#;; total wildcard { IC }
bubblegumflavor · 10 months
I don't know if you've gotten the ice skating prompt yet, but ice skating lawrusso always delights me. (wildcard lawrusso if you've got like several ice skating prompt requests) 🎄
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I got tons of ice skating requests but you were the only lawrusso one so OF COURSE you get ice skating lawrusso!! =D
(head canon: Daniel can totally ice skate, he just pretends he needs a little help because he loves to touch Johnny's biceps ^___^v)
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fancystudentpeanutpie · 11 months
I wonder how Mike would react to Cellbit's killing spree. I agree that, normally, Mike would agree with what Cellbit is doing. But if he's in the same state he was in the last time we saw him(how has it been over a month?)? I'm...not really sure how he'd react.
He seemingly really really likes Cucurucho now, but I don't think we got to see whether this applies to the whole Federation? If it does, he wouldn't agree with Cellbit at all and might even be violent about it. But he might only like Cucurucho. And his relationship with Walter Bob didn't stop him from hating the other workers.
And with how much Mike was acting aggressively towards Fit, I remember back when he first came back I was kind of hoping that he would see Cellbit and be like "fuck off Cell." That could still totally happen! But he seemed to be having huge memory issues so who knows how much pre-island stuff he remembers.
But then it hit me. If he doesn't forget, seeing Cellbit acting like this could totally trigger him just like hearing about him triggered Pac. But also...the dead workers? Look kind of like the iced bodies in the Mike teasers from during his kidnapping. The blood makes them look different, sure, but it's similar enough. What if the dead bodies trigger him as well? So maybe he'd just COMPLETELY freak out.
But...who knows. Mike is a wildcard right now.
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plumadot · 8 months
Hmmm, so going off that previous anon, what do you think are each of the gym leader's type? So far I've only got: Gem - Fighting, Etho - Steel, Cleo - Ghost, Bdubs - Grass, Tango - Fire. Etho could be Dark (so long as its weak to Fighting). Joel could be Normal or Water (bc boat boys) but he and everyone else I have little idea for
i've been thinking about it but it's difficult heheh. i'd love for bdubs to be a grass type leader 100%, and fire for tango seems like a great one as well. i was thinking either steel or ice for etho,,, and i really want lizzie to be ghost type kgjfkjgf maybe even as double gym leaders together with joel. oh and i think ren would be amazing as a dragon type leader... that's kinda how far i've gotten :') for the elite four i'm thinking of grian as either psychic or flying, scott as water or fairy, pearl as either dark or ice, martyn as electric and scar as a total wildcard heheh it's a lot to think about so i just do it in tiny amounts at a time. sometimes i just see a pokémon and go "aww that'd be cute for [x]" and that's it, so please don't take my picks too seriously lmao
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mickmundy · 2 years
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thread of some of my scout hcs, thoughts on his personality and little miscellaneous tidbits!
starting off strong by saying that i think he's very emotionally intelligent. knows when his loved ones are upset and will set about doing whatever he can to cheer them up. he defaults to trying to make you laugh since that's what he thinks he's best at, though!
cant always offer the Sagely Advice that one might get from spy, but he'll tell you whats on his mind and what he thinks of the situation. won't mince words; if he disagrees with you, he'll tell you Directly... but Gently. "Uhhh, dunno if i agree with that. think of it this way.."
maybe the last person you'd think to have a heart to heart with, but he might surprise you! he's a good listener and while he prefers to do things while talking (throwing a ball against a wall, pacing, etc), you've got 150% of his attention if the subject matter is serious!
competitive, but more likely to let others win than he is to Rub It In when He wins. battlefield smacktalk to the enemy is one thing, but Some People (not naming names) are VERY sore losers (sniper) so scout's content to botch a few billiards shots if it means that his friend is having fun! :)
cries. only when hes alone! feels like he has to have a good cry now and then to get everything out and to "emotionally reset". doesn't think crying is Girly/Weak or w/e, but he still doesn't like doing it around others. "okay, needed that. shake it off, scout, you're all good!"
VERY scrappy. resourceful through street smarts/intuition as opposed to technical know-how. tenacious and a total wildcard! that said, he won't be argumentative for no reason; he'll listen to any orders that engie or solly put down, but not without giving his input, asked for or not!
part of being a good scrapper is knowing when to fight and when to take a walk. when scout's truly mad, he prefers being alone, drawing or going on a run to get his thoughts clear. not afraid to ask for help and is always ready to "repay" friends for their kindnesses towards him.
growing up, he never wanted to trouble his mom with anything. scout was always the reliable one (although a complete hellion), often putting his own priorities to the side for his mom. places a lot of weight on his own shoulders to be good, or better, for her, and to be a son she can be proud of!
cannot drive. engineer has tried to teach him, sniper has tried, spy has tried, heavy has tried... but he just can't do it LOL. crashes into something every time and is always like CRAP!! SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!! it's not a big deal, though. plenty of the mercs enjoy driving after all!
he was always taught to share, even though he kind of hates it! always hated being forced to share with his brothers as a kid. in his adult life, he doesn't Mind, but he prefers being able to choose when he does share. if he's splitting something with you, its a BIG deal!!
easily hands out apologies and doesn't like long-standing conflict. "lets just hash this crap out and move on already!" good at putting you on ice, but only if he needs time to think or gather his thoughts. the longest grudge he'd ever held was against his Absent Father...... spy! but their relationship begins to get better after the events of the comics. i could sincerely write a whole thread on Just their dynamics together!
ultimately i think scout hated His Absent Father for so long because it was just "Easier" to. but now that spy is There and Trying, well, scout can't really Hate Him. theres still a lot of "repairing" to do, and they aren't the Perfect Father And Son, but scout appreciates spy's effort and the sincerity of his explanation (once he hears it from spy and not tom jones)!
will always value the truth over lies. he'd rather you tell him something Horrible if it was the truth than sugarcoat it with a lie. i think spy wanted to give scout what he wanted when he was dying (being comforted by his "dad"), but in retrospect when scout learns the truth, he wished spy would have just been honest with him, even if it did suck to know that his dad was someone like spy and not actually tom jones. regardless, he understood that spy just wanted to give scout what he thought scout wanted, but understands/respects scout's wishes going forward and promises to be a little more honest :) this is when they can really start repairing and Building on their relationship as father and son, in the ways that work for both spy and scout!
i don't think Dad Issues is the only facet of scout's personality nor do i think it even Dominates a lot of his thoughts BUT i just happen to have a lot of thoughts on it lmao
i don't think any of the other mercs Baby him (he's literally a Grown Man and imo being babied would piss him off), and i don't think any of them think he is "inferior" or "childish". i think all of the mercs are at least a little immature!
However i will say that i think a very interesting dynamic between scout and sniper is their views on their fathers and how it shaped them as people. while "jealousy" sounds a bit dramatic, i think they Lightly Envy one another; wouldn't ever take it out on each other but if they think about it for too long they kind of get Bummed Out. scout loves his family but sometimes wishes he'd been an only child with a Mom and a Dad that were around all the time. he doesnt know the Extent of snipers Complicated Feelings about his own family!
sniper loves his family too but sometimes thinks about how even though his own father was Present in his life, he'd been Very Hard on him and Basically rejected him. sniper was present while spy was comforting Dying Scout and took notice of how spy treated scout the way that he thought scout would want, disregarding his own feelings. sniper's dad, on the other hand, only told him he was proud of him after he'd technically died... ouch!
and No i Don't Think sniper wants spy to be his dad nor does he see/want to see spy as a/his own father figure in any capacity lol. i think this is just something that crosses both sniper and scout's minds every now and then and they're like "Huh. Wish I Had What He'd Had!"
i don't see scout struggling with internalized homphobia or anything like that, either. i think his mom, like scout (and spy!), says what they mean and mean what they say and when scout's mom says "i love you no matter what", she means it! scout never gives that kind of stuff a second thought; if he brings a Fella home for the holidays, it doesn't matter! scout's mom is still going to show his Date Of Choice all of the most embarrassing photos of scout she can find! x)
holds his liquor well; he came from a big cathoIic family after all! x) gets a little more Snarky and a little more Hostile if he gets Truly Drunk, but doesn't like to make himself go that far Often. he can always brawl with the mercs when he's sober! prefers to have some beers with demo, engie and sniper and play darts or billiards with them. doesn't like mixed drinks. freakin gross!
will break your balls over anything and everything (like spy and scout's mom!). you tripped on the field? hell tease you for a week! nothing ever mean-spirited and not about anything that he thinks would Upset you! if you ask him to stop, he will, and he'll apologize and mean it!
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normiematsu · 11 months
2 3 9 10 22 24
2. what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
i think yuuchan would like future funk, electronic music, stuff like that... this snails house song reminds me of her a lot ^_^ she also likes anisongs and probably has a whole playlist of magical girl ops saved.
wildcard genre for her would be grunge i think. it would be funny for her to jumpscare choro. wake up bitch we're blasting pearl jam
3. weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
in an everyday setting she could use anything from her bag collection as a weapon bc theyve got 10000 accessories hanging off of them. in a fantasy setting i think shed use a sword or lance... something semi long range to cover for her lack of coordination but close enough she can give them the yuuchan stare while she wipes them off this mortal coil lol
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
SWEET FOOD JUNKIE. has a tolerance for it beyond what normal ppl would enjoy. so candies, cakes, fruit parfait, fruit tart, etc... savory food comes at a close second. doesn't like bitter stuff but will eat it to be polite (yuustare betraying her the whole time). not a super picky eater, no dietary restrictions 🫡
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
i could see her as an earring girlie when she's dressing up to go out on an akihabara exhibition or to a party, but the fanciest her daily wear gets is with hair accessories and idk if that counts as jewelry lol. prefers silver. her fav gem is opal but theyre very fragile so she cant wear them often ;-;
22. do they sleep well at night?
pretty deep sleeper but she sleeps SOOOO COLD. seeks warmth and is clingy subconsciously and it freaks out choro all the time bc if her feet touch his its like hitting ice lmfao.
24. do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
i could see her as the type to want to make her own game/anime/etc and try to write and design characters but she's totally average at all of it. the type of person to have tried and given up on making an rpgmaker game in the 2000s. she'd be so excited if she could work on a magical girl series lol
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Great AU War Elimination Post Mortem
Here we go everybody!
(Warning, Long Post)
Didn't Even Bother To Show Up Award
The following AUs got 0 votes:
All For Hero AU
Cleaner AU
Cloud Nine
Explosion Midoriya AU
Extinguished Flames
Frozen Pyre AU
Future Aizawa AU
Future Asui AU
Future Kurogiri AU
Future Nagant AU
Future Peace AU
Future Yoarashi AU
Geist AU
Grandma Nana AU
Hamster Ball AU
Hero of Legend AU
Homeroom Teacher Nedzu AU
Ice, Wind, and Fire AU
Izinogre AU
JTA Hatsume AU
Knife Fight AU
League Saves Eri AU
Legacies AU
Magical Romances AU
Midoriya Shoto AU
Midoriya Tenko AU
Midoriya Yo AU
Musketeer AU
One For Ashido AU
Others AU
Pegasus AU
Protégé Swap AU
Redoer AU
Relocated AU
Reversal of Fortune AU
Secret Love Child AU
Shiozaki for All AU
Stendhal AU
Stolen Explosion AU
Support Bakugou AU
Torino Tenko AU
True Foresight AU
Undercover Heroes AU
Villainous Activity AU
Wingman AU
I'm not surprised to see so many of the Time Travel Fix-Its here. I was expecting Musketeer and Redoer to get at least one, but that's just how it goes
Gold Star Comic Sans You Tried Award
The following AUs got a single vote apiece:
Chameleon AU
Demon Midoriya AU
Descendant AU
Early Retirement AU
Elementalist AU
Eraser Midoriya
Failed Foresight
Fire and Ice Midoriya AU
Frozen Legacy AU
Future Bakugou AU
Future Endeavor AU
Future Inko AU
Future Monoma AU
Grandfather For One AU
Her Acid Heartbeat AU
Hero Abroad AU
I Am Speed AU
Iida Himiko AU
Inverted Ratios AU
Monoma Friendship AU
Plus Ultra AU
Psychic Stockpile AU
Public Knowledge AU
Renegades AU
Shattered Masterpiece AU
Shirakumo Lives AU
Simulated Agency AU
Still a Hero AU
Superheroes AU
Teacher Swap AU
Triple Cross AU
True Liberation AU
UA University AU
Wings of Salvation AU
Wonder Duo AU
Young Heroes Camp AU
You know, I thought Hero Abroad and Still a Hero would do better.
