#the tour is something I would normally skip
elephantbitterhead · 5 months
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Another highlight from the Hadrian's Wall adventure -- we stopped to enjoy Cilurnum/Chesters Roman fort and spotted the feet of ancient dogs recorded for posterity. They're in terra cotta tiles that were used to build a kind of makeshift bathhouse in the dying days of the fort, after getting to the original bathhouse became too dangerous for reasons that are unclear (according to our guide). Look at all those tiles propping up that shambly hypocaust! We'll never know how many dog toes are lost to history in those stacks.
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speedybeta · 3 months
Agent00 x reader — insomnia
Insomnia — not being able to sleep caused by a specific reason.
warnings — FLUFF! not proof read! If mistakes, just point it out in the comments or something. but also I'm not sure who the hell stays at the amp house besides the actual members, so I made some things up if it's not accurate just please pretend it is. Not long or not that short, just a little fic. Also, the way I described his room kinda made 0 sense u have to watch his room tour to actually understand what I meant but enjoy this little fic
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You, being in amp, were basically like a little sister to the others. Well, besides agent. Despite your playful banter and bickering in the gaming streams, you and Agent had always been just friends. But the viewers, ever-attuned to any hint of romantic chemistry, couldn't help but point out the palpable tension that sparked whenever you and Agent were together on camera. Agent's knack for delivering insults always seemed to be directed at you, leaving the audience divided between enjoying your reactions and secretly shipping the two of you together.
Tonight, the amp house was eerily silent. Kai was away in Taiwan for Ray's graduation, leaving the house blissfully without his usual boisterous presence. Duke was nowhere to be found, preferring to stream in the comfort of his separate house these days. Davis was rarely around, spending most of his time at his girlfriend's place. Even Chris, who normally slept at the amp house, was absent. It was just you and Agent the only ones in the house, but it didn't really mean anything to either of you.
At 1 am, Agent had finally finished a six-hour stream. Exhaustion and fatigue weighed heavily on his frame as he gently removed his headset, then his hat, shaking his signature dreads. His gaze lingered on the now darkened monitors, a sense of weariness etched across his face. With a weary sigh, he reached forward and began shutting everything off, the room plunging into a temporary state of silence.
Suddenly, his door opened, agent stood up from his chair, not looking towards his door, obviously knowing it was you. But then felt a wave of confusion hit. It was 1 am, why the hell would you be in his room late at night? He heard your footsteps approaching him, but didn't turn around yet. He couldn't help but let out a small sigh and an eye roll, assuming your intentions were to bother him.
"What the hell are you doing in here?" he asked a bit bluntly, his tiredness was noticeable in his tone of voice. He waited for a response, still not turning to look at you. His gaze lingered on the monitors in front of him, making sure everything was off before he called it a night.
"I can't sleep." the gentle tone of your voice made agent turn around to finally face you, his expression softened upon seeing you look at him with those tired eyes. He was a bit surprised. Hearing your soft, quiet voice was unusual and even surprising. Usually, you don't speak in such a soft tone, but the tiredness in your voice made him realize that you were extremely sleep deprived.
"Damn...Are you okay? You look tired as hell." he couldn't help but feel a wave of concern at the thought of you not getting a healthy amount of rest.
"hmhm" hearing your soft reply only made him feel more concerned. He stared at you from his desk, looking at you with a gentle gaze. "um" he heard you pause, his gaze lingering on your tired figure. "Can I sleep in here with you?"
Upon hearing you ask that, his expression changed to a surprised look. He was shocked to hear you say that. sleep in his room? with him? he felt flustered. his heart skipped a beat, looking at your tired figure. he couldn't say no. especially if you looked exhausted. he sighed, nodding his head as he looked at you.
"Yeah- you can sleep in here with me for tonight." he responded back to your question, before turning back to his monitors, watching as they finished shutting down. He glanced back at you, walking to his door that led to his other rooms.
"come on" He walked inside the other room, which was connected to his gaming room. His bathroom was dimly lit, and his shower was large and spacious. He turned to look at you, noticing how tired you looked and how you were rubbing your eyes. The corner of his lips turned into a soft grin, seeing how adorable you looked tired.
He led you to his main room, which was connected to his bathroom. He guided you into the bedroom, walking towards his bed that could fit two people. he laid down on his bed, getting comfortable. The room was average size, a red light illuminating the room.
"you can lay down" he mumbled, watching you close his door. He acknowledged how sleepy you were, and found it adorable. His heart warmed at the precious sight of you, all tired and drained.
He smiled gently at you, his eyes looking at your tired body. He saw you come onto the bed, laying down next to him. he was blushing a bit, seeing how cute you looked. it was unusual for him to think about how you look since he usually makes fun of you. He isn't used to seeing you like this.
He then placed his bonnet on, laying down properly on his comfortable bed. He observed you silently staring at his ceiling, noticing that you seemed to be more comfortable now that you weren't alone anymore. He glanced at your tired figure, a small smile appeared on his lips.
He gazes at your features, taking in how pretty you looked laying next to him. He then found himself wondering what was making you so sleep deprived. His eyes scanned your face, and then spoke softly.
"did something happen? Or why can't you sleep?" he pondered, looking at you with a soft and gentle look, staring down at your lips, watching them as you opened them to speak.
"I feel lonely- I just can't sleep with how lonely my room felt" he turned his head to look directly into your eyes now that you stopped looking at the ceiling, holding eye-contact with you. a pang of sympathy hit him when you said you felt lonely. he quietly listened to you closely, noticing your expression softening as you spoke. a silent feeling of pity arose in him as he looked at you, hearing you saying you were lonely
"you're lonely huh?" He said in a soft whisper as he looked at you, a hint of tiredness in his voice, he continued to gaze into your eyes silently, his eyes slowly roaming over your face, noticing how close you two were. he didn’t say anything for a moment, his eyes shifting back down to your lips before looking back into your eyes again. he was feeling a weird feeling in his stomach at the moment as he looked at you, his tired mind a bit overwhelmed by your presence and how adorable and cute you looked at the moment. he slowly reached up and gently pushed some hair behind your ear.
"You should’ve said so…" he muttered quietly, continuing to look into your eyes, feeling a strange and confusing feeling of attraction and desire for you. despite the constant bickering and insults that the two of you give to each other, he can’t deny the fact that you are extremely attractive. he couldn’t deny that he thought you were cute and wanted you bad. he slowly moved his hand and gently touched your cheek, his thumb gently rubbing against your skin.
Agent could see your eyes glance down at his hand resting on your cheek, before looking back into his eyes. the feeling of desire continued to grow in him, making it harder for him to keep his composure and control his thoughts. he swallowed quietly, his voice soft and gentle as he spoke to you "So lonely you had to crawl into my bed, huh?" he joked in a whisper, his soft and gentle touch still on your cheek.
Agent noticed a small grin forming on the corner of your lips, and it only made his heart flutter a bit as he looked at you. he couldn’t help but notice the tired and sleepy expression on your face. he couldn’t deny that you looked adorable at the moment. he slowly leaned in a bit closer and spoke in a even more quieter voice. "Looks like you’re about to fall asleep…"
His gaze fixed at you while you slowly blinked at him, too exhausted to respond. he could tell that you were tired and about to fall asleep at any second by the way you started slowly blinking, your tiredness taking over your entire body. seeing you looking tired made him feel a rush of emotions, from wanting to hold you in his arms to wanting to just keep watching you. he softly chuckled at your lack of response and softly spoke again "Goddamn, you look cute when you’re sleepy."
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, as he looked at you while you slowly grew more sleepy. the thought of holding your body against his own made him want to hold you close. the idea of just slowly running his fingers through your hair as you fall asleep was running through his mind. he slowly moved his hand from your cheek and gently rested it on your waist as he gently pulled you towards him, wanting you closer to him
He slowly pulled you closer to him, your body now closer to his, as he wrapped his arms around your waist. he could barely keep his composure and control his thoughts, the idea of holding you so close to his body made him feel some type of way. he felt the intense desire to kiss you but held it back, he didn’t want to give in to his own wants yet. he looked at you for a moment, his eyes still lingering all over your sleepy face.
He held you close to him, feeling your body against his, the heat and warmth from your body feeling good against him. he had to hold back all the thoughts in his mind of wanting to kiss you and hold you even closer, but he controlled himself for the time being. he gently nuzzled his face against the top of your head, softly closing his eyes and taking in the feel of your body against him. your sleepy expression and cute body made him want you even more
He let out a soft content sigh as he nuzzled his face against the top of your head, his hands slowly rubbing your side gently. he continued holding you close to him, your body pressed against his chest. he slowly closed his eyes again as he spoke in a soft and quiet voice. "You better not drool all over me while you sleep." he joked in a hushed whisper, feeling the tiredness taking over his mind.
"I don't drool." he softly smiled at your response, your tired tone and sleepy expression were still cute to him. he slowly opened his eyes again as he looked down at you, listening to your mumbled reply, quietly scoffing at it "Oh, yeah? You’re lying. You definitely Drool." he said in a hushed tone, poking your side gently, a teasing tone in his voice, his body still holding you close against him
He felt his heart flutter again as you opened your eyes and looked up at him, feeling you cuddling against him and nuzzling your face into his chest. he couldn’t resisting softly chuckling at how cute and adorable you looked at the moment. he wrapped my arms even tighter around your waist, pulling you closer to him and holding you tightly "hm, going quiet now, huh?" he said quietly, his hand rubbing your back softly.
He heard you only humming in response, nuzzling your face into his chest and closing your eyes. seeing you close your eyes and nuzzle into his chest made him smile again to himself. he continued to rub your back gently, his hand moving in soft and slow circles. he could tell you were falling asleep as he held you in his arms, a soothing feeling of comfort washing over him. he closed his eyes for a moment and rested his head on top of yours, breathing in the scent of your hair and listening to your gentle breathing
He held you close as he felt you slowly falling asleep in his arms, your body relaxing, your breathing getting slower and softer, the way you nuzzled your face into his chest making his heart flutter again. he slowly exhaled and spoke in a quiet, whispery tone again, his hand still rubbing your back in a gentle and soothing motion "Just fall asleep already." he whispered, a hint of affection in his voice as he looked at you, admiring your sleepy expression and adorable tired body against his
He continued to watch over you as you slowly fell asleep in his arms, his hand still rubbing your back in a gentle and soothing motion. he could see how comfortable and relaxed you looked, your eyes slowly closing and your breathing slowing down. his heart swelled with affection and a sense of protectiveness as he held you in his arms, feeling your body relaxing as you drifted off into a deep and gentle sleep. "Sleep babygirl…" he whispered softly, continuing to hold you, feeling your body slowly relax and ease into a deep sleep. he gently shifted a bit, pulling you even closer to his body, wanting to keep you as close as possible while you sleep. as he held you, he noticed how cute and adorable you looked when you slept, your face so relaxed and peaceful. he slowly ran his fingers through your hair softly, the affectionate and protective feeling in his heart growing stronger as he watched over you while you slept.
He stayed there, holding you close to his body, your body pressed up against his as you slept peacefully. he softly sighed to himself in content, his eyes roaming over your face as you slept. he continued gently rubbing your back with one hand, the other hand softly continuing to play with your hair. he couldn’t help but marvel at how adorable and beautiful you looked while you slept, his heart feeling both affection and protectiveness towards you
He continued watching you sleep, a wave of tiredness washing over him. he was fighting the urge to fall asleep, he wanted to stay awake and keep his arms around you, continuing to gently rub your back. but the sound of your gentle breathing and the soothing feeling of holding you in his arms were slowly coaxing him to sleep. he gently sighed, his eyes closing for a moment as he tried to resist the sleepiness but he knew it was futile.
The quiet room was illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, the silver moonlight streaming through the glass of the sliding door and creating a gentle and soothing ambience. the two of you were cuddled up against each other, your bodies close together and his arms still holding you securely against him. his chest rose and fell gently as he slept, his breaths soft and steady. the room was still and peaceful, the only sound being the sound of your soft breathing and the occasional sounds of the night outside.
Your body was catching up on the sleep you missed out on. This brought you a sense of calm and contentment that you rarely felt. neither of you or agent had expected to end up like this, cuddled together in his bed, the warmth of agents body against yours feeling like a cure for both your sleepless nights. Now you know exactly who to go to for comfort whenever you struggled to sleep.
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yellowbrokenblue · 5 months
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This tour had been the longest yet. You hadn’t seen him in almost four months and it was driving you crazy. You understood this was how it was going to be like when you started dating, and you knew you could handle it. You just didn’t realise it would be this hard.
It was the middle of the night in Los Angeles, you’d allowed for your sleep schedule to be messed up a little bit for Harry’s sake- the short text conversations you had at night were what was getting you through these months.
H: I miss you
It was a short and simple text, however still made your heart skip a beat.
You: I miss you too, babe
There wasn’t long to go until Harry would be home again, then you’d get a sense of normality for at least a short amount of time.
H: I just wish you were here
H: Wanna hold you
H: Want you.
When the multiple texts started to roll in, you knew what was going on. He’d been on tour for long enough for you to understand when your boyfriend was horny. You squeezed your thighs together with anticipation as you watched his little text bubble pop up and down, indicating they be was typing.
H: What you doing right now, baby?
You text him back at god speed.
You: In bed ;)
H: Are those pretty little legs spread open for me?
You: Do you want them to be?
As soon as Harry read that message, the facetime notification appeared on your phone, Harry’s face instantly appearing on your screen.
