batqueers · 11 months
ACK the want to dress a bit more feminine but knowing you’d get misgendered. hell on earth
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egginfroggin · 1 year
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Art from earlier this year. It lacks the egginfroggin signature.
If I ever become fond of a character, I will, at some point, desperately want to turn them into a Kirby Hat Donor.
Zisu Kirby.
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darkstalker1247 · 1 year
okay so obviously I’m not putting everything here now, I just wanted to give a quick heads-up and a brief description in case you’re interested.
In this AU, the original story does not change. Everything happens the way it did in the original game(s). It’s what happens later that’s different.
Basically, after a while, the Cycle began to change and break down as we see in BATDR. However, instead of Wilson stepping in, an anonymous scientist discovers the ink and wants to study and contain it. They create a complex system of hydraulics in a storage facility to house the ink in a secure location. In moving the ink away from Joey Drew Studios, the scientist opens a gateway between the real world and the Cycle that opens in the facility. The Ink Demon (along with Sammy Lawrence) discover this gateway and end up in the facility, once again trapped and unable to leave. One unexpected day, three teenagers break into the facility for a dare…
The Ink Demon/Bendy
Sammy Lawrence
Finn O’Ryan (oc)
Ray Smiths (oc)
Steve West (oc)
The Scientist (oc) (doesn’t make an appearance YET)
Feel free to ask questions, but keep in mind the story isn’t entirely fleshed out yet. Character descriptions will be posted within the next few days and a masterpost will be made once those are finished. And then, ON WITH THE STORY!
Also keep in mind that I suck at art, so this will be a written story, not a comic, and I only have 1 drawn reference for a character (The Ink Demon ofc ofc).
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cawsket · 1 year
The thing about Silco and Jinx's relationship is it is unhealthy, but not in the way some people assume it is. I feel like because he's characterised as a manipulator and a schemer because he's a kingpin and the villain of the show, people assume he's deliberately manipulating Jinx for personal gain, but here's the thing - there is no gain.
He gained nothing by keeping her around when he first found her (he could easily have killed her if he wanted to and keeping her around ran the risk of her eventually betraying him for what he did to her other father figure; he decided to adopt her because he felt for her in the moment, a small child who felt betrayed and abandoned by someone she loved, like he felt) and she continues to be an active detriment to everything he tries to accomplish throughout the series and he never ONCE holds this against her. Several people remark that she's harming his plans and makes him look sentimental just by being around him and he just leaves them on read. He lets her STAB HIM IN THE EYE to apply his medication because he trusts her this much; if he was manipulating her, I believe he'd keep her at more of a distance, physically and emotionally, and make her earn that level of affection.
It gets to the point where his ultimate downfall in the show is caused because he couldn't just toss her aside for political gain. The way their relationship is unhealthy isn't because he intentionally manipulates her but because he actually tries to help her with his own unhealthy coping mechanisms and they don't make her any better, obviously, and then when she gets worse he enables her behaviour, telling her she's 'perfect' even when she does fucked up shit that hurts both people and his ambitions, because he's intensely loyal to her even though he doesn't realise it yet. If he was manipulating her, I believe he'd subtly try to change her personality so she's less of a hassle to deal with, but he doesn't. He genuinely loves her - he's just a bad role model and doesn't really know how to parent and it's him intentionally trying and failing to be an adequate one that fucks her up.
And that fucks ME up because it's the most realistic depiction of an unhealthy but not necessarily malicious parental relationship I've ever seen in media. Sometimes a parent tries their best and still fails because the circumstances of their environment and their own bad habits influence their child. And that makes me want to fucking BITE something
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theearnestonion · 2 years
I take back anything I have ever said about my parents ever, my mother just saw me in a suit I was asking to wear to church, and she said I looked like a gentleman and I could wear it as long as I didn't wear it with my baseball cap
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junewild · 2 years
ok so. i’ve already told this to all of my nearest & dearest so now it’s time to tell my beloved tumblr folks too. but i’m going to put it in the tags because i am whispering it to all of you
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applepidotcom · 2 years
goddddd I’m craving so BAAAAD a night time drive!!!!!!!!! It’s so unfair!!!! I don’t really like to drive too much during the night time cause I can’t see shit but now that it’s getting closer to the holidays this itch to go out for drives almost daily is so hard to ignore!!!!