Statistically Multiple People Like You Award
The following AUs got two votes:
Akatani AU
Blue Blazes AU
Captain Midoriya AU
Cousin Kota AU
Dance of the Fire God AU
Early Meeting AU
Endadver AU
Engineered Solutions AU
Enter the Rat AU
Equivalent Exchange AU
Future Mei AU
Future Nedzu AU
Hagakure for All AU
Hero A Hero AU
Heroes and Pokemon AU
Homeroom Teacher Torino AU
Mustafa Private Middle School AU
Red Flag AU
Singularity AU
Teacher Assistant Fuyumi AU
Underground Todoroki AU
Wayward Bakugou AU
I'd say that I thought Heroes and Pokemon would do better, but we all know that Legends Mustafa has taken its place. Though I must admit I'm a little surprised to see Hero a Hero up here so high. I don't actually know how many of my followers know anything about Live a Live.
Enter the Rat is also a surprise at two votes, considering that it's a prequel that doesn't contradict canon
Could've Been a Contender Award
The following AUs got three votes:
Adopted Mei AU
All For Classroom
Deika Civil War AU
Exciting New Problems AU
Grandpa Torino AU
In The West AU
Inhumans AU
Inverse Copy AU
Iron Melissa AU
Save Eri Speedrun AU
Terminated Contract AU
Thorns AU
Time God Uraraka AU
Vampire Lord AU
Yami AU
I don't have a whole lot to say about this one.
Contender Award
The following AUs got four votes:
1-B AU
Blond Swap AU
Class Vill-A AU
Future Eri AU
Hatsume For All AU
HPSC President AU
Uncle Cat AU
Uraraka Wins AU
Wildcard AU
This is where the competition really starts getting fierce from here on out.
Do Not Go Gentle Award
The following AUs got five votes:
Double Expulsion AU
Future Miruko AU
Hustle and Bust AU
Izuku Phantom AU
Little Mouse AU
Paradise of the Strong AU
Quirk Swap AU
These were so close, but not quite there.
Threshold Award
The following AUs got six votes:
Bakugou Izuku
Batfam AU
Bloody Bullet AU
Draconic Hero AU
Inko/Cathleen/Kaina AU
King Explosion Murder AU
Look familiar? Yup, this was where the cutoff point ended up being.
Catch Your Breath You Made It Award
The following AUs got seven votes:
Gentle Whisper AU
Secret Rat Society AU
Shadow Twins AU
Spy x Class AU
Stray Cat AU
Yakuza Princess Eri AU
I'm not totally sure how I feel about Stray Cat being here. On one hand the Series 10 AUs are much fresher in the mind because they're new, but on the other hand they haven't had the time to really get going.
Striving Higher Award
The followings AUs got eight votes:
Dequirked AU
Double Agent Shigaraki AU
Future Izuku AU
Longshot AU
Mentor Miruko AU
Honestly didn't see Future Izuku getting so high up here.
Bruised and Bloody Award
The following AUs got nine votes:
Eight and Nine in Time
Mahoudoriya AU
It was really close in the higher rankings. Not that that matters but I find it interesting.
AUs Died So You Could Be Here Award
The followings AUs got ten votes:
Brass Knuckles AU
Neighborhood Vampire AU
Here's another high-ranked Series 10 AU, right next to one of the first.
You Killed AUs To Get Here Award
The following AUs got 11 votes:
Chaos For All AU
Keys to the Kingdom AU
Quasar AU
Tamama no Mom AU
Luckily Unlucky Award
the following AUs got 13 votes:
Expelled AU
Toontown AU
Toontown never dropped too low through the whole round. Also am I the only one who thinks it's weird that none of them got exactly twelve votes?
Upper Echelons Award
The following AUs got 14 votes
Homeroom Teacher Miruko AU
Pokemon Legends Mustafa AU
Standing Alone Award
The following AU got 17 votes:
Springtime for Todoroki AU
Bronze Medal Award
The following AUs got 21 votes:
All Of You Might Be Adopted AU
Early Cowling AU
You guys really like the one where All Might adopts everyone huh?
Silver Medal Award
The following AUs got 22 votes:
Blue Sky AU
Clone For One AU
I'm very proud of Clone For One for getting up here since it's the only AU that wasn't prompted in an ask game.
Uncontested Queen Award
The following AU got 36 votes:
Future Toga AU
It was never close. Future Toga stayed at the top of the list throughout the entire competition and had a whopping 14 votes over second place.
Thank you all for voting! The results of the Elimination Round will be announced shortly!
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stereax · 1 year
seems like other teams have started their off season moves early. *coughsinleafsimplodingtheirFO*
what’s your hope for the devils? a top 5: either signing, trade, free agent acquisition, and a wild card (something unexpected)
Hmmm. I mean, I'm just waiting for what Fitz does. I trust that man. but let's go through signing, trades, wildcards, and the current prospects. I think that's what you want, yes? (Also, glad we're keeping Lindy, at least for another year or two. Not the time to fuck with that.) Or did you want top 5 most important things that need to happen? I'll put them in Devils red for you.
I've said many times that this offseason is CRUCIAL for the future of the Devils. We mess this up and our contention window can be screwed. We get this right and we could win it all next year.
I. RFA resignings
Bratt: Bratt seems to want 8M AAV. Fitz probably is more around 7M AAV. Whatever happens there, happens. If they can't agree on a deal, flip Bratt's RFA rights. Obviously you want to keep him, though, and it seems he might want to be kept too, so that's a good sign.
Meier: Get it done. Offer plastic surgery for the nose. Whatever, just do it. I think Timo's staying, especially because he seems so happy around his Swiss buddies and the team at large. Just figure out the contract and sign it.
Sharangovich: Shango is good at things, like the penalty kill and defensive play. Problem is, he's very streaky. We can get him a decent deal and bridge him into UFA or trade him. Either is honestly fine by me. We have a MASSIVE pipeline of rookies. I think he stays another year or two. We'll see.
McLeod & Bastian: I'm going to get so much flack for putting these two in red (these two, because we know they're inseparable), but honestly, after the playoffs, Mikey's shown EXACTLY why he needs to be here, whether it's 3C or 4C. I like him on 4C if only to keep Nate on his wing (as I don't see him going 3RW with our current pool of players), but either is fine tbh. Nate, for his part, is a crucial "glue guy" - just look at the Bastian Effect stats (where we had an over 80% points percentage with him on the ice versus 55% without him). I'd love to see them with matching like, 3-4x1.420M contracts (get it, because their jersey numbers- I'll shut up now). I'm sure this will happen, so it's not something I'm worried about.
Boqvist: Cheap and solid team-controlled bottom-sixer. Keep him but for cheap.
Bahl: You can keep him for like 900K or so, I think. DO THAT. Man has blossomed slowly into a solid defenseman.
Blackwood: Blackwood is not a bad goalie. When he's good, he's GOOD. The problem is, as some of my friends say, "he lacks the most important ability - availability". There is no goalie in the NHL better than Mac... at getting on the injured list. I think after the Caps game where Akira stole his net and turned the game around, and then the playoffs where Akira showed he's probably our top goalie going forward, Blackwood is done.
II. UFA resignings
Tatar: I love him but he's generally a nonfactor in the playoffs. And expensive. Unless he takes a pay cut I think he's out, and I think he knows he's out.
Wood: Unless he loves NJ so much he'll come back for a 1M-ish deal, he's on the move. Maybe the Isles. Meet Lou again.
Haula: RESIGN THIS MAN ASAP. It's not a Meier/Bratt thing where one can set a price for the other. Do it, Fitz. 3x2M. Figure it out.
Severson: Old Man Sevo :') He loves us and we love him. I suspect it's the end of the road for him soon. He might get extended - maybe like 4 years at 6M or something - and traded in a year or two, that's totally possible. As an RD though and one of the top D-men hitting the free agency market, it feels like he'll get a better deal from someone else that we won't be able to match. Again, though, prospects out the wazoo. It'll suck to see him go but if that's how it goes, that's how it goes.
Graves: I love him but even he seems to know he's gone :( But I don't trust any other team with this man!!! Can he stay? Just for emotional support? (Also, Gravy has this thing where he tends to clutch the fuck up at the most necessary moments, like scoring the 1.4 seconds left goal against the Blue Jackets that kept Bedard out of the East. For that, if nothing else, keep him, pretty please?)
Bernier: He's on LTIRetirement. Possible he sticks around the organization, though, a lot of people seem to like him.
III. Trades and Acquisitions
Honestly, I don't see too many trades happening. We have prospects. Prospects will fill whatever spots we lose. Blackwood should be traded if possible to a team that wants to take that risk.
Hellebuyck: I see the rumors. I don't think so, though. You'd have to basically ship Vitek, Mac, and a bunch of other stuff for one year of Hellebuyck. Would be great, if we were the Bruins and this was the LAST year of our window (push all the chips in kind of deal). I genuinely think Schmid can be our long-term future in net, barring injury (see: Schneider, Blackwood). I don't see why we need to get Hellebuyck.
Clifton: Connor Clifton is usually mentioned only because he's FROM NJ. We have WAY too many d-men. Nah.
I don't really know too much about what's available on the market, but if there are trades, they're probably going to be low-key like the Lazar acquisition. If there are any trades or UFAs you're thinking of, let me know, and I'll think about them.
IV. The Rookies
Filmon and Gritsyuk: I think they both get a year in Utica at least, unless they impress at training camp.
Foote: Fitz mentioned Foote a LOT in his exit interview. Fully possible we see him on the fourth line - could be Foote-Lazar-Bastian or Foote-McLeod-Bastian. Seems to be the Wood Replacement by now.
Geertsen: I only mention him because we all love him. Obviously a career Comet at this point. But like. Keep him pls.
Holtz: 23-24 is his last shot. If he doesn't work his ass off and prove at camp that he deserves the fourth top-6 winger spot (Mercer, Meier, Bratt are the other three), he's not going to make it in our system and should be traded while he still has the possibility to crack an NHL roster in another team. Hell, with Haula often on Hughes's wing... Holtz REALLY needs to improve (especially skating, and I think ice vision is big too) if he wants to stay here. Otherwise, he's done in Jersey. He's a 7OA, we shouldn't resign him to career AHLing.
Nemec: He'll be a training-camp decision, I think. But also, I think that Sevo's resigning or lack thereof will say a lot. Sevo gets resigned, Nemec is DEFINITELY staying in Utica another season. (You're not scratching Dougie, Marino, or Sevo.) Sevo doesn't get resigned, Nemec likely hits the NHL. Only likely, because...
Walsh: Reilly Walsh also exists. And if he impresses at training camp, we could see him instead of Nemec for next year. I don't know a lot about him, but he sounds NHL-ready? At least for a third pair, like - Siegs/Dougie, Luke/Marino, Bahl/Walsh could slap. This also lets Nemec develop more in Utica.
Daws: Will be the third-string goalie, going to the NHL level if/when Schmid or Vanecek get hurt. I see him tandeming with Schmid after Vitek's contract is up. Fuck, our net will be SOLID if so.
V. Wildcards
Mercer and Schmid: Both Mercer and Schmid come off their ELCs in 24-25. The earlier especially Mercer is extended, the cheaper he'll be. Akira will probably want to see how the 23-24 season goes before a deal is inked. (Also, I want to see if Akira sticks with number 40 or goes to 93, which he used in Utica.)
Vanecek: TANDEM HIM WITH SCHMID. Vitek can get a 30-win season but he's not built to be a starter a la Sorokin or Shesterkin. VV's confidence is DESTROYED after the playoffs; I hope for his sake that the team can get him a sports psychologist or something to help with the mental aspect of the game.
Is this what you wanted, anon? Let me know :)
(this is the stuff I do instead of focusing on my finals :') )
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lunapaper · 1 year
Album Review: 'Endless Summer Vacation' - Miley Cyrus
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Miley Cyrus has gone through so many evolutions at this point that she’s practically a Pokemon. 
We’ve had neon-soaked Bangerz Miley trying to twerk her way out of Disney hell, psychedelic Miley and her Dead Petz, country pop sweetheart Miley on Younger Now, classic rock Miley on Plastic Hearts… She doesn’t give us the best of both worlds; she gives us all the fuckin’ worlds!  
So, I guess Endless Summer Vacation is Miley’s Solar Power? Not quite. This record doesn’t take itself anywhere near as seriously, but it’s not nearly as interesting, either.  
Like most Miley albums, Endless Summer Vacation is a mishmash of sounds and ideas. Some of it works, most of it doesn’t. If anything, Cyrus spends most of her time cribbing from other artists.  
Tracks like ‘Rose-Coloured Glasses’ and ‘Thousand Miles’ (not that one) recall the earthy 00s-style folk rock of Maggie Rogers, which is no coincidence since both tracks were produced by Kid Harpoon, who also produced Rogers’ latest record. ‘River’ capitalises on the bubbly disco pop already perfected by the likes of Cyrus’ one-time collaborator Dua Lipa. ‘Violet Chemistry’ is just something Taylor Swift already made a better version of on Midnights. Despite having a rather powerful team of writers and producers behind it (including James Blake), it’s nothing more than a bunch of chintzy synths on a loop.  
So many people have called this their favourite track on Endless Summer Vacation, but I just don’t hear it. Why? Are the pickings really that slim here? 
Well, kinda. So what does work?  
