ducavalentinos · 5 years
Sorry to barge in your in-box like this but I saw you posted some comment about Roman Empire season 3 (that I will definitively watch because I want more Agrippina content), and I wanted someone's opinion on something. I am surprised by the casting of three blond women to play Agrippina, Drusilla, and Livillia. I have recently heard that blond was badly connoted in Rome because it was not common among Roman but much more among their slave. Meaning that for woman it might be considered improper.
Hi! no problem! :))Hm, Livilla is a brunette and Agrippina is…blonde-ish, but not so much. The only clear blonde one imo is Drusilla. But I never heard about blond being badly connoted in Rome? was it only for women? bc I may be wrong here, but wasn’t Augustus described to have fair hair?@elcctra  if you know anything about this, pls feel free to add.And any case, I don’t think this series was going for 100% historical accuracy. There was quite a few ???? moments there, so if true they probably just decided to ignore that, among other things lool.
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joannalannister · 5 years
I really liked your post about possible names for other Lannister babies if Joanna had lived. I might be able to give you some insight about how much twins can run in an historical context where IVF doesn't exist. Apparently Mandukhai Khatun and Dayan Khan had eight children, six of them were twins. Meaning they had three sets of twins. Now the real question is how many of them reached adulthood (sorry I don't remember if the historian precise it and I can't check my book right now)
@toporcelainivoryandsteel replied to your post: 
Twins run in my family like that. My cousin had a set of twins, a boy, then another set of twins. Another cousin also has twins, and my grandfather on that side had a set of sisters that were twins.
Thank you both! Good to know, I feel validated in my headcanon that Jason had two sets of twins now! 😊
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alayne-stonecoldfox · 5 years
For the greek goddesses ask Hecate and Athena? (if you don't mind of course)
hecate - if you were a witch, what kind of animal would your familiar be?
oh ABSOLUTELY my ancient blind 18 year old black cat salem whomst I have had since I was 7
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Look at all this powerful witchy energy he just exudes at all times
also already answered athena
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impracticaldemon · 6 years
According to wikipedia, the historical Saito was the youngest of his family but if I remember correctly in Hakuouki he was the oldest (which changes a lot of things)... I am making researches for writing purposes and I wouldn't mind having your opinion on this. 2/2
[From ½: “Do you have any idea about what I am talking about? If I not would you mind talking a bit about Saito and his family?”]
Hi, I’m completely in sympathy with you:  tumblr’s ‘search function’ is indeed truly ‘excellent’. :P
Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with the post you mention.  However, I’m happy to put this out there and see if others might be familiar with it:
“a post … about the Hakuouki boys and their relationship with their families and with their sibling.“
For what it’s worth, I’m happy to share what I’ve come across during my own research.  As far as I’ve found, Saito was the youngest of three siblings, and had an older brother and sister.  His first name “Hajime” was most likely taken from being born at the beginning of the new (lunar calendar) year. I don’t recall Hakuouki implying any differently. However, the name Hajime can also refer to a first child/son, so maybe somebody speculated about that somewhere? 
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Unlike other Shisengumi families (notably Kondo Isami, Hijikata Toshizo, and Okita Souji), there is very little known about Saito’s mother and siblings (and not a great deal known about his father). This is most likely because Saito’s father was a samurai of the lowest rank; he was a former foot-soldier (ashigaru) who purchased his rank as a samurai. In comparison, Kondo’s and Hijikata’s families were of the farming class, but (comparatively) wealthy, established families.  Okita’s family was a samurai family (though fallen on hard times).  Aside from the wealthier/higher-status families having better records, Kondo and Hijikata had families to write to, and Kondo also felt responsible to Okita’s sister, who brought Okita to Kondo’s dojo (then Kondo’s predecessor’s dojo).  This kind of written correspondence either doesn’t exist for Saito, or hasn’t been released by his family.
As you have probably found, Saito’s original family name was Yamaguchi, which he changed after being forced to flee his home domain for killing a man in a duel.  The man he killed was somebody important; accounts vary slightly, but the man was either a hatamoto (highly-ranked samurai), or the son or protégé of a hatamoto.  The family name Saitou (Saitō) is relatively common in Japan.
