#[ got in touch with a precious friend of mine so that's ?? can't get better than that ]
despairforme · 2 years
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moonliched · 7 months
Hello! Anon from before! Comment you say comment you get! I was positively swiped out from the ground with the whole fic, but this chapter? *Chefs kiss* The plot twist with Moon knowing language better than we thought is a really nice touch, I plan on rereading the fic with this new perspective in mind! I didn't really thought about the fact that Sun could use English much better. I just thought their skills are different there but nope. Moon is just a little drama queen. I love that you included "healthy relationship" beetwen Moon and Y/n, when they found out he can talk they were slightly irritated by it and expressed that but almost imidiatly (now they are sure he will understand complicated sentences) explains the situation and what they are feeling. Because ladies and gentlemen communication is the key 👏 👏 👏 Moon expressing himself with his thoughts about reader seeing him as a dumb animal or trying to tame him is also a nice touch that isn't really used in other fics I've read, If some alien thing appeared near my house and started trying to teach me to speak or to do some tricks I would be also offended. The no bullshit attitude is mu h needed fuck the little misunderstandings let's talk openly like a good couple fishman.
I also love the fact that even that y/n now can communicate with Moon and wants to get to know him they are still pretty cautious. As they explained its not easy to overcome first impressions especially when there have been their lives on the plate(in their eyes). I would love to see them warming up to each other! Which is already happening and I think it's so so cute they are both trying really hard to make it work.
The romance is just pure gold. I was squeaking with the whole bracelet thing. My man Moon got send to his namesake I'm sure he was seeing his kids with y/n get away to fish college at this moment keke. It's very cute that y/n regifted something as precious as shell to him. I am assuming the shell that he made himself and spend lots of time on is some courting proposal. So him getting something crafted with equal effort by his Brat will give him ideas. Good. We want more. I think you are great at creating tension and writing some really cute fluffy moments, as well as the more intimate ones. I love how you write y/n her personality, and reasoning. You created a great character that despite some strong character its still pretty easy to put yourself in their shoes.
The fact that Moon noticed marks after webbing on y/n hands is also interesting. I wonder what he thinks right now and what will he do with that information. Also I am hoping he didn't misunderstood that Sun was the one to rip them out. Coz when he asked of the reason they are gone we just started blabbering about the yellow mermaid and that they didn't really mean it .
I'm very curious about Sun and Moon relationship, for sure it's not bad as Moon said himself ,, he is mine,, ,,my Sun". It's intriguing what they are to each other. I feel bad for the guy he a little lonely boy with too much energy that gets into your personal bubble but he means well. I hope we will get to meet him officaly soon and that Moon after learning about our meeting will put some information about his human friend into his Sun so he will know better than to almost drown them hahah.
I really enjoyed the way you pictured Glamrocks and I was shocked when you said you are not very skilled in writing them. The dialogues for each of them works really well and you kept their personalities just perfect in my eyes. I was mesmerised how smoothly I went through this chapter and how many emotions it got from me. The dynamic in the team is great and they just appeared and with small nudges and small talks from you we can already tell or at least predict so much about them.
Of course we can't forget about Vanessa, she would never let us forget. But what amazes me is how you were able to create such a mixed feelings towards this character in me. I am a first person to throw someone into the jerk category fast but with her I keep changing my mind. She is very well written, annoying but you can sometimes see a little bit of the other side. There is clearly something wrong with her, with her hallucinations and paranoia. Also the fear of mer might play the role here with the big bad trap boi. As much as I want to showe her head into a grinder every second she appears I also get amused, such an interesting character. And this is all thanks to you those types are very hard to write. It only shows how big of a talent you posses.
I very much enjoy the relationship beetwen y/n and Bon Bon. Little siblings that bicker with each other all the time but when one of them shows up with dead man in the middle of the night they will help them dug the grave hahaha The personality you gave him is astonishing and enduring. I didn't read a lot about Bon Bon but know your version of him is my headcanon and lives rent free in my head haha. The little soft moments with reader that ends up in jesting are really heart-warming.
I am also very curious about Monty. Can he communicate with mers? I have a feeling some yellow fella got pretty excited that there is some possible friend nearby. Ahh I love Sun so much I want to cuddle him. All he wants is snuggles but all he gets is struggles.
The length of the chapter is a blessing I needed some good stuff to relax into and let my mind flow which you were able to provide so thank you. I mean it with my heart when I say you are very talented. This fic is well organised, with a good balance of all aspects that keeps you entertained. From the beginning I didn't skip any paragraph (which I admit is my sinful behaviour where something in the fic bores me ) and even rereaded to whole thing in the matter of days. I couldn't keep myself away trying to find something I might have missed amd relived the events once again. I love your version of the boys, the Moon being the first to open up and fall for reader is a nice change (where in most fics he is the one more cautious). I fell in love with him and his behaviour a big teasing, lovesick softy. It must have shocked him when reader's antena went missing haha.
Your addictions at the end of the chapters are so cute and bring me so much joy. I love your little ,,memes" and that sometimes it gives us the glimpse of others perspective. I can't recall which but some of your jokes from previous chapters got me laughing so hard. And stayed in my head that at the random moment hours later I would start chuckling. So thank you for that. Thank you for creating this fic and keeping working on it. I can say it's one of my favourites and we are only on the 10 chapter! This chapter was a blast that i will have to reread soon. Can't wait to see more of your great ideas. Keep up the good work and don't forget you are amazing ❤❤❤
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this has to be the most rewarding and thoughtful message i have ever received aaaauuuuu😭💗💗💗 i don't even know what to say!! i keep rereading over and over. you've taken note of a bunch of stuff i was rly hoping people would appreciate. the glamrocks especially, i worked so hard on their dialogue and flow, and the other side to Vanessa beyond the antagonism! i think every time i feel down or hesitant about my writing, i'll revisit this lovely comment, thank you thank you thank you!✨🌈❤️
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classified-bluerose · 5 months
1. and i remember that fight, two-thirty a.m, when everything was slipping right out of our hands // mine
2. drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain // sparks fly
3. i miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right, and how you held me in your arms that september night, the first time you ever saw me cry // back to december
4. i hear the preacher say, 'speak now, or forever hold your peace', there's the silence, there's my last chance, i stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me... horrified looks from everyone in the room, but i'm only looking at you // speak now
5. you are an expert at sorry, and keeping lines blurry, never impressed by me acing your tests // dear john
6. all you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life, and mean // mean
7. the battle's in your hands now, but i would lay my armour down if you said you'd rather love than fight, so many things that you wish i knew but the story of us might be ending soon // the story of us
8. so i tuck myself in, and turn my nightlight on // never grow up
9. please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you // enchanted
10. but sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know, or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go // better than revenge
11. time turns flame to embers, you'll have new septembers, every one of us has messed up too // innocent
12. he will try to take away my pain, and he just might make me smile, but the whole time i'm wishing it was you instead // haunted
13. you can plan for a change in the weather and time, but i never planned on you changing your mind // last kiss
14. and the cynics were outraged, screaming 'this is absurd!', 'cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped-up jeans got to rule the world // long live
15. your hands are tough but they are where mine belong, and, i'll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you // ours
16. he's got his mother's eyes, his father's ambition // superman
17. i'm trying hard not to look like i'm trying, 'cause every time i tried hard for love it fell apart // electric touch ft. fall out boy
18. and all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had the chance to love her // when emma falls in love
19. i can see you, in your suit and your necktie, pass me a note saying 'meet me tonight' // i can see you
20. i held that grudge, 'til it tore me apart. power went to my head and i couldn't stop, ones i loved tried to help so i ran them off//my foes and friends watched my reign end, i don't know how it could have ended this way. smoke billows from my ships in the harbour, people look at me like i'm a monster, now they're screaming at the palace front gates used to chant my name now they're screaming that they hate me, never wanted you to hate me // castles crumbling ft. hayley williams
21. you know how to keep me waiting, i know how to act like i'm fine, don't know what to call this situation, but i know i can't call you mine // foolish one
22. as i started looking 'round at these precious things that time forgot// if i first saw your face in the 1500's, off in a foreign land, and i was forced to marry another man, you still would've been mine, we would've been timeless // timeless
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artemisrae · 2 years
have you watched season 4 of stranger things yet! i’d love your thoughts
Hi friend! I just finished it late last night because I was waiting for the whole thing to be released and my parents came to visit for the holiday.
Also I got COVID so here are my cold medication influenced thoughts in bullet point form:
- The Duffers really said "Hey you know El's awful tragic backstory? Okay what if it was worse?"
- Eddie Munson has the most precious soulful baby eyes I've ever seen on a dude.
- The fact that the Byers clearly see El as their sibling is just. My heart can't take it.
- The further we get in the more I like characters from when they were introduced. I had little interest in Jonathan even after season 2 - loved him in this season. Same with Erica, who grated on me last season and Murray who just bugs me when he starts in on people's love lives and telling them to sleep together. But I really liked what they all got to do this season.
- Some of the retconning is ehhhhhhh but they have another season to refine it.
- The Hawkins crew was the most dynamic and had the best material to work with.
- I'm not touching the shipping of Mike and Will, but I will say it's weird he couldn't even hug Will? When has he ever been afraid to hug Will??
-Mike and El's fight was heartbreaking because it boils down to two people with very low self esteem speaking different love languages. Mike has grown up with Karen and Ted as his example of a functioning relationship- even for a marriage of convenience, as Nancy has pointed out way back in Season 1- but no matter what their actual feelings are, you know what they both do? They provide. Ted has a good enough job that Karen doesn't have to work and Mike still gets all kinds of games, books, figurines, and electronics. Karen loves having the kids friends over and feeds everyone. There's obviously stuff happening beneath the surface but my point is: Mike was shown that you take care of people you love. He's a gangly bullied kid who is obviously terrified of what happens if El decides she doesn't need him - or worse, finds someone better. Except that El is an abused kid raised devoid of loving human contact that isn't meant to manipulate her in some way. Then out of the lab her initial education in human socialization is... television. Soap operas. Old movies. So yeah. She needs and wants verbal reinforcement. Which is frightening to Mike. It's something that real couples struggle with, and it also makes sense that these two teenagers wouldn't have the emotional maturity to be like "let's talk about love language."
- Max and Lucas were the MVPs this season. I always liked them but not really beyond a "high school sweethearts" sort of way but watching them in that last episode was a gut punch. Dustin talking to Eddie's uncle was also a moment of Acting. Definitely got wibbly along with Dustin.
-There was too much torture. But thats a personal ick of mine, I have a pretty low tolerance of it in media.
-I do not give the tiniest whiff of a fuck about Billy and find it notable that the two "happy" moments they could flash back to for Max was 1. When he died and 2. Him acknowledging her after she threatened him with bodily harm to get him to leave her alone. I'm glad they put some context for it in Max's monologue because I was NOT buying anyone being sad for that racist abusive jerk who only got flayed because he was on his way to fuck Max's friend's mom.
-I loved Suzee and the entire scene in Utah. Loved that she wasn't a one off for a musical gag in season 3. Loved feral child Cornelius even though I want him nowhere near my own house. Loved Argyle instantly and immediately falling in love with Eden. Loved Eden being like "Please attempt to murder her for me thanks." All of it was great 10/10.
- Hey uh.... anyone gonna check on Owens?
-Overall I liked it more than Season 3. But Season 2 will always be the gold standard for me.
Thanks for asking! I think this is mostly coherent. Hope you are well friend!
