#::thread: tbn
lethal-obsession · 2 months
@vhagar-rider cont from here
Despite all the eyes on the woman, nobody seemed to be looking out for her. No one appeared close enough to care for her or even know her. As expected, and as Aemond feared, whispered words began to circulate among the court, who asked one another about the mysterious woman daring to speak so directly with the prince.
She placed a hand upon his offered arm and followed him to the middle of the salon, where a few couples had been dancing just moments ago. The soft glow of chandeliers cast intricate patterns on the polished floor, creating an atmosphere of both elegance and intrigue. Her white dress trailed gracefully across the floor as they danced, the softest silk flowing with her movements, giving the impression that she was from another world. She moved with a mastery of the steps and an elegance that even seasoned dancers struggled to match.
Once they were far enough from prying ears, the stranger decided to break the silence.
"Kirimvose, aōha dārōñe. Vezhof ēza va moriot ūndegon se.¹" Her pronunciation was flawless, fluent as if she had spoken High Valyrian her entire life. "Nykeā Ophelia iksan. Nīñā daor gīmigon iā rȳ lēda iksis ao jevi emāre, yn iā mōzēlīr vali bē ao va sȳrje ēbrā mērī lirīr. Nyke gōntan daor ivestragī emagon aōhon hēdrȳ mirre jurnegon iā ēdrus.²"
The nobles watched with growing curiosity, their whispers now hushed as they strained to catch any hint of the conversation. Ophelia's presence was an enigma, a puzzle that both intrigued and unsettled the gathered court.
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ofsquadrons · 2 years
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                    boot soles squealed on polished floors as the boy skidded around the corridor corner, narrowly avoiding a collision with a screaming gonk droid with a half jump of a side step.   the din barely penetrated his panic, blood thundering within his ears as he raced through the depths of the star destroyer.   there wasn’t time to consider, wasn’t time to really think, only to keep out of range of blasters and closing blast doors.
                    this was the biggest mistake of his fourteen years.   probably the last one.
                    if he could respool his life, he’d rewind the wire back until he stood on the edge of the hangar, debating sneaking on board the freighter after watching crate after crate of food pushed up the ramp.   he’d decide it wasn’t worth the risk of discovery, of the ship taking off to parts unknown...
                    but he hadn’t, and now, he was running for his life.   at first, he’d slipped off, unknowing, only to trap himself aboard the warship.   hiding was his first plan, waiting for another chance to escape on another ship, shuttle, anything.   yet, all well laid plans fell apart.   hunger and thirst soon pulled him from his hidden corner... and thus began this utter disaster.
                    in the course of his flight, he knew he managed to topple at least one series of crates, shattering a fragile tie fighter wing in the process.   he’d felt his heart leap into his throat as the pieces scattered across the hangar floor.   what other damage he’d been the direct or indirect cause of he wasn’t certain, but there’d been an awful lot of cursing behind him more than once.
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                   ❝  poodoo!  ❞     another screeching turn into a suddenly widening space revealed a terrifyingly familiar pitch black figure, now luke’s time to blue the recycled air.   an attempt at backtracking only led to his yet again losing his balance, landing backwards as lord vader loomed above him.   at least he hadn’t smacked into the... cyborg? human? he didn’t know.
                   at least aunt beru wasn’t there to hear him curse... though he would’ve given anything to have her by his side as fear froze him to the deck.
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     @lionthought​ liked for a starter from luke for vader
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn​ / ft. Noma (  𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 )
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          The barely audible click of the empty shell being ejected out of her handgun’s chamber was lost in the sea of noise. Mostly in her own ears. At least the annoying buzz of the infection detection was fading, becoming tolerable once more and Alice exhaled softly. Eyes narrowed then -- jaded blue irises flicking around her surroundings. A mix of different scents lingered in the air and one of them was NOT putrid. It was almost eerie, just how she’s become used to differing the smells of the living and the dead. Like she’s become the predator in this twisted reality.
She began to walk, holding her gun down by her side and the safety off. Not that she ever has it on anyway -- only when she’s around other survivors. Which is almost never. Speaking of survivors...
“You know, if you keep hiding as you are... I would suspect that you’re planning an ambush.” She called out towards the ruins of what used to be a small pit stop. “And I’m not going to promise anything. But I can tell you... that would be an addition to the numerous stupid mistakes you’ve made in an entire lifetime.” 
And now she’s going to wait. Of course, she’s not gonna say she could smell them too (damn these superhuman senses)... that would be unnerving and Alice didn’t want to scare them off. 
