#//sorry for what you're about to go through tony my man
gas-stxtion-a · 2 years
continued from here: [x]
This wouldn't be the first time Roe had been startled by modern things, first in Hell with her new ears, now in Earth as she returned to the familiar ones, everything sounding muffled compared to them and she absolutely hated it. Still, she knew how to listen carefully thanks to those hunting trips, taking note of every creak and general noise of the place. Her eyes remained trained on him.
She knew better than to come off as suspicious right off the bat or lose her manners for the one person that could help her, the place seeming mostly abandoned except for him. She'd spent enough years being a suck-up to play the role convincingly, avoiding the topic of her clothes and trying to bring the least amount of attention to it as possible as she covered the marks on her arms with her hands.
So, she manages a small smile, taking a few more moments to settle herself before walking up to the counter.
She has a very careful way of walking, not touching the counter as she reached it and keeping her hands put on her arms as she lets out a quiet breath to calm herself. This was fine, not everyone was keen on shooting every possible demon they met, and if he was that type she thought he'd have shown that by now. Still, she knew better than to relax just yet.
The man looks calm, which is a good sign, not that anyone would remember her. Her brother is the one that should take all the credit considering...things. She swallows at that thought, forcing herself to stand up straight and not look so concerned.
Roe doesn't want to suspect the man, whose seemingly just some scruffy gas employee trying to get on with their day. Unfortunately, she had to drop in, always the bearer of bad news it seemed. Her ears would go back at his smile if she still had them, uncertain of what it meant and not trusting his friendly tone.
"No, that's fine. I'm just a jumpy person is all," she assures him, then, noticing the look outside, "It's just me I'm afraid. It's very quiet tonight, isn't it? Although I suppose that's better than you, must mean less work for you um," she let out a nervous laugh as she looked for a name tag, eventually spotting it, "Antonio".
She puts a hand on her heart as she introduces herself.
"I'm Roe, and I think I'm just a little bit lost so, if you'd mind telling me where this is exactly, I'd really appreciate that," she says, trying to sound as innocent about it as she can, upholding her smile.
The girl seems to take a moment to calm her nerves, and Antonio takes the moment to get a proper second look at her. Just as he thought, she looks human, though her clothes are old-fashioned to the point that the thought that she must be one of those historical reenactment types pops into his head. He dismisses the thought almost as soon as it forms, though--it’s far too easy and convenient a solution, sounding more like something Jack would say.
Antonio is careful to keep his expression neutral and pleasant as he turns his head casually to look out at the parking lot once more. Just like before, it’s empty, and as far as he can tell, the girl doesn’t have anyone tailing her. He also can’t see anyone hiding in the shadows at the edges of the lot, either, meaning that there likely isn’t anyone there either.
… Not that any of that makes Antonio feel more secure. All that means is that whoever might have sent this girl is good at hiding.
Making sure not to show any of these thoughts on his face, he turns his attention back to the kid. The gears are turning steadily in his mind, and he absently starts tapping his fingers against the counter. By now, the girl has started to approach, and Antonio continues smiling pleasantly, though he allows himself to furrow his brow in concern. From the way she walks, she’s clearly terrified, though that could easily be an act as well.
What isn’t an act, though, is the flash of anxiety Antonio sees in her expression in response to his friendly tone. Immediately, he dials it back a little and allows his smile to fall, ever so slightly.
“Well, that’s fair enough,” he says. “Still, apologies for startling you, ma’am.” With one hand, he turns down the music, though he doesn’t turn it off entirely. If he wants to better hear what’s going on, he’ll need it to be quiet, but he’s not going to tip the girl off that he’s suspicious of her by turning it off entirely.
What she says next catches his attention, and he curses internally for being so obvious in his looking around. She picked up on the fact that he was checking for someone else, and now if he wants to keep up the friendly facade and determine what’s happening, he’s going to have to do damage control. Backpedaling will only be more suspicious, so instead he nods and smiles.
“Nothing to be afraid of,” Antonio tells her, the lie falling smoothly from his lips. There is always something to be afraid of, especially around here. “I was just looking around--we don’t get a lot of customers this time of night.” He chuckles, shrugging his shoulders slightly. “Still, there’s always things to do around here. Never a dull moment at this gas station!”
His smile twitches just a bit when she addresses him by name after a glance at his name tag. He’s never liked it when customers address him by name, but the name tag is one of the only parts of the uniform at the gas station that the owners actually enforce, so he doesn’t get much of a choice in wearing it.
Roe. Interesting name. Vaguely familiar, but Antonio can’t quite place it right now. It’s clear that she’s trying to appear innocent, and that alone already has him bristling internally. Still, he makes sure to stay friendly.
“Well, Roe,” he says, offering her a sympathetic smile, “you’re in southwestern Georgia, a mile or two out from I-75.” As he speaks, he makes sure to watch her expression, seeing if this information means anything to her. If he’s guessing right, much of it won’t. He doesn’t tell her the name of the town nearby, not yet. Hopefully, she’ll just assume that there aren’t any notable towns nearby (which isn’t exactly wrong).
0 notes
kujousgf · 1 year
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THERE'S JUST ONE THING I WANT (your blood all over me)
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pairings: final girl!reader + slashers!wandanat, pre-established bucky + reader
summary: movie night at your boyfriend bucky's on friday the 13th, what could go wrong?
warnings: depictions of violence and murder, cult dynamics (cult leader wanda), character death (not reader), cheating, manipulation, patriarchal ideals, misogyny, power dynamics, pet names, mommy kink, dom!natasha, sub!reader, dom!wanda, fingering, groping
wc: 5.7k~
A/N: sorry bucky...
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Friday the 13th, a universal day of bad luck and bad omens. You were never one to be overly superstitious, you did have a black cat, Liho, after all, but something about this just felt like a bad idea. Bucky had proposed the idea of having a movie night of sorts to celebrate the unofficial holiday, wanting to invite some friends over and watch a few horror movies. He explicitly wanted to ‘watch Parker piss his pants over a little movie,’ which you rolled your eyes at. 
“I don't know if this is a good idea, Buck…” You sigh, looking up at the taller man through your lashes, your arms wrapped around yourself. “Oh, come on, it'll be fun. Who doesn't love a good horror movie?” He laughs, though he knows you don't, “besides, I'll keep you safe. Don't worry.” He pulls you into him, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You know I don't like those kinds of movies,” you huff, “and your friends are always… weird.” You mumble, burying your face in his chest. He sighs above you, starting to run his fingers through your hair, “I know, I know, but it'll just be one movie. And it's just the guys! They're harmless, come on, you know that!” His tone is lighthearted, but he tugs a little on your hair at the last part. “You can invite some of your friends,” he offers, “who've you been hanging out with lately? Wanda? Natasha? Carol?” and then he quickly changes his mind, he doesn't like her attitude towards either of you, “Ugh, no, don't invite Carol… How about that Kate girl? You can invite the redheads and Kate?” 
“...okay, but promise you won't pick one that's too scary?”
“Promise, scaredy cat.”
Friday comes quickly and you're currently preparing for Bucky’s friends to come over, making sure there's cold beer in the fridge and snacks for them to eat. Your boyfriend was setting up the television apparently, telling you that you were always better in the kitchen than he was and then disappearing into the living room. Some of your friends were coming too, which you were grateful for. You had debated inviting Carol even though Bucky said not to, but decided against it. Wanda and Kate would be here soon, but Natasha said she had something she needed to do with Yelena tonight and wouldn’t be able to make it. 
You play with the ring around your finger before you start to put bowls and dishes on the island’s countertop in front of you, humming softly to yourself as you make sure it looks presentable. You were never one to like an ugly spread. Bucky chooses this time to come into the kitchen and wrap his arms around your waist from behind, “see? Told you, you’re so much better in the kitchen than I am.”
“You’re just saying that because I cut up some plums for you.”
“You got me.” He chuckles, reaching forward to grab a slice of the fruit, “the boys should be here soon, you should get changed.” He pats your bare thigh, the shorts you’re wearing are decidedly too short for him, and then pulls away from you and starts to walk away. 
“You didn’t seem to mind my outfit earlier!” You call out after him teasingly, and he just turns around to give you a pointed look, opening his mouth to speak before promptly closing it when he hears a car pull into the driveway. “That must be Steve. Go get changed.”
“I’m going, I’m going.”
It did turn out to be Steve, and you greet him after you’ve come back downstairs. This time dressed in a pair of jeans and a brown sweater. Bucky’s friends arrive in quick succession after that: Steve, Sam, Tony, Peter (Quill, not Parker. Parker couldn’t make it), and even Rhodey showed up which was apparently something of a miracle. Wanda’s friend Vision was away for work, otherwise you might have asked her to bring him too. You sip on a drink in the kitchen with Wanda while you wait for Kate, it was far too loud in the living room with all the boys. Especially because Tony had started drinking. You don’t envy Pepper, the man could be loud while sober, so this was almost unbearable. You remind yourself that they’re Bucky’s friends and it’s just one evening, he’ll make it up to you tomorrow. 
“You know, you could have just told him we were going out and you wouldn’t have had to deal with all of this,” Wanda hums, lifting her glass up to her lips and taking a sip of wine, “I know how much you hate these kinds of movies.”
“I know, but he seemed excited about it, and you know him… I don’t want to be down on something he’s actually excited about.” You lean against the counter, holding your glass in both hands against your chest. “He said he’d pick a movie that wasn’t too scary, but we can probably get away with just being in here for the whole night. It’s not like they’ll really notice.”
“You don’t think Bucky will notice if you’re not within two feet of him at all times? You must have forgotten who you’re talking about.” Wanda laughs humorlessly, a tight smile on her lips. None of your friends were particularly… fond of your boyfriend. It’s not that they hated him, he could be a nice guy, it’s just that sometimes the way he treated you was more like the way you’d treat a child or a trophy than a girlfriend.
Just then Bucky’s voice interrupts the two of you with a ‘babe!’ and you excuse yourself from the kitchen. You’re semi-grateful for it, not wanting to get into this Wanda right now, but you wanted to avoid the guys for longer than you were able to.
It turns out he had just wanted another beer, which you brought him and he accepted with a kiss to your cheek. You’re certain that Peter was going to ask for one too until he and Bucky had some sort of silent conversation, so you slipped out of the room to avoid whatever the outcome might have been. Things between the two of them could get tense. 
Wanda gives you a look when you re-enter the kitchen and you shrug, “he was having some sort of debate with Steve, he didn’t want to lose his train of thought.”
“Uh huh…” The strawberry blonde opens her mouth to say something else, but she’s cut off when she hears a sharp, feminine scream pierce her ears. A scream that she knows doesn’t belong to the horror movie everyone is supposed to be watching tonight. She gives you an indecipherable look, and you look back at her with wide eyes, frightened. “Was that… the movie? Buck didn’t say he was starting it yet…”
She doesn’t answer you, waiting to see if maybe she can hear the background noise of a movie coming from the living room, maybe they decided on a different movie. But when she doesn’t hear anything besides confused chatter she can’t quite decipher she shakes her head, “I don’t think so.”
You’re soon joined by Bucky and the rest of the guys in the kitchen when he rushes in to make sure the scream he heard wasn’t, in fact, his girlfriend. “What the hell was that? Are you okay?” He holds you at arm’s length to inspect you, making sure you weren’t hurt. You could be a little clumsy, and he knows you’ve been drinking some wine, so he thought maybe you had decided to cut up some fruit and dropped the knife, accidentally cutting yourself. But after a quick once over, he realizes that you’re fine. 
“I-I don’t know. Wanda and I were just talking in here and then we heard a scream. I thought maybe you started the movie without us. Do you think someone’s hurt somewhere? Oh God, this is exactly how those horror movies you like so much start out. I told you doing something like this today was a bad idea, Buck–”
The back door opens and you barely hear it, still rambling until Bucky puts his hand over your mouth. You furrow your eyebrows, and you’re about to move his hand to tell him off, who cares that his friends are here, until you hear a set of footsteps and realize that everyone is standing still and tense. Bucky’s house had a bit of an odd layout. Whereas other houses kitchen’s were in the back of the house, his was near the front. 
Your boyfriend was always hyper vigilant, even when there was no reason to be, but when he brings his finger up to his lips to signal you to be quiet, you think that maybe there is a reason this time. Even Tony seems to have shut up, looking slightly concerned. Maybe all your talk about bad omens was getting to everyone. 
There’s a tension in the air and everything is silent for a moment until the footsteps continue, getting closer and closer…
Your breath gets caught in your throat when a masked figure steps through the doorway. They have a long, sharp, knife-like blade in one hand, the front of their shirt and mask splattered with blood. In the other hand, you see a coat you recognize, one you know belongs to Kate, splattered and stained with blood. Wordlessly, they hold it up and tilt their head, their green eyes sparkling at the recognition and horror on your face. A scream rips through your throat before you can stop it.
Bucky turns and he’s quick to push you behind him as soon as you scream while everyone else is frozen in place, eyes wide with shock. “Very funny guys, love that you hired an actor to scare the shit out of my girlfriend, very clever. When I said I wanted to scare her, I meant with the movie. So she would be extra clingy tonight, so we could– not the point. This isn’t cool.” His tone hardens with the last three words, feeling the way you’re shaking slightly behind him from fear. 
“Buck, we didn’t… this isn’t us.” Sam speaks up and the masked stranger decides that this is enough talking for now before they surge towards Peter, who’s drunk enough to move just a bit too slowly. Their knife plunges into his stomach and he lets out a loud yell, drink dropping from his hand and glass shattering against the floor, doubling over when the knife is taken out and then plunged into his flesh again and again and again. 
The action is enough to snap everyone out of their frozen states and send everyone running in a panic. You vaguely hear a ‘holy fuck!’ before Bucky grabs your hand and drags you out of the room, planning to circle around the killer and then exit the house. He lives at the end of a relatively secluded street, but he has his car and if he can get to it, he knows he could get the both of you away from danger quite quickly. He’d be sorry about his friends, but he can always make new ones. 
“B-Buck, wait! We can’t just leave Wanda, what if she’s next? Please, we can't just leave. That was Kate’s coat, they got Kate. We can’t leave everyone.”
“We might get killed and you're worried about that redheaded b– fine, we can make sure Wanda’s okay.” He concedes when he sees your face, pulling you into the bathroom with him and shutting the door. He takes a breath and then locks it. If all else fails, the two of you can stay in here until morning, but right now he apparently needs a new plan.
He pats his pockets to try and find his phone, if nothing at all he needs to call the police. He groans when he realizes he left it on the couch. “Fuck.”
At some point you and Bucky get separated, it's hard to stay together in chaos like this. Maybe going back for Wanda was a bad idea, but you just couldn't leave her to fend for herself, especially after what you can only assume happened to Kate. And seeing what happened to Peter, you couldn’t let that happen to her. Stupid, maybe, but she was one of your closest friends. 
You don't know how long it's been until you find yourself in a group again. Except now you're missing Peter, Tony, Steve and Rhodey. By the look on Bucky’s face, you know they all must have suffered the same fate as Peter.
“What do we do, man? We could try to leave, but that only got Steve killed. Did anyone call the cops? I can't find my phone.” Sam paces the room.
Steve’s body lays limp and slightly cold on the stone path leading from Bucky’s porch to the driveway. He didn’t get very far.
“I did.” Wanda speaks up from the doorway, keeping watch in the one on the left and scanning the whole room, paying particular attention to the doorway across from her. “I hope they'll be here soon. They might have already been here if James didn't live so far from town.”
“Oh, are you blaming this on me? Are you saying this is my fault?” Bucky shoots a glare towards Wanda. The tension between the two of them was always thick, but right now you think even a knife wouldn’t be able to cut through it. 
“If the shoe fits.”
“Listen here, you–”
“Watch your tone.” Wanda's accent slips out and your eyes flit over towards her.
“Please don't fight, it won't make things better.” Your voice is quiet, scared, as you speak. You stand close to Bucky, arms wrapped around your torso. You're shaking slightly, the image of both Peter and Steve making you nauseous. You hadn’t expected to see him when you walked out the front door, and the image was enough to have you running back into the house. 
Bucky grunts in response and Wanda doesn't say anything, crossing her arms tightly over her chest and looking towards the other entrance of the room you were all in again. 
Perhaps she should have been paying more attention to what's behind her, though, because the masked stranger is suddenly right there. Your eyes widen and you don't have time to warn her before she shrieks as they force her hands behind her back and press a knife against her throat. It's a bit of a struggle, but the masked assailant is clearly strong as they manhandle Wanda into the room. 
“Man, fuck this!”
You, Bucky, and Sam all stand alarmed near the center of the room, looking with widened eyes at the scene in front of you. A beat of silence passes, all that can be heard is labored breathing. And then the knife falls from her throat and Wanda starts to laugh, bent over from the force of it. “Oh, you should have seen your faces!” She laughs like this is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to her before she stops abruptly and stands up, a gun suddenly in her hand, pointed straight towards you. “Come here.” Her accent is back now, the fake American one dropped. 
“W-Wanda, I don’t… what’s going on?” You sniffle, tears falling freely down your cheeks.
“W-Wanda,” she mocks, faux pout on her lips, “Come here.”
“Don’t listen to her. Stay right behind me.” Bucky steps in front of you, shielding you with his body. 
“What a gentleman.” Wanda sneers, gun steadily pointed at Bucky’s chest now. 
“Wanda, sweetheart, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Natasha speaks up, taking the now bloody hockey mask off and revealing herself. It had been so hard for her to keep her comments to herself and remain a mystery this whole time. Usually it wouldn’t be, but today was just so exciting. And it was personal.
Oh, she had been the one to give Wanda the handgun.
“Now what the fuck?” Sam makes the mistake of making himself known again and Wanda rolls her eyes, turning and aiming the gun at him instead. “Oh, shut up.” She pulls the trigger and a bullet goes straight through the man’s skull, blood splattering onto the floor and the wall behind him. He drops to the floor with a thud.
“Jesus Christ! You’re both fucking insane!” Bucky takes a glance towards Sam’s body on the floor, feeling bile rise up in his throat. 
“Buck, I-I’m scared.” You whimper, and he pulls your body against his, hoping to bring you some comfort by running his fingers through your hair. This is not something he ever thought before, but maybe he should have listened to you when you said this was a bad idea. 
Wanda takes a deep breath, her head jerking involuntarily at the sight, like she’d just seen something horrible. “I won’t ask again. Come. Here.” The gun is pointed at you again and her hand shakes slightly. Her eyes flash and you look up at Bucky, afraid she might actually shoot you. “Buck, I-I maybe I should go over. T-To calm her down… I don’t want her to hurt you.”
You sniffle again and he takes five seconds before giving a small nod. “It’ll be okay, baby. They won’t get away with this, I promise, I won’t let them.” He says in a way that he hopes is comforting to you. You hesitate before pulling away from him and slowly walking over to Wanda. 
“Hi, Wands,” you smile up at her sweetly, “did I do good?”
“You would have done better if you didn’t let him put his hands on you like that,” she spits. You pout up at her and she softens slightly, leaning down to kiss you. She knows you were only playing a role, but that didn’t make it better, “you did great, baby.”
“What the fuck is going on!”
You spin around, eyes wild, no longer hiding anything now that the charade has been dropped, angry that your moments with Wanda are still being interrupted. “Will you shut the fuck up for five fucking seconds?! We are trying to have a conversation here.”
Bucky, poor guy, looks the most shocked you’ve ever seen him. He never would have seen this coming, he never could have. This wasn’t like you, you were sweet and quiet and would never speak to him like that. You couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this, not voluntarily. The way you were acting wasn’t making any sense. 
“Baby… Come on, this isn’t like you. Whatever they said to you, whatever they did to you, you can tell me. I can help, I’ll get you out of this, you don’t have to worry.” He chooses almost the exact wrong thing to say, and you grab the gun from Wanda, pointing it towards him. Wanda and Natasha look toward each other, this wasn’t part of the plan. Not exactly, anyway.
"Oh, you can help me?! You'll help me!" You think of these past couple of months, years really, that you’ve spent with Bucky, stuck with Bucky. You did it to yourself upon the request of Natasha, but that doesn’t make it any better. You're practically hysterical at this point, waving the gun in your hand around with your finger on the trigger, "because you're a big strong military man, you can help me! Oh, and I bet you’ll save me too!" You're laughing now, shaking as adrenaline pumps through your veins. "That's what I am to you, isn't it? Proof of your ability as a man to save a woman? Your little trophy to prove that you're a good guy." You point the gun steadily at Bucky now, looking him directly in the eyes, "unfortunately for you, I've never been yours to save."
The thing about your and Bucky’s relationship is that it was never built on anything good. It would have been better, for him mostly, but the both of you, if you had just stayed friends like you wanted to, but he just kept pushing. He loves you, don’t you love him too? He knows you do, he can tell. He’s loved you since middle school and he’s never found the right time to tell you, but now that you’re both starting university, he couldn’t take the chance that you’d find someone else. (Unfortunately for him, you already had. The extra 10 years of friendship Bucky had, had nothing on the connection you had with Wanda and Natasha). 
Bucky watched you grow up, watched you turn to him when your parents fought, watched you take your father’s mistreatment of you and your mother, and watched your little fear of abandonment grow when your father up and left one night. Watched the way you hoped he wouldn’t leave too, took advantage of it, really. And you watched him, watched the cracks in his nice guy persona get bigger, watched as they became canyons when you wedged yourself into them, watched as he hoped, God he hoped that you were your mother’s daughter. 
And Wanda and Natasha watched you both, content to keep your relationship a secret as you explored the ways in which you could exploit Bucky, expose his true colors. They didn’t do very much pushing on your part, they wanted you to be free to make your own decisions. They may be in charge, but this was your idea, they just gave it the green light. Well, Wanda may have planted a few seeds, but that’s what she does. You were free to ignore them if you wanted, but she knew you didn’t. She knew you’d make her plans blossom. 
The switch from hysterics to calm and collected has your boyfriend's head spinning. He doesn't know what part of this is real and what isn't, still half hoping this is some sick prank. Because this isn't like you, it's just not. The first time Bucky had ever shown you one of his guns, you were like a deer in headlights. You'd refused to even touch it, scared of such a weapon, a monster of human creation, you'd called it. That's who his girlfriend was, not this person standing in front of him. This mad woman, this crazy bitch. So this had to be fake, it had to be a prank. 
It's not, of course, because what Bucky doesn't understand is that nothing with him had ever been anything but fake. What Bucky doesn't understand is that even though he's your boyfriend, you've never been his girlfriend, you've been Natasha and Wanda's. You've always been Natasha and Wanda's.
Natasha comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist before pressing a kiss to your cheek, "go on, pretty girl, you can do it," she whispers encouragingly. This may not be a part of the original plan, but the sooner they get this done, the sooner she can take you back to her and Wanda’s apartment. And the sooner Wanda can stop obsessing over this. "Remember how he treated you. Remember how we treat you."
“Be a good girl, we’re so close.” Wanda’s voice hits your ears and it’s like you can’t help but listen to anything she says. You take the shot without a second thought, the bullet going straight through Bucky’s chest as your own chest heaves, your breathing slightly labored. You’re still holding the gun towards him as his eyes widen and he drops to the ground, touching the wound like he can’t believe what just happened. He chokes slightly, coughing, as blood starts to spill past his lips and you shut your eyes. If only he hadn’t turned into such a rotten guy, he would have survived. 
