#[ I was also running out of steam because oh man short drabbles and I really need to get to know each other better owo ]
altrxisme · 1 year
[ FIVE DEATHS ] ( for Jackson, I'd like to suffer pls <3 )
𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 ‘𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒’ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 // still accepting!! — [ FIVE DEATHS ]  send for five times our muses almost died together and the one time the sender does.
i. Luna could tell from their eyes, the shameless glee in their eyes, as Jackson writhed and struggled for air on the floor after he'd been told to taste her food as one of his duties as her newly appointed retainer. They looked at them, disgusting amusement curled on the corners of their lips as they tried to hide it behind shocked expressions.
Their fun didn't last long, however, turning into sheer HORROR when the young girl took a bite of the same food that had made the young boy collapse. Screams and the clink of glass vials, antidotes, quickly opened for both of them.
They learned not to make such an attempt at the little retainer after that, lest they PROVOKE the Oracle-in-training.
ii. Being scolded by a distressed Ravus felt as if death itself had come for them. Jackson shut his eyes whenever the older boy was in his face, yelling about how he should be taking his role as a retainer more seriously and to stop putting his sister in dangerous situations. He hadn't meant to, he wanted to gather the flowers that grew off the cliffs so that she would SMILE more.
When Ravus turned around, the young retainer opened his eyes slightly to glance at Luna to see how she was doing.
The sadness on her expression was much worse than when the entire debacle first started and he felt a part of him die in GUILT.
Part of her grieved in knowing that she had someone in her life willing to risk their well-being for her HAPPINESS, despite the fate the Astrals had set out for her.
iii. Some retainer he was if he couldn't even prevent his liege from getting kidnapped of all things.
Jackson sped down the streets after Luna and her captors, jumping over carts and dodging people that were in his way. It was part of her responsibility to travel the continent and heal those affected by the Scourge. Certain groups of people though, believed her to be a sacrifice to the Astrals to rid Eos of it. While that was partially true, they took the SACRIFICE portion of it farther than what was acceptable in society.
Legs pumping from fear of what they had in store for her, Jackson decided to bite the bullet and drew his gun, aiming at the legs of the people he pursued, thankful that Luna was being carried to avoid hitting her. They were quick to fall, but the person that had snatched the princess was certainly picked for a reason.
As if that was going to stop him.
He set his aim higher, praying that he doesn't hit Luna as he repeatedly shot at the man's back. The two tumbled onto the ground and he pushed himself even further to drag his liege away from the man. He was successful in keeping her behind him but was pulled down to by the desperate zealot who laid punches on him with the intent to KILL. A shot to his face was what took him out.
It was one of the few instances Jackson got to see Luna in tears outside the comfort of their rooms.
iv. At least they learned to not separate the two of them. The problem was that the two of them were now better coordinated for hostage situations.
Although, neither of them expected to be left hanging above a pit of DAEMONS and slowly getting lowered into it while the zealots chanted tongues unfamiliar to either of them. The group was certainly giving the Lucians a run for their gil when it came to successfully kidnapping the Princess.
Any other time, they would both find some HUMOR to this.
"—How long before Ravus comes ta rescue us, Luna? My arms are gettin' numb."
v. The Astrals were cruel beings if they were the ones that continuously put Luna in the most dangerous situations.
Jackson knew that the treaty signing wasn't what it seemed, it was clear as day to those who knew the Empire well. What he hadn't expected was for General Glauca himself to take her away in the middle of the night. He was frantic when he approached the Glaive, Nyx Ulric, about his missing liege. He'd been almost dismissed by the man until something in his communicator made him think twice.
When she went to defend Nyx with only herself against Glauca, he didn't pull her away to leave the Glaive on his own or take her place. Jackson STOOD BY HER to take the first blow in hopes that she wouldn't get the worst of it.
He could never take away the goodness within her that could very well get her killed. It was a decision SHE made, not led by anyone or anything else.
ø. He had to be dragged away from the ruins, refusing to leave his closest friend in her watery grave. His hands bled, voice hoarse, vision blurred with tears as he tried to keep them from taking him to the train.
He couldn't leave her. He will not leave her. He will not let her be alone in DEATH, just as he did for her in LIFE.
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Selfish Part 2
Pairings | Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x f!reader (kind of?)
Warnings | angst, crying, swearing
Word count | 1669
Summary | y/n and Bucky struggle to deal with Steve's selfish choice
A/n | I'm thinking of writing a part three? Let me know if you'd want to see that!l
Masterlist | Part One | Part three
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"Oh god," Bucky groaned the second he entered y/n's room, lifting his arm to cover over his nose teasingly as he walked in, "you know I love you, Doll, but it's starting to smell as if something's died in here." Bucky over exaggerated, pacing quickly to the windows and pushing them open.
The man let out a long sigh when he finally faced y/n after she made no response. He was so used to her quipping back to his and Sam's jokes that the past week felt as if y/n was gone, too. And in lots of ways, she was.
It had been a week since Steve left, and y/n hadn't moved much since. Bucky had sat down at a table three times a day with her, refusing to leave until she finished her meal and a cup of water. But apart from that, she'd done nothing but stare into space.
As much as he was still grieving, Bucky was used to this. Losing people, that is - not his best friend leaving him and their girl for someone they loved 70 years ago. No, he was out of his area of expertise on that one. But Bucky was used to losing the people he loved. And by now, he'd managed to cut his dazed and broken phase of grieving to a few days, so by now he was only really upset at night.
That's when he would cry into his pillow, feeling more and more alone. Sam was still running missions; just because aliens had invaded didn't mean any human threats had warned off.
It'd been him and y/n for a week in the compound, and it was now that Bucky realised that the girl hadn't even been capable of washing herself. Yikes, she was taking this bad.
"C'mon, Doll. You gotta shower at some point. Or I could run you a bath?" Bucky suggested, huffing another long sigh when y/n looked straight through him. Bucky's jaw clenched and he carded a hand through his hair, blowing out a deep breath before putting on a kind face.
The next thing y/n new, she was sat in the shower. She vaguely remembered Bucky throwing her over his shoulder and walking swiftly to the bathroom, telling her how she still needed to look after herself even though Steve was gone.
God, those words hurt. As in that Steve was gone, of course. Although Bucky telling her she needed to actually clean herself every-now-and-then because she smelt like somebody had died stung a little, it didn't hurt her.
The water pricked at her skin, slates of chilling droplets pelting down on her. She'd been sat there long enough for the water to run cold and her thoughts to run dry.
The only thing y/n could picture was Steve's lifeless body. His eyes void of life, that amused sparkle that'd glint beneath the baby blue when he'd tease her, make a joke, burnt out into emptiness. The bright smile that used to grace his lips when he'd see y/n the fist time after a mission, no matter the length, gone.
She'd also thought about how he died. Did Thanos murder him himself? Had he been saving someone? Did one of Thanos' cronies get to him? Did he fall, or get crushed? The possibilities were endless, but one thing was certain: Steve was gone.
A soft rasp of knuckles against the bathroom for momentarily pulled y/n out of her daze, her red eyes shifting upwards for a moment as she followed the noise with her sight through the steamed-over glass shower door.
"Doll? You haven't drowned, have you?" Bucky's gentle voice sang from the other side. Y/n could physically feel her muscles relaxing at the sound of his thick voice, her mind relaxing, too. Although she hadn't spoken in days, it didn't mean she didn't want Bucky to talk to her.
No, it was quite the opposite, really. Y/n was thankful for Bucky's mindless chatter and conversations, his caring questions and constant check-ups. It grounded her, gave y/n a reason for still being here if someone wanted her company.
Sighing, the girl pulled herself to her feet. She stumbled out of the shower, having to poke her head back in and turn the water off after forgetting initially. She picked up the fluffy towel that Bucky had left folded up for her and patted herself dry before wrapping the cloth around her body. Y/n ran her fingers through her now-damp hair before heaving another sigh.
"She's alive." Bucky smirked as y/n stepped out, clutching the towel to her chest. He was perched on her bed, facing the bathroom door with his hands bracing the edge of the mattress. "I thought you'd never come outta there, it's been over an hour, doll." Bucky explained as she hastily walked over to the drawers on the other side of her bed, pulling out a pair of panties and some shorts before tossing them to the bed.
She bent down more this time, pulling a t-shirt from one of the lower draws and throwing it to join the other clothes on the bed without really looking at what it was. She let the draw shut with a snap, turning to the bed and picking up the panties.
Bucky kept facing away, wanting to give y/n her privacy as she pulled the clothes on under her towel. Bucky could sense y/n still the second she reached to grab the shirt, her hand stilling mid-air.
"You okay, doll?" Bucky mumbled, not wanting to turn and face her incase she was still not fully dressed. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat thickly, her mouth becoming dry as she hummed.
"Mm hm." It was short and cut off, the affirmative noise the closest she'd come to speaking in a week. She turned around again, pulling out another shirt before putting it on.
Y/n walked around the bed again, patting her wet hair between the towel. Bucky's eyes followed her the whole time, cerulean blue watching closely as she dumped the towel in the hamper.
"Do you want me to leave?" Bucky murmured as she climbed into bed, his weight pinning the duvet down on one side. Taking y/n's silence as a yes, Bucky moved to stand up.
"Wait." Y/n's voice was a meek thing, disjointed and hoarse from its only use for seven days being sobbing against her pillow. Yes, the one that still smelt like Steve. "Can you-" y/n took a breath as Bucky looked at her, a happy glint to his eyes. "Would you stay with me? Tonight? I don't know if I can be alone again..."
Bucky's lips tugged into a small smile, the super solder clambering into the bed beside y/n. He nestled in beside her, pulling the girl to his chest as he laced his hand with hers. Their intertwined fingers lay over his chest, his metal arm wrapped around her shoulders.
For a moment all that could be heard was the soft whirring of the metal plates in his arm, and the controlled breathing of the two people.
"Bucky?" Y/n asked, swallowing her fear as she looked up at him. Bucky hummed in acknowledgment, playing with y/n's fingers as he waited for her to speak. "How did- h-how did Steve...you know, die?" Y/n bit through the building tears.
Bucky felt his stomach drop at her question. He didn't expect that right now. Eventually, yes. But not whilst they were curled up on her bed. The words seemed to get stuck in his throat, sticking to his skin as he tried to pry them out.
"I-" he couldn't lie. He couldn't. It would be cruel, to do so. She loved Steve, so she deserved to know the whole truth. "Y/n, Steve didn't- he didn't die." Bucky grated through gritted teeth, tongue like a weight in his sandpaper throat.
"W-what?" Y/n mumbled, eyes widening with shock, fear, hope, anger. She sat up, turning around in his grip to face Bucky. A scowl had settled across her features, plaguing her gorgeous eyes with a hue of hurt. "Then where is he?"
Bucky sighed, his eyes sliding closed as the words fell from her mouth.
"Bucky. Where is Steve?" Y/n spat, her tone morphing into something harsh, something unlike her. Bucky swallowed thickly, but it seemed to do nothing. Y/n watched as his Adam's apple bobbed, arms coming to fold over her chest.
"Steve left, doll. He's not- he's not coming back." Bucky breathed, his face dropping into his hands.
"What do you mean?" Y/n whispered, voice cracking with a bubble of pain. "Why isn't he coming back?"
"Because he left to be with Peggy, okay? He left us, y/n! For some fucking dame that he loved over 70 years ago!" Bucky had finally snapped, his own tears collecting against his flushed cheeks now. Maybe the grief hadn't quiet passed.
Y/n's face dropped into one similar to the day bucky first told her Steve was gone. But, the subtle hint of difference was menacing; this time, rage fuelled her emotions.
"I-I don't understand, why would he-?" Y/n couldn't bring herself to finish her question, the answer already dancing around in her mind.
"I don't either, doll. I miss him, and yet I hate him for what he did. To me, to you, to us." Bucky's voice was barely above a murmured mutter, eyes downcast as he picked at the hem of his shirt.
"I-" y/n opened her mouth before closing it, a croaked sob interrupting a hiccup as she fell back into Bucky's embrace.
Steve, her Steve, had become a selfish, selfish man.
Part Three
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Bucky Barnes One-shots, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @macylawz @zaphdekota @ihavemajordaddyissues @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
|Touch Me, Tease Me| M|
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(Gif not related...he just looks...good. like..fuck.)
Pairing : Namjoon X Reader
About- Namjoon eats you out the minute you walk in the door because well...that’s the kinda husband he is!
Or- Jimin text’s Namjoon to brace him for the mood you’ll more than likely be in after a day full of drama and finally firing the front desk receptionist! Which essentially red for him to make you come hard AF and then feed you....OH, and You guys invite Yoongi over to talk about the Tae and Kookie “Thing” 
WARNINGS: Oral/ Fingering/Light dirty talk/ Cum play/Light spit play/Over stimulation(M/F)/Pet names/Hand jobs/Body worshiping/ Is nipple play a thing?????/ (Also it’s not said but it’s somewhat obvious the OC is prob ovulating, since shes super emotional, and overly sensitive rn) 
Note: This is a stand alone smut drabble within my OT7 poly universe called “7 DEEP”. Short AU SUMMARY: Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with!
Song Reference: Case Ft Foxy Brown “Touch Me Tease Me”
Final note: This is apart of a series, and this can be read as a stand alone..since it’s 90% smut lol however some of the references you won’t understand...
......Your tired...it’s been a long ass day.... “Baby?” Namjoon’s voice rings through your apartment the minute the door opens, though you can’t physically see him you still feel that honey-coated baritone run down your spine as it bounces off every wall. You close the door behind you with a heavy sigh, leaning against it letting as if your life depended on it, eyes fluttering shut immediately, more so mentally drained than anything else!
“Yea?” Your response comes out dryer than intended but you know Namjoon knows you well enough to not even be phased by it. You hear his feet patter into the foyer, still not bothering to open your eyes yet, everything just feels so damn heavy that even that alone seems exhausting!
Until eventually you start to feel the steam radiating off his body, followed by the owe so familiar scent of pine and vanilla...His allergies have been killing him lately so he opted to work from home today instead...clearly fresh out the shower.
The weight shifts against the door as he braces his hands on either side of your head, leaning down to nose at your face like a cat. Leaning into his touch as he works his way down your neck, even as gentle as his touch currently is you still feel it everywhere...everything just feels extremely sensitive today! Silently coaxing you to open your eyes, only to be met by those sharp, beautiful brown orbs of his...skin still holding a slight sheen over is tattooed chest..hair damp, face flushed. Nothing discrete in the ways yours eyes greedily unravel his body...not that there's much to unravel anyway. He's only wearing joggers for fucks sake.
Namjoon lets out a low hum, as he places a couple kisses along the hinge of your jaw “I heard someone had a shitty ass day….” He phrases it more of a statement than a question as he nips at your skin, leaning down to press a lingering kiss on the side of your neck as he unties your jacket. Soothing his hands down your arms as he helps you step out of it..letting it fall where it may. Lacing your arms around his neck, releasing a breath that you didn't even know you were holding, but that’s what he does to you. Effortlessly, he puts your mind and body at ease...you feel his breath ghost over your hair, hot, wet, wanting, the grip he holds on your waist seems to be the only thing keeping you remotely grounded right now! Titling your chin upwards silently,asking and he gives it to you, because of course he does, this man can't deny you a damn thing even if he tried.
He gently brings your lips together, coaxing your mouth open in a way that has you moaning out instantly, letting your hands slide down his sides gripping his waist. Once his lips touch yours there's no other way to describe the feeling except relief, utter fuckin relief, slips through every cell in your body as you both sigh into it. Realistically you know, everything will be okay, you know it’s just one bad day, but for some reason right now...it just feels heavy every thing just feels fucking heavy and you really just need this..you need him!
