#[ at its worst doing art made me miserable but at least people will pay for art ]
hellsbovnd-archive · 5 years
what do you mean in order to be a novelist and make money off my writing i have to pay attention to my original ocs and not waste my days conceptualizing weirdly specific and probably contrived aus in which all of my ffxiv ocs meet
#ooc ( player speaking )#[ what do you mean i have to write instead of power levelling my crafters ?!?!? ]#[ i wish it was as easy to make irl money as it is to make video game money ]#[ it just hit me that the summers like over halfway over so imma be out of a job soon unless i get hired to the indoor pool ]#[ which is possible bc i feel like i do pretty good work and i always balance! buut i feel like its competitive ]#[ i wish i had stuck to art instead of specializing in writing ]#[ at its worst doing art made me miserable but at least people will pay for art ]#[ i got rid of my tablet like an idiot too so i cant even get back into it w/o dumping like ]#[ $100 on an apple pen (undesirable) or $250+ on a nice tablet i can hook to my computer (more desirable but also more expensive) ]#[ im just not feeling any of my story concepts i just dont feel like i actually have a story worth telling or a book worth writing ]#[ my ffxiv characters are 10000000x more interesting than my original ocs ]#[ i would much rather write about jan or leon or wren than samantha or cyrii or xauc ]#[ (the names make sense in context THEY MAKE SENSE IN CONTEXT ]#[ my setting is also piss-boring lmao but i dont have any resources to help me build the world i wanna create ]#[ i love ffxiv but im a fantasy disliker and a cyberpunk enjoyer. miss me with dragons and magic and hit me with like androids and shit ]#[ final fantasy as a franchise is actuallyyyyy the only fantasy media i enjoy to any significant degree tbh ]#[ i tend to stay away from it otherwise—i dont even reallyyyy play d&d.... i just wanna eat dice? ]
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
what do you mean when you say that zuko is a pessimistic idealist and sokka is a pessimistic realist? i love your analyses and i’d love to hear more of your thoughts on that!!! (also love how you say sokka and zuko are perfect for each other because they’re both grumps lol)
i do not remember saying that however it does sound like something i would say lmao. i think what i (would) mean with the statement “zuko is a pessimistic idealist” is that he grew up... idk if unappreciated is the exact word, but in the militaristic hypermasculine society that valued traits that he did not have in comparison to azula, zuko was always at a disadvantage and he had to run for it, sometimes make rash decisions as they were the better/only decisions he could make at all in order to be appreciated and most times it did not pay off which resulted in the entire mess that is zuko’s personality. for all of this, zuko has a tendency to see the worst part of the situation he’s in (coming to mind atm ‘it blew up in my face — like everything always does!’ ‘this city is a prison’ more or less?), so in other words he’s grumpy and kinda sour as hell, all the time.
but at the same time, zuko has a certain... idea of the world, a kind and caring heart, a strong sense of justice, an overall vision for a world that’s good. when zuko comes to understand the fire nation is actually actively pushing back this vision, and he practically immediately turns away from its ideals and pursues a philosophy and a group that actually fit his ideas of what’s better for the world. zuko spent three years at sea looking for a myth, in hopes that finding it would finally put an end to his suffering, making him and katara the only people in the world who truly believed the avatar was still out there. zuko is always expecting everything to blow up in his face like it often did throughout his childhood, and he sees the worst part of the situation before anything else but he always pushes back to make it better, or to what he believes would be making it better.
my favorite example of this is during the blue spirit after zuko finds out zhao got the avatar before him, and he gives iroh a speech about how all hope is lost for him and he will never ever have love honor or happiness ever again, and about five hours later he’s behind a theatre mask with two swords against the world rescuing the avatar just so he can capture this avatar himself in the future, while also letting him go afterwards because it’s not honorable to take him in the easy manner he could take him at that precise moment(???) and that was just nuts. therefore pessimistic idealist.
on the other hand there’s sokka.
sokka is a pessimist through and through, a serial complainer, a paranoid neurotic strategist. sokka grew up in disadvantage to the rest of the world and overshadowed by a his little sister — not because katara was a bender and sokka was not, but because katara was the last bender they had left. i’ve talked about this before but basically it’s no wonder katara is a solid optimistic idealist with all the hope and faith and determination in the world while sokka is a pessimistic realist and pragmatic depressed cynical bastard. presumably his village but also sokka put himself at disadvantage. it is safe to assume sokka sacrificed his own uhh. hope? naivetè? innocence? for katara to keep hers and in order to protect her better — after all katara is the last southern waterbender, their collective hero, and you can’t have a hero with no hope, you can’t have a dead hero. and also sokka is an eldest sibling, it’s instinctual.
now don’t get me wrong, sokka has a huge heart full of love and devotion and wonder. he is an inventor, an artist, a scientist. sokka is filled with ideas, but he is always waiting for the lowest blow, he is always waiting for a disaster to happen (and with a good reason!). sokka believes optimists are liars, he thinks destiny and fate is more or less bullshit, he has a pragmatic and careful approach to almost every situation he’s presented with and even though he has a clear sense of morality, he is willing to make certain sacrifices as are the demands of war – where zuko is willing to save zhao without hesitation, who tried to kill him multiple times and whom he had been fighting not one minute ago, for example.
sokka wants the world to be a better place, and at the same time he has little trouble turning away from people who aren’t in any immediate danger even if they are suffering because he has more pressing matters at hand (the painted lady), he obviously would want the avatar to come back and save them, but aang being a complete stranger signaling to a fire nation ship is most definitely a valid justification for sokka to banish him (the boy in the iceberg/the avatar returns i don't remember lol). among many many many other situations in which sokka is technically right, even if it doesn’t fit other characters’ idealistic views or it doesn’t make for a good story, sokka is the realist they all need in order to survive.
also i admit ‘perfect for each other’ can be kind of a stretch and i believe that it being because they’re both grumpy is kinda reductive since that can also be the basis of mai and zuko’s relationship and we all know what i think of those two aksjaks (this is NOT mai slander. # mai deserves better 2k21). however i do think sokka and zuko fit together because they have different types of emotional constipation and they actively push each other to be more balanced in order to reach to the other. sokka wants to believe deep down, and the fact that he is in a story even if he doesn’t really believe it plays its cards sometimes which translates into the universe’s obsession with sokka, and zuko is destiny fan #1 so he can give sokka an overemotional speech once in a while that sokka will ruthlessly dismiss and dismantle verbally but that at the same time will warm his heart and help him loosen up on his scheduled cerebral to a default existence on the long-run; zuko needs grounding once in a while which he usually got from iroh or at the very least iroh made an attempt to get through him, and sokka is intellectually crude enough to give zuko a reality check while making himself understood and because of their shared wavelength he can do this without crushing all of zuko’s hopes and dreams in the process.
they are also two eldest siblings one with depression the other filled with rage and they are the only real ‘pessimists’ in the gaang, so while yes, zuko will take action to solve problems he will also complain about it forever more and he can do that with sokka. together they can yell at god, complain about jocks, complain about prescriptivists, bond over their very niche taste in art that nobody ever understands, and absolutely tear apart everything that doesn’t fit their competence standard (it’s a very high fucking standard, those are two grumpy neurodivergent people) among many other grump-activities that seem to make them miserable but that actually serve both of them to validate their annoyed kind of love for the world and it makes both of them really happy :)
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metalbvcky · 4 years
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Back in May, I made my first Stucky Ficrec post and months later, I’ve decided to make another since this fandom is hella talented. There’s a little over two dozen fics down below ranging from 10k-100k+ and everything’s categorized.
Do note that lot of these are Modern AU’s (I love those) and most of them are smutty. (yes hello, an asexual here who enjoys smut so very much) Also heed the tags once you click the link(s). Other than that, enjoy!!!
Key:  ♥ = My personal favorites, S = Smut, DS = Dom/Sub
If You're Reading This, Steve Rogers by fallendarlings Words: 39,273 | Post/Canon Divergence 2012 Avengers/TWS, Recovery, Slow Burn
Nobody tells Steve it's okay to cry.
Nobody touches him.
Nobody remembers Steve Rogers is a person under the mantle. It's okay. He hasn't felt like a person since he watched Bucky fall.
don't threaten me with a good time ♥ by canistakahari - Words 10,106 | Post-TWS, Sick!Fic, Sick!Bucky, Cabin Fic
Steve's taken him on vacation to a cabin in Canada in the middle of winter, so it's obviously the perfect time for his body to go haywire. Bucky is determined to stick it out, though, partly because he's a stubborn bastard, but mostly because he feels some kinda way about Steve.
Higher Ground by EmilianaDarling - Words: 13,002 | Post-TWS, S, DS (undertones), Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve
“S’okay,” Bucky murmurs quietly, and Steve sucks in a sharp breath at the brush of Bucky’s lips against his ear, his breath hot against the side of Steve’s neck. There’s a hint of a grin in Bucky’s voice; amused affection and confidence and something heated beneath it all, a familiar tone from so long ago that makes Steve’s heart clench and his cock twitch helplessly in his jeans.
“S’okay, Stevie,” he says again, and Steve can feel the curl of Bucky’s lips against his throat when he smiles. His metal thumb is rubbing circles on Steve’s shoulder. “M’gonna take care of you.”
A year and a half after the events of The Winter Soldier, Steve's been acting recklessly. Bucky deals with it as best he can.
The Simple Life ♥ from The Simple Life Series by howler32557038 - Words: 114,329 (Series Total: 337,273 + ongoing) | Canon Universe, MPreg, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
"The simple life."
"You'll get there one day."
"I don't know. Family, stability...The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago. I think someone else came out."
Bucky wants to be part of Steve's life. He wants to be an Avenger. He wants to be a good partner. Unfortunately, sometimes that means not telling Steve everything.
a road less traveled by Claudia_flies, cyclamental art (cyclamental),maichan, zilia - Words: 75,396 | 2012 Timeline AU, Post-Avengers 2012 (Endgame Divergence), Domestic Avengers, Recovering!Bucky
Steve wakes up on the cold stone floor of the foyer. He scrambles up; there’s glass shards everywhere and they crunch under his gloved hands. People are staring, holding themselves back. They must have seen the fight, must have seen two of him.
His own voice rings in his head.
“Bucky is alive!”
Kept Safe by Whendoestheshipsail (restricted to AO3 users only) - Words: 54,419 | S, DS, BDSM
Steve and Bucky are friends. Best Friends. If asked, Bucky would say he knows absolutely everything about Steve. Except when it comes to sex. Steve lives such a monastic existence that Bucky doesn't know if he likes girls, boys, or none of the above. For all he knows, Steve may have no interest in sex whatsoever.
But then a mission goes wrong, Steve is bleeding out from a wound to the femoral artery and Bucky is trying to stop the bleeding when his hand brushes against metal. Where there most definitely shouldn't be metal. Or a padlock. And most definitely not a torturously small cage.
48 hours by Whendoestheshipsail (restricted to AO3 users only) - Words: 25,894 | Post-CW, S, DS, Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve
Steve is keeping it together. No one would say he's keeping it together well, but he's getting by. Mission after mission, he goes back to his apartment in Wakanda and breaks down. Then he watches Bucky sleep and tries to not notice how everyone looks at him like he's the saddest bastard that ever lived.
But, this time is different. This time, Steve goes back to his apartment post-mission and Bucky is awake, out of cryo and making them dinner in Steve's kitchen. The breakdown is still happening. Bucky isn't pleased, but he does have a plan. For 48 hours after every mission, Steve is going to let Bucky take care of him or he's going to be on Steve's next mission. He can't risk losing Bucky again. Which should make the decision simple.
It isn't simple.
The Sex Therapist ♥ by Whendoestheshipsail (restricted to AO3 users only) - Words: 179,941 | S, DS, DKink, Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve, Current/Past Steve/Sharon
Sharon has given him an ultimatum- either go to sex therapy or it's over. Sex therapy sounds like normal therapy but more humiliating and expensive. It's total BS. He will go because she's making him, but he will also make everyone's lives miserable (Yeah, including his own) and never return again.
Do they have a lot of sex? No. Does Sharon want more sex? Yes. Does Steve do his best? Yeah, actually, he does. He can get it up, he just needs time. Alone. There's... preparation involved. It's not like one just 'is' aroused.
He can't explain it. And he won't. He definitely won't tell Bucky what exactly he thinks about to get worked up enough to screw his girlfriend.
Found My Place in Time - Cap_D, humapuma - Words: 12,492 | Post-EG (Divergence, duh) S, Fluff, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
“Buck,” he heard Steve say, “wake up. We’re here.” Bucky opened his eyes and rolled his shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension out of his back. When Steve’s words sunk in, though, he turned and leaned forward, staring past Steve’s chest to look out the window. Beyond the wing of the plane, he found a beautiful coastline with white sand, blue waters, and palm trees, as well as rows of bungalows on the water. “Wow,” he murmured. “We’re staying in one of those, right?”
In which Steve invites Bucky on a trip to Fiji and they discover something a lot more than beautiful vistas and friendly locals.
Total Institution ♥ from the Institutions of Love and Incarceration series by thelittlestpurplecat - Words: 94,303 | Canon Universe AU, Prison!AU, Guard!Steve, Prisoner!Bucky, Unrequited Love, Slow Burn, WS Trial
The Winter Soldier has been sentenced to life without parol. His entire world had been condensed to a hot, cramped cell that he hasn't seen the outside of in the four years since his apprehension. It's hell. He has no means of escape, no means of terminating his suffering, and no means of distraction...that is, until he's assigned a new guard. Steve Rogers is assigned the Winter Soldier as his singular charge. He expects a sadistic, violent murderer. What he finds instead is a broken, tormented man with no memory of his past life, and no control over what had been done to him. He's a victim. Not a monster. And Steve won't stand to see him pay for crimes over which he had no control.
Raise Your Glass by minkeys - Words: 10,008 | Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve, Light DS, S, DKink
Bucky knows Steve in ways that his 21st century friends could never even begin to imagine. Or at least, they couldn't until tonight. It's about time somebody corrected all those historians that painted Steve as a straight-laced, God-fearing soldier, and what better way to do it than over a harmless game of "Never Have I Ever." What's the worst that could be said?
Waking Up Slow ♥ by odetteandodile - Words: 44,638 | Dad!Bucky, Kid!Fic, Hurt/Comfort
In 1945 Steve Rogers crashed the Valkyrie into the Arctic Ocean and was never recovered.
In 2019 Bucky Barnes is walking along the beach below the decommissioned lighthouse where he lives with his sixteen month old daughter when he finds the body of a man washed up in the surf, half frozen but miraculously alive.
Bucky manages to revive him, but finds that the stranger has no memory of who he is or how he got here aside from a name: Steve. Snowed in by a blizzard soon after and unable to get Steve a medevac, Bucky discovers that the funny, good-hearted man slips into the fabric of his and Alice’s life faster than he would have thought possible. The two are undeniably drawn to each other, but as their feelings grow so does the looming possibility that the answer to the question “who is Steve?” might be much more complicated than either of them realized.
Isn't It Ironic? (Don't You Think?) ♥ by HeyBoy, Huntress79, imhereforgaysuperheroes - Words: 33,342 |  Jewish, Dad!Bucky, Kid!Fic
Bucky is used to his daughter bursting into tears in the middle of department stores. What he isn't used to is someone braving the wails and actually being able to stop Becca's tantrum in its tracks. Oh, and he's also not used to that someone being Captain America.
AKA, how Steve Rogers calms a screaming kid in Target and falls in love with two more Barneses than he had bargained for.
in my condition love's the best physician by aniloquent - Words: 9,177 | Pharmacy!AU, Russian!Bucky
“This situation is a little more delicate because I don't even know if he speaks English and I'm tired of going down to the pharmacy for constipation medication and allergy pills when I haven't sneezed since 1941.” Steve shouts.
The room falls silent, and he turns back around to find four pairs of stunned eyes watching him.
Tony, as always, speaks first. “He?”
