#//we are playing mortuary assistant
dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
it's still so funny to me that despite me being the most easily frightened of the trio, whenever alicia stella and i go looking for scary games my suggestions are the ones that get the "no that's too sad/fucked up and scary" verdict
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
My mama finally got her dream of having a gaming computer and I quickly bought her games that she wanted and im soooo happyyyy
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qhoaaaa · 9 months
Milo fun facts i have garnered from the audios:
He loves chocolate/candy
Doesn't like tea ("thats cool but I don't like tea")
Got his license later
Has a closet dedicated to shoes/very fashionable 🤩
Can't sing for shittttt
Knits (not sure on this one, forgot where/if Erik confirmed this one but keeping on here anyway - edit: I think he said this in a stream, not sure which one lol)
Likes The Hobbit/LOTR ("Smaug, we could watch Desolation of Smaug, thats a fun movie")
Didn't go to prom ("No I didn't go to prom, there wasn't anyone I wanted to go with")
Plays smash with Sweetheart regularly ("no im not gonna pick you, you know all my moves too well")
He also likes Metroid and Luigi's Mansion (nerd i love him, I wanna get Luigi's mansion so bad)
Likes alt music (MI Amore - FRENSHIP)
I love this man sm its a crime for him to be goofy
Where they're from (since ppl are asking):
Loves chocolate/candy - smash tournament
Doesn't like tea - gameboi audio playing Prey
Got driving license late - 3 year channelversary/birthday stream, last set of questions
Can't sing for shit - 3 year channelversary/birthday, Erik "sings" Katy Perry song in Milo's voice (😭)
Knits - in one of the streams, someone asked Erik if Milo would knit and he said something like "I feel like he would, yeah"
Hobbit/LOTR fan - playing Mortuary Assistant, Milo wants to watch Desolation of Smaug instead of playing spooky game
Didn't go to prom - March Redactness audio where he and SH won and he said he didn't go to prom
Alt music from his shower BA, he's humming the song listed (ty @/milogreer for giving me the song name!!)
Last 2 are pretty much given lol
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Temple of Ra Talon Abraxas
In ancient Egypt the people closest to the gods were the priests. To better understand them, we will journey through a day at the temple of Ra.
The Egyptian priesthood that served Gods such as Anubis and Ra was established in the Early Dynastic Period in Egypt (c. 3150-2613 BCE) but developed in the Old Kingdom (c. 2613-2181 BCE). During this period, priests became immensely powerful, rich, and political, as they represented a check on the power of the pharaoh. Their decline and disappearance came during the 4th century, due to their corruption and the rise of Christianity.
What was a Priest in Egyptian Religion?
The defining feature of an ancient Egyptian priest was his one single duty: To take care of the god of their temple. Compared to priests from other faiths, priests in ancient Egypt did not perform any functions or preach, nor did they convert the unfaithful.
Furthermore, both men and women could take the cloth, and they would perform the same duties and receive the same wages. However, in most cases, women served female gods, while men served male gods. Exceptions were the worship of Serket and Amun, where both genders could worship them. Worshipers of Serket could be doctors, and priestesses of Amun could rise to the position of Wife of Amun, rivaling the king in power and influence.
The high priest was always assigned by the pharaoh. He would perform the most important rituals, was seen as the prime mediator between men and gods, and managed the business of the temple. Consequently, high priests were seen as figures of both political and religious authority.
The driving force of Egyptian religion was the important principle of Ma’at (harmony and balance), maintained by Heka (magic). Heka and its godly personification, according to Egyptian religion predated the creation of the world and the first gods. Every social category in Egyptian society had to respect Ma’at by performing their duties. Priests play a vital role by honoring and caring for the gods daily.
What Types of Priest Were There?
By gender, male priests were known as hem-netjer and females as hemet-netjer (servants of the god). The priestly hierarchy started with the lowest tier, wab, and ended with the high priest (hem-netjer-tep). The wab had an auxiliary role taking care of the temple or assisting at or preparing for festivals.
Between the wab and the high priest, everyone who performed a certain activity withing the temple complex, such as kitchen staff, janitors, porters, and scribes were priests due to their relationship with a god. Singers and musicians were required to train with priests to be able to perform their duties. The hour-priests were astronomers whose activity was to keep the calendar, interpret signs and dreams, and decide lucky and unlucky days.
The priests who had medical training were known as the swnw (general practitioner) and sau (magical practitioner),trained in both the ways of magic and medicine. A priest paid by a family to perform the daily offerings at the tomb of a deceased relative was known as a Ka-priest (or ka-servant). Sem priests were tasked to preside over mortuary rituals and conducted funeral services. They were the embalmers who performed the mummification of a corpse and recited magic incantations while wrapping the deceased. They were held in high esteem for their service and spells, which would guarantee eternal life to the dead.
Right below the high priest was the lector priest (hery-heb or cheriheb). His tasks were to write down religious text, instruct other clergymen, and recite the “authoritative utterance,” the heka, in the temple or at festivals. As the position of the priest passed down from father to son, we do not have records of female lector priests, although there is circumstantial evidence which proves their existence.
Early Morning Rituals and Awakening the God
Ancient Egyptian priests started their days like everyone else. They got up and dressed, getting ready for a new day. However, all priests were expected to be ritually pure, which meant three main things. First, after dressing up, priests had to shave off all the hair on their bodies, even their eyebrows and eyelashes. Furthermore, every third day, they underwent a hair removal procedure to keep their bodies incredibly smooth.
Second, they were required to bathe several times daily in the temple’s sacred lake to remain as clean and pure as possible. Finally, they gargled with natron salt solution before dressing in linen robes and reed-woven sandals. They always wore white linen clothes as a sign of purity. All of this happened right before the dawn. After these preparations, the first ritual of the day took place. Known as the Fire Ritual, it gathered all priests in a sacred room close to Ra’s shrine to re-enact the first sunrise by lighting a fire in a brazier.
Once the sun was up, a priest had to prepare to sing a morning hymn, “Awaken in Peace, Great God,” which as the name suggests, was meant to awaken their sacred god, Ra. The next ritual, Drawing the Bolt, had the senior priest walk right to the center of the temple. Here, he unsealed the sanctuary doors, and performed a ritual prayer four times over the image of Ra. This ritual represented an exchange, where the priest gave his soul so the god could take a new earthly physical shape. After awakening the god, it was time for breakfast.
After breakfast, priests sprinkled water over the sanctuary and the image of Ra. They left by saying a final prayer and sealing the doors of the sanctuary. At noon, the high priest re-entered the shrine, this time burning myrrh resin while sprinkling water to further purify the temple’s shrines and sacred spaces.
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hi! not sure if you’re accepting requests right now but you can kindly ignore this ask if you aren’t! i was hoping if you could write a blurb with famous harry and a twitch gamer y/n, thank you so much!
I Don’t Like This Game!
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Okay first of all, THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS IN. @atharryshouse and I were literally just kind of talking about this so this is extremely funny to me. Hope this is okay!
Warnings- Horror game, possible curse words, mentions of death.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll do it.”
I get flustered and I start to argue with him.
“Come on Harry, plea- wait what? You’ll do it?!”
He laughs and nods before he pulls me into his arms.
“I know it’s important to you and how bad can it really be?”
I smile and peck his lips before running into my office to set up.
After ages of asking, Harry has finally agreed to stream with me on twitch and I know just the game to play.
I get my camera situated and I start the stream.
“Welcome back my little lovelies! Today we’ve got a lot in store! But first, I’d like to welcome a very, very special guest, aka, it’s time for a boyfriend reveal! Harry! Come in here please!”
Harry walks in and sits in the gaming chair next to me, smiling into the camera. The chat immediately blows up.
