#[ Probably not the best way to be woken up from a nightmare though ]
saerins · 1 year
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─── 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓
+ itoshi rin x f!reader | drabble | content: fluff, established relationship
notes: ahem don’t mind me just …. casually loving rin :’) inspired off this post i saw on tiktok !!
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sometimes, you’re annoyed.
no, not by your boyfriend, although he refuses to cuddle you to sleep. but by his tendencies to set more than one alarm. you love rin, an abnormally large amount.
but his alarms will be the death of you.
“rin, i love you but your alarms are killing me.”
he stares at you from where he stands in the kitchen, an innocence you can only describe as adorable (but he’d kill you). today’s a saturday and it’s a lazy day in, with soccer training canceled due to the storm. but still, somehow, your boyfriend’s alarm still blared this morning. and usually you’re a heavy sleeper, but coupled with the thunder, you were unfortunately woken up at 5.30am.
rin’s making breakfast; ochazuke. using your recipe too because he likes it that way.
“i know you still exercise and all but do you really have to set two alarms?” because you have no problem ignoring that first one. that second one though, always gets to you.
rin only shrugs it off, putting his attention back on his food. “maybe i’ll set it softer next time.”
“or maybe just set one?” you try convincing him, sauntering over and wrapping your arms around his waist from behind. “it’s not like you have trouble waking up.”
because he really doesn’t. he hasn’t missed an alarm since you first got together with him over a year ago. rin’s one of the most punctual people you know. he really doesn’t need that extra alarm.
but you fail at convincing him, because apparently on monday morning (sundays are the only breaks from his alarm that you can get), at 5.25am, his first alarm blares, and if not for the fact that you’d watched a horror movie with him last night (which only spell nightmares for you—but then again, you can never refuse rin), you’d probably still be sound asleep.
today though, you’re woken up almost instantaneously, and you decide to stay quiet, like you’re asleep. just to see what your boyfriend does for that five minutes and why he needs another alarm.
you expect him to groan and fall back asleep, like maybe he needs five minutes to himself. but then you have to do your best not to freeze up when you realise that his arms fall around you, your boyfriend nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck.
the realisation hits you like a gentle rain in the middle of summer. this is what rin’s doing for those five minutes before his actual alarm? he’s been hugging you everyday, right before he starts his day. he’s been hugging you every morning before he wakes up for real, before he leaves for training, before every mundane day.
you grin to yourself, feeling the warmth spread across your chest and your face. you think you love rin an abnormally large amount. but now you know that it’s the same for him as well.
“stop smiling to yourself, stupid,” rin mumbles, burrowing his face further into your neck, embarrassed now that you know what he’s been up to.
you giggle. “i love you, rin.”
“i love you, stupid.”
“lots and lots?”
“okay now shut up before i kick you off the bed.”
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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{ 143 }
jinwoo sung x shadow!fem.reader
warnings: unedited; dark themes like stalking, obsession, and m*rder; read with caution.
there was a voice pulling you out of the dark depths, dragging your soul back to the surface as you let out a soft gasp in response.
you felt the wisps of shadows surrounding your form, covering your body in complete and total darkness. your eyes were blank, and you felt a strange… emptiness deep inside of you.
your eyes were suddenly drawn to a handsome young man standing in front of you. he was bathed in complete darkness, seeming to meld with the darkness itself as he was dressed in a black trench coat. his eyes were glowing a startling purple hue, and you found yourself becoming mesmerized by the mere sight of him.
as your eyes take him in, you were dimly aware of the translucent screen that somewhat hinders your vision. you take a moment to read what the screen says.
[ shadow extraction has been completed. would you like to give her a name? ]
a new name? even your own thoughts sounded fuzzy, like there was static settled within your head
"no, she shall forever remain..." the young man then says a series of syllables, one that fills you with nostalgia as you finally realized that it was probably your name that he had spoken out loud.
"..." you open your mouth and softly call out to him.
"who are you...?” your own voice takes on a softer quality, and you felt as though you had somehow become one with the night itself.
a pained expression fills the young man when he brings you closer to him.
"my name is jinwoo... and you don't have to worry about a single thing. just... just stay by my side from now on."
despite how empty you once felt after being reborn, there was a strange warmth felt spreading across your chest, making you smile as you fell into his embrace.
this was going to be a strange, new life for you, with you being resurrected as sung jinwoo's shadow soldier.
{ ... }
happiness was felt coursing through your veins the moment you decided to meet with your boyfriend.
he was the best man for you, and you loved him so much-
you could not picture a life without him.
as you looked through your chat logs with him, you burned each and every loving word into your memories. you were simply exploring the city, making your way toward the plaza- the planned meeting place of your boyfriend.
suddenly, as you were walking, you felt the hairs stick up from the back of your neck.
huff huff huff…
heavy pants were heard coming from behind you, and you glance back to see a tall man dressed in a hoodie. desire was seen flooding his gaze, and you could feel your heart clenching with fear in response.
you were ready to run, lips already open wide in a gape as a scream was ready to escape from them-
only to feel your screams die against your throat when you felt a comforting embrace around you.
"hey babe, i saw you and decided to meet you anyways."
you smile and look back up at him, only to scream when the entirety of his features was covered in static.
{ ... }
you woke up with a start, feeling the puddle of shadows surrounding you as you slept on the floor next to jinwoo's bed. your shadowy form looked back up at him, and you were happy to see that he was still sleeping soundly.
"is something the matter, my comrade?"
beru was looking down at you, keeping watch over your king while lazily gazing at you.
"you look like you have just woken up from a nightmare. our king will be upset if you are troubled, my dear."
you end up curling up against the floor, feeling your hair hiding your features.
"i think i'm starting to remember something..." your voice was soft, and you felt your heart pounding with anticipation.
"hm, is that so? and just what do you recall?"
you close your eyes and begin to explain, "i think... i was in love... i had a lover who i cherished deeply."
"but, there was someone else, someone tall, someone who was always watching me-"
"that is enough, thy comrade of mine." beru ends up stopping you from explaining any further. "our king still sleeps, and if he knows how much of a turmoil you are in, then he will cease to rest."
you shiver in response, giving the former ant king a nod. you had been a part of jinwoo's shadow army for a few months now, yet you had never once faced combat or joined him in any of his raids. so when igris and beru told you that you were special to their king-
you couldn't help but believe them.
"rest, go back to sleep and keep our king company when the morning comes. i assure you that nothing will make him happier."
you nod and gently fall back within the pool of darkness, sinking into it. with your thoughts now in a limbo, you felt the exhaustion coursing through you. you close your eyes then, feeling like you were falling asleep within the gentle depths of the ocean as darkness surrounded you. basking in such a tranquil feeling, you closed your eyes and began to dream once more.
{ ... }
your stalker had been following you for close to a year now.
it was scary how he was always there, waiting for his next move.
it happened when you began working at the hunter's association within the city of seoul, being known as an a-rank healer as you were placed on missions against high leveled gates.
you were a highly efficient healer, yet you caught the attention of two men who became infatuated with you.
one man became your kind and loving boyfriend,
while the other man became your stalker.
their presence were constantly revolving around you, with one bringing you immense joy-
while the other gave you hell.
you had to suffer through your stalker's constant harassment, yet was too kind to try and alert your boyfriend to the mounting problems.
after all, you figured you could deal with it.
from unhinged love letters sent to your mailbox-
to the constant calls made to your cellphone-
and the thousands upon thousands of texts-
it was enough to make you incredibly anxious.
yet there was little you could do about it.
because when your stalker sent you the same message through a letter, text, and a phone call, his deep voice whispering in your ear
"no one is going to believe you, my precious heart. if you say a word to anyone about my obsession with you, then i'll make sure to have your precious little boyfriend killed with a bullet to his chest."
you knew that you were trapped.
not wanting to endanger the man that you loved, you kept quiet and continued to suffer in silence.
{ ... }
your memories were getting stronger now, with you recalling bits and pieces of your life when you were still alive and well.
you knew that you had a boyfriend that you loved dearly-
and you also knew that you had a stalker that followed your every move, casting a dark shadow within your life.
but what was perhaps most frustrating was how you could never figure out what their faces looked like, or even what their names were.
each time you try to remember a specific detail about their features, your hazy mind would seem to block out their faces from the confines of your mind.
and it was frustrating, to say the least.
however, as you began dwelling on your memories, you couldn't help but have a sneaking suspicion that jinwoo was at the center of it all.
from hearing the discussion amongst the other shadow soldiers, you knew that jinwoo had the ability to call forth the souls of the monsters he had slain.
you remember it vividly now, hearing that same, singular line as you were brought back from your death. you felt no pain when he extracted your soul from what you assumed was your decaying body.
which brought you to one conclusion that made the most sense to you:
did jinwoo kill you out of spite and brought you back so that you could stay with him?
was he your stalker?
and did he do this so that you were given no choice but to stay with him forever?
the mere thought of it all was enough to make your stomach churn.
as these thoughts continued to swirl within the depths of your mind, and the more you thought about it, the more it made sense to you.
why else did his other soldiers like beru and igris try to prevent you from remembering certain details of your memories?
why did they constantly change the subject and tell you 'not to worry about it' each time you unlocked a new memory.
it had to be jinwoo-
he had to be your stalker.
so you spent several days ignoring him, not even responding or coming out of his shadow even when he called out your name. instead, you kept quiet and lay in wait while in his shadow, searching for the perfect moment to strike-
waiting for him to be at his most vulnerable.
with his shadow seen lengthening against the hardwood floors of his room, you appear out of it, eyes glowing a deep shade of purple, further displaying your anger for the man who was currently sleeping.
you allow your nails to lengthen in response to your anger, turning into claws as you hovered over jinwoo's body, hands wrapped around his neck as your nails dug into his skin.
he awakens with a start, but does nothing to stop you. his own eyes glowed as well, however, his expression remains calm. as if sensing the scent of his blood, igris, beru, and tusk all surround you, their weapons pointed at your shadowy figure, ready to decapitate you if you dared to hurt their king.
"return." jinwoo's voice was calm and steady, eyes flashing with anger as he hones in his gaze on his three most loyal fighters.
"my king, she has an intent to harm you, we cannot-"
"then i'll die by her hands, RETURN. NOW."
jinwoo's angry voice echoes throughout the room, and all three of his soldiers went back into his shadow without wasting another second. his words make you hesitate, eyes filled with confusion for a brief moment before you went back to choking him.
your nails were felt digging into the base of his throat, "be honest with me, did you kill me?"
he closes his eyes, not even moving an inch when your nails drew even more blood from his neck.
"no." was his simple answer.
you were filled with a red hot vexation, squeezing his neck ever so slightly in response. "bullshit... it was you who brought me back... you were the one that had slain me, so why are you pretending that it wasn't you?"
"why would i ever wish to kill the woman i love?"
his question makes you falter, but you hung on to your determination.
"you don't love me, what you hold is an obsession over me. that's why you killed me; so that i could always remain by your side."
a look of pain crosses jinwoo's features when he lifts up a hand to gently frame at your face.
"it's true... i always wanted you to remain by my side, but while you were still alive and well."
a sudden wave of nausea hits you, making you feel a sharp pain against your head as you let go of jinwoo's neck, feeling something shattering from deep inside of you as your heart began to pulse.
"sarang, hey... i was so eager to see you again that i decided to meet you."
and there it was, your memories were filled with such clarity now, as you could see jinwoo smiling down at you. he was donned in his usual black turtleneck and dress pants, and seeing his handsome smile was enough to make your heart ache in response, momentarily forgetting about the fear he had given you.
but your relief was short lived when you came face to face with the hooded man, your stalker looking at you with jealousy and hatred shining within his black eyes.
"if i can't have you, no one can."
baek jun, the name of your stalker-
and the man that killed you...
{ ... }
you were walking back from the grocery store, buying ingredients to make jinwoo's favorite dinner consisting of kimchi stew and bulgogi beef with rice.
jinwoo had sent you a series of texts, asking you to be careful and to come home soon without 'dawdling around the city.'
but you simply brushed off his concern, feeling safe and sound the moment jinwoo had placed the strongest of his shadow soldiers within your shadow.
however, such protection didn't make you immune to a bullet.
you were dimly aware of what sounded like fireworks when a sudden impact was felt at the back of your head. no pain was felt as you immediately lost your life, your brain bleeding in response to the bullet that was still lodged into your skull, your blood seeming to mix in with the shadows as the same hooded man pocketed his gun.
"fucking whore... leading me around the nose like that... looking down at me for bein' a b-class hunter. that's what you get for not choosin' me."
but you were unable to respond, your lifeless body laid completely still as your eyes remained empty and unseeing. your killer had already left the moment jinwoo appears next to you, using his shadow exchange ability, immediately warping to where you were.
"no, fuck don't do this to me, NO!"
jinwoo's screams of anguish echoes throughout the night as he held your lifeless body closer to him. sobs wracked through his chest, and it felt like his whole world was ending the moment your blood seeped into the fabric of his clothes.
his whole body was shaking when he lays you back down on the ground, whispering i love you, i love you, i love you over and over again.
he loses his senses for a few moments until finally calming down, eyes no longer shedding tears as they glowed a vibrant purple once more.
jinwoo stands back to his full height, placing a hand over your lifeless body before speaking a single word, one that would change your destiny forever.
{ ... }
"i remember everything."
you could feel painful gasps escape from your parted lips, but no tears could come out. you were in so much pain-
but more so than your own pain was jinwoo's.
he holds your shadowy form closer to him, with tears streaming down his face as he presses a kiss against your parted lips.
"i'm pathetic, i know, unable to let you go as i turned you into a shadow soldier- so that i will always have you with me."
you nod and continue to cling to him, shaking when you ask him, "and... what happened to that bastard, jun?"
you feel jinwoo press a kiss against your forehead. "i left him for you to handle... as a gift for when you remembered."
your eyes were felt widening in response, yet you were given little time to react when jinwoo hangs on to you, surrounding you with shadows as he used his abilities once more, warping you to an unknown location...
{ ... }
baek jun was a selfish man who believed that he had suffered long enough when he was a mere kid.
his dad was an abusive fucker, always drinking while beating up his mom. he hated how weak he was, sustaining new bruises and black eyes each time he tried to protect his mom.
so when he realized he had gained a newfound strength with regenerative abilities the moment these gates appeared all around south korea-
he took advantage of it and killed his deadbeat dad.
his mom was so grateful to him, and when realized how he could make money off of his abilities, he took that chance and joined the hunter’s association. as he rose up the ranks while working as a hunter, he found that it was easy for him to rake in some easy cash with each raid.
he figured he could keep working as a hunter all while messing around with some of the females he worked with, getting drunk with them while taking advantage of their drunken state-
but that all changed the moment this pretty little a-rank healer arrived.
and damn, was she a sight for sore eyes.
he had never seen a lovelier woman before, becoming mesmerized by her beauty.
but what perhaps made his obsession grow for her was when she healed him during one of their raids.
the healer had joined his team, and when he sustained a nasty burn from one of those fire breathing beasts, she had came to him with a sweet smile on her face, telling him how everything was going to be okay while the warmth of her healing aura surrounds him.
so it wasn't his fault that he became obsessed with her-
it was her fault for flirting with him to begin with. she was the one who flashed him that sexy smile, pressing her breast up against his arm all while smiling sweetly at him-
(damn, he was getting hard all over again at the thought).
how else did she think he was going to react when she began dating that s-rank fucker? the asshole already had everything that jun didn't have-
good looks-
and now, he had taken his woman, too.
he saw nothing wrong with killing a whore like her. if she wanted to fuck around, then so be it.
jun would gladly teach her a lesson-
and if he could do it all over again, then he would.
feeling happy now that the source of his pain and obsession was gone, jun spends the whole night bar hopping, using the entirety of his earnings on bitter alcohol that was powerful enough to make his head spin and forget.
feeling tired of all the shitty whisky and soju, jun drunkenly enters a convenience store, stealing a whole case of ice cold beer while cracking each can open and gulping down the liquid with a content sigh, burping before moving on to the next can.
in his drunken stupor, he recognizes a pretty woman standing right in front of him. his black eyes look up at her, and he swore that he felt his heart jump out of his chest in complete and utter fear.
the mere sight of her was enough to make him believe that perhaps ghosts do exist.
she smiled sweetly at him, giggling as he watches her nails lengthen to sharp claws-
his screams were cut short when she slashes through his vocal chords, filling him with pain as his eyes were suddenly basked in a darkness while his body was ripped to shreds-
baek jun never stood a chance against jinwoo's shadow lover.
{ ... }
jinwoo was simply at his desk, reading the news when he felt your shadowy arms wrapping around his neck.
"thank you, my liege."
he chuckles and moves his lips so that he could press a kiss against your cheek. "don't mention it, and please, call me jinwoo, like you've always done."
you could feel the embarrassment paint your features as you press your lips against his cheek.
"i know but... the fact that you held back your own anger, giving me the chance to rip that bastard to shreds- it... it makes me happy."
he simply hums in response, bringing you into his arms while tossing the newspaper in the bin, where the headlines read:
as jinwoo carried your wispy form back to his bed, he held on tightly to you, promising to be with you forever as he keeps you by his side.
and despite how your future had been altered drastically due to both jun and jinwoo's actions, you found yourself not regretting it...
because now, you knew that you would forever remain by his side... no matter what...
{ epilogue }
jinwoo had defeated the last of the monarchs, but was somewhat saved when the rulers intervened.
they commended him on his powers and sheer tenacity, happy to have witnessed such a victorious occasion when jinwoo stops their praise.
"i don't know if this could be called showing your appreciation, but i do have a request."
"i will do everything within my powers to aid you." the ruler states while standing before jinwoo.
"just once more... could i use the cup of reincarnation just once more?" jinwoo's eyes were glowing purple as he sat before the ruler, the wind blowing through his hair as a soft expression paints his features.
the ruler seems to consider his words for a moment.
"did you just ask whether you could use the 'cup of reincarnation' to turn back time?"
"that's right." jinwoo answers without a hint of hesitation.
"even if you were to turn back time using god's gadget, the consciousness of the higher beings will still remain. you'd still do it even though the deceased monarchs would come back to life with their memories from this life intact?"
"that's right. and once you turn back time, i want you to not send anyone to earth. i will take care of the monarchs and their armies by myself in the dimensional gap."
the ruler shakes their head in response. "you're willingly taking on the entire war all by yourself. what's your reasoning for doing this? we've used the cup of reincarnation many times, but this is the best result we've gotten yet."
jinwoo stabs his dagger down into the ground with his head bowed, thinking about those he had lost-
thinking about you.
