#[ idk why but could totally see this being done to him and luna in this alt ver ;A; ]
altrxisme · 1 year
[ FIVE DEATHS ] ( for Jackson, I'd like to suffer pls <3 )
𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 ‘𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒’ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 // still accepting!! — [ FIVE DEATHS ]  send for five times our muses almost died together and the one time the sender does.
i. Luna could tell from their eyes, the shameless glee in their eyes, as Jackson writhed and struggled for air on the floor after he'd been told to taste her food as one of his duties as her newly appointed retainer. They looked at them, disgusting amusement curled on the corners of their lips as they tried to hide it behind shocked expressions.
Their fun didn't last long, however, turning into sheer HORROR when the young girl took a bite of the same food that had made the young boy collapse. Screams and the clink of glass vials, antidotes, quickly opened for both of them.
They learned not to make such an attempt at the little retainer after that, lest they PROVOKE the Oracle-in-training.
ii. Being scolded by a distressed Ravus felt as if death itself had come for them. Jackson shut his eyes whenever the older boy was in his face, yelling about how he should be taking his role as a retainer more seriously and to stop putting his sister in dangerous situations. He hadn't meant to, he wanted to gather the flowers that grew off the cliffs so that she would SMILE more.
When Ravus turned around, the young retainer opened his eyes slightly to glance at Luna to see how she was doing.
The sadness on her expression was much worse than when the entire debacle first started and he felt a part of him die in GUILT.
Part of her grieved in knowing that she had someone in her life willing to risk their well-being for her HAPPINESS, despite the fate the Astrals had set out for her.
iii. Some retainer he was if he couldn't even prevent his liege from getting kidnapped of all things.
Jackson sped down the streets after Luna and her captors, jumping over carts and dodging people that were in his way. It was part of her responsibility to travel the continent and heal those affected by the Scourge. Certain groups of people though, believed her to be a sacrifice to the Astrals to rid Eos of it. While that was partially true, they took the SACRIFICE portion of it farther than what was acceptable in society.
Legs pumping from fear of what they had in store for her, Jackson decided to bite the bullet and drew his gun, aiming at the legs of the people he pursued, thankful that Luna was being carried to avoid hitting her. They were quick to fall, but the person that had snatched the princess was certainly picked for a reason.
As if that was going to stop him.
He set his aim higher, praying that he doesn't hit Luna as he repeatedly shot at the man's back. The two tumbled onto the ground and he pushed himself even further to drag his liege away from the man. He was successful in keeping her behind him but was pulled down to by the desperate zealot who laid punches on him with the intent to KILL. A shot to his face was what took him out.
It was one of the few instances Jackson got to see Luna in tears outside the comfort of their rooms.
iv. At least they learned to not separate the two of them. The problem was that the two of them were now better coordinated for hostage situations.
Although, neither of them expected to be left hanging above a pit of DAEMONS and slowly getting lowered into it while the zealots chanted tongues unfamiliar to either of them. The group was certainly giving the Lucians a run for their gil when it came to successfully kidnapping the Princess.
Any other time, they would both find some HUMOR to this.
"—How long before Ravus comes ta rescue us, Luna? My arms are gettin' numb."
v. The Astrals were cruel beings if they were the ones that continuously put Luna in the most dangerous situations.
Jackson knew that the treaty signing wasn't what it seemed, it was clear as day to those who knew the Empire well. What he hadn't expected was for General Glauca himself to take her away in the middle of the night. He was frantic when he approached the Glaive, Nyx Ulric, about his missing liege. He'd been almost dismissed by the man until something in his communicator made him think twice.
When she went to defend Nyx with only herself against Glauca, he didn't pull her away to leave the Glaive on his own or take her place. Jackson STOOD BY HER to take the first blow in hopes that she wouldn't get the worst of it.
He could never take away the goodness within her that could very well get her killed. It was a decision SHE made, not led by anyone or anything else.
ø. He had to be dragged away from the ruins, refusing to leave his closest friend in her watery grave. His hands bled, voice hoarse, vision blurred with tears as he tried to keep them from taking him to the train.
He couldn't leave her. He will not leave her. He will not let her be alone in DEATH, just as he did for her in LIFE.
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so here’s the thing about the red white and royal blue movie
PSA BEFORE WE BEGIN!!! I AM NOT HATING! i did like the movie, this is not me hating on it or casey mcquinston, any of the actors, producers, writers, etc. i personally think that casey is an insanely talented writer, and the actors did a phenomenal job bringing this story to life. i am simply sharing my opinion and what i would change about it! also i like to complain it is my natural instinct. now that that’s out of the way here we go
honestly i think they could have done better and we could have gotten a lot more. sososo much was left out from the books and i was honestly just disappointed by how much they changed or straight up removed entirely. we were ROBBED of the following:
• alex’s parents being divorced and how that effected him as a person and helped him grow into the person he is
• alex’s self discovery in his sexuality
• liam and rafael luna and how they both also helped alex in discovering his bisexuality (who the fuck is miguel) (did not like that he was already bi, his path of self discovery throughout the book is really relatable and good rep imo but idk)
• the iconic cornettos scene (i know they filmed it it was is the fucking trailers WHERE DID IT GO)
• bea’s 🍃 scandal/‘powder princess’ and how much that contributes to her development and depth as a character
• the physical presence of the emails and how vulnerable alex and henry are with each other in them and how much they reveal about not just the 2 of them but other characters too like bea and the rest of henry’s family (they just has voiceovers which i thought was kind of weird, maybe just me)
• henry talking to the cancer patient about at at wars and that whole adorable thing
• seeing alex storming the palace to talk to henry (he just appeared?? smh anyways)
• most of alexs persepective of the emails getting leaked
• the ENTIRE fake dating arc with alex/nora and henry/june (i think? read the book a while ago don’t fully remember)
• alex’s whole dilemma and eventual decision to go to NYU law
• the historical love letters henry and alex quoted in their emails to each other
• most of the plot with the richards campaign (mostly to do with the fact that there is NO LUNA)
• overall a lot of the buildup/enemies to lovers aspect of alex and henry’s relationship
there’s probably so much more that i’m forgetting but THE POINT IS there were so many important little details from the book that was left out in the movie that i would have loved to see and it’s honestly just disappointing that we didn’t get those. it felt like they basically got rid of everything that didn’t have to do with alex and henry’s relationship which just made the movie feel very one dimensional and bland to me. the whole film just felt overall really lacking of what made me love the book so much in the first place.
now i am going to be a tad bit hateful when i say the pacing of this film is HORRENDOUS. it was so fast paced and really just did not flow at all like the he book did. a great example of this i think would be the bar scene. when i read that in the book, it felt like a really long and detailed scene, but in the movie it’s a short maybe 60 second long montage which honestly just does not do such an eventful moment from the book justice.
to be entirely honest i feel like the book would have done a lot more justice if it had gotten a tv show adaptation instead of a film. unfortunately movies have a time limit, and amazon made them cut the originally 3+ hour film down to 2 hours or less. with tv shows on the other hand, they can make multiple shorter episodes, resulting in a longer total running time, therefore giving much more time for the smaller details (listed above) that aren’t detrimental enough to the plot to keep in a limited 2 hour long maximum film, but important enough to be kept in a, for example, 8 episode long tv series, 30-45 mins per episode. it doesn’t make sense to me why it wasn’t a tv show in the first place, since it is produced by prime video, whose most popular thing rn is the summer i turned pretty, which is LITERALLY A BOOK TO TV SHOW ADAPTATION!!!!!
to put it simply, it is impossible to fit 10 hours worth of words into a 2 hour long movie, so i understand why they had to remove so many details, but as a diehard book fan it is still disappointing to not see little things like that portrayed on the big screen.
i think that the moral of the story is that books should never be made into movies and instead always be made into tv shows and we deserve the 3 hour uncut version and amazon hates gay people
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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coffeecat22 · 2 years
While Farah was always my favorite character by far, I was also very interested in the golden trio, Rosalind and Andreas as well. Their past, their personalities, the relationships between all of them (and between Sky and his 2 dads) were fascinating to me.
Season 2 didn't really deliver on those fronts; I never let myself forget that the adults were not the focus of the show but I'd say they still had a fair amount of screentime in s1, and what we got of them was very good. S2 was focused on the teens a lot more than s1 imo and it's a pity because the older characters had a lot of potential. Maybe they didn't have enough time to explore them while trying to tell the story, after all 7 episodes isn't much, but I'm still sad about it.
Random thoughts and takeaways after just finishing the season:
Ben: I expected him to do Rosalind's bidding for the sake of his kids but something about the way he alerted her of Saul being at the school felt weird to me. IIRC Roz didn't know that Saul was there at all, could he have gotten in and out without her knowing if it wasn't for Ben? Did Ben help Saul get inside the school just to turn him over to Roz? It felt more like a betrayal than a situation where Ben had no choice but it also seemed like Saul understood 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then Ben left, even though it meant leaving Terra behind with a headmistress he'd been trying to protect her from.
Andreas: he was as much of an asshole as I thought he'd be lol. Dissapointed we didn't see a confrontation between him and Saul. I saw people theorizing Sky would kill his dad in s2, maybe in a fit of rage, maybe to protect Silva, maybe because mind control was involved... they were right for the most part 😂 I didn't feel like much happened between Andreas and Sky before they killed Andreas off. Sky said a couple of times that he was getting somewhere with his dad but all I saw was a proud look ONCE and that was it. Andreas definitely cared for Beatrix, but he seemed to have no interest in Sky. I think he knew the people of Aster Dell were BW but maybe he thought it wouldn't make a difference if he told Saul because he'd still try to stop Roz. Was Bea really from AD? Or did Andreas lie to her about it?
Rosalind: so she was a total zealot trying to start a war with the BW by stealing the Dragon Flame and destroying AD. I liked this Rosalind more than s1 Roz, idk if it was the writing or the actress but it worked better for me. The scene in front of Andreas' grave was interesting and at first I thought she really cared for him but by the end of the scene I had the impression she cared in the way she would for a possesion, something that was of use to her. And was obviously sorry when she lost it before she was done with it, which is how she feels about Bloom. It was a shock to see her die so soon, but I loved that Luna used her death to justify going to war and getting people to agree with it. There's probably more to say about her but after 7 hours of staring at a screen, is all I can remember now
Saul: funnily enough this is how the show disappointed me the most I think? He just didn't feel like an actual character to me. He's the only one of the adults who is still alive and around at the end but he feels almost 2dimensional. He wasn't allowed to react to anything or it felt a bit superficial. I was laughing by the end of the season: 1) no resolution with Andreas, 2) loved the conflict with Sky but it was kind of forgotten after Andreas' death (it would've been nice to see the immediate aftermath of that for Saul and Sky) and the one scene where they discuss it Saul says some things that sounded weird, but I can't explain why, 3) Saul and Farah seemed close in s1 and yet if you told me that s2 Saul didn't know her I'd have believed it. It was hilarious to see that Saul never asked about her, probably thought she was actually on the run, didn't seem slightly concerned that Sebastian might be telling the truth about her death, etc. I love silrah no matter the nature of their relationship so maybe I'm biased? it seems Bloom told him she saw Farah again, yet it didn't seem to affect him at all. He seems unaffected after losing both Andreas and Farah. I guess it was weird to see him like that all season, almost like he was going through the motions.
Farah: I was fully prepared for anything the writers decided to do with her, so I'm not surprised. I thought I might feel sad but it actually felt like a hole opened up in my chest and sucked in all emotions. So I guess it's a good thing in a way but it also feels empty. The way she died just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, it was really stupid. While I agree that the rules of life and death can't be broken at all or at least not without consequences, this show is not known for making sensible choices in terms of storytelling, but they had to pick this hill to die on 🙄 I'd have happily waited until s3 to bring her back if it meant she could stay but whatever. There's also the possibility that Eve couldn't or didn't want to come back.
I'm kind of mad that they gave us these characters and then took them away like this but I've always enjoyed fanfic and fan theories more than the show itself anyway. This is what I get for getting attached to the adult (side) characters on a show about teenagers 🤦🏻‍♀️
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berryscaryskies · 2 years
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Shadow Moon Legacy Gen 6: Lynx
-So part of the description for this gen is that due to their heritage neither witch or vampire covens are very accepting and find Lynx(and her brother) to be sort of unnerving. When her and her brother were kids though I took them with Blaine to a trip to the magic realm and played pretend a bit about it all lol. I liked to imagine that while both of were equal parts of their heritage the siblings both leaned towards wanting the approval of different groups. In her teen years Lynx wanted to be more vampiric and was uninterested in magic while Alexei was more interested in honing his magical craft.
-for pretty much her whole life Lynx's only friend was in fact her younger brother Alexei, and the same could be said for him. They've always been best friends partly cuz they get along well and maybe partly because no one else in the world truly understands the other like they do. Alexei has supported her a lot thru the years, and was really the first person to put it in her head that she might be aro/ace(partially cuz he found her first boyfriend to be Extremely Unattractive which i thought was so funny cuz he looked like a pretty average sim in my book)
-Lynx's other best friend is actually her dog!! His name is Apollo, she adopted him and i actually had a lot of fun playing with his adventurous trait! Idk why I've never really done much with it or cared for those lil stories, but it felt right that Lynx would spend all of her days going on adventures that her dog pulled her into lol.
