r11l3ysh3llh0l3 · 1 year
Read More since this is gonna be long. Block if you don't want to read through all of this.
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Heyo, I'm Riley, but i also use the names Mephisto, Tobias and Echo. I use He/Him pronouns, and I am diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and Depression. All of which will very much impact my interactions with everyone.
On that note, I'm not a fandom or community specific blog, I'm too lazy and frankly don't have any energy left of my already very little energy to keep more than one blog semi-active. If you're only here for one thing, you're probably gonna get sick of me. (^ Also because i know I'd hate to run a blog on anything that's not my hyperfixation. )
I will try to tag posts i make with specific tags, which if you really want to know which are for what, are at the end of this pinned post.
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Basic DNI (Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Zoophiles, Pedos/"MAPs", TERFS, etc) under 14, over 29,
Proshipper, Truscum/Transmed, Radinclus, Endo Sys or supporter, KFF/Kin for fun/kinnies/Supporter.
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I cant guarantee that I'm spoiler free, I need tonetags/tone indicators, I swear a LOT, I am EXTREMELY forgetful, I often make "I'm gonna kill myself" jokes and such
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i will not be adding tags to older posts BEFORE this one, (which are four, so you're not missing out on anything.) I'll be tagging all of these tags on this post as well so you won't have to look them up.
;;🪡 Rambles ;;❗️Rants ;;✦Nonsense ;;✩Art and Stuff. ;;🗝My Posts
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scarlet97531 · 1 month
⭕️❗️can we please talk about how horrifyingly essentialist some ppl are when talking about mental health diagnoses??? Like some ppl will be acting like once you’re diagnosed with something that’s just what you are forever?? But like mental health diagnoses are ((usually)) entirely based on symptoms, and symptoms change all the fucking time. It’s not either you have DID or you don’t, if you stop meeting the criteria of the diagnosis you don’t have DID anymore??? You might just have OSDD or some kind of non disordered plurality. You aren’t permanently bound to every mental health diagnosis you’ve ever met the criteria for in your life.
It makes me so mad when ppl say shit like if one alter meets the criteria for a disorder then the whole system has it or the alter is just faking it or something?? Like NO????? DIAGNOSES ARE NOT BOUND TO YOUR BODY AND SOUL. THEY ARE CATAGORIES. THEY ARE SYMPTOMS. YOU CAN HAVE ONE ALTER WITH ONE DISORDER THAT NOT EVERYONE HAS 😭
This honestly drives me so insane because like essentialism can be so bad in so many ways. Sure there are some disorders with genetic or physical components, or that affect your whole brain all the time or something, but like?? NOT ALL OF THEM???
Like I just know that anyone who thinks alters can’t have different disorders actually just believe that alters are all fundamentally the same person just like. In different moods or something. Which I HATE. Like yeah maybe some systems are like that but definitely not all of them????
Like in my system some of us have different eating disorders, some of us have depression or anxiety and some of us don’t, honestly lately I’ve been suspecting that some of us don’t even meet the diagnostic criteria for adhd
Cause we’re all really different and we all have different symptoms
Dust has really bad catatonia but for most of the rest of us it’s just not a problem?? Like idk are you gonna say that the rest of us secretly do have really bad catatonia too? Or that Dust doesn’t have real catatonia or some shit?? like what does that even mean 😭
If some of us meet the criteria for a diagnosis and some of us don’t than what’s the point of saying all of us have it??? There is no reason for us to say all of us have a thing when only one or two of us actually had the symptoms???? WHATS THE FUCKING POINT BRUV LITERALLY WHAT
Sometimes things effect everyone in a system and sometimes it doesn’t mkay? People can decide for themselves if it’s more useful for them to say it’s just a specific alter or just some of them or all of them mkay? They know themselves and each other best mkay? YOU DONT GET TO TELL OTHER PEOPLE WHAT DISORDERS THEY DO AND DONT HAVE MKAY?????????????
