#<– idk if this post rly deserves to be in those tags. but it feels wrong not to tag it. i appreciate thoroughness too much. alas
sukugo · 1 year
your satosuku posts make my day! i love how you gush over them bc same lmfaoo. i'm glad i found your blog and a few others' over here on tumblr 😁 the gosuku tag is unfortunately quite inactive but it's rly good to know that i'm not the only one who ships them 🤧 (gosuku doesn't deserve to be stuck in rarepair hell i'm so sad ugh)
aaaaahhhh anon im so happy to hear that!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 AND DW I GET YOU COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!!!!! u are absolutely not the only one in this boat
sukugo has always been my fave ship in jjk and i have never EVER understood why it's a rare pair. like???? how could u not ship the two strongest!!!!!!! the parallels that come with that!!! (which is now actually being explored in canon 🙌) and also with the amount of sexual tension they have!!!!! (like even before the current manga fight did u NOT see the lil cheek-ear touch in the second ep??? or the flirting??? the "you'll be the first i'll kill" and the "it's an honor to be targeted by sukuna"???? like hello??? these two have been wanting to fuck since they first met) let us ignore the fact that those 2 interactions were all that they had GDJDHDS
but yeah......before the tag didn't even exist here 😭 i was literally the one who had to found the sukugo + gosuku tags, like if u scroll down all the first posts are mine ahdjfhsjvdd 🙈 so yeah gushing about them and spreading the agenda has always been my thing hahah 🙈 i actually run the @sukugo blog and also sukugo/gosuku archive on twt! they were both inactive the past 2 years as i was into other stuff, but ive come back to them as my jjk obsession has revived hehe
to be honest, i feel like the ship has definitely grown, and with the current fight it's really something that u can't not at least consider. (all the flirting and fun they're having, the gojo hug-head grab attack, THE WHOLE LOVE THING.) and idk if to still count it as a rarepair 🤔, (tho if u're on tumblr it DEFINITELY feels like it 😭😭😭😭) (but such is the state of all jjk ships here lmaoo 😔) but yeah i think on twt its definitely more present (but i mean as i said, yeah that's a given.)
ANYWAYS, do NOT worry anon!!! there's quite a few of us here and we all got each other!!! let's gush about these fuckers togetehr!!!! <33333333
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balkantalia · 11 months
oh you poor thing; you have no idea what you've just brought upon yourself >:D
💕 : Who's a character thst you love but never (or rarely) talk about?
Iceland! He's actually in my top 3 but I don't rly know what to post ab him. I wouldn't call him underrated since he has a lot of fans, but I'll try to mention him in my posts more in the future :3
👎 : What's the worst character design in your opinion?
Belarus' ribbon maid outfit thing she has going on is just... weird imo?? I would appreciate it if she just wore a normal uniform like everyone else tbh. Also Turkiye's mask is zesty af idc
🔮 : You can choose to retcon one thing from the manga/anime, what is it?
Korea's character maybe?? idk why Hima considered that a good idea.. I would prob replace him with an entirely new character,,, oh, and that super old strip with Japan and China (you know the one I'm talking ab) was super bizarre and I dont see a reason not to remove it if I was given the option to ahshdhg
✒️ : Do you have a headcanon that you love, but directly contradicts canon?
Does the FACE family dynamic count?? Idk if it contradicts canon b in case it doesn't im also gonna say that I see Hungary as a lesbian which im pretty sure does count bc she was canonically married to Austria iirc
🔥: Give us a hetalia hot take !
I'd really like to see more moments of the axis and the allies just hanging out together. Considering theyre the main characters it's lowkey sad many of them barely have any interactions together (Hima pls all I need is a panel w/ Germany nd China). I rly liked the movie night episode in the anime for that exact reason
📚 : Recommend a fanfic?
I haven't read that many hetalia fics acc, but searching under the Allies tag on AO3 is my favourite thing to pass a Sunday afternoon <3 def recommend it
💛 : Name a friendship that doesn't exist in canon but you'd like to see between two characters!
I have a ton of those but ig my fav example is Italy and America. I feel like if they were given more scenes together they'd be a rly good duo, since they both have the same vibes nd stuff imo
🪞 : Do you have any physical appearance headcanons for your favourite character?
I like to think China is a leftie mostly bc i'm a leftie and I dont see much representation of us in media,, i can also imagine him having chubby cheeks for some reason
🧠 : What's your most "essential" headcanon? (one you can't imagine the hetalia universe without!)
Idk how to answer this one 😭
🏆 : Sell us on a character! Maybe it's someone you think deserves more love - tell us why they should be liked !!
Romano is not underrated but shh let's ignore that,,, so yh I find him very relatable most of the time, he has a lot of canon content to consume and he's overall js an entertaining character and a grumpy silly lil guy who's fun to like
🗺️ : Who's your favourite allies member? Axis member? Nordic? And favourite character who's not in one of these groups?
My fav ally is China (or maybe Canada idk), fav axis member is Japan nd fav nordic is def Iceland. From the rest of the cast i like Greece, his cat obsession is the realest thing ever, I ship giripan and that's also the country I'm from sooo
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fencesandfrogs · 2 years
i think the point is, whether or not having to plan around your mom's emotions is bad in a particular scenario kind of depends on the consequences of not doing so.
if the consequences involve her removing access to some basic need, then it's bad because your mom is responsible for providing those and that responsibility should not be conditioned on your behavior.
so i think the crux of the issue, based on what little of the discussion i've seen, is that you do not believe "not getting yelled at for being irresponsible" is something you inherently deserve from your mom, while others around you do.
i also think a possible miscommunication could be happening here; afaik the issue is not "you being irresponsible" necessarily but "you have no memory of what happened to the previous money" which given you have documented memory problems, would pull into question whether yelling at you for that is fair or reasonable.
so when you say "my mom yelling at me for being irresponsible doesn't stop my needs from being met" and others say "your mom yelling at you for being irresponsible is not meeting your needs"
they're maybe actually saying "your mom yelling at you for symptoms of mental illness is not meeting your needs"
so like. idk your life well enough to judge. but i think the question is a) is it irresponsibility or Symptoms (or both)? and b) does yelling at you for symptoms (esp if they're outside your control) count as not meeting your needs?
(also idk if you are counting emotional needs in this discussion. but. as someone who didn't for a really long time and then learned i have neglect-related trauma, it might be worth considering if you're not)
anon i cannot thank you enough for this ask because i've been so confused about this discussion. i was joking with my friends, like, i've seen people have this moment on tumblr before, and i've always been sympathetic, but always like...here hold on screenshot
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[transcript: me watching [redacted] do this: i see that you're legitimately confused but i don't know how anyone could break it down any clearer.
me doing this: what the fuck are people saying to me /end transcript]
and now i'm like. "you are all explaining things to me clearly with good words and i should be able to understand them, but i can't."
urgh my hands are cold i know you will experience no time gap but i have to do dishes so i will.
the crux of the issue ... is that you do not believe "not getting yelled at for being irresponsible" is something you inherently deserve from your mom
yeah, pretty much? not that. urgh i'll feel guilty if i don't bring this up but my mom doesn't yell so much as. make you feel like you got yelled at without raising her voice. i've been saying "yell" because there's no short way of saying what she does, and the emotional impact is the same. (source: i've been thru both)
okay that guilt avoided.
anyway yeah, you summed that up pretty well. like...the need is still met if she yells at me. i don't have some inherent right to not get yelled at. she feeds me. that's the need. closed loop.
the issue is not "you being irresponsible" necessarily but "you have no memory of what happened to the previous money"
i don't think i have much to say this was just. an angle i hadn't looked at it from before? i think i've been rly focused on my mom and i know that she doesn't rly care about that kind of thing? she didn't care abt it when i was a kid at least. whenever i complained abt my memory she told me not to make excuses. so like.
i dunno. i feel like it's still irresponsible of me? i doubt i spent it on anything essential. i know when i spent money on some fun stuff i specifically texted my mom and asked her to pull from my savings for that, because i was spending on fun stuff. so like. even if i don't remember it, it's still the same problem?
hm. this whole post will get the commentary welcome tag but i'm specifically saying if people have thoughts on this i'd like to hear them.
they're maybe actually saying "your mom yelling at you for symptoms of mental illness is not meeting your needs"
urgh i feel all turbulent and weird about this. it's like i know i've said all different things about this? to everyone. to my therapist and my friends and on this blog.
i don't.
sorry i'm feeling really staticky.
okay took a little break because my brain was getting soupy. i think you're right about this, although...i dunno. ig intellectually i get why they're upset, but it feels hard to be upset about it. for whatever reason, i can't apply the rules i'd apply to other people to myself. i don't know why. that's just...how things are.
a) is it irresponsibility or Symptoms (or both)? and b) does yelling at you for symptoms (esp if they're outside your control) count as not meeting your needs?
things to talk about with my therapist, presumably. i'm certainly not finding answers to this all tonight. mostly putting this here to highlight it for later.
idk if you are counting emotional needs in this discussion
honestly i don't even know.
i don't really see all of this as a "basic" need. like, if i accept the premise as true, that she isn't supposed to be like this, i still don't think this is about basic needs. i have food, water, and shelter. i'm getting an education. i have healthcare. idk what my list of basic needs would be, but this whole deal wouldn't be on them.
i kinda wanna cry and call my mom about this but i can't call her about her :(
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Don't kill me but what is por
Also which popular ships and characters don't you like? (I literally just had surgery and am in pain so I will take anything that distracts me from reality! Even discourse)
PoR is Path of Radiance, the ninth FE game. If you're still unsure, it's Ike's first game.
