#[ top 10 things that have hurt me today: this at number 1.
lovekz · 1 year
the rizzler
syn : ran brings his brother to get his hair done. big mistake
warnings : horrible rizz, ran is rindou’s #1 hater, could be seen as chubby reader, ran and rindou act like the true brothers they are, cringey ig
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“rin!” ran called loudly, dashing up the stairs to his brother’s room.
rindou was in his room with his headphones on, playing his video game with his brand new controller.
he often tunes ran out from his shenanigans because he just can’t stand him sometimes.
also because ran broke his last one by body slamming him into the floor one night.
so ran does the only thing he could to to gain his little brother’s attention.
jump on him and throw all his weight into him.
“ran go away!” rindou groaned, trying to push the elder off him.
but of course, ran is heavier despite his lanky body.
ran giggles, resting more of his weight on top of him with a grin.
rindou shoves him off successfully after giving him a purple nurple, resuming his game.
ran plucks one of the headphones out of his ear just so rindou could hear him.
“I have a hair appointment at 7 and I don’t wanna go alone.” ran sighed, draping himself over the end of rindous bed frame.
ran’s hair grew longer than he could handle by himself, so he began going to the hair salon to get it done.
rindou suggested he cut it, but ran complained that ‘he wasn’t ready to make new memories’
ran doesn’t know Rindou will cut it himself before he turns 25.
“so ask kakucho or mitsuya.” rindou grumbled, squinting his eyes to focus.
ran glared at his brother, before letting out a loud and obnoxious sigh.
“if only I had a brother to go spend time with me while I get my hair done.” ran exclaimed, looking at rindou with a frown.
and ran doesn’t miss the little ‘if only’ that leaves his brother’s mouth as he plays the game.
so he had no choice.
“wow rin! thanks for saying you’ll come! be ready by 6:30 sharp!” ran exclaimed, dashing out the room before rindou could refuse.
ran drags his brother into the shop, a big grin on his face.
rindou is wearing wide leg grey sweats and his black hoodie, a disappointed scowl on his face.
he could’ve been at home upping his character level but no.
ran wanted to be annoying today.
“I’m here with a special guest!” ran called out, walking to the back of the room.
there’s shuffling when they get to the seats, and someone pops up from the back door.
“finally! your 10 minutes late ran.” you complained, fixing your apron.
rindou looked up at the feminine voice, locking eyes with you.
you were gorgeous.
the way you stood, your eyes, your teasing smile, and your nose fit just right.
god knew what he was doing when he created you.
“yeah, my brother’s a ipad kid. said he couldn’t come without a sandwich and his ipad.” ran chuckled, nudging him.
you laugh at ran’s little joke, though it wasn’t that funny.
but rindou would replay that joke again and again just to hear your breath taking laugh.
he’s gotta get your number by the end of the night.
“well hi. I’m ran’s stylist. you must be rindou?” you introduced yourself, holding your hand out.
ran has spoken about him? he knows it probably isn’t good, but he’ll shoot his goddamn shot.
he repeats your name slowly in his head, flashing you a smile.
“that’s me. nice to meet you, I love your name. I got you a sandwich as an apology for being late.” rindou replies, giving your hand a light squeeze.
you say a polite thank you and get started on ran’s hair, detangling before beginning to wash.
while you wash his hair, rindou watches from the side.
‘those must be heavy.’ rindou thought to himself, tilting his head.
he imagines you at home with some bad back pain, no help from a strong, flexible man with big strong hands.
“does your back hurt?” rindou questions before he can rethink it again.
you stay silent for a bit, thinking to yourself while you scrub Ran’s scalp.
“uhm.. no not really. I try not to bend too much when I comb through the hair.” you explain, completely oblivious.
rindou sees that you didn't understand or see what he was gesturing towards, so chuckles to himself.
ran understands what was happening, so he shoots rindou a look to tell him stop.
but he was the one that wanted rindou to come, so rindou was going to do whatever he wants.
“I didn’t mean that. I meant your breasts, not to be disrespectful.” rindou says politely, looking at you with doe eyes.
you laugh at that, and rindou’s heart flutters.
one more laugh and he might just have to use the bathroom for a bit.
“sometimes, after a hard day at my jobs.” you respond, not offended at all.
ran’s giving him that look again, and rindou ignores it.
he nods at you, stretching his limbs and leaning back into the seat.
“well I’m really good with my hands, you can let me know if you ever need a massage anywhere.” rindou winks.
ran puts his hand over his face, immediately wanting to send rindou home.
you roll your eyes playfully, and decide not to respond to him.
when you comb out ran’s hair and set him under the dryer with leave in conditioner, you begin eating the sandwich ran mentioned.
rindou kept shifting his eyes over to you, trying to ‘lure you in’ with his body language.
“something you have to say rindou?” you questioned, putting your sandwich down with a sigh.
rindou shakes his head, resting a arm on the armrest of the chair.
“all my pickup lines have been taken. how about you?” rindou asked, tilting his head.
you stifle a laugh, squeezing your eyes shut.
ran begins to play a voice line from spongebob.
“no rindou. I’m not. I'm very much single.” you reply, taking another bite of your sandwich.
he so wants you to moan his name right now.
but rindou doesn’t dare to ask you for that, he simply nods his head and takes a bite of his own sandwich.
he goes to speak, but you stand up and walk over to ran as the dryer dings loudly.
damn ran being annoying and an attention seeker.
ran watches as you walk over to him, lifting the lid off the dryer and gesturing over to the wash station.
you rinse out the conditioner quickly, and take him over to your station.
“how come you’re single?” Rindou questioned, getting closer and sitting in the seat beside ran.
you pause in your movements of combing Ran’s hair, thinking about it lightly.
for a second, you realize you pause so you continue to run the comb through his scalp.
rindou waits for your answer, watching as you contemplate on what to say to it.
“I like my peace. too much toxicity in men right now.” you shrugged, before turning on the blow dryer.
ran was grateful you did, because if he heard rindou say anything more he would have to beat him with his wet hair.
the dryer stays on for a few minutes to dry ran’s hair, before it shuts off all together.
you began combing again and greasing it a little bit.
“you like music?” rindou asks out of the blue, leaning back into the comfortable seat.
you nod shortly, getting your straightener comb and beginning to run it through his hair.
the comb makes a small buzzing noise, filling the silence easily.
“last night I made a playlist of all the hottest singles. sadly you weren’t there.” rindou sighed in annoyance, tossing his hands over his eyes.
you don’t respond, but a loud ‘thump’ resonates through the salon.
the buzzing stops, and rindou peaks his eye open.
ran was standing up out of the seat, glaring at his brother with the cape still around him.
you were snickering to yourself, facing away.
rindou glares back at ran, removing his hands from his face altogether.
“go wait in the car, you sack of shit.” ran said, completely annoyed with all his little brother’s pickup lines.
rindou scoffed and stood up, grabbing his things and beginning to walk to the door.
he didn’t wanna fight his brother in front of you, let alone in a hair salon that you work in.
rindou turned around to flash you a big smile.
“well honey, all my pick up lines are out. but I’ll pick you up at 8 tomorrow! dress nice!” rindou called, before dashing out of the salon before ran could throw the hairspray at him.
you giggled to yourself, kinda glad ran had came with his brother.
by time ran finished, rindou was slouched in the seat scrolling through his phone.
he was half asleep with the doors unlocked.
ran got into the driver’s seat, slamming the door to wake him up.
rindou barely flinched, looking over at his older brother with a scowl.
“what the fuck was that in there? since when were you into girls?” ran scoffed, starting the car.
“since forever? what the hell?” rindou replied, sitting up and getting offended immediately.
ran mocks him, before muttering something under his breath.
rindou flips him off, turning to look out of the window as he daydreams about you.
it doesn’t take long to get home, making rindou immediately hop out the car and make his way inside.
he goes upstairs, strips himself of his clothing, and gets right back onto the game.
he makes sure his door is locked so ran can’t barge in again and disturb him.
rindou just hopes ran doesn’t decide to break it down again.
in the middle of his game, rindou gets a text.
he looks down at his phone, squinting in confusion.
[10:47pm] unknown : still up for giving me that massage rin? my back is killing me [10:47pm] unknown : and I can’t do tmrw at 8. maybe breakfast at mine tmrw morning?
rindou’s eyes widened, as he stood up and dropped his brand new controller.
“I got the fucking girl!”
ran heard him from downstairs, immediately making him regret giving you rindou’s number.
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xf-cases-solved · 1 month
S1E17: E.B.E.
Case: Bro, I watched and (mostly) paid attention to this episode, took notes on this episode, and read the Wikipedia page about this episode, and I'm still not 100% sure I know what happened in this episode. TL;DR, there might have been a UFO spotted, carrying an E.B.E. (extraterrestrial biological entity), and the shadow government might be trying to hide it. Or maybe the shadow government is trying to make them THINK that they're trying to hide it to distract them from ??? Deep Throat is telling the truth. Unless he's lying. Maybe he's telling half-truths. He lies to protect himself. Or maybe he lies to mislead Mulder. Maybe he's physically incapable of lying. Maybe he has never once been able to tell the truth. Maybe there are two Deep Throats and one only ever lies and the other only ever tells the truth and you have to solve his riddle. Whatever. That's for Mulder and Scully to deal with. The actual main purpose of this episode is—LONE GUNMEN INTRODUCTION!!! 
God, I love those sluts.
(Oh, also, at the beginning of the episode, some government officials are trying to get rid of Mulder and Scully, bc that's usually what happens, and instead of trying to be circuitous and Political™️, the guy just sighs, sounding super over it, and says, "Just go away." That's not relevant to the case or anything, I just thought it was really funny.)  
Does someone die in the cold open: Unclear. It's possible an alien was kerploded, but really, who's to say?
Does Mulder present a slideshow: No
Does the evidence survive the investigation: Homie, idek if there was evidence to begin with. I don't even know if there was an actual CASE, or if this was just Mulder dragging Scully along for a fun extracurricular activity. 
Whodunit: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Convictions: lol
Did they solve it: No. They don't even get experience points. Fuck you.
[how do i determine if a case is solved? check the scale here: x]
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THIS EPISODE IS SPONSORED BY: The Lone Gunmen periodical—your monthly top news source for all things conspiracy. Who killed JFK? What's the government REALLY doing with all those AI devices? Have you checked your twenty dollar bills for any tracking devices lately?
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General Total Stats:
(green means stat has changed since last ep; red means new stat added to list)
Total Cases *Definitively* Solved So Far: 8 (streak ended)
Total Number of "Mulder/Scully, It's Me" phone calls: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Has Conveniently Not Seen Something Crucial: 5 (i'll say that her not running after Mulder and ergo missing the entire scene with Deep Throat counts)
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Been in Mortal Danger: 5
Total Number of Times Scully Has Been in Mortal Danger: 6 
Total Number of Sexually Charged, Uncomfortably Intimate, and/or Flirty Moments Between Friendly Coworkers: 10 ("i think it's remotely plausible someone might think you're hot." excuse me, sir?? 😳😏 also, "you're the only one that i trust." like damn, use your inside voice. every time these two talk about trust, i feel like i'm watching their amateur porn)
Total Number of Autopsies Scully Has Performed On Screen: 1
Total Number of Times Scully Plays Doctor: 2
Total Number of Times Mulder Talks to an Informant: 10 (there was a lot of deep throating in this episode, and no i will never be mature about that name so don't even ask)
Total Number of Times People Making Out in a Car Are Hurt or Killed: 2
Total Number of Nosebleeds: 4
Total Number of Times Mulder Has Tasted/Sniffed/Touched Something Questionable Without Following Proper Safety Procedures: 2 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "Trust No One": 1 
Total Number of Times Someone Says "I Want to Believe": 2
Total Number of Times Someone Says "The Truth is Out There": 1 (i might have missed some before this, bc i thought i was tracking this stat already, but apparently i wasn't. we're just gonna pretend otherwise tho, mk?)
Total Number of Cigarettes Cigarette Smoking Man Has Smoked: 2
Total Number of Maggie Scully Sightings: 1 
Total Number of Lone Gunmen Sightings: 1!!!
Total Number of Alex Krycek Sightings: 0 :(
Total Number of Times I Had to Look Up What State the Episode Takes Place in Even Though I Literally Just Watched It: 5½ (whatever. i know part of it took place in i think mb iraq? and then they were at the lone gunmen's house and the hoover building so they had to have been in DC too. so leave me alone 😔)
Total Number of Times I Had to Look at an Episode's Wikipedia Page to Fill This Out Because It Was Fucking Confusing and/or Too Boring for Me to Pay Attention: 4 (at the end of my notes on this episode, i literally wrote down "i have no idea what happened in that episode." and it was tru 😌)
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trashymammalishere · 1 year
distract me pls
1: Is there a boy/girl in your life?
2: Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
3: What do you think of when you hear the word? (you choose)
4: What something you really want right now?
5: Are you afraid of falling in love?
6: Do you like the beach?
7: Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
8: What the background on your cell?
9: Name the last four beds you were sat on?
10: Do you like your phone?
11: Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
12: Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
13: Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler?
14: Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
15: Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
16: Are you tired?
17: How long have you known your 1st phone contact?
18: Are they a relative?
19: Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
20: When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
21: If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today?
22: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
23: How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
24: Is there a certain quote you live by?
25: What on your mind?
26: Do you have any tattoos?
27: What is your favourite colour?
28: Next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
29: Who are you texting?
30: Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
31: Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
32: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
33: Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
34: Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
35: Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
36: Were you single on Valentines Day?
37: Are you friends with the last person you kissed?
38: What do your friends call you?
39: Has anyone upset you in the last week?
40: Have you ever cried over a text?
41: Where’s your last bruise located?
42: What is it from?
43: Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
44: Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
45: Do you have a favourite pair of shoes?
46: Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day?
47: Would you ever go bald if it was the style?
48: Do you make supper for your family?
49: Does your bedroom have a door?
50: Top 3 web-pages?
51: Do you know anyone who hates shopping?
52: Does anything on your body hurt?
53: Are goodbyes hard for you?
54: What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55: How is your hair?
56: What do you usually do first in the morning?
57: Do you think two people can last forever?
58: Think back to January 2007, were you single?
59: Green or purple grapes?
60: When the next time you will give someone a BIG hug?
61: Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?
62: When will be the next time you text someone?
63: Where will you be 5 hours from now?
64: What were you doing at 8 this morning.
65: This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
67: Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
68: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
69: Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
70: How many windows are open on your computer?
71: How many fingers do you have?
72: What is your ringtone?
73: How old will you be in 5 months?
74: Where is your Mum right now?
75: Why aren't you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
76: Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
78: Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7?
79: Is there anyone you know with the name Mike?
80: Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?
81: How many people have you liked in the past three months?
82: Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
83: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
84: You're drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you with?
85: If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care?
86: What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
87: Who was your last received call from?
88: If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
89: What is something you wish you had more of?
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
92: Do you get along with girls?
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
94: Does sex mean love?
95: You are locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
96: Have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
97: Did you sleep alone this week?
98: Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you?
99: Do you believe in love at first sight?
100: Who was the last person that you pinky promised?
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karatekels · 8 months
Mediation - Chapter 1 - TIGmas Day #9
Let's keep the ball rolling with @thedeadsingforme's TIGmas request! Sorry for the delay - this is a chatty bunch and writing the scenes is taking far longer than I'd anticipated.
The Prologue is available here, with this story's summary and tw's at the top (I don't want to repeat the same clutter on every chapter, though chapter-specific tw's will be included).
Chapter 1: Deviation
 – 1996 –
Reader’s POV:
“Where’s the file for the Whitman case?”
Terry wordlessly hands you the file, not looking up from his computer. He’d been on edge all day today, and you’re not sure why. You two have whittled down the number of cases between you, and crime in the city overall had dropped to a somewhat manageable level. You bite the inside of your cheek; the years had taught you when to press Terry about something and when to let sleeping dogs lie.
You continue to work in relative silence, the soft jazz music between you as always. A group of officers comes in from walking their beats, some of the last remnants of the old guard – those that had survived the absolute clusterfuck of 1993. Dylan, Frankie, Devlin… people that had either gone dirty or gotten caught in the crossfire.
You’d been undercover at the time, and hadn’t resurfaced until after everything had gone down, barely being there for the final remnants of the aftermath. Terry had been… well, a mess, really, though that was no surprise. You had left the majority of his healing up to Anna, his girlfriend at the time, knowing that he was unlikely to seek comfort in a police officer considering what had happened. It had given you time to put together the pieces of what had happened without having to bring Terry into it.
Sometimes you’re still half-surprised he agreed to keep working with you when he had come back from his department-mandated vacation.
The officers approach your workspace on their way to the kitchen, and you overhear snippets of their conversation:
“–reduced his sentence when they found out Devlin had put some of his shit on him–”
“–served his time, paid his dues, got out a few days ago–”
“–Ewing called me last night, wanted to see if a bunch of us could get together–”
Your eyes immediately dart to Terry watching his face harden as he glares at nothing. That would certainly explain his mood, then…
“Top up your coffee for you? I’m heading in there anyway,” you say brightly, pretending that you haven’t heard anything unusual. Terry gives you a jerky nod in response, his jaw clenched, and you pick up his mug on your way into the kitchen.
