#>Now he’s taking a catboy nap
lor-starcutter · 1 year
>Sometimes I’m all for going “yea being a boat is awesome!” and other times I overhear someone saying something like “man I just finished eating the best burger ever, 11/10” and then get sad because like, man, I want to be able to eat the best burger :c And then sometimes I find out later that person got really bad food poisoning and it makes me a bit less envious. But still I will never not be mildly to very upset that I don’t even get to know what food tastes like. Imagine going your whole life knowing nothing about a thing except ‘It Is A Way!’ without being able to comprehend it beyond how others describe it.
>Like ok, great, got it, food is really good, except when it’s terrible, or just mid, and also there are so many adjectives I can use in a sentence but not actually understand myself. All I know about sweet and sour and spicy and bitter and savory and umami and tangy and salty and whatever other flavor words there are is that, apparently, years of research, described experiences, and records from all across the world have confirmed that they mean something tastes, but sometimes the taste is distinct and gets its own word. As someone who literally has it written into who I am and how I operate to want to know more about the world around me, the fact that I literally can’t get a better understanding of that is sometimes infuriating.
>Anyways apparently someone tried to trick Magolor with the classic “mayonnaise filled donuts in a box” prank, but they gave him the one that had actual crème filling by mistake. According to him it was “really good” and “wasn’t too sweet despite the sprinkles and glaze and filling”. He spent the day away because he didn’t want me to prank him but I didn’t have any ideas anyways.
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bachissidehoe · 8 months
"Adopting" Catboys Kuroo & Kenma
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w.c. 1.3k
The last thing y/n expected to happen when she decided to take two stray cats in was perhaps exactly what happened- she woke up one morning to two human boys on either side of her, cuddling up against her chilly body. After the initial panic, and all three of them working through the confusion and explanations, y/n was eventually able to take a breath. These two boys, were in fact, the two cats she brought home. Her energetic black cat turned into a tall, gorgeous man with raven colored hair, his black cat ears dusted with specs of white on the inside, his tail sleek and smooth. Her calm, shy calico became a sweet, quiet man with beautiful golden eyes and black and yellow ears, matching perfectly with his two-tone shoulder length hair. Perhaps one of the most difficult things to accept about the two cat boys she got mixed up with- was that they’re so damn pretty. Both of them. And they had a way of making her feel special, fighting over cuddles when they were in cat form, playing with her hair in human form- she couldn't get enough of their attention. She’d been calling them some random pet names she picked out- but when they revealed their human forms, they reintroduced themselves as Kuroo Tetsuro and Kozume Kenma.
It didn't take long for the lines of the originally established owner-pet relationship to become blurred, or at least, the nature of this relationship to take on a slightly different meaning.
He fights for her attention and isn’t subtle about it. He tells her out loud, drawing any amount of attention he can away from his calm friend. “Stop petting Kenma, I was the one who helped you with the dishes earlier” He rolls his eyes, his fluffy black ears pinned backward
He steals kisses whenever he can get them, a light kiss on the cheek, a lick to the neck, a brush of her lips. Anything to put his hands or his mouth on her
He likes to maintain his cat form when she first arrives home, snaking his furry body between her legs to make sure he’s the first to welcome her with his scent. He proudly reaches his head upward to meet her greeting, loving the feeling of her fingers gliding through his soft fur
When he fucks her, he loves to rail into her from behind, gripping her hair in one hand and digging his claws into her ass with the other. He loves watching her tight pussy take him in, creating a creamy ring around the base of his thick cock. “That’s a good girl, who’s the pet now?” He gasps, his breath hitching in the back of his throat as he fills her with his sticky load
He’s so vocal with her, constantly praising her, telling her she’s beautiful, moaning into her mouth, her pussy, around her tits- he just loves being loud for her. Maybe some part of that is because he wants Kenma to hear, since there’s nothing better than a jealous Kenma for him to deal with later
It’s easy to tell when Kenma is touch starved, he wanders around the house, moping, letting out little sighs and whines. He acts so unbothered, but he wants to be pet and cuddled just as much as Kuroo. “Kuro, move over, you’re kicking me off the bed” He whines
When he's in cat form, he's watching whatever's on the TV, y/n's laptop, or even her phone, with his golden eyes glued to the screen, his fluffy multi-colored tail swinging happily behind him. When he's in human form, he's the one playing the games and scrolling through social media. And he loves when y/n watches him, he'll take quick glances toward her when he wins a match or makes a good play, eager for her praise
He's always curled up on y/n's bed, taking up the warmest spot where her body once was, rolling around in the scent she left behind. She always finds him there when she gets home, looking beautifully soft, taking a short little cat nap before spending the rest of the night subtly begging for her attention
He loves when y/n bounces on his cock, taking his entire length inside her soaked pussy before using her burning thighs to lift herself back up, resting only his tip inside before repeating the cycle. He can't get enough of being edged by her, ridden until her gorgeous thighs physically can't anymore, which is when he'll thrust upward into her tired pussy, watching her tits bounce in front of him until he finally fills her to the brim
Perhaps his favorite thing in the world is when he gets to taste her sweet pussy, lapping at her hole over and over, refusing to stop even when she begs him to. He loves when her fluids drip down his chin, when her fingers grip his calico ears as she cums once again, having lost count of the exact number of times
Both of them
Taking the boys out always becomes an event, forcing them to wear beanies that cover their ears, making them tuck their tails into their pants, they always put up a fuss about it. But they have to get outside sometime, so y/n takes them to the park and lets them hit a volleyball around, buys them some treats, steers them away from any dogs that want to play. Kenma can never seem to keep his beanie on, it always slips down over his eyes, leading to a slightly panicked y/n bobby pinning it back in place before anyone sees
Sometimes they like to come shopping with her, picking out groceries and Kuroo excitedly jumping around when he sees a cat toy he wants. Kenma prefers to stand behind the cart, rolling his eyes at Kuroo's obnoxious displays. And in public of all places...
