#;;🪡 Rambles
r11l3ysh3llh0l3 · 1 year
Read More since this is gonna be long. Block if you don't want to read through all of this.
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Heyo, I'm Riley, but i also use the names Mephisto, Tobias and Echo. I use He/Him pronouns, and I am diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and Depression. All of which will very much impact my interactions with everyone.
On that note, I'm not a fandom or community specific blog, I'm too lazy and frankly don't have any energy left of my already very little energy to keep more than one blog semi-active. If you're only here for one thing, you're probably gonna get sick of me. (^ Also because i know I'd hate to run a blog on anything that's not my hyperfixation. )
I will try to tag posts i make with specific tags, which if you really want to know which are for what, are at the end of this pinned post.
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Basic DNI (Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Zoophiles, Pedos/"MAPs", TERFS, etc) under 14, over 29,
Proshipper, Truscum/Transmed, Radinclus, Endo Sys or supporter, KFF/Kin for fun/kinnies/Supporter.
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I cant guarantee that I'm spoiler free, I need tonetags/tone indicators, I swear a LOT, I am EXTREMELY forgetful, I often make "I'm gonna kill myself" jokes and such
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i will not be adding tags to older posts BEFORE this one, (which are four, so you're not missing out on anything.) I'll be tagging all of these tags on this post as well so you won't have to look them up.
;;🪡 Rambles ;;❗️Rants ;;✦Nonsense ;;✩Art and Stuff. ;;🗝My Posts
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lunarbun-ships · 10 months
hey guys! i know yall have been waiting for this for a few days and im proud to say that i finally have the whole timeline/backstory for bunny and i's adventure time ship lore sorted out!!!
so im proud to present our lore in extreme detail, its kinda rambly and very long!!
for yalls sake, im putting it under a read more 💀
kitty note: a lot of at’s canon events still happen, most of canon resides in the past, betty never comes back, so golb is never summoned. islands happens but no humans come back to ooo in fear of vampires, which are still an issue since marceline isnt alive either (referring back to the fact wk has ice marcy, implying something bad happened to her). some other canon events happen later on, so the timeline compared to ats is all over the place lol 😭 this has nothing in common with the f&c canon outside of the bare bones
for colored quotes, pink are for kitty, bold purple is for bonbon, blue for the wk and red for bunny :)
ik/wk gets ahold of the crown & puts it on in front of betty
betty doesnt get summoned to the present, she moves on after leaving simon
ik/wk meets marcy & has her for a couple of years before passing away (either due to the radiation from the gmw or due to the oozers that came from the radiation)
the original ice kingdom builds up around 500 years after gmw
kitty becomes princess of the stuffie kingdom about 700 years post-mushroom war
they meet princess bubblegum during a princess day celebration
this one is hosted in the breakfast kingdom
they get along famously during this princess day meeting & become fast friends
kitty meets ik/wk due to his princess kidnapping tendencies
kitty, once settled into his ice cell, informs him that theyre a lesbian
ik apologizes & they end up talking about girls until they get rescued
kitty & ik’s relationship mirrors marcy and simons post i remember you
BIG father/daughter type bond
after 150 years of friendship, kitty & pb persue a romantic relationship
their relationship is pretty healthy to begin with while both of their kingdoms are in infancy (725 years post gmw)
after ~200 years, theres a communication breakdown between the two of them, leading to their breakup
it takes a good amount of time before the two of them get back together- koo’s election still happens & she loses the ck for a while, which allows for their reunion to happen
bella noche gets summoned & ice king becomes simon again
this is the first time kitty gets a glimpse of who ik truly is
this, obviously, is an eye opener for them & they want to help ik gain his lucidity once more
kitty takes betty’s place in punching bella noche
marcy, as stated before, has passed & hambo is long gone, which prevents simon from creating the portal to apologize to betty
after bella noche’s defeat and kitty’s discovery, they ask bonnie for help in their quest to fix/cure the ik
bonnie agrees & offers to do some preliminary research on ik’s crown while kitty is away on royal business
bonnie uses the machine from “broke his crown”
ice king comes along with gunter
while ik and bonnie are using the machine & preoccupied, gunter is bored & starts pressing any and every button on the machine
this causes the machine to overload and explode
this accident transfers the curse of the crown from ik to bonnie via electric shock (from the explosion)/magic (the explosion malfunctions ik’s crown & the curse is transferred)
bonnie has amnesia from the crown curse
kitty returns from royal business and cant find ik anywhere and finds bonnie’s lab destroyed
kitty comes across bonnie, now bonbon, first
“…trying out a new look bonbon?”
