#[ i wish it was as easy to make irl money as it is to make video game money ]
exerlin · 6 months
my life would be so much better with a 2nd non-bathroom room and a bunny rabbit
#bnuny thoughts#i think im getting burnt out on splatoon and it's making me sad#idk what else to do i wish i could pursue my hobbies but without space or meds i can't muster the strength i need#also i tried looking for a job today and wow. you even need a food certification to be paid minimum wage??#i just can't deal with this shit at all still#job hunting irl doesnt work and neither does online#too many barriers to entry for the simplest of things#i don't understand how anyone functions under these conditions#im not good enough at anything to be paid for it i guess#this system thinks i should die i guess#food is taking up all my extra money nowadays#and im still running out of food stamps#im eating 2 cups of ramen a day ($3 each) because i keep gagging on the $1 maruchan cups of ramen#i ordered a copious amount of noodles on amazon hoping to keep my food costs strictly on my EBT this month#trying to go out by myself as little as possible so that I can afford to be able to *insert literally anything that isn't play video games*#im so so deeply tired of video games i wish i could experience the wonders of life and reality but that costs money each time#video games cost money 1 time and can be played over and over again#sometimes they dont even cost money#but a drink that isn't prepackaged costs at least $5#and food is even more than that#and no loitering because everything is actually private property#and also i feel extremely uncomfortable in public places like parks because strangers have always been hostile to me (in georgia)#and i have not had any experiences that conflict with that trend as i avoid public spaces (which is easy because you have to seek them out)#i want to be in one but i won't feel comfortable because i will feel like i don't belong#also i wouldnt know what to do#and anything like “daydreaming” or “relaxing” would probably result in my dazed ass accidentally staring at someone for too long#i just don't know how to deal with such an intense fear#at least not by myself
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ravenbloodshot · 11 months
Pick a Card- Your True Personality
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Instructions: Take a deep breath, and get rid of all thoughts. Then choose a number or decide by looking at the photo, I don't recommend choosing a pile based off your liking for the celeb in the photos, but do as your heart desires. Let's hope your heart steers you to the right pile
Pile 1:
This most definitely is the pile that attracts a lot of PAC veterans (aka ppl who follow a lot of PAC readers). I'm getting the vibe that you may seek a lot of validation from not only people in your life but from PAC's as well, you can get really offended by negative traits that come up in these types of readings and also likely hate all forms of criticism. You are the type to romanticize life and have an inflated ego, thinking of yourself as on a higher pedestal than others. You guys are above average in the looks department and tend to get what you want using your looks/charm. Your not going to have much trouble attracting a romantic partner, but you will have problems making them stay. You can become quite violent and hysterical when you don't get your way and that can turn your partners off. It's as if ppl will find you attractive but once they get to know you, think your batshit crazy and wish to get going asap. I'm definitely getting the vibe that you act high and mighty and like your the queen/king bee out of deep insecurities. Like a person that gets told their pretty/handsome so they go along with that but lowkey live life not 100% sure that's the case. Not calling you a bully but I do see some case of that, if your not a bully could be that you were a victim of bullying or bullied others in the past. Either way you have some aggressive, bullying ways about you.
You may not hold a healthy view of love, believing that it's your partners duty to love and care for you but you don't have to particularly do anything for them. It's the energy of a person who's married to someone completely unconditionally in love with them, while they're just there for the money/gifts. I do think you take good care of yourself (going to the gym, nails done, hair done, skin care on point, closet full of clothes your size and also smaller sizes that your working out to eventually fit into etc...). Your likely single and not happy about it, although you'll never truly admit it to yourself and neither would you to your friends.
This is the pile that has dealt with a lot of heartbreak and may have turned to a selfish but self conscious attitude to cope with it.
Pile 2:
Ooooo, very passionate and powerful. Im seeing a duality with the feminine and masculine energy (remind me of Ryujin). You guys may be my favorite, I just get this warm tingly feeling and this random burst of energy (If I could meet with you irl, ik I would love you 💕❤ )
You are very elegant and sophisticated, giving rich girl vibes and if not rich you strive to be (and not in the way almost all ppl strive to be rich but I actually feel like you have set plans in place for yourself, your not fucking around when it comes to you getting what you want). I'm getting this real sense of knowing who you are and what you want so your quite easy to understand, you may speak bluntly and get to the point. The femininity I mentioned before shows itself in how you care for others, you protect your loved ones and you won't hesitate to stand up for those weaker than you or just in a worse off position. It's like yeah you know your Queen bee but you don't think your above others in and of itself , you just know your above certain ideas/actions of others (I mentioned this queen bee energy for pile 1, but they seemed more 'fake it till you make it' types while you seem more relaxed and confident in your own crown and still willing to fix other's crowns). Now for the masculine energy. I keep hearing the saying "I rule with a iron fist", so you guys may be quite stubborn and set in your ways. I'm also seeing a bit of a temper, you guys give such Taurus vibes, but it takes a while for it to really show its head. I don't think you blow up for every little thing but once your temper ignites, there's no putting out the flames until the fire runs its course (I'm seeing Canadian fires, how terrible and drawn out they were, it's the same as your temper).You do hold this view of "I deserve.....", which can help you to have the confidence to go after who/what you want but when your entitlement is extreme/irrational, you can come off as just a pushy asshole.
You definitely have this healing vibe to you along with this innocent love of animals, plushies, kids and all things cute and cuddly. You may talk to your pets (if you don't own a pet, you should, they will bring you a deep sense of peace/happiness). You love to feel like you've fixed people and things, you can become obsessed with helping ppl get out of their troubles and try to tend to their mental/physical health. One thing I will say is I think your the type to love the chase in relationships (you may become obsessed with being with a person who doesn't want you).
Last thing is , you can be quite the chaos bringer. I'm seeing some type of trolling on social media, if not trolling, you could just be quite aggressive with how you write on social media. I'm seeing a lot of hidden actions and secret accounts 😏
Pile 3:
This pile has the energy of air signs. Your the type to overanalyze and over think everything. Even when it comes to things that you say, you may think about your words quite carefully before you say them. You may be an empath or bc you analyze ppl so intensely, you can pick up on others emotions/intentions and change the way you speak to fit others state of being (for an example: if a friend was in a depressive state and quite down and out, you would know better than to try to joke around, you would communicate with more kindness in your tone and try to be understanding). You can be quite humble and the humanitarian, wishing to do good for others/society (you have the energy of a therapist).
Your sarcastic and witty, quick with the comebacks and yk how to roast ppl (lol). You could have been a victim of bullying or just grew up in a tough environment and later you learned to stick up for yourself by using your words (insulting your bullies, roasting them etc...). Your words are very powerful, likely magical. Your the type to speak things into existence, so if I were you, I would be careful with what I say (which i think you do anyways, I'm just putting this out to warn you). I do see you can be quite vengeful and you have a mindset of "I'll get them before they get me". This makes you very defensive and hostile at times. Not just that but you have some jealousy issues.