I hope you feel better very soon! Please take something to knock out some of that pain!
Popular ships I don't like rly do be like (disclaimer: i may still write some of these for comms bc unfortunately we all need money to live)
D1miM@ri (another anon asked me abt why I don't like it but I haven't finished my reply so it's been sitting in wait...)
D1midu3 (I have a LOT of strong feelings against this one)
L1nCas (I don't... hate but it's reeeally not for me)
Don't rly care for F3rd1ebert, it's rly whatever for me but I can't reasonably see it ever working out bc Hubert would never leave Ed3l for him, and I can't imagine a feasible world where Ferdie would aid her and actually be in character (did you see him in three hopes lol they REALLY trashed his ENTIRE character and brain so he could simp for her, I'm not even kidding)
Mercie/Ann3tt3 (damn if girls can't just be close friends in media or they're automatically shipped romantically smh)
Cl@udel3th (so many nos for me on this one. not gonna explain why bc it's my personal pref and I rllllly don't feel like going over it but noooo no no no. Particularly F Byleth, I have an incredibly massive aversion to Claude paired with F Byleth. idk why my brain decided to have such a drastic separation based on M or F Byleth but it did)
R@phn@tz (is it popular? idk I don't like it lol)
H@pi/C0nstanc3 (p much the same issue as Raph+Ig and Mercie+Annette)
I have them written all weird to keep them from showing up in the searches bc the search engine will pick ship names that are just written in a post even if they're not tagged. I know it wouldn't be my fault for that but I'm aware it's an issue and that it might be seen by those shippers just trying to search for content, so I'm writing them abnormally in hopes the searches won't pick them up.
I don't hate them all with a burning passion to the point of being disgusted when I see them, BUT I do feel that way with four of them. I guess three and a half really bc one is like yes it bothers me a LOT but I don't think it's on the same level on the other ones?
I just have Preferences and Feelings and for some reason sometimes those feelings are like yeehaw you don't like this ship.
We Know The One (Edgelordturd)
Berandetta (one of my most hated characters in the franchise. Tolerable in Hopes)
Lysithea (I don't have like, absolute disgust for her, but... yikes)
Leonie (MUCH more tolerable in Hopes and a significantly better character there)
Fleche (not just related to the whole AM route thing, but in general I find her to be extremely repulsive as a person)
Randolph (less hate than his sister, but damn sonny, this is the face of a man who is spoiled, selfish and has no care or consideration for anything in the entire universe except his status and his uwu sister)
Ladislava (exists purely to uplift uwugard and literally, absolutely nothing more to the point we don't even know what this supposed backstory of uwugard saving her was, so she's just another pawn to make someone look good and has no characterization of their own)
Note how the randoms from the Empire are pretty popular but they don't actually do anything to make them actual characters? they just support uwugard and do absolutely nothing else in the entirety of two games and are adored by the fandom for it LIKE NO LITERALLY and that also heightens my burning, deep, engrossed hatred of all three of them. they did nothing to deserve being such popular characters except their absolute and utter obsession with uwugard)
I don't think I'm missing anyone else who is supremely popular and utterly adored in the fandom whose face I hate seeing in and out of game but there you go, nonnie!
Lysithea is probably my least despised in the sense that I only dislike her overall but I don't just outright loathe her? She pisses me off a ton and I would literally slap her square in the face for bullying Ignatz in their Houses supports :), but sometimes she's a decent person. Sometimes. Not usually though.
No, trauma doesn't give you the free pass to be a piece of shit to other people. May as well say "I was bullied in school so now I too have gained the right to bully random innocent people I don't really know simply bc uwu it happened to me". Which... isn't okay. At all.
This is my like... lowkey and mellow version of my massive loathing of those characters LOL.
Marianne is a tricker one to say I outright loathe because I don't loathe her so much as her behavior as well as how the writers handled her character. I couldn't stand her or even remotely tolerate her entire existence in the first half of the game, I shit you not. She got better and that's the only reason I can see her and not be totally repulsed lol.
YES I KNOW I SAID IT'S MELLOW AND USED HELLA STRONG DON'T-LIKE-THIS LANGUAGE BUT! I am expressing the strength of those feelings while not being super duper extra yeehaw about it!!!
And bc I don't wanna go into detail, esp right now because to actually go over that kind of thing I have to really sit and write about it.
And like, no hate to people who like or love fictional characters. I just don't vibe with those particular characters and am forever tormented by how popular they all are lol.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
i. shun & y. soma dating hcs
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a/n; are there any other food wars writers and can i PLEASE be friends with them 😔😔 the food wars x reader tag is so dry unless im posting :pepeHands:
anyways i hope you enjoy this! i went ham bc i love soma and shun so goddamn much
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yukihira soma
he's a little shit, a playful motherfucker
(if he confessed first) he will not let you live that down
(if you confessed first) he's salty about it bc he wants to be the "big brave man" and wanted to sweep you off your feet and not the other way around
you are a main victim to his disgusting creations
but you're also the first one to taste the heavenly creations
it's like a lose win - win win situation here.
unfortunately you have the loss but it's okay bc he makes it up to you
he loves a snarky s/o, i can imagine
he likes someone that he wants to cook for but also wants to compete against
even if you lose to him, he finds the competition to be a good way to spend time with you
he also loves how angry you get if you lose sometimes
food is his love language, that and words of affirmation (no you can't change my mind about it)
like, yall you've seen how fucking excited he gets when his dad encourages him jsjdjsjsj
he certainly doesn't mind physical touch but words seem to get to him more despite how he can't read a room but it's okay we love him
i like to think he does get jealous but depends on the situation
like if there's some person he doesn't know trying to flirt, he's straight up wrapping his arms around you and dragging you away
he doesn't mind if people he knows interacts with you (in fact it's usually a bit between you and megumi, you often fluster her)
but when it's a stranger, it's on sight
he becomes a clingy bitch when he’s jealous pls give him attention
he gets excited talking about you to others, it's so cute :((
his dad probably listening with a proud smile on his face as soma rambles about you
idk y but there would be those really funny moments, like you know the spongebob scene where mr krabs sells off spongebob for 62 cents? 
yeah soma is mr krabs in that scene while he gets challenged to a shokugeki and puts you as reward
don’t worry though, he doesn’t do it (not often at least)
even when he does, he’s winning that damn shokugeki
once he wins, he looks up at you with that smug grin on his fucking face
but we all know he fought with his all and he would do it again if it meant that he could stay with you forever :]
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ibusaki shun
he’s a really chill boyfie
and we love him for that
(if he confessed first) he feels rly proud of himself that he got out of his shell and picked up the courage to talk to you
(if you confessed first) he’s pretty surprised that you did it first but he’s sort of happy that you did (though he would’ve still liked to confess first)
just like soma, you’re the first to get his creations
he doesn’t really look for anyone’s approval (mostly looks for critique than approval) 
but when it comes to you, he just really wants to see you happy bc of his food
in public, it seems like shun doesn’t care for you often
but all his friends and you, all know how caring he is
he’s not open about it, he’s very quiet and subtle about it
he’s very observant, and he uses that to watch over you and take care of you
oh you said you were thirsty? he has a water bottle for you 
oh you’re cold? boom, take his hoodie
oh you’re tired? he’s quietly offering you to sleep on his shoulder
in public, he’s not a pda person
but indoors, he shows his affections much more.
