#[ but he just doesn't care so hard about modern technology that he refuses
immolatiism · 8 months
repost, do not reblog.
bold what your muse can do. italicize for something they can do to some extent
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bake a cake from scratch / ride a horse / drive a submarine / speak a second language / dance / catch a fish / play an instrument / throw a punch / build a deck / ice skate / unclog a drain / program a computer / change a flat tire / fire a gun / sew / juggle / play poker / paint / fly a kite / sculpt / write poetry / change a diaper / sing / shoot a bow and arrow / ride a bike / swim / sail a boat / do a backflip / play chess / give cpr / pitch a tent / flirt / stitch a wound / read palms / use chopsticks / write in cursive / calligraphy / use an electric drill / braid hair / make a campfire / make a mixed drink / do sudoku puzzles / wrap a gift / give a good massage / jump start a car / roll their tongue / do magic tricks / do yoga / tie a tie / skip a rock / shuffle a deck of cards / read morse code / pick a lock / fly a plane / train animals / fix a car / apologize / write a business letter / write in a second language / say the alphabet backwards / read music / cook complex meals / change oil / paint nails / draw / socialize / march / take apart a gun / drive a rig / operate a tank / climb a tree / rock climb / tie a cherry stem with tongue / basic first aid / draw blood / put out a fire
tagged: stolen from @thuganomxcs tagging: @goresugars (Lye), @thawingiceprincess, @divineslcyer, @theunknownmasks (Kurama), and anyone else who feels like it!
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Uppermoon trio + Muzan x female reader watching a horror movie headcanons? ;)
Muzan + Upper Moon Trio (separately) x Fem! Reader Watching Horror Movies
Modern AU (they're still demons and reader is a female human!)
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It's hard finding a movie for Muzan to genuinely watch. He's so nitpicky about them. What's the point of watching fake gore if he can just go outside, kill someone, and create his own horror movie?
Muzan glares at the screen if the gore is inaccurate or there's too much blood (or too little). Why lie? Where's the real stuff? 
Muzan probably likes torture gore movies but still wants plot. 
Muzan likes Silent Hill (2006), the Saw series, Silence of the lambs (1991), Truth or Dare (2018). He likes all the gore and the plot makes up for the inaccuracy of the gore (he likes Truth or Dare simply because the idea of controlling human's minds and bodies are amusing to him)
It's hard to make Muzan sit down and watch a movie with you since he'd rather do other things instead such as work, but once in a blue moon you can convince him. 
Muzan rarely ever cuddles you when watching movies, but if he notices you're scared, he'd pull you close by your waist so you're hugging his side. He acts like it isn't a big deal, but it obviously is considering Muzan's dislike for humans and their weakness. He doesn't bother trying to tease you about your fear, you're already scared and you both know this, and scary movies are supposed to ignite that sort of fear (he also might be engrossed in the movie you put on, but he'll never let you know that satisfaction). 
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Douma loves gory movies. 
Douma talks to the TV like it can hear him. Will tell the characters to calmly run, makes remarks about them being too slow or how the killer is catching up (he might be fantasizing about being the one chasing them). 
Douma laughs at every joke in the script like it's the funniest joke he's ever heard. He even laughs when background characters laugh (that's how you know he's a fake one). 
Douma likes obscure movies such as the Circle (2015), Last Shift (2014), the Final Destinations, and Wolf Creek (2005). Probably likes Human Centipede (2009) and laughs at the grossest scenes.
Douma forces you to keep your eyes open, like physically holds them open.
Douma laughs at your fear, he finds amusement in it. It's real genuine fear compared to the fake acting on TV. 
Douma will only comfort you if you cry or if you walk out on the movie to get away from him. He'll apologize profusely (mainly because he doesn't want to sleep alone on the couch). 
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Kokushibo doesn't care much for them. He prefers thrillers or mysteries instead.
Kokukshibo is genuinely a little bit freaked out of Scream (1996) because of the guessing who is the killer element, along with the technology of phones (he's traditional, refuses to use anything except letters or email). It was a fight to get him to use router phones. 
Kokushibo likes storytelling movies, or movies with multiple protagonists, or movies where you guess the killer.
Kokushibo likes movies such as Trick ‘R Treat (2007), the Tales from the Crypt series (1989), Stephen King's 1922 (from 2017), Psycho (1960). Nothing too graphic. Gore does not equal horror in his book. He watched M3gan (2022) and was uncomfortable of the advanced technology. 
Kokushibo will reassure you if you're scared. He'll tell you that the movie is fake and will turn the movie off if that's what you want, he'd rather read or do something else instead. If you want to continue watching the movie, he'll give you a blanket so you can hide your face when you get scared, or hide it in his chest, he doesn't mind that either. He finds it comforting that you turn to him when you're scared.
Akaza is someone who yells at the TV. He'll be one to yell "Run lady run!" whenever the victim trips. Akaza understands final girls cannot punch a hole through their stomaches like how he can, so he just screams at them.
Akaza loves watching movies involving final girls such as the classic 80's and 90's movies with the most final girls. He likes seeing the women kick evil men's asses because the killer had the audacity to prey on someone they believed were weak. 
Akaza likes the first Halloween (1978). He walks you home so you don't get stalked like Laurie Strode did. He also likes the Nightmare on Elm Street series (and watches you when you sleep to make sure Freddy Krueger isn't getting you). He likes Joy Ride 1 (2001) and Joy Ride 2 (2008) [though, he likes the second one way better], and Unfriended: Dark Web (2017). Unfriended made him genuinely uncomfortable because of the invisible paranormal force killing the victims off. How can you fight if you can't see it?
Akaza notices the second you show discomfort or fear, he asks if you want to have the movie turned off. If you don't, he'll put his arm around your shoulder and pull you close to him. He likes when you hide your face in his shoulder or chest, he likes that you turn to him to protect you (because he obviously will). 
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        I apologize sincerely for the huge delay! I had little time to write due to work so the only time I had to write was when I was supposed to be sleeping or relaxing, but I finally got this done! Better late than never!
         Want more Muzan content? Check out the Muzan masterlist!
        Want more Kokushibo content? Check out the Kokushibo masterlist!
        Want more Douma content? Check out the Douma
        Want more Akaza content? Check out the Akaza masterlist!
        At the moment my requests are temporarily closed, I'm working on other requests (that are months old...), but once I finally clear those up, I'll be accepting more requests!
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
So I just posted about how funny and unexpected it is that instead of being terrorised by Hellhound!Dracula the people of Whitby just want to cuddle him and call him a good boy, and I noted that even though it's hilarious (how fucking embarrassed would you be if you were Dracula? They called the fucking RSPCA. Absolutely WWDITS scenes.) it also supports the motif of people always caring more than Dracula expects, something that will ultimately undo him. And you know another thing I had never noticed until Re:Dracula?
Despite Alasdair Stuart's superb performance ... the Captain of the Demeter isn't English. (Or Protestant.) His log has been translated by "a clerk of the Russian consul" so the Correspondent can publish it for an English audience. When he mentions that the crew, unlike the Mate, are Russian, he's possibly identifying them as compatriots, at least people with whom he shares a language. Of course, why would the captain of a "Russian schooner from Varna" be English? But this feels like something that should be incorporated more into critical readings of Dracula. Nothing can take away the the racism/xenophobia in the treatment of the Rom and some of the other locals. But the Captain's nationality ought to add least add nuance to the interpretation of Dracula as a tale of good, valiant WASPs standing up to sinister, ~Eastern~ ~forces. After Jonathan, and before Lucy, the next character to tell their own story of victimisation is a Russian-speaker who presumably hails from further east than Dracula does. This complicates the "Anglos are rational (but wrong about vampires)/ Eastern Europeans are emotional and superstitious (but correct about vampires)" dichotomy. Throughout his short narrative, the Captain behaves very much like Jonathan in similar circumstances. Interestingly, both are forced or tricked into "complicity" with Dracula's arrival in England, but in both cases the narrative makes it obvious that it is not their fault. Like Jonathan with the locals on the way to Castle Dracula, the Captain is warned early on by one of the men that something supernatural is going on, and dismisses it as 'superstitious fear'. In fact, he takes much longer to internalise that he's being preyed on by something unearthly than Jonathan does (not his fault -- he doesn't get the up-close-and-personal 'no reflection' encounter with Dracula that Jonathan gets on Day 2). Nevertheless, he investigates as best he can, and then, when he fully realises he's at Dracula's mercy he refuses to surrender. He does the only thing he can to at least deny Dracula his final prize and die "as a man". Those aren't, then, being treated by the text as British reactions. They're human reactions -- and I think, specifically modern human reactions. Jonathan, comes from a world of advancing technology, the Captain from a globalised world of international trade. Their modernity does not prepare them for the ancient evil that Dracula represents. But modernity (train schedules, shorthand, phonographs records) will eventually, after heavy losses, allow the Crew of Light to fight back.
