swamp-chicken · 2 years
for the writing prompts, maybe ethubs with “you’re my happy place” “dont get cheesy on me” hehe - 👻
Sorry you waited a month for this LOL
happy place 2903 words // cw intoxication, alcohol use
Bdubs was fast asleep, dreaming of something pleasant like horsies or rabbits, when he was woken abruptly by a loud clatter. Bdubs was instantly wide awake. Bdubs’ clock, barely visible in the moonlight, showed it was past midnight.
The monolith was mob-proof, but Bdubs had still been surprised a few times. Once, he had been woken up by a rogue skeleton that must have snuck in a window. Now… he peered through the dark, eyes focusing immediately on a shadow closing in on him. Bdubs shrieked and flung a pillow at the creature.
“Agh! Bdubs, it’s me!”
Bdubs slowly lowered the second pillow he held at the ready. “Etho?”
The figure drew nearer, and yup, it was Etho, hair shining silver in the moonlight. He stumbled into Bdubs’ nightstand. “Ow.”
Bdubs frowned. “Um, what are you doing here? Are you okay?” Bdubs kept Etho’s bedroom in the basement clean in case Etho wanted somewhere to crash near spawn, but this was very much not Etho’s bedroom.
“‘M fine,” Etho said, “just wanted to see you.” He tipped forwards onto Bdubs bed.
Bdubs scrambled back towards the wall. “Are you… are you drunk?” No. Impossible. Bdubs had known Etho for years, and the guy—while he had no issue consuming massive amounts of caffeine—mostly steered clear of alcohol.
In fact, Bdubs had only seen Etho drink once before. An evening long, long ago, in another world with another group of people. A little server get-together. They had been much younger then, Bdubs still tripping over himself to impress Etho. His stomach had given a flip, then, when Etho had chosen to sit next to him.
They were sitting on the ground, a couple of nearby dirt-and-timber houses the only infrastructure in this newly-discovered world. Genny passed some beers to Bdubs, and Bdubs offered one to Etho just to be polite. Etho had always demurred in the past, choosing instead to quietly watch them all make drunken fools of themselves. Usually he would cut out early, when things started to get too rowdy, and went back to his base alone. That night, though, Etho had taken the proffered beer from Bdubs’ hand with a shy smile.
Bdubs grinned. “You finally joining us plebs?”
“It’s a special occasion,” Etho defended, cracking open the can. “New world and everything.”
It was a new world, Bdubs marveled. Unexplored, unbuilt, and Etho sitting at his side.
The conversation that night was winding, people making plans, making toasts. Bdubs quickly learned that Etho laughed more when he drank. Bdubs liked making his friends laugh, he liked entertaining them, but there was something special about the way Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side while he laughed breathlessly. Something that made Bdubs’ chest warm.
As the night wore on, Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side more and more heavily, and Bdubs increasingly began to put on a performance for one.
“Hey, are you two listening?” Guude’s voice snagged Bdubs attention.
He reluctantly unstuck himself from Etho’s side. “What’d I miss?”
Guude gestured around the circle. “We’re deciding who’s building the nether hub this season. No one’s volunteered.”
Bdubs glanced around the group, most of whom were sitting silently. He cleared his throat. “I mean, Genny and I worked on the expansion last season… If you really needed someone, I guess I could…”
Etho leaned forward. “I’ll do it,” he said.
Bdubs glanced at him sidelong. “Really?”
Etho shrugged, smiled at Bdubs. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
Bdubs found himself smiling back. “Yeah, it could be fun. I’ll help, too.”
Guude stifled a laugh. “Then that’s that. You guys are the nether hub team. Now you can go back to… whatever you were doing.” The group started chattering to each other again, a tone of relief in their voices.
Bdubs turned to Etho. “You know, they’re going to hold you to that. You can’t wiggle out of it by claiming you were under the influence.” Bdubs grimaced, remembering some past promises he had made while tipsy.
“I know.” Etho seemed unconcerned. “I really have been wanting to work on something big. A community project.” He hesitated a moment. “Something with you.”
