#//mun is autistic so this is important!!!!
aventurine-official · 6 months
[Stelle shoots a message to Aventurine as payback for the Dr. Ratio incident. Either way, she was feeling a bit lazy today and for a fact, she doesn’t even know where Aventurine’s room is. “Damn, so much for friendship.” Stelle thinks, rolling her eyes. Anyways, is it Wing Woman Stelle’s time to shine? Who knows?] TEXT: Aventurine. TEXT: Random question ig- TEXT: So yk how that autistic gay guy cough Dr. Ratio (@veritas-ratio-rp) cough has fallen head over heels for you right? TEXT: AND. and, the same can be said for YOU. TEXT: So how about you confess to him already??? TEXT: Like damn, when will both of you start to date? TEXT: Clearly y’all gay af. TEXT: for each other.
(Mun Xyn- Its time for Wing man woman Stelle to dawn upon this relationship. Anyways, hi hi Mod Minie! Hope you’re doing okay?)
*Aventurine groans, blinking sleepily as he reaches an arm out of the cozy pile of blankets curled around him to grab his buzzing phone off of the side table.*
"This had better be important..." *The blonde sits himself up against the pillows, leaning back and sliding to unlock his device. Several notifications-- from the Trailblazer, of all people-- lie in wait for him.*
*How interesting... and the topic of the messages seems to be none other than a certain doctor from the Intelligentsia Guild. With a reluctant sigh, he opens his direct messages.*
Aventurine: Mm? Ratio? In love with me? Aventurine: Oh, thank you for the laugh, friend. I needed a bit of cheering up today~ Aventurine: There is no way that the good doctor has fallen for me, trust me Aventurine: And if he has... there isn't anything I can do about it. Aventurine: As for the latter, what in the cosmos makes you think that I'm in love with a genius like him? Aventurine: I won't deny my attraction to him, but never once have I proved it to be anything but lust~ Aventurine: It'll wear off. It always does Aventurine: A date? I've never considered it Aventurine: Maybe I'll ask him covertly, rope him into it Aventurine: Only to assure that he does indeed have his sights set on me, of course. Aventurine: And if you turn out to be right... Aventurine: Well, I'll just have to owe you one, friend~ Aventurine: And reevaluate my betting chips.
*Aventurine can't help the hint of a smile that creeps along his lips. He's alone here, after all, and he giggles to himself before discarding his phone and rolling back over in bed.*
(Ooc: You are so right on that one. Aventio the oblivious idiots. Somebody help them omg~ Yes, hi!! I've been doing alright, actually! Just a little busy lately, hence why it took me so long to reply to his omg. I hope you're well too! ~ Mod Minie)
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mr-steveraglan · 26 days
Hello! I am Steve Raglan, a highly skilled career counselor who is no way connected to a man who goes by the name William Afton. People hold me in high regard for my services and charming personality, I'm well paid and a very successful person. You can absolutely trust me to find a suitable career for you!
If you wish to make an appointment, do contact me at my office during my working hours or simply send a message in the box above.
Once again, if you accuse me of being this so called "William Afton" or "that lunatic pizzeria owner" I will have you escorted out of my office and I will be contacting my lawyer.
Many thanks! 😊
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MUN Info:
Hello! I'm Megan, I use she/her pronouns and I am a enjoyer of all things to do with the lovely Matthew Lillard and his William Afton/Steve Raglan from the FNAF movie. I'm a autistic, slightly depressed mess of a person who hyperfixates on so many things.
I am 20+, and I'll gladly respect any triggers or if you're not comfortable with NSFW. We're all here to have fun!
No godmodding or writing my own take on peepaw Afton here please.
I live in the UK so time zones may be different. 🇬🇧
There will be plenty of cursing and cussing here due to William being a middle aged man and getting pissed off whenever someone pulls his strings.
Please be nice and respectful, I will answer NSFW asks but don't make them too detailed.
This is a safe space for LGBTQ+ and I am a trans ally! (Understandably not a safe spot for specifically kiddos due to William's...hobbies.)
IMPORTANT: I obviously don't agree with any of William's ideals and beliefs, this is a crack blog not to be taken seriously but we can all agree that William Afton is a piece of shit no matter how handsome he looks.
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eclipsecrowned · 2 months
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30 for truthful tuesday. [looking at you autistically, microphone in hand] // @umbralined
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Pupper wishes to get Kadi in trouble. Kadi will gladly get in trouble over this one.
There is a specific breed of mun, often belonging to a certain demographic but it happens regardless of income education race or gender, who think their muse is God's gift to the community. Whether you find them here on tumblr, in the badlands of forums, or among your discord experiences, it is inevitable that you will meet someone who just cannot handle what their muse actually is.
In their own head, usually because they are hella projecting onto the muse, this muse is the best thing since sliced bread. They are a near perfect copy of the mun -- let's use our former friend [REDACTED] as an example.
All her muses were able-bodied middle class east coast American women who came from military families and were proudly straight Americans whose brand of liberalism was just conservatism lite. And because that muse is so much like her -- and pick any of them, Beth, Elaine, Charlotte, even in fantasy she'd just adapt Veerle or Adamaris to be the super special white gurl foreigner -- this muse is perfect.
This muse does no wrong. Everything this muse does is cool, funny, badass. Everything this muse does is right, even in instances where the audience tries to call out obvious racism, homophobia, classism, unchecked mental illness. This is not a critique of the character's behavior/the biased writing, but of the creator herself, because the muse is a funhouse mirror of their player. Fuck you. She's going to write what she wants to write.
