#[ doesn’t mean he wasn’t biting at the bit like everyone else was he entirely was - ]
confusedraven1 · 1 year
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i absolutely love that jim is the one to keep the heart of stede’s crew alive while ed did everything he could to destroy it.
one of the first comments ed makes to stede’s crew in season 1 is “everyone’s covered in rope!” so what does jim do? literally covers themself in rope, to remind ed that, as long as they’re alive, that hope and love isn’t going anywhere.
not only that, but, in the bible, rope is a symbolism for trust and security. jim became a secure place for the crew to tie themselves to while just trying to stay alive.
of course, i then had to look into why they have a fishing net around their shoulders as well, and found The Fishing Net Parable from the Book of Matthew (13:47-52):
"Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away.”
“This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
jim amputates izzy’s leg, despite having never done it before. they quite literally separate him from the rotten bits to save his life.
jim says, “he was your friend.” they separate ed from who he was before from who he’s allowed himself to become, not to punish him, but to remind him of the consequences of his actions.
jim tells izzy point blank, “you’re in an unhealthy relationship with blackbeard.” they aren’t trying to break them up; they’re just bringing to light whats true so things can (hopefully) get better.
jim shows archie that, just because pirating is normally done a certain way, doesn’t mean it has to—they separate archie from the toxic belief that “that’s just how things are, it’s just life,” and “why save him if he’s a dick?”
jim tries to separate the idea from the crew that ed is fine, because they immediately recognize that things are about to get much worse: “so, do we think he’s better?” “FUCK no!”
jim immediately says, “wasn’t the wedding thing a bit over the line?” they know they’re all pirates and have questionable morals anyway, but knows it was fucked up of them to massacre a wedding, an event that’s supposed to be joyful and full of life and beginnings, not death and destruction. they’re, again, dividing up the way things are vs. how they could (and should) be.
ed tries to pin them all dying on jim cause they wouldn’t kill archie, but they bite back with, “you would’ve done it anyway!” they know exactly where the lies are, and separates them from the truth, and ed can’t deny it.
jim separates themself (and olu) from the bounds of monogamy through their honesty. olu is still their best friend and lover and family even though they found and did things with someone else.
jim holds out their hand for olu to take when they’re escaping the red flag. olu’s interest in zheng yi sao isn’t bad and jim’s not trying to separate them, but is trying to keep together the things that are good: their family.
(later addition, edit) jim is also the one that “kills” ed. they’re the one to make that final choice, to say, “it’s you or us.” jim’s actions and choices entire first two episodes led them to that moment, like it was the “final judgment” of blackbeard.
jim is the rope and net of the crew. they’re trust and security and honesty, everything that stede was trying to get the crew to understand from day 1, everything stede is always trying to embody (and i dare say is starting to succeed at).
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luimagines · 7 months
You Give Him A Massage Part 2
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Part 1
Part 2 will include Time, Warrior and Wind.
Content under the cut!
You hadn’t meant for it to this to happen- but in your defense, you were here first. 
Wild had somehow convinced the group to stop by the Eldin hot springs for a few hours so that they could properly unwind and heal for a moment despite the chaos of their journey. You happily agreed. Not because you thought that hot springs are a healing experience (you’re not entirely sure what he meant by that) but you’ve never been to a hot spring before. It sounded absolutely lovely.
You meandered a little ways away from the group behind a rock outcropping and made yourself comfortable in the little pool of water. It was deeper than you thought it would be and pleasantly hot. If you bent your knees a little bit you could have dunked your entire head in the water- but you weren’t aiming for that at the moment.
You closed your eyes and relaxed as much as you felt like you could have- which to say, completely.
Suddenly the water splashed a little ways away from you- but it’s not like the pool you had chosen was particularly big. You’re eyes widened in shock before you sunk a little further into the pool. “Uh- hello?”
 “Oh goodness, I’m sorry.” Time calls out. “I didn’t anyone was here.”
“Yeah... it’s a nice spot, isn’t it?” You kick yourself mentally. How awkward can you get? “It’s... a little far away from everyone else so-”
“Yeah... It’s why I came here.” He says quietly. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your time though- I apologize. I’ll go elsewhere.”
“You don’t-” You start and bite your tongue. You did want t be alone. But it almost feels like you’re kicking him out and it’s not like you own the spring. Are you overthinking this? You try a that again. “You don’t have to leave.”
That seems to Time food for thought. “Would you mind if I stayed then? For a little bit?”
Honestly? “No. I don’t.”
Time seems to sigh of relief and sinks further into the springs, keeping his distance away from you. “Thank you.”
“No problem.”
You settle for ignoring him for the time being. It’s easier this way. About an hour passes and you think you might have stayed in longer than you should have. Although you do feel a lot better than before.
You turn to Time who’s still relaxing with his eyes closed. Unless he’s fallen asleep. That wouldn’t be good. Not about to take the risk, you try to not pay attention to the fact that he’s shirtless and put a hand on his shoulder. 
It’s about as solid as rock.
“Yes?” He asks you.
“Time-” No, no one else is around. You can say it. “Link, what the hell did you to yourself?”
“Nothing.” He grumbles.
“Lies.” You spit and try to work the spot. Time grunts a little but doesn’t stop you.
“It’s not going to work.” He says quietly.
Well, you’re not about to leave him like that. “It’s just means we’ll be here for longer then.”
You keep kneading his shoulder for a while before turning him around so that you would have better access. It’s longer than either of you are willing to admit and you’re hand hurt by the end of it, but Time feels significantly better at the end.
He falls asleep almost instantly when they set up camp later in the day. You’ve never seen that happen before.
You all had finally settled down for the night at last. The battle today wasn’t anything strenuous by any means but that was purely from your point of view.
You looked around and saw that many of the boys had taken a bit of a beating. Nothing to take concern to, but you worried that some of the bruises would last a while. Or at least your group got more potions to pass around for the time being.
Warrior in particular looked as if he was paying for something that he may or may not have done during the fight. He took his armor and layer off with a groan and a sigh of marginal relief before he tried to stretch his back with very little success.
You could see when it went the wrong way for him, since his face contorted and flinch before he snapped back to his previous position. You hissed in his behalf.
“Ouch.” You make your way over to him. “Pull something, Captain?”
He winces and reaches behind him to rub the spot between his shoulder blades. “You could say that.”
You shook your head and sat down next to him. You lean back to get a look and poke the spot. Warrior instant sits a little straighter to alleviate the pressure you’ve put there. “Hey- don’t.”
“Hold on.” You cut him off instead and turn him around so you wouldn’t have to pull your own muscle in the process.
You press your thumbs into the spot and slowly begin to move in small circles, slowly loosening up the area before you start to move the muscles back into place. 
Warrior was tense at first but within seconds he relaxed to your touch and slumped enough to make it easier on you. “That.... feels a lot better thank you.”
“You’re not one to usually injure yourself, Captain.” You say under your breath. Unlike most of the guys here, you don’t intend to broadcast your scolding. “How did you manage this?”
Warrior stays silent but one small look forward tells you that he’s actually think about what to say. He genuinely has to think back to what he did that might have caused this. It feels like it should annoy you but you know better. Anyone else would have probably assumed that it meant that he had so many instances that he would have to go through each one to pin point the cause for this effect.
But in reality, Warrior took great pride in not getting so often on the battle field. He’s probably just trying to think about how he actually to hard on himself even if it was split second decision that he’s currently paying for.
“I threw my sword.”
You stop entirely. “I beg your pardon?”
“I threw my sword.” Warrior cups the back of his neck sheepishly. “Hyrule was going to be overtaken by the amount of monsters around him. I wouldn’t have been able to run that fast... but my sword could make it in time if I-”
“I can’t believe you.” You message the spot once more with a little less empathy than before. 
Right. He’s still a Link. How could you forget?”
“Don’t apologize to me.” You say a little louder. “You’re the one that took yourself out at the end of the day.”
“...I think I looked cool though.”
Hyrule laughs on the other side of the growing fire. “Yeah. He looked pretty cool when he came in to save my hide. He jumped in like a bat out of hell.”
You deadpan. “Good grief.”
It was a long day of walking. 
You were used to it at this point. You loved to go on walks and hikes up the mountains by your home, so this was nothing- but others... weren’t as well prepared for the travel as you thought they would be,
“Ah!” Wind cried out falling beside you.
You didn’t hesitate to fall down next to him, trying to catching him before he would have hit his face on the sharp rocks on the trail. “Wind? What happened?”
He whines and tries to push himself up but instead he just rolls over. “I have a cramp in my leg.”
You move to give him room as he props himself up his elbows. “It hurts.”
You sit softly on your knees and begin to poke around. “Where?”
He takes a deep breath. “Left leg, above my shoe.”
“Your calf then.” You hop over him and sit down on that side. You take your leg and start to move your hand down the length of the muscle. Wind grits his teeth, choking on the sound that threatened to leave his mouth.
“Hold on, this won’t take too long.” You pat his knee and continue putting the muscle back into place. “Remind me to yell at Time for pushing you this far. You’re not used to this much walking.”
“I can keep up just as well as the other guys.” He spits. There’s no small amount of venom to his voice, but you ignore it. You’ve had cramps before. You’re about to go off on him about his tone just because he’s hurting.
You keep at it, massaging the muscle. It fights you and poor Wind has to pay for it. Eventually, your “disappearance” garners the attention of the rest of the group. You can hear Sky and Wild calling for the both of you.
You sigh and call back to them. “We’re here! Give us a minute!”
They don’t seem to trust your words because they right next to you not even thirty seconds later. Sky’s jaw drops as he rushes next to Wind. “What happened?”
“Wind’s leg cramped up. He fell over.” You don’t look at the other hero, simply focusing on helping the boy feel better and get back on his own two feet.
Wind looks away from Sky in shame, blushing at being caught. Sky frowns and glares. “We’re done for today.”
Wind’s eyes widen, he goes to reach for him but Sky leaves his reach too quickly. “Sky-!”
“This isn’t ok.” He snaps back. “I’m telling the others to call it. We all need a break.”
“Here.” Wild hands Wind a small vial. “This’ll help.”
Wind takes it begrudgingly, pouting as he sips on it. “Thanks.”
You snort, running your hands down his leg one more time. “That should do it. Do you think you can stand?”
You stand up and hold out your hand. Wind takes it and with your help, gets back onto his feet. He wobbles for a second before he starts to walk again. It’s clear he doesn’t trust his own feet before be can limp back to the others. Wind drinks the rest of the potion.
You frown. He’s still not where you would like him to be. “Come on. Break time.”
Part 3
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pupkashi · 1 year
Pupkashi! Congratulations on 1k!! You deserved it!!🎉💙 may I please request a drabble with the prompt  “aw, sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask...come here.” From the Water category with  “you’re my everything.” From the Cocktails category with our favorite white haired man, Gojo Satoru!💙
thank you friend !! i hope you enjoy this little piece :3 let me know what you think <3 !
warnings: mentions of feeling insecure / not good enough
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3:27 am
your eyes were burning, but the second you laid down the tears you were holding back threatened to flow, and the sobs you were keeping at bay would slip past your lips.
it wasn’t something satoru did or said to make you feel insecure, he was always so perfect to you. in fact, it’s because he was so perfect that you felt like you’d never be enough for him.
why you? from everyone he could choose from, why would he choose you?
‘he chose me.’
‘he chose me,’ you’re trying to remind yourself, hot tears flowing down your face. your fingers ghosted over the keyboard, debating wether or not you should message him. you put your phone down, you shouldn’t bother him.
it’s like he had a sixth sense when it came to you. your phone lighting up only seconds later with a text from him.
hi baby <333
through teary eyes and shaky hands you typed out your message quickly, biting your bottom lip as you sent the text.
can you come home?
he replies in seconds, attentive as always.
are you okay? I’m omw
you hear his footsteps before you see him, the door to your shared bedroom opening quietly, satoru quickly taking in your state and rushing to your side.
“oh sweetheart” he mumbles, not bothering to slip out of his uniform as his arms wrap around you, bringing you close to him, one hand rubbing your back and the other smoothing your hair. “I’m right here baby,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
when you finally calm down, he’s slipping out of his uniform, sliding under the covers with you. “you wanna talk about it?” his voice is gentle, thumb wiping away a stray tear from your face.
you nod your head, clearing your throat a bit, sitting a bit straighter and fiddling with the edge of the blanket, was that string always there?
“i just” you let out a shaky breath, satoru doesn’t rush you, only staring at you with soft eyes, “am i enough for you? don’t you deserve better?” you don’t look up as the words leave your mouth.
satoru can feel his heart break in his chest, he can feel the shards of his heart lodging into his sides as he stares at you.
“you’re my everything” it feels second nature to tell you that, to tell you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him, “you’re more than enough for me sweets” he’s leaning closer to you, one of his hands slipping under you chin, gently making you face him.
“you’re all i ever need” telling you that was easy to him. it’s easy to love someone as perfect for him as you were.
“who else is gonna tell me off? who’s gonna laugh at my terrible jokes? who am i gonna watch bad romcoms with?” his eyes look like they’re shimmering with love as he stares at you, like you created the universe.
you laugh a bit, sniffling as you tear your eyes away from his, wiping away the couple of tears that ran down your face.
“i love you, pretty” his words are dripping with sincerity, and the feeling of his hand intwining with your serves as a reminder of his words. the warmth of his hands mending your heart, because it’s only you in the entire world who feels the warmth of his palms.
it’s only you that know how warm he runs, how cuddly he gets at night. it’s only you who he never has his infinity on with. it’s only you he drops everything for at a moments notice.
the two of you only sit there in silence for a second, letting you compose yourself before you’re excusing yourself to wash your face, coming back and finding satoru standing at the foot of the bed.
“are you leaving?” you ask, satoru smiles at you.
“you think I’m gonna leave you at a time like this?” he’s throwing his uniform in the hamper and taking large strides to you, kissing your nose before sweeping you off your feet and throwing you onto the bed.
“I’m not going anywhere sweetheart” he mumbles, “just picking up after myself” smiling as he peppers kisses on your face. he only stops when your lips capture his, smiling into the kiss.
the two of you slip under the covers quickly, battling for the blanket for a second before you both finally settle in.
“can i be the little spoon?” you whisper.
“aw sweetheart you know you don’t have to ask” he mumbles, extending his arms and scooting a bit closer to you, “cmere.”
he’s kissing the top of your head, arms gripping you tightly and sighing happily. you felt the warmth of his body on yours, his lips just barely ghosting over your shoulder before he presses a kiss there.
“gnight sweets” he whispers, “i love you so much” he presses another kiss to your shoulder.
“i love you more, my angel boy” you mumble, eyes heavier by the second, the comfort of his body against yours paired with his cologne making it harder to stay awake, “sweet dreams.”
you’re asleep by the time satoru replies, “any dream with you is sweet” giggling to himself before closing his eyes, squeezing you a bit closer to him.
