#and it started with a Very Scary Car Crash
secrettreestuffidk · 5 months
todays omens:
1: every seeming catastrophe will turn out to be not as bad as you fear. Just calm down, breathe, and take a second look
2: remember to temper your excitement with caution, but remember to be excited
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fatecantstopme · 6 months
Spell Bound
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x plus size!reader
Summary: It's sex pollen...I couldn't help myself.
Warnings: cursing, use of pet names. An excessive amount of heavy SMUT, unprotected sex (P in V), rough sex, oral (F receiving), multiple cream pies
"I freaking hate witches," Dean mumbled as he picked the lock on the apartment door.
You chuckled softly, very used to hearing him grumble every time you were hunting a witch.
He slowly walked into the apartment and you followed in after him.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" you asked quietly.
"Big scary magic book. Sam said it's probably on or near some kind of altar."
"Big scary magic book," you muttered under your breath. "Makes perfect sense."
You sighed as you walked into the living room and noticed several bookcases lined with large books. "You've gotta be kidding me."
Dean shot you a weary smile. "Guess it might take a little longer than I thought."
"You think?"
You took one side of the room and Dean took the other. Sam had described the look of the book to the both of you, but there was really no way to be 100% certain if you found it.
About 15 minutes into your perusal, you spotted a large leather-bound book tucked under what appeared to be an altar cloth. You slowly removed the cloth, wary of what you might uncover. The book was almost exactly as Sam had described, so you had a feeling it was the right one.
"I think I found it," you said aloud.
At almost the same exact moment, a crash sounded from behind you and Dean let out a string of curses.
You spun around to see the hunter brushing off some sort of florescent pink dust from his face. "What the hell did you do?"
"I was moving some of the books and this box fell out and some powder just kinda...sprayed my face."
He looked sheepish. "I didn't even see it."
You sighed. "Great. God only knows what the hell that was."
He looked at the box carefully, but there was nothing written on it to identify the powdery substance he had inhaled. He gave you another sheepish look and shrugged. "Maybe it's not harmful."
You shot him a stony look. "Dean...it's a witch. It's not gonna be fairy dust."
He sighed, knowing you were right. He started shifting his shoulders a bit as if he was uncomfortable.
"Let's get out of here. I'll call Sam on the way back to the motel and see if he has any idea what it could be."
Dean nodded and followed you out the door. By the time you got outside the building and to the car, he was twitching like an addict in need of a fix.
"Dean?" you asked tentatively.
"My skin feels like it's on fire and--and it's like--itchy. And there's a weird feeling inside that I can't describe, but it doesn't feel nice."
"Okay...how 'bout I drive?"
He looked up at you with concerned eyes, but he handed you the keys and got into the passenger seat. You knew he must really be feeling terrible if he was letting you drive Baby.
You started the car up and pulled out of the parking spot while simultaneously calling Sam on your cell. He answered on the third ring.
"Dean got some sort of witchy powder on his face and now he's...itchy?" you said quickly in lieu of a greeting.
Sam sighed. "What are his symptoms?"
You put the phone on speaker. "Dean, what are your symptoms?"
Dean couldn't look at you and when he spoke, his voice was barely above a growl. "I feel like crawling out of my own skin, everything aches, and I'm having a hard time breathing right. Oh and I can literally smell (Y/N)'s skin, which is totally not normal!"
"You can smell my skin?"
He grumbled under his breath. "I can smell your skin and your shampoo and your goddamn body wash, and I want--fuck. What the hell is wrong with me, Sam?"
"Uh, I honestly don't know. Let me call Bobby and see if he has any ideas."
You set the phone down on the seat beside you. "Maybe you're turning into some kind of animal?"
"Well, I mean...you can smell me...which is weird and kind of--animalistic."
"I don't think that's it," he said harshly. "My body is aching in a way I can't even begin to describe to you, but I don't think I'm morphing into anything."
You eyed him carefully, worry etched into your face. He was your closest friend and trusted hunting partner, and you hated seeing him like this. Witches scared the shit out of you...you knew what they were capable of.
"Maybe drive a little faster," he hissed.
You pressed harder on the gas and the Impala shot down the road. When your phone rang, you answered it immediately.
"So I think I might know what it is, but I have something I need to ask Dean first," Sam said.
"Okay." You looked at Dean. "Can you hold the phone? Sam wants to ask you something."
Dean took the phone from your hand, hissing as his skin made contact with yours. "What?" he grumbled.
"This is gonna be awkward, but I need to know, okay? Do you feel--umm--aroused at all?"
Dean was silent for a moment as he let his brother's question sink in. Ohhh fuuuuck, he thought to himself. He glanced down at his jeans and noticed the bulge straining against them. With the intense pain he was experiencing, he hadn't really noticed. "Son of a bitch," he mumbled. "Yeah."
"Okay, well the good news is, I know what it is. It's called sex pollen."
"It's called what?"
"Sex pollen. The name doesn't really matter, but you have all the symptoms. They're only going to get worse until--well until you die."
"Die? Is there a cure?"
You looked over at Dean in terror, your foot pressing down even further on the pedal. Dean's hand was shaking slightly as he put the phone on speaker so you could hear.
"You have to--uhh--well--shit. You have to umm...fuck it out."
"I have to what?"
"Dude, I know, okay? But you don't have a choice. If you don't you'll die a rather painful death."
"Son of a bitch," Dean said again. "Can I, umm, take care of it myself?"
"According to what Bobby read, the only option is actual intercourse with another person."
"How long do I have?"
You were acutely aware of Dean's close proximity to you, and now you understood the nature of his pain. Your own breathing was more labored, but you desperately tried to maintain control of yourself. Don't make it weird, (Y/N), you thought to yourself.
"30 minutes from the time of contact until...until death," Sam answered.
"30 minutes?" you gasped. You started doing the math in your head as Dean continued talking to his brother. "We have maybe 10 more minutes until we get back to the motel and that leaves about 10 until..."
Dean looked over at you, his normally green eyes dark with need. "I'm so fucked," he muttered.
"That doesn't really leave us time to find someone for you to--you know," you said worriedly.
"Might wanna make it fast," Sam said.
"Obviously," Dean snapped. "How long will it take to...get out of my system?"
"That depends," Sam began. "If it's meaningless, one and done. If it's someone you care about...that's another story."
"Another story?"
"It could take a lot longer."
"Great," you mumbled.
"Sam, don't be there when we get there," Dean growled at his brother before hanging up the phone.
"Dean?" you questioned softly.
"Just drive, (Y/N)."
You continued driving, but your focus was most definitely not on the road. You could hear the heavy breathing and the soft pained sounds coming from the man beside you and it made it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything else. It certainly didn't help that you had wanted him for years and seeing him like this was making you feel things you absolutely shouldn't be feeling.
Dean flirted with you regularly, but he flirted with almost every person he came into contact with. It's just a part of his personality, so you never read into it. While Dean quite obviously adored you (and you him), you were not his type. You were a good fighter, sure, but where you really excelled was research. You were brilliant--almost as knowledgable as Bobby, though you still had plenty to learn. You were also significantly more--voluptuous than the women Dean gravitated to. Soft, chubby, more to love--whatever you wanna call it. As such, you'd never made any sort of move to announce your feelings for him. You didn't want to face his rejection.
"Sweetheart, if you don't speed up, I'm liable to die before we make it there," Dean hissed.
You shot him a look. "We're less than two minutes away, so don't die on me yet, Winchester."
He exhaled sharply and nodded. "I'm not gonna make it either way, (Y/N). Like you said, we don't have enough time to find a, uh--partner."
You took a deep breath. "I can't let you die."
He looked over at you and you felt his gaze boring right into your soul. "I can't do that to you."
"I really don't see how we have much of a choice here."
You pulled into the motel parking lot before he could respond.
"Let's go," you said quickly as you got out of the car and made your way to your room.
Dean was right behind you, so close you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. As soon as the door was unlocked, Dean was pushing you through it and locking it behind you.
"Shit," he muttered. "I don't wanna hurt you."
"It's okay, Dean," you said softly. "I'm not afraid."
His eyes widened and he grabbed your chin. "You should be...I'm going to lose control."
"It's alright...use me."
He let out a low growl and squeezed your chin tighter. "I--I won't be able to make this good for you."
You pressed yourself against his body, feeling the hard ridges against you. "It's not about me. You need this."
That was all it took for Dean to let go. His lips attacked yours with a hunger you were not expecting despite the intensity of the situation. He was not at all gentle as he tore your clothes from your body, ripping his own off with equal force.
He tossed you down on the bed with shocking ease. He had absolutely no difficulty manhandling you. You weren't sure if it was the sex pollen or just him.
His lips and hands were everywhere, touching every inch of your soft skin he could possibly reach. He needed to be inside of you so badly it was almost impossible to breathe. His skin burned with each touch and his instincts screamed at him to just break you.
He moves his way down your body and you're surprised as he stops just above your core. "Dean, what are you doing?" You knew he needed a release--and soon--or he wasn't gonna make it.
A voice in the back of his mind kept reminding him this was (Y/N), his (Y/N). Even in his current state, he wanted to avoid hurting you if he could. "Need to get you ready," he grunted.
The words were barely out of his mouth before he was devouring your pussy. The sounds he made were incredible, the feeling almost electrifying. He slid two fingers in and moved them in a scissoring motion to help loosen you up.
He was only down there for a 30 seconds before he came up and locked eyes with you. "I can't hold off anymore."
You nodded. "Just let go. I'll be okay."
He knew the moment he slid inside you, he'd be a goner. Whatever tiny amount of self control he'd managed to hang onto would disappear in an instant. But he could also feel the roaring agony inside him and he needed to feed it before it devoured him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered against your ear a split second before he sheathed himself fully inside you.
You cried out--pain mixing with pleasure as his large member stretched you in ways you'd never before experienced.
Dean couldn't give you time to adjust--he was too far gone. His hips began to move and his sole focus was on his own pleasure--his own release.
His thrusts were powerful and fast, so much so that your body started to scoot farther up the bed. He grabbed your hips and held you in place, pace never faltering. The sensations were almost painful given his size, but you wouldn't have stopped him even if you could have.
"Fuck, baby--you feel so good," he grunted.
You were more than a little surprised when he spoke--you hadn't pegged him as a dirty talker. Then again, it could very well have been the pollen. The same could be said of the sounds coming from his mouth. You'd never heard such sinful noises and you loved them.
"So tight--squeezing me so good. Feels like heaven."
You squeezed his cock purposefully, making him groan each time you clenched down. He needed his release and you were gonna make sure he got it. Your own enjoyment was far from your mind--this was essentially a transaction--a lifesaving measure. You had to view it that way to protect your heart...at least that's what you told yourself.
"Baby," he moaned. "Imma fill you up--so close."
Despite the voice in your head telling you this wasn't real--that you shouldn't have any emotional attachments--you reached up and touched his face, caressing it lovingly. "Cum for me, Dean," you whispered.
His eyes locked on yours and he bit his lip--hearing you say his name in the heat of the moment was a bigger turn on than he'd ever imagined. It pushed him right over the edge and he spilled inside of you with a grunt.
You lay beneath him, panting despite the minimal exertion on your part. He'd had his orgasm, but he was still moving, much to your surprise. "You're not done--?"
He shook his head. "Need more."
He pulled out and quickly flipped you over with no warning. You instinctively lifted your hips to allow him access, which he took without hesitation. His cock was still throbbing and the need still burned in his veins. His mind remained singularly focused on his relief--his pleasure.
He slammed into your pussy and set a brutal pace, earning a cry of pain from your lips. This new angle allowed him better access, sending his cock deeper inside of you. His head brushed against your cervix with each thrust, a stinging pain accompanying the pleasure.
Dean's large palm came down on your ass with a hard smack, eliciting a gasp of surprise from your lips. Your pussy clamped down on his cock as he landed another slap to your round cheek.
"Fuck baby, you like that don't you?" Smack. "You like it when I slap this sexy ass?" Smack. "Fuck--squeezing me so tight, sweetheart." Smack.
He was right though, you loved it. You always had, but there was something extra enjoyable about having your ass smacked by Dean Fucking Winchester. Even if you couldn't verbally express your pleasure to him, your pussy made it well-known.
Dean's right hand gripped your hips tightly, pulling you flush against him as he continued pumping. His left hand trailed up your back until he grabbed a fist full of hair at the base of your neck and pulled. Your head snapped back and you cried out, but you didn't fight him.
"Do you know how badly I've wanted to pull this hair, pretty girl? Fuck--I think about it all the time." His pace was relentless and his hand remained entangled in your hair.
You'd never really noticed him looking at your hair in any particular way, so you assumed once again the pollen was making him say such dirty little things.
After several more thrusts, Dean let go of your hair and pushed down on your upper back, forcing you to press your upper body into the mattress. Dean gripped your hips with both of his hands and slammed into you with an intensity that was unmatched by any of his previous actions.
You had a feeling he was close to another orgasm, at least if his grunts and curses were anything to go by. You clenched down around him again, intent on pushing him past the brink.
It worked like a charm. Dean came with a cry of your name, thrusts continuing as he emptied inside of you once again.
You were exhausted and you hadn't had a single orgasm. Part of you really hoped Dean had gotten it all out of his system, but another part of you didn't want this to end. Even if it wasn't real--even if he didn't actually want to be having sex with you, you liked pretending, if only for a little while.
Dean pulled out of you slowly and rolled you over with a surprising gentleness. You assumed that meant he was satiated and the pollen was out of his system.
When you met his eyes, you were surprised by how brilliantly green they were. You'd almost gotten used to the dark forest color that had taken over as a result of the pollen. He was looking at you with an odd expression you couldn't quite place, but for some reason it made you want to scurry away and hide.
"Better?" you whispered.
He cocked his head to the side and a small smirk played on his lips. "Not even close," he murmured.
His lips met yours in a fiery kiss before you had time to respond. Unlike the previous kisses, this one was more passionate, more intense. It made your body tingle all over and a warmth spread through your veins.
Dean's brain fog had finally cleared enough that he could actually slow down and focus on what was happening--on what he was doing, or rather who. He hated that he'd cum twice without even thinking about you, let alone making you orgasm. Dean prided himself on being an excellent lover and he wasn't about to let you leave this bed unsatisfied.
His cock brushed against your pussy as he shifted to hold you closer. You both inhaled sharply, enjoying the sensation. Dean's lips began to travel down your neck, leaving soft, wet kisses in his wake. He nipped at your pulse point, earning an excited moan from you. He liked hearing that sound, so he sucked on that spot until you were panting heavily beneath him.
His hands traveled over your soft curves, touching and squeezing all the parts of your body you were self-conscious about. Dean didn't seem to give a damn that your stomach wasn't flat, that your hips weren't narrow and your thighs weren't skinny--in fact, he seemed to be reveling in the feeling of softness.
His lips were so gentle as he continued his downward movements. He kissed and licked and sucked on each of your breasts, spending several minutes focusing on each one. "You have such perfect breasts," he murmured.
You were too surprised, and perhaps too lost in pleasure, to formulate any kind of response to his words. Luckily, he didn't seem to need one, and he refocused his attention on you.
Once he was satisfied your breasts had received enough love, he continued moving down your stomach, stopping to place soft kisses to every mark and scar he saw.
When he reached your sweet pussy, he spread your legs as wide as he could and settled down between them. You were surprised at his actions, especially since you knew he was still hard--that he still needed another release.
Dean was now singularly focused on one thing--and that was you. Now that his damn brain was working properly, he wanted to make sure you enjoyed this--even if it was a one time thing because you didn't want him to die, he wasn't about to walk away from this without making you scream his name at least once.
He breathed in deeply, smelling your arousal mixed with his own spend, and he smirked. His eyes flicked up to yours and his mouth latched onto your clit, unleashing an overwhelming assault on your swollen mound.
You gasped as the sudden pleasure washed over you. You couldn't take your eyes off the man between your legs--nor did he take his eyes off you. Every time your hips bucked or you tried to move, his strong arms held you in place so he could continue to watch you.
You were writhing against the sheets in what felt like seconds--it was probably longer, but either way you felt embarrassed at how quickly you fell apart under his touch. Your orgasm tore through you like a hurricane, broken moans dripping from your lips.
To your shock, and perhaps concern, Dean didn't stop his assault on your pussy. Even as you tried to squirm away, he held you in place, desperate to give you another orgasm. You whimpered that it was too much, begged him to give you a break, but all of those words quickly morphed into pleas to keep going--don't stop.
"Dean," you gasped as your fingers slipped into his hair, grabbing hold of the short locks by the roots. Your nails scrapped lightly against his scalp and he let out a soft groan.