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip!miya atsumu, bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsuro, iwaizumi hajime
note: female reader ‼️ watch me write about dad!haikyuu all the moments I didn't have with my own sperm donor
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MIYA ATSUMU after a long day at work, you were coming home a little more late than usual and as you were opening the door with a sigh, the first thing you listen is “PEASANT, DO NOT TOUCH THE QWEEN CWON”, yeah that’s definitely your daughter and your pretty sure that the “peasant” is your, oh so-called husband. Curiosity took the best of you, now you were behind your daughter’s door listen carefully what atsumu was saying to her, “WHATYA MEANT PEASANT? I WANNA WEAR A CROWN TOO YA KNOW!” your daughter gasps in disbelieve, “daddy, mom is da queen, I’m da princess and yer the peasant! And clearly, mommy isn’t here so don’t touch her cwon!” One thing you know is that you wouldn’t like to see and hear a screaming match between the peasant and the princess in question, thinking that stepping in is the best option, you said “what’s the matter in here?”, next thing you know, your daughter with his big brown eyes that she got from her father, comes running at you, screaming “momm- I mean queen! Yeah, queen! yer just on time for the tea party, this peasant needs to learn some manners” you picked her up, enjoying the way her little arms go around your neck, “yeah? What did dada do this time?” while her face is on your neck, she tells you with a whisper “psss mom, he is not dad now, remember is tea party time” and now with her voice a little more loud she announces to you what he did “he wanted to use ya cwon!  Literally had to scream at him cause of that! Peoples this time are onbelivabol” the las part coming with a sigh, “ugh I now right? Why don’t we teach him some manners then?” After a little thinking, your daughter tells you “uh-huh! Yer right my queen, now I will leave to the bathroom and come back to continue this celebration”. While she leaves, atsumu comes at you with a back hug asking if ya really taking her side? with a low tone, so you replied with “of course I’m taking her side, she’s a child, our child in fact” atsumu looks at you with big eyes and tells you “she is right, people these times are onbelivabol but I still love you my queen”, now facing him, noses and foreheads touching each other you whisper to him “I love you to my peasant” and after a little chuckle you continue “thank you so much for this”.
 BOKUTO KOUTAROU he always had tea parties with his daughter on Mondays after his volleyball practice with the MSBY. He couldn’t go to last week's party because of an away game, and he was devasted and promised her little princess that he would get her something. Now he is coming home from the airport with three Elsa dresses, one for his precious child, the other for his precious wife, and the last one for him, it was very difficult to find one of his size cause of his beefy body, but if he promises his little girl something, he is gonna make it without a doubt. “HEY HEY HEY! GUESS WHOS HOME” he screams while putting his suitcase down “HEY HEY HEY DADDY! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! MOMMY IS MAKING DINNER WHILE I PREPARED OUR SUPER DUPER EXTRA TEA PARTY!!” he picks her up with one arm, making his way to the kitchen to involve you in a hug with the arm he had free “we missed you, kou” snuggling into his neck, and while his arm tightens around you he replies with a soft tone “missed my two girls too, so much” he puts her daughter on the floor again and tells her “missy I have a surprise for our tea party, why don’t you finish the preparations and then mom and I are gonna go there with dinner? Sounds good?” whit a little nod she answers with “yeah dada, that sounds good”. After hearing her enter her room you ask your husband what did he get for her, and when he tells you he didn’t get one, not two but three princess dresses you’re over the moon, the fuck you’re going to do with three dresses? you don’t question him and keep cooking as if you wouldn’t have to put on a frozen show in less than half an hour. “BABY IM COMING TO YOUR ROOM WITH HOT FOOD, BE CAREFULL” the little girl sees you in all your glory, with the most beautiful Elsa dress she ever saw “MAMA, WHY YOU DIDNT TOLD ME ELSA LET YOU BORROW HER DRESS? YOU'RE SO PWETTY!” laughing a little at her comment you decide that it was the best to tell her is a secret between adults, excited to see her reaction when her dad comes to her room with the same dress on him and a little one for her. “IM COMING IN!” your husband yells and your daughter’s eyes are the bigger you ever saw them, running like the flash to steal the dress that was in his dad's hands. “Daddy, that dress is so pwetty on you, and there's one for me! We are all matching! And now we are gonna have our four curse, ugh no, cruse, ump corse, mommy how do I say it?”, “course darling, four meal course. Now dada, why don’t you come to eat with us this fancy dinner?” after nodding and making his way to the both of you, bokuto thinks he is gonna ask for another kid one of these days.
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IDOL BEOMGYU X STYLIST READER ( NO RULES Era: comeback show freeze outfits ) PART 2!
Pairing: Beomgyu x Fem Reader
Genre: smut, fluff at the end.
Warning: 18+, swear words.
1st part ⬇️
"lets start this fucking game already...." He groaned as he turns you around and kissed you passionately.
Beomgyu held your face with both hands as you try to reach for his soft long brown locks to pull on them. How much you wanted to pull his hair for the second time. Now you wish he could never cut it. The way Beomgyu kisses you with so much need, with so much hunger, makes you feel butterflies in your stomach again. It makes you feel as if you are very important to him, makes you feel that you two are not just two friends with benefits.
He bit down on your bottom lip making a small moan come out from you. You made eye contact with him and his eyes stare at yours with lust and..... something else but you can't tell what it is, however his gaze turn you on even more so you start to ran your hands around to his clothed body to feel him.
Beomgyu still looking at you, he caressed you as well, his hand on your right cheek going down to your right breast caressing it and squeezing it.
That squeeze made you moan his name and send a pleasurable feeling down to your core. Immediately Beomgyu took off the coat and your white shirt of you leaving you on your Victoria secret bra.
" why do you buy bras from that brand? Their too sexy I can't control myself seeing it on you" He whispered close to you admiring your chest with a sweet smirk. His eyes then looks at you. You chuckled and kiss him passionately as you decided to grab him down there. You palm him through his black pants feeling how hard he was for you. He groaned sexily between the kisses. You smirked and knee down to pull down his pants. Beomgyu look up at the ceiling with a mischievous smile, he knows what you're going to do, something his been dreaming about so many times.
" what a naughty girl you are Y/n~" he cooed softly as hands reach down softly to ran them through your hair. You felt relax when he did so, however you gotta focus on your mission to make him cum real good. You're not that type to stop someone from cumming, because you know how frustrating that is and you wouldn't personally want to go through it either. You're all about making the other person feel happy and specially good, meanwhile.....Beomgyu......his a little devil and loves teasing you soo.....
You put his thick length on your mouth savoring it completely, still rubbing your hands around the part it didn't fit in your pretty mouth. Beomgyu throw his head back and hissed while closing his beautiful big eyes. He was feeling too good.
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" ahh~ Y/n~..... you're d-doing...ahh~ so w-well~" He breath out as his breaths started to get heavy and fast. He clutched his fingers on to your hair slightly because of how good he was feeling. You bobbed your head faster and sucked harder almost gagging, but it didn't matter because you want him to feel good.
" oh I'm about to-Ahhj~~" He moan out loud shooting everything down your throat.
" mmm~ baby you taste delicious" you chuckled. You pull up his boxer and pants up. You gave butterfly kisses all over his face down to his neck, helping him catch up his breath.
Beomgyu laughed as he held your face to kiss you passionately and slowly. " Now it's my turn......laid on the table" He order with a quiet serious voice and gaze. He pointed at the empty table that is leaning against the wall.
You got excited and obey. You sat on the table, your legs spread apart from each other still wearing your blue tight jeans and the black bra on. Your hair was down spread all over your shoulders. You gave him a seductive look and bit your bottom lip.
Beomgyu chuckled feeling fluster as he looked away while biting inside his lip. ' She's driving me crazy..' he thought then look back at you, as his black eyes scan your whole body sexily. ' god.... why is she so fucking beautiful....' He slowly walk towards you and stop between your legs. His hands snake around your torso to reach to unclip your bra from the back, leaving soft warm tiny kisses on your neck and shoulder. His fingers tickled behind your back and you held in your moans since your neck, shoulders and back are one of your most sensitive spots of your body.
He slowly takes your bra off and kisses you one more time. He reaches to massage and pinch your breast and nipples. " Ahhh~ oh MY-.... Gyu~ your hands are the best" you complimented between the kiss as he kissed you even harder and reach down to but a breast on his mouth. He sucked on your nipple while still looking at your dirty expressions. He sucked harder.
After he kissed down from your chest down to your stomach, he reach to pull down your pants and underwear. After the whole make out session and touches from his already had you extremely wet. " My baby girl is so eager to have my mouth fucking her....." He said as he puts his mouth and tongue on you. " Mmm~ Gyu, that feels good, go faster please.." You breath out as you held onto his hair already messing it up. Gyu added a finger, then another one, making you feel like your about to explode of pleasure.
" ahh~ yes!! Beomgyu! Yeah~! Ahhh yes- right there!" You screamed reaching your high. " No one does it better than you~!" Once again you complimented him boosting his confidence even more.
" I know..." He chuckled teasing you as he pulled away. You pull him up to you and kiss him passionately, wrapping your arms around his neck and your hands playing with his pretty hair. Gyu chuckled in your kisses and wrapped his arms around your waist. " How can you look soo tiny and innocent yet look so good.... and your good at sex..." You tease studying his handsome face still playing with his hair. " Beomgyu, I love you..." Without thinking you realize what you said and widen your eyes. Beomgyu looked at you with big eyes and a surprised look.
"neukkyeojyeo, nae meorin Daze Daze Daze
jungdoge ppajyeo Replay Play Play"
Suddenly his phone started ringing. You chuckled at the new ring tone he put on his phone. " Sorry babe that song has been stuck in head eb5er since it was released............hello Soobin-"
" Chill out giraffe boy, I'm with my girlfriend...." He smirked as he looked at you. You covered your mouth in shock.
" I'm with her releasing- I MEan reducing our problems! I'll be back in five minutes I promise!"
" YOU HAVE A WHA-" Beomgyu ended the call.
He swept away his imaginary sweat from his forehead and looked at you. " Y/n, I love you too, do you want to be mine?..... I've been crushing on you since the first time i saw you and after all the things you and I went through, I really catch feelings for you....." He said as he caressed your cheeks lovingly.
" Yes, i want to be yours, Beomgyu.... Finally get to have you all to myself my handsome teddy bear!" You hugged him and reach down to smack his butt earning laughs from him. " What are you saying! " He smack your naked butt as well. " Oooh! The felt good!" You tease and laughed.
" hurry up and change baby girl.....Imma go after you're done changing......also....." He said as help you change. " Let's keep this relationship a secret....at least for now......you understand right?...I really don't want my precious moas to know about us and you know what will happen if they do...." He said looking at you seriously and sad.
You smiled at him. " I understand..... we'll keep it a secret until you no longer want it to be ..." You kiss him one more time before letting him go.
He walked away but stop beside the door and look at you. " I know this is too fast but .....I love you..." He waved goodbye and ran away not letting you to tell him you love him back too.
@beomgyutxtmoa here it is!! 💕🔥✨
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sokkadora · 3 years
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fluff prompts!
1. "your hair is so soft..."
2. "it's too cold! come back!"
3. "no i'm not letting you go. it's too early to get out of bed."
4. "c'mere, you can sit in my lap until i'm done working."
5. "i'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."
6. "what? does that feel good?"
7. "just pretend to be my date."
8. "they did it." "no, they did."
9. "it's not a double date, we're just third and fourth wheeling."
10. "no, no, it's alright come here."
11. "look, i know we don't know each other that well, but i'm still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone."
12. "if i could, i would kiss away all of your scars."
13. "your lips are so soft, i could kiss them all day if you'd let me."
14. "mmm . . . you're warm."
15. "you're so cute when you're half asleep like this . . ."
16. "i've had a rough day and honestly all i want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with."
17. "kind of pretty, aren't they?"
18. "where you go, i go."
19. "you are my dearest friend. my deepest love. you are the best part of me."
20. "you are the sun."