You feel Wanda’s soft hand slide up the length of your arm as she slots herself behind you now, Natasha going to check around the house to make sure no one has miraculously survived being slain. A smile graces the Sokovian’s lips and she envelopes your hand in her own, gently transferring the gun into her own grip instead, letting your arm drop to your side before lowering the weapon and tucking it into her back pocket, “you did such a good job, baby. I’m so proud of you.” Her voice is so sweet and loving that your bottom lip trembles involuntarily.
You love Natasha, but Wanda has always had an affect on you, and you know that if the Russian had said the same thing instead, you wouldn’t react this same way. The overwhelming feelings that loomed over tonight come back in full force as you let out the first sob. “Oh, sweet girl,” Wanda coos, turning you in her arms and bringing you against her, holding you tight, “such a big night for you, huh? But you know that what you’ve done is for the greater good, right? You know that, don’t you?” 
You nod and she kisses the top of your head. “B-But Tasha came early, and I didn’t know that Katie– I thought– Tasha was too early, and I couldn’t tell if–” You can’t get your thoughts together anymore, your mind racing with everything that’s been going through your head since the beginning of the night. The fear for Kate, the confusion when Natasha showed up before 10:02pm, the very specific time she was supposed to, the way Wanda had looked just as confused as you had.
“Oh no, did she scare you?” Wanda laughs lightly, endeared and a little amused, “I’ll have to give Tasha a little talking to. She was a little early, huh?” She smooths her hand along your hair, petting you, “don’t worry about Katie, darling, she’s just fine. You know how Yelena would react if she wasn’t.” 
“I-I know, but–”
“Shhh, I know, sweetheart. It’s okay, you didn’t know. Now, why don’t you give me a kiss, hm? Don’t I deserve a thank you?”
A ‘thank you’ for what, you didn’t know, but Wanda clearly thought she was deserving of one and who were you to question her? You lean up to give her a kiss, your arms wrapping around her shoulders as she grips your waist. You sigh against her lips, feeling yourself relax a little just from the comfort any amount of affection from Wanda gives you. 
“I leave you two alone for five minutes and you’re pretending like I don’t exist.” Natasha stands from where she was leaning against the doorframe as she looks at you and Wanda, “do you have any idea how long I was standing there?” It had only been long enough to catch Wanda’s ‘don’t I deserve a thank you?’ and watch the two of you kiss, but still. 
You pull away from Wanda and huff, your tears now forgotten, “I’m mad at you!” You glare at Natasha and she raises an eyebrow, walking towards you now, “mad at me, зайка?” She furrows her eyebrows slightly, as if she’s confused, and there’s an annoyingly attractive little smirk on her lips as she gets closer. 
She grabs your hips and pulls you away from Wanda and the Sokovian would usually protest against the Russian’s audacity to steal her girl away, but she’s content to watch the two of you bicker for a few minutes. Natasha pulls you against her, “now what did I do to deserve that?” She squeezes your hips softly, looking down at you. “You were early!” You push against her chest before resting your hands there, playing with the fabric of her sweatshirt, “we had a plan!”
“Well, we didn’t exactly stick to the plan anyway, did we, baby? Huh? I don’t think the past 15 minutes were part of the plan. How about you, Wands?” Natasha turns her head slightly and makes eye contact with her girlfriend, to which the strawberry blonde just rolls her eyes, “this is not my problem. She’s not mad at me.”
“We might have if you showed up on time! You scared me, you asshole!”
Natasha is perfectly happy to humor when you’re ‘mad’ at her and even when you play fight against her or hit her, but she is not happy to hear you speak to her like that. Her movement is swift as she reaches up to grab your jaw, her grip harsh as her fingertips dig into your cheeks, “watch your tone and your language, yeah?”
You whine quietly, nodding. Natasha hums, releasing your jaw in favor of patting your cheek, “good girl. Now, why don’t you tell me properly why you’re ‘mad’ at me?” Her next actions contradict her words as she slips her hands underneath your shirt, sliding her palms up your stomach and then back down again.
“You were…” you trail off, distracted by Natasha's hands on you. She slides her hands back up and gropes your covered breasts, “I was?” There’s a smug look on her face as she looks down at you, pleased with how easily she can distract you. “You were early and… and you scared me, I didn’t know it was you.”
“My sincerest apologies, princess,” Natasha slides her hands back down and grabs your waist, squeezing roughly, and then she grins, “I didn’t realize you were so easily scared.” You’re about to curse her out, but she leans down to capture your lips in a kiss before you get the chance. The kiss is sloppy and rough as your hands grip her sweatshirt, tugging her as close as possible. 
Wanda, never one to like being left out, takes her place behind you, sandwiching you between her and Natasha. Her hands slip under your shirt and replace where Natasha’s used to be, cupping your breasts and groping them softly, “let us make it up to you, ангел.”
The sound of Wanda’s soft voice in your ear relaxes you in their arms and you make a noise of agreeance against Natasha’s lips. “My poor little angel,” Wanda murmurs, “my divine little lamb. You didn’t deserve to be scared like that, did you?” Wanda’s questions are almost always rhetorical and you’re glad for that right now. 
One of Natasha’s hands moves from your waist to unbutton your jeans and then slides into your panties. You grip her sweater tighter to try and urge her to move her hand further down, but she leaves it splayed just above your cunt. She pulls away from your lips, the both of you panting as you catch your breath, a string of spit connecting your lips and then dripping down.
“Say please, зайка. Just because I’ve upset you doesn’t mean you lose your manners, does it?”
“Please, Tasha. Please touch me.”
“Tell me thank you for what I did today.” She’s trying to stay in control of herself, but you can tell from her labored breathing and the flush of her neck that you’ve affected her. 
“I’m so happy you freed me, Tasha. Thank you. I’m so grateful I can be yours forever now. Thank you, thank you.” 
Natasha surges forward and crashes her lips against yours, a moan escaping your lips at the contact. Wanda hums in approval and it lights a fire in both yours and Natasha’s stomachs. You both know, this time, Wanda is only here to watch over the two of you, and to know what you’re doing has her approval means more to the both of you than anything you’ve ever done.
Natasha swallows your gasp when you feel her fingers beginning to rub at your clit, slow circles that work you up at just the right pace. Wanda places small kisses on your neck as Natasha works, groping and squeezing at your breasts as she does. She knows she’ll have you to herself later while Natasha works on cleaning up today’s mess, so she’s content in watching her prized possession feel good.
When Natasha moves her hand further down and sinks two fingers into your cunt, you pull away from her lips and let out a little whimper. Usually, she’d work you up, but she knew the three of you shouldn’t linger in the house longer than necessary. “Shhh, that’s it baby, you can take it.” She lets you bury your face against her chest as she pumps her fingers in and out, grinding the heel of her palm against your clit. 
“There you go, that’s a good girl.” Natasha coos. She’s being uncharacteristically gentle and you think it’s because Wanda is watching or maybe she really does feel bad for scaring you like she did. She holds you tight against her as she leans over you to kiss Wanda. You feel your knees get weak when you realize what’s happening and you clench around Natasha’s fingers. 
They both pay you no mind except for the fact that Natasha’s skilled fingers are still working against your cunt. She curls them just right and you bite down on her collarbone. She gasps and pulls away from Wanda’s lips, her other hand gripping your waist tighter, her blunt nails digging into your skin and leaving little crescent marks. 
“Forgot our little зайка was a biter.” She grunts.
It’s not long before Natasha’s fingers work you up and push you over the edge, cumming with both her and Wanda’s permission. When Natasha pulls her fingers out you let out a little whine, sensitive from cumming. “Open up, pretty girl.” She brings her fingers up to your lips and you let her push them inside, cleaning your cum from her fingers, your cheeks hot at the action.
Natasha pulls away from you and pushes you to your knees, your shaky legs doing very little to hold you up anyway. Wanda’s fingertips drag across your cheek as she moves in front of you, standing next to Natasha. “What do you say, маленький ангел?” Wanda speaks as she uses her middle and ring finger to tilt your chin up. 
You peer up at them, adoration swimming in your eyes, “Thank you Mommy. Thank you Tasha.”
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Crash and Burn 4
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Tony Stark
Summary: a powerful man comes crashing into your life. Literally.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You shiver and hide behind your eyelids. The air swirls around you in a cyclone as you clasp to the icy metal against you. You can't believe this is happening and yet your imminent doom cannot be denied. 
You squeal as Tony lets you go. You squeeze him tighter, knowing you won't be able to hold on forever. Not with the whipping winds and bone-deep chill.  
You brace yourself, trembling, and your feet meet solid ground. A gentle tap on your side has you tearing away as the dearth of sound and motion hits you like a truck. You look at Tony in defiance, your embarrassment curdling just under your skin. 
"That was fun," he chuckles as his mask retracts to reveal a taunting smirk. 
"Whatever. Go back to New York, I'll find my way--" 
You turn and swallow your words. Your grandmother's house is right behind you. You peer around and push your shoulders back. You really aren't winning this one. 
"Can't say I never did anything for ya. Lot quicker than the bus," he snorts. 
"Oh," you spin back to him, "so you think this makes us even?" 
"It's a start," he shrugs. "Now," he holds his wrist up as if to check the time and a projection casts from a microscopic projector. He swipes through the wall of text as a lens extends from his suit and hovers in front of his eyes. "If I'm gonna get that trailer, I need to speak with the leasee, a Darlene? Is that mommy?" 
You suck in your cheeks and puff out through you nose. It's like pulling wisdom teeth but you're getting somewhere. You put your hands on your hips and nod. 
"Yeah, I'll go see if she's home." 
"You know, I'm not sure how things work around here," he lowers his arm as the projection disappears and the lens folds back into his suit, "not sure about how things work around here but typically when someone brings you home, you invite them inside." 
You stare at him, your brows arching. He scoffs and tilts his head. 
"Tell ya what, I'll even dust my boots off." 
He kicks his feet and brushes his metal gauntlets of his chest place. All at once the suit folds into itself. You frown and examine him, trying to figure out where it's hiding under his blazer. He straightens his tie and comes out his hair with his fingers.  
"There, all dolled up to meet mom," he winks.  
You chew your lip. He's annoying but he says he's going to help. Besides, you'd rather he deal with your mom and be done with him. 
"Fine, come on." 
You turn and march away. He snickers and follows, "so hospitable." 
"Well, sorry to disappoint but we don't have a butler." You go up onto the low porch and pull open the screen door with a squeak. 
"Huh, that really what you think of me?" He grabs the door above your head as you unlock the inner one. "I sit in my ass all day and drink champagne and smoke cigars? I'll have you know I do all that and save the world when it comes calling " 
"Mm, got it." You drone as you push inside, "mom? Grandma? We got company." 
"Really rolling out that red carpet," he scoffs. 
"Stay here," you say as you head down the hall. 
"You know I don't usually take orders," he intones, his voice drifting off into words you can't make out clearly, "...kinda hot..." 
You don't think it's too bad. Your grandma's place is usually blistering in the summer but it's just about tolerable today. Her bedroom door is closed, signalling she's probably sleeping, but your mother isn't where you expect to her. Her ash tray is on the table but the kitchen is empty. 
The back door is open. You swing open the screen and lean out. She's puffing a cigarette over your grandmother's pansies. 
"Mom, someone's here about the trailer." 
"Tell the damn landlord I'm not payin' til I get a new one," she snarls. 
"It's not him." You insist. 
"Huh, insurance peddler?" She butts out the smoke on the wooden railing, leaving the stub there. 
"Tony Stark." You answer bluntly. 
She cackles, "fucking smart ass. Go away." 
You state at her and she scowls. She huffs and tramps over to you. You hold the door for her and she enters. 
"You and your goddamn jokes..." she grumbles as she crosses the kitchen.  
You stay a few feet back as you follow. She stumbles to a halt as she reaches the doorway. She coughs and looks at you over her shoulder, "holy shit." 
You shrug and shoo her with your fingers. 
"Darlene, wonderful to meet you," Tony sounds almost charming as his footfalls creak on the floorboards. 
"Mr. Stark," she preens. You haven't heard that simper in ages. "What are you doing here?" 
"Well, I did say I'd fix what I broke." He explains. "Really unfortunate what happened. Sometimes we can't avoid a little collateral but just happy no one was hurt." 
"Of course," she chimes. "Well, it wasn't much but it was our home." 
"Humble," he praises. "Your daughter has been a great help too. Such a lovely girl." 
"Eh, oh, I s'pose," her voice slants with uncertainty.  
"We got a lot of details to go over. I had my people come up with some options but I want you to be happy so I'll leave the choice up to you. Gonna take a bit so how about I order dinner. My treat, of course." He pauses and you peek put from the kitchen. He smirks past your mother, "you like pizza?" 
"Oh, Mr. Stark how generous. Whatever you like is good enough for us." She giggles. You wince. She doesn't giggle. 
You retreat back into the kitchen. She's just like those kids clamouring for autographs and the star-struck residents completely unbothered by the burning ruin. They don't see anything but him. 
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traveler-at-heart · 9 months
Across the Natashaverse - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Summary: After you're sent to another world, Natasha has to deal with yourself, from another universe, and a very different life.
Other POV from this fic.
“Put more weight on your left foot” Natasha says, barely checking America’s movements.
Of course she knows this is important. Maria asked her to train Chavez in the basics of hand to hand combat. Her mind is elsewhere, though.
Especifically, you.
Natasha thought she was doing you a favor, she really did. Someone as kind as you could do much better than her. Agreeing to a date would only give you false hope, so she rejected the invitation.
It was foolish of her to think that things would be the same after that. You weren’t distant or rude, though that might have been easier.
Every morning, you’d still have breakfast with her, show her funny videos or tell her about your latest discoveries in the lab with Stark, which in the end, were related to her work as well.
You simply stopped sharing your interests, or going out of your way to seek her company. Long gone were the days of sitting together at the Met while you talked about your favorite paintings. Or the grocery shopping that turned into strolls through Central Park and ended in your favorite bookshop.
All that was left now were pleasantries.
“Am I doing it right?” America asks. She sure as hell isn’t, so Natasha shakes her head, hoping she can manage to focus on the task at hand.
“Stop” she says, stepping on the sparring mat.
“Please don’t tell me you want me to fight you”
“You’re punching the air, Chavez. The only way to learn is by doing. It will be fine”
The girl doesn’t seem too convinced, but Natasha starts with slow movements and corrects America as they go. When the intensity of the training increases, the girl’s powers begin to stir. A yellow flash on the ceiling distracts Natasha, and the next thing she feels is America’s fist colliding with her cheek.
“Crap! Agent Romanoff, I’m so sorry”
But there’s another loud thud, not far from the gym.
“Did you hear that?” Natasha asks, trying to figure what the noise is.
“Take a break” Natasha instructs, looking around the room to check if everything’s alright. The team is still figuring out the extent of her powers and Natasha worries the girl just unleashed a demonic creature or something.
The redhead is so focused on the room, she doesn’t notice someone approaching.
That is, until she feels a hard slap on her ass, and a sultry voice against her ear.
“There’s my favorite ass-assin”
Five seconds later, she has the intruder upside down, back against the floor, gasping for air.
“Baby, I know you don’t like my jokes but this is a little too much, don’t you think?”
It takes her a second to process what’s happening.
“Hey, love” you smirk, all smug despite being knocked down by Natasha. “The weirdest thing just happened, I was going to get a snack because Anya was moody and then fell on my ass right outside the gym”
Natasha stares at you, as if you’re speaking a foreign language. And then it all clicks. The slightly longer hair, how you smell and feel different.
She let’s go of you and starts pulling your shirt by the collar.
“Hell yeah, let’s get naked”
“Where’s your birthmark?”
“I don’t have a…”
“You’re from another world”
“Ah, that’s so sweet…” you try to lean forward and kiss her, but she pushes you away. “Babe, I’m getting mixed signals here”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., call for an emergency meeting”
“I’m sorry, she’s what?” Sam points at you, and Natasha pinches the bridge of her nose.
“She’s from another universe. America must have opened up a portal when we were training”
“Alright, so she just opens it back and we correct the mistake”
“It’s not that simple” Tony walks in.
“Uhm, guys. This meeting should be for Avengers only” you lower your voice, eyeing the man suspiciously.
“Hello? That table you’re sitting in so carelessly. Mahogany. Paid by me”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen this man before”
“A world without Tony Stark” Steve says, amused.
“Must be really quiet in your Compound” Sam says and you smirk.
“Why, no thanks to you. Not with all those super models you’re always bringing back to your room” you raise your eyebrows and Sam’s eyes widen.
“I date super models? I wanna go to her world”
Steve and Tony begin to argue about how that will make the multiverse collapse, when Natasha interrupts them.
“She’s messing with you, idiots”
Tony and Sam look at each other and then at you. You almost fall to the ground as you laugh. Since you’re not helpful, the team ignores you as they keep discussing the best way to identify your reality and correct the glitch.
“Y/N 2.0, we need more information about your… where did she go?” Tony grumbles.
“I got this” Natasha sighs, stomping to the kitchen. Sure enough, you’re rummaging through the fridge, complaining at every item of food you find.
“Don’t you have anything with sugar here?”
“You’re free to prepare anything for yourself”
“Not unless you want the kitchen to explode, Nat”
The redhead pushes you aside, while you look around the living room, inspecting the pictures on every place you can find.
“No wedding? Or Anya?”
“Nope” Natasha says, her voice shaking lightly.
“None of your business” she says, handing you a plate with a sanwich.
“Thanks. How did you know I was lying about Stark and Wilson?”
“Your voice gets all high pitched when you tell a lie” she answers, refusing to look at you.
“Huh” you mumble, taking a bite out of the sandwich. “Um. Is this peanut butter?”
“Would her Highness prefer caviar?” Natasha teases, but turns around and finds you covered in hives. “Shit!”
“That’s fine” you say, struggling to breathe. “Nothing an epi can’t fix, love”
You pass out in the middle of the kitchen, wondering if you’ll leave this foreign universe in one piece.
After leaving you at the medbay, Natasha goes back to the meeting room. She’s examining all the reports and missions that are related to multiverses. It’s a lot to digest, including all the quantum physics.
Alone for the first time since this whole thing started, she finally allows herself the chance to miss you. Right around this time, you’d be making dinner, and she’d be in the kitchen, pretending to help just to be close to you.
What if she never gets you back?
“Hello, there” a voice says. You approach slowly, knowing it’s best not to surprise her.
“How are you feeling? I’m really sorry…”
“There’s no way you could have known. It honestly never occurred to me that things like allergies were different” you say, patting her leg. “Interested in string theory?”
“Yeah, it’s a great ice breaker” Natasha says, and you chuckle. “You don’t seem too worried”
“The America Chavez of my world has had a bit more training. I’m sure I’ll be back home for lunch tomorrow”
“You could have said something!” Natasha feels the need to kick your ass again.
“Hey, I was gonna! And then I almost died”
“What are you so worried about? She’s in a safe world”
“What if your Natasha gave Y/N a similar welcome?”
“Oh, I’m sure she had her pinned to a wall, only for very different reasons”
Natasha turns to you, alarmed. Her jealousy is so obvious that all you can do is laugh.
“There it is. I wasn’t sure you had any feelings towards her. Wanna tell me what happened?” you nudge her chair with your foot and she looks at you, annoyed.
“She asked me out, gave me flowers, I said no”
“Flowers, huh? Well, she’s more romantic than me. Natasha and I were pretending to be a couple for a mission and then I just blurted out I wouldn’t mind doing it again under different circumstances” you explain, laughing at the memory.  “But hey, if flowers and chocolates aren’t your thing, I respect it”
“It’s not like that”
“Then, what is it like?”
She thinks back to all the times you’ve made her feel safe, cared for, loved. You make it look so easy, but for the life of her, Natasha can’t figure out how to reciprocate.
What you make her feel, is too good and beautiful for someone like her.
“I haven’t earned her love” is all she manages to say.
“Natasha” you call, softly, and only speak when she finally turns to you. “You don’t have to do anything to be deserving of love”
There is silence, and then you take her hand in yours.
“Come on, I’m starving. Let’s grab some Chinese”
“Fine. No more peanut butter, though. I don’t want to fight myself if something happens to you”
“Now that would be entertaining”
Next morning, everyone is back in the meeting room. Apparently, due to some bad experiences, they’ve decided you should come back to your world immediately, before the universes collapse.
“I promise you, it will be fine” you insist. Natasha is the only one that seems to believe you, so you save yourself the trouble and spin around in the office chair.
“Can you stop?” Steve says, irritated.
“I’m trying to create a vortex that is powerful enough to send me back to my reality, Steve” but he still glares and you stand up. “Fine. I’m getting a snack”
As you exit the room, Natasha comes running behind you.
“Wait. I wanted to apologize”
“Steve is an old grumpy man, don’t sweat it”
“No, not about that. I’m sorry for… being so hard on you when you first got here”
“We deal with aliens and all kinds of threats.  It’s not so crazy to think that an intruder is dangerous. It’s all good, Nat” you shrug your shoulders.
“I just wouldn’t be ok if your Natasha had acted that way with my Y/N”
“Your Y/N?” you repeat, pleased as Natasha blushes. “Good for you, Romanoff. Get the girl. Trust me when I say, she’ll make it worth it” you wiggle your eyebrows.
“Such a flirt”
“We can’t help ourselves around you, no matter the universe”
You wink, and walk to the kitchen, leaving Natasha in the hallway.
Inevitably, she thinks about you. The one that belongs here, with her. Are you enjoying your time in that other universe? Will you resent her for bringing you back? Maybe that Natasha is more loving and sweet, and you’ll finally realise that she can’t actually make you happy…
Her thoughts begin to spiral again, until the commotion in the room breaks her train of thought.
“Damn, you fell from the ceiling” Sam says, looking up. A yellow portal closes just as Natasha opens up the door. Everyone’s around you, and when your face comes to view, Natasha’s heart almost stops.
There’s a little cut and bruising from the fall, but you’re back.
She pushes everyone, and wraps you in her arms. You return the gesture.
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s me”
She hugs you closer, smiling against your neck.
Natasha’s never letting go again.
“So, tell me everything!” you say, sitting next to Natasha as you drive back home. “Did I tell you I almost died to peanut exposure?”
“Looks like someone had fun” your wife comments and you smile.
“What about you, my love? Did you do anything dirty with my other self?”
“Well, there might have been some kissing and touching before I noticed…”
“Not to brag, but the other Natasha was on top of me” you say, trying to pretend like it’s no big deal your wife kissed another you.
“You pissed her off and she threw you to the ground, didn’t she?” Natasha smirks.
Damn it.
Seeing your daughter brings you back to reality. Fun as it was to be in another universe, your life is perfect here.
“Mommy, are you cooking dinner again tonight?” the girl says as you carry her to the kitchen.
“Uh… let’s have lunch first, yes? Go wash your hands”
Natasha hands you a plate of what the other Y/N made and you gasp.
