#[ naru wanted them to have some fun and be silly so that's what this is!! ]
nazunayuri · 2 years
Im asking about your shiffle units!! What are your thoughts behind them? :D
OK WOW THAT WAS QUICK.... HIIIIIIII.... i'm just gonna do a quick run down hehe
ok so the first one is like a 50s sorta greaser type thing? i think it would be funky !! i also just want nazuna in a leather jacket Tbh. nazu would be event 5 star n kanata would be gacha 5 star. it's like a movie or smth
then we have the baker unit! this was for a special campaign like a to z. basically they had to be like little bakers!! kohaku was event 5 star n aira was gacha 5 star. also ik that two members of the same unit aren't supposed to be together but i don't care it was silly.
then the rocky horror unit which is not ACTUALLY rocky horror but has the Vibes. i just wanted tomoya in eyeliner. basically it's a monster-y glam rock-y crazy wild time. natsume is the event 5 star n naru is the gacha five star. this is just a special event type thing
CONFETTI IS MY FAVE.... it is for like a special new birthday cake that is a Huge deal w this one brand. the story is sora and eichi centric. they r just having a fun time! sora is the event 5 star n eichi is the gacha 5 star
victorian ghost one is exactly what it sounds like except all of the characters r horrific at acting like ghosts w the exception of nagisa. mitsuru n tetora have to dress in fancy ballroom type outfits n are very confused. it is silly. tetora event 5 star n mitsuru gacha 5 star
campy slasher film. incredibly queer. if u have ever seen like. nightmare on elm street part 2 or any friday the 13th movie it's like that. mika event 5 star n niki gacha 5 star
care bears has no explanation they r just care bears it's a collab or smth. hokuto event 5 star n mayoi gacha 5 star
heart shaped sunglasses is just them all being girly. it would be in the summer n be very Red. i just want hajime to be silly n girly n crazy. hajime event 5 star adonis gacha 5 star
SINGING IN THE RAIN IS LIKE. BASED ON THE MOVIE SINGING IN THE RAIN. they r like all in a production of it or smth like that. hiiro event 5 star koga gacha 5 star
and bird shuffle is just. bird themed. they r doing some sort of collab w an aviary or smth. mugi event 5 star wataru gacha 5 star
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
A peaceful life. That is all she expected.
She didn't want to think like until now.
Fortunately, she received a recommendation from the "Ashinaka Super School" to move.
So she wouldn't make that mistake anymore. She simply disciplines herself so as not to disturb anyone, quietly and discreetly. She would keep quiet so as not to attract attention.
She was sure that she would find a place to stay. She thought she would be accepted.
After that, she would enjoy it. She would have fun. She would have a mediocre and peaceful life that would bore her.
She had already lost once what was precious to her.
"Nya! Shiro, it smells good from here!"
"Huh? Neko? What we're looking for isn't food... huh?"
"Oh! Find the transfer student! Let's do it! Wagahai-chan!"
Her heart leapt at the joyous voice that suddenly echoed from behind.
At the same time as she hurriedly looked back, a beautiful girl appeared.
"Hey! Neko!"
"It smells delicious!"
The beautiful girl rubbed her face against her chest with a fascinating expression. She was a beautiful girl that couldn't be fooled.
Stunning strange blue and gold eyes on white skin. Long straight light red hair.
A boy with silver-white hair and tender eyes with sunrise color approached her, who was surprised and hardened, and apologized, clasping his hands in front of her face.
"I'm sorry. Stop it, Neko!"
Then that girl with sincere and kind eyes, stood in front of her and smiled at her in a friendly way.
"You're here! No… I searched here and there and finally found it~"
When she tilted her head, she gave a stern look for a moment, but immediately smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry.", and pointed to her face.
"I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Kukuri Yukizome, from the same sophomore group as you."
"Call me Kukuri. My teacher asked me to guide the transfer student to the school. They told me you should be in the school principal's office, but when I went, he said you had already left. I looked for you, but couldn't find you, so I finally got help from Shiro-kun and Wagahai-chan!"
"Eh...? Oh! I'm sorry. Sorry to bother you."
"You don't have to apologize. Oh, yeah. May I ask your name?"
"Ah. Sorry. I'll introduce myself. I'm Konohana Saya."
"Uh, Saya-chan. Yes, I remember. Nice to meet you, Saya-chan!"
"Uh, yeah, nice to meet you..."
She held the outstretched hand enthusiastically.
"He is Isana Shiro-kun. And she..."
"Wagahai, I'm Neko!"
When Kukuri presented her with her hand, the beautiful girl responded happily, staying close to her.
"Shiro-kun and Wagahai-chan are the same second group as us."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeah, so you don't have to use "-kun" or "-san" for me or for Neko. It tickles. I hope you can feel free to call us "Neko" and "Shiro" and talk to us."
Shiro, a silver-white haired boy, smiled kindly.
"Oh, thank you. Nice to meet you."
In some ways it was a good self-introduction. Feeling happy that she could do that, she looked at Shiro and tilted my head away from him, saying, "Well then let's get started..."
"That... I'm really enjoying it... What?"
Neko was still glued to her.
"Eh? Ah... Stop it, Neko. She's not food."
"Nya, don't you know, Shiro? Gohan smells delicious!"
Shiro scolded Neko, but she held on even more.
(Yeah? Huh? Wait! Now Neko-chan, did you say "Gohan smells delicious"? Isn't that "Gohan smells delicious"?), she thought.
What did that mean?
"Eh? Maybe that 'Gohan' is me?"
"Yeah! Gohan smells like Gohan, I love it! That's why you're Gohan!"
Kukuri and Shiro laughed at Neko's cheerful response.
"Wagahai-chan... Gohan..."
"Ah, Konohana-san. Neko is not good at remembering people's names. She does not do it with bad intentions."
"Huh? Oh, it's fine."
Smell Gohan...? Did it mean she smelled strange?
She sorry about the situation, but she wasn't sure.
"Shiro! I'm hungry, let's go with Gohan! I want to go to the shopping department!"
Eh? Purchasing department?
"This is not good, Wagahai-chan. We have a class from now on."
Kukuri urged her to walk, Neko kept holding on.
"Then as I guide you to the classroom, first lesson. Don't forget your student ID card. Make sure you take it with you. You will need it to do anything, like walk through the front door, to borrow a book or buy juice, etc."
"Is it okay to use this PDA as a student ID card?"
Kukuri smirked when she took out the PDA with a big school emblem on it.
"Yes, it is. Don't forget it. Even outside of school. Always carry it with you."
"Out of the School?"
"Yes. I go in and out of school, in and out of the school island and I also use transportation. It is also proof of identity."
"School island..."
"Yes! Ashinaka, an integrated education school from kindergarten to university. This island centered around that school is called "Ashinaka Super School". Someday I will show you the city."
"Yes, I see. Thank you."
"But first of all, you have to remember the inside of this school. At the beginning of registration, everyone does it once."
"I get lost and I'm late for class. How many times has this happened to you, Saya-chan?"
Kukuri smiled as if she was joking.
"Uh... I'll have to. I'm not very good at that though."
"Well, it happens to me too, and I think it would be good if you were guided by the PDA at first."
Kukuri hit her on the back when she immediately fell into anxiety.
"It's late, where were they and what were they doing?"
As soon as she entered the classroom, a grumpy voice jumped at her ears. Reflectively, she leaned in and said, "Yes, I'm sorry!"
Right after that, there was a terrible voice that said, "What?"
When she raised her face, the boy in front of her with his beautiful black hair was mysteriously frowning.
"I didn't tell you. Who are you?"
"Well, I am Konohana Saya. I will be in this class from today."
"As of today... By the way, the transfer student that Shiro was talking about is you."
The boy was convinced and then bowed deeply.
"I am Kuroh Yatogami. As a classmate, thank for you continued support."
(Wow. It's very difficult... no. Kind regards!), she thought.
In haste, she bowed firmly.
"Yes, thanks."
Yatogami spoke very firmly. The atmosphere was also mature.
"It's difficult. Kuro. It's not a classmate's greeting."
"You should pay the courtesy. Did you both do your homework well?"
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Responding to Shiro's words with a serious face, Yatogami narrowed his eyes.
"I'm not going to do it. I'm going to show Kuro's homework."
"What are you saying? Try to do things yourself responsibly. I definitely won't show it to you!"
"Tsk, stingy Kuro."
"That's not the problem. If you have time to bark, does your homework."
Yatogami, who scolded him in a stifled manner, is forgiven with a "Yes, yes.", and Shiro urged Neko to gently walk towards her seat. Furthermore, his face was distorted again, and Yatogami followed them. It was kind of funny.
"Hey, Kukuri-chan. Is 'Kuro' a nickname for Yatogami-kun?"
"That's right. Shiro-kun, Kuro-kun, a black and white duo. He's a good friend with club activities. Now, Saya-chan, I'll introduce you to everyone. Here and there."
Kukuri motioned for her to come.
She headed forward, following her. No, she tries to continue.
"Kamamoto! What are you doing? Come quickly!"
Suddenly, a voice echoed with rough footsteps. Immediately after, the impact on her back.
She couldn't stop myself from the momentum, she lost her balance and fell.
"Ah, Saya-chan! Are you okay?"
Kukuri's voice was amazing. Oh, it wasn't so good... maybe. It hurt a lot.
However, the person who rushed inside was also worried, and as tears welled up from the pain in her back, hands, and knees, she managed to lift her upper body and look back.
"It hurts... hey... Who is this guy standing in the doorway?!"
There was a boy there, who seemed to have struck like her, lying on the ground.
He had the front of the black school uniform open, the shirt with two buttons unbuttoned, and the hem out. Also, a dark blue hat and the usual auburn hair that twisted in any direction.
The boy, who didn't seem to be polite, looked at her as he rubbed the area around his waist in excruciating pain and cursed.
His wild and warlike eyes stared directly at the opponent.
It was a terrible, gaudy flame, and she couldn't help but lose her words.
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The boy looked at her too and his eyes widened, astonishing for some reason.
"No, Yata-san, it's early. We still have time until class... That? Yata-san. Why are you sitting on the floor?"
A big boy who came running in with a plaintive voice, bowed his head when he saw him sitting on the ground, and looked at each other.
As the words surprised him, the boy named Yata shook himself and looked at the boy who was looking at them.
"Silly! I'm not sitting! This is... an accident!"
"Accident? Ah... I don't know, but why don't you get up for now?"
"No, you don't have to tell me! Hey, Kamamoto... do it."
A big boy named Kamamoto bowed his head and asked again at Yata's small voice. Oh, but he thought he couldn't be helped. It was a very small voice.
However, he maybe didn't like him, and when Yata suddenly stood up, he gave Kamamoto a blow to the head. She was surprised.
"Why do you hit me?"
"I cannot hear you!"
No, she didn't think he didn't hear him, did he really not hear it?
(Huh? What? This "Yata" is extremely unreasonable.), she thought.
"That's right. I couldn't hear it, so it can't be helped."
When stunned, Kamamoto made a very natural counterargument. Yes, she understood that feeling very well.
"Uh, loud. Well, that... helps the woman..."
"Woman? Ah! Is that what you mean?"
Kamamoto laughed as if he were convinced, and walked over to her, knelt on the ground, and held out his hand.
"Yata-san pushed you. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
"Ah... I'm fine."
She wanted to say, maybe it was worse. She was standing in front of the door. She apologized and bowed, and looked at the black sunglasses.
"Oh, you are..."
"Hmm? Oh, this is Rikio Kamamoto from the second year group. This is Misaki Yata, who is also in the same group."
Kamamoto laughed as he gently helped her.
"Ah! Hey, Kamamoto! Silly, don't introduce me without permission!"
Yata yelled at Kamamoto, who was gentle and kind regardless of his appearance. There was no reason to be angry about that presentation.
"Because you are Yata-san, it seems unlikely that you will introduce yourself."
"That's... sorry."
She was confused.
"But don't sell my name at a bargain price."
"It's the first time I've seen you, are you a girl from another class?"
Kamamoto finally ignored Yata, who was still screaming. Apparently he was fine.
When she said, "No, I'm not.", unsurprisingly, Yata yelled, "Damn, listen to me!". That was to be expected.
"Excuse me!"
"Oh! Don't look here and there!"
She hastily apologized, but this time Yata, who turned his face bright red and turned around, yelled again.
"Eh? Oh, sorry! I see..."
"No, don't apologize! Oh, you're ... wow, not bad..."
(Huh? Is that so? Not bad?), she thought.
When she looked at Kamamoto because she couldn't understand why, Kamamoto shrugged and shook his head.
"Ah, don't worry. Yata-san is not good with girls."
(Is that so?), she thought.
He was not good with girls. Still, it was the first time she had seen a person overreact.
"Ah! Konohana Saya, I'll stay in this class. Well, it's nice to meet you. May I call you Kamamoto-kun?"
"Thanks. I don't care. Call me what you want."
She was relieved to hear a friendly response.
"Yes. Yata-kun too."
"Eh? Me too?"
"Yes, I hope you get along well."
"Eh? Who is that? Who are you talking about!"
At that moment, Yata blushed again and turned to the other side. He didn't have the ability to learn, so he kept having the conversation in front of the entrance. So of course he would get in the way of people trying to enter the classroom.
The person who walked in pushed his back away, and Yata looked back with a grumpy voice, "Oh?"
"Misaki. Don't occupy the entrance of the classroom for one person, even a little."
"Saru, damn it!"
(Saru? Is this person's nickname?), she thought.
His clean eyebrows were unpleasantly distorted and his black eyes were very thoughtful.
Black hair in habit and black-rimmed glasses. A pure white school uniform with a slightly loose chest. He had a mark on his arm, she wondered what the blue bracelet meant.
And a saber with a blue scabbard at his waist.
She didn't think it was necessary for school life and widened her eyes in amazement.
(Huh? What? That... why is he wearing such a thing?), she thought.
Involuntarily he looked at her seriously, the next moment, she quickly bowed her head.
"Ah, I am Konohana Saya, a transfer student. Thank you!"
What came back was complete silence.
When she lifted her face, an icy look shot through her.
"Stop doing that, it's annoying."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
She strongly apologized and got out of the way.
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That person just tried to slide past her.
"Hey, wait, Saru. You must introduce yourself."
Yata threw a harsh voice behind him.
The man, named Saru, shook his shoulders and looked back in amazement.
"What? Did you introduce yourself?"
He frowned repeatedly as if he didn't understand why.
"Don't send nonsense things. Misaki."
"It's not meaningless. We are her new partners. It's normal to introduce himself."
Long ago, he said that he wouldn't show up either.
She really wanted to know, but she was scared, so she shut her mouth.
"Or you can't even introduce yourself. Hmm, you're a boy."
When he decided to stand idly by, it was a terrible word that came out of Yata's mouth.
(Huh?! Wait. It's not about forcing him to fight, is it?!), she thought.
Saru clicked his tongue as the story seemed to roll in an unexpected direction.
And when he sighed like a deaf person, he echoed and coughed.
"Fushimi Saruhiko."
"Hmm...! Yes. Thank you, Fushimi-san."
He left before she finished saying it. He made her feel uncomfortable.
"Geez. Monkey bastard, you can just say your name so honestly."
Yata was upset and amazed. Why would be?
"Even Yata-san was mad at me when I introduced myself, wasn't he?"
Before she said more, Kamamoto stabbed a sickle firmly. "That's it! That's it!"
"Oh, that's it... You can say it after getting permission!"
He made a painful excuse and said, "Kamamoto, let's go quickly."
After that, Kamamoto ran and followed him.
It was as if a storm had passed.
After dismissing Yata and other young men, she looked at Kukuri and took control powerlessly.
"Rice! Rice! Kurosuke's homemade rice! Shiro! Let's eat rice!"
"Yes. Let's go out because the weather is good today."
"Don't rock your lunch! The contents will fall apart!"
It was noon. Around the same time the bell rang, Neko stood up, and Shiro and Yatogami left the classroom following her. As she smiled and said goodbye, Kukuri reached over and touched her desk.
"Shall we go to the coffee shop? You didn't bring any food, did you?"
"Yeah. Oh, but it's okay to be alone. That's Kukuri-chan's lunch box, right? I think I can get to the coffee shop if I have a navigation system."
"Yes! But let me go with you. I also want to tell you the location of the shopping department. And if I get lost early on the first day, my name as a guide will be spoiled, right?"
"Okay, then, I'll be attentive to your words. Thank you."
"No! What? Then let's go together!"
Kukuri started walking with a joyous cry. She got up and followed her.
"There are several ways to get to the coffee shop, but the best is through the courtyard."
"Yes. Therefore, I would not recommend going down these stairs immediately, on a limited menu day. Because the purchase is established in several places."
(Huh? Limited menu?), she thought.
She got out a word she didn't expect, and instinctively looked at Kukuri.
"Eh? Did you buy it now?"
"Yes, it is a strategy to expel the rivals. Lunch is one of the joys for the students, so everyone is desperate."
No, that was correct. She thought it was the same in all schools, but what did it mean to expel rivals?
(She said it's natural, but that? It's weird, I don't understand. Well, that shouldn't be the case, right?), she thought.
As she twisted her neck, she went downstairs with Kukuri and pushed open the glass door that led down the hall to the courtyard.
There was a neat flowerbed with colorful flowers in every corner. The fresh green of the plantation was also nice.
Light pink petals fluttered from the beautiful and splendid cherry blossoms. The white garden table and chairs underneath were fascinating. It would be great to enjoy her lunch there.
Kukuri, who was leading the way through the large and beautiful courtyard where such garbage had not fallen, stopped and shrugged, "Oh, no. Sorry. I can't go through here."
"Eh? Why?"
Kukuri pointed to the front, saying "That.". For the first time, she realized that there were many people gathered there, since she was looking at other things before.
And, well... it didn't seem like a good atmosphere. Yes. It was extremely unsettling.
A group in black school uniforms and a group in white school uniforms staring at each other.
People wearing black school uniforms didn't seem polite. On the other hand, many people who wore white school uniforms had the impression of looking tight. They felt like honor students.
But after all, there was a blue scabbard saber at the waist. What was that?
"Kukuri-chan? They seem to be staring at each other, but what the hell are they doing?"
"It's a conflict!"
Too simple an answer that made her doubt her ears.
(Huh? Did she say a conflict?), she thought.
"Conflict... is that a fight?"
"Yes, that is correct."
"Well why are the students fighting?"
"Fufu, I haven't seen a person react this way in a long time. It's okay. You'll be surprised at first, but you'll get used to it. It's the usual thing."
(Is it okay to get used to it?), she thought.
Also, as usual, she thought conflict was something that shouldn't become a daily routine. No, nothing was becoming a daily routine, first of all, there was a conflict within the school.
She was confused by the images and words that were far from common sense.
However, when she looked around, there were people who were looking far away, but no one was surprised or made noise, so Kukuri's reaction was correct.
(Hmm. Common sense in this school is a bit strange.) she thought.
Struggling to understand, she returned to a group of gazes.
"Uh... that? Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are there too? Besides, Fushimi-kun."
"That's right. Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun are in the Red club, and Fushimi-kun is in the Blue club."
"Eh? Red club and Blue club? What's that?"
Kukuri laughed and explained with good humor.
"It is a special activity of the club. It is one of the characteristics of this school."
"Special club activities?"
"That's right. There are seven special club activities at this school in addition to the regular club activities. Two of them are from the Red and Blue club. Special club activities, because when you join the club, you can use special abilities. It's very popular with students, because the word "special ability" is great, right? But only the "chosen ones" recognized by each director can join the club."
The word "special ability" surprised her.
"Only the chosen ones...?"
"Yes. Not everyone can get in. In that sense, it's "special". The Red club wears that black school uniform. Most of the Red club members are bad. However, "it's not that way" bad, so it is accepted by students in general."
Eh? Were they bad, but not evil? She didn't understand anything.
"But it's not all bad things. How to put it? I think those people are not good at keeping up with everyone. People who go their own way are the best. Maybe it's close. The director is Mikoto Suoh, a student third year. He's also the head of the Red club and he's very strong. You see, that red-haired person next to Yata-kun."
Kukuri pointed at the person in the middle of the black group with her finger.
His red eyes were eerily sharp. Tense and sad cheeks.
Did she say he was older? Charismatic? Regardless, his presence was astonishing.
"The Blue club wear a white school uniform. Excellent grades, good behavior. Most of the members are super elite groups that also serve as officers of student organizations and members of the disciplinary committee. The activities are the maintenance of discipline, the orientation of the students, it feels like they are always leading the students in a disciplined way, like leading events at school, so it seems like they are not on good terms with the Red club from one point of view."
Even though she said, "That's correct.", she frowned at the explanation.
(Good behavior... Eh? I'm sure I'm the only one who thinks that carrying a gun to kill people around your waist doesn't mean being good.), she thought.
"The director of the Azul club is Reisi Munakata, a third year student. The director of the Student Organization Within the School, the whereabouts of the Great Myojin!"
The central figure in the white group that Kukuri continued to display was, yes, like "Shinsei Seidai Myojin".
Sharp glasses with calm and cool eyes. He listened to the Red Club swearing with a sweet smile on his lips, as if he were listening to classical music.
"That's why I can't go through here. I'm just looking at it now, but it seems to be getting a little warm, and it is."
"Monkey! Bastard, say it again!"
A loud voice echoed across the courtyard as if to block Kukuri's words. It was Yata's voice.
When he breathes and look back, Fushimi, who looked away, laughed vividly.
"Oh, I'll tell you many times. Your power is below mine. Mi-Sa-Ki."
Delighted, terribly happy, growling and despising people. His smile gave her chills.
(What? That look.), she thought.
"I can't take it! I'll take you down!"
Yata jumped, dyeing his eyes with fierce fury.
"Wow. It's started. That's it for the special part. I'm hungry, can we go quickly?"
Kukuri wanted to leave in a hurry, but she couldn't answer.
She was fascinated by the flames, which had arisen from Yata's hands.
The shape was slightly different, but all the people in the Red club could easily create a flame and target the Blue club. Those of the Blue club also took out their sabers one after another to defend themselves. There was a blue light on the blade.
Involuntarily, she looks at her hands.
(That's a special ability. So my thing is...), she thought.
Her shoulders shook and she suddenly came back to herself.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Because it's dangerous here. Shall we go?"
At that moment, Kukuri urged her on and looked back quickly.
Yes, that was exactly a fight. Other students in the courtyard were screaming.
When she looked back, the first thing she saw was a knife with a red lotus flame approaching them. And that last moment, she didn't have time to think about anything.
"Kukuri-chan, it's dangerous!"
Kukuri's body moved quickly. At that moment, a flash of light enveloped her.
Light was pouring out of her limbs and she couldn't open her eyes.
At the same time, there was a tremendous destructive sound.
But that was only a moment, and soon... the light disappeared like a lie.
The knife that should have flown there was also annihilated.
"Kukuri-chan, are you hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. It's nothing, but..."
Kukuri was in her arms and responded with a confused look.
"Hey. The light is coming out of your body, Saya-chan, but..."
The words surprised her. She quickly released Kukuri and looked at her hands.
Both hands had a vague white light. Her whole body was in that state. Yes. It was as if she herself was emitting light.
A cold thing crept up her back.
(This is the same as before...!), she thought.
When she looked around her in a hurry, the stone pavement was severely broken and only around her. It was as if it had been crushed by a heavy machine.
It appeared that there was no damage to the school building. The surrounding students were also safe. Just around her and Kukuri, the stone pavement was broken, scraped, and tiled as if a circle had been drawn around her.
The blood suddenly disappeared. She shook back and hugged herself.
(What do I have to do! In this school, I decided to be careful not to be like this! I don't want to think like that again. Therefore, I controlled myself so as not to disturb anyone, only in a discreet and silent way. Quiet so as not to make waves. I thought she was calm!), she thought.
"What's that?"
Kukuri's question brought her back to herself.
"This is..."
"You are a 'Strain', aren't you?"
A sweet, low and gentle voice resonated with the usual sound of his shoes.
When she took a breath and looked around her, the person who was there was Reisi Munakata, the director of the Blue club and the director of the Student Organization within the school.
In his hand was a sword that glowed pale.
"A "Strain"...?"
"Yes. People with innate special abilities are called 'Strains'."
With that said, he placed the saber in the scabbard and pulled up his goggles.
"The power of a "Strain" sometimes hurts people."
A painful memory crossed her mind.
Munakata stared at her with a distorted face, a smile on his lips.
"It is also our role to take strong measures to prevent this from happening. The day before yesterday, there was a report that a 'Strain' had entered the island, but are you the transfer student?"
With a rattling noise, Munakata took a step closer to her. She turned and took a step back.
"The birth of a talented person off this island is infinitely equal to zero."
"Ah, that, I..."
"In other words, the exception is that you are a 'Strain'... Transfer student Konohana Saya. If you don't resist, nothing bad will happen. Shut up and give up quickly."
As usual, a soft, sweet smile on his lips.
However, there was a sharp, dignified light in his eyes behind his glasses, and she was frightened by the power of it.
Taking a step back, Munakata narrowed his eyes slightly and held out his hand.
"Come here."
"Oh, I..."
At that moment, a flame struck behind Munakata.
At the moment of shouting, Munakata drew his saber and turned around to block the flame.
"She didn't do anything wrong, that's why she shouldn't give up."
Suoh pointed his flaming hand towards Munakata.
"I reject you, I keep the woman."
"Well, it's rare that you are interested in others."
"Yes. If you think so, give it to me."
Munakata responded to Suoh's fearless smile with a graceful and gentle smile.