Or the one where Bucky is a hot pharmacist and Steve keeps making up bullshit reasons to go see him.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You ♥ by cydonic  - Words: 88,570 | Neighbors!AU, Slow Burn, Parent!Steve, Kid!Fic
This is what happens when you buy a house to flip having only seen the online images: you get more than you bargained for. Bucky Barnes brings all the tools to handle a dilapidated home, but he's hardly prepared for a smart-mouthed child (with poor aim), a crying baby, and the hottest dad he's ever seen in his life living right next door.
That House-Flipper!AU.
if only you could see me (for the pie that i am) ♥ by bitelikefire (theoleo) | Words: 35,121 | Baker!Steve, WeddingPlanner!Bucky
In which Steve is the proud owner of Frost; a semi famous local bakery in D.C. And despite the overwhelming insistence that it’s about time he start dating, Steve swears up and down he isn’t ready for that.
Or as of recently, just doesn’t have the time because of Mr. Barnes. The highly demanding wedding planner on the phone who keeps asking for nearly impossible deliveries and maybe Steve would like to personally strangle him. Maybe.
(There is pie. And misunderstandings. But a lot more desserts and eye rolls.)
So Alive ♥ from the Brooklyn Heights Books Series by GottaSaveBucky (Cosmic_Entity_1of4) - Words: 109,074 (Series Total: 165,440 + ongoing) | Bookstore!AU (sort of), Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky, DKink
A man wearing a light denim jacket over a dark blue shirt came into the shop, a box tucked under his right arm. Despite it being late afternoon, he was wearing sunglasses with bright blue lenses, and his long, dark hair was pulled back in a messy little bun. A few strands had escaped, framing his strong, unshaven jawline. The man looked into the café, smiled widely, and waved in Clint’s direction as he kept walking into the bookstore, and Steve’s mouth went completely dry.
Beautiful, was the only word to describe that smile; straight, white teeth framed by full, lush, red lips, bracketed by laugh lines and an adorable dimple in his right cheek, a charming little chin cleft just visible under the light stubble—Steve was struck literally speechless. And that was before he got a glimpse of the man’s backside. Slim hips and a round, firm-looking ass led to long, lean legs that were encased in snug, dark blue jeans.
“Guh,” Steve said, watching the dark-haired man continue on to the back of the store.
The Penthouse Suite ♥ by elle1991 - Words: 15,873 | S, DS, BSDM, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky, Happy Ending
Bucky Barnes has the chance to earn $5,000 in one night. All he has to do is go to the penthouse suite of a luxury hotel and spend the night with his client, one enigmatic Steve Rogers.
The catch? Steve is a massive pervert, intent on using this one night to satisfy every single one of his many debauched kinks.
Even ignoring the big box of sex toys on the bed, Bucky should have known he was in trouble the moment Steve opened his mouth and said his first words: "My name is Steve Rogers, but you can call me Sir..."
Burnin' For You by GoldBlooded - Words: 15,753 | Firefighter!Steve, Detective!Bucky, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
Steve Rogers is Fire Captain of Brooklyn’s very busy Station 118. He wants three things out of life: People he can count on, for everyone to get through their shifts safe and sound, and for Sergeant James Barnes to get the hell off of his arson scene.
James Barnes is Detective Sergeant of Brooklyn’s very busy 107th Precinct. He wants three things out of life: A decent cup of coffee, good leads to chase, and for Captain Steven Rogers to get the hell off of his arson scene.
Everyone knows to steer clear when these two have to deal with each other. Everyone knows about their mutual dislike and sometimes hatred. But what everyone doesn't know? How they got to be like that in the first place.
Collar Full of Chemistry ♥ from the Rich People Are Wild Series by 2bestfriends - Words: 188,437 (Series Total: 219,519) | Heavy BDSM, DS, S, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
Steve is very rich and desperate to feel in control of his life again after a recent divorce has left him feeling bitter and lonely. When he keeps crossing paths with a disaster twenty-something, an unconventional solution presents itself. Steve's always been one for following his instincts.
Bucky is very broke and can't seem to catch a break, especially after some asshole fires him for one fucking mistake. So of course, it follows that he should sign a contract agreeing to do everything and anything that same asshole wants for a whole year in exchange for a payout that could finally change his life for the better.
Toothpaste Kisses ♥ by buckybees - Words: 18,736 | Dentist!Steve, Patient!Bucky, Amputee!Bucky
Sitting in the horribly antiseptic gateway to hell, otherwise known as the waiting room, Bucky was deeply reassessing his life choices. Maybe if he didn’t eat ice cream for every meal this wouldn’t have happened.
Steve's a dentist, Bucky's a patient. You know the drill.
Out of the Blue ♥ by IsabellaJack - Words: 37,564 | PreSerum!Steve, Detective!Bucky (and Sam!), Mystery!Fic
“Does she have family?” Barnes asks again.
Steve tries to remember. “I don’t know.”
“You sing her praises and don’t know a simple info like that?” Barnes huffs, looking irritated.
Love Is An Ocean Wide by fancyh - Words: 29,009 | Shapeshifter!AU, Orca!Bucky, Marine Biologist!Steve
When marine biologist Steve Rogers helps to rescue an injured orca from the marine traffickers Hydra, he has no idea how his life will change. Once rehabilitated, the orca is released and disappears, and a despondent Steve throws himself into his work, only to feel a spark when a new volunteer arrives, a man with one arm and curiously familiar blue eyes.
Bucky has lived in the ocean his whole life. But when his family is killed and his sister captured by Hydra, he is forced to turn to humans for help. One human in particular intrigues him, a man by the name of Steve. As Bucky comes ashore to search for his sister, he finds himself falling for the man, but dangerous secrets still stand between them.
Includes clueless-about-humans Bucky, heart-eyes-Steve, and lots of Very Important rocks.
Innocent Until ♥ by L1av - Words: 136,866 | Lawyer!Bucky, Defendant!Steve, DS, BDSM, Top!Bucky, Bottom!Steve
Bucky Barnes made a name for himself as the attorney who could get anyone off, but he still lives by the saying, "Innocent until proven guilty." Steve Rogers finds himself on trial for multiple homicides but he swears he was only trying to protect a girl. Bucky's been in this business long enough to know when someone's innocent, and Steve is innocent. Steve already feels like a monster and Bucky's worried this guy's going to lay himself on the sword come his trial. So Bucky offers up another course for punishment:
Turns out, chains and whips really excite Steve.
Brooklyn Syndrome ♥ by lordelannette - Words: 158,350 | DARKFIC, Dark!Steve (VERY DARK, heed the tags, you have been warned) Doctor!Steve, Writer!Bucky, Kidnapping, Slow Burn, Graphic Violence
Bucky's back was pressed against the cold floor and he stared through blurry eyes as Steve stood over him. He was trying to push himself as far away as he could, using his hands and bare feet to slide himself out from between Steve's legs but he couldn't find purchase against the wooden floor. Steve's legs were locked on both sides of his hips and Bucky couldn't move, couldn't get away, and the room was swimming before his eyes and he couldn't focus, couldn't think straight. All he could make out was the hazy figure of Steve towering over him and he lifted his arm to push uselessly at Steve's shin.
"P-please," Bucky whispered. His voice was weak, like him, and his jaw trembled as Steve reached down.
Steve slid down onto the floor and effortlessly gathered him into his strong arms, cradling Bucky to his chest as he leaned against the wall. "Bucky," Steve breathed. One of his large hands slid gently into Bucky's hair, the other curving against his spine and pulling him even closer. "You're mine now, remember?"
Steve's grip tightened then it all went black.
lay me down (tell me i've been found) by coffeeinallcaps - Words: 25,188 | Modern!AU, DS, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
The collar is a little on the heavy side, and incredibly soft against Bucky's skin. Even softer than he thought it would be. It seems to fit snugly, and for a second he feels like he can't breathe. Then, Steve slides two fingers under the collar and runs them along the inside, almost all the way around. Bucky shivers. Goose bumps spread down his back, his arms. "How does it feel?" Steve murmurs, hooking his fingers into the ring and giving a gentle tug on it. Bucky swallows. Nods.
(In which billionaire businessman Steve shows up and turns Bucky's life into an improbable fantasy.)
All Those Things You've Always Pined For by LavenderProse - Words: 92,142 | Family Man (2000) aka the Nicholas Cage movie AU, Domestic, Kid!Fic, PreSerum!Steve
“Steve Rogers. I haven’t thought about him in…God, at least ten years. Probably longer." “Who is he?” Sharon asks, and perches on the corner of his desk, hands folded in her lap. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Bucky clears his throat, tosses the sticky note onto the desk. “Steve was…my college boyfriend. We almost got married.”
It's been fifteen years since Bucky Barnes left Steve Rogers standing in a New York airport and never saw him again. Those fifteen years have brought him wealth and stability; everything his lower middle class Brooklyn upbringing had not provided. He is happy. He doesn't want for anything. He doesn't need anything. That's about to change.
Karma's A Fake Orgasm ♥ by daisymondays - Words: 51,637 | College!AU, Friends to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Humor, Slow Burn
There’s another abandoned mug, festering with mould in the living room — Steve offically has the world's worst roommates. And complains about them. Often. Bucky, tired of his lack of action, decides it’s time to avenge Steve's sleepless nights and unsanitary conditions once and for all. They’ll pretend to be the world’s most annoying couple: excessive PDA, loud fake sex, and general repugnance. The plan sounds easy enough; it will be strictly platonic. Or will it?
I'll Be Your Shield by 17 pansies (17pansies) - Words: 23,332 | Bodyguard!Steve, Rich!Bucky, Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky
"If he's just minor nobility, why does he need a bodyguard?" Steve shoved the folder which held Barnes' details towards the middle of the table. "He's not exactly prime kidnap material."
"His parents aren't worried about kidnapping," Fury said. "They need someone to steer him away from the dumb ass situations he keeps getting into."
"You mean he needs a babysitter." Steve sat back and folded his arms. "Seriously."
I think this is a pretty diverse list :) There’s a good sample of everything here, some old fashioned post TWS recovery fics, some good dom steve/bucky, slow burns, fake pretend relationships and so forth!
PS: I’m on AO3 with more bookmarks plus my own hurt/comfort fics if anyone is interested :P
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
Just wanted to drop this cause im tired.
Enjoy some lonelyeyes reincarnation au in a coffee shop.
Peter works.
Its not something that particularly bothers him much. His sister laughs and jokes around with him, while moving around serving her orders.
Their cafe is small and cozy but also sort of lonely, they have the oddest shifts imaginable, mostly working the graveyard shift.
Peter cooks the pastries while Judith and Aaron take the orders and serve the food. Clara has her music show on fridays and Lydia works at the art gallery but spends most of her time helping around as well.
The five of them are happy.
Simon was happy to help them pay for the Tundra Cafe. He hums under his breath while Judy sings along, there weren't that many people so they could do it without shame.
He is content.
At least he thinks he is. And honestly why shouldn't he? He has a good job, he has a good relationship with all his siblings, his adoptive dad loved them unconditionally.
By all means he should be nothing but happy.
And yet.
He feels… as if something was missing.
It was like an itch that he could not get over with.
It probably started back when he got a crush in one of his college professors that he realized-
That he really was missing something important.
Mister Wright was older than him sure, but he was handsome and Peter wasn't one to care much about age. However, the few times they spoke it was-
It was like there was something not right, it soured him somehow, but perhaps it was for the best, the man was married and he just had a stupid silly crush. It still did not take away the fact that he felt as if there was something off with him too.
He thinks his eyes should be a clearer grey than they were.
The next time he realized something was off was when he met Elias Bouchard.
Again it was embarrassing how quickly he seemed to get a crush on him, he just saw him a few times and his mind got stuck on his face. He was handsome and this time he was around his age. They had a few classes together so despite his anxiety he actually spoke with him.
And it was….
He was dull as a wall. It did not lead up to anything else, beyond a few greetings later on, but it stayed on his mind.
Any other attempt at dating or going out turned out badly for him and its not as if he didn't try! It just was never… right.
Clara said that if he kept looking for the perfect person he would die alone and miserable. Lydia hits her and tells him that its ok, sometimes people don't click, he just needs to find someone who gets him.
He tries, but between his social anxiety, personality and perhaps his lack of interest in sex during the best of times, people are more or less put off with him. His sisters and brother are all offended on his behalf but Peter has resigned himself to not think too much about it.
Maybe he is like Lydia and he is better off alone.
That makes all of them look at him with tight faces and he blinks confusedly at them.
“Nothing, nothing, just, you have us and dad Peter you're not alone” Judy holds his hand and Aaron nods.
“I- i know, i just meant like relationship wise, maybe i just have to be alone. I know I have all of you. We live in the same building block. I don't think we could be alone if we wanted” That makes them all sort of laugh and the tension breaks.
His siblings talk and joke and he ponders.
He wonders why sometimes they all act weird with him when he speaks about being alone. Why his adoptive dad always made sure to let them know he loved them. Simon was fun and took care of them, but it always felt as if he wasn't saying something.
However he sees his family be happy around him and he ignores that feeling of wrong that always permeates around him. He won't dampen their happiness with his own pessimistic thoughts and paranoia.
So yes, Peter bakes, makes models of ships on his free time, takes pictures a lot-
He found out he enjoyed keeping pictures of things he liked, plus taking odd ones of his siblings. It was just… harmless fun, more often than not he went to the port to take pictures of the ships. He wondered how it would feel to have his own.
Still that's a dream for someone else.
Peter Fairchild is happy with the quaint little life he has.
It stands to reason that his life would be upturned on a Tuesday, Peter has a personal hate towards that day of the week and it makes sense that this happened then.
Aaron was running late, he had to help a friend move out and it took longer than expected, the cafe opened earlier than usual and there were a lot of people. Judith could not take all the orders on her own, and their sisters would not be able to help at least for another hour. So with a sigh and discomfort he goes to take orders.
They work faster like that at least.
Its when he asks about the order of some guy working on his laptop that he gets hit with something familiar.
“One black coffee and a chocolate croissant” The order rings alarm bells on his head so he looks to the face of the owner.
A man with curly auburn hair, red glasses and freckles gives him a practiced strained smile that he sees in more clients, but what actually makes him almost drop the paper he was writing on was the eyes, they were such a cool shade of grey.
He flounders and the man raises an eyebrow impatiently, so he writes quickly and goes back to get order. She gives him a puzzled look since she is usually the one taking them to the customers, but Peter shakes his head and works.
His hands move on autopilot to make the coffee, and even if he says black he puts just the right amount of milk and sugar that his mind provides.
Picking up one of the freshly made croissants and after hesitating a chocolate chip cookie he goes and gives it to the man quietly and without a word. That done and his sweaty palms and his heart going faster he goes to hide in the kitchen, expecting to get yelled at for messing up the order-
But nothing happens.
Judith comes to check on him, but Peter was at that point just cleaning up a little bit and waves her away. Nodding she hesitates and hugs him a little bit before going out. He lets out a breath and sighs.
Lydia and Clara come 10 minutes later and he can stay cooped out in the kitchen in peace. Still he can't help but to be nervous about the customer he gave the coffee and cookie.
Why did he change his order? It was insignificant but it just sounded right. Fretting a little he finishes cleaning the plates. Nothing else comes about and by the time they close the man is gone.
The feeling of loss becomes stronger.
He doesn't see him again for at least another 3 weeks, in fact the only reason he realizes is because Clara says there is a sour red head giving her and Judith the stink eye every time they try to get his order. His lips twitch upwards and he suggests sending Aaron, she rolls her eyes but asks the younger boy to go.
Its not five minutes later that he comes back just as perplexed.
“Is he trying to just get the wifi for free? I'm going to kick him off” Peter dries his hands and quietly prepares the order. Once he is done he sneaks out and delivers it to him, the man gives him a critical look that sends shivers down his spine. Both in disgust and familiarity.
“I didn't order yet”
“... Well you didn't let anyone take your order anyways” His lips purse in thought and he picks up the drink taking a sip. He puts the rest of his things down and goes to turn around to leave, when he asks how did he know how he takes his coffee.
Peter doesn't have a clue.
“You just looked like you needed something less bitter” He sees his mouth fall open slightly and Peter goes while feeling his ears burn, oh god why did he say that?
