#<- new tag btw i don't remember the old one
its-captain-sir · 2 years
I don't think I've really talked about it before cause I wasn't sure if I wanted to spoil it or not but. holding the ending of my dino game close to my heart
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dduane · 1 year
BTW… re: Smut
... off my comment to this post the other day...
I'm an entertainer. Writing's a form of entertainment. (And not just for the readership: for me, too.) To be aroused by art one's experienced is (almost by definition) to be entertained, I'd say. If someone's jerking off to my erotica, then all I can do is lean back in the typing chair, smile a bit, and think, Good! I got the job done. :)
(...with the tags: #and no I'm not going to let on where the smut is#why would i deny anyone the delights of the search#and of being repeatedly mistaken#while possibly finding smut writers who're better at it than i am#:) ...)
...and then noting (with affectionate amusement) some responses:
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Well, troops, better get busy filling in that bingo box. 😄
Also: I have to say (while stressing that I absolutely appreciate the humor behind "shocked, shocked, scandalized...") that the dissonance is, temporally speaking, a bit ill-founded. Because while I may be best known for the Young Wizards works these days... by no means did they come first. This did.
A soft chuckle in the darkness. “Lorn, remember that first time we shared at your place?” “That was a long time ago.” “It seems that way.” “—and my father yelled up the stairs, ‘What are you dooooooooing?’ “—and you yelled back, ‘We’re fuckinnnnnnnnnnng!’” “—and it was quiet for so long—” “—and then he started laughing—” “Yeah.”
Granted, from the here-and-now POV of readers with access to the hot-'n'-spicy shipfic or PWP on AO3, this sort of thing (and the numerous other lights-often-off or dialogue-only sexytiems passages in the traditionally published Middle Kingdoms works) would be seen as pretty small beer: soft, non-edgy stuff. Yet in 1979 apparently there were those who found the sex and sexualities on display in The Door Into Fire arresting enough that the book got me nominated for the Astounding Award (for best new author in the field) two years in a row.
There's no question that the broadly inclusive tone set by the Middle Kingdoms books went on to affect and underlie the YW universe in very basic ways. (There've been some scholarly works written by academics who've picked up on this, so [much to my relief] this perception hasn't been just me imagining it.) But I'll grant you that those who don't know the MK novels wouldn't be in a position to make the connection. (shrug) This is just one of those things that comes of having a lot of fragmented readerships who don't know about each other... a side effect of having done a lot of different things during a career. I can also understand how not knowing about the MK works could leave people who know me only, or primarily, as someone writing for a younger readership, a little bit disoriented (or maybe concerned) when the issue of me writing openly sexual material rears its head. But that wouldn’t be a change of direction. It’d be, to some extent, more a return to form.
Anyway: I consider erotica—and its more casually-dressed (or undressed...) cousin, smut—to be perfectly legit forms of literary expression; ones that can soar to unexpected heights if you're willing to put in the work. The sexy-stuff-writing muscle requires periodic exercise if it's to remain viable and/or useful. So I exercise it. And being a 70-year-old person who sometimes creaks audibly when she walks has done absolutely nothing to decrease my interest in the subject—the brain being, after all, the biggest sex organ, and the one least vulnerable to the depredations of time. If anything, nearly fifty years of experience (and three and a half decades of marriage to @petermorwood) have added... let's just say nuance. 😏
Now this whole concept will doubtless horrify some of the "Eww, You're Too Old To Be Writing This Kind Of Thing, Go Get A (Home) Life" types. To which all I can say is, "...Well, good!" By and large, such folks are not my readers anyway. And as for any of them who are, and can't deal…? They need to understand that (pointing off to one side) those people over there—the various kinda-straight and pansexual and bisexual humans, and the gender-fluid fire elemental, and the otherly-gendered Dragon, and the mostly-gay ones enthusiastically shouting "We're fuckinnnng!" down the stairs—are Nita's and Kit's godparents. Without the members of that extremely mixed marriage and their increasingly extended family, there might be no Young Wizards series... not least because it was the splash made by the first of the Middle Kingdoms books that got the Errantryverse crowd in through a major publisher's door. And the series’s continued (modest but still noticeable) success through the second and third volumes kept the writing of new YW books going for a good long while.
...So. For those who may have had questions: HTH. 😀
(And now back to the unending search for a more graceful synonym for “testicles”.)
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tomatoland · 7 months
Top's wounded inner child and TopMew's (play)dates
Top has a wounded inner child. He may look like a grown man on the outside, but inside, he is stuck here.
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Top's reaction to freeze or go silent when emotions are high is very likely due to his fire trauma. When Mew yells at him, I thought Top very much looked like a child being yelled at by a parent. The way he avoids eye contact and bows his head. He feels indignation when Mew asks him if he and Boston planned this together, but he's unable to verbalize anything.
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I wonder if his parents blamed him for the fire because it is very much reading as someone in Top's life expressed disappointment or blamed him at a critical time. Twice, Mew has asked Top for a reason why he slept with Boston and he can't say and again when Cheum asks, he can't say.
As I'm all about pattern recognition, the show is setting us up for this to be a conversation TopMew are going to have btw.
Top does take responsibility for his actions though. I initially thought that this was a positive sign of maturity, but it can also be a sign that Top had to take on too much responsibility at too young of an age. He does what he's expected to do, which is apologize, but he can't offer any further explanation.
What we know of Top's childhood is that he was neglected by his parents because they are always too busy working or socializing and he was alone when the fire happened. The responsibility of a household is so much to take on when you're so young and to deal with a crisis alone, no child should EVER have to do that. Parents are supposed to be there to protect their children, give them space to just be a kid and Top didn't have that.
Now, I want to talk about how TopMew's dates are actually helping Top heal his inner child.
TopMew's dates are all about introducing Mew to new experiences for TopMew both to experience together, but notice how they are all very playful.
They eat ice cream together, they go to the bookstore and share different parts of books with each other, they go bike riding, they even have sleepovers where nothing sexual happens, they play laser tag, hide-and-seek, dance like nobody's watching, sing out loud badly, drink neon green apple sodas together, and Mew keeps Top company while he sketches (draws).
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Top's inner child holds all these heavy emotions from the fire incident, probably to the point that he can't remember good times he had as a child because he has spent an exorbitant amount of time here, fixating on that one moment. The result of which is years of insomnia, dependence on sleeping pills, a crippling fear of dying alone, and a fear of sleep.
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I don't think Top & Mew did this consciously, but isn't it just absolutely perfect that is what their playdates (because that's what they are, aren't they?) are doing, giving Top a chance for him to connect to his inner child in a more lighthearted way than he usually does and just play.
“Three things strike me about inner child work: the speed with which people change when they do this work; the depth of that change, and the power and creativity that result when wounds from the past are healed.”
This space to reconnect to his inner child is what is helping Top move past the self-sabotaging behaviors and unhealthy coping mechanisms from before. Past Top would have called up Beam, Past Top would've fallen for Boston's manipulation. Before Mew, Top had a string of short-term relationships and now, he's thinking beyond three months.
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The change in Top isn't because of Mew because even without Mew's presence, Top doesn't succumb to his old behaviors. This indicates that the change that may have started because of Mew, is now in Top. Being with Mew is what gave Top the opportunity to reconnect with and work on healing his inner child that now he wants to move past the things that were holding him in place.