he just wants to make sure you know that he loves you :((
shun’s love language is gift giving, honestly i can see him making a playlist that reminds him of you 
he really wants to just give you gifts and he’s all like “you deserve the world and i wish i could give you it” im skdjskjffkgj pls he’s so cute
no one can really tell if he gets jealous or not, except you
he’s a little possessive but that’s only bc he’s insecure 
when you don’t give him enough attention, he’s like that small chicken with a small knife, *no talk im angy*
it’s okay though, you give him the attention he wants in the end
shun rambles to isshiki about you, no i do not take criticism
isshiki teasess him about it at first but he finds it really endearing when he notices how happy shun is when he talks about you
also he loves rambling to you !! pls he gets really happy when you ask him about something he likes to do
i hc that he’s always quiet bc he’s more of a listener friend than a speaker friend but like bc of that no one really talks to him about the things he wants to talk about :(((
he would also fight for you with his entire life :]
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swiftcola · 3 years
saw in your tags how you don't like how mafia 3 handled vito's character and i would love if you could expand your thoughts on that! i feel like you have such amazing insight on the mafia 2 characters
:o thank u !! honestly i’m not rly that good at like doing a deep dive into characters, i actually just go off the vibes they give me HHHH but yeah ! i made a post abt it before but it was quite a while ago SO
vito, to me, just feels like a character who has been doomed from the start. like he’s been dealt a bad hand, nothing can change that. nothing he does can get him out of the position he’s in. he’s not the most worse off person but he can never improve his life either. every time he takes a step forward, fate intervenes and pushes him back. he comes back from war! he goes to prison. he buys his dream house! it burns down. good news, leo can save his life! but he gets exiled from the city. he makes a name for himself in new bordeaux! sal fucks him over, cheats him out of his cut, and he’s right back to where he was all those years ago. something abt it fascinates me, i just love it. it may be tempting to be like “but he deserves a good ending after all he’s been through!!” but it doesn’t feel right to me. none of his endings feel right to me. lincoln betraying and killing him comes the closest but i feel it’s very anticlimactic and boring. vito having an even share of the city along with cassandra and burke just bores me too. it’s literally just the fairest/“good” ending to the game, it doesn’t rly carry any emotional weight for me. and vito getting control of the city and living happily and successfully until he’s super old because lincoln did it all himself and handed it over to him is just so undeserved... like idk what to say, or what to suggest they should’ve done instead. but the position we find vito in at the start of mafia 3 is just perfect. here’s a man trying to make the best of a bad situation but from the moment we’re first reintroduced to him you can just immediately tell he’s miserable and pathetic and stuck in the same shitty situation he’s always been in... like they almost had it !!
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majicmarker · 4 years
so i’ve had a lot on my mind lately — the good, the bad, the ugly, you know the drill. i’m used to the bad and the ugly, but i think (and ofc by my therapist’s rec) i need to give a little credit to the good, too. not to mention the good is largely comprised of people, and those people deserve a sports stadium wave, yk? idk shit abt sports, whatever, but i know what the wave is and it’s like the grandest gesture i can think of, SO
listen, y’all. to get real here, i hate fandom. my time spent therein has been hit-or-miss, but the misses got me hard and contributed to some major self-loathing, etc etc. we’re not gonna get into the specifics, i don’t owe that to anyone, but suffice it to say things got Rough.
but so much of it can be so, so good. and rn i want to keep on my rose-colored glasses, and the rosiest parts for me have always been @kitten1618x and @mygutsforgarters
(quite a few others, too, but i no longer have everyone’s info. and some ppl are newer friends, or relationships that have moved more slowly. i have mad love for u guys too, obvs, but ik melissa and gus irl so we know each other More and they’re who this post is rly about atm. pls know i don’t want to harsh on anyone’s feelings)
the tl;dr version of events is i met them both via fanfic. i happened upon theirs like “bitch!!!! **i** wanna do this, they’re bomb as hell” and then i made them be friends w me. they’ll tell you they wanted to be friends w me first, but that’s not important bc **i** am the one making this post, so they can both like,, suck it.
@ melissa : so bitch listen. here’s the thing abt melissa…… i found her while browsing jonsa fic back when i cared abt GOT, and she brought me back to what i loved so much abt romance when i first started, way back in junior high, what’s up. i bad a fascination w historial romantic epics for a loooooong time — those formative yrs, amirite ladies??? — but girl i could never write it so well as melissa. immediately she struck this balance between the drama you expect from historicals and the levity of a good romance, and i was just like, “hand to god this woman must be published already, surely???”
(she’s not, but that’s ridiculous so we’re gonna skip that)
(also she’s busy?? we’ve been friends for like six years and i will never know how many kids she actually has, but the point is she’s a goddamn superhero and i’m obsessed w her, MOVING ON)
i just Had to be her friend for two reasons: 1) she’s too talented, and b) i have said that abt 2 ppl my entire life and she was the first, so i was like, “AH YES MY HOLY GRAIL”
so ofc i slid into her DMs just as effectively as that one guy i had a crush on when i was sixteen and he’s still shooting me texts every valentine’s day bc of the societal pressures i guess (it is Far Less Effective these days, he’s my age and therefore too young for me, gross, but i digress), except me and melissa go way stronger.
she reminded me of why, half a lifetime ago, i started writing romance — bc it’s fun, bc i want to. bc i can do absolutely anything i want, bc who else is gonna read it but me and whoever i share it with? it was all up to me what i wanted to do with it, and i could do anything. nothing really mattered but what i wanted, and i hadn’t felt that way abt anything in such a long time — let alone abt something i used to love so much.
melissa’s writing is so beautiful, it’s everything i wanted to achieve when i was fifteen and never got around to perfecting. and i’m totally okay w that now, bc what do i need to do myself that she’s not already doing/wants to do in the future? when i found melissa’s writing i found a missing part of me — a part i’d maybe lost, maybe i gave it up, idk, but it was totally gone until i found her fics and they fucking clicked. i had to reach out bc there was a part of me that was a part of her, and she helped me find that again w/o even knowing it.
so i found melissa via GOT, and from the start she’d been trying to get me to write some bethyl. years and years, she dropped not-so-subtle hints — and by “hints,” i mean legit directives that i watch just enough TWD to write her some beth/daryl fic. real crafty, she is.
eventually the stars aligned: i was bored w the same dynamics i’d been writing for years, i wanted smthn new, i was restless, i was line editing a bethyl fic she’d written, and — again — this shit clicked. her fic made me want to explore this dynamic i’d never done before, so i watched the prerequisite episodes (no more than that tho, i super hate the show and i’m begging y’all to not @ me abt it anymore). i found smthn that i’d been missing, smthn that challenged and excited me and brought me back around to why i love romance and, more importantly, why i want to write it myself.
so as i was starting to write bethyl, i was poking around the ao3 tag to get a feel for what had been done, what hadn’t, anything i might be missing. and goddamn BAM —
@ gus : this is where u enter dramatically thru a red velvet curtain that i don’t wanna touch (Metaphorically bc you do romance better than me and i’m cool w that bc your talent simply Cannot be touched, and Literally bc i hate velvet) — i was like, “please for the love of god let her want to write contemporary romance, i need some good fckin food”
i happened upon “doo wah diddy diddy” first. ofc the summary hooked me, forget my usual hard no against pregnancy fics (i have issues w pregnancy and that’s all anybody Needs to know, back off), but This Bitch !!!!!!! has a way with words and i wanted to be friends w her straightaway. lmao too bad for her, now she’s stuck w me
gus’s fics gave me what i wanted without having to write it myself. her style is so distinctive, she hits the notes between porn and Actual Affection that is missing from uhhhh, every romance i’ve tried?? (why is everyone so intent on the sex part?? fckin chill. at best it’s unrelatable and at worst u sound like u’d rather wear someone than fuck them, check urself)
she writes w such care, she wants you to know what she’s doing here, and what she’s doing here is combining the physical and emotional needs of both characters w/o infringing on anyone’s comfortability. you root for these characters bc they simply want to be together, no strings (and if there are strings, damn, they talk abt it).
gus makes you believe in love in the modern age. like, not to sound like one of those ppl who post fckin “no one in this generation knows how to love!!!1!!11!!” memes on facebook, those are dumb, but gus’s writing made me think “yeah man, love ain’t dead, it’s just abt how we approach it.”