"No. If you're interested, I can't quit."
Then, he turned the saber, which was reflecting the sunlight, directly towards Suoh.
"She is an irregular person and I want her to be within my grasp."
"If so, can I get it by force?"
"You are still a barbarian. If so, here too. All members, get ready!"
A sharp command. The people from the Blue club, a group in white school uniforms, responded immediately.
The fight started again. Ahead of her, Munakata looked back and reached out quickly.
"This time. Come with me."
"Oh, I..."
(What do I have to do?), she thought.
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"I won't let you do that."
At that moment, she shook his throat and took another step back. It was unexpected. A voice was heard from above.
It was around the same time that she was surprised to look up at the sky and Munakata flew back quickly and brilliantly.
Immediately afterwards, someone fell to the place where Munakata was.
Black hair blowing in the wind. A Japanese sword that pierced the sky gleamed in the sunlight.
"No, Yatogami-kun!"
Yatogami stood up with her on her back. At the same time, behind the scenes, "Kukuri, are you okay?"
Looking back, she wondered when Shiro and Neko would arrive.
"This girl's security is in charge of the 'Silver Club'."
"Huh? What was that?"
"Don't get me wrong. It's temporary. I'm not trying to force you into anything. The Silver club is different from the Blue club."
Holding a Japanese sword, Yatogami looked at Suoh.
With a pon, Shiro tapped his shoulder, staring at the two people who were abruptly facing each other.
"Shiro-kun... that, I..."
"Yes. You were scared. It's okay. Leave it to me."
She wrinkled her head and was relieved by his soft hands.
"I'll give you a lot of explanations later. Let's escape for the moment. Kuro!"
Yatogami, who had great strength, put his Japanese sword in the sheath and picked them both up.
She was surprised by the sudden movement and blushed shaking her limbs. But that was not the end.
Yatogami suddenly made a gesture like throwing something at the school building. A kind of power. They then took off from the ground at tremendous speed, dragged by invisible forces.
Involuntarily clinging to Yatogami, she closed her eyes tightly.
(What the hell is going on ?!), she thought.
A terrible wind violently shook her hair.
As it was, she and Yatogami were thrown into the sky.
"Are you okay?"
When she opened her eyes slightly to his voice, in front of her was a bowl of rice and canned juice.
She was lying in her bedroom, and when she wobbled her upper body, she wrapped the juice in her hands and exhaled the air into her lungs in one go.
She had terrible eyes...
He jumps from the courtyard to the roof of the school building. From there, he jumped to another building, and then jumped from the height at which she would normally die. She didn't want to experience it again. Bungee without lifeline.
he ran further and brought her to an empty classroom in a building she had not yet entered.
That classroom was generally locked and used only for special occasions.
Yatogami, who opened the key easily, lowered her gently on the chair and went somewhere to buy that.
"The whites should be here soon. Drink it first and calm down."
"Yes, thanks."
She lifted the lid and hydrated her throat with the cold juice.
Her fingers were still trembling. Oh, but the sweetness of her made her feel relaxed. The moment she took a breath, the door opened and Shiro's cheerful voice echoed through the room.
"Kuro, thank you for your hard work! Konohana-san, are you okay?"
"Yes. Somehow... Thanks for your help."
When she thanked him, Shiro smiled and sat down on his seat next to her.
"It was nothing. It was a disaster from the first day of move-in."
"That's right. Up to that point, it's not as good as it is."
"Hmmm, not enough!"
Shiro smiled bitterly, Yatogami was serious and Neko replied cheerfully. It was no different from when they had a conversation that morning.
On the contrary, it seemed strange in her eyes and she frowned inadvertently.
"Are all three scared?"
Maybe it didn't make sense, everyone went through trouble because of it.
"What is scary? The Red club and the Blue club?"
"No, that's not it. It's about me."
"Monster," she remembers the shock when they told her that.
Her heart was anxious. Her throat screeched and she squeezed her breast with her hand.
"I have a power that ordinary people don't have. That caused a lot of trouble around me and I couldn't stay at the old school."
No. It was a nuisance. It wasn't pretty at all.
Like Munakata said, she hurts people.
"I was thinking of living like an ordinary person in this school. I decided to hide my abilities. I would never let my abilities skyrocket."
A string of light. A terrible destructive sound. A knife that disappeared like dust. The ground that had been crushed. A stone pavement that broke and turned into pieces. Remembering that, she involuntarily hugged herself.
"I didn't know I had this power. It was sudden. When I realized it, the school building was a mess."
She will never forget it, it was unforgettable. The scene at that time would be for life.
Whether in a major earthquake or bombing, a part of the school building was ruined and turned to rubble.
Students fleeing. A bloodstained towel. And…
"Then my friends became hostile and no one looked at me."
A mixed look of surprise and fear towards her. It quickly turned into disgust.
Neither her friends, her classmates nor her superiors were looking at her. They didn't try to get involved. Even the teacher looked away from her.
Even her family was scared and she started looking at her all the time. If she was in a bad mood, that house would be destroyed next. Her parents thought they might be attacked.
She lost everything that was important at the time.
That's why she was thinking that she had done it again. Also, on the first day of transfer.
Here she too had become a "monster".
"Oh... I have to find a new school again..."
"Eh? You don't have to. You'll be fine here."
"Why? I can't stay here anymore!"
"So? You run away every time you use your power? What the hell? Isn't that stupid?"
Suddenly, the classroom door opened and a grumpy voice echoed, interrupting her words.
When she looked around her, he was standing there, Fushimi, who had a distorted face that looked annoyed.
"Fuwah! What are you doing? I don't like you, Glasses!"
Neko looked threatening, and Fushimi said, "I have no business with you. My purpose is that woman.".
"Huh? I?"
His eyes without heat surprised her. At his waist, the saber made a loud noise.
"If you try to carry out the principal's order, it's a disaster. Wow. This is the collapse of the school building."
(Did the school building collapse?), she thought.
"Up to that point, even a fool like Domyoji can do it."
"What did you say?"
"He's a member of the Blue club. Of course, I can do it too. It's easy. I just don't do it because it's hard to clean."
(Is it easy...?), she thought.
"That's right."
"Believe it or not, it's up to you. If you want to do it, run away. If there is another school where people can easily tear down the school building."
(What does that mean...? Is he trying to reassure me? I don't understand the meaning and his eyes are scary.), she thought.
With a particularly gentle smile, Shiro yelled.
"Yes. As Fushimi says. Konohana-san doesn't have to run away from this school at all. Rather, it's the opposite."
"Quite the opposite?"
"Yes, I think it's right for you. Ashinaka Super School is a school where talented people gather."
"Eh…? Talented?"
"Huh? Special club activities. Didn't you ask someone? Red club, Blue club, etc."
"Well, I heard that from Kukuri-chan."
But that was a story that when you enter a special club, you will be able to use special abilities, isn't it that people with abilities will gather in this school?
When she said that, Fushimi clicked his tongue.
"Eh? That…"
"Well, it's a relationship. Is it that important if the ability is innate or acquired? It's the same in terms of ability."
"Hmm...! Same thing? With me?"
"Did you say that? It's not unusual for a talented person. Because all the guys who belong to the special club are talented people. So, in this school, no one discriminates against talented people. You'll run away from here, where will you go?"
"Ah! No one discriminates?"
"That's right. Well, it seems that Strains are rarely born outside of Gakuenjima, and I think you're different in that sense, but I don't care because all talented people are weird in the first place. Maybe everyone doesn't care either. You can live. normally here. No, I should say that here. You think so too, right Yata-kun?"
When she was surprised by Shiro's words and ran her eyes towards the door, Yata with a bitter face appeared with a smile on his cheek.
"Don't hide and listen, come out."
"It is urgent."
"Did you come worried? Or did Suoh tell you to come see what happened? Well, anyway... Konohana-san. Everyone here has special abilities."
"Eh? And Shiro-kun? Neko-chan?"
"Yes. Because we are the Silver club. Fushimi-kun is from the Blue club. Yata-kun is from the Red club. We are all a special department. And Neko is also a Strain. You know what that means, right?"
Words like dreams invaded her.
Was it serious? Wasn't it a lie? Was it really the case?
"Don't I have to run away?"
Wasn't it a dream or an illusion?
"I can stay here?"
Fushimi responded to the words, as he groaned.
"You should like it, right? You're not the only one with a skill anyway."
She was not alone.
She takes a breath and stare at Fushimi.
She wasn't the only one who had an "ability", he said, but he probably just stated objective facts, but why? She felt that she could get closer to that person. She thought that he could understand the loneliness that had been in her heart since that day.
Suddenly, the tears overflowed.
When she clasped her hands, she hid her teary eyes from him.
It was unbelievable. Because that day she changed her life completely. She had experienced it. She was hurt and suffered. She was still in her mind very clearly that vivid memory.
(Oh, but! However, I'm not alone!), she thought.
Great tears were shed. She covered her mouth with both hands and looked up. She was not alone.
The truth is that she did not want to run away. She wanted a place to stay.
(I don't want to be a "monster". I'm so scared of myself! I don't want to be left alone in the dark without anyone understanding me!), she thought.
"Huh... uh..."
She was not alone. She could stay there.
His words made her tremble. Her heart was full and she couldn't say anything else.
Like a little girl crying.
The opening bell rang on the way, but everyone was there without saying anything.
Fushimi, who should always be a member of the Blue club guiding the students in a disciplined manner, remained silent.
"Still, I wonder what Konohana-san's ability is. She disintegrates the knife."
Seeing that she had calmed down a bit, Shiro said that and looked at Yatogami.
"Konohana-san, you don't understand it too, do you?"
"Yes. When I tried to help Kukuri-chan, it turned out to be like that. Anyway, I'm scared of myself."
"Are you a Strain who does not know your own strength and cannot control it? You are an object of observation that the Blue club seems to like."
He shook his head and looked at her to explain, Yatogami really did say what he was thinking.
The disturbing sound of his words made her shiver.
"Object of observation?"
"Mmm, Kuro. Don't scare her."
"But it's true. The Blue club will not give up on this. It will take aim again."
With that said, Yatogami looked at Fushimi.
"It sounds good for the order of the school, but the Blue club does not choose the means."
"Good. I will definitely come again. But I think that will be only if she doesn't belong to any club. If Konohana-san joins the special club herself, I'm sure it will be a different story."
"It's true?"
"Yes. The director and members will protect you as companions, I'm sure they will find out what your abilities are, and I think they will teach you how to manipulate your abilities properly. No one wants you to escape. You may have been afraid of suddenly giving up, but Munakata-senpai didn't try to hurt you. The ability is really difficult to handle. Apparently, you didn't seem to be able to control your abilities, right? So Munakata-senpai and Suoh-senpai tried to protect you no matter how they did it."
"Eh? Protect me?"
"Yes. Protected by the club. Before it affects the school and the general public. Only talented people can repress talented people."
"So if you join the special club and learn to know and control your skills alongside people who understand you..."
"The Blue club will not attack you. You will no longer be a 'dangerous Strain whose abilities are out of control', do you understand? Do you want to be part of the Silver club? Me and Kuro will protect you, and we slowly elucidate your abilities."
"Join the Silver club?"
Fushimi, who had been listening to the story silently until then, clicked his tongue and looked at Shiro. Yata looked at him too. Scared by both of them, Shiro shrugged and said, "How scary."
"Well, it seems that both the Red club and the Blue club want to protect you, but, anyway, if you join the special club, your situation will improve in various ways."
"Think carefully. Konohana-san, you must decide your future school life."
"I'm smart!"
"Wow! Yes! Sorry!"
As soon as she opened the bedroom door, she was scolded and apologized.
Eh? But, wait? Why did she have to open the door to her room and apologize?
"Oh, that's right. You?"
She raised her face and sighed at the robot that was sitting there.
It was one of the robots that cleaned the entire school island, as well as the school building and dormitory. The samurai tone was quite cute. When she stepped aside, he left the room and said, "I'm tall!"
She looked at him, she closed the door and got into bed.
"Oh! I'm tired!"
After skipping class for an hour, she returned to the classroom, but she stopped in front of the door as she was scared. What would she do if they looked at you strangely?
But, in conclusion, she didn't have to worry about it at all.
Kukuri, who found her writhing in front of the door, came out to pick her up.
"Thanks for your help on the courtyard. I'm sorry I couldn't thank you right away."
Kukuri told her that and laughed.
When she asked her: "Am I not disgusting?", Kukuri responded by beating her chest: "I don't think so at all. You were like an ally of justice and it was cute. You are a life saver; you should not feel bad. Tell me if there is someone who annoys you! I'm not good with violence, but I will persuade him.". Oh, that really made her happy.
The look and attitudes of the other colleagues did not change, but made her shine, saying: "You are incredible." The exact opposite of the previous school. But it may be that she used to hurt people with her abilities, and this time she protected people with her abilities.
She finally she was relieved to hear everyone's reaction.
Then she cries again.
Kukuri hugged her, "Don't cry." She patted her head and hit her on the shoulder.
She was so happy to see everyone's comfort and she was so excited that she cried even more.
"Special club activities, huh?"
She holding the cushion she lay on her back. She looked at the ceiling and coughed.
They all accepted her as she displayed her abilities. It was soft and warm.
She was really happy. If she took it easy, she might inadvertently shed tears.
But her power could hurt others. What would she do if she lost control again? She wanted to protect everyone from herself. So she had to know her ability and how to control it.
"Shiro-kun's Silver club."
She looked at the ceiling thoughtfully as if to confirm it.
"The Red club with Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun."
She got up gently.
She watched the terrifying red sunset shining through the window and clenched her fist tightly.
"Fushimi-kun is in the Blue club."
"I am Reisi Munakata. I am the director of the Azul club and director of the Student Organization at this school."
"I am Konohana Saya. Thanks again!"
Munakata introduced himself again. She was nervous and bowed deeply.
After school, the next day. She was in front of the Blue club room building, commonly known as "Scepter 4".
A majestic building that looked like a palace. A solid and wide entrance. The thick columns were lined up on both sides and the top was a large balcony with a large sliding window. And there are perfectly symmetrical wings left and right, centered on the part of the triangular roof that it had.
Was this the Blue club building? Were they using this whole building for the club? A member of the Blue club, who was completely overwhelmed and found her wandering the oversized open space in front of the building, led her to the principal's office. He explained to her that it was a relocation of an old western style building in a foreign French Renaissance style.
She maybe thought it was good, but it was completely counterproductive. "This is not a good place to be!". She was scared, and about to turn around and run. Managed to stop herself.
The member of the Blue club knocked on the door.
She was sure that at Shiro's Silver club she could have a relaxing time. That is exactly what she originally wanted, a quiet and peaceful place.
Yesterday after school, Totsuka Tatara, who was a third year student in the Red club, came to the classroom and gave her a dessert made by Izumo Kusanagi, a manager in the Red club. She apologized. And the dessert was really delicious.
So she was sure that he could take good care of her, and she would have a good time.
But yes. That is why she decided to go to the Blue club.
While everyone was nice to her, only Munakata told her clearly.
"The power of a Strain sometimes hurts people."
"You are a Strain and I want to have you within my grasp."
About the danger of her ability. On the need for follow-up. Only that person told her.
She was scared at the time, but now she wanted to be an "object of observation" so that she could discover her abilities and learn to control them.
"Konohana Saya-san. Originally, you are a Strain, you must be monitored and protected to maintain order in this school."
In the headmaster's room, staring at her standing in front of a heavy desk, Munakata smiled and crossed his fingers.
His smile was sweet and gentle. However, his eyes were closed and there was no mercy.
So she could be safe there, she could trust him.
This person would not only protect her, he would also protect everyone from her.
"So, I'm glad you visited me. Welcome to the Blue club, Konohana Saya-san."
"Yes, thanks."
Again, she bowed deeply.
Around the same time, the sound of banging echoed through the room. Then the sound of the door opening. She turned around to see.
"You calls me?"
It was Fushimi who entered. Noticing her, he clicked his tongue in the middle of the words and opened his eyes slightly.
"Oh, Fushimi-kun. I've been waiting for you. Here's Konohana-san."
"Huh? Oh, yes!"
"You were in the same class as her, right?"
Munakata smiled as he looked at her, she quickly returned her gaze to Munakata.
"Oh, yes. That's correct."
"That's right. Then I'll order Fushimi-kun to be an educator for Konohana-san."
"Hmm, Fushimi-kun?"
It seems like it was an unexpected word not only for her but also for Fushimi, who was shocked, and a click of the tongue was heard from behind.
However, should keep calling Munakata, director? The director did not seem particularly concerned about his reaction and continued his words with a smile.
"Please support her."
"Because I?"
"We need someone who is always close to her, who educates her to be suitable for the Blue club and able to deal quickly when her power gets out of control. You are the best in the same class."
He wondered if he couldn't argue with that, and after a while, he sighed and replied, "Ok."
Looking back, he really hated having to do it.
"So Konohana-san. I'm going to talk to Fushimi-kun. Thank you for your continued support."
"Ah, yes! Thank you very much!"
She bowed firmly to the director, thanked him, and turned her back on Fushimi as he walked out of the director's office.
"Um, sorry."
It didn't seem like Fushimi would agree to that task, so she didn't look back and apologized to Fushimi, who was walking steadily.
Then he replied, "It's not your fault. Besides, I will obey the director's decision."
His voice was a little soft, but he sounded very grumpy. She thought that Fushimi was really angry. But if she said something, would he ever get mad at her again?
She walked over to Fushimi, thought for a moment and leaned in, saying, "Well, okay then."
The answer to that was his usual irony.
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judedeluca · 3 years
For sailormoonsub - Rei-chan got run over by a reindeer
For @sailormoonsub who picked “Carols” and Mako Kino for the holiday prompts
Mako nervously fidgeted in her seat.
It was going to be her turn next.
She’d done what she could to avoid it being her turn.
Maybe she should just leave before-
“Is everything okay, Mako-chan?”
Ami to the rescue, as usual.
Up on the stage, Minako was belting out “Jingle Belle Rock” while Usagi and Rei cheered her on. Naru’s mom was hosting a Christmas party for all of Naru’s friends at her jewelry shop, and at this part of the night people were taking turns singing Christmas songs and carols.
Rei had done a cover of “Last Christmas” while Usagi tried to sing “Jingle Bells.” Naru and Umino had done “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” which kind of left a lot of people feeling slightly disturbed. The subtext had naturally flown right over Usagi’s head. Ami had gone for “Joy to the World.”
Makoto however, had been trying to avoid this segment of the party.
“Ah, I’m sorry Ami-chan,” Mako apologized.
“You were having a more enjoyable time earlier, before the singing began,” Ami acknowledged. “Are you feeling self conscious?”
“N-no, nothing like that,” Mako felt herself blushing, “It’s silly, really. I don’t wanna ruin the party for everyone.”
“Don’t worry about that, Mako-chan,” Ami gently replied. “If you aren’t having fun, you shouldn’t force yourself to feel differently.”
“Well I was, I just…” Mako sighed again, “I don’t know. I feel weird about singing songs at Christmastime.”
“Would you like to talk about why?” Ami asked without forcing Mako to state what was wrong.
“My parents and I, we used to sing Christmas carols, before they, you know…” Mako trailed off.
There was some awkward silence between them.
“You don’t HAVE to sing if you don’t want to,” Ami diplomatically reasoned. “The party won’t hinge on whether or not a single person sings.”
“No, I’d just feel weird being the one person who doesn’t,” Mako answered.
“Then, would there be a song you’d prefer to sing that would make feel the most comfortable?” Ami continued. “It doesn’t have to be a Christmas song.”
“Hmm…” Mako thought. “I think I’d feel more comfortable if I didn’t have to sing one an old-fashioned Christmas carol.”
“Something silly?” Ami asked.
“Yeah, maybe.”
“How about this…”
As Minako finally finished, she shouted “Thank you Juban!” and threw the microphone on the floor.
“Minako don’t actually throw it on the floor you’re gonna break it!” Rei ordered.
Minako snorted “Girl please I’m famous, I can do what I want.”
“O-kay, moving along,” Naru announced, “I think the one person who hasn’t sung for us is Mako-chan.”
“YAY MAKO-CHAN!” Usagi practically screamed as Mako picked up the microphone.
“Um, hi, everyone,” Mako started.
“TAKE IT OFF BABY!” Minako shrieked.
While Rei and Minako bickered, Mako continued on with “I admit I was a bit nervous about singing tonight. I’m sort of weird when it comes to Christmas music and everything, but a good friend of mine made a suggestion to help me relax. If you don’t mind, I’m going to tweak the lyrics to this next song.”
Twangy country music started to play on the karaoke machine.
“Oh Rei-chan got run over by a reindeer-“
“WHAT?!” Rei screamed in horror.
“WHAT?!” Minako screamed in delight.
“When did a reindeer run over Rei-chan?” Usagi wondered.
“I thought Mako-chan would feel comfortable if she sang a song about one of us,” Ami cheerfully answered.
“BUT WHY *THIS* SONG?!” Rei angrily demanded to know. “AND WHY ME?!”
“Oh because your name had the right amount of syllables so the song wouldn’t sound too different,” Ami casually replied.
“She’d been drinking too much eggnog-“ Mako continued.
“Mmhmm,” Minako nodded, “I always said Rei-chan couldn’t hold her liquor. And now it’s too late.”
“I can almost still hear her sweet voice,” Minako sobbed.
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datleggy · 5 years
a list of every anime i love/recommend, accumulated over the last 10+ years
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The main character is a teenage boy named Natsume, whose parents died when he was too young to remember them properly. He’s passed around random relatives homes, but because he can see yokai (spirits), he’s ostracized by classmates and his foster families (ALL HIS CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS ARE SO FUCKING SAD) and eventually very distant relatives (an older couple who never had kids of their own and have so much goddamn love to give D:!!!) take Natsume in, and the story basically starts from there. 
It’s a very heart-warming story following Natsume’s new life in this new town, accepting his ability to see yokai, forging new relationships in the form of friends and family, and even with the yokai themselves. 
This is honestly probably my favorite anime/manga period, because it’s so sad but so cathartic and you watch as the main character grows and learns to trust those around him, and finally gets the unconditional love he’s always deserved, not to MENTION THE FACT THAT THEY DO A WHOLE EP WHERE NATSUME IS TURNED BACK INTO A LITTLE KID AND IT IS SOOOO GOOD OMG
Plus for those of you who enjoy whump, this show has a decent amount of it. Mainly emotional whump, but also some episodes where Natsume is injured or sick--as well as I believe one where his companion (the chubby cat on his shoulder who’s actually a pretty badass yokai) gets shot with an arrow and is down for the count. 
10/10 would and have watched again. 
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SUMMARY/REVIEW:  The main character is a sixth grader named Sana. She’s a gifted actress on a t.v. show everyone likes and she’s silly and fun, very intuitive and surprisingly empathetic for a child. 
Her main problem is in school, where Akito, who she deems the leader of her class’ wolf pack of rowdy rude boys, lets them terrorize not just the teacher, but all the girls in class, as well. 
I don’t really want to give a lot away, so I’ll just state the obvious. This anime/manga is shoujo, which means that it does focus on a romantic relationship throughout the series. Mainly the one between Sana and Akito. Sana is absolutely oblivious about her own feelings, while Akito is a stubborn little shit. 
I remember watching this at like, age 12 maybe? And I really enjoyed it because (although I do enjoy your typical silly doesn’t take itself too seriously slice of life shoujo) this particular anime, while super funny and light hearted at times, was also really dramatic and even kinda dark, which was surprising considering the characters ages and the general kid-friendly vibe (especially the opening for the anime). 
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SUMMARY/REVIEW:  Our main character is initially Shinichi Kudo, teenage detective, who’s on a date with childhood sweetheart Ran (whose father also happens to a detective but like....not a good one lmao), when his nosy ass self decides to go and check out some shady business and gets “poisoned”. 
The poison he’s given is intended to kill him, but what it actually does is turn him back into a child. And now, as Conan Edogawa, (who’s 7 but like....we just supposed to believe all these cops and detectives on the force are cool with a seven year old wee lil babe on these really gruesome ass crime scenes??? lmaoooo) we follow him on his adventures as he solves crimes and tries to solve the biggest mystery of all, his own! 
I absolutely LOVE this anime/manga, even though I’ll be honest, there is SO MUCH FILLER, but I like the characters enough that I really don’t mind. The show is at least 900+ episodes in at this point, and there are a total of 26 movies so far, last time I checked. 
Also, the show is a whump fangirls’ dream come true. The main character is thrown out of windows, balconies, shot at, and in one occasion actually shot, he’s had broken bones, sprains, almost been blown up or drowned/burned, been sick, and oh, his occasional transformations from child to teenager are incredibly painful. 
This show is probably at fault for my love of whump, since it was one of my first animes at like, age 9. smh. 
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I’m not even going to summarize this one. The title does it for me. This is truly one of the funniest animes I’ve ever seen. Motherfuckin Satan works at a McDonalds part time and it is the BEST. 
Technically I would count this show as a kind of harem, but only because there are like three main girl characters after the overlord Satan himself. I usually dislike harem type animes but the way this is done is sooooo good I couldn’t resist. 
I would watch a million filler episodes of Satan trying to solve problems at his minimum wage job tbh. I love every single character, I love the plot, I love everything about this anime! In terms of comedy (with the occasional plot driven serious moments) this is IT bro. 