You could be dealing with a break up and your heart is not open to love rn. I do think you do try to stay in a positive mindset but you could end up hiding your pain behind your laughs and smiles. Not really the type of person to deal with your emotional pain head on. You don't like to stay in one place for too long, preferring to move/travel often.
Pile 4:
You are very much in your power and know your worth. You could be after an unconventional career that many have told you that it could never come to be but you do as you wish not as your told. I'm seeing that your quite an attractive and sexy person, very well shaped body as well (could be quite curvaceous or your obsessed with having curves) but either way you look good. You command a lot of respect and admiration from others. A lot of ppl wish to be you, look like you, or have you. Your very talented in some kind of musical sense, your likely gifted at singing (or your voice is quite enchanting). You express yourself well, a lot of ppl feel compelled by you and the way you speak (you could live in a country where your accent is different from most). You definitely have the power and the influence to get what you want, it's giving 7 rings by Ariana Grande, " I see it, I like, I want it, I got it" 💅.
I do think you could be too attached to your looks though, it's like you believe if you gain too much weight or you don't keep/get the curves you desire, Noone would find you attractive. I also see some idolizing of others bodies as well (keep off of social media as much as possible, its okay to post yourself but try not to scroll mindlessly. That fake social media shit gets to you and messes with your spirit). You may have been on your own since a young age, having to learn how to navigate the world and its evils/goods on your own. Your very independent due to this and also street smart.
Your in a stage of your life where you may be sleeping around a lot, playing seductive games, being flirtatious and plainly dating. Your likely viewing love as a game rn, and not taking anyone too serious. (If you are wanting to be more serious with love and attract a committed partner, refrain from sex when you date, your an enticing person so your partner will drive themself crazy trying to please and be with you). Most of you in this pile are just having/looking for fun though so that only pertains to a few of you.
Unfortunately, you may be the type to get into a lot of relationships in which your partner cheats or turns out to be pyscho. This may be the reason why I don't think you believe in 'true + unconditional love' (could be parental issues, childhood trauma as well). Your romantic relationships will be the thing in this lifetime that bring you the most headaches and loneliness
Pile 5:
I got a vibe that this pile will attract a lot of fans of Niki instead of ppl who actually feels this pile will resonate to them, so those who picked this pile.
Turn around
Pick a pile
Okay. I feel like your quite young, probably in highschool or college. You've been through a lot in your life, in which at times you've felt abandoned or ostracized. But I think those experiences have made a stronger, more resilient you. You don't play a victim in life (even if you once were) and you don't encourage others in your life to hold onto victim hood as well. You know that you have to persevere through obstacles, not stay stuck in a pity party. You do have some codependency issues, you can be too clingy and hold onto others too tight. You fear others would leave you. You fear disappointing the ones you love. (I feel like you were "the nail that stuck out and was promptly hammered in"). So I think you may have anxiety about standing out too much or appearing too different from others. You have problems with understanding and respecting others boundaries (I just keep seeing an image of you holding onto a person, with strong grip, as they struggle to push you off). Instead of making ppl feel free and relaxed around you, you could make them feel uncomfortable.
Your a very book smart person. You have a fascination with unique things that most ppl would never think about and you come up with the most creative ideas. I think your more of a hoarder of knowledge and that you feel uncomfortable sharing your ideas with others, likely afraid they would laugh at you or say the idea is worthless. I feel like your not entirely moving forward with your life, your still haunted by your past. You could even recall voices of those who've insulted you or said very discouraging things to you and that can cause you to hesitate a lot in life.
I think this the ppl in this pile may be more sensitive and I want to make sure you don't feel hated or like I'm just another person confirming your own worst thoughts. I'm here to tell you to MOVE FORWARD in your life, don't let the haters win, don't hide yourself away. Prosper like the beautiful flower you are and always will be. 🌻
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croucify · 6 months
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✶ surprise — hamzahthefantastic x reader
SUMMARY: hamzah attempts to surprise you on your birthday
A/N: an irl gave this idea after they told me they surprised their partner this way and i thought it was the cutest ever
your birthday hasn't been something you planned on celebrating each year. you thought it wasn't as big of a deal to consider each year as a milestone in your life and for you, it was also a waste of money and time planning a party, and sending invites, and overall it was just tiring.
but this year, your boyfriend, hamzah wanted that to change.
he was currently in your shared apartment, a baking video in the background while he had all the ingredients out with an apron tied around his body.
"hamzah, how many of these do you need?" martin asks as he pumps air into the balloon.
he thinks for a while, opening the cake mix's box. "maybe... about 8 or 10?"
after a while, martin had 5 balloons with air, and all that was left were the strings and the cake. hamzah on the other hand had replayed the video three times already with only the cake mix in his bowl, afraid to mess up the cake he was making for you.
"how many times are you gonna repeat this bro?" his friend teased as he tied the end of the balloon.
hamzah just rolled his eyes before cracking the eggs and pouring them into the bowl.
you'd be coming home soon and he was trying to rush the process of making the cake, the powdered batter scattering everywhere as he quickly mixed.
"fuck," he muttered to himself but still proceeded with baking the cake.
when martin finished with the balloon — even tying ribbons at where he tied them, hamzah was still mixing the cake batter.
"hamzah," martin called out for the curly-haired boy who was adding ingredients to the bowl. "i'm gonna go now, have to fetch mandy from work." he nodded at him.
"thanks for the help dude, seriously thank you." hamzah said with a genuine smile. when his friend left, he mixed the batter more before transferring it to a pan.
as soon as the cake was finished baking, he immediately took out the tray from the oven but with the temperature still being high, he burnt himself although he was wearing mittens.
he thought decorating the cake was going to be the easy part, considering the fact that he was just meant to spread icing and pour sprinkles but he still thought of writing a short note on the cake but as he was getting to the third letter, your keys were already jammed into the keyhole, opening the door to your apartment.
the counter was still messy with the spillage from earlier and the bowls and utensils he used, were scattered all over.
"shit, shit, shit!" he said as tried to tidy up the place but you've already stepped inside.
"hamzah is something," your head turns to where he was standing after you've taken off your shoes. your eyes fall on the cake that's on the counter and the piping bag in his hands. "oh my god." you try to hide your smile but with your boyfriend standing in front of you, with a horrified expression and a messy apron, you couldn't help it.
it was an image you wish you could've taken a photo off. he places the piping bag down the counter and tries his best to hide the cake by walking closer to you.