His tongue seemed to dance across your clit, creating beautiful designs and languages only he seemed to know. He paid attention to what motions made you quiver, which ones made you moan, and which ones had you tugging on his hair with an iron grip.
"Dean, please--I--so close," you moaned.
He smiled, enjoying the immense pleasure he was giving you just as much as you seemed to enjoy it. A few moments later, you were once again coming apart against his mouth and he eagerly lapped up everything you had to give him.
This time as you tugged on his hair and squirmed away, he obliged, lifting himself up from between your thighs. He licked his lips as he looked down at your blissed out face.
"You taste like heaven, baby," he murmured. "Wanna taste?"
Your pretty (y/e/c) eyes widened and you nodded hesitantly. He smiled wolfishly as he leaned down to kiss you, tongue invading your mouth almost instantly, allowing you to taste yourself.
You moaned into the kiss and he held you even more tightly, lips sealed to yours like he needed your air to breathe.
He wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed to control his urges long enough to coax two orgasms from you, but he could feel that control waning. "I need you, baby," he whispered against your lips. "I need you so badly."
You looked up at him, a small smile playing on your lips. You lifted your hips to brush against his cock and he groaned at the contact. You nipped at his jaw and pulled him back down to you. "Fuck me, Dean. Please."
He groaned. "Yes ma'am."
He didn't hesitate as he gripped his cock firmly and lined it up with your entrance. He slipped inside easily, having plenty of lubrication to assist him. Despite having been inside of you multiple times at this point, he was still taken aback by how fucking incredible you felt.
"God, I love this pussy," he murmured. "She was made for me."
You moaned softly at his words and the feeling of him inside you once again. As he started to move, he was much more gentle and you found yourself enjoying the sensations--perhaps more than you should.
"You're so good for me, (Y/N)," Dean mumbled, already lost in the feeling of you.
You would have given anything to hear him say that, but the words broke your heart a little. Had he had any other choice, he likely wouldn't be here right now--you wouldn't be the one he was fucking.
"Hey," he whispered, a rough, calloused hand running along your cheek as he looked at you. "Where's that pretty little head at?"
You smiled at him. "Right here, Dean."
Somewhere inside of him, he knew you were lying, but the damn pollen was still affecting his senses. He accepted your response and went back to his actions, focusing on the feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock like a vise.
He wanted to feel you cum one more time...wanted to feel the way you'd squeeze his cock as you came. He wanted to watch you come undone beneath him, lost in pleasure he gave you.
He grabbed a pillow and gently lifted your hips, sliding the pillow under them. This provided him a new, improved angle, allowing him to cage you beneath him and hit that sweet spot inside you.
"Dean!" you gasped as the first thrust hit your g-spot.
He grinned and picked up his pace, slamming into it repeatedly. Each thrust sent you closer to the edge of an orgasm you knew would ruin you. Dean Winchester already made you feel things no other man ever had and his ability in bed was no exception. Damn him.
His thrusts were firm and measured, each one sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through your body. The familiar tightening in your gut was so intense you thought you might actually explode.
Dean's strong arms were on either side of your head and he was looking down at you with that same strange expression from earlier. "You're so damn beautiful, baby. I wanna watch this pretty face as you cum for me."
You gasped, unprepared for the way his words made you feel. You felt emboldened, so you asked for what you needed. "I need more, Dean."
His hand slipped between your bodies, a single finger gently massaging your clit as he continued to fuck you. "That better, baby?"
You nodded rapidly, earning a soft chuckle from his sweet lips.
"You gonna cum for me beautiful?"
You nodded again.
"Yeah? I want you to keep those pretty eyes open when you cum, okay? Wanna see you fall apart."
"Dean..." you whispered.
"I know, sweet girl. I've got you."
Your brain seemed to short-circuit in that moment. All you could feel was a blinding hot pressure immediately followed by an intense euphoria. You heard someone scream "Dean!" and you belatedly realized it had been your voice.
The intensity of your orgasm sent Dean spiraling over the edge of his own. He hadn't even been prepared for it--the mixture of you screaming his name and the sensations of you squeezing him so tightly and the gorgeous way your face contorted as you came was all he needed.
He emptied into you a third and final time, his cock finally beginning to soften as he helped you ride out your high.
He pulled out and flopped down beside you on the bed, his body aching from what had to be some of the best sex of his life--sex pollen or not.
You were just as sore as Dean--probably more so given you literally couldn't move. The two of you laid there in silence, slowly coming down from the electrical highs you'd experienced, both trying to catch your breath for the first time in what felt like hours.
Dean was the first to recover. "Did I hurt you?" he asked so softly you almost didn't hear him.
You turned your head to look at him and your heart clenched at the expression on his face. He was genuinely worried, brows furrowed in concern. You contemplated lying to him, but you knew he'd see right through you.
"A little," you said honestly.
He winced and his beautiful eyes closed. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)--I would never hurt you on purpose--ever."
You offered him a small smile he couldn't see, until your hand touched his cheek and he opened his eyes again. "I know."
There were a thousand other things you wanted to say--a thousand words you wanted to string together into just the right sentences, but you couldn't. You wouldn't put yourself through it.
"Shower?" he asked softly.
"I honestly don't think I can stand."
A smirk played on his lips. "That should not make me feel so damn good."
You laughed lightly, glad to hear the teasing tone in his voice that you loved so much.
He managed to pull himself into a sitting position. "It's not ideal, but there is a bathtub..." he trailed off.
"I wouldn't mind a bath," you admitted.
He nodded and got to his feet. He was a little unsteady at first, but managed to make his way to the bathroom. You heard the water running as he filled up the tub.
You laid there thinking about everything that had just happened. This was a position you'd never imagined you'd be in--with anyone, let alone Dean Winchester.
You knew this wasn't something you were going to be able to forget about, but you hoped things would go back to normal between the two of you and eventually this would just be a funny story.
Suddenly, Sam's words from earlier snapped into your mind. "If it's meaningless, one and done. If it's someone you care about...that's another story."
One and done...one and done. This most definitely had not been a 'one and done' scenario. But didn't that mean...? No. No way. Impossible. Dean Winchester does NOT have feelings for you.
You began to rationalize your thought process. Maybe "care about" included a friendly relationship. Yeah...yeah that made the most sense. Of course Dean cares about you. You're his best friend. There couldn't possibly be anything more to it...right?
As if on cue, Dean stepped back into the room. "Bath's ready."
"Okay." You tried to pull yourself up, but you immediately fell back against the mattress, body too worn out to sustain any kind of movement.
Dean chuckled lightly and came up to the side of the bed. He pulled the pillow out from under your hips and slipped his arms under your body, hoisting you up bridal style.
"Jesus!" you yelled. "Put me down! I'm too heavy--you'll throw out your back."
Dean laughed. "Calm down, (Y/N). I just threw you around this bed repeatedly with zero issues. I promise I can carry you to the bathroom without dying."
He glared at you and tightened his grip on you as if to prove his point. "Ain't a damn thing wrong with your body, so shut it."
Your mouth closed immediately. His words sent a jolt directly to your core and you were almost annoyed by it. As if three orgasms wasn't enough...
Dean very gently set you on your feet in the bathroom and slowly helped you into the tub. As soon as he got you into a seated position, he got into the tub as well, slipping in behind you.
"Umm...whatcha doing?"
"Taking a bath."
"Isn't the tub a bit small for both of us?"
You could feel him shrug behind you. "I think it's perfect size. Now come here." He grabbed your shoulders and gently pulled you back so you were laying against his chest. "That's better," he muttered.
Your mind began to race once again as you laid there, body tense and uncomfortable.
"Okay, (Y/N), I know you better than anyone, so don't you dare lie to me. Where's your head at?"
"I--" you sighed. "I'm not really sure how to feel."
He nodded. "I know you didn't want this--I feel like I had to literally force myself onto you and I hate that. I know you only agreed so I wouldn't die, but--"
"Woah--stop." You sat up and turned your head to face him. "That's not true at all. You didn't force me to do anything."
"Okay, maybe 'force' is the wrong word...but you did have sex with me to save my life. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?"
"I'm painfully aware," you muttered.
He ran his hand over his face. "I'm not saying any of this right."
"Then what are you trying to say?"
He bit his lip. "Remember what Sammy said? About...how long the effects would last?"
You nodded.
"Well in case you didn't notice, I had three orgasms."
"Both me and my very sore vagina noticed," you said lightly.
He sighed. "Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you, (Y/N)?"
You turned a little more so you could see his face better. He had that same look he'd had when he was making you feel incredible. "I need to hear you say it..." you whispered.
He nodded and leaned forward so his face was mere inches from yours. "He didn't mean 'care' as in 'we're friends, so I care about you'...he meant 'care' as in 'love'."
Your lips parted and you inhaled sharply.
"So you see, I don't just care about you as a friend...and I don't just love you as a friend...I'm in love with you."
"You--you love me?"
"In love," he repeated. "For as long as I can remember."
"You're in love--with me?"
He chuckled softly. "Who else would I be talking to, baby? Yes, I'm in love with you."
"I--I don't know--" you stuttered.
"The only thing you need to know is how you feel. Do you know how you feel about me, (Y/N)?" he whispered.
You nodded slowly.
"I'm in love with you too."
He grinned widely. "Yeah?"
You nodded, cheeks turning red.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back against him. He looked down at you with that expression he'd been wearing and you suddenly realized what it was...it was love--real, true, beautiful, heart aching love.
He leaned down and placed a soft kiss to your lips, which you returned in kind. He held you tightly, loving the feeling of your body in his arms.
"We better get cleaned up before this water gets cold," he said softly, lips pressing to your hair.
"Mhmm," you hummed.
He chuckled. "Don't you dare fall asleep on me, babe."
"But I'm comfortable," you whined.
He smiled against your cheek. "Give me five minutes to clean you up and then we can sleep, okay?"
You looked over at him and smiled. "Deal."
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gyusrose · 2 months
➵ you’re so vain -> l.hs
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⚠︎ smut (mdni)
✎ jock!heeseung x reader, enemies to ?????, heeseung is rlly annoying, hate sex ;), hair pulling, dirty talk, unprotected sex, degradation, backshots lmao. i think that’s it?
summary: attending a new school was supposed to be a fresh start for you, trying to be nice to everyone and have new friends, yet coming across lee heeseung threw all of that out the window.
(heeseung x fem.reader)
wc: 3.2k
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your sweaty hands could not be gripping the steering wheel any harder. you wouldn’t call yourself “super shy” but when it comes to a whole new community of people, teenagers, hell yeah you are.
you had to move exactly at the middle of the year due to your mom’s work. they offered her double the salary at the other side of the city, who was she to say no to that? although you were going to miss your friends and the overall environment of your old home, you couldn’t just tell your mom ‘no’, either way her decisions are final.
you just got here two days ago, and to be honest, it wasn’t that bad. the worst thing so far is the fact that the nearest shopping center was 30 minutes away but you’ll live.
you didn’t except your first day of school to be so nerve-wracking. surely you’ll make some friends but who knows what people are like here. eventually, you saw the big navy blue sign with your school’s name on it. it was an averagely big school, bigger than your old one, which also meant more people.
the parking space alone was scary. it was huge yet already full even though it was still fairly early. you went around in circles around the parking lot, trying to find a vacant spot. fortunately you did at the second-to-last line.
as you tried to park, the limited space you had made it difficult to, having to back up and drive in constantly. as you reversed your car, you must have completely forgotten that you aren’t the only one there, feeling a small crash at the bumper of your car.
your eyes widened in panic. you looked back to see what you hit, and with your luck, it revealed at very nice black car, to which you’ve just hit. you tried to quickly get into your parking spot, hoping it was nothing serious, but then someone came walking up to you.
‘shit, that must be the owner’ you saw his red, rather handsome, fuming face.
you got out of your car to confront the first person interaction.
“hey look im so-“
oh he was an asshole. you almost scoffed in his face. who does he think he is.
“it was accident that’s all, it was barely a scratch calm down man.”
lord take me back. you were so close to just leaving him there arguing with himself. but you didn’t want to make him even angrier.
“look im sorry! i can pay for the fix up if that’s what you want, i dont know what else to do?”
the boy scoffed and rolled his eyes at your statement.
“you think i don’t have the money for it? please, it shows you’re a newbie around here.”
“i didn’t mean it like that-“
“yo heeseung!! come on bro!” another blonde boy called from afar, hopefully ending the argument y’all were having.
“ watch your back new girl.” with one last glare, he left to join his group of friends.
you rolled your eyes. shiver my fucking timbers, you thought.
you took a deep breath before grabbing your backpack and making your way into school , hoping to never see his face ever again.
you thought that was going to be the end of it all. but oh boy were you wrong. soon you found out that heeseung is the captain of the football team, and pretty much the most popular boy in school. as cliche as it sounds, every girl would drop their panties if he asked them to.
people know he’s not the nicest person ( an asshole) yet they still look up to him. that’s angered you. how are all these people so dumb? just because he’s kinda good-looking? seriously?
over the course of a few weeks, you’ve managed to make some friends, your closest taehyun and Isa. although you tried to block the negativity, heeseung made it really hard. always giving you snarky comments when he saw you around, ridiculing you in front of other people. somehow always finding a way to run into you despite not having any classes together. except gym.
“ bro open your eyes, catch the damn ball!” he yelled from across from you.
you hated sports. even less could you play one, but you gotta do it for the grade.
“the ball was too high up dummy!” you retorted, rolling your eyes for maybe the 100th time in the class period.
if you hated gym before, you definitely hated it more now.
as the period ended, you decided to take a quick shower in the locker rooms since you couldn’t handle being all sweaty and gross throughout the day.
heeseung finished changing and was outside the locker room with his friends, chatting, waiting for the bell to ring. that’s when he may have accidentally eavesdropped the conversation between your two friends, he could barely the names of.
“where’s _____?” taehyun asked isa, noticing how you weren’t with her.
“she’s taking a shower right now, she told us to not wait for her.” Isa shrugged before taehyun nodded.
a beautiful idea popped in heeseung’s brain. it was too good.
he excused himself and sneakily waited by the girl’s locker room, waiting for everyone to come out. once he only heard the shower you were using running, he quietly entered the room. the bell had rang about a minute ago, so the gym was empty, only you and him. the gym teacher god knows where.
he saw his target and rapidly grabbed the pile of clothes sitting on the bench, a smirk evident in his face.
suddenly the shower stopped running, making heeseung hurry and exit the locker room.
the shower felt too good, you think you spent more time that you anticipated to. as you exited the shower tiles, you looked around for your clothes, which you remember clearly leaving them in the bench closest to the shower. you looked around the whole locker room, hoping you were wrong and placed them elsewhere. unfortunately, you couldn’t even find your damn socks.
your biggest fear has come true. you’re now naked, nothing but a towel covering you, this was more than just humiliating. you felt sad, mad, angry, embarrassed all at once. they’ve been stolen for sure, and you were more than sure on who did it.
grabbing your phone you called Isa, to see if she could help you somehow. and she indeed did. bringing you some spare clothes she had. thankfully, you always bring extra underwear since situations like these could happen. you just had to wait for isa for the clothes, yet the five minutes she took felt like five hours. unfortunately, passing period is over, meaning some students are coming in the locker room to change.
many of them just straight up stared at you. giving you weird looks as to why you were pretty much naked in the middle of the locker room, but none had the guts to ask you.
you wished the ground would just swallow you whole. lee heeseung won’t hear the end of it.
“LEE HEESEUNG!” you yelled across the field. he and his friends were siting down eating lunch outside when you spotted him after trying to find him after the stunt he just pulled.
heeseung knew it was coming, giggling with his friends as they heard you yell his name once again. “ oh she’s about to scold me now .” heeseung scoffed but still got up and went over to you.
“yes ma’am?” he said with a smile, you wish you could slap off but you’re better than that.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about..” heeseung tried acting innocent but failed as he just burst out laughing. you groaned, how on earth is that funny?
“cute panties by the way” he continued to laugh, not sparing a glance at your mad expression on your face.
“you’re such an ass, i hate your guts.” you said leaving him alone, laughing to himself.
“yo bro i think she actually got mad this time.” his friend, jake came over.
heeseung shrugged. “she’s so sensitive, it wasn’t even that bad.”
“i can’t believe he did that…” taehyun said as you told them both what had happened. Isa knew a little bit but not who did it.
“that’s fucked up, what’s he got against you so much?”
you shrugged. “i guess because i gave his car a little scratch, but i guess he took it to heart since he hasn’t stopped bothering me since. he’s a jerk.”
“finally someone who thinks the same as me!” taehyun said making you chuckle.
“then get back at him! you know the one thing that makes him who he is is that damn football.” Isa said.
you tried to be the bigger person this whole time, not paying much mind to his little remarks or pranks he pulls, biting back a little wouldn’t hurt right?
