#this is a palette cleanser for you and me :)
viviraptor-art · 8 months
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after their loss in battle city, two former champions take a moment to confide in each other.
i've always wondered how a relationship between these two would pan out behind the scenes... would they already consider themselves "friends" once battle city rolls around, or still just fellow duelists? either way, weevil doesn't seem to care much for personal space.
bonus close-up and sketch under the cut:
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(the emote i drew beside them really speaks for itself)
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swamp-chicken · 2 years
for the writing prompts, maybe ethubs with “you’re my happy place” “dont get cheesy on me” hehe - 👻
Sorry you waited a month for this LOL
happy place 2903 words // cw intoxication, alcohol use
Bdubs was fast asleep, dreaming of something pleasant like horsies or rabbits, when he was woken abruptly by a loud clatter. Bdubs was instantly wide awake. Bdubs’ clock, barely visible in the moonlight, showed it was past midnight.
The monolith was mob-proof, but Bdubs had still been surprised a few times. Once, he had been woken up by a rogue skeleton that must have snuck in a window. Now… he peered through the dark, eyes focusing immediately on a shadow closing in on him. Bdubs shrieked and flung a pillow at the creature.
“Agh! Bdubs, it’s me!”
Bdubs slowly lowered the second pillow he held at the ready. “Etho?”
The figure drew nearer, and yup, it was Etho, hair shining silver in the moonlight. He stumbled into Bdubs’ nightstand. “Ow.”
Bdubs frowned. “Um, what are you doing here? Are you okay?” Bdubs kept Etho’s bedroom in the basement clean in case Etho wanted somewhere to crash near spawn, but this was very much not Etho’s bedroom.
“‘M fine,” Etho said, “just wanted to see you.” He tipped forwards onto Bdubs bed.
Bdubs scrambled back towards the wall. “Are you… are you drunk?” No. Impossible. Bdubs had known Etho for years, and the guy—while he had no issue consuming massive amounts of caffeine—mostly steered clear of alcohol.
In fact, Bdubs had only seen Etho drink once before. An evening long, long ago, in another world with another group of people. A little server get-together. They had been much younger then, Bdubs still tripping over himself to impress Etho. His stomach had given a flip, then, when Etho had chosen to sit next to him.
They were sitting on the ground, a couple of nearby dirt-and-timber houses the only infrastructure in this newly-discovered world. Genny passed some beers to Bdubs, and Bdubs offered one to Etho just to be polite. Etho had always demurred in the past, choosing instead to quietly watch them all make drunken fools of themselves. Usually he would cut out early, when things started to get too rowdy, and went back to his base alone. That night, though, Etho had taken the proffered beer from Bdubs’ hand with a shy smile.
Bdubs grinned. “You finally joining us plebs?”
“It’s a special occasion,” Etho defended, cracking open the can. “New world and everything.”
It was a new world, Bdubs marveled. Unexplored, unbuilt, and Etho sitting at his side.
The conversation that night was winding, people making plans, making toasts. Bdubs quickly learned that Etho laughed more when he drank. Bdubs liked making his friends laugh, he liked entertaining them, but there was something special about the way Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side while he laughed breathlessly. Something that made Bdubs’ chest warm.
As the night wore on, Etho leaned into Bdubs’ side more and more heavily, and Bdubs increasingly began to put on a performance for one.
“Hey, are you two listening?” Guude’s voice snagged Bdubs attention.
He reluctantly unstuck himself from Etho’s side. “What’d I miss?”
Guude gestured around the circle. “We’re deciding who’s building the nether hub this season. No one’s volunteered.”
Bdubs glanced around the group, most of whom were sitting silently. He cleared his throat. “I mean, Genny and I worked on the expansion last season… If you really needed someone, I guess I could…”
Etho leaned forward. “I’ll do it,” he said.
Bdubs glanced at him sidelong. “Really?”
Etho shrugged, smiled at Bdubs. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
Bdubs found himself smiling back. “Yeah, it could be fun. I’ll help, too.”
Guude stifled a laugh. “Then that’s that. You guys are the nether hub team. Now you can go back to… whatever you were doing.” The group started chattering to each other again, a tone of relief in their voices.
Bdubs turned to Etho. “You know, they’re going to hold you to that. You can’t wiggle out of it by claiming you were under the influence.” Bdubs grimaced, remembering some past promises he had made while tipsy.
“I know.” Etho seemed unconcerned. “I really have been wanting to work on something big. A community project.” He hesitated a moment. “Something with you.”
“Aww,” Bdubs said. It took every ounce of his dwindling self-control not to leap to his feet and punch the air. Etho wanted to work with him. “Well, it’s going to be awesome. Got any building ideas in that genius head of yours?”