Except it stops being about just their muse. Suddenly, it's about you as a collaborator having a muse. Here's the role your muse has been pigeonholed into. Here's the script. Here's how in awe or cruel they are to her blessed muse. Here's what your muse is allowed to be -- remember when she'd veto my muses having disabilities or poc love interests as if that was her call?
It's no longer collaborative. It's the Beth/Elaine/Charlotte/Veerle/Elysande show, and we're just living in it. Our muses are there to talk about how cool she is, how women want to be her, how men want to make babies with her. And if you play a villain, the men obsess over her and the women want to torture her. No one can be objective about the character. Who could be objective about God's most perfect creation?
And it gets worse. The creator, totally unchecked and unable to be held in check moving forward without having an actual IRL mental breakdown, is further assured of her own skill. Her muse is perfect. The war crimes ensue, sometimes metaphorical and in [REDACTED]'s case actually for real in universe. The apologia of 'well if my muse did something bad they did it to someone worse,' except they as grown adults are unable to admit their character is capable of doing any wrong. If you are among other partners doing a plot, they refuse to be on the sidelines of it.
The relationship as collaborators and as friends becomes unsustainable because you are dealing with someone who refuses to be reasoned with, and will forever be the villain when they retell the story because you wanted a shared platform, not to be an accessory to a muse you can no longer stand.
I've been on this site since 2012 and I have seen many such muns high on their own muse's farts. Literally if you give me the most special and important heroic muse without an iota of nuance, whether Canon or OC, I'm checking out. I've seen canon serial killers be idealized as 'good people' due to possessing either the lifestyle their writer has or desires, and canon abusers be excused as 'well I mean, his wife is annoying.' I have seen OCs, many times, hold entire servers and communities hostage to their whims, whether as moderators or as simple members of a group. I can name 6 separate incidents across 12 years, and it always goes nuclear, scorched earth, kills communities and friend groups and servers. I refuse to play.
And again, fiction =/= reality, but the way people handle certain themes or concepts can say a lot about how they'll be as a collaborator --
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irisesinthefog · 4 months
Demi suggested I should make an account, since I've gotten a Rotom Phone. I'm... not sure how it works. But she said it... might be good to start out by telling people who I am...
My name is Andrew. I live in Hammerlocke. I... specialize in Ghost Type Pokemon. I don't exactly... have a trainer card... so... apologies...
Though, I suppose I could list my team manually.
Mimikyu - Female. Smaller than average. I've known her since I was younger. I've been calling her "Twig" since then.
Banette - Male. Larger than average. He was hidden near the Watchtower Ruins nearby Motostoke. His name is Nyx.
Cursola - Male. When I first caught him, he was a Corsola. I'm... not sure how he managed to evolve... I'm... not very good at battling... but, ah... anyway... his name is Lotus. He seems to be more anxious than the others.
Phantump - Female. I accidentally disturbed her sleep in the Glimwood Tangle, and she followed me around for a while after. Her name is Ivy.
Polteageist - I'm... not too sure where it came from. But... it's... registered to me... and I don't mind at all... it's name is Paisley. That's the only thing it'll respond to, unlike the others, who are fine with either their name or their species...
Absol - Male. His name is Gabriel. He's not a bad omen and means no harm. Don't... don't be rash. Don't throw rocks at him.
As for other information... ah... I'm not sure... there's not too much that's very interesting about me... I care for wild Ghost Pokemon, I suppose...
...It's late. I should be getting the rest I can.
//hi :3 so euurh i'm. super new to this but i'm trying!!!
//this is a crossover blog :] it's based on a pokemon trainer au i made for some of my favorite Identity V characters- my muse for this blog is Andrew Kreiss.
//this blog takes place about a year after the plot of swsh!!
//while andrew is 22, i'm not!! i'm a minor!! please no nsfw asks (they will be deleted automatically) and andrew is aroace :]
//on that topic, andrew uses he/they, and i use he/it !!!
//both muse and mun are autistic! though andrew is generally unaware/doesnt think much of it (much like his gender/sexuality)
//also there will be religious themes along with talk of familial death and bullying, since those are real important to his character from the original media
//while andrew's character is rather anxious and shy, i also have some anxiety about interacting with people 💔 i'll get to everything eventually, and this will probably fade the more comfortable i get here probably
//i like/follow from @laceadornedvampire!!
//pelipper mail/magic anons/malice anons/anything else is on and welcome!! anyone can interact, including sentient pokemon/fallers/uhh etc etc literally everyone :] update: soo this accidentally became a primarily night active blog wiirkfkwjdj. whicj is cool! it suits his character!! but posts will typically be from 19:00 to around 06:00 MST because that's what i've accidentally set up ;;
//andrew does have rumors about him!! hes weird!!! feel free to talk about a weird creepy figure feeding wild ghastly near the watchtower ruins or something/bring up stuff like that its one of my favorite aspects of his character
//edited june 22 2024
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shit-enmu-says · 9 months
Mun Headcanons
This is a cracky headcanon but I think Enmu may be neurodivergent in some way. This is based mostly off his behavior in kimetsu gakuen (train obsession, not understanding social norms, clear difficulty in making friends) as well as his almost theatrical mannerisms as seen in canon.
As someone with autism, I have emotions but my face doesn’t often reflect them. I taught myself to mimic facial expressions and body language. Since it was something I mimicked rather than happening naturally, it looks exaggerated and theatrical.