This does bring up a really important fact though, change that is contingent on another person is not stable. Change must start with the individual if there is any chance for long-term sustainability. Maybe I'll be wrong and Top will self-destruct in the next episode, but he hasn't yet. He's still trying.
good article if you’re interested & cr for quote
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ratcandy · 3 months
(spoilers for the new update btw; this is tagged as spoilers too but just to be safe) By the way, headcanon-wise, I don't think the parasite is out of Sozo's system that easily.
like. I understand to some extent imprisoning him is forcefully sobering him up by denying him further intoxication, which would be one thing, but this is not Just Drugs . this is Drug Parasite. That is a thang inside him that is alive
At least this is assuming that he is indeed based off of an ant with cordyceps. Which I figure is most likely But even if OTHERWISE, I emphasize:
we revived him. by planting the mushroom
Mans was resurrected . Not through our usual means. But through the mushroom. There is no way, if it is the literal Thing that brings him back to life, that he is separated from the parasite by just popping off the outward manifestation of it on his head .
Surely planting the parasite would only bring IT back. But it brings him with it when it is revived, because not only is he its host, he's the best damn host its had. Considering just how he goes to fucking town on those mushrooms (or the mushroomos)
I mean we could argue that re-education while in prison is a literal cleansing process somehow, but For Me. Personally. As someone who feeds too much on angst. I keep imagining a scene wherein Dr. Sozonius is just sprouting a new mushroom again (if not various across his exoskeleton) and just .freaking out. Because while he doesn't remember any of what he was like or what he did during that time, he knows that it fucked him UP because why WOULD IT NOT fuck him up .
he lost his family. his home. he has no idea where he is. he woke up in some strange place feeling like he was gonna vomit. because he was so full of mushrooms why wouldn't he.
but there's something still there. there's something depending on him to the point that HE depends on IT
and just gradually... as the mushroom(s) sprouts again... he starts slipping into his old mannerisms......... he starts craving..... and he knows he Should Not. he knows he's so old now it would just kill him (not knowing it already killed him once). surely he wouldn't handle it again.
but it's so . tempting. the mushrooms. he needs them. he can hear it. them. whispering. to him.
something internally. pulling
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ikamigami · 3 months
So what if I told y'all that this is actually a "Moon's paranoia" arc? And what if showrunners hint that Sun will try to help or reach out to Eclipse behind Moon's back.. and they hint that with Moon's words that he trust Sun?
Cause let me tell you something. I've watched many shows and movies to know that this line reminds me of that type of foreshadowing in which one character says "we'll meet again" but they never had the chance to meet again because that other character dies. You know what I mean, right?
So with Moon saying that he trusts Sun - it's not the first time when he says that btw cause he told Earth that he trusts Sun with his life - and Moon being more and more paranoid, I have a heavy suspicion that Moon will stop trusting even Sun..
But ofc it won't be like that that Moon will abandon Sun or anything like that.. He most definitely will be mad at Sun.. but I think that this is what may lead to Moon locking Sun on the island..
Moon really acts paranoid. Some of you may not believe me but what Moon is doing is something that paranoid person would do. What I mean is that Moon devides what informations he shares with whom. No one receives full picture. Only Moon holds all the cards all the time.
Cause look at what he did. He decided to not tell any info to Solar at the moment, right? He did the same thing with not telling anything to Sun and Lunar before. But he eventually told them everything, right? Yes and this is another thing that hints to Moon being paranoid.. because he is the one who always shares things with others. It let's him feel in control of situation.
"Everything is fine as long as I keep my finger on the pulse"..
Getting back to Moon locking Sun on the island. Moon would obviously think that this would be the best for Sun. To keep Sun safe. Even from Sun himself.. or maybe especially from Sun himself.. because remember what I wrote in this post !
I think that everything is adding up nicely. Like many people were wondering about the purpose of Evil Sun's appearance in the show, thinking that maybe he's behind Eclipse's return. But it doesn't make any sense because E Sun doesn't have any agenda to meddle with our dimension. There weren't given any hints that our dimension has anything to offer to E Sun (yet, obvi lol)..
That's why I think that they made Moon go there so he could get paranoid for legit reasons and not out of the blue. Also it's important to do a good build up for rising paranoia in character for it to be more believable..
And most of the time paranoia is piling up before it'll reach a critical point when person snaps and starts doing things that endangers their and their family lives. It never starts right off the bat..
Paranoia is no joke. It messes with your mind badly.. especially if you feed your paranoid thoughts!
I'm saying that from personal experiences. I'm still struggling with paranoid thoughts. Who's read that one post of mine then knows what I'm talking about 😅
Also it might be actually just like @nightixx (hope you don't mind that I tagged you) said in one of their posts that Moon is probably realising to what lengths Sun is willing to go to protect his family. Maybe Moon actually sees that Sun can and would probably put himself in danger in order to keep his family safe. And maybe Moon actually suspect Sun to act behind his back and maybe even he may suspect that Sun may try to give Eclipse a chance just like he did with BM.
Cause Moon isn't stupid. He might not be the best with reading emotions etc but I won't doubt that he is quite observant. Like even Old Moon was noticing that something was wrong with Sun but unfortunately he didn't do much to help.
I think that New Moon is probably noticing that something is wrong with Sun as well. But unlike Old Moon he'll do something about it. He'll keep Sun safe no matter what. And why I think that Moon may be suspecting that Sun may try to give Eclipse a chance? Because I think that in Moon's eyes Sun is too nice, too naive, too stupid - he learned that in Ruin's dimension when Sun wanted to help that dimension so badly and he learned that with how Sun tried to give BM a chance.. Both of these situations were dangerous and yet Sun was willing to help and act on his kindness even if it meant endangering himself.. Moon sees that. I think that Moon realises that Sun is the biggest threat to himself...
Also I think that it's very possible that Moon may suspect that Sun will act behind his back because Sun already lied to him about that whole being a conduit for star's power thing which like Moon said was killing Sun every day..
And important thing to note is that paranoia may induce a hypervigilance in someone. Which explains why someone who is paranoid plans things in advance and with suspicion that others will break their trust.
Old Moon was paranoid af.. and we can see that New Moon starts becoming more and more paranoid as well...
But like I said it'll most definitely end up with Moon restricting Sun's freedom in order to prevent him from endangering himself. Which I'm afraid will lead to a tragedy.
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h-ayuchan · 5 months
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                               🌨️    ⁺ ☒           (✿˘˘)        ⑅              news! 
hii it's me riri if you don't know my name and i am just giving news if you care i am quiting/starting a new account over the past few weeks/months my last post was ten i think but yeah i'd rather see pppl make mbs than me make mbs one my mbs are ugly and i've lost a lot of motivation two so much events i see a new one everyday three school i put school first because no school no job i will make a new account but i am in no rush when i do make the new account please give it support like you gave this account i remember looking at mbs and thinking can i make them anyone can make mbs it's really easy and that was it but i've got tried and bored and i look at them too long and it is just ugly my mbs tho everyone has the prettiest mb ever!                                🥄    ⁺ ☒           (✿˘˘)        ⑅              500! 
thank you so much for 500 and 5,000 likes i hope i will be able to reach that again i remember having 1 follower shoutout to the fisrt person that follwed me and my ugly first mb and my first like it was so fun i was so happy and as time went same old same old i made few moots after life was good school started again how would i make mbs so i tried my best but i can't grades matter really i am good in gardes lol but i don't wanna worry about stuff like this you can find me on discord and pinterest instagram if you wanna talk i doubt bca i talk 2 no one but yygs are cool.                              ☃    ⁺ ☒           (✿˘˘)        ⑅              tags! 
thank you so much again and i'll name my favorite account in no order btw just account i reallly like also ingore my spelling mistakes @y0oni3 @y-unjins @shiolu @yeritos @baesol @trivijoy @p-oisn @i9chae @i04rei @raeceah @other moots sorry i have bad memory and cannot tag ev1 luv u tho! like and reblog if you can!
please look out for my new account and goodbye tumblr (for now)!! also stream melting point by zb1 kings tysm and sorry for all thoese ands i hope every stays safe drink lots of water and eat well and don't let bad pppl affect u ! peace out riri
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kitsune-oji · 2 months
hiii it's the luci and Satan anon again!! sorry for not being too specific (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠) as for ideas, maybe nicknames they'd give the reader, how they'd care for them (if they're strict or not and the like!), activities they'd enjoy with them?
and thank u for telling me about the term btw!! I had no idea (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I'll be more careful in da future!