There are times when one of the boys will get extra jealous during their "special" time with y/n. Kenma will paw and scratch at the door, having just woken up from his nap and realizing Kuroo has once again beat him out for y/n's attention. Kuroo, however, will just barge in, jumping up on the bed and making sure Kenma knows he can't have y/n all to himself
The constant interruptions usually lead to the one left out joining them anyway. Kenma will stroll in while Kuroo fucks y/n from behind, his eyes pleading and cock strained against his sweatpants as Kuroo smirks, thrusting just a bit harder to rub it in. "Kenma, c'mere, I can h-fuck- help you too~" Y/n says, pulling his sweatpants down and taking his bulging length in her mouth. Kuroo's thrusts are all she needs to create a rhythm against Kenma's shaft, and it isn't long before he's spilling his load down her throat. "Already done, Kenma? Better get it back up, I could keep going for hours" Kuroo snickers, the sound of his thighs slapping against her ass echoing beautifully off the walls of the bedroom
When Kuroo's the one left out, he'll waste no time inserting himself into the situation. "Without me? You two..." Kuroo growls, watching y/n bounce on Kenma as his lips remain parted, his face flushed and eyes snapped shut. Kuroo smothers his needy cock in plenty of lube before bending y/n forward, slowly forcing his dick into her ass. "You don't mind, right? Can't just make me sit and watch" He breathes, taking one of y/n's tits in her hand as she whines. Soon, both boys are thrusting into her, filling her up at the same time
They always end peacefully, with y/n asleep in Kenma's arms while Kuroo plays with her hair and cleans her up. She takes care of them all the time- feeding them, giving them a home, cleaning up after them- it's the least they can do to hold her used body and cradle her to sleep.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 month
Part Six of the Catboy in the Village AU
Parts: 1|2|3|4|5
There's something in the castle, and it's weird.
It's silent save for its footsteps. It follows Cellbit and his forcibly-assigned guard wherever he goes, but it doesn't follow Roier and his guard. It isn't the queen, because she has been there several times when the Something has been hiding in Cellbit's shadow.
It isn't doing anything. Maybe it's just spying on Cellbit, but that's a given. He's been watched for a long time, probably, based off of how much the queen seems to know about him, but the Something just... doesn't feel like a spy? Its presence feels too small to be a threat, and yet it's been following Cellbit for at least an hour every day since his forced stay in the healer's quarters. Why? And, more importantly, what?
Since his stay in the healer's quarters, and since Roier was finally given permission to make himself and Cellbit their own (non-poisoned) meals, Cellbit has slowly, but steadily, begun his investigation of Castelo do Gato. He's been accompanied by his guard the whole time, but his guard also doesn't give a shit about what he's doing so long as he isn't escaping or trying to kill the queen, so Cellbit really doesn't think that he needs to be concerned about any information leaking to the queen.
His information as of day four of his investigation, and as of his eighth day of being kidnapped, is as follows:
The queen has only been queen for a couple of months now, and her first directive was a global search for her long-lost twin brother. Her name is Bagi, and she is very annoying, and Cellbit kind of hates her a lot.
There aren't as many staff in the castle as there should be. This makes sense; the previous king and queen were famously secretive, especially after their son's disappearance and the outbreak of the war. More staff is being hired, but there's a thorough screening process involved that the queen herself oversees.
The castle's healer's name is Niki. She's very nice, and she's better at potion making than Cellbit is. She's one of the queen's closer friends, and she's been with the castle since the previous king and queen were in charge.
The castle's mage's name is Mouse. She claims to be a demon, but not the demon, and she thinks that the demon haunting the castle needs to go to therapy because earthquakes and flames are not healthy forms of self expression. She draws her sigils with blood, and Cellbit really likes her.
The demon shows up once a week and shakes the castle and tears through the halls screaming. This only started when the queen took the throne (go figure.)
The missing brother went missing at 11 years old, and his name... was Cellbit, but he's a different Cellbit. There are no portraits of him in most of the castle upon the orders of the previous king, who was with the prince the day he vanished.
Everybody keeps talking about empanadas for some fucking reason, especially Niki and Mouse. The queen goes silent every time.
The investigation would probably be easier if Cellbit could force the queen to, like, act normally and tell him the truth, but she's a lost cause. She nearly threw her bowl of soup at Cellbit at dinner when he casually mentioned to Roier wanting to get a new pair of goggles to pin his ears back with, she's crazy.
But Cellbit isn't an idiot. He may have been a serial killer in his previous life, but he also spent a few years doing odd jobs and investigations around his and Roier's hometown. It's how they met, and it's how Cellbit is going to get them back home and to their kids.
So Cellbit investigates. He gets himself a notebook from the queen, who seemed relieved that he was doing something other than trying to murder her for once. He snoops around the castle, claiming that he's trying to get to know the building and the staff now that he's been "brought back home." (Saying that is enough to make him gag, but it's what works.) He goes to the library. He takes a nap in the courtyard on Roier's chest.
He steals Niki's spare pair of potion-making goggles, and he puts them on. He ignores the pain; he's used to it, after all.
And he's followed by the Something in the shadows.
Roier thinks that it's the queen stalking him, but Cellbit really doesn't. He's been in the same room with the queen and the Something, and stalking isn't the queen's style. She's bold with her moves, something that Cellbit almost admires about her. Almost.
(It's just nice to see a queen talk to both her staff and her citizens. That's all.)
But Cellbit goes to the library even with his little stalker, and that's where he is now. Researching. Looking into the royal genealogy records for any depiction of the prince- a painting, a sketch, anything.
There's a Something under the table by his knee. He can feel it breathing on him even through his trousers; its breaths are short and warm and almost panicked, hm. Maybe it shouldn't be creeping around if it can't handle the psychology of being a creep.
Cellbit's guard is almost asleep on a nearby sofa. Cellbit lets him sleep, he doesn't give a shit.
He flips through Volume Seven of Família De Gato. He's at the old king and queen's grandparents, so he's getting close. He can practically taste the prince: bitter, and dead.
So dead.
Absently, Cellbit adjusts his legs under the table. He crosses them, accidentally kicking the Something in the head as he does so.
And then he hears it: a near-silent little, "Ouch!"
"Desculpe," Cellbit tells it, because he isn't that much of a monster.
There's a gasp, tiny, and then the chair across from Cellbit shoves itself back from the table in a clear panic. The pages of Cellbit's book fly as a running breeze hits them as the Something takes off.