“Holy crap, this is delicious! Babe, not gonna lie, I wouldn’t have judged you if you fucked her against a wall after tasting her food”
“You’re such an idiot” Natasha rolls her eyes, sitting on your lap and stealing a bite of the pasta. “But you are my idiot”
“Always and in every universe, baby”
You kiss her softly, happy to be home.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 4 months
The Doting Tree
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Summary: During your visit to your grandmother at her assisted living community, you learn that Bucky has been regularly volunteering there as a part of his therapy sessions with Dr. Raynor.
Pairings: Bucky x Platonic reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: None
A/N: Who doesn't want to see Bucky healing?
"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Stark requests your presence in his lab," Friday announced, pulling you out of your intense focus.
"Can it wait, FRIDAY? I'm swamped with overdue mission reports here," you replied, shuffling through the stack of papers on your desk.
“Mr. Stark says you have a phone call,” FRIDAY responded.
“A phone call?” you asked, puzzled, picking up your phone. “No, I don't.”
“In his lab, Ms. Y/L/N,” FRIDAY said.
"Okay,” you said as you rubbed your tired eyes. “Tell him I'm on my way.”
Walking into Tony's lab, you found the genius hunched over his desk, tinkering with one of his holographic interfaces. His phone was propped between his ear and shoulder.
“Really? I had no idea,” Tony said with a surprised look. “Y/N is so at ease on the motorcycle you would never know she didn't learn to ride a two-wheeler until she was nine.”
Your eyes widened. "Oh my God. Who are you talking to?" 
"One moment, ma'am," Tony said before placing the phone against his chest.
"It’s your grandmother," Tony said. "She called the front desk trying to reach you, and they patched her through to me." 
"What? Why didn't they call me?" you said, reaching for the phone as Tony pulled it away. 
"Because this is way more fun," Tony smirked. 
"Gimme the phone!" You snapped.
Tony placed a hand on your forehead to hold you at arm's length like an annoying older brother while putting the phone back to his ear.
"Y/G/N, your granddaughter just walked in. So, I’m going to pass you over to her," Tony said. "No, don't be silly. It's no problem. I enjoyed talking with you, too. Feel free to call back anytime. My pleasure, ma'am. Bye-bye."
You sighed as the billionaire finally handed over his phone, walking back toward the pane-glass windows for some privacy.
"Hi, Grandma," you chirped.
"Hello, dear, so good to hear your voice," your grandmother said.
"How did you end up on the phone with Mr. Stark?" you asked.
"I accidentally deleted your cell phone number, but your mom has your workplace down on this list she made, so I called information and then was connected to your lovely boss," your grandma explained.
"Ah, I see. Well, he’s not technically my boss, more like an annoying man-child who pays for everything," Smirking back at Tony and sticking your tongue out.
Your grandma asked, 'What is this I hear about you riding a motorcycle?”
"Oh, no need to worry. I’m a professional, and it's part of my job," you reassured her.
"Still," your grandma began. "I hope you're wearing a helmet."
"Always, Grandma, don't worry,” you fibbed. “So, how are you?” Doing your best to shift the conversation away from your dangerous life as an Avenger.
"I’m good, sweetheart. I'm just wondering when you're going to visit me. It's been a while since I’ve seen you,” your grandma asked. 
Your heart broke at her words. Your grandma lives in an assisted living community near the compound called The Doting Tree. You did your best to see her often, but the unpredictable nature of your work made regular visits difficult.
“I know; I’m sorry. Things have been hectic lately, and I just got home from a work trip a few days ago. How about I stop by tomorrow around noon?" you asked.
“That would be great," she exclaimed. "See you then!"
"Okay, bye," you said, hanging up Tony’s phone.
You gave Tony his phone back, and he handed you a hundred-dollar bill in exchange.
“What's this for?” you asked.
“I may be an annoying man-child, but even I know you treat Grandma like a queen,” Tony quipped with a wink.
The following day, you joined the rest of the team for breakfast. Wanda had made her special chocolate chip pancakes and fresh orange juice for everyone. You sat beside Bucky and began squeezing Maple syrup over your pancakes. 
Pepper set a plate in front of Morgan and sat beside Tony. "So, what's everyone got lined up for today?"
"Nat and I are getting the recruits up to speed," Steve replied, digging into his pancakes.
“That sounds interesting,” Pepper said.
"It would be interesting if they paid attention this time," Nat remarked, downing the last of her orange juice.
"I always paid attention," you declared confidently.
"Sure, Y/N, you ran those extra laps after training at Nat’s request just for fun," Maria teased.
"Yelena and I are off to an advanced obedience class with Lucky and Fanny," Kate said. "This week, it's all about the army crawling!"
"By the end of the training, they'll be more mission-ready than your little recruits, Natasha," Yelena teased as she cut into her pancakes.
Nat leaned over and flicked her sister's arm.
"Ow, son of a—"
"Language!" Steve interjected.
Yelena was about to retort, but then she caught Morgan's smile and shut her mouth.
"I’m supposed to meet with Secretary Ross, but I'd much rather catch the new Godzilla vs. Kong movie. Anyone up for it?" Rhodes suggested.
"I'm in!" Sam exclaimed. "How about you, Buck?"
"Can't make it; I'm tied up," Bucky replied, sipping his orange juice.
“Come on, man, how often do we blend in with the crowd?" Sam quipped.
"I can't, Sam," Bucky replied with a shrug.
"Your loss," Sam retorted. "What about you, Y/N?"
"I'd love to, but I promised my grandma a visit," you replied.
"That's thoughtful of you, Y/N," Wanda chimed in.
"Oh, that reminds me, guess who didn't learn to ride a bike until they were nine?" Tony butted in enthusiastically.
You rolled your eyes. “And that's my cue to leave," you said, getting up. "Catch you all later.”
You made great use of Tony's money by treating your grandma to a lovely bouquet of roses and a box of her favorite chocolates. When you arrived at The Doting Tree, the scent of Fabuloso greeted you, mixing with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the communal area. Passing through the lobby, you exchanged a warm smile and a wave with Joan, the friendly receptionist stationed behind the oak desk.
You knocked eagerly on the door of room 508, and the sound of your grandmother's footsteps grew louder before she swung open the door.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed.
"Hey, grandma," you greeted her with a smile. "These are for you," you said, handing her the roses and chocolates.
"Oh, you didn't have to, sweetheart," she replied, taking her gifts.
You hugged her and were instantly transported back to his childhood. Her warm embrace was a comfort you didn't know you were missing.
"Please, come on in, Y/N," she said as she broke the hug.
As your grandma whipped up a delightful batch of creamy, rich hot chocolate, the cozy aroma filled the room, enveloping you in warmth and comfort. You lost track of time, immersed in lively conversations and shared memories as you leisurely walked down memory lane. She asked about your work, and you carefully selected the most positive stories to share: the most recent Stark Gala and the Avengers community outreach efforts. You wouldn't dream of telling her about the near miss on your last mission when Nat's impressive scissor-leg neck grab saved you from a potentially fatal situation.
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by," your grandma exclaimed, glancing at the clock. "Movie night starts downstairs in fifteen minutes."
"Oh, in that case, I'll leave you to get ready," you replied, getting up.
"Nonsense," she insisted. "I'd love for you to join me. Tonight is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, a classic from the Golden Age of Hollywood."
You quickly checked your phone and were relieved to see no missed calls or texts from Fury, Maria, or Steve.
"Great, I've never seen it, and I’m free for the rest of the day," you said.
"Wonderful, let’s go," your grandma replied.
When you and your grandmother arrived in the small community theater, the Doting Tree staff handed out popcorn and queued up the movie. You followed your grandma to two empty seats near the end of the row. 
Hi, Y/G/N, I was hoping to see you here tonight," the brunette woman with half glasses beside her confessed.
"I wouldn't have missed this for anything. You know Jimmy Stewart is my favorite!" your grandma proclaimed. "Oh, Betty, this is my granddaughter Y/N, she's one of those Avengers!" she proudly introduced.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the attention but extended your hand to Betty. "Hi, Betty. It's great to meet you."
"It's lovely to meet you, dear. Y/G/N has told me so much about you!" Betty said.
"All good, I hope?" you joked.
"Of course. I don't know how you all do it, but thank you for everything you've done."
"It's my honor, ma'am,” you said.
"Excuse me?" a man in a sweater vest behind you said, catching your attention. "I couldn't help but overhear. You mentioned you're one of the Avengers?" 
"That's right," you replied.
"Do you happen to know James? He's one of our volunteers. My buddy Walter swears he's an Avenger."
"James?" you asked, puzzled. "We don't have anyone named—"
"Alright, folks," a familiar voice interrupted.
"Bucky," you whispered to yourself in surprise.
Your friend stood at the front of the room, looking effortlessly stylish in a casual navy crew neck shirt, perfectly fitted jeans, and trendy sneakers. His beaming smile transformed his entire appearance, making him almost unrecognizable.
"Tonight's movie is one of my favorites, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," Bucky announced, clapping his hands together. "Jimmy Stewart was one of my favorite actors when I was a kid."
"Not to mention Jean Arthur!" someone shouted from the back row, and the room erupted in laughter.
“Alright, Stacy, can you turn off the lights, please?” Bucky asked one of the staff members.
As the idealistic young Jefferson Smith was appointed to the United States Senate, your attention continually drifted to Bucky. You observed as he quietly passed a box of Nestle crunch bites down the row to one of the residents and whispered something to the woman beside him, who laughed in response.
When the credits rolled, and the lights came on in the theater, you lingered at the back of the room while your grandmother caught up with her friends. Perhaps it was the spy-like instincts that Natasha had instilled in you, but you couldn’t take your eyes off him. You were captivated by the transformation in his demeanor. The man who once seemed only to wear a scowl now appeared happier than you had ever seen him.
You walked over slowly as he was engrossed in conversation with a man you recognized as Richard Swanson. According to Joan, he was one of The Doting Tree’s oldest residents in time and age. Tall and slender, with a confident posture that hinted at a lifetime of discipline and care, he still boasted a thick mane of hair that belied his age. The strands, once a rich chestnut, now shimmered with a distinguished silver hue, the only overt sign of the passing years.
"What unit were you in, Barnes?" Mr. Swanson asked.
"107th Infantry Regiment, sir," Bucky replied.
"No kidding?” said Mr. Swanson. “I was in the 103rd."
"I remember that regiment," Bucky said, snapping his fingers. "You were guarding the Trisssana Bridge, right?"
"That's right," Mr. Swanson replied. “My cousin was in the 107th Regiment. Maybe you knew him? Tim Dugan.”
"Wow," Bucky sighed, his voice trailing off as he paused to reflect. "Tim Dugan. I haven't heard that name in almost 80 years," Bucky said, his eyes distant with memories. "I did know him. He was a good man," Bucky reminisced, a hint of wistfulness in his voice.
He was indeed," Mr. Swanson sighed, his tired eyes reflecting the long day he had endured. The elderly gentleman checked his antique pocket watch. "I've got to get going. It's almost past my bedtime," he chuckled softly as he patted Bucky on the shoulder with a sense of fondness. "See you next time, Barnes."
"See you, Mr. Swanson," Buck called out, his voice carrying a tinge of warmth and respect.
"Bucky?" you said softly, careful not to startle him as you approached.
He turned at the sound of your voice, his eyes meeting yours with surprise. "Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought you were visiting your grandmother today?"
"I am; she lives here," you explained, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Bucky took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, the weight of his thoughts evident in the furrow of his brow. "Alright, look,” running his hand through his hair nervously. “Dr. Raynor thought it would be good for me to volunteer here. Spend some time with people from my generation," he said. "I resisted at first, but now..." he paused, looking around at the bustling activity of the assisted living community. "It's nice.”
"That's awesome, Buck. It's clear that the residents appreciate having you around, but why didn't you mention it to us?" You inquired.
"I just didn't want to deal with the inevitable jokes and questions from everyone," he explained.
"Oh, come on, Bucky. It wouldn't have been that bad. They would have been supportive," you reassured.
"After you left, Tony told the bike story and bought you a kid’s bicycle as a joke," Bucky deadpanned.
"Jackass," you remarked dryly.
"See," Bucky declared.
"But a supportive jackass, Buck. We all give each other shit, but at the end of the day, we're a family," you insisted. "Everyone would get it."
"Maybe," he mused. "When I'm here, I'm not an Avenger, The Winter Soldier, The White Wolf. Hell, I’m not even Bucky."
"I've noticed that, James," you said with a smirk.
Before he could respond, your grandma and her friend Betty strolled over to where you were standing.
“James, I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed tonight's movie. You have impeccable taste,” Betty said, touching his metal arm.
“Thanks a lot,” Bucky replied.
“Will you join us for our knitting class next week?” she asked eagerly.
“Work can be unpredictable, but I'm planning on it,” he responded.
“Wonderful!” Betty exclaimed. “I've been knitting a scarf for you, honey.”
Bucky blushed. “Oh, thank you. I can't wait to see it.”
"I see you’ve met James, Y/N,” your grandma said. “We’ve so enjoyed having him here the last few months.”
“Oh,” you said, looking between Bucky and your grandmother. “Yeah, I just had to come up and tell him how much I loved the movie, too.”
“Right,” Bucky said. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Well, I’m feeling a bit tuckered out, Y/N,” your grandmother said. I think I'll call it a night.”
“Okay,” you said. “I'll walk you back to your room.”
“Okay, goodnight, James,” your grandmother said.
“Goodnight, Y/G/N,” Bucky replied.
You turned back toward him before following your grandma out of the room and whispered, “Don’t leave. I'll be down in a few minutes.”
Bucky nodded in agreement.
As you stepped off the elevator and entered the lobby, the warm glow of the chandeliers illuminated the spacious communal room. Your eyes scanned the area, searching for Bucky. After a moment, you spotted him sitting on the plush sofa, engrossed in a copy of Lord of the Rings, which he had plucked from the nearby shelf.
Sitting beside him, you couldn't help but ask, "So, what do people think James does for a living?"
With a half-smile, he replied, "Well, those who don't know who I am think I’m a mechanic at that garage on Wilshire."
The image of Bucky as a mechanic made you chuckle, and you leaned in to hear more.
"The ones who do, like Mr. Swanson, don't give a damn about who I am or who I‘ve been," he continued, returning the book to the shelf. "All they care about is living each day to the fullest."
As you silently nodded, you reflected on his words, feeling the weight of the conversation settle in. "I understand, Buck," you said, patting his thigh. "I'm glad you're finding fulfillment here, and you can trust me to keep this between us."
"Thank you," he sighed, a sense of relief in his voice.
"Let’s go home," Bucky said, a hint of determination in his tone.
As you both said goodbye to Joan in the lobby, you stepped out into the refreshing early evening breeze.
"Alright, see you at home," you said, heading towards the bus stop.
"You took the bus here?" Bucky inquired.
"Yeah, just didn't feel like driving today," you replied.
“Want a ride? I've got Nat's motorcycle," he offered, nodding towards the bike.
You arched an eyebrow, "Does she know you have it?" You knew Natasha didn't just lend her bike to anyone. You had learned that the hard way during one of your early missions together.
"Yep, she allows me to borrow the motorcycle in exchange for helping with recruit training," Bucky explained as he slipped on his leather jacket.
"Alright, I'll take your word for it," you agreed.
As you were getting ready to hop on the back of the motorcycle, you spotted the extra helmet hanging on the back. 
“Really?” Bucky quipped. “You never wear a helmet out in the field.”
“I know,” glancing back at The Doting Tree, “I just want to keep a promise to my grandmother,” you said with a smirk.
“Good call,” he replied with a grin.
You fastened the helmet and hopped on the back of the bike, wrapping your arms around Bucky’s waist. With a twist of the throttle, the bike roared to life as Bucky revved up the engine. Together, you both zoomed out of the parking lot, heading back toward the compound with a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding.
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Club Fun
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A/n: this is a draft that I’ve had for a while and I just kept putting it off posting because I wasn’t sure I liked it but I wanted to put it out and see what other people think 💕 thanks for reading I appreciate it 💕
(This also isn’t proofread at all soooo I’m sorry for any mistakes)
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, adult themes and Nat being a pain in the ass
"Come on Y/n how bad could a gentleman's club be?" Nat pushed you through the doors even with you groaning and pushing back against her
"Nat I have a literal alien in my body and I don't know what will set them off" you felt a grumble in your head
"I am not a prepubescent teenager Y/n I am sophisticated"
"Only because you can't survive without me out of my body" you grumbled back and Nat really wished she could understand what you were saying to the alien
You looked up and sighed "okay let's go in"
Nat smiled wide and guided you through the small hallway to the second bouncer "hey we're Nat and Y/n, we have a table booked under Tony Stark?"
The man looked you both over the at the list seeing your names and allowing you past "please keep your hands to yourselves and don't try and get any dancer's numbers because they'll just laugh at you" he laughed and you rolled your eyes turning to Nat
"does he think we're kids? Pretty sure I can control myself around some scantily clad women"
Nat scoffed "talk about yourself Y/n, I see a hot woman staring at me I'll give her money my number, my soul anything the sexy lady wants"
You giggled "you'll get us kicked out the moment we sit down at the booth"
Nat ignored you as she eyed up a waitress walking past who gave her a wink in response "yeah yeah whatever I'm gonna go and get some free drinks" she patted you on the back leaving you alone, well with the alien obviously
"We are being stared at"
You glanced around not noticing anything "what are you talking about?"
They turned your body around suddenly nearly falling over before you managed to steady yourself "dude what the fuck, you can't just turn me around like that!" You whisper shouted at them but they ignored you
"There is a redhead lady who is looking at us and biting her lip, I think she is older than us" you were pointed towards said woman and she gave you a wink
"Oh you're right, do you think she wants us to go over?" Before you could say anything else the woman in question walked over to you "hi pretty girl, do you need some help? You look a little lost"
The sweetness in her voice made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your mouth go dry "oh-er no-no thanks my friend is just getting drinks" you glanced at Nat who was very much not getting your drinks but instead was making out with the waitress she followed after
"It seems you're friend is a little busy right now, I'll take you to your booth" she pulled you towards a booth, her hand gripping your own sweaty mess of a hand.
You were near enough thrown into the booth and the woman followed close near enough sat in your lap "how about I get us some shots? They should loosen your cute tongue"
"...okay" you whispered and the women smiled kissing you on the cheek turning around and singling for a waiter to come over with their tray of shots
"How many miss Scarlet?" The man asked and she told him to put the tray down "thanks Brucie"
He left without another word and she took a glass from the tray pointing it towards you "here you go pretty girl" she tipped the drink towards your mouth and you opened your mouth taking the drink "good?"
You nodded licking the left over liquid from your lips "yeah it's good"
The woman's piercing green eyes were locked onto yours sitting in silence for a few moments before she spoke again "can I interest you in a dance?" She asked sweetly and you shook your head maybe a little too much making her pout
"Awe are you sure? I can relive all of that clear tension coming off of your shoulders, you're too pretty to be stressed"
She stood up bringing you with her and walking off towards Nat who managed to pull her face away from the waitress long enough to talk to you
"Y/n! This place is amazing! This is Maria, she's great" her ragged breath made you laugh "I'm sure she is amazing Nat"
Maria looked behind you to the woman and winked "so Scarlet, is this your new little conquest?"
So her name was Scarlet, or maybe just her stage name, you were certain no one gave their real names out, but this Maria did? She's not a dancer though you guessed?
Scarlet's arms wrapped around your waist getting your attention and she chuckled when you jumped "don't think too hard there pretty girl" she looked to Maria "I offered a dance but she turned me down Mia"
You couldn't see her face but you knew she was pouting about you refusing a dance "Y/n you can't refuse a dance! That's the whole point of the club!"
"I know but-
"No buts Y/n! Go on Scarlet take her to a room and help her relax" Nat demanded ignoring your embarrassed face
"Whatever the costumer wants they get Natalia" Scarlet smirked grabbing your hand leading you through the club away from the safety of people and noise for a quiet private room
"You need to relax honey, I promise you're okay I'll take such good care of you" she purred sitting you down on the couch and you finally looked at her properly seeing the dark red blazer wrapped around her body
"Y/n your body is heating up is everything okay?"
You couldn't answer them instead watching Scarlet unbutton her blazer dropping it to the floor
"Holy shit" you whispered letting your eyes wonder over her lingerie barley covering her body, it was useless being there in all honesty, her breasts were practically spilling out and that's where you met her finger pointing to her face "my eyes are up here princess" she chuckled and your eyes snapped up
She giggled coming towards you and straddling your lap placing a leg on either side "don't say sorry for admiring beauty honey, let's start with your name again"
"Y-y/n" you whispered feeling your hands unintentionally land on her thighs and she gasped "getting bold Y/n? I like it"
"You were moving too slow so I needed to help you Y/n"
You knew they where right, you had a woman, a hot woman you may add on your lap wearing the hottest thing you’ve ever seen and yeah sure it’s part of her job but you could have fun right?
“Get out of your pretty head Y/n” she brought you out of your thoughts and jumped at how you could feel her breath on your face as she whispered in your ear “so Y/n are you going to tell me what you I can do for you?
“This is all new to me so I don’t know what to ask for”
Scarlet looked over you and your slightly trembling body “how about a kiss?" She didn't really wait for answer before kissing you on the lips softly, you remained frozen until you were mentally slapped by your symbiote
"Y/n I do not get aroused or feel sexual tension but even I am suffering through this air of arousal, kiss her back"
You relaxed into the kiss sighing as you kissed her back, feeling Venom slip into your body and elongate your tongue and force her mouth open slipping the long tongue inside and wrapping around her own, Scarlet either didn't realise or didn't care because she moaned into the kiss trying to gain some kind of control
When you both had to pull away for some air Scarlet was shocked seeing the tongue lull out of your mouth "what the hell is that? Looks like your tongue had an erection" when she laughed and didn't run away from you or slap you your heart grew ten sizes, it was nice you guessed if still little strange.
"Can you even talk with that thing?" she giggled and wen to kiss you again but you pulled away letting your tongue return to its normal size
"Everthing okay?" She placed a kiss on your cheek as a reassurance and you smiled
"Have you ever heard of symbiotes?"
She sat back on your lap thinking about it "like that alien that tried to destroy the world? Are you that alien?"
You shook your head "no! No at all, I was just infect-sorry chosen to be a host for one...do you want to meet them?"
Scarlet had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing "well this is nothing like my normal encounters here but sure, let's see the little alien"
Venom didn't need to be told twice and their tendrils appeared forming a their head smiling at Scarlet
"You are a very pretty lady miss Scarlet, I cannot feel aroused or these silly human feelings but you have a hot body and Y/n agrees"
"Venom! Just stop talking" you groaned trying to get away but you were still trapped under Scarlet's thighs
"God this is so weird, it's a good thing you're hot" she lent forward placing a kiss on your neck and then biting you there, you looked at Venom whispering "go back"
They looked at you funny so you said it again "it's a private moment now Venom"
They understood and retreated back into your body quickly and you focused back on the feeling of her soft lips on your neck.
“My lips are chapped Nat” Maria pulled away from Nat who still tried chasing after her “oh come on, they’re not that bad”
The waitress gently pushed her away “you’re insatiable, I like it, give me a few minutes and I’ll take you somewhere nice”
‘Where?” She questioned
“To the best room we have, it’s got a mini fridge” Maria kissed Nat again softly refusing to let her take over the kiss again “plus we can watch the cameras for your friend”
Nat’s eyes widened “there’s cameras in the room?”
