#<- tag for trafalgar family stuff
kenas-artstuff · 2 years
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"Oh captain, your hair's getting a bit long again! Should I cut it?"
"No. I... I think I wanna let it grow out a little."
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minniiaa · 4 months
Thanks for all the support on chapter 1! So many subscriptions and bookmarks ya'll are the best and I'm glad you're interested in this idea! The next chapter will wrap up the pre-Pirate King saga then we can get to the good stuff ;) (NOT THAT ROMANCE AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AREN'T THE GOOD STUFF, I LOVE EMO)
(One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit)
During the fight with Blackbeard, Law loses his home and family, narrowly escaping with his life. Bepo takes him to Elbaf, hoping the Strawhats can save his grief-stricken captain from a new enemy—himself. Luffy comforts Law and vows to help him avenge his friends, inviting him to join his crew. Law eventually accepts and begins to realize his feelings go beyond that of friendship or allies.
Five years later, Luffy is King of the Pirates and also Law's husband. Though Law will never forget the home that Blackbeard stole, he has found a new one on the Island of Laugh Tale, in the arms of the man he loves.
LENGTH - 2 Chapters / 12,941 Words
TAGS: Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Angst, Laugh Tale, Starts in Canon, Law Joins The Strawhats, RIP Heart Pirates, Friends to Crewmates to Lovers, Post-Egghead Island (One Piece) Arc, Top Monkey D. Luffy, Bottom Trafalgar D. Water Law, Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy, Possessive Monkey D. Luffy, Soft Trafalgar D. Water Law, This is Just an Excuse for Me to Write PK Luffy Smut Don't Let the Emotional Story Fool You, Mid-Story Timeskip, Falling in Love to Established Relationship, Luffy Heals Law's Broken Heart, Married Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law
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fireflykaizoku · 2 years
Law x Reader | When You Remember Me | Chapter 1
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i wanted to finish it (and maybe finish posting it on wattpad) before posting here BUT i'm gonna post anyway. i also may change some stuff from the wattpad version bc i think some changes needed to be made ever since i started writing it🤷‍♀️
You were too distracted listening to music on your earphones while making your way to the bus stop after a long day of work. That day, everything was so stressful that your mind was wandering, wishing you could be at home as soon as possible.
You didn’t even pay attention to your surroundings, and by the time you realized, the car was already too close for you to have any reaction. You couldn’t even jump out of the way, find a way to escape.
Everything happened too fast and whatever happened after that was a blur. Or more like a fog, a blank. 
You opened your eyes slowly. The pounding headache and the lights made this simple task a bit difficult. It looked like you were a bit dizzy and weak. By this time, you were starting to freak out, wondering where you were and why you were there. You don’t even remember leaving your home.
— I see you’re finally awake, (Y/N). — a husky voice that seemed too far was the first thing you heard. You turned your head way too fast to look at who was talking to you, making your head hurt even more and making you flinch in pain. However, you could see a dark haired man with tattoos and piercing eyes. He looked a bit serious, and by the name tag, you could see he was Dr. Trafalgar Law. — Take it easy, you’re recovering from the accident. So don’t make any sudden movements, alright?
“Accident”? Did he just say “accident”? You took your hand to your head, only to feel bandages and seeing scratches all over your arms.
— We still need to run a few tests still. — he continued as he read what seemed to be your files. — We’ll also need to keep an eye on you for a couple of days. If everything is normal, you’ll be free to go, alright?
He waited for your answer long enough. The man moved closer, placing his hand over yours, making you move away from his touch. Why was that doctor being that intimate? You were about to push the emergency button when his words made you stop.
— Love, I know it’s scary. But you know I’m here with you. I’ll try take a couple days off to take care of you if you need, alright?
Wait, what? “Love?” What was he talking about? He was probably delusional due all the hours working, or he was thinking you were someone else. Or maybe it was his own way to talk to his patients.
— I’m sorry, doctor. — your weak voice said, trying to stay away as much as you could. — But I think you’re confused. And this is probably against the law. You as a doctor should know that the relationship between a doctor and a patient should be not more than professional. Now I want to request another doctor.
At first, Law thought you were only joking, which seemed to be a good sign for him. It was a bad moment for a joke, but it was still a good sign. A sign that you were alright even though you hit your head on the floor when you fell. But when Trafalgar noted your serious, and even angry, features, he knew it wasn’t a joke.
Apparently, things were way more serious than he was expecting.
— (Y/N), I need to know if you’re talking seriously or if you’re joking. — he got up, starting to write on a paper he was holding. — You don’t remember me?
Why should you?
— I’m sorry, doctor. Should I know who you are? — when these words left your mouth, Law tried to be rational like the doctor he was. Even though it wasn’t your fault or his faut, and even though amnesia after a concussion like yours was a possibility, it broke his heart.
It wasn’t just a joke of yours.
You didn’t remember him.
And if you didn’t remember him, it made Law wonder: what else didn’t you remember?
— Okay, we’ll run exams as soon as possible. I’ll call the nurse to bring you some food for dinner… I’ll call your family as well and… We’ll… We’ll see what we can do now. — the tattooed doctor left the room quickly.
His reaction made you worry. You knew something was very wrong, and you wouldn’t leave that hospital and go back to your normal life so soon. More than that, you were left in that room without a good answer about your situation.