Namjoon lets a hand trickle up your back until it meets the nape of your beck, taking an almost possessive grip to keep you in place as he deepens the kiss. Your suddenly feeling really desperate and to be honest you don’t quite know why, however your clawing at your husband's chest like your touch starved knowing damn well your far from it. Namjoon has always been a very..versatile lover..theirs time and place, he doesn't need to always be in “Daddy dom mode”, and he knows you like the back of his hand. Well aware you need some kind of anchor, some form of control right now after the day you just had so he lets you take it. He lets you lick into his mouth as you please and he swallows every moan that slips past your lips as he rocks his hips into yours making your knees weak and your chest feel like it’s caving in on itself.
However no matter how desperate you feel right now, the kiss doesn't add to your state of arousal….it calms your mind...slowing all the gears down. Your body on the other hand, is a completely, different story it has a mind of its own . not that you blame it, not when you have a half naked Namjoon Kim pressed flush against you, caging you against the door!
You swear your apartment feels at least 10 degrees hotter than it was when you walked in, suddenly Namjoon is impatiently tugging at your dress. Alternating between stretching it and balling it into a fist. “This... fuckin dress” You instantly knew he wanted skin on skin, so you gave it too him. Pulling back just enough so he can tug your dress over your head leaving you in front of him in nothing but your bra, panties and high heels. “What do you need, baby?” He pants into your mouth “Just tell me what it is and I’ll give it to you…” Without responding you tug him closer, caging him between your thighs and the 6 inches on your feet putting the two of you damn near at eye level for once!
You don’t actually respond initially, however the way your entire body deflated into the door just says it all.... And that’s what snaps him out of his lush clouded haze for a moment. I mean yeah he wants to rip you apart..but this isn't about him, it was never about him. So, he steps back, and you damn near whine at the lack of contact, but you silently watch, as he cocks his head to the side taking a moment to look at you. I mean really look...and …he coos lightly, reaching up to thumb at your jaw, swallowing hard, breath a little uneven.
“Your tired” He notes gingerly as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear and you try to smile but it doesn't quite work.
“I am, baby, mentally more than anything else…”  It’s not like there’s been one catastrophic thing that’s taken place...it’s also not like you haven’t been through way worse. Your hormones are just fucking with you hard today, on top of the fact that there’s just a lot going on. Firing Jordan before you even know if the new hire is really gonna show up! This underlying tension between Tae and Kook that you can already tell Yoongi’s gonna get sucked into which will not end well! There’s nothing he hates more than petty drama...then there’s the Spectrum launch in Vegas next month….it’s just...yeah..yeah!
He nods knowing full well the chaos running through your mind, hating that you look like your handling the load for both of you though….
“We don’t have to do anything, I can run you a bath, we can cuddle, I can even chill out here and give you your space...I just…” Gripping your face in the palm of his hands with a deep sigh, eyes clearly uneasy by the blatant strain in yours  “I need your mind to slow down a little ...yeah need!” Answering the unasked question within your gaze “I don't- you know you can always talk to me right?!” Thick brows furrowing in the center of his face “ I don’t care how busy I am...always ..” Squeezing your face to emphasize the point “Did I-did I do something? Are we okay?” The way he staggers over his words, timid and faint as if he thinks he’s the problem is just….
Ohhh Joonie baby! Leaning in to press your forehead flush against his...trying to latch onto some of his energy, because it;s always 10 times calmer than yours....
“Were fuckin solid baby” Tilting your head upwards to kiss him, quick but firm! “There’s just a lot on my mind...including you...constantly…” You offer the strongest smile you can muster “But your far from the issue” Eyes locking with his “And no, I don’t wanna move, I don’t want space, just want you-“
“You got me…” He cuts you off instantly taking your hands in his, feeling how they are scrambling along his skin. Your all over the damn place, almost frantically as if your afraid he’s going to evaporate! So he opts to guide the pads of your fingers along his chest, stomach…
“I just want you to touch me,until I forget about everything and everybody else. Just touch me baby, make me feel good….that’s all I need” The last words hushed off your lips as if the two of you were in a room full!
He looks down at you, with the perfect combination of lust and love... “Yeah, yeah, I’ll always make you feel good baby…” Your almost breathless once his lips find the curve of your neck again, heading towards your shoulder blade. His touch is tender, soft, gentle…. “Always be your escape from the rest of the world whenever you need me to me…” Namjoon gives you a soft dimpled smile,that has your chest clinching painfully tight, and the way his body shielded yours it was almost as if he was hiding you from everyone else. You felt safe, in his arms like this ``Let me take care of you tonight.”
Namjoon doesn't phrase it as a question because he knows how badly you need this. However his delivery is soft enough not to make you feel...forced...
You nod somewhat breathlessly, to be honest you’ve never been good at being completely pliant, and no, everything isin’t always a dom/ sub dynamic but it's still rare you just lay there and “receive” without giving something in return! Your hands are still all over the place though, like you don’t know how to just be taken care of. As if you feel as though you have to be doing something! Which only makes him lean in and kiss you again, harder, deeper, trying to slow you down...trying to slow your mind down...
The slow languid slide of his tongue against yours, leaning in to press his forehead to your temple. While you both try to catch your breath, “Breathe, it’s just you and me….I got you…” .
“I know” You nod pressing your body as tight to Namjoon’s as you can, your minds a hazy fucking mess but you know you want him, all over you and then some. Your tired and you just wanna be touched, sometimes you forget how addicted you truly are for the feeling of Namjoon’s mouth against your own. Especially during moments like this, when it’s soft, determined, heavy, when you can tell he's pouring everything he has into it...putting every ounce of his beaning to that kiss as if that's all he has to give! “I know…” You echo again, more so for your own sanity than anyone else's.
You can’t help but start to rock against him and you instantly feel Namjoon’s cock flesh against your inner thigh. He’s getting harder by the second as his hands claw down your back and your skin feels like it’s scorching hot beneath the pads of his fingers. It’s like he knows what your thinking too, the minute you feel him pulsing against you “Don’t worry about me, this aint about me…” He mumbles between kisses, those skillful lips of his latch onto your jaw “There’s no way in hell I could ever see you standing in front of me and not be hard as fuck, but I’m not worried about me and my needs right now….so tell me what you want baby…”
“Namjoon” You whine, mind and body feeling completely overwhelmed “I can’t even think straight right now I just want…”
Namjoon just smirks as he kisses you again, tongue hot and heavy against your bottom lip as he licks at the seam “Then don’t think, just let me have you, let me do what I want, what you need.. ” Sliding his hands down your back until his palms land on your ass and he squeezes tight, rocking your hips forward with a moan, and this man never fails to knock the air straight out of your lungs! As you hum out a poor excuse for a response  “Can I do that baby? Can I just take care of you and make you feel good?”
“Let me in...” The words hushed against your lips and damn near knocked the wind out of you in the process, because you knew he didn't just mean sexually...he meant in every sense of the word. 
‘Fuck” Whines form your lips as you suck Namjoons between your teeth, the word “Yes” hushes off your tongue so faint he barley hears you! He pulls back slowly, leaning down to run his nose along your jaw, tailing the path with his tongue, then leaving an array of open mouth kisses right beneath. Namjoon can feel you continiously rock your hips down against his thigh and he can’t help but smile against your skin, tensing the muscle to add to the stimulation “Taste me...” You finally implore voice completely wrecked with need!
He moans against your neck “Mm yeah?You wanna feel my tongue all over your pussy baby? You wanna come on my face?” “This man had the sexiest bedroom eyes you’d ever seen, biting down on his bottom lip…hips slowly grinding down into you. “Yeah, your coming all over it face” Rehprahasing it as a statement as opposed to a question and you feel goosebumps breakout along every inch of your skin.
Namjoon leans back down crashing your lips together, he’s kissing you with a purpose now! It was a little messy, more tongue than skill on both ends at this point not that either of you cared. Hands roaming up your body, as he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth. Before moving down to sprinkle kisses over your neck, down your jaw, where he starts sucking at your skin. Clearly leaving marks that you and your concealer would have fun covering tomorrow but you could care less! Every time he sucks your skin between those skilled lips of his you let out a muffled sigh, which filtered into a deep needy moan that and your husbands skin felt like it was burning from the inside out!
It’s a mixture of a kiss and a nuzzle as he works his way down your body, eyes flicking up, hazy and heavy watching every reaction. Moaning in unison as your whines fill the apartment the more he marks you, the more he takes his time exploring and cherishing your body as if it’s his sole purpose on this earth. As if his cock isint hard as fuck and throbbing in his pants right now.
Reaching behind you to unclasp your bra, tossing it to the side, letting out a sasatifed hum once he notices how hard your nipples already are. Leaning forward to just blow along your aerola until your hissing and squrimng beneath him. Namjoon grazes your nipples with his lips, and your already arching into his mouth before he even laces his tongue around the bud. Chasing the pleasure which only has Namjoon moaning against you even louder, your loud needy, and making a mess in your panties and you can’t even get yourself to care. Not when your husband's lips and tongue keep repeatedly grazing over your aerola to the point where you actually feel like you could come. The way he’s taking his time to suction each bud between his lips has your thighs are shaking!  
“Fuck, my babies so sensitive today…”
You barely even acknowledge the statement your already so far gone, especially once he takes one nipple between his mouth, toying it with his tongue while flicking the other with his index finger and thumb. It has you shaking, gasping, and shuddering, back arching wordlessly asking for more.. Everything just feels like too much and not enough all at the same damn time!
“Baby” Namjoon whispers almost awestruck upon sliding his hands between your thighs, feeling how wet you are, a deep, moan slips from the back of his throat. “Fuck”
Namjoon’s lips finally started to paint a trail south and god he knows how to rip you apart with his tongue you were already a damn mess! Finally making his way further down, kicking and sucking  a path down your stomach. Eventually dropping down to his knees, the site of those big brown eyes gazing up at you, lids heavy, completely blown out, that alone already had you feeling light headed!
You can feel him smiling against your skin, dimples and all as he kisses at your lower stomach, loving the ways the muscles contract beneath his lips. “Your so fuckin gorgeous …” He coos’s against your skin, as he hooks his fingers around the side of your panties. “Relax” Breaths again your skin and you gasp spreading your legs on command.
Forehead resting against your stomach, while his hands kneaded at your thighs, planting open mouth kisses right above your center. Goosebumps appearing in the wake of his lips, you could feel him smirking against your skin from how antsy you are! Already well aware of how bad your body was screaming for him at this point. Sucking down on the area, leaving a bouquet of bruises behind for you to look down at and relive all over again .
“Namjoon please…”You plead, rocking your hips forward, until he tugs at the seam of your panties, effortlessly ripping the thin lace apart. The slight pain from the coarse fabric dragging against your skin, accompanied by your husband's blatant desier to give you what you want has you moaning even harder.
“Holy shit” The moment he slid your panties hit the ground and your arousal hit his nose, the scent rippes a pained moan from his throat. If you didn't know any better you'd swear his mouth was watering once he tricked his fingers between your lips that were literally running down his hand. Pulling back much to your dismay only to lock his gaze with yours as he slowly sucks them between his lips one by one! The sight of him ,devouring your juices off of his fingers felt like enough to make you cum right there. Moaning against his hand as if you were the best thing he tasted all damn day. “God, taste so good baby”
You can feel his breath right against your pussy and it’s already making a muffled whine slip past your lips before he really even dose anything. Sliding his index finger in slowly ,going knuckle deep all in one notion, curling it upward until the thick diamond encrusted band on his finger was flicking against your clit! There's already intense pressure building in the pit of your stomach as you try to steady yourself against the door. The slick sound of him teasing up your center had your ears burning. “Babyyyy “ his face almost reflecting pain as he watched how wet you were for him and only him . The way your juices were just dripping down your inner thighs, looking, back at you as if he just wanted to slide in right then and there. But as he said, this wasn;t about him….this was all about his baby, and she asked for him to taste her...so that’s all he cared about!
“Jooon ...please” Eyes heavy as you glanced down at him whining …shifting your hips against his hands .
“You don’t gotta beg…” Leaning down to blow against your clit “At least not today” God, he looked like the perfect combination of an angel and the damn devil as he smirked up at you.  
“Fuck, well just put your tongue on my clit and make me cum plea-a-oh fuck” Finally letting his tongue go where you’ve been aching for him, sliding up and down your slit slowly, and your body felt like it was on fire! The noise you let out once you feel Namjoons tongue hot and wet against you should be utterly embarrassing. But you could give less than a damn, he;s licking around the head of your clit in a way that has your toes curling against the sole of your shoes. Your body was hypersensitive today, every time his tongue touched you it felt like it was enough for you to come! Like he’s been edging you for hours and he just. Fucking. Started!
Namjoon pushing his tongue past your entrance, joining his fingers and your eyes fall shit , grip tightening on the doorknob, as bolts of pleasure rip through your veins. Your already sweating. The feeling of his tongue burning deep inside you rocking in tune with his fingers, the wet obscene sounds that fill your apart, you fuckin live for it! Everything just felt hot,your clit was already rock hard and your thighs were wavering like a leaf in the wind! The 6 inches on the bottom of your shoes are no longer working in your favor, not trusting your legs to support yourself, and clearly neither did he so he shifted our body seamlessly, wrapping your legs around his shoulders. Propping you up, so he could bury his face right where you wanted him and he was deep. He had you at the perfect angle to actually engulf his tongue within your entrance, just teasing your walls enough to have them trying to clench around the muscle!
You drop your head against the door, if you weren’t so far gone it would probably hurt, “Oh, my god, baby push your fingers in deeper” You choke on a moan and it feels like your entire body is trying to coil in on itself as your husband dose exactly as you ask. Wrapping his lips back around your clit, sucking in, moaning against your skin sending what felt like vibrations through your entire body. Pushing his fingers in as deep as possible, curling them alongside his tongue just enough to hit the soft right spot that he can find with his eyes closed at this point. The sensation rips through every cell in your body and your suddenly teetering over the edge almost embarrassingly fast.
“Your not gonna last ” He kept his face close as he spoke every word sent your body shaking harder than the next. It wasn’t even meant to be arrogant,or condensing this time, to be honest he was more so speaking to himself than anyone..almost in awe!
“No— fuck, I’m not but please don’t stop, keep going I need it- need you-fuck” The words fell from your lips in a combination of a plea and a whine as you nuzzled your fingers in those dark chocolate locks of his!.He already knew what you needed..to be pushed past you limits...overwork your muscles until they just kinda..shut down...until your mind shut down!
“I’m right here,I got you” Namjoon promised, letting your gaze meet and you struggled to focus, especially with him looking at you like that. Your lips parted, gasping slightly
“That’s it baby. Enjoy it. God, making such a fuckin mess too…” You can feel yourself almost pushing your heat right into his face at this point your so damn needy! Namjoon moans, blunt nails digging into your ass to keep you in place.
“My baby’s feelin good huh?” Namjoon’s voice is somewhat strained, setting deeper and husker than usual and goddamn
A strangled groan laves your throat that I guess can be considered a coked out moan, there wasn't much talking from that point on. You told Namjoon you wanted to be too overwhelmed to think and that’s exactly what you were! Your apartment filled with nothing but heavy moans, accompanied by the sound of his name leaving your throat at numerous octaves...  
 He keeps one arm wrapped around your waist to make sure you don’t fall, and though you asked for three, I don't think you were really ready, especially once he tries to spread them out slightly. And you actually scream, literally this is why you'll probably not be offered a lease renewal in a couple months. Your loud….
“Yeah, yeah...there you go....” Namjoon can tell that your right there, so he moves back to suck your clit back into his mouth your thighs instinctively go right around his neck. Almost as if your trying to suffocate him, and obviously you aren’t it;s just a lot...the pressures a lot..your body dosen’t quite know what to do.
Namjoon growls low, and theirs no other way to describe the sound except primal, possessive, and it’s so fucking sexy. “Stop...” Eyes glaring up in your direction, tone calm yet..stern...he may not be in daddy mode but ugh...he always is daddy . You whine but do as he says, far to gone to even be a smart ass right now, and you feel him hum around you! The vibrations hush against your skin. Scissoring his fingers in and out at a relentless pace, he told you he wasn't in the mood to make you beg and he meant it. The sound of his palm smacking against your lips, only grew louder the wetter you got, your own arousal making his hand almost stick to your skin. There was a slight sting, from the bulk of his rings, including his wedding band smacking against your skin yet that only had you moaning even louder. The rough contrast between his smooth stealthy fingers and the thick metal fucking you open!