21. "oh, darling, everybody sees how you look at them."
22. "of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you."
23. "i think you are the sweetest thing."
24. "there's nothing i wouldn't do to keep you safe."
25. "i don't care if the world knows my name, i just want you to remember me."
27. "you deserve more than i could ever give you."
28. "i love you. i know that's not enough, but i do."
29. "you're safe with me, you always will be."
30. "i need you to live... cause if you're gone then, i don't know what the point of it all is anymore."
31. "why do you walk around as if you're somehow less valuable than the rest of the world?"
32. "you'll always have me."
33. "you make me feel safe. like i'm allowed to be anything i want."
34. "i've got you, you're safe."
35. "just rest, i'm here."
36. "you can stay with me tonight."
37. “don’t worry. you always have a way of sneaking into peoples hearts” *kisses cheek*
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angst prompts!
1. "i didn't have anywhere else to go..."
2. "please, i don't know what i'd do without you."
3. "please talk to me about it."
4. "i'm pregnant.
5. "it's not bad to cry. in fact, i think it makes a person stronger."
6. "i think i might be falling in love with you."
7. "shh, you're safe. i won't let you go."
8. "i think i'm in love with you, and i'm terrified."
9. "i'm not gonna leave you. you're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, i promise."
10. "you are weak with love for them."
11. "sacrifice, that's what we do for the people we love."
12. "i thought they'd killed you."
13. "i lost my temper."
14. "i will find them, or i will die trying."
15. "don't you touch them."
16. "these people are my family, and if you hurt them in anyway – i will kill you."
17. "the choices i've made i would make again, for him, no matter the cost."
18. "i'll choose their happiness over mine every time."
19. "that's beyond stupid. they've created a new kind of stupid."
20. "people say that i am heartless."
21. "fight it, or accept it. fear it, or control it."
22. "you save everyone, but who saves you?"
23. "chin up, kid, they'd kill to see you fall."
24. "i'd do anything to be the person you love again."
25. "you make me want to live."
26. "i know i don't deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might."
27. "when i'm in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i'm alone it's somehow worse."
28. "i know i'm not the person you want, but i'm here."
29. "i love you, and i know you may never feel the same. but i'm okay with that."
30. "you're worth more than this."
31. "i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you're not. not to me."
32. "it's okay to be angry, you're allowed to be upset about what happened to you."
33. "don't you realize you deserve more than this?"
34. "you're not a machine or— or some thing. you're a person, and i'm sorry anyone ever made you feel otherwise."
35. "please, just hold on a little longer. i can't lose you too."
36. "if you won't do it for yourself, then do it for me."
37. "you're bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?!"
38. "sometimes i realize one day i could die, i could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. there'd be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself."
39. "i'm not sure i know who i'm supposed to be anymore."
40. "my mind is so loud and i'm afraid it'll never be quiet again."
41. “if you knew who i really was. just how… broken i am. you’d hate me.” — “i already know you. and i love you.”
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smut prompts!
1. "you know, you always look so much better when i mark you up."
2. "you look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat."
3. "how do you feel about adding another person to the mix?"
4. "you'd better be quiet if you don't want to get caught."
5. "you look good all soaking wet."
6. "are you sure that's what you want? i could really hurt you."
7. "i don't care how good it feels you'd better not cum until i tell you to."
8. "look, i'm not into choking but i wouldn't mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while."
9. "i bet you think you're real cute letting them put their hands all over you. we'll see how cute you look later when i get you home."
10. "you don't have to be gentle with me, i don't break easily."
11. "touch yourself for me."
12. "do you think you deserve to be punished?"
13. "you take my fingers so well don't you?"
14. "shut up and take your pants off."
15. "when i get home i expect you to be undressed and waiting on all fours for me."
16. "are you wearing my shirt?"
17. "did i stutter? do as you're told!"
18. "look at you, i've only started using my fingers and you're already shaking."
19. "i can't wait to be on my knees for you later."
20. "oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me."
21. "take it off. slowly."
22. "such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
23. "why don't you go put on something pretty for me?"
24. "kitten, don't make me tell you twice."
25. "do you know how beautiful you are? it's truly distracting."
26. "so desperate for it, aren't you? well, if you want it so bad you'd better start taking it."
27. "please? i'll be good, i promise!"
28. "mmm, good morning to you too."
29. "just pull the car over!"
30. "aww, is my little princess/prince getting shy?"
31. "that tickles."
32. "you know, there wasn't a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in."
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random prompts!
1. "never saw one without the other, did you?"
2. "unique just means alone."
3. "i'm not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first."
4. "i know i'm a monster, but you look at me like i'm a man."
5. "don't look at me like i'm a hero. you'll only disappoint yourself.
6. "sometimes when you look at me it's like...it's like you're staring straight past my flesh and into my soul."
7. "i trust you with my life."
8. "you're more like family to me than my own blood."
9. "i've never had any sort of family before."
10. "your life is far more precious than mine."
11. "i don't care what happens to me. as long as you're safe."
12. "i couldn't say no to you even if i wanted to."
13. "please, let me help you."
14. "just let me do this for you."
15. "you do have something to live for. you have me."
16. "this scar... what happened?"
more to be added (probably) ....
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mimisempai · 3 years
I am here to ask you something special
Sam wants to do things the right way. He visits an old friend to talk about his relationship with Bucky and ask for his blessing
5 times where Sam asks old Steve for his blessing and one time where he realizes he never needed it.
Many people talk about Steve as if he were dead, but I imagine him living a peaceful life in a cottage with his sweetheart. Sam and Bucky still in contact with him, one way or another.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
2265 words - Rating G
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Sam hesitated a bit before reaching for the small gate that led to the entrance of a small cottage surrounded by trees.
When he decided to open it, a voice said, "I thought you wouldn't come in."
Sam looked up and his gaze went to the source of the voice.
He moved forward a little, and hidden behind a flowering bush, he saw Steve, a book in his hand, sitting in a rocking chair.
"Sam, it's so good to see you! " he said with a smile that not even the years had been able to change.
He got up quietly and came over to meet Sam.
"Steve, you look great."
"No need to spare me, you can add I look great for my age. Come on in. So what brings you here my friend? We... uh I don't get many visitors, so I'm a little surprised."
Sam, who had noticed the slip of the tongue, didn't insist and followed him into a small, pleasantly arranged living room. They took seats in two armchairs.
"So Sam? How are you? How is it carrying the shield?"
"I'm fine, and as you know yourself, not always easy. But I think I'm doing okay."
Steve smiled softly and said, "You are, and I never doubted it, though I hear you don't care what Steve Rogers wants." he winked.
"I see Bucky couldn't help but open his mouth."
Steve chuckled, "He even made a point of saying it to my face, full of arrogance with his stubborn tone, 'You know what Steve, Sam's right, we don't care what you want.' and you were right. I'm glad you found your way, although as Bucky explained to me, we had no right to ask you to do something like that without knowing the consequences. I owe you an apology too Sam."
Sam, touched, didn't immediately know what to say. It moved him more than he thought to hear Steve's apology and the fact that apparently Bucky had defended him so passionately. It further confirmed why he had come to see his old friend today.
"So Sam, you still haven't told me, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"
Sam fidgeted a little, he had thought it would be a formality, but now that he was here he realized it was harder than he had anticipated.
"Um...so here goes...you know Bucky and I are together...-" he began in a hesitant tone.
He was interrupted by a burst of laughter from Steve.
"I think I was the first to know. It was super early in the morning and I remember us...I was having breakfast when I got this facetime call from Bucky, talking all excited about a cookout, about 'Uncle Bucky' and in the midst of all this information, I managed to figure out that you two were a couple."
Steve looked at him with a fond smile.
Sam remembered what Steve was talking about like it was yesterday.
They had held a cookout on the harbor, and Bucky had come with a cake. Sam remembered how his nephews, family and friends welcomed him as if he were family. The way Bucky's face lit up when he saw Sam.
He especially remembered the end of the day, they were side by side in front of the lake and Sam had turned to Bucky and just said, "let's go home."
He had seen several emotions run over Bucky's face, shock, surprise, realization and finally a nameless joy.
He had whispered in a voice clouded with emotion, "Yes, let's go home."
And they had gone home, Sam's arm around Bucky's shoulders.
There had been no passionate kiss, no grand declarations in that moment, but like Bucky, Sam considered that from that day forward they were together.
Steve's voice snapped him out of his reverie.
"Yes, excuse me."
"No worries Sam, believe me I understand you."
Sam coughed, then resumed, "Yeah, so I was saying, Bucky and I are together and things are going pretty well and-"
"According to Bucky, things are going more than pretty well." replied Steve with a cheeky smile. "He told me about the two of you taking a house together. If that's the case, then things are going better than well between you, right?" Steve asked him playfully.
It was true that, contrary to what the beginning of their relationship suggested, everything went smoothly.After fighting with each other and Sam choosing to become Captain America, they realized that the most important thing for them was to talk and listen to each other, and this allowed them to deflect most of the conflicts that would arise. Sam had learned to lean on Bucky and Bucky had learned to listen to Sam, and the balance between them was natural.
So living together had been a very obvious step.
He still remembered Bucky's joy when he had taken him in front of their new house, surprising him. But what had moved both men the most was the sign nailed to the door, obviously made by children's hands. It read: " Sam, Bucky and Alpine's house. "
The cohabitation was really going smoothly, it was easy to live with Bucky. They had adapted well to each other.
Sam smiled fondly, thinking back on all the little things that made up their daily routine.
Bucky was caring and Sam hadn't expected that. Bucky recorded every detail about him, all his quirks, his likes, everything-
"Sam? I lost you again."
You're going to think I'm an idiot by now," Sam replied with an embarrassed chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.
"I actually find it kind of refreshing, it's been so long for me, but I remember the thrill of the early months." said Steve with an understanding look.
"With her?" asked Sam, pointing to the wedding ring with his chin.
"Sort of." replied Steve with a mysterious smile.
"Always so evasive my friend." teased Sam.
"And so?" asked Steve.
"I see..." Sam didn't insist, "So I was saying, we're together and it's going very well. Bucky's even adjusted very well to Delacroix."
"Yes it seems to me he told me about working on a boat with your sister I believe?" asked Steve, looking interested.
"When he first came to Delacroix, he had brought me my new armor, and he stayed to help me repair the boat of our family business that Sarah, my sister, runs. And when he moved here permanently, he offered to help on his own. He fit in perfectly and the people of Delacroix respect him."
Sam thought of Carlos, who kept singing Bucky's praises. Bucky had taken a liking to the old man and often Sam would find them sharing a beer on the boat deck when he returned from a mission.
"You know Sam, it doesn't surprise me, Buck has always been a friendly and helpful guy. I'm glad to know that he's been able to get back to some semblance of a normal life despite the years Hydra took from him.I'm glad to know that he knows something other than fighting."
Sam saw emotion pass over Steve's face.
Of course he had seen that Bucky was fully acclimated to life in Delacroix and he was not unhappy about that. He knew that if he needed him, the White Wolf would be there in a heartbeat and ready to help, but he was glad to know that he had a life outside the battlefield.
"Yeah, sometimes I feel like he's lived in Delacroix longer than I have, and I was born there so that's saying something. So, yes, we live happily together in Delacroix, and he's kind of part of the family."
Steve chuckled, "Haha yes, Uncle Bucky. I really wish I could have seen his face when he was called that."
"You would have seen mine," Sam retorted, "I was the most surprised."
"Pleasantly surprised I hope." asked Steve, with a slight frown, gauging Sam.
"Yes yes, don't get on your high horse, Steve the mother hen. My nephews don't have much of a male presence in their lives except for me, that's why they adopted Bucky immediately, and needless to say, the reverse is true. Besides, he's become a legend among the younger generation, you understand, the bionic arm and all, even my wings can't compete."