“Aww,” Bdubs said. It took every ounce of his dwindling self-control not to leap to his feet and punch the air. Etho wanted to work with him. “Well, it’s going to be awesome. Got any building ideas in that genius head of yours?”
Etho settled back against Bdubs’ side. “Maybe,” he said, fighting a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“It’s gonna be so cool,” Bdubs blabbered. “I want to do something massive. Something with a dome? Like, a cathedral or something—”
Etho laughed, stifling a yawn.
Bdubs broke off. “Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around Etho. “Tired?”
Etho nodded into Bdubs’ shoulder. “Should probably go to bed.”
Bdubs stood, brushing the dirt off his pants. “Come on, then.” He offered Etho a hand.
Etho rose to his feet, stumbling into Bdubs as he did. He was maybe a little more drunk than he seemed.
Bdubs was, too. “I’ll walk you back to your house. Protect you from any creepers.”
Etho snorted, leaning forward into Bdubs space, so close that Bdubs’ heart skipped a beat. “Right, you’ll protect me.”
Bdubs straightened indignantly. “What, you don’t believe me? I’m a stone-cold monster killing machine. Creepers run from me, skeletons cower in fear!”
Etho was giggling helplessly. He pulled Bdubs towards him and it took a moment for Bdubs to realize he was being hugged. “I’m so glad I met you, Bdubs,” Etho said into Bdubs’ hair, voice curling with fondness.
“O-Oh—“ Bdubs stuttered, his heart suddenly pounding. “That’s very… You’re sweet.”
Etho pulled back and his eyes were crinkled into a smile, warm. “I think I can make it back on my own. Thanks for offering, though.” His gaze traced over Bdubs’ face, lingering long enough that heat rose in Bdubs’ cheeks. “Goodnight.”
Bdubs swallowed. “‘Night,” he replied, but Etho was already walking away.
That had been the first and last time Bdubs had seen Etho drunk. After that, he kept up with his old habits. Refusing drinks, leaving before things got too rowdy. But something had changed between them. The warmth that blossomed in Bdubs’ chest when he saw Etho, the answering warmth in Etho’s eyes. The nether hub that they had sunk countless hours into, that had turned out even more glorious than Bdubs had imagined.
It had been a good night.
And now here Etho was, lying facedown in Bdubs’ bed and very clearly intoxicated.
“N’mnk,” Etho said, muffled against the blanket.
“Come again?"
Etho wiggled forwards, swinging his legs on to the bed.
“Shoes!” Bdubs shrilled.
Etho huffed against the mattress and kicked his shoes off. They landed on the floor with a thud. He turned his head to the side, out of the way of the blanket, and tried again. “‘M not drunk. Cub had me test some new potions.”
“Right… potions.”
“I was walking by Keralis’s place, and he and XB invited me in, asked me to try Cub’s new concoction…” Etho trailed off, blinking into the distance. “Oh my goodness. Those were drinks. I am drunk.”
Bdubs laughed. “What, you didn’t know?”
Etho seemed a little dazed. “I was wondering why Keralis seemed so surprised when I agreed to take a shot.”
Bdubs choked. “They were shots?”
Etho glanced at Bdubs and cracked up.
“Oh, brother,” Bdubs snickered, unable to hold in his own laughter. “You need a chaperone.”
Etho squirmed himself further onto the bed. “Maybe.”
Bdubs smiled down at him. “I kept your place downstairs just how you left it. Want me to get you set up down there?”
Etho hummed noncommittally.
“Ah,” Bdubs said. “You want to stay up here so I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Etho giggled and wiggled closer. He was practically in Bdubs’ arms by now. “Yeah, that’s it.”
Bdubs heart gave a little thrill, like it did every time Etho came near. Right, a story. He cleared his throat with a dramatic flair. “Once upon a time there was a guy name Etho. He was an okay redstoner, I guess. Maybe even decent. Then one day he met Bdubs, who taught him everything he knew…”
Etho laughed. His face was very close. “I think I know this one.”