Maria laughed “obviously, how else are we supposed to protect our girls?”
She lead Nat through the club into a closed off area and through a door to a room with a couch, a mini fridge and the cameras she mentioned
“This looks like a pervs hangout” Nat commented but Maria just rolled her eyes pushing the redhead to the couch “just sit there and be quiet, if that’s something you can do”
"I prefer being loud" Nat winked
"I can’t wait to prove that later" Maria took some wine out of the fridge and sat next to the woman giving her a kiss on the cheek “okay let’s get this started" she turned on the Tv changing the channel through the rooms before finding you and Scarlet
"Ugh boring they're just talking" nat looked through the screen, she hoped she could read lips so she knew what you were saying, when she got a closer look she noticed Venom's head at the side of you "what the fuck?!"
Maria put down the wine quickly looking at these screen "what's that?! Is that a puppet? Does your friend have a puppet kink? A little odd but I'm sure Scarlet can work with that" Maria was laughing but Nat only let out a small chuckle too focused on why the hell Venom decided to make themselves known, suddenly Scarlet lent forward kissing and started kissing your neck
"The puppet worked" Maria laughed and Nat managed a small laugh "hah yeah sure" she turned the TV off instead not wanting to focus on you and your weird alien friend, she had no idea why Scarlet didn't mind it though
"Well they're boring now"
Scarlet's lips moved up to your ear "you're not the only one with a secret princess"
Your smile dropped and you pulled away suddenly but Scarlet just laughed "it's okay honey nothing horrible, do you know what a coven is?"
You flexed your hands on her thighs and swallowed nervously "like witches?"
She smiled "yes"
"Are you a witch?"
She simply nodded and flashed her red eyes making you gasp "shit that's so cool!" You were memorised, maybe a little scared since witches were seen as strange or evil but a dancer at a gentleman's club couldn't be evil...right?
"I'm not evil honey, just someone who gets bored easily and needs something to do"
Did she read your mind?? You looked at her surprised and she giggled "yes princess I can read minds and yours has been a delight to listen too"
That's so weird but cool as well, so what so we do now?"
"Well, my real name is Wanda to start with, I use Scarlet because the guys like it, and for security of course"
You were really trying to listen honestly you were but your eyes kept flickering down to her chest
"You're not listening to a thing I'm saying are you?" Wanda laughed using her finger to lift up your chin "it's okay, I know what you really want" she lent forward to kiss you but a bell went off stopping her in her tracks "oooh sorry princess times up"
She tried pulling away but your fingers dug into her thighs keeping her there "but you were going to kiss me again?”
She raised her eyebrow and smiled at you "I know, I love leaving my clients on edge, it guarantees they come back"
This time Venom growled and appeared again "that seems a little unfair Wanda, we showed you me, I think we deserve a treat"
She just shrugged managing to pull away from you standing up and covering herself with her robe "are you saying you don't want to see me again?"
Both you and Venom were confused
"Because if I slept with you that's what would happen, and I'm quite enjoying your company"
"She is teasing us Y/n"
You agreed "she is"
Wanda watched you as you were thinking, and you knew she was reading your mind "you have some hot thoughts in there Y/n, a stark difference from when we first started, now come on, your friend will be waiting for you"
You sighed reluctantly getting up and going past Wanda when she gave you a small smack on your ass "hey!"
She laughed "I couldn't help myself honey"
"Nice to finally see you two out of the room, did you give her the full dance Scarlet?" Maria laughed glancing between the two of you and the redhead smiled wrapping her fingers around your waist "she had a wonderful time Maria, she'll be coming back tomorrow night"
Nat gasped and you looked at her "you're coming back?! Wow Y/n, she must've given you the full treatment eh?"
When your face blushed Wanda kissed your cheek "you're so cute malen'kiy you can have my number, so call me when you're here tomorrow and I'll come and get you"
You nodded and went to kiss Wanda but you weren't too sure until Wanda pulled you in close kissing you hard
"Oooooohhhh!" Nat exclaimed excitedly "Maria did you see that?! My little virgin is getting somewhere!"
You instantly pulled back going bright red "Nat! I'm not a virgin! I've slept with loads of women"
Both women laughed and Wanda tried hiding her own smirk "it's okay princess, I'm an excellent teacher"
You groaned pulling away from the woman "come on Nat before I sink into the ground from embarrassment"
Nat giggled and kissed Maria one more time "so it look's like I'll see you tomorrow?"
"I'll have the usual room ready" she winked in response kissing the redhead again
"Do I get a good-bye kiss?" Wanda pouted and you rolled your eyes walking back to her "I never expected this coming into a strip club" holding the woman's face in your hands you kissed Wanda softly before pulling away then kissing her nose
"Hmm you're my favourite client malen'kiy"
"I have no idea what that Russian word means but I hope it's good"
Wanda giggled kissing the side of your head "Ty takaya ocharovatel'naya printsessa, dumayu, ya ostavlyu tebya ty moya"
You heard Nat soft gasp from the side of you and you whipped your head around to her "did she say something shocking?"
Wanda looked to Nat shaking her head and Nat nodded "just some sickly sweet thing about you, typical for you to come into a gentleman's cub for a dance from a stripper to come out with a potential partner"
You shrugged "hey I can't help it if I have incredible game"
The group burst out laughing even Wanda joined in making you pout
"Y/n I love you I really do but you're really terrible with women, I'm surprised Wanda actually made out with you"
You blushed hard leaner closer into Wanda "yeah well fuck you Nat" okay it wasn't the best comeback but its the only one you could think of
"It's okay Y/n I thought that was a very good comeback" Wanda kissed your cheek "okay honey, I've got to go back to work"
You started to talk back but a finger shushed your lips "I still need money my love but I want you back here tomorrow okay?"
You nodded "I'm definitely coming back all the time Wanda, I'll sit in the corner with a snack"
Wanda held in a giggle rubbing your shoulder "oh honey I don't think my clients would enjoy that"
"Then they'd to keep their hands off of you" you retorted and Wanda laughed "my little possessive girl don't worry, you'll get the special private dances"
It was your turn to blush hard again and you had to keep yourself steady "o-oh okay cool yeah! Great"
Nat laughed “you’re a mess, come on idiot let’s go”
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
Hello again! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I was just wondering if you could write a platonic yandere batfam? Where one of their Darling is like Tony Stark from Marvel. A super smart genius billionaire who just gets kidnapped by the batfam. Darling knows that they can't beat them all at once or one on one fights so they go with pitting them all against each other. I could think that they could rival Bruce or Tim in intellect and resourcefulness. Darling knows for a fact that they are being watched and learns where all of the cameras are placed. Trying to find any blind spots for said cameras, but is likely won't find any. Mostly because of paranoia and clingy behavior of the family. Yet they still manages to stay one step ahead of the Batfam and just leaves after 4 months or so. Maybe have them be resourceful like Tony when he was kidnapped. Using small scraps of metal and basic trash to help in their escape. With the Darling being absolutely disgusted of the entire ordeal. Maybe even have them start a career and becomes a superhero/antihero (Iron Man type of suit? Maybe?) because of the family's actions. P.S. So sorry it got so long, I couldn't really help myself. Hope you enjoy my request/prompt.
Hello Hello! Sorry for the late response but here ya go!
summary: long story short, tony stark! reader has no chance if they don’t have their knowledge of nanotech. many nicknames are created.
status: unedited
I feel like the scenario you’ve given can go two ways depending on how far the reader has gone through their personality development (keep in mind most of my marvel knowledge comes from the MCU)
If you’re still that ‘arrogant, sexually active, ignorant of the consequences your company’s weapons have’ phase then it’d definitely be much harder for you to escape.
Then again, I find it really hard for the guys to be attracted to someone like you at that point. M a y b e Dick, but he wouldn’t see the relationship too seriously.
And frankly speaking, even if they were attracted to the reader at that phase; you would just never be able to escape. The only reason why Tony was able to in his first movie was because he wasn’t fighting against armed and experienced vigilantes that happen to have a shit ton of money. Especially with Tim and Bruce on board. You will not find any blindspots. Not the bathroom (they’ve kidnapped you and restricted your freedom, why would they respect your privacy at this point + they know of your experience with robotics), not in any corner of your room, or any point in time either because at least one of the batfam will be watching you.
Now, let’s say you were a vigilante before everything went to shit.
[Y/N] [L/N]. Billionaire, philanthropist, genius reveals that they are in fact Iron Man.
Now that is where I can see both you having a chance and the men taking notice.
You reminded Bruce a lot about himself. He has met you already in a bunch of Galas, used to writing you off as a spoiled brat that would definitely get themself killed. But your turn to vigilantism certainly intrigued him.
Intrigue quickly turned to an obsession. Learning about your past, the way your parents died. It was as if you two were the same person, just with drastically different suits.
He wanted you for himself, a partner in crime if you would, but you see there was one problem. You were engaged. Soon to be married to the love of your life and previous secretary Pepper Potts. Meaning that you would most likely retire your heroism and that you’ll dedicate your time to someone unworthy of your affection. Like seriously [Y/N], relationships borne out of power imbalances are doomed to fail can’t you see? Not to mention the dangerous act you’ve made of sharing your identity as Iron Man. What were you thinking?
So what better way to teach you that you belonged to him than kidnap you and keep you to himself?
His obsession with you wasn’t subtle. To you and the other members of the family.
Dick had already been attracted to you (mostly sexually) since the day he met you. Your identity as Iron Man, and just the sheer boldness you have exposing yourself, made him realized that he admired you rather than saw you as object of his sexual desires.
I could also imagine you being the one to save Jason. Perhaps not being able to completely stop his turn into Red Hood but you at least put in the effort unlike some people. That likely jumpstarted a partnership/friendship between you too.
Thus, Bruce chooses him as the ticket to getting you all safe and sound in the safety of his manor.
Now you already knew Bruce is Batman and the identities of the Robins. Through your investigation towards Jason and whatnot. Similar to your anti-Hulk suit and Batman’s anti-Superman one, you were also prepared to go toe to toe with the Dark Knight.
What you didn’t expect was that Jason of all people would be the one working with him to get you.
That certainly put a damper on your plans, but oh well.
That’s where you’re formally introduce to Tim and Damian. You’ve known them. Worked with them as well. Not to the extent of how much you’ve been with Red Hood but enough to at least be acquaintances.
Tim adored the banter and intellectual debates you two had. You took your time earning his trust, and taught him about the A.I. you usually had in your suits (slowly hacking into the surveillance systems making sure that you’ll have at least a couple minutes of time of privacy for your plans).
You even named one A.I. after him. T.I.M. ‘The Impervious Man’ it stood for you said. It actually meant ‘The Introverted Mess’
Have I mentioned you give every one of them horrid nicknames?
Dick was just various ways to say penis.
Bruce was Gatsby (if you weren’t picking at his age, or his deep ass voice, or his dark ass aesthetic, or bat theme) if not Vladimir. Or The Puny(er) Bruce. Oh god, Emo Bruce- My Lovechild with Banner??
Jason was muscle-man, titan, half-a-hulk, or [insert bulky hero] wannabe. (Sometimes when you’re feeling extra sadistic you’d throw in a Joker related one there too)
Tim was the introverted mess, chair guy, wheels, lanky boy, flashy traffic light guy, guy who definitely dreams of getting pegged, Budget Falcon. Baby Falcon.
Damian was The Diva, The Boy with a Baton up his Ass, Junior, Kid (Basically any nickname that highlights his youth), Kid with long knife, Katana Kid. Green-eyed Meanie.
Collectively they were just “The Super Secret Emo / Goth Boy Band.”
Anyways when it comes to Damian, the boy, as usually towards the people he meets, acts like a total tsundere. He just tries so hard to act mean as if he hadn’t spent the last night reading about your achievements and inventions for the nth time. You used him as a benchmark to see when the whole family has fully trusted you.
It takes you a few months (mostly due to you hacking into their systems and trying to learn their weaknesses) but after slowly gaining their trust cozing up to them you escape.
You could have since the beginning, nanotech and all that, but you were feeling kind of bored and gave them a chance to convince you to stay. Unfortunately, your future wife was still better in comparison these 5 goth men.
You’re definitely upping your anti-kidnapping measures after that.
Also you definitely hold that incident as a way to blackmail them. A system is prepared to share everything about them everywhere if they attempt to take you on again.
That’s one thing you have over Batman, sure you didn’t have a bunch of ingenious children under you to use at your disposal. But you also didn’t have an identity to keep safe.
You’re almost looking forward to their next move.
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lokigodofmyheart · 4 days
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Words: 4.479.
Summary: Tony and Y/N have a friends with benefit situation. But what happens when someone wants more and the other don't?
Warning/Content: angst, fluff.
A/N: This is my first time writting a Tony x Reader. Dividers by @cafekitsune <3
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Fury was on her, wanting the reports from last mission. And obviously, the only person who hadn’t finished yet was Stark. Somehow, Fury thought that if someone could make him do it, it would be Y/N. And that’s how she ended up in his lab. 
Tony was sitting in his chair, doing absolutely nothing with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He looked at her with his usual smirk “What’s bring you here, Y/L/N?” 
“Have you finished your report from the last mission, Stark?” She asks, walking closer to his desk. 
He let out a sigh, running a hand through his messy hair “No, not yet. Why?” 
“Fury needs it. And he’s been waiting for it for two days now.” Y/N knew how Tony was and how much he hated to make those reports. In the end, she always ends up finishing for him. 
Tony rolled his eyes, taking a sip from his glass “I'll finish it, but not right now. I'm in the middle of something.” 
“Yeah, I can see it.” She glares at him, before she starts going through the giant amount of paper on his desk.  
Tony stops put his glass down on the desk and looks at her with a small smirk “Are you really here to talk about the reports?” 
“Yes.” She finally found it. 
“And are you sure that's the only reason you're here?” His smirks didn’t flatter. 
Y/N grabs the file in her hands “Yes.” That’s all she said before she turns around without looking at him and left his lab. 
Tony watched as she walked away from him, without any further comment. Obviously, given their situation, he found it a bit weird. 
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The next day, Y/N was in her room when she heard a knock on her door. She open it, seeing Tony standing there.  
The man leaned against the doorway, with a small smile that he saved just for her when they were alone “I need to go to the mall, buy a few things. Wanna tag along?” 
Her face turn to an apologetic one “Sorry, I’m not feeling very well...” 
“You feel sick?” He asked her and she could noticed the worry in his voice. 
“No, not. Just a small headache, nothing major...but thanks for the invitation anyway.” She gave him a small smile. 
Tony was a bit reluctant to believe her but didn't want to press further “Yeah, ok. Rest well.” 
“Thanks.” She gently closes the door. He stood there for a few seconds, worried, before he walked away. 
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The next time something like that happened, it was after movie night with the team. Everyone said good night after the movie ended, leaving just the two of them in the living room. Y/N slowly got up from the couch “I’m going to bed too.” 
Tony quickly got up too, grabbing her arm gently and smirk “Why don't we go to mine?” 
Again, the apologetic expression crossed her face “I’m on my period. Sorry.”  
His smirk dropped slightly as his grip loosened and his hand fall from her arm “Oh...” 
Y/N gave a small apologetic smile “Night, Stark.” 
He nods “Night, Y/L/N.” 
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Tony thought it was just a coincidence, but he noticed that she looked like she was avoiding being alone with him. It had been more than a week since they had sex and every time he tried, she just had some short of excuse.  
He waited until she finished her training and cornered her when she was leaving the room. “Y/L/N, we need to talk.” 
Y/N stops and look at him “Sure.” 
He looked around to see if anyone was around and he crossed his arms “Have I done something to you?” 
“No.” She made a confused face as she looked at him. 
He studied her features for a moment, before he spoke again, a little lower “You've been avoiding me lately...” 
“No, I’m not.” 
Stark stepped closer to her “Then explain why you're avoiding spending time with me alone.” 
Y/N gave him a small smile “I’m not. Really.” 
“Then why did you always have some sort of excuse each time I ask you to hang out just the two of us?” 
She looked at his face and could see that he was somewhat hurt by her actions “I told you, I wasn't feeling well one day, and the other one I was in my period.” 
He didn’t really believe her “What about the other time at the lab? You came, got some paper, and were gone in a second. You didn't even try to engage with me.” 
“I was busy with the report you didn’t finish. Fury needed that.” She explains and hoped he would buy it. 
Clearly he didn’t. “Like you care about the reports. I think you're avoiding me.” 
“I’m not, Tony.” She says with a gentle voice. “Why don’t you come to my room later, and we can...talk.” She smirks at the last word. 
“Alright, I'll come...” He said, before walking away back to his room, excited for what he could only assume was going to happen tonight. 
As soon as she noticed he had left, her smirk dropped “Fuck...”  
Y/N didn’t know what to do. Yes, she had been avoiding him. They had this friend with benefits things, and she knew from the start that it was all that was and it couldn’t be more. But she had catch feelings for the billionaire and she didn’t know what to do. 
Later, Y/N was sitting on her bed with her laptop in her lap finishing another report for Fury when she heard a soft knock on her door. 
“Come in!” She says without moving from her spot. 
Tony opened the door and walked in, a smirk on his face “Hey, sweetheart.” 
She smiles looking at him “Hey.” 
He walked to the bed, sitting down next to her, he was wearing just a tank top and sweatpants “So, you wanted to...talk.” 
Y/N chuckles softly, closing her laptop and putting on her nightstand. Tony leaned against the headboard, and pulled her onto his lap “You know, the way you were acting today had me a bit worried for a second. I thought I'd done something to upset you...” 
“You’ve done nothing.” She smiles. 
He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him, his lips next to her ear “Good, I'm glad...” he began peppering light kisses on her neck and began to kiss down her neck, and to her shoulder, his hands slowly running up and down her waist and thighs. She just froze, she didn’t know what do to. Yes, she wanted sex with him, but her heart was screaming at her. 
Tony felt the tension in her body and he pulled away slightly, worried “You okay, sweetie?” 
“Yeah...” She tried to mask it with a smile, but Tony could notice on her voice something was wrong. 
His hands came up to cup her face, keeping her looking at him “You feel a bit tense. Talk to me...” Her smile slightly drops and that worried him even more “Y/N, what's wrong?” 
“I’m sorry...” Her voice was almost a whisper “I don’t think I can do this anymore...” 
“It's okay. We can do this another time.” He says with his hand rubbing her side to comfort her. 
“No, I didn’t mean like that.” 
Tony frowned and looked into her eyes “Then what do you mean?” 
Y/N sighs, before she spoke again “I can’t do this...” she points between them. 
His heart ached a bit at her words “You don't want this anymore?” 
“I'm sorry...” she says, getting off his lap and sitting by his side with her hands in her lap. 
He stayed sitting on the bed, looking at her, trying to hide the sadness that was building inside of him “Why? I thought...I thought things were good between us...” 
Y/N looked at him and she could see the pain on his face “It is...was...I swear it was.” 
“Then...why are you ending this? What changed? What did I do, huh?” he was trying to stay calm, but it was hard. He wanted answers. 
“You did nothing wrong.” She smiles sadly at him. 
“Then why? Do...do you not want me?” He let out a shaky breath, his eyes met hers again. 
“I do. And that’s the problem.” Her voice was low as she spoke. 
That made Stark was more confused now “Why is that a problem? I want you too.” 
“Because I want more.”  
There was silence. He took a few seconds trying to gather his thought before answering her with a frow on his face “But, we agreed from the start that-” 
“I know.” she cuts him “And that's why I'm ending this.” 
Tony et out a frustrated breath, running a hand through his hair “Y/N, I care about you, but that's- I can't give you what you want...” 
“I know.” She says and he could hear the sadness on her voice. He hated knowing that he was hurting her with his words, but he couldn't give her what she wanted.  
After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again “Do you regret us?” 
“No.” she smiles, looking at him, still with a hint of sadness “Never.” 
He reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers “Me neither, sweetheart...” 
Y/N looked down at their hands together “I mean, we still can do the friends part.” 
Stark chuckled sadly, bringing their intertwined hands to his lips “Can friendship really be enough?” 
“It has to be.” She whispers. 
He sighed, hating the way this conversation was going “You know I care a lot about you. I just...I don't do relationships anymore, not after...” 
“I know.” She squeezes his hand slightly “And that’s why I’m not asking for it.” 
“This suck, you know. I'm losing someone I care about, and I hate myself for it.” he ran a hand through his hair frustrated. 
Y/N was feeling her eyes filling up with tears, and she blinks, trying to fight it “Believe me, this is much harder for me.” 
“It's hard for both of us, okay?”he said a bit harshly before immediately regretting it “Fuck...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap.” 
She shakes her head, not wanting to cry in front of him “No, it isn't. You care about me when I...I fell in love.” 
The moment he heard those words, his heart ached even more. He wasn't sure what to say to that... so for a while, he just stayed silent, fiddling with her fingers. His jaw was clenched as he tried to control the emotions coursing through his body...he felt like a terrible person, knowing that he could not return her feelings. “I...I wish I could give you what you want. I really do...” 
“Me too...” 
Tony let out a shaky breath and squeezed the hand of hers that he was still holding. Even though he knew it probably wasn't a good idea, he pulled her a bit closer to him, resting his head on her shoulder “We can still be friends, right?” 
Y/N rest her head on his “Of course.” 
For a while, he let himself just feel the comfort of being close to her. But then he pulled away, reluctantly letting go of her hand and getting up from the bed “I should go...” Y/N just nods, not trusting her voice to answer.  He looked down at her for a moment before leaning down and placing a feather-like kiss on her forehead. Part of him wanted to pull her into his arms and never let her go, but instead, he straightened up and without another word, he walked out of her room. 
“Night, Stark...” She says, holding back her tears, knowing that after he left, they would never be this close again. 
“Goodnight, Y/L/N.” He said without looking back, knowing that the sight of her sad face would tear his heart even more. 
Tony walked down the hallway and into his room, walking straight to the mini fridge and grabbing a bottle of liquor. He sat down on the couch but didn't open the bottle just yet. Instead, he buried his head in his hands and let all his bottled-up emotions flood out of his every pore for what felt like hours. He sat there for hours, trying to get himself under control. But the mere idea that the one person he was closest to in the Tower was no longer his... that he had no right to touch, kiss, or hold... he grabbed the bottle of liquor, taking a long sip, as a single thought echoed in his mind ‘You're a complete idiot, Stark.’ 
Y/N stood in her bed, bringing her knees to her chest and finally letting the tears fload after Tony left until she eventually cried herself to sleep. In just a few minutes, Tony finished the first bottle and opened the second, the words she said earlier echoed in his mind. I fell in love. 
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The first week had been rough for both of them. They were avoiding each other, which mean they were avoiding the kitchen, the common room, the training room. While Y/N was more quiet than usual and saying she was suffering from allergies to justify that sometimes her eyes and nose were red, Tony just was in a incredible bad mood all the time. The team watched the whole situation with worry and confusion. Everyone knew there was something wrong with Tony, usually when he was in a bad mood, he would go around the tower, annoying and trying to get a reaction out of everyone. But now, he was practically avoiding any interaction. 