Etho settled back against Bdubs’ side. “Maybe,” he said, fighting a smile. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“It’s gonna be so cool,” Bdubs blabbered. “I want to do something massive. Something with a dome? Like, a cathedral or something—”
Etho laughed, stifling a yawn.
Bdubs broke off. “Hey,” he said, wrapping an arm around Etho. “Tired?”
Etho nodded into Bdubs’ shoulder. “Should probably go to bed.”
Bdubs stood, brushing the dirt off his pants. “Come on, then.” He offered Etho a hand.
Etho rose to his feet, stumbling into Bdubs as he did. He was maybe a little more drunk than he seemed.
Bdubs was, too. “I’ll walk you back to your house. Protect you from any creepers.”
Etho snorted, leaning forward into Bdubs space, so close that Bdubs’ heart skipped a beat. “Right, you’ll protect me.”
Bdubs straightened indignantly. “What, you don’t believe me? I’m a stone-cold monster killing machine. Creepers run from me, skeletons cower in fear!”
Etho was giggling helplessly. He pulled Bdubs towards him and it took a moment for Bdubs to realize he was being hugged. “I’m so glad I met you, Bdubs,” Etho said into Bdubs’ hair, voice curling with fondness.
“O-Oh—“ Bdubs stuttered, his heart suddenly pounding. “That’s very… You’re sweet.”
Etho pulled back and his eyes were crinkled into a smile, warm. “I think I can make it back on my own. Thanks for offering, though.” His gaze traced over Bdubs’ face, lingering long enough that heat rose in Bdubs’ cheeks. “Goodnight.”
Bdubs swallowed. “‘Night,” he replied, but Etho was already walking away.
That had been the first and last time Bdubs had seen Etho drunk. After that, he kept up with his old habits. Refusing drinks, leaving before things got too rowdy. But something had changed between them. The warmth that blossomed in Bdubs’ chest when he saw Etho, the answering warmth in Etho’s eyes. The nether hub that they had sunk countless hours into, that had turned out even more glorious than Bdubs had imagined.
It had been a good night.
And now here Etho was, lying facedown in Bdubs’ bed and very clearly intoxicated.
“N’mnk,” Etho said, muffled against the blanket.
“Come again?"
Etho wiggled forwards, swinging his legs on to the bed.
“Shoes!” Bdubs shrilled.
Etho huffed against the mattress and kicked his shoes off. They landed on the floor with a thud. He turned his head to the side, out of the way of the blanket, and tried again. “‘M not drunk. Cub had me test some new potions.”
“Right… potions.”
“I was walking by Keralis’s place, and he and XB invited me in, asked me to try Cub’s new concoction…” Etho trailed off, blinking into the distance. “Oh my goodness. Those were drinks. I am drunk.”
Bdubs laughed. “What, you didn’t know?”
Etho seemed a little dazed. “I was wondering why Keralis seemed so surprised when I agreed to take a shot.”
Bdubs choked. “They were shots?”
Etho glanced at Bdubs and cracked up.
“Oh, brother,” Bdubs snickered, unable to hold in his own laughter. “You need a chaperone.”
Etho squirmed himself further onto the bed. “Maybe.”
Bdubs smiled down at him. “I kept your place downstairs just how you left it. Want me to get you set up down there?”
Etho hummed noncommittally.
“Ah,” Bdubs said. “You want to stay up here so I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Etho giggled and wiggled closer. He was practically in Bdubs’ arms by now. “Yeah, that’s it.”
Bdubs heart gave a little thrill, like it did every time Etho came near. Right, a story. He cleared his throat with a dramatic flair. “Once upon a time there was a guy name Etho. He was an okay redstoner, I guess. Maybe even decent. Then one day he met Bdubs, who taught him everything he knew…”
Etho laughed. His face was very close. “I think I know this one.”
Bdubs wanted to smooth the hair out of Etho’s eyes but he kept his hands firmly where they were. One propping his head up, the other braced against the bed, almost curled against Etho’s chest.
“You’ll let me stay the night, right?” Etho asked, quietly.
“Of course.” Bdubs’ mouth was dry.
Etho’s eyes were shining in the dark. He reached out and cupped Bdubs’ face, hand warm. Bdubs was frozen, he felt pinned down by the featherlight touch of Etho’s thumb tracing the line of his cheek. “You always take such good care of me,” Etho murmured. “Thank you.”
Void knows you need it. The quip was right there, ready to be lobbed at Etho so the moment could be laughed off and Bdubs could roll over and go back to sleep.
Bdubs didn’t want to laugh the moment off. He nervously wet his lips with his tongue, Etho distractedly tracking the movement with his eyes. “Well, I care,” Bdubs said instead. A little too honest, a little too exposing.
Etho smiled. He pulled his hand off Bdubs’ cheek but shifted closer, Bdubs’ knuckles bumping against his sternum. Bdubs lifted his hand obligingly and then Etho was actually in his arms, smiling at him dopily. Bdubs stroked his hand down Etho’s back and tentatively dropped the arm propping his head up, lowering himself down until he and Etho were level, their noses almost touching. They made uncomfortable eye contact for a long moment.
