#<- new tag I gotta add to the pinned post I guess
silvers-starrway · 3 months
AHHHH Finally finished the first bit of writing for this au! If you wanna learn how Shadow meets Mari then this is it! It's still very weird posting to AO3 so here's to hoping it all worked out alright.
Words: 2,642
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weirdcelebi · 3 months
Pinned Post
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um, hi. my name is lotus harmonia. but you can just call me lottie. i’m celebi’s… chosen, or whatever. i mostly made this account to keep this stupid fairy thing from getting bored but i guess i’ll document my journey here. or my brother will because he enjoys that kind of thing more than me.
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Hi everyone! I’m Royce Harmonia, aspiring photographer and huge Bug-Type enthusiast! Me and my sister are from a small region called Laeros. Oh, and our Celebi buddy is a Laerosan Celebi, so if you’re wondering why it looks different, that’s why!
I’m fifteen, and Lottie is thirteen. If you’re wondering what a couple of kids are doing running around by themselves then, uh- well, long story short, we’re time travelers! We jump from timeline to timeline with Celebi’s powers, where we explore and document each new version of our world we discover. Don’t worry- we’re super careful not to mess anything up! We can even visit your timeline and hang out, if you’d like!
We each sign off with our own respective emotes. Lotus’ is, well, a lotus, mine is a crown, and Celebi’s is an hourglass. But we all kinda have our distinct typing styles so it’s pretty easy to distinguish who’s who! But just in case we’ll add in the tags whoever’s speaking.
Anyways, that’s all you really gotta know about us! Can’t wait to start sharing our adventures here!!
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(( some of you might recognize these two, and if you don’t basically they’re N and Blake’s future kids! you can view their parents’ blogs here: @pinkhairandpokemon @thunderblessedhero
I like and follow from @flightmare-kid!
-ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW. Both characters are minors.
-Pelipper Mail is on!
-Pelliper MALICE is on!
-Any other variant of Pelipper Mail is on too! Like “Musharna Mail” and stuff like that.
-IN CHARACTER hate anons are permitted.
-Magic anons are on, but if it’s something I don’t feel like doing I’ll postpone answering it or just ignore/delete it.
For some reason I can’t link the picrew I used to make the kids’ photos so I’ll try again later hhh ;-; ))
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I’ve seen lot of people making this pinned-post thing and I figured I should hop on the boat too.
So, without further ado!:
Hi. I’m Rogue, but you can also call me Kelly if you want to. Either works! But I do have a tagging system that refers to me as “Rogue”, so if that’s easier for you, then feel free to stick with that.
Some of my bigger tags include:
#rogue speaks – me speaking in general on a topic. I use this fairly often, at least while I’m active.
#rogue writes – this includes pretty much everything I’ve written creatively here, from one-part ficlets to full-blown AUs and everything in between, including writings that got inspired by asks and writings with my OCs involved. (If you’re looking for the JSE medieval fantasy AU I made, here’s the table of contents!)
#rogue theory – the more recent of these will pretty much be solely for JSE ego content, and I make new ones as new stuff comes out. It’s not too often anymore, but I really enjoy theorizing, and honestly that’s potentially a reason you’re here right now.
#rogue edit – visual and/or audio edits that I make, since I lack most artistic ability. Feel free to browse them!
Some other things you should know about me:
Feel free to tag me in mass tag posts, but if I don’t respond quickly (or at all) to it, please don’t be offended or worried. I truly don’t mean anything by it– I have ADHD and social anxiety, so I most likely either got nervous about it or simply forgot to respond and now it’s awkwardly too late. I still love you, I’m just a dumbass.
If you wanna DM me anything, all you gotta do is hit send. Again, I may forget to respond or get overwhelmed as with the tag posts, but I still care, and if you need me, just say the word.
Ditto for asks. My inbox is ALWAYS open for interaction– you just may have to be a little patient, because I do work a lot and it honestly depends on the content of your ask. Hit me up though!!
I use the pronouns she/her!
You can also find me on Twitter. I don’t tweet much, but I’m there if you want to reach out. My @ is BrokenTimeRogue!
I have a few sideblogs too. @rogues-gaming-sideblog is where I post the occasional update in my gaming exploits, and @rogue-exiles is where I randomly put some stuff for my OCs. There are more, but they’re not too important, so I’ll leave them out for now.
I also stream on Twitch! Here's a link to my channel, if you feel like following; I don't have a particular schedule set, but I do try to post here with some advance notice when I know a date/time I'll be streaming. I'm trying to find a better balance with my job so that I can actually do this more, but for now, it's the occasional thing.
If for some odd reason anyone out there feels like supporting me in a different way, I also now have a Ko-fi. I don't know why anyone would give me anything there, but I guess if you feel so inclined, it's something.
That’s just about it, for now at least. If there’s anything else you wanna know or think I should add to this, let me know!
-Rogue/Kelly 💙
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 11: Discharge Plan
Characters: Captain Syverson x OFC (Shane Dawson)
Summary: The highs of Shane and Sy’s first weekend as a couple are followed up by some big news from Sy, leading to our couple’s first fight.
Don’t miss a session! Click here to catch up on this story or explore my other works!
Word Count: 2.7
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, smut, sort of unprotected sex, rough-ish sex, angst, alcohol consumption,
Author’s Note: First off, I wanna talk about the word “victuals.” I’ve loved this word for a long time, even though it makes no sense, phonetically as it actually rhymes with the “fiddles” or “riddles.”(It’s true, look it up!) It’s very pastoral and somewhat archaic, so you don’t hear it too much anymore in current writing about the present, but I just felt like Sy would say it. Secondly, it was really hard for me to put my darlings through the argument in this chapter. I want them to have only happy times…but that provides no tension or motivation for story development…and I want to keep writing them more than I want them to be happy… I guess I finally understand why authors torture their characters! Lol! It might take a bit of time for me to sort out what their relationship looks like adding the distance factor, but I have some ideas that might work. Also, it might be an opportunity to do a bit more of Sy’s perspective, which I thoroughly enjoy, and may go back and fill in some blanks for him in between chapters I’ve already done. I hope you all enjoy this installment of the Treatment of Captain Syverson! Feedback in any form is always appreciated!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
The rest of the weekend was spent in blissful relaxation. Sy went to his place to feed Aika and bring her over at Shane's insistence. The dog had been slightly standoffish with her, but Sy assured her that it was in her nature to be aloof, and that she needed to be engaged or instructed to behave more doglike.
"It's her training. She's still a soldier. It's hard for us to shake those habits. Like me calling you 'ma'am' at first."
"She's another die hard. I respect that." she chuckled, scratching Aika behind her perked ears, and eliciting pants of contentment from her.
Sy's skills with a spatula were unmatched. That was to say, he made the best pancakes she'd ever had. They almost didn't need syrup…almost. They ordered an obscene amount of Chinese takeout which lasted them about three meals each. Sunday evening, though, which had a gloom to it no matter the circumstances, required some comfort food. They agreed on pasta, so Shane made up some of her famous alfredo sauce and probably twice the recommended portion of pasta for two humans to consume. There were no leftovers. Sy had three helpings, himself. Three heaping bowls of it. Shane couldn't handle more than one and a half servings, even though she wanted to gorge herself. She knew too much would make her ill.
When they weren't eating, the were cuddling on the couch, or in Shane's bed. They watched more Parks and Rec, and a few other films and shows that Sy requested, just to break things up. Their bodies were constantly wrapped in each other, leading to frequent bouts of making out, fooling around, and sex in almost every room of the house.
Her favorite had been the shower. She insisted on getting cleaned up, but Sy had objections.
"I'll be less than ten minutes, come on, I reek! You can't wanna kiss me when I smell like this!" she said, trying to shut the bathroom door on the human mack truck before her. Broad and formidable.