And, foreshadowing what will happen with Lucy, even though the Captain couldn't defeat Dracula, even though he dies, the narrative treats his struggle as noble and important. It matters that the suitors and Van Helsing fought so hard to save Lucy. It matters that the Captain died at his post, still human and defiant. And -- the people of Whitby, (who Stoker really must have decided were predominately total sweethearts) take a break from searching for the spectral hellhound so they can pet it and give it treats to declare him a hero. Is anyone putting him in the frame for Dracula's crimes? (Another way his abuse parallels Jonathan's). Fuck you! The people of Whitby have his back. The first non-American foreigner to be encountered on English shores by English characters isn't Dracula. And even in death, he is welcomed and cared for and defended, and this is right.
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spiderwebteacup · 1 year
Okay, it's Easter season and I'm bored at home so here it goes.
Modern hotd spring cleaning/easter preparation headcanons.
(For the sake of this, let's just say that Westeros has some form of an Easter equivalent idk)
* Rhaeneyra and Alicent work out a chore chart for the rest of the family. It was a grueling process. There was screaming, there was crying, there was flirting. But somehow it's done. They can just relax and supervise it all. Right?
* Viserys doesn't actually contribute to making anything happen, but he does keep coming up with new ideas to improve the festivities. Everyone tries their best to humor him and make it happen. But gods damn it, why couldn't he mention any of this when they were making the chore chart?????
* Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena do a bit of both the cooking and the cleaning. The issue is, that Aemond has also been trusted with that amount of responsibility and most of the time they have to flee the room the second he shows up.
* Aemond is a terror. He does what he was supposed to do and more. He doesn't care if it's someone else's assigned job, he will literally take the broom/sponge/utensil out of their hands because "they're doing it wrong". Anyone who tries to help him regrets it very quickly. He will make people cry if they use the wrong frying pan.
* Helaena is making decorations with Joffrey's help. Rhaena joins in after deciding that she can't deal with Aemond interrupting her every five minutes. Alicent gave Helaena specific patterns because her own were too "out there". The other two are not having it and quickly decide to stick with Helaena's designs because they're just much cooler.
* All Aegon was supposed to do was take the trash out. He did not do it.
* Baela and Jace do the baking. It's fun, it's sweet. They barricaded the door with a chair so Alicent can't show up and complain about the kind of flour they're using. They put music on so they can't hear her telling them to open the door. They decide to try a recipe from Winterfell and have to facetime Cregan for help.
* Luke is calling the entire guest list to confirm if they're still coming. He tells Larys the whole holiday has been cancelled. He show up anyway. Borros forgot the address and somehow it's all Luke's fault.
* Aemond rage vacuums. The moment he enters the room and plugs the vacuum in, everyone there is trapped. If anyone tries to put their feet on the floor they will get attacked, immediately. .
* What does Daemon do? Not a damn thing. He is supposed to contribute, but he refuses to listen to Alicent, just in general. However he does know that it still needs to get done so he keeps finding Jace and saying he has "a task of the upmost importance, that only he can do". Jace is actively avoiding him at this point.
* Someone was supposed to pick up Daeron from the train station. They never did. Daeron had to walk for almost two hours. The second he steps through the door Daemon gives him "a task of the upmost importance" - it's walking the dogs.
*Otto tries very hard to talk Viserys out of getting a live band last minute. Rhaena and Daeron make a playlist for the event. Otto hates it but does not understand technology enough to do anything about it.
* Criston does all the last minute shopping. He doesn't care that the stores are closed, Alicent needs that spinach and he will get it. He will make the store let him in. He will call the manager.
* Alicent almost faints when she sees the decorations. Rhaenyra offers to help Haelena apply to art schools.
* The wine doesn't mach the food because Aegon drank it all.
* Daeron can eat maybe three things on the table because nobody remembered his dietary restrictions.
* Daemon got a spork instead of normal cutlery. He still threatens Otto with it.
* Rhaenys and Corlys show up, find out what food was made by their grandkids, then complain about the rest. Baela and Jace didn't slack-bake the cake, Alicent, yours is just dry. They promise to host next year...and do it better.
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hws-lceland · 1 year
5, 6, 12? :D
5. Share one of your favorite headcanons! I don't have one specific favorite headcanon. So here's a funny one: I like to think that even though Sweden, Norway, and Denmark all know each other's languages, they're stubborn about it. Particularly Sweden and Denmark, refuse to speak each other's language. So they'll have an argument with Magnus speaking Danish and Berwald speaking Swedish.
6. Why is your favorite character your favorite? This is a great question actually. Denmark has been a favorite and a comfort character since I was 12 so basically as far back as I remember so I'm sure how he cemented himself there in the first place but he's certainly not going anywhere now. But some of the reasons I love him are: His relationship with Iceland is everything to me, his role as Iceland's father figure is super important to me, as well as his relationship with the other nordics. I could ramble forever about the Nordic family dynamic but not right now. I also just think he's a very fun character. He's got a big personality and a lot of interesting history. Funnily enough some of these are also pretty similar to the reasons Prussia is one of my faves. Go figure.
12. What's a character you view in a different way than most of the fandom? How do you view them? Okay so I was going to say Iceland but I didn't get a chance to actually answer this until after work and what I had to say was pretty much the same thing you said in your own answer and I don't want to just copy you, so i hope it doesn't seem like that. But yeah, I see him as a teenager but not a modern one. He's stuck in the 1800s. I do honestly think though while he has a hard time adjusting to like. Modern technology he would be a big fan of how easy the internet makes connecting to others. He's spent a lot of his life feeling lonely and now he has a tool that makes it so that he can talk to someone across the planet in just a few seconds.
I also think his relationship with Norway (and also Denmark!) is a lot more complicated than people give them credit for. I see people make him push away Denmark and Norway completely because "idk that's what angst u teenagers do" and I do think he pushes Norway away sometimes but they're also very close. They have a strained relationship because Norway wasn't there for some of Iceland's most vulnerable years but they still care about each other a lot, and I think slowly but surely they're mending the relationship back together. It's even canon that Iceland actually appreciates how much his family cares for him.
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
(💯, 🤍, 💔 and 🤔, please!)
Thank you!
💯 -
1. Although Randall generally isn't a picky eater (partly because he couldn't afford to be one growing up), if there's one food he will turn his nose up at, it's rhubarb: His mother made strawberry-rhubarb pie when he was a boy, and considering his great love for strawberry, both thought he'd like rhubarb as well. Turns out, he despises it, and has by and large refused to touch it since. 2. Whenever Randall gets visibly annoyed, he-according to his mother-looks strikingly like his maternal grandfather, August Burke, who would cast similarly disparaging looks whenever something irked him. It used to both amuse June and make her heart ache a little, wishing her son could've known his grandfather. 3. Randall doesn't mind being mistaken by younger mortals as the Mad Hatter-it's more funny than anything, and is a little endearing as well, seeing the little ones lean out of their doombuggies to address him as such. If he could, he would ask them: "why is a raven like a writing desk?"