Steve laughs as he imagines Bucky surrounded by kids.
"Wait, let me show you!"
Sam picked up his phone and after a few seconds, he showed Steve the screen.
The older man couldn't hold back a small tear at the picture of Bucky lifting children with his arm, while others laughed around him. But what touched him the most was Bucky's own laughter.
As Sam put his cell phone back in his pocket, Steve wiped away his tears as he apologized, "Well, that's just the way it is, as we get older we get more emotional, and to see my best friend this happy, makes me incredibly pleased, thank you for showing me this Sam."
"You're welcome."
Sam cleared his throat before continuing, "So here's the thing Steve, I came today, because Bucky is an extremely important person, hell he's the most important person in my life.  I never thought I would find someone who knows me and understands me so well and who I don't have to be strong with all the time.I told you he's part of my family, but I would like him to be part of it in a more official way, and since you're all the family he has left as I know he thinks of you as his brother, although sometimes you act more like his mother, so I-"
Steve, laughing at Sam's last sentence, interrupted him with a wave of his hand.
Once he calmed down, he began to speak, "Sam, I think I understand what you came for. And I want you to know that nothing makes me happier than to give you my blessing, but you didn't have to ask for it. From the first day Bucky told me about you two, you have had this blessing. You are an exceptional person, and I am extremely happy that my two best friends have found each other. Having found happiness with the person I love, I know how precious that is. Not everyone gets a second chance like we did... like I did. So be happy, both of you. You both deserve it."
He clasped Sam's hand and put his other hand over their joined hands, just like the day he had passed the shield to him.
Once again Sam's gaze was drawn to the ring on Steve's finger.
"You still don't want to tell me about her?" asked Sam.
Letting go of Sam's hand, Steve said simply, "No..." Steve paused for a moment before continuing, "This story belongs to him and me."
Sam abruptly raised his head, but seeing that Steve had resumed his mysterious air, he simply nodded.
"I understand. I'm glad you found happiness then."
He stood up and headed for the door, "Don't walk me out I know the way. Just wish me luck."
"You don't need luck. I'm sure he'll say yes." replied Steve with a wink.
"Goodbye Steve."
Then he closed the door behind him.
As he was about to open the gate, his phone vibrated.
He picked it up, there was a message, "On your left."
He looked over his left shoulder, and saw Steve in the darkness of the window, but he wasn't alone and had his arm around the shoulders of a familiar figure. Sam tried to make out the features of the smaller man, but couldn't. He simply smiled and went on his way.
A few days later, at Delacroix, lying with his head in Bucky's lap, Sam watched him squirm to try to take a picture of his right hand with his phone.
He straightened up and asked, "What are you trying to do?"
"I want to send a picture to Steve, of this," Bucky said, waving the hand that had been sporting the engagement ring in front of Sam's nose.
Sam smiled with fondness, picked up the phone and took Bucky's hand. He captured a photo of their joined hands, the engagement ring in full view.
Then kissing Bucky's hand, he handed the phone back to him.
Bucky typed a few words and sent the message.
Several hundred miles from Delacroix, in a small cottage, reading, Steve picked up his phone, which had just vibrated.
On the screen were the words, "Buddy, you'll never guess who is going to tie himself down."
Followed by a photo of a hand adorned with what could only be an engagement ring, joined to another hand, undoubtedly Sam's.
"So that's it, Sam proposed?" said a voice behind Steve.
"And Bucky said yes." replied Steve as arms wrapped around him from behind and a kiss was placed on his head.
He set the phone down beside him and turned to put his hands around the waist of the man behind him.
He sighed softly in happiness as he said, "I hope they are as happy as we are Tony."
"I'm sure they will be, my love." the man whispered as he kissed his head again. Then he let go of him and came to sit next to Steve.
Tony leaned against Steve who put his arm around him.
Then Steve picked up his book and continued to read aloud, "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
Quote at the end : Wind, Sand and Stars - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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twinkleallnight · 3 years
A Twisted Tale
Chapter 2
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Word count: 2334
Characters: Liam, Drake, Riley, Olivia.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: mention of death.
A/N: I m We are participating in @wackydrabbles prompt: "That makes my {body part} tingle." that appears in bold.
Catch up here
An AU of The Royal Romance paving it's way through mixed emotions of wants, needs and desires, of revenge and regrets, of trust, faith and hope.
A joint venture brought to you with love by @twinkleallnight and @annekebbphotography
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Liam’s POV
Riley looks at me with concern and all I can do is shake my head, I didn’t want to get into it right now. All I wanted to do was talk to Olivia and she didn’t even give me a chance to say anything, just assumed she knew what I was doing.
“Are you ready to go?” I ask as we walk towards the jet.
Riley beams at me, I have never seen blue eyes sparkle like that. “More than ready. I am so excited.” She giggles as she walks towards the steps. I let her go first and damn, she is making it hard for me. She’s wearing a tight blue jean with a pink flowing shirt, but her ass is on display as she climbs the steps of the jet. I know it’s wrong, I am in love with someone else, but damn she’s beautiful and can I mention that she is making my pants pretty uncomfortable.
I shake my head to get the thoughts out of my mind, I need to focus. All I need is to get back to Cordonia and see Olivia. Then all of this will be over and I will be back to normal. Riley will only be working for me and probably become my friend.
The flight back to Cordonia is spent with me explaining to Riley how things work in Cordonia. I tell her about the ins and outs of the royal council and how to address each of the court members. She impressed me with knowing most of the things I was teaching her. I believe that she will do well in the Palace. She will obviously be my right hand, and she will have to attend functions and meetings with me, until I finally find my Queen. No wait, scratch that. Until I get married to my Queen. I just need her to fall in love with me.
The pilot lets us know that we will be landing. “Look out of the window.” I motion to the window next to Riley and I can’t help admire the happiness and excitement on her face.
“Wow, It’s really something else.” She says, a little too excited.
After getting checked by security and getting the all clear, Riley and I make our way to the palace. Seeing the excitement in Riley’s eyes makes me see the place and the country in a different light. I have been here all my life and love my country, but I think I might have taken it for granted.
“Is this where I will be staying?” She points to the palace and I can’t help but smile.
“Yes, you will have your own room. Normally we will put you in the guest rooms, but I want you close to my wing. You will not be alone. My best friend, Drake Walker also stays in the wing you will be staying in.” I nod to Bastien as he pulls up in front of the palace.
“I can’t wait to start work. It might be weird, but I want to learn as much as possible.”
Bastien opens my door before I could say anything else. As I get out I see Olivia coming down the front step of the Palace. This is even more bad timing.
Olivia crosses the distance between us in a few swift steps. She curtsies in front of me dramatically, "Welcome back home, your majesty." I can feel the bite in her tone.
"It's good to be back Duchess." I smirk, as I take her hand and kiss the back of it. My eyes never leave hers. That is until she breaks my gaze and looks over my shoulder. I turn around to see that Riley has just stepped out of the car.
"Since when did you start bringing your dinner home?" I don't know if it's her regular snarky comment or is she jealous.
"Since it's too good to leave behind!" I say with a grin on my face. Lets see how far this can go.
She sneers at me and almost looks like she is going to attack me when Bastien interferes. "Can we take this inside, Duchess."
Olivia glares at Bastien. She turns around and storms back inside without saying anything.
I turn towards Riley. She is a bit flabbergasted at what just happened. "That's Duchess Olivia Nevrakis of Lythikos for you." I offer her my arm. "Shall I show you to your room." She links her arm with mine and I can't help but smile at the jolt of electricity I feel when she touches me. Her cheeks turn a soft pink when her hand touches my arm.
As I am walking her in, I pass through the corridors and see Olivia sneaking into my study. I am a little nervous now thinking of what lies ahead. Upsetting the woman I love is not my style.
I try to be quick with Riley hoping she doesn't catch the hints of my nervousness.
"Please make yourself at home. Bastien here can help you if you need anything. I have some pending office work to complete. We can start with your job profile tomorrow."
Having said that, I quickly turn on my heels and stride down to my study. I enter and see Olivia standing with a wine glass. Her devilish smile welcomes me in. "Dinner was not to your taste? You left the party so soon?"
"I have my dinner preparing for me. I plan to make it breakfast and lunch as well. Maybe a reading snack in the library could work for me." I know I am digging my own grave. But I love bickering with her.
"Cut it out Liam." She snarls at me. "We both know your appetite well."
"Then don't make assumptions, when you do not know the whole story." I walk over to my desk and take a seat. "Now, we have matters to discuss. Please take a seat" I motion to the seat in front of my desk.
With a huff and a puff, Olivia gives in and sits in the chair across my table. I can still feel her restlessness. When she cannot contain it anymore she finally asks. "Who is she?"
I smirk as I lean back into my chair resting my hands behind my back. "She is my new personal assistant. We will be working closely together." I throw it out there. I need a sign that this is affecting her.
"Okay. Just a personal assistant." She reverberates. She fans it out, sipping her wine. As the warm liquid passes down her throat she relaxes. "What did you want to discuss?"
"I wanted to see how you were doing. Also I would like you to take Riley shopping. She would need appropriate clothes to wear to the office."
Not that I mind the clothes she's wearing, but selfishly I don't want the other men to look at her like that.
"If you are forgetting, I am a Duchess. Not staff at your palace. Why would I spend my precious time on a girl you randomly picked up from the streets of America. I give a damn at how she dresses. That's her problem if she doesn't have the basic training or dressing sense."
She then adds. "Ask Drake to do that. He knows better how to deal with Street hawkers, from where he comes."
"She is not just some random girl. I am asking you, because I want you to give her a chance. She's best qualified for this job. If you don't want to do it, I will do it myself. I don't mind spending time with her."
"For god's sake Liam! What's wrong with you? You are a king, not a teenage boy following a girl, holding her bags. You won't go shopping with her." She orders with authority. She loves me. She won't say it but she does. She tries to show she owns me. That makes my heart tingle. How can I resist her? I don't want to. I want to hold her tight at this moment and tell her how much I love her and I will do as she demands. But I resist the urge and continue defending my case.
"It is because I am the king that I can do this. I asked you and you said no, so now I will take her. Isn't that what you wanted. To have someone else take her?" I raise my brow at Olivia. I will get her to love me or at least admit that she loves me.
" I want someone else to take her because I want you to be with me at Lythikos. I have some things to discuss for the duchy."
It is not easy to bend her. She has her ways. She again found a reason to ignore my advances.
" Okay. I will come with you." I get up and move across the table. I take her hand in my hand. Her skin is soft against my touch. " If you promise that we will have dinner after work."
Her green eyes pierce at me.
"Fine." She says and slips out her hand to stand straight. "See you in an hour. You can accompany me on the drive to Lythikos."
She walks down to the door and turns before leaving. " I will ask Drake to help your damsel in distress"
"NO..." I stop and take a deep breath. "Fine, ask Drake to go with her."
Olivia's POV
I walk out of Liam's study with a staid mind. This was not how I had expected things to progress. I have already started hating this American girl. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and start walking to the stables in search of Drake. He spots me first.
"Hey red hood!" He calls out from the booth where he is tending a horse.
"Hi Wolfie." I walk over to him.
"What's up?"
"Job for you." I wait to gain his full attention.
" At your service madam. Name it." He washes his hands and carelessly rubs them over his apron. He discards the apron to show off his chiselled chest. He has a habit of being ruthless about how his supermodel body has an effect on anyone around him. He pulls in a white cotton shirt but doesn't bother buttoning it up, leaving his rippled abdomen open for view. Had he not been a commoner, I would have let my fingers roam over his rugged body. I'm lost in drooling over his killer looks when, as if he has read my mind, he speaks.