Carer! Lucifer & Satan
Yeah sure, I hope this is what you meant! And no problem, I think there's no shame in not knowing something before. We all learn smth new every day and it's better not to assume something has been done out of maliciousness if it could be lack of knowledge. So I'm glad that I could help out in that way :) /gen
Gn! Reader
Relationships: Lucifer & Mc, Satan & Mc
Warnings/Tags: Age Regression, Regressor Reader, Fictional Carers, punishment mention, rules mention, headpats, bugs mention
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Nicknames for tiny: little one, prince/ss/x, my child, puppy (depending on what you're ok with or like of course)
As a carer, Lucifer tends to be on the stricter side
This means he has clear rules and consequences for if you break them. However, they're mostly rules like not eating too much candy, brushing your teeth on time, managing screen time and making sure to drink enough water (not just juice!)
Consequences depend on the rule you broke, so for example if you ate candy in secret and lied, Lucifer would not hand out anymore candy for a certain amount of time or if you don't brush your teeth, he will come to you every night and brush them together with you to make sure you keep up with it now
"punishments" just turn out to do more harm than good usually and at least with you, he tries to restrain himself and show that he cares for you and your wellbeing, instead of making you fear and avoid him
Lucifer is also a big fan of work sheets and if you're old enough to work on them, likes to set you up in his office so you two can do "work" side by side
He even grades papers if possible, gives you little gold stickers and other rewards like candy and praises you for a job well done
Let's you sleep in his lap while he works too - he won't even complain when his legs fall asleep and just summon a cushion to make it easier on his legs while letting you sleep
Pats your head a lot - when he praises you, when he walks past you as you play, when you hug or cuddle and so on
Nicknames for tiny: kitty, pumpkin, kiddo, little one, bud (depending on what you're ok with or like of course)
As a carer, Satan is not necessarily strict per se but definitely goes more in that direction
He sets up a whole plan with you, makes little to do lists with illustrations so you remember to do things like brush your teeth, wash your face etc before bed for example
Having read into parenting books and tips to make sure he's not doing anything wrong, Satan understands quite a bit more about what things can help you, why you may react in some ways and how to work on problems in a way that isn't forced but a collaborative effort between you two
He's very enamored with you and even plays with you with stuffies if you like that. There are a bunch of cat stuffies that found their way on his bed and towers of books over time - so there's always one on hand when he wants to talk to you 'through' them
"Mr Claw wants to ask if you want to read a book together? How about..."
Favorite activity together is definitely reading out loud for you. Especially when it's an interactive book, like the ones that have little images instead of words so the kid can read out loud together with the adult
Also loves going outside though and playing in the park. If you like bugs, you can catch them and figure out what it's called together with an encyclopedia or if you don't, there are enough plants and the like outside you can identify!
Likes to give you little tasks/activities like finding something for every color of the rainbow and doing fun quizzes on stuff you learnt that day
Ruffles your hair if it's fine with you, otherwise just pats you on the head - when you're joking around, when you've gotten something right/done a good job and so on
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bomberqueen17 · 4 months
progress etc
god it's less than a week to christmas. ok cool. yeah. great. all right.
i am. what have i been doing??? i don't know. I've sewn several things-- most notably a pair of leggings-- and the house renovations have progressed to the point that we're getting final measurements for counters tomorrow. I'll put pictures behind the cut. We painted the ceiling ourselves, as paint isn't included in the remodel.
I don't remember what I last posted pictures of. IDK there's a floor now, I didn't take pictures of that yet.
ok i was wrong i do have one photo of the floor but it's in-progress, max is in the background wedging it in between the cabinets.
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[image description: an awkward angle looking down standing in the side door entryway, with the blue-washed gray side of a new cabinet facing me, some of the plywood subfloor exposed coated in glue, mottled gray fake stone tiles laid out and the hunched form of a man in a gray sweatshirt kneeling on the floor in the background with his head hidden behind the cabinet. Listen I wasn't trying to be creepy.]
it's fake stone vinyl tiles. i know, not normally my aesthetic, and it's probably the thing that'll look most dated in a little bit, but there was no point trying to do anything wooden or wood-look because the rest of the house has original hardwood from 1950 and anything new wouldn't match. (the hardwood badly needs refinishing, let's not contemplate that right at this juncture...)
Max is from Elmira, btw, and only moved to Buffalo a year ago-- just in time for the blizzard to absolutely destroy his first apartment here and wreck most of his stuff. It was a bit of a harsh welcome to the city. He's soft-spoken and extremely polite and doesn't really know how to talk to me, not the way Jim the installer (fiftysomething and very experienced) does. He did gently laugh at me when I left yesterday and then immediately had to come back to get my keys, which I had locked inside the house (but of course as he was still there the other door was still unlocked). "I grew up in the kind of place where you don't bother locking doors," I said, and he was like "lol same".
(I know Elmira because Middle-Little went to college there. It's a sort of dire little place in the Southern Tier-ish region of NY, a couple hours away. The region is fairly economically devastated, alternating crushing rural poverty with Tourism Dollars; Elmira itself boasts a college, a prison, and precious little else.)
Anyway-- painting the ceiling over the weekend, I discovered that the real life hack for painting a ceiling is for at least one member of your party to be six feet three inches.
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[image description: my dude, a tall thin white man in an uncharacteristic ball cap he's only wearing to avoid paint splatter (it is embroidered with the HTML tags <head> on the front and </head> on the back, and was a gift to him in like 2002) is standing on the cardboard-and-sheet-draped floor of the kitchen using a paint roller on the ceiling, which he can reach easily; in front of him the cabinets are all draped in old sheets as well and there's a random light bulb sticking out because the installer wired that in for us to use as a work light since the electricians haven't installed the ceiling lights yet which was why it was an ideal time for us to paint said ceiling.]
Anyway it's going great. The counters won't go in until January sometime, but early January. The electricians plan to come the day after Christmas and I won't be there until the afternoon so I'm going to check in with Jim today about what they'll need.
Meanwhile, I remembered that I hadn't set myself the goal of crafting anything for Christmas except I bought a bunch of scarf blanks from Dharma Trading to dye as gift wraps and gift components and my basement is all torn apart and I don't dare make that kind of mess in my mother-out-law's basement so I need to work out how to get that done so I'm really kind of slogging through that, a bit.