At least, it was uncomfortable on Bdubs’ end, his heart rushing in his ears, feeling like he had just scraped off a layer of skin telling Etho he cared. Etho seemed completely at ease, however, his eyelids lowering with each second that passed. Bdubs snorted. Etho was falling asleep.
“Hey,” Bdubs said, wanting to get an answer before Etho nodded off, wanting to at least try and level the playing field. “Why did you come see me? Really.”
Etho’s eyes were mostly closed. “Bedtime story,” he said, and chuckled at his own joke.
Bdubs rolled his eyes.
“No—“ Etho’s voice was so quiet Bdubs had to strain to hear it, despite how close they were lying. “I told you, I just wanted to see you. You’re my happy place.”
Bdubs felt like he had been hit by a truck. “Don’t—don’t get cheesy on me,” he stammered.
Etho blinked one eye open, peeking at Bdubs face. He flushed at whatever he saw there, then resolutely rolled over, his back to Bdubs.
“Hey!” Bdubs whispered hoarsely.
There was an unmistakable smile in Etho's voice when he murmured, “Goodnight.”
Bdubs woke early, like usual. Etho was still passed out in his bed, snoring soundly. He had rolled back towards Bdubs in the night, tucking his head against Bdubs’ shoulder. Looking at Etho curled against him, there was a pressure in Bdubs’ chest that was almost painful. He didn’t want to investigate it too deeply
Bdubs decided to get up instead. He carefully dislodged himself from Etho’s embrace, dressing himself and dithering around his room. Etho didn’t budge the whole time. Bdubs stood in his doorway for an extra moment, watching Etho sleep, before remembering himself. Right, he had things to do today.
His first task was some inventory-taking. His storage was a mess by now, shulkers practically carpeting the floor of the monolith. He sorted through them until he found what he needed for his next project, organizing it as he went. After an hour there still hadn’t been a noise from the bedroom. Bdubs was a little concerned by now.
Bdubs had an old potion recipe tucked up his sleeve, one that had come in handy after many a late evening with good company and good drinks. He didn’t use it that much these days, but he could still brew it without much thought or effort. He was only a few minutes at his brewing stand. Bdubs stoppered the bottle and carried the final product upstairs.
Etho was still lying in Bdubs’ bed, covers drawn up to his nose. His eyes were open. He gave a guilty start as Bdubs walked in.
“How are you feeling?” Bdubs asked dryly.
“Horrible,” Etho answered. His voice was muffled by the blanket.
Bdubs snorted. “Here, try this.” He held the potion out.
Etho’s snuck an arm out from under the covers and snatched the potion out of Bdubs’ hands. He brought it close to his face, inspected the contents of the bottle with his brow furrowed. He glanced at Bdubs suspiciously.
Bdubs could have gotten offended by Etho’s obvious mistrust, but the vision of Etho in his arms, giggling and relaxed, was too fresh. He swallowed a laugh instead and sat at the edge of the bed. “Relax, it’s a hangover cure, not a special ‘concoction.’”
Etho, apparently satisfied by that explanation, uncorked the bottle and downed it with one swig. He grimaced at the taste, but Bdubs was no slouch at potion-making. A second later, Etho’s eyes widened. “Wow, that’s strong.”
Bdubs sat back against the bed post, crossing his arms smugly. “Now does Bdubs know his stuff or what?”
Etho sat up, tentatively, leaning against the headboard. The blankets pooled in his lap. He worried his lip, glanced towards the door and then back at Bdubs again. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
This was normally the part where Etho would be scrambling out of the room, calling goodbye over his shoulder, and Bdubs wouldn’t see him for a few weeks. But for some reason, Etho wasn’t moving from his spot on the bed. He picked at his fingernails instead.
Bdubs let the silence stretch awkwardly. He was curious where this might go.
Finally, Etho spoke up. “Did I… say anything last night?”
Bdubs bit down on the smile twitching at the corner of his lips. “You mean last night, when you broke in to my room?”
Etho pressed his lips together and nodded.
“Last night, when you climbed into bed with me?”
Stiffly, Etho nodded again.
“Yeah, you said something.”
“Bdubs,” Etho whined. His face was red with mortification.
Bdubs let out a bark of laughter and Etho glared at him. “You said cute stuff! Like how I was your happy place!”
Etho covered his face in horror. “I did not.”
“Oh, you did,” Bdubs grinned. “It’s fine, though! You don’t have to be embarrassed or anything.”
Etho groaned, his face still buried in his hands.
“You really shouldn’t be embarrassed, though.” Bdubs fidgeted, then spoke before he lost his nerve. “’Cuz I feel the same way.”