Not yet. 
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ofpolitics · 2 years
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                    delighted giggles rose with the remnants of parched heat, children reveling in the quickly cooling air.   clambering up the speeder, still parked outside after uncle owen’s return from anchorhead, leia slipped into the passenger seat, luke beside her, hands on the wheel.
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                    grin unable to fall from her lips, she mock whispered into her twin’s ear.     ❝  you oughta be careful, or you’re going to start it.  ❞     the mere concept of sailing out into the twilight of the desert was both terrifying and thrilling all at once, a true adventure like out of the stories they spun together with makeshift and purchased figurines across the sand swept courtyard floor.   but oh, what trouble they’d be in!
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     @rbeljedi​ requested a starter
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random-sparks-98 · 8 months
So, the Sunlit Gotham Sequel (TBN) is officially underway in terms of planning/writing. I'm hoping to start officially posting in March, giving me some time to get a good handful of chapters done ahead of time so I'm not dedicating all of my free time to writing a chapter a week while posting (again)
That being said, I'm gonna be having some Twitter Thread convos in the first chapter (and maybe some later chapters - idk on that one) but I am apparently struggling hard with coming up with usernames/handles for it (keep reading below the line if you're interested in helping out)
I need help with handles (and maybe comments) for people who are:
Anti-Wayne's (or jaded towards the Wayne's)
Highschoolers from Sky's old school who would have made memes about a random kid from their school getting adopted by Bruce AND random Gotham Academy kids who would also be tweeting about it
People who are Pro-Meta/Demigods
People who are Anti-Meta/Demigods
People who are jerks online and don't really respect the privacy of celebs (if you've read certain MiraculousXBatfam fics where social media goes wild about Marinette maybe being a Wayne then you know the vibe I'm looking for with these people)
And finally, people who don't like the above category of people and come to the defense of the Wayne's/Kent's/Richardson's
So I guess if anyone has any suggestions and/or would like a cameo in Sunlit Gotham feel free to comment on this post or message me!
ALSO MEMES!!!! I will definitely take any memes you think people in Gotham would be making with a New Vigilante, New Wayne Kids, Bruce and Selina being engaged, and the fact that Mythological Stuff is real
(Please keep in mind that I cannot guarantee every name/comment will be used as I'm not fully sure how the convos will turn out yet, but I'll make sure to credit everyone who helps out no matter what)
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wolfiemcwolferson · 2 years
Your version if Maxiel is my fave ever I miss them
Hi Anon,
Spoilers for Blue Neighbourhood verse:
Our boys got engaged in The Blue Neighbourhood verse recently and I've written a little thing about it. (Y'all really didn't think I'd deprive you of this did you?) ((CW for mentions of death)) ((( Really starting to toy with the idea of throwing all of these into a "drabble" fic at the end of TBN series for you all, please let me know if that's something you guys would like.)))
The rings look simple. Silver with a thread of gold through the middle. Rustic, Michelle had called them when she went with Max to pick them up from the jewelers.
They do look rustic, but he knows they're perfect. Charles had assured him that they were perfect and...well, Pierre had said it was morbid, but he had said it gently and non-judgmentally so Max was letting it go.
It's tonight. He's going to ask him tonight and he can't help but pull them out of his desk drawer every few minutes and look at them, run his fingers over them gently.
Daniel is expecting it on New Year's since Max had made a big deal about them leaving their plans open. Of course, Max does have a plan for that, but it's not this.
The only person who knows it's tonight is George (and by extension Alex, but he's not mentioned it so Max is assuming they're doing that respectful thing where they pretend that the other person doesn't know things because of partner privilege or whatever).
It's tonight.
So, really. He might should have planned something bigger when he sits down and thinks about it. Like, really. He should have. Taken him to Vancouver or allowed Lance to book them something ridiculous and over the top.
Daniel deserves the world and Max asking him to marry him in this pizza place, just doesn't seem big enough somehow, and he -
Danny pulls up and Daniel can see his smile through the windshield of his Jeep, waving and happy. He's always so so happy to see Max and Max knows that this is right. The place they sat down together and plotted out a way to move to Denver after Max finished school. The place they always go back to even after they moved across town.
"Ya didn't have to wait on me, Maxy." Daniel says, walking over to him, bouncing a little bit to warm himself up - jacket discarded in the car like an idiot.
Max pulls his hand out of his pocket, careful not to jostle the ring box too much, and holds it out to Danny, grasping his hand and bringing it up to press a kiss to his freezing fingertips. "Always waiting on you."