‘Jaded’ is a swirling Tame Impala rip-off but at least it’s a good one, infused with some early 00s power ballad energy. ‘Handstand’ (co-written with Spring Breakers director Harmony Korine, of all people) is big, fat and glitchy with a bright neon glow, with Cyrus tapping back into her weirdo pop instincts as she recites some swampy beat poetry (‘In the sky, we could see the riders on the horseback/On comets, coming toward us, kicking up with laughter/My friend Big Twitchy rode the boat into the light/Surfed to the north break/We danced until there was nothing left/Just me and Twitchy/'Cause that's all we knew’). ‘You’ is a jazzy, sweeping, aching ballad dedicated to Cyrus’ boyfriend, producer Maxx Morando. 
‘Muddy Feet,’ meanwhile, interpolates both Ella Washington’s 1969 track ‘Starving for Love’ and Christina Aguilera’s ‘Genie in a Bottle,’ and it works. It’s Miley at her best: Bold, raspy and ready to cut a bitch as she leans into the more bluesy tones in her voice. It’s enough to make Sia’s backing vocals feel like an afterthought. 
And then there’s ‘Flowers,’ a sassy response to Bruno Mars’ ‘If I Was Your Man’ with a nice, breezy groove tailor-made for ice cold daydreams and sunny kiss-offs to your ex. There’s also a hint of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Dreams’ in there, so Cyrus hasn’t totally shaken off the classic rock aesthetic of Plastic Hearts. It’s grown on me with subsequent listens, but it’s still sort of wild that this song, so glossy and unassuming on the surface, has managed to score a massive 96m streams on Spotify.  
But by the time we reach the final trifecta of tracks - ‘Wildcard,’ the balmy ‘Island’ and the schmaltzy ‘Wonder Woman’ – the momentum wanes, and you begin to forget the powerful high that ‘Muddy Feet’ left you with in the first place. The ‘Flowers’ demo that bookends the record isn’t really anything more than filler tacked on to milk the track’s success, though the more stripped-backed feel does give it a bit of a smoky flavour. 
While looking at Stereogum’s coverage of Endless Summer Vacation, I saw an interesting theory posted in the comments section by a delightful chap/chappette going by the name of Econoline Van Fleet. ‘Not only is it obviously dog shit,’ they wrote, ‘but Cyrus is savvy and talented enough to know that it’s obviously dog shit. I suppose one could make the argument that her awareness of this fact is some kind of subversive performance art (“She knows that we know she knows!”), but that rationalization is itself a huge pile of steaming dog shit. This is the soundtrack of an artistically bankrupt empire in decline. The barrage of dog shit is every bit as predictable and boring as the decline itself.’ 
It’s not a bad theory, but is Miley really that self-aware?  
As an artist, Cyrus seemingly suffers from a sort of identity crisis, always doing a hard reset on each subsequent era. The same also applies to Endless Summer Vacation: There’s no common thread between these songs, the tracklisting almost an afterthought. There’s a couple of empowerment anthems sprinkled here, a power ballad there, the weirdo pop track somewhere in the middle... 
And despite the title, there’s not much to suggest that these songs are bright and summery in any way beyond 'Flowers,’ ‘Handstand’ and maybe ‘Violet Chemistry.’  
Lyrical cliches are also rampant. Whether she’s pouring her heart out or sticking it to an ex-lover, Cyrus’ feelings are often vague and surface-level at best, leaving it to the tabloids and Genius cliff notes to fill in the rest. And it has an awful lot of writers behind it, too: ‘Muddy Feet’ alone has a whopping 11 while ‘Island’ - probably the most boring track on the entire album – has seven. 
Endless Summer Vacation feels more like Cyrus making a cynical play for streaming numbers while still trying to atone for her more controversial eras. It’s all so painfully ‘safe’; I can't believe people actually like this. Y’all were just praising her for ripping off Stevie Nicks a couple of years ago... 
Now 30 and newly divorced, it’s natural that the singer would display a little more growth, but blandness shouldn’t be mistaken for maturity. It’s a problem that’s plagued many a female artist before her: Being forced to file back the edges and tone things down in order to be taken ‘seriously,’ as if fun and lust and passion have a use-by date.  
Cyrus' sharp shift into adult contemporary resembles that of P!nk in certain respects: A talented singer once known for rocking out now churning out bland, radio-friendly dance pop. I'm not much older than Miley, but even I’ve got no patience for this crap. 
Endless Summer Vacation isn’t the long, breezy getaway most were probably hoping for. Rather, it lands right in the middle of the road, just idling there until Miley decides on what sharp turn she’s gonna make next...  
- Bianca B. 
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leagueofleaguesff · 2 years
Yahoo Cash 💸 League Witching Hour (12) to Haunting (13) Stranger Things Have Happened Fantasy Football Recap ❤🤑❤🏈❤🏉❤💰❤
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Yahoo out of all Core 4️⃣ leagues have the most teams vying for the playoffs
🔻Yahoo Standings🔻
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Every S.E.C Counts
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All 12 teams survived Witching Week 12‼️
Because no teams were eliminated, by default of the number of players in this league, Yahoo has the most teams in the playoff hunt‼️
Only 2 teams out of 12 clinched. This means 10 teams are vying for the last 4 playoff spots ‼️
🤔 What went down 2 make this happening❓
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🔻🔻🔻Week 12 Matchup Breakdown🔻🔻🔻
Jermaine at that moment in Witching Week 12, HAD to win in order to not go over 7 losses and try to earn an even .500 record when its all said and done. With that in mind, he knew if the could continue a win streak in this ultra competitive league - he would at least have a shot at playoff spot with a tie break scenario. He had to go through Delmar to do it. Delmar needed a win to clinch a playoff but is relieved (somewhat) to be in 3rd place on top of a 3way tie of 7-5 teams playing for seeding if things go accordingly. Jermaines win opened the league as it opened another spot for potential upsets.
Last place Zero needed a win against a top ranked (2nd place) Omar. Omar was able to beat Zero to clinch a playoff birth. Omar now will finish no less than 6th but could remain in bye week vying contention. Had Zero won, he would have made it possible to have 5 playoff spots open as opposed to 4 left now. He also would have left Demetri the only 4-8 team and avoid last place in the standings. Sadly this didn't happen but luckily for him there is anything but a Zero chance for Zero.
Demetri got clobbered in Witching Week 12 against Carla. Carla needed to win as she could leapfrog into playoff standings which was indeed what happened. Getting herself at an even .500 6-6 record, she managed to place wildcard and put herself in a chance to birth a playoff spot. As strange as this is, Carla's win over Demetri kept him in play as a 4-8 team! Her 6-6 record bares a slim chance for Demetri in near last place. How? If she loses out and he wins out...all he needs is the 5-7 group (4way tie) lose out to tie break and slide into the final playoff see. The 6th place is the only spot he can play for if everything aligns for him. Mathematically this is possible long as those 5 league mates don't play each other or tie if they do. Demetri still has a heartbeat 🩺to get in with the strangest of ways.
Laura had another heartbreaking loss in this league. She lost by only 2 points to Ricky which dropped her into 9th place. She is now in a mangled mess of 5-7 teams that Ricky is leading at the moment. Only 15 points separate him from the bottom of that pile (Jermaine) in the PF column. This means, even though he is leading, the race is tight to get out of the muck. A win out now by both teams is optimal as it can mean a pretty good seeding for them. Teams from 3rd to 10th could see massive swings in standings if they all finish 7-7 somehow. It would be a points for smorgasbord.
Papa won to clinch the top seed. Regardless, he didn't clinch a by because at 9-3, losing put means the trio of 7-5 teams below (and 8-4 Omar) could leap him. One good thing to come out for Papa is he can drop no less than 5th place. Oliver joins the 5-7 tier in 8th place. He is only a few points away from overtaking that tie. In fact, they all are. One weeks point total could change the complexion of the playoffs.
Haunting Week 13 Yahoo Matchups 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻
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💰Dash 4 Da Cash💸
Johnny has to win to get in. If he loses, he invites 4 more teams in 1 loss to upset and eliminate him regardless of PF especially if he loses out. One loss will only put him no lower than a wildcard but from then on its thin ice.. Beating Zero in haunting week 13 eliminates him from the playoffs since he is 4-8. Johnny and Taurean could be eliminators this week.
If Zero wins, his playoffs still hinges on Carla. Him and Demetri are in the same boat so to speak. Lose and you're done. With his "lowest in the league", he better pray to the fantasy football gods for a hail Mary.
Like Zero, Demetri has no choice but to win against Taurean for a glimmer of hope along with Carla's outcome. He loses he's out plain and simple. The interesting stuff happens if he wins and the 5-7 group loses above him. Why you may ask? Demetri has more PF than Carla who holds the key for the 4-8 teams to survive. He also has more than the entire 4way tie of 5-7 teams! What does it mean? If Carla at 6-6 in 6th loses, and the quad squad of 5-7 teams lose as well, Demetri instantly jumps from 11th to 6th place potentially! Like I said before...stranger Things need to happen for unreal results like this to occur.
Taurean is only 4 pts ahead of Johnny which places him in the playoff seeding currently and avoids wildcard out of that for now. Next week point total in his matchup against Demetri could mean a fall in the standings even with a win. He could fall as far as 6th but no worst than a wildcard so thats a plus....for haunting week 13 that is. The week after could spell doom should he lose twice. Win and you're in. If Taurean gets that win this week, he eliminates Demetri from playoff contention.
If Laura loses to Omar, she could far even further to last place! With Zeros PF it would most likely mean 11th but if Demetri loses as well it places her in 10th only 1 spot down. This matters because tying with them diminishes her chances and puts her in the dependency of Carla based on her outcome (Carla is the most important player in this week playoff picture good or bad). Laura needs to think of worst case scenarios. If she loses and Zero/Demetri win - she joins the 8 loss club (with any other 5-7 team lost as well). If Zero loses and she loses, at least she has one less member to contend with. If she loses and Demetri loses, she could be the last team in the playoff hunt but wouldn't have to look over her shoulder as those two would have 9 losses. If she wins and Carla loses, she could potentially jump into wildcard...but that would depend on the other 5-7 points for. It could even work out where she wins and remains in her same position or moves down to 10th as these crop of players are within 15 points of each other. Im getting dizzy just writing all this out. Another scenario would be the trio of 7-5 teams losing and Laura winning. She won't pass them but if she climbs or remains in the same standing, washed could jump as high as 3rd (from 9th or 10th place) depending on who lost. The only damage she can do to Omar in beating him is diminish his chances for a bye week as he has already clinched. I need a breather.
He already clinched. Win, and you hamper Laura chances while improving his for a bye week. Lose, you open up yet another team to sneak into the playoffs and give yourself worse odds at a bye. Crazy he has one of the least amount of PF but due to his wins, he clinched.
With the outside looking in and tie break his way as of now with the 5-7 group, Slick can rise up to wildcard in his win over Delmar this week. Lose and he can potentially be eliminated depending on Carla. He could also win and still drop because of PF. [See Laura scenario] Ricky can open up a lane for himself beating Delmar so he doesn't clinch. That could play in his favor down the line as he too can rise from 7th to as high as 3rd during the final week of the regular fantasy season.
Delmar, just win and you're in. Lose and cause chaos. Be potentially eliminated all together by week 14. He could lose and win one and still make it but he leaves that window for an upset so great he misses the playoffs after being in 3rd going into the penultimate haunting week 13. He can also eliminate Ricky if Carla also wins. Delmar has the highest PF of the entire league.
Carla, lose and the whole league can be in play in the last week of the season. Yup all 12 teams potentially. You win one game, you eliminate two in the process. She is so key to this whole thing....if she wins and the bottom half loses (Oliver vs Jermaine must end in a tie) then she could lock the playoffs for herself and others above leaving no doubt in week 14. By that point it would be all about seeding. Incredible. If she loses, she's not eliminated but the flood gates open as stated in the other reviews. She can make a 5-9 or any other sub .500 team clinch a playoff birth.
Who cares. He clinched and is wanting a bye week. That's the extent of it. His win over Carla causes the strange happenings mentioned above. At worst, he loses out on a bye week but that won't be determined until week 14.
He and Jermaine are in a unique situation. In order the playoffs to be locked and sealed this haunting week 13, they would have to tie as they are both 5-7 and with a combo of losses from teams below Carla, could sewn up the seeds. That sounded weird. If he beats Jermaine, he could keep himself in the playoff race while potentially eliminating the commish.
Jermaine is frantically trying to avoid the Commissioner Curse. The tie scenario with him and Oliver is exactly why this league is called Stranger Things Have Happened . As strange goes, he could mathematically jump to 3rd place from 10th if all the strange happenings take place. He also could fall to last place. Such a wide spectrum of outcomes falls on his other half (Carla), himself, Zero, and Delmar.
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Really intrigued in this league what happens in the haunting Week 13.
Good luck to all teams in all leagues.
