#<3 a private historical tour
elephantbitterhead · 5 months
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Another highlight from the Hadrian's Wall adventure -- we stopped to enjoy Cilurnum/Chesters Roman fort and spotted the feet of ancient dogs recorded for posterity. They're in terra cotta tiles that were used to build a kind of makeshift bathhouse in the dying days of the fort, after getting to the original bathhouse became too dangerous for reasons that are unclear (according to our guide). Look at all those tiles propping up that shambly hypocaust! We'll never know how many dog toes are lost to history in those stacks.
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carbonbeef · 6 months
Six Broadway Cover Options
Based on the newly sleuthed information that Jenny Mollet covers A/B/S (@heartofsix and @redladydeath should seriously be hired as private investigators for their work on the Six Fandom/Wiki!), here's all the possible combinations for covers for Jessie Davidson (who, based on math, HAS to cover Parr) and the super secret unannounced 4th Alternate (that some seem to think is going to be Wesley Carpenter, but I just can't buy into that given she just had 4 costumes fitted for her and Cassie's leaving this month), as well as how they overlap with the Super Swing's covers (I included Cassie too even though she only has less than a week left):
Option 1:
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Option 2:
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Option 3:
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✝: IF Wesley is to move into an Alternate position, she would fit in these slots based on her four covers.
Overall, Options 1 & 2 still follow the rule Broadway has historically followed, where each Alternate shares a role with each of the other three Alternates. Option 3 is (I think, I could be wrong) the only other way to divide up the remaining covers needed, and is more in line for how the North American Tours and Canadian production cast their Alternates.
***This is all under the assumption that Jenny covering A/B/S does not change or isn't a situation like with Julia McLellan where her resume originally listed her as S/H/P (which created a situation with one Boleyn Alternate and three Parr Alternates based on other announcements) and was eventually changed to B/S/H.
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lierrelearns · 9 months
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写真提供: 小田原市立図書館発行[一枚の古い写真]より
明治憲法と民法を起草、初代の内閣総理大臣 伊藤博文 (1841-1909) 1] 伊藤博文公胸像 (本町四丁目) 伊藤博文の別邸[滄浪閣]跡で[民法発祥の地]として知られます。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
幕末の志士で、宮内大臣等を歴任した政治家 田中光顕 (1843-1939) 2] 小田原文学館、3] 白秋童謡館 (南町二丁目) 田中光顕が構えた2棟の別邸を、小田原文学館と白秋童謡館として有料公開しています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供:多摩市教育委員会
三井物産等を設立した明治財界の指導者、大茶人 益田孝 (鈍翁) (1848-1938) 鈍翁in西海子(南町二丁目) 茶器など鈍翁ゆかりの品々を展示しています。 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
秋山真之と親父があり、海運業で財閥を築いた実業家 山下亀三郎 (1867-1944) 5] 対潮閣跡 (南町一丁目) 山下亀三郎の別邸[対潮閣]跡で、秋山真之の終焉の地です。後に、田中光顕の歌を彫った[釣鐘石]が置かれました。 *民有地ですので立入りはご遠慮ください。 写真提供:山下真一郎氏
福岡黒田家13代目、貴族院副議長を30年務める 黒田長成 (1867-1939) [6]清閑亭 (南町一丁目) 黒田長成が明治末期に構えた数奇屋風の別邸。周辺の庭園めぐりの案内をしています。 *建物は国登録有形文化財 写真提供: 国立国会図書館
日露戦争における仁川沖海戦等で活躍した司令官瓜生外吉 (1857-1937) 7] 瓜生海軍大将之像 (南町一丁目) 山角天神社の境内に瓜生大将の胸像があります。 8] 瓜生坂 (南町一丁目) 高台にあった瓜生外吉の別邸に通じていた坂道です。 写真提供:瓜生家
多数の詩や童謡を創作した国民的詩人 北原白秋 (1885-1942) 9] 木兎の家跡(伝肇寺境内)(城山四丁目) 北原白秋が大正7年から8年余りを過ごした[木兎の家]が伝肇寺境内にありました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館
皇族出身の陸軍軍人で、昭和激動期の参謀総長 閑院宮載仁親王 (1865-1945) 10] 三の丸外郭新掘土塁(南町一丁目〜城山四丁目) 閑院宮載仁親王の別邸跡。広大な敷地の一部は史跡小田原城跡の土塁に重ねっていました。 写真提供: 小田原市立図書館 H25.12 小田原市観光課
Vocab 提供 (ていきょう) providing, donating 発行(はっこう)publication 憲法(けんぽう) constitution 民法(みんぽう) civil code, civil law 起草(きそう) (drafting (a bill, etc.), drawing up 内閣総理大臣 (ないかくそうりだいじん)prime minister (of a cabinet government) 伊藤博文 (いとう・ひろぶみ)Itou Hirobumi 公 (おおやけ)official, governmental, formal 胸像 (きょうぞう)half-length portrait 別邸 (べってい)secondary residence, vacation home 滄浪閣 (そうろうかく)Sorokaku 発祥の地(はっしょうのち) origin, birthplace 民有地 (みんゆうち)private land ご遠慮ください(ごえんりょください)please refrain (from) 国立国会図書館(こくりつこっかいとしょかん)National Diet Library 幕末(ばくまつ)Bakumatsu period 志士 (しし)imperial loyalist samurai of the Bakumatsu-era 宮内大臣(くないだいじん)Minister of the Imperial Household 歴任 (れきにん)successive/consecutive jobs 政治家(せいじかん)politician, statesman 田中光顕(たんか・むつあき)Tanaka Mitsuaki 文学館(ぶんがくかん)literary museum 白秋(はくしゅう)Hakushu (see below) 童謡(どうよう)nursery rhyme 構える(かまえる)to build, set up 棟(とう)counter for buildings 有料(ゆうりょう)fee-charging 公開(こうかい)open to the public 有形文化財(ゆうけいぶんかざい)tangible cultural properties 多摩市(たまし)Tama City 三井物産(みついぶっさん)Mitsuri & Co. 設立(せつりん)establishment, foundation 財界(ざいかい)financial world, business circles 茶人(ちゃじん)master of the tea ceremony 益田孝(ますだ・たかし)Masuda Takashi 鈍翁(どんのう)Donnou, an alias he took on as a tea master 西海子(さいかいし)Saikaishi 茶器(ちゃき)tea utensils ゆかりconnection (to a person, place, or thing) 品々(しなじな)various articles 展示(てんじ)exhibition, display 秋山真之(あきやま・さねゆき)Akiyama Saneyuki 海運業(かいうんぎょう)shipping industry, marine transport 財閥(ざいばつ)zaibatsu, financial conglomerate 築く(きずぐ)to build up, establish 実業家(じつぎょうか)business, entrepreneur 山下亀三郎(やました・かめさぶろう)Yamashita Kamesaburo 対潮閣(たいちょうかく)Taichokaku 終焉(しゅうえん)end (of life), death; (peacefully) spending one’s final years 彫る (ほる)to carve, engrave 釣鐘石 (つりがねいし)Tsurigane-ishi (Hanging Bell-shaped Rock) 代目(だいめ)nth generation 貴族院(きぞくいん)House of Peers (Meiji constitution) 副議長(ふくぎちょう)vice-chairman 黒田長成(くろだ・ながしげ)Kuroda Nagashige 数奇屋(すきや)tea-ceremony arbor めぐり tour 教育委員会(きょういくいいんかい)board of education 日露戦争(にちろせんそう)Russo-Japanese War における in, at, on, regarding 仁川沖海戦(じんせんおきかいせん)Battle of Chemulpo Bay (Feb. 9, 1904) 仁川(インチョン)Incheon 活躍(かつやく)activity, great efforts, active participation 司令官(しれいかん)commanding officer, general 瓜生外吉(うりう・そときち)Uryu Sotokichi 海軍大将(かいぐんたいしょう)admiral 之(の)of 山角天神社(やむかくてんじんじゃ)Yamakakuten Shrine 境内(けいだい)grounds (esp. of temples and shrines) 坂(さか)milestone; slope, hill 高台(たかだい)high ground, hill 坂道(さかみち)hill road 創作(そうさく)creative work 国民的(こくみんてき)popular on a national level 北原白秋(きたはら・はくしゅう)Kitahara Hakushuu 木兎(つく)horned owl (rarely used kanji form) 伝肇寺(でんじょうじ)Denjo-ji Temple 皇族(こうぞく)imperial family 陸軍(りくぐん)army 軍人(ぐんじん)soldier 激動(げきどう)turmoil, upheaval 参謀総長(さんぽうそうちょう)chief of general staff 閑院宮載仁親王(かんいんのみやことひとしんのう)Prince Kan’in Kotohito 外郭(がいかく)outer fence, outer enclosure 土塁(どるい)earthen walls 広大(こうだい)immense, huge, grand 敷地(しきち)site, plot, grounds 史跡(しせき)historic site
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
A what if where Luke still does not have his memories, only that he is with a family that does love him and has the chance to give him a good life, the only thing Luke knows about the Tully / Lanisters is that his family placed an order on them restriction because they seem to have a strange obsession with Luke. How would they take the fact that Luke doesn't remember them and doesn't seem interested in meeting them? They can't use their contacts to have Luke because the other family has contacts, not having as many problems as in FNM Luke doesn't seem impressed with Aemond, the one who has had the most luck getting close to Luke is Jace, he's definitely the type of luke but his intensity ruined it. The fact that Luke rejects one and another relative of the boy he has just rejected comes to try it with him begins to amuse him. Little by little the Tully/Lannisters are achieving their mission, Luke begins to show interest in them. I imagine Luke thinking about the meme of it doesn't matter with whom but they want me in their family.