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colduncrustable · 4 days
the martin antis working so hard to make waves is so funny. like, you are very much allowed to like/dislike any character you please! but making it your whole personality or acting like you’re cooler for it is a little bit silly. you are not morally or intellectually superior for hating on a fiction character.
not to mention all of the characters in tma are very nuanced and complicated, just like real people (!), and erasing all of that to serve a certain narrative is a complete disservice to the entire body of work. jon and martin’s relationship was never meant to be easy, they first and foremost worked closely together as boss/employee, and in a workplace that was actively putting them in dangerous and horrible situations. the whole point is that they’re both super fucked up but they have each other anyway. they both have flaws, they both have gone through a great deal both with and without each other, but they found love anyway. the idea that the dynamic change in s5 is due to martin just being this villain is so wild? like he’s not a doormat anymore but he also loves jon so fiercely and stands by him over and over again?
jon hated him, jon ignored him, was verbally horrible to him again and again, literally sent him on a dangerous investigation and said if anyone had to die might as well be him, jon accused him of murder, screamed at him, jon was on the run, jon died. martin was his number one defender through everything, even when honestly? he didn’t do a lot to prove he deserved it. but martin was strong in his loyalty and did his best to be a supporter anyway. he picked up extra work, he thought of him kindly when no one else did, he mourned him, and he put himself directly in the line of fire for jon. for everyone, yes, but especially for jon, he says that. because after everything, protecting jon is still his number one priority.
it’s so important to his character that he isn’t s1 martin anymore—that he learns to be a real person who has thoughts and feelings and a backbone. jon wanted that, and does it not say something that they don’t work out until martin learns to have a little bite? there’s a difference between being a real complicated traumatized human person, and just straight up being evil, or an asshole. jon had to learn how to be a lot of softer things but martin had to learn how to square his shoulders and stick out his chin. they had different arcs, and that doesn’t make either of them inherently evil or bad. it makes them real and not perfect and very multilayered, yeah.
martin didn’t handle every choice or action perfectly, he made a lot of mistakes, and he never claims to be the best person ever. but jon also fucked up, a lot. it isn’t a competition or a comparison, that’s really not how that works. but they work because of their flaws. that’s a big part of them fitting together. martin represented the humanity they were saving, with all his good and bad. jon was well beyond that, and while that doesn’t inherently compromise his character, it does mean he’s viewed in a much different light.
(meaning i think jon’s sins are seen very very different to martin’s.) (to be clear i think both deserve to be looked at critically, but hating either of them devoutly seems sort of silly.)
i’m not sure how you can listen to tma and all the ways it dissects and reflects on humanity and turn around and run blogs or make posts in the fandom about how you hate one of the main characters for being all of that.
jon never would’ve made it through without martin, even if martin wasn’t the key to everything, he was the reason to push through and not give up. martin is why jon didn’t go full monster mode, why he held onto who he was and his humanity, even with the whole ‘kill bill’ thing. martin gave him a reason to keep going, to try, to care so deeply. obviously there were other factors but jon says it himself, martin you are my reason.
if you can’t handle the fact that martin isn’t a grade a soft boy by the end of the show that’s a lot more about you than it is about him. he grew and maybe not always for the better but he could be a real person for jon instead of some kind of mirror or blank slate to be reflected on. i genuinely don’t understand how he can be misunderstood so deeply.
they’re both fucked up ! and if they are alive Somewhere Else you bet your ass they’re having long talks and going to therapy and fighting and making up and pacing the floors and figuring it all out together. it isn’t clean or easy or necessarily enjoyable all the time, but humanity isn’t either, love isn’t either. they went through unimaginable trauma, and expecting either of them to be holding it together any better than they already are is wild. context, it’s important. but let’s not turn multi-dimensional characters into flat one word answers.
it’s very human to like and dislike, love and hate based off of bias and experiences and perspective. but also opinion does not make fact. everything is relative, everything is subjective, everything everything everything. it’s an open discussion yada yada idk i’m just screaming into the wall about all the nonsense.
and beyond all of that, discourse is so useless. criticism and constructive conversations are really really important but discourse is pointless! oh you ship these people? well that inherently threatens my ship! oh you like this character that i hate? well that makes me feel invalid for hating them. like what you like, hate what you hate, have your feelings. but if you post shit on the internet you will get people who disagree, sorry, that’s how it is. partaking in little arguments over who is right or wrong when it doesn’t actually have to do with anything harmful or unhealthy makes no sense though. posting on the internet about all the hate you have in your heart when the world is already so full of it doesn’t actually do anything but add more bad to an already very large pile of bad.
things can be discussions not arguments sometimes, i promise. it’s not always tooth and nail, and let’s not forget, most of it is over things that never need to be fought over.
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agoodroughandtumble · 4 months
Vienna - Sanji x Reader
Status: Part 1 of 2 [Part 2 is Zoro x Reader] Summary: Inspired by the Ultravox song - Reader is going through a break up. Sanji offers some words of comfort Warning: 18+, Language, angst
It had been fairly obvious that your last romantic relationship had not exactly a hit with the rest of the crew. Thankfully, for Sanji at least, your now ex had never been offered a place amongst the crew so any interaction was few and far between. Still, when Nami had told him why you had been a bit distant the past few days he couldn’t help but feel sorry for you. Even though your choice in men was questionable at times, downright awful at worse, there was nothing he liked seeing less than you being upset – especially over some arsehole that had never been worthy of your attention in the first place. Not that Sanji cared about who you were dating – at least, no more than was a normal amount for a crew mate. And it was purely coincidental that he had spent all morning making your favourite dessert and then the next half hour trying to find you – annoyingly, he found you back where he had started in the kitchen.
“Cheer up, love.”
You lifted your head up from the table, quickly wiping your eyes at the sound of Sanji’s voice and eyeing him a little suspiciously as he walked over to you – a tray full of your favourite cakes in one hand.
The cook gracefully set the plate down in front of you and slid onto the bench. “It is positively criminal for someone as beautiful as you so look so sad.
You rolled your eyes, though despite your best efforts you could feel a small smile tugging at your lips. Still, no one walks in on someone sat with their forehead against a table and assumed what they want is chit-chat. “What are you after?”
His eyebrows creased in confusion, a look of hurt across his face and one hand clutching at his chest. “(Y/N)! Is that how lowly you think of me?” He tilted his head suddenly, a thought occurring to him. “Although… perhaps a kiss from lips as sweet as yours could soften the blow a little…?”
“Alright,” the blond pushed the plate of dessert further towards you as a peace offering. “Nami told me what happened.”
“Great. That’s just… fucking great.” You sighed, letting your head fall back against the wall and trying to retain some of your dignity. Being dumped was bad enough, embarrassing enough without the entire crew gossiping about you love life. “Look, I don’t want any of this,” you gestured towards both the food and the cook. “I want to wallow for a while. Contemplate my complete inability to be loved.”
A silence fell over you for a moment or two. Sanji had an unreadable expression on his face, although at present you couldn’t bring yourself to wonder what he was thinking. Obviously he wasn’t taking the hint as he shuffled further into him – so much so that you could smell his cologne mingled with smoke. It wasn’t the worst scent in the world, comforting, almost. You could feel your eyes starting to water again, and took a deep inhale to try and steady yourself.
Crying at all was bad enough – crying in front of a crew mate was unacceptable. Especially since Nami was apparently far more loose lipped than you had previously thought. The idea of everyone else knowing, of them fucking pitying you was almost as bad as having your heart ripped out in the first place.
“You don’t have an inability to be loved.”
It was the softness of his voice that caught your attention. Sanji was never soft. He was charming, and a flirt and usually more often than not a complete pervert but he was never soft. You shuffled uncomfortably under such an earnest gaze, biting your lip as though such an action could prevent the inevitable tears from spilling. “Well, he certainly doesn’t. Not any more.” You sniffed a little. This was pathetic. You were pathetic. No wonder he’d finally decided to get rid of you.
“I do. I mean, we all do. The crew. We love you.” Sanji inwardly cringed. Of all the times he could have accidentally blurted that out, of all the ways he could have told you, whilst you were trying not to cry over some completely arsehole was certainly not one of them. Hopefully you didn’t think anything of it – and he could simply explain it away as a way of cheering you up – reassuring you that the crew would always have your back. Hopefully you wouldn’t think anything more of it and he could go back to loving you from a distance, the periphery.
He cleared his throat, trying keep such thoughts at bay. You were upset, you were crying over another man for fuck’s sake. There was so many ways in which this situation could go horribly wrong. He started to stand up, “I should go. You can’t wallow with company.” He tried sound light-hearted, obviously he failed as your face dropped further.
You caught him off guard, almost instinctively clutching onto his sleeve. “Wait – I…” you trailed off, struggling to work out exactly what you were trying to say. “Can we… can you…”
He sat back down, watching you curiously. If he didn’t know any better he would think there was a look of pleading in your eyes. This was the first time he had had a chance to properly take you in, his heart sank at the redness of your eyes, delicately framed by bleeding mascara and your chapped lips – no doubt from chewing on them in an attempt to fight back any more tears. “Can I what, love?”
“Can you just. Just stay? For a little bit?” You let go of his sleeve and started fidgeting with your nails instead, eyes downcast. “If you want.”
Sanji’s heart shouldn’t swell at the thought of you wanting him, needing him. And he wasn’t so delusional to think you would be asking anything different if it was Luffy, or, God forbid, Zoro that had been the one to walk into the kitchen. But right now, right there, it was him that you wanted – and how could he possibly refuse?
He could pretend it was just because it was the gentlemanly thing to do, and yes, of course he would do the same for Nami but his breath wouldn’t hitch the way it did if she leant in against him. His heart wouldn’t be racing at a thousand miles an hour if Nami was wrapping an arm around his waist, using him to anchor herself and finally allowing herself to be vulnerable. Against all of his wishes, this would always just be for you. He kissed your forehead – he could have that one little indulgence. “Of course I will, darling. Whatever you want.”
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cxsmicbaby · 1 year
little bit - 2
chapter 01
pairing : miguel o’hara x fem!reader
warnings : mild description of blood/injury; cursing throughout. enjoy :) dm if you wanna be added to the taglist! 
word count : 3.5k
miguel gets hurt during a mission. he doesn’t want your help, but you give it anyway. things get a little bit heated. 
If I had it my way, I would never go home. It all just feels so stale, and boring. After getting a taste of something like the Spider Society, it’s difficult to return to a place where half the city hates you. 
Truly, that’s not even why I don’t like coming back. I mean, that’s apart of it, but there’s a far more real, physical problem that makes me dread walking through the portal today; the man waiting for me on the other side. 
Strange is not a bad guy. Sure, he’s got his quirks, but at his core he is just as determined to help people as I am. It’s just that he’s become a bit insufferable since I joined Miguel and the others; insufferable, like I cannot stand to be around him for longer than 10 minutes before feeling like I’m going to implode. But I can’t spend time on my Earth without reporting back to him, because if I don’t do it myself he’ll just find me, anyhow. 
“Look who decided to show up.” I squeeze my eyes shut and bite my tongue, feeling irritation already brewing in my chest. Taking a deep breath, I turn to face the doctor. He’s wearing a grey robe—a normal one, not a magic one—pajama pants, and slippers. It’s 3pm. 
“Can you get off my case, just this once? I had to deal with something.” I certainly did. Hobie and I spent the entire morning and early afternoon scrubbing away at the damage we did on Monday, despite objections from the other spiders. I was right, everyone thinks the lobby is too sterile. But of course, Miguel knows best. 
“Something? Is that something tall and annoying?” 
“Oh, don’t be so hard on yourself, Strange. You’re not that tall.” 
He stares at me like he’s going to start laughing, and then he just sighs, walking past me. “Come on, let’s get this over with. I have something to do later.” 
“Something? Is that something... a lady?” 
The doctor scoffs, waving his hand to tell me how stupid he thinks I sound. To be fair, that wasn’t as good as his, but I couldn’t think of anything else. But he doesn’t say no, so I assume that this is his way of letting me know he’s going on a date later. Even though Strange and I have our differences, we’ve known each other for long enough that I can be happy for something like that—his last date was more than a year ago, and it ended with a slap and a suit soaked in red wine, so I can only hope this one goes better. 
“You’ve been gone for longer this time,” he says, as we enter his study. For a man that claims to be so uninterested in material goods, he seems to have spared no expense in the decor of his living space. Sure, the sanctum was already pretty lavish, but I know for a fact that some of the shiny objects I’m currently looking at were not in here last time. 
“It’s fine. It’s different for the others ‘cause a lot of them don’t have other heroes, but we’ve got the Avengers! The city doesn’t really need me that much,” I counter, taking a seat in one of the plush burgundy chairs. The cushion sinks a little under my weight, just enough to be comfortable. I need to invest in some better furniture for my apartment, because this is the best chair I’ve ever sat in. 
Strange shakes his head, and takes a seat by his desk across from me. “It’s not about that. People are noticing that you’re gone, you know. And not just civilians.” 
My eyebrows raise. “That’s ominous. Who’re we talking about here?” 
“Tony, for one. God, that guy is irritating. I’m starting to wonder whether I should just tell him, so he stops calling.” 
It takes all my willpower not to remind him just how similar he is to Stark, but to be fair, Tony annoys me more than Strange ever has. It baffles me how some of the other spiders actually work with that guy. Maybe he’s cooler in their universes. 
“Just tell them I’m on vacation or something. That’s normal, right? Even heroes take vacations,” I suddenly feel like I can’t sit anymore, so I stand and start to fiddle with the things on his desk. A heavy blue sphere that looks like crystal catches my eye, and I pick it up without asking, turning it around in my hands. I can see my own reflection. 
“Yeah, but not without saying anything. And put that down. It’s my paperweight.” 
I look up at him to see he’s being entirely serious, and I regretfully do as he says. What an extravagant paper weight. 
“So, what am I supposed to do? Get on Jimmy Fallon and announce my temporary retirement?” 
Strange takes the paperweight from the place I’ve left it and starts turning it around in his hands. Asshole. “Just don’t spend as much time there as you do. You need to balance it, or else this isn’t gonna work.” 
It sounds like he’s trying to tell me what to do. That’s an issue of his; always trying to be in charge of everyone and everything around him. I used to fall in line with that, but I have two control freaks in my life now and the newest one doesn’t really leave room for anyone else. 
“Listen, Doc, everything’s gonna be fine. If Stark gets too nosy, I’ll just come back and make something up. You have more important things to worry about than where I am, and I have more important things to worry about than you,” I fire back, narrowing my eyes slightly as I watch for his reaction. He doesn’t seem fazed by my defiance; he’s more amused. Doesn’t matter—it’s time to get out of here and get what I really came back for anyhow. (Boba. The Spider Society has every drink imaginable in the cafeteria except boba.)
“Alright. You do what you want, but just be careful. You’re messing with things beyond your understanding, you know. Even beyond mine.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” 
Before he can launch into a rant about how this is very much not a ‘whatever’ situation, my watch vibrates. I think that it’s probably my empanada alarm—I set one so I can bring Miguel food everyday at the same time, because I noticed that if I bring it after or before he gets too busy to eat it. But it’s not. It’s from Jessica, and she only calls when there’s something serious going on. I almost feel guilty for thinking that this is the perfect escape from this tedious conversation. 
“See ya, Strange. Duty calls.” 
And just like that, I’m gone, barreling through a wormhole on my way back to my new home. I think it’s pretty much gotten to that point, anyhow. I’ve probably slept in my apartment on Earth-72 like 3 times since I joined up.