"okay, i know you hate birthdays but i wanted to surprise you this year. we've been together for uh... 3 years now? and take it as a gesture of love, please." he pleaded, eyes looking deeply into yours.
you step closer to him and place a hand on his cheek before pecking his lips. there's a smile on your face when you pull away which makes him less nervous. "this might just be the best birthday ever, hamzah." you tell him and his eyes widen in excitement.
you untie his apron, throwing it on the counter before wrapping your arms around him. the two of you hold each other for a while before he places a kiss on your temple and then speaks again.
"you also have balloons, martin blew them for me oh and, your cake only has the letters h and b because you arrived when i was starting on d."
✶ taglist — @cdbabymp3 @noturbabe22 @dabuggh3 @kingvioleta @tumb1rgir1z @mfcherry @ldrvinyl @certainfestivalnerdshepherd @seasidelily @jisyng @brucewaynegfreal LMK IF U WANNA BE ADDEDDD!!!
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le-trash-prince · 2 months
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans Ep 6 Thoughts
I'm caught between "I hate everything going down at the restaurant" and "I love everything going on between Methas and JJ"
I'm sorry y'all but I cannot stand Kluer, he's too fucking much for me. Man puts on a sweet and innocent face, meanwhile he's scheming for Plawan to get his heart broken, and he CAN'T EVEN OWN UP TO IT. I've got a personal bias against him tho coz he stares at Plawan way too much and it makes my autistic ass uncomfortable dfgkdfg he reminds me of someone irl who does this to me, and I hate it, so sorry Kluer but it's personal.
Oab did try to tell Khaosuay about him and Plawan, but she refused to hear it, and he tried to be straight with her about rejecting her, and she didn't want to hear it either. Out of all four ppl in this messy love square, he's the only one who's really trying to do right by the people around him (which is not saying much coz the bar is on the GROUND with everyone here looking out for their own interests), but you can't try to make everyone happy in this situation. Also unfortunately for you, Oab, one of these people walked out on you and the other has been lying to you for months
really feels like Khaosuay is just panicked about her dad and projecting all that onto Oab by trying to dig her claws into him and keep the life she had before. Which is really unpleasant, but like, I get where she's coming from. But stop that, girl, please.
I'm also really curious what Kluer told her on the phone, if it was just about her dad or if he was like "your dad is dying and this guy is trying to steal Oab even though he still loves you" like how far does Kluer's manipulation go
Also Kluer trying to kiss a completely wasted and possibly unconscious Plawan is a No Thanks from me LMFAO
Honestly I think their date was a good example of why Plawan gravitates towards harsh, no-nonsense people like JJ and Oab because a "I'm going to only tell you the things you want to hear" person like Kluer is just gonna let him get trashed in public
like JJ was absolutely in the right to tell Plawan to take this chance and move on from Oab because if he is hurting over Oab paying a little attention to Khaosuay right now, he is going to be DEVASTATED when the consequences of his own actions catch up to him.
The whole scene at JJ's house had me dying oh my god. From JJ skipping outside to the trash to the way he suddenly had a date with Methas without even KNOWING what happened, like Methas was all, "Okay go get dressed, what are you waiting for?" and JJ was like "??????????"
Methas' lack of social skills is so funny to me... and his petty little jealousy over Plawan's relationship with JJ, like yeah I BET you wish you had friends too.
that preview too GOD I AM READY kfdgdfg i posted the stills for ep 5 on the benzgarfield sideblog last week, but i accidentally put ep 6 in the description at first, and then i corrected it to ep 5, and THEN half the stills didn't show up in the episode at all, so i was like ep 5 AND 6???? and now i find out it's ep 7 thank you TLDHLB staff for this clear and straightforward release of preview stills it has made it very easy for me to label things in an accurate and satisfying manner dgfdsfgsdfg
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lizisodd · 4 months
We Stand Alone Together documentary thoughts:
I know all the men from lots of stalking research, but my family doesn't, and this documentary doesn't list their names at the begining. (They're listed later, but still. I'm whispering "that's Popeye, no that's not 'our' Buck.")
I hope all the unused footage is in the WWII museum vault. Frankly, I don't trust HBO — where are our deleted scenes?!
I could listen to Babe tell stories for a million years.
IRL Lipton vs Malarkey vs Hashey: Best Hair competition.
Shifty still looks so (relatively) young!
Dick Winters, I wish I could have attended one of your speaking engagements. The man knows how to give a speech!
Moe Alley getting stuck upside down in the plane and Paul Rogers having to roll him out would have been great to see.
Compton: trench knife ✅, canteen ✅, 6 candy bars ✅.
Shifty admiring the soldiers who had to land on the beach. 🥰
Winters doing his own scouting at Brecourt — of course!
Winters getting emotional over Popeye apologizing for getting hit. 🥹 He loves those men so much!
Would have LOVED to see Guarnere's and Martin's tattoo adventure.
As much as I love Replacements and Crossroads, the documentary does a lot better job of explaining Market-Garden.
This doc does the impossible: makes me love Joe Toye even more.
Bill and Babe back in Bastogne could have been its own doc. And how great to see Bill, aged 80, moving so swiftly on his crutches in the woods.
BULL! Sister-in-law and I are very glad to see him, wish he was in more of the doc.
Lip getting teary remembering Guarnere getting hit. 😢 And then Malarkey not being able to talk about it! 😭😭😭
Lots of cheering for Easy's drunken exploits! 😆
I wonder what valuables Easy looted from the Eagle's Nest are going to find their way back to Germany once their grandkids and great-grandkids inherit them and realize some may have been originally looted from Jewish families. Shifty and McLung talking about the Rembrandts they passed over ...
So weird IRL!Winters kept the pistol from the German officer, but show!Winters let him keep it.
Winters made $75/week at Nixon Nitration, which is about $1,300 today. That's good money! I need to research what the average salary was in 1946.
Shifty's kids call him "Shifty" ... With a nickname that good, why use "Dad"?
Tipper! So glad you lived. Absolutely crazy your daughter is practically my age.
Fuck Marvel credit scenes, all movies should end with Babe singing over the credits.
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reorientation · 4 months
Hi. So I got into detrans kink because of my ex boyfriend. When we first stared dating, I was pre-T and I was very dysphoric about it. He assured me he saw me as a man, and that he was bisexual.
However, I gradually realized he was a straight man. Whenever we fooled around, he was very focused on my tits. He told me he wanted me to shave my pussy bc it was easier to give me oral that way, and I believed him so I did. He said he would love if I "crossdressed" and I tried it too.
The weight of the situation I was in caught up to me when he raped me. I had told I didn't want any vaginal sex ever, but that day he fingered and then put his whole, raw dick inside my virgin pussy. I wasn't on birth control either. He didn't cum inside me but I was worried for days after I would get pregnant.
I broke up with him, told myself he was a stupid idiot because I am not a woman, I am a man. Started T slowly after.