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
can i confess my undying love for an entity in a game. is. is tha allwoed.... probably not bu here goes nothin
i absolutely ADORE sadman from the not-hit roblox game rooms low detailed. he is so scroimblo and sossosoososos me fr. i love him. he is perhaps the silliest little guy you can ever meet. "i am sad" oh yes you are sadman i will care for you everyday though. i am gonna contact buggs and ask him to un-sad sadman so he can smile. #1 sadman defender over here guys yall dont get him like i do. i wanna give him a gentle pat on his sweet innocent head and hug him and comfort him aAAAGH!!!!!!! I LOVE SADMAN!
sorry the demons.
String identified:
ca c g a tt a ga. . ta a…. a t g t
at A aa t t-t ga ta. c a . . a t t tt g ca t. " a a" a aa ca a tg. a ga ctact gg a a t -a aa ca . #1 aa g a t gt . aa g a gt at t ct a a g a ct aAAAG!!!!!!! AA!
t .
Closest match: Micromys minutus genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: Eurasian harvest mouse
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Yandere Ship //// Part 4
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Part 1 • 2 • 3
Vera immediately becomes critical when the Captain and Lieutenant keep making their way to the meeting room that has no cameras, no recorders, and nothing to summon Vera with
“Uh, Vera why did you double lock the door like that?”
“No reason. Just checking that they work.”
“That’s not ‘no reason.’”
“Sorry, I messed up with my sayings again.”
“It’s fine, I mess it up all the time too.”
Vera was actually remote-controlling your communicator to silently alert Jule of this behavior
Jule acts immediately putting an EMP-immune drone smaller than a land-fly into the room
“--Captain I say we leave. Go to the enemy planet and try to find our secret base there. You’re right about this ship being unreliable.”
“But I wonder how can we convince the technician to come with?”
“Ugh! Who needs him?! And that (L/n) character too. I say we leave them to self-destruct with this virus-ridden ship.”
“We need the technician. He’s the only one with interplanetary know-how on top of understanding the inner workings of the escape pods we’d have to travel in.”
“Then let’s just knock him upside the head and leave that thing behind.”
“Lieutenant I admire your determination but I’m leaving no one behind to stay with this thing.”
The two continue to talk about how they plan on making a fire at the furthest part of the ship 
Something that could easily be fixed if the technician was near but they planned it so it’s on the other side of the ship 
And since he’s a priority person, they’d be evacuating him 
And if not him then you of course to lure him out 
“Hey Ver I think we should have you take a crack at your new bod.”
“Awesome! I’ll start booting it up now!”
Jule purposely doesn’t inform Vera of the whole conversation and plan
By now he knows just how intense Vera’s feelings are about those he cares about
Except he knows that Vera’s less concerned about restraint than he
So he’ll commence his own plan
Immediately running to you in one of the hobby rooms when Vera stops responding 
Knowing they planned to cut Vera to start the fire
When the alarm blares and Vera turns back on 
The Captain and Lieutenant are right there to tell them to prep the launch pods
“But Jule is more than capable of—”
“IT’S OUR CALL Veras!  Remember your programming!”
“....Yes Captain.”
He preps the pods for the location of an enemy-ruled planet 
Doing all the necessary protocols to filter everyone out safely 
Of course, Vera neglects to really inform you like the others
He knows that it’s best to have you in your own pod away from the stressed and hostile people cramming in
Which is why they’re not prepared when the lieutenant comes in harshly knocking whatever you were doing out of your hand to grab your wrists tightly
“OW! What are you—”
“STOP STRUGGLING! I’m saving your pathetic life.”