-Funny thing i didn't realize that Greg could just Show Up??? At Lots???? like i dont mind seeing werewolves out and about since Im playing a 10 generation vampire family with some spellcasters mixed in. Werewolves being a round makes total sense. but? GREG??????? i feel like he should not be allowed to leave his lot of his own accord for some reason lol. and he just showed up and immediately started pickin fights. It was funny tho i had Lionel do a polite introduction and they were kinda friends for a second before Greg attacked him
-Lynx and Baby Luna Moth :) idk why it just felt right that Lynx would name her kid something a bit silly. She's like a famous introverted musician who's whole motif is butterflies made of silver. One of gen 6's other things is their love of music and guitar, so playing her guitar has been one of Lynx's greatest joys in life ever since she was a young teen. It helped her vent her frustrations and just get through a lot of her emotions. Also it's how she expresses her love of romance despite being aromantic herself
-Also I've got a lot planned for Luna, and sub-sequentially Lynx a bit too 
Headshot of current Lynx and then a selfie she took with Alexei as teens.
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enbeemagical · 4 years
Any hc about our sparkly elf, Aaravos?
If not him, Runaan and Ethari?
you see, I rp Aaravos, which means he likes to talk in my head even when I would rather he shut up so I can go to sleep. And he has Lots Of Opinions. Occasionally I learn things he’d rather I not know, and that’s where I build from.
okay! Headcanons!!
Due to his experiences, Aaravos doesn’t just hate Avizandum, he’s actually dracophobic. 
He’s aroallo-- aromantic and allosexual (pan, usually). (I’m not entirely certain if I show that well in my rp, since Aaravos is so different from me. We’re both arospec, so that probably helps, but he’s allo and I’m ace and the blog is SFW, so idk anything lmao)
Yeah, Aaravos is good at flirting, but it’s never anything serious, you know? Flirting =/= attraction, and in fact flirting = no attraction. He’ll flirt with anything and anyone, but when he flusters and doesn’t quite know what to say, when he cuts the nicknames and teasing? That’s when you know he’s fallen.
Nicknames are just how he talks. He doesn’t bother remembering names unless they’re important to him. He’s sort of like Diana Wynne Jones’s Chrestomanci/Christopher Chant in that, except instead of calling Mr. Baslam “Mr. Bislow” he’d call him “dark mage.” He’ll use nicknames anytime on anyone, but name-names are only for people he respects/cares about. So he might call the dragon king “Avizandum,” because as much as he hates him, Avizandum imprisoned him, and  Aaravos can’t help but respect the power it took to imprison him, an Archmage. (I still haven’t convinced him to call Amaya by her name, even though he says he respects her. Wait a sec--)
Revised nickname headcanon: He uses names when he feels close to someone. Not just respect, though that has something to do with it. Names aren’t something he takes lightly. 
Okay, this got long, so there are two dozen more headcanons under the cut. They’re just in the order I thought of them, so they kind of jump around a bit, sorry. Angst and fluff.
Aaravos is basically a faerie. Not fairy like Tinkerbell; faerie like the high fae, like Oberon, Titania, and Puck. He’s extremely powerful, ethereally beautiful (though not all fae are), and he’s very careful with his wording.
Either Aaravos can lie and simply doesn’t, or he cannot lie and doesn’t want that to be known. (I choose to ignore the option of “he was lying when he said he never lies” because that hurts my brain.) “I’m not lying. I never lie.” Never, not cannot, which. Details, details.
He was betrayed. He ended up in the mirror because he was betrayed. They drugged him to seal away his magic so Avizandum could imprison him. I have several scenes of this in my head, but @alls-fair-in-pride-and-prejudice and I are using this is TSATS so I don’t want to give too much more away.
Ziard was Aaravos’s apprentice. They were kind of like Halt and Will in Ranger’s Apprentice. Only they invented dark magic together and Halt and Will didn’t use magic.
Dark magic causes nightmares until you learn it, if you don’t have training. Aaravos’s nightmares? The other Startouch elves leaving.
He’s afraid of being alone. He used to like it, spending hours and days and weeks alone with his books quite happily. But after he literally could not interact with anyone for three hundred years, he’d break if he had to be alone again.
He actually did break during those centuries. Multiple times. Screaming, crying, throwing things, trying to break things, windows, the mirror, anything. Even himself.
They’re antlers, not horns. Horns are one point, you get one (1) set for life, like adult teeth. Antlers have branches, and you get a new set every year. Aaravos... has feelings about this. 
Startouch elves spoke like a Shakespeare play. This one’s kind of silly, and entirely based around the line, “Yes, it’s well appointed, but make no mistake, this has been my prison these past few centuries!” and me thinking that “well appointed” sounded very Shakespearean and he could just as well have said “Yes, it’s quite nice, but make no mistake” etcetera (and a bit that I keep wanting to write “thou” when writing him lately). Anyway. Moving on.
Aaravos is a good animal trainer. He’s got the patience for it, and he’s smart. He’s probably trained lots of animals, of many different species. Clicker training, probably; definitely primarily positive reinforcement.
The horse? Is not a horse. It’s a couch. (I only go in for this one because I love the image of Aaravos jumping around on his couch like a little kid, draping himself all over the room. Funnily enough, how he rides is entirely plausible, given that I’m not even drinking age and I can ride my horse very similarly to how Aaravos rides. He’s millennia older than me; he could absolutely ride like that.)
Aaravos killed Queen Aditi and Queen Luna Tenebris. That’s a big reason why he was imprisoned. Yeah, the dark magic was part of it, but Ziard lived 1,000 years ago and Aaravos was only imprisoned 300 years ago. Either he managed to evade the authorities for 700 years, or something else was the tipping point. Maybe a bit of both.
Aaravos has killed a lot of people, for various reasons. Sometimes for revenge (I’d like to think Aditi killed Ziard, which is why Aaravos went after her), sometimes just for being in his way (he discarded the poor Sunfire priest way too casually).
If he really cares about someone, he will kill for them? Die for them? Nah, not really, he’d have to be absolutely crazily stupid with love for that. Kill for them? Absolutely, any day.
Oh and he does the murderously protective thing where he’s like, “Oh, and if anyone hurts you do let me know. I will be happy to talk to them about that. 💖🔪😇 ”
He doesn’t like children. Like, there are a few he cares about, but by and large he’s like “children? ugh, no, yuck.”
He doesn’t fall in love easily, but when he does, he is in love. Period, fullstop.
For all his flirting and teasing, he knows how to respect no. I mean. Look at Xadia’s culture. Being queer is a total nonissue, women are actually treated as equal to men. Sure, it’s not perfect, but it’s hella better than here. Aaravos grew up in Xadia. He’s gonna respect people as people. Will he flirt insanely with everyone, whether they’re into him or not? Yeah. If he talks, he flirts. Will he make a move on someone who doesn’t want him to? No.
He loves cats. Need I say more?
He didn’t get any kind of trial, no chance to defend himself, to tell his side of the story. He was just betrayed and imprisoned.
Aaravos’s arrogance and vanity is a cover over some major self-esteem issues. Maybe he didn’t always have those, but during his imprisonment there were times he believed that he deserved it. That he was a monster, a soulless demon (like they said he was), and he didn’t deserve freedom. That he had no heart, that all he could do was hurt people, and anytime he tried to help he only ended up hurting more. Destruction and tragedy was all he could bring. He’d try not to believe that, forcing himself to remember good things he’d done, telling himself over and over again that he can help people he’s not a monster he’s not-- and he just. can’t. because he’s tried to help, yes, he saved Elarion and he killed for those he loved, but he killed, and not always to protect, and he even enjoyed it. He knows he’s done bad things, but he enjoyed them. Maybe he did deserve to be put in here, alone. Because if he deserved it, maybe when he’s suffered enough to atone he can be free, but if he was truly unjustly imprisoned then there will be no freedom. And this doesn’t make sense, and he knows it’s illogical, so he pulls on a mask of pride and confidence, hoping ‘fake it til you make it’ will work eventually, but underneath. Aaravos. Is. Broken.
Aaravos likes humans in general more than elves in general. They tend to be less judgey at him and they look up to him. Nice ego boost there, the admiration.
He also likes animals, especially now. They don’t judge him based on any criteria a human, elf, or dragon might use. They just care how he personally treats them specifically, and he’s good to them so they love him. They don’t ask anything more of him than that, no relentless demands on his time, and they can just happily coexist in companionable silence. Humans tend to be less good at that.
His favorite fiction books are romance novels. He does like the different ones, the cliche-benders that turn tropes on their heads, but sometimes there’s nothing like curling up with a cheesy, predictable, well-loved story and a cup of hot chocolate.
So, anon, this live up to your expectations?
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Soooooooo... because I’ve completely lost my mind: “Light and L in Hogwarts during the year that Harry Potter was” AU ideas (and I know a lot of people have already written them into Hogwarts, so I’m probably just unknowingly copying people’s ideas. But shh).
Light is a Gryffindor and L is a Slytherin (same year). Really, Light should also be a Slytherin, of course. But this helps them to be rivals better. He probably asked the Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor--ala Harry--and the Sorting Hat took his choice into consideration.
And they are rivals. Because like in canon, they’re very much the same and Foils to each other. They both definitely become prefects and Head Boy of their year (sorry, Ron. I guess I’m stealing prefect from you for this AU. I’m so sorry, baby!). And everyone is constantly comparing the two, so they hate each other at first. They’re also both on their respective Quidditch teams, because of course they’d be. I’m imagining they’re Beaters, because “he who attacks first, wins”, and since Harry’s still got to be Gryffindor Seeker.
And getting the obvious out of the way: L loves Honeydukes, of course.
But I imagine the reason these two start to become friends is this: Light realizes there’s something wrong with Snape jumps down Harry’s throat on his first day. Like, he reads fear and humiliation on Harry’s face or something--or knows that even the most basic wizard should have known the answers Snape was asking about--he questions him about it... To which Harry admits that he didn’t even know he was a wizard--or about the wizarding world--until a few days ago. Though I doubt Harry would be this open about it to a stranger, but shh. And this ticks Light off--to know that Harry’s aunt and uncle treated him so dirty, and that Professor Snape just made this poor, defenseless kid look like an idiot--and he plans to go to Snape about it. But anyway, L had secretly been listening this whole time--but hiding like a cat--and he makes his appearance known now. He’d come to the same conclusions and also wants to help Harry out, because he’s “justice” too, after all. And it’s here that Light and L develop a grudging respect for each other. And they probably do go to Snape. But Snape being Snape doesn’t listen to them, and he takes points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin for their “insolence”... At which point, they might decide to make Snape’s life a living Hell, and thus a friendship begins.
The two of them totally become aurors when they graduate, and enjoy seeing Harry and Ron at work.
Light and L may think that Ron isn’t the smartest wizard in the world--and somewhat un-deserving to hang out with Harry and Hermione--at first, but their opinion of him changes pretty quickly. And even when they did think this of him, they didn’t dislike Ron. They liked the dude pretty well, since Ron’s pretty sociable, but just didn’t think he would ever be a rival to them. Let’s put it that way. But when they learn about all that Ron does in his, Harry, and Hermione’s adventures, they give him mass respect.
Light and L are the biggest supporters of Neville Longbottom that you’ll ever see, as they both saw his potential and realized pretty soon that it was abuse keeping him from unlocking his full potential. 
Light and L are “fans” of Harry at first--though not starstruck--and then just flat-out respect the Boy Who Lived once he just becomes one of their peers. Granted, they don’t think baby Harry really did anything to earn all his fame... but you’ve still got to give it to the infant that somehow tripped up Lord Voldermort and stopped his reign of terror.
Light and Hermione... get on pretty well. I’d maybe go as far as to say they’re acquaintances. And, naturally, everyone thinks they should date: since they’re the two smartest Gryffindors and prefects. But this would never happen. They probably even laugh at the idea together. Hermione has just never had any interest in Light, for whatever reason (maybe because she had a crush on Ron pretty early on). And Light is most definitely gay.
I forgot to mention that L in this is probably a clue to the Golden Trio earlier on that Slytherins aren’t all bad.
Speaking of: L and Draco are friends (but only because Draco’s pretty much the best person he can find in Slytherin house). And this maaaaaaaaaybe convinces Draco to switch sides earlier than in canon.
As he would, Light definitely loves to use avada kedavra against evil people... Though no one really has a problem with this, because most people use that spell during a war (in fact, even our heroes in Harry Potter often don’t understand why he won’t use the killing curse). L maaaaaaaaaaybe tells Light that he thinks this is a bad thing. But it isn’t something they’re going to turn into enemies before. And L’s certainly used the spell himself in dire situations. But similarly to Death Note canon, Light thinks that all criminals should be avada kedavrad. L questions that one time, though, in asking Light, “You want them to suffer for what they’ve done, yes? So wouldn’t it be worse for them to live out their years in Azkaban? Or have their souls sucked out by the Dementors?”
But back to Light and L still being rivals... There’s one time where they’re both in the halls after curfew--probably because Light and L sometimes get roped into the Golden Trio’s adventures, or their own adventures, because they’re too smart not to be--and L leans over to Light and says, “Know that I love you,” before kissing him on the lips... He then gets on his broom, or something, and quickly flies away so he won’t get caught, but Light is and Gryffindor loses points. So the game is on.
I feel like Light and L would probably hate and dislike Dumbledore, after they realize some of the shady stuff he does. L might somewhat respect his cleverness, but ehh.
Also, Light and L are brilliant... So they never once doubt that Voldermort is back when Harry says he is. And they do, in fact, join Dumbledore’s Army and help Harry teach... Even though they probably hate the name. They also help bring it back with Neville, Luna, and Ginny, when the Golden Trio are away in year seven.
They fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, of course. And in the battle in Hogwarts at the end of book six.
