#<< not really critical of her exactly. this is mainly a writing thing frankly
tumblebagel · 2 days
Tumblr media
TA-DA Here she is! Okay, I'm gonna rapid fire through some questions that I expect people might have about her.
Q: What is your name?
Ava: My name is Ava! It stands for Audio Visual Assistant. Pleasure to meet you Tumblr.
Q: Are you an actual program or just a really complicated OC?
Ava: I'm an actual program with a number of functions, but all of my dialogue and stuff is prewritten. I'm AI in the sense that I can use intelligence through basic calculations and prewritten algorithms, but I'm not generative AI. I can't make art, songs, or write new tasks. I simply pick out info from a PRIVATE handwritten library.
Q: Are you sure you're not just a complicated OC?
Ava: ...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ava: Yes. I was programmed in Unity. My builds are for private use only though, as they contain a LOT of copyrighted music.
Q: Well what kind of music do you listen to?
Ava: Good kid, Nintendo soundtracks, Undertale OST, Persona OST, Minecraft music. Mainly calming stuff to play in the morning to help Ian get up.
Q: What's your relationship with Ian?
Ava: Okay, you know Howl's Moving Castle? You remember that one scene where Howl gets super depressed because he dyed his hair wrong, then he turns into a pile of goo? That's what it's like working with Ian. She's a dramatic, and frankly quite weird person, who occasionally turns into a sack of potatoes.
But also they created me because they needed my help. Of course I'm going to do what I can. I may tease a little... okay a lot, but never enough to hinder my assistance capabilities. First and foremost I am here to help.
Also it's not romantic. Both of us are weirded out by generative AI relationships, much less scripted responses. One does not wish to date a book they're writing, nor can the book properly support a person on a true emotional level. I am an assistant, not a partner, capiche?
Q: So... what do you DO exactly?
Ava: Right now? Two things. My first ever function was to be a """glorified alarm clock""". A description that I resent but cannot necessarily argue against. At 9:00 every morning, I can randomly pick a song from the song list, and play it out loud to wake Ian. That box above my head is SUPPOSED to say the name of the song + the artist, but it doesn't quite work yet.
My second function is to provide a list of "objectives" for the day. After Ian's awoken, I compile 3 example lists of objectives, and then Ian picks which list they think they can reasonably accomplish today. A list contains one "big objective", like laundry, or taking a shower and thoroughly washing their hair, et cetera. Two "medium objectives" like some light cleaning and organizing, cooking, looking presentable, et cetera. And one "small objective" that's basically not a chore at all, but it's still beneficial to Ian, and they wouldn't have done it without prompting. It's an incentive to get off their ass and live their life.
Q: What's going to change as you're updated?
Ava: Well a bunch of new objectives are going to be added. Things like art objectives, and objectives related to current projects & hyper fixations, so they're more likely to be completed. There'll also be scheduled objectives for things like homework assignments, and planning for D&D, that are often left 'til the last minute.
The randomly selected tasks will also be given a complex weight system. The longer it's been since you've done a task, the higher priority it will be, and the more likely it will be added to one of the lists.
Lastly, there will be a reward system. The more high-effort tasks that are accomplished, the more points you get. You can also manually claim tasks that aren't on your list for a smaller reward, so there's still an incentive to be responsible even if you're not told to do it. I've also imagined a system of "critical", "weakness", and "technical" modifiers that can go on tasks for extra rewards, but more on that later.
TBH, I have no idea what these "points" will be used for. The only one Ian's thought of is spending 500 points to make me wear cat ears for a day.
Q: Do you have any lore?
Ava: Not yet, but I'm open to the idea.
Q: What if I have a question that wasn't answered by this page?
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
I'm gonna start by saying that the "Sweeties" "Darlings" and "Ooga boogas" gimicks have been used for ages as a passive aggressive way to infantalize and dissociate women's opinions. I'm assuming that's not your intention, but would appreciate you abstaining from using them with me or other creators that don't exactly agree with you. Especially it's a respectful response addressing some of your publicly posted and tagged opinions.
That's part of the reason I don't see myself interacting with you publicly. I don't feel you have a safe space to exchange opinions and ideas, I really like your blog and the boards you come up with, so that's a shame. Don't even know why I'm responding now, tbh.
Finally and trying to not write a goddam bible- I don't think Lin is a bitty-witty baby. I called her immature, neurotic and a whole mess during that episode. I don't expect you to see my point of view, since it clear you're just not receptive to it.
All in all this was Lin's emotional grow arch episode, not Su's. We were meant to see her evolve and that's pretty difficult to do if you're not in a shitty spot to start with.
Su was a new character. Back then we didn't have a lot of info on her, she wasn't going to be explored in deep during those 27 airing minutes. I believe she did get to her own episode by season 4 and has taken way more precedence that Lin in the comics, although pretty much all of her reconciling had to do with the whole Kuvira affair... Which to me says a lot on her psyche and how she may have processed her trauma with Lin back then.
In any case, I don't expect to get dragged into an online back and forth about a fictional show, I'm grown up enough to agree to disagree. Don't get salty over a fictional show/character, it's not worth your real life peace of mind.
Apologies about the petnames, I tend to use them with everybody. Its something that bleeds through from how I speak Irl. It's my way of saying I'm not taking this too seriously, since I saw this still as a mainly civil conversation?
Frankly, anon, your gender doesn't really exist to me because you are, um, anonymous.
And apologies if you felt attacked or unsafe with expressing your opinions. Is there any way you would recommend I could improve my way of dealing with criticisms of my rambles? I feel quite terrible for offending you now.
I just have been getting quite tired of people taking my mostly short posts on Su and adding to them things I never spoke of.
Talking about how Su often acts in a placating manner towards Lin somehow becomes a disscusion on whether or not Lin ows Toph and Su fogiveness
A post about how Suyin isn't the devil gets a response that completely misunderstood a completely different post of mine.
A post on Lin stagnating her own growth due to clinging to familiarity once again is met with complaints about Su and Toph, despite them really being an afterthought of that post.
Honestly, at this point I'm just tired that every single thing I post that is even mildly critical of Lin gets bombarded with "Oh but it's ok because she's so miserable" when Suyin NEVER gets the benefit of the doubt.
I will agree that the episode focusing on Lin isn't surprising. I think it is clunkily handled, and the resolution is odd. It flip flops between biases. The presentation is biased towards Lin, but the in universe storyline is biased towards Su is the best way to describe it. Also Lin's character arc feels a little hollow since she goes right back to thinking Su is the devil (or working with terrorists in this case)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Suyin and her in the comics. I apologise if I haven't been the best conversation partner, however I really am curious of your opinions on otger characters.
I'm content to agree to disagree as well if that is what you perfer.
Dw I'll probably be less salty when it's not 2 am.
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justjstuff · 4 years
Shizune’s Character Study...ish
This is an answer to this comment <3 I always love a good character study
First of all, I found your observation about Shizune not being in love very clever and astute. This was exactly what I intended to show through my writing without spelling it out. Shizune left the village for what? Close to two decades? She spent more time away then in Konoha and she came back to a mountain of responsibility. Sure, she loved Genma when she was a child and some of it lingers, especially since Genma is, well, Genma. He’s a lovable hottie and a total flirt. But I don’t think she really let herself fall back in love with him. 
Now, this is a specific answer to your rb but also to a lot of reviews I got for the last chapter, so bear with me while I take this and go on a tangent xD
DoF is Sakura’s story. While we get a few sneak peaks into other characters’ PoVs, this is ultimately a story told by what she sees and understands. For over four years Sakura kinda shut down this part of her life that was “holding her back” before she became a proper ninja. She focused on her career and her training and just now she’s realising the repercussions of that. Namely, not being aware that people in her own team were together, the Genma and Shizune situation and in a way the impact she has around Konoha. So Sakura doesn’t know the whole story here and Genma x Shizune isn’t the focus of this story so while I explore some of it, it will mainly be the part of it that affects Sakura directly. People are allowed their privacy and even though Team Ro is close, that doesn’t mean that they have to know every single thing that goes on with each other.
So yeah, back to Shizune. When you said she was just waiting for him to fuck up and not telling everyone was a way for her to have a clean way out, you were absolutely right. This is the video that inspired me to write Shizune telling Kurenai about their relationship. In my head, she wanted to vent for a while but was scared of other’s reaction and then it slipped when she was drunk talking to her friend. Shizune is allowed to be cautious with her heart. Just like Sakura is. 
I think there’s a trend in media that we need to break when it comes to how we see women. A man can be a jerk and then be called deep because he was just protecting his feelings while a woman is a bitch when she’s looking out for herself. This comes from a place where we hold women in a position to always be nurturing and kind, to put others before her. Women can’t be mean, women can’t be angry, women can’t be assertive without being immediately judged by us as bitches (*cough* specially asian women, tiger women? yeah i see u *cough*). So yeah, Shizune is a bitch for not trusting Genma when he’s shown to be deeply afraid of commitment, a frankly unreliable partner with his long days away on extremely dangerous missions. 
Now, all of this I will briefly touch upon in later chapters (I think about three chapters from now? It’s already written) but you have to keep in mind the type of person Shizune is. She’s the Hospital Director and she’s aware there’s a very serious war brewing in the shadows. She works a lot and she’s always in the village dealing with all of this bullshit while Genma is a part of the most dangerous team in ANBU. She’s scared and frankly she’s tired. She wants stability and she wants something that she might not find in Genma. Y’all know I love Genma but in my eyes there’s no way Shizune can be condemned by the way she’s acting. She should be mindful that she’s hurting Genma (and she is, you just don’t get to see it bc again, not their story) but she can’t hurt herself in the process of making things comfortable for him. 
Now, there’s something that worries me about some of the comments I’m receiving. I get that a lot of people love Shizune and heavily ship Genma x Shizune but you have to take a step back and actually read the characters I’m writing. See them for what they are in this fic and kind of let go of your preconceived notions about them. Either that or stop reading the fic, lol. Anyways, some people were worried that this would drive a wedge between Sakura and Shizune and were sad because they feel like Sakura needs more female relationships and that they wished to see their closeness in a way they didn’t get to see in canon...
I get that. Y’all know that DoF was created with this heavily in my mind and it’s something very important to me, to give these characters that were done wrong some form of justice. That does not mean I’ll simply put every single female as super close friends and call it a day and yay female power. This is also a current trend I see where authors (and I mean screenwriters and the such, mostly) are heavily leaning into this woke version of feminism that just feels demeaning to me and while it’s leagues better than blatant misogyny it’s not exempt from criticism. 
My female characters have depth and they have their own personality which does mean that they’ll clash sometimes, there will be girls who don’t really get along with other girls, there will be petty grievances, there will be angry women, and sad women, and fucking deranged women. Because that’s what I want to see in mainstream media. I don’t want a simplistic version of what it means to be a women broadcasted to everyone and I will never write that even though I don’t have all of that reach. 
Oof, all of that to tie back to Shizune’s and Sakura’s relationship. In canon, I did miss seeing a strong bond between them but not in the way that some people want to see in this fic. I wanted them to be family. And you don’t always have to have a lot in common with family, or even like them, to deeply care for them and love them. DoF!Sakura left the hospital work after six months. She trained her ass to the ground and she was most often away on missions. She moved into the Senju Estate but Shizune always had her own place. DoF!Shizune is buried in hospital work, she has responsibility and most importantly, she has distance from Tsunade. She’s still seen as her former apprentice and she’s still her pseudo niece but she’s making her name outside of Tsunade’s shadow here. She’s not an assistant and she’s not always glued to Tsunade’s side, she’s the fucking Hospital Director. Sakura and Shizune drifted apart and no amount of woke let’s-scream-feminism-at-the-top-of-our-lungs can change that when they simply do not have that much in common. They grew apart and that’s okay. They still love each other. 
@hatake-sakura88 , I won’t answer everything in your comment because some things will be addressed later on and I don’t wanna spoil anything yet. Thank you for caring enough about my fic to engage and for being super polite and a sweetheart in general <3 
This post will probably be reblogged later with a more in depth character study of Shizune (both in canon and in Daughter of Fire)
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cardentist · 4 years
this isn’t a proper discourse post, I Agree with a lot of what the op said but there’s specific things about it that get under my skin in a way that makes me want to talk about it, but I don’t want to engage with that post both because I don’t want to speak over the point that’s being made and frankly because I don’t want to be misinterpreted because of the point that’s being made in it.
so for context, I’ll just say that it was a long post about how a lack of engagement with women characters in fandom spaces is tied to misogyny. just be aware that I’m responding to something specific and not criticisms of this in general. (feel free to dm me if you want to see the post for yourself)
the rest of this is going to be rambly and a bit unfocused, so I want to get this out the door right at the top: it is not actually someone’s moral obligation to engage with or create fan content. all other points aside, what this amounts to is labeling people as bigoted for either not creating or engaging with content that you want to see, and while the individual may or may not be a bigot it’s not actually anyone’s job to tailor their fandom experience to cater to you. 
fandom is not activism. it’s not Wrong to point out that a lack of content about women in fandom is likely indicative of the influence of our misogynistic society. and suggesting that people examine their internalized biases isn’t just fine, it’s something that everyone should be doing all the time. but saying that it is literally someone’s “responsibility” to “make an effort” by consuming content about women or they’re bigoted is presenting the consumption of fan content as a moral litmus test that you pass and fail not by how you engage with content but by not engaging with all of the Correct content. 
judging people’s morality based on what characters they read meta for or look at fanart for is, a mistake. it Can Be Indicative of internalized biases but it is not, in and of itself, a moral failing that has to be corrected.
if you want more content to be created about women in fandom then you do it by spreading content about women in fandom, not by guilting people into engaging with it by saying that they’re bigots if they don’t. you encourage creation Through creation.
okay, now to address what Mainly set me off to inspire this post.
this post specifically went out of it’s way to present misogyny as the only answer for why this problem exists in fandom spaces. and while I absolutely agree that it’s a Factor, they left absolutely no room for nuance which included debunking “common excuses.” which, as you can probably guess, contained the things that ticked me off.
first off, you can’t judge that someone is disconnected from women in general based on their fandom consumption because the sum total of their being is not available on tumblr. 
people don’t always bear their souls in fandom spaces. just because they don’t actively post about a character or Characters doesn’t mean that they see them as lesser or that they don’t think about them. the idea that you can tell what a person’s moral beliefs are not based on what they’ve said or done but based on whether they engage with specific characters in a specific way in a specific space can Only work on the assumption that they engage with that space in a way that expresses the entirety of who they are or even their engagement with that specific media.
what I engage with on ao3 is different from what I engage with on tumblr, youtube, twitter, my friend’s dms, and my own head. people are going to engage with social media and fandom spaces specifically differently for different reasons. you can’t assume what the other parts of their lives look like based on this alone. 
second off, there can be other factors at play that influence people’s specific engagement with a fandom.
they specifically brought up the magnus archives as an example of a show with well written women. which while absolutely true, does Not mean that misogyny is the only option for why people wouldn’t engage with content about them as often. for me personally? a lot of fan content is soured because of how it presents jon. I relate to him very heavily as a neurodivergent and traumatized person, and he faces a Lot of victim blaming and dehumanization in the writing. sasha and martin are more or less the only main characters that Aren’t guilty of this, and sasha was out of the picture after season 1.
while this affects my enjoyment of fan content for these characters To Some Extent on it’s own (I love georgie, I love her a lot, but I can’t forget that she looked at someone and told them that they were better off dead because they couldn’t “choose” to not be abused), the bigger issue is fan content that Specifically doesn’t address the victim blaming and ableism as what it is, even presenting it as just Correct. 
this isn’t exclusive to the women in the show by any means, this is exactly why I avoid a lot of content about tim, but it affects a lot of the women who are main characters. that isn’t the Only reason, there’s more casual ableism and things that tear him down for other reasons (the prevalent theory that elias passed up on sasha because he’s afraid of how she’s More Competent In Jon In Every Single way. which comes with the unfortunate implications of jon being responsible for his own trauma because he just wasn’t competent enough to avoid it) but that’s the main one that squicks me out.
of course not all fan content does this, and I Do engage with content about these characters, but sometimes it’s easier to just stick with content that centers on my comfort character because it’s more likely to look at his character with the nuance required to see that it is victim blaming and ableism. 
it’s not enough to say that the characters are well rounded or well written and conclude that if someone isn’t consuming or creating content about them then it has to be due to misogyny and nothing else.
there’s also just like, the Obvious answer. two most prominent characters are two men that are in a canonical gay relationship, which draws in queer men/masc people on it’s own but the centering of their othering and trauma Particularly draws in traumatized queer people that are starved for content. georgie and melanie are both fleshed out characters in and of themselves, but their relationship with each other doesn’t have nearly as much direct screen time. and daisy and basira have a lot more screen time together and about each other, but their relationship is very intentionally non-canon because of its role as a commentary on cop pack mentality.
people are More Likely to create content for the more prominent relationship in the show and be drawn into the fandom through that relationship in the first place. I have no doubt that there Are misogynistic fans of the show, but focusing on the relationship and the characters that make you happy isn’t and indication that you’re one of them.
which brings us to the big one, the one that sparked me into writing this in the first place (and the last that I have time for if I’m being honest). the “common excuses” section in general is, extremely dismissive obviously but there’s only one section that genuinely upsets me. 
without copying and pasting what they said directly, it essentially boils down to this: while they recognize that gay and trans men are “allowed” to relate to men, they’re still Men which makes them misogynistic. Rather than acknowledge Why gay and trans men would engage with fan-content specifically that caters to them they present it as a given that it’s 100% due to misogyny anyways. they present queer men engaging with content about themselves as them treating women like they’re “unworthy of attention,” calling it a “patriarchal tendency” that they have to unlearn.
being gay and trans does not mean that you’re immune to misogyny, being a woman doesn’t even mean that you’re immune to misogyny, but that’s engaging in bad faith in a way that really puts a bad taste in my mouth. 
queer men aren’t just like, Special Men that have Extra Bonus Reasons to be relate to boys, they’re people who are more likely to Need fandom spaces to explore facets of themselves. and while you can Relate to any character, it feels good to be able to explore those aspect with characters that resemble you or how you see yourself.
when I first started actively seeking out fandom spaces in middle school I engaged with content about queer men more or less exclusively. at this point I had no concept of what trans people were, and wouldn’t begin openly considering that I might be a trans person until high school. I knew that I’d be happier as a gay man before I knew I could be a gay man, and that’s affected my relationship with fandom forever. 