She does explain after knocking you around a bit before shoving you towards the captain’s pod
By the time Jule finds you they’ve tied you inside while beckoning the technician in
“I know you’ll think wrong of us for this but these people need you.”
“Please Jule get in the pod. We can talk about ethics more when I’m not inclined to knock you out.”
Jule will step forward before stopping
The Captain goes to yell at him when the alarms stop
So does the smoke that had been permeating through the vents
“The issue of the fire has been neutralized.  The issue about an evil miscreant and their oh-so-powerful captain is underway.”
The voice of the ship was coming out of a beautifully crafted android
Glowing blue eyes and black hair flowing along their lean but strong shoulders
The body type is hard to place but from what you can tell it’s male and their stature is lean giving an elegant look to him in general
Their stance has the lieutenant attempting to punch them 
They dodge like they are dancing, grabbing her hand and twisting
Ver doesn’t let her mourn her wound because they’ve jump-kicked her into the back wall of the pod
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first met you.”
The Captain’s stunned shock allows you to stumble out and into Jule’s arms
The Captain tries to reach for you only to be met with a stabbing pain in his eyes
Jule shuts your eyes and buries you into his chest, blocking your view
The Captain screams like his lieutenant but it’s cut off by the pod doors closing and then ejecting themselves from the ship
Ver immediately turns to join the hug, Jule’s keeps you in
Only to shrink back when Jule’s glares at their bloodied fingers
They wipe it away before joining the hug
“I’m so happy it’s you guys I’m stuck with.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“Me three!”
“..Vera…I don’t know if you know this but it’s really improper to touch there without consent.”
“Yeah Ver get your hands out our pants.”
“But I’ve wanted to do this for so long.”
“Fine, maybe later?”
As much as Jule doesn’t want to encourage that behavior
He has to leave you alone for a while to make sure his plan plays out perfectly 
His message to the enemy sky-guard under an alias he made years ago as a baby-hacker
‘At 43:94 enemy escape pods will be arriving in your airspace. Ur welx’
Watching the enemy broadcast reports about enemy spaceships it apprehended and the officials that were facing a public torture session
When he returns he’s insistent you both open a bottle of champagne
“I really don’t think now is the time, Jule.”
“Oh but it is babe! I think we should party now that we’ve gotten rid of those neets.”
“Wait got rid of–?”
“(Y/n)! I’ve never seen you drink that before! Will you please?!! I’d also like to hold a microphone nearby while you do.”
Now you three will have free reign of the ship learning to live your life in the worlds beyond
Vera knows it doesn’t get any better than this 
They’ve also decided that they’d do anything to keep it this way 
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ofswordsandpens · 1 year
racked my brain and the only time i can remember percy worrying about physically hurting annabeth before this is when he blew up mt st helens—he says he wasn’t sure she “made it out of the volcano”, and she’s the first thing he asks hephaestus about on ogygia. it seems like regular worry to me, although i think you could read guilt between the lines, and he’s more overwhelmed when he learns how big the eruption he caused was. i don’t know if rr was particularly thinking about this at the time but it would make sense as a traumatic event that sparked this fear of not being in control of his powers/feeling guilt/self-loathing about the possibility he could hurt his friends, and then the events of hoo really making it an issue. (the thread between this + thinking he deserves to die because he lost control and tortured akhkys which scared annabeth + thinking “i will never forgive myself” because he lost control and potentially hurt annabeth… aaaagh.)
yes yes yes mt st helens is a great point and I completely agree with you, that I would almost qualify it more like a regular worry because I think the distinction between this moment and the moment in cotg for me is that Percy had specifically told Annabeth to leave and go to safety, and its not like he (or anyone) knew what he was going to accidentally do, but I felt there was an argument to be made that he knew it was going to get nasty (as both him and annabeth recognized on some level that he was likely going to die there)??? And the shocker was not just him losing control but the scale of him losing control and that scale of power is what endangered Annabeth, despite his warning for her to leave. Meanwhile, in cotg, Percy loses it and controls millions of metric tons of river water and Annabeth is just, chilling on a ledge that's close enough where he had regularly been remarking on her expressions and what she had been doing in the paragraphs prior. (Honestly, he's really lucky that nothing happened to her.) So I guess its the proximity of annabeth to Percy in these moments that makes them more distinct in my eyes, if that makes any sense at all. And as soon as Percy comes back to himself in cotg, he's immediately like "oh shit did I just kill annabeth?" and it's not even him overreacting, the scene reads like he really could have, which is absolutely WILD for RR to throw in there.