OH i just went to look at what the last pictures I posted of the kitchen were and the answer is LIKE NONE so omg sorry here's before we painted the ceiling, where you can see what it's gonna look like!
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[image description: This is View A, from the side door toward the front of the house. Along the left of the photo is a line of cabinets, a set on the ground and then another mounted up on the wall; in the middle of that will be the sink, and then farther down a dishwasher (!!!) and beyond that the stove, all along that north wall of the house. The middle of the photo is the big bay window we had installed, and there are cabinets along the front of it: the countertop will extend out from those, and will form a seating area. To the right of the window, the front door is now visible, that little wall having been removed and now being a wide-open space into the entryway. The right of the photo is the interior wall of the kitchen, now transformed into a built-in pantry space with a fridge hole in the middle, where the extra flooring tiles are currently stacked.]
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[image description: this is View B, from the front door into the kitchen. The foreground is the big open space where the wall was removed; the bay window is just out of frame to the right, and the far wall shows the empty space (now containing buckets of floor glue and a roll of cardboard) where the stove will be, and above it will be an extractor hood (no more Everything Smells Like Salmon!!), and the empty space (now filled with a rolling garbage can the contractors are using) for the dishwasher, and then the little window right above the sink-- this is a detail we've kept from the old kitchen, that's where the sink was and that's where the window, but the window seems bigger because the cabinets aren't packed so tightly around it now-- and you can see the side door there, and then the left of the photo shows the edge of the pantry unit where the fridge will go.]
It's a much more open space, both of us can be in there, someone doing dishes while you cook is no longer the world-ending inconvenience it historically has been, and also now you can talk to someone in the living room while you're in the kitchen without needing to holler.
Yeah the gray cabinets are-- well they're pale wood washed with dilute blue, is what they are, and all the hard fixtures are in neutral shades like that, grays and gray-blues, and the countertops will be white with tiny sparkles, and the idea is that the big wall to the west and the little bits of wall around the windows will be painted some bold color we'll match with like throw rugs and hot mats and other changeable fixtures, so the kitchen can get "redecorated" with a new coat of paint and not clash with the hard fixtures. This job cost five figures, we're not re-redoing it during our lifetimes.
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agent-toast · 9 months
I finished watching Umbrella Academy season 3 ep10. Here is a compilation of my reactions.
(not in order probably, just what i can remember)
-hello klaus nice to see you
-no don't ring the bell DON'T RING THE BELL WHY
-i was just beginning to like the old man
-then he is bad guy
-i'm sad
-finally allison is acting like a rational human being again
-diego you're stupid what if a sword swingin samurai dude breaks down the closet door? lila should stick with you so that she can mimic your power THIS IS STUPID
-wait how does lila mimic viktor's power without viktor using it at the time? eh whatever
-yes five you finally realised that the pattern on the flamingo is the same as the tattoo on your 100 year old self muahaha i knew that for a few episodes
-ew cockroaches
-do married people always have to kiss? aye if you're gonna do it, do it quickly. thank you.
-stand on them stars :D
-allison is not the chosen one :o
-hurry up five go teleport onto the sta- OH SHIT HIS ARM
-ok he teleport onto the star yes
-wHAt why is hotel orange
-it's a machine from another universe???
-oh god they're dying oh god
-the acting is really good
-i really hate the reginald man
-HAH why is the blood green? eh whatever
-five are you okay viktor are you okay
-don't press that button allison
-i like how the yelling overlaps
-oop she pressed the button
-allison are you hallucinating? also what is going on?
-the hell is this place
-narcissistic shit putting a bust of your own face in a place you built
-FIVE LOST HIS ARm oh wait he got it back
-does sloane no longer exist? since the universe reset?
-luther, the boy has just been through a traumatic incident. he lost his fricking arm. do not harass him further.
-oh no teleporty boy cannot teleport
-i like how five not being able to blink is just aidan gallagher acting out teleporting every time
-go watch the videos of him acting and you'll see
-they all got turned off creative mode by reggie
-viktor just stands there lookin at his hands
-allison? where did she go? is she dead??
-klaus being like 'aww i'm no longer immortal dammit it was getting good too!'
-k bye everyone see you at the next wedding or funeral
-damn right viktor that old man's an asshole
-he's also alive apparently
-who is that? grace? she also looks like sissy? or sloane? huh? what?
-next day: i realised that it's abigail the girl on the moon, stupid me haha
-thanks people for telling me in the tags
-did you guys see the ending where ben is sitting on the train looking all emo and cool
-what he reading there
-well i'm kinda sad now. gotta wait till 2024 for new content
-why is everyone simping for five btw that's kind of questionable
-and people are simping for aidan gallagher too? which is very questionable
-well time to sleep :D
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biolizardboils · 3 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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ask-obt · 7 months
I feel like this question has already been asked but i can’t remember and I couldn’t find the answer by searching his tag, so: What was the role of Akio in the original OBT? From what i can tell he’s meant to be Rune’s son, but what about his father? Is there a chance he could appear in the current comic, or would he just be repurposed into a new character? (Sorry for long prompt btw)
// the explanation was a bit buried into this ask here (which also talks about other plot points from old OBT), but I'd be happy to give a more accessible version of an explanation as well as some extra context! so akio is the remnant of an arc I had in mind for rune from the very early era of preboot OBT up until I officially scrapped him in 2020. october 6th, 2020 in fact (happy die day you little freak)! in old OBT his role was to be the son of rune and some rando from the luxio tribe in a one night stand, mostly to stir drama between her and kodali. later on it turned out that luxio had the same name as one of my partner's characters (a mew named Xander), and we joked about Xander shapeshifting into a Luxio and blending into the tribe and getting together with rune... and then I made doodles of a vulpix with fun little mew traits, and got attached to the idea! around that time I was gearing up for the reboot of OBT, so he's... well, I was gonna say alolan, but this was actually my first doodle of that fire opal vulpix concept!
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and then I thought "actually it'd be more fun if he was kantonian and also will help differentiate his design from rune" which is where you get the current iteration of his design that I use for memeing purposes
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then with this being in the reboot timeline, it meant it started intersecting and butting heads with other arcs I had planned. I can probably go more into detail with that once we're a bit further along in the story, but basically rune was A Little Cringe for the circumstances she ended up with xander in the reboot, which would've ended up giving akio a bit of tasty insecurity as he got older and realized he resembled his dad in several ways he didn't like.
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one of those ways being that he was flirty, but didn't want to commit to having a family
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but that said... these were all headcanons for akio when he was older, aka either in the epilogue of OBT or in a potential sequel. which would've meant I'd have to carry around a baby character that I didn't really have any strong feelings about, a character arc for rune that was fitting with the story less and less over time, all for an epilogue or sequel that may or may not have seen the light of day. don't get me wrong, i still LOVE the idea of exploring this type of arc. but... does it have to be rune's son? she has a bunch of other arcs to explore, and her experiencing motherhood was just complicating the story in a way that wasn't fun to write. overall, it stopped fitting with the themes of OBT and needed to be cut in order to tell the story I actually wanted to tell. so nowadays, akio is a funny little in-joke with myself as a remnant of a long forgotten storyline, and is floating around my brain like a dvd screensaver. maybe someday he'll find a home in a story (he'd be more likely to find another life in my original project before OBT), maybe I'll use him in some sort of RP/collab, or maybe he'll keep collecting dust. only time will tell!
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johnconstantinesdick · 2 months
Op your post and tags about Artemis doing damage control is absolutely delightful.