Markimoooooo: OH MY GOD IS THAT- ERROR 404
Irish-coffee-potato: HARRY FREAKING STYLES?!
Narrygrl4life: I KNEW IT!
Harry and I laugh at the comments and I hug his arm as I read them a little bit before I decide to get started.
“Okay my lovelies! As I said, we’ve got a lot in store for today’s stream! Today, we will be playing… H can I get a drumroll?”
Harry smiles and starts pounding on my desk lightly in a rhythm.
“We’re playing The Mortuary Assistant! Literally one of the most requested games on my channel!”
Harry looks at me, an eyebrow raised.
“You said we were going to be playing Animal Crossing, Y/N..”
I shrug and smile.
“Yeah well I changed my mind. Anyways! To the game! Now I played the demo and I absolutely loved it! Harry, any thoughts on what this could be about?”
He lets out a sigh and gives me a knowing look.
“It’s a horror game, isn’t it?”
I just shrug and smile.
“Guess you’ll have to wait and find out. Now I’m gonna let you start since I’ve already kind of played it, that way you get your feet wet.”
He nods and takes the mouse and the keyboard, placing it closer to him. He starts a new game and the dialogue begins to play.
“So.. I just need to find her keys? I’ve literally checked every place that makes sense and I can’t find them.”
I snort and shake my head.
“If I’ve learned one thing about playing games, check everywhere and everything.”
He continues to search for the keys and after a hilarious 10 minutes, he finds them and I let out a loud laugh, which earns me a glare.
“You knew where they were, didn’t you, Y/N?!”
“I’m sorry, H! I wasn’t sure if it was the same place as the demo! And I saw them so I thought you would’ve too! I didn’t think it would take you 10 minutes!”
He rolls his eyes playfully and continues to follow the instructions, collecting the materials he needs. He enters the office and jumps when he hears a sound come from another room in the game.
Y/Nisthequeen69: Does Harry not like horror? He seems easily frightened.
I shake my head, laughing as I enter the question.
“It depends how scary it is. When we watched the Last of Us, he hid his head in my shoulder a few times. He’s my cute little scaredy cat, aren’t you bubs?”
Harry rolls his eyes and nudges me with his shoulder. Harry continues to play, his eyes widening at the dialogue.
“Possession?! And I can’t leave! What in the hell kind of game is this, Y/N?!”
I snort and shrug. He continues to listen and shake his head.
“Demonic Possession, Y/N? Are you kidding? Why would you put me through this?!”
The comments blow up again and I snort as I read them.
“Narrygrl4life says ‘that’s not very TPWK of you, Y/N’. Please! He’ll get over it! I’ve seen Love Actually 16 times because of him! I feel like this is my payment!”
Harry rolls his eyes and moves the gurney into the body chamber, but he jumps when the lights flicker.
“Harry, calm down!”
He moves a body back into the embalming room when the lights go out again.
“Y/N, I don’t like this game! Take over please for the love of god!”
I laugh and shake my head.
“You’re doing fine, bubs. It’s just a game, remember? Nothing can hurt you. I’m right here.”
He nods and takes a deep breath before he keeps going. He moves into the office and the room becomes blurry and voices can be heard, making me laugh.
“You’re sadistic, Y/N. Making me play this. I’m going to try to leave.”
He makes his way back out to the car in the parking lot and attempts to start it. The car stalls and refuses to starts and suddenly, in the doorway of the mortuary, a shadow of a person appears, making Harry curse.
“Fuck I hate this game so much! Why did I let you talk me into this?!”
I laugh and shake my head, kissing his shoulder.
“It’s gone now, Harry. Just go back inside. I’ll help you with the possessions.”
He sighs and gets out of the car, heading back inside and into the embalming room. He continues to follow the instructions and he seems to remain calm.
“What was that? Why was there a knock at the door? I’m the only one here…”
He hesitantly moves the mouse around and I just shrug.
“Don’t worry about it. Keep going, you’re doing great babe.”
He starts to embalm the body and he freaks out a little.
“Is this how people are embalmed?! This is horrible! Needles to keep the jaw shut?! Your sister really does this?!”
I laugh and hug his side.
“Honestly I don’t know. But god I’m definitely getting cremated. This is horrible.”
He nods in agreement and squeaks a little when a possessed body pops up out of nowhere.
I roll my eyes and I wrap an arm around him.
“Calm down. He’s not gonna hurt you, big baby. Keep going. You need to drain her blood.”
He focuses for another 20 minutes or so, cringing every now and then at the detailed graphics of the body.
“Y/N… did you see that? There’s something outside. You saw that, right?”
I shake my head, holding back a laugh.
“I think it’s just a figment of your imagination.”
He glares at me and moves on to the next body.
“Okay it’s too peaceful right now and it’s too suspicious. I don’t like this. Wait no- things look nuts and the phone is ringing. I’m not supposed to trust the phone-.”
I look at the screen and narrow in, trying to see clearly.
“Is that what I think it is?”
A body appears to be floating in the flooded kitchen, and it’s body starts to rise.
“ You did this to me. This is all your fault-.”
The body jumps out of nowhere and the room goes red and dark, Harry jumping in his seat.
“Jesus fuck! I hate this game, Y/N! Hate it!”
I let out a snort and shake my head.
“H, are you waving a white flag?”
Harry lightly drops his head onto the desk before he sits up.
“Yes. Please for the love of god. I’m about to lose it.”
I laugh again and shake my head as he gets up from his chair and climbs on top of me, his back to the camera as he hugs me tight.
“You owe me for this, love. A romcom marathon. Tomorrow.”
I laugh and pat his back before he gets up again, sitting back in his chair. I take over playing, Harry jumping in his seat every now and then until I find a good place to stop.
“Okay lovelies! So this was- interesting. Harry? Did you like the game?”
He glares at me and shakes his head.
“You’ve done me dirty, Y/N.”
I shrug and smile.
“Thanks for watching guys! Since this one is home from tour, he’s gonna be playing with me more! Stay tuned for our next game; Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach: Ruin!”
“Y/N! No more horror games! No.”
“Oh Harry, calm down. FNAF is literally for babies. Just jump scares and robots.”
“I don’t like these games!”
Thank you so much for requesting!!! I absolutely loved writing this and I hope it was okay!!! Please feel free to tell me what you thought!!!
Please like and reblog and check out my other writings!
Tag List
Those I couldn’t tag are in red!
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran @babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies
@kaminokatie @harrysmimi
@violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @strwbrrydaydreams
@rafaaoli @kimmi-kat @erggggggggg
@cayleyhannha-blog @acesofspadess
@that-mcu-fan @styles-barnes-bitch
@purple9950 @justmystyles
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feinv · 3 months
recently played The Mortuary Assistant and now I want to know how John Constantine can handle that once he finds out her mortician gig isn’t what she said it was.
basically two demon hunters who are dating and trying to hide their other life from each other until they can’t. also I am in love with your blog and work you beautiful person
*stares at phone with silly smile*
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⊹ he is honestly shocked because in contrast to him supernatural life didn’t take over you and turn you into stoic person. you were always carrying a smile and treating people nice. something he couldn’t do. so the thought that you might be involved in anything like that wouldn’t even cross his mind.
⊹ he was the protector in the relationship, always making sure your were safe and far from nasty things lurking in the dark, and to find out this whole time you were dealing with those creatures would make him sick to his stomach. he didn’t even want to think that you might have been in danger, needing help and he wasn’t even aware of that.
⊹ he tries so hard to pretend he has the “idgaf” mindset, but we all no it’s not true. at first, he would unconsciously take you as a competition, and scoff every time you tried to help him out on a case because in his head it was equal to you suggesting he wasn’t capable of dealing with things on his own.