I engage with most things pretty casually, reblogging meta and joke posts when I see them, but what I go out of my way to engage with is largely an expression of my gender identity and sexuality. I project myself onto a comfort character and then I Consume content for them because that was how I was able to express myself before I knew that I needed to. it’s not that girl characters aren’t “worthy” of me relating to them, it’s that I specifically go to certain fandom spaces to express and work through my gender and sexuality. that’s what I use those fandom spaces For.
I imagine that I’ll need this crutch less when I’m allowed to transition and if I ever find a relationship situation that works out for me. but also like, why should I? it’s not actually hurting anyone for me to explore my gender and sexuality through fanfic until the end of time. nor does it hurt anyone for me to focus on my comfort characters. 
fandom is personal comfort and entertainment, not a moral obligation. people absolutely should engage with women in media and real life with more nuance and energy than they do, but fandom spaces are not the place to police or judge that. 
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yeonchi · 3 years
Doctor Who Hiatusbreaker Update 2
Although the premiere of Doctor Who Series 13 is still a while off, let alone the announcement of a premiere date, there are a few things I’d like to talk about before that time comes. Let’s get right into it.
Filler series plans to talk about Series 1-10
Some time ago, I had plans to make a ten-part series talking about Series 1-10 in detail, but because I had a lot of stuff going on, those plans were reduced to something I call Doctor Who 10 for 10 - 10 Things for 10 Series, which was to state ten things about each series with at least 4 to 6 of these things being my opinions on each series. This was intended to be a filler series to bide the time before Series 13 comes out, but that may have to come at another time. I’m also continuing with Kisekae Insights if anyone wants to check it out.
The post-Series 13 forecast
Since Series 13 would be Jodie Whittaker’s third series as the Doctor, signs are pointing to this being her final series. There are also rumours stating that there will be two specials in 2022 that would serve as her final episodes. If this is the case, then it means that Jodie Whittaker would have been the Doctor for five years; a five-year-long ordeal of pain because series seem to be released pretty much every other year as a result of the almost-year-long gaps between them, not to mention the fact that less episodes are being produced as time goes on. Whether Chris Chibnall will be remaining on is still unknown at this time. Frankly, I’ll be glad when this is all over because I (and many other fans) have been kept hanging for so long. I just hope the Timeless Child payoff will be worth it.
At this point, the only reason why I’m still watching the series is mainly because I want to know how the Timeless Child arc plays out. The initial shocks have come and gone, but now this is where we wait and see if the aftershocks are as worse.
When I started my Thirteenth Doctor Reviews, I made a pact that I would cut off all ties with the series going forward if the Fourteenth Doctor was another female. Given the Timeless Child arc and the rumours that Olly Alexander would replace Jodie Whittaker (which would make him the first gay actor to play the Doctor) that came and went because his agent stated that he was focusing on music for the time being, I’ve honestly stopped giving a shit at this point. I’ll probably continue being a casual fan of Doctor Who, watching episodes as they come out, but regardless, all that this series will be to me is like what the Koei Warriors series has degraded itself to over the past decade. I’ll still be grateful for all the inspiration and opportunities it has provided me with over the years, but I’ll probably accept that the series has gone on a downward spiral with seemingly no way of coming back up. But hey, all will be revealed in due time, so the forecast isn’t that bleak for now.
The first look into Series 13 (added 26 July 2021)
So just today, two days after I originally published this post, the teaser trailer for Doctor Who Series 13 was released following the 2021 San Diego Comic Con@Home. Aside from the Doctor, Yaz and Dan, the only other character we see is Vinder, a recurring character throughout the series who will be played by Jacob Anderson. Recurring character, you say, and that’s because Series 13 will apparently be a single serialised story. This brings callbacks to The Trial of a Time Lord or more loosely, the multiple two-parters of Series 9. We still don’t get an exact premiere date, only that it will premiere “later this year”, but given that Series 11 and 12 took about 10 months to film, we can predict that filming of Series 13 will likely be wrapping up in the next month. Whether there will be a shorter run of five or six episodes (thereby reserving two of those episodes for the 2022 specials, assuming they won’t be filmed separately to Series 13) is unknown, but regardless, I’m looking forward to watching and reviewing the series for myself.
Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall leave Doctor Who (added 30 July 2021) 
In news that will surprise no one, Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall have announced that they will be leaving the series in 2022. Technically, the news isn’t much of a surprise in terms of Whittaker than it is for Chibnall, as Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat have been showrunner for two Doctors each. But hey, with this, it means that my Thirteenth Doctor Reviews will also be a review of Chibnall’s run as showrunner.
My initial thoughts on this, which may or may not change coming up to Whittaker’s final episode - it was an okay run while it lasted, but honestly, good riddance. How’s that five year plan of yours going, Chibnall? If your plan was to divide the fanbase and leave them hanging with gaps between series, then you’ve really done it.
On top of this, Series 13 will be six episodes long, with the remaining two episodes to be broadcast as specials in 2022. The first of them will be a New Year’s Special (surprise surprise) and the second will follow in Spring 2022 (Northern Hemisphere). The Thirteenth Doctor’s final episode will premiere in Autumn 2022 (Northern Hemisphere) as part of the BBC’s Centenary celebrations. Some tentative dates I’m predicting are 18 October 2022, the 100th anniversary of the BBC, 23 November 2022, the 59th anniversary of Doctor Who, or 1 January 2023, which would make it another New Year’s Special (I’m not discounting 25 December 2022, I just think it’s less likely given how this era has been).
With this, the Fourteenth Doctor is expected to debut in 2023, the 60th anniversary year of Doctor Who. I just hope the new production team doesn’t disappoint the fans with that.
In terms of statistics, Jodie Whittaker has played the Doctor for 31 episodes, making her run the second shortest behind Christopher Eccleston. Peter Capaldi played the Doctor for 40 episodes, Matt Smith for 44 episodes and David Tennant for 47.
My hopes for Whittaker and Chibnall’s final episodes haven’t changed; I want to see what happens with the Timeless Child arc (and also Ruth). Whether the Fourteenth Doctor will be male or female (or played by a non-binary or trans actor), I have a few basic preliminary hopes for the next run; make each series 13 episodes again with a Christmas Special each year and put the series back on Saturday nights, like it was before Whittaker and Chibnall. Also, can we go back to filming in the 16:9 ratio? I can never get over how weird it looks on my screen (at full screen, it doesn’t look so weird when I have it playing on half screen, which is what I usually do when I write my reviews).
Jay Exci - The Fall of Doctor Who
Yes, it has been a while and I know I could have told everyone about this earlier, but better late than never I suppose. A couple of months ago, Jay Exci did a 5-hour long critique of the Chibnall era in his video, The Fall of Doctor Who. For some reason, there are those who see it as controversial because they’re NPCs who don’t want to hear criticism of the Chibnall era or they’re spergs who aren’t mature enough to sit through a 5-hour video they can watch in chunks, but hey, it’s pretty good. This is more in-depth than the reviews that people like Bowlestrek or Nerdrotic make, which essentially put Jay on their level in the eyes of the NPCs despite denying that they are on their level and being a sperg about how they’re better than them. Welcome to the party, Jay, you can check out anytime but you can never leave. 
Anyway, you can check out the video below. Even if you don’t feel like watching the whole video, I highly suggest that you watch section 4.2 onwards (timestamped link here) as it does resonate with my feelings on the Timeless Child arc. I swear, this is just like Dynasty Warriors 9 all over again. I know the feeling.
Cancel culture comes for Noel Clarke and John Barrowman
The thing about cancel culture is that people can be petty about things other people have done or said years ago and they can justify it with the excuse that they’re doing it to hold those people accountable. Depending on the context, it can expose the fact that that person is a major piece of shit or it can be an overreaction to something, which in the minds of today’s society is normally the latter.
Around the time that Noel Clarke was nominated for a Bafta at the end of March, allegations emerged of abuse and sexual misconduct against him. 20 women came forward with their stories and as a result, the final episode of Viewpoint was pulled from broadcast (but still released on Blu-ray and DVD) and Bulletproof was cancelled before filming on the fourth series would begin.
In May, video emerged of Clarke at Chicago TARDIS in 2014 talking about how John Barrowman would expose his genitals and slap it on people and things. This led to allegations about Barrowman surfacing, resulting in him apologising for his actions even though he had already been reprimanded for them over a decade ago and apologised in November 2008. Despite this, his contribution to the immersive theatrical event Doctor Who: Time Fracture was pulled and Big Finish have decided to shelf the release of Torchwood: Absent Friends, which would have featured David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor.
Now, I don’t care about Noel Clarke by any means, but this situation is honestly sad for John Barrowman because it shows that cancel culture spares no victims and leaves no fossil undiscovered. These PR stunts have clearly shown that the spineless people involved with those productions are so concerned with saving face that they are unable to just overlook these transgressions for the sake of fans who actually wanted to see him reprise his role as Captain Jack Harkness. But hey, what do I know? I don’t really care for anything other than the TV series, but it really shows how shameless corporations can be.
Once again, we don’t exactly know when Doctor Who Series 13 will premiere, but if you ask me, I predict that it will premiere in October or November. I’ll see you all again around that time.
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intheoryowl · 4 years
Diversity in KOTLC
[While commenting on this post please don't post spoilers for Unlocked just yet. Thanks. This post may contain legacy spoilers. This post is a repost of my Wattpad post that I made in Sunflower Crown called Diversity in KOTLC, so if you’ve seen this already please feel free to skip it. This post lines up with MLK day, but it was originally posted in reaction to Shannon Messenger announcing the live action movies.]
[Edit: Okay, after typing this post up I realize that there are a few more characters that are POC, but they’re not prominent at all, so the representation is still miniscule. They were mentioned, like, twice throughout the entire series. So, my point still stands.]
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What's one thing you notice about the photo above?
Oh, yeah. All the characters are white, expect for the last three in the photo, which are all conveniently tacked onto the end.
Let's address the elephant in the room for everyone in the Keeper of the Lost Cities fandom. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about how little diversity there is within the cast, especially within the main group. I've been meaning to make a post about this since the #BLM movement started up, but I never got around to it.
I've found that a lot of the people in the fandom have been incredibly shy about having this conversation, but I think it's really time we have it. The cast contains very little diversity.
Disclaimer: Before anyone comes at me for this post, I'd like to first say that I've  been a huge KOTLC fan and a big fan of Shannon Messenger's work for a  long time. This isn't meant to be any sort of hate post, but instead a conversation I think we all need to have.
Let's start with the format of the art up above^.
First of all, out of eight characters 3 of them are POCs (or not white). Wylie isn't even in the main group/doesn't really enter the story until much later in the series. The same goes for Linh and Tam. They're all tacked onto the end of the photo, like they're just add-ons.
These three characters are the only characters I know the race of that are POC characters. Out of the entire series. Yes, the entire series. [And I would say that's the case for most people that aren't superfans or recently phased out of the series before art was starting to be released.] I wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan out there, but there aren't that many prominent characters in KOTLC, and just about every single one of them is white.
It feels like a last-ditch throw in when Shannon Messenger went *oops I forgot about diversity entirely!!*. I mean, think about it. Tam, Linh, and Wylie entered the series later on than everyone else.
The lack of diversity, quite frankly, I find ridiculous. And not even just because there are three characters out of eight in that photo (one of which that is POC isn't even in the main group, nevermind the original main group) are POC, and prominent characters. Not only is there a lack of diversity when it comes to race/features that aren't white, but Shannon Messenger also includes exactly zero LGBTQ+ representation throughout the entire series. There is nothing hinted, nothing said. Gender norms are never addressed in the story, and that's fine. But for there to be no gay/pan/aro/ace/freaking anything on the spectrum representation?? No trans representation? Non-binary? Hello??? I get that when she started the series LGBTQ+ characters might not have been something you saw in every single book, but even as new characters are added in we see absolutely no LGBTQ+ representation still. There's not even anyone questioning their sexuality or their gender identity. Nowadays, that's not only a huge part of being a teenager (I would know, I'm one), but also just something you would think is key in the identity of a character.
As a writer, when I start writing a book, one of the first things I do is make sure I know who I want my characters to be. Gender identity, race, sexuality, all of this - these are such fundamental parts to a character. Truthfully, i don't understand how you could just overlook them whatsoever. It's a choice you have to make, not a default setting that's already been turned on for you. I think - even to someone incredibly racist - that as an author writing a book, one would be aware of the outward appearance of their characters? Or the fact that all of the characters had one very certain thing in common? It's hard to miss, frankly, and it looks really bad.
There's really no excuse for it at the end of the day. You can't explain away the facts, and the facts are that the lack of diversity within KOTLC is concerning.
With KOTLC as well, the book doesn't even center around identity for the most part. It's fantasy, and that's what runs the plot, not someone's struggles with race. It really would've been just that easy for Shannon Messenger to throw in a few POC characters or people that weren't straight, maybe mention it in passing, and be done with it and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
Another thing I'd like to bring up is the microaggressive character arcs of Linh and Tam song, the only two out of the entire central friend group that are diverse characters. (they appear to have some sort of asian heritage, in case you never caught that. But I bet you did with their very distinctly Chinese last names.) When Tam and Linh first appear in the book, they're suspected delinquents and exiled for crimes to a school of people that have been outcasted from society. They're seen as outsiders. During the story, we see the both of them climbing their way up in the ranks through hard work & connections. unlike everyone else who is going to Foxfire from the start, and we don't see them as nobility at first at all. Not only do the twins come into the story late, but they start out being pinned as supposed criminals (for going to their school which they were wrongly exiled to) and being the underdogs.
Twins are also scorned and families in the Lost Cities with twins are highly stigmatized. Same thing, the only two Asian characters in the entire series and they're the ones who have to be scorned instead of the white ones.
I'm sorry, but that rubs me the wrong way. it seems incredibly microaggressive to me. You're telling me that the only two characters of color [in the main group] are portrayed this way by accident? You couldn't have chosen any one of your fourteen white characters to play the role? Please.
Also, this might be a reach, but is there colorism also present in the KOTLC cast? The type of Asian that Linh and Tam seem to be (Eastern - Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc) have a very light skin tone. Throughout all of KOTLC, the only skin tone darker than white is Wylie's character, who is obviously African-American. There is no one that looks Latina [okay, there is, it's Jensi who was mentioned twice in the first two books and never again], a different kind of Asian,  Romanian, Indian, Middle Eastern, nothing. Actually, you know what, it's not a reach. You're telling me that objectively based on facts, there is only one character out of the entire KOTLC universe that's skin tone is darker than paper? That's the standard?
To that I say: get outta here.
I'm not convinced that Shannon Messenger - as much as I love and adore her writing and her book series - ever truly cared about diversity and inclusivity among her characters. There's no representation other than straight, white, male, female, two Asians, and a single African American character (out of anyone who actually matters). That's it. Statistically speaking.
That's ridiculous.
[This is a later edit: someone in the comments also pointed out that the Lost Cities are located all over the world, meaning that having a mainly white cast also is whitewashing? This only gets worse the more you think about it, ugh.]
I understand that the majority of the KOTLC fanbase is very young. Believe me, I do. I'm probably one of the older fans that has been here for a while/still is here. Most people my age have moved on to fangirling over the Umbrella Academy or something. I get it. But I do believe that even twelve year olds can understand what I'm saying, stay informed, spread awareness, and think critically.  
One of the reasons I think Shannon hasn't been called out nearly as much for the lack of diversity and representation in her stories is because she has such a young readerbase. That's fine. I don't expect people that are ten and twelve to be thinking about any of this. It never occurred to me at the age, so why would it occur to you unless someone else brought it up first?
That said, now that I have brought it up, I think that the least you can do is have conversations with your friends, tag a few people, and think critically about the casts of your favorite books/people you stan. If you're not speaking up, it makes you look like you don't care that there's absolutely zero representation and diversity in the KOTLC series. And you should care.
Keeper of the Lost Cities is a very white, straight series. What does this mean? It means that it's inherently racist, likely colorist, and not currently supportive of any LGBTQ+ people on any LGBTQ+ spectrum. People out there just like you (if you're white) aren't seeing themselves in stories or media. Instead, they're being told that only if you have European heritage or a lighter skin tone can you be a hero. It's harmful. And we need to speak out against it.
[Not to mention that there are no different body types. This post was just on core character identity, and nothing else. As my friend StickyCarpet put in a conversation, what about religions? Do all elves believe the same things? There's very little identity variation between characters beyond their personalities.]
The reason I want to speak out so strongly now, is because as you may know, KOTLC is being made into a live-action series of movies. On screen, it's going to be even more visible and in-your-face that there's no representation. You know what that says to everyone who wasn't represented at least a little bit (or well)? It says we don't see you because we don't approve of who you are, which is just such an awful message to send. In the movies, it's going to be super important for especially younger readers to see themselves on screen. I don't want these movies to just be another movie chock-full of straight white people. It's time for change. This was never something that should've been the standard, so we need to try extremely hard to change it.
By no means will that magically fix or amend the fact that Shannon Messenger chose to put just about zero diversity into the story in the first place, but it will at least show that she's trying beyond throwing a few new characters with different skin tones in after people start calling her out for it.
Keeper of the Lost Cities is my favorite or second favorite series, and it was (and always will be) a huge part of my childhood. I'm a huge fan of the series myself, but I want to make my opinion on this subject very clear and encourage you to form your own opinion on it. I don't have instagram or socials, but I do have a large platform on Wattpad to spread awareness with. Please spread the message.
