#;..✨/kreideprinz albedo
wwindblumee · 2 years
(//im sad now,,bedo didnt come home. well at least theres still time :')) ~Lycoris
~ !!! giving you all of my bedo luck!!! take it here! albedo i will force an intertwined fate in your mouth if you don't go home to ly >:(( ~
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sunshinies · 10 months
⋆✩ Albedo inspired names/pronouns/titles ! 𖦹⋆
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art by x!
🤍 names: adalgiso , albus , alric , anthon , aurelius , avalon , benedict , blanc , caspian , cobalt , elric , emmerich , engel , felix , franz , gerard , hans , ivory , ludwig , lukas , matteo , merlin , neve , niklas , oskar , otto , sigmund , silvanus , solstice , sterling , tobias , weiss , wilhelm , winter , wolfgang
✨ pronouns: hy/hymn/hymnself , pri/princes/princeself , ae/aer/aerself , al/alchemys/alchemyself , bloom/blooms/bloomself , lumo/lumos/lumosself , sol/sols/solself , chalk/chalks/chalkself , one/ones/oneself , snow/snows/snowself , ivory/ivorys/ivoryself , gold/gold/goldself
any other variation pronouns of these may be used , of course !
🌨 titles: the kreideprinz , the prince of chalk , the sun’s blossom , the prince of alchemy , the honored homonculus , fontaine’s alchemist , the geo prince , he who raises life , the enlightened one , he who wields the golden sword , his beautiful inhumanity
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
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momiji-bookhouse · 2 years
Your writing is so good, I love reading your work! Could you write for Albedo + Glaze Lily please?
[Glaze Lily]: "Tell me, oh storyteller, of the tale of those ill-fated, star-crossed lovers."
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Event Masterlist
pairing: Albedo x gn!reader
genre: angst
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At its core, the art of alchemy goes against the natural order of the world. The process of breaking an object down into its very essence, molding it to one's will and transfigure it into something else entirely, is one that displays the arrogance of humankind in thinking they can tame something that cannot, and should not, be controlled. But those ever lofty gods do not take heed to these trivial acts of arrogance. What harm is there in allowing mere mortals to fiddle with a little sliver of power?
Alchemy remains harmless to their eyes, until it deals with giving what was once inanimate or decayed feeble life, something they thought they have buried deep underground long ago.
Their fears are realized when a practitioner of that forbidden knowledge appeared in the high walls of Mondstadt.
"Do you think he'll come today?"
"I sure hope so! He's so dreamy~."
You finish the coffee order in your hand, only half-listening to the conversation from your coworkers about some guy who's been coming into the cafe lately.
"What's so great about this guy anyways?" You ask after handing the coffee to the customer.
"Oh (Y/N), if you were here then you would get it. He's so handsome! He must a model. Or an actor."
"Or a prince of some kind. Gods, he looks like he's straight out of a fairy tale. I wouldn't mind if he sweeps me off my feet."
"And his voice...I can melt just thinking about it. Do you think he voices audiobooks?"
"Maybe he can help cure my insomnia by reading a bedtime story to me."
You look at them in suspicion. "That sounds a little too perfect."
"I thought so too! But man, he's so fine. Even his name is pretty." One of them sighs. "Albedo."
Something prickles at the back of your mind at the name, but you quickly shake the feeling off. "That's a rare name."
"I know! I tried looking him up, but he doesn't seem to have much of a social media presence."
"Oh, if only he would show up for your last shift, (Y/N), then you'll see."
You smile ruefully at the reminder that this will be the last time you work here before you move to another city. "Let's see what happens."
To your coworkers' dismay, there's no sign of that mysterious, golden customer. Though you can't deny that you're curious, there's no help mulling on what could have been, especially when you're going to be leaving soon.
At the end of your shift, you change out of your work clothes and hug all of your coworkers goodbye, clocking out one last time before exiting out the back door to start a new chapter in your life.
A few minutes later, the bell chimes, and a young man with hair as pale as chalk walks through the front door.
───── ⋆⋅✨⋅⋆ ─────
The gods trembled upon their divine seats in a mixture of fear and indignation at the last remaining student of the Art of Khemia. An abominable creature existing outside of their jurisdiction that cannot be directly influenced by their dictated fate.