(if y’all haven’t guessed yet, i have some hang-ups abt relationships. i’ve goddamn earned those. but melissa and gus both brought me back to where i needed to be — in this place where, yeah, we’ve got some shit to deal with, but we all still deserve the things we want, and those things are achievable. i could not have gotten here without them, so jot that down.)
gus is Real, she’s funny, she’s unapologetic in the way she writes. ofc she has her personal hurdles, but who doesn’t?? and tbh nobody writes a sex scene like gus does. physical, realistic, but balanced w the emotional depth that makes you root for these characters bc you can Feel how much they want each other — not just sexually, but in the less-erotic aftermath of that passion. it continues to blow my mind, bc i’ve never seen anyone do what she does. i can’t even pinpoint the specifics, bc she just… Does It. and you’re reading it like “yeah bitch that’s it,” and That’s It.
it’s fckin wild.
these two — my best friends, the lights of my life, both of whom always make me crave chicken tenders at THE most inconvenient hours bc somehow we always talk abt chicken or ice cream or ultimately DQ, but they're both so hot idec — have something special.
i really, really want them both to know that: it’s not just in how they’ve treated me as a friend, but who they are as people, in their creative pursuits. i’ve never known support the way they’ve shown me; i’ve never known this much enthusiasm or investment or belief that i can do what i want with my talent. i want them to know that i feel the same way abt them and their works.
sometimes, when i look back at their writing that completely kicked my ass, i still can’t believe that they’ve become two of my best friends. it’s totally bonkers. they’re This Talented, and they wanna be friends w my spastic ass? GIRL. i’m out.
i’m not always the best at being present, at giving people what they need when they need it. but with everything that melissa and gus have given me in the past few years, i need them to know this — honey!!! i need all y’all to know this, bc i know fandom shit is hard, but you should know some of these friendships are so, so worth all that bullshit, so —
they have so much to give, so much to say, so much to offer. i could not have kept going without them. i couldn’t believe in myself without the faith they’ve given to me. i hope that i can always give that same faith right back.
and that, babes, is what real soulmates are all about.
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beauzoleils · 5 years
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ABIGAIL  COWEN ,  CISFEMALE ,  SHE / HER    →   according  to  the  school  records ,  NATALIE  LUCILLE  BEAUSOLEIL  has  been  attending  sacred  heart  for  the  past  three  years .  i  last  saw  them   hanging  around  the  john  bracken  library  ;  i  think  they  were  working  on  writing  her  novel .  at  twenty - one  years  old ,  natalie  has  been  studying  english  literature  and  get  this ,  i   heard  that  she’ll  zone  out  while  writing  papers  for  class  and  come  to  surrounded  by  pages  and  pages  full  of  archaic  languages  she  doesn’t  speak   —   figure  it’s  true ?  everyone  around  here  always  associates  them  with  a  moonlight  sonata  echoing  through  empty  halls ,  seats  in  the  back  row  at  the  opera ,  and  dead  flowers  pressed  between  the  pages  of  an  old  book .  in  the  time  since  these  strange  happenings ,  they  have  encountered  unexplained  occurrences .     
HI ,  hello .  i’m  hannah  n  this  is  like .  the  only  thing  i’ve  been  thinking  about  recently ,  aka  i’m  so  excited .  ok  anyway !  i’m  20 ,  kickin  it  in  the  est !  i’m  a  full  time  student  ( majoring  in  being  a  dumb  bitch  n  gay  rights  and  i’m  at  the  top  of  my  class  baby . . )  and  i’m  ALSO  a  preschool  teacher  so  if  i’m  ever  Not  here ,  i’m  with  my  babies  ! !  but  that  isn’t  the  reason  why  ur  all  here . .   ur  here  for  an  intro  post !  so !  
let’s  talk  abt  my  girl . . .  𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄  𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐈𝐋 !
okay .  so .  first  thing’s  first .  i  have  some  Real  Things  prepared  for  my  girl ,  including  but  not  limited  to :
a  pinterest  board !
a  stats  page !
and  what  i  call  NATALIE :  A  TRAGEDY  IN  THREE  ACTS .  it’s  kind  of  a  bio ,  mixed  in  with  some  stage  directions  here  and  there .  it’s  a  quick  read  n  rly  gives  you  that  Natalie  Flavor  if  you  know  what  i  mean . .  so  if  you  feel  so  inclined  n  wanna  take  a  look . .  but  full  disclosure  it  rly  does  hit  different  than  just  reading  this  intro 
anyway !  i’ll  give  a  more  condensed  version  of  her  bio  here  n  some  info  abt  her  personality  n  some  random  headcanons . .  etc !
alright  SO .  our  girl  natalie  was  born  on  april  13 ,  1952  to  michel  and  colette  beausoleil .  it  was  a  thursday ,  and  it  was  ALSO  eleven  weeks  before  colette’s  due  date ,  so  we  all  know  that  can’t  be  good 
( spoiler  alert :  it  wasn’t )
natalie  was  supposed  to  be  a  twin ,  but  the  other  baby  ( a  boy  named  pierre )  didn’t  survive .  they  didn’t  think  that  natalie  would ,  but  she did !  unfortunately ,  her  parents  were  too  wounded  by  the  loss  of  their  other  baby  and  it  was  all grieving  and  no  celebrating .  
also .  there’s  more  info  abt  her  parents  n  how  they  met  in  the  bio  but ,  a  sparknotes  version  is  that  michel  was  a  playwright  in  paris  and  colette  was  a  ballerina / his  muse  and  they  rushed  into  a  marriage 
michel  made  it  rly  big  a  couple  yrs  after  natalie  was  born  and  so  they  decided  to  use  that  $ $ $  to  send  natalie  away  to  an  expensive  boarding  school  in  london  called  our  lady  of  sacred  suffering .  it  was ,  of  course ,  a  catholic  girls  boarding  school  and  natalie  hated  it  there
but  they  hated  natalie  there  bc  she  was  just  the  WORST  catholic  school  girl  of  all  time ,  so  it  was  mutual
meanwhile ,  her  relationship  w  her  parents  is . .  very  complicated .  her  dad  is  just  kind  of  The  Worst  across  the  board ,  very  reliant  on  drinking ,  definitely  got  into  drug  use  at  some  point ,  had  lots  of  affairs  with  the  young  actresses  in  his  plays .  and  colette  was  just . .  very  sad  and  very  absent  so  the  support  was  Minimal
natalie  has  a  lot  of  issues  that  are  all  rooted  in  her  childhood  tbh .
somewhere  along  the  way ,  she  found  a  deep  passion  for  Writing  and  developed  this  sense  of  purpose  and  for  a  minute  things  were  going  very  well 
which  we  all  know  means  things  are  about  to  get  WORSE . 
on  her  eighteenth  birthday ,  natalie  receieves  a  card  in  the  mail  from  her  mother  for  the  First  Time  Ever .  and  she  immediately  is  like .  huh .  well .  something  is  Wrong .
she’s  right .
( tw :  nondescript  mentions  of  car  crashes  &  death )
a  week  later ,  she  receives  word  that  her  parents  were  involved  in  a  serious  car  accident  at  the  pont  de  l’alma  tunnel  in  paris  and  her  did  not  survive  the  accident .
( end  tw )
her  mother’s  family  is  not  convinced  that  michel  should  walk  away  from  this  without  blame  and  decides  to  take  legal  action  against  him  and  get  him  convicted  with  a  more  serious  charge  than  just  manslaughter . 
they  promise  to  keep  natalie  out  of  it  as  much  as  possible  but  when  it  comes  time  to  testify  as  to  whether  or  not  michel  had  a  history  of  not  caring  about  colette’s  life  and  well - being ,  the  only  one  who  can  speak  to  it  is  natalie .
so  she  testifies  and  it’s  her  testimony  that  is  the  metaphorical  nail  in  the  coffin .  
( tw :  suicide  mention )
michel  knows  it ,  too .  that’s  what  natalie  thinks .  he  turns  up  dead  in  his  jail  cell  the  day  before  he’s  supposed  to  be  sentenced .  she  never  knows  if  he  deserved  the  life  sentence  he  was  going  to  be  given .
( end  tw ) 
so  then !  she’s  an  orphan !  but  she  does  gain  control  over  everything  that  her  parents  left  behind ,  which  turns  out  to  be  a  lot .  
she  sells  their  house  in  paris ,  goes  to  wales  to  begin  university ,  and  hasn’t  gone  back  since  then .  but  like ,  she  grew  up  in  london  for  the  most  part  so  she’s  not  exactly  sad  about  being  away  from  paris  and  all  the  ghosts  there .
and  now  she’s  at  sacred  heart ,  working  on  writing  her  debut  novel ,  which  is  the  ( albeit ,  dramatized  and  fictionalized )  story  of  her  parents !
so  basically ,  she’s  got  issues .
fictional  character  inspo  includes :  jo  march ,  alaska  young ,  cheryl  blossom
if  you  know  anything  abt  astrology . .  she’s  an  aries  sun ,  mercury ,  and  venus . .  and  a  scorpio  moon  and  mars . .  and  a  gemini  rising . .  i’m  so  sorry JKDSFM
she’s  very  emotional  but  does  a  super  good  job  of  hiding  it  and  keeping  all  those  emotions  ( esp  the  intense  n  darker  ones )  buried  away . .  deep  down  where  no  one  could  see  it
the  minute  that  ppl  kind  of  ? ?  but  two  and  two  together  n  realize  who  she  is  ( bc . .  in  my  head . .  her  dad’s  whole  trial  was  kind  of .  A  Thing  that  the  public  knew  abt . )  they’re  probably  rly  concerned  w  Little  she  shows  any  real  emotion  to  the  whole  thing . 
rly  she’s  just  the  queen  of  compartmentalizing  n  repressing !
