#<- if not for that glue incident
parasocialdnp · 9 months
phil needs to do more videos in his glasses because they’re so underrated ! (and also because he looks so gorgeous in them)
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mechsconfessions · 2 months
very upsetting to me when people get defensive about their pronouns for Lyfrassir. they literally aint got none
No additions, you’re just right
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avnasace · 7 months
(spoilers for fontaine aqs and 4.2)
childe really experienced a bad breakup, went on a wild goosechase around inazuma, then tried to go on vacation, instead got falsely accused of serial murder he couldnt have committed, humbled by a divine machine, humbled by a dragon, got sent to prison, became part of an ancient prophecy, fought an abyssal narwhal for at least 45 days, and then met his teacher, who ignored him for like 10 years and immedietly yeeted him through a quantum abyss portal back to his homeland with (supposedly) no answers.
and after all that, instead of relaxing, like he shouldve on holiday , he is probably going to have to sail his way back to fontaine to drop neuvillette an abyssal message from his estranged teacher that couldve been an email...
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I love learning ASL it’s so good. Makes me happy to learn it. I’m so glad my university has classes for it with professors actually steeped in Deaf culture.
#blue chatter#am I good at ASL? hahahahahahaha. no.#ASL and English grammar are incredibly different and even when I remember my vocab I am easily clockable as hearing#but I do have some language capacity now. enough to communicate the basics.#and I just. genuinely really enjoy it. it’s fun to learn and engaging in a way most of my classes just aren’t.#and I can. yanno. communicate respectfully w Deaf ppl. and learn about their culture#which is incredibly important given that I want to go into a field where there is a higher incidence than typical of Deaf people#autistic? you’re more likely to be Deaf!#not to mention the fact that sign language can sometimes be a useful alternative to speech for nonspeaking/nonverbal people#depending on the person obvi; some nonspeaking/nonverbal autistics cannot use sign language and that’s okay#but surely at some point I will encounter either a Deaf client or a nonspeaking/nonverbal client who uses ASL#and when that time comes I should have some idea of how to communicate with them#I also rly like the Deaf church by my parents’ house#their community is really welcoming and their services are really interesting#I think it’s rly cool how they take intentions directly from the congregation#they’ll raise their hands and then sign what their intention is from their pew to the ambo#which is rly neat#it is funny bc every time I go the Deaf ppl I talk to will tell each other ‘go slow she’s hearing’#which is ENTIRELY fair bc. I am hearing. and I do need them to go slower.#but it also makes me laugh bc truly everyone knows within a few minutes.#oh hey the new person? they’re hearing. yeah they’re learning ASL at college. sign slowly for her.#which again makes sense bc a big Deaf culture thing is keeping ppl informed. it’s not gossip it’s getting everyone on the same page.#Deaf ppl do NOT beat around the bush that is like the height of rudeness to them. u say what u mean goshdangit. do not waste their time.#which I appreciate the heck out of bc i don’t have to try and phrase things delicately or w/e#it was also funny bc my mom came w me while I was home for Christmas and they asked her if I was her kid#and she said yes. and the lady running the kid’s craft corner thing was like ‘great you’re doing a craft now’#and I’m sitting there. visibly over 18 years old. amongst several seven year olds. trying desperately to figure out how to say hot glue gun#I made a v pretty pinecone tree it was a lot of fun ^-^
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softpine · 1 year
please tell me rn theres not gonna be in-friend group dating bc if they break up who gets custody of asa!
as if asa isn’t the glue holding their crazy asses together... don’t worry about it fjkjsds
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7carpileup · 1 year
burned my. burned my fucking thumb
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Soul eater au
The crew are basically cryptics
Each one is regarded as weirdos in there own right, but they are also all bad asses
There's a Crew for every generation in the school - Whitebeard's Gen was the crew, then Roger's, then Shanks, now Luffy's crew.
The thing is, this crew is slowly becoming the most infamous because they're just moving so quickly, within a single school year they've become so infamous they have a hate club amongst school security (Smoker), they've made the newspaper nearly every other week - the school newspaper is dedicated almost entirely to tracking the crew, and there is just So Much Drama
The thing is no normal student has the balls to ask any of the crew who the 'leader' is - it was clear in all the other generations, but this one everyone treats everyone like equals-ish. Some theorize it's Jimbe since he's got the most wise older brother vibes, some say it's Usopp because of the whispers they've heard in the underground, some think it's Zoro because he's the scariest.
Koby is the only one saying it's Luffy, no one believes him
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berryicet · 1 year
Oh gosh
Like. The glue trap drawings are funny as hell, but actually, glue traps are real dangerous if you have kittens that like to sneak in through walls and attics (if that's where you put the traps)
One time one of my kittens got caught in those glue traps, the poor thing couldn't move an inch, and it was so hard to get him off it because I was scared I'd rip off his skin.
