#<- guy who has no literary prowess
absurdumsid · 6 months
i DESPERATELY need to talk about bar sanses and at this point im willing to rewrite that stupid fanfic
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arileartist · 10 days
Hello and a good day to everyone👋🏻👋🏻
This is something I'd like to write as a change. I've explored a lot more anime like idolish7, Haikyuu, Sasaki and Miyano, Horimiya, etc. and my writing prowess has expanded as well, in addition to the fact that I was assigned Literary club head where I currently am. I'm making oneshot-one liners of all my favourite characters from various anime for everyone to enjoy!
I hope you guys like this segment~
Pieces of my World
"A mesmerizing sky of shooting stars, where Ikuya makes you a promise, one that'll live on forever in the Dreamland that you both created. Let's cherish this moment, your presence as it is a gift for me...a comfort space just for the two of us?"
-For Ikuya kirishima
"It is only with you, Rin that I can see sights unseen and explore lands that I couldn't even think of going to... Drag me with your fierce passion and let's dive into an unexplored sea, engage the dreaded waters with a fiery passion, and our love will ignite the oceans"
-For Rin Matsuoka
"Ahhh the pink hair of yours, just like cotton candy, your words just like sugar too~ Kiss me lots and hold me in the embrace, oh so sweet~ We know that it's the two of us against the world, but the world is wrapped around your fingers isn't it? So let's go, turn this dark world into an amusement park, where the heavy hearted enter, and to happiness they embark....
-For Kisumi Shigino
"Yeah I'm still here, still the same, but ever so different.... In his closed moments, you opened the lock, his heart and pulled him out of the cage he put his soul within. He'll forever be yours, as long as you promise... Never shatter this fragile heart of glass.... For it is the only thing that'll reflect your beauty, even when shattered in a million fragments..."
-For Izumi Miyamura
"A gentle breeze passed me? Haha, I hope it made you look in my direction~ After all, everyone keeps telling me that my handsome face is the highlight of their day... But you know what? I want you to pull my face close to yours, stare at me in the eye, and tell me... What you truly see... For beneath this 'perfect' exterior.... I'm a human with my own desires too hehe~"
-For Akane Yanagi
"Hey! You forgot to tell him that you're okay, you took everything and that you're ready! Did you forget how much he cares for you? Now go, tell him that you love him. You love his little snack boxes. You love the tiny gifts he brings you. Every small 'forgotten' item is brought right to you by his gentle hands.... So you too should observe him.... His golden eyes often shed tears in darkness"
-For Koushi Sugawara
"You forgot about us didn't you? They asked. An unapologetic smile will definitely adorn your face as a symphony of chaotic voices lands on your ears. A pair of twins, a pair of blessings, oh who are these boys who once fought over blazers and goals? You walk towards them and nudge; for you'll never forget. They are the same boys who worked hard, failed, cried, got up, pushed and crossed limits of the court are no less valiant than diamonds in the sky"
-For Miya Twins
"Looking into his piercing eyes, you wondered if he really likes you. Time and again, he silently stood besides you, when you thought there was nobody there, that's when he shone.... His ever present gaze never letting you falter for even a moment... Is it an owl watching you from afar? Maybe a gift sent by the gods to ensure that your delicate happiness is ever lasting.... Will you accept this silent guardian?"
-For Keiji Akaashi
"The way he flirts with girls is infuriating. Can't you be the only one to receive his affection? Oh but you are... Once you see the smile on his face turned towards your gaze, you know.... He didn't give that smile to anyone... A view just for your eyes... Seeing him grow from a normal kid to a talented prodigy... No... He refuses to believe that 'talent' is what breeds success. He will capture what he wants, he will believe in his own cultivated strength and then, with his own two hands... He'll get all he wants.... But what if all he wants, is for you to believe in him..?"
-For Tooru Oikawa
"His laugh is attractive? Or is it his charisma? Oh well ... We never really knew why him.... But we did know..... We slipped and fell, and before we realised, we were in the grasp of this devious cat. His proud stance took us all by a whim, but his caring nature was what nested our love. Kuuro my man, what type of a monster are you? No... You're just another normal guy experiencing and riding the waves of life aren't you?"
-For Tetsurou Kuuro
"Oh we always loved your attitude. So relatable.... Wanting to be asleep, wanting to relax... But... If not you, then who else? Your brains carried your team, but more than that, your perseverance is what turned the tides in the moments of dire. Like a cat, you're quick to adapt using your devilish... Almost mischievous techniques.... aren't you too, addicted to the duality of the game you play?"
-For Kozume Kenma
"Call me perfect. Call me sharp tongued. Call me everything you want. In the end, I'll be the only one who stays and guides you to your destination.... That's what he said with his cool expression. Even though he's young, you can't help but feel extremely respectful towards this boy who's not afraid to correct you, and hold your hand to take you where you belong in this overcrowded world. He promised, you'll obtain the spotlight that everyone will see. Who else would be this devoted to you?"
-For Iori Izumi
"Careful with him! Take his hand softly and kiss it. He likes it. Rub his tears away, for he's soft...Osaka is his name, please remember it. Why you ask? Well, because he never forgets who he bows down to~ Oh don't worry, he's just a normal rich guy .... Don't believe it? Well then ask him about it. He'll like it. Ask him how his day was. He'll like it. Who else asks him about these things? Diamonds too hide themselves in the dirt of rocks."
-For Osaka Sougo
"Slimy? Untrustworthy? Intelligent is a better word. A child actor prodigy huh? Well what if his companionship is an act too? Or maybe he's pulling the strings on you~ The world is cruel place, so please don't be offended by his tongue, his repel....It's his defense mechanism.... Stay with him.... Take the ride. His friends will promise you that he too will anchor your heart one day"
-For Natsume Minami
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apilgrimpassingby · 1 year
hello! i just wanted to say i am so pleased to find your blog😊your views on masculinity are so very refreshing, and i wish there were more blogs like you here.
so i wanted to ask you something!! sorry it’s a bit of a long-winded explanation, i am prone to overexplaining😭
i am sort of unofficially dating this guy—we still have to talk about it, but we do like each other a lot and are just taking it step by step. he’s very artistic, enjoys literature, he’s deep and introspective, and he’s very emotionally intelligent. one thing he has always talked about is how he loves examples of masculine men in fiction that aren’t necessarily athletic, like himself. he is gentle and kind, while still being protective and nurturing, and he takes good care of himself—but sometimes people will call him feminine or girly for his interests, or for actually taking care of his body/having a fashion sense (im pretty sure it is also because he learned to take care of himself this way a lot earlier than other guys in his class, so they were all just kinda like🤨)
i was wondering if you have any suggestions on how i can uplift him and help him feel secure in his masculinity. obviously it is not up to me to make him feel masculine, that’s not what i mean—i was just wondering if there is anything i can do, or avoid doing, to remind him that i don’t think of him as weak or what-have-you, since sometimes i know guys can start to feel that way if they aren’t necessarily athletic or if they don’t enjoy sports, because that is sort of the masculine stereotype—and i would imagine that society definitely makes you feel less masculine if you don’t fit into that.
it’s alright if there isn’t really anything to be said since this might be a bit of a weird question, but it’s something i think about a lot so i decided to just go ahead and ask. i would just hate to add to any of his anxieties or unintentionally cause him to question his masculinity, if that makes sense? i would like to support him in any way i can, whether subtly or directly.
thank you for taking the time to read this if you did, and no pressure to answer it, especially since i sort of just sprung this in your ask box. just know that your blog is appreciated and i am glad that you are here and sharing your thoughts. i hope you are well :)
Here are my attempts to help.
Point to historical/literary examples. Yes, I believe there is an essential "masculine function" that has been more-or-less constant across recorded history and human culture; but the Left is right to say that the form of it has historically been tremendously diverse. Taking care of appearance? The Spartans didn't just braid and oil their hair, their did so in public before their enemies as a show of masculine prowess. Literature? My ideal man, King David, wrote poetry (which the Bible has recorded for us). If you want more examples, message me and I'll happily provide them.
In terms of taking care of his body, it's a part of the relationship - you presumably want him to look good. Do you do it for your woman's happiness? That makes it a chivalrous - and, thus, manly - action.
More generally, step away from modern masculinity and towards historical exemplars. My chosen ones are David (as already said) and the chivalric code of high and late medieval Europe. Many people also look to the men of The Lord of the Rings who are, of course, rooted in the characters of early medieval English and Scandinavian literature.
As for not liking sport, that ties into the above points - a good masculinity is applicable to all men. It's about protecting your wife and children, providing for them, and leading them by word and example. That's what (in my humble opinion) real manliness is. For me, as a Christian (don't know if you're one) the essential masculinity passages are the example of David (1 Samuel 16 to 2 Samuel 23) and Ephesians 5:25-30. Nothing about doing sport or eating steak.
Hope this helps! And don't worry about bothering me, I always like receiving asks in my inbox.
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bylertruther · 1 year
can i hear all of your thoughts on the ballad of songbirds and snakes? 👀
no ❤️ hehe ofc! this is just going to be a braindump bc it's been a while, but here are my thoughts! (under a read-more bc i be talkin)
first, i'd like to say that i was never one of those people that went ugh 🙄 who wants to hear about the bad guy 🙄. never! not even a little bit. snow was one of my favorites and i thoroughly LOVED every scene he was in. years later, those are the ones that stand out to me every time. also, i felt that collins had done a superb job of showing her understanding of such topics and her literary prowess, so even on a more technical note, i still couldn't understand why people were disappointed or thought it would be a fluff piece.
moving on to the book itself now: i liked this book because of snow 🤍 and the way it approached certain themes, like poverty and war and the politics stemming from both.
every page felt gripping to me, because snow is very much a Thinker^tm. a plotter. a schemer. he can never not be present, not even just in the moment, but in both the past and the future, too. he has this dogged persistence that was refreshing to me, bc it's very different to how katniss felt as someone that was thrust into something she never wanted in the first place. katniss was born into poverty and largely accepted that, bc she had no choice. snow was not, and thus can not accept this fate for himself, and fights it every step of the way.
as for poverty, i don't think that a lot of people understand just how much it can influence not just your entire life, but also the lives of your children should you keep the cycle going. it's something that demands to be known and dealt with; something that dictates how every little interaction with the world can or will go. it's especially brutal if you haven't always been poor or if you live in an area with such wealth inequality, like snow.
the importance and constant presence and reminder of hunger / food, appearances / clothes, outside mannerisms / internal monologue, drive / desperation, and the reasoning behind snow's actions make this exceptionally clear, i feel. you're not allowed to forget, not even for a moment, because snow can never forget. he also can't afford to, because his future and his social standing within society depends on it. he simply has no choice in the matter, esp not with his obsessive tendencies.
we're reminded again and again that snow doesn't have the same safety net as his peers. he has to be the best and he has to fight for everything, because otherwise he won't be able to pursue higher education and has no way of moving up. every decision that he makes is informed by that. when he sways, he inevitably remembers what it's like to be poor, and quickly shifts gears.
he remembers the war. he remembers all that he lost. he remembers what they had to do to survive. he carries that with him all the time. he's always going to look out for himself and ultimately do what's in his best interest, because there is no one that's able to do that for him. he has to do that not just for himself, but his family, too. you don't have to agree with him and the many justifications he makes for himself, but he is fighting his own fight the same way that other characters like katniss and gale were.
i'm reminded of this quote from lucy herself:
"people aren't so bad, really," she said. "it's what the world does to them. like us in the arena. we did things in there we'd never have considered if they'd just left us alone."
and i don't say this to excuse the things he does, or later goes on to do, but to reiterate that throughout the entirety of this book, snow is in a fight for survival. he even says that what he sees in district twelve reminds him of his time in the arena. of course, he's twisted this into a justification of his superiority, but he's acknowledging this point, and adding that "it takes very little to bring the beast to the surface."
like. everyone reacts to hardship and war differently. you have characters like gale and snow. you have characters like tigress, peeta, and sejanus. and you have characters like katniss and lucy gray.
there are millions of people in the world that wish to escape the boot. and there are many that when they do, rather than throwing it out entirely, they make the conscious decision to put it on themselves be the one to do the stepping this time. i don't agree with it, but i find it endlessly fascinating, because of how human it is. many people respond to cruelty with cruelty—eye for an eye—and justify it to themselves by equating it to order.
i also just loved, loved, loved how she dived into war and post-war society, too. the things people are willing to do to survive (cannibalism, crime, sex work, etc). what happens afterward (no-waste policies/culture, the winner imposes retaliatory violence and sanctions against the loser, propaganda culture, hostility and prejudice between opposing groups / classes, ptsd, restructuring society in such a way that it cannot happen again, etc).
it's like. i just. clenches fist. i love it when there are reasons behind evil. snow wasn't born that way—he was made. circumstance and his own decision-making along the way are what make him the man he is. there are many moments within the story that show you that he is capable of feeling things for others, many points where he does struggle to make a decision, and many points where he struggles even after making that decision, that show you that he is incredibly and undoubtedly human. that anyone is capable of being like him. that there are many people in this world that are just like him. this story is every bit as human and real and fascinating as the first three books were, and it didn't even need fantasy elements to make it so, bc it's just Real Life.
i focused on snow here bc he's my favorite, but i also really enjoyed sejanus and lucy gray, too. the tragedy of sejanus and his inability to be anything but himself is chef's kiss. when he cries out for his ma? omfg. SINISTER!!!!!!!!!!!! EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. and so real. and lucy gray is just that girl, that character, the One. if she were a vine, it'd be this one: "i'm a bad bitch you can't kill me". it didn't matter what snow did, bc she lived on despite his efforts and got the last laugh. "it's the things we love most that destroy us" #true but also not true bc he brought all that on himself, not her. and there are many such dr gauls in the world, too, trying their best to poison enough minds that it keeps their machine going even after they're gone. many such people that don't know when to stop or more accurately simply don't care to.
anyway. i loved it <3 loved it so much tht it bumped snow up to number 1 fave of the series and made me weep n wail bc i need more content from ms collins immediately </3
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notsoangeel · 2 years
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Biography of Miriam Palma Defensor Santiago
“Leadership is not about personality; it’s about behavior – an observable set of skills and abilities.”
There are some people who are born to rule, such as Miriam Palma Defensor Santiago, who was conceived with the capacity to dominate. June 15, 1945, in Ilo-ilo City, is not a typical day because it is the day where a ruler was born because Miriam was brought to life by Dimpna Palma, a college dean, and Benjamine Defensor, a local judge, who gave Miriam a scorching affection of parents. She grew up with a rigorous mother at her shoulder, who instilled in her the idea that failing to live up to the family's standards would be a big disgrace to their ancestors, a lesson she has engraved on her mind and which has made a significant contribution to her life. Her mother is educated and has a high school average of 95, which has aided her in obtaining a master's degree in psychology. Miriam believes that her brilliance was passed down to her from her parents because both sides of her family are sharp and intelligent, and both of her parents have a high level of education.
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According to her, she spoke like an ancient Anglo-American literate literary writer even though she was just five years old and still in kindergarten. A young Miriam also wanted to be a scientist and used to play with chemicals and invent things because that’s playing for her since she grew up thinking that playing games like bahay-bahayan are ridiculous and funny. Miriam is not a typical kid because she was a bookworm who would fight bullies for her favorite history book after a guy purposefully bumped against her, causing her book to fall.
Girls are absolutely remarkable and can turn your world upside down if you've messed up with the things they like. She was enrolled at Lincoln School where her mother was a dean. She once grabbed the hair of her teacher’s niece because she’s repeatedly erasing Miriam’s work on the board which causes her to lose her patience. Miriam begins a new chapter in her life after her mother steps down from Lincoln, and she enrolls in La Paz Public Elementary School in grade five, where she graduated valedictorian. Miriam's parents impacted her and had a tremendous effect on her quality of life and how she came to possess such intellect. Becoming prominent because of a gorgeous look is particularly prevalent, but being famous because of the intellectual capabilities that God bestowed upon you is incredibly spectacular.
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Miriam attended Ilo-Ilo Provincial High School, where she exhibited her writing prowess by becoming the Editor in Chief of the student newspaper, "The Illongo." Miriam's abilities are truly a gift, as she shone like a celebrity. She was also valedictorian of her high school class.
She entered the University of the Philippines, Iloilo campus when she was 16 years old in 1961, with the goal of becoming a lawyer and took a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Miriam makes good use of his abilities and devotes a significant amount of time to her studies, which is outstanding. As a result, she received first prize in university competitions in orator poems, short tales, and essays in 1993, although she had been afflicted with a lengthy and terrible sickness. She fell into a deep melancholy as a result of a stubborn case of amoebic dysentery and even missed a month of the semester, but because of Miriam's animosity, she forced herself to stand up and face the final examination, which she passed and graduated magna cum laude in 1965.
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She was directed to the UP College of Law in Quezon City, where she studied diligently and became the first female editor-in-chief of the prestigious and influential Philippine Collegian in 1968. She graduated in 1969 and became the special assistant of Secretary of Justice Juan Ponce Enrile, and she soon stayed on under the new secretary of justice, Vicente Abad Santos. She met Narciso "Jun" Santiago Jr. in law school, who was the polar opposite of her, and their love story began there, with her deciding to marry him after graduating from law school in June 1970 and decided to live in Quezon City.
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On the thirteenth day of April, 1971, they received the first blessing to reinforce their love when their first child, Narciso III, was born. While their second child, Alexander, was born on October 2, 1981, she opted to abandon the 'legacy' established by her mother, allowing her children to be happy and free of undue pressure. She used to suffer as a child as a result of expectations, and she doesn't want her child to go through the same thing. She may not always be present for her children due to her commitment to public service, but she constantly tries to make amends and be a decent mother.