Tony was in the kitchen, enjoying the silence with a coffee in his hand, when Clint, Thor and Steve entered and stopped in front of him. He let out a tired sigh, knowing that wouldn’t be good “What do you all want?” 
Thor studied his face, before speaking “I know that look.” 
“What look?” 
“That look” Thor points at him “The same one I had when Jane broke up with me.” 
Tony rolled his eyes, annoyed with the direction the conversation was going “I don't know what you're talking about. I'm fine.” 
“Yeah, Thor.” Clint started “That would imply that Stark was dating someone.” 
“Yes, thank you for that useless addition, bird brain.” Tony rolled his eyes as he leaned against the counter, taking a sip of his coffee “So, are you all just going to keep staring at me, or you have something to say?” 
Steve spoke this time “What's going on, Tony? And don't say nothing, because we all know that you're not fine.” 
Stark groaned, his shoulders slumping a bit “Just...it's nothing, alright? Can you just leave it be?” 
This time it was Clint who spoke “No, because obviously something is happening. Or had happened.” 
He took a deep breath, trying to control his temper “Can you just drop this? I just...I don't want to talk about her.” 
“Oh, so it is a woman?” Thor ask curious. 
He pinched the bridge of his nose “Damn it, yes, Thor. It was a woman, okay?” 
There was a moment of silence, Thor and Clint sharing a knowing look while Steve just stared at him “Well, what happened?” 
Despite himself, Tony’s voice trembled a bit when he spoke “She...she told me she wanted more. And I couldn't give her what she wanted. So we...we just ended things.” He took a gulp of his coffee to try and hide the turmoil he was still feeling “It's done, alright? It's over, and there's nothing that can be changed. Can we please just drop it?” 
The three of them study him, before Steve spoke in a gentle tone “You love her” It wasn't a question. 
Tony didn't even try to deny it this time. He let out a shaky breath and nodded, his eyes downcast “Yeah. I do.” 
“She loves you, right?” Steve asked “Since you said she wanted more, I thought...” 
He nodded and chuckled bitterly “That's the funny part. She does. But i made it clear from the start that I couldn't give her what she wanted. And we agreed to keep it casual. But...she said she still fell in love with me. 
“Arrangements can be changed.” Thor says. 
“It's not that simple, Thor.” Tony let out a tired sigh “What she wants...a serious relationship, commitment, all of that...I can't give her that.” 
“Why not? What are you so afraid of?” Steve was the one who spoke this time. 
“I'm not...” he starts to deny but stop mid-sentence and let out a frustrated breath “I'm not afraid.” he paused for a moment, looking over at Steve before continuing “I'm...I'm a mess, alright? I have demons that still haunt me, nightmares that don't let me sleep more than a few hours. I can be a dick in general and I...I haven't done the whole "relationship" thing in years. I can't get involved in that again.” 
“Don't you remember the last time he dated Pepper?” Clint says to Steve “He looked like hell after they broke up.” 
Tony rolls his eyes “Thanks a lot, bird brain, for remind me about one of the most painful times of my life.” 
Thor nods, agreeing “Yeah, you were just a little worse than you are now. The only thing that took you out of the misery was Y/N moving here and you becoming friends.” Steve and Clint looked at Thor. 
Tony groaned, realizing Thor was absolutely right. He never said it out loud, but deep down, he knew that the only reason he hadn't completely lost his brain after the whole Pepper situation, was Y/N. Having her around, being her friend, helped a lot during those dark months. He rubbed his eyes, suddenly feeling the exhaustion again “What's the point of this conversation, guys? Even if I wanted too, it's too late now. She ended things because I didn't want to give her more than what we had.” 
“The question here is simple: Do you wanna give her what she wants?” Barton asked him. 
Stark looks at him for a moment, before answering slowly and honestly “Yes...I do.” 
Steve puts a hand on his shoulder “Then talk to her. I'm sure she'll listen.” 
He chuckled bitterly “It's funny that you think it's that simple. We ended things weeks ago and we've been avoiding each other ever since. You really think she'll want to talk to me now?” 
“If you’re talking about who I think you’re talking...she’ll listen.” Clint says. Obviously, after Thor made that comment, Barton and Rogers realized who he was talking about. 
And if everything couldn’t get worse, Y/N walked into the kitchen to get some water just in that moment, but she stops seeing Tony and the guys. She knew if she turned back, it would be suspicious, so she walked to the fridge to get her water “Hi...” 
Tony’s body tenses as soon as he saw her, his heart starting to pound hard on his chest. He quickly stands up from where he was resting his back against the counter, his eyes fixed on her. “Hey...”  
The three other Avengers made some lame excuses and left them alone. Tony stayed in his spot against the counter, watching the other members of the team leave the kitchen. Silence fell between them as they both stood a few feet apart from each other. 
“So... how’s it going?” Y/N spoke quietly, trying to make some small talk. 
“Like crap...” Tony didn't want to lie or pretend to be fine, and he knew she wouldn't believe it anyway. So he decided to go for honesty “How about you?” 
He didn't like the tiredness in her voice, and he hated that he was responsible for it “You're not sleeping well either, right?” Y/N just answers with a head shake. He sighs softly, his heart clenching at the thought that she was suffering with the situation between them as much as he was “Same here...” 
“What a duo, huh?” She gave him a sad smile. 
Despite the situation, he chuckled softly “Yeah...” there was a moment of silence between them before he spoke again “You're avoiding me...” 
“I am...I needed a bit of space.” There was a minute of silence before she spoke again “You're avoiding me too...” 
He looked down for a few seconds, ashamed with himself “I...yeah, I know. I just...I didn't know if you wanted to see me...or if you would want to talk to me...” 
“Tony...” she walks closer to him, putting her water aside “I'm not mad at you or anything. I was sincere when I said we could still be friend.” 
As she walked closer to him, he looked at her face carefully, noticing the dark circles under her eyes. He clenched his jaw tightly as a wave of guilt washed over him. “You're not sleeping.” it wasn't a question, it was more a statement of his realization. 
Y/N rolls her eyes “Have you heard a word I said?” 
Despite everything, one thing he had missed the most was her eye-rolling, and he felt a tiny sense of relief as she did it now “I heard you. I also notice that you're looking like a zombie. You should be sleeping.” 
“You should be too. And not drinking.” 
He chuckled bitterly “Yeah, well. I sleep better after I drink. It helps with the nightmares.” 
“...they came back?” Y/N’s face softens, she knew about his nightmares. 
“Yes, a couple days after...we ended things.” He looked down, avoiding saying the word 'break up' because he still didn't want to believe that's what really had happened. 
“Are you okay?”  
Tony lifts his head, his eyes meeting hers. As much as he wanted to lie and say that he was fine, he wasn't able to do it “No, I'm not...truth is, I haven't been okay at all since you end things with me. I'm...I'm a mess, really. I drink every night, I can't sleep more than a few hours each night, and...and I miss you. I miss you so damn much.” He paused for a moment, closing his eyes and trying to control the emotions he was feeling and the words he was saying, but he continued “I know I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be telling you all of this. I have no right...but I do miss you. I miss our nights together, our movie nights...and most of all, I miss talking to you, having you by my side...and I can't lie and say I don't miss being with you...” he laughed bitterly “Hell, I miss us...I should have never let you go...I should have...I should have said yes. I should have said yes to everything you wanted. But I was scared...” 
“Scared of what...?” She asks without looking away from him. 
“Scared of committing, scared of being in a relationship again, being trapped...terrified of ending up like I did after Pepper broke up with me...” He let out a strangled breath “I was so goddamn terrified of losing myself again, of having my heart broken again, that I ended up pushing the only person who was willing to be with me, away. And what the hell was the point since I end up breaking my own heart anyway...” 
“You said 'was'...” she spoke quietly. 
Tony looked at her again, his eyes going wide in realization of what he said. “Yes...”his voice was barely above a whisper, but he didn't look away from her “I said 'was'...” He could see the look on her face becoming almost a hopeful one. “I was terrified...” he repeated, as he moved so he was standing right in front of her. He hesitantly reached out his hands to touch hers and she did not pull back.  
A tiny sigh of relief escaped his lips as she let him touch her, her hands so much smaller than his. He gently laced their fingers together, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hands and Tony took a deep breath before continuing “I know what I want...and I want you. I want us...everything. I wanna take you out on dates, I wanna sleep with you and see you pretty face when I wake up. I want to watch silly movies with you, and laugh at your silly comments. I wanna be with you when you're not feeling well...I want everything. Hell, I want to marry you, I want a family...I want a future and I can't see one without you on it.” he paused for a moment, but continued in a soft whisper “And the most important thing...I want to make you happy. I want to make you smile and laugh every single day. I want to give you everything I have, everything I am...hell, I want to give you the goddamn moon if that's what you want. But most of all...I want to give you my heart...because you're the only one I trust with it...” 
Y/N didn’t answer, she just cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. The moment her lips brushed against his, he groaned loudly before cupping her face with his hands and pulling her even closer, the kiss becoming more and more urgent and frantic as he let out all the pent-up feelings and emotions through it. She parted the kiss, but didn't pull back “Are you sure?” 
Tony rested his forehead against hers, his eyes still closed and his breathing becoming more ragged as he tried to regain control over himself. He opened his eyes and looked at her face, one of his hands moving to brush against her cheeks “Never been more sure of anything in my life, sweetheart.” 
He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before continuing “Y/N Y/L/N...will you be my girlfriend?”  
Y/N smile and nods “Yes.” He let out another breath of relief, a huge wave of happiness washing over his entire body.  
They stayed in that position for a few seconds before he leaned in to kiss her again, this time the kiss was gentle and unrushed. “God, I missed you so much...” 
“I missed you too...” 
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace, her face resting on his chest and his face buried in her hair. He took a deep breath, relishing in the feeling of having her in his arms once again, and the realization that it wouldn't just be a fling. It was real, it was more than physical desire. He cared for her, he loved her, and she was his “I love you.” 
Y/N smiles “Say it again...” 
Tony smiles at her request “I love you.” he says, gently pulling her face away from his chest so he could look directly in her eyes “I'm in love with you...And I plan on saying it every damn day for the rest of our lives.” 
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ishipallthings · 2 months
Cap Iron Man Rec Week 2024 (Sat)
Smut Saturday - July 27th for @cap-ironman Rec Week
Smut Saturday (one day late!) - here are my recs for the sex pollen/Fuck or Die/Aliens Made Them Do It Trope 👀
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
Full Body Workout by Nix (616)
Hank has a lab accident. Steve and Tony bear the consequences.
Love Across the Multiverse by Sineala @sineala (Ults)
Mojo presents: Love Across the Multiverse! In tonight's episode, a battle-hardened supersoldier finds himself drawn to his handsome, genius teammate! It's an agonizing duel between his long-held beliefs and the secret passions of his heart! Will true love conquer all? There's only one way to find out! Don't miss the highlight of the season! (Viewer discretion is advised. Mojoworld residents who do not vote for their favorite participants of the season will be summarily sent to the arena. All hail Mojo.)
All the Love You Hold and Hide by Mireille (MCU)
On a mission, Steve triggers a booby trap that turns out to be a skeevy sex curse, of the "fuck or die" variety. Tony volunteers as tribute.
honey from your hive by meidui @meidui (MCU)
"Steve, stop that," Tony says, sounding strangled as his grip tightens and Steve stops, letting Tony grab his face and tilt him up. "You're kind of scaring the crap out of me. What is it? What's going on with you?" "We blew up the lab," Steve manages, and something dawns on Tony's face. "Everyone had a reaction 'cept me. Think 'm having it now."
Breathless by KandiSheek @kandisheek (MCU)
How do you even start a conversation like that? Hey, sorry, but last night you sort of jerked me off through our bond and now I know the serum makes you shoot off in like two seconds, oops. Wherein Tony can feel everything Steve feels and it makes things very awkward.
Fervor by erde (MCU, post-IW)
Steve finds himself in some particular kind of trouble after breathing a chemical. Tony, who supposedly doesn't want anything to do with him anymore, gives him a hand.
Previously Thought to be Impossible by Impala_Chick @impalachick (MCU, EG)
In 1970, SHIELD HQ was working on a powerful aphrodisiac prototype. Tony Stark from 2023 happens to cut open the wrong box at the wrong time, and Steve Rogers from 2023 doesn't know how to feel about it.
the thorn in his side by fohatic @fohatic (MCU, EG)
It had been there from the beginning. There was no end to it, that mutual wanting between them—forever unresolved—that had grown so terribly soft and unbearably romantic with age... But there was an unspoken rule between them, as well: an understanding that they could never act on it. That is, until an alien parasite's brood nest gets violently dislodged from its Chitauri Leviathan host during the Battle of New York, dispersing its contents directly over two time-jumping tourists who are very much in the wrong place and the wrong timeline.
Strong as Death by babesrgrs and the sequel Between the Shadow and the Soul (MCU, post-EG)
Steve is hit with a curse that has unexpected consequences, and Tony, who's never going on a diplomatic mission ever again, has a religious experience. The sexy kind.
Hope you guys enjoy the recs! Please mind the tags before reading. Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists :)
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anyways this is my first time so don’t bully me😭
Can i request hcs with a killer gn reader thats like kobeni from chainsaw man? Like they’re a wimp and a little bit of a crybaby but is good at killing and skilled with weapons specially a knife? You can choose any of the killers!
Have a splendid week and always stay hydrated!!🩷🩷🩷🫶🫶🫶
Don't worry i would never bully any of my dear readers <333
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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It honestly shocked Toby when he saw you fight for the first time
He always knew you as sort of a wimp, breaking down into nervous babbles and tears at the slightest hint of conflict
But here you are, almost completely unemotional, and beating these people senseless
It is only once you're done that you begin to panic, which takes Toby aback even more
Toby didn't even have to lift a finger on this mission, because you took care of it all, but now you're....crying??
He rushes to your side and kneels by you on the floor "w-woah hey, are you ok?" He asks
You only manage to get out nervous babbles, which only worries toby more
He ends up calling Tim (because while he may be an adult, he needs a more adultier adult in this situation)
Tim concludes that you're just having an anxiety attack and should be back to normal within a few hours
Tim ends up carrying you back to his car and lays you down in the back seat, while tony watches over you
Toby doesn't leave your side until he is sure that you're ok, and don't need him to comfort you any longer
And from that point on, he doesn't let you do anything that may push your anxious self over the edge
Eyeless Jack
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You are one of Jacks most frequent visitors
He is always there, tending to your minor wounds while you panic and shake with fear
He doesn't talk to you much, since you are almost never in a state to talk
But the few experiences he's had with you have always been pleasent
You are always very kind, and he loves the fact that you have basic manners
He is almost never out on the battlefield himself, but he has heard rumor of your skill
Honestly, its one of those things hed have to see to believe
A shy, timid little thing like you?
Killing people?
Emotionlessly, no less?
Yeah, he just doesn't buy it, sorry
However if you were to show him your skill some day (wether that be through a creep videoing you, you training with him, etc) he would be thoroughly impressed
He just didn't expect something like that from you!
Jeff the killer
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He's kind of mean to you <//3
Unless youre just really close, he won't go out of his way to be nice to you, even if you are sensitive
If you call him out for it he will say "what are you gonna do? Cry about it?"
And don't think he hasn't seen your meltdowns, because he definetly has
He's not a complete ass, so he won't poke much fun at you for those
However, if you were to show off your skill one day that would shut him up pretty good
Even if you broke down after the fact, he wouldn't pay much attention to that
He's still in shock from the coolness he just witnessed
From that day on he's a lot easier on you
He won't make fun of you for being sensetive, he will only make an annoyed sigh if you start getting emotional, and he'll help you out more around the manor if you need it
And if you get close to him he might even let you show him some knife techniques
Thats a big maybe though
Don't count on it
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aves-ery · 1 year
CEO or Mob boss Wanda and stripper R👀 maybe she's just getting some visit to a certain club and she only have her for R but R is kind avoiding her. R is kind of snappy and feisty for Wanda but Wanda loved her more. One night she saw R entertaining other guests so she brought the whole club and kicked everyone out so she could have R all for herself.
Idk maybe you'd like to consider, btw you works are great and wonderful and so are you! Thanks!!!
one, thank you! two, this is ctually so bad bc I'm tired and for some reason forgot how to write good smut? but heres just wanda crazy for you.
pairing; CEO!wanda x stripper!reader
warnings; smut 18+ ONLY, infatuated wanda, praise!!, strap-on, fingering
if anyone saw wanda at a strip club, it'd be a field day for press. but quite honestly, she didnt care when she laid her eyes on you. she saw the flashes of the cameras when she walked in, but when she saw you in that lingerie, she didn't care what the articles were gonna read the next day.
wanda sat snug in a booth, watching you from afar. her silk button up was unbuttoned down to her upper stomach, her boobs only covered by her tight fitting sports-bra.
"i want that one," she pointed you out to all of her boss friends, a beer bottle still in hand. you were all over someone else, a lap dance she presumed.
one of the guys whistled you over, waving a "come here" motion. wanda knew it wasnt the way to get your attention, but you followed through, stalking over to them. you smiled, waving.
"hey gentlemen," you said seductively, plopping your pretty ass onto Tony's lap. wanda rolled her eyes.
"actually, as pretty as you are baby, this one wanted ya," tony pointed to wanda, and wanda waved her fingers.
"you just caught my eye, pretty," she said. you recognized the CEO immediately. you had to fight an eyeroll because no way in hell you were letting some snob like wanda touch you. you turned to the gruffy man whose lap you are on.
"i came over to see you," you avoided. the men around the table laughed, making fun of wanda. wanda just told them to all "shut the fuck up."
she tried to get your attention all night, buying you drinks, complimenting you, trying to just make you say hi. all she'd get in response is an eye roll and a "leave me alone."
"yo, get away from the girl she told you to stop," a bouncer said, pushing wanda away from you.
"look man, im not trying to cause a problem. she's just a pretty lady," wanda laughed, trying to use her charm to make him let her through.
"sorry, the girls not comfortable with you," the bouncer said again. wanda groaned, pulling out her wallet.
"c'mon ill even pay to just talk to her, man," wanda pulled out a few hundred dollar bills, and you rolled your eyes at the interaction. "i wont touch her, fucking promise. just wanna get to know the gal," wanda pleaded.
the bouncer looked at you, pointing at the money. wanda was at least holding 500 dollars in her hand currently. it was a silent agreement, and wanda was allowed into the private room
she handed a bill to the bouncer, then a few to you, before sitting in one of the booths. "you're a feisty one," she joked. you rolled your eyes.
"you can't buy me," she snapped. wanda nodded.
"im not trying to, babe. you're just... very intriguing," wanda said.
you had complained all of the next week, even after you didnt see wanda. you just didnt want her around, and didn't want her paying her way to you.
wanda found that out quickly, but she couldn't help it. you deserved to be worshiped with everything she could buy.
she sent you flowers, chocolates, everything to work. she didn't even know what days you worked, and she still sent them. Every time, you snacked on the chocolate and left the flowers in the trash. you didn't complain about that though. if she was going to spend money on you, she was going to laugh about it.
wanda came again two weeks later. she smiled and waved at you, but you continued flirting with a client. your hands on the man more than usual, making sure to get a rise out of her. you avoided her, but from close by. she'd call you over, and you'd give a lap dance to a guy near her.
wanda was fucking tired of it. that week, she bought the whole strip club. when you found out, you quit.
"no." wanda said.
"what?! you're fucking crazy. you're stalking me!" you screamed. wanda raised her eyebrows, standing up
"im not stalking you!" she screamed back at you
you laughed, "right. you're just fucking craz-" wanda kissed you. hard. you pushed her away, looking at her like she was actually insane, because she was, and then you kissed her back harder.
wanda grabbed your hips, picking you up and setting you on her desk. "you were just too pretty to leave alone. I'd buy the whole earth to be with you," she told you.
you thought she was joking, but she really wasn't. wanda was infatuated with you. when you looked her in the eyes, you could tell. you kissed her hard, allowing the woman you barely knew to have all of you.
"you're so pretty," wanda said, removing your sweater and kissing your breasts. you blushed, nodding.
"thank you," you whispered, moaning softly.
"you'll never have to work again, okay? and I'll win you over, i promise. I'll take you out on dates, I'll buy you dinner," wanda got on her knees sliding your shorts down, looking at you in the eyes. "I'll do anything, for you."
you blushed again, nodding, "win me over," you moaned. wanda nodded, sliding your panties over and taking you in.
"such a good girl," she praised, licking you fully. you shook softly, tangling your hands into wanda's hair. her lips found your clit, sucking softly.
you let out another breathy moan, and another as two digits pushed into you. your hand flew everything off the desk, and you lied back. wanda could deal with it later, you decided.
she was quick to make you cum, cleaning your thighs and kissing them both. she got rid of her pants, revealing a large red strap on. you looked at wanda with shaky arms and legs, smiling at her.
she didn't bother to take her button up off, only her pants and boxers, before shuffling towards you. "can i make you mine?" wanda asked, kissing your palms. you smiled up at her.
"yes," you said again, kissing her deeply. wanda smiled, lining her strap up with your cunt, before softly making her way into you.
the strap was the biggest you've taken, so you were grateful for wanda's soft nature. she looked at you, searching for any sign of discomfort. when she didn't find any, she started to go faster.
your hands found her back, gripping her shoulders and scratching down her back, "faster, wanda," you pleaded.
wanda nodded quickly, making sure to pick up the pace, "anything for you, doll," wanda kissed her thumb. she grabbed your boobs, kissing them both before kissing your lips. "you're so pretty like this," wanda said, kissing you again.
"thank you," you moaned. wanda's hand found your clit, rubbing softly until you came around her strap.
when you finished, she pulled out and washed you up with a washcloth. she then put you back into your shorts, and then her own hoodie.
"gonna get you back home and run you a bath, kay? dont gotta worry about anything ever again. I'll take care of you."
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mylovelies-docx · 1 year
Sorry, I Love You - Prologue
We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!
Since you guys are awesome and helped me reach 100 followers, here is the prologue to my new Bucky x Reader fic Sorry, I Love You inspired by the Stray Kids song of the same title (also, stream 5-Star on your favorite music app!)
This is a friends-with-benefits - to - strangers - to - something that I haven't written yet. I've got 5 chapters completed and no idea where the story will take me. I'll add tags as we go!
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Friends with Benefits, angst, unrequited feelings, Natasha being a Good Friend. This is just the Prologue, so a lot more to come!
Word Count: 700
Let's go!
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You hide your feelings as deep as you can, but they bubble over. You can’t help but stare dreamily when his face morphs in happiness as his eyes squint when he laughs with the guys over a pint of Asgardian liquor. 
You know your face says everything you won’t. When you meet Natasha’s gaze from across the table as Bucky throws his head back in an exaggerated groan at something Sam said, you immediately straighten your spine and wipe all traces of love sickness from your face. She softens her brows and gives you a pitying look you can’t stand.
You stand from where you’re sitting, disturbing the group’s conversation going on around you while you’re distracted by the highlights and shadows of Bucky’s mouth. His bright blue eyes meet yours, slightly fuzzy from the amount of Asgardian liquor flowing through his system, and he smiles at you from one side of his mouth.