“who’s bonbon? who are you? how did you get in here?”
bonbon is kind of aggressive, her mental state is adjusting to the curse
kitty, freaked out, goes in search of the ik, who is now the winter king
they finally come across wk while searching deep in the newly-forming winter kingdom
they ask him what happened & he genuinely has no idea what happened exactly, but offers to use his newfound conscious thought to help figure things out
kitty thanks him & they return back to their own kingdom
over the course of the next six months, kitty tries to adjust to bonbon’s changes & tries to help her remember
bonbon shows no interest in kitty, as the curse’s infatuation sets her sights on wk
kitty tries (and fails!) to ignore this & they try to help bonbon regain her memories
“i just got you back and ive lost you again” energy
kitty approaches wk & tells him that theyre going to be leaving to find a cure for bonbon’s madness & they werent sure when they would return
kitty’s sibling becomes the main one in charge in their absence & it stays this way
they lose touch with the wk after some time, leading him to believe they might be injured or worse- dead
kitty spends ~7.5 decades looking for a magic cure where both wk can continue to be wk and bonbon can turn back to normal to no avail
kitty meets magic man outside of the wastelands of ooo, where he promises to help in exchange for a favor
he’s still trying to steal glob/gob/grob/grod’s residual powers
the process malfunctions due to an interruption & magic mans powers transfers to kitty, making them magic woman
for the remaining 25 years before they return, they do intensive and obsessive magic studies in order to find a cure
they also occasionally watch bonbon from afar, watching the candy kingdom be rebuilt & just seeing how she’s doing
it is very painful for them but they miss her so much that they cant help themselves sometimes
bunny, age 24 by the time the 100 years have passed, meets winter king while assisting the ice scouts with another one of cq’s kidnappings
bunny is related to finn since josuha treated being an adventurer like a family business, so the tradition carries
impressed by their skill, wk appoints bunny to be his personal body guard due to their skill with a sword
since theyre always together, wk and bunny get to know each other rather quickly & become fast friends, bonding over magic and science
after some time, wk finds himself falling for bunny and he is not shy about those feelings in the slightest
he constantly flirts with them & makes it known that he likes them
bunny is oblivious + has had a crush on wk by this point anyway
wk takes bunny to some royal business & they get stressed out by all the people there/feeling like they dont belong due to the fancy event
wk takes bunny aside and gives them a pep-talk, a sweet one at that
“i wouldnt have invited you if i didnt think you wouldnt belong”
his hand is gently sliding towards theirs, interconnecting their fingers
“i brought you as my date for a reason..”
bunny.exe has stopped working
they confess their feelings to each other & they spend the rest of the event away from everyone, talking the night away.
wk and bunny enter a romantic relationship
two years pass & wk needs to go to wizard city, bunny accompanies him
the two run into kitty, causing a whole mess of emotions to run through wk- not good ones
kitty starts coming around more & becomes friends with bunny
kitty’s sudden reappearance is stirring up a lot of bad memories, thoughts & feelings with wk. despite this, the two are slowly rekindling a friendship
due to the bad feelings, wk is pulling away from bunny & is drowning himself in his work, this is a slow process, it takes a few weeks before bunny says anything
the stress of emotions is reaching to the point where he’s starting to see so much of betty in bunny & its scaring him
not to mention he’s feeling guilty about something…👀
during wk’s slow pull-back, bunny and kitty are venting to each other about their respective issues
my sona reveals that bonbon wasnt always the way she was & tells the story from their own perspective
bunny, having no idea this ever happened, decides to confront wk about his distance & why he never told them that he knew what was wrong with bonbon
during this confrontation, wk finally breaks down and reveals to bunny everything about what has happened & his thoughts
“you remind me so much of her..”
he also reveals the fact that there is a cure for bonbon’s madness that he discovered during kitty’s absence, but the caveat is that he would become the ik again. theres no way to be fully rid of the curse.