Hakuouki hints at Saito having a difficult past from a fairly young age, due to his stubborn left-handedness.  This informs the context of Saito’s unfortunate duel with the hatamoto’s protégé, expulsion from the domain, and loss of his original family name. [Saito explains some of this to Chizuru in-game.] Thus, my own Saito head-canon is that he wasn’t on good terms with his older siblings, or father, who were frustrated and/or embarrassed by Saito’s notoriety.  
Unlike the others (Okita, Harada, Nagakura, Toudou), Saito was never a full-time or live-in student of Kondo’s dojo [this was also true in real life].  In Hakuouki, he is portrayed as person who was either cut off from or rejected by others, and by implication his family, so that his acceptance among Kondo’s students was especially important to him.  [In real life, it is most likely that his father never truly cut ties with him, as records suggest that he ultimately helped Saito to find a good place / employment in a reputable dojo.]
All of this is to say that there is no evidence of Saito’s interactions with siblings one way or the other.  My own Hakuouki head-canon of distant siblings who were closer to each other than to him, including a jealous older brother, are just that - my own thoughts, based on stated in-game facts, and what little we have to go on from historical records.  It seems to be fact that Saito was tremendously talented, and extremely disciplined (his tendency toward correct dress, sitting in seiza, and training hard are based on contemporaneous commentary).  I reasoned that an extremely talented younger son, born to a former (and apparently talented) soldier, who then ruined all his hopes of advancement by insisting on being left-handed (Hakuouki-fact, not historical fact) would be an object of jealousy to a less-talented (and maybe originally more-valued?) older son, and an object of anger to his father (who had already demonstrated a taste for social advancement).  I find it interesting that so little is known of his siblings.
I wish I could contribute more to your search for either historical or Hakuouki records on Saito’s siblings.  There’s much more information available for some of the others. Best wishes with both your writing and with tracking down what you’re looking for!
~ Imp
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markantonys · 5 years
I just wanted to say thank you! I have listened to your medici music compilation and it is very good! I was surprised by how well you managed to delete the noises, frankly you are doing the lord's work here
awww thanks so much!! my secret is that i only used clips that didn’t have dialogue or much background noise anyway haha i have no idea how to be all fancy with sound editing and actually remove that stuff. the great part about medici’s limited soundtrack is that each track will play like 7 times per season so you can record all the times it plays and then cobble together a nice dialogue-free version out of all those different scenes
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Are you reading Circe by Madeline Miller? Is it good?
it is WONDERFUL! I love myth retelling so much and Miller’s writing is so dense and intricate!
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saitohajime · 6 years
What about Hijikata, Heisuke, and Harada?
Hijikata - Favourite character?
LOL it IS Hijikata. Idk how he managed to worm his way into my heart but i love that crazy repressed workaholic so much. It’s crazy to me that he’s not more popular since I expected everyone to fall for mr poster boy.
Heisuke - Favourite CG? 
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It’s this set! From Zuisouroku I believe? The first one was added to Shinkai but I’ve never seen the second one except on the internet.
Harada - Favourite moment(s)? The two that always stand out to me are Hijikata’s speech when he takes the ochimizu (fuck everyone who doesn’t believe in us!) and his breakdown after Kondou’s surrender. They’re such important character moments and Shinichiro Miki’s voice acting there is so superb. As in moments that just make me happy, “the fate of the Shinsengumi rests on this tea” always makes me smile, and so does any moment where the boys are just hanging out and making fun of each other. Oh, and let’s not forget every Ootori interaction. They’re very funny and underrated.
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nanshe-of-nina · 6 years
Hi, sorry to disturb you. I really like your capetian princesses aesthetic but I was wondering why lead you to leave some princess out? At first I thought it was just the one who died in infancy (or before starting their "own life") but then I noticed Yolande of France (Charles VII and Marie of Anjou's daughter) was missing so was her sister Jeanne of France... How do you choose the princesses you make aesthetic of? (sorry if this sound agressive it is not intended to)
Yolande and Jehanne aren't the only daughters of Charles VII missing. Radegonde and Catherine, comtesse de Charloias are, too. I originally intended to do all of the Capetian princesses who lived past childhood (with the exception of poor Marie Élisabeth - more of is known of her than most), but then realized what a daunting project that would be, so I started cutting out those about whom little is known beyond basic genealogical facts.