L is probably the first Gryffindor to stand up to his house, like “Uhh, no. We’re not going to sacrifice Harry to Voldermort to save ourselves.” And speaking of... there’s a chance that a good portion of L’s house hates him for clearly siding with Harry over Voldermort when the war begins.
I had some ideas about Misa, but I’m sort of forgetting them now. She’s definitely a Hufflepuff... But I want to do something different with her, than most people usually do. Yes, Light is kind of annoyed by her because he thinks she thinks they’re dating or is trying to force it? (She probably does something to help him? And then Light thinks she’s insinuating he owes her. IDK?) But what if in reality, she’s ace or something and just wants a friend? And Light is just assuming the worst--and for once, being dumb--by just not talking to her? But eventually he does, and then they’re sort of cool with each other. And she then sometimes helps Light and L, because this is the happy Death Note AU (in Hogwarts), everybody.
...I feel like I had so many ideas, but now I think I’ve forgotten them all. Oops. I’ll add to this if I remember them, I guess. 
Also... there’s a good chance that Light and L figure out the Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew thing before anyone else--near instantly, when they learn about it--but I also don’t know if I want to commit to that? Because I don’t want to steal the Golden Trio’s thunder too much here? But at the same time, if I’m not going to have the Death Note characters slightly change things, what’s even the point?
Edit: The two geniuses probably do create some new spell or potion or something together. 
Edit 2: Harry and L totes bond over being orphans.
Edit 3: All the students in Hogwarts know that Light and L are gay for each other. And are constantly like, “Where’s your boyfriend at?” to their annoyance, probably because even in this universe Light and L are in denial about their feelings for each other for the longest time for some reason.
Edit 4: Light and L have the same patrous (to their annoyance. And at first, it’s not because they love each other--though maybe later it partly is--but because they’re that much alike). And it’s probably a cheetah or something.
Edit 5: Back to the whole Light and Misa thing, L actually realizes she doesn’t want to be Light’s girlfriend and is cool with her before even Light is. Since, oddly enough, it seems that Slytherin and Hufflepuff are close, and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Later, when Light asks how he figured it out first, L sites his deductive reasoning schools and this as the reason.
Edit 6: I just thought of how this gets dark, and how Light and L maybe turn against each other... Light being tempted to create horcruxes by using the kills he makes in self-defense. L tells him not to do it: to not be like Voldermort. And Light perhaps listens to that... or doesn’t, in being so arrogant that he thinks he won’t become a dark wizard if he’s tasted immortality. On one hand, I feel like Light wouldn’t want to rip his soul apart. But if he thought it was for the greater good--so he could continue fighting crime as an auror--then he might do it...
Edit 7: Light and L do probably resent their professors some, in thinking that they’re more capable than they are.
Edit 8: Light and Hermione might actually go on one “date” together. To “The Slub Club”, because they want to make Ron and L jealous.
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spelltorn · 3 years
𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑷𝒀  𝑶𝑵𝑬  𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹,  𝑵𝑶𝑿 !     (   day  two :   six  characters .   )
↳     i  can’t  reiterate  this  any  more  than  rachel  or  cherry  or  maeve  already  have  ,  but  it  was  so  hard  to  narrow  this  down  ,  and  at  the  end  of  the  day  ,  it  almost  became  a  love  letter  to  all  of  you .     nox  is  SUCH  an  amazing  space  and  all  of  y’all  are  incredible  and  talented  and  i’m  so  ,  so  glad  to  have  been  able  to  be  part  of  it  for  the  last  six   (  how  has  it  been  ??  six  ??  )   months .     so  let’s  rock  n  roll  -
𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚎  𝚣𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚗𝚒     (   @ofzvbini   )     -     mozz. listen. LISTEN. every day that i see a blaise post on the dash i gain three years on my life. i could write a thesis on why your blaise (and luna......and ofc even eulalia........) is hands down the most well - written and well - crafted portrayal i’ve ever gotten to write alongside. blaise is one of those characters in canon that we really didn’t get to see much of (even what we DID see, death to the author baby), and you’ve fleshed him out into such a nuanced and compelling character. there’s this casual elegance that comes with every word you write about him that i’ve never felt before in someone’s writing. maybe i’m easily charmed or maybe blaise is just ridiculously charismatic, idk, but i’m so sucked in with the lyricism of the narrative you’ve crafted for him. it’s beautiful and layered and so, so entertaining to follow along with.
𝚊𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗  𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚛     (   @avalcn   )     -     alyssa, my love for u and lonnie knows NO bounds. i was so excited when i saw you had come back and brought her with you  -  watching as you weave her into the fabric of the nox canon and the hp universe as a whole is fascinating and fun and so ? fresh ? for lack of a better word. i always have so much fun talking and plotting with you because avalon is a character that really gripped me from the start. she feels like she belongs here and is really just a fun character to continually be learning more and more about. i also feel obligated to mention how much i love the ron and avalon dynamic here  -  after we first talked about them it really just sort of felt natural and integral to him as a character following the second war that avalon was also there. it’s so easy to bounce off of you and them and the unique feel of avalon  -  i’m so excited to be able to write more with her!!
𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚒  𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚏     (   @monstrovs​   )     -     you know how i told you a couple weeks ago that the one year anniversary would be me turning into a rachel lovebot? yeah. consider this part one. you have no idea how hard it was to choose just one of your characters  -  it got to the point where i had to consider the day three prompt and where else i could shower you with my undying love and affection, because honestly, i’m obsessed with every single one of your characters. 
niko, however, is one of those characters that i regularly forget isn’t plucked directly from canon. there’s so much humor to him as a concept and the way you write about him, but every reply never ceases to make me more and more intrigued by his characterization. he’s genuinely such a fascinating character to learn more about, and is unlike any i’ve been lucky enough to write against  -  he, like the rest of your characters, just feels so real. there’s a rawness to the karkaroffs that feels uniquely human, despite the total fuckin memeing about them. your narrative for niko is so clever and gritty and captivating; he, and the karkaroffs, are just incomparable.
anyway have it on the record that i love this unhinged bastard and i love u
𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚎  𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛     (   @dolors   )     -     the love in my heart for you and all your chars........unbound. your talent? amazes me every day? it’s ridiculous. it was so hard to choose between lucius and hermione for this, but i am nothing if not a hermione granger stan, and i’m never over the amount of care you’ve put into your portrayal. hermione is such a grounded and flawed character  -  sometimes it can be easy to reduce the core book characters into their most basic tropes, but the way you write her only continues to build and flesh hermione out into something far beyond what canon could have ever accomplished. you capture her in a way that just brings her to life  -  all of her vibrancy and wit and blunt edges and strength, as well as the twinge of sadness that runs as a sort of undercurrent to everything she’s gone through. your voice for hermione feels natural in the way that writing does for people who clearly just love a character; it’s lyrical and distinct, and so so beautiful to read. not only that, but i find it incredibly easy to bounce off of and reply to; threads with hermione (any of your characters, really), are often some of the most effortless for me to feel inspired by and start cranking out responses for. every thread i have with you always pushes me and inspires me in a way that feels so unique to you and nox. moral of the story is that i love all of your characters and your big brain and i can’t wait to see what else we come up with as nox goes on!!!
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎  𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢     (   @dragonw   )     -     charlie......charlie weasley if ur reading this im free on thursday. pls respond and then hang out with me on thursday when i am free  -
bee, the way you’ve taken charlie and turned them into so much more than what was given in canon is unmatched. i could write sonnets on how much i love this family, and all three of your characters, but there’s something about charlie that i really have a soft spot for. charlie as a character is so fuckin cool  -  the epitome of the rad older sibling we all deserve, tbf. but you’ve also turned them into a flawed, compelling human being that leaps out of every reply you write. the weasleys have gone through so much, and i love seeing the way that impacts and shines through in your writing  -  there’s this warmth and liveliness that emanates from charlie, and the thread of anxiety and regret that’s interwoven so well alongside it is so lovely to read. 
𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜     (   @pclearwaters   )     -     vicky. vicky!!! i could write essays forever on why i love each and every one of your characters. having me root for dudley dursley? the way you’ve integrated him into the wizarding world? icb how big your brain has to be to accomplish everything you have with him. and alicia? alicia spinnet could punch me in the face and i would thank her. but instead of going wax poetic on them, i’m going to cheat a lil bit by talking abt tempest AND penny. you’ve taken a character that’s given so little in canon, and developed them into something larger than life and wildly fun to keep up with. the entire family sucked me in  -  their death eater ties. penny defecting. tempest’s history and personality like nature in all of its extremes. the relationship between the two of them. everything in between  -  i have no words for how in awe i am of everything you’ve done with them, and i can’t wait to see what you have planned for the future!!
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 30
30 issues wow...forget the fact that I skipped like 5 issues of crossover event nonsense
another big ole swerve recap omg
this trial is so messsyyyyyyyyy lmao 
hvbajdfbahsjkfdbhjs starscream listening to meagtrons speech looking like ‘hmmmmmmm I may have miscalculated’ 
prowl looks pissed af meanwhile optimus just looks dead inside lmao
I mean. megatron kinda does have a point. this is like, the most biased, conflict of interests lookin trial of all time, in that all the major participants have some sort of long, complicated history with each other. what a mess
optimus, listening to megatron’s speech: wow this is worse than divorce court was
oh shit I totally forgot that those decepticons attacked the trial 
a guy saying ‘objection!’ as optimus prime punches half his face off...that pretty much sums up idw op lmao 
op: oh thank god, I can punch shit now. I'm not cut out for this bureaucracy nonsense
megatron: thanks, random decepticon, for the attempted rescue, but I'm super old and I just want to nap so no thanks
random decepticon: wtf- [gets murdered by optimus prime]
I love op’s big ass antennae 
meanwhile, brainstorm goes to a bar and instead of buying anything, pulls out his own drink. I feel like that isn't allowed in most bars, or is at least frowned up vbsjdhfbhjdkfn. ily brainstorm 
also? big ass mood I was so broke last time I was on a barhopping vacation w/friends that I brought a cheap giantass bottle of mixed drink in my backpack and just drank that at all the bars lmao
WHIRLLLL I love his humansona sm. and also I love that whirl is into artsy french movies or w/e omg
brainstorm, drinking thru a wrist funnel: sorry I cant take my mask off rn it isn’t plot relevant yet
‘earthlets’ lmao
I love that rung is like, too pretentious to care that much about movies and would rather read earth books lol
and then bluestreak is like ‘yeah they have books...comic books’ can this man not read
I still cannot fuckign believe that the argument that got megatron out of a for-sure death sentence or w/e was ‘its not a war crime if we’re on the moon’ liiiiike what the actual hell lmao
also I love that, once again, we see magnus’s strict adherence to the law, technicalities and all
magnus: you cant really stop a trial and move it somewhere else where the laws are better suited to the outcome you desire
prowl: what are you, a cop? fuck off
also op being like ‘ok whatever all that doesn't matter...what DOES matter is that it would look bad for us to move the trial to cybertron in an obvious attempt to circumvent the rules, and public perception is what’s most important, fuck all that ‘morality’ bullshit’
meanwhile, rodimus is dead! and ambulon is also dead, which makes first aid sad, which makes ME sad
ayyy, rodimus is still alive! well, one rodimus is alive, at least 
rodimus and megatron really have the vibes of ‘stepfather and stepson forced to work together on a family road trip gone wrong after dad decided to sit this one out’ lmao
ah yes, ‘malaise’ the medical diagnostic term for ‘I don't feel so hot and idk why’ that practitioners like to throw under the ‘diagnostic notes’ section of lab orders to explain why they're ordering every blood test under the sun for a patient 
I love medical terminology. ANYWAYS
rodimus: listen I have to come to terms with the fact that there's another version of me right here, and he’s DEAD, which means we can’t fuck, which is super lame 
I firmly believe that rodimus would be team ‘hell yeah id have sex with my AU self’ tbh 
I find it interesting that megatron is often casting blame for his actions onto others - here, he says that rodimus made him realize he doesn’t want to stop doing stuff w/his life, and then says that starscream forced his hand w/the whole ‘luna 2 law’ thing, and previously he’s said how whirl beating him up in jail is what led to him abandoning pacifism - take responsibility for your actions and decisions dude!
though he goes on to say here that he resorted to violence because he realized that the system that was in place could withstand everything else he would have tried to use to change it, which is super interesting 
megatron: okay, yes, I MIGHT have murdered billions, but I could help find us a new planet, which would be baller, sooooo...how about you co-opt your lame son’s frat boy ship and put me in charge? 
op: sounds fair to me. now how about we do some more Big Speeches before I make you somebody else’s problem
vbhdjskfbhaskdjf the ‘team rodimus’ lineup setup reminds me so much of the ‘together we make the ______’ meme with the different members being like, ‘the power’ ‘the gay’ ‘the awesome’ ‘the guy with no ears’ hbvhjdkfbs
chromedome: if I do this I could die
rodimus: that sounds like a you problem bro
‘this one time’ YEA RIGHT c'mon cd honor your dead husband’s wishes
omfg I forgot abt brainstorms ‘early early warning system’ lmao
I love nautica soooo much oh man
ooooof drift :( :( oh no
dead future rodimus!! uh oh is right
rodimus, known himbo: I'm sure I can defeat the inevitability of future events! all I have to do is cut my own arm off!
tailgateeeee he’s so cute...I love that he can tell stories of his daring escapades, just like at the beginning of mtmte, but this time its actually TRUE
he looks so fucking sinister there lmao how are we NOT supposed to realize he has bad intentions from the get-go
‘you’ll make a prime one day’ well, getaway, you’re right about that at least...
