#<- that’s a lyric if u don’t know
magicwithineleteo · 6 months
new zuko rebrand bc i feel like im in my zuko era (i am angry all the time due to my trauma)
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jacarandaaaas · 9 months
“stars don’t shine they burn” is such a gorgeous lyric.
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hyunpic · 2 years
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ssaturnsapphic · 5 months
swifties kinda up there with the worst fandoms ever
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toxicrevolver · 8 months
January 2024’s Receiptify!
Tagged by @we-survive-endlessly thanks for the tag!!!
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I’m too eepy to tag anyone so if anyone wants to share feel free to blame me.
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princessg3rard · 4 months
singing the ghost of you in an army shower has got to be one of the funniest and most depressing things on earth
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lesbianlenas · 11 months
i made my friend a playlist bc i’m always sending her songs to listen to & she was like you can just make me a playlist of songs and i’ll listen to them right. so i made her a playlist that was admittedly 3 hrs long lmfao. anyway she only listened to a couple of songs so far & sent me a text abt some of the songs & what she thought and then was like i think i’m lacking the religious trauma for some of these songs to really hit & i was like that’s fair i love my religious trauma music 😩 and unlike me she did not go to catholic school for 14 yrs. so today i was talking to her and i was like how many songs did you listen to bc she only sent me a text abt how she felt abt the first 5 and she was like only the 5 i told you abt and i was like 😭 none of those songs were abt religious trauma how tf did you know that there’s a bunch of songs abt that on there and she was like. actually idk what made me say that. the whole thing just sent me lmfao like? 😭
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straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part 10)
Prev Part one
Once again, the adrenaline (among other things) was running through their veins. This show was particularly nerve-racking, after his little speech. Now, he wasn’t 100% sure, but he didn’t think Steve was here. Plus, he probably would have spotted a polo amongst all the leather. Robin, on the other hand, was here. She had the tendency to run her mouth a bit, so even if Steve wasn’t here, he’d know what he had said. Which was scary. But it didn’t matter. Even if it did, he had said it first. As he approached the last song, he started to really hope he wasn’t here. God. Who writes a song about someone, makes it popular, and doesn’t even tell the person? Creepy. He knew Steve would catch on immediately if he heard it. As he strummed the last note and everyone said their little ending bit, he ran. He was excited. Mainly nervous. But very excited.
“Dude, try to stay on the ground, okay?” He’d been bouncing up and down while carrying their stuff to the bus.
“Sorry, just excited.”
“We could tell. Now go put this up,” Jeff said, handing him a speaker, “then you can find your lover.” Normally, Eddie would make a comment or roll his eyes, but he currently did not have the time. He sprinted (probably the fastest he’s ever gone on foot in his life) to the bus and set the speaker down. He paced to the front of the bus to grab the gift bags and his personal bag, and fled. He walked back and forth looking for someone he knew. Steve, Robin, Vickie, literally anyone who looked like they didn’t belong at a metal concert. He tried to stay closer to the back of the building, so he wouldn’t get harassed. Fortunately, only one girl noticed him.
“Eddie!” Someone yelled from behind him. He immediately knew the voice.
“Robin!” He spun around and ran towards her. He wasted no time (besides setting down the bags as carefully as humanly possible) in giving her a bone-shattering hug.
“That was amazing!”
“Thanks!” He said pulling away, “Wow. I’m back. I am so happy to be back.”
“We’re happy for you to be back!” It took him a moment for him to process the “we”. As in someone else was here. He turned around to see Steve. And oh my lord. No wonder he didn’t spot him. At this point, he was just shamelessly gawking at the man. He looked… hot. He looked really hot.
He slowly approached him, like he would disappear if he moved too quickly. Steve giggled at the reaction, “Hi Eddie.” Yep. He’s real. Good. He practically tackled him as wrapped his arms around the other man’s neck.
“Hi,” he backed up for a split second to admire him. “I’m so glad you came. I missed you.”
“Really?” Steve whispered.
“Yeah really,” he said, moving away (for real this time).
“Well, I’m glad you’re here too.”
“Jesus Christ, get a room,” Robin rolled her eyes walking around them. She turned around when she noticed they weren’t following, “You want a place to sleep tonight or not?” she said, jingling Steve’s keys.
“Woah! Nope. Not happening. Give them to me,” he said, running to her and reaching for the keys. Eddie grabbed his bags and followed behind.