Once back in the safety of the kitchen, Judy gives him a look but pats his shoulder and goes out.
Ok, ok, he is fine.
The man keeps coming and refuses to let any of his siblings pick out his orders. So Peter is the one in charge to talk with him. Albeit that is an understatement. They merely snark a little, he gives him his order and goes. Whoever is working that day is supposed to charge him, Peter is only obligated to present the food. However the interesting thing is, that just as their cafe opens at weird hours of the day, the man appears there just as well, its kind of eerie how well he seems to know when it's open considering they have the oddest schedules.
Its in fact in one of those times they work at night that he sees him again. Usually he is very put together, but this time he looked… well messy. His hair looked as he had run his hands through it several times, his eyes were red and puffy and he honestly looked miserable.
Peter was completely baffled, the worst part is he wasn't sure what to do, or if he should say something.
The place was almost empty, his sister was keeping watch, so he just stands there and asks what he wanted that night.
He looks up to him and Peter has that feeling that this man should not be looking like this, he should be smug or sure of himself not… whatever this was. He also wanted to pull him towards him and that thought made his cheeks heat up.
“Just- heh, just surprise me i guess. Its been… its been one of those days” He is not sure what he means, but he nods and goes to make him something. Most of the names of the drinks and desserts were Lydia's ideas, the rest of his siblings alongside him were terrible at picking names. He is surprised they even let him pick the one of the cafe, but considering the other options, it was the least weird one.
Still they do have some that they chose for the orders.
Case in point.
The chocolate tower cake lovingly named the panopticon and his special coffee the watcher. It was named like that when it was proven that it had so much caffeine that it made you unable to sleep. He is sure he saw a guy stop blinking for like five minutes after insisting on drinking it, despite the warnings.
So once he grabs it, he takes it to the table and warns him.
“We are not responsible for the repercussions of drinking the watcher” The man looks at him and for the first time since he started to come he sees him smile, soon it turns into laughter. Peter watches while clutching the tray and feeling butterflies in his stomach.
He has a lovely laugh.
“What- what is so funny?”
“You- i- it doesn't matter. I get the name now I suppose. The cake?” The small chocolate tower had several fillings and it was very spongy and full of chocolate.
“Mm the panopticon is the best cake we have, surprised you didn't try it before little man” The slip up comes and he freezes expecting the man to say something or get annoyed, but all he does is sigh and smile more sadly at him.
“Thank you” Its weird and he is unsure what happened but he smiles back awkwardly.
He doesn't come back for 2 weeks.
Its raining when he sees him again.
It was Lydia and him and the place only had two clients sitting around drinking and talking amicably. He doesn't pay attention to the little whistle that lets them know someone entered, Simon thought it would be more fun than a bell.
Still his older sisters comes inside looking-
Lydia is the most calm out of all of them so he immediately goes to see if she is fine, instead she shakes her head and points inside the cafe.
When he looks he sees the man, but he also realizes he has an awful bruise on his eye and chin as if someone had punched him. His heart sort of seizes and his sister goes out with him.
“Are you-”
“I want another watcher and panopticon” He doesn't let him finish, he is sitting close to the register. The man looks even more tired and wiped out.
“... I will get it?” Lydia elbows him. “Do you- do you want some ice for your face?” He can feel his sister disappointment and need to hit her forehead, but he honestly doesn't know what to say. The man, and he really needs to get a name, nods, so Peter prepares the order and gets some ice wrapped up for him.
“Thank you”
“You are welcome um..-?” He drifts and the man looks at him with one eye squinting due to the swelling.
“Jonah. In Jonah Magnus” He seems to be expecting something, yet Peter just nods.
“Peter Fairchild pleasure to meet you?” Lydia is giving him looks. Jonah seems to deflate, but smiles a little, albeit is tainted by the grimace of pain.
“Now that we have names can i eat?” He scowls but nods and lets him be. Still he checks on him from time to time and everytime he peeks from the kitchen window he sees him staring back at him. Peter blushes and works.
He leaves and he is left with questions.
Lydia acts very oddly and concerned about him and the man, but he waves her off.
Jonah comes back, still with the bruises but he looks more calm.
“I wanted to apologize for the scare, I had an altercation with… a friend. That went poorly as you can see” Peter nods and gives him his cookies.
“So- um.. I was wondering if perhaps as a… you know, treat for being so nice, you would like to go out to eat? Or well i was going to suggest getting some coffee but i think you might already be tired of it by now” It takes him a few seconds to realize he is asking him out. When he does he chokes on air and after thinking it a little he nods.
He sees Jonah smile become more real and realizes he was concerned he would say no. He also sees his cheeks start to slowly become more pink the more he stares. So he looks elsewhere and says they can pick a date later. Jonah nods, grabs the writing pad from his hands brushing their fingers and puts up a number.
“So we can arrange it more easily” Peter nods and laughs nervously while walking away. He feels them tingle pleasantly.
“With the weirdo Ju, i'm sure Peter can do better than him-”
“Cla don't be mean, plus he said yes so he is interested-!”
“That he is interested doesnt mean its good for him Aaron!”
“Don't be so sour-”
Lydia sits with him and they just watch TV calmly while the others talk in the kitchen making dinner. It was Saturday so they were having it in her apartment.
“Do you think it will make you happy?” The question is too particular, but his sister is always like that so he nods.
“It feels… right, more real than anything i suppose, i know its weird but i just…” He just sometimes feels as if he is sort of existing in some sort of empty space and that everything is his imagination.
Life is good. He has siblings that love him, a dad that cares for all of them instead of their original family that was terrible.
Peter has a job-
Life is perfect.
And yet-
This man is more real than anything else.
Like a splash of color in his grayscale world, he is infuriating with his answers when they have small talks at the cafe, but the banter is familiar, it gives him an ache that doesn't understand.
The same ache he thinks he got when he met James and Elias, only this time its because its right. Jonah is right. He is put out of his musings by a hand on his arm.
“I get it Peter… i really do. As long as you are happy its fine. Just… just know that we love you ok? Don't forget it” He tilts his head and sighs before giving her sister a side hug, the top of her head is a little below his collarbone, so he kisses it and says that he could never.
They meet up to actually have lunch.
Its… its nice.
Jonah is a little bastard and they spend time judging and betting on the people around. He also learns more about him.
He is working mostly in management, which he thinks suits him way too well, he seems bossy enough.
“Rude!” He grins at him and feels…
At ease.
The man likewise seems far more calmer and happy, it makes him oddly happy to see him like that.
They keep going out, sometimes for lunch, sometimes they get coffee somewhere else. But they do and the more he gets to hear him talk, the more he feels as if he had always know him, but just could not remember it. Sometimes Jonah seems that he knows him too and its sort of perplexing. Clara would say he stalked him, but its- there are such small things that its not possible for him to know, even if he had.
Its at their 6 date that he asks him to eat at his place. He looks surprised but nods.
When he opens the door and sees him, he almost stammers a holy fuck, he barely manages to get a hold of himself. Jonah looked-
Handsome, so so handsome. It sort of fried his brain a little bit.
So he lets him and tries to finish cooking to distract himself from saying something stupid or embarassing like-
Marry me.
No, no he is not that stupid.
Still Jonah offers to help and they work in tandem and it is such a familiar feeling he is left breathless.
They move as if they both already were used to having the other in their space, its… nerve wracking. Peter wants to know why.
The dinner is delicious and they end up curling on the couch watching tv, Jonah is using him as a giant pillow and Peter can't complain, the weight on top of him actually makes him feel comforted and also sleepy…
He sees the man yawn and before thinking it better asks if he wants to crash here since its late and they are both tired. Jonah blinks at him and he sees him hesitate, so he assures him he won't take it bad if he says no, it was merely a suggestions and-
He laughs and nods before hiding his face on the crook of his neck. He lets out a breath almost as if punched and feels his cheeks warm up while grinning like an idiot.
Once they change and he offers the man a shirt that hangs a little bit too loosely around his frame they get in bed and Peter sort of… stares, Jonah does the same.
“Hey” His lips twitch.
“Hey yourself” It's not clear which one of them moves first, but the next thing he knows they were kissing. It wasn't rushed or anything merely a press of their lips that sets him aflame inside. God he loves him doesn't he?
He loves-
Son of a bitch.
He bites his lip lightly making the man complain and then he pulls back.
“You sneaky bastard” He sees him frown and then light up with realization.
“Hello Elias” He frowns.
“Jonah if you don't mind” Peter mulls it over, thinking of James and Elias. It wasn't the body that he wanted.
It was the smug bastard that was piloting it that he loved.
“Jonah” The man shivers “I died” He sees him lock his jaw and close his eyes. How peculiar, he would not have hidden away before or shown… shame for what he can see on his face, he wonders what changed in this life.
Peter sees him swallow.
“You did” Nodding he thinks. He died, there were fear gods, he was a Lukas once upon a time, but now he was a Fairchild even if by adoption.
He grew alone, he grew with his siblings.
He was lonely, he was loved.
Peter sees a small tear escape Jonah along with his body being tightly coiled, as if waiting to sprint out.
The punches make sense now, if someone else remembered...
Letting out a breath and pulling at his hair in thought, Peter closes his eyes too and lets it all go over him. That was a life ago, and now? Now he is here and he was… content, but not happy.
Not until he found him again. Or more like Jonah found him.
Its easy honestly, the answer to what he wants to do with him and this chance.
Peter in his first life had only cared about two things, his god and Elias. One is gone, the other.. changed, but was still the same. The same man he had fallen in love with so many times, and in different ways through the years of their marriages and divorces.
The only one that had some form of hold over his heart.
“Come here my little siren” Jonah’s eyes flash open and he blinks a few more tears away before scrambling to his open arms. Its raining outside and the sound its what they hear beyond their breathing and the beating of their hearst. The lights of the room are dimmed and Peter finally feels right, he pulls the covers up and tangles their bodies together, fitting perfectly together.
Without forsaken he can admit it freely, that he loves this, loves the feeling of Jonah pressed against him, a different body, but also always the same.
He just needs to get used to it again, slowly playing with his hair he speaks.
“You are quite a bastard, but so am i and… as nice as this life is… i think its much better with you in it” Jonah shivers.
“What i'm trying to say is i missed you, even if i didn't remember you before. It was always like there was something amiss. A hole in my perfect little life”
“I-” He smiles tiredly.
“You didn't, i know, but its ok. I know you” Jonah shakes his head.
“I did- i just didn't know it either, i thought it was Barnabas at first, then the others, but… it was you. I missed you Peter, I really did…. Even- even in the apocalypse I still did, I would look into the lonely often. Useless sure, but i did” His plan had worked, but at the same time that was no longer their issue.
“Well I guess we are at an impasse. What do you want to do?”
“... I want- i want to stay, please” He thinks of his apartment, big enough for two.
“You will have to deal with my siblings and Simon, this time we stayed close” He snorts.
“If they don't kick me out, i was… an ass with them” Kissing his forehead Peter laughs.
“You were, but… they are happy for me”
“... then yes i would like to stay”
“Good, Jonah?” He looks up to him again, and Peter sees the eyes are the same, that this time they are right, leaning down he kisses him. They fumble in bed for a long while and when they are both sated and more used to each other's bodies, Peter lets the smaller man hug him from the back to cuddle and finally fall asleep.
“You know one would think you would enjoy the opposite of this-”
“I do, but i missed you, so hush and just sleep” He stays quiet for a little bit.
“Night Peter”
“Night, I love you”
“.... i love you too” He smiles.
In the morning they will make breakfast, Jonah goes to his place and he prepares to work. Once he sees him come in later on during the day he presents to him his order and gets a smile.
They will try to make this life count.
He wonders how long till he moves in with him.
On his way to buy groceries he sees a box with a familiar kitten left to the side of a building and he sighs. Better take his cat to the vet now, food can wait.
His sisters will be ecstatic.
Aaron not so much since he is allergic, but well.
It is his cat.
Life truly is good now.
He got his husband, his cat, family and job.
Humming along with the kitten pawing at his arms softly he feels the most happy as he has ever been.
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ask-iamnotanalicorn · 4 years
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Previous: The Discord Timeline
The Industrial Devolution Timeline:
The road to economic domination was creeping and insidious.
First, Nightmare Moon returned. Celestia and Cadance were able to subdue her, locking her in a (very comfortable) prison while Celestia sought a way to free her sister of the evil influence warping her mind. With the monarch so distracted and Princess Cadance struggling to take up the slack, a few opportunistic entrepreneurs began getting their roots into the market.
Then the Crystal War began, dividing Celestia’s and Cadance’s attention even further. The Changelings attacked, sowing destruction and distrust until Cadance defeated their queen. Tirek cut a swath through the countryside before being stopped, increasing the economic struggles. It was as if a domino of assaults on the Equestrian daily life had started, with none able to stop the ever-larger dominoes from toppling.
Celestia was terribly injured during the final fight that destroyed King Sombra. Luna finally overcame her rage and the parasitic magic fueling it, but went into seclusion out of shame and a desire to tend to her wounded sister. Cadance’s focus was split between post-war rebuilding in Equestria, assisting the confused, freed, and much-distrusted crystal ponies with stabilizing their crippled city, and tending to her own first child. With their leaders so distracted and the country still reeling from so many attacks, ponies desperately reached out for any kind of financial and necessities stability. 
Perfectly fertile soil for the country’s most hostile economic takeover in its history.
Flim and Flam’s tactics were simple yet effective: move in wherever large numbers of companies had collapsed and fill the void with simple, cheap necessities that anypony could afford. As their finances grew, they began to expand, beating out surrounding competition with their rock-bottom prices until they could either buy out or crush their competitors. They continued this strategy further and further out, their influence spreading like hives across Equestria until hardly any retailers of food, drinks, household goods, small machine parts, and pretty much every other goods reseller below industrial level still operated. (Although who knew what the future might hold for FlimFlam Industries?) Once competition decreased to almost nill, they raised their prices to just barely affordable, swelling their already full pockets.
By the end of the Crystal War, they had such a grip, so much financial and political power, that even if the princesses should realize the toxic hold this company has on the market, it will be a long road back to rebalancing the economy. The country has, regrettably, come to rely on Flim Flam Industries, and their stranglehold would not be easily broken.
Sales always dreamed of being a traveling salespony. He’d even gotten a taste of it before the war. But now... well, there was no one to sell for. Companies kept dying out from under him. And if it weren’t bad enough that FFI already sold cheap, unexciting product options, the further lack of competition gave them even less incentive to TRY. They could cut costs on everything from packaging to flavor to color options; there was absolutely no consideration for variety or improvement or innovation. Soon everything in those blasted pop-up depots came in bland, uniformly labeled containers, with names like FLOUR and SOAP and TOWELS. There was no ART to it, and worst of all, no heart. And certainly no need for a door-to-door sales technique - not when F&F Depots were on every corner and people already had little choice but to get their goods from them.
So that’s how Sales ended up here, running one of those blasted depots. It is barely salesponyship, but it was still the closest thing he could find to his special talent. Meanwhile pollution and unchecked labor laws are creeping out from the cities, and farms are being consumed for their timber and factory locations. Quills & Sofas went under, leaving Sales’ father without a job and one more worry for Salespitch. Everypony prays that Celestia would heal, that Cadance would realize the depths of what was happening and make some move to stop it, that even the once-evil Princess Luna rumored to be tending her sister in the castle would take a stand. But for now, FFI is taking full advantage of the rulers’ distraction and obliviousness to tighten their hold on the country’s economy. Sales works and keeps his head down; it’s too great an issue for one pony to tackle, especially a pony whose only real talent is talking.