I mean, from Titan's curse we know Artemis was trying to get the council to prepare for the war, recognizing what was happening, even before the war gods actively acted.
Also Apollo getting a ping when a new possible child of the prophecy gets born actually makes sense. He knew how old Thalia was, he's also a god of truth besides just prophecy and during the years of the Hunt functioning I doubt the only big three kids to join are Bianca and Thalia. The chances are really small for that to happen.
It could also be Roman demigods, since literally anyone can join and it's better to be safe than sorry. And since it was 'child of the eldest gods' and not specifically the big three, she might have even counted in children of Demeter, since Hestia and Hera don't have (in Hera's case demigod) children.
About anon that Artemis acted predatory: bestie do you want the prophecy to happen? Do you want to risk Olympus falling?
And the average life expectancy of a Greek demigod is like 13 years old, were it not for them, the squad at Westover would have little chances of survival at the age they were at. Also statistically, the Hunt even helps to get demigods the chance to reach the camp by killing the monsters.
In conclusion: was it sketchy? Sure. Was she lying tho? Not at all.
From the few Hunters we got the chance to meet, sure, Bianca was really young when she died, but Phoebe and Zoë were thousands of years old. Let's do the math. If Zoë had been with the Hunt for let's say 3 000 years, and Phoebe for 2 500. Bianca died at 13 I think? Even these three on their own puts the average life expectancy of a Hunter to 1 838 years. And that's a bit higher than the chances of Greek demigods.
Artemis literally is doing the absolute most of a damage control.
(also personal headcanon that Artemis sends the Hunters to the camp instead of being on their own so they were safe from Orion since he usually targets them when they're alone, and being without Artemis who even got stolen and physically cannot help would be quite a chance to miss)
I love your username!
It always interests me how out of all of the gods Artemis is the most involved in the everyday lives of demigods. Mr. D helps run the camp, but she spends her time with her hunters, fighting with them and forging relationships. She’s notable in TTC because when the gang is fighting Atlas with her, she feels like a comrade more than a capricious god.
She’s not above criticism, but even taking my Great Prophecy Damage Control read out of the situation, she does more to directly help demigods than like. Any other god. So when I see wild criticism of her like “if Artemis hadn’t recruited the girl who admitted she might have destroyed Olympus if allowed to age then Hera wouldn’t have targeted Thalia so much. She was really just mad Thalia foreswore her only family in Jason. Isn’t Artemis so bad and evil???” It’s kind of like. Why are you bending over backwards to vilify one of the only gods consistently fighting and advocating for our heroes.
(Btw yes that is an actual take I saw in a fic.)
And you’re right on the Hunters ages!! Like we have several girls that have been around for thousands of years!!!! We have like five named Greek demigods that have lived to the age of eighteen in the original series, and over half of them proceeded to die anyway. Artemis is obviously doing something right to keep her girls alive this long.
With the fic idea… I may just have to write it when I get a chance. If I remember right, I don’t think the Romans were in line for the first Great Prophecy anyway, but it would be so funny if Artemis was like… fuck that. If I have to keep cleaning up my dad and uncle’s messes then I’m going to clean up all of them and get more hunters out of it.
Anyway thank you for the ask! I had fun making the post but then the anons I got kind of soured it :\ so I’m glad you like my thoughts!
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kianaflame23 · 1 year
Dominance ☆ Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield x f!reader N*FW
I'M SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO POST THIS!! I DO HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY CLIVE FANFIC!! It's my first time writing "this" fanfic so forgive me if you don't like it! Most likely ooc for Clive but yeah! Sorry for my grammar btw!!
Tagging: @theempressofdarkmagic @aria-lesage @virtuousluna @momowasdreaming @blueflame97 @ishgard @tea-r-re-z @eclentera @tharmr-barnabas
Let me know if you want to be tagged! ✨️
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You and the group walked around the castle of Barnabas as Clive wanted to negotiate with him. He remembered seeing King Barnabas when he was 15 years old, small talk with him but that's it. Now, you are new to the group as you fought against Clive. Thinking to yourself that he wanted to kill you for your bounty money. Surprisingly, you were able to defeat him as Clive's knees were on the ground. Cursing to himself, he hears you coming closer and closer. However, you did something shocking and chaotic. You were in front of him and stretch your hand to him, smirking at him as you waited for him to grab your hand.
"That was a great fight! No one has ever fought me for so long! What's your name?" You spoked as you grinned, still waiting for him to say or anything.
He sighed as he gripped your hand tightly, your strength pulling him up rapidly. Clive looked even more shocked towards you, wondering how can you be so strong yet short (or current height) appearance.
*Sorry if you're aren't short! You can imagine however height you are here!*
"My name...is Clive Rosfield"
"Clive Rosfield? I see! My name is (Y/N)! Nice to meet you, Clive!"
Clive didn’t wish to continue talking to her but you attracted him somehow.
"Do you even know who am I?
"Huh? Nope! You will be my new friend! You can't say no to me though!" you leaned back as you laughed, Clive getting more confused.
"I'm going to joined your little group! Hope you don't mind!" you walked away from him, trying to talked with Jill and Cidolfus. Clive turned his head quickly as he began to walk.
That's how you and the group met, traveling together and killing any creatures throughout the journey.
Back to the castle of Barnabas, the group and you stared at the huge front door which you guessed it's the entrance of the castle. As soon you were going to say something, the door opened and you saw Barnabas for the first time. You gasped, not sure if you are liking his handsome face or his well-built body. Barnabas looks at you and smiled, walked towards you as you stood there.
"Hello, my lady. Welcome to my kingdom! I hope you enjoy your stay in here" Barnabas spoked seductively to you, him holding your soft hand and places a kiss on the top of your hand. Not knowing the rage of Clive's blue eyes starting at Barnabas, wanting to kill him right there. He had to calm himself as he wants information from King Barnabas for his next journey...
Throughout the hours at the castle, Barnabas continued to talk with you, you were trying to answer as best as you can. You do find him attractive but you weren't interested with anyone. Unless if it was involved with Clive but you don't want to admit to yourself though.... You felt like he deserved someone better. Better than you and wishes for him to be happy....
Barnabas stopped his tracks and everyone looked at him with confusion. Barnabas turned to you slowly and smiled at you as he starts talking in front of everyone.
"(Y/N), forgive me for asking this but I want you to come with me. Staying in my room alo--" Barnabas couldn't finished his sentence as Clive yelled at him, not wanting to hear a word from Barnabas.
Clive rushed towards you with lust and anger in his eyes, taking you away from everyone as Jill and Cidolfus calling your names. Jealousy taking over him, trying to erase the image of Barnabas smirking and being with you. Clive definitely didn't like seeing you being Barnabas' queen at all....
The castle has too much rooms but luckily for Clive, he will use this advantage to claim you as his and no one can stop him. He only wants you and only you, he will not allow King Barnabas to take you away from him. Clive doesn't care if he'll start a war between him and Barnabas. He WILL have you no matter what. He'll show you true pleasure, wanting to start a family with you and breeding you all day or night...
When you're inside the room, you weren't able to say anything as Clive ripped your clothes apart and pushed you to the bed with force, you looked at him shocked.
"What the fuck, Clive? What's wrong with you??"
"I will NOT let Barnabas claim you, (Y/N)! You're mine and only MINE." he said to you darkly, not sure if you're getting turn on or not. Not wanting to admit that you feel yourself wet from his words...