The years had not helped Terry let go of his grudge against Cash Ewing, not even when it had come out that his more severe, violent charges had been fabricated by Devlin to cover his own ass. If anything, his anger had only simmered over the years, to the plot that any reference to the other man was enough to sour Terry’s mood. He had been hurt by Frankie’s betrayal, but somehow Cash’s had hurt him far more deeply. You presume it was because it was the first betrayal, and that the two of them had been best friends in addition to partners.
Kind of like the two of you were now.
“Hey, L/N! You going to Hank’s tonight?” one of the officers asks as you enter the kitchen, busying yourself with making coffee.
“What’s going on at Hank’s?” you ask innocently, though you can guess.
“Cash Ewing is finally a free man! We’re celebrating!”
“You never met the guy, did you Y/N?”
“No, I was his replacement. What’s the deal with him?” you ask, desperate to hear an opinion about the man that wasn’t tainted by anger.
“Well, he looks like McCain, only 10 years older and half as mature,” one chimes in with a chuckle.
“Obviously he can’t come back to work, but he’s moved into a new place in town and is looking for work. Seems like he’s got his life back on track, all things considered.”
You hum noncommittally as you pour the fresh coffee. You’re happy for the man, truly – everyone deserved a second chance, and he had done his time and seemed to have maintained good relationships with his colleagues (with one notable exception).
“Always nice to hear the system works. Hope you all have fun!” You nod to the men on your way out, hoping that you’ve given Terry enough time to recover from the news. He gives you a quiet ‘thank you’ as you place his mug on his desk, so presumably the worst has passed. You take your seat at your own desk, content to leave him to his thoughts. He would come back to himself fully in due time; he always did.
“Do you wanna do something tonight?” he asks you suddenly, and as you look over at him you can see the thinly veiled pain in his expression. Your heart goes out to Terry – for all his bravado, your years working together had taught you that he still had a soft heart buried beneath it, and that he craved affection and connection with others even as he tried to keep people at arm’s length. There was a reason he hadn’t been serious with anyone since Anna, and that was almost two years ago now.
“Sure,” you reply casually, not wanting him to put his walls up; you know he will if he feels vulnerable. “Deja Vu, or what were you thinking?”
“I was thinking Hank’s, actually.”
You do some quick thinking, weighing your options. You know you probably should tell Terry that Cash will be there, and that when you do he’ll call the whole thing off. He’s made his feelings about forgiveness with respect to Cash Ewing very clear over your time together.
…But maybe if he came face-to-face with his former friend, he’d have to deal with all this. You’re not expecting him to make up with the man, or even have an amicable conversation with him, but at the very least, he would have some closure. You desperately want Terry to move past this, knowing how heavily it’s weighed on him over the past five years. Hoping you won’t regret your decision, you give him a warm smile.
“Hank’s sounds perfect.”
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Cash’s POV:
He’s nervous as he finishes another beer.
Everyone that had shown up tonight had welcomed him back into the fold with open arms, but he’d expected that. These were the same guys that had returned his letters, given him the benefit of the doubt, even visited him in prison on a few occasions.
But the one he most wanted – no, needed – forgiveness from hadn’t shown.
He can’t say he’s surprised.
Terry McCain had a select set of morals that he stuck to like glue. He saw things in black and white, and refused to look at things more deeply than that. The law was right, crime was wrong. You were either with him or against him; there was no middle ground.
Apparently their years apart hadn’t changed that.
Cash had clung to the memories of two people during his five long years behind bars: His mother and Terry McCain. It was hard to say who his actions had disappointed more. His every waking moment had been spent trying to better himself, to figure out how to make amends, both in the future and while he was still behind bars.
Once his mother had died, three years into his sentence, his need to redeem himself in his former partner’s eyes had become something of an obsession. His mother had gone to her grave before he could look her in the eyes and ask for forgiveness, and he’ll be damned if he lets the same thing happen with the man he still considers a brother.
He twists the silver horseshoe ring on his finger, a gift from the late Mrs. McCain. Terry had brought him around every St. Patrick’s Day, and the older woman had adored him immediately, pleased that her son had a capable man watching his back at work. She was more overtly affectionate than his own mother had been, and had gifted him the ring to welcome him into the family. She’d told him it was a symbol of good luck to keep him safe, a thank you for doing the same for her son.
Unfortunately, it hadn’t saved him from himself.
“Hey man, I gotta get going. It was great to see you again – don’t be a stranger, alright?”
Cash claps the officer on the back, giving him a curt nod by way of dismissal, turning back to his drink. The novelty of his return had apparently worn off, his former coworkers heading home or moving to their own discussions, likely about work. He wasn’t privy to such conversations anymore, yet another consequence for the poor choices of his past.
The front door opens, and through the throng of officers leaving the bar he sees the unmistakable figure of his best friend, tucked away into a long, dark coat, a female officer at his side. The short woman manages to keep his attention as they walk over to a booth, though her eyes glance over at him more than once.
So, you know who he is, and what that means for Terry.
He lets the two of you be for the moment, considering his next move. The presence of a woman could either help or hinder him – Terry’s mother had drilled into him the importance of behaving oneself in front of women, which could temper a potentially explosive reaction. On the other hand, Terry tended to be about overzealous when it came to protecting women, especially those he considered ‘his.’ While he’s uncertain of the extent of your relationship – his eyes look over at the pair of you, and he notes the way that you’re positioned in the booth: close, but with some distance between you, suggesting a trusting but not necessarily romantic dynamic – he thinks he has to risk it. He had the element of surprise, and if he passed up this opportunity, who knows when he’d be in the same room as Terry again?
He takes a seat at the bar, waiting for the bartender to come over.
“Hey, Henry. Do me a favour and send a couple beers to that table over there?” he asks, sliding enough bills across the counter to include a sizeable tip for the man. Henry nods, cracking open a couple of bottles and heading over to the corner booth.
Cash’s hand tightens around his own drink, his watchful eyes following his peace offering to its recipient. The drinks land on the table, and a few words from Henry have two pairs of eyes looking over at him, one cold and the other appraising.
He takes that as his cue.
Taking a deep breath, he braces himself for an onslaught of violence, anger, and accusations as he makes his way over to the duo, stopping just a few feet away from the table. He gives the woman a onceover, noticing the tension in her shoulders, and nods politely to her before turning his attention to Terry.
“Terry McCain. It’s been a long time,” he says softly, trying to ease them into conversation. Terry says nothing, his jaw clenched shut and his blue eyes blazing. He hasn’t touched his drink, and neither has his partner. He bites back a sigh, having expected the silent treatment. He supposes it’s better than a more violent alternative.
He turns his focus to the woman sitting with Terry; he’s fairly certain focusing on you will provoke Terry enough to force him to speak. Running a hand through his grey hair – he’d been out long enough now for it to grow out a little more than his prison-mandated buzzcut – he gives you a sheepish grin.
“Sorry to interrupt. I don’t think we’ve met; I’m Cash Ewing,” he says, extending a large, rough hand for you to shake.
“I know who you are,” you reply bluntly, your eyes flitting over to Terry whose own gaze is glued to the table. He watches you bite your lip, your brow creased in thought, and he wonders what he’s in for. He doesn’t blink as you look into his eyes – not challenging you, but letting himself be vulnerable – and after a long moment, your gaze softens a bit, a hint of a smile visible at the corners of your mouth.
“I’m Detective Y/N L/N, Terry’s partner,” you introduce yourself almost shyly, standing in stark contrast to your initial tone and the way you’re shaking his hand now. You’re an interesting little bundle of contradictions, aren’t you?
“Don’t bother with him, Y/N,” Terry sneers, still refusing to look up at him. It’s an old trick of Terry’s, Cash remembers – a way to avoid his conscience getting the better of him. Terry had always been unable to look at the face of someone suffering without doing everything in his power to fix it. He’d always been too much of a bleeding heart for a cop.
“Maybe we should…” you start, and he thinks he might have an ally in you yet, but your words die in your throat the moment Terry looks up at you.
“We’re not wasting time on this dirtbag. Let’s get outta here,” he says abruptly, sliding out of the booth and shoving past him. Cash manages to catch his shoulder, trying to hold him in place without putting any real force behind the gesture.
“Terry, can I just–”
“No. I’ve got nothing to say to you, and there’s nothing I wanna hear.”
Terry shakes off Cash’s hand and walks away without another word, his back ramrod straight as he storms out the door, you trailing after him at a distance. Good, you knew Terry well enough to give him some space.
He slumps into the now-abandoned booth, picking up one of the untouched beers and taking a swig.
That could’ve gone better.
He’d known this was going to be difficult – the last five years had been proof enough of that – but if Terry was completely unwilling to listen it may be a lost cause.
He can’t let himself believe that; it would destroy all of the progress he’s made to get himself together. Terry would hear him out, eventually.
And he has nothing but time.
Sighing, he pulls the other abandoned bottle over to him even as he continues to nurse the first. No sense in it going to waste.
“I thought you bought that for me.”
You’ve come back into the bar, your small body leaning up against one end of the booth as you give him a nervous smile. He finds himself straightening up, looking at you with interest. Had you come with a message from Terry? It wasn’t as good as the man hearing him out himself, but he’ll take what he can get at this point.
“These drinks were for two people sitting in this booth,” he says, nodding towards the seat across from him. There is only the briefest moment of hesitation before you join him, surveying him from across the table. He slides the other bottle over to you, trying to get a read on you as you snatch the bottle up and take a long drink.
Small, cute, and he gets the sense you’ve got quite a mouth on you… it would come as no surprise to him if you were more than just Terry’s partner. He’d always liked having a firecracker he could tame and protect.
“So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” he asks, trying not to let his discomfort show. He doesn’t know what you want, you’re already biased against him, and his years locked away surrounded by nothing but male criminals had really impacted his conversation skills, especially when a beautiful woman was involved.
But he would stay focused, keep his eyes on the prize.
“I’m here to talk to you.”
“Don’t tell me McCain is sending his girlfriend in to do his dirty work,” he teases, wanting to see how best to rile you up. It usually sped the communication process along, often with a bit more truth to it.
“Girlfriend?” you echo incredulously, your nose scrunching up in distaste at the suggestion.
“No? What are you then, just his work wife?” Cash jokes, looking at you with twinkling eyes as he takes another sip of his drink.
“Yeah, well, his last ‘work wife’ apparently had something on the side,” you reply pointedly, arching an eyebrow at him. He snorts out a laugh, the beer threatening to come out his nose, and you snicker as you watch him struggle to breathe. You’re quick, he’ll give you that.
“Touche,” he wheezes, and you offer him a pleased, smug smile in return. Once his breathing is back under control, your smile fades into a stern expression.
“Look, I care about Terry. He’s not just my partner, he’s my best friend, and I’ve had to watch him go through a lot – first with you, then the whole Frankie and Devlin fiasco…”
Cash immediately starts to see red and has to fight to calm himself down. He clenches his fists under the table, blunt fingernails digging into his palms as he struggles to regulate his breathing. He would always hate himself for leaving Terry to go through that without him…
When he is able to regain his composure, he looks up to see that you have slid closer to him in the booth, looking concerned but not pitying, for which he is grateful.
“You alright?” you ask quietly, and again, there is a comforting lack of judgement in your tone. He nods in response, gesturing for you to continue.
“Right. The point is… Terry’s trust in people is at an all-time low. I’m surprised he hasn’t turned his back on me after everything he’s been through. Like it or not, you were the beginning of a long line of people he thought he could trust fucking him over.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Cash grumbles with a heavy sigh.
“He’s just as mad at himself. I think it’s clouding his judgement.”
That certainly makes him perk up, and you clearly notice, one side of your mouth curling into a smile at his visible hope.
“I think he blames himself for not being able to stop you doing what you did, not that he’d ever admit it. I mean, you know Terry, he’s a little –”
“Paranoid? Obsessive? Utterly unable to stop once he’s set his mind on something?” Cash offers, a pleasant warmth coursing through him as you let out a laugh. He’s missed casual conversation, and feels like something is clicking with you in particular. Maybe it’s your proximity to Terry, or the fact that he is actually able to talk about his best friend with someone other than a therapist for the first time in years. Either way, he finds himself warming up to you quickly.
“Something like that,” you agree. “The point is, he’s not going to make this easy on you, but I don’t think you should stop trying to get through to him.”
He cocks his head at you. “Do I seem like the type of guy who gives up on things?”
“I don’t make a habit of judging people before I get to know them, Mr. Ewing,” you say meaningfully, and he takes solace in the implication that you intended to judge him on his own merit rather than going off of Terry’s opinions of him.
“But based on what I’ve seen, you’re just as stubborn and thick-headed as our friend.”
Perhaps he shouldn’t be too optimistic about you.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been out with a woman; is that what constitutes as flattery nowadays?”
He sees your lips twitch in amusement, but you don’t take the bait.
“Do you want my help or not, Ewing?”
“And what help exactly are you offering me, little lady?” he asks, immediately leaning away from you as your hand squeezes your drink in a death-grip.
“Do not call me that again,” you growl. He contemplates playing with fire – you seem like the type of person that’s fun to get a rise out of – but pushes past that desire, for now, at least.
“I apologize, Detective L/N,” he says, laying it on a bit thick. “Would being on a first name basis be acceptable to you?”
“As long as you don’t try pushing your luck with me… Cash.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Y/N,” he says innocently, looking up at you from beneath his lashes. Just because you were going to help him reconnect with Terry didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun with you, especially if you had been honest about not being intimately involved with your partner. It’s been a long time since he’s been with someone, and perhaps Terry would finally face him – not bad for a ‘two birds, one stone’ sort of outcome…
But the look you give him lets him know he’s not fooling you.
“I’ll do my best to convince Terry to give you a chance, but you’ve got to be patient. No more accosting him in public!”
The scolding tone you use to give him the warning nearly makes him laugh; it was adorable, really…
“Yes ma’am. Any other instructions for me? I can be quite accommodating,” he purrs suggestively, leaning towards you across with booth. You roll your eyes, polishing off your beer.
“You can cut that crap out right now,” you reply, sliding out of the booth, though he detects a clear lack of vitriol in your words – you’re rebuffing him to keep up appearances. “Otherwise we’ll be testing whether or not Terry is more amenable to hearing you out if I’ve beaten that pretty little face of yours to a pulp.”
“I’ve got a pretty face, huh?” he leers, unperturbed by your threat.
“Try not to get yourself into any trouble, alright Cash? That includes with me,” you say, ignoring his flirting and buttoning up your coat as you prepare to head out into the cold Chicago winter. “I’ll do my best with Terry, and I hope it all works out for you both.”
“Can I get your number? Just to check in on how things are going,” he tacks on hastily, seeing a stormy expression start to steal across your face. You sigh, looking up at him with a critical eye.
“No offense, Cash, but I can’t risk Terry seeing that we’re communicating before he comes around to the idea of talking to you himself. I may want the two of you to get over your issues, but he is my top priority. Understood?”
He keeps his eyes locked with yours as he slides out of the booth, looking down at you as he throws on his green jacket. To your credit, you don’t flinch or back down under his piercing gaze. He knows he’s intimidating; he’s had the last five years in particular to hone his ability to get people quaking in their boots. After a prolonged silence, he reaches his hand out towards you again.
“Do what you have to do, Y/N,” he says, pleased when you shake his hand. Your skin is soft, but your grip is firm.
“I’ve got nothing but time.”
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Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Epilogue
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vintageandroid · 2 years
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I posted 4,197 times in 2022
That's 1,786 more posts than 2021!
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#dracula daily - 210 posts
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#food - 117 posts
#tumblr - 105 posts
#alfred molina - 96 posts
#ds9 - 95 posts
#solid life advice - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i have a bit of it anyway (don't ask me to pronounce the word bag it's stressful) but if i'm working with customers i go full lutheran mom
My Top Posts in 2022:
Book Review Time!
I reviewed @natalieironside's new book, In the Court of the Nameless Queen, on my 18+ blog! I've been wanting to branch out into book reviews anyway (I usually review sex toys) and this was a hell of a way to dive in.
Is this an erotic novel in a fantasy setting, or an erotically charged fantasy novel? I dunno, but there's spider-fuckin'. And I loved it. This is exactly the kind of erotica I've been looking for while complaining about other erotica.
[T]hat’s actually what I enjoyed most about the erotic elements of this story. Almost every sex act really meant something to the characters—sometimes learning things about themselves, sometimes finding freedom or validation as they explored their sexuality. In one case, a character accepts that she’s trans by being dommed into it, and it’s an absolutely beautiful sequence. As someone who has a whole tag dedicated to kink as a coping mechanism, I loved seeing sex and kink used to genuinely improve and enrich the characters’ lives.
Curious? Check out Book Review: In the Court of the Nameless Queen.
(The review does contain affiliate links to Amazon, but this was not a sponsored post.) Thanks again to Natalie Ironside for working with me!
(Queer Earthling is my 18+ sex blog. If you’re interested in supporting a sex-positive, queer, neurodivergent weirdo, check out my support and affiliates page!  If you’d rather not see these on your Tumblr feed, feel free to block the tag “Queer Earthling.”)
Aphobes, bi/panphobes, trans/nb-phobes, anti-kink, TERFs & SWERFs DNI
242 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
i may be going crazy rbing dracula daily stuff today because Van Helsing is my favorite, with his zillion degrees and quirky old man charm and his LOLCat syntax. I'm delighted at all the folks finding out that he is not in fact a sexy action hero but rather, y'know. That.