“are you ever going to tell kitty?”
“no. ive worked so hard for what ive had & i dont want to lose it.”
“but you really should, its unfair to them to hold onto hope that isnt th-“
“im not telling them!” he snaps at them
after he snaps at bunny, they decide that they need to think about things for a while & they spend the next few months in the magic man house with kitty
at some point during this period, kitty decides to go on a date with bonbon, mirroring bespoken for
rather than getting angry and frustrated like betty, they get progressively more upset and sad
during their breakdown, they reveal to bonbon that they used to date
bonbon later thinks about this & it begins the crowns obsession/infatuation slow shift from wk to kitty
this date doesn’t go well & kitty ends it early
bunny’s sona is the one to give the tiny manticore speech
“maybe you're going after someone who doesn't exist anymore. why not take her as she is? after all, you’ve been through a lot of changes yourself”
kitty takes bunny’s speech to heart & they think it over, but not immediately
on wk’s side of things, he is miserable and alone & wants nothing more than to apologize to bunny
he seeks out kitty, who takes him to the magic man house
he apologizes profusely
“i never meant to push you away.. ive just spent so long trying to avoid these feelings that i ended up exploding. i’m horrible at dealing with negative emotions, but i want to work on it for you. i am so sorry, bunny”
bunny, after hearing his apology, forgives him & they return back to the winter kingdom with wk
bunny & the winter king, once reunited, try and figure out a way to tell kitty that there is a cure to bonbon’s madness in a way that they wont freak out/blow up/snap
during this time, kitty comes back bonbon to give their date another shot, apologizing for how abruptly it ended last time
they end up having a simple spaghetti dinner & kitty realizes they have more in common now then they did 100 years ago
this date goes well & they continue to go on dates, falling in love with each other all over again
bunny and wk finally find a way to tell kitty that there is a cure but it would reverse everything in wk
my sona, interrupts them before they can say more than “we found a cure-“ and tells the two that they dont want to fix bonbon anymore & that things finally feel the way they should now, ending my sona’s arc
the four of them can finally relax & enjoy life once more & they all become close friends once more :3
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jadedharleys · 1 year
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privilege and pain when compared look the same. comprehension begins when we pull back the lens. right or wrong, tension makes us stronger by making us weak when we needed to be... our fables tell our truths
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old-system-accoubt · 3 months
I'm mainly openly plural in online spaces, though that's in like very few spaces, that of which is my YouTube, discord, and well here. But i don't partake in a lot of plural spaces and communities since I'm mainly only in a few to learn and/or find resources that can help me manage and heal. Even then, parts mainly on share here and just communicate to ourselves and our close + trusted ones.
Irl I'm extremely selective on who knows about my DID and who doesn't. Since well, not everyone needs to know everything we have.
We may identify as different people and have friendships, hate, and relationships differing part to part and between each parts. Though we still share a body and many of us want to learn and such.
Being plural affects how we feel and see many things, alongside was what helped us survived even if our DID was used against us by our abusers.
Although everyone may not know we're plural. I'm happy that I can be close to the other parts who i share this body with and can heal with it. Even if some are still struggling or are aggressive towards others in our system.
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oleander-neruim · 5 months
Good news and bad news
Good news is I'm gonna post pt. 2 of the Epic Au's characters tomorrow.
Bad news is I think I hate Sausages design again smh smh
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demnianthro · 8 months
i seriously just watched this mf type “lesbian coded man” and i’m giggling my ass off
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eldritchdemonfox · 4 months
ello!! i have a gift for thee!!
“.. However, the only other customer in the store besides them has noticed, and is openly glaring at the owners, long ginger hair pulled up into what he distantly remembers being called a beehive hairdo. It's reminiscent of the 60s, which is weird, since this girl looks around Jenny's age, and he hasn't heard of any 60s comeback unlike how he's heard of the 'comeback of the 80s', but Charles himself notices something weirder that that.