You felt his rough fingers thrusting rapidly inside you, moaning a bit too loud for your liking. His thumb rubbing your clitoris harshly as you begged him to stop. Not listening to you, thrusting his fingers even more in you. Making you cum on his fingers as your eyes rolled back in pleasure, trying to calm yourself from your climax.
Clive moaned, tasting your sweet cum on his mouth and forcing you to taste yourself as he placed his fingers in your mouth. Feeling your tongue as you tried to move your tongue away from his fingers but couldn't. He pulled away his hands and began to take off his clothes. Feeling more aroused as you continued to see him with fear and excitement in your eyes.
"You think this is over, (Y/N)? Oh no. We are just getting started and you will be MINE. I will show you how much I LOVE you."
"Wait, Clive! If you want to use my body for stress relief, then I don't mi--"
"No, (Y/N)! You truly don't understand... Then, I have to show you how much I desire you and you will soon know how you make me go crazy for you!" he grunted as his thick, long cock appearing in front of you, pre-cum leaking a bit as you cover your mouth. Trying to control yourself as you want to taste him and suck on his cock...
As if he read your mind, he smirked at you and pushed himself closer to you, whispering your ear as you gasped
"It seems that you want to suck on my cock. I don't mind, (Y/N). I will be pleasuring your sweet pussy, then"
Before you can say anything to Clive, he pulled you up from the soft bed as he collapsed to the bed, you on top of him as you felt yourself blushing even more. Feeling his cock behind you as you sat on top of him.
"C-clive! What are you d--"
"I want you to use your mouth on my cock as I taste your cum while I suck your sweet pussy at the same time, (Y/N)! I want us to reach true pleasure together!"
Your eyes widened after Clive finished his speech, feeling yourself insecure of yourself. Knowing that you have to show your ass in front of him.... as you sucked his cock. You don't want to sit on him! It's too embarrassing and you would rather do something else than sitting Clive's face.
Clive feeling impatient, not wanting to wait any longer as he slapped your ass. Gaining a reaction from you and he growled at you as he speaks to you again.
"C'mon, I want you to sit on me. I don't care if you hurt me. I don't mind you going rough on me, (Y/N)!" Clive said to you with lust and frustration, making you gulped as you obeyed his command. Feeling yourself ashamed as you showed your ass fully to him. Clive groaned as he grabbed your ass tightly and began to lick your sweet flower. Making you moan even more loud, trying to calm your moans as you looked at his cock. Seeing his cock twitching, ready for you to touch and suck on it...
You licked your lips, leaning to Clive's cock and kissing his tip of his cock. Making him stop what he is doing and moaned as you began to suck on it, using your delicate hands to stroke his cock at the same time.
"Fuck! Your mouth feels so good! Don't stop, (Y/N)!"
You listened to him, sucking and stroking his thick cock faster. Feeling yourself getting closer to climax as you feel Clive’s roaming all around your pussy. Thrusting his tongue in and out of your gummy walls. It was too much for you, yet it was so good! You want to continue with this pleasure forever! Sadly, you couldn't hold yourself any longer. You're not the only one as Clive feels himself reaching to climax as well.
"SHIT! I'm gonna cum on you! Release your sweet juice on me, (Y/N)!
Hearing his words finally made you climax on him, giving him what he wants as Clive came on your mouth. Clive tasting your cum as he moaned loudly, trying not to lose conscious from your climax and his climax as well. He isn't ashamed of his loud moans. Clive wants you to know that YOU are the only one who can satisfy him. You felt yourself gagged a bit as you still feel him releasing more of his cum on your mouth and swallowing as much as you can. Feeling his cum dripping down on your breasts and breathing heavily as you calm down from your climax.
"T-that was so good... Are you satisfied, C-clive?" you stuttered as you pulled your ass away from Clive, sitting down next to his legs. Still feeling your legs shaking from your second climax.
Clive moved his body from the bed, pulling you closer to his chest as his bruising lips crashed on your lips, feeling his tongue touch yours and roaming everywhere as you moaned softly. You tapped his broad shoulder, signaling him that you want to breathe and Clive pulled away from you, both yours and clive's saliva connected to each other as it falls down. Making you feel wet again...
"No, I want to feel you. I want my cock inside you right now! You're making me lose myself, (Y/N)!"
"C-clive! I think we should re--"
You were interrupted as you felt Clive's hands pulled you down to the comfy bed, one of his hand gripping both of your hands above your head. Grabbing your leg around his waist as he growled in annoyance. Clive doesn't need to use both of your legs, knowing that you can't feel legs from your climax. You struggled to get out of tight grip, questioning yourself that you can easily your strength to get out of the room. Your body thinks differently though which sucks for you. However, you actually didn't mind it..... You're happy that his beast behavior shows that he wants you and only you...
'I guess I'll let him fuck me.... Maybe I can enjoy this....at least I'm not alone anymore...' you thought to yourself, waiting for him to begin.
"Fine, you c-can cum inside me. I'm not going to stop you. Promise me to never leave me, Clive..."
Clive looked you with such intense and lust before he closed his eyes, sighing as his hand grabbed your leg and placing it down softly. Surprising you even more as Clive moved closer to you and starts to kiss your neck, gropping your breast slowly as if he doesn't want to hurt you. Moaning as you feel his cock twitch between your sex. You blushed but decided to use your hips to grind on him, earning a soft moan from him. Letting go your arm as he groaned in pleasure, warning you to stop or he will go rough on you. You bit you lips, feeling your body in heat and liking the idea of him being dominant. Yes, you're enjoying this soft side of Clive, however, you do wonder how good it will feel. Him thrusting in and out of your sweet sex nonstop until you can only think of his name. Screaming and moaning his name all night....
"I want you to be serious here, Clive. I don't want you to just use my body for your own entertainment."
"(Y/N), I--"
"Please, let me finish talking"
Clive was about to say something but decides to listen to what you are going to say to him. Seeing his stoic yet handsome face looked at you with genuine fear in his blue eyes, thinking to himself that he messed up. Proving you that he only loves you and to be with you. He would rather stay away from anyone if he can't have you. Most likely not able to continue with his revenge journey.... You noticed that Clive looked away from you, feeling hurt that he can't change your mind. Pulling your hand to caresses his cheek, making him snap out of his negative thoughts. Clive immediately felt in ease and leaned your hand more, reminding you on how he react like Torgal whenever you are with him
'How cute' you thought to yourself again as you began to talk more.
"I hate the idea of being a single mother, taking care of my future children....so you better tell me now! D-do you love me...?"
"Of course, I do love you! You're the only one who understands me and always there for me even when I was too harsh on you!"
"Okay, good. Prove to me, Clive. Give me the best pleasure that I'll ever experience. I want to feel your cock in me now, my d-darling knight...my king..." you blushed more as you used your legs around his waist, trapping him as you felt your sweet cum spreading a bit to him.
"I'm going to fuck you so hard. The only thing you'll be screaming is my name, (Y/N)!"
You aren't sure if the jealousy and possessive is still taking over him but you don't mind it at all. You're already loving on how serious his face is and how he wants to give his lovely future wife the greatest pleasure ever. Ready to feel your sweet flower in his thick, long cock and releases his seed in you...
Clive pulled away from you for a few seconds before placing both of your ankles over his shoulders. Pinning your arms above your head again with his hand while Clive starts to stroke his cock as you grinned in excitement. His eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as his tip of his cock starts to rub between your gummy walls before inserting you fully without warning. Feeling yourself pulled back in pain yet ecstacy as you moaned.