But they would not make their move just yet. No, let the false creation be lured into a sense of security. Let him be convinced that he deserved a life of happiness and peace.
He would make a mistake soon enough.
Spending time in an art gallery isn't what you expected for your day-off, but some of your colleagues have recommended this place to you ever since you've moved here, so you figured there's no harm in going. Besides, it would be a nice change of pace, and it's free to enter to boot.
Coincidentally, the day you decided to go is the day that the gallery is introducing a new exhibition from an artist that you've never heard of before.
"Kreideprinz?" You pronounces as you look at the brochure in curiosity, the name settling into your tongue like a well-worn blanket.
"It means Chalk Prince," the person at the counter informs you. "He's a rising artist that started out in the online space and amassed a following over the years for his sketches and paintings. He's famous for blending realism with a fantastical approach in his landscape depictions. His identity has been a well-kept secret in the industry, but there's a rumor that he may appear at the event tonight."
"Is that so?" You say under your breath while scanning quickly through the brochure. There's no denying the beauty of these images.
"You can find out more on the website if you're interested."
The exhibition is called "On the Boundary", and according to the brochure in your hand, displays a series of his paintings that depicts the world constantly in motion and often on the cusp of a transitional stage.
You stroll through the gallery and find yourself lost in these worlds: from a blooming field of Cecilias that hide signs of decay and rot; to the ancient mountain of Vindagnyr — verdant and prosperous, only belied by a thin flutter of snow on the ground; to the old city of Mondstadt blanketed by darkness and a whisper of a storm.
But not all of it signifies doom and gloom. There's the Tower of Decarabian and the bubbles of resistance hidden among the crowd. The early formation of Liyue Harbor, a skeleton of its now glorious self. The rain slowing its downpour on Yashiori Island. A dazzling depiction of Sumeru City as dreams return to its people.
You stop at a painting of Starsnatch Cliff at night, not as sprawling or grandiose as the others, but something about the simplicity of it draws you in. You wonder what the change could be in this one, could it be the saplings of Cecilia dotted throughout the dusky landscape? Or something in the breeze? Or maybe it's the silhouette of two figures sitting on the precipice of the cliff, bodies so close together that they almost seem to be fusing.
You stare at the sight, entranced. An overwhelming, unnameable feeling fills your soul, a mixture of wistfulness, nostalgia, and yearning. You've been to Starsnatch Cliff once before, but never like this. This is the cliff in another time other than your own. So why is it that you can feel the breeze caressing your cheek, the solid presence of someone beside you, their velvet touch against your skin?
You snap out of your reverie just in time to realize that you had a hand outstretched as if you were going to touch the canvas. You look around to catch the disapproving look from the security guard nearby and quickly retract your hand, your cheeks flaming in shame.
You walk away, and that unexplainable feeling becomes nothing more than dew sliding off a leaf.
That night, a young man wanders discreetly through the gallery, his eyes as blue as the waters of Cider Lake sweeping over each artwork before halting at a particular one.
He gazes at the painting of the lovers on Starsnatch Cliff, and only those observant enough would be able to understand the look in his eyes.
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The creature had everything anyone could ever desire for. Respect from his colleague, power, talent, friends, family, even love. Oh, how he trembled when he realized that this molded heart of his could be capable of such a flighty and ferocious emotion.
How tangible he must have felt, how corporeal and human to be able to taste the fruits of love. He thought he had risen above his shameful origins and was worthy to stand by his lover.
Oh, how the gods anticipated his eventual fall from grace.
It's the perfect day for a stroll in the park, and you congratulate yourself for dragging your body out of bed and enjoy the weather for a little bit, even when your plans for the evening consist of binge-watching your favorite shows and ordering takeout. Ah well, no shame in that.
You're walking along the lake when you feel something crashing into you. You're preparing to chastise them when you realized that the person is only a child, a blonde girl wearing a red dress adorned with clover patterns whose height only manages to hit your upper thighs. Tears rim her eyes, and she has a panicked look on her face.