Bdubs wanted to smooth the hair out of Etho’s eyes but he kept his hands firmly where they were. One propping his head up, the other braced against the bed, almost curled against Etho’s chest.
“You’ll let me stay the night, right?” Etho asked, quietly.
“Of course.” Bdubs’ mouth was dry.
Etho’s eyes were shining in the dark. He reached out and cupped Bdubs’ face, hand warm. Bdubs was frozen, he felt pinned down by the featherlight touch of Etho’s thumb tracing the line of his cheek. “You always take such good care of me,” Etho murmured. “Thank you.”
Void knows you need it. The quip was right there, ready to be lobbed at Etho so the moment could be laughed off and Bdubs could roll over and go back to sleep.
Bdubs didn’t want to laugh the moment off. He nervously wet his lips with his tongue, Etho distractedly tracking the movement with his eyes. “Well, I care,” Bdubs said instead. A little too honest, a little too exposing.
Etho smiled. He pulled his hand off Bdubs’ cheek but shifted closer, Bdubs’ knuckles bumping against his sternum. Bdubs lifted his hand obligingly and then Etho was actually in his arms, smiling at him dopily. Bdubs stroked his hand down Etho’s back and tentatively dropped the arm propping his head up, lowering himself down until he and Etho were level, their noses almost touching. They made uncomfortable eye contact for a long moment.
At least, it was uncomfortable on Bdubs’ end, his heart rushing in his ears, feeling like he had just scraped off a layer of skin telling Etho he cared. Etho seemed completely at ease, however, his eyelids lowering with each second that passed. Bdubs snorted. Etho was falling asleep.
“Hey,” Bdubs said, wanting to get an answer before Etho nodded off, wanting to at least try and level the playing field. “Why did you come see me? Really.”
Etho’s eyes were mostly closed. “Bedtime story,” he said, and chuckled at his own joke.
Bdubs rolled his eyes.
“No—“ Etho’s voice was so quiet Bdubs had to strain to hear it, despite how close they were lying. “I told you, I just wanted to see you. You’re my happy place.”
Bdubs felt like he had been hit by a truck. “Don’t—don’t get cheesy on me,” he stammered.
Etho blinked one eye open, peeking at Bdubs face. He flushed at whatever he saw there, then resolutely rolled over, his back to Bdubs.
“Hey!” Bdubs whispered hoarsely.
There was an unmistakable smile in Etho's voice when he murmured, “Goodnight.”
Bdubs woke early, like usual. Etho was still passed out in his bed, snoring soundly. He had rolled back towards Bdubs in the night, tucking his head against Bdubs’ shoulder. Looking at Etho curled against him, there was a pressure in Bdubs’ chest that was almost painful. He didn’t want to investigate it too deeply
Bdubs decided to get up instead. He carefully dislodged himself from Etho’s embrace, dressing himself and dithering around his room. Etho didn’t budge the whole time. Bdubs stood in his doorway for an extra moment, watching Etho sleep, before remembering himself. Right, he had things to do today.
His first task was some inventory-taking. His storage was a mess by now, shulkers practically carpeting the floor of the monolith. He sorted through them until he found what he needed for his next project, organizing it as he went. After an hour there still hadn’t been a noise from the bedroom. Bdubs was a little concerned by now.
Bdubs had an old potion recipe tucked up his sleeve, one that had come in handy after many a late evening with good company and good drinks. He didn’t use it that much these days, but he could still brew it without much thought or effort. He was only a few minutes at his brewing stand. Bdubs stoppered the bottle and carried the final product upstairs.
Etho was still lying in Bdubs’ bed, covers drawn up to his nose. His eyes were open. He gave a guilty start as Bdubs walked in.
“How are you feeling?” Bdubs asked dryly.
“Horrible,” Etho answered. His voice was muffled by the blanket.
Bdubs snorted. “Here, try this.” He held the potion out.
Etho’s snuck an arm out from under the covers and snatched the potion out of Bdubs’ hands. He brought it close to his face, inspected the contents of the bottle with his brow furrowed. He glanced at Bdubs suspiciously.