It was like he could feel that your body was getting use to the rhythm, you were stilll shaking, however you wouldn’t jerk and twitch as hard anymore...so clearly he decided....fuck that! Sliding out and using his index and middle finger to spread your lips apart, just enough to let him attack the tip of your clit as he needed. Sucking hard, as if he was trying to swallow you whole! Pursing his lips to spit right on the bud, not that you needed it just because he loved you messy! Flicking and rolling his tongue against the most sensitive area of your body , and you felt your walls start to contract, around, fuck imagination at this point because his fingers weren’t in you but it didn't matter! 
“Baby….fuck-  “ Head lolling back to  hit the door even harder this time. Fuck you’re gonna have a migraine, your moans are growing louder, gaze heavy, lightheaded as your eyes slowly met the back of your head.
Once he had you in his mouth on you like this,in a way that had you shaking, whining, desperate...  he slid his fingers back inside you, curling them in and out. Thumb, teasing at your rim, circling the entrance just enough to have you arching into it, silently begging for more though you really couldn’t handle it right now. Probing that rigid patch tucked between your pulsing heat, your walls damn near suffocating his fingers. Every time he tried to pull out, you sucked him right back in, alternating between rolling his tongue against your clit, and sucking down on it. Those lips of his where relentless, treating your clit as if it was a straw and was the thing thats what sent your body over the edge!.You felt your body start to shake, and twitch in his grasp and yet he still didn't release your clit from his mouth even as you came, hard. You knew you had to be running down his faced at this point, and he fucking loved it.
You suddenly felt his eyes on you, and you forced yourself to lookd down at him, as he silently asked for permission to keep going....not even remotely trusting your voice! So, you just tightened the grip you held on his hair, pushing his head back down and Namjoon moaned so loud you almost thought he came.
“Nam-Joonnnnn” Choked from your lungs, eyes squeezing back shut...as his tongue started caressing your lips. Slowly rolling his neck head first into your pussy as if he was giving you a deep passionate kiss..fuck I mean, I  guess he was.Is it possible to make love to someones clit with your tongue?! Because if soo...that’s exactly what it felt like Namjoon was doing!
He gradually slowed down his pace, not pulling away completely just yet, laying his tongue flat against your lips.Taking slow, long drags, until his tongue worked his way upwards curling against your pelvic bone. Namjoon licked you from head to toe not that it cleared up anything though, it actually only made more of a mess! As you twitched and jerked at ever flick of the tongue!Finally letting his lips move over to your inner thighs, leaving light butterfly kisses while he waited for your body to stop shaking. Your eyes felt like they were glued shut, and you were hot to the touch. You let him shift you around, not even attempting to help slowly adjusting your body so you could stand, but he knew you really couldn’t. So he kept a arm tight around your waist so you didn’t collapse, since your thighs felt like a damn slinky. Using the back of his palm to wipe the reminder of your essence off his face. Letting his tongue run along his teeth, he smiled down at you, pleased with himself as you couldn’t even keep your eyes open.
Running his thumb against your cheek until finally looked at him... nosing up your face...yet now his eyes read something softer. Less cocky more loving and concerned...He didn't even speak his eyes silently asking....“You good?” His touch was so soft you felt chills coursing down your spine again...only this time for a completely different reason....
You just nodded, a lazy smile tugging on your lips, as you started feeling like you could actually breath again. Taking a firm grip on the hair at the nape of his neck, bringing his lips to meet yours, kissing you deep, love and adoration pouring off your tongue, as you moaned into his mouth. Tasting yourself on every inch of on his mouth. Namjoon reached down, cupping your ass, with both hands wrapping your legs around his waist.
Walking you wordlessly down the long hallway to your master suite, kicking the door shut behind him, the room was dark, the only light came peeping through the curtains. Tossing you back onto the bed, an airy laugh leaving your chest as you bounced along the mattress. Resting on your elbows in a slight arch as your eyes drunk him as he crawled onto the bed, yanking you by your ankles to pull you down to him. Finally sliding your feet out of your Louboutins after fuck, 10 plus hours! Kissing both of your ankles in the process, lightly massaging the balls of your feet before laying them flat on the bed.  
“Baby” Fanned past your lips with a smirk as he slid his palm between your thighs, moaning at the way the damn near stuck together. Even now, after you’ve came he hasn’t stopped doing what you've asked...you wanted to be touched welll....
Knees spread on either side of your body, supporting his weight so he’s not sitting directly on top of you. Namjoon’s touching you everywhere, though now your body’s hot and sticky but you don't mind. The pads of his fingers only had fuel to the flame, every inch he touches feels like its scorching against your Egyptian cotton.  There's no alternative laced within this either expect taking care of you like he originally offered. His touch is a little stronger though, almost massaging your aching muscles in the process. Leaning down to trail open mouth kisses everywhere he can reach, sucking at your heat induced skin, leaving marks all over the damn place. The other boys will bitch but he could give less than a fuck right now. Not when your moaning and looking up at him so soft, pliant, needy...he’d give you any fucking thing you asked for right now!
You completely shudder beneath him, eyes falling shut, blissed and overwhlemed, and high off of everything that is Namjoon! 
Namjoon moans at that, at how needy you sound, leaning down to nose up your jaw “Say it again baby…’ Tracing a mindless path along your skin...and you give him what he wants, nuzzling into the crook of his neck...nipping and sucking his honey coated skin between your teeth. His cock grazes your thigh and no, you gotta do something about this, your mans in pain, he has to be!
Sliding your hand inside his sweats and the minute he goes to dispute you nip at his skin, “Let me..please let me…” The words porpously purr off your tongue in nothing but a moan and as I said..this man can't deny you a damn thing!
He nods against your hair, and you bump him with your nose until he brings his lips over to yours.You kiss him hard sucking his lower lip into your mouth, as you start to stroke him, you can feel him throbbing in your palm, precum leaking all over the damn place Namjoon’s dick actually feels warm in your hand he’s so worked up. Well aware it won’t take much at all he’s essentially been edging himself since you walked in the door!
Your husband breaths heavy and ragged into the kiss he’s already so close…”You took such good care of me Joon, always…” He moans, slightly whiny as he starts to rock his lips into your hand as you stroke him harder. Grip tighter “I love you baby” Thumbing over his slit and he comes, spilling all over your hand and into his sweats a string of moans falls from his lips as, eyes squeezing shut, arms shaking barley able to hold himself up. You don't’ stop though, not until he’s practically swatting your hands away because he can’t take anymore. Sliding your palm free, letting him take in the site, as he tries to steady his breathing, a glint of amusement in yours eyes as you bring it up to your mouth. Namjoon Moans against the side of your face as you lap your tongue over your palm, sucking each finger into your mouth into there redeemed ..clean...
 “Fuckkkk” Husks off his tongue..and no matter how exhausted you are you let me fall into you..wrapping your arms and legs around his waist as he nuzzles against the crook of your neck.
The two of you just lay there in comfortable silence for lord knows how long until...
“I  know today was hard, and I know it will probably get harder...but, we got this…” Hushes against the side of your face “We came so fuckin far, and were going figure this out...it’s just,,this is all a adjustment for everybody...but we got this…”
You don’t really wanna talk about work any further right now...you just wanna be in this moment with him...so instead you just....
“I love you.”
“And you know I love you”
He reaches up and grabs your jaw, grip firm, something heavy on his chest regardless...laying his forehead against yours.
 “Whenever your feelin like this, just remember that it’s okay...and it aint just you....stop trying to bare all this shit by yourself. I’m fucking here, it;s my job to take some of this off your plate!” Nuzzling against your cheek “Weather that be mentally...emotionally...” Namjoon pauses, letting his eyes trail over all the marks along your body as he bites his lip, dragging it between his teeth “Sexually” Dropping his voice a little nipping at your jaw with a small smirk. Grinding his hips against you until your moaning again while clawing your nails down his back. Leaning in to press his lips against yours, only pulling back enough to speak, tone barley above a whisper....
“I’m here, to help you feel better,to take some of this off your mind, to be whatever the fuck you need, whenever, and however you need it...you just gotta let me. Let me take care of you more baby...let me...fuck” Shaking his head, chuckling almost nervously “Let us, take care of you sometimes...” 
You don’t respond any further, only gripping  him even tighter, theirs so much to unpack there that you really don’t have the mental capacity for right now. The concept of you taking care of everyone else but often neglecting yourself has been a thing since college...it’s nothing new...just sometimes your better at letting the boys in than others...
However, the main issue above it all, the reason your even in this “position” to begin with...  work.The stress and pressure the two of you feel as CEO’s of your own company at times is unmatched! People talk about the struggle to gain success but often neglect what happens once you get there. Especially as a business owner the pressure you two feel to keep growing, knowing you have people that rely on you to live, rely on you to put food on the table...rely on you to guide their futures in a sense. Like Jungkook, the kids 20, this is the first job hes putting on his resume and he’s trusting you guys to give him the proper tools to grow in his field.
He’s just soo....fuck so bright eyed and trusting...and I guess something in you wants to protect him from how shitty the world is...protect him in a way nobody protected the 7 of you….
Fuck, barley a month ago you were having a panic attack about hirng someone new for that kinda position and , now you wanna put this kid in a safety plastic bubble and protect him from any and everything...your baby boy included….
A fucking mess is what you feel like right now, a absolute fucking mess. 
Your not quite sure how much time passes, as you lay there with Namjoon wrapped in your arms, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of his neck...but it feels good...it feels right...welll almost..it would be perfect if you had five other bodies laying along the bed as well...
“I’m going to run you a bath and order dinner…” Placing a couple kisses along your jaw as he starts to untangle himself tentatively but you don;t make a fuss, your both sticky as all hell anyway….. You just nod slowly, eyes sitting even heavier than when you first got home, gently letting your nails tease up his chest.
“Want me to join you?” You’re not even sure why he asks, he knows the answer but you indulge him…
“Of course...who else is going to wash my back for me?” You muse playfully and he just rolls his eyes, and exasperated groan leaning his chest as he rolls off the bed to head towards the adjacent master bath. Stopping halfway…
“Oh, so Yoongi called me today….” You only let out a low, slightly uninterested hum you know where this is going…”What…” He already sounds exhausted before he even starts, running a shaky hand through his hair “What are we gonna do about Tae?”
You hate when he looks at you like this, like he’s hoping you have the answers..because fuck you really don’t! 
“He wouldn't really talk to me that morning, so I don’t even know what’s really going on. And of course I don’t wanna solely blame him, it’s just…” Waving his hand in the air absently alluding to what he didn't wanna say.
“He already had a slight attitude about it before, but tried to act like he didn't and now we're here..with him being petty at work,..yeah..yeah...I don’t know baby...I don’t know..”
Namjoon’s phone dings..somewhat grateful for the interruption... theirs a stated smile on his face which prompts you to hum in curiosity.
”It’s ugh...Yoongi, actually.....just checkin to see if your okay...” Of fuckin course it is..
You can’t help but giggle, feeling loved and exhausted but more importantly loved... nothing but fondness in your eyes at just the mention of his name...
“Tell him yes, and you should also tell him to come over” Namjoon’s eyes shoot up to meet yours, somewhat wide and disoriented and you just shrug, honestly out of options at this point. You’d rather address it now before it becomes a hot ass mess! 
“Yeah, why not? Tell him to bring wine and sushi...maybe we can all just.. chill...smoke..cuddle...and come to some type of solution where our baby boy is concerned...because we can’t operate with this type of tension...that’s not how we operate”
Heyyy, soooo that’s all she wrote..for now! If you enjoyed show this some love, come let em know and I will keep this AU rolling!
Sooo , would you guys want me to do a one-shot for when Yoongi comes over and the 3 of them discuss Tae? As I mentioned in Tae's first chapter "Pretty Please" There's always been a different more submissive/needy dynamic between Tae and the OC/Yoongi...so I could let them talk about there history a little...and then..maybe Yoongi could fuck her while shes saying between Joon's legs on the couch..IDK..idk where that came from...but I also aint mad at it!
Just to clarify....if you follow this series..obviously the Tae X Kookie issue was first brought up in Tae’s chapter “Pretty Please”. However the “drama” is what’s been happening since Kook got hired...in the next full length one shot “Got me Loosin all my cool” That’s Jungkook’s “intro” and it starts a month after he’s been working at Onyx....so some of these “issues” will be addressed then.
...As well as THIS “day” technically takes place within that one shot as well...I just did not tap into what happenes when she got home. However the OC will fire the referenced receptionist (The same one from “Pretty Please)  in the up and coming one shot and Joon takes care of her once she gets home!
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jougogo · 4 years
mascaras the haikyuu queens would borrow from my bag
based on my unhealthy obsession with mascaras (pls someone sponsor me)
also there’s a crack drabble at the end please read it im wheezing
shimizu kiyoko
bombastic by doucce: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL'S GORGEOUS LASHES im so jealous, anyways this mascara has a good wand and it's really good for achieving a more wispy/voluminous/full look IN LIKE ONE SWIPE WTF THIS IS A GODSEND. literally looks like lash extensions, i could go on and on about this mascara. not flaky and this will survive through workouts! doesn't give you raccoon eyes so it's good ! (coming from an athlete with an oily eyelids so dw i gotchu covered) a personal fav of mine teehee, ranked #1 in my bag.
hitoka yachi
it's real! benefit: this mascara is so so good at lengthening and giving off that natural look, which i think yachi would appreciate because she doesn't like too much attention and it's natural so she can sneak this by her mom nope def not speaking from experience it's really great for beginners, and also very reliable and trustworthy. this lil thing will get the job done, guranteed.
tanaka saeko
better than sex by too faced: this mascara just screams I N T E N S I T Y. it's super voluminizing and gives off the appearance of a fuller lash. on the more dry/creamy side so it's super great for beginners or if ur really hungover. also it's v v reliable, will give you wispy lashes every time! my go to when im late which is everyday but we don't talk about that
michimiya yui
bad gal bang! by benefit: another really natural one, good at separating, very VERY lengthening. dramatic enough so that it'll make you look more awake but still not enough to get daichi's attention rip.  but this shi!t will stay all day until you take it off. a little more liquidy so you get some time to fix any lashes that are stuck together. also, thin wand so great for bottom lashes as well! 10/10, very much recommend. 
shirofuku yukie
waterproof lights camera lashes by tarte: i feel like she's the type to be drinking her water but then when she puts it down too quickly the water just splashes right back in her face?? LMAO or does this only happen to me, but she needs her mascara to be waterproof! also bc of all the steam from the yummy food contests she's conquering! anyways the queen deserves the whole spotlight so she gets the beloved lcl by tarte! the wand is pretty thin but don't let that fool you, because this wand is so good at lengthening and separating lashes. really good at holding curls. 
suzumeda kaori
lash sensational from loreal: pls give this poor girl a break i cant even imagine running around the fukurodani team with bokuto's antics, they've definitely broken into her bags more than once and messed up her stuff. so she had to get the cheap drugstore mascara just in case </3 but its okay because this is one of my top 3, the consistency is really good and the wand is so amazing gahh, it has like different combs on different sides so if you have that one pesky pair of lash that just sticks together it'll be super easy to fix. perfect for on the go
misaki hana
kush mascara by milk makeup: you can't convince me that this girl isn't exhausted from the antics of johzenji, which makes this mascara perfect for her! the consistency is on the creamy/dry side so a couple quick swipes will get you the full lash. plus it's infused w some cannabis oil so it makes ur lash healthier (but terushima will definitely try to do some experiments w this so please hana guard it safely)
amanai kanoka
lash next door by brooklyn and bailey: ok ok so my fav thing about this mascara is that it's not waterproof so it's easy to take off, but it's water resistant so that it won't come off when you're all sweaty!! literally perfect for intense practices, and the wand is similar to lcm by tarte so they wield pretty similar results; sweet, curled, lengthened lashes!! and DOES NOT FLAKE it's literally a life saver
alisa haiba
liquid lash extensions by thrive: this mascara definitely the one i use the most! It’s unique in the sense that it’s a tubing mascara, so it’s water resistant which is great for alisa because she keeps tearing up every time lev messes up a serve (we stan a responsible sis) BUT it’s also very easily removed! just splash some warm water and the mascara literally slides right off im not even kidding. she definitely takes really good care of her appearance and will be sad even if she sees one eyelash fall so this is really great for her bc waterproof mascara is such a pain in the ass to remove. also very lengthening
yamaka mika 
lash multiplier by revlon: mika is a baddie!! but daishou makes her cry so much she has to rebuy a tube like every month. so our lovely mika gets something easy, cheap, and has a good effect for puppy eyes. this mascara is just like the liquid lash extension; a tubing mascara,,,HOWEVER this one is WAY CHEAPER. u can def find this at ur local drugstore for like 6-8 bucks. great for on the go since it's easy to apply super fast, will get u a nice full fringe in like 3 swipes.
nametsu mai
damn girl! by too faced: how could i forget our beloved date tech manager,,,mai is def the scariest on date tech and she will let you know!!! this mascara is essentially a sequel to better than sex; your lashes will be bigger, fuller, and more glamorous! also the formula is literally so light it's like whipped cream,,, you will not feel a thing guranteed. it's like extensions but m a g i c
after being scolded by yukie for not getting dinner on time, the boys of the 3rd gym strolled through the dimly lit hallway on the way to the cafeteria. "yo, you know, i heard the girls bathrooms have couches or whatever," kuroo said, noticing the girl's bathroom as they walked past it. 