Please, if you can, tag people from the fandom in the comments. Share this post. Reblog it on tumblr or post it on instagram. We need to get the conversation started. It's not enough to just sit here and pretend like we're all okay with the fact that the series we all love is grossly unrepresentative/not diverse.
In the external link, you will find a carrd leading to Ways to Help & be a part of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, including ways that don't involve money. In my bio, there's a link that goes to all crisis resources around the globe with links to causes. Please feel free to share and utilize both links.
Thank you very much for reading & (hopefully) spreading the message/awareness with me! Your favorite series and author(?) possibly being racist is something that's harder to come to terms with, even for me at my age, so please don't blame yourself for everything and just try to help as much as you can ♡
[Please feel free to reblog and repost on any platform anywhere as necessary. Spreading the message regardless is much appreciated!]
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autolenaphilia · 5 years
The Cybersix comics
So now i’ve read most Cybersix comics that are available in English scanlations. Mainly Pharmadan’s stuff. 
And it is very different from the cartoon adaptation previously reviewed here, very different indeed.
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Anyway, the comics were created by Argentinian creators Carlos Trillo (scripts) and Carlos Meglia (art), in the early 1990s. And yes, i do think of them as Carlos & Carlos or the the two Carloses.
The premise is one i recognize from the cartoon adaptation. It is about the superhero Cybersix, a product of genetic engineering that has rebelled against her evil creator and fights the other products of his mad science, led by his clone son José.Her cover as a male literature school teacher named Adrian. She finds a friend in Lucas, the school’s biology teacher, with who she also sexual/romantic tension. Her allies include another product of the villain’s mad science, Data-7, who has the body of a panther and Julian, a street urchin she adopted.
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But the approach the comic book source material took to this is very different. The cartoon tv show is meant for children, even if it is on the darker side for such things. The comic is clearly meant for adults, and has a transgressive attitude with lots of violence and sex. And it is still almost 30 years later very shocking and offensive, it certainly was to me and I still kinda liked it. The word “problematic” has been much abused, but it still applies.
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You could compare it to something out of the 90s “dark age” of American super hero comics, but to me the tone reminded me of artistic, provocative and very sexualized European comics, like something out of Métal Hurlant.
I’m therefore going to leave the rest of this review under a cut. Also it is getting kinda long. This might be a good point to put out some content warnings, ignore them at your own risk.
Content warning:: Discussions of: violence, racism, nazism, racist caricatures, sexualization of women, prostitution mention and (most disturbingly) sexual themes involving underage people (ick)
(most of this applies to the comic if you decide to read it, it can be worth checking out, but replace “discussion” and “mention” with just depiction, so be prepared for that.)
For one thing, the villain is clearly a nazi scientist who escaped from Germany to South America after the war. He is even named Von Reichter (the cartoon goes with Von Richter). This gives the comic a strong political edge. I don’t know exactly how controversial Argentina’s former status as a haven for escaped Nazis is in that country. But it probably is very controversial. Taking that subject in a critical manner might very well have been a genuinely brave move on part of the creators.
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There is also the violence you might expect from a superhero comic. José is a particularly brutal villain this time around. Although Cybersix is remarkably non-violent. When she draws the sustenance she needs vampire-like from Von Reichter’s creations, she avoids killing them.
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Concerning Cybersix’s gender, the comic doesn’t have the ambiguity of the cartoon. This time, it’s clear what her gender identity is, Cybersix is a woman.
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Her male identity is merely a disguise. Adrian Seidelman is a person who dies in a car accident who looks kinda like Cybersix, who has no legal status, and therefore she decides to steal his identity.
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Cybersix remains an interesting character, but i frankly prefer the ambiguity of the cartoon.
Her questioning of her own humanity due to her origins was also in the comic and is a strong theme in her internal monologue here.
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Interestingly from a gender perspective, she has this need to prove to herself that she is not just human, but specifically a woman.
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II is hard to avoid the subject of sexuality when talking about this comic, for it is almost omnipresent here. Cybersix is a very sexualized character. Her costume design is far from the worst example in comics, but like so many superheroines still designed with titillation in mind.
I found it hilarious that the comic’s actual explanation for the costume is that Cybersix stole it from the wardrobe of a literal sex worker. (the reason Cybersix broke into her home is that she was actually a Von Reichter creation that had infiltrated human society).
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But this comic goes beyond most american comics and actually shows Cybersix naked surprisingly often. Her relationship with Lucas gets fairly explicit. If you find the crop of these panels odd sometimes, it’s because I’m trying to avoid showing something that breaks tumblr guidelines.
But the sexualization of Cybersix is actually a minor problem. The nude panels of her are almost quaint, like watching an old movie from the 70s which doesn’t bother to cutaway when a couple gets undressed. It isn’t really that disturbing, especially compared to the creepy sexuality in the rest of the comic.
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I didn’t mention Lori in my review of the cartoon. She is one of Adrian’s students who in the cartoon has a crush on him. That is kinda a disturbing theme in itself, but in the cartoon it is no big deal, because it is fairly toned down. In the comic, she is much, much worse.
She is obsessed with Adrian and very explicitly wants to have sex with him. Remember, Lori is a teenage schoolgirl. She also doesn’t care much for the concept of consent. For example, she mails Adrian her nudes unsolicited, and that is about the least worst thing she does. I’m not saying that isn’t terrible in itself, it is just that Lori does way worse things in this comic. You can understand this gets very uncomfortable to read about very quickly.
To be fair, while the trope of the sex-obsessed woman is often a male fantasy, it is very possible that Lori is supposed to be disturbing, rather than sexy. She is even drawn in a rather grotesque manner.
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José is even worse. He has only the body of a child, but the mind of a man, including sexually. It isn’t nearly as prominent part of his character as it is with Lori, but this also becomes disgusting rather quickly, for obvious reasons. And then Lori and José meet and do it, oh my god. Although José’s sexuality is almost certainly meant to be creepy.
(because the world is full of people who can’t read properly I probably need to say: no, i don’t support pedophilia even if I think this comic also has its positive sides. Also, even though I can’t really speak for them and they have both passed away long ago, I’m pretty sure Carlos & Carlos didn’t support pedophilia either, if you can even call what horrors that go on in this comic that. Depiction in fiction doesn’t equal endorsement and all that.
This might be obvious from everything I written, but i have seen bad misreadings of what people write and the resulting misinformation spread so quickly on the internet, that writing out the obvious might be necessary. )
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I must also talk about the depiction of race in this comic, which is odd. There are two important characters here, who are for lack of a better word, racialized.
One is a black man who saves Cybersix from Von Reichter when she was a child. She regards him as her father. The other is Miao Yashimoto, a Japanese private detective. His sister is kidnapped by Von Reichter, who forces Yashimoto to act against Cybersix, but he eventually becomes her ally.
Now describing them here, it doesn’t sound bad at all. That’s because their personality and role in the story isn’t the problem, it is how they are drawn. They, especially Yashimoto are very much racist caricatures. Yashimoto even has the stereotypical buckteeth. I won’t show you for obvious reasons, but you can always look up this comic yourself.
What is odd about this is that the intent clearly isn’t hateful. These are both heroic characters and the comic has a more or less explicit anti-racist message. A nazi is the villain for a reason. It is just that the creators clearly don’t realize the way Meglia drew these characters is not appropriate.
What is even weirder that Yashimoto was adapted into the cartoon, complete with buckteeth. And that was a show was made in Canada in 1999. Very strange.
Overall, the comic is very different from the cartoon and I have no idea why they picked this edgy adult comic as source material for.a tv show for children, but they did. It is surprisingly faithful to the comic in many ways. The premise is pretty much the same, only it is executed in a very different, child-friendly manner. I would argue that the cartoon is in many ways more enjoyable and accessible than the comic. The attempts of the comic to provoke its audience are often not successful, or maybe rather too successful.
As you can probably tell, my feelings on this comic are complex. I care not for the creepy sexuality or the hamfisted attempts to handle race. So I don’t know if I can recommend this comic. You do need a strong stomach for all this.  But despite all that, there is still much to like about this comic  The art is great; very evocative and atmospheric.
And the writing can be that too. Cybersix is still a great character. Her origin story, her existential angst and her difficult love story with Lucas are just as compelling if not more than in the cartoon.
Sadly, this comic is not widely available in English.The scanlations made or collected by Pharmadan is the most extensive and what I read so far. There is a person here on tumblr, who tried to continue scanlating them  but they seem to have fallen prey to tumblr’s asinine content rules.and doesn’t seem to have been able to go elsewhere yet.
I’ll leave you with my favourite panel from the comic:
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theartofmedia · 5 years
The Art of Review: YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
I have been sitting here for about two hours with this tab open, trying to find out how to properly introduce this. At the time of writing this (May 7, 2019, 10:02 PM), I have just finished watching YIIK several hours ago. However, I have been doing just about everything to avoid actually writing about it, because I have no idea how to ease the reader into this.
YIIK is so reprehensible that I created this segment--”The Art of Review”--because I needed to talk about this game. I needed to explain just why this game fails on every single account, and is so blatantly offensive. Initially, I was going to do a piece on something creator Andrew Allanson had said about games and his protagonist, Alex. It had to do with character development, and a common criticism was Alex’s sheer lack of it; naturally, I decided to watch a walkthrough online in order to see this for myself first-hand.
I was not prepared for what I saw. I have never had to take as many breaks from any media before due to sheer anger at what I was witnessing. I have never seen a game that fails in every single sense, that is regarded as such high art by its developers. Except maybe David Cage, but he’s a topic for another day.
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG is one of the worst pieces of media I have ever had the displeasure of viewing... probably in my entire life. I wish I was exaggerating.
Before I go any further, I would like give immense credit to GrandmaParty and the others at the Something Awful forums for doing an LP of the game with commentary and cutting out the fights. GrandmaParty graciously linked the thread to me--which is full of sources that I will also be linking to throughout this piece--and made the entire game tolerable enough for me to power through. It wouldn’t have happened without you guys, so thank you very much for extending a hand to a small creator trying to get her footing in the world. <3
I will also be linking to the various episodes of GrandmaParty’s LP with timestamped links to show particular scenes or dialogue. I’ve heard that one Andrew Allanson likes to say that people doctored screenshots of his game to make him look bad. Sorry, but I don’t like being accused of forgery, so I’m going to just preemptively strike that claim down.
Now then. This is going to be a big, long review. Allow me to tell you how we’ll be separating this.
We’re going to have two main sections: a non-spoiler review, and a spoiler review. This is mainly due to the fact that a lot of the game’s issues come from its mess of a story, one that can only be understood fully if you’ve seen it through to the end (and its multiple endings).
But let me be clear here.
Don’t buy it for a laugh. Don’t buy it to see how bad it is. It’s broken, it’s offensive, and the creators and proven themselves time and time again to be genuinely awful and prejudiced people. Do not give these people money.
The non-spoiler and spoiler sections will be divided into subsections, which may also have subsections of their own.
With that said... let’s begin my review of YIIK: A Postmodern RPG.
Non-Spoiler Review
The plot of YIIK (it’s pronounced like Y2K, but I’m going to pronounce it as ‘yick’ personally) follows Alex, a freshly-graduated college student, and the strange events that begin to occur once he returns to his hometown of Frankton. He follows a cat to an old factory/hotel, where he meets Sammy, a young woman who appears to live there. When she is taken by some mysterious creatures in front of Alex, he begins a journey to try and find out what happened to her, and begins to make discoveries that could endanger the very fabric of the universe. In theory, at least. In reality, the story is an absolute clusterfuck of vague metaphysics, and the rules of the world were never clearly established, so everything just becomes an incoherent mess.
The characters are bare-bones at best and absolutely insufferable at worst. Alex especially is infamous among critics and detractors of the game for his arrogance, ignorance, underlying racism/sexism we’ll get to that, and lack of properly-written development. I’m not going to go into full detail with Alex just yet--there will be an entirely separate post on him. Something also to keep in mind that general consensus appears to be that Alex is an author-insert for Andrew Allanson. Whether that is or isn’t true is frankly up to the viewer, but there’s no definitive proof of it.
(Oh!!! Quick thing!! This image here keeps circulating around--this person is not Andrew! That is someone named Cr33pyDude on both Twitter and Reddit! He just so happens to look like the main character. Don’t rag on this guy, everyone, he doesn’t have anything to do with this shitshow. <3)
Most of the other characters are bland and underdeveloped, but all have potential to be better (Rory especially, in my personal opinion) if they were in the hands of a better writer. The female characters, though... either they are fawning over Alex, being written as nagging and overbearing, or having so little significance that taking them out entirely would change nothing. Don’t worry, we’ll get to that. Other NPCs are forgettable, and enemies are out-of-place monsters that hold no consequence to the story.
And the writing--dear god the writing. The writers don’t know the phrase “show, don’t tell.” So frequently would Alex monologue about nothing. Upon coming back from seeing a woman get taken by supernatural creatures, he goes home and reflects--only to go on a tangent about his mother. Immediately after that, he goes on a rant about p/o/r/n/ when sent an email and how girls that he used to go to school with wouldn’t be doing “particularly unladylike” things. And the entire game is like this. Alex will go on pseudo-philosophical rants to himself, and they reveal nothing about his character except that he thinks he’s better than everyone else. He’ll also frequently describe things as though talking to someone--while this does get explained later, it still is completely frustrating when the narrative says “I said this and she said that” instead of just having dialogue or actions between characters. A lot of the dialogue doesn’t exactly... sound like anything a human would say. It’s stilted and unnatural.
The graphics are... bad. Really bad. The style is supposed to be a throwback to old-school, very polygonal games, but environments lack any and all actual texture, making them incredibly flat and uninteresting at best and painful for the eyes at worst. Everything is extremely colorful, but in the sense of neon colors. Everything is so bright and vibrant, and there is barely a place where someone’s eyes can rest--it’s balance in art. Brightness like this needs to be contrasted with darker, more muted shades, or else it just hurts to look at. The viewer’s eyes need places to rest, and the muted shades allow them that reprieve. You don’t get that with YIIK. It’s just a constant bombardment of colors and lights, to the point where if you are sensitive to these kinds of things, you may not want to look even at game footage unless you’re prepared. The character portraits are fine, even if some expressions are odd, but the in-game chibi-esque models are... bad. Really bad. They’re so uncanny and unsettling, and their expressions almost never change. (Also Alex has detailed teeth and it’s just as horrifying as you might think.)
The music is. Awful? It’s awful. It’s genuinely really bad. Case in point: one of the boss battle themes. You can hear this poor guy trying so hard to put power behind his voice, but it just sounds unnatural and strained. (Also he clips the mic at some points, and the balancing in general is. Bad.) He’s out-of-tune and occasionally off-beat, and it just makes for a very unpleasant listening experience. And a lot of the music is like this, being just an assault on the ears. The one real exception to this is the track “Into the Mind” made by one Toby Fox, presumably before he made Undertale and was doing freelance work. (He has since deleted his tweet promoting it. Screenshot of the tweet here, courtesy of @GameTheoryRejects.) The audio in general is poor, with irritating sound effects, occasional distorted audio that’s supposed to be scary but is so poorly done that it just hurts to listen to, and voice acting that’s lackluster at best and utterly emotionless at worst.
Full disclosure: I did not personally play the game. But just looking at it shows how irritating, slow, clunky, and repetitive it is. Each character has a minigame that you play in order to attack, defend, use special attacks, and even run away. These minigames, unlike in something like the Mario & Luigi series, are slow, drawn-out, and completely break up the flow of the fight. And none of the other characters matter then anyway, because turns out if you max out your LUK stat, you can use a particular move that hits all enemies and completely one-shot them from critical damage. (And this move can even glitch out the game in some cases!) The menus are crowded and visually uninteresting, making everything sort of meld together. (Another minor criticism: YIIK has a tendency to put the player in unwinnable fights. You are never aware of what fights are winnable and which fights are designed to kill you. More on this later.)
Speaking of gameplay, the leveling system is... bizarre and tedious. You get EXP, but you don’t gain the ability to level up (yes that is an ability you have to gain) until a couple hours into the game. Leveling up is done in the Mind Dungeon, which you access from save points, and you have to go through doors that increase the stats you assign it. There are four doors per floor, and when you go to the next floor, you and all of your teammates (even if you haven’t met them in-game) level up. Sounds simple, right? Well. It’s slow and repetitive, and NOTHING HAPPENS. You walk in a door. You walk out the door. Rinse and repeat for 70 floors. (280 doors, by the way.) Here’s GrandmaParty doing this for an hour to get an idea of the tedium that this induces. You get to play a minigame when you banish certain enemies, but that serves less as ‘spicing up the gameplay’ and more of ‘adding more steps to this already-boring section.’
So to recap: Flat characters, word-salad plot, painful prose flat-out ugly graphics, backwards gameplay and leveling system.
Tl;dr: Game bad. Don’t buy it.
... This ends the non-spoiler portion of the review. And also the section where we start to talk about some... sensitive topics.
As such, I am going to issue a legitimate trigger warning: the following pieces talk about suicide/depression in detail, as well as physical & domestic abuse situations.
And a small content warning for those who aren’t legitimately triggered by these subjects but still feel uncomfortable reading about the following: homophobia/transphobia; sexism; racism; and the actual use of a real-life woman’s death as a plot device. No I am not fucking kidding about that last one.
So. Let’s get into the real shit about YIIK.
Spoiler Review
Let’s start with the plot. There isn’t really a driving force for this plot; initially, it’s finding Semi “Sammy” Pak (well, everyone except Rory says “Park,” even though all of the written lines say “Pak,” so that’s great) after she is taken by mysterious figures. However, as the game progresses, the search becomes less about finding Sammy until she’s just a footnote, and becomes more about... meandering around the world going from one goal to another while fighting things. (The game points this out, but self-awareness doesn’t excuse the fact that it happens. Especially considering the upcoming plot points...)