Washing him thoroughly with sunflower cooking oil works amazingly for getting the glue off btw!!! Please don't try anything else, especially no weird chemicals ppl tell u to use, it might kill the kitten!! Just cooking oil and patience and it will get it off
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quirkle2 · 2 years
WAILS,,,,, IF UR SURE ,, i do indeed have so many Thoughts
small warning for minor slime rancher 2 spoilers, mainly areas of the map, but also some new slimes !
at first i thought of wars and ledge having a ranch alone (slime rancher 2 conservatory) and the others having their own little ranches close by and they visit each other often ! but then i thought abt them all just living ranch au style in one place,,, i'm leanin more toward them all living together on one ranch now honestly
whatever the case, i think legend would love the far far range. i think all of them would, but legend fuckin loves exploring every little nook and cranny, wild and hyrule too, and i think they'd all go on little adventures and scout missions, searching for anything new, mapping out new places they find. legend would think all of the areas in both games r just so so fuckign Pretty
two of legend's favorite places to hang out is the big tree in the conservatory, and the big blue and pink tree in the middle of starlight strand. both trees r big and beautiful and twisting and i think he'd Love to climb up there and draw in his maps and sketchbooks, watchin the slimes bounce around
wars' favorite place to hang out is ember valley, atop any of the large rock pillars that loom over everything else. he uses his jetpack to get up there when he needs a couple hours to himself, brings a book or two with him, and simply lies in the grass on top and reads. his quiet places r usually slime-free as well—even though he loves slimes and thinks they're adorable, even a rancher gets tired and wants to be completely alone from time to time—so he typically picks someplace that's high and out of the way, where he can't hear any slimes or can't get attacked by tarr
wars' Other favorite spot is actually directly next to slimes, but it's wars' second favorite of the little guys—puddle slimes :) once again in ember valley, in that little pond down at the south end that pours waterfalls down to the pond below. that spot is So quiet and nice, and wars actually Loves the sounds puddle slimes make, and the sounds of the waterfalls r calming to him. sometimes he reads there and even falls asleep
wars likes taking pictures. legend likes drawing. sometimes they play a silly little game where legend hands him a landscape he drew and he has to try and find that spot on the far far range and take a picture of that exact place and perspective. in exchange, wars gives him pictures he's taken and legend gets to draw more landscapes with the pics as references
wars and wind have given all their bee drones nicknames. they have also decorated them w fashion pods and wars' favorite one is barry the bastard, who wears big circular glasses and sometimes glitches out and flies directly into walls (wars pets him and coos at him and fixes his trajectory like he is an actual being w feelings and not a robot made to finish tasks. he loves him very much)
^ i like to think there is a way to manually pilot the bee drones somehow (phone app,,,) and wars likes to annoy legend while he's sitting up in the tree drawing maps n shit. buzzes around him and presses the button that makes the bee flip and make funny little noises. legend hates him (legend loves him and thinks it's funny) (wars sometimes brings him snacks w the bee drones randomly . there's text that replaces the drone's face that says "snack break <3")
legend's favorite slime is the ringtail. he thinks it's cute and loves when their faces get all mischievous. what r they up to...............
wars' favorite is the flutter slime :) he thinks they're Beautiful, especially when sunlight shines through them and brightens their colors. he loves those things (they have a few flutter slimes flying around the conservatory purely because wars likes watching them fly and imabout to cry over that)
wind's favorite is the boom slime; he thinks they're funny. four really likes the batty slimes. sky adores the mosaics. time rly likes mochi's quicksilver slimes. hyrule likes the honey ones. twi adores tabby and hunter slimes, thinks they're cute and have done nothing wrong ever in their lives. wild likes the cotton slimes, and also the fire ones cuz he thinks they're cool
AND ALSO........ wars' scars in that drawing. >:) (warning from here on out for a bit of graphic injury, being eaten alive just a little bit, and generally just,, me yanking the innocence out of this game w my teeth)
i like to think of tarr slimes as Actually Really Dangerous and instead of just calmly vaccing them against ur nozzle and launching them into the sea, they're a lot more difficult to deal with in this world. firstly, they seem to be .... Meltier than other slimes, so i think vaccing them up against ur nozzle and them Staying Together is nearly impossible. they'd simply melt to the ground or Around ur vacpack and if everything goes right for them, they could just grab ur vacpack away and Eat You.
rly the only surefire way to get rid of them is to splash them w water, of course, but if u Don't have a water source ? ur,, in trouble
in sr2, it's a Lot more difficult to find water sources, mostly because the slime sea is no longer a viable source to vac up. and at some point, wars had run out of water in his reserve tank, had witnessed a tarr outbreak right next to him and Well .