“Be a good girl for me and balance your camera so I can see everything, mhm?” Harry said, “Wanna watch my little princess get herself off.”
You done as instructed and placed the phone in a perfect position so Harry had a view of you, and your pussy.
“This good?” You ask him.
“I’m seeing too much clothes, princess. Get it all off I wanna see all of you.” He said, a groan escaping his lips as you peeled your panties off, “Tits too, wanna see it all.”
Fully exposed in front of the camera, you watched as Harry practically drooled over your naked body.
“Legs open.” He said, “Spread ‘em nice and wide.”
You done as he said, you’d always do what he said.
“Can’t wait to watch my princess get herself off. Your soft little fingers in your wet pussy.”
Your hands were creeping closer, desperate to touch yourself but awaiting his permission.
“All for you, daddy.”
You watched as Harry struggled to keep it together, he was on the other end of the line desperate to get off too, but he was waiting to watch you first.
“Pretend your fingers are mine, touch yourself for me, baby.”
Your hands slid into your soaked pussy.
“Tell me how wet you are.” He said.
“So wet,” You ran two fingers through your soaked folds, “All for you, daddy. Wish it was you touching me.”
“It’ll be me soon, my girl.” He said, “When I’m back you’re gonna cum all over my fingers so many times you’ll forget your own name.”
You found your clit and began to move in circles, legs twitching.
“Nice and slow, wanna drag this out as long as I can.” Harry said again.
Your cunt was aching for him. It had been months since he’d last touched you, since you’d felt him inside of you. The last time you slept together was the night before he left, it felt like a decade ago.
“Can’t stop thinking about the last time I fucked you. Against the window in my house. Made you squirt.” Harry was barely getting his words out, you could tell he was getting himself off. “Can’t wait to fuck you again.”
“Need you, daddy. Come home so I can feel your cock again.” You moaned, moving your fingers at a rapid pace, desperate to feel something relatively close to what Harry made you feel.
“You look so pretty like this, all worked up and desperate for me.”
“Harry- Fuck, fuck fuck.”
“That’s it, my girl. Keep going. Wanna watch you cum all over your pretty fingers.”
It was embarrassing that you were getting yourself off this fact. All because you’d been deprived of Harry for so long.
“Fuckin’ hell, darlin’ look at you. So beautiful.”
“Harry… Fuck. Harry, I’m-”
“That’s my girl.”
You came all over your own fingers, moaning Harry’s name as he watched from the other side of the screen. Hopefully soon enough it would be him here beside you.
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xuchiya · 1 month
"his chérie." || song mingi
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| genre: fluff. fluff. fluff | mention: timid. genitals. kissing. cursing
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Song Mingi. He is that kid that is so timid, the smallest things scare him. From the teacher calling him because he dropped his pen and he would be shaking like a leaf towards his ears were always red whenever someone talked to him. He would squeak like a small duck whenever his name is mentioned or when he got caught doing something like doodling on his notebook. Most of the time, he is alone; never likes to interact nor the attention. 
“Hi!” Yet that caught your attention. His timid personality. So in conclusion, you befriended him even though it took a year and half (almost the point of giving up) to actually have him warm up to you. You gave yourself a pat on the back that day.
“I know … Song Mangi.”
“Tha-That is not … my name!” 
“It is now, Mangi.”
“Then … let me call you … chérie.”
“Ahh! n-no!”
Song Mingi. He is that kid who blushes on the mention of genitals during eighth grade and how babies were made. His ears were always the evidence. He would cover his eyes whenever a couple would kiss or look away whenever they would hold hands.
“Jeez, they’re just holding hands, what’s wrong with that?” 
“PDA du-duh!”
“You’re weird, Mangi.”
Song Mingi. He is that kid who you won’t expect to have such a drastic puberty hit. He went from a few inches smaller than you to almost the same height as a normal volleyball player. His muscles even grew, almost ripping the sleeves of his shirts so he went and changed to wearing long sleeves to cover them. He became more confident, a little bit noisy and a more outgoing person. He developed more of his personality, smiling more, overcoming his stuttering, he had been interacting with so many of your classmates; sharing the same music taste to doing a rap battle in front of the classroom or even going to the arcades.
“Hey chérie! We’re going to the arcade, do you wanna come?”
“Sure! I’ll beat you on street fighter, Mangi!”
Song Mingi. You know he is that kid who will be in the limelight after he practices every day and night inside an abandoned practice room near the apartment that you both still live in with your mothers. You watch him from the corner of the room as his shoes screech on the floor, his feet coordinating with the beat of the music.
“You wanted to become an idol, Mangi?”
“I want to become the best rapper in the next generation of K-pop, chérie! Just imagine being on stage with so many fans singing along with you or going on tour!”
“Hmm~ I’ll support you.”
“Thank you chérie.”
Song Mingi. He was your childhood friend. He was the timid kid from the back of the classroom, alone in his own world and words of his emotions written at the back of his physics notebook. He was the one who is embarrassed to learn about human anatomy the whole time he is red and the teacher almost sent him to the clinic due to how red his face is; he is also the kid who looks away whenever he sees such intimate moments.
But he was also the kid who developed such a character that you were so proud to tell the whole world how you witnessed the changes of his personality. How he furnished his personality with your help.
His chérie.
“I want to dedicate this song to my chérie!” Mingi shouted on his hand mic, almost the entire open arena howled in response. That cement color mic (which made you laugh for almost a minute when he told you his favorite color when you were both kids) was glistening because of the sweat.
“You guys don't know how much they mean to me, how much they put effort to those times I felt like no one likes me. From being kids, I was so scared of the world, yet they were there to help me see the other side of it. From our first lesson in humans where they laugh at me because of I blushed at word dick …” The fans laugh along with his members, Mingi felt his heart skipping a beat as each of his words were closing to the end. 
“To college life where we were both learning life, crying and getting scolded for staying out late and being together to overcome the challenges. They saw me through my worst and best, been through my ups and downs. So, put your motherfucking hands up for my girlfriend, my chérie!” He raised his hand, his ring finger bent as he continued his speech.
Song Mingi. He is the kid; you never knew you would fall for; you, his chérie.
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justmystyles · 1 year
Now You're In My Life - Part 6
catch up here
pairing: Harry Styles x plus size reader
word count: 4k
summary: a chance meeting at a diner turns your world upside-down.
warnings: some curse words, but other than that it's tame.
a/n: i feel like this part was way better in my head, so sorry in advance if you hate it.
*i say it's a plus size reader, while i don't focus a lot on that aspect (because your size should not define you), it will come up, so i just wanted to be upfront about it.
tags: @allthelovehes @ameerakane20 @ash-craze @bethanysnow @blue-ballad @brightlightsinlife @cute-as-ducks420 @gem1712 @golden-hoax @groovychaosavenue @hillzrry @iceebabies @indierockgirrl @jerseygirlinca @jooniesbabie @kaverichauhan @n0vaj3an @stylesfeverr @superchrystaldrug @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thechaoticjoy @theekyliepage @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @youknowwhaaat
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After Harry left you sat in your room and cried, you were barely able to get yourself packed and ready to make it to the station in time for your train home. You had forced yourself into the shower, but skipped putting on any makeup, it was just going to run anyway. About twenty minutes into the trip home, you had mercifully fallen asleep and stayed that way until you arrived back in Boston. You had promised Harry that you’d let him know when you got home, so you shot him a quick text, and the reply was almost instant. As if he were staring at his phone, waiting to hear from you. 
Good. Go get some rest my beautiful punk rock princess. Some awful boy kept you up way too late last night. ;)
You were grateful that you had opted for an early train. It gave you a chance to get home and try to resume your normal schedule, and some extra time to purge your emotions so that you could start fresh the next day. Back to work, back to reality. 
The next afternoon, you were in your office, finally caught up on the previous day’s work when one of your coworkers dropped an elaborate floral arrangement at your desk. You didn’t have to open the note to know where it came from. You suppose this is the bookend to your time together. He sent you flowers when you met, and he’s sending you flowers to say goodbye. As curious as you are to read the note, you decide to wait until you get home not wanting to cause a scene in your office. 
When you got home you went straight to the kitchen, placing the flowers down on the counter and pulling out the card. You take a deep breath and remove it from the envelope. 
I tried to think of something funny and charming to say, but truthfully I just missed you and wanted you to know I was thinking of you.
You read the note over and over, until the tears that filled your eyes blurred your vision. He missed you? He was thinking about you? You were more confused than ever. Sure, Harry had told you that you weren’t getting rid of him just because he was on tour. You just assumed he was saying that to get you to stop crying, that the messages and calls would dwindle over time. This seemed like more, that maybe all of the promises of calls and visits were real. 
Maybe he did feel something for you. 
You were interrupted by the ring of your phone, you pulled it from your pocket and saw Harry’s name on the screen. He was FaceTiming you. You took a deep breath and set it to the back camera which would allow you a moment to collect yourself. 
You watched as his beautiful face filled your screen, his smile quickly dropped to a frustrated frown. “Damnit, they still didn’t get it right.” You chuckle tearfully. “I’m just going to have to keep sending you flowers until we find some that are as beautiful as you.” 
“Harry…” you playfully chided. 
“Alright princess, let’s see you. The flowers are lovely, but I called for you.” 
You flip the camera and you notice his face fall slightly. “Darling, have you been crying?” 
“Maybe a little,” you reply coyly. “It was just a long day. It’s amazing how far behind I can fall after just one day off. Plus I’m still pretty tired from the trip.” 
“I’m sorry, do you want me to let you go so you can relax?” 
“No no, I’m glad you called. What are you up to?” You change the subject, not wanting him to press. 
“Well, we just landed in Wisconsin.” He attempts a midwestern accent, causing a bark of laughter to fall out of you unexpectedly. 
“That was terrible. Thank god you can sing, because you’re not an impressions guy.” 
“Heeeeyyyy!” He replied defensively. 
You and Harry talked for well over an hour, there were a few times where you considered asking him for clarification on your relationship, but talking to him felt so good, so right that you didn’t want to risk it. 
That was how most of your conversations with Harry went while he was away. There were many times where you thought it would just be easier to ask, but you kept reminding yourself about your weekend in New York. The last time you were upset, he had been up all night worrying about you. You decided that it wasn’t something you wanted to bother him with while he was on tour. In a few weeks he’d have some time off. You would talk to him then, when it couldn’t impact his work. 
One of the things Harry had brought up to you was how you had apparently become a viral sensation amongst his fanbase for your Harryween costume. Pictures and videos of you were all over social media. And when the photos of you and Harry in Central Park started circulating on the gossip blogs, it wasn’t long before the fans put two and two together. All of the sudden, you were Harry’s new mystery girl. 
Harry apologized profusely for the attention that had suddenly been thrown your way. You didn’t mind though, your friends and family weren’t really the celebrity gossip type. However, a few of your friends did see the pictures, you got some teasing texts, but nothing you hadn’t gotten before. Besides, it wasn’t as though strangers were recognizing you in the street, so life continued to go on as normal. The only change was setting your social media profiles to private, which you were especially grateful for once Harry started following you. 
A few days before the end of Harry’s tour, the two of you were on one of your marathon FaceTime calls, and Harry asked you something you weren’t expecting. 
“You said you still have some vacation days left, right?”
“Yeah, I didn’t really use any, so I was just going to do short weeks for the rest of the year.” You shrug. “It’s use it or lose it.” 
“So why don’t you use some of it next week and hang out with me?” You arched a brow, urging him to continue. “My last show is on Saturday, then I have to be in New York for a few meetings, but after that I thought I could come visit you before I go home for the holidays.”
“You… want to come… here?” 
“Is that alright?” He asked tentatively. “I just… I mean, you came to spend time with me on tour, you got to be part of my life, I wanted to maybe be part of yours for a bit.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt the tears begin to pool in your eyes. He wanted to spend time with you. In your world. You simply nodded your head, unable to speak. 
“Yeah? Wonderful!” He grinned. “I’m going to find the closest hotel so I don’t waste any–”
“You uh…” you interrupted him. “You could stay with me. I mean if you wanted to.” 
His smile widened, and you noticed a twinkle in his eye. “I was hoping you’d say that.” You blushed, making him laugh. “Are you sure you don’t have plans? I don’t want to be any trouble.”
“No, I have a family dinner next Saturday, but other than that I’m free.” 
“Family dinner, huh? What’s the occasion?”
You bit your lip before answering. “It’s um… it’s a birthday dinner.” You say shyly.
Harry’s eyes narrow at you. “Who’s birthday, princess?” Your face had already given him the answer, but he needed to hear you say it. 
Your eyes flit to the floor, you look up at the camera through your lashes. “Uhh… mine?” 
“Y/N Y/L/N!” Harry scolded. “Your birthday is in a week and you didn’t bother to tell me?!” 
“You never asked,” you shrug. 
He shook his head with a chuckle, you had a point. “Well then I am definitely coming, and I am going to spoil you rotten.” 
“Harry you don’t have–”
“The hell I don’t,” he said firmly. “When’s your actual birthday, sweetheart?” 
“Friday,” you tell him. You aren’t a big fan of being the center of attention, so you never really made a big deal about your birthdays. A quiet dinner with your parents and your sister was all you needed. 
“Perfect, I can fly on Thursday night, then I’ll be with you for your whole birthday. And I’d like to join you at your dinner, if you wouldn’t mind having me there.” 