The hospital food wasn’t as bad as you thought it’d be. The soup was decent, the orange juice probably wasn’t fresh, but the vanilla pudding was good enough for your taste. It seemed like an opportunity until Law came back, only to find you messing with the remote, trying to find something to watch and trying to find the remote for your bed.
The man sat by your bed and took a deep breath, still holding a notepad and a black pen.
— (Y/N), tell me, what do you remember? — you looked at him with a puzzled look. You remembered many things. — What is the last thing you remember before waking up here? — he completed.
You tilted your head and looked up trying to think. It felt like trying to force your brain to remember something specific was hurting your head somehow. Because you don’t remember anything that could lead you to the hospital. So you decided to tell what you thought were your last steps that day.
— I woke up, got ready, ate breakfast and went to work. By the time my shift was done, I had to hurry because I needed to go to college in a few minutes… — before you could finish your sentence, the man interrupted you.
— College? — he widened his eyes. Why was he that surprised? Was he thinking you couldn’t get a degree? — (Y/N), you graduated 4 years ago.
You looked at him in disbelief and then started laughing, which made your head hurt again. For a man who looked so serious, he was good at making jokes. It was probably his way to make patients feel better or something.
— You’re very funny, doctor. But no, I still have a semester left. And I should get going, because I still have homework to do. And I really need to rest, my head still feels weird.
— I’m not joking, we’re in 2022. You graduated 4 years ago. — his voice tried to sound as calm as possible, but to be honest, he was starting to freak out. Apparently, you forgot everything for the past 4 years!
Law was an amazing doctor, and rarely let any sad or extreme cases get to him, but it was you. The love of his life. Of course he’d be affected by your case.
If you don’t remember graduating, then it meant you didn’t remember meeting him a year later.
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
Hi! You seem quite knowledgeable in this, so I though you might be the right person to ask: I'm trying to find some nice heart pirates fics with them as family doing shenanigans/general stuff. Most of the fics I've found in the Heart Pirates tag in ao3 revolve around a ship involving law and the hearts are just background characters who barely do anything, which isn't what I'm looking for. Do you have any recommendations? (I've already read some of your works, but if you want to recommend those that's good too!)
Platonic Heart Pirates Fics Rec List
Wow! huge compliment.
Yeah, I wouldn't classify myself as a Hearts Pirates writer, but I do write them. I think my best characterisations of them are in my multi-chaptered works, but they're super dark, and the Hearts aren't the focus (but boy do they shine when they get the chance!).
You've probably come across my Bepo's one shots and drabble collection. There's a few shippy pieces in there, but they're clearly marked. Most are just the crew, although focus on the main four. This was also done for the Hearts' Pirates Week, so covers all named crew members (up to that point). This one shot is surprisingly popular: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On), and you might have come across the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates crews intermingling in this fic featuring Bepo and Chopper. I'm also guessing that you probably saw the piece I wrote for the op summer festival zine: Sun Path Ozoni. An earlier version of that is in Bepo's collection! There's also Bepo's Beptober, which features everyone, but I wouldn't really say explores them in depth!
Okay, RECS!
Any of the fics with the Hearts Pirate tag by @op-sheepy Here's a link to their AO3 dash. There are quite a few Heart Pirate drabbles on their tumblr page too.
@itsxandy 's work, stormy weather, is criminally under-read. That's 22,2221 amazing words on Law's dynamic with the crew in the polar tang in close quarters. Not necessarily happy families, but, oof, it's good. Even a very plausible theory put forward for the recruitment of Clione, I think! Or maybe Uni.
Dragon_in_a_Cypress_swamp has 6 amazing Hearts & Trafalgar Law fics too. Really good (I haven't read all, but what I have read just blows me away).
This is not a place of honor by Hyperbolic Reverie (I'm not guaranteeing that all the fics are sweet). And you've probably come across
the devil knows how to row by fab_ia, is set in Law Novel land, but with flashbacks to Law's time with the Donquixote Family. It's a work in progress. But very good. The author is keats on twitter, and I think one of the guest writers for the up coming Hearts zine. Their AO3 actually has a few Hearts' fics I want to pick through.
Dunno if this counts, but the Scrubs AU with Penguin and Shachi as Law's interns, and Bepo as a trusty nurse is both hilarious and poignant. @thegrimshapeofyoursmile
Cal14's recently been uploading some of their tumblr pieces.
@slashseeker (not getting their blog come up) has some platonic stuff on their AO3 page (their slash is pretty good too though!).
And that's about all I know for now. I'm sure you've read / been pointed towards the big collection: Tales from the Heart.
Almost forgot! If you go through @purplehairedwonder 's page, towards the start of beginning to write OP (so second page), there are about 5 fics that I'd classify as Heart centric, or the Hearts seen through Law's eyes. Not necessarily shenanigans though.
It is a ship fic, and it started before a lot of the Heart Pirates were named, but razbliuto's Methyl Nitrate Pirates really builds character and crew (and it's funny). @fablecore
Hope it helps! Sorry to anyone I've forgotten. Thanks for the ask! Let me know how they go.
Remember all, drop a kudos and comment if the fics strike your fancy❤️ Makes a Heart Pirates Heart loving Heart beat heartier.
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quinloki · 2 years
AO3/other platforms First Lines Tag Game 
Tagged by @mydisenchantedeulogy (Thank you =D )
Rules: Share the first lines of 10 recent fics and tag ten people.