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Miriam teach at Trinity College in Quezon City in 1971 and also began to write law articles and legal textbooks. Miriam rose to national prominence after issuing what is believed to be the first decision against martial law. Due to her blistering but powerful expressiveness in both leadership and writing, Miriam has been named "The Iron Lady of Asia" and the "Dragon Lady." Miriam earned both a Master of Laws and a Doctor of Judicial Science from the University of Michigan, Ann Harbor, in one and a half years, and went on to work as a special assistant to the Secretary of Justice after graduation. She was also a political science professor at Asia's Trinity University and was a law professor at the University of the Philippines Diliman for ten years, teaching evening lectures.
Miriam created the People's Reform Party (PRP) and campaigned for president as a senator in 1992 but she lost. In the year 1995, she ran as a senatorial candidate and was elected to the Senate for the first time and she campaigned for president again in the presidential elections of 1998.
The most devastating event in Miriam's life occurred in 2003, when her second child, Alexander, committed suicide. She once claimed that if she had known this would happen in her life, she would not have studied so hard and pursued a career as a lawyer if she would not be able to use it in the end.
Miriam ran for re-election as a senator in 2004, focusing on enacting significant laws that benefited the entire country. She ran for senator again in 2010 and won. For the majority of her three terms, she chaired the committees on international relations and constitutional revisions. Later after her cancer was deemed ‘stable' and ‘receded' by doctors in the United States, Miriam announced her desire to compete in the 2016 Philippine presidential election in October 2015 but unfortunately, she lost.
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Miriam dies in her sleep at the age of 71 on September 29, 2016, while she was confined at the St. Luke’s Medical Center located in Taguig. Santiago's final words, according to her husband, were "I accept this. I do not want to do anything heroic." The next day, her body was laid in state at the Cathedral Grottos of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Cubao, and on October 2, she was laid to rest by the tomb of her son Alexander, who died in 2003, at the Loyola Memorial Park in Marikina, following a Catholic burial Mass. In an official statement, the local administration stated that Miriam "gave pride and honor to all Ilonggos."
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Miriam had an unusual and unique childhood, but she appeared to relish it. A brilliant lady who made significant contributions and served our nation with respect must be honored forever. I appreciated her strength and intelligence since she acts as an example and role model for many of us, particularly teens. She inspires a lot of teenagers because of her intelligent and strong personality. Her tenacity and fearlessness in standing up for what she believes is right have set an example for Filipinos, particularly the youth. For her incredible perseverance, fearlessness, and stance for truth and justice, she is a fantastic role model to many people all around the world. Her life story tells us that if we sincerely believe in what we're fighting for, we can overcome any obstacle, no matter how large it is.
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musicfren · 4 years
They’ve got a bad reputation (they’ll get a standing ovation) part 2
HI HAVE I, TOLD YOU, THAT, @nottesilhouette IS THE MOST FRIGGEN AMAZING WRITER IN THE WHOLE WORLD? God...why do we do this to ourselves, friggen 3400 word story in the span of 2 days...this is entirely exclusively my fault pay no mind  Read part 1 here. Happy @felinettenovember y’all, time for slep!
...oh, dear gods, why is Felix here? The spotlight burns into his face like shame, regret bubbling up in his stomach. He doesn’t remember challenging Marinette but he has, apparently, and now everyone’s watching and he has to-- he has to-- fight. Defend himself. 
Or breathe, if he can manage it.
One seems easier than the other. Well, here goes nothing. Felix steps forward and calls engarde. 
“Ophelia did nothing but obey the men in her life!” He cries, stepping forward, gesticulating wildly. The crowd gasps, and Felix doesn’t understand why until he realizes he's still holding the sword prop, white-knuckled grip around its hilt. Marinette’s eyes go wide with surprise and Felix nearly blurts out an apology right there. But then a glint of something sharper flashes in her gaze, burning with determination and suddenly Felix isn’t feeling quite so confident. It’s too late to quail now. He steps forward and matches her, still talking. “She’s hardly enough of an independent person to qualify as a character.” 
“What would she be, then?” Marinette’s voice is steady, calm, and Felix is wildly, irrationally envious of it. He can’t work out how to make his statements come out smooth, suave like she’s managed, so he goes for the next best weapon: rage.
“She’s little more than a symbol, a prop,” he spits, and the crowd reacts appropriately. Something in his chest loosens at the idea that he’s performed correctly. Something in his heart wrenches.
Marinette sends him a snide look. “You would know. You’re a model mannequin.” 
They’re circling each other now: Felix is brash, forceful, cutting broad slashes through the air with each sweeping generalization he makes. Marinette is steady, precise, pulling apart the stitches of his defense with needle-fine precision. His pulse quickens; a glance at the audience shows she’s winning their favor. This isn’t the clever riposte and quick banter they expected, and Felix is coming across as dim-witted at best. 
“Well, what is she then? You have so many judgements, it’s time you raised an opinion of your own-- or do you have no policy but to raze mine?” Felix pushes her back, scrambling for repost. He needs to be interesting, he needs to be clever, he needs to-- turn it back onto Marinette before the crowd realizes he’s faking, that he doesn’t want to be here, that he’s… scared. 
His tongue sours at the words, and he hates himself for saying them. Marinette shoots him a glare full of challenge, and for an instant he considers conceding right there. Marinette believes so strongly in her cause, and Felix is desperate to apologize, to reconcile, to just acknowledge the points she’s making. But he’s trapped now, caught in the reputation he’s built for this audience and his own pride, and he has nowhere to go but forward. 
Or backwards, apparently, because with each point Marinette makes, crisp and concise and clear, Felix finds himself frantically retreating further and further.
“Ophelia is the only person in the play who recognizes that Hamlet needs help.” 
“That’s not true--”
She cuts him off with a slice.  “She’s the only person who notices and tries to stop him, who cares enough to call him out on his actions, to hold him accountable to the promises he made before his mad plan, to who he used to be.” 
“The entire argument is milquetoast--” He stabs desperately.
“They speak of beauty and reputation, of expectations and the way one’s actions will never outweigh the image others have of them.” 
“They speak of madness and prostitution!”
They’ve become locked in combat now, their blades darting in the scant space their words leave behind. The crowd presses forward, squeezes the stage almost to bursting. Nino presses his face to the camera lense, not wanting to miss an instant.
“The argument is framed against women but its themes are centered on Hamlet’s own realization of the position he’s found himself in. It breaks the adrenaline rush long enough to show him, in all his grief and desperation, the reality he’s constructed for himself. They speak of agency!” 
“Ophelia has none!”
“Ophelia reminds him that he does!” Marinette’s voice finally raises. “Ophelia reminds Hamlet who he is, what he has, if only for a moment. Ophelia grieves for him, for his loss: of his father, of his sanity and dignity and agency. She acknowledges that he is a liar, but remembers the man he used to be, the person he put work into being.” 
“She laments the loss of his attention, nothing more.”
“To write her statements off as such discounts the tone and the manner with which they are intended; she is returning his madman’s accusations with compassion and reason, she is the only person who has done so, who will ever do so.” 
“Why should I take her seriously when no one else does?!” It’s a mad, desperate response as he finds himself teetering at the edge of the stage, and he’s unbalanced. He swings again, unhinged. 
“None of the men in her life-- not her father, not her brother, not god himself-- take her seriously until she dies.”
“She trips into a river.” Finally, Felix is in charge of this conversation; this, Marinette cannot deny. It is his strongest point, and the only point that matters. He steadies himself, holds his sword like a shield to defend his statement. 
“Her death is not an accident. Her death is the culmination of the climax. Her death is the reason anyone stops long enough to notice how far gone Hamlet is! Her death tethers Hamlet to the person he used to be, who loved her once, who remembered what it felt like to choose what he did and who he was.” 
“That makes her nothing more than the physical manifestation and harbinger of Hamlet's descent into madness,” and Felix puts on a smirk because he knows he should. 
Felix wishes he was being honest, passionate the way Marinette is being. Felix wishes her voice didn’t seem so far away, calling from a world he remembers existing in but can’t find his way back to anymore. Felix wishes he was talking to her in a realm even close to reality instead of the mirage he’s operating in, desperate not to fall through. 
Instead, he steps forward from the edge of the stage and keeps his sword aloft. “She’s trapped in the societal confines of traditional womanhood. She’s nothing more than a woman in a world where that doesn’t matter.”
“You’re right.” 
Marinette stops moving forward to meet him, drops her arm. Felix is thrilled, and sick and confused, doubly so when he notices the ferocity in her expression. It is not one of someone who has given up. It is one of someone who is about to pounce.
“You’re right, she is nothing more than a woman in a world where that doesn’t matter. No one cares what she has to say. So she makes it matter. She dies, and she is finally heard. You’re right, and she’s a genius for the way she wields it like a weapon.” Marinette smirks, matching his smugness with self-assured pride, and taps his wrist with her sword. His own slips easily out of his grasp, and he trembles; with what emotion, he cannot place. “Being able to do the work of all these men in 58 lines doesn’t make her less of a character, Felix. It makes her more of one, and more power to her for what she’s able to notice that no one else will. It’s not her fault men can’t manage it.”
 Felix finally snaps. “My sense is not less than yours!”
Marinette pauses, and very very slowly, grins. It’s terrifying, predatorial. She rakes her gaze down his body, and he shivers. “I had thought to agree but this battle of wits has proven very much so the opposite. When she blows him a kiss and winks, Felix collapses where he stands. 
It’s over. The tension the assembled students have been holding in their collective lungs for the last five minutes erupts into cheers and thunderous applause.
“Bravo, bravo.” says Nino, pushing through the crowd, most of whom are still frantically scribbling in their notebooks. Felix can scarcely bring himself to look up, his face burning with humiliation. The room around him is rapidly becoming a confusing blur of angry lights and prying eyes.
“You guys were amazing, I’ve never seen anything like that before! Honestly I should turn this in just like that.” Nino moves around to get a few more shots of their faces, lit up under the harsh theatre lights.
“No way!” shouts someone from the crowd, “I’m turning it in first!” “--can’t believe how easily Marinette just eviscerated Felix! I thought he was good at literature but--” “--she’s so clever, he could barely keep up--”  “--he’s not very good at this, is he--”
Someone else laughs and soon the whole crowd is bickering, arguing over who will lay claim to Marinette’s mental prowess and Felix’s mortification. 
“Enough, ALL of you! That was completely uncalled for. This wasn’t for you to take advantage of. None of you-- none of you-- bothered to state your own position, your own opinion. All you did was encourage my attacks, which were honestly in poor form.” Marinette hardly stops to breathe. “And anyways, I’m only more coherent because I’ve done weeks of research on this character. Felix kept up to someone who wasn’t just thinking on her feet, and his points still had credibility-- do you know how many literary analyses I’ve read on his position just to try and work out how to defend mine?” Marinette leans over and offers Felix a gentle smile and an outstretched hand. He gratefully accepts.
Felix takes her hand and pulls himself up with it, and stands shoulder to shoulder with her, looking out at the sea of chastised faces. “And now you think you can turn in our work-- her work, really-- and our performance as your own as if you have any claim to it-- it’s disgusting. Marinette poured herself into caring about this, and… and I should’ve listened to her, but I don’t get to take credit for the work she’s done to be this person. I need to do the work myself. You’re manipulators and thieves if you think you deserve any part of what she’s done.” 
“Hey, everyone is manipulated by something. Hamlet, Claudius, Horaito… you would know, right?” Marinette looks at him again, soft and shy and concerned through her lashes.
Felix swallows hard, glances at the cameras still rolling. Yeah, he would know.
“Thank you.” He says, stumbling and trying to hide the way his legs are shaking. “I, um… I guess I’d better put these swords away before someone stabs themselves.”
Nino slaps a hand on his shoulder so hard he nearly falls back down again. “Felix, my man! Get that grumpy black uniform off you!”
“Um… what?” Felix turns in confusion, head still spinning.
“You, my friend, are stage-hand no more! We’re still missing a Hamlet, and I know I’ve found the perfect one right here!”
As the world around him starts to blur, Marinette slips her hand into his and squeezes, shooting him a fond, amused grin. “You’re going to do great, Felix. I’ll see you on stage.” She presses her lips to his cheek, soft, warm, and… the scene fades to black to the sound of cheering.
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Welllp This is...Books. Lots and Lots of Books
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That gif is something of a lie. Some of these books were not great. But! Some of them were very good! And some of them were marketed weird — seriously, what does qualify as YA — and some of them I read in, like, six hours and some of them I raged about for six hours after I finished them.
Or: 2020!Laura reverted to 2004!Laura and read just a lot of books and then her husband got her a Kindle and she read even more books and has thoughts on most of those books that she is now going to share with the internet while also making absurd category names. Note that these are only books I read for the first time this year. So, the list is missing some of the stuff I used as coping devices. ALSO SOME SPOILERS AHEAD, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a terrifying creature arrives to demand retribution. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she knows about only from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not truly a beast, but one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled her world.
At least, he's not a beast all the time.
As she adapts to her new home, her feelings for the faerie, Tamlin, transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie she's been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But something is not right in the faerie lands. An ancient, wicked shadow is growing, and Feyre must find a way to stop it, or doom Tamlin-and his world-forever.
— I kid you not, I had to do a lap around the apartment after reading the second book in this series. Why didn’t I read this before? Why isn’t there more fic? Why I am constantly falling for dark-haired sad dudes in love with their wives??? I cannot rec this series enough. It’s got world building and found families, and that dark-haired sad dude, and magic and lore and banter, and it’s so good and I don’t understand why it was marketed as YA. The literary world is weird, guys.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (and the Heroes of Olympus) by Rick Riordan
Accompany the son of the sea god Poseidon and his other demigod friends as they go on a series of quests that will have them facing monsters, gods, and conniving figures from Greek mythology. Do they have what it takes to save the Olympians from an ancient enemy?
— Straight up, how did you guys cope with Percy and Annabeth when you were kids reading this? I would have been OBSESSED. Quarantine felt like the perfect time to finally read all of these books, and I know it’s sacrilegious to like Heroes of Olympus, but I might have liked parts of that series more? Just because it felt like they were older and I was super into Percabeth being properly in love. Also, now I get why everyone was so upset about the movies. Fair.
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Humans and androids crowd the raucous streets of New Beijing. A deadly plague ravages the population. From space, a ruthless lunar people watch, waiting to make their move. No one knows that Earth's fate hinges on one girl. . . .Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She's a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister's illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai's, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world's future.
— Yet another YA series that I will admit to loving this year. Started off a little slow, but once the world building really got underway —and it gets underway — I was hooked. If I had read this at an age-appropriate time I would have been super in love Captain Carswell Thorne. I was still kind of in love with Captan Carswell Thorne. So it should come as no surprise that Cress was my favorite of the series, but I enjoyed the whole thing, really.
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
Two years ago, Louise le Blanc fled her coven and took shelter in the city of Cesarine, forsaking all magic and living off whatever she could steal. There, witches like Lou are hunted. They are feared. And they are burned.As a huntsman of the Church, Reid Diggory has lived his life by one principle: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. But when Lou pulls a wicked stunt, the two are forced into an impossible situation—marriage.Lou, unable to ignore her growing feelings, yet powerless to change what she is, must make a choice. And love makes fools of us all.
— YO. Y O. THIS WAS SO GOOD. World building! Magic! Marriage of convenience! Well-written enemies to lovers! As soon as I finished this, I bought the sequel. And then got upset the third book in the series isn’t out yet! That’s a frustrating theme for me this year.
The Roommate by Rosie Danan
The Wheatons are infamous among the east coast elite for their lack of impulse control, except for their daughter Clara. She's the consummate socialite: over-achieving, well-mannered, predictable. But every Wheaton has their weakness. When Clara's childhood crush invites her to move cross-country, the offer is too much to resist. Unfortunately, it's also too good to be true.
After a bait-and-switch, Clara finds herself sharing a lease with a charming stranger. Josh might be a bit too perceptive—not to mention handsome—for comfort, but there's a good chance he and Clara could have survived sharing a summer sublet if she hadn't looked him up on the Internet...
Once she learns how Josh has made a name for himself, Clara realizes living with him might make her the Wheaton's most scandalous story yet. His professional prowess inspires her to take tackling the stigma against female desire into her own hands. They may not agree on much, but Josh and Clara both believe women deserve better sex. What they decide to do about it will change both of their lives, and if they're lucky, they'll help everyone else get lucky too.
— I LOVED IT. L O V E D. As I told Justin “there was more porn than I was expecting,” in that porn and the adult film industry was a legitimate plot point and not just a part of Josh’s character, but it was incredibly well written and interesting and I cared about the plot. Sometimes I also wanted to shake Clara, but that was kind of the point.
The Marriage Game by Sara Desai
After her life falls apart, recruitment consultant Layla Patel returns home to her family in San Francisco. But in the eyes of her father, who runs a Michelin starred restaurant, she can do no wrong. He would do anything to see her smile again. With the best intentions in mind, he offers her the office upstairs to start her new business and creates a profile on an online dating site to find her a man. She doesn't know he's arranged a series of blind dates until the first one comes knocking on her door...
As CEO of a corporate downsizing company Sam Mehta is more used to conflict than calm. In search of a quiet new office, he finds the perfect space above a cozy Indian restaurant that smells like home. But when communication goes awry, he's forced to share his space with the owner's beautiful yet infuriating daughter Layla, her crazy family, and a parade of hopeful suitors, all of whom threaten to disrupt his carefully ordered life.
As they face off in close quarters, the sarcasm and sparks fly. But when the battle for the office becomes a battle of the heart, Sam and Layla have to decide if this is love or just a game.
— More well-written enemies to lovers! It’s possible! Seriously, the banter was so good. The kissing was even better. Ridiculous and interfering family is one of my favorite things, and this had it in SPADES. It also made me want to eat samosas, which is kind of my base setting, but I really wanted Indian food whenever I was reading this. Also, the end scene was so goddamn cute I cannot believe it actually happened.
