#;ashley answers
disturbedbeautywrites · 2 months
I WATCHED TWISTERS IN THEATRE YESTERDAY and i was GRIPPING my friend’s hand the whole time because DID YOU SEE ANTHONY RAMOS AS JAVI??? WOAH and I came across your Tyler Owens imagine! Could you pretty pretty please write one for our boy Javi? Bro doesn’t get enough attention :( I HOPE YOU’RE EATING AND DRINKING OKAY! take care of yourself!!
-anon <3
I saw Twisters a few nights ago and i felt the same way, nonnie! But, I’m going to see it again on Monday with my family so let me get a better idea of Javi’s personality then and I’ll try my best! I have an idea, I just need to flesh it out some!
I’ve also been working on a few more variations of some Tyler imagines so if I get those finished I’ll try and post them as well
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bug4932 · 5 months
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@heyitschartic how delightful!
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thequeenofcupps · 3 months
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A/N: @desire4575 requested this and I hope you enjoy!
CW: mention of zaza, getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 and that’s all!
♫ we all know this mf smokes a lil zaza so sometimes you like to come over and get high with him and watch movies and pig out on snacks
♫ when you go over to his apartment his mom’s literally the sweetest woman alive she’s asking if you’ve eaten anything yet, how school was and asks if you wanna stay over for dinner. Larry’s a lil embarrassed ngl but he’s glad that his gf and his mom get along well
♫ he usually lets you sleep over (sometimes yall get a lil 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 when Henry and Lisa are out on a date or something ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
♫sal likes you a lot not like crushing on you but thinks of you as an older sister/sibling so Larry usually lets Sal hang out with both of you
♫ he introduces you to some metal or more sanity falls songs and you introduce him to your type of music and y’all just make a mix tape made of genres you both like and play that on date nights
♫you guys also paint each other’s nails but you have to put a protective layer on cuz he picks at his nails
♫you guys sometimes do spa days like face masks, skincare, nail painting and such but it’s rare cuz he’s a lil lazy to do skincare so you usually force him to enjoy it
♫you and the gang go to the lake sometimes and sometimes you sit on your towel and read but Larry being Larry decides to lay on you… wet
I hope that wasn’t your favorite book cuz it’s ruined now
♫you have play fights like pillow fights, arm wrestling fights, and just playful wrestling but that fucker hit you so hard with his FUCKING PILLOW THAT HE BLOWS ZAZA SMOKE INTO and you passed out for like 5 minutes. Yeah maybe no more pillow fights for a while… but don’t worry you made him pay! 😚
♫he genuinely loves you so much he’d blow up if something happened to you :c
♫ also he steals your bras and wears them if ur taking a shower
(Also make his ass wash that stank ass pillow cuz that’s nasty asf)
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A/N: I’m really sorry if this is short I haven’t played the game all the way yet but I hope you enjoy 😭
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newtonsheffield · 4 months
Kanthony’s wedding anniversary 🥹 May 13, 1814
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I’m sorry, but I love these dorks.
I love them.
I love them.
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andreaheartscats · 6 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could please do Sal fisher who’s dating someone who has a pet rats? (Like 2-3) ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
oh my god yess!! also hello there to you too:) this is my first time writting a request so i hope i don't disappoint you :')
a/n: i hope this is what you expected and sorry for any grammer mistakes i made! proofread? nahh. im too lazy but anyways i hope you enjoy !
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"Do you have a rat problem?"
You were chilling in your apartmant waiting for your boyfriend Sal to come over. You called him a few minuts ago over your walkie-talkie he gave to you not too long ago.
While waiting for him, you decided to play with your two pet rats Harry and Jerry. ( don't ask why i named them that, it's the first thing that came to my mind and it rhymes.)
You took them both out of their cage and placed Jerry, the darker gre one, on your shoulder. And kept Larry in your hands as you gently stroked his tiny head.
You checked their cage in the meantime, making sure it was clean and they had all they need. When suddenly there was a knock on your front door.
Finally. That should be Sal. Even tho he literally lives in the same apartmant building as you, he somehow always takes too long to get to your apartmant.