Cellbit glances at his guard. Asleep, wow, great!
With a grin, he licks his lips. And then he's out of his chair and running after the invisible Something with his pen clutched in his hand like a knife and his notebook held in his other hand.
The Something screeches as Cellbit swipes at it with his notebook hand. He whiffs, but his fingers brush against what is clearly hair. Human hair, he knows what human hair feels like, he's brushed his teeth with it plenty of times!
The Something blows through the library's door, Cellbit close behind. He can hear his guard shouting somewhere behind him, but fuck him. He fell asleep, this is clearly his fault!
Sometimes in the war, the Enemy would cast a spell that sent a dark fog over the battlefield. Cellbit had to rely on his hearing to survive.
He doesn't need to see the Something to know where it is. He can even guess how tall it is based off of how loud its footsteps are. It's... small. Light. Very fast, but still slower than a grown man.
Cellbit blinks as the air in front of him flickers. Something appears before him briefly before fading out again: something, indeed, small. Pink. Yellow.
Cellbit knows a fading invisibility potion when he sees it, he's tested them on himself enough times.
It's enough to give him the confidence to lunge and scoop the Something up and into his arms. He holds it against his chest and can't help but let out a brief, triumphant laugh.
"Finally!" he cheers.
And then a foot is driven backwards and right into his junk.
Cellbit groans and drops the Something, and then he drops himself right onto the floor and watches as the Something becomes a Someone in front of him. Their potion wears off fully, revealing a red-faced and exhausted little girl standing above him with her hands on her hips.
"Don't touch me!" she shouts.
Cellbit nods. Fair enough. "Yeah, okay. Hello."
The girl takes a step backwards. Her dress, pink, is made of fine silk. Her skin, dark, has little golden stars painted onto her cheeks like freckles. Her hair, wavy, falls into her face. Her hat looks like pancakes, clearly custom-made. It sits right on top of her head between two twitching, nervous, fuzzy little cat ears.
Only members of the royal family, and Cellbit, have cat features. So does this make this girl...?
Slowly, Cellbit sits himself up. He looks down at his notebook, flips to a clean page. Puts his pen to paper. Looks back up at the girl.
She looks... upset. Mildly so. More uncomfortable than anything, she keeps patting her dress down and wiping at her abdomen with the palms of her hands.
"I'm sorry I grabbed you," Cellbit tells her.
She glances up at him with a small frown. "It's okay. I probably scared you."
Cellbit shrugs. "Eh, only a little. I've been followed by worse things than children."
Her eyes widen. "Really?"
"Mhmm. One time, I was followed around town by a half-man, half-spider for months."
She gasps. Cellbit nods. (He's sure Roier wouldn't mind being called a Spider-Man. He'd probably take it as a compliment, knowing him.)
"I'm just curious, really," Cellbit continues. "You live in a castle, what are you doing following a weird guy like me around?"
Immediately, the girl shakes her head and sticks her chin out. "I can't tell you. It's a secret."
Cellbit nods again. "That makes sense. You were invisible and everything. I didn't know you were there until a few minutes ago."
"Yes! You just need to work on your timing. Even if I didn't chase you out of the library, I would've found you because your potion would have run out right next to me."
The girl's face falls. "Oh."
"Don't worry, I'll write down some information on invisibility potions for you for later," Cellbit assures her. "Here..."
He scribbles out a simple potion schedule for a potion of average strength. Potions last for fifteen minutes, no potions for six hours after you take three potions in a row unless you want your skin to vanish but your insides to remain visible.
And then he tears the page out of his notebook and holds it out for the girl to take.
The girl stares at it.
"You... aren't angry that I'm following you around?" she quietly asks.
"Nope. You seem like a nice girl, even if your mom is kind of a weirdo. Just don't follow me into my cell with Roier, and you can keep following me around."
Her nose wrinkles. "Don't you mean your bedroom?"
Cellbit opens his mouth to argue, but he's stopped by his guard turning the corner and running towards them shouting vague assertive noises.
Cellbit rolls his eyes and puts his pen and notebook away. So much for today's research...
The guard's eyes widen as he takes in the scene before him.
"Your highness!" he gasps.
He drops to his knee and bows his head, his fist to his chest in a salute.
Cellbit huffs, but the girl just smiles and skips forward to pat the guard's helmet and tell him to stand.
"Yes, Princess Empanada," he says. "Whatever you say!"
...Princess Empanada.
Well. This explains a lot of confusion.
But... if the queen is sure that Cellbit is her brother, why hasn't she introduced him to her daughter? Unless... she isn't sure.
Unless she isn't sure.
Bingo. Maybe she can see reason, after all.
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wayfayrr · 6 months
it's been declared that my blog is the go-to, to post the drunken late-night (for me anyway) crack fics
anyway this spiraled at 4am on a very long lasting discord call and both myself and @angry-trashcan wrote it in about an hour, it's catboy wild and wars with reader in their home <3 enjoy!
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“Wild please for the love of everything holy, get down from the counter top.”  He didn’t listen, instead sitting himself down on top of the stove next. “One day, and one day soon, that thing will be on and burn your bottom. And I will laugh.”
“Not when you’re the one facing the bills.”
“Yes, my partner in crime?”
He’s not moving any time soon unless I do something, and it’s not like I don’t already know he’s incredibly light. Lifting him up so that he can wrap his legs and arms around me is easy enough. 
“See? Isn’t that so much better already?”
 “Better for you and your wallet maybe-”
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” He laughed, a hand to the back of his head, ears twitching wildly.
I looked at him for a hard moment, eyes running over his face. “Uh-huh.” I rolled my eyes playfully, turning back to the stove. “I’m gonna make dinner. Can you go get Wars and tell him it’ll be done quickly so hurry it up.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“Hmm? But I thought you didn’t like me holding you?”
His grip got a little tighter at that, his head nuzzling into the crook of my neck like he’s trying to get as close as possible and succeeding. 
“When did I say that?”
“Well with your little comment about my wallet?”
“You know what I meant.”
The way he ended that with a small nip at my collarbone is proof enough of his words.