"i lost too many people in this battle." a tiny smile decorates his features when he looks back up at the ruler. "and i want to bring them back."
the ruler takes flight while looking down at jinwoo, "the durability of the cup of reincarnation has almost been exhausted. if you are to fail this time, you won't be able to turn back time again."
they try to reason with him, "if you stop now, you could be remembered as the hero who stopped the invasion of the monarchs, and forever be remembered by the people. however... no one will remember the fight you are getting into now. if you are to lose, the fragments will be waiting for you, and even if you are to win, no one will be there to congratulate you. and you still wish to turn back time?"
jinwoo takes a moment to consider the ruler's words before smiling and standing back to his full height, his shadow lengthening from beneath the radiance of the ruler's light.
"i will go back in time."
"... so you want to save not just a portion of the world, but the entire world, with your own hands. your will to carry on everything by yourself... reminds me of ashborn, your predecessor."
the ruler stands proudly before jinwoo. "i understand. i wish you the best of luck."
"wait." jinwoo then hesitates for a moment, taking a second to look back at his shadow, all while swearing that he could see your own kind eyes looking back at him.
"what would happen to the shadow soldiers which didn't exist in the past?" jinwoo asks while keeping an eye on the hundreds of eyes that peek back at him from his shadow.
"the beings which overlap with the past would perish. and the beings which do not, will remain."
the ruler's words bring a great comfort to jinwoo when he smiles, giving them a nod before stating with confidence, "got it. i'm ready now."
“may your courage save your world.”
and with those final words, the world was suddenly bathed in a bright, blinding light...
{ ... }
you are 14 again, and you had just woken up late.
your hair was a mess as you wolfed down the breakfast sandwich your mother had made for you. your school uniform was wrinkled, along with some of the buttons of your blouse a bit mismatched due to your hurried state-
but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
"i'm late i'm late i'm late!"
you were mentally berating yourself, but... something about your dream had kept you in a deep sleep for much longer than usual. despite not remembering it at all, you knew that you felt comforted by it.
which was why you didn't hear your mother calling out your name when she tried to wake you up, making you sleep in for an extra 30 minutes-
and now, you were in a panic.
as you made a sharp right turn, your face immediately ran into a chest, causing you to gasp as you fell back.
"ouch!" you rub at the tip of your nose, eyes slightly watering as you looked up to see a familiar boy looking down at you.
he calls out your name, grey eyes shining with amusement as he offered a hand for you to take.
it was that strange boy that transferred to your school recently due to his parents and little sister moving to this part of the city. and despite not knowing him too well, he had this strange desire to be your best friend.
"jinwoo..." you softly call out his name and take his hand, allowing him to help you back up to your feet. "w-what are you doing out here? i thought you were in class?"
he hums and ends up interlocking his fingertips together with yours. "i had a hunch that you would be late, so i waited right here for you."
"geez, okay, weirdo." you pout at him, fighting back the urge to call him out on all these weird 'hunches' he had ever since he first met you. you were about to say something when you realized that jinwoo was walking in the opposite direction of where your school was.
"uhm, where are you going? our school is that way, unless your brain was so filled with games that you forgot?"
jinwoo begins to laugh, the sound sending another wave of nostalgia to course through you when he pulls your form even closer to him. "i know, but i figured since we're both already so late, why not skip?"
you gasp, already feeling the protest fall from your lips when he inches closer to you, eyes now glowing a strange, purple hue.
"come on, i just want to spend some time with you. if it makes you feel better, i'll take all the blame."
your eyes were shining with happiness now, "really? you'd risk getting grounded for me?"
he rolls his eyes, but suddenly, his gaze takes on a more solemn shade of grey, no longer glowing at you. "you have no idea the lengths i would go through for you."
you were caught off guard by the severity of his words, trembling slightly when he smiles at you once more.
"let's get some ice cream! my treat!"
and with his promises of ice cream, you immediately forget about the strange feelings of nostalgia and the seriousness of his words, laughing with him as he takes you on a fun little adventure-
just as a small example of how far he would go to make you happy as he swore to better protect you in this life.
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a.n. - so i heard aleks le say jinwoo's iconic arise phrase and had to write a story for it. i am strangely proud of this fic, writing a total of 4.5k words 🥹 this is currently unedited because i'm too eager to post this, but please, i hope you all enjoy this.
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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its-all-papaya · 2 months
landoscar + 41? 🧡 maybe fake/pr-dating-turned-real-dating coded, so maybe even + 56? like, they realize the fake wasn't that fake anymore 🙈 (insert i am in love are you in love audio here)
they are both in love, anon.
(because i found it kind of impossible to explain without adding sooo much exposition... oscar is not a driver. he's just... a guy. that mclaren found. to date lando. suspend your disbelief, idk)
send me a ship and a number and i will write a kiss
41. to pretend (or is it?) | landoscar | 1.2k
Lando is in over his head. His aching, pounding, hurts-so-bad-it’s-making-him nauseous head. If he’d known one throw-away trip to the club in Miami was going to complicate his life so irreparably, he would have tucked his P1 trophy into bed next to him and gone straight to sleep like a good, boring boy. Instead, he’d gotten catastrophically fucked-up on any number of things he doesn’t remember and tossed himself dick-first into an entire publicity nightmare. That’s the worst part, probably: Lando doesn’t even remember. He remembers taking shots with Max and Danny and he remembers – barely – stumbling to the bathroom, and the next discernable point on that mental timeline comes at approximately 6:45 a.m., when he’d woken up to go vomit and found his lock screen so full of notifications that it’d made him forget to wonder where the man he’d gone to bed next to had pissed off to so early.
Since then, every minute of Lando’s life not spent in the car has felt full wall-to-wall with interviews, and meetings with crisis management, and saying “I’d prefer not to comment on that” so many times he hears it on repeat like an ear worm when he’s falling asleep at night. And also Oscar. There’s been a lot of Oscar.
He’s waiting in the lobby of McLaren’s hospitality when Lando arrives down from his driver’s room after qualifying in Brazil. Lando wonders how he got in, if their bosses have finally decided he’s trustworthy enough to walk around unchaperoned. It’s funny that he ever didn’t have a pass, actually; he is technically a McLaren employee. Probably. Lando thinks he gets paid. They’ve never talked about the specifics.
Either way, however he got there, Oscar is by himself in the lobby, leaned back in a chair, thumbing at his phone. He looks up when he senses Lando’s arrival, and Lando must look even more pathetic than he even thought, because Oscar’s face immediately goes soft with concern and he leaps up to take Lando’s bag off his hands.
“Hey, you alright?” he asks. He slides the backpack onto his own shoulders and then steadies a hand in the middle of Lando’s back, thumb tracing comforting little circles near his spine.
Lando could lie, but there’s not really any point to that, so he lets his face fold into the grimace it wants to be in and presses his thumb between his eyebrows.
“Head’s killing me,” he says. It comes out weak.
Oscar makes a sad little sound in sympathy, and the palm on Lando’s back shifts to his side so Oscar can tug him closer. Lando doesn’t have the energy to fight Oscar on these things at the best of times lately, so he’s definitely not going to when he’s exhausted and sick with the pain behind his eyes. Even though there’s really nobody around to see them.
“Let’s get you back to the hotel, then,” Oscar says, and Lando has never agreed to anything faster.
Oscar leads the way out of hospitality and through the paddock, fingers linked securely between Lando’s own. It’s baffling that he’s already been around this circus long enough to know the way without help. Nice, though, because Lando’s not really in a state to be of any.
They run into a few people along the way – fans or sponsors or employees. Lando doesn’t get the chance to tell which are which, because every time somebody new greets them, Oscar’s fingers tighten around his own and he talks the both of them cleverly out of the conversation before Lando can even consider what he would say if he was left to his own devices. It feels nearly impossible that less than six months ago, Oscar could barely say two words to Lando without being directly asked to.
“Oscar!” he hears as they’re nearing the exit, and they’re so close to relative quiet that Lando can’t help but groan about it. Oscar squeezes his hand again like an apology as he turns to address whoever it is.
"What’s up?” Oscar asks. When Lando lifts his eyes from the pavement, it’s Max stood before them. Both of his hands are hooked in the straps of his backpack and his chest is heaving just a little, like he’d jogged to catch them up.
“You’ll of course be at the race tomorrow?” Max asks. Lando’s not sure where this conversation is going, but he’s pretty sure it doesn’t have to happen right now. He hopes the look he’s giving Max is sufficiently irritated.
It must do the job, because Max’s eyes brighten and he says “Not pleased about that, Lando?”
Oscar’s hand goes from Lando’s palm to his back again, quick, and before Lando can open his mouth, Oscar’s saying, “He doesn’t feel good.”
“Ah,” Max says. Lando can’t figure out the look he’s being given.
“The race tomorrow?” Lando presses. If they’re going to chat about whatever it was right now, they could at least get to the point.
Max nods, shifting his gaze back to Oscar, “You are staying, yeah?”
“Yeah," Oscar says, "Why?”
It’s taking too long. Lando squeezes his eyes shut and presses his forehead against Oscar’s shoulder, hoping the counterpressure might do anything at all for the hot ache in his brain. Oscar’s hand goes immediately to the back of Lando’s neck, like it’s habit, and his thumb starts drawing firm lines down the muscle there, hairline to nape. It feels…really, really nice, actually.
“You’ll fly back with us after,” he can make out Max saying, “to Monaco. Lando and I and a few others.”
That doesn’t really make sense. Oscar’s been planning to go home for a bit over the mini break, Lando knows, they talked about it nearly right away when the agreement was drawn up. Far be it from him to argue that point, though, not when Oscar’s saying “Yeah, thanks, mate,” and his thumb’s still easing the pain in Lando’s skull. Lando would blame it on the headache, but it’s not like he’ll mind the extra time with Oscar, either. Which Max knows.
Lando cracks his eyes open and shifts enough to squint suspiciously at his friend, but Max is just grinning happily at the pair of them.
“Very good,” Max says. Sure.
“That’s all?” Oscar asks. His thumb finally stills. Lando does not whine about it, but it’s a close thing.
“Yes,” Max says, “you can take grumpy home now.”
Then, before Lando can decide whether that’s worth getting upset over, Oscar squeezes the back of his neck and nudges him up off his shoulder. His eyes are apologetic when Lando meets them, and he kisses Lando once on the forehead as he slides their palms back together.
It’s nice. Domestic. Very convincing, probably. Oscar’s gotten really good at his job.
“We’ll see you, mate,” Oscar says.
Max clasps Oscar’s hand for a second, then squeezes Lando’s shoulder on his way by.
When he's a few steps off, Oscar says, “Ready?” like Lando hasn’t been begging to go this whole time.
Lando says yes, please and he can tell it's a little whiny, because Oscar says "Hey, okay love, I'm sorry" and brushes a gentle kiss against his lips. Lando thinks Max is probably too far away to see it, but Oscar would know better.
It’s not until they’re finally settled into the back of the car, sides pressed together, that Lando remembers:
“Max knows about everything. You didn’t have to… he knows.”
Oscar’s gaze is soft and maybe a little sad, for some reason, but he smiles past it and combs his fingers through Lando’s hair until he settles.
“Yeah,” Oscar says as Lando’s head falls back against his shoulder, “He does.”
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brightlilith · 2 months
Poisons served for breakfast
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Masterlist | Supernatural - Masterlist | Jensen Ackles | Navigation
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In Another Universe - Masterlist
Jensen Ackles x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Friends to lovers, Enemies to lovers
Sumarry: In a witch hunt that went horribly wrong, the reader goes to another universe, where her life is just an act, (and where the handsome green-eyed hunter she has a crush on doesn't hate her), desperate, she tries to return home, but does she really want to?
4. The abyss ➝ 6. Salem!
Warning; Reader forgetting, swear words (few), Salem, References to Just Add Magic, more?
A/N: English ins't my fist language, bad English, sorry. There may still be some errors, sorry again. If you have an idea and want me to add it to the story, send me a message with your idea and I will be happy to make it happen.😊 Constructive criticism and supportive messages are always welcome, it motivates me to keep writing.
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I could finally breathe.
I opened my eyes quickly and sat up.
I was still in the room, looking around I could see that it was almost morning.
"2:59 AM." - I whispered to myself. "Was it all a dream?"
I felt tears falling.
I was crying...
I got up from the bed, my body moving on its own, receiving no command from me no matter how hard I tried.
I was in front of his door, I could tell after giving up trying to get my body back into my own bed.
I knocked softly on his door, it was silent, he probably won't open it.
"Sweetheart? What are you doing here at 3:00 in the morning?" - He said with a yawn, his eyes wide open, and hair messy, but he soon woke up after seeing that I was crying. - What happened, Sweetheart? Why are you crying?.
I just looked at him, I couldn't speak, he just pulled me into his arms, he mumbled something that I couldn't understand because my sobs were too loud to hear anything else.
He closed the door behind him, still with me in his arms and laid me down on his bed, whispering sweet, soft words in my ear, gently stroking my hair and hugging me in the most loving way possible.
You're right Salem, maybe I want to stay here, but it's wrong, I can't take him away from her, I had a family in another universe, I loved them, and I know they love me too, even though one of them doesn't, and I know they're looking for a way to get me out of here.
I couldn't be selfish like that...
I had finally fallen asleep after a few minutes, but I had woken up, it was 5:21 in the morning, I was curled up with Jensen, his warmth against mine made me want to stay here forever. Always in this world.
I'm going to enjoy it a little...
I could feel him playing with my hair, trying his best not to wake me up, but he failed.
"Morning." - I murmured against his chest.
"Hey, morning sweetheart." - He said in his highly attractive husky voice. "Do you feel better?" - He asked.
I mumbled in response, still not wanting to leave his embrace, but I needed to, shit why couldn't I be selfish for once in my life?
I moved away from him and sat on the bed, he did the same, gently placing his hand on my back, caressing.
"You want to talk?" - He asked softly.
"It was a nightmare, that's all." - I looked him in the eyes, trying not to show that I was lying.
He just nodded and kissed my temple before getting up from the bed, he said something like go to the kitchen and prepare breakfast and left.
Eclipsa entered Jensen's room, trying to get my attention, I smiled and caught her hugging her as if it were the last time I would see her.
She meowed in response, as if she was saying everything was okay and that she was here.
Jensen and I thought it was better to enjoy the day at home, he wouldn't leave me alone for a second, not that I was complaining... he was worried, I know.
"Here it is." - He said, entering the room with a huge bucket of popcorn and beers.
I looked at him tenderly as a way of thanking him, and he gave me a charming smile.
He sat next to me and covered himself with the blanket we were sharing.
My heart raced with his presence so close to me, his cologne drove me crazy. What is happening?
"What it was?" - He said with a mouth full of popcorn, still looking at the film in front of us.
It was like it was Dean here.
Wait... who is Dean?
"Nothing... just thinking about how grateful I am to have you here with me." -I rested my head on his shoulder, and he put his left arm around my shoulder.
"All for you, Sweetheart." - He whispered and kissed the top of my head.
I just stayed there in his arms, until I fell asleep, I could feel him carrying me to his room.
He laid me down and lay down hugging me.
"Night, Sweetheart." - He whispered, I just snuggled up to him in response.
It's 5 am, Jensen was still sleeping and Eclipsa was on top of me staring at me, I could feel her calling me. I whispered to Jensen that I would go to the bathroom and come back soon, since he is a light sleeper, he mumbled something I didn't understand and turned away.
When I got up from the bed Eclipsa came out of the room, I was right behind her, she took me to the room where there was a black cat, its eyes were red and its tail was pointy. I felt like I knew this cat from somewhere, but where?
The cat just stared at me and somehow I realized he looked scared.
"You're forgetting... just like I said..." - The cat said.
The cat spoke.
I panicked and was going to scream but he was faster and mumbled unknown words that kept me silent.
:Stay calm, silly girl." - He said getting closer, but I backed away. - "Just follow me."
I followed him and stopped in the kitchen, I saw him mumbling some things and I could feel something in me.
"You can talk now, but without scandals I just want to help." - He said calmly.
"Help with what?" - I asked
"To remember, silly girl. " - He said. - "I thought I had more time..." - He muttered to himself, but I had heard.
Remember? Remember what?
Next thing I know, I was cooking with an old book, the cat said just follow the instructions.
The recipe is called Memory Enhancing Macaroons, it's also a riddle that I have no idea how to solve.
When all your memories are blank, it'll come back and macarons are to thank.
That's what the book says.
I just shrug and get all the necessary ingredients.
"1 ¾ cups powdered sugar, 1 cup almond flour, finely ground, 1 teaspoon Livonian salt, divided (which the cat gave me to make this recipe) ,3 egg whites, at room temperature, ¼ cup granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 drops pink gel food coloring, 1 cup unsalted butter, 2 sticks, at room temperature, 3 tablespoons heavy cream." - I mutter to myself to check if everything was ok. - "Okay, now it's time to do it."
I take a deep breath and place the powdered sugar, almond flour and ½ teaspoon of Livonian salt in the bowl of a food processor and process on low speed until extra fine.
I sifted the almond flour mixture through a fine mesh sieve into a large bowl.
Beat 3 egg whites and remaining ½ teaspoon salt in an electric mixer until soft peaks form. I gradually added the granulated sugar until it is fully incorporated. I continued beating until firm peaks formed, I turned the bowl upside down and it didn't fall, so it's good.
I added the vanilla and beat until combined, I also added the food coloring and beat until well combined. I added about ⅓ of the sifted almond flour mixture at a time to the beaten egg whites and used a spatula gently until combined.
After the last addition of almond flour, I continued to mix slowly until the dough came together in ribbons and I can make a figure 8 while holding the spatula up.
Transfer the macaron dough to a pastry bag with a round tip.
I placed 4 dots of dough in each corner of a rimmed baking sheet and placed a piece of parchment paper on top, using the dough to help adhere the parchment paper to the pan.
I placed the macarons on the baking paper in 3 cm circles, with a space of at least 2 cm between them.
I tapped the pan on a flat kitchen surface 5 times to release any air bubbles.
I let the macarons sit at room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour, until they are dry to the touch. I preheated the oven to 150˚C (300˚F).
I set a timer to let me know when it was time to bake, and while I waited, I went back to the room where Jensen was sitting on the bed with his laptop on his lap, he was wearing glasses and still looked sleepy.
"Hey, where were you?" - He saw me standing in the doorway.
"Cooking." - I shrugged.
I spent those 1h30min talking to him, when it was time to bake the macarons, I asked for permission and he asked me to keep it for him, I laughed and said I couldn't promise anything, he laughed in response.
I Baked the macarons for 17 minutes, until the feet are well risen and the macarons no longer stick to the baking paper.
Transfer the macarons to a wire rack to cool completely before filling.
I made the butter cream which just beats the butter with a mixer for 1 minute until it's light and fluffy. I sifted the icing sugar and beat until completely incorporated. I added the vanilla and beat to combine.