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clover-46 · 1 year
before i start this isn’t pointed at anyone on here btw i just saw some bullshit argument on tiktok and wanted to rant— some madoka magica fans are stupid with their whole “homura is actually 26 because of how she remembers all the resets” did it not occur to you dumb bitches that because of her resetting time over and over again she doesn’t age therefore her brain doesn’t develop??? physically and mentally shes 14 throughout the series please shut up
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catinflight · 4 months
What's funny is, I was also fresh into joining the Megaman fandom when I watched Fully Charged so the way people got upset about it, didn't affect me because I was new to it 😭
Tbh, my sister was already a fan and saw her watching Megaman Ruby Spears and that's how I got hooked 💀
But there's just a huge difference of having negative opinions towards the show and it's either you watched it completely so it's valid OR you watched someone TALK about it badly which made you also agree with said commenter 😔
People are incredibly hasty when it comes to judging new content from old IP's and I kinda find it disheartening
I dont really understand the collective cynicism surrounding fully charged when it realesed, I'm sure people were heavily disappointed by the show not continuing an existing megaman plot, but I feel as though they also had to have understood that the show was ment to get younger kids interested in the franchise and keep megaman as a franchise atleast a little relevant in the later years, (at least that's my rationalization for why Capcom decided to make another show instead of making another game)
And for what it's worth, the showrunners did try and include bits that nodded to the actual franchise to entertain older fans, (like roll's Rockstar poster, and man man's existence as a whole, and of course suna and the robot masters with their design nods to thier respective counterparts) though I feel like they where a little limited with what they where given
One last small tangent, I see people often complaining about the fully charged robot master designs, especially airman for some reason, and it might just be backseat I didn't grow up eith the classic airman design, but I feel like those who say the classic design is better are just maybe a smidgen based with rode colored glasses, they are both cool designs, don't get me wrong, but I sorta feel like the fully charged airman is just more intricate, as abused to classic airman who is is quite literally a giant fan,
(Agian, no hate, I like both designs, I just think fc Airman has more going for him design wise,)
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won4kiss · 7 days
why is sohee so jb coded it’s adorable.
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loaksbitch · 2 years
DAMN was that part 3 hella good, i gotta go back and check if it's actually real just in case it was a dream because i felt my heart PHYSICALLY hurt
- ❗️
hi my dearest❗️anon! it’s not a dream hehe, and i’ll make sure to write part four (finale) more more more detailed and hopefully good and satisfying:) love you mwah!
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16thcenturywhore · 1 year
screw this! makes myself a lunch for school tomorrow at 3 AM (i need to be up in 4 hours)
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cowplushies · 1 year
this site truly amazes god forbid anyone from posting boobs on here but thankfully I can get ads of women wearing barely anything to promote an ai anime yourself app and many other great ads such as picking gross shit from a foot or ear!!
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jvstcallmespade · 1 month
I have no right to comment on this ask we have rotting away in our inbox but I feel as if it is very necessary to say that you Mx. are not welcome anywhere near our blog. You started your little nonsense ramble with “Hey i’m a pro endo and i was going to block you but then-“
Now for the sake of those who have difficulty reading I won’t be using my typing quirk as i will be saying a lot here.
Everything you said immediately became unimportant and insensitive once you started typing. We are a system. We exist due to something severely traumatic and have said time and time again how we do not support or enjoy the company that Endos bring. we have put in our dni list that endos and pro endos are NOT welcome to interact with us before as well.
By you sending in this ask you have not only crossed a boundary of ours, but you have also made many people uncomfortable due to merely “informing” us about endo “systems”. you swear you know something, but you don’t.
Do not say we don’t know a certain thing just because we never mentioned our knowledge of it beforehand.
Trauma Survivors do not like to be mocked and have what they went through used as a label. It is not something to put on yourself and go “hey look I have your disorder too!”