You placed Harry on your other shoulder and went to get the door. You opend the door and there you saw your living boyfriend Sal with his usual mask on. But only this time you could see his eyes were slightly wide?
"You have rats?!"
was literally the first thing he said to you. "Yea? and your making it sound like i have a rat problem.."
for a moment he was silent while he watched the air of rats climb around your shoulders, sniffing your neck.
You moved to the side and let Sal in so you two could sit in your living room.
"These are my pet rats, how come you never noticed their cage in my bedroom?"
You asked slightly confused while filling a glass of water for him and getting some snacks out. Meanwhile, Harry and Jerry were still just chilling on your shoulders.
"I mean yea i did notice the cage.. but i thought it was for a hamster..."
You chuckle out slightly as you place the glass water on the coffee table and a bowl of some chips.
Comfortably, you sat down on the couch next to Sal. "Wanna pet them?"
you straight up asked him while holding Harry in the palm of your hands, while Jerry was climbing on top of your head.
Not gonna lie, Sal thought it was cute. How you had pet rats and how much you loved animals in general.
Sal nodded his head as he bought his hand to pet Harry.
"gently now."
You told Sal as he began to pet his little head, he seemd to enjoy it.
"Aww i think he likes you"
"Really? Well thats a realife, i don't know what i would've done if my partners pet rats didn't like me."
Sal joked as you two laughed together.
The rest of the time, Sal was playing with your two rats. For a moment it seemed as if he liked them more than you (that ain't true yall). It was cute seeing him smile and laugh without his mask. Especially while he played with your rats.
Now that you think about it.. you gotta be extra careful about them if you want to live with him... I mean gizmo, come on.
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kinkmom · 11 months
giggling and twirling my hair about your andy n leyley stuff, they look so absolutely adorable in your style !!!
Hehee, thank you kindly. :D ♥ Here, take more of them for saying such a nice thing. >:3c
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coffincestuous · 8 months
i’m really curious as to where andrew draws the line between “leyley” and “ashley”
ashley says in chapter one that they went on adventures “as kids,” and seemingly doesn’t think of herself and leyley as different people (as shown below)
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andrew does think of “andy” and “andrew” as different people (symbolically, or so he says), so where does leyley stop being ashley for him? what makes him hate leyley and like ashley? he used to like leyley, too, so what changed?
did she reach a certain age? did she stop dressing a specific way? was there a specific moment he or they had where he stopped thinking of her as leyley?
(this is disregarding all of the moments in chapter one where he calls her leyley, because they agreed to “play pretend” until they got out)
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liketaylorswift · 1 year
find the other albums here (x)
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wildlife4life · 5 months
Nah for the Buddie wedding they won’t make Ryan sing they will make him do a full choreography 😂😂😭😭 I mean he is a dancer tho
There are three things I want in life from abc once we get buddie.
1. Bloopers. All of them
2. Oliver using his true accent for at least one scene
3. A reason to see Ryan’s dance moves
And dear anon the buddie wedding is the perfect time to see those hips roll. Hehehe.
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tcoaal · 25 days
ashley tits. ashley thighs.
but most importantly, ashley smile.
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disturbedbeautywrites · 3 months
I needed to share this with someone and i feel like ‘you look like you love me’ by ella langley sounds exactly like jake (hangman) vibes to me. What are your thoughts?
Oh, it 100% could be! I could definitely see him having an interaction like this either at the hard deck or at a bar back in Texas
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jgyapologism · 4 months
hi :] okay so been seeing people saying shit about how ray "doesnt deserve sand" for a While now & i was wondering what your opinion on all that is lol
oh man.
so i actually started writing an entire essay about this waaaaay back when ofts was still airing, but never got around to finishing/posting.
basically - it's not up to others to decide what someone deserves. it's a slippery fucking slope to stand on when you start making statements about how someone "doesn't deserve" certain people or things in their lives.
ray is a character who is sick, and his sickness affects other people in his life, but it affects him the most. as a character, we see that he has no real support, no real boundaries, and no real reason to try and get help because of those two things.