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The main character is Ciel Phantomhive (roughly 14 years old). His parents are killed, his house is burned to ashes, and he’s kidnapped (around age 9 or 10 I believe) and abused. During this abuse Ciel calls upon a demon to free him and help him get revenge on those who harmed the Phantomhive household, which is where Sebastian, one “hell of a good butler” comes in. 
We then follow Ciel and Sebastian on their path of vengeance, and along the way we meet Ciel’s human servants, three very clumsy and seemingly bad at their given tasks characters (i love them all), and some of his extended relatives and connections. 
My favorite thing about Black Butler is the art, both in the anime and manga. Everything is so detailed and pretty! 
The characters are interesting, the plot is dark but they manage to make most of the series overall pretty light-hearted and funny in general. Though of course there are chapters/parts of the series that get really grim (which duh, the whole thing focuses on revenge so...) 
I have to say, the arc I enjoyed the most has to be the movie, Black Butler: Book Of the Atlantic. It is beautifully drawn and sooooooo entertaining. 
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Our main characters are Inuyasha, a half-demon, who’s been in a sort of spiritually binding coma for the last few decades, and fourteen year old Kagome, who falls into an old well in her family’s shrine and finds herself being transported into another time period. 
Together, she and Inuyasha travel across the lands in the feudal era to find the scattered shards of the shikon jewel, a powerful jewel which grants anyone who possesses it ultimate power. 
I was too young to stay up and watch Inuyasha on adult swim, so my mom would tape the show on a VCR for me to watch the next day after school--yes, I’m old old. lmaoooo I ADORE this show. 
It’s so good! It’s got everything! A tortured lil half-demon with a sad past who’s stubborn and rude but got a good heart! A fierce and equally as stubborn main protagonist, who’s whole ass family knows exactly where she goes off to??? and are supportive af????? like???? her mama packs her and her squad of demon/exorcist/demon hunter pals bentos?!?! lmao i love it. 
The characters are awesome and funny and likable as all heck, and of course they all have their sad backstory, but like, unlike some animes (lookin at YOU Naruto) they don’t go mega overboard on it, at least not without some plot behind the episode. 
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Before I even start in on the summary, ya’ll should watch this soley bc of the cute ass 90′s style animation alone. LOOK AT ALL THAT SHINY HAIR!
ANYWAY. Main character is teenage hooligan and overall cutie pie Yusuke! He gets struck by a car and fucking DIES in the first episode after shoving a little boy out of the way, only to end up in the spirit world where the head honcho up there (who looks like a wee baby) tells him “Oh shit, didn’t expect you to like, actually do anything self-sacrificing EVER so like, you’re not on our list of people who were supposed to die today...” 
And uh, I don’t wanna give anything away, so I’m just gonna say that if you haven’t seen this anime yet, you definitely should! It’s hilarious and dramatic, the fight scenes are very well done, all the side characters, who eventually become main characters are a blessing (specifically Hiei, who’ve I’ve had a crush on since I was 12) and the ending is a satisfying one, which you can’t really say for a lot of media. 
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I still get weepy when I think of this anime, so all I’ll say is it’s about a badass demon slaying nurse and her demon companion and some very tragic shit. 
It’s a great anime overall, especially if you like crying yourself to sleep at night :) 
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The main character is high school student Mai, who is hired by Naru, the head of a Shibuya psychic research, and together, with a group of questionable exorcists/psychics, they encounter paranormal phenomenons and some outright scary shit. 
I’m not really a fan of the horror genre tbh but I do like mystery, and the series deals with that quite a bit. They deal with each case for several episodes so nothing feels too rushed. 
The series is really fun in a creepy, wtf is that way. I recommend the manga, only because it’s more detailed in terms of plot than the anime. 
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I didn’t really make this list in any particular order but if I had to say, Assassination Classroom and Natsume Yuujinchou probably tie for BEST ANIME PERIOD! 
This anime is about a weird ass “alien” creature, no one knows where it came from or why tf it’s here on earth, all they know is that in one year it’s threatened to blow the world up. 
His only request to the government is that they let him become a teacher for Class E, the worst class of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, and he will stay put, so that they can attempt an assassination on him during this one year period. 
AND LISTEN! I am a shallow hoe, so I literally never would have read this manga or watched the series had I not been roaming Barnes and Noble one day with my S.O. and picked it up to read as a JOKE! 
I was hooked after the first chapter and I am soooooooo glad I picked this manga up, bc it is absolutely not the type I would normally go for, cover art wise. I finally, after many many years, learned not to judge a book by its cover bc LORD this anime is so goddamn good, you don’t understand! Like, I’ve watched it so many times and still laugh at the same parts, cry at the same parts, am proud af at the same parts! like, this anime is an instant classic and should definitely be more popular than it is. 
assassination classroom and natsume yuujinchou????? MASTERPIECES! 
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
Konnichipa (“Good Afternoop”)
“The king of Hawaii was called Kamepamepa! Let’s protect our green forests, that’s nature conserpation! Speep going “baa baa”, lakes of pwans! And the tallest mountain in Japan is Mt. Puji!”
OR: Adding a maru to words starting with h syllables “P” to words is fun.
konnichipaa   konnichipaa konkon nichinichi konnichipaa konnichi pappaa konnichipaa konnichi bappaa konnichipaa
Good afternoop, good afternoop! Goodgood, afterafter, good afternoop! Good afternoop noop , good afternoop! Good afternoob noop , good afternoop!
iropanipopeto pamayarawaa maru wo tsuketara ara fushigi iropanipopeto pamayarawaa nandemo tanoshiku miete kuru
A-P-P-D-P-F-G, A-P-I-O-U If you replace things with a “P”, my, do they sound funny! A-P-P-D-P-F-G, A-P-I-O-U No matter what you use it for, it makes the word fun!
ki ni naru ano ko wa PIROSHI-kun yasashiku popoemi kakemashou HAE wa iya dakedo PAE nara OKKEE PAPA to MAMA wa ii puupu
The boy on my mind is Piroshi-kun Let’s all give a nice, friendly spile Flies are gross but if it’s pies, that’s A-OK Mom and Dad make such a great pouple!
konnichipaa   konnichipaa konkon nichinichi konnichipaa konnichi pappaa konnichipaa konnichi bappaa konnichipaa
Good afternoop, good afternoop! Goodgood, afterafter, good afternoop! Good afternoop noop , good afternoop! Good afternoob noop , good afternoop!
iropanipopeto pamayarawaa maru wo tsuketara ara fushigi iropanipopeto pamayarawaa nandemo tanoshiku miete kuru
A-P-P-D-P-F-G, A-P-I-O-U If you replace things with a “P”, my, do they sound funny! A-P-P-D-P-F-G, A-P-I-O-U No matter what you use it for, it makes the word fun!
HAWAI no ousama KAMEPAMEPA midori wo mamorou shizen pogo PITSUJI wa meemee, pakuchou no mizuumi puuji wa nippon ichi no yama
The king of Hawaii was called Kamepamepa Let’s protect our green forests, that’s nature conserpation Speep going “baa baa”, lakes of pwans And the tallest mountain in Japan is Mt. Puji
konnichipaa   konnichipaa konkon nichinichi konnichipaa konnichi pappaa konnichipaa konnichi bappaa konnichipaa
Good afternoop, good afternoop! Goodgood, afterafter, good afternoop! Good afternoop noop , good afternoop! Good afternoob noop , good afternoop!
irohanihoheto hamayarawaa maru wo tottara ara fushigi irohanihoheto hamayarawaa nandemo CHIKARA ga nuketekuru
A-B-C-D-E-F-G, A-E-I-O-U If you take away the “P”, my, do they sound funny! A-B-C-D-E-F-G, A-E-I-O-U No matter what it is, saying it right zaps your strength
hoohohhohoo hohho HATO HOHHO genkan no BERU wa HINHONHON PENGIN wa ii kedo HENGIN wa NG kyou no ohiru wa SUHAGETTI
Hoohoo hoohoo hoo HATOHOHHO The doorbell at the entranceway goes hing-hong Penguins are great but henguins are no good Today I had haghetti for lunch
maaru wo tsukete ikimashou kitto tanoshiku natte kuru kanashii kibun ni natta nara HORA! maaru wo tsukete ikimashou
Let’s add a “P” to things It’ll definitely make ‘em fun If you’re down in the dumps, then HEY! Let’s add a “P” to things
konnichipaa   konnichipaa konkon nichinichi konnichipaa konnichi pappaa konnichipaa konnichi bappaa konnichipaa
Good afternoop, good afternoop! Goodgood, afterafter, good afternoop! Good afternoop noop , good afternoop! Good afternoob noop , good afternoop!
paru natsu aki puyu   nen gara nenjuu ookina koe de WAPAPPA! (wahahahaha) hai PAKUSHU! (PACHI PACHI PACHI PACHI!)
Spring, pummer, fall, and pinter, all throughout the year Let’s laugh really loud: WAPAPAPA! (Wahahahaha) Yeah, let’s plaupplaud! (clap-clap-clap-clap-clap!)
I took some liberties with this translation, but basically: In the hiragana writing system, you have syllables, not letters. So, “ha hi hu (pronounced fu) he ho” would be written as “はひふへほ”. For the sake of silliness, this song adds a maru (◌゚) to those hiragana to turn them into “pa pi pu pe po” (ぱぴぷぺぽ”). In later stanzas, words that already had the syllables “pa pi pu pe po” have their maru taken away from them and become “ha hi fu he ho”.
I subbed in as many English equivalents as I could, but if you want a list of things as they appear:
konnichipa: konnichiwa (Hello or Good Afternoon) iropanipopeto: irohanihoheto (the old Japanese alphabet) pamayarawaa: cutesy version of hamayarawa (a mnemonic device for the second half of the hiragana writing system) Piroshi-kun: Hiroshi-kun (a “P” version of a common boy’s name in Japan, much like “Patthew” or “Poshua” in English.) Popoemi: hohoemi (smile) Pae: hae (houseflies) Puupu: fuufu (pair; couple) Kamepamepa: Kamehameha Shizen pogo: shizen hogo (nature conservation) Pitsuji: hitsuji (sheep) Pakuchou: hakuchou (swan) Puuji: Fuuji (Mt. Fuji) Hinhonhon: pinponpon (ding-dong-dong) Hengin: Pengin (Penguin) Suhagetti: supagetti (spaghetti) Paru: haru (spring, but I kept spring intact and turned summer into pummer instead because “ppring" sounded too weird for me) Puyu: fuyu (winter) Wapappa: Wahahha (laughter) Pakushu: hakushu (applause)
Also, this is only semi-related, but Konnichipa is responsible for one of the few Koha MCs I remember fondly, and I recommend watching it if only Gaki’s disgruntled face.
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A Silent Christmas Love - Monk ( Or Hosho Takigawa ) X Reader * Requested By KuroLovesMusic *
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Ghost Hunt X Reader ~Oneshots *Requests Open *
Ghost Hunt X Reader
A Silent Christmas Love - Monk ( Or Hosho Takigawa ) X Reader * Requested By KuroLovesMusic * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own the Anime/Manga Ghost Hunt nor do I own any of the characters from the series. I only own my writing skills along with my imagination.
I'm sorry for this taking such a long while. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your POV: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  I walked over to the van to take in some observations of my fellow co workers and my boss. I breathed in a sigh of relief to know that our current case had been dealt with and an innocent spirit had crossed over to a happier place. This is why I took this job along with my best friend Mai Taniyama, that was our purpose here.
I set down some of our equipment down in the van as we packed up the rest and got in the van to return to SPR Headquarters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shibuya Psychic Research Headquarters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Well, this is the last of it. Is there anything else that anyone needs before I retire home? " I asked.
" No ( Y/N___ ), that's all we need from you for today. You are dismissed, can you also tell Mai and the others that they are dismissed as well? " Naru replied.
" Sure thing Naru, see you in a week and Merry Christmas. " I smiled and waved Naru goodbye.
" Same to you. " Naru said while slightly giving me a head nod.
" Anything that involves social activities is not exactly his strong suit is it...? " I asked myself.
" What was that? "
" Nothing Naru, have a good night and holiday. " I said while putting on my jacket and gloves on and going to gather Mai and the others.
" Come on guys, we're done for today so let's go home! " I yelled out to everyone.
" This early? " Mai responded.
" It's almost 8:00, Naru says we're done so we have to go home now. " I replied.
" Aww come on, let's do something fun! " Monk wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I blushed a little.
" L-L-Like what? " I asked.
" I don't know, let's go have a christmas dinner or see a movie at my place. " Monk winked at me and I looked in the opposite direction.
" Are you asking me out on Christmas? " I asked.
" Yeah I am, would you like to while the others do their own thing? " He ruffled my hair slightly.
" Um sure, where would you like to go? " I asked.
" How about we go to that cool italian resturaunt on the 4th street and then afterwards, I can take you home with me and we can do some....other things. " Monk had gotten a little closer than what I was expecting from him.
" S-Sure! I would love to go with you on a date with you. " I smiled brightly.
" Great! Hey guys, we are going to be busy tonight with some of our plans so have fun without us. " Monk said to others.
" Aww, it's not going to be any fun without you two. " John whined a little.
" What do you even plan on doing to her Monk? " Ayako crossed her arms and gave Monk a questionable look.
" Nothing evil, I promise. "
" Good because I want my good little innocent niece back here in one piece by tomorrow! And there better not be any hickeys on her when I see her again! " My aunt gave Monk the demonic look, she can be frightening when she wants to be.
" She won't have any I promise. "
" Good and sweetie, you call me if this big bad man is being cruel to you. Got It? " My aunt Ayako place my face in her hands and smiled at me.
" I will Auntie, I promise. " I replied while kissing her cheek.
" Hey! What do you mean the big bad man!? I'm not bad! " Monk took offense in Ayako's comment.
" You are when you act stupid. " Ayako replied.
" I'm not stupid! " Monk yelled back.
" Yes you are. " Ayako replied.
" Am not! "
" Ok guys, that's enough insults for today. How about we all just go and enjoy our Christmas plans for tonight? " I tried to settle the argument and pull Monk towards me and away from Ayako.
" Yes lets. " John replied as he pulled away Ayako from Monk.
We all gathered our things and headed outside and it was still snowing. It was really beautiful. I took Monk's hand in mine and intangled them both together. I looked over to my right and saw Mai, John and my Aunt Ayako playing the snow and having some snowball fight while Masako was sitting on the bench next to them and smiling while observing their silliness.
" Hey ( Y/N___ )? "
" Yes Monk? " I turned my head over and was surprised by a sudden kiss that he gave me. We broke free from what seemed like forever but to the world it was actually 3 minutes.
" I know that you may not realize it but, this kiss was a long term wait for me. I love to be with you and for you to love being with me, will you be my best Christmas present and say that you will be my girlfriend? " Monk took hands tightly and looked into my eyes while desperately and patiently waiting for my answer.
" I think that would the best present I could ever recieve and give Monk, I would love to be your girlfriend. " I kissed him and wrapped his body around mine while we stood there kissing. I pulled away and guided him down the street and away from all the chaos of snowball throwing.
" Let's go and have our magnificent dinner love. " Monk kissed me on the cheek and I giggled slightly. This really was the best present ever! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 years later: On Christmas Eve: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Merry Christmas my love. " I snuck up on my boyfriend, Monk, and covered his eyes with my hands. He laughed slightly and took my hands away from his eyes and turned around while capturing my waist and lifting me up.
" And happy 2 year anniversary honey. " Monk rubbed his nose against mine while setting me down on the kitchen counter.
" Here love, open it. " I handed him a present.
" We're not supposed to open presents until Christmas morning. " Monk replied.
" This is our anniversary present, not Christmas so you can open it now. " I said while poking him slightly.
" Ah I see, well I guess I will open it then. " Monk smiled at me while opening the present.
" Do you like it? " I asked.
" I love this ( Your gift to him ) so much (Y/N____ ), thank you! " Monk hugged me tightly.
" You're welcome honey. " I patted his back and smiled.
" Wait here! " Monk ran upstairs in our apartment bedroom and retrieved something. Then after 20 minutes of hearing shuffling noises and banging, he finally came down and gave me a small thin box.
" What is it? " I asked.
" Well you will know when you open it. "
" Right, duh. " I laughed at myself. I opened up the box to see a blue snowflake necklace with a small sapphire in it and a note that said: ' The Christmas night that you said yes to me will always be my one night with you that I will cherish forever. I am glad to have recieved themost wonderful gift that God has ever created. Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary, Love Takigawa. '
" Well? " He asked.
" Well, oh my god. Thank you so much honey, I love you to death. " I was crying tears of joy and I hugged him so tightly that I never wanted to let go.
" I'm glad you like it. "
" Like it? I adore it, can you put it on me? " I asked.
" Sure here. " Monk moved my hair from around my neck and clipped it on me. " I promise to never ever take this off. " I said.
" Not even in death. "
" Not even then. " I smiled and kissed him passionately. I wrapped my arm around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He captured my body in his arms and proceeded to take me to the couch with him and not once did we ever stop kissing each other.
" God I love you. " He said within our kiss.
" And I you. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I hope you liked this and again so sorry that this came so late but here you go!
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whiskerheir · 6 years
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General –
Height:   180 cm Weight:  fluctuating; he’s spent most of his life underweight. Due to he and Kurama bonding now it’s changing and he’s gaining weight carefully. Ethnicity:  Konohagakure. Occupation:  Ex-Shinobi, Sage, Unemployed. Gender:  Cis Male. Sexual Identification:  Bisexual Romantic Identification:  Demiromantic. Myers Briggs Type:   Mediator ( INFP )  /  really depends
Specifics –
Favorite Food:   Ideally it’s RAMEN , but he’s interested in plenty of other foods. Fruits are probably his second best ( apples, oranges, plums, bananas, melons ) so he really doesn’t have just a singular favorite ! Naruto is content in trying new and exotic foods if given the chance, but he kindly sticks to what he knows. 
Favorite Drink:  Non-Alcoholic? Green tea, peach and very rarely ginseng. Juices vary, mango and peace, sometimes grape ! He’s not too keen on anything overly fizzy or sour ( although the alcoholic drinks tend to be sour ) Alcoholic drinks? Sake, obviously. It sort of just stuck with him and his taste buds as he grew older ; parties, celebrations, even sneaking some for himself before he even knew what drinking was! Naruto does enjoy the rather FRUITY alcohol drinks when he’s in a good mood, even if he gets teased about it, but it just depends on his moods that he constantly goes through. Fruity for the happier side, sour / bitter for his depressed side. There are far more to his liking, but once in awhile he’ll hit those super strong drinks, alone or with friends. Everyone understands why he mainly drinks, even when he was much much younger he started his spree of drinking when sake left ; his way to cope, even punish himself for his failures.
Favorite Hobby:  Gardening is considered one, if not his secondary. He wouldn’t call himself an artist ( despite destroying half the village in his color schemes ) but it helps him relax and pass the time. Sometimes he even finds himself singing but he knows he’ll never be great at it, even if Gaara says so.
Favorite Scent:  Lemon, orange, miso, hot tea, lavender, fresh rainfall, sake.
Favorite Person:  Sasuke, his parents, Kakashi - sensei, Jiraya, Gaara, Kiba. There are more, but these are just those in few specifics.
Random –
List ten facts about your character:
1. He has freckles beneath and surrounding his whiskers. They spread across his back too. ( honestly leaving this here because SAME. )
2. Naru suffers from intense parasomnia. Especially when he’s stressed. His sleeping habits aren’t something to laugh about. He falls heavy into sleep; gets trapped in nightmares. This is why he begins to sleep-talk, and sleep-walk. He can sometimes even use jutsus in his sleep. Which is when you have to wake him up for him to harm himself. This lessens a lot after shippuden though. He more than often wakes up in a cold sweat.  ( I also agree / have the same view with his sleeping disorder ; it was pretty mild when he was younger but it only worsened as time progressed ; more than likely the times where he had a goddamn panic attack )
3. He suffers light panic attacks, even when he gets REALLY excited he does go into a tiny panic spell, which takes just a few minutes for him to wind down. These also partake with #2 & #4.
4. Growing up in Team 7 he’s constantly been victim to constant abuse, no matter what silly action he does or says he ends up getting punched, slapped or knocked out for a few hours. Due to this he’s come into the problems of flinching whenever someone raises their voice or moves too suddenly where Naruto ASSUMES he’s about to get hit. Despite that it also takes into the effect where he never had a guardian to help him, or make him understand these sorts of things better. As time gone on he was finding himself becoming rather DISTANT and hesitant with most of his thoughts before making any sort of plan. 
5. Naruto has a heat cycle that comes and goes in waves, it’s strongest when he doesn’t take better care of himself ( or the fact that Kurama enjoys toying with him internally ) which at some points in time he’s forced to stay in his apartment until he’s calmed down. Most heats are sexual frustration, but also at times they’re just bottled up emotions that conflict with him in massive waves. As he grows much older, speaking with a few people, Jiraya, Kakashi, even Kiba about these sorts of things, Naruto does have a sturdy grasp on it.
6. He’s quite flexible, from constant training since youth he’s able to bend himself into several positions that even some professional masters can’t even handle! This became even more useful and obvious when he’d train with the toads, to the point that Naruto can masterfully pull off the perfect split. Several times he’s used these techniques during battle, or a friendly spar with the drunken locust Lee or Tenten and her staff. 
7. Despite never really using weapons other than a kunai or shuriken, there are a few toys that he finds himself on occasion using or training with. Swords are a very common weapon that he likes to practice with, although Naruto enjoys not having to deal with the added weight and the fear of getting HIMSELF hurt he does have the master ability of swordsmanship. Later one after Sasuke returned to the village, the two would train with blades from time to time.
8. He can use BOTH his hands when writing, even though he finds himself comfortable with his right hand, it doesn’t mean his left is completely useless. Sometimes he’ll find himself multitasking without a problem, or he’ll need to focus more with something in particular. 
9. Because of a certain twin, he too wants to eventually get him an orange colored tongue piercing too. He wants to match! 
10. About all the times that Naruto would simply call out Sasuke’s name , even though he had pretty much left the village. Every single day he’d think it was the day before he left , and would always go over to his house to wish him good morning and walk with him to Sakura’s to pick her up for some training. Sometimes there are moments where no one is speaking but he’ll occasionally hear his voice , and mutter his name under his breath  ———  he still talks to the team picture , as if it’ll communicate and his words will reach out to Sasuke wherever he would be. He really got fucked up by his leaving , still holds himself 120% responsible and wants to talk to Sasuke again.  (  an old ass meta just to throw here  )
Five things they like:
1. Sightseeing.
2. Singing / having fun.
3. Drinks; alcoholic or non.
4. Sunagakure.
5. Gardens / ivy greens or cacti.
Five things they dislike:
1. Konoha.
2. Having to be reminded of his past failures.
3. Any of his friends getting insulted / mistreated.
4. Any and all who hate toads. ( same )
5. The way the Third had mistreated him.
Common words/phrases that annoy them?  Passive-aggressive attitudes, short responses, and snarky ones too. He still gets a bit peeved at Sasuke and Kiba, sometimes Temari but that’s very rare!
Personality types they prefer: Fun ones. The kind where he can easily relate! Even the types that are risky, and can get into trouble scheming together.
Personality types they avoid: When younger he wanted to avoid Kankuro’s type, but grew out of it after getting to know him.
What do you find different (or distinct) about your portrayal?: Small things that might be similar to others, but I try to be distinct in his habits and personality. My Naruto does want to correct all the corrupt the village has to offer, even go far as to even become the Kage of Uzushiogakure and UNIFY both villages. He doesn’t also wish to forgive those who wronged him easily, and is still wary of people hating him.
I also agree with this statement here ! No matter how they portray them they’re valid.  All Naru’s are great 💛
Tagged by: @sageheir ❤❤❤❤❤
Tagging: @ruyingu  @nerdschoolgenius @netsurai  @cursedteme  @karukv  @suen-chan @maskage @maskdkyuubi and anyone who wants to! Just steal it xoxo.
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tsundere-model · 6 years
[Day 10 + Mika] Blind Date
Setting: Simple college AU. Izumi and Mika have never met before.
No, he wasn’t interested in a blind date. He insisted once and twice and thrice, from several days prior to the date in question and with a whole dissertation on the many reasons why it was destined to fail.
Naru was, however, as stubborn as expected; easily ignore his many complains and laughing off his arguments.
“It’s a good boy Izu-chan, you’re gonna love him. I can guarantee” she would say with that adorable little smile that made it impossible to say no.
Still he tried. He knew he was destined to fail, and that as long as she had decided on it, he would end up in that blind date whether he wanted it or not. But he tried.
He wouldn’t find love in a blind date of all places, he insisted. It would be a big failure, he argued. He didn’t wanted to waste his time like this on his birthday of all days, he protested.
And yet, when the day came, he was right on time to the agreed place, dressed up and with just the slightest bit of makeup -as suggested by beauty guru herself, Arashi Narukami-.
Indeed, while he was certain the date would be a complete miss, he refused to look anything less than perfect for it. Both for his pride and to correspond to Arashi’s kindness - because yes, he was aware her intentions were nothing but good, and she probably truly believed he’d love the guy.
A quiet sigh, he sat down in one of the tables to wait, already counting the lateness as a minus point for the guy.
“Awa! Yer Sena-san, aintcha?” It had been maybe a couple of minutes when he heard the loud voice from over the crowd, addressing him in a strong accent “Did I madya wait too long?”
Looking up from his book, Izumi peered into the stranger he had been set up with, apologetic blue and golden eyes meeting up with him right away.
The guy in question was rather tall, with tousled black hair tied in a small ponytail and clothes that seemed a bit too big for his frame, his turtleneck swallowing all the way to his chin with ease.