When I step out, I’m greeted by more chaos than usual, which is saying something. The room is filled with panicked shouts and spider-people running in every direction; including up and down. Hobie is nowhere to be found, and neither is Miguel, or Jessica. A chill runs down my spine. Something is wrong. 
I see Ben talking frantically to someone else and I rush over, beginning to panic a bit myself. “Ben, what happened? Is everyone okay?” 
He grimaces. “Miguel, Hobie, and Jessica went to take care of an anomaly. It turned out to be worse than they thought it’d be, and we sent back up, but nobody’s come back yet. They’re all dead, man. They’re all gone...” When he trails off, his eyes unfocus and his eyebrows furrow, obviously getting lost in his melodramatic bullshit once again. 
My heart is steadily climbing up my throat. For the first time, I find myself unable to sit through this with him, because for the first time, it’s actually scaring me. “Shut up and tell me where they went.” 
He doesn’t even time to come up with something dumb to say before the room is suddenly lit up in oranges and pinks, swirling for just a moment before they collapse in on themselves, and out come just the people I was panicked for. First comes Hobie, and despite a slight limp he seems just fine. Then Jessica, with no physical wounds, but a look on her face that tells me the worst is yet to come. 
And then Miguel pours out, almost collapsing onto the floor before he clutches his stomach, forcing himself to stay upright. I can see a dark patch of what I assume to be blood on his right ribcage, and though his mask is on I can tell his face is twisted in pain. My hands almost reach out, as if I could grab him from my distance, but I settle instead for an expression that must look like I just witnessed yet another tragic family death. 
“What the hell happened?” I say, quickly walking over to the three. Spiders that must’ve been sent as backup exit the portal quickly after, all groaning and sporting some sort of injury. Jessica’s eyes go hard and she pins me down. 
“You should’ve been here. We needed you,” she scolds. Every time she talks to me this way I always feel like a little kid, despite our ages not being too far apart. Guilt chews away at me the longer I stand there, trying not to turn my attention to Miguel and the way he’s trying to hide how badly he’s hurt. 
“Give her a rest, she’s been workin’ hard. We got it done, didn’t we?” Hobie chimes in, his voice slightly strained. I wonder just how badly this fight went for everyone to have gotten hurt; the need for any backup at all is startling, seeing as usually it only takes one of us to finish an anomaly off. 
“With a lot more collateral damage than there needed to be. Someone take Miguel to the infirmary, he’s banged up bad.” 
I turn to him, but he’s already started stalking off. 
“I’m fine,” he calls, but I can hear the weakness in his voice; it’s lacking that dominance, that certain tone of his that makes you want to obey every word he says. So I follow behind him. 
“Miguel, let me help. I promise I’ll be gentle.” 
“No.” It comes out as more of a whimper, which I’m sure was not his intent. I swallow at the way my stomach flutters and continue to walk by his side, unsure of where he thinks he’s going. There’s no way he’s going back to work like this. For god’s sake, he still has his mask on, so he must not really be going anywhere. He’s just trying to get away so he can wallow in his suffering and refuse all help. I won’t let him, not today. If I can stand up to Strange, I can stand up to him. 
I move so that I’m blocking his path, and cross my arms in front of my chest, hoping to hide my heavy, nervous breathing. 
“I’m not asking, I’m telling. You need medical attention, but if you won’t let a professional help you, I’m going to.” 
Miguel studies me. I can tell he is, even though he still has his mask on. His eyes narrow and his posture slumps just the slightest bit, like he’s given up. For just a moment, a thick tension hangs in the air, pressing hard on my chest, but then Miguel inhales deeply and breaks the spell. He doesn’t say a word; he only nods, and pushes past me. This is professional. This is me helping a friend. Me helping my boss. So I should treat it as such. Right?
Miguel wishes he let himself bleed out. 
That would be preferable to the situation he has put himself in instead, he thinks, as he watches your face. He’s seated on a chair in his room, his suit peeled down to his feet so you can have access to all his cuts and bruises. He has imagined himself like this with you so many times; you nestled between his thighs, your fingers dancing across his abdomen as you carefully sew his gash shut. In his mind, it’s always led to more sinful activities, and those images are playing on a loop behind his eyes as he watches you. He swallows hard. He remembers a few nights ago when he let himself get off to the thought of you, and he almost recoils from your touch. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask, glancing up at him with so soft a gaze he feels like he’s going to melt into a puddle at your feet. 
“No.” Miguel figures that speaking plainly will aid him through this, because if he lets you hear but a tremble in his voice he’s sure you’ll know. 
You’ll know that his heavy, labored breaths are not because of pain or exhaustion, and that his grip on the arm of the chair is not to brace for each movement of the needle. You’ll know that he’s thinking about how pretty you look on your knees. You’ll know that he wants nothing more than to grab you by the shoulders and kiss you, hard, to slip his tongue into your parted mouth and squeeze all the softest parts of you. 
“Ok,” you say, smiling. “Tell me if it does. I can be gentler.” 
He’s not sure you can. 
It’s torturous, how slow you’re going. You don’t want him to feel pain at your hands, the idea of which pokes worryingly at his heart, but Miguel thinks if he sits here with you for any longer he’s going to lose his mind. 
“Did you guys, uh...” you trail off, some semblance of guilt clouding your pretty face. “Did you guys actually need me?” 
Oh. You’re ashamed that you weren’t there. Miguel will not tell you this, but he’s glad you weren’t there. If you got hurt like he did he would have ripped the anomaly apart with his bare hands. And that would be a little hard to play off as just normal boss duties. 
“No,” he starts, and you brighten up for a moment before your expression sinks once more. He didn’t mean it like that. “If you were there you would’ve just gotten hurt like the rest. You would’ve gotten in the way.” 
Why, oh why, did he say that? It’s not even true. From an objective standpoint, you being there would have helped them immensely. Even Miguel acknowledges that you are one of the most talented spider-people he has recruited—though, the only person he acknowledges it to is himself. 
“Oh,” you say, your voice soft and quiet. The sound makes his chest ache. 
Miguel wants to say something more, but he stops himself. 
You sew him up in silence, which he thought would help, but now he can only focus on your breaths that fan over his bare skin, and your tongue that is poking against the corner of your lips as you concentrate. He feels his cock ache just the slightest bit and his eyes go wide, realizing that the worst possible thing that could happen right now is very, very close to happening. This needs to be over, now. 
“That’s enough.” Miguel tries not to sound panicked, but he’s sure some of it slips through the cracks. You pause and look up at him with confusion. 
“I’m almost finished. Just sit tight, it’ll be over soon.” 
You move to continue, and in his fear he pushes your hands away. “Don’t. I told you, I don’t want your fucking help.” 
He can see you’re hurt by that. God, what a fucking mess this is. The last thing he ever wants is to hurt you but it seems in order to keep himself from you, that’s what he has to do. The day you find out about the perverted, disgusting ways he thinks of you is the day he will disappear forever. He would sacrifice anything to keep that from happening. 
“I don’t understand. Why do you hate me so much? God, why do you hate everyone? All we ever do is try to help you.” You back away from him, still on your knees, and your hands fall frustratedly to your sides. Miguel is surprised by this reaction, because he’s so used to you letting everything he says slide right off your back. But he’s gone too far now, he can see that. Your eyes are shiny and your forehead creased in defeat. 
He can’t say anything, because if he does words will come out that he needs to stay hidden. So Miguel just watches you with eyes he’s sure are hard and cold, and he sees your face fall even further, your tongue poking at the inside of your cheek as a bitter laugh escapes you. 
“Fine. Do it yourself.”
You toss the needle onto the table with the rest of the supplies and stand, moving to leave. And this is what Miguel wants, right? He wants you gone. But he betrays himself, because before you can even reach the door, he finds words bubbling in his throat and he’s unable to stop them. 
“Wait. Don’t... you can stay.” It doesn’t even sound like his voice. He sounds weak, weathered by a raging storm that refuses to let up. You pause, but you don’t turn, crossing your arms in front of you as you sway from side to side. And Miguel’s body is aching to reach for you, to tell you the truth. That he is so infuriatingly infatuated with you that the very idea of you leaving makes him twitch. 
“I’m...” it feels like his throat is constricting, trying not to let the words out. “I’m sorry. That was... unnecessary.” 
You still don’t move, and Miguel’s sure you’re going to leave anyway. But then you do turn, and the smile on your face is so wide that he panics for a second that he’s said something more exciting than what he really has. 
“It was mean. But, I accept your apology. Thank you, Miguel.” You’ve said his name hundreds of times before, but this time he feels a surge of something strange in his chest; but not like before, in the shower, or when you were between his thighs, staring up at him. Something stronger than that. Something scarier. 
He swallows hard. “You can, uh. You can finish up now.” 
You’re between his thighs again. One of your hands is flat against his stomach, keeping the skin taut, the other sewing away, your elbow resting on his thigh. His chest is heaving again. But he’ll fight it, if it means you’ll smile. You’re still smiling. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask, glancing up at him again. 
Miguel sighs sharply. “A little bit.” You smile a little harder. 
“Sorry. I’ll be gentler.” 
Again, he’s not sure you could. 
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
hii hiii is it alright if I request something with kotoko and haruka?(platonic ofc) their character foils drive me insane with all the weak stuff authngghn icant be normal about them
Oooh thank you so much for the request! I realized that these two actually have one of the smallest windows to talk easily, given Haruka's nervousness and Kotoko's T2 changes. They have such interesting approaches to strength/weakness, and I hope I could capture it a bit here! This takes place immediately following Kotoko's bday timeline after Harrow's release:
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“I’ll accept those birthday wishes…” Kotoko gave him a wave over her shoulder as she returned to making her bed.  
She shook her head in awe. It was rather impressive how quickly the boy had changed after his verdict. The others had more subtle differences, but he was someone entirely new. She could rest easy, at least, knowing that her verdict wouldn’t change her much. For as long as she could remember, she’d been like this. She knew where she stood, and neither guilty nor innocent verdict would affect that. This verdict was really only an indicator on whether the warden could be trusted or not. 
Her body tensed up when she turned back around, startled by Haruka lingering silently in the doorway. She decided against chastising him for scaring her half to death. Still, she couldn’t keep the bite from her voice as she asked, “did you need something else?”
“Ah… I just…” He twisted his hands together. “I had a question.” 
He fell silent, but Kotoko could tell he was chewing on his next words. She waited.
“H-how do you do it? All the time? You’re older and stronger and braver and I-I just don’t know how.”
“Give yourself some credit. I’m not that much older, or stronger. I only have, what -- two, three years on you? And you did very well in the arm wrestling tournament the other day.” 
She wasn’t being patronizing. For someone so sheltered, Haruka could do some damage. He stood a few inches taller than her. The others had taken the arm wrestling as a little game, but Kotoko had used the event to measure up her fellow prisoners. After his close match with Mikoto, she had made a mental note to take him seriously. 
“No…” his expression twitched, getting frustrated with the misunderstanding. “Not muscles. I mean… you don’t have someone like Muu. You don’t need someone next to you all the time. But you still talk with everyone… and it looks easy. All the time. You always know what to say, and what to do. You never look scared. You never cry.”
Kotoko’s smile softened. She wasn’t the prideful type, but his words gave her a wave of accomplishment. She certainly was scared. She did cry. But she wasn’t about to show a single crack in her resolve in front of anyone here. Haruka had given her the greatest of compliments by confirming her success.
“Ah, you mean strength of spirit. Well, that doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It comes with my purpose, with my virtues.”
“I see the injustice around me, and want to protect the innocent. When I see how awful the world can be, when I see the monsters that are hurting those who are weak, I can’t help myself.” She clenched her fist. “The power to do so just comes to me.” 
“Oh…” Haruka looked down at his palms. 
Her heart sank, realizing he didn’t quite understand. It was a shame that not all of humanity could be as righteous as her. That heroic drive had always come so naturally to her; she wasn’t sure she could put it into words to explain to others.
Haruka’s open hands were trembling. “Um. Is there any other way?”
“All my life… I only cause pain to everyone.” His worry gradually turned to desperation.” I hurt everyone who gets close to me. Especially things that are small and weak. My whole life, I’ve been nothing but a… a curse. So… is there another way? Please. I want to be better. I want to be strong! I want to be like you! Tell me!”
He stepped forward, pleading. Kotoko stepped back. 
His blue eyes widened at her sudden shift into defense. “Ah! I. I’m sorry. I’m-I’m sorry. It’s your birthday. You should be… Have a g-good day.”
“Wait.” Kotoko stopped him before he could flee. She was aware of the massive gap between them, the vastly different backgrounds they came from. Still, she offered the same advice that had helped her in her toughest of days. 
“Don’t worry so much about others’ strength. The quickest way to burn yourself out is getting overwhelmed with the power that’s all around you. Once you start putting all your focus toward honing your own skills and strengths, you’ll realize how much you’re truly capable of. You don’t need anyone else. You’ll realize that you are enough.”
“I… am enough…?”
She placed a hand firmly on his shoulder. 
“So, no need to get all worked up now, okay?” 
“O-okay. I’ll do my best.” He stiffened, trying to appear worthy of her words.
She let out a bitter laugh. “I told the others not to do anything for my birthday, but I don’t think they paid me any mind.” Kotoko still couldn’t fathom how they were so friendly with each other given the situation. “Let’s go see if there’s some cake or something.”
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
I really love to hear your thought about Warriors in Hyrule world(whatever that game is) and how long does it take for him to open up to the others?
Growing up in a wasteland where just about anyone and everyone is out to get him, Warriors doesn’t trust easily, especially when faced with a group of armed adventurers.
He doesn’t know the skills of these new people and doesn’t know what risks they may pose to him. The only reason he joined them easily was because Proxi said she would trust some of them, and that most of them had triforce magic around them. She liked Hyrule in particular, because he feels like a fairy too. Time was also pleasant, letting her feel at ease, but he wasn’t as familiar. Twilight had a fae on his shoulder too (minish Midna), which let Proxi feel confident assuring Warriors he was alright.
Being willing to work with them doesn’t necessarily mean being kind to them, though.
See, Warriors is a rather anxious guy. In order to survive, he’s learned how to strategize. In any situation, he has a plan (or 12). It’s something that’s saved his life on countless occasions, but also turns around to bite him in multiple ways. Too many unknown factors and he feels lost, unable to create a solid plan. Too much inactivity and he’d feel overwhelmed by how many plans he has when nothing is happening. He doesn’t seem anxious on the outside, instead having an air of confidence that makes him seem entirely sure of himself.
The first thing Warriors wants to know once everyone has settled down is what their abilities are. He admits only that he’s “a tactician” and he “wants to know so we can fight alongside one another more easily”. It’s an easy excuse and helps mask how distrustful he is towards everyone else. It seems reasonable, so he gets an abridged version of most of their skills. This helps settle him, and it seems outwardly that he’s beginning to relax around them.
This is shown to be clearly untrue after he pulls a knife on Wind for touching him. Physical touch is a huge no-no for him (at least early on). Don’t touch him, don’t touch his scarf, and by the goddess don’t touch his fairy.