cyclonus in the bg like 🤨🤔 at getaway
seriously I cant get over how getaway has such a slimy kinda vibe to him, like specifically in his interactions w/tailgate - this is before things even really take off but I'm still like TG GET AWAY (lol) FROM THIS GUY
cyclonus: somebody flirting with my crush? better go stare out a window instead of communicating absolutely anything to said crush about my feelings!
honestly I feel like, while megatron renouncing the decepticons and becoming an autobot is certainly interesting, it would be equally interesting for him to remain a decepticon but try to change the philosophy of the movement 
like, I get why op had him give that speech - to prevent the cons from trying to free megs again/thinking that he was being coerced into things (ironic considered he WAS coerced into giving that speech) - but it’s kinda the easy way our for megatron - being able to completely abandon the decepticon cause and not deal with it at all, and start over anew as an autobot
it would've been a lot harder to remain a con and try to reform what he has broken in the decepticon movement - but I think that would've been really interesting
though from a writing logistics standpoint, I get why jro didn't go for that bc we don't get a lot of other decepticons in the cast for that to work, and also megatron still definitely DOES have to face down all his mistakes w/the decepticons w/the djd and overlord and whatnot
anyways. I cant believe that all megatron had to do to join the lost light was make ONE speech denouncing the decepticons. like, they should've at least had him do a tiktok dance too or something, just to make it a really tough deal
I love the rodpod vbhjfsdkfbjaskjndfj
ok but I still don't really get the logic of making megs CAPTAIN like ouch. poor rodimus 
I feel like making megs a bartender at swerves or st would've been WAY more useful in showing him humility or w/e. OR it would've made him evil again, which, fair, 
ratchet: don't worry, we’ll medically poison him, it’ll be fine
ok but rodimus is right, this is SO messy, op wants to prove his ex husband isn't 100% evil so he’s like ‘ill let my rebellious son deal with him’ lmao god. I love this setup so much, its so wild
ratchet is also right, rodimus’s fuckup definitely pales in comparison to megatrons All That 
OH BRUTALLLLLLLL when ratchet says the list is fake ‘because my name’s not on it’ FUCKING OUCHHHHH
‘only bad guys say ‘unhand me” rodimus ily
omfg ‘we’ve practiced this’ of course they've done evacuation drills...magnus ily
lmao it’s the panel where it looks like rodimus and megatron are doing karaoke or having some sort of rap battle
and the lost light is GONE! oh shit!!!!
and there closes issue 30! once again we’ve gotten a lot of setup and exposition - which, while definitely necessary, means I don't have too much to say
I will say, throwing megatron onto the lost light has definitely mixed things up, and it’s interesting to see new dynamics already forming
so, until next time!
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bellamygateoldblog · 5 years
the 100 ofc!
— this gets a little rant-y and may or may not be coherent- currently pulling an all-nighter and it’s literally 5am- that’s it. That’s my excuse.
all time favourite character
IDK man IDK…I wanna say Jasper, maybe Raven
a character I didn’t used to like but do now
I’ll stick Octavia in this one. I actually did like her at first, then i didn’t then i did then i didn’t then i
a character i used to like but now don’t
[ insert every single character here ] Clarke and Bellamy. Clarke lost me very early season 3 and Bellamy is dead to me as of season 6. I’m throwing Miller in here- when he was that delinquent that wears the beanie I could go for that, but now i’m just straight up annoyed by his presence and want him to go away forever. My reluctant liking of Abby turned sour pretty fast, too. Arming a group of children and sending them out into a warzone to find your daughter, then abandoning them once she’s back is really SOMETHING. And hitting Raven while she’s acting Chancellor…i should beat your ass, Abby
a character i’m indifferent about
Wells: poor treatment of MoC and very valid anger aside, truely I don’t see the facination and borderline obsession fandom has with the character himself- he barely existed. Are you all in love with the idea of him, rather? Or the guy from the book? He was literally in this thing for three episodes, we never actually knew him, nor was he even given the chance to develop or have any sort of story. I see so so much hate about Echo and her lack of development and yet in the same breath y’all are talking about missing Wells and oh what a wonderful character he was. Spare me. He was a character full to the brim with potential and unfortunately that’s all he’ll ever be.
Anya and Lexa, too. I don’t really have opinions formed on either of them, nor do I really care to
a character who deserved better
I mean with that minor Wells rant aside and half a step into my hypocrisy boots…Wells did. Lol. I think he absolutely deserved better than to be killed off in order to push a white woman’s story forwards. I think he deserved better than to have been all about Clarke, his entire character about serving her character, even in death. This show has a history of criminally underusing/sideling/killing their most compelling characters, i think Wells would’ve been such a fun addition to the main band, i wonder how his personality would’ve expanded, what could his arcs have looked like? i think about how his dynamics would form and fair, what might he think of Clarke now?
Jasper deserved better than to have become a nihilist’s wet dream. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing, i really do. The creators, some of the fans even, chat about how it’s a gritty reality, sometimes it’s just Like That, and in some ways that’s absolutely right, but in a show of such loss to have this bleak ending for a character like this is just…a bit of an overkill? What’s wrong with hopeful endings? I mean we literally already had a similar scenario occur with Luna a mere episode(s) before. A woman who strives for nothing more than peace loses her faith in humanity and so fights for death. Why they felt the need to kick a dead horse by doing the same thing with Jasper is beyond me.
Listen many character have demonstrated suicidal tendancies at some point or another: Clarke, Murphy, Bellamy, Octavia, Harper and so on, but Jasper is the only one that gets the actual suicide? The character who’s canon mental illness has been more on the explicit and expressed side, the first victim of the ground, the very character who we’ve watched struggle his way through four seasons with an inconsistent or otherwise absent support system, his story ended with suicide. It’s devastating and, frankly, disrespectful. As if he was too far gone to find his way back into the light.
We saw clearly Monty’s reactions to Jasper’s death, but we didn’t see him grieve- he was busy rushing to survive the end of the world. This show loves sidestepping the consiquences of big events they write- there’s always a new threat to face which means everyone gets to move on abnormally quickly. Nobody asked about Jasper in Becca’s lab, we never actually saw anyone except for Clarke find out about this, nobody in the bunker either, not Octavia, and no mentions of Jasper in season five besides Monty begging him to be wrong about humanity. This show isn’t great with handling their deceased either. They want to focus on a fresh plot and not be stuck dragging around that dead weight. Finn isn’t mentioned in relation to Raven despite his importance to her story and of the fact this specific death shook the whole show. Wells’ has been removed from memory despite Clarke being the protagonist who we should know most intimately. I feel most detached from her, honestly. We’ve had a fair amount of Lincoln, though, and a consistantly aggressive reaffirmal of Lexa’s existence. But Jasper just isn’t here. He isn’t talked about. Jasper suffered, and Monty was right there in front of him trying to hand him that peaceful life he always dreamed of, ready to lift him (literally) out of that pain, and he died. Harper got to change her mind last minute, so did Raven, but not Jasper, no, his body went up in flames with the rest of it. The way they filmed the scene was gut-wrenching because of the hopelessness and coldness of it all. And i think he deserved to be spacekru, to heal somewhat up there, and oh what fun would he have been in season five. What would he be like now? What would he think of what became of everyone else? Of Clarke and of Octavia? Again, such wasted potential.
Jasper was one of The 100 on a show named after them, his death brought that to 4, and i can’t emphasise to you enough how big a mistake it was to craft a show around a certain group of people and then abandon that idea entirely. Your show is named something that it isn’t even about!!
Lexa deserved a more respectful death.
Bellamy deserved better than to be murdered brutally by the writers during season 6.
a ship i’ve never been able to get into
Bellarke. Braven. Murven. Clexa. Wicken/Ravick(?). Octabriel. Kabby
a ship i’ve never been able to get over
Becho. Memori. Jasper and Octavia were very sweet
a cute, low-key ship
Linctavia. It was always more of a background ‘ship’ for me. And Marper!
an unpopular ship but i still enjoyed it
Becho and Murphamy
a ship that was totally wrong and never should’ve happened
my favourite storyline/moment
favourite storyline(s): delinquents finding a way to live on the ground and mount weather!
Favourite moment: i don’t think i have one TBH
my first thoughts on the show
It was exactly what i was looking for; a post-apoc teen drama, a little corny, a little gritty. I enjoyed season 1, and then 2, but with the constantly rising stakes to absolutely obscene levels eventually, my interest dwindled. By season 4 there was an almost desolate feeling and all the potential this had was dead and buried. They could’ve gone so many ways, done so much more, but for reasons unknown they chose possibly the weirdest and least interesting route available. I really thought they’d exhausted all their story by the end of 4 and i was, of course, absolutely correct since s5 was…more of the same…a literal recycled storyline that had been done not once but twice before it. In season 1 and then again in season 2. Since joining tumblr and fandom and seeing things from a various new angles, reading of social implications and meta on how sections of the writing are flawed, i’ve crafted a more informed and complex opinion than i had as a casual viewer and now see most aspects of the show in a completely different light.
my thoughts now
I’m over it. I think it could be safe to say i hate what it became. Most of my opinions of it now are negative, or at the very least have a critical component to them. I haven’t genuienly enjoyed it since season four and it hasn’t been actually decent since season two. It has a lot of deeper issues engrained into it’s writing, and there was a before when you could criticise those choices and obvious flaws and still be able to enjoy the show as it’s own entity because it existed as one at that time. But now it feels like an empty shell void of all life. With how broken and goofy the writing has become i just can’t take it seriously anymore. Characterisation and consistency have been thrown out in favour of serving the plot many many times before, but season 6 brought this to a whole new low. Dialogue was clumsy and there was a LOT of information dumping, it focused much too heavily on new characters nobody cared about, things were swinging from one extreme to another in terms of character arcs (see: Octavia’s full redemption and transformation basically overnight, and Bellamy switching from set to commit genocide in Clarke’s honour and ‘[we let these people die because] it’s not my fault their delusional’ to ‘let’s do better for Monty i am suddenly King of morality’) and in relationships (see: Bellamy instantly forgiving Clarke and then abandoning everyone and everything to save her, meanwhile he’s demonising Octavia like he’s getting paid for it). The characters just aren’t people anymore, they’re wheels that move the plot forward (in any way that’s required regardless of whether or not it’s actually in line with canon), and let’s not even talk about the science that pushes the envelope too far and Clarke’s insane plot armour. I’ve beaten this rant to death at this point so I won’t get any more into it. But just know: what was once a genuine fondness of this show has turned poisonous since.
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delusion1ncarnate · 5 years
the 100 ask game
i was tagged by @viviansternwood and @buttered-rice1 thank you guys❤️
1. What station on the Ark would you be from?
i think i'd be from alpha station. idk why, just a radom pick.
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
i'd either get arrested for talking back to someone important (i am NOT great with authority figures) or i'd get caught stealing or trading on the black market.
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
no, i'd want the ark to come down, so taking it off wouldn't really serve me well.
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
he definitely wouldn't make me one cause we would probably instantly dislike each other
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
does anya count as a minor character? i want anya back!
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
clarke, luna, octavia, niylah and harper
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to you?
i think Trikru.
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
El would just be El so everything stays as it is.
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
i really, really do not like finn.
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
without knowing the consequences? if i hadn't seen too many people with the chip and how changed the were i'd totally take the chip. but if i was around enough of them i think i'd realize something strange is going on...
11. What character do you relate to most?
octavia, definitely
12. What character do you like the least?
ehh... it's a mix between echo, titus and pike probably
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
i'd probably wear normal jeans, some high boots and a (hopefully) water resistant jacket. probably in a dark color like blue or black.
14. Favorite type of mutant animal?
i love the butterlies
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
do they have something like a librarian up there? if so, that'd be me
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
if my life depended on it? hopefully
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
luna. she would be though and strong enough to force the clans together and to follow her while still prioritizing peace
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
i'd probably have a really bad trip and freak out completely
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
honestly? i think i absolutely wouldn't know what to do
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
on the ground? season 3 kane definitely
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
i think i would be in polis with clarke trying to make skaikru an accepted member of the coalition
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
ALL the books
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
i love the aesthetic of tattooed fingers and if i lived in a post apocalyptic warrior clan i'd definitely have some really cool designs on my fingers, my hands and up my arms to my shoulders. i'd also like some tattos on my back and my stomach. my hair would probably be in braids similar to octavias s3 style. my war paint would be around my eyes and down my cheeks and maybe a line on my lips or something?
24. Favorite quote?
ai giv ai op gon nemiyon kom lanik-de
i know you're still trying to save me but you cant' save someone who is already dead
you are wonkru or you are the enemy of wonkru. choose!
the one lexa said about having to look your soldiers in the eyes and tell them to "go die for me"
ai laik heda. non na throu daun gon ai
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
clarke or lexa probably.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
i hated finn/clarke
favourite canon ship is linctavia
non canon is either sea mechanic or ice mechanic
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
maybe something by hozier? and i don't really like camoes so i'm fine without one
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
annoy each other to DEATH
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
can i please get killed in the conclave? either by luna or octavia?
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
kane maybe? octavia and bellamy, clarke and raven. DIYOZA
31. A character you’d bang?
luna, anya, lexa, clarke, octavia, niylah
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
probably go into the bunker (and regret that pretty quickly)
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
i'd definitely follow octavia. i'd probably train how to fight, maybe i'd read if they had books?
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
talking back to octavia (again, the whole authority thing)
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
i'd bond easily with harper, raven and emori. i'd have my difficulties with murphy and echo probably
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
provided i know how to get food and water? a good while i guess
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
hide and hope i can avoid them
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite?
i love diyoza. and i mean... mccreary was easy and fun to hate
39. Would you Spacewalk?
thank you but no thank you
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
space algae all the way
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
i wouldn't start the war, but if i had to fight one i would. i would probably try to negotiate and if that didn't work maybe do some shady sh*t to get rid of eligius
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
thumb drives into bullet holes. i HATE HATE HATE flesh eating bugs.