Though the fashion sense of the guy made him crook and eyebrow, he had to admit his face was very beautiful even if a bit childish -though it was probably because of his nervous wide eyes and pursed lips-, with those heterochromic completing the painting. If anything, Naru had a good eye for what Izumi considered ‘attractive’.
“Yeah, that’s me. I hope you have a good reason for making me wait” he started, making a small gesture for the other to sit down in front of him.
“Ah… no… it ain’t somethin’ that can justify my gettin’ late…” he looked up expecting for the explanation to follow and the guy perked up slightly, quickly restarting the engine of his words “I ain’t much of a fan of bein’ outside, yanno? Crowds make me feel uneasy… i tried to avoid bein’ stared at and ended up goin’ in the wrong direction… so then i had to run here.”
… for real? For real. He didn’t seemed to be lying -and why would someone lie in such an outrageous way in the first place?
“Hmmn, was it really okay to pick a cafe for this then?” he questioned back, quickly scanning their surroundings. It was one of the currently more popular cafes, with reservations needed one week in advance -which also meant all the tables were occupied.
“It’s fine! Don’t mind me! Naru-chan said ya’d like a fashionable place so I tried to pick one… Is it maybe… not to yer likin’?” the cheery tone from the start seemed to die out into a much lower and shaky tone by the end. What a curious guy.
“So you picked it… I thought it might have been Naru-chan, since she has done nothing but talk about this place for the past month” Izumi finally replied, fingers reaching forward to lift the menu and give it a look “That’s to say I don’t mind it. I was curious about it anyway”
Sneaking a glance from the menu to the guy, he noticed the other’s expression seemed to have returned to normal
“So… I actually don’t know much about you. Except that you are Naru-chan’s friend from college… Mind telling me a bit more about yourself? Maybe starting by your name?” he asked gently, worrying just a bit that this wild-animal would run in fear if he pressed too hard.
“Ah! R-right…My name is Kagehira Mika. I’m a fashion designer…” he explained, still timid and fidgety. Maybe he was feeling intimidated? Or simply didn’t liked Izumi (or the date) all that much? “Naru-chan talks a lot ‘bout ya so it kinda feels like I already know ya... sorry ‘bout that”
“Hmnn” another look down, Izumi finally settled for a seafood salad and a green smoothie, putting a finger on top of the order as if to not forget until the waitress arrived to their table “Fashion designer, you say… What kind of things do you design? LIke… the kind of thing Naru-chan wears?”
The heterochromic eyes that until then had been having a hard time picking where to look at, finally looked directly at him, sparkles appearing right on them. It seemed like asking about his job had been a good choice.
“I… I like frills and lace the most… so I often do lady outfits” he explained, a hand going to the bag on his side, fishing around it for a few moments before pulling out a sketchbook of yellow pages and flipping it a couple of times to show some of the designs.
He felt compelled to tell him to stop, as he wasn’t really asking for a whole explanation, but his words disappeared in his mouth right away.
It was amazing. The lines seemed to have life and the colors made it easy to guess the fabrics that had been planned for it, little cuts of said fabric also taped to the paper along with little comments in black marker.
“I like the blue one” he found himself saying, and the guy grinned from side to side cheerfully.
“That one is my current fave… it’ll be my final project this semester! Ya can see all these layers here?” he pointed with a long and pretty nail “It all has to be cut and sewn in a circular progression and connected to the corset on this side...”
Completely absorbed in his own world, the timid guy continued to talk about all the details in the dress he wanted to made. How he had picked some of the fabric and even dyed part of it himself to get the exact color, and how he had been working in the details first because he lacked a model that could really pull it off.
When the waitress finally arrived, the guy asked for a simple sandwich and a dark coffee with plenty of sugar before continuing his animated talk.
And he hated to admit it. He really did. But it was kind of fun to hear him talk like this. His love for his own work just soaking every word he said, and making it all sound so very interesting.
He only stopped when the food had arrived and suddenly, he realized his date had been in absolute silence for the past many minutes. To which he apologized profusely and sincerely -like everything he did apparently.
“It’s fine. It was surprisingly entertaining to hear you talk” He admitted. Simple and direct, the straw now caught in between his lips as he took a long sip of the smoothie. Tasty. As expected.
On the other side of the table, Mika was now blushing hard, not even daring to reach out to his own coffee or sandwich. Which was amusing in its own right, but almost a bit cruel.
“You want me to talk now so we’re even?” he asked, finding the other’s nervousness was decidedly good at bringing his kind side to the forefront. With a nod from the other, he tried to think of something he could talk about himself.
So he decided to talk about work too. It was most of what he did anyway, so he had plenty to talk about when it came to that. About the latest photoshoots he had, and about how the make-up artist hadn’t arrived on time, and about how he felt limited by the ‘cool and princely’ style when he’d like to try different things.
Much to his surprise, Mika’s expression was the same now as it was when he talked brightly and charmingly about his own projects. As if Izumi’s words were truly the most interesting thing he had ever heard, and he just couldn’t wait to hear more about it.
So he giggled.
The treatment was such a shock -half flattering, half embarrassing- that he didn’t knew what else to do but giggle. Which only worked to make Mika feel confused, not asking why Izumi was laughing then wondering if he was okay when he couldn’t stop. Then just being worried about him.
And what could he do to such earnest yet misdirected worry but to giggle even more -uncontrollably so. So much, in fact, he started to feel hot on the face and unable to breath properly. Something that rarely happened.
It was so silly.
“I’m… fine… you’re just too funny” he finally got calm enough to talk, even if it was in between chuckles and wiping the tears from his eyes -careful not to mess with his own mascara.
“D-did I say somethin’ weird?”
Controlling himself not to start laughing again, Izumi simply nodded twice in a row, lips still marked in a long curved smile. What did this boy said that wasn’t weird?
“... Izumi-san… yer so pretty”
Now he wasn’t laughing anymore, even the smile turned into a flat line. Silence overpowering as the words settled in his head, lips parting softly and then closing up again.
“E-excuse me?”
“I… I’m sorry! Don’t be mad... I just… when ya smile like that, yer like… the prettiest person I’ve ever seen” the boy visibly panicked, hands waving all over the place.
He was being sincere, that much was easy to tell, a light blush showing on his cheeks as he tried to explain himself.
Izumi’s cheeks started to get redder… and redder… and redder… until his whole face, all the way to his ears, was beetle red. Noticing the heat, he rushed to cover his face with both hands, a rushed movement that most certainly didn’t fit the most elegant movements he had done until then… prompting a worried question from Mika’s part.
“N-no… I’m not mad.” he half explained, face still covered with both hands “I’m… not. But you should, think before talking...”
“I’ve been told that plenty” the raven-haired male replied in a tone all too cheerful, an apologetic look in double colored eyes remaining in place “But it’s the truth, so it ain’t nothin’ bad about sayin’ it, right?”
Ah… the earnest tone on the other’s voice was doing everything to make him dizzy and confused. His heart was thumping hard in his chest, and he couldn’t control the blush on his face either.
“Say… ya were talkin’ ‘bout how ya don’t like bein’ confined to just one role, right? That ya wanna try new stuff” Mika continued, as if prompted by Izumi’s blushy awkwardness “W-would ya model for me? I just… when I see ya… I feel like I’ve found myself a muse, yanno?”
He couldn’t even think anymore. He was seriously starting to melt down at the sincere compliments. And just like that he found himself nodding in agreement, just like that accepting to meet again.
God, he could already see Naru’s smug ‘i told you so’ grin.
He guessed having a nice date, and maybe probably a future boyfriend for his birthday wasn’t half-bad.
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Night of the Fairy Festival
It was a cold winter’s day in the town and everyone was bustling around getting ready for the winter Fairy Festival. Where the Fairy Queen and her people come to give the towns people blessings of fruit and sweets. Amid all the bustle Emily and Kirito were dancing ballet for fun in the town square right by the huge pine tree where the fairies made their temporary home.
“So, do you have any plans for tonight?” asked Emily. “I’m gonna spend the night at Sora’s house”. “Aww that’s so sweet, I’m just gonna spend some time with my family”. “I hope you’ll come to out party tomorrow” “of course we’re coming”. A bunch of fairy’s flew from the tree. “Hey, looks like they want to dance with us”. The two ballerinas smiled and they began to dance another happy dance.
Meanwhile, in another part of town a girl with pink hair was running around frantically. “Excuse me” she asked a woman, but she was too busy to be bothered. “Excuse me” “sorry, I need to get this done” said a man running to the store. The girl was  getting frustrated and was about to break down and cry.  A few fairies saw her all distraught and went to get help. They tried to get the attention of the adults, but like the girl they were ignored. Eventually, they came across Emily and Kirito who were still euphoric dancing under the fairy tree. One fairy tried to get Emily’s attention and flew right into her face. “Oof” she said as she hit the ground. Looking up she saw that the fairy was also injured. “Oh my, I’m so sorry for dancing into you”. The fairy was gesturing frantically. “Don’t be mad little fairy, it was really an” the fairy tugged at her ear. “Oww stop being so violent”. “Emily, I think that the fairy wants to show you something” said Kirito. All the other fairy’s were gathered around the frantic fairy. He told them what has happened and in no time all the fairy’s were off.
“C’mon let’s follow them” said Emily. They initially tried to run alongside, but soon they were in the throng of a massive crowd. “Excuse me, pardon me, its an emergency, please move”. The two friends were having a really hard time getting pass the mass of people. “Emily? EMILY” Kirito lost Emily in the sea of people. He was being pushed and shoved which caused him a great amount of anxiety. “Kirito” Emily swam against the river of people and grabbed his hand. “I don’t see the fairy’s any more” said Kirito with tears in his eyes. “Just go with the flow” said Emily and the two swam their way with the current and eventually came to the “shore” of the sidewalk where they can rest.
“Help, HELP ME!!” Yelled a voice from the river of masses. “Someone is trapped in there” said Kirito. “I’ll handle this” Emily transformed into Princess Tutu and danced her way through the faceless masses. “Help, somebody PLEASE”. “Hold on, I’m coming” Tutu managed to get to the middle where the pink haired girl was being jostled. “Grab my hand” Tutu reached out “I can’t” “yes you can”. The girl tried with all her might. “Gotcha” Tutu pulled into her. “Now just hold onto me” the ballerina danced her way through the river to safety. They plopped down on the sidewalk.
Princess Tutu transformed back into Emily. “Are… huff…. You… huff okay?” she asked. “Yeah thanks”. All the fairy’s above them cheered. “What was that, are you a fairy too”. “Nah, just a little girl who can transform into a magical ballerina, what’s your name”. “Sara, my name is Sara” “nice to meet you, my name is Emily”. Sara got up in a flash. “I need an animal doctor right away”. “Is someone in trouble”? Sara nodded. “Okay, I think Naru’s mother is an animal doctor right” Emily asked Kirito. He nodded back. “Please take me to her quickly”. Without a delay the three made a beeline to Naru’s house.
Naru was having dinner with her family where there was a knock on the door. Naru opened it to find Emily and her friends standing there with eager looks on their faces. “What’s wrong” Naru asked. “I need your help, there’s a reindeer that was injured in the forest”. “Oh my, mom” Naru called “we got another job tonight, and its my friends who made the request”. “Right, just let me get my stuff and we’ll be off.”. In no time at all the group were walking quickly through the streets. They came upon a man who was giving sleigh rides. “Excuse me” Emily said to the owner “we need to borrow your sleigh for a little while” “But of course little miss just hop on and I’ll take you for a nice stroll” said the gentlemen. “We need to get there as fast as possible please” said Sara. “Good luck out there, and stay safe” Kirito said as he stayed behind. “Don’t worry, we will” assured Emily. “Hya” said the gentleman as the horses took off at full speed into the forest.
The full moon lit their way on this snowy night lighting thair way across the field. “There” Sara pointed to a thicket of trees off in the distance. “You mean the dark patch of forest” Emily said nervously. “It will be okay Naru’s mom assured her. “You have the Power of Princess Tutu after all.
This gave Emily some comfort as she smiled a little bit. The trees mad it difficult for the sled to navigate safely, but with a little skill from the sled driver, they were able to make their way to their destination. “There she is” Sara pointed to a small deer laying down in the snow. She had a wound in her neck and there was little droplets of blood staining the snow.
“Oh no” said a concerned Sara, she didn’t even wait for the driver to a complete stop before jumping out and running over to the injured deer. “Pleas be okay, please be okay” the veterinarian ran with her stuff over to the deer and did her initial examination. Emily stayed at the sled. She hated people and animals being hurt and couldn’t stand being near them. “Okay” “what what?” said Sarah. “It looks like she was hit with a small energy blast and the wound didn’t  damage any vital spots”. “Is that a good thing”? “Yes” Sara’s eyed got bigger with her hope coming back to her.
Meanwhile back at the sled, Emily heard the sound of footsteps creeping towards them which made her sit up and take notice. “It’ll be okay” Sara reassured the deer petting her to make them both feel better. “Judging by these wounds” the vet said. “It seems like she was attacked”. Sara started to get goosebumps “attacked, by what”? “Hey” Emily yelled from the sled “someone is coming” “we need to get out of here. Can I get some help getting the deer into the sleigh” she yelled back. The driver got out and helped her transport the deer to the sled. Just when they loaded her back to the back seat. A large, bald man in a yellow gi came lumbering out of the forest.
“Hey, what are you doing with my deer” the man said in a gruff voice. “Your deer?” said Emily. “Yeah, my deer I am the one that hunted it”. “Hunted? You hunted down that innocent creature?” Emily couldn’t believe that someone would do such a horrible act, and during the fairy festival no less. “This deer is in dire need of treatment and we are taking him to my clinic” said Naru’s mom. “You mean you’re stealing my deer? Don’t you dare”. Emily saw that this was not going to be easy so she transformed to Princess Tutu.
“Please sir” she calmly said. “If you need this deer for food, I would gladly procure you some”. “Food? I’m not looking for food I just need a little trophy for my home”. “Trophy?” “yeah, you know the thrill of the hunt”. The bald man kept talking and this got Emily’s blood boiling until it was too much. She marched over and gave him a good hard punch in the gut. “Oww, dammit” he keeled over in pain “whatcha do that for”. “For hunting a little dear for no reason”.
“What’s your name” “Princess Tutu, my name is Princess Tutu” “heh, that’s a silly name, but fine, its an honor to fight you, my name is Nappa” he got up and brushed off the dirt on his pants. He took a ready fighting stance “come at me, with all you got, Princess Tutu”. Tutu came at Nappa running and launched a kick to his middle, which he blocked easily. Nappa tried to land a hit against the ballerina, but she was too quick and dodged his blow with ease.
The sled was running at beak neck speed as the group was nearing the field of snow. “Wait” said Sara and this cause the sled to grind to a halt. She got out of the sled and began running back into the forest. “Wait, where are you going Sara” yelled Naru’s mom “I’m going back to help Princess Tutu”. “But you can’t he’ll clobber you” “I don’t care, I still need to help my friend”. “Sara, Sara… wait”. The deer struggled and it took all her strength to hold her down. “What should we do” asked the driver. She thought for a moment. “We go back to the village” “are you sure?” This caused her great pain to say it. “Yes, we need to get her back to my clinic”. Without a single word the driver said “Hya” and the sled began to cross the snowy field.
Nappa and Tutu were still going at it. She was quicker landing multiple blows against the brute, but he had a thick skin and Tutu’s stamina was running low. In one slip up one of her kicks missed causing Nappa to take advantage of her momentary weakness and landed a series of serious blows. “Argh” Tutu cried out in pain as she hit the snow. “Heh, I have to admit, you were tougher than I thought, but you are not gonna be able to last much longer in your current state”.
Tutu had to admit defeat and retreat to fight another day. She began jogging for a little bit with the hope that Nappa wouldn’t follow her. To her relief he just stood there not taking the time to pursue her. “Tutu” Sara came running over and managed to catch her  just as she was about to collapse and transform back into Emily. “How’s the deer” asked a exhausted Emily. “She’s gonna be okay” Sara replied. “Good, that’s good. We need someplace to rest”. “I think I might know a place” “is it far?” “No, its not far at all”. The girls made a short trek through the snow to a cottage deep in the middle of the forest.
“Master Giney” Sara called out “Master Giney, please help”. The door opened to reveal a woman in a green battle dress. “Oh my, what happened”. “I’ll tell you when we get inside”. “Yes, yes, please come in” Giney grabbed Emily and hoisted her onto her shoulder as they entered. She laid her down on the couch. “You two must be freezing” Giney went into the kitchen and brought the girls two bowls of Miso soup. “Thanks, Master” Sara said as she grabbed her bowl. Gine cradled Emily’s head in her lap and poured hers into her mouth.  The effect was instantaneous as Emily’s skin began to glow.
“What were you doing in the forest on this winter’s night” asked Gine. Sara told her about hot she found an injured deer and went to the village to get help. “That’s when I ran into Princess Tutu, and she agreed to help me”. Gine smiled at Emily. “Well you are very kind to help Sara in her plight”. Emily smiled back, “once I get you warmed up we can head back to the village and check on the little reindeer”.
Gine hitched up a horse to her sled and the two girls rode back to the village. The snow was glowing as the moon reflected off of it. Once they got into town they saw it was all abuzz with a flurry of activity. “What’s going on” asked Sara. “I don’t know, but we better go and see” said Emily. In the marketplace they found the big brute Nappa causing a ruckus. “Now please sir, calm down”. “Like hell I will, my catch is hiding here somewhere and...” he spotted a few fairy’s cowering in the corner. “I’ll be taking these” he snatched them from the air. “I’m sure that people will pay a pretty penny for the lot of you” he laughed maniacally. Emily couldn’t stand this she transformed into Princess Tutu and with one great kick, she knocked Nappa to the ground, freeing the fairy’s. “No” yelled Nappa “damn it, who the hell...” he got up and spotted Tutu “YOU, you’re that airhead ballerina who keeps messing things up, and getting in my way”.
“My name is Princess Tutu, and I would appreciate it if you leave this place and quit disrupting the festivities”. “You’re the one to talk, after I whooped your pretty little but all over the snow in the forest”. Tutu stood firm, but her hands were shaking from her remembrance of the last encounter. “No Tutu” said Sara as she ran up to her. “You can’t take him on all by yourself”. “Hah, you better listen to your little friend there”. “I don’t care” said Tutu “I will defeat you and make you leave my village in peace”. Nappa got into a fighting stance and Tutu did the same. “Raahh” Nappa went on the attack as the fight began.
Tutu was much more defensive this time, just trying to dodge his attacks, but she was not back to full strength and was tiring out rather quickly. “Gotcha” Nappa caught Tutu by the arm and slammed her to the ground. “Argh” Tutu screamed out in pain. “Tutu please, don’t hurt her” Sara pleaded, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Sara sank to her kneed in dispair. “This is all my fault” she thought to herself. “Tutu wouldn’t be suffering if it wasn’t for me”. “Now this will teach you for messing with me”. “I need to help her” her heart was filling with determination. “Help her NOW”. A pink light suddenly burst from her chest and embraced her. “What the hell” yelled Nappa. Tutu took this time to kick him in the knee and this made him lose his grip on her and escaped. “Sara” Tutu yelled as the light dimmed she saw her new friend transformed into a warrior.
“Tutu?” the little warrior looked at herself in her new found outfit. “I don’t believe it, did you do this Tutu?” “I don’t know” Tutu replied. “But we need to focus on the task at hand” the two girls gazed at the brute fuming in front of them. “Rarr, so what you got a new outfit, you’re still going down”.
Sara stepped forward “Nappa, go now and leave this village alone or you’ll have to face the consequences”. “Ugh, I’m sick and tired of being told what to do by a bunch of stupid girls”. Nappa charged forward and the ballerina and the warrior dodged him effortlessly. Tutu gave him a big kick and this time it actually bruised him a little. Sara landed a punch on his back and dodged Nappa’s counter attack. Tutu was actually feeling more energized fighting Nappa. “This may actually work out for us” she thought. Sara went on an attacking spree and Nappa was getting worn out more and more, with Tutu giving her backup every now and again.
Nappa was on the ground huffing from exhaustion. “You little devils” he said. “I.. won’t… huff… let you… huff… get the better of me”. Tutu and Sara just stood there stoically. “I won’t tell you this again” scolded Sara. “Leave now, and never bother us a...” her eyes were widening as Nappa was gathering energy in his hand. “We better move, it looks like he’s gonna attack”. Nappa gave the girls a very wicked smile. His hand has been gathering energy and in one swift move he launched an energy beam at the girls. Tutu dodged the beam but Sara had to block it. She took a hard blow, but she survived. Nappa launched another attacked and Sara blocked it again, but  Tutu can tell that she was getting weaker with each attack. “Sara” Tutu yelled, but she just smiled as a sign that she was doing all right.
Tutu took this as a sign that she needed to attack Nappa when he attacked next. Sara was expecting another beam attack, but her barbaric opponent rushed her full force. Tutu leaped in to interceed the attack and Sara managed to get around him and land the final blow. Nappa collapsed to the ground with a big thud. Tutu and Sara stood there panting. A group of knights came to the plaza. “We heard that there was a commotion here” said the captain. She spotted Nappa on the ground. “Did you do this?” Tutu and Sara nodded. She smiled “well done then”. Her associates cuffed Nappa’s hands and took him away. Tutu and Sara changed back to their normal forms, “you did well” said Emily. “Yeah, but that was really scary” “tell me about it”.
The girls scampered to Naru’s mother’s office as quickly as they could. “Is the reindeer okay” they both yelled as they came bursting through the door. “Easy, take it easy” said Naru “and please close the door, you’re letting the cold air in”. Sara went to close the door and sat with Emily on a chair in the waiting room. “She’s doing an examination on the reindeer right now, and its gonna take a little while. In them meantime how about I brew you up some hot coca for you”. Emily’s mood lightened up with the mention of hot coco. “Yes, please” “okay then, Chibiusa, oops I mean Sara would you like some”. Sara just stared at the floor saying nothing. Naru left and came back with two steaming mugs of coco. Emily took hers, and Sara took hers too, with a few sips of the hot beverage the worry in her heart began to melt away like ice. “Mmmmm” said a satisfied Sara, “that was so good”. “I know” said Emily “nothing like a hot cup of coco after a long trek through the snow” “mmhhmm”.
“So what happened you two” Naru interrogated. The two girls recited all that happened, meeting Giney, the rampage through the marketplace and Sara’s transformation. “No way, you can transform as well Sara” “yeah, and it felt really good”. “Huh, first Emily became Princess Tutu, and now Sara transformed in to… to… by the way, what do you call this new hero of yours”. “Hero? Me? Oh no, no, I’m not a hero”. “Aww why not?” “because, because, umm…” Sara couldn’t come up with anything as her cheeks turned red with embarrassment. “How ‘bout Sara Warrior Princess”. “Nah” said Emily “you’re right, too violent”. “Maybe Pretty Guardian” “nah, but I like the guardian aspect”. The two friends contemplated. “Brave Lady!!!” they both shouted together. This made Sara giggle “are you two always like this?” “pretty much, you should experience our arguments over ballet roles”. Sara sighed as her gaze wandered to the ceiling. A lot of things have happened in such a short time, and it was all a little too much for her to handle.
It was over an hour until Naru’s mom came out of surgery to find Sara and Emily sleeping in their chairs. “Wake up” she gently tapped their legs. Sara yawned as she was waking up from her deep sleep. She suddenly remembered everything “is the reindeer going to be all right?” she said worryingly. “Calm down little one, she’s gonna be fine” “REALLY?” she said hopefully. “Yes, the wounds that she sustained were not as bad as first thought, and it was a good thing that you got me to her when you did”. “You really are a hero Sara” said Emily. This time Sara did not deny it, a tear formed in her eye. “Can I hug you” the vet kneelled down and Sara gave her the biggest hug in the world.
The girls entered the examination room to find the deer resting. Sara extended a hand to her and she licked it as a sign of friendship.
A bunch of fairy’s came through the window surrounding them all. “She’s gonna be fine” said a cheerful Sara. The fairy’s celebrated the good news, when there was a knock on the door. “Now who the heck could it be at this hour” the veterinarian muttered as she made her way to the door. “So Sara” said Emily “do you wanna sleepover at my house tonight” “oh no, I’ll just make my way...” Sara yawned. “Well, if your parents won’t mind”. “I’m sure we could make room for you”. “But I don’t have anything to wear” “you can wear my nightgown” “and what would you wear”. “My leotard” Sara giggled “sure, I’ll sleepover with you”.
The fairy’s were getting all excited all around. “What’s going on” asked Sara. “I don’t know, but I think we have nothing to fear”. There was a mass of energy projecting warmth and love coming towards the girls. Their mouths dropped as the fairy queen came into the room. She was a child like figure with a long flowing dress and little fairy wings that accented her hair. “My, you are some brave and kind souls to have interrupted your winter festivities to help a young deer.
“I was nothing at all” said Sara. “I’d always have a special relationship with animals ever since I was very young”. “And I was doing nothing anyway” said Emily. The queen laughed. “I can sense that you have special abilities in your heart, can I see them?” Emily and Sara transformed into Tutu and the Princess Guardian. “Oh my, their even more  spectacular than I imagined”. “Um… miss Fairy Queen” the little girl laughed. “Please, call me Mavis” “Mavis, why is it that we can transform?” “Hmm… that’s a good question, but I believe when some people grow up surrounded by love and happiness then that energy can be harnessed into magical power”. “Magical power”? Both Sara and Tutu said at the same time. “Yes, you two must’ve had wonderful happy childhoods and strong senses of justice, and that must’ve allowed the both of you to become stronger personas than your normal selves”. Mavis petted the deer who nuzzled and lick her. “Deer is one of my favorite creatures, they are both strong and elegant in their movements. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking great care of her”. “You’re welcome Mavis” said Emily. “Does this mean I can still see my deer friend?” Mavis nodded which made Sara very happy.