He tries to remind himself that things could be worse. Despite crummy wages and the soul-deadening monotony of just grabbing standard crap off a shelf when asked, Sales IS making a living. He makes an effort to keep his depot looking like the pony who works there actually cares (a façade FFI has long since abandoned.) Black took up work as a stocker in the store, so at least they get to hang out. Pollution isn’t as bad in Featherhorn (yet), although the deforestation and smog have been spreading nearer. But Sales just can’t get around the fact that there’s a briefcase-shaped hole in his soul where good, honest, smart salesponyship was meant to be. It’s hard not to be bitter and miserable when your purpose has been almost completely taken away from you.  Still... if Sales can find a way to get a new company going without being ground under Flim and Flam’s hooves... maybe he can go back to doing what he loves, and the world will feel a little more right again. Fun Facts About The Flim Flam Timeline:
- I got my idea for a total economic takeover from a book 6 of the Pendragon series, “The Quillen Games” by D.J. MacHale. Its setting is a world where a single corporation has such control that they even own the people to an extent, but I didn’t want to go THAT dark (although this is still darker than my initial draft), so I stopped at just owning all of the selling outlets. Lack of competition in capitalism breeds complacency, leading to high prices with minimal improvement or variety. (That book may have also stuck in my mind because it was the first time an author so thoroughly pulled the rug out from under me that I was too depressed to finish the series. I can’t HANDLE that kind of catastrophic reversal, MacHale!!!)
- Sales’s dad, Sales Patter, lost his job as Head of Sales at Quills & Sofas after the company was eaten by FlimFlam Industries. He currently lives at home taking care of Pitch Perfect while Pitch Forward does her best to bring in funding through her competitive high-diving sponsorships. Sales and Black contribute money as well, although Black has a surprisingly well-stocked savings account that he refuses to explain to anyone.
- Flim and Flam offered Sales a job as their company spokespony, mainly because they loved the idea of having an ‘alicorn’ as their mascot. Obviously he turned them down, but he did still grudgingly accept a position at the Featherhorn depot since it’s the closest thing he can find to what he’s good at. (Flim and Flam do still like to give people a show, especially when it comes to the smoke and mirrors they must use to keep the wealthier populace and government from paying too much attention to some of the ways FFI cuts their spending - at the expense of their workers, mostly.)
- I’ve seen others do this timeline harsher; there’s a fimfiction that had an interesting take on Celestia being injured in her fight with Nightmare Moon and then IMPRISONED by Flim and Flam’s company so it could take over, which led to an ever-rising problem with pollution, underage workers, poor labor laws, and backhoof politics. Some of that does exist in this timeline, but I went with a severe injury and seclusion in the palace. The Princesses are still AROUND, but being carefully shielded from the truly dark nature of some of Flim and Flam’s machinations. It may just take someone getting their attention drawn to the right things to start the ball rolling...
- Sales and Patter do team up to create a small startup company, selling goods made by Featherhorn’s citizens to the local area. Black uses his connections as a Royal Service agent to sneak them into the palace, where they get an uber-rare meeting with Princess Celestia, who is blessedly awake enough to recognize the little AI and hear their plight. She convinces Luna, who has been taking care of her this whole time, that something needs to be done. Luna is grossly undereducated about modern economics and business practices, but she pulls Cadance in, and while Cadance works on investigating these horrible labor practices they’ve reported, Luna begins brushing up on her education and offers some protection to Sales’ little company. She does, in fact, find some obscure ancient laws that give them a leg up in the fight against FFI when they inevitably try to buy out, sue, and/or bankrupt Sales’ and Patter’s company into the ground. But they start making some headway. 
- It’s a long road back to a balanced market, and much of the work will be done by the Princesses. But the inspiration ponies draw from the changes they see starts the dominoes again - this time, in the direction of positive change.
Next Week: The Wasteland Timeline (finale!)
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everydayeveryday · 3 years
Maktub by Paulo Coelho
“If you are still living, it's because you have not yet arrived at the place you should be.”
“But, if you know how to say no to temptation, they will cause you no harm.”
“The master says: “If a decision needs to be made, it is better to make it and deal with the consequences. You cannot know beforehand what those consequences will be.”
“And, of course, as we grow older, our number of difficult moments grows larger. But, at the same time, experience provides us with better means of overcoming those defeats, and of finding the path that allows us to go forward.”
“Likewise, negative desires can cause no evil if you do not allow yourself to be seduced by them.”
“It's the following: you are going to die. It may be tomorrow or fifty years from now, but -sooner or later --you are going to die. Even if you would rather not. Even if you have other plans. Think carefully about what you are going to do today. And tomorrow. And with the rest of your life.”
“We have been moving along at such a fast pace that we no longer know what we are doing. Now we have to wait until our soul catches up with us.”
“So long as you do no harm to another, change your opinion once in a while. Contradict yourself without being embarrassed. This is your right. It doesn't matter what others think -because that's what they will think, in any case. So, relax. Let the universe move about. Discover the joy of surprising yourself.”
“Make use of every blessing that God gave you today.”
“Each day has its own miracle. Accept the blessings, work, and create your minor works of art today. Tomorrow you will receive others.”
“Many people are fearful of happiness. For such persons, to be content in life means they must change a number of their habits -and lose their sense of identity. Often we become indignant at the good things that befall us. We do not accept them, because to do so causes us to feel that we are in God's debt.”
“Out of a fear of shrinking, we fail to grow. Out of a fear of weeping, we fail to laugh.”
“Often, we can afford to take our time. But there are occasions when we must roll up our sleeves and resolve a situation. In such cases, there is nothing worse than delay.”
“Never forget that you are free, and that to show your emotions is not shameful.”
"We must make the best use of our time. We must fight for our dreams, and concentrate our efforts to that end. But we must not forget that life is made up of small pleasures. They were placed here to encourage us, assist us in our search, and provide moments of surcease from our daily battles. It is not a sin to be happy. There is nothing wrong in -from time to time -breaking certain rules regarding diet, sleep and happiness. Do not criticize yourself if -once in a while -you waste your time on trifles. These are the small pleasures that stimulate us.”
“If you are traveling the road of your dreams, be committed to it. Do not leave an open door to be used as an excuse such as, 'Well, this isn't exactly what I wanted. ' Therein are contained the seeds of defeat. “Walk your path. Even if your steps have to be uncertain, even if you know that you could be doing it better. If you accept your possibilities in the present, there is no doubt that you will improve in the future. But if you deny that you have limitations, you will never be rid of them. “Confront your path with courage, and don't be afraid of the criticism of others. And, above all, don't allow yourself to become paralyzed by self-criticism."
“Fear is not a sign of cowardice. It is fear that allows us be brave and dignified in the face of life's situations.”
“We are always concerned with finding answers. We feel that answers are important to understand what life means. “It is more important to live fully, and allow time to reveal to us the secrets of our existence. If we are too concerned with making sense of life, we prevent nature from acting, and we become unable to read God's signs.”
“Without realizing that a simple courageous act is all that is needed to find our freedom.”
“Certain things in life simply have to be experienced -and never explained. Love is such a thing. God -who is love -is also such a thing.”
“God will never enter your head. The door that He uses is your heart.”
“God mixes shadow and light to see if the Earth has the courage to go on turning. If the Earth is not frightened by the darkness, night passes -- a new sun shines the next day.”
“It is one thing to have something and give it up. It is another not to have something and to condemn those who have.”
“Often it is easier to love than to be loved. We find it hard to accept the help and support of others. Our attempts to appear independent deprive others of the opportunity to demonstrate their love.”
“You should accept a gesture of love from someone. You have to allow others to help you, to give you the strength to go on. If you accept such love with purity and humility, you will understand that Love is neither giving nor receiving -it is participating.”
“Pray every day. Even if your prayers are wordless and ask for nothing, and can hardly be understood. Make a habit of your prayers”
“We are not the judges of the dreams of others. In order to have faith in our own path, it is not necessary to prove that another's path is wrong. One who does that does not believe in his own steps.”
“It is true that everything has its price, but the price is always relative. When we follow our dreams, we may give the impression to others that we are miserable and unhappy. But what others think is not important. What is important is the joy in our heart.”
“When we want something, we make a choice and we pay a price. To follow one's dream carries a price. It may demand that we give up old habits, it may create problems for us, and it may bring disappointment. But, no matter how high the price, it is never so high as at we pay for not having lived out our personal destiny. Because one day we will look back and see everything we have done, and hear our own heart say: 'I wasted my life. ' Believe me, that is the worst phrase you can ever hear.”
“Sometimes God takes back a certain blessing in order to help the person understand it better.”
“If we are capable of loving, we will also be capable of being loved. It is only a matter of time.”
“If things are not going well, there are only two explanations: either your perseverance is being tested, or you need to change direction. In order to discover which of those options is correct -since they are opposites -make use of silence and prayer. Little by little, things will become strangely clear, until you have sufficient strength to choose. Once you have made your decision, forget completely the other possibility. And go forward."
“Domingos Sabino said: “Everything always turns out for the best. If things are not going well, it is because you have not yet reached the end.”
“It took me longer than the others, and I walked alone for many stretches along the road. But it was only because I respected my own pace that I was able to walk the entire road. Since then, I have applied that lesson to everything I do in my life.”
“Fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us into the castle of mediocrity. If we are able to overcome that fear, we have taken an important step in the direction of our freedom.”
“Of all the powerful arms of destruction that man has been able to invent, the most terrible -and most cowardly -is the word. Fists and firearms at least leave some blood remaining. Bombs destroy houses and streets. Poisons can be detected. The master says: “The word can destroy without leaving a clue”
“There can be faith without prayer. But there can be no prayer without faith.”
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purplesurveys · 4 years
[created by: vyvyan86]
What do you do for work? I work at a public relations agency, so I handle servicing for a good number of clients across different industries. PR is basically like the extroverted sibling of journalism; and since I turned out to not enjoy journ, I gave PR a try halfway through my time in college and ended up liking it more.
What would you ideally like to do for work? I actually really enjoy what I do, like getting to work directly with big local and even international brands. I’m glad I made the decision to make the career shift because I can’t imagine how miserable I would be in a newsroom.
What are you doing in order to achieve this? I’m already where I want to be, at least for now. I don’t see it changing any time soon because I’m nowhere near tired of the work yet.
What is the meaning of your life? What is it that you really live for? Erm I don’t really try to define it or have an answer to this right away because I feel like it puts a lot of unwanted pressure on me, by me. As long as I’m satisfied in the present, I shouldn’t be worrying for whom or what my life is ultimately supposed to be.
Have you ever REALLY thought what it means to have children? Yup. Having kids would be the perfect life, but realistically speaking I am not at all ready to start that particular chapter. I don’t make enough money to be able to build a family, and I’ve never even tried changing a diaper yet...then you have to think about weekly formulas, what school to enroll them in, building a nursery...it’s all very hectic and stressful and it’s definitely not a priority as of the moment.
Are you planning to have children anyway? It would be nice, but I still don’t know if it’s in my future.
What is the most awful thing about the world today? I doooooooooon’t understand racism. It’s those videos of white people being caught on tape harassing POCs without a care in the world that get to me the most. It’s horrifying and it’s made me have close to zero plans to travel to the places where the videos usually come from. It’s happened too many times and too many clips have gone viral, that I can’t help but think it would happen to me and my family as well. What do you think is the worst being on the planet? Abusive and/or neglectful parents.
Have you ever been arrested? If so, what for? Nopes.
Have you ever been in court? If so, in which role? Definitely not.
Which do you think is a more valuable being, a human or an animal? I don’t think it’s fair to compare. A life is a life.
What, in your opinion, will cause the end of the world? I’m gonna let science answer this and refer to whatever predictions they have for the future based on their calculations. 
What does your mother do for work? She works in an international hotel chain as an executive secretary, but work is actually kind of slippery for her at the moment because of Covid. There are only certain days in the week where she’s called in to report for work, and there is a chance those requests will stop coming in at a certain point.
^If she's a homemaker, any specific reason for this? She’s not anymore but she did enjoy a brief period of being a homemaker after resigning from her previous workplace back in likeeeee 2013 I’d say? which according to her had increasingly turned into a toxic environment after 20+ years of working there.
What about your father? What does he do? He is an executive sous chef. Cruise ship industry, so his situation is also actually quite bleak. Fortunately the job security with his company is a lot stronger and more guaranteed.
How do you like your coffee? I like it sweet and for its color to be light brown.
If you're of age, what's your favorite alcoholic drink? Tequila shots if we’re going hard. Long Island Iced Tea or Zombie if I’m looking to have a chill session with friends. Red Horse is fine as well, whatever. I hate beer with a passion but I’d drink it if everyone in the table is having a bottle.
If you're under-aged, what is your favorite soft drink? Bold of you to assume all minors like soda hahaha. I don’t, though.
Do you smoke? Yeah, just super seldom though because I don’t want to form a habit. I had the opportunity to last Friday but voluntarily skipped out on it, but that was also because I already had a vape pen on me.
^If so, did you start when you were 18 or were you younger? My first cigarette was when I was 21. Start of 2020.
Did your parents approve of your smoking/alcohol use before you turned 18? They wouldn’t have approved of it at all. And I wouldn’t have let myself either.
Do you have siblings? If not, skip the next few questions. Yeup.
Are you eldest, in the middle or youngest? I’m the eldest of two siblings.
How big an age gap is between you and your siblings? With my sister, 2 years. With my brother, 5 years.
Do/did your siblings cause trouble? Not at all, actually. We were all well-behaved, aka the three of us were always too shy to do anything bad or mischevious. I guess the biggest issues with each of us were - I was very messy with my stuff and ignored all my homework; Nina was a crybaby and would get into tears over literally any inconvenience; and my brother was a violent crybaby, which means he is Nina but always ready to punch you in the face, kick you in the neck or stomach, scream into your ear, etc.
If your siblings are old enough, what do they do for work? My sister is taking up digital filmmaking in an art school; my brother is only in his junior year of high school.
Have you ever been jealous of your siblings? I’m not jealous of her, but Nina is amazing at art and drawing and painting and all that stuff and I always wish I shared even like 1/98th of her skills, hahah.
Do you still live with your parent/s or do you live alone/with a partner? I live with my family, yeah. I’m nowhere near ready to start being on my own.
What do you think about growing up? Like what Paramore said (heheh), has to happen sometimes.
What about having responsibilities? I don’t really think anything of them? They’re kind of expected.
Do you know how to cook? Nope.
^If so, what's your favorite thing to cook? I don’t know how to make anything yet, but some dishes I would love to be able to master are risotto and paella. I’d also love to inherit my grandma’s kare-kare recipe but I’m already 300% sure from this early that I’ll never be able to make it as good as she does.
What about baking? I also can’t bake but some stuff I’d want to learn how to make are cupcakes, macarons, cheesecake, and a chocolate chip cookie recipe so good that my kids would literally bring their friends over to our house just to make them try it.
Do you ever drink tea? Iced tea for the most part. If I do ever drink the traditional hot tea, it’s usually because it’s served either at a hotel I’m staying at, or at an Asian restaurant.
Have you ever followed any of these fad diets that go around? I don’t follow a diet. I’m usually open to trying out foods that are packaged to fall under a certain diet, though – paleo, keto, etc. - just to experience how much different it could possibly taste from the food I typically have.
What do you usually order at your favorite restaurant? I usually get rosu, a type of tonkatsu cut that has a lining of fat on its side. My favorite restaurant then provides unlimited rice, miso soup, and cabbage with my order.
Do you prefer a proper restaurant to a fast food place? Not necessarily. I love a lot of either.
What's your dream vehicle? A Mini Countryman.
What about your dream house? I don’t have an exact image of it yet, but I always said that my dream house, wherever and whatever it might be, must have a room for all the wrestling memorabilia I plan to collect in the future. It’ll be like a ~mancave~  as I also plan to have a couch and a big TV in it so I can watch documentaries and pay-per-views there.
What is the biggest dream of your life? Right now, I would say the ‘biggest’ - since I’ve established it since I was a kid - is to go to the 50th installment of Wrestlemania, which is like the Superbowl of wrestling. This year it’ll be the 37th, so I have 13 years left to plan the dream out and save up and stuff.
If you could travel to another country right now, where would you go? Morocco.
What is a country you'd never ever visit? There isn’t a country I wouldn’t want to visit at least once. I’d probably avoid the ones that have dangerous political situations or are literally at war at the moment, but it doesn’t mean I don’t ever want to step foot in them.
Are you good at taking care of your finances? I’m getting there! I was able to have a good amount of savings this month :) My finances were shit for the first two months of my job because there was immediately soooooooo much to pay for, but I’m glad everything is on track now.