His feet hit the floor and he turned towards the living room to go get Wars. At least, I thought he was. The loud scream of the other boy’s name startled me, getting a scream of my own to carry through the house. 
His shoulders rose to his ears, face bright red as he slowly turned back to face you. “...yes?”
“I asked you to go get him not shout for him, I could’ve done that from here.”
Not even words, just a redfaced pout as he turned to run off to go and wake him up from his very likely nap. Then seconds later he simply comes back out of breath and makes grabby hands at me to pick him back up. Not that I can say no, but he’s gotta start learning better manners. 
“You’re spoiled rotten I hope you know that.”
He hums out a happy noise as I pick him up to let him wrap his legs around my waist once again. “You better be helping me with dinner if you’re going to hang off of me like this.”
“Why would I do that?”
I rolled my eyes again, glancing over to see Wars coming into the kitchen. “Dinner will be done soon. Would be quicker if someone would let me cook.”
A gasp. “I am your moral support! You wouldn’t be able to make dinner without me!”
“I wouldn’t be able to make a dinner without hair in it, maybe.”
“I think you know full well that I could.”
“Mmh… full well you could what?”
Oh he really was asleep then, and now he’s winding his arms around me where wild isn’t clinging onto me. Great, I’ve got even less movement to cook properly now. The feeling of his purrs as his head is on my shoulder is nice though.
“Wars please, not you too.”
“Do you really not like it love?”
“I didn’t say that, did I?”
“I kinda sounded like it.”
“Wild, not you too.” I sighed, reaching down to turn off the stove. “Fine, let's order take out. Come on now, to the couch.”
Wild practically leapt off of you, rushing to get the best spot on the couch before Wars could. 
“Can we get seafood?” Wars mumbles.
“Would I dare try to feed either of you anything else?”
“I don’t know, I’d like to try some of that fancy wagyu sometime.”
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crimsonteaaddict · 10 months
Yandere!catboy harem… just imagine~
You recently moved into an apartment in a new city, you knew nothing about the customs, the language, or the culture of the city and only moved their because they had a large following and a lot of respect for your very niche hobby in this city. That and you decided to go to university here, taking classes in your language.
Over time you noticed that after class and work starting around six all the locals would go out causing a bustling nightlife. You didn’t know anyone and decided that joining in on drinking a beer as the sunsets overlooking the river next to your apartment was a good idea. Of course you sat alone but the neighborhood catboys who were often fed by the locals who came and left as they pleased began to noticed you all by your lonesome <3.
(Warning Yandere, Talks of real animal abuse scenarios, Minors DNI)
It started with a somewhat small excited calico, he saw you drawing by the river once and came bounding over to you before brushing up from behind you. This first interaction startled you massively but was full of energy. The kind cute seemingly innocent cat boy made you extremely happy. Finally you got to meet someone so you wouldn’t be alone… little did you know he and the others had been keeping you company from afar this entire time and not in the way the other locals coexisting with you were.
After this meeting Soda Pop as you learned his name was came up to you more often, though you didn’t speak the same language between your interactions with Soda Pop, your teachers at the university, and what you learned from grocery shopping, you were beginning to understand their language.
Soda Pop soon began meeting you in the lobby of your apartment after your classes and somehow wandering his way up to your place while you made supper. You may not have spoken the same language yet but from the words he often repeated and the words you often repeated you slowly but surely got a totally wholesome tag along-who was very good at getting his way (in less than wholesome manners).
It was only Soda Pop at first but as you hung around the catboy more the attention of a certain tough black cat was caught. Salem was originally purchased to be sacrificed, but he was lucky that after the mistreatment he had faced he managed to escape, unluckily though he developed a certain dislike for humans, even the locals who fed him. But seeing Soda Pop stick to one person for so long really made him curious, he’d already been watching you, but now he just craved to know you more.
Salem wasn’t exactly keen on talking to you right away though, so instead he followed, and soon he found his way to your doorstep where he left birds, mice and even a snake he had hunted (it was the pet snake of your neighbour, good luck explaining that to her) It took a couple weeks for you to realize these gifts weren’t from Soda Pop, and from then on you began leaving a bowl of water and food out only enticing Salem to visit more often.
Your finally kitty companion came in the form of Leo, affectionately being named by the locals after a lion, because he slept, a lot. Leo found his naps gravitating closer and closer to you as the weeks passed and it wasn’t until Salem whacked him in the face for napping too close to you and Soda Pop that he realized you must be something special. Naturally unlike Salem, Leo has no problem walking up to you and plopping himself onto you. He expects you to stay there and be his pillow. You do stay there, how could you move?
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
We have cat hybrid reader what about catboy V?
Catboy V hcs-
Wears those oversized cat paw gloves to appear cuter to you... and because he's scratches up the couch when he doesn't get the attention he craves. He has also tried to claw his name into your thigh
Somehow extremely desperate for your affection, but still acts difficult if you leave him for long.
Prone to smacking your belongings out your hand and crawling in your lap using his body weight to keep you from complaining or getting away
Hisses at whoever you invite over or neighbors that walk by the window. Takes naps on clothes you leave out to wear when you leave the house.
Calls himself your kitten as apposed to calling you his. This is solely for one thing. "Don't go out with them! Your kitty needs cuddles." "You know how cats clean their kittens normally, riiight?"
Don't get me started on the heats.
Likes to like lick your face or bite you and run off immediately after.
"V, it's too hot for cuddling right now-" "I will wake up this entire neighborhood if you don't hold me right fucking now."
"V, please stop harassing people that come over." ".....But I'm just a cat-" "Your parents literally own a business!"
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altocat · 9 months
SOLDIERs are now required to have mandated nap time. No extensions and no shortening! Full time attempting to sleep is required!
Zack absolutely CANNOT sit still or go to sleep for the life of him and spends the hour mostly just twitching in place.
Angeal crashes almost instantly because being a single dad with three grabby, overly dramatic kids takes a LOT out of you.
Genesis sleeps far, far away from the others, complete with fancy pajamas and a special sleep mask. He needs his beauty rest!
Sephiroth is borderline comatose and CANNOT be roused once naptime is over. Years of exhaustion have taken their toll. Catboy will SLEEP.