Sara entered Emily’s room for their little winter slumber party. The two talked and laughed and danced. “Do you ever consider taking ballet lessons?” asked Emily. “No ballet seemed pretty hard if you ask me”. “It is hard, but its also very fun once you get the hang of it”. “Why did you start taking ballet?” “Why do I take ballet? Well… when I was little I was very clumsy, always falling over and knocking stuff down”. “A friend of my dad’s was a professional ballerina, and she suggested me taking ballet classes in order to help me with my coordination”.
Emily got up and did a little dance for Sara. “Yay, you are so graceful Emily” she got a little full of herself and she knocked over a few of her books. “Ooops, it looks like I still have a long way to go”. Sara laughed “yeah you do, but at least its more than I know. I have always been into the arts myself”. “Really?” “yeah, I have always loved painting and crafting things”. “Our school has an art class that I think you will enjoy”. “Oh boy, that sounds exciting”.
A few days later Sara was showing her work to a few art teachers. The painting she submitted was of Princess Tutu and herself in her transformed form. “I really like your work” said the teacher. “You have some real potential” “really?” Sara asked with excitement in her voice. “You have raw talent that may become something special with a little refinement. We would love to have you as part of our artistic family”. “Oh thank you, thank you very much” she went up and gave him a big hug, but realizing what she has done immediately backed away with her cheeks a bright shade of pink.
All the fairy’s were gathered in the center of the forest along with the students from the academy and Emily’s parents. When the ceremony started Princess Tutu and the Guardian Princess made their way through the aisle to the Fairy Queen. “Greeting everyone” she spoke “we are gathered here today to celebrate the coronation of two new heroes, who have displayed great kindness and strength these past few days. The two knelled before Mavis. “It is my great pleasure to dub thee Princess Tutu and Brave Lady. May you spread peace and happiness throughout the land”. Everyone bowed for the rise of two new heroes.
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enstaries · 7 years
Knights sleepover scenario :D!!
sleepovers are really popular, aren’t they? here’s some sleepy izoom and his energetic unit members :DD
 "Just to make this clear," Izumi says, "we're only having a sleepover because we have a live early in the morning, and it just happens to be at my house. This is a one-time thing, okay?"
  "Yeah, yeah. Sena, you always talk so much! Blah blah blah, we're going to have a sleepover at Naru's house next week."
  "Oi, are you even listening, Ou-sama?"
  No one seems to be listening to Izumi either. "Yay, more sleepovers!" Arashi cheers. "I'm so excited!"
  "I have to admit I am too," Tsukasa adds, smiling at his seniors. "This is the first time I'm having a sleepover with my seniors. I definitely want to experience this again."
  "Aw, Suu-chan."
  "...Only we're never going to do this again."
  "Eh, why not, Sena-senpai?"
  "Don't listen to silly old Sena, Suou!" Leo cuts in, and leaps onto his junior.
  "What on E-oof!"
  "Wahaha! Isn't this fun? After all, we all get to spend more time with each other!"
  Ritsu smirks. "Hm? I don't mind seeing a 'lil less of Secchan's face though."
  "As if I want to see you either," Izumi snarls back.
  "Boys, boys," Arashi says, touching both of their unit members backs. "Let's not fight, shall we? C'mon Ritsu-chan, Izumi-chan did your make up just now, you should be more grateful to him."
  Being far too restless to go to sleep, the boys had pondered on what to do during this rare occasion of a sleepover, and Leo suggested them try make-up on each other - "That's what Ruka-tan says the girls in her school do." - and they ransacked Izumi's home to get supplies. Their faces are done up pristinely, with Arashi being the only one in a face mask they begged from Izumi.
  "Yes, yes!" Leo cries out, now sidling over to Ritsu. "Rittsu looks so cute in Sena's make up. Well, mine looks really good too, hm Nakkun?"
  "Why, thank you."
  Izumi leans back and sighs heavily. "When are we going to sleep?" he complains bitterly. "Go wash the muck off your faces and get in your futons already, we're not here to play around."
  "You were just 'playing around' too, Sena-senpai, and enjoying it too!"
  Izumi's cheeks flush. "Ugh, shut up. You all look rancid."
  "Liar, liar!" Leo says, his arms detaching from Ritsu to loop around Izumi. "Look at you, Sena, all blushing when you see us strapping young lads with pink cheeks and winged eyeliner!"
  "...Gross. Get off me."
  The idle conversation continues, and the clock ticks away, creeping over to midnight; it seems as if both Leo and Ritsu would never run out of energy.
  "And then the teacher tried to chase me out of the school, but guess what?" Leo pauses dramatically, and grins at his devoted audience. "I locked him in the classroom! Wahaha!"
  Tsukasa's eyebrows shoot up. "H-huh? Is that why you had to go for detention?"
  "Yeah, but it was worth it! Right, Sena?"
  Izumi doesn't reply, so they look over at him. "Sena-oh, would you look at that!"
  Sometime in between the commotion, Izumi had crawled away from Leo’s grasp and slipped into his futon. His eyes are sealed shut, and breathing steady.
  "Aw," Arashi can't help but squeal, "Izumi-san looks so angelic when he's not scowling all the time!"
  "Secchan can actually be cute, hm?"
  Tsukasa blushes at the sight of his vulnerable senior.  "Sena-senpai really is beautiful, isn't he?"
  "Of course! He's Sena after all!"
  Izumi stirs. "Can you all shut the hell up?" he mumbles. "I'm trying to get my beauty sleep, so you can confess your undying love to me tomorrow."
  "W-what, you were awake all along?"
  The red on Tsukasa's cheeks darken. "I didn't say anything!"
  "Yeah, yeah. Now shut up and go to sleep, or I'm kicking you out."
  Arashi smiles a little, and pats Izumi's head. "Of course, Izumi-chan. Good night, boys."
  "Good night!"  
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"Oh, ok, it looks good."
Yata and Fushimi responded to Totsuka's compliments in the opposite direction.
"Well, really? It's embarrassing, but it's okay."
"Totsuka-san. Why do we have to dress like this?"
They both wear cosplay costumes for Halloween, aristocratic vampire-themed clothing. They donned a high-necked cape over a satin white shirt and velvety vest, fangs carefully poking out of their mouths. All of that was brought up by Totsuka, and Fushimi couldn't help it from frowning when it was first shown to him.
"We are observing Shizume's surroundings on Halloween, so dress appropriately."
Totsuka's answer is, of course, unconvincing. Fushimi protests quietly as she tugs at the collar of the cape.
"I don't know what that means. Why do we have to look around? It's okay to be relieved, all the fuss."
"Don't say anything, Saruhiko. Isn't it like taking a walk around town? Isn't it always the case to squeeze a noisy idiot?"
"That is why it is the reason for 'today'."
Totsuka smiled and gave up on Fushimi.
"Rather, it's 'today'. Every year when it's Halloween time, there's a lot of noise. Last year, there were people overturning the truck in front of the station, right?"
"Oh, yeah. I have to watch out for this year's rookies in 'Homura' so no one does that!"
Yata struck a gutsy pose, and Fushimi was sullen. It seems that Yata does not understand that this sense of belonging is the most distant from Fushimi Saruhiko. He touched Fushimi's shoulder and cheerfully greeted Totsuka.
"Then, I'm going to patrol as a member of 'Homura'!"
"Yes, please go. Have fun."
Fushimi stepped out of the HOMRA bar to be dragged away while shooting a serious look at the real Totsuka.
Shizume Town on Halloween was just a festive event.
It seems that no one cares about the temperature, which is about to deepen in fall and bleach at night. Orange illuminations decorate the town, and several B-class gourmet and sweet shops are lined up. Fushimi clicked his tongue as he passed a bandaged mummy man, a werewolf with beast ears on his head, and Frankenstein with a mosaic, which seemed like they couldn't do it unless their brains were empty.
The most humiliating thing is that he is dressed exactly like this.
"No, you are still a great person. Wolf Hiko, I'm afraid."
Yata says that while walking through a crowd of people. Fushimi was frustrated and cursing.
"Sure, with your height, they could lose sight of you without realizing it."
"Eh?! Idiot, you're just a little taller so you're on the same path, right?"
"How loud, don't yell. You're too loud."
Suddenly, Yata twisted his neck and made a louder voice.
"Hey! You guys!"
The trio, who were near the electric pole, shrugged. He thinks they are high school students, dressing up pumpkins, skeletons, and bears, and sitting on the street while eating and drinking properly. Yata approached them again, put his hand on their waist and looked down.
"Where is the garbage bag?"
"Huh? Oh, that."
"It is up to you to eat and drink, but you will pick up the garbage you made! It would be a disaster if everyone threw garbage like you!"
"Oh, yes! Sorry!"
The high school students stand up and bow their heads. Yata returned to Fushimi with a satisfying laugh, leaving only the words, "Oh, be careful!"
"Hey, aren't they simple enough? It's easy for us to do that."
"We are the ones who patrol this city..."
Fushimi muttered bitterly, but sighed when he realized that what they were doing was not much different from the neighborhood association patrol. Picking up trash around the corner, being umpires, "Homura," fell into that too. However, Fushimi didn't think they were that tall from the start.
At that moment, an angry sound echoed out from somewhere.
There was a circle of people in front of him. They seem to keep their distance because they don't want to get involved, instead they just watch.
In the center of the circle there are five or six men. A bully with easy-to-understand symbols like blonde hair, tattoos, and piercings grabs the store clerk's chest and yells something at him. The employee is scared and cannot even return the words.
Yata started walking towards him.
He thought he would do that, so Fushimi was dating around the same time.
"Hey, you!"
Just when one of the men looks at Yata, who screams and throws him...
"Well, what is that?"
Yata's eyes narrowed.
An outstretched hand quickly grabbed the man's neck. As soon as he pulls it, he lifts his foot and hits him from the back to the ground. Yata stomped on the throat of a man crying for breath, and in an instant took control.
"What are you doing, idiot?"
Fushimi kicked the screaming bully's crotch without any slack. He grabs the hair of the man whose body glows and kicks him in the nose.
Looking at the downed thug while blowing his nose, Yata snorted in a bored manner.
"I can't make a fuss. I'll finish it in 10 seconds, Saru."
"5 seconds is enough."
This is something he couldn't do if he were a member of the neighborhood association. With that in mind, Fushimi smiled slightly.
"Okay, well let's forgive them for today and leave them here."
After bending over the thugs and throwing them into a discreet alley, Yata slapped their hands.
The two start walking again, properly treating the clerk who opened the store to thank them many times. On the other hand, Fushimi was sick and tired.
"That's why I don't like it. Halloween is silly, that's why it attracts fools."
"You say that, but, Saruhiko, didn't you find it funny?"
At the immediate response, Fushimi fell silent.
In fact, in recent years at Shizume, Fushimi and his friends have hardly ever had a problem. Like the high school students who appeared before, it is always the case that if they speak, the other party will drop out.
But today is different. There are many idiots from outside. Someone who is willing to cause fights without even knowing about "Homura".
He also doesn't like fuss.
"I was able to move my body after a long time."
"Haha, what are you saying!"
Fushimi snorted at Yata, who laughed nonchalantly.
"Ok, whatever. Instead, it's a big problem, so let's go around while patrolling."
"Ah. Do what you want."
"Ok! Well then, let's go to the store over there! They seem to sell some rare fruits!"
Fushimi lightly laughs at Yata, who advances enthusiastically.
Doesn't like fuss. He's tired of imitating the local neighborhood association, as much as wearing that stupid cosplay.
But, well, with this guy...
"It may not be that bad."
The whispered voice was swallowed up by Shizume's screams, and did not reach the ears of his partner across the street.
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flowermikonotebook · 8 years
Meeting Toshihiko Seki - Part 4
I had this finished a month ago but once again like usual, real life gets in the way of me editing it. But it’s time to finish like I swore I would, even if it took me this long. So here it is, the final day of meeting Toshihiko Seki & perhaps the most important day with lessons to be learned & a total fangirl confession...oh my!
Again, as a disclaimer, what’s written is entirely my personal opinion, although I’ve striven to the best of my ability to recall as much as possible purely from memory. All my questions are Saiyuki related. It’s a long read, so TL-DRs beware, and I meant it when I say it’s long. Otherwise thank you for stopping by and enjoy!
Sunday, August 7th: The Third Autograph and the Last Q&A
The time change was probably throwing me slightly off (Vancouver is two hours behind Houston time). Nonetheless, it felt great to wake up a little “earlier” than usual when in fact I was sleeping my longer usual hours on the weekend! Besides, Saturday’s events had left me tired to say the least. I decided to take my time that morning prior to going to the last autograph session & go on a short ride through Vancouver’s SkyTrain high speed rail and take a few pictures for my family.
But! By roughly around noon I was back at the Vancouver Convention Centre for one last autograph from Seki-san. My final CD choice for today would be Sanzo’s Character CD from 2013. Still, a part of me kept regretting not having brought back up items to be signed (I had intended to bring one Minekura wall-scroll but ultimately forgot to grab it from my room).
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The Autograph Tables with Romi Park (from the AniRevo Closing Ceremonies Video)
Same as the previous days, I lined up in the VIP line with my CD in hand. Tara was already there in line and we started talking while we waited for the autographs to begin. I took a look to the side and spotted Seki-san along with Shiori & other helpers walking by to the wall far to our right. Nothing stood out other than them eventually coming back around to behind the dividing curtain behind the autograph tables.
I can’t remember how soon it happened after that, but as I continued to talk with Tara & another fan about wanting to find some other item to get signed, suddenly the loudspeaker came on: it was Seki-san speaking in English!
What a random, out of nowhere moment, and I only wish I could remember exactly what he said! All I can recall is him coming on the loudspeaker with a really warm voice saying “Hey! This is Toshihiko Seki from…” and I believed mentioned a few of the series he worked in, along with something how much fun he was having being here. The atmosphere had certainly changed since Friday when he first met up with fans and seemed much more reserved. I noticed this too when I met Suwabe Junichi at AX, but I’ll go into analyzing that some other time. What I am saying is, there’s certainly an effect and a period of guest seiyuus “warming up” to meeting international fans and I’m happy that Seki-san had felt so welcomed and warmed up to us.
Not much later after Seki-san spoke on the loudspeaker, he and Shiori stepped out from behind the curtain and walked to the autograph table. Like on Saturday, we’d let some of the regulars go first, since after all we had at least one signed item already. Before I knew it, my turn to get my autograph came. The next thing I knew, I was wishing I’d kept my “flowermiko” name card I had saved from AX and regretting I couldn’t find it because the moment I got to the table Shiori tells me “today we got more time, so he can sign the album with a dedication to you.”
.  .  . .  .  .
 Needless to say, I was scrambling to find in my bag pen & paper so I could scribble down “FLOWERMIKO” for Seki-san he could copy & autograph my CD. Oh, but getting it signed with my name wasn’t going to be the kicker at all.
As Seki-san is signing my Sanzo Character CD, he suddenly asks me (and Shiori translates) about the meaning behind “flowermiko”. Precisely he asks “Is it a nickname of some sort?”.
You know, one thing is over the years of being a Saiyuki fan coming up with an Original Character/self-insert/you-get-the-drill thing like most fangirls do because you want to romance a guy in the series cause you ain’t into BL either and who cares if in my own private RPs I get to confess & romance Sanzo. But…having to more or less CONFESS to otherwise Sanzo-sama (or Seki-san anyways as the voice of Sanzo) that “flowermiko” is a “code name” for my own original character for Saiyuki is something that would have NEVER -EVER- CROSSED MY MIND that it would happen!
With a thousand thoughts scrambling through my mind & starting to feel a tinge of embarrassment, I try to put together as much of a mildly simple & generic explanation as possible. For the curious, “flowermiko” stands for “cherry blossom miko priestess” which is the code name for my OC “Tenjou Sakura”.
But thoughts pulled together and what felt like taking an inner deep breath, I tell Seki-san “’flowermiko’ is a character inspired by Saiyuki as a ‘companion’ character to Sanzo more or less.”  Simple enough answer, right? However, to my sheer embarrassment and Seki-san’s amusement, he appears to see right through my answer as he looks at me rather very amused and says -very- assured of himself “Ah…I see” (and I still hear this in my mind as “naru hodo” just as he said it).
Honestly, I don’t know if he was more amused at my silly answer, or the fact that I was so flustered about confessing that, or that to him it was pretty obvious the precise kind of Sanzo fangirl that I am. I’m sure my friends would’ve had a field day seeing me in the moment, hah hah (or even better, how much I was flailing my arms and legs in bed later back at my hotel that night thinking back all that actually happened). But I recall back on it fondly. I’m sure it wasn’t anything new to Seki-san to hear how much fans like Sanzo, but I stand by what I’ve been saying since I began writing this: if it wasn’t for how Seki-san has voiced Sanzo and for so long, I don’t think I’d be half as much into him. Minekura-sensei of course created the character, but it’s all Seki-san that truly brings him to life. What can I say? I love Sanzo <3
And after all of that, Seki-san hands me my now autographed CD with a “To flowermiko (from) Seki-san”. I smile and thank him for signing it and we shake hands one last time before I exit the autograph area.
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Score! Got Sanzo’s Character CD autographed with my nickname.
As I walked out of the autograph area, I had this lingering feeling that I really wished I could have gotten something else autographed by Seki-san, but what could I? Silly me had left back up items to be signed at home. But I figured for all I knew perhaps in the albeit small dealer’s room, I could find something Saiyuki I could get him to sign. So, I made a quick round around the dealer’s room but found absolutely nothing.
Feeling a little disappointed, I went back to the autograph area to see how Tara & the others were doing. Tara was already lining up to get some more things signed for friends back home. When I tell her how I couldn’t find anything else to get signed, she suggests “Why don’t you get your bag signed?” At first I blinked at her thinking the idea was odd but it quickly began to sink in, well why not?! I was a bit hesitant at first thinking that I didn’t have any fabric markers or anything but Tara told me Seki-san had plenty of different markers at the table.
No room for argument there, so it was decided: I would get my old but beloved baggy autographed. As we talked with the same girl from earlier (she’d lined up again as well to get her badge autographed) I had a sudden idea: I recalled from multiple Saiyuki books that I bought that quite often when an interview with Seki-san was included or some sort of autograph, he would often sign it as “3ZO” (because by now we all agree he IS Sanzo, right?). Most of you probably know it, but the number three in Japanese is pronounced “San” which is also the first kanji of Sanzo’s name is “三” from “三蔵” (San-zo). So, if I could just be this little bit greedy, I wanted to ask him if he could sign my bag exactly like that.
Without hesitation, the moment I get to the table I tell Shiori I would like to have my bag autographed, as well as if she could ask Seki-san if he could sign it as “Sanzo”. I wasn’t sure at first if he’d do it or not, but the writing on my bag spoke for itself: as soon as Seki-san switched out to a better marker that he liked, he wrote “三ZO” followed by his actual autograph.
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And like they say, pictures or it didn’t happen, hah hah.
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A close up of Seki-san’s “三ZO” autograph.
I can’t remember how many times I’d seen his “三ZO” autograph through different Saiyuki books, anime guides, shikishi, etc., so between ever getting to meet Seki-san & getting his autograph, getting his Sanzo autograph was the cherry on top of the cake! One more time, because I’d never get tired of saying “thank you” to someone so special to me, I thanked Seki-san and stepped away from the autograph area as things began to wrap up. I ran into Tara & our other friend and showed off my now autographed baggy. I’m so glad she put the idea on my head and convinced me to get it signed—if I hadn’t I think right now I’d instead be kicking myself for it instead of writing about it!
With the last autograph session over, I went wondering about the convention for about an hour while waiting out the time to line up for the last panel. And before I knew it the hour flew by and I was back to the area where everyone lined up for panels. I noticed that the same Japanese girls from the previous day were there once again. I waved hi to them, though I still felt like kicking myself I didn’t even know how to say a thing in Japanese. Honestly, I worry about silly things like “omg, what are they going to think of the big plus sized girl…” not that things like that should matter, right? It’s like I have this incorrect thinking that in Japan there is a stigma against pochacco (“plus size” and there is), because am plus size, I would come off as an unapproachable person. As it turns out, by the end of my time at the convention, I’d learn how completely wrong I was about that.
Perhaps because I had my Saiyuki ita bag with me, it sent off the right signal I am just another fangirl. So, the next thing is I’m suddenly approached by the duo with one of them holding her phone in her hand. Even if we were unable to talk because of the language barrier, she had “Google Translate” open on her phone to try to ask me if anyone had asked Seki-san about the “Saiyuki Reload Blast” anime. I didn’t think about anything else other than I had to somehow reciprocate the effort and try to answer back! I had to think a bit to figure out Google Translate’s garbled version of the question (which came out something like either Saiyuki Blast Bombs or Saiyuki Explosions…), but once I did, it was funny to hear myself pronounce “Sa-i-yu-ki Re-ro-do Bu-ra-su-to” but at least it was clear I understood. So, I type in on my own phone’s Google Translate to reply that none had asked about the new anime but that they certainly were more than welcome to get up and ask during the panel.
A small back and forth starts between the two girls, as if trying to convince one or the other to go up and ask Seki-san about the new Saiyuki anime project. One of the girls is not able to convince her friend to ask, but rather convinces her to say something to me, so she’s tells me in English “I’m shy”, then both look at me with probably the same idea, heh heh. Not that I had any excuses to not ask since I’d gone up to mic before, but I felt that everyone should have a chance to ask Seki-san something and I’d already asked four questions by then (not even counting the Meet & Greet ones!). But well, as I like to say in these situations... “if we must we must.” Besides, it was true none had asked anything specifically about the Saiyuki anime and I was just as curious to know what Seki-san had to say about it. As we made our way towards the panel as the line moved, I started thinking how exactly to word my question. I had every intention now of lining up right away to the mic the moment Shiori called for it, and if this was the only question I got to ask in the panel, I had to make it count!
I’m glad I got thinking that way, because in contrast to the autograph session being less busy, the final Q & A was a full house! No sooner that Shiori ran through the house rules for one last time & called people to the mic, several members of the audience got up. Considering I was right at the front, I ended up being about 5th or 7th in line! The line itself this time was VERY LONG, so there was a high chance not everyone would get to ask a question and certainly no chances for lining up again, so yes, I had to make it count!
As agreed with my new friends, after ten minutes or so in line, my turn comes & I run the question in my mind one last time before turning to the mic. I turn to Seki-san and ask “If you’re allowed to share anything at all, what can you tell us about the upcoming ‘Saiyuki Reload Blast’ anime and/or what can we look forward to from it or from your role as Sanzo?”
As soon as he finished sharing his answer & Shiori jotting her notes, we learned that Seki-san as well as the other seiyuu did not even expect Saiyuki would even get another anime at this point in time— they were all very surprised. I quickly chimed into the mic “yes, even we as fans were all surprised” although I had always hoped this would happen sooner or later. Seki-san added that, at the same time, it makes him a little sad to think this will be the “end” of Saiyuki (Minekura has stated this is the final arc of the series), but like all things, everything has to have an end & has to come to an end. Nonetheless, his intention is to make the end a good one. In addition, Seki-san didn’t know (as of the time when I met him at AniRevo) what the anime project would be (TV anime or otherwise) but that he personally hopes it will be a movie.
Of course, by now we know from Saiyuki FESTA 2017’s announcements that the Reload Blast project will be a TV anime. Nonetheless, I was more than grateful to hear what he had to say about the upcoming anime. If anything, it increased my hopes for the series as a whole to be revitalized along with its fandom. Yet, there was ONE more thing I knew I had to say and what I felt was my mission all along and my one chance to get it accomplished.
I spoke up again, first, once again thanking Seki-san for all the hard work he’s put into this series and for sticking with it for so long. Next, came my final message:
“On behalf of the entire International Saiyuki Community, please tell Minekura-sensei for us that we are rooting for her, Hoshi-san, Hirata-san, Ishida-san & Seki-san and wish them the best— that even though Minekura-sensei’s health has been so bad, we will be with her & the Saiyuki boys until the very end of the journey.”
I might never find out if Minekura-sensei will ever get it, but I trust Seki-san will without a doubt let her know. My hope is that she’ll know she has so many international fans that support her all the way, even if we’re spread all over the world.
But if anything seems to signal that Seki-san will tell Minekura-sensei my message, it was that he seemed really impressed with my statement once Shiori translated it to him. Before I realized it, I was hearing Seki-san speak as Sanzo one last time...
“ARE YOU READY, BASTARDS?!” our “Sanzo” spoke out loud and clear. I am ready. No: We’ve been ready for this for a long time.
I made a small bow as the audience clapped for Seki-san and walk over to my seat. That felt like a wonderful parting gift if I can call it that. I came in to the first panel thinking at most I’d get to hear Seki-san only say ONE line as Sanzo. Turns out, I was beyond spoiled.
And so many others went by until time ran out and only one more question could be asked. But before said last question, Seki-san first begins saying he never knows what’s going to happen on these fan panels because heck—we even made him sing the previous day! Just as the last question is about to be asked, he suddenly shouts “NOI’MNOTGONNASINGAGAIN!!” Shiori translates and everyone in the audience bursts out laughing.