I could see something like this being part of why Enmu acts so dramatic and odd. I think that as a human he was able to mask using a superficially charismatic persona to win over the people he was trying to scam or anyone else it was important to remain on the good side of (his parents, authority figures, etc). However, I don’t think it was something he could keep up for long. At times the facade slips and he just comes off as strange, awkward, and zoned out most of the time.
He is someone who gives the impression of being heavily dissociative. The lack of pain when Muzan attacked him could be due to severe dissociation. Even when he’s dying he seems dissociative, talking about how he wants a chance to do everything over, in utter disbelief that he failed and hoping it’s all just a nightmare.
Dissociation is something often associated with traumatic events (which I get the sense he definitely experienced as a human). However it’s also pretty common with autism. Many autistic people dissociate frequently, usually as a result of feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. Sometimes you just end up dissociating all the time, which I think is the case for him. I think it may also be a biproduct of the mental illness he canonically had as a human which resulted in him confusing dreams with reality.
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I'd like to request headcanons for whoever's you think would be the most interesting (+brahms) with a reader who has Pathological Demand Avoidance? It's a subtype of autism, I think it could be fun to write characters interacting with a reader like that. Suggesting brahms in particular bc he's a huge brat ❤
I'm actually going to be pedantic here, since Mun is both autistic and a neuroscience student, and based on the phrasing of this request, I'm guessing you don't experience PDA yourself lol. In the DSM-5, there are just three "types" of autism: level one, level two, and level three. PDA is a controversial topic for a variety of reasons, but the general consensus among professionals is that it's a behaviour pattern/profile, not a condition or sub-type. It does not appear in the DSM-5 at all. Not to mention the potential for pathologizing self-agency (see also: the controversy around ODD which I'm not touching with a ten foot pole). Anyway, here's an overview on the topic if you're interested. There's therefore uh. No way I can make everyone happy with this post. However, for these headcanons, I'm going to effectively treat it like a compulsion, so hopefully that's good enough.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Alright, here's my hot take: you guys have the backbone of a chocolate eclair when it comes to this boy.
Look, I get it: massive man who can and will kill you tells you to do something, survival instinct can kick in. But like... at the very end of the movie, when Greta puts her foot down and doesn't act afraid of him, he listens to her.
This obviously isn't to say that constantly telling him no is ideal, but it really isn't going to go as badly as some would have you believe, especially if you can explain it to him.
To be honest, the last thing he needs in a relationship is his parents 2.0, so being able to tell him no is a really important skill to have regardless. His parents were afraid of him, which is why they gave into what he wanted. Being able to refuse him shows that you aren't afraid of him.
Bubba Sawyer:
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Aaand now for the complete opposite. I don't think Bubba is capable of demanding anything if he tried. Like to a fault. So the only time I can foresee this even coming into play to begin with is with his brothers.
Honestly, though, you're probably still going to be fine. There will be some arguments, sure, but you're the one with the giant man with a chainsaw on your side.
Tbh Bubba is really your best bet here. Absolute sweetheart, has the patience of a saint, and can either support you or cheer you on, depending on what you need in that moment.
Like I'm not gonna romanticize compulsions or anything, but at the same time, if you're able to stand up to Drayton, even if you didn't want to, he'll still be watching with stars in his eyes. We all know this.
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justakon · 2 years
I've been doing some reading last night and then it made me go hm, Akon are you autistic? so here's why:
not liking to be touched suddenly
is overly-analytical
seeming blunt, rude or not interested in others without meaning to (but he actually does most times)
having a very keen interest in certain subjects or activities
taking things very literally
can and does easily burnout
finds it hard to understand what others are thinking or feeling
reclusive, not all that sociable and prefers to be on his own
having the same routine every day and getting very anxious if it changes
not understanding social rules or cues
noticing small details, patterns, smells or sounds that others do not because sensitive senses
liking to plan things carefully before doing them
often attach considerable value to their close relationships
being too much of an oddball as a child, he was prolly thrown in jail after he had a meltdown because of sensory overload and being overstimulated, making him seem dangerous and unstable and might have stabbed certain important people aka shinigami. so the ones in charge were all just locked it up before it made trouble for people. and lastly, as isane-mun pointed out can be prone to either anxiety and depression or dispassionate disinterest. and i would say he would fall under dispassionate disinterest rather than the first two although he would have anxiety at times too.
anyhoo, thank you for coming to my ted talk on my neurodivergent son
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underno9 · 1 year
From 'Good Omens' FACE CLAIM: Reece Shearsmith.
under construction.
'Pre-Fall' verse icons created featuring artwork, used with permission, by @elizamaru.
Furfur is 'mutuals only', so must be following back from @vocesusurro. This means that asks, memes, starters, etc are only available to those I am following back on @vocesusurro.
Muns inspiration can vary from time to time and sometimes she can only get herself to reply to certain threads/asks/muses/muns. This is in no way a reflection of you or your muses & is solely down to mun. Mun cannot force herself to reply to something as it will cause her to lose interest and inspiration in more things. We are all here for fun after all.
Furfur is 'mutuals only', so must be following back from @vocesusurro. This means that asks, memes, starters, etc are only available to those I am following back on @vocesusurro.
If you do not have a rules page, mun will not follow back from the main blog.
It is okay for a non-rp blog to follow FurFur and to like an ‘in-character’ thread. But reblogging one is a definite no (the same would go for an rp blog reblogging a thread they are not involved in). If it is done once, you will be contacted and then asked to please remove said reblog/post. If it is done again, you will be soft blocked. If it is done a third time, you will be blocked completely.