This girl, with the hairdo that most likely predates her fucking existence, has Edwin's jawline, has exactly the same type of nose, and in her dark hazel eyes he can see a shimmer of green. Of course, as he realizes that, he also has to yell at himself for even noticing that, since he cannot decipher if that is just because he has an inner detective, or if it's because he has spent the last 30 years gazing into Edwin's face and observing every single thing the Edwardian does."
:3. beatrice!! also Charles... inner pa(y)in(e)
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blorbosimp · 1 year
since i’ve made an imagine about it anyway, here’s how i think my f/os and me would handle pets :3
elysia: i want a cat. we get one at a shelter, and now we have a cat we equally enjoy. :3
izana: if i tell him that i want a cat he’s immediately taking me to the closest shelter so we can adopt one together. we’re ending up adopting a black one and a white one who refuse to be adopted seperately. at first he’s like ‘yeah baby those are your cats’ but i will find him cuddling them both hardly a month later when coming home. suddenly they’re our cats and he’s spending too much on new cat toys and expensive food, but that’s izana for you...
shinichiro: one day i go to visit him, he has a little kitty in his arms... barely a month old.... baji’s standing there too, and they’re both begging me to take the poor stray in. i can’t really refuse either of them + i want a cat anyway, so now i have a little stray kitty :)
tetta: honestly? a cat would annoy him. a dog would annoy him. birds would annoy him. fish would bore him. spiders, insects or reptiles? maybe. a hamster, though? as long as it’s not his, no problem. i talk about always having wanted a hamster once, and he gifts me one for my next birthday, together with a cage, stuff to fill it with, food, anything else a hamster needs, and all the knowledge you could need to keep a hamster (which is more than you’d think! they’re not as low effort as often believed, actually). he claims he’s not interested in my hamster at all (as long as it’s doing good & i’m happy) but i definitely catch him with the hamster out of the cage and on his lap where it gets pets and the most loving gaze tetta can possibly give someone who isn’t me.
hakkai, mitsuya, & draken: we would never figure out how he got it (‘yuzuha found him, and i couldn’t not take him in, okay?!’) but one day we’re all meeting up, and there’s a puppy in hakkai’s arms. (maybe a shiba inu mix?) so we end up taking turns caring for him, and, one day, we have a fully grown dog, and we’re not really sure why or how—it just happened. and i’m pretty sure that hakkai will bring home more stray puppies. probably a doberman at some point, and we end up being stuck with two or three adult dogs in the end.
baizhu: we both want a cat, and we go and adopt one. we end up bringing home the one that’s been at the shelter for the longest because she’s deaf and three-legged, but she’s just another physically disabled guy <3
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allen309 · 8 months
My random rambling because I’m bored today and just want to talk:
For a while now, whenever I tell my parents that I want to learn how to sew, their reaction is always, “You sewing… is that a good idea?”
I mean worse comes to worst, I do what Racheal Maksy and Mia Maple do: Hot Glue and “gooood enough 👍”… although Mia Maples did eventually learn how to sew.
The only issue is I can’t learn how to sew until I get my own room, possibly sometime next year, because the only table in the whole house is a folding table that is put away in the hallway and when pulled out it takes up the whole living room space and no one can get around…
I've actually been wanting to learn how to sew for a while. Since about 7 years old, but my psychotic narcissist grandmother ruined that for me. But since wanting to get into cosplaying, I'm realizing how easy it would be to make your own outfits if needed. Especially when thrift stores in my area sells used clothing at the same price as brand-new clothing from stores like Walmart or Old Navy, which isn't worth buying at that point… I’m not about to spend $25 on a used shirt or $30 on used pants. No thanks
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vinnycharbonneau · 9 months
God it feels so weird to say Mizuki instead of me.