Jehanne, duchesse de Bourbon didn't make the cut because I haven't be able to find much information on her; Radegonde and Catherine, comtesse de Charloias because they died as teenagers; and Yolande because I stupidly skipped over her while browsing the wikipedia list of Charles VII's children. Other princesses omitted (all because of lack of information) were:
Hugues Capet — Gisèle, comtesse de Ponthieu and Hedwige, comtesse de Mons.
Robert II — Avoye, comtesse d'Auxerre and Constance, comtesse de Dammartin.
Philippe II — Marie, Hertogin van Brabant.
Louis IX — Marguerite, Hertogin van Brabant.
Philippe III — Blanche, Herzogin von Österreich.
Philippe V — Jehanne III, comtesse de Bourgogne; Isabelle, dauphine de Viennois; and Blanche, nun.
Charles IV — Blanche, duchesse d'Orléans.
Philippe VI — Jehanne, bethrothed to the future king of Aragon
Charles V — Catherine, comtesse de Montpensier.  
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saichifest · 6 years
Are AUs accepted for the saichi fest? I was thinking about writing something taking place in the SSL universe (no technically an AU but still?)
AU are definitely accepted!
That includes very-similar-to-canon AUs and “oh what the hell” AUs - and everything in between!
- Mod ChibiSaito
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glitzandshadows · 5 years
For your Italian anon who is wondering about the delivery delay I wanted to say that there is something similar happening in France. Apparently my book won't be delivered before the 26th of April for reasons... And that despite the fact that it is very much the American version (came out the 2nd of April) and that I pre-ordered it... The joy of importing books even during the amazon era... Also congratulations again on your book coming out.
yeah i gotta be honest i have no idea what’s up with the imports of my book -- it’s all been very confusing 
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And as a follow up: 18, 19, 34, 42, 44, and 47. (I might come back later with more questions according to your answers... BE PREPARED!)
This took me longer than I thought which had totally nothing to do with the not at all difficult first two questions in this ask, thank you @annedey :P
18: Which character from a book is the most like you?
Okay I’m not sure about this, since I have never read a book and was like “oh yay that’s me!” but I am going to pick Catelyn Tully/Stark from the A Song of Ice and Fire Series. We have a lot in common, I think, as we are both caring,very dedicated and protective concerning our loved ones, dutiful and intelligent but more often then not guided more by our heart than logic. We are also both usually peace-loving persons with strong ideals and values. However we are also proud and prone to jealousy and bearing grudges (Jon Snow anyone?). I also like to think I share her quiet strength but that’s debateable XD
19: Which character from a book is the least like you?
Since I have been pretty active in the ASOIAF Fandom for years (not anymore though) I feel like I know these characters the best from all the books I have ever read. So I will pick another one from this series for a character least like me: Tywin Lannister. Okay first I have to say I LOVE Tywin. Yes, he was a horrible dad, but as a man and a person I really admire and respect him, because he has exactly the character traits I lack (but not neccesarily want). He is domineering, pragmatic, ruthless, calculating and doesn’t care for other people’s opinion of him, as long as they acknowledge him as superior. This guy definitely learned from Machiavelli. I’m not at all like this, or at least I think so.
34: List five OTPs
Monty and Percy  - The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Agnieszkaand Kasia (platonic) - Uprooted
Carmilla/Mircalla and Laura - Carmilla
Eowyn and Faramir - The Lord of the Rings
Rory and Stephen - Shades of London
42: Which was the best book you had to read in school?
I can happily say that I had to read mostly good books for school, at least I can’t remember one that sucked really bad. If I had to choose a favourite I would say Goethe’s Faust (yes it’s play but it still counts!). I liked it a lot, because the themes in the story are very interestinga dn sometimes ahead of his times but also because it had such a cultural impact on german languages (like half of the german proverbs I know come from Goethe’s text?!).
44: Do you like to listen to music when you read?