335 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
I hate you ad-friendly censorship I hate you unalive I hate you seggs I hate you numbers in place of letters to the point of incomprehensibility I hate you sanitization of social media to the point of sterility
346 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
Dr. van Helsing is out here giving Lucy brandy, blood, and morphine all in the space of like 3 paragraphs, I love 19th century medicine.
1,481 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My first instinct is always to get super pissed at Mrs. Westenra at this point but tbh, Dr. Abraham Van Helsing of 97 PhDs, it wouldn't have hurt anyone if you'd explained the necessity of the flowers to her BEFORE she decided to "help." You didn't have to explain the details.
Honestly (some spoilers) a huge number of the issues in this book come from the men deciding not to tell the women what's happening to "protect them" only for that to lead directly to bad things happening. I'm sure there have been papers written on this. Was this an intentional statement on Bram Stoker's part? I really don't know.
1,938 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kanside · 1 year
life update (3/31/2023)
(holy shit i put 2022 i forgot it was 2023?? whats next? 2024?? so weird)
my physical health is taking a severe plummet (i joke that its in reaction to my mental health doing better).
my sleep schedule has flipped completely from 11pm-9am to 2am-12pm. this is a severely unhealthy shift. doctors say my epilepsy took sleep into factor the most and although i doubt this (my belief is that it was psychosomatic / in response to traumatic situations) i am aware that my sleep plays a HEAVY factor in my physical and mental health as a whole. i am still getting the same amount of hours but i am emotionally imbalanced as well as physically drained because the fucked up sleep schedule is affecting my eating habits. i have been very sick, weak, and generally feeling shitty. on top of that my appetite is affected by how many medications i take during the day. note on the sleep schedule. the reason i want to sleep at 11 pm exactly instead of earlier or later [ex. 9, 10, or 12] is because good sleep is based off of the cycle in which you wake, not the amount of hours slept. my sleep/dream cycle seems to last around 10 hours. this makes me think 11 pm is the best time to sleep, and 9 am is the earliest i must wake up. these times can be adjusted based off of new observations and schedules.
in retaliation to these (imo) severe health issues i have set some general goals and are listing them here to 1. remind myself of them and 2. let everyone know that i am still on the path to recovery and regularly working to improve myself above all else. the goals and ideas are as follows:
- unfortunately gained a dependency on my mom to wake me up in the morning again. frustratingly no matter how many alarms are set, no matter how loud, or even no matter how my mom comes in to gently wake me up, i will not get out of bed. i feel guilty for being dependent on her but have asked her to, when available, wake me up at 9 am by disrupting my sleep state with tasks that piss me off or jolt me suddenly: shaking me by the shoulders, turning my light on (it attracts bugs, i dont like it), leaving my door wide open (i have conditioned myself to think that door closed = sleep time, door open = wake time), etc. this will hopefully keep me from sleeping until noon and exhaust me enough to sleep by 11.
- on top of that ive tried adapting to pain and discomfort associated with eating food at abnormal times. instead of eating breakfast when ive woken up, ive been trying to force myself to eat appropriate meals at appropriate times. today was very hard, i had my favorite sandwhich when i woke up because it was noon. it seriously hurt because my body refused to take in any food (probably because i dont like eating immediately after waking or taking medicine) however i could feel pain due to hunger and knew i needed to eat. this sounds little but it was very hard. hopefully this appetite issue can be forced through and handled better as i fix my sleep. ive also asked my mom to buy some apples (granny smith which i eat in slices, and honey crisp which i eat in whole) because oddly enough the only thing my body wants to eat in the morning is those exact textures and consistencies. she’s going shopping soon so!!! yippee!!!!
- i recently tried to apply to a job. i have recognized this is an impulsive decision and i am not ready to take one on. i gave them my name and number and they said they’d call me, but i’m likely to apologize and decline. we’ll see, i just needed money really. commissions are still open and right now although my goal is health, my secondary goal is gaining traction online to balance hobby, health, and gaining money. im nearly finished with my MAP part and im eager to see the sort of response it gets and establish myself online again
- once i establish a better sleep and eating schedule, ill finally hopefully be able to go to a doctors appt. and request lowering the dosage of my epilepsy medication. it’s very hard taking over a dozen pills day and night for a disorder that hasnt shown itself in over 2 years. i only stayed on the meds this long because there was anxiety over transition. im very eager to not be as dependent on medication, and only take medication alongside proper therapy (which i will hopefully receive) for mental health and productivity reasons alone.
this is a life update of sorts to describe where im at and give you an idea of my availability and energy levels. i am feeling very sick. my sleep and eating schedule is fucked up. i am currently putting much of my focus into personal hobbies, relaxing tasks (watching shows, playing games), self care, chores, and fixing some health issues with myself. i was very eager to be more productive and social, and im sorry if i cant be all the time! soon i will have plenty of time and energy to share with yall.
love you guys :] im gonna go watch anime or something
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ariannasenvolant · 5 months
dreams money could buy
april 25, 2024 10:25pm
no, i do not use military time. the other day, I had use a calculator for 20-8. So much for mental math. When it comes to number I feel dumb. I think I was the smartest I ever was when I was 13 in eighth grade learning algebra 1.
but that is besides the point. today i am talking about mental health. my mental health.
there is a lot going on in my mind currently.
i feel like i have no one to talk to at school. i am lacking friends who share the same classes as me and who are getting the same education. the only reason why i finding myself to want this, is because there are things i'd like to talk and discuss about, nurture and supplement my own curiosities with people who share a similar interest and already have background knowledge on the topic.
i feel like i am trying to be better person. i feel this way because i am no longer giving into toxic behavior that affect other people. i notice myself missing something, dopamine, i guess, and i resort to doing other things, like writing this post, as a healthier alternative.
i have a friend who has his phone on do not disturb most of the time, and it annoys me because i feel like it makes it difficult to contact him when i would like to. his responses and call backs are delayed due to him not receiving my notifications. but it is not something i could complain about to him, because it's his phone and his time, and his life. if he doesn't want to be disturbed, who am i to interrupt his peace?
have you guys heard about the Crumbley family case? the 15 year old school shooter who got sentenced to life in prison, but his parents also went to jail for giving him open access to a firearm and ignoring the warning signs. this is the first time parents were being held legally responsible for their child's actions. i was listening to a Vox Today podcast on this topic, and one concern was parents being afraid of going to jail for bad parenting. It is already hard to be a parent, but now the government is getting involved, and is that fair? here are my thoughts:
first i study children's mental health and psychopathy in school, so I have a bias. my bias: it all starts from home.
many of children's externalizing behavior, such as them acting out are responses to their home environments. Adverse childhood experiences, such as child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, trauma, exposure to substances, poverty, violent environments, etc, all make children more susceptible to mental illness. The more experiences you have, the higher your likelihood of being xyz. In addition, about 30% of mental health outcomes is genetic. 70% is social/enviromental, regarding education, economic status, community, access to care (doctors), and neighborhood.
What I am trying to say that these kids aren't just "bad," they're probably hurt, traumatized, not understood, and not getting the proper care they need.
Another thing to think about is that the child/adolescent brain is still developing! Kid's emotional capabilities is developed by 16, but their rational thinking isn't fully developed until 25. So they feel everything but they are still learning how to regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Kids think in short term more than long term, as adults do. they are more peer influenced and reward driven, as the dopamine makes them feel good. on top of that, hormones are affecting their bodies, and their quality of sleep affects mind and behavior as well.
I do not think that a bad child is bad for life. The fact that Ethan Crumbley got sentenced for life is unfortunate. He was trialed as an adult, even though he was 15. But he took 4 lives so, I also understand why he got the sentence he did.
His parents going to jail as well is very important. It shared the blame. No longer is a child solely responsible for their own actions, it is now a collective one. Ethan told his parents about his troubling thoughts and hallucinations and they laughed him off. And they also give him a gun as a gift ??? He is 15. There are so many environmental, contextual, i don't even know the word, but so many things in this case that touch on many different topics. for me, it just shows me how we are a product of our environment. And also that there is never just one singular thing for anything. That nothing is black and white. every situation has multiple layers, facets, that all play a role for why things , people, etc, are the way the are.
0 notes
wolfsama8 · 1 year
The mechanic
*we see an older izuku tossing and turning in his bed sweating profusely*
Izuku:STOP IT!!!
*izuku woke up jumping breathing heavily as he looked around scared seeing his room and nobody but himself in the mirror he took a few deep breaths and sat on the bed*
Izuku:why can't you leave my head...
*izuku muttered bitterly to himself as his hands started shaking a bit in pain izuku grabbed a bottle and took some pills*
Izuku:it's over...it's over...you're out...they can't find you..they can't hurt you..she can't hurt you..
*izuku repeated to himself before getting up and going to the bathroom he did his routine took a shower brushed his teeth brushed his still unkept hair and he got dressed he sat on the bed and puts on the radio as he ties his shoes*
Radio: in other news the pro hero creati last night saved a bus full of children with her quick thinking and...
*izuku grabbed the radio and threw it at the wall breaking it*
Izuku:every day with the hero bullshit..
*izuku takes a cigarette puts it in his mouth and starts to smoke as he looked himself in the mirror*
*he touched the scar that was on his eyebrow remembering that day*
Izuku:....stop thinking about it just go to work..
*izuku got up and cleaned the pieces of the broken radio putting it in the trash before grabbing another one from the closet and putting it in its place*
Izuku:ok..time to start the day..
Meanwhile with momo
Izuku:and for my former fiance I just want to say I hope you die I hate you from the bottom of my heart
Momo:izuku I'm sorry!!!
*momo woke up jumping from her bed tears fresh on her face hyperventilating looking all around for her izuku to only find no one in her huge expensive room she grabbed a bag that was on her nightstand and started breathing into the bag until she was calmed down once she did she just hugged herself and let the tears flow naturally until her opened slowly momo looked and saw her daughter looking at her with concern*
Momo:o..oh honey! I..I..I'm sorry did I wake you up..?
*eri walked up to her mother and hugged her*
Eri:I miss him to mom..
*momo let the water works harder and hugged her daughter for who knows how long*
*we see momo driving while eri was in the back seat*
Momo:so honey exited for you're first day at UA?
Eri:yeah I can't wait! I'm gonna be the next number 1 belive it!
Momo:hehe you've been watching to much naruto dear
Eri:there is no such thing as too much naruto dattebayo!
*eri giggled with stars in her eyes as they made it to the gates eri got off*
Momo:alright have fun at you're first day call me if anything happens!
Eri:mom come on I'm aizawa's favorite neice he loves me
*momo chuckled knowing the hell that awaits her daughter eri got out of the car and started walking inside with momo looking at her one more time*
Momo:10 years flow by so fast..
*momo got sad again thinking of him*
Momo"he missed 10 years of her life because of us.."
*momo sighed sadly and drove off to work momo yaoyorozu was a smart woman. She was well versed in politics, business law, both national and international, business accounting, business management, business administration; she had passed all of her classes with the highest grades. And was one of the top 10 pro heroes she was a very intelligent woman but One area of knowledge that was however lacking was cars. Momo's knowledge of cars was thus.*
"The key went in the ignition, and you drove."
*But that said it was a piece of knowledge she had never seen a use for. Until today as car made an odd noise she'd never heard before when she started it up but she chucked it up to something inconsequential that she'd probably heard and disregarded a thousand times before. As she pulled into the highway the car shuddered slightly but she once again ignored it, thinking that it was just another part of how the car worked.She was half way to work when there was a loud 'bang' and her cars bonnet looked like it had been hit with jack hammer from the inside as smoke wafted up from the freshly formed gaps, the engine died and the car came to a shuddering halt about a hundred meters down the road.Needless to say the young woman was for lack of a better word; panicked.Smoke was still rising out of the engine as momo got out of her car and attempted to see what was going on. She was just about to open the bonnet when a hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. Momo yelped in shock as she pulled back, surprised to see a man a lot taller than herself looking at her. Momo took an immediate dislike to the man; while he smelt fine he looked like she hadn't showered in days all the same the man gave her a worried looked like she was about to commit the most heinous of crimes*
Izuku:yeah unless you want give yourself a nasty burn you shouldn't touch it.
*momo looked at him like she didn't believe what he was saying, so to illustrate her point the man held up a water bottle and poured a little bit of it onto the bonnet of the car. It sizzled like he was pouring it onto a hot plate.
Momo:Who are you?
*momo asked hotly, regretting it almost immediately. To his credit however the taller man acted like he didn't even care about the outright hostility momo was showing*
Izuku:I would be a mechanic I was couple of cars behind you when I saw what happened and decided to help unless of course you have a engineering degree but seeing seeing state of you're care I highly doubt that
*momo would be insulted if the car didn't make another sound making her jump a little*
Momo:y..yes...yes you're help would be most appreciated what's you're name if you don't mind me asking?
Izuku:the names izuku midoriya ma'am
*momo froze and tears immediately fell from her face*
*izuku froze only one person ever called him that and he frowned looking pissed*
*the two looked at eachoter one with longing and regret while the other with hatred and scorn once star eyed lovers now as good as strangers how did they end up like this well it all started with a mistake*
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emptymanuscript · 2 years
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I posted 11,891 times in 2022
That's 9,432 more posts than 2021!
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11,272 posts reblogged (95%)
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I tagged 1,885 of my posts in 2022
#art - 143 posts
#writeblr - 124 posts
#creative writing - 106 posts
#pretty art - 98 posts
#writing - 62 posts
#star trek - 53 posts
#writing advice - 47 posts
#watch me work - 45 posts
#and i see - 44 posts
#politics - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i could see this as high queen jj’s last proclamation - though she would twist it - “after i am dead all of my political opponents are requi
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Westley is very excited for Halloween.
And since @coatntails is taking over the project, Westley is going to look awesome!
Now I have to up my cauldron game to match her. Pressure ;)
59 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
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Image Description: A tweet from Rebecca Lavelle @EldritchMayhem.
Text of tweet: 
If you’re tempted to seek supernatural assistance to finish your manuscript, please remember, do not summon demons for developmental aid. They’re much better at copy editing. The devil’s in the details.
136 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
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If you live in:
New York
You have an election tomorrow, Tuesday, June 28th.
If you are unhappy with the current state of affairs, this is a chance to express that feeling in a way that Politicians MUST listen to.
187 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Have I mentioned that I love my physical therapist?
She showed me this today
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She uses it herself diagnostically but she mentioned that I am the first client she ever showed it to. I love this thing. Which I said and she nodded and said she thought I would like it.
This, for me, is doing some of the things the pain scale is just failing me at.
She showed it to me because I was talking to her about having an issue with giving a pain scale number because it is “split” as best I could describe it. I can tell that different elements of my pain are giving me different levels of pain and this radar chart lets me talk about it.
What we tend to think of as the 0 or 1 to 10 pain scale is that furthest dot on the example radar chart: Nociceptive / Physiological. She describes it as stubbing your toe, your body notes that input and its severity and sends that message up the line, saying I hurt and I hurt X amount, so that the brain can decide how to respond.
But she showed it to me because I was trying to convey to her that I’m noticing a split in the pain scale I use
See the full post
296 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just heard the fan theory that the Borg are “farming” the Federation. Essentially attacking the Federation in ways they know will just barely fail in order to provoke the Federation to keep coming up with new tech that the Borg can still steal from single vessels. The Borg could beat the Federation if they deployed in full force but this way, they get all the technology that the Federation comes up with to fight them. This might be a standard Borg tactic. They just ping creative species until the advancements are tapped out and then they go full force assimilation.
And, having heard that, I think I like that better than a large chunk of stuff that has been done with the Borg in cannon at this point. That I find interesting.
1,013 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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tenebriism · 2 years
It had been many years since Zhongli had seen Diluc. The last time being when they were kids, on a playground thinking that they had all the time in the world. Once, they had made a promise with ribbons — tied around their fingers, a promise that they would be together forever. A childish wish perhaps and while they may not have understood the promise at the time it was something Zhongli never forgot. That same ribbon was now on his finger once more as he stood not far from the redhead. Both had changed in the years that had passed, but the promise Zhongli made still meant the same to him now as it did back then. Yet he wondered briefly if Diluc would recognise him. “Hello, Diluc…” he smiled, “Do you remember me…?” Holding out his hand, the ribbon — now slightly worn with age but still noticeable. “It’s been a while…” (Zhongli @ archoniic)
Somewhat Prompted Ask - [ ALWAYS ACCEPTING ] ;; @archoniic
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If someone had told him, all those years ago, when the HOPE still glimmered within his eyes and that childlike appreciation for the world around him still kept him guided and grounded, that he would grow to be naught more than a hollowed husk of his former self, he'd have laughed and played the card of OPTIMISM. Some bullshit about how ' everything happens for a reason, ' yet all one needed to keep going was family, friends, and LOVE.
He wishes he had even a fraction of any of those, now, yet life had a painfully HUMOROUS way of providing him with a surplus of everything besides what he really, truly wanted. Money, materialistic possessions, fame and, in the case of his brutal temper and unmatched combat skills, notoriety . . . how many times had he offered to give it all up just for a semblance of that childlike naivety again that had kept him going ? His mother, taken too early. His father, gone as well. His brother ? A touchy subject. And any friends he thought he had at one point or another, he'd pushed away and forced them out into the cold whilst he took refuge within his own, unrelenting barrier of swallowed down emotions.