"What's wrong, are you lost?"
"Klee can't find her mom anywhere! I wanted to see the ducks so I turned away from her for a moment and now I don't know where she is!" She lets out in a ramble.
"Ok," you gently take a hold of her shoulders. "I need you to calm down for me, Klee. We'll find your mom together."
"Yeah," you smiled. "I promise. Can you describe her to me?"
"M-mom has blonde hair like me, and she's wearing a red dress today so we can match! She's also tall, and very pretty!"
You nod and look down at her dress. Let's hope that there's not a lot of blonde women wearing red dresses with clover patterns in the park today. "Ok, let's go find her."
You let the little girl take your hand and slowly lead her through the park, eyes peeled for the woman fitting the description. You decided to go towards the security booth, thinking that if a panicked parent just lost their child, that would probably be the first place they go to.
Along the way, you get to talking with Klee to ease her worries, asking about her family and listening to her stories about Dodoco (her early interest in chemistry and bomb-making is a bit concerning, but you attribute that to childhood curiosities.)
"You remind me of my brother!"
"Hm? I do?"
She nods enthusiastically, her previous worry seeming to have lessened. "Big brother is also very kind, and he always look after me. Even when he's busy with work, he would find time to play with me."
"Sounds like a good brother."
"He is! I love him very much!"
Thankfully, true to your guess, when you arrive near the booth, there's a hassled woman fitting the description talking to the security guy., waving her arms around frantically.
"Mama!" Klee exclaims and leaves your side to run to her. At the shout, the woman turns around, her eyes brightening in relief.
"Klee!" She springs her arms open to hug the girl. "Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you!"
"I'm sorry," Klee hangs her head guiltily. "I just wanted to look at some ducks."
The woman's shoulders sag. "Oh well, that's alright my little clover. You're here now. Are you okay?"
"Mhmm! I had some help!" Klee gestures to you, still standing there to see the reunion. The woman locks her eyes with yours, and to your surprise, a quick flash of recognition goes through them. She looks at you stiffly, eyebrows furrowed and her mouth almost hanging open.
But she recovers only a second later. "Thank you for helping my Klee."
"It's nothing." You wave a hand. "I'm glad I was able to help."
She nods, and the movement seemed tense. "Come on Klee, say goodbye to the nice person."
"Bye bye!"
"Bye Klee, bye Dodoco."
The woman looks as if though she wants to say something more, but at the last minute she turns away, and offers nothing else than a wave goodbye.
───── ⋆⋅✨⋅⋆ ─────
His fate may not be written by their hands, but his lover was not immune to the whims of destiny.
How cruel it must have been to see a life taken so prematurely, when there was still so much potential and purpose left. How distraught the alchemist was when he witnessed the lifeless body of his lover, how he had begged and pleaded and prayed to the gods he never truly believed in.
They were anticipating this moment, and his next action was one that would seal their paths forever.
"False creation, your attempt at tampering with the natural order of this world to revive a human corpse to life has left us no choice but to intervene. Their soul is no longer of this world, and it is not your right to tether them back to a husk. We cannot ignore this transgression, nor can we let it go unpunished. While everything in this world live and die, you cannot age nor die. Enjoy your immortality, homunculus, and know that you will never be reunited with your love. No matter how many ages past, no matter how many times they reincarnate, no matter if civilizations rise or fall, your paths will never cross again. Heed our words, homunculus. Heed them...or reap the consequences."
You're speedwalking on the sidewalk, silently hoping that you'll make it in time for your appointment. You weave through the streets towards the tracks, the pedestrian light ahead letting you know that a tram will be making its way through soon. You speed up, but the moment your feet makes contact with the tram tracks, you turn to meet the sparkling teal eyes of a young man, his pale blond hair brushing his shoulders, strands pulled back into a half-ponytail to reveal ethereal and delicate features that takes your breath away.
How does one measure a moment when it seems to last forever? You're confident that you're still moving, and yet your feet seem to anchor itself to the ground, trapping yourself in this one instance and refusing to let you go. Everything that is once concrete fizzles out until your surroundings become nothing but dust. There's nothing but you and this man that you've never seen before.