And we will not be pro endo anytime soon or anytime ever for your information, you’re misinformed about real systems and don’t understand the disorder completely.
Pardon me for the short rant, this just has been something i’ve wanted to say in relevance to what they have said.
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r11l3ysh3llh0l3 · 1 year
Wanting to post art and not wanting to get more recognition than like 2 people is absolute hell. I want *someone* to see my art, but i don't wanna get any sort of popularity even if its incredibly tiny. I know how easily i could start drama, hell, I'm surprised that in my days in the Instagram editing community, I SOMEHOW DIDN'T. Long story short: i was very vocal about hating KFF, and people that are KFF seem to be incredibly fucking toxic at times. I know how easily drama started by me could blow out of proportion, especially considering how petty i am. I also got involved in "drama" by telling someone that Cr*zy is ableist and that they shouldn't be using that, which was annoyingly right after getting harassed with a ex-friend because we both did informative and often times rant-ish alterhuman (specifically otherkin) content... And of course.. the harassment was by KFF...And of course, it was on Instagram. That Instagram account was the last push to make me not want to get any sort of popularity anymore. If i ever somehow have a post "blow up" and i randomly get a influx of people i will flat out abandon my account and make a whole new TL;DR : I wanna post art but putting my shit out into the public scares me because i start drama easily 👍 Also will abandon my account if i have a post get too much attention 👍
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scarlet97531 · 3 months
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((⬆️Drawing ink(/sys) made of himself back in December that never got posted here))
((Personal vent/rant about comparing myself to headmates and masking⬇️))
⭕️❗️ink hasn’t really been around front lately so his clothes have mostly just been rotting in the back of our closet cause his style is pretty different to the rest of us, but like. Sometimes I wear his stuff anyway cuz it’s actually really comfy, but whenever I do I always get compliments about how nice I look from people irl. And like, compliments are nice I guess, but. I never get compliments when I’m wearing the clothes that I like. So it kind of feels like the people we know irl like ink more than me without them even knowing there’s a difference in the first place. I mean, I know they’d like ink better if they knew us too, cuz obviously I’m not exactly. Like. Well I feel like our names say enough about that. Ink is artistic and cheerful and friendly, and I’m weird and traumatized and queer in ways the people in our life don’t seem to want to deal with. Ink is a lot closer to what irl ppl think we are like, he’s more similar to our mask I guess.
It makes me feel like it’s better for me to just mask more, to try to make myself more pleasant for other people instead of being myself. And I’m like 90% sure that’s our family’s fault for being unwelcoming to my attempts at being more genuine, and I know it’s possible that I could find people that actually like me, but with the people we have to be around right now it feels like it’s my fault.
And like I know this is relatively a very minor problem to have, I know even we have bigger problems that I should probably be more concerned about, but it’s just always the little social things that really bother me.
Being compared to another version of yourself is a strange problem to have.
-Killer Sans the skeleton I guess
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clover-46 · 1 year
your mate confronts your cruel vampire ex spoilers
bruh… quinn is british GROSS /j
ok seriously that video was something!!
and the fact that @readyandnot was right on quinn taunting sam for biting darlin and sam himself not biting darlin is crazy 😭.
“how do you like my sloppy seconds” kys. 🫤🫤🫤 anyway idk how anyone would like quinn this mf is gross in every aspect ✋🏾✋🏾. poor darlin was taken advantage of by an abusive annoying old british man ☹️☹️☹️ (i hope he dies by the end of the series please go out like adam)
sam staying because he cares about the stranger more than his comfort was really sweet i love him so much. ALSO I DIDNT KNOW FRED TOOK SAM’S LAST NAME 🥺🥺.