“Wasn’t going to. Just wanted you to hurry up,” she said, throwing the keys directly at his face (which with some miracle, he caught).
“Hey, Robin? Where’s Vickie?”
“Sick,” she said, giving Steve the weirdest smirk. There’s a story behind that, he knows. He doesn’t want to dig for it though. They all decided to skip to the car (bad idea by the way. Every single one of them fell at least once) to entertain themselves. Once they made it, Eddie immediately sprawled out in the backseat.
Since Steve was driving, he figured he could give Robin his little gift now. “Oi! Duck beak!”
“That’s a new one. How creative,” she said flatly, “yes Edison?”
“Here,” he said, tossing the bag gently to the passenger seat. He watched as Robin slowly opened it, glancing back at Eddie every 5 seconds.
“Oh. Thanks?” He saw a hoodie with a rainbow on it when he was in Seattle, and immediately bought it for her. Steve glanced over and bursted out laughing.
“Y’a know, when I saw it I knew I had to get it for you. I feel like it really represents you as a person,” he said while making dramatic hand gestures.
“Ah,” she sighed before breaking out in a huge grin, “it’s so truly lovely. Thank you, Eddie.”
“My pleasure birdie. And Steve I do have something for you so don’t get all jealous. I do not advocate distracted driving.” It was nice. The faint music coming from the radio, the breeze going through his hair as he rested his head against the car door, and the presence of Steve and Robin. It was nice being with them again. He missed this. “So what did y’a do when I was gone? Let’s see, on a scale of one to ten how much did you guys miss me?”
“About a twelve,” Steve said at exactly the same time as robin said, “easy, negative twenty five .”
“Aww, thanks Stevie,” Steve’s face twisted in a really weird smirk, grin, I’m-trying-really-hard-not-to-cry thing that Eddie honestly didn’t want to know what meant. “And Robin, wow, really know the way to make a man feel good.”
He spent the rest of the ride rambling (Robin style) about his shows. He beamed at every little detail of the tour so far. (“I swear! She was there! Phone Cates in the flesh!” “There’s no way. Because if you did I’d have an autograph in my hand right now.” “Yeah and if we even believed you for a second you would be sleeping on the streets tonight and you know it,” Robin added.)
“Here we are!,” Steve announced as they pulled up to their house. They all hopped out of the car and walked (in Robin’s case, skipped again, because absolutely nothing could go wrong) to the door.
“Damn Buckley, I really believed that you’d change that wallpaper by the time I got back. Tsk tsk,” Eddie sighed as they walked into the house. Their wallpaper wasn’t that bad. It only was used in the walkway (which was barely four feet). It was a deep blue with white specs that were supposed to be stars.
“What’s wrong with the wallpaper?,” Robin gasped “The old lady who lived here was, like, super into ‘witchy stuff’, and said it brought good luck for whatever reason,” she turned around and held out her hand, “She took one look at my palm and told me that I was going to die in a quote ‘very interesting and eventful way’. So that's fun I guess.”
“Super fun,” Steve muttered as he pushed her through the entryway.
“Awww,” Robin said looking at the couch. They looked over to see Vickie dead asleep on the couch, with a cat (oh my god is this little thing, Ozzy?!?!) on top of her. He didn’t know why she thought it was cute, she was snoring. Loudly (that is very hypocritical coming from him). “If either of you wakes her, or the cat, you will not live to see another day.”
“Dude it’s my cat,” he walked over to the couch slowly and tried to take the cat.
“Steven,” Roin hissed, “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“Jesus, sorry,” he muttered, “That's not even my name.”
“Hey, uh, Robin?” Eddie whispered.
“Yes, Edward?”
“Also not my name. but, um, wasn’t I supposed to sleep on the couch?”
“Oh. Yeah. you can crash with steve. Or me I guess if you really want. But fair warning I will probably kick you. Several times. Repeatedly. You will be-”
“I think I get the memo, Rob. I'll sleep with Steve, it's fine.” He realized his poor wording when
Steve choked on air. “Is that so?” Robin raised her eyebrows.
“No! I’m not going to sleep with Steve! I meant I was going to sleep in bed with Steve. Wait- no. I was going to go to sleep while Steve also slept. In the same bed.” Steve was bright red, and he knew he probably was too. Robin just stared at him with a wide grin. He groaned, “Nevermind. I am going to bed. Whether Steve follows is up to him,” he said waving a hand at him.