they'd grabbed at him, at his face, at his arm and side, and started eating at his flesh. the only reason he got away was because legend had been just a field over, heard the screams, and had water in his reserve. legend definitely saved his life
tarr actually eats u alive in this world. it clings to skin and dissolves muscle and bone, and of course, the more it eats, the more it multiplies. tarr had been crawling and clinging to wars' skin all over his right side and if legend hadn't had a few splashes left in his tank, it would've simply continued and eaten him whole
the effects of tarr made him very sick for a long time (to the point where the others feared they'd still lose him), and it took months to get back on his feet and recovery fully. he still has scars along the parts where he was grabbed and dissolved, black and inky, and if the light shines on them just right, u can see an array of rainbowy colors, much like the tarr look
after that, time doesn't let them leave the ranch without a full water reserve in their vacpacks.
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Reminder to traditional artists that, if you are, say, up an hour past your bedtime, and you decide that before you haul your ass off to bed, you're juuuust going to do a little something, and that little something is, for the sake of argument, cutting an empty sketchbook sort of in half to make a flipbook/analog idea generator/randomizer thing, of your very own, just remember to maybe check if said sketchbook really is empty, or if you, for some reason, decided skip the very first page and then do three experimental-yet-very-nice marker drawings, only find out that the paper doesn't handle markers very well, and then, for reasons you no longer comprehend, toss it back into the unused sketchbook drawer, and forget about it until a year later when you suddenly get the urge to act on a late-night whim.
So you don't end up slicing your old art in half.
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ask-chef-teruteru · 1 year
Why do you only have one set of eyelashes?
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“One… Set of eyelashes?
I dunno whatcha mean, hon. I got eyelashes on both o’ my eyes. Course the bottom ones ain’t as long as the top, but that’s pretty standard fare.”
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crowcryptid · 1 year
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Did you know that cats have 2 special abilities? The first one is the ability to leave hair everywhere. The second is the ability to detect the weak spot of any object and to automatically target that spot. Pretty crazy stuff
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paeinovis · 1 year
Actually I've got so many scars kdndjdn
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tatsuma-forever · 2 months
the made in abyss kpop incident is still so fucking stupid. kpop stans treated it like they had discovered an underground sex ring or some shit. ‘this dude watched an episode an decided it wasn’t for him, pedo alert!’ ‘I analyzed pictures of this guys bedroom and he had a copy of the manga. he’s the freak, not me!’ what is this buffoonery??
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secrettreestuffidk · 5 months
todays omens:
1: every seeming catastrophe will turn out to be not as bad as you fear. Just calm down, breathe, and take a second look
2: remember to temper your excitement with caution, but remember to be excited
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pin-k-ink · 16 days
ohmygodohmygod i absolutely LOVED your kuroo fic!!!
and i’ve an idea for another one if you wanna write it. how about kuroo with a really clumsy classmate of his, and they both inevitably end up in really awkward and borderline sexual situations because of it? kinda like a crack fic
convenient // kuroo tetsuro
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tw ⇢ clumsy!reader, highly suggestive content, mild sexual tension, fluff, sexual jokes, kuroo is kind of a perv
wc ⇢ 5.1k
a/n: this was heavily inspired by prison school for some reason (yes i watched it 💀)
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The first time it happened, it really was just an honest mistake - one that earned Kuroo Tetsuro a well-deserved slap across the face. In his defense, he had been utterly oblivious, mind preoccupied with an upcoming English exam. But that was still no excuse for his careless actions.
He was headed to the library, books and notes tucked under one arm, when a faint shuffling sound drew his gaze upwards. There you were, standing atop a narrow ladder while stretching to reach a book on the upper shelves. Your skirt rode dangerously high with the effort, teetering just shy of outright indecency.
Kuroo felt his eyes widen as he froze mid-step, suddenly hyper-aware of the sleek lines of your legs extending from the rumpled plaid hem. He knew he should look away, avert his stare like any decent guy. But something insidious seemed to glue his feet to the floor, leaving him gawking shamelessly.
That's when disaster struck - literally.
One minute you were straining on tiptoe, back arched enticingly as you strained for your target book. The next, your knee brushed the ladder rung with a faint clang of disturbance. Like a switched had been flipped, the whole structure began wavering treacherously beneath your weight.
You let out a strangled yelp of surprise, arms wheeling wildly in a frantic bid to regain your balance. But it was too late, your slight figure already pitching backwards in a clumsy free-fall towards the unforgiving floor.
Pure instinct propelled Kuroo into action at that moment. Letting his books and papers scatter, he lunged forward with the lightning reflexes of a seasoned athlete. His arms locked around your trim waist just as your feet left the ladder rungs entirely, effectively folding you in half to break your plummet.