I don’t recall the exact last question but I believe it was Gundam related. But it was more painful to realize it was now over. Shiori gave the go for Seki-san to share his last few words. Seki-san thanks everyone for coming and says he has really enjoyed himself these past three days and that he’d now also be rooting for the Canadian Olympic team as he really had a great time in Canada (the Olympics were currently taking place at that time). Shiori then calls the panel to a close and everyone claps as she and Seki-san leave the stage. Several of us wave at him (myself included) wishing him farewell and a safe trip back to Japan. So many mixed emotions between happiness & sadness. My dream had come true. After so many years, it finally came true.
Once Shiori & Seki-san went behind the enclosed area out of sight from the rest, me & Tara walk up to each other, hug and say goodbye to each other wishing safe travels. Next I turn to my two Japanese friends. I give them the “thumbs up” –mission accomplished. They both come up to me and give me a hug!! I was just too happy and elated ,I asked them for a fangirl group hug. I think the moment of Saiyuki fandom love was going all around for so many of us.
We were ushered out of the room as it had to be readied for next panel, so me and the girls step outside to an open corner. Then, my friends started showing me pictures from Seki-san’s different performances in stage plays. I commented in one of them he really really looked like an old man (lol, I did actually say “jii-san” hah hah). I really wish I would have been able to say something more, but still we were able to communicate and exchanged twitter accounts and followed each other. They asked if I was going to the closing ceremony but I explained I had to go and get ready for my return home. We hugged again and I waved goodbye as I walked out of the convention center.
Lesson learned: When it comes to things you love, not even language barriers will stop fangirls from helping and reaching out to each other, especially us Saiyuki fans. Having learned that makes me really happy.
As I thought about that while walking down the boardwalk away from the convention center, I happen to run into Shiori. I stopped to thank her for all her wonderful translations and interpreting, asking for her name so I could remember her. We shook hands and I thanked her again for all her incredible work interpreting for Seki-san.
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The Victory Round: All Three Autographed CDs
What a weekend that had been. All the feels settled in back at the hotel, at the end of the journey. I felt so happy because I got to meet Seki-san but so sad I already had to say good bye to him. But what’s a lifetime experience if you don’t get all the feels and write about it, right? Writing all of this has taken such a ridiculous amount of time, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It gives me a chance to travel back and when I think it all seemed so surreal or wonder if it was all a dream, I know it wasn’t: it did happen.
Closing Remarks
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Bringing back Seki-san’s pic…because he IS SANZO.
The road was long & so was the delay writing this, but from the bottom of my heart, to anyone reading this, if you read through every one of my posts, really, a big THANK YOU. I know it was a ton to read, but thank you for taking the time to read through this and for letting me share with you my experience of making one of my biggest dreams & fangirl moments of my life come true. Truly, I am grateful.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Bookshelf Briefs 9/4/19
Ace of the Diamond, Vol. 23 | By Yuji Terajima | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Seido is reeling from their surprising loss in the final round of the West Tokyo qualifiers. Promptly, the third years retire to focus on college while the rest of the team gears up for the fall tournament. Many pivotal spots have been left vacant, so the junior varsity players are fired up to finally secure a place on the varsity squad. Not fired up are Eijun, who has trouble shaking the image of his pitch hitting a batter, and Kawakami, who squandered Seido’s lead and ruined the upperclassmen’s hopes of making it to Koshien. I always appreciate anything that leads Eijun to a more humble state of being and also really liked seeing Miyuki seriously step up to a leadership role after he is made the new team captain. I’m excited to see how this iteration of the team fares. – Michelle Smith
Barakamon, Vol. 18 | By Satsuki Yoshino | Yen Press – Much of the final volume in this series involves showing us that time is slowly marching on. There’s no time skip or anything, but life keeps happening. Tama gets a manga published. Miwa’s father is leaving to work on a ship, similar to Naru’s father, and Naru and Hina move on to the next grade, though the island is so small that they don’t get any underclassman to be sempai to. As for Handa, he’s become the stable part of the group; still teaching calligraphy, still being a bit of a goofball, but not going anywhere—this is where he belongs now. The overall tome of this series was relaaxing and fun, and that’s how it ended up, with the characters undergoing mild but meaningful journeys. I’ll miss it. – Sean Gaffney
Count Fujiwara’s Suffering | By Mahito Aobe | Yen Press – I’ve talked before about how I think that omnibuses of comedy manga are a bad idea, and this 540-page volume bears that out. That said, I don’t think I’d love this even in single volumes. Count Fujiwara is a cat, whose thoughts we are privy to. He’s dealing with two sisters—one an airheaded NEET who stopped going to school after a past event we only find out about near the end; the other is a more “normal” girl who has an unfortunate crush on her sister—unfortunate in that it contains all the annoying “comedy lesbian” tropes. There’s a speck of a storyline here about what happened to make Shizuka like this, but for the most part it’s “look at the silly girls and their frustrated cat.” You can do better. – Sean Gaffney
Hatsu*Haru, Vol. 8 | By Shizuki Fujisawa | Yen Press – I have occasionally wondered as I read a manga where a character discusses the fact that they’ve never felt love like other people if said character will actually end up being asexual. It’s rarely happened, and I don’t expect it to happen here, but it’s an interesting thought. Ayumi’s thoroughly analytical personality is great for a career as a newshound, but very bad when dealing with Takaya, who we’ve known for a while has fallen for her in his quiet, hard-to-read way. Her thesis paper on why they should or shouldn’t go out doesn’t help. Fortunately, we have Kai and Riko being adorable fluffs in love to balance things out. And this time Kagura’s on the cover, but STILL gets nothing to do. Arc when? -Sean Gaffney
Komi Can’t Communicate, Vol. 2 | By Tomohito Oda | VIZ Media – Much of this volume is cute. A classmate declares herself Komi’s rival in the national health exams. Komi attempts to tell (lame) jokes in writing. The gang goes out for ramen after school. Najimi encourages Komi to go shopping for clothes and the gang all chooses different outfits for her to try on and rate. And then there’s Ren Yamai, who has a crush on Komi and promptly goes into scary, knife-wielding psycho mode. I liked that Yamai’s threats against Tadano prompted Komi to firmly state (in writing) that she decides who her friends are, as well as the fact that this whole situation prompted Komi to “talk” a lot with Tadano and allowed for some funny Najimi moments. But I really disliked that, after all Yamai’s terrible, alarming behavior, Komi consents to be friends with her after all. Yamai is the Mineta of an otherwise really fun series. Sad face. – Michelle Smith
Murcielago, Vol. 11 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – The police have had a very odd relationship with Kuroko, for obvious reasons, but they find themselves more drawn into the current case than usual. The people getting eaten by sharks rapidly led to brains in jars, including the wife of Tsuru, who he’s been trying to avenge but sadly reality gets in the way. Also, his partner may be secretly evil? Fortunately, Suiren is saved, and deals with her grief. She’s not even seduced by Kuroko—yet. And so we move on to a new arc, which involves someone going around killing master swordsmen. Murcielago will never win any good taste awards, and its leads are all sociopaths (even the police, to a degree), but it’s fun, and there are some great Kuroko faces here. – Sean Gaffney
One-Punch Man, Vol. 17 | By ONE and Yusuke Murata | Viz Media – When the hell did this get so boring? Its strength remains its humor, and the best parts of the volume are showing off that humor, such as Fubuki desperately trying to rally the incredibly apathetic troops, or Saitama only getting really pissed off because the hero hunter keeps ignoring him. But for the most part, it’s serious fights between serious heroes and serious villains, and honestly I can get that much better in My Hero Academia. The world is also pretty nihilistic here—we need the heroes because the villains are not going to stop and wait for them, as a Private Merc Force finds out when they are quickly beaten and enslaved. I want more funny stuff, please. – Sean Gaffney
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Vol. 8 | By Kagiji Kumanomata | Viz Media – It’s time for new employee orientation, including a field trip and a hot springs visit. This actually means a bit more fanservice than the other seven volumes combined, as of course Syalis goes along with everyone—they have to pretend she’s working as a demon in order not to give it away. (This being a comedy manga, the author lampshades that Syalis is in a swimsuit twice within three chapters.) The jokes are the same, though—Syalsi is spoiled and a bit appalling but also too difficult to say no to, and also sort of cute and adorable. At least she’s not gleefully killing everyone anymore, so that’s a plus. It even feels a bit like an extended family now. – Sean Gaffney
Tales of Wedding Rings, Vol. 7 | By Maybe | Yen Press – We’ve hit a new harem manga record with this volume, as fully HALF THE BOOK is set up to have Satou and his fiancées get it on so that they can gain the power needed to defeat the Abyss King. Sadly, for anyone hoping for a payoff, there’s lots of skin and titillation but everyone is still a virgin by the end of the book. We also get some details of the prior hero, who was seemingly corrupted by the situation of “get to bone all these girls” and ended up getting killed by said girls, one of whom is still around thanks to the long lives of elves. Will Satou end up going down the same path? Well, not if this keeps up. This is a good series for fantasy fans but harem fans may be getting irritated. – Sean Gaffney
We Never Learn, Vol. 5 | By Taishi Tsutsui | Viz Media – As with the series’ spiritual successor, Nisekoi, We Never Learn is very good at balancing out each girl in the romantic comedy stakes so that they all get something to do. Unlike Nisekoi, the choice is not obvious from chapter one, either. It doesn’t help that Fumino seems to be honestly trying to help Naruyuki get together with someone else… even as she gets the shippiest chapter in the book, the classic “we have to share a hotel room and there is only one bed” trope. But the others get their moments as well (including the teacher, which I suppose I will have to get used to), and it’s cute, fun, and a bit sweet and romantic as long as you don’t mind it then snapping back to status quo. – Sean Gaffney
Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku, Vol. 3 | By Fujita | Kodansha Comics – Sometimes series can falter after their respective love interests get together, but so far that hasn’t been an issue with Wotakoi. There are some chapters that I find less engaging (generally the few that take place “in game”—I prefer the manga’s exploration of real life experiences), but as a whole it’s still consistently entertaining. I especially appreciate the importance placed on the series’ non-romantic friendships. The fact that Hirotaka and Narumi are dating is still being kept a secret in the workplace, so one of my favorite running gags in the third omnibus of Wotakoi is that their coworkers are all essentially rooting for them to hook up. In part this requires Fujita to introduce a few new recurring side characters who end up being a rather amusing addition to the manga. I continue to greatly enjoy Wotakoi. – Ash Brown
Yuri Life | By Kurukuruhime | Yen Press – Yuri Life is a collection of 4-koma vignettes about various cohabitating couples, the vast majority of whom are working women in their twenties. Some stories are kind of cute, but none is in the least bit funny, so it’s not that kind of 4-koma. Probably the best story in the lot is “Life with a Grim Reaper,” in which a grim reaper falls in love with a woman who’s supposed to die soon. I could see a concept like that filling at least one volume, but not so much the rest. The collection also includes “Life with a Yandere,” in which we get creepy inner monologues like, “If I snipped off those small, slim fingers, would I be the only one you touched?” Um, that is seriously fucked up! Why is that in the same collection as these other frothy tales? This is definitely a mixed bag. – Michelle Smith
By: Ash Brown
0 notes
bainhardt · 6 years
Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. - Oh hey, it’s a BL show. I can’t remember the last time I watched a legitimate BL anime.
I actually like the protag, but I don’t like the love interest, which is pretty disappointing... And it sort of rushed into the sexytime stuff. There were multiple kisses in this first episode alone, and even one of those fade-to-next-morning sex scenes. Isn’t that a little fast paced? At least the guys have nipples in this one.
Right, got a bit sidetracked there. The main characters are actors, one of whom is a veteran and one of whom is new to the scene. It’s pretty standard fare as far as BL plots go. I can’t tell if there’s going to be a broader cast, but I would sure hope so, because the chemistry between the main pair isn’t so entertaining that it could carry the show alone. Oh, or maybe this will go on to be about different characters in different circumstances, like an anthology?
The lead is a fun character, but I’m not sure there’s a lot else here for me. Maybe if some other cute guys show up I could be roped back into this one, but for now it’s a No.
Gakuen Basara - It’s an anime taking the characters from Sengoku Basara and putting them in high school. I didn’t get a lot out of this one, because I’ve never played a single Sengoku Basara game.
The animation is okay, but has a sort of drab, unappealing color scheme that’s tough to explain. The characters look all right though, as I had to go look people up and so ended up comparing them to their in-game counterparts.
I stopped watching at the commercial break because it just wasn’t funny or entertaining to me. Maybe if you really love the games, there could be something to this one, but for me it’s definitely No.
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara - The premise for this anime is practically bludgeoned over your head in one of the least elegant opening scenes I’ve ever watched. The lead girl meets her grandma to watch some fireworks, and the grandma basically says, “I’m going to send you back in time.” Why? And the girl doesn’t even get a choice; she sounds like she’s hearing about this for the first time. Seems kind of cruel, don’t you think?
But the art is very pretty, and the atmosphere is soft. The protagonist is a bore, but they introduced some other characters who could prove to be fun enough to make up for her. I guess magic is real, so there’s that, and the lead girl can’t see color, except for in drawings done by this one guy we barely got to meet. Some whimsical stuff going on here.
For a show that looks high budget as this, I desperately hope it provides more story. This episode, quite literally, raised more questions than it gave answers. I am actually a bit curious though. I think it’s a solid Maybe.
Hinomaru Sumo - I’m really surprised... but this one was very good!
It’s a shounen anime about sumo. I can’t tell if sumo is really something very popular or not, but this anime (like all good shounen) manages to make it look like the coolest shit in the world. Production quality is above-average, and the cast has unique designs. Voice acting really packed a punch too.
That said, I’m not sure I’m super invested in it. I think it’s good, but idk that I really care to watch it that much? Maybe I’ll come back to it if I get bored. A weird “I approve, but No.”
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - Uwah, I’m blown away. I think this is my favorite show I’ve watched so far this season!! I was not prepared for that.
A girl goes into the woods to meet a “living doll,” but she turns out to be a vampire. Also, she doesn’t live in the woods. They end up becoming friends, and then the protag basically strongarms her way into moving in with the vampire.
It’s a very silly premise, but the jokes landed one after another. I was laughing a lot! And I took a lot of screencaps, too. It reminded me of my halcyon days unabashedly anime blogging on this very blog.
I’m absolutely sold. This one’s my easiest and most enthusiastic Yes!
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru - I like this one. Sorry. Yes. 
Jokes aside, I took a break after Kyuuketsuki-san, so here seems the perfect interval to talk about this show, because I actually watched it last week.
It’s about a woman who used to serve in the military, but applies to work as a maid in her return to civilian life. The young girl in her care hates her, and doesn’t want a maid in the house, no matter what it takes. It’s the kind of plot that reminds me of a movie, but I haven’t been able to place which one. Huh.
I thought it was decently funny, and the production quality was high - the art in this show places it among the growing ranks of “best looking from the season.” I absolutely love the ending sequence! It might be my favorite of them all.
So why the “sorry?” Well, the maid is... I’ll use a euphemism here. If the maid was offered the opportunity to transform herself into a little girl à la Cagliostro from Granblue Fantasy, she would enthusiastically accept. Here’s hoping it stays far away from anything perverse.
I said already, but Yes... for now.
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet - This was one of those shows where as soon as I started the episode, I wanted it to be over. Still, I tried to endure as much of it as I was able. Surprisingly, I watched the whole thing.
It’s really not that bad. The art looks nice, so you can tell they tried. But the plot totally lost me. It’s a very basic Romeo & Juliet set up: there’s two factions at a school of some kind and they hate each other. But the main man from one side and the leading lady from the other end up in a relationship, which they keep a secret.
The thing I don’t get, however, is why these two factions hate each other. They were seriously brawling - an entire student body of high schoolers beating the shit out of each other, over which dorm they live in, or something? And at the end of the first episode, the two protags duel with real swords! This doesn’t appear to be a full-on fantasy universe, so why is everyone fighting so much?
It’s not awful by any stretch, but I get the impression this is going to be one of those romances where every development is agonizing. I feel a little bad ragging on it so much, especially because the ending scene actually did make me smile. I simply don’t have it in me to watch stuff like this very often anymore. No.
Yagate Kimi ni Naru - Ohhh... it’s good. It’s really good.
Okay, well, as far as romances go, I don’t know that I would describe it as anything particularly ambitious or mold-breaking, but still. It’s just... one of those instances where they set the standard very high. It’s Quality™.
A girl starting her first year in high school is rused into joining the student council. She’s been putting off replying to a confession from a middle school friend because she can’t tell whether she actually wants to date him. But she meets one of her senpai, who shares her feelings exactly: “Up until now, when someone’s said they like me, it’s never made my heart flutter.”
The protag is so cute, I want everything to go well for her. Although I think she might have an ever-so-slightly high expectation of love (she seems heavily influenced by manga and popular songs), I also understand her desire to really feel it, and not simply go with the motions or be in a relationship “just because.” She’s a pretty relatable character, though I want to see what the rest of the cast ends up contributing.
The art is so pretty! I love everything about how the scenery and characters look. There were these novel first-person scenes used sparingly, and to great effect. Soft, pleasant bgm, too.
It’s such a comfy anime. Yes.
CONCLUSION - Yeesh... That was a lot. I’m happy though, because Friday has some seriously good shows lined up! I probably wouldn’t have checked out Kyuuketsuki-san or Yagate Kimi ni Naru, so I was missing out.
Going off of MAL though, my total is already at 10 shows. That’s almost too many, maybe... Depending on how many I truly end up with, I might actually make some cuts, lol.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
CHAPTER 6: SIN (Complete)
* K - The First Story (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"I will be a servant of the king."
When he first told him that, he thought this kid might be a little crazy.
Suoh met Tatara Totsuka when he was a high school student and Totsuka was a middle school student.
Suoh at that time was not yet a "king", he was just a boy who was strong in fighting. Rather, Suoh, who was rejected by those around him, did not socialize, and lived properly alone, was far from being a King.
However, Totsuka appeared at one point and followed Suoh calling him "King". At the end of the day, he said, "I will be a servant of the king."
He thought he might be crazy, but Suoh did not reject Totsuka. He thought it was okay for him to like him, and the friendly but not greasy Totsuka was not unpleasant, and when he realized it, he was like a friend.
Because he was close to Suoh, who had many enemies, Totsuka had been lynched. However, Totsuka, who broke his leg, broke the bones in his arm and fingers, broke his forehead and was lying in the hospital bed covered in bandages, laughed without breaking his usual tone. He shook off the question of who had hurt him and enveloped him in smoke. Although he called himself the servant of a king, he was too free to answer even a question from the person he called king.
"For the time being, I'll be going home."
Suoh was amazed and said that. It was a summer day shortly after Totsuka's wounds were completely healed.
Suoh went to the festival with Totsuka and Kusanagi. Kusanagi and Suoh, who were seniors and juniors from the same high school, naturally mixed with Totsuka, and by that time, it was becoming more common for the three of them to hang out together, and that day too, when he was walking with him. at night, he hears the noise of the festival passing by.
"I want to eat takoyaki! Come to the festival." Totsuka said, and Suoh replied, "I'm sorry." Totsuka looked a bit thoughtful and suggested, "Then the person who loses the game will go buy it." He said that thinking it was a good idea. Even if Suoh had a sour face, Totsuka was ready to say "Janken...", Kusanagi laughed and joined in, so Suoh made a move as well. Suoh takes his fist out of him, but Totsuka and Kusanagi spread their palms open. Suoh got even more astringent, but it was a game that he accidentally got into. When he silently turned towards the hustle and bustle of the festival, Kusanagi said in an interesting voice, "Unexpectedly disciplined.", and Totsuka said, "It looks like fun, so let's follow him, Kusanagi-san."
He then thought he should go, but in the end he let his like it and the three of them walked between the stalls.
The crowd was woody, but hunger was fueled when he walked in the sound and smell of baked food.
Wandering the stall-lined streets, he bought some food, sat on the stone steps of the shrine, and Suoh looked good-naturedly at Totsuka piercing the takoyaki as he polished grilled corn with the fragrant aroma of burnt soy sauce. "What are you coming home to?" He said.
Totsuka tilted his head with a sharp look.
"You are not a servant, no matter what you think."
"Sure. I don't think there is any servant who wants to let the king go buy takoyaki."
Kusanagi puts the yakisoba on his knee and breaks the chopsticks.
Totsuka frowns in regret.
"I didn't let you go. I played fair. After all, the three of us went shopping."
"You do what you want."
Laughing at Kusanagi, Totsuka put a regretful look on his mouth. He was flirting with the heat.
"Your vision of the servants is certainly a mystery. No, when you said you would be a servant of the king, I had already thought that your idea was a mystery."
He swallowed the Takoyaki and thought Totsuka was weird. Kusanagi turned the tea from the side.
"Mikoto, King. What do you want to call him?"
"Oh, that's right. King, I wanted to call him 'King' because he felt like a king from the first glance."
Totsuka made a serious face and looked straight ahead.
"I think one day he will be a great person in the midst of people. At that time, I will work harder than I do now."
"What a servant job."
"In that case... Do you give the king a good laugh?"
"He is an entertainer who makes you laugh."
Totsuka laughed and saw Suoh.
"I'm the one who brings 'fun'. I'll keep doing it until King says he doesn't need me."
"I do not want."
"Hey. Isn't it useless to say no?"
He was a strange and energetic guy. But in the end, Suoh really enjoyed the festival that day.
King was supposed to be just a playful nickname given by Totsuka, but three years later, Suoh really became known as the King.
It was an awakening in the conflict. There was a big dispute involving the entire city of Shizume, Suoh was attacked by a man and during the fight, the Slate called out to him.
In the darkness he was thrown into, losing sight of his surroundings, Suoh felt his heartbeat synchronize with something.
The moment he instinctively felt that it was the beat of the "Slate", the power, memory and intention of the "Slate" flowed towards Suoh.
Suoh became "King". A huge red sword floated in the sky.
The Sword of Damocles.
A test of the "King", a symbol of the power of the "King", and a sword that judges and kills the "King".
Shame made him feel lost, which was rare for Suoh. Totsuka also thought that he might have been chosen by a strange man and because he called him by a stupid name.
Kusanagi and Totsuka looked at each other stunned, and Suoh spread his flaming hands and asked, without giving any explanation.
"Would you like to hold my hand?"
Suoh knew from "King's" instinct that if this flame passed, a part of Suoh's power would take root in them, but they didn't understand exactly what would happen if they took that hand. Others would not have. Still, they took Suoh's hand on fire without hesitation.
At that moment, Suoh chose a path. It is a way of making friends. It is a lie to say that he never thought that his choice was wrong, but it is also different if they ask him if he regrets.
Kusanagi and Totsuka also chose a path. They took Suoh's hand, and chose a path where they could enjoy Suoh's flames.
As soon as they took his hand, Kusanagi's and Totsuka's body was engulfed in flames. The flame did not burn them, but settled on their bodies. He did not inflict a single burn, but instead left proof that they were members of Suoh's clan on their bodies. On Kusanagi's right shoulder blade and Totsuka's left shoulder blade, a red figure of a flame emerged. The shape of the flame that inhabits the interior has emerged on the surface of the skin and is now permeating as a symbol of "Homura".
Even if Totsuka unexpectedly noticed the claim to "become a servant of the king" as the playful words he said when he was in high school, nothing changed.
As usual, he was free, he did not listen to Suoh's words and he lived happily as he liked.
Suoh offered a hand to anyone who asked, so the number of friends increased one after another. People who do not have a container to accept the flame will see pain, but many people who are prepared to hold the burning hand manage to accept the flame and gain power.
The ritual that gives birth to a Clansman. It seems that rigid people call it "installation", but in "Homura", the term "test" was repeated, and the number of people increased, and Suoh was placed on top of many people. He had the appearance of a "king".
Kusanagi and Totsuka formed, turned and organized a group of friends named "Homura" instead of Suoh, who was there. Kusanagi ran the organization with his skill, and Totsuka with his natural personality became a lubricant among the people, and created a place where the people gathered there could think of a "whereabouts".
It was just when he became a member of "Homura".
That day there was a silly conflict with the mob, and Suoh came out. He left behind the swirling flames and heat in his body and went all the way to radiate even a little.
The power of the "Red King" was out of control for Suoh. A mass of power like magma was so close to Suoh's nature and desires that he often seduced him.
The temptation to unleash all power, burn all the bonds that cling to him, destroy all the fences around him, and turn the area into a free and wide desert.
Even before he woke up as "King", that urge slept deep in his stomach. But he now he has the power to do it. If Suoh wants, he can destroy everything and turn the world into a scorched field.
Suoh had no choice but to suppress the pesky temptations and urges and sometimes diverge the power from him in small amounts.
That's why he also went to the battlefield that day. However, the result was only a punishment. They were just fragile humans, trying to pull the opponent's weapons from him, the mob, and Suoh could only make the gesture of wielding a small limb by gently shaking his fist, which was restrained. Only the disease of the weak, as if intimidating, was left as a harsh aftertaste.
"I'm stressed."
When he returned to the HOMRA Bar, Kusanagi muttered with a sigh that seemed astonished. Anna, who was waiting at the bar, ran over and sat next to Suoh, who sat on the couch. Suoh looked at his right hand on his fist, not looking at her.
It is a fist that has just hit a person. The people around him flew and fell just by waving their arms without taking a step. If he put a little more effort into it, the shape of the person would surely collapse, and if he had increased the flame output a little more, it would have been burned to pieces.