Recipe for Persuasion by Sonali Dev
— The one that got away is one of my favorite tropes, and this modern version of Persuasion did it so well. Everyone was annoying, but in an almost understandable way that made me ache and I just wanted them TO KISS. And then they did kiss! And it was so good! Plus, at the risk of being a little self-indulgent, it was kind of Out of the Frying Pan esque and I liked that a lot. If there is a downside: it’s how quickly the relationship starts up again, like zero to 60 in two seconds flat, and that there were a lot of POVs. Which wouldn’t have been an issue if they’d been labeled, or weren’t bouncing around the timeline randomly. Sometimes I’d have to be like—wait, who’s talking about what?
Chef Ashna Raje desperately needs a new strategy. How else can she save her beloved restaurant and prove to her estranged, overachieving mother that she isn't a complete screw up? When she's asked to join the cast of Cooking with the Stars, the latest hit reality show teaming chefs with celebrities, it seems like just the leap of faith she needs to put her restaurant back on the map. She's a chef, what's the worst that could happen?Rico Silva, that's what.Being paired with a celebrity who was her first love, the man who ghosted her at the worst possible time in her life, only proves what Ashna has always believed: leaps of faith are a recipe for disaster.FIFA winning soccer star Rico Silva isn't too happy to be paired up with Ashna either. Losing Ashna years ago almost destroyed him. The only silver lining to this bizarre situation is that he can finally prove to Ashna that he's definitely over her.But when their catastrophic first meeting goes viral, social media becomes obsessed with their chemistry. The competition on the show is fierce...and so is the simmering desire between Ashna and Rico. Every minute they spend together rekindles feelings that pull them toward their disastrous past. Will letting go again be another recipe for heartbreak—or a recipe for persuasion...?
The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting
Lilah isn't sure what hurt worse: the day Ethan left her to focus on his hockey career or the day he came back eight years later. He might think they can pick up just where they left off, but she's no longer that same girl and never wants to be again.
Just when Lilah might finally be ready to let Ethan in, though, she finds out their reunion might have nothing to do with love and everything to do with improving his game. But Ethan's already lost her once, and even if it costs him his career, he'll do anything to keep from losing her again.
— HOCKEY ROM COM. HOCKEY. ROM. COM. Apparently this lady is regarded as the queen of “hockey romance,” which I kind of take offense to, but will give a pass on because this was a very cute book and everyone was cute in it and I was only marginally frustrated by those same people being idiots. As is required by rom coms. Hockey, or otherwise.
A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
Fall in love, break the curse. It once seemed so easy to Prince Rhen, the heir to Emberfall. Cursed by a powerful enchantress to repeat the autumn of his eighteenth year over and over, he knew he could be saved if a girl fell for him. But that was before he learned that at the end of each autumn, he would turn into a vicious beast hell-bent on destruction. That was before he destroyed his castle, his family, and every last shred of hope.
Nothing has ever been easy for Harper. With her father long gone, her mother dying, and her brother barely holding their family together while constantly underestimating her because of her cerebral palsy, she learned to be tough enough to survive. But when she tries to save someone else on the streets of Washington, DC, she's instead somehow sucked into Rhen's cursed world.
Break the curse, save the kingdom. A prince? A monster? A curse? Harper doesn't know where she is or what to believe. But as she spends time with Rhen in this enchanted land, she begins to understand what's at stake. And as Rhen realizes Harper is not just another girl to charm, his hope comes flooding back. But powerful forces are standing against Emberfall . . . and it will take more than a broken curse to save Harper, Rhen, and his people from utter ruin.
— Beauty and the Beast AU!!! Fantasy! Magic! Romance! I loved this, even when Rhen was being a whiny idiot. But he was also cursed, so like—fair. This dives into the politics of a cursed kingdom, puts a fun spin on the original fairy tale and also has a sequel. Which I read, and possibly enjoyed more. Only to realize the third book isn’t published yet, and then got annoyed by that.
The Silver and Orchids Collection by Shari L Tapscott
What happens when a feisty adventuress, a lord looking to make his own way in the world, and a handsome sea captain set out to find Kalae’s rarest and most valuable flower?
Trouble—and lots of it.
— Snarky flirting! Adventure! Sword fights! Listen, this is not prize-winning fiction, but Lucia is a fun heroine, the rest of her adventure-seeking friends are an absolute delight and you don’t have to think too much while reading it. All four books wrap up their individual storylines, but help set up the next one and while the ending felt a little forced (and way too quick) I didn’t hate it enough to throw the Kindle across the room.
Forest of Firelight by Shari L. Tapscsott
After the sudden death of her brother, Princess Amalia is charged with what feels like an impossible task—she must choose the next king. Youthful thoughts of love are pushed aside as she accepts her fate, setting upon a quest throughout the kingdom to find a man worthy of her father’s throne.
Little does Amalia know, someone has already set his sights on her.
Rhys is a man of secrets, and his mission is simple: befriend the princess of Renove. Coax her to trust him, convince her to follow him.
Betray her when it’s time.
All goes according to plan until Rhys meets the princess. Amalia is a disaster. Never has he met someone so drawn to trouble. Never has he met someone so irritatingly likable.
He’s not allowed to fall for her.
She could never entrust him with a crown.
But, unbeknownst to them, their unlikely partnership might be the key to saving their entire world from a darkness that’s slowly creeping from the wounded earth that separates one kingdom from the next.
— FORBIDDEN LOVE! It’s good! Real good! I read this whole series (or the three books in it, so far) in a questionably short amount of time. Again, not the deepest story, and Amalia is occasionally frustratingly dumb. While Rhys is also sort of all-knowing in that fantasy hero sort of way? Y’know what I mean? Still, they banter very well, and eventually kiss even better.
Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian
Theodosia was six when her country was invaded and her mother, the Fire Queen, was murdered before her eyes. On that day, the Kaiser took Theodosia's family, her land, and her name. Theo was crowned Ash Princess—a title of shame to bear in her new life as a prisoner.
For ten years Theo has been a captive in her own palace. She's endured the relentless abuse and ridicule of the Kaiser and his court. She is powerless, surviving in her new world only by burying the girl she was deep inside.
Then, one night, the Kaiser forces her to do the unthinkable. With blood on her hands and all hope of reclaiming her throne lost, she realizes that surviving is no longer enough. But she does have a weapon: her mind is sharper than any sword. And power isn't always won on the battlefield.
For ten years, the Ash Princess has seen her land pillaged and her people enslaved. That all ends here.
— I wanted to love this series. So much so that I read the whole thing. All three books. And I’m still not sure why. The world building, maybe. Which was very good, and the politics actually kept me interested, but every single character was the absolute worst and I kind of wanted them all to die. That’s not even an exaggeration. Spoiler, they didn’t all die. I was only marginally disappointed.
Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller
When the ruthless Pirate King learns of a legendary treasure map hidden on an enemy ship, his daughter, Alosa, knows that there's only one pirate for the job—herself. Leaving behind her beloved ship and crew, Alosa deliberately facilitates her own kidnapping to ensure her passage on the enemy ship. After all, who's going to suspect a seventeen-year-old girl locked in a cell?Then she meets the (surprisingly perceptive and unfairly attractive) first mate, Riden, who is charged with finding out all her secrets. Now it's down to a battle of wits and will... Can Alosa find the map and escape before Riden figures out her plan?
— Alosa was kind of the worst? Like, STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER who had to keep reminding you how strong she was because she would kill anyone, and had an all female pirate crew. And the whole time I was just like, ok...cool. Still, I read the sequel too and that was slightly better.
The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller
Alessandra is tired of being overlooked, but she has a plan to gain power:
1) Woo the Shadow King.
2) Marry him.
3) Kill him and take his kingdom for herself.
No one knows the extent of the freshly crowned Shadow King's power. Some say he can command the shadows that swirl around him to do his bidding. Others say they speak to him, whispering the thoughts of his enemies. Regardless, Alessandra knows what she deserves, and she's going to do everything within her power to get it.
But Alessandra's not the only one trying to kill the king. As attempts on his life are made, she finds herself trying to keep him alive long enough for him to make her his queen—all while struggling not to lose her heart. After all, who better for a Shadow King than a cunning, villainous queen?
— I cannot explain this book any way except to tell you it is so weird. Like, sometimes I remember I read this and all I can think is: why did this book happen? It felt like it started in the middle of the story, which is not a knock on the story itself, but mostly on the world building. Which was lacking to say the least. Also the resolution was super rushed and even more weird and I was like—why does he like her??? I still don’t know, honestly.
The Stars We Steal by Alexa Donne
Engagement season is in the air. Eighteen-year-old Princess Leonie "Leo" Kolburg, heir to a faded European spaceship, has only one thing on her mind: which lucky bachelor can save her family from financial ruin?
But when Leo's childhood friend and first love, Elliot, returns as the captain of a successful whiskey ship, everything changes. Elliot was the one who got away, the boy Leo's family deemed to be unsuitable for marriage. Now he's the biggest catch of the season and he seems determined to make Leo's life miserable. But old habits die hard, and as Leo navigates the glittering balls of the Valg Season, she finds herself falling for her first love in a game of love, lies, and past regrets.
— Another book whose lack of world building hurt it. Stuff just happened, and we were expected to understand it and be into it and I was neither. I had no reason to care about anyone in this book, especially Elliot who seemed like an asshole.
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Princess Lira is siren royalty and the most lethal of them all. With the hearts of seventeen princes in her collection, she is revered across the sea. Until a twist of fate forces her to kill one of her own. To punish her daughter, the Sea Queen transforms Lira into the one thing they loathe most—a human. Robbed of her song, Lira has until the winter solstice to deliver Prince Elian's heart to the Sea Queen and or remain a human forever.The ocean is the only place Prince Elian calls home, even though he is heir to the most powerful kingdom in the world. Hunting sirens is more than an unsavory hobby—it's his calling. When he rescues a drowning woman in the ocean, she's more than what she appears. She promises to help him find the key to destroying all of sirenkind for good—But can he trust her? And just how many deals will Elian have to barter to eliminate mankind's greatest enemy?
— This book did not go the way I thought it was going to. Not a bad thing, but also not the best and the ending was...bleh. The middle, though? That was legit, and the action was good. I am always a fan of sword fights. Still, there was something that left me waiting for the final push towards great and it just never really came.
Party of Two by Jasmine Guillory
Dating is the last thing on Olivia Monroe's mind when she moves to LA to start her own law firm. But when she meets a gorgeous man at a hotel bar and they spend the entire night flirting, she discovers too late that he is none other than hotshot junior senator Max Powell. Olivia has zero interest in dating a politician, but when a cake arrives at her office with the cutest message, she can't resist—it is chocolate cake, after all.
Olivia is surprised to find that Max is sweet, funny, and noble—not just some privileged white politician, as she assumed him to be. Because of Max's high-profile job, they start seeing each other secretly, which leads to clandestine dates and silly disguises. But when they finally go public, the intense media scrutiny means people are now digging up her rocky past and criticizing her job, even her suitability as a trophy girlfriend. Olivia knows what she has with Max is something special, but is it strong enough to survive the heat of the spotlight?
— It was cute. Max was occasionally an idiot. The kissing was legit. Most of their problems could have very easily been solved, but that’s kind of this genre’s schtick.
The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa
A wedding planner left at the altar? Yeah, the irony isn't lost on Carolina Santos, either. But despite that embarrassing blip from her past, Lina's offered an opportunity that could change her life. There's just one hitch... she has to collaborate with the best (make that worst) man from her own failed nuptials. Marketing expert Max Hartley is determined to make his mark with a coveted hotel client looking to expand its brand. Then he learns he'll be working with his brother's whip-smart, stunning—absolutely off-limits—ex-fiancée. And she loathes him.If they can nail their presentation without killing each other, they'll both come out ahead. Except Max has been public enemy number one ever since he encouraged his brother to jilt the bride, and Lina's ready to dish out a little payback of her own.Soon Lina and Max discover animosity may not be the only emotion creating sparks between them. Still, this star-crossed couple can never be more than temporary playmates because Lina isn't interested in falling in love and Max refuses to play runner-up to his brother ever again...
— Once you got past the hooking up with your ex’s brother thing, it was cute. Max was endearing in an earnest sort of way, even when Lina was STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER in a cliche sort of way. More solid kissing. Side note, why are so many rom com dudes named Max? Does it sound hip? Passably cool, but also approachable? Discuss. 
Not that Kind of Guy by Andie J. Christopher
State attorney Bridget Nolan is successful in all aspects of her life—except romance. After breaking up with her longtime boyfriend, she's been slow to reenter the dating scene. To be honest, she has more important things to do like putting bad guys behind bars. But with her brother's wedding right around the corner, she suddenly needs a date and fast. Lucky for Bridget, the legal intern is almost done with his program.
Matt Kido is dumbstruck by Bridget—total love at first sight—but there's one problem. She's totally off-limits while she's his boss. But the moment he no longer reports to her, Matt asks her on a date. An impulsive decision takes them to Las Vegas where, as the saying goes, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Unless you put a ring on it.
— Having written the “wake up in Vegas married” trope before, I know it’s difficult to do right. Consent’s a thing, y’know? And stuff gets dicy with forgotten memories, and all that, but mostly what kept me from truly loving this book was the intern thing. Don’t date your interns guys, it’s weird and off-putting. Literally if he’d just been a junior partner, or a visiting partner or something else I would have been all in.
Meet Cute by Helena Hunting
Kailyn Flowers was always calm, rational, and controlled—until she ended up sprawled all over Daxton Hughes, the former actor she totally crushed on as a teenager. Then she did the unthinkable: She became a mortifying fangirl in five seconds flat, which may or may not have included professing her undying love. And oddly, he didn't run away. In fact, their meet cute led to a friendship she never saw coming. Of course, she never saw his betrayal coming, either...Now Dax needs her help. As guardian to his thirteen-year-old sister, he's in way over his head. And though Kailyn hasn't forgiven Dax, she isn't heartless enough to make him fend for himself, either. Soon their friendly meetings turn into flirty dinner dates, and Kailyn can feel their chemistry is as explosive as ever. But how can she possibly let down her guard again to a guy who has heartbreak written all over him?
— Once again here for the one that got away trope, even if this comes with dead parents and some sad storylines. It still managed to be cute. Everyone was cute in it. Occasionally Daxton was a dick. As rom com male leads are apt to be.
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane
If faking love is this easy... how do you know when it's real?When her partner of over a decade suddenly ends things, Laurie is left reeling—not only because they work at the same law firm and she has to see him every day. Her once perfect life is in shambles and the thought of dating again in the age of Tinder is nothing short of horrifying. When news of her ex's pregnant girlfriend hits the office grapevine, taking the humiliation lying down is not an option. Then a chance encounter in a broken-down elevator with the office playboy opens up a new possibility.Jamie Carter doesn't believe in love, but he needs a respectable, steady girlfriend to impress their bosses. Laurie wants a hot new man to give the rumor mill something else to talk about. It's the perfect proposition: a fauxmance played out on social media, with strategically staged photographs and a specific end date in mind. With the plan hatched, Laurie and Jamie begin to flaunt their new couple status, to the astonishment—and jealousy—of their friends and colleagues. But there's a fine line between pretending to be in love and actually falling for your charming, handsome fake boyfriend...
— FAKE DATING THAT LEADS TO REAL FEELINGS. The ex-boyfriend was an assssss, the fake boyfriend was charming, everything was good AND THEN WE GOT TO THE END. Which felt more than a little rushed, unexpected and not really in line with the rest of the book?? Give ‘em a slightly better, in-character ending, and I would have been sold.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.
But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway: a duel between two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unbeknownst to them both, this is a game in which only one can be left standing. Despite the high stakes, Celia and Marco soon tumble headfirst into love, setting off a domino effect of dangerous consequences, and leaving the lives of everyone, from the performers to the patrons, hanging in the balance.
— I think this book was too smart for me. The prose was gorgeous, and the whole thing was very pretty and I definitely swooned when Marco said he wished for Celia. And yet. By the end I was like...eh, ok. Maybe it was the timeline? Jumping around, or how little dialogue there was. I wanted to like it all so badly, and I’m just not sure I did.
Acting on Impulse by Mia Sosa
After a very public breakup with a media-hungry politician, fitness trainer Tori Alvarez escapes to Aruba for rest, relaxation, and copious amounts of sex on the beach—the cocktail, that is. She vows to keep her vacation a man-free zone but when a cute guy is seated next to her on the plane, Tori can't resist a little harmless flirting.Hollywood heartthrob Carter Stone underwent a dramatic physical transformation for his latest role and it's clear his stunning seat mate doesn't recognize the man beneath the shaggy beard and extra lean frame. Now Carter needs help rebuilding his buff physique and Tori is perfect for the job. It doesn't hurt that she makes his pulse pound in more ways than one.Sparks are flying, until a pesky paparazzo reveals Carter's identity. Tori is hurt and pissed. She wants nothing to do with another man in the limelight, but she's still got to whip him into shape. Can Carter convince Tori he's worth the threat to her privacy that comes with dating a famous actor, or will Tori chisel him down to nothing before he even gets the chance?
— Dudes have gotta stop lying about who they are. It’s not a great trope. Other than that, the kissing was good. The romance was like...eh. I honestly don’t remember much else.
Twice in a Blue Moon by Christina Lauren
During a whirlwind two-week vacation abroad, Sam and Tate fell for each other in only the way that first loves do: sharing all of their hopes, dreams, and deepest secrets along the way. Sam was the first, and only, person that Tate—the long-lost daughter of one of the world's biggest film stars—ever revealed her identity to. So when it became clear her trust was misplaced, her world shattered for good.
Fourteen years later, Tate, now an up-and-coming actress, only thinks about her first love every once in a blue moon. When she steps onto the set of her first big break, he's the last person she expects to see. Yet here Sam is, the same charming, confident man she knew, but even more alluring than she remembered. Forced to confront the man who betrayed her, Tate must ask herself if it's possible to do the wrong thing for the right reason... and whether "once in a lifetime" can come around twice.
— This book was...weird. The early romance was wonderful and delightful, but then shit hit the fan and Sam and Tate are adults and...weird. Like, I cannot come up with another word for it. Also, they didn’t really talk much? As adults? Working on the same movie set? W e i r d.