Daniel pulls his hand back, but steps into Max's space, tilting his lips up to kiss him. "But we could have pizza right now instead of still standing on the sidewalk like idiots."
Max huffs, pulling him along and into the warmth of the building. It's a shabby place, booths of cracked plastic and low light due to the stained glass lamps hanging above every table. The place smells like bread and melty cheese and something that can really only be described as burnt, but it's damn good and it's always packed.
Max didn't do anything obvious like call ahead, so they have to stand in the doorway for 20 minutes, turning into each other and laughing every time the door opens and a gush of air whirls in around them. "Fuck, it's cold." Daniel whines, putting his head on Max's shoulder. "And don't say anything about my coat."
Max just wraps one arm around his waist, kissing his head. He loves him. He's going to marry him.
They get a booth in the back room, Max taking his coat off now that they're warm-ish and throwing it into the booth before they sit down. Daniel orders them a pizza and a salad and two coke's and Max feels like he's vibrating out of his skin. He knows Daniel will say yes. Of course, Daniel will say yes.
"You good?" Daniel asks him, head tilted.
Max taps his head and nods. A show that he's just thinking about things. Daniel lets it go and starts to talk instead.
Max should have...done more. He should have made this a whole ordeal with flowers and family. Their salad comes and Daniel starts pushing all the purple onions over to Max's side of the plate while he continues talking and only stops his story to offer Max a paper napkin and a fork.
Daniel smiles at him, teeth on display, "Hey," he whispers, leaning in like they're sharing a secret. "I love you, Maxy. Thanks for suggesting this tonight. I...needed it."
Max...Max dives for his coat, extracting the ring from his pocket as quickly as he can, setting it beside the salad plate, eyes set on Daniel's face as the smile slips away.
"Max -" Daniel says his name firmly.
Max kind of nudges the box towards him and Daniel reaches out for it, hand trembling.
"I cannot believe you -" Daniel picks up the box, popping the lid, staring at the two rings before flicking his gaze up at Max. "I assumed New Year's."
"I know." Max nods.
Max can hear how carefully Daniel is speaking. "This is the place you told me you wanted to move to Denver."
"And now it's the place where I'm asking you to marry me."
Daniel smiles, passing the box back over the table, "Ask me then."
Max clears his throat, making a show of sliding the salad plate out of the way, leaning over the table as far as he can. He picks Daniel's ring up and holds it up. "I'll save the poetry for the wedding vows, but you have to know that it's been you and it'll always be you. Fate might have brought you to me, but you and I keep picking each other and I mean to do that every single day for the rest of my life."
He holds the ring out.
"That's still not a question, Maxy."
Max groans and puts his forehead directly on the table, revelling in the way Danny laughs, but when he sits back up he asks, "Will you marry me, Daniel?"
"You fucking bet I will." Danny says gently, holding his hand out for the ring.
Max is sliding it on when their server tries to bring their pizza and Daniel puts his arms across the table, "Jess, darling." He says. "You need to go put that in a box. We'll be up to pay our check, but this idiot just asked me to marry him and we have to go."
"Danny!" Max laughs, but Daniel shrugs and then he leans all the way over the table and kisses Max breathless.
"I love you forever." He says when he pulls away. "I love you forever."
They don't pay for the pizza (because it turns out getting engaged in a restaurant makes people mushy) and they end up having to part at their cars to drive home even though Danny gets a little teary about it and they eat cold pizza in bites of one or two at a time between the two hours of phone calls they make when they get back to their apartment.
Max had...thought this might go differently. More time to relax into each other, maybe? Less time promising everyone they've ever met that they will not elope and will have a wedding and yes, they love them too.
Daniel is stretched out on his chest, left hands clasped out to the side. Max can see he's staring at them.
He muscles his way into a sitting position - jostling Max nearly to death.
"Ok," he demands, tapping a finger on his ring. "There's something wildly romantic about this. So. Out with it."
Max doesn't know quite how to tell him this - perhaps should have saved it for a wedding ring - should have given Danny time to prepare or say no.
Max picks up Danny's hand from his chest, kissing the ring, chest full of so much love and devotion that he thinks it might actually kill him. "The gold. I got it from Charles."
"From Charles?" Daniel's voice goes high in question.
Max kisses his ring knuckle. "The chain from - the chain from the necklace Jules wore. His mom had it melted down and she gave it to Charles to use for anything he wanted and we -"
Daniel rips his hand away from Max's so he can cover his face, whole body shaking.