⊹ after doing some self-reflection (smoking half the pack) he admitted to himself that you are not trying to be better than him, the two of you had your own unique strong abilities and working together would just be beneficial cuz you complete each other <3 so he would always have you with him, both for assistance and for his own sanity, because he felt less anxious when he was there to ensure you are okay!!
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morbid attraction
Ethan Landry x reader
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AU where Stu Macher has an illegitimate child. During Scream 6.
summary: Y/n is a freshman at Blackmore University. They're currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in forensic science to become an autopsy technician. To further their research, and to make money, they pick up shifts as a mortuary assistant. Y/n must come to terms with the trauma of gruesome murders of their hometown, copes with the memories of their ex girlfriend Amber Freeman, and with the fact that their father was a homicidal maniac. Running doesn't get them far from their past as it chases after them into New York City. But maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. And maybe, just maybe, the light is Ethan Landry.
!!WARNINGS!! graphic descriptions of gore and violence, PTSD, and dealing with trauma. Major content warnings will be placed before each chapter.
Voicemail (5)
I Don't Want To Die
Wordcount: 2k
Content warnings: violence, death, blood, more blood, depictions of gore. ethan did not have econ.
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Quinn’s newest man of the evening had arrived, so she went to her room. Sam was upset that she’d invited someone who was basically a stranger to our apartment.
Sam brought out a few blankets and pillows for our friends. I was in the kitchen with Chad, Tara, and Mindy. We were all working to cook dinner.
“Sam, we do not have to stay here,” Mindy told her.
“Welp, too bad. I insist. Safety in numbers” Sam replied.
“This’ll be so fun. A little slumber party with the Alive Five!” Chad exclaimed.
“‘Alive Five’?” Sam asked.
Tara stared at him, “Did you just give us a nickname?”
Chad smiled, “I sure did. I mean we’ve been through a lot together and it’s a pretty cool nickname.”
“So true, Chad” I nod.
“That’s debatable,” Sam says.
“Extremely debatable,” Tara adds.
“You can’t just give yourself a nickname, dingus,” Mindy tells her brother.
Chad gives her a shit eating grin, “Of course I can, dingus, because I just did. Alive Five up top!”
“Down low!”
Tara shakes her head, “Get that away from me.”
Chad turns to me and Sam with his hand, “Please, for the love of God.”
“Don’t do it,” Mindy laughs.
I obviously give him a high five, laughing evilly as my friends groan. I interlock my fingers with Chad’s and squeeze before letting go.
“You know, I would actually like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the Alive Five.”
Anika interrupts us, “Guys, what the hell?” She turns up the TV as we file into the living room.
The newscaster starts talking about Sam being the lead suspect in the current murders. He discusses the rumors online about me and Sam being responsible for the killings last year. He said we were trying to “revive our fathers’ legacy” or some bullshit. The video of Sam yelling at that girl on the street the other night played.
Sam turned off the TV aggressively. She walked over to the dining table and sat by herself. Tara and I followed. We sat in silence until Tara spoke.
“I know you’re not a fan of the way that I’ve been handling things, and that I’ve been giving you a really hard time. But I can say that none of us can relate to what you are experiencing. And I’m really, really sorry you have to do that alone.”
Sam stifles tears, “It’s not your fault. And I know I shouldn’t care what people think,” she pauses, “It just sucks being this hated.”
“Hey, hey,” Chad says as he walks into the room with Mindy, “Just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you.”
“Yeah, Sammy” I agree.
“Okay? We have all been through some fucked-up stuff, and we are coping with it differently. But you know we moved here together for one very specific reason.” Chad reminds Sam, “We’re a team.”
Mindy chimes in, “We are the Alive Fucking Five.”
“Thank you very much!”
“Ah, I hate myself.”
Chad and Mindy high five.
“Say it” I tell Tara.
“No, I’m not gonna say it,” she refuses, “I mean, yes, we are a team but-”
We’re all trying to get Tara to say it and we’re laughing.
Sam interrupts, “I’ve been sleeping with Cute Boy from across the hall.”
It’s quiet.
We all erupt.
“I knew it, I knew it!”
“You called it.”
“Knew it from the day you had that hickey.”
After we calm down from Sam’s lover, Chad looks at me.
I gave him a suspicious look, “What?”
“Do you have any love affairs to confess?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Nothing with our tall, dorky friend?”
“Who may or may not be Ghostface” Mindy mumbles.
I look at the confused, “Ethan?”
“Yes, Ethan!” Chad bangs the table.
“No, I am not sleeping with Ethan!” my voice ups in pitch.
Chad gives me a look, “Hm.”
I argued with him about it. He claimed we’re too cuddly, so I rebudled that I’m cuddly in general. Sam backs me up by mentioning me in her bed last night. Mindy says I was flirting with him at the frat party because we were dancing. I said that I just wanted my friend to have fun. They let it go.
“I feel like we should high five or something,” Tara says.
“The Alive Five high five, please?”
“Don’t call it that.”
We all high five in the middle and interlace our fingers. For a minute I feel safe, I feel okay. It feels like a real family where I belong. Sam’s phone rings and it’s Cute Boy. We make fun of her for a moment and she declines his call. Quinn is heard moaning in the other room.
“Oh, my God, Quinn and her gentleman caller are back at it again” Tara jokes.
We all laugh as the moans and thuds get louder. All of our phones go off. We’ve been airdropped a picture of Quinn being attacked by Ghostface.
“Help! Stop!”
We all jump up from the table and sprint towards Quinn’s room. Chad grabs Tara’s arm and pulls her away before she gets to the door. We all stop and stare. It’s silent.
The door swings open and the killer throws Quinn’s body. Everyone is screaming.
“You guys come on!” Tara screams, running out with Chad. I watched Lucifer run out with them.
The killer slices Mindy’s arm. Anika starts fighting him from the floor. He grabs her by the throat. I watch her as she struggles to breathe.
“Hey, fuckhead!” I scream, kicking him in the side.
I trip over myself and hit the floor. I kick and scurry backwards as the killer crawls towards me. He grips my ankle and pulls me towards him. I kick my legs and shove his face away. He stabs me in my right thigh. I scream in pain and kick him in the face. The force makes him pull the knife out of me and step backwards.
Anika tries to latch onto him again. He grabs her by the throat and pins her to the wall. The knife is plunged into her stomach, he drags and twists it upwards. She cries and shrieks. Sam comes running in with the wooden knife holder and smacks him over the head.
We run into Tara’s room and lock the door. I grab a belt from the floor and a pen. Mindy grips her gaping wound. We remember that the bathroom connects through the rooms. Mindy rushes to close the bathroom door.
“Oh, fuck! That guy’s dead!”
The killer comes running at the door. Sam and Mindy force it shut and deadbolt it. I take the belt and pen and tighten them above my bleeding wound. I’m bleeding a lot. There’s a major artery that I’m worried has been severed. All the while, Mindy and Sam are blockading the door. Anika is practically bleeding out in front of me. We’re all screaming and crying and bleeding.
Cute Boy from across the hall calls out to Sam from the window. She rushes over. He pushes a ladder in between the two windows.
“You three go first. Mindy!” Sam yells.
“What? No. Someone needs to hold the door. I’ll send Y/n and Anika next. Go!” Mindy replies.
The killer bangs on the door. I can tell he’s throwing his whole body weight against the door.
Sam crosses the makeshift bridge as Danny sends words of encouragement.
“We’re losing a lot of blood!” I shout at Sam as I limp to the window.
Anika groans, “Say something more positive!”
Sam makes it across and I pull myself with my upper body across the ladder as fast as I can. I wince and whine, crying harder as my wound drags. I finally made it across. Anika forces Mindy to go next. She gives her one last kiss before crawling across to us.
Anika gets onto the ladder, “Oh, God! I can’t do it!” She slowly crawls.
The killer comes up to the window.