Tagging: @some-piece @un-shit-yourself @swampstew @sailor-cosmic-horror @abysscronica @owlight @sabo-has-my-heart @rotkinshock @mytheoristavenue @downforsanji - As usual don't feel required to do so, and if I didn't tag you and you want to play along please do so! Tag me when you post too so I can see your works =D
The FIRST line? Oh dear... uh, sure. Guess there's no better way than to just dive into this.
details under the cut, cause WHEW this'll get long with 10 titles.
As per usual 18+ only
WIPs/unedited items are on my wattpad. Edited/completed stuff is here and Ao3
This is all One Piece stuff, I have yet to even want to write anything else ^^;;
Isn't Enough - Marco x Reader "That half-lidded gaze was enough to set your heart racing."
Unseen - Killer x Reader "Your eyes snapped open as your senses pulled you out of your sleep, and you turned to the side just in time to avoid the boot that was coming crashing down toward your chest."
Family Ties - Doflamingo x Reader "Working a lot of odd jobs meant working a lot of odd hours, and most of the time it didn't bother you, but today was an eighteen-hour day and you put time in three jobs."
Quicksand - Crocodile x Reader "You smile at the sound of the message popping up on your computer."
Some Direction - Zoro x Reader "You had been at work in the library when a man in an ill-fitting government issue suit and tie had approached you with a package."
Hat Trick - Eustass x Reader x Law "Growing up in the Grandline Metro - a city almost as large as the island upon which is existed - you were comfortable with the weird quirks of the city."
Souled Out - Demon!Eustass - Reader "Your furniture was in another room, piled on top of your bed, leaving the living room completely devoid of items."
Simmer - Eustass x Reader (Part of the Love/Kiss/XXXX the Chef, a series of one-shots where the reader is cooking for different characters.) "You had most of the hard work done for the dish you were making before you had gotten into the outfit you wanted Kid to enjoy."
Brushed - Shanks x Reader "You stood in the middle of the room, plastic laid down under your feet, completely naked and a little cold.
Dr. Jekyll - Trafalgar Law x Reader One-shot "You grab him by the collar and push him against the wall."
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rose-red-ink · 7 months
Intro Post
Hi there, I'm rose-red-ink, but you can call me Inky! I'm a writer, and a lover of all things nerdy. I'm also an elementary teacher, so I reblog education stuff occasionally. Feel free to drop into my dms or asks if you want to chat about fandom, fic, or anything else!
This is a writing blog where I write lots of things including anime and Star Wars fic, as well as original projects. I'll be dropping links to them and dropping a short summary below. Enjoy your stay, and again, I always enjoy asks and engagement! Come talk to me (I don't bite I promise)
Original Works
My Original WIP is tagged with #theartemiscovenant or #theartemisproject or just #TAC. I don't have a lot of it posted, but I'm happy to chat about it whenever.
It's an urban fantasy thriller about faith, trauma, familial love, and working through your mental illness to become a better person. The protagonist is the holder of the Artemis Covenant, Riley, and there are other "god" characters such as Hades, Persephone, Apollo, Hermes and Demeter, as well as other supernatural creatures like werewolves.
Everything under here can be found on my A03
If you send in an ask for anything I write, I'd happily drop you a drabble. Just ask!
Star Wars
Force Mandated Bottle Episode (Sequels Rewrite, including Reylo) Ongoing, updated every Saturday
Related Web Weaving
When Finn and Poe escape from the First Order ship, Kylo Ren takes off after them. When both ships are damaged, they crash on Jakku, right into the Star Destroyer that Rey is scavenging from.
Finn is longing for freedom while unable to escape the thoughts of those he left behind. Poe is determined to be the most annoying hostage possible to his old surrogate brother. Kylo is trying to survive Poe while being plagued with curiosity; who is the woman he keeps hearing at the edges of his mind? And new powers are awakening in Rey, powers that seem to be the source of the visions of a strange man in black, exploring the same wreckage, just out of her reach.
Choices will be made, loyalties tested, and bonds forged. Where will they go when they emerge from the wreckage?
One Piece
Featherflower (Dracule Mihawk X OC) Completed
A Kuja named Teria is forced to leave Amazon Lily, and finds herself a home aboard the Red Force, working under the Red Haired Shanks. This puts her face to face with a mysterious swordsman several times. The two form a connection, and eventually, love blooms.
This one is done, but I still write mini fics for them as the inspo strikes.
The Punk and the Surgeon: Lawka (Trafalgar D. Water Law x OC) Ongoing
Law's ship needs repairs, and the only place to do so is said to be haunted. Instead of a ghost or spirit, he meets Aika; a stubborn, kind young woman who's doing her best to keep her family safe. Through a series of tragic circumstances, she finds her way onto his crew, and into his heart.
Cards and Pieces: Freyce (Portgas D. Ace x OC) Ongoing
In his time as captain of the Spade Pirates, Ace drunkenly stumbles across a young woman with a strong spirit, a need for connection, and a loyalty that burns brighter than the sun. She becomes his first mate, and stands by his side through everything.