However, I started to have weird fantasies... I needed extra money at that time, because of a project I wanted to do. So I just. Took that as an excuse to start doing porn.
I was still early on T. So I was able to start a Chatroulette account as a girl. I would hide my face and just play with my tits on video, let everyone assume I was a a woman. My voice hadn't dropped yet, so I would answer their questions too. What size my tits were, what type of sex I liked and so on. I bought lingerie and raided my older sister's closet for slutty clothes to wear for these men.
I also had a reddit account and I would post nudes every day, talk about how much I loved dick and wanted to be used. Got into misogyny, breeding and free use kinks. It was so embarrasing to me to see that, even on T, everyone saw me as a girl who also was enough of a slut to show her pussy and tits to all the internet. I uploaded a couple of videos too. I would also use omegle very often to find misogynists and then I would be their sex toy on Kik for a couple of hours too.
The most embarrasing part is that I made almost no money for this. My Only Fans had no subscriptors because I was already posting my body for free on Reddit. I got some tips on Chatroulette, but that was it. Less than 200 USD in my whole three month career as a online whore.
I kinda wanted to do it irl too. Started a Twitter profile as a prostitute and was approached by many guys in my city who offered to pay money to use my girly body. But I chickened out and deleted everything. It was very distressing, but also hot, that these men didn't know I was a man. They saw a pretty girl who is whoring herself out.
Some days I want to start all over again and maybe go all the way too. But I am 4 years on T now, and I am quite sure I can't pass as a girl effortlessly.
—I might send more asks so I thought about signing this as Chatroulette anon, but it will be hotter if you give me an anon name yourself.
As you wish: your tag is reor: wannabe whore anon. 🖤
I do love this. You started dating a straight man based on some easy reassurance, shaved your pussy and put on a dress for him, unwillingly took his bare cock when you thought you would never take anyone's, and then told yourself that he was the stupid one, for not realizing that he was actually fucking a man. How blind he must have been!
And then... You realized that what he wanted from you was what the whole world wanted from you. That no one cared about your identity, just whether you'd show them your tits. That the easiest way by far for you to get positive attention was to stop insisting that you were a man, and instead tell everyone how much you needed a man to fill up your cunt.
And attention was all you got, wasn't it? Because even though you were embarrassing yourself in public in order to entertain strange men, there were a million other girls trying to do the same. Because you weren't any different than any of them.
It's cute that you nearly tried to make it all real, though - that because your boyfriend forced his way into your pussy, you ended up trembling on the edge of letting in any man who could pay. Quite a long way from never wanting to have a man spread your legs.
I'm sure you would have made a pretty little whore at the time. And maybe it's too late to look as feminine and innocent as you could have then. But I believe in you - one way or another, I'm sure you can still make plenty of straight men happy with your cunt. 🖤
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mcfallen-god · 4 months
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
A forever go-to @davi-doo
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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"if i could purchase your love, please know i would exhaust my savings to do so."
status: next update (chaps 26-33) 12.11.23 <3
taglist | masterlist
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— Zhongli and fem!reader smau
— present-day au
— yn is a celebrity and zhongli is a famous billionaire
when you were younger, it was easy to ignore the problems that surrounded having money or talent. but as the years go by and adult life places more emphasis on these two things, how do you keep promises made in your youth? And do you rebuild relationships that have spent decades on the back burner?
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accounts: private personal public
(♔ denotes the chapter has some written prose)
✧ 01 sold to the dragon
✧ 02 ex in your dms
✧ 03 a massive internet black hole
✧ 04 i think i just got my best friend back
✧ 05 #hutaosweep
✧ 06 kindly delete this
✧ 07 with what authority?
✧ 08 i am not a package ♔
✧ 09 i only kissed him
✧ 10 people are mean ♔
✧ 11 i want to see you
✧ 12 i don't wish to know about his bowel movements
✧ 13 are you hearing yourself rn?
✧ 14 ur boyfriend is terrifying
✧ 15 don't leave ♔
✧ 16 you are not getting me in a tracksuit
✧ 17 what are we launching?
✧ 18 please be respectful of your neighbours
✧ 19 he knows something about everything
✧ 20 yn x mystery man
✧ 21 archons help you lumine
✧ 22 ngl i dont think he's looking for your approval ♔
✧ 23 too unserious
✧ 24 baby due date
✧ 25 to Celestia and back
✧ 26 pass
✧ 27 that is no way to speak to your fiancée
✧ 28 Just text me?
✧ 29 Whatever it is I didn’t do it
✧ 30 screw lumine
✧ 31 just make a gaming room
✧ 32 silence on all fronts
✧ 33 [redacted]
✧ 34 you need rest ♔
✧ 35 fin
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i had this idea in the tags of someone's post ages ago and I've always wanted to try making a smau so here we go
BIG thanks to my irl bestie who’s letting me massacre some of her pictures for yn ♡
Do you want a cameo in this or future smaus? Fill out this form!
leave a comment or an ask to be added to the taglist!!
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listen, I'm not being dramatic at all when I say most people don’t know how exhausting being a fanfic writer can be. I mean I understand why they tend to think it’s an ‘activity we do in our free time’ where we just sit in our beds in front of our laptops and type something away when we’re bored. thing is, I wish it were that easy. but it’s not. sometimes we spend hours doing research, sometimes — most of the times — it takes us so long to think of words to form a sentence, because the sentences/dialogues you see in a fanfic aren’t the same as a conversation we have with people irl in our daily lives where we don’t have to worry about whether or not it’s ‘smooth’ or ‘in-character’ or ‘aesthetically satisfying’ enough. that one sentence you read in a fic could take the author so long to come up with, to craft the words and put them together, and as someone who also writes, this isn’t an exaggeration at all. I could say “he saw a girl with her mom today, and thought of his own mom because he missed her” to you as a normal irl conversation, but once I put that in my fic, it turns into “His eyes landed on a little girl, she couldn't have been older than six. She was with her mother, and they were both smiling. A soft smile tucked at the corner of his lips then, a wave of nostalgia washed over his heart as his memories led him back to his mother’s home, when he was little. He hadn’t seen her in so long, but he remembered the scent of her morning coffee; warm and cozy, just like her hugs.” and I'm not talking about the constant feelings that your works are never over. because once you finished a chapter or a one-shot, that you worked on for so long, and posted it, you’re almost immediately hit with the feelings that you have to start working on your next fic right now, otherwise you’re not being productive enough, and all your self-worth comes from how much/how fast/how well/how often you write. so instead of rewarding yourself with a night without any writing where you can give yourself a nice relaxing bath or binge watch a show or any other thing you enjoy doing, you start writing something new. and it’s just so exhausting, but we do it anyway.
now imagine you doing all of this. so other people can read your works. for free. while you’re also busy with work/life/your actual job. you get nothing in return — from pulling an all-nighter for 3 nights in a row, just to finish a chapter of your fic — except kudos and comments.