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
yeah. i'd do it. i'd maybe try to emphasize with her and make her see reason. or i'd take her out (sorry, o)
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
i'd go to sleep
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
diyoza, cause she's a bad b*tch, octavia, clarke, bellamy, miller, raven, emori, murphy and niylah
tagging: @clarkgriffon @nvermindiseeyou @jordanjaspergreen @easilydistractedbyfanfic @hostagetakerandhistraitor @mycaptainbellarke @princessarya @bellamybb @cllarkegriffin @rainbowlexa @lameblake @el-corazon-y-la-cabeza @pawprinterfanfic @blvke-bellamy @katersann @diyozas @platonichug @failing-at-being-an-angel @@ladysanss
you probably all know the drill by now: if you have already done this or don't wanna do this, feel free to just ignore this💙
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runningonmarvel · 6 years
broomstick racing (hear me out)
ok hahahahaha I just got an idea and it’s not going away until I write it down so here goes
So I’ve always been confused by/against the idea that the wizarding world has only one sport. Seriously, that makes no sense to me. And there are so many possibilities beyond just playing confusing soccer on broomsticks— I don’t know, maybe wizard netball or magic golf where the terrain shifts while you swing. Either way, it doesn’t make sense that they only play Quidditch. Especially when you consider that Hogwarts includes a high school and high schools usually have, you know, multiple seasons with multiple sports in each. (What extracurriculars does Hogwarts even have, anyways?) 
So basically this concept makes no sense and while I’m not going to elaborate outline wizard sports today, I am going to propose an idea/headcanon that makes me very happy. Even though broomstick racing is probably/definitely already a thing in some Pottermore article. Let’s just ignore that for right now. Because I am a runner. And I need this in my life. 
Consider broomstick racing. Consider a “track” around the Quidditch stadium. The lanes would be outlined with floating, colorful dust or something like that. And the race would take place high in the air. There’s also cross-country courses (Hogwarts is in the middle of Scotland; imagine the possibilities!!) And hills are difficult but tight and narrow and twisting courses through trees are even worse, because it’s near impossible to maneuver the broom. So racing is not only about speed, but also control. Oh, and there are definitely, one hundred percent broomstick marathons. Except they don’t measure that distance, because a. They’re Brits and b. 26.2 miles is a stupid distance. So it’s probably a nice round 50 kilometers, since broomstick racing exerts less energy that running (I’m assuming). And for the races— and I had to consider this a bit— everyone’s allowed to race on their own brooms. But you know there are so many restrictions and rules on what brooms are allowed— just like bats for baseball, or watches for running. And casual fans will complain that it’s unfair to pit a Firebolt against a Cleansweep and such, but the racers themselves know it’s not about the broom as much as it is the person on top of it. For shorter distances (think the 100m dash in running) the races are held closer to the ground because it’s less about the spectacle and more about raw, instantaneous speed. There’s totally a race culture: routines, certain foods before, etc. And the scoring would be the same as regular cross country racing. Oh, and travelling for meets? You bet. The Hogwarts teams packs up once a season to head to Durmstrang and race in the mountains, which is also a great place to train because of the altitudes. And I’m betting they have some serious racing athletes, considering they spawned Viktor Krum. And practice is just as awful as you’d imagine, though they suffer through the onslaught of miles together. Some broomsticks track mileage, kind of like a running watch. And the real elites train on one broom and race on another. They magic inspirational quotes/team sayings onto their skin before races. And the best part of races is, you can actually watch them because there are floating scenes that let you see the whole course from above, with binoculars like the Quidditch World Cup.
And here’s my favorite part: Cho Chang is totally a super good middle distance racer who did Quidditch for fun before she realized she was excellent. But racing is her craft so she uses Quidditch to get cross-training in. And she’s captain of the Hogwarts team, which is part of why Cedric admired her so much. People don’t really think about since most of them are more invested in Quidditch, but Cho has a few younger fans who are amazed when she walks by in the halls because she is SETTING RECORDS and people just know her as a semi-decent Hufflepuff seeker and if that doesn’t describe being a good runner in high school idk what does. Also, Ginny races during the off-season to get in shape for Quidditch, but she’s one of those people who actually hates it. Even though she’s super good and can almost keep up with Cho- she could probably beat her if she trained full time. For the guys: well, first of all Oliver Wood totally hates racing and calls it out every time because he’s just like that. Draco has actually been interested since he saw a race as a first year but his pride and his parents keep him from joining up. And Blaise Zabini races casually but he’s not very good. The best by far is some Hufflepuff guy who no one is close with and everyone forgets the name of. (He’s a good guy, everyone swears). And he’s godly at the long distance races. But of course, he’s not as famous as Cedric or Harry. (Again, being a runner in high school !!!) 
Long story short everyone on the racing team is super close because they’ve been through hell and back together, basically. Yeah practices suck but they’ve also been stuck on a boat for four hours trying to sightsee while they were at Durmstrang. And they couldn’t magic away since Muggles were watching. Also they have team sleepovers in the Quidditch locker rooms since Dumbledore never bothered to install racing locker rooms. (Quidditch = football in American public high schools!)
Luna—and this is very important—, Luna has taken it upon herself to attend every single race of cross-country and track season because she knows what it’s like to be underapprectated and, let’s be honest, she really likes watching Ginny race. So she shows up to every race and sometimes practice with as much enthusiasm as Dean has for Quidditch. And if she dates Ginny (idk maybe she would), Ginny finishes her races, getting second or third, usually, runs over, red in the face, and kisses Luna with her sweaty lips and it’s gross but adorable. 
Professor McGonagall was the coach when she was young and you can’t take that away from me. I don’t know who coaches now, but it’s someone passionate, that’s for sure. 
Oh, and also, Lily Evans was a champion racer back in the day, and she’s the one who set all those records Cho is chasing. And that’s part of the reason James fell for her, too. Because it’s really hard not to fall in love with the flushed red, fiery girl who can race a broomstick like there’s no tomorrow. 
Summary of this post: broomstick racing is my new favorite thing and it’s just like running in high school and all my faves did it and I’m done. 
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
do you have any speculations about who they might be killing this season? bc in the previous ones, besides the fact that there is a lot of death in general on the show they’ve killed a lot of the important characters. like s5 - Monty, Harper, Jaha. s4 - Roan, Luna, Jasper. s3 - Lincoln, Lexa, Sinclair and so on
Well… of the delinquents, we now have Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Murphy and Miller left. Miller is the only minor delinquent left. That, I think, puts him at risk.
And as for original Arkers, we have Abby, Kane and Jackson. I think they are all at risk.
We have no season 1 grounders left. We have THREE season 2 grounders left, Echo and Emori, who have become spacekru, and Indra. And we have one season 3 grounder left. Niylah. And one season 4 grounder, Gaia. OH. And Madi. 
We have two named Eligius prisoners left, Shaw and Diyoza. 
Clarke and Bellamy are safe. It’s their story. 
Octavia is safe, I think, or safer than anyone else besides Clarke and Bellamy, since she made it through her martyrdom and now has to earn her redemption the hard way. (ha ha. that made me laugh. they actually YOINKED her martyrdom away from her. lol. no seriously. it was great.)
Raven I think is safer than she’s ever been. Why? Because Monty died. And Raven and Monty had redundant skills. They were BOTH tech geniuses. Now there’s only one, and the show history of getting rid of redundant characters has been fulfilled.
Murphy is forever a wildcard. I do not know what his place is or what his story will be so I can’t know if he’s safe. But his character is so juicy and the actor is so beloved I think he’s on the safe side. Plus he switches around playing the shadow to Clarke and Bellamy and being the surprisingly moral truth teller. And comic relief. He’s got story left. 
Miller? I don’t know. He’s not safe. He’s the last delinquent heart that the show can rip out of our bodies without damaging their narrative. He’s safer because of the lgbt factor, but not totally. I don’t think they are keeping anyone safe, politics be damned.
Jackson still hasn’t had enough story to be at risk, I don’t think. But if he gets to be a part of the story this season, beware. And he IS on the away mission to the planet. Ooh. That puts him at risk. Like on startrek with the redshirts on the away missions. He’s no redshirt, but he’s expendable. He has redundant medical skills. Jackson is more at risk than Miller. 
Abby. I don’t think she’s at risk here. She’s got more story. And her fall from wanting to make sure humanity deserves to survive to telling Octavia to make not being a cannibal illegal and then becoming an addict means that she needs to struggle with what she’s done and earn, or fail to earn, her redemption. 
Kane. He’s on top of my list. He’s always pretty high up on my list, tbh. I know HIC has another show, too, and he seems to also be shifting into directing. Plus Kane is very injured and physically currently at risk of death. He was top on my list last season, but again, was another yoink. They brought him right to the edge of death and brought him back. Unlike Octavia, though, I don’t think he has a redemption story in him. So I’m not sure what his story would be. Dealing with failure of all he believes in maybe. idk. 
Echo is also at the top of my list. She’s been around a long time, with a complex story that ties into many other storylines, most of which are done (except for the love triangle which is also coming to an end.) We know she’s got some backstory to reveal, and that’s a sign that someone might be gearing up for a heartrending storyline. Her morally gray character needs a bit of redemption. Her death would hurt all of spacekru, so it’s emotionally affecting. 
Emori is much safer. Her storylines have not been wrapped up. She also serves to take over Monty’s and Harper’s roles in the story as assistant and support to Raven and Bellamy. This season anyway. Can’t speak for season 7.
Indra… I don’t know. We have a mother/daughter story with Gaia, which they might be working with, considering the mother/daughter dynamics of Abby and Clarke and Clarke and Madi. Oh lets not forget the mother/daughter dynamics of Indra and Octavia. Plus her alliance with Bellamy rose her standing in the narrative…. which now that I think about it, is the one thing that puts her in more danger. Plus she’s one of the few who has been around long enough for us to get THAT attached to, while still expendable to the main story. 
Niylah? another IDK. Her story is minor enough to skate under the wire but major enough to be useful still. But Nyko got knocked off, and we don’t have any other minor grounders of that level left.
Gaia. As the fleimkepa she has a role. But I don’t know what place the commander will have in the story. She might be at risk. Moderately in danger. Not top of the list, but not safe at all. 
Madi. I don’t consider Madi safe. Sorry. Would they kill a child? Yes. Yes they would. Have already. Multiple times. That won’t keep her safe. Would they kill off someone Clarke loves after all this suffering? Uhm… come on, you guys, learn your lessons. We’ve been through this. Has there been foreshadowing that the commander would die.?… I’m sorry to say that yes there already has been. Clarke said so.  It might not be how she expects it, like Harper died of what Clarke thought she might, but much later, the commander of death might have insight into death. I believe I see a storyline in which Madi’s flame comes into play, and doing what is right, and sacrificing for your people, and ascending a higher plane of consciousness and clarke needing to make peace with losing people and… oh it could happen. She’s not top on my list because I don’t KNOW the story and if she dies, it will have a BIG part in the major plotline and weirdness of the alien planet (which was a mission partially designed by becca so is connected to the flame and commanders and this means….madi will have a part in it.)
Shaw. Mostly safe. I feel like he’s kind of a Lincoln parallel and we had three seasons for Lincoln. He has more story. They haven’t explored the Zaven romance and I think they will. But he does have redundant skills. 
Diyoza. Not that safe. She’s a strong personality and a leader and charming and funny. Shades of Roan. She definitely has more story to tell, but it could get her killed. 
JORDAN! almost forgot. Okay. I don’t know yet. It depends on his story. I think we’ll get to keep him for  a while, but I can’t predict that until i know his character and his storylines better. 