“Where ya’ goin’, sweetheart?” Bucky basically yells from three seats away. “The party ain’t over yet!”
You laugh and drain what’s left of your drink before slamming it down and taking a small step backwards. You scrunch your face up and shake your head at the burn.
“It is for me, Barnes. You guys know it’s way past my bedtime.”
Everyone either laughs at your self-deprecating statement or starts complaining about you being lame. You smile brightly as you tell everyone good night and make your way out of the room. You immediately know you're not alone in leaving the table when you hear more exaggerated complaining from the group following someone else’s goodbye.
Nat’s voice reaches your ears just as she grabs your arm and walks beside you. You both make your way towards the residential quarters where you and Nat share the same floor. The walk is quiet. Neither of you speak all the way to the elevator and the entire ride up. The hand she grabbed you with has looped through your elbow and pulled you close. You both lean back against the shiny surface of the carriage wall, listening to the soft AC/DC coming from the speakers. Freaking Tony Stark, you think to yourself, hiding a small, fond smile.
Nat breaks the silence as the ring of the bell ushers the opening of the elevator doors. Her arm tightens around your own, pulling you closer into her side.
“Are you good to go on the mission with Barnes later this year?” Although Nat asks the question bluntly, her tone of voice is gentle.
You snort and turn to look at her with a confused look on your face.
“Yeah?” you respond. You know that she knows that you know why she needs to ask the question, but you refuse to admit anything out loud.
“It’s just,” Natasha sighs and drops your arm, turning to face you, “this is a close quarters kind of mission – I don’t want you doing something stupid.”
“Wow, Nat.” You huff and cross your arms protectively in front of your chest, continuing down the hallway at the slow pace you’d set. “Tell me how you really feel.”
She closes her eyes and waves a hand in front of her face, acting like she’s batting her last words out of the air.
“Not stupid,” she clarifies, “I meant I don’t want your feelings for Barnes to make you think there’s something there when there really isn't.” Nat gives you a reproachful look when you start to deny it. “I know this is something you and he talk about sometimes, where he says he’s not looking for a relationship. But, hon, you’re always looking at him like you want one.”
You stare straight ahead to avoid her gaze, worrying your lips with the blunt edges of your teeth. A jittery, painful feeling fills you at the mere thought of whatever it is you have with Bucky ending like you know it will. This ‘relationship’ that isn't really a relationship.
“I don’t mean to,” you whisper pitifully.  
“I know,” she soothes, removing your lip from your teeth with her thumb and using the other hand to rub your arm. “It’s just a crush – it’ll go away.”
You both hear the doubt in her words.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
The Night We Met
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PAIRING || Police Officer!Tony Stark x Florist!Bucky Barnes
SUMMARY || Bucky never expected that a 3 AM phone call would change everything for him. When he found out about a break-in at his flower shop, he also found love amidst the chaos.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. Everyone lives AU. Florist AU. Police Officer AU. Veteran!Bucky Barnes. Florist!Bucky Barnes. Police Officer!Tony Stark. Strangers to friends to lovers.
WARNINGS || Tony is described as being tattooed. Angst. Break-in/robbery. Talk about a past traumatic event during war. Mentioned loss of limbs.
SMUT || Bottom!Bucky Barnes. Top!Tony Stark. D/S undertones. Soft Dom!Tony Stark. Sub!Bucky Barnes. Bondage: Vibranium handcuffs. Uniform kink. Dirty talk. Praise. Begging. Edging. Orgasm delay. Subspace. Oral (M receiving). Deepthroating. Implied rimming. Protected anal sex. Aftercare.
A/N || This one-shot is written as part of the WinterIron Bang - hosted by @winterironevents - and is based around the amazing artwork of @scottxlogan! I want to thank @vikwrites for taking the time to beta this story, as you have helped me bring this to a whole new level! 🤍
EVENTS @anyfandomaubingo || Police Officer!Tony Stark @buckybarnesbingo #B011 || Wearing each other's clothes @buckybarnesevents HBS Week 2 || "What should I call you?" @fandom-free-bingo Frosty || Moral support @fandom-free-bingo Pride || Pronoun badges @fandom-free-bingo Pride || "What if someone sees?" + Friends to Lovers
@fandom-free-bingo Wild || Flower Shop AU @kinky-things-happen || Subspace @lgbtqbingo || Height difference @sebastianstanbingo || Uniform Kink @winterironevents WIB #R2022 || Alpine
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GIF: Source || All other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Bucky Barnes || Tony Stark || WinterIron
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When Bucky went to bed mere hours ago, he was blissfully unaware his life would be turned upside down completely, and it would all be thanks to one single phone call at 3 AM. His cat, Alpine, was cuddled onto the pillow next to him, her snowy fur brushing against his face when he was rudely awakened from his slumber by his phone going off at the ungodly hour.
While she's still purring in her sleep, Bucky quickly stirs upright and grabs his phone, groaning as he sees an unknown number calling him. A surge of panic goes through him as he considers all the possibilities that could come from this phone call, uncertainty creeping throughout his figure.
Did something happen to my parents or Rebecca? Did Steve lock himself out of his apartment again after being on the rooftop for too long? It all passes through his thoughts as his finger hovers over the alarming 'pick-up' button.
"Bucky," is all he says in a deep, rumbling voice as he picks up, thinking about strangling whoever it is on the other side of the phone line. He's never been a good sleeper, but it has only worsened since he returned from war. Some nights, he jolts awake, the sounds of gunfire still ringing throughout his head, so he cherishes every minute of sleep he can afford.
"Hi, I'm looking for James Barnes. Is this him?" the man on the other side of the line questions, and Bucky can physically feel himself relax as he hears his voice, making him feel like a weight is being lifted off his shoulder. It's a deep, soothing baritone that renders him just a little calmer, even with the vague question he got asked.
"Yes. Is everything okay? I can only assume something's going on, seeing that you're calling me at—" Bucky glances at his alarm clock before finishing his sentence, "3:15 AM." Alpine wakes up because she hears Bucky's voice. She rubs her soft head against his free hand, and her silken fur brushes against his calloused palm, making Bucky smile a little.
"This is Lieutenant Tony Stark from the NYPD, and I'm sorry to inform you that your flower shop was broken into less than 30 minutes ago. I'm currently at the scene, but it would be helpful for you to come over and assess the damage that has been done," Tony calmly explains. His words hit Bucky like a freight train, causing his eyes to snap shut in horror at the realization of what had happened.
His flower shop—the pride and joy that he has dedicated the past decade of his life to, had been broken into and completely torn to shreds without any semblance of remorse from the bastards who did it.
"I—I… I'll be there in 10," Bucky sighs before saying his goodbye and quickly getting up so he can call his best friend, Steve, to inform him about what happened and to ask him to take care of Alpine, as he didn't know how long he would be gone for.
"Buck-" "I don't have time to explain! I have to go to the shop, and you need to take care of Alp for me, okay? I'll explain later," Bucky quickly says as he puts on an old Henley, a pair of sweatpants, and his running shoes before putting his hair into a messy bun on top of his head, slipping on a jacket, and running out the door. He at least still has the right mind to grab his wallet and keys before leaving and jumping onto his bike on his way to the store.
When he arrives, however, his heart sinks into his stomach as he looks at the damage they have done. Bucky quickly parks his bike before sprinting over, tears brimming on his waterline, threatening to spill over as he takes in every inch of his ruined storefront. Multiple windows are smashed in; the remaining glass shards are shattered and littered on the sidewalk. As he walks in the empty door frame, the entire interior of the flower shop is overhauled, many stems and blooms are trampled, their petals downcast, drooping, intricately designed bouquets scattered across the floor, and the door to his office is broken into. Amidst all this, a large police team is investigating.
With a heavy feeling in his stomach, tears began flowing freely down his cheeks as he looked around, observing the desecrated state of his beloved shop. Before he can go too far, he's stopped by a man in a police uniform, but despite his large stature, Bucky is still a good few inches taller than the man, which is noticeable as Bucky looks down to meet his gaze.
"You must be James. I'm Lieutenant Stark. We spoke on the phone not too long ago," Tony explains as he flashes his police ID, which Bucky responds to with a dejected nod because he is at a loss for words right now.
"W–Why?" is all Bucky can get out as he throws his arms up in defeat, unsure of what to do. His feet sweep away a few flowers that have been trampled; their delicate petals breaking off even with a gentle push. He can't stop the tears from falling, all the work he had put into this place has been ruined, and he still couldn’t bring himself to believe it, even though he's in the middle of it all.
"We're not sure why, but what we can say for sure is that your shop has been broken into. Obviously. The door to the office has been practically busted, and the safe is clinging onto its last hinges after they took every last thing in there." Tony tells Bucky, whose fists are clenching by his sides, as he attempts to subdue his anger. The news hits him like a physical blow as Tony's words hang in the air.
They chose his flower shop out of all the places they could rob. Who even breaks into those? They could have gone for the electronics store across the street, but no. They chose to bank on the fact that Bucky was an idiot who doesn't clear out the cash register overnight. Either that, or they were hoping the poppies would get them high.
Tony’s voice was soft as he spoke. "Could we maybe check the camera footage of what happened?" Bucky’s eyes widened as he cursed himself internally for completely forgetting that he had security cameras installed in this store in the first place.
"Y-Yeah, sure," Bucky stammered before leading the way to his torn-up office, where the laptop houses the camera footage and all the other administration. Tony motioned for him to go ahead first. Buckyhesitantly steps foot into his office, which he takes in with a deep breath before leading Tony inside. The damage there isn't as bad, it was mainly the safe that suffered the most harm, but it still pains him to see.
Once Bucky's seated in the chair, he retrieves his laptop, which was safely hidden away in a locked drawer in his desk. As he pulls up the security footage, he can't help but wonder why they didn't bother to look in there, but at the same time he's also relieved that  they didn't. While Tony carefully reviews the footage, Bucky leans back into his seat in defeat. Feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him, as a sniffle escapes, too.
Tony's hand landed gently on Bucky's shoulder, his voice laced with concern as he asked, "Is everything alright, James?" But despite the comforting touch, Bucky couldn't shake his head from side to side in response. His thoughts were clouded and his emotions tangled, making it hard for him to even form a coherent answer.
"I-I'm sorry, it's stupid," Bucky’s voice trembles, almost inaudible as he looks at the screen through blurry eyes, watching his flower shop being ravaged and ruined. His fists are balled in his lap as a wave of complete helplessness washes over him. A sudden sob now rips its way through his chest, the hand on his shoulder the only thing that's keeping him grounded.
"It's not stupid." Bucky’s breathe hitches as Tony crouches down next to him, concern etched on his face before Bucky wipes the tears away frantically, a rare show of vulnerability for a man who hasn't shed a tear in years, and here he is, bawling his eyes out in front of an entire team of cops.
"Your store has just been broken into, and that brings a lot of emotions along. It's not stupid to feel the things you're feeling right now," Tony reassures Bucky with a soothing smile, and he is suddenly all too aware of how Tony's hand is now placed on his knee. Somehow, between the chaos and his blend of emotions, he's also feeling something he hasn't felt in years, too, like a flicker of a small fire inside him reigniting after years of dormancy, stemming from nothing but a simple touch.
"How about this? Can you give me your number when we're done so I can keep you updated about the investigation into your store?" Tony then asks, and Bucky nods as the tears begin to subdue, a faint smile forming on his lips as he does.
"Sounds good," Bucky says softly. True to his word, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a scrap of paper, scribbling down his number and handing it to Tony. In return, Tony fumbles for his own phone and hastily enters Bucky's digits. While all the other people are done with the investigation and have packed up to leave, Tony can't bring himself to go just yet, so instead, he decides to lend a hand to Bucky with the clean-up and boarding up the empty window frames until Bucky can get them replaced by proper glass.
"Thank you, Lieutenant Stark, for everything." Bucky’s voice swelled with gratitude as he gestures with his arms to the now cleaned-up store. But a sinking feeling gnaws at his stomach. The last time he saw his store this barren was when he had first bought it a little over a decade ago, and now he can't help but feel apprehensive about starting all over again.
"Please, forgo the formalites, just call me Tony, and it was an honor to help you, James. Unfortunately, I must return to the precinct to do all the necessary paperwork, but I will keep you updated on the investigation. Good luck with the renovation of the shop," 
"Thank you, and I’ll call you Tony if you call me Bucky," Bucky says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curling up into a playful smirk, which leavesTony blushing and makes him look endearing in the larger man's eyes.
“Good night, Bucky,” Tony says, reluctantly tearing himself away from their banter and leaving both Bucky and the shop behind on his way to do the dreaded paperwork. Meanwhile, Bucky is still standing where the police officer left him, with a large smile etched on his lips as he watches him walk to his vehicle. For the first time in years, Bucky is starting to feel something akin to butterflies in his stomach, and he can only hope Tony feels the same.
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It’s been a month since the robbery of Bucky’s flower shop, and today it is time for the grand re-opening. During the entire time he was closed, he has decided to give the entire store a brand new look with the help of his best friend, Steve, as well as other people who have graciously offered their help after finding out what happened. Now, he’s busy in the shop, scurrying to get the last bouquets finished before the official opening in a few hours.
“What do you think of this?” Steve asks Bucky as he just finished setting up the table with an array of colorful pronoun badges that have been created by Bucky’s best friend in preparation to use during the re-opening. As Bucky approaches to stand next to Steve, his eyes glide over the pronouns ‘she/her’, ‘he/him’, ‘they/them’, ‘any pronouns’ and ‘ask me for my pronouns’.
“It's perfect!” A wordless exchange of grins passes between Bucky and Steve as he gives Steve a friendly pat on the back, and Steve responds with an accepting smile.
“Is there anything else I can do before I go home and change?” Steve asks as he peers over at Bucky, who just shakes his head, grateful for Steve's willingness to always lend a hand, before sending him off. As soon as the last bouquet is finished and placed in its vase, Bucky’s phone chimes with a notification, piquing his interest right away.
As soon as he sees who’s on the other end of the line, a large smile lights up on Bucky’s face, together with a faint pink hue painted on his cheeks. It’s from Tony, and he’s eager to read what he has to say. Over the course of the investigation, they’ve been talking more and more often, both about the robbery as well as other topics, which has only served to deepen Bucky’s infatuation for the other man exponentially.
Tony 👮>> Good luck with the grand re-opening tonight, I hope it goes well! I wish I could be there for you, but rest assured: I will be swinging by soon to buy some of the most beautiful flowers Brooklyn has to offer 😉
As Bucky lets the words on his screen sink in, he can’t help but smile like a mad man as his smile seems to grow to an almost unnatural size. The butterflies in his stomach are also going wild, and he can’t wait to see Tony again - but he will have to wait just a few more days in order to do so. He could almost hear his friend's deep voice and see the twinkle in his eye as he sent his well-wishes for the grand re-opening.
Bucky 💐>> Thank you. I wish you could be here tonight, too, but I’ll settle for you buying a bouquet or two once you finally have a day off 🥺
As he typed out his response, Bucky couldn't contain the joy bubbling up inside him—the thought of seeing Tony again after so long made his heart skip a beat. After one last look throughout the store, Bucky lets out a sigh of relief before heading home to prepare for the grand reopening. He takes a quick shower there before changing into a black and yellow outfit.
As he assesses his outfit in the mirror, his eyes glide over his Vibranium arm, and the black and gold of his fake limb are a beautiful complement to his outfit. A few years ago, he wouldn't have dared to walk around without a glove and long sleeves to cover it up. Through extensive therapy, he has learned that it's okay to have the prosthetic arm, and it's just as much a part of him as his flesh limbs.
Before he goes out the door, he brushes through his long locks, ultimately leaving them hanging loose instead of wearing them in his usual tied-back style. As he's walking out of the bathroom, Alpine is lying comfortably on her pillow on Bucky's bed, her soft fur practically glowing as the rays of the evening sun shine down on her.
"I'm leaving, Alp. Will you protect the house when I'm gone?" Bucky asks his cat lovingly as he scratches her behind the ears. She responds by pushing her head against his hand, soft purrs filling the room as she stretches. Bucky can't help but smile at the feline lying comfortably on her pillow as he pulls away, ready to reopen his store.
It's a beautiful summer evening, so Bucky rides his bike there today. This is a perfect way for him to let go of all the nerves that currently swirl through his body. As he drives through the streets of Brooklyn, his mind calms down immensely, and before he knows it, he's at his store, ready for the festivities later.
Bucky barely gets off his bike when the caterer - one of his best friends and the best cook he has ever met - Natasha Romanoff arrives with her team. A smile immediately adorns Bucky's face when he sees the fiery-haired woman clad in nothing but her signature black clothes, making her way over to him as an even larger smile graces her features.
"How're you feeling about tonight?" Natasha asks after enveloping her friend in a hug, now having to crane her neck to make eye contact with him.
Bucky rubs his neck with his large hand as he smiles nervously. "I'm excited but nervous at the same time. For the past ten years, I've been perfecting my store and everything that goes along with that, and it feels like starting all over again - which it is, in a sense. There's still the voice in the back of my head saying it won't be good enough, and people won't come back after seeing how it is now," he admits with a hint of defeat.
Natasha reaches for his hands, clasping them in hers as she squeezes reassuringly. "There's not a single thing you have to worry about, Bucky. Your store has been a neighborhood staple for years; people love visiting you! I know how terrifying it can be to start over, but you will be fine, I know it," she tells him, and Bucky nods.
"You're right, Nat. I needed that a lot," he says before letting his hands fall to his sides again when she lets go. After their conversation, Bucky feels about ten pounds lighter. While Natasha and her team are setting everything up, Bucky suddenly hears a knock on the front door, and he turns around to see his best friend, Steve, and his cat, Alpine. He quickly runs to the door to let them in, and Alpine immediately jumps over to Bucky to get some love from him.
"I can't believe you brought her over! Thank you for this amazing surprise, Steve," Bucky says, smiling at his best friend as he scratches the white feline behind her soft ears.
"Hey, there's no one more important in your life than Alp, so I figured I would bring her along. And you mentioned wanting her to come to the store more often, so she should be here on opening night, don't you think?" Steve says to Bucky as they walk to the table with pronoun badges.
Bucky hadn't noticed until now that Alpine was wearing a small badge with the pronouns "she/her" on it for tonight, and he couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it.
"Thank you, Steve, for everything. Thanks for the help over the past month in making the badges and, of course, for bringing Alpine tonight. Having her here tonight is an absolute must," Bucky responds with a giant smile before getting a cat bed ready, which he didn't think he would need for a little while. She will get a prominent place in the store tonight, as he places the bed on the counter next to the cash register to get all the attention she desires from tonight's guests.
Once everything is set up and ready to go, Bucky also grabs a pronoun badge before clipping it to his shirt and heading for the front door. He looks back to Steve for one more reassuring look, and then he officially turns the key to let all his friends, family, and acquaintances who have RSVP'd.
He's receiving many handshakes, hugs, and congratulations on the flower shop's reopening, and he takes it all in stride even though his heart rate is slowly rising with every person walking through the door. His eyes are looking for Steve, but he's too deep in conversation with some attendees to notice Bucky, so he takes a deep breath to steady himself and get through the remaining line of people.
Eventually, everyone's there, and it's time for Bucky to go and give the speech he prepared; a glass of champagne is ready in his hand, and the entire room is focused on him as he's about to start. But just before he can, the little bell above the door jingles, notifying everyone of one last guest this evening.
Tony Stark.
It's like Bucky's brain completely short circuits for a brief moment as he watches the other man grab a flute of champagne from one of the servers and find a place to listen to Bucky's speech. A small smile graces his face as he looks at Bucky, who can't help but smile as his brain finally catches up with what's happening.
"First off, thank you all for coming tonight to the grand reopening of Bucky's Flower Emporium! The last decade has been an amazing journey, and it all got turned upside down when the store was broken into, but I have taken this chance to create an entirely new experience for everyone," Bucky starts as he gestures into the store.
"After many discussions and considerations, we have created a safe place where people of any skill set can learn how to make their bouquets. There will be workshops for groups of up to 10 people, led by my friend and wonderful florist, Sam Wilson, or myself," he says, and Sam dutifully raises his glass in acknowledgment.
"There will also be opportunities to come by for some coffee, tea, and pastries provided by Thor Odinson, who makes the best pastries in New York! With that, you will be able to buy the amazing artwork on display behind me, made by my best friend, Steve Rogers, who has also designed all the pronoun badges you're wearing."
"And last but not least, Miss Alpine over here will also be in the store more often, so please don't hesitate to come in and give her some love as well - she loves being spoiled with attention!" Bucky jokes, and Alpine meows in response, only emphasizing his point as everyone laughs.
"Once more, thank you all for coming, and don't forget that all the bouquets you see here tonight are half off, so please don't hesitate to bring some home with you!" Bucky finishes his speech with a giant smile, his glass raised in the air before everyone disperses into conversations and looks at the bouquets Bucky has prepared for tonight.
The moment the speech is over, Bucky immediately makes his way over to Tony, who's dressed in a relatively simple outfit—but it's a significant difference from the uniform Bucky is used to seeing him wear. The shirt is open just enough to show off his broad, tattooed chest, and it's hugging him perfectly, just like his pants. The way the fabric spans over his thick thighs has Bucky nearly drooling, and the sight of it is ingrained in his memory forever.
In turn, Tony lets his eyes wander over Bucky's outfit, too, the Vibranium arm not going unnoticed. As he lets his gaze roam freely, he suddenly realizes that Bucky is dressed like one of the flowers in his shop - a sunflower, to be exact - and a small smile appears on his lips as he looks into his piercing blue eyes with his own deep, chocolate brown ones.
"I thought you didn't have time to come over tonight!" Bucky says before spreading his arms for a hug, which Tony happily accepts. Bucky takes a moment to take in his scent, which is musky with a hint of spice, only making the butterflies in his stomach go wilder.
"Well, I figured I'd come over and give you some moral support. It's an important night for you, and I couldn't resist seeing what you've done to the place after the investigation closed a few days ago," he says, and Bucky's practically beaming at his words.
"I'm glad you showed up tonight, Tony. It really means a lot," Bucky says before taking him to meet his friends as well as Alpine. The rest of the night goes by quicker than Bucky could have thought, and Alpine loved every attention she got tonight. He also sold out of most of his bouquets, leaving him more than satisfied.
Once everything is cleaned up and Bucky closes the front door behind him, he's relieved that everything has gone well tonight, but Tony's showing up has been the best surprise of the evening.
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Since the reopening of Bucky's Flower Emporium, it has been busier than before the faithful night that flipped Bucky's life on its axis. Where he was already doing great before, he's now doing better than he could have ever dreamt. From Sam being there almost daily to host gardening workshops to hiring another worker to keep up with the constant stream of people, Bucky adores every second of it. But what he loves most is Tony coming over when he has the time, and this time, Bucky's been pacing around with something important on his mind.
This morning, Tony texted Bucky to let him know he'd come over today, and ever since then, Bucky's been staring a hole through the front door, his heart pounding with anticipation, impatient to see his crush finally walking through the door. The minutes seemed to drag on forever as he fidgeted behind the counter of the flower shop, unable to focus on anything else but the thought of seeing Tony again, but just as Bucky rings up a customer who has picked out a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, the little bell chimed merrily, and lays his eyes on Tony, who is walking through the door with a charming smile on his face. Bucky couldn't help but beam back as their eyes met.
