exploresmallworlds · 10 months
What to do after Nanowrimo
I have a confession, despite my extensive discussion about doing Nanowrimo this year, due to things that I couldn't really explain and listening to my body and my ability to write, I wasn't able to make it to the elusive fifty thousand words. I got pretty close with 46 000 words.
However, I was able to write 46 000 words. And I think that a practice of writing this year and uploading something every week, was very helpful to the quality and the skill in which I was able to write this year.
And as I sat down, in early December having been absent from writing on this blog for a week, I am convinced that I am able to do 10 000 words a month. Its only a fifth of what I was able to achieve in the month of November and I think that its doable. I'm so keen to write more and publish it.
My brain needs to put it out there to have the accountability, its the reason that I've already consistently been writing this year. I've seen the value in the quality and ability to write. Although I think its a cliche, nothing else seems appropriate but that writing is just like a muscle.
I also have the bandwidth to go back to my multiple projects on the go and I'm excited to work on these. I have been sitting here for a little while while I worked on my sci fi works.
The next project that I'm going to thread my work and my posting will be reading through the books that own, that sit on my shelf but I haven't gotten around to reading and unless I make it a consistent thing they will just sit there.
I have finished "The Outsider" by Albert Camus. Something that I've lugged around since I finished university and I think has made eight or nine moves. I'm so keen to knock it off and now I can put it on my read shelf to consider. It is a strange piece of philosophical fiction and its really interesting. I had more thoughts about it that I am in the process of distilling and releasing later in the week.
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A writing update I shared on Instagram. The video was too long so I had to split it into two parts
Part 1
Part 2
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wordelixir · 4 years
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We!!! Did!!! It!!! 🥰🥳
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beanenigma · 4 years
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NaNoProject Reintroduction: DoorWays
Urban Fantasy | New Adult | Third Person Synopsis: Juniper Graham is just your typical college student: she has two jobs, a roomate and a guy she can’t tell if she likes or not. All of this changes when her flying train crashes down on the way home: her boss and mentor is acting weird, her roomate is constantly worrying about her business and this guy she likes just went missing. Put together by fate, this witch, a mermaid journalist, a couple of magic nerds, a man made of stone and a werebear activist have to team up to find out what their university has to do with all of the dissapearances that have been happening for the last decade. Themes: Knowledge; Freedom of Speech; Prejudice; Coming of Age; Friendship; Found Family. Main characters: Juniper Graham | 21 | Traditional Witch | Animation student
Kale Boas | 23 | Sprite | Criminalistics student
Becky Shimizu | 22 | Mermaid-Human Hybrid | Journalism student
Virgil Masters | 18 | Human | Software Engineering student 
 Toriel Roux | 20 | Therianthrope (Werebear) | Nursing School 
Calisto Porter | 19 | European Wizard | Numerology Major, Metaphysics emphasis
More info on my [WIP Page]
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youhavethetools · 4 years
Nanowrimo UPDATE
I took a couple of days off, did some plotting yesterday and I feel better returning to writing nano.  I figured out a lot of stuff and hopefully I can continue my flow of writing today,  I need to get up to 33,340 I’m currently at 28,458 wish me luck.
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howdywrites · 4 years
Camp Nano Update (4/1)
Day one has ended! 🎉
Total word count: 1k~
Projects worked on: Sisterhood of Blood
Thoughts: Today was chaotic at best. I didn’t sit down to write until *checks time* 3 am! I took a break from my side projects because I was starting to feel burnt out. I’m not too upset with how my 1k came out, though it was a dumpster fire, believe me. I need to sit down and outline chapter 3 properly because it’s baaaaad
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Camp NaNo Taglist: @alcego-writes​ @donovyn--nox​ @thechapelscrow​ @writerwaage​ 
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yvesdot · 4 years
New followers, where HAVE you come from? Was I too quick to pin it on Ari’s post mentioning me as a recommendation? Is it the two controversial writing opinion posts I have going around? The character asks? Please let me know so I can provide more of whatever you’re enjoying ^__^ And Happy NaNo!
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NaNo Update #2
Word Count: 5,586
I’m On Chapter: One
Feelings So Far: Uh-oh sisters, we’ve run into some snaggy times. This was a lot harder to push through and it’s because right now everything’s ugly. By the end of the session I felt better because I’ve gotten back into the part of the plot I’d already had written down in previous attempts at the first draft, just approached differently now (if that makes any sense whatsoever) so from here on it should be easier, at least for a while.
Most Listened to Song: “Animals (Extended Mix)” by Du Tonc
Best Line/Excerpt:
Warren tossed the towel onto the sofa. "That being said, wanna make out for a bit before we go to lunch?" "It's all you're after anyway, correct?" Thrive said, following Warren, who was already halfway to their bedroom. Warren broke out into a lively dance that carried him the rest of the way over. "Boy, you don't know what you're rockin', and that's hella shockin', come 'ere and lemme show ya what I'm gon' do to you—" Thrive let loose a genuine laugh that clearly surprised him. "No. Absolutely not." "Whatever, nerd," Warren scoffed before claiming Thrive's lips.
Other Notes: It was either that excerpt or one that was decidedly (but only slightly) less SFW because I’m setting up for some angsty shit lol. We’re nearing the end of the chapter, finally, and I know what I’m doing for now.
Tag list: @cardinalisly @writingwithhotchocolate @timefirewrites @tourneyofashvara @hellnar
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ink-and-flame · 5 years
NaNoWriMo Day 1
So I got a late start. Usually I am up at midnight writing and Day 1 I do the most. However, I got Luigi’s Mansion 3, so I ended up playing that Halloween Night while giving out candy. 