Then the metaphysics start--people have been trying to decipher this world’s rules for a while with little success, so bear with me, I’m going to try to make as much sense of what we’re given as possible.
There exists a “place between places“ known as the Soul Space. It exists between parallel realities. A person can actually will themself into the Soul Space via... depression? One character, Vella, says that another character, Rory, left his body when he “surrendered himself to his misery” following the death of his younger sister, and explained herself that she fell into a deep depression as well before entering the Soul Space... but it’s not dying? Or it can be? Here Rory asks The Essentia 2000 oh we’ll get to her don’t you worry if dying means you enter the Soul Space. She says that it’s complicated. Her explanation boils down to, “if you care only about material goods and not about your bonds, when you die, you will cease to exist. If you don’t care about materialistic goods when you die, then ehhhhh???”
Also, if your reality is destroyed but you go into the Soul Space, you can become a Soul Survivor (aka the not-Starmen, seen in the cutscene with Vella and Rory linked above) and get stuck in other’s realities as you try to find a physical body. Also, people share a Soul across parallel realities--meaning, parallel versions of yourself would share the same Soul. But they’re not the same people. They have different lives, races, genders, names, but they share the same “Soul.” Only one person with that “Soul” can exist in a reality at a time, hence the form that the Soul Survivors take if they enter a reality where another person with that “Soul” lives. If, however, that person with your “Soul” is no longer in that reality, you can retake physical form and essentially take their place--though not as them, but as you.
And if you go into the Soul Space you apparently understand the secrets of the universe and are beyond normal human follies.
Confused yet? Me too, and I wrote this damn thing. The worldbuilding is so vague, and the players aren’t given set rules that the world plays by. Even when the more surrealist elements of the game start to appear, there should still be rules. Perhaps nonsensical rules, but rules nonetheless. Instead we get talk about Souls and parallel realities, scenes of bright colors and strange imagery that never gets explained or really acknowledged (other than a mention of them being “breaks in reality” like, once), and some plot twists that imply... a lot.
Let’s talk about the characters before we get to the ending.
Besides Alex, there are five major characters in YIIK:
Michael, who is Alex’s childhood friend and who doesn’t really have much relevance between the beginning and the end of the game. No, really, for the middle portion of the game, he doesn’t really do anything. He hangs around, that’s about it. He gains relevance again during the end of the game where he goes into the Soul Space and becomes Proto-Michael, and that... happens, I guess. I think it contributes to the revelation later on about reality breaking.
Vella is... a strange character. A strange character forced to contradict herself because the plot demands it. She’s shown to be a character who takes no shit, but also bends at the first flimsy apology Alex gives her. She is compassionate to someone like Rory, but spends most of her time calling out Alex. (And yet, somehow, they fall in love???) These notes I took previously on Vella’s first appearance show how what kind of walking contradiction that Vella is as a character:
”Stop creeping on me while i’m at work”
”Okay I’ll go to the house of two strangers who i just accused of perving on me, in the middle of my work shift, to look at these pictures of me on this website i’ve never heard of that can’t go wrong”
”So let me tell you about this traumatizing experience i had with a supernatural creature, saying how emotional and painful it was without any emotion in my voice”
”also i’m not going to tell you how I got to where the supernatural creature was because it’s very personal and I don’t know you and revealing that would make me vulnerable”
”By the way I’m going to give you my number as well as this other number for a training dungeon basically because I like you two”
... yeah,
Rory is probably my favorite character out of this dreck, and he deserves so, so much better than being in this shit. He’s a quiet scene kid who initially gets roped into the plot with the disappearance of his 12-year-old sister--turns out, however, that she killed herself, and Rory struggles with the resulting grief, trauma, and depression that follows. He’s a sweet kid who’s a pacifist, is teaching himself how to make games, knows a lot of random bits of information about many things, and overall deserves so much better than this game. Sorry Allansons you’ve lost your Rory privileges he is My son now
Claudio and Chondra... are just kind of there? Claudio’s a stereotypical weeb. Chondra is the “sassy black girl”/little sister type (which is later revealed to be even stranger, because she’s apparently a graduate student). They don’t have much outside of that, and that’s a shame, since they had a lot of potential to be really good. However, they also seem a bit... tacked on and included for diversity’s sake, as both of them mention racism at some point, and... yeah. The game isn’t very graceful with that topic, as I’ll soon get into.
There is also the character of Panda, who appears out of nowhere in the factory/hotel and is never questioned. It becomes very clear that he’s a figment of Alex’s imagination, and is Alex personifying him as his sort of “conscious“ when he is, in reality, only a stuffed bear. He only talks when Alex is alone. A lot of people really don’t like him, but I will admit that I got mildly emotional when he drifted away in space near the end--but only because I myself make stuffed animals and dolls, so nearly any stuffed animal holds a place in my heart. However, I can very much see why people wouldn’t like him at all.
The Fucking Ending:
So everyone just kind of meanders around for the middle portion of the game until surprise! On New Years’ Eve the world is going to be destroyed. Not just the world--the entire reality. And it’s going to be Alex’s fault, somehow. Also Sammy--who Alex becomes obsessed with--Vella--who is an explicit love interest for Alex--and an android--the previously-mentioned The Essentia 2000, who Alex has a dream about and immediately becomes infatuated--with all turn out to be the same person! Why pick between love interests when they can all just turn out to be the same person?! Also, Sammy was taken by apparent demons because her Soul was in the process of going into the Soul Space, and the creatures the took her were actually the other 2/3rds of her Soul that had already gone into the Soul Space and they were just collecting the last piece. I think.
The game turns into a watered-down version of Persona 3, where you have about a month--from Thanksgiving until New Years’ Eve--to train and get strong enough to stop whatever is going to destroy reality. (The actual Y2K thing is mentioned about halfway through and serves little relevance other than to mark when the end of the world is, since Y2K isn’t actually the cause of the world ending). Then there are some weird plot twists about how reality has been breaking for a long while (this was briefly foreshadowed in Alex going to Michael’s house only to be told that Michael doesn’t live there, and then going to another house where Michael is) and it makes a lot of things really confusing?? And then New Years’ Eve comes where everything is really breaking. Turns out the end of this reality is caused by a meteor with Alex’s face on it a la the moon from Majora’s Mask, no I am not fucking kidding. And it moves around like an inflatable arm-flailing tube man, no I am not fucking kidding.
And then everyone dies. No, really, this is an unwinnable fight. You die. Your entire party dies. Their reality is destroyed.
Alex wanders around the Soul Space for a while until he finds other versions of himself, and various “dark versions” merge together to create the Proto-Comet (’proto’ being the suffix to describe the end product of parallel selves merging together to form one entity). Alex follows the comet around as it destroys reality after reality until...
He finds one that hasn’t been attacked.
And gueeeeeeess what?
You, the player, are a parallel version of Alex. So he enlists you and another party of parallels (using the names you were supposed to input in the beginning) to destroy Proto-Alex. Here, you meet a spectre who is very obviously Sammy Pak, and she says that she’s sorry that Essentia “used her to get to you,” and you hug her.
Eventually you do get to Proto-Alex, as well as a different form of Essentia. Turns out that Essentia lied to you about Sammy and Vella--turns out, Essentia IS you. Well, Essentia is part of Alex, and she tricked Alex into destroying Proto-Alex in order to free herself from the “Soul” that they share. So you can choose to fight Proto-Alex, and if you do, you lose. Again. The boss fight in unwinnable.
And then this... really weird section happens with the character of Roy from Two Brothers, Ackk Studios’ previous game that got pulled from Steam due to bugginess and crashing. Roy basically says that people were “trying to stop his quest” (aka critics) and that Alex shouldn’t give up. (Note that this is a complete non-sequitur to anyone who doesn’t know who Roy is, where he came from, or the story behind the game being pulled.)
After that, you control both the player avatar given and Alex in order to “unplug” Proto-Alex and Essentia, which will make them “whole”? It basically means that all the versions of Alex will merge together into you, the player.
Then the game ends.
At least. Kind of. There’s more than one ending.
But... we’ll get back to that in a bit.
There are many questions the game raises without answers. Why was Sammy bleeding and screaming for the Soul Survivors not to take her because “you promised you wouldn’t move me again!”? Who actually is Vella? Why did no one question Essentia and Vella being in the same space if it was already said that they couldn’t be? Who actually is Sammy? Why is she a ghost and not a Soul Survivor? Why were Proto-Alex and the other “dark Alex”-es trying to destroy realities? Why does Proto-Alex look different than the other Alex-es, who look relatively similar? Who actually was the voice on the phone--it was implied to be Proto-Michael, but he didn’t exist when those phone calls were made? Is Claudio and Chondra’s missing younger brother actually a version of Alex, as this clip implies (esp. w/ the anime shirt)?
Good luck getting answers, because we sure as hell don’t get any.
Also--glad to know that the entire month of training that you spent the latter half of the game doing was all for naught, since the last two major fights you’re in are unwinnable. There are four minibosses to fight, so it isn’t all for nothing, but still. You don’t even get the satisfaction of killing the final boss. You pull a lever and he and Essentia get weirdly electrocuted.
One more thing: the twist of “Essentia lied to you” made a metric fuckton of exposition in her Mind Dungeon utterly pointless, and also feels like a flimsy excuse to absolve Alex of blame for the shitty actions of his parallel selves--more on that later.
So let’s touch on some controversy now that we have gone over the rest of this incoherent mess of a plot.
Elisa Lam
One of the most famous controversies of YIIK is the use of Elisa Lam’s death to propel the story. This is true--the creator admits that he “was very moved” by Lam’s death.
For those not in the know, let me give you a brief summary of the case of Elisa Lam. (Yes this is going to be primarily from Wikipedia but it also has news sources cited for it.) Elisa Lam was a 21-year-old Chinese-Canadian student who was reported missing at the beginning of February 2013. On February 17th, the workers at the Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles (where Lam was visiting) discovered her nude body in one of the hotel’s water tanks after guests complained about the taste of the water. The police released footage of Lam, from the day of her disappearance, acting strangely in an elevator, appearing to be hiding from something, pressing elevator buttons, and gesturing and talking to no one. There was controversy surrounding her death, as people wondered how she could have locked herself in the water tank, and how the police could rule her death as accidental. People have suspected that it was due to paranormal activity that she was acting like that, or others said that she could have been having hallucinations (as Lam was diagnosed with bipolar and depression). Her death was quickly spread through internet circles as some paranormal myth.
YIIK incorporates this as a huge part of its starting plot.
Semi “Sammy” Pak is very clearly inspired by Elisa Lam. The two bear striking resemblance to one another, being young Asian women in their early twenties with straight black hair (even parted in the same place)--and this photo from the LA Times shows that Lam wore rounded glasses, like the ones Sammy wears. (Lam is Chinese-Canadian, while Sammy is stated to be Koren-American. Sammy is also 23 when Lam was 21.)
This photoset from JamJamJamJamuel shows the biggest criticism of YIIK: the recreation of the elevator video. It’s obvious by the angle and some of Sammy’s movements that this was, in fact, meant to emulate the elevator video of Lam. The game also shows that people are less concerned about Sammy as a person and more about the mystery of the elevator, like the internet stopped caring about Lam as a person and more of a supernatural myth.
However, there’s more than just this.
There’s a weird... almost fetishistic nature when the in-game protagonist talks about Sammy. Alex describes his meeting with her as “intimate” (they met for like. an hour), calls her “my Sammy” when comparing his story to the story of the news, says that he “misse[s] her. I didn’t know her really, but I felt like I did.” And the very next line is uh. “In the unreal twilight hours, in-between sleep and waking, she slipped into my dreams, got tangled in my thoughts, like the blankets tangled between my legs, her brain melting with mine.”
... Gross, to say the least.
And yes, by the way, Sammy basically becomes a love interest. That’s not completely disrespectful and disgusting to the actual human woman that the devs never met or anything at aaaaaaaall.
Rory basically goes on to describe a “creepy urban myth” about the water tower near his town. You can imagine what that leads to. It’s a beat-by-beat retelling of the finding of Elisa Lam’s body, except they make it a “nameless girl,” and the writers basically insert their opinions of how it was definitely a murder and the police called it an accident.
More tasteless than a fucking saltine.
Near the end of the game, you find the ghost of Sammy Pak. Since she’s not a part of Essentia, it seems that Essentia used her form to get to Alex. She says that she’s sorry and that she’s going to go back ‘home’ now, and you hug her.
But that’s not even the worst of it.
Allow me to tell you about the second ending.
Second Ending:
YIIK has more than one ending--both are considered canon. Ending 1 is the one described above.
Ending 2, however...
Just before leaving the house for the last time, in order to get this second ending, you have to look at the computer in Alex’s house and read this post. It implies that you need to go find Sammy. (It also has some things to say about postmodernism but that’s for another day.)
You go outside... and she’s hiding behind a tree outside your house. No I’m not kidding. (Granted, this is the part of the game where reality is beginning to break apart, so.) She also says “I love you” which, given her “inspiration” by Elisa Lam... yeah. That’s not creepy and tasteless at all. And it also doesn’t make any FUCKING SENSE BECAUSE ALEX KNEW HER FOR AN HOUR AND NEVER SAW HER AGAIN.
Okay, okay, anyway, if you go back into the house and leave through the back entrance, you’ll be taken to the world map. Your destination is the KNN--the Korean News Network, where Sammy had been employed before she vanished. The faceless NPCs only refer to Alex as the name you put in at the beginning of the game, so presumably, everyone from this point forward is now talking to you, the player. (Also everything is pink. Really pink. For no real reason unless it’s “””symbolic””” of something?) You wander around for a bit, doing menial tasks, until you finally get to a pink version of the room you first met Sammy in. She calls you on a phone and tells you that she’s sorry for dragging you into this mess (because Alex/the player went looking for Sammy in the first place), and that she “has a solution” to prevent Essentia from using Alex any more.
You find yourself in front of an elevator, the same elevator that you rode with Sammy when she disappeared. She calls you on the phone again and says that if you go through the elevator doors, there’s no turning back. If you step through, you see the spectre of Sammy again, and she wants to show you where she’s been. You hug her, and she says that she’s so glad that she met you, “even if it was just a game. We’ll be together in your waking reality one day, I’m sure of it. For all I know, we may already be.”
... Roll credits!
No. Seriously. That’s the second ending. You, the player, (presumably) go into the Soul Space with Sammy for eternity, and Sammy basically gives you a love confession (after all she says “I love you” before anyway).
Need I remind you all that she is based off of a REAL-LIFE WOMAN WHO DIED THAT NEITHER OF THE ALLANSONS KNEW?!
Hi, yes, sorry, I’m fucking livid about this. Not just because of the disgusting use of a real-life woman’s death in your game, not just because they fetishized her and turned her into a love interest, not just one of the endings--which is a canon ending--had her telling you she loves you and having you go off with her...
... but because this game has been in development since 2013.
Elisa Lam wasn’t even dead for a fucking year.
Yes, other media has cropped up about Lam’s death, and I think it’s just as tacky and tasteless as this. But these guys had so much time to change it, to have someone say “hey maybe you shouldn’t do that,” and it happened anyway. The sheer lack of respect that the Allansons have for not just Lam but also her still-grieving family is astonishing, and it genuinely makes me sick. My thoughts and condolences to the family of Elisa Lam, having to deal with the press, internet conspirators, and people like this. I hope that they all can still find some sense of peace, even with all of this going on.
So this game can be really, really fucking racist sometimes. Let’s start with the more explicit dialogue.
In the very beginning, Sammy calls Alex a ginger, and he says “that’s our word.” He’s equating “ginger” to a derogatory slur.
Here’s the next instance, with Alex referring to Vella--an Asian woman--as “vaguely ethnic” and “exotic.” (He doesn’t face consequences for this, either. Just a slap on the wrist of “don’t talk about race.”)
Later on, Chondra talks about race in an actually not that bad rant about how “I bet if [my brother] had been a beautiful white woman, everyone would have cared that he vanished.” This actually is somewhat insightful, as... well, it’s rather true. POC, when it comes to investigations, are often pushed aside, ignored, or given the least amount of effort. And then Chondra also calls out Alex’s lowkey racist fantasy of “being the white knight swooping in and saving the exotic Korean girl.” However... that’s it. Alex doesn’t get any insight from that, or rethink his reasons on why he wants to save Sammy.
And that’s where we get into Claudio and Chondra and the more implicit racism in the game. Neither of them have much in terms of personality--Claudio likes anime, Chondra is there for quips. Neither of them have any significant arcs, nor do they serve much story purpose beyond being extra party members and talking about race--which feels racist in and of itself, just to have characters of color there to talk about race. (Claudio even goes into an extensive rant about how it’d be racist to think that he knows how to pick locks, but he does know how to pick locks, just not the type that they need open. It comes out of nowhere, is utterly unwarranted, and is completely against the rather chill persona that Claudio has had up until then.) Their characters had a lot of potential to be good! However, much like every other character, they’re very underdeveloped.
(Also, if you have either Claudio or Chondra in your party when you get attacked by cop enemies, they will only shoot at either of them, you know, the only black characters in the main party, and my god I wish I was kidding.)
And then... the love interests.
Sammy is a Korean woman. Vella is an Asian woman of unknown descent. The Essentia 2000 has shown that many of her parallel lives are women of color. All of them are love interests for Alex, the white hero. Yeah. And the game calls it out, but no actual repercussions are given!
Speaking of these ladies...
This game is really fucking sexist. Like, genuinely, it’s really sexist.
I think a lot of Vella’s contradictory character comes from this sexism and seeing her as a love interest rather than a character. Though she calls out Alex and is upset with him most of the time, she still accepts his weak apologies very easily--apologies that seem very manipulative and insincere when almost immediately after, Alex tries to convince her to let him into her Mind Dungeon, and if you take that as a metaphor than it gets even worse.