"You smell like sex, and…me, darlin. I've never wanted to kiss you more," he said, backing her up toward the shower doors. "but I guess if you must. Lemme help, though." he pulled open the glass door, forcing her into his captivating kiss, and maneuvering her backward into the walk-in, stone tile shower. He pulled off her tank top, capturing her breasts in his hands and mouth for a moment before kneeling to remove her shorts and kiss her thighs. He pulled himself away too quickly and started the water flowing.
"Sy, you're fully dressed!" he was barefoot, but otherwise, in jeans and her favorite of his tees. The letters DILLIGAF across a skull, black on red. She always laughed on the inside when she saw it. Because although Sy often had to put on a calloused and brusque act when he'd been an officer in the Army, he was terribly soft and sweet when the occasion called for it. The irony being that although he didn't look like he gave a fuck, he actually did.
"I've got more clothes in the truck and you've got a dryer." he maneuvered her under the pulsing stream of the showerhead. "Gotta get you wet." he let the water run through her hair as he reached for her shampoo, a coconutty concoction that reminded her of summer, squeezed a bit into his hand, and lathered it up. He worked the suds into her wet hair gently, raking his nails across her scalp in a way that excited and ignited every atom in her. She sighed at his touch which made him groan with need.
He tilted her head back to rinse the lather out and reached for the conditioner. He was a bit more generous with it than strictly necessary, but she didn't protest. He pulled her hair forward in two sections, one over each shoulder and worked the emollient into the strands. His hands slick from the product, he ran them over her breasts and her abdomen and hips…between her legs. There her own arousal was primed to combine with the tropical unction. She gasped as he worked his fingers over her, slow at first, but speeding up, only to slow again. When she finally whimpered in frustration, he undid his jeans, and backed her up to the stony grey wall, not giving a fuck, as his shirt had suggested, that he and his clothes were getting soaked. His only care now apparently, was to satisfy the simpering cries of "yes, please." from Shane.
His first few thrusts were slow and measured, knowing that she was still adjusting to his size. But it didn't take long for him to lose control. She wasn't sure what was making him like this, but she was not complaining in the least. The texture of his jeans on her bare, wet thighs was a sensation she wouldn't soon forget. She gripped at him, holding onto his shirt for dear life as her climax built to impossible heights.
She was loving the way he lost himself in the ferocity of the act. And his release led to hers immediately. She wrapped herself around him in blissful embrace, and whispered his name as a prayer.
"Sorry, darlin,' I meant to…"
"It's okay. I'm on the pill and I'm not at a particularly dangerous time in my cycle."
He kissed her tenderly and reached for her bath puff and some body wash. "Well, let’s get ya cleaned up."
The only good part about Monday was that she'd be treating him. Although, he was scheduled in the afternoon. Her morning would drag on eternal.
He greeted her with a typical "hey, susnshine" and she led him into the gym, feeling his gaze on her ass, wanting, even though they'd just left each other quite satisfied that morning. He was freshly showered, beard well groomed, and his hair growing back in very nicely. He'd asked her weeks ago whether he should keep the buzzed look or not, and she had been entirely for growing it out. She wanted something to run her hands through. She'd be fine if it was at least shoulder length, but she wouldn't push that on him.
They did their normal warm up on the bikes, followed by some plyometric drills, which made him scowl at her in a way that lit her up like a firecracker. But the fact that he was able to jump up onto the box was encouraging. He couldn't have done that a month ago. He was progressing so well and was so close to his long term goals and discharge. It almost made Shane sad. It wasn't as though they wouldn't see each other, but having him break up the insanity of her day three times a week for just an hour was invaluable.
As they were doing their usual end of the session stretch in her treatment room, and she noted the improved range of motion he was getting, he broke the amiable silence with a question.
"Hey, can I bring a pizza or somethin' over for dinner tonight after you get off?"
"Sure!" she could tell there was something he wanted to say, but was holding back. She prodded. "Everything okay? You've been a bit…off today."
"I'm good. Just a little distracted." he deflected by touching her hip, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. She swatted him away.
"Not here, Sy."
"But that makes it fun!" he pouted.
"No, that really could get me fired! Getting frisky on company time!"
"Mmmm, I'd love to frisk you right now." he reached between their legs to try and grab her again, but she thwarted him and pinned his wrists at his ears.
"Cool it, cowboy, or your last two sessions are gonna make you wish you'd never met me." she threatened.
"Ain't nothin', nothin' on God's good green earth could make me wish that, sunshine." His stunning blue eyes softened her resolve and she let go, continuing to stretch him.
"Still…cool it." she grinned.
She'd just had time to change into some comfy clothes, wash her face, and put her hair up when her doorbell rang.
Sy stood smiling under the porch light, a modern white knight, carrying a large pizza from Pizza Hut and a six pack of Miller High Life.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes! And it's nice to see you too, Sy!" she laughed, teasing him.
"Should I leave the victuals and go?" he asked, mock concern on his sarcastic brow.
"Get in here, soldier."
She got out napkins and paper plates because as horrible as it sounded, she just couldn't think about doing dishes tonight. She was even glad Sy had brought drinks in disposable or recyclable containers, and not wine, which she tended to prefer. She was exhausted, but not upset, which made the silence they ate in bearable. Sy still seemed to have something on his mind, though.
"Did you have something you wanted to talk about tonight, Sy?"
"Kinda, yeah, uh…it's kind of a big thing for me, and I know this is new, what we have, but…well, I'll just tell ya."
"Go on." she encouraged, worried.
"I…I talked to my old CO about jobs in the private sector. He referred me to a company that…well it's sort of an employment agency for vets. Mostly security for private companies and individuals. I had a phone interview with them this past Tuesday. I just got a call this morning that they want to meet me in person to finalize everything. Mostly a formality. When I go for that, I'll also have to stay there a couple of weeks to a month for training."
"Where is this…gig?" She said, flat affect hiding the feelings brewing under her skin.
"The offices are in Charlottesville…Virginia. And there may be some cross country training there in Shenandoah National Park."
"Cross country…by that do you mean survival training?" She was still cool, but getting more livid.
"You could call it that, I guess. But it won't be a challenge for me. I'm more worried about the technical stuff." His bravado and flippancy about the whole endeavor was enraging her. The thought that he'd be in the wilderness alone, was only a fraction of the big picture. He was going away for a month? And he had known about the job for a week now. A week in which so much about their relationship had changed, and shifted. How could he think she'd just accept this without a bit of raging.
"You waited until after we slept together to tell me this. You did it on purpose, Sy." that was the biggest problem, she thought. The fact that he seemed to be hiding it from her. It brought back old trauma that she thought he'd never have subjected her to.
"Yes and no, Shane. I wasn't intentionally keeping anything from you, I just didn't wanna bring it up until somebody bit."
"You wanted to keep me in the dark about something you were excited about? How do you think that makes me feel?"
"I didn't wanna get your hopes up or mine. Honestly."
"Saying 'honestly' doesn't make it honest, Sy. I've told you about everything that Elliott put me through. The lies. The secrets. This puts a bad taste in my mouth. You have to see that. Can't you?"
"Oh, sunshine, I--"
"No, please. Do not do that right now. Don't call me sunshine when all I can see is the night."
"I'm so sorry. My intention was not to make you feel in any way like that asshole ever did. Please hear me when I say that. I want to be the opposite of him in your mind in every way, darlin.' Please believe that."
There was so much sincerity in his voice, now nearing tearfulness that she felt he must be telling her the truth. She nodded. But was still apprehensive about the nature of the job and the training.
"But…what if you get hurt again?"
"I won't. You've all but fixed me, Shane. I'm stronger than ever."
"Can't you just…find a safe job? Here?" She was being selfish. She couldn't help it. Even though she knew she might regret it.
"Sit at a desk, ya mean? Deliver pizzas?" he indicated the box between them on the table. "Call people and ask them if they're happy with their cable services, Shane? Is that all I'm good for now?" he was angry.
"I didn't mean it like that."
"No, of course not. You're a PT. That's what you were meant to do, right? Well, imagine if you couldn't do that no more. Something or another, an injury, perhaps, or just plain ol' shitty situation, left you in a position where you couldn't go back. Couldn't do your dream job. Couldn't fulfill your purpose." he spat. "Wouldn't you do anything you could to be some shadow of what you were meant to be?"