🤍 -
1. Randall can sometimes be clingy towards those he cares about-he was known to be a touch hawkish around Emily (though he was never afraid to admit it), and in her absence, tends to linger closely to the likes of Dorian and Beau, ostensibly because a part of him fears they'll leave him too. 2. Though he isn't a complete and total luddite who dislikes all technology and progress, Randall does have a bit of a nostalgia filter when it comes to the past, sometimes feeling, for all of the modern era's convenience, things were just simpler in the past, and therefore a little easier. 3. Randall can be moody and a little antisocial at times, inclined to avoid crowds and retreating to the quiet of his attic, preferably in the company of a few close friends, if nothing else. He can be closed off, and not always the most warm and welcoming person when people first meet him.
💔 -
1. Related to the above, Randall can be moody, and a part of that comes from his distrust of people trying to make friends with him-although it does stem from people pretending to befriend him only to tease or mock him afterwards, it can make Randall much frostier upon first meeting him, and therefore harder to get to open up. 2. Randall does have a temper, and that, compounded with his cantankerous nature, can also make him seem very unapproachable-he doesn't mean to, but he still can come off that way, and it can unsettle any potential new spirits visiting/moving in. 3. Randall is also known to be very hard on himself, beating himself up over the smallest things and thinking very little of himself. He finds it a little hard to take praise from others or accept that he isn't perfect, feeling as if he needs to be, needing to prove himself to be as such.
🤔 - Randall has a number of quirks and mannerisms! These can include shortening of words ("thinkin'", "goin'", and so on), rubbing the back of his neck, drumming his fingers on the top of his hat (or his hatbox) when he's nervous, fidgeting with his clothes, sprinkling little bits of Irish into his speech, and gnashing his teeth, just to name a few.
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peach-astrology · 4 years
Venus in the houses
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Venus in the 1st house:
1)They like to take care of themselves.They tend to buy beautiful clothes,high-quality cosmetics and monitor their health.
2)By the way,this is the same friend from whom you can ask what kind of thing to buy.They have good taste and can find beautiful clothes in the cheapest store.
3)In general,they like art and fashion,but they also pay great attention to their personality.They like to improve,they appreciate criticism.
4)Bad aspects indicate low self-esteem.He hates his appearance.It also indicates laziness and inability to defend your opinion.
5)Good aspects indicate a friendly and calm person.He is prone to optimism and he controls his feelings(or rather knows how to deal with them)
Venus in the 2nd house:
1)This position indicates the presence of any talent.With proper development,natural abilities can bring him a good income.
2)Hard work,perseverance and great creative abilities are the key to success and glory of a person.
3)He is attracted to successful and rich people.This position likes to save money or increase it.Sometimes it points to collectors.
4)A large number of aspects indicate that he is loved by people and has a pleasant appearance and voice.
5)Bad aspects indicate greed and inability to manage money.A person likes to live a luxurious life,but can't afford it.
Venus in the 3rd house:
1)Friendly and pleasant to communicate with.Very good position for managers.They know how to get acquainted and avoid conflicts.
2)Has the gift of eloquence.He knows how to express his thoughts easily and beautifully.It is interesting to read and listen to.A good position for writers and poets.
3)I noticed that this is the type of people who learn beautifully.They have beautiful pens,notebooks,markers and even handwriting.Beauty inspires and motivates them.
4)Negative aspects indicate problems with flirting.It is difficult for a person to get acquainted and take the first step in a relationship.
5)Good aspects indicate ease in communicating with the gender that attracts him.He often smiles and feels comfortable.
Venus in the 4th house:
1)The person lived in comfortable conditions.Either he had a very nice house,or he had good food.They often had visitors.Their parents loved each other very much.
2)They have a 100% very beautiful mother.
3)Such a person likes nature and a cozy home.I know a few people in this position who have a house in a quiet place.They like flowers and architecture.They like to watch the design of rooms in Ikea.
4)A large number of trunks indicates that a person is inclined to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.He should look at the world more realistically.Too dreamy.
5)Bad aspects indicate a bad environment in the house.The man lacked love and attention.My parents were always busy.
Venus in the 5th house:
1)They love children.They are good parents,teachers and specialists in the field of child psychology.Their children are often girls,with artistic talent and physical beauty.
2)He likes to celebrate events beautifully and effectively.
3)In a relationship,they love attention and gifts.They love compliments and tend to show their feelings to their partner more often.
4)Bad aspects are indicative to idleness and unwillingness to be serious.A person wants to have fun all the time and not work.
5)The good aspects are indicative of the artistry,charisma and luck.But I would still recommend that they take no chances.
Venus in the 6th house:
1)The position of a perfectionist.If he does the work,he strives to do it well.If he doesn't like it,he'll redo it.
2)A person is very careful about his health.He is attracted to natural beauty(but he doesn’t refuse cosmetics),so he has a lot of care cosmetics.
3)Bad aspects indicate problems with the skin,kidneys,and sometimes blood.
4)Good aspects indicates that the person is easy to communicate with colleagues and to make new friends.He is loved and appreciated at work.
5)Their partner can be a careerist or just a successful person.Sometimes indicates a marriage at work.
Venus in the 7th house:
1)Good aspects indicate a happy marriage.People love and understand each other.They are very similar.
2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy.
3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly.
4)Good teamwork skills.Depending on Mars,this person can be a commander or a manager.
5)He loves romance.He likes courtship.On the first date to the extent they are flirting and internally evaluate a potential partner.
Venus in the 8th house:
1)Strong feelings,attracting money,inheritance,profitable marriage.
2)Prone to jealousy and possessiveness.
3)He is sexually attractive,bold and not afraid to take risks.I have a friend with the same situation who wants to jump with a parachute.
4)They are attracted to successful,quiet and slightly gloomy people.They also like confident and powerful people.
5)Indicates a calm and beautiful death(for example,in a dream).They will receive an inheritance from a woman.Bad aspects can indicate the death of a partner.
Venus in the 9th house:
1)Love of philosophy,religion,art,often long trips.High ideals and ideas about love.
2)Getting to know your partner through religion,art,travel.They have a preference for foreigners,other races and religions.Good relations with the partner's parents.
3)The 9th house indicates education and most likely you prefer something unusual and beautiful.For example,philosophy,history,architecture,politics,or foreign languages.
4)In your perfect society,giving up love would be a major sin.You believe that love should fill the world,that people should be more attentive to each other.
5)Negative aspects indicate a bad or incomplete education and the threat of travel.
Venus in the 10th house:
1)They are very graceful,stylishly dressed,although not necessarily expensive.But they still look successful and successful,even if there is very little money in the account.
2)They can only do what brings them pleasure,so they choose a job for love.This helps them achieve great success in their chosen field of activity.
3)Sometimes indicates a late marriage.A person seeks to realize himself in a career,and then create a family.
4)Excellent speakers,they are able to win the attention of the public and be the center of attention.They speak clearly and beautifully.
5)Negative aspects indicate harmful workaholism.A person forgets about his health and family and thinks only about his career.
Venus in the 11th house:
1)Very often I notice that their friend later becomes a partner.So take a closer look at your group of friends:)
2)Good aspects indicate sociability,a person has good friends and they help him develop.
3)Bad aspects indicate that it is difficult for a person to get acquainted.It is unusual and doesn’t match any of the companies of people.Often indicates unrequited love.
4)You are inspired by other people.You can get to know a person and be impressed by their hobby,and the next day try it out.If you want to get inspired,go to Pinterest or write to your friends.
5)You are attracted to smart and modern people.Your partner will teach you something new.Sometimes indicates that their partner works in the field of technology or science.
Venus in the 12th house:
1)A person likes peace and solitude.He is shy in terms of feelings and rarely shows them openly.
2)This is a position I often see in feminists.They have a lot of thoughts about marriage and women's rights.They value equal marriage and relationships.
3)He may have an unpleasant experience in a relationship.For example,he had a toxic partner or an affair.
4)Good intuition and imagination.They are inspired by music,peace and quiet.They themselves are a huge vessel of creativity.