The potential this AU has, omg.
Little Luke being adopted by a well known couple with ties to multiple great houses who’ve chosen to adopt rather than having biological children. One day they’re touring a center for foster children in after school care and spot Luke in one of the few playrooms and instantly know that he was meant to be their son.
Maybe they end up announcing the news at a gala or banquet of some kind where Daemon and Rhaenyra are present as well. The couple’s relationship with the Lannister’s is more acquaintance like than an actual friendship but they still congratulate them all the same.
The couple ends up adopting Luke after 3 long years of paperwork and background checks of all sorts. Deciding to celebrate this milestone by throwing Luke a halloween themed party in his honor with all the children of their friends and associates present. They want Luke to not only know that he’s wanted and loved, but that he has room to create some nice friendships as well.
Of course the both blacks and greens are invited. Bringing presents and making sure to congratulate them as the kids go off and enjoy the festivities while the adults have small talk as they wait for the guest of honor.
An hour later Luke’s new grandparents come through with an eight year old Luke at their side as the guest all scream ‘surprise!” But it’s at that very moment Rhaenyra nearly faints because that’s her son, her sweet boy. Que the absolute mess that is the black and Targtower kids running to Luke as they make the biggest most confusing scene known to man. Shouting about regrets and forgiveness.
In the haze of all this mess, Luke’s new father can’t help but look to the blonde who he thinks is named after some historic genocidal maniac. The boy is seemingly frozen in place and is looking at Luke as though he’s been reunited with a long lost love. Now the new papa is planning to make sure that little weirdo stays away from his precious son.
Long story short, the party ends before it can start and every adult in the family is served a formal restraining order that states they must remain at a distance of 1000 feet away from Luke and his new parents at all times.
As Luke grows up he begins to notice that somethings more than off with the Lannister/Tully’s. The entire family has a strange obsession with him and it’s come to the point where its a well known fact in their upper class circles.
Luke’s friends think it’s terrifying that this random family is so obsessed with getting close to him. All the while Luke can’t help but find it interesting. Their dedication is incredibly creepy but intriguing at the same time. Particularly the one-eyed blonde who somehow found all of Luke’s socials despite his accounts being private with less than 30 followers. Plus none of his handles have his name in them.
Luke knows he should be freaked out that as soon as he accepts Aemond’s follow request every raunchy pic of him (for his close friends eyes only ofc) have suddenly been bookmarked. However, it only draws him towards the creep.
They’re such a weird family in general and Luke can’t help but to want to learn more.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 9 months
Things Hriob is No Longer Allowed to Do, Revised Edition - Part Quarte
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#121 I am a Master of Conceptual and Elemental Magics, especially the Natural elements such as Wind, Lightning, Earth, Wood, and Water. However, no matter how ‘natural’ their existence may be, I cannot cast ‘Bear’ and it is not an element, and no amount of arguing, evidence, or demonstrations will change this.
#122 When courting certain individuals I will remember the following; “Using Protection” means the proper use of contraceptives or barriers during coitus, NOT using wards or other magical means of surviving close proximity to individuals whose mere existence provides a serious hazard to my health.
#123 Just because it is one of the few things that CAN still affect me given my supernatural constitution, and just because she is my friend, does not mean I am allowed to occasionally use Shylow-Venom as anti-anxiety medication a recreational drug for ANY reason on my own person or anyone else’s.
#124 When engaging in Small Talk with Lord Alexander, I am to respect the presence and personal safety of his Steward, Sir Cromwell, by politely avoiding use of the following terms and turns-of-phrase: ‘Splitting Hares’, ‘Hot Crossed Buns’, ‘Hare-Rasing’, ‘Hare Removal’, ‘Careful Hop-Timism’, ‘Bad Hare Day’, ‘Hoppily Ever After’, ‘I’m all Ears’, ‘Hare Conditioning’, and any other hilarious bad puns revolving around Lagomorphs in general. Upon further review, Bonnie Kalsang is to be given the extended benefits of this ruling.
#125 I shall remember that ‘Tuning’ is for Musical Instruments, ‘Attenuation’ is for Spiritual and Mystical aspects and machinations, and ‘Vibe Checks’ are for violently percussive maintenance on other people. Just because they SOUND like they’re the same thing doesn’t mean they ARE the same thing.
#126 If I am ever to host a ‘Movie Night’ with my friends/associates/subordinates/rivals/sworn enemies, I will avoid playing the following films for various reasons: Kill Bill, Repo: The Genetic Opera, Shrek 3, Saving Private Ryan, and any historical fiction "i may have been present for when it happened".
#127 I am forever forbidden from doing anything if I am preceding the action(s) in question with any variation of the phrase ‘Hey ___, Watch This!’
#128 I am forever forbidden from officiating Weddings Funerals Birthday Celebrations Coming-Of-Age-Ceremonies Duels Archery Contests Eating Contests Battle Royales Anything.
#129 I am a self-reincarnating Avatar of Life. I, at best, have an understanding with, and at worst, trying relationships with Entities that deeply connect to or convey Death as a Concept. This means that I need to maintain my moral superiority as best I can, which in turn means I should avoid conflict with them… and therefore not try to prank or annoy them.
#130 I am not the Patron Saint of Oktoberfest, no matter how much I wish to be.
#131 I am not allowed to visit Australia, nor am I to confuse it for Austria, be it to mess with other people or try and get around this ruling.
#132 I am forever barred from entering an IKEA store, and am forbidden from chanting backwards in Swedish in any language to assemble disassemble reconfigure rearrange manipulate IKEA-brand any furniture in any way.
#133 I am forever barred from teaching any variety of ‘Shop Class’.