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everythingseasoning · 10 months
M’s Map Key
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m’s inbox 📩📨📤 - your random thoughts & feedback from my inbox <3
m’s analysis 🏅 - story/theme/character/scene/any analysis’ from yours truly x <3
🌱 - something refreshing, brightening, and easily, purely good
m raves 🕵🏻🗣 - I’m raving about something. Highly recommended fics— or big emotions brought on by consumption of a song, a show’s analysis, perhaps— any which way, I highly recommend this tag for fellow curious people!
m’s recs🏅- the same as the above (m raves), but exclusively for fic recs
m’s requests 🍽🪡 - requests I’ve gotten!
m rambles ⛄️ - I am talking without having reflected/processed prior to talking
happy potions+1 🔮🕳 - words from you all that made me very happy
s-core 🌀🧵 - me being sad and having a little time/memory stamp here on blog about it
m is sad - self explanatory. I probably don’t have somebody to talk to about a difficult happening or feeling I’m having.
to remember 🌌 - things I need to remember (a lesson, or hope, etc), are contained within the post! Self saving in the process.
2 my followers! *
4 my mutuals *
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r11l3ysh3llh0l3 · 1 year
I'd be posting a few sky cotl pics to annoy a certain someone but im currently shadowbanned from what i can tell so i. just. have to suffer until i get it fixed. Misery.
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rosemaze-reveries · 6 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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bones4thecats · 8 months
Having An S/O Being A Member Of Toman
Type of Writing: Top Poll Result Characters: Manjiro Sano, Takashi Mitsuya, Souya Kawata, and Nahoya Kawata Name: Having an S/O Being A Member of Toman Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: My first ever Tokyo Revengers writing! I do hope that I portrayed the characters correctly, since I've just started watching the series. Personally, I give it a 10/10, it's amazingly put together and I love the art style! Anyways, sorry for the ramble, enjoy!
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🍡 Mikey is the leader of Toman, of course he always knows who joins the gang no matter what
🍡 When he first met you, which was before you joined, he was in the middle of a fight with Draken, and suddenly the man they were fighting was knocked out and the others were sent running
🍡 You turned around and pulled down your hood, revealing yourself to the males, and they were shocked, you had taken that guy down with one hit
🍡 Mikey loves spending time with his closest friends, and that includes you, and since you're a part of Toman, he gets to see you so much more than he would if you weren't a fellow member
🍡 Whenever you guys enter a fight together, you guys stay close, fighting back-to-back to make sure you guys didn't get seriously injured
🍡 You are one of the only people he has left in his life, and he isn't gonna lose you anytime soon if he can help it
🍡 He also loves to take rides with you on his bike, from going to look at the city from the edges of it to sitting at a park to look at the stars, riding your bikes together makes Mikey feel more connected with you
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🪡 This guy is a worry-wart when it comes to the people he cares about, especially his S/O
🪡 You joined Toman just after he and the other boys founded it, since you were just as good in fighting as the others were
🪡 Despite the fact you have held your ground for many years of being a part of this gang, Mitsuya is always watching over you when a threat emerges
🪡 One time proved this theory, when Toman had got caught up in a disagreement with a smaller, yet strong-standing, gang, you and him ended up being on the frontlines of a fight
🪡 Mitsuya watched over you, causing you to end up kicking someone away so that he wouldn't end up getting harmed from a blade the enemy was holding
🪡 You end up having to hoist him back down to Earth so he can not worry about you for five minutes
🪡 Much like with Mikey, Mitsuya loves to wide his bike with you, especially when you guys go to classes and whatnot together
🪡 I can see him having hidden embroidery on his uniform and other pieces of clothes, so, expect to have small things embroidered on your uniform and gloves that he made you to protect your knuckles
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💢 While he seems very mad and pissed-off all the time, Angry is very delicate when it comes to handling his brother and fellow loved ones, including his darling S/O
💢 He, much like Mitsuya, is a worry-wart when it comes to fights
💢 He's strong, and his S/O may also be just as strong as him, but, that doesn't stop him from trying to protect them and stay as close as he can during large debacles
💢 Angry is a protective lover, no doubt
💢 Even though you're a fellow member of Toman, he always has that slight nagging in his head that you may end up fighting someone that could take you down
💢 You have protected this man's skin from getting into fights quite a few tmes
💢 Like I mentioned, he's a fairly passive person, so, whenever someone tries fighting, he always attempted to calm them down, but, when you realize they aren't taking that, you land a kick to them and cause the rest to run away, despite your boyfriend's disagreements to that
💢 Angry and Smiley both made a pact to protect you when the other was busy, if one cares for you, the other does as well!