5)Bad aspects indicate difficulties in communicating with a partner.A person experiences many feelings and thoughts and can’t understand them.The partner tries to understand them,but can't.There is an understatement and misunderstanding.
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doridoripawaa · 2 years
You know how I did the RFA's best girls? Yeah, well, think about the Idols favorite Routes instead. That's a challenge.
Okay, I was going to wait until the end of Superstar s2, but I'll just add the Liella girls later. I'm impatient. Wheeze.
I'll go by group, then by year, and I'll then smile->cool->pure within each year!
Rin would enjoy Saeyoung's route the most! She loves cats, so Meowy gives his route bonus points, but I think she'd also really enjoy joking back and forth with 707. When Luciel in the apartment turns colder and more secluded... Rin wouldn't give up on him. Rin's best friend since childhood is Hanayo, who is an exceptionally timid girl with a lot of dreams but a lot of doubts. I think Rin would want to stick by Luciel til the end. Also, gender. Rin is highly trans girl coded, and seeing Saeyoung be no biney would be very neat for her.
Maki would unexpectedly enjoy Zen's route. She's someone whose family pushes her towards a prestigious career path of being a doctor, but her true love and passion lie in the arts. She's a musician at heart even if she has a doctor's brain. She'd definitely scold Zen for being too reckless as a teen, but I think she'd find his route therapeutic because she can watch him work hard for his own dreams.
Hanayo would love Jaehee's route. Hanayo was too afraid to follow her dream of becoming an idol until her friends gave her a push. She'd cheer for Jaehee who works so hard but doesn't feel passionate about her work. As soon as Jaehee shows interest in the coffee project, Hanayo would be her biggest fan urging her to pursue her dreams.
Honoka is a dreamer but also a go-getter. In that sense, she'd like Zen's route. He went after his dream without reservations, and she'd admire how he works to make a name for himself. She's also kind of... lacking in the intelligence field, so maybe she'd relate to Zen there.
Umi is no nonsense, so a gut instinct may say Jumin, but she'd feel far too restricted. I think she'd enjoy V's route. Solving mysteries, escaping a cult, getting answers, and freeing an overly self-sacrificing character from the clutches of his own guilt. Umi would probably play one of the OS routes then go "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WITH V?" She's fixing him. She's pulling his ear and talking sense into him.
Kotori, by contrast, would probably like Jumin's route. She can be strangely possessive herself. She also hates making decisions. But her tender heart would instinctively know which answers could soothe Jumin's troubles and save Elizabeth the 3rd.
Nico is a workaholic who'd also love Jaehee's route. She almost failed in her dream of being an idol, and she'd refuse to let Jaehee give up on choosing a future that made her happy. Nico is honestly super passionate and determined and caring beneath the memes.
Eli is kinning V and really I think that says all that needs to be said.
Nozomi only cares about Rika's Behind Story. Nozomi didn't even want to play until she heard about Jaehee, and then when she saw Rika? Oh, dear. Nozomi is getting the lore and smothering her in affection. Nozomi is gonna either help Rika or make her worse.
Hanamaru is going to be a Ray route kind of girl. First of all, since she grew up sheltered in a temple and has little knowledge of modern technology, she would actually hop in a van to a mysterious location because some guy called and asked her to help him. Sob. More importantly, she's a big reader, and she'd fall for the fairy-tale aspect of Ray's route. But she'd be down for the darker parts, too! She's quick to humor fallen angel Yohane, after all. She's surprisingly adaptable.
Yohane might find a weird interest in Jumin. Their autism presents in exact opposite ways: embrace vs. suppress. But I think she'd find him neat. He's intelligent and practical, but he gets caught up in whimsy too. And Yohane did kidnap a dog once.
Ruby isn't playing. She just isn't. Ruby's androphobia would stop her. I'm not even trying to be "oh she's too lesbian" she's literally afraid of men. But she likes hearing Hanamaru and Yohane talk about the game!
Chika is kind of in her coming-of-age story throughout her arc. Finding herself, finding her dream, finding her strength. She'd appreciate Yoosung, who has seen himself as inferior and boring compared to everyone else and desperately wants to be more than that. Chika became an idol because she was chasing a shine in the sky. Yoosung is a shooting star. It works.
Riko likes V route specifically for that one bad ending. You know the one. She's immediately looking for any fanart or doujins.
You is going to adore Jumin. His route may not end up being her favorite from a story perspective, but a character who's diehard loyal to his childhood friend and has been secretly yearning this entire time? She can relate. She will complain when trapped in his penthouse, but she'll also like the aquarium in the background. Pfft.
Mari is going to kin Saeran because she knows what it's like to have an oppressive mother who tries to force her into things and use her as a dress-up doll, a puppet, rather than a person. Mari is eccentric and outgoing and over-the-top at first glance, but she's actually a deeply sentimental person who's scarily dedicated to her goals. Also she'd like Unknown's goth thing. Mari is our heavy metal enthusiast, after all.
Dia is going to be the yin to Mari's yang, as she tends to be. Her favorite route would be Saeyoung's, because she's a devoted older sister and she understands why Saeyoung would go to such extremes for Saeran. I think she secretly embraces his goofy side, too. Dia acts strict and stern, but she's a huge dork beneath it all.
Kanan understands the stress of being torn between duty and passion. She needs to help with the diving shop for her family, but she wants to be an idol at school again. She's self-sacrificing to a fault. So, yeah, she's gonna like V's route. He's torn between his duty to the RFA but his passion for Rika... which, is itself born of his supposed "duty" to his mother by helping a broken young woman all alone. He's complicated. Kanan will like the hug CG.
Rina is here for the hacking battles between the twins, whether 707 or Ray route. Ultimately she goes soft for Saeyoung because he makes Meowy and she has canonically made her own Meowy.
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Shioriko is gonna like Jumin's route but won't admit it. He's a little too assertive in doing what he thinks is best for MC, and she sees herself in that from before she joined the idol club. They both need a nap and a hug. And therapy.
Shizuku is gonna adore Zen. She's a theater kid! She thinks he's amazing for being true to himself and not hiding! She's writing Zumin enemies to lovers fic though!
Kasumi is going to like Yoosung's route. She's tired of being treated like a baby, tired of being treated as not a good enough club president. But she also prides herself on her cuteness and loves to emphasize it. She's gonna relate to Yoosung a lot.
Ai will love 707 from the start, because he's goofy and she loves bad puns. She loves smiling and having fun. Ai also has a soft heart, and she'll be good about Luciel during the tough days of his route. She'll sympathize with his sorrow, because she felt awful when she thought her sister figure resented her for pursuing a dream and leaving her behind.
Lanzhu is... someone who has always struggled to make friends. And she kind of became a spoiled, isolated tyrant because of it before saved by the power of friendship. I can't believe her favorite "route" is Rika's Behind Story (actually I can).
Setsuna's favorite route is Saeyoung's because she's got masks on masks, too. They both have had to sacrifice their own selves to protect what they love. Also she's super into his cosplay.
Ayumu is DEFINITELY gonna love Ray's route. She'll enjoy the whole route, but she's going to adore Ray in particular because she sees a lot of herself in him. Preparing a fluffy pink room... for the object of his obsession affection... with flowers and floriography sprinkled throughout. Yeah, she's into it.
Kanata is another doting big sister, so Saeyoung for her! She works herself into the ground for Haruka's sake, and she'll empathize with Saeyoung for all he's done for Saeran. Also they both need a nap. Please.
Karin is someone who comes off as cool and mature, but she's actually kind of insecure and has immature moments. I feel like Jumin would be her favorite. Plus she'd understand why he's keeping her there, considering she has an awful sense of direction and needed to be chipped by her friends.
Emma, the sweetest girl, is going to like Jaehee's route. Emma is big on family, and her heart would break for Jaehee who's all alone. Emma traveled all the way from Switzerland to Japan to pursue her dreams, and I know that conviction and huge heart will be cheering for Jaehee all the way.