#134 I am forever barred from leading field trips guided tours any sort of group of people for any reason through the following locations: Zoos, Museums, Government Buildings, Anarchist Buildings, Aquariums, Shopping Malls, Alternate Timelines, Alien Planets, Pocket Dimensions, Dimensional Nexus Points, Nuclear Reactors, Industrial Plants, and anything owned by a ‘rival’, ‘nemesis’, ‘adversary’, or any other hostile group or individual.
#135 I am not allowed to appropriate terminology research papers documents artifacts entities employees architecture ANYTHING from the SCP Foundation without due credit at all.
#136 Just because I am now able to transform into certain animals at will, does not mean I get to abuse the ability. This extends to bans against the following: eating my own paperwork and blaming ‘the dog’ on it, attempting to use ‘puppy-dog-eyes’ as a form of negotiation, massively decreasing the local wildlife population single-handedly, and leaving dog hair/fur in unpleasant locations as a petty form of revenge.
#137 I am forevermore banned from playing around with wax, especially heated. This is for my own safety and well-being more than any other reason.
#138 I am not allowed to start my own cult, religion, club, non-profit-organization, or any other form of organized group for any reason, least of all because I need an excuse to change any sort of government-issued id photo.
#139 I am an accomplished Arbormancer, capable of taking living trees of all kinds and fashioning them harmlessly into furnishings or tools, especially magical staves. I am Not, however, allowed to threaten sentient tree-based creatures such as demons, ents, and the like with transformation into such items, nor demonstrate my ability to do so.
#140 Just because some previously-incorporeal people enjoyed my gift of customized living human bodies for them to possess and inhabit, does not mean that Everyone will appreciate such a gift to the same degree. I am not to begin creating such vessels for those I know unless they specifically ask me to, no matter how convenient or helpful I think I am being.
#141 I am forevermore barred from following the ‘advice’ of the maxim ‘Tis better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission’, given that I have by now empirically proven it wrong.
#142 Just because I am a powerful and talented Oathkeeper for pacts and magical deals of all kinds, does not mean I can try and negotiate with children, especially those I am supposed to be babysitting.
#143 No matter how powerful and talented I am with Wood-based, Wind-based, and Ink-based magic, I am not allowed to make magically empowered paper planes and throw them into windstorms of any kind or origin. Not even if the kids ask nicely.
#144 I understand that, given my pact with the Worldspirit Gaia, I am often pulled to act as an emergency agent of their will to stop catastrophic incidents. I understand that, more often than not, those times when a single person is behind the danger, it is someone of necromantic alignment, skills, powers, or so on. Despite this, I am not to complain to them as I try to stop and/or slay them that they remind me of my ex-fiance, no matter how close, depressing, or infuriating the resemblance may be.
#145 I am forever banned from turning any portion of the Halls of the Mountain King into a Ball Pit of any size or depth.
#146 In regards to entry #53, given that I now do offer deals and pacts fairly regularly all things considered, I will remember to try and at least fall mostly in line with the Better Business Bureau’s ethical standards with said dealings.
#147 Given that prior rulings (#42 in particular) have failed, and I am happily sadly considered, among other things, The Wonderful Wizard of Gauze, I shall instead remind myself that flinging bandage wraps at people is not an effective attack. And that, strong as they may be, they cannot support my weight even in bulk - therefore I am forbidden from trying to swing off or around tall buildings with them as my ‘webs’. I am not ‘Spider-man’, and never will be - no matter what I attempt in order to change that.
#148 As an addition to the above ruling, I am to remember that, even if being able to wrap-and-pull items in the heat of battle is a neat and useful utility to have over my adversaries, using the same skill with my ‘bandage shooting’ to grab things around the Halls in a casual setting is frowned upon, even especially if people offer to be ‘test subjects’, ‘training dummies’, or any other kind of volunteer to be ‘shot’ thusly.
#149 Given item #72, I am to extend the same ‘general line of thought’ towards attempting to ‘forcibly evolve things with magic’, or any other medium to attempt the same end result. Spoiler alert: they always turn into crabs. Every. Single. Time. No more crabs.
#150 Just in case, I am forever banned from setting foot within 5 miles of Las Vegas, Nevada. No, not even if the magical forces behind it try to invite me.
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koskela-knights · 2 months
My AW2 Reader Compilation
If you're Koskela and/or Huotari lover you're in luck I suppose. Becos I wrote a bunch of x Reader inserts for your reading pleasure >:3 (All are transmasc/trans male reader unless stated otherwise)
1 Ilmo x Reader
Off trail: (GN reader) fluff, smut in the second chap but can be skipped, slice of life. You're a tourist who hires Ilmo for an adventure tour.
Will it ever be okay?: (GN reader) angst, hurt/comfort. you're one of the few surviving Cultists.
Are you a good boy?: smut, pwp, d/s, master/pet dynamics. You arranged a scene with Ilmo.
Topped Cream: pwp, birthday smut. You come home and Ilmo has a surprise for you.
i'm lonely, you're lonely too: angst, hurt/comfort, pwp. Ilmo and you are few of the survivors of the lodge massacre.
2 Jaakko x Reader
Private Invitation: pwp. You and Jaakko leave the party early to have some private time together.
He Was Loved: (GN reader) slice of life, mourning, angst. You, a fellow Kalevala Knight, are one of the many people who mourn Jaakko's tragic passing.
Morning awakening: pwp, kink negotiation. You awake to something or rather someone.
3 Ilmo x Reader x Jaakko
Friends with Benefits and Beers: pwp. You and Jaakko are FWBs and during one date, you have a second admirer.
Die by your blade: (GN reader) angst, violence, character death. You are part of the Cult and that comes with lethal risks.
4 Ilmari x Reader
Flesh of a Fallen Angel: pwp, non-con, YY! Ilmari. You are summoned by the Cult's leader for your initiation.
He created me in his image: angst, slice of life, pride & prejudice inspired. You are a closeted gay trans man in an arranged marriage with Lord Ilmari Huotari who is, unbeknownst to you, a closeted gay man. There's smut at the end but it's not the focus of the story.
Self Love chapter 6: pwp. Set in the previous AU, Ilmari thinks of you when he is alone during a business trip.
Danse Macabre: pwp, vampire au, period smut. You are a monster hunter but you're tasked with stealing a gemstone during a vampire masquerade.
5 Jaakoppi x Reader
Saddle Up!: pwp, royalty AU. You are a Royal and Jaakoppi is the Royal Stable Master.
Paint You: slice of life, smut in final chapter. Set in the same verse as the Ilmari/Reader period piece, you are an aspiring artist and Lord Jaakoppi takes an interest in sponsoring your education.
Secrets: slice of life, werewolf au, angst, historical. You're a closted gay trans man who works at the lumber mill. One day the Huotari brothers join the workforce and you befriend them. But both sides have secrets.
Showers: slice of life, werewolf au, smut. Sequel to Secrets, you and Jaakoppi grow closer. Smut in the second chapter if you're into semi monsterfcking.
6 Truck n Fuck
This is purely a smutty series where transmasc reader works at a gas station but longs to visit the sea. At the first chance of going there, they take the risk.
Truck Stop: (x Ilmo) smut, trucker! Ilmo. You work at a gas station but want to visit the ocean someday. Trucker Ilmo visits and you take a chance.
On the road: (x Ilmo) You and Ilmo travel to the sea. More smut ensues.
Seperate ways: (& Ilmo) You and Ilmo have to part ways.
Pippeli: (x Ilmo) You learn what that word means.
Cabin Fever: (x Jaakko) You catch another ride to the sea with Jaakko.
New Thrills: (x Jaakko) You learn a few new fun things with Jaakko.