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candied-boys · 10 months
Catboy Charles x F! Reader - Part 6
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Tags: fluffy fluff, Charles likes his kibble still but not his clothes
Part 5
You did try to hide the kibble while he was napping. You really did. But it would seem his scent perception is just as good as a human as it was as a cat, and he easily finds the sealed bag under the kitchen sink behind the garbage pail while you're busying yourself hanging up the wet laundry.
“Are you hungry?” you ask when you return to the kitchen to put in another load only to find him sitting cross-legged on the hardwood, munching on handfuls of the stuff with a giddy smile like it's a bag of popcorn and not pet food.
“A little,” he answers meekly after the plastic crinkles loudly as he clutches it to his chest like you're going to rip it out of his hands.
You suppose he isn't used to asking for food since you always just left a bowl out for him to graze on throughout the day. Now you're going to have to feed him yourself, but the problem is what. He didn't like much of what you gave him at lunch, and beyond those fishy tubes snacks you don't know what he genuinely likes.
Kneeling down next to him you ruffle his hair, then reach into the bag to try one for yourself. Maybe it'll give you a clue as to why he's so fond of it.
It's not helpful. It literally just tastes like salt and dry cornmeal with a hint of mystery meat. You don't buy the cheapest, but you really can't afford the top grade food that's only sold at the vet's.
Sitting down and leaning into the cupboards with him, you pull out your phone and start looking up what cat food is made of, what cats eat on a natural diet, what they like and what they don't like. Unsurprisingly, the answer is mostly meat. Much to your disbelief, however, apparently cats can't taste sweetness. Entirely derailed by curiosity, you pull out a bag of candy you keep hidden in the back of the pantry and unwrap one each.
“Try this Charles and tell me if you like it!”
He takes it willingly and pops it in his mouth, but just shrugs after chewing.
When you ask what he tastes his answer is simple.
“Kind of like my food I was just eating?” With which he takes another handful of kibble and begins munching again.
You try again with a few grapes, but he's even less impressed. He doesn't mind the crackers, but he isn't fond of nuts. You already know he likes dairy and won't eat salad. Debating what vegetables might be palatable, you end up thinking about what pairs well with meat and stumble upon steak and fries, which are salty and bland like his kibble. Not as crunchy, but maybe he'd like it.
“I'm going to run out and pick up some dinner for us. Could you wait to eat more until I get back? If you don't like what I bring, you can keep eating your kibble,” you offer tentatively.
Charles nods and reluctantly hands you the bag, round eyes looking up into yours as he asks sheepishly, “Will I have to use a fork again?”
“Maybe, but you'll be okay, Minou,” you tell him truthfully and kiss his cheek.
At the same brasserie where you first met your little kitten, you order steak frites and also decide a hamburger might be a good backup too. While they prepare the order, you visit the corner store to hunt for anything else he might like - jerky, crisps, yogurt, dehydrated vegetables, and so on until your arms are full.
When you get home you nearly trip over Charles, who is lounging in the entranceway. You forgot your cat always waits for you by the door. You remind yourself you're going to have to talk to him about that, and many, many other things at some point.
But first, food.
Dinner passes with more ease than lunch. He likes the steak better, but ends up eating both the slices of meat and the fries with his fingers after watching you dip your potatoes in ketchup without touching a fork.
Exhaustion settles in sooner than most nights, and you find yourself washing up and showing him how to brush his teeth by nine o'clock. It turns out that, just like his tongue, his teeth are more catlike than human too. Though when you count them you find out he has thirty, which is more than you after getting your wisdom teeth removed.
With a few too many questions swirling in your head, you tell Charles through a yawn that you'll sleep on the sofa today.
“Okay me too,” he smiles contentedly.
“No, I meant you sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the sofa, Charles,” you correct yourself.
“Why? We always sleep together…” Those round eyes and floppy tail are all too familiar.
“Yes, but you were smaller.”
Disappointment tugging his ears down now too, he protests, “There's enough room for two on the bed. You sleep with other guys on the bed.”
It's true. You sleep with total strangers from time to time, but that's precisely because you don't live together and have to face them the next day that you can. But trying to explain the complexities of maintaining a platonic relationship with the opposite sex while sleeping together in the same bed sounds like a horrible idea right now.
“You're not going to let me sleep alone, are you?”
“No. I want to sleep with you like always. I hate being alone…”
Relenting, you abandon the sofa in favour of the bed, eagerly crawling beneath the covers to embrace slumber.
“Why are you wearing clothes to bed? You never wear clothes…” you hear Charles ask as you pull up the blanket.
“Because you're here…” you mumble.
“I've always been here…”
“Yes…” Words are starting to fail you. “But anyway, this is more comfortable today.”
“Okay. Can I take mine off now? They're really uncomfortable…” he asks softly, clearly worried you'll say no.
Hardly awake, you don't even know what the question was by the time you answer, “Mhm, whatever you want, Charles.”
Part 7
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favouritefi · 5 months
I'm here to be bothersome about purror and erebark again. In your web of how the characters connect art, you have Little having a work crush on Jopson. I'm curious what Jopson feels about Little. Sorry if you've already answered this.