Mia can't play Another Story because she's only 14. Tragic. Guess her favorite has to be Yoosung. She knows how gifted burnout feels. Yoosung was a spectacular student in high school but now he's lost and stuck. Mia felt stuck and hopeless with her music for a while, too, even while being hailed as a prodigy.
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snowy-azure-suzaku · 6 years
(Theory) Eggman's view on robotics and why he doesn't install self awareness into his robots after being betrayed by some of his creations.
This was something I posted on another site a little over 8 months ago, and I’d thought I’d share it here with everyone. 
Doctor Eggman's been the most iconic villain of the Sonic series ever since his series debut on June 23rd, 1991, never too far behind this mad scientist is his ever-expanding army of robots. To me going hand in hand with the whole nature vs. technology theme of the Sonic the Hedgehog Series, it's clear that Eggman views machines as superior over nature.
There is something to note of Eggman's robots though. Most of them seem to follow basic programming which is to attack Sonic the Hedgehog at all costs even if they get destroyed in the process, and I'm left wondering.
Eggman has an IQ of 300, yet he can't programme a simple feature that gives a robot some form of self-awareness and sentience? I mean if I were a mad scientist and my robots were getting destroyed by a three-foot-tall blue hedgehog with robot slicing spines, I would defiantly input a program that gives a robot a sense of self-preservation, and it would save on parts. (Yes I know that he has factories that mass produces them, but still)
Then it hit me, Eggman views sentience in robots with a risky gamble that they will betray him and it actually has happened to him several times throughout the series. 
The only exception to this rule appears to be Orbot and Cubot, but I’ll get to them near the end of the theory. 
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*Let's start with E-102 Gamma. At the beginning of Gamma's story, there is no doubt that Gamma is loyal to the Doctor. He follows his commands without any hesitation. He becomes a perfect example of a robot that follows orders.
At this point in his “life,” Gamma is your typical Eggman robot. He doesn’t question his creator’s words and actions. He even willingly fights against Beta when Eggman tells him to do so/. 
The first sign that pushes him into betraying Eggman is when the scientist made and seeing the doctor dismissing the rest of his E series unit after all of them failed to retrieve Froggy. Let's not forget that he witnessed Beta being torn apart and being rebuilt.
Gamma begins to go against his programming when he meets Amy Rose, and after conversing with her, Gamma then sets Amy and the Flicky free. Later on, after his battle with Sonic before the hedgehog lands the potentially fatal blow Amy rushes in to protect Gamma.
Gamma is confused about why Amy would help him even after hearing her suggestion to abandon his creator, and the concept of friendship is an alien concept even after seeing his own creator abandoning him not even caring what would happen to Gamma. 
After Gamma flees the Egg Carrier after arriving in the Mystic ruins, Gamma abandons his programming, and he hunts down and kills his "brothers" setting their Flickies free. 
It's my headcanon that when Eggman rebuilt beta, he also reprogrammed him to take out is that Eggman decided to reprogram Beta if there was the smallest chance that Gamma betrayed him.   Since Beta was on the Egg Carrier when it crashed into the ocean, there was a good chance that Beta waited for Gamma to make a reappearance. 
After an intense battle in which Beta lands a critical hit on Gamma in his death throes both robots self-destruct bringing an end to the E series line until E 123 Omega comes along. 
Metal Sonic 
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Metal Sonic
For the longest time, Metal Sonic was Eggman's greatest creation and suitable match to go up against Sonic the Hedgehog in every, and we all know that after witnessing his master suffering several defeats at the hands of his organic counterpart.
My headcanon for Metal Sonic’s betrayal of Eggman gave him sentience he decided since Eggman continually failed to defeat Sonic over and over again he decided that a robot could do a much better job in killing Sonic. 
As a result, Neo Metal Sonic locked up Eggman in his own flagship, seizing control of Eggman’s army and the events of Heroes plays out until Neo Metal Sonic’s defeat. 
After his defeat and when Eggman retrieved his body (somehow getting it back from Omega and Shadow) Eggman was afraid that if he rebuilt Metal Sonic with sentience there was a good chance that made sure to reprogram Metal Sonic to the point where he was loyal, to ensure that his prize creation would never turn on him again.
Heavy King 
The second to last one the list is the most recent one the Heavy King. At the start of Sonic Mania, the Hard Boiled Heavies were ordinary Egg Robos until they came into contact with Phantom Ruby who gave them these new powers, but loosened some of their screws according to the electronic manual that came with Sonic Mania. 
This also caused them to be dissident which can be witnessed in the cutscene after defeating the Death Egg Robot where Eggman is seen ordering them to hand over the Ruby, but  Heavy Ninja at first refuses and Eggman taking it himself as the Heavy king is the last to leave the scene.
After failing to secure the Master Emerald I headcanon that Heavy King oversaw Eggman’s blunders time and time again and coveting the power of the Phantom Ruby for himself Heavy King betrays Eggman at the end of the game.
 Unlike his modern counterpart Classic Eggman is having none of it and he attacks the Heavy Emperor in an attempt to take the Ruby back from him and it results in a fight between the two of them until Phantom King is destroyed by Super Sonic and Sonic and the Phantom Ruby travel to the dimension leading to  Sonic forces taking place.
E- 123 Omega 
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Now for the last of Eggman’s creations, we turn to E 123 Omega. 
Omega was the last of the E series robots built by Eggman with the sole purpose  of preventing a contained Shadow the Hedgehog from escaping. However Omega overcame his own programming due to his anger at being imprisoned at the hands of his own creator. 
I headcanon that Omega’s drive to wipe out all of Eggman;s robots and eventually Eggman himself is partially to prove to the world that he is the best out of all of Eggman’s creations and enacxt a most likely painful revenge in the creator who most likely viewed him as inferior. 
Orbot and Cubot 
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However there are two exceptions to the robots with senteince rule Orbot and Cubot. 
Both of them a are able to speak and they seem to have a basic sentience. So after all of the robots that I've mentioned betraying Eggman then why do these two have sentience?
The answer's easy. Look at these two. They're not exactly built for combat. I believe that they were built so that Eggman wouldn't get lonely.  Alo Cubot’’s not the brighest bulb in the shed and there is a chance that Orbot was reprogrammed after the events of Sonic Unleashed se he was snarky in that game since he tuants Eggman at the end of the game. 
There are some moments when Orobt still retains some of this snarkiness when he askss to join up with Sonic just to annoy his creator. 
Despite these quirks both of them are be genuinely loyal to the Doctor despite his slight mistreatment of them shown as when he smacks Orbot in Forces and leaving them behind in Space in Colors. 
Well this turned out to be a long post and this was my first time posting a theory on here and I had a lot fo fun doing this and feel free to leave your thoughts on it. 
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yyh-revival · 6 years
Ok so about hxh I don't dislike the show it's a good show. But the reason I prefer yyh is the set up makes more sense. It makes sense for a place like the demon world to have a fucked up tournament like the black tournament. The stuff that Koenma's dad pulled to fuck over demons given the system and that kind of character. You know what doesn't make sense? Giving known assasins and psychopaths more access and power. In HxH becoming a hunter means you get access to all sorts of locations pt.1
That regular civilians dont have access to and a liscence to kill without getting into trouble and all sorts of other shit. And they give that power to Hisoka who never tries to hide the fact he just likes killing people and randomly killed one of the examiners last time. And Illumi a assasin who freely admits that he wanted the liscence for a job. He says this to the people in charge of the exam. And he still gets his liscence what the fuck. Not to mention his family the secret pt2
oldeck family who the public doesnt know their faces have a house so famous that tour guide point it out while going through the city. Like it might have unbelievable security but why would you risk people knowing? Not that it’s a bad show or I dont enjoy it. I’m not that far into the series. But things like that kinda take out of it. It kinda takes me out of it. Especially when this world isnt like this world of chaos its actually kinda like our world. Or supposed to be Pt.3
Yes, I have to confess the setting didn’t sit right with me, either. I typically enjoy fantasy (in fact it’s my #1 favorite genre, and my preferred to write in, whether that’s high fantasy like LOTR or something like Fullmetal Alchemist, or even modern fantasies like stories about vampires, etc. All of my childhood favorites have fallen into this category… aaaand still do haha)
But the setting always did feel strange to me. I never understood who or what was in control of this Hunter licence, and why they were giving them out to children, or what the point of them even was.