"what! thats not fair!" bokuto whined. "how come the girl's stuff are always nicer? the boy's bathroom always just stinks, and there's always pee on the ground for some reason. like why can't you just aim? it's not that hard." 
"well, im sure for short people, like maybe yaku-san or shoyo it's easy. but it's hard to aim when you're very tall!" lev explained brightly. in the onsen somewhere, morisuke yaku felt shivers go up his spine and a sudden urge to punch someone.
"lev, are u sure ur not the one peeing the floor? c'mon, man this is why we don't get nice things in our bathrooms!" kuroo groaned, flicking the first year’s forehead.
"well, it's just a rumor," akaashi explained, lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe off the sweat on his face. "there might not be a couch in the girl's bathroom."
"why don't you go find out?" tsukki taunted with a devilish grin on his face. 
"i don't think this is a good idea," akaashi remarked, albeit a bit too late as hinata, kuroo, lev, and bokuto already sprinted down the hallway. 
"aww, no couch" bokuto disappointedly wailed when he stepped into the girl's bathroom. 
"well, this is a school bathroom after all," kuroo admitted as he flipped on the light switch. the bathroom was cleaner than the boy’s, for sure, but after all the outrageous tales they had expected to find at least a little something out of the ordinary.
"hey, what's this?" hinata was pointing to a bright pink makeup bag that was lying open on the counter.
"ooh, one of the managers must’ve left it behind! whose bag is this, is there a name on it?" lev rushed over to the bag and turned it upside down. dozens of colorful tubes and compacts fell out, splayed across the counter.
"whats this tube?" hinata asked, holding up a metallic pink tube.
"well, what does it say on the tube, dumbass?" tsukki smirked from the door frame he was leaning on. akaashi hesitantly stood behind him, questioning if entering the girl’s bathroom was a good decision. 
"better..than sex!" hinata read aloud, a bit louder than he had intended to. everyone froze, and stared at the little pink tube.
"wait what the fu- hold up lemme see that," kuroo aggressively grabbed the tube from hinata's hands and twisted it open
"oh it's just macasara," bokuto said. they shouldn’t have been surprised, considering it did come out of a makeup bag.
"do you think the name is true?" kuroo was actually curious about this. is the little pink tube of innocent looking mascara the reason that girls were refusing to go out with him?
"let's see," bokuto snatched the tube out of kuroo's hand and started swiping on the pigment on his lashes, his mouth agape and head tilted back as he intently stared at his reflection in the mirror.
"it's been 10 minutes since we called the boys, should we check up on them?" yachi said nervously. the other girls turned and looked as if she had just made a revelation. "you're right, bokuto always sprints up for dinner and he looked pretty eager when we gave him his notice," kaori said nervously. "and everyone knows that the nekoma boys shouldn't be left alone, they're chaotic," shirufuku remarked. "that's so true...lets go find them," the rest of the managers agreed, taking off their aprons and stepping out of the cafeteria.
however, they heard the boisterous laughs a floor away. cautiously, kiyoko led the group down the stairs and followed the sound. imagine their surprise when they found the noise coming from inside the girl's bathroom. 
"um, we're the only girls here…" yachi whispered. they crept up closer and closer until they were right outside. kiyoko put her finger to her lips and motioned for the girls to line up against the wall just in case. "okay, we'll open the door in 3…" she put her hand on the knob. "2…" it seemed like time was in slow motion as everyone's heart pounded loudly. "1!"
kuroo and hinata have mascara on their eyebrows, streaks of black pigment under their eyes and all over their cheeks like some kind of war paint. akaashi is holding an eyelash curler, trying to curl bokuto's eyelashes all the while bokuto is smacking akaashi's hand away.
"it looks like a torture device!" he cried.
"bokuto-san, it's suppose the enhance the lengthening effect,"
lev is trying to give himself a mustache by swiping on hair-like strokes with the mascara wand, and ever the opportunist, tsukki is in the corner, taking blackmail pictures
"oh, hi!. . . girls" hinata trailed off when he saw the horrified managers through the mirror. every face in the room paled white as a sheet. 
extra no.2:
"wait how do i take this off, it's not coming off with water!!" bokuto wailed, slumping against the sink
he had unfortunately, picked the waterproof mascara.
the managers agreed that they have all conveniently ran out of makeup wipes
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What Lies Within
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Warnings: Non con, dub con, A/B/O dynamics, kidnapping, 18+
Word Count: 2,676
Pairings: Dark/Alpha!Thor x Beta/Omega!Reader
Summary: Reader was born and raised a rejected Beta female, finding comfort in the woods. One night she stumbles across a man who can see what lies within. 
~ indicates a time change
Prompts: A/B/O woods
A/N: This is my submission to @imanuglywombat​ challenge. I enjoyed writing and I’m sorry for the day late submission. I was going to upload earlier this week but I wasn’t at home, this is my first full day at home, and I was going to upload last night but my internet was down. I won’t be at home next week either, but I will be getting some writing done for my two series and a part two to Small Price to Pay. I also will work on a few drabbles I have in mind and possibly some challenges I have coming up. Anyway, enough rambling. I hope you guys enjoy :)
The woods are where you felt safe, the place where you went to think and blow off steam. You never had a steady life, grew up in an orphanage. Behind it was the woods that accepted you when nobody else would. 
It had been years since then and you had left the state you had once lived in, finding your place in the outskirts of the country. You could be alone, away from people who would never love you. Nobody to hurt you or hate you for not being an omega. 
You were a rare occasion, a beta female. Most men were either alphas or betas, women were all omegas. Most of the time. You were looked at as “less feminine” and most guys refused to date you because of it. It made you angry, not just for yourself, but for omegas. They were looked at as property rather than humans and they were always expected to not have a say in a situation that concerned their alpha. It made you glad you weren’t one. 
The music that was blasting from your earbuds suddenly stopped and you looked to your phone. No connection. It wasn’t too bad, you could still enjoy your walk without the voice of Adele belting in your ear. You stopped by a tree and slid down the trunk, reaching into your backpack to pull out your current read. Nature’s sounds would help calm you as you read. 
The sun was going down and the breeze was picking up as you shivered, pulling the jacket around you tighter around you. You looked to your phone and saw it dead. When did that happen you thought as you got up, dusting the dirt from your butt. You breathed in deep, oak wood and pine filled your senses. It smelt like love, like home. 
You started walking back to the trail to start your journey back home when you saw a man jogging. He had blonde hair pulled back into a man bun that sat low on his neck. He smiled when he saw you and slowed down and pulled an earbud out. No, you thought, don’t talk to me, please. 
“Evening. Nice night for a jog.” His accent was thick but you couldn’t place it. Certainly something that wasn’t native around here. 
You smiled and nodded. Men had never been kind to you. Especially alphas, and this guy was definitely an alpha. 
“What’s a young thing like you doing out here? It’s pretty dangerous.” He looked concerned but it was just an egotistical alpha wanting to be the big strong man to help. 
You put on a tight smile, trying not to start an argument. It would only make the unwanted interaction longer and a hot bath was currently calling your name. “Mhm, that’s why i was heading home now.” You turned to walk down the path but heard the loud steps of the mighty man behind you as he caught up. You could practically hear your eyes roll, didn’t this guy know how to take a hint? Alphas, they never did. 
“I can walk you.”
You took a deep breath and shook your head. “Not necessary, bud, really. I think I know how to board a bus and get back home.”
At this the man frowned. “Bus? The last bus left an hour ago. Do you need a ride?”
What? How long had you been reading? The last bus left at 8:30 and you got there at 5. No way you’d been out that long, it only felt like thirty minutes. “N-no, I’ll call someone.” That was a lie, even if your phone wasn’t dead you still had nobody. You had no family or friends. 
“No, I can’t let you wait out here in the cold. Please, I live in a cabin down that way,” he pointed to your left. “It’s not far and you can keep warm in there. Until your ride got there that is.”
You considered it a moment. You didn’t want to go with a stranger but you also didn’t want to walk an hour home in the dark and cold. Plus you could maybe call a taxi to come get you from his house. “Okay, thank you.”
The man smiled and his eyes twinkled with delight. Held out his hand to you,”My name’s Thor.”
Thor’s cabin was very woodsy. Taxidermied animals and brown glossy furniture attacked your vision from every direction. A fire was going in the main room and made you feel all nice and toasty. You clutched the bag on your back and turned to Thor as he kicked off his shoes. 
“Make yourself at home.” He said with a smile and the wave of his arm, referencing his humble home.  You looked down at your muddy boots but decided taking them off just to put them back on soon would be pointless, even if it meant tracking mud. He’d live. 
You cleared your throat. “Uhm, Thor, could I maybe use your phone to call a taxi? My phone died.”
Thor’s head tilted. “Wow, you better be lucky I came along and invited you back to my cabin. An omega like you would’ve been hopeless with a dead phone and no way of getting home. Better also be glad it was me and not some other savage alpha.”
His words slapped you across the face. Omega? You? No, couldn’t he smell? Or see at least? You were obviously a beta, smelled like one, talked like one, and acted like one. Clear as day. “Omega? No, I’m a beta.” You chuckled a bit. He had to be joking. 
Thor’s eyes squinted in confusion. “No, I smelled you on my jog and I smell you now. It’s faint so I see why most people would miss it, but you’re an omega. Embracing it could help the smell stand out more.”
You looked at Thor like he was crazy; did he really expect you to just believe him, a stranger, over everyone else in your life? Over yourself? 
“Yeah? And how do you know this?” You challenged, folding your arms. 
Thor scratched his fait beard with one hand before feeding the fire another log. “Where I’m from we are able to sense things easier. We’re able to look beyond the surface if you will. Sure, I can smell an omega, but I can also feel one. Everyone has a feeling to them, an underlayer, and yours screams omega while your scent is asking more of a question.” He pauses to look at you full on. “You’re not sure who you are, but there’s ways to help it.”
Thor’s eyes switch for just a second. It was so faint you’re surprised you didn’t miss it. The look was a way nobody had ever looked to you before, it was hungry. You suddenly remember the disadvantage you had, trapped in a cabin with a huge alpha, no phone, nowhere to run. You pushed your shoulders back and tried to bury the fear that crept up. 
“Hey, where’s that phone?” You completely disregard his previous statement and looked around for a phone, seeing one in the corner. You start walking to it but Thor beats you there and picking up the receiver. 
“Ah, bloody thing’s dead. Can you believe your luck?” Thor’s face split into a sinister smile, his canines on full display. Your eyes widen and your hand hurts from how hard you’re grabbing the bag on your back. 
“Oh okay. Do you maybe have a neighbor…”
“Nope.” He was stalking to you like a fox. Like an alpha does an omega.
“Mmm, well I don’t want to disturb you if you can’t help. Besides, I live so close to here I think I could easily walk home, an aunt even lives close by maybe she can take me home…” You were spewing so many lies, anything to get you out of this situation. You were backing up blindly keeping your eyes on Thor, terrified of his next move.
“Now Y/n, don’t lie now. I know you have no family, no friends. And who said you couldn’t help me?” He licked his lips, eyeing you up and down. “I think there’s plenty that you could help me with.”
“Y-you know my name.” It was more a statement than a question. “I never told you it, how do you know?”
“An alpha knows everything about his omega, darling.”
“I’m not your omega. I’m not an omega at all!” You were getting flustered, you tripped over the side of his couch and fell to the floor with a thud. Before you could crawl away, Thor had grabbed you pulling you up to him.
“You are. Let me show you.” Before you could respond or react Thor threw you on the couch and climbed on top of you. You punched at his hard chest, trying to wiggle free. 
“Thor, what are you doing? Get off me!”
“I’m showing you, my omega. Now stop struggling, you’re only making this worse for you.” He looked down and smirked at his tightening running shorts. “And harder for me.” Your stomach lunged at his innuendo. This couldn’t be happening, not to you. The girl so many boys ignored now being pursued by the hottest man you had ever seen? You had to be in some kind of twisted nightmare. 
Thor ripped your shirt from you, leaving you in rags. He fumbled with your jeans before tugging them down your legs as well, leaving you in your blush bra and panties. You moved your arms to cover yourself but Thor growled, shoving your arms to your sides. “Never cover yourself, omega. Especially not to your alpha. He deserves to see you like this, pure perfection.” 
Your stomach fluttered at his words and a voice told you to just submit. What the hell was happening to you? Thor grabbed your covered breast with his large hand and squeezed, hard. You whimpered in pain but you could feel your core start to pool. 
“Omega, I can smell you. You like it when your alpha dominates you, hmm?” Thor tweaked your nipple through your bra, eliciting a moan from your chest. He slid his other hand to your underwear, leaving goosebumps down your skin. He reaches your band and teases you, pulling the band just to let it snap back and slap you. He tracked his long fingers down to the spot that was growing wetter by the minute
Your body worked against you when he touched the spot that has been neglected for so long, bucking into his touch. Thor looked you in your eyes and smirked. “What’s wrong baby? What do you need?” You wanted to slap that smug smile right off his face. 
He pressed into your bundle of nerves harder and you arched your back, eyes rolling back. The sounds you were making were straight animalistic, nothing human left. Your hips were rolling in tandem with Thor when suddenly the feeling leaves all at once. You wine and shoot daggers at him, causing him to chuckle. “Aw, what’s wrong? You have to speak to me, omega. I have to hear you tell me what you want so I can show you what you need. 
Your eyebrows furrowed together as a war raged inside, your mind was mixing like marble as your body was ready to give in. “Please, touch me. Anyway you want, just do it.”
“That’s all I needed, my omega.” Thor ripped your bra off, joining your shirt in shredded looks. Your panties were shoved down your legs with your jeans before both were thrown in the room somewhere. You were completely nude in front of him and your skin burned with desire; body ached in emptiness. 
Thor pinched your nipple and slipped a finger into your wet cunt with ease. The burn caused you to jerk but the need was just fueled. You needed this. The desperate cries you were making would’ve made you cover your head in embarrassment, but you something primal inside told you to scream louder. Alphas liked to hear their omegas. The voice of reason sobbed out a “no, you’re a beta!” but you couldn’t hear it. And you needed more.
“Thor, please..” Thor was working at adding another finger when he looked up at you, cocking an eyebrow. 