She couldn't speak. Because he was right in so many ways.
"Because right now, I'm nothin'. I'm not doin' anyone any good. I'm a drain on my country, the one I swore to protect with my very life. It's like I've broken an oath. And it's fractured my soul."
"I see that. I truly do. But I need you here. You do ME good, Sy. I'm already half dreading d/c'ing you. I don't wanna have to say a goodbye, too." it was her truth. But it hit him very much sideways.
"So…what is it, Shane? You only want me when I'm broken? You only want me so you can fix me?"
"No, of course not! That's not what--"
"Am I a charity case to ya now? Is that why ya finally gave in and let me in your bed?"
"Sy, no!" she was crying now. It had hurt so much to think that he could have gotten that from what she'd said.
"I think if you can have feelings hurt about this situation then so can I."
He stood to leave, but she caught him by the wrist.
"Shane…you know I would never, ever harm you. But please… don't test my limits. Let… go." She did.
She was still quite a bit faster than him, so she ran ahead and blocked the door.
"Move." he insisted. She didn't.
"Hear me out, and then I'll let you go."
He crossed his arms and nodded, his gaze still one of cold steel.
"Sy, I didn't mean to make this job that you're clearly excited for into a source of anguish or to make it about me. I'm thrilled that you're going to get to do something you want in another field. I really am. I just…being with you has made me realize how good life can really be. And even if you'd told me before we slept together, I would have said the same thing. It was selfish of me to haul my baggage into the conversation when you aren't, have never been, and could never be Elliot. His best couldn't compare with your worst. And I will do my best in the future to think about who you are before I complain about the work you find to do."
"It's like I said about Aika before. She's a soldier. Hard trained. And so am I. It took a lot of hard work for me to get where I am, so much that it fundamentally altered who I am as a person. Now, in my opinion, those changes were for the better. I was kind of a shit before I became a soldier, thought the sun rose and set with me. I got some perspective and met some good people…lost some, too. Saw some shit I can't unsee. Some of it haunts me to this day, and I figure it always will. But I reckon if I can keep fighting the fight somehow. Keep protecting people in whatever way I can, my training and experience won't be a total waste."
"I understand and respect that, Sy. And I will back you in any way I can. I'll water your plants, I'll keep Aika whenever you're gone, I'm here for you."
"Oh, shit! I wasn't even thinking about having to leave my dog behind! Maybe this WON'T work!" he chuckled.
"Second fiddle to another woman already. I knew you were gonna break my heart, Captain Logan Syverson."
"Never intentionally, sunshine." he hugged her, tight, and with his whole body. Their argument in the past and their future an exciting mystery. Shane had never felt so safe and loved.
Up Next: Chapter 12: Final Home Exercise Program
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mckkachins · 3 years
46-49 for the ask game 💗
46. ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set?
YEAH!! i mean i read all the tags on my gifsets so i know if someone just said “pretty!” in the tags and that alone means a lot to me. but then sometimes people also send me direct asks to my inbox complimenting a set and i’m like. *laughs nervously* stop that lest i fall in love w you. uhh i honestly got incredibly overwhelmed last time this happened after i posted the triple rainbow set that’s pinned rn LOL. yall are so amazing and supportive it’s genuinely super heartwarming for me.
47. any advice for novice gif makers/people who want to start making gifs?
mm so vilma @maxguevra posted a nice lil post on this earlier this morning and imma just link hers.
but in addition to everything vilma said, i gotta be honest about patience and time being the best teacher. i think a lot of gifmakers are like under pressure to constantly create or may feel this way, but it’s genuinely okay to take a long time to make something and take the time to add in more complicated effects. idk how many times i’ve thought to myself that ppl on here complimenting me by saying like “i could never do that!” actually most definitely CAN bc they are wayyyyy more talented than me, it just might take a shitton of patience. my longest gifset took over a week and a half to make but it was worth it bc i learned a LOT.
also an underrated tip: program keyboard shortcuts!! it saves a lot of time. i literally gif with my left hand on the keyboard and right hand on the trackpad/mouse. i have keyboard shortcuts programmed or reprogrammed to better fit my hand and also bc for some reason ps 2021 didn’t keep a lot of the same shortcuts from the last version of ps i had, ps 2018. some good keyboard shortcuts to program or get familiarized with: duplicate layer, merge layers, group layers, transform layer, warp, convert to smart object, repeat last filter, undo, redo, select all, etc.
48. how would you describe your giffing style?
WELLL..... to me i don’t really have one. i guess i want to try a new style with every gifset i make? idk i’m always trying new things so it’s hard for me to say if i have a definitive style (yet).
however when i said this last week @nuntox was like “ur style is 100000000 layers” so idk make of that what u will.
49. how much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing?
my first gif didn’t even loop. that’s how bad it was flkajsdlkjasd bc i took screenshots manually and then put them into a .gif file. i didn’t even have photoshop!!! obv i never posted it, i was just trying to make a gift for a friend. and even when i did get photoshop and learned how to gif properly, the gifs i made were really bad lol
gif making asks
i’ll get to the rest of these when i make more progress on this cursed assignment flaksjdklasjd
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blutritter · 3 years
just to clarify some things ;     mobile friendly rules,     etc .
hi, i am corvo & i am definitely not new to the tumblr scene.  been here since 2013 & earlier, under different names & all; haven’t been in any specific fandom for a long time but you know ... sometimes you just gotta take the dive.   anyways ; i’m selective, non private and, actually very nervous to even interact with people so ... yeah.             there’s that, i guess.
general rp etiquette applies , triggering content will be present but tagged & not explicitly talked about in certain cases. all nsft content will be put under read more of possible ; please cut yours , too .
PLEASE DO NOT like EVERY SINGLE POST i make & REFRAIN FROM MASS LIKING MY CONTENT . i hate sounding ungrateful , i do , but on other blogs i have it keeps messing up my activity and while i appreciate the support deeply it’s exhausting to scroll through activity 90% of the time i’m online .
if you fetishize or glorify certain topics or write them as more than mentioned things / actively write them during threads you will be hardblocked .  look , i get it , some things can’t be avoided being talked about but if i notice you write something like it’s a good thing or write about it in a creepily fetishizing way i will not hesitate to block .
callout culture is not welcomed on this blog because frankly , it’s childish & petty . if someone’s actually a danger to the community it’s a PSA and NOT a callout .  keep your petty fights to yourself and stop dragging me into it . i steer clear of shitty people & i can make my own decisions , thanks.
also to add onto this :     i have not previously been part of the genshin community and therefore i am not aware of other bloodstained knight rpers ;     if you exist and find me ... hi i love you and i’m sorry for ruining the character probably or smth idk.
while the bloodstained knight is technically “summonable” by obtaining all of his artifacts his soul and remaining energy are still bound to his pledge of loyalty to the abyss;   meaning he is and will remain SIDED WITH THE ABYSS ORDER.
the bloodstained knight has, as far as i am concerned, the human name of “johan”, he did go by “ronald” at some point but since his descent into madness johan is the only name he is receptive to anymore.
despite being sided with the abyss he is hesitant to fulfill orders that may go against mondstadt; there is some part of him that vaguely recalls everything about mondstadt and therefore he is ... not too strict on missions regarding the region.
there are multiple verses where he is not bound to his artifact set and is a simple human; one’s a reincarnation au where he remembers everything but is no longer entirely mad, one is a verse BEFORE his descent into madness and one is just one where he never fully became the bloodstained knight / where he managed to retain some control over his mind.
more to be added when i have a functioning brain and less schoolwork .