the way he talked about fredrick and darlin had me 🤢🤢🤢. he is so gross i wanna throw him into a fucking volcano
like man just get a telepath to search his brain i bet he would just talk and talk until that girl died and then would be like “ok here’s where she is”. he is so fucking irritating like please just stfu 💀💀
and sam getting protective over darlin and fred when quinn was being a fucking disgusting piece of shit had me SWOONING. “keep his name out of your FUCKING mouth” AHHHHHHHHHH 😫😫😫
side note: i hope quinn breaks free somehow (he’s got some plan i know it) and darlin, david, sam, and sweetheart all jump his ass and kill him. PLEASE get rid of him. AND GBA WAS REALLY GOOD!! HE PLAYED QUINN SO WELL BECAUSE I HATE THE CHARACTER SO FUCKING MUCH AS IT WAS INTENDED. SO GIVE THAT MAN A ROUND OF APPLAUSE 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
so in conclusion i am the biggest quinn hater 👍🏾👍🏾
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keplerbyte · 1 year
Fuck love triangles I will never stop thinking about poly Miles, Gwen and Hobie. ❗️❗️❗️
Gwen and Miles clearly like each other, no question. I was hesitant after ITSV because I just kinda liked their friendship but after watching ATSV they have my blessing. They're just so AHDOWNDK 😭😭😭😭
Gwen and Hobie give me chill besties vibes, but it could easily be more, they seem to give that impression to other people anyways. Gwen stealing Hobies shoes and leaving her stuff at his place is cute 😭 he let's her crash with him because she can't go home and I think thats sweet. ALSO HOBIE SAYING HES PART OF THE SPIDER ORGANIZATION JUST BC HES "LOOKING OUT FOR HIS DRUMMER" AAAQUUDHWI
HOBIE AND MILESSS, I love their dynamic so much, Hobie being Miles' hype man and Miles thinking Hobie is soooo cool. I love the idea of Miles not knowing he's bi before he meets Hobie and suddenly he's all kinds of confused, meanwhile "I dont like labels" Hobie is so confident and chill
Miles KNOWING he likes Gwen but he meets Hobie and suddenly he's acting the same way he acts around Gwen? He's tripping over his words and trying to impress him, and at first he brushes it off as wanting a cool friend, but Hobie keeps TOUCHING him.
Slinging his arm over his shoulders and leaning in close to tell him something, hugs when he hasn't seen him for awhile (not quite to the level of the big open hugs he gives Pav of course) and hell even high fives and fist bumps make him freeze up and try to remember how to use his limbs like a normal person.
The "Cool Friend" excuse shatters once he catches Gwen and Hobie hanging out and realizes he feels left out and jealous... but he can't figure out who he's jealous OF.
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(I love this picture)
Also omg if Miles' parents think GWEN is a bad influence then IMAGINE THEIR REACTION TO HOBIE. I can vividly imagine Miles' dad saying "That kid is a PUNK." Meanwhile his mom is just ranting because "How do you even find these people Miles??"
"He's in a band with Gwe- Gwanda. They want me to join..."
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astrotruther · 3 months
Astro Observations
misc. (i)
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⛔️ TW: mention of anorexia and drugging❗️
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♡ Venus Square Mars may attract obsessive people. In particular, people who obsess over their looks or fetishize them in some way. Brooke Shields had a whole nation obsessed with her at the mere age of 12. Eugenia Cooney has infamously attracted hoards of anorexia fetishists with her content. People with this placement may have a higher risk of drastic weight loss or gain.
♡ Either I meet too many Capricorn Suns by coincidence or it's a rather common placement. One reasoning could be that April is an ideal month for marriage in many places, especially ones where it gets unbearably hot in June. Spring adds to April's allure. Traditional couples often conceive right after tying the knot, making the pregnancy due in Capricorn season.
♡ Lilith is associated with sexuality but people focus too much ONLY on that facet of it. Lilith is associated with many other things like power, revenge and how one becomes a social pariah.