Then why is it that deep inside you feel something call out to you? Why is it that goosebumps rise to your skin and ears buzzed and something creaks in your mind like an abandoned cabinet finally being opened?
Why is he gazing at you with so much tenderness and sadness?
The moment passes. You emerge on the other side safely, the tram blocking your sight entirely. You find yourself lingering for a few seconds, as if seeing if you can catch another look at that mysterious person. The fleeting desire is broken when you take a glance at your phone, horrified to know that you only have a few minutes left.
You dash off, all thoughts of that beautiful man seemingly lost to you.
───── ⋆⋅✨⋅⋆ ─────
Albedo watches as the tram pass, and to his disappointment there is no sign of you on that other side.
He had anticipated this. The gods have kept vigilant to their words for thousands of years, never letting up in their promise to never let him see you ever again. But this slip of theirs...how interesting.
He had seen it in your eyes, he knows that deep down your soul still recognizes him, even when a fog encases your heart and mind. This gives him some hope yet, that those deities up above are not all-powerful and omnipresent.
He turns away, his footsteps clacking against the sidewalk as he thinks about his next move.
He will find their weakness, topple them from their heavenly thrones with his bare hands, and reweave the strands of fate.
After all, Albedo has nothing but time and patience.
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
nothing like a good ol' day until you hit that one kinshift and you start to get this with bad feelings because of source memories (coughs susbedo) and you don't want to remeber that
- an Albedo Kreideprinz from Genshin Impact
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astranne · 2 years
Can i request a max level friendship Albedo? :)
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fandom genshin impact
series in which genshin characters reach level 10 in friendship and become self aware
word count 354
series masterlist // series masterlist mondstadt // navigation
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notes // hey ^^ of course, thank you for the request anon! sadly, i didn't have time yet to do the story quests of all the characters, so i'll have to work with what i know about albedo. it isn't much, in comparison to other characters, but i hope i'll do him justice with this one :)
warnings // hints of god!reader
Albedo had known the cruelty of gods and humans since a very long time. And he survived it. Yet, the scars and memories remain, and it‘s hard to not let the bitterness and anger at them grow.
But as the Head Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, he knows not all humans are cruel and evil. Jean is a dutiful young woman, her leading of the knights true and just, while the others help her.
And Klee? Klee is an adorable little thing, full with curiosity and chaos. So what if he taught her new potions and reactions for more bombs? She carries a pyro vision, her passion is fire and he would only do more harm than good if he would try to curb said curiosity and passion.
He liked Mondstadt and it’s people, his home in Dragonspine and his friendship with Sucrose. Yet he couldn‘t help but to feel melancholic sometimes, his mood down and leaving himself isolating, not wanting the company of others.
These days gained numbers and he started taking his frustrations out on the Fatui and monsters in Dragonspine. Nothing odd happened for a long time, but then he noticed how he grew stronger.
The scientist he was, he immediately took notes and made tests, repeating his geo attacks until he could note the difference from before. It was odd and he had no explanation, yet he continued to study himself and the reason for his sudden growth.
His melancholic moods vanished, now filled with curiosity and the urge to know why. He still has no answers, no explanation or solid theory until the voice spoke to him.
Strong, yet soft spoken, whispered words in his ears, full of praise and guidance. No god he has ever know fit this voice and their blessings unlike others. He heard of a few gods' chosen ones, their champions and he couldn't help but think was he one too?
He receicived no answer from the unknown god, and so he could only take these blessings and be thankful. Thankful for the ever present god, hearing their voice and finding comfort in it.
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
Hello! -she was holding a box in her hands-
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"Ah.. hello.. what are you doing in the cold of Dragonspine..?" -Albedo carries his usual neutral mood, mixed with some visible worry for his friend.-
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pixyys · 3 years
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okay but what if this (chalk) man
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used to look like this when he was first born
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gif: titus alexius from magi
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dkniade · 3 years
Is he really your big brother Albedo by this point?
Based on IG @4dango-the2nd’s Albedo comic series of “Voices in Ice and Snow”! I love the series very much for its story, lighting, and layout of the pages.