I added the cream, 1 tablespoon at a time, and beat to combine, until it reached the consistency I want. Transfer the buttercream to a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
I added a dollop of buttercream to a macaron shell. I topped it with another macaron shell to create a sandwich. Repeat with remaining macaron shells and buttercream.
I placed it in an airtight container for 24 hours to “bloom”.
Now is just wait...
"I'll be back in 24 hours and you'll eat the macaron, I need you to remember." - He said heading towards the living room, he turned to me before saying something. - "When you remember, you will decide what you want, but remember there will be consequences." - He said before disappearing into thin air.
What the fuck?
I sighed and saw Eclipsa on the sofa sleeping peacefully, I smiled and went back to Jensen's room where he was still in the same position, but when he saw me he smiled and silently asked me to go back there.
I was falling in love with my best friend...
I went towards him and sat down on the bed with him. He came closer and said he was going to show a movie and that we were just going to stay there. I still didn't feel better about the nightmare I had, I didn't remember what happened, but I knew that every time I thought about it my heart hurt and my mind asked to remember.
Remember what?
I don't know...
It was already early in the morning, Jensen and I were still in the room, but we went out every now and then to take a shower or get takeout food.
We were marathoning some random series he had put on, I wasn't paying attention because my mind was still wandering to those macarons and what that talking cat was saying.
"I think it's time for bed..." Jensen said, and I just looked at him as if he said no. - "Don't look at me like that, you weren't even watching and I'm sleepy."
I looked at him in understanding and he turned off the laptop and we lay down, I was still sleeping in his room, and I didn't want to go back to my room, I feel something pulling me towards him. He put his arm around me and pulled me in, kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep.
To mean...
He slept.
I was still lost in thought.
The perfect time.
Jensen luckily was facing the other side, in an almost deep sleep because he was snoring lightly.
I got out of bed and quickly went towards the kitchen where the pot of Macarons that I had made the previous morning was in the middle of the counter, the cat was sitting next to it.
We didn't say a word, I just went there, opened the jar and ate a piece of the Macarons.
Memories I had forgotten.
That I said I couldn't forget.
They came back.
I looked at the cat who was looking at me with hope in his eyes.
"I remember." - I whispered. - "What's going on, Salem?"
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© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
In Another Universe TagList;
@aylacavebear @stillhere197 @fanfic-n-tabulous
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Imagine You’re Sleeping in the Same Bed with Sanji & He’s Trynna Jack Off Next to You & Hearing it (NSFW)
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A/N: Yeah I’m not good w titles n I don’t feel like finishing any of my drafts/request rn. Also this was inspired by an audio I heard on TT.
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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You and Sanji are so close.
Probably too close for most people, but you couldn’t care less that was your homeboy.
Sanji was the mf homie to you.
Sanji was your best friend.
Sanji was your ride or die
You loved Sanji.
And he felt the exact same feelings but 10x over because you were a beautiful woman.
He loved the attention you gave him and he swears up and down you are his even though neither of you has gone as far as him kissing your hand and you kissing his cheek.
You were very close with him as well.
So close in fact you both started sleeping in the same bed.
It only started because you had a nightmare and you went into the kitchen to drink some water but found Sanji in there instead and invited him to sleep with you.
He passed out a few times from shock but 2 months later and now it’s a new expectation to feel his body beside you at night. You loved it it was so fun to have your best friend sleep with you. If you wasn’t already sleep by the time he came in he’d bring snacks and drinks and you’d both have like a constant mini sleepover!
Sanji, However started to get restless.
Not in a bad way of course. He was able to be blessed to sleep beside a sweet, soft, and gorgeous woman every night that smelled oh so nice and had a cuddly personality to fit because you loved to hold on to something most nights and that something was Sanji’s chest.
Unfortunately for Sanji it was all platonic still between you both but he really had no complaints.
He was in Heaven, nothing could ruin this—
Except his own Dick and your new sleepwear.
It wasn’t a surprise to you Sanji gets morning wood, you woken to the small rubs and poke at your thigh or bottom early in the morning. You never confronted him about it because you didn’t want him to feel awkward or embarrassed about it. It was natural and something he couldn’t help, however now since the days are longer and hotter since it’s summer you no longer cuddle with Sanji but instead you sleep in nothing, but an unbuttoned over sized shirt.
Emphasis on nothing.
You didn’t really think to ask if Sanji was okay with you being mostly nude to sleep and he didn’t say anything but he sure as hell did notice. It started to become harder for him to sleep beside you. Your pretty smooth legs fresh out the shower slightly spread apart as you sleep on your tummy, your big shirt just barely covering your lower lady parts. It was just too hot to sleep under a blanket.
You were such a tease.
“Shit.” Sanji whispered palming his hard on. Once again. He was used to having it in the morning but when he glanced over at your exhausted and warm body beside him at arms reach tossing a little noticing the jiggle of the fabric under your body he bites his lip, but quickly shakes his head mentally cursing himself that he allows such naughty thoughts to creep in his mind about you.
You were his best friend.
He really didn’t feel like getting up to take care of himself and he could have just ignored it. He could have, but you must have been having some kind of wild dream from the way you kept shifting on your side sighing and moaning softly.
It was tempting, all was needed was one more wild movement from you and your whole bottom would be exposed to his viewing. But you didn’t move any longer, you managed to find a comfortable position and your furrowed eyebrows relaxed as you did as well.
Sanji However got frustrated, he groaned lightly rubbing his cock through his shorts not facing you, maybe if he were to be really quiet he could finish himself off and just go straight to sleep? Surely you wouldn’t notice?
He spit on his palm, looking over his shoulder a moment to see your back facing him and you sleeping peacefully, he reached his hand down to slowly stroke his got with a firm grip grazing his thumb over his sensitive head.
Closing his eyes to think of a scenario to get off to since he could get his magazines he couldn’t think about anything but you.
You what you sound like, what you look like, what you feel like,
It was all innocent thoughts but he needed to cum faster before he got caught so he got lewder.
He thought about the noises you’d make cumming from his tongue alone, he thought about your beautiful skin slapping against his if he picked you up and fucked you on the wall, he thought about how cute your facial expressions would be laying under him, kissing him,-
His mind went rapid thinking of his best friend beside him. Sanji stopped being so subtle in his strokes being so loss in the thought of you he didn’t even care to notice you slowly waking up.
You stirred a little, you were a pretty light sleeper, it sort of developed when you decided to become a Strawhat and your Captain was a damn menace to society and the marines so you always had to stay on your toes, but nothing could have prepared you from the pretty sounds you were from behind you.
The bed was shifting a little on the opposite site on you, you turned to see Sanji’s bare back slightly curled. It was relatively dark and you just woke up so your eyes had to adjust but if you were a betting woman you’d bet that he was clearly doing something he had no business doing.
But you quickly turned back around. A normal person would have just asked what was he doing, but you knew and you didn’t want to stop him for the simple fact his strained moans sounded so damn hot.
You already thought his voice was attractive, but to pair it with such pretty whines and cries you felt your thighs rub a little. You tried just going back to sleep and letting him handle himself, kind of wondering why he didn’t want to do it in the bathroom, but he sounded so cute!
And attractive
And more importantly it was turning you on.
The small sounds of his fist stroking his shaft wasn’t left unheard either and it began to get louder the longer you laid there.
Curses and moans slipped through Sanji’s mouth, he sounded like he was close, very close, and so you mentally said “fuck it” and turned over to sit up.
“Whatcha doin.”
A choked out groan came out of Sanji’s throat, he felt his cheat cave in and tried throwing the entire blanket over his body to hide himself but you were too fast and hovered over his body.
“N-nothing I—“
“Shut up I know you’re playing with yourself.”
His face turned so red and hot, he should have been more quiet, this was such a bad idea! He just wanted to run out of your room totally expecting you to never want to talk to him again for almost defiling your clean sheets on her bed, but instead you wasn’t. You just smiled and turned him on his back.
“Wha—what are you doing?!” Sanji’s hands we’re trying to hard to cover his cock, you barely could see it but you knew it was big so you bit your lip a little.
“Let me see…can I see?“
“I…I um…” He was so flustered, his eyes were shining so innocently at you after getting caught and you slowly pulled his hands away from his crotch and seen his Dick still semi-hard laying on his lower abdomen. Sanji noticed the hungry tired look in your eyes and gulped harshly. He stared at your partially exposed body and groaned to himself. Your pussy was practically hovering over his cock and he couldn’t tear his eyes away at it.
“Want me to help you out?”
“Yes please.” He spoke without hesitation and much need in his shaky voice. You giggled, why not help your best friend out?
“Wanna Kiss First.” You murmured climbing up to him and pecked his lips. He was too shocked to kiss back but once it registered he firmly pressed his mouth agains yours moaning at how soft you felt and how good you smelled.
Your hand slipped down and stroked his hot, wet cock with his saliva and pre cum mixed and Sanji immediately began to buck into your hand as he kissed you.
“Please What Sanji?” You teased slightly pumping him, “What do you want me to do.”
“I want you to fuck me, please.”
You cupped his cheek with one hand squeezing it looking into his low lidded eyes as he was a panting mess under your touch.
“Of course I will…I don’t mind helping my best friend.”
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iiwaijime · 27 days
track 01.
cws. major character death, nightmares, blood, guns.
wc. ? 1k
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tooru tightens his grip on the metal loops around his fingers; the once cool-to-the-touch surfaces of the dog tags now warmed up by his skin. he clutches them close to his heart and lets his eyes flutter shut. and suddenly, for a brief moment, iwaizumi is just in the other room, and the golden light behind his eyelids emanates from the antique lamp on his bedside table instead of the shitty fairy lights he'd salvaged from an abandoned garbage dump, and he can almost hear the smooth classical music that he'd listen to to relax — almost. but then the soothing scene he's conjured up in his head is shattered by a crazed thumping of fists on the doors of his bunker, and a gutteral scream splits the night in two. he is no longer in his room, and his hands are slick with blood — iwaizumi's blood — and he looks up, only for his eyes to meet a pair of green ones, ones that are glassed over unnaturally. he knows what this look means; he's good as dead already, and there's nothing that can be done. but still.
"oikawa," he croaks. "tooru, run."
he shakes his head vehemently. "no, i can't leave you, not like this—"
he doesn't register the fact that he's crying until much later. but right now, he can't run, he can't move, and he can't leave iwaizumi.
tooru is cut off by a bullet that whizzes past his cheek, and it's enough to shock him out of his stupor, and make him listen to his body, his brain, that's been screaming at him this whole time.
it's then he notices it, glittering around iwaizumi's neck. his eyes widen, and he's bending down again, getting on his knees before he can even think, head bent as he undoes the clasp and pulls the pair of dog tags away from his best friend.
"i'm sorry," he gasps, and the tags, glinting in the sunlight, seem to catch iwaizumi's attention. his mouth twists up into a pained half-smile; tooru's heart wrenches painfully in his chest, and iwaizumi mouths something like go. he's barely turned around, tags in hand when his world explodes in pain as a second bullet nicks his ear.
he stumbles away, unable to look back. heavy footsteps follow, and soon he's running faster than he can catch up with his thoughts. all the same, he prays. he's not sure to what, but he just does. please, get up. please? if not you, then who?
eventually, he manages to outrun them, but he keeps running still. now, it's hard to differentiate between his sweat and tears and his blood and iwaizumi's blood, and the tags are slipping out of his hands even as it coagulates. and then he's falling, and the dog tags go flying, and everything around him turns into an inky black.
this is definitely not the first time tooru has woken up sobbing from a nightmare, free hand fisting his cheap, wrinkled, plasticky sheets. he lets the tags fall to the bed slowly, examining the indents it left in his palm with a sort of disconnected wonder. various pinks and reds decorate his palm, but the tags are okay, and therefore so is he.
he swings his legs off the bed and quietly pads to the door, checking and rechecking the locks, even though he'd locked them himself a few hours ago. he's halfway under the blankets when he decides to check one more time, just in case. in these times, you never know.
he counts his sips as he drinks his water, counts the steps it takes for him to get to the "kitchen" from his bed and back. (forty-two steps, twenty-one each way.) he knows he could probably do it with much less, but tonight he's taking the tiniest steps, because while he has to sleep, he's also trying to put it off for as long as possible. he doesn't like sleeping, because sleeping means dreaming, and dreaming means that every emotion, every feeling, every though he's pushed down comes clawing out of his chest to infiltrate the secure fortress of his mind. it's not really secure anymore, though. it's really just falling apart.
he does not like telling people this, but tooru oikawa is a hopelessly sentimental person. he thinks and remembers and yearns and dreams, and tonight he dreams of The Fair. it's where they got the dog tags done, him and iwaizumi. tooru had begged and begged, and even paid for both of theirs instead of just his own. it'll be cool, he'd said. matching best friend shit, for the memories. yeah, for the memories, all right.
this time, though, he's trying to shoot down targets over a pool of water. and the thing is, he is winning. but every time he hits one, the spongy darts turn into real bullets, and the targets melt into iwaizumi's face, and the water is no longer water — it's blood.
he doesn't have the energy to panic after this one, and there's light streaming in through the skylight anyways, so it's time to get up. his body aches, complains every time he moves; he steadfastly ignores it as he goes through the all-too-familiar motions of his day. any other day, and he'd let himself laze around, but today just so happens to be the most important day of the fortnight — the day he restocks all his supplies (or tries to, anyways).
he gives up on working out halfway through, rolling onto his back with a groan. everything hurts. he still can't not go out, though, so instead of heading out later, he decides to do it now. more time to sleep later, then. he cleans up, changes into more protective gear. guns, check. knives, check. what's he missing— oh. tags, check.
the two pairs hang together on matching hooks. he remembers the day he'd fixed the hooks there, clear as day. he'd been sobbing as he worked, the... remnants of iwaizumi a neat little pile in a corner in the form of bloodstained clothes. the smell permeated the entire bunker, but he hadn't been ready to throw it away just yet.
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the broken down convenience store on top of the hill sneers down at you mockingly; your joints ache from how far you've walked and you're not even sure if you'll be able to make it up. you drop your duffel bag with a sigh, before turning around to sit down beside it — only to be met with the muzzle of a gun.
"don't move," the masked person says sharply. the voice is vaguely familiar, but then again, being alone for so long has probably skewed your senses at least a little bit.
they step closer, gun still trained on you. "i'll take everything you got, thank you."
your own defiance surprises you, words rushing out before you can stop yourself — even though you don't really have anything worth taking with you. "no, the fuck you won't."
they hum appreciatively. "you've got fire, i'll give you that — but i'm no stranger to pulling the trigger, so don't try anything."
"what do you want?" you ask, guarded, cautious. "i'm not giving you my bag."
"guess i'll just have to take it myself, then," they say, an amused lilt to their tone, and suddenly everything's a blur as you rush towards them, arms outstretched. the power of the shove catches them off guard — they hadn't even been expecting it, so they stumble back, but only for a second. it's still enough for the hood to fall back, and the mask to tumble to the ground, and then you're staring into familiar brown eyes. he shakes dark hair out of his eyes, glaring at you.
"the f—"
"tooru?" you gasp. "tooru oikawa?"
he blinks.
"i'm y/n! we were friends, remember?"
"no fuckin' way," he breathes, and you're tugging your own mask off, watching his face clear while he lowers the gun. "shit, you're alive?"
you nod, relief flooding through your veins before your heart drops again. the gun is aimed back at you once more; tooru stares at you, face a blank slate. "i'm glad you're alive, really. you know i'm not a bad guy, right? i just—" he shrugs, smiling wryly. "this entire situation's fucked, and my life is a higher priority to me than yours."
"what's in the bag?" his voice is amiable, but his expression and the way his hands are unwavering as he holds you at gunpoint tell a completely different story.
"i don't have food," you tell him coldly. he says nothing, inching closer ever so slightly.
"really?" his voice taunts you, light and sing-songy, completely out of place in this situation.
"goddamnit, tooru!" you snap. "i haven't eaten in two fucking days, are you happy now?"
"oh," he says. "that's not good."
it's annoying, how he's switching from caring to not, in literal seconds; how he seems to be happy that you're alive, but threatens your life a moment later. "what's it matter to you?"
his jaw hardens. it looks like he's fighting some sort of internal battle, before he sighs and starts walking towards you. you back away instinctively, intensely aware of the gun still trained on you, until he stops abruptly and glances to the side. you follow his eyes, taking in a sharp breath when you realise he's successfully separated you from your precious duffel bag. "do you have any weapons on you?"
"why, do you plan to take those too?"
he sighs exasperatedly. "no. in fact, i have a proposition."
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after losing his best friend, tooru oikawa promised himself to never get attached to anyone again. so what exactly is he doing right now, taking you back to his bunker like a lost puppy to feed and take care of?
"tooru, you asshole," you seethe as the two of you walk in. you're mad at him — rightfully so, with all the mixed signals he's sent you between the murder threats and the concern — but still grateful to have food and a place to stay, even if it's only for a little while. not that he's specified how long, of course, but you don't expect him to want you to stay forever.
you're wary, always on guard, a feral animal who never lets down. tooru thinks you might actually hate him.
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chapter notes!!
buildups? we don't know her!!
tooru is really good at this apocalypse game. you're alive by sheer luck.
yeah tooru's acting freaky rn but we'll get a him pov next chapter
i hope.
they're not exactly friends rn,, ur MAD mad cs he threatened to murder u??? basically???? so drama next ch
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
On the way up to Mammon's apartment, he's definitely complaining he won't be able to sleep. "N-Not because I'm scared or anything from the movie! It's just ... T-The plot twist was so crazy, I-I'm gonna think about it all night!" Poor Mammon.
okay Mammon's apartment is above the coffee shop. I'm thinking it's a maybe two rooms and one bathroom. But one is his bedroom and the other he uses as his office/storage, so Solomon and I will have to sleep on the pullout couch. Solomon does offer to take a sleeping bag if I'm not okay with sharing, and I stubbornly reject his proposal. That wouldn't be fair.
But it'd be cute if we all got changed into our pajamas and got ready for bed together (Solomon in a long sleeve shirt and plaid pants gotta save the tattoos as a surprise, Mammon in a tank top and sweats, me in a comfy shirt and shorts.) I gotta admit, I am dying slightly getting to see Mammon in a tank top, but am doing my best to hold it together. Solomon on the other hand is mostly unaffected. There is the tiniest hint of a blush on his face though.
But everyone getting ready for bed in the bathroom together would be so domestic akdjd. Asmo has definitely roped Mammon and Solomon into having skincare routines, so they're squinting at each other when they notice similar products. Meanwhile I've finished brushing my teeth and take my hair out of it's ponytail, which has the two of them looking at me like I've grown a third head because they've never seen me with my hair all the way down.