Mun will not rp with any comic/animated/game characters.
moths (and to a lesser extent, butterflies).
( if you could tag any pictures of moths & butterflies with tw: moths & tw: butterflies, it would be greatly appreciated. )
Mun will do their best to tag triggers, but some may still be missed (not intentionally). If something triggers you, or you feel something should be tagged, please let mun know.
As Furfur is a demon, dark content may be found within. Mun will do their best to tag everything accordingly.
Mun would prefer to be asked about shipping before something is started. Exceptions may happen if I have rped with you before.
There will be nsfw content found within, which will all be tagged with ‘nsfw’ ( and nsfwish to a lesser extent). If mun misses something, please let them know so that it can be tagged.
Furfur will not participate in smut immediately with anyone. Furfur is not someone who will take being even flirted with easily so even memes of that kind will need something to have been developed before. Mun prefers to have things to develop naturally.
If you would like to plot, do a starter or just talk about a wishlist idea I have for one of my muses, you will have to either comment, IM or send an Ask as my anxiety makes it extremely difficult to approach, even for these.
Muns name is Shelley.
They is in England.
Both mun and Furfur are 21+ (Furfur is 6000+ & Immortal).
Mun has a special needs daughter who is autistic with severe learning difficulties. If muns daughter takes her away from Tumblr, please be patient.
Mun is autistic (diagnosed January 2021) & is still learning about what that means for her. Please be patient with them.
Mun has a condition called ’hypermobility syndrome’ which affects all ligaments in their body.
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overworkedcatboy · 3 months
ooc post to explain the cretur
Meet Mrrp(that's their alias anyway), a jadeblood in the caverns and a catboy. And also use they/them.
First thing off, important to note that the bit about Mrrp is that them being "overworked" is a big over-exaggeration.
Anyways! Mrrp is also the mun's caretaker of their wigglersim game. As a result of this, there will also be a log of the grubs raised by the mun!
One important thing to note is that, at least at the start, MRRP IS ALONE FOR THE MOST PART. I couldn't tell you how they get their grubs.(edit: I can now. But I won’t tell you now.)
Anyways, Mrrp's quirk is that they Capitalize The First Letter, perfect punctuation except for apostrophes and stuff, and replaces w with ^w^ or ^W^, depending on the case. Also, they canonically use autoquirking lmao(they also green any emoticons that they use)
Finally, the mun is a autistic system, so yeah. (can u tell idk what to put-)
oh wait. tag system. mrrp.txt is speaking, mrrp.png is art, mrrp.jpeg is the wigglers, and more might be added. yeag.
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faz-tastic · 1 year
Rules and guidelines
Mun is very new to the fandom and still learning all the lore, please be patient with me. If I seem behind on something important or new, please try find an audio learning aid for me as I do not do well with reading.
Mun is also very slow to respond, in part due to my issues with reading and in part to my issues with Tumblr in general, it tends to break very often on me and I only use mobile because it breaks less often than desktop, which I know many will disagree with but it doesn't matter because every device and every person is different so don't even try to get me to change my device, it's not happening, and nothing you can say can convince me.
If you cannot be respectful, you will be blocked, I've heard tales of the toxic behavior some fans exhibit and I will not put up with it, I've been on this hellsite since I turned 13 you can't scare me off of it.
I don't care what this site or the games say they're rated for, we are keeping it pg 13 here, and if you don't know what that means you shouldn't be on the internet to begin with. Gratuitous violence will be faded to black the exact same as adult fun times, I don't care if they're different I'm not writing the gore and I'm not reading the gore, robots and weird remnant infused zombies are one thing but the murder of children is another entirely.
If you don't like any of these, kindly fuck right off, I'm not here to please you I'm here to have fun and if I'm too busy trying not to puke cuz you decided to get graphic that's not fun that's torture, watch a slasher to get that kind of entertainment don't ask me to write one for you.
If you send a bunch of questions following the same vien and they get ignored one of two things is happening: I've gone on hiatus without warning or I'm purposely ignoring you and you've filled up my inbox. If I'm purposely ignoring you, there's a high likelihood you didn't read all of this post thoroughly enough, go back to the top and start again.
If I have to add something because of someone specific I will tag them, this does not mean you should go harassing them it means I want them especially to see the new rule they caused so they can't say they didn't know if they do it again.
Cussing is allowed, but slurs and personal insults are not. There's a difference between calling a character an asshole and calling the person playing the character one. If you genuinely feel I am being an asshole and it is not something I've covered in these rules, please dm me and speak to me respectfully about it, if a solution cannot be reached then we may come back to it later after thinking about it a bit, but if you're not being respectful then there will be no coming back to it and I will drop your ass like a hot potato.
Using disabilities as insults are grounds for instant banning, I do not tolerate that shit as someone who has a high rate of disability in my family and is autistic with ADHD and barely passed highschool for a lack of help and accomodations. If you want to insult me, you're better off actually pointing out things you've noticed about me, like the fact I can't spell, it's also not effective but at least it's honest.
I am a very sarcastic and dark humored individual, but even I have lines I will not cross. If you don't like my sarcasm and dark humor or if you cross the lines it will be best for you to just leave.
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Actually, I’m just gonna compile the discord AMA info right now.
favorite book
Batter only reads comics… she loves shonen.
favorite food
Batter usually eats simple dishes that she makes herself-- which, according to the dietary needs of her species, usually include a lot of meat and salt. She makes a lot of krill stew, rice and eggs, grilled fish or bird, noodle soup, etc.. Less frequently, she loves deep-fried seafood of pretty much any kind.