The story is really well-written — I recommend you to check it out if you like Albedo-centric lore and exploring concepts of trust in the Knights of Favonius!
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Attempts at giving corrupted Albedo a dragon-looking mouth
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So I was gonna try to make a really ✨Aesthetic✨ F/O list by fandom but DEAR GOD IT WAS TAKING FOREVER then I saw someone followed and I read their DNI (before I followed back) and because they didn’t like sharing F/Os I had the dumbest epiphany, i could just- type them out like a list I mean, cause I was so lost on how I wanted to format so here you go after probably too long, my F/O list (that will probably update every so often)
Also I don’t mind sharing F/Os!
Also I kinda have an AU thing going on, and I haven’t finished all the series I have F/Os from (yes, I am dumb) so what im saying is, I have ✨Ascended✨ From Canon it no longer controls me
Romantic/Explicitly Dating (❤️)
Jaden Yuki (Yugioh GX)
Yuya Sakaki (Yugioh Arc V)
Yuto Sakaki (Yugioh Arc V)
Yugo Sakaki (Yugioh Arc V)
Yuri Sakaki (Yugioh Arc V)
Romantic/ Crush (💖)
Yusaku Fujiki (Yugioh Vrains)
Ramuda Amemura (hypnosis mic)
Dice Arisugawa (hypnosis mic)
Gentaro Yumeno (hypnosis mic)
Verine (Afterl!ve the sacred kaleidoscope)
Louis (Code Vain)
{For the explicit reason of laziness for my F/Os from idol game properties I’ll just name the group and you can just assume I have a crush on the whole group}
Knights (ensemble stars)
Switch (ensemble stars)
Eden (ensemble stars)
2wink (ensemble stars)
Valkyrie (ensemble stars)
St☆rish (Uta no prince sama)
Quartet Night (Uta no prince sama)
{and that ends that section of the list}
Carla Tsukinami (Diabolik lovers)
Shin Tsukinami (Diabolik Lovers)
Kino (Diabolik Lovers)
Laito Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
Kanato Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
Subaru Sakamaki (Diabolik lovers)
The Mukamis (Diabolik Lovers)
Aether (Genshin Impact)
Venti (Genshin Impact)
Diluc Ragnavindr (Genshin Impact)
Kaeya Alberich (Genshin Impact)
Albedo Kreideprinz (Genshin Impact)
Childe/ Ajax (Genshin Impact)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Xingqiu (Genshin Impact)
Xiao (Genshin Impact)
Beidou (Genshin Impact)
Thoma (Genshin Impact)
Kazuha Kaedehara (Genshin Impact)
Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact)
Gorou (Genshin Impact)
Scaramouche/ Wanderer (Genshin Impact)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted wonderland)
Silver (Twisted Wonderland)
Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted wonderland)
Epel Felimer (Twisted wonderland)
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Vantias (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Obanai Iguro (Demon slayer)
Rengoku Kyojuro (Demon slayer)
Giyuu Tomioka (Demon Slayer)
Enmu (Demon slayer)
Douma (Demon slayer)
Aoi (Ayakashi Romance reborn)
Yura (Ayakashi Romance reborn)
Shouto Todoroki (MHA)
Bakugo Katsuki (MHA)
Tamaki Amajiki (MHA)
Arthur Pendragon prototype (FGO)
Sigurd (FGO)
Siegfried (FGO)
Jekyll & Hyde (FGO)
Prince of Lanling (FGO)
Cú Chulainn prototype (FGO)
Astolfo (FGO)
Emiya (FGO)
Edmond Dantes (FGO)
Robin Hood (FGO)
Platonic but might Date some (🍀)
Jesse Anderson (Yugioh GX)
Zane Trusdale (Yugioh GX)
Atticus Rhodes (Yugioh GX)
Chazz Princeton (Yugioh GX)
Yuzu Boyle (Yugioh Arc V)
Lulu Obsidian (Yugioh Arc V)
Rin (Yugioh Arc V)
Selina (Yugioh Arc V)
Aoi Zaizen (Yugioh Vrains)
Volks (Blush Blush)
The Sakamakis (Diabolik Lovers)
Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers)
Lumine (Genshin Impact)
Lisa (Genshin Impact)
Jean (Genshin Impact)
Barbara (Genshin Impact)
Noelle (Genshin Impact)
Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Razor (Genshin Impact)
Bennett (Genshin Impact)
Xiangling (Genshin Impact)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Chongyun (Genshin Impact)
Ayaka Kamisato (Genshin Impact)
Sangonomiya Kokomi (Genshin Impact)
Kuki Shinobu (Genshin Impact)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
Collei (Genshin Impact)
Layla (Genshin Impact)
Deuce Spade (Twisted wonderland)
Lillia (Twisted wonderland)
Cater Diamond (Twisted wonderland)
Ruggie Bucchi (Twisted wonderland)
Leona Kingscholar (Twisted wonderland)
Neige LeBlanche (Twisted wonderland)
Rook Hunt (Twisted wonderland)
Floyd Leech (Twisted wonderland)
Jade Leech (Twisted wonderland)
Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted wonderland)
Kalim Al Asim (Twisted Wonderland)
Jack Howl (Twisted wonderland)
Sebek Zigvolt (Twisted wonderland)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
Naminé (Kingdom Hearts)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Tanjiro (Demon Slayer)
Inosuke (Demon slayer)
All the Class 1-A Girls (MHA)
Dr. Roman (FGO)
Sessyoin Kirara (FGO)
Himiko (FGO)
Strictly platonic/ Familial (🌼)
Yusei Fudo (Yugioh 5Ds) {Dad}
Akiza Izinski (Yugioh 5Ds) {Mom}
The rest of team 5Ds (Yugioh 5Ds) {Aunts and Uncles}
Blair Flannigan (Yugioh GX) {like a little sister to me}
Sora Shuinn (Yugioh arc V) {my little Rat}
Zarc (Yugioh Arc V) {my S/I’s sister’s boyfriend}
Fischl (Genshin Impact) {I just couldn’t see myself dating her ever despite the fact she’s like my favorite girl lol}
Ortho Shroud (Twisted Wonderland) {Baby blueberry}
Illyasviel von Einzbern (FGO) {Aka the character that broke me and finally made me admit I just really like adopting daughters in media, don’t watch her spin off show it’s bad}
May or may not be in the middle of an enemies to lovers arc (I don’t even like that trope) (☠️)
Aster Phoenix (Yugioh GX)
Ayato Kamisato (Genshin Impact)
Vil Schoenhit (Twisted wonderland)
Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland)
The end… is just the beginning
Haha that’s an ever after high reference for you COOL people!! Cause you read this whole thing you’re COOL now, I said!
Genshin UID: 641595784
Master Duel Player ID: 298509664
Fate/GO ID: 093,774,034
Disney Twisted Wonderland ID: Tf1ZSxnM
Ensemble Stars EN ID: 5029895371
Here! Have these Codes cause you’re COOL!
Anyways hope you had fun reading about my fictional harem for some reason! (Thanks if you did it to just be polite anyway)
Edited: January 2nd 2023
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wwindblumee · 2 years
(//ASHFHSH im so sorry is it okay if we continue from this one instead? the last one sounded kind of bland to me 💦) "bedo?" haruka called. she had her bag slung over her shoulder and hair tied out of the way. "um, can you help me with this commission? there's a group of fatui i need to track down by falcon coast and- i didn't expect for their stronger soldiers to be present." ~Lycoris
yes of course!! :D
Albedo peeked out from around the door, giving a nod. " Of course, my sunlight. I'll be there in a moment. "
The alchemist took a minute, but left the room after a bit. He was wearing his hair in a different style. It cascaded down his back and allowed his bangs to actually rest over his eyebrows. He smiled, an almost teasing expression.
" Do you like it, my love? I was trying to experiment with my hair a bit today. "
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sons-of-rhine · 2 years
Do you guys have any nick names for each other? Like how Paimon sometimes gives people ‘ugly nicknames’
✨It’s not very creative, but Nigredo often refers to me as just “baby brother.” Durin has taken to calling me Little Albedo.
❄️I also called you the Golden Child of Gold at one point.