“you know what, you’re right.”
“lee heeseung, mrs. park wants to speak to you.” mr.jung said calling heeseung.
heeseung who was barely paying attention heard his name. his frowned at this. what on earth could she want to talk about with him? either way, he went to her classroom.
he entered the empty classroom to find his coach and mrs.park, waiting for him. what the fuck? heeseung was more confused now. maybe they were going to congratulate him for the good work this semester? his coach’s face said otherwise though.
“there you are, you may be wondering why you’re here..” mrs.park started. heeseung nodded, feeling uneasy.
“a student came forward, showing how you copied word for word her whole assignment, the one i assigned a week ago. i didn’t notice it at first but it’s very clear now, you may know how cheating is unacceptable in my class, i’ve decided to fail you in this assignment, plus you’ll be serving detention this whole week..” she turned to the coach.
heeseung’s heart started beating at a rapid pace, he’s never been caught cheating, and being failed on the assignment that was a big part of his grade, it means he’s most likely failing the class now. the rules for football stated that all players should be passing all of their classes if not, they’ll be dropped….
no no no, the lee heeseung can’t be dropped. he’s the captain! the star player!
“since you’re failing this class heeseung, i think you know what’s about to happe-“
“please coach! don’t kick me out, i’m the captain! what would the team do without me? i’ll get my grade up as soon as possible im-“
“calm down calm down, i’m not going to kick you out, it’s the middle of the season, but unfortunately you won’t be playing the next three games. if your grade is not up by then, then i will drop you. understood?” his coach stated earning a sharp nod by heeseung.
he’s glad he’s still on the team but what’s the point if he can’t play? he’s going to become a joke. the captain that’s a bench warmer. how stupid.
he left the classroom enraged. he knows exactly who did this.
“bro what? what do you mean you ain’t gonna play ?” riki said in disbelief at what his captain just said.
“some snitch told mrs.park that i cheated on the last assignment and coach suspended me for the next three games, and i got detention all week!” sunghoon unknowingly chuckled. heeseung looked at him with a glare.
“what? she got you good, what did you expect hee?” sunghoon kept laughing, making some of the others also laugh silently.
heeseung had nothing to say back, he just rolled his eyes. “tch, whatever.”
nevertheless, you were overjoyed seeing heeseung slouching on the bench. you couldn’t miss this once in a lifetime scenario. obviously you were the cause for it. heeseung asks Isa almost all the time for her notes or to straight up copy her. she willingly let you rat him out after what he did to you.
he can sense how all eyes were on him, but he just tried to block everyone out a focus on the game. he had a poker face on, but deep inside he was irritated . he saw how you were smirking and laughing with your two little friends. you knew what you were doing.
“ahh look who it is, the benchwarmer! “ you said chuckling as you made your way to heeseung.
after the team (barely) won, jake threw an ‘after party’ at his house. even though you don’t normally go to these parties, especially from those boys, you felt like a party would do good with your marvellous mood. something about seeing heeseung’s frowny face made feel over the moon.
“seems like cat got your tongue now huh? dont have anything to say-“
in a blink of an eye you were pulled into a room, heeseung’s fingers wrapped around your neck, pulling your face closer to his.
“what the fuck? heeseung-“
“shut the fuck up.” his hoarse voice caught you off guard. he was actually really mad.
“you think what you did it’s fucking funny? huh? almost getting me kicked out ? “ you’ve never seen him this enraged before. making you almost scared, yet….kinda turned on? no, you hate him, snap out of it! you told yourself yet the wetness in between your legs became hard to ignore.
you didn’t respond. “fuck, you’re so annoying, i can’t fucking stand you. i hate you.” he saw lowly. fuck that was hot.
you spoke before thinking. “then show me.”
not needing to tell him twice, heeseung pulled you completely in. your lips met in a kiss that was anything but gentle, a fierce and consuming clash that spoke longing and raw need.
The kiss deepened, fueled by an unspoken urgency, their mouths exploring each other with a fervor that left y’all breathless. his grip on your neck becoming tighter.
“shit im gonna show you to fucking behave.” he said before pushing you into the bed forcefully. you may have discovered a new kink of yours. watching as he undressed himself and yourself rapidly. feeling his anger through every touch he gave you.
he rubbed through your folds before inserting two fingers aggressively. your body jolted at the sudden move.
“holy shit go softer dumbass.”
“aw you think i give a fuck? suck it up and take it since you think you’re all that.” his fingers pumped faster and faster making it hard for you to answer back to his stupid remarks.
“oh my god..” you tried to pull his hand away before you cum. not wanting to see you orgasm so easily yet.
“just fuck me already heeseung, or is your dick as tiny as your brain?”
heeseung looked darkly at you. that stupid mouth of yours can’t shut up will it?
he retracted his fingers put of you and took his boxers off. wanting nothing more than to prove you wrong.
shit. your eyes went wide at what stood in front of you. saying he was big was an understatement. it was like a zipper for your mouth. how was that thing going to fit inside of you?
“can’t say anything now, can you slut?” he pulled your legs down the mattress to have you at the perfect angle to ram into you.
heeseung ran his til over your folds, teasing his way in. making you aggrevated.
“just put it in for fucks sake!”
“tell me how bad you want it.” you shook your head, no way were you going to beg. no way.
“alright then, i guess im gonna go.” he said letting go of your waist, acting as if he was going to leave.
“okay okay! please fuck me, i want it so bad, i want your big cock so bad heeseung.” heeseung moaned at your words. he didn’t wait any longer and thrusted all of him in you.
you both moaned yet it was more painful for you. you’ve never had something so big inside you before.
“fuck yeah..” he said then grabbing your neck, slightly choking you. your hands went to his biceps, trying to find something to hold on to as the speed he was thrusting in became more hostile.
“fuck me harder, like the asshole you are.” you said in between breaths. heeseung took the challenge and thrusted violently. the skin slapping and wetness of your core could probably be heard in the party outside.
“of course a whore like you would like to be fucked like this.”
before you could respond he pulled out of you earning a desperate groan from you, but then your were flipped, now on all fours and before you knew it he was back in you again. gripping your hip with one hand while he pulled your hair on the other.
“such a tight pussy, you probably fantasized about this am i right?” he said in your ear. you shook your head through your moan.
“in your dreams lee, in your fucking dreams. fuck you.”
“i’m quite literally doing that.” chuckling, he let go of your hair and instead gripped your other hip, going in deeper, nudging your cervix literally driving you to an edge.
“fuck i’m cumming.” you cried out. never has an orgasm felt like this. heeseung was on edge as well, feeling you clench around his dick did it for him.
your climax rose over you, making you fall into the pillow while heeseung kept thrusting until his own organs came over him, pulling out and releasing his white ropes all over your back.
tiredly, he laid besides you in the strangers bed, not knowing what to say now.
you turned to him, smirking. “i think i may hate you even more now.”
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
lando with girlfriend who races for mercedes but got into a crash and was in coma, but she finally wakes up
This picture does stuff to me
(set 2024)
Second part HERE
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"Holy shit," Lando said as he watched his girlfriend walk onto the grid. He watched as she walked over, racing overalls low on her hips, black fireproofs adorning her body.
Lando licked his lips as she stood beside him and Oscar, leaning against the barrier with her arms folded over her chest. "Wow, baby," he said, staring at her.
"Like what you see?" She grinned.
Lando said nothing. He moved closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Tell Toto I like the black fire proofs."
It was Y/N's first season in Formula One, her first race too. She was the F2 champion two years running before Mercedes finally gave her a chance. She'd been with Lando since her F2 days, after they'd met in Monaco after the Grand Prix.
"Excited?" Oscar asked as he watched them.
Yes, Y/N was excited. But she'd never been on the track with her boyfriend, had never had to fight him before. Neither of them knew what they were going to do. They both hoped they would treat each other like any other driver, but the rest of the grid was doubtful.
"Very," she said to Oscar as she leaned her head on Lando's shoulders. "I'll blow you both a kiss when I come speeding past, lapping you ."
She had done extremely well for her first qualifying in F1, qualifying on the second row. Lando was 6th through a mistake in Q3 and Oscar was pack in 9th after he got his times deleted.
It was amazing, driving behind a three time world champion and a second time world champion. Y/N did her absolute best, holding her position.
And then Checo Perez tried his luck. He went around the outside of Y/N on turn one. But he didn't leave enough space, hitting her wheel pretty bad and sending her spinning into the barriers at such a high speed. But the car didn't just hit the barrier and bounce off. It hit the barrier and kept going, ripping off chunks of the car and sending them flying.
It wasn't too terrifying at first. It was still scary, though, Y/N's first race and her first big crash in F1. To make things worse it wasn't even her fault. She was having such a good race, doing everything she should have, and then Checo Perez fucked it all up for her.
As chunks of the car got ripped away by the barrier, the Mercedes team was still pretty sure she'd make it out. But then a piece of debris bit the wheel and shot up into the ear, coming back down and hitting the top of Y/N's helmet.
Suddenly, things were scary. The car came to a stop, pieces of it all over the track. "Y/N, are you okay?" Asked her engineer.
She didn't respond.
"Y/N? If you can hear me, please say something?"
Again, nothing. The Mercedes team were beginning to get worried.
"Red flag, Lando. That's a red flag," said Lando's engineer.
"What happened?" He asked as everybody pulled into the pitlane.
His engineer took a minute to answer. The team didn't know what was best, to tell Lando and have him freaking out, or to let him find out on his own.
"Uh, there's a Mercedes with some damage," the engineer said.
Lando's face went pale inside of his helmet. He knew the car in front of him was Hamilton, meaning the only other Mercedes on the track was...
Lando parked the car in the pitlane, the same as everybody else. He immediately climbed out of the car and started running. His engineer and the McLaren team tried to stop him, but Lando was still running. It was hot inside of his helmet, but nothing was going to stop him.
When Lando got down there, she still hadn't been pulled from the car, the debris was being removed, but Y/N wasn't. "Baby!" He shouted and ran over.
The stewards tried to hold him back, but Lando pushed them away. He began trying to pull her out of his car. As soon as they saw what he was doing they began helping him, pulling Y/N's limp body out of the car.
Limp, but not lifeless. At least, that was what the paramedics said as they lifted her into the ambulance.
Lando didn't want to attend the rest of the race. He couldn't concentrate as he waited for the race to restart. "Let Pato drive," he mumbled as he waited for news from the hospital. Nothing, and that was making him so fucking worried.
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hazashiovo · 3 months
Hiiii! I just saw you’re taking requests could you do some bolin and/or mako relationships hcs with a badass/cool/badgirl kind of s/o please? Thx so much in any case!
I gotchuuu 😉
Bolin and Mako x reader (separate) with a badass s/o
A/n: keep the requests coming people
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When Mako first met you he knew you were trouble. From the way you were talking to how you acted,he knew.
You're the kind of person that says ACAB,very loudly, near a police station just to piss him off,and don't deny it.
Becoming friends was unusual to him,only for him to realize you're a really good friend but have odd ways of showing it.
One time this dude went off on Bolin, yelling something about his cabbages,until you appeared in front of him.
He swears he never saw someone go quiet that fast before. That's the first time he felt something for you(or so he thinks).
Mako would be reluctant in confessing to you. He would be worried you don't like him back or laugh about it in his face.
But it was nothing like that, because he didn't confess. You did. During a fight with the equalizers.
It was sorta funny really,for a few minutes mako thought he got knocked out and he was dreaming.
"Hey mako?" A punch in one's face, "What is it (Name)?" He dodges an attack.
"I like you!" You wink at him,after knocking an enemy out.
Oh and the expression on his face 😭
Yeah after you got rid of Amon's followers,Mako looked at you like you asked him to marry you.
It wasn't a shock when you got together, everyone shiped you.
The two of you are an amazing duo,bad ass boyfriend and even more bad ass girlfriend.
When he joined the police department,you joined him.
Now Mako knows your beautiful,and strong,but he still hates the way his colleagues undress you with their eyes.
God forbid anyone to try to ask you out without knowing you and Mako date.
It would sometimes create arguments between you two, Mako would say some harsh things,things he didn't mean. Of course the next day you'd make up.
But if it was for a girl to flirt with Mako, you wouldn't get all defensive because you trust him.
Now, leaving that aside.
One thing Mako noticed is that you can take good care of yourself,so you never were in need of help in combat.
But if it ever happens ,his whole world would crash,like if you're a bender, imagine Amon taking away your abilities.
Even without your bending you would be confident and strong,which makes Mako admire you more than before.
On top of it,you're great together and most of the people would say so.
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Now Bolin here? Oh Bolin, when he first saw you his pupils turned to hearts,and I'm not joking.
Like,you would be over there with your cool car or cool motorcycle,and Bolin would gawk at you from across the street. He almost fainted when you crossed the street to start a conversation with him.
Of course Bolin would be a flustered mess every time you flirted with him.
Frankly all you wanted was a soft boy to match with your tough personality. The people who don't know you would think you'd prefer a boy with the same personality as you,but no, Bolin is the perfect boy.
Some people think you're intimidating,but not Bolin.
He knows you're badass,but he could never see you as scary.
He likes when you stand up for yourself,and for him.
One time Bolin happened to trip over this guy's cabbage stand,and he just flipped! Started yelling at the poor boy and all.
Until you came,you gave that man the coldest glare which made him shut up so quick. He couldn't lie to himself that he found it really attractive, especially in you.
I like to think that he confessed his love to you while you were saving him from Amon with the Krew. Imagine him just jumping on you , bawling his eyes out and telling you he's in love with you after he almost lost his bending.
Of course you accepted and returned his feelings,wich got the two of you in a long term relationship that is still strong.
This one was cute 😽
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mxqdii · 6 months
colby brock x reader who gets really shy around him, stutters over her words and just goes red in the face. and colby like is conpletely oblivious on what he does to her.😭 n she hasnt told anyone about her feelings toward him but say sam or one of her friends confronts her ab it and she like just denys it n stuff, u can chose the end but id love it if it was like friends to lovers and extremely fluffy(:
like you like that - c.b
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pairings: colby brock x reader
summary: confessing feelings to colby 🙈
warning(s): fluff, confessing feels, idk
not proofread
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"can i talk to you?" the blonde boy says, interrupting me and colbys conversation
"sure.." i say, getting up from my spot on the couch, following sam into another room.
i've been living with sam and colby for a while now, katrina, sams girlfriend, lives here too, we all do, its fun.
i love living with my best friends, friends, we're all friends, i have to remember that, friends-
"y/n!" sam yells, snapping me out of my trance
"yeah- what, sorry." i say, looking up at him
"when the fuck are you gonna admit your feelings to colby?" he asks and i groan
"i have no idea what you're talking about sam, you and kat need to lay off about this" i whisper-yell
"are you guys good in there?" i hear colby say, opening the door
he leans on the doorframe and i feel all words leave my brain
"uh- y-yeah yeah! we're fine! just, go back to what you were doing!" i frantically ramble, pushing him out and closing the door
i shut it, leaning against it putting my head against it, a sigh leaving my lips in relief.
"i have no idea what you're talking about sam!" he mocks and i groan, i forgot he was in here
"okay, okay, fine." i put my hands up in defeat, waiting for him to explain how i can confess to my best friend, that i live with, without ruining things.
"listen, i've known colby for years, and i know he likes you, just tell him!" sam says and i whine
"no! telling him is scary, even if he does like me, he's gonna have to tell me himself."
"im gonna go to the store, do any of you wanna come?" colby asks
"y/n will go" sam says and i glare at him, giving him a, 'i'm gonna kill you' look
"okay, you ready?" colby asks
"y-yeah! lets go." i say, almost running towards him.
we start heading for the door and i look back seeing kat and sam giggling, flipping them off before leaving.
colby opens the car door for me, also reaching over to buckle my seatbelt.
the drive was about 10 minutes, the first 5 minutes in the car being silent, the next 5 though? definitely not silent.
"can i ask you something?" he says and i slowly turn to look at him,
"yeah of course" i reply
"why are you always so nervous around me?" he asks and i feel my face go red
how the fuck do i go about this, ugh.
"i don't know" i say shyly
"i think you do baby" he says and i die on spot, what the fuck is happening
"i- fuck- i like you okay, and i'm sorry i just- i didn't wanna tell you because i know you don't like me back and i don't wanna make things awkward and-" i ramble, not knowing how to stop my train of thought.
"hey who said i didn't like you back, didn't sam literally tell you i liked you?" he asks
"oh.. yeah actually he did- wait how do you even know that?" i look over at him
"the walls are very thin baby"
i look down, embarrassed.