♡ Planets at 0° may symbolize struggle. Lana Del Rey has Sun at 0°. The Sun represents our ego. She had many controversies in 2020 including the mesh mask and her Instagram rant undermining POC artists. Even after criticism, instead of apologizing, she remained defensive. I believe that planets at 0° provide a lot of room for growth if the individual is genuinely interested in self-improvement.
♡ Aries Moon (ruled by Mars) and Scorpio Moon (ruled by Pluto, traditionally by Mars) despite being similar are perceived quite differently by people. The sign of Aries gives child-like quality to the native. They come off as cute and their sarcastic remarks are perceived as good humor. E.g. Rihanna roasting Helena Bonham Carter's sense of fashion. Meanwhile, one eyeroll from a Scorpio Moon, and they may come off as hateful and jealous. My advice to Scorpio Moons who want to be in the public eye, please never put on the mean girl persona. Tap into your kind side, it'll be received in a positive way and you'll attract genuine support.
♡ Venus-Mars aspects symbolize beauty; the difference may lie in how people perceive it. Venus Trine Mars are often called cute. People with this aspect are well-liked and have a good reputation. These are the people who may never be cancelled due to the halo effect they have. No matter how massively popular they are, people won't be digging up dirt on them, which is also why very little is known about these people's personal lives. These people often become a household name due to that one iconic thing they did, even if they decide to adapt a lowkey presence afterwards. Let me emphasize this with an extensive list of examples:
✧ Nina Dobrev (The Vampire Diaries), Zayn, Leighton Meester (Gossip Girl), Adele, Kit Harington (Game of Thrones), Sabrina Carpenter, Tobey Maguire (Spider-Man), Kate Middleton, Mandy Moore (A Walk to Remember), Jackie Chan, Jenna Fischer (The Office), Ana de Armas, Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games), Constance Wu (Crazy Rich Asians), Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) and Alan Rickman (Harry Potter) have this aspect.
✧ Taeyang being the only member of former K-pop group BIGBANG who's had no controversies (also managed to keep his relationship hidden for a long time before revealing it with a wedding announcement), Khloé Kardashian being the least disliked Kardashian/Jenner sister, Cardi B admitting to drugging and robbing men, starring in Hustlers that glamorized it, hitting her career peak with WAP the very next year really drives the point home.
✧ I've also noticed this aspect in almost all Bollywood IT girls of their time: Priyanka Chopra, Aishwarya Rai, Anushka Sharma, Ayesha Takia, Dia Mirza, Divya Bharti, Parveen Babi - all loved by the general public despite the media scrutiny and misogyny that prevails within the industry.
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Click daily to help Palestinians🍉🙏🏽: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
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16thcenturywhore · 1 year
me: slightly dolls myself up for my wives so I can send them pictures
also me: they find we weird and think I'm weird and annoying idk why I even do this I need to stop I'm so pathetic 😭
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luvjunie · 1 year
spoilers below ❗️
ugh miles was SO mistreated it actually makes me sad 😭 even though he really really loved art and it was something he shared and bonded with uncle Aaron over, he still changed his whole career path to physics, just to try and figure out how to go see his friends, only to find out that they could’ve visited him so easily this entire time, but chose not to.
just thinking about how alone he felt in the first movie, and the second one especially. how he literally has no one to hear him out, nobody he feels comfortable putting into his corner other than those who are in an entirely different dimension. then he finds out that there’s a whole spider-society of people who are JUST like him, hundreds who share his struggles and know his pain… a place where every spider person has access to but him.
imagine feeling so alone, not being able to confide in anyone about what’s going on, nobody to rant to about the weight of carrying an entire city on your shoulders. you can’t even text them either, and all you have are your memories to go by.
then boom, you get to the place where you should feel nothing BUT accepted, and still, you don’t belong there either. you’re told you’re not even supposed to be what’s become your entire life, that you ruined everything and you don��t really belong anywhere, that your leap of faith meant nothing because it wasn’t even yours to take. because you’re an anomaly, a “mistake”. and everyone just watches, because they knew this would happen.
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