In these early adventuring days, Wars seems to be stubborn and distant. He insists on taking the rear when they travel, refuses to camp with the group if they aren’t close enough to a tree he can sleep in (forcing everyone else to either move or allow him to separate from them), and he tends to observe them all more than he genuinely interacts with them.
The first event that really gets Wars to open up is when someone suggests that he journal his thoughts. It’s Wind who pushes for it, mostly since it’s something his grandma insists he do. Wars dismisses the idea immediately, but when pressed about it, he admits that he can’t read. He simply never learned; never had the time or resources.
Twilight offers to help, and Wars accepts (though he’s not entirely happy about it). Twi sits nearby, close enough to interact but far enough to give him space. Wind has a spare journal to offer Wars, and Twilight pulls out his own.
Warriors picks up on it relatively quickly, and the nightly reading/writing lessons quickly become a habit. Once he gets the basics down he quickly starts filling out his journal with notes and plans on his teammates, creatures they encounter, eras they appear in, and all sorts of other things. It really is a great stress reliever for him, allowing him to get his overactive thoughts down on paper.
That isn’t the only thing that helps him relax around the others, but it does mark a shift in how he acts around them. He eases up a bit and works on integrating himself into the group now that he knows them better. He begins to banter with them (especially Legend), shows them some of his own skills (though many of his survivalist skills are rendered useless in worlds of abundance like theirs), and he’s more willing to compromise or explain things he was previously very stubborn about (like explaining how he can’t stand sleeping on the ground for fear of an ambush).
He ends up becoming a leader figure alongside Time. Time is mostly the one who corrals the others, but Warriors is the strategist. He quickly gets good at accounting for the skills, habits, and preferences of the others, and he also takes note of their weaknesses. Time’s visibility is limited and needs to have that side covered, Four has trouble making decisions and that potential hesitation needs to be prepared for, Wild often doesn’t notice his own injuries until the battle concludes so it’s best to keep an eye on him, and other things like that are all accounted for.
Even when he does grow close to them, there’s some things he won’t tolerate.
Touch is still generally off limits. He’s jumpy, and scaring him is likely to get a knife pulled on you. Generally the rule is don’t touch him unless he initiates, but a pat on the shoulder is appreciated so long as he’s aware you’re going to do it.
Proxi still stays close to him, but by this point he’s long since stopped having her take watch for him and trusts the others to watch his back. She heals the others (with Warriors as her obvious priority), but occasionally she may stray to someone else’s shoulder. Usually she goes over to chat with Midna, and the two are friends (the only reason they don’t get into shenanigans is because Proxi is unwilling to leave Wars’ line of sight).
He also doesn’t tolerate anyone touching his stuff without his direct supervision. If anything is missing or out of place he needs to know so he can account for it later. His bag and the items in it are something he has direct control over, and anyone messing with his stuff is directly messing with factors that should stay consistent. He gets mad about it, but not that boisterous sort of anger like when he’s bantering with the others, it’s more the silent seething he showed back when he didn’t trust them. He’s less annoyed about it if they tell him they snooped, at least then he can account for anything that might be missing or moved. Still, his stuff is off limits and he’ll hold that grudge for at least a week.
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awaytobeunshaken · 1 year
Angstpril 2023 - Day 11: Self-Sabotage
“Why?” Ashton hasn’t said much in the days since they awoke. It had been hard to form words, though he’d understood what Milo told him. The daze, however, between misplaced memories and the concoctions Milo had drugged them up with and whatever the fuck was going on with their brain, was making a mess of Ashton’s coherence. He could manage ‘why?’ though.
“It was my fault,” Milo told him. “Job was my idea. Figured if she was dealing in some weird-ass magic shit maybe I could negotiate a share of it. Too big a target. Wasn’t worth it. You shouldn’t have had to die for it.”
Ashton accepts the explanation and tucks it away, too tired to do much more with it. It’s much the same explanation they might have given, in Milo’s shoes. It’s a few days before he asks it again. He’s a little more coherent now, able to complain about the food and ask for more water and let Milo know whatever’s in those drugs might make his body feel great but they leave his mind barely there. And somewhere in between a bland lunch that Milo insisted would be best for now and the project Ashton had been working on, modding an old leather jacket Milo had found while poking around through the trash dumped in the Hollow. “Why?”
“I told you.”
“I’m not talkin’ about you Milo. I mean all of it. Why you out of any of them. Why are you here when everyone else is gone?”
“Didn’t want to leave any evidence, didn’t want to leave a trail. I told them they should get out, lay low; wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do anything for you, but no reason they should all have to take the fall for it.”
This time Ashton can see the lie, the bite of anger in Milo’s eyes, but again he doesn’t have the energy to press them about it.
“They didn’t leave any word,” Ashton says, deadpan, a few days later.
“There wasn’t time,” Milo answered, but they don’t raise their head from their work.
“Fuck this. I need a drink.” They open the door.
“Ashton, wait!” But Ashton’s already gone. His bones are screaming as he winds his way through Fownsee Hollow; the drink’ll feel good. And not fuck with their head the way Milo’s shit does. He jams his hands into his pockets. Of course, no coin. Left to quickly to grab any, not that they have any to grab. The Hexum job was supposed to set him up for a bit, and glancing at the spider-web of gold across his shoulder, Ashton realizes that’s not entirely untrue. But they can’t exactly dig it out of their skin to pay. He’s gonna be stuck finding a pocket to pick like a fucking child.
The climb out of the Hollow has never been easy, but now it’s excruciating. Ashton stops a few times on the way up, and once they reach the top they sink to the ground unmoving for a good fifteen minutes. Gone. They must have helped bring him back to the Krook house, though; there was no way Milo dragged him back there all by themself, right? And no message, no forwarding address? No, that was good, safer that way, nothing for anyone to track. It was fine.
Ashton half wondered if Hexum might be holding them, or already turned them over to the law… but no, she’d be using them as a pawn to track down him and Milo. And honestly, if they’d gotten away after what Milo had described, the Nobodies must have managed to do the same. They were away and safe by now.
All there was left to do now was to keep it that way. And that’s what brings him back to the outside of Jiana Hexum’s estate, at the front door this time, pulling on the bell.
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punchyhorse · 1 year
Don’t do it. Don’t. Do it.
Do not.
But look. Look. Steve’s not much of a hand talker, not like Eddie or Robin. He uses gestures pointedly, for emphasis, not like he’ll die if he doesn’t use his entire body to get his point across. It results in a lot of sharp movements, one big finger on one big hand jabbing at the air, or cutting through it, short, succinct movements that catch Eddie’s attention like a shiny does a crow and encourage the festering attraction.
Steve has Really Nice hands. 
And Eddie? Eddie would really like those hands in and around him in any way that he can get.
Alas. Steve is straight and really wouldn’t appreciate his arguably all male friend sucking on his finger out of nowhere. So. His mostly male friend keeps it in his pants, even though Steve’s just there, beside him, throwing up one hand in exasperation at Dustin while the other holds a slice of pizza.
He doesn’t realize he’s done it until there’s a warm, salty weight on his tongue and everyone goes silent.
Well. Intrusive thoughts: 2 - Eddie Munson: 0. 
He slips off slowly, dragging his tongue up the underside of Steve’s finger as he goes, making deliberate, unwavering eye contact with Steve. He’s making the same expression he did the last time Eddie let his intrusive thoughts win, leaning close in the RV and calling him Big Boy. Being just as disgustingly transparent as he is right now.
It’s cute, is the thing. Caught off guard. Knowing that guy pals don’t act like that around each other but trying to justify it anyways. Confused and bitchy about it.
Robin’s fake gagging in the back. Someone else is chortling wildly, snorting and ugly. Eddie finishes pulling off with a wet pop and grins, dragging his tongue along his incisors, and says nothing.
Steve’s turning red.
Everyone else turns back to what was occupying them before. Max, distantly, demands to know what just happened, cackling when Lucas explains, deadpan and long suffering. 
Steve’s frozen, the little hamster wheel of his brain turning so fast it’s nearly smoking, still with that bitchy expression, the pursed lips and lowered brows and thousand mile stare into the distance. 
Eddie leans in, ready to take pity and put the poor guy out of his misery. His pizza is drooping under its own weight, toppings about to take a dive onto his parents nearly pristine white sofa. Steve’s eyes snap to his face when he draws near, then dip down, down, and catch on his lips, Eddie’s tongue still poking out. His face changes, eyebrows lifting, eyes widening that little bit more, mouth dropping open. Eddie’s so close that they’re nearly nose to nose, guiding Steve’s pizza hand closer, closer. He touches the tips of their noses together, nuzzling just to see Steve go cross eyed, then dips and takes a massive bite of Steve’s pizza.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” Steve splutters, looking between his pizza, which is half gone, and Eddie’s puffed out chipmunk cheeks. His mouth’s too full to reply, too full for the giggles that are trying to escape. He garbles out an unintelligible something, flapping his hands, manages to chew and swallow half of the food without choking.
Then he gets soaked in ice water. Judging by the indignant squawk, Steve gets drenched too.
“You two need to cool the fuck down,” Erika snarks, two empty pitchers held aloft, shaking out the last few drops on their already dripping wet heads. Everyone else roars with laughter over Steve’s protests, and Eddie thinks, yeah.
Maybe it’s not the worst think to let them win sometimes.
“Jesus Christ, Jesus CHRIST, what the FUCK?!?!?!!”
“Calm down, dingus, before you have a stroke.”
“I can’t CAlm DOwn, RObin, did you see that?! What does that even mean?? Who DOES that?!”
“Babe, he full on deep throated your finger, how do you not know what that means? And you were, like, super into it. I didn’t need to know that about you.”
“No- it wasn’t- uh uh, it was just a- guy being a guy, doing dude stuff.”
“Even if it was, which it wasn’t, your reaction definitely took it out of the realm of “dude stuff.” Most guys, if their pal tried that, would either punch first, ask questions later, or shove them off, groan about how gross that was, and wipe off their hand.”
“But- girls!”
“And, apparently, Eddie.”
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portaltothevoid · 1 year
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter 21 - A Forest
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: Eddie and Steve have a heart to heart on the way to Nancy’s. The group faces a new threat.
Warnings: None that I can think of?
Word count: 1.8k
Chapter song: A Forest by The Cure
Tag list: @munchabunch​ @madaboutmunson​​ @earl-greater
Thunderstorms were usually comforting. The low rumbles or sudden cracks, the lightning that would fork across the sky or illuminate everything in this almost lavender glow. Here though? In this other world? In the Upside Down? It did nothing, but caused an uneasy feeling to settle around Kat. It was constant.
Everything was muted and abysmal. These snowflakes, or whatever they were, constantly floating through the air like ash from nuclear fallout. Blood red skies above only glowing a deeper red which each flash of lightning in the clouds overhead. Robin and Nancy had wandered ahead, set on a path of determination. Eddie and Steve had fallen to the back of the pack, while Kat just kept to herself. Her arms crossed, she tried to keep pulling them as close to her body as she could in order to self-soothe.  
She knew the others couldn’t pick up on what she was feeling, and while she wasn’t sure how, she knew they were being watched. Not just her, every single one of them walking through that forest. The vines acted like feelers or warning signals. That wasn’t what was keeping an eye on them, keeping track of them. It was something else entirely. 
With each step forward the only thing Kat could focus on was her breathing. She hated how scared she felt. She had lost years of her life training for something like this. There was a time when she would have immediately gone on the hunt for Vecna and taken her shot at him. This time, in her current state, she felt like nothing more than a coward. Terrified of what lies beyond the next corner, scared of what could be lurking in the trees surrounding them, frightened at the thought that not everyone would make it out of this ordeal alive. She was the one with the power. Her responsibility was to save those around her. Given the track record of Vecna: 3 and Kat: 0, her confidence was definitely waning. 
The feeling in the pit of her stomach felt like the moment before you dropped on a roller coaster, only it was constant. She didn’t even feel the dampness of her clothes, but instead was weighed down by dread. Her feet kept following the girls in front of her. Always having them in her sight reminded her to just move forward, because if she didn’t, she was ten seconds to spiraling.
Steve breaking the silence to talk with Eddie helped Kat to focus on something else besides the doom and gloom that was encapsulating her.
“Eddie. Hey, man, uh… Listen, I just, uh…” he sputtered. “I just want to say thanks for saving my ass back there.”
“Shit. You saved your own ass, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there,” Eddie said sincerely. Kat couldn’t help, but crack a small smile at Eddie’s reference. Meanwhile, he was shocked at Steve’s gratitude. These past few days have been shocking for him. The people that Hawkins had put on a pedestal, like Chrissy, like Steve, were turning out to be quite the opposite from their supposed “popular” stereotypes.
“Ozzy?” Steve asked, clearly not knowing what Eddie was referring to.
“When you took a bite out of that bat,” Eddie paused when he was met with a blank look from Steve. “Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat’s head off on stage.”
“I don’t–”
“You know?”
“Doesn’t  matter. It was very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Thanks,” Steve said, unsure of how to take this compliment from Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson.
“Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact.”
“Wait, Henderson said that?” Steve clarified, surprised now by this sudden confession.
“Oh, yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It’s kinda annoying, to be honest. I don’t even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I just got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn’t accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually… a good dude.” 
The words just came spilling out of Eddie and once he started, it was like he couldn’t stop. His words were nothing, but true. Henderson was one of his favorites in Hellfire Club. As soon as he spotted him, he saw a bit of himself in the kid, especially his brazen “I am who I am” attitude. Eddie never had a sibling. Hell, he barely had anyone to look up to when he was Dustin’s age. The only person he had to figure things out with was himself and as his reputation precedes him, he didn’t make a lot of good choices. If even just for a year, he could guide Dustin to stay true to himself, that’s what he was gonna do. He wanted to be that older brother figure for his younger friend, but with how much Dustin admired Steve, he always felt as if he was in Steve’s shadow. Steve’s comments and being there for Kat when he wasn’t, like at her birthday, ate him up inside. Not that he would ever show it. 
Jealousy always finds a way to creep in and make itself at home. Steve was the one with the leg up in the world while Eddie had to fight and claw his way for everything he had. He was sick of fighting, of feeling weak. So whenever he could, he was always jab back at Steve. And yet, over these past few days, he was able to see a kinder side to his unofficial archenemy. Steve was with Dustin the whole time helping and making sure not only Kat was safe, but him too. He wanted to protect him and clear his name as much as anyone in that group. The kindness and at some points selflessness, Eddie could do nothing, but respect that.
“Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche?” Eddie continued. “No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine,” he said as he put his hands over his heart. “And not to mention how you were there to help her,” he dropped his voice to a whisper and nodded in front of him to Kat, “with that whole birthday fiasco…”
Steve wasn’t all that used to compliments outside of his looks, so his only response was to bashfully crook his mouth up into a half smile. This awkward air fell over them and Eddie, trying to diffuse it, leaned in, invading Steve’s space a bit, as he said “Still super jealous as hell, by the way,” causing them both to snicker at the admission. “Which is why I never would have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any… uh, normal circumstances.”