being a writer who published original works as their main source of income is super cool, of course, but it’s sad how fanfic writers are often seen as less than ‘actual’ writers when I've read a lot of fanfictions that were better written than an actual published novel. a fanfic writer is as much of a writer as any other writer who writes and publishes their original works as their main source of income.
anyway, my point is, we as fanfic writers don’t make any money from our works. we do it simply because of our love for the characters in the fandoms we’re in. please please please please always show your appreciation to your favorite authors by giving them kudos and commenting on their works. if you’re shy or if you don’t know what to comment, just say ‘I enjoyed reading this so much’ or ‘I liked this chapter so much’ or how reading it made you feel; it can be ‘this made me cry. thank you’ or ‘I smiled to myself while reading this *inserts a part or a dialogue from the fic* thank you for writing this’. literally anything. even if the authors don’t respond to you, I can guarantee you that they read your comments and it made them smile and they appreciate your support more than you know. literally comments are also what motivate them to write more fics for you to read.
that being said, if you’re a fanfic writer and you’d love to promote your works under this post. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO.
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alovesreading · 8 months
helloooooo! it’s been a while, and so much has happened irl so i figured i’d share a little life update for anyone who even wants a rant from me lolll
okay so a bit of a backstory for context: i moved to the states back in 2020, about a week before covid got serious and the whole world went into lockdown, and ever since then it’s just been so tough to exist.
being an immigrant is hard just by carrying the name of it, and then just having to deal with the incredible load of working through loads and loads of paperwork, gathering all sorts of documents, spending thousands and thousands of dollars, making sure to fill every blank line with the proper information as to not fuck up such a big process, it’s all just so damn much.
and then comes the wait. i have been waiting for four years for absolutely anything to come out of the process i started back in 2020, every month losing more and more hope. and then the government makes a mistake and you get denied, and then you have to spend another couple thousands to make sure THEY correct their mistake. and after that, guess what? more fucking waiting!
my mental health has been an issue for me since i was a child and it’s not a surprise that coming from a latino household and a third world country, i just had never gotten help because my struggles were waved off as me being spoiled or ungrateful, etc.
so it’s really no surprise that this whole immigration process has been chipping away at my mental health more and more with the pass of time. at first, it was easy to understand the delay since lockdown had pushed so many things back, but then it just got ridiculous. and then just adding coming to terms about my sexuality after years and years of forcing myself to turn a blind eye to it, and feeling lonely cos i had no friends and everyone i was used to seeing every day of my life was back in my home country. it’s been so much.
it’s not an exaggeration to say i have checked the status of my immigration process every day for the past 4 years, and even though there was never good news, i still checked - holding out hope on the daily that a miracle would happen and all those months i’d waited would finally end up in what i wanted, what i needed really.
cos for four years i haven’t been able to study, or work, or get a licence. i’ve had to stay home, trying to pick up hobbies to not drive myself mad while my whole family could go on with their lives, having to take on the responsibility of doing everything around the house cos everyone else would he out and it would just be lazy of me to not take the burden of it all whilst everyone else is studying or working.
so i have watched my life waste away in front of my eyes year after year, seeing my friends back home doing everything i couldn’t do, wishing i could travel places or even just visit my home country but not being able to leave the country at all, trying to find little things i could do to even get twenty dollars on my own so i didn’t have to ask my family for anything.
basically, for the past four years i’d had to watch my life from the sidelines, see everything from a third point perspective, feel as if i was being puppeteered by my awful luck.
september 2023 was the month when everything started crumbling down for my family, and as the eldest, it all fell onto me. having to parent my parents and try to solve all their problems shoved me further into a black hole and just, week after week, it would all get worse.
i remember at the end of november i said it just couldn’t get fucking worse - my dumbass jinxed it clearly cos suddenly the deal my dad had made back in my home country so that i could try to go to uni went through but my shit family back home took the money and so my dad came back empty handed, and my grandma was taken to the hospital only to come out of it in a casket four days before christmas.
i was so fucking angry at life. i’ve had suicidal thoughts since i was child too and well, they hit me quite hard back in december. i was angry at my dad for not fighting to take the money, for not realising he had given me a sliver of hope (move to another state which accepted undocumented immigrants in universities) and just didn’t fight enough for me to continue to hold onto it. i was angry at god for yet again taking another woman that raised me in the most cruel way and not even giving me a chance to fucking say goodbye (again).
and so when i went on holiday at the end of the year, my only goal was to distract myself even for a few days from that void in my chest and all the racing thoughts in my mind, and how much i struggled to simply exist.
it was a nice few days, i had fun with my family and i certainly did manage to distract myself. but then we came back home and i felt so claustrophobic again to be stuck in these same four walls and the cloud of grief over me that hadn’t seemed so heavy whilst i was away, coming down on me on a fucking downpour that made my chest ache.
i was debating going back to therapy but i couldn’t afford it so i turned the idea down as soon as it came to me.
and then suddenly, one afternoon after i had finally finished cooking for everyone and sat down to finally eat, i get a cryptic email from my lawyer telling me to give her a call.
i’m not even joking when i said i pushed my plate of food away and sighed heavily cos all i could think right then is of the worst outcome and i got nauseous thinking about how it would most certainly be that my residency had been denied again cos of uscis being entirely incompetent again.
well, when i called my lawyer and i heard the smile on her face through her voice as she greeted me, i pinched myself to make sure i wasn’t dreaming even before i heard her say, “congratulations, you got your work permit.”
i hadn’t realised the grief of my grandma’s death had been joined by the grief of my own life until i felt the relief flooding me at that very moment.
it’s honestly insane how one simple number or card can open so many doors for you. in a matter of a few weeks i had a valid ID, i went to college and enrolled in classes, got a licence, went looking for a car and actually getting one soon, and applied to a bunch of jobs (got just one interview but let’s manifest i get the job).
so needless to say january has been insane for me. my life has been flipped over and i’m trying to figure everything out slowly.
i do have to say, in the midst of all those years of waiting, reading and writing have been the things to get me through and though i have been making up for the lack of writing lately with getting lost again on books. im really glad im finding myself back to writing. slowly, of course, cos i actually never considered myself that good and after this long without doing it i reckon i really need to make the effort to be decent again, im glad im back reading my silly little notes on my silly little (not little at all) docs and trying to get back into the groove of it all.
if you made it all the way here, i fucking love you and i’m sorry for such a long unnecessary rant and trauma dumping (?) but i figured this helps understand a bit more of me and since you lot have been part of such a sweet escape for me, i wanted to share a little of my life with you.
anyway, i’m honestly so glad to be back. i hope i can adjust and get everything sorted so so soon so i don’t have to go away as much as i have lately. and i also hope i can get back to writing, at least decently, so i can share all the silly stories that flood my brain and that i love sharing with you lot.
okay i’ll shut up now but i love yous and i’m sending you so many hugs and kisses your way xxxx
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9, 13, and 20
9. What’s the favourite scene/moment from the book?
  Probably the part in the morning after Pony gets home from Windrixville, where the gang’s just relaxing and horsing around- it lends some much-needed lightness to a pretty heavy book. That or the train-hopping, although that one’s mostly because I’ve always wanted to ride on a freight train, ala “On the Road”. There’s one by my house and lemme just say it’s been tempting me pretty much my whole life. I guess I also like the drive in, when Two-Bit talks to Cherry and Marcia- it was just just fun to read, I like Two-Bit.