"You were 25 inches up."
I turn pink on that comment and take my eyes off from his abs, 25inches up, to his brown eyes. I clear my throat.
"Liam has got some American girl with him. Says she is going to be his personal assistant and want you to take her shopping for her formal wear."
"And why would he send the message through none other than the Duchess?"
"Because I suggested it. He wanted me to do that, but I have some work at the duchy, and I am taking Liam along. That leaves only you available."
" So, you are trying to whisk away the king from the girl."
"No, I am not." I say firmly.
Drake ignores my comment and continues," But if she is going to be his personal assistant, you may have to up your game."
"There is no game being played here. Just do the damn shopping with her." My voice raises in frustration.
"Okay, okay. Will do it."
" Bastein will take you to her. See ya later." Before he can throw more questions, I spin and walk away.
After an hour, I am travelling alone in my car. Liam excused himself for some security check reasons, saying he will be there in another hour. I know he is taking his time luring his new found fascination in that girl. I feel my blood boiling at the thought of them together. I make a few necessary calls and wait for the road to end.
Seething in the same anger I stomp through the Chateau to my room. When I am inside I find aunt Lucretia waiting there for me.
She welcomes me with her crooked smile. "So how is my favourite niece doing?"
"Your only niece." I throw my purse callously on the bed and sprawl on it. I am staring at the ceiling trying to assess the situation.
She sits at the edge of the bed and moves her fingers lovingly through my loose hair.
"What is troubling you my darling?"
"I think I stretched it a bit too long."
"Stretched what?"
"Ignoring Liam's feelings. Now he seems to have got some seductress from his UN conference and is following her like a puppy all around."
"Oh dear, these girls come and go in the lives of nobles. Let him loiter around. He is a king and when it comes to choosing a queen, he will not look for some common girl. He will only have his eyes for you."
"I don't want to take this lightly." I prop up on the bed. "He is coming to Lythikos. He insisted on a dinner date with me. I am going for it."
"I think you are overreacting."
" Aunt Lucretia, I had that guy entwined around my little finger all these years. And today he got the guts to get some commoner and throw her into my face? I am no longer leaving it for chance. I am going to make him bend on his knees, and when he does that, I am going to gladly accept it."
I get back on my toes and proudly announce. "Once I become the queen of Cordonia, I will take the reins in my hands. The Nevrakis blood will rule Cordonia. The dream my parents had, will come true. And so will my revenge for their death!"
Tags: @ao719 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @bebepac @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @idontknowwhysblog @indiacater @jessiembruno @jovialyouthmusic @jaxsmutsuo @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @khoicesbyk @shewillreadyou @lisha1valecha @lovablegranny @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @no-one-u-know @ntoraplayschoices @princessleac1 @ritachacha @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @shanzay44 @texaskitten30 @txemrn @queenrileyrose @briefdreamlanddream @sfb123 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @drakewalkerfantasy @els31 @rainbowsinthestorm @darley1101 @the-soot-sprite @ladyangel70 @rafasgirl23415 @anotherbeingsworld @callmeellabella @msjr0119 @walker7519 @ofpixelsandscribbles @cocomaxley @lodberg @jared2612 @gnatbrain @cmestrella @queenjilian @iaminlovewithtrr @marshmallowsaremyfavorite
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years
What we've been missing (pt. 1)
Ateez x hybrid! Male reader
Part 1 of idk how many
Note: I have to split this up into multiple parts otherwise it would be hella long and take too long to make
You can find the whole thing with the tag 'what we've been missing' (once there's more parts)
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"yunho! We're out of snacks again, can you go buy some?" the tallest looked up from his spot on the couch to the voice coming from the kitchen. He quickly got up and went to put on his coat, backpack and shoes, then grabbed his phone, wallet and house keys" I'll be back in a few!"
He quickly made his way to the grocery store, getting various snacks that all of them liked, paying for them and putting them in his bag. Trying to get back to the dorm as quickly as possible, as he knew how some of the members act without snacks
As he was walking back to the dorms, practically speed-walking to not get wet by the sudden rainfall, he heard a small sniff that stopped him in his tracks. He gazed to where the noise was coming from, a dark alleyway
He carefully walked into the alley, spotting a wooden crate, turned on its side so it could be used for shelter. In the crate, was a small boy, wrapped in a thin blanket, cat ears atop his head. 'it's a hybrid' yunho realised, he knew that even if they had some rights now, most of them still suffer from abuse and a lack of shelter
He crouched down before the crate, making the boy hide his head in the blanket "hey buddy, don't worry, I won't hurt you" his reassurances seemingly did nothing "are you hungry? I could give you some food" yunho tried again, taking his backpack and finding a suitable snack
The boy still hasn't moved, but was extremely tempted since he hasn't eaten in 2 days "here, you can have some of these cookies" yunho tried to offer the food, but the boy was still very hesitant, looking up at the man in front of him "it's alright, they're safe to eat, I promise"
eventually, the boy took the cookie taking a small bite to make sure that if it was poison, it wouldn't effect him too much. After feeling like it was safe, he practically devoured the thing "you must be really hungry" yunho handed him another cookie "so what's your name? how did you end up here?"
They boy froze up a bit, wondering if he should even tell a random human what happened. He did trust the man a lot more than past humans "y/n, my owners used beat me a lot, then one day, they went further and threw me out, this is my home now" Yunho frowned at that, he really despised how some people treat hybrids. To him, they are some of the most precious people on this earth and doesn't understand why others can't see it like that
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, no one deserves that" yunho noticed the rain getting heavier by the second "looks like we're getting a rainstorm tonight" he looked back at y/n, how would he ever survive this weather?
"how about you come with me? I have a home where you can stay warm and dry up, you don't have to stay long if you don't want to though" y/n weighed the options, go home with a seemingly trustworthy stranger or freezing out here?
He decided on the first option and slowly got up, not having the best balance, stumbling a bit "are you okay? Do you want me to carry you?" yunho went to help the male by grabbing his hands to keep his balence. Y/n slightly tensed up at the touches, but allowed them "I-I'll be fine"
Yunho glanced at the hybrid struggling to stay up "you don't look in the best condition to walk" he took his backpack and put it on his chest instead "you can get on my back" the young hybrid was a bit fascinated by how determined the man was to help him, he's never experienced something like this before
Carefully, he climbed on yunho's back, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck, and his legs around the man's waist "I'm not too heavy, am I..... ?" yunho giggled, realising he didn't tell the hybrid his name "yunho, and of course not, now, let's go home"
By the time yunho arrived at the dorms, y/n had fallen asleep. He unlocked the door, trying to not make too much noise so y/n could peacefully sleep. He was however, greeted with the usual loudness at the dorms
"finally you're back, what took so- what's on your back?" San asked confused as he saw yunho walk in with an unconscious boy on his back "I found him in the alley, he needs a place to sleep for tonight and some food. So if you guys could be quiet and let him sleep that'd be fantastic"
To say the other boys were confused as well seeing yunho come in with a hybrid on his back was an understatement "wha-" yunho quickly shushed mingi, unwinding y/n from his back and onto the couch, where y/n immediately balled up
"why do you have a hybrid with you?" wooyoung whisper yelled "I found him on my way back, he needs a place to sleep for tonight and some food, I don't think he's eaten in a few days"
"I'll go get seonghwa, we can make a meal for him" wooyoung got up and went to the older's room. "he looks so peaceful right now" Yunho mumbled to himself whilst smiling "so cute" San said, leaning against yunho's shoulder to get a better view of the hybrid
When wooyoung returned with seonghwa to cook something for y/n, Hongjoong came down as well, wanting to know what was going on. What he didn't really expect was yunho and San looking over the hybrid, while the other three observed them from the other end of the couch
"yunho" said male turned his head to his leader "the clothes he has look pretty torn up, should I give him some of mine?" he nodded, happy to know the other members are willing to help him as well
Y/n woke up to the smell of food, getting slightly shocked at all the new people. He clung to the only person he could trust, Yunho "hey, it's alright, they're my friends, they wouldn't hurt you" he hesitantly raised his head from yunho's chest to look up at the strangers. One by one they introduced themselves
"oh right, y/n, Hongjoong laid out some clothes for you in the bathroom, you should take a bath or shower first though" y/n nodded and let yunho lead him to the bathroom "can you wash yourself or do you need to help?" "I-I can do it myself, thank you" yunho nodded and left the bathroom
Once y/n washed up and put on the clothes Hongjoong had given him, which was a hoodie and some sweats. He quietly made his way back to the living room
The members currently seated on the couch turned at the sight of the smaller male returning, some of them San cooed at how cute he looked. Y/n got a bit nervous and went back to yunho's side "what's wrong?"
"don't like people staring" yunho hugged the male and he immediately snuggled into him "you know you still have to eat, right?" y/n nodded
"yunho, the foods ready" seonghwa said as he came into the living room, his eyes lighting up and smile growing when he spotted the hybrid and how cute he looked cuddled up to yunho "hi y/n, I'm seonghwa, I'm the oldest here. We made some food for you, do you wanna come and eat it?" seonghwa asked gently as he sat down near y/n "c-can yunho come too?" seonghwa nodded "off course, now let's go, you must be hungry"
Y/n followed seonghwa with yunho in tow to the kitchen, where wooyoung was already setting the food on the table. When he noticed the three enter the kitchen, he smiled at them, more specifically, y/n. "hey y/n, I'm wooyoung. Me and seonghwa made some food for you, hope you enjoy"
After the food, they all went back to the couch, y/n snuggling back up to yunho "he's really attached to you" mingi pointed out "I think it might be because he's had a rough past.... I think I'm the first person he actually trusts" a single tear slid down yunho's cheek
"y/n we have to go to bed, where do you wanna sleep?" yunho asked the hybrid "um, I think the couch is just fine for me"
"are you sure? I can always let you sleep on my bed if that's more comfortable" y/n shook his head "no thanks, I uhhh wouldn't want to bother you more then I have to"
"y/n you're not bothering us, but if you wanna sleep on the couch that's fine, we'll get you a blanket then" as if on cue, Yeosang walked in with a soft fluffy blanket "oh, thanks Yeosang" yunho smiled as Yeosang handed the blanket to y/n
Y/n tried to sleep, he did his absolute best to, but nothing could stop the nightmares from the past. It even got so bad he unconsciously shifted to his cat form. He needed something, someone there to comfort him, he had no choice but to wake one of the people in the house for comfort
Still in his cat form, he hopped of the couch and into the hallway. Now, y/n's initial plan was to just go to yunho's room, but he has no idea which room it was, they were all closed, so he couldn't see inside to check if yunho was in there
Deciding any of the members would be better than going back to have more nightmares, he started scratching on a random door, hoping someone would open it.
The door eventually opened after a few moments, a black haired man peeking through who y/n didn't seem to recognise at first, nonetheless he still slipped into the room
Upon further inspection, he noticed it was San that opened the door for him "y/n? Is that you?" y/n nodded "what's wrong, I thought you were sleeping on the couch?" y/n didn't make anymore sounds, jumping on San's bed, waiting for the latter to join
His gaze softens as he realised y/n probably didn't have the best sleep "didn't want to sleep alone?" he crawled back in bed as y/n laid down on his chest. San carefully reached out his hand towards y/n, quietly asking for permission to pet him
Y/n responded by putting his head in San's palm, giving him permission to continue. San did so very gently "it's okay y/n, I don't know exactly what you went through, but I want you to know we're nothing like the people who mistreated you" the hybrid started purring, eventually falling asleep "good night y/n"
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
This is a vent.
You can do what you want with this post but please do read the part from where your name starts in bold and pink.