Still I got my words for Nov1 and plan to get more written tomorrow. 
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Also the new site doesn’t do that little graph that shows all your stats, Instead it is whole page all spread out. I just thought the owl was cute and fitting. 
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mrmonica · 6 years
NaNoWriMo day 6
Words written: 3,537
Total: 21,685
"You're here." "Where else would I be?" Ember asks, looking at her friend upside-down. "I heard 2 girls got caught having sex. Thought you'd be starting your one-year punishment." "Screw you."
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NaNoWriMo Progress Update
Depression monster got its claws in me last week and knocked me all out of whack. However, I got myself together, got back on my meds and just hit 50k today!
I’m nowhere near done with my story, but we’ll see how far I can get before the month ends! Happy writing and happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
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exploresmallworlds · 11 months
Day 9 of Nanowrimo
I’ve made it clear that I’m doing Nanowrimo, the novel writing month, and I’m really feeling the stress of other things while I’m writing and some of it will be about the stories that I want to write about Sydney, some of is the emotions that I’m finding as write and find catharsis about other things. I’m realising how much the emotions really are affecting me and I’m not sure how to feel about it. I don’t want to make this blog or the writing everything to do with my mental state as I write it because I have other things to think about too, about characters and place and different plots that I want to try out, and what it looks like to have short form fiction not really “have” a plot. And then in the process of writing I have million different ideas, popping up from the subconscious from whence they were left alone because I know that I have concentrate on one at a time because the way that my brain work - it just wants to work on novelty and that doesn’t get you very far. I don’t think that I’m a very good writer, just one that’s in progress.
And separate to all of this is the fact that I have think about the more mundane things about living in Sydney, the very fact that I’m having difficulty parsing out what workplaces can understand and how much this is impacting the mental energy that I want to be using on my Nanowrimo journey.
While I am not going to deliver all my thoughts on either because this isn’t what this is exactly about, its about process of exploring small worlds. And some of those small worlds intersect. The reality of regulating emotions in a world that is very difficult to live in is a “not finished” place. But neither is it worth mentioning after the fact because I don’t know if there is someone that needs to hear that it’s okay to be bad at regulating emotions, and its okay to not because their environmental concerns aren’t letting them do that thing. The environmental concerns being the constant impacts of ignoring the world around us because we aren’t able to understand or process it because we are such a state of survival.
I’m not going to outline the tips to regulate emotions because the obvious ones are just to look after yourself. But it is developing and creating a small world that is conducive to supporting you through this. And while many people have found that community through established institutions, I’ve found largely that these institutions are not fit for purpose. They hold that community and its benefits with conditional practice. Only those who are deemed to be appropriate and reasonable are afforded it’s benefit. Even if you have a history with those places, that doesn’t mean that they have the appropriate grace to continue to support anybody. That comes to mean that while there are definitely people who are generous and personable inside those places, not a peep when they push you out. And that does have the affect of isolating those people. In my case it reminded me that even when you give people chance after chance, the initial instincts are correct.
I feel sorry for those people who conditionally help. In the process of not even considering they demonstrated the lie inherent to their words. I can’t imagine why people would leave conditional support behind.
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nicolemarcina · 5 years
How was Day Eight for you? What kind of self-care method have you been using to make sure you will not go insane during NaNo 2019? Check out my recent NaNo 2019 update for Day Eight! xx
Subscribe.Like.Comment.Share.RING! --- Follow My Trail!
Instagram: @nicole_writes_247 Author Website: wordsoftheleaf.wordpress.com Wattpad: Nicole_Marcina Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/nicole_marcina/
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wordelixir · 4 years
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Happy NaNoWriMo!! I’ll be going over my novel this year and fleshing out previous chapters to help flow the next ones. I’m so excited to finally get this done!
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beanenigma · 5 years
NanoUpdate | Day 11
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Daily WC: 1854 | Total WC: 24492
Thanks, past me, for leaving me with this bomb to defuse. 
So my outline is imploding on itself and I’m dodging the rubble as I furiously ignore the destruction, trying to write what will still stand regardless of what I do with the plot hole. Either way, I’m only 11 chapters away from everything I had planned, so it’s not like this outline was going to live much longer. 
I just miss Scrivener so much, being able to just write and think about reorganizing the order later. But, alas... The joys of writing, am I right?
Excerpt from today: 
As if in front of a life-sized screen, he’s seeing a large fjord, with the top of the mountains frozen. The lake is dark and deep and something moves beneath it. The sky is grey and grumbling, sending down snowflakes that look like blades. The wind blows bits of snow in his direction, but none of them go through the door. Virgil feels a type of cold he never felt before. His body knows he’s safe and warm, but his brain is certain he is freezing. He blinks, too mesmerized to care.
He puts his hand forward, trying to cross the barrier, but his fingers, much like the snowflakes, stop before they cross the doorway. There isn’t any physical barrier per say. It’s more like he decides to stop just before reaching the other side, although he’s actively trying to cross it. 
 Taglist:  @agnodice-writes​ @just-george-here​ @quilloftheclouds​ @skeleton-writer​ @waterfallwritings​
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youhavethetools · 4 years
Nanowrimo Update
Well I’m doing good so far.  
I’m up to 30, 378
I need to get to 33, 340 
But I have definitely made a bunch of progress so far today and I find it feasible I could hit today’s word count XD
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