He walked into the room and set his things down. He could hear Steve and Robin trying to quietly argue, so he quickly changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt while he had the room to himself. He felt like he needed to do something to pass the time or he was going to go insane. He grabbed his stuff and started digging through it. He reached for Steve’s gift and set it on the bed next to him, then continued to search. He finally landed on a pack of wet wipes and moved to the standing mirror. He started (very aggressively for no reason other than he thought it would make it go by faster) removing his eye makeup. He always ends up smearing it somehow all over his face, just making it worse. 12 wipes later, his face was back to its natural beauty. He then proceeded to look himself up and down (full head nod and everything) at least 15 times. He looks like a rat. A literal rat. And oh no, Steve can not see him like this. He tossed and ran his fingers through his hair until it looked halfway (keyword: halfway) decent. He smiled at himself in the mirror, straightening his clothes trying to make himself look presentable. As he was doing so, he realized he hadn’t brushed his teeth today. At all. He breath checked in his hand and Jesus Christ. He could hear the two settle down outside the room so he didn’t have time to do anything. Unless…? He ran to his bag and grabbed the first thing he thought could work. Which happened to be perfume (shut up, cologne smells absolutely horrid and it will be going nowhere near his body). He uncapped it as he heard Steve approach the door. He panicked and sprayed it directly into his mouth. ohmygodohmyGODjesusfuckingchrist that burns like a bitch. He threw the bottle down and sprung up as Steve walked in.
“Are you okay?” Steve said, slowly approaching him. Wow. kinda unfair that this man can just walk up to him looking like that while he looks like a RAT.
“Yup mhm never better,” he said, red-eyed. “How have you been?” he said in an attempt to change the topic.
“Alright, I guess. Lonely.” He sounded so sad. He wished he could just kiss him square on the mouth.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. it's not your fault. Plus, I guess having a hypothetical cat has helped,” he giggled. He blushed and looked at the ground before stepping closed to Eddie, “Hey, I, uh, really really loved that song. Invisible man right?”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. You don’t have to say that. It was super weird of me to do, and I didn’t even tell you! Way out of line. I feel horrible Turing your confession into a song Steve I’m really-”
“Stop. I meant it. It was- beautiful honestly. Really poetic too. Im kinda honored,” he blushed, “It’s also a great ego booster to know I was inspiration for a top selling song.” Thirteen actually. Thirteen songs based off this man. (4 of which were written purely about his ass.)
“I need that on an award or something. ‘Eddie Munson is so cool and poetic’- Steve Harrington, 1993”
“Now that’s a bit of a stretch,” he grinned, “Oh right! I have something for you,” he walked over and opened the small closet to pull out a bag.
Oh. Steve hadn’t even left yet he bought him a gift. He pointed at his chest, “For me? Really?”
“Yes really. Here open it,” he said, placing the bag in front of him on the bed.
“Wait, here,” he turned around and grabbed Steve’s gift, “For you kind sir,” he said bowing down.
He laughed and grabbed the bag, “Why thank you!”
“You should go first. It’s stupid and I honestly don’t think you’ll like it.”
“Doubt it,” he sat on the bed next to Eddie and took the tissue paper out of the bag. He had gotten him a bunch of patches for his vest.
“I know it’s dumb. I got one at every stop on the tour because they all had them for some reason. I just saw one and remembered seeing the vest one day at your house and thought, ‘hey maybe Steve wears it cause why else would he have kept that nasty jacket’, and here you are so you know-”
“Eddie,” he shushed him. He was beaming at the gift and looked like he was on the verge of tears. “I really love it, thank you.” Steve held his arms out and wrapped him in a tight hug. This is what he really missed. Steve’s presence. His warmness. The way anytime he walked into a room he immediately felt happy. Like he could breathe again.
“Uh yeah of course. It suits you, by the way.”
“Yeah?” Steve whispered pulling back.
“Definitely,” he grinned. “I’m really loving this whole look,” he winked.
“I hoped so. Robin convinced me to go ‘further out than normal’, you know? I mean like with the fake ear piercing and stuff,” he said gesturing to the stick-on gemstones on his face.
“What do you mean ‘than normal’?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh, I guess I- uh- dress like this sometimes. To go to bars and stuff.”
“Damn Steve, you’ve been holding out on me.”
“Lucky for you, I kinda like it. Now, I believe it’s your turn,” he pushed the gift even closer to him, “and please be honest with me. If it’s too much or too weird let me know and we can act like this never happened.” He gave Steve a questioning look before grabbing the first item on top (which by the way, first?? There are way too many gifts in here. Now he feels horrible. This man is way too good for him).