Mammon gets everything set up, pillows, blankets, everything, and tells us to wake him up if we need anything before he heads to his room. Now I get to share the couch with Solomon, but I'm definitely curled up on the edge and trying to take as little space as possible to not bother him. It takes what feels like forever for me to fall asleep. But the horror movie is still fresh in my mind. It was all I could think about before sleeping, and I have trouble sleeping in new places as well.
I'm woken up by Solomon shaking me and startled as hell when they're both leaning over me, before I remember where I am. Solomon says I was tossing and turning, and sounded upset. And he had knocked over something trying to turn on the light, which in turn woke up Mammon. Though, by the looks of it, Mammon hadn't even went to sleep in the first place. I sheepishly apologize to both of them, trying to tell them they don't need to worry.
Solomon is having none of it, and he definitely picks up on how rough Mammon looks. Once again, he is the one to initiate things. He scoots over on the couch, before beckoning Mammon over. Mammon scoffs and denies that he needs any comfort and that the futon will be too small. Solomon pats the space next to him again, but with a stern smile, and Mammon is quick to comply. "I meant it when I said I'd protect you both."
Mammon is grumbling but he doesn't fight when Solomon pulls him against his chest so he can lay his head down, he's just blushing hard.
As always, I'm more hesitant to be vulnerable because I'm not used to this, even when the cuddles look so tempting. But Solomon is a sly mf. He reaches out to run his fingers through my hair, making me jump at first before relaxing. He scratches at my scalp, sneakily guiding me down to also curl up against him. And it's hard to be scared or nervous when I'm feeling so cared for. I can hear Sol's heartbeat like this, and despite him taking the initiative and appearing calm, his heart is racing as fast as mine, probably as fast as Mammon's too- Oh wait, he's snoring quietly. It didn't take long for him to pass out. We both share a glance and snicker at the adorable sight.
My own eyes feel heavy, and Sol's hands are moving slower and slower. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, draping my arm across his waist as I press my face against him. There's no more nightmares for anyone that night. Only the best sleep anyone's ever had.
So good that Mammon sleeps through his first alarm, and tries to ignore his second one. He groans and sinks deeper into the warmth, only to be startled by someone chuckling. Solomon, who is tracing patterns on Mammon's bicep, and is groggy af but had been woken by the persistent alarm (he is not a morning person). Meanwhile, I'm out like a light.
Mammon gets embarrassed when he recalls everything that happened last night, but he's never felt so well rested, even on only a couple hours of sleep. He disentangles himself reluctantly, only because he needs to get ready for work and actually get up if he wants the alarm to stop blasting. It wouldn't be fair to make the other two suffer. He quiets any half asleep protests, pulling the blanket over Solomon and I before he gets ready for the day as quietly as possible and heads downstairs to begin baking. He's definitely running behind.
'Come down when you two wake up. I'll have fresh coffees and pastries, so don't keep me waiting, yeah?' - Sticky note left on Sol's forehead, with a heart scrawled out and the smiley Mammon always uses next to it instead.
AKSJD THIS GOT LONG AGAIN WAHH. Horror devilgrams and the bed sharing that ensues lives rent free in my mind. The way both Mammon AND MC had nightmares about the other being the bad guy after watching the scissor movie. Rip them.
Solomon is always in the middle, living his best life !! I'm sure they'll take turns being in the middle once they actually get together, but they always end up a mess of limbs by morning. Y'know, whenever they get together. Omg. Is this a slow burn ?? Oops. They're gonna have a happy ending !! Yeah!!....just ...... Some obstacles to get there 😗 ahem, learning to let people in... The boys are going to be losing it with my obliviousness as well aksjd. Wish them luck.
*checks notes* Playlist drama next ?! I think I might add the concert scene before Halloween party, for a little bit of ✨ spice ✨ (the emotional kind, not the frisky one unfortunately saving that for halloween AHAHA) ... I really gotta figure out the time line! I keep thinking of scenes aaaa. We'll see. OKAY BYEEE, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT/DAWN UHHH... MAY A SUPER GOOD SALE COME TO YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET ON YOUR FAVORITE SNACK ?? WISHING THAT BC I HAVEN'T GOTTEN BETTER WITH HYDRATION AJSD
- ✨ anon
Can I just say how much I love these updates? I look forward to every single one! When I see it, I'm always like awww yes I'm gonna get cozy and enjoy the latest scenario with these three cuties!!
AND I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. AHhhhh Solomon is the glue that brings you all together!! 'Cause without him, this would be an EVEN SLOWER burn, y'all are lucky to have him lol.
Yes yes yes I was HOPING that they'd all end up cuddling together, it's seriously so sweet!!! I love it so much! And Mammon just being like ugh I gotta get up and omg the sticky note!
I also love the domesticness of them all getting ready for bed together! Ahh domestic scenes are the best!
OH NO DRAMA. I'm ready!!
And personally, I love slow burns! It takes time to let someone in when you're guarded like that!! I like when characters take the time to really get to know each other!
Anyway, I am loving it all as always!! I hope you also have a wonderful day/night/etc!
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cheshirelearell · 2 years
Love You to The Moon and Back // Chapter Four - Dreamless Sleeps
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Eventual Dad Chishiya with Mute Child Reader - Platonic Only
3.5k Words
Chapter Warnings - Nightmare. Crying :(
Chapter Summary - Haunting nightmares, warm meals and a smiling face.
Authors Note // Thank you all for being so patient :,) This chapter was really hard to write for some reason. It is mostly just a filler kind of chapter, another introduction and some pillars being built. I hope the next chapter is better, because I'm not too happy with this one. I wasn't feeling the best last week, so next to no writing was done, however, I've worked all day today to try and get a chapter out. Again, I hope the next chapter is a lot better :,) I hope you all enjoy nonetheless, let me know your thoughts, if I need to improve anything, likes, reblogs and comments are more than welcome. <33 And please let me know if it makes sense, my brain has turned to mush. :)
Y/n’s sleep wasn’t dreamless. In fact, it was filled with snippets from what appeared to be her last game. Specifically her mother. The details were vague, but the message came across clear as day for her. Something had happened to her mother. She’d died in that game and now Y/n was left all alone.
Y/n had awoken in a state of panic. The covers that had kept her warm and comforted now felt suffocating. They’d shifted up during her sleep, now covering her head. Hot stuffy air was all she was breathing in amidst her panic. She’d shuffled down slightly, no longer on the pillow that was dotted with wet splotches from where her head had been laying.
Seeming to wrestle with the sheets Y/n had gotten herself even more tangled in them. She began to kick her legs wildly, small gasps escaping her mouth. Y/n heard a door open in the distance before someone began making their way in quick strides to where she was tangled.
All it took was one tug from the undisclosed person to pull the blankets free. Once Y/n was released from her temporary prison she took in deep gasps of the cooled air. Her face was blessed with the cool air too, bringing notice to her damp cheeks. The man was now revealed to only be Chishiya who had come from the bathroom. His eyes looked weighed down, heavy in his effort to keep them open.
A frown was lining his face, brows slightly furrowed as well. Y/n probably would have said he looked annoyed, however in the moment her mind could only focus on one thing. As hiccups escaped from her and her eyes were blurred by tears her hand came up to sign ‘Mother’.
Chishiya looked on in confusion. He hadn’t learned sign language. He hadn’t needed to. However it certainly would have come in handy right now, since he couldn’t understand what she was trying to say.
Y/n repeated herself, signing the word for mother over and over again. When it became clear Chishiya had no idea what she was trying to say she gave up. Being reduced to nothing but tears, sobbing her heart out for someone that was no longer here.
Chishiya was stuck on what to do. He’s never been in this situation before. And he had no idea on how to comfort the grieving child. Chishiya’s become used to discarding people, not paying any attention to how they were feeling and not caring to either. He’s grown comfortable with this, especially since coming to the borderlands.
However, looking down at the crying child who had just woken up from a nightmare by what he was now seeing and had heard, he couldn’t deny. Something tugged on his heartstrings. Just a little.
It was something so small it was barely there, hardly felt. And yet, Chishiya still reached out, resting a gentle hand atop the child's head. Small pats administered in his effort to calm her.
Y/n paused momentarily in her distress, brief shock passing over her. Small hiccups and tears were still escaping her. And even though Chishiya had no resemblance to her mother whatsoever, she still felt a similar comfort in the action.
She had decided. Y/n sat up quickly, Chishiya being close enough for her to grasp onto his jacket and wrap her arms as tight around him as she could manage.
Chishiya froze at that moment. His arms were left hanging oddly at his sides. Contact of any kind was something he was largely uncomfortable with. Yet although reluctant, he slowly wrapped his arms around her. One hand across her back and the other resuming the gentle pats to her head.
Over the course of a few minutes Y/n had been reduced to sniffles. Her body was too exhausted over the recent events to produce any more tears. She must not have been asleep for very long.
Chishiya decided now was a good time to pull away, since she had calmed down significantly compared to a few minutes ago. But the second Y/n felt him trying to leave she only clasped on tighter, hiccups increasing and her glossy eyes were signs to oncoming tears.
He paused, now not knowing what to do since apparently he wasn’t allowed to leave. However, he needed to continue with the weapon he was working on. It was the second version of the first weapon he’d made with this idea in mind. The first one failed to work properly, melting parts of it in the process. So now he had to scavenge other parts to hopefully make a successful one this time.
He sighed something heavy. He didn’t have time to deal with a crying child at the moment. So now Chishiya decided. Tucking his hands under her arms he lifted her up, carrying her over to where he was working. It was obvious she wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep alone due to her nightmare and now she wouldn’t let him leave her by herself. Regardless of him being only several feet from her.
He placed her down on the soft cushioned chair next to the desk, crouching slightly so she could release her arms from around his neck. As soon as she let go and he made to stand up she reached out with her hands and grabbed onto his hoodie, holding it gently but firmly, to make sure he didn’t just leave her.
He peered down at her, an irritated furrow to his brows. He was about to say something in response, his mouth had opened slightly to speak before he thought better of it. Merely getting started on his creation.
About ten or so minutes had passed. Chishiya was fully focused on the construction of the unauthorized weapon. Y/n comfortably sitting, watching in slight awe and intrigue at what he was doing. Her small hands were still holding onto his jacket, slackened now with the reassurance that he wasn’t disappearing anytime soon. 
Gently tugging on his jacket to get his attention, Chishiya looked down to her in question. She pointed to the shirt she still wore for sleeping before looking back up at him. “You want to change?” Receiving a nod in reply he said, “Your clothes are on the chair over there, you can change in the bathroom again.”
Nodding again in acknowledgement, she gently scooted herself off of the chair, feet padding along to the bathroom. After using the toilet and washing her hands she dressed herself in her previous clothes. A basic long sleeved t-shirt with black overalls. Little polka dot socks on her feet. She put her shoes on as well, only a pair of trainers.
After hurrying out of the bathroom Y/n sat back in the chair, reaching up to gently hold his hoodie again. Another few minutes passed, Y/n back to watching what Chishiya was doing.
A few sturdy knocks broke through the peaceful quiet the two were existing in. Chishiya paused, tensing slightly with the sudden intrusion. The possibility of who could be behind the door alerting him. Y/n had startled in return, going back to tightened knuckles bundled up in the white hoodie.
“Hey! Chishiya, are you in there? It’s Kuina!” A voice had called out, following not far behind it was more knocking.
The man in question relaxed slightly, calling back after glancing down to Y/n. “Yeah, it’s open.”
Y/n could hear the door swing open followed by footsteps before a woman appeared in her view. She was rather tall, taller than Chishiya by at least half a head. Most likely aided by the heeled sandals she wore on her feet. A bright blue two piece swimming suit patterned with what looked like leaves in the colour white was adorned on her slim figure. Y/n thinks she was wearing two different styled bracelets on one wrist, the other was claimed by the beach's number tag.
A necklace was clasped around her neck, long dreads tied up high framed around her face. Light makeup was dusted across her cheeks and eyes. And what appeared to Y/n as a long stick was poking out from between her lips. The woman Y/n remembered as Kuina looked to be chewing on it unconsciously.
Kuina paused in her stride towards Chishiya, noticing rather quickly the smaller companion he now has with him. “Is that a child?” Her eyes were wide in exasperation. Hand coming up to take out the long stick, leaving her mouth agape in shock.
Chishiya had gone back to fiddling with the items at his desk before humming, responding after a breath, “She was in the game that I played last night. We were the only ones to have completed it.”
Kuina made a wounded noise in response, sympathy clear in her gaze while looking at the young girl. “She was all alone in a game? I can’t imagine being so young…” Her words trailed off. Either unsure of what she was going to say or not knowing how to complete it herself.
“She wasn’t alone.”
“Huh?” Now her expression portrayed confusion, turning her face to look at Chishiya. “Then how?-” He cut her question off with a call of her name.
“Kuina.” Pausing what he was doing, Chishiya turned to look down at the child now perched calmly on the chair. More relaxed after seeing their exchange. Her eyes were bloodshot still, a small frown lining her face.
Luckily Kuina seemed to understand what Chishiya was trying to say. As her sharp nod was all she gave in reply, brows slightly furrowed. Her gaze returned to the girl before she crouched down.
“Hey.” A gentle smile graced her face. “You probably heard, but I'm Kuina. What's your name?” It was silent for a few seconds. Y/n turning to look up at Chishiya before going back to Kuina, her eyes big.
He stepped in, “Her name is Y/n. She hasn’t spoken, not even in the game. She’s only communicated before with writing and brief sign language. I suspect she’s most likely mute.”
Y/n had started fiddling with Chishiya’s hoodie, shifting slightly on the seat, nerves beginning to get to her. Kuina only smiled in response to his words. Nodding again. “Well, It’s good I know a bit of sign language then!”
Chishiya’s brows furrowed slightly, “You do?”
She nods while humming, “I started learning some just in case I needed it to help my mother.”
At the mention of the word ‘mother’, Y/n’s eyes started to well up, lower lip beginning to quiver. A startled expression overcame Kuina’s face before exclaiming rapidly, “Oh no, it’s okay! Hey, I'm sorry,” She glanced at Chishiya, “I didn’t mean to.” Her eyebrows were now upturned in her worry.
Slow droplets began to trickle down Y/n’s cheeks, one of her hands coming up in the form of a fist to rub at her eyes. Gentle hiccups starting to bubble up in her chest. Chishiya and Kuina shared a look before she came forward. Hands came to gently pick the weeping child up, moving her so Kuina could sit in her place, bringing her back down on her lap.
Her small fist was still clenched in Chishiyas jacket, pausing briefly in the rubbing of her eye before leaning forward. Her arm went around Kuina's shoulder, resting her head on the other side. Small shushing and cooing sounds could be heard over the occasional hiccup. A hand had come up to rub at her back, the other cradling her head, much like her mother used to do when she was younger.
Eventually, exhaustion began to weigh down on her eyes again. Kuina began to rock her gently side to side. The soothing motion lulled her to pitiful sleep.
When Y/n began to wake up she was still nestled in Kuina’s hold. Tender brushes to the ends of her hair. They were both talking in hushed voices, trying to keep quiet to let her get as much rest as she needed.
Cracking her eyes open, the first person to notice she was awake was Chishiya. After catching her eye he lifted his hand in a small wave. In return she lifted her hand, now detached from his hoodie, and waved back. A small twitch to his lips with a little smile was her response.  
“Is the little flower awake now?” Kuina spoke up. A tiny yawn escaped Y/n before nodding her head in response, trying as best as she could to snuggle back into Kuinas shoulder. A light laugh was heard. “Don’t you want to get some breakfast? You must be hungry right?”
At this the girl perked up, lifting her head from its perch. A bright grin was visible on Kuinas face, “Alright then! Let’s go get some breakfast!” Shuffling down from her lap Y/n stretched out her arms, rubbing the side of her arm over her eyes to help wake herself up a bit more.
Kuina had gotten up from behind her, stretching as well before starting to make her way to the door. Y/n turned to Chishiya, reaching up to hold his hand and gently tug on his arm. He raised his eyebrows in response. Kuina paused to witness what was happening. “It looks like she wants you to come with us, huh?”
He sighed, looking down at the girl who was gazing back up at him, tugging again on his hand as she started to shuffle her way towards Kuina. “Alright then. Let’s go.” He began to walk with her. All of them making their way out of the room.
They walked down the hallway, Y/n in the middle with Kuina on her left and Chishiya on her right. She had let go of his hand, huddled back against his side again, but this time fiddling with her shirt. After noticing the lack of people in the hallways Y/n had eased up somewhat, her head no longer dipped like before. Kuina spoke soon after, “It’s really early right now, so a lot of people are still sleeping. Which means we get first picks!”
“They won’t be for much longer with all the noise you're making.”
“You’re just grumpy.”
Chishiya merely hummed in reply.
A minuscule smile graced Y/n’s face as they spoke. The familiarity between them was comforting to her. When they got to the elevator they descended to the ground floor. Making their way to where she guessed the food was. Kuina was right, there was barely anyone around. The music she’d heard briefly last night wasn’t there and she’d maybe seen two or three people altogether since stepping out of the room.
They passed through a long corridor, the same look and style as anywhere else in the building, to a wide open space. Counters were lined up on one side of the room, behind them Y/n guessed that the kitchens were there. The steam emitted from that area was a tell-tale sign.
A multitude of tables and chairs were paired together, all dotted amongst the space available. She could even spot some sofas surrounding small coffee tables as well. Large doors, which were located on the opposite side of the floor, were closed. It looked like they led to what appeared to be a patio, conservatory? The walls were made out of glass, showing off the foliage around the area outside. At the moment though there wasn't much to see as the sky was still dark, no stars visible this time.
They moved towards the counter and now Y/n could smell the aromas of all kinds of food. Kuina handed her a plate, taking it with both hands. She stood up on her tiptoes, peeking over the counter to see what she could find.
The first thing to greet her were some scrambled eggs. Where did they even get eggs from? The thought quickly faded, only grateful that they were there in the first place. Further down the line she could spot sausages, bacon, pancakes, some bowls of different fruits and little packets of cake. There wasn’t much of the food that was out, it was still being prepared in the kitchens, and some of the available spaces for different foods weren’t filled either.
Maybe they’re filled for dinner?
“Get whatever you want! Everything's available!” Kuina said. Y/n looked up to her with a smile, and after looking at Chishiya, who nodded, she eagerly began to scoop some scrambled eggs onto her plate.
Kuina merely laughed before joining in gathering some of the foods she wanted. Chishiya waited until Y/n was done to gather some eggs for himself. Moving down the line Y/n picked out a sausage and two pancakes. There was even some syrup for them on the side. She reached up as best she could, pouring a small amount onto each pancake before placing it back down.
She then headed to the fruit bowls. Looking in them she saw one was watermelon, another grapes, strawberries and the last one was a mix of all three. Trying to reach her favourite bowl it barely skimmed her fingers making her unable to get the fruit she wanted. A small frown began to line her face, eyebrows down turning in her struggle to still reach the bowl of fruit.