she’s  very . .  Assertive .  like ,  when  she  wants  something  she’s  going  to  do  whatever  it  takes  to  get  her  way  
very  Very  reckless .  she’s  like . .  so  fucking  impulsive  that  it  physically  Pains  me  sometimes .
she’s  very  smart  but  like .  More  So ,  she’s  very  clever  and  very  sharp  with  her  words .  a  very  fast  thinker  and  a  very  loud  talker 
someone  please . .  tell  her  to  stop  yelling .  she  needs  to  Relax . 
she’s  very  charming  i’ll  say  it .  n  like ?  seems  cool ?  the  kind  of  person  that  you  meet  and  immediately  want  to  hang  out  w  them .  
very  flirty ,  has  always  used  that  charming  smile  of  hers  to  get  ppl  in  her  corner  and  she’s  not  gonna  stop  now !  she’s  very  good  at  making  ppl  feel  special  
but  like .  she  means  well  most  of  the  time  sdkfj  her  heart  is  in  the  right  place  okay
big  time  trust  issues .  big  time  commitment  issues .  painfully  independent  and  refuses  to  let  anyone  know  how  much  she  cares  about  them  until  she’s  like . .  Really  sure  that  they  aren’t  going  to  hurt  her
also  very  afraid  of  hurting  people ,  which  is  another  reason  why  she  struggles  to  get  attached  to  people .  she  definitely  has  this  deep - rooted  fear  that  Bad  Things  follower  her  and  she  doesn’t  want  to  drag  ppl  into  that
it’s  literally  a  toss - up  as  to  whether  she’s  going  to  seem  like  she’s  demanding  ur  attention  or  entirely  disinterested  in  it .  bc  she’s  all  over  the  place . 
but  like .  i’m  an  emotional  BITCH  so  she’s  probably  going  to  end  up  being  100000%  softer  than  i  intend  bc  i  project  too  much  soft  bitch  energy  onto  my  characters  Always .
so  many  things .  literally ,  anything .  just  a  disclaimer ,  if  u  read  thru  this  and  had  An  Idea  then  like .  yes  Pls  tell  me ,  i  want  it  xoxo 
but  here  are  some  i  have  up  in  the  old . .  noggin .
EXES .  please ,  please . .  for  the  love  of  GOD  give  me  some  angsty  exes  nonsense .  do  you  need  someone  who  broke  ur  characters  heart ?  consider  natalie  UR  GIRL .  she’s  Emotionally  Damaged  and  has  the  capacity  to  be  the  angstiest  ex  of  all  time ,  okay ?
give  her  a  weakness .  she  needs  someone  who  she’s  Actually  vulnerable  around  and  actually  sees  her  have  emotions  and  knows  she’s  not  just  this  huge  Mess  all  the  time
i  rly  want  someone  that  is  like .  from  the  same  ( ish )  bg  as  her  in  the  sense  that  like . .  they  also  were  surrounded  by  nice  clothes  n   expensive  private  schools  n  Luxury  but  like .  they  Thrive  in  it  the  way  natalie  used  to  wish  that  she  could .  n  just .  i  think  it  would  b  a  super  interesting  dynamic  bc  they  would  just !  clash !  so  intensely ! !  n  tbh  nat  would  probably  b  lowkey  jealous  Still  n .  spicy !
@ all  those  ppl  who  are  into  theatre :  i’m  Dying  for  some  connections  of  ppl  who  knew / knew  of  her  father  n  would  know  what  happened  w  him  perhaps  on  a  deeper  level  than  ppl  who  read  it  in  the  newspaper  a  few  yrs  ago . .  ( bonus  points  if  they  lowkey  idolized / looked  up  to  her  dad  bc  thats  a  Big  Mess  and  could  b  spicy  as  fuck  to  explore ,  u know ? ) 
idk  if  any  of  y’all  have  characters  who  grew  up  in / around  paris ?  but  if  there  are . .  then  Perhaps  someone  who  knew  her  in  her  youth ?
okay .  not  to  be  Trash  but  like .  i  rly  want  her  to  have  a  dynamic  that’s  jo  x  laurie  adjacent ?  do  they  have  to  be  in  love  w  her ?  no !  i  just  want someone  that  has  that  genuine  bond  w  her  and  they  care  abt  each  other  n  goof  around  n  like . .  i’m  already  getting  soft  on  main ,  huh , ,
she’s  soo  fucking  messy  that  like . .  all  the  messy  fwb / frenemies  with  benefits / one  night  stand  type  of  plots . .  yes  pls 
i  always  want  there  to  b  a  badass  girl  squad  like .  a  group  of  ladies  n  theydies  that  take  no  shit  n  get  in  fights  for  each  other  n  rly  truly  ride  or  die  w  each  other . .  we  can  workshop  the  name  ok  but  for  now ?  my  girl  squad  is  open  for  applications 
okay .  let  me  cut  myself  off  right  there  but  i’ll  leave  you  with  my  WANTED  CONNECTIONS  TAG  n  also  again  i’m 10000%  okay  to  just  brainstorm  out  something  else  completely  if  its  what  ur  feeling !
if  u  read  all / any  of  this . .  i  love  u . <3  either hmu on discord ( let's go 𝓁𝑒𝓈𝒷𝒾𝒶𝓃𝓈 ! #6227 ) ksdjfskm  OR !  like  this  n  i  will  come  to  u !  okay ,  that’s  all ,  bye 
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aredhels · 5 years
creators tag meme! 💞
rules: choose five of your own favorite edits and do a short commentry on each, at what you absolutely loved about it as well as what you'd do in it now as in order to improve and other comments! 💕 tag ten mutuals of yours to provide an opportunity to amazing content creators such as yourself to appreciate their edits and spread love!! 💞
tagged by: sweet anon who started this tag game 💞💞
1. aurora lynch edit: i wanted to pick this bc i rly love the smoke effect i used for this and also the font is so nice and works well and all in all this just deserved way more notes bc imo this edit is rly cute!!
2. thuringwethil edit: i’ve done a buttload of edits with this style but i feel like this might be my favourite out of all of those, the colours are so cool and the fonts are nice! but i guess the texts could’ve used a drop shadow below them so they wouldn’t disappear into the lighter colours of the images like that
3. ravenclaw moodboard: it took me ages to decide which moodboard i was gonna include in this post bc tbf i’ve made sooooo many good ones but i decided on this since it also happens to be the edit with most notes out of all the ones i’ve made
4. black and white zoya edit: this was just a random heist edit but it turned out a lot better than i expected and i really love it? as for improving it, i guess a coloured version might look even cooler idk
5. kuwei yul-bo edit: this is a very recent one, i really love this idea and the overlay i used! and the colours and bold reds ahhh i’m just so happy with how this one turned out
tagging: @avnakin, @thelordsoftherings, @cassians, @wesper, @grishasverse, @leejordan, @longbottomneville, @adreamofspring, @kuweiyulbo, @delacour
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verngyu-moved · 5 years
hello !!! ive been too shy to send this till now but im thinking that ill be sending an extremely long message to you ! hopefully i won't reveal myself !!! i love you a lot like words can not express how thankful i am to you and to your posts and to your blog and hey it's okay. you don't have to do anything, your existence itself is enough and is good. you are loved greatly, and im so sorry i didn't say anything till now but i love you. greatly. extremely. more than mere words can describe (1/?)
or more than i, myself, can properly ever express ! i love you a lot and you are loved and cherished deeply and greatly. and whatever you decide, ill always support you. i believe that you can kick ass with your criminology course and i believe that you can shatter the very universe and reach the sky, and i firmly believe in this. you’re strong and i love you very much. thank you for your hard work and for making such beautiful content even when you don’t have time and is busy. it’s okay (2/?)even if you don’t make a lot of content nowadays, it’s okay to take a break. it’s okay to be in a funk. it’s okay to not want to do anything. it’s okay to give yourself some time and just let yourself go. it’s okay. your gifs may not do as well as before, but hey! think about this!! whenever i see your gifs on my dash, i immediately know it’s yours. i think your gifs are these pockets of joy and loveclouds and i genuinely mean this. they are always so pretty and so perfectly timed and (3/?)well-made. like seriously !! they always look so wonderful and idk how your hands can do it. like bless you ! i love you very much. thank you for your constant hard work really! i can not like commend you in ways i want to cause my words is lacking but i really just wanted to tell you that your blog is special. and that i absolutely love you here, but really, you should do what you want. what makes you the happiest. what gives you the most ease and comfort. please always put yourself (4/?)before others ! you deserve it !!! you really do!! anyhow i just wanted to tell you that i love and cherish your greatly and that thank you so much for all that you do. you’re doing well. you have been doing well. and i know that you will continue to do well, so give yourself a little more credit, and be kinder to yourself. you’re a lovely starbeam and i love you very much! thank you once again!! im sorry hah this is REALLY LONG! ill leave with a pickup line! are you French.. CAUSE MADAM! (5/5)
well firstly, thank u for this very thoughtful and kind message. i did not expect something like this!!