not a bother, my au is so convoluted that theres no way anyone but me can keep track of it all LOL. my answer became an insanely long stream of thought so its under the cut (you have been warned):
I’ve said before that jopson was initially hostile towards little and then he calms down and that it’s hard to tell what he thinks about little, part of that is bc jopson is so crozier focussed that all other people become secondary, the other part is bc they have known each other for far longer in this au than they have in canon so jopsons opinion of little has changed over the years as they both changed (for better and for worse). Like, little was there when jopson and crozier had their Big Fight and little visited jopson nearly as much as crozier visited him when jopson was Dying In The Arctic and little makes jopson coffee every morning and offers to do the chores the others don’t want to do when he’s not depression napping around the house and it’s very obvious that little respects jopson a lot / crushes on jopson a little bit and jopson is not stupid so he knows about littles feelings for him but its like. what is jopson meant to do with all of that? Someone once told me they really dislike the crozier and jopson in my au but i think that’s cause I haven’t elaborated enough on jopsons internal conflicts and feelings and history - jopson doesn’t really see himself as a catperson. What I mean is, jopson spent most of his adult life with crozier who treats him like a human, who treats him like he would any other man, and jopson is used to this and used to having this perception of himself as someone worthy of dignity and autonomy and respect. This is not the kind of life that all the other catboys in this household grew up with. Everyone else has been treated by humans like playthings or pets or vermin, only jopson has had the consistent experience of being treated like a Person, not an equal no, but a real Person. And he likes that. He likes crozier. No one else in the world is capable of giving that to jopson besides crozier. Little is lovely and kind and earnest and if jopson thought of himself as a catperson, if he had been adopted by anyone except crozier, then maybe him and little would meet at some soirée where the both of them are bored to death and jopson flirts with little just for fun and little responds with such schoolboy-like fluster that jopson is charmed and they start courting and falling in love and they get paraded around by their owners like a pair of whimsical trinkets and they might even be permitted to take care of / raise their nieces and nephews and so the two of them dont have to work anymore and they are excellent parents and its a wonderful life that jopson is happy with, but that didnt happen. crozier happened to jopson and jopson happened to crozier and this changes both of them irrevocably. sometimes jopson thinks about little and about what-ifs and imagines that he might be content with little, that its not too late to try, but then he checks the time and realizes he needs to start making dinner now if he wants to make that beef and potatoes dish that crozier likes so much. and when little compliments him on the dish he politely smiles and politely ignores little's adoration. so yeah, thats what jopson feels about little.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗯𝗼𝘆!𝐍𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧 😼🐾
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Art by me!
► What if Napoleon was a catboy? Nyapoleon, if you will? Well here are some headcanons...! I originally wrote these a loong time ago but lost motivation, promised myself to post them for cat's day (02/22). Hope you enjoy! If when you're done reading those some other headcanon comes to mind...I'd be more than happy to see... 👉👈
Napoleon Bonaparte x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 1,015 • masterlist
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What if Napoleon rose from the dead, not ONLY as a demi-vampire…but also as a demi-cat catboy, as well?
Aside from the pointy fangs in his mouth, Napoleon finds additional inhuman traits on his new body…
A svelte, tar-black tail, fur short and velvety to the touch, curls in the form of a question mark as he stares at the mirror - similarly, a pair of cat ears point sharply upwards in attention.
What were you expecting, of course Catboy Napo has little tuffs of white hair at the tips of his ears! It matches his hairstyle!
Touching them in curiosity with half-folded fist, Napoleon inspects them as they give a small twitch. This is new…
He thinks it's just that. Just like how his bloodthirst hasn't kicked in, hence him being a demi-vampire, maybe his cat traits are, too, just for decoration. Wrong!
There is a rumor among the mansion residents that his eyes appear to "glow" in the dark, reflecting light just as any cat's can do…
Why do you think he loves the garret so much? The little room situated in the attic is perfect for him: the alcove is a high spot with limited room, big enough just for him to curl up and have a nap there.
The reason why he sleeps in so late is because he loves the quiet hours of the night when even the merriest of the residents go to sleep.
He feels more energetic during the night, which works perfectly with him as he frequently takes gigs as a bodyguard at balls around Paris.
Comte's mansion is full of expensive decorations and antics with rich history just like himself, if not older than him. It's a shame when he accidentally knocked off an ornate vase once, breaking it into dozens of pieces. Who placed it so close to the edge of the table, anyway? And worse: why did it feel good to knock it off?
Having acquired a tail, Napoleon is suddenly provided with extra balance that comes in handy in his sparring sessions. That makes him a tough opponent for Jean, but it's also making his fellow soldier less warry of hurting him.
Cats love horses, Napo loves horses.
The mansion's oh-so-thoughtful butler, Sebastian, has a whole section of his diary dedicated to Napoleon's catboy-ness, frequently sharing the little things he learns about the former emperor with the man himself, ready to help him in his journey of exploring his new body. One of the pages begins with, "Today Monsieur Napoleon hissed at me as I tried to wake him up."
He actually comes to you if you minou-minou-minou at him! (french for ps-ps-ps)
His favorite food is crepes, right? Why? Because it often has whipped cream in it? His diet suddenly involves a lot of dairy products among other foods that would suit a feline's palate.
The course of his days changes as a girl enters through the door, all the way from the 21st century. Being made her personal bodyguard led to an adventure involving lots of both bickering and laugher… and love.
MC's scream fills the entire mansion one morning as she finds a catboy curled up at the feet of her bed. A freshly slapped-across-the-face, tail-between-his-legs Napoleon pouts, ears flopping on his sidies. "Your bed shouldn't be so comfortable if you don't want me sleeping in it, Nunuche."
With MC's arrival , Napoleon's world is turned upside down yet again. Having come to terms with his new body only somewhat, falling inlove with a human girl reminded him of how unhuman he was now. Fortunately, love turned out stronger than even his stubbornness, and despite, ermmm, certain events that took place soon after, it all turned out good for them in the end.
That same sequence of events saw him becoming a full-fledged lesser vampire… but what about his other nature?
His instincts unfurled tenfold. Sharper senses now see him recognizing MC's steps with crazy accuracy, enough to tell when she returns home from her shopping trips… in addition, he's ready to welcome her at the door with remarkable speed as well, as result of his body being flexible and sturdy.
It's a show of affection towards the person you love if you suddenly want to nuzzle against them! It totally has nothing to do with being a catboy, and that's totally not Napoleon being in denial.
And MC doesn't find it odd or anything, oh no. She's lucky to have such a cute chaton all to herself, she wonders what would happen if she gives him some pets…?
Purring. Purring happens.
The first time it's devastating for Napoleon. He's flushed silly at the bizarre low sound escaping his throat uncontrollably. It's embarrassing. He doesn't know how to stop it, and worse of all, he wants more. He feels fully at ease when she pets him, when he's in her company, when he receives her love… if he could play cool and save his skipping heartbeat to himself up until now, from hereon there is evidence of his being utterly down bad for MC.
He obediently lays his head on her lap for more pets. Just experimentally, until he has this purring business figured out. She finds it adorable: he loves making her happy; it feels good; he starts to give in… soon he's cheeky about it.