When he pulled it out it was a smaller bag. “Hmm let me guess, is it another bag?” he said while he pulled the drawstrings.
“Shut up and open it.” Inside the bag was a pick. It was painted with a wide variety of colors and what looks like an attempt to draw a dragon.
He laughed to try to cover up the fact that he was probably about to cry, “Stevie, it’s amazing. Very beautiful, you should be an art teacher.”
“Thanks, I’ll talk to the principal.” Eddie laughed and stared at the ceiling to blink back his tears (which if he was completely honest, were still partly from the perfume). “Dude, don’t get all mushy, this is only the first one.”
“Yeah, yeah it’s only going to get worse from here.” He reached down into the bag and pulled out a mixtape. He flipped it over and read Steve’s track list on the back. “Oh Harrington, these songs are… horrendous,” he looked over at him with a smirk.
“I know you love it,” he said leaning closer and returning the smirk.
He sighed, “I do. Thank you.”
“Mhm,” he nodded back at the bag.
“You spoil me, man.”
“You deserve it.” Jesus. Okay, now he’s blushing. Like an embarrassing amount. The next item he pulled out was a ring tray, which had also been beautifully painted. “That goes with the next gift,” he pointed at the bottom of the bag.
He looked in the bag and saw that it was a ring box. A very expensive-looking ring box. He pulled it out and held it in his hand, “you proposing already?”
“Nah, feel like I should wait ‘til at least the second date for that.”
“Are you asking me out? And already promising a second. Wow. Power move,” he joked. Because that’s all he could do right?
Steve blushed, “if that’s okay, yeah I am.”
Is this real life? He pinched himself before wincing. Yep. Real. Wow. “Uh- yeah of course. I’d really like that.” He smiled.
“Good,” Steve reached forwards and opened the box inside Eddie’s hands. The ring was absolutely beautiful.
“Steve- I- I don’t know what to say,” he stuttered, “it’s perfect. I love it.” I love you. He was definitely crying now. Every last detail of the ring and the man that gifted it was perfect. In every way, shape, and form.
“Here,” Steve said, taking the ring from Eddie and grabbing his hand, “we should finish this proposal off right.” He slid the ring onto Eddie’s finger (and he wasn’t, couldn’t be, disappointed that it wasn’t the ring finger). He looked at the ring on his hand before intertwining their fingers.
“Stevie,” he shook his head in disbelief.
“Ed’s?” Steve said, using his free hand to tuck Eddie’s hair behind his ear.
He couldn’t find words. He was totally blanking. He just nodded like a fool before leaning in. And he kissed him. He really, finally did. It was… magic. It was the only word that he ended up finding. It was fucking magical. Time all of a sudden wasn’t right for him. It was either too fast in the moment or really slow. Either way, he’d never know. Magic.
When they pulled away, he just shook his head again. “What toothpaste do you use?”
“What?” He asked, brain still foggy from everything that just happened.
“You taste good.” Jesus Christ. This man doesn’t have a filter. Way to kill a man my god. (If this was how he died, he’d be pleased.)
“That I will never tell.” These two weeks would not go by fast enough.
Another Eddie pov! Oh em goodness we did it. The happy little gay boys smooched. Yip yip. Is this part shorter or longer than normal? Honestly can’t tell. Thank you soso much for reading this (you’ve made it a long way, congrats ig). Ik i said I’d write another fic but honestly I don’t feel like it. But I’d love to see it written so hmu if your down with writing a crappy fic idea <3 lastly three rules of this fic: one- we don’t talk about how different the indentations are. I regret putting them in the first place, but I can’t just stop now or I’ll go insane :). Two- I am aware I overuse italicizations. Three- there is probably so many grammar and spelling errors to the point I don’t even care anymore. anyways y’all comment or reblog if you want to be tagged. I’m sorry if I didn’t tag you just lmk and I’ll add you to the list!