Suddenly a branch snapped. Everyone froze. Steve shone his flashlight in the direction of the sound. No one could see anything, but a distant growling could be heard. Kat slowly turned her head in the direction of the sound. Her hand instantly flew up to the back of her neck, feeling it covered in goosebumps. Whatever was watching them, was making itself known. She waited for Steve and Eddie to be a few steps behind her before she continued forward.
“Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that’s what I’ve learned about myself this week.” Flickers of shame tugged at Eddie’s voice. Kat frowned hearing him say that, knowing how he had saved her countless times. At this point, she couldn’t really help but share his sentiments with her own self-doubt.
“Give yourself a break, man,” Steve said as he slapped his hand across Eddie’s chest.
“See?” Eddie held up a hand to stop Steve. Kat slowly walked forward knowing they had stopped, but wanted to see where this was going. “The only reason I came in here was ‘cause those ladies came in straight after you. Even Kat. Granted I would have followed her anyway, but she’s not close to you like the other two. And yet, immediately she was taking off her jacket to dive in to rescue you, or some shit. Me? I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Wheeler, right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in. Now, I don’t know what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would get her back. ‘Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.” 
Steve processed what Eddie was telling him as he stared longly at Nancy as she carried on in front of him.
“He’s right, you know,” Kat chimed in, unable to resist any longer as she walked back towards them. “And I, for one, am speaking from experience. If this cynical guy, here…” she said tapping on his chest and cocking her head at Steve, “If anything were to ever happen to him? I’d send whoever hurt him into another alternate dimension. And you can’t tell me Nancy wouldn’t at least try to do the same for you.”
Eddie beamed down at Kat who returned the loving smile. Steve sighed and as he opened his mouth to say something, a loud snapping sound was heard from the woods. Closer than the first one they heard. Steve immediately shut his mouth, but opened it again to say “Wh-what was that?” as he shone his flashlight around their perimeter. 
“Robin. Nancy. Stop,” Kat commanded.
A low growling sound came from behind them. Kat put her hands out, herding the group behind her, shielding them. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing straight up. She knew whatever was watching them, whatever was following them, was only a few seconds away from making its move.
When I tell you guys to run, fucking run. No matter what. Just nod slowly if you understand. Kat said to the group using her telepathy. Everyone nodded, their eyes wide at what she was able to do. Everyone that is, except Eddie. Eddie, we don’t fucking have time for this. If I say run, you run. Reluctantly, he nodded once. Not that he was actually going to obey her. There’s no way he’d leave her to fend for herself. No way.
Quickly, an image of a house appeared in Kat’s mind. She could feel nothing but Nancy’s presence surrounding the image. Run to Nancy’s house. Don’t look back. She instructed and then turned her attention briefly towards Eddie, gaining his attention. I will meet you there.
The growling grew louder, then a sound like someone obnoxiously licking their lips was heard from behind the trees. Branches and dead leaves crunched under this thing’s feet. And then, it moved into full view. It was crouched on all fours. Its head opened like a flower, revealing trails of spit and rows upon rows of sharp teeth. A couple of the creature’s friends decided to join the soirée, popping out from behind nearby trees. Flanking at its heels. The supposed leader let out an ear piercing roar that was aimed directly at Kat.
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Nana Episode 47 - Fireworks Display, Hachi and NANA
So... this is it... the end of Nana... let’s see what awaits us... in our final chapter...
We start with the Pooch Nanarrator stealing her job back from the Pinkish Nanarrator. That’s pretty finale-ish, I suppose.
A baby looks at a butterfly. Is this a baby Pinkish Nana? Or is the mysterious adult in this scene actually one of the Nanas, which would disprove that?
The baby is Satsuki, and the adult is... hmm... both Pooch Nana, but also Satsuki’s mother? So it seems this is a flash-forward... but... that can’t be it. Pooch Nana’s child very explicitly wasn’t going to be named Satsuki if it was a girl, so this must be a parallel universe.
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Get out of my sight, foolish cup! I care naught for the symbolism you’re desperately attempting to invoke! Wretched cup! Leave!
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Oh, I like this cup though. This cup can stay. If Pinkish Nana had broken THIS cup maybe I would have felt emotions about that.
TALL Shin... incredible! Oh and Yasu was already here, in this room, already.
Pooch Nanarrates that every year when there’s fireworks, everyone shows up to the old Nana Apartment and feels pain. Well that’s bleak
Nobu shows up too. He brought a doll for Satsuki. That’s probably a better gift than a cup. It seems Satsuki already has the world’s best cup.
Hmm... is Pinkish Nana actually dead after all? I remember when I had that theory. But then I forgot to keep having it, because I got distracted by something else.
Meanwhile, in the past, everyone including Pinkish Nana is watching the fireworks from a secluded location. They comment that their disguises are kind of stupid with no one looking at them. Pooch Nana isn’t here because she’s been sitting on a bench and crying this entire time. You know, ever since right after last episode where she told Shoji women shouldn’t have jobs.
Pooch Nana doesn’t want to meet up with Blast because she’s developed a phobia of ex-boyfriends, so Pinkish Nana lies on her telephone and says there aren’t any ex-boyfriends nearby. Yasu and Shin think that’s true.
Nobu doesn’t want to ruin Pooch Nana’s day, so he wants to leave. Pinkish Nana doesn’t like that, so she says some biting words to him:
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shin would know what it’s like to get provoked by pinkish nana haha (remember when that happened?)
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OMG Undertale reference!!!! Or, rather, timeline-wise, I guess Undertale was making a Nana reference. ...Hm, Undertale should have referenced something better. Like uh. Well, not Homestuck
Wait, how did we get into a situation where Nobu was literally the ONLY person in the apartment when Pooch Nana showed up? Who wanted this???
man pinkish nana is annoying, i can’t believe i used to think she was cool... let shin learn the skills he wants at the pace he wants, geez louise!!!! good thing she’s dead
Pooch Nana falls for everyone’s elaborate ruse where Nobu doesn’t exist within the world of their imagination. Nobu locking her out of the apartment ensured that this ruse would succeed!!! Okay
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Wait yeah why not
Oh it’s because she didn’t think she would come
That’s stupid. That’s why it’s called an invitation and not a demand. Next time Pooch Nana, try not being stupid
After the fireworks, everyone from Blast is sad.
Pooch Nanarrates that she’ll wait for the rest of time to see Pinkish Nana, as we jump back to the flash-forward and the credits roll. Well that’s a bit of an inconclusive ending. We didn’t even see anyone from Trapnest. Not even the blonde Trapnest member! Literally no character arcs got concluded. Just... “and then later Pooch Nana was still alive and had a daughter, Yasu was still alive, Shin was still alive, Nobu was still alive, Ren was implied to be still alive, Pinkish Nana was implied to be ‘gone’ but not necessarily dead but not necessarily alive”. I guess it’s good that Shin’s still alive. If the show killed him on top of all the other garbage, that would definitely suck. And I mean, eh, Yasu and Nobu are nice enough fellows. It’s good that they’re still alive.
This anime feels like it’s screaming out for more content. But then I guess the manga “went on hiatus since 2009″ so...
I wonder what kind of ending the manga author had in mind. This can’t have been it, and whatever state the manga is left in probably isn’t it, so... I guess at this point the series is just sort of a collection of characters whose ultimate fates are largely indeterminate. Neato?
Well, to summarize my feelings on this show, I’ll bring everyone’s attention to a cool thing I said in my very first post about it: What a miserable show so far. 0/10.
As for what series I’m going to go through next... it was going to be Monster, but from what I’ve heard, the legal method of watching Monster is going to change from “nothing” to “Netflix” next month, and taking screenshots of Netflix is something I can indeed do, so maybe I’ll save Monster for later. I don’t want the next series to be Arakawa Under the Bridge or Spice & Wolf as much as I want it to be Higurashi, so I’m doing Higurashi next.
Goodbye fans of “Nana”. Hello fans of “Higurashi”. Although you probably aren’t reading this.
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aworldofyou · 3 years
I tried to make a post about Wanahton avoiding Reneesme cause he’s trying to keep hating the Cullens and a baby makes it hard to stay hardened but he literally looked at me in my head and went: I can’t be mean to baby what the fuck-
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jessmalia · 3 years
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it is only logical | peter pevensie 
pairing: peter pevensie x fem!reader summary: valentine’s prompt 10 “everyone is going as a couple to the valentine’s day party and it would look stupid if we both went alone, right? maybe we can just go together.” requested by anonymous. peter and reader are college aged.  a/n: I DID IT I FUCKING DID IT! I mean it’s actually half past midnight here, but it’s still Valentine’s in some parts of the world, right? I DID IT ANON I DID NOT LET YOU DOWN! ps: peter is a slut and somehow I manage to write it into every fic I write lol.  warnings: drinking.  wordcount: 1525
   It was Friday the 13th of February, and Y/n and Peter had gone to the library to get in some extra studying before the weekend came around. They were sitting across from each other at an otherwise empty table. Y/n was writing, and Peter was reading through his textbook.
   “I heard Merissa is having a Valentine’s Day Party tomorrow,” said Peter.
   Y/n nodded, keeping her eyes on the notebook in front of her. “I’m not surprised. It’s most of what she talks about.”
   The side of Peter’s mouth pulled up ever so slightly into a small smirk. “Are you going?” he asked.
   “If I didn’t, you’d see my body being pulled out of a river on the News in a couple days.”
   Peter chuckled. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re not too excited about it?”
   “Your deduction skills truly are immaculate,” she said, before releasing a heavy sigh. “Yeah, not to sound like the nerdy girl in a Disney Channel movie, but literally everyone is going with someone. I’m not even exaggerating, I’m best friends with the host, everyone has a date. And being the only single person at a party on Valentine’s Day doesn’t exactly sound like the best time to me.”
   “Well, if it makes you feel any better,” said Peter, “I’m not going with anyone either.”
   That admission was what it took to make Y/n look up from her writing, eyes wide with shock. “Really?”
   Peter nodded.
   “But what happened to that brunette with the red headband?”
   Peter frowned. “Yeah, I dumped her ‘cause she blamed global warming on gay marriage.”
   Y/n’s eyebrows flew up. “Yikes.”
   “Well,” she said with a sarcastic smile, eyes returning to the paper once more, “at least I won’t be alone in my misery.”
   “Well…” Peter trailed off for a bit, “shouldn’t we just go together then?” he asked, and Y/n froze midway through her writing. Was Peter actually asking her out? If he was, she’d probably be jumping out the window within the next minute.
   Just to make sure, she slowly looked up and locked eyes with Peter again, who somehow looked like he’d just said something perfectly normal that didn’t change the very nature of their relationships, and raised her eyebrows to ask him to explain further.
   Peter understood the silent command, and said, “We’ll have someone to talk to the entire night and no one will be judgy. It would solve all our problems without it having to mean anything.”
   Oh. So Peter wasn’t asking her out. He was simply presenting a mutually beneficial deal. Good. Relief washed over her as the weight disappeared from her shoulders, but she could feel something else too, a twist in her stomach. Was it… disappointment? No, there was no way.
   Y/n bit her lip, considering the offer Peter had made. He was right that it made sense. They would get all the benefits of going with a date with none of the potential drawbacks. She couldn’t see anything wrong with the idea.
   “It is only logical,” she agreed.
Y/n had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on the front door. She opened it and was met by Peter Pevensie’s handsome figure. It was so incredibly cliche she was ashamed to admit it, but her breath really was taken away when she saw him. He was wearing dark grey dress pants, a white fitted button-up and a nice jacket. It was a simple look, but boy, did it look good on him.
   “Wow, you cleaned up nice.” Her words were nice in theory, but the sarcasm and bite in her voice was evident, and she was grateful that her words hadn’t failed her. Stomach twisting into intricate knots, insides fluttering, palms getting clammy — it was a miracle that she hadn’t tripped over her words.
   But Peter remained unaffected by her mockery. “You look beautiful,” he said earnestly.
   The genuine comment caught her off guard for a moment, before she rolled her eyes and walked past him towards Merissa’s house. “We’re not dating, Peter. We’re just going to a party together. Flirting isn’t required.”
   He just chuckled, stepping in to walk next to her. “You know, your inability to take a compliment is really hilarious sometimes.”
They had barely stepped through the door when Merissa accosted them.
   “There you are!” she exclaimed, running up to Y/n and wrapping her arms around her. “I thought you were gonna ditch there for a minute.”
   Y/n returned the hug, frowning. “We’re only like 15 minutes late.”
   “Yeah but you can’t lie to me,” Merissa pulled away, throwing a pointed stare at her, “you were considering it for a while.”
   Y/n gasped, and placed a hand against her chest in fake mockery. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing.” Merissa just rolled her eyes.
   “Come on, get in! The fun’s just about to start!” she said before running back to the party.
   “We haven't even taken our coats off, calm down!”
An hour in and Y/n was pleasantly surprised by the evening. Merissa might not know how to get anything over a C on a test, but she did know how to throw a party. Peter had been a sweet surprise, too. Even though they had been friends for a good while, they had never spent time with each other in this way before, but now she knew that Peter Pevensie was really good with dates. Which explained a couple of things, for sure.
   She had sneaked off into the kitchen after one of the Valentine’s themed games to pour herself a drink and get some breathing room. The place was empty, and she stood alone, silently sipping her drink, tapping her foot along to the beat of the Taylor Swift song coming from the living room until Merissa came in.
   They greeted each other, and when Merissa had poured a drink for herself, she turned back to Y/n.
   “So…” she said. “You and Peter, huh?”
   Y/n shook her head violently. “No. Not at all.”
   Merissa smirked. “Double negative. That’s a yes.”
   Rolling her eyes, Y/n replied, “You and I both know that’s not how it works. Peter and I just went together because we had no one else to go with. We’re friends, that’s all.”
   “I don’t think that’s how he feels about you.”
   Y/n frowned. “Pardon?”
   Merissa looked to the side, eyes glazed over like they were whenever she got day-dreamy, and a smile stretched across her face. “Man, you should see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. It’s like you’re his whole world or something. I’m so jealous! I wish someone would look at me like that.”
   “Merissa, you have a girlfriend!”
   “Well, how am I supposed to know how she looks at me when I’m not looking?”
   Y/n rolled her eyes again. “You know what? Let’s get back in there and I’ll let you know.”
By the time Merissa had gotten so drunk that she’d started shooting people with a nerf gun, claiming to be Cupid, the two of them decided that it was time to head out. Peter had insisted on walking her home, and no matter how much she protested he wouldn't back down. He was a classic gentleman through and through. It was infuriating, but kind of cute in a way.
   They had just as much fun walking home from the party as they had during it. Peter was a great conversationalist, and Y/n was just tipsy enough that she had stopped evading every question and compliment with sarcasm.
   The conversation drifted away as they arrived at Y/n’s doorstep.
   Peter nodded. “So.”
   “Guess this is good night then,” he said slowly, yet — he did not move.
   The tension in between them was thick and palpable. They both let it sit there, simmering, until Y/n opened her mouth and whispered, “This kind of feels like that doorstep moment.” Her voice was so quiet, had Peter not been standing inches away, he probably wouldn’t have heard it.
   Peter smiled that perfect smile of his, lopsided and just the right amount of cocky. “What moment would that be?” he whispered back, taking a step closer to her while fixing his gaze on hers, a look in his eyes that she couldn’t describe as anything other than pure infatuation. And before she knew it, he had placed his hands on the back of her head and pulled her into a deep kiss.