Etho slowly pulled his hands away from his face. His brow was creased, expression impossible to read.
Bdubs leapt off the bed, stomach clenching wildly. “Yup! So. I’ll see you later. Gotta get to work.” He turned to leave.
Etho lunged forward and grabbed Bdubs’ wrist. He blinked up at Bdubs, looking surprised by his own actions.
“What?” Bdubs asked.
Etho pursed his lips. “Bdubs… that’s so cheesy.”
“That’s what I said!”
Etho was just staring up at him, eyes wide. “You—“ he started, then cut himself off. His expression firmed. He rose to his knees and reeled Bdubs in by his wrist. Bdubs stumbled towards him, confused.
Etho was bracing himself for something, eyes darting around Bdubs’ face. And then, abruptly, he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to Bdubs’ lips.
Bdubs froze, heart knocking painfully against his ribs. This was… Etho was…
Etho drew back, scanned Bdubs’ face anxiously.
“Oh,” Bdubs managed to say, voice weak.
Disappointment flickered across Etho’s face.
Bdubs shook himself. Surely Etho didn’t think… Etho couldn’t think… Did he not know how Bdubs felt?
Bdubs scrambled. “No, wait, I mean… here.” Bdubs took a deep breath and smoothed his hands along Etho’s cheeks, watching Etho’s gaze soften. He pulled Etho towards him and kissed him gently. More gently than Etho’s kiss, at least. Not that it was a competition or anything.
Etho melted against Bdubs, the tension falling out of him, and then they were kissing in earnest; Etho’s mouth moving against his, hesitantly, but with more assurance after Bdubs gave an encouraging hum. They were kissing, Bdubs moving his hands to cup Etho’s jaw, tilting Etho towards him. Etho’s hands settling lightly on his waist.
Bdubs pulled back, chucking Etho affectionately under the chin. “There.”
There was a flush staining Etho’s cheeks. “What, that’s it?”
“Yeah, I got stuff to do,” Bdubs said with a smirk, rocking on his heels.
Etho narrowed his eyes.
Bdubs snorted at his expression, stomach fluttering. “I guess I could be persuaded to stay a little longer…”
Etho tugged Bdubs down on to the bed. “I don’t know why I need to persuade you, since I’m your happy place and all.”
“It doesn’t work like that! You said it first, so you can’t tease me without teasing yourself.”
Etho hardly seemed to hear him. He was staring at Bdubs mouth again, expression hungry.
“Oh, fine,” Bdubs sighed. He glanced at the clock on the wall. “I don’t have anywhere to be until… noon? Maybe? I’m yours until then.”
Etho pounced.
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phantomram-b00 · 5 months
Bro I swear I’m not trying to be an uncultured swine but another sound of music clip pop up and I’m like “I understand Aziraphale now-“ like- bro. 🥲
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lacependragon · 2 months
The Bluey channel on Youtube posted Dad Baby a few days ago.
I'm going to take a guess and say they posted Dad Baby because it's not on Disney+, which is probably where a lot of non-Australians watch the show. But yeah, if you've never seen Dad Baby, go watch it on Youtube. On the Bluey channel. It's free!
And it's probably the second best episode of the show, tbh.
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oh-gh0st · 11 months
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um. hai......... publicly posting about them now (wow! be Quiet). ill give context under the cut (hope u guys like reading ^-^)
so its the first year that ghost is living in akatsuka and as per annual tradition the town hosts a festival to celebrate their shrine. choromatsu asked a week prior while hanging out with ghost on their library shift if they were going to go, but they told him they were still thinking about it. it was sort of obvious they weren't because they got annoyed whenever he asked. like they didn't even want the topic brung up… he was a little disappointed because he wanted to see them there, but they didn't seem like they were interested. afterall they had declined plans to hang out previously because they weren't that much of a social-lite. imagine his surprise when they said they would go! oh he was over the moon when he got home that day…. his brothers were quite pissed at him for subtly rubbing it in their faces, but they were also a bit jealous. ah well.
he was awestruck when finally met up with them outside their home. they had a muted, deep crimson yukata on with a very pale green obi tied around their waist. they looked amazing… he had a hard time keeping his eyes off of them the whole night when they walked around. obviously im not going elaborate, but you know what i mean…. coughing. anyways at the end of the night the town hosts a big fireworks celebration to honor the shrine. choromatsu asks ghost if they would like to join him and his family. theyre hesitant, but they do eventually agree. they decide to go back to the family a bit earlier than the other brothers, and this is where matsuyo gets intoduced properly to ghost. as a mom is, she's all over them, absolutely adoring how pretty they looked.