0 notes
mxrisacoulter · 3 years
content creator tag! ✨
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 10+ other creators to answer the questions! I was tagged by the amazing @coulter. Thank you! 💞
I feel like lots of people have already been tagged, so I am just going to tag @iressails, cause you’re great and always tag me in stuff, so I’m returning the favour. Anyone who hasn’t done this and wants to is also officially tagged I know everyone says that, but if you want to be tagged dm me and I can actually tag you
There’ll probably be some repeats from my last one, but I’ll try and mix it up a bit i just thought all the little categories were cute
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: aww my first set was this one of howl’s moving castle that I just did to get back into giffing. Stylistically I’ve grown a lot since then, but it’s still a cute set. Most recent one is the Unhinged Ruth Wilson Cinematic Universe, which tbh is a pretty good representation of my current stuff lmao
one of your favourite creations from 2020: There’s a lot I really love, but I’m going to give it to the acting choices gifset, cause I feel like its v me™. I had a lot of fun making it and it always makes me smile so  
a creation you’re really proud of: I guess this parallel of marisa and monkey holding hands? It is my pinned post so that does make sense. I’m really proud of how I still made the colours go together for parallel scenes. It can be hard to make a set look cohesive if you can’t got through and choose the scenes based on their aesthetic value if that makes sense
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: I’m not very experimental stylistically, but I think the hdm rewatch is the first time I really payed attention to colour and boosted or changed colour to fit with the set
your favourite colouring: Gotta be this Hester one. We love a complete fluke
a creation that took you forever: Oh my god the Harry Potter costume appreciation one. Still not obsessed with it, but going through 8 films for those shots oh my lord
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: Gifset wise it’s this one of marisa and jopari being called out for being bad parents :/ Felt like I kind of cheated with that one though, cause I knew the jopari scene was going to be in the episode before it aired and I’d already made the parallel gifs to go with it. Technically this and this textpost have more notes, but we don’t talk about that
a creation you think deserved more notes: I guess I wish this hands one got more notes. I know the colourings not the best (I’d been doing daily gifsets for like two weeks and burn out etc), but I though it was a cool idea etc. Also this mary x alice luther crack one cause I think it’s hilarious
a creation with a favourite scene/quote: it’s a toss up between pan being an absolute savage , marisa pretending she wasn’t going to murder lyra’s friends and marisa shoving lyra into suitcase. all certified iconic moments
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: It would have to be hdm, so here’s my gifset of the trailer. I mean I did watch hdm season 1 when it aired, but wasn’t really involved in the fandom until this year, so that counts right?
a creation you made that breaks your heart: marisa coulter bullying her monkey no thank u maam and then also marisa trying to be nice to her monkey after just kicking him also no thank you maam
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: this one of monkey. Really simple, but I love big gifs and i love how the cyan and reds compliment each other also i didnt have to colour skin tones yeehaw
a creation that was inspired by another one (add both your creation and the one that inspired it!): I think I’m always inspired by the stuff I see around me in terms of colouring, but the only direct one I can think of is the brian fisher one being inspired by this text post. It’s an idea I’d had before, but I didn’t know other people had picked up on the brian thing, so that’s what kind of inspired me to actually make it. That set still did way better than I thought it would
a favourite creation created by someone else: there are literally so many gifsets I could give this to, but there are two posts that live in my mind rent free, and those are @oceanssapart‘s video of lee scoresby talking over hamilton music and @marisacoolter‘s post about marisa marrying john parry. they broke me
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serpensthesia · 7 years
below the cut is personal rambling that i am preemptively apologizing for. tl;dr: i’m taking a (short) break, but i’m going to leave my queue running, so you probs won’t even notice. i love you and thank you for loving me (or at least my trash blog). :)
so, it’s not as if i’ve been around much (not in any meaningful way) for the past few weeks because work has been... a lot... lately. and then, well, harvey (which i am fine, my family is fine, there was no damage to the house but it’s going to be a while before everything seems... normal again? like no joke, oft-used parts of beltway 8 are still under water... which is only hilarious to me because i don’t take the beltway to get anywhere, but then it stops being hilarious because it’s making traffic a nightmare. i don’t know, it’s wild. hurricanes are dumb. i will fight you about climate change if you tell me it’s a hoax.). 
anyway, what i’m trying to say is that life is a lot at the moment, so i’m taking a break from tumblr... in a more defined way than me showing up once every few weeks and bitching about work and promising to be here more often, i guess?
i’m really thinking that i’m going to have to start looking for a new job because every passing day, a growing part of me wants to give my boss* the bird, accio a mic, drop it and say “fuck this shit, i’m out” (and then presumably put on some shades and skateboard off into the distance?). and looking for a job is a terrifying - like paralyzingly so - thought but i think it’s time because this disorganized trash heap of a work environment isn’t going to get any better, despite my best efforts.
* not technically my boss, more like my contract manager... but still my “boss” for ease of explanation except for moments like right now when i feel like i want to stress that they are not really my boss.
so i’m giving myself a minimum of two weeks to get my shit figured out - hopefully that’s enough time to get on top enough of work that it stops being an exhausting nightmare (or at least caught up enough that the boss stops sending me snippy emails about things i have no control over).
hopefully that means i can return with renewed energy for cupcakes, and mass-liking everything you post and enough focus to read all the amazing fucking fanfic you have all been busy writing - because that’s how i actually want to spend my free time, rather than being so exhausted from bullshit that i can’t focus on anything and just want to sleep.
and i want to apologize for being a mute mess - each and every one of you that has tagged me in something, or sent me an ask, or generally showed love to my lil trashblr... from the bottom of my heart, thank you and i love you. when i come back, i’m going to respond to all those things (and i mean that very seriously - i have a spreadsheet!).
but because i don’t want to (totally) abandon my blog for two weeks, i did add some stuff to the queue - not a ton of stuff, but at least some stuff.
i’m sorry, bbs... i miss you all, i love you all. i’ve gotta focus on some dumb adult shit for a while before i really do lose it at work one day. one of my friends bought me a pin ages ago with a little choo choo train on it that says “i’m a trainwreck” and that’s really how i’m feeling right now... i’m coming back tho - WITH CUPCAKES. I CAN NOT TELL A LIE.*
* i can tell lies, but i wouldn’t lie to you, tumblr-bb. i luff you too much.
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mercedesbarnes · 7 years
Summary: You challenge Bucky not to laugh on your day off.
Pairing:  Bucky x Reader
Warnings: fluff, humour of the pun kind
Word Count: 1,491
A/N: this is my first fic ever posted here! I’d love any feedback, comments, questions, etc.  I’ve done this water challenge with friends, and let me tell you, it gets pretty crazy. 
I hope you enjoy!
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“Wait…explain it to me again.”
“It’s called the Water Challenge, you have to fill up your cheeks with water.“
“And then see how fast I can drink this whole thing?” Bucky held up the water pitcher. “Newsflash, doll, my bladder can only hold so much.”
You giggled.  “No, you hold water in your mouth—I do it too, don’t give me that face—then we’ll try to make each other laugh. Whoever laughs and lets all the water fall out loses.”
“Where’d you find this?”
“Of course it was Buzzfeed,” Bucky sighed, shaking his head slightly.
You were sitting crossed legged in the living room, movie cases strewn haphazardly on the coffee table and plates everywhere.  The team had left for a quick two-day mission, leaving you and Bucky alone in the tower. It was something you relished in, loving how you had Bucky all to yourself.  The two of you were best friends but recently your thoughts around him had taken a…different route. A more-than-friends route.
Taking the pitcher you filled both of the glasses with water and handed one to your opponent.
“But isn’t this better than another day filling out the paperwork Bruce left us?”
“True.  And I get to spend it with you,” he said, poking your nose with his index finger. You could feel yourself blush, so you busied yourself with smoothing down the carpet.  
Your lack of attention was a mistake. You yelped as he flicked his half-full glass at you. Mouth in a gaping ‘O’, you said, “I see how its going to be! What happened to Skeptical Bucky?”
“He’s still here, but it’s still a challenge, and I plan to win.  Got a problem with that doll?” An evil grin spread across his handsome face.
“Nope. Cause I’m going to win.”
“Mhm, keep telling yourself that. Let’s talk stakes.”  