You collapsed against his chest in a breathless heap, wavy tresses askew and skirt bundled scandalously around your hips from the abrupt tumble. Kuroo's throat went dry as he found himself confronted with an utterly unobstructed view of your lacy black panties, tight across the supple flesh of your ass and leaving precious little to the imagination.
A tremor rocked his muscles before Kuroo could fully process the provocative situation. His lips parted on a low, strangled sound - was that a whistle or a whimper? - while you stirred groggily in his arms.
That's when realization finally dawned in your wide eyes. You took one look at the flustered volleyball captain gaping down at you and the disheveled state of your uniform, and let out an earsplitting yelp of mortification.
"You...you pervert!"
The resounding crack of your palm across Kuroo's cheek rang out like a gunshot. He reeled back, stunned, as you leapt from his arms and frantically rearranged your rumpled skirt. With a last scandalized glare, you scooped up your books and scurried away down the hall, leaving a flabbergasted Kuroo cradling his stinging jaw.
As he stooped to collect his scattered belongings, the dark-haired captain could only shake his head ruefully, pointedly ignoring the snickers of passing students. He supposed he deserved that one.
Though admittedly, politely keeping his eyes averted would be a monumental challenge going forward if you insisted on being so...distracting around him.
Little did Kuroo know, that was only the beginning of many chaotic encounters with you to come.
After that mortifying library incident, Kuroo thought he would at least get a brief respite from any further awkward run-ins with you. He figured you'd be actively avoiding him out of lingering embarrassment for the foreseeable future. The captain wasn't quite sure whether to feel relieved or oddly disappointed by that prospect.
However, fate seemed to have other plans entirely when it came to tormenting Kuroo with suggestive happenstance around you. If anything, the unlucky encounters only escalated from that point onwards.
It happened again only a few days later. Kuroo was making his way to afternoon English practice after lessons when a commotion from a nearby classroom gave him pause. He distinctly heard a muffled yelp of surprise followed by a clatter like someone knocking into a desk.
Curiosity piqued, he backtracked and peered through the open door to find you in the midst of a graceless struggle. From his vantage point, it looked like you'd caught your knee on a protruding desk lip in the middle of gathering your belongings, upending everything to the floor.
"Need some help?" The words slipped out before Kuroo could reconsider.
You jolted at the sound of his voice, clearly not expecting company. Whipping around revealed your position - bent over at the waist, arms crossed over the desktop as you'd been trying in vain to catch your spilled notebooks and papers before they scattered.
Kuroo felt his throat go instantly dry at the view you presented. With your torso tilted parallel to the ground, he had an unobstructed line of sight directly down the stretched vee of your blouse to the lacy enclosure of your bra. He immediately averted his stare with a sharp inhalation, but the wiggling shift of your body as you tried to right yourself didn't do him any favors.
"O-Oh, hey Kuroo!" You squeaked out, voice pitched just a bit too high as you straightened hastily. You seemed to belatedly realize the disheveled state of your clothes and ran flustered hands over your rioting skirt. "No, I'm okay! Just a bit of a tussle with gravity, as usual."
You laughed in that slightly too high, breathless cadence that told Kuroo you were just as aware of the precarious display as he'd been. Still, he appreciated your nonchalant attempt to smooth over the awkwardness as you bent to collect the remainder of your fallen supplies.
"You sure?" He risked another glance, disappointed satisfied to find your skirt had returned to normal propriety if still slightly rumpled. "I can grab the janitor if you need any cleaning supplies or anything..."
"No, no! Really, I'm fine. But uh, thanks for the offer." You gave a tight smile, clutching your armful of books to your chest.
Kuroo nodded slowly, unable to resist one last sweeping look over your flustered appearance - wild hair askew, cheeks dusted with pink, chest still rising and falling a bit rapidly. Yep...you were still cute as hell, even after catching him gawking like a perverted creep twice now.
"Don't mention it. Just figured I'd lend a hand after providing such quality-eye entertainment lately." He tossed you a wink, mouth kicking up at the corner as your blush deepened.
"You're terrible," you groaned, rolling your eyes dramatically. But he could've sworn your lips twitched towards a smile as you spun on your heel and strutted from the classroom with as much dignity as you could muster.
Kuroo watched your departing form fondly, scratching at the nape of his neck. "That's me," he agreed under his breath, unable to resist one last admiring glance towards the sway of your hips.
Yes, he would definitely have to be more careful about where he let his gaze stray going forward. Especially if you insisted on continually providing such tantalizing...viewing opportunities for him.