Bdubs could have gotten offended by Etho’s obvious mistrust, but the vision of Etho in his arms, giggling and relaxed, was too fresh. He swallowed a laugh instead and sat at the edge of the bed. “Relax, it’s a hangover cure, not a special ‘concoction.’”
Etho, apparently satisfied by that explanation, uncorked the bottle and downed it with one swig. He grimaced at the taste, but Bdubs was no slouch at potion-making. A second later, Etho’s eyes widened. “Wow, that’s strong.”
Bdubs sat back against the bed post, crossing his arms smugly. “Now does Bdubs know his stuff or what?”
Etho sat up, tentatively, leaning against the headboard. The blankets pooled in his lap. He worried his lip, glanced towards the door and then back at Bdubs again. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
This was normally the part where Etho would be scrambling out of the room, calling goodbye over his shoulder, and Bdubs wouldn’t see him for a few weeks. But for some reason, Etho wasn’t moving from his spot on the bed. He picked at his fingernails instead.
Bdubs let the silence stretch awkwardly. He was curious where this might go.
Finally, Etho spoke up. “Did I… say anything last night?”
Bdubs bit down on the smile twitching at the corner of his lips. “You mean last night, when you broke in to my room?”
Etho pressed his lips together and nodded.
“Last night, when you climbed into bed with me?”
Stiffly, Etho nodded again.
“Yeah, you said something.”
“Bdubs,” Etho whined. His face was red with mortification.
Bdubs let out a bark of laughter and Etho glared at him. “You said cute stuff! Like how I was your happy place!”
Etho covered his face in horror. “I did not.”
“Oh, you did,” Bdubs grinned. “It’s fine, though! You don’t have to be embarrassed or anything.”
Etho groaned, his face still buried in his hands.
“You really shouldn’t be embarrassed, though.” Bdubs fidgeted, then spoke before he lost his nerve. “’Cuz I feel the same way.”
Etho slowly pulled his hands away from his face. His brow was creased, expression impossible to read.
Bdubs leapt off the bed, stomach clenching wildly. “Yup! So. I’ll see you later. Gotta get to work.” He turned to leave.
Etho lunged forward and grabbed Bdubs’ wrist. He blinked up at Bdubs, looking surprised by his own actions.
“What?” Bdubs asked.
Etho pursed his lips. “Bdubs… that’s so cheesy.”
“That’s what I said!”
Etho was just staring up at him, eyes wide. “You—“ he started, then cut himself off. His expression firmed. He rose to his knees and reeled Bdubs in by his wrist. Bdubs stumbled towards him, confused.
Etho was bracing himself for something, eyes darting around Bdubs’ face. And then, abruptly, he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to Bdubs’ lips.
Bdubs froze, heart knocking painfully against his ribs. This was… Etho was…
Etho drew back, scanned Bdubs’ face anxiously.
“Oh,” Bdubs managed to say, voice weak.
Disappointment flickered across Etho’s face.
Bdubs shook himself. Surely Etho didn’t think… Etho couldn’t think… Did he not know how Bdubs felt?
Bdubs scrambled. “No, wait, I mean… here.” Bdubs took a deep breath and smoothed his hands along Etho’s cheeks, watching Etho’s gaze soften. He pulled Etho towards him and kissed him gently. More gently than Etho’s kiss, at least. Not that it was a competition or anything.
Etho melted against Bdubs, the tension falling out of him, and then they were kissing in earnest; Etho’s mouth moving against his, hesitantly, but with more assurance after Bdubs gave an encouraging hum. They were kissing, Bdubs moving his hands to cup Etho’s jaw, tilting Etho towards him. Etho’s hands settling lightly on his waist.
Bdubs pulled back, chucking Etho affectionately under the chin. “There.”
There was a flush staining Etho’s cheeks. “What, that’s it?”
“Yeah, I got stuff to do,” Bdubs said with a smirk, rocking on his heels.