Max has to really muscle them around so he can sit up and hold Daniel to his chest. "I just thought...we always say that he's the person who brought you to me so it felt -"
"You're literally the worst, most romantic, awful man that has ever existed and I love you so much."
Max has to bite down on his bottom lip to keep from laughing. "I know, schatzi."
"Who gave you the right?" Daniel heaves, pressing himself into Max as far as he can.
"I think you did actually. When you tried to propose to me in the middle of Arizona."
Daniel starts shaking in laughter now. "I love you so much, oh my god. I planned on sex, but now I'm snotty."
Max cups Daniel's face in his hands, pulling it up so he can look at him. "I love you. I'm so happy, Danny. I'm so happy you just have no idea."
"I do have an idea actually." Danny sniffs. "Ok, there will still be sex. Because you only get engaged once and I'd like that, so to the bedroom, Mr. Verstappen-Ricciardo."
Max's chest clenches, but he's trying to shuffle Daniel back far enough on his knees so he can stand up with him from the couch.
"I was just trying that out, but damn that sounds good. Or should be go Ricciardo-Verstappen? Do you think it matters?"
"Actually," Max clears his throat and then grunts, picking Daniel up. "I was thinking we would just go with...Ricciardo." Daniel unwraps his legs from Max's waist and he drops down to the ground.
It's silent. Max isn't looking at him. Daniel cups his face now, forcing him to look at his face. "I'm going to love you forever." Daniel says it slowly - making sure Max hears each syllable.
Yeah, they're going to do this forever.
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maddmuses · 8 months
Madd's Thread Tracker
Thread names are pending discussion if they don't get named by me pre-emptively. This tracker will be added to on the occasion of the first time that I reply (so if I post an open it won't get there until at least one reply occurs). If there's a thread here you'd like added that isn't yet, or would like to suggest a diff name to the tracked thread, lmk ^^
Barb: -A Saiyan Sort of Ball (w/ @burdenedreverence)
Felicia: -Their Loss, Tiger (w/ @new-york-city-spiders)
Ichigo: -TBN (w/ @viciousvizard)
Isane: -Baby Blues (w/ @uraharashouten + @hirak0s) -Raccooncyon Days (w/ @wildfrau)
Luffy: -Captain Jackie Chun (w/ @burdenedreverence)
Nami: -Nothing like a Marine Woman (w/ @alwayshasbrokenglasses) -TBN (w/ @alm1ghtysea)
Rukia: -A Bit of Modeling (w/ @obsidiennes)
Shadowheart: -A Simple Crossing (w/ @bas0rexias) -Campside Salon (w/ @auburniivenus) -Faith to Faith (w/ @spiderwarden)
Ty Lee: -Matters of State and Heart (w/ @alm1ghtysea)
Yuharu: -TBN (w/ @machimachilegends)
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thdrama2 · 1 year
I made a really cool freebie for somebody (later also found out they were an art freebie threads stalker) that I was super tempted to keep myself but I was like "Nah they'll love it and enjoy it" meanwhile its sitting abandoned in their flood of hundreds of new characters and not even renamed to at least TBN... I regret it so much now.
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@southern-belle-outcasts - continues from here x 
“Hmn?” The question brought him back to reality. He was trying to watch the movie but he wandered off to the point he was lost in thought, basically overthinking. 
“Trying to watch the movie. I’m not really understanding it.” He replied, well that was in part true. The movie was a bit confusing but he was mostly focused in this thoughts and brooding.. He wouldn’t tell Rogue though, he didn’t want to worry her. 
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"Mortals don't really mean it when they say gods shouldn't look down on them." [Cucatail to Ringo] @thebalancedangel​ 
“I really think it’s all in the intention whenever any mortal says that,” he let out a brief chuckle to that. 
“Personally, I just find it silly or naive when they make assumptions over how others think of them, if asking me,” he crossed his arms.
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wintershieldedheart · 3 years
May & Margot || @webheadjrr​ plotted verse || continuation of x
Escaping had been a dream that Margot had long since given up on. Decades upon decades had passed and with each one, a little more of her hope went with them, until there was an empty chasm in her chest where her heart was meant to be. It hadn’t been until this mission - until almost halfway through this mission - that she had revisited the idea. An old hope was reignited, and before she knew it, they had managed it. Sat in the tub, Margot couldn’t remember the last time she’d been allowed to just sit in the warm water. Getting clean had always been quick and perfunctory - never something to be indulged in. Margot remembered Mrs. Jarvis used to wash her hair for her when she was a kid. Sometimes she’d even put it in random shapes to make her laugh. The question had left her mouth before she could properly think it through, but May had taken the request in stride, and Margot couldn’t find it in herself to backtrack. “Thank you,” she murmured, tiredness seeping into her tone. Scrunching her nose, she wiggled her toes, “Sore, tired. Do we have to walk again tomorrow?” she asked, curious more so than anything else. Margot understood why they kept moving. Leaning back into her hands, she closed her eyes. “I bet. It was a lot of walking,” she admitted, “worth it though.” 