“Okay.”   You watched him shift to refill his glass, your eyes gravitating towards his lips.  Then your mouth opened, and you surprised even yourself with what came out.  “If I win, you have to kiss me.”
The pitcher stopped as if time was frozen.  “And if I win?”
“Then I have to kiss you.”
Courage. Can’t say it’s not spontaneous.
Water dripped agonizingly slow into the cup, yet when your eyes met Bucky’s again, his were a shade darker blue than before.  “Sounds reasonable. Ready?”
You sat up straighter and both of you lifted your glass in a ‘cheers’ motion before downing it. The water sloshed around in your mouth; thank the stars you weren’t thirsty or this challenge would have been torture. You started off simple, wide then narrowed eyes, crossing them to look at your nose. Small smile. No water.  
Bucky’s turn.  He waggled his heavyset eyebrows to imitate the wave.  You arranged your face to show that he had to try harder.  As much as you wanted that kiss, you weren’t going to lose on purpose.
Back and forth the two of you devised creative ways to make each other laugh, but to no avail.  Bucky was a surprisingly good competitor; it wasn’t your first time playing the challenge, and truthfully you had been expecting to win right off the bat.  Time to up the intensity.  
You flicked his cheek, resulting in a hollow sound that nearly made you lose it when paired with his shocked expression.  Knowing Bucky as well as you did, you could imagine what he was thinking.
‘Did you just flick me?’
‘Whatcha going to do about it, old man?’
A jet of water was sprayed at your face in answer.
‘Alright.  No more Mrs. Nice Y/N’
You reached out and started to tickle his sides, an action that made him recoil back. Or so you thought. Movement happened, and suddenly Bucky sat smugly on your legs, pinning you to the ground.  Never breaking eye contact, he reached teasingly for the water pitcher and dangled it right above your face. His smirk was simultaneously as hot, and as terrifying as hell.
‘Nonononono’ you tried to wiggle out from under Bucky----splash. You were utterly and completely soaked, as was the couch and the carpet beneath you. You sighed in resignation, pretending to be annoyed by Bucky’s muffled laughter. He was close to breaking…and off-balance, pumping his fists in premature victory, if you had anything to do with it.
You used your training to flip him over so you were straddling him.  Grabbing a pillow off the couch, you promptly dropped it from your height onto his head.  To add insult to injury you spit all your water on your best friends’ face after he pushed the pillow off.  
“Who’s wet now!”  
This time Bucky couldn’t hold it in and he gasped out his water; you could feel his laughs resonating through your legs, and you realized what a compromising position you were in.
Apparently, Bucky was thinking the same thing.  His hands moved to rest on your waist, one warm, one cool; your eyes watched as his sinful tongue flicked out to make his lips more inviting. The mood of the room had quickly switched from playful to something deeper, more intimate.
“Well, doll. I think I won.”
“Yeah…guess you did.”
You both knew what that meant. The courage from earlier crept back. Your fingers weaved their way into his soft locks, and you finally leaned down so those captivating blue eyes were closer closer, parted lips closerclosercloser—
“Good evening Mr. Stark, welcome home.”  
A ding of the elevator and F.R.I.D.A.Y.  startled you enough to tumble off Bucky. You scampered onto the couch before the team could come down the hall.
Why oh why did they have to come back now? You stole a nervous glance at the boy you were about to kiss not ten seconds ago.
Slowly, Bucky pushed himself up to lean against the opposite couch, cleared his throat, and used both hands to push back his hair.  That tongue swiped at his lips again and it was all you could do to stay on the couch.  You swore you could see an expression of frustration cross his features when your teammates emerged from around the corner, but you were probably just hoping.  Really hoping.  
“Hey you two,” Steve greeted.  The chorus of ‘hellos’ followed from the rest of the team. Sam and Tony whizzed over the fridge, Nat took a seat at the island, and the others drifted off to their respective rooms.
“Hey,” you said.  Your fingers fiddled with the bottom of your pants and you fought to keep your attention on Steve’s report of their success.
“It was an open-and-shut case, we just went in and the scientists confessed immediately,” he said, “it’s actually nice to have people cooperate with us for once.”
“Less discus,” Tony mumbled through his sandwich.
Clint returned to sit on the couch.  You and Bucky exchanged an alarmed look, all awkward gone--he ducked his head away, shoulders shaking. You had to cover your mouth with your hand for fear of bursting out laughing.
“Why is the floor so wet?!”
“Blame Buzzfeed!” you yelled, grabbing Bucky’s hand and escaping to your room.  
“That game was absolutely ridiculous, Y/N,” he chuckled, shutting the door behind him. “I’m soaked.”
“Gives a new meaning to ‘within spitting distance’ huh?”
He took a few steps closer. “You know what? I think I’d prefer to be within kissing distance.”
Your heart skipped a beat; you didn’t hope after all. “Well, currently, we have no other options.”
Bucky titled his head. “Was that a water pun?”
“You’ve gotta stop doing that,” he laughed slightly and looked up at the ceiling.
“Doing what?” you asked with a taunting grin. Bucky reached out and tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered, cupping your cheek.
“Saying things that make me want to kiss you.”
Your heart was beating so fast you were sure he could hear it. Feel it too, since he leaned in so his forehead rested against yours.
“What if I told you not only was that one pun, it was two.”
“Then I’d have to do this.”
Bucky lowered his lips to meet yours, the moment you had dreamed of for so long.  The kiss was soft and gentle and chaste at first. Then Bucky’s arms encircled your waist, and you reached up and tangled yours around his neck, adding more pressure to your lips, deepening the kiss.  Your parted lips opened further, allowing your tongues to earnestly say hello. Finally you pulled apart, arms still around one another.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long...”
“Me too,” you breathed.
“I think I like winning.” The corner of his mouth twitched up in a lopsided grin.  
“Don’t get used to it, I demand a rematch.” You bumped his nose with yours. “But later,” you said, pulling him in for another kiss, “we haven’t completed the stakes yet.”
tagging some of my favourites and inspiration because I’m new and I really admire you :) 
a big thank you to @fxckmebuck for being amazing with writing, and all the tips and encouragement! 
@buckyywiththegoodhair @avengerofyourheart @bovaria @wndas-romanoff @thejamesoldier @caplanbuckybarnes @softcorehippos @papi-chulo-bucky@buckybarnesismypreciousplum @mangosoldier 
(let me know if you want to be untagged)
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charlieism · 7 years
Of Ink Stains and Love Notes
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So I’m a few days late in posting this but!! I hit 400 followers, what the heck?? Thank you so much!! I decided to write a pretty long (around 5000 words), fluffy fic to celebrate haha. It’s a Prinxiety one, of course :) thanks to @use-it-ironically for letting me yell ideas at them until I get inspired and to @princeyandanxiety for telling me to write it because otherwise I would still be procrastinating rn. Also tagging @lekawaiimelon and @mylasagnaisraw :)
Everyone has a soulmate. Almost everyone finds their soulmate and forms a relationship with them, be it romantic or platonic. Some people have the link, an anomaly in which anything that is written, drawn, or doodled onto one person's skin will appear on their soulmate's skin, in the exact same place. Roman has the link.
Or at least, he likes to believe he does.
Everyone has a soulmate. Almost everyone finds their soulmate and forms a relationship with them, be it romantic or platonic. Some people have the link, an anomaly in which anything that is written, drawn, or doodled onto one person's skin will appear on their soulmate's skin, in the exact same place. Roman has the link.
Or at least, he likes to believe he does.
To be honest, he isn't really sure. He imagines that he is one of the special people, one with the strongest bond to his soulmate. To the person he is destined for, to love and cherish forever. The one who Roman will 'just click with.' The one who will love him and understand him, the one Roman is perfect for. What a glorious idea! The idea of a soulmate is something Roman has fantasised about forever. He's tried to imagine what his soulmate will look like, but it always changes. He's dreamed of their meeting, he's imagined the first time his soulmate's writing will appear on his skin, he's dreamt about the feeling of meeting someone who's soul, who's very being is so perfectly suited for Roman, and he is always filled with a feeling of awe. That one day, he will meet someone who he is perfect for.