I have decided it's okay for me to type my thoughts out here In tumblr. Safer than my journal at least lol
So I'm doing okay but I also feel like shit for the past few days lol. To the point where I cried myself to sleep. Ever felt like crying badly but the tears won't come out but you can't even act frustrated? Yeah that too.
I'll be honest. I changed schools so now I have about 3 supportive friends but we haven't interacted much.
My friends from my previous school are really very cool and supportive and it is because of them, I had a thought of exploring me and thinking about my sexuality and everything.
I have a lot of friendship problems. Im kinda losing touch with My friends from the previous school and i saw it coming almost 1 years ago. But I still talk to them bc I like them. I have been betrayed and neglected and taken for granted by loads of people who were my friends. We're still in touch but there is a disconnection.
I really considered them my friends. I trusted them. I was looking for a special bond with them. But it never happened. Half of them betrayed and verbally bullied me. Some of them strayed away. Some were Influenced by other bullies. Some took me for granted.
I'm awkward at voicing out my true feelings. I wanted them to know through my actions how much they meant to me, how I bragged about how nice they were, how I loved it when we went on little adventures and screamed and laughed. But they just had to go away.
My one and only lovely best friend moved away and now we live about 2000 kms apart but we still talk and she supports me (and simple for me lol) and she is kinda like one of the top reasons I'm sane rn. I'm very grateful to have her.She sometimes visits my blog through Google and reads my fics.
I've been having depressive episodes since last year. It's definitely better than last year bc back then, I used to cry in secret like- every single day. Including my birthday. I've actually kinda mastered the art of masking my feelings.
On top of that I have family problems. My dad is not really emotionally present. I hate to say this but my mom kinda victimizes herself. Evertime they have fights, I hear and notice this. It pisses me off but the points they make about themselves make sense. Eventually they make up and they sat down and made me under stand that nothing is gonna happen but it mentally affects me a lot.
Believe me when I say that I love my parents. But I'm growing distant. On top of that there is some toxic advice and they are homophobic oof.
I know there are millions of people with more worse conditions than mine and when I think about this, I get sad and start to invalidate my feelings but with the help of some motivational people, I understand that my problems are valid and I'm allowed to feel sad. At this point I'm like my own supporter. I'm proud of it.
Every time I see jean, I relate to him a lot. Putting a strong front for others but your terrified inside. (Also thighs mm)
So Hazel. Listen to me
When I found out of tumblr and fanfics, I was overjoyed. I spend weeks reading comfort fics by many different authors including yours and it made me feel safe.
I finally decided to make an account and follow people. I mostly interacted with you. There are so many blogs and moots that I follow now, and now I'm not shy or scared to interact with them.
You know why? Because of you.
It is from your blog I first felt like I could feel safe. I never felt weird about going in your inbox more than once. Everytime you responded I felt butterflies. After that when you followed me back, I actually almost cried. Every single time I saw you in my dash, inbox or responding to me, or just interacting with your fellow moots, I felt happy.
And after that I met amber, izzy, and so many cool moots. If we ever met In real love I wouldn't hesitate to give you a big hug and thank you.
Hazel baby when I say I love you, I fucking mean it.
I love you. I love you so much
I love all of my moots, and people who I interact with every day. I found so many supportive people and people from the lgbtq and people who share the same thoughts here.
Thank you for being you.
I hope you never forget how much I admire you. I'm almost tearing up as I write this. All of you guys give me so much motivation to move forward in my life.
himani please the way you had me crying because of this i love you so so so much i cant stress it enough
(imma put a read more cos this got kinda long lol)
im so happy that you found a safe space and you feel comfortable enough to tell me all of this too. you have me on discord as well and i'd always be happy to listen to you if you need to talk or just to simply simp over 2d people lmao
and im so sorry that you've been feeling terrible, it honestly breaks my heart and i wish there was something i could do. i'd hold you and be there to fight everyone for you if i could. if those friends dont keep in touch with you, they'll be missing out and they'd be losing such a precious and amazing person. but once you lose something you always gain something - thats something i've realised so you will find the right people that will stick by you for a very long time ❤❤ i'm so glad you have your best friend there to support you and sticking by you because even when you feel like everything's just going to shit i know they'd be there for you and im happy about that
your feelings are completely valid and im glad you realised that. just know that im always going to be here too to support you and to just be there for you whenever you need it
bye the way you have my heart himani, it makes me so happy that you feel safe here and that you never felt weird about interacting with me. please you give me butterflies all the time, how could i not follow a beautiful person like you. honestly the same goes to you - i love seeing you on my dash and i love seeing you have a great time and interacting with people especially with my moots it makes me so happy i cant describe it 😭
if we ever meet im not letting you leave my side, you're gonna permanently be in my arms
i love you so much more i wish there was a way i could show just how much... im glad you found people you love and those that support you and that give you motivation. and im always going to be here to support you and for anything else you need
thank you for being comfortable enough to talk to me and to share this. you're an amazing person never doubt that 🥺🥰💖
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ephemeralgalaxies · 3 years
Loki Ep4 Spoilers below (once more bc I just can't help myself, can I?)
It's been a while since I've had a character as interesting as Mobius to analyze and I have no chill. Spoilers start below:
Also some spoilers for WandaVision but it's been months so hopefully y'all have seen it
TL;DR Mobius really trying to connect back with Loki in order to try and bring the TVA down (and also bc "oops, Loki was right, guess I gotta own up to that bitterness") and it works but it hurts so much. Also see: I can't stop watching this scene over and over trying to understand Mobius' subtle actions bc his reaction here is so different than in all other scenes where he's usually calm or trying to delve deep into Loki's mind for information. Now he's just desperate.
Ok so I know I made a post talking about Mobius' jealousy in that interrogation scene but I also want to touch on when he comes back again after seeing the footage from C-20's interrogation scene bc man is so desperate here and I'm crying
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(I'm sorry, I can't get gifs to work for me today so we just using images. But I got these from this post)
Mobius was so hurt last time we saw him, Loki being thrown back into the time cell with Lady Sif, hitting our dear agent with "out of all the liars in this place... you are the biggest... for the [lies] you tell yourself." Mobius has been pushing down all these doubts, hiding all his questions and curiosities of the TVA for a while. He's teased Ravonna, but could never really get anywhere. Then after speaking with Loki about Sylvie, about "you're all variants", Hunter B-15's suspicions, the oddness of C-20's "death" (M:"she was just fine before." R:"well, then she suddenly wasn't fine."). Mobius is finally allowing himself to realize things, to question truly what is going on. (R: "Is that what you wanted to hear?" M: "Yeah, if that's the truth." R: "You've been around Lokis too long.")
In this scene, when he comes back to the time cell for Loki, he's frustrated, he's angry, he's desperate. Everything is a lie. He can't pretend anymore. Loki has bonded with Sylvie (actually caring for another human being without the trauma of Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok) ((I'm begging you, pls let him see a variant of Thor in this series and get to bond again, I miss them)). C-20 is likely pruned and gone forever with no answers. B-15 is getting anxious and unfocused. Ravonna is snapping at him and manipulating him with those long speeches (please, Mobius has heard enough from Loki's videos to know when he's being manipulated by fake sentimental words). He's tired, no longer patient enough for all the little quips-- he just need answers. For once in his "life" at the TVA, he just wants the truth. Something to safely hold to.
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He's just put Loki through this timeloop of Lady Sif, of someone from home someone that could've been close to him under different circumstances, someone his brother cared about, kicking him/slapping him/ berating him with "you deserve to be alone, and you always will be." Loki's whole "Sacred Timeline Life" marks him to "always be alone", to finally get close to people before being torn away (whether in his own volition or by someone/something else). But with Loki caring for Sylvie, maybe even loving her, this changes everything for this Loki. He could finally care enough to save someone, to go out of his way in order to help others at his own cost. And Mobius knows this.
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He asks again, desperate, pleading, hoping. Loki has to believe in himself, has to love himself enough to think to believe that he deserves a family, love, security from his greatest fear. He has to have changed because if not, then he'll either get pruned or wind up just like Mobius. Either way, gone from existence-- life erased, precious memories of "what if", "what once was", obliterated. He has to believe, or it'll happen again and again and again. To everyone, to the whole universe, unless something someone could do the impossible and shatter all reality.
With Wanda (specifically in WandaVision, final episode end credits), with her searching for her children and Vision, attempting the impossible and blending her realities in order to give them life because she needs them, she loves them. (M: "If you really care about [Sylvie]..."). This threat to the Sacred Timeline, pushing closer and closer to the MCU Multiverse, because they have to, because they want to.
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(sorry again for bland picture, I love his expression in this gif but it wont load)
Mobius knows Loki is hurting-- from Lady Sif, from his past, from failing to protect Sylvie on his own, from Mobius not believing him and calling him "just a bad friend". He knows Loki could learn to believe, but he doesn't yet. Only Frigga ever told him she believed in him, he needs to hear it again. He needs to know he deserves love because he is loved. Mobius does, "believe, stupidly" (ep2) that Loki has this potential.
When I first saw this scene in the trailers, I was nervous it would be in the context of Mobius trying to get Loki on the TVA's side, "someone good". But here, this is so much better-- he knows the TVA is lying, is manipulating, is destroying lives. (L: "No one bad is every truly bad, and no one good is ever truly good" ep2 again lol). Loki knows he's not "truly good", that he's hurt people-- whether he planned to or not. But he can still be good. He can still choose to love, to care, to believe.
He can be what he's always wanted, what Frigga promised him, what he's always feared. He can be known, be loved, be safe-- Loki doesn't just fear being alone, he fears people choosing to leave him. That's why the memory of Lady Sif instead of Thor reaching for him on the Rainbow Bridge or Thanos threatening the Asgardian refugees or even Odin trying to explain why he "saved" Loki when he fought Loki's homeland. This memory was casual, simple, unnecessary. But it's always the smallest moments that truly impact us the most-- the slight changes.
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When Mobius says this to Loki, he freezes-- he's confused, hesitant, scared. No one tells him this, why is someone telling him this, how can I believe this?
And then:
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.And the little shrug Mobius gives here
It's so casual, so simple, so nonchalant. He just wants to reassure Loki that he still cares. He just spent a whole interrogation hounding on Loki for finding love with Sylvie, for changing with her (jealous boi be jealous), for lying to him and betraying him (M: "You don't do partners... unless ofc it benefits you and you intend to betray them at some point"). But now, now he's stopped lying to himself. He knows he cares, that Loki has a chance, that they have to burn this place down. Mobius wants stop this from ever happening again, from someone ever having to go through what Loki's gone through, being told they can never be loved because that's just how the Timeline goes. That a kid would be taken away from their family (probably because Sylvie presents feminine?? Idk, feel like MCU Odin wouldn't be so good with that). He has to reassure Loki, he wants to, because no one should ever feel that way again.
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(and frick I really hate this, please look at the gifs from the linked post above, u gotta see his precious smile grow)
LOOK AT THIS SMILE, LOOK AT HIM HE'S HAPPY. And it was such a small, subtle apology from Mobius but it made all the difference bc he told Loki that he believes in him. And then they walk back out of the time cell, side-by-side, looking at each other. Content, safe, prepared to face the world together. He's no longer alone.
... And then ofc this happens...
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*cue my heart shattering* (bless Hiddleston's acting).
The fact that you can even hear the hitch in Mobius' breath as he realizes this is the end of the line for him, that Ravonna knows and there's no going back--he's not making it out of this.
"One last desperate trick from the desperate trickster."