the rest of the siblings arrive, and theyre all teasing choro for bringing a "girl" over to the family blanket. after a bit more moments of teasing, ghost gets up and walks off, visibly annoyed. after scolding his brothers for teasing, he gets up and follows ghost, arriving at the top of the hill overseaing the rest of the families and people. it's a few moments right before the fireworks start. he asks them if theyre alright, and apologizes for his brother's behavior. theyre awfully quiet. theyre usually not this quiet….. hes starting to get a bit worried. 'are you okay…?' '… i need to tell you something.' they start.
choro doesnt say anything back initially because hes enamored with how they look. it helps that it was a clear night and that the moon was out, because the moonlight was hitting their face just right. they looked so cute, but they were blushing like mad. not even a scowl or an angry expression evident on their face…they were staring off to the side. the fireworks are getting prepared, matches lit to light the strings. ghost, in an instant, grabs choro's hands. their touch was warm but cold at the same time, bringing an oddly comforting chill to choromatsu. 'promise you wont laugh. or think it's stupid. please…' he looked down at them, their eyes flicking up to him through their lenses. '…i wont. i wouldnt ever do that, i promise.' he tightened his hands in theirs. the fireworks were about to go off any second now, as the crack of them lighting sounded throughout the area. families and people got ready, the anticipation boiling up to the brim in them.
ghost takes a breath, and stands up straight. they're looking dead at him, but their brows are furrowed upwards. they take a breath and start to speak. choro could feel how nervous they were, as a slight shudder was now noticeable in their hands. And as the first firework shot up into the sky, the ear-piercing sound ringing into everyones ears, ghost spoke. 'i love you, choromatsu matsuno.'
fireworks went off rapidly, loud booms looming throughout the sound of the night. but choro didn't pay attention to a single one of them. his eyes widened as he registered their words, his cheeks rising in heat tenfold. he just stared, too stunned to speak… no it had to be impossible. how could ghost love him if they hated his guts, beat him up whenever they got into an argument… scoffed at him with such a crimson face whenever he was right? but… he liked it. he liked them. liked them more than just a friend… more than just that. when he realized he had been staring for a while, he shook his head and stared at them. his mouth still hasn't closed. he stammered, but eventually found his footing. 'i… are you… you do?' 'yes. i do.' they replied through gritted teeth, looking away again. they were upset… did they think he hated the confession? but he didn't, that's the thing! so, knowing the one thing that wouldn't make them upset, he pulled them into a hug, pressing his cheek against their head. he leaned down to their ear, '…i love you too. i love you so much…' his voice was wavering. he was nervous. ghost stared ahead, now their turn to be stunned. as they processed his words, they playfully scoffed, slowly bringing their arms around his waist. they both stayed like that for a while. they might've missed the fireworks, but this was so much better.
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mightymizora · 5 months
Glimgale anything and everything honestly I love them so much I like the sweet fluff and the smut all of its very good. Glimgale my beloved
Maybe… maybe I’ll circle all the way back to the longfic?
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opticblasting · 1 year
why are flash fans acting like si spurrier is the worst thing to have graced planet earth just because he accepted a job lol. you guys need to recognise that comic creators aren’t as rich as you think they are, a lot of people live from paycheck to paycheck.
spurrier is a very good writer (read suicide squad blaze, hellblazer, way of x, legion of x, damn them all, step by bloody step, the detective comics backups and coda) but he has yet to work on a character that’s extremely popular and very relevant to the public sphere. of course he’d take up the offer to write flash.
does it suck that jeremy adams got booted and couldn’t tell all his stories? absolutely. but he wrote a 36 issue long run, that’s a lot longer than how a lot of runs go these days. it’s also a part of the business, that’s just how it is.
sure, talk about how there could be two flash books in the same vein as batman/detective & superman/action, i agree! but stop trying to villainize one writer over it, everyone is looking for their big break.
talking about an ego and all that is nuts, remember that creatives are real people just like us.
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labyrynth · 2 years
i saw this opinion recently that was like
“jgy was doing horrible irredeemable things and showed no sign of stopping (so huaisang was 100% justified in ruining him)”
except that looking at the handful of events we’re aware of, only two, maybe three are things jin guangshan didn’t order jgy to do…and all of them were years ago.
the first is burning down the brothel. the next one is obviously killing jin guangshan. the last one, if it’s something you choose to believe through the ambiguity (i don’t—more under the cut), is killing rusong.
so even if we assume that IS something that jgy did, that was still something like 6-8yrs before the present.
other than that? jin guangyao’s most notable actions as sect leader and chief cultivator were eliminating corruption, and establishing public safety infrastructure. at some point he cut ties with xue yang, though we don’t know how that happened. we don’t hear about anything else.
so uh…sure. jgy showed “no sign of stopping”…much in same way a sleeping bear shows “no sign of stopping.” yes, theoretically dangerous, but not doing anything right now. and you can’t exactly show that you’re stopping if you’re not going to begin with.
jgy really isn’t a threat until he’s threatened—all of the the individuals that he specifically made the decision to kill were, in some way, threatening his ability to exist. when given the agency to make decisions without endangering himself or his loved ones, he genuinely just chills, or chooses to do good.
if you decide to slap a sleeping bear in the ass, anything the bear does in response is kind of on you.