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fatedfvllen · 4 years
closed event starter / cian x laszlo: @damagcs​
He had a buzz going, finally. Cian wasn’t sure if it was the bubbly champagne or the amount he drank since the feast ended, but it was catching up to him. He placed his empty saucer on an empty silver tray the palace servants balanced on their palms, before he staggered off in search of one of his mates.
Before he could drink another drop of the tart champagne, he man handled a few tiny hors d'oeuvre that moved under his nose that were also on a dancing silver tray. He popped two into his cheeks and chomped before he grabbed three more. The face on the Night Court servant was frightfully appalled at the brutish manner from the Autumn fae. Cian grumbled something in the crude native French tongue before the sacred servant backed away quickly. Cian grinned with a mouthful of expensive appetizers.
“Oi!” He hollard across the crowded room to his mate, Laszlo. “Las, ol’ chap.” Cian stopped over to Laszlo; he accidentally bumped into a few stuffy courtiers along his path. He grunted a quick apology and ignored the sour faces at the Autumn beast. “Where have you been? Let’s find a real drink, shall we?”
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wandtrx · 4 years
He was wearing his Firedrake quidditch sweater sitting next to the hearth in the dining hall. It was the night before the match, and Arturo had his routine. He had Earl Gery tea--hot--with a healthy shot of scotch & honey, he had the Daily Prophet hovering in front of his dark gaze as the amber flickering light of the warm hearth illuminated the crossword page. His quick notes pen was scratching the words Arturo muttered softly over his steaming cuppa hottie tottie. He herd his best friend approach, his footsteps echoing on the castle flagstone floor towards the empty chair in front of Arturo, “what is a five letter word metal blend?”
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@ladysmaid​ gets a starter ft. Sylvanas
AFTER ENDURING EXCRUCIATING TORTURE, followed closely by a dirty death you never deserved... you become quite familiar with the sickening smell of rot and decay. With the unnerving silence, kept company by the suffocating emptiness in the atmosphere.  Crimson eyes,   having fluctuated out of their previously unthreatened hue,   narrowed at the darkened path ahead. Smoke is seen at the horizon and the shambling figures illuminated by the fires of the nearby town provoked a low growl from the Dark Lady. 
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Scourge.    Without a puppeteer, they will continue to run amok till somebody puts them out of their misery. However, there were greater forces at work behind THIS. The powerful presence she sensed was unmistakable. After issuing orders to the Dark Rangers that followed,   the Rangers split up and blended into the darkness nearby. Sylvanas then dismounted her undead steed and dismissed it, her corporeal form melting into dark purple cloud and shadow tendrils, slithering towards the destruction.
It was as she had predicated, a whole town burning down and bodies of the unfortunate littered the grounds-- an untended cemetery looked far more tame than this.  Her attention shifts suddenly.  In the middle of it all, the source of the foulest power she’s felt ever since Arthas stood. In front of them, a few victims were on their knees and she already knew what the outcome of this scenario would be. It was enough to trigger her fury and she let loose an amplified wail-- lunging at the summoner. 
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@iamcole​ liked for a starter
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“Are you comfortable?” 
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thedipshits · 4 years
@maestrodarte​ for our witcher half-brained au that we haven’t even fleshed out yet
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       🏹 ———    “ you're home. ” lainn blinks, surprise obvious through the wide eyes, raised eyebrows, and the gentle slackness of his jaw. “ i expected you to be out — it's your birthday, innit? ” he turns, surveying the road, as if it'll tell him the date. “ have i got the day wrong? ” he has a cow hide sachel in his hand, something different from the usual emptiness he usually visits leonardo with. it itches his back not to have his blades on them, feeling vulnerable, but he's got other knives hidden just in case. the inn isn’t too far from leonardo’s small estate, either. if somebody looks to pick a fight, it’d be an easy way to run to get his weapons.
          he looks him over ( wow, he looks good ) and lets his mouth curl, forcing his limbs to relax enough to lean him against the jamb of his front door, open for the dust motes to dance in the slanted rays of the sun. “ that’s new. ”
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