Only problem is, it can't come quick enough.
Roman has been writing and drawing on himself since as long as he was able. At the beginning, before he knew how to read or write, before he knew how to draw so you could decipher what the picture showed, he would just grab marker pens of pretty colours and scribble up and down his arms in lines and patterns.
No new ones ever showed up.
Then, when he learnt to read and write, he began by writing tiny little things, like 'hi' or 'I'm Roman', then went on to write long messages or start conversations that nobody ever replied to.
And when he learned to draw, well, it fast became one of his favourite things to do. To pick the colours he knew went well together, to decide what pattern or drawing he wanted to create, to press the cool pen tip to his skin and let the lines flow freely, springing from his imagination onto his skin (and hopefully somebody else's skin too.)
And for years, nobody replied. No new writing appeared on his skin, nobody's handwriting but his own, nobody's artistic creations and doodles but the ones he drew himself. But Roman never let it get him down; there were stories everywhere about soulmates who didn't meet for years, about links that didn't start up for a long time. It was common knowledge that no link started from birth; many took years to activate. Roman just couldn't wait! He wanted to feel the tingle of somebody else's drawings coming through to him. He wanted to see the writing appear. It simply couldn't come quick enough.
A few years on, and Roman had a routine. He would wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for the day, snatch up a pen and doodle something quick on his wrist. Be it a 'Hello!' or a 'Good morning!" Or simply a quick drawing of a flower, he never failed to add something daily. And it wasn't that he had lost hope, no, Roman would never do that. It wasn't that he though he didn't have a link; he did! He knew he did. He couldn't explain it, he could just feel it. It was simply that his soulmate had never replied, that their link hadn't started yet, so he didn't pay much attention to the quick drawing of a crown he had just doodled. He didn't think the link would be activated suddenly, and so his soulmate was at the back of his mind.
Later in the day, Roman was lying in the park with his best friend Patton. Patton, aka Morality, aka Dad, (he was the Dad friend and had an unabashed love of dad jokes) was sitting in the shade of a tree as the hot beams of sunlight shone down onto the ground. He was trying to make the longest daisy chain ever, and then trying to make it a necklace for Roman. Roman was lying on his stomach, kicking his legs absently, sketching in his sketchbook. He was trying to draw a rose (how terribly cliche, he knows), but his right arm had started itching a few minutes ago and it was driving him mad. It was like a strangely strong mix of itching, and tingling. Like a frustrating case of pins and needles. Roman was determinedly trying to ignore it, but the tingling was annoyingly persistent, and finally with an agitated groan Prince shot his hand out and rubbed his wrist, glaring and frowning in annoyance. When he lifted his hand away and his eyes focused on the wrist, however, Roman's eyes opened comically wide and he gasped in shock, springing backwards into the grass and cradling his arm, staring at it in amazement. For underneath his hastily sketched crown, a tiny drawing of a pair of headphones was slowly appearing on his skin, fading up from nowhere.
As soon as Roman glanced at the drawing, the frustrating itching went away and left only a pleasant, magical tingling.
"Holy shit. Holy shit!" He yelped, the full realisation of what just happened hitting him. "P-Patotn! I knew it! I- I knew it! It happened! It's happening! I have it, I knew it! There's someone for me, it's real, it's happening!" He rambled, yelling for his best friend, who immediately scrambled towards Roman. He looked panicked; apparently Roman wasn't doing a very good job of describing what had just taken place.
"Are you okay? Princey? What's wrong?" He asked, eyes full of concern through his glasses. Roman stared in awe at the small doodle scrawled upon his arm. It was evidently just that: a doodle. An absent drawing, right underneath Roman's crown, which meant that Roman's drawing probably hadn't transferred over. So what would he say? What was the first thing on wrote to their soulmate? Or did he just draw? What did he do? Roman couldn't remember a single thing that he had daydreamed about. So, casting one more look to his arm, he thrust it out and presented the drawing to Patton. Patton inspected his friend's arm, then his eyes flew wide open.
"Oh! You didn't draw this! Oh my goodness, Roman, your soulmate!" He squealed, eyes lighting up in excitement. "What are you going to say?" Patton gasped. Roman shrugged helplessly at him.
"I don't know!" He wailed. "They're my soulmate, the one person I'm destined for! It has to be perfect, but I don't know what to do!" He yelled.
"Ok, ok, don't worry! Anything you write will be perfect! Like it's destined to be. Go ahead, just write something, Prince!" Patton urged. Prince took a deep breath.
"Okay. Okay, thanks Morality. Okay." He grasped his black felt, and had a mind blank. He had no idea what he was going to do. So he started off easy.
Roman pressed the cool tip of the pen to the base of the crown he had drawn, and traced it carefully. When the crown had a perfect other layer of ink upon it, he wrote a single hesitant message. Prince guessed he was still in shock. In his elegant, loopy handwriting Roman wrote, 'Oh my goodness, I suppose we're soulmates. Hi.' He and Morality waited with bated breaths for the reply, and after a minute quick words appeared atop Prince's skin. The handwriting was small and pretty messy, the angles of letters sharp.
'Holy shit, you're my soulmate. I have the link. Hi.' Roman no longer had a filter, he was just saying the first thing that came to his mind as he traced the sentence scrawled upon his wrist by another hand.
"Eloquent." He mumbled absently. Patton laughed.
"Ask his name, lover boy." He teased. Roman blinked.
"Oh! Of course!" He exclaimed, fumbling for his pen. 'It's nice to finally meet you! (Well, write to you, I suppose.) My name is Roman. Who are you?'
The reply came quickly. 'You can call me Anx. So, Roman, now that we're soulmates I suppose we should know a bit about each other."
And thus it began.
The conversation they had, scrawled along arms until there remained no room, letters dropped across knees and sentences rubbed off to make room for new ones. They talked until the sun began to set, at which point Roman was lying with his head in Patton's lap, Morality weaving daisies into his hair and watching the conversation between Roman and Anx flow. They learnt that Anx was a boy, ever so slightly younger than Roman, complete with quick wit and scathing sarcasm, yet undertones of friendliness. Eventually Morality had to snap Prince back to reality.
"Listen, Ro, you gotta go home, it's getting late."
"No, I'm talking to Anx! My soulmate!" Roman sighed dreamily.
"I know, Princey, but why don't you just swap phone numbers? You've run out of places to write on anyway." Patton offered, making Roman jump up in excitement.
"Of course! Thank you, Mo!" He beamed, before hastily writing his phone number in large, loopy letters on his already ink stained skin. Moments later a scribbled number appeared underneath it, followed by a winking face. Prince blushed and Patton cooed teasingly at him.
Later that night, Prince was standing under the warm water spray of his shower, watching sadly as the ink rinsed off his skin and swirled down the drains in pale clouds of black and blue. His first conversation, his first few hours talking with his soulmate, the first few precious facts he now knew about Anx, the beginnings of Roman's crush, gone with the water. It was depressing and suddenly Prince was full of dismay and sadness.
Until, when he stepped out of the shower and got dressed into his pyjamas, his phone dinged. And when he checked it, Anxiety's phone number flashed on the screen. It had only been about half an hour since they talked last, but the thought that Anxiety wanted to talk to him already made Roman's heart flutter.
Heya, Princey. Was the simple message.
Roman smiled.
After that, he and Anxiety talked daily, be it by texting or writing. Sometimes they simply drew and smiled at the now familiar tingling sensation. By now, they were dating, even though they hadn't actually met each other yet. It was just the obvious option; they had both developed crushes straight away, and the feelings only bloomed and developed and flowered into something stronger as time went on. Roman, being the romantic sap he was, had been writing Anxiety love letters and notes every morning since they had started dating. Today's one was silly and cheesy and Prince was smiling as he wrote it.