i rly didnt make that post to guilt-trip anyone into messaging me, following me, sending an ask, etc., i just really dont think anyone cares about me or would miss me if i deactivated. friends, sure, but w/friends ive made on here i have added on other social media so i dont think they could really “miss” me bc they see my dumbass posting mingyu pics on my insta story because of this, i think about doing that a lot lately
i dont really even know why it bothers me so much (my posts underperforming); its just a site. and ive even held myself back from making gifs even though i tell myself “no one’s giffed it yet” and i want to gif it,, it’s bc my effort seems futile. it sounds sad but i feel like ““my time”” as a content creator here is up…you know? like trends. some people and things just arent it anymore, i guess. ive also really become tired of the internet dramas and inter-fandom dramas. drama is unavoidable online or not but i do find myself being stressed out by things that dont even directly involve me lol. and i’m still into seventeen/still love them btw, this isnt abt them
..maybe part of my change in perspective on this is due to being in college + doing commissions n stuff for spare cash here and there. so one downside to that (or upside depending on how you look at it) i dont really feel like doing loads of free work in exchange for no payment. its such a capricorn thing to say but i’ve found that i really like creating youtube videos, and since i can make a profit on those–bc my channel finally got approved for monetization :’’’)–maybe my brain likes the idea of that more lmao (………heres my channel btw)
its really nice to hear you like the things i make and thats its also recognizable. i try to make gifs “current” or whatever but also my own. i create because i have to. its bad for my mental health not to
my blog’s been mostly inactive for the last week and i did notice that i felt a lot better. this week was really good–in a lot of ways. i still want to make things. i unfollowed tags and stuff so i wont even check if somethings been giffed. i’ll just do it, i think. im hoping if i change things i can still be on here and enjoy it.
thank u for all the kind words, this is really encouraging + comforting. i hope this response was adequate..and i also hope you had a nice week. i still want to try because of people like u 💞ily 💞
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queen-mabs-revenge · 5 years
so, and this is my v unprofessional haven’t-yet-see-the-film-but-have-trawled-extensively-for-reviews completely spoiler-free observation but, it seems like a lot of the FFH positive reviews i’ve seen are rly focused on what i’m going to call the external qualities of the film...the look of the suit, the way mysterio’s powers are rendered, the action sequences, the dope CGI, the way that this looks like spidey. and a lot of other external factors -- the so-called accurate portrayal of the way teenagers act and react, the tone other films in the MCU set and the way this plays off of that.
the critical reviews tend to focus on the character development both within the MCU framework, and in relation to the essentials of peter parker’s characteristics as remixed in a new universe. like there are some crits here and there about whether CGI needed to be so highly relied on even for basic standing around or reaction shots, but for the most part, the critical commentary focuses on looking internally at the character’s personality cornerstones from 616 and 616-based verses, and internally within the film on the character’s personal growth and the arcs and motivations and interactions of the heroes and villains within the film’s universe itself.
and....yeah, idk i’m having some thoughts about how this correlates to a more curative v. a more transformative fandom. idk again this is just my jacked-ass observation, but it seems like from those reviewing from a comics perspective, the positive reactions come from a bit more of a curative space -- the idea that a retelling’s worth relies primarily on the fulfilment of a set of aesthetic parameters (look of the suit, acrobatics of the action sequences, even the idea of the stereotypical fulfilment of a “nerd” persona without asking what that actually means to the character and their social standing, the external display of quippiness), where the negative reactions are coming from more of a transformative space -- the idea that a retelling’s worth relies more on the transmutation of a character’s core essentials under whatever aesthetic coat of paint the new universe provides.
so if your parameters for “comic accurate” are curative-based, and you’re talking about more external and aesthetic factors being the measure of a successful interpretation of the source material, that’s one thing, and is a valid perspective on its own -- but then that tag of “comic accurate” as deemed curatively gets pitted against a transformative perspective where the parameters of “accuracy” are entirely different! so you get “comic accurate” being used to mean entirely different things within the same debate depending on which perspective you’re looking at the new text in relation to the original one.
(and i think a lot of which interpretation of “comics accurate” is seen as having more value and authority is rly interesting considering that the curative fandom is generally seen as a more masculine space while transformative fandom is generally seen as a more feminine space [which is an idea that has been explored by a lot of ppl who study fandom and its expressions in fabulous detail] but that’s a whole other Long Post.)
so then within the transformative community i think in some cases the clashes i see are dependent on which version of the character you fell in love with and how that colours which set of core character essentials you think need to be transmuted into a transformative creation. someone who first falls in love with MCU!spidey is going to want to preserve that interpretation’s core characteristics throughout their transformative creations, while someone who fell in love with 616!spidey might be alienated from that -- which is actually rly fine tbh. the two characters are different and are going to sing to different people, and both sets of fans deserve to fuck around in their (properly labelled) sandboxes.
but in an inter-transformative community conversation about “accuracy” and how that affects ones reaction to the MCU interpretation of spider-man, both sets of transformative fans are going to be using the transformative definition of “accurate” (the character based one) -- but both sets are going to be thinking of different core characteristics (one more MCU based and the other 616 based). 
so i guess what i’m trying to say is that the two transformative communities -- who are promoting the same transformative value set but for two different characters -- are arguing using the phrase “comic accurate” that when referring back to the comic source, is being used imo in a kind of secondary way by a transformative MCU fandom as defined by a curative perspective of the primary source, and is challenged from the transformative comics fandom who are defining “comic accuracy” and the feeling that the MCU has failed to live up to that phrase from a transformative perspective of the primary source? and that clash is further intensified bc the two primary source interpretations of “accuracy” are valued completely differently by the general media landscape because the curative fandom is seen as more authoritative than the transformative one in the first place? 
possibly? idk i’m literally thought vomiting here but that’s kind of what i’m parsing from what i think i’m seeing right now, and i always fall back into lit crit mode when i’m confused
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Tagged by @jojosthetic-boogaloo !! If somebody else tagged me and I didn’t see, I’m sorry ;((💖
Your All time favourite character: Bruno! I adore that man for so many reasons, maybe one day I’ll make a post about it...
Favourite JoJo: Actually I love them all, but uhm, Josuke! Also Johnny and Giorno, even though not for reasons as ‘He’s wholesome and kind’, but his personality is interesting!
Favourite JoBro: Bruno obviously, but I also love Okuyasu, Polnareff, Kakyoin, Gyro and Hermes! (JoSis I guess?)
Favourite Villain: Kira, take his Stand away and he’s still creepy af, he’s one of the best JoJo characters in my opinion- I’d say La Squadra too but they’re more like?? Minor villains? And they kinda have the same goal as Bruno’s gang in the end so,,,I,,,yeah.
Favourite stand: Killer Queen -the Bites the Dust arc was done very well and it was very entertaining, also the design in general and its abilities are things I really like- and Sex Pistols -cute...babies...Number 5 is my favourite, and I love sentient stands so!- but ofc there are others I find interesting, such as Spice Girl, Heaven’s Door, Purple Haze, Metallica...
Favourite part: Currently I’d say part 5 and 7 -from what I’ve read so far, and it’s gonna get even more interesting-!
Favourite thing about JoJo: Idk, there are so many things about it that I like, what I’m interested in the most whenever I start watching/reading something is the characters and JoJo has not let me down at all, there are so many beautiful and interesting characters and the designs are so creative even if bizarre, the Stands as well! I wish I had a Stand- and obviously all the Parts’ plots, yes there are some plot holes, but every show, book, manga etc has its flaws after all!
Give a hug to: Fuck, everyone? They all deserves a big hug even tho I don’t like hugging people...but if I have to say one, hmm... Risotto. He lost his whole Team, and he didn’t even get to avenge them. Plus his backstory is not the happiest, so he really needs a hug- Giorno too, he’s so young and he had to go through a lot- 
Get or give comfort to: I?? Want to comfort Bruno? He looks like he needs it lmfao. And I want to be comforted by him too! Let me just,, cuddle this man while we talk about what makes us feel upset,,,I honestly mostly imagine me comforting characters tho, like, have I ever told you that I rly want to give comfort to Johnny...Ghiaccio...Fugo...Narancia...Trish...NXBNSDJ
Go out on a date with: Y’all already know I’d go on a date with my main man Bruno any time, but I’d also enjoy a date with Josuke? Idk I feel like we’d have a lot of fun-
Move out and go live with (as roommates): Can I choose two people? I’m gonna choose two people. Narancia and Trish, they’re babies and we’d have fun, go out, watch stupid movies together, and just be dumb together tbh. We’d be bffs!