ray is sick, and he's hurting, and he lashes out and hurts other people because of his pain. is that okay to do? no. do i understand why he does it? yes.
and based on the show - so does sand.
sand can see the hurt and grief in ray's actions - but he also doesn't let it slide. he's the ONE person who holds ray accountable and encourages boundaries (even if he sometimes slips and lets ray trample over them...that's sand's issue, not ray's).
if it's a matter of "deserving" then honestly? they deserve each other. sand is no saint (helloooooo episode 6), but he does try to be a decent person, and he makes ray want to be a better person too. on the flip side, ray's volatile personality forces sand to build boundaries where at one point, he had none (hellooooo boeing).
so, in the shortest possible answer I could give: fuck that.
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freakartack · 9 months
I love the way you draw ashley and penny! they look so adorable!!
Thank you!! Gotta love women in STEM (science technology engineering and Magic)
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@nebbybrush not my thang but i think it's cute that people do! I see ashley as being a lil younger than penny so I imagine their dynamic a lil differently than most i think. But i do enjoy the fact that they are the 2 most likely characters to mix cleaning chemicals for fun
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gatheredfates · 2 months
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Very funny to being doing this with the OC my friends lovingly call "Smashley Motherfuckin' Hawke, Ladies and Gentlemen; First of Her Name".
Height: 6.5 (she is on par with male Highlanders!)
Age: Early/Mid thirties.
Gender: ???
Sexuality: !!!
Pronouns: Yes. (Will respond to anything, primary defaults to she/her).
She is a working woman with a very successful career! She's Lead Courier of Firelight Trading Company. She got the money to spoil you. 🪙
The embodiment of a Labrador: sweet, dumb, friendly and extremely loyal.
She just wants to make you happy.
Extremely social and in-tune with other peoples' emotions.
Probably a careers councillor in another life. She's good at sussing out what other people want, even if its in a round-about way.
She's a good cook!!
She is dumb. She is sooooo dumb. You know that head tilt puppies do when you're talking to them and they have no idea what you're saying? This is Ashe to a T. She will make this motion. You will try to reiterate what you're saying or change your point so she understands you. She will not.
Her need to make people happy can come at a cost to your happiness.
She will not have a clue if you have a crush on her. She is 100% bro mode.
She is also 100% obsessed with her husband, Shiro.
Ashe is not someone you want to be with if you're going to be worried about her safety. She will get herself hurt on the daily; whether that is because of work, her love of brawling or the simple fact she can be a bit of a klutz. Her husband became a doctor for this very reason.
She has a big family full of numerous issues and she will drag herself into them because she just wants to help. Boundaries? Don't know 'em.
Ashe looooves touching. Cuddling, kissing, laying across the lap, etc. If you are smaller than her, she will probably carry you around like a toddler dragging a cat. If you like fighting — congratulations! Combat is also a love language. If you beat her, she will demand you teach her. She is only as competitive as it takes for her to better herself.
She's a switch! Though she tends to take on the more top/dominate role, if you switch up (ha) on her she'll literally look at you with the wow!!! emote.
There's some thoughts between those eyes, but they're certainly not academic. Ashe is street smart, combat versed and emotionally in-tune with others. She will pout at you if you're reading a book when she's around, though.
Ashe is the embodiment of wanderlust. She wants to go everywhere, see everything and do everything. If you're not interested in wandering, you will not have a good time.
Thank you to @thefreelanceangel for tagging me! I'm late but... I'll tag some people anyway. Worst comes to worse, you can do another oc.
@tsukinoxiv, @ffxivtribehydrae, @candycryptids, @eggnogis, @thefrostflower ( I know you have ocs )
@thefreelanceangel (you can do another, I believe in you), @unbreakable-oaths, @hazelkjt, @iron-sparrow, @this-is-ris and you!
If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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lookingfts · 2 months
I mean... Words, I have none. Imagine Anthony suffering because Kate's wearing *that* but Newton is getting all her attention.
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HA! Prime pouty Anthony moment.
Also her skin is unbelievably good like??
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mcsiggy · 19 days
gonna kms, spotify continues to disappoint me.
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