An amused huff reached her ears before a hand came and retrieved the fruit she wanted. “Let’s go sit down.” Chishiya spoke, making his way over to the table Kuina had already sat down at. Y/n followed narrowly behind, both hands carrying her plate before placing it down in a seat between the two of them.
Chishiya placed the fruit next to her plate. Y/n looked back up to him after climbing onto her chair, a shy smile on her face before miming the sign for ‘thank you’. Eyebrows raised, he turned to Kuina. “I take it that means ‘thank you’?”
She nodded her head in reply, mouth already full with her choice of food. Chishiya looked back to the girl, nodding once before saying, “Eat up.” Y/n obliged, swinging her legs happily under the table as she ate. Having food as fresh as this was almost too good to be true. It had been so long since she had pancakes and syrup. Too long in her opinion.
After they had all eaten, Chishiya and Kuina making brief talk in between bites, Y/n leaned back in her seat. She was completely stuffed, having the most she’d eaten for a while now, still trying to eat one last piece of fruit.
Chishiya reached forward, moving the bowl away from her, “That’s enough now. You’re going to be sick if you keep eating.” She pouted at him, sad about her fruit being taken away but agreeing because she did in fact, not want to be sick.
Kuina cooed, saying, “It’s okay, you can have more fruit tomorrow, right Chishiya?” He nodded in reply as she continued speaking, “They might even have toast tomorrow, and sometimes they serve it with jam.” Her voice was bright and cheery, happy after having a warm meal.
“We should make our way back to our rooms, before people begin to actually wake up.” Chishiya spoke up.
Kuina nodded in agreement before calling out, “Hey, Chishiya, where is Y/n’s wristband? She doesn’t have one on.”
“She’s receiving one later today. Although I might need to speak to Hatter about it.” Kuina hummed, seeming in thought for a moment before standing up. “Right! I’ll be off then! I’m going to get some sleep.” She crouched down in front of Y/n, “It was lovely to meet you, Y/n.” A kind smile on her lips.
Y/n turned red, not used to so much forward attention from someone that was especially kind. Ducking her head while nodding, a shy smile present again on her face. Kuina grinned, cooing one last time before saying her goodbyes, taking her plate with her as she walked off.
Chishiya sighed, standing up not long after, Y/n following suit. They both took their plates, scraping off the remains into a close bin before depositing the now empty plates, bowls and utensils in empty buckets. All labelled and ready to be collected for washing up.
 Y/n stayed close to Chishiya’s side again, this time keeping one hand on his hoodie as a few more people were milling about than before. After making their way back to the room she let go of his hoodie, taking off her shoes and placing them neatly by the door.
She stood for a second, watching as Chishiya made his way to the desk, digging around before pulling a few items out. “Here. You can draw with these.” He moved out of the way, making his way into the bathroom after gathering a few other things and shutting the door.
Y/n made her way over, climbing back onto the chair, briefly hearing the shower turn on in the background. Her nightmare from earlier was forgotten for the time being. Sent away, only for it to come back later. After pulling the few scraps of paper and a pen closer to her, she began to draw.
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servicepen · 10 months
Krang one x Reader headcanons
I only ever found one krang x reader in my lifetime, which is honestly kinda disappointing. If no one else is gonna write some krang x reader, I guess I’ll have to do it myself. So here are my headcanons for this alien warlord.
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-affection is kind of foreign to krang one since Krangs are a tough and violent species, so he’s not used to physical contact that doesn’t involve violence or pain. So when he experiences touch that is soft and caring it causes him to become flustered. At first he doesn’t know how to feel about it but over time he grew to like and crave being given affection. Congratulations, you caused an alien warlord to become touch starved and he hates it :D -the place on his side where his frills are located are sensitive, so he doesn’t really like being touched there, but he does allow you to since he trusts you. If you scratch/pet that spot gently he will melt and become a purring mess. He will only let you do this in private. -When he learns more about affection he will start showing you affection, such as compliments, hugging, nuzzling and sometimes even kissing(though he’s a bit awkward with it but he’s trying.) -he loves being praised and complimented, especially when it’s from you, it boosts his ego and he will even show off his skills just to impress you. -he is not very good at comforting but that doesn’t mean he won’t try. He doesn’t like you being hurt or upset. He will talk to you and listen to why you’re upset. If it was a person that made you like this, he’ll offer to kill them for you, which you tell him not to. Other than that, He will probably hug and hold you close to comfort you. -He won’t admit it but he likes cuddling with you. He likes holding you close to him in a way that’s almost possessive. Sometimes he doesn’t realize how tight he’s holding you until you tell him -He finds horror movies entertaining and likes watching them with you. He doesn’t get scared watching them and often likes to criticize and makes fun of them. I can see him liking movies like ‘Alien’ and ‘alien vs predator’. He will find it amusing if you get scared watching them and will tease you about it, though he secretly loves it when you cling to him while watching them. -you cannot tell me that krang one doesn’t have some trauma from his time in the prison dimension. The prison dimension messed him up more than he would like to admit. He has night terrors/nightmares once in awhile about the prison dimension. You’ve woken up to him shouting awake, tears brimming in his eyes, talking in his sleep and sometimes accidentally hurt you out of reflexes. When he comes to his senses and realizes that he hurt you he’ll apologize and help heal you. -He probably won’t talk about his nightmares/night terrors no matter how close you are to him. You seeing him in a vulnerable state was embarrassing enough but actually talking about it? It just felt… humiliating. He feels that his fears are stupid and embarrassing and that talking about it would be humiliating. He doesn’t want to be pitied, especially by you, it felt wrong to him. The best thing you can do to comfort him is to stay with him for the night, your presence is comforting to him. -Being in the prison dimension also made him experience how horrifying being truly alone is. He’s afraid of being truly alone and losing the ones he loves and cares about, which causes him to be protective and kinda possessive of you. You’re probably going to have to reassure him and probably talk to him about boundaries.
-he won’t hesitate to fight and/or kill to protect you. You are one of the few loved ones he has left in his life and mean more to him than anything else in this world, and if that means having to sacrifice himself or even wiping out an entire planet to keep you safe, then so be it.
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These are all my headcanons for now. I’ll probably do more and even write some oneshots.
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kimetsu-chan · 7 months
(i hope it’s ok if i go ahead and send this in cause ima forget it if i don’t)
I have a fic request that is extremely angsty
It’s for the Milo Kocho au
So in the final battle, Muzan kidnapped Milo and brought her very close to death
I’d like to request post battle when Milo wakes up 5 months after the battle ended:3
Everyone and everything is very different so she’ll probably take a lot of things very hard and she’ll probably blame herself for not being able to save everybody
A/N: oh this is going to be angsty. Like, real bad.
The Milo Stan’s are gonna come for me, that’s how bad this is.
This has major manga spoilers
TWs: angst, angst with no comfort, death, Milo has major survivors guilt, and possibly more that I may have missed. If any of these topics are unsettling to you, please do not read.
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Milo had woken up from her five month coma four weeks ago.
And boy was she having a hard time coping.
The pure amount of people who had died that day… deaths that she felt that she could’ve prevented…
Miss Shinobu.. who had taken her in.
Muichiro Tokito… someone who she had seen as a brother.
Basil… someone she had loved, and seen turned into a demon, then disappear to where no one knew where he went.
They even lost Mr. Himejima… their strongest hashira.
Even one of her closest friends, and someone she would consider family died.
She knew Giyuu was just as torn over Yuna’s death as she was. But at least he was able to put a brave face on.
Another close friend, Tanjiro, and his sister, Nezuko, had been doing their best to comfort her after such a devastating loss.
She knew she should be happy that Muzan was dead, and that most demons had been eradicated, but she couldn’t help but feel utterly destroyed.
She had tricked herself into thinking that she caused some of their deaths, and that she had prevented their survival by getting in the way.
Not only did a multitude of people die, but so many had changed as well.
Some had began to be happier, and it felt like she was the only one grieving.
She felt silly for being the only one this outwardly sad.
She should be able to just get over it, right?
Milo found herself crying in her room. Alone.
The loneliness was starting to get to her, even though she was surrounded by people.
Oh why couldn’t she have just used her powers to heal them?!
She understands that doing so would most certainly cost her her life, but she didn’t care!
It would’ve been so much better for a larger group of people to survive, then one measly helper.
That was her way of viewing it anyway…
Milo wiped the tears that were falling like waterfalls. She felt so pathetic.
She adjusted her position in the corner of the room and re-buried her face in her arms.
The girl had curled herself into a ball and hadn’t left her room all day. Even when people came to check in on her.
Milo felt the familiar call of sleep luring her in.
Sleeping was the only thing she could think of doing to make her forget… everything.
Even when she had nightmares, she thought it was better than facing the reality that almost everyone she loved was either dead, or missing.
She didn’t even bother wiping her tears as her eyes finally closed for longer than a second.
Milo was slowly drifting off, imagining the faces of those she lost smiling back at her.
But they weren’t happy smiles.
They were smiles filled with sadness, regret, pity.
She couldn’t join them.
Not yet.
No matter how much she wanted to.
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A/N: I busted some fat tears while writing this. My baby 😭
I really liked writing it tho, even though it made me FREAKING BAWL MY EYES OUT.
Forgot to mention previously, Basil is not my oc. They belong to @aceofstars0.
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nixie-deangel · 1 day
Author love!!!! What are the 5 favourite fics you’ve ever written and why?
💚💙💜💚💙💜 Nonnie, know I am laying the gentlest of kisses upon your forehead and hugging you tightly.
Honestly though Nonnie, I enjoyed writing all of these for a variety of reasons. Each piece I've written holds a special place to me. Also please know Nonnie I cried when I got thise because i've been feeling a little blah about my writing but I went back and reread these and remembered why I loved them while I was trying to figure out which of my works i would add to this because damn it was HARD narrowing it down to five once I started rereading my stuff. So you know what people you should take the time every now and again to reread your own stuff!
In no particular order, here are my favorites I've written:
You Make Me Bold, You Make Me Strong: DCEU, Clois, NSFW.
Perhaps, she thinks, maybe she’ll get him to come once more for her. Though, she muses as she tilts her head, watches the way he pants, the way he’s gripping the sheets — doing his level best not to tear or damage them — she could probably squeeze two more out of him. Before calling it a night and letting him rest. Yes, she decides and shifts, widening her knees, getting herself more balanced, she’ll get two more out of him before letting him float without flying. 
Why: Because Clark absolutely DESERVES to be railed by his petite wife and her collection of stap-ons! Like, come on! He's a good boy! He deserves to be rawed and turned into a crying, whiney, blubbering, over stimulated mess.
Didn't Know I Was Lost: Star Wars, Obikin, Modern AU.
No, no, he thinks and shakes his head before pinching himself harshly on his cheek. “Ouch,” he muttered to himself, opening his eyes as he ignored the sting. Swallowing, around the lump once again forming in his throat, he simply stares. Because Obi-wan was still there. Still wrapped up in a perfectly tailored suit and his long beige coat, sitting with no bag in front of his front door. Or both Obi-wan and Anakin both try to make a grand gesture, but only one of them succeeds at it. Also feelings are discussed.
Why: This was honestly a delight to write, despite the angsty bits of it. It kind of just poured out of me and was like my hands were possessed as the story just flowed onto the doc. Was also beyond fun to play around and pack in so much emotion to the only one bed prompt.
The Malfunction: The Flash, Coldflash, Modern/Model AU.
Because of course Iris had mentioned at the last family dinner that she had been asked to cover one of the hottest stories in Central. Barry just wishes he’d bothered to actually ask her which one because standing not ten feet from him is Leonard Snart, Barry’s ultimate celebrity crush and a personal hero of his. *AU where Len is a model and he meets awkward Barry, a tech at a photo shoot.
Why: I wrote this when I was dealing with some feelings about my body issues and this is what came out as a result of me just deciding to not give a fuck about other's opinions and being comfortable with myself! I specifically wrote it as coldflash though, because of Wentworth Miller, who's own statements about people commenting about his body, also helped me with mine.
I'll Be Your Guard Heart: TGM, Hangster, Shifter AU.
Jake only loses control when it comes to Bradley Bradshaw and he was okay with that.
Why: Because I needed Jake to be an absolutely petty, feral, over protective, possessive bitch that's hidden under a veneer of cocky asshole! Really though, it was fun to write. Fun to come up with. And it's been fun expanding upon! (because I am planning to add more to this universe eventually!) Plus it is my favorite thing I've written so far this year.
Uncovering the Meaning: The Flash, Coldflash, Soulmate AU.
“It doesn’t matter, Leo. The little freak wouldn’t love you anyway. No one could love you, boy!” Lewis taunted cruelly. Len felt himself flinch from the memory of his father’s voice from the nightmare that’d woken him up. He brought his left hand to rub at the deep scar on the left side of his chest, but after a moment, he simply laid his palm flat against it.
Why: This was the first thing I'd written in years that was longer than 2k, so it holds a special place in my heart. Plus I met my bestie @asexual-fandom-queen through writing this!
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midnightmoonytales · 2 years
𝔸𝕡𝕡𝕝𝕖 ℙ𝕚𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕪: 𝔽. 𝕎
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of insecurity, mild argument, please let me know if I missed anything.
A/n: I tried writing this with my fellow curly-haired girls in mind. Bc yall- when people take time to learn how to properly handle curly hair and play with yours in a way that won't make your hair all wtf, in the end, is my absolute favorite.
White sparkling snow glistened around the burrow, covering every nook and cranny it could touch from last night's storm. Sounds of people's laughter mixed with Christmas Carols rang throughout the walls of the burrow. Three families all bundled up together under one roof, sharing memories, young and old. The dying flames of the fireplace crackle in the background, long forgotten. You could say it's cramped, hosting two more families on top of already having to fit seven people into the burrow. But no one would change a thing. Well... maybe Percy, poor boy forced to bunk with the twins and your younger brother, Teddy. Your fathers, Sirius and Remus bunked with your aunt and uncle, Lily and James. Said, "it reminded them of old times." What really justified how old they are, but we won't tell them that. Bill and Charlie ended up bunking with Harry and Ron, mostly to keep them out of trouble. Meanwhile, Hermione, Ginny, and you all shared Ginny's room.
Not that you stayed in there much, opting to sleep on the couch with Teddy. The fire crackling soon became a natural lullaby to you both. Sweet boy would wake you up frightened, during ungodly hours of the night complaining of nightmares that flooded his dreams. Refusing to sleep anywhere other than with you. It's been like this since he learned to walk. Not that either of your fathers minded, they had scrapbooks filled with pictures of you and Teddy.
Spending Christmas with your parents was rare, the full moon causing your parents to send you off to the Potters until it passed. They were like a second family to you and Teddy. Harry became like a brother to you, always trying to protect you even though you were older. It became a tradition at the Potter's house to make muggle Gingerbread houses during Christmas time, ending the night with a glass of eggnog.
Wanting to make the most of having everyone here this year, you and Harry convinced the others to compete in a gingerbread-making contest. The parents all agreed to be judges as the kids tried their best to win. Key word tried, of course, you and Harry had an advantage after making them due to years of experience. Assisting Molly in the kitchen early this morning to bake pounds of gingerbread for the contest.
With the delicious aroma of gingerbread baking in the oven. Everyone huddled around the living room, making room for one another. Sirius and uncle James telling everyone a story about your old professor Snape. Earning a swift smack against their heads from Lily, since Severus is her best friend. Remus recalled how Sirius got yoinked by the whomping willow because he was too cocky. Harry mutters, Father like daughter, reminding you of the time you ended up in the infirmary when trying to get one of the animals that escaped from Hagrid.
A few more stories were spread around before George spoke up. "My favorite story from when the three of us attended Hogwarts is probably Fred being caught sneaking out of Y/n's room." Groans left both yours and Fred's lips, remembering that eventful morning.
The sounds of small pebbles hitting your window awoke you from your sleep. Growing aggravated from being woken up, you through your duvet off of you. The brash cold air stole away whatever sleep you had left in you. Reaching for your wand on the nightstand, "Lumos," muttered from your lips. With the glow of your wand, the sound of pebbles halted to a stop. Approaching your window, you could faintly make out a mop of red hair through the dense fog. It could only be one person, quickly you opened your windows. Before you know it, Fred was mounting off his broom. "What are you doing here!" You quietly shouted, trying your best to not wake anyone in your house. Swiftly closing your window behind him.
"I missed you," He grumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist. You could see the tiredness in his eyes, but it warmed your heart to see he would fly all this way to see you, even if he was tired. Reaching your hand to fix his air-ridden hair, you dragged him to your bed. Wanting to get out of the cold that was surrounding you both. It was rare to get to spend time together lately. Between George and him running the joke shop and you preparing for your NEWTS, your schedules were jam-packed. But you both made it work.
Snuggling into each other, his hand caught your chin. The smell of cinnamon and gunpowder flooded your senses. Rubbing your lip with his thumb, planting a passionate kiss on your lips. Neither one of you is in a rush-rather slow tired kisses being exchanged as you both fall into a sleepy embrace.
The sounds of birds chirping, and streams of bright light wake you up. Groggily rubbing the tiredness out of yours, "Shit," you mumble. Fred was supposed to be gone before the sun was up. Your parents were early birds, which was their normal since you were born. Rushing out of bed, your legs got caught in your duvet, causing you to fall to the floor with a loud...THUMP. Alerting your sleeping boyfriend. Trying to pry yourself as fast as you can, you noticed that your window was slightly cracked. You swore you closed it last night.
"Are you okay?" Fred panicked, quickly making his way off the bed to help you get out of the duvet.
"You have to get out of here, it's morning." You warned him. The color drained from his face. Quickly, he picked up his broom that was in the corner of the room. Looking out your window, the coast was clear. Turning around, you were met with a kiss. "Mm as much as I love kissing you," Pushing him away gently, "you have to get out of here before you get caught." Fred smiled like he had just won the lottery, mounted his broom and flew out the window. He turned around to say bye, a bright smile on his face soon replaced with fear as a big black dog grabbed onto the end of his broom. Bringing him down to the ground. There was only one person that it could be...your papa. Quickly turning around, you were faced with your stone-faced father standing in your doorway...oh no.
"You gave the boy a proper fright Padfoot," James wheezed, bent over in his seat. Lily shook her head at her husband's amusement. A few poorly hidden chuckles were admitted from the others. On the other hand, Molly was fuming. She knew her boys were always up to no good, but she usually found out.
"You better thank Godric, Fredrick Weasley, that I'm only learning about this now," Molly exasperated, Arthur rubbing her arms up and down trying to calm her down. Whispering something into her ear, you could see her start to calm down. The bell that Harry brought Molly a few Christmases back, rang, alerting everyone that the gingerbread was done. You and Molly excused yourselves to the kitchen. Grabbing the mittens from the drawer, you pulled the gingerbread from the oven. "So... Y/n dear, do you want to marry my Freddie?" Molly asked, her attitude completely different from the one just a few moments ago. Panicked, you dropped the gingerbread. Luckily enough it fell onto the oven door rather than on the floor. "Sorry dear, I didn't mean to frighten you," She spoke tenderly.