Have you ever had any trouble paying your bills? Well no, because I don’t pay my own yet. I do hand a portion of my allowance to my parents every payday so that I can help out with the family bills, though.
What about your rent? We don’t have rent.
What do you think is the best thing about being an adult? The freedom that comes with it is very empowering. I don’t technically have to ask permission to go out with friends anymore, or be scared of a curfew (but my mom still imposes one, LOL. It’ll mellow it within time though, I’m sure); I make my own money and can spend it however way I want while the rest I can save; I can take a drive or book an entire trip altogether as long as I can afford it...it’s letting me get to know myself even more, in a way that college and my teenage years weren’t able to do.
What about the worst? Being expected to have my shit together when I’m very clueless still about so many things in life. I make fuckups at work at least once a week and I always feel like I’m going to get fired with every mistake, lol.
Is there a person in your life, who wastes their life somehow? Hmm, I don’t think so. I have an uncle who had seemed to be headed nowhere before, but I think he’s slowly getting back on track. I think. At least I don’t hear anything about him anymore.
^If so, how are they wasting their life? Never had a stable job, was a neglectful husband and father (I think he still is), was never able to secure a house and even a car for his family, and deals with his problems by drinking...and worse, drunk-driving, sometimes. It’s an embarrassment and I don’t care if my grandma tells me off for giving him the cold shoulder every family gathering. I’m not gonna get close to someone who negatively affects my mood and my energy.
What is something you need to do, but you keep postponing it? Getting a new pair of glasses. Booking an appointment is a Newly-Unlocked Adult Thing that I’ve never done yet, so I’m nervous and I keep putting it off, hahaha.
Do you think life should just hand things to you? Not at all.
Or should you earn the things you want and need with hard work? Yeah, there you go.
Would you rather live off government benefits or earn your own money? Earn on my own, as much as possible. But some balance would be nice as well so that I can start feeling as if the government is actually helping and serving me.
When you take a survey, do you skip questions? Typically, no. But some of the older ones I’ve seen made by, like, 15 year olds of the time will have nonsense, downright immature, or lowkey racist/homophobic questions that I will have no problem deleting altogether as I think no one here would have any interest in answering them either.
Why, do you think, people write lyrics as the title for a survey? To be creative and catchy, I guess. And it works - I do tend to click on surveys that use lyrics.
If you have a Facebook, what do you use it for? Look for things to share, mainly. I’m fully back on it now after going a way for a bit to do some healing on my own.
If you have a Twitter, what do you use it for? As a space to let out literally all my thoughts and brianfarts. No one cares on Twitter, so it’s the perfect space to make a mess and be a mess.
If you have a Tumblr, what do you use it for? I used to have a wrestling-themed Tumblr (and before that, many more other themed Tumblrs), but when my interest died down I soon switched to using Tumblr for my surveys and being more lowkey altogether on here.
If you have an iPhone, why? I find it easier to use, and I like the interface more. The camera’s features are also more to my liking.
If you have an iPad, why? We have a really old model of it, and we bought that because iPads were all the rage at the time. It had been the newest concept from Apple and most people felt they had to have one, including my family. We definitely don’t feel the need to get another tablet anytime soon since it just functions like a giant phone for the most part.
If you have the latest electronic gadgets, did you pay for them yourself? I’ve never paid for a gadget before.
Do you always put your litter in a trashcan? Of course. I know how to pick up after myself like a respectful human. < Yup.
When you walk/ride your bike/drive your car, are you careful? Yeah, unless I’m mad. Sometimes road rage will take over me tbh, especially if other people on the road have been stupid for quite some time.
What is the rudest thing a person could do or say to you? Something phobic after seeing Jess and I together. < This reminds me of when my ex and I used to get stares or whispers in public. But to be honest, I actually enjoyed those encounters because it only served as fuel for me to get even more affectionate and piss them off more, lol. Good times. 
Anyway, the rudest thing I can think of at the moment is being cut while in line. Some people do it so subtly too, and their shy, careful shuffle to get in front of me is what irritates me the most because THEY KNOW they’re doing something shitty and yet are being so sneaky about it.
Have you ever been that rude to someone else? I have never cut in line, never will.
Do you think your parents are proud of you and what you do with your life? I don’t know. I hope so. I don’t know if they’re expecting me to move out at this point, but I hope they’re at least proud of the fact that their first kid managed to land a job, especially considering we’re living in Covid times.
Which would you rather be, famous or a "nobody"? Why? Can’t I be somewhere in between? When it boils down to it, I’d probably go with being a nobody...I’d miss the socialization and having friends, but at least it means I can get away with more.
Do you need to have the latest fashion in clothes and accessories? It would be nice, but I’m not desperate to have them.
If you have a job, do you get along with your co-workers? Yeah, I’d say so. I definitely have never fought with anyone yet. It’s hard to gauge my relationship with each of them because I entered the workplace while we’re under WFH so I’ve only gotten to talk to most of them through Viber; but so far, so good.
What kind of hobbies do you have? I like traveling and learning, so anything that’s got to do with those - going to museums, visiting ancestral houses, trying local art forms - I would definitely dive into. But if I’m not in a new province or country altogether, I like trying out new food and new restaurants, embroidering, watching my favorite shows, coloring, painting, and reading essays about history. :)
Would anything in the whole world make you give up any of those hobbies? I’m not super attached to painting anymore, so I guess.
Have you had/do you have any pets? I currently have two dogs. In the past we’ve had a cat, a rabbit, two birds, and several goldfish.
Do you even like animals? I love them, except insects.
If you aren't already, would you ever get married? It would be a nice thing to tick off my life event list.
If you are already married, what was the ultimate reason for the marriage? -
As a child, did you do anything really bad? I was raised in a highly violent household with the worst influences as my elders. Yes, I managed to squeeze in some horrible stuff when no one was looking.
^If so, what was it? What were the consequences? I was violent towards my brother but won’t get into it. The only thing I’ll mention is that I used to chase him around with a knife whenever he’d start becoming too much of a headache.
As a teenager, did you do anything really bad? I don’t think so. I was well-traumatized and abused by the time I was a teenager so I was afraid of fucking anything up and being in more trouble.
^If so, what was it? What were the consequences? The worst thing I did was lie about my performance in school, honestly. Which, looking back now, doesn’t even seem like a big deal considering I was only in high school then and grades from there barely matter.
Do you have a problem with authority? Nope. Well, a good number of my teachers didn’t seem to like me for some reason. I’d say it’s their problem though since I never did anything to raise hell in school, ever.
What's your favorite comic strip? I don’t have one.
Is there a piece of clothing you absolutely must wear every day Underwear... < Yep.
Has a doctor ever told you to lose weight? No. I’ve always been on the lighter side so that has never been a comment given to me by anyone.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a lifelong disease? Isn’t scoliosis a lifelong thing? If it is, then yes I have been.
What is something you absolutely hate? Fruits.
What about something you absolutely love? Seafood! Which is why I have spicy tuna salad and dynamite rolls with me at the moment :)
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Roommates in Disguise
Ch 2 on AO3 
Lance makes a hasty decision that lands him in the clutches of the Green Starling, one of the city’s most notorious supervillains. Thankfully she doesn’t seem to know he’s actually her nemesis, the superhero Icebound. His captivity puts him in contact with Katie, a fellow college student. Concerned she may be targeted again, Lance befriends Katie. He doesn’t expect to end up moving in with her. Katie will do anything to find her family, that includes becoming a supervillain to expose a Galra Corporation that has the city wrapped around its metaphorical finger. When Lance literally falls at her feet, claiming to be friends with Icebound, she jumps at the chance to find the connection between Galra Corp and the sudden appearance of superheroes two years ago, not long after her family went missing… Neither anticipates a friendship and a blossoming romance. Rated: T Tags: enemies to friends to lovers, alternate universe - superhero, explosions, comic book level violence, experimentation, human lab rat, domestic fluff, roommates/housemates, Pidge is an anti hero, Galra are still the bad guys, action, secret identities, captured, companionable snark, collaboration Art by @mybluelionlancylance. Look at it! Beta-ed by @whyamistillhungry​ For @planceminibang​ This is my chapter from Pidge’s POV. Watch for @rueitae​ chapter tomorrow ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pidge surveyed the damage as her octobot... she really needed to come up with a better name for it… strode across the street. Screams of “Run! It’s the Green Starling!” made her feel even more like the supervillain she was trying to be. Smirking, she took out part of the street in front of a bunch of jerks from her Calc III class. They had always harassed her for being the youngest in the class and doing better than them. Ignoring the screeches, she looked around impatiently. “Where is he?” she muttered beginning to get annoyed, “Stupid Ice Freak.” Icebound was usually here by now and she preferred to deal with him rather than the police. Instead, another guy ran up. 
Curious, she cocked her head and sent one of the mechanical arms down. She tried to hide a growing smile at his dramatics. This was far more entertaining than she thought humoring him would be, especially with his claim of being Icebound’s best friend, and his willingness to give himself up as a hostage. 
Pidge had to admit she was flattered to find that Icebound talked about her so much, but she kept her face neutral. “Flattery won’t save you from my death ray if you’re lying.” He pouted at her but she quickly tapped a few buttons on her center console and a small microbot ran out of the console, skittered up his shirt sleeve to his neck where it injected a mild tranquilizer. He slapped at it as if it were a mosquito before sagging unconscious as it took effect. ~~~~~ Once back in her lair she tossed him, rather unceremoniously, in a chair.
He came to quicker than she was expecting, which sort of impressive. As he looked around groggily, she busied herself at her workbench keeping a discreet but careful eye on him.
“Okay, wow! You really do have a secret lair. Are you going to run tests on me? Have you run tests on me?”
The amount of horrified concern in his voice was delicious. Deciding to mess with him some more she turned to face him, tapping a modified screwdriver against her cheek. “Oh calm down. I told you I'd only do that if Icebound doesn’t show. Now, what can you tell me about that human popsicle?"
He considered her for a few moments, which again intrigued her. Why was he hesitating so much? Most people would be eager to spill their guts at this point. Then again, most people would be hysterics by now. He was tied tightly to a chair with a menacing looking ray gun pointed at him. Never mind the fact the gun wasn't done, he didn't need to know that. “Well, what do you want to know? I mean, I can tell you some stuff, but there's only so much I know.” She hadn’t been expecting that question. “How did he get his powers?” That had been bothering her for quite a while and it was a good start.
“He... He was in an accident. It was... he's sorta... vague about it. You know, not the sort of thing he likes to get into. What about you?” The strange boy asked, waggling his eyebrows at her, “What made you decide to become a super villain? I mean, does it really pay that well?
She couldn't suppress the little bark of laughter that escaped her. “Oh yeah, it's the best paying job ever!” she snarked at him. “As for why I became a supervillain, that's none of your business.”
“Well, there's only so much I know about Icebound’s personal life, and it's not like I'll tell anyone else your secrets. Besides, I'm interested in what can make such an intelligent girl like you turn to a life of crime.”
She stopped what she was working on and looked around cautiously. “What makes you say that?” He shrugged minutely, the bindings only allowing him to move very little. “I mean it's obvious! You built all this stuff, right? It's not like you can find any of it at the local store. And it doesn't look like you've got a partner. So that makes it all your work.”
She squinted at him for a moment. He was a far more observant than she realized. This could be bad. “Who are you? What's your name? And where is that Popsicle Breath?”
“Take it easy. I'm not trying to cause problems! Just pointing out stuff that seems kind of obvious.” Intriguing, he was trying to placate her and still not fearful. She kept the suspicious expression in place to see what else he would reveal. “I'm nobody special, just a college journalism student. I work on the local paper. It's not as much fun as it sounds, but it's something.” Then his eyes brightened a bit as he smiled, in what she thought was his attempt to be charming. “The names Lance. Lance McClain.” This time she didn't stop the laugh that burst out of her. “What's so funny? I was being really smooth!” “Hahahaha! Yeah right! You're about as smooth as sandpaper. That was the WORST attempt at a ‘smolder’ I’ve ever seen!” He bristled slightly, “Yeah, well, no one can tell what you look like underneath all that crazy get up. I bet you're some sort of hideous… thing. Ugh… never mind.” He looked away, sulking for a few moments, then with a deep sigh he turned back to her, “So... what made you decide to impersonate Doc Ock?” She threw her tools down and whirled on him in aggravation “I did not attempt to imitate him! It's just the safest way to do things. You have the most stability and it’s easier to manipulate things with those arms! It's a great idea! Do I really look like... that?”   Lance tried not to flinch, but he was taken aback. “I mean, you go by Green Starling. I sorta thought you'd have some sort of... flight powers? And the suit doesn't help.” “Flight powers, huh?” She considered that statement for a moment, possibilities racing through her mind, then nodded. “That's something I can work with.” Lance looked mortified at the thought. “That... that... that wasn't a suggestion!” he spluttered. She grinned wickedly at him, as she pulled up the goggles of her hood, her eyes crinkling with mirth. “It wasn't? It certainly seems like a wonderful suggestion!” He scowled, “At least you wouldn’t look like a Spider-man ripoff.” This was very interesting. Not many people could handle bantering with her, let alone being this composed under this amount of pressure. It almost bothered her. She glanced at the clock expectantly. Where in the world was Icebound?Pidge noted how he paled and she watched smugly as realization crashed over him. She knew that he was trying to distract her. It was always a good tactic to remind people she knew what was going on. He gulped visibly and started to shake slightly. “Well, how's he supposed to know where I am? I don't have any sort of tracking device on me! And no one knows where your secret lair is.”She frowned, he had a valid point. If he had a tracking device on, Icebound would have been here by now. Overall, Lance seemed like a pretty nice guy. The one time he attempted to insult her, he stopped before it got too far. Or he really was that bad at insults. “How did you meet the Ice Freak?” Lance looked startled, then he scrambled to answer. “Our families are really close. Yeah! We. We grew up together! Ha ha ha ha. He's like a brother to me.” Pidge gauged him for a moment. There was so much in those comments that spoke of lies, but only partial ones, there were major details he was purposely leaving out. “So I take it that means you two spend a lot of time together?” Lance looked markedly more uncomfortable. “Well, you know how college goes? You get busy. Classes, you know? We haven't seen much of each other since school started. We were talking about meeting up later tonight. He was curious about how my job interview was going to go.” Lance looked oddly sad at the idea. “Did you not want to meet up?” “What? No! I mean... it’d be great and all. Not many people care... Ahm. Anyway, he won’t really notice I’m gone since we never cemented the plans.” Pidge squinted again thoughtfully. From how sad he looked and the obvious way he was fighting back tears, there weren’t a lot of people that cared. On one hand, it made him the perfect hostage. It was late Thursday and not many teachers bothered with Friday classes. The only possible people who would miss him would be the newspaper staff, but she knew how they were. Disorganized was too kind of a word. On the other hand, a small part of her hurt to see him this miserable. He had raised some valid points about that dumb Ice Cube not knowing where he was. He had kept up with her in conversation, which was no small feat. The way he was so calm, the connection to Icebound, his loneliness, his selflessness. He was a fascinating riddle to her. An idea slowly formed. How could she pull this off? Pidge stretched and grunted loudly, “That reminds me, I need to eat. If you’re lucky, I’ll bring you something. But it depends on how well you behave.” Instead of the quirky reply she was expecting, he merely murmured, “Yeah. Okay.”  This was not going to work. She needed to get closer to him, so she could find out more about Icebound. She sauntered over to the chair, pretending to check how tight the knots were. She realized he hadn’t even tried to escape. Another interesting tidbit. The only indication her knots were holding was when he shrugged earlier, but when he did, they had worked themselves slightly loose. Good enough. Now it was up to him. She jostled the chair, then bent over his shoulder, to whisper in his ear. “You make a great hostage. I guess I don’t even have to worry about you trying to escape. I’ll bring you back something... sweet.” He started slightly when she began to speak, but other than that gave no indication he was interested. Fascinating. She strolled over to the stairs and turned to toss him a cheeky smile while blowing him a little kiss. “Sit tight Lance. I’ll be back soon.”   Once she got to the top of the stairs she stopped and listened. Sure enough, there were sounds of Lance trying to get out of the ropes. She slipped into her room and took off her suit. He would be gone in a few minutes, time to relax and plan. Time to transform! she snickered to herself, as she threw on her favorite dress and pulled a headband on.  She decided food was definitely a good idea. As she rounded the corner into the kitchen she barreled right into Lance. Shocked she spluttered, “Wh- What are you doing here?” Lance stared at her for a moment. Pidge held her breath. If he knew it was her, this could be really bad. Then he shook himself and whispered urgently, “Trying to escape. I can’t believe she took another hostage! Look, my name is Lance and you are in a great deal of danger. You should come with me.” Pidge gaped at him. Before she could stop her stupid mouth, she blurted out, “That’s ridiculous! It’s MY house!” Lance narrowed his eyes at her for a moment. Damn it! She really messed up. “This is your house? What the hell is Green Starling doing here? Unless…” Pidge froze. This was it. He figured it out. She was busted. “Did you know that Green Starling is here?” Pidge couldn't believe her luck, “Uhhhh. Yeah. I mean, yeah. She barged in a few months ago and took over. She threatened to kill me! It was after she overheard me talk to some friends about my new lab-” “Lab?” “Umm. Yeah. For my... robots! I’m in the Robotics Engineering program over at Arus.” Lance’s eyes widened. “Cool! So you’re like a real mad scientist, huh?” Pidge nearly choked on the lump in her throat, but Lance only grabbed her hand and smiled down at her. “C’mon. Let’s get somewhere safer and you can tell me all about it!”  Pidge smiled at him, “Only if you meet me for dinner. If not, I may have to send a robot to blow you up.” Lance just grinned, “Look, I’ve already been almost blown up today. How about we start with coffee? I never did get your name.” “Sounds great. My name’s Katie.”