"hey, it's okay, for what its worth- i really like you too, a lot. and i'm stupid for not telling you sooner." he says
"really?" i say, looking back up at him
"yeah." he looks over at me
we hold eye contact for a while, then it stops.
the next thing i hear is sirens, feeling someones hands on me, coming in and out of conciousness.
then it hits me,
we were in a car crash.
TAGLIST: @opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor @prettysturniolo @its-jennarose
A/N: you said it could end however i wanted it to!! lmk if u want part 2 😘😘
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tinkerbelle05 · 10 months
It's Ours
Characters: Jaime Reyes x Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You and Jaime move into your new apartment, but not without a few hiccups.
Warnings: showering together (it's nothing crazy but some ppl might be iffy about it)
Translations: Princesita = Princess
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“Okay, that’s the last of it,” Jaime huffed as he pulled the very last box into your new apartment with him. You clapped for him while he playfully bowed to you.
You and Jaime decided to move in together in a new apartment building. You were nervous but excited to start this new chapter of your life, especially with the man you loved.
The apartment wasn't much; one bedroom and bathroom. They have an AC unit and the appliances looked new so hopefully there won't be any issues with them. But you never know, especially with the older buildings.
“So, what you wanna eat?” Jaime asked you, phone in hand and he plopped on the couch next to you.
“Maybe we should unpack some boxes first?” You suggested. Yes, you were hungry but you knew yourself. The moment you were fed, you’d crash. And Jaime would be right behind you too.
He attempted to give you those puppy dog eyes but you shook your head, “No, no. We should at least set up our bed so we don’t sleep on the couch. And maybe unpack some of the bigger boxes.”
Jaime groaned and sunk deeper into the couch, “Princesita, please. For me?”
His pleading was cute but your resolve was stronger, “Oh c’mon Jai- Ahh!”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something move. It was small and black so it must be a bug. You saw it moving again, scurrying across the floor. You being scared of bugs, were whipped into a frenzy of course.
“Kill it! Kill it!” You screamed off the top of your lungs as you climbed higher up on the couch to get away from it.
Jaime got up and used a lone flip-flop to smash the bug to death.
“Okay, okay, It's dead. You’re okay,” he told you and attempted to contain his laughter but you saw it anyway.
“Don’t you dare laugh, Jaime! Those things are scary and gross!” You argued and he gives you that sweet smile.
After he disgraded the dreadful creature into the trash, Jaime came to sit to next to you. He pulled you into his arms and rested his head on yours.
You two stayed like that for a quiet moment, exhaustion deep into your bones. The sound was the cars outside and your neighbors’ tv.
“We should really put up a tv,” you suggested quietly.
Jaime gave you a breathless laugh, “Only you could think of more things to do even when you are tired. It's amazing.”
You sighed and sunk deeper into Jaime’s embrace, “Yea, your right and it’s getting late too.”
With all of the energy you could muster, you hauled yourself up from the warm embrace of Jaime and walked to the bathroom.
“I’m going to take a shower then head to bed, on the couch,” you said with a hint of disgust. “Can you pretty please look for some pjs for me?”
“Fine, fine. Only because your so cute.” He got up from the couch to look for some clothes for you.
Out of habit, you closed the door and undressed. You were excited for the steaming hot shower to touch your skin but unfortunately, what rained down on you was freezing cold water that probably came all the way from Antarctica.
You yelped when the water came into contact with your skin and jumped against the wall to get away from it. Bathroom door opened and Jaime came in with your clothes, he had a confused expression on his face.
“The shower is ice cold,” you explained to him. "We'll have to call the landlord tomorrow."
He came closer to the shower to put his hand under it and jerked his hand away instantly. "Wow, that's pretty cold. How's a new apartment got this many issues."
“How I’m gonna take a shower now?” you complained. “I smell like sweat.”
“Well, we could shower together. For warmth,” Jaime suggested and there was a glint in his eyes that you chose to ignore.
You nodded your head and watched him get undressed. Though the implications and that smirk on Jaime’s face weren’t lost on you either, you really just needed to take a shower and head to bed.
Your eyelids were growing heavier by the minute and you didn't wanna fall in the shower. Jaime got in behind you and started to gently wash you up. You washed his back, neck, and shoulders.
In 30 minutes or so, both of you were done and laid on the couch together. It was quiet like before, except for Jaime's soft snores and your breathing.
There were things that needed to be fixed in the morning but for right now, you were content. Ignoring the fact that you were shaking like a leaf from your shower and that you could slip from the couch any moment, of course.
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Tags: @fhhahaha12, @allthingsvicf, @louiesdaydream, @herrescasper, @niluuuuu, @starii-light, @scryarchives, @666kpopfan, @sodacatz, @bluecray0nn, @itsyagrillkat, @strawberrycreamb, @conicoroahre, @losingmywayyyy, @nightwingandhissquad, @champagnelovers101, @asvterias, @wintersdeadd, @shslsimpette
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
Max being worried out of his mind when he finds out that you, Finn and Julia get into a car accident
Cw: reader and kids' are involved in a car accident, mentions hospital/emergency room visit
"Max, could you come here for a second, please?", Hannah called him softly yet assertively, not wanting to alarm him already but needing him to understand that he had to politely excuse himself from the conversation he was having with one of the sponsors.
"What's up?", he asked as she pulled him into one of the rooms, closing the door and letting him sit down.
"On their way to the track, the car Y/N was driving in with the kids had an accident", she began and Max got up immediately, "hey! Look at me!", she called as he was already feeling and thinking about a million different things, "the three of them are fine, I think Y/N has a little cut on her forehead, but nothing too serious. They're still at the hospital for a few final exams, but everything is good. Did you hear me?", she sterned.
"Can I go there? Can someone drive me there, please?", he asked. He knew he was in no shape to drive himself there, and while yes, he had his duties, Free Practice could easily be sorted out by somebody else and, quite frankly, he didn't care much for it. Right now, he wanted to see his wife and kids.
"Mark said he would, I'll speak to the rest of the team. And Max?", she called him again before she let him go, "they're all fine, okay? Do not bombard anyone or anything, take a few deep breaths, please", she asked as he looked at her blankly, "I said to take deep breaths!", she urged. Having known him for years and being one of the few people on the team who had a hand on him, the choice of having her tell him wasn't taken lightly nor uninformed.
The car ride to the hospital was quiet as Max kept tapping his foot, "do you know anything else?", he said once he picked up Hannah's phone call, "they're waiting for results from Julia's exams, but otherwise they seem fine. Also, Y/N's phone is unavailable because it got caught in the crash, that's why we couldn't get hold of her", she informed.
The crash. You and the kids had been in a car accident that caused a crash, and he couldn't wait to see you with his very own eyes. He trusted the people informing the team and then him, but still, he needed to see the three of you. To feel the three of you in his arms, and to shield you and keep you safe.
Mark said he'd park the car while Max headed to the front desk, asking the lady where he could see you. Because there hadn't been big injuries, you and the kids were in a room, you sitting on the chair as the kids sat on the bed, playing with a board game one of the nurses got for them from the peds floor.
You heard a knock on the door, letting whoever knocked come in, "hey", he sighed as he saw you with his own eyes. Going up to the kids and kissing the top of their heads, he checked how they were feeling, "hey, are you guys okay?", he asked, seeing a little bruise already forming on Finn's arm.
"It was a little bit scary, and my arm hurts, but we are okay", Finn said, looking up at him as Julia nodded, "my tummy hurts a little, and the doctor took some pictures of me, he said I had to lie very still and he told me I did really well", she smiled.
Max sat next to you in the big chair, looking at the small cut, already stitched up, on your forehead, "the car came out of nowhere. The light turned green, the car in front of me went and I went right after. Next thing I know, the car is being hit by another on the side", you told him, "I wasn't going too fast because I had just started and he wasn't either, but the impact was strong enough for bumps and bruises. Finn has some bruises, we are waiting for Julia's scans to make sure there's nothing wrong internally. And I have some bruises too, also had to have stitches here", you pointed, "the window smashed and some shards nicked the skin. The car is also in very bad shape. I'm sorry", you gulped, looking at your husband.
Kissing your forehead and being mindful of the cut, Max shook his head, "I don't care about the car. Sure, it's a rental and there are responsibilities, but we'll cover what needs to be covered on our end. All that matters is that you are all okay. I was so scared when Hannah told me what happened", he admitted, rubbing your hands.
"I'm sorry, but I have the results for Julia's scans", the doctor walked in, shaking Max's hand in greeting, "there's nothing worrying about them, so you're good to be discharged", he said before coming back with the papers.
"It's lots of rest for you guys, then", Max breathed out, "fortunately, nothing too bad happened and you're all okay, that's what matters".
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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billybob598 · 11 months
Scary Crashes (Katie McCabe x Reader)
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2 fics in 1 day I'm literally so awesome. Also, sorry for the shit title I couldn't think of anything else sooo, just ignore that bit. Remember, any feedback good or bad is welcomed! As always, have fun reading!
Word Count: 1K (Kinda short but who cares)
“This is gonna be so much fun!” Katie exclaims as she walks alongside you in the paddock. You chuckle at her excitement.
“Yeah, it’s going to be great babe,” you say before stopping to take some photos with fans. You were a driver with Ferrari and while it had been a tough season, you were confident heading into Silverstone this weekend. What made it even better is that Katie, your girlfriend, was attending. She had come to a couple of races, but it always made you feel better to have her there.
The weekend had been tough, free practice had been okay and you were out-qualified by your teammate, Charles. Katie watched excitedly from the garage as the race got underway. The race had been terrible, Ferrari in complete Ferrari style had fucked up your strategy,
“No! Guys, we can’t keep doing this. Fuck! Mate, this has gone from bad to an absolute shithole of a race,” you say over the radio.
As it gets closer and closer to the chequered flag, you try your very best to make some places back up. After your pit stop you came out P13, but you were able to crawl back up to P8. You tried multiple times to get past Pierre Gasly’s Alpine in P7 but to no avail. You were starting to get frustrated,
“He’s driving a bit dangerously, no? Did you see him do the double move on the straight?”
“Yep, we saw it. Just keep focused Y/N, you’ll get him,” your engineer says back to you.
On the next lap, you get a good exit out of Woodcote and use the slipstream to your advantage as you guys head into Copse. Gasly defends the inside so, you decide to try around the outside. Katie holds her breath as she watches on the TV. One second you’re thinking you’ve got him on the outside, the next you’re spinning around as gravel spills into the cockpit. At first, you think you’ve just span out and that you’re probably beached in the gravel trap. That is until you smash into the tyre barrier at over 200km/h. All the air gets pressed out of your lungs when you hit the wall with over 50G’s. Immediately after you hit, you black out.
Everyone inside the Ferrari garage is scrambling, trying to see if you’re okay or not. Your engineer is getting no response over the radio. All the cameras on the car had been broken. Katie was full-on panicking. As the team tried to see if you were okay, Katie couldn’t help but fear for the worst, especially when the ambulance had to come. 
You wake up when someone starts to shake your shoulders. Your eyes adjust to the light and when you look up you see a marshal standing over you asking if you’re okay. You give him a nod and thumbs up, before switching on the radio,
“You okay? Y/N, are you okay?” The engineer keeps repeating.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Ahhhhh fuck, everything kinda hurts though,” you answer.
“Yeah, just stay where you are, marshals are coming and so are some paramedics,”
“Okay, copy,”
It takes a couple of minutes for the marshals to get you out, but when they do you are met with thunderous applause from the crowds. Waving a hand to let them know you’re okay, Katie breathes a sigh of relief. She gets informed by your assistant that you are heading to the hospital for a check-up because it was quite the impact. Katie drives to the hospital as quickly as possible. She knows you’re more or less okay considering you were able to walk out of the car, but she needed to see you with her own eyes. The Irish woman asks the receptionist where you are quite urgently, maybe a little rudely, but she’s Katie McCabe what do you expect from her? When she’s shown to your room she’s informed that you are sleeping. So, she quietly tip-toes into the room and sees you laying there with a couple of machines hooked up to you. Deciding you should keep sleeping, she goes and asks the doctor about how you are. The doctor says that for the most part, you’re okay, your only injury being bruised ribs. He tells her that you're only going to be hooked up to the oxygen machine for a little bit, they just didn’t want to take any chances.
It’s a couple hours before you wake up and when you do you’re met with your girlfriend looking anxious. She has no idea you’re awake yet, so you slowly reach out for her hand and slip her fingers in between yours. Her head jerks up.
“Oh my God, Y/N. Jesus Christ you had me so scared there,” she says quickly. You point in the direction of the door, silently asking for her to go get the doctor so he could take the oxygen mask off. “Oh yeah, right of course. I’ll go get him.”
The doctor does a quick check-up on you before ultimately deciding that you were good to go. He releases you from the hospital, much to your happiness and Katie’s worry. When you guys get back to the hotel, Katie carries all your bags inside, even though you did offer multiple times. All night, Katie won’t let you do anything. Water? Brings multiple glasses of it. Hungry? Don’t worry, she’s got a plate stacked sky-high with food. In pain? She’ll force multiple painkillers down your throat. Some might find it overbearing, but you on the other hand found it endearing. Katie usually acted tough, but it was in moments like these that she shows just how caring and thoughtful she can be. 
“Are you good? Do you need anything else?” Katie asks.
“Nah, babe. I think I’m all good. Thank you for everything today,” you say gratefully.
“Of course, you scared me there Y/N,” she says the last part quietly. You drag her beside you on the bed.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” you say scratching the back of your neck.
“Never again Y/N, never again,” she says sternly. She grins at you before kissing you. 
As you fall asleep you can’t believe how lucky you are to have a girlfriend as awesome as yours.
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glorified-red · 1 year
Locks & Cake Pops (Damian Wayne x Reader x Jon Kent)
summary: Gotham was a scary place when the sun went down. One terrifying encounter with a stranger left you completely worn thin. Thankfully, your boys were more than prepared to come find you.
word count: 4,800~
warnings: panic attack, paranoia, vague & very short description of encountering a scary stranger (none explicit to what happened, by whom, or by any gender. Only specification is that it's a conversation and Reader is hesitant around touch), paranoia to violence or potential violence, constant paranoia of not being safe
Y'all called me a main character and I think the people writing my story took that as a CHALLENGE. The amount of plot I went through today??? I swear, fics really do write themselves, huh?
Shout out to @quillsareswords for planting the Poly Fic seed in my head with her fics until I couldn't NOT write one. And shout out to @unmotivatedwrit3r for being my Jon today and @uni-magi-nation for being my Damian because guess what lads, this fic is based on a true story!! As are most of my fics anyway, so please, enjoy the events that happened less than 12 hours ago ;P
You could pinpoint the exact moment your day had derailed. 
It wasn’t until the sun had just barely started to slip beneath the horizon. Nearly ten hours of joy all crashed in one single moment. It was one decision. A single foot placement was the difference between coming home safe and the disaster that befell you currently. 
One foot placement was all it took and your entire world crumbled from above you. 
You almost wondered if your foot pivoted slightly to the east, if you took the path to your right instead of your left, would you still be in this position? Would you be here, clinging to your next breath as if it was your last? 
But alas, you traveled west to your car. The path you took was slightly dimmer than the other in the middle of dusk. Less people, less crowds . . . less witnesses. 
That one decision landed you in an inescapable exchange of words. Whether you made it home was a decision you no longer had control of, it was now placed in the hands of a stranger—a person who thrived on the rush of feeling a life beat in the palm of their hands. 
Your feet were placed on a track alongside them, desperately trying to find a way out. But each pivot was either too late or too suspicious, all you could do was play along like some kind of puppet. Eventually the rush simmered and the paths diverged, they split off into two distinct directions, and you were free. 
You didn’t bother to care when your feet pounded against the ground one after another. They did their job, they took you to where your brain had decided you needed to go despite you not truly being a part of that conversation. You let your instincts take over, the adrenaline high of blazing through empty sidewalks and burning passed streetlamps flickering on for the first time that night. 
Your breath faded into the air with each step, a resounding huff of forced exhales as your legs ached from the pace. Before you knew it, your world tilted on its axis as your brain and body fully disconnected. Tunnel vision took over your view, the only thing in sight was the faraway gleam of steel and vinyl. 
You slammed the car door behind you, fully encasing you in a carbon cage. It felt like a cage in all senses of the word. You were suffocated inside the doors of your own safety, hating how your only semblance of security was in a man-made product that could fail within a moment—that could be broken into with just the thought of doing so. 
You heard the satisfying click of the doors locking, never realizing your fingers jumped to the button the second they could. That sound meant safety, that sound meant you would be okay. 
Electrons slipped past connections and you couldn't properly process anything aside from the steering wheel in front of you and the sharp polyester strap cutting across your chest. Your next exhale was steady and long, a pitiful attempt at self-soothing. Even with the length of the breath, the shakiness behind it was so easy to hear in the silence of the cage. 