Interruption: (x Jaakko x Casey) Your journey to the sea continues but a certain FBI agent makes it difficult.
Beach, Fun & Sun: (x Jaakko x Casey) You finally arrive at the sea with Jaakko and Casey.
Nothing to see here: (x Ilmo) By coincidence, you meet trucker Ilmo at the beach.
Hotel Hospitality: (x Jaakoppi) You need to stay somewhere for the night.
Guard, guard!: (x Ilmari) You spend a second day at the beach and a handsome coast guard has caught your attention.
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indiatriangletours · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages?
India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism
Embarking on the Golden Triangle India Tour is a journey through the rich cultural tapestry of India, offering an unparalleled experience of history, architecture, and vibrant traditions. Choosing the best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages can elevate your travel experience, making it memorable and hassle-free. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you select the ideal tour package for an unforgettable adventure.
1. Understand What the Golden Triangle Tour Entails
Before diving into the details of selecting a tour package, it’s essential to understand what the Golden Triangle encompasses. The tour covers three iconic cities:
Delhi: The capital city, a blend of ancient history and modern marvels.
Agra: Home to the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of love.
Jaipur: The Pink City, known for its majestic forts and palaces.
These cities form a triangle on the map, hence the name Golden Triangle. Each city offers unique experiences, from Delhi’s bustling markets and historical monuments to Agra’s Mughal architecture and Jaipur’s royal heritage.
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2. Determine Your Budget
Golden Triangle India Tour Packages vary widely in price, catering to different budgets. Decide on your budget before starting your search. Consider factors like accommodation, transportation, meals, entry fees to tourist attractions, and additional activities such as guided tours or cultural shows. A clear budget will help narrow down your options and ensure you get the best value for your money.
3. Choose the Right Duration
Tour packages can range from a quick 3-day trip to an extensive 10-day exploration. Determine how much time you have and what you want to see. A shorter tour will focus on the highlights, while a longer one will offer a more in-depth experience, including visits to lesser-known attractions and more leisure time to soak in the local culture.
4. Look for Customization Options
A good tour operator should offer customizable Golden Triangle India Tour Packages. Customization allows you to tailor the itinerary to your preferences, adding or removing destinations and activities based on your interests. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or a shopaholic, a customizable package ensures you get the most out of your trip.
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5. Check the Inclusions and Exclusions
Carefully review what is included in the tour package. Key inclusions to look for are:
Accommodation (hotel ratings, location, amenities)
Transportation (type of vehicle, comfort level, driver’s expertise)
Meals (number of meals per day, type of cuisine)
Sightseeing tours (entry fees, guide services)
Any special activities (cultural shows, workshops)
Also, check for exclusions such as personal expenses, optional tours, and tipping. Knowing what’s included will prevent any unexpected costs and help you plan your budget better.
6. Read Reviews and Testimonials
Customer reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the quality of the tour packages. Look for reviews on trusted travel websites and social media platforms. Pay attention to feedback about the tour operator’s reliability, quality of service, and overall customer satisfaction. Positive reviews from past travelers are a good indicator of a reputable tour operator.
7. Evaluate the Tour Operator’s Experience and Expertise
Choose a tour operator with extensive experience and expertise in organizing Golden Triangle tours. Experienced operators like India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism have in-depth knowledge of the destinations, ensuring a well-planned and smooth travel experience. They can provide valuable insights, tips, and recommendations to enhance your trip.
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8. Consider Group Size and Travel Style
Tour packages can be group tours or private tours. Group tours are more affordable and offer the chance to meet new people, while private tours provide a more personalized and flexible experience. Decide which travel style suits you best. Also, consider the group size for group tours – smaller groups often provide a more intimate and enjoyable experience.
9. Check for Safety and Support
Ensure the tour operator prioritizes safety and offers reliable customer support. Look for packages that include travel insurance, well-maintained vehicles, experienced drivers, and knowledgeable guides. Reliable customer support is crucial in case of any issues or emergencies during your trip.
Selecting the best Golden Triangle India Tour Packages involves careful consideration of various factors, from budget and duration to customization options and safety measures. By following this guide, you can find a tour package that aligns with your preferences and ensures a memorable journey through India’s iconic Golden Triangle. For a seamless and enriching experience, consider India Triangle Tours - Mystic India Tourism, a trusted provider with a reputation for excellence in Golden Triangle tours. Happy travels!
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tajmirror · 2 months
Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car By Taj Mirror Company
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Taj Mirror Company's Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car is an amazing opportunity to visit one of the world's most iconic monuments in a single day. Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car This tour is great for those who have limited time but want to see the Taj Mahal.
The excursion begins in the early morning with a comfortable pickup from your hotel or a predetermined place in Delhi. A skilled and courteous driver will accompany you in a well-maintained, air-conditioned vehicle, assuring a smooth and enjoyable travel to Agra, which is roughly 3-4 hours away.
When you arrive in Agra, you will be greeted by your professional tour guide, who will lead you on a fascinating tour of the Taj Mahal's history and architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site, created by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is a Mughal architectural masterpiece featuring magnificent white marble inlaid with precious stones.
After visiting the Taj Mahal, the group continues to the Agra Fort, another UNESCO World Heritage site. For years, the Mughal rulers' principal residence was this towering red sandstone fort. Your guide will explain the fort's history and strategic importance.
A delicious lunch at a respected local restaurant follows, where you may sample traditional Indian cuisine. The journey next continues to the Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, sometimes known as the "Baby Taj," another stunning specimen of Mughal construction.
After a day full of historical treasures and cultural encounters, the tour closes with a relaxing journey back to Delhi. You will be dropped off at your hotel or another predetermined place, bringing an end to a great excursion.
Taj Mirror Company's Same Day Taj Mahal Tour by Car is a well-organized, hassle-free method to witness the timeless grandeur of the Taj Mahal and other Agra attractions. It provides an ideal combination of history, culture, and comfort, making it a must-see for any visitor to India.
CrowdStrike is a renowned cybersecurity firm that specializes in endpoint protection, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services. CrowdStrike, founded in 2011 by George Kurtz, Dmitri Alperovitch, and Gregg Marston, has quickly established itself as a powerful force in the cybersecurity market. The corporation is based in Sunnyvale, California.
CrowdStrike's core product, the Falcon platform, uses AI and ML to detect and respond to threats in real time. The technology gives extensive visibility into endpoint activity, enabling enterprises to quickly detect and remediate any security breaches. Falcon's cloud-native architecture provides scalability and ease of deployment, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.
CrowdStrike's role in detecting high-profile intrusions, such as the 2016 Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack, is one of its most notable accomplishments. The company's competence in threat intelligence and incident response has made it a reliable partner for both government agencies and private-sector businesses.
CrowdStrike's business strategy is subscription-based, with several service tiers to meet different corporate demands. This concept has been successful, as the company's revenue has grown rapidly and its customer base has expanded abroad. CrowdStrike went public in 2019, reinforcing its market position.
The company's commitment to innovation is demonstrated by continual updates to the Falcon platform and the incorporation of new technologies to battle increasing cyber threats. CrowdStrike's focus on proactive threat hunting, along with its comprehensive threat intelligence capabilities, enables enterprises to stay ahead of adversaries.
To summarize, CrowdStrike has evolved as a cybersecurity leader thanks to its cutting-edge technologies, strategic threat intelligence, and effective incident response. Its Falcon platform continues to set industry standards, equipping enterprises with the capabilities they need to defend against complex cyber threats.
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ghumindiaghum · 2 months
Mandawa Travel Guide 2024: All You Need To Know
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About Mandawa
Welcome to your ultimate Mandawa travel guide for 2024! Mandawa sits in the heart of Rajasthan’s Shekhawati region. This town is known for its grand havelis, which are historic mansions adorned with frescoes and murals. Wealthy merchants built these havelis in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they now offer a glimpse into the past. Walking through Mandawa’s narrow lanes, you will see stories from history painted on the walls around you.