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paladin-pile · 6 years
Shiro’s role in VLD and what that means for us.
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I see a massive variety of opinions on Shiro these days, most of them negative, and I’m getting tired of it. I’m not posting this to be salty or argumentative. I’m here to explain why we should be grateful for this brilliant rep, this character with the most beautiful and inspiring story that should got down in history. Shiro is not the show’s “punching bag” or anything else, and in this meta I’d like to begin explaining my position on why Shiro’s story is exactly what the world, (that includes us) needs. No matter what your position, please take just a few minutes and read.
In my perspective, being a punching bag means that a character is being repeatedly hurt, beaten down, and being ground into lower and more painful places in life, for no reason, or for reasons that are for action purposes only, not contributing to a meaningful arc for the character. It might even be detrimental to their arc. The characters in the MCU are a perfect example if this. I like Marvel movies, and I love the characters, but as I watched through the movies I started to like them less and less because of how the characters were treated. It was hard to watch the people I cared about accumulate trauma on top of trauma that was never addressed. They were never allowed to rest, heal, reach a better place in their physical/mental/emotional states.
 Sometimes in little things, yes, but not much. I just watched people get beaten to a pulp physically and emotionally. I cared about them, I want them to be okay, I want them to have hope and opportunity of meaningful connections, peace, and recovery. If Tony Stark or Steve Rodgers die in Avengers 4, I see that as a horrible end to horrible arcs for both of them. Steve has been fighting his whole life, never got to have a home and family, or deal with some of his issues. Tony has barely gotten a glimpse of a happy life with Pepper and a baby, and has grown so close to Peter. Peter has lost his parents, his uncle, and now he might lose Tony too. 
Do you see what I mean here? If you’re familiar with the MCU you might see my point. This is because the movies exist to serve the comic book action, not the people. The action, the aliens, the robots, the fight scenes; that’s the whole purpose of these movies and they’re not going to take time to show us how Natasha is slowly recovering from her childhood trauma with help from Clint and his family. When we watch endless action-based stories like this, we tend to get depressed because we long for hope. Everyday in real life we see hopeless situations where the people we love get hurt and hurt again without any hint of things getting better, we don’t want to see that in our media.
But Voltron...Voltron is different.
The problem is that people come to Voltron looking for a utopia (“If war was perfect this is what is should look like. If everything happened perfectly for so-and-so this is what I think it should be and its not so it’s evil,”etc). That’s not going to work. Voltron does a great job of showing realistic experiences that we can relate too, and still give us hope and inspiration. The character development and story arcs for each character are nothing short of brilliant. Please also keep in mind, some characters are more central than the others and will receive more focus, but everyone gets at least some meaningful things. What makes Voltron do this while other shows/movies don’t, is that Voltron is not about Voltron, it’s about the characters. The first season or two you might think it’s about the robots and the big fights, but I recall it was around season 5 that the realization hit me. “Holy shit this isn’t about Voltron, it never was.” What made me realize? Well, Shiro and Keith’s related arcs specifically. The entire plot revolves around how they revolve around each other. Pay some close attention to each plot point and ask how it relates to Keith trying to save Shiro or vice versa. But that’s beside the point of this post. I came here to talk about Shiro.
Shiro is the main character of Voltron. No contest. Everything revolves around him, is influenced by him, or is tied back to him somehow. It’s incredible to watch. The show starts with him and I’ll damn well bet it’ll end with him. He’s the fated, Chosen One that the whole show is on the shoulders of. So why don’t most people realize this?
Shiro isn’t a loud person, he shoulders a lot of his work in the background. We don’t see things from his pov very often. It’s easy for our attention to drift to the more outgoing, loud and chaotic characters, but that does not determine how important they are to the story.
Doing rep right is not, “This person is LGBT/poc/mentally ill character, therefore nothing bad can every happen to them.” That would be of no help to anyone at all. People need to see rep that goes through things that they do or even worse, and is still ok, who can still be happy and adapt and be strong and find meaning in life, be in healthy, wonderful relationships. People who can climb higher and shine brighter because of what they’ve been through, not in spite of it.
Remember the beginning where I described what it means for a character to be a punching bag? Shiro is none of those things. This sweet, earnest, and lovely boy has been through so much suffering. You’ve all seen it, or inferred it from what we did see. But never have I ever seen someone with such a mighty heart, or such resilience. He kept fighting, never lost hope, never gave up on the people and causes he cared about. He never got any less kind and selfless. He stayed loyal to what was right and never sought his own glory. And he has been abundantly rewarded for it. The MCU characters I talked about have gotten worse of the course of their arcs. Shiro has gotten better.
His life isnt perfect. It’s not a utopia. He has sustained a lot of losses, his path has changed direction in confusing and sometimes painful ways. But he takes it in stride. No suffering Shiro has been put through has been for nothing, and in this is the basis for my argument. It has all changed and influsned his character arc in positive ways. Even if it took a while for that to become apparent. He has been leveling up this whole time. Even things that seemed the worst turned out to be a blessing to both him and the universe.
Is he sad about no longer being a paladin? We will never know. Even if he was he is not one to dwell on it. He now has a bond with another mecha just like he had with black, one that’s his and only his. (One that's 100 times bigger than his old ship and way cooler, Voltron whomst?) He has his own path and his own crew, he’s working side by side with the people he considers family. He is showing signs of healing, of being happy. He’s just as much a part of the team as he was before. It’s the fandom who excludes him from their art and fics of the othes, the fandom who is casting him aside, not the show.
For someone to say “Oh Shiro’s arc is terrible and he’s being treated badly because look at these things that happened to him. Things he loved got taken away and now he’s lost and sad and feels useless and is getting knocked down a few pegs in life.” Where are you seeing this? What happens in our own lives when things change or painful things happen. Do we roll over and die? Say “oh my life will be miserable from now on because this or that happened?” No, and neither would Shiro.
We see Shiro growing. He is leveling up. He knows how to live and adapt and find meaning. I don’t think Shiro regrets or mourns anything for very long. His coping skills are very good since he came back form the “dead.” He may have feelings of sadness and loss. Of his arm, of people close to him like Adam or others, of the people lost on Earth. But roles? Jobs? Circumstances that he knows could have happened to anyone and he can’t change? He knows better than that. Have more faith in Shiro people. I have been more inspired and encouraged and blessed by his character and story than I have in any other media ever. I love him and I am grateful.
I understand that a lot of good folks who love Shiro have been genuinely concerned and confused. If you are one of those, please message me. I would love to talk to you. I know some folks have made posts mentioning specific events in the show that have influenced their perception and I was not able to address all the specifics in this post, only generally. Anyone is more than welcome do drop by my ask box and start a conversation! 
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catrectorauthor · 6 years
Meet the Writer Tag
Tagged by @elarasterling. Thanks for thinking of me! 
I’m tagging you. YES YOU. If you play, tag me so that I know you like these types of things! 
1. Would you mind sharing your best line or paragraph?
Pffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttt my best line? You’re asking the wrong person. Every time I think something is my best, I change my mind later. Let’s see if I can find something I like... This is a piece from a section that may not make it into the final draft, but I really like it. 
It was no wonder that so many worshiped and feared her with such totality. She hadn’t washed the blood from her face after the divination, and the patter or rain had sent it dipping across her skin. It ran like red tears around her eyes, trailing lines down her cheeks and down the length of her neck, curving over her collar bone until it disappeared into the edge of her dress. It painted her fair skin with a web of wounds, like a Valkyrie just home from war. And for all their beauty, the sapphires in her eyes were as cold and deadly as ice.
2. What’s the first food you’d try from your story?
Actually, this is kinda cool, because I made it a quest of mine to hunt down mead. Some say that mead is the drink of the Gods, and in Norse Mythology there’s even a goat that lives on the top of Valhalla that gives mead from its udder. So naturally I needed to know how it tastes! Below you can see my fmall collection of meads from two different small breweries. One is Dutch and the other German. From left to right, I have Loki’s hemp mead, an orange mead, a spiced cherry mead, a premium honey mead, and a standard honey mead.
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3. If you had casting control, would you prefer a film or TV adaptation of your novel?
SERIES. My book is currently 180,000 words, give or take. Its format wouldn’t support being broken into several movies, and to make it fit one would eliminate tons of myths from it. Besides, this will never be a movie. I mean, if you know anything about Loki, you know about the horse, and even HBO wouldn’t touch that with a 10 foot pole. 
4. Would you date one of your characters? If so, who, and where would you go together in their world?
So dating Sigyn would be too much like dating myself, because we have some of the same neurosis. Dating Loki is asking for hot, hot trouble. So I’m taking Idunn. She’s kind, generous, beautiful, and a master in the garden. We’d go have a picnic at her house in the forest, beneath Yggdrasil, eating fresh produce from the garden and drinking until sunset. Maybe she’d even braid my hair :B
5. Imagine meeting a villain from your story. They offer to take you away to their world under one condition: you must work for them. Do you accept?
SECRET AGENT (WO)MAN. That’s a role I could play. Though I think they’d figure it out... 
6. You are cursed to reincarnate as the protagonist from one of your favorite books. You will forget everything in the process so all events may play out. What book do you choose?
You know what, none of them. That’s like signing onto a trauma contract. None of my favourite protagonists come out of it unscathed. My problems are much easier to deal with than like KATNISS. But if I have to pick, drop me into a world with magic, so at least it’s worth it. MAKE ME LEGOLAS YES. 
7. What if your protagonist was the one writing a novel and they were responsible for your life? Would you forgive them for putting you through everything that shaped who you are today?
This question has a strange answer. Because if I’m writing about the Norse Gods, which were believed by several cultures to be real, and were probably based on living people at some point, and are still believed to be real by pagan/heathen communities, then isn’t it entirely possible that they DID write/direct my life? BOOM. Mindfuck. So if I consider them as ‘the powers that be’ then yeah, I’ve already forgiven them. Shit wasn’t always good, but it made me into who I am. I could’ve done a lot worse. 
8. If you could trade writing in for any other talent, would you? If yes, what? If no, why?
Some days I wish I could. Wouldn’t it be easier to be into the sciences, and to have a steady, well paying job? Instead, I’m here with my animation diploma, communication diploma, and WIP novel like it’s some kind of arts and crafts collection and I’ve somehow glued all my fingers together. But in the end, I love it. I can’t imagine being someone else. 
9. What’s your worst writing-related fear?
A) That I’m actually not good and the people who say I am are just being nice. Bu mostly B) That by trying to write a cast with diverse sexualities, genders, and skin colours, I’m going to fail miserably and piss people off. I want people to have an emotional connection to what I write, and I want it to represent communities to the best of my ability, so I worry about this a lot.  I’m also writing about Gods that people actively worship, specifically Loki, whose followers are sometimes ostracized from other heathen communities. I‘ve had to come to terms with the fact that some people are going to heavily disagree with some of my choices. But some of those people will be Neo Nazis, so that’s just a badge of honour. 
10. What message do you wish to convey through your story?
That no story is one sided. Nothing is black and white. Like is grey space. That people do things for reasons, good or bad. And that everyone contains multitudes. 
That’s it! But I’m refusing to write new questions cause those 10 were FANTASTIC, thank you! Here they are again, for your convenience.
1. Would you mind sharing your best line or paragraph? 2. What’s the first food you’d try from your story? 3. If you had casting control, would you prefer a film or TV adaptation of your novel? 4. Would you date one of your characters? If so, who, and where would you go together in their world? 5. Imagine meeting a villain from your story. They offer to take you away to their world under one condition: you must work for them. Do you accept? 6. You are cursed to reincarnate as the protagonist from one of your favorite books. You will forget everything in the process so all events may play out. What book do you choose? 7. What if your protagonist was the one writing a novel and they were responsible for your life? Would you forgive them for putting you through everything that shaped who you are today? 8. If you could trade writing in for any other talent, would you? If yes, what? If no, why? 9. What’s your worst writing-related fear? 10. What message do you wish to convey through your story?
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robotloveskitty · 7 years
Good news and Bad news!
Ahoy there! It’s been awhile since you’ve heard from us, we’ve been very quiet on here since trouble began. 
Thank you for sticking around, we have really lovely fans, I don’t know what we did to deserve you all!
I have good news, and I have bad news, I’ll give you the bad news first. We are putting Upsilon Circuit into the “Cupboard of Lost Games” indefinitely.
The good news is that we aren’t giving up, and have a new game we’ve been working on called Super Tony Land that brings some elements of UC with it. ..But more on that later.
It was incredibly hard to write anything about UC. It’s been nearly a year since we initially halted production, but it still makes my chest tighten up thinking about it all. It took me 6 tries, but I did my best to write this, because I feel like I owe everyone the best explanation I can muster. I tried to really be open, because so often game cancellations offer very little real information.
Since this was a 3 year journey, it’s a long tale, so get comfortable!  
The concepts for UC grew from a small idea we had because I really enjoyed watching people livestream our (then) newly released game Legend of Dungeon. It grew into an exploration of mortality in games, and so much more. We loved and still love all the things that UC was supposed to become.
So, if we loved it, then why did it get cancelled?
If passion was all it took, I’m sure many other games would exist. Money, time, and luck seem to be big factors based on what we’ve seen and experienced. And the bigger your project, the more you need of each.  
It was an incredibly ambitious project for the two of us. We knew failure was very possible, and I’m proud that we tried anyway.
Why did UC fail?
The oversimplified answer would be that the scope of the game was too ambitious and we underestimated the time and money needed. In reality, for any project, there are many things that can go wrong that influence these things.
As with anything, it’s.. ..complicated.  But the big troubles for us were: Scope, pushing beyond our capabilities, jumping into a partnership for funding, and overwhelming stress.
The scope:
UC’s concept had many game elements highly intertwined and reliant on each other, so cutting features without changing the functionality and direction of UC was impossible. It was also difficult to explain fully to people, including our team.
Pushing beyond our capabilities:
We are just two self taught indie game devs. To make UC, we hired people, signed with a partner/incubator near the end, and then managed a large team, all for the first time.
In hindsight, these were things that we not only didn’t know how to do well, but also made the two of us very miserable.   
Jumping into a partnership:
Instead of scaling the project back when we realized our money would run out long before release, we pushed ourselves harder and kept going, and eventually signed with a partner to help fund the last leg of UC’s journey.