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The empty classroom should have been a safe haven for you to gather your thoughts during your free period. With no other students around, you had seized the opportunity to get some fresh air by cracking open one of the large windows overlooking the courtyard.
In retrospect, leaning your entire upper body out of that window may have been ill-advised.
You had been so absorbed in the tranquil view outside, relishing the crisp breeze skating across your face, that you failed to notice your skirt catching and riding up precariously on the window's edge behind you. By the time you registered the precarious situation, it was already too late.
"What the...?" You frowned, twisting your torso in an attempt to dislodge yourself.
But the more you struggled, the more hopelessly ensnared you became - skirt now thoroughly rumpled and bunched around your hips, leaving your backside shockingly exposed to the empty classroom behind you in a way that would make any vice principal blush.
You squeezed your eyes shut, cheeks burning as you tried in vain to somehow wrangle the stubborn fabric free without outright removing the entire garment and mooning the entire courtyard below. If only you had a personal contortionist on hand...
The telltale creak of the door opening behind you nearly made you swallow your tongue.
"Hey, have you seen my--" The deep timbre of Kuroo's unmistakable voice faltered. "Oh. Uh...need a hand?"
You could practically hear the poorly suppressed grin in his tone without even turning around - not that you could move much in your current trapped position. Your mortification mounted by the second, shoulders ticking up towards your burning ears.
"Don't just stand there!" You hissed through gritted teeth, face on proverbial fire. "Get over here and help me already!"
"I don't know, you seem to have a pretty good view as is," Kuroo drawled, bitter amusement coating every syllaible. But you heard his footsteps start to cross the classroom regardless.
"Don't you dare look, or so help me--"
"I'm just here to provide whatever assistance a gentleman can for a stuck damsel," he interjected solemnly, though you could still hear the laughter staining his tone.
Another teasing brush of warm fingertips skating up your exposed thigh made you suck in a sharp breath, muscles taut. But then Kuroo was deftly tugging at the tangled fabric, trying to work it free from where it had fully wedged against the unforgiving metal window frame.
You squeezed your eyes shut tighter as he crouched behind you, hot puffs of his steady breathing ghosting along the back of your bare thighs. The tips of his nails occasionally scraped lightly against your sensitized skin whenever he shifted his grip for better leverage.
Each inadvertent caress sent tingles of heat blossoming across your body, completely at odds with the unrelenting chill of the open window pressed against your ribs. You worried your lower lip between your teeth, trying to stomp down the unwelcome flutters plaguing your gut and attribute them solely to your mortifying predicament.
"Almost there," Kuroo grunted, leaning in so close you could smell the crisp, clean scent of his laundry detergent and body wash. "Just need to...tug this bit..."
"Wait, no--!"
Your panicked warning was too late. With a sharp yank on the stubborn fabric, both of you inadvertently went tumbling backwards in a graceless heap - your skirt ripping free only for the rest of you to promptly crash down squarely on Kuroo's unsuspecting face.
You couldn't quite muffle the startled yelp that rattled up from your chest as you landed in a sprawl of flailing limbs. One blink and suddenly you found yourself pitched backwards, legs splayed shamelessly as your butt settled...right on top of Kuroo's stunned features, mashing against his mouth and nose.
The smothered grunt of surprise punched out from under you was enough to send you flailing away with a choked shriek of mortification, scuttling across the floor like a deranged crab. Your face felt like it was legitimately searing clean off your skull, a condition likely mirrored by Kuroo's own rapidly purpling complexion.
"Ohmygod, Kuroo!" You wheezed out, one trembling hand lifting reflexively to cover your gaping mouth as he finally levered upright. "I am so, sosorry! Are you okay? Please, please tell me you can breathe!"
The captain dragged in a harsh gulp of air, chest heaving, before slowly lifting his burning gaze to your stricken one. Despite the deep flush marring his features, Kuroo's eyes glittered suspiciously.
"Well..." he rasped out with a lopsided, infinitely amused smirk. "Can't say I was expecting that kind of face-sitting from you today, but I can't really complain about the view..."
You released a mortified squawk, yanking the hem of your skirt down with furious tugs. There was no way this wasn't some fresh new hell custom designed by the vindictive heavens just to torment your battered pride around Kuroo Tetsuro.
Honestly, at this rate, you wouldn't be surprised if the boy ended up permanently bowlegged with how many compromising visuals you'd inadvertently provided him.
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Kuroo sucked in a deep, steadying breath as he watched you scurry from the classroom, skirt mercifully back in place and face still blazing crimson. He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes, desperately trying to un-see the compromising visuals now seared into his brain.
There was simply no unseeing the full, unobstructed view he'd gotten of your lace-edged panties and plump backside when you'd so brazenly...well, sat on his face in your wild scramble. His cheeks flushed anew just recalling it - the softness and warmth pressed against his lips, the sweet floral scent overwhelming his senses.