"Eikons! Feel so damn good, my love!"
You feel his thick cock thrusting in and out of you roughly, moaning more loudly than you thought. Your breasts bounces with so much force. You don't care if your chest starts to feel pain. You're enjoying this immensely as you vowed to yourself that you will never leave Clive alone. No matter how dangerous the journey will lead to you and Clive. You'll stay and fight next to him until his vengeance ends. Then, you and Clive can be enjoying your peaceful life together. You hoped that no one will hear your passionate yet rough sex with Clive. You'll be so embarrassed if your group knows about it and starts to tease you after leaving the castle of Barnabas.... Especially King Barnabas.... however, you'll worry about it later. You want Clive to fill you up with his cum in your womb. Only him can do it. You'll beat up anyone who dares to touch you or your handsome knight of yours! You survived for so long without any help. Feeling your tears coming down from your eyes as you kept moaning more. Clive noticed your crying immediately as his hand shakily wiped away your tears, asking you if you want to stop and you rapidly shaked your head in disapproval.
"N-no! Keep going please, Clive! I am so grateful to have you as mine.This is just tears of happiness...."
"(Y/N)... I--"
"I want to feel your cum in me! Fill me up please, Clive!"
Hearing your words aroused Clive even more as his blue eyes turned to lust once again. Wanting to fuck you like an animal... Craving your body as Clive starts to give your neck some hickies while thrusting his cock deeply in you.
"Who's my good girl?!" Clive whispers your ear, feeling your ear burning as you felt his hot breath blew through your ear
"I can't hear you, (Y/N). WHO'S MY GOOD GIRL?" Clive screamed to you, your eyes widened as your smiled gleefully to him or yourself. You don't care if you looked silly right now.
"That's right, my lovely wife. You're mine" he huskily said to you, still thrusting in and out your pussy, feeling your gummy walls squeezing his cock tightly. Both of you and Clive moaning and panting together.
"I'm gonna cum again, my darling husband~ Fill me up! Everything please!" you moaned as you blushed, shocked that you actually said it to Clive. Before you can say anything to him, his hand slowly pulled away from your wrist. Your hands immediately pulled him in a tight hug, not wanting him to stop and begging for him to release his seed in your womb. Feeling yourself getting closer to climax. Luckily for you, Clive feels the same as he sloppily thrusts in you more deeply, cursing to himself as he's ready to release his thick cum in you. You felt his index finger rubbing your clitoris rapidly, as if Clive wants you to climax on him. Feeling his finger and his cock going deeper and deeper in you, letting out your sweet nectar on him. Moaning loudly as you closed your eyes in ecstasy.
"Oh, eikons! Give me more of your sweet nectar to me! My good girl! My queen! I'm gonna c--" Clive choked as he couldn't finished his sentence, his seed filling you up. His legs shivers as Clive tries to continue his breathing. Still thrusting in you a bit before pulling out, his cum dripping down slowly to the comfy bed covers. Clive collapsed next to you, pulling you to his chest. Grinning to yourself as your cheek pressed to them, deciding if you want to bite his chest or not....
"Easy there, my naughty wife. Want me ravish you again?", Clive smirked as he caressed your hips. You blushed more but you got a goofy smirk as you began to talk.
"I don't mind another round. Just give me five minutes. Your cock is mine, after all~", you winked at Clive, giggling as you saw his blue eyes widened at your bold speech.
"Yes, Clive?"
"Why did you say that to me?"
"What do you mean, Cli---", you didn't finished your sentence as Clive bounced on you. Wanting to devour you again
This is going to be a LONG night for both you and Clive. At least no one will tease you two when it's morning right....?
The end ☆
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apollothesunrat · 5 months
It occured to me that I should probably post a picture of the goobers I entered in the goober comp. So have my babies, the siblings ever. The are in the same au btw, I just don't have an official name for it so they're labeled by their defining factors.
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Raised by the Foot Casey Jones:
Casey has been in the Foot as long as he can remember, training along side the Master's daughter. Raised as Cassandra, he trained at the same time as Oroku Karai due them being similar ages though he only saw her occasionally as he was in the New York lair and Karai lived in Japan with her Father. As he grew up, he realized he just wanted to be Casey, but no one accepted that. The Lieutenant told him he was confused, he was girl and that's what he'd always be. At 15 he had grown to hate it, the Foot's motives, the way he was forced to wear the female uniform, all of it. So he started leaving, seeking time away. He finds an empty watertower on a roof miles away from the Foot's lair After about year of doing he starts hearing whispers throughout the Foot of strange men in suits roaming the streets. One day in the midst of April he goes out, and meets a girl, shorter than him but close to his age none the less. She introduces her in broken English as "Experiment A". Finding this "name" horrible Casey offers to give her a better one amd be her friend. She agrees.
Raised by the Kraang April O'Neil:
Experiment A doesn't remember the horrible day when the Kraang took her and killed her parents but she remembers everything afterwards. She was taken to the head, Kraang Prime, he was so cruel. The Kraang never respected her, always sticking needles in her and making her use her powers to the point she was pass out. At one point, after being trained for many years, they took her to a facility on Earth. It was apparently her home planet. She didn't like what her superiors were planning, so she started escaping. The Kraang scientists in the lab never paid her any attention so snuck out and watched the humans. They didn't have a pink tinge to their akin of tendrils on their head like she did. Nor did they have teeth or nails as sharp as her. Experiment A didn't understand them, everytime she tried to say hello they screamed, called her a freak. So she stayed away, just watching and learning. Then one particularly chilly day, she met a human boy. He didn't scream at her, or call her a freak. He offered to take care of her, and give her a real name like his. His name was Casey, she thought it suited him.
After their meeting both began meeting up on the same rooftop they met. Casey found a new name for Experiment A. "April", after the month he met her and it started with an A, so it wasn't too much of an adjustment for her.
They've only known eachother for about five months now. Casey gives April all his old feminine clothes to wear(she insists his are better than new clothes, they smell like him apparently and scent is important to her) and April helps him steal masculine clothes. Casey teaches April English, though getting her to spell correctly is difficult, and he showed her around New York City and gave her anything he could afford. April was never needed at the lab(Kraang Prime would make it known if he needed her) so she was always at the water tower, filling it with old blankets and pillows, stolen clothes and books. She makes it feel like home.
They have yet to officially meet their version of the turtles so the Hamatos aren't important right now. But they meet them soon.
Thanks for reading! I appreciate reblogs and thoughts on this!
(I'll go ahead and tag the comp since I posted this cause of it. @goobersforlife)
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salad-006 · 10 months
btw salad what's ur opinion on eddsworld legacy?
For the most part, i think legacy is Okay. It's not the Best, but its nice to see so many people come together to finish off the show. I can respect all the work these guys did, especially tomska.