I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella
Fixie Farr has always lived by her father’s motto: “Family first.” And since her dad passed away, leaving his charming housewares store in the hands of his wife and children, Fixie spends all her time picking up the slack from her siblings instead of striking out on her own. The way Fixie sees it, if she doesn’t take care of her father’s legacy, who will?
It’s simply not in Fixie’s nature to say no to people. So when a handsome stranger in a coffee shop asks her to watch his laptop for a moment, she not only agrees—she ends up saving it from certain disaster. To thank Fixie for her quick thinking, the computer’s owner, Sebastian, an investment manager, scribbles an IOU on a coffee sleeve and attaches his business card. Fixie laughs it off—she’d never actually claim an IOU from a stranger. Would she?
But then Fixie’s childhood crush, Ryan, comes back into her life, and his lack of a profession pushes all of Fixie’s buttons. As always, she wants nothing for herself—but she’d love Seb to give Ryan a job. No sooner has Seb agreed than the tables are turned once more and a new series of IOUs between Seb and Fixie—from small favors to life-changing moments—ensues. Soon Fixie, Ms. Fixit for everyone else, is torn between her family and the life she really wants. Does she have the courage to take a stand? Will she finally grab the life, and love, she really wants?
— Let’s be upfront, I’ve read a lot of Sophie Kinsella in my life, and more often than not I enjoy what she writes. I mostly did here. It was a book. With obvious rom com problems, that could have very easily been solved, but it wasn’t horrible. So, that was good, I guess.
The Wedding Party by Jasmine Guillory
Maddie and Theo have two things in common:
1. Alexa is their best friend
2. They hate each other
After an "oops, we made a mistake" night together, neither one can stop thinking about the other. With Alexa's wedding rapidly approaching, Maddie and Theo both share bridal party responsibilities that require more interaction with each other than they're comfortable with. Underneath the sharp barbs they toss at each other is a simmering attraction that won't fade. It builds until they find themselves sneaking off together to release some tension when Alexa isn't looking, agreeing they would end it once the wedding is over. When it's suddenly pushed up and they only have a few months left of secret rendezvouses, they find themselves regretting that the end is near. Two people this different can't possibly have a connection other than the purely physical, right?
But as with any engagement with a nemesis, there are unspoken rules that must be abided by. First and foremost, don't fall in love.
— Eh, this book happened. I still have no idea why they couldn’t be together from the get. Obstacles for the sake of plot, I guess. Also political side stories? I don’t know, guys.
Beach Read by Emily Henry
Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast.
They're polar opposites.
In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they're living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer's block.
Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She'll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he'll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.
— Listen, I enjoyed this a lot. For the most part. It was funny, and introspective in a way that didn’t make me want to gag too much, and I wanted to defend January’s love of love with everything in me. But, then it—ended. And it was like...all tied up with this nice little ribbon and happily ever after, and I was like...oh, ok. Part of me that it was glad it ended like that, mostly because of who I am as a person, but the rest of me was also confused that after everything January and Augustus had been through and how messy their lives were it could just get all wrapped up in this HEA.
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Marcus Caster-Rupp has a secret. The world may know him as Aeneas, star of the biggest show on television, but fanfiction readers call him something else: Book!AeneasWouldNever. Marcus gets out his frustrations with the show through anonymous stories about the internet's favorite couple, Aeneas and Lavinia. But if anyone discovered his online persona, he'd be finished in Hollywood.April Whittier has secrets of her own. A hardcore Lavinia fan, she's long hidden her fanfic and cosplay hobbies from her "real life"—but not anymore. When she dares to post her latest costume creation on Twitter, her plus-size take goes viral. And when Marcus asks her out to spite her internet critics, truth officially becomes stranger than fanfiction. On their date, Marcus quickly realizes he wants more from April than a one-time publicity stunt. But when he discovers she's Unapologetic Lavinia Stan, his closest fandom friend, he has one more huge secret to keep from her.With love and Marcus's career on the line, can the two of them stop hiding once and for all, or will a match made in fandom end up prematurely cancelled?
— Here for plus-size heroines who get the guy and don’t have their (entire) storyline defined by their looks. Less here for the weird fandom culture, the ensuing second-hand embarrassment that came from that and the thankfulness that both Colin O’Donoghue and Bob Morley appear to be happily married so it seems very unlikely they’re writing fic about their characters under pseudonyms. Stop using Ao3 in actual published stories 2k4ever.
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez
Kristen Peterson doesn't do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don't get her. She's also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children.Planning her best friend's wedding is bittersweet for Kristen — especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. He's funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm, and always one chicken enchilada ahead of her hangry. Even her dog, Stuntman Mike, adores him. The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he'd be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it's harder and harder to keep him at arm's length.The Friend Zone will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass.
— LISTEN THERE ARE SPOILERS HERE, BUT I FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THEM BECAUSE THIS BOOK IS A SECRET GUT PUNCH AND PEOPLE SHOULD BE AWARE. Not only is infertility, like, the defining theme of this book, but the BEST FRIEND DIES. Just—dies. It’s horrible. Absolutely God awful depressing. And for a second he looks like he won’t, and it’ll be fine, but then it is not and he’s just D E A D. I know, I know that sets up the sequel, but this was so goddamn heavy in an unsuspecting way that I have absolutely no intention of reading the next one.
Well Met by Jen DeLuca
Emily knew there would be strings attached when she relocated to the small town of Willow Creek, Maryland, for the summer to help her sister recover from an accident, but who could anticipate getting roped into volunteering for the local Renaissance Faire alongside her teenaged niece? Or that the irritating and inscrutable schoolteacher in charge of the volunteers would be so annoying that she finds it impossible to stop thinking about him?
The faire is Simon's family legacy and from the start he makes clear he doesn't have time for Emily's lighthearted approach to life, her oddball Shakespeare conspiracy theories, or her endless suggestions for new acts to shake things up. Yet on the faire grounds he becomes a different person, flirting freely with Emily when she's in her revealing wench's costume. But is this attraction real, or just part of the characters they're portraying?
This summer was only ever supposed to be a pit stop on the way to somewhere else for Emily, but soon she can't seem to shake the fantasy of establishing something more with Simon or a permanent home of her own in Willow Creek.
— FUCK THIS BOOK. And fuck Simon, specifically. Oh, you have a sad story? Cool, you’re still a dick. He was a dick. Listen, I know enemies to lovers is a hard trope to write, but it’s even harder to accept when those enemies just announce I LIKED YOU THE WHOLE TIME and then everyone starts ripping off their clothes. No, it’s dumb. I hate it. Apparently there’s a sequel to this book. Maybe that’s better.
Kiss My Cupcake by Helena Hunting
Blaire Calloway has planned every Instagram-worthy moment of her cupcake and cocktails shop launch down to the tiniest detail. What she didn't plan on? Ronan Knight and his old-school sports bar next door opening on the very same day. He may be super swoony, but Blaire hasn't spent years obsessing over buttercream and bourbon to have him ruin her chance at success.From axe throwing (his place) to frosting contests (hers), Blaire and Ronan are constantly trying to one-up each other in a battle to win new customers. But with every clash, there's also an undeniable chemistry. When an even bigger threat to their business comes to town, they're forced to call a temporary time-out on their own war and work together. And the more time Blaire spends getting to know the real Ronan, the more she wonders if it's possible to have her cupcake and eat it too.
— Listen, I wanted to like this one. There were plenty other Helena Hunting books on this list, so like—I don’t hate her. I just hate poorly executed enemies to lovers plot lines. Give me at least one moment where they are interested in each other aside from just being attracted to each other. Also: Stop Having Dudes Be Dicks Because Of Their Sad Backstory 2k4ever.
Don’t You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane
You always remember your first love... don't you?If there's anything worse than being fired from the worst restaurant in town, it's coming home early to find your boyfriend in bed with someone else. Reeling from the humiliation of a double dumping in one day, Georgina takes the next job that comes her way—bartender in a newly opened pub. There's only one problem: it's run by the guy she fell in love with years ago. And—make that two problems—he doesn't remember her. At all. But she has fabulous friends and her signature hot pink fur coat... what more could a girl really need?Lucas McCarthy has not only grown into a broodingly handsome man, but he's also turned into an actual grown-up, with a thriving business and a dog along the way. Crossing paths with him again throws Georgina's rocky present into sharp relief—and brings a secret from her past bubbling to the surface. Only she knows what happened twelve years ago, and why she's allowed the memories to chase her ever since. But maybe it's not too late for the truth... or a second chance with the one that got away?
Not the Girl You Marry by Andie J. Christopher
Jack Nolan is a gentleman, a journalist, and unlucky in love. His viral success has pigeon-holed him as the how-to guy for a buzzy, internet media company instead of covering hard-hitting politics. Fed up with his fluffy articles and the app-based dating scene as well, he strikes a deal with his boss to write a final piece de resistance: How to Lose a Girl. Easier said than done when the girl he meets is Hannah Mayfield, and he's not sure he wants her to dump him.
Hannah is an extremely successful event planner who's focused on climbing the career ladder. Her firm is one of the most prestigious in the city, and she's determined to secure her next promotion. But Hannah has a bit of an image problem. She needs to show her boss that she has range, including planning dreaded, romantic weddings. Enter Jack. He's the perfect man to date for a couple weeks to prove to her boss that she's not scared of feelings.
Before Jack and Hannah know it, their fake relationship starts to feel all too real—and neither of them can stand to lose each other.
— This is actually the prequel to Not That Kind of Guy and I honestly can’t believe I read that after hating this book so much. They were awful to each other! Their whole relationship was based on lies! Mean lies! Horrible lies! Don’t lie to your significant other!
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dutydreamed · 3 years
pick five tropes for your character!
These characters are quiet, smart, and seemingly physically unimposing, but with Hidden Depths of formidable physical and practical skills. They are Brains and Brawn, with brains dominant, if not quite Strong and Skilled.
Their physical abilities might result from applying their genius to solve physical challenges like they were math problems. Their attention to detail might also result in a Diagnosis from Dr. Badass. While some badass bookworms are surprisingly strong, others might be Weak, but Skilled, relying on flawless technique or supernatural abilities. Sometimes a bookworm can lack any special physical traits, but has access to an Impossibly Cool Weapon or enough firepower to make toe-to-toe combat, as they say, academic. A favorite weapon of the bookworm might even be what's always close at hand.
Elderly examples are often Old Masters who have spent decades contemplating philosophy and punching trees in half. Another common type is the Adventurer Archaeologist, who spends as much time studying in the University as that type does evading the poison-tipped arrows of angry natives. If the bookworms are a bit ditzy or talented but lack common-sense/etc, expect them to be Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass. If they prefer not to fight, doing so only when they must, then they have Minored in Ass-Kicking. They are very likely to wear Specs of Awesome. In a Five-Man Band specializing in Brains, a Badass Bookworm might as well be The Big Guy.
The trope is the converse of Genius Bruiser. A Badass Bookworm looks like your standard geek, but then displays a surprising amount of physical prowess, whereas a Genius Bruiser looks big, strong, and tough, then unexpectedly shows off an intellectual side. See Muggle with a Degree in Magic if their bookworm side is what's making them impressive.
There is a certain kind of character commonly found in historical fiction set in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (though she can appear earlier or later, too). Her literary ancestress can be found in some of the best-loved novels of the Regency and Victorian eras. She is the girl who bends the rules just a little. Oh, she can dance a country dance or pour tea with the best of them, but she may also be a good walker or horseback rider. She may be the most intelligent girl in the story, and she is almost certainly the wittiest and the most outspoken, sometimes earning her the title of spitfire. She may be talented in more practical ways, as well: if given the opportunity, she may turn out to be a wise investor, and she may harbor talent for music, writing, or art that goes beyond drawing room entertainment and might become a means of financial independence if necessary. In rare cases, she may even solve a murder. Though she occasionally runs into some trouble, especially if she fails to obey the powers that be, she usually comes through in the end. She will be the Veronica of a Betty and Veronica love triangle, and the hero is likely to find her more enticing than her more docile sisters.
The Spirited Young Lady has the same grace and style as the Proper Lady plus an added spark of attitude or rebellion that is missing from her more-prim-and-proper literary cousin. This is what makes her such a popular character today: she is the character modern audiences can most admire or relate to. In historical fiction, she is likely to be a proto-feminist. In nineteenth-century literature, she may not speak out for women's rights generally (a few examples do), but she will speak out for her rights pretty clearly. Her willingness to say what she wants is part of what makes her stand out.
A character characterized by their loyalty. Can be a trait of both heroes and villains. Most of them are supporting characters, intended as sympathetic. Indeed, if used on a villain, it can sometimes be used to flesh them out and give them redeeming qualities. Alternatively, it can be negatively portrayed as a threat to conscience.
When given to a main character or one in an authority position, expect it to manifest itself in protective instinct: as a Papa Wolf or The Caretaker or someone who is A Father to His Men. When given to a Sidekick, expect it to be an unselfish willingness to support the main character. It can also be given to friends who, despite their differences, are genuinely fond of the other, and bonus points if it works both ways.
Should the object of this loyalty die, expect generous helpings of Due to the Dead as the loyal one works to honor the fallen one's memory.
See also: My Country, Right or Wrong, My Master, Right or Wrong, Thicker Than Water, I Will Wait for You and I Am Spartacus. An Act of True Love will often be used to prove how loyal one character is to another, by having them perform a great sacrifice to show that they'll put someone else's needs before their own.
Similar to but not to be confused with Blind Obedience, where a character follows unquestioningly believing their liege to be infallible. A loyal character isn't necessarily defined as a perpetual Yes-Man, and may know when to defy or contradict the subject of their devotion, especially if it's as much for their well being as their own. At times this trope might actually come at the expense of those they follow, since they will generally not obey an order that comes at their expense or abandonment.
A character returns home after a long absence and finds that they no longer fit in, either because their home has changed too much over time, because they themselves were changed by their experiences or both. In the second case, it can lead to a But Now I Must Go sentiment. In less extreme cases, the character may eventually settle down again with some effort.
Prominent real-life examples are usually based on soldiers returning home, most commonly from World War I or The Vietnam War, or prisoners who find after serving their sentences that they can't adapt to life "outside". This is also relatively common among anthropologists and related fieldworkers who come home after a long stint in another society only to realize how bizarre their own culture really is. Another common case is people who were raised in another culture who travel back to their family's homeland — despite sharing cultural ties due to their family's past, they experience Heritage Disconnect and find themselves alienated due to their foreign upbringing.
Present in Western literature as early as in Homer's The Odyssey, making it Older Than Feudalism.
Related to You Can't Go Home Again, Never Accepted in His Hometown, Going Native, and possibly So What Do We Do Now?. This experience may be part of causing the character in question to go From Camouflage to Criminal. Occasionally overlaps with Where It All Began. Contrast Home Sweet Home — although this trope may also make the character realize that his home is no longer the place where he used to live. He may find that his old bed is too soft and he now Prefers Rocks to Pillows.
Sometimes a decent person has to do something bad because it is the only way to prevent something worse from happening. 'I Did What I Had To Do' generally involves an after-the-fact justification for morally questionable actions. The culprit presents this statement when he's confronted with a "What Were You Thinking?" or "What the Hell, Hero?" reaction from someone (particularly The Heart) to whom he owes an explanation.
The questioned character will generally say, "I did what I had to do." And, more often than not, nothing else.
The consequences of such an action vary, of course, depending on the work's place in the Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism. A character who sincerely regrets the 'necessary' action is likely to regard it as Dirty Business, suffer Past Experience Nightmares, or try to forget through chemical means. Someone who realizes they don't feel all that bad about the 'necessity' may be suffering from Start of Darkness. A character who was already rather amoral might say this only because they're upset that they had to get their hands dirty.
Generally associated with OOC Is Serious Business. Compare Well-Intentioned Extremist and It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time. When the character's motivation is her responsibility to those under her command, see The Chains of Commanding. If the consequences shown actually justify the action, then The Extremist Was Right. A character growing too comfortable with 'doing what I had to do' is guilty of a Reverse Slippery Slope Fallacy. Can be a Moral Event Horizon if it was particularly cruel or if they're particularly callous and nonchalant about it when confronted. If invoked large-scale by a Visionary Villain, it's Utopia Justifies the Means. Also, see Just Following Orders.
TAGGED BY: @standbetween
TAGGING: @edithmaslow @wclfdreamt @papilosomnia @inqisita @highaever and you, yes you reading this right now
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
About Last Night - P2
A/N So i know I have a million other requests but I’m a sucker for this story sooooo here’s part 2222 lel enjoy!!