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Best time to visit
The best time to visit Mandawa is from October to March. During these cooler months, the weather is pleasant for exploring the town and its attractions. Winter, from December to February, is especially enjoyable with temperatures between 10°C and 25°C. Avoid visiting in summer (April to June) when temperatures can exceed 40°C, and during the monsoon season (July to September) due to humidity and occasional heavy rains.
How to reach
Reaching Mandawa is easy, with several options available:
By Air
The nearest airport to Mandawa is Jaipur International Airport, about 180 kilometers away. Jaipur is well-connected to major cities in India and abroad. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to Mandawa. The drive takes around 3 to 4 hours.
By Train
Mandawa does not have a railway station. The nearest major railway station is in Jhunjhunu, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa. Jhunjhunu is well-connected to Delhi, Jaipur, and other key cities in Rajasthan. From Jhunjhunu, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach Mandawa.
By Road
Mandawa is well-connected by road. If you’re driving from Delhi, the distance is about 250 kilometers, and the journey takes around 6 hours. From Jaipur, it’s a 3 to 4-hour drive covering about 180 kilometers. State-run and private buses also operate regular services to Mandawa from major cities like Jaipur, Delhi, and Bikaner. We would always suggest you to get in touch with the best tour operator in delhi for a smooth journey.
Where to stay: Hotels in Mandawa
Castle Mandawa
Castle Mandawa is a heritage hotel in a 240-year-old fort. The hotel features grand architecture, decorated rooms, and courtyards. You can enjoy a swimming pool, spa, and in-house restaurant serving Rajasthani cuisine.
Radhika Haveli Hotel
Radhika Haveli Hotel is a restored haveli that blends traditional charm with modern amenities. The hotel’s rooftop terrace offers stunning views of Mandawa.
Hotel Mandawa Haveli
Hotel Mandawa Haveli offers a heritage stay with intricately painted walls and ceilings. The hotel has well-appointed rooms and a restaurant serving local delicacies.
Vivaana Culture Haveli
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Vivaana Culture Haveli is a restored 19th-century haveli that now serves as a boutique hotel. The hotel offers luxurious rooms, a spa, a swimming pool, and an in-house museum showcasing the region’s history and culture.
Best places to explore | Mandawa Travel Guide
Mandawa is full of historic and cultural landmarks. Here are some of the best places to explore:
1. Murmuria Haveli
Murmuria Haveli features frescoes that depict historical events and European influences. The haveli showcases paintings of trains, cars, George V, and other notable figures.
2. The Harlalka Well
The Harlalka Well, also known as Baoli, reflects the architectural brilliance of the past. Located near the Hanuman Prasad Goenka Haveli, this well is a perfect spot for photography.
3. Gulab Rai Haveli
Gulab Rai Haveli features beautifully painted walls that showcase scenes from Hindu mythology and daily life. The haveli’s intricate artwork is a testament to Mandawa’s artistic heritage.
4. Open Air Art Gallery
The entire town of Mandawa is like an open-air art gallery. As you walk through the streets, you’ll see havelis adorned with stunning frescoes and murals.
5. The Chowkhani Haveli
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The Chowkhani Haveli showcases the grandeur of Mandawa’s past with intricate carvings, beautiful frescoes, and a charming courtyard.
6. Nawalgarh
Nawalgarh, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is known for its grand havelis, including the Poddar Haveli and the Aath Haveli complex.
7. Dundlod
Dundlod, around 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is famous for its fort and havelis. The Dundlod Fort, built in the 18th century, offers a glimpse into the region’s history.
8. Fatehpur
Fatehpur, about 25 kilometers from Mandawa, boasts several stunning havelis, including the Nadine Le Prince Haveli, which has been converted into a museum.
9. Goenka Double Haveli
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The Goenka Double Haveli features two havelis built side by side. The havelis are adorned with beautiful frescoes depicting scenes from mythology and daily life.
Must-try food | Mandawa Travel Guide
A trip to Mandawa is incomplete without trying its local cuisine. Here are some must-try foods:
Dal Baati Churma: A combination of baked wheat balls (baati), lentil curry (dal), and sweet crushed wheat (churma).
Gatte Ki Sabzi: Gram flour dumplings cooked in a spicy yogurt-based gravy.
Ker Sangri: A tangy and spicy vegetable preparation made from dried beans and berries.
Laal Maas: A fiery mutton curry cooked with red chilies and spices.
Rabri: A traditional dessert made from thickened milk, flavored with cardamom and saffron, and garnished with nuts.
Day Trip Options from Mandawa
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Jhunjhunu, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is known for its historic sites and temples. You can visit the Rani Sati Temple, known for its architecture and religious significance. The town also has several havelis with beautiful frescoes.
Sikar, located about 75 kilometers from Mandawa, is another town worth visiting. It features several grand havelis and temples. The Laxmangarh Fort offers panoramic views of the town.
Churu, around 85 kilometers from Mandawa, is known for its impressive havelis and temples. The Kanhaiya Lal Bagla Haveli and Surana Haveli are must-visit attractions for their unique architecture and frescoes.
Alsisar, about 30 kilometers from Mandawa, is home to the Alsisar Mahal, a stunning palace converted into a heritage hotel. The town also has several havelis and a beautiful stepwell.
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) | Mandawa Travel Guide
Q: What is Mandawa famous for? A: Mandawa is famous for its historic havelis adorned with intricate frescoes and murals. It is often referred to as the Open Art Gallery of Rajasthan.
Q: How far is Mandawa from Jaipur? A: Mandawa is approximately 180 kilometers from Jaipur, and the drive takes around 3 to 4 hours.
Q: What is the best time to visit Mandawa? A: The best time to visit Mandawa is from October to March when the weather is pleasant for exploring the town.
Q: Are there any luxury hotels in Mandawa? A: Yes, Mandawa offers several luxury heritage hotels, including Castle Mandawa and Vivaana Culture Haveli.
Q: What are some must-try foods in Mandawa? A: Some must-try foods in Mandawa include Dal Baati Churma, Gatte Ki Sabzi, Ker Sangri, Laal Maas, and Rabri.
Ghum India Ghum Offer These Mandawa Travel Guide
Complete Rajasthan Tour Package Royal Rajasthan Desert Tour Package Romance of The Desert Tour Package
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pearllemon-classics · 6 months
Cruising Through Dreams: Bucket List Classic Car Events Around the World
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Fasten your seatbelts, my fellow motor enthusiasts! We’re about to embark on an exhilarating adventure through the globe’s most iconic classic car events. From the heart-pounding roar of engines on Europe’s legendary circuits to California’s sun-kissed streets, these must-attend events are guaranteed to fuel your passion for vintage motoring. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or just daydreaming about owning a classic car one day, these events offer a sneak peek into the very essence of automotive history. So, don your driving gloves and join us as we journey through the ultimate classic car experiences worldwide!
1. Goodwood Festival of Speed
West Sussex, England
Tucked away in the undulating landscapes of West Sussex, England, lies the Goodwood Festival of Speed — a paradise for car lovers. This annual spectacle presents a breathtaking collection of classic cars, from timeless racers to contemporary supercars, all vying for glory on the legendary Hillclimb course. Goodwood seamlessly weaves together nostalgia and exhilaration, promising an indelible experience for devotees across generations. Picture yourself delving into the rich legacy and sophistication of classic automobiles at events like this one. Pearl Lemon Classics crafts bespoke experiential tours that transport enthusiasts on immersive journeys through the magnificence of classic cars and iconic racing events throughout the UK and Europe. Embrace this opportunity to live your passion!