"I only purr like that for you, Nunuche… you make me feel so comfortable. Don't stop. Let me lay on your lap all afternoon."
Sunbaths? Sunbaths. He knows a spot. *takes MC to that one field*
Just a lot of napping on her, everywhere, even during her chores…
Cue MC having a lot of those "help I can't stand up ever again, nope" moments
To sum it up: Napoleon as a catboy is loving, sleepy, curious, slick and flexible, cheeky and wanting to be pet constantly, purring loudly… What is there not to love?
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @cilokgoang Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Whenever something wakes my cat up from his nap he gets all grumpy until I lull him back to sleep by gently petting him on the head and now I’m imagining catboy Grave doing the same thing
God. That would totally happen! Not to turn this into hurt/comfort but he's terrified of the sound of thunder... and if that woke him up in the middle of the night, he would pretend to be angry but in reality, it won't take long for you to realize just how fast he's trembling in fear. He isn't the kind of person who wants to be seen as having a weakness, but if he has to have one, at least he knows you'll never tell anyone.
Imagine that, his arms wrapped around your center as you ruffle his hair, whispering softly to drown out the sound of thunder.
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marxthedumdum · 5 months
Daisy waking Steven up from a nap by jus gently putting her hand on his arm and he straight up goes "mrrrp?"
both take a moment to process what just happened and eventually Daisy goes "thats actually adorable" while Steven is jus o////o all blushy bc damn he knew he was cat coded but he didn't think he was a straight up catboy now
steven would sleep in a position like cats do too LMAO daisy knows this grown ass hairy man is a catboy long before steven himself realizes it (double points if steven scratches his head and starts trying to lick daisys hand before actually waking up)
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Cat!Robin and Cat!Steve except she’s the one who’s very proud and in control, and Steve is the scraggly little rat who trips over himself trying to catch a sun beam, and gets knocked over in one swat when he tries to tackle Robin.
But she also loves him though. Even though she doesn’t break a sweat at pushing Steve off a bench, or biting him for being super annoying, she’s always taking care of them both. She’ll pull him close when you first discover them, telling him to ‘stop’ and ‘you could be dangerous’ and ‘he’s embarrassing her’.
She loves hiding on spaces high up and just small enough for her in your house for a nap. But as soon as she hears Steve sounding concerned and calling her name, she arises from her coma like the undertaker and goes seeking him. She’ll play around with him more when they’re both in a safe and happy situation, like living with you. She can finally be silly like she wants to be herself, and join Steve in finding fun.
And you discover she is just as cuddly as Steve is. Both of them curling up to you. Robin purring as she butts her head sloooowly under your chin, nuzzling there with that slight pressure, as she kneads dough on your body. Eyes closed while she hugs you close, quiet except for her loud mass of purrs and occasional sighs. Steve is trying to wriggle himself into any position possible. Trying to cuddle as much of you as he can. His head butts are a bit more lethal, and sometimes he ends up upside down in your lap, he’s pretty noisy as he tries to find a comfortable spot that he can still share with Robin. But they both loooooove snuggle time. They want it to last all day.....
Her protective instincts are still there around others though. Instead of flicking Steve’s face away with her tail, she’s dragging him close even if she has to latch on with teeth. And she won’t let anyone near either of them. If Steve gets free, she’s running for him though, at least to be by his side if she can’t stop him, investigating this person with a much more judgemental look compared to Steve’s curious one. The same goes for you now too. Robin will sometimes grab your hand, tilt her head up high, and drag you to the other side of the street, without explaining why. But it’s nice to be in Robin’s close circle, rather than on the outside! Especially when she bundles both of you up into a mass of blankets and pillows and demands neither of you leave with a scary look in her eyes, as she plops in the middle of you. At least she likes you too!
cw: hybrid au with cat hybrid!robin and cat hybrid!steve. don't like don't read, or block the tag 'hybrid au' below. hybrid au faq
HEHE SCRAGGLY CATBOY STEVE <3 i love that she's equally worried about you hurting them as she is with looking cool in front of you LMFAO - you're so right they're such cuddlers, robin gets first pick though and steve has to worm his way in anywhere he can </3 you're typically smushed when you wake up, but it's okay because your loves are snuggled up all over you and they're purring up a storm :')
aw omg cat!robin being sosososo protective of you both! at first, she's mother-henning steve, swatting him away from things he shouldn't be touching, but eventually she'll herd you to one side of the street, force you back in bed when you're sick, and transfer all of that protective energy onto you as well!! she's the best protector :')
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forerussake · 7 months
Character Bingo! Qin Xiaoman and Da Qing ☺️
Ohhh yay let’s see!
Qin Xiaoman:
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Oh Xiaoman sweet summer child… She is great. She’s not my blorbo, but I like her a lot! I don’t have many thoughts about her other than she kicks ass. Hell yeah get those criminals girl! She’s a really good focal point character for the show, and I adore her perspective. The opening scene of the show remains iconic!
Da Qing:
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The OG catboy! The King of Cats! I love him!!! He’s a floofy chonky cat with amnesia how could I not love him :’))))) the fandom isn’t mean to him but zhao yunlan sure is. All in good fun though. I didn’t circle the hc square but i am very partial to the hc that da qing basically raised zyl. And whenever I think about the fact that drama da qing had to actually live through the 10.000 years from ancient haixing to now instead of taking a little dirt nap i get really really sad. I just want to pet his floofy round belly and maybe it’ll all be alright.
Thank you for the ask, this was really fun!
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sarah-dipitous · 6 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 357
The Power of the Doctor
“The Power of the Doctor”
Plot Description: the Thirteenth Doctor must fight for her very existence against her deadliest enemies: the Daleks, the Cybermen, and her arch-nemesis, the Master
These cybermen aren’t nearly as cunty as the other ones the Master created but they have flair
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Ok at least ONE of them is serving
No but seriously the detailed metalwork on these cybermen is so good. I highly suggest looking it up…they’re apparently going by cybermasters now. Did a 16 year old boy in 2007 come up with that?
You know, after the whole flux thing, I thought they had abandoned this
How was the cargo a CHILD???