Tag list: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy @artiststarme (ty for being amazing <3 u) @captain-winter-wolf-aehs @piningapplewitch @rowendyss @steve-themom-harrington @lfaewrites @azreadytodie @thequeenrainacorn @pastel-dreamscape @importanttimemachinenerd @jehneeg @swagaliciousmarie @mightbeasleep @krazyperson @milkshakeflowercreator @fando-random @bumblebeecuttlefishes @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @fluffyreturns @scheodingers-muppet @wonderland-girl143-blog @briceslayed @youaremylobster @juststeddiebrainrot @pr3ttyb0yindie @scarlet-pandrian @drips-from-breaking-bones @plasticcrotches
Jesus that’s a lot of people I’m honestly concerned
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crossbackpoke-check · 11 months
V random but I’m in my Brockpetey feels could I listen to your 46 60 playlist!!
of course!! the first playlist i mentioned in the tags is actually not mine—it belongs to ash @notthequiettype and is a soundtrack to their wonderful fic Lake Rules (go read it if you haven’t already!!! highly recommend!!!)
annnd this one is my personal brockpetey vibes playlist
happy listening!!!
#liv in the replies#sadcanucksfan#also!! ash if you want me to unlink/untag please let me know and i will!!!#this one got bumped up because it’s currently relevant (i just posted brockpetey content) the rest of them will be scheduled in the queue 🫡#if i don’t do it now i will lose all links and ability to find things#as for my brockpetey i have zero reasons for any of the songs besides minnesota. it’s all vibes no thoughts.#minnesota to me is the quintessential brock petey song topped only (but really equaled) by charm you (also by samia)#like minnesota i would love to say is a joke but i really heard that song for the first time YEARS ago and went oh my fucking god.#i’m going back to minnesota huh#and then CHARM YOU??? AN ACT OF VIOLENCE AGAINST ME PERSONALLY????#you’re telling me there’s the lyrics ‘kissin you would be like kissin on the USA’ & ‘flying while i’m lying that i hate LA’ & it’s not 406?#(addition that i wasn’t gonna tell you but i have to tell y’all because it’s relevant to Me. samia is so so so so good live.)#(also i haven’t added it to the playlist because it’s sad but kill her freak out has narrative potential as brockpetey. also????#they’re all somehow petey pov to me. sometimes people just get assigned bands in my head for no reason & i think samia is petey’s vibe band.#BESIDES bbno$ which is canon lmao. spiritually petey is a samia song to me i guess idk why either sorry but kill her freak out#is a (seemingly you know how i am) unrequited brock/petey for when brock got his gf. thank u for your time i hate it too just listen to it)#also no statements about my music taste i will cry. if you hate it don’t tell me if you have recs do tell me#although i do have a joke playlist compiled of all the songs brock has been screencapped listening to because. why not. it’s fun and also#has that man ever listened to a single lyric in his life. what the FUCK is up with your chill playlist bud none of those songs are chill.#lovingly. ripping my hair out. the amount of times he listens to fast car like???? girl are you okay.#anyway this is ur reminder i miss stalking people on spotify let me see your music taste cowards.#ALSO#IF I THINK TOO LONG ABOUT PETEY IN MINNESOTA I WILL LOSE MY SHIT SO I AM NOT JUST KNOW THAT I CLICKED THE FIC & SKRTED I CAN’T HAVE EMOTIONS#if i did not have someplace to be at precisely 7:50AM i would be having a full breakdown please believe me.#oh also ALSO bonus points if you figure out what the numbers in the name are :)
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solongllondon · 1 year
just saw bastille perform their entire first album front to back this is surely what heaven feels like
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merevide · 1 year
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good morning. what if i killed myself in front of spotify
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sochilll · 2 years
I would be so good at poetry if a poem could just be one line that goes hard that came to me while I was zoning out on the freeway
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tarotmantic · 2 years
joe trohman might not have liked mania but i did 😁
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pyrovilian · 2 years
Come away with me… Day two of Heaptober! Prompt was The Syren and it really made me think of Come away with me by Norah Jones
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Image ID: An ink sketch in a sketchbook. On the top of the page “Come away with me” is written in cursive and the Syrens tower as well as the CattRokk lighthouse can be seen. Below that is a closeup of the Syrens tower with “Come away with me, where they can’t hurt us with their LIES” written besides it. Below that a full body of the Syren with her arm stretched out. Besides her it says “So all I ask is for you, To come away with me” below that Syrah Syarah is seen sitting upright in her bed, as if having woken up from a nightmare. Above her is written “Come away with me” and several more “Me” is written around her. END ID
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
∞ >:3
“Ripped my favorite party dress
Warrant's out for my arrest
Think I need a ginger ale
That was such an epic fail”
- Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.), Katy Perry
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no-fxn-club · 2 years
Having nightmares isn’t very “when I dream I dream in color” of me
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