2. Monterey Car Week
Monterey, California, USA
Every August, the charming coastal town of Monterey, California, transforms into a grand stage for one of the world’s most esteemed classic car events. Monterey Car Week is not just an event; it’s a week-long celebration of automotive brilliance that captures hearts worldwide. From prestigious concours d’elegance to heart-pounding races at Laguna Seca and awe-inspiring auctions where vintage gems find new homes, every moment is steeped in excitement and elegance. Whether you’re marvelling at rare Ferraris on the Pebble Beach Golf Links or embarking on a nostalgic journey along 17-Mile Drive in your own classic car, Monterey Car Week is an absolute must for any car aficionado. With Pearl Lemon Classics, you can immerse yourself in this glamourous spectacle through tailor-made tour packages that promise more than just experiences — they create timeless memories filled with history, sophistication and thrill!
3. Le Mans Classic
Le Mans, France
For those whose hearts beat faster at the thought of endurance racing, there’s no event that compares to the Le Mans Classic. Held every two years on the legendary Circuit de la Sarthe in France, this event is a magnificent homage to motorsport’s golden age. It showcases a captivating collection of vintage race cars, each competing for honour on a track steeped in history and tales of triumph and tragedy. Whether you’re basking in the thunderous symphony of classic prototypes from the grandstands or soaking up the electric atmosphere in the bustling paddock, Le Mans Classic is an adventure that every racing enthusiast should experience. Picture yourself standing amidst history at Circuit de la Sarthe, where Pearl Lemon Classics offers exclusive insights and access to private collections — ensuring an immersive experience at events like Le Mans Classic that truly encapsulate vintage motoring’s timeless allure.
4. Woodward Dream Cruise
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Heralded as the globe’s grandest one-day car festival, the Woodward Dream Cruise is an unparalleled homage to American automotive heritage. Each August, a cavalcade of classic cars invades Detroit’s historic Woodward Avenue, morphing it into a dynamic exhibition of motoring milestones. From brawny muscle cars to sizzling hot rods, and from vintage trucks to bespoke cruisers — the Dream Cruise is a visual and auditory banquet. It offers live music, culinary delights and boundless chances for reminiscing with fellow aficionados. Immerse yourself in exhilarating events like the Woodward Dream Cruise with Pearl Lemon Classics — nurturing a community of passionate enthusiasts and crafting unforgettable experiences within the pulsating realm of retro motoring.
5. Classic Days Schloss Dyck
Jüchen, Germany
Imagine being enveloped by the serene beauty of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, where Schloss Dyck stands majestically as the stage for one of Europe’s most esteemed classic car events. Classic Days Schloss Dyck is more than a weekend event; it’s a jubilant celebration of automotive history that captivates and thrills. From admiring the timeless elegance of pre-war classics to experiencing the heart-pounding excitement of vintage race cars in action, Schloss Dyck offers an all-encompassing journey into automotive heritage for enthusiasts across generations. Picture yourself at Classic Days Schloss Dyck, where Pearl Lemon Classics nurtures a passionate community and provides personalised attention, crafting indelible memories in the enchanting realm of vintage motoring.
As we draw the curtain on our thrilling journey through the world’s most coveted classic car events, it becomes resoundingly evident that the fervour for vintage motoring is a universal phenomenon. Whether you’re meticulously planning your next escapade or simply harbouring dreams of one day possessing a classic beauty, remember that an exhilarating world of vintage motoring stands ready to set your passion ablaze and fuel your aspirations. With organisations like Pearl Lemon Classics offering bespoke tours tailored to enthusiasts craving immersive experiences amidst majestic classic cars and iconic racing events, the opportunities are boundless. So come along! Let’s revel in the timeless legacy of classic cars and salute the vibrant community of enthusiasts who keep the flame of vintage motoring burning brightly!
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kavyaindiatours · 3 months
Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour by Car by Kavya India Tours Company.
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Kavya India Tours Company's Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car
Overview of the Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car Take a unique tour with Kavya India Tours Company to witness the Taj Mahal's unrivaled grandeur bathed in the golden hues of sunrise. Combining the tranquility of daybreak with the majesty of one of the most famous monuments in the world, this one-day trip from Delhi to Agra and back promises to be an experience never to forget.
Why Go on a Taj Mahal Tour at Sunrise? A new viewpoint can be obtained by seeing the Taj Mahal at dawn. An attractive scene that is less congested and more peaceful than other times of day is created by the early morning light enhancing the marble's inherent brilliance.
Reasons for Selecting Kavya India Tours Company? Learn why the best option for this fascinating tour is Kavya India Tours Company.
Verified Knowledge Kavya India Tours Company has been in the travel business for many years and is renowned for providing exceptional service and dependability.
Individualized Service Personalized travel experiences are available with knowledgeable experts who offer in-depth explanations of the significance and history of the Taj Mahal and other sites.
Relaxed Journey A smooth and enjoyable trip is guaranteed when you travel in a private, air-conditioned vehicle driven by a professional.
The Sunrise Car Tour of the Taj Mahal itinerary A thorough look at your one-day adventure's schedule is provided here.
Early Morning: Departure from Delhi between 3 and 3:30 in the morning
Get-Up: Your driver will come to your Delhi hotel or place of residence to pick you up. Make your way to Agra in comfort in a chauffeur-driven, air-conditioned vehicle. First thing in the morning: Arrival at Agra At six in the morning:
Arrival in Agra: Get to Agra in time to see the magnificent Taj Mahal at daybreak. In the morning: The Taj Mahal Visit between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m.
Experience the tranquil beauty of the Taj Mahal at sunrise, when the monument is first illuminated by the rays of dawn. Take pleasure in a guided tour that explores the UNESCO World Heritage Site's history, architecture, and love tale. In the morning: Agra Fort and breakfast. 8:30 A.M. until 9:30 A.M.
Enjoy a hearty breakfast at a nearby eatery that comes highly recommended. The magnificent Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is open for exploration from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Admire the exquisite features and breathtaking architecture while learning about its historical significance. Midmorning: Accompanying the Baby Taj, Itimad-ud-Daulah
Visit the stunning tomb known as Itimad-ud-Daulah, sometimes called the "Baby Taj." Rigorous inlay work and tranquil gardens characterize this smaller but no less remarkable structure. Breakfast and leisure in the early afternoon From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Lunch: Savor a delicious meal of real Mughlai food at a nearby eatery. Retrace your route to Delhi in the afternoon. 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM:
Retire in style in your private vehicle as you head back to Delhi following an amazing day in Agra. Evening: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM arrival in Delhi:
Drop-Off at Your Location: Your driver will end an amazing trip by dropping you off at your hotel or place of abode. The Sunrise Car Tour of the Taj Mahal's Highlights Examine the main sights and activities that are part of this trip.
The Taj Mahal at Dawn Unforgettable Views: Take in the peaceful, stunning scene as the Taj Mahal is illuminated by the warm light of morning. Examination of the Past UNESCO World Heritage Site Agra Fort: Learn about its magnificent architecture and rich history. Cultural Understanding Explore Itimad-ud-Daulah, a stunning but lesser-known monument, to witness the amazing craftsmanship. regional food Genuine Dinners: Experience a culinary adventure by indulging in mouthwatering regional fare at eateries that come highly recommended. Some Advice for an Unforgettable Taj Mahal Tour at Dawn Use these useful ideas to make the most of your travels.
Put on cozy clothes Put on walking- and exploration-appropriate footwear and cozy apparel.
Remain Hydrated To stay hydrated, especially in the warmer months, always have a water bottle with you.
