#[ back by unpopular demand: me ]
maplebars · 2 years
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wunderscheisse · 1 year
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Still busy with irl stuff, so I don’t have much to offer yet, but have my genuine reaction of seeing the boy, the man, hit rapper and artist Ezra Bridger.
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goonwithaspoon · 2 months
Baby Bill looks like if I were to pick him up and shake him he would wobble like jelly and squeak like a rubber chicken when squeezed
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undead-knick-knack · 1 year
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Every fucking time
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zefirart · 1 year
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ditto-dex · 2 years
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#676: Furfrou
La Reine (Requested by @themostop)
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seahdalune · 10 months
who wants to play tic tac toe with me
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Primal | pt. 1
Lovecraft X Reader
Mating with Lovecraft
Warnings: Fem reader, Animalistic mating, mating rituals, intense pain, breeding, inhuman pregnancy, offerings/human sacrifice, it's basically Lovecraft's backstory; this is so ooc I don't even care lovecraft never gets any attention and this idea has been rolling around in my head for MONTHS so I just gave up and wrote it as fast as possible
When you first agreed to be Howard's partner, you didn't know how deep this went. You had joked, to yourself, before that he was not human, but with a book in hand, and a small smile on his face after you jokingly agreed to be his 'mate'-- because he was joking, right?-- Was that such an improbability?
The book he handed you looked older than time immemorial, but he didn't seem too concerned with its weak bindings as he shoved it into your lap.
"Long... have I awaited to give this to a human. It has been so long... I am glad to have a mate."
"A.. mate? My Howie... tell me what you're going on about."
His face fell and paled a bit.
"I should start from the beginning, from the history of my species." He shifts to hold you in his tentacles, like he's fearful that you might run away.
"Several thousand years ago, there was some sort of... anomaly. A genetic mutation of sorts, or as it's told in the stories.. no one knows what happened. But five of us, the forebearers of our race, were born." He looks at you for permission to continue, and you silently nod for him to keep going, curling yourself into his lap.
He isn't used to story telling, always a man of few words, and seems almost anxious about continuing.
He clears his throat.
"There ar--" a flash of pain crosses his face, clearing his throat to cover up his mistake. "There were 5 factions of us, from each one. At first, we were fruitful. We took human mates, and in the right communities.. we had no need to care for ourselves, since humans bowed in fear to us, providing us food, shelter, and offerings to mate with... Each faction thrived differently, some on showing kindness to humans, some relied on taking several mates to procreate, and others, like mine, were considered the barbarian factions, uncivilized and unable to adapt to human behaviors the way the rest of our kin were."
He glanced at his arms, eyeing the spot where the human skin met his monstrous green flesh; already toeing the line between human and animal in just one physical line, one that must have controlled him internally just as strong.
"Of course, this is why we were dying out. As fast as the tides rolled, my faction began to die out, from an inability to find mates, to fatal feuds with the others."
He looked the most emotional you'd ever seen him, tears pricking at the edges of his eyes as words tumbled from his lips with a passion you'd never heard before. You rubbed his chest, snuggling with a stray thicker tentacle of his to calm him. You poked the suckers gently while he composed himself.
"We weren't feared anymore by the turn of the century, as a species, as scientific doubts began to plague the minds of humans. They stopped providing for us, as their ancestors had. We... were so reliant. Too reliant. The other factions adapted beautifully to meeting their own needs, as fast as they had to reliant life, and there was a time of bliss for them as they assimilated into human life. We came a long way. Even my faction developed the ability to take human forms, despite being the last to develop such a thing. Speech came next, and then social skills. While we weren't advanced... we were ok."
You saw it now, the way his own form aligned with his story. He was too tall, too gaunt, couldn't speak well, spoke too deep and too slow. He was advanced, but not as advanced as a human.
He licked his lips, preparing to continue.
"There was... a drop off. I can't explain it myself; I don't know the cause." He mumbled with a sigh. "Suddenly, my entire species, every faction... was dying out, in mass numbers. Perhaps it was some unknown sickness, or some vile poison. But most of our species... died off. And those who were able to reproduce became few and far between."
He paused, looking the most distressed he had thus far. He made eye contact with you, fear and pain spearing into your soul. This was something you'd never seen from him before. So much pure pain.
"I was one of the very last offspring. There used to be thousands of us on the breeding grounds at any given time, and yet me and ten other young were being drilled by the few remaining elders the importance of our birth. Out of eleven of us, only four were viable. Seven were female, who cannot bear children of our species nor pass on our genes. It was a time of great distress."
You grumbled into his side sadly. This was a mass tragedy of extinction for his species. He rubbed your head a bit, sqeezing his tentacles tighter around you.
He huffs. "It... doesn't end there."
He sighs to himself, looking down at his lap, avoiding your eyes.
"Two of the males died. It was me, and one other left."
You squeezed onto his pants. "For.. the entire species?"
He nodded back at you, eyes now blank and emotionless as usual.