Bucky breathed a sigh of relief as the customer’s transaction came to a close, and they cheerily walked out the door, allowing Bucky to welcome Tony and help him pick out a bouquet to bring to the precinct.
"Good morning, Sunflower," Tony says lovingly as he hugs Bucky, which the taller man reciprocates with a warm feeling in his chest, reveling in the feeling of their bodies pressed together. During the reopening, Tony noticed that Bucky had worn shades of marigold, moss, and maroon, mimicking the hues of a sunflower, which became his nickname. Each time Tony playfully refers to him, Bucky can feel his nerves flutter like a caged bird, and the smile on Tony's face reassures him that he's feeling the same thing.
"Good morning, Lieutenant," Bucky replies with a sly wink after pulling away from his embrace, and a bashful flush colored Tony’s cheeks, which he attempts to conceal by inconspicuously turning around and peeking at some of the bouquets that Bucky has meticulously arranged. During all this, Sam shoots occasional glances at them from the corner of his eye with a proud smile as he guides his small group to cut off the stems of the flowers they had chosen.
The next twenty minutes were spent looking at flowers. At the same time, Bucky eagerly talks about their meanings—how dandelions represented reliance, how tulips bloom love—and how he created the intricate yet beautiful-looking arrangements. Tony’s gaze roams over the petals that flaunt their various hues and tones, until he picks out a large bouquet of vivid sunflowers to add a little colour the front desk in the precinct later. While Bucky packs it up for Tony,  his nerves start to set in. The clock is ticking, and with each passing second, the window of opportunity to share what's been incessantly plaguing his mind is getting smaller.
Bucky's inner voice urges him on, relentless and insistent. 'Come on, it's now or never,' it seems to say, a constant nagging in his mind. His heart pounds in his chest as he debates whether to take the leap or stay put. The weight of the decision hangs heavy on his shoulders.
Just before he hands Tony the finished bouquet, he blurts out his thoughts, "I-I want to go on a date…with you!"  The exclamation swiftly leaves his lips like a hushed whisper, spoken with hesitation. 
As soon as the words left his mouth, Bucky couldn't help but feel embarrassed at how he had formulated them. Tony can't help but stand there with raised brows at the boldness that has suddenly come over his friend. A deep red blush appeared on Bucky’s cheeks as his gaze became downcast in embarrassment squeezed his eyes shut, wishing that he could rewind time to take it all back. This wasn't how I planned it to go, oh god, I screwed it up. —he didn't even ask if Tony wanted to go on a date with him, but much to his astonishment and relief, Tony agreed.
"I would love to go on a date with you, Sunflower,’ Tony says with a reassuring smile, “But I'll have to text you about the details later. Unfortunately, I have to leave now, but I'm looking forward to it," Bucky nods as the flush on his cheeks slowly subsides. As Tony walks out the door, Sam can't help but snicker, earning himself a glare from Bucky before he retires to his office to work on some administrative tasks he's been pushing off so he wouldn't miss Tony coming into the store.
True to his word, Tony texts Bucky that same evening with some plans, which he happily agrees to. During the upcoming Saturday, Bucky plans on teaching Tony how to craft a simple bouquet before they head out to dinner and a bar afterward to finish the evening on a high note. Bucky has never said yes to something so quickly, and the anticipation builds as now all he can do is wait until it's finally Saturday, which seems to be an eternity away on the quiet Thursday night he's now enjoying, with Alpine curled up in his lap.
The past few days dragged on way too slowly for Bucky's liking, but it's finally Saturday morning, and Bucky's alarm goes off, notifying him it's time to get up and get ready for his date. He spent the better part of an hour in front of the mirror trying to get his ruffled hair to comply and contemplating his outfit, ultimately deciding on ripped jeans and a striped shirt.
However, before he takes a shower and gets dressed, he takes a moment to cuddle with Alpine as part of their usual morning routine. As he strokes her silvery fur, he shares the details of his day to her, and she's taking in all the affection before usually falling asleep in his arms again. "Are you excited about Steve coming over today, hm? Daddy won't be here to care for you tonight, so he'll be here with you later to cuddle and feed you," he says as he nuzzles into her soft fur, relishing in the slightly ticklish sensation against the skin of his face.
"Daddy's going on a date with Tony. Can you believe it? Because I surely can't either," Bucky continues as she purrs in his arms, his fingers scratching behind her ears, causing them to perk up. He tells her a bit more about everything he has planned, and eventually, she climbs out of his arms to lie on her pillow, allowing Bucky to get ready for said date.
After a quick shower, he slips into the clothes he laid out before fixing his hair, once again opting to leave his hair loose for a change but making sure to bring a hair tie along just in case, as it'll come in handy during the first part of their date: keeping unruly strands out his vision while making a flower arrangement. The rest of the morning seems to pass in a blur of anticipation and excitement, and just after lunch, it's almost time to go when he hears the familiar click of the front door lock turning.
"I'm here, Buck!" Steve yells, his voice echoing throughout his house, and Bucky pokes his head around the corner to greet his best friend while brushing his teeth, not wanting to risk a potential disaster by having bad breath. While Steve makes himself some lunch in Bucky's kitchen, Bucky finishes getting ready.
"Thank you again for taking care of Alp today; it means a lot," Bucky says as he walks into the kitchen. Steve smiles up at his best friend.
"No need to thank me, Buck. You know I will take care of her anytime," Steve reassures him, and he nods, knowing he's correct. There's nothing either wouldn't do for the other, even when they get a call at 3:15AM in the morning. After one last check in the mirror and finicking with his hair, Bucky grabs his keys and wallet before heading out the door and on his way to his date.
As soon as the Uber he ordered arrives, he can feel his nerves running wild. With every passing second, he's getting closer to going on a date with Tony he's been looking forward to for days. They have been texting one another whenever possible for the past few days. Last night, they FaceTimed for about an hour and couldn't stop announcing their excitement for their date.
Much to his surprise, Tony was already waiting in front of Bucky's Flower Emporium. This time—clad in a light outfit that complemented his skin beautifully. His usually messy curls are now styled neatly into a perfect quiff, and his facial hair is trimmed to accentuate his jawline, making him look even more handsome than he already is.
"Hey, Sunflower," Tony whispers as Bucky pulls him into a tight embrace, their bodies fitting together perfectly. Bucky takes in Tony's scent as he nuzzles his face into his shoulder, not wanting to let go. Tony smells of bergamot with a hint of citrus, and Bucky takes a mental note of the scent. Eventually, he has to detach from the embrace, and he quickly retrieves his keys from his pocket so they can head inside.
"The store looks so... different when there's no one inside," Tony remarks, and Bucky nods in response. Suddenly, Bucky's unsure what to say when they're inside, feeling a surge of uncertainty as he can’t help but fidget and wring his fingers nervously as he looks away, suddenly feeling very out of place in the once-familiar environment.
"Hey, it's okay to be nervous; I am too," Tony’s voice was gentle, reassuring. His hand rests on Bucky’s bicep in a comforting gesture, and Bucky can feel the warmth of his touch seeping through his shirt and onto his skin. His gaze meets Tony’s, taking in the lighter specks in his otherwise dark, chocolate-brown eyes.
Bucky shifts nervously, his eyes darting back and forth as he speaks. "You're right, I-I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't been on a proper date in years," Bucky admits, his voice tinged with shyness, and Tony smiles at his answer before nodding.
"That makes two of us. I don't even remember the last time I've been on a date, to be honest, but something about you has changed my mind. I feel so comfortable around you, and I can truly be myself, which I always look for in someone," Tony reaches out to Bucky's hand, and much to his surprise, it's his Vibranium one he's reaching for. Though he doesn't physically feel Tony's touch, he can still feel a soft sensation of pressure while looking at their intertwined hands.
"Thank you for allowing me to be myself, Sunflower. We may not be perfect, but I think that as long as we have one another, we're pretty damn lucky in this world," Tony tells Bucky before squeezing his hand reassuringly and then making their way to the workshop area.
"So, onto flower arrangements..." Tony says with a playful twinkle in his eye as he gestures to the workbench, where an array of colorful petals and green stems lay waiting. Bucky can't help but giggle at the other man's words, a broad smile gracing his features as a hearty laugh escapes his chest. And just like that, they spend the next few hours making flower arrangements together, working side by side, carefully selecting each bloom and arranging them into beautiful bouquets and centerpieces. 
With skilled hands, Bucky carefully selected a variety of vibrant, multicolored flowers, and made a beautiful multicolor bouquet that perfectly reflected the sunny weather outside. Meanwhile,Tony opted for a simpler arrangement with dandelion yellow and crisp white blooms. Bucky took the time to explain each step and guide Tony where necessary. They shared jokes and laughter, making the process all the more enjoyable. The fragrant scent of fresh flowers filled the room, adding to the cheerful atmosphere.
Now, they’re standing back as they’re admiring each other’s handiwork, their bodies so close that they’re practically touching. When Bucky’s eye suddenly catches sight of  a perfect white rose, lying astray on the bench, he plucks it up before removing most of the stem and turning to Tony, who watches his every move with rapt attention.
With a soft smile, Bucky leans in to gently tuck the flower behind Tony’s ear, the cold metal of his finger tracing a strand of his brunette hair. As he does, Tony lets his eyes slip shut while reveling in the sensation of Bucky’s fingers gliding across his skin. He’s considerably closer to Bucky when he opens them, and both heart rates rapidly pick up as they take in the closeness.
“May I kiss you?” Bucky asks softly.
“What if someone sees?” Tony asks, slightly apprehensively.
“Then they can enjoy a nice view of us kissing, if you ask me,” Bucky responds mischievously, and with those words, Bucky closes the gap between them. Their lips and tongues move together in a passionate dance, and their hands roam freely,  tracing along each other’s bodies simultaneously. They take their time exploring one another, but eventually, the need for air becomes greater than the need for each other, and Bucky is the first one to pull away.
“Wow,” he whispers in awe, his gaze fixed on Tony's face as a large smile tugs at the corners of his flushed lips, and Tony nods in agreement with his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. Both their faces are flushed as they take a step back, though they don’t want to be too far away from one another. With quick efficiency, the clean-up is done, and when Bucky turns to Tony to tell him something, he’s surprised by the other man’s lips on his again, which he graciously accepts.
Once they finally manage to pry themselves away from the other person, their hearts racing as they head out to dinner. The evening rushes by in a blur of easy conversation and shared laughter, their hands constantly brushing against each other as if drawn together by an invisible force. The conversations flow naturally between them, and they haven't had this much fun in a long time as they stroll their way to a nearby bar.
The dimly lit bar was bustling with people, their chatter blending together in a dull hum. Tony and Bucky stood side by side at the sleek bar counter, surrounded by shelves of glistening alcohol bottles. The bartender waited patiently for their order, a faint smile on his weathered face.  
"What's your drink of choice, Sunflower?" Tony asks as he's standing beside Bucky at the bar, looking up at him while Bucky thinks about what he wants. He settles for a whiskey while Tony goes for an extra dry dirty Martini with extra olives, which makes Bucky chuckle.
"I didn't know you had such an elaborate drink order, Lieutenant," Bucky's playful tone caused a faint blush to rise on Tony's cheeks. He stammers out something about the drink being his favorite, hoping to hide his embarrassment. After a little more teasing banter, both their drinks are ready, and Bucky and Tony find a small empty spot at the bar and settle onto the stools with a sense of relief.
"May I ask what happened to your arm?" Tony asks when they're both settled into their seats, and Bucky briefly hesitates, feeling a familiar knot form in his stomach. He has been expecting this conversation for a while now, knowing it was bound to happen, but he's always a little apprehensive to talk about it, not wanting to shy away from the truth and risk pushing Tony away with his past.
"Uh- y-yeah, of course" Bucky finally managed to say. He shifted his stance, facing Tony fully and trying to relax his tense shoulders.
"Before I became a florist, I had been serving in the military for a little over 15 years as a trauma surgeon. One unfortunate day, our peaceful camp was rocked by a sudden explosion, a bomb was detonated next to our tent, and the shrapnel blew up pretty much all of our tent and the people inside along with it. I was on the far end of the tent when it happened, I wasn't spared from the devastation; shards of sharp shrapnel sliced through my arm, causing such severe damage that it had to be amputated at the shoulder," Bucky somberly recounts to Tony, who listens with rapt attention and empathy for his friend's harrowing experience.
"About a year before I opened the shop, I got the chance to participate in a program that helps veterans who lost their limbs in the line of duty, and I have been lucky enough to have gotten a completely new arm. It's made of Vibranium, and even though I can't physically feel anything with it, it has ultimately pushed me to follow my dream: to use my arm as an outlet to create something beautiful, so I could learn to see the beauty of my arm, too. It’s taught me to see the beauty in my own unique circumstances and embrace them wholeheartedly."
"Over the years, I have learned to work and create along with it. Instead of fighting it, I’ve embraced it and now I'm not ashamed to show it off anymore. It used to be a big part of my insecurity and low self-esteem, but nowadays, it's just as much a part of me as my other limbs, but the biggest difference is that this one's a different material," Bucky says with a small smile, and Tony nods.
"I'm so glad you've learned to love yourself and the arm because you deserve to be loved. By others, sure, but most of all, you deserve to be loved by yourself," Tony says tenderly as he cradles the metal hand between his own, tracing soothing circles over the cold surface of the metal. Without saying another word, Bucky leans in to capture Tony's lips with his own again as he pours every single emotion he's feeling into it. Tony's breath hitches at the sensation of Bucky's lips on his own once again, but that quickly dissipates as he surrenders to the kiss, savoring every precious moment of it.
"Thank you for saying that, Tony," Bucky whispers as he pulls back, his breath warm against the other man's ear as he whispers his gratitude, looking into the other man's deep, dark brown eyes with an appreciative and adoring look before grabbing his drink and taking a sip, feeling the pleasurable way the liquid burns as it goes down. Tony finishes all of his Martini in one go before he gets up and leans in to whisper something in Bucky's ear that piques his interest.
"Do you want to go back to my place or yours?" he asks,  his voice low and inviting, and after a short moment of contemplation, Bucky tells him that it's better to go to Tony's place. After all, Steve is currently at Bucky's apartment to take care of Alpine. Not even ten minutes later, they're in an Uber snuggled together in the backseat, impatiently waiting until they arrive at Tony's apartment, exchanging playful touches and glances while their fingers intertwine.
As soon as the front door clicks shut, Tony’s hands are on Bucky, pressing him back against the sturdy wall before his lips are on Bucky's again. Tony's tongue pushes into Bucky's mouth immediately while Tony's hands open every last button on Bucky's striped shirt. Once the fabric is loose, Tony's hands move up and into Bucky's hair, which he softly tugs before pulling away, allowing himself to take in the look on the larger man's face.
"Let's move this to the bedroom, Sunflower," Tony whispers in a breathy voice as he grabs Bucky's hand and pulls him towards the large bedroom. As he does, Bucky takes in as much of the apartment as possible, but it doesn't last long, as he's quickly pushed onto the bed.
"I think it's about time we get you out of these clothes, don't you think?" Tony asks rhetorically, and before Bucky can even catch up with what's happening, he's stripped almost entirely bare. The only thing that's left is his underwear, which shows the fact that he's getting painfully hard at everything that's happening.
"Fuck," Tony groans as he takes in the sight of the man in front of him. The way his cream-colored skin is such a stark difference against his black and gold arm doesn't go unnoticed by Tony, and he leans over to press a few soft kisses on the scarring surrounding the fake limb.
"So beautiful," Tony whispers as he trails a line of kisses from the shoulder down his body, Tony's hands slowly inching their way up Bucky's thighs to where he needs Tony most of all. Tony maps out Bucky's entire body with his hands and lips, committing every inch of it to memory.
"What should I call you?" Bucky suddenly asks, and for a short moment, Tony's caught off-guard by the question. He didn't give it any thought beforehand, and his mind is coming up completely blank, too.
"What do you think you should call me?" Tony then answers, and Bucky takes a moment to take in his words, letting the words sink in as he's starting to sink into a floaty headspace.
"Officer." A short and simple answer, but one that goes straight to Tony's rapidly hardening cock as it throbs inside his pants. Tony lets out a deep groan at the name, and he practically rips Bucky's underwear off his body, unable to wait any longer to have a taste of him.
"Are you okay with this, Sunflower? Because if you're not, we can stop. We can stop whenever you want, okay?" Tony asks before moving any further, his gaze locked on the man beneath him, and Bucky nods slowly. He hasn't been with anyone in literal years, but his submissive side always bubbles up with minimal effort as he becomes nice and pliant for Tony.
"Good boy," Tony praises Bucky as he grabs the larger man's cock, his hand barely able to wrap around the girth. He works him over slowly as he keeps looking and listening to Bucky to find exactly what he likes. Bucky is like an open book at this point, as moans and groans constantly tumble from his lips.
The moment Tony takes his tip into his mouth, Bucky's hips instantly buck up into Tony's mouth, the pleasure almost being too much for Bucky to be able to handle. As Tony takes more and more of him into his mouth, Bucky can't help but moan louder until it's bordering on pornographic.
"F-fuck, Officer-" Bucky pleads, and Tony pulls off with a loud pop while his hand keeps going. "'M close," Bucky mutters, but he doesn't get his way yet.
"Not yet, Sunflower. I know you're close, but you need to hold out for a little longer, as I haven't done a thorough investigation of your body yet," Tony says seductively, and it hits exactly the way he had hoped. He had a suspicion Bucky had both a kink for Tony's profession and a uniform kink, and his suspicions had been confirmed.
Without warning, he immediately takes Bucky into his mouth again, this time until his nose is touching his pelvis, and he's practically gagging around the larger man's cock. He sounds filthy, but both of them are loving every second of it as Bucky's fists are holding the sheets tightly in order not to cum yet, while his hips buck up, driving his cock even deeper into Tony's throat.
"C-Close!" Bucky exclaims as Tony lets Bucky's balls roll in his hand, squeezing softly before tugging on them. He swallows Bucky down again, this time more easily than before.
"Off—O-Officer," Bucky says with a strained voice as his eyes are locked onto the smaller men between his legs. The sight is one he will never forget. "P-Please, let me c-cum!"
Instead of answering, Tony works Bucky's cock with his hands and mouth until the other man cums with trembling legs and loud, drawn-out moans. It's one of the most intense orgasms Bucky has ever felt, and his brain has gone completely blank at this point, now deep into subspace.
"Good boy, you did so well for me, you follow your Officer's orders so well," Tony praises him as he lets the other man retain his breath, but only briefly. Tony quickly climbs off the bed to strip himself of every last bit of clothing he's wearing, and he reaches over to his nightstand to get a few items: a bottle of lube, a condom, and the Vibranium handcuffs he bought in preparation for exactly this moment.
Once Bucky has come down from his high, Tony climbs over his large body to capture Bucky's lips in a soft kiss, to which Bucky responds instantly as his hands are on Tony within seconds. They take their time exploring each other's mouths, and Bucky moans at the taste of himself on Tony's tongue.
"I need you to sit on your hands and knees for me, Sunflower; been dreaming of what it's like to fuck you completely senseless, so that's exactly what I'll be doing now," he whispers in Bucky's ear, who smiles before moving to sit on his hands and knees. Once Bucky is in position, Tony catches him off-guard by pulling his hands behind his back, which causes his face to be pushed into the sheets, which quickly grow wet from the drool escaping Bucky's slack mouth.
"You're under arrest for being a bad boy," Tony says as he cuffs both of Bucky's hands behind his back, ensuring there's no way he can get out of them without help. Once satisfied, Tony sits back to admire his work with a smile. Seeing Bucky on his knees with his hands behind his back and his face practically pressed into the sheets gives Tony a huge rush of endorphins.
Now, Tony takes his time to work Bucky open with his fingers and mouth, paired with countless moans and whines as he does. Once Bucky is adequately prepped for Tony's huge cock, Tony rips open the condom before rolling it on and covering it with even more lube, ensuring it'll be nice and slick as he fucks Bucky into oblivion in a moment.
"Ready, my beautiful Sunflower?" Tony asks in a loving voice, and Bucky mumbles a soft yes as Tony lines up, eager to work himself into Bucky's willing ass. He takes hold of Bucky's hips as he pushes in, and he's met with the slightest bit of resistance as he does, but Bucky's body accepts him not long after.
"That's it, Sunflower, fuck- you take your Officer's cock so well," Tony groans through gritted teeth, as he's trying his hardest not to cum before he's even thrust into Bucky's welcoming body. The heat of Bucky around his cock is nearly driving him insane as he's holding onto every last bit of his sanity.
"God, you feel so good. You're going to let your Officer fuck some sense into you, huh? Gonna let your Officer fuck you so hard you have no other choice than to be his good boy?" Tony taunts Bucky, and Bucky can't do anything but moan incoherently, much to Tony's pleasure. He's exactly where Tony wants him - blissed out and fucked thoroughly.
With a groan, Tony bottoms out, and one of Tony's hands lets go of Bucky's hip in favor of grabbing the handcuffs, which he pulls on with every thrust, effectively pulling the large man back onto his cock with every deep thrust. It's been a while since Tony has felt this type of pleasure, and he can't get enough of it as he speeds up his thrusts.
"Fucking fuck! You feel so fucking good on my cock, Sunflower, should've fucked you much sooner," Tony says as his orgasm is rapidly approaching. Without warning, Bucky lets out a long, dragged-out moan as he cums again, his seed spurting all over the sheets without even being completely hard yet. It's precisely what pushes Tony over the edge, too.
"Fuck yes, take your Officer's cum! Gonna fill you up until you're leaking with my cum, and then I'm going to fuck it all back in again to make sure you will keep it all in this perfect, tight ass of yours," Tony pants, and he lands a loud smack on Bucky's as he fucks Bucky through their orgasms. When the sensitivity becomes too much, he pulls about before collapsing next to Bucky, who's now facing him after lying down on his side, too.
"You did so well for me, Sunflower. You've been such a good boy for me," Tony whispers as he tucks some loose hair behind Bucky's ear and leans in to place a peck on his nose and lips. Bucky smiles into the soft touches as his eyes slip shut, and he lets Tony take care of him, trusting him to do exactly what needs to be done to prevent a subdrop.
"I'm going to get a washcloth to clean you up and some chocolate and fruits for you to nibble on, okay? I'll be close by the entire time," Tony tells Bucky. Bucky whines softly at the thought of being left alone, but he eventually accepts it. Tony then takes his time to remove the handcuffs, massaging his Bucky's flesh wrist from the strain before grabbing the washcloth, food, and two bottles of water.
"Here I am, Sunflower. I'm right here with you, and I'm not leaving again, I promise," Tony whispers as Bucky clings to him once he's all cleaned up. Tony's seated with his back against the large headboard, and Bucky's seated sideways in his lap as he feeds Bucky the chocolate and fruit and takes bites for himself.
"How're you feeling?" Tony asks after Bucky finishes the last of his water bottle and chocolate, and he's visibly tired.
"Good. Sleepy," he says with droopy eyelids, which makes Tony chuckle. They get comfortable under the comforter, and Bucky immediately pulls Tony against his chest before falling asleep. That night, they have some of the best sleep they've had in a long time, as they're now lying in the arms of someone they have massive feelings for.