He talks about the jetski, about what his life might have been, he knows this hits Loki, being ripped from your timeline, losing all that potential. More importantly, it gives Loki a reason to fight. A silent, "Don't let this happen again. Don't let them get away with this. Please, remember me, don't let me disappear." But it doesn't work, because the one thing Mobius didn't account for, is that Loki cares about him. That now, the fight drains out of him. They pruned Mobius, ofc they'll get to Loki and Sylvie. They didn't even hesitate. Loki just lost, once again, the only other person who ever told him they believed in him. "You can be whoever, whatever..." "She told me I could do anything..."
Loki is less of a narcissist and more of a person desperate to fill that hole inside-- he's been neglected, cast aside, told he should want this and then never getting it. A "Glorious Purpose" to always hide in the shadows, to cause suffering, to give others a reason to unite against him. But for once, just once he hoped that he didn't have to do it alone-- that he could unite. And then they crushed those beautiful few seconds of hope like it was just another tedious, burdening purpose of the TVA.
(credits of images/gifs to the original posts linked, none were mine as I can't figure this out at all lol)
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poojamoorthi · 3 years
Aurora - The Beautiful Inside; urges me to love the sun which I can't
Can you love the sun?
Is it possible to love something even though it could burn you?
His name is ♥️. He is the sun of my universe. He is without a doubt, the smartest Boy in the class. We know each other though we won’t talk. I guess you could say we didn’t really met until.
I remember it was the day where we first started our first argument. I was sitting infront of my PC and felt as if someone had stuck their hand in my chest and squeezed. I thought to myself. Is this it? Is this how I die?
“Hey, you. Are you okay?” A voice to my left said. I turned in their direction and found my mom looking back at me. She was still in behind and asked me what happened?
“I’m dying.” I somehow had the strength to say. Even as I felt like I was dying, I was struck by how I feel when we stopped talking.
My Mom shifted on her feet. “I think you’re having a panic attack.” She sat next to me. “I need you to take a deep breath for me.”
“But… I can’t breathe.” I said between gasps.
She half smiled, the left corner of her lip pulled upward. “If you’re talking, you can breathe. Now, come on. Deep breath for me. In through your nose.”
I did as she said. Breathed in as deep as I could, filling my lungs with air. She did the same.
“And out,” she said. She pursed letting the air out slowly. I followed her lead.
She breathed in. I breathed in. She breathed out. I breathed out. She kept it up for a few minutes, reminding me how to breathe again. Finally, and thankfully, my heart stopped trying to pound its way out of my chest and I could take solid breaths that didn’t feel like I was breathing through a straw.
“Thank you,” I said, wishing there was more that I could say since thank you didn’t seem like enough.
“It’s okay,” she said. She put her hand on my cheek and looked into each of my eyes. “You should take it easy." But, I knew it was not that much easy as I already fallen for him.
I looked away from her. I didn’t want to deal with this right now. I needed to get on the to my work and earn my spot. It was all I ever wanted.
“I can’t,” I told her simply. “I’ll be fine.”
She eased my face back to hers. “You’ll be fine, but for how long?” I couldn’t afford to ask those types of questions. I wasn’t about to let anything stand in the way between me and my dream.
“Thanks for everything,” I told her.
She nodded. “Take care of yourself.”
and I think my mom got it. I abruptly fallen in love with him. Actually I didn't know whether it's Love or Frindship but I really want to be with him forever my Eternity.
As I watched him go, I felt cold without him near me. Empty. As if I was watching the sun fall out of the sky. Only seconds had passed, and yet I missed him already. What was happening to me?
I do not claim to be a genius. Not in class nor even in life. So it is to no one’s surprise that it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize my feelings for him. And when I did figure it out, it was too late.
I was in the hurry of attending class and I saw him talking with his one of his friends. He was laughing at something she had said. I found myself getting annoyed because I didn’t remember making him laugh that much and then I was wondering what I had to be annoyed about. It’s not like he and I were together.
My bottom jaw dropped. I folded my arms and frowned. There was an unfamiliar emotion bubbling up inside me and I realized suddenly that it was jealousy. I was jealous of her. Jealous that she was able to be by his side and make him laugh. It was jealousy that made me say, “I guess geeks can find love, too.”
The entire friendship circle of mine turned my way and started laughing. Everyone started cracking jokes about their geek love. I laughed along even though it wasn’t funny. Even though I was hurting inside.
It was in that moment I learned what it had taken me much too long to figure out. I liked him a lot.
Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do with that information. He was with someone. I had missed my chance. I revolved around him, kept up with what he was working on, but never got too close. Just like the sun. YES, He is like a sun, I can't touch him that I can only feel him.
As fate would have it, our paths crossed again and still.
"I would like to stretch my mind and challenge me to see things from a new perspective. But, I can't win, still am trying a bid. That’s all that matters.”
I always got excited when his name popping out in my mobile. More excited than I had ever been in and even more nervous. It felt like I was laying my soul on the chopping block to be butchered and critiqued and yet, I knew as much as the criticism hurt, my story would become that much stronger because of it. But, the sad thing is he didn't texted me. Even I tried but he didn't.
Sometimes, all matters is efforts. But when it's lack we can't force a human to act for us. Everything we holds won't hold back us. I had more than a couple of strong short stories under my heart. I was in the middle of writing a difficult scene between my heart and mind.
Groans echoed throughout the mind in response. I groaned right along with them, but inside, I was jumping for joys. I was curious to find out what thoughts with someone else would be like.
No, that can’t be right. There must be some type of mistake. Every piece of my mind was murmuring about his name, but even more thoughts were questioning me being whom I want to be with.
This got a couple of laughs. That didn’t make me feel any better though.
Hey, I wanted to say in my defense. I’m just as surprised as you are. But all I did was laugh. Like I was in on the joke that was at my expense. Because they can’t laugh at you, if you’re laughing with them.
I think am literally got crazy over him. Am really mad about you man but I can't really be with you. Yeah, I Knew I can't. And actually I don't want. The thing I need is your Friendship that's more than enough.
This is the hush fell on my heart. What could anyone say to that? He was not talking with me. In my defense, no less.
“Let’s not focus on this thing", My Mind said, taking back control of the heart. “I’m more concerned with how you handle an Unsaid Feelings. Understand?”
There were nods and yessirs. And that was the end of it.
I wanted to ask him - "Hey man, what and why do I owe this pleasure?”
I was dumbfounded. My heart said to my mind that "I really should have come up with a game plan before coming over here." But my mind replied,“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” I said, finding the words. “They were just joking. You didn’t need to take it so seriously.”
Finally I nodded my head and said “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“But…um,” I knew already I scratched the back of my neck, in the universal gesture of I am out of my depth and I don’t know what to say. “Did you mean it?, again?"
My mind stood up and pushed me back in. “Did I mean what?” You can't owe him, so it's better to move on".
“You know?,” I said. “When you said…After everybody had said…” Why were words so hard?
“Oh, about my feelings? Of course, I meant it. Even my friends said you do great work.”
“How could you know it was ?, because am already caught up with cardiac arrest”
And besides me do this precious little smile anytime. I’m surprised no one else has noticed.” I had made it to my locker that's my heart LOL. Gosh, He gave me chills, when I seen him for first time and every time. How did you come up with it?”
Nothing up my Sleeve was a story I had. It was about my street magician who finds out that he’s descended from Pharaohs and he has to keep my heart from raising an army of the dead. It was a favorite of mine as well. The line he was referring to was about him who I have fallen in love with. Sound familiar? “Oh you know,” I said, vaguely, “the words just come to me.”
Obviously, that story is about me and him.
A fine day where, “I get it. There’s safety in loving from afar. You don’t have to be vulnerable. You won’t get hurt. You won’t get burned. But up close,” and he closed the distance between us and this time I didn’t pull away. “That’s where the magic is. That’s where the living is. It may not work out, but isn’t it worth the risk?”
I took a deep breath in, and slowly let it out just like he taught me all of those months before. We were face to face now with just our breaths between us. My eyes flicked down to him. They were so close. Isn’t it worth the risk? I could hear his say.
I didn’t know for sure, but I was about to find out. I never knew Am missing. Warmth and passion and love. Loving him was like loving the sun. I might get burned if I get too close, but man, it was worth it.
But, now I really missing You a lot.
There my story ends, with endless love.
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amrita-gsk · 4 years
Ichigo's dreams and IR shenanigans Pt. 4
Even if I got excited at the fact that Ichigo thought wished? that Rukia was trying to seduce him and had no qualms whatsoever about having his energy sucked out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Rukia is Rukia AND promptly denies it and goes into daydreaming about non other than Byakuya.
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I could say that this was awkward because it was implying that perhaps Rukia feels more than just fraternal love for her brother and I guess it's not so bad considering they're not truly related by blood, BUT going back to my main point of these dreams being somewhat of a projection of Ichigo's subconscious it seems to me that in Ichigo's mind his only real competition for Rukia's attention is Byakuya.
I didn't add the screenshots but in the Arabian Nights episode, just as he's poking Rukia they're interrupted by Wakame-san which turns out to be Byakuya in disguise. Needless to say Rukia's reaction is that of awe and admiration at seeing her brother and then we have this scene with her stating that she wouldn't waste her charm on someone like Ichigo, but on someone like Byakuya instead. Pro tip: there isn't anyone else like Byakuya in the whole Ble/ach universe.
So I think that this was low key a representation of what Ichigo feels regarding his vying for Rukia's attention and affections. Such a weird thing we didn't have Ren/ji painted in such a light, but oh well, Pierrot didn't know shit about the manga, right?
Anyway, I'll jump to the end of the episode where after confronting Ryuuken and Isshin, Ichigo looks into the treasure chest where they supposedly had put the Snow Crystal in, which by the way, I forgot to mention but in this story is said to have the power to turn monsters into humans this sounds more like the Hogyouku -but Ichigo is wary of it because he still remembers the one from the Arabian Nights which turned out to be fishcake-, only to find Rukia inside the chest.
Ichigo asks her if she hid the Snow Crystal to which she answers that no, she didn't and then says:
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...Finally confirming the theory from the Arabian Nights. Now, I want to go back to these dreams being a loosely representation of Ichigo's perception and focusing on the topic of the Snow Crystal which turns out was Rukia after all, so according to Ichigo's subconscious Rukia is white and shiny, if you touch her she's cold as snow, she's calming and beautiful in appearance, and she's an unparalleled treasure. I'm not even going to quote the succubus description again because I think this is enough and quite frankly, this would be incredibly hard to top.
So like I said at the beginning, I know this is 300% filler but after all that's happened I couldn't care less about canon anymore although we have plenty of that and believe me when I tell you I enjoyed this ten times better now after all these years and I can't still believe Pierrot had the audacity of making these episodes with all this stuff in them. It's just like wow, it's always great to see that it wasn't just us that noticed this in their relationship, because excuse me, filler or not these scripts had to go through a lot of work and get greenlighted before being allowed to be produced and that means a bunch of people at Pierrot said "yeah, let's make Ichigo and friends cosplay in silly costumes and focus his dreams on just how beautiful and precious he thinks Rukia is" and actually went and did that. We're so blessed.
And well, to finish I do know that in the end it turns out these are not Ichigo's dreams but Isane's for the Arabian Nights and Komamura's for the Halloween one, but the fact that Ichigo knew he was inside a dream both times and the fact that during the Arabian Nights a lot of things that Isane didn't know of the SS Arc happened and that Komamura had no way of knowing about Ryuuken and Isshin solidifies my belief that they were indeed from Ichigo's perspective and subconscious. I rest my case.
I invite you to do whatever you might of these rantings of mine, but there are just things I have to take off my chest else I'll go mad over it. Even though, who's to say I haven't lost it already? So thank you for reading if you reached this far, the shipping visor is now deactivated.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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01kitty-moon · 3 years
My thoughts on the Og Sailor Moon/Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal Part 2
I want to start with saying this-
I do enjoy both anime. I really do.
My thoughts about Sailor Moon OG anime.