  I think the Johnny/Dally death scenes were obviously some of the most well-written and impactful, but I can’t outright say they’re my favorites because the whole time they were happening I wanted them to not be happening. Loved them though from a technical standpoint. You see so much of the characters and who they are- ugh it’s so well done.
13. Who do you think is the most well-written character?
  Maybe Ponyboy or Dally? Idk Ponyboy just feels very genuine, which I guess makes sense since Hinton says he’s probably the character who’s most like her. And then with Dally- I mean it’d be easy to soften his edges in hopes of writing someone more likeable, but she chose not to and I think that’s a huge part of why his character is so meaningful. I really like Pony’s line about how Dally’s “Too real” and how that scares him.
But really I do think all of the characters are solidly written- especially Randy who I think is kinda underrated? I mean I don’t think about him often, but I love the scene where he calls Pony “Grease” and then is like “Wait, I mean kid.” I do wish we got more Cherry- she was well-written too, but we see so little of her…
  Idk, I think they’re all well-written. Even characters without much to them on a surface level feel like real people, and it makes the world feel so lived-in and real. Like my boy Steve- there’s not a ton outright said about him, but he still feels like a real person with real depth. And don’t even get me started on the Shepards- the little details really flesh them out, even with hardly any screen time.
20. Which character do you relate to most?
  Steve or Soda I think. 
  Steve because even though we don’t canonically get much of him, we do get a few things, like how he’s cocky and observant and competitive and has a rocky relationship with his dad lol. And then in the movie he does a lotta stuff I’ve done and even looks kinda like me- kinda short, gap-toothed, dark haired, scowls a lot. I’ve currently got a pretty nasty bruise on my knee from front-flipping off a couch, and another one on my arm from rough-housing with a buddy. And irl I know I often come off as bad-tempered the way he does, although I don’t really mean to. This one’s more fanon than canon, but we’ve even both got Napoleon complexes lol- I mean the fact that I like him so much is absolutely just projecting, I’ll admit that, but idk I like him and think he’s pretty relatable. I get the whole “fighting ‘cause you’re angry” thing, as well as the beefing with fourteen year olds thing-which I’m kinda ashamed of- but I swear to god fourteen year olds know how to push my buttons in ways no one else does. (well. Except for…everyone. I guess. I just have a lot of specific experiences with smartass fourteen year olds that I’m still mad about to this day.)
(5’6 isn’t that short Malcom, shut the hell up. You’re just freakishly tall for a freshman.)
  Admittedly I didn’t think much about Steve until I took @boysborntodie’s “Which greaser are you” quiz and got him, which I was initially irritated at because I thought he wasn’t much of a character…but then the description in the results was so on the money that I got a little unsettled lol. Point is, Steve’s probably my “official most relatable character”.
  And then with Soda, I’ve got a similar experience of being good-looking but not feeling very secure in my brains…which is conceited to say I know, but enough people talk about my looks that I’m aware of the fact that it’s just objectively true that folks like my face. Unfortunately it means I kinda rely too much on it, and often end up worrying that there isn’t much more to me then that. Like I’ve had multiple girls who’ve dated me because I’m good-looking but then don’t really like who I am, you know? It gets to me sometimes. Not often, but sometimes. I could see myself ending up in a relationship with someone like Sandy, although unlike Soda I don’t think I’d still wanna marry her afterwards- I love Soda, but I can’t say I relate to that part so much. (‘Course this is all hypothetical, so really who knows what I’d do?) And I’ve definitely got a worse temper than Soda does, I admire his lack of one honestly lol 
  I do feel like I ought to relate more to Darry, to be honest though. I mean, I’m the oldest son with two younger siblings, and a decent amount of responsibility- but I just don’t relate to him much. But then again, I’m in vastly different circumstances- Me and my sister are more like Soda and Ponyboy than Darry and Soda. Mostly because we both get to be kids still. 
Anyhow, thanks for asking! I know I’ve written a lot- I just have a lotta thoughts and like to hear my own voice I guess lol. And lemme know what thoughts y’all have about these questions, I’d love to hear it!!
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night-howl38 · 5 months
My Thoughts on Tord Returning to Eddsworld
Hey guys, I recently watched the EW update, and noticed we may possibly be seeing Tord returning to the series. Again.
But, I don't know how I feel about that...
First of all, Tord left the series during the classic Era (mainly due to IRL Tord having issues with the fandom?), and we kinda had to accept that he wasn't gonna return anytime soon, no matter how many people demanded it. That's why they had to put that long-gone Tord question in the FAQ, stating that he's not returning.
Tord returned once in Legacy, but how he was portrayed in The End was disappointing (for whatever reason he returned is beyond me). He started off as the Tord we know and love, he was happy to see his friends, and mentioned about moving back in with the boys. His personality went from being friendly with Edd and Matt, to becoming a villain, which lead to them losing their home, as well as Eduardo and Mark losing both Jon and their home in one day (oof, that's tough).
So yeah, Tord was done dirty in Legacy, I never understood why or how he became a villain in the first place. While Tord did have some evil intentions in classic Era, he still cared about his friends, and would probably never hurt them. Still, Legacy did not portray him that well, making him an unlikable character (no offense to those who like him).
Honestly, I don't like the idea of Tord returning in Beyond. I get it, Tord is extremely popular, but do we really need him to return just for quick and easy money? There are other ways to do this, instead of making profit off a highly popular character who left the series a long time ago.
I just wish fans could understand that they can't get everything they want, that's how life works. It does annoy me how many people ask and/or demand to see Tord appear in the series again, especially after what happened in The End.
I just don't see the point of him returning is what I'm saying.
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leavesandbounds · 7 months
As a trans Hermitcraft/Life Series fan, I have some complicated feelings about a lot of the creators' love of/references to Harry Potter.
I've been sort of absently thinking about this since there was that funny post going around about how when people like Martyn or Grian or whatever will reference Harry Potter, we shake our heads irl to express our disapproval in some way.