More under the cut. Long analysis of character, slightly more productive than what I wrote yesterday, and some more dissing of HxH (I’m sorry) and its poor management of plot, setting, and character.  Also, from now on, tagging all discussions and comparisons of HxH and YYH as HHD (for hunter hunter discussion) to keep it out of the hxh tag. 
Once again, this is all just my opinion, my personal feelings, and are not meant to grade the merit of the show or insult anyone who enjoyed it!
See, I typically also like “secret clubs.” But I like them being fleshed out. In Mass Effect, we know what a Specter is. They have almost unlimited power, but 1) they answer to a council which can strip them of this power, and 2) they have a clear goal – serving the council and the interest of the council races.
For YYH, we have the same thing. Yusuke has more power than the average human, having the authority to kill and having access to knowledge most humans do not have. But he 1) answers to Koenma, 2) has a clear goal of protecting the innocent from evil demons and other psychic phenomena. 
And that stuff is outlined the MOMENT our protagonists enter the secret club, in clear words, and it doesn’t take, you know, forever… But HxH, I have no idea what the whole Hunter organization even is? I looked it up and turns out I saw the whole 1st season, 31 episodes… and I have no idea what this hunter thing is.
So yes, I totally agree. For comparison, in YYH, we go through a rather good introduction to Spirit World all before episode 5, an intro to what Spirit Detectives are without learning all the details, but enough to understand, by what, episode 8ish? We learn how Spirit World can bend rules with Kurama and Hiei within the first few episodes, too. We learn Spirit World is a bureaucracy, that it has rulers and managers (Enma and Koenma), that it is occupied by mostly two species (ogres and Spirit World citizens, who are like spirits, neither alive nor dead), that they have prisons, that they take interest in human lives and society, that they have the power to revive the dead but that there are clear rules and procedures. We learn Spirit World citizens can inhabit human bodies made specifically for them. We learn Spirit World can unlock human’s innate spiritual awareness. We learn the Spirit Detective job is sorta a new and untested thing (sending a kid to fight 3 demons… Koenma seriously didn’t think the job through yet). We learn Spirit World houses powerful treasures like the 3 artifacts. We learn they have a freakin’ treasure room to start with. We learn you can break into Spirit World and its vaults. We learn that living creatures, even demons, can enter it. We learn spirits and living creatures can interact with each other as if both were on the same plane, tangible and all, while in Spirit World. We learn Spirit World watches and records events of interest in the Human World, sometimes flat out spying on humans like when they watch Keiko being chased or when the little girl (the investigator) stalks Keiko along with Yusuke and Botan. We learn ghosts aren’t allowed to stay forever in the human world. We learn that the spirit and the body have separate energies that converge together. We learn Spirit World uses actual technology, not just magic, like VHS types and pocket watches. We learn Spirit World citizens can live incredibly long lives and look like babies while being a couple hundred years old or more.
^^ See all that? That’s what I know about Spirit World from watching the first EIGHT episodes. Episode 9 Yusuke enters Genkai’s tournament… How insanely concise is that? Episode 8, and we know so much about just one aspect of this world.
Whereas HxH? episode 31… and I still have zero clue what hunters are, what their purpose is, what they can do, who they work for if anyone, what the qualifications for them are (just being able to fight?) We know nothing. 31 episodes!! 
For another comparison, by episode 31, Yusuke is in the Dark Tournament, fighting Chuu. By this point, we had all four main characters go through the first cycle of their character arcs, we were introduced to most of the supporting cast, we had relationships established, we got backstory on some characters, we learned how spirit energy and psychics work more, we saw Yusuke begin his second cycle, we saw the introduction of a major villain… we had a lot. Whereas with HxH, all I remember is the damn big boat in the storm thing.
Speaking of character arcs… I wrote this in a response to something else, but I think it also makes my point here. I am incredibly fascinated with character arcs and character in general, even more than plot or setting or anything else. To me, character is all. So here’s my breakdown of some character growth within the first 8 episodes.
YYH never really feels like it drags, maybe only in those moments I mentioned before. But it had an incredibly strong opening. Excluding Hiei, within the first 7-8 episodes, we have two characters (kurama and Yusuke) go through full character arcs that affect them all the way down the line of the show. The other two join after episode 25, though we also get to see glimpses of character background and some development even earlier (Kuwabara’s sensitive side is shown with the kitty, his devotion to friends, his honor code – all before episode 8 as well, but that’s not really an arc. He doesn’t have one till about the Yukina Rescue arc concludes. Though his is a bit weak, mostly because Kuwabara was… pretty alright to start with? It’s hard to develop when there isn’t many places you can go. And out of all the 4 boys, Kuwabara had the least amount of baggage.)
For Yusuke, we have the theme of “caring/not caring.” Yusuke stars off believing no one loves him and that he’s better off not being in anyone’s life. The wake proves him wrong enough that he makes an effort to come back. Then when he thinks he’s missed his chance by throwing the egg, and sees his friends and family happily talking about him returning, he mourns because he knows he’s not coming back. 180 from “meh, ima stay a ghost it’s better I’m not in their lives.” So, he goes through a complete cycle just in that moment, from I don’t care, to I do care and I’m happy, to I do care and I am sad. Not just a simple arc, from point A to point B, but A to B to C. It’s a very well constructed growth of a character. Full arch, full growth, and that’s why it tugs at the heartstrings. Because the moment he started to care… he thought lost his chance.
That arc he goes through all before episode 5 cycles throughout the show, and makes us care because such a strong arc, such an emotional one, too, grabs the viewer’s heart by the balls and refuses to let go. 
It cycles in the Suzaku fight – he experiences horrible pain to save people, but in order to really motive himself, he must see Keiko in danger. He’s getting there, to the point of caring about humanity, but not quite. Then in the Dark Tournament, the lives of multiple people hang on his victory. But they’re still mostly people he cares about, though now that has extended beyond Keiko into Shizuru, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Yukina, etc., all of those people. He’s getting there, increasing the circle of people he cares for.
It keeps going up, challenging Yusuke to care more. The hospital had Keiko and shizuru in it. But also the new psychics. Then Sensui threatening all of humanity. Then the 3 kings arc threatening all of the realms. Yusuke progressively gives more of a shit about more people with time and new challenges and as he earns more friends.
And all of that is outlined in he first Fucking 4 episodes!! We know what hsi arc is, we know where he is going, we know what sort of character he is, and we get to see him become truly fleshed out in just 4 episodes.
That’s just Yusuke, too. Kurama also has a complete arc within the span of like two or three episodes, and those themes cycle throughout the show. (guilt, suicide and redemption – think Ura Urishima fight, when Kurama projects his want to sacrifice himself for Shiori to make up for his deception, where he tells the guy that suicide has no honor or redemption in it, even though the guy didn’t care for that, his lie was about getting out of having to hurt people without causing harm to his grandmother, not about redeeming himself – family, lies, the better of two evils – to lie to shiori and stay with her so she has a son, or stop lying to her and punish self for stealing her “real son” away)
It’s consistent, mostly concise, cyclical, and oh so fucking satisfying to my literature loving senses….
And then hxh… where apparently nothing of substance happens in the first Twenty Freakin Episodes. I legit cannot tell you about any character growth in that time. Or plot? They take a test. For who knows how long. Uh… kurapika starts to like leorio when before he didn’t? So he gets friendlier?? Maybe?? Killua begins a friendship with gon instead of getting himself that therapist… they play a ball game together. That gets them to like each other so much Gon goes chasing after Killua when he goes missing at the end of the season. Uh…. they are faced with the horror of fighting people they had to cooperate with before I guess. *shrugs* 
If you put a gun against my head, the only character growth or arc I could maybe try to name for the first 30 episodes is that Kurapika started to like Leorio and starts to address him with a bit more respect, cause they worked together, so uh… nope, nope, that’s not an arc in the slightest. Kurapika can simply be a person who doesn’t like others until he gets to know them… So yes, I’d get a bullet in the head.