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tomgreys · 2 years
Crossword quiz pop culture level 5 a cop an indian
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#Crossword quiz pop culture level 5 a cop an indian movie#
#Crossword quiz pop culture level 5 a cop an indian free#
#Crossword quiz pop culture level 5 a cop an indian movie#
Without wasting any more time, we are sharing with you all the crossword test movie solutions as shown. A very popular game developed by Random Logic Games which are also known for other extremely fun and popular games such as Guess the Emoji and Symbology. The next time you want to move a conversation forward, these pop culture trivia questions used as ice breaker questions will also do the trick. Please find below all Crossword Quiz Pop Culture Level 10 Answers, Cheats and Solutions. Choose a theme of pop culture that would best suit your audience.
#Crossword quiz pop culture level 5 a cop an indian free#
Of course you’ve seen all the normal free crossword games for your phone, they’re similar to what you grew up with either in the Sunday newspaper or puzzle. It’s a classic word game that challenges your vocabulary and is a powerful tool for learning. If you're with a group of music-lovers, then the music pop culture trivia is the best choice. Crossword puzzle games have been around for ages. You'll have to be living under a rock to not know at least some of the answers. Don't ask movie-related questions to a group of people that don't watch movies a lot. Gather everyone and enjoy the night away with these trivia questions that anyone can relate to. This game reminds me of 100 Pics a bit, even though it is totally different If you are looking for a fun new word game, then this is for you We have answers to almost every level, so if you want a. What an awesome game There are almost 50 different packs to choose from, and each pack has 10 levels. These pop culture trivia questions the most fun trivia questions you can have. Crossword Quiz: Pop Culture Level 4 Walkthrough. There's no pressure now in choosing what theme to choose. Have a variety of topics to ask with these random trivia questions and answers. Topics include the solar system, animals, winter words, grammar, and. These crossword puzzle worksheets provide practice with context clues and enable third grade students to build new vocabulary and test their grasp of grade-specific words across content areas. The best questions are the random questions that just get blurted out. Review, revisit, and reveal words with our third grade crossword puzzle worksheets.These trivia questions for adults will do the trick to get those adults thinking. Of course, having fun on trivia night isn't for kids only.Make sure the children enjoy trivia night as well with this list of trivia for kids. See who knows most about these. There are just some things that are meant for children.Bring variety by choosing different topics. Challenge your friends or family and have fun with them with more questions than you can ask them. That's why we have more awesome trivia questions for you. It doesn't matter who you're talking to, they just work. That means not only noticing what the picture looks like, but what might not be quite right about it, or what details might be calling out for your attention.Via: Mantelligence More Awesome Trivia Questions Of course, not all of these visual riddles will be simple to solve you'll need to look beyond the obvious and train your eyes - and your brain - to see things in a different light. Enter the word, replacing missing letters with dots Example: cro.w.d (Finds crossword) by using wildcards. Taking the time to unscramble the pictures or notice how they are arranged can help them take on a much larger meaning than what you see at first glance - turning snowflakes into a snowman, or transforming seemingly unrelated images or jumbled letters into a brilliant play on words. Enter the clue from your puzzle to find matching results Examples: river in Germany, Kitchen utensils and Greek letter. Many common phrases, idioms, places and objects can be represented by pictures. jen lilley husband occupation / boundary county rodeo / crossword quiz celebrities level 3. Are you the type of person who is always the first to spot Waldo? Are you a word search master, crossword champ, or Sudoku expert? If puzzles are your thing, see if you have what it takes to ace this quiz of visual riddles! There's no way to Google the answers here, you'll have to use your raw brainpower!
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 6 months
More Objectively Correct Shipping Opinions: RWBY+ Edition
Members of Team RWBY plus someone else
Nuts & Dolts: honestly, the Ruby ship with the most basis in canon. WhiteRose has had a lot of time to cook and hasn't much, whereas every minute these two share seems like it's loaded with affection. I honestly thought it was just too wholesome to be interesting until I heard Taylor McKnee's confession monologue, and the line "I adore you so" broke me.
(as an aside, Frosen Steel combines many of the strengths of Nuts & Dolts and WhiteRose... although I wish it was called Frosted Cinnamon Rolls instead)
Milk & Cereal: in an AU where Yang isn't part of Ruby's life, Pyrrha could easily fill the roll, *and* be shippable. I did a smut oneshot of it once, but I'd like to explore it more thoroughly.
Fallen Petals: ah, my beloved dark rose! I was skeptical until I read Rise from the Ashes and became a believer in Ruby's power to redeem Cinder with kisses.
Strawberry Shortcake: very similar to Fallen Petals, but with more comedic potential between less murdery Neo and Ruby.
Death's White Rose: this one is entirely @powertaco 's fault. Ruby, Weiss, and a somehow young Maria Calavera. It's grown on me.
Red Fox: my wildcard. I typically am dead set against shipping any of RWBY with men, but I started writing Fox trying to flirt with Ruby as a joke and decided they're kind of adorable together.
North Pole/Schneekos: I love Weiss and Pyrrha together. They have a lot in common with being women put on pedestals and always expected to be exceptional... and then there's the height difference thing. They're the backbone of Scattered Petals.
White Chocolate: fashionista rich girls who experimented on a dare and liked it? OR committed lesbian Coco seducing the uptight thinks-she's-straight Weiss? Yessssss.
Black Ice: hear me out here. MILF Salem playing a long, strategic game of seduction with Weiss, offering her power to make the world as she believes it should be, and vengeance against her father, only to actually fall for her? Weiss *knowing* what's happening and thinking she can play Salem, until suddenly it's not playing her anymore? Dirty and delicious!
Hailstorm: I was recently put onto this one by a couple of @powertaco 's fics about them, and I'm kinda taken with the Ruby/Weiss/Nora dynamic. It feels like it works best when one of them is damaged and the other two, in a healthy relationship, adopt them.
Catmeleon: Obviously. My only gripe with Bumbleby is that Ilia is a total sweetheart, and her "I wish you'd looked at me the way you looked at him" line breaks my heart every time.
Black Velvet: I just think they'd be sweet together, and their different perspectives on life as a faunus would be interesting to see interact.
Baked Alaska: I started writing this out of spite when @etincelleart was getting harassed for drawing it, and realized that, like many things with Neo, it's a lot of fun. The idea that Yang realized Neo was mute and learned sign language *just* so they could banter during fights is adorable.
Greek Fire: I think this one is a fun one to explore precisely because it takes Yang's usual position as the buff, strong protector and lets her be Pyrrha's little spoon. Great for sports AUs.
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Kuroo Tetsurō x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: None because it's the season of Love 🥰
A/N: Happy February 7th 💗 check the masterlist for all headcannons from @axoxtxhxh and I!
• Looking for a devoted man?
• Well look no further YN
• This man is secure in himself
• He will literally do anything and everything for you and with you
• Need help picking clothing? FaceTime him at anytime
• Having a craving for a random dish? He's on it!
• He maybe cheesy but he’s all about you
• He notices you first
• This man is a pro at blocking and he notices everything!
• He could literally see the end of your hair and notice you
• He wastes no time talk to you either
• He’s outgoing and forward in his approach
• He will notice something and use that as a gateway to talk to you
• Like perhaps your outfit or coffee
• He will immediately ask you on a date
• Like why wait? He knows what he wants!
• The first date is pretty standard this
• However he doesn’t show up with flowers
• He legit the type of man to show up with like a rock or crystal or something because it has a special meaning
• Like he’s one of those guys who collects elements from the periodic table
• We all know this
• But like he totally is into crystals
• Its uber specific but I just get that vibe from him
• He’s a Scorpio and Scorpio men are wildcards
• But I honestly believe he’s one of the good ones
• Like he’s got a Pisces or Aquarius moon ok
• God I’m getting way off track, back on course Tiffany
• You will go out to Dinner and for a walk with ice cream or some sort of secondary activity
• Something that requires talking
• Kenma may or may not show up
• The only reason is because Kenma totally thinks Kuroo is lying about having a date 🤣
• Yaku and Kai tag along
• They leave Yamamoto and Lev behind tho
• You don’t need that much stress on you YN
• He’s so freaking cute on your date too
• Like opens doors, pays for everything
• Its kind of bare minimum but like we respect it
• When the date ends, he will wait for you to make the first move
• Mans is not about embarrassing himself
• If you go in for the kiss tho, he will more than willing to reciprocate
• Will immediately ask you on a second date
• Seriously YN, keep this one 😍
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blonde-in-charge · 3 years
Wildcard, Chapter Three
Words: 2.6k
Summary: Steve Rogers found you on the side of the road after a mission involving Hydra and convinced the Avengers to take you in. You have no name, no memories, and no idea of what you are capable of. All you know is that you are a super soldier with more hidden abilities than you care to admit. The first step to finding answers was to train you. Nobody, including you, knows what is up your sleeve.
Characters: Bucky x reader, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Random Hydra guy, Sam Wilson
Warnings:  Mentions of blood/violence, brief unwanted touching, Cursing, Fluffy!Bucky, Flirting
Words: 2.6k
The table underneath you was frozen from the amount of stress you had been under. They just kept injecting things into you, hoping to get some kind of reaction from your body. You had stopped feeling the pain of the needle and experiments weeks ago, which just made everything worse for you in the long run. They were getting annoyed with the fact you had stopped reacting to whatever painful serum they had injected you with that day and it resulted in beating to get a reaction from you. You stared up at the cracked ceiling of your concrete room and counted each crack for the millionth time. You kept yourself company in your mind, getting lost in your thoughts to pass the time until your next beating. You shivered at the cold beneath you, the last serum made ice bleed from every one of your pores. You heard the shrill sound of the old iron door open from the side of the room, you didnt turn your head to see whoever came in anymore, they were all the same type of evil. 
“Your wounds have healed very quickly, you are replicating the progress of our last soldier.” said the thick voice. You hated to think someone else had gone through this hell before you had. You wondered if they escaped or died before they moved onto you. 
You felt a burn in the back of your throat, “What's on the menu today doc? Electro-therapy? Waterboarding? New superhuman power that causes injury to one of your minions?” The one fond memory in your head of this place, being your body set itself on fire as well as one of the more hostile minions of Hydra. You smirked fondly at the memory as the hydra doctor worked his way around you observing the healing process. Every wound that opened on your body disappeared within a couple of hours, which is apparently what they wanted. 
“Nothing on the menu today, we are going to start to prepare you for the memory wipe.” Was all the man said and you felt your heart jump into your throat as the man chuckled, “You will do great things for us, American Girl.” You started pulling at your restraints for the first time in weeks, trying to fight your way off of the table once again. The man gave you a sickening chuckle while watching you struggle and you glared at him. He reached up to run a dirty hand slowly up your leg, “Such a pretty girl, such a shame you must-” He ended his sentence abruptly as you lit your body on fire, burning the man's flesh. You grinned at him as your body started to fizzle out. He held his burnt hand to his body and looked at you with rage, “You stupid slut.” 
You continued to grin as he left the room, feeling somewhat accomplished. Your smile slowly faded as you thought back on the memories they would take from you. Y/N Y/L/N, you were a successful accountant in one of the most successful banks in Manhattan. You lived alone, you haven't spoken to your family since you lost your father. Your mom became an alcoholic after his death, the only thing you really regretted was leaving your little sister, Macy, behind. Your job would have already replaced you by now, and people would have stopped looking for you. You stopped fighting for an escape because you knew you had nothing to go back to. 
You woke up slowly to the sound of soft snoring, your body tensed up, wondering who was in your bed. Then you realized this wasn't your bed when you looked up into the face of the sleeping soldier. Your body instantly relaxed as you lay your head back on his chest. His right arm was slung over your waist and his metal arm was holding your forearm against his stomach gently. You closed your eyes, replaying the events of the night before in your head. Hydra had come back for you, but for what reason? Then your eyes snapped open and you looked up at Bucky gently shaking him. He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at you, obviously confused about why he was holding you. Realization dawned on him and his eyes filled with concern, “You okay?” 
“Y/L/N.” Was all you said to him as you continued to stare into his steel eyes.
“Who is that?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
“I remembered my last name.” You said softly to him, “I remember my life before I was taken.”
He sat up quickly and looked into your eyes, “You remember now?” You nodded your head at him, unsure whether you should smile or cry. “Y/N, that's amazing.”
You looked away from him and sat back, “Is it?” you replied solemnly.
“Why wouldn't it be?” He tilted his head slightly, trying to read your thoughts. The sound of the door sliding open cut off your response as Steve came in. Steve stopped in the doorway and examined the scene in front of him. You were sitting to the side of Bucky, wearing his shirt with no pants on, with your legs strung across his thighs. Bucky had his metal hand resting against your calf and was leaning back against the headboard behind him. Bucky’s face turned a dark pink as he realized the situation before taking his hand off of your leg. You remained unphased as you looked over at Steve. 
Steve watched you both and cleared his throat, “The safe house is all set up, can you both be ready by 0300?” You nodded at Steve, who glanced back at Bucky before leaving the room.
You both sat in silence for a moment before you crawled over bucky to the other side of the bed, his eyes perked up as he watched you unmoving, “Where are you going?”
“I have to pack my bag, don’t I?” You stood up and raised your arms above your head to stretch out your back. 