The only thing LEFT from that time period was this ribbon he'd kept . . . once upon his wrist, now upon the crimson strands he'd let grow out as he got older, well maintained despite being slightly faded now. His first taste of LOVE, of hope and belief that he would have someone at his side here, now, and FOREVER, and though whatever had driven them apart was by no fault of their own, it still HURT. Yet, he kept this ribbon anyway . . . perhaps clinging onto the foolish thought that, mayhap, one day his patience and haplessly wishful thinking would be REWARDED.
" Hello, Diluc . . . "
--- and, rewarded, it was.
" May I help y--- " There's a BRIEF moment when their eyes meet -- fire with earth -- and whatever he'd meant to say is lost to the winds of time as his gaze descends and falls upon that ribbon. It could have been any old ribbon. A mere COINCIDENCE that it happened to look exactly like the one in his hair, but then, why would they sport a worn down, faded ribbon when one could simply purchase a new one with ease from elsewhere ? The pit in his stomach, too, was undeniable, an overwhelming flurry of emotions that made him feel both nauseous and pleasantly ANXIOUS, as he stepped forward and took the other's hand, carefully, within his own to look at the ribbon even closer.
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" Zh-Zho . . . " The other's name scorches the tip of his tongue, near uttered yet ultimately silenced, but he can't bring himself to say it without the risk of so many emotions forcing themselves free right behind it. Alas, though, feverishly though he may curse himself internally, the tears have already begun to well up within his eyes, as he just gazes upon this symbolic piece of fabric.
" Wh-Where have you been ? " He asks,
' And are you here to STAY ? ' he wants to follow up with. " Of course I remember you . . . don't be so foolish as to think I could ever forget . . . " A hand very nearly lifts to cradle the other's cheek, yet stills just midway and drops back to his side. Not his place, anymore . . . those times have PASSED.
--- but, gods, how badly he wishes he could just HOLD Zhongli, if only to let himself feel like the past has come back to save him.
Even if it's just for a moment . . .
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Words I Could Never Say Out Loud
Stiles and Derek had their wedding guests each write a letter for them to read on their anniversary each year. Their first anniversary, they pick out Peter’s letter
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For @imagine-sterek​‘s 10k 10 Day Celebration
November 12th: Anniversary
 It was a trend they’d seen on the internet: you write a number on an envelope and tell people at that table during your reception to write a letter that you’ll read on your anniversary that corresponds with that number.
Normally, Table 1 is for family. But their wedding was only small and they had a rather non-traditional definition of ‘family’. If they were to go off the normal definition of family then the table would consist of Sheriff Stilinski, Cora, Peter, and maybe Malia. If they got away without them murdering each other, there was also the question of Melissa and Scott—they’d both been in Stiles’ life since he was young and were family to him. And then there’s the pack too—pack is family.
So instead, they scrapped the idea of allocated seating and let people sit wherever they wanted, and they put their own spin on the letter idea. They had guests write a letter each and put them in unlabelled envelopes that Stiles and Derek would pick at random to read on their anniversary.
Today was their first anniversary.
Derek got out the antique decorative box that held the letters, setting it down on the coffee table as he and Stiles settled onto the couch.
“You pick first,” Derek said.
“You sure?” Stiles asked.
Derek smiled sweetly and nodded.
Stiles reached over and opened the lid of the wooden box. He ran his fingertips over the tops of the envelopes and picked one out at random.
He sat back and opened the envelope, pulling out the letter.
His smile dropped from his face.
“What?” Derek asked.
“It’s Peter’s handwriting,” Stiles said.
Derek let out a sigh.
The letter was bound to be filled with snark and sarcasm, but this was the tradition they had signed themselves up for.
“Alright,” Derek said, sinking back into the cushions of the couch beside Stiles. “Let’s hear it.”
Stiles cleared his throat and began to read the letter aloud,
 To Stiles and Derek,
 Congratulations on your marriage. May it be full of endless joy, memories to share, and undeniable love. I am truly happy for the both of you and I wish you all the best for the years to come.
When you were born, Derek, I held you in my arms and I promised you that I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, and while I may have failed in some regards and even caused some of that pain myself, I tried my hardest to keep you safe. I chased away those that were close to you because I was scared they would hurt you. And I have to admit, there was a point at which I was worried I’d screwed up your chances at ever finding love. That is, until a scrawny, sarcastic kid came into the picture.
At first, I thought nothing of him, thinking he was just an annoying, weak human but he soon proved me wrong. He was brave, strong, defiant, trustworthy, and loyal. He was able to read other people—know when they’re lying or if they’re a good person. And as much as he drove me up the wall, I have to admit, I admired him.
Then I saw you slowly fall in love. The way you glanced at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking, the way a single touch could calm you, the way you ended up being able to know the other person inside out.
I was worried that if you gave your heart to him, it would only hurt you; after all, he’s human. So, I tried to protect you and tried to scare him and push him away. But no matter how hard I tried, Stiles wouldn’t leave your side. He was there for you, no matter what. And you were always there for him when he needed you the most.
After a while, I realised there is no getting rid of him.
At first, that annoyed me, but now I see it’s a good thing. I see the way he makes you smile, the way he challenges you and pushes you to be your best. I see the way he holds you when you feel like your world is falling apart, and the way he lets you see how vulnerable he is. You two bring out the best in each other.
These are the things I could never say out loud.
I don’t know what anniversary you’ll read this on—if you ever do (I have the feeling Stiles will throw the letter away as soon as he sees my handwriting)—but I hope that your love is as strong as it ever has been and may it stay as strong for years to come.
So, my dear nephew, I offer you one piece of advice: let yourself fall in love every day. Whether it be over a cup of coffee, his clumsiness, or the sound of his laugh, let yourself feel loved. Let yourself feel safe enough to let your guard down.
And Stiles, know that while both our families are small, broken, and complicated, you will always have a place in our family. You will always have someone who has your back, someone to stand with you through the good times and the bad, and you will never feel alone or unworthy.
Congratulations to the both of you.
 Love always,
 Stiles fell silent for a moment, letting the words sink in. Tears welled in his eyes, blurring his vision into streaks of colour and light. He carefully folded the letter back over and slid it back into the envelope, holding it for a moment.
He drew in a deep breath and blinked back his tears, turning to look at Derek.
Derek’s eyes glistened with tears, his cheeks damp from the droplets that had trailed down his face.
Stiles reached over and gently brushed the back of his finger across Derek’s cheek, wiping away the tear that fell.
Derek met Stiles’ gaze, looking at him lovingly.
Stiles smiled sweetly. He shuffled closer to Derek’s side and craned his neck, pressing a tender, sweet kiss to Derek’s lips.
Derek rested his forehead against Stiles’, tilting his chin up and bringing his lips to Stiles’ as he returned the kiss.
They both let out a quiet chuckle as they pulled back.
Derek sniffed back his tears, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater.
“We can’t ever let him know we read that letter,” Derek said jokingly.
Stiles let out a quiet laugh, placing the letter back in the box at the back of the pile. “I’m not going to tell him.”
Derek looked at Stiles, watching the way the light from the fireplace lit his eyes, the warm glow making his citrine brown eyes turn to pools of gold. He watched the way his smile turned up the corners of his mouth, making his cheeks dip slightly into dimples and his moles dance across his skin.
“I love you,” he whispered.
Stiles smiled as he turned to look at Derek. “I love you too.”
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justsomegalwhoshere · 3 years
#1 Hair Stylist
Note: this was supposed to be short but turned out a lot longer than I expected. I blame @hanji-is-life is life for making me wanna write domestic shit, quit it 😤 plz never stop
Warnings: a bit of cursing because Bakugou is bakugou, not prof read, just domestic fluff
Being a pro-hero and being married to Dynamight himself wasn’t easy, but you managed. Having a family with said pro-hero is also tough, but you still manage (somehow). You and bakugou had a small family that consisted of two little girls, a 9 year old and a 6 year old. You loved your little family and always spent as much time as you could with them.
Today was not one of those days where you had time.
You had woken up late after snoozing your alarm 5 times (thank god Katsuki yelled at you to get up after the last time) and you were now running all over the place to get ready before you were late for your shift. As you started making lunch for your daughters before they head to school, you felt some tugging on your pants. You looked down and smiled seeing your 9 year old, Katsumi, looking up at you, holding a hairbrush.
“Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?” You ask as you quickly stuff two sandwiches into two lunchboxes.
She nods and extends the hair brush as you run out the kitchen to retrieve your bag. “Mhm. Can you make my hair mom?” She asks as you return shoving your stuff in your bag.
You sigh and kneel down to face her. “I’m sorry honey, I’m in a rush so I have to leave soon, otherwise I would.”
Your daughter pouts and extends the hair brush harder. “But I want you to make my hair pretty for me” she whines.
You kiss her forehead and get up while slipping your shoes on. “I’m sorry kiddo, I can’t right now. Try asking your dad. Bye! Have a good day at school!” You shouted as you closed the door behind you.
Katsumi stared at the door as she kept pouting. You always did her hair in the morning. It wasn’t fair that you had to leave without making her hair. This was nonsense.
“You just gonna stand there all day squirt?” That made Katsumi turn around and face her father. Katsuki bakugou, the number 2 hero, 6’1, big and scary. At least, that’s how he looks to the rest of the world. When he’s with his family, he’s extremely soft. Bakugou only wanted the best for his girls, no matter what it was.
Katsumi decided to use that to her advantage.
She held up the hair brush once again. “Can you make my hair dad?”
Bakugou frowned. He saw you do the girls’ hair all the time, but he’s never done it once. He shrugged accepting the brush and following his daughter as she skipped to her room. How hard could it be?
“Ow! That hurts dad!”
“I’m trying ok!?” He yelled a bit harshly. Apparently brushing a 9 year olds hair was A LOT harder than it looks. He didn’t even know it was possible to get it this tangled.
“What did you do this morning that caused it to get this knotted!?”
“Nothing!” Katsumi shouted back. “All I did was sleep and get up!”
Note to self: get something that’ll make Katsumi stop tossing and turning In her sleep.
“Ok it’s all smooth now, I gotta eat” Bakugou said getting up, but was stopped by a small hand grabbing his own.
“You still haven’t styled it!” Katsumi replied with her 100th pout of the day.
Bakugou sighed and sat back down. “Ok, how do I do this?” He asked, grabbing what he assumed was a hair elastic.
“So you grab all the hair and tie it. And then you have a ponytail” she instructed.
...that had to be the worlds shittiest instruction, but Bakugou made do. After some yelling back and forth and some trial and error, Katsumi had a half decent ponytail in her hair.
“Thanks dad!” She chirped, jumping up and kissing his cheek.
“Yeah yeah, go eat breakfast, I gotta drop you and your sister off to school” Bakugou nearly growled.
“Daddy?” Bakugou saw the small head peak from the doorway. It was his 6 year old, Sakura.
“Can you make my hair too please daddy?”
Bakugou sighed. This was gonna be a rough morning.
Later that day, you two were making dinner while Bakugou complained about making your daughters’ hair.
“Who knew a 9 year old was so picky!? I didn’t know there’s were 10 ways to make a ponytail!” He fumed, angrily chopping vegetables. You simply chuckled in response.
“I think it’s cute how the big, strong, scary dynamight softened enough to make two girls’ hair this morning” you replied. “It looked nice by the way. You wouldn’t mind doing it tomorrow would you? I have work early tomorrow”.
Bakugou minded very much, but he didn’t say anything, except with a grunt acknowledging he heard you.
A couple weeks later and bakugou was getting really good with the whole hair style thing. Katsumi and Sakura even started coming to him now asking for him to do their hair.
Today threw him for a loop though.
“Same thing as always, squirt?” He asked Katsumi as she sat down.
“Nope!” She responded, pulling up a picture on her iPad (which was used only for homework, Bakugou was not letting her get addicted to that thing). “Can you do a braid for me?”
“Hah!? The hell is that?”
“I have a picture here-“
Bakugou snatched the iPad out of his daughter’s hands and looked at the photo. Oh, it the weird twisty thing his wife does with her hair for hero galas.
“I guess I can try. Hold still, this’ll probably hurt” Bakugou grimaced as he watched the tutorial on how to properly do a simple braid.
A couple months go by and your girls stop asking you to do their hair in the morning, instead going straight to there dad. Well, Sakura sometimes asked you since she felt bad (? Did she pity you?), but she mainly asked her dad.
At first you felt something was wrong. Maybe their dad bribed them somehow into getting a horrible hair style done? Maybe he was jealous and had something to prove? You didn’t know. You decided to check it out, walking to Katsumi’s room, where all the styling was done.
Said child walked out with a perfect mermaid tail braid.
“Hi mom!” She chirped.
You stood there dumbfounded as she went to go eat breakfast. Even you couldn’t style her hair in a mermaid tail! You calmly opened (practically broke) the door and see Katsuki with Bobby pins between his teeth, sectioning Sakura’s hair with a comb.
“Hey” he grunts out with Bobby pins in his teeth as he twists his daughter’s hair. “Need something?”
“I- no” you responded. “I genuinely thought you bribed the girls into not asking me to do their hair in the morning.”
Bakugou chuckled as he removed a few Bobby pins from between his teeth. “I didn’t do shit. They just like me better” he smirked.
You were about to retort with how much better your styles were when you realized how he styled Sakura’s hair. It was like a rose was settled on top of her hair.
“H-how did you do that?” You breathed out as Sakura walked past you nonchalantly and bakugou bursted out laughing while getting up.
“You should see the look on your face! It’s priceless. I gotta get ready for work now. Can you drop them off? Thanks” he gives you a quick kiss as he walks out of the room.
You sign and shake your head. Even though your husband looked like a big, scary man, you knew better. He really was something else.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff/Reader - The One Where You Punch Tony Stark - Part II
Part 1 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Read on AO3 (Complete Work)
Thanks to @gingerbreadcookieforlife for letting me know i did not upload the entire work here.
Summary:  When the rumors that you punched Tony Stark in the face spread around your school, some interesting events unfolded. Or enemies to Lovers in high School.
Warnings: 18+; Enemies to Lovers;  Angry Sex; Underage Sex; High School AU;  Violence; Fights;  Inappropriate language; Fluff and Smut; minor mentions of Reader x Carol and Reader x Jessica Jones.
Notes: This work was already finished on AO3, but i forgot to continue this on Tumblr. I hope everyone who thought that was a one shot, enjoy the rest of it.
Sometimes is just a kiss
The news that Steve Rogers and Tony Stark kissed behind the bleachers spread quickly through the school. And it was only 10 o'clock on a Monday morning.
You had no idea who had spread the rumor around the campus, but knowing your luck, you were just waiting for the bomb to drop in your lap.
Besides, you hadn't spoken to Wanda since you gave her an orgasm against the walls of a locker room. You saw her briefly in the hallway between history and biology class, but she looked away quickly, and you rolled your eyes without patience.
It had been good sex, and you repeated that it was just that. Sex. That it shouldn't have happened, mainly because you were incompatible, and there were too many social barriers between you.
You should have known that Wanda would not break the expectations they had of her, to stay as someone as broken as you.
Closing the locker with more force than necessary, you walked out toward the history room.
Taking your place in the last chair by the window, you sit down as you wait for the class to begin. You have about five minutes of peace before an angry Tony Stark enters the room and walks toward you pointing his finger in your face in a threatening manner.
- I told you to mind your own business.
- What have I done to deserve this, Lord. - You grumble without patience, ignoring Stark completely. He lets out an angry exclamation and punches the table, making you jump with surprise.
- You'll pay for this, bitch. I'm going to-
You cut off his speech by pulling his hair and forcing his head against the table in a blow that makes a loud noise. He staggers back, shocked that he has been hit again. The room erupts in a hubbub and someone holds Tony back to stop him from jumping on you.
You stand up, gathering your notebooks, seeing that the history teacher was already signaling for you to talk to the counselor.
- You never learn, Stark. - You sneer, taking one last look at the boy's bloody nose before you leave the room, most of your classmates laughing.
- I'm so angry with you right now. - said your mother as soon as you both left the school. You didn't respond, walking with your hands in your pockets to the car. She started mumbling to herself, and only when you had been in the car a few minutes did she speak to you again.
- And the worst of it is that you hit my boss's son!
You let out a wry laugh as you looked out the car window at the view.
- I doubt very much that Howard Stark knows any of his employees, Mother.
- It doesn't matter. - she retorted, turning the wheel. You watched the landscape change as you turned the corner.
- At least I didn't get expelled. - You commented, your mother let out a wry laugh.
- Suspension is not a good thing! - she replies in an irritated tone. - And I even had to miss my shift to come get you. I honestly didn't raise you for that.
- That's the point, isn't it? - You retorted angrily, finally turning to face your mother.  - Did you ever raise me? Last time I checked, I've been raising myself for a long time.
Your mother assumes a disapproving expression, denying it with her head. You throw yourself back on the seat with your arms crossed.
- You've always been so unfair, you know. - She begins. - Who's picking you up from school now, huh? And who puts a roof over your head? Food on your plate? You raised yourself, that's a joke.
She grumbles again, but you just ignore it, shutting yourself off from your surroundings.