You gripped the steering wheel with both hands, twisting your grip along the rim until you could feel the bite in your palms. You brought yourself back one cell at a time. It started with the pads of your fingers tapping against the polyurethane, then your palms rubbing against the grooves and curves of the wheel, then your hands were gripping at your arms until feeling returned to them slowly. You thawed out your own body seconds at a time. 
You breathed again. 
Then the car had started and you drove away. 
You could remember the exact moment you realized this was much deeper than mere disassociation. Your eyes were filled with red lights and your ears buzzed with the sound of passing cars. It started in your chest, a small hum of warning deep in the confines of your ribcage. 
The death rattle had started inside you and only got louder the longer your hands stayed connected to the prison bars. The hum turned into a storm of pyrocumulonimbus as your foot pressed into the gas, each breath of oxygen only fueled the fire burning at the edges of your lungs. 
You fought so hard against the impending doom of it all. You just wanted to go home. You wanted to come home and beeline straight for—not safety—comfort; you wanted to remind yourself that touch wasn’t something to be scared of; you wanted to remind yourself that you were safe—that everything was going to be okay. 
But instead your breath quickened into a terrifying speed and you had no choice but to pull over into the nearest complex with well-lit parking spaces and bustling activity at its front doors. Your car clicked off and your fingers immediately reached for the lock icon at your side. 
You pressed it once to hear the simultaneous click of four doors locking in tandem. 
Leaning against the plush seat, you tried to breathe properly. Your hands gripped at the seatbelt across your chest, both hating and adoring the pressure it forced against your body. 
You pressed it twice to remind yourself the doors were locked. 
Gripping the strap, you didn’t mind the way the edges dug into your palms as you bent it in on itself. It was tight against you, just enough to keep you present. The hands of sharply woven polyester forced you to stay conscious in reality, they didn’t dare let you slip between the cracks and fall into dissociation. 
You pressed it a third time, the same click resounding in your ears. 
Suddenly you felt too suffocated. You could feel the bottom of the wheel on your knees and the lanyard of your keys against your thigh. 
The clicks reversed as you tumbled out of the car. 
Fresh air hit your entire body and the fire raging in your chest worsened tenfold. You were exposed—you were vulnerable. You slammed yourself back into the car. A blink and you were in the backseat this time. 
The carved metal of a key dug into your fingers while you clutched it like a lifeline. Your hand reached for your phone before you could process anything else. Your other clicked the lock icon once more and the entire car fell into darkness. 
Damian didn’t remember falling asleep but when a human sized heater was laying across his chest, it never took long for his exhaustion to get tired of being ignored. 
He was slightly annoyed, arguably moreso, when the heater in question jerked upright. Damian’s eyes snapped open. “Watch it,” he groaned, sleep still affecting the timbre in his voice. Hands dug uncomfortably into his stomach and he pushed them away. 
“Sorry, sorry,” the kryptonian apologized from above him. “I just . . .” he trailed off. 
That got his attention. 
His eyes focused on the alert expression on his lover’s face. Jon shifted upright completely, still straddling Damian’s thighs. His eyes were distant, looking off into the window at the other side of the room. 
“What’s wrong?” Damian asked, finding himself slightly propped up onto his elbows. 
“Y/n,” Jon replied, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. The way he said your voice was just as distant as his gaze, almost like his voice was nothing but an exhale. He blinked, looking down and glaring so hard at Damian’s upper body that Damian almost took offense. 
“Their heartbeat,” he said, confusion lacing his voice as he tried to focus on the thum of your beat, “it’s . . . different.” 
“Different,” Damian echoed. He would’ve been annoyed at the vague answer if he wasn’t aware both him and Jon were currently barely awake and therefore, barely functioning (Damian more so than Jon, of course). “What do you mean different?” 
Kryptonian powers were always so finicky. He always thought so, but meeting Jon? This man was evidence in itself that powers were annoying at best. Damian watched as Jon developed each new power slowly at the most inconvenient times, mind you. And now, years after being the Man Of Steel, Jon’s powers still went berserk. 
Damian couldn’t even count on his fingers how many sensory overloads he’s guided Jon through—and he’d do it all over again if he had to. 
Jon shook his head. “It’s just different.” He shrugged. 
“You woke me up because it’s just different?” Damian deadpanned. 
Jon glared down at him. “This isn’t exactly an exact science, you know.” 
Damian sighed and slid back down until his upper back hit the mattress once more. “Is it going faster? Skipping a beat?” he prompted, trying his best to shake the grogginess from his body without letting paranoia fester in its place. 
Heartbeats always worried Damian. He ended up assuming the worst. But with a Kryptonian tracing them so often, he realized that different didn’t necessarily mean bad. You could have raised your hand in class, forgot your keys, or missed a step down the stairs and your heart lurched. That was enough to perk Jon’s ears. You could have been stressed so your heart rate was elevated. Maybe even tired which made it drag. 
Despite his own fears, Damian kept reminding himself that there's more of a chance that you were fine than not, especially when he was currently talking to a sleep deprived kryptonian who announced heartbeat changes all the time. The idea of getting away with any kind of anxiety while around that golden retriever was stupid and incredibly naive—Damian gave up after a year of Jon’s super-hearing kicking in. 
“You’re anxious.” 
“Shut up.” 
“You should probably—” 
“I said shut up.” 
Jon spoke up: “It definitely jumped and it’s been slightly faster than normal ever since.” His head tilted slightly to the side to listen better—Damian couldn't help but picture a tiny puppy doing the same and its ear flopping over. “It’s getting steadily faster. I think . . . I think they’re driving?” 
Damian’s eyes furrowed. He reached for his phone as Jon continued. “Definitely driving,” he settled on. “I can hear their car.” 
“Maybe they almost got into an accident,” Damian mumbled in thought, setting a personal reminder in his brain to berate you for speeding later. His phone clicked on and his eyes saw his blurry home screen. He blinked the image into focus. When his eyes could properly trace over the smiles on you and Jon’s faces, he looked at the time. 
It was earlier than he thought. 
Jon’s hands fiddled with the hem of Damian’s sleep shirt, the compression material stretching slightly to accommodate the movement. “Maybe,” Jon gnawed at his bottom lip. “I didn’t hear anything like that though, just normal traffic.” 
Damian hummed. “They were at the library today. I didn’t expect them to head home so soon.” His fingers opened your contact. “Did they text you that they were heading home?” 
 Jon leaned across the bed to reach for his phone on the nightstand. Damian resisted a snark at how uncomfortable the shift was with the unnecessary knee to the side. 
Jon fiddled with his phone for a moment. “Nope, nothing.” 
Damian opened his mouth to supply another sentence of rationale when two things happened simultaneously: In an instant, Jon’s phone slipped from his hands and ricocheted right off of his stomach. (“Ow!”) Then Damian’s ringtone sounded throughout the entire bedroom, bouncing off the walls and reverberating into their tired brains. 
The fear written on Jon’s face was enough for Damian to pick up on the first ring. 
“Y/n?” he asked. Jon’s fingers clutched at his shirt. 
“Hey,” you responded. There was a crackle over the line but Damian couldn’t tell if it was your voice or the shitty internet. 
“Are you okay?” Damian was blunt, cutting straight through any attempt at small talk. How could he not when Jon was currently mouthing “panic attack” at him and poking his ribcage. 
You hesitated enough for Damian to shoo Jon off of him. Both boys tumbled out of the massive bed in varying degrees of grace. 
“What are you doing right now?” 
“Doesn’t matter. You’re dodging the question,” Damian slid on a pair of pants and made his way down the stairs. “What’s wrong? And don’t say it’s nothing because I have a human sized Holter monitor that would beg to disagree.”
Jon tumbled behind, no doubt using some kind of kryptonian flare to gather all the necessary items to drive to you. 
“Can you both meet me here, I—” you cut off, if Damian strained, he could hear your rampant breathing. “I need you.” You choked, “No—No capes.” 
Damian breathed in slowly and exhaled through his mouth. The keys and wallets were already floating into his pockets as he opened the front door. 
No capes. 
It was a valid request. It was a request both Jon and Damian had come to appreciate overtime. No need for heroics, no need for perfection, no need for theatrics—you just needed your partners, as they were. 
That was a level of normalcy that was so rare in this lifestyle. As much as it would be miles quicker with Jon’s flight or even his grapple gun, he respected the thought process behind the decision. You just wanted your boys, that was all. 
Car doors slammed shut and Damian was already behind the wheel making his way to you. “We’re on our way.” He felt a poke to his bicep. Jon motioned towards the phone, opening and closing his hand in request. “I’m going to pass the phone to Jon. He’s going to stay on the line until we reach you, okay?” 
Damian barely waited for your small “ok” before handing the phone off. He didn’t bother to fill Jon in on the conversation, it was obvious he was already listening intently. 
“Hey, sunshine.” Jon pointed directions out and Damian followed. No need for maps when you have a super-hearing alien who knows exactly where you are just by the sounds of traffic and the volume of your heartbeat. “We’re coming as fast as we can. Just give us ten minutes and we’ll be there with you.” 
Damian focused on driving, the one thing he could do at this moment. He was tactical, he was useful. Jon was the comforting one; Jon was the one who could navigate emotionally tense situations with ease. So he gripped the steering wheel tighter and made sure he got to you safely. 
Strengths. All three of you had them just as you all had weaknesses. But the beauty of your triad came from how perfectly your strengths filled each others’ weaknesses. You lifted each other up, and when you couldn’t, it was easy to lean on one another. 
So Jon handled the comfort, Damian handled the logistics. 
Words of affirmations flew out of Jon’s mouth in a way that Damian used to envy. Now, he found it endearing. He has his own strengths and that’s okay. 
“Just ten minutes, baby. Ten minutes and everything will be okay, I promise.” 
Red lights glared down at Damian. 
“Breath with me. In and out, just like that. Keep doing that.” 
Stop signs seemed taller than usual, more demeaning. 
“You’re gonna be alright. I know it doesn’t feel that way right now but you’ll be okay soon, you just gotta hang in there for us.” 
Brakes screeched against the pavement. 
“I'm so proud of you, you’re so brave right now. No, don’t be like that. You’re so strong, you’ll get through this, I swear.” 
His fingers tapped against the gear shift impatiently. 
“Are the doors locked? Yea? That’s good. You did good—so good.” 
He heard you sob into the receiver and his heart twisted painfully. 
“You’re safe. No one can get to you right now without your consent. Just keep telling yourself that: no one can get in, no one can reach you, you’re safe.” 
His foot finally hit the gas. 
“You’re alright, sweetheart. You're okay. You did everything right—yes you did. Yes, Y/n. You got to safety, you pulled over, you locked the doors, and you called us. You did everything right.” 
He made a right and then a left. 
“Five more minutes, bub. Just five more minutes. Keep breathing. Just a few more minutes and we’ll be right there with you.” 
He was trapped behind a slow Jeep—he switched lanes. 
“Yea? Grab the jacket and hold it tight. I’d rather you hold that. Just a few more minutes and that jacket will be replaced with us, alright?” 
Yellow lights always annoyed him the most. 
“We’re coming, I promise. We’re coming.” 
He swerved into the complex, not caring if he cut someone off in the process. 
“We’re pulling in right beside you. That car is us so don’t be scared. It’s just us, baby.” 
Damian clicked off the car and tumbled out with Jon quick to follow suit. He always forgot how much Jon used pet names as he rambled through words of reassurance. He was sure it was some kind of nervous tick Jon had, a way for him to soothe both himself and the other person. It could also just be a habit of his mouth speaking far faster than his brain, but the nicknames flowed out of him so fast either way.
“You gotta let us in, love. We can’t help from out here.” Jon’s hand gently rested on the glass window to the backseat. Damian motioned towards the building in front of the car, Jon nodded in response, already knowing his thought process far before Damian’s feet started moving backwards. 
Focus on his strengths. Focus on what he can do. Focus on that. 
The car doors unlocked and the boys split up. 
You were huddled in the backseat for what felt like hours and milliseconds all at once. Every time your breaths evened, your brain fizzled out with it until you couldn’t feel anything aside from the car key scraping against your palm and the plastic door digging into your spine. 
Legs pulled into your chest, phone to your ear, and arms wrapped around a hoodie long since stolen for your backseat, you waited. You tried to bury your nose in the scent of pine and peppermint, a tanglement of your home—your boys—but it never fully sunk into your comprehension. 
Your empty hand grasped at the plush cotton in a sour attempt at bringing yourself back up. Unfortunately, the second you were brought back to awareness, your breathing spiked. Every distant voice, every shifting shadow, even the cars passing by in the nearby road—it all screamed danger into your head until you struggled to breathe. 
Even in this locked prison, you still felt too exposed. You were miles from home and miles from safety, how could you not? 
The doors are locked. 
You’re safe. 
No one can come in without your permission. 
They’re coming. 
When a car pulled beside yours, a familiar tint of windows and gleam of dark steel, you fought all of your instincts to run, to hide, to scream. 
The doors are locked. 
You’re safe. 
No one can come in without your permission. 
They’re here. 
It took every ounce of your willpower to allow your finger to press the open lock icon after pressing the locked one over and over again for what felt like an eternity.  
“Y/n,” Jon sighed out in relief. The call ended and what once was a distant voice was now a full fledged being.
“Please close the door,” you sobbed out, feeling nothing but claws of terror scratch up your chest the longer the door stayed open. Jon instantly complied, shutting the door as gently as he could without slamming it. 
The doors instantly locked again. 
“Can I touch you?” he started with. He didn’t bother asking if you were okay or asking what you needed, it would be pointless. You weren’t okay and asking what you needed when you were so clearly in peril would just put unnecessary weight onto your shoulders when he should be taking it off. 
Your hands fisted into the fabric, fingers swimming amongst the mountain of cotton. “I-I,” you choked on an inhale, “I don’t know.” 
And how could you? Sometimes touch was a blessing, a craving nothing else could satiate. Sometimes touch was the only way to bring you back all the way: it was grounded as was it weighted, it was nice. 
But sometimes touch was terrifying, a pressure of what if tangled in previous experiences. Sometimes touch was the only thing that terrified you the most: after such a night, how could you possibly feel safe with an ounce of contact? 
“Okay,” Jon said quickly, not wanting to make you feel worse about your own indecision. “What if we try? I’ll pull away the second you tell me to, pinky swear.” 
He even raised his pinky to solidify the statement. If you weren’t miles deep into a panic attack and hundreds of tears worn, you probably would have laughed. Instead, you nodded, a jerky movement that shifted the fabric around your face. 
“I’m gonna place my hand on top of your knee, real slow. You tell me if you don’t want it there anymore.” He looked into your eyes with his vibrant blue bells. His face was so sure, so confident, but the edges of his face were hardened with worry. He really couldn’t hide his emotions around you.
You nodded once more. You saw your own quickened breaths more than you felt them, the shadows off to your right reflecting the rise and fall of your chest. 
Jon’s hand was raised slightly above your knee and he hesitated just enough for you to track his movements. Then it was nothing but a light touch of fingertips, then fingers, then a palm, and then an entire hand. 
Despite his slow, deliberate movements, you still flinched. It was a whole-body jerk that started with pulling your legs closer to you and ended with your shoulders hitching upwards. Jon bit the inside of his cheek at the reaction, ignoring the way it dug into his heart a little too deep for his own sanity.
He kept his hand there even when your body’s instinctual reaction screamed for him to pull back. Jon waited for your words, but more importantly, he waited for you to settle into the touch or comprehend that you didn’t want it anymore—whichever ended up happening. 
Luckily, it was the former. Your shoulders pressed back into the door behind you and your head leaned against the car seat. Your feet unhooked at the ankles and relaxed. 
“Do you want more touch or is this enough for now?” 
You felt the heat radiate from his palm, it fought against the storm of fire boiling in every fiber of your being. It also fought against the sheet of ice that threatened to separate you from the rest of the world. It was enough. 
“ ‘s good for now,” you breathed in shakily. Trying to match the rise and fall of the chest in front of you. 
Jon looked off to the side and squinted into the darkness. “Damian’s on his way back.” His thumb absent-mindedly rubbed against your knee slowly and in a small movement. It was so small you barely would’ve realized it if your knee wasn’t at eye level. “You’ll have to let him in soon.” 
Your eyes flickered over to just beyond your car and into the entrance to the building—the cafe—where Damian had started walking out of. You had a moment or two to emotionally prepare yourself to unlock those doors. 
You struggled on your next breath and Jon heard it. He returned his gaze to you. “Breathe, baby. It’s just Dami. You can lock the doors immediately afterwards.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded, hating the way your breathing sped up slightly as you clicked the open lock. Gears shifted and the reversal of the click was impossibly loud against your muddled brain. 
