#[ food blogging ]
pianokantzart · 10 months
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He he he he he he he
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mayakern · 2 years
did anyone else have this cookbook as a kid and if so did you make any of the recipes
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i tried to make the sugar quills when i was 11 (not sure why my parents let a grade schooler handle hot sugar but it was after the divorce so these things happen) and they were fine, if a bit misshapen
but in high school my brother and i made the enormous crocodile (pictured on the cover) and let me tell you: it was much worse in person than you'd think based on the photo
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flockofdoves · 3 months
helll yes my first wok burner fried rice yesterday :) sooo much easier and quicker to get it to the texture i wanted than it was in the past
and i didnt even have to worry about my apartment getting too hot from cooking during the heatwave, i just could cook outside for literally 3 minutes!
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the-pardon-my-french · 3 months
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Ink Library Cafe.
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brbsavinggotham · 4 months
one of the first things m cooked for me was a thai-style spicy pumpkin soup - it was so warm and beautiful and comforting and i think that's what made me love him right away. even if we never hooked up afterwards, that soup made us besties, and it's the first thing i think about when i think about friendship.
we have three friends coming to town for the long weekend and i saw butternut pumpkin for 89c a kilo at the grocer and i found half a wrinkled red chili in the fruit bowl, a sign from above! my freezer bag of veggie scraps was getting full so it was time to make stock anyway, and now i have a reason to use it right away. the universe has aligned and my house smells amazing and now when my friends who i miss so much walk through the door i don't have to figure out how to say how much i love them - i can just plonk them down in front a bowl of spicy pumpkin soup and they'll get it the way i did.
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aiorecipes · 1 year
Indulgence in Every Bite: Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta
Tonight’s culinary adventure led me to the heart of Italian cooking with this irresistible Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta. The fusion of rich cream and the zest of garlic creates a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. Comfort food has never been so elegant. Join me in the kitchen, and let's create something beautiful together. Recipe link in bio!
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honeyedsunlight · 4 months
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
friends. romans. not romans. whoever u r. listen. listen 2 me and this life hack.
buy capers (if u like the taste. if not then rip and sorry. i like them very much.)
trader joes has a p big jar of 'em for like, $3. they are delicious and will last forever also will make you feel like u r fancy and eating a proper meal somehow.
fifth night of buttered noodles bcos u have nothing else? toss a few capers on there.
putting fake bacon bits on toast bcos it's basically like a breakfast? capers. (also toss all that under the broiler for a hot second. careful not to burn.)
eating scraps of cheese in the middle of the night bcos u hyperfocused on a project and no longer have frozen burritos for emergencies? add capers. now practically charcuterie.
got those frozen burritos again? capers on 'em. for funsies. inauthentic but fancy as fuck.
(while ur at it, get one of those squeezy bottles of lemon juice. yes i know it's not as good as fresh lemons. but sometimes you will forget about your lemons and they will go bad right when u remembered them for a dish ur halfway through cooking, and then where will u be? squeezy lemon juice. plus it's fun to add to things and feel fancy. 'really brightens up the whole thing' you can say about your cheese scraps with lemon juice.)
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arcadialedger · 1 year
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Was given the biggest portion of fettuccine alfredo I’ve ever seen in my life and my Italian- Sicilian ass was like:
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jennamacaroni · 1 year
sumbitting two jams (peach and apricot, made from fruits from my own trees) to the county fair this year like the grandma i am 👵🏼
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master-of-47-dudes · 1 year
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Spaghetti with homemade meatballs and tomato basil sauce. Deeeelicious!
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cyberneticdryad · 2 months
i have kimchi in my fridge again and all is right in the world
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theuniversalscat · 3 months
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Thank you, Philly! City of brotherly, sisterly, and love for all! ❤️
I’ve been waiting years to try this sandwich… Both my heart, and belly, are full! 🫑🥦 🥖🫶🙌🤩😋
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flockofdoves · 3 months
omg this is so epic. my combo xmas/birthday/graduation gift from my mom was a wok burner and i finally have it and have it all set up and i made my first meal in it for lunch today!!!
being able to finally use my round bottom carbon steel wok my mom accidentally got me that i couldn't use with my electric coil stove and not worrying about the shitty ventilation in my apartment or the fire alarm going off while stir frying and also having access to open flame cooking now is all so so cool.
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i can make multiple stir fried dishes in minutes its so easy!!! and the weathers so nice right now i really get people who are so into grilling in this moment.
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first meal made with the wok burner was water spinach with garlic and fermented bean curd sauce and lions mane mushrooms sauteed with butter, onion, and garlic
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the-pardon-my-french · 3 months
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The interior is really cool. The pepperoni pizza was the best!
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honeycombhank · 1 year
I haven’t done any baking in quite a long time so today I decided I would make something sweet..
I couldn’t decide between a cobbler or a crisp..
So I decided to experiment using both kinds of toppings!
I used two different recipes and made a cobbler biscuit topping and then a crisp topping from another recipe that is more oaty and used cinnamon as well.
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I’m really proud of how it came out!
Blackberry, Raspberry and Peach cobbler/crisp haha
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