(more about why i don’t think jgy killed rusong or had him killed below)
the text is super ambiguous about rusong. like we just don’t hear much about him in any context.
estimate for when rusong died:
jgy got married before jin guangshan died, which supposedly was about 11yrs prior. qin su was pregnant at the time they married, so rusong would have been about 11-12 in the present. sect leader yao says that rusong died around when formal education would have begun, so we can assume he was somewhere between 4-6yo. hence, 6-8 years ago.
“i killed my father, my brother, my wife, my son…”
jgy says he killed “his son,” which seems like a clear cut confession, but he also says that he killed “his brother,” and “his wife,” both of which we know are technically false.
zixuan dies onscreen, killed by wen ning as a result of wei wuxian having lost control. jgy did not intend for zixuan to die, nor did he officially kill him, but jgy does still feel responsible. he clearly feels responsible for qin su as well, but quite frankly, i don’t buy the theory that he literally mind controlled her into killing herself (mind control?? really???).
the official story: isn’t it “convenient”
we also know the official story about what happened. many clans were opposed to the watchtowers for a variety of reasons: e.g. they didn’t want to pay for them, didn’t want to staff them, thought that jgy was overstepping by centralizing public safety, thought that jgy was overstepping because jgy was jin guangyao, bastard son of a whore, etc. (the “supervisory office” thing is officially cql only; the reasons above are just the norm in politics). one of the smaller clans was particularly opposed, and had rusong assassinated to send a message to jgy.
sect leader yao also speculates that jgy killed rusong to cover up the fact that his whore-blooded cough i mean his child of incest was “deficient” (you’re not slick, sect leader yao) and then goes off about how “perfectly convenient” it was that the clan that despised jin guangyao and his watchtower plan “just so happened” to attack the son of the guy they more or less wanted dead.
“convenient.” sure. okay.
“it’s the perfect excuse.” yeah. because it probably isn’t an excuse. literally why would “parent murders child because child may potentially possibly struggle with learning & social interaction” be more plausible than “political agent has his political enemy’s son assassinated to send him a message”?
kill sparingly, kill quietly: they should die as they lived.
so the likelihood that rusong was actually assassinated is pretty high, but furthermore, jgy tends to only kill when he feels like he has to, and when jgy killed both jin guangshan and nie mingjue, he specifically used methods that wouldn’t stand out.
jin guangshan, a man with a reputation for his indulgence in sex and alcohol, died from overindulgence during an “orgy”. nie mingjue, a man whose family has a history of qi deviating and dying young, has a qi deviation and dies after many months of clear decline. they died exactly according to the ways that they lived.
most children are not assassinated for political reasons, so we can assume that it drew a LOT of attention at the time, and probably a lot of scrutiny as well. would it have really been worth the risk? worth the attention? worth the grief it caused qin su? we already know that jgy would prefer to spare qin su from bearing unnecessary burdens, so the answer to all of it is “probably not.”
again: there was a fair amount of opposition to jgy’s watchtower plans. framing a clan for the murder of your son WOULD be very efficient in removing that clan as opposition, but that doesn’t do anything about any of the other opposing clans. the benefit is far too small for the cost.
anyway the end
#mdzs#mdzs meta#jin guangyao#mdzs talk#jgy tag#mxtx talk#i just wanted to talk about my little meowmeow as a bit of a palette cleanser#too much discourse about jiang cheng recently and some of it really absurd#but yeah i just saw that take and i was like. what are you talking about.#jgy hasn’t done ANYTHING in YEARS.#he’s been minding his own goddamn business and investing in public infrastructure#it sounds like jgy has been doing a lot more good than nhs has been at the very least#nhs after 13yrs of running his sect’s reputation into the ground:#*resurrects the Biggedt Bad gets multiple sect leaders killed and throws the whole cultivation world into disarray*#nhs: uwu my work here is done. dage you would be so proud of me. i killed that stinky murderer AND everyone he cares about#what have YOU been doing the whole time nhs??? what good have YOU done for ANYONE??#you helped like TWO people. MAYBE three. AND YOU STILL HAD TO DRIVE SOMEONE TO SUICIDE TO DO IT.#independent of everything else!!#how many problems did you sow and then walk away all ‘well that’s just none of my business uwu’#YOU MADE A MESS. FIX IT.#god like i love nhs but he’s SUCH a flaky bitch#comes in makes a mess and leaves#smh anyway#some of y’all seem like u watch those horror movies#where the villain is like ‘i have forced you into extenuating circumstances to show you how evil you really are :)’#and then u walk away like ‘wow…people really ARE evil…that villain was right to put them into extenuating circumstances to show them that.’#like how do you miss the point THAT badly#anyway i’m done
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shevour · 9 months
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before i start my commit to the bit evil bad end run w illyra let me drop my high elf selûne cleric eir in the chat rq
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seconddoubt · 2 years
I've been tagged to post five songs I'm currently obsessed with plenty of times without doing it i think by @repurposedmeatlocker @vintagecocacolainthesun @rhubarb-rhubarb-rhubarb and @mysunnygirlfriend, so here goes:
behind that locked door - george harrison
goldwatch - donovan
it's my party - lesley gore
the needle and the damage done - neil young
nothing's gonna change my clothes - they might be giants
I'll be tagging @qarlands @rattears1991 @ratscabies @head1968 @rhythmicquietude + if you see this and want to do this you are now tagged by me
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stellorc · 2 years
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I'm leaving my cave to offer a wee wip of mine for u.