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☀️ Fiercely protective boyfriend? Fiercely protective boyfriend.
☀️ If Smiley is super defensive of his brother and Mikey, than you know he gonna be extra defensive about his S/O
☀️ Unlike Angry, Smiley is far less of a worrier than him, he is confident in his S/O's abilities to keep themselves safe, and he ends up drifting farther away from his S/O during fights
☀️ But, that doesn't mean that he doesn't keep a close eye on them, these enemies of theirs are known for their tricks
☀️ During your first fight together, you ended up getting slightly wounded, since your enemy landed a few hits to your ribs and face, leaving slight bruising on your face and large ones on your chest
☀️ That is when he starts worrying more than anything
☀️ He was quite agitated that that person ended up harming you, and once he saw them hurt you, he lunged away and began to punch the hell outta him
☀️ Smiley also loves to train with you, since you're just as experienced as him
☀️ While he doesn't like riding his bike with you that often, he does enjoy taking walks with you, it's funny to him how nobody is aware of your status as delinquents, it gives him a rush of adrenaline inside
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christabelq · 3 months
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I was going to post a cosplay photo today, but decided to do another of my tutorial type things instead👩‍🏫. This time it’s for the steampunk handgun I used in my recent Typhoid Mary shoot and also seen in a few of my earlier pics. I’ve found it super useful to have, as it suits a bunch of different characters. If you want to rustle one up yourself, you’ll need these ingredients…
1 x Nerf gun or similar – Choose your gun carefully, as it will dictate what your finished weapon looks like. I went for something small, but chunky, which I picked up cheap in a thrift store (💜 my bargains).
Sandpaper for prepping the gun.
1 x can of black spray paint (or possibly more depending on the size of your gun – tbh I regularly misjudge how much paint I’ll need for stuff and end up having to make extra trips to the craft store to stock up 🚶‍♀️😩
Silver acrylic paint and 🖌️🖌️ to give the gun a metallic look (or gold if you want to bling out).
Assorted fixtures for decorations – I used some gears left over from another project, a bit of an old speaker and some circuitry from a broken tablet, but loads of other stuff will work. Btw, if you haven’t tried it, it’s super therapeutic pulling bits out of an old tablet, especially if it’s one that used to crash on you a lot like mine😈😈😈 
 Plastic knob – Replacement for the cocking thingy at the back of the Nerf gun, as this totally gave away that it was a toy. My piece was stripped off a toy gun I used in another project, but you can use whatever’s available.
A piece of leather – Trim for the barrel to add to the steampunk vibe and (hopefully) make the gun look a bit more realistic.
Needle and thread 🪡 – Most of my projects involve sewing in some way, as it’s something I like doing. Here it was used for finishing the edges of the piece of leather.
Fixative spray – Used to try and ensure I don’t accidentally scratch off any paint when I’m using the gun in a typical display of klutziness 🥴
Normally when I do these tutorials, I start rambling on at this point about whatever bits of the project pop into my head, but this time, I’m totally going to be structured about it, so here’s a step-by-step guide…
Sand off any logos and stuff on your gun, as these always make them look toy like. If the gun you’ve chosen has any smooth surfaces, you might want to sand these as well, as the paint will go on better that way. Top tip here is not to use really rough sandpiper or you’ll end up with nasty scratches.
Strip off any fittings on the gun which don’t look realistic and replace if necessary. In my case, this included replacing the thing for getting the gun ready to fire (I’m sure there’s a technical term for this, but it beats me what it is). I screwed the new bit into the end of the mechanism, so it still works, which is pretty cool.
⛫💨 Spray the gun matt black to prime it, plus any of your fittings which need to match. Usually this has to be done in a couple of stages, as if you’re working on a table or something you won’t be able to turn anything over until it’s dry. Also, no matter how good a surface looks at the time, you often come back to find the paint hasn’t covered something properly 😠😠. Here’s another tip… go off and do something else between coats rather than waiting around for however many hours it takes the paint to dry 💡
🎨 Add the metallic distressed look with the arcylic paint. For this to work, you need to dust the paint on super lightly. I usually wipe my brush on a bit of paper each time I dip it in the paint to get rid of the excess.