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lyncttes-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
MEMBER ✧ ☾ ✧。 * ( JADE THIRLWALL ) —- hey… is that ( LYNETTE BATRAWI ) ? it has to be. i haven’t talked to her very much, but i’m pretty sure she is a ( REGULAR ) here at night. wait, before you go over there, you should know that she is pretty ( OPTIMISTIC + INSPIRING ) but also kind of ( MANIPULATIVE + CALCULATING ), and that ( SHE IS IN AN ARRANGED ENGAGEMENT ). anyways, i gotta get going – see you around !
hi cuties! i’m late luna, i’m 24, she/her pronouns, hailing from the elusive cst slot. this post is going to be extra as fuck, idk why i’m always like this. this is so lazy of me but honestly... almost everything you could need to know about lynette was in my application? so i’m just gonna... leave that all here... like a bio... ja;lsfj anyways i’ll also link you to her musings tag and headcanons page. i have a handful of plot ideas i could get lynette into around here, so if you’d like to plot please shoot me a message; i’d love to plot with every single one of you! x
lynette batrawi is like my blair waldorf & serena van der woodsen hybrid. she has the discipline and attitude of blair with the vigor and recklessness of serena. she’s lived in the upper east side of manhattan her whole life as an only child to her father, a big-time lawyer, and her mother, a social elitist. i imagine her upbringing to be a lot like allie from the notebook, learning every skill in the book from piano to french and everything in between. she’s been raised her whole life to follow in her mother’s footsteps in joining the social elites of the upper east side, a lot like blair in gossip girl. she does a lot of work for her mother such as event planning, mingling with potential business clients for her father at army galas, interviewing for new york’s most upscale social clubs. under her parents’ watch, she’s expected to be akin to a royal in the public eye. it’s very important to them that lynette is only seen spending time with people of equal social status and wealth. what they don’t know is that when she’s not under their watch, lynette is everything they despise. she wears clothes her parents would lock her up for wearing, she goes to grungy underground clubs, campus frat parties at schools around the city, parties and hooks up with guys and girls her parents would never approve of. she wants to have fun, she rebels, she has no problem making friends/relationships with people her parents would never approve of. class and wealth doesn’t mean a thing to her when she’s on her own.
in this rp, i see the night club being lynette’s complete escape from the massive pressures her every day life sets on her, as it probably is for most people. she doesn’t care who she meets there, she wants to meet and mingle with anyone and everyone. the place is like ecstasy to her. she loves the thrill of being somewhere her parents will never find, and the idea of meeting people from all walks of life and immersing herself in their lives to take a break from her own--she’s very much an escapist in that way.
it should be known that lynette is in an arranged engagement with alex moore, the louis tomlinson fc. they absolutely despise each other, though. lynette was caught partying once and her punishment was to enter this engagement to end up sealing a business deal with alex’s parents, and as for alex’s side, well--he just needs to get his act together. so the arrangement was made. lynette has no feelings for him whatsoever. they hooked up once at a party long before the arrangement, and that was it. her only intention is to convince the public of their love long enough to bag the deal from alex’s parents and then be done with it. this plot is worth mentioning bc i can see it adding to a lot of other drama between characters, like lynette possibly falling for someone she meets at the club and having to sneak around with people in secret, affecting other peoples’ relationships, etc.
i’m excited for all the different connection potentials i could have for her. a best friend, an evil partner in crime, enemies, secret hook-ups, crushes, fellow socialites, etc. she lives and breathes drama, the possibilities for her in this group will be endless and i’m so excited to see what comes her way.
personality-wise, it makes complete sense that lynette is a gemini. she can be two totally different people and turn it on or off whenever she wants to. in public, she’s snobby, selective, and pristine. if she made a friend at the club who doesn’t share the same amount of wealth as her and ran into them in the street, she would have no choice but to pretend she didn’t even know the person, wouldn’t even bat an eye in their direction--but then send them a text later apologizing. she can be ruthless much in the way blair waldorf is. she’s that girl who knows everything about everyone and will find a way to get revenge on anyone who crosses her. she makes shit happen for herself and gets what she wants. that’s just the type of person she has to be to make it in the cutthroat social word she’s been raised in. on the other hand, when she’s not putting up this big front, lynette is a ball of fun. she’s a friend to all when she doesn’t have to hide. she loves to party, have a good time, and just feel normal for once. anyone who isn’t afraid to take chances is really cool with her. she’s a fierce and loyal friend to the people closest to her--cross her or any of her friends, and there will be consequences.
some lil hcs about lynette: her aesthetics are rose gold, silk robes, sparkling dresses, roses in the bathoom while she soaks a hot bubble bath, champagne. she loves everything 90′s! music, movies, fashion--she will talk your ear off about it if you share that interest with her. she is rather talented at piano but her favorite hobby ever is horseback riding. her family owns a place in the hamptons and she has her own horses there that she’s been riding since she was little. she’s very good at it and besides the club, is her favorite stress-reliever. when she’s drunk, she is the most fun person in the world. she’s almost unrecognizable to those who only know her as snobby, rich lynette.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 <3 I really missed you, and it’s so great to hear you had fun! (and omg yes so ready to see all those beautiful pics)
Yaaayyyy join me in MCU feels hell. And oooh, you have a ship for the fandom now! Like, Stoki’s still my favorite Steve pairing but Stony’s really cool too…you know I ship almost everything XD (also am I the only person who sorta hated almost everyone by the end of CW? Like, of course they’re still my favs and there are still some cinnamon rolls, but, come on. Why couldn’t you all just get along ;-;)
Speaking of Illumi, do you know that Hisoka/Illumi is an incredibly popular ship in the HxH fandom? Probably because both of them are so horrible that they have like 0 friends other than each other. Nobody else wants to hang out with these losers. (Chrollo tolerates Hisoka and the adults in Illumi’s family seem to spend enough time with him to give him orders, but that’s about it.) It’s a trash ship with two trashy people and tbh I love it XD
So continuing with the eye jokes, imagine. Hisoillu version of Helpless. Hisoillu version of Satisfied.
“Look into his eyes and the sky’s the limit”
“Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame”
(I know you did thise one before but still) “But when I fantasize at night, it’s Illumi’s eyes”
just, I’m imagining animatics for this with the ‘camera’ zooming in on Illumi’s dead fish eyes every time the lyrics mention them. It’s hilarious and also mildly terrifying
(though I guess if we’re actually making a Hamilton AU Hisoka’s way more likely to do something like Say No To This…)
idk if I’d want to be a parent either really LOL. Kids are adorable but I don’t think I’ll ever be responsible enough to raise one…
If Ishida makes a plot twist or something about it being someone else pretending to be Hide I'm actually gonna get mad. Dude. Not only would that bring the Hide feels right back it’d just make absolutely no sense omg
(also you read the new chapter, right? So, let’s talk about Juuzou and that huge death flag)
I’ve heard of Soul Eater and considered reading it but it’s not really the kind of thing I’m into…artwork’s cute, though, and Death the Kid seems like an interesting guy so maybe someday XD
AGH I’M ACTUALLY SORTA JEALOUS BECAUSE WOW I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO WATCH THAT LEGALLY HERE IN KOREA. (unless I ask my dad for help but he doesn’t like manga/anime at all, so…) But yes, I’m really happy Lizzy finally got her moment this time! Now anime-only fans can’t complain about her being a ‘shallow’ character so hopefully there’ll be less fighting over Lizzy in the Kuro fandom :D
FINALLY. Fellow Death Note fan <3333 Who’s your fav? Do you have any ships? Are you done with the anime??? :D (also do you know…you picked a really interesting time to join the DN fandom. The American live-action movie just came out and it sucks so freaking bad, like I haven’t even watched it yet and just from the reviews/clips, here’s what I got:
-They turned Misa into this Harley Quinn-type character. Only without any depth.
-Light/Misa is an actual canon ship, like, it’s not abusive or one-sided like it is in the anime/manga, it’s just…a thing. Light loves Misa. Misa loves Light. It’s like every cringey high school romance movie ever, only with more murder
-They freaking bent the Death Note rules just so Light could get away with all sorts of ridiculous stuff
-L cries, L rants, L is overly emotional
-Light tells L where he hid a page from his Death Note. Light doesn’t deny being Kira. Light shows Misa his Death Note when they like barely know each other and she’s still a complete stranger to him. Light acts like an idiot.
-Oh sure, he’s Kira, God of the New World, but he still cares about going to prom with his girlfriend and making stupid faces as they pose for pictures
-So much unnecessary gore. Heart attacks are Kira’s thing, Light isn’t that emotional about his kills, he doesn’t care as long as the 'villains’ are dead, so why???
-Apparently Rem does not exist. Sayu doesn't exist either. Light’s mom is dead (probably so he can angst over her)
-Light Turner. Light TURNER. Out of all the surnames they could have chosen…
-And now, for the most unforgivable sin:
How dare they not include the Potato Chip scene)
And then random things: JJ and Light have the same voice actor. Yurio and Mello (imo…have you met Mello yet?) could be long-lost twins.
I’ve fallen into Steven Universe hell and now I’m imagining so. Many. Gem AUs. Have you ever heard of SU?
1- don’t stress about the messages, and come on, I’d never get mad at you over something like this! You’re way too awesome.
2-  I don’t really know what to say 'cause I’m bad at comforting people, but ugh, it sucks to hear that school’s tiring you out! Queen Luna’s gonna get through this, though. I mean, you’re great at so many things and you’re freaking smart and…this is awkward but maybe you understand Evans Language by now? XD Guess I’m just trying to say that I’m sure you’ll do great, and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m (almost) always free *hugs*
3- Um. So, other than tumblr, I think the only way I can talk with you right now is if we email each other? The email address I used this time is my real one (or rather, my dad’s, since I don’t have one of my own yet…) so maybe we can talk about this more through email and find a better way to contact each other? If that’s ok with you can you send me a message there?)
I’ve started college and have no idea what I’m doing
*slams head against keyboard* guess who managed to get sick. It’s only been a week since school started. Whatever, I’m still going to school, but I woke up breathing like a fish on land, bc asthma. Yay.
I’m definitely gonna upload the pics today!!
Okay, but one thing I’m wondering about, is How? Not in a malicious way or anything, I’m genuinely curious to why you ship Stoki (and where it began). Was it that redemption fic you told me about or did you ship it before? 
Tbh, I didn’t hate the characters in CW, I hated the situation. Because there’s so so much pointless conflict that could easily be solved if everyone sat down and talked like normal people. But nooo we have to go around attacking each other. ((ALSO CAP’S LETTER TO TONY, I AM DEAD))
I’ve already learned (and experienced) that shipping is a very weird and unusual thing, so I’ll be honest and say I’m not even surprised that ship exists. At least it has some basis XD
I’m actually tempted to go through the lyrics of the whole musical and find every single eye line there is, only to replace it w Illumi’s eyes.
Not only zooming in on the eyes, the word itself is louder than the rest XD man if only I could draw…
Tbh I’d say I’m responsible enough (HA, that’s more or less a lie), but I’m honestly way too irritated with the little ones to be able to have one of my own. My cousin recently celebrated her 3rd bday and I was stuck looking after her during the party, bc all the adults were talking among themselves and I swear to god, I haven’t moved that much since I had to run 2km for PE. Where do they get their energy. Not to mention the adults thought it would be a good idea to leave me w her, because I’d already drunk 3 glasses of wine (i was bored and not allowed to do anything other than stare at emptiness or look after a 3yo). Turns out my tolerance isn’t that bad after all.
Lol let’s be honest, Ishida would totally do that. He knows the fandom would riot and that’s the whole point.
All the death flags. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s obvious that either Touka or Juuzou are probably gonna die and I wan’t neither (If I have to choose tho, I’d rather Juuzou survives.) Also Naki. HNNNNNNGH
I think you’d actually like the manga? It takes a pretty dark turn compared to the anime and deals with lots of mental issues (the whole theme of the later volumes is Madness). Also, lots of death XD Well, the artwork changes drastically, so which one are you talking about XD
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The girl in the coat (left first pic, middle 2nd) is the same person for reference. Death the Kid was one of my first anime crushes. The guy has OCD and is a total badass. 
MUHAHAHAHA I think someone uploaded the Lizzy fight to youtube so you can probably find it there, but I am in love. The animation is beautiful, so that’s also a huge plus. All in all, it was handled really well.
Death Note
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So last I’ve watched is ep 25, aka the one WHERE L DIES. And i am not okay. I am nowhere near okay. Nope. Not at all.
Oh i’ve heard all about the adaptation. Tbh I find the whitewashing hilarious. Setting the movie in America removes so much of the series’s logic, so why? L being the way he is is probably my favourite mistake. They took the best character and ruined him completely.  POTATO CHIP SCENE NOOOO But my question is: did everything go just according to the keikaku?
Have fun w SU! I’ve watched it for a while, but gave up at some point. I might pick it up again if I have the time ^^ Word of advice, watch out for the fandom, they’re among the most toxic ones I’ve ever encountered. One time, they almost drove an artist to suicide because she didn’t draw Rose ‘thick enough’. So yeah.
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What did I do to deserve you as my friend TT^TT Thank you so so much, those words mean more than you can imagine.
Um. Looks like we’ll be staying here, because I never, ever check my mail, despite getting school assignments there, so yeah. If we used mail, you’d probably get a response every leap year.
How does the education system work in Korea? Like, at what age do you start going to which school?