I have been WAITING for this, the whole the Master made up Rasputin…but i apparently will have to wait a little longer as we return to, you guessed it, modern day London
I know this woman is a former companion, but I do not know who she is. Ok we have Ace and Tegan. I love that we have older women who were companions coming back for this. I wish I knew more about classic Who to know exactly what the deal was with the cybermen and Tegan. Obviously, no companion has a GOOD experience with them but was there something more??
Anyway she got sent the miniaturized one with the death thingy in it
Dan’s leaving NOW? Like 15 minutes into the episode?? What a weird time to leave
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She does NOT want me to watch this episode. Apparently, I had all the time she spent napping on me to watch and now….I don’t even know
I’m not sad at Dan’s departure.
A Dalek wants to meet the Doctor? To destroy the Daleks?! I don’t believe it
There’s a defect on the plunger eye part that keeps getting attention drawn to it…that HAS to be something
I’m usually a proponent of the dark hair/blue eyes combo but omg take those contacts out RIGHT NOW
(I went to look up what Sacha Dhawan’s eyes normally look like and potentially got really spoiled for this episode…unless they’re using archived footage)
“I feel like I’m being taunted” was the HAHAHAHAs all over the sign on the front of this TARDIS not enough evidence of that?
I hope Tegan and Ace stick around UNIT. I think that would just be cool, as long as the actresses want to
Omg, the Master has inserted himself into some of the most famous paintings in the world. He does not rock Girl With a Pearl Earring like my Megumi does…NOR The Scream
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But like………he’s adorable
I can’t tell if that’s a warning or a threat but…ok, he SAYS warning, but I’m not convinced it’s not him threatening to erase the Doctor from existence himself—and NOW he says it’s a threat! Those are different things
Oh shit, Vinder’s back?! Genuinely happy to see him return
The Master looks so respectable but he’s literally so awful and spiteful. Hold up, Ace just said last time she saw him, he was half cat?!?! I will need to look that up. Catboy!Master was not on my 2023 revelations bingo card
He’s WAY too excited to be here. And he ACTS half cat
Wtf wtf wtf wtf…how’d he do that?? It wasn’t JUST that cyberman, it was a whole Russian doll of cybermen
So, the defect on the traitorous Dalek was just that it was in disrepair. That Dalek was for real but it was a trap all the same…but I NEVER thought I’d see the Doctor trapped in a Dalek casing
On one hand, why was forced regeneration like the ultimate punishment for time lords? UNLESS you used them ALL up? But of COURSE he has the technology to do it, he had so much time on Gallifrey on his own
The Cybermen and Daleks are way too robotic for the Master’s penchant for performing. They’re blunt instruments and he likes to drag out whatever he’s doing to make it hurt the most…but he’ll also play some bops while carrying out his plans
Excuse me?? Ok so…how does this get undone? Man…you can’t just expect Yaz to “get used to” you being the Doctor, not when she was in love with 13. I knew you were a lot of things, the Master, but homophobic??? Ick
This forced regeneration isn’t taking well, oh the outfit slaps though. He’s taken a lot of the most eccentric bits of past Doctors’ outfits (4’s scarf, the question mark sweater vest, the celery lapel pin, it’s a thing of beauty)
They really do just an excellent job making David Bradley look like the First Doctor
Oh…NOT ARCHIVED FOOTAGE!! Colin Baker, Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann came back to do this too!! That’s SO COOL
(I swear if my cat learns how to use a door knob while I’m watching Doctor Who…)
I don’t even know that much Classic Who but it’s very easy to get choked up from Tegan seeing Five again. But partly because did those actors think they’d ever be playing those roles again? After 40 years?? I don’t know how Tegan and Five ended but it doesn’t sound like they got to have closure til now
Now Ace and…Seven??
Graham!!! He’s not as good at coming up with fake names as the Winchesters. Though, to be fair, the fact that the Winchesters got away with as many classic rock last names from the same band at the same time…
Noooooo, don’t convert Kate into a cyberman!
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No because the outfits in this episode are so great
Save her, Tegan!!
Oh poor Kate (she’s alive and well and not a cyberman, but that was an all new facility for UNIT)
It’s not often we get a full set of pilots for the TARDIS
So is this gonna be another spare TARDIS for the Doctor??
I…feel like turning active volcanoes into steel will eventually be an ecological disaster
I know this whole Yaz running out to the Doctor thing is supposed to be impactful, but honestly the Master (in a failing body) telling Thirteen if he can’t be the Doctor neither can she and then making it so she’s injured enough to kickstart regeneration is almost always going to be WAY worse. There’s just so much history between them
How on earth did Dan and Graham meet?? Graham just randomly runs onto—oh. Apparently there was some kind of invitation…oh, a support group for past companions! That’s actually really nice!
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hopeful-hugz · 8 months
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❝  you're going to share those, right? ❞ the cat, now a person asks, staring at the open snacks. he had been taking a nap but woke up to the smell of food. it summoned him ( as per usual) quickly.
It was weird not having Melody in the Archives while she was on assignment. When there was no visitors or denizens living there, other than the unown. It left the place quiet in a less peaceful sort of way. Instead it became rather ominous. She didn't like it.
At least she hadn't been alone today. She knew that white cat that her girlfriend was attached to was hanging around. Fir had never really paid him much mind, thinking that he was just another of the pets under Cam's wing before she passed.
Still... knowing he was around made the girls' large, sealed home feel a little less empty for now.
Maybe that's why she didn't jump as badly as she could have at the sound of a voice at her side. Regardless it's enough to get a small "yipe!" from the young fire prodigy.
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"Geez, ya could at least knock before scaring someone like that! Or give some sort of indicator." The teen gives a small huff, hand on her hip as she gets a better look at the catboy in front of her. Kinda reminded her of some of the people from the version of Eorzea she had friends in. Also like the cat that was supposed to be sound asleep in his nook, something she notes for later but doesn't say out loud.
He wanted some of her snacks, huh? Guess she couldn't blame someone for asking about them. Though it does give her a little idea, one that dawns a grin on her face, prompting her little heart-shaped soul to zip around the bag for a moment.
"Well, that depends."
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"Ever heard of Pepper X?"
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