The other part in pjo that I was debating if you could qualify is the death of Michael Yew because Percy was the one inadvertently responsible for it. Despite how much the pjo wikia wants to gaslight me about Michael Yew's death, its literally a canon example of Percy accidentally killing a friend as a byproduct of his powers. But like, Percy didn't lose control or "snap" in that scene, using his powers had been very intentional, it was again, the scale and the fallout that had led to Michael's death. And then Percy never thinks about it again.
But literally yes, in a perfect world where Riordan was planning all of this out and actually connected these moments with intention, mt st helens being the traumatic event that sparked the fear of not being in control of powers make SO MUCH SENSE. And since Riordan does want to characterize percy as feeling guilty and worrying about the possibility of hurting his friends, I feel like guilt over Michael Yew's death is just, sitting right there for the taking
ugh I know im rambling but there's just so much for RR to purposefully connect but instead its as if he's treating these moments where Percy snaps/loses controls/hates himself/worries about hurting others as separate, unrelated incidents while we the readers are seeing how all these events would realistically be influenced by one another and are compounding/piling on top of Percy and getting worse. It IS all connected.
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months
HEARTBREAKING: dingo finds out what sex is
Once again a transcript:
Aaaagh, Yon, wtf is up with all these infant bulborbs?
Eheheh, worry not. Those are just the results of the…breeding program.
Oh. Ok.
Uh. I gotta ask you somethin’, Yon.
Mhm. I’m listening.
…Do you know where babies come from…?
Eheheh. That’s funny, dingo. You’re funny.
Dingo, do you not know where babies come from!??
No?? Is that not normal??
D-do you know what sex is??
Yes. It’s the difference between a male and female sheargrub.
??? Huh??
Are you messing with me? Do you know why you feel weird around the captain?
Yeah. It’s cuz she’s so cool
Dingo. I’m gonna tell you something real scary but dont freak out, ok?
(1 hour later. Traumatized beyond repair)
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tumb1rprincess · 17 days
Dude, getting brought back from the dead sounds painful and scary in this series, Arthur had a full on panic attack when he came back. And I had a feeling he was going to bring up Faroe at some point. Where she might have ended up after she died is going to weigh heavily on his mind for a while, along with that fear that when he dies, he won’t be in the same place she is and won’t be able to see her again.
lol John literally being like “Arthur, you’ve been stabbed too many times, take the fucking armor.”
Yorrick is officially part of the “Miles to Go Before I Sleep” club, everyone should get matching t-shirts lol
If Arthur doesn’t read Oscar’s letter before this season ends, I’m gonna pitch a fit.
Just came to me that Yorrick is choosing to be Yorrick, not the Vanguard or the Prince, just like how John chose to be John. Gotta love parallels!
“You know that I love you too.” Aaaagh, stop, you’re going to make me cry!
lol Yorrick pretty much being like “Hey, I helped too!” John and Arthur sound so tired of his shit already, this is hilarious. And he’s unable to recognize sarcasm, I love this funky little skull.
Yes Arthur, dive underwater while you’ve got a breastplate on, ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!? Ugh, I hate drowning, hate, hate, hate it. That was terrifying.
Okay Arthur and John laughing then Yorrick awkwardly laughing with them was pretty funny, way to ruin a moment dude lol
Aw, John taking a moment to describe the sun and the trees and how beautiful everything looks, how long has it been since our boys have seen something like this?
Yorrick asking for the witch’s hand and the whole Day of Wrath thing both sound ominous, I don’t have a good feeling about either of them.