Etho narrowed his eyes.
Bdubs snorted at his expression, stomach fluttering. “I guess I could be persuaded to stay a little longer…”
Etho tugged Bdubs down on to the bed. “I don’t know why I need to persuade you, since I’m your happy place and all.”
“It doesn’t work like that! You said it first, so you can’t tease me without teasing yourself.”
Etho hardly seemed to hear him. He was staring at Bdubs mouth again, expression hungry.
“Oh, fine,” Bdubs sighed. He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I don’t have anywhere to be until… noon? Maybe? I’m yours until then.”
Etho pounced.
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shepscapades · 4 months
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7. Lincolnshire Posy: II. — Composed by Percy Grainger, Performed by the Dallas Wind Symphony
It’s been on my mind lately that I had a lot of these Spotify song requests that I finished and never got around to posting, so I’m gonna try to chip away at posting these over the next few weeks! BUT Hi Ghost :] It’s so funny this was the song you ended up getting the number for; I had actually listened to it on loop during the deepest trenches of ranchers brainrot however many months ago, so I’m really happy I ended up being able to draw something for them!! <3 This is also the part where I expose myself for being an unashamed band kid =w= Grainger’s one of my favorite composers, so I listen to his works a lot and couldn’t help associating the really soft hopeful horns with this kind of healing period for the ranchers ;w;
I probably won’t ever really go into the details of the m-1 server’s overall plot, but I think the general vibe for m-1 ranchers is that these little moments of soft sunlight and healing bones were some of the most needed for them, so that’s why scenes like this always stand out in my mind <3 Context aside though, I think m-1 ranchers are just super sweet so!! figured I’d Full-Send share this soft doodle of them :]
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briseise · 11 months
hiii for secret life requests… maybe tangskizz on their date with bdubs? owo
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i would like to also apply for secret life love island
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
rendog. you agree. reblog
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tunastime · 10 months
🦮 "Bdubs deals with the aftermath of losing the second heartbeat in his chest cavity." (i was gonna send the quacktho one but... but i wanna.... rurururururuu)
title: heaven is not fit to house a love like you and I
summary: Bdubs takes his hands, solid, firm, calloused hands. He's gotten good at it; he memorizes hands. He says: "You're always gonna be my soulmate, you hear me?" and he remembers how Impulse had laughed, the sound soft and high in his chest. But Bdubs remembers more the feeling of his blood on his hands. And when he wakes up in a hot sweat, a throbbing pain behind his eyes, it's stuck underneath his nails.
Bdubs deals with the aftermath of losing the second heartbeat in his chest cavity.
It hurts to breathe.
That's not normal, right? Bdubs lies awake in bed, hand pressed to his sternum. The heel of his hand is jammed in the space between his ribs, as if he were pushing back against the inflate of his lungs. It's mostly burning up the back of his throat, which is probably the worst part. He thinks it would be better if the burning were somewhere else, even in his eyes. They're already hurting, sore from rubbing, but his chest still feels collapsed. He's certain if he were to run his fingers along the length of his ribcage to opposite shoulder, he might find the long scar of Pearl's axe blade.
Squinting at his communicator, Bdubs tries to read the time. The answer he gets is early. Early the night after his return. Early the night after he returned, and Impulse probably woke up in another part of his own base by himself, instead of beside Bdubs, and maybe that's what hurts more than the lack of a thump in Bdubs' chest. There is a thump. But it's so much quieter than before.
He opens up the messages he's sent to Impulse. The last one is from two months prior--if not more. There, he composes a message.
He wants to say: please. it's not my fault. i know you know that. i want to say sorry. i don't think you want me to say sorry but i want to.
But instead he says: impulse. and are you doing okay?
And he leaves it at that.