You barely register when the car pulls up in front of your house, startled when your mother slams the car door as you get out. You take off your seat belt, and step out.
- You are grounded, three months. - she says, and you just nod. It's not as if she was present enough to know where you were going anyway. - And you are going to help your aunt in the store while you are suspended.
You let out a protesting grunt.
- Really, there's nothing worse for me to do? - You ask, throwing yourself on the sofa in the living room, your mother giggles.
- Weren't you the one who was thinking that suspension is better than expulsion? Well, you're not going to be sitting around this week. - She said as she left her purse on the kitchen table, and walked towards the small office table in the corner of the room. - Now go to your room, I'm working from home today.
You roll your eyes, getting up. Dragging your feet to your room, you slam the door as you enter, throwing yourself against your bed.
You hope Tony Stark's nose is hurting.
You are very surprised to see Natasha Romanoff enter your aunt's mercenary, shortly after school hours. She smiles at you with amusement, walking over to the counter.
- Wow, interesting look. - She jokes, commenting on the blue uniform combined with a sailor's hat that your aunt makes her three employees wear. You laugh at Nat.
- How can I help you, ma'am? - You asked in an amused tone, she leaned her arms on the counter.
- I'm looking for a fighting dog. Do you sell these here?
You laugh at the insinuation. And then a customer enters the store, Nat moves aside for you to attend to a lady buying tomato sauce and noodles, and then as you check out, she speaks again.
- You caused a fuss at school with your fight. - She remarks, and you just grumble, counting the money. - By the way, how did you find out about Rogers and Stark's secret affair?
You shrug, smiling. - I saw them kissing the night of the game. Stark freaked out, by the way, typical.
Nat laughed, and began to look around the store. - It is nice here. I didn't know you worked.
- It's my aunt's. - You say, finally finishing counting the money in the cash register. - And I worked at the junkyard on Avenue Two until last year.
- Aren't you going to tell me that you were fired for fighting? - Nat teased, making you laugh.
- No, I asked to quit. - So you say. - I wanted a quiet senior year.
Nat nods, and walks around the store, stopping at the magazine section. You see three more customers before she returns.
- I have to get home before my mother freaks out. - She announced as soon as she reached the counter. You nodded. - But I want to know if you want to do something with me?
- I thought you had a boyfriend. - You joked, and Nat rolled her eyes humorously.
- Don't be a smartass.
You laugh.
- I will be helping out in the store during this week. - You say. - Because of the suspension. I leave at seven.
Nat nodded, assuming a contemplative expression for a moment.
- Do you know where Avengers' Bar is? Three blocks past the municipal hospital?
You nod, smiling.
- Sure, Nat. - You say. - I've already driven past it.
- Why haven't you ever gone inside? I'm always there.
- I wasn't in that area to drink. - You remark with a suggestive smile, and Nat just laughs and rolls her eyes.
- Well, I'll be there on Wednesday. Some colleagues from State are playing there. - She says, and writes down a phone number on one of the papers on the counter. - Text me if you're going to show up.
- Are you sure it's not a date? - You joke and Nat just winks at you before you leave. You keep her number in your uniform pocket.
Even from outside, you could hear the music from the bar muffled against the windows.
Avengers's Bar was a popular place in town, but only for a certain kind of people. Mainly frequented by punks, bikers, and artists, it was exactly the kind of place you liked but should avoid. With its history of fights, it wasn't exactly the kind of place you went to anymore.
A dark-haired girl in metal-working attire smiled at you from the doorway, looking at you mischievously as you walked through the door. You just nodded slightly.
Inside, you looked around for Natasha and her friends, but with the amount of people in the bar, it wasn't so easy to find them.
- Y/N! - shouted Thor when he spotted you in the crowd. You smiled, walking over to where he was standing. - We're on the top floor, Nat got a table. Come on, I just came to get some drinks.
You followed him to the bar, and helped him carry the drinks for the others. You didn't recognize any of the drinks they were making there, so you decided to just drink from everyone's glass, which made Thor laugh.
- Look who I found. - announced Thor as soon as you two arrived at the table. The group smiled when they saw you, and you greeted everyone with a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to Nat.
- We heard that you were suspended. - commented Clint, but he seemed almost proud. You shrugged awkwardly.
- She wasn't content to just punch Stark, she also slammed the bastard's head against the table! - Said Natasha excitedly, and the group laughed. You laughed half embarrassed, as you took a sip of the pink drink Nat had ordered.
They started talking about some scandal that happened at the federal school, and you did your best to react to it, not really knowing who the people they were talking about were. And then Valkyrie let out an exclamation, as if she had spotted someone, and stood up. A very pretty girl approached, smiling and hugging Valkyrie.
- I'm glad you could make it, Carol. - Valkyrie said the girl who waved to everyone. When you looked closely, you finally recognized her. Carol Danvers was an ex-student of your high school, having graduated last year. She used to be very popular, and you noticed the military silver necklace around her neck.
Carol sat down next to Valkyrie, and the two of them seemed so close that you thought maybe they were dating.
When the show started, everyone exclaimed with excitement, quickly getting up and walking to the stage area. You smiled as Nat dragged you by the hand, liking the feeling of having friends.
The band was surprisingly good, and you danced with excitement, feeling the alcohol make you lively and loose. You were surprised when Carol began to dance with you, her hands on your waist.
She was very attractive, so you didn't mind her kissing you. And you pushed away the feeling that she wasn't the person you wanted. When she pulled you into the bathroom, her hands roaming over you as she tugged off your clothes, you ignored every part of your body screaming that this was wrong. When she made you cum, you bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming Wanda's name.
Your suspension was finally over, and you gave the key to the store back to your aunt before you went to school.
You tried not to think about it too much, about how many college opportunities you had missed with that stain on your record. But if you were honest, you didn't even know if you wanted to go to college anymore. Every day the possibility of buying a motorcycle and traveling aimlessly getting closer to your real calling.
Many people stared at you when you arrived at school. The vast majority didn't even bother to look away. You rolled your eyes impatiently, reaching into your jacket pockets as you walked through the main doors.
You were slightly startled when Jessica Jones approached you in your locker, but you smiled awkwardly, taking off your headphones.
- Girl, you are a legend! - she said excitedly, pushing you lightly by the shoulders against the lockers. She stood close, and you thought maybe that was flirting. - By the way, I didn't have your number to text you.
She took a pen from her bag, and grabbed your hand, writing down her own number while flashing you a mischievous smile.
- Text me, let's do something this week. - She says as she lets go of your hand. You blink slightly, and nod, a little awkwardly. Jessica doesn't seem to notice, and smiles, leaving afterwards.
You hear a whistle, and Nat looks at you with curiosity.
- You are stealing hearts, huh. - She teases, and you feel your face heat up, still surprised by the whole interaction. - By the way, are you and Carol on a real thing?
- What? - you ask in surprise. - No, I don't think so. It was just sex in a concert restroom, Natasha. I don't think she even knew my name. - You remark as you turn toward the redhead. She laughs, finishing putting her books away.
- Actually she asked me for your number. - She says, and you look at her in surprise. - But then I see you with Jones, and I have to admit, it's a tough choice. - Nat teases, making you laugh. You start walking down the hall together, walking towards the classrooms. You think Nat has said something about the show, but your attention is elsewhere. As you walk past Wanda and Peter Maximoff, everything seems to slow down, you notice the slight flush on Wanda's cheeks when her gaze meets yours, and you both hold your breath as you walk past each other. But the next second everything is as it was before, and you sigh, focusing your attention on Nat.
When you arrive in the literature room, you are happy to know that Nat sits next to you.
You hate the cafeterias. So when Nat invites you to join her at the outside tables you think it's the best lunch you have ever had.
The outside courtyard is relatively less crowded than the other places in the school, and you are in the middle of a discussion about the new TV series that launched over the weekend, when Nat signals to something behind you.
Coming out of the school, and heading towards the table where you were standing, was Sharon Carter, accompanied by her pet friend, Pepper Potts. And you really thought you could have a quiet lunch.
- To what do I owe the honor, Carter? - you asked ironically as they reached your table.
- You stay away from my boyfriend. - She spoke in a serious tone, and before you could say anything, she tipped the glass of soda she held over your head.
You felt your whole body boil with irritation and you stood up abruptly, seeing red. But Natasha tugged on your forearm, whispering something about your suspension. Sharon and Pepper seemed to be slightly startled by your posture, but they let out a wry chuckle and went back inside the school.
You tugged on Nat's arm, then left the courtyard and headed for the changing rooms. You needed a cold shower to calm yourself down, or you would do something that would surely cause your expulsion.
Since the athletic games period had not yet started, the gym locker room was empty. You sighed with relief as you found your spare change of clothes in your locker.
Walking toward the bathroom stalls, you quickly undressed, and stepped into the shower, letting the cold water wash all the soda and anger from your body.
Leaning your head against the wall, you let out a sigh, thinking about all the shit that was going on in your life in less than two weeks. And then your mind went back to Wanda, and you let out a breathless groan, laughing humorlessly. The cold water didn't help to chill the new heat that settled under your stomach. You turned off the shower, then stepped out to put on your clothes.
On your way out of the locker room, you saw something you would rather not have seen. The universe seemed to be testing your anger today.
Wanda was being pressed against the wall of the indoor bleachers, which at that time was empty and perfect for those who wanted to make out in a secluded spot. It was a tall boy, but you couldn't see his face, which was buried in Wanda's neck, kissing her. And then she opened her eyes, and looked straight at you. You saw him pull down his pants and enter her, and she moaned with her mouth ajar, without taking her eyes off you. She had a gleam in her eyes that made your whole body tremble.
You gripped the strap of your purse tightly, controlling the impulse to go over and beat the boy until he passed out, and spun on your feet, walking out the back door.
Fucking day, you thought as you walked back to school.
Eventually, you thanked Nat for keeping you from hitting Sharon. She shrugged, saying that she didn't want you to be expelled now that you were becoming friends, and you tried not to be too happy about it.
On Wednesday, Carol Danvers showed up at the door of the school on a motorcycle. This is sure to be a long-lasting gossip, you thought as you and Nat greeted her on the way out. Several students looked at you, many of them impressed by Carol's motorcycle, others impressed to see her back at school, but the vast majority trying to ask how you knew her.
- What's up, Danvers? - You say to her with a slight nod. Carol looks at you as if she wants to undress you right there, but you have your gaze on her motorcycle, attentive to the details of the vehicle.
- Hey, pretty girl. - She answers while leaning against the vehicle.
- Jesus, you are not even seeing me. - Nat teases and Carol just laughs, giving her a kiss on the cheek. - Tell me, what brings you back to your beloved school?
- I came to say hello. - says Carol. - And to invite you both to a concert on Saturday.
- And you didn't text me because you missed me. - Nat rebuts in a provocative tone, Carol smiles, and then looks at you, before confirming. You don't really know what to say.
- If the music is good, I'm in. - You joke and Nat agrees. Carol takes two tickets out of her pocket and hands them to you.
- I'll pick you up, okay? - She offers it to you. You think about refusing, without really knowing why. But you nod in agreement before you can think about it too much.
- Okay, lovebirds. I'll leave you two alone because I'm starting to get the urge to puke. - Nat jokes one last time, before heading out toward the parking lot. You imagine that she will use the break time to smoke a bit.
You shift your weight between your feet before turning your gaze back to Carol.
- I was surprised to hear that you asked Nat for my number. - You comment, and Carol smiles.
- I like to talk to pretty girls. - She says, and you roll your eyes humorously at the flirtation. She laughs, biting her lips, and you allow her to rest her hands on your waist, perhaps too low.
- Are you looking for something serious, Danvers? - you ask with a slight irony. Carol looks at you in mild surprise.
- You don't think it has anything to do with me, do you?
- Sorry, the motorcycle and the leather jacket gave you away. - You respond humorously. - I get it, because it's my game.
Carol laughs.
- I'm enjoying our time together. - she confesses. - But I'll be back at the station in a few weeks. I can't make any promises.
You nod, without really being bothered by it. Carol is not the one you wanted to be with. And to push those thoughts away, you kiss her. She smiles, deepening the kiss slightly. You think she squeezed your ass, but you're not really paying attention.
And then you break apart, and she smiles at you.
- I'll see you Saturday, right? - she asks, and you nod, letting her kiss you one last time.
When she finally starts the motorcycle and drives away, you notice the mischievous and suggestive looks you receive.
And you try not to let your anger peak, but then you notice Stark's group in the corner of the school, laughing openly. You'll need to walk past them to get inside, and you really hope that none of them will test your patience.
- Hey weirdo, who was your girlfriend? - shouts Tony Stark. You know, you really think maybe he is brain damaged. His friends laugh at the joke, and you think you will ignore it, but then he shouts again. - I'm talking to you, dyke!
He throws something at you, missing you by inches. You watch the red liquid run down in front of your feet.
You think, this is it. This is how I'm going to get expelled. By sticking a straw in Tony Stark's eye. You wondered if prison life was worth it.
But then the laughter died down in the next second, and you watched Tony turn pale.
- Mr. Stark, please come with me. - A male voice sounded behind you. The school principal was a scary man, and he was hardly ever seen outside his classroom. He never witnessed his students' conflicts, and Fury never bothered him with such matters. Tony's paleness was understandable.
- P-Professor Thanos, I don't...
- Now. - says the man finally, and Tony stiffens his jaw as he follows him. He gave you an angry look before leaving.
The buzz started as soon as they entered the school, but you didn't really pay attention to anyone. Ignoring the middle finger Steve Rogers threw at you, you went back inside the school.
Tony Stark was punished with detention. You rolled your eyes when the rumor reached you. They had also said that his father refused to pick him up and that the driver was the one who talked to Fury. You would have sympathy for Stark if he wasn't a complete imbecile.
You had chemistry again, and you really weren't in the mood to see Wanda, but you had no choice.
And then Professor Agatha was feeling particularly inspired today, and decided to switch lab partners. You ended up on the same bench as Darcy Lewis and Pietro Maximoff, you being the only trio due to the odd number of students. You sighed against your bad luck.
The experiment that Mrs. Harkness performed was not difficult, but it could be dangerous if you didn't pay attention. So you just listened to Darcy's instructions, and everything was working out fine. Then Pietro Maximoff decided that his attention was better placed on a girl sitting behind him, and started flirting. Darcy rolled her eyes, smiling at you.
In the blink of an eye, you heard a scream of pain. Pietro had forgotten the limits of the counter itself, and stretching his arms most likely to impress the girl behind you, he slammed his hand against the chemical glass jar behind him. Darcy stepped back to avoid being hit, but you were quick to help Pietro, pulling his arm into the sink on the counter, turning on the faucet as you hurried to get as much of the acidic liquid off his skin as possible.
Pietro sighed with relief, probably feeling the pain disappear as you rubbed the soap into his skin. He was extremely surprised, as was the rest of the room.
- Very efficient reaction, Miss Y/L/N. - commented Ms. Harkness as she approached you, holding a cloth to dry Pietro. - I'll add an extra point to your average for that. Mr. Maximoff, please go to the infirmary.
Pietro wrapped the cloth around his injured hand, and looked at you with a mixture of hesitation and confusion in his eyes, but he nodded in thanks.
Harkness asked someone to call the janitor to clean up the shards, and then continued the class. You found it hard to concentrate when you noticed Wanda's gaze on you.
Jessica Jones kisses you against the wall of the second floor locker room.
You exchanged a few messages, mostly innocent jokes. And then Jessica said she had something amazing to show you, and when you met her after third period, in the not-so-isolated locker room, she pushed you up against the wall and kissed you on the mouth.
Jessica tasted like coke and something sweet, and she likes to bite.You had to remind yourself that you were kissing someone while you were doing it, not feeling connected to her really.
And then two girls came into the bathroom giggling and she let you go.
- Sorry for the scare. - She joked, her lips swollen. You shrugged, smiling slightly.
- What inspired you to do this? - you teased, putting your hands on her waist.
- You of course. Punching assholes and saving people. It's hot. - She says and then she checks her cell phone. - Damn, I have chemistry now. I can't be late.
She steals a kiss from you and quickly leaves. You blink, not really understanding what has happened.
As you go downstairs, you realize that the cheerleading squad is coming out of the locker room, and Sharon and Potts give you a death stare as you walk past them. And then, as you pass through the door to the women's dressing room, you hesitate. All your logic tells you to go on your way, but then your feet are turning and you walk into the dressing room, looking around.
You let out a sigh as you find who you were looking for. Wanda is changing clothes, wearing only her cheer skirt, and a bra. Your intimacy pulsates with the image. Wanda lets out a surprised exclamation at seeing you there, but then she lets out a mischievous smile, and continues undressing.
Slowly, she lets the skirt slide down her thighs. You bite your lower lip hard as it falls to the floor.
And then two other cheerleaders come out of one of the aisles behind you, and the giggles die down when they see you. One of the girls turns to Wanda:
- Is this girl bothering you, Wandy? - she asks in a honeyed voice.
- And what are you, a watchdog? - You retort before Wanda can answer. The girl gives you a death glare. - Mind your own business, nosy.
The other girl approaches you, looking at you with disdain. - We don't like street trash here. Why don't you go back to your junkyard?
You swallowed dryly, trying to control your anger. The smaller girl giggled, and you looked at Wanda, who looked in shock, before you stormed out of the dressing room slamming the door.