He wanted to meet your parents? Nothing about the last month has made any sense, but you were bound to clear things up when Harry came to visit. “I’d like that,” you smile at him. “Oh, you should probably fly into Manchester instead of Boston though.” You notice Harry’s expression change, and you pause, knowing he wants to say something. “What?” 
“Why would I go all the way to Manchester? I told you I was going to visit you before going home.” 
You sigh and roll your eyes. “New Hampshire, you weirdo.” 
Harry holds up his free hand defensively. “It’s not my fault your precious colonizers couldn’t come up with their own names, so they just reused the ones they were so desperate to get away from.”
“Are you seriously doing this right now? You’re getting snippy about history shit?” He smirks at your annoyed response. “Yeah, keep smiling. When you get here I’m going to throw you in the harbor so you can go find your damn tea.” He throws his head back in laughter at your response, you can’t help but laugh too. Joking with each other like this came so naturally to you. 
“As I was saying,” you pretend to scold him. “It’s the same distance, shorter if you consider traffic, and it’s way less crowded so you could probably get through without being too noticed.” You watch as a dreamy smile spreads across his face. “What now?” You say, expecting another snarky response. 
“Nothing,” he sighed. “You’re such a sweetheart, thinking of me like that.” 
You felt your heartbeat speed up at his sincerity. “It was mostly for me,” you shrugged, trying to play it cool. “I hate Boston traffic.”
In the days leading up to Harry’s visit, you spent every free moment cleaning and arranging and rearranging furniture. To say you were nervous was an understatement. Sure, you were happy to see him again. You couldn’t wait to see him again. But this visit was going to be make or break. You were determined to get to the bottom of your relationship, it was a conversation the two of you needed to have while he was here. But you were going to wait until after your birthday, just because you didn’t want the day to be a big deal didn’t mean you wanted to spend it heartbroken. 
You had told your parents that you were bringing a guest to dinner. You didn’t say much else, but based on their reaction, you were sure they assumed you were bringing home a guy. You usually kept your relationships to yourself, only ever bringing one other guy home, so to them this was a big deal.
It was ten thirty on Thursday night, you were standing by your car in the arrivals lot waiting for Harry. He had been doing some work in the studio that day, so he decided to take a later flight. As your eyes stayed trained on the door, you pulled your coat tighter around you, trying to stay warm. Before long, you saw Harry emerge from the airport, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. He was here, in front of you, not just on a screen. 
You watched his eyes dart around the parking area, his face deep in concentration as he looked for you, rolling his suitcase behind him, a duffle bag hanging off his shoulder. You could tell the moment he found you, because the crease in his brow disappeared, his smile widened and his pace began to pick up. When he finally reached you, he dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you off the ground and crashing his lips against yours.   
He placed you back down, pulling you into another kiss before holding you close and burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Fuck, I missed you so much princess.” His voice was muffled against your skin as he continued to place kisses along your neck. 
You let out a content sigh as your fingers played with the curls at the nape of his neck. “I missed you too.” 
After standing in each other’s arms for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of having each other so close again, Harry finally pulled away and put his bags in the back of your car. He moved to the passenger's side and opened the door. You stood there, watching him stand in front of the door, making no moves to actually enter the car. 
“You getting in?” You asked curiously. 
“I will, I was just opening your door for you.” He replied. 
“We’re still in America, babe. Driver sits over there.” You use your thumb to point to the other side of the car.
His dimples appeared as he shook his head. “I’m driving.” 
“Excuse me?”
“I want to play a game on the way home, you won’t be able to play and keep your eyes on the road, so I’m going to drive.” 
You didn’t miss the fact that he said ‘home’, he didn’t refer to it as your house, he called it home. But you were also suspicious of this game. “I’m not giving you road head.” Your gaze narrowed. 
You noticed his eyes darken briefly before he corrected his expression and laughed. “No no, nothing like that. Completely innocent, I promise.” 
You eye him suspiciously as you approach the car. As you slide into the passenger's seat, you hand him the keys. “Just remember, we drive on the right here.” 
He rolls his eyes, closing your door and moving to the driver’s side. Once he was settled in, he started the car, and began to explain the game. 
“So, even after all of this time talking and sharing intimate details of our lives, you’ve still been very evasive about all that guilty pleasure music you’re hiding.” He smirks when you blush and sink a little further into your seat. “And I’ve also noticed you have an almost compulsive need to explain yourself and your opinions on things. Which you never have to do with me, by the way.” He paused, giving you a moment to process and truly understand his statement. “I figured we could use those two things to play a game, and get you to let me in just the tiniest bit more.” 
You furrow your brow. “I don’t get it?”
“It’s quite simple my dear, I will give you an emotion, or a scenario of some sort, and you play the song that goes with it. This way, you’re explaining why you like the song, instead of just being embarrassed that you do.” 
You smile to yourself, he was so desperate to get to know you that he made up a whole game just to help you open up. God, you were glad he was here. “Okay, I can do that.” 
“Yeah?” You nod in agreement. “Excellent! But you have to be completely honest, the first song that comes to mind no matter how embarrassing you think it might be.” 
He smiles widely and pulls you in to seal the deal with a kiss. “Alright then, buckle up buttercup. We’re off.” 
As Harry rattled off different topics, you could tell that he had prepared thoroughly for this. Each would have a series of follow up questions that he would ask as the song played, and occasionally he would sing a bit of it for her, his hand firmly planted on her thigh for the entirety of the ride. 
Harry would occasionally glance over to you as you were listening to a song. Of course he was admiring your beauty, but more than that, he noticed you had a musicality about you that he hadn’t seen much of outside of work. You would move your hands, almost as if you were conducting the music, honing in on obscure background melodies, and play them out with your fingers. 
You had been at a redlight, but when it turned green, Harry didn’t move. You looked over to see him watching you completely mesmerized. When he realized he had been caught, he blushed before turning his attention back to the road. “What?” You ask with a chuckle. 
“Aside from the fact that you are stunning and I never want to stop looking at you?” He smirked and shot a quick glance your way just in time to catch your blush. “Aside from that, I just noticed how you listen to music. It’s almost analytical, like you’re picking out each part, like even the smaller parts that people barely notice.”
“Yeah, I’ve kind of always been like that,” you shrug. “Obviously in college it kind of got worse, but–”
“Obviously in college?” Harry questioned.
You slap your hand over your mouth, you were so comfortable with Harry that things were just rolling off your tongue without realizing it. “Yeah… I um, my major was audio production. So I did a lot of recording and mixing and stuff.” 
You felt Harry’s grip tighten on your thigh. “Princess, I’ve known you for over a month, how have you not told me this?”  
“It’s not a big deal, it’s not like I’m using it or anything. I didn’t want you to think I was hanging out with you with ulterior motives.” 
Harry pulled the car into a nearby parking lot so that he could focus all of his attention on you. “Do you really believe that I would think that you were spending all this time with me, that all of this was just because you were trying to make a connection in the music industry?”
You shrug, looking down at the floor. You weren’t sure if you were more embarrassed about keeping it from him, or for your reason for keeping it from him. 
He took your chin in his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to look at him. “Hey, listen to me,” his tone was commanding yet tender, and he had a look of adoration in his eyes. “I’ve told you before, I want to know everything about you. Whether you believe it or not, I know your heart, and I know that you would never ask anything like that of me. Okay?” You nod your head in affirmation. “I want to hear you say it, princess.” 
“Okay,”  you whisper. He smiles, pulling your lips to his. 
He turns back to the wheel and continues the journey to your house. 
“So this is my princess’s palace?” Harry says as he pulls into the driveway. When he sees you reach for the door handle, he places a hand on your shoulder. “Uh-uh, don’t you dare open that door,” he chided. 
“Awfully aggressive for a gentleman.” You joked. 
He leaned in, his voice low and gravely in your ear. “You haven’t seen anything yet, princess.” A chill shot down your spine at his words. 
After he opened your door and collected his bags, the two of you went into the house and you gave him a quick tour of your house. It was a small three bedroom cape, with the master bedroom on the first floor. Since you lived on your own, you had turned the two upstairs rooms into a makeshift gym, and a combination home office/nail salon. 
By the time you had gotten home and given Harry the full tour, it was nearly midnight and you were both pretty tired. You took your pajamas into the bathroom so you could change and do your night routine, leaving Harry to change in the bedroom. 
When you returned to your room, you tapped on the door to make sure Harry was decent. He called for you to enter, when you did, you saw Harry sitting up in your bed. His eyes went wide as they traveled up and down your body, you were wearing an oversized t-shirt that was so long it completely covered the shorts you have on.
Harry gulped audibly before opening his mouth. “Princess, you… uh, you forgot the bottoms.” 
You were typically pretty self conscious about your body, but the way Harry was looking at you, practically devouring you with his eyes, it gave you a boost of confidence like you’d never had before. 
“Nope, I’ve got my shorts.” You lifted the shirt to your waist. 
Harry tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, folding down the sheets on your side of the bed, and patting the mattress. As you moved closer to the bed, you swayed your hips a little more than you usually would, you watched as Harry kept his eyes locked on you. 
As soon as you pulled the covers over yourself, Harry’s arms were around you, pulling you towards him. His lips traveled from your neck, up and across your jaw. Just before he could pull you in for a kiss, your phone rang. 
“Ugh… sorry,” you groaned as you reached for your phone. “It’s my sister.” 
As you swiped your finger across the screen, Harry noticed the time and leaned in close. “Happy birthday, princess.” He whispered before taking your earlobe between his teeth and tugging gently, causing you to giggle softly. 
“Hello?” Your sister’s voice rang out from the other end of the phone. 
You and Harry looked at eachother, trying not to laugh. You held your index finger up to his mouth to silence him. Instead of taking you seriously, he runs his tongue along your finger before pulling it into his mouth. You pull it out quickly and shoot him a warning glance. 
“Hi, sorry. I’m here. Hi.” You finally respond to your sister as you try to break out of Harry’s grasp. 
“I wanted to be the first one to say happy birthday, but apparently I didn’t make it in time.” 
“Better luck next year,” Harry joked. You slapped him playfully on the chest. 
“Who are you with?” 
“Don’t worry about it,” you assure her. 
“Oh wait, is this the guy mom and dad keep talking about? The one you’re bringing to dinner.” 
Your cheeks turn bright red at your sister’s words. Harry chuckles and pinches your cheeks. 
“Okay, so thanks for calling. I’ll see you Saturday.” You speak into the phone. 
“See you Saturday,” she says. “Sorry about the cock block.” 
Harry bursts out laughing, while you hang up the phone and drop it back down on the nightstand. You slide deeper into the bed, pulling the blankets over your head. 
“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” Harry chuckles as he follows you under the blankets. “Your sister seems nice.” He says as he starts kissing your neck, adding some gentle bites as he goes. 
“Yeah, she’s a real…” you interrupt yourself with a yawn. “Sorry.” 
Harry pulls back, leaning on his arm so he’s facing you. “Tired?” 
“A little, I’m fine though.” You assure him as you lift your hand, placing it on his cheek. 
He tilts his head, kissing your palm, “It’s alright, get some sleep. I’m not going anywhere, we can continue this later.” He leaned down until his lips were a breath away from yours. “Happy birthday, beautiful.” He kissed you softly before laying back on the bed. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you close.
“This is nice,” you sigh against his chest.
His arms tighten around you, and he places a kiss on the top of your head. “It’s really nice.” 
Before you know it, you drift off into one of the most comfortable nights of sleep you’ve ever had. 
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yelenabemylova · 1 year
OKOK IMAGINE you're taylors girlfriend at one of her concerts and naturally you're right at the front to support her and she blows you a kiss or something and everyone around you goes crazy thinking it's for them but you know that it's for you
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summary: taylor blowing you a kiss during opening night
The crowd was going wild, fans of such a wide variety of age, gender and nationalities screeching at the top of their lungs.
Your chest swelled with pride, your girlfriend was living her childhood fantasy.
Taylor looked ethereal on the opening night of her tour, her voice like the song of a thousand angels.
The high notes she hit caused your heart to skip a beat every time.
The minute she walked out onto the stage, she scanned the audience for her favourite familiar face.
An evident smirk tugged at her lips as her eyes met yours. It just seemed like a normal expression to everyone else, but you knew that her smile spoke a million words, just for you.
Your relationship wasn't public. Taylor always reminded you, however, that she wasn't keeping you a secret, and if you wanted, she would announce your relationship to the whole world proudly.
You were terrified of the public, their opinions, the paparazzi. So for now, you both lived in a state of bliss, content in your own little world.
It was so loud in the stadium, and Taylor knew you were easily overwhelmed. She begged you to wear earplugs so the noise would be slightly duller, but you'd done so before at concerts and gotten many dirty looks.
She often checked on you when she was near your section, offering you a smile or a wink.
However, she saw the wide smile from your face had fallen. Fans around you were pushing and shoving to try to be closer to Taylor.
You closed your eyes for a second, trying to breathe how your girlfriend taught you to in situations like this.
When you opened them, Taylor was crouched down, singing a fan favourite song.
She was so close to you and a few tears slipped from your eyes.
Noticing your distress, she was ready to come and help you, but you shook your head as you knew she had to finish her show.
Instead, she made a heart with her hands in your direction, mouthing I love you before blowing a kiss to you.
People around you jumped for joy, ecstatic that the Taylor Swift just blew a kiss at them.
Your heart fluttered, that kiss was just for you.
thank you for the request lia ily!! <3
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ramblingoak · 9 months
Happy Lasagna Day
For @madisyn-grace 💙 Happy (belated) Birthday!