The door in front of you swung open and Jon pulled Damian inside before closing the door as soon as possible. You found your thumb pressing the lock button the second you heard the car door close. You never once felt the hand on your knee leave and you silently thanked Jon’s perceptiveness. 
Opening your eyes, you were met with Damian’s emerald eyes looking at you with as much concern as those eyes could ever truly show. Jon had somehow found his way squished in between the seats and middle console, half debating if he should just sit on the floor or on the console. Damian sat across from you with his hands full of drinks and food. 
He offered you the blend of sugar and ice to which you took without much hesitation. Your head was pounding. You could hear your heartbeat in your ear and you could feel it in your temples. It was unbearably hot with pain. 
“I got your usual,” Damian said, “just the way you like it.” 
You sniffled, already feeling the fire inside swirl into dissipation. “No inclusions?” you asked in a small voice. 
“No inclusions,” he reassured you. 
“The base?” 
“Lemonade, not water.” 
You opened your mouth to ask another question but Damian was quick to read your mind. He lifted up a straw still wrapped in its plastic casing. “Yes, I got you a straw.” 
For the first time that night, you smiled. It was small, twitchy, and faded just as quick as it came, but it was still better than the choked off sobs from earlier over the phone. 
Damian opened the top of the straw for you and you held out your drink for him to place it inside. Your hands were so shaky it was difficult to even hold the large drink (because of course he got you the biggest size), let alone have enough dexterity to open a straw. 
“I also bought cake pops,” he lifted up the three brown bags of parchment that held your sugary treat. He knew you so well you swore he was a mind reader. Your hands were shaking from panic but also from how low your energy levels were from using every ounce of it to breathe. 
Damian lifted the first bag after peering inside. “Birthday cake.”
You snatched the bag. 
Jon did the same for his. 
“And mine.” Damian set his bag in his lap and handed Jon his drink full of sugar. 
Jon propped open the cup holders attached to the center console and set his drink inside, Damian was quick to set his water beside it. 
You clutched your drink with both hands, enjoying the feeling of the cold condensation against your aching fingers. “Thank you.”
Damian hummed in response. It didn’t take long for his hand to find its way onto your other knee and this time, you didn’t end up flinching. You swore the presence of your two lovers was more than enough to calm any attack that found its way up to you. Tonight was proof of that. 
“Your breathing is still too fast for my liking,” Damian spoke up. “Do you want to go through some breathing exercises?” 
Both of the boys looked at you expectantly. You shrunk back slightly at the pressure before you shook your head. “Can . . .” you breathed in to reassure yourself—your request was okay, you’re voicing your needs, you’re valid—“Can you guys just distract me?” 
They shared a look between each other and Jon ended up speaking up first: “Go ahead, Dami. Distract them.” 
“Why do I have to?” Damian demanded, “You’re obviously better at running your mouth than I am.”
“Because I said so?” 
“Because you said so,” Damian mocked, “Really? Do you honestly believe that holds any true merit in this household?” 
Jon scoffed. “It does when you say it so why doesn’t it when I say it?”
“Because I’m better than you, obviously.” 
“Am not.” 
“Am too.” 
“Boys,” you giggled through the word. Your grip on your drink was loose and your legs uncurled slowly until they pressed into Damian’s shin. “While this is adorable, I just want to listen to you two talk, not bicker.” 
One of them huffed from their nose and you genuinely couldn’t tell who—you’re half convinced they both did. 
“Fine.” Damian’s free hand fell around the top of your shoe, his pinky brushing against your ankle. “Go ahead, genius. Tell our beloved what you did to the kitchen while making dinner tonight.” 
Jon’s eyes widened slowly. “We agreed not to tell them,” he whisper-shouted. 
Damian shrugged. 
You turned to Jon with a fire behind your eyes. 
“What did you do to my freshly cleaned kitchen?”
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forbebeandjam · 18 days
Without You | Bada Lee/BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES
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Summary: Ready to go to your dance competition there is a sudden outbreak and you are left in a difficult situation…
Word count: 843
A/N: sorry for taking so long on this. I like to plan out my stories. Hope you enjoy and this is of your liking🩵
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It was a cloudy day in the city of Seoul. BEBE was getting ready for competitions. 
"Why are Bada and Y/N late again? We only have two hours to practice," Kyma said as she threw her back in frustration. 
"You know how they are. Always looking for a place to make out," Lusher answered causing Cheche to roll her eyes. After a few minutes, the rain started pouring down when you and Bada came through the door laughing with damp clothes. 
"We're here!" you shouted. 
"Finally! Why are you guys wet?" Tatter said as she handed you her jacket. 
"Yeah, what place did you guys decide to make out today?" Lusher said with a tilted head. 
"Under the weeping willow tree," Bada said earning a hit from your fist. 
"You're not supposed to tell them that!" 
"Oh, please! They already know!" 
"One day the teachers will catch you and you will be in huge trouble," 
"You two are just stupid and nasty!"
"Okay! that's enough. Let's practice," Kyma said breaking you all apart and starting practice. 
"We need to be on the bus at three. For the love of all good things, do not be late!" Tatter said as she waved at you and Bada. 
They walked into Bada's house and looked through clothes and outfits for the competition. you were all packed up and watched your girlfriend run around as she threw clothes into a duffle bag.
"What would I do without you?" you asked making Bada come to a halt. 
"Babe, you're fine. I promised I would look out for you and I will. Always," she said as she placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You now lived with her and her parents After your parents died in a car crash. Bada's parents were usually not home but they were close to your parents so they didn't have a problem with you living with them and caring for you.
"Come here," You said as you pulled her on top of you. She lowered herself to kiss your lips and that was when the make-out session began. 
"Wait... what time is it?" she said when the realization hit her. 
"Shit! We're going to be late again," you said as you saw the time on your phone. So you both stood up and walked to the school. 
"Wow! They are early!" Sowoen said as she ran to hug Bada. 
"It's truly a miracle. Let's go on the bus. The driver went to use the bathroom and he will be right back," Kyma said and you all nodded. 
Bada got situated next to you, resting her head on your shoulder and the girls talked with usual chatter. You looked out of the window and saw how the kids were getting out of school but something was odd. 
"Guys... why aren't there many people walking out?" you asked making everyone turn. 
"Oh, many of them got picked up and went home. Like... a lot of them. It was actually kinda scary how the parents were all panicked and screaming at the teachers," Cheche said as she scrolled through her phone. 
"What do you think is going on?" Lusher asked. 
"I have no clue. I'll ask one of my friends to see," Cheche replied. 
And they waited. Hours passed by with no response. They made it to the competition locations but to their surprise, the was a very small amount of people. 
Bada started growing worried so she approached one of the judges. 
"Do you have any idea of what is going on? Why are there so many people missing?" Bada said. 
"We haven't gotten a clear answer since this morning but apparently there is a virus going around. We have been crazy busy planning all of this but I think it's best if we cancel and you girls should go back home," he said. 
Bada was in awe. She couldn't believe she didn't know of this sooner and she put her girls in danger. 
"Grab your things. We are leaving," Bada said as she rushed to you and grabbed your bags. 
"What? Why?" Lusher said. 
"Yeah, unnie. We struggled to make it in and now you want to leave?" Cheche added in annoyance. 
"Listen, the judges are canceling the competition. We have to go now," Bada said. 
"But that's not fair! What are we going to-"
"Cheche stop it! There are bigger things going on and I have to look out for all of you. Now, let's go," Bada shouted losing her cool. 
"What do you mean?" Tatter said. 
"Apparently there is a virus going around and let's be real. If it wasn't that bad, people wouldn't be running around like crazy. Now, please let's get back home where we can be safe. Please?" the girls didn't say anything but you could see worry painted all over their faces," especially Sowoen and Cheche. 
"Okay. Let's go," Minah said and started walking toward the exit but the bus was long gone. 
"Shit... now what?" Bada gripped her head. 
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
i had an idea of m/c x vminkook where they're roommates, and drunkenly one night- the m/c confesses she writes a/b/o fiction....unaware that she's been living with three werewolves and that werewolves are even real, and that vminkook are one dynamic a peice.
just imagine beta minnie putting her to bed in jungkook's nest while she's drunk, "i think if someone scent marked me i'd moan." "can you imagine a knot minnie? i can't think of regular sex scenes anymore" (jimin- blushing- supremely aware of what taehyung's knot feels like) "seems overrated to me" taehyung twitches. barely managing to keep a straight face.
"if i got called pup i'd cry- why is dating so hard minnie? why can't a sexy alpha meet me and fall in love with my scent- what about fated mates too!!!" jimin- completely aware that the very thing happened with pack alpha tae "i don't know honey we can call you pup if you want us to 😳" very very aware that pup is something that /only/ packmates call each other.
maybe it escalates, and omega jk helps her make her 'nests' to fulfil her touch starvedness, pulling her in for omega snuggles, giggling when he licks at her chin "you're getting really into this roleplay kookie! you're such a good friend" jungkook (slicking up in his shorts because she tastes really good) "no problem!"
maybe tae starts to get more comfortable scenting her, dragging her close oblivious to the way he's drenching her in his scent so that any wolves she might meet will know she belongs to a pack already.
maybe in this universe, werewolves can be turned- but they're a little bit different- a little bit more /volatile/ when they're turned and not born. what if something really really bad happens to the m/c- like she gets lost in the woods after her car crashes and nearly dies of hypothermia- only to be found by pack alpha hobi 🥺 who has his beta namjoon turn her (only beta's can turn others) because it's very very clear from the scents leaking off of her that someone loves this human very very much, and if it was one of their pack members so hurt- he wouldn't want them to die.
Queue a very difficult pack merger when vminkook hunt her scent through the woods and find her in namjinseokgi's extensively large mountainside cabin- healing from the bite and adjusting to the change. and they have to explain to her- yes we kept it from you- no you can't be in our pack anymore because officially- you belong to hobi now...
only- why is tae's alpha rolling over on his belly when alpha jin noses at his neck? why are yoongi and jungkook building nests together? whats more is that in the first few years of being a turned wolf- she's got to get used to all the new scents and sensations 🥺 and she pretty much has to be wrapped around hobi at all times for things not to feel so scary- new instincts that feel so intense.
what with her presentation as an omega too- it makes it that much more important that she stay safe at the cabin and not return to her life in the big city, and vminkook aren't gonna give up yet 🥺 she's their pup.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
My Second Husband - By Goeulwon (9.5/10)
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It finally happened everybody! Pop the wine bottles! Somebody finally wrote a time travel yandere story correctly! Our protagonist is a rich and spoiled modern Cinderella, who falls to her death after her life spirals out of control. Now that she's 22 and single again what will she change? Who will she chose? Also, who is following her every move?
Eunha Lee.
You should hate her. Her mom is a fashion CEO. Her dad is a capable malewife. She modeled for her mother's company for many years. She married her first love, an unsuccessful actor with debt from his deadbeat father! Their relationship goes perfectly because she has money AND shockingly Taeyang is wildly talented. He's not just a boy toy. After a couple years he no longer needs Eunha Lee's generous support. He becomes a rich husband for a rich woman and they live happily...
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That's not Eunha Lee.
It's Yura. Another model who worked under Eunha's mother. Yura is the kind of woman who thinks spoiled little girls should suffer. Taeyang has been cold lately. After he got established enough to get acting jobs without her support...well...he was suddenly less affectionate. Then she finds out her famous husband is cheating. On the news. The national news.
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By the way she finds out after her beloved parents die in a car crash. They gave her everything. Love. Support. She became a lawyer because she wanted to make them proud. She wanted to be strong and independent for them, and they died. She calls her husband for days and days. He doesn't respond, and she goes to the funeral alone...and that's when news of the affair breaks.
She asks for a divorce.
She is so wrecked, sad and tired that she stands on a staircase to cry. In public.
Her legs give out, and she dies at the age of 32. Divorced and a worldwide laughingstock. The boring lawyer wife that got abandoned and left behind for a prettier model. The doormat that let her actor husband use her until she wasn't needed.
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When she wakes up she's 22 again, and she's not used to dealing with...being young. She thinks everybody is way too immature and overdramatic. Especially this Sena girl here. Sena is a petite cutie with an attitude problem. She's very pure. She doesn't like to sit next to people who smoke, because they're smelly. She wants to be a romantic and devoted girlfriend, and she wants the perfect guy.
She thinks her perfect guy is Sungwoo, the confirmed yandere in this story. Sena completely and utterly embarrasses herself. She says Eunha Lee must be leading Sungwoo on. He's soooo perfect, but she refuses to date him. Sena is willing to give him all of her love and time. She harasses Eunha...but it's really not scary. Sena is a young girl who is really bad at socializing. That's all. It's not that serious.
Sungwoo rejects her several times, and he says she has no chance.
He's been in love with Eunha Lee since he was 15 years old.
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He's got grade A daddy issues and lots of money. Not cute clothing shop money. Dirty money. His family fights alot about cash and power too. Sungwoo was...weird. Violent. He lashed out at other kids, and his family covered it up with $$$.
Eunha Lee reached out to him, and he finally learned how to have fun like a real kid at 15.
He's grateful.
She is his hero.
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Eunha Lee hates Taeyang now. Once a cheater always a cheater. She takes the chance God has given her, and she abandons her kind of boyfriend? The story starts when they're about to go on their first date. Eunha Lee is very aggressive. She flirted with Taeyang. She's the one that made him into a confident and famous actor.
She doesn't do that this time, and he quickly gives up on acting. He starts investing in stocks. He works two jobs. In one he is a waiter. In the other...
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He becomes a janitor at Eunha Lee's law school. What a coincidence! Is he obsessed? Is he a stalker? Nope!
Taeyang went back too. Now that Eunha hates him he doesn't want to he famous. He wants a stable life with money. He uses information from the future to invest, and he works two jobs to save up even more. His dad abandoned him when debt piled up. Eunha, who was his wife, has no interest in him. She stands him up when their first date rolls around. She's rude, but he can't leave her alone.
He doesn't know if he still loves her.
Did he actually cheat on her?
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A...force has been watching over Eunha Lee. A very forceful and loving force. Someone that wants Eunha Lee and only Eunha Lee to always be happy no matter what, to the point of insanity. Eunha eventually notices the presence of this force. She uses her lawyer skills to figure out who it is.
She can't accept the truth.
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Sungwoo also came back in time. He and Taeyang wished for the same thing when Eunha died. They wished for her to come back. A capricious God grants their wish, but now...the two men are at odds.
Sungwoo has always been nuts, but in his first life he felt inferior. Eunha Lee and Actor Taeyang were the perfect couple for many years. Eunha was so happy. He couldn’t ruin that. He kind of caused their marriage issues...by accident? Sungwoo is the dark force behind Eunha Lee in both of these timelines. In the first he quietly got rid of things and people in the way. She didn’t notice, because she was sheltered, but Taeyang did. Being married to Eunha was crazy stressful. One bad day could mean someone gets beat up.
Sungwoo literally tortures people who harass Eunha.
In the second timeline he tries to ruin Sena's life, just because she annoys Eunha for a while.
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Things escalate.
Sungwoo entraps a thug. The thug is in debt. Sungwoo says the debt will vanish if he murders Taeyang. The thug is no killer. He's just a coward. That's the only reason why Taeyang survives. Sungwoo really wants to get rid of him. Only Taeyang knows how evil he is. He can't hold back around Taeyang. Taeyang had the married life he wanted for 10 years. Taeyang is the weak point in his mask. That crack proves Sungwoo isn't as perfect as he looks. He looks like a golden boy who was reformed by love and friendship.
He is a criminal.
He starts dating Eunha in the second timeline, and he doesn’t tell her he also came from the future. He starts to gaslight her, and the story continues to amp up.
What did Sungwoo do in the first timeline?
Is that thing THE thing that broke Taeyang, turning him into a cold husband that made Eunha feel unloved?
Will Eunha end up with either of them?
All three characters have changed. They are not their young selves, and they're jaded.
Sungwoo used to think he was unworthy of Eunha, but now he's convinced that he's the only one who deserves her.
Eunha Lee was a kind, smart, but naive princess. Now she can see who her real enemies are. Before, she thought Yura was her best friend.
Taeyang wanted to be a shining star, but now he's over that and he just wants money.
Where does love fit in here????
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❣️! Wildcard!❣️
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Pairing : Mick Schumacher X femOC (Cherrie!)
Word count : 5.3k
Summary: Mick has scary dog privileges but instead of a scary dog it’s his girlfriend Cherrie.
Mick couldn't help but smile when the reporter said his girlfriends name, making him sit up straighter in his seat without him even realising it.
Just Cherrie's name already being mentioned made his face light up like it was Christmas , there truly was no one else that he liked to gush more about and he would take any opportunity to do so, not matter how much of a lovesick fool it made him look like.