   Y/n had only let herself think about what it would be like to kiss Peter a handful of times before, but even in her fantasies she hadn’t imagined his lips would be this soft, nor that he would be this gentle, letting her lead the way, to not overstep any boundaries. As she moved her hands to wrap around his neck, he placed his on the small of her back, shifting, getting closer.
   When they pulled apart his hands were still on her back, and hers had moved down to rest against his chest. Y/n stared at Peter’s swollen lips and let out a content sigh.
   “Something like that.”
A/n: Please reblog and tell me what you thought!
taglist: @valentine-melody​
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moonlit-jeno · 3 years
red door, yellow door (m.)
pairing: mark lee x fem reader x jung jaehyun
genre/warnings: explicit sexual content | demon au | slight dubcon??? the mans a lust demon idk | Very mild horror themes | minor mlm | don’t attempt this game pls !!!
words: 8.1k
a/n: this is a repost from my old bts blog! pls don’t ask abt it bc i no longer actively follow bts :)
One of these days, you’re going to kill your coworkers.
You love them, you really do, but sometimes they can just be so dumb. It was Donghyuck and Renjun who came up with the idea to play this stupid game, one that is probably only played by naive 12 year old girls during slumber parties.
Normally you’d just brush it off, but Renjun had called you a wimp, so naturally you had to do it. Which is how you’ve ended up on your back with your best friend massaging circles into your forehead.
“Red door, yellow door, any other color door,” is being chanted around the room. You fight the urge to move your neck to a more comfortable position on Mark’s lap. Your hand twitches above your head, where your arms are raised. “This is stupid,” You whisper, and Mark laughs, scolding you lightly.
After a while, the mindless chanting lulls you to sleep, and you feel yourself drift off.
“What do you see?”
Two doors appear in front of you, one red and one yellow. They both look kind of old, paint chipping and peeling off.
“Anything else?”
A black door appears next to the yellow one and you find yourself drawn to it, wanting to go in. This one is shinier, considerable newer and more inviting compared to the other two
“Go in.”
You open the door and walk through, a sense of relief flooding through your senses as you give in to the pull. The room that you find yourself in seems never ending, the only thing in it a large bed.
“Do you see anyone?”
A man appears, sitting on the bed. The suit he’s wearing is unfitting for the plain surroundings- in fact, he’s unfitting for the surroundings in general. His teeth are blinding white when he smiles, not a hair out of place on his entire head. He’s attractive, all golden skin and beautiful features. Almost too beautiful. A shiver crawls up your spine, a tinge of discomfort bleeding into your senses. He smiles, dimples popping out, and you push the discomfort to the back of your mind.
“Who are you?” Your voice comes out distant to your own ears, echoing around you.
“Call me Jaehyun. Why don’t you come here, little bird? We can get properly acquainted.” The voice sounds haunting, like a distorted video. You wouldn’t believe that he’s speaking if his lips didn’t move in sync. Despite the unnatural voice sounding warning bells in your brain, you find yourself moving forward automatically and settling down on his lap when he pats his thigh for emphasis.
“And what’s your name, little bird?” He trails a hand up and down your thigh and you shiver, leaning back against him. He chuckles when you tell him your name, a pleased smile lighting up his features.
“Well, little bird, seems that we’re going to have some fun together.”
Your name is being echoed all around you, and you wake with a jolt, eyes flying open to see Mark staring at you.
“Are you okay?” The rest of your group is also gathered around you, standing in a half circle.
“Yeah, just fell asleep for a bit. Why?” You push yourself onto your elbows, sitting up so that you can lean against Mark.
Donghyuck plops down on the floor, sitting so that he’s facing you. “You were talking like you were having a conversation with someone. Who was it?”
You shrug, trying not to dull his excitement. “I don’t know, just some guy.”
“Was he wearing a suit?” Renjun asks, standing behind Hyuck. He grimaces when you nod. “Y/n, we literally told you not to talk to anyone in a suit. We told you not to talk to anyone. It’s in the rules.”
You roll your eyes, knowing how serious he gets when it comes to stuff like this. “Relax, it’s fine. He seemed nice, and it’s not like it was anything real.”
Renjun still doesn’t look convinced, but Mark interrupts his paranoia by doing what he’s best- or worst, depending on who you ask- at, cracking jokes.
“Hey, was he eating deviled eggs?” He laughs at his own joke, and everyone else groans. “Hey, don’t get mad at me. His place was probably such a hellhole.” The bad mood dissolves into jokes and loud laughter for the rest of the night.
You leave the party- or gathering as Donghyuck had called it because it sounded more mysterious- when it starts storming. The rain drenches you and pretty much everyone else that’s sitting on the porch, leaving you scrambling for shelter. Luckily, Mark offers you a ride.
“Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” Mark hollars out the window of his truck, his words getting lost in the night as he speeds off. His truck hits a pothole and you can imagine him swearing as his head hits the roof. Giggling to yourself, you unlock your apartment and slip inside. It’s close to 2 in the morning, so you decide that if you’re already not going to get that much sleep, why not binge Shameless?
You only get through two episodes before your eyelids feel heavy, and you have to fight to keep them open. On screen, there’s a bar fight that you try to take interest in, but sleep quickly pulls you under.
“Welcome back, little bird.” The voice is all around you, but no matter how much you turn and search, no one’s to be found.
“Turn around, little bird, I am here.” Spinning abruptly, you come face to face with the man from earlier, Jaehyun. He gives you a chilling grin.
“So we meet again,” he starts, and his voice no longer sounds eerie or inauthentic. He sounds like, well, a normal man. “Tell me, what would you do if I were to kiss you?”
You swallow, tongue darting out to wet your lips on instinct. “Depends. Are you a good kisser?” You aim for coy, but you miss the mark and land closer to worried.
“You could say that.” He pulls you close with one hand on the back of your head, stopping right before your lips. “May I?”
You nod, and he pulls you in for a gentle, closed mouth kiss.
It’s like that touch ignites a fire in you, because before you know it, your arms are thrown around his neck, dragging him closer to deepen the kiss. You lick along his lower lip and he readily grants you access, a throaty groan leaving him when you suck on his tongue. Liquid heat courses through your veins when he nips at your lower lip, tongue flicking over it in apology. You moan, raw and needy. He likes that, if the chuckle and wicked grin is anything to go by. Picking you up so that your legs are wrapped around his waist, he walks over to a bed that definitely wasn’t there before.
He drops you on the bed, and then suddenly you’re both naked. Jaehyun leans over you, all lean muscles and golden skin. His cock hangs hard and flushed between his legs, and you have the urge to swallow him down. He groans, as if reading your mind, and then reaches to pump himself slowly, long fingers wrapped around the length. “Not now, little bird, not now. I have something else in mind.” With one gentle push to your shoulders, you’re lying flat on the bed, Jaehyun between your legs. His mouth hovers over your core, already wet and dripping despite not having been touched. He plays idly with the slick on your upper thigh, drawing random patterns into the flesh. His eyes are dark, and you could swear that they’re entirely black, no white visible. He peers curiously up at you from between your legs, watching your reaction as his fingers get closer and closer to where you want him. Your breathing picks up as arousal thrums through your body, center pulsing and aching for some sort of relief.
“May I have you?” His breath ghosts over your center when you speak, the sensation making you even needier. 
You nod quickly. “Take it, fuck, you have all of me.” He grins, wasting no time in diving in. His tongue feels impossibly good, licking up your folds and circling over your clit. He leaves sloppy kisses along your core, one hand massaging your thigh and keeping you spread open. You cry out when his tongue pushes into you, his nose brushing your clit and sending sparks up your spine.
His tongue feels impossibly long, so good inside of you that you feel like you’re losing your mind. Your hips buck up desperately, riding his face to hell and back. One arm gets thrown over your stomach to keep you in place while two fingers from his free hand dip into your soaking core, curling into that spot immediately. Stars flash behind your eyes, one hand coming down to fist in Jaehyun’s hair. Your feet scramble frantically along his back, heels digging in in an effort to anchor yourself, toes curling at the sensations singing through you.
You feel your orgasm drawing closer, heat pooling in your center. You whimper brokenly as you try to chase after your high, grinding your hips along his tongue. He lets you, just holding his tongue flat out for you to ride.
You come like that, falling apart on his tongue, screams of his name falling from your lips. He works you through it, tongue gently licking along your folds, slurping up your arousal as if he hasn’t had a meal in weeks.
You lay there, boneless and whimpering weakly through the aftershocks until Jaehyun pulls away to kiss up your body. He licks into your mouth hotly, reminding you that he hasn’t come yet. You bat weakly at his chest, pushing him onto his back. “Your turn,”
He groans in appreciation at the view of you above him. “So perfect, little bird. I’m gonna have so much fun with your soul.”
This sentence freezes you in your spot. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Jaehyun meets your gaze, black eyes entrancing you. “That means, y/n, that I’m going to have your soul. You belong to me now, hmm?” One of his hands plays gently with a strand of your hair. “That’s what you agreed to earlier, no?”
“N-no.” You try backing away, but the inhuman voice from earlier is back, echoing everywhere, repeating his words over and over until you can’t take it anymore-
You wake with a gasp, hitting your head as you sit up. Your computer is still on your lap, episode fifteen playing. Fuck, you’ve only been asleep for forty five minutes. It’s not even three yet, and you don’t have to go to work until eight. Deciding there’s no way you’re falling back asleep, you get up and decide to bake.
Five hours later, your coworkers love you when you show up with containers of cinnamon rolls, five different types of cookies, and a coffee cake. Mark looks mildly worried.
“You okay? I haven’t seen you bake since high school.” You snap out of your thoughts and turn to face Mark. The look of concern on your best friend’s face is enough to make you feel guilty and you nod, forcing a smile onto your face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Had a bad dream last night and couldn’t sleep, that’s all.” You respond, trying not to show how bothered you actually are.
“Wanna talk about it?” Mark leans forward over his desk, chin planted on his hand.
“No, it’s gonna sound dumb.” You whine, shaking your head. And it is dumb, even to you. You’re scared because you had a dream that some man ate you out and then told you he was going to take your soul?
“Well, you always sound dumb. Of course your dreams are gonna be dumb.” Mark laughs as you chuck a piece of cake at him, infectious laugh soothing you. You sigh.
Mark raises his eyebrows at you when you finish telling him your dream. “You’re scared because you had a wet dream? Damn, I’d be living in a nightmare if I was scared after every wet dream I’ve had.”
You kick him under the table. “Mark! It was really scary. He told me he was going to take my soul!”
Upon seeing that you’re actually freaked out, his face softens. “Look, y/n, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You probably just thought that he was hot, and your brain remembered his face and put it in a dream. I wouldn’t worry about it; what’s the worst he’s gonna do, haunt you?”
You give a shaky nod, agreeing. It’s not like something from your dreams could actually harm you. Mark reaches across the desk, taking your hand in his and giving a tight squeeze, warm brown eyes gazing at you openly. “And if something does happen, just remember that I’m your best friend. I’ll be here for you.”
“Thanks, Mark. Means a lot to me.”
He leans back in his seat. “Anytime, anyplace, anything. Triple A.”
You smile, raising an eyebrow. “Anything?”
His eyes go wide, taking in the glint in your eyes. “Within reason.”
“How about a sip of coffee?” You nod down at his cup, pasting a huge smile on your face.
“I did say within reason, so no.”
You huff. “I expected that.”
Although you don’t scare easily, it’s safe to say that you’re a bit unsettled tonight, especially after your nightmare last night. You find yourself jumping at every little noise, hand slamming the light switch on with your pulse racing every five minutes. This has been going on for an hour, and after a final sweep of your room reveals nothing, you decide that maybe a face mask will help you relax.
Your bathroom has two mirrors facing each other, which is normally a blessing when you do your hair, but tonight it does nothing but make you want to hide under your blankets.
Get a grip on yourself, you chastise, grabbing your phone and opening spotify. Maybe some music will help? You click on your Christmas playlist because what better way to cheer up than to think about your favorite holiday?
A mistake, really, because it seems that you’ve forgotten how creepy Santa is.
“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake,” Yikes. You stop that song in a hurry, feeling anything but comforted. No music then, noted.
You reach for your face wash, turning the sink on and waiting for the water to warm. You can’t help but glance in the mirror behind you every so often, paranoia getting the best of you. Man, you feel pathetic, worrying about monsters in your closet like you’re six and not twenty-six.
You wash your face quickly, hoping that your fears will wash away as well. No such luck.
You swear you see something move behind you after you dry your face off, but there’s nothing there. Shaking it off, you reach for your face mask, taking your time painting your face with the green clay.
It’s after your face is coated that you spot someone in the glass behind you. You scream, whipping around to come face to face with a man. Not just any man- Jaehyun.
Your heart thunders in your chest, eyes widening in fear. He seems to be in the mirror, copying your petrified expression mockingly.
“Hello, little bird.” He purrs, smirking lightly.
“Are you- are you in my mirror?” You’re in disbelief, mind struggling to comprehend this. First you spot him while in a weird trance, then in a dream, and now in your mirror? Maybe you’re having a quarter life crisis.
“No, I am not. Mirrors are just gateways to alternate dimensions. I’m merely using the mirror to visit you.” He says this like it’s common knowledge. It feels like your throat is made of sandpaper with how hard it is to choke out your words. “O-okay. I’m just gonna- yeah.”
You grab your phone from the counter and bolt, fumbling for your keys before jumping into your car and speeding off in the direction of Mark’s house. You call him, fingers fumbling on the screen. He goes to voicemail the first time, and your heart drops. “No, no, no,” you whisper frantically, calling again. He does pick up this time.
“Y/n? It’s the middle of the night.” His voice sounds gruff, and you feel guilty for waking him up. One glance in your rear view mirror reveals that Jaehyun is joining you on this ride, and you scream, car swerving violently to one side before you straighten it out.
“Where are we going, little bird?”
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Mark’s voice has lost its sleepy edge, taking on a concerned tone. He says your name again, more frantic.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Your tires squeal as you make a turn, now only two blocks away. “Can I- can I come over? I really need to be with someone right now.”
“Of course, you know you’re always welcome. The door’s unlocked.”
You hang up, willing the tears in your eyes to not spill over. Finally arriving, you slam on the breaks and haphazardly pull next to a curb, yanking the key out of the ignition and sprinting to Mark’s house.
You lock the door behind you when you step inside, testing the handle as if a door could stop a mirror traveling demon or whatever the fuck Jaehyun was from coming inside. “Mirrors,” you mumble, reaching the stairs.
“Y/n? What’s-” Mark stands at the top of the stairs, one hand rubbing at his eyes. You cut him off, flying up the stairs.
“Mirrors, fuck. Mark, we need to cover the mirrors!” You breeze by his shocked figure, not noticing the way he turns to stare at you incredulously.
“What, why? Y/n, are you crazy?”
Ignoring him, you throw a towel over the mirror in his bathroom, ripping open a pack of bandaids to use as adhesive.
You throw another towel over the mirror in his bedroom, collapsing on his bed when you’re done and finally allowing yourself to sob.