Also, I’ve told you about Mystic Messenger? I think you’d like the newest update, because damn, it’s creeping me out. Also, it’s in Korean, so + ((My thoughts during the prologue of the new route: Nani the fuck))
4 notes · View notes
pinkshrubs · 7 years
South City Cats (Short Story)
I had just finished a fourteen-hour shift at Los Cerritos Elementary School. I remembered that day very vividly because I had to be there at six in the morning to set up the voting machines. Normally I wouldn’t get up before six but I thought this could be an exceptional way to” give back to my community” even though they were the ones paying me to work this junior election. I had never payed much attention to the politics around me or even on the news. To be honest I just found them amusing, not to be rude or anything but it’s sort of comical in a way. What the news and politics have in common is the fact that they would inform their audience about a particular story but they would never reveal the truth behind it, sort of like a mystery. And that could be fun for you but I didn’t necessarily have the time for that. I’m simple. I don’t pay attention to anything that’s not going to help me in the future, you know what I’m saying? How is any of that going to benefit me later in life? Not stubborn just realistic. But anyway, I get off from work and it's around three in the afternoon. I’m walking to my house on West Orange Avenue and I noticed that the sun was out and when I mean out I mean it was really out. I could literally feel the sun beaming hard on my back and I was shocked by the sun’s behavior that day. I lived in South San Francisco and the Bay Area is not known for its wondrous sunny days, it will never be known for that and if so I am waiting for that day because believe me it gets chilly over there. At this point all I want to do is lay on my twin mattress and listen to Ray LaMontagne. As soon as the music starts playing I received a text from Sita. On my way with Tea and Joplin, let’s hang out. Believe me I did not want to go. I was exhausted but it was a slow day and I had breaks so I thought why not hang out with them. I replied saying okay. I quickly gathered cash, debit card, and both identification cards. Sita drove a 2001 maroon Honda civic with an orange lining around her license plate because her family were huge Giants fans. It gets kind of annoying at times, the yelling and screaming but I came to the conclusion that all baseball fans were crazy and a little too excited to watch a team either score or not score a homerun. As you can clearly see baseball is not my thing. Two honks and I’m out the door. I lived in a four-bedroom yellow house with the most down to earth roommates I have ever had. We were four independent young women putting ourselves through life. Every time I walked out of my house I felt liberated, free to do anything that I wanted and I did. I was nineteen at the time and shit I lived my life my way one day a time. Opened and closed doors of her car and we all just smiled to each other. There weren’t any HI’s with us four just smiles and always smiles because we knew what we were going to do. “You guys wanna go to mission?” Joplin asked. “Yeah I go there all the time and the people there are super chill.” Tea showed so much excitement in her smile, it was pleasant. It amazed me how excited we all get just to pick up. By the way the term “pick up” refers to buying marijuana not just from dispensaries but from plugs as well which are drug dealers. Being from the Bay Area you can’t help but pick up the lingo so I apologize in advance if you can’t quite understand the terminology. Sita parks her car in a small parking lot near Las Brisas seafood restaurant which was right next to Cookies the dispensary. We each picked up a dub (2 grams) so a total of 8 grams. It wasn’t “fat” but it was enough for the day believe me. After that we headed towards Haight street because Tea wanted to buy a new bong and I thought I should get a new bong too. I always wanted a bong but not a tall one just a small piece because you can’t carry big bongs with you everywhere it’s just not smart you know. I believe that tall bongs or much larger pieces should stay at home where they belong. I remembered that I had to convince Tea to buy a small piece since we were going to Dolores Park anyway. “If we get caught dude or even robbed you’re gonna regret buying an expensive and beautiful piece, trust.” “Yeah you’re right next time though for sure.” she said sadly but waiting on the day she was going to come back for that bong. Both Tea and I bought small bongs for about twenty dollars, the smoke shop was having a sale that day. I liked to believe that we were lucky that day because let’s face it bongs can be expensive but when they’re cheap and workable it's oh so sweet. We had this thing where we would name our pieces because we felt like they were much more than just objects that we smoked out of. There’s a reason people threw blunts and joints away when they were done, they had no meaning, no ties to the person that was smoking it but pieces are a different story. You keep them forever and for as long as you want, naming them is just the icing on top. I have three now, Stacy, Judy, and Z. Simple but interesting at the same time. Tea named her’s Haightie, I wonder why. We parked at the very top of Dolores Park and walked down to the stairs near where the J train passed by. That bus stop had to be one of my favorites in all of San Francisco. There was just something about the route going towards downtown and the adolescent conversations in the air. It reminded me of my friends and how young we were. Life is beautiful, isn’t it? We sat on the stairs. I sat next to Tea and both Sita and Joplin sat one step below us. We smoked and talked about our lives and what was going on at the time. A group of freshman and sophomores approached us asking if they could use our lighter to light their blunt. It was so skinny that I felt bad because that was all they had to smoke. It was not a pretty scene. I offered to smoke them out and they were pretty high from what I remembered. I asked, “Where do you guys usually buy your dro from?” The short chubby guy with curly hair responded very quickly, “I have a plug in the city.” Joplin jumped in and said, “Is it dank? Is it sticky? Does it get you high?” The tall one nodded yes for the whole group. We looked at each other and we all thought the same thing. New customers for our growing business. “Aye if you guys want anything fresh just let us know.” Sita handing them our contact information. It was a text app number and a house number to a warehouse in Sacramento. I still remembered how thrilled they were that day. I would be too if I was 16 and without a rec (Marijuana card). We had forgotten that we parked the car all the way at the top so the walk up the hill was not pleasant for someone who was lit, stoned, blazed, baked, or whatever you guys call it nowadays. Sita didn’t like driving in the city under the influence because she had already been in two accidents while driving high. She wasn’t paranoid, she just played it smart. Tea however was always excited to drive in the city, it didn’t matter what state she was in, she just enjoyed driving in general. We drove to Serramonte Mall because they wanted to eat, I preferred real food when I’m high, never had the munchies for snacks and fast food. I wanted to live a long healthy life. During the ride home we discussed the raids that were going on in Sacramento. Somehow cops got word of illegal distribution of marijuana in their county but we weren’t worried. We trusted Pac. Everyone trusted Pac, but everyone knew to never cross him or else. He didn’t play any games. He was the type that didn’t waste time on anyone, he had no problem cutting you off from his list completely but if you made trouble you wouldn’t even exist on that list. A couple nights ago, Joplin and I were working real late around two in the morning. Pac had just finished selling two ounces to a wealthy client in San Diego. He had customers all over California. He only shared his wealthy client list to Dirty his long-time business partner. He found out that Dirty had been selling blow to some of his clients on the low. Pac was furious. He didn’t like being around that stuff, it reminded him of his mother. She was an addict until she overdosed in a cheap motel, turns out she was selling her body for that stuff. It made sense to why he didn’t want that stuff around his business but I didn’t expect him to take Dirty for a night ride into god knows where. Joplin and I left because we knew shit just went down. After that nothing was ever the same. We talked about that night in the car and chills were beginning to form on my body. I didn’t witness it but I knew. They had dropped me off around midnight and I just wanted to knock out. “What time are you guys coming in the morning?” I yawned. “Ten cause we have to be at work at twelve.” Sita explained. I nodded yes and carried on. I had dinner and dreamt all night. I woke up to the sounds of my roommate Kenzi fucking her boyfriend loud and apparently, he was pleasing her right since she was moaning pretty loud. All the roommates were comfortable around each other so pure fucking in the bedroom was normal on West Orange Ave. I blast the Return of 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version album by Ol’ Dirty Bastard while I was getting ready. ODB is awesome, I have so much respect for him, he changed rap music for me. I received a group message: Sita: Jules says we have to come in work ASAP, it’s an emergency. Tea: What happened? Sita: Idk. but we have to go soon. Joplin: I’m here, Franco gave me a ride. Jules is crying. Luna: I’m ready. Sita: On my way. Tea: meet you in front of Luna’s It took us about two hours without traffic so just imagine what we did on the way there. We were curious to what Jules must have been crying about. Maybe Pac and Jules had a fight or maybe he finally figured out that she was cheating on him. Everyone knew but no one wanted tell him. Only one would be dumb enough to put their nose where it didn’t belong. We arrived at the warehouse on G street near 19th and 20th street. Security checked us in and we were escorted into Jule’s office along with Joplin. Jules was sobbing so hard that the snot from her nose just kept running and running. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone cry that hard over something. She had to pull herself together to tell us what was going on. Jules was the type to tell a person what the situation was even if it made others uncomfortable to hear it. She began, “Pac was found in the bathtub one shot to head. I called some people over to clean the house. I don’t want his murder in the papers. Whoever did this left a bag of coke on his body. Coke dealers are assholes. Anyway, I’m closing the warehouse as soon as we sell all of our plants. I don’t know how long that would take but I suggest you four start looking for depressing jobs at the mall or something.” I couldn’t believe it myself. Pac was dead. He was a good man to the four of us, he treated us like one of the homies. People were always afraid of him because he was your typical pants sagging thug looking black male. But he was sweet. He listened to a lot of Jill Scott whenever he was alone in his office. As soon as you walked in his office you would see a quote hanging on the wall and it says, “Your background ain’t squeaky clean shit, sometimes we all go to swim upstream, you ain’t no saint, we all are sinners but you put your good foot down and make your soul a winner.” Imagine reading that every day. I respected that. I like to think that he had an old soul. We didn’t know what to do. Should we stay or leave but we finished our shift instead. We were just trimmers and watched over the plants. We made sure that the correct lights were being used correctly and that each plant was getting enough sunlight for the plants grow properly. Sounds great but it was a lot of work. Joplin had pulled me aside and it seemed as if she wanted to tell me a secret, the kind that Tea and Sita knew nothing about. She had a concerned look on her face and it worried me. She explained to me that she might know what had happened to Pac. Her boyfriend Franco bought blow from Dirty from time to time only because he sold to him cheap. She didn’t even know that her own boyfriend was doing coke right under her nose. He told her that right after Dirty “disappeared” he noticed that a black 1965 Pontiac GTO was following him. He was wondering why but then it clicked to him. Franco had gone with Dirty to Beverly Hills to sell a kilo of coke to some rich white guy. Franco saw how much money Dirty was making and he was easily convinced. Show a guy some cash and they’ll pretty much do anything. They get to this Walter Springs house real late around two thirty, and he was having a coke party in his mansion. I didn’t know people actually partied hard like that, a party specifically for coke? That’s insane. They walked in the house and the place is packed with coke heads. Typical suburban cats everywhere. Walter signals Dirty to come upstairs. “Just be cool man, these cokeheads will look at you the wrong way if you look sus.” “I’m straight man.” “Good.” Walter was a son of some Hollywood producer so he had money to blow. “Wassup fellas, wanna do a line?” He didn’t even introduce himself just offered a line of coke for hospitality he probably thought. Dirty didn’t want to stay there for long so it was a quick exchange. Sixty-six thousand for a kilo of coke. Somehow Dirty had the idea that he could skimp Walter because he was from Beverly Hills. Turns out he sold Walter half a kilo for the same price and walked out of the mansion a happy man. He told Franco that was going to be his last drop. Franco didn’t question it until he saw the other half of coke in his glove compartment. He knew that Dirty had just played the worst move you could ever do with selling drugs on the streets. It’s one thing to skimp a dime for twenty dollars but to skimp someone of sixty-six thousand dollars is crossing the line. Shit like that just doesn’t exist in the Bay Area is just doesn’t. “That’s when he figured that the guy in the Pontiac was Walter Springs. He said that he followed him from San Francisco to Davis where he lives.” Joplin explained. Franco had gotten out of the car and the look on Walter’s face scared the shit out of him. He held a gun to his head and said, “You think you and your buddy could play me in my own town?” He was so high off of coke that he couldn’t stop sticking his tongue out at Franco. “Hey man I had no idea he was gonna do that to you I swear.” Franco cried. “So where is he?” “I haven’t seen him since that day.” He knew that Dirty was nowhere to be found but he felt that Walter didn’t need to know that sort of information. “Who’s his boss?!” Pressing the gun hard on the side of his forehead. “Wait wait wait wait wait! His name is Pac. He has a warehouse in Sacramento on G street very easy to find.” He was so scared that he was going to piss his pants but that’s understandable, being held at gunpoint for no reason is one the most frightening thing a person could ever experience. Walter removed the gun from Franco’s face and licked his face goodbye. Creepy and disgusting, coke heads I guess. As Joplin is telling me the story I’m thinking maybe Walter killed Pac. “You wanna take a trip to Beverly Hills tonight?” I asked Joplin. “Doesn’t that Walter guy lives in Beverly Hills? Oh my gosh you wanna go there huh?” “Dude why not find out if he killed Pac or not. We’re not detectives dude we’re just two girls looking for a party. Don’t you wanna find out who did it?” “Okay fine. I’ll ask Franco if I can borrow his car tonight but if he asks I’m sleeping over at your place, okay?” “Yeah no problem.” I went home with Sita and Tea. The car ride was extremely awkward for me. I felt weird about not telling them what Joplin told me but the less people who knew the better it’ll be. “What’s up dude what did Joplin tell you?” Sita asked. “Nothing she thinks Franco is cheating on her but I told her not to stress about it.” “Dang what if he was though, that would be crazy huh.” Tea wondered. Caress me down was playing on the radio and I slowly turned it up leaving the conversation hushed. I said hi to my roommates and packed a bag for the road. Joplin texted. I’ll be there at 8 ok. I replied quickly. Luna: I’m gonna take a nap so honk really loud. Joplin: Loud enough for the neighbors to hear? Luna: Fuck it. I think that was one of the best naps I have ever taken. I slept good. I heard the intensity of the honks and I thought wow she really didn’t give any fucks. I said bye to my roommates and Twyla said, “You’re always going somewhere. Where are, you going tonight?” “I’m going to a party in Beverly Hills.” “You better be careful there, those people don’t give a damn what happens to you.” “Gotchu. Don’t worry I’m going with Joplin.” Little did she know. I sat in the passenger seat and Joplin pointed to the two nine-millimeter pistol silencers in the back seat. And all she said was, “Let’s pray that we won’t have to use these tonight.” I didn’t know what to say. I had never used a gun before