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Papa Emeritus IV x Female Reader ~ Today is your birthday but as the hours pass without Copia saying anything you get more and more upset...
Warnings: a smidge of angst, Copia being a sweet dork, body worship, fingering, cunnilingus, p in v sex, nsfw, 18+ only mdni, 3200 words
~~ thank you @foxybouquet for the Italian help and @gothdaddyissues for the dividers ~~
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You couldn’t believe he’d forgotten.
Granted he had been very busy preparing for the tour.  Budget meetings, costume fittings, practicing with the ghouls…it all was very time consuming.  You tried your best to keep him on schedule, that was your job after all, but it was easy for little things to slip through the cracks.  A missed lunch with Imperator here, a missed phone call with Saltarian there.  It happens and those were easy to reschedule.  But today was different, today was supposed to be for you and despite writing it on his calendar and setting an alert on his phone Copia still hadn’t told you the words you’ve been waiting for.
He still hadn’t wished you a happy birthday.
You hadn’t been upset when he was already gone from bed that morning, there was an early budget meeting he needed to get to and he hated waking you up if you weren’t needed as well.  Even when your paths had crossed mid-morning without anything more than a kiss on your cheek you were ok.  He had been running late and after leaving a smear of black lipstick on you he’d taken off down the hallway, his robes swishing around his ankles.  Copia and the ghouls had a dress rehearsal from lunch time through most of the afternoon and while you normally would watch today you had your own budget meeting you weren’t able to skip out on.
So after all of that you had tracked him down, finding him with his nose buried in paperwork at his desk.  He was mumbling something in Italian so fiercely under his breath he didn’t even notice when you sat down in one of the chairs across from him.  The growing irritation you had felt through the day was threatening to boil over as you watched him.  You knew he was busy but today was supposed to be special!  Copia was always the best at birthdays!  He always picked out the most thoughtful gifts for you and would spend the day pampering you.  At this point in the day you knew you were going to sound pissy but you couldn’t help it.
“Copia, do you know what today is?”
“Today?”  He didn’t even pause in his writing as he answered.  “I think today is the day I finally murder Terzo so I don’t have to suffer through reading his shit handwriting ever again.”
Normally him insulting his brother would make you laugh but instead you just gritted your teeth before you tried again.
“No, that is not what today is.”
“No?”  He leaned back in his chair, rolling his neck to ease the ache he always got by the end of the day.  “There’s not a Black Mass tonight is there?  I swear Sister will find any excuse under the su–”
“No, Copia.  There’s not a Black Mass.”
“Ah, bene.  Well then I’m not sure wh–oh no.  Dolcezza!”  Copia shoved his chair back and walked quickly around his desk, his hands reaching out for yours.  With an exaggerated groan he dropped to his knees in front of you.  “Mi dispiace.  I can’t believe I forgot what day it is.”
He looked so disappointed in himself you squeezed his hands, your irritation already melting away.
“Copia, It’s ok.  You’ve been so busy, I underst–”
“I know how much you enjoy lasagna day in the cafeteria.”
He grinned and dropped a few sloppy kisses into your palms before jumping up and going over to the phone on his desk.
“Lasagna day!  I will call over to them and have some brought to us.  That sounds perfect, no?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?”  It took you a moment before you realized you had said that outloud but at this point you didn’t even care.  “That’s what you think today is?!”
“I thought you liked lasagna day!”
“Copia, if you say lasagna day one more time I will burn the abbey to the ground.”
“Ai, ok ok.”  He placed the phone receiver back in its cradle and fidgeted for a moment, seemingly glancing around the room for ideas.  “Can I have a clue?”
With a growl you jumped up from the chair and started stalking towards the door.  Copia called your name and asked you to wait but you ignored him, ripping the door open and practically fleeing towards you and Copia’s quarters.  Papa Emeritus or not, you’d barricade the door so he couldn’t get in.  You’d have a nice, quiet birthday evening with yourself and no one else.  Well, just you and Copia’s rats.  Copia could sleep on the floor of his office for all you cared.  
Your irritation waned as you got closer to home.  You felt bad being so angry at him, especially with everything he had going on, but it stung to have him forget.  To have him be so absorbed in so many different things and lose track of something important to you.  When you got to the door you took a moment after slipping the key in and rested your head against the cool wood.  Maybe you wouldn’t make him sleep in his office tonight, but he definitely needed to make it up to you.  With a sigh you opened the door but after just a few steps inside you froze, your mouth dropping open at the sight before you.
The main room was awash in the soft glow of dozens of candles.  There was one practically on every available surface.  Any other free space was taken over by flowers, bouquets of every shape and size scattered around the room.  They were your favorite kinds, all delicately tied together with ribbon.  A trail of loose petals led from the door to the coffee table in front of the couch and you slowly made your way over.  In the middle of the table was a small card, your name written on the front in Copia’s delicate handwriting.  With shaking fingers you picked it up, tears already forming in your eyes as you read what he had written down.
“Will you forgive me?”  The sound of his voice startled you and you dropped the note as you spun around.  “Can you forgive an old man like me?”
“You’re not old Copia.”  When he reached a hand out for one of yours you sighed and let him have it, smiling softly when he brought it up to his lips to kiss the back.  “It’s ok.”
“Ach, no.  No, it’s not ok.”  He was shaking his head vigorously, his salt and pepper hair bouncing out of its neat style.  “I remembered while we were practicing ‘Rats’, right in the middle of Dewdrop’s solo.  Made everyone stop while I panicked about it.”
You took a step closer, reaching up to brush some of the hair off his forehead.
“You could’ve called me or sent me a text when you realized.”
“I know I should have but I started thinking of how I could make it up to you and well,”  He waved a hand around the room.  “We ended practice early and the ghouls set all this up.  I thought it would be a nice surprise but I shouldn’t have waited until the end of the day to show you.”
“It is a nice surprise, Copia.  It’s beautiful.”  You leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his lips.  ��Grazie, Papa.”
“Can you forgive me?”
“Oh, I suppose so.”  You stepped closer again so you were pressed against his chest, your fingers fiddling with the buttons of his robes.  “You’ll have to make it up to me though.”
“Will I?  What will it take?”  He shrugged off his robe and let it fall to the ground.  You made sure to kick it further away from the nearest candles.  Despite your threat earlier you didn’t actually want to burn the abbey down.  Copia was left in his favorite pants with just his frilly sleeved shirt and vest on.  “How can I make it up to you?”
“A kiss.  To start with.”
“Un bacio?”  He slipped his arms around your waist and leaned in to brush his lips against yours.  It was so soft and sweet you just wanted to melt against him.  He hummed as he pulled away, reaching up to sweep a thumb across your bottom lip.  “That’s a small price to pay.”
“I said to start with, Copia.”
“Ah, silly me.  Should have known you’d demand more.”  
He leaned in again and you met him half way, the kiss this time far less sweet.  His mouth was demanding, his tongue soon pressing between your lips and flicking against your own.  A deep groan echoed in his chest when you nipped at his tongue and he quickly pushed one of his hands into your hair to angle your head better.  His other hand slid down your back and grabbed your ass, his fingers flexing against you through your habit.  It wasn’t long before you had to break away, gasping for air and trembling against him.
“Copia.  Copia, please.”
"Sì, dolcezza?  What does my birthday girl want?”  
“You.  I want you.  I need you, Copia.  Please.”
Your only answer was another fierce kiss, but it was all the answer you needed.  He started to walk you back towards the bedroom, his hands steady on your hips to keep you from tripping.  When the back of your knees hit the bed you sat down, your breath shuddering out of you when he dropped to his knees before you.
“You deserve to be worshiped, dolcezza.  Not just on this day, but every day for the rest of your life.”  He gently slipped your shoes off, setting them to the side before gripping one of your stocking covered feet and beginning to massage the bottom with his thumbs.  His eyes trailed up your body, from your toes to your face and he gave you one of his dirty grins before speaking again.  “Will you let me worship you?”
“Whatever you want, Copia.”
“I want you.  Always.”  He slid his hands from your feet up your legs, only stopping when he reached the top of your stockings.  Copia ran his fingers along the sensitive skin there before tugging them down.  He dropped kisses along your skin as it was exposed, leaving black lipstick marks on your thighs, your knees and all the way down to the top of your feet.  When he set the stockings aside he caught your eyes again, the grin coming back when he noticed how heavily you were breathing.  “Beautiful, you are so beautiful covered in my kisses.”
Copia stood up then, his hands going to his vest to work on getting it off.  When he was finished and it was on the floor you reached up to help him with his shirt.  Desire making both of your hands a little shaky but when it was finally undone it joined everything else on the floor and your hands were on Copia’s chest, your fingers tangling in his chest hair and your mouth leaving your own kiss marks on his belly and sides.  You kept going until his hand tangled in your hair and he tilted your head up to meet his gaze.
“Is this ok?”  
He smiled, nodding softly before leaning down to capture your lips with his for a moment.
“It is more than ok, dolcezza.  But I think tonight should be about you, eh?”
Well, you weren’t going to argue with him.  You smirked and grabbed the hem of your habit, yanking it up and over your head in one quick movement.  It had barely hit the floor before he had you scooting back on the bed so he could crawl on after you.  He planted his knees between your legs and dropped down to kiss along the inside of one of your thighs.  Copia held your other thigh, massaging your flesh as his kisses got closer and closer to your cunt.  
Your panties were already soaked and Copia groaned when he was close enough to smell how aroused you were.  He ran a finger up and down the wet fabric, applying more and more pressure on each pass.  When his finger pressed against your entrance you cried out, hooking a leg around his waist to try to get him closer.
“Copia!  Please.”
“Easy now, your Papa will take care of you.”
You let your leg fall away and he scooted down so his face hovered over your cunt.  His hot breath fanned across your damp skin and you began to tremble even more than you had been.  He placed a hand back on your thigh, his eyes watching as he ran it up and down your skin.  His fingers digging into your flesh periodically.  When his hand finally got close to your cunt again he pushed your panties out of the way and pressed his thumb between your lips, rubbing it right over your wet entrance.
“Not yet, dolcezza, but soon.”  
His eyes didn’t leave your cunt as he continued to rub his thumb back and forth.  Your entrance started to spasm, your body desperate for him to be inside of you.  He groaned at the sight, hooking his thumb right at the rim and then pressing his mouth in.  As his tongue flicked and swirled over you it felt like stars were bursting in your vision.  Copia pressed closer, his tongue going as far as it could inside of you while his nose rubbed against your clit.
When your legs began to shake he moved his mouth away and ran his tongue up to your clit.  He sucked it between his lips while two of his fingers pushed inside of you.  They pumped back and forth, keeping a steady pace while he teased your clit with his tongue and teeth.  It was starting to feel like something was going to explode inside of you, the pleasure building up to such a great height you didn’t have the strength to keep your eyes open.  It wasn’t until he growled your name out that you were able to look down again, your eyes meeting his over your trembling body.
“Watch me, dolcezza.”  
You obeyed, your mouth falling open as he lowered his to your flesh again.  The noises he was making as he tasted you were loud in the room.  Deep moans as he continued to fuck you with his fingers and lick up the moisure you were creating.  As his fingers stroked across your inner walls you felt your peak hit you and with a wail you fell over the edge, gasping as wave after wave of pleasure ran over you.  You had no idea how much time had passed when you finally came back to yourself, your eyes slowly blinking open to find Copia watching you, his mouth pressed against your belly.
He gave you a quick smile before pressing more kisses across your skin.  His lipstick was mostly gone, but you could feel the moisture from your cunt being rubbed across your stomach.  Copia moved to the side, teasing his teeth across whatever skin he could reach.  You couldn’t help but let out a giggle when he was over your rib cage, the sensitive skin there jumping under his attention.  The days worth of stubble wasn’t helping either and you hissed when he deliberately rubbed his cheek against your skin.
“Hey, quit that.”
Copia snorted, sitting up a bit and letting his eyes drag over your body.  
“Bellissima.  My beautiful birthday girl.”
You smirked, sitting up a bit yourself and placing your hands on the ties of his pants.
“That’s right Papa, I'm the birthday girl and I think I’m ready for my gift now.”
“The candles and flowers weren’t enough?”
He groaned, his head falling back when you freed his cock.  It was hard and leaking at the tip, jumping in your hand when you began to stroke it.  
“I think I deserve a little something extra.”
Copia laughed and quickly moved to sit on the side of the bed so he could maneuver his pants off.  He was back over you in an instant when he was finally free and he went to work on your bra, his hands eagerly cupping your breasts when they were uncovered.  You bit your lip when his thumbs rubbed across your nipples, the pleasure starting to build up in your body again.
“Is this enough, dolcezza?”  
You couldn’t keep your moan in but you shook your head, covering his hands with your own.
“Fuck me.”
“Oh, you need my cock, do you?”  You nodded frantically, gasping when he let go of your breasts and sat up between your legs.  He took his cock in hand and ran it up and down your cunt, smiling each time it caught at your entrance.  “Is this what you want?”
“Yes, please Copia.”
You both groaned when he pressed inside, your body stretching around his thick flesh.  He hooked an arm under one of your thighs and pressed it up so he could get as deep as he could.  Copia ground his hips against yours and you began to pant, desperate for him to start fucking you.  He seemed to sense your desperation because he began to slowly pull out before quickly thrusting back in, a quick movement that punched the air out of your lungs.
“That’s it, dolcezza.  Take it, take me.”