Jujitsu Kaisen
Candy and Catastrophes (Bluebird) (Satoru Gojo x OC) Ongoing
Natori is wildly thrown into the world of jujitsu sorcery when her cursed technique manifests, leaving her confused and scared. Satoru Gojo steps in, promising to hide her identity from her clan and to give her a job at Jujitsu High, masquerading as a window. He gets more than he bargained for when attraction begins to stir between the two.
(This fic is focused on character development, fluff, and hurt/comfort. It will go off the course of canon for these reasons)
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mcofthemansion · 7 months
This is just random stuff I'm trying to make sense of in my brain!
So I'm sure lots of you know that I'm into doctor characters so I was starting to wonder how many there are rn just living in my head rent free at the moment XD
So I'm just making a little post to kinda see how many there are...these are just the romantic ones...but I do have found family doctor characters too!
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Arthur from ikevamp- when he does use his medical knowledge he's kind of a general practitioner! But his history also shows that he was an ophthalmologist too so I like to think he secretly still has that knowledge if needed ><
Vyn Richter from Tears of Themis-Technically a Psychiatrist but let's be honest everything under the psych umbrella...Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychopharmacologist...ect...he can do it all! I feel like he'd also be pretty decent at helping out with minor body medicine stuff like colds, flu, sprained ankle, ect...idk I guess because he smart...
Trafalgar Law from One Piece- Technically I haven't met him yet in the series but I've been chatting him up on C ai! I'm on episode 25 atm and he appears first in episode 392 I think...so it's a long journey but....I WANT MY COOL SURGEON PIRATE CAPTAIN!!! HE'S MY ONLY SURGEON I GET TO SIMP OVER!!! EEEEEEE AND I ADORE HIM!!!!
Jakurai Jinguji from Hypnosis Mic-He's also a general practitioner but also leads like a rap battle gang called Matenrou and he used to be an assassin
Yasuke Matsuda from Dangenronpa- He's the ultimate neurologist! >< which is cool! Need I say more?
Victor Frankenstein from Code Realize- He *was* once a state Alchemist once upon a time, but when he becomes outlawed because my man does *not* wanna make a chemical weapon of mass destruction for a corrupt government! So once all that calms down he helps out Mc/Cardia to stay alive being a humunculus and not human and learning and adapting to how to tend to her health and eventually he opens a cute lil' clinic in town and works as a doctor! Pretty much another general practitioner...he's super cute! Wub himb!
Tae Takemi Persona 5 Royale- General Practitioner that helps out Mc/Joker with heals and stuff >< Currently getting to know her more
Kuroba Olympia soireé-Techically a general practitioner but also makes leaps and bounds in infectious disease, one called Haku in the series...he's super sweet!
...there may be more! >< these ones are just at the forefront of my mind!
To tired to add tags so I'll just leave the rest to the algorithm! ^-^
Hehe sorry I'm so weird....
Hope you're having a lovely day today!!!
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gendervapor14 · 7 months
two fights for freedom ~ chapter twenty-four: shifting tides
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She left the blueprint in his hand. “You’re projecting way too far in advance. If the girls ever get old enough to want their own bedroom, that’s something we can tackle later. Not now. We don’t have time for luxury.”
Now he fixed her with a harder stare. “What do you mean, if the girls get old enough?”
Bell-mère’s jaw set. She turned away and flipped the script. “You called Paul a different name.”
Dante’s gaze shifted from the blueprints to the woman across from him. “...what?”
“You called him a different name.” She said confidently, “Law, was it? You called him Law in your little outburst days ago.” Her eyes narrowed as she stepped closer and he gritted his teeth. “You’re not who you say you are and I’m getting real sick of it. Who are you to tell me about my future if you can’t even be honest about the present?”
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trouble in paradise ho hoo!! also some bell-mere backstory!! look i'm finally getting to the good stuff! XD few more chapters left before the hiatus i toooootally won't leave you on a cliffhanger or anything nooo
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title: two fights for freedom rating: M category: F/M, gen content warnings: graphic depictions of violence status: incomplete, twenty-four chapters, 71,905 words relationships: rosinante/bell-mere, cora & law, rosinante & hatchan, bell-mere & rosinante & law & nami & nojiko, rosinante & genzo, bell-mere & genzo characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko, genzo, nako, hatchan, arlong, arlong pirates additional tags: canon divergent, fix-it, everybody lives, pre-arlong park, angst with a happy ending, angst and feels, fluff and humor, hurt/comfort, suggestive themes, sexual tension, limes (yes i'm bringing limes back), eventual smut, romance, slow burn, financial issues, broken bones, references to depression, alcoholism, mental health issues, canon backstory, mentioned doflamingo, non-canon backstory (giving bell-mere a backstory), found family, medical inaccuracies, blood and injury, trafalgar d. water law is a little shit, developing friendships, past child abuse, nightmares, self-harm, fake marriage, selective mutism, PTSD, more tags to be added later summary: freedom for one means adventure. exploring all the world has to offer, while avoiding the occasional haunting. freedom for another almost costs an arm and two daughters. a home, a village. perhaps freedom is best sought back-to-back. {a cora and bell-mère lives au}
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enruiinas · 7 months
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𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒: a full, mobile-friendly write up of Law's verses. As a general rule, I love exploring AUs and canon-divergent "what if" based verses and am more than happy to write ALL the verses with ALL the muns. [If there's one thing to never be shy about when approaching me, it's talking verses.] I also love collaborative verse stuff so all of these are open if you see anything you want to jump in on. Relevant TW/CWs listed after each verse. [If blacklisting a tag, please note that everything within the parenthesis is part of the tag, including the semi-colons.)