I’ve already mentioned melon, but she also loves taiyaki and fruit soda.
btw, my headcanon that they're omnivorous but lean towards meat-eating comes from this artbook page, where eating fruit is talked about like its like, a new fad that The Kids are doing
least favorite food
She doesn't like things (other than fruit) that are cold and wet. Raw fish and shellfish and (most) pickled and fermented foods are things used in Octarian cuisine that she just can't stand. Caviar is on the fence.
traditional instruments
Nope! She can't play any instruments. The two threads of Octarian music are the older Japanesque tradition and the more recent "octopuses be jockeying discs" electronic retrofuturistic explosion, but she isn't good with either. Loves to listen, though!
octarian superstition
I liked thinking about this, so here's a few! Unsurprisingly (but uniquely, since Inklings don't place nearly as much importance on the number ten,) Octarians find eight to be a lucky number. This carries to four to a lesser degree, while five and nine have bad vibes.
A machine will work better and longer if some part of it has been brought from an older machine-- the longer the previous one had operated, the stronger the effect.
Rapidly moving waves on the ocean mean you have to be careful, because disaster is looming. Since Octarians no longer live where they can see the ocean, though, interpreting the movements of groundwater has evolved into its own kind of fortune-telling.
they also definitely have something like this https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2020/11/19/2003747175
I think Octarians probably come off as more superstitious than Inklings do... wanting to feel in control of a world thats dealt you some shitty hands will do that to ya 
Perhaps surprisingly, it’s very important to Octarians. Since supplies are often tight in the underground, hoarding and selfishness are looked on very poorly. If someone has guests, they try to appear as effortlessly generous-- with the assumption that they can rely on others for the same treatment if the roles are reversed. This even applies to a lot of outsiders, since it’s generally assumed that if you were born on the surface but ended up in the Domes, you’re pretty down on your luck.
sleep routine
She’s the kind of person who can’t go on her phone within an hour of falling asleep… needs to achieve mental stillness. Very diligent about washing her face, beak, and aperture before bed, and does stretches.
social media
It does! And she is, though she’s not super online. She’d be on instagram primarily, and on twitter but mostly to follow official accounts. She likes seeing funny tiktoks but is not actually on tiktok.
favorite music
Her preference will always be the in-universe group Turquoise October (who I’ve already linked in the music channel,) but she can also enjoy engaging with some new things. She’s known to jam to Inkling rock music.
getting along with the mun
My autistic ass tends to find interacting with kids kinda high-pressure, and she’s super energetic on top of that… but, she doesn’t hold awkwardness against people, so I think we could hang.
the worst thing to hear
that her home didn’t matter, seeing the sky doesn’t matter, and her efforts prove nothing to the contrary 
misc. fact
Batter’s coif “unspools” when she’s tired, sad, or sometimes when she’s shocked. It just flops forward over her face.
self destructive tendencies
Batter really doesn’t pay much mind to the possibility of damaging her body, and in fact feels a sense of pride and worthiness from subjecting herself to danger. If she wasn’t semiliquid and able to survive much more than a human, she probably wouldn’t still be alive— and even for her species, her borderline-masochistic carelessness isn’t necessarily normal.
bad habits
She drops and does push-ups if she’s more worked up than a situation requires and needs to vent. It’s harmless but can look pretty sudden and weird. 
cutting someone off
I’m… not sure. She craves friendship and is very idealistic, so she really might take a lot of shit instead of “giving up on them.” On the other hand, she did kind of cut everyone out of her life for no reason at all when she ran away, but that wasn’t in response to anything other than her own intense impulses.
She’s not likely to get this from anyone in IDBD, but weapons. They’re very popular with cephalopod kids, Batter doesn’t have any of her own, and it the sentiment that the giver thinks she’s good enough for one would mean a lot. She’s not great at guessing what people want without being told, so when giving gifts she tends to fall back on food— everyone likes that!
the best bait
The promise of strength, for sure— it’s why in the main continuity she’s fighting for her life in Alterna right now.
maybe we’ve moved on from this discussion but! Batter is from a moderately large blended family with her parent (“Dad”) and her stepfather (first-name basis.) She was old enough during the marriage to remember the before-times and is the only child with no relation to Dad Two, but is very beloved by the both of them. Unfortunately, they’re also just… very busy, which is how she managed to sneak out. If they didn’t have other, younger kids to care for, they really might have gone after her, but the fact that they did left them in a huge bind. There aren’t really any authorities they can call once she crossed the border, so they’re just waiting and trying to have faith that, like she wrote, she is going to come back.
Batter is generally pretty earnest and not easily shamed, but gets utterly humiliated when people see her bad aim.
Batter is in a kind of weird situation, because Halloween does exist in her universe… it’s just not common to celebrate it where she comes from. Trick-or-treating and dressing up are conflicting to her because she isn’t sure if she’s too old for all that. I think she could get into going to haunted houses or halloween rides, though.
GCR winter
Their "winter" would be pretty familiar to her, though, in a bittersweet way. The underground civilization she comes from has genuine scarcity problems, especially with electricity, so shutting/cutting down power for a period is a pretty common event. She... really hated this, back home. Maybe experiencing a similar darkness in an environment of rest and thoughtfulness would do her some good in reconciling her fears about blackouts.