“Y/n, hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” Mark, as gentle and caring as ever, comes over to sit next to you, one hand combing through your hair.
“I- don’t laugh at me.” You stare him straight in the eye, pleading with him. You know you’re going to sound crazy, but you’re praying that your best friend listens to you. He nods, urging you to go on.
“That- that man I saw in my dream and during whatever fucked up game Hyuck had us play? He was in my fucking mirror, Mark. I- the whole night, I had this feeling that I was being watched, and then I went into my bathroom and he was just there, and-” You’re hyperventilating at this point, fighting for every breath, tears clouding your vision. “He was in my car, in the rear view mirror-” Mark pulls you closer, enveloping you in his arms and allowing you to sob loudly into his chest. You cry for a few minutes, until you’re finally able to pull yourself together.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’ve had a rough week, I know. It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay.”
He wipes a tear away from your check, patting you lightly. “Why don’t you go wash this off, okay? We can watch a movie after.” He offers, and until that point, you’d forgotten you were wearing a face mask. You grimace at the green imprint on his black shirt, but he just chuckles. “I’ll go grab you some water in the meantime.”
Nodding, you garner up the energy to walk to his bathroom. It’s fine, the mirror’s covered, he can’t hurt you. You close the door just in case, wanting an extra level of protection
You rinse your face with cold water, hoping that it will clear your mind. You give your face a couple more splashes before drying off with a towel.
“You missed a spot on your forehead.” You freeze before looking around wildly. There’s no one around, which can only mean that Jaehyun can still see you. Swallowing, you start the water again, rubbing at your forehead.
“And your left cheek.” You rub at the skin, being way too harsh but you excuse it considering your situation. “No, your other left. My left.”
“Jesus,” You growl in annoyance, reaching up to rip the towel down. Sure enough, there’s a splotch of green on your cheek. Jaehyun’s nowhere to be found. Maybe I am losing my mind.
You finish rinsing the mask off, finding some face lotion buried in Mark’s drawer, screaming bloody murder when Jaehyun appears in the mirror again. “Looking for me?”
“No! Leave me alone!” You cry, head spinning. Jaehyun fakes a pout, holding a hand over his heart in mock hurt. Do demons even have hearts?
“Ouch, little bird. You don’t want to finish what we started the other night? When I had you moaning so pretty, so wet for me. I’m sure your pussy would take me so well, hmm?” Your heart rate kicks up again, but for a different reason this time. You almost moan, thinking about the dream.
Because he was right, you had been so wet. The want comes back full forces, slamming into you like a truck. You remember how needy you were, wanting to suck his cock so bad, wanting him to fuck you like there’s no tomorrow. All fear that you previously had is slowly disappearing, fading into lust.
The demon smiles knowingly. “Ah, little bird, so you do remember. Remember how you promised me that you’re mine?”
You nod, eyes glazing over. You’re wet, panties starting to stick to your throbbing core uncomfortably.
“Mmmh, I bet you’re already dripping for me. Just waiting for me to come out and fill you up.”
Hearing your name leave his lips sends a wave of arousal crashing through you so strong that your knees buckle, grabbing onto the counter for support. He chuckles, but whatever he’s about to say is cut off by Mark.
“What were you say-” Your best friend trails off, eyes wide as he observes the scene. You snap out of your haze at the interruption. His mouth parts in shock. “You really weren’t kidding, shit.” He laughs humorlessly.
Then, quick as lightning, he rears back and punches the mirror. You scream in surprise at the crack, shards falling to the floor.
You and Mark both stare at the broken shards of glass on the ground, gleaming under the lights. “Mark,” You start, trailing off once you realize you have nothing to say. He seems to understand, walking forward until he’s close enough to pull you into a hug. You feel tears start to slide down your cheeks, dampening the cotton of your best friends shirt. You hug him closer, burying your face into his broad chest. He wraps himself around you, and you let yourself be lulled into the sense of security that his larger frame brings you. A sense of security that vanishes once you hear a low chuckle that definitely does not belong to Mark.
You both scream, leaping backwards and away from the noise. Jaehyun stands there, just in front of the door, with a shit eating grin on his face. You cower behind Mark, who is wrapping a protective arm around you while simultaneously trying to hide behind you.
“I really must thank you for finally setting me free. Normally I have to wait for some asshole with a ouija board, but then there’s just so many other demons that I have to compete with. So I just stick to the dream world-” He pauses to wink at you for emphasis “-but this is so much more fun.” His eyes are black, and you can’t tell where he’s looking. Swallowing, you clutch onto Mark’s arm for dear life.
The demon seems to regard the two of you for a moment, before his amusement seems to grow. He begins to move forward.
“Ah, Mark Lee. Lovely name for a stupid boy. Didn’t you know breaking a mirror is bad luck?” By this point, you and Mark are flattened against the wall, while Jaehyun stands less than a foot away from the two of you. There’s nowhere to run. This is it, you think, this is how I die.
Jaehyun chuckles, turning to you. You lower your gaze to the ground; it hurts to make eye contact with him. “No, little bird. This isn’t how you die, don’t worry.”
Then he’s backing away from the two of you, motioning to follow him. The logical part of your brain is screaming not to, but you find yourself drawn to him, legs carrying you after him without your consent, Mark clutching your arm tightly as he walks next to you.
Jaehyun seems to know the layout of the house, leading you straight into Mark’s bedroom. The demon grabs a chair from the desk and spins it around, straddling it so that he’s facing the bed.
He motions lazily. “Go on now, have a seat. Get comfortable.”
You find yourself sitting down on the edge of the bed, following his words like marching orders. Mark sits about half a foot away from you. Jaehyun shakes his head. “No, no, no. That won’t do. I said to get comfortable, did I not?” He raises an eyebrow as if daring you to argue with him. “Go lay down at the head board.”
You crawl to the head of the bed, settling so that you’re on your side, facing the demon. Mark follows suit, pulling you close to him so that you’re spooning. Jaehyun lets out a pleased hum. “Much better. Aren’t you much more comfortable now?” Nodding, you realize that you actually are more comfortable. It’s not just the change of position, but the energy in the room as well. The demon is no longer giving off a threatening aura. It’s more relaxed, maybe even happy? He certainly looks more relaxed, probably as happy as a demon can get, if not a little smug.
Your body is pulsing with energy, and it takes you a moment to place what you’re feeling. The earlier need to run that you had felt has been replaced with another need, albeit further down. Your thighs clench as another surge of heat pulses through your core, and your face warms at the realization. Why now, of all times, are you horny?
Jaehyun’s grin broadens as he seems to sense your dilemma. “Oh, little bird, if only you knew. Tell me, what type of demon do you think I am?” He watches you curiously, black eyes staring into your soul.
You try to tilt your head towards Mark, but the position’s too awkward and you only catch a glimpse of the side of his face. He looks a bit flushed from what you can see, teeth digging into his plush bottom lip, teeth that you could easily replace with your own- you blink, dazedly. What the fuck? Sexual thoughts about your best friend? That’s a new one. Even if you’ve noticed that he’s hot, you’d never thought about him sexually. Now, though, you can feel the hardness of his dick against your ass, and you can’t help but think about how good he could fuck you.
“Incubus,” You finally manage, blinking rapidly to clear the haze of your vision. Jaehyun grins, looking genuinely surprised that you’d gotten it right.
“Good girl. Make a little sense now?” You nod, fighting a moan as Mark starts to rock against you, slowly, as if he’s unconsciously doing it. Jaehyun notices.
“How about you, Mark? You doing alright over there?”
Your friend, your best friend, buries his face in your neck and groans, deep and delicious. It sends another surge of heat through your body, the growing need between your legs pulsing pathetically. “What are you doing to us?” The words are growled behind you, vibrating against the skin where his lips are pressed.
“Oh no, Mark, I’m not doing anything to you. The only thing I can do to you is make you realize your desires. Your deepest, darkest fantasies? I make that happen. Finally being able to fuck the girl you’ve been in love with for years? I make that happen.” The words take a minute to register with you, but you stiffen when the meaning hits you. Mark Lee, in love with you? An unlikely story, bordering impossible.
The demon chuckles at your inner turmoil, rolling his eyes at how dumb humans can be. “You too, y/n. You love Mark, even if you won’t admit it. You let the idea that he was too good for you scare you away from him. Do you not remember how often you thought of him, late at night after first meeting him?”
You groan in protest, not because it’s not true, but because you do remember. It had been so long ago. When you hadn’t known Mark, had only known of him. You pull away from Mark, awkwardly pushing him to lay flat against the pillows while you clamber on top of him.
“Mark, is it true? Do you love me?” You hold his face between your hands, staring into his eyes. He meets your gaze, pupils blown and eyes half lidded. He nods as best he can.
“So, so much.” Mark’s voice comes out raspy, matching his flushed skin. You lean down to kiss him, uncaring of the other presence in the room. Mark moans when your lips make contact, hands pulling you to straddle him. Your eyelids flutter at the feeling of his clothed cock against your center, rocking your hips to try to ease the throb of your core. His hands fly to your ass, pulling and kneading at the flesh as he urges you into a harsher pace.
The kiss is rougher, needier now, open mouthed and panting. Mark’s got his tongue tangled with yours, sucking in such a way that sends waves of heat through you. You want him in you, any part of him really.
Jaehyun seems to agree, speaking up from right next to you. You jump, having forgotten he was there although he’s the reason you’re like this in the first place.
“Let’s get the show on the road. As much as I’m enjoying this, I think we’d all enjoy something else a little more.” The demon reaches for the hem of your shirt and you nod, raising your arms above your head to let him pull the garment off. Mark groans at the newly revealed skin, hands going to cup your breasts through the fabric of your bra. “Fuck,” He whines, staring in awe at your chest. He doesn’t waste time before leaning up to kiss along your cleavage, pulling the bra down to expose your breasts. Another set of hands unclasp the bra before traveling down your torso to rub circles into your hip bones, sliding your sleeping shorts and panties off at the same time. Jaehyun throws the shorts somewhere off the bed. He keeps the panties, a pleased sigh leaving him as he appreciates the ruined fabric.
“Fuck, little bird. You’re really enjoying this,” He comments, as if he isn’t a fucking lust demon that can sense these kinds of things. You don’t voice your thoughts, because Mark chooses this moment to suck a nipple into his mouth, nibbling and sucking on the sensitive skin so that all you can do is moan. “You’ve even ruined your panties. They’re soaked.”
He hands the strip of lace to Mark, who lets out a throaty groan at the sight. “You’re not getting these back.” He informs you, slipping the garment into his bedside drawer. You ignore him, instead tugging insistently at his shirt. He takes pity on you, grabbing the collar and yanking the baggy tee over his head.
You let your hands slide down his chest in admiration, feeling the hard lines of his muscles. You lick your lips at how broad his shoulders are, how strong he looks. Jaehyun doesn’t give you much time to enjoy the view, gliding two fingers along your slit before circling around your little nub. A cry of pleasure leaves you to mindlessly press your face into Mark’s collarbone, nipping and sucking the flesh until you’re sure you’ve left a bruise.
Jaehyun slips the two fingers into your aching core, curling and dragging them so well along your walls. Sparks of electricity flow through your veins, heat pooling in your center.
Mark groans from below you. Looking down, you see that you’ve unconsciously dug your nails into his hard chest in an effort to ground yourself. You remove your hands, only to spot little red half crescents littered over his skin. You rub your palms over the marks as if to soothe them, but it seems that the man wasn’t groaning from pain.
“Y/n” He sounds so fucked out, voice hoarse and raw even though hardly anything has happened yet. “You look so good like this, so perfect for me.” He brings one large hand up to cup your cheek, thumb delicately stroking over your cheekbone before moving down to trace your lower lip. You part your lips, letting him slide in before sucking around the digit, tongue curling around it as if it were his cock. His eyes darken a fraction, tongue coming out to wet his lips, swollen and kiss bitten.
You moan around the digit as Jaehyun adds a third finger, stretching your walls so pleasantly that you can’t help but buck your hips back for more. A whine forces its way out of your throat as the demon pulls his fingers out of you, leaving an empty ache between your thighs.
“Don’t you think it would be more fun if she was sucking on something a bit bigger than your finger, Mark?” The voice startles you, breath tickling your ear as he speaks. The man under you nods, swallowing thickly. Your eyes are drawn to the way his Adam’s apple bobs with the movement, and a gush of wetness pulses down below. Your thighs are probably covered in your arousal at this point.
You scoot down his body, trailing kisses and bites down his toned stomach. You take your time unzipping his pants, sucking a mark into the soft skin below his navel. He’s hard as a rock, and you moan in appreciation at the sheer size of him once you shimmy his jeans down his thighs.
“No underwear?” You ask, mouth curling up in a teasing smirk. He huffs out a laugh, propping himself up on his elbows so that he can watch. “No, ‘s too restricting.”
You lazily pump his dick, thumb flicking over the tip once or twice. You plan to tease him more, but then Jaehyun’s pushing your head down and you have no choice but to open your mouth wide, innocent eyes peeking up at Mark as you take his cock in your mouth. He’s so big that you can’t take him in all the way, keeping one hand curled around his cock to stroke what your mouth can’t reach. You let it get sloppy, using your spit to ease the glide until you’ve got a pleasant rhythm going. Mark replaces Jaehyun’s hands with his own, gathering strands of your hair in his palms and using that grip to control your pace. “F-fuck,” He lets out a shaky exhale, letting his head fall back against the pillows once he’s satisfied with the pace.
Jaehyun slaps your ass, a loud smack sounding throughout the room. You moan, pitching forward onto Mark’s cock and gagging as he hits the back of your throat. A strangled cry leaves the man above you, his hips thrusting even further into the tight, wet heat of your mouth.
The demon kneads your stinging flesh before using his grip on you to pull your hips up. “Good girl,” You keen under his praises, sticking your ass up even higher. The warm, wet pressure against your center has you faltering, moaning almost violently around Mark’s cock. He doesn’t seem to be having any complaints, the vibrations forcing a moan of his own out.
Your eyes roll up into your head as Jaehyun wraps his lips around your clit, sucking harshly. You’re sure you’d be screaming by now if Mark’s cock wasn’t halfway down your throat. You’ve given up sucking him off by this point, content to let the man fuck your mouth while Jaehyun sucks your fucking soul out from between your legs. It feels so good, not used to being the center of even one man’s focus, let alone two.
Mark eases you off of his cock after you accidentally bite him, using your spit to ease the slide as he lazily fucks up into his loose fist. You rest your head on his thigh, alternating between moaning wantonly and mouthing messily against the skin as you feel your orgasm approach.
Jaehyun pulls away at the last second, and you whine loudly as your orgasm is cut off. The feeling of frustration leaves you close to tears, and you jiggle your ass in hopes that it will regain his attention. It does momentarily, as Jaehyun lands a harsh smack on the flesh, but he pulls away again.
“Mark,” The man in question looks up, hand freezing on his dick as if waiting for Jaehyun’s orders. And fuck, what a sight that would be: your normally brash and confident friend being so pliant and submissive to a near stranger… You blink out of it, feeling mildly ashamed even in your current state. Luckily, Jaehyun interrupts your thoughts. “I’m feeling generous today, so I’ll let you go first. You’ve been waiting long enough for this, anyway.”