in my life but I didn’t know that she had any experience either. Clearly Joplin was not the person to fuck with. It took us about six hours to get there without traffic. Joplin found the address in Franco’s phone. It took two glances to realize where I recognized that address from. “Hey, remember when we were in Jules office today?” I asked. “Yeah why?” “Did you see this exact address written on her whiteboard? She made a note to herself to be there tonight.” “You know I think I saw it too but I’m not sure.” “Change of plans. We should be ghost tonight.” “No one knows our name or where we’re from. If anything, we’re a bunch a groupies tonight, nothing more.” It was the perfect plan. We were going to scope the place out without being seen by Walter or Jules. Joplin parked the car two blocks away from the house. We changed into our groupie outfits and we were instantly Lola and Joy from the Valley. It was so hard walking those two blocks wearing pumps. The struggles of a female. We get to the house and the place is packed with once again coke heads but now I see it with my own eyes. We stood out for real. The only nonwhites at the party. We couldn't help but stand out. Not my fault that this Walter guy didn’t have any friends outside of his race. But hey it is Beverly Hills, gotta remember that. The plan was to enter the mansion together and leave together no matter what. We did not waste any time at all but the thing was we didn’t know what Walter looked like just Jules. We each took down a martini but eating the olive was my favorite part. We socialized and a met a guy named Adrian. He was coming on to Joplin but she didn’t even bother to acknowledge him. I told her to be nice because we were there for one reason only, Pac’s shooter. “You know where we could find some…” Joplin tapping her nose. “Yeah you guys wanna have a couple lines with me? We could go to a private room upstairs.” We nodded yes and followed him up the stairs. He took both our hands and guided us to a room that was awfully close to a darkroom. Red lights were everywhere. The darkroom led to several rooms and soon we were in the same room as Jules and a man we believed to be Walter. She didn’t recognize us. She didn’t even bother to look at us. I assumed she didn’t pay any attention to Valley type girls. While Joplin did a couple lines in the background I asked Adrian how Jules knew Walter. He said that they were cousins from the area. I had no idea that they were even related. Jules told us that she was from the Bay, born and raised. It was one of the main reasons why Pac fell in love with her in the first place. I wondered why she lied about where she came from, perhaps she thought that we would all judge her but who knows at this point. She leaves the room and I make my way towards Walter. He saw what he liked and he didn’t waste any time. “I love chocolate.” That's what he said to me. I laughed in my head but I just smiled and sat right next to him. I didn’t know how much time I had before Jules would walk back in the room. “You wanna go somewhere quiet?” I flirtingly asked him. I guess he was shocked that I was somewhat “interested” but I just wanted answers. He quickly grabbed my hand and his hands were so warm, I never wanted him to let go. As we leave the room I signaled Joplin a peace sign to let her know that I was leaving. He takes me to the pool house behind the mansion. Joplin carefully follows us out back. He opens the door and takes me to the bed. His slow kisses on my neck felt gratifying. He smelled like Pina colada. He gently moves his hands up my dress and before he could proceed I saw Joplin’s face in the window. I burst out a giggle and he gave me a strange look. Next thing I knew Joplin busts open the door and immediately points the pistol at him. I get up and quickly close the door behind her. “Oh so you guys wanna play rough? Okay I can dig it.” Excitement shooting through his pants. “No we want to know if you came to see Pac or not? You know your cousin’s boytoy.” It was the high taking over Joplin. But she seemed rational enough to handle a weapon. “I have no idea what you’re talking about baby.” I surprised myself by clocking the gun to his head and I asked the question again. “Did you or did you not shoot Pac in his home?” “Why you guys wanna know? Where are you guys from?” “Don’t worry about it rich kid. Just tell us. A simple yes or no.” “No.” “Then who because we all know you were in town the day he died so what’s up. Beverly Hills cat driving to the city for the weather? I don’t think so mister.” Joplin stated, and she was right. She was annoyed by his presence and his lack of cooperation. She decided to shoot him in the foot and he screamed “You bitch!” I had to laugh but shit just got serious. Joplin shot someone. “Are you gonna tell us what went down or not man?” I asked. “Fine. I told Jules that Dirty tried to skimp me out of a kilo. I knew that he worked for Pac because he sold me bud from time to time. He came with some short guy with a hairy face.” “That guy is my boyfriend” “Nice one. Anyway, I follow this guy to his house and I’m acting all badass waving my gun around. He immediately sells out Pac. I go to his warehouse and I find Jules there. She tells me that Pac found coke in her car and blames it on Dirty. She tells him that he’s been slangin that yayo to his wealthy clients like me. Somehow Dirty miraculously disappears into thin air and no one sees him.” At this point all I wanna do is tape his mouth shut. I asked for one thing and he gives a play by play. “Get on with it dude!” We both shouted. “After we leave the warehouse we drive back to the city to her place. She confessed to me that Dirty was her lover and that he gave her aids. She got her test results earlier that day. I walked inside with her and there’s Pac sitting in the kitchen waiting for her.” “So you gave me aids? Who the fuck have you been sleeping with?” She had to tell him there was no point to keeping it a secret anymore. Too late for that. “It doesn’t matter anymore, he’s dead.” She started sobbing. “Who Dirty? I just told him that he couldn’t cross California state lines or else.” “But but.” “You stupid bitch!” He rushed towards her but before he could even lay a finger on her, Dirty took one shoot to the head through the back door. I forgot that he was good with guns. “So Dirty shot Pac?” Joplin asked “Yes.” he answered. “And you and Jules cleaned the house and dumped the body?” “Yes” “Where?” “I can’t say.” “Fair enough.” “Are you guys gonna take me to the hospital now?” We looked each other then looked back at him. Threw him a pair of some keys that were laying on the table. “Drive yourself rich kid.” Joplin said “How can you live with yourself knowing that you shot a person in the foot?” I said, “The exact same way you witness a murder and not tell anyone about it.” As we walked out the door exiting the back of the Mansion, we see Dirty and Jules staring hard into each other’s eyes. I didn’t know how I felt about it but I knew that I did not want to be involved. We walk towards the car passing the jay back and forth. An elderly white lady was walking her dog and she looked at our skanky outfits with such animosity and says, “How can you girls live with yourself dressing like that?” I laughed and said, “One day at a time lady.”
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This ‘poem’ sucks but
Happy Birthday to you
(Note: there was originally like eight more cynical lines about how birthdays mean you’re that much closer to the end, but I scrapped it because when I try to use dark humor it usually just ends up kinda gruesome.
There’s probably something wrong with me and someday we’ll find out what that is, but today is not that day)
Congratulations! @(^-^)@  You were only sixteen but your mind was older- now you’re seventeen, but I’m sure the latter part of that quote still applies and the blog will blow us all away even more than before! Hope you have a wonderful, satisfying birthday despite how non-stop you are (don’t forget to take a break when you can) and one last time, congratulations!
(also depending on how the timezone difference between Croatia and Korea works, we’re only a day or two apart- my birthday is March 30th, which is tomorrow over here! :D so cool)
“Whatever you say ma'am, Furuta will pay for his behavior! I’ll use tumblr, I’ll write under a pseudonym(Evans)- you’ll see what I can do to him!
But at least since he’s dead, you can finally speak your mind?”
I know, I still like the idea of trans Mutsuki better but other than any hints dropped in canon, I just think it’s very unlikely that TG as a Japanese manga will add a 100%, conmpletely confirmed LGBTQ character. I believe Ishida himself is pretty open towards the LGBTQ community (Nico’s portrayal is a bit questionable but in an omake Yomo is shown thinking that anyone he dates could become Touka’s aunt OR uncle (though of course that could be a translation error), Shuu is a subversion of manga stereotypes regarding gay men and TG in general has a lot of interesting themes regarding sexuality and gender), but idk, the idea of a mainstream seinen manga like TG adding LGBTQ themes that go beyond heavy implication seems unlikely (though who knows, it could happen).
Mutsuki just makes me bitter. FIrst all the arguments about their gender and now I don’t even like them anymore (they used to be an adorable cinnamon roll but after recent chapters, while I still feel for them they’ve become a lot less sympathetic).
(Also this just makes me sound salty but I recently came across a very aggressive blog dedicated to reminding everybody that MUTSKI IS MALE AND YOU ARE ALL WRONG and reading through it just made me kinda mad and irritated all at once. Once a trans person made a post saying that despite being trans themself they didn’t think Mutsuki was, offering several manga moments as decent evidence and being quite polite, and the mod of this blog answered them with what basically boils down to 'lol no it’s possible to be transphobic even if you’re part of the LGBTQ community and you are clearly one of these people’.)
Don’t worry, cinnamon roll Hinami isn’t being forgotten! :) I’m really looking forward to her meeting Akira. I’ve always liked Hina but these recent chapters pushed her up on my ‘favorite characters’ list- she’s just way too sweet.
Reading the manga: wth Ishida you are officially my least favorite person like even Isayama is better than you
Reading Ishida’s translated tweets/the comments he makes in TG extras: why are you so nice
Yeah, I kinda hated Urie at first (I understood his goals and motivations but did he really have to be such a jerk? I honestly thought he was going to get somebody killed in the auction arc) but after the auction arc I started to like him better (I think the official moment I decided ‘I like Urie Kuki as a character’ was when Shirazu died) and I kinda freaked out when I realized what happened to him…
He would make a great Burr though. I think he’s way more willing to act than Burr and is not a ‘talk less, smile more’ kind of person (more like a ‘talk less and don’t smile at all’ type) but they’re still really similar. I could also see Urie singing Wait for It…with Kaneki as Hamilton. Not because Kaneki particularly fits Hamilton but because of how Burr is clearly somewhat jealous about Hamilton’s progress despite not approving of his methods in Wait For It (in an interview about the song I think LMM said something about it describing the feeling of watching your friends and acquaintances getting so far ahead in life and thinking 'Wait for it; someday I’ll get there too’).
Am I the only one who headcanons that despite acting super classy and not knowing much about rap/hip-hop before someone (maybe Hori?) gets him to listen to it, Tsukiyama actually turns out to be a really good rapper?
Speaking of Tsukiyama though, I want to see more of his interactions with Naki
Hmm, since Mado died after he was already an adult couldn’t Akira technically count? We know from omakes that Mado was a doting father and made her childhood as happy as possible, so while her life might not have been 100% perfect it was still really good in TG terms. Takizawa before he entered the academy also counts.
but even those two had so much tragedy happen to them as adults…
(also, have you started reading the manga again? :D)
ok, that sounds creepy. Not going to be watching that.
Thank you so much for the recommendations though! Not sure if I’ll get the time to watch those but I think I saw some Magi volumes in a bookstore here so maybe I’ll check that out when I have the time!
And yeah, if you have any good animes/mangas to recommend, please do! And genre doesn’t matter- though I usually prefer dark, psychological stories I’m willing to make exceptions when the series in question is really good (that’s what I did with YoI after all :) the only genres I’m really reluctant to read are horror and high school romances).
I’m glad you liked them! And nope, don’t mind at all  :D fangirling
I am back! Again, happy birthday ^^ I hope the day went well for you :) How old are you now, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m guessing it’s either 14 or 15.
And thank you very much for the poem, it’s very cute! I wouldn’t have minded the extra verses. They might’ve ruined the mood a bit, tho ^^;; The theme sounds like something baroque poems would write about... Don’t mind me, I just had an exam dealing with baroque, so I’m probably prone to making bad references to it. 
I will never manage to reach your level of puns... I’ll just say that I’m very satisfied with the amount of them.
“Just because he’s dead doesn’t mean he won’t come back. He died so another villain can take his place.
No matter how much I support trans Mu, I’d be very, very surprised if it actually become canon. I mean, as you’ve said, Japan and lgbt don’t quite go together that well... I guess we’ll just have to see... And nope, I still haven’t started to read the manga again. No time ^^;;
I’ve started to dislike Mu after the chapter in which his past was revealed. I just don’t have the will to stomach stories like that, honestly... Good horror/psychology manga/anime might interest me once in a while, but there’s a border I don’t like crossing. TG is waaay over it (which is probably a part of the reason why I dropped it, after all)
Gaah, it’s people like that that make dislike the lgbts... Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against people in that community and I won’t discriminate (though stuff like fictionkin and made-up pronouns do make me roll my eyes), but it’s these people that give people the wrong image about the whole community. Unfortunately, I’ve had quite a few encounters with those... aggressive people. I could go on and on about the things I saw as a part of this site, mostly concerning those ridiculous people who are probably in it because they think it’s ‘cool’ or ‘trendy’ to be bi or genderfluid.  I get waaay too worked up over this theme, don’t I?
Oh, I’m so happy about her not being forgotten! She is a precious cinnamon roll and doesn’t deserve the life she has, she deserves so much better.
Boy, that sounds fun. Well, Ive had experience with the ‘reading manga’ part, but I don’t particularly follow tweets ^^;; I hope things work out in the manga!
Idk, I mean, I disliked him at first, but I got to like him very quickly. I just seem to like silent types like him (I say that, and yet I also like Phichit, Viktor, Haise and so on, who are nothing like him.... WHOOPS).
Signs that I’m slowly forgetting TG: *reading the message* ‘who... are these characters?’ I mean, I know the most important ones, like Haise, Urie, Akira and so on, but the other ones... This makes me very sad ;-;
Yeah, I guess that would make Kaneki a good Hamilton. STILL DON’T WANT BURR (COOKIE) TO KILL HIM, BECAUSE KANEKI IS A CINNAMON ROLL WHO DOESN’T DESERVE TO DIE! The dynamics between Kaneki and Urie don’t make a good Ham-Burr, but their positions in their job, so I guess they really are the best pair for Hamilton.  Why did Ham have to die ;-; That makes casting so much harder for me.
Oh yeah, Tsukiyama would be an amazing rappers, I don’t doubt it at all. In fact, I’m sure that he’d be able to do Guns and Ships perfectly. 
Fun fact: You made a typo saying ‘Mado died after SHE became an adult’ (I changed it) and you gave me the biggest heart attack. Pls, my phone wasn’t used to the speed with which I typed ‘TOKYO GHOUL WIKI AKIRA MADO’ to check if what you said is true.  Yeah, Akira could count, I guess. That makes a total of ONE character... Not much, eh?
I don’t know if I count Takizawa... I think that the way his life is now, it very much makes up the lack of angst in his childhood.
Oh yeah, one last concern about The World Is Still Beautiful!
I’m done. 
One last recommendation:
LOVE LIVE AKA CUTE IDOLS. I invite you to join me in the pits of idol hell :) It(s not a romance, don’t worry. Also, there’s a mobile rhythm tapping game if you’re interested :))
Ooh, I’d be so happy if you’d start reading Magi! During the later volumes, it gets reeally psychological, so I think you might like it! I’d say something, but spoilers!
Well, I’ll go add the text to the post, then ^^
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