He shouldn't be thinking those kinds of things about you. Kuroo was keenly aware you were just his animated, disaster-prone classmate who always seemed to catch the brunt of humiliating mishaps whenever he was around. Lingering too long on the intimate peeks he'd been granted felt like a violation of the unspoken boundaries between you two.
And yet...
Kuroo found his tongue instinctively swiping across his lower lip, unconsciously chasing some lingering remnant of your taste and scent. The memory of having your feminine curves crushed against his face, even if unintentionally, made his throat run dry with unexpected yearning. He couldn't deny the spark of illicit heat that quickly blazed low in his belly.
With a groan, Kuroo scrubbed both hands through his perpetually tousled hair, tugging at the roots in mild self-admonishment. These were dangerous thoughts to entertain, no matter how attractive and alluring you were as a person. Especially given how mortified you always seemed by the accidental incidents that kept transpiring.
You clearly weren't trying to tease or torment him on purpose. If anything, you seemed just as eager to flee from the awkward tension as he was to diffuse it with irreverent jokes or nonchalant shrugs. No, the burden was his alone to bear - this one-sided battle to wrangle his steadily growing interest every time your bodies collided in such intimate, pulse-spiking ways.
Decision made, Kuroo rose to his feet with a grunt, gathering his scattered belongings. Blowing out a harsh breath, he willed away the lingering flashes of tempting visuals and straightened his spine. Yes, from now on he would simply have to be more vigilant about avoiding you as much as possible. The less he let himself get pulled into these compromising, hormone-addling situations, the better his self-control would remain intact.
It was a sound strategy, he decided with a decisive nod. One that would hopefully spare you both from any further prolonged torment or humiliation down the line.
At least, that was the theory. But as Kuroo quickly learned over the next few days and encounters, the universe seemed to have vastly different plans in regard to continually tormenting him...and you.
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It happened during one of their last shared classes of the week - a study hall period Kuroo typically used for reviewing game recordings or getting a jumpstart on his homework. He had just opened up his laptop in the back corner of the room to cue up the latest match footage when an odd scuffling noise drew his attention.
Craning his neck towards the broad windows lining the far wall revealed you standing precariously on your tiptoes atop a wobbly chair, arms stretched high overhead as you attempted to tug open the painted seam where the glass panes met. Kuroo frowned as he watched your feet slip and clothes rustle with the effort. Just what were you doing?
Another loud thud followed by a growl of frustration was all the prompting he needed. With a quiet sigh, Kuroo pushed back from his seat and began weaving between the desks, hands tucked casually into his pockets. Might as well get this over with before your usual antics ended in another cringe-worthy incident for them both...
"Need a hand down there, short stuff?" He called out in a low, lazy drawl as he approached.
You startled at the unexpected voice, petite form going rigid against the window. Kuroo watched your shoulders lift in a sharp inhalation before you slowly risked peering over one toned shoulder, likely looking for the source of the amused rumble.
"Kuroo?" You squeaked out warily, like just speaking his name might somehow summon a fresh round of mortifying events. "What are you doing over here?"
"Probably the same thing you are," he replied with a one-shouldered shrug, gesturing up at the window with his chin. "Except, you know, without the hazardous chair-scaling routine. Don't you think it'd be easier if you just asked for help rather than risking life and limb like that?"
If looks could incinerate, he surely would have combusted on the spot from the narrow-eyed glare you shot his way. But after a long, weighted pause, you finally seemed to relent with a quiet huff.
"Fine, but you'd better not just be offering as some lame excuse to look up my skirt again."
The blunt dig might have landed more soundly if your cheeks weren't already pinkening, giving away your embarrassment. Kuroo simply arched one thick brow, catching his lower lip between his teeth to tamp down the reflexive grin trying to emerge.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Kuroo replied easily, holding up both hands in mock surrender. "I'm an innocent bystander here, just trying to lend my services to a damsel flirting with danger."
You leveled him with one final skeptical look before huffing out a reluctant, "Fine. But make it quick before I end up with a concussion or something."
Turning away, you resumed straining on tiptoe, arms outstretched overhead as you blindly grappled for some elusive purchase. Kuroo's gaze was immediately drawn to the wanton stretching pulling your blouse taut against the feminine swell of your chest, outlining your figure in a way that made his mouth go dry.
Clearing his throat roughly, he quickly closed the remaining distance between you and maneuvered himself up onto the chair behind you. His larger frame automatically shielded your bent posture as he reached up past your extended arms to easily unlatch the window's stubborn latch.
The rush of cool evening air that filtered in carried the scent of freshly mown grass and distant woodsmoke, ruffling the loose strands framing your face. You let out a breathless little giggle, grinning over your shoulder up at Kuroo with unguarded delight crinkling your features.