Mark nods eagerly, pulling you into a desperate kiss. You paw at every inch of skin you can reach, searching for a release from the ache inside of you. Your wish is granted when he hooks two fingers in your soaking cunt, groaning at how wet you are. He scissors you open quickly, hissing at how tight you feel.
“Ready, angel? Want my cock?” The pet name has you moaning, though it draws a low chuckle from Jaehyun, who’s watching from his position next to Mark.
“Hurry up, already. Need you in me, ‘ve waited so long.”
Mark lights up at this, smile stretching his features. He looks so breathtaking in this moment, skin glowing and flushed, hair mussed up, eyes blown wide and half lidded.
“I’m yours,” He breathes, leaning up for one last kiss. His hands slide down to your hips, pulling you forward so that you’re hovering above his thick cock. “Ride me baby.”
“I’d love to.” Reaching one hand down to position him at your entrance, you start to lower yourself down. Of course, Jaehyun chooses this exact moment to stop you. He truly is the spawn of Satan.
“Little bird, hold on just a second. I found something of interest in the back of Markie’s brain.” You cringe as he mocks your earlier nickname for the man. “What’s this I’m seeing, Mark? You like it up the ass?” His tone is teasing, but Mark groans in embarrassment. His face has gone an alarming shade of red by this point. “N-no,” He tries to deny, sputtering excuses but Jaehyun cuts him off with a press of a finger to his lips. “Oh, Mark, don’t get shy on me now. It’s a perfectly fine thing to like. Little bird, you’ll get your turn in a minute. You,” He snaps his fingers at Mark. “Come here. Kneel up, just like that. Perfect.” He appraises Mark’s ass for a moment, hands moulding the flesh before slipping a finger in. Mark’s eyebrows furrow, and you shoot up in alarm. “Doesn’t he need lube?”
Jaehyun looks at you, surprised that you care, before chuckling. “I can produce lube. Perks of being a lust demon.” Winking at you, he returns his focus to Mark. You can’t see what he’s doing, but the pure pleasure present on your best friends face has you clenching your thighs together, waves of need crashing through you. If you thought he looked good before, he looks absolutely gone now. Breathless groans are leaving him now, eyelids fighting to stay open as he sinks down on the others fingers. You watch him, mesmerized, before shuffling over to him.
“How close are you?”
He forces his gaze down to you. “Kind of- nngh- close, w-why?” 
Wrapping a hand around his base lightly, you start stroking. “Will you come if I blow you?”
He moans, a punched out sound that takes you by surprise. “Fuck, yes, I’ll definitely come if you blow me.” You pout in disappointment. Upon seeing your crestfallen expression, he continues. “Maybe we c-can- oh, yes- figure something out. Jaehyun,” He turns his head back behind him, struggling to get the words out between moans. “Can I eat y/n out?”
There’s just something so hot about Mark asking for permission from someone else that you can’t help the whimper that escapes you. Jaehyun must nod, because then you’re being laid back, Mark settling between your thighs. He’s sucking sweet kisses into your core almost immediately, pulling your legs over his shoulders to give him better access. You’re letting out sharp cries of pleasure the whole time, eyes fighting the urge to roll back in your head in favor of watching Mark between your legs. A particularly well placed flick of his tongue has your hips rolling against his face, grasping the sheets in your hand as your mind blanks. The pleasure climbing through your system is insane, threatening to burn you from the inside out.
It only gets better once Mark starts moaning, his sinful mouth sending sweet vibrations traveling up your core. You manage to catch sight of Jaehyun behind him, kissing wetly along his shoulders and neck, features curving into a smirk once he notices you watching him.
“Little bird likes this, hmm? Like watching another man pleasure your boyfriend while he pleases you?” You hum, unable to tear yourself away from his gaze, unable to even think, letting his boyfriend comment slide. Whereas before it hurt to look directly into his eyes, you now find yourself getting lost in his dark orbs. It’s like a drug, your pleasure being amplified by the man, demon, whatever in front of you.
You finally break eye contact, head falling back against the mattress as Mark draws you closer and closer to your peak. Burying one hand in his hair, you use the leverage to grind your core against his face, chasing your sweet release. “C-close, Mark, please-” You don’t know what you’re begging for at this point. It’s too much but not enough at the same time. Jaehyun saves you from having to decide by cruelly ripping your orgasm away from you, again, dragging Mark’s face away from your pussy.
A few tears slip down your face at this point, frustration reaching its peak. Jaehyun wipes the tears away, laughing lowly. “Don’t worry, you’ll get what you desire soon.”
He must pull out of Mark, because your friend whimpers before seeming to realize what he just did and clears his throat uncomfortably.
“Mark, would you like to fuck our little bird now?” Mark nods, tongue flicking out to wet dry lips.
Jaehyun smirks. “Good. On your back. Y/n, ride him.” You don’t have to be told twice. You scramble onto your knees, wasting no time in straddling Mark before dropping yourself down on him. You both moan in satisfaction, you at finally being filled and Mark at your tightness. You have to brace both hands on his chest, almost collapsing at the overwhelming relief you feel. Beyond the burn of the stretch, his cock filling you up so nicely, there’s a sweet pleasure, a satisfaction.
You don’t wait very long to adjust, grinding your hips in smooth circles before lifting yourself off of him and dropping yourself back down. You quickly start a rhythm of you bouncing on his cock, eyes rolling at how fucking big he feels in you.
Mark’s hands are locked in a vice grip on your ass, fingers digging into the supple flesh and using his grip to urge you into a faster pace.
Jaehyun decides to join, coming up behind you to kiss at your neck, one hand reaching up to your mouth. “Suck,” He commands, slipping two fingers past your willing lips. You do, hollowing your cheeks and slurping around the digits, wishing that it was his dick. He hums behind you, bringing the wet digits down to your entrance, finding your clit with ease and rubbing fast circles into the little nub. You moan even louder now, feeling yourself speed towards your climax. You’ve been on edge for too long, you can’t hold on anymore.
“You close, little bird? Going to come on Mark’s cock? Gonna make him fill you up, pound into that dirty cunt?” His words get to you, your head falling back against his shoulder once more.
“Yes, yes! Oh, please, please-” He cuts off your mindless rambling by pulling you in for a kiss, one that you melt into. This is the first time he’s kissed you, and you’re quite upset that you hadn’t kissed him earlier. It’s a hot kiss, lots of tongue and teeth. It heightens your pleasure immensely, and you can’t stop kissing him. You suck on his tongue filthily, and oh, he must like that if the resulting groan is anything to go by. Even when he goes to pull away, you won’t let him, one hand fisting in his hair to keep him close. He seems to be speeding up your release, if that were even possible. Your mind feels hazier now, every sensation heightened, core screaming for release. You feel your orgasm twisting painfully at your insides, pulsing before finally exploding. The intensity of it rips a scream out of your throat, nails scratching across Mark’s chest as Jaehyun licks even deeper into your mouth, drinking up the noises you make.
When you come down, Mark is still thrusting desperately up into you, though he stops at the demons command. “From behind,” You hear Jaehyun say, but everything’s hazy at this point. Your mind is still fuzzy from your orgasm, and it’s like watching through a screen. Like you’re high, though you hadn’t had anything the whole day.
Mark manhandles you into position, hands and knees with your ass raised high in the air. He leaves one gentle kiss on your shoulder blade before relentlessly pounding into you, cock hitting even deeper in this position. Jaehyun kneels in front of you, pulling your face in towards his cock. You moan around him as he slips inside, mouth not quite burning at the stretch like Mark, though the demon still has you gagging. His cock has the same effect on you as his kisses did, and you feel addicted. You’re slurping and sucking and moaning around him, not wanting the intense pleasure to stop. You barely hear the kissing above you, taking far too long to register that Jaehyun has pulled Mark into a messy kiss above you. The image has you moaning even more wantonly, ass pushing back against Mark.
The kiss seems to have a similar effect on the man, because then he’s slamming into you at an even more relentless rate, moans higher and more frequent before he’s coming with a shout, finally filling you up. Your core pulses again at the feeling, and you suck at Jaehyun’s dick with renewed vigor. His hands fist in your hair, keeping you still so that he can fuck your mouth as hard as he wants. You relish in the feeling of your throat being fucked raw, spit dripping out of your mouth and down his cock. He lets out a deep groan, hips slamming deep one last time as he finishes. His cum seems to ignite a fire within you, because you’re coming almost simultaneously with him, despite not even being touched.
You collapse afterwards, dragging yourself to Mark and letting him drape himself over you. You let yourself drift off to sleep, sated and still riding the high.
The demon kisses each of you one last time, drinking in the last remaining parts of your soul, watching as the two humans take their last breaths. “Thanks for the meal, lovelies.” He chuckles, petting your head almost affectionately before walking out into the night sky, not sparing a single glance back.
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baby, we're a dying breed - bonus scene 1
eddie munson x fem!reader (eddie's pov)
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summary: trapped in the upside down after his dive into the lake, eddie confides in steve
w/c: 1.2k
warnings: eddie's pov, references to violence/gore (upside down stuff), nothing much else really
a/n: here is bonus scene #1! hope you guys enjoy!
It’s funny that Eddie thought he was stressed before. Now it feels like his entire body is vibrating and his nerves are on fire.
Sure, hiding out in a boathouse while an entire town wants to hunt him down for a murder he didn’t commit is a bit nerve-wracking. But at least he was in his home universe.
Eddie is not a fan of the Upside Down.
He can’t decide what the worst part is. The creepy vines covering every surface? The ominous clouds and red lightning in the sky? The weird spores in the air that keep getting caught in his throat? The evil bats flying around that chowed down on Harrington earlier? The fact that they can’t go back the way they came because of said bats?
It all sucks. But what really sucks is his guilt.
He left her. He left her behind.
He’s such an asshole.
It all happened so fast. Harrington whipped his shirt off and dove in like he wasn’t searching for the gate to a dangerous realm – like he was just going for a swim. And then Wheeler and Buckley didn’t even hesitate – they just jumped right in after Harrington like it was a no-brainer. Diving head first into danger without a second thought. And Eddie couldn’t help but think of how he ran like hell at the sight of Chrissy. How he’s spent the past few days running the second shit gets hard.
But guys who run and hide don’t get the girl in the end. The heroes do.
So he jumped.
The look on her face as she pleaded with him to stay is all he can think about as he drags his feet through the dark forest. She’s probably scared out of her mind, left alone in a boat in the middle of a lake. The lake that she witnessed someone murdered over. The lake that almost gave her a panic attack.
He is the biggest asshole ever.
All he wants is to explain. Tell her that he’s sorry and that he –
“Hey, Eddie –” Harrington’s voice stirs Eddie from his thoughts. Eddie turns to see Steve awkwardly shuffle to catch up with him. “I just wanted to say...thanks…you know…for saving my ass back there.”
Eddie almost scoffs. As if he did anything to help.
“Shit, you saved your own ass,” he replies almost incredulously. “I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.”
Eddie shoots Steve a glance and notices his brow is furrowed.
“When you took a bite out of that bat…?” Eddie adds. Steve shakes his head, clearly not understanding the reference. “Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? Bit a bat’s head off on stage – you know what? Doesn’t matter. The point is that was very metal, what you did.”
Steve nods, still obviously confused, but Eddie doesn’t want to press it further. He already feels awkward enough interacting with Steve. The guy never acknowledged Eddie’s existence in high school and now suddenly he’s helping Dustin lead the charge on saving Eddie’s ass. It’s no wonder the guy is worshiped by everyone.
“You know it’s funny,” Eddie continues, his eyes locked on the ground to keep from tripping. “Henderson kept saying you were a badass – insisted on it, actually –”
“Wait, wait,” Steve interrupts. “Dustin said I was ‘badass’?”
“Oh yeah,” Eddie confirms. “The kid worships you, man. It honestly got annoying. I just found it hard to believe that Mr. Popular Rich Kid Athlete could actually be…I don’t know…a good dude. But I mean after what you’ve done for me this week? I guess I get it.”
Steve doesn’t say anything as he walks, his own gaze focused ahead of him. Eddie follows his eyeline and can see he’s looking at the girls ahead. It doesn’t take a genius to know what Steve is thinking.
“You know…Wheeler didn’t even hesitate jumping in after you,” Eddie says after a few moments. “Didn’t even waste a second. And look, I don’t know what happened between you two, but to me…well that’s as unambiguous a sign of love as you can possibly get.”
Steve finally stops in place, turning back to look at Eddie. The look on his face is unreadable, and he seems like he’s about to say something. But he shakes his head and continues walking.
“What about…you and Major?” Steve finally says, breaking his silence and clearly trying to change the subject. Eddie does actually scoff this time.
“There is no ‘me and Major’,” Eddie responds, trying to hide the disappointment in his own voice. “Especially after this.”
“Why did you leave her behind?” Steve asks carefully, and Eddie can tell he’s genuinely curious and not trying to poke the bear. “I mean you guys have been attached at the hip this entire time.”
Eddie lets out a sigh, annoyed that he put himself in this position – having to be vulnerable with Steve fucking Harrington.
“I guess I was trying to take a page out of your book,” Eddie explains defeatedly. “I wanted to be the hero. Impress her or something.”
“Dude, you don’t have to try so hard,” Steve immediately says, acting like it’s obvious. “She clearly already likes you.”
Clearly? Eddie thinks. Doesn’t seem clear to him.
“I don’t know about that,” Eddie argues but quickly changes his tone. “Wait…did she say something to you?”
“She doesn’t have to!” Steve chuckles, as if what he’s saying is common knowledge. “I mean from the beginning she insisted you were innocent, and she didn’t even know about the Upside Down at all. And she hasn’t left your side this entire time. I mean, come on dude, you want to talk about unambiguous love?”
Love? Is Steve actually insinuating that she loves Eddie? No, there’s no way. Not Eddie. Not the guy who can’t pass his senior year. Not the guy who everyone calls a “freak.” Not the guy who has spent the last few days cowering in fear instead of doing something about it. She deserves more, he thinks to himself. More than what Eddie can offer.
It is nice to hear that she always thought he was innocent. He can remember the shock he felt as he heard her voice when the group found him. Of all the people he could have expected to see, his long-term high school crush was not one of them.
“Look, dude,” Steve continues after Eddie doesn’t say anything. “I’m really not the best person to be handing out girl advice right now considering how much I’ve been striking out lately. But you just gotta be yourself.”
Eddie almost stops in his tracks at Steve’s comment.
“You? Steve Harrington…have been striking out?” Eddie asks almost incredulously. Steve shrugs and a smirk forms on Eddie’s face. He playfully bumps Steve on the shoulder with his own shoulder. “Oh how the mighty have fallen –”
As if on cue, the entire world shakes and Eddie loses his balance, hitting the ground awkwardly with a groan. The rumbling eases up after a few moments and Steve stands tall, offering Eddie a hand.
“I really fucking hate this place,” Eddie complains as he grabs Steve’s hand and is yanked off the ground.
“Yeah, let’s get the hell out of here,” Steve agrees, and the two of them head to catch up with the girls ahead of them.
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