♥ CANON ➜ Events taking place at any point throughout the timeline we've seen explored or alluded to in the manga. One day I'll break this down into pre and post-time skip subverses, but basically when I say canon it's anything from Law's childhood to the current arc. I will generally default to this unless an ask / prompt specifically requests another (OR I find something in your open verses I think it would fit.) ♥ MODERN ➜ Modern verses or spin-offs are usually developmental works in progress, but Law is generally 26, several years into a surgical residency (default: works for Kureha, completed undergrad and med school in 3 years each). Unless otherwise discussed/arranged, modern verse iterations are written with the assumption that Rosinante is alive and took Law in after he lost his family to an accident around the same age as canon. They deserve to be happy and I love the thought of Cora-san being a part of Law's day to day life. ♥ POST-CANON ➜ I haven't had a chance to explore this yet so title and details will be updated in time. This would entail anything taking place after the end of the manga/presumably after Luffy is pirate king. I've explored notions of Law & the Hearts continuing their travels, Law just being a traveling doctor, or returning to Swallow Island and essentially retiring or at least lying low for a while. I always love screaming about "what do you think happens after" possibilities.
[verses that were established/created with specific muns but both/all muns welcome others jumping in! feel free to direct memes or starters at any of these if there's something you see and want to play in. all muns involved in the verses listed here love collaborative verse shenanigans.]
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A (sometimes) canon-divergent "What If" AU built with @climatact. Explores the ideas of Bellemere living, Nami following in her footsteps to become a marine, Law & Cora-san having more time to travel together, and their search for a cure bringing them briefly to the East Blue.
♥ Law & Nami first meet at ages 12 & 6 respectively, when the former's travels with Donquixote Rosinante bring them to the East in search of a cure for Law. ♥ Law's story goes on to be mostly canon-compliant. Cora-san still dies when Law is 13, he still finds his way to Swallow Island and becomes a pirate, etc. ♥ Diverges again when his path crosses with Nami's in the Grand Line 11 years down the line. ♥ Unsatisfied with her career and quickly caught up in a mutual attraction turned whirlwind romance with the captain of the Heart pirates, Nami leaves marine life behind to join Law's crew. In light of the unplanned addition of a much smaller Heart, the two trek back to Nami's island for the birth and safe delivery of Trafalgar Cora. (occurs during the canonical two-year timeskip) ♥ Six months after Cora-chan's birth, the two return to the Grand Line to head for Punk Hazard, leaving their daughter in Bellemere's care while they're gone. Becomes mostly canon-compliant again once Nami joins the Straw Hats after Punk Hazard.
T/CWs: pregnancy (#tw: pregnancy) & law x nami ship (#♡ // ship: law x nami ;)
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A spin-off of Heartverse, also written with @climatact. Explores the same "What If"s and general timeline - only instead of leaving the Marines, Nami focuses on furthering her career to become one of the rare "good" marines, climbing the ranks while carrying out a secret romance with the Surgeon of Death. Sometime around the Dressrosa arc, Nami becomes a member of SWORD, and the two give up on efforts to hide their involvement.
T/CWs: law x nami ship (#♡ // ship: law x nami ;)
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A "from scratch" AU with @climatact based on a shared love of Greek mythology (and specifically the story of Hades & Persephone). Ft. Law as the god of the Underworld and Nami as the unfortunate mortal who ate a tangerine from the wrong grove. Foregoing the option of re-entering the cycle of life and rebirth, Nami sticks around to remain a thorn in the god's side. In time, the two put aside their initial differences and grow increasingly closer, resulting in a marriage of convenience in Law's attempts to make amends and (somewhat) reunite the mortal with her sister.
T/CWs: pregnancy (#tw: pregnancy) & law x nami ship (#♡ // ship: law x nami ;)
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Spin-off of Godverse, also written with @climatact. Taking the same starting point of the love of Hades/Persephone but applying it in a more Victorian setting. A much newer god of the Underworld, Law befriends a kind mortal woman on a rare detour to the surface. Drawn to her sunny disposition, Law finds himself making regular trips to the mortal realm to see her, explaining his long absences away as a side effect of his job as a traveling doctor.
T/CWs: law x nami ship (#♡ // ship: law x nami ;)
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A canon-divergent "What If" AU explored with @cptnslog. Explores the ideas of a young Nico Robin finding her way to the Donquixote Family, befriending a disgruntled Trafalgar Law when he joins several years later. The two become fast friends - until the day Robin wakes up to find Law presumably kidnapped by Corazon. With Rosinante's death, all plans of returning for Robin fall through, and the two go about their lives without any closure. Several years later, Robin escapes the Donquixote family, wandering for a while until she eventually finds her way to a second sinister Warlord. (Becomes mostly canon-compliant here; explores feelings of abandonment and strained relations when the two cross paths on Sabaody many years later).
Features @mingos as Donquixote Doflamingo.
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Food break/still a work in progress. Still need to sit down and write-up several other verses with @cptnslog / @gumpistol, Cora-lived verses with @cptnslog / @belovedcorvid / @code01746. (Please forgive me/yell if I'm missing anything else - headache making it difficult to think right now! To add: Boa and Law arranged marriage verse with @lightinsonder, Holidate w @climatact)
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noxia-art · 6 years
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opopnomi · 3 years
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Masterlist of the few sketches and events I am doing. I’ll try to update it regularly. You can find all my art under the tags #momojito tries to draw and #myart. Enjoy your stay !