I wish I had something finished to show, but I decided to take my sweet time painting this. It's been a nice thing to work on my free evenings. A year ago the delay would've drive me mad, I was always impatient to be done with things. Too afraid that being slow meant being bad. Now I'm trying to be more mindful and gentle with myself. Turns out this makes the process more fun and, oh boy, I get to learn so much.
It's also nice to make something soft. Sounds silly, but after surrounding myself with 'serious art' at college for so long, it's easy for me to dismiss softness. I still love my dramatic bloody subjects, but I will try to honor the hopeful romantic goblin who lives inside of me.
I feel like I'm repeating myself but thanks for the heartwarming support, folks. You people are ridiculously nice and kind, thank you so much <3
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atlasllm · 2 years
grown man yells at cloud
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
I genuinely get too nervous when something goes wrong in the sims. I need to do a really chaotic challenge to get out of my comfort zone
#i had a mod conflict that caused my sims to start autonomously putting food away (to use as leftovers) before other sims (who were hungry)#could eat it#it wasn’t much of a problem on residential lots but in college.. oh boy#at one point one of my sims was just standing next to the dorm chef chucking everything he’d made straight in the fridge#i was like girl are you prepping for the apocalypse?? that mac and cheese will not save you#it was more chaotic in shared housing though because the girls had to cook for themselves#and whenever i tried to have somebody serve a meal; one of the others would immediately appear to whisk the serving plate away#it was TOO much#so i removed the mods that were causing it and i’m thinking about also moving the girls off that lot because honestly it’s just not good#they keep flooding the shower room and then complaining and also for some reason everyone ignores the private bedrooms with double beds#in favour of boning down on the sofa. which is just TOO awkward for me#the composition of this household is two sisters and their respective girlfriends#so at one point one couple was banging on the couch; the sister of one of them was like ‘this isn’t going to interrupt my workout’#and was doing press-ups right next to them??? and the fourth sim was just sitting in the armchair right next to them studying#i do find it really comical but it’s obvious that a change of living arrangements is necessary#the other thing that was happening was i kept getting this bizarre glitch where my sim would reset in the middle of an action#their whole queue would empty and they’d cease doing whatever they were doing. like completely. if they were painting; the painting#would disappear. if they’d just made a plate of spaghetti it was GONE#which obviously stressed me because i was like ‘if this happens when someone is starving they might not have time to feed themselves before#they straight up die.’ i took out a bunch of mods and eventually fixed it#i think i had a mod that was for a later expansion pack than i have. i only have the super collection so anything that’s made#for apartment life can’t be in my game#i swear i didn’t used to be this neurotic about my sims. i don’t know what happened#i need to do an isbi as a palette cleanser. get comfortable with chaos again#personal
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miharuhebinata · 6 months
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myshunosun · 3 months
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Rosa Bathroom
Finally, a new bathroom set! Rosa Bathroom includes new functional bathroom essentials, as well as new décor items.
Read more about the items and check out the in-game preview below.
Download (always free on Patreon) / Follow and support me
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Here's what you get:
Toilet, 12 swatches
Sink, 12 swatches
Shower, 12 swatches
Towel holder, 16 swatches
Wall mirror, 6 swatches
Cleanser set, 6 swatches
Lotion, 8 swatches
Cream set, 6 swatches
Here’s some more info and credits:
Base game compatible
New meshes, all LODs
Custom specular and normal maps
Custom catalog thumbnails, tagged swatches
Swatches come from my personal palette and from peacemaker-ic’s color palettes
Have fun! You can search for “rosa" or “myshunosun” in the buy catalog to quickly find these items.
Follow and support me here: Tumblr / Twitter / Patreon / Instagram / Bluesky / PayPal
@maxismatchccworld @s4library @public-ccfinds @mmfinds @sssvitlanz
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harrysfolklore · 1 month
vogue beauty secrets - jacob elordi blurb
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YN's Guide to Glowing Skin and Easy Everyday Makeup
"Hey everyone, It's YN," you said as you stood in your bathroom, face bare of any products and a comfortable top on, "I'm going to be talking you through my skincare routine and my everyday makeup look."