Remember to Bring Your Camera Take use of a camera or smartphone to record the breathtaking scenery and special moments during your journey.
Consider the weather. Certain seasons make early mornings chilly, so check the weather forecast and make plans appropriately.
To sum up History, culture, and scenic beauty are all perfectly melded together on the Kavya India Tours Company's Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour by Car. This trip offers a remarkable and enriching experience in a single day, from the peaceful sight of the Taj Mahal at sunrise to discovering the rich history of Agra.
FAQ No. 1: How long is the car tour of the Taj Mahal in the morning? Leaving early in the morning and finishing in the evening, the tour lasts roughly 12 to 14 hours.
2. What is covered by the Car Tour of the Taj Mahal at Dawn? Along with breakfast and lunch, the tour includes expert driving, private vehicle transportation, and guided tours of the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Itimad-ud-Daulah.
3. Can families go on this tour? The tour is appropriate for all ages and is family-friendly.
Can I alter the schedule for the tour? Certainly, you are able to modify the tour schedule to fit your tastes and hobby. For further information, speak with Kavya India Tours Company.
What should I bring for the tour, if anything? Sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen, comfortable clothing, a camera, and any other personal goods you might need.
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Sky vs Fever: An Exciting WNBA Showdown
Overview One of the most anticipated games of the WNBA season is the matchup between the Chicago Sky and the Indiana Fever. Through exciting performances and fierce competition, this rivalry has gotten stronger over time, enthralling viewers. Gaining knowledge of this matchup’s dynamics can help you understand the WNBA as a whole.
Backgrounds of Teams The Chicago Sky’s past Since its founding in 2006, the Chicago Sky has grown to be a dominant force in the WNBA. The Sky, who are renowned for their explosive playmaking and unwavering team spirit, won their first WNBA title in 2021, which was a huge turning point in the franchise’s history.
The Indiana Fever’s past One of the league’s founding teams is the Indiana Fever, which was established in 2000. The group’s illustrious past was enhanced by their 2012 WNBA championship victory. The Fever have a reputation for being resilient and fiercely competitive.
Seasonal Outcome Chicago Sky’s Performance for the Current Season This season, the Chicago Sky have performed well, continuing their title heritage. They have shown both offensive and defensive strength, maintaining a strong standings position with a well-balanced roster and smart play.
Current Indiana Fever Season Performance The Indiana Fever have put forth a lot of effort to get up the standings despite a difficult season. The team’s youthful skill and seasoned leadership have combined to produce strong performances despite some setbacks, maintaining their hopes of making the playoffs.
Important Players to Keep an Eye on Prominent Individuals on the Chicago Sky Kahleah Copper: A regular player for the Sky, Copper is renowned for her athleticism and scoring prowess. Candace Parker: The seasoned forward is a vital component at key junctures because of her leadership, talent, and experience. Star Players for the Fever in Indiana Kelsey Mitchell: A brilliant guard, Mitchell is a vital offensive weapon thanks to her shooting and playmaking skills. NaLyssa Smith: Smith is a bright young forward who has made a big difference on both sides of the floor with her enthusiasm and ability. Head-to-Head Associations Past Meetings and Outcomes The Sky and the Fever have played close, competitive games in their recent meetings. Although the Sky have always had the advantage, the Fever have managed some noteworthy wins that have maintained the rivalry’s ferocity.
Treasured Memories from Previous Games Buzzer-beating shots, thrilling overtime ends, and exceptional individual performances that have kept spectators on the edge of their seats are just a few of the memorable moments. These games frequently have dramatic turns and hefty stakes.
Chicago Game Strategy Sky’s Strengths and Playing Style The Sky are renowned for their quick offense, accurate outside shooting, and stout defense. They have a big bench that enables a variety of flexible tactics, and they thrive at transition play.
The Strengths and Playing Style of Indiana Fever The Fever prioritize a forceful offensive approach together with aggressive defense. Their tactics frequently center on managing the game’s tempo and using their physicality to gain the upper hand in paint.
Impact of the Chicago on Coaching Staff Sky’s Methods of Coaching The Sky, led by coach James Wade, have become a cohesive one that emphasizes adaptability and collaboration. Wade’s strategic thinking and flexibility in the middle of the game are essential to the Sky’s victory.
The Indiana Fever’s coaching strategies and their impact Defense resiliency and player development have been prioritized by coach Marianne Stanley. Her expertise and tactical understanding have been invaluable in helping the squad overcome obstacles and realize its full potential.
Fan Interaction How Chicago Sky Support is Maintained by Fans Chicago Sky supporters are renowned for their fervent and boisterous cheers. Because of the team’s success, there is a large fan base that attends home games and fills the stadium, creating an exciting environment.
How Indiana Fever Supporters Participate The supporters of the Indiana Fever are devoted and consistent, sticking by the team through good times and bad. The boisterous shouts and large attendance at Fever games are clear indicators of their enthusiasm and sense of community.
Venue and Ambience Chicago Sky’s Home Court Advantage The Sky’s home court, Wintrust Arena, provides a big home court advantage with its vibrant spectators and state-of-the-art amenities. The team performs better and feels more confident in the familiar surroundings.
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careerarm2-blog · 4 months
June 4 - Savannah, Georgia
I’m typing these at a laundromat waiting for our clothes to be washed. Really interesting going to the laundromat and not knowing owing how to use the machines! Now you load a card (similar to Sube) with a specific amount, no more coins! But $6 a wash. A nice guy gave us soap he didn’t need.
The weather is still very nice, sunny, in the high 80s. A little breeze, here and there from the river.
We left Charleston yesterday morning and picked up the new rental car. It is a Nissan Altima. All rentals are the same. We drove about an hour on a divided highway to Beaufort, south Carolina. The roads are well kept, and lined with trees. The businesses are not seen from the highway.
Beaufort is located near Port Royal and Paris Island, where the Marine Corps has a base as well as the Marine Aviation. This is a military town with 3 major bases here. They graduate a 350 Marine recruit class every Friday.
We took a historical tour to get a look at the city. This area is known as the Sea Islands because the is it mainly formed by islands. During the civil war it was occupied early on by the Union forces so it was not destroyed. The area had over 150 plantations growing “sea island cotton” which was better and more expensive than regular cotton. So the plantation owners were also extremely wealthy. During the civil war, their homes were converted into hospitals and medical facilities, so these homes are still standing, mostly private residences now.
Since we were on a small bus I couldn’t take pictures of the homes.
Beaufort also has a National Cemetery which has tombs from union, confederate and black soldiers.
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bestghanatours · 4 months
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Best Ghana Tours offers a variety of curated experiences to help visitors embrace the outdoors in Ghana. Here are some of our popular tours and activities that highlight the natural beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage of the country:
1. Wildlife and Nature Tours
- Kakum National Park Canopy Walkway Tour: Explore the dense rainforest and traverse the famous canopy walkway for breathtaking views and wildlife spotting.
- Mole National Park Safari: Embark on a guided safari to see elephants, antelopes, and other wildlife in their natural habitat.
2. Beach Tours
- Cape Coast and Elmina Beach Excursion: Relax on the beautiful beaches of Cape Coast and Elmina, and visit historical sites like the Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle.
- Busua Beach Getaway: Enjoy a serene beach experience with opportunities for surfing and other water sports.
3. Waterfall and Mountain Tours
- Wli Waterfalls Hiking Tour: Hike through lush forests to reach the spectacular Wli Waterfalls, the highest in West Africa.
- Mount Afadja Climbing Adventure: Challenge yourself with a hike up Mount Afadja, the highest peak in Ghana, for stunning panoramic views.
4. Cultural and Historical Tours
- Nzulezo Stilt Village Tour: Visit the unique stilt village on Lake Tadane and learn about the traditional way of life.