It wasn’t long before his movements became frantic, his thrusts becoming rough and jarring.  You would definitely be feeling it in the morning but it was worth it to watch your Papa lose control.  To watch him lose control because of you.  It was always good, so good to be with him like this.  For him to have all his attention on you, for him to kiss and touch every part of you he could reach.  You used to be so self conscious but after hearing the things he’d whisper into your skin you began to believe him, you started to feel as beautiful as he claimed you to be.
“Oh, Copia!  I’m close, I’m so close.”
“Bene, I want you to come for me.  I want to feel you come apart on my cock.”  
It didn’t take much longer before you reached your peak again and you felt his cock kick inside of you, filling you with his release.  With a groan he collapsed over you, careful as always not to jar you too much.  He adjusted both of your bodies enough so that he could cradle you against him, his cock still inside of you.  You laid your head over his chest, listening as his racing heart slowed down just like yours was.
The room was quiet without the moans or heavy breathing and you soon heard him humming something softly against your hair.  It took you a moment before you realized what it was and you lifted your head to smile at him.
“Buon compleanno, dolcezza.”  
You leaned in and kissed him, savoring the taste of yourself on his lips.  When you pulled away he had a mischievous twinkle in his eye and you couldn’t help but narrow your own, suspicious as to what was causing it.
“What is it?”
“Happy birthday and,”  Copia leaned in and gave you another sweet kiss.  “Happy lasagna day.”
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
down under ♡ j.w.w
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♡ pairing: idol!wonwoo x female!reader ♡ genre: smut ♡ word count: 1.6k ♡ this fic contains: long-distance relationship, guided masturbation, video chatting, masturbation (f and m), wonwoo has a very very deep voice, reader gets off to his voice ♡ synopsis: wonwoo has landed in a new country and is pretty tired, but still makes the effort to call you. what he doesn't realize is how his husky voice will affect you. ♡ a/n: I wish I could say I was sorry but I'm really not, big thanks to @lovelyhan for proofreading for me :)
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“Oh, hey!”
“Hey, baby, how are you?”
Wonwoo’s voice comes through the screen a little crackly, but it settles relatively quickly as his laptop adjusts to the hotel’s wifi. You can see him perfectly clearly, his dark hair fluffed up and his round specs perched delicately on the bridge of his nose. You could immediately see how exhausted he was, the dark circles under his eyes are prominent, but he still managed to call you as soon as he got to his hotel room and got settled in.
It made your heart skip a beat. 
“I’m okay, the bed feels empty without you but I’m sure I’ll manage, I always have,” your sentence has wonwoo’s features morphing into one of guilt, but he brushes it off quickly knowing that you always do fine when he goes away on tour. He smiles as you continue chatting about your day and what you did after he left for the airport in the early hours of the morning.
He didn’t want to leave you, your sleeping form nestled comfortably under the two blankets you always required. It was hard to drag himself out of the warmth of the bed you two shared and into the cool autumn air, but it was part of his job as an idol to be prepared at any time for any situation.
“But enough about me, how’s Australia? Was the flight over okay?” You see Wonwoo chuckle as he readjusts himself on the hotel bed, to which you can see a peek of his naked collarbone and shoulders. You had been so wrapped up in catching up with him before that you hadn’t even noticed he was half-naked and sitting on camera with you.
“The flight over was…okay? I didn’t get a lot of sleep because Vernon kept talking to me about a new video game that’s coming out soon, but the food was good, especially for plane food, and didn’t have any trouble with customs,” his voice is so soothing but you can tell he’s tired just from how it’s dropped an octave.
You don’t want to admit the way his voice sounds is turning you on, especially given how exhausted he was from his flight. However, you couldn’t help feeling your panties begin to stick to your folds the more he elaborated on what the band’s tour would be like over the next few weeks, the deep and dulcet tones of his voice going straight to your pussy.
Whilst Wonwoo was exhausted, he was still sharp enough to see you weren’t in the right frame of mind either; your fingers picking at the skin of your lips and your eyes darting in all directions, not looking him in the eye (as best as you could over a camera anyway.)
“Baby, what’s going on?”
Your mind is hazed over with lust, your fingers teasing your sopping folds and picturing that they were Wonwoo’s instead. You had almost completely forgotten he was on camera with you, observing how your body writhes and how your whimpers cascade through his speakers like a wonderful harmony.
He doesn’t have to ask you again what’s going on.
That’s when he begins to formulate a plan, something that will send you over the edge over and over.
“Angel, come back to me, I want to see your pretty face.”
You're finally snapped out of your haze at the use of the pet name, and you feel your cheeks begin to burn at the prospect of what you’d just been caught doing. You can see Wonwoo grinning at you like he normally does when you are desperate for release. What you can’t see, however, below the camera is that he’s now discarded his slacks and is sitting butt naked on his bed, cock rigid and leaking precum onto his lower abdomen.
“Sorry…kinda got caught up…”
He raises an eyebrow at you as you try to explain yourself and trip over your own words, and can’t help but notice you’ve removed your loose-fitting shirt and are now sitting in just your bra and presumably, underwear. Just imagining the sight of you alone like that has his cock twitching against his stomach.
“What were you thinking about darling? Guide me through your thoughts.”
You can see his eyes have grown darker, pooling with lust and want. Your heartbeat quickens and suddenly you feel much more vulnerable than before, but push the feelings down very quickly and gasp when you glance back at the camera.
Wonwoo has shifted his laptop to the end of the bed, exposing his naked body to your eyes. You can see how his cock is red and angry, with small pools of precum landing in the crevices of his abs. He wraps a hand around his cock and begins to pump himself slowly, and you watch as his head falls back with a small groan at the contact.
“Go on, angel, tell me.”
“Oh, uh, well, I saw your collarbones earlier and I pictured myself leaving marks on them, and then I pictured your fingers teasing me all along my thighs and my pussy…”
Your voice trails off as you watch Wonwoo spread his legs and start pumping his cock quicker, his groans and moans becoming much more prominent the more you talk. You can’t help but to kick your panties and bra off and spread your legs, moving your laptop to the end of the bed so he can see all of you.
“Keep g-going, fuck, so good for me…”
A new wave of arousal floods your body and you can feel your cunt growing slicker by the second. Your fingers quickly find your folds again and begin to tease, sliding up and down almost torturously while your thumb glides over your clit and makes your thighs twitch with the contact. 
“I… I also picture how good you fuck me, how you hold my throat when I-I’m about to cum, and-and how you always hold my thighs apart and tell me how good I am for you,” you finish your sentence with a whine as you let a finger slip inside your entrance, still feeling empty without his touch.
Despite your comments coming to a stop, Wonwoo’s movements don’t. With the perfect mixture of his imagination and your words, as well as your pretty whines and moans coming through his laptop speaker, he’s able to buck his hips into his hands harshly and bring himself to the brink of his orgasm.
Your mind is complete mush as you slip a second finger into your entrance, pumping quickly to find your own release. A hand reaches up to squeeze at your boobs, imagining it’s his large hands rather than your own, much smaller in comparison to his and not feeling nearly the same.
For a while, you both just let each other get caught up in your moans and whines, letting them tangle together in the most harmonious of ways. The sight of you alone has Wonwoo almost blowing his load, and he has to bring his hand down to his base and squeeze tightly enough to ensure he wouldn’t cum as quickly.
“I’m close,” Wonwoo’s voice has grown even deeper in his own chase for release and you feel the rubber band in your stomach tighten even more. Even though he’s not physically with you, it’s almost as if you can feel him with you as your orgasm begins to peak. He can tell you’re close too, with the way your voice quivers with each moan and word you try to pronounce. 
“Cum with me, angel, are you ready?”
You whine out your response as your thumb moves harshly over your clit and a third finger enters your dripping cunt, picturing that it’s his cock instead. Incoherent mumbles begin slipping from your lips and your mind grows delirious as you wait for his signal to cum.
“O-one. Cum with me, baby.”
The white light explodes over your vision as you cum hard from his command, your fingers getting coated in juices and your body trembling violently as the waves of your orgasm crash over you. You peek your eyes open and can see Wonwoo in a very similar situation, except he has cum painting his entire abdomen up to his chest, and all down his thighs.
While you both come down from your highs, you can hear each other panting and it takes all your strength to pull yourself up and bring the laptop back up so that your face and chest are all that’s in view now. You take in the sight of him post-orgasm, still recovering with his head hanging low and his thighs lightly trembling.
“Won? Are you okay baby?”
He lifts his head and smiles at you dopily, before lifting his laptop back onto his lap. You can see his lips are slightly swollen from being bitten, and he looks so soft. While you wish you could stay on call longer, you knew it was getting late for him, and he still had to shower and eat.
“I’m okay, I promise.”
“Good, now please go and eat something and get to bed early, you look like you’re going to fall asleep any second!”
He grins at your loving scolding and says his goodbyes to you, but not before blowing you an air kiss and promising to call you when he wakes up the following morning. You smile and turn your computer off, before heading to the shower to think about Wonwoo and his fingers some more.
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taglist: @multi-kpop-fanfics (ily), @sluttywonwoo (ily pt 2), @jihoonliker, @asmigirme04, @ny0sang, @cixrosie, @nabiee-x, @rinshabitat, @weakforsvt, @lenireads, @baldi-2, @joshuawifey, @enhacolor, @nikkixpenguin, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @valentxi, @hanniecheesecake, @vern0nsworld, @tigermoonbiss, @jeanjacketjesus, @asjkdk
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ilovehimyourhonour · 1 year
[ 3 new voicemails ] from lee minho ft. hwang hyunjin
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📞 lee minho x reader
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1. hey…what’s got you so busy you can’t answer my calls? i hope it’s something good…I hope you’re having a good day—i’m not. nothing crazy happened, just an abundance of little things. i tripped during rehearsal today and I bruised my knee. it hurts so bad. chan said I should stay off of it, but that would mean skipping practice tomorrow—I don’t think I can afford that, I really need to get this one move down. you know? … im sure you’ll tell me I should rest too. I hate when you side with chan, or any of the other boys, they always get smug and tease me for being a simp. you know im not a simp, right? I just care for you a bit more than I care for others.
2. im actually gonna cry…but don’t tell anyone I said that. sweetheart…you know that sweater of mine you stole before I left and wore for a whole week so it would have your scent? it smells normal now. I put it on this morning and I couldn’t get a single whiff of your perfume. im devastated, I don’t think I can be on tour anymore. not without you. I hate it here.
3. hello love of my life! its me, hyunjin! I just wanted to let you know that minho is being grumpy and that you really need to call him back. he wont say it, but not hearing your voice within the last six hours is really effecting him. I think he’s broken. has anyone seen my phone? I gotta go, talk to you later. I love you!
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© ilovehimyourhonour
(permanent taglist @meloncremesoda @jungwonismybias )
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carionto · 1 year
It'll be "awesome", the Human said
(Continuation/conclusion to this)
After the Coalition delegates had been mindblown enough, it was time for them to finally leave and have a nap. But Captain Knoslark had one more thing he desperately wanted to show them.
"So, like, we're a science vessel and we have three of the biggest reactors, right? Right. So, I wanna show you what we recently figured out we can do. C'mon, it'll be awesome."
Awesome - a word the rest of the Galaxy will soon learn to both admire and run for cover whenever a Human uses it.
With trepidation in their steps, and worry in their breaths, they followed the all too eager Captain, who was almost skipping and humming down the halls, dramatically pointing the way. His crew continued to not give him the satisfaction of ever acknowledging his theatrics.
"Once the reactors are in good enough sync, we'll reconfigure the Radiant Dusk to a circular shape and begin!"
Oh. Yeah. Of course their ships can also transform. Why not. The delegates have given up thinking there are things Human engineering can't accomplish. Also, good enough?
"Eh, don't worry about it, we overbuild everything, so a 1 or 2 percent margin of error is fine, most of the time."
They could not imagine themselves to be more worried. At least not until a few minutes from now.
"Captain, she's ready," Chief Engineer Tameki's tone changed to a total blank deadpan for the next words, "to transform. and. roll. out."
With childlike glee, Captain Knoslark tapped the big red button, specifically designed for his pad only, to begin the sequence.
Distant creaking of metal, anguish at the prospect of bending in ways nature never intended, and the unmistakable jolt of mechanical movement, despite the artificial gravity maintaining the same down throughout, once more instilled primal anxiety for the delegates.
The reactors wound up, turning the almost-buzz like feeling beneath their feet to a true all encompassing sense of absolute power. Three small stars at equidistant points along the now 4km in diameter vessel created a singular feeling of something imminent that should never have been possible. The Universe itself wanted to reject this possibility.
"We tried copying your mass field generators from way back when you did the barrier thing. Wanted to see if we could get close to Black Hole levels, there were some theories that time travels was possible with that kinda pull."
I don't think anyone would be surprised if they had succeeded, but, for once during their entire visit, the Humans said they couldn't get time travel to work. Celebration! Then the Captain kept talking.
"So what happened instead is we accidentally tore a hole in time-space, creating a sort of warp gate." He said with both joy and disappointment.
Then the Universe shrieked. A massive distortion in reality now struggled and failed to restore normality between the ring-shaped ship. Swirling coils of matter flickered in and out, ghostly visages of detonations on a solar scale. A sight never intended to be witnessed.
"Still gotta figure out how to set a destination to anywhere. Right now the only stable connection we can get is with massive gravity wells, so any celestial body with enough mass, smallest one is a red dwarf. Problem is the connection steers towards the center, so not really practical right now."