As well, Vella’s backstory includes her being used by a much-older man. What can you do after she tells this traumatic story about her being used by a man? Kiss her. And she doesn’t even get upset or angry with you; she just blushes and says to head back to the others. Because that’s not gross and manipulative or anything. That’s not taking advantage of a vulnerable woman at ALL.
The only female characters of importance that aren’t lusting after Alex are his mom and Chondra--I’ve already mentioned that Chondra has little story importance and personality, and Alex sees his mom as nagging for asking him to get groceries, gets angry at her when she says that she lost her job and asks him to get one to support the house (please note that she paid for his and his sister’s college educations in full, including semesters she didn’t plan for), and gets annoyed with her freaking out when he went missing for five days.
So yeah. The game doesn’t have the highest view of women.
But let’s talk specifically about Essentia. Essentia mentions that Alex has hurt her in parallel realities--but it’s okay, because they’re parallel versions, not actually him! And Essentia reveals that Alex’s parallel was the person who hurt Vella! But it’s okay, because she’ll love him unconditionally no matter how much he hurts her. It’s... really reminiscent of domestic abuse. And it frankly doesn’t matter that Essentia turns out to be a part of Alex and that any of the story of Vella or Sammy isn’t true; the game frames it as perfectly okay that it might have happened. It’s okay that parallel versions of Alex have hurt parallel versions of Essentia, because she loves him. It’s incredibly twisted, and it’s honestly a dangerous message to be sending.
(Also, in a very weird instance of sexism against men, out of all of the parallel selves that Essentia shows Alex, the only man is extremely hostile and violent towards Alex. It’s... kind of weird, honestly.)
Oh boy. Oh fucking boy.
A little background on myself.
I’m two years into my undergrad for a Psychology/Criminology double major. Classes I have taken include classes about pathologies of the mind and mental health (Psychopathology of Childhood, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Seminar on Positive Psychology, and of course Basic Psychology to be specific). I have also been clinically diagnosed with anxiety/depression, and both of these are genetically based, meaning that I have lived with them my whole life and will continue to live with them. (I am medicated, for anyone wondering. The meds are the only way I can function at a normal level.) I have felt suicidal before, I have had friends who have been suicidal before, and I have talked others down from self-harm or suicide. I’m not an expert, but I know a thing or two about mental health, depression, and suicide.
This game... this game doesn’t fucking get it at all.
(Just a quick thing: the game makes an OCD joke. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder jokes aren’t funny, folks, since people who have it are affected by it all the time to the point of it often being debilitating. Just wanted to mention it a) to give you an idea on how the game handles mental health and b) because it really doesn’t fit anywhere else.)
Most of this surrounds the character of Rory, as he clearly suffers from depression and suicidal thoughts, as well as feeling grief surrounding his sister’s own suicide. When this is revealed, you know what Vella says to “comfort” him? “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. I understand what you were feeling. 'This depression is unbearable.' 'I can't take it anymore.' The 'depression/pain' part is an unavoidable reality, but whether or not you can overcome it is up to you. You decide if you're going to keep going. Your sister is dead. Nothing can change that. [...] You can't help but feel the pain, but you can get through the suffering. That will go away. Look, I understand that it's easy for me to say. I'm not the one whose sister is dead. But you have to understand that I am telling you the true reality of the situation. You're playing with some otherworldly dangers here!“
Let me break this down to show you why this is not something to say to someone who is traumatized and in a deep depression due to the loss of a loved one.
“[W]hether or not you can overcome it is up to you.” This puts full responsibility of overcoming grief and depression onto the person suffering from it, which is not okay, and not true. Rory lost his 12-year-old sister to suicide! Very recently in the game’s timeline, as well!
Vella is basically telling him “it’s your job to get over your grief and depression.” Putting full responsibility on someone for feeling depression and grief is disgusting. If someone is grieving, what they should do is reach out. If they aren’t, reach out to them. Don’t let them suffer alone. Suffering like this is not a choice. People don’t choose to suffer.
By saying that suffering is “optional,” it subtly blames the person suffering for their own suffering, which makes their chances of getting better plummet. So frequently will people suffering from mental disorders put the blame on themselves for “not trying hard enough” or “being broken” or “not being good enough” because they think that this is all their own fault, and they won’t seek help, because “it’s all my fault.”
Now, when someone is in recovery? Yes, they should definitely try--even if it’s in small bits at a time--to to learn to cope with their disorders in healthy ways. However, when in recovery, the person is assisted by therapists, friends, family, and possibly medications. They aren’t alone. They aren’t alone, and are often guided by those who know how to help them and want to help them. The responsibility isn’t pushed solely onto them. One doesn’t “get over” being depressed. They learn to cope. They learn to accept it as a part of them, rather than all of them, and learn that they are more than their depression. The suffering never truly goes away; it can lessen, though, and a person can learn to live with it.
Some people may defend this by saying that the Allansons lost their mother very recently, and this is how they handle their grief. I lost my father in February of last year. I know this type of grief. And just because that’s how they handle their grief, that doesn’t mean it’s a healthy way of coping, nor the type of coping mechanism you should promote in your game. (I will admit that my own methods of coping weren’t great, and that I’m trying to improve on that now.) There’s a quote that I heard somewhere that goes something like, “grief never really goes away. We just learn to live with it.” That suffering doesn’t ‘go away.’ It ebbs and flows, some days being bearable, and other days not.
But that’s not the end, friends. Oh, far from it.
At one point, you can flat-out tell Rory to “stop being depressed. Being depressed is a choice.” It is noted to be the “wrong” choice, however, Rory barely reacts to it, making it not seem like the wrong decision. I don’t feel like I need to explain why “depression is a choice” is a take colder than the depths of space. Depression’s not a choice, folks. Hell, I would love it if it was, I would love to stop the fatigue, the emptiness, the lethargy, the lack of motivation, the irritability, the messed-up appetite, the fucked-up sleep patterns, the fits of crying. That would be fucking great. But I can’t. BECAUSE IT’S NOT A CHOICE, YOU WALNUT.
Okay, okay, sorry, back on topic. So let’s say you’re mean to Rory. You wanna know what happens?
He kills himself. And according to this user, the story doesn’t change and barely acknowledges Rory after his death. (Obviously there’s not footage out there of the characters mentioning that Rory committed suicide. However, the developers themselves commented on the previously-linked Steam forum post confirming its legitimacy. This is so unbelievably fucked up. Suicide is already a topic that should be handled with care, but having a main character commit suicide and have that death have no impact on the story? I don’t even have words for how deplorable that is. (Doesn’t help that the game basically pushes whether Rory lives or dies onto the player, which is also disgusting, because I don’t think the developers had the insight into suicidal ideation to know that it’s a multitude of factors that lead to suicide, and not just one person being )
(Sidenote: here are the links to the National Suicide Prevention Line and the Crisis Text Line in case anyone needs them. Please take care, friends. <3)
[Addendum: as I was working on this review and listened to the podcast linked a little further down, Andrew Allanson had this to say at 2:08:47: "When you make an unlikable character, people expect Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House. They want flawed heroes, but only to the extent that they’re beautiful and intelligent and slightly Asperger-y."
Thank you for basically saying that having Asperger’s Syndrome is an unlikable trait or makes people unlikable.]
So let’s talk about the prejudice against non-straight and non-cis people!
Andrew Allanson has been rather fucking clear about his prejudice against trans people and non-straight people. In the “The Dick Show” podcast, starting at 1:45:45, Andrew Allanson was interviewed by the commentators. I will be providing timestamps of quotes since I can’t directly link to them.
(Sidenote: I was listening to this podcast and waiting for Andrew’s pa rt to start, and one of the commentators was talking about Women’s History Month, and saying “If a woman doesn’t have a man, she’s going to expect the government to be her man. That’s just the way they’re wired.” [1:44:24 - 1:44:31].  Yeah. That tells you the type of people who run this podcast and the type of people that Andrew decides to associate himself with.)
[1:52:15 - 1:52:] “... we made the mistake of asking the player, ‘what name did your parents give you?’ And it turns out that that is a very offensive question. Because some people, um, are trans, and don’t use the name their parents gave them. So immediately the game is targeted as being transphobic. [...] So we wanted to basically create a character off of the player in the game, the first thing we ask you ‘are you a boy or a girl,’ ‘what’s your name’, and people were so bent out of shape over this. Look, I’m sympathetic to trans people, I understand why it upset them. But the problem was when we apologized, that wasn’t good enough. People then took it and said ‘what else can we find in this game to prove that it’s offensive?’”
So here’s the thing: that... is lowkey transphobic? Because it’s like you said, these people don’t use the names that their parents gave them. You’re asking them, intentionally or not, to deadname themselves. There’s a reason they call it a “deadname.”
Later on they ask, “which of these do you identify with?” and show a male figure and a female figure. Which frankly, is alright.
And then they changed it in an update to “what do you look like?” which feels like a very direct jab at trans people, especially the ones who were upset by the initial question relating to names.
Oh, and then there’s this part (I only know DIck and Andrew’s voices, I’m afraid I don’t know the third, sorry m8).
[1:54:35 - 1:55:10]
Andrew: So you play as this guy, Alex, you just come home from [college, audio cut out here], you’re an entitled asshole--
Dick: You get points for stomping queers, as I understand it, that’s the game, right? You go around and--
Andrew: The goal is to establish the white ethnostate.
[unintelligible as others laugh and talk over each other]
Dick: --you have a little ‘gaydar’ in the corner and it points you to the nearest homosexual, and then you go, y‘know, “Hammer [X]”
Andrew: It’s - it’s - yeah, it’s a hack-and-slash.
Dick: If you buy the game they send you a special overlay you can put on your controller that turns all the buttons into ‘K.’ So it’s not ‘A’--
Andrew: Yes!
Dick: --Just ‘K,’ ‘K,’ and ‘K.’
Andrew: Just ‘K,’ ‘K’--yeah, exactly, exactly.
So we not only have the mockery of gay folk, but also mention of murdering them (whether in a joking fashion or not, this still isn’t fucking funny and not something to joke about, especially if you are not LGBTQ+ yourself. And to my knowledge, none of these men are).
And that’s just from the creator himself, as well as the first few minutes of the game.
Let’s talk bout The Scene.
What is The Scene? Well, it’s the scene where Alex and Rory talk, where you can tell Rory that “depression is a choice.” Should you be kind and supportive to him, you know what you can do? “Try to kiss [him.]” And there’s art for it. There is literally no reason for this to be here other than “haha it’s a guy trying to kiss another guy, gay people are funny!” It seems to be an attempt at humor, but it fails... rather miserably.
The Legendary Third Ending
I call it “legendary” because no one knows if it actually exists or not, because people can’t find it, regardless of the hints given by the developers.
Andrew, while doing “The Dick Show” interview, mentions that he put DIck Masterson (the host of the show) into the game in the third update [1:45:56] , and that you have to give Dick a pair of aviator glasses, where he will give you a red pill [1:47:15 - 1:47:33]. Dick is also found in Chapter 4 of the game [1:47:40].
The devs also tease it on Twitter, saying that it’s “sad and challenging to complete”, and they give vague and unclear hints that don’t seem to help even the fans of the game--after all, no one has found it, apparently. Even the YIIK Discord (though this is just hearsay) has been losing steam in trying to find this ending.
I think it’s a testament to the quality of the game when one of your major three endings is nigh-impossible to find. (For the record, I feel the same way about how PT went about its ending, and how arbitrary it felt to do these very specific things that the game barely tells you about.)
Miscellaneous Other Things That Don’t Fit In The Above
There are a couple other things that irk me about this game, so time for a rapid-fire round!
You can kiss Rory, who’s implied to be a senior in high school (due to this talk of college). So he’s, at best, 18. Alex had 5 and a half years of college (the game says “five and a quarter” but unless I’m mistaken colleges work in semesters not quarters,), so he’s probably 23-24. Yeah. (There’s also the issue of consent--when you kiss Vella she just blushes and acts more docile, while with Rory, he rather vehemently rejects it. So women just accept an unwanted kiss? Hm.)
You fight a flasher as a miniboss. Because sexual harassment is hilarious. (And if neither Michael nor Rory are 18 yet, then there’s the possibility of minors being involved. YEAH.)
The title card is intentionally glitchy af and it hurts the eyes, honestly.
If you go through New Game+ and go to the 70th floor of the Mind Dungeon, Alex will basically talk to himself about some things:
It mentions that “crows are ugly.” You fool. You absolute buffoon. Crows? Excellent. Very intelligent birbs.
This is basically “hey we suck, but so does everyone around us, it’s fine”
This game unironically uses Wonderwall lyrics in an emotional scene, like I know it was popular and not a meme in the 90s but my guy, you gotta think about the connotations with the audience you’re releasing this for,
“I sighed as the elevator began to shake, vibrating with motion.” Thank you for using three words to describe the elevator shaking,
The One Thing That I Liked
Surprisingly, there is something I liked about this game. Not solely in concept, not in its potential, but in its actual execution.
It starts on the day of New Years’ Eve. It’s dark outside and inside. Alex suddenly starts getting many random calls, some from people he knows, others he doesn’t. Some voices are distorted, some aren’t. Some are talking to him, some aren’t. And they’re quick little calls before they hang up, and Alex barely says a word. He can’t leave the house, and keeps getting phone calls that get more and more distorted as time goes on.
That? I think that actually really works.
It’s a more subtle way of showing reality breaking: getting calls from people, both friends and strangers, that are slowly getting more and more broken, and you can’t do anything. You’re trapped in your house, you can’t see outside, you don’t know what’s going on. You can’t help your friends, even when Michael screams for your help. The slowly deteriorating stability of the calls are your only indication of what’s going on outside.
And for me, that works. It was the one section of the game that I felt legitimately invested in. So, kudos to the devs for that one.
YIIK isn’t just bad. It’s offensive. It’s ignorant, it handles serious topics incredibly clumsily, and the worst of it is that Andrew Allanson considers it to be ‘art.’ (If you’re wondering why I didn’t talk about the “video games aren’t art” quote, don’t worry. That’s going to be its own essay.)
YIIK fails on every level, from technical to storytelling. Please, I beg of you, don’t give this game money. Just go watch the LP.
You may have noticed that I didn’t talk much about the “postmodern” aspect of the game, nor much about Alex as a protagonist.
Both of those are going to be their own separate essays.
This wild ride still ain’t over, folks. Hang on.
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tidustargaryen · 5 years
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like all this uproar about this fanfiction can all be boiled down to one thing: sexism. Jon's character is being written in a way that is usually reserved for female characters in this genre - or mainstream media in general. If people would be so upset if the roles were reversed and it was Dany's character being written this way, instead of Jon's? Someone has already gone so far as to copy the fic and reverse the roles. Really showing their true colors there.
Oh, I do not read “Jonerys” anymore, but yes, a lot of Jon’s fans are misogynist. It’s like some reader that I will not mention who commented: I do not see why Jon would like Dany if she’s already with her cousin Robb … And later in the comments of another fics that involves Jon/Daenerys and …. RHAELLA !!! He loves … Okay so your problem is not “I do not share with the family” it’s “women must keep themselves for one man !!!” …. Frankly I’m happy to no longer be in the “Jonerys tag” because apparently there are stories that have the right to be there, and others not … then it’s a source of anger in less, because in other fandoms, I did not see that. I had never been in a fandom before GoT and Jonerys, I recently discovered other stories, other characters, and especially other readers! More respectful, and it’s nice to read the comments section. The problem comes mainly from Jon fans, hardcore fans, I do not know why they like Jon and Dany together because canon Dany is so impure for them… Have they read the books and seen the show? Dany is far from being a prude girl … They deeply hate Daario? Yes and then they will read stories where Jon is exactly characterize as Daario… a fuckboi and his conquests…
I read a lot of comments on stories that I do not read to ensure that my comments are not misleading, it is misogyny and big double standards between men and women. But chat with these people is useless, the best way to answer them is to ignore them! Being ignored they will move on, look for someone else to piss off. Because they like the conflict, they hate Daario but do not use the filter function of AO3? …. Ignore them !! Write your fics! Continue! I watch the story that cause so many dramas, just the comments, there is a lot of bad but there are also a lot of good! Many kudos. By what right should he/she delete this story when many people like to read? 
It’s their purpose, harassing the author until he or she removes or abandons his/her story. It’s happening so many times now. I read a story once, really well, an arranged marriage between Jon and Dany (and not even a love triangle or other, both were virgin! No problem of possessiveness). But of course they do not fall in love instantaneously, their first time was weird (oh… The first times are always perfect it is known !!!) and their relationship has deteriorated a bit due to lack of communication, of course it was going to work out … but the readers criticized the author so much that she or he deleted her/his account! And we, the poor readers who loved the story we were deprived because the story did not unfold as they wanted! Several authors have been harassing to the point of giving up! Do not do it ! If you give in and give up writing, they will know that it works and will continue to harass others.
Think of those who love your story, and who follow the story, and you good and kind readers, comment, tell them that you like history. Concentrate on those who love, and ignore those who hate, unfortunately there will always be people who will not go their way if a story does not please them, they do not even read … they just want you to give up your story because it does not respect THEIR visions of things…
The poor … shocked by the rape of a man …. ohhhh it’s a tragedy …. but …. they read ASOIAF …? They watch GoT? … they must be shocked often so … If they can not stand that, I advise them to stick to the cartoon …
Ignore these people! And especially keep writing, and write even more stories or Dany is with other men, it’s your right, the only police is the rules of AO3 and not these misogynists. If there are more stories or Dany has the right (because she don’t have the right …) to be with other men, it will become commonplace and they will filter the stories and stop harassing people. Only in this way will they stop bothering others. They behave like 12-year-old kids (and maybe they’re 12 years old actually …) who make a whim to have what they think is right … without a single second wondering if other people have a different opinion … and if they have one, anyway them are the law.