Signing with a partner or publisher and bringing in a larger team are very normal things to do in the industry. However.. they were entirely new to the both of us. Learning (about setting and meeting Milestones, dealing with various issues, and managing a large team) on such a complex project turned out to be very bad for us and UC. No one really did anything markedly wrong, but nothing seemed to go the way it was supposed to. Which in part led to the next point..
The overwhelming stress:
New to running a team stress. New to having partners stress. Crowdfunding stress. Partners pulling out mid failing crowdfunding stress. Having to tell a team “sorry and goodbye” stress. So much stress.
We felt like we had something that could change the gaming world forever, and we were so passionate about it. When things went belly up in the third year, the emotional hit was debilitating.
We really wanted to find a way to finish Upsilon Circuit anyhow, but the truth is, even if it wasn’t saddled with stress and emotional burden.. we’ve already put too much of our money into it. We can’t even support ourselves for long enough to complete a game this big right now.
Looking back on it all now, it’s hard not to feel like we were making a game that the world didn’t want. We knew that it was an out there idea, but that was why we felt that making UC was so important.
We knew publishers wanted something less experimental and risky.. But it was a bit surprising when the gaming community showed so little interest, since articles about UC had reached millions. 
When we lost our partner and shut down our crowdfunding campaign, we made a Patreon, and reached out to the tens of thousands of people on our newsletter. We didn’t get enough pledges to cover the cost of our shared office space, let alone paying even one person.
While there were people who were very generous and amazing, it felt pretty terrible to see something people had seemed so excited about struggling so much to get support when it was truly needed.
When we finally shut everything down, we both thought we might never enjoy making games again. We felt like garbage. We drowned in that for a long time.
You can learn a lot from failure, and we certainly did.
Things we learned from our failure (your own mileage may vary):
Take the project’s timeframe, and triple it. Then triple it again.
A unique idea can add an “I need to get this out before someone else does it” feeling. Let. That. Go. No good choices were made from that feeling.
Don’t bring on full time artists or audio people until the project is really ready for them, use placeholder art and sounds, when you can. Things change, and we redid a lot of our art.
Make sure all contracts clearly state what happens if things get cancelled, or situations drastically change.
Hiring more than one or two people means managing them part time, or full time. We now know that we hate managing people, and are terrible at it.
No matter how smart and awesome your team is, if you can’t get someone 100% behind your idea, your project will suffer.
Having a partner or publisher is a lot like having a boss while also being a boss. Some people like it, but we will likely stay indie or die trying.
Don’t sacrifice your own well being or happiness for a dream. Yes, we’ve sacrificed a lot in the past, we lived in a tree house in the woods so we could keep making games before. But there is a limit, and we found it with Upsilon Circuit, and we stubbornly ignored it and payed the price mentally.
Kittens make things a lot better.
If we had it all to do over again it would have been a very different game, but maybe we could have finished it, or at least avoided some of the worst moments.
So what now?
It’s been a year, and after many conversations, we have found no solutions for bringing back UC. ..But we have healed a little, so we are taking the ideas, story and world, and building them into our future games
We started working on a new game called Super Tony Land this year, and it will be part of UC’s legacy in its own way.
Super Tony Land is a physics platforming adventure game that has many worlds, a story, and easy access to user created levels and entire game worlds. Imagine if Cave story, Mario Maker, and Besiege had a dynamically lit baby.
In Upsilon Circuit the story was something we wanted the players to unfold and influence.. To give creation to the audience, experience it ourselves, and encourage Streamer/audience connectivity. To give real power to the players.
For Super Tony Land we’ve designed an extensive level editor, with visual programming blocks and NPC/Story tools. Anyone can build worlds or challenges in the free editor that we will be releasing alongside the game. We hope that communities and content creators will build and share their own universes, and we are looking forward to playing them!
Here’s the teaser trailer we just released! 
If you’ve been with us for the long haul, you might notice that this is actually a sequel to Tiny Plumbers!
This new game won’t be a lot of things that UC was, but it will be the game that the two of us made that helped us remember how important making games is to us.
It will be available on Steam this spring!
That’s about it for news!
Both of us are thankful to our team during UC’s development, and to our community and friends that have been there encouraging and supporting us throughout this journey. 
We will keep doing our best to make the games we want to see exist, for as long as we are able to make games.
Here are a few links you might want:
If you want to stay up to date on all things RLK, jump on Twitter!
If you want to chat with us or catch streams we have Discord
If you want to support development we have our RLK Patreon here
Thanks for your continued support and understanding!
Your co-pilot, 
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hamelott · 7 years
Title: “Bad Coffee, Better Company”
Fandom: The Librarians (TNT series)
Notes: Okay, I know what you’re thinking, “Really Hannah, you’re stooping so low as a coffee shop au.” Now, just hear me out. These two were made for cute, stupid coffee shop au’s, and I will forever stand by this decision. 
Ezekiel Jones hated his job. It was dull and boring and hardly anything ever happened. Of course, as a poor, college dropout that was just trying to make life work, quitting wasn’t an option. Quitting wasn’t even something he could consider in a dreamland.
And it wasn’t that working at the Annex was miserable. He was just miserable. Plus, he hadn’t even wanted to apply for the job nonetheless get it. No, that had been the direct result of Jacob Stone (roommate and reluctant childhood friend who had a list of issues almost as long as Ezekiel’s) who had been unwilling to go to his interview alone. Ezekiel had been roped into it as well and, consequently, received a job he hadn’t even been looking for.
But the pay was pretty decent. And at least he didn’t work at Starbucks with their bullshit ‘secret menus’ and Unicorn Vomit drinks. That was always Jake’s argument anyways.
The worst part about it though was that the only people who came were the same damn people every single day. They were nice and all, but Ezekiel had been hoping to branch out, maybe make some connections in New York; currently, it wasn’t working. The only people he’d made ‘connections’ with were Mr. Carsen, a professor at the nearby college and probably smarter than was really necessary to teach a bunch of bored twenty-year-olds; Ms. Cillian, a doctor that worked at a nearby hospital and relied on the coffee as a lifeline; and Eve Baird, who Ezekiel was pretty sure was a navy seal or something but had yet to convince her to reveal all her secrets.
Which, of course, was why Ezekiel was slumped against the counter now, building a stick figure out of stirring straws and tape. Jake, leant against the wall next to the coffee machines, was eyeing him disdainfully, a reprimand probably on the tip of his tongue. Ezekiel really didn’t care though; again, it wasn’t like anybody special was about to walk through the door anyway.
Which, of course, was when the gods decided to play mind games with him and sent a girl stumbling through the door. She was slightly shivering with raindrops smudging her wide-framed glasses and dripping from her hair. She had a small smile on her face that only grew when she noticed the two standing at the counter.
“Hi, hello,” she said, walking up to where Ezekiel had positioned himself next to the register. Her eyes flicked up and then traveled side-to-side quickly, reading the expansive menu that was written in colorful chalk above them.
“Uh, morning,” Ezekiel said, trying to sound smooth. Instead he was pretty sure he sounded like an idiot. Who was this girl and why was she making him so flustered so quick? He tried to smother it down because if he didn’t, Jake would have a field day teasing the crap out of him.
The girl glanced at him and grinned again before looking back up at the menu. She was chewing at her bottom lip in contemplation and only let it go to say, “Can I have a tall vanilla latte, please?”
Ezekiel glanced over his shoulder to Jake and gave him a curt nod. Jake rolled his eyes but sat up to start making the drink anyway. Ezekiel, with a winning smile, turned back to the girl and said, “That’ll be $3.25. And can I get a name for that?”
She glanced around at the empty coffee shop and frowned at him, an eyebrow raising just a little bit. “Seriously?”
Ezekiel shrugged. “It’s protocol.”
“Uh, right,” the girl said, smile quickly returning. As she fished in her little, sunflower-yellow handbag, she told him, “Cindy.”
Ezekiel nodded and grabbed a nearby sharpie marker, waiting for Jake to finish the drink. When he was done, he passed it to Ezekiel with a huff of annoyance before walking back to his spot on the wall to lean back against it again. Ezekiel quickly scribbled out Cindy’s name on the cup and handed it to her as she handed him a five-dollar bill.
“Please, keep the change,” Cindy said quickly as she grabbed the drink. She glanced down, glanced up, frowned, and glanced down again. She quickly stifled a little laugh as she stared at the cup.
“Oh no,” Ezekiel grumbled. “Did I spell your name wrong?”
“Oh, no, I mean, it’s no big deal!” Cindy said quickly. She was still grinning though and staring at the cup in wonderment. “It’s just…I’ve never seen my name spelled like that.”
Ezekiel leant over the counter to inspect just how he had spelled her name. ‘Cyndi.’ That wasn’t that weird…was it?
“Really?” Ezekiel asked, falling back on his heels. “Never?”
Cindy was laughing quietly now, shaking her head. “Nope, never.”
Ezekiel raked his hand through his hair. “Oh, uh, well…sorry?”
Cindy quickly shook her head. “Oh, it’s no problem. It’s cute.” She suddenly flushed, obviously realizing what she’d just said, and ducked her head. “Um, thank you. For the coffee! Have a nice day.”
Ezekiel watched as she quickly turned on her heel and all but fled from the coffee shop. He had a small, crooked smirk on his face and a bemused look in his eyes.
Jake snorted. “Oh, you’re gonna have it so bad, buddy.”
Ezekiel scowled and glanced over his shoulder. “Shut up, Stone. There’s no guarantee I’ll ever see her again anyways.”
Except, Ezekiel did see her again. Cindy came back the next day and the next and even the one after that. She kept coming so often that soon enough she was just as constant of a presence as Flynn the eccentric professor, Cassandra the doctor who couldn’t handle caffeine, and Eve the super-secret super-spy.
Ezekiel found himself enjoying her presence if not for the fact that she now spelled her name out loud each time she ordered her coffee, a little teasing grin always on her lips. She was cool and outgoing if a little bit awkward and weird. She snorted if you got her laughing too hard, and she’d blush at anything that sounded like an innuendo. She was a struggling botanist student, and, honestly, loved flowers more than anybody Ezekiel had ever met.
After about three weeks straight of Cindy walking into the coffee shop at precisely eight am, she was late. It was eight-thirty now, and, really, Ezekiel shouldn’t be as worried as he was. Cindy was a grown person; she could take care of herself. He was worrying for nothing; he barely knew her anyways. Maybe she’d finally found a better coffee shop than this dump; good for her!
“She’ll be here,” Jake said knowingly behind him. Ezekiel glanced at him, but it was like Jake hadn’t even spoken. He had his nose in a book that Flynn had given him on ancient Greek art; Ezekiel was pretty sure Jake had a nauseating boy-crush on Flynn and the gifts only made it ten times worse. He resolutely ignored Ezekiel, refusing to acknowledge that he’d spoken at all.
Ezekiel rolled his eyes. “I’m not worried.”
Jake snorted but was kind enough (or uninterested enough) not to say anything else.
And Ezekiel wasn’t worried. Cindy was fine. He’d barely known her. It wasn’t a big deal.
All of this was, of course, forgotten when Cindy practically raced into the coffee shop. She was panting heavily and cried, “I’m sorry! I was late! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Jake, nonplussed, began making the only drink she’d ever actually ordered as Cindy walked up to the counter, still exclaiming, “Sorry, sorry, sorry. I slept in and then I nearly broke my ankle in the shower, but I’m here!”
Ezekiel couldn’t help the wide grin on his face. “No worries. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Yeah,” Cindy said, nodding and grinning too. “Me too.”
They waited patiently as Jake made the drink. When he was done, he passed to drink directly to Cindy, gruffly stated “Glad you’re not dead” and went back to his book.
When Cindy went to rummage through her handbag for the money, Ezekiel quickly said, “Hey, it’s on the house.”
She glanced up at him, confused frown on her face, and asked, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, it’s free,” Ezekiel said, shrugging. “Take it as a gift for not breaking your ankle, yeah?”
Cindy grinned. “Yeah, oaky…okay, cool. Thanks, Ezekiel.”
She was about to turn away, and Ezekiel quickly blurted, “And maybe as, like, a gift for making it here before you have to go to class, I can…take you on a date? After my shift and after your class, of course. We could go see a movie?”
Cindy glanced back at him, and her smile was so bright that Ezekiel could’ve sworn he was staring directly into the sun. “I would love to!” Her smile suddenly dimmed, and she quickly whispered, “I have a secret to confess though…”
Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah?”
She bit her lip worriedly and murmured, “Your guys’ coffee is really, really bad.”
Ezekiel barked out a laugh. “Uh, Cindy, that’s not a secret.”
She flushed and nodded. “Okay, great. Well, I’ll swing by here after class?”
Ezekiel nodded jerkily. “Yeah, yeah, great.”
And, suddenly, she leant across the counter and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. She pulled away, face red, and stammered a quick goodbye before fleeing from the coffee shop at a fast pace. Ezekiel ignored the way his own face felt like it was on fire.
“You realize that means the only reason she kept coming back here was to see you, right?” Jake said from behind him; his tone was smug.
Ezekiel ignored him, but he couldn’t help flushing deeper and the pleased little smile that wormed its way onto his face.
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kyohiba · 5 years
Xue Yang’s 420 Punishing Reincarnations AU. Final Modern Setting
but hmmmmmm I Wonder,
in that final one,
yeeting patriarch how did they all come to meet
in another one of his reincarnation he gets pimples every week
mmMMMMM good question
we said they meet a-qing last
ssyifpfff🌙 do we wanna be cheesy lmao
8h 8 hours ago yes, since shes a lot younger than them
as long the Angst Lives On,
the beginning of their meeting needs some angst
yeeting patriarch either song lan or xue yang meeting xiao xingchen, the beginning of their relationships...
ssyifpfff🌙 as an allusion to when they meet in yi city uwu
8h 8 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 so tht its familiar n xue yang gets the de javus
8h 8 hours ago OMG. PARALLELS
yeeting patriarch HELL YEA PLEASE
n then he can meet song lan while going to buy groceries idk
ssyifpfff🌙 maybe they fite for the last bag of avocados
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch what about xxc and song lan were childhood friends and had a fight and suddenly young song lan had to move out and never got to apologize to xxc but then years later he moved back and found xxc again
ssyifpfff🌙 as long as no one loses any eyes
8h 8 hours ago NO LOSING EYES
8h 8 hours ago like. first xxc meets xue yang
who got hurt... uhh... how he couldve gotten hurt...
yeeting patriarch lmao he was skating and while doing a Sick Move TM he mf fell down and got wrecked
ssyifpfff🌙 he got an arm cramp while dabbing
8h 8 hours ago innocent xxc was passing by at the time, saw everything and went to help xue yang. because his golden pure heart lives on
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch as xxc helped him, xue yang experiences the Doki
xxc takes him to his apartment to take care of his wounds
and after this incident, xue yang shows up a lot around xxc's place
yeeting patriarch (hes got a bit of a bad situation at home, hes always outside like a stray cat)
ssyifpfff🌙 hes like "should i take u to a hospital?" n xue yang i slike NO GO AWAY "then let me at least bandage u, my apartment is close by" xue yangs gay ass: oh worm?