Energy and heat with nowhere to go corrode Suoh from within.
He was so frustrated that he couldn't breathe. When he impulsively stood up, a soft, carefree voice rang out.
"Today's dinner is Thai soup!"
At that voice, the pressure that was tearing the outer skin from within Suoh relaxed, and Suoh stopped. He relaxed the fist he was holding firmly enough to make a sound. He looks up.
On the couch opposite, there was a bundle of white blanket. The edge of the blanket turned and Totsuka who was lying down came out.
"Are you here?"
"Of course. This is my place to nap. Thanks for your hard work."
Suoh lowered his fist in dismay at Totsuka, who was waking up with a relaxed voice.
"What job? It was a boring skirmish."
Totsuka finished waking up and got up. The blanket was still covering him, making him look like a monk.
"Kusanagi-san was wondering why King would move."
Suoh looked at Kusanagi at the counter. Kusanagi is polishing the glass as usual. Suoh himself was aware that he didn't need to do anything today. Although they didn't need to have Suoh, he came out and shook his fist, and as a result, he was recruiting more people.
A small sentence leaked out, leaning against the couch as if to throw it away.
"Why did I become a 'King'?"
"I knew from the beginning, that you were different from other people."
From the moment they met, Totsuka called Suoh "King". At the time, it can be said that Totsuka seemed to be crazy, but in the end he was right, and Suoh became the "Red King".
However, even now, Suoh still feels awkward about being in the "King" position.
Yata and the others treat "Homura's scarlet" as the most important thing. He is proud of the "sign" that appears below his left clavicle as proof of his partner, he looks at Suoh with hopeful eyes and defines "Homura" as the place where he lives. It's not just Yata. This is the case with many people in "Homura".
However, that power was also a straitjacket.
"I seem to attract everyone's attention. What kind of king is that?"
"Even if you say that, you are very important."
Totsuka said that with an unexpectedly serious voice.
He can't argue with him, Suoh folds his mouth into a U shape.
Totsuka smiled and pointed to the side. When he shifted his gaze according to Totsuka's fingertips, he met the big eyes of Anna sitting next to Suoh.
Anna's red eyes see through many things. Suoh was reluctant to see what was inside her in her eyes, and gently moved his gaze from her.
He cannot argue with Anna, the flame-burning friends with Suoh, Kusanagi and Totsuka, who have been by his side since he was a student, and this place where they meet.
But because of that, Suoh also feels clinging. He can't go anywhere because it's important. And if he makes a mistake, he will burn them.
Suoh looked at his palm. This is probably the hand of the mighty King.
But what is the "King" for? What will this hand, which has the power of destruction and the power of ruin, do in the future?
"I will one day."
Suoh spilled those words.
"Hey. Somehow, everything will work out."
Totsuka said that in a singing voice and stood up slowly.
"You have always been the carefree type."
Suoh said that with weakening consternation, and Totsuka came around the table and approached Suoh.
With a soft, confident smile, Totsuka looked at Suoh.
"There is nothing to fear. You are a King. Your power is not to destroy."
Totsuka points his fist towards Suoh, who reflexively catches it with his palm.
"It is there to protect."
Totsuka laughed, putting his powerless white fist in the hand of the "King" who has the power to destroy everything if he wanted to.
"I assure you."
Suoh looked at Totsuka for a while.
Totsuka once said that he would be the one to bring "fun" to the king. When he caught on, Totsuka certainly brought fun things to Suoh one after another, making an increasing number of friends laugh and creating a nice place to stay.
Suoh's power is said to be to protect, although the place may be erased.
Although he is not ignorant of the horror of fire.
He thought he should say something, but no good words came out, and in the end Suoh said in a silly voice that it didn't matter.
"What kind of soup?"
"Have you never tried it? It's like a hot and sour soup. It's reddish and looks really spicy, but it has an unexpected complex flavor."
Totsuka happily talks about a soup with a strange name that seems to be today's dinner. Anna, who had been sitting next to Suoh in silence until then, leaned forward a bit.
"It's red?"
"That's right, it's red. Anna, let's do it together."
"You are going to cook?"
Totsuka made a peace sign and laughed.
"I really like to cook right now."
Totsuka was an amateur. He tried to do what he thought was fun and his friends were involved in that hobby.
The Thai soup, which Totsuka made with Anna, seems to have been a time when cooking was among his hobbies, it had many spices and fragrances that Suoh would eat for the first time, and it certainly had a complicated taste. It seemed to be redder than usual, probably to please Anna, who can only see the color red. The shrimp inside were delicious.
Suoh often has nightmares.
The dream usually comes when Suoh is about to lose power stability.
In his dream, Suoh is rumored to be on fire. The flames in his body roar in search of freedom.
The flame erupted violently from inside the body, and Suoh shed his fangs, driven by the sweet temptation to release it.
Suoh, who removed his fangs, turns into a beast. Human society, thoughts, ethics, emotions and all that kind of thing disappear and they become a fiery beast that is just instinct.
The flames thrown by Suoh turned into a fierce fire and swallowed the city. The familiar cityscape is burned by flames, swallowed up by boiling magma, and collapses.
The creatures evaporate blood, bones melt, and even ash disappears.
Suoh felt overwhelming pleasure as he gave in to the urge to destroy and blaze through him. The soul cried out for joy as it submerged freely and became a mass of pure power.
However, in a world where flames have witnessed it all, the city has dwindled and no one is alive, including his friends, Suoh stands up.
The world where the flames were extinguished was cold, and Suoh knelt to collapse.
In a cold world that has changed from the previous one, only Suoh is hot, and Suoh's breath is tinted white as smoke.
He is afraid of this all the time.
He feels that that moment will come one day.
Even if the world cools down, the flames in Suoh will not go out and the black charcoal will spread from Suoh's palm to the entire body as if the flames were eroding.
Suoh was terrified, as it seemed to be a sign that he himself was no longer human.
No, he is no longer really human. That hand is the hand of a monster that destroys everything.
At the top, he can hear the collapse of the sword of Damocles. It will soon reach the head of Suoh, who has lost his qualification of "king".
"Hey, I'll do something about it."
He hears a soft voice. Suoh raised his face like an idiot.
In a world where everything burns, Totsuka was standing and smiling.
Incorrect. Because he is gone.
"Your power is not to destroy, but to protect."
Totsuka says that with the same voice as that day.
At that moment, Suoh believed those words. He decided to believe him. By defining his power in that way, he looked away from the work that was under him and covered it.
However, the lid was opened.
Suoh was in a position, covering his face with his burned hands.
Suddenly, he heard a song of joy.
When he looks up, the abandoned castle of Suoh's burned remains and Totsuka's figure disappeared.
There, on the rooftop of the building at night, a boy standing by the fence is singing a song with his back to him and shaking his body.
The boy shook his shoulders and laughed, then turned and fired.
A gunshot sounds and a burning fever and severe pain spread through the stomach. Suoh slowly looked at his belly. He looked at the red blood spreading and touched it with his palm. He had the feeling that blood was pouring out of the hole in his stomach.
Well, Suoh wondered if he was shot dead like that.
"Is it a good night? Oh, sure it's a good night!"
The happy voice of the boy who shot echoed.
A flame rises from Suoh's body. Suoh has now completely renounced control of the flame.
The fire spreads like a red tsunami with Suoh as the center of explosion. The flame that turns everything into a desert perfumes the world.
Perhaps something important was coming out of the hole in his stomach along with the blood, and Suoh's insides were empty, and he felt a terrible loss. But at the same time, he was also impressed that it was so easy.
Unleashing the flames, Suoh spread his arms and looked up at the sky.
The sword of Damocles, which no longer retains its original shape, loses its light and begins to fall as if the thread had been broken.
A girl's voice reached his ears. Anna. A young but mature girl who snuggled close to Suoh. Totsuka told him that she was important and he couldn't argue with him.
She is calling Suoh.
"Mikoto, don't go."
But it's too late.
The tip of the falling sword comes close to Suoh's eyes.
When he opened his eyes, his heart was screaming out loud.
He was sweating all over his body.
Suoh blinked several times, realized that he was dreaming and exhaled slowly.
He was in the "Scepter 4" detention center. Suoh lay on a board where he slept badly, staggering, and apparently had a nightmare that was a little different than usual.
He exhaled a long, warm breath.
Suoh did not make the world a scorched field.
Suoh's sword has not fallen.
Not yet.
When he curled his back a little, the chain on the deck made a loud metallic noise.
Poisoned by a person, Suoh closes his eyes again.
He doesn't know Tatara Totsuka. He hasn't killed anyone.
Although he was convinced of that, the boy had a sense of anxiety that he could not erase.
The boy must have been in Gakuenjima at the time that person named Tatara Totsuka was killed. He has that memory in him. However, no one clearly stated that the boy was there.
Also, the bloody shirt that was shoved into the back of the boy's closet was a big problem.
"Here you have!"
A cheerful voice was heard, and a tray with a plate of steaming, good-smelling grilled fish was placed in front of the boy.
The boy comes to, and raises his face.
The boy stopped by a convenience store called "Yamadaya" during the purchase requested by Kukuri. It was an old shop with a retro interior and a simple menu, but it was a popular shop with Gakuenjima students because it was cheap and had an exceptional taste. Since it is located near the connecting bridge that connects to Gakuenjima, it is a favorite shop for commuters, and students living in dormitories often stop by when they go out in search of a warm family treat.
The boy has also visited this store many times with Kukuri and the others. That should be it.
The boy shook his head slightly when he realized that he had lost confidence in everything.
Freshly baked and fragrant horse mackerel, plump white rice, and hot miso soup. Did he really eat this menu many times?
Neko, beside him, happily waved the horse mackerel.
"Hey, what are you thinking? I'm telling you we're not done yet."
Kuro shook his eyes and said that looking at the boy.
"Ah, what?"
"There is still a suspicion against you. If you are not the murderer, then there must be someone who impersonated you."
"Oh, it's true..."
When he found that bloody shirt, the boy quickly hid it. Perhaps it was one of the clues to the true criminal that he hid that shirt, since he may have been beaten by the true criminal.
But he did not. When he saw that blood, he felt a sense of fear and self-doubt. He felt the existence of "Isana Yashiro, who was in Gakuenjima on the night of December 7", which he had taken for granted until a while ago, was reeling.
The boy is now more confused than Kuro and begins to doubt himself.
Neko, unaware of the boy's anguish, was secretly reaching for his chopsticks to steal his food after eating his own horse mackerel. Kuro slaps her hand without looking at her.
The boy smiled and transferred his portion to Neko's plate. To be honest, he now he didn't have much of an appetite.
When Neko received the horse mackerel she raised her hands and was pleased, she looked at him with a bitter face.
"We came here just because you keep complaining that you're hungry. Shut up for a bit."
After looking at Kuro who was scolding her like a mother, Neko, who was in a good mood, ate the delicious food without worrying about it. The boy looked around the store with his chopsticks stopped.
He is too early for dinner, so there are no customers but them. The owner crouched at the entrance of the store and gave a piece of fish to a stray cat. The owner who gleefully looks at the cat sticking his face into the plate and eating gently is a great cat lover, and this shop is popular not only with Gakuenjima students but also with cats, and there are stray cats coming frequently.
Looking further, he notices the cork board on the wall. There are plenty of snapshots with handwritten messages like "It was delicious!" And "I love Yamadaya-san's shop." There was also a photo of Kukuri, Inaba and Mishina.
"Sir, this photo..."
When the boy called him, the owner who was watching the cat's food got up and came over.
"Oh, these are photos of my usual customers. They have always been posted here."
"I don't see mine here."
"Oh, really? How strange. You're a regular customer."
The merchant mysteriously twisted his head.
The boy looks at the photo of Kukuri and the others. If he sees his friends being photographed like this, he should take the initiative to enter the scene. The merchant will probably try to point the camera at the boy. But why isn't there a photo of him? Did he happen to be busy when the boy came and wasn't trying to take pictures? For some reason, he can't remember well.
After finishing the meal, he left the store. As he moved on to Shizume, the boy couldn't get back on track.
Even when Neko spoke to the boy, which is usually vague, it was a distant feeling, like being called from behind a wall of glass.
"Hey... Hey, Isana Yashiro!"
Called by Kuro in a scolding voice, the boy raises his face. When he realized it, he was in front of "Kagitamaya". It's the place where the people from "Homura" attacked him right after he bought the fireworks the other day.
"He's too lazy for a while. Do you know exactly what Kukuri asked you to buy? What kind of fireworks do you buy here?"
"Uh, yeah, wait a minute. I've made a note..."
He handed the note he took out of his pocket to Kuro. However, as soon as he received the memo, he made a bold face.
"You... how am I supposed to read this?"
"Oh, I do not know..."
The boy's shopping memo was written in mysterious characters like hieroglyphs. It was terrible.
Maybe he was distracted by something else, he didn't write in Japanese, and in fact for some reason things like the alphabet got mixed up here and there.
Kuro drew a blue line.
"What good is a note if you can't read it ?!"
"Oh, wait, wait. I'm trying to remember what I was thinking about as I was writing it."
Kuro stood up, but sighed a little as if he had immediately given up.
"Okay. All you have to do is contact Kukuri."
Kuro takes out a PDA from his pocket. Then suddenly...
Neko screamed and ran towards Kuro.
"Why would you call her?!"
"What does that mean? I'm requesting contact information for this kind of time."
Kuro shows the PDA with a suspicious face. The boy was also dismayed by Neko's sudden uproar.
She was always energetic and noble, but now she had a surprisingly troubled face.
"You can go back and ask her directly! Hey, Shiro, let's go home!"
The boy was filled with words when they called out to him with narrowed eyes.
"Why do we have to go back? What do you think we have phones for?"
"Wow, I hate phones!"
Neko flushed and fell silent, eyes rolling uneasily as if she were searching for an excuse. However, maybe she didn't come out at all, she scratched her head with a crying face and yelled "Nya!" again as if she had a habit.
Immediately, she disappears and a little kitten appears more familiar to the boy than a girl. The kitten ran away with a strangely sad voice.
"What was that?"
Kuro was looking in the direction Neko was leaving with a face mixed with confusion and dismay, but he operated his PDA as if he had regained his mind, and called out to Kukuri. He offered the boy the ringing PDA, so that he could speak for himself.
Immediately the phone was connected and he heard Kukuri's usual bright voice.
"Ah, it's me, Isana. We're here buying the fireworks, but..."
"Isana? Who?"
He hears Kukuri's mysterious voice.
The boy's breathing stops for a moment.
"What are you talking about? It's me, Isana Yashiro. You know, Shiro."
"Shiro? Sorry, but I don't know anyone named Shiro. You must have the wrong number."
The call was hung up while the boy was away and silent.
(Welcome, Shiro-kun! Come back early!)
Kukuri's voice that said that and laughed a while ago and Kukuri's voice that mysteriously said "Who?", overlap.
His feet wobble and the sense of reality disappears. The boy wandered in fear and anxiety that what he believed was broken and crumbling.
"Hey, give it back to me."
Sensing the change in the boy, Kuro seems suspicious. However, the PDA is no longer connected to Kukuri.
The boy was stunned and slowly lowered the PDA that he was holding to his ear.
"What happened?"
"Kukuri doesn't remember me. She says she doesn't know any Isana Yashiro."
For a moment, Kuro frowned.
"Was she kidding?"
"It didn't feel like a joke."
In contrast to the boy, who appears annoyed, Kuro seems to calmly think about the direction Neko was running.
"Neko was acting strange. She may have done something to Kukuri. For the moment, let's go back to Gakuenjima."
Kuro started walking without waiting for the boy's response. The boy silently grabs Kuro's hand. He felt Kuro stop and turned around, but the boy remained depressed and didn't look up.
"Hey, Kuro... can I borrow your phone again?"
"What are you going to do?"
"I'll call my parents' house."
"I want someone to tell me that I really am Isana Yashiro."
Then the world of the tottering and collapsing boy could rebound.
The boy writes the parents' house number, which he remembers slightly on the PDA, and gently holds the PDA to his ear when the call rings.
Oh, by the way, he thinks it's been a long time since he has talked to his family.
As he closed his eyes and waited nervously, he heard a small sound that made a call.
"Hi, I'm Yashiro..."
"The phone you called is not currently in use. Check the number."
The boy's world collapses.
At dusk, the angled reddish sun shone through the window.
Kusanagi finishes a few work calls alone at the quiet HOMRA bar. He hasn't been able to open the bar properly in recent days, but he can't blame the business associates. He made his feel a bit resentful of his nature, causing him to change his daily life properly even in such an emergency.
Anna, who continues to use her responsiveness and eventually finds out where the criminal is, is tired and sleeping upstairs. It seems that Yata, who jumped, joined Kamamoto on the way and entered Gakuenjima as expected, but not only did he have no results, but after fighting with Fushimi, he was stopped by Lieutenant Awashima. There was a report by phone.
When Kusanagi wondered what to do next, the doorbell rang.
Kusanagi smiled seeing the woman enter the bar with the sound of stomping on her heels.
"Before the store opens, okay?"
"How can I oppose such a beautiful lady? On the other hand, I heard you went after my boys."
A beautiful woman in an elegant dress, and decorating her neck and her wrists with pearl accessories, walks around him. Her chest-length hair was pulled down and slightly dislodged.
She walked over to the counter, took off her coat, and sat on the stool.
"How was your order? Lieutenant Awashima Seri from "Scepter 4". Also known as the merciless woman."
"Can you tell your boys not to do those things?"
"But Seri-chan, you are as cold as ice."
Awashima, when dressed in the uniform of "Scepter 4", is as strong as a man in a masculine, cold and scary society (this is why the nickname "merciless woman" suits her perfectly, as opposed to appearance Kusanagi), the atmosphere becomes a little softer in private, showing the femininity of a normal age.
She was a hidden customer of this bar.
"A Martini."
"Oui, mademoiselle. What's your recipe today?"
"Let me see… Four parts gin and one-part vermouth. And I'd like 5 parts of anko, please."
This order that destroys the Martini, as a master of a bar who loves cocktails, he was already used to.
"Oui, mademoiselle."
Kusanagi replied in a painful voice and took the container full of anko out of the refrigerator. Unfortunately, this bar always has anko to fulfill her special requests.
Dry martini with strong gin. Normally, an olive is added, but a large number of anko balls are added instead. Kusanagi doesn't want to call this desperate cocktail Martini, but Awashima always asks for this terrifying drink that makes the Martini taste disappear.
"That is one of the parts I can never love about you, Seri-chan."
In front of Kusanagi, who changes his expression, Awashima gracefully drinks the delicious Martini, whose anko balls sink thickly.
"What is the 'Red King' thinking?"
After putting down the glass and taking a breath, Awashima said in a low voice.
"Oh, right. Sounds like our boss is giving you a hard time."
"Your 'King' was captured by another 'King', but you look quite relaxed. What are you planning?"
As she says that clearly without changing the expression, Awashima breaks the anko dumplings with the toothpick and mixes them, turning the transparent Martini into a cloudy color.
"Oh, that's not a nice thing to say."
"I don't know why you're calm. I'm sure you're conscious, right?"
"Weissman's deviation from the 'Red King' is reaching its limit. You know what will happen if he continues to exceed the limit."
Kusanagi smiled at Awashima, who did not allow him to dodge, and replied.
"You mean Kagutsu crater? It's a disturbing story."
A dozen years ago, Weissmann's deviation from the predecessor "Red King" exceeded the critical value, and the sword of Damocles fell. Called the case of a royal blast, it is a leak of enormous energy possessed by the royal authority, and it causes a large explosion that involves not only the royal authority but also a radius of several tens of kilometers. The predecessor, the "Red King", Kagutsu Genji, who was the head of "Purgatory", obliterated the entire southern region of Kanto, killed about 700,000 people and created a large crater in the belly of the Japanese archipelago.
"That is the power of the 'King'. If he loses control, the terrain of Japan will change a bit like then, are you saying that it is okay for this city to disappear?"
Awashima drinks when she makes a muddy cocktail. Kusanagi muttered as he stared at her white throat.
"That is why he is with you."
He may be a little tired too. Is it some kind of indulgence for her, or is it her honesty that he may be struggling with?
"At least you have someone who can stop him. Maybe he wanted to sleep without worrying about accidentally burning everything around him for a while."
Kusanagi laughed bitterly, thinking about what Suoh feared.
"He hated being patient, in control, and annoying things forever."
Awashima, who was holding the toothpick on her cheek, exhaled through her nose as if she was amazed.
"He is not qualified to be 'King'."
He is not going to argue that. He's sure that's what Suoh thinks more than anyone. Suoh is not suitable to be "King". However, he is an essential champion.
"He would probably have been happier, if he had been born as a lion somewhere in the savannah."
Kusanagi lowered his eyes, imagining a beast running alone, freely in the savannah.
"You are a surprisingly sentimental man. Well, we just do our job."
Awashima put the empty glass and the price of the cocktail on the counter and got off the stool. She tried to leave as she clicked her heels, but stopped midway.
She was looking at the bonsai and the projectors on the edge of the counter and the guitar leaning against the wall.
"One of our members brought that in. He was a guy with a lot of hobbies. Thanks to him, the inside of the store has become strange."
It seems that Awashima immediately realized who Kusanagi was talking about. She made her face look a bit understanding.
"I've never had contact with him. He was a non-combatant. The number 3 of "Homura", the weakest executive, the first member of "Homura" along with Izumo Kusanagi, Suoh Mikoto's friend for a long time. That's all I know. What kind of person was Tatara Totsuka?"
Kusanagi left the counter and lined up next to Awashima. Look at the things Totsuka left behind. Until a few days ago he used to tell him that he shouldn't take anything he liked to the bar and take it to his house, but now he doesn't feel like getting rid of those things anymore.
"A tamer of beasts."
"Beast tamer?"
"Oh. Most of our guys are tough, right? Normally, to bring them together, we use a kind of bond on the team, but there are also many who hate that kind of thing. "Homura" is basically a free spirit principle, even so, the reason I didn't have a problem with "Homura" was because Totsuka was slightly softening our beasts in a loose atmosphere."
Kusanagi remembers seeing the bar with Totsuka. Even in the now quiet bar, when friends gathered and Totsuka was in the middle, they were usually overjoyed.
Totsuka was interested in Yata's skateboard and began practicing skateboard tricks at the bar with a table to one side. At that moment, Totsuka was surrounded by everyone and made everyone laugh. Yata got good at teaching Totsuka how to skateboard, Kusanagi scolded the skateboarders inside and Suoh sat on the counter and looked at everyone in a vague but relaxed way.
"That's why he was a beast tamer... I wonder if the best beast is the 'Red King'."
Awashima's calm eyes gaze at Kusanagi. Kusanagi shrugged slightly.
"Totsuka was... because he befriended a ridiculous beast like Mikoto."
He reached out and played the guitar that Totsuka used to play. A sound that was kind to his ears rang out.
(Can you sing something?)
Anna sometimes asked for a song like that.
Music was also one of Totsuka's hobbies, and Totsuka showed his own songs written and composed for everyone in addition to playing the guitar. "I'll do it thinking about all of 'Homura'!"
The song, which Totsuka laughed a bit shyly at, had a soft sound.
Suoh also listened to the Totsuka song, sitting on the bar and gently looking down.
Perhaps the tone of the guitar and Totsuka's voice probably had the power to put the beast to sleep.
"But the beast tamer is dead."
Awashima said that in a cold voice on purpose.
"If the beast tamer dies, the only thing left is to lock up the beast. That is true."
Turning her back on Kusanagi, Awashima heads for the bar door. The doorbell rang. Awashima stops once with the door open a little and looks at Kusanagi.
"But I wonder if there is a place to plant a bomb with a broken safety device."
Having said that, Awashima did not ask Kusanagi for an answer and left.
Kusanagi laughed a bit at the bar after being alone.
"It's tough, Seri-chan."
He muttered.
"Take an umbrella."
His sister said so and offered him a red umbrella.
"But today is a good day, right?"
He looked up at the blue sky and laughed. But her sister gently held an umbrella in her hand.
"Because you are afraid."
She said that and smiled at him a concerned smile.
When they told him that, he suddenly felt that something was empty, and that something scary was coming from the sky, and he opened his umbrella even though it was not raining.
The umbrella his sister gave him covered the sky and he was relieved to feel protected underneath.
When she saw him, she reached out her slim white hand and touched his cheek.
"Come on, kid."
He thought that.
He was haunted by the feeling of discomfort that he did not understand.
It must have been a lonely dream, but the awakening came with a painful movement.
He went on the train. Yes, remember to go to his parents' house now.
After that call, the boy decided to go directly to his parents' house with Kuro. It seems that the boy took a nap on the train on the way and dreamed.
"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"
Kuro, stood in front of the boy without sitting on the seat even though the inside of the train was empty, and said that. The boy laughs warmly and shakes his head.
"Yes, something like that. I dreamed that I was with my sister. It was a dream that felt strange, but... a dream is like that."
The boy has an older sister. His sister is his favorite and important to him. He remembered that and dreamed of going to his parents' house.
(When I return home, my real sister will meet me and welcome me. I'm sure of that.)
Even trying to think about it, the boy's frustration and anxiety didn't subside at all.
The automatic, inorganic voice that answered the phone call to his parents' house is still spinning in his ear.
"When I called my parents' house, they told me that currently that number is not in use. What can you think of in this case?"
At the very least, the boy moves his mouth to shape the whirlwind of frustration and anxiety. Kuro didn't reply and silently looked at the boy.
"One, I made a mistake on my parents' number. Two, something happened and they changed the phone number without telling me. Three, I'm lying."