He just couldn't help it. He was dating the woman of his dreams , who didn't want to brag about something like that?
"There has been a lot of talk online about your relationship with Cherrie Lynn , who is notoriously known as being a 'ice queen' who doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. You could say that the two of you are complete opposites when it comes to personalities , do you agree?" The man questioned him.
Just as confused as the rest of the world as to how the hell a man like mick was with a woman like Cherrie , who was the exact opposite of him in nearly every way.
And mick couldn't help but laugh a little at that question. Because he wasn't exactly wrong.
His girlfriend was known for being a blunt, obnoxious nutcase who came across as though she had no worries in the world and if she did have one, she would simply just eliminate them without batting an eyelash.
She was this cool and untouchable woman , an absolute spitfire , someone that shouldn't have even been in his league , never mind being his girlfriend .
He also knew that most people found his girlfriend to be a little too scary to handle , despite the fact that most of the other drivers had a little crush on her too .
He didn't blame them. She was so fucking beautiful that sometimes he found it hard to catch back his breath whenever she even smiled at him.
She just wasn't afraid to put anyone in their place, and if she had a problem with someone then they would be quick to know about it. Because she didn't mess around, she got shit done and simply got rid of anyone that was standing in her way.
Mick thought she was the most amazing woman in the world , even though sometimes her confidence intimidated the shit out of him too.
It only made him love her more. And everyday thag passed he could feel himself being more outspoken and confident too, as though it was a side effect of being with someone who simply didn't give a shit.
It had started to rub off on him a little , he really wasn't complaining .
So mick simply shrugged his shoulders at the mans question , still smiling at the very thought of her.
"There's no denying that we're very different but I think that's why it works so well.." he mused honestly , while tapping his fingers against the table thoughtfully .
"We balance eachother out. She helps me to be more confident in myself because if she ever see's me putting myself down she would slap me over the head and make me believe in myself till I was crying about it . She won't rest until I do.." he chuckled fondly as he recalled the way that she had looked at him with narrowed eyes when he had called himself stupid for crashing his car again and DNF'ing.
Mick had thought for a fearful moment that she was going to slap him.
She was furious. The most angry she had looked at him in a long time.
That one look had served to shut his mouth up real quick.
She had stood in front of him with her hands pressed to her hips, huffing like an angry bull at him.
And if she hadn't completely scared the shit out of him when she was pissed off, he might have laughed a little at how cute she looked with her cheeks all red and pouty lips being thrown at him. Clearly displeased.
"The only thing that's stupid is the words you're saying!" She had snapped at him.
Tough love being the way she rolled. She didn't lie to him, didn't try to sugarcoat the situation just to make him feel better.
Instead she was blunt but believing as she continued to speak.
"Yes you fucked up. And it's sucks that this has happened but you can't change what has been done." She told him seriously as she reached her hand out to push his sweaty hair away from his flustered face .
"-but what you can do is practice and learn to nail those corners better. You can change what's going to happen Mick . By becoming better and winning. So you can shove it in the stupid faces of those who have doubted you." Her voice was harsh and eyes dark but he felt himself relax at her odd way of encouraging him.
And he knew that she was right , so that's what he did.
Then the following week came by and he won. And so did Cherrie they had sprayed each other with champagne and celebrated on the podium together , Cherrie with a knowing and smug smirk on her face while mick just beamed down at her and kissed her champagne coated lips .
Overflowing with happiness and knowing that he owed his win to his tough love girlfriend who had pushed him into being greater. Who had believed in him without any hesitation even through all of his set backs .
She had his back. She always did.
The reporter smiled "a lot of people like to joke that she's more like your bodyguard than girlfriend. She seems to get herself into a awful lot of trouble over you. She reportedly had a dead pigs head delivered to the door of one of the drivers who had insulted you. Is that right?" He amusedly brought up the insane situation of ... last week.
Mick tried not to laugh, he really did but he just couldn't help it as he recalled how smug Cherrie had been when she returned home to casually inform him of her visits to the local butchers.
Having been beyond fuming when she got word of another driver smack talking her sweet boyfriend who could do no wrong in her eyes.
She knew that she couldn't just go around throwing punches like her first instinct to was, she was already in the shits for getting into a bar fight a couple of weeks ago when some drunk asshole had spilt his drink on Mick and then proceeded to try and pick a fight with him once he realised who he was.
What the asshole hadn't realised was that Cherrie went slightly bat shit crazy when anyone even dared to upset the love of her life.
So with a glare of fury in her eyes, she had simply picked up a barstool and threw it at the asshole's head , knocking him straight out on the sticky floor.
Then she had grabbed ahold of Mick who had been frozen in shock with wide eyes as he gaped at her in amazement , before quickly dragging him out of there before she could get them in to any more trouble.
It was also the night that she learned that her boyfriend found her knocking out guys twice her size incredibly hot.
He hadn't let her leave the bed the whole weekend.
Mick pursed his lips to try and hide his grin at the pigs head reminder .
"That has nothing to do with Cherrie . She wouldn't do that." He blatantly lied .
She would do that.
That was exactly something that she would do. She was beyond petty when somebody pissed her off.
So mick hasn't felt too surprised when she admitted to him that she had bought a pigs head from the butchers and gift wrapped it for the driver who has insulted him so carelessly.
She had been so casual about it too, simply pulling an unimpressed face . Still pissed off as she told him "that if he wanted to act like a stupid pig then she was going to get him one." Then she had smirked like the mean little bitch she was and added.
"Plus it'll be good for him to see what happens to unlucky pigs like him. He won't be saying a bad word about you anymore.." she had wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned up at him like she was an innocent Angel.
Devil in disguise . He had thought amusedly when he gazed down at her Angel like face with a shake of his head .
It always was the prettiest ones that were the most crazy.
"Otherwise I'll turn him into that poor pig." The threat was a casual promise .
Mick had sighed in utter adoration as he picked up his crazy girl and took her back to bed.
She was scary as fuck but holy fuck did she turn him on when she got like this.
Mick then continued to answer the reporter again.
"I think it's funny that they all call her my bodyguard because they're not wrong." He breathed out a slightly shy laugh at the reminder of who wore the pants .
Usually it was the man in the relationship that played the over protective role but Cherrie beat him to that by a long shot.
He was the lover in their relationship while she was definitely the fighter.
He would be the one stood back with his nails between his teeth biting down on them like a nervous squirrel while his girlfriend pushed him back and confidently told him that 'she would handle it.' By that she meant that she was going to go absolute apeshit.
She didn't even let him walk on the outside of the path either .
Instead she would grab ahold of his waist and yank him over to the inside of the path instead , keeping her body closest to the road while he shot her a unimpressed look. Despite the way he would flush red at her protectiveness .
Because at the end of the day all of her actions only
Made him love her more . Because she loved him and she wasn't afraid to show it.. in her own little unique way.
Most couples showed affection by holding hands or saying sweet things to each other.
Not Cherrie.
She showed him her love for him by storming into the hairdressers after they had fucked in his hair so badly that they had left him with a small bald patch at the back of his head.
Mick hadn't complained , too shy and uncomfortable to cause any drama. That just wasn't his thing. He had been ready to just deal with it and spend the next few weeks wearing his hats again till it grew back.
But his girlfriend had took one look at his hair and shook her head in pure disbelief .
Then he had turned around and she had been gone. Poof! Apparently fury made her run like a trackstar.
By the time that he had catched up to her again He had found her in the barbers with a hair clipper in her hands as she threatened to shave off the hair of the man that had done this mess to her sweet boyfriend.
Mick had to actually throw her over his shoulder and haul her away like a naughty child after she refused to stop waving the clippers in their scared face's. Giving a apologetic grimace to them as she continued to call them every curse word under the sun, even after they had left.
Huffing and puffing about how she had it 'all handled' and that 'she wasn't actually going to do it.'
Mick had rose his brows at her in pure amusement , laughing at the blatant lie she gave him before leaning over the car console and giving her a kiss.
So overwhelmed with love for his little psycho that always had his back , no matter what.
"I like that she's so protective of me. It means that I never have to worry about anything because Cherrie will sort it out for me ." He said , grinning happily.
Laughing to himself as he thought about how their date night a couple of weeks ago had gone .
They had been dining at some expensive restaurant that was ridiculously overpriced for the small portion of food that they were given.
The kind of dishes where you would have to order about six of them to actually feel full by the end of it.
Cherrie had ordered a chicken salad while he had went with the pasta without mushrooms , because mushrooms always gave him a rash and made him sick.
So when his plate had finally been put down in front of him after a ridiculously long waiting time , showcasing pasta with plenty of mushrooms throughout it , he had just sighed in defeat.
Not bothering to tell the waiter their mistake before he walked away.
He had started scraping them to the side of the plate with his fork, resigned to just eat the pasta that the mushrooms hadn't touched before Cherrie had finally noticed what he was doing.
Her eyes narrowing in confusion as she looked between his upset frown and then at his mushroom ridden plate.
"What the fuck? You told them no mushrooms!" She had exclaimed . Pulling the plate away from him aa though she was afraid he was just going to get sick from just looking at them.
Mick had hushed at her, telling her to keep her voice down. Not wanting to cause a scene.
Which he should have known was impossible, he had momentarily forgotten who his girlfriend was.
"It's no big deal I'll just-" he tried to calm her down but he should have known better really. Their was no way she would let this slide.
She had merely rolled her eyes at him and called over the waiter again. Ignoring him hissing at her not to do it with panic written all across his face.
"Cherrie- I'll just eat the pasta that the mushrooms haven't touched! It's not a big deal!" He had tried to persuade her quickly .
She had looked at him like he was the insane one. Glancing down at his tiny plate in disbelief.
"What? The last three pieces of pasta that'll be left? You paid a fucking fortune for this shit Mick. It's bad enough that it's only a baby sized portion. I'm not letting you waste your money like this." She had stubbornly shot back at him before plastering a smile onto her face once the waiter had reached their take again.
Mick couldn't meet his eyes. Instead he played with a napkin in his hands, flushing red as he tried to disappear from his seat, slumping his body down and wondering if he could fit under the table till it was over.
"He asked for no mushrooms. He's deathly allergic." She exaggerated to the concerned waiter without any shame . Nodding towards his plate with a deep frown of her own .
Mick had glared at her , more than flustered.
The waiter looked mortified "deathly?" Before quickly picking up the plate from in front of him with a rush of apologies already escaping his mouth .
Mick had grimaced "I wouldn't say deathly-" he had started muttering , hating himself for feeling a little amused at how serious she had made herself look within seconds .
You would think that they had just tried to deliberately poison him from the look on her pretty face. Most of which he knew that she was definitely putting on.
There was nothing that his girlfriend loved more than being an impromptu actor at his expense .
Mick was sure that she just enjoyed making people uncomfortable.
She thought it was funny to see people shit themselves over things she said , because his girlfriend was an absolute menace to society.
"I would. He almost died last time from just touching a mushroom on accident. Never mind being given a plate full of them. " She had cut him off with a dramatic flare of her eyes . Even sniffling for added affect.
Clearly Trying not to laugh As she peered over at him in 'concern' , stroking his arm gently in comfort as though he too was traumatised from an I didn't that never even happened.
Mick could see the way her lips twitched once she saw the annoyed look on his face, shaking his head at the way she had absolutely No shame .
In the end he has been given a new, larger plate of pasta without mushrooms.
Alongside a slice of chocolate cake as the owner came out to apologise and tell them that the whole dinner was on the house.
Cherrie had been more than smug as she ate the free cake with a pleased little hum. Mick just rolling his eyes at her playfully , unable to scold her .
Because at the end of the day she had scored them a free date worth hundreds.
He couldn't even get mad when she started 'proposing' to him in expensive restaurants with a plastic ring she had found on the floor one time while they were out on walk together.
Having learnt that they would give free dessert out whenever someone proposed in their restaurant.
Mick had known that she would pull a stunt like that since the moment he watched his girlfriends eyes light up when her friend had did the same thing . Only their proposal had been real.
Cherrie didn't care though , she just wanted free cake.
Hence the tradition was born of her proposing to him at every five star restaurant that there was.
She got them free cake and he got to play pretend with her for a couple hours as he daydreamed about what it would be like when they finally did get engaged and married.
So, he really couldn't complain.
Despite the short flush of embarrassment he would feel when she got down on one knee and loudly started reading out some disgustingly cheesy poem to him in front of everyone while he tried not to cry tears of laughter and give their charade up.
Mick smiled brightly and tilted his head as he continued to gush about his loca girlfriend.
"Plus I know I'm a hundred percent safe when she's with me. She really isn't afraid of anything or anyone. No matter how scary the situation is , she doesn't ever hesitate to sort it out." He mused fondly to the reporter.
Hearts In his eyes as he recalled their visit to her small hometown.
The night that he realised that his girlfriend really was untouchable to anyone but him.
They had been taking a late night walk around her hometown where she had showed him all the spots that she spent her time at as a little kid. Even showing him the spot where she had broken all of her fingers after punching a boy for calling her a freak .
Mick had been having the time of his life , laughing at all the stories she told him of all the trouble that she got into when she was younger . And about how she had to move to three different schools because she kept getting suspended all the time.
Mick wasn't surprised at all. It seemed that his girlfriend had been a troublemaker since the day she was born.
He could only hope that when they had kids of their own together , that they wouldn't be as much of a nutcase as she was.
They had been hovering by his car , just chatting and looking up at the stars in the sky when he had spotted a man with a balaclava slowly edging towards them. Clearly wanting his expensive car.
He had cursed at himself for parking in such a darkened street.
Unfortunately Where Cherrie had grown up was known for its high crime and terrible violence . As well as plenty of car jacks .
It was why she had grown up to be so fucking tough, she had no choice to be.
He had felt his heart race in his chest with panic as he tried to subtly judge Cherrie to warn her of their impending attack , still keeping his eye intently on the man that he now noticed had a small hammer in his hand as well.
Jesus Christ . Fuck!
He almost passed out right there and then . He wasn't equipped for this at all! He had never even punched someone before! What the hell was be going to do?
"There's a man coming to the side of us with a hammer in his hand. What do we do?!" He had hissed at her underneath his breath in pure panic, sweat already beading at his hairline in fear.
He had almost gasped out loud when Cherrie had simply rose her brow at him before turning around so that she was facing the man as well.
Not even flinching at the sight in front of her .
"Cherrie-" he had almost wheezed. "Don't-"
His girlfriend simply let out a annoyed sigh and popped the boot of his car open casually while mick looked between the man that was quickly approaching and his girlfriend in fear.
Not understanding how she looked so fucking calm when they might have been about to get murdered by some maniac in a balaclava.
But what he had stupidly forgotten for a moment in his panic , was that his girlfriend was also fucking crazy. That she had grown up surrounded by situations  like this.
She also was the youngest of three older brothers and a father who had a career as a underground fighter when he was younger.
She knew how to defend herself . Knew how to scare even the strongest of man.
So he shouldn't have been as shocked as he was when she let out a loud laugh and grinned at the man brightly .
"Don't even try it bitch! Unless you want to lose all the bones in your pathetic body!" She had almost sang. Hand grabbing something from inside his trunk that he couldn't see.
Mick had thought that he was about to have a heart attack then .
Unable to believe that she was crazy enough to square up to a man with a hammer.
The man clearly thought so too as he scoffed out w laugh at them , holding up his hammer threateningly in their direction .
Mick took a step closer to Cherrie till their sides were pressed together , feeling faint and a little like he was going to be sick.
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it you little bitch? Flick your hair at me?" He had stupidly mocked her , waving his hammer at them tauntingly .
Cherrie had just laughed even harder and then proceeded to casually pull out a sledgehammer from the boot of the car . One that he had definitely not put in there .
Making his eyes widen in disbelief as he wondered when the hell she had put that in his car. It hasn't been there the last time he had checked!
Holding up the biggest hammer he had ever seen in his life , she took a step towards the man with a amused giggle escaping her when he suddenly started to back off.
Looking rapidly between the sledgehammer in her steady hands and the tiny hammer in his shaking ones.
It was obvious who would win that fight.
"Well bitch my hammer is bigger than yours! I was thinking about using it anyways to see if it works good , so really you'll be doing me a lovely favour!" She had lifted his the hammer at the criminal threateningly .
More than Happy to have the opportunity to hit him with it.
The man ran off before mick could even form any words . Not that he felt like he was able to then, utterly speechless by what he had just witnessed.
All he was able to do was sag against the side of his car in pure relief as he placed a shaky hand over his pounding heart , gaping up at his girlfriend in pure disbelief .
She was still shouting and cursing out the man , even though he was long gone now . Not ounce ounce of fear or worry on her pretty face.