“Anika, you have to move now!”
I scream, “Come on, we got you!”
The killer grabs onto the ladder and shakes it vigorously, Anika shrieks and cries. She keeps trying to crawl as Mindy screams.
“Baby, I don’t want to die!” Anika yelps out. She takes Sam’s hand.
The killer completely knocks Anika off the ladder. She falls. We watch as her head crashes into the dumpster below, then hits the hard concrete. Her skull bleeds onto the pavement. I passed out.
When I come to, I’m in an ambulance. My leg is being stitched up. The EMT sees that I’m awake. The sun is starting to rise.
“Hey, that tourniquet was a good idea” The medic tells me, “You might’ve saved your life.”
I gulped and nodded. I see my friends in the ambulance across from me. They see me too. The medics, police officers, and crime scene investigators litter the place. I overhear multiple indistinct conversations.
I see Ethan duck under the crime scene tape. Chad sees him too.
Chad rushes over to him. He grabs him by his collar, “Where were you?!”
Ethan is confused, “What? When?”
“Last night!”
I yell, “Chad, stop!”
“I had Econ. You know this!”
“Bullshit, man! You disappear, and my sister almost gets killed!”
“Chad!” I yelp, leaving the ambulance. The medic yells after me. I half-run over to the boys, my stitches tearing. “Chad, it wasn’t him!”
Chad looks at me, “How do you know that, Y/n? ‘Cause he’s your little boy toy? He couldn’t hurt you?”
I grip my thigh and wince, “Oh, fuck. No! Because I kicked that fucker in the fucking face! Ethan doesn’t even have a bruise! And whoever it was definitely has a broken nose.”
Chad lets Ethan go, he walks away.
I moan, using both my hands to squeeze my thigh. I start to cry and crumble to the floor.
Ethan grabs me, “Oh, fuck. Th-that’s a lot of blood. Oh, my God. Y/n!”
He helps me back over to the ambulance where they have to re-stitch me. I sob and hiss in pain. Ethan sits next to me. I grab his hand and squeeze it with all of my strength.
“Fuck!” I scream. I clench my teeth, my breath ragged. I sound like a kicked puppy. The adrenaline has worn off and now I’m just in agony.
“You’re gonna be okay,” Ethan whispered.
I couldn’t speak in anything but jumbled sobs. The medic was done stitching me, but I was still weeping. Ethan softly shushes me, pulling himself closer. I gulp and breathe heavily.
I looked into his eyes, “Ethan, it was so scary.” I wrap my arms around myself and fall forward onto him. His arms place themselves around me and I cry into his chest. “Oh, my God, they’re dead!”
“You’re okay,” he says softly, “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
“I don’t want to die.”
Ethan pulls back slightly, “Hey, look at me.” His hand meets my cheek, his thumb wipes tears. “You’re not going to die.” His tone is suddenly serious.
I shake my head, “You don’t know that.” I look at the ground and let more tears fall.
“I said look at me,” Ethan adjusts my face to look at him.
I tremble in his fingers. His eyes meet mine. He looks at me with the harshest expression I’ve ever seen on him. He puts his other hand on my face and says:
“Anyone who tries to kill you is dying first.”
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a/n: tehe i like this one
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Time Continues when You Stay
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Civillian!eader 
Characters: Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Civillian!reader, Reader’s friends (Sammy, Danielle, and Cassie), Javy “Coyote” Machado, Robert “Bob” Floyd, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, Reuben “Payback” Fitch, Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Warnings: Minor use of curse words, fluff, slight angest, Jake making some smexy comments, the infamous thigh squeeze, Jake and reader are the sluts of the group, Bob and Sammy make a close second, Javy lives to make fun of Jake, the squad made another bet, this starts off as cute and gets slightly darker, the squad cares about Jake 
Word Count: 1,656
A/N: Did I forget I finished this earlier this week? Maybe. Did I post this before working on the second chapter of another one of my stories? Maybe. Am I listening to Shane and Ryan play mortuary assistant while doing this and then switch to my new obsession One Tree Hill? Yes. 
“One uber ride for a future Mrs. Seresin.” 
You scoff as you sit down. "Now you're on board with the nickname they gave me." 
"I figured why try to fight it when they won’t stop." 
"Oh, you're so sweet." 
"I know I am, that’s why you like me." 
"Right now, I'm trying to figure out why I do." 
"Hey, hey," he reaches over and places his hand on your thigh, lightly squeezing it. "You know you're only lying to yourself." 
"You mean you are." 
"Shut up." 
"Now who's getting their feelings hurt," you tease him. 
"Keep talking like that and you won't be walking right at the bar tonight." 
"Promises, promises." 
"Look who finally decided to show up." 
You roll your eyes at Javy’s comment. "Look at the whore." 
"Hey!" Your friend Danielle shouts. 
"I was talking to your boyfriend," you smirk. 
"Hey, not cool. I'm the one that helped get you two together," he points to the two of you. "So, really, you should be thanking me... or naming your first kid after me, whatever comes first." 
"Wow." You lean your head on his shoulder, "he's been hanging around you for too long." 
Now it's Jake's turn to scoff. "That's hurtful, sweetheart." 
"I'm not sorry." 
"I know and that's why I'm thinking of your punishment for later now." 
"At least they're not as bad as Bob and Sammy," Danielle points out. 
"They could be worse than them if given enough alcohol," Javy adds. "Even then they go to the bathroom drunk as hell. They have the decency to pretend like they aren't gonna fuck." 
"Hey, hey. We don't expose you so, you don't need to expose me like that.” 
“There’s no fun in that,” Danielle teases you before walking away and her boyfriend following after her. 
“Are we as slutty as they say we are?” You ask him. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“We are,” you whine to yourself. 
“That’s rude of you to say sweetheart.” 
“If you’re saying somethings not so slutty then it is. You’re the prime slut of the group.” 
“You sure you’re not thinking of Chicken?” 
“Oh, I know I’m not.” 
“This calls for an early punishment.” 
“No,” you tell him, keeping him at arm’s length as you run away until he catches you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him. 
Natasha shakes her head, passing Mickey and Reuben forty dollars, a twenty-dollar bill to each of them. 
“I told you he’d act sappy with her,” Reuben says, while counting the money in a taunting manner. 
“Would you cut it out and give me my share?” Mickey snatches the money from his friend. 
“Leave them alone. They’re happy,” Bob chimes in. 
“Oh, look. The other sluts have arrived,” Natasha teases him. 
He adjusts his glasses avoiding everyone’s gazes. “That’s- that’s- you guys are being rude.” 
Sammy stands beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Are you guys being mean to my Bobby boo?” 
“Us being mean to your boy toy,” Mickey starts off. 
“Never,” Reuben adds, wrapping his arm around Mickey and Natasha’s shoulders. 
“I love this.” You spin around in his arms, holding him by his waist as you rock side to side. 
“Love what?” He pulls your arms off him and spins you around, pulling you into a slow dance. 
“A lot of things.” 
“What kind of things?” 
“Oh, you know. This.” 
The corner of his lips tugs upwards, “and what does this entail? I’m going to need some more details. I need you to use your words, sweet girl.” 
You sink your teeth into your bottom lip before smiling. “I love… the fact that you got enough courage to ask me for my number and here we are.” 
“Oh, is that what you’re saying happened?” 
“Yeah, because it’s the truth.” 
“I wouldn’t say that I needed to gather enough courage to ask for your number.” He spins you again. 
“You did though.” 
“Nah, I just needed to get my feet moving to get to you before your uber showed up.” 
“Same thing.” 
“Not really because I was going with the feeling.” 
“What feeling?” 
He keeps one arm around your waist and holds your free hand with his. “You remember when you asked how I felt when I’m in the sky?” 
You nod. 