(fake fic ask game)
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daisycraft · 7 months
daisy. daisy. daisy. you should've seen me in discord i was losing my mind. big beautiful brown eyes i'm ripping him to shreds with my teeth. why is he so obsessed. rendog be like 'i'm retired from reaping' when offered a kill for anyone else but someone offers a kill for bdubs and all of a sudden he's dropping everything to do it. why is he like this. the double life flashbacks were so real. i'm not normal in the slightest. hope this helps <3
rendog will literally be like is annyyyyoneeee gonna bring up how killable bdubs is and also how annoyingly infuriatingly handsome he is. i can see it in his big beautiful brown eyes im lost in them forever and they are saying that he both hates and respects me. your parallels go crazy and you're so right forever and ever
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booky-arts · 2 years
Counting Stars
990 words | ao3
Bdubs could not sleep. Etho was off working in the jungle, and Ren was usy out working on Giga Corp. On most nights like this where he can not sleep, he would either go to the basement to bug Etho or would go upstairs to bug Ren before they moved out. Tonight however, Bdubs could not sleep and did not have anyone at the monolith to hang out with.
Not wanting to just stay in the quiet of the monolith, Bdubs got out of his bed, grabbed his moss cloak, and left his room. He could not remember the last time he just sat outside by himself at night, usually he did it with Etho or Ren. It is not like it is unheard of for Bdubs to not sleep the night away, but it kind of is unheard of for him to be up and alone.
The night was warm with the moon being full and big up in the black abyss above him. Bdubs had to stop and remind himself that the moon was not going to come crashing down on him again as he was leaving the monolith. Xisuma himself had found him one day while he was working to personally reassure Bdubs that the moon would not crash down again. He had known that Xisuma had sought him out that day because Bdubs had a panic attack the night before when walking out with Etho. Despite this fact though, it was nice to have the server admin personally reassure him that he would never have to deal with that trauma again. It was going to take some time, but he was slowly getting more and more okay with seeing the moon in the night sky.
The firepit in front of the tower had a decent stack of wood in it from the last time that Bdubs had planned on having a fire but did not. Bdubs walked over to the chest next to the sitting logs and pulled out his flint and steel, taking it to the firepit and started his fire. Returning the fire starter, he grabbed out one of his outdoor blankets and made himself comfortable on one of the sitting logs. He had the blanket laying over his lap and his cloak wrapping around his shoulders, making him feel comfy and cozy in front of the fire. Bdubs was watching the night sky, admiring the soft twinkling of the stars when he saw a shooting star.
Now a shooting star was not something new to Bdubs, he had seen plenty of them before. What he had not seen when it came to shooting stars, was them shooting and falling right out of the sky. He had watched it soar right into the forest right by where his base was set up. Bdubs had debated just ignoring what he had seen and staying at the fire where he was comfortable. He knew that he was not going to do that though because Bdubs was not known for his ability to ignore his curiosity, especially when he is bored. 
Getting up to put out the fire and put the blanket away, Bdubs went into the monolith to grab his lantern before going on his scavenger hunt for the fallen star. He did not even know what he was going to do if he found the star. Was he just going to leave it in the forest? Was he going to take it to Xisuma and find out why it fell out of the night sky? Was he just going to keep it for himself? Bdubs had a feeling he was going to do just that, keep the star and probably use it for decoration in his base somewhere.
After spending what felt like well over an hour of searching, Bdubs was ready to just call off the search and write off the falling star as seeing things. He was ready to head back to the tower and hopefully be able to go to sleep in his bed once he was back. Just when he was about to turn back, there was a slight twinkling that caught his eye just ahead of Bdubs. Deciding not to give up, he strolled up to where the twinkling was coming from.
As Bdubs approached the source of the soft twinkling light, he found the star in a small divot in the ground where it had landed. The small glowing orb had a beautifully warm yellow glow that illuminated the ground around it. Bduubs hesitantly knelt down to pick up the star, finding it surprisingly cool in his hands despite the warm glow. Even though Bdubs knew that wishing on a shooting star was meant for one in the sky, he still found himself cupping the star in his hands and closing his eyes to make a wish.