She just looked annoyed . Irritated that their stargazing had been interrupted so rudely .
"Fucking coward! Just wait till I find out which asshole you are! I'll break your legs and then tell your mama about what you did!" She yelled out loudly to the now empty streets.
Her childhood town was small enough that she knew nearly everyone that lived there. Mick had no doubt in his mind that she would figure out who did it by the end of the week.
She always did.
In the meantime he cautiously approached her and then carefully took the sledgehammer from her hands , swallowing audibly as he eyed the furious expression on her face.
Taking in deep breaths to try and calm himself down.
Realising then that if he didn't have his fucking fearless girlfriend with him , who was ready to hammer a mans head in with no hesitation , he would have been absolutely screwed.
He had then kissed her till his jaw ached and his fingers went numb from the cold.
Murmuring over and over again about how much he loved her. Sweet nothings against her lips as his heart finally settled back to peace .
His mind only thinking one thing then.
She was the one .
No doubt about it she was his ride or die.
Which was why he had burst into happy tears when he woke up up one morning with his head lying on her bare chest and a new gold engagement ring on his finger that she must have slipped on him during the night sometime .
Peering up through his wet lashes to see that Cherrie was already smiling down at him affectionally with a matching ring on her finger too.
Gently stroking his hair away from his face as she kissed away his tears , the both of them laughing a little breathlessly when he tilted up his chin and kissed her like it was the first time all over again.
With stampedes of butterfly's and the whole damn zoo filing his stomach and chest as he cried, so utterly in love that he didn't know what to do with himself.
So he just kissed her instead .
"We're getting married during the summer." She whispered to him a little time later after he had showed her how much he loved her without words needing to be spoken.
Sweaty and dazed , with his head back on her heaving chest as they both tried to catch their breath back from their sudden workout .
He had just laughed , smiling like a fool in love as he whispered back a truthful,
"I can't wait." Unable to help himself from teasing
"I'm surprised you didn't do it at a restaurant. We missed out on free cake!" He chuckled amusedly .
Cherrie just smirked mischievously , giggling sweet as she held him close , gently drawing patterns on his back as he kissed at every piece of soft skin that his mouth could reach without moving his body from ontop of her, too lazy to move.
"Reservations at six." She then informed him cheekily , meeting his amused gaze square on.
Unashamed as always. Free cake was free cake.
"You ready to be proposed to again?"
Mick sighed as though it was going to be such hard work sitting there looking pretty in his seat while she got down onto one knee and publicly declare her love for him.
Unable to stop laughing as he buried his face Into her neck with a grin, beyond happy.
"Suppose so. At least it'll be half real this time."
Cherrie smirked "it was always real those were just practice . But then I realised that you don't need me making a scene for the real thing.." she admitted to him, unashamed .
"Plus I already knew your answer." She arrogantly added as an after thought .
Making him snort out another laugh, pinching her side till she slapped his hand away with a giggle.
"Am I that obvious?" He whined a little, embarrassed by how unsubtle he was about his feelings for her.
He still blushed like a teenager with his first crush whenever she was near . Unable to look away from her when she was doing the most simple of things.
She took his breath away and Mick was convinced that with every day that passed by , she was getting more and more beautiful by the second .
Meanwhile the love of his life was the coolest and most unbothered woman he had ever met . The two of them couldn't have been more different if they tried , yet it worked .
It worked so fucking well. The way that they balanced each other out the love between them never faded , never dimmed.
It only intensified . He hadn't known it was possible to love somebody so much until he had her in his arms , smiling her dimpled smile at him like she could do no wrong.
Cherrie just smiled fondly down at him , gently stroking his cheekbones with her fingertips .
Smiling to herself when she watched goosebumps spread across his skin from her light touch.
"every time I touch you your face goes red. Even after all this time." She informed him as though he didn't already know of that fact , utterly flattered by his reaction to her .
Mick just chuckled and shyly shrugged his shoulders , blowing a raspberry between her breasts to make her laugh again.
Then he rested his chin on her chest and smiled . His eyes tracing over her perfect face . The face that he was going to wake up to for the rest of his life.
Kissing down The soft slope of her nose and the freckles across her cheeks.
The way her eyes were so warm and inviting when she looked at him , her perfect lips quirked in a soft smile that she only ever gave him.
"Because I'm in love you and you make me happy. You're the most beautiful woman in the world. Of course I'm gonna go red." He murmured against her skin. Snuggling Into her body , craving her embrace .
Cherrie just tilted her chin down and kissed him again.
No words needing to be exchanged as he intertwined his fingers with hers so that their engagement rings were pressed against each other before he rolled her to be back underneath him again.
All the while wondering to himself how he had managed to get this fucking lucky.
And when his birthday rolled around and he found himself gazing into his girlfriends eyes while he blew out the candles .
He made a wish.
I want our love to last forever.
Then he blew out the candles and kissed her to the sound of their friends cheering.
The both of them laughing breathlessly against each other's lips as she whispered that she loved him over and over again.
Mick promised to himself that he would make sure that his wish came true .
She was his life. His soul and his Heart, he was never going to let their love go to waste.
The kind of love they had was rare , one that came around only once in a blue moon.
And he was going to treasure it like he treasured her.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Dreams of sharp teeth - Halloween
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This story was written for @viking-raider's HALLOWEEN-KINKTOBER CHALLENGE. 🎃
This story was also written for @navybrat817 & @darkficsyouneveraskedfor 𝕹𝖆𝖛𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕽𝖔𝖔 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙: 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜’𝖘 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖘 - I used the following tropes:
An unwanted houseguest
Power outage
A string of unexplained deaths
Summary: People disappear in your sleepy town.
Work Name/Title: Dreams of sharp teeth
Author: Holylulusworld
Fandom: Henry Cavill (MI & Night hunter)
Ship: Werewolf!Walter Marshall x fem!Reader x Werewolf!August Walker
Square filled for @halloweenhorrorbingo: Square 3: Wouldn't even harm a fly.
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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Halloween was always special to you. The costumes, carving pumpkins, and watching scary movies with your boyfriend.
Sadly, you are not allowed to leave your house tonight to watch the kids raid candy and have a few drinks with your friends. 
A string of unexplained deaths keeps people in your sleepy little town awake. It’s not unusual for people to die or get killed in accidents. But these days, people disappear and never get found. 
The few that got found were missing something important. Their hearts. That’s very unusual and concerning. Especially when the worst crime ever happening in your sleepy towns was when a few teenagers stole a car and crashed it. 
Your boyfriend is somewhere across the country, and you are alone in the empty house, feeling a little under the weather as you caught a cold from one of the kids at the local library where you’re working at.
It feels like the hours passed by in a blink, and dusk falls soon after you dragged yourself out of bed. You yawn and try to get your legs to obey. 
It’s a struggle but you manage to walk inside the kitchen to make some coffee.
You hate the dark liquid, but you are scared to fall asleep since the killings started - like everyone else in town. If only you can stay awake until dawn, the nightmares will go away.
The monotone noise the coffee brewer makes lures you into sleep again. Your eyes feel heavy, and you yawn once again. “I need to stay awake,” you remind yourself as you remember the dream you had last night.
Teeth - sharp and deadly haunt your dreams. And voices. Deep voice luring you in, calling for you in the darkness. They say your name and promise a life beyond your imagination.
Watching the coffee run into the cup you sigh. If only you could sleep for a few hours. It’s all you want and need. Your migraine is getting worse with every hour you force yourself to stay awake and you are so tired it’s painful.
“Just a few more hours,” you take a large sip of the bitter brew. “Hang on, Y/N. The curfew will be over soon. They will hunt the wolves killing the people in town down, and you can go back to your normal life.”
You chuckle as you realize that you tend to talk to yourself lately. With no one around, and no chance to leave the house, you are stuck here with too many thoughts running through your mind.
Maybe watching a movie will take your mind off the current situation in your town. You walk back inside your living room, searching for the remote control to switch the TV on. As you plop down onto the sofa, you groan as your bad knee cracks again.
“You’re getting old, Y/N,” you chuckle to yourself. “That’s payback for all the times you made fun of your mother for complaining about her age, and the little aches and pains that come with it.”
You take another sip of your coffee and switch to another channel. Horror movies are out of the question. The horror you experience in your dreams is enough. 
Switching channels, you try to find anything else to watch but a horror movie. You sigh, as you end up watching a talk show. 
Between sipping at the unwanted coffee and watching nonsense on TV you try not to fall asleep. Eyes trained on the tv you try to follow the conversation going on between the host and their guests. It’s boring but distracts you from the nightmare you had.
“It’s not that bad,” you lie to yourself while listening to the show. You are about to laugh about something the host said when the TV turns black. “NO!” All the lights go out, and you are sitting in darkness. 
Not another power outage. That’s the last thing you need right now. Fear grips your heart hearing noise come from outside your house. You grab your phone and run toward the front door to double-check if you locked it.
It’s locked, and you feel a little safer. Next is the back door, and all the windows. You almost run upstairs to check on your bedroom window, only to find it closed too.
“Y/N, you need to calm down,” you tell yourself once again. It’s hard to remain calm while people in town disappear, and die, though. “Relax. This is only another power outage. Nothing will happen to you.”
It doesn’t matter that your doors are locked. You walk back inside the kitchen and get the biggest knife you own. Your boyfriend will call you paranoid or crazy when he comes back, but you don’t care.
Better safe than sorry.
You walk back upstairs when someone knocks at your door. It’s in the dead of the night, and you don’t want to open the door. 
But what if one of your neighbors is in trouble? 
Maybe Mrs. Sinclair, a widow who can barely walk. Or Annie, from three houses down, a nurse with a heart of gold. You cannot ignore them, not if someone is in trouble.
Turning back around, the knife still in your hands you silently walk down the stairs. You’re a good neighbor, but you don’t want whoever is standing in front of your door to know that you are at home.
You look through the peephole, frowning because you can’t see shit.
“Hi, miss. I’m Walter from across the street. Your new neighbor. I mean we moved to town some months ago, but I wasn’t around much lately.”
“Walter,” you whisper and try to remember the people who moved into the only vacant house in your neighborhood.
“Walter Marshall, miss. I was checking on the neighbors if anyone needs help,” he says. “I’m with the police.”
“I locked the doors, and my boyfriend is here with me,” you don’t know why you lie to Walter, but you do. “He checks the windows. We are good, really.”
He chuckles darkly, and you step away from the door. “Sweetie, we both know you are all alone. I can hear your heart racing and smell your fear.”
Smell your fear? How’s that even possible?
You only know one thing for sure - that you won’t open the door for him. No matter what. You step backward, almost knocking the small coffee table next to your couch over as he knocks again. 
“Sweetie, open the door. It will make things so much easier for you and us.”
“Go away,” you shiver as he knocks again, louder this time. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I can’t,” he almost sounds sorry. “Y/N, you are not having a cold. Didn’t you ask yourself why so many people died after you got scratched by the kid in the library?”
You shake your head. How can he know about the incident and your cold?
“We know because we were there that day,” another voice says. You feel his hands on you, holding your trembling body in a tight grip. His strong arms wrap around your body. “Let us help you before you hurt more people. It’s not your fault. We should’ve been there to guide you through this.”
“August, go easy on her. She doesn’t know,” your eyes widen when the front door opens. You are sure you locked it and now your neighbor invades your home. “Hold her tight, we need to bring her to the basement before the moon rises again. She cannot control her powers yet.”
“What do you want? Let me go! Now,” you grow and snarl in Walter’s direction. You don’t know what’s wrong with you. “I’ll kill you.”
“I know you are confused,” August whispers in your ear. “But you need to listen to us. The kid that bit you wasn’t a normal child. It was our cousin’s boy and a werewolf. He cannot control his instinct.”
“He’s a good boy. Usually, he wouldn't even harm a fly. But the full moon was close, and you tried to take the book out of his hands. We are sorry, but you are one of us now,” Walter steps closer to cup your face. “You need to come with us before you hurt more people.”
“So far, we were able to cover your attacks. If you run around town and attack more people, they will find out about our secret, and we cannot let this happen.”
“I don’t…understand. I was at the library and then I…” you frown. “I lost track of time. My boyfriend…I need to call him. I…”
“Sweetie,” Walter tries to calm you. Your eyes glow, and you snap your teeth in his direction. “This is going to be hard to stomach but...”
August holds you a little tighter before he says, “He was your first victim…”
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! This is the end of this year's kinktober.
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heyy i have a request for the steve x dove universe bcos it’s literally my favourite thing atm
could u possibly do something like where their at a party and someone tries something on reader and they’re really pushy about it even though she keeps saying no. obvs steve cannot have anyone touching or upsetting his sweetest girl so gets the guy to go away. while steve is dealing with the guy maybe reader starts having a panic attack because that guy had really scared her and robin tries to comfort her but obvs the only person capable of that is steve. when steve’s done w the guy he notices how distressed reader is and just comforts her, holds her and just FLUFF.
i got this idea because i noticed how protective of r steve is and i thought this would be a good example of it😍😍🩷🩷🩷🩷
sorry it took a few days ! also this is not proofread because it is three am so my apologies.
warning! this contains depictions of harassment and a panic attack. if this is not something you feel like you can read right now, please please click away. there is no shame in setting boundaries with yourself. there are lots of other stories. please be safe <3
the lights in the house were an array of purples and blues. robin’s friend threw a party, and robin insisted that dove and steve both come so she wouldnt be alone. dove dances as much as she can, but after about an hour she ends up crashing into steves chest. theyre leaned against the wall, and steves hands are covering her ears from the loud music.
“stevie, gonna go get some water. ill be right back.”
he expected her to stay in his line of vision, and by the time she disappeared around the corner into the kitchen, he was in panic mode. the party housed a few unsavory characters, and his dove’s shyness could lead to disaster.
in the kitchen dove had asked the hostess where the water resided, and she had kindly gotten her a glass of water, making sure to fill it in front of her so she knew it wasnt tampered with.
unfortunately, the hostess was called away, and a man around five to ten years older than dove entered the kitchen. she offered a small smile, and he took that as an invitation in his drunken state.
“hey pretty thing” he slurred.
she ignored him, and tried to exit the room, only for him to grab her hand.
“where y’ goin? you don’t want to hang out with me, baby? if you didn’t want the attention you shouldve picked a different dress.”
she ripped her hand away, and she knew the only way to get him to back off would be to mention steve. men like this respect women not as people, but as property.
“i have a boyfriend. hes looking for me.”
“not very hard, he left you here with me.”
in the distance she see steves head of hair frantically searching the house for the kitchen, and as the man kept babbling about nonsense and trying to grab her waist, she yelled his name.
his head shot to where he heard her voice, catching her eye instantly.
“help,” she mouthed.
dove had never seen a man move so quickly in her life. it seemed a second before steve stood tall between them. he held her behind him, and dove knew that he would have to be scary. she closed her eyes and gripped onto his arm.
after many words were spoken, mostly from steve, the other man merely slurred nonsense. he pushed the stranger into the shelves behind him before escorting dove out of the room.
“it’s okay, it’s okay, i’m here, i’ve got you, we’re gonna go home,” he whispered assuringly as he guided her out of the crowded room, trying to ignore the urge to go back and hurt the stranger, knowing it would scare her more. he was plagued with guilt and fear. guilt that he had let her out of his sight. the sobs come from his dove quickly. he helps her into the back seat of his car and locks the doors.
“hey, hey, look at me, youre okay, tell me what happened” he said, his voice shaking.
“nothing,” she says breathlessly, “nothing bad- just-“ her breathing becomes panicked, and the words arent forming. she had told him about her panic attacks before, but he had never seen her experience one. luckily he had done research.
“panic attack” she forced out between short breaths. the air couldnt reach her lungs, at least it felt like it couldnt. steve was panicking, trying to regulate her breathing. trying to soothe while also digging through his center console for an inhaler.
“hey, look at me, try to take a deep breath with me. i know, i know its hard, i just need you to try.” he said, taking her hand and placing it on his chest, breathing in a long breath and watching her struggle to do the same. but after three breaths she was calm enough that steve could help her with the inhaler.
once her breath returned to her, she buried her face into his chest, apologizing profusely.
“you dont need to be sorry. you did nothing wrong.” he repeated the phrase like a mantra while he rocked her back and forth.
she looked up at him. “i love you”
“i love you too. so much. you feel better?”
“yeah i- he was just being scary and he kept- grabbing me and he wouldn’t let me pass. i- it just- it freaked me out.”
“im so sorry honey. are you hurt? i shouldve went after you.” he whispered.
“no! you didnt do anything wrong. im not hurt, just got scared.”
“yeah? how about i take us home and we can order food, maybe watch a movie or something? and then we can talk about it tomorrow morning if you want to.”
“yes please”
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