“I can remember pushing myself through the crowd and out the door to get to you and my heart…” 
“Your heart stopped?” You joke with a light chuckle. 
You quiet down, staring at him as he avoids your gaze as your hands slide up his arms and settle around his neck. 
“My body was in auto pilot, and I was behind you out that door asking you for your number feeling as buzzed as I do after flying.” 
You hum, curling your arms further around his neck, hugging him. 
He smiles, tucking his head into your neck. 
“I’m glad you told me that.” 
“Don’t let it go to your head,” he mumbles against your skin. 
“Too late.” 
You pull back and stare into his eyes. “I need you to wake up.” 
He furrows his brows. “What?” 
“Wake up. I can’t- I can’t lose you, Jake.” 
“Sweetheart, what are you-” 
“I need you to wake up,” you sniffle. “I can’t look any of your friends in the face and tell them you’re gone. I know it’s selfish of me to ask but please don’t make me do that, honey.” 
He blinks and everything is gone. “Sweetheart? Hey, sweetheart? Where’d you go?” 
You squeezed his hand tighter when he begins to lightly jerk his legs, pushing yourself out of the stupidly annoying (for no reason) hospital chair. “Jake. Jake. Hey, hey Jake.” 
He opens his eyes and stops, the feeling of your hand on his head gets him to shiver. 
“Hey there,” you greet him with a teary-eyed smile. 
“Hey,” he replies, sounding horse and in need of water. 
You hand him the cup of water Bradley got you earlier that day but never drank. “How are you feeling? I should get the doctor.” You point over your shoulder, “I’m going to go get the doctor.” 
“No,” he shakes his head, reaching for you, wincing at the pain in his side. “Don’t leave,” he groans. 
“Jake, stop coming closer and lay down you mad man.” 
“How’d they let you in? Isn’t it supposed to be immediate family only?” 
You avoid his gaze and fluff his pillow. “I may have told them we were a step further… in our relationship than we actually were.” 
He smiles. 
“And what was that?” 
“We’re engaged and my ring is being resized. That’s why I don’t have it on right now.” 
“You came up with a story and everything. Wow,” he teases. 
You pout and lightly smack him, barely touching him. He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to the bed, wanting you to sit beside him. “I don’t want to hurt you, honey.” 
“There’s only two ways you can hurt me. One, by sitting on my catheter. And two, not sitting on this damn thing with me so just please, give this hurt cowboy a break.” 
You accept the hand he holds out for you and sit beside him, staring at your adjoined hands. 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” 
He feels the way your hand starts shaking. “Hey, hey.” 
You don’t turn your head around and purse your lips together, trying to hold yourself together. 
“Look at me, sweetheart. I’m right here.” 
“But you almost weren’t!” 
“What are you-” 
“The doctor said they lost you for a few minutes but that you were going to be okay. When she said those words I- I thought I lost you.” 
“But you didn’t, see. I’m right here. I’m right-” 
“You almost weren’t.” 
He pauses, thinking about what to say next. “I think even if that was the case, you wouldn’t have left me.” He pulls your hand up, placing it over his heart. “You didn’t leave even when you thought I was gone. I think you’d follow me towards the ends of the earth,” he says, with a teasing smile, repeating the same thing your parents told each other all the time when you were a child. 
It holds a promise to the person it's being said to… even when things get tough, neither of you are going to leave the other, you’re going to get through things together. 
“I regret telling you that,” you wipe your cheeks with one hand and attempt to pull your other one out of Jake’s grasp but fail as he keeps a hold of it. “Jake-” 
He shakes his head, reaching for your waist, pulling you closer. 
You do, slowly and gingerly to not aggravate any of his injuries. 
He wipes your cheeks, “why’s my pretty girl crying? You know I only like it when you cry out for me and not like this.” 
You scoff, inwardly rolling your eyes. “Don’t say things like that when you’re-” 
“Enjoying the moment with the future Mrs. Seresin.” 
“Stop. You can’t say things like that.” 
“Oh, I can when it’s easy to get you riled up.” He opens his arms, placing your hand on the side of his neck. “Lay with me.” 
“I don’t-” 
He shakes his head, “you won’t win against me, and you know it.” 
You don’t fight him and give in. 
Javy, Natasha, Bob, and Bradley all fight to get into Jake’s hospital room. 
He shushes them and gestures for them to be quiet, “don’t wake her up or I swear I will live up to the so-called back story to my call sign ten times harder than usual.” 
Everyone slowly walks out of the doorway with their hands up, mumbling their apologies. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” you mumble. 
“Yes, I did. They wouldn’t have left unless I said something.” 
“You’re so kind.” 
“Only for you, sweetheart.” He pecks your forehead, “only for you.”
Return to: Part I
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jselorekeeper · 7 months
Time Stamps Part Three
Part One
Part Two
Part Four
January 7th, 2020: Doctor Glitch
What Happened to Jacksepticeye…| 3 Scary Games
Second Title: These Scares Almost Killed Me
New Title: Scary Tales Vol 1.
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “What happened to Jacksepticeye? He played 3 scary games and was never seen again. Was it the jumpscares that got him or the weird creepy stories one tells in the dark. He was last seen before the riverside incident on the night shift.”
30:52-31:42 (Extended Glitch)
47:08-47:14 (Extended Glitch)
47:36-47:53 (Extended Glitch)
January 16th, 2020: “What Happened to Jacksepticeye?” to “These Scares Almost Killed Me”
News Bloopers Gone Wrong
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Censorship has taken over and this video is Not For Broadcast”
11:41-11:46 (Extended Glitch)
Don’t Trust This Game
New Title: Sentient
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “It's time for 3 scary games again. These ones are legitimately amazing! From disobeying orders in Don't Trust This Game to being terrified in the mortuary assistant and finally an extremely surprising and really unique game called Sentient.”
Comment: Anti is in the thumbnail
0:15-0:26 (Extended Glitch)
17:44-17:55 (Extended Glitch)
36:18-37:00 (Extended Glitch)
Genuinely REALLY Scary | Locked Up
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “I'm not lying when I say this game was actually really scary! I didn't expect the horror gameplay to be as good as it was but Locked Up was really cool!”
0:00-0:31 (Extended Scene)
19:33-19:55 (Extended Scene)
We Went Back
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “We Went Back…”
7:32-7:34 (Momentary Glitch)
April 12th, 2020: “Don’t Trust This Game” to “Sentient”
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Tapes found in someone's house. A house in the woods. Scares lurking behind every corner. It's time for 3 scary games…”
0:00-0:25 (Extended Glitch)
34:07-34:37 (Extended Glitch)
New Title: I FOUND A SUPER SECRET ROOM | Night Of The Consumers
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “I may have completely glitched and broken Night of the Consumers by ACCIDENT to beat it”
16:36-17:12 (Extended Glitch)
DO NOT WORK AT THIS BURGER PLACE | Happy's Humble Burger Barn
New Title: Happy’s Humble Burger Barn
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Whatever you do, do NOT take a job at this burger place. You will really regret working at Happy's Humble Burger Barn”
30:18-30:21 (Momentary Glitch)
April 27th, 2020:“I COMPLETELY BROKE THE GAME TO BEAT IT | Night Of The Consumers” to “I FOUND A SUPER SECRET ROOM | Night Of The Consumers”
DON'T COME TO THIS HOUSE (please stay away) | The Open house
New Title: WELCOME TO MY HOUSE (please stay away) | The Open House
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Whatever you do, do NOT come to this house. Please stay away, no matter what anyone tells you. it's not worth it to come to the open house”
Comment: In the comment section Anti wrote “Offer Accepted” to the game offering Jack
6:58-7:12 (Extended Glitch)
7:39-7:47 (Extended Glitch)
14:25-14:27 (Momentary Glitch)
23:26-23:40 (Extended Glitch)
Reacting To The Scariest Videos On The Internet
New Title: Scariest Videos On The Internet #1
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “I asked you guys for the scariest videos on the internet and here's what you came up with!”