From Kuro's perspective, the boy was originally a suspect. He believes the third possibility is the highest among the three, and a selfish smile comes to mind. However, Kuro has a very calm voice and follows the boy's words.
"If not, four, are your memories flawed?"
The boy was surprised, he opened his eyes and looked at Kuro. Kuro's eyes seemed clear and flat, not the hostile ones he encountered the first time, nor the suspicions he had when he was looking for an alibi.
The boy squeezed his hand on his knee into his fist, trying to regain his feelings.
"I'm Isana Yashiro. It's mediocre, but I have a pretty happy family, and now I'm away from my parents and I go to school, I'm a school student."
He looked at the red umbrella leaning to one side. The umbrella that his sister gave him in his dream. What is his sister doing now? Two years older... Did she go to college to study because she was a very smart person?
Somehow his mind was confused, and the boy seemed far away as if he wanted to shake off.
The train rattled and there were no other passengers. An empty box, where the setting sun was shining faintly, continued to shake regularly.
"Where did Neko go?"
The train enters the tunnel and the inside of the carriage sinks into darkness.
Kusanagi remembers the last call many times.
When the call came, Kusanagi was about to leave the bar and go home with Yata, who helped clean up to the end.
When he closed the bar door and put the key in his pocket, the PDA announced the incoming call. When he took out the PDA while he was thinking about who he would be, at that moment, Totsuka's name appeared.
"Hello, Totsuka."
He answered the phone in a loose voice because it was his friend, Totsuka, but didn't get an answer right away. There was a subtle silence, and when Kusanagi shook his head in a strange way, he heard a painful little voice from the other side of the PDA.
"Kusanagi... san..."
Kusanagi's spine froze due to the weakness of his voice.
"Hey, Totsuka? What happened? Hey!"
The sound of dropping the PDA reached his ears. The impatience increased even more when he heard "Kusa..."
"Kusanagi-san, what happened?"
Yata leaned forward to see Kusanagi's extraordinary appearance.
"Yata, come with me! Totsuka..."
Kusanagi ran into the parking lot and grabbed the car key. Yata runs through the grass without knowing why.
Meanwhile, Kusanagi continued to call Totsuka. When he pressed the PDA against his ear so that he could pick up any weak voice, he heard Totsuka's voice a little further than before.
"Kusanagi-san… Can you hear me…?"
He was breathing harsh and painful, but it was a calm voice.
"I have been happy."
Kusanagi was horrified by the words he heard.
"I still believe it..."
"Idiot, Totsuka!"
From the other end of the phone, he heard a slightly laughing exhalation and a painful cough.
Kusanagi kept calling Totsuka many times. Totsuka seemed to say something, but he groaned and couldn't quite reach Kusanagi's ears.
When he got into the car in sweat and frustration, he started the engine, he told Totsuka forcefully.
"Wait a bit, let's go there."
"Yes I'm waiting."
Totsuka's answers came to Kusanagi firmly. It was a weak little voice, but it was a tone that didn't lose the character of Totsuka even in that case.
He knew about the places Totsuka used to go for night views. Hirasaka Building. It is a building that even outsiders can climb to the rooftop from an external emergency staircase, and there is also a height from where you can get a panoramic view of Shizume city.
Kusanagi broke the speed limit, ran in front of the Hirasaka building, and climbed the emergency stairs with Yata. When he reached the rooftop, he jumped into his eyes the figure of Totsuka lying on his back without strength and a large clot of red blood underneath.
Kusanagi stood up for a moment, but Yata immediately yelled, "Totsuka-san!", And ran to support Totsuka's body.
Totsuka was still breathing and conscious.
"Totsuka-san! Hey! What happened?!"
Totsuka groaned and opened his eyes to Yata, who screamed in a crying voice, and looked at Yata. He seemed to vomit blood while he waited and his mouth was soaked with blood.
"King... Colorless..."
Totsuka squeezed the words out quietly.
"'King Colorless'…? Totsuka-san, were you attacked by another 'King'?"
"Yes, Yata. Don't force him to speak."
Unable to see it, Kusanagi said that in a murderous voice.
Totsuka, who said that he was waiting, was certainly waiting for Kusanagi and his friends. But at a glance he knew what was happening.
He could feel that the Totsuka flame delivered by Suoh, was about to go out, as he was always by his side as Kusanagi's partner.
Yata seems to be trying to hold the wound and puts his palm around Totsuka soaked with blood on his belly. The coat sucked up most of the blood, which was now coming out with a slight noise.
"It's okay, Totsuka-san. We are calling a doctor right now, you can get rid of this kind of injury right away..."
Yata, desperately trying to cheer him up, had his face close to tears. Totsuka's face, which was supported by Yata's arm, could have looked good. He looked at Yata with a concerned face and managed to lift his weak arm and reach Yata's face.
"I'm going to get rid of that..."
Totsuka touched Yata's cheek to comfort him, but his hand was exhausted and he fell, leaving a trail of blood.
"...I'm sorry."
Somehow, it will be fixed.
It was a Totsuka habit. He always laughed and said it, and his unique optimistic ease made him feel like he could really handle it.
But now the power of that word is gone, with Totsuka's life.
Totsuka opened his eyes and stopped breathing with a worried look.
Yata's hand shook a little.
"Totsuka-san... Hey... Don't be sleeping... Wake up... Hey!"
Many tears welled up in Yata's eyes. Holding Totsuka's cold body, he hugs him and cries.
Kusanagi silently turned his back on Totsuka's body. He walked slowly towards the ancient chamber that Totsuka used to carry, and that it was lying on the concrete of the rooftop. Totsuka's blood was also on the surface of the camera.
Passion did not bother Kusanagi. The sadness, anger and intense emotions that seemed to slow down his thoughts were suppressed and he decided what he should do now.
He grabs his PDA and call the person he had to report to.
On rare occasions, the other party answered with a call.
"Mikoto, I have bad news."
Kusanagi remembers that night many times.
Kusanagi, who had told Awashima about Totsuka that night, silently lowered his gaze.
It was getting dark outside and it was starting to rain. A whispering rain envelops Kusanagi's lonely bar.
Kusanagi walked over to the shelf where the Totsuka relics were placed, placed the palm of his hand on the Totsuka camera at the end, and patted it lightly.
Totsuka, who had many hobbies and changed his interest to various things, had the most enduring hobby, the camera. There are many images of friends that Totsuka left behind. Everyone in the video used to laugh.
They also seemed to be a sign of Totsuka's love and attachment to "Homura". Since Totsuka was always handling the camera, there were few images that showed Totsuka himself.
(Hey, hey, somehow...)
Relive his laughing expression after saying that.
"Just say irresponsible things and go your own way."
He put his hand on the camera in his fist and squeezed it hard.
Kusanagi closed his eyes, muttering resentment against his deceased friend of his.
The boy was standing in the stadium on a downpour night.
He was terribly shocked, but not surprised. He somehow he had felt that way since the phone call to his parents' house failed to connect.
"This is your house?"
"It was here, it should be. I left the station and went straight down the street... here was a house with a little garden..."
What spread out in front of the boy was a large stadium and empty audience seats.
There is no such thing as "Isana Yashiro's mediocre happy house" in memory of him.
Kuro looked at the boy with calm eyes.
"You don't seem like the type of person you think you are."
He has been raining a lot. The raindrops falling on the stadium lawn made a flapping noise. Both the boy and Kuro were drenched. There is no point in putting an umbrella on now, but the boy slowly opens the red umbrella that he was still hanging in his hand.
An umbrella that his sister told him to carry in his dream, when he was afraid.
But in reality, the boy may not have had an older sister.
No, on the contrary.
"It may not be Isana Yashiro in the first place. I mean, maybe there was no person named Isana Yashiro."
"I felt like something was wrong. When I tried to remember the details, sometimes it didn't work."
He tilted the umbrella to hide his face and spun it like a rusty hand.
He hears Kuro's voice from the other side of the umbrella.
"Who are you?"
"A murderer?"
When he answered that, the words made the boy hurt more than he expected. He stopped the spinning umbrella and squeezed the handle hard.
"I can't say there is absolutely no chance. I can't believe in myself anymore."
From under the umbrella, the boy gave Kuro a weak smile.
"You want to kill me?"
Kuro looked at the boy and was silent for a while.
Eventually, however, he takes up the sword stance and touches the sword's handle.
The boy closes its eyes when he sees it.
He didn't know anything, but the boy no longer thought he was an innocent person. He also thought that if he killed him for something he was guilty of, he should accept it.
Kuro's breathing changed. The boy was ready to give up closing his eyes tighter at the sound of his breathing.
The next moment, he hit the boy.
"The final curtain falls the moment a person enters."
It was a haiku, not a hit.
The boy opens his eyes, surprised.
What Kuro had in his right hand was not the handle of his sword, but the "recorder with the haikus recited by Miwa Ichigen" that he appreciates.
At that moment, he picked up the recorder with a satisfied face.
"What beautiful words."
"Were you listening to me...?"
"Is it a story you can't believe? It's weird, I don't believe you either, long before you can't believe yourself."
The rain hits the umbrella. Kuro, who had no umbrella, was soaked in the rain, but he stood up straight without shrugging his shoulders.
"I believe in only one thing, the words of my late master. Ichigen-sama told me to find out. I have not yet given up. Therefore, I will not close the curtain."
Kuro looked directly at the boy.
"What about you, Shiro?"
For the first time, he called him Shiro.
It was not out of trust or affection, but he showed that he was not an enemy, but that he had reached the position of a neighbor who was seeking the truth together.
Kuro's righteousness gradually permeates the heart of the desperately fleeing boy.
"Don't give up? Yes. That word is correct."
Kuro perhaps thought the boy was praising Miwa's words, and his cheeks flushed like a child. He had a rough nose.
"In any case, I can allow you to repeat this sentence. When you say Ichigen-sama's words, your heart will clear."
As usual, words of revulsion rippled in the boy's mouth. With a smile, the tense thing loosened, and his eyes were about to get wet with water that wasn't rain, and the boy covered his face with the umbrella.
The whispered voice was loose and a little wet.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
Translation: Naru-kun
Raws: Ridia
"Fufufufufufun, fufufufufufufun..."
Buzzing that sounds like a song, Gojo Sukuna suddenly stopped his hand and looked up.
It is a song that he often hears about seasonal patterns. The title is certainly "Jingle Bells". It is one of the Christmas songs that exists. The singing voice entered the room, holding a Christmas tree that exceeds his height.
"Fufufufufufu, Fufufufufufufufufufufu..."
"What's wrong, Iwa-san?"
At Sukuna's faint voice, Iwafune Tenkei takes a look at the other side of the Christmas tree.
Iwafune, with a smile, had a Christmas hat on his head.
"What did you decide? Ready for Christmas!"
"No, well, I can see it."
"Then don't play, help me. I'm busy now."
Saying that, Iwafune started putting a Christmas tree in the corner of the room.
He opens a cardboard box to the side, pulls the electrical decoration inside, and begins to wrap around the tree.
Seeing the view, Sukuna sighed.
How many people would think this guy is the sixth king, the Gray King? It's easy to do housework with beer in one hand, but today's Iwafune can only be seen as a full-fledged father who is excited about decorating for Christmas.
"That, Iwa-san. Are we "Jungle"?"
"Hmm, yeah. What's wrong with that?"
"They are lurking underground and trying to destroy the order they are in, but they are sad and have to celebrate Christmas. Rather, should we blow a gold or blue bubble while the world is floating?"
As soon as he said that, the door to the "Secret Base" opened again. At the same time there is a voice.
"I am back, Iwa-san, Sukuna."
"What did you see? Was it okay?"
It is Hisui Nagare, the king of "Jungle", and the strongest executive, Mishakuji Yukari. Sukuna rolled his eyes to ask them to say something to this old man.
And the open mouth was not blocked.
Both Nagare and Yukari had red Christmas hats attached to their heads.
Iwafune welcomes you in a good mood.
"Oh Nagare and Mishakuji-chan, it was bad that you had to go to the materials warehouse."
"Because it's for Christmas, so I expect a little effort. Right, Nagare-chan?"
"Affirmative. I can't help feeling that this season has come."
After seeing the two laughing smiles, Sukuna gently closed his mind and turned back to the game screen.
But just because Sukuna closed his heart, time didn't stop and "Jungle" executives had fun conversations in the background.
"By the way, what about the cake and turkey arrangements?"
"Leave it to me. I'll use my arm to do it!"
“As expected, I am looking forward to it. If you need to buy ingredients, don't hesitate to tell me."
“The purchase must be left to the clan member. It is an important mission, so let's make sure the U-Rank is solid.”
Not good. Just listening makes him feel dizzy.
Sukuna closed the game console and got up.
He tries to walk as he was, standing with his prone eyes to avoid eye contact as much as possible,
"By the way, Sukuna. Did you decide on a gift for Santa?"
He was caught like something natural.
"No, then it is a gift. I wonder if there is anything you want."
Iwafune is smiling.
If Yukari had said so, Sukuna would judge that he was "teasing", would immediately kick him, cursing, and would have quickly left this place. Perhaps that was the wisest decision.
But, nevertheless, Iwafune was "serious".
Seriously trying to give Sukuna a gift. Even if Sukuna himself didn't want it, Iwafune wants to give a gift. Maybe on Christmas Day he'll dress up as Santa, put a present in his socks, and leave after Sukuna has fallen asleep.
No, those socks don't work with Sukuna,
"Hey! Is it a huge sock? Most of these things go in so you can ask for whatever you want?"
Wearing socks that seemed to be the size of a pillowcase, Sukuna stood in front of a smiling Iwafune. He feels discouraged by treating him as an insidious person, and he feel something different "riding". If he does that, he will likely be caught at Christmas. He does not want to be involved.
Then Sukuna replied,
"Eh... no, I really don't want anything..."
The answer is clear. He had nothing he wanted, and he wanted to leave it alone if possible, so he just wanted to leave it as it was.
However, Iwafune had a wolf expression.
"Well that's not true. If you're a kid, you can have as many things as you want. Anything's fine. Toys, plastic models, soccer balls, baseball gloves, etc."
Every choice is old.
Sukuna shook her head and replied clearly.
"I don't need all of that... I buy it if I want to."
Iwafune looks at Sukuna dazedly.
With a desperate look, Sukuna tried to leave the room in a hurry.
Immediately before opening the door, Sukuna suddenly thought and turned around. He thought he should say this to the stunned Iwafune. He need to make it clear why Santa doesn't stand next to the bed.
"And I've said it many times, but don't treat me like a child. I'm not old enough to believe in Santa Claus, I'm older."
Looking back later, it was an obvious reason that it became a pressure word.
But, he doesn’t notice Sukuna at the time. He felt compassion for Iwafune, who was backing off after being in shock, but decided that he wasn't saying anything wrong, so he turned his back on him and left.
Of course, there is no need for Sukuna to know what kind of conversation they had, Iwafune, Nagare, and Mishakuji.
And that day has arrived.
February 24th. Christmas Eve, same day.
After leaving "Secret Base" early in the morning, Sukuna intended to complete some missions. The truth is that he did not want to be in a "secret base" that seems to be Christmas.
However, the world is much more floating than the world.
There are Christmas songs everywhere, and the red and green lights are smoky throughout the city. Only families and couples are on the road, swaying with happy smiles as if it were a must. There are no children who go alone like Sukuna.
A sniffling nose turned white in the cold of winter.
Sukuna hated Christmas.
No matter how joyous and happy people in the host country smile, it seemed like a fake thing. Probably because of his mother.
Sukuna's mother was a vain woman. Perhaps because she was an ordinary person, she was proud of herself in decorating herself.
Seasonal events were a great way to learn about the vanity of such a mother. Every time there was a gathering of celebrities from around the world and a party at home, she was touched by the reconfirmation of her power.
Sukuna was also just an ornament to show her superiority.
As he stood as a figure in the center of the party, with cold eyes, Sukuna looked at a glitter decorated Christmas tree, and a mountain of gift boxes.
Silly rampage of silly adults. That is Christmas for Sukuna.
He doesn't hate destroying it aggressively, but he can't be obedient enough to make a noise.
Sukuna opened the PDA and dropped his line of sight.
"Even on a day like this, there are plenty of people logging in."
Do you hate Christmas as much as Sukuna, or don't you dislike it, but are you looking the other way?
Especially for the best ranges, there are a lot of people online. Sukuna contacted several of them for the mission and responded immediately. Maybe it's because he seems more energetic than usual.
"Well do you want to go?"
Muttering a soliloquy, Sukuna looks up.
It will not destroy Christmas, but if the world is in the air, there is no reason not to take advantage of that opportunity. The important thing for Sukuna now is that "Jungle" can fulfill its ambitions and achieve innovation for all humanity. For that, they must do everything they can.
Sukuna paced in front of the court, leaning back against the hustle and bustle of the city, and quickly started walking.
When he completed two micro-attack mechanics and a steal mission, the sun was already down.
At night, the Christmas glow seems to accelerate. The avalanche of people well stirred the work of Sukuna and others. When he thought the Blues would be investigating in a hurry these days, an icy smile appeared on Sukuna's mouth.
There are dozens in Tokyo, enter the entrance to the "secret base" and Sukuna opens the PDA. He stepped into the elevator that goes underground, giving clan members who became high-ranking members a reward for success.
Are Nagare, Mishakuji and Iwa no longer excited about Christmas parties?
Along with the feeling that he doesn’t want to see it, the feeling that he wants to take a look at it a bit. He was curious about how they were spending Christmas Eve, what the party aligned.
But he can no longer show his face. Nagare will not say anything. Mishakuji can laugh with his nose. Iwa-san will surely be happy to raise his hands. It was he who expected Christmas more than anyone.
When he thought about it, he didn't feel like grimacing. The face is a little different from being uncomfortable. Feel like he doesn’t want to be dyed at Christmas.
He thinks about this and other things. So he doesn’t like this season
The sound of the bell rang out to drown out such thoughts.
The place where he steps is the “Jungle” hideout, which is a remodeled water storage facility that was abandoned during construction. The huge and majestic columns are like a majestic temple. While confirming the signs of those illuminated pillars, Sukuna tried to proceed.
At that moment, the light disappeared with a noise.
He go down reflexively and jump into the shadow of a nearby pillar. He can drop the long pole, but pulling out the electromagnetic blade is weightless. It is advisable to hide his place until the next action.
While holding his breath and looking around, Sukuna tries to resolve the situation. It's okay to contact an accident, an enemy attack, or just a power outage or storm once the situation is known. So the next action to take...
When he thought this far, the sound came from above.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, the song he listens to a lot today.
Suddenly, a searchlight flashed on top of the pillar. A shadow emerges in the light that pierces the darkness. Sukuna looked at him and then opened his mouth.
It is a sledge.
A streamlined sled appears between the pillars and reflectors. The joyous sound of the bell seems to come from there. The voices of the sled rider and the promising person resonate in the sound.
"Ho, ho, ho!"
Above the weakened Sukuna, the sled descends slowly, drawing a spiral that clings to it. When he landed in front of him, a rider jumped off the sled.
Of course it was Santa Claus.
He wears striking red and white outfit, a Christmas cap on his head and sunglasses in his rich white beard, perhaps to hide his face. Sukuna thinks it is a waste of effort.
Santa pinches his long beard and talks cheerfully.
"Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, Sukuna!"
"What are you doing, Iwa-san?"
Sukuna's ruthless voice, but Santa was not afraid. Exaggeratedly he stretches out his arms and shakes his head.
"Iwa-san~ Who is that? I'm Santa Claus! I brought you a gift."
"Have you been a good boy for a year? No, you should have been! So Santa Claus will give you whatever you want as a gift. What do you want? Whatever!"
He puts her hands over his ears, approaches him. Far from being a good boy, he has had a criminal life in recent months, but he can't stop when he says something like that.
Sukuna looked him up and down for a moment and then shook his cane.
"Wow, what? Ah, what's going on?"
Avoiding him in a dangerous place, he suddenly found the raw material of the Bandai Ten-Dori. The Christmas hat dances in the air, revealing the "Ho, ho." family. Sukuna leans on the long cane over his shoulder and says coldly.
"I already told you I didn't want anything. If there was, I would get it myself."
The ruthless words reduced Santa Iwafune's momentum. Sukuna looks away from the depressed Santa Claus, telling him to throw it away.
"If you want to do whatever you want, leave me alone. It's that easy, isn't it?"
With all this said, Sukuna started walking.
There is no sign that Iwafune is following him. What was it, muttering in his chest. Iwafune's purpose is unclear. There is no way to make fun of himself. If so, do he really want Sukuna to enjoy Christmas? But for what?
He couldn't afford to be fooled by that question forever.
Something entered quietly, because it squeezed Sukuna's cheek and pierced the ground.
"What? Well, again?"
Sukuna suddenly braced himself for battle, but at a glance at the pierced thing, he immediately weakened.
It was a Yukari cover-up.
A joyous voice echoes from above.
"Ho, hoo, hoo! Merry Christmas, Sukuna-chan!"
Although Iwafune was also common, there seems to be no intention to hide it from the start. As usual, wear a domino mask and a Christmas hat as an excuse.
If he goes that far, he suspects it could be new harassment.
"Yukari, stop...!"
"Ho, ho, ho. You don't believe in Christmas. This me that appeared in front of you that is pathetic, call me Beauty ☆ Santa. Say what you want!"
"That's why I say no!"
When he shouts that, the purple cloak flew out again. As if to chase Sukuna who quickly evacuated, several pillars penetrate the concrete floor. Shaking his fingers with his arms crossed, Mishakuji Santa has a playful tone,
"I am not honest, Iwa-san was sweet, but I am not. I have to punish rude children."
"You know this is the end of your life, right...?"
It doesn't stop there. Sukuna turned around and ran like a rabbit.
"Oh, chasing me? It's a reckless move for a holy night, but that's your wish!"
Sukuna runs. Run. Without waving his eyes, he runs in the form of a demon with a wooded pillar as a shield.
While listening to the noise behind him, Sukuna is desperate.
"What? What's wrong? What's chasing me?”
Is it a sin that he did not celebrate Christmas? He couldn't afford to ask that question, and even if he did, there would be no answer.
Finally, Sukuna's view reflected a building that mimicked a wooden apartment. It is a space where executives from the "secret base" of "Jungle" meet.
The word "if Nagare is here" came to his mind. Nagare would stop this madness. After all, he is the Green King. It would be the role of the king to maintain the frenzy of the clan members.
Sukuna entered the "secret base", holding on to one hope. Almost on all fours, Sukuna echoes in a narrow room like an apartment.
"Hey, please help me, Nagare! Iwa-san and Yukari are...!"
"Ho, ho, ho."
And Sukuna knew that all his hopes were dead.
There was a Nagare there. He wears a Christmas hat, a white beard, and for some reason keeps his restraint clothes on, and has his body wrapped in an electrical decoration like a Christmas tree. No matter how he looks at it from any direction, as much as he says something about the case, it seems like Nagare won't do anything.
"Merry Christmas, Sukuna. Let me give you what you want. It's a gift. Think carefully about what you want."
There was something that came to Sukuna's mind, like a revelation, with his mouth half open.
Maybe... this nightmare won't end until I say "yes"?
Feel a signal behind. Two Santas in the back door and a Santa in the front door. Soon after speaking to madness, Sukuna spoke the word.
"Merry Christmas... I give up...!"
A "secret base" as if nothing had happened. In front of the kotatsu with cakes and turkey.
"In the end, what did you want to do?"
Sukuna remains the same, he said reluctantly.
Although he gave in, his heart has not changed. Once resolved, it was reasonable to reopen dissatisfaction and doubt. However, in return, the Christmas hat is on Sukuna's head.
"Oh, we didn't want to do anything else. Just keep Iwa-san's hopes up, right, Nagare-chan?"
"Affirmative. Iwa-san really wanted Sukuna to know about Christmas fun, so we cooperated."
Sukuna looks at Iwafune. A cold look tells him that it is the worst. Holding a beer in one hand, he said, "Hey, here."
"It is sad that a child like you cannot wait for Christmas. I wanted you to know that Christmas is bright, fun and warm."
That is why Sukuna's mouth, who told him not to treat him like a child, closed when he heard Iwafune's words.
"He used to give gifts to children when I was a king, and even when they were not happy children, his eyes sparkled with excitement when opening the gifts."
Sukuna also does not know the details of the "Gray King" Otori Seigo and his "Cathedral" clan. However, it was rather an organization that helped the less powerful.
"Even if they are stolen, lost, or abandoned, at Christmas they can forget all of that and smile. Even a one-night dream is better than not seeing it, right? That's why I wanted you to have that kind of experience too."
"Cathedral" was destroyed by the fall of Genji Kagutsu's Damocles sword. The whereabouts of Otori Seigo were never known.
When he thought about it, he didn't feel angry. He turned and snorted.
"What was a nightmare that I saw?"
"Wow, it was bad! It was kind of silly."
"Well that's fine, but is it really something?"
At Sukuna's words, Iwafune was silent. Being embarrassed, Sukuna says angry.
"It's a gift. You said you can do anything. I said it once, so I'll have you ready for anything."
When Sukuna said that, Iwafune's expression was shining. It's like he has a gift.
"Oh, of course! Tell me something!"
As she huffed, Sukuna's lips slightly collapsed.
If he has been very angry about vanity and pretentious Christmas, but if he can have such true feelings, it must be a brilliant gift despite everything.
While cutting the turkey, Sukuna slowly began to think in his head what kind of gift he would receive.
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