“Patience, omega. I will give you what you want after you cum for me. Can you do that?” You nodded your head before craning your neck on the pillow. Your eyes rolled back as your hips kept in pace with Thor’s magical fingers. You wanted to cum, not just for your own pleasure, but to make Thor happy. He needed you to cum too. 
As Thor took a more vigorous tempo you felt the knot you’d come to know very well, yet this knot felt a lot more intense. Something you’d never get on your own. Your pants got more frequent and your words incoherent. Thor hit that miraculous place in you and you finally fell over the edge, screaming on your way down. 
“Good girl.” Thor smiled, still working you through your orgasm. “That’s my good girl.” Your walls squeezed around his fingers at the doting words. When he removed his fingers you whined at the emptiness. The sound of rustling clothes could be heard as your eyes were still closed, as you were still not fully recovered from your high. 
You felt a poke at your entrance and opened your eyes. Thor was stroking his cock between your slick folds as he smirked at you. Your mind finally cleared and your voice of reason slapped you internally. “Thor no, wait-” Before you could move away, Thor slammed himself into you. You screamed out in pain. Your hands shot to Thor’s chest to try to push him off as he leaned over you. 
“Thor, please-”
“Shhh. It’s okay my omega, I’ll take care of you,” You hips snapped into yours and Thor snarled in your ear. “God, you’re so tight for me.”
Your eyes started to water as he continued his assault. He reached a hand down to your clit and rubbed, causing another moan. Your mind was becoming clouded once again. 
Thor started to go faster and harder as his breath fanned over your neck. The pain was no longer there as you felt nothing but pleasure, your walls pulled at his cock in a way that had his head spinning. “Fuck, Y/n, you’re so good for me. Cum on my cock so I can cum inside this sweet cunt. So I can claim you and mate with you properly.” His words mixed with the way he hit your golden spot inside you over and over had you seeing stars. Your sweaty bodies moving in tandem with each other. One last plunge and you were spasming and clutching to Thor for dear life. Your mouth hung open as the pressure in your pussy was slowly fading. 
Thor started whining into your neck as you came down from your high as he chased his own. He grunted before his thick cock just got bigger as he swelled inside you, forcing him to stop moving as he dumped his seed deep within you. 
“Argh, fuck!” Thor yelled as he showed his teeth and ran it along your neck before sinking in. Your eyes widened and you squealed, slapping his shoulder. He pulled himself from your neck and you felt the pulse and blood drip from the two tiny holes he left. His mark. Your eyes started to droop as his claim started to flood your entire body. Thor heald you close.
A beta can’t be claimed by an alpha. They can’t even get pregnant by one, only another beta; just as a beta male can’t get an omega pregnant, only an alpha. Thor smiled before brushing a lock of hair off of your sweaty forehead and behind your ear, the romantic gesture made your heart flutter. 
“I told you dear, you’re an omega. It just lays within.”
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'things you said when you were sick' ryan going: 'you were so weird! like you kept talking about how cold i was and-' shane quipping back: 'cuz i had a fever and your heart is made out of ice'
This was sent to me waaay back in the beginning of March, and now you’re getting a long-ish drabble in time for Shyan week day 6, prompt domesticity :D
To think this was even before 3AM anon came around and people started sending me so many prompts in my mail, ah wild.
if I’m telling the truth
It’s not that Ryan wants Shane to be sick, but it really does not hurt to have an excuse to take care of the big guy once in a while. 
Shane grunts from beside him, grimacing when he tries to sit up from where he lay on the couch.   
“Woah there.” Ryan reaches out to pull him up, “You want some more tea?“ 
“Yeah, that’d be great.” Shane’s voice is scratchy. He rubs a hand down his face, tucking his legs close under the fleece blanket, making an appreciative noise in his throat when Ryan hands him the steaming mug. 
“Ugh, remind me not to get sick again.”
“Oh I did plenty of that.” Ryan smirks, because he really, really did. “‘Shane don’t run in the rain’ I said, ‘you’ll get sick’. Then 20 minutes later the suspect was discovered with a severe case of cold.” Ryan pitches his voice down into his theory voice, and he can’t help the giggle when Shane scrunches up his nose at it. 
As much as he’s glorying in Shane’s misery, it is a nice memory, Shane’s wide-eyed grin as the rain rapidly plastered his hair onto his forehead, long limbs twirling in the downpour, drops painting across the joy that had been in the other man’s gaze, warming Ryan under his umbrella. 
Ryan thinks he’ll store it away, in a deep-down place. 
“You’d think you’ve never seen rain in your life, you were so excited.”
“That’s because LA is a desert that rains never, Ryan, I need my comfort rain-running.”
“Well, you get rid of the fever first, then tell me about your freaky love for rain and how us Californians are soft lilies.”
“You are.” Shane mutters, shifting to brush a kiss into the back of Ryan’s hand when Ryan reaches to feel Shane’s forehead. “Oops, sorry, go, go wash your hands!” Shane calls, nudging at Ryan insistently until he got up, leaving Shane chuckling to himself nestled under the blanket.
After his last dose of medicine Ryan fusses Shane to bed, almost cooing when the taller man curls up under the comforter. Ryan is the one that usually needs comfort, hollow from overexposure on shoots or tossing and turning for days when he gets sick, so it’s kind of nice that he gets to mother his boyfriend a little now. 
He climbs on the bed and tucks the blanket tighter around the two of them, settling down to face Shane. 
“You wake me up if you need anything in the night?”
“Sir yes sir.” Shane salutes him, it’s crooked and there’s way too big of a grin on Shane’s face, it’s so hard to not lean in. That’s what this whole ordeal has robbed him of, Ryan thinks glumly, the careful small touches and caresses that they had always taken for granted. He’s so going to double down once Shane gets better.  
Shane’s looking at him through his down tilted eyes, already sleepy, “You’re a gorgeous pizza.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Ryan murmurs, giving the other man a peck on the nose, but his curiosity nudges him on, “You got any specific kind in mind?”
Shane hums, tucking himself against Ryan’s side through the blanket he’d wrapped around himself, “Definitely deep dish.”
“Oh yeah?” Ryan’s heart skips a beat, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He’s kind of fishing for compliments now, but it doesn’t really matter when he gets to curl up with Shane at his side, “Because that’s your favorite?”
“Cause it’s like home.”
Ryan stares, his breath caught in his throat, because he can’t bring himself to do anything else. Shane says it so easily, voice thick from the fever and sleep. Time stays still around him, the tenor of Shane’s words hanging in the air for seconds, minutes, hours even, Ryan’s not sure. 
The next time he focuses on Shane’s face, the other man’s eyes are already closed, breaths evening out as he drifted away, the huffs of air tinged with barely-there snores. 
Shane looks so young like this, the lines of his face smoothed out in sleep and hair still soft from the shower. Ryan looks at him, then looks some more. He’d never get tired of looking, even before Ryan caved and confessed his heart out, their lives were already tied so close together that Ryan hadn’t been exaggerating when he said Shane’s the person he sees the most for the last four years.
Even Obi likes him now, and that should be a pretty big accomplishment in anyone’s book. 
He knows things could change, how the rapid flow of the devouring internet and humanity itself could rush in and tear everything apart any second. And Ryan’s really not the praying type, but for god’s sake, he hopes they could stay like this through it all. 
He searches Shane’s face, and he’s almost glad that he’s already too far gone.
“I love you.” Ryan whispers, testing the words on his tongue, just to see how they feel. He’s been avoiding them on purpose, Ryan thinks, guilt clenching in his gut. But it’s difficult to face them when the words still hurt, spikes of broken hearts sharp and piercing to the touch. Words that were broken with halfhearted goodbyes and see-yous that should have lasted forever. 
But it feels right here, now. It fits right into the dynamic of the two of them, Ryan and Shane, together.
Ryan thinks he could say it again. 
His eyes prickle, and he smiles in the darkness, pressing a hand against his mouth to muffle the sob that’s trying to form.
“Love you Ry.” Shane murmurs. 
It’s a wonder Ryan managed to fall asleep, but Shane and Obi’s purring combined is a force to be reckoned with. 
He wakes with a fuzzy weight on his chest, and a cursory stretch reveals the kitten had somehow deemed him worthy of a pillow at some point in the night, Obi’s little soft face tucked against Ryan’s chest, his whiskers tickling bare skin. It’s another bright sunny weekend in LA, and as far as Ryan’s concerned it can stay that way forever. 
“Mornin’.” He murmurs, reaching down to scratch behind the little hellion’s ears. 
Obi shoots him a dirty look but accepts the touch, then he pads over to nestle right into the curve of Shane’s neck. The other man wakes in a half start. 
“Wha-” Shane sputters, fluttering hands coming up to investigate the warm scarf that Obi has become, “oh, it’s you.”
“Hey sleepyhead, feeling better?”
“Yeah,” Shane sounds strained, trying to speak without jostling the kitten too much, the animal’s purrs sounding in time with Shane’s voice. “Movement’s out of the question for a bit though.”
“He was sleeping on me all night, you’re on nursing duty now.” Ryan gives Shanes ribs a light poke, delighting in the pained way he tries to shift without actually moving.
“We’ve got a homicide going on here officer, you’re not going to investigate that?” Shane does a rapid-fire series of blinks, maybe there’s also a wink in there, but Ryan really can’t tell, he really hopes Shane isn’t having a stroke. 
Obi’s tail flicks and curls around to rest across Shane’s nose, and the man lets out a strangled sound. 
“That depends,” Ryan grins, tapping his chin, “It just so happens I might suddenly not see anything, you know, cats are such gentle animals.”
“Oh, you’re evil.” 
“I’m not the one that put that characteristic in my sims character,” Ryan reminds him, laughing, “Come on, you think your throat can take waffles?” Shane’s eyes light up. 
“Oh yes please, they are the superior batter food after all.”
“Why you gotta keep shitting on pancakes?”
“Cause it’s fun to see you get all puffy about it.” Now that’s definitely a wink. How the fuck does he have the energy to do all this when he was burning up with a fever just yesterday? Evolution is so not fair. 
“You,” He flounders, “your mom gets puffy. You’re just a sore loser” Ryan huffs, and has to take a leaping jump off the bed when Shane reaches out a hand to swat at him.
“Oh I’m not the one that should be worried about that getting sore.” Shane raises an eyebrow and his eyes go dark. Ryan shivers. 
“Promises promises.”
Shane flails again, but Ryan’s too quick for him, already jumping back with a giggle. And Shane just lays there with an arm and half his torso dangling off the bed, a little ball of orange fur draped across his throat purring like an engine. 
He blinks up at Ryan with that shit-eating grin on his face, and Ryan falls for him a little bit more. 
Ryan busies himself around the kitchen, sliding a cup of tea onto the counter when Shane ambles into the room, rubbing at his eyes. Obi pads over to the corner and starts on his breakfast. 
“You were pretty out of it last night.” Ryan leans back against the sink, sipping at his coffee. 
“I say anything stupid when I was high on cold medicine?”
There’s a twinge in his chest, “Oh I dunno, what counts as stupid?”
“Hmm, a lotta things.” Shane’s palms are wrapped tight around the mug, and it must burn, but his hands clench around it like they need something to hold onto. He meets Ryan’s eyes, “But nothing I regret.”
There’s a slight ringing in his ears. Ryan swallows, pushing down the thoughts that erupt at the words. He cracks a smile, “You sure that’s not because you don’t remember what you’re supposed to regret?”
“Pretty sure.” Shane grins back, but his gaze turns serious again, settling on Ryan with a steady weight. “You said things too.”
Ryan’s breathing is coming short. He wonders idly if there’s a tea that can fix that. Shane can probably find one. “I did.” He hedges. 
“Anything you regret?” Shane’s fingertips are white against the navy blue mug, and there’s a vulnerability in his face that Ryan wants to kiss away.  
It may be a lazy number nine their kitchen clock’s pointing at, but it’s still too early to have this sort of conversation.
But it would eventually come to this point, Ryan thinks. No matter what they can and may do or say in the dark of night under the haze of sleep and liquor, no matter how passionate or desperate or all-encompassing it gets, it will always come down to this, the reckoning in the sobering light of morning. 
And maybe it’s better this way, when the harsh sunlight throws no more shadows to hide, leaving truths bare in trembling hands. 
“Never.” Ryan breathes with what’s left of the air in his lungs, and watches the tension in Shane’s shoulders melt away. 
“Oh thank god.“ 
Shane is even less of the praying type, but the hushed words scrape closer to divine gratitude than Ryan’s ever heard.
Then Shane’s pulling him close between the counters, enveloping him in a hug that shakes slightly with the effort. “Thank God,” Shane says again, breaths hitching against Ryan’s chest. 
Ryan returns the pressure, rubbing small circles between Shane’s shoulders and murmuring I’ve got yous and I knows into his shoulder. 
“Oh look at me, crying on a Saturday morning.” Shane sniffles, pulling back and wiping at his eyes. The sun catches the wet patches trailing down his cheeks and Ryan is dazzled by the light. He brushes at the tears with a hand at the other man’s face.
“I love you, Shane Madej.” He says, loud and clear into the whole damn universe. It sounds nice, and makes Shane’s face light up in the prettiest way. Ryan’s never going to get tired of saying it. “I love you.” He repeats.
Slowly, Shane cups Ryan’s hand with his own, turning his head to brush a kiss to Ryan’s palm. It’s stupidly tender, stuff Ryan’s seen in every romantic movie, and Shane makes it even softer.
 “I love you too.”
Shane’s eyes do the crinkly thing at the corners, and Ryan just wants to kiss this insanely kind and caring of an idiot he’s fallen so completely for. So he does. 
“Wanna hear what other stupid things you said last night?” Ryan teases, breathless when they break apart, and Shane wheezes out a laugh. 
“Yeah? Let’s list my crimes.”
“You were super paranoid about me getting sick,” Ryan says, catching the corner of Shane’s t-shirt and tugging slightly, “You kept talking about how cold I was in your sleep and-”
“That’s cause I had a fever and your heart is made out of ice.”
“Is that why you like me!” Ryan grins, pointing an accusing finger, “I called it you yeti!”
And Ryan relishes in the fact that Shane doesn’t have a comeback to that, because Shane leans in again, and Ryan thinks as their lips meet, that he’ll even be generous enough to not hold it against him. 
Yeah. He definitely won’t. 
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Only Dancing
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin​
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: You don’t expect Bucky to join you for a night out. But who says an old wolf can’t learn new tricks.  (This is in the “Only For A Moment” universe but can be read as a one shot.)
Warnings: Smut, some jealousy, other than that just fluff
A/N: I feel like I should point out that I ship Okoye and M’Baku because she could handle that man. 
Also, this is the last drabble before part 2 starts. So. Many. Feelings. 
(Sorry if you got tagged twice. Apparently the tags didn’t take. Beginning to think that @invisibleanonymousmonsters​ is on to something by not fucking with a tag list because UGH sometimes it’s a pain. Anyway...
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“Poetry,” Nakia says on a sigh as the knives fly back into your waiting palms. “Pure, violent, poetry.” You can’t help but laugh as the small vibranium knives slot themselves back into their holster around your wrist. 
“It’s not all me, Shuri made these magical things.” They really were perfect. Calibrated to return automatically to their holster at the mere whisper of your power. 
They weren’t the only magic Shuri had worked. 
Originally, the thought of letting anyone - even someone like Shuri - run any kind of tests on you was at best terrifying and at worst made you contemplate murder. Now though, you couldn’t be more grateful. 
Your whole life you’d been a mystery to yourself, never really knowing why you were different or really what you were capable of. After Hydra had their hands on you the sense of being a stranger in your own skin had only grown. How could anyone trust themselves when they had no way of knowing their limits or even how their body functioned?
In less than a week Shuri had, for the most part, unraveled the mystery. 
Your power? A genetic anomaly, likely from your father’s side. She was still puzzling over just how that anomaly worked, how it reacted with your brain to produce your telekinesis. What she did figure out was that, as you suspected, the more you used this ability the stronger and more precise it became - with limits.