1:06-1:11 (Extended Glitch)
29:26-29:35 (Extended Glitch)
May 3rd, 2020: “DON'T COME TO THIS HOUSE (please stay away) | The Open house” to “WELCOME TO MY HOUSE (please stay away) | The Open house”
Page Source: Nothing
Description:“The horrors, the scares and the terrifying things I saw made my eyes burn. What could it be?”
32:04-32:23 (Extended Glitch)
You Don't Even Know What You're Participating In!
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “You don't even know what you're participating in... I'd like to play a game”
0:00-0:42 (Extended Glitch)
14:12-14:40 (Extended Glitch)
34:29-34:53 (Extended Glitch)
Reacting To The Scariest Videos On The Internet #2
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Are you ready to see more of the scariest videos on the internet? This one is honestly terrifying”
0:15-0:31 (Extended Scene)
19:10-19:35 (Extended Scene)
June 18th, 2020: I will try to do Marvin justice for all of you when he returns
New Title: 20 Memes That Will Raise Your STONKS
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “S T O N K S”
13:54-14:19 (Extended Glitch but the glitches are extremely subtle)
Argentum Inanis
Switched: “Don’t Make Eye Contact” back to “Argentum Inanis”
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Please use Argentum Inanis with caution. 
Inform an AIMC immediately!
Don't make eye contact.”
0:00-1:08 (Extended Scene; the whole video is Marvin and bits of Anti)
(Date Unknown): “What Happened to Jacksepticeye…| 3 Scary Games” to “Scary Tales Vol. 1”
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Jimmy got me screaming my head off in At Dead Of Night”
0:06-1:02 (Extended Glitch)
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “3 Scary Games! 3 Scary Games! 3 Scary Games!”
25:43-26:08 (Extended Glitch)
43:40-44:05 (Extended Glitch)
Reacting To The Scariest Videos On The Internet #4
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “These are the Scariest Videos On The Internet”
11:26-11:34 (Extended Glitch)
21:07-21:25 (Extended Glitch)
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Happy Halloween! Mortuary Assistant WILL scare you 100%.”
0:00-0:30 (Extended Glitch)
23:05-23:47 (Extended Glitch)
New Title: AVOID AT ALL COST | 3 Scary Games
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “If you encounter an alternate use the T.H.I.N.K principle”
0:00-2:20 (Extended scene; within the static morse code “Miss me?” appears)
34:05-34:15 (Extended glitch)
December 6th, 2021: He changed “WARNING: STAY OUT OF MAPLE COUNTY” to “AVOID AT ALL COST | 3 Scary Games”
The Mandela Catalogue
New Title: Why Is This So SCARY | The Mandela Catalogue
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “The mandela catalogue is one of the coolest horror shorts I've seen”
3:02-3:06 (Momentary Glitch)
3:31-3:36 (Momentary Glitch)
25:53-26:09 (Extended Glitch)
Scariest Videos On The Internet #7
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “The Walten Files are some of the scariest videos on the internet”
0:00-0:36 (Extended Scene)
38:00-38:12 (Extended Scene)
(Date Unknown): “Can You Figure Out Who DID IT? - Jameson Jackson's Jolly Jaunts” to “JJ’s Jolly Jaunts” with another thumbnail change
April 11th, 2022: Happy 5th birthday Chase Brody (I have no idea where these 5 years went but I’m gonna try not let the next 5 pass so fast)
April 12th, 2022: “Argentum Inanis” to “Don’t Make Eye Contact” back to “Argentum Inanis”
Why is he just standing there…
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “We continue down the rabbit hole of Chilla's Art games. Up this time is the terrifying” 
0:00-1:51 (Extended Scene, believed to be Anti and Chase)
May 13th, 2022: IRIS Symbol Animation
May 19th, 2022: At I.R.I.S. we believe in helping create a better world for all of humanity
May 19th, 2022: We make the impossible, possible!
May 20th, 2022: What new scientific discoveries have got you guys excited?
May 21st, 2022: We’re going to be hiring soon, watch this space
May 23rd, 2022: We’ve got our EYES on the prize! Or should we say Irises?
May 23rd, 2022: Night Watcher Advertisement 
May 24th, 2022: We received reports of our systems going down today. We have located the problem and services should be up and running again. Sorry for the inconvenience
May 24th, 2022: “Dark Silence” to “What do you want from me?
May 25th, 2022: Making huge discoveries day after day at I.R.I.S. We’re very excited to share them with the world
May 26th, 2022: Are you an aspiring explorer? Have a penchant for the unknown? We want to hear from you!
May 29th, 2022: There’s been lots of talk of the multiverse recently in pop culture. It’s an incredible space to explore that might be more than fiction
May 30th, 2022: If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
June 1st, 2022: Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
June 3rd, 2022: Shoutout to our tech team for making some of the most groundbreaking progress in recent years!
June 6th, 2022: Big things are coming!
June 7th, 2022: We will soon be approaching IRIS’s 100th anniversary 🥳 
We have something planned that we cannot wait to show you!
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “Do not trust the Baby in Yellow”
0:00-1:00 (Extended Glitch)
June 10th, 2022: What would you like to see us do for our 100th anniversary?
June 13th, 2022: Imagination is more important than knowledge
June 19th, 2022: If you don’t try to create the impossible, you’ll never know where the limits can be pushed!
June 22nd, 2022: People only say “Reach for the stars” because they think it’s impossible to do so. 
What if we reached even further??
June 23rd, 2022: Science is like magic!
June 26th, 2022: 👁
They Are Here…/ 3 Scary Games
New Title: 3 Scary Games
Page Source: Nothing
Description: This might be one of the scariest alien abduction games I've played”
0:00-1:05 (Extended camera view)
3:51-4:00 (Momentary camera view)
5:07-5:24 (Extended camera view)
20:29-20:34 (Momentary camera view)
39:42-39:55 (Extended camera view)
50:38-50:54 (Extended camera view)
June 26th, 2022: “They Are Here…/3 Scary Games” changed to “3 Scary Games”
July 5th, 2022: In the run up to 100 Years of IRIS, we’d like to share with you some of IRIS’s proudest achievements throughout years! We’ve surfaced the archives and found some astonishing photos of our earliest prototypes of our company’s greatest inventions.
July 7th, 2022: The Computer’s Aid! With a simple bone-conduction implant, this little device increased a person’s mental arithmetic skills by 76%! (Has been Deleted)
July 8th, 2022: A much earlier prototype was far more cumbersome and could only do one ear at a time (Has been deleted)
July 10th, 2022: Happy Birthday Jackieboyman!
July 16th, 2022: A year after the first commercial microwave was launched in 1947, IRIS took cooking one step further. The Retrowave! Not only could it cook frozen meals to perfection, it could return a stale meal back to its freshest state! Here the lab boys are testing a chicken dinner
July 31st, 2022: The pictures being taken with the James Webb Space Telescope are marvelous. Now everyone at home can see how truly beautiful our universe really is.
August 11th, 2022: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
August 11th, 2022: A lot changes in 6 years!
August 12th, 2022: The wondrous Lite-R device! This nifty little quantum mass displacer turned humanly unliftable objects as light as air! Just make sure that construction beam doesn’t go floating away in the breeze!
I Like Hearing Their Breath
Page Source: Nothing
Description: “3 scary games that will make your bones shiver”
0:00-0:52 (Extended Glitch)
August 15th, 2022: We have made great strides in understanding the effects of our science by utilising the Dr. Louis Hopkins assessment at key moments. Without his work at IRIS we would still be in the dark in many ways. This is a Dr.  Hopkins appreciation post
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noa-nightingale · 2 years
🎮 Survival Mode 🎮
I am so fucking STOKED for this show.