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a-earthssprout · 3 years
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🌻🍯 OOC. hello there, & welcome to the blog ! 💖 this pinned post has everything you might be looking for regarding Ari & the guidelines that this blog follows. a few quick things are provided below:
OC, MULTI - MUSE, MULTI - VERSE & CANON friendly ! 🌻
in case it is not understood despite otherwise mentioned, Ari is 6 YEARS-OLD ! please keep this in mind when sending asks / wanting to interact. mun, however, is 21+ ( 23, to be exact ! ) & despite there being absolutely no 18+ / nsfw content on this blog whatsoever, I do prefer to only interact with writers who are 18+. 😊
Ari is a child that loves nature 🌼🌿 often she’s found outside exploring & placing every little critter that she finds on her body to join her on her adventures. this means that she is often searching for or carrying around bugs, snails, harmless snakes, butterflies, frogs & other creatures alike, & that their company may come with heavy description of feeling and / or appearance in our threads. PLEASE let me know if you have triggers or issues with these sorts of creatures being mentioned in writing or otherwise & specify exactly what makes you uncomfortable so I know to not include it in our threads ! as for content on the blog, everything reblogged that includes the above will be tagged with a TRIGGER WARNING ( i.e. “bugs tw” ) your comfort is very important, so please do not feel bad reaching out with requests for anything to be tagged / things to not be mentioned 🌷
ACTIVITY can fluctuate due to mun’s current afflictions / things she do be goin’ thru. to briefly outline—mun is autistic, has ocd & anxiety, & suffers from chronic pain ( back, jaw, wrists ) sometimes I can get a little overwhelmed by these hurdles & need a bit of time to recover from flare - ups 😔 but I appreciate your consideration & understanding ! know that if you’re going through anything yourself, you always have my support & patience 😊
this blog is using the beta text editor w/ the Trim Reblogs function from XKit Rewritten. any threads that I have with those who are have not made the switch from legacy to beta / are still using Editable Reblogs from New XKit will be tagged as ' legacy post. ' these posts may not look as neat as others. to all legacy users who are writing with me: fair warning that our threads may look wonky ! 😥 feel free blacklist the tag ! thank you for your understanding 🌷
mun info: winnie 🍯 // she / her // 23 // pasta obsessed 🍄
below you can find some fun links to things you might need on your time here !
🌻 carrd / permanent starter call / interest checker / inbox memes 🌻
✉ ask box: open & accepting ! 🌷
📝 threads, starters, & plotting: always accepting ! 🌻😊
as always, the ask box & im’s are open to any questions that you may have. we hope to see you outside ! 😊
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storiesungaa · 3 years
mobile rules & information
about: this is an indie mutuals only rp blog for a multimuse with various fandoms from tv shows, movies, anime, and video games. mun is 25+, genderfluid lesbian, goes by he/him pronouns (but i am genderfluid so i don’t mind she/her pronouns, most just call me he/him) online and name Jay. Previously known as Ares and Snow.
Callout culture: Do not involve me in this. Period. I want no part of it and will block as soon as I see it, tagged or not. I believe it does more harm than good and something like tha is extremely harmful..
content: there will be some pretty heavy material featured here. such as suicidal thoughts, mentions of rape, incest, and anything else I want to write. I will not tolerate hate being sent to me about this and I will block anyone who tries to police me. The only hard limit i have and absolutely refuse to write is pedophilia.
Don’t ever be afraid to ask me to tag something!
side note: if you believe fiction equals reality, please don’t follow me.
discord: is open to those who follow me. simply ask for it. i do not write on discord though. ooc contact is highly encouraged!
disclaimer: i'm in no way affiliated with any of the actors, fandoms, or characters on this blog.  Banners, promos, and icons belong to me. Theme was made by inkfated.  all screencaps used to turn into icons on this blog are not mine and belong to their rightful owners. Lara Croft screencaps come from soulcluster. tsunade icons belong to hellspath. rectangle tsunade icons belong to me. Some psds are not mine. Credit to iconholic for Red Velvet psd. Credit to plutocommissions for psd 183 - wild. some psds used are made by rivercraze
Drama: There won’t be any. I’m too old for tumblr’s drama, if you try to start something, make me choose, or drag me into drama - you will be blocked.
DNI’s will get you blocked. I don’t agree with making people choose between people when there are things like blacklist and tumblr’s own filtering system to help you avoid a person
Hate: Character hate, show hate, etc will get you unfollowed. I don’t have time for that negativity, pls tag it so I can filter it out, thank you.
IMs: pls refrain from sending me multiple messages all at once as I’m autistic and it sends me into sensory overloads!!
follow/unfollowing: i usually follow back pretty quick. if i don't follow within a week, i'm probably not going to follow back. 9/10 i do follow back. i will not follow if i see vaguing, callouts, or any sort of drama on blogs. i also will not follow any under the age of 18.
if i’ve been following you for a month and you don’t interact with me within that time limit, I’m unfollowing. I won’t soft block because I’m totally okay with people still following me but I don’t see the point in following if we’re not gonna write.
If I do not follow you back, do not message me asking to write or become mutuals - you will be blocked.
If I block you, do not come to me asking why. It will only get you blocked all over again. Do not ask why i’ve unfollowed you, either.
side note: if you’re the type to blindly believe a callout because that’s what everyone else is doing  save yourself the trouble and don’t follow me.
Memes: Send as many as you want for as many muses as you want just be sure to specify muse or they’ll get deleted! Always feel free to turn meme answers into threads, too.