Once the paint is dry, attach your fittings. The trick here is to try to make them look like they have some kind of purpose and aren’t just window-dressing. Glue is the easiest way to stick things on, but I use bolts and screws when possible 🪛🔧, as these are more secure and allow gears and stuff to spin around if you want them to. If you’re using leather like me (or any other material), you’ll probably want to sew in a folded overedge before attaching it to stop it fraying 🪡.   
Touch up any damage you did to your paintwork when working on step 5. Maybe you’ll be luckier than me, but no matter how careful I am, there always seems to be some.
⛫💨 Spray on your fixative for protection. This should be done in steady lines with the can about 30 cms away from the gun. It’s best to do a few coats, sometimes working from side to side and sometimes from top to bottom, so you get good coverage. My tip for this stage is to shake the can well before use and do a quick test spray first to make sure the fixative is coming out evenly.
Pick up the finished gun and start rocking it /̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿💥
So there you have it. Hopefully if you’re new to projects like this, it will give you a good starting point. I think you get good results for some pretty easy steps. Let me know if you found it useful or if you have any questions 💬, and stay tuned for more cosplay stuff.
Luv your friendly neighborhood  cosplayer, Christabel ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
ko-fi.com/christabelq instagram.com/christabel.simpson/ deviantart.com/christabelq
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enstarrievalkyrie · 2 years
Sharing the same dorm room with Mika and Ritsu
Note: Someone requested for more so here it is. I lost that request so I'm sry but enjoy🍬. Lowkey think my Tumblr is broken.
Mika Kagehira
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• You can see him sewing most of the time.🪡
• There are times when you have to remind him to sleep or eat.
• He is probably the one who teaches you how to sew.
• He would often rambles about his oshi-san to you with a bright smile(I love him so much🥹).
• You can hear noises from him that tells you what he is feeling rn. So if he's frustrated you might hear angry noises.
• You're the one that cooks for both Ritsu and Mika since Mika is usually busy and Ritsu is just unreliable lmao.
• Mika would bring up the idea of watching a movie together. You guys probably cuddled together while watching the horror movie that Mika choose.
• You might see shu sometimes while he is checking up on mika.
• Shu is happy to see people taking care of Mika🍬.
• You and Ritsu bought him 5 packs of candies. He be looking at it like(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠) and couldn't stop making happy noises. "Nghn...negh!"
• Shu scolded you for that while Mika is munching at the back:3.
• He would offer to make your costume if you're an idol.
• He's soo sweet to you so naturally you gain a soft spot for him, always trying to make him happy😊.
• Even went out of your way to ask Arashi what Mika like in order to make him smile.
• Arashi thinks it's adorable and doesn't mind helping you as she herself also wants to see Mika happy.(such a good friend)
Ritsu sakuma
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• he really be sleeping 24/7🛌
• Kinda acts like a cat but you don't mind since you probably like cats😺.
• he relies on you quite a lot as I said Mika is usually busy so you might not see him in the dormroom until he finishes work.
• Likes to braid your hair regardless of the lengths.
• Would sometimes nap on your lap cuz he is a cutie.
• There are times when you would get lazy too, those time Ritsu would spoil you like how you spoil him🥺.
• Rei would sometimes visit you to offer his thanks on taking care and getting close to his little brother.
• You can see his unit mates in your front door carrying a sleeping ritsu but acts like nothing is wrong since it happen way too often lol.
• You might wake up to the sound of unlocking door because of Mao.
• Mao would sometimes ask you to help wake up Ritsu when he isn't able to.
• When Ritsu finds you sleeping on the couch he would cuddle up with you and fall asleep. :3
• You and Mika would ask him to teach you how to bake. Surprisingly he is a good cook despite he's sleepiness.🧁
• He once asked you to watch him play the piano. Even tho you're lazy, you don't really have a choice when he made those eyes.
• Likes huges and is touchy not only to you but to Mika as well😊.
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