'Anxiety, my love, my sunshine, my chemically imbalanced romance, my darkly dressed wonder, my Disney prince, my angel, you're looking adorable today! You look so cute, especially stunning, absolutely ravishing, you beautiful, magnificent creature. Also, don't forget I love you!' He could practically see Anx's blush (although he'd never actually seen Anxiety; he was too shy and, well, anxious to send a selfie, But that was okay, Roman didn't care about what Anx looked like. He already loved him.) A moment later, the words faded a bit like Anx had halfheartedly attempted to rub them off. Prince grinned.
Shut up, you idiot. Was Anxiety's reply. And then, scrawled underneath that, I love you too. It was a Saturday, so Roman just lounged around the house, talking to his soulmate for a bit (sometimes he still couldn't believe he was lucky enough to have Anxiety as his soulmate.)
It was barely an hour later, when Anxiety sent him a short message so abruptly and unexpectedly that it made Roman fall off the couch.
I want to meet you.
He stared at the message in shock, excitement and happiness bubbling up and surging through him, making a beaming smile leap out onto Roman's face. He had been waiting for this! He'd been wanting to meet Anxiety for weeks, but he hadn't wanted to pressure him into anything's he wasn't comfortable with. And now Anxiety finally trusted Prince enough to meet him! Yes! When he realised he still had to reply, he scrambled desperately for the pen he had accidentally thrown at the wall as he fell. He basically jammed the marker against his skin, writing the words as fast as humanely possible.
Oh my goodness are you being serious??? Yesyesyes!!!!I I would love to meet you in real life!!! Glancing back over the extreme reaction, Roman was suddenly worried he'd overwhelmed Anxiety. Thankfully, his boyfriend's reply came quick.
'Lol calm down pretty boy. Um so hey if we're doing this, I remember we talked about this place a while ago, there's that park a while away from both of our houses?' And then 'btw, im really excited too.'
That made Roman smile fondly at his own wrist. But yes, he knew the park. It had been the source of some of their conversations, being the place that Prince was in when the link started working and the place Anx used to love going to as a kid. It would be the perfect place to meet; it was now officially Prince's dream meeting spot.
It didn't take long for them to organise the meeting, The park was pretty close to both of their houses, and it wasn't too big, which meant they should be able to find each other pretty easily. Now, Roman had to get ready!
He put a simple white shirt on and his favourite white, red and gold jacket, and dark skinny jeans (that he knew made his legs looks great). He styled his hair until it was impeccable and checked his face in the mirror, and sprayed some deodorant on himself. Then he took a few deep breaths while looking in the mirror, gave himself a quick pep talk because jeez, he was about to meet his actual soulmate! And then, before he knew it, Roman was walking out his door and down the road.
When Prince arrived at the park, he looked around but couldn't see anyone who looked his age. There only seemed to be adults or little kids milling about. Sighing, a bundle of nerves still heavy in his chest and weaving through his ribs, Roman decided to make his way to the tree where he first started talking to Anxiety. It was one of the biggest trees in the park, its sturdy, sweeping branches looping and twisting around each other, the bright emerald leaves fluttering and swaying in the wind, their glossiness reflecting the bright sunlight that shone down upon the earth. Prince wandered up to it, lost in his thoughts and fantasies and wondering about how he was finally going to meet Anxiety!! He was going to meet his soulmate!! That was both exciting and terrifying. He absently lay his hand on the tree trunk, the familiar bark comforting underneath his fingers. He couldn't say how long he lingered there, lost in his own mind, until an oh-so-familiar tingling sensation began emanating from his wrist.
Behind you
Anxiety was feeling anxious, but that was only to be expected. He was also more excited than he had ever been before He was about to meet his real life, honest to god, actual soulmate! The guy he'd been talking to for weeks, the one he'd been dating without ever actually seeing his face.
Heck, how was he going to know who Roman was? He had no idea what he looked liked!
Wait, all the cheesy movies said there was some kind of pull, maybe that was a real thing, maybe it would lead him to Prince.
Or maybe it wouldn't.
Maybe he would just see someone with the same writing as him, that way he would know exactly who Roman was!
Or maybe he would never find Roman, ever. Even thought that was incredibly unrealistic as they could just arrange another place to meet. In the end Anx decided to try to ignore the nervousness and focus on his excitement. Even though he'd never actually seen Prince, and Prince hadn't seen him, Anxiety's crush on the dramatic boy was stronger than anything else he'd ever felt. It was almost scary, but it was also feeding a fire of excitement in him with every step closer he took to the park. He was about to meet Roman!
When Anxiety arrived in the park, he was suddenly flooded with emotions and memories from his childhood. He used to come to this park all the time; he had loved to roll down the hills and throw sticks into the creeks and climb the trees. There had always been one tree in particular that was his favourite; it was one of the tallest in the park, and its branches curved and were low enough to clamber upon and sit on. Anxiety took a quick look around him, in case he suddenly saw his soulmate, but he felt nothing. There were only a few adults stretching in the bright sunshine and some kids running around and laughing.
Well, he had no better plan. He might as well head to his favourite tree.
Anxiety climbed up the grassy hill the tree grew on top of, steadily ignoring the heat beating down on him. He looked good in black, so he was willing to suffer. He was strangely excited about going to the tree, but he pinned it down to just being happy about childhood memories. Running a hand through his dark floppy hair, Anxiety took the last step up the hill and looked towards the tree, then froze.
A guy was leaning against the tree, one hand resting on the bark, his back to Anxiety. He looked like he was staring off into space, daydreaming. He was tall and lean, but looked strong at the same time. The dark jeans he was wearing made this guy's legs look great. He was wearing a white, red and gold jacket, and had neat, light brown hair. Anxiety couldn't see his face, but just judging from the back of him he was attractive. Like, really fricking hot.
And then Anxiety saw the back of the man's hand.
Drawn on the back was a large, elegant, looping infinity sign that merged seamlessly with Roman's loopy handwriting, spelling out the word love then flowing back into the infinity sign. The word love then had a thin line crossed though it, with the word pizza written in a messy scrawl underneath. Anxiety knew all the details about the silly little drawing, because he had the same thing formed on his own hand.
Which meant... that this was Roman.
Holy shit.
Holy shit!
This guy was his soulmate?? This was Roman?? He was Anxiety's boyfriend?? How the fuck had Anxiety gotten so lucky? What kind of flaw in the universe's system had gifted him with this guy? He didn't really know what to do. He didn't know what he wanted to say.
So he decided not to say anything, and to simply write. So he took the pen out of his hoodie pocket, looked for a space between the drawings and words and ink stains that already dotted his skin, and wrote Behind you.
Anxiety watched nervously as the ink dried on his skin, and watched the words fade up onto Roman's own skin. It was so strange to see something that he wrote appear on someone else's skin. Anx was full of apprehension as he watched Prince look at his arm in surprise, then stiffen.
Then slowly, slowly, Roman turned around.
All the breath whooshed out of Anxiety's lungs as their eyes met.
Behind you. Two words, that probably shouldn't hold so much meaning. How could two words possibly hold how important the meaning behind them was? How could two small words create so much feeling and emotion within Roman?
Behind you. He was about to see Anxiety, he was about to see his soulmate for the first time. All he had to do was turn around.
He was suddenly full of nerves, but he had to face his fear. There was no use waiting any longer! So Roman turned around, looked behind him, saw his soulmate, and promptly forgot how to breathe.
Eyes. The first thing he noticed were Anxiety's eyes; they were wide and stunned, their colour a beautiful hazel. It was an delightful swirl of shining emerald green and deep brown, complete with flecks of gold twinkling in the sunlight. They were rimmed in expertly applied dark eyeliner, that brought out the colour beautifully.
The next thing he noticed was, well, everything. Anxiety had skin like snow, clear and pale, and he had a light dusting of cute little freckles. His hair was a brown so dark it was almost black, and it flopped over Anxiety's face and eyes slightly. It looked so soft and smooth that Roman had the sudden urge to run his hands through it. He was wearing a large, soft looking hoodie and black jeans, and he was shorter than Prince! It was adorable! Anxiety in general was adorable. And beautiful. And hot. And exquisite and amazing and really good looking and heavenly and stunning and holy shit how did Roman get so lucky?! He must have been blessed.