Do not use me as a meme resource. Send something in or reblog from the source, please.
note:  if you send memes multiple times and there’s clearly a way to continue them, ESPECIALLY if we’ve never interacted before, and you keep sending memes but have NO INTENTIONS on replying to them, I will be less likely to respond to them. memes, in my eyes, are used as alternatives to starters. if you don’t respond to them after i’ve responded to quite a few, that’s me putting work into it for no reason really, so yeah.
My triggers: Sharks. That’s it. Just tag pictures of sharks for me please
nsfw: smut will be present here. i can not play the dominant party in smut, please don't ask me too. if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can fade to black, easy peasy. i won't make myself uncomfortable for some smut. All muses involved in smut or ships are 18+. If you think that aging them up is pedophila, do me a favor and get off my blog. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
OCS: I love them. Send them my way, please!
OOC:  I post ooc, sometimes quite a bit, sometimes rarely. I am human and I will act as such. I will not tag ooc posts mostly bc i’ll forget. Sorry if that bugs people but like i said, I’m human and I like to write things down and share things with the dash.
OOC note: please do not flirt with me or ask me to date you, thank you!
Shipping: all muses are LGBT+ in some shape or form so if you want to ship, just let me know. They’re pretty open to anyone, though gay and lesbian muses will stay gay and lesbian. I ship toxic pairings and incest so if that’s your cup of tea, just lemme know, and we can work something out if not? That’s alright too!!
As previously stated, all ships and smut scenes are involved with characters 18+. I will never under any circumstance write something with underage characters. Characters, however, can be aged up but are never simply just for the sake of smut. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
wait time: sometimes i can take months, sometimes seconds, sometimes days. I’m not a fast rper, please respect this.
writing: i generally prefer writing multi-para or novella. one-liners or one-paragraphs usually end up getting dropped or made into much longer threads as i have absolutely no chill. 
edit: from now on any drafts that are below three paras will be deleted, i don’t have muse for short things.
End note: Do me a favor and like this post if you’ve read my rules. Not needed but deeply appreciated. Also below you’ll find important links:
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gwynblcidd · 3 years
about: this is an mutuals only indie blog for a Geralt of Rivia. Book, Game, and Netflix based.. mun is 25+, i'm genderfluid and my pronouns are primarily he/him and they/them. she/her is fine but it is not prefered like those are. my name is Jay. Previously known as Ares and Snow. previously witcherblooded. 
important note: this is a pro netflix blog. if you hate the show, tag your hate or don’t follow me.
Callout culture: Do not involve me in this. Period. I want no part of it and will block as soon as I see it, tagged or not. I believe it does more harm than good and something like tha is extremely harmful..
content: triggering matieral will be present. please blacklist tags in the form of (trigger here) tw
Don’t ever be afraid to ask me to tag something!
side note: if you believe fiction equals reality, please don’t follow me.
discord: is open to those who follow me. simply ask for it. i do not write on discord though. ooc contact is highly encouraged!
disclaimer: i'm in no way affiliated with any the Netflix series, the author, Henry, or Geralt of Rivia. psd belongs to rivercraze and theme background and promo made by cterglow, dash icon, and icons were all made by me.
Drama: There won’t be any. I’m too old for tumblr’s drama, if you try to start something, make me choose, or drag me into drama - you will be blocked.
DNI’s will get you blocked. I don’t agree with making people choose between people when there are things like blacklist and tumblr’s own filtering system to help you avoid a person
Hate: Character hate, show hate, etc will get you unfollowed. I don’t have time for that negativity, pls tag it so I can filter it out, thank you.
interactions: I LOVE multiple threads with someone, if you let me, I’ll have 100 threads with people. I also, sometimes, NPC characters to help move threads along and build plots, if you’re not okay with that, please just let me know. Ciri will be heavily featured as NPC when not interacting with other ciris.
IMs: pls refrain from sending me multiple messages all at once as I’m autistic and it sends me into sensory overloads!!
follow/unfollowing: i usually follow back pretty quick. if i don't follow within a week, i'm probably not going to follow back. 9/10 i do follow back. i will not follow if i see vaguing, callouts, or any sort of drama on blogs. i also will not follow any under the age of 18.
if i’ve been following you for a month and you don’t interact with me within that time limit, I’m unfollowing. I won’t soft block because I’m totally okay with people still following me but I don’t see the point in following if we’re not gonna write.
If I block you, do not come to me asking why. It will only get you blocked all over again. 
side note: if you’re the type to blindly believe a callout because that’s what everyone else is doing  save yourself the trouble and don’t follow me.
Memes: Send as many as you want!!! i love them
Do not use me as a meme resource. Send something in or reblog from the source, please.
note:  if you send memes multiple times and there’s clearly a way to continue them, ESPECIALLY if we’ve never interacted before, and you keep sending memes but have NO INTENTIONS on replying to them, I will be less likely to respond to them. memes, in my eyes, are used as alternatives to starters. if you don’t respond to them after i’ve responded to quite a few, that’s me putting work into it for no reason really, so yeah.
My triggers: Sharks. That’s it. Just tag pictures of sharks for me please. not exactly a trigger but please also tag negativity.
nsfw: smut will be present here. i can not play the dominant party in smut, please don't ask me too. if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can fade to black, easy peasy. i won't make myself uncomfortable for some smut.
OCS: I love them. Send them my way, please!
OOC:  I post ooc, sometimes quite a bit, sometimes rarely. I am human and I will act as such. I will not tag ooc posts mostly bc i’ll forget. Sorry if that bugs people but like i said, I’m human and I like to write things down and share things with the dash.