"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" You teased lightly. "I knew your freakish height would come in handy someday."
Kuroo felt his lips twitch towards a matching smile despite himself. There was just something wildly endearing about the way your nose scrunched when you laughed like that, uninhibited and suffused with mirth. He suddenly found himself in the odd position of fighting off a powerful wave of affection swelling in his chest.
Which is precisely when you chose to twist around fully on the chair, effectively trapping Kuroo between your parted thighs with nowhere to go as you beamed up at him. His breath stuttered in his throat, smile slipping as his abdomen lined up dangerously close to your lower body's soft warmth.
"Thanks for always being around to help me out, by the way," you continued blithely, seemingly unaware of the sudden charged tension. "I really would be a walking hazard without you."
Your words trailed off into another peal of laughter, palms sliding smoothly up Kuroo's chest until they bracketed his shoulders. He could feel the delicate pressure of your fingertips like searing brands through the thin material of his shirt as your gazes locked mere inches apart.
Inside his head, Kuroo's thoughts had devolved into a deafening roar of white noise, every higher brain function shorting out at the proximity of your body heat and sweet, floral scent. All he could focus on was the painted bow of your parted lips, the inviting dip of your collarbones on display beneath your rumpled shirt collar. The burning urge to tilt his head down and taste your smile, to growl and tug you flush against his body, made his fingers twitch convulsively at his sides.
Don't...don't do something stupid and reckless that you'll regret, his voice of reason feebly protested even as your hands slid upwards to cup his jaw with unexpected tenderness. You were so close now that your noses brushed, breath mingling in a humid cloud between your suspended states. Kuroo's heart felt lodged in his throat, pounding staccato against his ribs.
Your thumbs drifted in unconscious, idle strokes along the sharp line of his cheekbones, mesmerizing him further second by second. Instinctively, he bent towards your addictive pull before managing to firmly re-root himself with the last scraps of logic screaming at him to stop.
"That's enough...personal space for today, yeah?" He somehow wrangled enough control to whisper out, the words emerging gritty and strained but underscored with determination. "Why don't we, uh, get you down from there before round two starts sounding fun?"
You blinked rapidly at that, almost as though snapping back to yourself. For a heartbeat, Kuroo could've sworn he glimpsed something like disappointment flickering in your eyes' depths. But then you were nodding brusquely, pulling your hands away to twist back towards the now open window.
The cold rush of oxygen hitting his lungs made Kuroo almost dizzy with a sense of vertigo, like he'd been holding his breath for an eternity underwater. What the hell had just happened? And more alarmingly...why was a part of him wishing it hadn't stopped?
He shook his head to clear the loaded thoughts before resignedly offering you his hands, acting as a brace while you stepped down from the chair. Your fingers curled around his in a warm, tingling grip as you maneuvered yourself to the floor, back deliberately angled away from Kuroo to avert any further...viewing opportunities.
The moment your feet touched down, the odd tension frayed, allowing you both to sink back into familiar patterns and put some merciful distance between your bodies once more.
"Thanks again, Kuroo," you said with a demure smile over one shoulder, brushing past him towards the exit. "See you around sometime soon, I'm sure."
The parting words carried a strange, wistful lilt, warranting another glance from Kuroo's hooded gaze. You didn't linger, simply ambling away from the classroom as effortlessly as you'd arrived, leaving a bewildered captain in your wake.
Kuroo glowered at your retreating back even as something sharp and insistent tugged in his chest at the sight. Whatever this maddening back-and-forth dynamic was between you two, it was rapidly spiraling into something wild and untamed, something that was getting harder and harder to ignore or dismiss...
A growl of mingled frustration rumbled up from the back of his throat before he could stifle it. So much for avoiding temptation and keeping his resolve intact around you. Every time he tried to disengage, the universe seemed to drag you both screaming right back into each other's gravitic pull once more.
Movements taut with consternation, Kuroo sank back into his abandoned desk chair and scrubbed both hands along his face. He couldn't keep doing this endless dance around you, careening between flirtatious banter and breathless disaster without snapping entirely. Something had to give soon before one of you combusted outright.
His palms dug into his eye sockets as a growl rumbled up from somewhere deep in his gut. Yeah...no one ever said being a horny teenage disaster was easy, did they?
The next mishap occurred barely a week later, this time at one of Nekoma's volleyball practices. You had developed a habit of swinging by the gym to catch portions of the team's training sessions whenever your schedule allowed. Kuroo suspected it was equal parts keeping tabs on him and cheering on a couple of your other classmates in the club.