But part of me really really wishes I could properly express to some of these creators-- who I genuinely believe mean no harm of their own!-- the harm that JK Rowling has caused and is continuing to cause. In part due to the money she makes from all that Harry Potter stuff.
I don't want to come at anyone calling them problematic or evil, I do know that some of this can be really internet insular and a good chunk of these creators aren't scrolling through Tumblr or even Twitter these days. But then Grian goes on about the Chamber of Secrets inspiration for his build (along with other previous builds), or I go to watch Martyn's POV of 3rd Life for the first time and realize just how involved the Harry Potter aspects of Dogwarts are beyond just the name.
And I get uncomfortable? I guess? I know it's not their job to make me comfortable, but to be reminded again and again that for every creator who loves HP there's at least a hundred non-creators that feel the same way.
I was a big Harry Potter fan growing up. (I was really annoying about it actually). But obviously after learning about JK Rowling's beliefs and intentions it was pretty easy to distance myself, even if not entirely emotionally at first. But I stopped talking about it, I stopped buying any merch. I stopped engaging.
This is sort of rambly and nonsensical, I guess all this is just to say that I wish I had a way to let these creators know that their words-- especially because of their large audiences-- have power. But I have no way to meaningfully contact them, and also they're grown adults and it's not really my business.
I just feel sort of sick when I get reminded of an incredibly rich woman who wants people like me and people I love to suffer and uses her money from these books to make that happen.
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
Big IRL Stuff, feel free to skip
I live with an autoimmune disease and despite being on some pretty decent drugs, I still get sick a lot. I had a pretty rough discussion at work with my boss last week and while I love my job (and have been in the role for years) I do feel like I will need to find somewhere else that is better able to accommodate my disability.
Which is... really hard to deal with. I need money for my medications, rent, food, power/water, etc. so I can't drop everything and take a break like I'd love to do (I've never had a holiday as an adult). But I also can't keep going on like this, I've been given additional responsibilities that I'm just not capable of fulfilling due to my health and just generally, I need less stress in my life.
However, trying to find somewhere that is in my field and also accommodating to someone with my kind of disability needs is difficult to say the least. So many places list "remote working options" when they really mean you can WFH once a month or something and... I'm a hard worker, but that's just not enough with my illnesss.
So yeah, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I've had an intense couple of weeks and obviously if I'm between jobs at any point or having to change to a different type of role I'll likely have to cut down on any frivolous spending (aka: the type of spending I do on the crap I post here).
I just wish there was a way for me to make enough money to stay afloat without having to work myself to the point of hospitalisation every couple of months.
When you don't have a partner or family to fall back on in tough times, when it's 100% just you and then even YOU start being unreliable... what do you do? There's just no easy way to keep a roof over your head in the current world without working yourself into an early grave.
(Also I got misdiagnosed in the hospital over the weekend when someone misread my CT scan, so that's been a whole other thing.)
I just want a quiet life with my basic needs met & my health stable and even that seems like a pipe dream. I'm sure I'm not the only one in a similar situation and I've been fortunate to have been able to keep going until now, but it just SUCKS that this is where I and so many other people are at what should be the prime of our lives.
If you've read this far you're a saint, thank you.
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terraliensvent · 2 months
im NOT defending either of the old owners but smth an anon said really rubbed me the wrong way. $300 adopts will not go as far as ppl act. It wont pay rent, and may only cover groceries for a short time. In america at least, the cost of healthcare is awful, and pair that with all other living expenses u have and its near impossible to make a living off adopts. saying “i wish u were poor so u understood hardship” is really fucked up cuz u dont know their situation or what theyve been thru. they built their own followings over the years so acting like their buyers were handed to them is also rlly weird. getting another job also aint easy in this market esp if u have a legit disability. mod pls try to atleast see where im coming from w this cuz im legit uncomfortable w how this is being talked abt. u dont have to like them to agree this is fucked up to say
post related
these are fair assessments to make (also light reminder that the opinions of anons posted here may not directly align with mine)
however, my main point of contention especially regarding civ is not “wow they must be rolling in cash from all this furry money” because obviously i know art is an unstable career (off topic fun fact thats why i had to quit my dream of becoming a storyboarder and got a more stable career)
my point regarding civ is that: many people in their comments of the bulletin are acting like civ is the ONLY person struggling. for example theres a comment calling terra mods “ableist” for even daring to restrict the amount of adopts civ makes (because again, they had to restrict the amount of adopts STAFF makes. is it fair for civ and coy to get a disproportionate amount of opportunities to profit off of terraliens, when they have both left staff and do no work on maintenance, moderating, upkeep, and progression?), the “ableist” comment acts under the assumption that civ is the only disabled, struggling artist connected to terras. it doesnt take into account that many of the staff team are also autistic/disabled, cal in particular even said how much stress he is under at the moment because of irl and species responsibilities.
and then we add on to this the fact that, from a “struggling toyhouse artist” standpoint, civ is incredibly privileged, at least probably more privileged than some/most of the staff team. civ can usually if not always rely on the fact that their adopts or commissions will sell. they can rely on the fact that they have a large fanbase, and that their friends have large fanbases. they can rely on the fact that theyre viewed favorably in other cs spaces like chams and isopups. this isnt a matter of “theyre rolling in it,” its a matter of “hey why are we acting like civ isnt still at an advantage when it comes to selling art, why are we acting like terra mods are just punching down on them when many are in the same, if not worse circumstances?” civ has the ability to sell oneoffs very reliably, and no shade to the mods or anything, but there are members of staff who were pretty unknown before terras, do you think they could leave and still be able to rely on selling one-off adopts?
THAT is what i really mean in regards to this argument, sorry i should have elaborated more before but i had a pretty heavy influx of asks coming in
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void-f3lt · 10 months
He’s in a Panther’s Cage Now
Six months.
Six Fucking Months.
It has been six months, probably, since he’d last been back on Earth. Him and Loki, his Stupid younger brother, were on a plane together to go see their Father and then the plane got intercepted/fucking abducted??? by actual fucking aliens, people knew that aliens existed but that doesn’t make the entire situation any less fucking stupid! 
A drug in some weird mist knocked everyone out(and probably killed a few) and then he woke up alone, in a cage with guards surrounding it. 
Currently he’s just sitting in said cage cause, seriously these fucker’s are so dumb thinking that watching him from all angles will make it any harder for him to escape. News flash, it won't stop him from trying as he’s tried four times by now, and almost succeeded 2 & 1/2 of those times(the half is cause he killed a fucker then took a take to the bottom of his spine, yes he has not tried since). 
What they should do is is leave him in a box with no gaps that he possibly fit through. 
He doesn't want to deal with the other aliens, half of them probably have animal level of intelligence, in cages around him. And then he takes the thin but still metal food trays, that they give him everyday, bend and snap and sharpen into shanks during the Night Cycle because they either can’t or won’t have a nocturnal Fucker watch him.