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch YES
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch BUT IT'S SLOW BURN
mayb xue yang is a runaway n is in need of a roomie
ssyifpfff🌙 YES SLOW BURN OBV
8h 8 hours ago remember: this time he gotta earn for xxc's affections
yes! xue yang its ur turn to cook
yeeting patriarch xxc is a bit wary of him for some reason although he helped and helps him out. his good heart cannot ignore it
ssyifpfff🌙 them going to buy groceries n xue yang being a Pro at bargaining for lower prices
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch ever so slowly, xiao xingchen at first really starts feeling he got himself to take care of a stray cat
like............ this happened in yi city tbh, xue yang did manage to make xxc laugh like no one else :(
ssyifpfff🌙 im sad now
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch PARALLELS... KEEP THEM COMING
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch at some point though,
xue yang gets 100% kicked out his home
he has nowhere else to go
truth to be told, boi got no close friends
it's a rainy night
and xiao xingchen is coming home after uni (what is he studying)
in front of his place, in the rain, is xue yang
yeeting patriarch when he realizes xingchen came, xue yang looks up and tries to grin at xxc but he only manages a half smile
ssyifpfff🌙 i WANT xxc to be studyin at cheff school but i think med school would fit him better
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch MED SCHOOL FOR SURE
ssyifpfff🌙 n it would make sense as to why he has bandages n is good at putting thm on
8h 8 hours ago Y E S
xue yang currently a drop out for financial problems due his situation at home
we really ain't giving it easy for xue yang even in the reincarnation it should be finally Ok for him
yeeting patriarch Understandable
ssyifpfff🌙 we had to do it to him
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch at the sight of xue yang in the rain looking Miserable TM, xingchen's heart aches
at this point they been getting close, xue yang casually COINDICENTALLY going to the same skating place over n over even tho its actually not tht big or tht good for skating
ssyifpfff🌙 god we rly made him a skater boi
8h 8 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 see ya later boi
8h 8 hours ago i cannot see it now
skater boi xue yang confirmed
xingchen let's xue yang stay over as xue yang kinda explains the situation
he promises he will find himself a place and wont get in the way
yeeting patriarch but... yknow how it is when the Living Together situation happens
in reality xue yang is Super smart, like genious smart like ash lynx smart, n xxc prob notices n encourages him to pursue a studyin path
xxc is a nerd in all his lifetimes
ssyifpfff🌙 tht way xue yang could get a scholarship n help
8h 8 hours ago yeeting patriarch OH NOOOOO GOT SLAPPED BY A THOUGHT THAT ENDED ME kinda nicely
ssyifpfff🌙 SLAP M
8h 8 hours ago as xingchen let's xue yang stay over, he gets xue yang a place to sleep in his living room. it's the only available place, his apartment isn't big. and in the morning, when xingchen wakes up, he finds xue yang sleeping kinda curled up like a cat, sleeping occupying a small place
yeeting patriarch also xue yang being Genius 💯 xingchen noticing it and encouraging him 💯💯💯
a tiny stray cat
ssyifpfff🌙 its such a cheesy metaphor in fics BUT I LOVE ITTT
7h 7 hours ago as time goes by,
they grow closer
yeeting patriarch xue yang starts even helping xingchen with his studies although this isnt an area he likes nor has much interest
yeeting patriarch they go on growing close
xingchen starts paying more attention to some things about xue yang. that he carries a sadness within him
masked by his delinquent attitude
xingchen starts lowering his walls
yeeting patriarch (at this point xue yang is already deep in love but yknow tsun boy)
tsun boy skater boy
asdfka, xue yang going to xxcs campus n waiting around for his classes to end
"no i just like the sandwiches from the cafeteria here" "but ur broke" "IM HERE TO SMELL THEM"
ssyifpfff🌙 n xxc buys him the dam sandwich n they sit to eat together T0T
7h 7 hours ago hoes trying to approach xue yang as he waits for xingchen, since xue yang is Good Looking. But he... hisses at other people
hes only... non feral around xingchen
what would xue yang study tho 🤔
yeeting patriarch before he had to drop out and then when he managed to go back
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well he did do all tht w the sticks on wen ning and song lan, maybe... neuroscience
or maybe he goes feral n studies art idk
ssyifpfff🌙 he would be good at anything really
7h 7 hours ago he does look like an art hoe somehow
and Yup. boi could do Anything
let's settle this later
yeeting patriarch as for now...
the domestic bliss continues
before they realize, they're searching for a bit bigger apartment. with at the least two rooms
(No Homo phase)
two bedrooms*
they manage to find one, share the living costs
domestic bliss lives on
at xingchen's uni
yeeting patriarch a new student arrives
yeeting patriarch 😏
he moved back to the city
xingchen and song lan immediately recognized each other
yeeting patriarch with some tension
ssyifpfff🌙 (no homo phase) LMAO
7h 7 hours ago yeeting patriarch xue yang, the bastard cat, goes wait for xingchen at his uni. grinning showing his fangs and all. unaware
xue yang sees xingchen's silhouette and approaches
then he noticed song lan
hes hit by some unknown feeling. similar the one he had when he first meet xingchen
he, clever bastard, notices the tension in the sir between the two hotties
yeeting patriarch hides close by, as xxc and sl didnt notice when he was approaching
hes a bit far and cant hear well their convo but picks a few words here and there
yeeting patriarch "it's been so long", "wanted to see you again", "i am sorry"
and hes there like "uuuuh am i bein cucked" but deep down he gets a feeling too
he prob feels he wants to go meet thm but shouldnt
thru their rship he prob feels a lot of guilt, specially seein thm together, n the worst part is tht he cant understand Why he feels tht guilt
he might think he should be around xxc if he has finally found some1, like he doenst wanna be in the way
all the while bein a chaotic bastard w sl ofc
ssyifpfff🌙 n song lan actually finds him fun to be around heh
7h 7 hours ago THE CONFLICTED FEELINGS... the feelings the doesnt understand...
chaotic ass xy starts Bottling Up it all
hes been getting Messy
as he sees xxc and sl getting closer and closer, getting along better and better
he feels he should Leave them. that unsettling mysterious guilty feeling is there all the time
yeeting patriarch although he enjoys being with the two so much
yeeting patriarch one day xy reaches his limit. his mind, his heart are a mess. hes always been on the emotionally constipated side, but now it was different and overwhelming
he was growing a bit distant the past few weeks. both xxc and sl noticed although xy tried to mask it, grinning around, as always
yeeting patriarch but his gaze would give him in sometimes
one day, as xxc comes home, he is greeted by silence. a dark and cold apartment. by that hour, xy was already at home. worry grew in xxc's heart
he called for xy, but no answers came
yeeting patriarch ANNND it's almost 02:30 am i need sleep Badly
yeeting patriarch meme ya Later. dream of this au. hmu with new thoughts. nyeehaw
ssyifpfff🌙 ASSADK XUE YANG dam u u done it again.
7h 7 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 he didint even leave a note, but xxc knows him too well n finds him fast n asks wtf is up (not like tht obv) n xue yang cant explain properly but he basically confesses tht hes grateful for xxc opening his home to basically a stranger but he understands him n song lan crealry missed each other n he shouldnt get in the way
7h 7 hours ago ssyifpfff🌙 n xxc is like "but song lan n i,,,, we both love u so much"
7h 7 hours ago n song lan comes by (xxc called him so he could help w finding the cat) n hes like "heh u ran away bc ur jealous?" "IM NOT u idiot im leaving the way open for ur dumb ass" "n what about ur way? is it open too?" (IDK WHY im imagining song lan as a suave guy whn in reality hes prob rly dense n awkwards too but let me dream)
ssyifpfff🌙 xue yang is pikachu stunned.jpg
7h 7 hours ago yeeting patriarch I HAD TO READ THOSE BEFORE DREAMLAND i will reply properly when i Rise
ssyifpfff🌙 have a good dream nyari may the xue chara dev visit u in ur sleep
7h 6 hours ago yeeting patriarch IVE RISEN
SUAVE GUY SONG LAN IS HONESTLY TO LIVE FOR xy is a tsun, xxc kinda slow so somebody in this house gotta do the work
after he says that and xue yang goes pikachu_agape.jpg
xingchen on the side blushes furiously
yeeting patriarch then after a "..." 3 secs, song lan becomes a blushy mess
yeeting patriarch xxc, tenderly, grabs one of xy hands and tells him "let's go home"
xy feels like a bit part of that heavy feeling has been lifted from him as xxc holds into his hand and sl gazes softly at him. THEN, A RARE MOMENT HAPPENS... chaotic disaster xy, doesnt give his fangy grin, but a small smile
yeeting patriarch the three of them go to their home
after this, as some time goes by, before they realize, song lan has moved in with them. they bought a bigger bed
(No Homo phase kicked into outer space)
Song lan n xy just constantly embarrassing themselves n each other fskdhdjd
3h 3 hours ago now we gotta reach the a-qing point of the au
xxc gets a thirdhand embarrassment with them sometimes
i really, really like to think xue yang's sleeping habits are a bit like a cats
even the "more docile and cuddly when sleeping" part
SINCE WE MADE HIM SHORTER ON THIS, and i think both xxc and sl are 185cm... oh the bliss
ssyifpfff🌙 he’s the lettuce of the sandwich
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch "are u a big or little spoon, xue yang?" xy: im a KNIFE xxc & sl, at the same time: hes the little spoon
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch OMGGHSJKSKSK HOL P
ssyifpfff🌙 “I am a dagger under ur pillow” “ok”
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch xxc keeping candies with him to give xy :')
ssyifpfff🌙 OFC
3h 3 hours ago xy says fuck it in this au and becomes a Baker
yeeting patriarch sl... what is he
3h 3 hours ago yeeting patriarch architect would be cool
Or designer engineer
ssyifpfff🌙 Or a VET
3h 3 hours ago OMG A VET
yeeting patriarch YES
ssyifpfff🌙 N he constantly compares xy w the kittens he attends
3h 3 hours ago YESSSSSSSSS
yeeting patriarch WE GOT IT, WE GOT IT ALL
“Today there was a black cat tht wouldn’t let me pick it up, reminded me of u” the next day “today there was a kitten tht wouldn t stop licking my hand, reminded me of u”
ssyifpfff🌙 “Today the cat bit me, reminded me of u”
3h 3 hours ago xxc - doctor sl - vet
and baker xy... a pleasant surprise
he makes the best sweet stuff but hes a disaster cooking savory food. sweets only man
also T0T in the future when they get a-qing,
xy uses his baker ways to approach her
yeeting patriarch yknow like he did back then with the candies but this time... not devilishly
0 notes
inhandnetworks-blog · 7 years
Quora Question: What Does it Feel Like to Go From Wealthy to Poor?
Quora Questions are part of a partnership between Newsweek and Quora, through which we'll be posting relevant and interesting answers from Quora contributors throughout the week. Read more about the partnership here.
Answer from Michael Aumock:
The global financial crisis destroyed me in 2008. The years immediately after were some of the worst years of my life. I lost everything, or at least I thought I did.
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As it turns out, I didn't lose much at all (assuming you don’t count approximately $3 million in real estate equity and a couple of hundred thousand dollars in cash, as “much”).
I was in Vegas when Lehman Brothers folded. It was my birthday, and it was the first time I’d ever lost big there. I should have known something wicked was coming, but I didn’t. So when my consulting contract didn’t get renewed, I didn't panic. I kept doing business as usual. When my tenants defaulted on rent, I kept paying mortgages. A year later, I still had $50,000 plus in the bank, enough of a cushion.
I suppose at this time I should make you aware that I was not exactly a low-profile person. I was (and am) in luxury goods and hospitality, and I consulted with companies catering to high net worth individuals. I helped them design sales and business strategies to keep their clients happy in the short and long term. Needless to say, the luxury sector was massacred, and is still clawing its way out of the muck and mire, at least in the United States.
So, with enough money to float for six to 10 months, I kept looking for work in my field.
And looking, and looking. Nothing.
Any kind of business consulting, nothing. Six more months go by. Any kind of sales, nothing. Six more months. This was where it got scary. I was up for waiting tables, bartending, limo driving, grocery bagging, anything. But nope. Bear in mind that up until this point, I had never even gone a month without a job since I was 12 years old.
My confidence was shot. I mean decimated. I was a shell of the man I had been only two years previously. I had the stink of failure all over me.
A friend of mine owned a couple of car washes. He offered me a job. It was outside work, taking orders when people drove in to the wash. "Would you like the undercarriage done?" It was winter in Colorado. I declined.
I was sharing a huge house at the time with my best buddy and his new girlfriend, who became his fiancé, and we were all broke. It was brutal. I don’t think I would have made it without them. I was depressed and miserable. I’m lucky they didn’t bury me in a snow bank and leave me there. I’m sure there were times they wanted to.
“Cocky” doesn’t do failure well.
My buddy with the car wash called again a few weeks later. I said no again. Not just because of the embarrassment. Not just because of the cold weather and the elements, or standing on my feet for 10 hours a day on concrete without wi-fi.
It was because of my father.
Almost every good father has a catch phrase that he uses to motivate his sons to do better than he did. Typically, it’s the threat of being stuck doing any minimum-wage job that no teenager from the Gekko era would ever aspire to. For some reason, the example that my father chose was “car wash.” We’d go through Towne Auto Wash after Little League and he’d always point to that guy who asks, “Do you want a regular wash or deluxe?” and then hands you that little piece of paper.
“Mickey,” he’d say. “You have to save some money/get better grades/quit chasing girls/do your homework. You don’t want to end up like that guy, working in a car wash, do you?” The last time I heard the speech was around 1996. The words, however, hung in the air for years to come.
So, you can see my quandary. To me, working in a car wash was the ultimate admission of failure. Not losing all my assets. Not selling my watches and cars. Not letting go of a few rugs and some art.
I was living with friends, driving a 17-year-old car, had less than $200 in the bank with no idea where the next $200 was coming from, and I was worried about being seen as a failure.
A little deluded? Perhaps, but reality kicked in when I didn’t have money for a niece’s birthday present.
So I called my friend back and asked if I could still have the job at the car wash. My utter failure as a human being was complete, my humiliation final—or so I thought.
On my third day of dragging myself in to work, the raven-haired stunner that I’d hired as my assistant five years previous pulled in—driving a brand new Lexus.
Now my humiliation was complete. There was nowhere to run, no place to hide.
And yet, just as I was about to die from shame, something happened that literally changed my life. She smiled, jumped out of her car, pointed her Louboutins right at me, ran over and gave me a hug. We chatted for about 10 minutes while her car was getting done. She said she was happy to see me, that I’d been a great boss, and that she was glad I was working. “So many” of her friends (able-bodied twenty-somethings) were unemployed, and at least I wasn’t trapped behind a desk.
I realized that I’d been beating myself up needlessly and saw how lucky I truly was.
A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, October 15, 2008, as stocks tumbled. Reuters
In that instant, I decided that instead of just showing up until I could find something better, I would use all my skills to increase my friend’s business, and I did. Over the next few months, something amazing happened to me. Something I never saw coming, and something that impacted my life and made me a better man.
I saw hundreds of people every day, and none of them thought I was a failure, and it energized me. I smiled. They smiled back. I was happy and engaging, and I sold about a gazillion deluxe washes. But also, my worst fear morphed into something I started to look forward to. I got my confidence back, and it was obvious. I saw dozens of people I knew—clients, old customers, friends I’d lost touch with, and every single one of them said something positive.
They respected me.
They held me in higher esteem for seeing me in the cold, wearing a red nylon jacket with a car wash logo on it. Nobody made fun of me or called me names. Nobody laughed. There was even an article in a local lifestyle magazine about me.
They respected me for doing what had to be done (I’m sure a few were secretly happy that I’d been taken down a few pegs, but hey, we’re all human, right?)
The truth of my situation was laid bare for the world to see. There’s no way to spin a story when you are asking people if they want the basic or deluxe wash. There’s no amount of charm of polish or bullshit that can hide the truth.
I was working in a car wash—and nobody thought I was a failure. Not even my father.
Then, about six months later, one of my old clients called. He needed some help setting up a new luxury club. We put a deal together and when I resigned from the car wash, my friend was genuinely sad, saying I was the best employee he'd ever had.
I approached that new consulting contract with a vigor and zest for life I hadn’t felt for years! A few months after that, another contract took me to Asia, and I’ve been consulting over here ever since.
So, my worst fear turned out to be my salvation.
It gave me confidence, paid my bills for a while and put me in a position to move my company to Asia and have access to an abundance of new cultures and growing markets.
Sure, I’m not quite back to where I was that day nine years ago in Vegas, but I have a red nylon jacket with a car wash logo on it that reminds me that for my version of success, I don’t have to be.
What does it feel like to go from being wealthy to being poor? originally appeared on Quora—the knowledge-sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. More questions:
Wealth: What should I do with the money I am making?
Poverty: How did you become homeless?
What Does It Feel Like to X?: What does it feel like to be in combat behind enemy lines?
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