echo-s-land · 2 months
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logogreffe · 19 days
It is with great displeasure that I'll inform you that watching Reality TV in your target language will increase your comprehension abilities by A LOT.
If you can understand a drunk woman with a strong accent, crying because her crush served orange juice to another woman, using every slang word known to mankind, you will understand basic conversations with ease.
If you cannot stomach Reality TV (which is understandable) I'll recommend watching youtubers doing commentary videos on Reality TV shows/episodes. I find this way of consuming Reality TV less brain-frying.
And you could argue that watching movies / TV show is sufficient, but you need to remember that the way actors speak isn't 100% natural : the speed, enunciation, choice of words will not be a proper representation of how people speak in real life, while reality TV on the other hand...(I'm not saying everyone speaks like this). But, especially if your goal is to be able to speak casually with your foreign friends, it will help you a lot ! (I guess if your goal is to read classical literature in your target language, don't bother watching Reality TV)
Good news ! If you're learning Mandarin, there are a looooot of Reality shows that are actually cute and not ...vulgar ? And a lot of them can be found on youtube with English sub ! In German, I watch Mirellativegal on youtube. Anyway, don't ask me for recommendation for French Reality TV, I looked for it to give you some examples and I feel like I've lost brain cells during the few minutes I looked for it. If you guys have recommendations for cool Reality-shows in any languages don't hesitate to share ! I'm currently looking for some Spanish ones (preferably Mexican ones)
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shapelytimber · 26 days
South-east France (Nice) Miku :3c
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Yapping vvv
Nissart (the dead-ish language of Nice) traduction : "The world is mine from here to there"
Nice's traditional outfit is called 'la bouquetière' (the flower bouquet lady)
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And she's wearing mimosa flowers in her hair ! It's a very widespread tree here, and it's used during carnival for the flower battle :D also it's very pretty and my favorite flower
The background is in Klein's blue shade ! Found it funny to include a nod to an artist from Nice known for his shade of blue in a Miku drawing
Miku's holding a bottle of Pastis, an alcohol from the south of France and heavily associated to it
The little Miku is doing the Jul sign, Jul being one of the most popular french rapper (and he's from Marseille, the biggest town in the south)
And she's perched on a blue chair, another symbol of Nice
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losttranslator · 7 months
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me when people ask me how to say "I don't care" in french
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The IASIP meme of Charlie Kenny gesturing wildly at a conspiracy board, with the second picture added to his papers - the second picture being a table with 7 columns classifying an exhaustive number of ways of saying "I don't care" in French, based on how common, vulgar and funny they each are.
Column 1: Socially acceptable and common: -Je m’en fiche -J’en ai rien à faire* (*less formal variation of “Je n’en ai rien à faire” which still belongs to this category)
Column 2: Vulgar and common enough to not be shocking: -Je m’en fous -(J’en ai) rien à foutre
Column 3: More vulgar, and common with a ‘teenage’ connotation: -(Je)* m’en tape -(Je) m’en branle -(Je) m’en balec’ -(Je) m’en bats les couilles -(J’en ai) rien à battre -(J’en ai) rien à branler -”Balec’” (* omitting “je” is frequent and makes the expression even less formal)
Column 4: ‘Familiar’ (only somewhat vulgar, completely informal) and uncommon enough to be considered somewhat funny: -J’en ai* rien à carrer -J’en ai* rien à cirer -Je m’en tamponne (le coquillard) -Je m’en balance -J’en ai* rien à péter (* can be replaced with “Je n’en ai rien à …” to give it a formal connotation, in which case the expression belongs to category 6)
Column 5: Socially acceptable and uncommon/formal enough to be considered funny: -Je m’en contrefiche -Je m’en soucie comme d’une guigne -J’en ai rien à fiche
Column 6: Vulgar and uncommon, somewhat formal: -Je m’en contrefous
Column 7: Socially acceptable and very uncommon / very formal, enough to sound snobbish (and therefore a bit funny): -Peu m’importe -Il m’importe peu -Je n’en ai cure -Je ne m'en soucie guère
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marsti · 29 days
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j'ai oublié de la poster ici... anyway miku BZH
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yeah we french are NOT just the stereotypes you guys put on us and... what? oh, 'how do you call something cheap?' nah not the point so as I was saying, we are not obsessed with br... wdym 'what is the french way of saying someone has a lot of work to do?' that's not relevant. As I was saying, we are not obsessed with bread, and... alright, alright, anyone has a question that is not about bread?
"ça ne mange pas de pain" -> lit., "it's not eating bread" (as in, this thing is not eating bread) : worth trying because it's not expensive or time-consuming, so even if it fails *shrugs*
"avoir du pain sur la planche" -> lit., "to have bread on the cutting plank", to have a lot of work to do.
"pour une bouchée de pain" -> lit., "for a mouthful of bread", for a low price, something is cheap.
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rachels-rendez-vous · 4 months
the weirdest thing about learning a language is not knowing a specific word.
not sure what a puddle is called but i can say little ocean in the road !
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cutecumber-water · 1 year
I am no longer calling lists “To-Do”
They are now “Side Quests.”
I am on an adventure, upgrading my skills as I age tyvm. And if I have stuff to do I might as well make it fun m.
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multilingual-wannabe · 5 months
if you're looking for translation exercises in your target language may i suggest linguee.com. if you're familiar with the interface it provides a real life example of term you searched in the first language and a corresponding real life example of the term translated in the target language. both examples have the link to the source. most sources are 'official' sources so it's pretty decent translation practice imo.
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
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sunscreenstudies · 7 months
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And so, my latest hyperfixation begins...
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echo-s-land · 10 months
Y a le Washington D.C. et puis y a le Washington de là-bas
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logogreffe · 7 months
I will never get over the French name for a grizzly–polar bear hybrid :
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(For those who don't speak French - grolar sounds like "gros lard" which is the French equivalent of "fat ass")
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elmaxlys · 11 months
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Françaises, Français, mes chers compatriotes.... Sujet de tension et de controverse, on se retrouve cette semaine afin de déterminer où commence le Sud de la France hexagonale.
J'ai donc placé 7 lignes sur cette carte à des endroits où potentiellement faire commencer le Sud. Votez ce qui s'en approche le plus pour vous et n'hésitez pas à préciser dans les tags si mes découpages ne vous conviennent pas.
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diogeneswannabe · 8 months
This tweet is peak French culture lmao
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"We're not even hyped up for the sports we just want to see how catastrophic it's gonna be, it's gonna be peak entertainment lmaoo"
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jaibaisetamere · 3 months
sewing vocab list | français - english
coudre - to sew
couper - to cut
enfiler - to thread
froncer - to gather
installer - to install
marquer - to mark
ourler; faire un ourlet - to hem
repasser - to iron
s'effilocher - to fray
épingler - to pin
cousu main - hand-stitched
tissé - woven
noms (fem/masc)
la laine - wool
la manche/la manchette - cuff
une aiguille - needle
une machine à coudre
une paillette - sequin
une pince - dart
une ruche - ruffle
une épingle - pin
le coton - cotton
le tissu - fabric
le tricot - knit fabric
le tulle - tulle
un bouton - button
un fil - thread
un mannequin - mannequin
un modèle - pattern
un mètre ruban - measuring tape
un vêtement - garment
si quelqu'un a les autres mots pour recommender ou des corrections, mets-ils en les comments/tags ou dm moi ^.^
(aussi si vous avez quelques autres thèmes pour une liste, je vais essayer les faire :3)
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