"If we try to point at empty space the gate just kinda wiggles and you end up getting spaghetti-fied on the other end. Still, once we get enough ships like this one around the galaxy, we'll solve that whole trips taking more than a few hours thing we got with the hyper drives."
At this point the delegates decided to be escorted away, as most had became a crying mess. One stumbled onto a automated cleaning unit and at this the Captain, whose mood had soured a bit now that his time as tour guide was over, rose back to heights unseen before. With his most official sounding, yet at the same time most joy filled tone ever, he declared:
"Sergeant Ying Zhao, issue an official notice. Today at 20:30 ship time there will be a grand ceremony for the promotion of Captain Stabicus to Special Envoy of the Galactic Coalition. Ready all relevant paperwork, and his new badge, and inform the chef to prepare a feast. We have done much today for the sake of Human-Coalition relationships, and so much more for the Radiant Dusk at Everest and her crew and staff. Tonight, we celebrate!"
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Today I'd like to show all the Thoughts that we encountered in the game, but didn't end up Internalizing. I think that the more you see of these, the more of a complete picture you get of Harry.
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Temporary research bonus: -1 Logic: Head in the clouds
Whatever happened to Guillaume Le Million, who -- with his amber mane and sparkling teeth -- beguiled the tattered remains of the nation? While you suffered and suffered, did he dematerialize in a cloud of cocaine dust? Or did he simply stand in the corner and melt into the slendering *New* lines of some starlit boîte de nuit twenty years ago? Spare a thought for his great ass too! Or wait... maybe he became a police officer in Revachol West! Hmm...
Completion bonuses: +1 Pain Threshold: Blood oxygen is boring All PSY learning caps raised by one
Bad news: Guillaume le Million did not become a cop. In '38 he went on a tour to the Hsin-Yao province in Safre, where he died of auto-erotic asphyxiation. His body was found hanging from a decorative dragon tree in his junior suite, amid drug paraphernalia, unwholesome objects, and the Sylvia Trainor single "Wonderland" skipping in the background. And yes, you can take this as a metaphor for Revachol in the Thirties. And also as a warning.
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Conceptualization: An idiotic idea
Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau -- when you say it, it feels like you're taking a bite of lemon meringue while sitting on the terrace of a seaside cafe. On a cool summer day. In Sur-La-Clef. It's everything you're *not*. You haven't created many things during your stay in Martinaise, but you've created this. A fancy, sophisticated name that makes you sound intelligent. And that no one seems to *acknowledge*. Don't you feel like you deserve a reward for coming up with something so special? And what would that reward *be*?
Completion bonuses: +1 Savoir Faire: This one sounds fancy, let's have this +1 Esprit de Corps: Yup, fancy, let's have this one too
Monsieur Costeau, the reward for coming up with your classy new name has arrived. What are the attributes Detective Costeau should gain in? *Obviously* Savoir Faire and Esprit de Corps. You know *exactly* what they do and what those words mean. They're *refined*. Like *you*. You have a ton of that fancy stuff. And if the world can't accept Raphaël Ambrosius is your name -- you will always be Detective Costeau to yourself. R.A. Costeau -- sophisticated culture-detective. Specializes in ancient things and art.
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Temporary research bonus: -1 Physical Instrument: Astra Country
It has been brought to your attention that there are men who live by the law of the land and the strength of their arms. Sunburnt, rugged, smoking men who explored the great rivery veins of upper-Magritte and tamed the Mundi wilds. Frontiersmen, cow-herders, philosophers -- the *boiadeiros*... with a gun in one hand and an unfiltered cigarette between their lips, these men made their own rules. What would it take for you to become one too?
Completion bonuses: -1 Esprit de Corps: Lone wolf Cigarettes give +2 INT
Smoking, Harry. It will take a lot of tobacco-smoking for you to become a *boiadeiro*. Twin cigarettes fused to your lips and one hanging out of your nostril. In these tame, cultured times, without the sky’s dome above your head, the only way to be a true Franconigerian individualist is to smoke a lot of cigarettes. Light one up immediately. The smell of coffee brewing over a fire pit, a chestnut-flavoured morning. Welcome to Astra Country.
I'm not sure we ever actually encountered cigarettes in the course of our playthrough. Normally, they give +1 INT at the cost of 1 Health -- this improves the effect.
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Temporary research bonus: -1 Shivers: No shakes
It is generally understood that human beings are carbon-based organisms, fusing little carbon tubes together to form complex, mushy structures capable of thought, love, and locomotion. It is also known that these structures sometimes like to “take the edge off” by consuming ethanol, amphetamine, etc. In such cases, it is important to supplement your body with magnesium. Tired? Mag it! Down? Mag time! Liver damage? MAXIMUM MAG! Some people say magnesium doesn’t really do anything and you just need to quit. What do we tell them?
Completion bonuses: +2 Volition: Magnesium receptacle glands -1 Logic: No such thing, man
We tell them: HELL NO. You’re about to become a magnesium-based lifeform. The age of the primitive carbon-man is done. No longer must mankind rely on slow-working background radiation to take us further into our genetic destiny. This is the era of guided evolution, and magnesium is the key. You are the first of your species. The next step in human evolution. An advanced magnesium proto-man who mags it up, drinks it down, and sniffs it sideways!
A pretty useful Thought if you have low PSY.
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Temporary research bonus: -1 Rhetoric: Weird jaw
Hey, so a little observation. It's all cool, man. Don't freak out, but every time you say “I am the law“ -- and you say it *a lot*, it's basically *hello* for you -- your jaw does this *weird thing*. It sort of shifts sideways, hanging off your face at a jaunty angle, while the word *law* sounds oddly guttural and low. It's... strange. You wouldn't notice it, but after saying you're the law eighty thousand times, the question *does* come up: why *do* you have Law Jaw?
Completion bonuses: Learning cap for Hand/Eye Coordination raised to 6 Succeed all Hand/Eye Coordination passives -1 Rhetoric: Jaw still weird
Okay, so. We now know why you have *Law Jaw*. Why you say *the law* in a weird manner, and why your jaw does that thing. You had polio as a child. You hadn’t gotten vaccinated. It must've been right after the Revolution -- not a lot of vaccine going around then. So you got infantile paralysis due to polio and this jaw thing is a complication from that. Admittedly, it’s not very funny. But you *overcame* it! This little infant survived and became a sharpshooting supercop. So: fuck you, polio!
This is a pretty useful Thought *and* it tells us something, in my opinion, pretty important about Harry.
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Pain Threshold: Hurts!
Take a look at your hands. See how bruised they are? See those little scars? This is Exhibit A. The material world is holding you back. Containers, mailboxes, doors, chairs -- they are all your enemies. Always have been. Atoms themselves are in on the conspiracy, forming shapes and structures that you hate. You are energy stuck in a body. You are spirit trapped in matter. Break free! Beat up that lamp post! Let it know just how much objects *suck*.
Completion bonuses: Attacking physical objects heals damage +1 Pain Threshold: Thick skin All FYS learning caps raised by one
Behold: the Anti-Object Task Force has assembled. God's avenging angel, arrayed against the lower emanations of the Darkened One: shoe racks, tape recorders, motor carriages. And doors. So many doors. You're not just pounding it all to pieces. You’re *reforging* the universe. From the anvil of the heavens to the worms below. Indulge in it. Be bold. Have an *impact* on the shape of Creation. Out of the furnace of your rage -- a new reality! Also, you should trash your room *again*.
The first bonus here is not as useful as it sounds, because by the time you unlock this Thought, you'll have already been through most of the attackable things in the game. The rest is still pretty good, though.
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Temporary research bonus: None
Your face looks like it’s 58 and your body feels like it’s 60. Your mind feels like it’s lived for one day or a hundred. Both longer than they ought to be, the day and the century.... But for how long, then, has this thing attached to your sentience walked the planet’s crust? Time to start racking those brains of yours, Elder One. When and where were you born?
Completion bonuses: Learning cap for Logic raised to 4 -1 difficulty to all Physique passives
You were born in the year ‘07, in the last year of the Commune of Revachol, right before it fell. In the Old Military Hospital, on the ground floor where people usually came to die, during a snowstorm. The Revolution had about one year left to go and the fires were still burning bright. There were explosions in the blizzard. This was 44 years ago. You are 44 years old. The bloating might never leave your face, but beneath it -- you still have some years. You still have some hope.
I believe you can talk about this with Kim once you have the answer.
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Temporary research bonus: +1 Interfacing
The question won’t leave you – why did the melody line from a broken and discarded tape fit perfectly into a song played by some speedfreaks in a frozen tent? Can it be a coincidence? Maybe it’s the hand of the Man-Machine himself, in his attempt to craft a perfect song. Maybe Egg Head is actually Arno van Eyck in disguise!? Eyck? Egg? Hmm...
Completion bonuses: All white Motorics checks unlocked Reveals Arno Van Eyck gig posters in the world
Okay, so Egg Head is clearly not Van Eyck in disguise. Van Eyck is an Oranjese disc jockey -- but those people get around. Especially in Revachol, in the clubs on Boogie Street. Perhaps he stayed here for a short stint and discarded part of the song he was working on. Just threw it away. And then it ended up in the hawthorn tree. But why? Did he think it was *retrograde*? It wasn’t. Perhaps he caught a glimpse of the future and did not want for it to arrive just yet. Perhaps the city whispered the topline to him and he was frightened by it?
We've seen variations on this one before for other skill categories. The Arno Van Eyck posters give you additional orbs to click, which synergises nicely with Jamais Vu.
Egg Head also directly told us that his name was in reference to Van Eyck at one point, so that was not really much of a mystery.
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Temporary research bonus: None
Missing persons cases just really get to you. It's hard watching people worry about their loved ones – the little nervous movements, the dark rings around their eyes from sleepless nights. And even if there are no loved ones waiting – you like to have all your ducks in a row, and it really bothers you when whole entire people aren't accounted for.
Completion bonus: +2 Perception: Clear-eyed pursuit of truth
You've sharpened your senses by being on the lookout for missing persons. Now you notice more of what's happening around you. Perhaps when you're done with this case, you can join the Searchlight Division of the RCM, and find every Revacholian that's ever gone missing without a trace (there is undoubtedly a backlog of such cases). Because you never know, a missing person could be just around the edge, barely out of sight.
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Temporary research bonus: +1 Half Light: What is behind it?
God dammit, it cannot be. A disgrace! That door on the coast... you remember the one, right? The one that leads to the abandoned supply depot? Why, in the name of all that's holy, does it not open? *Why*?! There *has* to be a way to get through that unopenable door. By gods, you're the police -- all doors are supposed to open before you. What will the others at the precinct think if you can't open a goddamn door? There must be a way.
Completion bonuses: -1 Half Light: No fear All PSY white checks unlocked
There is no way to open the supply depot door. Accept it. You cannot open *all the doors*. You have to integrate this into your character. Some doors will forever remain closed. Even if every single other door will open at one time or another, maybe to a key, or maybe to some sort of tool meant for opening doors... But this one will never accede to such commands. A realization crucial to personal growth. Crucial.
There will always be one more door.
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Interfacing: Fuck grammar!
Not only have you internalized the Hard Core Aesthetic, you’ve also *contributed* to it. How harder-core could you possibly become? Low-core people come around you to correct your “typos”: it’s “Hardcore” here, “hard-core” there, “Hardorcore” in a third instant -- what’s going on? Those aren’t typos, man, that’s how core hardness works. If you don’t know “hard-core” from “Our Happy Hardcore,” what the fuck are we even talking about?
Completion bonuses: +1 Endurance: Really useful for doing drugs +1 Volition: Same thing, Hardman
Oh yes. Drugs. We’re talking about drugs. Let’s face it, these flirtations with the Hard Core Aesthetic have all been leading up to one question: Can I do drugs *harder* now that I’m a Hard Cop? And the answer is: yes. You can. You can do one more blast of pyrholidon and yellow shit-powder, you can even pull a ciggie and a lager on top of that. There. You’ve *truly* made the Hardcore your own thing now.
Despite what it says on the tin, this actually just gives you more health.
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Temporary research bonus: None
You were reminded of a poem, somewhere deep inside you, the translation of which you don't remember… "Nulla sarà cambiato della luce!” it begins. “Colori come grigio e marrone / Tutti stampati uno sull’altro / Trovai un vuoto / Una macchia Bianca / Gli altri guardarono / “Che bella giornata! Che bel tempo!” / Ma sentii la rotativa." You were reminded of it when you heard about the discovery of Insulinde. But what does it mean? And how do you know it by heart?
Completion bonuses: All white checks unlocked
It’s easy. You know the poem by heart because you were taught it at school. It is one of the Volta do Mar mantras repeated on the voyage that lead to the discovery of the Insulindian isola. And the words mean: “Nothing will be changed about the light! / Colours like grey and brown / All printed on top of each other / I found a blank white spot / All the others looked up: / ‘What a beautiful day! What beautiful weather!’ / But all I heard was the printing machine." What strange words to celebrate a new world.
You can only unlock this Thought when talking with Joyce after the confrontation with Ruby, making it a really useful tool if you have anything left to do in the game at that point.