And the fact that you need to skip the whole beginning of the show to even enjoy it, as @perpetuallyfrowning suggested … I can’t do that. I cannot enjoy any change in Gon if I don’t know where he was before. But I hate where he was before, and we’re stuck with that for so long… Even if you didn’t like Yusuke’s personality at first, you only have to deal with it for a bit because he changes so much so quickly.
So there it is, my rather lazy analysis of the beginning of YYH and HxH, looking at setting and character.
- Mod Lola
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vampirequeenoffan · 6 years
yes hello im feeling your trollhunters opinion!! do u also feel like Merlin is super shady? I don't think he did a single thing since he showed up that can be considered 'good', he doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself, and after what he did to get Jim to turn into a troll (cutting him off from his entire support network, playing on his insecurities) I thought he'd turn out to be the Ultimate Villain of the show right up until the end, when he wasn't.
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HOOOBOY do I ever have FEELINGS about this (which will once again be under the cut because SCREAMING)
First off, holy fuck, THANK you. Your message means a lot to me (as do the other nice messages and comments I got on my post! It feels great to know I’m not the only one who felt like there was something wrong with this ending).
Yeah, what in the fuck is up with Merlin? I liked him for a good thirty seconds after he was introduced– I’m a bit of a sucker for the ‘ancient and powerful being of legend is actually Not At All What Anyone Thought trope’ tbh. But the novelty quickly wore off and you’re absolutely right– I totally thought he was going to be the show’s Ultimate Villain. I usually love asshole characters, so the fact that Merlin is so much of an asshole that I hated him is… impressive, in a weird way. And the list of characters I’m crazy about contains several serial killers, so the bar is real low.
Let’s break this down.
Merlin, upon reentering the picture, does the following:
–Gets passive-aggressively mad at the Trollhunters for not getting him his staff
Which, y’know, could’ve been avoided if he’d just asked to have the staff in the same room with him when he’d been buried. He also had no reason to be mad, considering his plan was to release Morgana all along, and had the Trollhunters actually taken back the staff they then would’ve had to fight their way into Trollmarket in order to free Morgana, which… would have been difficult. That, or they’d have had to turn the staff over to Gunmar anyway, so again, no reason for Merlin to be mad.
Personally I totally agree that they should’ve left Morgana in there, or at least had some semi-automatic weapons ready when they did release her (because if the USA is going to have shitty gun control laws we might as well use them to destroy evil witches, amiright?), but this is about Merlin’s reaction, not mine.
Also, if this was his plan all along, he could’ve left instructions about that. So that, y’know, Drall didn’t die trying to stop Gunmar from taking the staff. You know. That little detail.
–Repairs Jim’s amulet
On the surface this is good, except that, again, he wouldn’t have had to do this if he’d written the directions to his tomb on anything else. He could’ve even had the instructions in like, the spirit room that the dead trollhunters live in, if he was really that determined to make sure it was trollhunter-specific. 
–Threatens to eat Toby
What even happened here. What. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, it really added to the ‘what the fuck even is going on with him’ vibe that Merlin has, but why? Did he just… hang out with trolls too much? But only the evil trolls did that. What even was happening here. And why Toby? Was it process of elimination because he though Claire was hot (which, uh, creepy) and he needed Jim, or was this a… fat joke? I honestly have no idea.
–Gives them a laundry list of complicated as fuck items to collect
Merlin is an asshole who should’ve gotten his groceries himself. Nuff said. Oh wait, not enough said, because one of those things was literally lightning in a goddamn bottle, which they needed the help of actual goddamn aliens to get, so Merlin, with no knowledge of modern technology, really should have known he needed to at least get that one by himself.
What a guy.
–Destroys Jim’s vespa
Okay, this probably seems petty. ‘Merlin literally kickstarted the apocalypse, why do you care about the vespa?’ Well, because it wasn’t just any piece of machinery. Jim had been wanting a vespa for a very, very long time– for him, it was a dream, then a symbol of normalcy, and then it became even more than that when he finally got one– by building it with Blinky. It was a project he undertook alongside his father figure, likely took weeks of work, and was a physical reminder of how much Blinky cared about him.
Merlin destroys it and uses it to make armor.
Now, there’s some symbolism here. Merlin is destroying the vespa– symbol of Jim’s old life– and using it to forge armor– transforming his old life into something that protects his friends. It’s not unlike what his amulet has done to him, or what Merlin later tries to do by making Jim into a troll. Which, yeah, I’ve covered being a shitty tactical decision and I’m going to go over even more reasons why it’s terrible in a minute.
Point is, dick move. He could’ve used literally any other kind of metal, so the only upside here is symbolism and, let’s be real, it’s a metaphor is not a good reason to do dumb shit.
–Champions releasing Morgana
I was really happy that everyone yelled at him about this one. I was less happy that that was all that happened. Merlin did, clearly, just want his magic back. If he didn’t, he would have just left Morgana in her goddamn crystal like a sensible person, or at the very least agreed to help take out Gunmar before handling Morgana. It’s just common sense to divide and conquer– yes writing a paper is very hard, but it’s a lot easier to do that when your house isn’t on fire. Dealing with problems separately makes them all a lot less taxing, or in this case, a lot less deadly! There are so many people that would still be alive if Merlin, after being asleep for hundreds of years, had just been able to wait a few more goddamn weeks to have his fingersparkles back.
–Emotionally manipulates Jim into becoming a troll
This fucker. This assclown. You’re absolutely right– he cuts him off from everyone he knows and refuses to let him go rescue his mom, does that shitty parent thing where you guilt someone by saying “It’s your choice whether or not to do the right thing…” and spews some shit about destiny and just generally uses his title of Old Guy Who Knows Stuff to tell Jim that he Has To Do This, but it’s Totally Your Choice.
I thought, when Jim’s mom rescued herself (go Barb go!!!) and came running up to the bathroom door, that he would stop. Because that was the whole reason Jim was going to go through with the transformation– it was the only way Merlin would let him go save his mom. The fact that he just kinda… ignored the fact that they were out there yelling for him? Yeah, that was dumb. Even if he wanted to go through with it, he should have talked to his friends and family first. That was, uh, the whole lesson he learned from going into the Darklands alone. We’ve been down this road, Jim, it’s depressing.
And then Merlin’s just… useless. He can’t beat Morgana, his tactics suck ass, and the only thing he does from that point on is try to get other people to die for him– looking at you, Aargh. I’m so glad you’re still alive.
So, to reiterate, Merlin shows up, fucks shit up, and then doesn’t fix any of the fucked up shit. On top of that, he’s an asshole the entire time– the “real battle of Killahead” line was just the tip of the douchebag iceberg (though ‘all you folks who died during this battle didn’t matter’ was a hell of a way to kick that off, I agree). But… why?
You’re right, we don’t know why he and Morgana started this pissing contest. We don’t even know why he took her on as an apprentice in the first place, or what connection the two of them had to trolls at all– presumably a strong one, considering how much they both tried to fuck with the future of the species. Before we met Merlin, none of these things had to be defined– Morgana and Merlin were vague enough as figures that we could imagine any number of things that had led to the current state of being. I, personally, imagined Merlin as being more invested in humans than trolls, which made sense to me because he was on the side of the trolls that didn’t hurt humans and his amulet placed a huge amount of value on Jim’s humanity. But then it’s revealed that Merlin actually doesn’t give a shit about humans at all, as he apparently eats them, doesn’t mind putting the entire town of Arcadia in danger, and tells Jim that his humanity doesn’t matter and he’s better off being a troll.