Frighten you, that was a nice way to put it. It's not that you didn't want to marry Fred- Rather, it was a dream you had since you attended Hogwarts, but you didn't think he wanted to marry you. It felt stupid to think that way. You two have been dating for seven years now. Marriage was bound to come eventually. Especially now that you both were older. The two of you were doing well in your careers. You have a lovely home together, midway between your parent's home and the burrow. "I truly do wish to marry him, Molly," you said, separating the correct pieces of gingerbread into their respective plates.
She stopped what she was doing before looking up at you, "but?" She was one person who knew you too well. Doting on you even before you started dating her son.
Laughing under your breath, "but I don't know if he wants to marry me," You finished, turning around to continue separating the gingerbread. Your mind wanders to the possibility of him not wanting to marry you. Molly's hand softly rubbed your shoulder making you aware of the feelings of wetness falling down your cheek.
"Oh dear, that boy is absolutely enamored with you." She said, pulling out a chair and beckoning for you to sit in it. Softly but efficiently pulling your hair tie out, separating part of your hair into sections as she spoke, gently yet diligently detangling knots with her finger. "That boy has been planning on marrying you since he learned you could tell him and George apart." Her voice was laced with amusement.
"He has?" You asked, turning around to face her. Hands gripping the top of the chair. Nodding her head before turning your face forward, she continued to play with your hair. Gently pulling pieces apart to easily braid your hair into a crown. It wasn't perfect, with random little hairs sticking out in certain places, but it was you. You were far from perfect and that's okay. You don't have to be. Your hands smooth over the apples of your cheeks, hoping to hide any possibly noticeable pigment. Her words didn't take all your worry away but did ease the thoughts that plagued your brain.
By the time Molly was done braiding your hair and complementing it with mistletoe, the gingerbread was cooled. Icing prepared the night before. It was time for everyone to pair into teams. Looking for your partner in crime, you realized he was nowhere to be seen. While it was possible to lose him in the sea of redheads, everyone else was accounted for. Mumbling each person's name as you saw them. Realizing that your boyfriend was not amongst them.
Glancing outside through the kitchen window, dark clouds started filling the sky. Another storm in the midst of brewing. Yet, Fred was still nowhere in sight. Scenarios scorched through the inside of your eye lids, panic overtaking any relief that you once had. Where the bloody hell is Fred? Why would he go out now? We’re with family, why would he do this when we are with our families? You rather him do whatever he is doing behind closed doors of your home than sit here embarrassed amongst your families. Not that it makes it any better, because it doesn’t. Rubbing your sweaty palms against your trousers, hoping to wipe away the worry. A firm hand settled against your shoulder, squeezing it ever so slightly. Looking up to see both of your fathers standing behind you, soft smiles placed lazily on their lips. A weak smile spread across your lips, more so worried about wherever Fred disappeared to.
“We’ll be your gingerbread partner's pup,” Sirius said, moving a strand of hair that had managed to escape the braid. Remus hand rubbing circles along your spine, relieving some tension. Parents weren't supposed to team up with the children's since they were supposed to be judges, but since your partner is missing, they couldn’t leave their daughter by herself. Nodding, you quickly got to work planning and setting up. Choosing to make a mini version of the shrieking shack. Both holding memories, good and bad, from your parents and your years at Hogwarts. Rather than using it to change on full moons, George, Fred and you choose it when picking an inconspicuous spot to prepare pranks.
After what seemed to be forever, you all finished. Proud of your work, the shack looked just as wrecked as it was in real life. Windows hanging by a thread and the building tilting ever so slightly. James, Lily, Molly and Arthur all stood together, conversing. Going from one gingerbread to another as everyone stood behind their respectable houses. As the judges chatted amongst themselves, their final decision being Teddy and Charlie who made a wonky dragon on top of a crumbling house. While it probably wasn’t fair, you would do the same thing for Teddy. The smile that appeared on his face made it feel like you won yourself. Faintly, your attention was captured by the sound of the door opening and closing. Snow littered through his hair and shoulders, frantically trying to shake it off. Excusing yourself, you made your way over to Fred.
“Hello Darling, mmm I love the hair style,” he said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. Shrugging off his coat, leaving it to rest on the coat hanger that was probably already too full to hang anything else. “Did you guys already start the gingerbread house?” He said, bummed. Stating earlier that he wished to partake in it.
Annoyed, you sat there for Godric knows how long, waiting for your lover. “You don’t get to be bummed when you leave without us knowing.” The feeling of being embarrassed and humiliated swelled up in your chest. Upset that your parents even saw his absence. You loved working on the gingerbread house with them, but still. “Where the bloody hell were you,” You whispered shouted, trying your best to not alert those around you. Which didn’t work as well as you hoped, everyone around going quiet. Before Molly rushed everyone into the back yard, despite the protest that it was snowing outside.
Caught off guard, “What exactly are you insinuating?” His arms crossed and his brows furrowed. He knew he had to keep what he was doing a secret but couldn’t believe you didn’t trust him. Never once in the past seven years has, he done something to break your trust. Of course, you had fought every now and then, but that's what couples do. However, this conversation in itself was absurd to him.
“I don’t know, Okay,” you said, fidgeting with whatever you could touch. Millions of thoughts were going through your head. “You go missing during the middle of the night for hours at a time.” You rambled on, expressing thoughts that have been inside your head for a while now. Your fingers picking at your bottoms as you expressed your emotions. “I just don’t know what to think, you’ve never done me wrong before, but hours at a time at night is concerning,” You stated, never truly making eye contact with him.
“You want to see where I’ve been off to at night then fine.” He said, taking off his sweater off the rack and pulling it around you. Before taking your scarf off the rack and wrapping it around your neck. His shoulders raised ever so slightly, considerably tensed. Even when he was upset, he still took time to make sure that you were all set. He didn’t have to prove either where he went but if it made you feel better then so be it. Opening the door, he pulled you through piles of snow. “I wasn’t going to do this till tomorrow, but plans changed.” He muttered.
“W-what?” You asked, confused on where he was taking you in the middle of winter. Snow falling continuously, not caring that you were traveling somewhere. After what felt like hours, and a steep hill, you made it to the willow tree you and Fred used to come to when either of you were having a bad time. “What are we doing here Fred?”
“Please be quiet, and let me talk,” he said, cold fingers pressing against your lips. “I was going to wait till tomorrow, but I’m going to do it now.” Digging into his pocket, pulling out a red-velvet case, decorated by painted flowers. “You’ve been my partner in crime for over seven years now. You never once mixed George and I up, even when we tried pulling pranks on you to believe we were the other person. You helped us open our Joke shop, staying up countless nights helping us fix gadgets that were faulty.” He spoke, getting onto one knee, opening the velvet case to show a crystal encased in gold vines that shimmered in the moonlight. “You made me feel like my own person, not just another Weasley people couldn’t name. You taught me how to be vulnerable, and how to be a better man. All those nights I was out, I was planning how to make this as special as I could for you.” Looking around you noticed your favorite flowers in floating pots and fairy lights hanging from the old willow tree. Over to your left, your whole family scattered around, smiling at you. “So, will you do the honors of being my partner in crime for the rest of our lives?”
Tears swelled down your face, all this time you thought he was out doing something sketchy he was really just planning your proposal. Before you could speak, little arms wrapped around your legs tight. “My sister,” Teddy said. Digging his head into your legs. Laughs escaped everyone, as your fathers came to grab him. Planting a small kiss on his head before your parents took him back over to everyone else.
“Yes,” Wiping the almost frozen tears from your face as he slipped the gorgeous ring on. Pulling him into a kiss as soon as he was finished. Happy that your thoughts were wrong in the end. You were getting your happily ever after, the one you always dreamed of.
I went full time at work so I could buy a new laptop for school, and I'm absolutely drained. Especially when there only one of me and I'm getting pulled six different ways at once. But on a good note, I'm so glad I finished this.
@ghostofscarley @verygayauthor
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koorinokujira · 11 months
☾ Nightmares - SB Imagines ☽
(Kojūrō, Masamune, Yukimura, Sasuke, Motochika, Keiji, Magoichi)
After a particularly bad nightmare, you are left awake in the middle of the night. You sob, absolutely inconsolable as sadness and fear wreak havoc in your exhausted mind. Who will comfort you, and how?
☾ Kojūrō ☽
Kojūrō feels his shoulders tense when he hears the first few sobs. He's just been passing by your room, going about whatever business he had to put away for the night because of his lord's needs. And now all he hears are the alarm bells blaring in his mind. Without any hesitation, he slides open the door and rushes in, hastily checking if you are sick or injured in any way. After finding out it's not the case, his stern expression softens a bit.
He asks what's wrong- but only once, as you don't really respond to his question. He puts two and two together pretty quickly. After all, this is not the time he's dealt with this. Masamune was the same when younger. And so the Right Eye does what he does best; being someone you can rely on. He doesn't really say much before tightly wrapping you up in a blanket and holding you close. Hugs aren't his forte, but he has to ground you somehow, right? It used to work on Masamune, anyway.
And all the while, he doesn't force you to talk about your nightmare, instead choosing to remain in silence. He just holds you and waits patiently, with a strangely fatherly look on his face, until you either fall asleep in his arms or tell him what made you so scared. The tight, comforting embrace soon forces you to relax, and your breathing slows...
He is there to listen. And he will stay as long as you need him, just like he would for Masamune.
☾ Masamune ☽
Masamune is easily woken up by the muffled sound of you crying. He's always been a very light sleeper, and it saved his hide many times when out fighting. But this time is a bit different, as he isn't the one in potential danger. Without even thinking, he grabs his weapons and rushes to your side, his hand already on the hilt of one of his Claws.
After almost breaking down your door, he quickly realizes there's no enemy present and freezes for a moment. Leading men to battle and losing yourself in the passion of combat is one thing, but comforting someone who's this miserable... that seems like a daunting task for the One Eyed Dragon. But he doesn't let his doubts stop him. What kind of leader would he be if he did? He's no coward.
And so he decides to do one of the things that help him clear his head when he's not feeling good. He doesn't even ask what's wrong, having a few theories already. Despite small protests from you, he lifts you up into his arms, letting out a soft huff. After that, he swiftly carries you to the stables, and gets up into the saddle of his horse with you. Before you can even say anything, the horse is already in motion. It's clear Masamune is trying his best to balance speed and comfort as you ride. He holds you close so you don't fall off, and starts telling you all sorts of embarassing stories about him and Kojūrō, until the tears stop falling and you let out a small chuckle. When that happens, he gives you his signature smirk, looking incredibly proud of himself for calming you down.
Not even nightmares can escape the Dragon once he sets his eye on them. Not when he has someone so precious to protect.
☾ Yukimura ☽
Yukimura is startled awake by the quiet sobs, even though he probably wouldn't admit it. A thousand thoughts rush through his mind at once as he gets up and goes to check on you. He's worried, very worried. And when he sees you being a sobbing mess, his heart drops right into his stomach. He starts questioning you on what happened, but you are still too out of it to answer.
So, he awkwardly sits down next to you with a troubled look on his face. He thinks long and hard about what his revered Oyakata-sama would do in this situation, but nothing fitting seems to come to mind. After all, punching you so hard that you make a hole in the wall and giving you life advice during it is out of the question, even he recognizes that his lord's methods wouldn't really apply here. Sasuke would maybe know what to do, but he's out on a mission somewhere, so he's on his own.
He carefully reaches his hand out, placing it on your shoulder to let you know you're not alone. He's a bit surprised when you lean onto him for comfort, but he doesn't push you away. After a while, you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your nightmare, and he listens intently. Everything is quiet for a moment, until...
Yukimura yells it out so loudly that it probably woke everyone else up, too. He sounds even more determined and dramatic than usual, complete with wild hand motions and an intense but genuine look in his eyes. That promise is just so absurd, and... endearing, in true Yukimura fashion. And then he even has the gall to look surprised when you burst out laughing!
Never change, Yukimura, never change.
☾ Sasuke ☽
Sasuke notices that something is wrong just before he goes out on another mission. Maybe it's because he's a shinobi, or because he often has to drag Yukimura out of trouble, but he's developed a sixth sense of sorts already. And that sense, that gut feeling quickly leads him to your room. He doesn't walk in just yet, and you aren't even aware of his presence. Luckily for you, it doesn't take him too long to decide that the mission can wait for a while longer.
He gently opens the door and walks in. If he's worried, it's not showing, he looks as calm and laid back as ever. He sits down next to you and waits for a while to see if his presence is enough to calm you down. He knows better than to overwhelm you with questions at this moment. But the amount of tears lessens only a little. He sights softly. Perhaps there is one thing he could try...
He stands up, but you don't see what he's doing, your vision is all blurry from crying. Suddenly, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you. And another. And... another? You go quiet for a moment, blinking in surprise as you realize that he summoned two shadow clones to smother your sadness with a hug. And honestly... it's working. Who wouldn't want to be hugged by their favorite person three times at once? It doesn't take long for you to finally relax again and fall asleep. Sasuke simply makes the clones disappear and lays you back down, watching over you for a while. And then, he disappears into the shadows, as if nothing even happened.
Mission complete.
☾ Motochika ☽
It takes Motochika a while to get to you. The seas aren't exactly calm, and the sound of crashing waves and the crew yelling at each other on the deck drowns out... everything else, essentially. Still, you're lucky, as he managed to hear you while walking by the tiny cabin you tend to sleep in. He steps in, and he instinctively tilts himself to one side to balance out the ship suddenly getting rocked by another wave.
The captain looks pretty drowsy, and he's only half dressed. Not a very uncommon sight, since he has a ridiculous sleep schedule while the crew is out treasure hunting. He wakes up at random times and then goes back to sleep after checking if everything is under control on the deck. And this time, he chanced upon a different issue than he expected. Seeing you in distress, he finally seems to properly wake up.
He says nothing, simply taking you in his arms and wrapping them around you in a very comfortable bear hug. He doesn't like seeing any of his crew sad and scared, and that applies even more when it comes to you. The rocking of the ship suddenly doesn't seem as bad anymore, as he's stable on his feet. He's like a lighthouse in the midst of a terrible storm.
Motochika has many things on his mind that he could say. That it's fine, that whatever you saw in that nightmare wasn't real. But he knows you know, and that it probably wouldn't calm you down. And so he sings. It's only a low hum at first, which slowly changes into words. It's a shanty you and the crew often sing. Usually, it's very energetic, but his rough, slow singing makes it seem more like a lullaby this time. And it does help. Even the sea seems to grow calmer as you finally relax and close your eyes once more.
You're safe here. Aniki has your back.
☾ Keiji ☽
Keiji is awake even before you are. Since you're travelling together and often sleep out in the wilderness, with the trees acting as your only roof, you're always near each other. For safety reasons, of course. But before you even woke up from the nightmare, you were thrashing so wildly that you managed to kick the poor Maeda vagabond in the face.
Still, once you wake up and break down into tears, he seems to be way more concerned about you than the red mark on his face. He's panicking a bit, not really knowing how to calm you. Yumekichi looks at him judgementally for it, but this has never happened to you two, what is he supposed to do?! He at least pulls you in for an awkward, tight hug, trying to tell you that it's going to be okay while patting your head. It doesn't seem to be working much, however.
In the end, he decides to use his inner romantic to distract you. He carefully tilts your head up, and points to the stars above you. Keiji doesn't wait even for a second before he starts waxing poetic about the world around you both. He points out the stars, the moon, the chirping sound of crickets and the quiet whispers of the wind. And it's all so genuine, too. The happiness that he gets to travel with you and see everything in a different light. When you calm down enough after listening to him softly talk about what makes him happy, he starts asking you to tell him what you can see. And every single time you point to something, he tells you about a nice memory you two share that it reminds him of. The panic and awkwardness is gone, and it's just the Keiji you know and love now. You two talk and talk, until the sun rises once again, and you two simply rest each other, Yumekichi curled up on Keiji's shoulder.
You can't even remember what the nightmare was about now.
☾ Magoichi ☽
Magoichi is still awake when she hears you cry. With all the chaos in Japan right now, she spends day and night making sure everyone in the Faction is safe and prepared for anything. Though, hearing you in distress has given her a pause. At first, she just wants to keep walking. After all, she can't coddle the members of the proud Saika Faction as if they were children.
But then again.. crying is not exactly a common sound heard around here, so it's probably something that really got to you. And as much as she tries to be stern and heartless, she does care about her own. Dearly. So with a sigh, she opens the door and walks towards you. She gives you a quick once-over to make sure you're not wounded and trying to hide it, as a few would do.
Ah, so a nightmare.
She has her typical stern, determined expression on her face, but there also seems to be something softer in her eyes. She's not judging you. In fact... she gets it. She gets her own share of nightmares. Terrible ones, too. And she hates the idea that someone she's secretly so proud and fond of is a victim of their own mind. And so she starts speaking to you. Her voice is slightly softer than usual, but it still has enough authority to properly catch your attention.
She doesn't offer you typical words of comfort. She tells you that you're strong, and how she's seen that strength shine many times. How proud she is how far you've come, and how she is glad that you're fighting under her banner. And how she believes that you can overcome this, just like you usually do in battle. That you can kill this nightmare, this fear, with a carefully aimed metaphorical bullet to its head. She grips your shoulders while saying all this, so you know how serious she is. And she also doesn't forget to mention that you never, ever have to fight it alone. It's not really Magoichi's words or tone of voice that calms you in the end. It's the fact that she took her time to try to comfort you in the only way she knows. You know you're in good hands now.
No Sacred Crow will get lost from the flock on her watch.
Well, that's it for the first round of imagines! I am still kind of getting used to writing shorter scenes like this, as I usually write longer things, so the formatting or pacing may be a bit strange for a while. I also apologize for any possibble inaccuracies or grammar mistakes, I wrote basically all of these in the middle of the night, and I'm currently feeling pretty sick ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Still, I hope you enjoyed them and I hope to write more soon! I am also oficially opening SB imagines and fic requests now, so if you guys wish to see something specific, now's the time to ask for it! Thank you for reading, and as always...
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Have an amazing day!
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Reformed Valentine's Day Grinch, Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson always hated Valentine's Day. As a kid it simply meant an afternoon of arts and crafts, fashioning innocent and platonic cards for classmates. Everyone was happy and included and Eddie would always take a card home for his mother who hugged him tight in thanks.
But as he entered high school, Valentine's Day became like a status symbol. It was all about who had a date with who. Who got the best and most flowers. And he always found himself in an insufferable Home Ec. class, hearing all about the grand romantic gestures of jocks like Steve Harrington.