“Self-preservation will kick in at some point,” she explained when you told her about the times when you’d found your ability overwhelming. “The mind can only handle an influx of so much information at a time before it overloads.”
What Hydra had done? A bastard version of what kept Steve and Bucky spry even at 100 years old. 
“The cellular regeneration is a bit slower, and it doesn’t seem to have done as much in terms of strengthening the proteins in your body,” she said. You’d stared at her blankly. “Basically,” she sighed, “you’re a really good fake to Rogers’ and Barnes’ name brand. Almost as good but your strap may break sooner than theirs.” 
Once she knew how you ticked she immediately began crafting weapons unique to your abilities, like the knives - which she called Panther Teeth, fairly accurate considering they were terrifyingly sharp and small enough that they were almost unassuming. 
As you weren’t an official member of the Dora Milaje you didn’t get the spear they carried, instead, Shuri made you twin short spears that hung at your side. They fired similarly to their full-size cousins but at a more rapid pace and shorter burst since your power could balance any recoil. 
The best by far was the vambraces that fit around your forearms. Similar to T’Challa’s suit they absorbed kinetic energy in a fight but when paired with your power they could release that energy in more focused blasts, form a shield, or even send out a powerful wave of force. 
All of Shuri’s amazing creations paired with your own growing strength made you feel like someone to be reckoned with, someone who could protect who and what she loved no matter the threat. You’d never known freedom like this. 
“So, did you convince him to come tonight?” You ask Nakia as you unfasten the holsters from your wrists. 
“Pff,” she scoffs. “A king can’t just go out whenever he wants.” She says in a pretty perfect imitation of T’Challa. 
You laugh, “A king is still mad you declined his proposal.”
“I didn’t decline necessarily,” she says, slipping free of her training gear. “I just told him I wasn’t ready to be queen.”
“Can’t say I blame you.” The two of you settle into the steam room, your tired muscles already singing in the relaxing heat. 
“What about you?”
“Did you sell that wolf of yours on making a public appearance?”
You give her a sideways glance, “What do you think?” 
“I think Okoye owes me money,” Nakia says with a grin.
“What?! She actually bet that he’d come?”
“She did,” Okoye says stepping in the room to join you both. 
“Time to pay up general!” Nakia goads. 
“Not just yet,” a sly smile curls Okoye’s lips. “I have a plan.”
“How do you even know they’re both going to be at the farm?” You ask as the hovercraft sails in the direction of your home. 
“I know everything,” Okoye responds. 
“Not true,” Nakia quips. Okoye throws her a glare. 
“She’s right. You didn’t know the name of the second Star Wars movie.”
“Those films are not in the right order!”
“You also didn’t know that Shuri was planning to sneak out to Coachella,” Nakia points out. You nod in agreement. 
“Ok, fine,” she concedes with a half-hearted sigh. “M’Baku told me. T’Challa asked if he wanted to join them but-” 
“But that man goes where you lead,” Nakia laughs. 
“Of course he does,” Okoye says. Apparently, the leader of the Jabari had been none too friendly before the attempted usurping. Since then though, he an Okoye had grown rather close, though they refused to make anything official.  
Her plan was a simple one. Since you’d brought your things to get ready at her place in the city there was no obvious reason to go back to the farm for anything unless there was something she or Nakia just desperately wanted to borrow. So, you’d all get ready and take a quick romp to the countryside to grab a necklace or earrings as to tempt your men to join up. 
T’Challa may take the bait but you knew that, even though your ass looked immaculate in these high waist leather shorts, your husband would not be joining you this evening. You shared as much. 
“Alright, $50 he shows,” Okoye bets. 
“Oh, I’ll take that bet,” you shake her offered hand as your house comes into view through the twilight. 
Sure enough, T’Challa and Bucky were sitting by the lake glasses in hand. The two men look back as you all disembark. 
“Two elders enjoying a peaceful evening. It’s so cute,” Nakia jabs. 
“You’re so funny,” T’Challa tosses back, dragging his eyes from her plunging neckline with visible effort and back to the water. 
“Everything ok?” Bucky asks, rising to meet you. Ever the worrier. 
“Yup. Nakia wanted to borrow a necklace is all.” He nods and holds the curtain open for you to go inside.
It’s now that he seems to fully take in your outfit, his eyes growing wide.
The black lace bustier you borrowed from Nakia left little to the imagination but was kept in check by the cropped moto jacket and of course, there were the leather shorts. The whole thing was finished by the heeled Doc Marten’s which you’d nearly wept over when you brought them home from your first trip shopping with Nakia. Being able to build a wardrobe again was an unexpected Wakandan perk.
You fight back a burble of laughter as you watch him swallow hard, averting his eyes from your ample chest. 
Without a glance back at him you head straight to the bedroom to fish out a long chain necklace that would perfectly fit with Nakia’s deep cut neckline - this may have been a last-minute ruse but you had dressed people for a living once, you could amp up your girls look and try to bait your husband into going out with leather booty shorts at the same time. 
When you turn back he’s leaning in the doorway, clearly having been staring at your ass. 
“You look nice,” he says finally meeting your eyes. 
“I look hot,” you counter with a smirk. “There’s a difference.” 
He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. You lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek, your dark red lipstick not leaving a single mark. 
“Have a good night babe,” you toss over your shoulder and head back outside. 
T’Challa is chatting somewhat awkwardly with Nakia as Okoye grins like a Cheshire cat beside them. 
“Got it!” You call to Nakia, holding up the necklace. 
Nakia turns her back to you and you clasp it on. The gold choker adds the right amount of shimmer and the long front piece falls down into the neck of her dress drawing the eye. Perfect. 
“See, it was just what this needed.” 
Nakia grins, “You’re right. Ok, let’s go! Bye boys!” With that, the three of you are back on the hovercraft without another word. 
A couple of hours later you push through the bodies on the dance floor to the booth you all claimed. Okoye and M’Baku lounge, sipping their drinks. 
“I think you owe me $50,” you say, finishing your own cocktail - it didn’t do anything much for you but you did like the taste. 
“The night is still young!” Okoye protests. “Did you see what they were wearing? It’s not like they could just roll out like that. Give them time.” 
“I’ll make sure she pays up,” M’Baku says with a wink. 
“Holding you to that!” You yell before heading back to the floor. 
It felt good to have nights like this again - laughter, and friends, and music loud enough to drown every worry. You didn’t even mind the crowd, nor the stranger with his hands on your hips. 
There’s a small ripple through the sea of people and you see T’Challa join Nakia on the floor. Okoye had pulled M’Baku out too, seeing them together her head falls back in a triumphant laugh. You shake your head, smiling, and continue to dance. 
The feeling of someone’s eyes on you sends a tingle up your spine. Methodically you scan the pulsing dark of the club, telling yourself there is no threat despite your mind automatically assuming the worst. 
In a flash of light, you see him on the other side of the floor, just beyond the crowd of bodies moving to the music. His hair hangs loose, a tight black tee strains across his chest, the left arm tucked in neatly, and his hand is shoved in the pocket of a pair of dark slim fit jeans that you’re not sure he owned before tonight. 
You smile, chalking his scowl up to the loud crowded space he finds himself in. With a nod, you step away from the man you’d been dancing with and head for Bucky. When he doesn’t move forward you send a bit of your power out to wrap around him, thinking to pull him in. He doesn’t budge. 
Turning away he stalks from you and the dancing crowd. 
Now you’re a little confused. You walk all the way out to the open-air terrace at the back of the club. He’s nowhere to be found. 
You make your way down the terrace steps to the first landing, away from the crowd. Why come all the way here… You wonder when a rough hand grips your arm spinning you back into a dim service corridor. Bucky’s body presses hard into yours pinning you to the wall. 
The dark look on his face clouds his blue eyes, but still, he’s so gorgeous it makes your breath catch. Gripping your jaw with his powerful hand he tilts your face up just a bit, holding it as his kiss sears you in place. It’s a hungry, passionate, possessive kiss. His tongue immediately parting your lips, tasting you, demanding more. When he pulls back you’re panting. 
Despite the heat of that kiss, his expression remains unchanged, fingers digging into your skin. Slowly his grip lessens, calloused touch trailing down your neck until they reach the collar of your jacket. 
Faster than your flustered mind can process right now, he grips the collar of your jacket, using it to spin you around to face the wall. In one swift tug, he pulls the jacket down your arms, tossing it aside. 
His hand rests on your chest, pressing you into him. The heat of his breath on your neck and his stubble barely scratching against your shoulder makes desire sing through your body. The sensation distracts you so much you don’t notice that his hand had migrated to the button of your shorts. 
Sure fingers loosen the skin-tight garment, the zipper crawling down. 
“Bucky,” you breathe in weak protest. 
“Shut up,” he growls fingers dipping into you to find that you’re already dripping. Biting your lip you grind against him, always eager for his touch. 
 “That’s how you moved with him,” his voice is gravel rough against your ear. A light bulb goes off in your mind and your movement ceases. “Would you rather have him?” Bucky presses the outline of his hard cock against the curve of your ass. 
Holy shit. You almost laugh but manage to hold it in. 
“Are you jealous Mr. Barnes?”
There are no words just his ragged breath. He answers with the sound of his own zipper lowering, his hand roughly tugging your shorts down your ass. 
“Answer me.” The demand in his voice makes your mouth water for some reason. Tilting your head back onto his shoulder you look into those stormcloud eyes of his.
“I only want you.” You reach for him, pulling his throbbing cock from his jeans. “I only ever want you.”
“Good.” This time his kiss is rough but fleeting before he pulls your underwear to the side and thrusts himself into you. Your hand flies to your mouth to catch your cry as your body stretches around him. 
The force of him threatens to knock you off balance. He reaches his hand around both steadying you and finding your clit at the same time. Rhythmically he rolls the tender bud under his middle finger, making every nerve ending in your body vibrate. His pace quickens and you think you will not be able to hold in this scream, it’s too good, too much. 
“Quiet now, sweetheart,” he says low, his own breath staggering. 
Barely you manage to stifle the sound of your orgasm rocking through your body. A moment later you feel Bucky’s cock pulse, a soft moan from him making your hair stand on end. 
He pulls out and you tug your shorts up. When you turn to face him he’s plucking your jacket off the ground. 
“Here,” he holds it up, as you slip back into it. Once it’s on his arm wraps around your chest holding you so tight you can feel his heart still racing against your back. 
“I meant it,” you say, relaxing into the comforting feel of him. “You’re all I want, Bucky.” He nods, his cheek resting against the side of your head. 
“Seeing you… I don’t think I’ve ever been the jealous type but…”
“It was just dancing babe.” 
He huffs out a dry laugh, “It doesn’t look like just dancing.” Turning in his arms to face him you take hold of his ass, pulling his hips to yours.
“Next time just come with me then,” you move against him. “You love to dance.”
A small smile plays on his lips, “I don’t know this kind of dancing.” 
“It’s easy.” You can hear the music clear enough pouring from the open doors above you. “Just feel the music. No steps to remember. Just be present.” 
Moving your hands to his hips you guide them to move with your own. Soon enough he’s getting a feel for it, letting his hands caress your curves. 
“See, easy,” you say smiling up at him. “We should get going before Okoye comes looking.”
He nods. As you begin to step away he cups your cheek, pulling your mouth to his once more. This time the hunger is replaced with something far richer that sends tingles down your spine. 
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love all of you,” you respond. “Even the jealous bits.”
“Yup. Especially if it gets you to fuck me in an alley, kinda hot.” He barks out a laugh.
“I’d say it’s more a hallway. What kind of husband would I be if I fucked you in an alley.”
“A fun one,” you say with a wink. Taking his hand in yours, you both head back upstairs. 
“Well you two look damn near giddy,” Okoye teases. They’d all set up at one of the terrace tables. 
“Just a quick dancing lesson. He’s a fast study,” you say. Bucky sits in the one open seat and you perch on his thigh. 
“Uh-huh,” Nakia says with a sideways glance. 
“So,” Bucky says, arm giving you a little squeeze, “You all already tired?”
“We’ve been out longer than you old wolf,” Okoye says. 
“Psh,” T’Challa waves a hand. “This is weak.” 
“You both rolled up maybe 20 minutes ago, what do you mean weak,” Nakia tosses back at him. 
“He’s right. Didn’t look like anyone could even break a sweat dancing like that,” Bucky pokes. 
“Oh, the White Wolf wants to break a sweat, eh?” 
“I think he does, Oko,” Nakia answers. 
“I don’t know if the colonizer can handle it,” M’Baku laughs. 
“Wanna bet?” Bucky says with a wolfish grin. 
Two more clubs and several hours later M’Baku is in the process of doing 100 pushups on the street with Okoye perched on his back because the colonizer had, in fact, handled it. In fact, he’d handled it better than you by mastering some new moves - you could admit you were a little jealous. 
“One hundred!” Okoye declares. M’Baku stands, wiping the sweat from his brow. 
“Could have just bet money you old wolf,” M’Baku grumbles.
“Too easy. And less fun for the rest of the group,” Bucky smirks, patting M’Baku on the shoulder. 
Nakia gasps, shooting up from the step she’d been perched on, nose up sniffing the air. 
“Chapati,” she groans. 
“This is happening,” T’Challa declares, grabbing Nakia’s hand and leading her toward the intoxicating smells of meat, spices, and bread. 
Within the hour, the six of you have loaded up on Chapati, Rolexes, and Bajia - the magic of meat, cheese, and starch being truly universal - and are sprawled around the king’s living space laughing and eating. It feels almost too good to be true. 
In the small hours of the morning, you finally fall into bed, stomach, and heart full to bursting. Bucky flings his arm around you, holding you close. 
“So,” he asks in your ear, “when’re we going dancing again?”
Tags: @bluegirlusa1  @l0kisbitch  @tazzi-baby  @disagreetoagree  @woodyandbuzz20-01  @mooniightbucky   @saundrasays  @breezy1415  @alyssaj23  @mywinterwolf​  @wonderlandmind4​  @fairislesheets  @anamcg317  @buckaroo-barness​  @jazztherebel​  @peachthatdrinkslemonade​  @regulusirius​   @auskitty​ @babyimp1967​ @katecolleen​  @handplucked​  @stevehesaidabadlanguageword​  @darkdragonphoenix​  @issanitydead​  @thestorydetective​  @buckysstar​  @wintersoldierswhore  @greyeyedsmile14​  @watchoutforfrostbite​  @for-the-love-of-the-fandom​  @jewelofwinter​  @siriuslycloudy2​  @hardygal69​  @marvelousmeggi  @jdoenson​  @gamorazenn​ @wildmoonflower​ @cutie1365​ @demonlover87​ @winterboobearsworld @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @damnaged-princess​ @amorluzymelodia​ @nutellakirb​ @nighttwingg​
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wondersofdreaming · 5 years
Because I love you
Characters: August Walker x Witch!female character
Word count: 1.611
Warnings: Cursing. Magic. Time travel. Ancient languages.
Author’s note: This is for @littlefreya​
Everything in this short story is a figment of my imagination, with inspiration and snippets from the movie ‘Mission: Impossible - Fallout’ from 2018, and some inspiration from the TV-show ‘The Originals’. This is pure fanfiction! Nothing is supposed to make sense. The Latin and Ancient Greek used in this drabble are my own translations, if it’s not correct, let me know and I will edit it.
I do not own any of the characters in this short story besides the reader, who is a figment of my imagination.
Dictionary: Evocatio Saturnum (Latin) - I call forth Saturn
κᾰλέω Κρόνον (Ancient Greek) - I summon Kronos
Mihi alas da (Latin, ‘da’ is the imperative of ‘do’) - Give (to) me wings
Laxa (Latin, ‘laxa’ is the imperative of ‘laxo’) - Open/Release
Feedback is appreciated.
Tag: @littlefreya 
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Everything was prepped and ready. The circle on the floor had been drawn with salt. Your coven had told you not to do the spell that you were putting your own life in danger, just for a man. A man you loved more than anything. Nothing was going to stop you. And you were the damn head of that fucking coven, they had to obey your orders no matter what.