Roman found himself moving closer, steps clumsy and stunned. Prince knew his expression was probably comical, he could imagine that it was full of awe and adoration and shock. Prince was relieved to see that Anxiety was drifting towards him too, his expression equally as awe filled and stunned, hazel eyes wide.
This was Roman's soulmate! And he was more perfect than he could have ever imagined.
Anxiety was in awe. This was his soulmate! He just wanted to stand there and gaze at Roman forever.
His boyfriend's skin was smooth and tanned, and was Roman blushing slightly? There was a dusting of pale pink adorning Prince's face as he stared at Anxiety. And holy shit, that was probably the most adorable thing Anx had ever seen. Wait, no, Roman in general was the most adorable/hot/attractive thing Anxiety had ever laid eyes upon.
His eyes were a warm chocolate colour, that shone with kindness. Prince's twinkled and sparkled in the light, and Anxiety felt like he could gaze into them all day. Roman's hair was a light, chestnut brown, styled immaculately bar a few fluffy strands being ruffled by the breeze. He was tall, taller than Anxiety, and slim, but still muscular. His jeans clung to his legs and showed them off in the best way possible, and he was wearing a simple white shirt underneath the soft looking jacket. Suddenly Roman was far closer to him, and Anxiety realised they had both been stumbling closer to each other, and then they were meeting in the middle and holy shit this was his soulmate.
Anxiety's breath caught in his throat as he and Roman stared at each other, drinking each other in, their expressions mirroring each other in terms of awe, affection and shock. Then Roman blinked and slowly his hand came up to cup Anxiety's face. The touch was gentle and fleeting, light as a feather.
"I know I said you were magnificent before, but... you truly do exceed even my expectations. You're exquisite. More stunning than I ever imagined, than I ever dreamed you would be." Roman breathed, eyes roaming over Anxiety's face. Anx could feel himself blushing, but this was the first time he had heard Prince's voice, and he could listen to it all day. It was velvety smooth, rolling and eloquent, and Anxiety's new favourite sound.
"I-I'm not that cute." He automatically stammered. Roman looked genuinely shocked.
"Nonsense! You're the most beautiful human I've ever seen. You're truly gorgeous." There was so much sincerity in his words it took Anxiety's breath away. Again. He didn't know what to say, he wasn't good with words, not like Prince was.
"You're not bad yourself." Was the first thing that came to his mind, and therefore the first thing he said. "Wait, no, scrap that. You're so fucking good looking, what the heck?" Anxiety's hands absently reached up and gently touched Roman's hair. It was really soft. Roman blushed and smiled.
"Glad you like what you see." Anxiety rolled his eyes, but Prince was still smiling and now he was too.
"Lucky you, I really do." He giggled. Roman's smile got even brighter, and it was adorable, and suddenly Anxiety was looping his arms around Prince's neck and pulling him into a crushing hug because he just- he needed to be closer to his soulmate. The urge was irresistible.
Roman responded almost immediately, his arms wrapping around Anxiety's waist and pulling him closer, and Anxiety had his head buried in the crook of Prince's neck and Roman's chin was resting on top of Anx's head and he felt so safe and happy and something else, a feeling that was indescribable. It was like there had been a piece of Anxiety missing all his life and now he finally had it, like the last piece of a jigsaw had just been fitted in, like something clicked inside him and suddenly Anxiety was so happy he could barely contain it. Roman was warm and strong, and his jacket was soft, and he smelt really nice, like vanilla and deodorant and it was all so perfect it was making Anxiety's head spin. Their chests were pressed tightly together, and Anxiety felt Roman relax completely against him. He subconsciously did the same, the bubbly feeling of bliss as he hugged his soulmate residing slightly and leaving him smiling like an idiot against Prince's shoulder.
Eventually they separated, standing back and smiling at each other, before deciding to leave the park and wader around the city. They walked around holding hands all day, their little adventures including showing each other their favourite places (the library, the theatre, that one cafe), exchanging stories and facts, talking about their friends Logan and Patton, Prince buying them both ice cream and taking countless cute, cheesy, couple-y selfies and posting them on every social media he owned. Patton, of course, liked and screamed about every single picture.
However, every day has to come to an end. So as the sun began to sink down below the horizon, and the flames of sunset's light grew and shone in bright colours through the sky, illuminating clouds and painting the sky a vibrant masterpiece, Roman and Anx made their way back to the park they met in. They walked so close together their shoulders bumped, hands held tightly and fingers laced together. They were silent for the first time all day, each enjoying their soulmate's presence for the last few moments that day. Each slowly growing sadder as they realised they had to part ways again soon. When they reached the park, they each lingered and held hands for a while longer, looking at each other sadly. Eventually Anxiety couldn't bear the silence anymore, but he didn't know what he wanted to say, and he didn't want to leave. What did he want to do?
"Do you wanna climb the tree?"
Roman looked at Anxiety in confusion, which quickly cleared up when Anxiety gestured with a tilt of his head towards the centre of the park. Prince grinned.
"Sure, I did that all the time when I was a kid."
"So did I! Let's go, Pretty Boy." Anxiety took off, full of childlike excitement again. Roman laughed and chased after him, and together they ran up the hill towards the tree.
"Hey, the branches are pretty high up. Need a boost, shorty?" Roman teased. Anxiety scowled at him.
"Haha, very funny, asshat." Anxiety shot back. Roman placed his hand over his heart in mock offence.
"Rude peasant." He grinned, then moved around Anxiety to climb up the first few branches. He found a branch that dipped in the middle to make the perfect place to sit in, and a second later Anxiety was clambering up and sitting next to him, pressing close to his side. Roman wrapped an arm around his shoulders and gazed out of the tree around the park. The view was great, as they were on the top of a hill. They could see to the very edges of the park, and could see all the leaves of every tree swishing in the gentle breeze. The sun was about to set, and he was sitting in a tree with his soulmate, with Anx, and everything seemed perfect. Roman turned his head to look at his boyfriend, only to see that Anxiety was already gazing at him. Anx looked away when Prince caught him staring, but there was already a tiny, pleased smile dancing across Roman's lips.
"C'mon, we should go soon." Anxiety mumbled after a minute, and began to slide down to the ground. Roman followed just a second later. He jumped down and landed on the soft green grass, running a hand through his hair absently. When he looked up again, however, he was struck breathless again.
The sun was setting, casting beams of golden, orange and pink light to Earth. The rays of light illuminated Anxiety's face like a halo, managing to make him look even more like a true piece of art. He was beautiful, and Roman couldn't stop staring. Eventually Anxiety realised Prince wasn't moving and turned, hazel eyes puzzled, hand brushing his dark hair out of his eyes.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He joked.
"I was just thinking that you look really nice." Roman said flippantly, making a pretty pink blush appear around Anxiety's freckles, very noticeable against his pale skin. "And that I really want to kiss you right now." He added shyly. This made Anxiety's head jerk up, and his eyes widen. But then he relaxed, smiled at his soulmate, and said, "Then do it."
So as the sun began to sink down below the horizon, and the flames of sunset's light grew and shone in bright colours through the sky, illuminating clouds and painting the sky a vibrant masterpiece, Roman slowly leaned in. He cupped his boyfriend's face shyly, eyes fluttering shut, and gently kissed Anxiety. Anxiety kissed back immediately, equally as gently, and the indescribable feeling of happiness came back. The kiss was sweet and slow, innocent and happy, a perfect first kiss. When they pulled apart the two boyfriends hugged again, Anxiety being short enough to simply bury his face and smile in Prince's shoulder. Roman wrapped his arms around his soulmate's waist, and they stood in the sunset for a minute longer, softly swaying back and forth in peaceful silence, enjoying the sunset and their soulmate's presence. And when they finally parted ways again, both heading to the own homes, it was with a smile on their faces, a pen in their hands, and ink stains littering their skin.
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