Marry: Bruno-
What is your dream activity with who, where and how long: I always think about this a lot oh God- if Bruno showed up at my door and invited me to go take a nice walk with him, then we went to some restaurant and then we’d just relax and quietly stare at the sea...that’s it. Bruno if you’re reading this, do it, I wouldm’t even think twice I’d immediately say yes. I’d basically love to go on a very romantic date with him in the evening/night, but I’d also love to go on the beach with him? Like...beach day with Bruno? I’m in. Also an alternative: Ice Skating with Ghiaccio! 
The character you relate the most to: Narancia, other than because we’re both bad at maths...it’s because, while watching the Anime, I noticed that I’d act exactly like him in certain situations so like...yes. Also my friends often tell me I remind them of Narancia xjnsdsdj
Did JoJo make a better change in your life? How did it help, is it a big or minor change: Oh yes it did! Other than helping me improve with my art, it made me want to start writing again and both of these things lead to me meeting new people and making amazing friends!! It also just,, makes me happy to read ff and do other things related to JoJo when I’m sad or upset, and let’s not forget that I started watching it while I was sick...so it made those two weeks way better than they would’ve been if I hadn’t had anything to do ahahah!
Do you self ship or oc ship with a canon character: I self ship with Bruno akxns and it also depends on which other charas I’m obsessed with in the moment...like now? I want to be Ghiaccio’s gf. And I have some OCs but I don’t ship them with anyone...yet!
If you had a stand, which one would you like to have? However, realistically which one would you most likely get with your past and demeanor: I’d love to have Crazy Diamond or Gold Experience as my Stand, I hate seeing my loved ones hurt and they’re generally useful -and wholesome- Stands, but also King Crimson would be cool- realistically I think that my Stand would be something like Heaven’s Door? I admit that I’m very curious and that Stands literally makes you read a person, so (but I wouldn’t do it to know someone’s secrets or smth xjsj)- but it can be very helpful too, and I love to help others, like when Rohan wrote that Koichi can speak Italian- I’d do stuff like that all the time! Idk xnsdj
tagging uh, whoever wants to do this ig?? jkssjk🤧👌❤
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It's 4 am nearly 5 am forbidden thoughts therapy time.
So I have realized a thing. Idk why precisely I do it but I do this thing where, especially when I'm anxious or whatever, I like unintentionally say exactly too much about something? Like idk, specifically saying the wrong thing to a friend and then feeling worse about the thing and it's just a spiral of sorry I didn't mean to be a shitty friend. And I think maybe I do it like as that imposter syndrome anxiety thing, like the "hello pls notice that I am garbage and go away because I don't deserve friends" absolutely awful brain voice. Which is dumb rly b/c like obvs I don't want to not have friends.
I think too there's like for sure some kind of idk whatever atypicality brain thing where it's like also being overly honest. Like let me tell you this truth (or thing I think is true about me) and then see where we are and historically that has gone poorly. Like not on a level of fear of submission to being known thing, more like, just because a thing is true doesn't mean it's appropriate to ever say even if u think ur good enough friends with someone or like you try to say it like you're just talking but thinking about it, even sometimes immediately after the fact there's no way to make it not sound like ur just being shitty?
I'll give you an example. Like one year in college I roomed with 3 other girls and we were pretty close. I was closer with the suite mates than my actual roommate tho, right? So the three of us would hang out and my roommate would like idk go do whatever it is she did. Now at the time, I didn't know I was queer right, but like one of the suitemates and I fell into like a real easy friendship (I'd known her for 2 yrs previous but we weren't bffs or anything) and even other people were like "lol y'all are so married" and we kinda were? Like we made dinner together a couple times a week (she would call me at work like "I'm making x for dinner okay") and shared chores and sat around watching movies and just friend/roommate stuff rly but idk. It was nice. As an ace it was like idk 85% of what I would want in a relationship even tho I didn't think about it that way at the time. It was that queer friendship limbo thing or whatever that one post was saying. Like except she got engaged to a dude uh right after that and idk if she would call herself queer in any sense. But anyway, I'm rambling.
So we were having a rly nice comfortable time and this was before like my whole family started dying off so I didn't have all the weird grief depression but I was still an anxious bean and idk what prompted the convo but she says to me one day something about how we were friends from like the first day of college and I said yeah and she mentioned idk something and I jokingly? But like it was true but I didn't mean to hurt her feelings I don't think? Said like "well I'll be real I thought it was a little weird you would wait outside my dorm sometimes when I wasn't home" which like that is genuinely a weird thing she did, but it's also completely not a thing you say to someone. Idk. But yeah it's like I get to feeling safe and then I say some too far truth thing and it fucks up whatever the friendship was. Because honestly after that it went downhill and she just like distanced herself from me a lot which was awkward but like didn't flat out say anything and like I was still trying to be friends because I didn't entirely think I had done something wrong? I guess? Idk what I thought tbh but we were supposed to room together the next year and it got closer and closer to sign ups and she like kept ignoring me and then finally sent me a text saying she had found other roommates. Like we still lived together and she essentially sent me a breakup text! Like that's wild! I still can't believe that happened.
So yeah idk just thinking about that. Like idk how to not do those things. Like I have caught myself in the middle of doing it and still done it. Idk if social self harm is a thing but maybe it's like that. Like it's obvs not the same as physical harm (I've never felt the need to do that outside of like extreme nail biting which sounds like nothing but it's for sure like gotta be somewhere in that wheelhouse) and I don't mean that it is the same, I just meant like as far as where the mentality of it is coming from. Like there's the endorphins or high or whatever from the being honest on a thing but then like all the pain or regret or potential loss or dread of outcome to follow depending on how it gets taken. Maybe it's more a depression response than anxiety come to think of it. Or some weird combo. Idk man I'm just out here self analyzing with absolutely no background to know what I'm saying.
This is one of those "I am putting this out into the world so it's not just in my head" posts. Bless u if u read this, hope it wasn't triggering, let me know if I need to tag something
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helheimawaitsyou · 6 years
Thank you so much for the great response to my latest Red Dead Redemption 2 Gif. I wanted to say thank you but also sorry that I made you tear up a little according to the tags you used when you reblogged the post :D
I want to share a few of those tags - I’ve read every single one and I’m glad you like the post! To kick this off, here one of the unused gifs I made for the gifset
Tumblr media
@ninja-nurse “I thought I was done crying over this game... apparently not... 😭“ Ahhh, I’m sorry, but I’m glad you like the gifs. The scene with “I’m afraid” is really heartbreaking”
@dixierose1998 “Fucking OUCH“ I have to admit, even for me it was hard to edit this thing because of the context. It’s just so saaad. He doesn’t deserve this 😭
@unusual-raccoon “Just restarted and I’m so scared because I know what’s going to happen.” I know right? idk if my heart can handle a second playthrough 🙄
@sketchyeh #my fucking heart
@seraidan  #gosh i cried so much
@itspiperchapman  #i just finished chapter 6 yesterday #i haven't cried so much over a video game character since mass effect 3
@secondlastk  #ah :(
@nellyhoran  #bitch im fucken.... CRINE !!!! Sorry 😬 😬
@hawkke  #i love suffering The feels *sigh*
@mimicmorgan  #this is beautiful Thank you so much!!!
@ingeniousahole  #THIS FUCKING GAME DUDEEE#!!!!!
@vonspe #Ah yes #The heartbreak #Thank u op #No but this is a rly nice edit super sleek I’m sorry :D but also glad you like the gifs!!
@bogatyris  #hey i make myself cry twice 🙃
@somniar  #im crying irl Nooooo😢
@xovalkyrie #😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@canisluneslunes #Big fucking mood
@avaruusfaija #woooow ;__;
@arthurmoorgan #every time i see a gif of the deer i tear tf up #my poor baby
@antonymmouse  #lie down#try not to cry#cry a lot It’s so true :(
@arctolatries  #noooooooooo im not ready for this We’ll never be ready for this I guess
@imissmypants  #i am screaming
@saracenrunaway  #beautiful Thank you! <3
@attentiondefictwitch #ouch..
@sagersdangers  #cowboy cry circle rn
@c0wbyz  #<3 Thank you!
@arthurmorganismyhero  #😭😭😭 #my baby
@annie-knowby #im cryin in the saloon
@tinybaphomet #my heart hurts Mine too :(
@fjordlavorre  #i feel. so much abt this game
@prettyboyarthur  #sobbing#just break my heart again Sorry 😬
@kawaiibooker  #holy shit i'm 😭😭😭😭
@fixusi  #don’t you fucking dare remind me of these words #my soul and my heart hurt Ahhhh nooooo sorry 😬
@furyswipe  #dont do this Too late :(
@hoovesmadeofsteel  #ok who cryin rn
@aroacedrienne  #BRO i deadass cried my eyes during the ''i'm afraid scene'' like wow.....#r* came for my life with this game 😭😭
@amovingtarget  #me: finds out a game is heartbreaking #also me: wow i can't wait to play this game i gotta get it asap #i love to suffer
@beechershoe  #what the fuck pleas i dont need this right before work
@phoeniyx  #wow way to fuckin break my heart.