Bucky started to climb out of the bed himself before he stood next to you, “I’ll go with you.” You laughed softly and chose to not object to his company. He followed you down the hallway to your room and you stopped in the doorway to survey the damage. Your bed hung off the side of the bed frame as if the mattress had been thrown. The drawers in your dresser were all thrown open and all of the clothes were spread around the room on the floor. You sighed quietly and started picking up articles of clothing. You searched around for the SHIELD duffle bag you had before shoving clothes into it. Bucky’s eyes raked across the room, he walked towards the bed and adjusted it to its correct position before picking up shirts and folding them neatly into the bed. You smiled slightly to yourself as you found a pair of leggings on the ground and started pulling them on and up over your thighs. You struggled slightly and then looked up to see Bucky staring at you. 
He stilled, realizing he had been caught and looked down at the tee shirt in his hands, “Sorry, guess I got distracted.”
You laughed softly and patted him on the arm, “It's okay Buck, it's not like I don't stare at you sometimes.” You were unashamed of the confession. Sometimes while training you'll watch Bucky in the gym and sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll be able to see him lift his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face. You would never apologize for that.
Bucky looked utterly confused as you packed the last of your things and zipped up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder. He stood up with you and looked down at you. You weren't a short person, you were taller than most girls but still shorter than all of the male avengers so you barely had to crane your neck up at him. His steel blue eyes looked so much lighter in the moment. You turned away from him and started walking towards the door, looking back at him. “Ready?” You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
  “Yeah, go meet with Steve, let me grab my bag.” You nodded at Bucky as you walked into the living area, ignoring the shattered glass on the floor you followed the voices to the kitchen.
“So she just hopped up on this man's shoulders and took him down like that?” Sam snapped his fingers together to get the point across, “Did Natatsha teach her that?”
Tony shook his head and bit the fingernail of his thumb, replaying the 30 second hallway footage from the night before, “Natasha hasn't moved past the basics of fighting with her, we have been focusing on figuring out what she can do power wise.” Steve stood silently with the three, his arms crossed watching the looped video. 
Sam shook his head at the screen, “This chick is a total wildcard.”
You dropped your bag on the ground behind them making them all turn around quickly. You stared at the projection in front of you, you barely recognized yourself. You have never been able to put Sam on his ass in the ring and now you're swinging your body weight around on some random guy? The temperature dropped a couple of degrees in the room as a result of your anxiety. The three men stared at you as you took a step back, you made eye contact with Steve, “Y/L/N.”
Steve looked confused, “What? Who’s name is that?”
“Mine.” You said quietly, “My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I had a dream about it. I know my name.”
You sat at the table along with Steve and Sam. You were staring off at a wall while shoveling cereal into your mouth. You had only been at the tower for about two weeks now and had a good routine with the two men in front of you. You still didn't have a name. You have been going by kid, kiddo, chick, and rescue. You have been searching your brain for a hint of what your name would be. You tried making up names but none of them suited you the way you wanted it to. You listened to the two men bicker over different work out strategies. You stared off at the wall and thought about how you planned on changing your hair color to maybe platinum blonde. You reached out to grab your glass off the table and grunted when it wouldn't budge. You looked up at the two men staring at you with wide eyes before following their gaze to your hand. The liquid in the glass was frozen solid and the glass stuck to the table in a block. You removed your hand and looked at your palm, which was tinted blue, “Well that's new.” 
Sam tapped on your frozen glass, “Holy shit, Elsa.” You rolled your eyes and rubbed your hands together trying to maintain heat.
Steve watched you, “Has this ever happened before?”
You shook your head and reached out to grab your glass again. Your strength became too much and the frozen glass shattered in your hand. You remained still as Sam hopped up from the table. 
“Jesus fucking christ, kid.” Sam started picking up the larger pieces of glass
“Language.” Steve went into the other room to retrieve a handheld vacuum 
You looked down at your hand and saw little cuts leaking blood in the palm, today just wasn't your day. You stood up from the table and walked over to the sink, running your hand under the water. You were getting really sick of this superpower thing. You have broken so many things so far due to the super strength you can’t control. You sighed as you watched the small cuts on your hand knit themselves back together, you would never get used to that. On the brightside, it didn't hurt. You have not felt the pain of anything you have broken or ran into, the only pain you ever felt was the headache that never went away. You dried your hand off and ran your fingers through your hair.
“Sorry guys… Still getting used to,” You held up your hands, “this.” 
Steve smiled knowingly, “It's okay, kid. I remember when I received my serum, it took a minute to adjust.”  
You gave him a small smile, “Why do you guys keep calling me kid?”
Sam and Steve looked at each other. Sam was the one who spoke first, “You don't really have a name right now.”
“Oh it's Y/N.” You shrugged at the guys and returned to your seat at the table as they stared at you. 
“Did that just come to you?” Steve asked while looking at your seated figure, “It kind of suits you.”
“I think it's my name? It just came to me at the sink and its the only name that doesnt make me want to kill myself.” You smiled as the two men started chuckling at you. 
“I think I will stick to ridiculous nicknames if you don't mind.” Sam said, smiling at you and ruffling your hair. 
Tony wasted no time typing your name into the database to pull up a missing persons profile. A photo was pulled up onto the hologram screen and you silently stared at it. It was you, well at least a version of you. You looked so young, your face was effortlessly smooth with a light layer of makeup, and your mouth was pulled in an easy grin. Your hair was pulled back in a sleek low ponytail and you were wearing a white collared shirt with a blazer layered over it. You started into your eyes on the projection, it felt like looking at someone else. 
“You were an accountant? That's boring.” Sam started while eye the photo of you
Tony scanned the photo and then started typing something into the projection. An article pulled up next to the photo, “Y/N Y/L/N, missing for two years, stopped coming into work and her apartment was empty… blah blah blah.” 
“Tony.” Steve warned, coming to put a hand on your shoulder. You looked back at him before shaking off his hand and picking up your bag.
“We should go, right?” You ignored the look Steve gave you before you walked to Bucky’s room, knocking on the mangled door
Bucky met you at the threshold of the door, sensing your discomfort, “You okay, doll?” He raised an eyebrow at you
You raised your own eyebrow, “Doll?” Heat rushed to Bucky's cheeks and you smirked at him, “Grab your bag Buck, it's time to go.” You winked at him and turned away to walk to the elevator door. You rested your nag on the ground as you waited for Steve and Bucky to join you. You leaned back against the wall and sighed loudly, your headache returning.
The two men walked together side by side to meet up with you. Steve pressed the elevator button and debriefed you both about the agents who would escort you to the safe house. You and Bucky both nodded in understanding before stepping onto the elevator. Steve made eye contact with you before the doors completely shut.
“Be safe, kiddo.” You smiled at his words as the doors shut completely.  
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joshuas · 3 years
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✮ when you go ice skating with them
♡ hhu version !
♡ requested: yes !
♡ a/n: 1/3 parts of a request from @potato2earth - just a quick headcanon i threw together amidst stressing about exams. this is very much longer than i expected </3 enjoy !
♡ psa: i am still on hiatus, and this post is scheduled !
♡ taglist: @potato2earth @mostlikelynotmelissa @jadezircon @kwonthefire - send an ask if you'd like to be on the tag list :)
✺ this man would literally be clinging onto the railing as soon as y’all get on the ice
✺ like i’d see you suggesting the idea of going ice skating as a date and him being totally on board because he loves you and just cannot say no to your excitement or your endearing smile (mans whipped </3)
✺ like i’d see you suggesting the idea of going ice skating as a date and him being totally on board because he loves you and just cannot say no to your excitement or your endearing smile (mans whipped </3)
✺ y’all get to the rink and he sees a bunch of kids falling down all the while you’ve got these professional skaters skating around them and doing all this fancy footwork and you know... this man is still pretty confident
✺ he’s all like: y/n, i remember when i was five and went ice skating and did not fall down at all. i could literally do spins like that guy in the middle.
✺ and you’re kinda just like mhm sure, cheol. you have zero expectations for this.
✺ and as soon as y’all get onto the rink, he’s claimed the railing as his bestie and is just clinging onto it as he inches forward across the ice.
✺ to be fair, you did start out like that as well.
✺ ...but it’s been like half an hour and he hasn’t even done a lap.
✺ meanwhile you’ve been circling and doing laps around him:
“come on, cheol!”
“just a couple more laps with the rail, y/n.”
“you haven’t even done one!”
“i can’t do this— i’m too old for this.”
“then i’ll hold your hand, old man.”
did i use that gose 2021 ep as inspo for his response to this? yeah
✺ anyway, you’re kinda sulky by the end because you wanted to be that cliche couple that decided it would be fun to hold hands and ice skate.
✺ annnd you’ve wasted almost all of your session skating by yourself whilst your boyfriend was too scared </3
✺ you’re just about ready to get off the rink when cheol starts shuffling towards you... without! using! the! railing!
✺ you’re lying if you believed that seungcheol would let you down </3
✺ you’re lowkey shocked and kind of feel like a parent holding out their hands to their child that’s taking their first steps, but you were more proud of him than anything to be thinking too much of the former
✺ eventually he reaches you, clutching your hands with dear life as the professional skaters whoosh past you, threatening to knock the two of you down.
✺ but !! you’re too happy to care and release one of his hands out of your grip so that you’re just holding one of his.
✺ you end up taking the lead and encouraging him as you skate, hand in hand. you're one of Those couples.
✺ even though you were only able to do that for five minutes, you were still really happy to be doing it. finally. with seungcheol.
✺ who wouldn’t be, though?
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✺ okay, we all know that wonwoo is one of the more calm members in svt
✺ however calm does not equate to not chaotic
✺ y’all are really cute at the start, holding hands and gliding on the ice in a content silence, exchanging soft smiles while you go around the rink together
✺ i want to hold hands with wonwoo and ice skate </3
✺ however, you know wonwoo, he’s a wildcard that does random things sometimes
✺ so the moment you sigh and say you feel calm, he’s let go of your hand with a lowkey cocky glint in his eye, daring you to reach back for it
✺ and well. ice rinks are cold, right? so the moment his hand’s not in yours, you kinda just pout from the lack of contact and heat
✺ tbf if i lost my own personal heater (wonwoo) i’d be pretty upset
“if you finish a lap around the rink before me, we can hold hands and skate”
“bro- i- why can’t we just hold hands now??”
“you said it was too calm. i thought our relationship was exciting, y/n!”
“this is the wrong time and place to make our relationship exciting jeon wonwoo.”
“your loss...”
✺ and he just skates off without you </3
✺ look. we’re all whipped for this man, regardless of if he’s your bias or not. and if you’re dating him, then that’s no exception.
✺ so you almost immediately race after him
✺ of course, this race is on ice, so it mostly consists of you and wonwoo stumbling and falling on your backsides
✺ and you laughing at him, and vice versa whenever this happens
✺ so this race kind of just ends up being a competition for who can stay upright the longest
✺ eventually you both just get too tired and he just offers his hand to you again while you’re on the ground from your last fall
✺ to which you gratefully accept because wonwoo- well. we’re whipped—
✺ i guess he did make your date more interesting
✺ not entirely sure about your relationship sjsjsjsk
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✺ so i think gyu would be pretty similar to cheol in the sense that he’d be really confident before starting
✺ like you’re just lacing up your skates whilst watching all the other skaters on the rink and mingyu’s just commenting on how he can do all those things. see that professional duo doing those crazy lifts and spins? mingyu’s convinced that he can do that easily with you
✺ meanwhile you’re just like mhm sure. not convinced at all because, well, this is gyu and mingyu is a Clumsy Man™️
✺ anyway, once you guys are on the ice, he’s initially trying to do it all without the railing
✺ cue: him falling in less than five minutes
✺ and you trying not to laugh whilst trying not to fall as you pull him up
✺ okay, but i don’t think he gives up like cheol does, though
✺ he just keeps going without the railing and falling, causing you to laugh on multiple occasions
✺ i mean— this is a way to learn but it’s a very slow way to learn how to skate
✺ he eventually pouts at your insensitivity, slightly sulky, and becomes a clingy babie by literally attaching himself to you
✺ this, of course, takes you by surprise because well, that’s just a normal reaction whenever someone randomly clings to you, thus, causing you to lose your grip on the railing and your skates to slip from under you
✺ and gyu, ever the hero, tries to catch you with his free arm but ends up missing where you fall and ends up falling whilst trying to catch you as well
✺ yeah y’all aren’t very graceful
✺ falling is painful but you’re more finding this entire situation hilarious because of the irony— that couple that mingyu was convinced you both would be able to copy glided past you all the while doing spins and twirls, while you and mingyu hadn’t even figured out how to skate 1) without the rails and 2) without falling on your backside
“why are you laughing?”
“do you really think that we can be like them?”
“hey, y/n, i say we come here for the next three years every Friday and we’d at least be half as decent as them”
“ah i see, you’re so serious about this that you’ve got a long-term plan. how come i was not aware of this until now?”
“well.. i made a claim, need to support it with evidence and as my partner you have to help me.”