No, actually I don’t, because I find it distracting. I can’t fully concentrate on reading, because music invites me to sing and dream along^^
47: What do you do to get out of a reading slump?
Last big reading slump I had was at the beginning of 2018 after finishing Everything I Never Told You. All the books I read afterwards simply didn’t feel good enough to read. So what I did to get out of it was surprisingly writing. I paid attention to what I liked in the novel and worked it into a story. Then I thought about what other aspects (setting, writing style, narrative, world building, character development etc.) I wanted my story to have and so I started to look for new books covering these aspects. That’s how I got back into reading.
Ooff that was sure tough! Thank you for asking, I always enjoy being tortured by you seeing you in my ask box so if you have any more questions feel free to ask, I am prepared now! (♥ω♥*)
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ottomanladies · 6 years
Hi I am currently going through a rabbit hole of ottoman history (rather ottoman dynasty) on wikipedia and I was checking info about Mehmed the Conqueror. I was surprised to find that on the different pages of his consorts they are presented as his wives that he has married. Same goes for his father Murad. I thought Hurrem Sultan was the first legally married consort of the Ottoman Empire? If you don't mind could you expend on this a bit?
Hello! Mehmed II’s and Murad II’s wedded wives were highborn, almost always princesses, whom they married to forge alliances. Usually, these wives had no children because that could endanger the empire, as the princesses’ European families could stake claims on the Ottoman throne. They were just there to symbolise political alliances and nothing more; some of them didn’t even convert to Islam.
Hürrem was the first slave to be freed and then married to an Ottoman Sultan. She wasn’t highborn or a princess, she had arrived in Istanbul as a slave. Contrary to the princesses above, she had children (because she was a slave and that was her “job”) and one of them succeeded their father Süleyman on the throne. Hürrem was special because Süleyman had defied conventions for her: he freed her, he officially married her, he moved her to Topkapi Palace with him and he had several children with her instead of just one prince. She was more of a European queen, ironically, than those princesses Ottoman sultans had married in the 15th Century.
I hope it’s clear now!
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lareinecersei · 6 years
For the Fandom ask A, D and Q please?
A - Your current OTP
I’m still obsessed with Reylo.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
Jean x Scott
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
Vaneeleanor after what happened in season 3, and the more I thought about it, I realized I didn’t dislike Eleanor afterwards because she killed Charles, but because of her reasoning, which I found really shallow, and I believe the show could have created an iconic female antagonist if they had made Eleanor kill Charles to secure her power, and then usurp Rogers, especially since she had already done that to Richard and Blackbeard.  
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ofthemusketeers · 6 years
Your last gifset on the end of season 3 of the Musketeers is so great but there is a big mistake in it... It's Louis XIV not Louis XIII (but it's beautiful the coloring is incredible)
oopsy daisy! so many louis’, so little time. error all fixed, thank you! (:
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queengurako · 6 years
So I finished the third tome (insert my grandmother's comment "Mais ils ne the fond pas d'usage" here) and I am in love with Arikoto and Chise (Iemitsu) my dysfunctional babies (I was already in love with them at the end of tome 2 but now I am even more). But I can't help the feeling of dread that it won't end well for them... But I just can't go and buy the rest of the series now! Arg! What have you done to me! (Also I am agreeably surprise by the quality of Kana's edition)
Kyaaaaaah ! I’m so glad you like it ! Chise and Ari are so precious and their relationship influenced a lot all the following generations that’s heartbreaking. Even if we have so many ships heartbreaking in this manga ;-;I REGRET NOTHING ! I’m so happy someone join me in this fandom 8D I will tell you nothing but I swear you are not prepare for what happens in the following tomes.
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markantonys · 5 years
Since you seem to be the Medici reference around here (and you posting about it actually make me watch the show and I am so glad) do you have any idea where I could find the music of the attack in the Duomo during the pazzi conspiracy? The chorus are so epic.
haha i’m so glad i got you to watch the show!! unfortunately i don’t know where to find that music since they haven’t released the soundtrack - i wanted to include it in my medici soundtrack compilation bc it IS so epic but i couldn’t get a good recording of it without tons of background noise and people yelling lmao
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