@deadfatheremporium  #k i can cry at work it’s fine
@tragedy-on-broadway  #rude Haha :DD
@friend-proxy  #wow
@thedaybreakers  #don't ruin me like this I’m so sorry
@braithwaites  #oof... ow... ouch The feels
@chuckhansen  #will i ever know peace again????
@hellhound-s  #lovely Thank you!!
@flawinthemachine  #fml This is so true!
@aatticsaltt  #ARTHUURRRR #my baby #honey #sugar #sweetie pie #love of my life #its ok It’s not me who is crying. 😢 Beautiful words!
@xdefinitelymaybex  #my heart 😢
@radiojamming  #OWOWOWOWOW
@gayass-arthur  #STOP I have more gifs, sorry :D
@spldercop  #hey op thanks for making me cry #appreciate it Sorry aaaaaa
@mmechromancer  #welp there goes my heart
@yovalo #yes hello i'm still miserable
@crashofworlds  #sobbing
@athurmorgan  #Do Not “In the end. i did.” - Arthur Morgan
@red-dead-and-cry  #tears #are literally pouring out of my face #he didn't deserve that Your url is so true!!
Thank you so much for your response. I did this gifset for you!
Thank you!
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mnkyeung · 5 years
mnvcnm u are,, legit an angel. like i associate u with like,, yellow nd pink nd soft things bc u have a rly rly big caring energy?? if that makes sense.. i think ur super kindhearted  like i remember one day i was feeling rly bad nd u sent me a rly sweet ask nd it for real cheered me up so much like,, angel [confirmed]
ok this is more of like,, an observation again mnvcmn but ur one of those people that i see nd I’m instantly like are they having a good day bc its what they deserve >:(( like?? idk u have just this vibe that makes me always want the best for u?? its ur overall sweet nd caring nature i guess but fr!! 
YOUR ART omg,, i remember u talking abt ur art like all “oh its not much,,” nd i already was like Sure Jan BUT U POSTED IT ND??? I WAS SHOOK??? u have a lot of talent nd u should share it w us more >:00 mcmnvnm
(idk if u wanted 3 for each flower but u know what. speed round)
how u care abt ur mutuals
how u just send random sweet asks
ur super genuine!!
how u just seem to rly like interacting w everyone
ur so FUNNY
how u support seonghwas Flat. pancake lookin booty mncvmn ur wrong but ily anyway
ur blog,, omg how didnt i already mention that
ur love for coffee.. she’s so valid
SPEAKING OF. ur love for httyd (i swear i remember u talking abt that.. maybe i associate u with toothless now)
ur tags are always so fun to read mncvmn
u seem to want the best for everyone nd its rly pure :((
u know what. just. u in general!! a whole angel uwu
send me 🌼 and i’ll tell u three things i like abt u!
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seungchanie · 7 years
everyone;s doing this so, who in sk would you ship your mutuals with?
SKHDKDJ ANOn i was dreading the day that Igot this ask bc I really suck at these so i had to think sm abt it with mypeANUT brain buT i’ll try this is super cute 😔
@bchanies + FELIX 100% the BIGGEST memes i’ve everseen istg like I feel that talking to her is what talking to felix would belike sdjhdf i feel like both of them would feed off each other’s extraness andprobably just sCREAM together 24/7 also both are the biggest sunshines everlike both have such bright personalities im suddenly blin d + also to me felixbeing the sweetheart he is just comes off like the type of person thats good atcheering up others and making them happy and its whAT SHE DESERVES
@chanbng + chan :’) Both of them have sm in commonim sjdfsks (AKA THE FACT THAT I LOVE BOTH OF THEM SM)  ok first of all both are incredibly talentedlike ;;; both chan and fishy are the type of person that are like talentvending machines lmao yesterday you were floored by a post flooding withtalent? WhOOPS now here’s 3873 more things they can do binch you thought andboth need more SLEEP like im gonna actually buy a plane ticket to tuckboth of yall to sleep istg
@hyyunjinn + minho! sorry not sorry i feel like both have similarpersonalities like both of them are pretty blunt and straightforward and wonthesitate to express what they think so i feel like they are kinda like aperfect fit :’) alsO they are both rly soft if you dont know what i mean justlook at her tags i always clench my heart reading them 😔
@hyunjinh + chan! dont ask why i just really seeit lmao i think their personalities are alike and I feel like both would di efor each other’s humor idk I really feel like they’re super similar skhdjd ican just imagine both feeding off each other’s dumb jokes haha also not tomention both are insanely talented like if i had to give a penny every time iwas floored by their talent i’d be broKE AF
@chuuyo ok so i hIGHKEY admire nic a lot and ifeel like she’s a really sweet and caring person she’s also INFINITELY talentedher works are seriously so amazing and that somehow instantly leads my mind towoojin! Woojin’s so talented from is voice to his guitar and piano playing rlythe talented legends we never deserved and just imagining her with woojin issuer cute :’))
@realstraykids + minho! I could say that minhowould be lucky to have em but that would be such an understatement?? em isseriously the sweetest person ever and if minho ever were to be hard on himselfeM would be there and square to love and support 1000%. These two would beserious power couple goals that the rest of us…are not worthy… to behold…+ bothare infinitely talented like ???? Where they get all that talent is stillunknown for us mortals
@straykidzz + felix 😔😔😔 I rEALLY love and admire manda sm but dont tellher i said that probably the reason why he was the first one to come to my mindis bc of how both are insanely talented and not only that but have haveimproved sm with time???? like im ?? felix is super hardworking and hasimproved sm since the first episodes and it really reminds me of her like sheshowed me the before and after of her gifs and honestly im still so shook?? Andi feel like her and felix’s personality would just fit rly well tbh and i’dlove to see how she would cope with felix’s extraness skdjdj truly a superiorpower couple
@seungminty + seungmin! shE’S SO SOFT FOR HIM ICANT DEAL a king and a queen tbh we’ve all been knew this is truly one superiorcouple like have you seen this and this????? ‘nuff said alsO her text postsabout him and woojin are literally everything seungmin is indeed one lucky man 😔
@spearbin + changbin! How could you not ship thistbh CAMILLE’S LOVE FOR HIM IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING Her text posts abt him arethe reason to all my soft changbin hours istg I always die when I see them andI can just imagine her saying all those cute ass text posts to him and changbinwould probably pretend to not care while his ears just  got super red andTHAT’S A CONCEPT I LIVE FOR
@jeongin + jisung! Luna is seriously soooo sweetand caring towards her friends and she will mOST likely go off if you mess withthem (I love her sm omgsdkjf) which reminds me of how much  jisung caresfor his members :’)) + her works are so pretty and aesthetic they just reallygive off a jisung vibe to me!  
@iloveminbin + minho! This is the super soft yetlowkey savage couple lmaoo sof is seriously so sweet istg I really don’tdeserve her she loves minho sm her tags for him never fail to make me soft afbut she is actually secretly savage just like him skdhks like when minho issuper sweet and caring to the members yet he won’t hesitate to eliminate themwhen there isn’t enough food 💀💀ALSO THIS IS THE POWER VISUAL COUPLE JUST SAYIN DONT @ ME SOF
@stray-kids-trash + hyunjin yes just ..yes… TWO OF THE SOFTEST SWEETHEARTS its super adorable howsweet and caring she is towards the people close to her I literally love alexsm and hyunjin is pretty much the same so i feel like they would be the softestpower couple if you ask me also,,the height difference would be the cutestthing ever,,,like if she ever needed to grab smth hyunjin would be right thereto help her or if they hugged how she would,,just kinda disappear in hisarms,,,and thats,,, super cute,, dont block me pls
@lovelyyhyunjin + HYUNJIN LMAO Ok not only are bothof them absolute sweethearts which i love bUT THEY’RE BOTH CLUMSY AS HECC ITDBE SO FUNNY AND CUTE SKDHJD I thought i was the clumsiest person untill i metalyssa tbh lmaoo but apart from that they’re both insanely caring and sweet andi would give them the world ;;
@stray-kids-stuff + jisung! Cerys is truly thesweetest and such a good listener i love her to death i feel like she would beperfect for jisung and she would also be a great shoulder to lean on for himespecially how he must want to rant about the members 24/7 lmao and they wouldjust be the cutest pair istg
This is way longer than what i thought it’dbe how did this happen omg sdkjfd
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