They never give him edible food during feeding times anyway, they think he either 1) Don’t need food or 2) Is just being stubborn. He wake ups at those times to glare at the Fuckers and then throw the rat poison in the ‘toilet’ at(in??at?in???) the Night Cycle comes then takes out one of his granola bars and eats that. 
He and his brother used to eat at night because they both have shit sleep schedules, their Mom hated it, his weird habits are his to keep Fucker's. 
Alistair is getting real off track with his thought process tonight but what else is he supposed to do? It’s in the middle of the Night Cycle and nothing ever hap- oh wait, 
never mind something is happening I swear to god if I have to fight another IRL nomu from MHA, I will go for the crowd next time. He can hear a Fucker carrying something… no some large?? alien, with the way they're yelling at another Fucker. 
(He never wished for his translator to be more accurate then now)
“You are such a hujari axten! Just lift the hujari thing for once you DRIDE!!!” Fucker One said. “Look, I told you with the other one. I. Can’t. Touch. It.” Fucker Two responded with exasperation. “The dride is three times lighter than you would think, but still hujari huge and heavy and one the most violent and capable of this species we’ve taken alive!!” Fucker One yelled.
“Oh well I’m oh so sorry, that only me and you are walking around doing quiores right now. If only we could take one of the other guards that are on patrol just to lift this thing to a cell, when it is obviously easy for you to lift… you are just croky’ni lazy and want to go back to sleep, well guess what ya blasted axten SO DO I BUT SOMEONE HAS TO BE WITH YOU JUST IN CASE SOMETHING CROKY’NI HAPPENS YOU AXTEN’VERN!!”
Alistair was kinda shocked that they were just casually arguing while dragging someone to a cell where they will either be killed, experimented on, or put into The Gladiator Ring like him, or even just to sell the poor souls to the highest bidder. He wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t uncommon to see other aliens that just sell others cause, y’know, Money.
Alistair glares at the spot in his cage that can de-electrify and open up, with a new found hate. He doesn't mind the others in the sellroom because they're in their own cages but he absolutely hatessharing his space. While most of the other poor souls are asleep or close to, he must stay awake, his paranoia demands it what if they put.. whoever the hell, in my cage. 
He waits as the arguing gets closer and closer, louder and louder, more annoying by the second because the other Fucker should just help the other other Fucker because it will get the work done faster. 
He’s very glad that he is already used to very low light levels he and Loki both hate having the light on in their rooms, everyone (including themselves) are very confused by how well Loki’s eyesight is. After what felt like way too long they finally make it to his cell. Alistair glares at them, bringing in another poor soul into this shit-hole, how many have they done this too. 
(Oh my god, why do I care) 
He hopes it’s sentient, cause then, he could scare the shit out of it so it leaves him alone. 
Alistair just watches as they open his cage, if this was a good time he would use his new knifes to stab these dumbasses in their dick-equivalent so he could escape. IF it was a good time but Alistair still doesn't know where Loki is being held, doing something like that now would be a death sentence. It seemed they finally stopped yelling at each other, probably trying to restrict the information they might let slip in front of him. 
Both of them looked at each other for a second, having some silent conversation.
In quick succession, Fucker one turns off the electricity, opens the cage, as Fucker two throws the body bag as hard as they can, and when he says as hard as they can, this is a being getting tossed so hard they hit the back of the cell. He hopes that didn't electrify whatever or whoever was in the bag. Then as soon as whatever is in the bag left the guards arms, the cage closes and the electricity gets turned back on. 
It went too fast to try and stop it from happening, the poor bastard might be dead with a hit against the bars like that. The back bars were still electrified so that just added more damage. Alistair wanted to keep glaring at the guards as they walked away but he couldn’t, this Stupidly lowng bitch in a bag may not be dead. He flicks his glare back and forth between the Fucks and bag but ultimately picks the bag. 
Alistair slowly makes his way over to the bag and hears some chuckling from the Fuckers at the door. He doesn't care about them right now, he needs to make sure what ever is in the bag is 1) dead or not 2) if it’s sentient or prey animal so he can make it afraid of him or take his chances with the bars 3) if sentient and not hurt to bad, can they be useful.
He’s getting closer to the bag when he finally notices it’s moving a little bit. He tries to get a little closer again but stops at the sound it made. It sounded like a growl from a demonic lion that is half reformed from being blended in a blender about to claw its way out of hell, might be from the pain, might be because it’s stuck in a bag, or it’s sensing him and telling him to back up. 
Whatever it is (probably) can’t see him so, it shouldn’t end up as badly, he’ll just be even more careful. Moving as slowly as he can, Alistair gets right beside the cursed creature in the bag. It’s moving a bit more and making more, demonic clearing of  throat noises, but he has deducted that it must be waking up and hurt and/or pissed. 
He stares at whatever this thing is, and he really doesn't care if they would find that offensive, they won't know anyway. He runs different ways he could get killed doing this and decides that whatever it is, it would be more upset if it was still stuck in a bag, better to make sure it can get out. Alistair was about to raise his pocketknife to cut through the bag but jumped back as the bag started thrashing back. 
Absolutely not, safety first! He thought as he backtracked to his claimed corner, this thing would probably kill him going by the fact that it sounds like The Horrors and is like fifteen feet long so. Alistair eyes zero in on the bag and is amazed by how much it’s thrashing around in that thing, usually not even aliens with animal level intelligence thrash that much. But eventually it stopped thrashing but still moving.
It’s quite around them besides the huffing breaths, growls and the untranslated probable curse words he can hear from the bag. Everyone is just staring at them now.
Alistair watches to see what it might do, does it have claws or something to cut the ba- Why is it gripping where the knot is? They usually don’t do that! Others in the past, either claw their way out or someone else cuts through the bag, either way no one goes for the knot.
He watches as the top of the bag that is tied off gets pulled into itself a bit. It’s confusing trying to figure out what this thing is doing. Does it think it can somehow bring the knot into the inside of the bag and untie it or? If it somehow, by a sheer miracle, gets it fully through the bag…. What will it do now? 
Alistair watched in silent, honesty amazed, horror as the now untied knot got tossed out and then the bag opened up. “Finally,” was said followed by more probable very creative insults directed at the Fuckers given their faces. He waits slowly breathing in the forgotten breaths for when it will leave the bag, he hasn’t known any sentient race that can do that. 
His eyes track the…. 
I mean it’s furry and has built in claws, but still, HAND???
Slowly exiting the bag first, It has long almost metallic black claws and the hand looks to be short charcoal black but dense fur, from wrist to a little below the elbow the fur seams to be compacted down. The other hand reaches around a little as the opening of the bag opens to let themself better. The guards at the door froze in fear as the creature’s eyes stared down into their souls,  then it pounced.
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