OOC note: please do not flirt with me or ask me to date you, thank you!
Shipping: Geralt is multi ship and pansexual so he’s open to anyone regardless of gender (or lack of) and species.
i’m VERY selective with shipping geralt with triss/ write with triss’ in general because of what she did to him. the fandom has a bad habit about ignoring it and i just can not. this does not mean i won’t write/ship with triss’ but it needs to be acknowledged instead of ignored.
since it was ignored that triss assaulted geralt in the show, show triss’ are safe from mine and geralt’s harsh treatment towards triss, because it’s not their fault. while yes it’s nice to have it acknowledged, a lot of show watchers know nothing about the books, so i will not fault them. 
the only way show triss aren’t safe is if they’re also book based or the show acknowledges it in the future.
wait time: sometimes i can take months, sometimes seconds, sometimes days. I’m not a fast rper, please respect this. this is also not my only blog.
writing: i generally prefer writing multi-para or novella. one-liners or one-paragraphs usually end up getting dropped or made into much longer threads as i have absolutely no chill.
edit: from now on any drafts that are below three paras will be deleted, i don’t have muse for short things.
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Read before you interact or follow
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~ Hi I'm Peach!!! I'm 25, autistic, a writer, and have a huge thing for big monsters and characters in masks! ~
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• !!!THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG, HAVE YOUR AGE IN BIO OR PINNED POST OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED INSTANTLY!!!! Putting "18+" or "Adult" does not count. Have your AGE or birth year or put smth like "Mun is over 18" or "I am in my 20s" if you want anonymity still!!! I just want clarity :D
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Too shy to reblog? Too shy to leave a comment or tags on it? You can also find all the fics I write on ao3 and leave an anonymous comment OR send me an anonymous comment through my inbox :D
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Spam REBLOGS are appreciated and I will make out with you on sight! Big love!!! Esp with nice tags! I love u sm!!!!!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Tldr: Age in ur bio, Too shy to rb/interact, go to ao3 or my inbox and leave an anonymous, nice comment :D
More details under the cut! Plz read!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Requests OPEN for: IMAGINES OR HEADCANONS (Rules found HERE)
• Requests CLOSED for: MATCHUPS (Rules HERE)
• Requests OPEN for: FULL FICS (Rules here)
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Other blogs + sites
• Sfw blog: @plumppeachprincess
• Nsft images, gifs, and art (and stuff THIS blog would probs get flagged for) can be found here: @plumppeachydoll
• Twitter: PlumpPeachyGirl
• 18+ Cohost: UnholyPlumpPrincess
• Sfw Cohost: PlumpPeachPrincess
• Links:
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~ Faq ~
• Why reblog over Like/Heart? I Write for me and because I love creating! I Post for praise much like a dog bringing you a ball and hoping for a "Omg good job!!!"
I don't so much hate Liking/Hearting so much as I hate not having Anything to go on. Tags or comments Keeps me posting for all of you to see! :D
It's also v rare writers get the same love as artists bc most people "admire quietly" but now more than ever it's SUPER important to tell ur fav writers u love em! Esp with how dire the world acts when ao3 goes down but then no one shows love to the fics they care about :(
Too many people who create, artists and writers alike, have quit their hobby altogether from it. So let's keep people creating by spreading their craft!
• I'm not comfortable putting my age in my bio. Can I just DM you? No. I do a sweep once a month to make sure no minors are following me and I'll forget you told me. I have ways around it up above where you can still have anonymity. But I'm an adult blog. You wouldn't go to a club without your ID bc it shows ur of age, and I won't let you on here without an age indicator.
Just like going to a club; No ID no entrance. No age indicator, no entrance.
• Commissions? Nah! I live for nice comments, tags, nice asks, and reblogs instead! Those make me happiest so please support me that way :D
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
• Wanna make my day? Reblog prior works you loved and leaving nice tags, comments, or any nice anons sent my way. 💕💕 Worried cause you're a sfw blog? Tutorial on how to make side blogs HERE
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The usuals (Racists, terfs, exclusionists, transmeds, etc), and minors!
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the-sleuthy-one-a · 3 years
my url?
@clevvered for this meme !
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Hermione my darling!! Although I'm quite a bit disenchanted with HP and absolutely hate Just Kidding Rowling, I became very quickly attached to Hermione back when I first watched the first movie, and later read the book. Her dedication to knowledge is so admirable and I always found it so endearing how passionately and confidently she'd share information with others; and on that note, the eye-rolls and teasing she'd encounter as a result was something I related to and sympathised with. And of course, Hermione just has the biggest heart; I can't not like a character who cares so much about not just her friends, but also important issues like the discrimination in the magical world.
How they play them: I think Rose plays a brilliant Hermione!! JKR's habit of changing aspects of a character and pretending she always intended for them to be that way really pisses me off, but I love how Rose takes the black Hermione portrayal and actually thinks about how her race would effect her actions and how she views the world. Also! Portraying Hermione as autistic makes me so happy! That girl is neurodivergent for sure and Rose doesn't shy away from talking about Mione's autism and everything it encompasses. Also just..her dialogue is always spot on. I can really hear Hermione's voice in Rose's writing!
The Mun: Rose is always so lovely to chat to!! She's always been friendly and welcoming, and discussing character interactions with her is always fun! I also think it's admirable how she balances her other rp blogs too!!
Do I
RP with them: Yes <3
Want to RP with them: *Alan Rickman voice* Always.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Lovely writer and person, with an excellent portrayal :)
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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