“no i don’t </3”
“yah! y/n! help me up! stop skating off without me! how come you needed the railing until now? with your technique maybe our plan could be reduced to two years.”
“with your talent, gyu, we’ll be needing those three years”
“haha, love you !!”
✺ but let’s be real
✺ it wouldn’t be fun if it wasn’t chaotic
✺ and it was
✺ so your date was cute and chaotic and fun <3
✺ the best of three worlds!!
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✺ look. of the entire hhu, vernon is the only one that stands out to me as inherently calm and not exactly a “wildcard” like wonwoo
✺ so, with him, i just imagine him being really chill with whatever you do, regardless of whether you were dating or were just best friends with him
✺ seeing as the other three headcanons were relationship based, i’ll make this one also romantically based just for consistency’s sake (although my previous sentiment still holds !!)
✺ like i can see you just randomly suggesting it on a saturday morning when the both of you are just sipping on coffee in the kitchen of your shared apartment (why this level of detail? idk it sets the scene so don’t @ me)
✺ and he just shrugs his shoulders and is like sure
“i feel like going ice skating today.”
“sure, let me just finish my coffee and get ready and then we can go.”
“wait— are you serious?”
“why would i not be?”
✺ man’s whipped <3
✺ so you guys end up going because i feel like most of your dates are pretty spontaneous if you opt to go out instead of chilling at home
✺ i can kind of see him being already pretty okay with ice skating initially, so he’s all good once he’s on the ice
✺ probably ends up getting bored at ice skating by himself and takes your hands to help you skate without the railing
✺ and y’all are looking pretty cute ngl <3
✺ and any time you stumble or fall, hansol can’t help but smile while helping you up because you’re so !! endearing !! to !! him !! and he loves youuu
✺ i can kind of see him proposing like a really chill race around the rink between the two of you just to change things up once you’re pretty confident with skating on your own
✺ to which the winner’s reward is a kiss <3 (we make fun of and use cliches in this household)
✺ i can’t tell you who wins because at this point y’all are probably at the same level of “proficiency”
✺ but both of you are rewarded anyway
✺ why was this a competition in the first place?
✺ for the most part, your date is pretty chill but nice and relaxing (if ice skating can be)
✺ iwannagoiceskatingonasaturdaymorningwithvernon-
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pictures aren’t mine, credit to respective owners ! / masterlist!
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chuckaf · 4 years
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Chuck Fic Rec List: Updated
So my fic rec post was in my notifs again the other day, and I noticed a while back that the formatting on the post has gotten all messed up and it’s also had like three reblog additions to it anyway meaning there are three versions out there lol. so, I wanted to do another list of chuck fic recs! I’ll keep the other one up still, so I’m not gonna repeat every fic here, just some I really recommend. I’m also adding the fic summaries, which I didn’t on the old post, and some more of my own opinions so, buckle up for a long post!
Chuck Versus the Steampunk Chronicles | Steampunk.Chuckster
1896. A world powered by steam, where humans and machines coexist, and airships are the fashionable mode of transport. The US Empire's deepest and darkest secrets arrive at Chuck Bartowski's doorstep. Have they fallen into the wrong hands? Or will the inventor prove his mettle, even while he's forced to hide from the very people he's protecting? AU, ongoing chronicle, Charah.
A genuinely incredible AU story, with an entire crafted world and universe, so detailed it frequently blows my mind. There is heart and family and infuriatingly brilliant slow-burn, plus a buttload of danger and super fun historical/steampunk action. Oh how I LOVE it.
Chuck vs the Charade | somedeepmystery
When computer nerd Chuck Bartowski returns home to an empty apartment and a dead girlfriend he finds himself embroiled in a deadly game of espionage and deceit. Everyone around him is playing a part to get what they want and when he starts falling for the new woman in his life, he can't help but wonder if he can trust her or if she's the one he should fear the most.
An action and twist-filled AU based on the movie Charade, which is just such a brilliant fic concept I absolutely adored it from the start.
Two Sides of the Same Coin | dettiot
When you're a spy, there's all kinds of occupational hazards when you work with another spy. For Sarah Walker, though, one mission becomes a life-changing experience. Because working with Charles Carmichael leads to protecting Chuck Bartowski.
The first time I read this fic my mind was just blown to its genius. Such a brilliant interpretation of what the Intersect and its concepts set up in the show could be, and ooooof the Chuck/Sarah interactions, my HEART. Related to it, its companion piece:
A Flip of the Coin | dettiot
What made Charles Carmichael agree to become Chuck Bartowski? Well, to start, it wasn't as much of a change as you'd think. A companion to the early chapters of Two Sides of the Same Coin from Carmichael's perspective.
Chuck vs The Butterfly Effect | n7agentbartowski
Chuck Bartowski is a normal guy who just hit rock bottom. No girlfriend, no career and no super computer stuck inside his head. It isn't until Chuck meets a gorgeous stranger on the beach that he begins to think his life is about to change for the better. An AU Chuck fic without the Intersect. "Change one thing and it changes everything."
I said it on the OG post, but this story has one of my top 5 Chuck/Sarah fic meetings. So funny, so... very Chuck. The story is a little angsty overall, but a great read.
Chuck vs the Rogue Spy | Crumby
When a rogue spy from Chuck Bartowski's past shows up to help him during his first solo mission, Chuck hopes that he'll finally find out what happened to Sarah Walker. Post-S2 AU.
There’s a lot of Season 3 fix-it fics out there, which I don’t usually read bc I actually love season 3 lol, but this one’s a good one! A twisty deviation from canon, but still feels really true to character.
Chuck Versus the Nerds Rewrite | Steampunk.Chuckster and David Carner
What happens when two nerds talk endless hours about their favorite TV show? A new take on the show you know, but with the flair, twists, and turns you've come to expect from Steampunk . Chuckster and david . carner. Somewhat canon. Charah.
As the summary says, a different take on the show, which honestly makes a couple changes I would too, but also adds a bunch of fun twists and plots that make it totally new and fresh. Seeing Chuck and Sarah’s thoughts in the more canon sections is just delicious, too.
The Trapped Assassin | SarahsSupplyCloset
After a mission goes awry, the CIA's most lethal assassin is ordered to take vacation while her superiors figure out what to do with her. But when she meets a disarming tourist, their immediate connection only adds to her disillusionment with the agency and her career. Will he be enough for her to finally take the plunge and leave the only life she's ever known? Charah AU
A warning for the very justified M rating if you don’t like that sort of thing, but this is definitely a plot-heavy fic, too. A really neat Sarah-heavy AU, with a whole lotta Chuck/Sarah fancy French vacationy goodness.
Chuck vs the Second Chance | malamoo
AU from mid-season 2 and onwards. Chuck and Sarah part ways only to be reunited years later. COMPLETE.
Literal, crying-at-my-screen angst. Not even a super happy ending. But a brilliantly written, part-reflective/flashback fic, exploring what would’ve happened if Chuck and Sarah’s relationship really was an assignment all along-- and the aftermath. It’s heartbreaking. But if you want a little heartbreak, this is your fic.
Ready at Your Hand | dettiot
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a Catholic plot against the queen comes to the attention of spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. To protect Elizabeth, he develops an unusual plan: hide the passing of intelligence between two agents by a false romance. When Lady Sarah Walker and Chuck Carmichael meet, though, their pretend flirtation becomes much more.
I love Chuck fic for the very reason that it’s inspired such adventurous and totally unique AUs. Here’s some Elizabethan fake-dating Chuck and Sarah! They have to be so Proper, it’s like that hand moment from Pride and Prejudice but Elizabethan and times a billion. The pining!!
Sarah Versus Getting Married | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker is getting married. Canon. Charah.
I’d recommend all of SC’s fics if I had the room, and I’m already recommending a ton sksks but most of my fic recs are AUs, and this one isn’t! It’s canon, and covers some of in the gap in 4x24, with Sarah just before the wedding itself. Super sweet, heart-tugging, brilliant.
A Chuckmas Carol | Mikki13
A new twist to Dickens' beloved "A Christmas Carol". When Sarah begins to shut out the world around her, three spirits come to show her the error of her ways. Season 3 AU.
Another Season 3 AU, this one written pre-series so it definitely doesn’t fit to canon, but it’s still wonderfully rich in character depth and angst and it also made me cry. Plus, festive!
Chuck Versus Thin Ice | Steampunk.Chuckster
On the doorstep of the Olympics, top American curler Sarah Walker has lost her mixed doubles partner and her boyfriend in one fell swoop. Her coaches throw newbie Team U.S.A. curler Chuck Bartowski onto her team and thrust them into the Olympics, hanging America's curling hopes on two people who only have a short amount of time to learn to trust one another. Charah AU.
Do you like curling? Or the Winter Olympics? It doesn’t really matter because somehow this fic made me extremely invested in both of those things, as well as Chuck and Sarah and them being INSUFFERABLE. Catch me now knowing a ton about curling thanks to this fic.
Walker’s Eleven | Moonlight Pilot
Not the same plot as the movie. Sarah Walker never got out of the con game or became a spy, and now she's on her final con. What happens when true love and betrayal get added to the mix? Twists, turns, and Jeffster!
Con!Sarah always interests me, and this fic is full of her. Lotta con plot, lotta Chuck and Sarah.
The Detective and the Tech Guy | thecharleses
Sarah Walker is a Pinkerton detective. Chuck Bartowski is an electronics genius. They wouldn't have met except for a case of mistaken identity and murder. Will the detective and the tech guy solve the mystery, distracted by the riddle in their own hearts? An homage to The Thin Man film series. Formerly co-written by Steampunk . Chuckster and dettiot, now ONLY Steampunk . Chuckster.
Everyone in this fic is so damn cool. There are so many martinis. But also great heart and family and like, standing up for who you love, and later also Chuck with Baby Clara content which frankly the show robbed us of. Also, PI!Sarah!!!
Gravity | Poetic4U
AU. Sarah makes a decision that altered her life forever.
This is just a one-shot, which many of these stories are not, so a good one if you don’t fancy a big read! Just because it’s short, though, doesn’t mean it’s lacking; a really awesome what-if AU, and heavy on the Chuck and Sarah.
A Yuletie Tale | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker was dumped the day before Christmas Eve, and her Plus One at her work’s annual Christmas Eve Soiree is now officially a Plus Zero. Her best friend Ellie Bartowski has a solution to her problem, and Sarah finds she isn’t quite as sure about it as Ellie is. AU Christmas Charah.
I’m particularly in love with this fic because, instead of beginning with a meet-cute, it involves Chuck and Sarah already two years into a friendship-- Sarah is Ellie’s best friend. And she’s been crushing harrrd on Ellie’s brother. Also Chuck is in a tux. It’s pretty.
Set, Spike, Dive! | Frea O’Scanlin
Chuck never expected to even make it to the Olympics. Everything is working against him: he's too tall for a diver, too inexperienced for a medal, too much of a wildcard to really make his mark. But an unexpected meeting at the airport, some intriguing new friends, and a whirlwind romance on the sand just might set up London 2012 as the time of Chuck Bartowski's life.
A London 2012 AU, because why not. This is just a fun Olympic-y ride!
OTP (One True Pairing) Prompts | David Carner
A series of Prompts I found online about different times and places in Chuck and Sarah's life. Mostly AU, mostly one-shots. I assume mostly fluff, but I might get deep. I doubt it, it's me. Charah...ALWAYS (It says complete, but if an idea strikes me...)
If you’re not so into long stories, this fic is perfect. Individual set-ups and stories, all Chuck and Sarah, and all super cute. You could dip in and out and just pick a scenario you enjoy.
Chuck vs The Frontier | ninjaVanish
AU: Chuck was enjoying a simple life as a 19th century watchmaker until an encounter with a beautiful Secret Service agent thrust him into a world of intrigue and adventure he never wanted. But then, with Agent Walker around, it can't be all bad, can it?
This fic gets props for being historically-set but still including the Intersect. Again, a historical AU, so the pining!! the need to be Proper!!! But besides all that, there’s a lot of action fun as well.
Chuck Versus The Crosswalk: Remastered | WvonB
Will a last minute mission help our two favorite characters finally get together? This is the remastered version of my first story.
The original version of this fic is on my first list; this is the updated version! It’s not a complete AU, instead a story that diverges from canon, so if you’re more into canon characters and setting than a new AU scenario, this is a great fic for that.
Little Girls, Paper Wreaths, and Choc Chip Cookies | DanaPAH
Very AU: Sarah Walker is a single mother whose Christmas spirit needs a boost after a tough divorce. She isn't quite ready to go looking for romance, but her little daughter's affection for their new neighbor may lure it right to her doorstep, anyway.
An incredibly sweet AU one-shot where Chuck and Sarah are new neighbours, and Sarah has a super cute little girl. So much sweetness and love and hope. I love this fic so much it literally led me to write my own neighbour-kid-AU, so, not to toot my own horn but I’ll link it here anyway.