The next morning, Tony gets up before Bucky to prepare breakfast, and just when he's about done, Bucky walks into the kitchen wearing the sweatpants and hoodie Tony laid out for him to wear. His hair is messy, and he still looks sleepy, but Tony still thinks he looks beautiful.
"Mornin', Sunflower," Tony says as he watches Bucky sit on one of the stools at the kitchen island. He finishes preparing the food before walking over to the other man, giving Bucky a peck on his lips, and putting a plate with toast, eggs, and bacon in front of him together with a large, steaming cup of black coffee.
"Morning," Bucky says sleepily, and a smile lights up his features as he kisses Tony back. Then, he dives into his food, and Tony takes his place next to him at the kitchen island before eating his breakfast, too.
"So… This is maybe an odd question, but… what are we, exactly?" Bucky asks when they're both finished with breakfast and enjoying some light conversation over a fresh cup of coffee. There's uncertainty laced in Bucky's voice as he brings up the topic on his mind since they went to Tony's apartment last night.
"What do you want us to be?" Tony asks, even though he knows what he wants them to be. However, he doesn't want to push him away, so he's willing to take it at whatever pace Bucky's comfortable with. Bucky smiles at the question before answering - the one Tony secretly hoped for.
"Boyfriends," he answers honestly, and Tony nods in agreement as a large smile adorns his features.
"I want that too, Sunflower; there's nothing that would make me happier than to be your boyfriend," Tony whispers before leaning in and capturing Bucky's lips in a soft, loving kiss that has his heart racing.
Boyfriends. It's a term both of them happily get used to, and they're secretly happy that those idiots broke into Bucky's flower shop because, without them, they wouldn't have found their happily ever after in one another.
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crazycurly-77 · 3 months
Hey, Ms. Secret Service! - Chapter 3
The next two days didn't happen anything. There was no new case to solve, so the team was stuck with paperwork and you were working with flight colleagues of another team on several possible flight routes for their upcoming new mission. 
“Y/N, what you doing? Anything interesting other than paperwork?” Tim asked and everyone was looking at you waiting for your answer. 
“Actually yes. I'm working with some other pilots on a possible route through dangerous territory concerning their upcoming mission.”
“Sounds interesting. Can you tell us more?” came from Tony. 
“Hm, since it's not classified, yes. Give me the controller and I'll show you.”
So you began to show them the territory and the multiple plans to get the new fighter helicopter out of the foreign country. 
“It will be very dangerous and we have currently no idea how to get the pilot of the chopper in there and back, but somehow we have to make it do.”
Tim processed what you just told them “Are you flying, too?” 
“No. At least, not yet” 
“So why are they asking for your help?” 
“Because I had a mission in this territory 3 years ago.”
“But then you would be the best to lead this new mission” he mused. 
You gulped and hung your head shaking it no. “You lost someone” Gibbs stated. 
You just stared at him nodding. 
Kate was the one who hit it the hardest. On the brink of shedding tears she whispered “who?” 
You turned to her and said absentmindedly “my brother. We were on our way back and then we were attacked and were vastly inferior. We were nearly safe, but then he was shot down and I had to see him crash and burn and couldn't do anything about it.”
There was a stunned silence. Tim and Tony looked on the ground and didn't know what to say, Kate was crying silently and Gibbs’ eyes were boring into yours.
“I'm so sorry for your loss” Kate said and hugged you for consolation. 
You hugged her back “thank you very much. That's very nice of you.”
“I've brothers myself and I don't know what I would do in such a situation. I'm so sorry” she sniffed. 
Gibbs was feeling with you, too. Several years ago he too lost his family without anything he could do to help them and he too was missing them greatly. But those are his own demons. Nonetheless he noticed that fact as another piece of the puzzle that were you. One thing more you two had in common. Actually two, if he counted the mission you had dealt with. 
In this atmosphere suddenly stepped an older man, who was apparently in a good mood. Exactly the thing you all needed to get going again. 
Tony stood directly by his side “hi, I'm Tony DiNozzo. Can I help you?”
The man laughed friendly and shook Tony's hand “hi, I'm Jackson. Nice to meet you.” With that he looked at the screen “hey, that I know! You're planning a mission. How many planes will be flying and in what amount of time do you have to fulfill it?”
He walked over to you and you looked very amazed at him. 
Seeing you stunned in silence he laughed wholeheartedly. Then Gibbs rolled his eyes and said to all of you “McGee, DiNozzo, Todd, Y/L/N…that's Jackson Gibbs, my father. Dad, that's my team.”
Jackson smiled and shook hands with everyone saying “just call me Jackson”. He was a very interesting opposition to his son, friendly, open, in a good mood, talkative, flirty. It was hardly imaginable that these two were related, the least of all father and son! 
“Dad, what are you doing here?” you heard Gibbs asking. “Oh I just wanted to visit you. And as I see I'm coming just at the right moment to help.”
With that Jackson turned to you saying “in my time I flew a P-51 in World War II, maybe I can help in some way?” You were stunned. “Yeah, I would be honored if we could discuss several flight maneuvers. It will be very hard, because we have only 10 minutes to get to the foreign territory, get the helicopter and then get back home.”
“Okay, show your plans and we will see!” 
Under the watchful eyes of your boss, the two of you talked and discussed the plans until the evening and you were finally successful. Possibly you had found a way to make the mission do without any loss, but it will be a hard one. And you will not have to fly it to get it done. 
Suddenly Jackson asked “you hungry?”
You smiled “oh yeah. After all it's late, isn't it?”
“Yes, it is. Would you like to eat something together and chat a little bit about other things besides the mission?”
“You're really charming and I would like that, but I don't think your son would be very happy with that” you winked at him. 
Mentioned son stood suddenly beside you “You are invited to my home. On the way there we will get some food and then we all can talk together. Kate is coming, too.”
“Okay, then let's go” you answered.
(To be continued....)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
Dr. Halstead to the Rescue
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Hi Shy Anonymous asker here is your request. I hope I did it justice ❤️- Reader is new in Chicago, to start a new life away from her abusive ex. Will soon gets to know that she's all alone in Chicago and he begins to care for her especially after she's released from the hospital. I think of Will is slowly gaining her trust, nursing her back to health
Some people believe in fate or destiny. I wasn’t one of those people during most of my life until one night changed everything for me. I only remember pieces of the accident that night. It was raining heavily in Chicago where I was looking for a hotel for the night. I had jumped on the first available flight away from my abusive ex boyfriend.
Driving down the road that night I saw his phone number come through the phone where I took my eyes off the road for a split second. “You’ve got to be kidding. It’s not going to happen Tony!…argh!” Headlights came right up behind me and rear ended me at the stoplight throwing my head against the steering wheel.
My ears were ringing and when I brushed my hand over my head seeing blood on it when I drew my hand back. Blinking my eyes my vision was slightly blurry when someone knocked on my driver window. “Are you hurt?” A guy with auburn hair could be seen outside.
“I think I’m okay…woah geez.” I opened the door and he stepped away helping me out of the car and I stumbled into his embrace feeling dizzy.
The stranger quickly reacted, sweeping me off my feet and up into his arms. He carried me to his car and he drove me to the hospital. “Don’t worry we’re going to the hospital nearby.” He kept turning his head looking at me concerned until I passed out.
Now I had been at the hospital for a few weeks and I learned the guy that hit me and brought me here is a doctor and his name is Will Halstead. Sitting up in my hospital bed I flipped through some tv stations finding that they were playing Iron Man 3. “Hey sorry to bother you. But I wanted to check on you when I finished my rounds.” Will peaked his head inside the room moving the curtain open.
“Hey Will, you really don't need to worry about me. Nothing serious has happened since you came to check on me 10 minutes ago.” I shake my head with a chuckle while laying the remote in my lap.
He lowered his head face turning slightly red. “Sorry Y/n. I'm just really sorry about rear ending your car that night.”
“It wasn't all your fault. I took my eyes off the road to look at a stupid text from my ex. So seriously please don't take all the blame.” I raised my hands in surrender, needing him to understand the situation since he seemed like a really nice guy who wanted to please everyone.
Will looks down at my chart shrugging his shoulders. “Okay let's see. You're labs and ex Ray came back all good. I did have to mark down the bruising on your back, arms and thighs though since I wasn't sure they weren't caused by the accident until a few days later. But otherwise you should be cleared to be discharged.”
“Really…that's great.” I perked up with a smile on my face until I realized that my car was totaled and I didn't have anywhere to go. My parents were a few hours away from here but were both at work. So I'd need an apartment or somewhere else to go for a couple days. “Actually I think I'm screwed.”
Will sat the chart underneath his arm meeting my nervous gaze. “Why what's wrong?”
“I don’t have anywhere to really live at the moment. I hopped on a plane and was on my way to find a hotel room the night of the accident.” Dropping my hands in my lap I didn't say much more. Even though Will was awfully kind and caring I wouldn't allow myself to open up to him just yet.
My ex Tony had done a real number on me. I didn't pretend like he and I were fine after he first started hitting me. So when he left for work I took what money he had left me and the extra I had in my wallet and I bolted. Trusting people, especially new guys, is now going to be a lot more difficult than it used to be. But I didn’t think Halstead had feelings for me, he's just doing his job. “Oh well how about you live with me for a little while until you find your own place and can get back on your feet?” He suggested laying my chart on the foot of the bed.
“Will, I can’t ask that of you.” I declined his generous offer not wanting to be intruding in on his private space.
Yet the young and attractive dr was instant when he sat down as close as he could on the bed. “I know you're not asking. I'm offering.”
“I…that's awfully nice of you.” I complimented seeing a smile grace his face brightly. “So I'll accept it, Dr. Halstead.”
Will got back up to his feet grabbing the chart and drawing open the curtain that showed the rest of the hospital floor to patients. He glanced over his shoulder at me. “I'll go start your discharge paperwork and then we can go get you some better food then what they serve here. My shift gets done at five but I'll take you to my apartment a little earlier so you can get settled in.”
“Dr. Halstead, why are you really being this nice to me. Is it because you feel guilty about the accident or is it some other reason?” I questioned with a tilting of my head trying to figure him out but my mind was still going blank.
The Dr shifted his body so he was facing me when he answered my question with that cheeky smile he had every time he came to check on me. “I dp feel guilty for what happened, yes. But that's not the only reason.”
“What's the other reason then?” I asked curiously.
He smiled back quickly, shifting his gaze to his shoes when his face turned red. “I fairly sure there is a slim chance you feel the same but…I don't know how it happened. I just found myself developing a crush on you.”
“Oh wow. I'm flattered.” I covered my heart with my hand feeling my face turning red for some unknown reason.
Will rubbed the back of his neck finally leaving the room. “Yeah uh…I'll come see you later to leave. Enjoy your movie.” I watched him leave the room before turning the TV back on to play the movie. Shifting around in the bed to lay down in a better position my mind wandered away from what I was watching and I found myself thinking of Will.
He seemed like an amazing guy compared to how Tony treated me. And maybe just maybe if I was brave enough someday in the future Will would know that I also found myself having a crush on him.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 3 months
The Truth Revealed
Pairing: Platonic! Peter Parker & Reader; Reader x Bucky (but that's not really plot relevant)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: nun too bad, Bucky finds out the truth and kinda blows up but it all works out yk lol
Genre: kinda angst kinda fluff
Summary: You happen to be the only person who still remembers Peter Parker exists and you are not about to hang him out to dry. So what happens when you take Peter in and basically become his guardian? Well- nothing is simple where super-teens are involved, but you and Peter can certainly handle whatever comes your way. Right?
Peter comes barreling down the hall yanking his mask over his head as he rambles quicker than you can warn him.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I know I missed dinner, but man you would not believe the night I've had?! And of course most of it won't be reported because they're not like world ending, Avenger level threats just a bunch of losers bullying my neighborhoods? It's like they all decided to commit crime tonight or som-" he stops suddenly when he finally sees Bucky sitting next to you on the couch. "Mr. Bucky- I- didn't know you'd be here tonight. Hi." Peter says awkwardly. You take in Bucky's changing expression and then look back at Peter.
"Peter your dinner's on the counter." You say, clearing your throat.
"Right yeah thanks." Peter pivots into the kitchen.
"What the fuck?" Bucky turns to you.
"Take a breath." You warn.
"I'm breathing- but what the fuck?"
"I know this is a shock but there's no need to make it a big deal."
"Oh this is a huge deal, Peter when you're done heating up your food come have a seat." Bucky calls into the kitchen and you cringe to yourself.
"Peter when you're done heating up your food take it into your bedroom." You call and Bucky's head snaps towards you again.
"Are you serious?" Bucky blinks at you and for the first time ever it feels like you're on different sides of the fence, but you have to handle this in whatever way is best for Peter and right now that means putting yourself between him and Bucky.
"You and I will talk about this first because we are the adults and then if you still want to speak to Peter after, he can join us." You say calmly.
"He needs to be part of this discussion." Bucky says.
"No he needs to eat dinner and you very clearly need a moment before addressing him." You stand firm. You know if he talks to Peter first he'll go red in the face yelling at him and Peter doesn't deserve that, you don't even know if he'll be able to handle that reaction. Bucky blows out an angry breath through his nose and fixes you with a look that would probably make anyone else wither away but you hold his gaze unwavering until Peter shuffles down the hall with his dinner.
"How long have you known?" Bucky asks you once Peter's room door is closed.
"Technically speaking, since 2017." You say.
"Excuse you?" Bucky frowns.
"It actually caused one of the worst arguments I ever had with Tony, for involving him in that Sokovia Accords fight at the airport when the kid was like 15." You scoff.
"Sokov- so you're not his godmother and you didn't know his aunt?"
"I'm not his godmother technically no, he doesn't have one. Or I guess his aunt would've been his godmother? Sorry not the point- when Tony died I kind of took over as his 'Avenger adult' since Tony was sort of mentoring him, granted we butted heads on Tony's methods a lot before that so I guess it started before Tony died. I did know his aunt though, we became friends once I learned Peter was Spider-Man." You say.
"So were ever going to tell me that or was I just going to be left in the dark forever like a fool?" Bucky asks.
"Bucky you are not a fool, first of all. It's not like I kept it from you maliciously, it's just that this wasn't my secret to tell you. It was Peter's decision to make and I support whatever choices he would've made regarding who knows and who doesn't." You explain.
"But we are supposed to be a team."
"We are a team."
"You lied to me. Malicious or not, you hid this pertty big thing from me." He frowns.
"You told me you were taking in a friend's kid after she died." He cuts you off.
"Which is true." You say.
"You didn't tell me that kid was an Avenger. One of us."
"Well it's not like you were rushing to tell him your secrets either." You point out.
"That's different he's a kid we're responsible for, this is something I should know."
"When I first brought Peter here you explicitly said you wanted nothing to do with that responsibility. Even just being friendly with him was something you dreaded the very idea of. I respected that wish. You've started developing a relationship with him and that's great but excepting me to betray his trust because you suddenly want to be involved is unrealistic you have to see that." You sigh.
"What if he decided never to tell me?" Bucky crosses his arms.
"Well then he doesn't have to!"
"Seriously? That would've been okay with you?"
"Yes. Peter has made sacrifices that no child should have to make and I will not let you make him feel guilty because of them. You can be mad all you want, I understand it hurts to find out you were left out of something and that's valid but you're not about to yell at Peter, you're not even going to speak to Peter until you stop pointing fingers for something you have no idea about." You grit out.
"Explain it to me. How do you justify that you've kept this from me for years now?"
"You didn't want anything to do with Peter 3 months ago. Why would I go telling his secrets to someone who specifically said to leave them out of it?"
"But that's clearly changed." He rolls his eyes.
"And it's still Peter's secret. You know better than anyone, trust is earned. I can't decide for Peter when that risk is worth taking. He has to decide for himself that he's ready for you to know and maybe that day was never going to come. Yes we're taking care of him but he's not a child James. Spider-Man is his and it's already ruined his life once."
"Spider-Man ruined his life?" Bucky scoffs.
"After Tony died I- wasn't around as much as I maybe should've been for him, Peter ended up getting caught up with some guy who offered him guidance where he had none, but he turned out to be a super villain and tried to convince the world that Spider-Man, that Peter was dangerous, evil even. It spilled into his normal life because that guy revealed to the entire planet that Peter was Spider-Man, it affected his friends, his family, there were protests outside his school. He couldn't deal, he went to Strange, asked him to fix it, make the world forget he was Spider-Man but that went horribly wrong, got so outta hand, universes started colliding with each other, and Peter was facing villains he should have never even known about. Almost lost his friends, did lose his aunt, and the only solution Strange had was to make everyone across all universes forget Peter Parker ever existed. He went from mourning Tony, to mourning every relationship he's ever had. Either through death or the earasure of his existence from their memories. So excuse me if I'm not keen on forcing him to tell anyone, including you, a damn thing. Last time didn't go so great." You say.
"He has been fighting adult battles, making grown up decisions, since he was 15. Being a hero robbed him of so much and I am doing everything in my power to give him something back. You will not make him feel bad for not sharing something that has caused him so much pain." It takes a lot to control the emotion threatening to make your voice shake as you speak.
"I didn't realize." Bucky says.
"I know. That's why I insisted we talk alone before you say anything to him. I know how you can but but this is much bigger than us just 'lying to you' for no reason." You say.
"Is there anything else regarding this that I'm missing?" He asks.
"Not really. It's not like you had memories of him to lose from all that's happened, I don't think you ever even met him as Peter, he disappeared in the snap same as you and after Tony died he went to London on a school trip and you were off dealing with that wannabe Steve so- yeah. Nothing really changed for you."
"But for you?"
"Nothing really. I- was maybe the only exception across universes for Strange's insane spells. It's why I took him in." You shrug.
"Oh wait- so when you said you went to yell at Strange a few weeks ago-"
"He altered reality at the whims of a teenager, he deserved way more than a yelling at." You nod. "Do you still want to talk to Peter?"
"Yeah- I'd like to." He nods.
"No yelling?" You verify.
"No yelling."
"Alright, I'll go get him." You nod walking down the hall to Peter's room. You knock on the door and wait for him to mutter come in before entering. "You almost done eating?"
"I'm done." Peter clears his throat.
"Bucky wants to talk to you." You tell him.
"Is he still mad?" Peter winces.
"No." You shake your head.
"He seemed pretty peeved earlier." He wrings his hands together nervously.
"He was, that's why I had you leave, so I  could handle it, which I did." You sit next to Peter on his bed.
"I don't- like it when you guys argue." He mumbles.
"Neither do I." You shrug.
"I'm sorry."
"What for?" You frown.
"You were arguing because of me." He says and you shake your head immediately.
"We were arguing because Bucky and I are two adults with opinions, believe it or not we're not going to agree on everything all the time. Even though it doesn't happen often." You wave a hand dismissively.
"Yeah but- I heard you guys... it's my fault for-"
"Don't start. Bucky was mad he didn't know, sure, but you are not responsible for his feelings and he didn't know the circumstances. I wasn't going to have him yelling at you when you did nothing wrong, especially since I'm the one who decided we would keep it from him."
"But it's my secret, he shouldn't blame you for-"
"Peter, love, my job is to protect you, even if it's from Bucky. You let me worry about the big bad wolf. And please, for once in your life, stop trying to be the grown up. You've got two of us doing it just fine." You kiss the top of his head. "Let's go, I told Bucky all that went down and he's much calmer now, but if he starts yelling that conversation ends immediately. I'm not about to let him make you feel guilty." You tell him. Peter nods and the two of you return to the living room where Bucky's still sitting.
"Hey kid, have a seat." Bucky clears his throat when he sees you. Peter sits in the armchair and you sit next to Bucky.
"I'm sorry for not- telling you earlier about the Spider-Man thing." Peter says.
"It's fine kid. I get why you might be hesitant to spill. I've got my fair share of secrets that I wouldn't go telling just anyone. It was just a shock, but I want to be clear, I'm not mad. I mean I was at first but once y/n explained everything to me there was really no way to justify being angry with you."
"I just don't want to be the reason you two fight."
"Nah don't worry, this was nothing. As far as fights go, it barely counts, and you are not to blame. I'm just hotheaded sometimes." Bucky shrugs.
"So- everything's okay?" Peter asks.
"Yeah." Bucky nods.
"Everything's okay Peter." You say.
"Oh shit-" Bucky blinks.
"The whole accords situation."
"Yeah when the whole world thought you killed King T'Chaka." You nod.
"Ye- thank you." He says flatly.
"What about it?"
"The fight at the airport, you said Tony brought Peter to that fight."
"Correct. I cussed him out for that."
"Circling back to that, I can't believe I didn't realize it before, he grabbed my arm, it was crazy- you have to be pulling punches when you fight, right Peter?" Bucky asks.
"Uh- yeah, usually. I- could easily kill someone if I'm not careful." Peter says.
"That's impressive." Bucky hums.
"Sorry, what did you not realize before? That he pulls his punches?" You ask.
"No. He was super talkative during that fight. He's been living here for almost a year and I never made that connection, I honestly should've figured it out within a couple of months if I was actually paying attention."
"I mean, your hypervigilance usually takes a back seat when you're here so it makes sense you didn't notice. Plus, that was almost a decade ago at this point, we've had much bigger fish to fry since then- it's easy to forget details like the sound of some kid's voice." You say.
"If it helps, I don't sound the same as I did when I was 15." Peter says. "Do I?" He asks you.
"Not exactly, no." You say with a chuckle.
"I mean yeah sure I just can't believe I missed it."
"Baby, it's not that deep." You kiss his cheek. "Peter and I are just great secret keepers." You wink at Peter who smiles.
"You and I both know my secret keeping puts yours to shame." Bucky scoffs yanking you over into his lap.
"If you guys are gonna get all lovey can I go back to my room?" Peter interrupts making you and Bucky laugh.
"I just wanted to make it clear to you that I'm not angry with you. I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me things." Bucky says.
"You know I've got you too Petey." You smile at him.
"Thanks guys. I appreciate it I swear but you're still in his lap and it makes me wanna leave." Peter says.
"You know one day Peter you'll love a girl so much you never want to let her go." Bucky says squeezing you tighter for emphasis. In any other circumstance you'd have giggled but you see the way Peter's shoulder's drop and your heart aches for him.
"Yeah, one day. I'm- gonna go play some video games." Peter says before disappearing down the hall.
"Was it just me or did his energy change?" Bucky frowns at you and you sigh.
"He had a girlfriend." You say.
"Before Strange's spell that erased him from the memories of the whole world he had a girlfriend. And he loved her enouhg that he was willing to alter the very course of our world to see her happy. Still does."
"Man I'm an asshole." Bucky's head drops to your shoulder.
"You didn't know."
"Yeah but-"
"No buts. It was an easy mistake to make. We're all figuring things out as we go." You say.
"I should go talk to him."
"Sure." You say sliding over onto the couch so Bucky can stand.
"Don't worry doll I'll be back." He says kissing you cheek.
"I'll be here." You smile at him as he goes down the hall. It's a good thing Bucky knows everything now, but you clearly have quite a ways to go when it comes to Peter. You wonder if it'll ever get easier.
Tagged Users: @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @buchi91
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