Mon 12:00pm
Sirius ~ So before I read the weekend news, should I be worried about seeing any murders I was supposed to be involved in? ~
Y/N ~ Don’t worry I planted your fingertips everywhere so they’ll know you were involved as well ~
Sirius ~ Oh thank god, I needed something to destroy my reputation ~
Y/N ~ And what reputation is that? ~
Sirius ~ Oh you know, cool edgy creative writing major with a soft side ™ ~
Y/N ~ Dear god you’re one of them :O ~
Sirius ~ Ur DiffEReNT thAN OthER giRlS ~
Y/N ~ **Blocked**
Sirius ~ I sincerely hope you know I was joking ~
Y/N ~ I guess I’ll have to find out :P What are you up to today? ~
Sirius ~ Well apart from giving my alibi to police, I have about 3 hours of classes today and an essay due ~
Y/N ~ Wow, that sounds like a super fun day – any good classes? ~
Sirius ~ Yeah I’m enjoying my lit class at the moment, we are doing genre fiction at the moment so looking into how writers create worlds, even within our own world, and why genre fiction is so looked down upon in literature society ~
~ and now that I’ve typed that out I am realising that it probably doesn’t sound wildly interesting ~
Y/N ~ Hahaha nah it does! That would be cool to learn about, I’m a sucker for genre fiction tbh, could never read the classics ~
Sirius ~ That just means you never found a good classic 😉 – What kinda stuff do you read? ~
Y/N ~ look I want no judgement here… I honestly mostly read fantasy/ sci-fi ~
Sirius ~ Have you read Dune?? ~
Y/N ~ Yes !!! Holy shit such a good series !! ~
Sirius ~ I’ve been trying to get my mates to read it for a LIFETIME its so good ~
Y/N ~ I would have thought Remus would have read them? He’s always got a new book with him ~
Sirius ~ I didn’t know you knew Remus as well? But yeah, he in theory would but he also has a long list of to reads and wants to go through them one after another ~
Y/N ~ Yeah, he studies with Lily a lot and I sometimes join them 😊. Also jesus that’s commitment, I’m usually picking up another book whilst I’m halfway through another ~
Sirius ~ I have no idea how he does it, if I’m being honest, if I hate a book I just don’t finish it (please don’t tell my literary friends I told you that, I would be killed in my sleep) ~
Y/N ~ Haha your secret is safe with me – imo I reckon that’s the best way to read, like why force yourself through something just because it’s a classic or whatever, I feel like that’s why so many people don’t read a lot you know? ~
Sirius ~ Completely! I actually just realised I have no idea what you study? ~
Y/N ~ Ahh that’s because I’ve been avoiding the question ~
Sirius ~ It can’t be worse than creative writing – I won’t even get a job after uni ~
Y/N ~ Oh believe me, it is. I study communications ~
Sirius ~ Oh dear lord you are every white girl who ever existed ~
Y/N ~ I know, I’m perpetuating the stereotype its very disappointing tbh ~
Sirius ~ So is that where you work then? ~
Y/N ~ Wow you remember a lot haha yeah, I’m doing an internship in social media management, it’s surprisingly soul-sucking ~
Sirius ~ Is that surprising… 😉 ~
Y/N ~ I mean, that was thinly veiled sarcasm haha but it’s actually not all bad, the strategy behind content etc is actually pretty interesting, and I’m working for an eco-friendly company so at least I get to come up with cool environmental memes ~
Sirius ~ Ahh yes, hit the youth with the memes ~
Y/N ~ See, you’re learning the comms ways already ~
 Thurs 11:28pm
Y/N ~ Whats ya facebook? ~
Sirius ~ Uhhh… Sirius Black? It’s not wildly hard to find, why? ~
Y/N ~ I’m gonna be real, I would like to stalk you ~
Sirius ~ Is this Y/N? ~
Y/N ~ :O ok you’ve known Y/N like 2 days how did you guess that ~
Sirius ~ Cause this message felt like one of those old school msn ‘my friend hacked me !!!’ ~
Y/N ~ You’re a smart boi, Black ~
Sirius ~ thank you kindly stranger ~
 Fri 6:45 am
Sirius ~ Why on earth are you awake right now ~
Y/N ~ Because my body never allows me to sleep in ~
Sirius ~ how rude, also don’t worry I accepted your Facebook request so you can stalk all you want 😉 ~
Y/N ~ Literally am going to stab Marlene ~
Sirius ~ At least she’s up front ~
Y/N ~ Wait why are you awake rn? ~
Sirius ~ James wants to make the firsts soccer team at uni and has decided I must train with him ~
Y/N ~ Well that’s gross ~
Sirius ~ Couldn’t have said that better myself ~
Y/N ~ so what does this training consist of ~
Sirius ~ Mainly James trying to shoot balls at my head as I attempt to goal keep ~
Y/N ~ Can’t see that ending well ~
Sirius ~ Excuse you, I happen to be VERY athletic. I am a multisided human being thanks ~
Y/N ~ I am so sorry to have placed my predisposed ideas on you ☹ pls forgive ~
Sirius ~ I will have to think about it – right now James wanted me to do suicides and I must go into hiding ~
Y/N ~ Godspeed ~
Sun 2:58pm
Y/N ~ Ok I know I promised not to stalk, but what the fuck is going on in this picture ~
~ file ~
Sirius ~ oh no no no no no no no no ~
Y/N ~ ehheheheheheheheh ~
Sirius ~ I really thought my privacy settings were better than this ~
Y/N ~ Yeah this was very easy to find ~
Sirius ~ I’m going to kill James ~
Y/N ~ You can’t blame james for this beauty ~
Sirius ~ Oh I really can, he decided it would be hilarious for us to have a photoshoot when I was completely trashed one night. And then proceeded to post everything and tag me ~
Y/N ~ James sounds like a fun night out ~
Sirius ~ I wouldn’t say that to lily ~
Y/N ~ What she doesn’t know won’t kill her 😉 ~
Sirius ~ You are slyer than I thought ~
Y/N ~ I think I’m going to frame this photo and place it all over your uni ~
Sirius ~ You wouldn’t ~
Y/N ~ You may need to convince me otherwise ~
Sirius ~ Anything to avoid that embarrassment in my life ~
Y/N ~ Perhaps you’ll just have to owe me for sparing you ~
Sirius ~ I think that’s a fair deal – what about a coffee? ~
Y/N ~ I think a coffee or two would be a fair trade off :P ~
Sirius ~ Well I have the most disgusting week of midterms but perhaps on the weekend? ~
Y/N ~ Sounds LIT ~
Sirius ~ You’ve just made me regret inviting you anywhere ~
Y/N ~ That’s what I’m here for 😉 ~
 Wed 3:07pm
Sirius ~ Bit of a creepy question, but did I see you at uni today? Navy Skirt, Black Jumper, & tights?
Y/N ~ Wow you really observe an outfit don’t you ~
Sirius ~ I mean I noticed the outfit cause I thought it looked good and then I realised it was you and so it stuck in my head ~
~ in a less creepy way ~
~ in fact let me just completely start over – were you at uni today? I think I saw you! ~
Y/N ~ Maybe, what was I wearing? ~
Sirius ~ I hate you ~
Y/N ~ 😉 Well to answer your question, yes I was at uni – it was Lily and I’s weekly cheap lunch date ~
Sirius ~ Classy ladies you two are ~
Y/N ~ Couldn’t describe us better myself ~
Sirius ~ Oh by the way, are you going to Remus’ party this Friday? ~
Y/N ~ Mmmm I was thinking about it, why? ~
Sirius ~ No reason, I just knew Lily was invited and he mentioned inviting some of her friends ~
Y/N ~ Mmmm, yeah he told Lily to bring Marlene and me along, unsure though as Lily is particularly annoyed at James this week and he will of course be there and be annoying ~
Sirius ~ What if I can promise he won’t annoy her? ~
Y/N ~ I really don’t think you should make a promise you can’t keep :P ~
Sirius ~ Ah, you underestimate me! James has to go home this weekend to see his parents so he won’t actually be there ~
Y/N ~ This is a very interesting development – we may reconsider ~
Sirius ~ Well Remus does throw a great party ~
Y/N ~ DO you actually know what James did anyway? She usually likes to rant about it but she’s been shut in her room the past 2 days ~
Sirius ~ Honestly I’m not sure, James has been unprecedently quiet as well ~
Y/N ~ Hmmm how odd ~
Sirius ~ Indeed it is ~
 Friday 4:42pm
Y/N ~ What are you guys wearing tonight? ~
Marlene ~ Not sure, I’m torn between a velour tracksuit or the classic Canadian tuxedo ~
Lily ~ Both very classy options ~
Marlene ~ You know me, go hard or go hard ~
Y/N ~ You’re both incredibly unhelpful ~
Marlene ~ Worried about meeting a certain dark haired texter? ~
Y/N ~ Am I not allowed to want my best friends’ help on my outfits?? ~
Marlene ~ I mean I can’t help you look hot if I don’t know who its for 😉 ~
Lily ~ God forbid she looks hot for herself ~
Marlene ~ Hey, you’ve gotta play to your audience ~
Y/N ~ How would you even know what he likes ~
Lily ~ She stalked him around campus yesterday ~
Y/N ~ um MARLENE ~
Marlene ~ I just wanted to know his style, habits, if he was a psycho killer ~
Lily ~ She has a point, if he’s as annoying as James we have to protect you at all costs ~
Marlene ~ We need to make sure she isn’t sucked in by his serial killer prowess ~
Y/N ~ You’re making me sound like prey ~
Marlene ~ 😉 ~
Y/N ~ How did you even stalk him, Lily has no classes with him ~
Marlene ~ I have my ways ~
Lily ~ She flirted with the office assistant until she gave her Sirius’ schedule ~
Y/N ~ You minx ~
Marlene ~ No one can resist my charms ~
Lily ~ That is yet to be determined actually ~
Y/N ~ very true Lils, we’ve never met anyone you’ve dated yet ~
Marlene ~ Sooooo not the point, and we’ve gone off topic! How are you going to wow Mr Black ~
Y/N ~ That is 100% not what I asked ~
Lily ~ you may as well have ~
Y/N ~ You both suck ~
Lily ~ Wear that flowy black dress you refuse to ever wear!! ~
Y/N ~ ugh but it’s a casual party ~
Marlene ~ Who gives a shit, stand out ~
Lily ~ He’ll be drooling ~
Y/N ~ I don’t need him to drool I just want to make a good first impression ~
Marlene ~ Aha the truth finally comes out ~
Y/N ~ if you were actually in your dorm I’d be hitting the roof with a broomstick rn ~
Lily ~ Where are you?? ~
Marlene ~ Where do you think 😉 ~
Lily ~ Not the office assistant ~
Marlene ~ 😉 ~
Lily ~ How!? I was with you the whole time, you never exchanged numbers ~
Marlene ~ Exchanging numbers doesn’t have to be an oral task… unlike other things 😉 ~
Y/N ~ We get it, your sexual prowess is above all of us ~
Lily ~ I’m honestly impressed, she was cute ~
Marlene ~ I’m offended you’d be impressed tbh ~
Y/N ~ Ok so you are both coming over to my house in an hour to dress and intoxicate me ~
Lily ~ Deal ~
Marlene ~ Maybe give me an extra 30 mins 😊 ~
Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana @avengersassemblee @maraudersandco @sly-vixen-up2nogood @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad @evyiione @minerva26love @aikeia @gollyderek @greatwombatblaze  @songforhema  @your-typical-giggle
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danyka-fendyr · 5 years
Unknown Subject
Yes this one is named after an episode of Criminal Minds. Sue me. (Please don’t though CBS you would not have much of a case but I don’t have the money for it even if you tried). Anway, this was a request from the lovely @lettersofwrittencollective and should I be writing other things? Yes. But hey! I got inspired, okay?
Summary: Spencer finds himself falling for the mind of an unsub as the team tries to navigate their way through a tricky series of puzzles, but...are things what they seem?
Warnings: Generally disturbing themes of violent death. The usual Criminal Minds murder stuff. Also, I’m giving the reader a brother, so if you don’t have one...just pretend you do. Y/B/N is Your Brother’s Name. Also, the reader is in their mid-twenties for plot purposes.
Wordcount: I could have counted the words in this fic but instead I got distracted staring at Spencer Reid’s beautiful hair. Like...who is his stylist? I need to know for science and also because I’m considering a haircut.
“Well this is interesting,” Rossi grumbled, examining the body lying cold on the table.
“The kill was fairly efficient, but inexperienced as you can see,” the ME said. “The victim was poisoned, but judging by the blood samples we have, it was clumsier than intended. We’re guessing this was a first kill, since no experienced poisoner would use a mix like this.”
“So the swelling on the face and the purple coloring are a result of that?” Spencer leaned in closer.
“That would be exactly right. The victim actually asphyxiated from other problems caused by these chemicals before the poison could reach his heart. It should also be noted that it doesn’t take much to get these ingredients. Most of them can be found commonly around the house. Take bleach, for example.”
“How did the unsub force the victims to take poison like that? It can’t have been administered orally,” Rossi said.
The ME shook her head. “It wasn’t. Interestingly, it seems the unsub injected it through the victim’s nose, like one might with a nasal clearing device, the kind you would normally put saltwater in. It would appear that the victim’s mouth was taped shut, and if the killer plugged their nostrils, they would have had no choice but to swallow.”
“It would have been a reflex,” Rossi said.
“Exactly. We can see this in the chemical burning in the nostrils as well as the mouth. Additionally, it appears the victims were all lured from well-populated places, then drugged and taken somewhere more remote.”
“What could convince these men to follow someone out of a party though?”
Reid was leaning in closer to the body. He spoke into the brief silence. “What is that? In the throat there?”
The ME reached for her tools, fishing in the victim’s throat until she found...a note.
“Something borrowed and something blue
Only he can save me from you
Where men fall to their knees and wind chimes don’t sing
When you are ready, give me a ring.”
Rossi recited the poem aloud.
“Well call me crazy, but it sounds like this unsub wants to get married,” Jennifer said.
“Yes, but look at this,” Reid said, pointing to the second verse. “‘Only he can save me from you’. What does that mean? It almost sounds like it was written from the perspective of the victim...But then who is he?”
“Maybe the unsub imagines all of these men to be unworthy suitors. I think, given the victimology and this message, we can safely conclude that this unsub is a woman. We know that she’s kidnapped multiple men all with roughly the same physical appearance between the ages of 20-30, and we know that the kills have been clean and efficient with no signs of sexual sadism or torture. Maybe ‘he’ is the one true love who will save her from all of these other ‘lesser’ men,” Hotch suggested.
“Maybe, but something about it doesn’t quite add up. If we know she’s holding multiple men hostage, then why the specific usage of ‘you’? Why send this message to us, the FBI, to find? In fact, if it’s meant for some white knight, why leave it with the body at all? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Yeah. What about this line with the wind chimes here? What does that mean?” Morgan pointed it out on the board where Reid had copied the message over.
“It would appear to be a clue to the unsub’s location,” Rossi said.
“This lady has got to get better at her clues,” Garcia said from where she was on speakerphone.
“Garcia, can you look up levels of low wind activity in the city and neighboring towns? This unsub has a pretty clear comfort zone, so this might narrow it down some, assuming that ‘where wind chimes don’t sing’ is a specific reference to geographical location.” Reid spoke.
The sheriff of the town poked his head in. “There’s been another body found.”
“Well, our unsub is definitely getting bolder,” Morgan observed.
This body had been left out in a park, in contrast to the carefully hidden body that had washed up on the riverbank before.
“Check for a message in the throat,” Reid suggested.
Sure enough, there was another one.
“I hope that you can understand
Know that this was not my hand
All the cards are on the table, but who signed the deed
Can you solve the riddle, Dr. Reid?”
“Oh that ain’t good,” Morgan said.
“So it’s a riddle for Reid?” Hotch questioned.
“It would certainly seem that way,” Morgan said.
“Listen to this, ‘know that this was not my hand’. That almost sounds like the unsub is saying she didn’t do it.”
“Well it seems pretty clear to me that she uh..did,” JJ pointed out. “Y’know, seeing as she’s leaving notes in corpses. Plus, look at the line about all the cards being on the table. Maybe she’s saying it wasn’t her hand of cards.”
“Even if you’re right, though, that still implies a claim of innocence. Like the unsub is deflecting blame,” Rossi said.
Reid set down his coffee cup on a map, and Blake moved it so that it wouldn’t leave a stain.
“I just got the toxicology report from the lab. It looks like the same chemicals as before were used, just a more refined combo. You guys...I think we need to look at the very real possibility that we might be dealing with a younger unsub here. Maybe even a minor. If you combine the fact that her victims are mostly in their early to mid-twenties with what we know about her poison of choice...these are all common household cleaners. Something you could snag while your Mom wasn’t looking.”
Reid shook his head. “The text doesn’t match up with that theory though. Both notes are written from an almost poetic standpoint as if whoever wrote them comes from an educated background. Someone with this kind of literary prowess would have to either be very well-read or much older than you’re suggesting, likely both. Look at the rhyming patterns and the choice of words. This kind of messaging system, this kind of crime is simply too organized for a teenaged girl to pull off.”
“Wait...you guys.” JJ stood, crossing to the board that still had the first message sprawled across it for comparison. “Remember who we couldn’t figure out who ‘you’ could be? What if we’re dealing with multiple unsubs here?”
Rossi’s eyes lit up with understanding. “And one of them wants out.”
“Likely the submissive one,” Hotch said, latching onto the theory. “If we assume that the line about this not being her hand is a claim of innocence than it’s entirely possible that the dominant one roped her into this against her will somehow. It could be that the submissive one is the one luring these men away from the clubs and bars most of them disappeared from and drugged them, but it’s the dominant one doing all the killing.”
Spencer stood from the table, crossing to the board. “But by that logic, we’re assuming the older party is the submissive one, which almost never happens.”
“The unsub could have leverage against her,” JJ suggested. “Garcia, look up all missing men that fit the age parameters and type of this unsub, and then check to see if they have sisters, mothers or even aunts that have also gone missing recently.”
“On it!”
It wasn’t long before Garcia had an answer for them, with a search that specific.
“Bingo! Your hunch was right, my clever crime-solving friends. Y/B/N and Y/N Y/L/N both went missing when they went on a road trip together two weeks ago.”
“That’s right when the kidnappings started. Garcia, is it possible that Y/B/N was the dominant unsub’s first victim?” Reid asked.
“Oh, definitely little Einstein, but not for the reason you’re thinking. It was actually the sister who filed complaints of a stalker with local police. They assumed that the stalker nabbed the two and that at this point, they were probably long dead.”
“Was a suspect ever identified for the stalker?” Morgan asked.
“You know there was, lover. And you’re never going to believe this, but the suspect was, in fact, a teenage girl. Joanna Bridges, 18 years old, still in her senior year of high school. Apparently, Y/N was something of a friend to the girl. Reportedly Joanna was a bit of a loner, and Y/N, a senior, took pity on her lower classman. That all changed though when she went off to college. 
“Joanna brought a whole new meaning to separation anxiety and things got real nasty real fast. As one would suspect, fights ensued, the friendship fell apart, and then for the next four years our dear Y/N thought no more about it. Flash forward, she’s coming home, and Joanna is finishing up her senior year of high school, but she is less over it. She starts showing up at Y/N’s house making all kinds of unwanted advances, but after being rejected several times, she turned to more subtle methods, including but not limited to lurking in the background, leaving anonymous gifts, and just generally being creepy. Unfortunately, the police could never find concrete evidence, which brings us to the present. And before you ask, yes, I have addresses for both parties, and I am sending them to your cells now.”