You knew you shouldn't do that, but your feet dragged you out into the field of trailers.
You walked a long way until you arrived. And when you entered the courtyards, many of the residents looked at you with a frown. But you ignore them, as you walk between the houses. You knock hard on the door of one of the trailers farthest away. It takes a moment before a tall, muscular boy answers it.
He lets out a wry laugh when he sees you.
- Visiting old friends? - He teases, you don't smile.
- I need to break something, Erik. - You say simply, and he sighs. And then he closes the door, and you walk together in the opposite direction, out of the trailer park.
You have known Erik Killmonger since kindergarten. His life wasn't exactly the easiest. You used to hang out together in high school, but then Erik started getting into a lot of fights, and it was rumored that he joined a gang. He didn't tell you anything, and when you asked, he told you to mind your own business. And then, in the second year, he was expelled for breaking the jaw of Johann Schmidt, one of the seniors at the school. You remember never seeing Erik so angry. But you never knew the reason for the fight. And then he drifted away, and even though you missed him, you didn't push him.
- Here it is. - Erik said as you reached an abandoned area a few feet beyond the trailers. He handed you a wooden stick, and you took a deep breath before you started smashing through the abandoned objects there, most of them junk.
- Fuck that fucking school. - You shouted as you hit a bottle, the glass splattering through the air. Erik just stood at a safe distance, his hands in his pockets. - Fuck Tony Stark. - You shouted, a wooden box shattering with the blow of your bat. And then you noticed a tall dead tree trunk a few yards away, and you stepped forward, aggressively slamming your bat several times against the tree. - Fuck Wanda Maximoff. - And the staff shattered with the force of your blow. You let out a sigh, throwing the object to the ground, as you sat down down on the grass.
Erik walked over to you, and he said nothing about the tears streaming down your face.
- Do you want to talk about it? - he asked as he sat down beside you. You nodded in denial.
- I want you to tell me something about yourself. - You said, wiping your face.
- Um, let me think. - He says, putting his arms behind him and leaning back, he looks relaxed. - My mother is in town.
You turn your head to him in surprise. He smiles.
- Yes, I know, that's nice. - He comments. - But I won't get my hopes up. She could leave at any moment.
- I hope she stays. - You say.
- So do I.
You stand there in silence for a moment, then Erik stands up, then offers his hand to help you stand. You sigh and accept.
- Let's get something to eat, you're paying. - He says, causing you to smile ironically.
You end up at one of the dinner stands across the main road from the trailer park. You buy Erik a hamburger and fries, but you decide to just have a milkshake.
- This is all about a girl, isn't it? - he asks after a while, and you almost deny it. But you just shrug your shoulders in agreement, taking a sip of your milkshake. - Is it someone I know?
- Maybe. - you say, and Erik frowns humorously. He eats some chips, assuming a thoughtful expression.
- That's hard, I've never seen you paying attention to anyone at school. - he says. - What about that redheaded girl in the locker next to yours?
You laugh and nod your head in denial. Erik smiles, thinking again.
- What about that girl in your chemistry class? The one you said was smart?
- Darcy? - You ask and he confirms, you just smile. - No, I wish. Darcy would be less complicated.
Erik laughs, and then pushes the rest of the potatoes to you.
- Why don't you just tell me? - he asks, but his tone is not accusatory, just provocative.
- Because I don't want to admit it. - You confess, accepting the potatoes. It takes a moment, and then you speak. - I think I'm falling in love with Wanda Maximoff.
You don't look at Erik, fearing his reaction. But then he lets out a sigh, and drags his hand across the table, offering it to you. You accept, and he holds your hand warmly.
- You, my friend, are totally screwed. - He teases, making you laugh. - But keep calm. Passions go away as fast as they come.
You nod, squeezing his hand before letting go. You eat in silence, and you can't help but think how much you missed him.
Debates test your patience. And as if that weren't irritating enough, you still share this class with Wanda.
You don't look at her when you enter the room, but you feel her gaze on you. Throwing yourself on the last chair in the room, you stand with your headphones on and sink your head into your arms on the desk, wishing for the school year to end soon.
When Professor Hill enters the room, you are surprised that one of your classmates nudges you to warn you, and you smile in appreciation as you straighten your posture and put your cell phone away.
- I hope you have read the book I asked for, children. - She announces as she puts her bag on the table, and walks to the front of the cabinet, leaning against the wood as she looks around the room. - We will discuss it in class today.
The room lets out a chorus of displeasure, but the teacher lets out a chuckle. Her debates were famous for ending up in heated discussions, plus they made up about fifty percent of the grade. If you didn't say anything, you had to write a report of the discussions.
The teacher took a copy of the book from her purse, and held it with both hands.
- "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man, possessing a good fortune, must be in need of a wife." - She read, walking around the room.  - Who can tell me what the line implies about women?
- It's the old-fashioned way of saying that women prefer rich guys. - Steve Rogers sneered, drawing giggles from his teammates in the room. Mrs. Hill, however, just sighed with disappointment.
- No, Mr. Rogers. - she said, cutting off the laughter immediately. - If you have no intention of participating seriously in the debate, I suggest you remain silent.
Steve let out a lame laugh, shrugged, and whispered something to his tablemate. You rolled your eyes impatiently, resting your face in your hand. And then you watched Wanda Maximoff raise her arm up.
- Yes, Wanda? - nodded Mrs. Hill waiting for the answer.
- I think it's about a reaffirmation of the status of the man. As if the woman is a trophy to prove his status and position. - She says. - It objectifies women completely.
You blinked, slightly impressed. Wanda was always smart, after all. But then the boys in class giggled, and the redhead seemed to shrug her shoulders. Professor Hill, however, smiled at her.
- Interesting position, Miss Maximoff. - she said, and walked back around the room. - Let's talk a little about the main romance of the book. - She says, and looks reproachfully quickly at two boys who are whispering, and they fall silent. - I'd like to know what you think about Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship, and how we can bring the book's issues into our current society. Do you believe that the same prejudices are faced today?
The room explodes into excitement, and you feel like going home. Mrs. Hill looks around, and waves to calm the students.
- Please, class. Raise your hand who believes that Elizabeth and Darcy would easily marry today?
The vast majority of the students raise their hands. And someone makes a comment that they would get laid on the first date, and many laugh. You play with your pencil, twirling it on your finger, and then feel a light elbow on your arm. Your classmate nods her head forward, and you blink in confusion, realizing that Ms. Hill has called your attention.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Hill. What is it? - you ask, straightening your posture. She smiles tenderly.
- I asked why you didn't raise your hand. - She repeats. - Could you share with the class your position?
You let out a sigh, thinking about it. And then you lean back in your chair, putting your hands in your pockets, and trying not to get intimate with the stares in the room.
- I really don't understand how everyone here can say that we no longer have social rules for relationships. - You say. - If Darcy and Elizabeth were from the present day, the prejudices portrayed in the books would only be different, but they would still be there. We have many ways of forbidding people to relate to each other, even in this school.
- Interesting. Please continue. - the teacher said, leaning back against her desk. You let out a sigh, trying to organize your opinion into words.
- I can give an example of how we divide the social groups around here. - you say. - It's not like the jocks are seen hanging out with the kids in the theater. Elizabeth would definitely be one of the smart girls, and Darcy would be the dumb brat. Sort of like a Tony Stark.
The room erupted in giggles, and you watched Steve Rogers lock his jaw, commenting something to his classmate. Professor Hill gave you a warning look, beckoning the class to be quiet.
- So you believe that Darcy and Elizabeth would not be together in the present days? - she asks you, and you shrug.
- I don't think Darcy would break the expectations people have of him for Elizabeth. - You state. - And besides, she can do better than that.
Some students laughed at your comment, and Mrs. Hill smiled at you. And then she asked if anyone had a different opinion, and you were slightly surprised to see Wanda raise her hand again.
- I think they would end up together. - She says. - They are really in love, and just like in the book, I think Darcy just needs time to understand everything, and to build up some courage.
- And Elizabeth should expect him to have some guts, then? - You cut Wanda off. The room looks at you in surprise, and Wanda turns in her chair, a look of mixed defiance and surprise, but you don't back away. - While he decides whether she is worth it, should she just wait around?
- Elizabeth needs to understand that Darcy also has his own issues. - Wanda retorts. - That it's not easy to let go of all the expectations people place on you.
You laugh lightly with irony.
- Of course Darcy would be quite comfortable keeping Elizabeth waiting. - You say with mild irritation. - Besides, Elizabeth is also going through a lot. She deserves to have someone who chooses her.
- That's not what we're arguing about. - Wanda replies. - No one is questioning Elizabeth's worth. I'm saying that they would be together, but that they need time.
- And I'm saying that Darcy has to stop being such a gutless pussy and make a decision soon. Elizabeth is not going to pause her life just to wait for him.
- She would do that if she really liked Darcy. - Retorts the redhead, you blink in disbelief.
You think the room held its breath with your debate with Wanda, and you would have continued if the teacher hadn't interrupted.
- Okay, I think we're getting a little nervous. - She cut in, and you blinked awkwardly, stopping to look at Wanda. The room murmured quietly again as Wanda turned back to face the front. - Thank you for your opinions, ladies. Now let's move on, who can offer a reflection on marriage in the book?
The class continued for a while, but you completely disconnected. Your heart was racing and you realized that the discussion you had was not about Darcy or Elizabeth. Wanda was asking you to wait for her. And you felt a strong urge to punch something. And then you focused your attention completely on the literature report, ignoring the debate completely.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Change of Heart ( Taehyung ) ( Complete.
Chapter 1   Chapter 2    Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5   Chapter 6  Chapter 7   Chapter 8    Chapter 9
Summary : Times are changing. After years of being oppressed, werewolves are taking a stand against humans , demanding equal rights and fair treatment. Heading the movement is Kim Taehyung, the breathtaking heir to the Kim fortune and one of the few remaining Alpha werewolves in the country. His disdain for the human race is well known and well warranted. They killed his family after all….. He wants to change the world , to put humans in their place but when his five year old daughter takes a shine to their very human neighbor , maybe he has to start with a change of heart , first.
: Pairing : Taehyung x OC / Werewolf AU!!
Genre : Romance, Explicit Content
Chapter 10
“Baby....you up?” Taehyung sleep heavy voice against my ear made me stir, blinking groggily as I tried to make sense of where I was. The window was still dark and I groaned. 
“What time is it?” I whispered and I felt the press of his lips against my shoulder, gentle and wet. 
“It’s a little past five in the morning.”
I whined in disbelief.
“Why would you wake me up so early?” 
I could barely see him in the darkness and I felt my breath catch when he moved to straddle my hips, hovering over me before grabbing the back of my thighs, spreading my legs apart and leaning down till the head of his cock pressed right up against my entrance. I felt myself clenching in anticipation and my body thrummed with the need to be filled, although I was still so sore from last night. 
“I’m sorry.... I need to head out but i wanted to...” Taehyung whispered, and I moaned when he kissed me  lightly, groaning when he slid right in, cleaving a way inside me, my walls pulsing around the hard length of. I flinched, the dull ache of it making me whimper a little and it took some effort to ground myself, to relax and not seize up against the intrusion. I could feel my heartrate speeding up, the last vestiges of sleep fading into the air. 
Taehyung, pressed gentle fingers to my waist, stroking my skin before running them up my torso, soft little touches to my ribs and up to my breasts, cupping the warm weight of them before rubbing his thumb over the tip till my nipples hardened. 
“So pretty...like this...” He whispered, pulling out and pushing back in and the movement jarred my insides , drawing a pout onto my lips. 
“you’re too big..” I complained and he responded by moving his hands to my knees, gripping the back of them and drawing them up and apart till I choked, spreading me so wide that my thighs screamed in protest, and he laughed at the look on my face .
“We should join a yoga class or something. Your flexibility is atrocious.” He commented mildly and I gasped, affronted. 
“What on earth-” He cut me off with a kiss, before grabbing my ankle and throwing my leg over his shoulder and pressing in closer, his cock sliding in even deeper. I choked out, laughing in sheer disbelief because I wasn’t made to bend like that. Nobody was. I was sure of it. 
“You’ll get used to it...” Taehyung laughed, “ Get used to me... Get used to my kisses and of course get used to my fat cock in you every damn night. ” he growled and the filthy words made me clench down on him, so hard that i almost cramped up. 
He kissed me slowly and I wrapped one arm around his neck, trying to breathe through the stretch of him fucking into me, each push and pull abrasive but amazing. . 
I stared at his beautiful face, trying to drink in the features, and I felt myself fall deeper, the look of affection in his gaze somehow so much more arousing than the things he was doing to me. And i realized how badly I wanted this...This and him for the rest of my life. 
And in the wake of it came the reminder that +my father was out there. 
A powerful man. 
A dangerous man who wanted Taehyung gone.
“Are you going to be in danger?” I whispered, pressing my palm against his face and he chuckled. He lightly grabbed my wrist and pressed a kiss to my palm before bringing my hand down to his shoulder and kissing me gently. 
“I always am.” He reminded me , lips brushing mine . It was far from reassuring and I gripped his shoulders harder, trying not to let the anxiety take over. 
“But you’ll be safe, right?” I demanded, willing him to look me in the eye and Taehyung gave me a soft smile.
“Would you miss me terribly if I was gone?” He grinned and I felt my entire body go ice cold at the very prospect of it , my lips parting and my mouth going sandpaper dry.  Taehyung’s smile faded at once, his arms tightening around me. 
“Hey...hey... I was just joking...baby. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have joked about that. Rae, I’m going to be fine... Look at me. ” He whispered urgently and I curled my fingers into his shoulders, trying to breathe. 
“Hey...Come on, Rae.. Don’t look so scared. ..” He pressed kisses to my cheeks and I swallowed.
“Don’t underestimate my father. Tae....“ I said hoarsely.” He has so much more to lose than you do. He’s desperate and I don’t want you to be blindsided by anything. “ I whispered. 
He nodded.
“i know. i won’t. Now come on, let me make you feel good, yeah?” He kissed me again and I hugged him. He picked up the pace, thrusting into me faster and I closed my eyes, gripping his waist and hanging on as he sent my senses into overdrive. 
My mind was still too worried to experience any sort of overwhelming pleasure but I liked this. 
Liked having him like this, over me, inside me and wrapped all around me,. 
It meant he was safe. At least for this moment, he was here and he was safe. 
I felt the moment his orgasm hit him, warm wetness spilling into me and I closed my eyes at the sensation, blushing for some reason.
This time i felt him swelling inside me again and I froze, panic starting before I could stop it and he hugged me closer, lips pressing soothing kisses as he stroked my skin, gently soothing. 
“it’s okay baby... You’re mine... You were made for me. it won’t hurt... I promise.” He whispered, holding me closer, and I swallowed, bracing myself . 
“Oh, God, Taehyung... “ I whispered, burying my face into his shoulder as he pressed in a little deeper and he was right. It didn’t hurt, it felt overwhelming, like it was too much and like I was going to absolutely explode but it didn’t hurt. ....
Taehyung trembled a little, as he tried not to move, his knot lodging itself deep inside me, so deep that the smallest movement sent pin pricks of sensation all over my body. It didn’t even feel weird or animalistic anymore I thought , awed. it felt normal. Felt like us. Him and I locked together. Felt natural.  Or maybe the early morning grogginess was making me mellow. Maybe once i had my head on straight, I’d be more terrified. 
He groaned into my shoulders, body going lax on top of me and I choked a little because he was heavy, but there was a dull throbbing pleasure in it, the weight of him grounding me. 
I stared up at the ceiling, stroking the back of his head as he shuddered a little inside me. 
Time seemed endless as he stayed inside me and I felt my eyelids growing heavy, even as I heard his breathing even out.
Wasn’t he supposed to leave? 
But I couldn’t bring myself to wake him up. 
For a few more minutes, I stayed still, watching the windows grow lighter and as the first rays of the morning sun began spilling into the room, I felt sleep take over. 
“I won’t be going in at all. The Narcotic department is going to handle the whole thing. You know Namjoon and Seokjin right? They’re the one who’re going to be there and they’re going to make sure things go smoot. I’m going to be safe ...in the comfort of my luxurious office .... “ Taehyung’s voice  sounded completely steady and firm through the phone and i willed myself to trust him. 
Luna sat in my lap, happily sketching on a drawing pad as we sat cross legged in front of the huge French Windows in Jungkook’s apartment. Jungkook himself was in the kitchen, whipping up some milkshakes for us. 
I sighed deeply.
“ Can we come over today then? It ends today right?” I asked urgently. I buried my nose in Luna’s hair and the sweet scent of green apple and strawberries made me melt. She turned around to flash me a wide grin, eyes dancing with happiness. 
Taehyung didn’t respond for a few seconds. When he did, his voice was low and soothing. 
“I’m not sure Rae. These men, they aren’t the kind of people I can take lightly. There are going to be repercussions and I don’t want anything to happen to you or Luna. You’re safe there. Jungkook’s going to stay with you till I come get you and I’ve hired enough men to keep watch. I just need to hang around long enough to make sure we end this cleanly. “
“Okay. I love-”
“Don’t.” He said softly. 
I blinked.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s the first time I’m hearing you say that. I’d rather hear it in person.” Taehyung said softly. 
I laughed.
“You’re such a sap.”
“Only for you. Now, what is my feral daughter upto?” 