If you came for my option on the season and thats it you can leave, because the rest of this is me going crazy mode
My only real problems lie with only 2-3 episodes, and it drives me Crazy because they're By Far the most popular, so they've caused the most problems. This one question ended up becoming a giantic essay SORRY im just passionate about ebbworld
Keep in mind these are Just my options, I'm not going to look down on you if you're the number one The End Fan. If you like it then Cool, you can continue to enjoy it. And i can continue to hate it over in my corner
I'm keeping this section on Fun Dead short, mostly because it's not really the worst offender
The "Obliviously stupid to progress the plot" trope is so bad here. They've seen zombies before how do they not recognize them now. I get them being oblivious to super obvious things is the joke ,but its just not funny
For a Zombie centric episode, there's barely any Fighting. I feel like big fight scenes are what people like most with these. But no we get a 30 second montage, one that's not even animated
They are such wusses in this episode id bully them if i was there i think
The End. Don't even get me started on The End. Legitimately i have never seen such a botched finale in my life. Fair warning this is about to get long and angry im sorry
Let me ask one question: how come in the Finale To Eddsworld Legacy, the season Dedicated to Edd Gould and his work, Edd Himself does not play a prominent role? I'm not even kidding, you could write Edd out completely and Nothing would change. Ive heard people say this was Tomska going out with a bang before leaving the show, but from what i know he also wanted eddsworld to be completely over at The End. If that's true he could have atleast let Edd shoot the harpoon or some shit, come on
This is such a disappointing finale overall. They don't do anything exciting. We just get to watch a little "do you remember this episode?" Montage, all the sudden everything gets crazy then oh! Episodes over goodbye forever.
An end fight might have been more exciting had it been set up properly. They gave us the bare minimum, which was having tords stupid little gang tag appear a few times then having two of his coworkers/soldiers appear a few times. That doesn't hint at a Tord being an evil meglomaniac who's got a giant fucking robot hidden under the house
FUTURE EDD CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AS WELL, AND HE WORKS GREAT BECAUSE HE SETS UP THE LORE IMMEDIATELY. Tords return gave us Nothing beyond "he is manipulating them!!" Instead we get the book dropped on us halfway through the LAST EPISODE OF THE SEASON without ever being given any sort of explanation. That's just it.
ALSO FUCK BRINGING TORD BACK AT ALL. the dude asked to be removed from the show and what did they do? Hinted at his return like 15 times then had him come back as this manipulative mastermind, whos got a bunch of science stuff and a russian accent. At the bare minimum you could have writtten him to atleast resemble something close to Tord. There's literally more evidence that points to him being a clone than there is him being the real Tord, and it WASN'T EVEN INTENTIONAL.
Took a character who had left with all his loose ends tied up, brought him back with completely new unexplained info, then ended the show with both the original and the new loose ends untied. I've read this was Tomska trying to write Tord out of the show for good, but he somehow managed to do the complete opposite by leaving him at a LITERAL cliffhanger. Now all the 12 year olds are @ ing eddsworld begging he comes back for a redemption episode.
I could scream forever about the end but ive already said too much SORRY. This is why im just rewritting it myself to make it good
One last thing: its somewhat heartbreaking to me how Legacy has totally overgrown the classic episodes. Of the top Ten most popular videos on the channel, Seven of them are legacy episodes, with Edds three episodes being at the very bottom of the list
I just don't like it. I dont like how legacy has become like the Face of what eddsworld is. Maybe it's just because Edds work has been one of the biggest inspirations in my life (if that wasn't obvious already) IDK it seems unfair
Tldr: i dont like what legacy has done to the series and the fandom, but it's okay for the most part. Fuck The End though
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WIP Title Meme Tag
Thank you very much to @rbbess110 for tagging me to do this! I've never done this one before.
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the most intriguing title, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (this part is optional tho)
The thing is... all my writing files are all over the place lol. That being said, I have some good titles that hopefully you guys will like a lot! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys ask about my work.
Most of my file names are chapter titles.
Steph's Crew: The Misfit Manifesto
Exam Week
The End (of February Mocks)
Life with B
Nothing but the Truth
A Million Lives (and all of them suck)
Life Without B
Why I Could Never Be a Rebel
The Aftermath
Bret 2.0
Half Term
Ben's Leaving Party
It's Too Late to Apologise
Climbing Uphill (slowly but surely)
Figuring Life Out (it sucks, but it's necessary)
Times Are Changing
Moving On
Alice's Sitcom-esque Family
I Have a Crush on You
Where Are You, Ben?
How to Get Back on Track
Movie Night's with El
I Miss My Man
Is This What Love Is?
Anything Could Happen (almost)
Library Sessions
An Unexpected (and Unwanted) Visitor from the Past
Drunk, Lonely, Miserable Losers
We Don't Talk Much Anymore... and It Sucks
A Night to Remember
A Night I'll Probably Never Forget
Where's Steph?
Leaving on a Jet Plane
The Beginning (of our final exams)
Epilogue (Stephanie's letters to her friends)
There. That's all the chapters in order (at least, I hope it's in order... idk tho). Something about this story that's really fun is that each of these chapters is in the perspective of a different character! Originally, it was just in Steph's POV (it was supposed to be her journal). I'm still very much in the process of editing this one, so some of these could still change in future (some of these chapter titles are way too long imo).
Steph's Crew: Unreported Violent Crimes
This is the sequel to the first book! I've only started it a couple of months ago... so there aren't quite as many this time. It's not quite finished yet, but I'm definitely going to add more chapters to this later!
The News Report
So, Some Guy Died Last Night...
Pillow Talk
The History of Stephanie and Ben
To Take Matters into One's Own Hands
Visiting an Old Friend
Stephanie's Upbringing
I've Never Had a Best Friend
The Story of Em and Jack
This is a story that I'm posting on Wattpad! I've already posted chapter 1, but I've got all these other chapters in the works as well:
Flashback #1 (Elementary School)
Meeting Mom
Jen's Party
Flashback #2 (Freshman Year)
"You broke me."
Back to School
"I think I loved you."
The Best Friend Zone
Flashback #3 (The First Breakup)
Square One
Thinking about the Future
Be Good
"Let's NOT fight about this."
Fast-forward (College)
Another story that I'm planning to post on Wattpad is my Five Seconds Flat series... but I'm not going to post any of my file names/chapter names here, because it's literally based off of the Lizzy McAlpine album of the same name lol. All the chapters are titles from the album. Here's a link to it in case you want to see it, though (the album is awesome, btw. Hope you guys enjoy it!!):
(I'm posting this series here in September! So you guys will get to see this very soon... I'm super excited! There are 10 chapters this time - this story has an ensemble cast of characters, and each chapter has a new focus character. There isn't a single "main character" - though some characters appear more than others)
1: “Starting Point" (focus character = Zephyr)
2: “Meet Cute” (focus character = Eurydice)
3: "Just This Once…" (focus character = Caius)
4: "Junebug" (focus character = Juniper)
5: "New Friends" (focus character = Cassius)
6: "Don’t Be a B-word" (focus character = Avalon)
7: "Say it with Chest" (focus character = Isadora)
8: "Things Shouldn’t Be Like This" (focus character = Adara)
9: "Hey, Brother" (focus character = Xander)
10: "Shut Up, Marcy!" (focus character = Marcelline)
Imma tag these people to do this next: @fayeiswriting, @kirsten-is-writing, @e-s-willswriting, @jay-avian, @clairelsonao3, @sarahlizziewrites, @mjparkerwriting, @silverslipstream, @winterandwords, @exquisitecrow, @elizaellwrites, @writingalterras, @thecreakywriter, @sam-glade, @hollyannewrites, @ryns-ramblings, @autumnalwalker, @toribookworm22, @blind-the-winds, @falesiacats, @j-1173, @gummybugg, @jessicawestonauthor, @thelavenderwriter, @jay-avian, @mysticstarlightduck
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