“Thanks, baby girl,” Morgan said.
“You can thank me when you get home,” Garcia purred.
“Reid, you and JJ go to the Y/L/N house. Rossi and Morgan can go to the Bridges residence, and Blake and I will stay here and see what more we can find out about the wind chime clue.”
“Okay,” JJ said, coming back from interviewing the parents. “Apparently, like most teenage girls, Y/N pretty much lived in her room. Everything we could possibly need to know about her life before she went off to college is going to be here. If this is all really about her, then maybe we can find some clues here.”
“I mean, that much is obvious. Look at this room. It’s lived in,” Reid said, tracing a finger over a picture frame on the desk. “There’s dust here, but not much, indicating that the room was cleaned at about the normal intervals for the girl she would have been at the time.”
“Okay, Y/N, where did you hide your secrets? A diary?” JJ checked the bookshelf and then classic hiding places for a diary. “Nope. Doesn’t look like she’s kept a diary in years. Not since before middle school, even. That’s weird. Reid, if you were a teenage girl, where would you keep a diary?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t keep one. It’s like asking someone to read your thoughts. The concept always seemed incredibly invasive to me. The only journals I kept were scientific. I’d much rather have people read my work, personally.”
“Wait, Reid, that’s it. If Y/N was like most teenage girls, she would have been intensely private. But you said that her writing was advanced. Not just the work of someone who well educated, but someone who was a literary enthusiast. What if, instead of keeping a diary, she wrote poetry about her life? That way, if anyone asked, she could just dismiss it as a story.”
“Her writing does indicate experience. That was part of why I thought it couldn’t be a younger unsub. It’s too well established, too firm in its identity and style. It would make sense if Y/N is as clever as we think she is. With her poetry, she would have been hiding in plain sight, just like she was when she left us those notes.”
Sure enough, after further going through the girl’s room, they found notebooks filled with poetry. Upon first glance, they could have been mistaken for school notebooks, classic yellow and black spiral bounds, but their contents read very different.
“Look at this, Spence.” JJ ushered him closer from where he stood reading across the room reading at a much faster pace than she could. “This one talks about someone in her life who tried to hold her back. Someone who couldn’t grow up and was mad at her for trying to. That sound like anyone we know?”
“Here, let me see that.” He flipped through the notebook in a matter of seconds. “From the sounds of it, there was some serious emotional manipulation happening her. Joanna guilt-tripped her hard and made some serious attempts at gaslighting. If she had been a little older and more experienced, she might have met with more success, but her attempts were too clumsy for Y/N not to identify them as what they were eventually. She wanted to believe the best, but Joanna aggressively drove her away. ironically in an attempt to keep her close.”
“Well Joanna is older now, and probably has enough experience to be a master manipulator if she started that young.”
“We have to tell the others, see if they found anything,” Reid said, dialing Morgan’s cell and explaining what they had found.
“Yeah, that’s pretty consistent with what we’re seeing here,” Morgan said. “This girl could write the textbook on emotional manipulation, from the way her family tells it. Not that they knew what was happening. They were just as under her spell.”
“Wait, Morgan...do you think the kidnappings could be to try to manipulate Y/N into killing with her?”
“Could be,” Morgan said. “I mean, think about it. It would be the ultimate sign of dedication. I would die for you, but would you kill for me? Just do this one thing and everything will be forgiven.”
“The only problem is, Y/N doesn’t want to be forgiven. She’s smart enough to know that she’s not the one in the wrong here.”
“It’s only a matter of time though before eventually, Joanna convinces her otherwise and she breaks though.”
“Well let's hope we get there first,” Spencer said before hanging up.
While he and Morgan had been talking, JJ had been wandering the house, investigating. “Spence, come take a look at this!”
He headed out onto the back porch where JJ was, only to find dozens of wind chimes. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N, where did all of these wind chimes come from?” JJ asked.
“Oh, they were gifts. Most of them were from that sick, twisted stalker who kept sending her all the anonymous messages.”
“Were any from Joanna?” Reid asked.
“As a matter of fact, one was. She used to make them, and she made one for Y/N before they grew apart.”
“Which one of these is it?” JJ asked.
“Oh, it’s not any of these. It hangs inside, in the kitchen window. The glass it’s made out of was stained by hand, and it will fade if left out in the weather. Most of these are the same, but Y/N never cared if any of these got damaged. I think the only reason the first one is still in the kitchen is because it reminds her of a better time.”
“Ma’am, you said these were made by hand?” JJ said.
“Why yes, I believe so. Joanna’s family had some land by the water, I think, and they used to melt down the sand into glass. Very crafty, they all were.”
JJ whipped out her cell to call Garcia. 
“Your resident Bill Gates impersonator in the house, what can I do for you darling?”
“Garcia, can you tell me if Joanna and her family had any kind of craft business having to do with glass? Wind chimes, maybe?”
“One moment, please....Yes, as a matter of fact, they did. The Bridges own a little arts and crafts store famous for their beautiful wind chimes made from sand gathered from a plot of land they own near the water here and all-natural dyes. Unfortunately, these little beauties have to be kept indoors to stay at peak condition, meaning that they will never make any cheerful tinkling noises.”
“That sounds remote enough to be a holding location. Garcia, can you give me an address on that beach house?” 
“Sending it your way now sugar plum. PG out!”
The team raced for the house, and Spencer couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. Something told him this girl wasn’t a bad person. Well, actually, she had told him that. Specifically him, which was odd. How had she decided that he would be the one who could save her, and how had she even heard about him?
When the team made it into the house, they found Y/N held at gunpoint by a hysterical Joanna. The missing men must have been held somewhere else, but one that resembled Y/N lay on the floor unconscious.
“Joanna Bridges, FBI! Put the gun down,” JJ said.
“No!” Joanna screamed. “She doesn’t understand. I did this all for you. I never cared about him.” She gestured with the gun towards Y/B/N. “It was only ever you. I brought all of these men here to show you. They could never love you like I do. Don’t you understand?”
Spencer locked eyes with her. She was terrified, not that much younger than him. For a second, they seemed to click, and the look in her eyes changed.
“I understand, Joanna.” She reached out even though she looked like she might puke. “I understand now. You don’t have to do this anymore. It’s over.”
Joanna shook her head frantically. “Not until you kill one of them. You have to prove...you have to prove it.”
“Prove what, Joanna?” Spencer asked. “Prove that she loves you? She’s already proved that. She kept all the wind chimes you sent her. She wrote about you, in her poems. She loves you, I know she does. Don’t you, Y/N?”
You nodded frantically. “I do. I do, so just put down the gun JoJo.”
“You love me?” Joanna softened.
“Of course. Of course I do. So you see, you didn’t have to do this after all.”
“Say it.”
“Say what?” You asked, confused.
“Say that you love me.”
You swallowed, fighting the sick feeling in your stomach. “I love you.”
The second Joanna dropped her guard, JJ was on her, and you collapsed. You fell to your knees, but it wasn’t long before Spencer had an arm wrapped around you.
“It’s alright. It’s okay. Your clues lead us here. You were so brave and so clever,” he muttered.
“I thought,” you said, your breaths coming in shuddering gasps, “I thought if they would just call in the FBI...I read about you. I knew you could save me if I just left the breadcrumbs.”
“You did great Y/N. You did great.”
“She said, she said if I didn’t do what she said she would kill my brother,” you cried.
“It’s all going to be okay.”
A couple months later, you and Spencer were meeting for coffee. In the process of studying you and your...somewhat unique case, you two had become friends. A little more than that, actually. It was safe to say that you had a crush on him, but you had no idea if the genius reciprocated. If you had to take a guess, probably not.
“Hey uh...sorry I’m late. Paperwork.” He fiddled with the straps of his bag, an undeniable smile tugging at his lips.
“You don’t seem nearly put out enough to have been doing paperwork. Are you lying to me, Dr. Reid?” You teased.
He made a face. You had taken to calling him Spencer or Spence, and only called him Dr. Reid when you were teasing him or flirting with him. Not that he noticed the latter.
“You know I would never lie to you. Besides, I’m a terrible liar.”
You laughed. “Now that I know is a lie. You forget I’ve seen you in action. Put you in the same room as a murderer and you are one smooth criminal, Spence. Pun intended.”
He shook his head, but laughed anyway, sitting down across from you.
“Took the liberty of getting you a coffee. It’s only half full though to leave room for the sugar.”
“Actually, sugar is highly soluble-”
“I know, Spence. I was joking again.”
He looked bashful, so you took pity on him, reaching out for one of his hands. It was your turn to be shy though when he intertwined your fingers. You blushed, finding it difficult to make eye contact.
“Sorry,” he said, pulling his hand away. “I can not do that if it makes you uncomfortable.”
You took his hand back, pointedly intertwining the fingers despite your continued shyness. “No. It’s okay. I like this.”
“Yeah? That’s good because I like you.” 
He blurted it out without thinking like it was one of his facts and he just couldn’t stop himself from saying it, consequences be damned. You could tell by the surprised look on his face that he hadn’t been planning on saying that.
“That’s a relief. I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way.” Your confidence bolstered by his confession, you leaned a little closer. “I like you too, Dr. Reid.”
His brow wrinkled in confusion. “Are you sure? Because you only call me Dr. when you’re teasing me.”
“For a genius, you can be really dumb sometimes, you know that? I don’t just call you Dr. when I’m teasing you. I call you Dr. when I’m flirting with you. Like I am right now.” 
You had leaned in closer so that your lips were inches apart now. 
“I’m all out of witty things to say now,” you breathed. “Your turn Spence.”
Spencer opted for action instead, kissing you gently.
“Mmm, you should do paperwork more often. I like what happens afterward.”
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tysonrunningfox · 6 years
If you’re still doing requests (and you haven’t done this one/want to do it): Hiccstrid #1?
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Ok, secret, or not so secret.  It’s kind of hard for me to do sappy, canon type prompts for canon couples who get sappy time.  So when I recieved both “we’re more than friends and you fucking know it” and “don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you cry”, I put them together, gave them to vindictive matchmaker playwright Snotlout and here we are.  
One Time Before Band Camp a tentative title 
Despite the recent exacerbation of his astigmatism, Snotlout isn’t blind.  He knew the second he got grouped into a trio with Hiccup and Astrid in drama class that not only would he end up doing all the work, but that they’d sit there and pretend not to moon at each other the entire time.  Well, he didn’t know the entire time that he’d be doing all the work, he only knew as of the night before their skit was due when he texted them to see if they had it done and they reminded him that he said he’d start it.  
Which he didn’t.  He said he could start it, but that meant that one of them was supposed to volunteer.  And he guesses he zoned out at that point because he really thought one of them was going to do it.  
So as of eleven pm last night, he knew he was going to have to do all of the work because they volunteered to perform the skit if he just wrote it, and that was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.  
Hiccup fidgets and squints at the piece of paper under the single bright stage light, clearing his throat and shooting Snotlout a glare out of the corner of his eye.  Snotlout waves him on, giving Astrid’s valiant attempt to shoot lasers at him out of her eyes a thumbs up.  Astrid is bright red, red enough that the few students paying attention are whispering and they giggle at the awkward way Hiccup gestures between them, wincing like even he doesn’t want to hear what he’s about to say.  
“We should just get on with this.”  
“Have you read it?” Astrid deadpans, shifting from foot to foot slightly and staring at the drama teacher to save her.  
The teacher doesn’t care, he’s too busy editing his next big screenplay while wearing noise cancelling headphones and the shifty, irritating entity that is Hiccstrid has finally fallen straight into Snotlout’s trap.  Ever since Hiccup grew six inches last summer and Snotlout and Astrid quietly broke up before it, Snotlout’s dating prospects have been an unmitigated disaster.  But if he matches his ex-girlfriend/assumed date repellant with his hot ticket cousin that she’s been staring at for months, he might just be able to turn that around.  
“Uh yeah, I read it.”  Hiccup laughs, glancing at the class like he wishes they would disappear.  “I don’t think any amount of method acting is going to catch the academy’s interest but…”  
“Stop dissing my skit and perform it already,” Snotlout kicks his feet up on the side of the stage, folding his arms behind his head.  It takes physical effort not to rejoice dance, monkeys, dance, when Hiccup clears his throat to start reading, but Snotlout would really like to get this over with so he can ask Ruffnut to the dance on Friday.  
“Uh, hey.”  Hiccup’s arm bounces as he sounds out the words like it’s his first time speaking English.  “What’s got you so down?”  
“Nothing.”  Astrid is no better and as much as their flirting confused Snotlout at first, seeing them like this so…lacking stage presence and talent, he kind of likes them together.  “I’m just confused about what happened last night when you kissed me.”  
She punctuates that with a glare at Snotlout, her blush darkening when she looks back at Hiccup.  
“I don’t know what came over me.  I’d just never seen you in the moonlight before.”  
“What did it make you feel?”  Astrid delivers, voice wooden, and Snotlout kind of starts to imagine this with better actors.  And background music.  And maybe he should take his obvious skit writing prowess elsewhere.  
“It made me feel things–Snotlout no, I’m not saying that.”  Hiccup points at the paper, “how did I miss that before?  I’m not saying that–”
“Ok, ok, skip the ‘in my pants’ part, that’s fine, just get on with the rest of it.”  Snotlout rolls his eyes, looking at the girl sitting next to him.  “Actors, am I right?”  
She ignores him, obviously caught up in the literary genius at play.  
“It made me feel things that I thought, no, I knew would ruin our friendship.”  Hiccup’s voice dips, a little too honest, and the magic of the theater makes him look compelling for an instant.  
Astrid shakes her head, gripping the paper in slightly tighter fists, “we’re not just friends. We’re not just friends and you f–Snotlout, I can’t say fuck in drama class!”  
“You totally just did.”  
“Fuck,” Astrid murmurs and Hiccup smiles at her, goofy and genuine, like he’s really capturing the essence of the forbidden love between these two totally fictional characters.  “We’re not just friends and you fucking know it.”
“I’m just scared, I don’t want to lose what we have.”  He sounds decent until he gets to the real emotional impact of the piece, “and I’m leaving to Clarinet Prison forever, tomorrow.  Snotlout, that’s not a thing.”  
“You said you read it,” Astrid blushes darker than ever, folding her script and tucking it beside her.  “You didn’t, did you?”  
“I…didn’t have time.”  He shrugs.  “I figured how bad can it be but–”
“It’s Snotlout.”  
“Yeah, it’s Snotlout, that was a mistake,” Hiccup laughs and glances at the teacher again.  “Let’s just…finish it.  It can’t get worse than Clarinet Prison, can it?”  
“You guys just don’t understand art,” Snotlout crosses his arms, glaring at the slow shrinking space between them as Astrid shuffles towards Hiccup and clears her throat.  
The whole class is still watching, for some reason, or at least the ones who started out watching haven’t stopped.  Most people are asleep or on their phones.  They’ll all regret this someday when Snotlout gets functional actors to put on a real production of his first hit screenplay, tentatively titled One Time Before Band Camp.  
“I don’t get why you call it prison, you’re so talented.  And you know what they say about a man with big lungs…”
“I can’t help how big my lungs are, not since the accident.”  Hiccup barely holds back a laugh, but still manages to effectively ruin the weight of the moment.  
“Please don’t cry, I can’t stand to see you cry.”  Astrid giggles too, raising her hand to cup Hiccup’s cheek and stifling his laugh against her thumb.  “I love you just the way you are, big lungs and all.”  
“Love?”  Hiccup goes off script entirely, pausing for a second with his eyebrows knit together before leaning in and kissing Astrid like the drama teacher isn’t sitting ten feet down the stage.  Astrid drops her folded script, her hand sliding into Hiccup’s hair like isn’t supposed to happen until competent actors get through Act 2 and the unfortunate bassoon recital number three.
“Hey, I didn’t write that.”  
Astrid pulls back, glaring at him, “yeah, you did, two lines down.”  
“I didn’t read that far,” Hiccup licks his lips, staring at Astrid like a miracle and touching the back of her hand still on his cheek.  
“You two are still going?”  The drama teacher finally takes his headphones off, squinting at Hiccup’s dumbstruck face.  “I said three minutes, but excellent emotion.  A’s, I guess, next!”  
They climb dumbly off of the stage, sitting down beside Snotlout with hands quietly intertwined.  Good.  Finally.  Now Ruffnut can stop going on about Hiccup’s tight pants and Astrid will enforce it.  
The next skit, which is woefully uninspired from the first line, starts and Astrid elbows Snotlout hard in the arm.  
“Ouch!  What?  You look like you enjoyed yourself, don’t take it out on me.”  
“How the hell did you know we kissed last night?”  
She looks at Hiccup and he shrugs, like he doesn’t mind her revealing the secret.  
“We didn’t help you last night because we were…”
“Oh god, I don’t need to know that.”  Snotlout shakes his head, “and to think I went through all this work.  You guys are lucky I got a real winner out of it.”  
“Wait…were you trying to make us kiss?”  Hiccup cocks his head and Snotlout shrugs.  
“You were too incompetent to.”  
Astrid snorts, “you know, that’s actually kind of nice of you.”  
“Trust me,” Snotlout sighs, “I’m not a hero, I did it for all the wrong reasons.”  
“Well, still nice of you,” Astrid squeezes Hiccup’s hand and Snotlout looks back at the skit on stage.  He doesn’t need to see anymore of that today.  Or ever.  
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white-as-ice · 6 years
Here's the spooky fact: it's pretty hard to get through even an Intro to Lit college class without coming across Joyce Carol Oates's eerie "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" And once you do, it's downright impossible to forget.
Maybe you'll be blown away by the psychological depth of the main character. Maybe you'll be forever creeped out by the unforgettable antagonist. Maybe you'll be puzzling over the hidden meaning—what do the numbers on the side of Arnold Friend's convertible mean? Or maybe you'll just be steamrolled by the bleak-yet-transcendent ending.