✨Yes. That was…before our reconciliation, and I could feel the venom in those words.
❄️Anyway, Albedo likes to call me “Nuisance”~
✨Klee is our little Good Luck Charm.
🌺And of course, lots of people call me Ruby.
✨We also refer to each other by our titles sometimes; Erdeprinz, Kreideprinz, and Blumeprinz.
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elearealis · 3 years
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Albedo Kreideprinz ✨
impulsive chibi doodle cuz I'm already so freakin' nervous pulling for him lmao WISH ME GOODLUCK
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cafe-de-lune · 3 years
ଘ꒰⑅ ´ ˘ ` ⑅ ꒱♡ 𓂃 ⋆ 。 𓊆 @cocoaevening 𓊇 ᵎ ⤾·˚ ༘
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‧₊˚ʚ :: MOONLIT DREAM ꒷꒦ 🌙 ˖˚˳⊹
matches you with . . .
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꒦‧₊ ꒷ zhongli ๑ ✨ ꒱
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✧┊Zhongli would take you around Liyue when he has off time from the funeral parlour. He is a walking talking encyclopedia so while you two are on this trip visiting new places, he will tell you about the history and ramble off about it. (His deep voice is honestly so soothing) He will be the type of person who would take you to hidden pretty places which are hidden and honestly some of it are the prettiest scenery you’ve ever seen. And he would secretly take pride at your awed facial expression
✧┊He knows there are a lot of dangers in venturing out into the Liyue countryside and especially in obscure hidden areas. But you don’t need to worry about that. Even though he lost his gnosis, he still has the power of Geo and his spear skills. So when he senses danger, find yourself being covered by his shield as he eradicated the threat. And if you have a vision and you can fight, he’s not going to stop you from fighting. He’s just going to keep a close eye on you to make sure you don’t get hurt
✧┊Zhongli knows a lot about teas. So after a long day of exploring and visiting new places, he would know what tea to wash away the fatigue. And he will personally brew it for you using the best tea leaves. And when it’s late at night, he would sometimes brew tea that helps sleeping. There would be kind of a tradition in which you two drink tea while moonviewing. It’s really peaceful and Zhongli enjoys those moments of tranquility especially when it’s with the person he loves. And what he likes the most are when you lean your head onto his shoulder (and if you fall asleep, he will gently smile and bridal carry you to tuck you into the bed)
✧┊other compatibles: albedo “kreideprinz”
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astranne · 2 years
Dropping this now to get rid of the fuzzyness in my chest.
Blind!albedo let's go. I 100% think Albedo would blind himself in an chemistry accident and have to rely on his knowledge of his surroundings. He most definitely tries to figure out to how to get his vision back he ultimately gives up because, after awhile he knew he would have to adjust to this new life.
Or maybe Albedo's eyes slowly degrading, maybe his memories too, maybe hes losing his sight and he cant remember faces anymore, he doesnt remember Jean's scrunched face when Albedo wakes up at his desk, he doesnt remember Kaeya's sympathic eyes when Albedo is pouring his fifth cup of coffee that day, he doesnt remember Lisa's unwavering scary gaze anymore when he returns a book just a few minutes before the deadline. Maybe he's forgetting Klee and he's scared to forget her and hes doing everything he can to get his memories and vision back to he doesnt forget the few family and friends he can.
Maybe he goes out and forgets where he is, Dragonspine does look similar (i get lost so much), maybe he now needs someone to guide him to remind him of what hes doing, maybe he forgets his origins what truly was and made to be. Maybe he slips up on it, forgetting its suppose to be a secret.
Blind!Albedo running his fingers along the wall with a fast pace and everyone moving out the way because he will push you out the way u forgivingly.
Him with a cane? Oh my god he most definitely hits People ankles with it, especially people being disrespectful to any of his friends (Sucrose especially).
ALBEDO WITH A GUIDE DOG? I dont know if theres any big dogs in Mond other than the huskies that are spotted around town (hoyo let me pet them) but a big slobbery mess of a mastiff dog guiding Albedo around is too cute to me. Klee decorating the guide harness with stickers or etching letters into the leather covering the hard plastics for Albedo to run his fingers over to where they get worn but Klee always etches them again.