“Luna, Dada wants to talk to you...” I handed the phone over to her and she squealed.
“Hi Daddy....” She said cutely. “ When are you coming home daddy?” 
I couldn’t hear his side of the conversation but the pout on her face told me that she wasn’t pleased.
“But that’s soooo long....”
“I was drawing . RaeRae showed me how to draw a wolf. It looks angry like daddy.”
“No daddy, I’m being a good girl. I ate a bowl of rice and veggies too.” 
“I don’t miss daddy because RaeRae’s here.” 
And then she giggled.
“Of course not daddy...you’re both number one.” 
A sound at the door made me look up and Jungkook held the door in place with his leg, flipping the doorjamb down before carefully carrying the tray of milkshakes in. 
I gently maneuvered Luna off my lap before moving to help him. 
“Smells delicious, Mr. Jeon.” I grinned, taking a sip of the chocolate concoction. “Ooh..that's really good.”
“Its a premade mix I added water to.” Jungkook grinned. I laughed. 
“ Still a great cook !” I turned to watch Luna who was now flat on her back on the rug and going on about how Jungkook had let her borrow his sketching tab. 
“She’s adorable.” He commented with a smile and I hummed.
“When are you heading back to the preserve?” I asked gently and he shrugged.
“Not for a while. Taehyung told me they’re not yet sure how far this whole drug thing has spread. There’s going to be a lot of arrests and protests in the next few weeks. Messing with a wolf’s ability to scent his mate...that’s terrible stuff, Rae. Wolves are gonna be fucking furious. There’s going to be a huge fall out over this and we can only hope it wouldn’t be too violent.” 
I swallowed.
“Do you think I could get my job back, at the preserve?”
Jungkook looked surprised.
“You’re not gonna be with Tae?”
I turned to stare at Luna.
“Of course I’ll be with Tae but.. i love my job. I made a difference there. I’m not going to make a good trophy wife. I want to be able to help people in someway, not just hang around in the backdrop.” I said desperately.
Jungkook looked worried. 
“I’m not sure if Tae will agree to that Rae. You know how he gets about his job. As his wife you’ll have plenty of stuff to do as it is..,....”
“I’m not his wife...” I muttered under my breath, although it was kind of a useless statement.
“ Umm...you know he’s going to ask you to marry him as soon as possible? You’re already wearing his mark. in fact , in our world you’re already married as far as we’re concerned,” Jungkook pointed at my neck and I rubbed the small scar on my shoulder where he’d bitten me. 
“I can still do the things I want to do right? Taehyung isn’t going to lock me up , is he?” I laughed.
Jungkook tilted his head, watching me carefully.
“You don’t know him very well, do you Rae?” He said quietly. 
My heart flipped over in my ribcage at the words and the tone with which he said it. 
“What-What do you mean?:” I asked , nervous. 
Jungkook opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by Luna’s laugh. 
“RaeRae!!! Daddy wants to talk to you!!” Luna came bounding over with the phone held out and I took it from her.
“I’m going to head in now. We’re going to be coordinating with Seoul PD and they’ll send the guys in around 2 hours. You’re going to  okay right? I’ll call you when it’s over?” 
“Okay, Tae. Stay safe.” I whispered.
“I’ll be just fine. Don’t worry about me. Love you. Both of you. ”
Jungkook and i sat on the couch, eyes glued on the TV as the news played out watching the entire country erupt in chaos. 
“Fire broke out today on a popular resort in Jeju Do, owned by  Hotelier Cha Eun Woo..... Interestingly, the resort had been closed for the weekend with minimal staff and only a few VVIP customers . So far there have been reports of nine casualties, all of them guests including billionaire philanthropist Yoon Jae hyun....”
I felt the breath shudder out of me, equal parts relief and disbelief. Taehyung had closed the whole thing down with minimum fanfare and with no one any the wiser. I knew that the eight men were the major distributors in the entirety of Korea, and that with them gone, it would only be a matter of time before the entire racket collapsed. 
“These guys are good.” Jungkook commented mildly and I stared at the screen, fascinated... The whole thing was being written off as an unfortunate tragedy, a gas leak or something.  
A small crowd of people in uniforms stood huddled in a corner and I squinted, grinning when I caught sight of Kim Seokjin’s golden blonde head and Kim Namjoon’s tall figure, dressed like waiters. .
I felt my lips quirk at that. 
The phone rang just then and I exhaled, “ Taehyung...”
“Did I do good?” He whispered. 
I laughed. 
“ I think I know now, why you’re an amazing politician Kim Taehyung ssi. “ I said softly. 
Taehyung chuckled.
“Real life isn’t like the movies baby.... I suppose you were looking forward to some good old fashioned action sequences and a lot of alpha posturing?” He teased. 
I smiled.
“I’m just glad you’re safe. “ I whispered. 
“I’m sending a limo to Jungkook’s place. You should  come over to my condo.  I have a present for you. Will you come? ” He said gently. 
Curiosity piqued, “ Of course. I’ll be there. What is it?”
Taehyung laughed softly, his voice deep. 
“I think you’ll like it.”
I stared at Jungkook, who could probably hear the conversation.
He had a very odd expression on his face. Part resignation and Part worry. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.. I’m just thinking that I’m lucky...”
“That I didn’t think about pursuing you. “ 
I laughed. 
“What do you mean?”
“I’m just saying. i wouldn’t want to be on Kim Taehyung’s hit list.” 
I rolled my eyes. 
“Don’t be dramatic.” 
“I’m not. Be careful Rae. He’s a very dangerous man.” Jungkook said quietly, picking up the smaller glass of strawberry milk and lifting Luna up into his arms. i watched him laugh and carry her to the balcony. 
And i wondered what that was about. 
“So , what’s the present?” I asked impishly , wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. He hugged me close, reciprocating with fervor and I moaned into his mouth. I could kiss him forever.
“Patience , little one. It’s on the way. First , tell me is your brother alright? I’ve been trying to reach him but i can’t.” He sounded worried and i felt warmth bloom in my chest.
“Yuggie’s fine. He left his phone somewhere ...i spoke to him on the way here. He’s upset of course but for now, he’s not going to come anywhere near the family business. My father handed things over to his nephew a few years ago is what I heard. Yuggie’s heading back to the States after the funeral.”
“What’s his name? This nephew...do you know? ” Taehyung asked thoughtfully.
“Kim Ji Hoo. He owns a bunch of casinos across the country. When I was in college i once heard him talk about getting girls from somewhere to my dad. I don’t remember where .... ” I said apologetically. 
“That’s fine angel. Thank you for telling me... I’ll keep an eye on him.” Taehyung said with a smile. 
“So this is it? The drug racket is down??” I asked nervously and he sighed.
“Hardly. We don’t know a lot of things but the Narcs caught a lot of evidence today from these idiots and their laptops and phones. Seokjin and Namjoon are going to head the investigation. We’ll probably not reveal anything to the public until we know the true extent of the operations.”
“Which would be once you get to the local dealers.”
“Yes.... but that is out of my jurisdiction so I’m going to respectfully step away and let them do their job.” He smiled. 
“And the whole sex trade thing in Eun Woo’s hotel..What about that?”
“We rescued the girls earlier. There were seventeen of them, three of them underage.” His voice shook a little. 
“He’s a monster. I’m glad he’s dead.” I whispered. 
A knock on the door made us pull away from each other. 
“Speaking off, your present’s here...” He smiled. 
Grinning , i turned to the door.
And then the smile froze on my face when I saw who it was. 
Seokjin stood framed in the door way, dragging another man in front of him. I couldn’t see who it was because of the black bag over his head. 
“Special delivery for Alpha Kim.” He grinned, shoving the man forward till he crashed to his knees in front of me. Seokjin pulled the bag off . 
“Taehyung.” I froze in disbelief, staring at the familiar man in front of me , on his knees , bloodied and battered, wrists caught in handcuffs and face swollen and gagged..
Cha Eun Woo was almost unrecognizable. 
Taehyung stepped right up behind me wrapping both hands around me in a warm back hug, chin resting on my shoulder as he peered down at the beta wolf. 
“Do you like your present?” He whispered, kissing my neck gently. 
“Taehyung, what is this?” I said , my fingers shaking a little, my skin icy cold because of how cruel Taehyung looked and sounded, talking down to Cha Eun Woo. 
“I thought you’d enjoy a little action, angel... Life get’s boring sometimes if I don’t indulge my wolf once in a while, don’t you think, baby?” 
 “Tae, no.” i said desperately. “ Let him go. please don’t...”
Taehyung hummed. 
“Are you sure baby? You don’t wanna see how us wolves solve things?” 
I shook my head frantically. 
“No.. No I don’t wanna see you kill another man.” I laughed, voice just a little hysterical because why did this even have to be said. When Taehyung said present I was thinking a bottle of champagne and some roses.... not the prospect of cold blooded murder..... . “ Please.,.just... Don’t.” 
Taehyung pulled away from me and moved forward. I stumbled back and away, watching as he reached Eun Woo, hand reaching out to hold the man by his hair, the veins in his hand pulsing from how tight his grip was. 
Eun Woo whimpered, moaning out slurred syllables that were impossible to understand because of the gag in his mouth. 
“Are you sure angel? “ Taehyung pouted, holding one hand out.. I flinched when his claws popped out , three inches long and sharp as razors. 
My throat went dry as he grabbed Eun Woo by the shoulder, claws digging straight in with so much force that blood spurted out .
I whirled around, looking away , pressing my hands to my eyes, a scream forming at the back of my throat threatening to spill out.
Taehyung groaned in disappointment. 
“Fine. I won’t kill him.” He said boredly. “ Seokjin...” 
I turned back around , staring at him. Taehyung looked as he always did , a soft smile playing around his lips, eyes kind and warm ,  his voice even tempered and gentle. 
But the unconscious man at his feet, the pool of blood spreading out over the carpet , the mangled shoulder..... they didn’t fit into the picture. 
And suddenly, I understood just why everyone was afraid of him. 
Seokjin appeared at the door. He glanced at Eun Woo and wrinkled his nose.
“Did the bitch pass out again? i swear to God, my grandmother has a higher tolerance for pain than this fucker...” He glanced at Taehyung.
“Tie things up yeah?” Taehyung said evenly and Seokjin nodded, dragging the prone body away. 
“You look terrified.” Taehyung smiled, moving to the mahogany sideboard and grabbing a bottle of water. i watched as he casually washed his hands , getting rid of the blood. 
“You... Would you have killed him? If I didn’t ask you to stop?”
Taehyung stopped scrubbing under his nails, giving me a look.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you.. do you do this often? Kill people?” I said shrilly. 
Taehyung laughed. 
“You were plenty happy when I killed your father.” He pointed out. 
I swallowed. 
“That’s...That’s different.. He’s... He deserved it...” 
“And Eun Woo doesn’t? Come on , Rae...what he was doing with those girls was filthy.” 
“Yes.. yes but...” i was so confused, my brain refusing to come to terms with the fact that Taehyung, the man i loved, actually killed people. Personally. 
“Anyway... you told me to stop and i stopped. Didn’t kill him, right?” He smiled. 
I nodded. 
“Thank you for letting him live.” I whispered , turning away . I could feel a head ache come on. .
“Oh, i didn’t let him live.... He’s still going to die.” Taehyung said casually. 
I whirled around , gaze clashing with his as my lips parted in surprise. 
“You.. You said you weren’t going to kill him...” I said hoarsely. 
Taehyung blinked at me, looking confused. He grabbed a pure white towel, wiping his wet hands carefully. 
“Yes, I said  I  wouldn’t kill him. Seokjin will.” He said casually. 
My entire body went cold at that, sweat gathering on my hairline because of how scared I suddenly was. 
“Taehyung ...this isn’t... this scares me.” I whispered, taking a step back. 
He laughed at that, moving closer and reaching for me.
“Come now, angel. You know i have to right? Men like Eun Woo don’t change... He’ll find something more vile and awful to do , probably even try to get back at me by trying to hurt you or Luna... i can’t have that can I?”
“So you just...you kill people who get in your way?” I felt like I had been dipped in a vat full of cold water. Taehyung drew me into his arms, hugging me close.
“Only when I am protecting something i value.” He said softly. “ I can’t afford loose ends, Rae. They get tangled together and trip me up. As my wife, i expect you to trust me. Trust that i won’t do anything without reason.” 
“I’m not your wife.” I said dully, feeling just a little overwhelmed.
“Semantics.” He brushed my words off easily, pulling back to rub his fingers across my cheeks.
“I’m being sworn in officially, tomorrow. I want you by my side on the podium. You and our daughter. I know its going to be new to you... My world. But I think you’ll like it. I’m the king there and I want you to be my queen. ” He kissed me gently. 
I stared at him, this man who i loved because of the side of him I had seen so far. The kind, considerate father, the passionate leader and the tenderly sweet lover. 
But then i remembered the cold cruelty with which he had dug his claws into Eun Woo, who was after all a childhood friend of his. Was this the other side of Kim Taehyung’s perfection? Was he also a ruthless , heartless man who would do anything to protect his interests , destroy anyone who got in his way?  
I pulled back an away . 
“Taehyung are we rushing into this? I... do you think we should slow down? Maybe date a little and-”
He didn’t reply, his face unreadable. 
“And where do you intend to live?” He said quietly. “ You don’t have a job.”
“The preserve....”
“....no longer hires humans. The law came through last week.” 
It was like a knife slashed right through my insides. 
“What?” i whispered, confused. 
Taehyung inhaled sharply. 
“We talked about this? There are a lot of qualified weres who don’t have a job, who cannot find work here in the mainland.”
“And what about me? The preserve is the only place where there’s a laboratory studying werewolf microbiology which is kind of what I’ve majored in. I can’t work anywhere else .” I said softly.
Taehyung sighed.
“Baby, hear me out... As my wife, you’ll be heading charities, working with the most intelligent people in the country , running organizations that directly help improve quality of life for underprivileged weres everywhere. It is so much bigger than anything you could accomplish in that tiny laboratory in the island. “
“So, I just move in with you right away?” I asked quietly, already knowing the answer. 
Taehyung gave me that same, maddeningly rational look. 
“The customs department is going to go through your father’s assets... Everything he owned is going to come under scrutiny and I’m sure his wealth is going to dwindle to nothing once they’re through with him. As it is, I know he wrote you out of his will. If you’re going to insist on working some minimum wage job , living in a dilapidated apartment somewhere just because you think, we’re going too fast...” He smiled, “ I’m going to have to put my foot down.” 
And in a moment of startling clarity I just knew exactly what he’d done. 
“You planned this didn’t you? “ I blinked at him. “ It’s surreal, all these pieces falling into place so perfectly..... You knew I would want to  go back to my job in the preserve . That i would never agree to marry you so quickly. Why else would you rush a law like that? “ 
Taehyung didn’t reply. 
“i know how laws are passed Taehyung. You must’ve put quite the pressure on your bosses, to pass such a mundane law so fast...” 
He stared back at me without an ounce of guilt in his gaze. 
“I won’t apologize for wanting my mate by my side.” He said evenly. 
“Will you apologize for being a cunningly manipulative bastard, then ?” 
“you’re over reacting...” He said calmly. 
“Am I, Taehyung?” I said sharply. “ It’s been a week since I found out i was your mate. A week.... And now suddenly, i have your mark on my neck, no possibility of getting my job back and no other option but to cling to you.... I’d say I’m reacting how any woman would react.... You played me like a fiddle and I’ve been dancing to your tune all along. “ 
Taehyung sighed. 
“You make it sound like I’ve done something terrible. “
“ Haven’t you?? “ i demanded. 
“ No, I haven’t. I love you. I care for you deeply and so does my daughter. She needs you as much as i do and she loves you so much. Your own family is almost non existent right now. your brother is three thousand miles away and I am here offering you my love, my home and the chance to be a part of my family. Tell me what are you losing out on? Tell me what it is I’ve taken away from you?” 
 My choice,  I thought with clarity. You’ve taken away my right to make that choice. 
 He held my face gently, thumbs brushing across my cheeks. 
“I know you’re frightened. But trust me. I’m going to be here by your side. Eun Woo dies today, not because of those girls he destroyed but because of  you. Because he dared touch you , knowing you were mine . Tomorrow the whole country will know it and no one will dare to even breath wrong in your direction. Because they know what your mate is capable of.” 
He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I let him hug me, staring over his back at the opposite wall. 
The painting on the wall caught my eye. 
A beautiful, dainty gazelle, cornered against the edge of a huge cliff,  staring down the barrel of a hunter’s gun. And on her side, a big beautiful wolf , gorgeous and tempting as it seemed to call for her. And it was obvious that in her panic , she was going to run into the arms of the wolf. 
Not knowing that the wolf was just as dangerous, just as deadly as the hunter and the cliff edge. 
I closed my eyes hugging him tight. 
I was so tired. 
“Tell me you’ll marry me. “ Taehyung’s hypnotic voice wove its spell over me, soft and soothing and filled with all the reassurances a naïve young girl would ever need.  
I took a deep breath, trembling in his arms when i exhaled. 
And then I replied. 
The End 
Author’s note : Tell me how much you hate me. 
Taehyung isn’t a saint wbk. So of course there’s going to be a sequel.
Soon. Hopefully. 