"Yes, just me and one other. Unfortunately... we only truly mate once. We can have multiple breedings with multiple people, but we only take one mate. And while we could be considered immortal, when we take a mate, we limit our lives. When our mate dies, we follow shortly. The other... a distant cousin of mine, was eager to breed. He took a mate within a few weeks of being allowed to breed by our species' standards. She died during the mating process. There were only about 25 of us left, and only him and me were viable to breed, everyone else having already been mated and past the age of bearing young for humans, and so, we all knew that he would die.
I can't say I've ever wept more tears than I did the day the news of her death was delivered. None of us ever cried more. This was essentially the end of our species as we knew it. We were mourning a dead man who was still alive, and he mourned only for her, his mate. It's death by a broken heart." He admonished curtly, like he was trying to pull the words from his heart without stuttering.
You'd never heard Howard speak with such passion and intensity before.
Tears pricked at your own eyes.
"And what about you, Howie? You still have a chance, you can still--"
"No." He shakes his head with a sadness you could never begin to comprehend. "I cannot revive my species. I am just one man, one who was never expected to mate to begin with, due to my poor heritage from the most despised faction, and my unwillingness to take a mate in my breeding prime, after what happening with my mother, and then my cousin."
"Your mother...?" You whisper quietly, words hanging on the air.
"My..." He cringe, eyebrows coming to a deep furrow. "Ughck... father.. knew his importance to the species, and was more assimilated to human mannerisms than even some of the most skilled of our kind. He didn't inform my mother of his true species and her importance until the night before the wedding, with the expectation that he would mate with her on the wedding night. Our mating.... is a horrible thing. I'll let you read up on it yourself, but.. essentially, this book--"
He gently tapped on the worn leather book you had forgotten you were holding, releasing you from his tentacles.
"Is a record of every written and recorded mating and birthing experience for my faction. It is passed from mate to mate, so you will know what to expect. My father simply dropped a note explaining her role to him, and the book, at her door on the night before the wedding. The wedding... was one big trap. It was a farce simply meant to get them mated and bred, and it distressed my mother, to know that she had no choice in the matter. I've heard.... she went down the aisle in tears. I sincerely doubt... that they were happy ones."
He quiets for a moment.
"Oh, Howie..."
"She hated me. She hated everything about me. She was forced to bear an abomination, not the child she dreamed of. To exacerbate the issue... I looked just like my father, and acted like a perfect stranger to the world, that old trait of inhuman nature that seems to occur in my underdeveloped faction, surfaced in me."
"That's why you won't take a mate." You state quietly, breaking the silence. "You don't want to do to another poor woman what was done to your mother." You caress his face, but he turns away. The silence says enough.
"Howie... I want to be your mate. I promise you that. And maybe mating is horrific; but if we can bear a few sons, it'll be fine. I promise you that I won't reject you or our children; I swear on my life."
He meets your eyes sadly, expression still solemn.
"You haven't heard about the details of mating yet. You'll change your mind."
You brush his coarse, sea-salt smelling hair behind his ear, nuzzling yourself into his chest as you take in his shallow breaths.
"Then tell me. I think you'll be surprised."
Primal | Pt. 1
May 22nd, 2023
Tag a bitch, @layingwithlay here's to my besto friendo bc I felt like tagging you haha, suffer. ♡
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starlightandmagic · 8 months
From the universe of Wasn’t Love Blondie
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The truth behind a happily ever after is that happiness cannot truly last forever, but Eugene is determined to find the miracle within the life he’s been granted beside Rapunzel. If the stars aligned long enough to tie their destinies together, he won’t give up that easily, even if fate itself keeps testing the bonds of their love. Some things are well worth the sacrifice.
Or: Rapunzel and Eugene struggle to adjust to their new royal life in Corona’s Palace. They will soon find out things only get more complicated with a baby on the way.
Read on: Ao3 / FFN
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sakusagi · 1 year
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tryph · 2 years
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Lady's Favour
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goonwithaspoon · 1 month
So now that we have two canon human Bill's I think we should throw them in a pit and make them fight for dominance
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helluva-ass · 11 months
I haven't been on this account in a year and almost deleted it twice 💀 but Helluva Boss is still going strong and Hazbin Hotel FINALLY has a release date
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petrifiedsoulflame · 2 years
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monstriiss · 2 years
crawls out from my hole in the ground: what did i miss
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heyyallitssatan · 1 year
Here’s what your DND class says about you with little to no explanation
Wizard: you’re a teachers pet.
Rogue: put down the poetry journal you angsty bastard.
Warlock: you either are a sugar baby, or you really want to be.
Fighter: I have no issues with you, you just wanna fuck shit up, and your dm should let you.
Ranger: brooding in a tree is not the answer to your problems you angsty fuck.
Druid: you wholeheartedly believe that if the zoo would let you, you could befriend the tiger and not get mauled. You are wrong.
Monk: you act like you’re a really calm and peaceful person, but you regularly start bar fights.
Cleric: go to therapy.
Barbarian: you say no homo. Side note, you would have thrived in ancient Sparta.
Paladin: you are a SIMP
Artificer: your not a collector, you’re a hoarder.
Sorcerer: you’re still waiting for your hogwarts letter.
Bard: horny jail.
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