reached down touching his bulge beneath your hips. You ran your fingers over the shape, and Jaebum groaned as you pressed your hands against it. 
Jaebum’s hands removed the sleeves from your shoulders, making the loose dress fall, revealing your breasts. He wasted no time as he took a hard nipple in his mouth. His hot tongue swirling around the hard bud, making your mind blur with pleasure. 
You moaned, as he other hand held the other breast, rubbing the hard bud between his fingers. He kissed your breasts all over, worshipping every inch of it. You moaned; a hand in his hair, tugging it slightly whenever he drew the buds between his teeth. The other hand expertly unzipping his pant and freeing his strained cock. 
You held it in your hand, running your thumb over the tip, spreading the pre-cum over the tip. Jaebum hissed, throwing his head back as you touched him. You ran your hand over his length a few times, before positioning yourself over him. 
You rubbed his dick dripping in premium against your wet slit. Jaebum’s hips bucked feeling how wet, hot and ready you were for him. You placed him at your centre before slowly sinking down on him. 
You gasped as he slowly filled you in, as Jaebum let an out a throaty, “Fuck.”
You rested your hands on Jaebum’s shoulder, and sat down on his dick completely. You moaned, your eyes rolling back as you felt Jaebum completely inside you. 
You missed him inside you. 
You opened your eyes to find him watching you already. Your lips parted in a silent prayer, as you rose on his cock before sliding back done. Your body melted into his, your chest pressed against his, your eyes focused on each other. 
You went slow at first, slowly taking in the feel of him. Your hands running along his chest, his back, into his hair. His hands feverishly touching your everywhere, as if he was trying to remember every part of your body. 
Jaebum leaned forward, bringing your right breast into his mouth. You gasped loudly, as a hand gripped his hair while the other arm wrapped around his shoulder. You began to go faster, getting an approving groan from Jaebum. 
His hand went around, squeezing your ass and helping you find a faster and better rhythm. You gasped, groaned, and cursed God’s name again and again as you felt something tighten in your stomach. 
Jaebum moved away from your chest, and brought a hand to your hair. He pulled your hair back, making you look into his dark eyes as your face contoured in delicious pain. 
“Fuck, I missed you,” Jaebum groaned, as he sloppily kissed along your neck. You moaned, your nails digging into his back. Jaebum leaned back, watching you for a moment, making your cheeks flush. 
“I love you, y/n,” he leaned up kissing you as if the end of the world was near. His arms tightened around you, his fingers wrapping tighter around your hair as he pulled you in closer. You kissed him back just as harshly, holding him just as close. 
Jaebum leaned his forehead against yours, and watched you get closer to the edge. His fingers tightened around your hair as he grunted, “Come for me, y/n.” 
A loud groan left you, as you entire body tightened. Your fingers latched onto his tresses, as your nails bit harder into his skin. Jaebum didn’t mind, he continued moving his body, letting you ride out your high as your body began to shake. 
Your pussy squeezed him in tighter, and Jaebum grunted reaching for your lips again as he kissed you harder, and became undone. 
You both remained in each other’s arms as Jaebum fell back against the sofa. You lay on his chest, hearing his heart beating loudly. You placed your hand over it, letting its heat sink into your skin. 
It felt just the same as you in this moment. 
“I love you, Jaebum,” you whispered, snuggling in closer to him. Jaebum slid his pants and underpants off, and took your dress off before laying on the sofa. He pulled the blanket you had been using alone for weeks, and covered it over your tangled bodies. 
He placed a kiss on your forehead and wrapped his arms around you, “I love you too, y/n.” 
After a moment, he added, “More than anything, no matter what.” 
“No matter what,” you echoed, placing a kiss on his neck. You closed your eyes, tired, and took a deep breath in. You missed his scent, his heat, you missed everything about him. 
As you lay in his arms, as the heat from his skin seeped into yours, you finally left alive. You had finally began moving. The sun hadn’t come out yet, but you were already home, with him. 
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adi06lena · 3 years
Our miracle
 natty x fem reader
this is Y/n’s and Natasha's baby cuz lets just say tony figured something out lol
warnings: child loss, let me know if i need to add anything else!!
No one pov
Y/n and Natasha had always talked about having kids. So it wasn't a surprise when Y/n went to Natasha one day saying she was ready. That's how Y/n and Natasha found themselves here, in their bathroom on the edge of their tub waiting. They had been trying for 2 years now, but every time Y/n got pregnant she lost the baby. Y/n could never make it past 21 weeks. They had nurseries done up and names picked out. It was always devastating for both of them. So they decided this would be the last time before they talked about other options.
Y/n pov
I don't want this to be the last try. This is everything I've ever wanted and it hurts to think that it wont work. I've known from a young age that I wanted kids. I've always loved kids. all their firsts. And I know even if this doesn't work I'll still have all of that. But I want to be able to experience hearing their heartbeat for the first time, their first little kicks, their milestones and every other little thing in between. And I don't know what I'll do if I can't have that. I know it hurts Natasha. I'm not blind . She never says it but I always see the disappointment in her eyes every time the stick is negative, or when we find out we lost our baby. What will Natasha do if this one's negative? And what if I get pregnant but lose them again? I just want to give her this one thing, am i broken? How could she love me? I'm pulled from my thoughts by Natasha.
Natashas pov
Y/n has wanted this since she was a little girl. It's hard on her especially since I'm physically unable to have kids so this is all on her. We have already lost two little girls. Xena and Amiah. I don't know if she can take anymore loss. Don't get me wrong, this is hard on me too but I don't think I'll ever be able to feel the same pain she did when it happened. It's already been 5 minutes, but I can tell she's too stuck in her thoughts to notice, so I just put my hand on her thigh.
No ones pov
Y/n's pulled from her thoughts by natasha
All Y/n can do is hum in response
"We should probably looks now"
Y/n looks up at Natasha with fear in eyes and rasps out
"Im scared natty"
That crushed Natasha's heart. Natasha knows why but still asks
"Why my love?"
Natashas pov
All Y/n does is shake her head trying not to cry. It hurts seeing her in so much pain.
"Oh my love don't cry, its okay"
She looks at me and says
"How is this okay?"
Before i can respond she continues as tears roll down her cheeks
"I can't do the one thing my body was made to do, i just want to give you what was taken from you"
I don't know what to say so all i can do is hug her and whisper sweet nothing in her ear.
"No matter what this test says i'm always gonna love you"
After shes calmed down i say
"Do you wanna look? Or me?"
She doesn't say anything, and just reaches for the test with shaky hands. It takes her a moment to actually look but when she does, she starts to sob. I can't tell, is it good?
Y/n pov
I flip the test over and start to sob. It's positive! Nat looks concerned. I can't stop the smile that creeps on my face. I just blurt out
"It positive, i'm pregnant Nat"
Next thing I know nat has me in a firm hug. She just keeps blurting out
"omg , omg your pregnant"
She pulls up my shirt till it just under my breasts and starts talking to our little one
"Hey there little one, its mommy here"
All I can do is cry, happy tears of course.
I can't wait for this journey with Natasha
A/n: there will be a part 2 of the pregnancy and telling everyone!
i hope you enjoyed reading im hoping to have pt. 2 up pretty soon, but im back to school Monday so it might take little longer!
take care of yourselves!! have a good day/evening/night!!
~Adi out <3
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