Another option? Being—like us—affected by all of the above.
First published in 1966, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" became an instant classic. It's regularly included in literary anthologies of great fiction, and was even adapted into a popular 1986 film, Smooth Talk, starring Laura Dern.
According to Oates, the story was inspired by a Life magazine story about the serial killer Charles Schmid, who, like the story's villain, was an older man who preyed on adolescent girls. So what prompted Oates to pen this little tale? Was she fascinated by the twisted psychology of murderers?
Nope—not exactly. What stuck with her was "the disturbing fact that a number of teenagers—from "good" families—aided and abetted his crimes" (Source).
Part of what makes Oates's story so deeply affecting is that it deflects most of the attention away from the would-be killer—who is still rendered as being totally terrifying—and directs attention to the victim, Connie, and her humdrum suburban existence.
The story is set in 1960's middle-American, and the ideological turmoil of the times simmers just below the surface. You know about the 1960's—it was a decade when moral and social conventions were being challenged left and right, and the rush of American optimism and materialism after World War II was being questioned. This was the time of the Civil Rights Movement, the birth of the hippie counterculture, and the wild popularity of rock bands like the shaggy-haired Beatles. Issues such as feminism, sexual freedom, and adolescent sexuality were hot topics.
In other words, it was a time of great, controversial upheaval.
And, like the 1960's themselves, this story has generated tons o' controversy since its publication. Oates has described Connie's actions at the end of the story as an "unexpected gesture of heroism," a decision to sacrifice herself so that her family would remain unharmed. But not all critics are convinced. Some read the story as an anti-feminist allegory: Arnold Friend is Connie's punishment for having sexual feelings for boys. Others read the story as a feminist critique of a male-dominated society: the ending is essentially tragic, Connie's submission to Arnold Friend standing for the ways women are oppressed in a patriarchal society. Some even read the last scenes as evidence of Connie's psychosis: there's no ennobling act here, just a fragile psyche falling apart (see Showalter's "Introduction" for a broad sketch of the debate).
Multiple, conflicting interpretations—that's the risk the story takes in leaving the ending hauntingly open-ended. The "vast sunlit reaches of land" that dazzle Connie at the end of the story may as well be a stand-in vast array of interpretations that generations of readers bring to it...which is one reason why the story continues to captivate us, concern us, and haunt our dreams.
Here's the hard, cold truth: horrible things happen to ordinary people.
We're guessing you're familiar with that fact. You're canny; you know about stranger danger, fearless investigations, shocked witnesses, and grieving family members. It's the kind of thing that our society is fascinated with—a citizen, minding his or her own business—is struck down by evil forces that have been lurking nearby the whole time. You've read the news articles/watched enough local TV/ binge-watched show like Twin Peaks, Law & Order: SVU, The Killing, and True Detective.
In fact, you might be a little sick of hearing about how horrible things happen to ordinary people. And if that's the case—especially if that's the case, you should read "Where Are You Going, When Have You Been."
Because it's very rare that a story of small-town abduction is told from the point of view of the victim.
Disclaimer: this story ain't easy. In fact, it may be one of the most upsetting stories we've ever read...despite the fact that it contains no blood, no physical violence, and no weapons. We think that's because we're so closely inside the victim's head in the moments leading up to her abduction that we start to feel like her.
She goes from bemused and flattered that a guy she met once has showed up on her doorstep to feeling icked out that he's obviously lying about his age to terrified that he's speaking like a deranged lunatic to near-hysterical as he threatens to beat down her door and harm her family. And we experience these emotions even as she does.
But don't get the wrong idea: this isn't comparable to shouting "Don't go in there!" at a movie screen as a character moves slowly towards a basement door. We don't know more than our protagonist. We're not feeling even remotely smug or cozy. We're there in her head, empathizing.
Even if you read this story with an eye towards the abstract—and believe us, there are so many juicy ways to analyze this story that it unpacks like a Fiat holding a thousand clowns—you're still going to come away unsettled, rattled, and Googling "what's the best home alarm system."
And we think that's both a testament to Joyce Carol Oates writing prowess and the fact that there's nothing as powerful as deeply empathizing with a character.
Source [x]
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deveharrington · 6 years
[8 new theories] + Response to anon: On the way David uses his words, his masks, and his social intuition (or lack thereof).
I wanted to say thanks for the interesting read and also wow, it’s really amazing how different our perception can be. I never got the ’laid-back’ vibe from DD. Or rather, I get that he tries to project it, but always thought it‘s a mask and in reality he’s just as insecure and high-strung as GA, only hides it better. And I never believed he doesn’t care for his image. I think it hurts him badly that it’s forever tainted. Remember his words that he doesn’t expect his kids to be proud of him?
Hi anon, thank you so much for this message. I need conflicting perspectives like these brought to my attention, otherwise, as you can see, its very easy for me to get into a thinking groove.
I still stand by my claims, but I am willing to change them anytime in light of new info. Opposing opinions like this help connect the pieces in the end and put everything in perspective. It is invaluable to me, so thank you :)
Your ask brings up a lot of great points, so many that I put my response under a cut due to the length. But, before the cut:
Here is a table of contents to summarize, and if anyone is interested in these topics: 
The “short” version of my response to your ask.
The way David uses his words
David places more value on words than actions, and thinks the two are interchangeable. 
David and the excuse, “why bother?”?
David and using excess and indulgence to lose himself. 
David lacks the intuition to read others. He cannot see people for what they are, and maybe he doesn’t want to. (Could be related to him always wearing a mask). 
David and Gillian’s insecurities as both a compatibility AND incompatibility between them. 
On Gillovny (yep, I can somehow relate everything to Gillovny): David and Gillian both have an insatiable greed for this relationship, but they cannot act out of their own fear and insecurities. 
My current theory on why Gillovny is blocked right now (nothing to do with Monique).
*** And to Monique (Hi!), please deliver this message to David: 
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(HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh David, your refusal to grow up essentially puts you in the Majora’s Mask universe. Haven’t you noticed that you’re constantly repeating the same mistakes over and over and over....? It doesn’t help that you seem to have a mask and excuse for EVERYTHING. I’m sorry about your terrible fate. But you’ve brought it upon yourself.)
(1) �� The “short” version of my response to your ask:
I agree with you that the laid-backness is a guise. And I could understand him using a guise if he were performing any progressive action in his career to warrant a guise, but he is not. Maybe the difference between us here is what we’re seeing beneath the guise, but I also believe that his guise has changed, even if its just a subtle change.
I said in my first thesis he has a drive to excel, is competitive, and wants to be seen. I still believe these things. But now, in his current phase, the guise isn’t even laid-back, its “I don’t give a f*ck”. To me, this is a red flag. 
** Its like he knows his career is nothing but he doesn’t want anyone else to tell him about it (his ego makes him want to be the source of all knowledge). So he’s just in “f*ck you” mode at any kind of input coming his way. 
** ACTUALLY maybe this is why it seems like he is ignoring so many issues in his life right now? It might be connected to his natural drive to succeed not being satisfied by his “career”. 
The biggest problematic piece of evidence, for me is reports of him being rude to fans in person, outright ignoring them/not engaging with them online, denying them what they’ve paid for, etc. Why bite the hand that feeds you, while at the same time announcing all the projects you have lined up for the future? It is an aggressive way to treat fans, but David gets by with using the “innocent exploring artist” MASK.
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Another piece of evidence: I still see the situation as him doing nothing but I am looking to be proven wrong in the very near future. I haven't listened to his recent podcast about his future projects. I just can’t stand him nowadays, lmfao. 
Also, I created all the ideas of this response before the sofaology nonsense came out lmao! If it turns out that this is the “secret project” he’s been hyping then... LMAO!
For now, my conclusion of the situation is that David is applying some “all or nothing” thinking to his situation, and its throwing his decision making out of control. Like he’s looking at the ends only, not the means. He keeps having projects shut down, but can’t learn that he needs to start somewhere and build his skills and reputation, not just cry out advertisements for himself with no guarantee of fulfilling his many promises. 
I want to agree with you that he (still) cares about his image but... if he did, then what the hell kind of messages is he trying to send right now? And, could it be that he really is just NOT self aware AT ALL? That he might lack the intuition to read others, so he has developed a weird idea of how to interact socially. I say this because he expresses himself so weirdly. Also, maybe he assumes others wear a mask because he wears so many masks himself. So, he doesn’t place value on the way he comes across, only on the words he says?
I mean, and sorry, but let’s illustrate it with his disgusting “relationship”: what the fuck kind of messages is he sending to his kids? to his wife? About love, companionship, partnership, and family (example: “sorry, family, I don’t have time for you because I only have time for - I won’t say it.)? 
BUT it could be that he doesn’t mean to send these kinds of messages? I don’t want to think that he would try to put that image out there on purpose. 
So, what if he really is not aware of himself?? Like, is he THAT selfish that he only thinks about himself and NEVER others? Never even the way they see him? LMao?? Probably not, it might just boil down to a lack of social intuition (hence the “conquering” attitude with women)? That doesn’t make total sense but it does for me?? for now, I guess? I don’t know, lmao. 
(2) 💣 [THEORY 45] The way David uses his words.
I”ll just say this before going forward in hopes that it will show where my perspective is coming from. And this is just what I see:
When david uses words to express himself he mixes his honest sentiments with one or a combo of the following:
- Self-deprecating humour - to give an illusion of humility
- Edginess - to give an illusion of honesty, or some noble quest of “fighting the system” and to get you on his side. 
- Sensationalism/shock value - to get your attention and maybe distract you from the fact that what he is actually saying is either a) completely unfair to opposing views b) not founded upon evidence, but personal bias or c) just complete nothingness. 
- Overly convoluted/deliberately unknowable references - to a) again, distract you from the fact that what he’s saying is complete nothingness, or b) maybe to demonstrate his literary “prowess” and at the same time prevent you from researching the source of his statements.
- Imposing himself/dominating the conversation/making everything about him - a) to fool you into thinking that what he’s saying is correct and/or b) to make himself seem more interesting
*** I think he uses all these tactics because he is really scared that people will get bored of him...
*** BECAUSE he constantly needs people’s attention on him!!!!! He can’t risk people.... NOT paying attention to him!!!!!!
(And to my anon who once sent me some info talking about how David needed one of his girlfriends to constantly remind him that she loved him...thank you! and I didn’t forget about you! I’ll answer your ask... one day!!)
So, here is David blowing his own mind with his incomprehensible strings of alphabet letters because he is both a player AND easily played: 
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You’re right, its all an illusion, a mask. But to what end? I think both David and Gillian are just like that, they constantly want the position of power. Humility is out of the question, but this contributes to their insecurity because humility is a socially valued trait. Maybe they are just not comfortable fully expressing who they are. I see this more for David than Gillian. You said, “David hides it better”, so absolutely this is the case, but I’m just asking, why does he feel the need to hide? 
But I can at least respect Gillian because i’ve never seen her really try to project “humble and relatable”. Actually, part of the reason why I love her so much is because she seems open about her insecurities. 
David plays his fans with the “innocent guy” mask and people fall for it. The players and the played just attract each other, I guess.
(3) 💣 [THEORY 46] David places more value on words than actions, and thinks the two are interchangeable. 
To your point about David and Gillian both being equally insecure and using a guise, absolutely. The only thing that makes me hesitate to end the conversation there is the massive difference in their careers. (Will elaborate later). 
For now, I will focus on a theory on how David is rationalizing his guise. You mentioned what he said, that “his kids would not be proud”, but, David, does this mean that you should do nothing to try to make your kids proud? 
Or, he might see his  reputation as “forever tainted”, but, David, does this mean that you should do nothing to try to improve your reputation?
I swear there is a quote of his (which I can’t find anymore, maybe I just made it up? lmao) where he said something along the lines of, “the problems men have are problems they’ve had since the beginning of time”. 
Now, David, come on. Is he saying that we should not even bother to correct ourselves with our actions? We should not try to improve, progress, or contribute to society through innovation? Imagine if women said, “women have always had the position of inequality, so we should not even bother to fight?”. 
To me, these statements of his are just red flags: examples of “all or nothing” thinking. 
Please consider it with what I said about the way David uses his words. 
My theory is that he feels that that as long as he can admit the truth of the situation, then this somehow excuses his actions. Like, his words are so powerful they can be used in the place of corrective action. 
And when he “admits a truth”, he sways the tide with his words to get people on his side. He uses self deprecation to convince you he is self aware. He uses edginess to convince you he is a badass. He uses humour to just make you happy and agreeable. He dominates the conversation to make you feel that he was the one with all the answers/arguments, or perhaps recreate a teacher/student dynamic.
I think he just sees too much power in words, and not just words, but ONLY HIS words. And of course this is not helped by his identity being tied to his education, and also not helped by the fact that he has been able to get his way through excuses. 
So, he just manipulates things to allow him to do whatever he wants in the future. Actually, there is a problem in this in that it can then be hard for people to know what exactly he wants (he has fooled them with his words) and therefore they cannot help him get exactly what he wants. Maybe that is why he is not progressing? Because he is trying to do everything on his own? David, you need to listen to others because you can’t even see yourself. LMFAO. 
This leads to the next two theories:
(4) 💣 [THEORY 47] David and the excuse, “why bother?”. 
It seems like his bread and butter. I’m sorry but I see him as carrying around a lot of judgments that maybe he feels are useful for directing his efforts and constructing his image, but in reality are just limiting him. 
And I think goes hand in hand with:
(5) 💣 [THEORY 48] David and using excess and indulgence to lose himself. 
This is just my perspective. I see that, with David, If something ends up working for him, he will exploit it to the ends of the earth. 
For him, it is not about progress but lateral movement. More and then less, give and then take.
AND he is able to detach himself from his feelings (example: lack of passion) because he is so good at creating arguments and agreeing with himself.
So, to relate to our discussion, I think me might just be saying, “why bother working any harder if I don’t need to?”. But how much lower is the dude gonna stoop past the Sofology nonsense? Lmfao. 
(6) 💣[THEORY 49] David lacks the intuition to read others. He cannot see people for what they are, and maybe he doesn’t want to. (Could be related to him always wearing a MASK). 
I’ll just repost what I wrote in my response to your ask. I want to elaborate on this, but I have nothing more to go on other than Brad Davidson being a scammer right in front of David’s eyes. 
Onto the copy and paste: 
Could it be that he really is just NOT self aware AT ALL? That he might lack the intuition to read others, so he has developed a weird idea of how to interact socially. I say this because he expresses himself so weirdly. Also, maybe he assumes others wear a mask because he wears so many masks himself. 
So, he doesn’t place value on the way he comes across, only on the words he says?
I mean, and sorry, but let’s illustrate it with his disgusting “relationship”: what the fuck kind of messages is he sending to his kids? to his wife? About love, companionship, partnership, and family (example: “sorry, family, I don’t have time for you because I only have time for - I won’t say it.)? 
BUT it could be that he doesn’t mean to send these kinds of messages? I don’t want to think that he would try to put that image out there on purpose. 
So, what if he really is not aware of himself?? Like, is he THAT selfish that he only thinks about himself and NEVER others? Never even the way they see him? LMao?? Probably not, it might just boil down to a lack of social intuition (hence the “conquering” attitude with women)? That doesn’t make total sense but it does for me?? for now, I guess? I don’t know, lmao. 
(7) 💣 [THEORY 50] David and Gillian’s insecurities as both a compatibility AND incompatibility between them. 
Let’s first discuss the compatibility aspect, and I guess it starts and ends with a similarity. So, they are compatible because they both have the same insecurities about being nothingness. 
To quote Daria, 
[David and Gillian] wear superficiality like a suit of armor, 'cus they’re afraid of looking inside and finding absolutely nothing. 
I think maybe both of them just have that fear. I think it might be because they want so badly to be in a position of power and position of provider. 
They can’t fully accept that they are nothingness and its ok to be nothingness, its ok not have the answer all the time, and its ok have to rely on others when that time comes. 
Notice how they talk about mindfulness/meditation almost to like, demonstrate that they are in sync within themselves but they kind of overlook the fact that no person owes anyone an explanation. They have no need to prove themselves. But it could be that they are just describing their lifestyle, sorry, lmao, I’m just always suspicious lmfao.
So, now let’s discuss the incompatibility. Which I see as the way they respond to their insecurity. 
Gillian = action and progress in the face of fear.
David = the complete opposite, resignation and rationalization in the face of fear (combined with letting himself off the hook with rationalizations)
Literally, Gillovny could be blocked by a situation where Gillian is putting in the effort and David is not. 
Although even I can see that i am very biased towards Gillian because I agree more with acting in the face of fear vs. doing nothing at all. But one is not more correct than the other, it is just my personal preference.
After all, anons keep telling me to resign myself and accept whatever this situation is supposed to be, but that is simply not my way :)
(8) 💣 [THEORY 51] My current theory on why Gillovny is blocked right now:
David and Gillian are the ones blocking Gillovny.
Its funny how similar they are in terms of really deep, personal, and unusual traits. David and Monique are the same on the surface (and apparently he can’t see past the surface), but David and Gillian have like… twin dark souls. 
I think with both David and Gillian there will just always be the internal conflicts they have within themselves. They have an image they want to portray, they want to be seen as strong but also vulnerable. I think they want to teach but still see themselves as learning. 
** They want the position of power but also have an insatiable greed themselves, as if they need someone else to be in power as well to provide for them....!!!!!
(I know Gillian said that she wouldn’t like a relationship where the man is the boss, and I love her for saying that, but all humans, male and female, need their partner to be a provider of something.)
** and they want to give but maybe their own greed AND personal insecurities stop them from involving themselves completely. I will offer this as a potential blockage of the Gillovny relationship. Literally, insatiable greed *fans self* mixed with crippling self doubt *cries and writes a gentle love letter to both David and Gillian that I will never send*. 
Their greed = insatiable need.
And their insecurity = cannot even act to fulfill each other’s needs. 