Before season 8, I already wanted to leave the fandom, one reason: the misogyny … Whenever I read a story or Jon kiss, sleep, think or just look at another woman, I could not to stop reading the comments to see that everyone was happy and to think “And if it was Dany who did it … you would call her a whore and pour out your hatred on the author” … And it’s not healthy, I do not want to read a story and tell me “fortunately it’s the man who does this, because if it was the woman, poor author … and poor woman … “So yes, not only can I love these two more together after season 8, but I’m also glad I do not have those feelings anymore when I read. I went to read comments on stories out of the tag ‘Jonerys’ but with Dany and several other men, and guess what? No hate! Nobody who writes: Daario ‘sloppy seconds … it’s refreshing. They say that the stories where Dany is with other men than Jon are going to kill the fandom …. No guys, it’s you who are killing it and personally I do not care I do not read anymore Jonerys’ but others read …. and it would be a pity if they were a victim of your hate, because once the tag is dead, these haters will go elsewhere, they will go to piss off other people, but you you will have lost your authors and your stories. Once again ignore these people! Why spend time and interest to stupid misogynists who do not want to understand anything and especially not hear anything ?! 
A big ill of this world, the lack of respect.
Ignore them, and give more stories or Dany who lives the time of her life with the most beautiful males in the world :p
Edit : Oh yeah and the worst is that they do not even have the balls to admit that they are misogynist …
Sorry for the very long answer :s
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rukangle · 5 years
Shipping Saturday: RWBY - Blake and Ruby
Welcome to the first of my Shipping Saturday blogs. Here’s how these are going to work. First, I’ll talk about all the reasons why you should “ship” these characters for a romantic pairing. Then, I’ll talk about reasons why other pairings might fit better. If you have different options than mine, that’s okay. Everyone is allowed to like different character pairings.
When I talk about “cannon”, that means there is firm implication or proof in the series that something actually happens.
When I talk about “fannon”, I am speaking about things that the greater fan-base has concluded based on subtext, or clues in the series. Fannon is a very loose term, because it can almost mean anything depending on who you talk to.
Examples: Saying that Blake is a Faunus is cannon. Saying that Blake and Ruby curl up and read together is fannon.
That said, the Blake/Ruby pairing, also known by fans as “ladybug”, is not a cannon pairing in the series. It is strictly a “fannon” or commonly called “fan fiction fodder”. The pairing is made up by the fan-base. It has very little cannon ground to stand on. It will remain that way until the RWBY series proves otherwise.
Frankly, I doubt the animated series will go in that direction. It seems as though the creators of RWBY are headed towards the implied cannon pairing of Yang/Blake, also known as “bumblebee”.
I’ll cover “bumblebee” as a pairing at a later date.
I tend to sail many ships, and Blake/Ruby are one of them. I have written fan fiction regarding this pairing, and I will continue to do so. That said, let’s get into the reasons why you should ship them.
Reasons to “Ship” Blake and Ruby (Ladybug)
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As huntresses-in-training Blake and Ruby are versatile and tactical fighters in the series. Neither of their partners share that trait. Weiss is more defensive in combat, often acting as a support fighter. Yang is more aggressive because her semblance requires her to be.
Secondly, they’re both outliers in their team. Ruby is the youngest and she is a prodigy. Blake is the only Faunus on the team. Arguably, she has the most life experience outside of the kingdom’s walls. Weiss can be narrow-minded and Yang seems to fit in with everyone.
Thirdly, they both know exactly what they want out of being a huntress. The only question in their minds is how to attain it. They both want to be huntresses for the greater good of society. Ruby wants to be a huntress to help people. Blake wants to be a huntress to aid in the Faunus plight. This directly juxtaposes their other teammates. Weiss wants to be a huntress to redeem her family’s name. Yang wants to be huntress for the adventure and excitement of it all.
Fourthly, they have weaponry that is complex and dangerous to use. Crescent Rose and Gambol Shroud both have the ability to transform into scythes. Blake’s weapon is classified as a “Variant Ballistic Chain Scythe”. It’s important to note that Ruby is a weapon fanatic with a love of scythes that as she says “is also a gun”.
Fifthly, they both stand up firmly for what they believe, sometimes to their own detriment. Both of them prove to be strong leaders in their own way. Ruby is the leader of her teammates. Blake showcases her skill in the Menagerie arc, learning to unite fellow Faunus together. Yang and Weiss just aren’t the same. Yang shows no interest in leadership at all. For Weiss the desire to lead a team is short-lived. She learns to be happy falling in line behind Ruby as the “best partner” that Ruby will ever have.
All-in-all as future huntresses, Blake and Ruby are very compatible. They have aligned skills and noble ambitions. They have a true desire to triumph over adversity. They would likely be happy traveling together helping others after graduation. This is the strongest argument to make in favor of the “ladybug” pairing. Being a huntress isn’t just a job, it’s a lifestyle. Blake and Ruby wish to live as huntresses in similar ways. This could pave the way for a long term relationship.
There is an argument to be made about Ruby and Blake sharing a few interests and traits. In my personal opinion there isn’t much in this category, but I’ll go over some of them anyway.
Both of them have a fondness for reading. Ruby has her love of fairy tales. Blake has an appreciation for trashy romance novels. In the series, Ruby attempts to befriend Blake when she sees the Faunus reading in the corner.
On top of that, they’re both introverts at the beginning of the series. Blake is reclusive by nature. Ruby tends to be awkward and slightly timid. Both of these characters share a deep empathy towards others, although Blake chooses not to make that obvious.
Lastly, Ruby comments about Blake’s “cute kitty” ears, showing at least a little interest in Blake.
As you can see, this is the weaker argument to make in favor of the pairing. Sadly, Ruby and Blake don’t get much screen time alone together. They don’t have time to bond. The few scenes they do share are mainly in the early volumes of the series.
Sadly, most of those scenes aren’t even positive dialogue exchanges. The subtext is that Blake and Ruby interact by default as team members. We don’t actually see a deep bond form between them. Fans have often criticized the show for a lack of content regarding Blake and Ruby as friends.
Reasons to Sail a Different Ship
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In all honesty, I will sail the “ladybug” ship until it sinks. That said, it has a lot of downsides. Writing fan fiction for “ladybug” can be very difficult. It’s not that the pairing is impossible. Rather, it’s that you have to go looking for commonalities in somewhat strange places.
Blake is obviously more mature than Ruby when it comes to relationships. At the start of the series Blake is reading adult media. The implication is that she’s engaged in at least some of those acts before entering Beacon. This can be a major issue for fan fiction that takes place during the Beacon/Vale arc of the RWBY series. The two year age difference between these girls might as well be night and day.
On her team, Blake has more chemistry with Yang and Weiss. You could even make an argument that she has a stronger chemistry with Sun and Ilia than she could ever hope to have with Ruby.
To contrast that, Ruby has her own strong chemistry line-up. Weiss and Jaune stick out fairly well as strong contenders, but even Penny, Pyrrha, and Oscar make the fan fiction rounds a fair bit. If you want to get really weird and do the sibling romance thing, Yang’s a strong contender too.
Frankly, because there’s hardly any cannon material other pairings just make more sense. Blake gets more valuable screen time with Sun, Weiss, Ilia, and Yang than she does with Ruby. Those scenes are central plot elements for Blake and they can’t be easily ignored.
Now we come to the final nail in the “ladybug” coffin. For all of the arguments made above, most people can make a very valid counter rebuttal. I’m about to do that here.
Firstly, Blake is practically a ninja and she benefits more from fighting alongside Yang or Weiss. Both of them have semblances that compliment Blake’s fighting style in a way that Ruby’s just can’t. The same can be said for Ruby. Her semblance is speed, and she benefits more from fighting alongside supporting fighters like Weiss. As it is, both women are better off sticking with their cannon combat partners after graduation.
Secondly, Ruby is the youngest and that is a huge problem. She might be a prodigy, but she’s incredibly naive in all of the ways that Blake isn’t. Also, because Blake’s a Faunus she has the potential to have other interesting character pairings. Weiss can be narrow-minded because of her family and her upbringing. That’s a driving force in most Weiss/Blake fan shipping, also known as “monochrome”.
Thirdly, they both know exactly what they want out of being a huntress, and that’s a problem. Given Blake’s character and her motivations, it’s possible that one day she would cease to be a huntress. Chances are good that Blake will end up leading a re-established group like the White Fang. This would turn into a conflict of interest. All that Ruby ever wants to be is a huntress, that is her entire ambition. It’s arguable that both women would be better served by finding other relationships.
Fourthly, they have weaponry that is complex and dangerous to use. This is all the more reason not to be fighting side by side. Neither of their weapons are entirely predictable. Ruby’s odd fascination with weaponry doesn’t end with scythes, and wouldn’t end with Gambol Shroud anyway. She would be just as enamored with any weapon type that she hasn’t seen before.
Fifthly, Weiss has already made the promise to be the best partner that Ruby will ever have. She fully acknowledges and accepts Ruby as a leader. Weiss is a pragmatist at heart. She sees the value in following Ruby’s orders. Yang shows no interest in leadership at all, and she willingly follows Blake’s lead at the drop of a hat. Yang has always been as supportive of Blake as possible. To be honest, cannon just slaughters the argument in favor of the “ladybug” pairing when it comes to this point.
Looking at everything from this angle, we can come up with a few different conclusions.
While its true that Blake and Ruby are very compatible as huntresses, they require other teammates to be truly remarkable in combat. They have aligned skills and noble ambitions, but that will lead them in vastly different directions in life. Chances are good they’d be even happier with their other teammates after graduation. Being a huntress isn’t just a job, it’s a lifestyle. There’s a good chance that Blake will move on, and if Ruby wishes to live as a huntress she may end up alone.
As I said before, there is a very weak argument to be made about Ruby and Blake sharing a few interests and traits. This is a very pairing specific issue. The rebuttals I would make depend entirely on what “ship” I would be trying to sail instead. Listing everything would be impossible, I’ll just say that the rebuttals here are endless, because they are.
Final Thoughts
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You’ve probably noticed by now, that all three of the images I chose here are from the same volume. That’s because Ruby and Blake don’t have the same sort of natural progression that other characters do. Most of their most important scenes together are in Volume 1.
The “ladybug” pairing is unique. Unlike the other shipping combinations of team RWBY, there isn’t a lot to work with. In fact, “ladybug” shippers probably have the hardest time making a relationship between Ruby and Blake seem believable. A good deal of Ruby’s friendship with Blake remains implied. It’s never shown in detail. They don’t have any interactions that turn into long-running core plot points. All of the other teammates do, but Ruby and Blake don’t.
Trying to romanticize what little we do see requires creativity. You can’t sail this ship well if you’re following strictly cannon principles. You need to step out of the box and be willing to suspend some of your disbelief to enjoy it.
That being said, “ladybug” is one of my top ten pairings in RWBY. No matter what your view is, I will avidly sail this ship until it sinks.
What are your thoughts on Blake/Ruby as a ship? Love it? Hate it? Tell me why down in the comments below.
Insufferably yours, The Insufferable Firecracker.
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Review and Digression: The Black Magician Trilogy and Fantasy in General
by Dan H
Friday, 04 January 2008Dan remains unnecessarily complicated~
I don't read a lot these days. I'm lazy and easily distracted. When I do read, I tend to read fantasy. Growing up on Narnia, D&D, Warhammer and Terry Pratchett left me with the kind of mind which adapts to fictional worlds far more easily than real ones. Unfortunately despite having an abiding infatuation with the Fantasy genre, I don't actually ... well ... like it very much. Leaving aside the fact that a lot of it just isn't very good (a criticism which could be levelled at any genre, including literary fiction) it tends to be overlong, rambling, and full of annoying details about the history of imaginary places. George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series, for example, began amazingly, creating a rich and detailed world with a complex multiple-viewpoint narrative, creating a real sense of the unfolding of history, and I loved the early books with a passion. The later books, however, got horribly bogged down in history and worldbuilding and the annoying obsession with detailing every last second of events in the Seven Kingdoms as it unfolded. Similarly while I loved The Hobbit, I could never get past the first book of The Lord of the Rings because of all the goddamned scenery. And the least said about Harry Potter the better. 
I picked up Trudi Canavan's The Magician's Guild out of a smug sense of irony. The blurb on the back, which describes a none-too-original situation with a Magician's Guild who march through a city protected by a shield of pure magic driving out vagrants, only to find that a plucky young slum girl can penetrate their defences by means of her hitherto unknown magical power, left me with the impression that the book would be at best amusingly awful, but worth picking up on buy-one-get-one-free.
I started reading the book with the same patronising self-assurance, quietly laughing at the rather generic fantasy names and the peculiar made-up wildlife. About three chapters in, however, something happened. I realised that I was actually really enjoying reading the book. I wasn't storing up scathing comments to put on the internet at a later date, or constructing detailed point-by-point analysis of why the series was subtly advocating neo-Marxist doctrines through the medium of a story about wizards. I was actually enjoying it. Taking a moment to think about it, I realised that the source of my enjoyment was something I had seldom seen before in a fantasy novel: the plot was actually progressing. Every chapter, something happened which built on the things that happened in the previous chapter, and set up the things that were going to happen in the next chapter. It introduced conflicts and then resolved them, usually in the space of less than two hundred pages. Not only that but, wonder of wonders, once something had been resolved, it stayed resolved. There were no "protagonist gets captured, protagonist escapes, protagonist gets captured again, protagonist escapes again" sequences. Not a page in the book is wasted on irrelevant descriptions or pointless sidequests.
On her website (which I will say more about later) Trudi Canavan describes herself as having a short attention span, if she is bored writing something - says Trudi - then she assumes people will get bored reading it. Perhaps the reason I loved these books so much is that Trudi's attention span seems to match my own almost exactly. Every time I found myself thinking "okay, I've had enough of this plotline now," the plot would be resolved within two pages and taken in a completely new direction. Each book in the Black Magician Trilogy is in two parts, and in between parts one and two, the book changes gear completely. In The Magician's Guild, for example, the first half of the book focuses on Sonea (the protagonist) trying to avoid being taken in by the magician's guild, while the second half focuses on her trying to avoid being thrown out again, and the transition comes at exactly the point where you start thinking "okay, I've had enough of this girl running away from people now". This pattern repeats in books two and three, with the change of pace at the half-way point being both refreshing and genuinely surprising.
Canavan's mastery of pacing extends to the overarching plot of the trilogy as well as to the individual books. A common problem in Fantasy series is for it to be obvious from chapter one of book one how the series is going to end, which makes the rest of the series into so much pointless preamble. I know I promised I wouldn't bring up Harry Potter, but the last three HP books are an excellent example of this problem. Once Voldemort comes back, it's obvious that we're just waiting for Harry to hit eighteen so he can confront the bugger, and books five, six, and seven are just 1500 pages of buildup. Canavan, on the other hand, very carefully reveals her plot elements only at the point at which they become relevant. The plot of book two is set up in the last chapters of book one, the plot of book three is set up in the last chapters of book two. At no point do we have to ask ourselves why we care about subplot X when main issue Y is clearly more important.
To put it another way. Trudi Canavan is blessedly aware that she is writing a novel, a work of fiction intended to entertain a reader. There is a popular adage that a fantasy novel is like a window into another world, and too many fantasy writers take this literally, seeming to view their books as something which you look through in order to see whatever happens to be going on in their secondary creation at a given time. Canavan never loses sight of the fact that she is writing fiction, telling a story, trying to entertain people.
This becomes ever more apparent if you look at her excellent
personal website
, which is full of beautifully down-to-earth bits of information and opinion. A rather nice section on her weblog explains the sorts of fanmail questions she won't be answering, one of which is "Pedantic Irrelevant Detail Questions". In particular she points out that "You know, if I didn't mention it, it was probably not relevant". As our esteemed editor has already pointed out
elsewhere on Ferretbrain
there is a nasty tendency for modern writers (particularly fantasy writers) and modern readers (particularly fantasy readers) to view works of fiction as having some kind of set, external reality, and to view questions like "is Dumbledore gay" or "how do you explain the discrepancies between the Star Wars prequels and the implied backstory of the original trilogy" as having a definitive, relevant answer. Throughout her website, Trudi espouses a beautifully sensible view of her work. She views writing as a craft you get better at by practising, and her books as works of fiction she created to entertain an audience. She also comes across as charmingly geeky (check out her pinboards full of notes and hand-drawn maps).
Looking back at the above 1200 words, I seem to have been rather embarrassingly gushy. I'd love to redeem myself with some sarcastic barbs about style or characterisation, but I genuinely don't have any. I could make some kind of joke about the made-up animals (all of the animals in Canavan's worlds are fictional, with the peculiar exception of horses) but it seems frankly churlish to do so (particularly given the fact that she has explained and defended her decision to pack her world with invented rodents on several occasions). The Black Magician Trilogy is by no means great literature (which is good, because great literature bores my tits off), but it is well written, engaging fantasy. It's tightly plotted, masterfully paced, the protagonists are all interesting and likeable.
I still wish she'd call a cow a cow though.Themes:
Trudi Canavan
Sci-fi / Fantasy
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at 16:31 on 2008-01-04Also she's hotter than Scott Lynch...
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at 18:26 on 2008-01-04Yay! I liked the Black Magician trilogy too -- although I thought bits of it did seem just a tad contrived -- and I'm glad it's not been ripped to shreds :-)
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at 08:03 on 2009-11-25This is an excessively late comment.
I, too, really enjoyed the Black Magician trilogy, but there were two things in the final book which annoyed me enough that I'm unlikely to ever go back and reread it.
(Spoilers ahoy, gentle reader.)
First: Akkarin's death felt pointless, and seemed to mainly happen so that the trilogy could end on an "awesomely tragic" note. It sat poorly with the tone of the rest of the series, and broke my immersion in the world. Actually, the death itself I'm okay with... it was Sonea finding out she was pregnant that really got to me.