Whatever the reason, he certainly wasn't complaining about the prospect of you watching him glistening with sweat, muscles straining as he launched himself into blistering spikes and ferocious blocks. Even if he adamantly refused to let his gaze linger overlong on your distracting presence courtside.
On this particular evening, the squad was running spike drills, taking turns performing powerful straight-shot hits off the tossed sets. As captain, Kuroo was overseeing the rotations, calling out adjustments and keeping the tempo sharp.
You were perched on the bottom bleacher row, eyes tracking each impactful exchange while gnawing absentmindedly on your thumbnail. Kuroo couldn't resist a few sidelong admiring glances as each powerful leap and arcing jump serve pulled the fabric of his athletic shorts taut against his tensing thighs.
When his turn in the rotation came up again, he was waiting squarely in position, knees bent in preparation to launch upwards and meet the tossed ball. The second coach Naoi’s fingers left the leather, Kuroo exploded off the hardwood into his ferocious spike approach.
Except a sudden shuffling noise off to his left periphery made him falter, just a split-second of lost focus as he whipped his head towards the disturbance. Just in time to see you had risen to your feet and were now bent over at the waist, gripping the railing as you shimmied and shook your hips in some strange calisthenics-esque motion.
Kuroo choked on his own inhale as he inadvertently tracked the mesmerizing movements, torn between drinking in the wanton swish of your skirt tails and avoiding a deadly incoming projectile straight to his face. His abort in midair was clumsy, causing him to land wrong and crumple gracelessly to the varnished court in an undignified sprawl.
A chorus of snickers rose from his teammates as the commotion made the remaining players pause their drills. Kuroo lay there stunned for a beat, cheeks flushed, before slowly craning his neck to relocate the source of his fall.
You were still bent over the railing, fortunately oblivious to your wardrobe's indecent riding up from the hip shimmies. But you had turned towards the court fully with one hand clutched to your mouth, stifling what Kuroo belatedly recognized as peals of laughter.
"Nice form there, Captain," Yaku called out with a barking laugh.
Kuroo shot the smirking player a dirty look as he levered himself upright, grimacing at the dull throb in his elbow and side from the impromptu meeting with the floor. When he chanced another glance towards the bleachers, you seemed to have gotten your giggling under control but your eyes were still alight with barely restrained mirth.
"Did you just...belly flop during a drill?" You managed to ask between lingering huffs of hilarity.
"I got distracted," Kuroo grumbled, swiping his wrist across his sweaty brow as he straightened to his full height.
Your giggles ramped back up, louder and utterly uninhibited by the audience of players now freely gawking between you two. Kuroo felt a muscle in his jaw tick with repressed...something. Embarrassment, arousal, or some heady combination thereof.
On impulse, he started stalking towards where you were doubled over the railing, each thump of his shoes against the glossy court unnaturally loud. You glanced up just as his shadow fell over you, giggles sputtering off into silence as you registered the abrupt proximity.
Kuroo halted a scant few inches away, towering over you with his lips pressed into a tight line and hair hanging shaggily in his face. Your own pupils blew wider in response to his sudden looming, cheeks flushed and lips still parted mid-laughter.
Without giving his reckless impulse another second to dissipate, Kuroo bent abruptly at the waist, eliminating the final bare slivers of distance between you. His mouth slanted over yours in a heated, insistent press before you could so much as draw a shocked breath.
For one wild, dizzying heartbeat, the entire world collapsed inwards to the shocking velvet glide of his lips coaxing yours into sliding open. The taste of you exploded across his senses, sweet and addictive like warm honey, making Kuroo's head spin.
Then just as abruptly as he lunged in, he broke away, straightening up with a ragged inhale as if surfacing from underwater. Your face was frozen in an expression of pure, open-mouthed shock, the most delicious shade of crimson blooming in your cheeks as you stared up at him with wide, unfocused eyes.
Kuroo licked his tingling lips, tasting the lingering tang of you there. He didn't dare inch closer and risk shattering the suspended tension. Instead, he simply held your stunned, searching gaze with heavy-lidded certainty.
The sudden spirited whooping and raucous catcalls from his oblivious teammates barely penetrated the electric charge now crackling between your locked stares. Kuroo arched one brow slowly, the ghost of a smirk curling the corners of his mouth.
"We'll call it even for now," was all he said, pitching his voice to be heard only by you.
With that parting remark, he spun on his heel and rejoined the still-chortling huddle of players like a man exiting the eye of the storm. But even with his back turned, he could sense the weight of your speechless, burning stare piercing between his shoulderblades.
A shiver traced his spine, raising the fine hairs along his nape. Oh yes, there would be more fallout and confrontation to come over that impulse. Kuroo could practically taste the promise of it lingering on his tongue.
And when the explosion inevitably came...he suddenly couldn't wait.
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