May Your Walls Know Joy | halfachance
Looking for a fresh start after some tough times, Sarah and her three-year-old daughter move to LA. When they meet a sweet curly-haired nerd who lives next door, though, Sarah realizes they might just find more happiness than they'd ever imagined, if only her past doesn't catch up to her first. AU.
It’s what the summary says; if you wanna read, feel free!
Chuck vs the Sound of Music | quistie64
AU. Chuck, nerd extraordinaire, is a man with seven children and Sarah must protect them all from Fulcrum's evil designs. Warning: there will be singing.
I mean. Not much mystery as to the concept with that title and summary lol, but this is a super fun, soft ride with a lotta sweetness, and yes, singing.
Just Two People | David Carner
Meet Sarah Walker PhD, Psychologist, specializing in personality traits. Meet Chuck Bartowski, man who has left THE electronic company of 2020. When Burton Consultants tries to figure out what is wrong with the morale of Orion Industries, what happens when a guy named Chuck meets a woman named Sarah. I'll give you a hint, it's me writing.
David’s done something pretty special with this fic. It’s Chuck and Sarah centric, but very much an ensemble piece, too, with a lot of Team Bartowski and other familiar faces throughout.
Chuck Versus the Con Game | Steampunk.Chuckster
AU. Chuck and Sarah are partners in the con game. It's an existence wrought with danger and violence. Every day could be their last. Every mission could be the end of the line.
This is where I freak out SC and declare this fic the reason I ever got hooked on Chuck fic and then wrote Chuck fic, and the reason I still love it today but. that is true lol. Just so. so good. It’s also written with the chapters out of chronological order, which is super fun from a reading perspective. But con!Sarah AND con!Chuck?? Best. The kind of fic you will be thinking about for days (if not, y’know, years).
As you can tell by the repeats, I highly recommend just about anything by Steampunk.Chuckster, dettiot, or David Carner, but there are a TON of amazing Chuck fics and authors out there. I’ve never known a writing community so wildly creative-- there are so many unique AUs and canon explorations and story concepts that this show has manifested, and it’s all so much fun.
Most of the Chuck fic community is still over on FFN rather than AO3, so if any of these whet your appetite, feel free to have a browse there for more stories. I’m sure you’ll find something great. Personally, all the incredible writing there has also led me to write a buttload; I’m at halfachance on FFN, so if you see any of my stuff or wanna chat fic, feel free to message me there or here.
Happy reading, folks!
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spkothdvldotmp3 · 3 years
so remember last july when i thought to myself, "haha, wouldn't it be cool if i made a mechsona?"
well, turns out a year of living with that thought in the back of your head will only get you 4,977 nearly 5,000 words of backstory and a spotify playlist, so, solid 7/10 experience
(okay look, Day 2 of the Mechtober prompts was the most coincidentally perfect overlap of "Mechsona" and "Blood," so I finally decided to stop being a coward and actually let people who aren't my classmates see this. ALSO, quick warnings for violence and death, if you're a bit squeamish about those sorts of things. So, with that said, the story itself...)
La Vie en Rouge
Dear Reader:
In this strange world, so bright and so bold
You may, somehow, find a Tale Yet Untold
You could read one now, if you so choose
This Tale- of the Blood-Red Dancing Shoes.
It had started like any other day. And not even an interesting kind of “any other day,” like a Saturday, which always promises adventure, or a Thursday, which has a tendency towards mystery. No, this was a Tuesday kind of “any other day,” which merely meant inescapable boredom.
At the very least, that’s how it started.
However, as Adeline Troffea was leaving her house, she heard the trumpets that signaled Lord Vitus’ arrival. She groaned. A visit from Vitus- sorry, His Most Esteemed Lord Vitus, she snorted as she mentally corrected herself- never went well. He was a deeply unpleasant person to be around, as he looked like a spoiled child and acted twice as bad. Additionally, he was usually about two seconds away from screaming nonsensically at any townsfolk who bothered him, like some sort of Saturday-morning-cartoon villain. Sometimes Adeline was sure he must be doing it on purpose- his ridiculous moustache (twirled oh-so-carefully at the ends), his pale skin and delicate hands (that had clearly never done anything harder than gesture dramatically from the shade provided by his servants), the too-fine crowns and jewels and capes his draped himself in (who even needed more than one crown? Isn’t that too excessive, even for Vitus?)- he couldn’t be for real, right?
Reader, Lord Vitus would prove himself to be more real than Adeline could imagine before this story’s end. But we’ll get to that in time.
Hopefully, Adeline thought to herself, walking down the well-trodden path into town, I can be in and out of the market before Vitus takes a single dainty step out of his carriage. Fabien, her best friend (practically an older brother, really) as well as the town’s shoemaker, had promised her something special today- an early birthday present, he had called it the day before, as the birthday in question was “an entire week and a day away” and he didn’t know if his “poor, old heart” would hold out that long.
“Fabien, you’re barely 30!” she had protested, shaking her head.
“I know, Addie, I’m ancient!” he’d moaned, before adopting the affectation of what was probably supposed to sound like an old man, but instead sounded more like a wheezing duck. “I can feel my brittle bones crackin’. They ain’t what they used to be, I tell ya. You know, when I was just a boy, I had to walk to school every day? Uphill! In the snow!”
“Both ways!” Adeline joined in before they both dissolved into laughter.
So now, here she was, in front of Fabien’s shop, feet tapping on the ground in a sort of nervous excitement. Gingerly, she opened the door.
“Hello?” she called. The response came from somewhere in the back of the shop.
“Ah, Addie! What a surprise! What sort of thing-that-I-totally-don’t-know-about brings you here today?”
She rolled her eyes as she began to make her way through the shelves and around the cobbling stations to the back of the building. “You know, it’s a funny story actually, but my best friend- well, former best friend, I should say-” she was cut off by a sharp laugh as she turned the next corner and came face to face with Fabien, holding a beautiful red box.
“‘Former best friend?!’ Is that any way to treat someone who’s gotten you such a spectacular present?” he asked, schooling his face into an over exaggerated pout.
“It is if they’re going to be stupidabout it,” she replied, yanking the present from his hands with ease. Fabien made a wounded sound, and Adeline stuck her tongue out in response before opening the lid of the box.
Inside was the most beautiful pair of tap shoes Adeline had ever seen. The leather they were made of was white as freshly fallen snow, and the perfect balance between flexible and sturdy. She turned them over in her hand and gasped, brushing her finger over the engravings on the metal taps.
“Roses,” Fabien smiled softly, “because I know they’re your favorite.”
Overwhelmed, Adeline could only set the shoes aside for a moment and tackle Fabien in a hug. And for that one shining moment, everything was perfect.
“Oh, I simply must have these!” a haughty voice sang out behind Adeline, who jumped at the sudden noise. Standing there was none other than Lord Vitus himself, bedecked in his finest golden cape, and holding- oh no, absolutely not. Before she could even register her own movements, she yanked her shoes back.
“No, you simply mustn’t have these, actually,” she quipped in that same snooty tone, stuffing the shoes back in the box, before suddenly realizing what exactly she had done. Refusing the Lord? Taking things right out of his hands? Mocking him to his face? How could she possibly get out of this?
Clearly, there was only one answer.
She bolted.
She heard Vitus’ petulant cry of “After her!” ring out from behind, and then the heavy sound of soldiers’ footsteps, but she dared not look back. Instead, she ran harder, her mind racing almost as fast as her feet. There had to be someplace to hide. She turned a corner, onto a smaller side street. She couldn’t go home, it was too far away.She burst out onto another street before turning abruptly, one hand wrapping around a streetlamp to keep her momentum as she flew back where she’d just come from, the soldiers falling over themselves in their confused haste. But there were so many soldiers, and there was no way she could outrun them forever.
She ducked into a dark alley for a moment, throwing herself behind a couple of barrels just as the men appeared at the mouth of the alley. She held her breath as they hurried past her, trying not to catch their attention with her heaving gasps. And this is why I’m a dancer, not a runner, she thought, half delirious on a cocktail of exhaustion and adrenaline. Could it have been minutes? Hours? All the streets had blended together long ago, and her muscles ached with exertion. Unintentionally, she closed her eyes, just for a moment.
A strong hand clamped down on her shoulder and Adeline’s blood turned to ice in her veins as her eyes shot open again. Her despairing cry was cut short as another hand covered her mouth. She shook her head wildly, terror taking over, before she caught the gaze of her captor.
Adeline felt her entire body sink back in relief with his appearance. Slowly and ever-so-softly, Fabien removed his hand from her mouth, making a shushing motion before Adeline could even open her mouth to ask what was going on. He carefully undid the buttons of his cloak, taking if off of himself and wrapping it around Adeline. It dangled loosely from her small frame, making her look even smaller. A disguise, she noted distantly, hiding in plain sight. Once he’d secured it around her shoulders, Fabien began to explain.
“Everyone’s pretty proud of you, you know, standing up to Vitus like that. I know you’ve always been a bit of a wildcard, but that was even better than expected. You should have seen his face when you ran, oh my-”
Adeline made a small noise of distress. She hadn’t been making a statement, she’d been making a mistake! It was all a big misunderstanding, and now she was going to be killed, or worse, and she hadn’t even had the chance to wear her beautiful birthday shoes, and-
Fabien shook her gently, murmuring comforts, and she took in a shuddering breath, focusing back on him.
“You’ve been brave enough today. Let me take a turn, okay?” he said softly, gesturing at the shoebox. Without waiting for a response, he grabbed it from her still shaking hands. In seconds, he had pried open the lid, taken the shoes out, and tucked them into the inside pockets of the cloak Adeline now wore, continuing to talk as he did so.
“The village has been giving Vitus the run-around all day, trying to keep him off your trail, and honestly, I’m not sure he’s noticed. That man is so far up his own ass that I genuinely think he can’t even comprehend the thought of people working against him.” Fabien smiled a bit as Adeline giggled weakly. “Just keep a low profile. We won’t let anything happen to you. Promise.”
For a moment, Adeline was so overcome with emotion that felt like her legs might give out underneath her. Instead, she threw herself forward and hugged him, wrapping her arms around him as tightly as she could.
“Thank you, so much. For everything.”
Fabien squeezed her in return.
“Nothing to thank me for, Addie.”
It was at this moment the sound of soldiers came rushing back, hurling them both back into reality. In a flash, Fabien pulled the cloak’s hood up, casting Adeline’s face in shadow. He gave her a little push towards the other end of the alley, nodding reassuringly. Adeline took a deep breath, steeling herself, before walking, confidently as she could, back out onto the crowded street.
There were soldiers everywhere, knocking on doors, stopping bystanders and asking them about Adeline’s whereabouts. A customer just coming out of the bakery- Monsieur LeClair, she noted- was having one such conversation… if one could call “a man taking obnoxiously large bites out of a muffin and then speaking with his mouth full, spraying bits of food directly into the soldiers’ faces” a conversation. As the soldiers hurriedly excused themselves, disgustedly wiping the muffin bits from their faces, Monsieur LeClair caught Adeline’s eye and winked. She smiled and bowed her head in return before scurrying off again. As she made her way to the town square, she passed at least a dozen or so variations on this conversation- townsfolk left and right making excuses, even outright lying to the soldiers, distracting them long enough for Adeline to slip away, towards the town square.
Vitus was exactly where she thought he would be- right in the middle of the town square, complaining loudly to anyone who would listen (and all those who wouldn’t). She leaned against the brick wall of the closest building, trying to make herself look as small and unassuming as possible. She bit her lip as she thought through possible escape scenarios, keeping Vitus in her peripheral vision, right up until-
“We found the shoemaker, Your Lordship, but no sign of the girl or the shoes.”
Adeline felt her heart stop as her head turned on autopilot. A crowd had gathered in the square, following three figures that Adeline loathed to recognize as Fabien and Lord Vitus’ men. One soldier shoved Fabien down roughly, while another threw the shoebox down with such force that it popped open, revealing its empty inside.
Vitus rolled his eyes at Fabien, looking bored out of his mind. “Where are they?” he sighed.
“Where are what, My Lord?” Fabien asked through gritted teeth.
At this, Vitus seemed to revert to an overgrown toddler.
“My shoes! They were so very pretty and I wanted them, but that little wretch stole them from me and ran off and I want them baaaack!”
Fabien, still on his knees, snorted.
Vitus blinked, clearly surprised. Suddenly, another laugh joined in, and another, and another, and in seconds the entire crowd was laughing at this grown man’s tantrum. Even Adeline found herself giggling, albeit shakily.
It was as though Vitus had only just now realized what kind of a predicament he was in. No one was going to give up the shoes, or the girl, and to make matters worse, they weren’t going to take him seriously either. He glanced nervously around the crowd for a moment before his lip curled and his nose scrunched up, as though he had just smelled something particularly unpleasant. Standing to his full height, he raised his voice.
“You have one week to hand over the shoes! If you do not, there will be, shall we say… severe consequences.” He turned around dramatically, which reignited the snickering, and quickly made his way back to his carriage processional.