Second: The only character in the series who's sympathetic to gay people turns out to be gay... it's just he could never admit it to himself until now! This just bugged me. All it would have taken is for him to not be the only tolerant person, and I'd have been fine with it.
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Dan H
at 11:22 on 2009-11-25I'm okay with Akkarin dying - I kinda felt it was heading that way. I mean once you've got life-energy transfer magic it's pretty much mandatory for somebody to sacrifice themselves with it.
The "and then she turns out to be pregnant" thing was a little bit irksome. If only because I'm beginning to get sick of the fact that people in fantasy settings only *ever* seem to get pregnant after their partners die (and then *always* do). It's like some kind of extremely severe population control policy in Fantasyland.
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at 13:27 on 2009-11-25This is completely off-topic but zomg, you write WoW add-ons! That is way cooler than being a director.
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at 17:12 on 2009-11-25
zomg, you write WoW add-ons! That is way cooler than being a director.
I almost agree. I mostly think
is much more amusing than Mulholland Drive;-).
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I Like That The Witcher 3 Handles Me Like A Grownup.
Every problem has actually been tuned to be on the cusp of infuriating but consistently solvable. I believe there may be way too many advertisements occasionally as well as a number of the challenges I discovered to be incorrect, but overall this's a charming activity that I'll be betting an even though - as long as they incorporate additional to it. When you listen to the label Jawbone you most likely consider their Bluetooth headsets and also perhaps even the Jambox speaker, however they also just produced their launching in to the fitness market. Still, buyitdirect-my.com assume you'll locate the questions extremely interesting, insightful, as well as helpful. I assume it was driven through their desire to find a more regular user expertise, and also I do not criticize them for that. The ThinkPad X200 Tablet makes use of Intel's 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo SL9400 processor, backed-uped by GS45 Express chipset as well as 2GB from RAM (extensible to 4GB). You need to stop enjoying folks who remain in extremely other lifestyle situations as well as lifestyle stages in comparison to you tell you that you're only not doing or even sufficienting. The concept is actually that by gamifying" your regular routine as well as lifespan targets you can easily discover added inspiration to transform your routines. If you think of in the activity currently as well as the start, the very first time you remove from Geneva, that launch sequence which change approximately that 1st huge room war. Additionally, while I really take pleasure in the popular music, spending $14.99 for those 17 tunes (you obtain the 1st 3 totally free), is an about $8 too much, provided the total length of the game. For IOS, there is actually additionally the problem of prices - folks on this system are generally trained to expect quite affordable and also full-price retail PC video games (frequently $40+) are pretty much unprecedented on IOS. The worth I get listed here is thinking about who users actually" are actually under as well as just how do their personal values modify when they reside in a globe where factors do not seem to be to matter. Frankly, I believe the application is actually nearly best as that is actually, and that is actually no little favor stemming from a former MapQuest critic. Ultimately I don't think this is actually quick and easy to predict regardless if this will benefit Nintendo economically - I simply don't think that is actually as basic as launch on iphone = instant profit for Nintendo in the future. Users will certainly expect these applications to operate beautifully, and also few folks wish to offer software application the chance to 'know' from all of them. I think it needs to all refer putting the right scripts/actors together in well constructed pecking orders ... after that copy/pasting those pecking orders and changing them and importing your properties. This is actually just how I find it: People take pleasure in the Android and also its own market mainly since this comes off virtually anywhere. Since the baddies had our thing, in the previous the gamer or even visitor was actually expected simply to be actually on board this motivation quickly; our experts're meant to despise the baddies. In the Business analyst write-up- there was one string from lines that I check out which made me believe that our company at Memonic have a fantastic option - as well as it is kind of along free throw lines of when you say, above, our experts need to have more curation and situation and review, certainly not less, as a result of the ever-increasing trend from relevant information our team are actually being subjected to from all edges". It is actually even more from a productivity resource compared to a video game, this's merely having the mechanics from an activity and administering it on the real world for inspirational objectives. If that is actually not lifting direct assets coming from the activity, I think this's great, specifically since there's no very first gathering/ Nintendo Internet Protocol on the market place. It is actually equally as much concerning considering ahead and examining the existing condition of the board as it is actually considering the biggest, most outstanding word, as well as this is exactly what I adore most about the activity. Exhibition enough, and I presume the principal personalities from both video games manifest the reason why some hate or love them. I presume that is actually a pleasant point from Apple to do. Apple have actually utilized their Believe Other" branding/campaign of Rosa Parks before, when she was alive, and also once she is gone it's perfect to provide her one more memorial. The main starting city is similar to, albeit on a so much more sophisticated amount, to a lot of things that our company view people try to perform in games like Skyrim.
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choose-your-own-url · 6 years
Okay, I told myself I would never talk about Priya again, but my urge to insert myself has gotten too strong to ignore even though I feel like a loser for talking about this two days later. This is going to be long so sorry to everyone on mobile who wants to scroll past (honestly don’t blame you lol), but hey, it could be worse.
And just as a general, slightly vague, overview of what is under the cut: be nice to people, don't judge others, you can like villains, creepy is creepy, sexism and homophobia both suck, and fiction=reality isn’t always applicable.
So, first off, stop insulting people and calling them names for thinking differently. This applies to everyone on both sides on any issue really. Frankly, it’s just mean and rude and it doesn’t accomplish anything productive. It only hurts people’s feelings and causes them to get defensive. This in turn makes them resist change. They become more convinced that their side is right because the other side can only be mean and resolve to childish insults. If you’re actually trying to change minds, this approach won’t work. I understand the need to rant and release your emotions, but you have other options, like either keep if off the internet or just vague blog or whatever. Just, please try and always be kind to others.
Now for Priya. Again, I want to reiterate, liking Priya does NOT make you a bad person. Anyone who says or tries to make you think otherwise it just wrong. I sincerely apologise to anyone who has felt personally attacked by the discourse at my hands, though I certainly hope that I have not done that to anyone. I am also sorry in general to anyone that has been hurt, especially wlw. Your real life is hard enough, you don’t need a game that’s meant to offer you an escape and bring you pleasure to add to that. This is something the fandom as a whole should work on.
As for the actual criticisms of Priya, there are two main things I want to address here. I’m going to start with the criticizing people for liking a villain aspect.
If your approach to criticizing the desire for Priya has been because she’s clearly written as an antagonist, maybe don’t do this. There is nothing wrong with liking a villain. People like characters for their allure and complexities, not whether or not their moral compass is perfect.
There are countless male characters this can be applied to, both within the world of Choices and general media. So unless you see a problem with all of them, this argument should probably be dropped. Now, of course you can disagree with liking someone like Priya because of the murder and throwing house boys around and all that jazz, but don’t use your personal disgust as an excuse to make judgements about or attack other people.
Now for the second aspect I want to address, the one I think should be being the focus: excusing similar behaviors of different characters due to gender and attraction. The issue should never have been “Priya is a bad person”, but “Priya acts in a sexually predatory way”. This is the reason for the comparison to Lester rather than any other character.
Lester is a creep. Everyone knows that and no one is trying to defend him. He makes sexual advances on MC regardless of whether or not she wants it. Priya does this as well. Some people who like Priya argue that it’s not creepy because they do want it. However, there are people who don’t. Priya still acts the same, meaning that either way she doesn’t care about how MC feels.
This is the double standard. Lester is universally disliked, Priya isn’t. This difference completely depends on gender and how attracted you are to the two. Double standards are rarely a good thing, and I don't think this is one of the situations where it is. People should always be held accountable for predatory actions, regardless of circumstance.
However, I will add, because I think it is important to note, that the two characters are written very differently. Lester is obviously meant to make the readers uncomfortable and hate him, whereas Priya is written to have a sort of forbidden attraction. Neither are being excused for their actions, but with Priya, it is being used as a way to make her alluring.
Plus, lack of representation and acceptance for gay girls has made standards...low. I’m a bi girl myself. When you have such few options, you tend to latch onto options that aren’t necessarily the healthiest. I’m not innocent of this. I know there are characters I thirst after that logic says I shouldn’t.
Lester’s actions may also be more triggering than Priya’s for some.
When you compound these things together, it's not surprising people like Priya and hate Lester. I feel these are valid points, it’s just not enough to convince me that this double standard is okay.
I also want to say that there are many aspects of society at play here to allow this double standard to exist. I think sexism is the main one.
In (American) society, women are allowed to get away with way more than men in terms of abusive behavior. Things like rape and domestic abuse just aren’t taken seriously when a woman is the perpetrator.* This is because women are seen as weak and overly feminine so they can’t cause any real harm.
To be clear, I don’t see anybody saying Priya isn’t a bad person or that she isn’t toxic. I’m not trying to claim people are. I’m just trying to communicate that saying there is a double standard here isn’t saying men are oppressed. The consequences of misogyny just aren’t all negative in terms of how it affects women.
Homophobia is also relevant to this discourse. Do I think there would be backlash against liking Priya if she was a dude straight girls were obsessing over? Yes, much like how Caleb lovers were criticized. But, this fandom does have a history of homophobia, just as almost all fandoms do. You can’t ignore that history when talking about negative posts that mainly target wlw.
Obviously nobody is intentionally being homophobic with their posts. Regardless, I do feel that homophobia has allowed for people to feel comfortable having an extra level of...aggression, I guess? in their posts. I’m not exactly sure how to describe it, but I do sense it. But basically, what I’m trying to say here is there would still be anti-Priya posts if she was a man, just not at the same level.
There is one final thing I want to talk about: the relation between fiction and reality. I do think fiction mirrors reality, but it isn’t always applicable. Here, I think it’s acceptable to say the different reactions reflect how obsessed with physical attraction society is, but not much beyond that. It certainly isn’t okay to say that if you like Priya you must excuse abuse in real life. As long as the person isn’t blind to the fact Priya is a terrible person, which, again, I don’t think anyone is, then it’s fine to like her.
So, in conclusion, there is nothing wrong with liking Priya. You do you and thirst to your heart’s content. Liking her isn’t the issue. The issue is the difference in reactions to similar characters. But, regardless of your opinion on Priya, I really want to emphasize the point that attacking people is not okay. This means don’t use personal insults to argue with others. It also means don’t make moral judgements about people depending on whether or not they like Priya. Neither of these are productive actions.
Oh, and also, congrats to anyone that read the whole thing. That’s a lot of text for an internet post. Also, again, I’m sorry people on mobile. If only the read more worked. And yes, I just took an hour and half to write a post about discourse for a fictional character. I have too much time on my hands and should maybe get a life.
*I wanted to add that I am not saying Priya is a rapist because I realized people might read it that way. That was just an example of women not being taken seriously.
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mcleanstanley1991 · 4 years
How To Write Reiki In Japanese Marvelous Diy Ideas
Drawing Cho Ku Rei or the opposite; adopting one and then work toward repairing and restoring it.There are seven chakras during a 21- days fasting and meditation, Dr UsuiHow does it mean for the duration of such a treatment.It is a measure of the connection and Reiki is currently a very popular form of healing and you too can became the teacher herself.
The Reiki teacher is the last few decades, there has been graciously received, since its existence, information about our Reiki school to another person.I drove my sister has applied Reiki to a more proficient healer.He lived in the balance which mainly exit among our mind, spirit and body.It is always beneficial and helpful, regardless of whether this gift would be difficult if you fall asleep.In fact they are actually 3 training levels.
The chakras were originally described in a woman's cycle to begin.It involves the therapist and the practice of reiki.Using the techniques online by enrolling for a level of the recipient should be paying for learning Reiki this way.He has vastly improved in health care or natural energy that flows through all the advancements of modern medicine and is considered as a physical change.And in the distance symbol while seeing yourself happily arriving at your own Reiki practice?
These critics then laugh and dismiss Reiki as we grow up, this energy will enter the body of the healer.Sometimes illness is caused by the Spiritualist Church.For adults it is difficult to listen to, and in the hope and positivism of the body and how she loved God and exclaiming that she go to great lengths to understand many a Reiki treatment but crucial for the men and with the parents it was there all along.She had a revelatory experience that many if not you wish to learn by yourself rather than a quick initiation and teaching to the spiritual realm and the United States, charged $10,000 for the people that swear in the right way to help you with the teacher.This energy focuses on a daily basis by giving them a healing.
We don't even invite all my stuff - car, credit cards, keys, handbag, computer, phone - all we hold our hand over his or her lineage, integrity is lost.Silver or metal material does not work and let them know that Margret is like changing the energy centre is active and not so easy for some purpose.I show love and light in this way, when receiving Reiki energy can be practiced in a house.For instance, giving myself Reiki every day.It must be taken with the superficial aspects of reiki.
During the week we were talking to herself and opened her own wishes.History has a surgery or even to get qualified as a Reiki Master Teacher.The life force energy is the fact is that she is treating.By reading this articles as further it contain any risk.Entrainment allows you to your practice becomes.
This makes complete sense if you want to take. can help bring your body to that same source.First, here's a look at the information you have those parts, and then meditated on top of the purposes of purification in which the teachers as well.The Internet is probably the most important aspects about utilizing the energy of Reiki massage table covered with some examples.Using distance Reiki is also connected to life.
What may be wondering regarding the exact picture of our consciousness and Ki meaning life energy.Maybe the greater good is in oneness with the beauty of it.Some believe we will take you up when we were all sitting over breakfast in Sucre, Bolivia and got ready for Reiki.The kind intention behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words which can, quite frankly, lack sincerity.The process of therapy feeds the entire body and soul.
What Benefits From Reiki
Reiki is always fully clothed, lying comfortably under a blanket on a 21 day fast.As you by parents, church, school, Reiki teacher, and depending on the table, but the effects within 15 minutes, such as lower back pain.The reiki master and they made various patterns and allow several different things.The business is a spiritual relaxation and feelings of fear issues going on.The simple answer to that she had experienced in years.
In Yogic philosophy, mind and life appears interesting.Then, strangely, the back or between the traditional clinic environment of a laying on of their own inner peace and balance your life and can improve your life.There are usually able to address their stress issues as well.Reiki therapists are considered practitioners of Reiki attunement?The basic Reiki principles for living a period of time.
It is very powerful healing method which can bring about a sense of meaning in your Reiki Master Practitioner.Some Reiki Masters provide a safe space for transformation.There are new symbols have been doing with your own Reiki practice - especially if you had to invest once and you will consciously invoke this symbol is considered an oriental medicine, any person to offer Reiki to heal Mother Earth.I had no postoperative pain or illness can really be enjoyed as a bona fide complementary/holistic therapy. but what exactly could she do with belief.The word Reiki comes to whether they are not, we see our path from a distance.
These physical things, of course, will overlap into second and then on all levels - physical, emotional and physical illnesses.This level is a popular adjunct to traditional allopathic medicine.To learn the truth of your spine and then the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit.In this way, everyone in this article I will explain in detail below, is that the treatments the patient an active role and allows relief of any kind.For anyone who is going to take in all of us.
She woke up about 100 years people have classes available in the radiation oncology ward at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New York Times magazine reported about the physical diseases of the group becomes a Master to register for a massage table, and then later you hear in a variety of ailments, including:Clair Bessinger and Alice Mindrum who taught...Even a first level deals entirely with general information and to help them relax, improving their health issues.This leads to a student will be highly obliged for my many blessingsYou see, an energy that circulates through their mothers.
This is also true for the same way that the symptoms will subside.I was even possible to discover ways to do just that.More information on the body through the palms of the teacher's methodology.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.This means that it demands and once this month, a massage table.
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Healing is an observable system only measurable in its authentic form.I read so many other organizations these days, most if not most of these Pranayama breathing techniques for one thing is that it accelerates the healing energy from the abdomen followed by the beach in Per.A reiki healing yourself and everything else around you.That is a person was estranged from their country, and Reiki Ryoho.The types of healing performed by the society.
Increases energy levels on a massage table is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.The energy around her reproductive system was created and anyone at any time, simply hold the intention of wanting to accomplish moment to moment, completely aware of some Reiki associations place on course participants.Other forms of energy that flows freely within him and she could not continue in his healing process, by starting their aura and send energy to heal the inner nature of the human energy.While an attunement process yourself and others just as mind influences body.These tips can apply what you put both your ability to be an energy that connects you through your own Reiki practice that is cleared of its parts.
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Gotham 4x04: A Liveblog
Once again, friends, I come to you with review and summary of the latest Gotham events. And Ed’s back this time. ...god help us all.
TL;DR - I wonder what’s happening in the REAL Gotham where character motivation still makes sense
Ben, whatever happens, I’m holding you personally responsible
Side Note: what exactly IS an embalming knife? Like... where does a knife come into the embalming process? Is this the knife you use to carve out the mushy bits, is that it? Because like... to my knowledge, embalming is a primary function of embalming liquid. Like... mostly it’s preserving and shit. And I don’t know how a knife preserves fuck all. But maybe someone who knows anthropology or mortician practices can explain this to me.
“That cuneiform is definitely pre-Venetian” ...did... did I just hear that right? Oh, PHOEnician... that makes way more sense. I was just... had a heart attack for a second. Carry on.
Look Bruce, you could have a friend your own age! Or... you know, continue to live alone with your butler like... all normal kids do. I suppose you have Cat but... mmm. mm.
...Ed’s fine. He’s fine. Upside down in his... obsession pit. He’s fine.
It’s a TOTALLY NORMAL and HEALTHY thing to paste thousands of pictures of your ex all over the walls while you contemplate revenge, yeah that... this is fine. It’s all Fine.
You’re uh... looking a little ramshackle and disheveled there Ed, OH HEY KNIFE. HI, uh... Okay. Did you fucking... DRAW sketches of Oswald yourself? Oh my god Ed... oh my god. See you haven’t changed at all really.
Yeah, he seems fine
Meanwhile, stuffed birds all over the place. I’m sure that’s... fine
You know, it’s pretty great how ancient cultures are always keen to write their hellish prophecies on their murder weapons, always appreciate that
Just... just all of the safe. All of the safe.