- Kumasi Historical and Cultural Tour: Explore the cultural heart of the Ashanti region, including visits to the Manhyia Palace and the Kumasi Central Market.
5. Adventure and Ecotourism
- Volta River Kayaking and Boating: Engage in water sports like kayaking and boating on the Volta River, surrounded by beautiful scenery.
- Lake Bosomtwe Eco-Adventure: Enjoy activities such as boating and hiking around Lake Bosomtwe, a tranquil crater lake near Kumasi.
6. Community-Based Tourism
- Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary Visit: Interact with Mona monkeys in a protected sanctuary and learn about local conservation efforts.
- Paga Crocodile Pond Experience: Get up close with crocodiles in the town of Paga, where you can see these reptiles in a natural pond setting.
7. Local Markets and Festivals
- Accra City Tour and Makola Market Visit: Explore the bustling capital city and visit the vibrant Makola Market for a taste of local life.
- Traditional Festival Participation: Join in the festivities of traditional Ghanaian celebrations such as the Akwasidae, Homowo, or Hogbetsotso festivals, which feature music, dance, and cultural performances.
8. Custom and Private Tours
- Personalized Itineraries: Best Ghana Tours offers customizable tours to cater to your specific interests and schedule, ensuring a personalized and memorable experience.
These tours are designed to give you an immersive and comprehensive outdoor experience in Ghana, whether you're interested in nature, adventure, culture, or history.
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kokiafans · 5 months
KOKIA updates: April 2024
Below, I have summarized KOKIA’s recent announcements and messages. As explained here, this will remain the style of updates for now. The updates for April are below.
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Once-in-a-lifetime meetings tour
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Continuing her Once-in-a-lifetime meetings, KOKIA goes to Oita and Saga next, mentioning in her blog entry for April 6 that Oita has sold out and only 10 seats remain for Saga at that point. She's also started selling her new merchandise at these concerts, including a new tour T-shirt.
KOKIA looks back on her April 13 performance in Oita and her April 14 performance in Saga in her blog entry from April 19. It was her first time for both, and she shared some pictures on her Instagram. As it's been so long since she's toured and she was hitting these places for the first time, she was pleasantly surprised to see how many people showed up. She chose the venues, BRICK BLOCK in Oita and Roman-za in Saga, for their sea-side view and historically rich atmosphere respectively, and had a good time, looking forward to visiting again next year. Next up, the special Tokyo performance on May 23!
All upcoming performances are now sold out completely. KOKIA already mentions in her April 27 blog entry how she'd like to tour again next year and attend more venues this time.
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Other performances
Starting April 15, tickets have gone on sale for another private studio performance at 01073house, dubbed Piano and Kokia vol. 1, to be held on June 8 and 9. She mentions this in her blog entry for April 12 as well as in a separate news entry that same day. As the title implies, KOKIA will accompany herself on piano in a smaller venue, the way all her songs are born and how she used to perform a lot when she debuted, and for a limited number of guests. Tickets are available via TicketPay.
KOKIA also announces in her April 27 blog entry that she'll have another performance on August 3 and 4, at the Sonorium in Tokyo, a place with good memories. Further details and ticket information are still to follow. She also teases another event, but says she'll save that for next week.
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No big new releases, but KOKIA does announce in her blog entry of April 27 that starting May 11, all of her Animal albums will be available digitally. The Animal Kingdom 3 and The Animal Kingdom volume 4 will then be online to stream from various platforms, completing the current set of four.
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bestentours11 · 7 months
Discover the Rainbow Nation: Top South Africa Tour Packages
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South Africa, affectionately known as the Rainbow Nation, is a country that boasts an incredible diversity of cultures, landscapes, and experiences. It's a destination that appeals to all types of travelers, from those seeking adventure in the wild African bush to those who prefer the sophisticated charm of its cities. With such a vast array of attractions, choosing the right South Africa tour packages can be the key to unlocking the very best this country has to offer. In this article, we explore the top South Africa tour packages that promise to deliver an unforgettable journey through this vibrant nation.
1. The Safari Experience
No visit to South Africa is complete without experiencing its world-famous safaris. South Africa tour packages that include visits to the Kruger National Park offer an unparalleled wildlife viewing experience. Here, you can come face-to-face with the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo) in their natural habitat. These packages often include stays in luxury lodges, guided game drives at dawn and dusk, and even walking safaris for the more adventurous.
2. The Garden Route
For those who love scenic drives and outdoor activities, the Garden Route is a must-include in your South Africa tour packages. Stretching from Mossel Bay in the Western Cape to the Storms River in the Eastern Cape, this route offers stunning coastal views, dense forests, and serene beaches. Tour packages focusing on the Garden Route can include stops at key attractions like the Tsitsikamma National Park, Knysna, and Plettenberg Bay, with opportunities for hiking, bungee jumping, and whale watching.
3. Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula
Cape Town, with its iconic Table Mountain, vibrant waterfront, and rich history, is often the starting point of many South Africa tour packages. Exploring the Cape Peninsula, with visits to the Cape of Good Hope and the penguin colonies at Boulders Beach, provides a mix of natural beauty and wildlife. These packages might also include wine tasting tours in the Cape Winelands, exploring the historical Robben Island, and enjoying the city's renowned culinary scene.
4. The Cultural Heritage Tour
South Africa's history is both complex and fascinating, marked by stories of struggle and triumph. South Africa tour packages that focus on the country’s cultural heritage offer insights into its past, with visits to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, the Soweto Township, and Mandela’s House. These tours provide a deeper understanding of the country's journey to democracy and are essential for anyone looking to grasp the essence of the Rainbow Nation.
5. The Adventure Seeker’s Delight
For the thrill-seekers, South Africa tour packages can be tailored to include some of the most exhilarating activities available. From shark cage diving in Gansbaai to zip-lining in Tsitsikamma, South Africa is a playground for adventure. Other activities can include sandboarding in the Atlantis Dunes, hot air ballooning over the Magaliesberg, or even taking a leap off the world’s highest bridge bungee at Bloukrans.
6. The Luxury Escape
South Africa also caters to those seeking a more luxurious experience. High-end South Africa tour packages might include stays at exclusive lodges in private game reserves, gourmet dining experiences, and private tours of historical sites or vineyards. These packages offer a perfect blend of relaxation, indulgence, and adventure, set against the backdrop of some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes.
In Conclusion
South Africa's diverse offerings make it a unique travel destination, and the right tour package can ensure that travelers enjoy a comprehensive and enriching experience. Whether it's wildlife, scenic beauty, cultural heritage, adventure, or luxury you seek, South Africa tour packages deliver it all, wrapped in the warm hospitality for which this country is renowned. As you plan your journey to the Rainbow Nation, consider these varied tour options to truly discover the best of South Africa.
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snarp · 1 year
By Randy Bolerjack, WSU Everett
When a five-person submersible descends to the floor of the North Atlantic this summer, part of a historic series of private excursions to map the famed RMS Titanic’s wreckage in 3-D imagery, it will be WSU Everett students that helped make it possible.
“The whole electrical system – that was our design, we implemented it and it works,” said Mark Walsh, a 2017 WSU Everett graduate in electrical engineering from the WSU Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture. “We are on the precipice of making history and all of our systems are going down to the Titanic. It is an awesome feeling!”
[...] The links between OceanGate and WSU Everett began as part of a group tour of the company’s facilities by students in the University’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers club. Walsh was the club’s treasurer at the time and explained that when OceanGate’s director of engineering, Tony Nissen, described during the tour some of the challenges the company faced, Walsh and fellow student Nick Nelson volunteered solutions. “Tony said, ‘OK, you’re hired.’”
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