#[ down girl ]
maaarine · 11 months
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r/TwoXChromosomes: Every date I’ve had this month has attempted to choke me when we make out
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny (Kate Manne, 2017)
"Often incorrectly called “choking,” non-fatal manual strangulation is inherently dangerous.
It can lead to death hours, days, even weeks afterward due to complications from the brain being deprived of oxygen.
It also causes injuries to the throat that may not leave a mark (Snyder 2015).
If you don’t know how to examine a victim’s throat, what to look for in her eyes (red spots, called “petechiae”), and the right questions to ask, it may seem no harm has come of it (Turkel 2008).
The matter will often go no further. She may not seek medical treatment. The incident will be “shrouded in silence” (Dotson 2011, 244).
Sometimes, she won’t wake up the next morning, or some morning hence.
Moreover, victims of a non-fatal attack of this kind have also been found to be some seven times more likely to become the victim of an attempted homicide by the same perpetrator (Strack, McClane, and Hawley 2001).
Yet many states in America do not have a specific statute making strangulation a crime (relegating it to a simple assault; typically a misdemeanor) (Turkel 2008).
Strangulation is a prevalent form of intimate partner violence, in addition to sometimes taking place within other family relationships.
It doesn’t appear to be limited to certain geographical areas; its existence tends to be confirmed wherever data are available. (…)
Another point to note: strangulation is torture.
Researchers draw a comparison between strangulation and waterboarding, both in how it feels—painful, terrifying—and its subsequent social meaning.
It is characterized as a demonstration of authority and domination (Sorenson, Joshi, and Sivitz 2014).
As such, together with its gendered nature, it is a type of action paradigmatic of misogyny, according to the account of it I develop in these pages.
Also characteristic is the indifference or ignorance surrounding the practice, as well as the fact that many of its victims will minimize—or may, as I’ll go on to discuss shortly, be gaslit (Abramson 2014; McKinnon 2017)."
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 4 months
Robin Hood: Chaggie
Vaggie: *in the middle of fighting off Exorcist angels* Babe! I got a question for you!
Charlie: Is now really the time?! *sparkle blasts an exorcist*
Vaggie: We might not have another time! *stabs and slices through two angels* Charlie Morningstar, my love, will you marry me?
Charlie: *explodes in sparkle glitter power as she cups her cheeks* YES!!!
Vaggie: *smiles* REALLY?!?!?! *sends her spear flying at an Exorcist diving towards Charlie*
Charlie: Of COURSE, I WILL!!!
Vaggie: *continues fighting* Even though I'm one of these fuckers?
Charlie: *tippy taps her feet excitedly and twirls, slamming her shield into six Exorcists that are trying to circle her without realizing it* You're better than every angel in Heaven, Vaggie!~
Vaggie: We'll live in the hotel. *grabs Charlie's hand and twirls her around while slicing through more Exorcists* And have six children.
Charlie: *gets dipped low as the spear sheers passed her face to kill another angel and blushes giddily* Six?! Oh, a dozen at least!~
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sandwitchstories · 4 months
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Oh dear gods... I'm weak... Kyojuro, my love... It's better right from the tap 😈
(If you know who the artist is, please let me know so I can give them credit!!)
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femsolid · 1 year
“Imagine someone arguing that Hitler wasn’t really anti-Semitic, deep down; he was just insecure about his lack of artistic talent, as well as taking vast quantities of opiates and methamphetamines. Although this seems to have been the case, and might conceivably have played a causal role in ratcheting up the vitriol at key moments, the subsequent suggestion about Hitler’s not being anti-Semitic wouldn’t be worth dignifying, clearly. And yet the analogous suggestion about misogyny is common. The fact that the people who are liable to channel misogynist social forces have various anxieties and other psychological and social adjustment problems is hardly surprising. How is this supposed to mitigate the problem facing women though? When one’s effigy is one’s body, one burns right along with it.”
-  Down Girl: The logic of misogyny by Kate Manne
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gradient-of-aster · 1 year
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Weiss: I happen to be very into older men.
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fourdramas · 8 months
down girl by kate manne is such a good read! it argues that misogyny should not be understood has a hatred of women as such but rather as an affective commitment to the order of things that makes female actions that threaten the patriarchy incite unproportional disgust (ie women taking positions of power or demanding help with household chores from her husband or male children) whereas actions that go in the opposite direction are rewarded. it neatly explains imo why a lot of terrible misogynists also plausibly can claim to love some women in their life while spewing the wildest shit imaginably at other women or even the women they love when they are perceived to go out of line
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wrestlezaynia · 11 months
Dude, how did this drunk fic get so suggestive all of a sudden?
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meggannn · 10 months
hey there!! for the wip asks, how about 7 & 21 for whatever shakarian piece(s) you want to talk about? ;)c
7. What is your favorite scene you’ve written so far?
this is unfortunate because I haven't written the scenes I'm most looking forward to in any of my 3 shakarians, lol. but I do like the concept of "Shepard drags a dying Garrus out of a dumpster" from my Mass Effect/Imperial Radch fic, I think it's a strong opener!
21. Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic.
this I can do! for "Down Girl"
Andromeda—Weyes Blood
Oh No Darling!—Sarah Kinsley
Hard Time—Seinabo Sey
Jungle—Tash Sultana
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Tav is really like teehee *tucks hair behind ear*
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me: *fights the violent urge to write Dr. Walter Kornbluth selfship*
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muffinlance · 5 months
My baby daughter got her adorable puffin-print dress absolutely CAKED in mud crawling around the yard and my first thought was "oh no her beautiful dress"
And my second thought was "oh huh it really WOULD be easy to unconsciously steer her away from playing in the dirt. Unlike my son, whose outfits are usually some kind of solid dark easily washed pants plus a shirt that doesn't trail in the dirt like a dress does."
Anyway something something gender roles start getting shoved on kids from literal birth, but with a little time to think about things, YOU TOO can let your children of any gender absolutely destroy their clothes in the dirt pit they're digging in your garden
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emotional-moss · 1 year
idk y’all should treat fat men better. and i don’t mean mildly chubby guys i mean honest-to-god love-handles-and-double-chins fat guys. stop calling them shit like discord mods or gross weebs or nasty creeps or neckbeards or that they’re stinky or sweaty or beer bellied or whatever else. fatphobia isn’t cute, even repackaged in a neat little box of “ew men”
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everythingseasoning · 2 months
Undateable by choice
i’m scared of romantic love because I know i’m not ready for that yet. i only do friends to lovers, and i’m not about to ruin a good n already delicate something by adding in romance. beyond that— taking things slowly is the only right way for me to do things in order to be good to others, and for myself. i am ready for growth and uncomfortable, unfamiliar, good things, and platonic love. but no romance. *wagging my finger in everyone’s faces in an obliviously obnoxious way* Down, boy.
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fourdramas · 8 months
“[W]hat are women held to be guilty of doing or being (when getting an abortion, red.)? Withholding and failing to give, I think; being cold, callous, and heartless; neglecting their natural duty to provide safe haven and nurture, by evicting a vulnerable being from their rightful home, their birthright. Hence women who seek abortions, even to save their own lives, are a blank canvas on which to project a set of grievances borne of unmet felt needs in turn borne of a sense of entitlement”.
Kate Manne, Down Girl, p. 99
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gorillaxyz · 4 months
she just called me sir😭
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