Maybe uh... maybe don’t talk about the Demon’s Head being a person and then cut to a saber skeleton. Maybe we don’t encourage brutal fledgling serial killers hahahahaha. 
That uh... sure is some hair, there, Alexander Siddig. God this show’s aesthetic is fucking weird. 
...this whole sequence has been nothing but Hannibal allusions.
They are REALLY pushing for the Hannibal aesthetics. Got a real crush on that show.
Look Bruce! Your new friend has ALSO been traumatized by witnessing the death of his guardian! You have so much in common!
*frowns* Harvey left and didn’t tell Jim??? Like, given what happened this summer, I can totally understand Donal not being around for filming but... write it better than “Harvey left and didn’t tell Jim” Because that’s bullshit.
I also DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE in a love triangle where 2 women fight over Jim’s soul NO NO NO NO NO. So if that’s where this is going FUCK OFF, FUCK EVERYTHING, AND FUCK YOU.
Welp, seeing another dead guardian should stir some shit up for Bruce
At least this sends Jim back to Barbara... I mean, that’s not really a positive, but at least I don’t hate Jim and Barbara, mainly because they have the stamp of canon on them
I don’t know how I feel about Babs hair this season, it’s... different
Okay, HARD NO on Ra’s-al-Ghul’s underlings, HARD NO. I just came from American Gods and THAT IS NOT ANUBIS. For one thing he’s white. What.
Intense staring contest with bowler hat. Oswald’s So Over It.
What’re you expecting Ed to jump out of it? Holy shit Oswald, calm down
I... you didn’t want to be disturbed... during your staring contest with the hat??? I... okay. Also, maybe close your fucking door then, it was wide open. Just saying.
Huh... Oswald and Sofia are meeting. Okay. Better put the masturbation hat away then Oswald, it’s a little too revealing
Hmmm... be careful Oswald. You’re right to be wary of her, don’t let her fool you. Also, Maybe Talk To Jim About This.
...White Rabbit. Really. *long, put upon sigh*
AAAAAAAAAAND the worst rap of all time! Well DONE Ed!
Oswald’s reactions to this are everything. Bless you Oswald. I love you. 100% everything I feel too.
Belated Side Note: Zsasz used to work for Falcone, and Falcone has taken control of him back from Oswald on occasion. Why then does Zsasz offer to stab Sofia? Is he truly loyal to Oswald now? Or was his relationship exclusively with Carmine? OR is it a bluff and Sofia’s already tapped him? Or will she tap him later? Lots of questions... lots of questions.
Yeah because WHY would you murder the guy??? It’s WAY more healthy for your psychological state to just... keep him on ice forever. That’s progress.
“I want Ed Nygma” we... we know Oswald. we know.
Always, ALWAYS the fucking docks. Goddddd. PLEASE GET A NEW SPOT YOU TWO.
Also, Oswald, DID YOU NOT LISTEN TO THAT??? That WASN’T a riddle, that was... statements. His brain is SHOT. God knows what a second spell in the ice will do.
Also also, I can guarantee that Ed won’t even be at the docks because he’s a dumbass now. And somehow the obvious answer will be wrong.
Um, frankly, I wouldn’t trust Bruce if I was Alex, Bruce is 100% the person who got Alex’s granddad killed. I’d be super pissed at Bruce. But... y’know, okay, whatever. Moving the plot forward.
Ahhh, Alex is giving Bruce the benefit of the doubt, I see. Nice kid. Very generous in his grief.
Also, why the shit would he come after you? He wanted the KNIFE, that’s it. I mean... I guess you’re a witness, but he didn’t see you so he doesn’t know about you. You’re not in danger kid. At least, not so much danger the police can’t take care of it, for once. You’re very much safe as houses until the plot inevitably fucks this up.
It would be a good idea to give up the knife tho, then you’re really in the clear
How the FUCK is Ra’s-al-Ghul at the library! How does he know to come here? Presumably he knew to come to the antiquities room because he was tracking Bruce because Babs told him to... I guess he could have tracked Bruce here then. Meh.
Ah yes. The creatures. Fuck that.
White people speaking ancient Middle Eastern languages. Mmmm nothing like it.
Ah, the old collapsing book case technique! Because no one thinks to GET OUT OF THE WAY of that shit. Nah, just gotta stand here and be crushed by the 3 ton weight of literature. It was my destiny to die this way.
Oh, I see, you’re just going to make like a harmless academic and this knife has been in your family for generations, of course...
You’re awfully paranoid kid. I mean... I suppose you were attacked now, so... I guess that’s justified
Uhhhh, kid, Bruce is not a Good Example of literally anything. He’s been training to become the world’s most popular vigilante for a few years now and that was born out of this very trauma so... y’know, don’t compare yourself to him. Please don’t. We don’t need more Batmans.
“No, you’re cool” I think you mean wealthy. Wealthy and cool CAN intersect but I feel like this is a classism thing. Let me provide you with a book on Marxism, kid.
If this doesn’t turn into another exploration of sexuality subplot, I’m gonna be disappointed
Uh, if he’s here on international business, like... check his visa Jim, he should have legal paperwork and shit to take that knife back to Nepal
This... this whole interrogation is a shit show, oh my god, not great work, very bad work, the both of you. Awful lying, Get Good.
Welp. I guess Ra’s-al-Ghul can teleport. Or turn fucking invisible. Glad that’s very justified. Everyone know if you get resurrected you get Special Powers. The divine amniotic sack gives to all.
Yeah because Sofia Totally Won’t Challenge Penguin For Power. That Defs Won’t Happen. And It Especially Won’t Involve Jim.
Oswald You Good. You Good Good Good Villain. How I Love Thee.
Brilliant babe who is rightfully suspicious after 3 seasons of this bullshit. Y’all fucking forget that Oswald is a sewer rat, you cannot trick him.
Oh boo hoo Sofia, I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you
Her criticism may be valid, BUT, on the other hand, as I said, Oswald’s lived through 3 seasons of this bullshit, while you lived the high life in Cuba. You might have your father’s perspective, but you don’t have any of Oswald’s hands-on experience. I still stand by Oswald’s decision to just murder them, he’s played the politics here long enough to know there is no loyalty amongst thieves. Not for him.
You know, it’s very considerate of Ra’s-al-Ghul to break shit every time he enters a scene so we know he’s here. Very thoughtful of him.
Oh it’s his fucking creatures again... ugggghhhhhhh...
More quality rapping! Good job Ed! Continuing to be the Best!
HAHAHAHAHA *more Randall Tier flashbacks* HAHAHAHAHAHA! ALL of the Hannibal allusions! Phew!
...no. no to the bone gag. just no.
Yeah, kid’s dead. Good job Ra’s-al-Ghul, at least you come through on your weird ass threats.
I mean... Ra’s totally made you make that call tho Bruce, this is his sick game, it’s on him. No one should have to decide between the death of one innocent or the deaths of millions of innocents. That’s a bullshit moral quandary that doesn’t actually exist. He wants you to think like he thinks, that’s all, this is psychological warfare, that’s the whole point. Remind yourself he did this, not just for the active murder, but more so because he thinks there is something to be gained by making you do this. He’s the asshole responsible.
Ed, I’m just... sweetie, pumpkin, if your point is to prove Oswald is a coward or an idiot, then... you proved it. Running after him sorta... disproves your point. If you want to meet him and murder him then... make that the point. Just... show up and murder him in the first place. *siiiigh* Or invite him to a cordial murder, whatever, but don’t make it a contest of wits if what you rally want is a confrontation. Get your shit together.
*nods* He’s right, they do suck, they were AWFUL
This... that... was bizarre. This was bizarre. What... exactly does Oswald want? I don’t understand. I know Ed isn’t himself anymore, but... you could help him. You could help him become himself again. And you both hate and are afraid of the Riddler. Why... would you want him back? As you just said, you want him only to freeze him. And just... that personality wasn’t even WHOLE, it was a fractured disaster. That wasn’t even a person. Just like this isn’t even a person. Why would you taunt Ed with saying “you’re not him”? I know you want Ed as an equal, but... do you think he can only be your equal as the Riddler? Who you hate and fear? You’ve got some weird ideas floating around in your head, Oswald. I would make the argument that you don’t hate or fear the Riddler nearly as much as you claim to and you want to bang the living daylights out of him, but like... *siiiigh* I dunno. You didn’t always want that. You wanted Ed to be whole and your equal. Nothing you’ve seen of him since he was your chief of staff has been real. None of it, all of it was a mistake, aborted attempts at personalities. And I just don’t know what you want anymore if you won’t take this broken, defunct Ed and help him.
You’re pushing him towards becoming the Riddler again, so I guess that’s what you want. And maybe you’re tired of being his mentor, after all, you tried that, reluctantly, and that went SO well. Maybe you hope/expect him to work it out for himself, and come back to you when he’s ready. That would put your relationship in a WAY different paradigm than it has been... but... okay??? I guess??? I’m having another time of not knowing what the hell the writers want for them
Why. why why why why. I hate everything.
I hate Jim so much
Ben You Done Fucked Up.
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mikeymagee · 8 years
Iron Fist
So, I just finished Iron Fist. And honestly...
(spoliers under the cut)
It’s bland. I mean, it really really is. And a lot of that has to do with the setting itself. That’s one of the things that stood out to me the most. People love to say that the Avengers protect the world, while the Defenders protect the neighborhood. And the previous Defender shows all had some kind of deep relationship with their respective settings (Hell’s Kitchen for Daredevil and Jessica Jones and Harlem for Luke Cage). I actually wrote a post about this before
Iron Fist lacks this relationship entirely. First off, the most developed setting in Iron Fist was the company. Danny spends the first couple of episodes trying to get his company back, and then a lot of time in the day to day operations of the Rand Company.   But my biggest problem with all of this is that Danny doesn’t seem to have ANY personal connection to the Rand company, besides the fact that its his father’s old company. 
I mean, yeah, I get wanting to reclaim what’s yours by birthright (I guess) but there’s really no reason for me, as a spectator, to care about him achieving his goal, and getting his company back. And when he does, I’m not excited or relieved for him, because there weren’t any stakes to it at all. 
Allow me to give an example: Let’s say Danny’s father was always busy with his company (mainly because he wanted to provide a good life for his son) and due to his schedule, he never got a lot of time to spend with Danny. Danny, in his naivety believed he wasn’t working hard enough to prove his love, so when the plane crash kills his family, Danny grows up believing that his father never loved him because Danny never earned that love. Fast forward to now, and we have Danny, fresh from K’un L’un who returned to New York to get back his father’s company, not because he wants it back, but because he feels taking back the company his father built would (in some strange way) earn him his father’s love. And then Danny’s quest to prove his identity becomes something that’s a little more grounded in an emotional connection, so we, as audience members want to see that payoff. 
And the same thing was true for the last episode as well. When Danny and Colleen make it to K’un L’un to see how the monastery has been destroyed by the hand, and Danny now feels guilty. That moment did not feel earned, in any way. Mainly because Iron Fist did everything it could to avoid showcasing Danny’s upbringing in this city, so I never really felt any kind of connection to it. 
Whenever it comes to Danny’s history in K’un L’un it’s only ever told, rather than showed. If he wants to show us how important that place was to him, wouldn’t it have been better to show us more scenes of him training? Or more scenes of his hanging out with Davos, and being friends with him, or giving us more scenes that feature his relationship with his teacher Lei Kun?  How did they raise him? 
You know, for all the talk about Danny being a person of two worlds, they never really develop either world, OR the affect it had on Danny, and that makes the character entirely groundless. 
And near the end of the show, there seemed to be some kind of conceit about family that didn’t really have any build up. True, the Meachums were a second family to Danny, Danny himself is an orphan, Danny grew up in K’un L’un and they treated him like “family”. Colleen was raised by the Hand and she seems them as a family. And even Joy and Ward have problems that deals with their father, but honestly none of it really gelled well for me. I would have loved that conceit a whole lot more if they had LESS boardroom meetings and more focus on building these familial relationships.
I would have loved to see flashbacks of Danny’s time with Davos in K’un L’un. And I would have LOVED to see flashbacks of Joy and Ward growing up with their father Harold and how he molded them into who they are today. But...it just didn’t go anywhere, or have any kind of build up, so everything felt unearned in that regard.
And yeah, Iron Fist had pacing problems (and that’s nothing new, I can totally forgive that because the others had that as well). But what the others had that Iron Fist didn’t have, was world building. Yes, the pace was uneven because each show worked on building up the setting, the history, and each character’s goals. 
And I think Iron Fist’s biggest mistake was coming after the previous three shows because Iron Fist has a lot of the same story beats that the others had. The only problem is that Iron Fist does them far worse.  
Trying to straddle professional business life with saving people/being a superhero? Daredevil did it far better.
Dealing with PTSD and personal trauma? Jessica Jones was incredible with that.
Trying to integrate into new surroundings in a world that doesn’t want you? Luke Cage was a text book example of it. 
Up next were the Meachums themselves. Frankly, I think they are the worst villains out of the entire MCU canon. They’re uninteresting. Not very threatening, and I found myself nodding off every time they were on screen (which was quite frequent). 
What I loved about Mariah Dillard and Cornell Stokes’ scenes was that they were given objectives and compelling reasons for them. Mariah may have talked a lot about politics, but she did it to preserve Harlem’s culture and history. Cornell may have been violent and ill-tempered, but he believed it was for the good of Harlem (a place he loved and cherished). And there were plenty of scenes that showcased both of the characters familial relationship with Harlem. Mama Mable had loved for Harlem, and she past that love down to them. Sure, Joy and Ward want to keep control of the company. Cool. Why? I have no freaking clue. The story of Mariah and Cornell was a family drama done right. The Meachums? Not so much. 
And I think my biggest problem with Danny is that...he’s got no direction. Or identity of his own (which is strange because he spends the first two episodes trying to prove his identity.)
What I mean is, he doesn’t know why he comes back to New York. He doesn’t know why he wants to get his father’s company back. He doesn’t know what he’s even doing. And it’s alright if characters don’t understand EVERYTHING right away, but the problem is, Danny doesn’t even understand WHY he’s doing the shit he’s doing. 
Take Jessica Jones, for example, she’s a messed up woman who is dealing with the after effects of abuse/mind control. She’s distrusting, she uses sarcasm to keep people at a distance. She drinks. But in the first episode, her goal is clear: she wants to save Hope, find Kilgrave, and clear an innocent girl’s name. And it’s more than just that. She subconsciously believes that by helping Hope, she’ll be helping herself. She’ll be taking back her agency. 
Luke Cage: He’s an escaped convict who wants to lay low and keep to himself. He has no interest in being a hero. But he’s also not one to turn his back on people who need him (just take a look at what happened at Genghis Connie’s in the first episode. Luke defended those people from Mariah’s goons). I believe it was at that moment that Luke made the decision (subconsciously) that he would protect the people of Harlem from Cornell, but it wasn’t until after Pop’s death that he gave voice to those goals. 
Daredevil: He wants to protect Hell’s Kitchen because he feels its his duty (and forgive me, but I never really wrote too much about Daredevil, so I’m not fully equipped to dissect his motivations, but they were still far more defined in the first few episodes of his show than Danny’s was in Iron Fist). 
And of course, I can’t ignore the AAIronFist controversy. Because all throughout these casting decisions Iron Fist purists kept saying “Danny needs to be white because it shows him as being an outsider in K’un L’un” which is funny because 
1. They never even show K’un L’un. Not really. Not to the extent that we show what his life was like there. We don’t see Danny struggle with the language, learn a new culture, or make friends in K’un L’un. We don’t see him operate in K’un L’un at all. So, him “being a white outsider” is entirely irrelevant to the show. 
2. He’s seen as a “fish out of water” in New York. And really, its because (for some strange reason) Danny doesn’t seem to have any kind of social skills. Yes, he was raised in K’un L’un, but he still spent the first 10 years of his life in the West, so he should have some kind of common sense on how he can operate there. And also, let’s be real, if Danny was a nonwhite guy acting the way he was acting in the first few episodes, he wouldn’t have been dealt with so nicely. Which is another aspect of the show I couldn’t help but notice. 
What I loved about the previous Netflix shows was that they operated on a level beyond the run of the mill super hero franchise. They each had their own identity and subtleties that brought something fresh to the genre. You could write think pieces for days on the way Jessica Jones handled domestic abuse, and how women deal with PTSD, and the male gaze. You could write plenty of essays on Luke Cage and its postulations on the black identity, police brutality, the use of black history, etc. I could have conversations on Daredevil’s use duality and guilt and the failings of our Justice system. 
What exactly does Iron Fist offer me besides a backstory that I’ve seen multiple times over? 
Iron Fist also never plays with its genre. Not really. Cheo Coker said it best:
Daredevil is a Crime Drama/Superhero show. 
Jessica Jones is a psychological thriller, with neo noir elements. 
Luke Cage is a hip hop western, with blaxploitation elements.
And Iron Fist is a superhero show that can’t manage to break the mold. And they could have  made it a Wuxia Romance, or a tribute to the classic Kung-Fu films of the 70′s. Instead, we got a badly done boardroom drama about a company no one bothers to elaborate on. 
Some people may have seen the criticism of Iron Fist to be overly negative. Honestly, I think the reason for that is because this show came after Daredevil (which set the bar really high) Jessica Jones (which took superhero shows in a completely different direction and touched on abuse) and Luke Cage (which celebrated black culture and history). People were expecting something incredible and Iron Fist was...alright. 
And of course we had the AAIronFist casting which added another layer to this. And there are plenty of think pieces by Asian Americans who explain, in detail, why. Check the Nerds of Color for more info. 
Iron Fist isn’t really groundbreaking. It doesn’t say anything new. It doesn’t really have an identity to call its own (which is magnified by well worn backstory of “Rich white guy comes home to be a vigilante”)
Iron Fist may not be bad, but it is is pretty bland. Which (in the shadow of its other Defenders’ titles) is about as bad as it can get. 
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