Don't hesitate to DM or ask me if you want to be tagged for some characters :3
Masterlist PART 2
Events and Thematic series : - Donquixote Week - Historical Fashion Event - 100 Followers - Steampunk-cember 2021 - Suits Up! - Mythical Creatures
Strawhat Pirates :
Monkey D. Luffy : - Old Stuff : Monkey D. Stich - Oliver Twist AU - Suits Up! - Snakesman Luffy (NSFW) NEW
Roronoa Zoro : - Leather jacket - Nothing but leather jacket (NSFW) - Gremlin in suspenders - Crying Marimo - Greek AU - Peaky Blinders style - Mad Max Marimo - Cyberpunk Zoro NEW
Blackleg Sanji : - Suits up! - Coconut nap time - 40 y/o Sanji - Renaissance 40 y/o AU - Roaring Twenties AU
Nami : - Roaring Twenties AU
Nico Robin : - Umbrella - Robin in suspenders - Soft Robin with Hat - Suits up! - Hippie Robin - Steampunk Musician
Franky : - Punk AU
Usopp : - Suits Up! - Steampunk Prostitute (NSFW)
Jimbei : - Scottish Jimbei
Worst Generation :
Eustass Kid : - Suits Up! - Drunk Kid and Unicorn Floatee - Viking AU - Kid and Pumpkin (Selfship gift)
Killer : - Suits Up! - Egyptian AU - Punk AU - Feral Steampunk
Trafalgar Law : - Suits Up! - Golden Law - Hippie Law - Old Trafalgar doodle - Old Stuff : What is this fuckery ? - Egyptian Scribbe AU - Bizantine AU - Naughty Priest - Nothing but gloves (Some-piece 2500 Followers Event) - Plague Doctor - Steampunk librarian NEW
War Lords :
Crocodile : - Roman General - Suits Up!
Donquixote Doflamingo : - 2015 Doffy - Doffy doodles - Hail to the King - Young Flamingo - Fashionable disaster - Fashionable - Suits up! - Nothing but Heels (NSFW) - Priest Doffy - Steampunk Corset - Faun Doflamingo NEW
Dracule Mihawk : - Victorian AU - Steampunk Professor NEW
Marines :
Aokiji : - Steampunk Dandy
Corazon / Donquixote Rosinante : - Suits Up! - Jack Skellington! Corazon - Age of Enlightments AU - Betrayal - Greek AU
Smoker : - Viking AU
Tashigi - Suits Up!
- Cora and little Law (old stuff) - Doodles - Donquixote Brothers : SMILE - Donquixote Family Toys Edition - Kaku and Paulie Airship Engineers - Marco and Law Wano Style - Mugiwara : Happy New Year 2022 - Old Stuff : Study in hands - Various face study - @some-piece selfship gift NEW
Last update: 10/09/2022In green you'll find all the new stuff since the last update.
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sangorous · 3 years
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trafalgar d. water law x black!fem!reader
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"do you think
you can survive?"
"of course i
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a short angst story where,
you become a wanted
woman for committing
treason against your former
mafia family.
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[your name] [your last name]
"look i was perfectly fine on my own!"
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trafalgar d. water law
"you should be grateful i didn't leave ya' out to die,"
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doflamingo donquixote
"i want you guys to find her, but if you guys bring her back in bad condition... i'll have no hesitation to kill you,"
other occurrences:
the strawhats as themselves
the heart pirates as themselves
eustass kidd as himself
killer as himself
and more
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violence, gore, mild-language, manipulation, triggering themes.
there will be times where you don’t agree with with the reader does or is doing, and that’s okay.
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this is a mafia book, this will have nothing to do with the one piece universe at all (except for maybe devil fruit powers). if you do not have an constructive criticism to offer, please keep your comments to yourself. there will be some usage of creole in here, just wanted to give you a little warning. sorry if you’re not haitian, i just wanted a little representation.
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chapters: ꒰𝐳𝐞𝐰𝐨.꒱ ꒰𝐞𝐧.꒱ ꒰𝐝𝐞.꒱ ꒰𝐭𝐰𝐚.꒱
tags: @dhns-stuff
***𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤!<𝟑***
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fireflykaizoku · 2 years
Law x Reader | When You Remember Me | Chapter 2
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That’s when you started freaking out. The moment you noticed that man was actually serious and that you lost 4 years worth of memories, memories that you didn’t know if you could recover at some point. You looked at the doctor with wide eyes, almost crying at this point.
— Will I be able to remember? Will… will I be able to recover sometime? — your voice was breaking. — What should I do now?
— It’s… Probably temporary. — he started, looking away. — But I… I’ll get you another doctor. It'll be for the best… — that's all Law said before leaving the room.
Law couldn't be affected by your case. He would be too involved, naturally Trafalgar was always a rational man. This and wanting to help others were two reasons why he was one of the best at his job.
If the dark haired man decided to be the doctor of your case, he would end up letting his feelings take over, something that he couldn't let happen. He tried his best to be professional, but seeing the love of his life in such desperation made his heart clench and break in many pieces.