I am not a gamer myself but I love watching other people play horror games - it is creepy and comfy and just a good time. I loved it when Ryan and Shane played The Closing Shift with Ranboo and I am really really happy that we get more Watcher gaming content.
Sooooo here is a list. :D
The show starts on March 8th, a Wednesday - which means that there will be two videos per week on youtube now. Ayyyyyy!!!
From what I could see in the trailer, they are playing The Mortuary Assistant, I am on Observation Duty (don’t know which one), Poppy Playtime, and people in the youtube comments also mentioned Phasmophobia (I don’t know if that’s what they are playing though, I never watched anything from it). I am esepcially looking forward to The Mortuary Assistant!
There’s not only “regular” gaming but also VR!
“This is a show where I introduce my anxious friend Ryan to some sick and twisted video games” So that means this is a Shane show! I also like this intro because it reminds me of Weird/Wonderful. :3
Ryan and Shane in pixel form! @shaniacsboogara removed the background from the little characters in this post! (And pixel Shane is taller than pixel Ryan lol.)
I was hoping for the return of Weird/Wonderful as much as everyone else (and I still hope it will return) but I also kind of feel like this show is catered directly to me - I can’t wait to watch this, I am so so excited!!!
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142 notes · View notes
phantom-kitten · 8 days
tagged by @bloody-fate to play! tagging @ahdor, @daenerys-targaryen, and @vitri0l if they’d like to join.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ <3 ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Do you make your bed?
I do not make it per se, but I do tidy it up a bit.
Fave number?
since learning about lucky/unlucky things in childhood, my favorite number has been 13. I did adopt two other favorite numbers, my childhood friend Alex’s number is 19 and my brother-in-law’s is 22 and somehow those became equally as important to me.
What’s your job?
each day I take approximately 40 phone calls from grieving families seeking to claim the funds belonging to their deceased loved one. I work with executors, beneficiaries, widows, lawyers, trustees, and talk about death and forms and money all day. truly though, I love it.
Go back to school?
one day I will finally bite the bullet and go to mortuary school. there are so few around the country anymore which makes it difficult to just do it; it’ll involve a lot of logistical work and possibly a move to make it happen. I think about it all the time and it’s the only thing I want other than being a working musician.
Can you parallel park?
I’m so excellent at parallel parking that it’s a fault. on more than one occasion, I have gotten myself into a spot so snugly that I cannot get out.
Job you had that would surprise people?
I was the assistant manager of a gym and it was so blatantly out of character for me that even my coworkers were in on the joke. I didn’t know how to work any of the equipment and I’ve never worked out before, so I’d just mind my business and do my own thing and it was actually really fun until management changed.
Aliens real?
yes, of course, it’s not even a question for me. I’ve always believed in the unknown: aliens, ghosts, cryptids. there is so much more out there than we are readily aware of or have “proof” of.
Can you drive stick?
no, and I don’t particularly have an interest in learning.
Guilty pleasure?
no guilty, just pleasure.
twenty! with appointments for more! started the day after my 18th birthday and I love all of them so much, even the damn infinity sign/anchor combo on my wrist.
Fave color?
my favorite color comes in eras. I loved the purple years, green was fun for a bit, but my favorite color right now is yellow. I looooooove yellow.
Fave type of music?
that is possibly one of the most difficult questions and I do not have an answer, whoops
Do you like puzzles?
I heart puzzles very much. my mother would put together 1,000 piece charles wysocki puzzles - always only charles wysocki - when I was a child and I started helping. as the puzzle of the moment sat completed on the coffee table for the next couple weeks, I’d disassemble and reassemble portions until I was putting full puzzles together myself. now I have my own collection of charles wysocki puzzles and my mom got me a wooden puzzle table for my apartment last christmas.
I also really love word puzzles of all kinds, as well as logic puzzles.
eep, I am scared of the dark and the deep ocean.
Favorite childhood sport?
childhood sport? you’ve got the wrong girl. aside from t-ball from ages 5-7 or so, I have never played a sport. No basketball, no baseball, no soccer, got Cs in gym class.
Talk to yourself?
I am my favorite friend, I stay talking to myself at all times.
Movies you adore?
I have! too many! to list! first to come to mind: like crazy, eternal sunshine, I used to go here, thoroughbreds, promising young woman, shiva baby, it follows, oculus, elizabethtown, garden state
Coffee or Tea?
I like green tea but I love a macchiato or latte more.
1st thing you wanted to be when grew up?
musician or actress, duh.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
hear me out,, 100 player challenges with a possessive mad scientist Wilbur, and (gn) y/n is one of the test subjects,,, just Will being a bit (little more than a bit) of a sadist and fucking with his darling in any way he can to get their attention, or maybe he takes them into a private cell or something to "talk" (more so mess with, physically and emotionally) with them occasionally
if you have any additional headcannons i would love to hear em
havnt done an ask like this in a while but the idea intrigued me too much not to oblige myself
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• Let's start off with some simple facts about our favorite mad scientist shall we?
• He had always been fascinated with—er—strange things as a child so to speak
• Enjoyed catching tadpoles at the lake with other kids, but would often send them away screaming with snot and tears streaming down their face as he cut the animals in half with a pair of safety scissors he'd swiped from the arts and craft drawer the other day
• His little habit of finding dead animals and bringing them home was something that sent his parents into a frenzy, the little hobby carrying on throughout elementary and all the way to high school. Especially after they found him cutting into a rotting deer one summer, garage smelling of deaths putrid stench as he happily worked away
• Was interested in science and the medical field all through his school days. Anytime someone would ask him what his dream job was, Wilbur'd blandly respond with the answer of a mortuary assistant. The conversation wouldn't last much longer past that
• College was when things really took a turn for him, though
• While highschool and all else had been a big blur filled with uninteresting people and their uninteresting lives, college provided him with a new perspective on life
• Wilbur began to notice how exactly unique people could be when given freedom. Skateboarding, partying, studying, singing in the hallways—
• His mind started to put together the similarities of the classmates around him and those animals he would slice into not so long ago. Caged untill they weren't. Wild but domesticated by the simplest of urges
• No less halfway into his second year of university, he dropped out. Er, stepped showing up at least. Of course, calls and letters were sent to his parents to inform them of his sudden absence, but by the time that had happened Wilbur was long gone. Ideas already forming inside his mind with disgusting glee
• Rats! That had been the word he had been looking for all along. That's what the world reminded him of. People scurrying amongst their day to day life like rats, desperately running a pointless race to get to their goddamned cheese. It brought a sick sort of amusement to him to watch it all unfold day after day
• Maybe it was about time the rats had an owner to take care of them
• His apartment was filled wall to wall with plans. Blueprints overlapped more blueprints, documents both typed and written out rambling about mazes. Mazes, mazes, mazes
• Wilbur, had gone for a lack of better words, mad
• Somehow, through the magic of online contracts and the copious amounts of charm he could posses, Wilbur managed to find one hundered people to participate in a little experiment. An overjoying occasion for him as he stood up from his lab table with a yelp of excitement, eyes crazed and mind already racing to think about his next move
• So the day of the experiment came
• And that's when he met you
• At first you had been just a name on his screen made up of a few pixels. Then nothing more but a human being he observed—amongt ninety nine others—as they tripped and tumbled through a carefully built maze
• It wasn't untill you had refused to play that you really garnered his attention
• While the others fought and claimed over each other to win the ten thousand dollars he had promised the winner, which in fact didn't exist, you simply sat down after the first obstical, twiddling with your thumbs
• That's okay, Wilbur had thought. In these things there's always going to be an outlier. Something or someone that strays from the rest of the group. That's science
• What he didn't account for was the way that he got so caught up on you. Why were you just sitting there? What made you tick? What did you sound like? Smell like? Why wasn't he watching any other of the cameras now, instead focused solely on you?