"This is a nightmare," Robin Buckley had whispered to him one day as she plopped down on the stool next to him at a half-operational sewing machine.
The rest of their classmates were chirping about their Valentine's Day plans, gossiping about the dozen roses Nancy Wheller had received during first period.
"I just need today to be over," he groaned in return, discarding his stupid patchwork project for a t-shirt he was designing for Corroded Coffin.
By this point, Eddie knew himself better. He knew he wouldn't receive anything and he'd die before he dared send something to anyone else. And by the end of the day he'd go home feeling more like a freak than he already did. He'd go home to Wayne, who was equally grumpy and they'd watch tv and grumble at all the mushy and gooey commercials.
By Valentine's Day 1987, Eddie finds himself on the receiving end of some very different complaints from Robin Buckley. And finds himself dating King Giver of Roses, Steve Harrington.
When Robin spots Eddie as he waltzes into Family Video on the 13th, she stops in her tracks and leans forward over the counter.
"You better give him a good Valentine's Day, Munson," she threatens with a warning finger.
"Relax, Buckley, I've got it sorted," he laughs.
"Nope," she protests, shaking her head non-stop as she speaks. "You have to do everything he wants. He's got it all planned out. Just go with it because I'm not interested in hearing his complaints if it goes wrong."
She slumps back in her chair as Steve walks in from the back room, shucking on his Member's Only jacket, beaming.
"Bye," he sings to his best friend with a shit-eating grin. He leans down and kisses her on the cheek before practically skipping out from behind the counter.
"What's got you so happy?" Eddie teases, fluttering his eyelashes with feigned innocence.
Steve shrugs. "Just excited for tomorrow."
Robin groans and hangs her head in her hands.
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"Doing anything with Steve today?" Wayne not-so-subtlely asks the following morning at breakfast.
"Yes, he's got it all planned out," Eddie replies, rolling his eyes.
It's far too early in the morning but Steve insisted he be up and ready to be picked up.
"Did you get him a card, at least?" Wayne asks, pursing his lips like he's getting ready to give Eddie a lecture based on how he responds.
"Yes!" he shoots back, confused as to how he let his uncle become some sort of third wheel in his relationship.
He's saved by a knock at the door.
Eddie Munson's Valentine's Day with Steve Harrington is perfect.
Steve leads him to a pretty patch of forest at the back of his house, a bright spot that has plenty of sunshine, a place that Eddie didn't think existed in the darkened and secluded Loch Nora. He lays out a blanket with a picnic he'd made (and probably woken up way to early to put together).
It's nice, despite the seclusion. He knows Steve is showing off and at peak confidence when he's in his flirting-slash-wooing mode. They don't dwell on the isolation though. There's just an awkward pause when they go over what the kids are going and Steve jokes that it gives him a day off chauffeuring the dweebs around.
Eddie lets Steve take the lead most of the day. He even allows for an (admittedly very romantic in its sappiness) slow dance to lame pop ballads in Steve's living room where he'd cleared aside some furniture.
"You okay, precious?" he asks when he feels Steve's nails digging into the back of his shirt as they sway.
Steve mumbles an incoherent answer, giving the faintest nod. Eddie drops it for the rest of 'Time After Time' but then he hears Steve sniffle.
He pries himself away, just enough to cup Steve's face in his hands and yep, he is crying. Valentine's Day wasn't supposed to be heartbreaking but, looking into Steve's reddening puppy dog eyes, it is.
Eddie tsks and rubs his thumbs under his eyes.
"Don't cry, Steve."
"I really love you," he chokes out before giving a heaving sob.
"Hey, hey, hey!" he says, searching for eye contact, waiting until Steve reluctantly looks up all red-cheeked and embarrassed. "I love you too."
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catsandgoodbooks · 11 months
No. 29: “I only sink deeper the deeper I think.”
Scented Candle | Troubled Past Resurfacing | “What happened to me?”
Technoblade passed Dream a green mug, filled to the brim with chamomile. Dream took a cautious first sip the second the piglin looked away and tasted the signature sweetness of healing pots. Ah. So it was Phil’s recipe then. He’d been trying to get Dream off potions, and, if that necessitated a different transfer method because potions were still all too necessary, so be it.
“Last night was fine?” Techno asked, rummaging through one of his chests as he spoke.
Dream nodded, even though he knew Techno couldn’t see him. “Yeah. I didn’t have any dreams.” He ignored the nightmares from the night prior, the way that he had woken up a cold sweat and could only count himself lucky that he hadn’t cried out. If they didn’t know about that, then Dream wasn’t going to tell them.
“Nice. Phil asked me to help patch up his roof ‘cause it’s drafty and Niki wants to talk about building her own house up here. She has her whole underground city, and anyone’s allowed to stay there, but she wants to be a bit closer to us. Somewhere to stay when she comes up for the Syndicate meetings,” Techno elaborated. Dream could tell he was rambling but wasn’t going to interrupt him. “Like, Ranboo has–had a place up here too, even though he usually stayed with Tubbo.” Techno shrugged. “We didn’t question it. You don’t question stuff like that.”
“Sounds complicated,” Dream agreed. He really didn’t want to get swept up into the Ranboo relationship drama thingamajig. As far as he knew, and as far as he cared, Ranboo married Tubbo who had been killed by Technoblade, whom Ranboo had also been friends with and maybe Techno had been his mentor? Dream had no idea.
“You don’t say,” Techno responded monotonely without missing a beat. “Hey, you ever think doing that? Building your own house up here? Like, we all know you’re homeless, but you wouldn’t be if do that anymore. Now that I think about it, that would cause a significant decrease in my entertainment and probably cause some people to unsub, but who cares about that? I could make a good thumbnail out of that. A title too. ‘Dream finally gets a house’– Of course, you’d have to move out first–”
The cup almost slipped from Dream’s lax fingers, and he didn’t try to catch it. His breath hitched. So this was it then. This is when Techno told him to leave and never come back. He’d been so absolutely useless even since they’d brought him to the Arctic Commune, and now he was reaping the consequences of that. Techno realized that he was just dead-weight, just there to drag them down, pointless, a liability, not worth the effort to keep around.
Dream being there just put Technoblade and the rest of the Syndicate in danger. The server was going to come for him eventually, and they all knew it. Techno’s reputation could only keep them away for so long.
Dream knew this was coming. He just didn’t expect it to be so subtle, so polite. He didn’t expect to care this much. He didn’t expect to not want to leave. He knew it was the best think he could do, what he had to do, what he needed to do keep the Plan going. For all the sacrifices he made to be worth it. He knew he needed to leave before he was forced out, so that he could leave on his own terms and no one else’s, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Dream couldn’t hear anything besides his own thoughts. He couldn’t hear a single think that Techno said. He kept thinking, and he only sunk deeper the longer he kept thinking.
Suddenly, Technoblade was there, snapping his fingers under Dream’s nose. “Hey, you there, buddy? It would be really cringe if I broke you out of prison just for you to die on me. If you wanted to do that, you should’ve done it in the first week. Now it’s just weird.”
Dream scowled and leaned away from him. “I’m fine. Just…just thinking.”
Techno rolled his eyes. “Aren’t we all,” he commented. He paused and lowered his voice. “It was something I said, wasn’t it?”
Dream nodded, just a little bit. “I got worried that you were going to kick me out.”
“I’d never do that,” was Techno’s instant response. “Sorry, Teletubby, but that’s not happening. We’re roomies now, and I’m not going to do anything to change that. You can leave if you want, but I’d never make you.”
Dream smiled faintly. It hurt a little. “Thanks. It helps.” The mug, still held loosely between his fingers, helped warm his hands. He was happy he didn’t drop it.
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paytato435 · 10 months
Chapter 10: The Bug
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Learn to Fly
Mikey was starting to get on Casey’s nerves.
“Hey, Casey, Casey, heeeeyyyy…” Mikey waved at him from under a mountain of blankets on the couch. Casey begrudgingly pulled his headphones off to listen to him. In doing so, the invisible barrier he’d built up around himself dissolved.
“Are you going to actually ask me what you want now?” Casey asked with a little irritation as he pushed the vacuum cleaner over the living room rug.
He wasn’t really in the mood to talk. Especially if Mikey was also going to try and get him to open up again, even though they’d both agreed to pause his unlicensed therapy sessions.
This wasn’t the first time, but Casey had woken up at four in the morning and couldn’t fall back asleep. The nightmare that had forced him awake wouldn’t let go of him, and the only thing he could think to do was to make himself busy. 
Blasting the angriest music he could find through his headphones and straight to his core, Casey decided that every speck of dirt in the lair was his sworn enemy. While all of his clothes were in the washing machine, he had bleached and scrubbed coffee stains off the kitchen counter, found dishes left out to go in the washer, scrubbed the ones that were particularly crusty, and then swept the whole first floor shared space. Switching the laundry over, he moved to mopping, even going so far as to move the furniture around halfway through to get to otherwise neglected areas. 
It was probably the struggle Casey had in moving Splinter’s recliner that had disturbed the box turtle. The look on his face when he saw Casey cleaning made it look like he didn’t recognize his own home. Still drowsy but probably just looking for an excuse to be around someone, Mikey curled up onto the couch and played video games as Casey mopped the rest of the room. While it didn’t bother him so much that Mikey shared the space with him, it had started to get on his nerves when the turtle kept glancing over at him like he wanted to say something, but refused to do so.
“Well, now you’re going to vacuum, so maybe not…” Mikey hummed nervously.
“Mikey, tell me what’s going on already!” he snapped, perhaps a little too harshly.
“Ok ok, it’s just, I’m worried you’re gonna say no.”
“Clearly.” Casey huffed, twirling the power cord.
“Can you… can you teach me how to fly?”
Casey opened his mouth to answer, but then closed it again. How was he supposed to teach Mikey how to fly?
Mikey rocked his head back and forth laterally in deliberation. “It’s just… I talk to Draxum about it but he doesn’t care about it that much. He’s way more into technical magic stuff? Like spells and stuff.” Mikey gagged a little. “But you said I could fly so… I was hoping you had some pointers for me.”
Casey glanced up at Donnie’s lab and remembered the conversation they’d had about his future tech before. If he was being fair, he should probably turn Mikey down. He could just say he didn’t know anything, but then again, Mikey wouldn’t figure it out for years….
Damn, Leatherhead was right, he was a hypocrite.
“Wait really?!” Mikey squealed. “You can help???”
“I don’t see why not, but we need to go over a couple things. First thing of course, is that I only have what you’ve said about the subject, I don’t really get it myself.”
Mikey nodded.
“Second, you might want a helmet.”
“A helmet?”
“The first time you did this you gave yourself a concussion on the ceiling.”
“Ok that’s fair,” Mikey pouted. “Raph! Can I borrow your helmet?”
“Shut up!” came Leo’s response, who was still trying to sleep. It seemed Leo had not been kidding about not being able to sleep the night before. Casey hadn't either, of course, but he felt it would be better to pass out vacuuming a floor than to lie in bed hoping he wouldn't have anymore nightmares.
They were both low odds, but he tried his best.
Hearing no response from the snapping turtle, Mikey poked his head behind Raph’s curtain and snatched his football helmet.
“Seems he’s done a night patrol,” Mikey shrugged, putting the helmet on. “Alright, show me how it’s done!”
“Show… right…” Casey rolled his eyes and sat down in the center of the living room, and invited the box turtle to do the same. It wasn’t odd for Raph or Donnie to go out late at night now without them, but it was odd that Raph would still be out beyond sunrise. It was nearly seven now.
But Mikey was nearly bouncing around from his seat on the floor already, so Casey put the thought aside.
“Ok, so in your own words, the ninpo that allows you to fly is a force that lifts you up. It’s not like it makes you lighter or anything, it’s more like… magnetism,” Casey explained, hoping that made any sense. “The greater force you apply, the higher you’ll go. And if you want to stay up in the air, you gotta make a force that is constantly pushing yourself into the air. So your first objective is to force yourself up into the air without jumping.”
“Without jumping?”
“Without jumping. Ideally, you shouldn’t have to move any part of yourself. You’re only pushing with your ninpo.”
Mikey screwed up his face in thought.
“You alright?” Casey asked, concerned.
“How am I supposed to not do anything?” Mikey asked. “That doesn’t make any sense. I use my hands to extend my chains and to open portals. I draw runes for magic circles…”
“Oh! You’re not doing nothing,” Casey clarified. “You’re moving your ninpo.”
“Moving it?”
“Yeah, like you’d move your arm? You can move it right?”
Mikey looked at Casey like he was speaking a different language. He didn’t even know that? Even Casey could feel his ninpo, even if he couldn’t do anything with it.
“You can move your ninpo like it’s a physical thing,” Casey explained. “It comes from here,” Casey placed his hand over his chest. “And it can shift around you… uh… like water?”
“Like electricity,” came a voice from upstairs. Donnie was hanging over the railing.
“You know what he’s talking about, Donnie?” Mikey asked, inquisitively.
“Of course. I can’t use my ninpo without moving it,” he explained. “Everything I build comes from the inside out. I thought your chains would be made the same way, or Raph’s clone jutsu.”
“Oh! So the projection is physical. That makes sense,” Mikey nodded. “But I don’t really think about that part much. They usually just… kind of happen.”
“You just do things without knowing how they work,” Donnie rolled his eyes.
Mikey smiled sheepishly. “If you put it that way, yeah.”
“Well, if you want to fly, you need to think about how it works,” Casey told him. “Flying is all about control. It’s like riding a skateboard; once you get used to it you don’t have to think about it so much.”
“You know how to skateboard?” Mikey asked.
“No, that’s just how you explained it to me,” Casey sighed. “There weren’t a lot of good places to skateboard in the future. I have no idea what you were talking about, honestly.”
Mikey deflated. Casey saw Donnie sneak into the kitchen. It was coffee time; for a moment Casey mourned the loss of the now spotless kitchen.
“So I need to feel my ninpo…” Casey turned back to Mikey, who was now squeezing his eyes shut in concentration.
Mikey’s nunchucks jumped out of thin air and dropped into his lap.
“The force you used to fly didn’t really materialize,” Casey pointed out. Mikey scowled at him.
“Can you move your nunchucks without touching them?”
Mikey opened his eyes and looked down at the weapons in his lap. They didn't seem to move at all, but it looked like he clearly expected them to. 
Instead, they caught on fire.
“Ah!” Casey scrambled back in surprise.
“This is dumb,” Mikey grumbled as the flames quickly dissipated. “How is it supposed to move independently from me?”
“It’s not independent of you, it is you. Like another arm.”
Mikey started wiggling his arms at the chains. 
Oh, this was going to take a looooong time.
Casey leaned back on his hands and watched Mikey fidget for a bit while he turned his attention to the energy inside himself. Like the ghost finger feeling he had when he was a turtle, he could visualize the connection from his brain to his ninpo. He didn’t have a great hold of it, but if he focused, he could feel it… rippling? The most he could do was acknowledge it was there.
“Casey do you have ninpo too?” Casey’s head snapped up, eyes wide. He hadn’t noticed Mikey was watching him.
“What? No. How would I have ninpo?” Mikey narrowed his eyes, but if Mikey couldn’t even feel his own ninpo, he shouldn’t even be able to know Casey had it.
“Then why do you look like you’re trying to find it too?” Oh. Yeah… “Was I trying to teach you how to use it in the future?”
Even on his best days, sometimes Casey was an open book.
“Ok, it’s not a sure thing…” Casey couldn’t help but notice Mikey’s eyes light up. “…and I don’t want to get into the details…” he shrugged. He could tell part of the truth. “You guys are my family, you know? Master Michelangelo thought my mom and I could get it like April did.”
Mikey's shoulders rose and his eyes got big with excitement. “That would be so cool! But does that mean…?”
“I don’t know if I have it,” he lied, shrugging. “Mom never figured it out either. I still try sometimes. It'd be really cool to have.”
“No no no, not that!” Mikey shook his head. “We’re literally family! You’re Hamato just like us! And April! Oh that’s so awesome!”
“Well yeah, I kind of thought that was obvious. I was…” Casey caught himself. “…I grew up around you guys. Why do you think I’m here? You guys are my whole world.”
Casey remembered when Sunshine had caught him in his lie; that he had said his family was dead. Why had he said that? They were right here! It wasn’t exactly the same, but they were still his family, right? He didn’t just want to protect them, he wanted to be a part of them. They were the reason he was here. Seeing Mikey that excited by the idea made Casey want to melt into a little puddle.
“Casey… I think I can see you,” Mikey said, turning his head to one side.
“What do you mean? I’m right here.” He didn’t know why, but he was smiling.
“You’re pink.” That normally would have made Casey freak out, like when Angel pointed it out. But for some reason, it just made him chuckle.
“I was wondering when you’d figure it out,” he cradled his head in his hands and anchored his elbows to his knees.
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew!” Casey told him. Master Michelangelo would never shut up about it.
“But when we went shopping…”
“I’m not going to start wearing pink clothes just because,” Casey shrugged. “That’s a you thing. People don’t just wear their heart on their sleeve all the time.”
“Why would you hide that though?” Mikey asked, looking a little betrayed.
“Same reason I don’t tell you other future stuff. It doesn’t matter until it happens.”
“Yeah but… it’s you.”
“You can’t tell everything about someone from their color, Mikey.”
“Well yeah but…”
“You see me because you know me,” Casey smiled. “That’s more valuable than me just giving you the answer.”
Casey could see the gears spinning in Mikey’s head.
“That’s deep man,” he eventually let out with a sigh.
“How do you see me anyway? Master Michelangelo never really explained it.” He wondered if Angel saw it the same way.
He briefly wondered if she was doing okay.
“It’s like,” Mikey tapped his chin. “Man, I don’t know! That’s probably not good…”
“Is it like looking without your eyes?” Casey guessed. If it was anything like he felt…
“Yeah! That’s it exactly!” Mikey nodded his head excitedly.
“Now just move your chains without your arms,” Casey smirked.
“Ooohhhhh,” he said as if finally understanding (after Casey had only told him it three times). Mikey looked down and noticed his weapons had vanished while he wasn’t paying attention.
They popped back into existence and Mikey stared at them again, but nothing happened.
“This is hard,” he groaned, leaning back onto his hands.
“Yeah, I never got it.”
“Got any other advice?”
“Do you remember learning how to use your hands?” Casey asked him.
“Me neither. That’s all I got.”
When Donnie came out of the kitchen with his coffee, he saw the two boys lying on their backs, spread eagle in the middle of the floor.
“What are you guys doing?”
“Becoming one with the universe to discover the secrets of Hamato ninpo,” Mikey answered cryptically.
“There’s also a spider spinning a web in that corner,” Casey pointed to the south east corner.
Donnie took a sip of his coffee and shuffled back upstairs.