First things first I LOVE 90's anime art style, so of course I love the style of OG sailor moon, it looks really good, the backgrounds are beautiful.
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Artsyle is lovely. PERIOD.
The OST for the OG anime is awesome, it can be beautiful or just plain cool.
I love the first transformation OST SO MUCH.
(I don't like the others in the OG anime transformation ost though tbh.)
The other thing I love about the original is the fashion, the sheer amount of outfits is awesome and I always enjoy a show that is able to have different outfits.
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Now I really like the first few episodes when it's just Usagi and Jadeite, in fact I like the first arc a little bit more in the OG simply because idk, we get to see more of the four "eite's" though I don't enjoy some of their Arc's tbh or how their characters were handled in the end.
I found their arcs would start strong and then just kinda end leaving you like??? Okaaaay.
If I'm being honest I dont enjoy the pacing or the writing for alot of the OG anime if I'm being truthful.
Like the end of season 1 in my opinion wasnt written well, in fact it felt very meh and blotchy.
Did I like the full party kill? Yeah.
But it wasnt well written.
I REALLY don't like OG Tuxedo Mask. Like during the first half of S1 I thought his snark was funny, and I enjoyed their interactions at first.
But by the second half I came to REALLY dislike him.
No wonder everyone wanted Usagi to be with 90's Seiya, OG Mamoru was an ass.
(I refer to him as Tuxedo Ass and no I dont take constructive criticism)
Also dont get me started on the moonlight knight filler crap. (That filler arc had potential to be REALLY amazing and impactful and they totally wasted it)
Also his relationship with rei is kinda.....weird. I didnt like it. (And not for shipping reasons, but because it genuinely irked me)
Now I do love that we got more episodes exploring the girls personalities and friendships, but I often times didnt enjoy how they were written as "friends?" Alot of it felt fake despite the "development" they got.
Dont get me wrong I like the OG anime in general and some episodes I think are AMAZING.
But I'd go into an arc and be really hyped for what I thought was coming, only for the outcome to be really lame or immature. The writing just felt bland and childish, but since OG is targetted more for a younger audience I do get it.
I got disappointed alot tbh ahaha.
Also if chibi moon from OG appeared I'd simply kill her, rip to OG usagi but I'm different.
(Also they made the kid feel way more incestuous than in crystal? Like this girl is 900, she isnt really a little kid though she is a young girl. Like she knows that's her dad, stop trying to fuck your dad pls)
Plus she is super annoying, always, never likable, never. (Some scenes were definetly comedic gold but as a character I wanted to set her on fire)
Prince demand isnt that great of a character and should have been set on fire right away, end of story.
This is a lazy way of writing my feelings but yeah it's what it is.
However overall it's okay. I like it.
(This is only my opinion of course pls dont attack me)
Sailor Moon Crystal
I made alot of my points when talking about the OG anime so the crystal one is short tbh.
Now I'll be honest. I truthfully enjoyed crystal most as a whole than I did the OG anime.
When it comes to the animation of season 1 and 2 I understand why people weren't fond of it.
It was wonky in many parts and the CG transformations were really ugly.
However I loved the artsyles in the still scenes.
And some backgrounds were really lovely.
Now the animation could be off, but it isnt the worst thing ever like people make it out to be.
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Mamoru was great again (look I love the boy and his manga self)
While i didnt like the lack of development in the 4 "eites" the arc was okay. I kinda liked some of their arc here more than in OG, but I wish we got more of them and their story ( or at least Bi Zoisiete, I know that's OG original but it would have been cool)
Though it did feel lackluster at times, and season 1 could be off with pacing, when it comes to the other seasons however I found the pacing to be really good.
I loved the scene where she "killed" him and then herself, though I wish it had been animated better, it was great.
I also like how they touched more on her fear of being alone, and showed hints of that trauma as well as their identities meshing with their past selves.
The music is 👌 though I miss some of the OG music.
I can't tell you the real reason I love it more than the OG. I guess I just enjoyed the tone overall?
I like the more story focused version if sailor moon I guess, I felt like the fucked around too much in the OG, while Crystak they dont fuck around enough lol.
But I'd rather watch the plot centric one rather than the overly leisure OG fillers.
I liked some of the characterizations better in crystal as well, I found rei more likable (look can we admit she was a bit TOO much of a bitch in the OG? And often wasnt justified but she got away with it?)
Haruka and Michiru weren't....super likeable in the OG sometimes for me and while that can be a good thing in writing, (and ik alot of people prefer them in the OG) I immediately fell in love with them in crystal.
Also this is probably just me but I like that everyone was less boy crazy, giving way to just, easier to bond with characters.
(Being Bi/Pan-Ace and watching girl only EVER be boy crazy is really annoying tbh I just, like for them to at least have 1 character who's just kinda eh about the whole dating thing, and tbh alot of the characters came off as more bi in crystal which was lovely)
I hear alot of people complain about how they dont feel the friendship between the group the way they did in the OG but I kinda felt the opposite, and their sudden leap into being SUPER into Usagi really stems from their identities from their past lives mixing with the present.
Also just saying, if someone like usagi came into my life? I'd immediately die for her too, just saying, she's so so kind and fun, and precious like? Duh of course she's going to make those introverts fall all over her.
Also CHIBI MOON I LOVE HER! (I do not like this kid in OG, like ever, set that creature on fire pls)
But crystal chibi moon? I adore that girl.
Season 3 was great, I LOVED IT so much.
I got my lesbian's in FULL glory.
I got Sailor Bi Moon.
I got hotaru and well, better writing in that arc compared to the butchered OG version
(If u prefer the OG version that's fine this is just how I feel)
And I'm really excited for eternal, its SO beautiful, the music makes me so emotional, the animation and art is beautiful, tbh it feels more like Sailor Moon than any of the other parts. It just instantly takes me to the manga.
(My brother and I both prefer crystal tbh)
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Anyways we talk have our own opinions, and this is mine (made at 3am guys I'm tired)
The manga is BEAUTIFUL and so is Crystal, but OG has it's good points too, I like them all.
From a story and writing standpoint I think Crystal is superior to Og anime.
But if you want something more lighthearted and more slice of life the OG is probably for you!
Or you can be like me and love both.
(I also prefer crystal Usagi to OG Usagi more often than not, though OG usagi is definetly relatable like 100%, but I liked that maturity in Crystal Usagi that got stronger when her memories of her past life came to her, you can tell they all kinda go through an identity crisis and have to grow up "again" which is interesting to me)
Both stories however bring up great messages and promote femininity so much I love it ahhhh sailor moon is a treasure.
Crystal made me fall in love with the story, while OG made me lowkey ship Jadeite and Usagi in the first few episodes.
(Pls dont ask, ok, just don't, that one seen was a bit too hot for me to not immediately think they should kiss)
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lihikainanea · 4 years
Tiger has a precious habit of kissing Bill on the shoulder - more often than not its when they're sitting on the couch (because height difference) but the reason it absolutely annihilates Bill's heart is because he can't ever anticipate it, its very much subconscious for Tiger, but its one of those small little details about their relationship that Bill can't do without - maybe a few weeks go by and Tiger hasn't done it and Bill has to confront her 'cause tall!boi needs his shoulder kiss!
You know, i run my mouth to hell and back about subconscious touching. And in general I find couples to be kind of....fascinating. Because there’s a very big difference between a couple seeing a camera pointed at them so they instinctively step closer, big smiles, one arm goes around the other person’s shoulders, lean in--awww, a loving picture of the happy couple. And the minute the camera is off, they (equally subconsciously) step away, turn their shoulders, slight avoidance body language and boom--tension again.
But then there are the couples--just people in general really, who are close--who do the subconscious touching. The flitting eye glance around the room, to check for the other person. The subtle crowding of their space. The brush of knuckles somewhere, the hand on someone’s arm as the other person leans in close to repeat something they might not have heard. You can always, always tell true intimacy in the touching that people don’t even realize they’re doing. And it’s not even couples--I need touch, I’m very touchy and I’m oriented in touch. It’s how I read energies in people, how I read intent, it’s how I get good energies from people. And my best friend is a subconscious toucher. When she laughs, she’ll put her hand on my arm. We hold hands in crowded spaces to not lose each other (she’s tall, so I think short of tying a balloon to my wrist, it’s her way of not losing me), we sit next to each other at restaurants instead of across the table and if I’m talking about something upsetting or anxiety-inducing she always puts her hand over mine. There’s a level of emotional intimacy, of vulnerability, in that.
And like... I watch people. I watch people a lot. And I’ve always been very good at reading people, and over the years I got better and better and trained and more trained and now that instinct is so loud that I don’t even listen to what people SAY anymore, because it doesn’t matter. What they do screams so much louder and it never lies. People lie. But body language, cues, subconscious ticks--they never lie. A person cannot control and manipulate an action they’re not even aware that they’re doing. And it was pretty hard for a few years, to be honest--because when I wasn’t surrounded by like-minded people, I felt very weird. I felt like a nut case, because I was reading and catching things that others were seemingly oblivious too. A friend would show a photo of her and her sweet boyfriend and tell us the sweet things he would do and everyone was just like cOuPlEs GoAlS and I remember being stuck on the photograph, really staring at it for a long time because something in it just....dripped contempt. There was hatred in it. In his stance, in the space between their bodies, in his loose arm around her shoulder. There was annoyance, the photo just dripped anger to me and I remember feeling crazy about it until it turned out that I was....right. Another friend who rarely spoke of her significant other and wasn’t quite the mushy type suddenly started posting really sentimental, sweet, intimate photos of her and him on her social channels and at cocktails one night, my friends gushed that it clearly meant wedding bells and a looming engagement and I remember sirens going off in my head because to me....somebody modest, quiet, somebody very private about their relationship suddenly boasting, seemingly overcompensating to prove a love and intimacy--to me, it meant a break up. I thought they had broken up.
I was right.
In any case, it’s easy to feel crazy when something is so blatantly obvious to you but everyone else has a very strong opposing opinion. I still quite like getting tested on it, perception testing, being shown photos and drawings of (fake) murder scenes with all the suspects still in the room and after only 15 seconds of allowed time to absorb it, having to pinpoint the murderer and why you thought so. God I love those still so much, and we’re constantly getting thrown curveballs. Walking in to a room and being asked to identify immediately something out of place, something wrong. Was it Sherlock, that said that famous thing? You see, but you do not observe. It’s everything, friends.
Wow this got weird and not at all what you asked.
In any case, god I love things like this. Small, subconscious, comforting things. And I think Bill, being all sensitive and empathic and very subsconsiously-touchy himself (like actually though, this dude is so rooted in touch it’s insane), I think he notices when tiger does these things far more than tiger realizes that she’s doing them. It’s kind of like her oral fixation, right, and how she’s always trying to pacify it. Tiger has no idea that she has an oral fixation, but Bill knows. Oh, he knows.
And I think often times, it’s kind of exactly what you said--they’ll just be on the couch together, holding hands, and tiger won’t even realize that she keeps leaning over to kiss his shoulder. She does it in her sleep, too--if she’s curled up into his chest, Bill will often just feel her laying little kisses there, even when she’s deadass asleep. And for as much as tiger doesn’t realize she’s doing it, Bill doesn’t realize how much he enjoys it, how relaxed it makes him, and how it just thrums all his good needy, touchy vibes--until she stops doing it.
And you are damn right that he’ll let it go for one night, two nights--but on the third one, if she’s still unknowingly holding back on the affection he’s used to getting from her, he’ll definitely call her out. And it’ll be whiney, petulant, childlike, he might even frantically say it all in one breath how she used to press little butterfly kisses on his arms and she doesn’t anymore and he wants hims somes gentle soff affection :-(((
Tiger would just be like....wut.
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