• What would your blood look like dripping down the cracks in his fingers?
• Before he knew it, he found a too-wide-to-be-natural grin setting on his face. Nimble hands ran through his hair and down his face as he zoomed in on you, tounge darting out and wetting his lips
• He might have to keep this rat
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goth-automaton · 9 months
15,17,20,21 🖤🦇
15. Talk about a stuffie.
Okay, so this is Tuptuś:
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My parents got me Tuptuś when I was 2 and we've been inseparable ever since. 💜 He has gone with me to a couple of school and uni trips, sleeps in my bed, once got stolen by a dog, when we were staying in a hotel in mountains... I love him. 💜 He's old, has seen some shit, completely doesn't look like when he was bought, but who cares. He's mine and mine only. 💜
17. Space, enchanted forest, magical kingdom, or underwater city?
A kingdom! I want to be a witch and have a magical familiar. ^^
20. Are you a gamer? What was the last game you played?
Of course I am! 😤 Despite the fact I don't have much time for gaming, thanks to studies... But I am!
I think my last game was "The Mortuary Assistant". It helps me unwind. 💜
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21. How do you take your pizza?
Usually with salami and olives.
Thank you! 💜
Sure some asks game.
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cadaver-anthology · 9 months
-> Screw this, be Revita.
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You are now Revita Anfels. You are a Securityrra- Uh, hey, are you, you know, alright? You good there?
Oh yeah. You are fine. You are perfectly.......
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Y'know what's a funny thing about narrating? You write something in present tense and people assume that it's current events.
You've never really been a liar, but truth's your game and you know a thing or seven about stretching it. Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?
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You are then Revita Anfels. You gotta excuse the way this place looks now, it sorta scanned weird and you don't really feel like fiddling with it again. It's taken forever as it is.
You are a Securityrranizer at Lows Orbit Station Archive of the Proxima Deimos colony system, and you are currently investigating the murder of your moirail and nursing a massive headache. On the top of it, becxause you like to multitask, you are trying to get this chick from the Mortuary wing into your pitch quadrant for at least seventy minutes.
From experience you know that seventy minutes is just about right for a kismesistude.
This chick has figured that since nobody is being her for the moment, she is going to work on her book in her head and is playing some music in the background while she is at it. She has just told you this.
You were under the impression that she's just promised to you to help you with the aforementioned investigation. Oh yeah, you sort of didn't mention that you and Feratu were palemates. That's not lying, though, that's omitting unimportant details. Tolpen doesn't need to know that, it actually has no impact on your investigation.
You once again try to peek into Tolpen's head to see what she is thinking about this whole case, but you don't get to see any thoughts, and your headache only gets worse. For some reason you can't use your psychics on her; you can't even tell whether she is lying or not. That's kinda sus.
Tolpen montions for you to follow her, which you do, and heads back to the Mortuary wing. You don't like the Mortuary. It's cold and full of dead bodies. It doesn't help that the chick stomps to the archive grounds and pulls out the cold cadavers of your past colleagues.
You, uh, tactfully offer your assistance with the upcoming autopsy, but aparently you're pale enough in the face that Tolpen tells you to just wait outside and not get under her feet. Oh thanks god.
Outside of the autopsy block you get bored quickly, so you pull out the laptop and look Tolpen Xlibri up in the LOSA's intranetwork.
She's a teal, legitier 2, kinda new wet blanket here, she got here straight after her Harrows, which doesn't happen often. Like you she was hatched on Proxima Daimos; neither of you have actually seen the Homeworld McWigglerplanet. She logs on her intranet accoutn exactly once a week for sixteen minutes at the end of which she sends her report-card to the accounting, and then logs off. You conclude that she's an off-line person.
Which sucks, because this investigation is going to be a lenghty on, you won't be able to do it full-time, and you'll need to keep in touch,
You take the liberty of setting up a Trollian account for her and make a quick trip back to Security wing to retrieve a sort of asthmatic but still functional husktop that nobody's going to mix.
When Tolpen emerges after a couple of hours from the autopsy block, exhausted and with blood stains in her face, she informs you that she will ahve to make laboratory analysis of samples, and that she'll get to you once she has it.
You don't ask her why she doesn't let someone else do it, because you don't want anyone else to know. Tolpen Xlibri is already too much of a liability. Someone doesn't want this investigation to go on, hence why the autopsies were denied in the first place, it's a no-brainer.
You give her the husktop with the brand new Trollian client installed on, and then you part ways.
Sylladex: [Husktop], [Slab Power Cell], [Spare CC+ Batteries (7)]
Thoughts: none
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krueger4eva · 7 months
Top 12 LGBT Horror Characters
3. Ambrose Spellman (played by Chance Perdomo) from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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*spoilers for Chilling Adventures of Sabrina*
An arrival by this mystic male
Something witty comes to Greendale
Shipped all the way from Jolly Ol’ England, Ambrose has been sent to America for a new home. Sadly, the transition to this new setting has been extremely difficult for the displaced warlock.
You see, Ambrose has been a very naughty boy in the past and has done some…questionable acts. But come on, we all have things in our past we aren’t proud of. I mean, who hasn’t tried to blow up the Vatican (I said sarcastically). And that act of ultimate sacrilege earned him a house arrest sentence he has to serve for 75 years at a young age. Oh, the joyous benefits of being a warlock.
To think, he would’ve been granted full immunity if he gave up the names of his fellow conspirators. But no one was counting on one of Ambrose’s cherished qualities: his undying loyalty. Later in the series, even when he is offered leniency for his punishment by high priest Father Blackwood, Ambrose still maintains his silence on who he was conspiring with in the Vatican incident, something that earns the former’s respect.
This sense of devotion extends to his family including his aunts, Hilda and Zelda, and his teenage cousin Sabrina, who have all welcomed him with open arms to live out the rest of his house arrest at their home.
With Zelda and Hilda’s assistance, Ambrose runs the Spellman mortuary. In addition to his power of necromancy, the ability to manipulate all aspects of the dead, the job of a mortician is always an incredible experience for Ambrose.
He also has a strong bond with his cousin, Sabrina, soon becoming partner-in-crimes for whatever scheme she comes up. Even with all the crap that Sabrina pulls (which is A LOT), Ambrose is always ready to be there to advise her and remain loyal to her, knowing that she is still a good person and would do the same for him. After all, Ambrose knows personally what the consequences of breaking witch law can do to someone.
Said consequences that have greatly damaged him emotionally. And the damage has been growing the longer he has stayed inside the Spellman house. Not like he has nowhere else to go. It’s as if he felt stuck in a never-ending rut. How could a house with the people he loves feel like his own personal prison?
Ambrose has seen many things in his long, long life.
The magnificent.
The terrifying.
The tragic.
Yet, he managed to survive it all. Now, with the weight of another tragedy fresh in the minds of him and his family, Ambrose has to be stronger than ever for his loved ones.
With the end of a harrowing chapter in his life and the promise of more freedom, an uncertain yet hopeful future awaits for Ambrose in this devastating development.
But no matter where his path takes him, he will always be a Spellman. He’ll always come back to be there for his family.
The house that was once his punishment, will now always be his loving home.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
Hi hi!
So I came across your blog via @megalommi (love them and their bastard man), and I thought of an ask for you.
But before I send it, I gotta know how much you know about The Mortuary Assistant (it’s a horror video game) 👀
I watched it played, so I know what happens in... I think all of the endings? And the premise of the game in general? Enough to be able to parse an ask based on it.
(Also hi, welcome, we love and appreciate one whole bastard manlet in this house)
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