As the carriages rattled away, Adeline was struck by an idea. It was a bad idea, she knew, and probably too risky, but she had already defied the odds once today, and with the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, she felt unstoppable. She nimbly climbed to the roof of the nearest building to pay her respects, so to speak, waving in the direction of Vitus’ window. She ripped off her hood dramatically, snorting when Vitus’ face contorted in rage. And as her heart sang with love for her town and her people, her feet were helpless to dance along for all the world to see. From her perch on the roof, she watched the other townsfolk join her in celebration, dancing in their own little ways. Madame Beaumont lifted her son Jean into the air, spinning him around as he giggled. Michel Rousseau was doing a little shoulder shimmy. Even Old Lady Coralie was dancing a little two-step. Adeline beamed at them all before turning toward Fabien. Several people were still gathered around him, making sure he wasn’t too hurt, and Adeline almost climbed right back down to join them. But, as though he could sense her worry, Fabien looked up suddenly at met her eyes. He smiled at her before winking conspiratorially. Relief flooded through her as she winked back- a sign that everything was going to be okay, and one she believed wholeheartedly.
Just before she climbed back down to go home, she chanced a glance back at Vitus’ carriage. For a second Vitus met her eye, his glare an ice cold promise of revenge. Adeline shivered under the threat, before gathering herself just enough to make a rude gesture back at him. The distressed shriek that followed was music to her ears.
That pompous man-child had it coming anyway, Adeline thought, and resolved to put the matter out of her mind. Of course, Reader, it wasn’t so simple as that, but let it not be said that she didn’t try her best to hide her misgivings from everyone, even herself.
After what was probably too many hugs goodbye, even for her, Adeline finally made her way back home with her new shoes. The moment she closed her door, she slumped against it and slid down to the floor, exhausted and terrified. Her eyes stung with unshed tears as she recalled the look in Vitus’ eyes as he took his leave. She was no fighter! She had no money, no strength, no prospects- no hope. How could she possibly try to stand up to the army Vitus would surely bring back with him? And she couldn’t- wouldn’t- put her people in danger like this, not after they’d already done so much for her. That’s it, she thought, rubbing her eyes, she would go right back to the village and work something out with everyone else, something to keep everyone safe and out of harm’s way before Vitus could return.
But as she opened her eyes again, her gaze fell upon the shoe box, lying on the floor beside her. The shoes themselves had tumbled out from her little outburst, and they almost seemed to be calling to her, begging her to at least try them on, to dance in them. And after so much trouble, how could she possibly refuse?
The shoes were a perfect fit- of course they were, they were literally made for her, she thought as she snickered a little under her breath. Watching herself carefully in the mirror, she raised her right foot ever so slightly before kicking it forward in a test shuffle. She smiled. The sound of metal against the waxed wood floor was perfection. Unable to help herself, she hummed a little tune, matching each note with another step- a cramp roll here, a paradiddle there, a set of triple time steps- she was in her element as she lost herself to the dance.
Dancing in the shoes filled her with such joy that she really could almost forget about the whole thing with Vitus. Adeline knew he wouldn’t take this lying down, and with his power and resources- she knew she had to be prepared. First thing in the morning, I promise I’ll figure out a plan, she reasoned. It’s not as though he could even attack tonight anyway.
So she danced and danced and danced, until the day finally caught up with her, and she quite abruptly fell asleep, not even bothering to take off her new shoes.
That night, Adeline had the strangest dream. She- no, the whole town, was dancing to song unlike any she’d heard before. It almost… hurt, in a way, to listen to, and yet she was sure it was the most beautiful melody she had ever heard. It felt as though it had wormed its way into her soul, her very existence, and intertwined itself so deeply that it might never leave. For a moment, Adeline felt fear, the likes of which she’d never known. She tried to wake herself up, to scream for to someone to help her, to do something, anything to stop this, but she couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t stop-
And then Calm washed over her completely, every other thought and sensation lost to the ocean of the strange melody as it lulled her back to sleep.
When she opened her eyes the next morning, it was to find that the song had followed her into the waking world. She knew something was wrong, but as she tried to figure it out, every thought was just out of reach. She stumbled out of her room, towards the front door, but her limbs felt almost disconnected from her, almost as if they were being of their own. She slammed face-first into the door, and, for a split second, the ringing of her ears overpowered the music enough to. I need… help, right, that was it, I need help because of…
Because of……
The music, the music, the music- it consumed her every thought. Every step and every breath taken in time with that exquisite, unending song. Every note whispered sweet nothings in her ear, asking, pleading, begging her to join them and become beautiful too, until she was helpless to resist any longer. Until finally, she began to dance.
And dance, dear Reader, she did.
She found herself completely at the mercy of the music as it maneuvered her around like a marionette. She was only vaguely aware that she had somehow made it to the town square, and that several of her concerned neighbors were trying to talk to her, but nothing could break through the haze of the music.
As the day went on and on, passersby occasionally stopped to try to rouse her from her state, all to no avail. It seemed there was no way to reach her, and as night fell, they stopped trying. The light of the moons illuminated her as she danced, and were it not for the sound of the metal in her shoes they might have assumed her some dark spirit. Perhaps some still did. But the fact remains that all the townsfolk, save one, eventually found their way to sleep, secure in their ignorance of the events to come.
The next morning, as the suns rose over the horizon, the people of Strasbourg woke to the sight of not one, but two figures dancing in the square. By breakfast, it had been made a dozen. By lunch, it was nearly half the town. And by 8:46 pm, on the dot, all 398 residents of Strasbourg had found themselves unwilling victims of the dance.
Reader, there are many things I wish I could tell you.
I wish I could tell you that the dancing stopped just as strangely and suddenly as it began, and it became a scary story told for many generations. Or else, I wish I could tell you that the townsfolk found a way to weaponize their dancing and rose up against Lord Vitus, and discovered the cause of their dance- a machine of Vitus’ cruel creation, designed to transmit an almost imperceptible signal into the minds of those who heard it and drive them to madness. Picture it now, Reader: Vitus, stroking a gloved hand down the side of the machine as its whistles blew and the steam that rose from the spouts shrieked, the sound of his dastardly laughter barely audible over the chaos, until it was suddenly cut short by the doors to the hall as they opened with a BANG, and Vitus would finally come face to face with the consequences of his actions.
But more than all that, I wish I could tell you Adeline never remembered what happened as she danced. That for the seven days and seven nights that she danced in the town square, without food, without water, without rest, she was never aware of the fact that everyone she had ever known lay dead or dying at her feet.
None of these things are true, of course. The dance continued, the machine was not destroyed, and as the days passed Adeline slowly became more and more conscious. She watched, helpless, as all around her, her friends, her family, fell to the ground to dance no more. She yelled, screamed, pleaded to anyone who would listen, to anyone who could help- and the only response she got was the answering cries of her village, getting smaller and smaller.
By the sixth day of the village’s dance, there was only one other person still dancing beside her. It was Fabien, because of course it was Fabien- she didn’t know if this was supposed to be a blessing or a curse, though she was leaning heavily towards the latter. His steps had been slowing and his wheezing had increased exponentially in the past few hours, and Adeline knew what was coming, even if she couldn’t bear to say it aloud. Fabien, on the other hand, had no such qualms.
“I did warn you,” he rasped, after a coughing fit had nearly sent Adeline into a heart attack of her own, “That I wouldn’t make it to your birthday. My heart is just so-”
“God, shut up, please, for once in your life just shut up!” She screamed, her voice breaking. Her outburst seemed to shock him, and she turned away before she could see the tears streaming down her cheeks. She took a shuddering breath before barreling on.
“Fabien, this is all my fault, I’m so sorry, I should have-” he made a sharp noise and she cut herself off, choking back a sob.
“Don’t you dare think, for even a moment, that this is your fault,” he whispered, sounding more serious than she had ever heard him. “We all made our own decisions, you and me and everyone else. This is not on you, even a little bit. It was my choice, and I would choose it in a million lifetimes, okay? I just-” Fabien dropped to his knees, gasping, legs shaking almost imperceptibly, and Adeline felt her heart shatter.
“Addie, I’m so sorry,” his every word sounding like it had been ripped from his throat, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep my promise.”
And with that, he, too, was gone, and Adeline’s last remaining hope had died with him.
Oh Reader, what could she do but cry? So she cried. She cried for Fabien, for Monsieur LeClair, for Madame Beaumont, for Michel Rousseau, for Old Lady Coralie, for every lost soul of Strasbourg, until only one remained- and only then did she cry for herself, dancing alone once more.
The tears still streamed down her face when Lord Vitus returned with only a small squadron the next day, a full week after Adeline’s dance had begun. Towering over them from atop his horse, Vitus called out to his men.
“Oh ho, what have we here? An entire village, destroyed by some sort of plague, it seems. What a tragic end… But look! It seems one still suffers. Let us put the poor thing out of its misery, shall we?”
The largest of their number stepped forward, an axe readied in his hands. An executioner, Adeline realized tiredly. He made his way towards her, gingerly maneuvering around the corpses littering the town square, and Adeline wished she still had the strength to huff out a laugh. To show respect for the dead, on the path to kill another? How utterly ridiculous! Without a sound, the executioner raised his axe above his head, and Adeline closed her eyes, prepared to meet her end.
“Wait!” Vitus’ whining cut through the air. “Bring her to me first! She has something of mine that I want back.”
The executioner shrugged, before lunging towards the unsuspecting Adeline and hefting her over his shoulder with a grunt. She struggled against him, as much as one can struggle with a body that refuses to stop dancing, but it made no difference- he was simply too strong. Within moments, she was set down before Lord Vitus.
“The shoes,” he demanded. “Hand them over.”
“Are you kidding me? All of this for some shoes?” Adeline whispered hoarsely. “Hundreds of people, an entire town, dead, because you couldn’t stand the thought of someone else wearing these stupid fucking shoes?”
Vitus sneered at her. “On the contrary- I’m killing you because of the ‘stupid fucking shoes,’ as you’ve so crassly called them. Everyone else was… shall we say, collateral damage.”
Adeline’s breath caught in her throat. Her village, her friends, her family- they weren’t even some kind of fucked-up punishment for her, to drive her mad with grief and guilt. They were just “collateral damage,” not even worth an afterthought in the mind of their murderer. Her rage boiled inside of her, and had Adeline been able, she would have killed the man herself just then.
“Oh no, look!” Vitus sounded so genuinely miserable that for a moment Adeline was taken aback. “You’ve gone and ruined them!”
She glanced down as Vitus gestured towards her shoes and saw it was indeed true. The once-pristine white was long gone; now the leather was completely stained through by her own blood.
Reader, do you know what she did then? Why, she did the only thing she could.
She laughed, Reader. She laughed for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, all her frustration and sorrow and fear and anger and fatigue welling up from within her as she faced this utterly ridiculous man. She laughed. And as Vitus’ disappointment turned to shock, then to an angry pout, she laughed even harder. Even the dance, for a moment, seemed to laugh with her, each shuffle taking on the tone of ha-ha, ha-ha.
Finally, Vitus had had enough. He struck her, clean across the face, and for a moment, the laughter ceased as she gasped in pain.
“You know, I think they look better this way,” she drawled after catching her breath. “The red really brings out my eyes.”
Lord Vitus, clearly having expected Adeline to fall to her knees and grovel for forgiveness (fat chance, she thought, even if I hadn’t been cursed), puffed up like a particularly unpleasant frog as he spluttered through some sort of retort. Even his stupid moustache seemed to puff up with him, Adeline noticed in tired amusement, as he finally settled on, “W-W-Well, I never!”
He turned away from her sharply and caught the eye of the executioner. Adeline’s stomach dropped as Vitus’ face returned to that arrogant smile. He looked back at her, malice gleaming in his eyes, and addressed her once more.
“I do soapologize, it seems that I have forgotten myself for a moment. I am, however, fully prepared to make it up to you. You see, I do, in fact, possess the antidote to your little ‘Dancing Plague,’ as it were, and I would be delighted to offer you the cure.”
Adeline couldn’t see it, but as she felt movement at her back, she knew what was about to happen. In one final act of defiance, she spat at Vitus, who squealed as he tried, and failed, to avoid it. He huffed once more as she laughed at him, before screeching his final command.
And with that, Adeline felt pain explode in her legs, near blinding in its intensity. For a moment, a scream overpowered the music, and it took a moment longer to realize the scream was her own. She blinked though unnoticed tears to look up -when had she fallen- at Vitus, but she couldn’t quite focus on him -or anything else. She felt so -tired sick- dizzy, and she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and –die- rest. But the pain in her legs screamed for her attention, and as she dragged herself up, she realized why.
At its simplest, a cure is just a way to remove a problem. It doesn’t need to be as advanced as a vaccine, or as complicated as the witches’ remedies of old. In fact, Lord Vitus’ antidote was both exceedingly simple and remarkably effective.
The permanent cure for the Dancing Plague? Simply remove the problem.
Namely, the legs.
How strange, she thought, in that last moment of lucidity, as she stared at the legs- her legs- lying on the ground a few feet away. I almost expected them to keep dancing.
And with that, she fell, lifeless, to the ground.
But Reader- she did not die.
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