“April’s coming by in an hour,” he called down.
“Cool,” the dum-dums on the floor both said at the same time.
To be honest, Donnie had planned to work on Leo’s katanas all day, but the call from April last night had caught him by surprise. She hadn’t told him much, just that she needed to see him as soon as possible, and it was very important.
So Donnie was up three hours earlier than usual, trying desperately to not look like he’d stayed up all night when April showed up.
“An all-nighter again, Donnie?” Crap. She knew him too well.
“How could you tell?” He asked, blinking too slowly, gripping his coffee mug like it was his lifeline, and struggling to push the lab door open all the way open so April could come inside.
“I have my ways,” she smiled brightly. Then she gave her signature wink and edged past him to crash into a new futon that he’d gotten specifically for situations like these; it was becoming more and more frequent that people would come in just to hang out with him while he was working. Conversation was optional, friendship was not. He was tired of people leaning over his shoulder all the time, so this was the compromise the family was trying out.
“You said this was urgent,” Donnie raised an eyebrow. “You seem pretty relaxed for quote ‘as soon as possible’ end quote.” 
April stretched out on the futon and gave him a cheeky smile. “It is very important. Time sensitive too. Are you free this evening?”
“I have projects I could be working on, but I can make time.”
“Good!” She sat up and pulled out her phone. “I have something that needs looked into. Do you remember the herbicide scandal I uncovered over the summer semester?”
“The stuff you used against the Krang in the subway tunnels, yeah. Are you still…?”
“Professor Boringson’s missing,” April’s expression turned serious. “I’ve been keeping away from the lab just in case, but he’s been taken off the staff directory online. All mentions of him are completely gone. It’s like he didn’t even exist.”
Donnie pursed his lips. That was suspicious.
“Where did he go?”
April shrugged. “I wish I could’ve bugged him like you offered, but the whole department’s been on high alert since I broke in. Something weird is going on there; really weird.”
“So you want me to go check it out?” Donnie surmised.
“Please? I would go but I don’t want to risk getting in trouble with the school…”
“No that’s fine, I get it,” Donnie assured her. “I can get in and out easily."
“Oh, you don’t have to do that… on your own, I mean,” April spoke up. Donnie tipped his head to one side and furrowed his brows in confusion. She had a small smile on her face. “I have a way to get you in.”
Donnie had a feeling her idea wasn’t something he’d like.
“Don’t look at me like that!” she snapped at him.
“What do you mean?” he narrowed his eyes all the more.
April sighed and looked back down at her phone again. “I have a friend who will let you into the building. He’s got a bio lab there tonight.”
“A class on a Saturday night?”
April shrugged. “Yeah, that’s kind of what got me thinking about all this. We’re in a group chat and he was talking about the odd time of it. Turns out there’s a new teacher there taking over for Boringson with some… interesting habits.”
“Like what?” Donnie asked.
“Like… making long unhinged emails to her students about why yokai should return to the ‘underworld.’”
“Yeesh. She sounds like a super villain.”
“Yeah, even Tim thought it was a little strange. So I asked if he could let you into the building tonight after class. The doors lock shortly after the class starts, so I figured he could let you in and you’d be free to snoop without having to break in.”
“His name is Tim?”
“Or Timothy, I’ll send you his contact info. The class should get out at 8:30, he can text you the details.”
Donnie’s phone pinged as she sent him the number.
“And Tim Or Timothy is fine with just letting some stranger into the building? Does he know about…” Donnie gestured to himself. “...this whole situation?”
April gave him that same smile she had when she first walked in. He realized this must be the reason for her good mood. She was plotting something.
“Oh, Tim’s a good guy; I don’t think he’ll mind at all,” she shrugged.
“There’s more to this story, isn’t there?” Donnie asked with suspicion.
But April didn’t let him continue the conversation, because it was at that moment she decided to notice the forge he had put together in the corner of the room. It was huge and difficult to miss, but she gasped and “Ooo what’s that?”-ed to divert his attention.
And let’s be honest here for a moment- what’s more important, figuring out April’s secret agenda or monologuing about his new special interest for the next hour? April was always a good listener; it was an easy decision to make. By the time he had explained every detail of his plans for Leo’s new katanas, he had completely forgotten about her knowing smile. Well, until he showed up to the university in the evening, that is.
The Bug
Donnie: Would the east entrance be an acceptable door to use?
Tim Or Timothy (presumably): ?
Donnie: You are April's university friend, yes?
Tim Or Timothy: Oh! You must be Donatello. Yes, the east entrance
Donnie: I will wait there then.
Donnie had arrived at exactly ten minutes before Tim's class was released, and, after confirming where they would meet, had quietly stashed himself up in a tree and out of sight of any on-campus security. It wasn't the most comfortable accommodation, but it did afford him a good vantage point to see students leaving via the adjacent main entrance.
A minute past 8:30 and they began heading out in groups and singles, taking their time to their cars, toward the station, or on foot. All completely oblivious to him.
As he watched them, he felt that pang of otherness settle over him again. It didn't matter that people now knew and somewhat acknowledged that mutants existed, their worlds would still be very different from each other for a long while yet. That included stares longer than his beak, and people awkwardly shuffling away from him when he tried to visit a bodega the other day with his hood down. That had been an uncomfortable situation- but he felt he needed to go out… for science. He wanted to know how people would see him now. That particular collection of data had not calmed him down.
It felt like nothing had changed.
Mikey and Leo had been going out everyday for a week and were fine; surely he was missing something. Or maybe they just handled it better? It felt like they were leaving him behind. Maybe he should have started eleventh grade with Leo instead of diving headfirst into college applications.
He was almost considering it when he noticed a shadow move at the east door. Holding on to the feeling of apprehension, he quickly sent a text to confirm it was Tim at the door.
As if in response, the door opened and a young man with a dark head of messy hair leaned out and looked around. Before the presumed Tim could close the door in confusion, Donnie dropped down out of the tree and landed gracefully upright about ten feet away from him.
"Holy-" but the teen caught himself by throwing a large hand over his mouth. His eyes however, betrayed him as they seemed to bug out of his head in surprise.
Before he could say or do anything else, Donnie stepped up and took the door from him. Technically it didn't matter if it was Tim or not; he was in anyway.
The presumed Tim backed up to let him in, and the soft shell wasted no time entering the building, blinking his eyes as they adjusted to the bright fluorescence.
"Uh, hi." 
Donnie turned his head just slightly toward him. 
"You are Donatello right? I didn't just let some stranger into the school?"
"Yes, and yes you did," Donnie nodded. "Thank you." 
Without another word, Donnie began to slink down the hallway, but he didn't get very far before he realized he was being followed.
"Did you want to risk getting caught sneaking around after hours, too?" Donnie asked, not bothering to turn around.
"I… uh…" Donnie didn't wait for Tim to answer, and turned down a hallway that should lead him to the stairwell up to the second floor.
"Wait!" His ask was too loud. Donnie pivoted and stepped up into Tim's personal space. The surprising maneuver led the human to take a cautious step back. "Sorry… I just…"
Donnie twirled his wrist in a gesture for Tim to get what he wanted to say off his chest.
"April asked me to tag along with you," said the human nervously.
Donnie's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but remembered the odd way April had been acting earlier today.
"And why on earth would you agree to do that?" Donnie asked, genuinely curious. Surely April had told Tim what they were doing could be dangerous. What was he going to do that would help Donnie anyway? He only needed to get inside.
Tim shifted uneasily from one foot to the next, clearly nervous. "She didn't tell you anything, did she?"
"She said you'd let me in," Donnie answered.
Tim sighed and pulled out his phone, clearly looking for something to explain away his impulsiveness to follow a strange mutant turtle around a school after dark.
Tim finally tapped open an image and showed Donnie the screen. It was an image of the TurtleTank parked by Repo Mantis Salvage; likely from the last time Donnie had visited the place before it was temporarily shut down.
"April said you built it. She said you'd let me take a look at it if I kept an eye on you."
"What?!" This time Donnie was too loud. "That's ridiculous! Why would she say that? My own sister, handing out tours of my…" Donnie dragged his hands down his face in frustration. 
"I mean, you don't have to, I don't want to be a bother…" Timothy put his phone away, looking apologetic. "She really shouldn't have-"
"No, no, it's fine," Donnie interrupted, trying to sound sincere but definitely coming off as rather irritated. "I'm sure she has her silly reasons. Just be quiet ok?"
"You know everybody's left, right?" Tim tipped his head to one side. "Even the staff and janitors are gone."
"I don't care, I haven't snuck out like this in weeks!" Donnie answered before turning and flipping dramatically into the shadows. He lowered his goggles and scuttled along the wall like a bug until he could peek around the next corner. Tim just casually walked along behind him.
"April also said you'd want to know more about Dr. Aderman," Tim said as they finally reached the stairs to the next level.
"The replacement professor?" Donnie asked as he jumped up to the second floor and perched on the railing as he waited for Tim to jog up to him.
Tim nodded. "I'm not usually one for gossip, but it seems she has a pretty bad reputation around here already. Class was a bit… scary." The human tapped his fingers together nervously.
"April mentioned a bizarre email."
"Yeah. Turns out there's a… another person like you in our class and she's not all too friendly to them."
"Wouldn't that violate school policy?" Donnie asked, turning toward the hallway he remembered April describing to him. At the center of the building there would be a lab with a simple card reader lock he'd need to break.
"Technically there isn't a policy yet," Tim shrugged. "But it really doesn't look great for the school."
Then why was she even here? Even if Donnie didn't feel comfortable around humans, he at least knew that Universities tended to have some of the most inclusive people among them. It went with the territory of being educated, he theorized; a proper scientist should be open to all possibilities. He didn't like the sound of this one.
Donnie approached the classroom April had mentioned, but noticed that even through the glass, it had been completely repurposed from the last time she had been there. They'd probably have to look around some more, but it wouldn't hurt to check here first.
A quick glance at the card reader told him it would easily be broken into with the right magnet strip, but he wondered if it would be better to just disable it altogether so there was no record of the door unlocking in the first place. That was probably the safer option. Systems going briefly offline were more overlooked than suspicious entries.
Donnie could see Tim's eyes light up in wonder as Donnie's little robot arms popped out from the back of his shell and started disabling the card reader. It took everything in himself not to smirk. Even if he was April's friend, he still didn't trust him.
Within ten seconds the door was open, and the two of them slipped inside. Donnie began to move about the lab/office methodically, but Tim stayed back, looking around like a lost puppy.
"So… what are you looking for?" He asked as Donnie chanced by him to open a few cabinet doors that were disappointingly empty.
Donnie's snout twitched as he moved on. "April didn't tell you?"
"She said you were looking for information on Aderman, but her office is back downstairs."
Donnie turned to face Tim with a mildly annoyed look that included his lips firmly pressed into a thin line.
"You couldn't have said that before I broke into the wrong room?"
Tim scratched the back of his head. "You looked like you knew where you were going!" He smiled sheepishly. "I didn't want to stop you."
Regardless, Donnie continued his search around the room, just in case there was anymore evidence of the herbicide.
"There was a particularly dangerous herbicide being kept here a few weeks ago," Donnie explained, rifling through a desk filled with unrelated papers and bars of unused staples. "April discovered it was rather good at damaging the aliens that invaded the city."
"Wha… how did she discover that?" Tim asked, looking concerned.
"Trial and error of course," Donnie smiled, remembering her retelling of her encounter with the sister Krang. "She threw many things at it beforehand. Baseballs proved to not be so effective."
"You mean she fought one of those things?" Tim's eyes were about the size of April's aforementioned baseball.
"She did. She took its eye out with the herbicide. But now we're trying to figure out where it came from, and why someone was making something so dangerous."
"Wow, she's pretty impressive," Timothy noted, seeming to completely overlook the dangerous situation he had volunteered himself for.
Wait, why had he wanted to do this again?
"Why do you have a picture of my tank?" Donnie asked suddenly, catching Tim off guard.
"Oh, well… it's really cool!" the human said with what appeared to be genuine interest. "I just took a picture of it when I went by the salvage yard… ok maybe I took a few…" he suddenly looked a little nervous.
Donnie narrowed his eyes, not that Tim could see with his goggles on.
"Are you stalking me?"
"What?! No! It's just… how do I explain it…" the human tapped his fingers together again. It appeared to be a nervous habit. “I just thought it was really cool…”
"You…" Donnie's voice trailed off as realization struck him. "You're a FAN!" All at once the super secret stealth mission he had before him was thrown to one side as his voice rose in excitement.
"That's why April set me up with you!"
Timothy scratched the back of his head and blushed a bit. "I guess so? You know there's a small online community of people who look for your vehicle around town? They have all kinds of crazy theories as to who you are and what it does."
"What it does?! It does EVERYTHING," Donnie's eyes sparkled. "And if you are so inclined, I will gladly tell you more about it when we find that herbicide," he added, turning his head to do a final sweep of the room.
Tim chuckled, and Donnie nearly jumped in surprise.
"What? Are you not interested?"
"No no, I am!" Tim assured the turtle. "I just didn't expect you to be so excited."
Donnie stood upright and began to walk back out of the office backwards. "Of course I'm excited I-"
But he didn't get to complete his sentence, because in his elated buffoonery he had completely forgotten their circumstances, and bumped clumsily into someone standing behind him.
"Oh, hi… Dr. Aderman…" Timothy squeaked. Donnie saw Tim take a step back in surprise, and that he was looking up at someone much taller than himself.
Slowly, Donnie turned around. Sweet Galileo she was HUGE. If he had to guess, Dr. Aderman was six foot six and two hundred fifty pounds of pure muscle. She had flaming red hair braided down either side of her head, bright green spectacles, and a nasty snarl on her face. She looked like she could easily wrestle Raph, nevermind the small, gangly soft shell that Donnie was. In the words of his most beloved twin brother:
“Eugh boy.”
Donnie skittered back into the classroom and jumped over a table to put more space between them. Aderman followed him into the classroom, shutting the door behind her. That was surely a threat if he had ever seen one.
“Well this sure is a surprise,” Aderman giggled, taking a step forward. “I can’t believe you just decided to find me yourself!”
“Please tell me that you aren’t implying that you know me,” Donnie grimaced.
“Hardly, but it’s hard to forget four little freaks defiling the light of God.”
Oh, so she was a religious nut too. Cool. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”
“I’m going to finally cut you open and get a good look at what goes on in that disgusting little head of yours.”
Donnie had a hard time figuring out how the two statements were related.
“As much as I love research,” Donnie took a nervous step back. “I’m totally fine keeping my insides inside, thanks oh god I really don’t want to think about that…”
“Just what are you, exactly? What made you?” she wondered aloud, lowering her head to get a better view of him in the dark room. If he had listened to anything April and Tim had said, he figured it was not in his best interest to answer that question honestly. Speaking of, he glanced over to Tim and saw that the poor guy had backed himself up into a corner on the opposite side of the room. Donnie immediately regretted letting the human tag along with him. The last thing he wanted to do was drag more people into this mess. How was he supposed to get them out?
As he continued to try and put distance between himself and the woman, Donnie quickly realized he was running out of classroom. He glanced over at the second story windows to his right. He could easily break out that way, but Tim?
“You tricked me!” Donnie blurted out, pointing an accusatory finger at Tim.
“What?” Both Tim and Aderman looked confused.
“You set me up with your smooth talking about science and engineering!” Donnie wailed. “How could you?! Humans are the worst!” He raised his hand to his brow in a mock swoon.
He really needed to take some acting lessons. Simply imitating Leo’s dramatic flourishes probably wasn’t the greatest sell. But it didn’t matter because at the very least it made Aderman do a double take to glance at Tim before Donnie leapt for and broke through the window screaming at the top of his lungs: “You’ll never get me aliiiiiiiiiive!”
Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for Tim, he supposed, Aderman dove out the window behind him with greater speed than he expected.
“Get back here you filthy little bug!” she roared, grabbing a hold of his ankle as they went tumbling out. He realized then that his battle shell was still in robot arm mode, so his jet pack was not ready to lift him up. He had prioritized stealth this evening, but thinking back on how loud he had been talking about his tank, perhaps he hadn’t, actually. Stupid stupid stupid.
Raph was really going to chew him out for this.
And Leo would never let him live it down.
The two of them crashed into the ground, Donnie thrown face-first into the dirt, no thanks to Aderman’s desperate reach. He let out a pathetic little puff of air from his lungs, but forced himself to his feet quickly as he could already hear Aderman lumbering up to him.
“Stupid little…” she grumbled and took a swing at him, but Donnie was ready for it. His sparkling new tech bo was already out and spinning, the glow of purple mystic light from it forming a shield between himself and his assailant. It hadn’t fared so well against Krang Prime, but a punch from a human (even an especially large one,) did not stand a chance. Aderman’s fist collided with the shield with a sickening crunch.
She screamed in pain, swearing profusely and shaking her hand out as Donnie took the offensive. He decided to go for a low sweep, knocking his staff into her knees and toppling her over. Unfortunately, it seemed her grubby hands had a habit of clinging onto things, because she was again somehow able to reach out and grab him as she went down, dragging him with her. The soft shell yelped as the woman bear-hugged him while at same time cursing about how awful and gross he was. In the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but think she was being a little over dramatic about that, but he wasn’t really in a position to critique. She rolled over and pinned him down with just her left hand on his head, his arms pinned under him.
“You disgusting little turtle thing-” but she froze when she saw the ring of purple mystic artillery surrounding her, all aimed pointedly at her head.
“You wanna rethink those words, sasquatch?” Donnie grumbled, spitting out dirt.
To his surprise, the doctor started cackling. “You’re full of nasty surprises, aren’t you?” She raised his head in a move to slam it down again, which Donnie took as permission to use what would questionably be considered semi-lethal force.
But when he pulled the trigger, so to speak, nothing happened. Instead of throwing him back down, she pulled her face to his and smiled wickedly. “Oh honey, did you think I’d be caught by that? Unfortunately, I have a few nasty surprises of my own.” All of his mystic tech had somehow vanished, and when he tried to reach for it again, he could see dazzling purple static dance around in Aderman’s eyes. It was the last thing he saw before he ate the dirt again.
Saturday Morning Sillies Comic
Prev. Masterpost Next
Notes: Thank you so much to @pinetreevillain for letting me borrow Timothy for this chapter of my fic! Here he is! I'm internally screaming, it's very loud inside my head rn. This has been marinating for over two months, so I hope you like it! I kept my promise; Timothy is fine! Donnie on the other hand, is not. oops (T-T)7
Additionally, this chapter has a comic to alongside it that I posted all the way back in September, heehee! It's so important that I linked it twice. Bet you didn't see that coming did you? I'm very sneaky.
This also marks the beginning of "shit hitting the fan" part of the story for Snapper and Stinkpot. We are officially out of the exposition, baby!
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