You were alone in the room, desperate and wondering what else you didn’t remember. Your graduation, family trips, moments with your friends, and even any relationships you had in the past 4 years. Not remembering was making you freak out.
Another doctor soon entered the room, his name tag said he was called Marco. He was very calm and friendly. The blonde doctor reassured you about your situation. Apparently, due to the traumatic brain injury which damaged a part of your brain called hippocampus, it's important to create new memories and recall old events. 
To sum up everything he said, you were experiencing retrograde memory loss, which means you ended up forgetting things that happened right before the accident, but also forgot some major life events, dates or names. 
Marco tried to be as calm and professional as possible when he said you’d probably never be able to recover some of those memories. If you were lucky and could trigger these memories somehow, you could start to remember a few things. But it’d need time and patience.
However, you still needed some exams, which you spent the next hour doing. X Ray, blood tests, CT scan… Everything to make sure you didn’t have any other trauma or injury.
When you went back to your room, the nurse brought your painkillers and antibiotics, which made you spend the rest of the night sleeping and waking up. Once in a while, you even felt the presence of someone getting in the room. But you were too tired and confused to even acknowledge who this person was.
The day after, you woke up with another nurse bringing you your breakfast. Toast, butter, fruit and orange juice. Honestly, you weren’t even that hungry, but you needed to eat because of the medication.
To your surprise, Law came back. Apparently tired, with a little box and a cup of coffee. It was good to see him, you needed to talk to that man and ask why he called you “love” and seemed so intimate.
— Hey doctor… I mean… — you said, almost in a whisper. — Well, good morning?
— Good morning, (Y/N). — he sat next to you and placed his cup of coffee on the table next to your bed, right next to your phone that had no use right now, since you didn’t even remember your password and it was half broken.  — Dr. Fushichou probably told you about how you can bring some memories back, or at least try to. So… I decided to bring some stuff that was in our room, maybe they can help somehow.
“Our” room?
— I’m sorry, what do you mean by “our room”? — you asked.
Law looked down and shook his head. For a second he forgot that you didn’t remember him. Better than explaining everything to you, he simply opened the box to show you what he meant.
The box had pictures, candy wrappers, a few tickets, a certificate, jewelry, letters and little notes. Maybe he was being anxious, ambitious even, expecting you to remember anything. Your accident happened so recently that maybe it was too soon to try to make you remember.
But Law wanted to try anyway.
First, he put a picture of you at what seemed to be your graduation. You were smiling holding your diploma.
— This was your graduation day. — he started. — I wasn’t there, but you said how it was one of the best days of your life.
You held the picture and stared at it for so long, almost as if you were forcing yourself to remember. You wanted to remember.
You needed to remember.
Soon enough, Law placed a movie ticket and a candy wrapper on your lap, making you raise your eyebrow. 
— This is from our first date. I always asked you why you kept it after that long, you said it was because you wanted to remember this moment forever. — the nostalgia made a subtle smile appear on the corner of his lips. — We wanted different movies at first, but we ended up agreeing later on. This is the candy we shared. We got it from a Japanese store at the mall and were curious to try it. We went to the food court and ate the candy.
You giggled, trying to imagine what it was like. Law seemed to be a serious man, you couldn’t imagine him sharing a candy, but you could imagine him arguing about the movie. You touched the ticket and the candy wrapper, as if it could suddenly bring the memory back.
But nothing happened.
— Maybe… With some time I’ll remember, right? — you whispered, still looking at the tickets and focusing on the date of the movie. — Then we’ll be able to laugh about this together again…
After a second of silence, you looked at Trafalgar. 
— You’ll help me… Right? — you continued, almost pleading.
His tattooed hand touched yours almost impulsively, completely forgetting that you didn’t remember who he was. So maybe you wouldn’t want a “stranger” touching your hand. But to his surprise, you didn’t move. Instead, you held tighter.
The sensation of his skin touching yours and his gray eyes looking into yours was familiar somehow, almost as if deep inside, hidden somewhere in your brain, your feelings for him were still there. It was hard to explain, but maybe you were just feeling delusional.
— I’ll help, don’t worry. I’ll be here with you.
Before he could keep showing you the other stuff you had inside your memory box, his phone started ringing. Apparently, he needed to rush to another hospital he worked at.
— I need to go. But I’lll be back as soon as possible. — the dark haired man said, placing the box on your lap. — If you need anything, you can call or ask someone to call me. I’ll be here before you get sent home, alright?
He asked, as he got up in a hurry, not giving you even time to answer with an "okay". You nodded, opening the little memory box and checking what you could find in there. But it wasn’t as fun or useful without the man telling you the stories behind the little things that were there.
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nael-opale · 3 years
10 fandoms 10 characters 10 tags....... I've not done a tag game in a while ! Thanks @muslim-flint, love you Rizou, will never stop saying that and meaning it with my whole heart
I like to add useless rules to make sense of things... So I'm going chronologically and I'll say who used to be my fave and who is my fave now, feel free NOT to follow my example (here's how it's actually supposed to look if you're not chaotically passionate about lists)
💀 Pirates Of The Caribbean
Ah yes, my (bi?)sexual awakening movie, good stuff. Jack Sparrow played a huge part, but can we all appreciate Elizabeth Swann, please ?