You had researched the different spells to get him back. Awakening spells, how to bring someone dead back to life, how to summon their soul into someone else’s body - there was always a consequence. Magic always had a price. If you brought him back from the dead, you needed to sacrifice yourself in the making. You had contemplated that a few times, better have him alive than you, but then you knew he would be furious. He would find a way to bring you back to life, only to punish you so bad, not that you would be complaining.
No, you finally found a way. Your witch ancestors were behind you, even though they had given voice to their concerns, but they prayed that your plan would work. You had put it to work months ago, by having found the Fountain of Youth, which was where you were now, setting your masterplan in motion.
You sat down in the middle of the circle, cross-legged. With a flick of your wrist, you lit all the candles that filled the cave. You started the incantation to borrow power from your coven, from the dead in the graveyard, and from your witch ancestors. You felt the energy surge into you. The room shaking from the power surge.
“Evocatio Saturnum, κᾰλέω Κρόνον, I summon thee, God of Time. I sacrifice the fountain of immortal life. Come forth and lend me your power!”
You opened your eyes. The power from your coven and ancestors fell away. Nothing. The God of Time was nowhere to be found.
“FUCK!” You screamed.
Before you could get up and figure out what you did wrong, a strong wind went through the cave and blew out all the candles. A blue light appeared in front of you. The candles were re-lit, now with a blue fire instead of the soft orange glow from before.
A massive man stood before you. He had silver hair and a beard to match. His eyes, the colour of steel, bore into yours with curiosity. He wore a deep burgundy three-piece suit. He held out a hand to help you up.
“Nobody has been able to summon me in aeons.” He whispered into your ear.
“Good for me then.” You mumbled, accepting his hand and stood before him. He was towering over your smaller form. He had an intimidating height, and those eyes were sucking out all your courage.
“Now, my dear, how can I help you?” He walked out of the circle and looked at his mirror image in the fountain.
“I need a portal to right before my beloved was killed.” You answered confidently. His back went rigid.
“You are playing with time in a way that will disrupt the timeline. If you bring him back to this time, his future, you could bring doom to your people, your coven, your ancestors.”
“I will sacrifice anything to be able to hold my beloved. Besides, aren’t you the God of Time? Aren’t you supposed to protect the timeline?”
“By helping you bring chaos to it?”
“You let one of your children create this fountain! You do not have a choice in this, Saturn, Kronos, Father Time, whatever it is that you call yourself. I offer you the fountain, to correct a mistake you made, when you let your child create this. I will even help you eradicate all immortal beings from this earth to preserve the timeline from now on.”
That got his attention. He turned around and let out a low grumble.
“I could take your life and give your years to someone more deserving.” He growled.
“If I die, my ancestors and coven will protect this place from you. They will move it across the universe, to someplace where you will never be able to find it.” You hissed.
He massaged his temples. Even gods could get headaches.
“Fine. But I want to see you destroy this first, and your help in destroying immortal creatures. Demi-gods excluded.”
You moved towards the fountain and poured in a red liquid. It was a concoction you had created only for the Fountain of Youth, having been studying it ever since you found it. The water started boiling. It kept steaming until all the water was gone. It left a deep hole in the ground; you couldn’t even see or sense the bottom.
“Now, dear. Shall we?” He asked and held out his hand. You nodded and took it.
You had closed your eyes. Nauseated you opened them. You stood next to the God of Time on a small ledge into the side of a mountain. You clung to the cold hard rock behind you, not wanting to fall into your death.
“In exactly one minute, a helicopter will fall into the opening on your left. You will have five minutes to touch him before I transport us back to your time.”
“How the fuck am I supposed to reach him?”
“Use your brilliant mind, dear. You found a way to summon me, now use your brain to get to your beloved before time runs out and ruins his pretty little face.”
A loud crash pulled you away from the anger welling up inside you, anger towards the obnoxious time-god. You searched the mountainside for smaller ledges to set your feet and hands. You took deep breaths to calm yourself. Then you remembered a spell your grandmother had taught you.
“Mihi alas da!” You whispered. Huge white wings sprouted from your back. You flew over to the crashed helicopter. There he was. Your beloved. How you had missed him. His face was contorted in concentration, trying to take off the seatbelt that had gotten stuck.
“Laxa!” You mumbled loudly, which unhooked the seatbelt. He turned to see you in the opening of the broken helicopter. His eyes softened. You grabbed his outstretched arm and yanked him away from the burning liquid that would have hit him in the face.
“What are you doing here?” He whispered into your hair. “You are supposed to be locked in with your coven for the cleansing spell.”
“I am. At least in this time, I am.” You told him. He watched you with confusion. “I summoned the God of Time to help me save you.”
“Save me? Save me from what?”
“Death. You will die if you don’t come with me, right this moment.”
“Do you have so little faith in me?” He chuckled, thinking you were joking.
“If you don’t believe me, be my guest and continue on in this timeline. When we meet in hell, the first thing you will hear from me is ‘I told you so’.”
He grumbled something you couldn’t hear, but he took your hand. You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tight and inhaled the scent that was purely him.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered into your hair. You flew him towards the God of Time, who was standing on the ledge with an amused smile.
“30 seconds to spare.” The bearded God grinned at you. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hands. He transported you back to the future, back to the cave on top of Mount Everest.
“Well, my dear, thank you for this little adventure. Here is a book of the immortals you need to destroy, and it also says how to find them, how to kill them etc. etc. etc. Good luck, darling, and please don’t disrupt time again.” The God smiled and with a flick of his fingers, blue flames surrounded his body, and he was gone in an instant.
“What year is this?” Your beloved asked.
“It’s 2020. You’ve been dead for two years.”
He went to sit down on the bed you had summoned to sleep on all these months. He hid his face in his hands, elbows on his knees.
“What did you have to do to bring me back?” He asked.
“Oh, nothing much. Just forced my coven and ancestors to help me, destroyed the fountain of youth, promised to kill all immortal beings that are left on this planet.” You said nervously and with a small chuckle at the end.
He stood from the bed. The air around him trembled. You felt his lingering gaze. His arms pulling you into his broad chest. His hand lifted your chin, so you were forced to look into his blue eyes.
“If that is your mission, then I will help you.” He grumbled.
“Good. I could use your skills, some of these creatures are pretty hard to get rid of. Now, if you don’t mind. I’ve missed you terribly, and I really need you to kiss me, so that I know you are real. Please.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
Your lips crashed in a hungry kiss. His tongue was dominating yours. Your moans filled the quiet cave. The energy between you was electrifying. It felt so right to be back in his arms. To kiss him, to have him kiss you senseless. You didn’t have to sleep alone anymore. You didn’t have to wake up multiple times at night without him anymore. Your nightmares would finally subside.
“Don’t you dare die on me again.” You murmured.
“I promise.”
“Because I love you, August Walker.”
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biblicalhorror · 6 years
That Time Carisi (Almost) Punched a Transphobic Asshat in the Face
A short drabble dedicated to @lesbianavabekker
The station was bustling, as usual. Rollins scrolled through a search engine on her computer, looking for anything to connect their current suspect to a grisly string of murders. She typed another keyword into the search bar. Still nothing.
Suddenly, there was a bustling in the doorway. Rollins looked up to see Fin strolling behind a man in his late 50s, wearing an orange polo shirt and grey slacks.
“Terrible outfit,” Rollins thought. “What case is this guy from?”
She got up and followed the parade of cops to the interrogation room, where the man sat, steaming, at one side of the sleek metal table in the center of the room. Rollins stood outside, watching closely through the one-way glass as the man forcefully rubbed his thumbs over his hands over and over again. He seemed nervous but mostly just agitated. Hearing the door open, Rollins turned to see Carisi walk in.
“Hey, what’s the deal with this guy?” She asked him.
“Fin found him. Says he might be a possible lead on the Reichard case. Did you not get the comm?”
Rollins’ hand patted her hip. Where the hell is my radio? She brushed it off. “Must’ve missed that. You going in? Need any backup?”
“Nah, I think I’m good on my own for this one. I’ll let you know if I need ya.”
Rollins nodded, stepping back as Carisi opened the door and headed for the chair opposite the man. Rollins walked closer to the glass, watching the man intently for any signs of guilt.
“Mr. Lesko, my name is Detective Carisi. Do you know why you’re here?”
“Yeah, your dumbass friend thinks I have something to do with that kid going missing.”
“Right…” Carisi nodded, slightly drawing out the word to make himself seem nonchalant. “Did you know him? Hear he was seen hangin’ round your shop a lot.”
“Yeah, I guess.” The man shrugged. “Kids that age are in my store all the time, drunk or high with their friends and looking for cheap snacks. I only saw that one come in alone, though.”
The man looked Carisi directly in the eye. “She didn’t seem to have many friends. Honestly, I’m not surprised she’s missin’ now. A dyke like her probably got herself into some trouble.”
Rollins grimaced. This guy was old, but he didn’t seem that old. Who still talks like that? She took notice of the stiffening in Carisi’s posture as the guy continued to berate this transgender kid.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’ve got no problem with their… lifestyle, but she comes around flaunting that behavior, it’s disgusting. No one wants to see that. A girl like her outta learn to present herself if she wants to make it anywhere.”
Carisi stared at the table, breathing slowly. His hands clenched tightly under the table, outside of the suspect's view. Rollins, however, had a better vantage point. She could see how upset this was making him.
Composing himself, Carisi took another deep breath and looked into the man’s eyes. He opened the folder in front of him, taking out a photo of a teenage boy and slamming it onto the table. “Did you see Tyler Reichard on March 11, yes or no?” he demanded, a little too loudly.
The man smirked, seeing that he’d gotten under Carisi’s skin. “Nope. Don’t think I did.”
Carisi grabbed the table with both hands, pushing himself out of his chair. Without saying a word, he got up and walked out, leaving Lesko alone in the interrogation room. Rollins looked over to Fin, standing in the corner.
“This guy knows something. Keep him talking, I’ll get Carisi.”
Fin nodded, heading over to the door. Rollins walked quickly to the squad room to find Carisi at his desk with his head in his hands. She hadn’t seen him this rattled in awhile. She sat down in her own chair, not speaking for a few seconds.
“Hey, you good? What happened in there?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just…” Carisi looked to the side, staring at nothing while he gathered his words.
Rollins waited for a few seconds before offering, “Do you wanna grab some lunch?”
Carisi looked at her, relieved. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
They sat on a bench, eating hot dogs in silence for awhile before Carisi spoke up.
“There’s something I’ve been trying to tell you for awhile, but I couldn’t figure out how to bring it up.” He paused again. “I’ve been seeing someone lately.”
Rollins raised an eyebrow. “Why would you be afraid to tell me that?”
“Well, his name is Riley. I wasn’t sure how you’d react to the ‘he’ part.” Carisi looked over at her expectantly.
Rollins felt the wind leave her lungs for a moment as she processed what she was hearing. Did her partner just come out to her? She couldn’t say she was shocked, but it had just never occurred to her that someone like Carisi would be into men. She met his eyes, grinning.
“Is that why you got so upset in there? Because that asshole was acting like being gay was a death wish? Because just say the word and I’ll show him what a death wish looks like.”
Carisi tossed his head back, laughing. “No, no. Well, that was part of it. See, Riley is also a transgender man. When he called the Reichard kid… that word... it really stung. Suddenly, it was like being reminded how so many people see people like him. I know how hard that’s been for Riley.” He looked down at his half-eaten lunch. “And I remember when I used to think like that, too.”
“Hey, now.” Rollins scooted closer to him, putting a hand on his upper back. “You’re a different person than you were then. Clearly, people change. You’ve grown up a lot since I first met you.”
Carisi smiled back at her. His phone dinged in his pocket. He pulled it out, looking at the notification.
“Speak of the devil. It’s Riley,” he said, opening the text. He chuckled at the screen. “Oh, hey! I can actually show you this stuff now!”
Rollins furrowed her brow, unsure if this was crossing the boundaries of their friendship or not. Sonny turned his phone screen towards her, showing a video of a tiny sheepdog puppy running excitedly towards the camera, jumping up to pounce and then plopping down with an anticlimactic thump. Amanda giggled.
“Her name is Button. Isn’t that cute?”
“As a button.” Amanda teased. “You seem really happy.”
Carisi smiled again. “I am. I’m really glad you know now.”
The two sat on the bench for a moment, reveling in their bonding moment. Finally, Amanda took a deep breath. “We should get back to the station. I’ll bet Fin’s running out of questions to ask.”
“Oh, please.” Carisi joked. “We’ve only been gone forty-five minutes. I’ll bet he’s just getting started.”
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jiminfinity · 7 years
bring on the sunshine
Read Chapter 1 | Read Chapter 2 | Read full story on ao3
A short christmas drabble is up!!!!
Read the rest on AO3!! Please leave kudos and comments if you wanna!
Summary: With the help of their five-year-old “matchmaker” Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin stumble into each other’s lives. Cue the awkward, messy pining and dating adventures with a noisy kid in their way.
The Min household doesn’t do much for Christmas.
The only decoration in sight is a cut-out of a Christmas tree that Taehyung had coloured in pink back when he was...two? It’s pasted haphazardly on the closed front door of their apartment, signs of wear and tear evident in the way the sides of the tree are curling inwards.
Besides that, there are no Christmas lights, no Christmas tree, no Christmas stockings. Taehyung’s present is there waiting for him at the feet of his bed. The heater is turned up high and the curtains are drawn. When the father-and-son wake up, nothing is out of the ordinary other than the fact that Taehyung gets marshmallows in his hot chocolate and gets to choose what movie he wants to watch that day.
It’s not that Yoongi has some animosity towards Christmas or anything. He’s not avoiding it due to some past childhood trauma. It’s just simply that his family never had the tradition of celebrating this festivity, and thus it’s never occurred to him that Christmas should be a special day, especially not when he’s not religious.
Taehyung’s happy to receive his present (a build-your-own-telescope set) and it’s just what he wanted. He’s happy to spend the entire day sprawled on his father’s lap as they watch Ponyo for the tenth thousand time. He’s happy watching the way his strawberry marshmallows dissolve into his cup of hot chocolate and how the steam smells instantly of pink goodness.
Yoongi’s happy to have a day of absolutely nothing to do. He’s happy that it’s nice and toasty in his apartment and that they’re not facing the harsh winter out there. He’s happy that Taehyung’s satisfied with his gift.
In the Min household, they’re content with the simple things. Christmas is just another day.
But not for Jimin.
Jimin loves Christmas.
Christmas is absolutely not just another day . It is the day of the year, probably the most important holiday in his opinion.
Imagine his utter shock when he enters the apartment breezily, red Santa hat perched daintily on his head, patterned Christmas socks pulled up to his thighs and presents tucked under his armpits, only to find Yoongi and Taehyung just....there.
“Merry Christmas!” dies on Jimin’s lips as he glances around the apartment. Where are the lights? The tree? That movie they’re watching isn’t even a Christmas classic!
“Mr Park!” Taehyung yells heartily as he gives Jimin his usual run-and-tackle embrace.
“Hello, Tae,” Jimin smiles a little blankly, bopping Taehyung’s nose half-heartedly after dropping the presents and scooping him into his arms.
Yoongi saunters over to Jimin, pressing a lazy kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek. “Morning, sunshine.” He taps the end of Jimin’s hat. The bell jingles melodiously. “This is cute. You’re cute.”
“Did you forget?” Jimin whispers, pulling a scandalised expression.
“Forget what?” Yoongi replies, shooting a quizzical glance back as he scratches the back of his head.
“Christmas!” Jimin widens his eyes exasperatedly, voice a little more raised this time.
“Oh.” Yoongi shrugs. “No, I didn’t. I know today’s Christmas but..so what?”
“So what ?” Jimin’s mouth falls open. He’s looking at Yoongi like he doesn’t recognise him anymore. Yoongi’s a little frightened.
“Daddy got me a present!” Taehyung offers sweetly. “And we pasted my Christmas tree on the door last night!”