Before i continue this, pls note that blind is a very wide spectrum 🫶
Albedo with thick glasses hello?? I think him waking up and forgetting he just cant see clearly anymore so he goes to his lab squinting and Sucrose and Timaeus has to literally carry an extra pair around.
Blind!albedo getting his eyes injured in a scuffle or perhaps one of his eyes got punched a bit too hard.
Maybe he was created with faulty eyes, his eyes are not as good as they are suppose to be, eyes on humans are such delicate things afterall and probably the most vulnerable. He doesnt tell anyone why he bumps into things or why he squints or why he hates changing him room around because he can't remember where everything is.
you came here and delivered this absolutely beauty of a masterpiece, i can’t-
ngl i was prepared for another xiao brainrot but this… is even better holy shit, thank you so much for sending this in (and i'm very sorry this took me so long again hhh-)
BLIND!ALBEDO YES PLEASE?? okay so he's blind now, but you bet he will use his geo vision to 'see'. he pretends not to, so he can fool some people (aka assholes and unsuspecting strangers seeing a blind man and be like 'i'm so sorry this happened to you, do you need help' and albedo proceeds to beat them up without breaking a sweat)
he still has a cane and guide dog tho. the cane is kinda a fashion statement, gifted to him by lisa and he really likes hitting peoples ankles and shins with it.
the guide dog is definitely a bernhardiner dog. a big slobbery mess and a mountain dog, a perfect companion for him. said dog will be the most spoiled dog in whole mondstadt, if not teyvat. he also always eats the fish klee brings back from fish blasting, even tho most times the fish is... a bit more than burnt. klee is his favourite person, besides albedo. dunno what his name would be... but we can worry about that later.
also, the different ideas about how albedo became blind or is blind? is so brilliant so i'm adding a few things and kinda sorting it in groups
chemistry accident. and while he knows the biology of humans very well, he doesn't have the knowledge to fix himself. after all, he isn't quite human and his master never taught him how to fix his eyes. either he's 100% blind on both eyes or only on one eye (and wearing an eye patch like kaeya xD)
slowly losing his sight. this is such an awesome, but also sad idea. just him slowly but surely losing his sight and also his memories of the people around him. oh he knows that jean is blond and has a beautiful smile, but he just can't remember how it looked like. He knows klee is small and cute, his favorite person of all, but he can't remember how her face looks like when she laughs. he can't remember kaeya's grin and lisa's chuckle, every time something amusing happens.
eye injury. his sight is pretty weak after a fight against the fatui, it doesn't get worse, but it also doesn't get better. he can't read now without glasses and detailed examination of his experiments is a bit more difficult now, since before the accident, his eyes were top notch, super sharp and generally making his life easier when he experiments.
'born' blindness. he isn't exactly blind, one eye sees better than the other, but he still needs glasses to read. his general coordination and awareness of space around him is a bit fucked up, since his creator did create working eyes, but something just... went wrong. maybe his brain can't work well with the pictures and information produced with his eyes, maybe there's something wrong with his eyes. he doesn't dare to change anything, in fear of damaging his eyes even more, this is why he has thick glasses.
in general, blind!albedo would be probably using his geo vision even more, and probably be one of the few mortals, who unlocked all potential of his vision. he can see with his vision, and paired with the elemental sight, he's still an foe you wouldn't want to cross.
(kinda reminds me of toph, from avatar, and ngl albedo figuring out something similar as earthbending would be freaking awesome. after all, fighting with a sword while being blind is a bit difficult, isn't it?)
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serenablueart · 3 years
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Chief Alchemist Albedo 🌿🪨✨ . . . #genshinimpact #genshinimpactalbedo #genshinimpactmihoyo #albedo #alchemyst #genius #geniusalbedo #kreideprinz #alchemystalbedo #genshinimpactfanart #albedofanart #fanart #traditional #traditionalart #manga #pencils #felttips #art #artist #animedraw #animedrawing #illustration #digitalart #digitalartist #scheme https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6WItAIr5U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aabyssalprincee · 2 years
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"Hello.. who are you..?"
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