Taglist : @veronawrites
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
hi dana.. if it’s possible can i request some angsty wangsty based on niki la la lost you with eric🥺 and ughh i really love your writing like crazyyyyy
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♥ title: la la lost you in april [also part of @sunlightwoo ‘s 12 Months I Loved You collaboration project]
♥ member: tbz eric
♥ genre: f2l, ex! eric x fem! reader, model! eric [SFW!]
♥ warnings: swearing, some mentions of sex [like, once i think]
♥ wc: 3.4k
♥ a/n: sis when i first heard the song I absolutely loved how you used 'angsty wangsty' so I hope this one does it for you the way you imagined it <3 [fyi i wrote it in like, a camcorder recording audio format which is something i’m trying out so please hmu on whether it’s difficult to read/understand!]
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2019 - 6:39PM] SOLO LOG #1
Are you seeing this? This is the most beautiful sunset I’ve seen. I gotta get a shot of this-
Hey! Hey! I could help you take a picture with the sunset if you want to!
Oh! Would- Would you? That’d be great!
Of course! 
Here. Is it alright?
Yeah, yeah, it’s cool! Thank you so much!
Are you recording something? Is it a- Are you vlogging? Are you a vlogger?
Yeah, no... I’m actually on a solo trip for a bit.
Oh, where are you from?
Just the next state. 
Ah! You’re taking a break off... life then? I assume? Sorry if that came out weird.
No! No no! It’s alright! Yeah, I just needed a short break from... y’know, school and everything. My semester ended pretty early on so I took the chance to come out here and... see some new sights, meet some new people.
I get that. Well, for a start, what’s your name?
Oh, I’m y/n. Nice to meet you! And you?
I’m Eric. 
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[REC: APRIL 4, 2019 - 10:34PM] SOLO LOG #2
It is the 4th of April, 2019. I know, I know, I’m meant to do a daily vlog for all the 50 days I’m here but... it’s been... wow. Um... so I met Eric, the first day I touched down. The beach is just, about a 10 minute walk down and the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous. But uh... call me a fool and say that I’m living in the clouds but- what are the chances?
He’s funny, he’s such a great person to be around with y’know? Never a moment of like, awkwardness or stress and my God, look at me talking about a boy like that, though I met him 2 days ago. 
Um, he’s a freelance model. For those freelance shoots by UNIQLO or Target or something and he complains about the pay sometimes, but he looks good infront of a camera, so he’s... actually the one who won at life, really.
I’m not seeing him soon because he’s got a shoot out of town and he’ll be back next week. But I did get his number and he’s been texting me since. 
Wouldn’t it be funny if we end up together and then I have this whackass of a reel to show him? Jesus... I need to stop getting ahead of myself here. Freakin’ living in the clouds, aren’t I?
Anyway, I’m gonna go and see if I can get my weird projector shit up and working. See you.
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[REC: APRIL 7, 2019 - 5:14AM] SOLO LOG #3
It is... 5am... uh, April 7th- and I was just binging FRIENDS through the night, waiting for the sunrise before I get some shut eye and then... Eric just asked me out. Oh my God! Um, he’s coming back this Thursday and I’ll go see him at the airport before we go get dinner.
It was really funny ‘cause he had to wake up early for a shoot today and so his day has just begun but mine’s coming to an end and I just- I’m rambling so much, it’s kinda- it’s kinda sad, isn’t it?
I think I’m too happy to sleep right now so I’m just gonna text him some more before the sun rises- oh! He replied!
Anyway, I’m gonna go and finish up this last episode before sleeping. Hopeful I can sleep. Bye!
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[REC: APRIL 11, 2019 - 4:28PM] SOLO LOG #4
I am on my way out right now to go meet Eric at the airport, and I’m... it’d be an understatement to say that I’m excited. I know I’ve only known him for like, 2 days before he left but... I miss him. Is that possible? Missing someone despite knowing them for 2 days?
Anyway, I gotta go. Don’t wanna be late to see him.
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[REC: APRIL 13, 2019 - 10:23AM] SOLO LOG #5
Oh! Is that what you had-
Yeah! It’s the same camera!
What are you vlogging for, actually? Like-
Nothing, really. It’s just for my own usage-
Wait, you didn’t like set that up last night while we-
Oh, God, no! Who do you think I am?
I don’t know, I mean, we’ve known each other for... is it two weeks-
Just under two weeks-
I know, I know, oh my God.
I don’t regret it though. Yeah, like- I don’t really go down to the beach that often in the first place and it just- it just so happened that you were there that day and I saw you struggling with this old thing-
I was not struggling!
Yeah you were!
I wasn’t-
I’m kidding! Gosh, you’re so cute.
Are you gonna have the camera recording while this carries on?
I forgot it was on-
One day we’re gonna accidentally make a sex tape-
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[REC: APRIL 17, 2019 - 1:15AM] SOLO LOG #6
-ould you pass me the hot water?
Mm? What?
The kettle over on the counter. Careful, it’s hot. Yeah, thanks.
Do you need help with-
It’s just instant noodles, sweet. Doubt I need a diploma for this. You’re recording again?
Yeah, does it bother you?
No, no, ‘course not. Though that means I can’t really do whatever I want to now.
What does that mea-
I can... still taste that bit of milk tea you had just now-
Could you tell it’s zero sugar?
I don’t think that matters, it’s still sweet and not great for your health to have that so much.
Aw, and yet you’re the one who suggested noodles at this timing, yeah?
You were hungry too!
Here, it’s done. Help me get the bowls? 
Did you even wash these?
Yeah, I did. If you don’t trust me, you can run them under the water for a bit.
Mhm. Here.
If it’s not enough, we can call for Macs.
Y’know, I’ve never had Macs past midnight back at home.
What? Really? Well, when you get back in May, would you try?
Yeah, why not? Maybe I’ll do that when I’m back in school. 
What date is it today?
April... hold on, um, 17. Careful, that’s hot.
When are you leaving again?
May 22. 
Are you planning on coming back anytime soon after?
I don’t know. I have school to worry about and the only other time I can come back’s probably during winter break in November.
I won’t be around in November.
Mm? Why not?
I’m moving.
To where?
I’m not sure yet, but I need to move depending on whether I get it and where the shoot’s at.
Shoot? It’s a big project, huh?
Yeah, it’s- it’s a pretty big deal.
I’ll- Let me just go and...
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[REC: APRIL 20, 2019 - 7:49PM] SOLO LOG #7
-idn’t have to!
No, c’mon! It’s such a great time to get this on camera! Come on, tell us what just happened!
Well, I just scored a huge model contract with Calvin Klein - in Manhattan.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so fucking proud of you, oh my God! Can you believe it-
No, fuck off, I can’t either! 
Oh! Calvin Klein!
I swear, you’re an angel sent to me-
Fuck off!
I’m serious! it’s so timely- I just can’t- I’m just so happy to have met you.
Well, you heard it first here, ladies and gentlemen. Eric Sohn is a new model for Calvin Klein - Manhattan.
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[REC: APRIL 21, 2019 - 12:40PM] SOLO LOG #8
It is 12.40pm... April 21st, 2019. I’m finally back in my apartment after crashing at Eric’s for the last... 10 days? I think it was 10 days. My clothes were running out and I didn’t want to hike up his water bills so I just came back and- y’know did my own laundry.
Well, it’s- it’s been an absolute dream. The last thing I expected to... have, or meet? Here, is Eric. Um, but I know I’m probably going to regret this. Especially when May 22 comes. Uh... this is... it’s real bad. I mean, we’re great, y’know? But... it’s bad, because I know it’ll hurt. Like a bitch. When my time here is up, and I gotta go back to my reality, and Eric’s gotta stick to his. 
We haven’t really talked about it. May. I don’t think he wants to, and I don’t think I want to either. 50 days is too short. Either that, or I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. I shouldn’t have gone to the beach that day, in that hour. 
I just wish we had more time. I wish 24 hours were... maybe about 100 seconds more per minute. Does that make sense? 160 seconds per minute. Then again, I don’t think that’d solve my problem. I’ll still be on a ticking... time bomb. 
I know I shouldn’t say this. I know I can’t. I know I can’t afford to. But... I... I love him. I love Eric. With every... bit of me. It’s so... disgustingly cliché, but I feel so... comfortable with him. There’s really nothing we’d fight about, and even if we disagreed on something, we’d play it off like a debate, then forget about it the next day.
I love him. I do. And I’m going to regret this later. Without a doubt.
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[REC: APRIL 27, 2019 - 2:02AM] SOLO LOG #9
-ou can see the stars?
I don’t know, that’s why I’m trying, sweet.
Can you see them?
Yeah, maybe if I just turn this ISO- Oh! I can kinda see the North Star-
Oh! Yeah, you can! It’s really feint though.
It’s okay, we can just lay it down here-
On the grass? Will your camera be fine?
Yeah, yeah, or else you can just put in on top of my bag- here.
Here, can you see me? Am I in frame?
Yeah, you’re in frame.
Okay, great. Now get over here!
I can taste the smoothie you had just now.
Too sweet?
A little.
Oh my God! Put me down! Oh- not there! It’s ticklish- AHHHHH!
y/n, I have something to tell you.
Mm? What is it?
Hello? Earth to Eric?
I... I love you. So much... and I can’t bear to see you go in May. 
Oh, Eric...
No, I- I don’t want you to stay- or even think about it, ‘cause, you have your priorities and I have mine y’know...
I just... I just wished we had more time. 
I do too. I really do.
I love you too.
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[REC: MAY 1, 2019 - 4:23AM] SOLO LOG #10
1st May. 4...30? Am? I believe. Um, Eric’s sound asleep in his bed and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to do a log. 
I have... 3 weeks left. 4 weeks have gone past just like that, and I don’t know what to think about it. I came for a 50-day retreat. No stress, just myself and peace and quiet and tranquility and yet-
I- I don’t know if I can do this.
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[REC: MAY 7, 2019 - 3:58PM] SOLO LOG #11
So, Eric’s in shoot right now and I’m on the way into the studio with some donuts and coffee to surprise him. I called his manager and asked if it was okay so- I’m pretty psyched to see his workspace. 
Hi, I’m y/n, I’m here to visit Eric?
Ah, okay! Hold on, let me just get you signed in with the pass-
Count me in!
You sure? This Saturday at the prep-party?
Yeah- Oh! 
y/n! What are you doing here?
I wanted to surprise you. Am I... interrupting anything?
Oh, not at all!
You must be y/n! Eric’s told me so much about you!
Did he? And you are...?
I’m Chelsea! I’ve been attached to the same Calvin Klein contract he recently got, so you could say we’re colleagues!
Well, nice to meet you! Oh, right, these donuts and coffee are meant for you guys actually!
Oh! You’re too kind! Eric, you’re such a lucky man.
I know, she’s just... everything.
Anyway, thank you so much for these. I’ll bring them back down to the studio for the crew to share. But Eric’s pretty much done for the day actually, so you guys can leave if you want to!
Are you sure? Don’t you need help downstairs with the equipment?
No, no! It’s fine, there’re more than enough people downstairs. Go have your date, and maybe you can bring her along with you for the prep-party this weekend!
What’s the prep-party... preparing for?
Oh, you’re so adorable! It’s a prep-party for the end-of-May shoot we’re gonna have. it’s a collab with DAZED so it’s a pretty big project.
You never told me you were involved in a collab with DAZED.
I was gonna tell you today.
He has been pretty busy recently, maybe slipped his mind. Anyway, thank you so much for the donuts and I’ll hope to see you at the pier this Saturday, mm?
Yeah, sure. Thanks Chels.
No problem! It was so nice to meet you, y/n, I’ll see you Saturday!
Okay, bye!
Bye, Chelsea! It was nice to meet you!
Sweet, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?
I wanted it to be a surprise. I thought you said you’d end pretty late?
The filming was cut short because the shots were better than expected so we ended early.
Oh, I wanted to film you while you were at work.
You have that on?
Yeah- why?
No, just wondering. 
Are you uncomfortable?
No, no, it’s just... I really didn’t expect you to come to the studio. 
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[REC: MAY 11, 2019 - 11:12PM] SOLO LOG #12
It’s 11:12pm, 11th May, 2019. 11 days to departure.
I... saw... Chelsea and Eric... um, out by the garage- 
Well, I guess... it looked like they were just... having a really good talk. Or something. 
I left. I couldn’t watch it. So, I left without telling Eric. I did tell his boss that I wasn’t feeling well and I had to leave first. 
I guess this is the part where I regret it, isn’t it? Um... I don’t know... how... I’m gonna explain this to him when I see him again. Which is supposed to be- um- the rest of the night. I was supposed to go back to his place with him and I’ll stay for the weekend before I come back to pack my things, so-
y/n, are you home?
y/n, I know you’re home. I heard you talking. Open the door, I need to talk to you.
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[REC: MAY 12, 2019 - 2:00AM] SOLO LOG #13
I look like shit, don’t I? God, my eyes hurt like a bitch. 
I don’t think I need to say what just happened for you to guess what just happened, right? This... says it all. 
I shouldn’t have come here. How did- How did my retreat turn out- turn out like this? 
This is- This is too much. Too much in too short... of a time. 
I don’t think... I don’t think I can do it. Not anymore. 
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[REC: MAY 19, 2019 - 9:59AM] SOLO LOG #14
It’s May 19th, 2019, almost 10am. I just came back from a morning walk by the beach just to... reminisce a little before I leave on Wednesday. 
I... haven’t seen Eric since the prep-party. I blocked him and I told him not to come over, though I think he has, like, a few times. I thought I heard someone come up to my door, but he never knocked. 
So, this is how it ends, huh? A 50-day romance cut short like that. Into about, 40? 
It’s crazy to think that I had... the experience of a whole relationship in 40 days. I definitely did not sign up for that when I booked this 50-day retreat. 
It was fun while it lasted, though. It was. I don’t think I’d find anybody else like Eric, and I guess it just sucks that it had to end like that. Things happen, right? That aren’t... in our control. 
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[REC: MAY 21, 2019 - 8:07PM] SOLO LOG #15
May 21st. About 8pm. I leave in about 15 hours. 
All my stuff’s packed. Definitely more things to bring home than I brought here. Half of these things were bought by Eric and given to me. I’m... actually not sure if I should bring them back. 
I don’t- I just don’t think I’d have the heart to throw them away.
Nor look at them when I’m home. 
Should I even bring this camera home? Maybe I should wipe your memory before I bring you home, hmm?
It feels like a dream, doesn’t it? Everything that’s happened. It feels like a fever dream. Maybe when I’m finally home, I’d wake up and it’d be the day I come here.
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 10:03AM] SOLO LOG #16
-ny more luggage?
Alright then, I think you’re all set. You still have about an hour’s time before the gates are open so you can get a cup of coffee or something, yeah?
Okay, thank you!
Have a nice flight ma’am.
Good evening ma’am, can I check your boarding pass?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, you’re good to go. Have a safe flight.
Thank you!
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 11:34AM] SOLO LOG #17
It is about 11.30am and I’m on the flight, and here’s the view outside. Sky’s pretty clear and this thing says that the weather’s great so, it should be a smooth flight without turbulence.
This is it. This is really it. 
Hi, ma’am, I’m gonna need you to keep your camcorder.
Oh! Yeah, sure, sure, sorry!
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2020 - 12:48AM] ERIC LOG #1
Wow, this is... weird. How did you do this last year?
Um, hi. y/n. If you’re watching this then I’ve somehow managed to get this synced into your camera by some weird... bluetooth, iCloud shit that Felix helped me figure out. 
It’s been a year. And... I just thought you should... see this, or hear me out, at least. I know we didn’t end on the best terms... and I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you for being unreasonable for something that was... suspicious. I should’ve understood. 
I should’ve been there. To see you off. And I’m sorry I didn’t. I... was scared, that I wouldn’t be able to let you go if I went to send you off. I was a coward. I still am. 
But I do want you to know that... those 50 days were the best days of my life. Albeit it ended horribly, but nothing could... nothing- nothing will ever replace what happened last April. 
I said I love you and... I still do. Every day I think about you and your smile and your voice and- and I cry to sleep... worrying that I’d forget how you sound like, or how you laugh and how... how you smell like. My bed smelt like you even after you left. 
I just- I love you. And I miss you. And I’d do anything to go back to what we had. I’d do anything to get- to get you back. 
I’m sorry.
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the clip comes to an automatic stop. the white triangle slapped onto the screen, begging you to play it again. you look up from the screen, watching the famous calvin klein ad that hasn’t stopped playing in the last month. 
he hasn’t changed one bit. not his hair, not his smile, not his voice. 
it’s a bittersweet pot of memory stashed in the back of your head when the memories flood back. looking back down at the camera, you count back the days - it was synced just last night. 
the pile of tissues by your thighs are carelessly huddled into the bin next to your feet, mentally berating yourself for going through the memory instead of formatting it. 
you stand, fingers shutting the screen back onto its body with a soft click. the tv blacks out when you press the red button on its remote. 
you’re halfway into your kitchen when there’s a knock at your door, and you immediately gasp, blinking rapidly.
“oh, it’s my fucking projector!”
rushing to the door, you don’t hesitate to get the door open. 
and yet, like the heavens were providing you with all the light to stop you from doubting yourself, your lungs empty themselves like vacuums. 
your heart stops.
your breathing stops.
“eric... what are you doing here?”
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