“That’s nice,” Jimin immediately relaxes his face as he kisses the top of Taehyung’s head. “And I did see the tree you coloured. It’s beautiful.”
Taehyung giggles.
“We don’t really celebrate Christmas…” Yoongi reasons, biting his lip unsurely.
“What?” Jimin’s eyes snap up to Yoongi’s.
Yoongi shrugs once more. “I don’t know...it was just never a big deal to us, I guess?”
“B-but…” Jimin looks a little lost. He puts Taehyung down gently and shuffles to the window, drawing open the curtains. Sunlight floods into the apartment. “How can you be missing out on this?”
Taehyung practically flings himself onto the window, nose and cheeks pressed against the cold surface as his eyes turn round in delight. “Wow!” he breathes. “It’s snow! So much snow!"
Jimin ruffles Taehyung’s hair endearingly. “It’s the magic of Christmas, Tae-ah.”
“It is?” Taehyung grins with awe at Jimin. “I didn’t know Christmas was magical.”
Jimin frowns slightly. “No. This won’t do.” He folds his arms. Clicks his tongue. Nods. “Okay boys, dress up. We’re going out.”
“In this weather?” Yoongi sputters. “It’s so c-c-cold!” Just thinking about it makes Yoongi shiver.
“Poor kid over here has never experienced the magic of Christmas, I can’t just leave it be.”
“But—” Yoongi tries pouting.
“Not working on me,” Jimin shakes his head resolutely. “Also, grumpy people don’t get presents.”
He picks up a larger package from the floor. “Taehyungieeeee,” he sing-songs. “You’ve been a good kid right?”
“Uh-huh!” Taehyung nods frantically, practically salivating at the sight of the massive box. “I’ve been very very good. I promise! ”
“I know you have,” Jimin smiles. “Merry Christmas! Here you go!”
“Thank you!” Taehyung squeals, tearing apart the wrapping paper in a flash.
Upon seeing the gift, Taehyung exclaims, “Oh! My! Gosh!” His hands fly up to his cheeks. “How did you know I wanted a dragon pet?”
“Christmas magic, remember?” Jimin winks, beaming at the way Taehyung lit up.
Taehyung hugs the huge stuffed toy close to his heart. “I love it I love it I love it I love it! I’m going to name it Magic and I’m going to love it and never let it go.”
“I’m glad you like it,” Jimin smiles genuinely.
After a beat, Taehyung quips, “Does Daddy get a present?” Of course, he wouldn’t forget his daddy.
“I don’t know, Taehyung. Has daddy been a good boy?” Jimin asks in a teasing tone. “He doesn’t seem very excited to go out with Mr Park right now, though.”
“It’s cold,” Yoongi mutters sadly.
Just then, arms wrap around Yoongi tightly. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here to keep you warm,” Jimin tucks his chin on Yoongi’s shoulder and kisses the nape of his neck softly. He pulls away, keeping Yoongi at arm’s length. “It’ll be fun, I promise!”
Maybe it’s the way Jimin’s eyes are twinkling. Maybe it’s the way that subtle kiss made Yoongi blush. Maybe it’s Christmas magic. Whatever it is, it’s working. Yoongi’s resolve crumbles.
“Fine,” he rolls his eyes good-naturedly, a smile rising to his lips.
“Yay!” Jimin and Taehyung cheer simultaneously.
He could never say no to Jimin anyway.
Barely an hour later, Yoongi regrets everything.
His heart is beating wildly and wet snow is falling into his jacket and he’s tired.
“Time out!” Yoongi waves his arms in surrender as he clutches onto his chest, catching his breath.
Jimin and Taehyung emerge from their snow fort, hooting triumphantly as they dance around celebratorily.
“The enemy has been defeated! Christmas forces have prevailed! It is truly the magic of Christmas!” Jimin announces into the air.
“Enemy feeted ! Christmas forces prewailed ! Truly the magic of Christmas!” Taehyung echoes clumsily after Jimin, chuckling at Yoongi’s red face and red nose.
“Yes, sure, gang up against the old man. That’s the spirit of Christmas!” Yoongi says bitingly, eyes rolled skyward with sarcasm. “I knew Christmas was a bad idea.”
“Oh come on, you Grinch,” Jimin nudges Yoongi with an adorable grin gracing his features. An expression Yoongi cannot resist. “It’s just fun and games.”
“I’m going to die of frostbite,” Yoongi pants dramatically.
“Don’t be silly,” Jimin giggles as he lovingly brushes off the snow from Yoongi’s garments. “Look at Taehyung. Aren’t you glad he’s having so much fun?”
Yoongi glances over Jimin’s shoulder, only to find Taehyung spreading his hands and arms across the canvas of white snow, animatedly attempting to make his very first snow angel. He looks so happy, even with his cheeks all rosy from the cold.
“Maybe I should have done this earlier,” Yoongi muses, eyes still fixated on his beautiful son.
“It’s not too late,” Jimin corrects. Something warm presses against Yoongi’s cheeks. “Better?”
“Why are your hands so warm?” Yoongi can’t help but sigh, leaning unconsciously towards the touch.
“Because I’m your sunshine,” Jimin jokes.
“You truly are,” Yoongi breathes, eyes fluttering closed as he soaks in this moment.
They stay like that for a little while more, bodies subtly pressed against each other as Yoongi pulls Jimin close, Jimin’s mittened hands reaching up to cup Yoongi’s face. It’s perfect.
“My lips are cold.”
“Are they now?” Jimin cocks an eyebrow surreptitiously, a knowing glint in his eyes.
“You said you would keep me warm, right?” Yoongi opens up his eyes and puffs out his cheeks.
“Taehyung’s here, we can’t,” Jimin hits Yoongi’s chest playfully.
Yoongi licks his lips. “He’s not looking, hurry.”
“Fine,” Jimin relents, cheeks tinted with the prettiest pink. “Since you’ve been good today.”
They meet halfway, smiling through the kiss. It tastes of Jimin’s cocoa-butter lip gloss and marshmallows. Even with Yoongi’s cracked lips and the squishy feeling of snow in his socks and many layers of clothes between them, it feels wonderful.
Flashes of white catch Yoongi’s eyes and he breaks apart before Jimin’s satisfied, resulting in the smaller boy chasing after his lips.
“Wait, look.” Yoongi prompts, using two fingers to nudge Jimin’s chin upwards. “It’s snowing.”
Jimin’s eyes brighten up as he gasps. “It really is! Taehyung! It’s snowing!”
“Wow!” Taehyung exclaims, raising his arms in the air as he sits up. He hasn’t seen anything like that before, eyes gleaming in curiosity as he observes the way the snow descends down, glittering under the sunlight like fairy dust. Like magic.
“Wow!” he exclaims again, a little dazed as he stands up to spin around and around and around, his carefree laughter bouncing off everywhere.
“It tasth likth sthrawberthy!” Taehyung blabbers with his tongue stuck out.
“Does it now?” Jimin laughs.
“It must be Christmas magic.” Yoongi thinks out loud, his arm reaching out to pull Jimin close by the waist as he beams at his lover.
Jimin gazes back up, the look on his face brighter than all the Christmas lights on the streets combined. “It must be a Christmas miracle.”
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amusewithaview · 8 years
fade to black drabbles, part one
“i’m a rockstar and you’re a fan who snuck in and do you maybe wanna help me ‘blow off some steam’ back stage because ur A) really hot and B) pretty obviously willing“ au.  Somehow this also became an ageswap au too almost?  I picture Darcy as being roughly 10+ years older than Tony’s 19(ish) in this.
Darcy was sprawled out over the lounger, bass on her stomach while she idly strummed.  She’d caught her breath ten minutes ago, but the break was supposed to last another twenty.  By now, she knew, Jane and Helen had probably spirited their favorite roadie away for a quickie and Skye was probably going over the tech specs for the lighting for their second set.
She briefly considered going outside and bumming a cigarette, but Skye would kill her if she fucked with her voice before they’d had a chance to sing “Hacker/Slasher.”  Of course, she could always - 
There was a faint creak as the door opened and Darcy glanced up to see the back of a tailored jacket and a head of dark hair as a stranger swiftly shut the door behind him.  He stood there for a second, and she glanced over at the mirror that ran along the length of one of the walls just in time to glimpse nerves on the man’s face before he adopted a cocky expression and pivoted to face her.
”And you are?” she asked, raising her brows.
”A fan,” he said quickly.
Darcy squinted.  “You look familiar...”
”Uh, I don’t actually think we’ve met - ”
She skimmed him with her eyes: designer suit, worn carelessly, messy black hair and big brown eyes that were probably twice as tricksy as they seemed innocent, his hands - she had a thing for hands - didn’t quite match the rest of him: long fingers with blunt tips, knuckles liberally stained with black and brown.  Not ink stains, they looked more like oil.
That was what tipped her off, well, that and the smile.
She set her bass aside carefully and stood, watching him watch her as she smoothed her shirt down over her stomach.  “So... how many people did the Tony Stark have to bribe to get himself into my dressing room?”
He startled when she recognized him, then forcibly relaxed himself.  “Fewer than you’d think, security is kinda lax.”
“I’m not usually the one who has to worry about overzealous fans.”
Stark let out a sharp bark of incredulous laughter.  “Oh, wait, you’re serious.  But you’re so - and your music - I can’t - ”
Darcy smiled, cheshirelike, and leaned her hip against the shelf that ran along the length of the mirror.  “Feel free to keep talking, you’re good for my ego.”
“I could be good for more than your ego,” he blurted, then flushed.  In spite of his obvious embarrassment at his own forwardness, he didn’t retract the statement.
She checked the clock on the wall behind his head.  Fifteen minutes till she needed to be back on stage.  “You’ve got ten minutes to impress me, tinkertoy, and if you do...”  She beckoned him closer, smirking when he nearly tripped over his own feet in his haste.  “We can continue this after the show,” she breathed the last few words against his mouth before kissing him.
“seven minutes in heaven with my longtime crush but we get locked in for hours bc our friends forgot about us” au.  Also a college au because I’m a sucker for those under certain circumstances.
Skye thumped her head back against the wall behind her.  “Ow.”
”I don’t think giving yourself a concussion is going to make this any better.”
”It can’t make things worse,” she groused, sneering at her companion.  Her poisonous expression was lost on him, trapped as they were in the pitch black of a locked broom closet.  Who even had closets just for brooms?  Tony-freaking-Stark in his stupid-freaking-frathouse, that’s who.  Skye remembered being excited to be invited to an Alpha Beta Nu party.  Excitement that had faded hours ago.
”I’m sure it could be worse,” Steve said, still trying to be optimistic.
Skye wriggled around, trying to stretch her limbs, settle into a more comfortable position, but the closet was small even before you crammed in six feet something of pure All-American beefcake and five feet whatever of her own special brand of American melting pot.
”Could you - stop.  Please.”
”You’re taking up more than your fair share of the space,” Skye said.  “Budge over,” she insisted, planting both hands against his shoulder and shoving.  It was like trying to move a boulder, only warm and covered with smooth skin and - nope, not a good time to think like that.
The little imp of the perverse that was the source of roughly half her worst ideas popped up, pointing out that getting a reaction out of Steve was at least entertaining and being stuck in the dark with her long-time crush had very swiftly gone from mortifying to maddeningly boring.
”I’m just - ” she shifted around, slipping her legs over his to try and take advantage of the limited space, “trying to get - ” she scooted her butt a little closer to his hip and braced her legs against the opposite wall, “a little more comfortable,” she finished.  It was hard to tell, but she was pretty sure that they were now roughly perpendicular to each other.  Her thighs rested against his as little as she could manage, but she could still feel his heat against her skin.
”Skye,” Steve bit out.
”What?  I’m done moving.  Keep your shirt on.  Or wait, no, give it to me.  I’m starting to get cold,” she complained.  She’d let Pepper and Peggy dress her before dragging her over to the party.  A short skirt and a sleeveless top were all well and good when in the midst of loads of tipsy-to-drunk collegiates, but much less comfortable when stuck in a broom closet.
”You’re cold?”
”Yes, that’s what I just said - eep!”  Steve had leaned over and lifted her - lifted her!  Into the air! - and plonked her in his lap.  She was shocked enough that she offered no resistance as he arranged her to his liking.  Shortly thereafter, she found herself pressed against him, her back to his chest, her legs stretching out on top of his, and his arms wrapped around her.
”Better?” he asked, his breath ruffling the shorter hair that barely brushed her nape and making goosebumps break out all over her skin.  He chafed his hands up and down her arms, solving the cold problem and starting a whole new one.
The imp was back, spurring her to shift, wriggling her hips as she readjusted her skirt to cover as much as possible.  “Well, now I’m just f - ”  She choked, staring straight ahead into the blackness because: “So, Steve,” she said casually.  “Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket, or...?”
He groaned and she felt his forehead drop down to press against her shoulder.
”So... not quarters?”
”Because, I mean, if it’s not quarters, I’ve got a few ideas on how you can keep me entertained and warm.”
“got locked in a walk-in refrigerator/freezer and now we gotta keep warm somehow” au.  This takes place in the same universe as the drabble immediately previous because why not.
”Why does this keep happening to us?” Skye whined.
”Our friends are assholes,” Steve said, pressing a quick kiss to her temple.  He was still inspecting the door to their make-shift prison.  “At least it isn’t on.”
”So Loki wasn’t in on this one.”
”Probably not.”
”But we’re still stuck here.”
Skye started fishing around her pockets.  Huffing in disappointment when she found nothing, she swiftly moved onto Steve’s, shoving him this way and that as she groped around his jeans until she found his wallet.
”Sweetheart, I don’t think the credit card trick will unlock - ”
”Ah-HA!” she cried, yanking out two condoms.  “Provisions!”
For the first time since they’d been locked in, Steve smiled.
“you’re a vampire with an aphrodisiac bite and i’m the drunk party-goer you decided to snack on tonight” au.
Jane was trembling, muscles going limp, and would have fallen were it not for the strong grip bracing each of her arms.  “When I asked if you wanted to look at the stars with me,” she panted, “that wasn’t a euphemism.”
There was a throaty chuckle and a brief pressure against the top of her head.  “I know, сладкий звезда, but your enthusiasm was quite enticing.”
She hmm’d, head lolling back against the cool shoulder behind her.  The sounds of the bar were still quite loud, but even so she could hear the shift of cloth moving as her captor shifted, drawing her closer.  Lips brushed her neck again, this time on the unmarked side.  “You’re not... full?” Jane asked, trepidation welling up inside of her.
”Relax, I will not take more than you can give.”
The lips were back, followed by a tongue, and teeth too sharp to be human.  Jane shivered as silky red hair drifted against her bare skin.
”Let go, сладкий звезда, let me show you a different kind of stars...”
“you’re really invested in your tv show/book/etc and i don’t think you understand how much your absentminded petting is getting to me but like hell am i gonna ask you to stop“ au.
Clint was holding still.  So still.  Well, as still as he could under the circumstances.  Those ‘circumstances’ being Darcy’s latest manicure and its continuous, torturous, wonderful application to his scalp.  The instant he’d flopped facedown onto their couch and, not incidentally, her thigh, she’d started petting him.  At first it was just light brushes over the back of his head, a futile attempt to smooth down the hair that always spiked in the back.  Gradually she shifted from strokes to scratches, lightly running her nails from his nape to his forehead, paying special attention to the sensitive skin at the base of his skull.
He was concentrating so hard on not moving, not moving, not moving, not moving, not moving.  It took him longer than he wanted to admit to realize that it had been quite some time since she’d actually flipped a page.
He pushed himself up and glared at her.  “You’re evil.”
She tilted her head to the side, “Something wrong?”
“You don’t like it when I use my nails on you?” she asked, pouting playfully.  When he continued to scowl, she reached out and slowly dragged her nails from the collar of his shirt to halfway down his stomach.  Even with his t-shirt dulling the sensation, he still shuddered.
"You held out a lot longer than I expected, if it’s any consolation.”
Clint scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder.  “As consolation prizes go, I suppose you’ll do.”
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