"Just so you guys know, it's really early over here," you said as you took out your products from your skincare bag, "My boyfriend is still sleeping I think," you smiled at the mention of him, "You might know him from his bathwater in the movie Saltburn, I don't know if you're familiar with that."
Playfully talking about each other in interviews was a really common thing for both of you and Jacob to do, and fans absolutely loved it.
"So first things first, gotta cleanse the face," you showed your cleanser to the camera and then applied it to your face smoothly and washed it off, "Now this face mask, has gotten me more compliments about my skin than anything else I've ever used, even Jacob is obsessed with it and steals it from me all the time," you couldn't help but mention him again, "So I will do a generous amount, which is like pea size for me."
You applied the face mask all over your face and waited 15 minutes to take it off and move on to your makeup.
"Before applying any makeup, we need to put sunscreen on," you showed the bottle to the camera, "I never leave the house without this, I have one in my bag at all times. It's so important."
You rubbed the product all over your face, making sure to cover every inch of your skin correctly.
"So, let's start," you grabbed your makeup bag and took your foundation out, "I'm obsessed with this illuminous silk foundation, I discovered one time I visited Jacob on the Euphoria set and I saw the makeup artists using it, it has been my go to ever since."
You grabbed your pink beauty blender and gently applied the foundation on your face, getting closer to the camera to show the process better.
"I learned how to do my makeup by watching how other people did it," you said as you applied the product on your nose, "I think I've gotten very good at it, or at least I would like to believe so."
"Now, It's time for concealer," you showed the product to the camera, "We're running low people, someone might be stealing some from me," you said as you tried to grab the most product you could and applied it under your eyes, "Okay, concealer is done, now let's do some contour."
Just as you grabbed your brush to apply the contour, you heard some noises coming from the bedroom, "Guys I think Jacob just woke up," you said as you moved the brush around your face, "So we have to be very quiet so he doesn't crash my video, okay?"
You heard the bedroom door open and some footsteps down the stairs, and you guessed that Jacob was looking for you in the kitchen.
"Alright, contour is done," you continued in a hushed tone, "Now, let's move on to blush." You picked up a peachy blush and lightly applied it to the apples of your cheeks, blending it out with your fingers. "I love this blush because it gives such a natural flush to the cheeks, perfect for everyday wear."
Next, you reached for a neutral eyeshadow palette and selected a soft brown shade. "For my everyday makeup look, I like to keep it simple on the eyes," you explained as you applied the eyeshadow to your lids, blending it into the crease. "Just a wash of color so I don't look completely dead."
"Now, for my favorite part - mascara," you exclaimed as you held up a mascara tube, "I think mascara is a game-changer. It instantly opens up your eyes and makes you look more awake."
You applied a few coats of mascara to your lashes, making sure to cover from the roots to the tips.
"YN?" you heard Jacob's voice calling for you, making you instantly laugh.
"I don't know if you guys heard, but Jacob is calling for me," you said as you checked your mascara in the mirror, "Let's ignore him until he figures out I'm here."
"Now, last but not least, lips," you said as you grabbed a nude lipstick. "I like to keep it natural with a nude shade for everyday wear." You applied the lipstick to your lips, finishing off the look.
Just on cue as you applied the last touched of lipstick, you heard the bedroom door creak open behind you. You turned around to see Jacob standing in the doorway, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," you greeted him with a smile, trying to stifle a giggle at his sleepy state.
"Morning, love," Jacob blinked a few times, trying to wake up fully, "What are you up to?"
"I'm filming a skincare and makeup video for Vogue," you explained, motioning to the camera set up on the counter. "I was just finishing up, actually."
Jacob walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder to look at the camera.
"Oh, am I interrupting?" he asked, glancing at the camera with a devilish grin.
"Just a little," you chuckled, "But it's okay, you can join if you want."
"Nah, I'll let you finish," Jacob leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek, "I'll just be in the background, quietly judging your makeup skills," he teased, earning a playful swat from you.
"Hey, I'll have you know, I've gotten pretty good at this," you said, pretending to be offended.
"I know, I know," Jacob laughed, planting another kiss on your cheek, "You always look beautiful, even without makeup," he said sweetly.
You couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. "Thank you, babe, you're really sappy," you replied softly, turning to give him a quick kiss.
"I'll let you finish your video. I'll make us some breakfast," he called out as he disappeared from view.
"Well, it looks like I've got breakfast waiting for me," you turned back to the camera, a smile still lingering on your lips, "I better wrap this up," you said to the camera, giving a little wave. "Thanks for watching, and thank you Vogue for having me, I hope some of this beauty tips are helpful for all of you. Bye!"
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