And that's all the Thoughts that we encountered in our playthrough, aside from the ones we already saw in the game proper. We did also *technically* get to the point where we could have seen the Thoughts for the moralist and ultraliberal political alignments, even if we chose not to opt into them. So, I'll show those too:
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Half Light: Calm water
Heartache is powerful, but democracy is *subtle*. Incrementally, you begin to notice a change in the weather. When it snows, the flakes are softer when they stick to your worry-worn forehead. When it rains, the rain is warmer. Democracy is coming to the Administrative Region. The ideals of Dolorian humanism are reinstating themselves. How can they not? These are the ideals of the Coalition and the Moralist International. Those guys are signal blue. And they're not only good -- they're also powerful. What will it be like, once their nuanced plans have been realized?
Completion bonuses: Moralist dialogue heals 1 Morale Learning cap for Volition raised to 5 Learning cap for Logic raised to 5
The Kingdom of Conscience will be exactly as it is now. Moralists don't really *have* beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is *control*. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
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Temporary research bonus: -2 Empathy: Cold blooded
First, if you have a side-bitch ideology cooking somewhere, don't sweat it. Fightin' indirect taxation for the Gossamer State is compatible with *all* creeds. It's cool like that. You're a cool anarchist now. Unless you don't want to be an anarchist. Whatever! Stuff this meal ticket in your eye-socket and let's see if we can steal some *love* back from the robber barons at the customs agency and the *banditos* at The Insulindian Financial Oversight and Competition Committee.
Completion bonuses: -1 Empathy: Thinks he's a hustler or something Ultraliberal dialogue options give +1 real
Turns out those Financial Oversight Committee gangsters stuffed millions of hard-earned dividends away in the last place anyone thought to look: the hearts and minds of everyday Revacholians! You need to spread that deregulation gospel to the *people*. Tell them about that foreign fare tax. Preach that 98% gross burden. Preach it, preacher man! Set the brothas free. Taxes are racist.
Even with those, there are still *eighteen* Thoughts remaining in the game that we didn't encounter - either because we didn't have high enough stats, didn't pick the right dialogue options, or chose not to put any points into fascism. Some of them are mutually exclusive with Thoughts we did pick, some require *really complicated* methods to find. A few of them give us some more interesting backstory on Harry and Kim that's worth hearing -- but I'll let you uncover that on your own time.
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Hellhound Mate
Summary: “A new Hellhound moves into Beacon Hills. And Jordan can’t seem to take his eyes off of her. Something about her, just makes him go wild.
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Breeding kink, Mating, Lots of sex, Biting, Scratching, Car sex, public sex, Woods sex.
A/N: I thought this last night and can’t get it out of my head.
It was summer and the sun was out. Jordan Parrish woke up from the hottest dream he’s ever had. In the dream was a girl with long Firey head hair. And no, not Lydia. She is happily dating Stiles.
He groaned as he sat up and looked down at the boner that he had. He’s been having these dreams for the last month or so, and he doesn’t understand why. He quickly went to the bathroom, hoping int the shower, did his business...took care of his problem, and then got dressed for work.
He left his apartment, and when he pulled up to the station, he walked in, but froze when a smell hit him like a train. It smelled like coal, and fire. He loved the smell though.
He looked around, and his eyes landed on the same girl he had dreams about. She was standing at the front desk. Noah saw him and waved him over.
He walked over and the girl looked over at him. He froze once again, at the color of her eyes. They were Firey red.
Noah: “Parrish this is L/N. She’s new around here and is our next front desk. Can you show her around?”
Jordan looked at Noah shocked but nodded his head. He left the two alone, and the girl smirked up at him. 
L/N: “Hey, I’m Y/N L/N. But you can just call me Y/N.”
She held out her hand for Jordan to shake. He smiled and took her head, but instead of shaking it, like a normal person. He instead kissed it. She blushed at that, and Jordan looked shocked. He let go of her hand.
Jordan: “I-I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me!”
Y/N smirked and took Jordan’s hand and did the same thing to his. Jordan blushed and looked shocked.
Y/N: “It’s okay, hot stuff. I don’t mind.”
She then winked at him. Jordan felt like he was going to explode any minute. He showed Y/N around the station and what to do. All while flirting with her, and she flited back at him. After the tour was over, he decided to shoot his chance with her.
Jordan: “So hey...I can always show you around Beacon Hills if you like?”
Y/N smirked and leaned on the front desk, which caused her shirt to show Jordan the sight of her breasts a little bit. He blushed at the sight and didn't’ look away.
Y/N: “Are you asking me out, deputy?”
Jordan nearly melted at the way she called him that. He grinned and nodded his head. She smirked at that.
Y/N: “Well, I would love to have you show me around, Deputy.”
Jordan blushed and got super excited. They both went back to work but would glance at each other a lot. Flirting the whole time. Teh other deputies grew annoyed by it.
(Time skip)
At the end of their shift, Jordan got up ready to leave, when Scott and his pack ran in. This annoyed him a little bit, since that always means there is a supernatural problem that needs to be solved, and he most always needs to help.
They went to Noah’s office, and Jordan took this has his chance to leave, but he’s never that lucky.
Noah: “Parrish.”
Jordan groaned and he went to Noah’s office. The others were around the office. 
Jordan: “Yes, sir?”
Noah: “You tell him.”
Jordan looked confused.
Lydia: “There is another Hellhound in Beacon Hills.”
Jordan froze and looked shocked. I mean, shouldn’t that be a good thing? Now he’s not alone.
Jordan: “Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
Scott: “Yes, but it also means this Hellhound is either protecting something...or hunting something.”
Jordan nodded his head and glanced out the window to see Y/N packing some of her things. This worried him.
Stiles: “So what we need you to do, is find this other Hellhound. Ask what he wants and kick him out.”
Jordan was bouncing in his spot, glancing out the window so he didn’t hear what Stiles just said.
Jordan: “Yeah, okay.”
They looked at him shocked, and worried.
Lydia: “Are you okay?”
Jordan: “Yep, am I done here?”
They looked shocked since Jordan is never like this. Noah just sighed.
Noah: “Yes, you are.”
Jordan quickly ripped open the door.
Noah: “And Parrish.”
Jordan looked over at Noah.
Noah: “You just met her...do not have sex with her after one date.”
Jordan looked offended by that while the others looked shocked.
Jordan: “I am NOT going to have sex with her, sir!”
(Time skip)
Jordan was sitting in his squad car, all the windows were rolled up, they were fogged over. The car shook a little bit, as a hand pressed against the glass.
Inside the car, Jordan was sitting in the driver side while Y/N was in his lap. Her shirt and pants were burned away from Jordan’s flames. 
Jordan’s shirt was opened, and Y/N dug her nails into his chest, leaving a trail of soot. His pants were undone, and down a little bit.
Y/N was ridding him, as one arm was on the roof of the car, and the other was wrapped around the seat. She pushed her body up and down on Jordan’s cock.
Jordan’s arm was pressed against the window, his hand pressing against it. His other hand wrapped around the streeling wheel, as he sucked on Y/N’s neck, shoulders, chest, any skin that he could find.
Though he felt to crowded, to tight. He didn’t like it. He moved his hand to Y/N’s back and tapped it. She looked down at him confused.
Jordan: “Do you feel stuck in here?”
Y/N: “*Moans* A-A little. Why, do you?”
Jordan groaned and nodded his head. He wanted to do this somewhere different. His...his Hellhound wanted to do this somewhere different.
Y/N: “*Moans* W-Well, we can always go inside your *Moans* a-apartment.”
Jordan groaned and shook his head. He needed something different. She looked down at him confused.
Y/N: “T-Then where?”
Jordan thought about some place to have sex, and while thinking he didn’t notice how his eyes glowed. Cerberus came out. He turned on the car and drove off away from the apartment...with Y/N still sitting on his lap.
Y/N’s eyes glowed as well, and she smirked, almost knowing here he was taking her. She started bouncing again, almost as if she HAD to do it.
They finally pulled up to the woods, and Jordan parked the car. He opened the door, and carried Y/N into the woods, with him still inside of her. They walked for a bit, until they came up to the Nemption.
Jordan growled and laid Y/N on the stump. She laid on her back, spreading her legs open for him. As if accepting him.
He growled, got between her legs, and shoved his cock back into her. She let out howl of a moan, and Jordan’s Hellhound clawed came out. He dug them into the stump, as it let up.
He started thrusting in and out of her at a slow pace, feeling this place much better than the car. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Jordan’s neck, digging her nails into his back. The lights on the stump grew bright and brighter. 
Jordan’s leans his head down and stuffed it in her neck, he started sucking on her neck, shoulders, chest, arms, any skin that he could find. Y/N did the same thing to Jordan.
Jordan picked up his pace, slamming into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
Jordan was huffing and growling the whole time. Y/N would move her head up, exposing her neck any time that he did. Submission to him.
Then some flames broke out around them, all around the stump. Jordan’s Hellhound flames formed on him, and her. But it didn’t hurt her at all. In fact, it pushed out her hellhound flames as well. Their eyes glowed and their teeth came out. 
Jordan: “*Groans* Y-Y/N I love you!”
Y/N: “*Moans* I-I love you too Jordan!”
Jordan: “*Groans* I-I want you so bad~! I-I want you to *Groans* to carry m-my puppies~!”
Y/N moaned at that thought and dug her nails down Jordan’s back. This was what he needed to know that Y/N felt the same way that he did. He picked up his paces, digging his nails into the stump deeper.
A huge fire broke out around them, so if anyone tried to stop them, they couldn't’ get through, unless it was someone immune to fire, or another Hellhound.
Y/N: “*Moans* P-Please Jordan! P-Please Cerberus~! I-I want to carry your *Groans* your puppies~!”
That was all Jordan and his Hellhound needed to know. He picked up his pace, and Y/N raised her back up. Jordan moved his head to her neck and stuffed it there. He inhaled her scent and rubbed his scent all over her. Marking her as his.
Jordan felt his cock twitch, and he picked up his pace. Causing Y/N’s body to shake pleasurer. Jordan opened his mouth, and when he felt like he was going cum, he latched his mouth and teeth on her neck.
Y/N moaned out loud as the flames got brighter. Jordan huffed as he came down from his high. He moved his head away from Y/N’s neck, and looked down at her, blissed out expression. He felt pleased with himself.
He then suddenly hears someone clear their throat, and he spun around and covers Y/N’s body with his own. Growling at whoever was near them.
The pack, Noah, Melissa, and Deaton looked at Jordan shocked. They never seen him. act like that.
Noah: “I thought I told you not to have sex with her on the first date? Why did you two even come here?”
Jordan didn’t answer him and kept growling at him. Y/N huffed and slowly got a little bit of her energy back.
Lydia: “Why is he acting like that?”
Deaton: “Because that’s a female. Hellhound.”
They looked at him shocked.
Stiles: “Wait...SHE’S the Hellhound?”
Deaton nodded his head and they all looked over at Y/N... or well they TRIED to. Jordan blocks their sight with his body and growled at them.
Scott: “Why is he acting like that?”
Deaton: “Because he’s protecting her. Female Hellhound and male Hellhounds, if they meet each other, they mate. They try to make more Hellhounds. He’s going to be like that with her...well forever.”
They looked shocked by that.
Lydia: “What...so that’s why she came here?”
Deaton: “No, she probably was drawn in by the Nemption. She didn’t know there was a male Hellhound here. When they saw each other, their insticts kicked in.”
Noah: “That’s why he was so eager to leave today?”
Deaton nodded his head. Jordan growled at them all, and they backed away from him and the girl.
Deaton: “It’s best to leave for now. They’re going to stay out here for a while, until she gives birth. His hellhound basically claimed this area as his nest.”
They looked shocked but nodded their heads. They left Jordan alone for now.
Malia: “So, like me with my den?”
Deaton: “Yes, in fact it is like your den. Sheriff, best keep runner from coming near here. Don’t want Jordan to see.  them as a threat and kill them.”
Noah sighed and nodded his head. They left, and Jordan laid down next to Y/N, he snuggled close to her, and covered her body with his, using it as a banket to warm her up. She wrapped her arms around him, and they both fell asleep.
A/N: Not REALLY want I wanted to write. But I’ll make one later on one of my Wattpad's.
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pandorasfavorite · 9 months
hiii!! can i request dominik x reader where the reader is kinda short and easy to carry so dom usually carries the reader around/reader always jumps into dom’s arms??
Two Feet Above Ground
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AN: I need a GIF plug asap
You are like a shot of expresso, energetic, and enjoyable to be around for the most part. Something about being with The Judgement Day fills your chest with so much serotonin that it radiates from your body. Normally you would keep to yourself, oftentimes opting not to stand out. The Judgment Day just brings out that intense and carefree aura from you that not a single person wants to turn off. 
You were practically skipping through the halls to the locker rooms, looking forward to another day with your group. More importantly, you were looking forward to being with Dominik, he so easily matched your energy. Almost instantly his smile would brighten and his chest would puff up in delight at the mere sight of you. 
You bounce on your heels outside the door, willing yourself to take a deep breath before busting through the door. You swing the door open and everyone whips around to look at you, Dominik's eyes instantaneously widen and his arms are spread open for you to run into. You fly off into a sprint out of nature and instinct, throwing yourself into Dominik's arms, your body lifting off the ground. Your legs wrap around his waist and his arms are tight around your body, his face nestled in the crook of your neck as if it belonged there. You do the same, your cheek pressed against his shoulder and you can’t help but mumble to him, “I missed you”. You feel his arms squeeze tighter around you, not daring to let up. 
“Guys seriously every time?”