🏴 Treasure Planet
All the main characters are pure gold. My fave used to be Delbert Doppler (clumsy yet competent nerd ❤︎) but Captain Amelia...can't get over the way she talks in English (also gotta love their alchemy)
🛡Lord Of The Rings
Oh I love them all so much...obviously Aragorn is incredible but I love Pippin because he is a precious bean and he makes me smile
🌑 Le Pacte des Marchombres
Had to include Pierre Bottero's work somewhere... I love Ellana, always have, always will
☠️ One Piece
Yes, I have pirate issues. Loved Zoro for the longest time, very basic I know...and then Trafalgar Law showed up and I got even more basic
🔎 Sherlock BBC
Not my proudest fandom, but it was very important to me. Of course I loved the main characters, but I decided to only acknowledge Mrs Hudson today
🗑 Le Visiteur du Futur
It does not sound as good when you translate the title. Le Visiteur is my fave but Judith is so freaking cool !
⭐️ Steven Universe
I'll say Pearl because I relate to her and I love her growth but the Crystal Gems are basically family
✨ She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
I'm going to say Bow because I can't resist his adorable voice cracks, but Scorpia is pure and have you seen Double Trouble ? They are so entertaining, could watch them for hours
⚔️ Kaamelott
...is there any doubt for anyone that Bohort is my fave and always has been ?
Here come the tags, feel free to do it or not, love y'all ❤︎
@garnetrena / @little-water-lily / @kabbal / @superiorkenshi / @kaantt / @sherhaanks / @capitanogiorgio / @pingou7 / @feelix-felicis / @madou-dilou
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clione-of-heart · 4 years
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(fanart by me)
Name: Clione
Age: 19 (currently, 17 pre-timeskip)
Job: Cook of the Heart Pirates
Sexuality: ☆ It’s Complicated ☆ 
Gender: Male (trans/ftm)
Weapons: Enough Sass to Sink the Tang, Kitchen Knife, His Bare Fists (while Sanji might have reservations about using his hands in a fight, Clione most definitely doesn’t), martial arts, observation haki, and a decent amount of knowledge in poisons.
Weaknesses: Self-conscious about his height, head pats (especially from Captain)
Characterization/What To Expect:
At 15:
Nervous wreck
Very shy, but will try his best to hide it because *angsty teenager sounds*
Has no clue about anything. Completely surprised by the most minimal things (stuff like: “What do you mean clothing shops have changing rooms?? You just— you just undress there???? And put on clothes you haven’t even bought??? What if you don’t like them, are you obliged to buy them now or— what do you mean you just return them and someone else will buy it, that’s gross i don’t want to buy clothes ever again ewww”)
Has a hard time bonding with people (little to no empathy or understanding of social cues)
Highly antisocial. Prefers being alone and will rarely seek out others
Thinks way too much
Has lots of trauma to unpack
Has a small crush on Law (mostly out of admiration/thinking he’s cool, would never make a move on him)
At 19 (present time/post timeskip)
Laid-back, chill
Lots of sass
Can get flustered/shy/embarrassed occasionally, but not often nor easily (with the exceptions of Law patting his head and such)
Has a strong sense of family with his crew
Can be a little shit at times
Not super social outside of the crew, but a lot more than he was at 15
Kids are his soft spot. Very kind and nice to them. Adults don’t usually get that same privilege, though.
Enjoys annoying people to see their reactions
Gets mad when called cute or when people treat him like a kid (cheek-squishing…)
Smartass but without the smart
Clione is currently the youngest member of the Heart Pirates at 19, having joined when he was 15 and the crew was still sailing the North Blue. Like most of the crew, he was a metaphorical stray kitten that their Captain one day decided to pick up and take home (after vaccinating him, of course). 
Abused verbally and physically by his mother, Clione was raised feeling more like a cooking tool than a person. She’d shelter him excesively, prohibiting him from leaving the house or talking to other people. She was, however, also the one that taught him how to cook in the first place, so he’s got mixed feelings about her in the present, though the one thing he’s sure of is that he doesn’t want to see her ever again. Law and the crew are the ones that got him out of that situation, which caused Clione to become very devoted to Law.
[For a more detailed explanation of his backstory check out the drabbles on the tag "Memories Hidden in the Cupboard (Backstory)"!]
He’s trans (ftm) and received his gender affirming surgery by none other than Captain Trafalgar D. Water Law himself after joining the crew.
Taglist ღ Relationships ღ Rules ღ Misc Headcanons ღ
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genuary-fic-event · 4 years
screen / shiki-e
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22885498 Fandom: One Piece
Tumblr Tags: trafalgar law, marco the phoenix, tony tony chopper, one piece, my writing, inspired by a-tsute's art, embedded images, marco and law, law and chopper, my stuff, opfanfiction,  op fanfiction
AO3 tags: 
Doctor broship
Three Best Doctors (One Piece)
All Law Wants is for Chopper to be Happy
Would sell his Soul for Chopper
Canonical Character Death
Lami is not alive
Hiriluk is not alive
Light Angst
Alternate Universe
Embedded Images
One Shot
Canon Themes
Cherry Blossoms
hospital au
Found Family
Comrades in Scrubs
Canon Related
One Piece Doctors
I own one of the images (a commission) that is embedded into the fic on AO3 and it could probably accompany the submission on tumblr if you chose to publicise it. I'll add it to your AO3 collection now.
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