SO WHAT IF they have a NEED they can’t satisfy because they are literally paralyzed by fear from their insecurities? 
... They have a NEED and they can’t ACT? ooooooooh bby!!!!!!!!!!
*** I could actually see them as being so short sighted in this relationship, probably from how emotionally exciting it must be, that they cannot even see that all they need to do is... ACT. LMAO. And by act I mean take it to the next level. Enough of the boy/girl sh*t everyone can see that this is something about a MAN/WOMAN. 
Maybe David and Gillian show their true colours when they are separated:
David shows he is a boy with his boy/girl nonsense “relationship”
Gillian shows she is a woman with her man/woman relationship. 
?? I’ll just leave it at that for now. 
Its just... If only they could get it into their hard heads that there is no need to hide... from their own love...
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Anyways, thanks so much, anon. let’s talk anytime! 
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literarygoon · 4 years
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In the weeks following his late night rendezvous with the ghostly apparition that claimed to be his mother, Shuswap Joe kept his eyes pointed heavenward. 
He scanned the clouds while he worked, while he rested, while he napped in the lazy current of upper Adams River with his fingers interlaced behind his head. Your salvation will come from the sky. Salmon sluiced playfully around his bobbing body as he meditated on the meaning of his mother’s words. Her spirit had gone into the river when she died, and he heard her voice any time his ears were submerged. The river’s susurrus was a plaintive prayer that only he could understand. He thought of the song he’d invented the night she appeared on the opposite riverbank, after gorging on mushrooms. The river gave me life and the river taught me death. My mother gave me nothing and that’s all that I’ve got left. But that wasn’t true anymore. Now he had a fearful hope, a nagging suspicion that she’d sacrificed herself for some greater purpose that one day he would understand. Maybe his life wasn’t over yet.
Joe was always careful to swim to shore long before the final bend that led down to the raging rapids of the Canyon, otherwise known to locals as “The Body Gobbler”. It was there that he would’ve died as an infant, were he not saved by the Indigenous fisherman who flung him to safety from the current. This particular stretch of river was once Nanor’s domain, but there was no sign of Joe’s shape-shifting nemesis these days. The forest was crowded with loggers’ tents now, and nearby a large manor was being built that overlooked the Lion’s Head rapid, which required another hundred working men to be camped nearby. There were lumberjacks with headlamps tromping through the darkness all night long, drunks pissing everywhere they pleased, impromptu card games that lasted for days, brouhahas that ended with bloodied faces. There were stills everywhere, struggling to compete for the territory he’d once held, but he felt no animosity for these men who would’ve once been his competitors. Joe wasn’t meant to be a criminal, not really. 
He was much happier living a simple life with the trees. And the river.
“I heard this was the place to find you, if one were so inclined,” said a man in a three-piece suit, standing by the river’s edge as Joe floated into the shallows on his back. The stranger had a finely oiled moustache, a magnificent round gut and a perfectly poised bowler hat that was tipped slightly to one side. “What an interesting leisure activity you’ve found for yourself.”
Joe frowned, rising from the water like a moose. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I feel like I would remember you.”
The man chuckled good-naturedly. “I’m going to choose to take that as a compliment. You, sir, happen to be quite memorable yourself. I’ve heard stories about your prowess — which is why I’ve gone to considerable trouble to meet you here today. I’m Charley Cochrane, but you can call me Big Chuck.”
Joe sighed. The longer he toiled amidst the grubby loggers of the Skmana Lake log flume, the more he came to be regarded as worthy of grudging reverence for his supernatural skill sets. The work crews would watch in rapturous wonder as he scaled trees hundreds of feet high, whispered into their bark to hear the secret song of the woods, then single-handedly sent these moss-bearded behemoths crashing to the forest floor with a few solid swings of his red-tipped axe. But he wasn’t doing it for recognition; he just needed the cash. Impressing people meant bringing undue attention to his status as a wanted man. 
“Now, I don’t know if anyone’s informed you, but in three weeks time we’re going to be hosting the largest lumberjack games ever held in the Shuswap, right nearby in Lee Creek,” Big Chuck said.
“I represent certain members of the community who volunteered to sponsor you for the event. My client is willing to pay for all your food, travel and living expenses from now and through the duration of the competition.”
Joe considered this. “Who’s your client?”
Chuck shrugged theatrically. “As it happens, he prefers to remain anonymous at this point. But suffice to say that he’s quite the admirer of yours.”
“I didn’t know I had admirers. I keep to myself mostly.”
“Yes, you’ll find I’ve done my homework. I know just about everything there is to know about you, Joe, including the fact that the newly installed Scotch Creek Police Department has now cleared you of all suspicion and charges related to the distillery explosion in 1927,” he said. “Courtesy of my client.”
Joe glanced upwards, to where a solitary eagle circled lazily above the treetops. The shadows were a deep purple, the surface of the water orange from the setting sun. He was still thigh-deep in the Adams River, and water drizzled from his beard as he pondered this turn of events. He’d gotten used to the idea of being a hermit, an outsider, an anonymous drone in the hive of the logging industry. His bootlegging business had been successful beyond his wildest dreams, but his ambitions had led to the deaths of people he loved. Sometimes he felt like he didn’t deserve any sort of redemption, that he should grovel the rest of his life in penance. But now the river had brought him this ridiculous man, who was unclasping his briefcase excitedly.
“You’ll see here that I have prepared all the necessary paperwork. There are just a few papers for you to sign. My client will take care of everything else,” he said. “This time next week your face will be on posters all over the Shuswap. Gamblers from all around will be traveling to see this. My client is expecting spectacle, and that’s what he’ll get.”
“Your client must have deep pockets,” said Joe, walking up on to the beach. “And a soft spot for wanted criminals.”
Chuck grinned. “You might call him a philanthropist. He’s a man with his own secrets, someone who remembers your days at the River Eel Saloon. He’s developed a certain respect for your skill sets, and he thinks you deserve a second act. A second act that’s going to be splashed across the front page of the Scotch Creek Mirror on Monday morning.”
“The newspaper?”
“Beloved bootlegger becomes lumberjack champion,” Chuck said, waving his arm like a newsie. “Shuswap Joe’s triumphant return, something like that. It’s a chance to reinvent yourself, to write a new chapter of your story. And once you’ve signed these papers, I could drive you into town myself. We already have a reporter lined up.”
Joe frowned. Could this be a hallucination? Why would this benefactor want to remain anonymous? Was the universe playing some sort of trick on him, offering up a perfect solution to his troubles? He wondered if Nanor was behind all of this somehow, just as he’d been behind the distillery deaths, but he didn’t sense his presence. Big Chuck was standing right at the water’s edge now, holding out his fountain pen, his mouth open in anticipation. Did he really trust everything this guy was saying? Joe thought of all the decisions he had to make while navigating the river, the way he had to anticipate obstacles and keep his fear in check. There was no use fighting upstream — you have to use the current to your advantage. 
Joe reached out and took the pen. “Well, Mr. Cochrane, I think you just bought yourself an athlete.”
The Literary Goon
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royreadingco · 7 years
Book Review #3: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
Welcome back to Roy Reading Company! Today, I'm very excited to be reviewing the second book in the "A Court of Thorns and Roses" Trilogy, A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. This book was dense, a whopping 626 pages, but 626 pages of pure magic. If you read my review of A Court of Thorns and Roses, you'll know how blown away I was by book 1, but book 2 was even better!
*Warning: This review contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.*Right off the bat, what stood out to me about this book was the realistic depiction of emotions. The guilt and shame that Feyre felt was so described in such a realistic way, you could actually relate to her. The way Maas described Feyre's struggles, it almost seemed as if she was going suffering from PTSD, which wouldn't be surprising considering what she went through Under the Mountain. The physical symptoms, like her vomiting and intense nightmares, as well as her mental ones like her lack of interest in things like painting, suggest the degree to which her time Under the Mountain effected her. I felt that Maas did a really lovely job of making these symptoms true to life, and in an age where mental health awareness is super important, it was great to see Feyre work through these struggles. 
At the beginning/middle of the book, I found myself getting a little frustrated with Feyre in regards to Tamlin. Yes, Tamlin was not helpful at all in helping Feyre heal and recover. Terrible of him, that much is obvious. But while Feyre was in Night Court she seemed to only focus on how awful Tamlin was, and completely forget about all of the good times they had together and how much she loved him at one point. Sure, he may have been going through his own struggles, but they could have worked together to make each other better. But by the end of the book her hating Tamlin was totally justified. 
First of all, can we talk about how he only used her for sex? Props to Maas for actually including sex in a YA book, and it was impactful. Tamlin acted like he really only cared about having sex with Feyre, not helping her get better. Contrast this with Rhys, who was totally willing to wait for Feyre to be ready, and we have a pretty important message. Maas contrasts Tamlin and Rhys, to show that there's a difference between being in love and making love. He clearly didn't care about her enough to see that she was literally withering away in front of him, and didn't try to help her at all. Also, why did you not realize and accept that she was developing powers? Tam, you could have helped her hone her skills and become a more powerful fae. But know let's lock her in my mansion, right? WHICH REMINDS ME: How DARE you lock her in that house?! Who in the mother do you think you are? It's clear that he was so wrapped up in his issues and trying to protect her that he just lost it and turned into an oppressive maniac. He also tells her that there's no such thing as a High Lady, so she can't be seen as his equal. Utter. Crap. I think what hits me hardest is his history with Rhys and how he helped his father hunt down members of Rhys's family. Just scummy. 
Let's also talk about this wedding. That dress was horrible. It didn't even seem like Feyre cared about the wedding at all, she wasn't invested in the planning and didn't care enough to object when things bothered her. It was destined to fail from the start. Ianthe had wayyy too much control in the planning of this wedding, and made it something Feyre utterly didn't care about. I would have walked away too. 
Ianthe. The utter wraith that she is. Though I hated her guts, I can see her importance to the story. She was integral in Feyre's rise to power later in the series. But she is also really important in spreading a message about consent. Ianthe was notorious for taking advantage of people like Rhys and Lucien, and Maas uses her to show that consent is important. 
Now let's talk about Feyre's time with Rhys. When he first winnowed her away to Night Court, and let her heal, I knew he wasn't so bad of a guy. And when he did save her from Tamlin's insanity, I saw right away that he actually cared about her, despite his teasing and taunting. But even with his teasing, it opened opportunities for Feyre to be her spitfire-self again. I liked that he started by helping her learn how to read, and how to protect her mind, skills that would be vital to her. I did wonder that while Feyre was in Night Court, why did Tam never try to get in contact with her? He must have had some inkling. 
But I was really glad he didn't because I fell in love with Velaris, Rhys, Mor, Az, and Cassian. Mor, Az, and Cassian were way more open and honest with her from the beginning and actually offered to help her train and befriended her outright. Lucien wasn't necessarily a bad guy, but he never stood up to Tam's mistreatment of Feyre. The people of Velaris all made a conscious effort to make Feyre feel welcome and to help her feel better. I thought one of the especially touching scenes was when they were training with Cassian, and it dawns on her that she should have been one of the Fae to die in Amarantha's court, and Cassian helped talk through her emotions while Rhys reacted so strongly, and so kindly and telling her that she should never feel that way. It was evident that Velaris was a much healthier environment for her to live. 
While she was there she not only healed from her experiences Under the Mountain but was also able to grow into her new life as a Fae. She was able to be an active and useful member of Rhys's team and was able to help infiltrate Hybern's forces. 
I've spoken so much about Maas's world building, but I have to touch on her creation of the Illyrian culture. The customs and traditions that she developed were so interesting. To learn with Feyre about a whole other species was really interesting. From hearing about how they are raised and trained from an early age, to the treatment of their women was fascinating and really set Night Court apart from the other courts. Along the same vein, it was both heartbreaking and emotional to learn about Mor's past in the Illyrian legions. It helped me feel more sympathetic towards her and relate to her even more. 
I really liked that we got to go into Summer Court and Adriana. I am really intrigued by exploring the other courts and seeing their different cultures come to life is one of my favorite parts of this series. Paired with Feyre being able to tap into Tarquin's powers to help Rhys was really one of the first instances of Feyre actively helping to take down Hybern. 
I really loved the idea of a hidden city of Velaris, that no one knew about for hundreds of years. I loved that it was a sort of paradise or Eden hidden away from all of the horrors going on in the rest of Prythian. The word Velaris actually comes from the Latin verb to cover or to veil. I love significant word choice in books. The desctiption of this city was lovely, and the detail was phenomenal, and really brought the city to life. What was also really lovely, was how important Velaris was to Rhys and his family, how they wanted to hold onto their piece of private paradise to escape to. 
And now for the good stuff. 
Rhys and Feyre were a match made in heaven (literally). I thought for a long time that I would never want Feyre to be with anyone other than Tam, and boy was I wrong. From the moment he rescued her, to the teasing little notes that they sent each other, they were perfect. When he sent her into the Weaver's cottage to get the ring was such a sweet idea, and how it all tied into his family and their mating was so well done. Even their scenes in the Court of Nightmares and that little Illyrian inn were some of my favorites in this book. 
But what takes the cake, without any doubt, has to be the cabin scene. But first, why in the holy hell did the Suriel spoil the mate thing? If he knows ~most~ things, wouldn't he know that Feyre didn't know yet? So why would he spoil it? I'm glad he did because cute things happened. I can also understand Feyre's frustration with people waiting until they thought she was ready to hear the news, when she was so involved. But I wanted her to be a little more happy about it and not just be mad at him. I thought it was fitting that she just took some time for herself to be alone, to paint, and process everything. I also liked that he chased after her and made sure she was okay (something Tam never did). I (as I love the different culture and tradition) thought it was so sweet that offering him a meal is the signal that the mate bond has been accepted. 
Maas really showed her finesse as a writer, when all of the little instances that had taken place over time had connected and entwined to build their mate bond from the moment they met. To create such an intricate plot, that was so well executed is inspiring and that is how a true, sophisticated novel is written. The fact that Rhys was the one to send the lullaby to Feyre's cell under the Mountain took me by surprise because I had assumed that it was thanks to Tam. The whole mate relationship between Rhys and Feyre was so spectacularly done, I was blown away. Overall I could not be more satisfied with the way Maas portrayed the mate bond between Rhys and Feyre. 
Some final thoughts. In the end of the novel, I have one thing to say. TAMLIN YOU SUCK YOU PIECE OF SLIME. That is all. The mortal queens give humans a bad rep. What is Amren really? The significance of Rhys's knee tattoo was amazing. The slight undertones to the Hades and Persephone story were super cool, and I love Maas showed her literary prowess in basing her original stories on classic tales. 
In summary, I apologize that this review is so long but for such a lengthy book, how could I not? It would be an injustice to the book to leave anything out. I felt that this book was phenomenal, extremely well done and showed how sophisticated Young Adult literature can be. 
I give this book a 📚📚📚📚📚 out of 5. I would highly recommend this book to any YA lover, and it might have made the series for me. What did you think of A Court of Mist and Fury? Let me know in the comments!
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madebymandyla · 7 years
Overly Sarcastic Productions Starters:                                         📜  Classics Summarized 📜
~The Iphigenia~
So, yeah, one big happy family.
They’re starting to get a little antsy about the no murder in their foreseeable future problem.
Luckily, the friendly neighborhood oracle has proposed a solution.
There are no take-backsies on god-solicited murder attempts. Let’s do this.
If my dying is what makes the war begin, that’d make me the most important woman in the whole war, right?
I mean, maybe he could have been heroic if he weren’t so dumb and impressionable all the time.
~The Oresteia~
I don’t know why I’m the bad guy here.
This has “bad sign” written all over it.
Teach me how to kill my family and feel nothing.
Give me the strength not to kill them myself.
There’s no way something’s not about to go catastrophically wrong.
If only we had some sort of legal system instead of relying on vigilante justice.
That concept hasn’t aged very well, has it?
Well, it’s better than being unemployed
~The Iliad~
I’d put the number between two hundred and too many.
Enjoy your adorable murderfest.
Fine, as long as I get to make someone suffer.
Mom, I need vengeance.
Abject chaos is way more fun than resolution.
And let me be clear about this: do not fight the gods. You will lose.
She’s somewhere between marshmallow fluff and a baby chick in terms of battle prowess.
Man up, you gigantic disappointment.
I vote we run away. Who wants to run away?
I have actual cognitive faculties.
Man, divine intervention is such a hack.
Oh, I am slain. If only I hadn’t been a giant prick.
I couldn’t save my hetero life partner. This life isn’t worth living anymore.
All the best heroes have ADD.
Your king demands that you let me win!
~The Odyssey~
This guy gets put through more crap than a twenty pound bag of industrial strength huggies sized for incontinent bulls.
This guy gives me a funny, but totally straight feeling.
Do your thing, oh god of telling me stuff.
What did I tell you about the stupid horse?!
Boy, I sure do love wanton violence.
What’s that? I can’t hear you over how awesome I am.
Your name is stupid, but your booze is good.
Time for some disproportionate retribution.
Get off my island.
You heard the man, folks. No hurting the cows.
This is my best idea since the thing with the giant wooden horse!
I have had just about enough of this stupid ocean.
Oh, wait, too late. I seem to have killed one.
Pause for a moment to absorb the feels.
Guess we better kill him right here before he can tell everyone we tried to kill him.
He has worked too hard for this to let something like consequences ruin it!
~The Aeneid~
I thought bribing dudes with hot chicks was an Aphrodite thing.
It’s so hard being awesome.
Clearly they did not yet have a prophecy regarding the founding of America.
Don’t kill her! She’s too pretty!
It wasn’t her fault because it was YOUR fault for kidnapping her in the first place!
Who the hell are you and how did you get on my ship?
Wanna help me get your son laid?
It’s not technically pizza, but it’s toppings on flatbread, so it’s basically pizza.
Maybe she shouldn’t marry a dude she literally just met.
Suddenly I have an overwhelming urge to beat up the man who stole my girlfriend.
I don’t want to die as a cheap literary device!
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