“Yes”, both yours and Dominik's heads swivel to the owner of the voice. You give Dominik one more squeeze, letting your arms fall limp from behind his neck. With a huff Dominik lets go of you, carefully letting your body slip away from his and back onto the carpet floors. “Ready?”, Rhea asks while zipping up her bag, not bothering to look at the rest of the group, only expecting answers. Everyone apart from you says yes, leaving you confused…” Where are we going?”, you ask barely above a whisper. 
“Press tour mate!”, Finn says while quirking his eyebrow, as if this was old news. Honestly, this was old news, you may have accidentally forgotten that was today. Finn’s reply brought everyone's attention back onto you and you can hear Dominik holding back laughter. “Where’s your stuff?”, he leans down to get a better look at your surprise-stricken face. 
“I forgot-”, you mumbled looking away from all the teasing faces, an embarrassed blush gracing your face. “What was that mumbles?”, Dominik pushes a strand of hair behind your ear as he gets closer to hear you. 
You huff and throw your arms up in a frustrated matter, “Come on guys, you know I'm forgetful”. Everyone snickers at you and the normal behavior you present week by week. You purse your lips and glance at Dominik with a tiny smile, “The walk all the back to my car is so far…I don’t think I’ll be able to make it on my own”. 
Dominik’s face splits into an all-familiar grin, “fine -augh” you move quickly, jumping onto his back. His calloused but smooth palms grasp the back of your thighs, keeping you against his back. Your arms slip back around his neck for the second time and your face is over Dominik’s shoulder, your cheeks brushing against each other as you walk out of the door. Clinging to a content Dominik Mysterio.
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shunin-gumis · 4 months
Nagi Hachinoya Novel
Essence of a Bouquet
Track 03 - Healing that occurs when you awaken your Empath Chakra
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Hideko "Everyone is looking much brighter now, a huge difference from when you had first joined. Can you sense your happiness approaching? Now, today we shall awaken our chakras together-"
Master Hideko seemed divine and full of love today as well, just like a Goddess.
Black cat avatar "Wow, today was a great gathering as usual! When Master Hideko awakened my sixth chakra, I felt a whole new world open up in front of me. Is this what they call a vision!?"
Nagi "It's cool that you managed to see it Norisuke-san."
Norisuke "Aw Negi-kun, you couldn't see it? I thought we'd be buddies who opened their chakras at the same time too…"
At the usual lobby in mahorova.
Norisuke-san was the person with the black cat avatar. Though he said it was a fake name. That's why I gave him a fake name too; "Negi".
This is our 4th gathering. Norisuke-san has attended every one so far, and always makes sure to sit beside me. Master Hideko's sermons were helpful, and I was happy that I was getting along better with Norisuke-san as time passes.
Norisuke "By the way, it seems like they'll be holding an offline meeting at their company building in two weeks. I think it'd be great if we could meet Master Hideko in the flesh…"
Nagi "That does sound great."
Norisuke "Right? …Oops, look at the time, I gotta go! See you at the next gathering!"
Nagi "See you later."
After logging out of mahorova, I couldn't help but feel liberated. I head towards the living room, wondering if there was anyone there. I was feeling so elated I skipped my way there.
Ryui "The hell you prancing around for. Some of us are trying to watch TV here."
Toi "You look like you're in a good mood Nagi-kun, did something good happen?"
Toi and Ryui were watching television in the living room."
I bow slightly in apology for interrupting them, and look at the screen myself.
…Apparently it was some news about some fraud company getting exposed.
Ryui "Lately there's been some shady business going on, something to do with fake spiritual goods and techniques and what not."
Nagi "Ooh that sounds scary."
Toi "Isn't it unforgivable!? People and spirits alike, we all just want to be happy. I can't believe there are people taking advantage of others' good will to try and make money off of them."
Nagi "Yup. It's unforgivable."
That's right, everyone is searching for their happiness. That's why we give it our all everyday.
That's why, after I test it out a bit more, I want to share this with everyone at HAMA Tours. About Master Hideko's power, and how great Secret Energy is.
Ryui "Claiming that your dead kid is suffering, that your ancestors require a memorial service urgently… People who take advantage of other's weaknesses and make a whole business scam out of it ought to get the death penalty."
Toi "Yes… I'm sure God is watching over us. Right…?"
Toi and Ryui were talking about spiritual business scams.
Meanwhile, I-
'If only I had access to Secret Energy back then…'
Then maybe I could have been of help to Minemori-san. I couldn't help the feeling of regret that welled up as I remembered her face.
The autumnal sky was clear that day, and left a deep impression on me.
Nagi "Huh?"
I came by the laundromat as I usually do, but it was closed right now. Even though it was normally open at this time. I found it strange, so I went around the back and pressed the intercom button.
Mrs.Minemori "Ah… Hachinoya-kun? The shop's closed today… no, we'll be closed for the time being."
She was crying.
I rushed to her immediately.
Nagi "What happened?"
That's when I learned.
That her husband was hospitalized after falling off a ladder and breaking his hip. That the bluebird they took care of flew out of the window and never came back. That someone had scammed them out of a large sum of money by using the name of their disowned son. They had reported it to the police, but it didn't seem like it would be resolved any time soon. This series of unfortunate events had turned their life upside-down overnight
Mrs.Minemori "The shop has been struggling lately… even if we turned it around now, we'd still be in debt…"
Nagi "……"
Mrs.Minemori "I was thinking that maybe it was time I closed up shop…"
Minemori-san, who was always so bright and smart, seemed very frail right now.
I couldn't bear to see her like that, so I couldn't help but blurt out-
Nagi "My kidney."
Mrs. Minemori "What?"
Nagi "I'll sell one of my kidneys, so please use that money for your store."
Mrs.Minemori "What in the world are you saying child!? We're really ok, so you should just run along! You have a part-time job to head to don't you?"
Not wanting to worry me, she gives me a brave smile. As if trying to convince herself, she keeps repeating that they'd be ok, and closes the door on me.
Nagi "Are you pleased with this?"
Customer "Wow! It's so cute!"
Whenever I make a bouquet for a customer, I receive a bright smile. A face of "happiness".
It was raining outside. I'm sure it was raining where the laundromat was at too.
Someone like me, who has no family nor money… the only thing I could do was tie some flowers together, and send it to them.
Nagi "Senpai, could you take the cost of this bouquet off my pay?"
Pink roses, baby's breath, and lily of the valley. With my knowledge on flower language, I hoped it would provide them some strength, even if only a little.
Even for just a moment, I want them to remember the scent of happiness.
Nagi "Muuun…."*
I already have enough happiness, that's why, I wanted to give it back, no matter how little. That was my wish.
Nagi "I'm sorry for bothering you again."
Mrs.Minenori "Oh Hachinoya-kun, what am I to do with you… I told you, we're alright…"
Nagi "Actually, I-"
I've lived with unhappiness every step of my life.* That's why I'd be ok even if I can't be happy. That's why, I wanted to give my happiness to these two irreplaceable people instead. Because they were kind to even someone like me-
Nagi "I was the child that was abandoned here back then."
With this bouquet, let me protect the both of you and your store.
Flower Language for the flowers Nagi picks for the couple (taken from Japanese websites for closer accuracy to original intent) Pink Roses: Gratitude Baby's breath: Happiness Lily of the Valley: Return of happiness
*'Muuun' is the sound he makes when he's instilling his happiness energy/thoughts(念) into the flowers, literally.
*Nagi literally says "My existence is like unhappiness itself" but that sounded a little off so I changed it. What he means is he's been unhappy all his life and is used to it already.
Part 1 / Part 2/ Part 4 / Part 5
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
How about one where Paul Stanley confesses to his friend who's this rocker chick (leather jacket and jeans), who's jealous about her hanging out with Gene (or anyone else in the band) and practically begs for a makeout sesh (Nsfw if you want)
I fall to pieces when I’m with you
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Requested: Yes, by anon
Pairings: Paul Stanley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: making out, slight grinding, paul being a jealous begging bitch at first lol
Summary: what the request says
Being friends with the band KISS is fucking cool. You just hang out with them and go on the road with them. You’re not a groupie, however you do not judge the groupies because hell, you’d be one too. But only for one specific person. He doesn’t know, of course. You’d never tell him because you don’t want to ruin your friendship.
So, one day you’re just chilling talking with Ace. Ace and you are really good friends and talk about the things you have in common. He’s really funny and nice so you talk a lot. However, Paul didn’t find it very amusing.
He watched from across the tour bus as you sat close to Ace and laughed to one of his jokes. His fist clenched on the table as he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes.
“If you just talk to her things won’t be so hard.” Peter spoke from next to the singer. Paul turned to the drummer, “Yeah, I know. But I think she only sees me as a friend and would prefer a space man.” He motioned to the two of you.
“Nah. She likes you. I’ve caught her staring at you countless times. You’re just too stupid to see it yourself.” And before the raven haired man could argue, Peter was off to grab another beer and to call his girlfriend.
~Time Skip~
There was a party after the show, of course there was. And with the release of the new album there was extra celebration. You were talking with Ace again, “See? That’s what I’m saying!” You agreed with him on something he said.
You heard someone clear his throat and you turned to see Paul. “Oh, hey Paul!” You exclaimed and hugged him, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck.
“Hey. Ace, mind if I steal Y/n for a moment?” The singer asked the guitarist. Ace nodded before getting distracted by the playboy model that just walked through the door.
Paul led you away from the rest of the crowd. “What’s up?” You asked.
“Kiss me.” He said suddenly.
You furrowed your brows, “What?”
“You heard me.”
“I don’t understand where is this coming from?”
“I like you, Y/n. A lot. Actually, I think I love you. And seeing you with Ace all close like that…”
“You were jealous?”
“God, that makes me sound so stupid.” He groaned before titling his head up. You grabbed his face on both of your hands and pulled his head down to face you.
“Hey, hey. It’s a completely normal feeling. And to answer the question I know you’re dying to ask, yes I like you too.” You said before pressing your lips to his. The two of you moved in sync, and he backed you up against the wall, picking you up allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He grinded into you as the two of you moaned into each others mouths.
Best. Night. Ever.
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cielcreations · 2 years
Watchers Are Possessive
So, my friend (@upmostrylan) and share a lot of headcannons with each other and here’s something that I need to share.
Context: Our main headcannon is that the OG Watchers (the ones who take Grian at the end of Evo) are the 1st gen Watchers. Grian, Pearl, and Jimmy Solidarity are considered the 2nd gen Watchers. There’s a couple other things, but that’s the background context you need.
Now, to the headcannon/story idea: TW: Mentions of abuse. Nothing graphic, just a small mention of it so if that triggers you, skip
What the 2nd gen doesn’t know is there was a third 1st gen Watcher, but they never knew who it was. Another thing about the OG Watchers is that they were really abusive to the 2nd gen, to the point the three were constantly scared of them and had really bad PTSD, panic attacks, etc.
Grian was the first to leave and join the humans, but the 1st gen Watchers saw this as a betrayal, cursing him and telling Pearl and Solidarity if they left, they would also be cursed but have it worse. Pearl was next to leave after another year of the abuse. Solidarity stuck through it, thinking the curse he would receive would be worse than what he was going through. However, he also eventually left to the humans and, instead of joining Grian and Pearl on Hermitcraft, he thought he could escape the 1st gen Watchers’ gaze by going to Empires. Obviously, that didn’t work and he was cursed in the end, but he was at least free.
Anyways, rewind to when Grian joined Hermitcraft. Xisuma could immediately tell he was a Watcher. Why? Because he’s one of the 1st gen, having run away after realizing how corrupt the other two were. However, upon sensing the curse on Grian and seeing how shy and nervous he was at first, he could only imagine how much worse they got.
So, he befriends Grian, who doesn’t seem to realize just what he is. Xisuma doesn’t mind and, as their friendship develops, he makes an invisible claiming mark on the back of Grian’s neck, stopping the other two from watching him. When Pearl joins, he does the same thing. He becomes really protective of the two, letting them get away with things he normally wouldn’t let others get away with.
He was also a bit possessive. All Hermitcraft members were open and didn’t mind sharing partners. Hell, some of them were in polycules themselves! So when Grian and Scar started dating and Pearl and Cleo started dating, it wasn’t a shock that Xisuma told both their partners that if they hurt “his dove/butterfly”, he would make them pay. Xisuma was extremely protective and loved them a lot, despite the three not being in an official relationship.
Anyways, cut forward to the Hermitcraft X Empires crossover (also, pretend everyone on HC came onto Empires). When Xisuma was touring Tumble Town with Scar, Grian, Tango, and a few others, he only needed to take one glance at Solidarity to know the sheriff was also a Watcher. Solidarity also stared at him, able to sense... something was up with him.
When they were alone, Xisuma goes to subtly claim him by saying there was something on his back.
Solidarity catches his hand and stares at the other.
“What’s wrong?”
Solidarity blinked, eyes turning purple, “...You’re one of us. I can tell.”
Xisuma went stiff.
“You came after me, right...? I’m sorry... they must’ve been really hard on you. Grian says you never show your face, so I can only imagine...”
“Uh, yeah, but I’m fine now!” Xisuma lies.
Solidarity gives him a hug, “It’s okay now... You’re safe.”
Xisuma hugs him back and makes the invisible claim, finally freeing all of the 2nd gen Watchers. He won’t tell them, not yet anyways. He will just continue to protect them and be a bit possessive. 
Don’t worry about the kisses and marks all over Grian, Pearl, and Soli, definitely not marks that Xisuma made because he got a bit jealous and wanted to remind them he loved them and they were his, not at all-
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