Alexander’s back, yay! Yorrick instantly joins the “I hate owls” club along with John, this is going to lead to some funny shenanigans.
Now we’ve got the mystery of “The Waylaid.” And a Blood and Sand was waiting for Arthur when he was there. Maybe Parker had a part to play in that? I think he’s the only dead person who knew Arthur liked them. Very intriguing.
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howlingday · 1 month
Nora: Oh, look! There's Ruby and Jaune! Hey, you guys! Hey~!
Blake: (Across the street, Kisses Ruby)
Ruby: (Across the street, Shoves him down, Lifts off shirt)
Nora: Oh! O-Oh oh oooh! OH! Ruby and Blake! RUBY AND BLAKE!
Weiss: Oh my god!
Weiss: OH MY GOD!
Weiss: Nora! NORA! IT'S OKAY! It's okay!
Weiss: I KNOW! I know! I know...
Nora: YOU KNOW?!
Yang: What the hell's with all the screaming in here?
Nora: AGH!
Yang: What?! What?!
Weiss: Nothing! Nothing! We're just so excited about you getting this new apartment!
Yang: (Walks to window) Yeah, it looks pretty good-
Nora: (Jumping around Yang) WAAAAAAAH! IT LOOKS SO GOOD~!
Weiss: (Jumping around Yang) JOIN US! JOIN US~!
Yang: (Shrugs, Jumps and screams)
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yamujiburo · 1 year
Hi! I wrote a Hanamusa fanfiction based on your AU, so I wanted to send it your way! Thank you for all of your amazing work. I hope you like it :3
AAAAGH YES A PROPOSAL FANFIC! This is so soft and sweet ;0;
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luxurydumpsterfire · 1 month
Hey, everyone in the murder drones fandom! So that finale was pretty crazy,huh? The animation, voice acting and humor was awesome as usual!
Here's the thing, though. And yes, I am aware of how irrational this will sound. I'm aware. But then again Tumblr isn't always very rational. So I'll just explain (this is kind of a rant).
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So we all know eNVy, right? The ship between these two cuties? From the get go, people knew this wouldn't be canon. Simple enough, right?
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So why the fuck did this upset me so much, people?!
There's literally nothing wrong with it! It's cute,they have chemistry and it's canon!
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And yet,I prefer her,I prefer N being with her.
So, going into the episode, when she was revealed to be alive, I smiled so much. They could finally get some closure. Acknowledging their own feelings and being content with staying friends.
They didn't talk. They didn't hug. They didn't look at each other for more than a few seconds.
Even after she poured her heart out to him.
Dude,even UZI acknowledged her and welcomes (?) her back. "Glad you're not dead or whatever."
What do you do in this situation?! Because now, I can't just go "Oh,I hope they talk things out in the next episode!" Because this is it! There is no next episode and there will never be a next episode!
How do I even begin to feel better? :( Help me out.
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melohann · 3 months
AAAAGH THE PANTY SNIFFER POST????? oooook i love your brain. i feel like leehan and jaehyun are both kind of…filthy? idk how to describe it. they just have dirty, decadent, indulgent vibes (in a good way.) but also voice kink!!! who do you think is most attracted to hearing the moans they can work out of their s/o??
yes !!!!! they’re filthy, they think they’re sneaky with the shit they do but they’re not at all !! pervs <3
and for a voice kink … i’m inclined to go for jaehyun and taesan.
jaehyun i think would be into guided masturbation, wants you to tell him how to get off over the phone whilst he’s away okay a schedule, calls you in desperation because he needs you to help him. he always claims he can’t cum unless he can hear your voice so guided masturbation is something he’s obsessed with.
taesan just wants to hear you moan. he wants to hear you choke out broken words as he fucks you senseless. though, his voice kink is his down fall because if you whined out his name softly whilst he was teasing you then he’d stop what he’s doing immediately just to make you cum right then and there. he’s mean but he’s so incredibly weak for you
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