Same for Morgana. I thought her whole deal was that she wanted trolls to be the dominant species, but then she says Gunmar is disposable and doesn’t seem to give a shit about his conquest of the surface? If she didn’t actually care about trolls conquering humans, why in the hell did she want to bring about the eternal night?
So, again, what was happening and why were they so invested in the future of trollkind? If it wasn’t, like I thought, about whether humanity or trolls should be dominant, what possible reason could they have for interfering? Presumably at one point they got along, because Morgana was Merlin’s apprentice, but the only reason we get for her hating him is that he took her hand to make the amulet. . . except, wait, he did that after she started trying to bring about the eternal night. Forget why she cared about that, if he didn’t care about humans then why did he?
TLDR, Merlin’s an asshole, his decisions make no sense, and when you poke at things he creates plotholes in the entire series that weren’t there prior to his introduction. Also he’s the worst.
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aiethflx-blog · 5 years
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We are in the generation where childrens are more smarter in terms of using gadgets or technology.
1970's is the start of computer age, digital age or new media age. Technology helps people to search, ascertain things which leads to development of someone's ability, skills, talents, mind through different social media platforms or apps for different technologies. There is youtube, in which there are free tutorial of anything you wanted to know since then and building your self confidence through making vlogs. There is google, if you want to know something even the symptomps of diseases and etc. in text version. There is messenger & facebook for practicing your social skills. Technology helps in making arduous tasks effortless and smooth, in just one click of your finger you can get what you want without having sweat all over your body. Technology has helped create the information revolution. On the other hand, it is also bad for the health of humans because some, don't eat for games. They forgot to eat and intentionally didn't ate because gadgets has their focus and attention. Also radiation that can be get from it which can cause cancer to humans.
As the quote says, all excess is bad.
So, is technology bad? Go on and read 'til the end.
This generation is so tech-savvy. It is nice knowing that people do know what gadgets are and how to use it but the matter is, even though a child is 4-5 year old, he knows or even masters using it. Children supposed to or should enjoy their childhood playing hide and seek/ice water/jump over the cow and other street games, playing with their friends, spending time with their family which makes kids genuinely happy but sadly, some are eaten by technology. When a baby shed tears, activated their built-in microphones in their mouth, throwing things because they don't want it, parents grabs slippers, hanger, belts, hard wood sticks and anything that they first see as a substitute for whip but now, parents hands cellphone to them for the sake of quietness and peace. Teachers are not comfortable or habituated in using powerpoints & other teacher aids using technology. They even ask students about it, in the end they use ordinary type of teaching wherein the tools are manila paper, marker, board and chalk. Elders, before, used to talk to each other more often and spend their time talking to one another face to face and not only face timing. Humans used to drink coffee while reading a newspaper or listening to radios. Humans now, can't live without cellphone. Even in the comfort room, even when eating, even in serious moments or worse is using gadgets 24/7. Simply, technology and gadgets are indispensable in human life. All I can ask is when will things go back to its origin?
When was the last time you wrote a letter for your love?
When was the last time writers wrote using type writers?
When was the last time you spend your time eating with your family with the cold wind without using gadgets?
When was the last time children used to play outdoor games?
When was the last time entertainment comes from sports, boardgames, watching movies?
When was the last time you had your life simple yet genuinely happy?
W h e n ?
As the technology evolve, the way of living evolves too.
Life is two faced. If you have seen the other side & judged it quickly, you are doing it wrong. Let us peel the cover of technology. I have mentioned the effects of overusing technology in everyday basis of human life but I also did said the good effects of technology. Come with me as we continuously discovering each and every side of technology.
Technology makes life easier.
One example of that is the computer itself. Computer back then was named as ENIAC and was done on 1946. We can say that ENIAC is part of technology because basically it is computer but still it is not easy to use. You can use it by walking and standing, you should follow many rules in order to operate it. Years passed, the evolution of computers has made. Today's computer is easier.
Another benefit of technology is about medicine. Since human was made, even our ancestors lack of resourced when it comes to medicines. That's why when a person got sick, diseases or cancers they easily die because no equipment surround them. All they have and they can afford is herbal medicines and some equipment that aren't enough for their sickness. Luckily, we, the millennials and generation Z were born in the age of modernization. It is easy to cure cancers because machine for diseases are already in our hands. Technology also paved a way for the rise of science discovery. Scientist now has the actual pictures of galaxy, planets, moon, asteroids and other heavenly bodies. Astronaut can personally see and admire the beauty of God's creation, not only in painting but astronaut can't experience that without the use transportation.
Transportation is also part of technology, transportation is now easy. Back then, Filipinos use Kalesa for travelling but now, we have jeeps, motorcycles, cars. Through transporation we can get what we want because it is used for delivery. Business also can be done through transporation. We can ride other's car because of transportation app or what we call "grab" and etc. Businesses can be done everywhere. Robots, they are part of it. Google play is also an example. Ask what you want to ask, command what you want to command because it controls your house.
But there are questions running in my mind...
Is anyone from ancient times would have thought that super advanced technology will happen?
Do modern world makes you happy or ancient time where you live simple makes you satisfied?
If today, some are eaten by technology, how much if more centuries will come? How advance do the world will be?
On the other hand, technology won't exist if there's no God behind it. Who gave humans intelligence to make what has been made?
Technology is made for a purpose,
To enlighten one's mind
Not to destroy someone's mind.
Not to destroy someone's behavior.
Not to destroy someone's good habbits.
Not to destroy someone's relationship toward his/her loveones.
Technology has many branches in terms of its effect, it can change the behavior of a person and they can be bullied but aside from that, did this question ever crossed your mind,
"Is technology still under control of God?"
If yes, then my answer will be yes too. God controls everything. The reason why some persons are in the street, getting garbage is that because they didn't asked God
"Is my path right?"
"Is this the path you have reserved for me?"
Same goes in technology. The purpose of it is Good, it is not meant for cyber bully, watching p*rns and other wrong doings in social media. It is just that, we misuse technology, we overuse it, we misunderstood it's purpose.
He under controls technology, but the bad effects that happen to us is also cause by non other than us, we, humans ourselves.
We shouldn't forget that God sees and knows everything. He sees what we do in technologies, in cellphones, in social media platforms. Don't even think that he doesn't care about technology just because He lived many decades ago, we think that He is old but the truth is
We should base everything that we do in God's scripture. Not because something is in trend, we should do the same. Not because that's how they use technology or specifically social media, we should do the same. Not because we used to do something like doing bad things in social media means we have no chance to change. Change is the only constant. According to Romans 12:2, be transformed in the renewing of thalamus. Basically, thalamus is the place for addiction, some is addicted to p*rns, or addicted to games or anything that s connected in technologies, but still thalamus can be trained and we have the chance to change.
Change comes from ourselves not what others wants to change for ourselves. Know who are worth following. Know which person helps you to go to the path where God wants you to go because that person is important.
You only live once, they said. The life of our loved ones has limit and sadly, we don't know when. We should spend our time wisely,
Wisely with our parents
Wisely with our family
Wisely with our friends
Help yourself get up and don't be a loser when your opponent is just technology. Don't let your system be eaten by it. Don't let modernization invade your privacy in life. Never go with the flow.
Time spent in your family and in God is worth more than the time wasted from technology.
First and foremost, before using technologies, ask and consult yourself...
Do I need this?
Will this help me grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
What is my purpose in using these?
What can I get from these?
What possible habits of mine can be taken away by this?
What possible habits can I adapt from this?
Lastly, surround yourself of things that will help you grow. Make sure that using technologies will help in developing yourself so that you can be a better person. Another impact of technology is that, when you watch horror movie, yes, it has thrill but it brings fear. Absolutely, horror movies do have spirit that's why we are scared. Fear refuses your faith in God. When you are in fear of other things, the tendency is that you will be afraid to try it. For example, you are afraid of going to the comfort room alone because you watched horror movies, you will forget your faith in Lord. You will forget to remember that "God is with me, why do I need to fear?"
Now let me ask you.
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