After a few minutes of basking in the silence of the night, Bdubs opened his eyes and carefully placed the small star into his pocket and started heading back to his bed. Bdubs felt a nice comforting sense of peace with the star in his pocket as he made his way back. Once he was back in his room, he carefully placed the star on the table next to his bed before getting himself comfortable in his bed and had the best sleep he had had in a while.
The next day, Bdubs decided that he was going to carry the star around with him, to kind of be his good luck charm. As he was getting ready to head out to do some work on his base, Etho and Ren stopped by, asking if he wanted to hang out for the day. Bdubs had agreed, silently thanking his little star for granting his wish. He did not even know if the star had granted his wish, but he did not think that it really mattered all that much in the moment.
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venihime · 2 years
i offer… rentho and 11 for the ship ask game…
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
OHHHH my gosh okay so!! I think they both really like pet names. I feel like Ren would still get a bit flustered about the fact that it's Etho that he's talking to so casually so he'd like slip in pet names here and there but he usually addresses Etho by his name, or like his usual "my dude" and such. With Etho I. I think he's not likely to use pet names without prompting but when Ren casually calls him things like babe or darling, Etho would kind of use it in return. When he realizes it's something that catches Ren off guard and makes him a bit flustered, he'd like dropping it on Ren at random because he thinks its cute and its fun to watch him try to gather his bearings afterwards yk?
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
DVEGNHRMRB ILL CRY W YOU EYEUEUEEUEUE its just very good and like. My brain understands its shapes and you know how they tell you to practice drawing by like emulating art you see as a method of figuring out how to make the shapes work coming out of your own hand so that you can figure out how to like. Do that????? Idk does this make sense. Anyway i really like your art and its inspired me to keep trying to like mine eueueueueeueueueueueue
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ellalily · 2 years
📝👉👈 if ur still taking them hehe
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thatgrainfellow · 2 years
33 and/or 72 for the spotify wrapped!
33. becoming the lastnames, will wood is all over my top songs, throw a dart and nine out of ten times it's will wood 💀
72. tears over beers, scarian song and i will not elaborate
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catmaidetho · 2 years
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links to the all the art and artists are under the cut! :D
ranartical / redixis / wolfythewitch
binibiningdarna / saphusia / lunarcrown
beethubs / ranartical / babygirlbdubs
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shepscapades · 2 years
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What if you and your besties got bullied by the rift and got thrown into a hardcore server that was broken and death meant erasure of memories… and we were all boys… hahaha just kidding. unless?
(aka. in which the monolith server (left to right me, @tunastime, @oh-snapperss, @briseise, and @babygirlbdubs) has created the uhhhh au ever through hardcore mc server shenanigans :]
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briseise · 2 years
hiiii honey… mayhaps some spare rentho? :3c
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shhhh don’t disturb them… they’re eeping
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
ren is typically a massive flirt, and will take just about any opportunity given to engage in some flirtation, either platonic or romantic. however, he gets very flustered and nervous around etho, and doesn't want to risk making things awkward or showing how much etho flusters him, so he doesn't ever really engage in blatant flirtation with etho. etho flirts with ren, trying to get ren to just flirt back already, but for some reason ren won't bite. etho decides to make this a personal challenge, and flirts more and more blatantly every time. at first, y'know, it was showing him where his secret chest was, then playing along with ren's red king/army thing, then whatever the hell last life rentho were on... more and more until he literally blatantly asks ren to cuddle with him at the boat race campsite. ren meanwhile is quietly dying inside, not knowing if etho is flirting with him or just being nice, and keeps trying to find ways to deflect that don't seem mean/rude. at this point, etho has bets with a few of the hermits (doc, beef, bdubs...) on how far he can go before ren finally realizes
HELP HELLO??? yeah i'll accept this LMAOOOOOO
i don't really have much to add to this but you know i'm literally always down to talk about rentho in dms pppspspspspspspspspspspspsps (everyone look away i swear i'm normal about rentho. yeag)
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tunastime · 2 years
ranchers for bingo.... (ur welcome /silly)
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i can be normal about ranchers i promise. i promise i can be so so so normal. i'm fine about them.
19 notes · View notes